#I just want to know when the Cuphead show will be out
callie-the-creator · 1 year
boyfriend!coryxkenshin hcs
sfw. this was also posted on my wattpad, so there is no point to accuse me of plagiarism or anything
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• you already know cory is a hopeless romantic aka...the best type of partner! you lucky thing! you scored yourself the best of the best
• cory has not one ounce of toxicity in his very soul
— "he's a good man, savannah, a GOOD man. 😤"
• oh, what's that? you gave cramps either from your menstruation cycle or they just popped out from nowhere?
— this man would do everything in his power to make sure that you're comfortable and have everything you have to make yourself feel better
— he definitely wouldn't make fun of you or belittle you if it was because of your period (unlike those boyfriends😒)
• you already know that you'll make a few special appearances in his videos whether that be sss episodes or playing games specifically made for couples or ones that allow multiplayer
— it takes two, the dark pictures anthology, cuphead, you name it! you'll just have to motivate him enough to finish the games though since that's where he falls short...🫢
• but for the important question! what is his love language?
— personally, it's to each their own on the topic, but this is what i think: as much as i want to say physical touch, i feel like he's more of a quality time type of guy, you know? even if he does youtube, he still takes breaks and you can bet that he'll spend most of that time with you!
• there is not one dull moment as long as you're with him
• wouldn't be able to stop smiling if he caught you wearing his merch or any of his clothes for that matter...just not his puka shell necklace. never his necklace. ☝️ that's a big no-no
• he's definitely the type of bf who would play songs that remind him of you
— *cries into pillow uncontrollably*
• and when he is recording, you are known to bring him snacks or water and wave 'hi' to the camera
— but i'd doubt he'd need any snacks since this main usually has skittles, now and laters, and nutrigrain bars stockpiled in his recording room.
• if you text him randomly, he'll make a big deal about it and be all giddy. you make him so happy! 🥺
— also, if he's too scared while playing a horror game and dashie isn't picking up the phone, you're the second-best option for decisions! but you know what they say..."with great power comes great responsibility"
• personally, i don't think he's neutral on the topic of pda, but he's the subtle type bc he wants to be careful to not make you uncomfortable, especially when you two are out in public.
• since he's known to record really late at night, he'd do anything in his power to be quiet and not wake you up during his 3 scary games or his spooky scary sunday videos
— if he happened to wake you up by his screaming would definitely deadpan the camera and be like, "now why did you have to go and wake up my gf? 😐"
— deny deny deny, as rodrick heffley would say.
• we already know cory likes his anime, so i'm saying that you would binge-watch all types of shows and movies together. but, again, you'll need to motivate and encourage him a lot since he has trouble finishing stuff or gaining interest in shows
• would want cuddles or just to hang out with you if he got too upset over a game
— he has rage quit a few times
• cory would let you sit on his lap while he plays games in his spare time
— he will kiss your head or shoulder randomly. he'd also keep on hand pressed against the small of your back to support you, to make sure that you won't fall off. 💔 you guys are so cute togetherrrr
• his fans love you. i have nothing more to add to this.
• fanart and edits!! different youtubers garner different communities, and some are more likely to make fanart than others, but cory's has the best of both worlds! though, his fandom leans more towards the editing side of things, so expect lots to pop up on your fyp
• i feel like there would be a few videos like “3 minutes of cory being soft with his s/o” or, even better: “cory and y/n being the best couple for 8 minutes” compilations going around on youtube, tiktok, reddit, etc.
…that’s all i got! until next time <3
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Cuphead Show! King Dice & Devil x Reader preferences (romantic):
Heyyyy I’m gonna be posting more x Reader stuff here. Also some words are censored because Tumblr is a meanie and won’t let me swear in my fanfiction-
The gender for (Y/n) is vague, but it does have menstrual cycle preferences mixed in, along with some talk about these two respecting pronouns and that jazz so, yeah.
Hope it’s a fun read, I might post more of these guys.
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Being in a (romantic) relationship with The Devil would include:
• It’s actually hard for him to fall in love or even trust others, so it’ll take a while for him to say “I love you”.
• Though the first time he’ll ever say “I love you” (most likely after a few months of you two dating) it is immediately followed by a scrunch of the face and him going. “That was… strange..” 
• He forces you to live in Hell with him, and only lets you visit Earth on special occasions. Family stuff, friends, but other than that YOU’RE STAYING!!
• He’s so dramatic whenever he has to cut his nails. He’ll run away from you, or hide. Once, while trying to find him to cut his nails, you found him on the ceiling.
• Despite hating his nails being cut, he will literally beg you to paint his nails. He won't just do one color though, he likes to change it up a bit. Sometimes he'll ask for grey, gold, red, but he loves the black nail polish!
• Whenever he has to do stuff that he doesn’t want to do, he tries to argue that he’s the devil and because of that, you can’t tell him what to do.
• One of his favorite activities is burning bibles, so...you have to deal with being woken up to the smell of smoke at 3AM.
• He's still not fond with current technology, but he does seem to enjoy Netflix.
• Devil giving you weird pet names: Darlin', succub!tch, shmoopie, baby-cakes, cow-pie, and tortoise-pigeon (Being the main nickname).
• If you ever need to practice your makeup on someone, Devil won't mind. He likes how it makes him look.
• Surprisingly enough, this guy brushes his teeth regularly. He got them pearly whites. That, and he doesn't want to loose his sharp teeth, they're his favorite, apparently they make him look intimidating.
• Devil is a man of art, very therapeutic for him. He loves to paint, sometimes he’ll want you to pose for him. And he's actually quite quick when it comes to painting.
• Both you and Henchmen helping him whenever he basically gets electrocuted by the sweater. The two of you are practically the only people he trusts, with Dice being the third.
• He doesn't care what gender you are, or if you're trans. If you're still you, and if you're not lying about anything, he won't care. Along with that he also doesn’t KNOW anything about that stuff, so you probably gotta help if you want him to understand.
• Even though he's the devil, he would never want you to feel bad about yourself. He loves you unconditionally, he would kill anyone who makes you feel that way, steal their soul, eat it, then spit it back out ‘cause it’s clearly rotten!
• If you go through the menstrual cycle and are having bad cramps, he gets very…awkward. He’s not very affectionate with others so he has no idea how to comfort people. He’ll most likely just have some of his little demons looking after you for a few days.
• He tries to use correct pronouns, he mostly slips up though, and he won't realize. You just have to be there to correct him for him to actually notice.
Random example:
(He's showing you to someone)
"Yeah, she's really adorable, isn't she?"
"It's 'they'.”
"...AHHH!" *frustrated demon noises*
• He’s not frustrated at you or the fact you use different pronouns, he’s frustrated at himself for not doing it right. So don’t worry.
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Being in a relationship with King Dice would include:
• Probably says “I love you” way too fast, and by that I mean on the first date. 
• If you wear makeup he’ll experiment with it whenever you’re asleep. (The masculine urge to wear your partner’s makeup)
• One of his favorite parts of your body happens to be your hands. He loves how perfectly they fit into his. Sometimes he’ll preform a type of show using his hand and your hand as the actors.
• If you go sit in the audience him during Roll The Dice. He'll immediately see you in the crowd and blush for the rest of the show.
• When he knows you're in the audience, he'll say this while announcing to everyone: "Ladies and gentlemen! ..and (Y/n).." (he'll whisper your name under his breath, but loud enough for the microphone to pick it up.)
• King Dice ALSO giving you some (semi)weird pet names: Darling, fuzzy dice, you adorable gambler, my wild card, little poker, and pumpkin.
• The personification of drama. 
• Has a lot of gossip and info on the other famous people of Inkwell. Will tell you this gossip. You will listen. You have no choice-
• This man may seem like he knows how to do shit on his own, but he actually needs help with most things. Such as you having to help with this man's bow-tie every morning, because he just cannot figure it out for the life of him.
• Perfectionist, such a damn perfectionist. He won't go on with his day without him looking perfectly chipper, and he also spends hours in the shower. Really making sure to run up those water bills.
• A little sensitive about his age. If you ask him about it, he’ll say "that's not important" which is an oddly a creepy answer-
• If you wake up early, you'll find Dice in the bathroom just looking at himself in the mirror with a blank stare. If you actually enter the bathroom, he'll be so terrified that he jumps INTO the shower and closes the curtain to hide himself.
• He's mostly insecure about his pips, or dots. He knows he's getting old, because his color is fading. So...he buys lipstick to cover the faded coloring. But you smudged it once while he was kissing you, and he reacted like he was dying.
• He fiddles with his mustache when he's nervous and yet hates if tell him it makes him look like a villain.
• Much like his boss, if you go through the menstrual cycle he gets ungracefully awkward. But he tries to be very casual about it, despite his awkwardness being obvious as hell.
• “Oh, it’s that week?” Silent for a second. “Do you need me to get you anything or ..no?”
• Will buy you everything you need. And since stuff like tampons were fairly new in the 1930s and therefore most likely a tad expensive, thankfully he does have the money for it.
• If reminded, will carry some on him for you. If reminded that is, I’m putting emphasis on “IF REMINDED” for a f—king reason! Guy’s on autopilot all day, he’s famous but also has pretty much everything done for him, and so he doesn’t have to think about much.
• If not reminded he will completely forget and therefore freak the hell out if asked if for some.
• Like The Devil, he has no idea what being Non-binary means, or Bisexual, or anything related to that. I’m not saying he’s straight….He’s not, he just doesn’t know there are words for stuff like that other than ‘homosexual’ and a few other words I can’t mention-
• So, he'll mess up a few times when trying to use the correct pronouns, except he'll correct himself very VERY quickly. 
• "He- THEY.. are my partner. I said they, of course I did. I would never say anything other than they.” Silence for a few seconds before then saying in a much more serious tone: “I said they.”
• He cares. He’s just stupid/j
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Thought that hit me outta nowhere when I was half asleep this afternoon-
What the hell was Fanny doing at the gala???
We never come back to this, and although Cuphead calls it out:
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We never find out if this is true or not. Will we later on? I fucking hope so cause I seriously want to know what the point was.
If we go with Cuphead's assumption here, that she was planning to "crash the party to prove a point" I am endlessly curious to know what point was proven and to who? Her parents (or more specifically her father)??? Oswald??? Did she think he was going to be there and wanted to show out (see what you're missing if you hadn't settled?) But that seems silly, she'd probably want to avoid him.
So maybe herself? Prove to herself that she made it to where she wants to be in life.
I think this one makes a little more sense to me. As I've mentioned in my Fanny meta, Fanny's life is stressful, and she's constantly dealing with so much shit on her plate. Between her controlling husband whose presence doesn't allow for the home to be a safe environment for her to escape the troubles of work life. Work life, where she's dealing with entitled and ungrateful patients on one hand, and on another rude colleagues who make her job harder for no reason; not to mention supervisors and managers above her who she has to answer to. Then, dealing with the smell and sight of bodily fluids of all kinds on top of that. Nursing is a thankless job, that part Fanny was right about. So at the end of the day you want to relax, right?
Well it's hard to do that when all your friends are busy, and your husband's idea for a night of fun is completely different from yours.
Fanny doesn't like to be in her own head. Ever. I think going to the gala was a way for her to let go of her worries and reassure herself that she'd made the right choices. Her life was great. Or actually I guess a better way to frame it would be that Fanny was PRETENDING she had made it. The fact that she was insistent on reminding Cup that she could "go alone" was interesting because I'm almost positive she didn't bring her wedding ring with her that night.
