#I knew this place was pricey but I did not know how pricey
senatortedcruz · 10 months
Accidentally walked into a store selling $3000 bedsheets
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deadsetobsessions · 3 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny Pt.9
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6] [Pt.7] [Pt.8] [Pt.10]
"Fan-sea meeting you here. You must be Phantom!"
Danny slowly turned around, grin blinding. "I shore am. Who's asking?"
Danny knew exactly who was asking. Bludhaven's vigilante, Nightwing. If the giant dark blue bird emblazoned on the front of his suit didn't give it away, the friendly demeanor and the puns would have. Plus, now that Danny's figured out who Tim was, the rest were pretty simple dots to be connected.
"Hi. I'm Nightwing. Thanks for saving Batman."
"I am Phantom. You are welcome. Please lecture him on the necessity of keeping the waters clean."
"Uh, I think he knows," Nightwing grinned. “So, why are you cleaning Gotham’s bay? I heard the Atlantic is nice this time of year.”
“Exactly. This?” Danny flapped a gloved hand around them, specifically at the moldy docks and the paint scraped board. “This is not nice. If it were nice, I wouldn’t need to be cleaning it. Look at that paint! It’s flaking off into the water! Does Gotham not have proper boat maintainance? That’s dangerous for the waters and seafarers!”
“Woah, you know a lot about boats,” Nightwing commented, crossing his arms and leaning back. What the hero didn’t know was that he knew more about boats than Danny did, as Danny’s hyper fixation was more focused on space ships and Dick had education à la maison de Bruce Wayne which usually meant an absurd amount of information for someone who doesn’t actually use boats as a regular mode of transportation.
“Rust! Rust is very much a thing!” Danny ranted, using his ice to scoop up water and using it like a makeshift filter. “It weakens bonds! It’s a tetanus hazard! And oh, don’t even get me started on how you people mutated the ocean life!”
“Mutated ocean life? I’m pretty sure we hadn’t. It’s just a little weird, right?”
Without another word, Danny dove into the weird ecosystem that was the Gotham bay. He came back holding a wriggling green thing the size of a worm.
“Do you know what this is?” Danny demanded. The thing flopped around on his gloved hands.
“A sea monkey?”
“They’re brine shrimp. Brine. Shrimp. Do you know what regular brine shrimp look like???” Danny shoved the thing at Nightwing, who took a step back.
“Not like that?” He replied, a quizzical look on his face.
“No, not like that! What in the ancients is this?!” Danny waved the weird sea brine that had started glowing faintly, like Danny’s natural ectoplasm glow. “Far be it from me of all people to judge evolution but this was all man made!” Danny gently tossed the brine shrimp back into the bay. “Brine shrimp is staple food for the ocean! You’ve got weird brine shrimp? You’ve got weird fish! Why is it impossible for this place to, for even one day, refrain from dumping hazardous chemicals or dead bodies in the water?”
“Ooookay, how about we take a breather?” Nightwing quickly glanced around, trying to find something to change the subject, feeling oddly guilty at the earnest expression on the kid’s face. “Uh, I was actually wondering if you’d swing by the waters near Blüd?”
Danny crossed his arms. “I clean the waters as a past time because you humans don’t know how to keep it clean. I am not a personal, on call, seakeeper.”
“Batman will pay you for your time,” Dick offered. Danny straightened. Amity didn’t actually cost that much to live well, but Gotham was a whole other ball park. The rent might be dirt cheap for a city, but the special pricey little add ons such as gas masks and space level insulation on top of the sky high insurance policies were draining what’s left of his half dead soul. As they say, Danny was a city dweller first and Phantom second.
“How much, when, and I won’t fish up the bodies unless he pays me extra.”
“Four thousand base pay, extra one hundred per identity, fifty for bodies with no shades, and on the weekends.”
Danny straightened as his mother’s steel spine, Jazz’s whip sharp wit, and his own craftiness made their appearance as he bargained. “Five thousand. Rate agreed, but I can only do every other weekends and I’ll have to call out some days.”
“Okay.” Nightwing rocked back on his heels with an affable smile. It’s Bruce’s money and it’s going towards his probable future baby brother, after all, even if said baby brother is a dead immortal Atlantis founder. Or something.
Danny groaned. “You are supposed to bargain back. But I’ll take it.”
“Great! Who do we got tonight?” Nightwing looked down at the plastic/burlap wrapped person Danny dragged onto the shores a bit ago.
“The lake kept the body cold, so it should be preserved adequately if you want to examine him,” Danny tilted his head to the side, the flames of his hair tilting with him. “He said his name is Gorganzo Bean.”
“Yes. It’s a nickname he got for eating a whole can of beans straight.”
“Yeah, that’ll do it. Any more details?”
When Danny reached to take the money from Nightwing, he found that the hero had tightened his grip on it.
Danny pointedly dropped his gaze from Nightwing’s face to the money.
“Wait. I- I heard from a source that you could possibly smell souls.”
Danny yanked the cash out of Nightwing’s hand and shoved it into his shoulder. If that didn’t confirm Nightwing’s identity, he doesn’t know what would other than the guy telling Danny who he was. “You’ve been speaking with Danny. Yes, I can.”
“Can you tell what’s wrong with my brother?” Nightwing blurted out.
Danny stared at him, his legs flickering in and out to his tail form. “…Other than dressing in probably leather or Kevlar and going out to beat criminals with his bare hands?”
Nightwing opened and closed his mouth. He coughed awkwardly. “Other than that. Why is he- um, stinky? Soul-wise,” Nightwing added, clearly humoring the tinny little voice at the base of his temples that was an annoyed Red Hood saying that he showered. “He showers often. And is definitely not stinky body odor wise.”
“I am not a doctor. Well, not now anyways,” Danny said, thinking about his future PhD. “But he’s got a… soul infection. His natural immunity- all souls have a natural immunity against regular outside influences- is working hard to repel the equivalence of chronic bronchitis.”
“There’s… no way to help him?”
“I never said that,” Danny tilted his head. “Bring your brother to meet Danny. He could probably handle it.”
“The civilian?”
“His parents hunted my kind, once. He helped protect me and my people. If anyone knows how to cure it, it would be him.”
Phantom could not afford to deal with this right now, because Danny had a presentation tomorrow that he needed to finish.
“Oh. Thank you, Phantom.” Nightwing said, looking relieved and pensive. Danny decided right then and there that was Future Danny’s problem.
Danny nodded distractedly, blinking out.
He blinked back in. Nightwing jerked back. “Do you happen to have any examples of corrupt politicians in Gotham?”
Nightwing blinked before laughing. “It’d probably be easier to name the ones that aren’t.”
“Good to know. Thank you!”
A couple of days later, Tim and two older guys ambushed him in the quad.
“Hi! I’m Dick! This is my brother Jason! We’re Tim’s older brothers!”
Danny looked down at his hand- trapped in an overexcited handshake- and back up at Dick.
Whatever expression he was making, it must have been ha-fucking-larious because Tim and Jason burst out into laughter. Danny cursed his past self.
“Yeah?” Danny blinked. Wait. His smile grew and he made a face like he just realized something. “Oh. So you’re Nightwing?”
The laughter cut off.
“Haha, what?”
“Phantom told me you’d be coming but I, uh, thought you’d be in gear. Not… straight up telling me who you are?”
“You’re in regular contact with Phantom?” Tim demanded.
“Yeah, dude. After you- wait, you’re Red Robin!” Danny whispered.
“Oh shit, B’s gonna be pissed,” Jason drawled, looking mildly amused and hiding an extremely cautious, possibly lethal (if it weren’t for the fact that Danny’s pretty much impossible to kill with regular weapons) reaction.
“You’re one to talk. I’d smell your soul no matter what your disguise was.”
“…About that.”
You might be wondering: wouldn’t Dick know not to show up in civvies?
Yes. Except for the fact that Tim stalked Danny for weeks after he met Phantom and Danny hadn’t hung out with (himself) at all. They think Danny doesn’t know Phantom well enough to even talk to him much, despite being from the same town because: they’re all big city kids and have never experienced small town solidarity and, more importantly, gossip grapevines + they have no idea these two are the same people.
A deleted scene:
“When did you have time to talk to Phantom?” Tim demanded. Jason nudged Tim. That had hinted too much at what Tim was doing on his off hours and stalking was usually frowned upon.
“When I wasn’t talking to you, duh.”
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pelova4president · 6 months
Shadows are to protect II
Victoria Pelova x Putellas!Reader
Alessia Russo x Putellas!Reader
Shadows are to protect I, III, IV
summary~ When you finally start to thrive at Arsenal there’s still one person that’s holding you back.
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You sat there. In the dark, on your grey couch, the picture of you and Alexia staring at you. The bright light of your screen brightened your face like the Barcelona sun had done a few months ago. You couldn’t run away anymore, you were stuck. No one to talk to and no one to come home to.
Looking down at your screen again you saw the little beads of salty water resting on your screen. And even though you’ve been lonely for far too long you’ve never let the evidence of salty water show it. You never really were a crier, Alexia had always told you to be strong and not to show anyone those emotions, they made you seem weaker than your were.
But when you really needed her she didn’t say a thing about being strong. When you’d go home and cried, you cried in her arms. She held you when you needed to without doubt. She didn’t need you to tell her what was wrong, she just knew that you needed her so she’d be there, always.
‘Ale, i need you’
And that’s how you landed on the first morning flight to Barcelona you could find. The ticket was as pricey as they could get but that didn’t matter, you just needed your sister.
The welcome was warm, like always. It was all too familiar. The airport where you’ve landed and departed from all those Barca years. The sun was at it’s brightest and it almost melted you to the dark tarmac of the airfield. And somehow that thought felt more enjoyable than any thought you had in the past week. Being stuck to Barcelona.
Alexia had told you to be strong and that she’ll visit you soon but you didn’t think that soon would be soon enough.
You got into an severely overpriced taxi at the airport and directed him towards your sisters house. The car was hot and it felt like your skin was melting away. You could see little beads of sweat forming on your driver’s forehead. You didn’t think you could miss a warm sweaty car this much but you had been missing it.
