#I just wanna come home to kakashi ok
chemmerson · 2 years
part of the pack
kakashi x reader
This is based on an excerpt from a sequel to one of my stories. Also, I was craving some Kakashi fluff so I turned it into a little one shot <3
Word count: .7k
By the time you walk through the door and are met with your dark apartment, you can barely keep your eyes open. Your movements get slower and slower as you lean against the door and it clicks shut, toeing off your sandals and letting your bag fall off your shoulder. Unpacking can wait until the morning; all of the energy you have left will be spent peeling off your mission clothes and immediately getting into bed.
It’s then you remember that there will be no one to get into bed with tonight, and your heart hurts for a moment. Kakashi left for his mission today, only a few hours ago you have to guess. You pray good thoughts and safety over him once again as you click on the small kitchen light to get a glass of water before bed.
It’s then you spot a sticky note on the corner of the cabinet in familiar handwriting. A tired but warm smile creeps onto your face as you read it.
I’ll be back in a few days. I already miss you. - K
Not only does the placement of his sticky note warm your heart (he knows you almost never go to bed without a glass of water), but these simple, thoughtful notes have seemed to become a custom gesture. You have quite the collection now, all kept in a small box in your closet (Kakashi doesn’t know that).
With a fluttering feeling in your chest, you grab your water and make your way to the bedroom. Despite your growing exhaustion, you feel happy, safe, and loved even when Kakashi isn’t here, and he always knows exactly what to do to make sure that’s the case.
But it's the second sticky note by your closed bedroom door that catches you off guard. In the same characteristic, scribbly penmanship, there’s a short note:
They wanted to sleep here tonight.
Your heart warms for the second time that night as you chuckle and open the door. Sure enough in the darkness, you’re able to make out about eight lumps of dog-like shapes covering your entire bed as well as hear Bull’s deep, rhythmic snore.
When you first met his ninken, Kakashi introduced you as his partner. “She’s a part of the pack, now,” Kakashi had said. The next thing you knew, they were all over you, giving you kisses and nuzzling against your leg. It was one of the greatest honors you’ve ever felt, to be welcomed into Kakashi’s family. The dogs became a constant presence in your life from then on as well as frequent house guests (They would never tell Kakashi, but they all think your bed is much comfier).
They made the stress and exhaustion from missions and work instantly disappear from your mind whenever they were around, and they loved your constant attention because of that. And now, their presence gives you comfort even when Kakashi is gone.
You quickly change out of your mission clothes and into your pajamas before the exhaustion hits you fully. Through the dark, you can see all of the dogs piled onto your bed, not leaving much room for you. You try to make as little movement as possible as you carefully climb in, stepping under the blanket and squeezing into a spot between Bull and Uhei. You pull part of your pillow out from under Akino so you can lay your head down fully, letting out a large sigh as soon as you do. Your body instantly relaxes into the warmth from not only your blanket but the dogs as well. You turn to find Pakkun lying on top of the other pillow next to your head where Kakashi’s mop of moonlight hair usually is.
You’re hit with an overwhelming feeling as you sink into the pile of dogs around you: that this is your life, this is your family, and even when you thought you would have to fall asleep alone, someone made sure that you wouldn’t have to.
It almost causes you to cry as you turn on your side and pull the blankets up to your chin with a smile. How lucky you are. How lucky you are to love and be loved by Kakashi. How lucky you are to watch out for each other for all your lives.
You fall asleep with the moonlight shining through the window, gratitude warming your heart, and sweet dreams of Kakashi.
And somewhere far away, Kakashi stops in his tracks, looks up at the moon, and smiles.
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Post war/coma comic about Gai struggling with his recovery
Since tumblr hates long form comics, I have to split this into 2 bc its 36 images. This is the first part, part 2 i'll either do as a reblog or a separate post right after this, stay tuned! Links to support me in pinned post <3
tw: s*icidal thoughts, injury, a little blood
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Bisuke: Gai's Back!
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Kks: Im home Gai: Welcome back Kks: [wheels rolling] Hey,
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Kks: Ga-!? Gai: Im fine. The tile is cool on my face. Kks: Wanna go lay down in bed? Gai: I am so /sick/ of lying down. Kks: Ok. What do you want for supper?