I think for her, this was a different form of escapism than what we are used to seeing. One where she envisions a life of luxury amongst the high echleons of society. Where she could pretend for one night that she wasn't going to go home to a loveless, abusive marriage. Where she won't have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn for grueling work as a nurse dealing with ink illness patients. One where she could be Cinderella for just one moment before the clock struck twelve. To pretend for a night that she was a single, young woman without a care in the world.
But we see how that turned out for her, and THIS is the part that left me puzzled by the end.
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This girl is DRUNK.
And not even in the fun way where you go out with friends and come back fucking washed. She's pouty, miserable, and moody as hell when Cuphead stumbles upon her while leaving.
To get that bedazzled and feeling yourself. Pulling out all the stops to look good for a fun night out to THE biggest party of the year, only to be midway through the gala and sloshed put of your damn mind bemoaning how much you ended up hating the whole thing. I have a good guess as to why she hated the party, probably along the same reasons that Cuphead despises events like these. In Fanny's case, I think it reminds her a little too much of what she came from.
I suppose I'm more confused as to why she assumed this party would NOT be like that? What exactly did she expect from an event like this? Why go at all? She knew she would be the third wheel of what was very clearly an expensive all-out date between Puphead and Dovil. Why even waste your time on something like this? You wouldn't have any company, and as far as I know, I don't think Red went to that event either and stayed at the house with the patients? Even if she had gone, she's as much of a public figure as Oddswell, being his assistant and all, and wouldn't have had time to properly chat with Fanny through the night.
Betty isn't anyone important enough to go to an event like that. So, with few options and all her friends fairly busy, I ask, what the hell was the point? Of course, any single person could go to the gala alone, but most of those women who would go alone were probably of some importance enough that they could mingle with those in their class, right? Plus, the dance floor. Plenty of seats available to simply observe while eating and drinking. Diné, the black cat woman Bendy danced with at the gala, is a good example of this. Far as I know she didn't come with anyone and yet she was clearly having a grand time.
Anyways, I just find the whole thing strange, but this is my general speculation on why I believe she went. Even then I still think it odd, cause I feel like she could have just as easily gone to a regular club and had that experience.
NOTE: Was going to originally include Cuphead as a possibility, taking into account that the Cupanny Evil Author chapter seemed to hint that Fanny asked Cuphead to be her plus one to the gala. But that part just doesn't make sense to me, there's no way it didn't slip that Cup had a plus one, it would be silly to think she would pull a goofy stunt like that when she knew he was a public figure and all eyes would be on him through the night.
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sleighhethereal · 6 months
abandoned oc's for camp camp. they're supposed to be new campers with my teen!AU- but lost motivation i guess?
the full body references is them supposed to be teenagers, but they look 11 with advanced bodies lol
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➢ the story i made up for them was that they were all adopted as babies from different families by a once-loving couple— that had a falling out, leading to them being left at an orphanage.
➢ they hated it there. they stuck with each other and just bullied the adults that weren't fond of them.
➢ these three are kind little troublemakers, something like the original trio in camp camp (Max, Nikki, and Neil).
➢ however, they don't just go causing it whenever they want, unless they have a reason.
➢ when they were very young, many adults tried to adopt them. but numerous times are all failures since most adults wanted only one of them, and that resulted in the eager parent's pants going missing and their car painted in different colors.
➢ wonder what did that, hm.
➢ though, they're very giving, affectionate, and fun to be around when you set aside the chaos they start from time to time.
➢ if you wanna learn each of their personalities, or just appreciate art, then press more ⤵
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➢ Jolene is the most responsible of the three.
➢ she sleeps at reasonable times, makes schedules, knows her manners, and shows respect to most adults (at least those who respect her too).
➢ she cares deeply for her siblings, and sets them straight if they're doing stupid shit.
➢ she has a good reputation being the goody-two-shoes and she uses that to her advantage sometimes.
➢ thinking her voice would resemble Alessia Cara (Jane from The Willoughbys or her normal voice really, she's so soothing to listen to🙏🏼)
➢ Jazlyn is the perky one, always energetic and giddy. she's the first to introduce herself out of the three.
➢ she's quick to make friends and quick to lose them too, since she can be too much for most people.
➢ she treats everyone equally, unless they're an asshole.
➢ very oblivious and runs into stuff without thinking much of the consequences. she's very apologetic, however, and willing to make up for her mistakes and learn.
➢ thinking her voice would resemble Erika Henningsen or Taylor Louderman (referencing Charlie from Hazbin Hotel and the song Little Miss Perfect)
➢ Jesse is the most protective, and severely loyal to those he trusts.
➢ he's sort of a mix of the two sisters— he's responsible like Jolene, but forgetful. he's chaotic like Jazlyn, but knows when shit gets real.
➢ he's the one starting fights, always taking the first punch. he's known for his anger outbursts.
➢ he's emotionally intelligent, spending his time mostly around women and rarely around men- stating that they're way more complex (which is a joke... or is it?)
➢ thinking his voice would resemble Wayne Brady (reference is King Dice from the Cuphead Show, probably not as dramatic though but the more i listen to it, the less i disagree)
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packet-of-staples · 10 months
Have you always wondered that you really wish that undertale would also gets it’s own adaptation since cuphead and fnaf gets it’s own
(it’s much better if undertale was like a animated series)
(And I really do wish it got it’s own adaptation cause I love the games😔)
I actually hope undertale never gets an adaptation outside of the video game format! The game is so intrinsically tied to the fact that it is a video game I dont know how you would adapt it.
Games like Cuphead, Fnaf and Mario's plots arent as tied to their video game mechanics like Undertale's plot is.
Entire plot points and characters just would not work (Like Flowey's entire character, resetting, choosing to spare or kill etc.). The whole story hinges on what you the player chose to do and that gets thrown out the window when you are watching something.
The active role the player has in shaping the story by sparing or killing cannot be replicated by a passive watching audience. Not in a way I think has the same impact anyway. Your choices are what make Undertale what it is.
Sure the story its self is very good! Outside of the mechanics. But a lot of the emotional battles like Asriel, Omega Flowey, Sans or Asgore are so inextricably tied to flipping the mechanics you have learnt on its head to illicit a reaction (see, Asgore breaking the Mercy button in a pacifist run through. You cannot spare him despite having done so for every other character. This is shocking to the player and I dont think it could work the same in a different format).
Or okay let's take the entire Omega flowey fight. What save points is he drawing back on to move you or kill you over and over when it is in film format? Who's save file does he discard when you cant make a save file when watching a movie? How about when he crashes the game after you die? How would you implement that into a film? You really cant.
How would you explain the ethics around resetting if you are unable to actively reset? You would not be able to relate to Flowey, get that gut punch in genocide when you realise you have become just like him after resetting and slaughtering all of your friends. When watching a tv show or movie YOU are not doing anything, the character on the screen is, you are just an onlooker with no ability to alter the story.
Toby wants it to feel like you're playing with these characters like toys you can discard, love or damage whenever you want and makes you think about the ethics around that. Characters in a video game feel a lot more like playing with toys than watching a film does, because in a video game you are able to make an impact on what they say or do. While in a film characters have a set script, you have no impact, there are no choices you have to make aside from keep watching.
Undertale's Metanarrative is woven into it's very being. By separating it from the video game format I feel like you are just gutting it of what made it special in the first place. You would have to rework it so much, I feel like you'd might as well just write a whole new story.
Does this make sense? Its 1 am while I'm writing this so I hope I'm not talking in circles.
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spotlightlowlife · 7 months
The Cuphead show could teach Hazbin a helluva lot
First of all, I implore anyone who hasn't watched cuphead or didn't finish it to complete it. It is a complete story and it complements its origin, the game, only stepping away a little to expand on it.
Hazbin, watch the pilot if you haven't or rewatch it, a number of things fall off bytime the series comes about. New isn't bad but the pilot was so loaded and it's rather apparent that it is part of the cannon in how we start off as if we already know these characters. So what we can bring forward and what is no longer cannon? Has there been a time skip?
*spoilers ahead*
The story
A simple story of two humble individuals constantly having to swerve the devils attempts to take a soul he swindled fair and square.
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They have many run ins and we meet numberours other comical yet sinister opponents along the way.
Sweet rich girl uses her powers for good. She aims to help the disadvantaged and targeted sinner group by opening a hotel to rehabilitate and redeem them to be heaven worthy.
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Charlie has allies but plenty of others don't care for her plans and motives are generally unclear.
The main characters
Cuphead and Mugman, two brothers of ambiguous age who live modestly with an elder in a cottage in he woods. They simply get on with their lives, no goal.
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Cup head is immature and foolish, his antics generally land them in danger, Mugman is the more sensible but still chill, not quite babysitter sidekick, someone who could be living trouble free if they weren't dragged into the others havoc, simple association brings unwanted situations and people their way, even when chilling at home.
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We are also introduced to the devil himself, who is silly, fun and clearly a whole otherworldly entity in not only abilities but personality and actions. As amusing as his actions are, he does cruel things to people minding their business and enjoys it, he openly exploited his oblivious patrons at the amusement park, before going on to expand business and create the known casino. He has a workforce who we see working. The devil collects souls, a consequence of this is that it makes monsters out of mortals, this is a business, however this business is regulated and dispite how powerful the devil is, he still has to answer to accounts. He can be subdued with magic but ultimately, hell and earth are his playground and aside from the auditor, he answers to no peers or superiors and feels no bitterness or discomfort regarding his home and role, his struggle is simply that one that got away and keeps eluding him. His backstory being irrelevant fits with the quick pace and slapstick, however the latest addition to the game may hint at some mysterious backstory in his bonus boss fight.
Charlie, a youthful woman of ambiguous is the princess of hell and owner of the Hazbin hotel. We don't see much running of a hotel. Charlie is nice, default nice because plot tells us she's helping and cares and she clearly isn't horrible. Charlie wants to help sinners.
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First portrayed as hardworking but ill prepared, out of touch hustler, Charlie is now well intentioned, immature dreamer but this doesn't result in trouble, her carelessness doesn't get portrayed as selfish or irritating. Charlie personally has little to lose in her discision making, such as welcoming Alastor, Charlie can have what she wants because everything is set up for her and what she doesn't have is easily in reach, the meeting in heaven attained by guilt tripping her dad being a prime example, but she's not a spoilt brat.
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Charlie's other half is Vaggie, her girlfriend who we have to be explicitly told is so if you don't follow the fandom, they have known eachother for years yet Charlie hardly knows Vaggie. Vaggie's degree of interest in Charlie's dreams is unknown, even after her big revelation we still have nothing to show that she's not just the sensible sidekick managing the lead characters silliness.
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Not a main but someone very significant, Lucifer, the devil himself and Charlie's dad. He is all powerful, the leader of hell and the one who created this realm, however he is a goofy awkward dad who doesn't appear to be any leader and he hates to the degree of allowing mass slaughter the very people Charlie loves. None of this is an issue. He clearly has or had peers or superiors, he still meets with the angels who serve as the adversaries, with no issue, but this doesn't matter.
The tragic characters
Ms Chalace had it thought throughout life yet tried had to work her way up, she died unexpectedly, nobody cared, she got a second chance to be amongst the living but it comes at a price. Chalice is a charming hustler and entertainer.
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In Hazbin, it's everyone, everyone is given trauma, even privileged Charlie who could have been a great spoilt sweet character now didn't have the nice nuclear family upbringing, supportive mother who has a life and supportive yet sceptical dad whose not getting in her way.
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Everyone has some history that rendered them a loser in this story however we have yet to learn how anyone got there even though fun, interesting, passing, dismissed Mimzy remembers her life on earth fondly.