When the vibrating car stopped moving and the motor of the car was cooling down you got out. With both of your feet on the sidewalk of Alexia’s house you were stuck. You traveled all the way to her home to stand still in front of it.
She probably wasn’t even home. The Barca girls had training from 9 to at least 1 if they were lucky. When you finally got the courage to take another step you looked under one of the plants in front of her door. It was dead, you were sure of it but she kept it anyway. Honestly, you didn’t get it. Why do people get plants they know they can’t take care of. It just so sad to see something that was once so green and full of life dry out.
Alexia’s house was cold. Her dog Nala was waiting for her to return but was surprised by the sight of you. You hadn’t seen Nala in a while but you were so sure she would’ve remembered you, she would always remember you, like everyone else right? You loved Nala.
When you scrolled through an ad of a shelter for dogs you saw Nala. You read her description and immediately knew you had to give her a new life. Alexia was in a dark place and so was Nala, they needed eachother. So the next week you picked the princess up and drove to your sisters house to surprise her.
Alexia wasn’t really fond of having a dog in house but that changed so quick. Nala was Alexia’s princess, and yours too.
But Nala didn’t seem to remember anything from that story anymore. She wasn’t jumping on you or letting out some hard barks. The little dog was growling at you. She seemed to forget you, just like whole Barcelona did.
You sat there, on Alexia’s couch. The one that you used to crash on at least once a week. Nala was sat next to you, she was paying no mind to you. Scrolling through your Instagram feed you saw Alessia with Katie and Caitlin. It made you jealous to some extent. She had friends and you, you didn’t, not really. The girls were nice but they weren’t friends. At the moment you didn’t really have friends anywhere.
You heard the noise of keys and Nala’s ears shot right up. Alexia’s home.
You heard her grunt and drop her training bag at the door. Nala’s steps were going towards your sister and so were yours. “Hola, hermana.” you welcomed her. Her eyes shot up to your face and her arms flew open to embrace you.
You almost sprung into her arms. Alexia didn’t say anything, she just held you and you didn’t let go. “you’re gonna be okay.” she whispered and that’s when you lost it. Tears started to stream down your face. Alexia’s grey sweater had taken a darker shade of grey and she could feel the deathly grip you had on her sweater.
“I’m not gonna be okay Ale. I don’t know what i’m doing.” you cried. She didn’t assure you you didn’t, she didn’t tell you that you just needed to get used to England. She just hummed. And it kind of made you love her even more for it. She didn’t offer you some fake sympathy talk, she kept it real.
The both of you didn’t say much more that day. You went to sleep early and Alexia crawled next to you later that night. With her arms around you and a kiss to your forehead she wished you goodnight. It was nights like these that you missed more than anything.
You woke up around 4 am. Nala and Alexia were dead asleep so you picked your phone up from your nightstand. You had gotten one message. ‘Hey, i didn’t see you at practice today, are you okay? If you want to talk to anyone, i’m here’ you read. Victoria Pelova cared about you?
You knew Alessia and Victoria were good friends. And it made sense Alessia probably hadn’t told Victoria about.. you. Just like you still hadn’t told anyone about Alessia.
Alexia grumbled a bit and opened her eyes. “What are you doing hermanita?” she asked you tiredly. “Pelova, you know her. She was wondering where i was today and asked me if i’m okay and if i needed someone to talk to.” you explained. Alexia hummed understandingly. “I think you should talk to her. Maybe you’d get along eh?” she thought aloud.
She was right, you had to give her a chance. She was being nice and it wasn’t like you had any other friends in London. So you texted her back, ‘I’m in Barcelona at the moment, just needed to see some family. Maybe we could talk when i’m back?’.
Alexia didn’t exactly say that she wanted you out of her house after day three but you knew she did. So when she came home after training you took that as your cue to travel back to the still red North London.
You came home around dinner time and didn’t really have anything to eat. ‘Are you back in England yet?’ Victoria had texted. You texted her that you were and if she wanted to come over to order something. And in less than twenty minutes she was knocking on your door.
“I took some Chinese takeout with me on the way, hope you don’t mind?” she smiled. You thanked her with a grin.
Victoria seemed like a very extroverted and outspoken and maybe even a bit annoying type to you at training. But maybe that was just because she was hanging around Katie, Beth and Kyra. But now she seemed a lot calmer, the opposite of annoying really.
Vic didn’t mention your absence which was nice, you didn’t really want to explain all of that to her. You didn’t expect to have a lot in common with the Dutch girl. She had a really warm presence and you loved every bit of it. Maybe all you needed was a friend here.
Victoria was waiting at the entrance of the training centre. “Buen día!” she waved. “I didn’t know you could speak Spanish.” you said. “I can’t but i’ve started my Duolingo streak Spanish since yesterday!” she smiled proudly. She made you so happy, she learned Spanish just for you. You were starting to feel thankful for Alexia’s advice.
“I guess i’ll have to learn Dutch now?” you laughed. She nodded her head and offered to learn you Dutch if you gave her some Spanish lessons. It seemed like a pretty good deal.
You started to spend a lot more time with the brunette. She was good company and you actually started to learn Dutch. You planned a trip to The Netherlands together. She would show you the city and her previous club, Ajax.
Everything was going better. You were in a better mental place and physically you were unstoppable. Jonas started to give you a place in the starting lineup almost every game and even the fans started to love you. You even got your very own chant. You were on top of the League and could not be held back any longer, you were finally thriving in London.
Alessia was the only problem keeping you from being fully happy. Even though you only saw her at practice and games she still was being bitter to you. Whenever you were talking to Victoria she took her away from you with some bad excuse. It was hard for you to feel at home in the changing room without Victoria around.
Naturally fans started to speculate about the two of you. They were saying that you were in a relationship with the midfielder and that you’ve been hiding it for a while now. Victoria was a good friend, your bestfriend but that was it. Nothing more. You hadn’t had those sort of feelings since Alessia and they still hadn’t totally gone away. It was shit to still have those feelings for someone who made it very clear she didn’t reciprocate those feelings. So you opted to ignore those feeling all together.
Victoria came over after practice to bake a pie for your upcoming birthday. She told you that she was an absolute pro in baking apple pie but you knew she was lying. No way that the girl that couldn’t even cook rice without burning it can bake an actual good pie.
And just like you had predicted the pie wasn’t really pie-ing. There was flour and cinnamon all over your kitchen and on both of your clothes. “Sukkel!” you shouted at her when she tipped her glass of water off the counter. But you started laughing when she slipped and fell right to the ground that was still covered in white flour.
“Fuck!” she cursed whilst you were trying to hold yourself up while laughing uncontrollably.
The night went by quickly like it always did with the midfielder.
Victoria has been the little light in your dark thoughts and you were so thankful for her but when you bid her goodnight you didn’t expect her to kiss you. She was stood in front of you, in a black hoodie with white spots on it from your kitchen adventure. Her cheeks were red from all the laughing and drinking. And she was leaning in to kiss you.
You didn’t stop her though. And you definitely didn’t stop her when you saw the door across from yours open. You didn’t stop her when blue eyes focused on the two of you. And you didn’t stop when you heard a door shut.
Victoria waved goodbye and you stood still, staring at the two plants placed on the ground in front of you. The ones you had gifted Alessia. They were dead. You were the only one that kept them alive and now they were dead. You failed them.
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cutielando · 3 months
FIC IDEA WITH LANDO: So reader recently moved to Monaco bc of her job (any remote job u want and content creater) anyways she is working at a café just to get some money and lando is a customer. He flirts with her and stuff and she writes her number on the cup without him noticing at the moment. The reader then like a week later mentions it to her friend and talks about how he did not respond yet and like what exactly happened not knowing her friend was on live and her fans get invested and call this mystery boy “café boy” (kind of like Alix Earle with nfl man) Then McLaren invites the reader to the paddock and lando sees her and then have like a talk together in his drivers room and he mentions how he was nervous to text or something. After she makes a soft launch post captioned “my café boy 🤎”. IF U DO IT PLEASE TAG ME!
my coffee boy | l.n.
a/n: thank you so much @idkyet101sblog for the amazing idea 🤎
my masterlist
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liked by francisca.cgomes, yourbestfriend and 78,192 others
yourusername my new home is pretty damn beautiful
📍Monte-Carlo, Monaco
view all 471 comments
user1 mother is finally living her dream 😭
francisca.cgomes yayy!!!!!❤️❤️
yourusername ❤️❤️
yourbestfriend can’t believe you left me behind 🥲 JK I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU ❤️❤️
yourusername i miss you already 😭😭❤️
user2 who is she?
user3 she’s a content creator and up-and-coming model🫶🏻 she makes a lot of F1 content since she is very good friends with Kika
user2 how come i’ve never heard of her until now?
user4 she’s only starting to become famous and accustomed to the public eye, maybe that’s why
yourmother so proud of you!!❤️❤️
yourusername love you mom!!!!
user5 if i don't grow up to be just like Y/N, i'm giving up
Real life
Moving to Monaco had always been your dream. Living in the beautiful country right on the water, starting a new life in such a peaceful place and being able to follow your dreams.
It had been your dream ever since you were a little girl.
However, moving to Monaco was in itself very pricey. It hadn’t been easy, gathering the money you needed to lead a relatively comfortable lifestyle in the exclusivist country, but you had managed to do so.
And now, you now had to step up a bit until things got going for you.
And you figured that working at the local coffee shop was the best solution. At least just until you got settled in your new home country and your career kicked in.
You knew that Monaco was the home to a lot of athletes, especially Formula 1 drivers, but you didn't really expect to meet any of them. Monaco was not really as small of a place as people thought, you wouldn't just run into an F1 driver in the street that casually.
No, you run into them at coffee shops.
You had been minding your own business one day, thankful that it was still early and people were not yet coming for coffee. But then the entrance bell rang, and your eyes met the most beautiful man you had ever laid eyes on.
The one and only, Lando Norris.
You didn't want to seem like an obsessed fan, so you tried to keep your excitement at bay the best you could.
"Hello" he greeted when he approached the counter, that famous smirk adorning his features.
"Hi. What can I get you?" you asked sweetly, praying to God that he wouldn't notice the furious blush on your cheeks.
"I'll just have a cappuccino, love" he asked, giving you a dazzling smile.