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Gai: You're not going to comment? Kks: I already know what happened. You overdid it again. I should be able to keep up with chores, kakashi. Kks: You can. Just don' bull through it all in one go. Do you want to end up in the hospital again? Gai: Please don't. Kks: I know sitting still is hard for you, and "too much" is in your DNA, but you have to take this slow so you don't exacerbate your injuries, Gai. You went from hyper-aware to pretending your body limits dont exist. Gai: Like you haven't done the same.
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Gai: You've proved your point. Kks: It's not about that. And you've dragged me to bed and out of bed repeatedly when I needed it. You were burning alive from the inside. Tsunade told you your immune system is out of whack. You need to take it easy. /I/ know you're capable, but are you trying to prove to /yourself/ you are? Gai: You want me to admit my embarrassment? Kks: If something serioud happens, You'll be even more embarrassed then
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Gai: How could you possibly know how I FEEL?! How could you EVER KNOW HOW I FEEL?! Kks: I DON'T! But I've /been/ the one ouking and sobbing on your bathroom floor because I couldn't take living anymore! And I don't want that for YOU!
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Kks: I'm sorry, Gai. Gai: I'm sorry
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Kks: I can't stand knowing you're in pain, and I can't get you help. If there was a way, I'd do anything. Gai: You do so much to help me already.... And I yelled at you Kks: I've screamed at you so much, that was pretty tame. I wish I was like you with things like this. Not great with what to say...... But I can listen.
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Gai: I hate feeling so weak. I'm tired all the time, in constant pain, I can't even walk-..... I can tell tenten and the boys worry despite my efforts to appear positive. Kks: They're just not sure how to react. They know you hate being babied, but don't want to push you into hurting yourself. You hate being told you can't do something. They love you. You get stronger everyday, everyone is cheering you on.
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Gai: I know it's irrational, but... I feel like you gave up the Hokage position to take care of me. Kks: Haa!? I'm grateful if anything. I'd be retired too if I could. That'd be amazing. I'm dreading just helping Tsunade but as long as you're by my side, I'll be fine. We're still equals, rivals, friends, partners
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Gai: Even if I can't- Kks: /Always/ wil be, dickhead. Gai: You worry about me hurting myself? Kks: I know you think about it
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Kks: We're the same in that regard Gai: I would never act on this, please believe me, these thoughts are rare........... Kks: It's ok, Gai. Gai: Sometimes I think i should have just died. I feel so out of place on the streets I used to feel so at home at. I never asked to live. I didn't plan to. I just don't know how to-...
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Kks: I understand that. Though, dying didn't feel any better. Gai: I know I didn't fully pass like you did. I didn't see papa. Just for a moment, I wish I could have seen him.
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Kks: As much as I'm sure he wants to see you again, It's too soon. Dai'd slap the shit out of you for wanting to waste your youth just to see him. Gai: [chuckle] probably. Kks: I have those thoughts less and less now, but they're still there. "why am I the one who survives?" "Burden" "Gai will come to his senses eventually"
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Gai: FALSE!! None of my grief is with you! I love living here with you! My love for you only burns hotter each day! You're so lovely inside and out! Kks: Maa What did I do to deserve such praise from teh mouth of the hottest man in Konoha?? Gai: YOU STILL THINK I'M HOT?! Kks: YOU-! [CACKLE]
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Kks: Your bad taste is the only reason I had a chance before someone snatched you up. Gai: The worst. Kks: Thought we'd irritate eachother, but it's been pretty smooth. Even though you still get played by the dogs. Gai: You really wanna throw those stones?