The other characters
There is plenty of room to return to this series and feature more characters, but it's no big deal if they don't. This story proudly offers us Saturday villians, only we get to know these charasmatic characters and their villainous motives individually throughout Cuphead and Mugman's misadventures.
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This series is fun and life hearted, made for all audiences, there's a lack of real drama yet it manages to not be shallow as we have focus and interactions matter, it is ultimately about Cuphead and the devil, the masses of colour characters we may meet along the way are a fun bonus to and the formula doesn't change, this person brings drama, that's that, now how do they get out of it.
Timing is arguably a major issue with Hazbin, with a big ensemble cast, drama and various plots, it will need a lot of time to cover all that it started, these things being numerous additions to the original story, most of these additions being a whole host of new characters who ultimately don't achieve anything not for lack of trying.
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Like its spinoff, this series is big on aquitting those who are there to be liked of their responsibilities and actions, handing blame to someone don't know or have been guided to not like. This strips them of content and growth while makeing their power and influence questionable.
Planning ahead
Rumor has it that The Cuphead show was a complete work of 36 episoses that and broke up into 3 seasons by the big famous platform it's on, to be honest it shows, it is very linear.
Really though, this serves the broadcaster because would keep it in the algorithm longer giving it more time to gain more traction which means more money for the broadcaster and make it look like they're good at renewing projects when this may not entirely be the case.
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Releasing the story broken up may have done this show a big disservice as many disappointed reviews were based on how much it deviated from the games and seeming censored, these may not have been concluded had all episodes been released, showing it being to return to its roots by the end.
Still, atleast the story was always going to be told.
As controversial as that situation is, Hazbin too could do with mapping out the beginning, middle and end with a clear and concise story, one with heart that answers questions, balances it's drama, action and comedy and shines some spotlight onto the stories that really need telling. They could do with this already being done or at the very least wrapping up seasons with what we were sold on being relevant.
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Planning is well and good but ideas need to be prioritized and coherent. If multiple seasons are planned, this show will need to crack down in order to guarantee them.
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meenafreezoid · 4 months
Some King Dice headcanons ~
Hey, so I'm back at my Cuphead phase and I re-fell in love with the Dice Man, ehehehehehe ~ After watching Casino Cups again I had some headcanons (sfw) I'd like to share, let's gooo ! This include the game, the show and Casino Cups (I see it as the official prequel of the game ehehe)
💜🎲✨️ KING DICE ✨️🎲💜
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King Dice is just a pseudonym, no one knows his real name, except the Devil. But even him prefers to call him King Dice.
He is in his late thirty, at least in the game. He is a little bit younger of one or two years in the Show, and in his mid-forty in Casino Cups
He is a bisexual icon, definitely seduces both men and women, as the charming manager he is (also obviously a heart-breaker)
He is a Taurus Sun, Leo Moon and Leo Rising ~
He is terrified of getting old, and uses makeup in order to look younger. His appearance is one of his top priority.
Speaking of that, he is a morning person because he has a long beauty routine and like to take his time. This include shower, polishing his dice-head to make it shine, numerous concealers and skin-care products, a combo of eye-shadow and eye-liner, transparent gloss, sometimes blush and of course perfume, you name it.
Is also slightly muscular under his clothes, like to stay in shape <3
He never swears, he's to polite for that (except when he's very very angry)
PURPLE. Just Purple.
Everything he buy has to be purple (or gold)
Scatting is like his second language, the man express himself a lot with it. He scats out of pride, joy, stress, when he wants to calm himself down, etc.
By the way, he is a walking musical, the man is ALWAYS humming something. He even created his own band to occasionally play at the casino, after the Devil re-hired him.
He speaks multiple languages, including english of course, but also french, italian, spanish and german.
Definitely a cat and tea person (somewhat confirmed by DD)
He never had a particularly sad childhood and doesn't have trauma neither. On the contrary, he was the only child of a famous and very rich couple who built their empire on Inkwell Isle. His mother was a former actress and his father the head of a mafia organization. He grew up with everything he wanted, but his parents never paid that much attention to him. Not that they didn't love him, but they were such infatuated with each other that Dice never had a real place between them, he was secondary.
One day, another gang with whom Dice's father had a rivalty kidnapped his wife in exchange of his money. Deeply in love, he accepted, and they both ended up killed, King Dice was 15. Dice despise love and see it as a weakness because of this.
King Dice always had a mischevous side in him. Because of his parents negligence, he developped insecurities of failure and being forgotten, so his greatest wish was to surpass his parents's reputation and glory, whatever if he was feared or adored.
This is also why he is soooooo devoted to the Devil and needs his validation as his number one in the Cuphead Show, imagine being the literal Devil's Right Hand Man, who can surpass him then ?
King Dice gave birth to his pack of cards with his magic. He has them since he's a child, and considers them as his confidents and family, he's like a Lion with his tribe with them.
I like to imagine that King Dice and the Devil, since the Game's events, have a similar relationship to Snape and Dumbledore. Like, they aren't close emotionaly speaking (this is more Henchman's role), but they respect each other. King Dice is deeply loyal to the Devil and is his most trusted ally, his number one to whom he reveals every of his schemes. The Devil just has to make a hand movement and King Dice is like "Your wish is my command, boss". They act like a dark prince and his butler.
So, he has a fear of failure, uselessness and being forgotten, and see everything as a competition he has to win. This is why he killed all the Devil's finest demons in "Release the Demons", he needs constant praise and special treatment from the Devil to make up his insecurities. Because of his immaturity, the Devil was mainly annoyed by him in the Cuphead Show. That's when he gave him a second chance and created the casino that King Dice grew more close to his crueler and calculative personality from the game, and the Devil trusted him in making him his casino's manager
In a way, the Devil allowed King Dice's darkness to take over him by removing every of his human aspects : he became less emotive and goofy, not insecure anymore, etc...
Despite being close intellectually and professionally speaking, the Devil and King Dice are less about emotional discussion, unlike Henchman who acts like the Devil's confident. If the Devil ever cry in front of King Dice, he would probably be uneasy and try to be comforting but would fail miserabily : "Uuuuh... come on, man, get over it, it doesn't matter that much... ?"
Despite that, I think that when they grew closer between the Show and the Game, they started to have a sort of sexual tension and both are in denial of that. They do have some moments of intimacy when both end up blushing at each other, like when King Dice gets closer to lights up the Devil's cigar, or when they share a quick glance after a angry customer coming at them, knowing what has to be done next ~~
A bit like the Devil with Henchman, King Dice is grateful to people that are loyal to him since a long time and genuily care for him, like his little cards. King Dice is very egocentric, but that doesn't mean he is incapable of being attached. He is very protective actually.
That is a surprise to anyone, but maaan the Dice man has a beautiful voice, but he doesn't only sing jazz, or swing or showing off his lovely voice. Sometimes, when he's alone, or with his cards, he sings more emotional and soft tunes, like a lullaby.
That's it for now guys ! I hope you enjoyed it and if you want more <33
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peculiarbeauty · 3 months
not to be gay on main but i am going to be gay on main. it's positivity post time !!! i just wanted to shout out a couple amazing people who have become ultra close to me ( or were ultra close in the past and we reconnected hehe ) this is just a few names, i don't have time unfortunately to write a message for everyone on the dash but please please know that you are special to me if you are a follower. this is never in a particular order.
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@seachant - NINI i love you. you are such a breath of fresh air. genuinely a twinkling star that just happened to fall in my vicinity. lucky me tbh. thank you for giving me the chance to be friends with you and write on multiple different blogs with you. writing with your ariel here was such a DREAM of mine. i remember seeing your blog around and just adoring it. we did write previously when i wrote in the fandom but we never became close pals like we are now. seeing your posts makes my day. i'm really happy we are friends.
@dragetunge - MY DEAREST KRIS. we've been through a couple rocky roads together now but we stick together. it's really nice to talk to you. you are the reason i got into httyd. so thank you for that. i wouldn't have took the time if it wasnt for you and I REALLY NEEDED TO. you are essentially the dragon enthusiast of tumblr. i mean that like. literally. when i think of dragon enthusiasts i think of you. fgckjkfg I LOVE YOU SO MUCH KRIS. i cant wait to actually show you my island on dreamlight when it is a fully decked out like yours.
@solehr - sef, i miss you. i cant wait for you to come back and see that i wrote this for you kffdjdf i cannot forget you on this list. you and nini were the first disney blogs to welcome me. thank you for being my friend and allowing me to send you that ghibli movie dkffdj it's been such a pleasure knowing you. i hope for many more memories together. :)
@swevene - DEAREST KELSEY .. my belovedddd. i love our convos even when we are busy for an extended period of time. you check on me every so often and its really an honor to consider you a friend. thank you for being there, i really appreciate it. i hope we have many more memories !!! your beast is so important to my belle, i have to tell you. <3
@oudachi - aka my favorite ark .. in all locations of your blogs .. i could tag literally all of them rn but im not going to dkfjdf we joke about how we always come back together over the years. it doesn't really ??? matter how long we don't talk bc fate brings us back. our first meeting was back in 2015 and i remember you were the realest person i had ever met on this site. that has not changed. i think that more folks should understand how brilliant you are .. not only as a writer , but as a friend. you never leave people out. i've been left out before and it's a very terrible feeling. thank you for allowing me into your circle again after a bit of time of not talking. we picked up like it was such a short time of us not chatting like we were bffs again. i can't begin to tell you how grateful i am. seeing you thrive as well OH MAN .. i love that.
@chainmemories - toma, at this point it has to be obvious but when i came back .. you were the first to show me great excitement. making a blog after an extended leave on the site is a scary thing. it is like walking into the lion's den tbh dkfjfk plus there were a ton of big changes to tumblr so i didn't know where to start. it was scary. you wrote cuphead at this time. i've grown to really love cuphead and many other things because of you. playing mario party at least weekly is such a GENUINE pleasure. you make me feel like i have a place in the community. i can't begin to tell you how grateful i am that you are here and backing me up. i also hope that you know you are this shining star of every community you go into. there is not a community you haven't touched that you haven't left your mark on. of course my precious toma is the sunshine protag lover .. but he is also the sunshine protag in my opinion. i don't take criticism. I LOVE YOU.
@ghostbustingreen - spooky, I LOVE YOU. being in the posse with toma and you has been so so wonderful. i am grateful i get to talk to you on the daily about our interests. seeing you write our fav green plumber is wonderful YES YES. every muse you capture is brilliant though. i love writing with you on multiple of your blogs. simbaaaaaaaa. P.S. i am sorry for our latest party shindig where i continued to take the star away from you. i hope you can forgive me. i really hope our group goes strong for a long time because you guys always make me feel so much better.
@dnangelic - HI FAVVVV. thanks for putting up with me changing blogs on you so many times and still deciding to follow me and look forward to my muses. we are SO BACK on haru tbh. i love writing with you. you have such a grasp on your muse and i don't even know him that well. i wish i knew MORE tbh. the things that we have written though are truly precious and i look forward to future threads. i look forward to your responses truly. thanks for being my friend and also always hyping me up.
@matryochka - i cannot forget my favorite hype queen. dottie, you and i met in dc. you decided to follow me on my other blogs and genuinely messaged me when i was inactive there saying pretty much where tf are u dfkdjkfd WHICH I LOVE THAT. i wish more people would show interest in mutuals they care about that way. im trying to recruit you into our disney princess line up . it'll happen i know it. please know i love you so much. our little conversations are everything to me.
@jokethur - jess .. my beloved. also a hype queen and someone i met in dc. i love you. we don't talk too much rn but you are forever important to me. our conversations got me through some really dark points in my life and i can't begin to say how grateful i am for that. i hope that we have many more memories of chatting. always know i am here and ready to chat. we could stop talking for months and pick up just like that. that's how strong our friendship is <333 i love you. AND GIVE DIX A KISS FOR ME.