You blushed even more and nodded, getting to work on his drink.
He didn't say anything else for a second, he just watched and admired your movements as you effortlessly prepared his coffee.
"I haven't seen you around here before, and trust me. I would have remembered a face as beautiful as yours" Lando suddenly asked, leaning forward against the counter.
You almost did a double take, not wanting to get your hopes up. Was he actually flirting with you? Were you just dreaming?
You cleared your throat before you answered, which made Lando smile even more cockily.
"I just moved here a couple of days ago, got a job with a modelling agency and figured I would work for some extra money until the modelling gigs kick in" you explained, looking at his from the corner of your eye to see his wide eyes when you mentioned being a model.
"With a face as beautiful as yours, figured you were a model of some sort. Nobody would pass on someone as pretty as you"
You blushed again, thankful that the shop was almost empty and people couldn't see you falling apart just from talking to the man.
"Do you flirt with every barista you meet, Mr. Norris?" you teased, pouring the drink into a to-go cup.
"Just the insanely pretty ones"
You chuckled and shook your head, taking the sharpie in your hand to write his name on the cup. As soon as you wrote his name, your hand moved on its own, scribbling your phone number underneath and the message 'call me <3' next to it.
Biting your lip, you gave him the drink with a smile, biding your goodbyes.
"I'll see you around, Y/N" he said, looking at your name tag.
"Okay" was all you could say, your mind too fuzzy to come up with a better response.
He turned around just before he exited the cafe, winking at you before departing.
What the hell had just happened?
Much to your disappointment, a couple of days had gone by without a single text from the driver.
You hadn't thought much of it, way too busy with unpacking and such to even think about your encounter. It was our friend who kept asking you about it, going out of her mind when you mentioned you had given your number to an F1 driver.
"Y/N, come here, you left me all alone" Samantha, your friend, called out for you from the living room.
You sighed, unwillingly getting out of your very comfortable position on your bed and walked into the living room.
Not even paying attention to what Samantha was doing, you fell on the couch face first, your sore limbs tired from the short walk from the bedroom to the living room.
"I was very comfortable in bed, thank you very much" you mumbled, but Samantha paid you no mind.
She knew how grumpy you got in the evenings, so she had learned to ignore your comments in such instances.
"Has he texted you yet?" she asked, making you glare at her.
"I don't know how many times you've already asked me that and how many times I've given you the exact same answer. No, he hasn't" you grumbled, hiding your face in your pillow.
Samantha hummed, casting a sneaky glance to her phone.
"But like what exactly happened?" she pressed, making you sigh.
"It's not that interesting of a story. He came in the coffee shop, ordered a drink, we flirted a little and then I wrote my number on his cup" you explained once again, and unbeknownst to you, your fans were going wild over the information they had just heard.
Samantha almost wanted to laugh when she saw the dozens of comments flooding in, calling Lando the "mysterious café boy" that hadn't texted you.
"If I were him, I would have texted you the minute I walked out" she defended, making you sigh.
"But you're not him. There are numerous reasons that could explain why he hasn't texted me, he's a busy guy, Samantha" you defended, getting up from the couch to head back to your bedroom, so done with the conversation.
Samantha waited until the door was closed before switching her attention back to her phone.
"And there you go, ladies and gentlemen. Our girl is finally finding love" she giggled, clapping her hands.
If only Lando would have the courage to make the first step.
You had always been a fan of Formula 1, you got that from your father. He would always bring you with him to races when you were younger, and his love and admiration was passed onto you from a very young age.
However, you hadn't attended a race in a while, you hadn't had the opportunity or the time to go to one.
Until now.
McLaren had contacted you a couple of days before the Silverstone Grand Prix, inviting you as their VIP guest for the weekend. And who were you to refuse a weekend with the team of the guy you were crushing on?
That's how you found yourself walking towards the McLaren hospitality, bag clutched tightly in your hand as you approached the brightly papaya colored building.
Sighing with a smile on your face, you had just put your hand on the handle when the door opened from the inside and Lando stepped out, stopping in his tracks when he saw you in front of him.
The both of you froze, not knowing how to react. The first one to break the tension was Lando, who smiled at you widely.
"Hey, Y/N. Long time no see" he said, making you chuckle and nod.
He nodded, and silence settled for a split second between the two of you before he spoke up.
"Look, I'm sorry I didn't text you. I saw your number, even saved it in my phone and was meaning to say something. I was just too nervous to screw things up, cause I really like you" he confessed, making your heartbeat quicken significantly.
Your eyes widened, and relief finally settled into your troubled mind. There had been so many thoughts and theories in your head about why he hadn't contacted you. Maybe you had misread the situation, maybe he wasn't interested, maybe he didn't see your number written next to his name, countless possibilities had been swirling around in your head.
But now, you were finally content. He was just nervous, bless his heart. If you were being fair, you would have been way too nervous to contact him if the roles had been reversed.
"Don't worry, it's okay" you reassured him, which made Lando feel better.
"I want to make it up to you. How about dinner tonight? My treat, I'll show you around the city" he suggested, his eyes full of hope.
You couldn't possibly deny him, so you found yourself nodding.
"Great" he smiled and leaned in to plant a kiss on your cheek before departing towards the garage.
You bit your lip, trying to suppress a smile.
He hadn't forgotten you after all.
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liked by landonorris, pietrapilao and 691,382 others
yourusername my café boy 🤎
view all 98,162 comments
francisca.cgomes i’m so happy for you guys!!!❤️❤️
yourusername thank you babe!!!✨❤️
user1 who is that????
user2 i’m so jealous 🙂‍↕️🥲
pietrapilao ❤️
yourusername 🫶🏻
user3IS THAT LANDO?????
user4 why would you think it’s lando?
user5 some people saw him with someone at the race and think this is his girlfriend
maxfewtrell smooth
yourusername thanks 🙂‍↕️
user6 this is basically confirmation that’s Lando 😭
maxfewtrell don’t take my word for it, people
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myjealouseyes · 7 months
Request from an anon: Harry tells his parents he's gonna propose to Wolfstar!daughter and Lily gives him her engagement ring, a Potter family heirloom
A/N— this is such a wonderful request, actually. I had to use y/n once.
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“I’m proposing.”
Harry isn’t the least bit nervous as he looks at his parents. He knows that this is what they’ve been waiting for since he asked you to be his girlfriend in fifth year, maybe even longer. He clears his throat softly and takes out the ring he chose. It’s beautiful and pricey. He didn’t think he could ever find a ring as gorgeous as you were but this one came close enough. He sits the the box on the table, and Lily shakes her head immediately.
Harry is surprised, to say the least. He knows how much she loves you. You’re like a daughter to her. And he knows that she knows how much he loves you. Harry looks at James, hoping his dad will clue him into what’s going through her head. He’s not much help as he hides his growing smile behind his hands. Before Harry has the time to question what’s going on, Lily slips her wedding ring off gently and places it in the palm of his hand.
Lily doesn’t hesitate as she closes his fingers around the ring. She gives her son a soft, motherly smile. “She’ll love this one. Just as much as I did.”
“It’s a Potter family heirloom,” James steps in, sensing how confused he still was. “It’s been in our family for ages. Your gramps gave it to your granny, I gave it to your mum, and…” Harry observes the ring as he finishes James’s thought. “I’ll give to y/n.” Harry knew you’d appreciate the tradition of it. The ring a bit worn from decades of use, but he knows you’d love it just the same.
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yourstrqly · 8 months
alex albon x mafiosa!reader x george russell
revenge always tastes better when celebrated with your right hand and his lover
warnings: mafia topics such as planned murder, coarse language, cheating on reader, unnamed fiance because I couldn't think of a fitting name, sex mentioned, sexual acts (fingering)
part two — masterlist
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a whimper climbed up your throat, treating to surface into the cold air of the storage hall lined with supercars, pricey motorcycles and vintage cars, and bitter tears welled in your half closed eyes but you did remember your promise to your little self years ago that no man was granted to see them spill over, not even the man who had claimed to love you for a lifetime. alas his understanding of love was different to yours, sickly twisted — if he held the love he repeatedly said to have, why did he cozy up to a woman who wasn't you?
he knew you were a busy woman and he enjoyed the perks of your success even though he didn't exactly know what you worked as nor how much you made in a year; since the beginning of your relationship you both shared an unsaid understanding that he hadn't to task and he was absolutely fine with it. the beautiful man was more or less an armcandy, or as your right hand alex used to say your sugar babe; eventually your partner proposed which wasn't as romantic as you had hoped for but it was your fault, you could've shared that side of yourself to him.
you had been in a negotiation with leclerc, head of the monegasque mafia, aswell as verstappen and hamilton, respective heads of the dutch and british mafia when clement, your man responsible to observe certain people and media outlets, signalled you with a touch to his watch that something was up. the french leaned against the wall next to armstrong, a guy of hamilton. the pair of them were kind of friends in that sense of joining each other on social gathering, they might have fucked too because the air between them screamed like sexual tension.
as the negotiation came to an end and the tension left the room, small talkes between various people raised — only hamilton stood up, stretched his hand to each of the heads still sitting at the large wooden table, claiming he was awaited home for dinner.
after walking him out yourself and returning to you other guests you noticed the closeness between charles and max. they had a lot of history, fighting when they were under training as young boys which then blossomed into a friendship, or more. you wouldn't ask, observe their actions whilst minding your business.
you didn't sit down, letting arthur, charles' younger brother take your seat because your mind was focused on clem's new information. slowly you made your way across the room to him, coming to an halt with a raised eyebrow at the kiwi standing next to him. he nodded at you and made space so you could exchange a private moment.
"what is it, novalak?", you mumbled, eyes roaming the room.
he wordlessly gave you his phone, one you had given him specifically to research. opened was a chat between himself and one of his team, plainly showing off a series of pictues where your fiance sat with a woman on his lap in a fancy club where you once partied together. no guilt showed on his face causing your cheeks to heat up.