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Gai: They play you just as easily. don't lie. Kks: My point is, whatever you need from me, you have it. No questions asked. Even if you yell and scream, i can take it. You held me together when I was unraveling, and I'll never forget it. Didn't trust anyone else to see me like that. Broken
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Gai: I never saw you as that. Kks: I'll never see you as that
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
I know you already did a dungeon meshi x naruto au, but think with me
I was listening to the "I'll let the world burn for you" song and, while thinking on kakaobi, I realized that's SO farcille coded
So now I thought "crossover au where kakaobi is farcille", but idk who would be marcille bc, honestly, both would use dark magic to resurrect the other, mr. Hatake "Don't use rinne tensei even if it means not saving many lives" Kakashi and mr. Uchiha "I'll destroy this world and create a dream one to have my loved ones again" Obito
Mm,, alternate dungeon meshi AU with obkk my beloved,,
I think Marcille Kakashi fits best if we really wanna play off that "star student turned you're worst nightmare" angle, hes my favorite rising star prodigy who tried to run too far and too fast and crashed and burned for it
Also just Chimera Obito, cmon, come on. If nothing else, I am now committed to seeing Uchiha as chimeras, it's fun
Mad Mage Madara and ruler of the golden kingdom Izuna fits alarmingly well actually, both for the roles and like, narratively from multiple angles. Madara going mad bc of his brothers death, him turning Obito into a monster, his general monstrousness coming from a place of love. It works scarily well
Maybe Tobirama can take the role of that Yaad has, cursed to be immortal and lord of the golden country hidden within the dungeon in Izuna's absence. Madara visits him sometimes and insists it'll all be ok once Izuna is back as Tobirama calls him insane to his face
Anyways; back to the party.
So Marcille Kakashi and Falin Obito. Rin has to be on their team for obvious reasons, but I reeeeally wanna see Itachi, Shisui and Tenzo on it too bc I'm such a sucker for Team Ro.
Alternativley tho, if we make Kakashi an elf, what if we have Team Ro kind of take the place of the Canaries, and say Kakashi was once part of it but bc reasons eventually left and did his own thing? ANBU/ROOT -> Canaries pipeline or smthn idk
(I just want to see team ro somewhere around)
Anyways, Kakashi turning to black magic to save Obito, only inadvertedly managing to make him into a monster, both of them effectively dragging eachother down more and more and further and futher in their unwillingness to let eachother go.
I bet it'd do awful things to Kakashi's guilt complexe too, that'd be fun
Doing smthn fun, let Hashirama be a ghost wandering around trying to talk Madara down from his usual bullshit, but confined to the lower floors or else he risks losing himself. Now let him posess Tenzo bc they have similar magic and let it give him a cool plant magic power up, and also let this mean he can now move between floors as long as he stays inside of Tenzo. Maybe he can help guide them through the dungeon
Let Madara see Obito or Itachi for the first time and realize that his family somehow continued to exist outside of the dungeon walls, and let him feel smthn about it. Let him call him turning Obito into a chimera as something like love, something like welcoming him home, and let him try to offer Itachi something similar.
I have a couple other thoughts but Imma hit post on this bc its been sitting in my drafts for too long now, might come back to add more later but idk
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mrsbakashi · 2 years
Can we please get one of Kakashi significant other going to the hospital sick while Kakashi goes to work. Than the significant other does testing at the hospital but the results won’t be in till later so Sakura will send the results home with Kakashi so she goes home. Later in the day Sakura drops the paperwork off to Kakashi & says “congrats your going to be a father” and Kakashi has to let his significant other know? If that makes sense! Thank you ❤️
this is so cute! i wanna thank you for requesting this (and trusting me to write it) 💕 because it's holiday season i turned it into a holiday-themed thing, i hope you don't mind!
this was super fun and sweet to write (tho i still don't feel 100% with it).
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words: 3K
a/n: i took inspiration for pregnancy symptoms + reasons from google and my friends (specially one with pos who got pregnant the same way), but i'm sorry for anything (?). also, this is unedited and english is hard.
⚠️ c.w.: afab reader, unplanned pregnancy, pos (polycystic ovary syndrome), christmas, the mention of sex while pregnant.
you flushed the toilet again and got up, opening the faucet and washing your face. the mirror told you you looked like a mess, absolutely horrible. deep dark circles, pale, dry lips, and, besides that, it felt like your body was fighting against itself and apparently it was winning - or losing. you lost count of how many times you threw up in the last couple of days and you were feeling all over the place. such a great way to feel on christmas eve.
kakashi opened the door of the bathroom, worried about you.
"come on, let's go to the hospital." you could tell he was worried, but tried to maintain his voice firm.
"no, i'm ok! i'm just a little dizzy, that's all."
there was no way in hell you would go to the hospital. you hated hospitals! no one has ever received good news in a hospital. best case scenario was "you're not sick" which is not exactly a good new, it didn't change anything. a good new would be "hey, we just discovered you're immune to every disease that has ever existed and you're practically immortal" or something similar. also there was the smell, the freaking white walls white everything. ugh, absolutely not!
"you've been throwing up for four days now, please, y/n."