@pearlcure - DIORRRR my beloved. being your friend is a true genuine pleasure. IT IS PREDESTINED WE MET. we write the best girls out there. good for us. i love our convos and i love how real you are about everything. your graphics, writing, everything ABOUT YOU is amazing. im grateful we are friends and i hope for many more years together !!
@story-magic - AKA ALL OF YOUR BLOGS HERE AS WELL .. but my darling sleepy. i call you sleepy. i know that you have a name but you will forever by my favorite sleepy sloth. you keep things fair for us in the game. if i ever get down on my luck in party, you try to even the odds for me. i am so so grateful to be your friend. i know i don't tell you enough over discord and the like and you leave me a bunch of cute messages to make my day, but BEING YOUR FRIEND IS A TRUE PLEASURE i've gotta tell ya. i'm really happy we are so close !!! <3 i hope for many more memories.
@0brighta - big shoutout to you, ettie. <3 i know we arent super close but you putting me in your little shoutout post made me really feel so grateful. your blog is this shining, brilliant star. i mean that. like, DANG. shine bright like a diamond. i see that people love you and there is a reason for this believe me - you are so pure. so good natured. i wish more people were like you with their mutuals. letting people know that they matter is something a lot of people do not do tbh. you do that. thank you. <3
@naru-uzumaki - NOODLES .. we are back in action after such a long time of not talking. you and i were close back in 2016 i think?? somewhere close to there. when i saw your blog pop back up in my recommended, I LITERALLY RAN TO FOLLOW because i missed you so much. you are still this positive radiant little sun on the dash .. much like your muse. i am bias absolutely but. your writing and your heart for our favorite ramen lover is such a pleasure to witness. never ever change please. <3
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weirdgirl92 · 2 months
LunaDude1996 just keeps showing more of his true colors…
I could’ve just continued to block and delete these messages of his, but I’m sorry, I’ve just GOT to break down this one message in particular, because it reveals so much!
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“If I were in the Cuphead fandom, I’d defend with as much force as possible.”
Ah, but see, unlike you, our ways of defending our faves in the Cuphead fandom don’t involve things like stalking, doxxing, rape threats, or death threats. Your definition of “defending” is NOT the same as ours.
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“All he accomplished is letting any and all XY/Serena/AmourShipping fans win the wars.”
You mean the wars that YOU, and other toxic fans who behaved like you all started? And don’t you dare drag someone as nice as Pokenoire into your petty shipping drama! He’s made it very clear that he doesn’t want people tagging him in these kind of posts!
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“Glad to be a psycho against my own will”
You didn’t become a psycho against your will, you CHOSE to become a psycho because you’re a grown ass man who’s very much capable of making his own stupid decisions. Britt never forced you to read her anti-amourshipping posts in 2016, you actively CHOSE to seek out those posts yourself, and continue to do the same thing with ours all these years later (because you’re an obsessed freak with a victim complex).
“…and Idc if they’re teenage girls or not. The only thing I’m glad for you is admitting that I will never change, as I told skytroops back in 2021”
You said it, not me. :/
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“This is what happens when you don’t let me enjoy this scene for 8 fucking years.”
Again, no one was forcing you to read our anti-amourshipping posts. You actively CHOOSE to seek out our posts, then proceed to get mad about it.
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“Spoken from someone who’s not only an imbecile but also clearly has no idea how to enjoy shit in peace.”
You mean an imbecile like you? Because as far as I’m aware doxxing, stalking, and harassing minors over fiction is NOT the same thing as “enjoying shit in peace”.
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“Children deserve to have their shit taken away from them. In spite of that, adults and teens who have internet are the true fans”
Hey, moron! You do know that teens are ALSO children, right? Like the ones that you’ve bullied and stalked for the past 8 years, because you couldn’t handle them not having the same exact Pokémon related opinions as you? Children and teens all deserve a safe space from toxic adults like you. You’re not the main character!
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Could I please request headcannons on The Devil from Cuphead? Specifically, his cat-like habits🤣 For some reason, I can see Dice having a bottle labeled Holy Water(It’s just tap water actually😆) to spray Devil with when he gets unreasonably hissy.🤣🤣🤣
A/N: Once again, another dated request given how the Cuphead Show had the very same idea (ノ_<。). Nevertheless, we love a giant housecat from Hell. I hope you enjoy this batch, anon! Do reach out if you want me to adjust anything!!
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Hell’s Top Cat, AKA The Devil:
Long before the fall, one could argue the Devil already exhibited certain… feline habits. The silent, judgemental stares he’d doled out to his brothers and puny mortals, rising at god-forsaken hours early in the morning to expend whatever energy he’s pent up from being stuck behind a desk all day, a weird habit of chewing on anything non-edible— the list could go on. Of course, the Devil has long denied such behavior back then, and still does to this day. 
After the fall and surrounded by wild-eyed, bordering feral beasts within Hell’s landscapes, not to mention going through a bestial transformation himself, said habits have only grown more apparent. 
The Devil could be hard to read at certain times. However, certain business partners and the imps under his command have learned to pay close attention to his body language. Loathe as he is to admit it, he’s quite expressive with his tail and ears. Ears pointed straight up? The demon’s heard something and is straining to hear it, or you’ve caught his attention. Tail wagging and ears rapidly twitching? You got an angry demon on your hands and you better tread carefully. Ears wiggling as he’s eating? Oh golly, looks like he’s enjoying whatever he’s eating! 
His eyes were already unnerving back when he was an angel. Now they can glow in the dark? There may have been numerous times where King Dice nearly pissed himself when he stumbled upon his boss in the dark, nothing but the unnerving, inhumane glow of his eyes indicating the demon was even there. 
Thanks to his shapeshifting abilities, the Devil is able to comfortably fit in whatever confined space he sees fit. Truly the ultimate form of “If I fits, I sits”. Not to mention that it gives him an edge on spying on any employees that’re slacking off or sneaking up on any potential victims. 
Back in heaven, his pica-like habits were at least managed by his brothers and the Devil fussing over his public image. However, not that dear old dad isn’t around and he’s the King of Hell, he can do whatever he wants– so said habits have gotten worse. Numerous pens, clothed furniture, and a few telephone wires have fallen victim to the demon’s teeth. It’s gotten to the point where King Dice is considering spraying bitter apple spray on everything in the casino just so he didn't have to replace everything. 
The Devil usually has a nail file on hand to maintain his claws. He considers sharpening them on anything else to be beneath him. However, when he’s in a particularly bad mood or feeling territorial, he’ll tear up anything he could get his hands on. Couches, wallpaper, desks, people– it’s best to stay out of the way until he calms down. 
Sheds more than a tree in fall. There’s so much of his loose fur on his bedsheets, his balcony chair, and his office furniture that if you sneeze, it’ll trigger an explosion of hair everywhere. No, he refuses to acknowledge it. Shut up. 
That being said, he absolutely adores it when he’s brushed. It’s like a pleasant massage for him, scratching particularly pleasantly at an itch he didn’t even know he had. Of course, it’s a sobering experience for him when he’s presented with enough hair to make a life-sized replica of himself after a brushing session. 
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silkythewriter · 2 years
hi this is devil/dice anon again!! I was wondering if I could get hcs for a reader who just smothers the two with affection totally out of the blue one day, just for fun :] again can be seperate/poly/both!! no stress if you don’t feel like it, I hope you’re havin a good day <3
🍡Devil and dice getting smothered with affection by the reader!🍡
Summary: Devil and dice getting smothered with affection by the reader!
Small warning!: sorry for any spelling/ grammar mistakes and if their OOC!
Small note!: Hello anon! Thank you for requesting again! <3 i hope you like this one as much as the other one!
Daily song suggestion:
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✨🎲King dice💜✨
I feel like he would freeze up before slowly getting used to it, once he does he absolutely adores it!
Sometimes on hard days he absolutely loves when you do this it makes his day a bit more barely and to be honest if he had a choice I feel like he would love to spend hours cuddling you!. But sadly being the devils help man is a very busy job but trust me when he gets back he’ll make up for it <3.
As I said he loves playing around and flustering you in public but In situations like this I feel like he’s the flustered one
If you guys are alone and have no where to be he would gladly allow you to kiss his face as much as you want! Sometimes though he does have to wipe it off due to having to go off in public. But when that happens he usually just sneaks back to you and gets another one 💀
The only reason he doesn’t like showing physical affection in public is because it can be easily disturbed also he doesn’t like when others he doesn’t know get into his personal life and start asking to many questions so please don’t take it personally! ):
He would shower you with affection back just a little bit more tame, like holding hands and kissing! But when it come to cuddling you have to take a bit of charge cause he doesn’t wanna accidentally make you uncomfortable
Sometimes when you do give him affection out of the blue he would tease you for it but in a joking manner, sometimes you cant tell if he’s flustered depending on what you did like say you held his hand he is most definitely flustered but can hide it quickly and easily. But on the other hand if you were to kiss him on the face or hug him out of no where he has trouble hiding his blushing mess of a face
He definitely doesn’t let you do it near the devil or cup brothers because he for sure knows he won’t hear the end of it from either one of them. As much as he loves you he hates when people ( other then you) tease him. But sometimes he does hold your hand or kiss you when no one’s looking <3
He’s a gentleman so he would definitely kiss the back of your hand as a thanks or just give a lot of his attention to you!
❤️‍🔥The devil❤️‍🔥
I feel like he does the same to you so he doesn’t mind much!
He actually really loves it when you do but he would definitely brag to his henchmen and any other demon near him!
Like I said previously he would definitely wrap his tail around you and probably pull you closer to him so he can give back some affection as well!