"that bastard."
alex, ever present, meet your eyes. the thai clearly read your expression, the embarrassment and fury printed on your face — not that anyone else could observe that as you had only pinched your eyebrows together but he knew you for a decade. there wasn't an emotion and situation he couldn't read.
clem put his phone away without commenting on the situation; he knew his place and he also knew that only alex and george were allowed to joke with you.
the rest of the day you entertained your guest, presenting them traditional cuisine and showing the eager arthur your car park. in the morning all traces of guests were gone, leaving you with your problem at hand.
tuesday arrived, the date you and your partner had set last week went painfully long and you had only one thing on your mind: murder.
"want to come over at my place?", you sweetly asked, making doe eyes at him. his once stunning blue icy eyes looked awfully disgusting, the hair too long and the beard unkempt. you didn't know what you saw in him and why you thought he'd be the right man on your side.
a cooky smirk etched on his lips as he leaned forward. "sure whenever. want daddy to fuck you good?", he whispered, trying to look seductive but failing miserably.
you stood up, hand sloting in his sweaty one, lulling him to your cherry red ferrari charles had gifted you on your birthday, claiming that it was a missing piece in your collection which in fact was true and you had happily accepted the gift.
the drive was smooth, your passenger way to concentrated on his phone to notice the new route; if you were to throw away trash than it had to happen somewhere you wouldn't have to clean up much. ideal for your plans was your car park as the ground was easy to clean; you pitied the man a bit for the trust he held in a jug to notice that his secret wasn't one anymore.
he looked up, taking in the trees aligning the narrow bumby road. "Where are we going?"
keeping the eyes on the road, your left hand touched his thigh. "Oh babe, you see I purchased a new house and I thought we could christening it", you purred. you felt his cook grow under your fingertips and smiled; he made it so easy for you, you could watch a series after the finished job.
arriving at the gates, one of your men behind the counter of the small cabin that where to your right, let you easily drive through and you ran up the car to the storage hall, parking it in its designated spot.
as soon as the motor's smooth purrs stopped, your partner opened his door, leaving you alone as he walked up to a rolls royce silver shadow. he touched the car without a thought in the word, to absorbed in a fantasy to even notice two man walking in, one opening the door of the ferrari you sat in, giving a hand to pull you out of it while the other pulled out a gun, resting it against his side.
george waited for the man to move back in the aisle; no one wanted to clean the cars and the liar wasnt worthy to leave a nasty damage in one of your cars — dennis, young mechanic and passionate car lover, would surely have your head if there was only a hair on the hood of one of them. you wouldn't want to see the norwegian truly angry, he was more on the softer side, a reason why you took him in and kept him away from the dirty business.
"why don't we fuck in one of these cars, maybe the aston, before taking it to the bedroom, sugar?", your fiance asked, turning around to walk in the middle of the aisle where you wanted him to be, gaze fixed on another supercar.
the brunette brit raised his gun, pointing it to the other man's head, blue eyes flitting to you, waiting for his timing.
you sent him a smile, relaxing the shoulders. simultaneously alex stepped up to you, one hand resting comfortably against the small of your back, resulting in you grabbing his hand and placing it lower to lay against your rear.
his eyes widened at your bold gesture; back when you were teenagers you used to fuck around but then you were appointed head of the family and the sex stopped. he pinched your ass through the silky blush coloured dress you wore before gliding down to cup your pussy which was already wet, getting a silent moan out of you.
it wasn't a normal day; you were about to see george murder your scumbag of a partner in a fitted dress pants which graced you with the delicious sight of his well trained thighs and the dark half opened shirt clung to the muscles of his back. and then there was alex, dressed the same, hair fluffy and lips slightly swollen, indicating that george must have kissed him stupid prior. you also hadn't had sex for weeks and the self love only could do so much.
all things combined you were desperate and you were ready to move onto the next man or in this case men.
"sorry mate, we already fucked in the aston", alex spoke into the silence, frightening the man. the thai pushed a finger between your plush lips, gathering the wetness on the tip to tap it against your mouth, intensly watching as you sucked his finger. your head fell onto his shoulder, eyes interlocked with his; you hallowed your cheeks and ran your tongue up and down his finger, letting him decide the pace.
"You're such a pretty little slut, y/n", he groaned.
your fiancé let out an angry scream, ready to throw his fist but he didn't get a chance to take a step. george already pulled the trigger, shoting right in the forehead.
"what an idiot", the brunette muttered. you giggled at his words, pulling alex' hand away. someone else would clean up the mess in the morning.
"you both joining me in the bedroom tonight? wanna celebrate a new chapter. "
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goatcheesecak3 · 11 months
Please write a "meet the parents" situation for rodrick officially meeting his partner's parents, I live for him actually trying so he could make a good impression >_<
Hello! Sorry this took a few days, but here it is!
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Rodrick fished around in his drawer, desperately in search of his church clothes, the only things he had that weren't band shirts and skinny jeans. Tonight was a huge deal. He was finally going to meet y/n's parents. A formal dinner wasn't exactly in his comfort zone, but he was confident that he'd mage a good impression. He'd had a week to plan, he'd even swallowed his pride and asked his mother for help with conversational tips and how to impress parents. So, with a neatly pressed shirt on and a pair of smart looking shoes he'd borrowed from his father, he set out in his van to y/n's house. Although, he had one very important stop to make on the way. He made a small detour to a shop where he purchased some flowers and a bottle of wine - a nice bottle, a fairly pricey cabernet sauvignon - not the cheap stuff he usually got for himself. He knew middle aged people were always impressed when a young person turned up with a gift.
He parked just round the corner from y/n's house, unsure as to what her parents would make of the beat up white van with "löded diper" crudely spray painted on the side that he would often chauffeur their daughter around in. Walking up to the house he revised the tips his mother had given him. Be polite, smile, offer to help. Piece of cake.
He straightened himself up, and rang the bell. A woman in a neat blouse answered with a welcoming smile,
"You must be the famous Rodrick, come on in, I'm y/n's mother, (your mum's name)"
"Hi, it's lovely to finally meet you. I hope you like cab sauv and peonies," he smiled, handing y/n's mother the gifts.
"Well aren't you just a dear"
She escorted him to the dining room (before disappearing into the kitchen) where y/n greeted him with a smile.
"The wine was a nice touch" she winked at him, before giving him a brief kiss on the cheek.
"If I'm being completely honest, I'm absolutely terrified for tonight" he whispered, "I really hope they like me"
"You've got nothing to worry about baby, trust me, they'll love you"
At that moment, y/n's father emerged from the kitchen, he smiled reassuringly at Rodrick
"You certainly know the way to a middle aged woman's heart, lad" he chuckled, placing a firm hand on Rodrick's shoulder.
Rodrick was perplexed, which y/n picked up on
"He means you impressed mum" she giggled.
Rodrick breathed a sigh of relief
"Relax, boy! You don't need to be so nervous, we don't bite" y/n's dad said.
This certainly was going better than expected - almost too much better. Rodrick figured that y/n must have buttered up her parents real good, maybe even embellished some of his better qualities a bit, but that only added pressure. He was so sure that if they knew what he was really like they'd never approve of him, and how on earth could he live up to the perfect gentleman that her parents so clearly thought he was? He was left with only one option: to fake it. It was a foolproof plan, in front of y/n's parents he would no longer be Rodrick, drummer and founder of löded diper, he would be Rodrick, the academically talented, responsible young man.
"Do you need help setting the table?" He asked politely
"Haven't you got him well trained," y/n's dad joked to her, "it's alright son, just take your seat, me and the Mrs will sort that out"
The table was laid, the food placed neatly in front of the four, and Rodrick's wine had been poured into glasses for everyone. Rodrick made sure to compliment the food, and take small delicate bites, rather than scarfing it down like he did at home.
"So Rodrick, tell us how you and y/n met," y/n's mum enquired.
Rodrick's heart began to race. He couldn't possibly tell them that they met at a basement punk show where his band was performing, that wouldn't be very responsible-young-man of him. No problem, he had the perfect lie.
"We met in the... library, yeah that's right, the library. Can't get enough of that place with all it's uh.... books and... stuff"
Y/n shot him a confused look, but didn't say anything.
"Oh, well that's nice" y/n's mum said, but something was off. Did she not believe him? Was that not impressive enough? He had to step up his game.
"Yeah, it's really nice. You know, that's just the sort of thing me and y/n like to get up to together, studying, reading the classics and not staying out later than 8:30. Isn't that right y/n?" He said, stumbling over his words as he did.
Y/n's brow furrowed as she uttered a less than confident "Uhuh..."
"Right then," her dad said, feigning politeness.
It was no use. No matter what he did, Rodrick couldn't hide the fact that he was never going to be the type of guy parents like. He couldn't even fake it. He was more than embarrassed, he wanted the ground to swallow him whole. Looking down, desperately trying to hide his red cheeks, he mumbled some excuse about needing to check if he'd locked his van, then he legged it out the door, leaving a very confused y/n and her parents. He just had to get out of there.
"Y/n, sweetheart," y/n's dad said, "what in the fresh hell just happened?"
"I'm wondering that too," she replied, standing up from the table and heading to the front door, "I'll be right back".
She jogged down the road, where she found Rodrick sat on the floor leaning on his van, his face firmly planted in his palm muttering "you idiot" to himself.
"Uhhhh.. Rodrick? You wanna tell me what that was back there?" She asked, startling him slightly.
"I'm sorry, y/n, I really tried. I'm just not the sort of guy you bring home to your parents. They saw right through me." His gaze directed strictly towards the ground, he was far too humiliated to look at her.
"Yeah, no shit they saw through it Rodrick, I've told them all about you. They know you're not some goody two shoes bookworm"
"They do?" He lifted his head up slightly
"Of course they do," y/n said, sitting down next to him and taking one of his hands.
"They know all about the band, the fact that you hate studying, they even know that you taught me how to shotgun a beer"
"Wh... what?!" Rodrick spluttered, genuinely surprised, "why the hell did they even let me in their house?"
Y/n threw her head back laughing.
"Babe, my dad was in a punk band when he was our age, that's how he and my mum met. They like the fact that I'm not so uptight since meeting you, they say we remind them of themselves when they were younger"
"Wait... really?"
"Really, doofus" y/n smiled, giving Rodrick a playful jab in the arm.
Rodrick smiled, and planted a small peck on her cheek.
"I guess we better go back in and try again huh?" Y/n said, helping Rodrick to his feet
"Lead the way babe".
Upon returning to the dining table, Rodrick composed himself, let out a deep breath and finally spoke.
"I'm sorry about before, I'm not a book guy, I'm the drummer in a punk band called löded diper, the last book I read the whole way through was a beano comic, and I feel naked without eyeliner. So, that's it. That's the truth,"
Y/n's parents were silent for a second, before erupting into laughter.
"Well why didn't you say so!" Y/ns dad said, "Come on son, sit. Tell me about this band of yours..."
The rest of the evening flew by, y/n's parents reminiscing on anecdotes from their youth, while indulging in y/n and Rodricks more recent stories. It would appear that Rodrick couldn't have been more wrong, he was exactly the type of guy a girl brings home to her parents.
A/n hope you enjoyed :^) requests for fics / hcs are still open (sfw only)
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chiefdirector · 8 months
Looking | Tim Bradford | The Rookie
Act One | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21
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“Sargent Grey,” Lopez called, trying to catch up with the watch commander, “I had a look at the footage from the main lobby. No I.D. Just seemed like some kid doing an errand, paper boy maybe.”
He stopped in the corridor, brushing his hand over his face in frustration. “Right, okay. Go tell Detective Bradford, liaise with her. See if you can help in any way.”
“Already have. She said that she’s on the phone with a handwriting analysis. Run it through the database and records corresponding to anyone with the initials R.D.”
“That’ll take forever,” 
Angela hummed. “Not exactly. This analysis guy said the writing was female. Already cuts the search in half. It was also in cursive, so we can make the initial assumption that the sender has some form of formal education, if not they are highly intelligent. That’s not too many ‘R.D’’s left to determine. (Y/N)’s also sent it out for prints, see if we can get a hit that way.”
“Good work Lopez,” Grey said, starting to move towards his office again. “Let me know if you find anything. And tell Detective Bradford to stop leaving her damn coffee cups in my office.”
Angela laughed, turning to go back to the detective's bullpen. “Yes, sir.”
Tim and Lucy go back to his house to try to find the location of the picture taker. And any info. Lucy questions tim on their relationship 
Lucy looked intently out of the shop window as Tim drove towards his home. He had been so strict on keeping his personal life out of his professional one, but there was something about this boot in particular that seemed to worm her way in everytime. There was something about Chen that made Tim feel comfortable sharing details, no matter how minute they were. Perhaps it was her forever optimistic nature, or the fact that if it weren’t for her, he probably never would have found (Y/N).
 At one point, he had thought about thanking her but he also knew that Chen was well aware of his gratefulness; and that she would never let him live it down if he did thank her. She was like him in that way, he saw a lot of himself in her. Tim knew that she would go far, she just needed a little guidance to get there.
“So this is where you live, hm?” Chen said, breaking the silence that had resided in the shop for the last ten minutes. “Nice neighbourhood. Seems a little out of a cops price range though…”
“Are you really judging my financial status right now, boot?” Tim snapped, although the sting in his voice was barely there. She was right, it was far too pricey for his, or (Y/N)’s, salary. Even if they were combined they would have no chance of getting a mortgage for this area of L.A. 
“No, no. It’s just that this area is nice. Like nice nice. Not Kardashian nice but like you know.”
“Someone was murdered in our house, three actually.” Tim smiled, deciding to ease up on Chen somewhat, afterall, he knew that Lucy would ask his wife and (Y/N) never spared any detail in this particular story. “We both worked the scene together. Managed to get the price lowered somewhat. Only had to change the floorboards and get a couple drywall boards replaced. Drenched in blood.”
Lucy swallowed at the information, nodding along. She turned to look out at the surroundings again as Tim pulled over to the side of the road. “All these houses have a driveway?” She pointed out.”
“And?” He said, turning the engine off and getting out of the car. Slamming the door behind him, he opened his phone, pulling up the copy of the photo (Y/N) had sent him and moving to the approximate place the photo was taken. 
He ended up halfway into his neighbour’s front lawn. The exact spot would have been covered by shrubbery lining the edge of the grass, it would explain why they didn’t catch a glimpse of their paparazzo this morning. 
“Chen,” Tim moved from his position on his neighbour’s lawn crossing the road towards his home. Calling back towards Chen as he moved, knowing that she would be following him, “Come on, we’re going inside. I need to call Grey, let him know that there’s nothing here.”
“Inside? Like inside your home? I get to see where you live.” Lucy babbled on with excitement. If someone had told her on her first day that she would be invited into Officer Bradford’s home, she would have laughed in their face. “Oh my god. I get to see how you decorate, this is so cool! I need to tell Jackson.”
“I can leave you outside if you carry on.” Tim unlocked the door, letting himself in. He held it from the inside letting Chen make her choice. 
“Shutting up.”
(Y/N) hung the phone up, moving to continue typing up the current additions to the case report. Her fingers practically slammed into the keys as she typed, annoyance flowing through her. Since she left Grey’s office, she had gotten nowhere. No matter who she called, nobody seemed to know anything about who was after her. 
It was infuriating, to be so powerless. Knowing that her life hung in The hands of some mad man that she didn’t even know the name of would cause most anyone to spiral but she knew that she couldn’t afford to lose focus now, not after how far she had come. 
Holding back a sigh, she saved the file and reached for her phone. Quickly, she pressed Tim’s contact and held it up to her ear, listening as it rang and rang and rang until she reached his voicemail. She hung up before she could leave a message and went back to typing. Only stopping when she heard something placed down beside her. 
“Your coffee.” 
(Y/N) looked up, seeing Chen standing beside her. She smiled, picking up the travel mug and taking a sip. 
“Tim asked me to drop it off. He made it when we went to see if there was anything to see back at your place.” Chen leaned against the desk to the right hand side of (Y/N)’s. “He also said to tell you that his phone was nearly dead. He’s charging it now.”
“Ah okay cool.” (Y/N) took another sip, relishing in the warm vanilla taste. Tim always made the coffee in the mornings, recently he had begun making her lattes with flavoured syrups. Vanilla was her favourite, despite how often Tim said it was the most basic option. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“Yeah, actually. There is. I wanted to ask you something…”
“I want to do some UC work after my rookie year. I think that’s where I could really thrive and I wanted to know…”
(Y/N) nodded, finishing Chen’s sentence. “If it would be a good fit. Well as someone who has done it, I think it takes a certain kind of person to be able to do it. Personally, I would never do any more long term assignments. I don’t think I’m that person anymore. I lost everything, and I’m still fighting to get it back.” She sighed, placing her coffee down on the desk. 
(Y/N) gestured for Chen to pull up a chair before she continued. “Obviously you’re still a rookie, and I haven’t seen much of you in action. You have got some way to go. But you have that spark and if it’s what you want, I could see if I could take you one day. Show you the ropes, go through some old cases of mine. Let you get the feel for it.”
“Really? That would be great.” Lucy beamed at Bradford’s words. 
“But you will have to consider if it will be worth it. Look at the mess we’re all in because of me. If I hadn’t gone on that assignment than-”
“Then it would be someone else that Regina would have gotten revenge on.” Tim interrupted, walking over to the two women. He quickly reached for the coffee on the desk, not allowing (Y/N) the time to slap his hand away before he got a sip. “But the theory was right. It definitely wasn’t Regina.”
(Y/N) looked up inquisitively at her husband as he spoke. 
“The handwriting analyst made a match throughout the system. I don’t know who but Lopez is getting the report now. She’ll be here soon. Grey wants us all in the conference room.”
Chapter 21 | Chapter 23
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
Tags: @xceafh @kmc1989 @buba424 @salty0cracker @iamasimpingh0e @malindacath @agentred27 @hufflepuffwhore13 @tessalynni @anaferreira-4
Tags are open :)
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frickingnerd · 10 months
bubble baths & roses
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pairing: 9S x gn!reader
summary: after 9S returns from a mission in the desert, the two of you take a nice bubble bath together
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9S always hated the desert. every time he was there, he couldn't help but complain about all the sand in his shoes and how it got all over his body. getting rid of it afterwards was always a pain, but with you around, he didn't mind it as much anymore. after all, you always took a bath with him when he returned from the desert, so 9S had something to look forward to! 
"i've got a new shampoo! it smells like roses!"
you sat behind 9S in the bathtub, roaming through the bottles of shampoo, lotion and body wash that you had sitting on the side. meanwhile 9S softly let his hands run through the bubbles in the tub. you knew how much he loved bubble baths and you always made sure that there were way too many bubbles in the bathtub. 
"roses?" 9S' face lit up. "where did you find that one?"
you squeezed a bit out of the bottle and began massaging it onto 9S' head, as you told him about how you got your hands on that bottle. 
"one of the merchants found one, near the abandoned mall. it must've been lying there for a while, but since i brought up that i was looking for lotions, shampoo and anything of that sort, they made sure to pick it up. it was a bit pricey, but i hope it'll be worth every penny!"
9S turned his head to the side, glancing over his shoulder towards you, as he rested his hand on your knee. 
"i'll pay you back for it! i–"
but you didn't let him finish. instead, you shook your head and interrupted him. 
"this is a gift to you, so you can't pay for it"
9S sighed softly and faced forward again, as you continued to wash his hair, now carefully letting water run over his head to get the shampoo out of it. 
"i'll pick up a gift for you on my next mission then!"
9S decided. he knew there was no use arguing with you, but that didn't mean he couldn't do something for you in return. 
"i look forward to it" you smiled. "but for now, i need to know what you think about the shampoo!"
9S turned around, now that you were fully done washing his hair and reached out past you, to grab the bottle. he opened it, taking in the scent, before he smiled. 
"i like it, a lot! it smells great and i like the way it feels on my head!"
you chuckled softly and took the bottle from him, placing it on the edge of the bathtub again. 
"you can't really feel it, metal brain!"
you gently knocked on 9S' forehead, reminding him that he wasn't a real human. unlike them, yorha didn't need to take baths. 
"i can imagine what it feels like!"
9S huffed softly, splashing some water in your direction, only causing you to huff louder and splash right back at him. 
"don't splash me!"
"you just splashed back!"
"but you splashed first!"
quickly, the two of you had begun to splash each other with water, giggling and laughing. though eventually you stopped, a bit exhausted from playing around and looking at the mess you had created. 