He’s very affectionate so I feel like he would do this often and unlike king dice he doesn’t really care where cause no one would dare tease him about it! I mean who would? He’s the devil
Whatever demon or person that interrupts you and him cuddling or really anything else is instantly getting burned or scared off, sometimes you have to calm him down or else they might end up in hell even though they aren’t supposed to- ( ̄ー ̄ 💧)
You definitely have to give him random affection when he’s in rage cause the only thing keeping the city and forest safe from the raging fires of hell is you which mug man and cuphead is very thankful for having you around when they piss him off💀
Is OBSESSED with you petting his fur or untangling it while cuddling like he’ll just sit there for hours as you do so purring. And the only thing that can probably make him move is you asking or the two cup brothers being annoying but other then that it’s basically impossible-
Sometimes king dice or the devils henchmen get confused when he’s going ballistic and immediately calms down when you inter the room like dude can be setting fires and shouting but when he sees you in the room he’s just like “ oh hello dear!” It’s honestly a bit scary-
He’s a big drama queen when you guys have to stop and have to do something especially when you tell him you got to go to meet up with a friend or something he gets really whiny and dramatic 💀
💜King dice + the devil❤️‍🔥
Oh boy good luck if one of them isn’t enough imagine both of them-
They both would do it together and everything they even map out when your about to give the affection randomly- its like a 6th sense- they usually do this so they can do it before you and absolutely fluster the hell out of you
I feel like you and the devil do the same but king dice is in your potion like not knowing you two are going to. But sometimes he can tells somethings up and try’s figuring out but the devil is very good at lying ( I feel ) so he’ll hide both of your tracks with ease
They both like sandwiching you between them while you guys cuddle! They love it especially sense they find it adorable
Sense dice doesn’t really show PDA the devil would make up for the lack of it! ( if you like it of course!) he doesn’t shy away from flirting with you or out right kissing you in front of anyone, sense no one would say anything nor intrude. But sense people know King dice is also apart of the relationship I feel like King dice would start showing more of it sense people would be less likely to bother him and you
I feel like their competitive ( as said in my last HC I did about them!) so who ever wins more of your affection wins, but of course this all ends up in a tie due to you mostly giving them the same amount of affection, also you mostly give affection to both of them at the same time so they didn’t really plan that out 💀
Sometimes cuphead and mugman accidentally interrupt you guys spending time with eachother like E.X: you, king dice, and the devil are just minding your business going shopping, Eating, etc. Until cuphead bumps into the devil and they both start to argue ( about anything really 💀) while mug man looks a dice with a nervous smile. King dice starts arguing with him too and it all turns into a small fight honestly, you have to pull both of them away while they spit small insults at the cup brothers while glaring at them. Honestly after that they both just drag you to bed to relax after the heated argument
Sometimes when you give both of them kisses,hugs, and other things out of the blue they both have mixed reactions, like the devil will go full head on flirting with you and doing the same thing while king dice is just a blushing mess as he gives you a quick kiss back 💀
Overall these two are absolute idiots in love for you ( and each other ofc) but they can be a handful but somehow you manage ( to others surprise 💀)
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collabpartners · 2 months
The Cuphead Show Season Four Ep. 1
*Chapter Summary: A month after Cuphead winning the game rock-paper-scissors against the Devil, the cup trio find themselves yet again in the Devil's hands. However, this time, there is a new debt that they must pay with the contracts of the soul debtors.*
*A/N: Hey guys, welcome to the first episode of the Cuphead Show Season Four. This is not the official Season Four of The Cuphead Show, but this is how we imagine of what the story will continue after season 3. This story is published on August 2, 2024. If you guys like this chapter/episode, don't be afraid to vote and comment. That would be greatly appreciated! Enjoy and have a blessed day!*
Episode One: The New Debt
The Devil lost again.
In his pink bubble bath that his henchman prepared earlier with pickle slices over his ruby eyes, Devil lays back against the shiny porcelain tub surrounded by the pink walls despite being in Hell. His blue-tint fur soaks from his chest to his thighs. His feet are prompted up at the edge of the tub with yellow sharp toenails sticking out. His horns are long enough to almost touch the wall behind him if he hasn’t tilt his head down with his chin touching the water barely. His arms rest along the round sides of the tub, his long talons making clicking sounds when he taps them against the ceramic in deep thought.
Damn that cup, his blue-nosed buffoon of a brother, and Chalice, Devil thinks to himself, popping the pink bubbles angrily with his sharp tail in the bath. What is once just him being dejected from losing to rock paper scissors to Cuphead of all people, now has turned into a rage. Now everyone in the Inkwell Isles will treat him like a joke. No one and nothing will fear him. They’ll see. They’ll see that he’s not a joke—
A knock interrupts his train of thought, and the wooden door creaks open to reveal the plump purple demon, Henchman, with his back slouched.
“D’uh, boss, you have a visitor,” Henchman announces, pointing at someone in the shadows behind him with his thumb under the yellow gloves.
“Ugh, this better be important,” Devil groans, sitting up slightly.
King Dice steps out of the shadows with a purple suit in tact, leaning against the doorway with his elbow over Henchman. He crosses his legs, flashing a charming grin on his square head. “Hey, boss!”
“Dice?” Devil perks up, pickle slices falling off of his face. The water makes sloshing sounds when he drops his feet into the tub. The six-sided head gambler, with one white-gloved hand dangling next to the doorway and another one form a fist that rests on his hip, waves with the hand that dangles next to the doorway. The purple coat parts slightly, showing the white buttoned-up shirt and a loosened black tie underneath.
When Devil notices Dice’s charming smile, he rubs his eyes with a groan. “Ugh, what are you doing here?”
“I noticed your loss with Cuphead. Rock-Paper-Scissors, was it?” Dice brings up, his charm never faltering.
“Ugh, do you have to bring that up?!” Devil growls, fists clenching and shaking. “If it weren’t for that blue-nosed brother of his, that cup’s soul would’ve been mine along with Chalice’s. And who does she think she is? I gave her free-will by giving her ghost abilities in exchange for a favor. And what does she do?!”
“She stabs you in the back,” Dice guesses, giving his boss a deadpan stare.
“SHE STABS ME IN THE BACK!” Devil howls, thrusting his shampoo bottle across the bathroom. Henchman and Dice doesn’t wince at the clattering sound of the bottle.
Devil continues angrily, “Now I can’t obtain either of their souls because I lost the game to Cuphead of all people! Stupid little piece of—”
“You know, I thought a bath would’ve at least calm you down,” Dice interrupts before Devil can curse. “But I guess I was mistaken.”
“Ugh, you might as well tell me what you want and get out of here.”
“Right,” Dice says, stepping into the bathroom and leaning against the wall next to the bathtub. “You see, I have this idea about obtaining that cup’s soul. Not just Cuphead’s but Mugman’s and Chalice’s. All three of them at the same time.”
Devil perks in interest, scrubbing himself with the washcloth. “Go on.”
“Weell,” Dice replies in a sing-song tone before cutting it back to seriousness. “I noticed how Cuphead loves games. I say we open up a casino. The one where people bet their money and souls to ‘win big’. If he sees the casino, he’ll be attracted to it like a moth to the flame. Mugman and Chalice may try to stop him, but they won’t leave him in the casino alone. In fact, they’ll go down with Cuphead if that means saving him.”
Devil’s grin grows big at the explanation. “Dice, you little devil. Not only will I gain more souls than ever before, but I can get those cups if they ever come around!”
Dice nods his head with a mischievous grin. “All it requires is waiting for the right time to pounce.”
Devil chuckles like a sadistic cartoon villain. “Oh, this is gonna be fun. But are you sure this is going to work?”
“Believe me, it will. And these dice—” Dice says while taking out the small six-sided pair of dice. The dice glows pink while Dice’s eyes turn green. “—are loaded and ready to roll.”
It has been a month since Cuphead’s last battle with The Devil.
Well, if Mugman has to put it lightly, it’s just a stupid game of Rock-Paper-Scissors picked by Cuphead to save Chalice’s soul while throwing his own soul and Mugman’s along into the mix. Devil would have their souls if Cuphead wasn’t lucky enough to win every single round.
As Mugman is walking with Cuphead and Chalice through the woods and licking their ice creams, Cuphead glances at them with a smile.
“What a great day. Hard to believe that it’s been a month since we saw the Devil,” Cuphead replies.
“Good riddance, I say,” Mugman responds.
“Aaaaand how! I’m done dealin’ with the Devil,” Chalice adds with a smile.
Cuphead notices a sign up ahead and points it with his ice cream. “Say, what’s that?”
The three cups look up to find the sign standing tall with flickering lights and the arrow pointing at the sign that reads—
“Grand Opening: The Devil’s Casino?!” Mugman reads the sign out loud.
They look to see the casino with the Devil’s head and flashing a wicked grin while hearing: “Winner! Winner! Winner!”
Mugman sighs. “Ugh, no way we’re going that way.”
“Yep, I think we all learned our lesson. Right, Cuphead?” Chalice says as she turns to look at Cuphead along with Mugman. The puff of cloud replaces Cuphead until it poofs, the ice cream falling onto the ground. They look ahead to see Cuphead running towards the casino with a maniacal laugh.
“Oh no,” Mugman and Chalice utter simultaneously.
Mugman and Chalice start chasing after Cuphead.
“CUPHEAD!” Mugman and Chalice call him, but he doesn’t listen.
“Cuphead, come back!” Mugman shouts.
Cuphead enters the casino with his brother and his friend behind him. He notices how crowded the casino is, the crowd rolling the pairs of dice and gambling away with their souls and money. His smile brightens when he watches the citizens winning the games.
“Cuphead!” Chalice says and finally catches up to him in her ghost form, transforming back to her physical form. “Have you not read the sign?”
Mugman catches up with them, breathing heavily. “C’mon, Cuphead. This is a waste of time.”
“Yeah! We are forgetting that this is the Devil’s casino,” Chalice replies.
“I ain’t too worried about that,” Cuphead responds. “Look at all the cash we can get from this place! OOH! Look over there!” He zooms over to the Craps table.
Mugman sighs tiredly. “Here we go again.”
Cuphead grabs the dice and rolls them to the higher numbers of eleven on the dice and on the square on the seven. A happy beam is shown on his face. Mugman and Chalice peek over the table, watching Cuphead making his winning streaks. Soon, they are both surrounded by the patrons of the casino, unaware that King Dice is watching them with a mischievous smirk.
“Hot dawg!” King Dice announces, coming up to the Craps table. “This fella can’t seem to lose!”
Cuphead smiles brightly. “KING DICE!!!”
“Cuphead, you might wanna quit while you’re ahead,” Mugman warns quietly.
“Double down!” Cuphead says before rolling another winning streak.
Mugman groans in discouragement.
“Well, well, look at what the cat drags in,” a familiar slimy voice snap the cups’ attention up to the Devil.
“Devil,” Chalice growls.
“How about we raise the stakes, yeah? If you win this next round, you’ll have all the money from the vault. If you lose, you give all three of your souls to me,” Devil says with a sadistic smile.
“Hmm, how about no?” Chalice sasses.
“You’re not the one holding the dice, Ms. Chalice,” Devil says, aiming his gaze at Cuphead in between Mugman and Chalice with a cheeky smile.
Cuphead’s pupils shape like dollar signs, rolling the dice without thinking.
“CUPHEAD, NO!” Mugman and Chalice shout simultaneously.
The dice bounces around the table until it lands on snake eyes.
The Devil chuckles menacingly, his canines showing. “Snake eyes! You lost.”
The cups start to tremble in fear.
“Now, about those souls—”
“Oh no, oh no, oh no,” Cuphead utters in fear.
“Oh no is right!” Mugman barks angrily at his brother.
“Wait, don’t take their souls!” Chalice shouts, standing between The Devil and the cups. “Take mine! I’m the one you want!”
The Devil smirks sadistically. “Oh, Ms. Chalice, I’m afraid it’s far too late to offer your soul to me.”
“Well, then there has to be another way to repay you!” Chalice finally shouts, her teeth clenched.
The Devil takes a moment to ponder until he grins more. “Hmm, perhaps there is.”
King Dice perks up in surprise. “What?”
The Devil takes out a parchment with all the lists of names. “I have a list of names of my runaway debtors. You know, those who make deals with me only to backtrack and not pay me back with their ‘services’. Kind of like you, Ms. Chalice. Collect their contracts for me, and I might pardon you cups.”
“Might?” Chalice questions the deal.
“Yes, might. Unless you want me to take all of your souls right now, that can be arranged.”
Chalice turns to look at the boys, who are trembling in fear. Then she looks up at him with a hopeless sigh. “Then you got yourself a deal.”
The Devil corners a smirk. “Splendid.” He snaps his fingers, letting the parchment teleport into Chalice’s hands. “You cups got three weeks to get all the soul contracts. Otherwise, I’ll be the one collecting your souls.”
The three cups stand idly in fear.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Get on with it!” The Devil orders.
Cuphead, Mugman, and Chalice rush out of the casino with the list of runaway debtors.
King Dice puts his fists on his hips while watching the cups running out of the casino. “What’s yer intention, boss? You’re letting your food get away.”
“I know. It’s fun to play with them before taking their souls, don’t you think?”
Dice sighs in disappointment. “Whatever you want, boss.”
“Don’t you worry, Dice, their souls will be as good as mine either way. Have some faith in me.”
“Always have.”