"i'll clean everything up!"
9S decided, getting out of the water, while you still sat in the bathtub, watching him. 
"you can enjoy the water a bit longer"
9S pressed a kiss onto your lips, before turning around and grabbing a towel. 
"i'll enjoy the view too~"
you teased and leaned back in the bathtub, stretching your legs as you finally had the space to do so, while watching your naked android boyfriend get dressed.
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stinkypeanutbutter · 5 months
‘ Tick
Tick ‘
The light sound of ticking from the clock could be heard from Aiden’s bed , which Aiden has been laying on for the past 40 minutes , or so . His parents had gotten him it quite a while ago . He wasn’t sure why , because he knew he wouldn’t be able to figure it out or have enough focus to remember , but it was something along the lines of “ Not having to use a phone or digital clock when it’s around . “ ‘ Tick
Tick ‘
He didn’t like that clock . It felt loud , felt repulsive and it bothered him so . Yes , it felt loud , he could feel it . Each time it ticked it felt like it slowly crept into his ears like a bug and started chewing at his brain .
. What time was it ?
He couldn’t remember . Maybe he should , it seems like something he should know of but he doesn’t . Not right now . .
Aiden didn’t really feel loved . Wow ! That was random , gotta be all edgy don’t we . .
Well , it was true . But of course he’s wrong , he has to be . His parents were there , sometimes , and showered him with gifts whenever they came back from traveling for work . .
Annoying . It’s all so irritating . His parents love him , he’ll keep telling himself that to make sure it sounds true enough to believe , even if the truth may hurt more then the lies .
. . Lies ? No no , there weren’t any lies . They never said anything to lie , did they ? He couldn’t remember . Hungry . He was hungry . or bored ? One of the two fit .
Maybe he’s lying to himself just as much as he believed they were . But he wasn’t , he was sure his friends cared for him . I thought this was about his parents ? He’s sure it was , that’s what got him thinking more in the first place , since around 2 : 33 pm . .
It was 2 : 33 . Was it ? Maybe it’s a minute before , maybe after but he couldn’t check the clock if he wanted .
‘ Tick ‘
He wanted to die . No , no he didn’t . Maybe . He hadn’t put much thought into that in a while . Maybe he does , or he’s sure he just doesn’t care if he dies or not . Risk is fun . The risk or the thrill ? The risk is what gives him the thrill . What does he like more ? Hm .
Parents , family , yada yada . He wished they had bothered to call him back once , just once anytime they were away to check in on him , make sure he’s fine . He’s always fine , he’ll always be fine , what ELSE is there to be ? Not sad , he can’t be that it would worry everyone . Would it ? He wished his parents worried more . Called more , appreciated him more , cared about him more he doesn’t care if they love him or not anymore all he wanted was they’re stupid attention , not coming back every few months with a ton of pricey , dumb gifts to make up for lost time . Lost time they barley bother to recover because it’s all just gifts he never asked , never wanted once , and yet he never bothered to speak up about it . He felt tired . Hungry ? Bored ? He went over this already .
They loved him , but he has a feeling they at least love him for being a family member more then their son .
But he can’t help but wonder what they truly cared most for . Himself , or the fortune that was brought upon them .
. Caring . They were caring , his friends were so caring to him . He brang them up again . How many times has he did that ?
2 ?
It was 2 : 33 . No , he’s wrong , several minutes passed already . Several hours ? No , it’s still light out . He feels cold . Deathly cold . But the fans not on . Is it ? He doesn’t want to turn his head to check , he’s tired . He feels too under - stimulated . He wants to move , draw , run , jump , dance , but he can’t . He wants to . Will he ? He doesn’t care right now . Care ? If he asked that to anyone , everyone , how many answers will he receive . . Or how many will differ from the rest . Everyone has different feelings , different reactions , different expectations towards whatever . What would his friends say ? His parents ?
‘ tick ‘
What time was it again ?
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
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A Jammed Heart
Y’all wanted some angst, I shall deliver in any capacity with this. This one centers on an OC though, so expect a part 2.
Chocolate Frosting Cookie relaxed in her chair in the comfort of her rather extravagant home, courtesy of her new, wealthy partner. Or at least tried. She tries to believe that she now had everything she wanted, from the latest devices to high end products like her Chocu’ Latte handbag, a part of her still felt something was missing.
Again, she had everything she could want and much more…well, she guessed there was one thing she was missing. The affection from her partner. While they did get everything for her, it seemed they only wanted her around when they want her around, they didn’t try to surprise her with dinner, take her on any trips that wasn’t fancy parties, and didn’t let her know that they love her whenever they can…unlike a previous partner she had…
Y/N Cookie..what a goofball…
They weren’t wealthy like her current partner, but they tried their best to make up for it by completely showering her with affection. There was never a moment in the day without Y/N Cookie letting her know how much they loved her, catch her off guard with whatever gift they had on hand. It wasn’t anything pricey, but something Y/N Cookie either found or made themself, they always were the one to believe that it’s the thought that counts…
Sure, they weren’t going to any fancy parties like Chocolate Frosting would’ve wanted, but Y/N Cookie would always take her somewhere they thought she would like, places they’ve been to before that held a lot of meaning to them.
But Chocolate Frosting wanted more, she wanted her needs met and with how you were in terms of financial stability, she knew she wasn’t going to get them from you, so she..scouted other options. She then came across her current, wealthy partner during one of Cheesecake’s parties, they were enamored by her and wished to have a dinner with her.
Chocolate Frosting thought about it for a moment as she looked down at a bracelet on her arm that Y/N Cookie had made for her..before covering it with the sleeve of her dress and accepting the cookie’s proposal. The dinners continued on and on, evolving into outings with the cookie as they got her every thing she wished for in exchange for her love.
More and more was Chocolate Fudge reeled in with this cookie…which meant less and less was she home for Y/N Cookie, who was growing increasingly worried with her constant absences, something that was only occurring recently. Chocolate Fudge can still remember the look of worry etched on their face every time she closed the front door…
…yet she chose to ignore it each time.
It reached its peak when the cookie she was seeing asked her to be their girlfriend. Chocolate Fudge didn’t need much convincing at the point…
It just meant cutting another cookie loose…
Your whole body shattered when Chocolate Fudge told you bluntly she was leaving you. You stood there, frozen and shaking. You reached out and grabbed her hand.
You asked her what you did wrong, was there anything you could do, you’ll do your best to fix any mistakes you’ve made.
Fudge simply pulled her hand free and told you that there wasn’t anything you could do beyond becoming wealthy, something that her new partner was..
The implication of her words left your heart shattered along with your body, was…was she seeing another cookie behind your back? Was that why she was missing from home all the time? Who were they? How long? Why?
That one word forever repeats in Chocolate Fudge’s head. Looking back, she still can’t give a clear answer despite it being pretty easy to do.
Y/N Cookie wasn’t enough for her
Y/N Cookie was ultimately heartbroken, but decided that if they can’t love her enough…
They’ll leave her be…
Y/N Cookie, what a goofball they were…
Chocolate Fudge looked downward towards the floor. This house did feel lonely without another cookie around to share it…
Y/N Cookie had her removed on all contacts and blocked in every capacity, so she can’t even think of trying to reach out to them…
The only remnants she has left of them are clothes lent to her or old voicemails, things she finds herself wearing or listening every now and then. Hearing Y/N Cookie greet her warmly on these voicemails as they went on about their day before asking her how she was, if she was okay, before ending each one by telling her they loved her.
Hello? Chocolate Fudge Cookie! How’s your day going?
*period of silence*
Ah well, I guess I’ll catch you at a better time!
*another period of silence*
I miss you……bye!
It makes her wonder..if her choice was the right one…
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ticklystuff · 1 year
Here is a Cynari prompt for you friend! Ler Nari, Lee Cyno, and ribs for the spot
not accepting anymore, thanks!
word count: ~1.5k
you're a doll for requesting them <3 have this badly edited meme that basically sums up the fic
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"Oh man, I feel ready for a food coma."
"I hope Kaveh didn't spend too much. I offered to help pay for the dinner, but he wouldn't even let me see the bill."
"Cyno, are you even listening?"
Truth be told, Cyno was indeed not listening, completely enamored with the wooden box in his hands, or rather, what the wooden box contained. Inside was the one, the only, Blue-Eyes White Lizard that Kaveh had so kindly sold to him. Granted, Cyno might have applied a friend's discount that Kaveh was unaware of for their transaction, but anything to get his hands on what Cyno was sure would throttle his way to elite status within the community.  The card was old and no longer eligible for play with the current edition of Genius Invokation TCG, so most casual players would not bat an eye, especially with its outdated art, but any day one enthusiasts of the card game would revel at being in just the mere presence of the card. Cyno himself could barely contain his excitement, holding the box in his arm like it was his first-born child, a frail infant that would fold at even the stiffest breeze. He had to protect the card at all costs.
"Cy- Hey, Cyno!" Upon reaching his humble abode, Cyno quickly threw open the door, leaving Tighnari at the entrance by himself, not even waiting for the forest ranger to remove his boots or hold the door open for him, making a straight beeline for his bedroom closet. He needed to find the perfect frame to display, yet protect the card; he could not just let the Blue-Eyes White Lizard live the rest of its life rotting away in a plain wooden box, of course. He deserved more, he deserved better, he deserved splendor.
"Cyno, what has gotten into you?!" Tighnari finally entered the room, speaking with the faintest bit of concern as Cyno dug through his closet for what would be a suitable frame for the card. "Is that card really that impor-"
"Alrighty then," Cyno could hear Tighnari huff from behind him. "How much did you pay for that card anyway? Kaveh mentioned using the money to help foot the bill, but that seemed like a pretty expensive meal."
Cyno froze in place at the question. "One-" he uttered, before catching himself. How was he supposed to tell Tighnari about the pricey card without being lectured about it later? "Sorry, I-I meant ten thousand mora," he stammered, turning around to meet Tighnari's expectant stare.
Cyno waited for Tighnari to call his bluff, but was pleasantly surprised when Tighnari responded with a few stunned blinks, as if he wasn't expecting that answer. "Huh, that's actually.. that's actually not so bad," Tighnari finally spoke. "I was expecting much worse than that."
"Yeah, I mean it's just a thin piece of cardboard afterall," Cyno nervously laughed, avoiding eye contact with Tighnari.
"Yeah, it'd be a different story if you gave Kaveh like one hundred thousand mora, or something."
"Yeah.. that would be... absurd."
"I know right. Sometimes people get so carried away with- Actually, wait a moment!" Tighnari's eyes went wide, before quickly turning to Cyno, folding his arms in thought as he spoke. "Do you remember Collei's birthday?"
"Err, why?" Cyno didn't like the way Tighnari's ears were standing on end. It meant he was attentive. It meant he knew something was off.
"And what was your gift to her?"
"A booster pack for her deck?"
"Right," Tighnari nodded with a sigh. "She was really excited when the booster pack contained her favorite card, remember?"
"I think I recall, yeah," Cyno's eyes squinted as he thought back to that day. Truth be told, his mind was quite a bit hazy and he wasn't exactly sure what Tighnari was supposed to be getting at.
"Well, the reason she was so excited was because she would no longer have to save her allowance for her favorite card," Tighnari explained to Cyno. "When I asked her how much she was planning to save, she told me eight thousand mora."
"Cyno," Tighnari huffed with annoyance, "do you really think the Akademiya would have a card that someone like Collei could easily save for as one of the big prizes for the competition?"
Cyno's eyes widened, feeling every hair on the back of his neck stand at attention. "Ah," was all that left his mouth.
"Right, a super rare card wouldn't be worth as much as the one that Collei has," Tighnari explained, finally reaching his main point. "Either you scammed Kaveh for that card, or you're lying."
"W-Wait, I didn't scam Kaveh-"
"So you're lying then."
"Nari, please-" Cyno didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as Tighnari snatched the wooden box out of his hands, leaving Cyno stunned for the briefest moment as his brain tried to register what just happened, looking up at the box that Tighnari now held up in the air out of reach. His legs suddenly sprang forth as his arms reached for the box, but Tighnari evaded his movements. "Hey, that's-! I paid for that!"
"You can have it back after you tell me how much you spent!"
"Nari!" Cyno cried out with a whine, grabbing at the box just within reach, but his attempts failing due Tighnari's persistence. "This isn't fair!" 
The two continued their little "dance", Tighnari matching Cyno's as he continued to insist for the sale price of the card, until Cyno's hand managed to brush against the box, knocking the box out of Tighnari's grasp. Time seemed to slow as Cyno watched the box fall to the floor, letting out a short shriek once it reached the floor, bouncing across the bedroom floor away from the two of them. He attempted to jump for the precious box, but Tighnari acted faster, grabbing at Cyno until the two were on the floor, Tighnari straddling Cyno's waist.
"Nari, come on, let go! I paid for the card!" Cyno tried to reason with the other, kicking his legs in an attempt to struggle out of Tighnari's grasp.
"How much did you spend on the card?!" Tighnari repeated, his eyes wide with determination.
"I cahahAHAHANT!" Abrupt laughter spilled out of Cyno's mouth at the sudden presence of Tighnari's fingers wiggling at his ribs, poking and prodding the sensitive area that he often kept bare. "Wait- wahahAHAHahait! Stahahap!" 
"Not until you tell me how much mora you gave Kaveh for that card!" Not only was he persistent, Tighnari was relentless too, knowing full-well how to easily extract information out of Cyno if he so wanted to. Tickle fights were common between the two and Tighnari often made use of this very exploitable weakness to his advantage, much to Cyno's chagrin.
"NahaHArihiHIhi! PleheHEHEhease!"
"How about you please tell me how much mora you spent," Tighnari said with a smirk that only hinted to Cyno just how much fun he was having with this. With each poke, Cyno's resistance waned and his mind wavered on finally revealing the truth, but the look of disappointment that Tighnari often gave him flashed in his mind.
"Any day, Cyno!" Tighnari spoke over the growing laughter, kneading his thumbs between each gap of his ribs to draw out the most laughter, forcing Cyno to jerk and flail his limbs in an attempt to handle the ticklish sensations overloading his brain.
"Will you tell me now, hm?" Although Tighnari had slowed down, he still dragged his fingers along the ribs, lightly grazing his fingertips to constantly create shallow giggles.
"Yahaha!" Cyno giggled with a snort, prompting Tighnari to giggle himself at the sudden reaction. "I-I'll tahahalk!"
Tighnari finally removed his hands, but kept them hovering just above his ribs. "Okay, well?"
"Uh, it was," Cyno stammered, formulating how he was going to tell him. "It was one-"
"One hundred thousand?" Tighnari's eyes widened. "I knew it! I knew you would do something like-"
"No, one million," Cyno said with a nervous whisper, bracing himself as he watched Tighnari's eyes widened.
"One million.. mora?" Cyno was sure there was an eye twitch just now. "You didn't actually spend one million, right? You meant like the mora equivalent of one million peanuts or something like that, right?"
"I-It's not that bad," Cyno tried to reason with him. "I'll just skip out on lunch, if I have to, for a couple of months to cover the cost."
"Hah," was all Tighnari let out, folding his arms in thought, before tilting his head back at Cyno. "This means I'm going to have to pay for most date nights going further."
"Pretty please?" Cyno looked up at him hopingly, shame written all over his face.
Tighnari clicked his lips and sighed. "Fine, fine. It's fine. My boyfriend's broke because of a card game; it's fine."
"Ah, and if I have to skip out on lunch, can you make me some in case I'll need it?"
"But Nari, I-I'll go hungry," Cyno pleaded with him, only for Tighnari's fingers to descend on his ribs once more, furiously tickling at them. "AH! AHAHAHA! OKAHAHAY! NO LUHUHUNCH! I'M SOHOHORRY!"
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hotchners-wifey · 7 months
Save Her
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader, Platonic!BAU x Reader, Morgan!Sister Reader
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Summary: Y/N has a past she's never told anyone about, she was involved in some heavy things when she lived in England with her Aunt and Uncle. Things she thought were murdered along with her best friend, things she thought went missing with her boyfriend. Things that followed her to Quantico, Virginia. Previous Chapter~ Next Chapter Chapter Warnings: Cursing, Sicknesses, death A/N: I didn't want the character to get confused with Morgan so I put Y/L/N so just pretend your last name is the name you took when you moved with your aunt and uncle.
________________________________________ I got out and gave the keys to Benny and helped Penny get out of the car and into the building. I thanked George for holding the door up and we walked into the building. Still holding onto Penny I walked to the elevator and pressed the button. Emily groaned, "Ugh I just want to get into bed and sleep for thirty years." I laughed, the elevator doors opened and we loaded into the elevator. Penny leaned onto my shoulder and started to nod off. "Hey Penny try to stay awake, we still have to get you to my apartment and out of these clothes." She sighed and nodded slightly, the doors opened and we walked down to my apartment. I opened the door and we piled into my apartment. We all helped Penny change into her pink unicorn pajamas, before getting ready for bed ourselves. I decided to sleep in the living room with the girls, I pulled out the blowup mattress for JJ and Emily. Me and Penny got the futon, after getting ready for bed I laid next to Penny and wished the girls goodnight. I laid awake for a while before drifting off to sleep. ________________________________________ 10 years ago ________________________________________ Looking out the window of the airplane I couldn't help but miss home, I told my Aunt about what had happened and she demanded me to move back to America. And to bribe me she used the BAU, she knew I was interested in joining the FBI so she helped me get settled into an apartment in Quantico, Virginia. She also helped me get into a class for the BAU. I didn't want to leave my aunt alone but she always said the same thing, "I'm not alone, your uncle will be here to keep me company." My uncle who died three years ago from cancer and I always respond with "He'll always keep you company." and she would smile and give me a long hug. When the plane landed I arrived at the gate and spotted my brother and some bubbly broad next to him. I rushed towards him and gave him a massive hug. "Derek! I missed you so much!" I exclaimed and pulled away, "How's my older brother been." He smirks "I've been good, oh this is Penelope Garcia. Babygirl this is Y/N Y/L/N. Since you're starting training at the BAU you'll be seeing her a lot." I looked over at her and smiled shaking her hand. "I've heard so much about you, all good things I promise." She exclaims, I laugh, "He better be telling you good things." She giggles. "I don't need my soon to be team thinking badly of me." I say looking directly at Derek, he chuckles nervously and nods. We walk to grab my bags and leave the airport, "So I heard that Aunty set you up with an apartment. Is that true?" I nodded, "She wouldn't tell me how much the place cost because from the pictures she showed me the place seems pretty pricey." Derek shakes his head with a slight smile and grabs my bags. "Now you and I both know how stubborn that woman is." I laughed as we walked out the airport and headed to his black SUV. "Damn Der, where did you get this beauty?" He smirked, "Perks of the job sweetie. You'll get there one day." He placed my bags in the trunk and we got in the car, "Alright lets get you to your new home." He started the SUV and we drove to the building and when we arrived my jaw dropped. "Wow I didn't expect her to go this far with my new apartment." I got out of the car when a chauffeur came up to us, "Hello my name is Benny, I'm one of this fine establishments chauffeurs and this is Chris he will be taking your bags up to your apartment Miss Y/L/N." I looked at him shocked, "You know who I am?" He nodded "Your Aunt sent us an image of you so we knew to give you the right room." Derek gave my bags to Chris and he put them on the cart and entered the hotel. My aunt really outdid herself this time. I couldn't believe she would blow off this much money for me, I turned to the chauffeur, "Just out of curiosity, how much did my aunt spend on my apartment?" He smiled "She didn't spend anything on your apartment, she owns the place." ________________________________________ Taglist~ @sebastiansstanswhore
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otdiaftg · 1 year
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The Raven King - Chapter Four
Day: Friday, September 1st Time: 9:30 PM CST
Neil retreated before anyone else spotted him. There weren't a lot of places to hide from the press, but the door to the nurse's office was open an inch. Neil gave it a cautious push and looked inside. Wymack was sitting on the pristine bed with a pack of cigarettes in his hand. Neil took Wymack's nod to be an invitation and slipped inside. He was turning to close the door behind himself when he spotted Wymack's silent companion. Andrew was sitting cross-legged on the floor in the corner. He hadn't bothered to change out yet, but he'd taken off his helmet and gloves. Abby's travel bag was upended on the ground in front of him. His medicine bottle was open on its side near his hip. A handful of white pills were scattered on the floor around it. Andrew held his prize for the night's efforts in a two-handed, white-knuckled grip: a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue. In the ten or so minutes he'd been off the court he'd already inhaled half of the pricey scotch. How he had enough feeling left in his fingers to hold the bottle Neil didn't know. "Abby and Allison went ahead to the bus," Wymack said. "You can join them or wait here for everyone else." Neil left the door open a crack behind him so he'd know when the reporters left and claimed the stool closest to the door. He put his bag on the ground at his feet, glanced again at Andrew, and looked up at Wymack. "Why did you pay for stalls, Coach?" Wymack lifted one shoulder in a shrug. "Maybe I knew you'd need them one day." Andrew smiled around the mouth of his bottle. "Neil is a walking tragedy." "You're a pretty pathetic sob story yourself," Wymack said. Andrew laughed. It was weak, as his medicine hadn't fully kicked in yet, but Neil knew from the sound of it Andrew would be bouncing before they left the parking lot.