The cups stride through the woods with a deafening silence.
Cuphead fidgets with his hands while noticing Mugman glaring ahead and Chalice reading the list in her hands. He clenches his teeth.
“You guys mad at me—?”
“Yes,” both Mugman and Chalice respond simultaneously.
Cuphead nods. “Oookay.” The silence goes on for another five minutes before Cuphead finally speaks up, “Okay, look, I know I messed up. But—”
“But what, Cuphead?” Mugman growls. “You just bet on our own souls without a second thought! I thought we’re done dealin’ with the Devil!”
“You’re lucky I was able to talk The Devil out of takin’ our souls right away,” Chalice adds with a glare at Cuphead. “Looks like some of us here hadn’t learned a lesson.”
“Exactly,” Mugman says.
“I know you guys are mad at me and I’m sorry—”
“Sorry?! Sorry doesn’t cut it, Cuphead! This isn’t just something you can just breeze past and all is forgiven!” Mugman shouts. “You just bet my own life for your greed! After trying to save you from the Devil countless of times, you kept dealin’ with him! Now, both Chalice and I also owe the Devil our souls since you gambled them away like they mean nothing to you!”
Cuphead softens his gaze, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. “I’m sorry, Mugman—”
“Have you learned nothing from everything we’ve gone through? Or are you not too worried about it?” Mugman’s fists start to shake to avoid the temptation to beat up his brother. “You know, Chalice is right. We’re lucky that she’s able to talk Devil out of takin’ our souls right away. When are you gonna wake up and realize that there’s now plenty of things to worry about? My life could’ve been over because of you! I don’t mean anything to you, do I?”
“You know what, nevermind. Stupid question. I just want to go home,” Mugman responds harshly, walking ahead of Chalice and Cuphead.
Chalice looks back to see Cuphead’s tearful eyes. Then he shifts his glance at Chalice.
“I-I’m sorry, Chalice,” Cuphead replies tearfully.
Chalice softens her gaze and sighs. “Let’s just collect these contracts and get it over with. Next time you gamble away somethin’, we won’t be there for you to bet on.” With that said, she walks ahead of him.
Cuphead stops in the middle of the pathway, letting her and his brother walk further ahead. He rubs his arm, trying not to cry in the middle of the woods.
“Cuphead, ya screw-up,” he says to himself, now letting out small sobs. “C’mon, you’re tougher than this. Just…do somethin’ that’ll make it up to them.”
Cuphead rubs his chin, wiping his tears away.
“Soo, what got you so down in the dumps?”
Cuphead perks his head and looks around for the unfamiliar female voice.
“Up here.”
Cuphead glances up at one of the trees above him to find a red-furred cat with her long black hair that reaches to the middle of her back. She has green shirt and blue denim overalls with one strand holding her shoulder. She wears a green bandana around her neck along with a necklace shaped like a fish.
“Uh, nothin’,” Cuphead lies.
“I heard some yackin’ about a screw-up. What did you screw up?” the feline asks in curiosity.
“My life.”
“Heh, same.” She hops down from the tree branch, shaking the leaves off of her black hair. “Is everything okay between you and your friends?”
Cuphead frowns. “Um, I kind of messed up things between us.”
“Ah, and you’re lookin’ to make things up to ‘em?”
Cuphead nods his head. “Can you help?”
“Uh, sure. Got any plans on how to do that?”
The cup shrugs. “Ain’t got a clue. What do you usually do to make things up to friends and family?”
“Usually, I bring them dead animals.”
“Uh, that’s probably not the best peace offering to give them.”
“How about sweets? I know a candy store near here. C’mon.” the cat leads Cuphead through the woods.
Cuphead has a creeping suspicion for a moment until he shakes it off. “Thanks! I owe you one! What’s your name?!”
“Cassidy. You?”
Cuphead and Cassidy sneak into the candy store across from the woods. She puts her bandana over her nose and mouth and a hood over her head.
“What’s that for?” Cuphead asks when he notices Cassidy wearing a hood and bandana.
“Just a precaution,” she says with a casual shrug.
“Oh, okay.” he searches his red empty pockets. “Oh no.”
“I don’t have money to buy the sweets for them.”
“Who says you have to pay for them?” With a smirk, she grabs the basket and pushes the candy bars into the basket quietly while the candy shop owner is fast asleep.
“Ain’t that stealin’?”
“It ain’t stealin’ if you don’t get caught.”
He beams brightly. “I like the way you think.”
They gather candy from the shelves as quietly as they can, filling the basket up to the top.
“One for Mugsy,” Cuphead says before taking another basket and filling it to the top full of candys with Cassidy helping him. “And one for Chalice.”
She picks up the basket for Chalice. “Let’s scram before the owner wakes up.”
He nods in agreement and picks up the basket for Mugman.
They walk out of the candy store with baskets in their arms before they run into the cops walking by the candy store.
Cuphead nearly let out a scared gasp when he sees the cops.
“Hey, did you kids pay for all of this?” one of the cops questions.
Cassidy leans over to whisper to him, “Follow my lead.”
He nods nervously.
“Uh, yeah,” Cassidy says while taking out two candys and giving them to the cops. “Just to show my appreciation for the police force, here you go.”
“Whoa! A Willy Wonka bar!” the cop gasps as they are walking away in a casual stroll.
“Whoa! Me too!”
“C’mon! Let’s eat these!”
The cops hurry pass the robbed candy store without being aware that the candy shop owner is still sleeping.
They enter the woods with sighs of relief.
“How were you able to slip past ‘em like that?” he questions in pure awe.
“I got my ways,” she says with a smile. “C’mon. They’re gonna notice we stole them from the candy store.”
They hurry through the woods with two baskets of candy. They finally make it to Elder Kettle’s tea-pot like house.
“Is this where you all live?” she asks with a curious gaze.
“Yep, you’re gonna meet my brudda and my friend…hopefully when they’re not mad at me,” he says before they place the baskets on the front porch. Before he can knock, the door open to reveal a pissed-off Elder Kettle.
“Oh, heh—”
“Where have ya been, boy?” Elder Kettle interrogates before noticing Cassidy. He softens his gaze once he sees the red feline. “Oh, hello, dear. Are you a friend of Cuphead’s?”
She loses her usual confidence, her tail wraps around her legs. “Well, if only he wants to be friends—”
“Yep! She’s a friend of mine,” Cuphead determines before picking up the baskets and gesturing her to come inside with him.
Elder Kettle seems shock at the response and looks at her. “Uh, do you wanna come in?”
“S-Sure, if ya don’t mind,” she says with a shrug.
Elder Kettle steps aside to let her walk inside of the house. Once Elder Kettle shut the door, Cassidy looks around the cottage. 
“You have a nice place, Mr—”
“Elder Kettle,” Elder Kettle responds with a polite smile. “There’s no need to call me mister.”
Mugman and Chalice are playing marbles on the floor. Cuphead places the two baskets of candy beside Mugman and Chalice individually.
“Uh, what’s this?” Chalice asks.
“A peace offering,” Cuphead answers.
“We just need your help to gather soul contracts, ya ding dong. You know, since you gamble our lives away to the Devil,” Chalice says with sass.
“Oh, that’s the screw-up,” Cassidy mutters to herself, which is noticed by Mugman.
“Uh…Cuphead, who’s this?” Mugman asks, standing up to squint at her suspiciously.
“This is my good friend, Cassidy!” Cuphead says, wrapping his arm around Cassidy.
Cassidy widens her eyes in shock at the introduction and then looks at Mugman with a small smile.
“Wait, you guys didn’t meet after we just separate?” Chalice questions while standing up in confusion.
“Well, yeah” Cuphead says with a sheepish smile. “She’s helped me make a peace offering to you guys.”
“And you just met her out of nowhere?” Mugman asks with a suspicious glance at Cassidy.
Cassidy’s ear flattens at Mugman’s glance at her.
“Yeah!” Cuphead chirps.
“Just out of the blue?”
“Yeah,” Cuphead answers his brother. “Hey! Are you tryin’ to say that I’m puttin’ myself in danger?”
“No, no, by all means, put yourself in danger again,” Mugman responds with a growl. “Meet with dangerous people that come out of nowhere to lend a hand out of the kindness of their hearts.”
“Hey, she ain’t dangerous!” Cuphead barks at Mugman.
“I like to think of myself as quite an adventurer. Thank you very much,” Cassidy responds back with sass.
“Nobody asks you,” Mugman quips at her rudely.
Cassidy flattens her ears with her brows narrow at Mugman with a sarcastic tone. “Oh sorry, I thought you’re referring to me. Guess you’re referring to that wall behind me. Has anyone told you that ya need a shrink?”
Mugman growls at the feline with his fists clench.
Elder Kettle comes in between the kids. “Now, now, kids. Let’s not start a fight.” He turns to the cups with a glare. “WHAT ON GOD’S GREEN EARTH ARE YOU KIDS DOING AT THE DEVIL’S CASINO?!”
Cassidy winces at Elder Kettle’s shout.
“Don’t worry, dear, you’re not in trouble,” Elder Kettle reassures her. Then he shifts his glare back at the boys and Chalice. “They are.”
Cuphead clenches his teeth and glances at Mugman, who looks away from him.
Chalice laughs nervously. “He saw the list.”
Cuphead rubs his arm. “Well, we may or may not got ourselves into a pickle with the Devil.”
Mugman scoffs. “More like Cuphead got us into the pickle with the Devil again.”
“Again?!” Elder Kettle yelps in shock. “What the-? B-But--Why didn’t you boys tell me—?”
“Because we don’t want you yellin’ at us like you always do,” Cuphead says.
Elder Kettle sighs. “Well, I don’t really have a solution for this pickle except for one.”
Mugman and Cuphead perk their heads up in confusion.
Elder Kettle walks into the kitchen for a moment and then comes back with two bright blue potions. “Here, drink up.”
“What’s this?” Mugman asks in curiosity.
“Something your parents left behind for you boys a long time ago,” Elder Kettle responds. “Since you got yourselves in trouble with the Devil, you’re gonna need this. Your soul debtors ain’t gonna be friendly when you confront them about their debts. They’ll do whatever it takes to fight you both tooth and nail. So, if I were you, I take this potion.”
“Hmm, I’m in!” Cuphead responds as he downs the potion fast.
“Don’t drink it too fast!” Elder Kettle warns but it is too late.
Cuphead’s body glows, shocking his peers surrounding him.
“Whoa! What was that?!” Cuphead yelps in shock.
Elder Kettle ponders. “Hm, I think your dad says something about how the potion will create some sort of a protection on your body.”
Cuphead arches a brow. “Like what does it do—?” He points his finger at the wall, noticing too late that the blue bullet shoots out of his finger. The wall takes damage, leaving behind a burn mark and tiny hole. He blinks in shock and looks at his hands.
“THIS IS AWESOME!!!” Cuphead shouts happily. “Mugsy, you gotta try this!”
Elder Kettle nudges another potion to Mugman.
Mugman shrugs. “Eh, what the heck?” He carefully drinks up the potion. He tenses up, his body glowing the same way Cuphead does. “Holy, wow!”
“Yeah, it’s gonna feel weird for a little bit,” Elder Kettle says.
Cassidy observes Cuphead shooting a bright blue bullet from his fingertips with an excited glee. “What else does it do?”
“Beats me,” Elder Kettle says with a shrug. “There’s more information in that book over there.” Elder Kettle points at the dark navy book on the kitchen counter with a strange symbol on it by the open window.
“Huh,” Cassidy says, perking her head up in interest. However, Mugman notices the way she stares at the book with a glance in suspicion.