Art used with permission by Rainbowd00dles. Thank you @rainbowd00dles !
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iboatedhere · 3 months
peaches from the June prompts -OR- endless freckles from the Summer List. AU! 🙏🏼
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They’re only three weeks into the season before Alex declares that the man that sells peaches and honey three booths down and across the aisle from him is a real fucking problem.
Alex has been attending the Barton Creek Farmers Market for as long as he can remember, sitting on a stool while his abuela sold agua fresca and horchata in the summer and Mexican coffee and hot chocolate during cool fall mornings.
She’d let him help when he got a little older, taking money and making change, filling cups with ice, and squeezing fresh limes.
He loved being there and spending time with her. She had this way about her, treating first-time customers like old friends and regulars like family. She loved to make people smile. She loved the community. She loved Alex, kissing the top of his head and slipping him twenty dollars, a life-changing amount when he was six, for his hard work.
Then he got older, and other things took precedence. Studying, sports, and girls…he didn’t have the time or desire to get up early on a Saturday morning and sit beneath a tent in one hundred-degree heat.
She said she understood and that he was becoming his own person and finding his path. There were no hard feelings. He still loved her, and she loved him, and he’d still get twenty dollars in a card sent to his dorm at UT at the end of the season.
Abuela passed the winter before he graduated college, and a few weeks after graduation, he got a call from the market organizers asking if he’d be taking over her booth.
“What kind of guilt trip is that?” Alex asked June afterward, tipsy on tequila in his small post-college-pre-job apartment. “She put me down as a contact, she knew that they’d be calling. What am I supposed to say, never mind, let my grandmother’s beloved business fucking rot?”
“I wouldn’t say it exactly like that, but yeah,” June had said. “You’re not under any obligation to continue.”
“If I don’t, then who? You? Dad?”
“No one,” June said. “Sometimes things just end. It sucks, and it’s sad, but it’s the way things go. You should tell them that she loved attending and being a part of the market and that our family appreciates the offer, but you’re not in a place in your life where you can make that kind of commitment. Simple. They’ll understand.”
Alex shook his head. “I can’t do that.”
“Because I already told them I’d be there. The market starts in two weeks.”
That was five years ago.
Now, Alex lives in an understated but pricey loft downtown. He works at a law firm that offers enough pro-bono work that he doesn’t feel like his soul is dying and contemplates going into politics each time a politician does something stupid, which is almost all the time. He dates and hangs out with his friends, and every Saturday morning, from nine to one, he sells drinks to market-goers behind the Barton Creek Mall.
“You’re going to cut your finger off.”
Alex looks down at the cutting board where his index finger is dangerously close to the paring knife he’s using to slice strawberries.
“Told ya,” Nora says from her perch on the stool.
“Fuck,” Alex says as he puts the knife down.
“Please don’t swear,” June says sing-songs through an over-the-top smile as she passes a family with three small kids their watermelon agua frescas. And please don’t cut your finger off.”
“Yeah,” Nora agrees, “the hot paramedics aren’t even working today, so it would be a total waste.”
“Not that he would care,” June says, “he’s been staring at Henry for the past three hours.”
“I have not,” Alex snaps, “and how do you know his name is Henry?”
“Because we’ve actually spoken to him instead of staring at him like a big creep,” Nora says.
“Aren’t you supposed to be helping?” Alex asks.
“I am. I crunched the numbers. Did you know that raising your prices by just ten cents increases your earnings—.”
“No, no,” Alex interrupts, “I don’t want to know, I don’t care. I’m not in it for the money.”
“Everyone is in it for the money,” Nora deadpans. “Even rich lawyers. Hell. Especially rich lawyers.”
“I’m different. This is how Abuela Lina and I’ll continue to do it this way, too.”
“Yeah,” June says, “he’s not here for the money. He’s here to pine from afar over Henry.”
“Would you please shut up,” Alex begs as June and Nora cackle.
“Just go talk to him,” June says.
“And say what? Hey, I work at the booth over there, and I’ve been trying to count the freckles across your nose for weeks now?”
“Oh, yikes,” June says.
“Down bad,” Nora adds with a shake of her head.
“I hate you both,” Alex tells them.
“Just go and bring him a drink,” June says. “Tell him that it’s hot and that you thought he might need it, and don’t you dare come back here without his number.”
“What if he doesn’t want to give me his number?”
“Then you move on and stop mooning over him.” She shoves a cup into his hand. “He seems like a pineapple kind of a guy.”
“You know what they say about pineapple, right?” Nora asks, and Alex grabs the cup and steps out of the booth so he doesn’t have to listen to her.
The peach guy—Henry, apparently—works at Fox Family Farm, or at least that’s what the pale yellow banner with a minimalistic sketch of a fox, its tail curled around a full peach basket, hanging on the front of the booth says.
He’s taller up close, blonder too, and when Alex hovers just a few feet away, he’s shocked at how blue his eyes are.
It’s like he was created in a lab to specifically become Alex’s problem. His very hot problem.
“May I help you?” Henry says in a British accent.
Alex nearly drops the drink.
“Fuck,” he swears as he scrambles to grab it. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m not sure you did anything wrong.”
“Right, this is for you,” he says, setting the cup down before he almost drops it again. “I work at the booth over there.”
“Yes, I’m aware,” Henry says, waving at June and Nora, who are crowded close together to watch.
Alex steps into Henry’s line of sight, blocking them.
“I just wanted to introduce myself since it’s obvious I’m the only one who hasn’t.”
“Technically, you still haven’t done that.”
“I’m Alex.”
“Yes,” Alex says, “I’m aware.”
Henry smiles wide and bright, and Alex guesses that at least two dozen freckles are dotted across his nose and cheeks.
“Can I ask,” Alex starts, “what the hell are you doing in Texas?”
“Would you believe me if I told you that my grandmother passed and left me a peach orchard?”
Henry hums. “A shame. Maybe I can take you to dinner and convince you.”
“Wow,” Alex says, “I was sent over here just to get your number.”
Henry grabs a pen and a scrap piece of paper. “I can give you that as well.”
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luxqaer · 9 months
Melly Christmas Everyone!
Time for a special Christmas Melia commission blog. This time, I will be talking about a couple Melia commissions from last year. One from RVaubby and one from Jarckius.
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These are very different commissions with each other. Both having to do with a specific Christmas theme to them. RVaubby's is Melia celebrating Christmas in her bedroom alone. The other is Mariah Carey lol.
Let me start with RVaubby. Perhaps one of the most underrated artists I ever had the please to commission. They had their commissions up for a while and loved their backgrounds especially. They evoke such a realistic feeling to them, and their shading especially is just wonderful.
So, I went ahead and asked them if they had commissions open for a full-blown Christmas Melia commission. They went ahead with it since they were playing Xenoblade at the time. I had to give references to Melia's model and the bedroom itself in Keves Castle. As well as find some of their older art to share as references for what the lighting should be. As well as Melia's outfit itself.
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Here are the initial sketches. We had a bit of trouble with placing the Christmas tree in the first sketch. The bed ended up moving a little to the right along with placing the dresser by the tree as well. It turned out well in the end once the final sketch was made.
As for the final art. MY GOODNESS IS IT A MASTERPIECE!! Like, this piece specifically has so much Christmas and Melia's bedroom in it that it all just fits in so well together. I absolutely adore this commission so much and I consider this their best work. Which is why I feel like that I want to make it a tradition to commission Christmas Melia art from her. It is just insane to me how great this art is.
Next, Christmas commission is the one from Jarckius. The one that is supposed to be based on Mariah Carey's holiday outfit.
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Jarckius's commission openings actually went up in early November. So, the art was perfectly timed to go up right around Christmastime. I just simply hit them up in dms and asked what I wanted. Melia in a Mariah Carey-esque outfit. And voila.
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Here is the lineart for the commission. It looks simply incredible. The only change really was it being flipped horizontally in the final version. HOWEVER, Jarckius did actually make another version to see if I prefer that version or not. And that is Melia holding a microphone.
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I decided to have her using both hands to hold the present because holding the microphone like that would have looked awkward. I just wanted her to have a Mariah Carey outfit. It looks great regardless, but that is just a personal preference.
As for the final product, HOLY CRAP IS IT AMAZING! Like it was incredibly pleased with the vision I had for the RVaubby Christmas piece, but Jarckius REALLY knew anatomy very well. Especially the body structure of Maria Carey. Like Melia here actually looks incredible! Gosh. What great Christmas gifts. I don't know if I would ever replicate this ever again.
Also, in case you all are wondering, I did ask for a NSFW alt of this art as well. If you are nice this year and of legal age, I can share it with you in DMs. 😉
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You can find both of them on Twitter/X. RVaubby always has commissions open. They are a little on the pricey side, but TRUST ME the commissions are so worth it. I wish there would be more people who can commission them. Jarckius barely does commissions these days, but her prices are still rather excellent in general. Definitely recommend following her art as well if you want to explore female anatomy.
Anyways, thanks everyone for reading at the end. Have a Melly Christmas and tune in for an unforgettable New Years Melia commission. Good night everyone!
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