“Hey, you know what?” Chalice says, interrupting Mugman’s stare at Cassidy. “I bet we can use that to deal with the soul debtors once and for all.”
“Maybe even fight the Devil with it!” Cuphead responds happily.
“Wouldn’t that be nice?” Chalice replies and looks at Mugman. “We can free ourselves from owing the Devil all of our souls. Hopefully, all of us will learn from this experience. All of us.” She turns to look at Cuphead with a firm stare.
Cuphead corners a plastered grin and let out a nervous laughter.
Chalice glances at Mugman. “So, what do you think, Mugman? Should we give Cuphead another chance to fix his mistake?”
Mugman looks at his brother and then glances back at Chalice with a sigh. “Okay.” Then he glares at Cuphead. “But the next time you gambled something away, I ain’t gonna be a part of it.” With that said, Mugman walks away.
Cassidy stands next to Cuphead. “Wait, you gambled both of their souls away?”
“Including mine,” Cuphead adds.
Cassidy flattens her ears. “I don’t blame them for being mad at you.”
The cup sighs. “Yeah.”
“You know, Porkrind has plenty of other potions that might power-up your shooting range,” Elder Kettle responds while giving the cups ten dollars. “Go check in with Porkrind and see what he has.”
“Uh, okay,” Mugman says awkwardly.
The cups and Cassidy exit the house with Elder Kettle watching them.
Elder Kettle sighs. “Oh, what am I ever going to do with those kids?”
Mugman stares at Cassidy in suspicion as the cups follow her through the woods.
Somehow, Cuphead has met a stranger and automatically becomes friends with her. Well, he will be a hypocrite if he excludes the fact that Cuphead and Mugman has tried befriending Chalice out of nowhere before. But he’s not sure about Cassidy and what her intentions are in befriending Cuphead so quickly.
Chalice notices Mugman staring at Cassidy and nudges him to snap him out of it. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” Mugman quips, going back to stare at Cassidy.
“You know, it’s rude to stare,” Chalice whispers to him.
“What? I’m not staring,” Mugman responds, his arms crossed with a pout.
Chalice smirks at him. “Uh-huh, sure.”
Cassidy smiles when she approaches the shop belonging to Porkrind. “Here we are!” She opens the door while the radio is on.
Porkrind, the one-eyed pig with an eyepatch and brown overalls, tries to keep track of the scores from the horse-racing game playing in the radio. Cassidy shushes the others before approaching the pig and climbing up on the counter. She peeks over his shoulder.
“Is your team winnin’?” Cassidy whispers to the pig.
“No,” Porkrind says.
“Phear Lap wins again!” the radio announcer states.
Porkrind grumbles and crosses out his scores. “Stupid Phear Lap.” He glances up at the feline. “Got any loot?”
Cassidy takes out a small bag full of trinkets with a small smirk. “Yep, and some customers!”
“Customers?” Porkrind glances to the side to notice the three cups. “Oh, it’s you three again.”
“Uh, hi, Porkrind,” Chalice replies. “We may or may not got ourselves into a heap of trouble.”
“Did you now?” Porkrind asks with a deadpan tone. “Why am I not surprised?”
“Yeah, we need your help real bad,” Cuphead utters.
“Yeah, we heard from Elder Kettle that you got potions for us—”
“SHH!” Porkrind shushes the cups. “How does he know about it?”
The cups shrug their shoulders.
Porkrind sighs. “Yes, I do have those potions, but you’re going to need the Peashooter to have these potions. But what ever do you need ‘em for?”
“To collect soul debts for the Devil,” Chalice answers.
“Seriously? He’s sendin’ you out on errand runs?” Porkrind questions.
“That or he will take our souls,” Cuphead responds.
Porkrind widens his eye in shock. “You dummies made a deal with the Devil—”
“Look, it ain’t the most ideal thing to do, but it’s better than gettin’ our soul sucked into Hell,” Chalice responds.
“Look! We already got the Peashooter. Watch—”
“Don’t aim your finger guns in my shop!” Porkrind interrupts Cuphead’s demonstration. He sighs again. “Look, I’ll give you those potions. But it ain’t gonna be free. It’ll be real expensive.”
“We’ll pay anything,” Mugman responds desperately.
Porkrind smirks. “Well, la di da. Someone knows the magic words. So, how much you got?”
Chalice takes out ten dollars. “That’s as much as we got.”
“And some pocket lint!” Cuphead chirps.
“Ten dollars? Eh, that’ll do if you wanna buy two potions. They’re five dollars each. So, which ones will you take?” Porkrind asks the cups.
“Ooh, I want to get the charge one,” Cuphead responds.
“Can I get the spread shooter one?” Mugman asks.
Porkrind glances at Cassidy and signals her to get the potions at the back. She comes back with the charged potion and a spread potion.
“Wait, is that the only potion—?”
“Nah, we got more. We can make more if we run out,” Cassidy responds to Mugman, causing him to squint at her in suspicion. She hops back over at the counter as Porkrind takes the ten bucks. Porkrind is about to throw away the pocket lint until she asks, “Can I keep the pocket lint?”
Porkrind moves the pocket lint over for Cassidy to keep it.
“Thanks, Dad,” Cassidy says before fiddling with it with her paws.
“DAD?!” the cups gasp in shock.
“Yeah?” Porkrind asks as if it’s obvious.
“You didn’t tell us you have a daughter,” Cuphead utters.
“Why is that any of your business?” Porkrind responds with a gruff.
“We, uh, just didn’t know,” Mugman says nervously.
Cassidy whispers something to Porkrind, who subtly smirks.
“Anyway, I wouldn’t drink the potions you just bought if I were you. Dip your fingers into ‘em when you need them to fight the debtors,” Porkrind advises.
“We’ll do that! Thanks, Porkrind!” Chalice chirps while leading the boys out of the shop.
Once the cups left the shop, Porkrind glances at his daughter.
“You know, this can be your salvation, Cassi. You know what to do tonight?”
Cassidy smirks and nods.
The targets are set up in the backyard of Elder Kettle’s house at night.
Chalice watches Mugman and Cuphead practice shooting their targets but keep missing.
“Aw nuts,” Cuphead groans after missing the target for the twentieth time. “These finger guns are hard to aim with.”
“Have you both held guns before?” Chalice asks the boys.
“Not exactly,” Mugman responds with a shrug.
“Well, try to aim it like you’re holdin’ a gun,” Chalice advises while walking up to the boys to help them.
Unbeknownst to the cups, a shadow lurks behind them and sneak over to the open kitchen window to grab the book that has the ingredients to making the Peashooter.
“Ya know, this is harder than it looks,” Cuphead says. “Like what if I use the finger gun motion to say ‘catch ya later’ to someone and it shoots ‘em by accident?”
Mugman gives Cuphead a confused stare. “Like this?” Mugman uses his finger gun motion and two bullets came out by accident. Cuphead yelps and dodges them.
“Yeah! Like that!” Cuphead answers.
The mysterious figure manages to get the book and sneaks off to the forest, but the figure is noticed by Chalice.
“Say, is someone stealin’ the book for the Peashooter?” Chalice questions.
Mugman and Cuphead turn their heads to find the figure sneaking off into the forest.
“HEY!!!” Cuphead shouts.
The figure perks their head and runs away.
Mugman bolts after the figure into the forest.
“Get ‘em!!!!” Chalice yells.
Mugman catches up to the thief in the forest. He leaps and tackles the thief, tumbling through the grass with grunts.
“GOTCHA!” Mugman growls.
The brown hood and the bandana falls off the familiar face of a red-furred feline with black long hair.
Mugman widens his eyes in shock. “Cassidy?”
Cassidy smirks mischievously and honks Mugman’s blue nose, distracting him. She kicks him in the crotch hard enough for him to fall off of her. She scrambles onto her feet and scurries away with a cheeky giggle.
Mugman groans in pain and looks to find that Cassidy disappears with the book in her paws. “Aw, c’mon!”
Chalice and Cuphead catch up to Mugman.
“Did you get ‘em?” Cuphead questions his brother.
Mugman groans in pain some more before standing up to his feet. “Why would she want the book?”
“Who?” Chalice asks.
“Wait! You saw Cassidy?!” Cuphead gasps in shock.
Chalice and Cuphead exchange gazes and then shift their attention back at Mugman.
“Well, at least we know where she lives,” Chalice says with a shrug.
To Be Continued...
16 notes · View notes
bleue-flora · 3 months
ahh intrestingg I never realized that csap, cdream ect would have felt betrayed by ctubbo but that makes a lot of sense, also explains why they burned down his house. Also I really need to watch those sam lore streams because I've only ever seen brief clips of it, do you know how I can find them?
for ur q, I can definietly understand why people hate ctommy both in lore and out. I started enjoying him around the pogtopia to exile era when I saw how he was trying to help cwilbur snap out of it, and I saw these morals that I hadn't noticed in the character before. And, the part where he and cdream were working together in the battle of the lake and he kept insisting that they were friends for once I just found it interesting that the shift went from him despising dream to being open to being allies and friends which that part kind of made me realize that he is open minded.
Then exile came and dear lord I started hated him again at first like I was completely pissed with what happened to cgeorges house and I blamed ctommy entirely and then I noticed cdreams little :) in the whisper chat provoking him so then I kind of shifted to a grey view then my friend pointed out that ctommy tried to stop the fire. During exile itself, I started projecting a lot since abandonment issues is something I got and I did some projection because I cope in a similar way to how he did like using humor as a coping mechanism like also that stream when cwilbur and cquackity were arguing the whole time at las nevadas and ctommy was just acting naive and childlike making dumb jokes to cope with trauma and how cwilbur and cquackity yelling was distressing him. Idk it just hit close to him for me. I think the personality being so inconsistent is also relatable like sometimes very open minded (that one butterfly quote I forgot), sometimes destructive craving war, sometimes craving peace, hyper empathetic, cares about people that hurt him like cwilbur who he wanted revived at one point even though cwilbur manipulated and hurt him. Also, The prison arc like ctommy visiting cdream and rather than showing his fear, he instead just makes stupid jokes and tries to annoy cdream as much as possible. the dick clock joke like. Ik it was cc mucking around but I saw some deep traumatic response there about how ctommy was being annoying to make sure cdream couldn't pull an exile again if that makes sense like if you annoy someone trying to manipulate you then what are they gonna do, it kind of reminds me of spongebob with the strangler. to put it more into perspective, I also rlly like gumball, cuphead and others I forgot... impulsive loud childish characters that have abandonment/validation issues and cause lots of problems. I was a huge trouble maker in the past and the consequences of it were traumatizing [I guess I could have just said that to sum up why I like ctommy 😭]
actually that reminds me that I have ctommy and cdream both on my kin list lol Both of them have fear of abandonment and problems with agency, wanting simpler times and doing bad things for good reasons or even good things for bad reasons, both of them are hated, both of them have strong attachments. my god my writing is a mess can you tell this wasn't preplanned . I hope I explained it well enough
Indeed, and I don’t think they were the only ones who felt betrayed by people like Tubbo joining L’manberg, as I’ve said before I think Punz certainly felt betrayed and left out…. But anyways, here is a playlist with all the streams and there are transcripts online too if you feel so inclined just google dsmp transcripts and the website will pop up.
lol yes you could just say projection. XD That’s always valid. I can hardly argue with that point. That’s what I do after all. ;D And you have the absolute utmost right to feel and project as you want and those are valid reasons for liking a character. (Not that you need valid reasons or anything) No condemnation from me, just to be clear. I appreciate you answering, especially with such honesty. I’m sorry to hear that it’s been so hard for you, that sounds pretty awful and traumatic. I hope, unlike Tommy, you can find real healing. <3 <3
Having said that, because I can’t help myself, even though I asked the question, I hope you don’t mind me poking some holes in your reasoning.
Ahh open minded and friends when it benefits him, after Dream gave him a set of armor and even I think his own bow too. Yeah, fighting an entire army by himself in the Battle of the Lake would be very motivating to be friends and isn’t that how he (they) used Technoblade - as a blade, a resource to get what he (they) wants. - ‘Thanks for the nethrite, big T. Wait did you have an opinion or something this whole time?!’ - yea I’m not sure open minded would be a word I’d choose to describe Tommy is any sense. He certainly doesn’t listen to people, and I don’t see him trying new ideas and stuff. How many times does Tubbo try and keep the peace and tell Tommy something is not a good idea, but he never listens. He doesn’t change his ideology about L‘manberg when teamed up with Techno, he doesn’t even gain a deeper understanding of Techno being a person while sided with him. How can he be open minded?
Yeah the whisper in the chat always throws me off, too. My view is that he wanted Tommy to be exiled for burning down George’s house to protect George and set an example for anyone else who tries to mess with George, and so he wanted Tommy to lash out. But there’s also the thing of Tommy constantly bad mouthing him the whole time so yea it would feel good to have some comeuppance. And how many times has Tommy whispered to someone to rub it in there face or piss them off? But it’s different when it’s Dream huh…
Oh how noble to stop the fire you started. Did he also return the things he stole? Or apologize for the damage he did? Try and fix it? No?… yeah, sure he took the blame for Ranboo, but I think that was the end of his nobleness.
Doesn’t he always joke? Eh not important I guess, he does a lot of sulking too though to be fair… Hyper empathetic is quite a choice of words. Especially because I’m not sure Tommy even feels empathy (but that’s probably a topic for a later time). Like honestly, I can’t think of one instance where he emotionally connects to someone… like heh? He cares about people. - Does he? Does he care about people that hurt him? How bout, Eret? Techno? Does he care about them? Outside of Wilbur, who has he done something for. Or is it just Wilbur, who as you pointed out has manipulated him into a twisted familial relationship.
lol to be fair, Tommy is always annoying, is always telling jokes, is always antagonizing Dream. Like as far as I can tell, when it comes to that behavior I’m pretty sure there was hardly a difference between pre exile mocking Dream and post exile mocking Dream. Just saying…
Umm well depends on the context of that honestly, manipulation is a diverse tool in many situations. Part of the manipulation could even be pushing someone to be annoying like he does in the staged finale for instance. Being annoying isn’t necessarily a deterrent, though it could be to remind himself that he hates Dream in contrast to his feelings in exile so perhaps that’s what you meant.
Yeah, I haven’t seen those shows well I do know the video game cupheads, but I get the idea and you’re not alone in that. I guess perhaps my childhood experience was just different and that’s one of the reasons I don’t get it… in any case, I’m glad you found a good character to project on (it’s very therapeutic) even if I don’t quite get it. XD <3
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one-and-a-half-yikes · 4 months
I did say I would write metas for Inky Mystery and I am delivering on that promise lol
Copy & Pasted from discord gc
TDLR @ bottom
rethinking my stance on Cuphead's character arc after that last chapter dropped. And, now that Fanny and Cuphead are definitely no longer friends after...*that* I'm gonna rethink everything I said here about this whole "Fanny 'likes' Cuphead" situation
so Cuphead's character arc is leaning towards personhood...or individuality I guess is a better way to put it. And I might be a fucking idiot for just now noticing that but whatever lol. I think after thinking through last chapter it really dawned on me how much of Cuphead's...idk existence? Is predicated on what role he thinks he needs to play at any moment. Sometimes he's Cuphead the Thug and other times he's Cuphead the Assassin and other times he's Cuphead the Protector. And he's constantly switching between these three roles at any given moment because Cuphead doesn't really *have* a sense of self any more. Like, it's gone. If his identity is no longer solely revolving around "the mission" or "assignment" he was given by Hat or the Devil, then it's the Quest or rather, the Questers that his identity revolves around. Looking at Cuphead's character arc now, in comparison to Mugman's I think this is why it feels as if Cuphead is almost regressing/ improving at times. Because his central internal conflict is going to be more focused on who is Cuphead? As an individual. What are his goals, ambitions, and desires? What does he want from life, what will be Cuphead's reason for living?
The biggest issue Cuphead is having is resorting to escapism to stave off whatever is bothering him and his need to connect his self worth towards playing a role in someone else's story. For Holly, he's playing the role of Cuphead the Protector and that means keeping her as far from him as he can because if he's to protect her that's what he needs to do. He'll, even back during the gala chapters when Cuphead was envisioning a future with him and Holly, it was still about *Holly* achieving success, making her dreams come true, and following her ambitions. What was Cuphead in this future? Cuphead the Supporter of course, someone who sits on the sidelines watching others succeed while he stagnates. With Fanny, the role he plays is being her detective sidekick; sure, he's just as interested to a degree in Vicious's past but that's not the main reason he joined Fanny on her side quest was it? With the Questers as a whole, it's a mixture of both Cuphead the Thug, the Friend, and the Protector. There is something to be said about how dehumanizing the whole thing is. How seeing yourself as labels holds someone back from their greater potential. In Cuphead's case I don't know what that potential is but it exist within him and it's only gonna come out if starts to see himself as a whole individual rather than just the role he thinks he needs to fulfill at any given moment.
We see this kind of get called out more than a few times, though sparsely. The Labyrinth chapter just happened to bring all of this to a head, showing the extent of which placing these labels upon Cuphead have affected him while also showing from Mugman's perspective how Cuphead has slowly over time lost his sense of self. His hobbies, his interests, his goals, his dreams, his ambitions. So consumed with guilt for the past, and no hope for himself and his future outside of keeping Mugman safe he doesn't really know what he wants. He doesn't know what to do with himself anymore, where he wants to go. Who he wants to be. Cuphead hasn't thought about these things in such a long time since he was a child, back when he knew who he was and who he wanted to be. He had ambitions back then, things he wanted to do. He wanted to move up in the world. Be something.
That talk with Lily is the step towards him fully realizing how he's given up so much of himself including his personhood and individuality that he has nothing left, all because of the mission; of his regrets and guilt keeping him from moving forward. And how he continues to deny himself the ability to be a whole person because of his guilt and self-sacrificial nature. To allow himself to feel comfort, safety...love. The biggest thing that could happen with Cuphead's character arc in relation to Colly is coming to the realization that he's hurting himself as much as he's hurting Holly, denying himself the joys of life not just because of his work, but because deep down a part of him believes he isn't allowed to have those things. Because he's only Cuphead the Thug, Cuphead the Assassin, Cuphead the Protector, and there's no room for anything else when you play those roles. He needs to learn to strip himself of those roles if he wants any chance to move forward in the same way Mugman has. To find his individuality. His purpose, his ambition, his drive.
Obviously I'm talking about Holly. But not in a way where she personally helps him discover this. It's more indirect than that. Especially with Holly's character arc being in direct conflict with Cuphead's goals, but in a good way cause it's what he needs.
Holly feels like a burden on the group and doesn't like being on the sidelines unable to help in any significant way. She wants to learn to fight to fend for herself and help others in the process without feeling like collateral. Holly is also starting to grow into her confidence once again *without* Cuphead being present for it which is great because that's what's needed for both of them. To grow separately rather than having a heavy influence on the others arc.
TDLR; Cuphead's character arc is about individuality and finding his purpose again in life. Some Colly is briefly thrown in there but that is the gist of what I'm talking about.
Was gonna include some stuff about Fanny's character arc where that was going given how she just accidentally ruined her friendship with Cup. And previously in my discord gc I had speculated that her arc would be forwarded by Cuphead, or at least that he'd play a role in it, but obviously that's not the case anymore. I'll have to make a separate post about it I think when more Fanny chapters come out-
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midnightdemonz · 1 year
Okay, absolutely nobody cares about my opinion, but I'ma voice them, anyways
This is what I think the new episodes would be about
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Okay, so "Evil & Vile!" I actually have information for so
"Evil & Vile!": The Devil has the revelation of 'the only thing that can beat Cuphead and Mugman are Cuphead and Mugman', so he creates his and Henchman's children, Evil and Vile, and he considers them his masterpiece and sets them out to find Cuphead and Mugman. At the end of the episode, somehow, something happens, and they're presumed dead, but then at the very end, it's revealed that they aren't
"The Devil's New Henchman": I had an idea for this, but now, because of Livyy_Rat on Instagram, I think it could also be the backstory of Henchman seeing as Deeki Deke mentioned an 'unseen Henchman origin'. The original idea was that The Devil gets fed up with Henchman for the last time and recruits someone new, maybe Stickler, as his "new henchman", leaving actual Henchman distraught. Eventually, The Devil just cannot live without Henchman, so he tries to get him back, but finds that Dice has taken him and won't give him back because The Devil just abandoned him. They reunite at the end when The Devil shows how much he REALLY CARES ABOUT HENCHMAN ahem, Wicked Binge
"Evil & Vile Live!": Originally I thought it said "Evil & Vile Live!", as in in front of a crowd or something, and that the name was like that, but I think it's actually live, as in they come back to Hell after being destroyed, but not actually dying. That's.. really.. all I have for that episode.
"Dice On Ice!": I kind of had an idea where maybe Dice, The Devil, and Henchman had to beat Mortimer Freeze and Chef Saltbaker in an ice skating match, and The Devil and Henchman flunk out for some reason, and Dice shows off his amazing skills and wins, but that's kinda dumb, so I have no idea for that one. I do have an idea for the end, though, which is that The Devil, Dice, and Henchman get the newspaper delivered to them after the match for some odd reason, and they find out that the marriage of the century is happening in a week, and they wonder who could be getting married, and Dice tells them he's getting married, and it ends with The Devil being very much in shock.
A Very Devil Wedding: Dice is in an arranged marriage with some girl that he doesn't want to marry. The Devil is distraught, but he doesn't know why until Henchman tells him that he likes Dice. He denies it, until eventually he realizes that he might like him, and that he needs to stop the wedding. At the end of the episode, the wedding is stopped, and Dice realizes his own feelings for The Devil
Very bad, but I wanted to
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auroramoon-draws16 · 6 months
Yo, it’s late, I got a dentist appointment later today, so I’ll keep this real short, aight?
The Crossover Bar AU
I haven’t actually gone into depth into what everyone’s role is at the Bar, but I imagine it’s like the Casino Cups AU (a Cuphead AU where Cuphead and Mugman work at the Devil’s Casino) except it’s just a bar, no actual gambling (unless you count game nights with Poker and shit)
Desmond owns the bar and runs it, when Clay first showed up he helped Des welcome newcomers in before getting bored and after finding some games in a random closet upstairs, he hence forth became known as the Game Master. He runs Game Nights, but doesn’t always pick the game after the Uno fiasco.
Then the Ancestors, one by one they appeared, the usual suspects like Altair, Ezio, and Connor (+ Haytham and Edward), but then the others that Desmond don’t know also arrive. They sort of act as security, but are pretty chill for the most part, getting used to this weird “after life” shit.
Desmond and Clay introduced them to modern shit, and when other people from other dimensions, multiverses, and timelines started visiting, suddenly the bar was an actual running establishment. So the Assassins took up different jobs, mostly out of wanting to help/something to do.
You can guess which on your own.
None of them know who the Apprentice or the Reader are, but the Reader doesn’t visit all that much and the Apprentice enjoys the chaos, so they don’t mind them all that much.
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