"mind your fucking business, rokudaime." you told him, pushing him aside to leave the bathroom.
"you're my fucking business."
"how sweet." your voice was filled of sarcasm. you weren't usually this mean, but kakashi sounded like a broken record, insisting you went to the hospital when you clearly didn't want to.
you sat on the bed and closed your eyes, trying to make the world stop spinning. your mind was desperate trying to remember if you'd eaten something that could've caused this. maybe a new virus? either way, your body would get rid of it naturally, how it's supposed to do.
"no, really, go to work. i just need to eat something and lay down a bit." you tried to calm him down.
"you said that yesterday and the day before that, i can't leave you like this, come on."
"kakashi, drop it, i'm not going to the hospital!" he was starting to get on your nerves.
"i'm not asking, i'm informing. you can choose to go wearing what you are now or put something else on. you got 5 minutes."
"touch me and i swear to god i'll make you regret the day you were born!"
"honey, please..."
kakashi kneeled down before you and took your hands in his.
"i can't leave you like this, i haven't been able to focus properly because i'm worried about you, i'm running behind schedule at work. i'm asking you, please, let me take you to the hospital."
you sighed, looking at him. as the hokage, kakashi couldn't skip a day of work, he was responsible for absolutely everything, and he would work the whole day on christmas eve.
"i hate hospitals. i really do."
"i know. but we have to find out what's wrong."
you got up and changed from your pajamas to a loose dress, grabbing your purse on the way.
kakashi practically carried you to the very christmas descorated hospital, but you couldn't blame him, you knew he was worried. that was the only reason you were there, actually. you were sure there was nothing wrong, you could feel it it was only temporary, probably just something you ate, but you were doing this for him, to make him feel at ease.
he only left after putting you in one of the beds, as if you were so weak you couldn't walk or sit. taking one of the hospitals beds was ridiculous, but the place was nearly empty anyway, people seemed to avoid hospitals during the holidays.
the holidays.
you couldn't help but smile at the memory of your first holiday with kakashi, when he asked you to be his girlfriend under a mistletoe, and exactly a year later he proposed. you had had a crush on him for months before he actually made a move, and now there you were, six years later, married and happy. you wondered if he remembered, now that he was all busy with the hokage job. you couldn't blame him if he didn't, he was working late on christmas eve, he had a lot going on... but at least he would be yours tomorrow. all yours.
"hi, y/n!" sakura greeted you.
"hi, sakura."
sakura was wearing a santa hat and there were tiny reindeers and christmas trees on her scrub.
"i heard you're not feeling well today. what's wrong?" she asked, holding a clipboard, ready to write down everything and anything you said.
"it's really nothing, kakashi's just being dramatic..."
"well, you're already here, we can check it out, it's no trouble. so, what are you feeling?"
"well, the main thing is this sickness, my stomach feels so weird i can't eat anything, i just throw up right away."
"hm... what else?"
"well, this is what concerns kakashi the most, but i also feel tired all the time, you know? it's like i ran a marathon, i just want to sleep."
"ok, so basically you're throwing up, feeling nauseous, can't eat and feel super tired?"
"yeah, that's basically it."
"okay, and when was your last period?"
"shit, i have no idea... my cycle is not really regular... i have pos, i take the pill but it doesn't really help with the cycle, sometimes it's 20 days, but sometimes it's like 45, so i don't really pay attention to it. i should, i know, sorry. it also doesn't help that i take the same pill since forever."
"okay... did you take any medication lately?"
"oh, god... nothing special, just the occasional aspirin. but i did have to take antibiotics for my throat a while ago ago, but it was nothing serious."
"okay..." sakura was writing everything down and had a little smile on her face. "question: is the sickness worse in the morning, like right after you wake up?"
"yes! why is that?"
sakura smiled and kept writing down your symptoms.
"so, do you know what's wrong? it's really nothing, right? probably just something i ate?" you asked, hopeful.
"well, in a way, yes." she giggled, but you didn't understand why. "come on, i need to take your blood and run a few tests in order to be 100% sure."
ugh, needles.
your body shivered at the idea, you absolutely hated needles, but what were you going to do? you were at the hospital anyway, might as well do everything. you were sure sakura had a pretty good idea of what was wrong with you, so if she wants you to take a blood test, you will take a blood test... that somehow made you feel quite anxious. if sakura wanted you to take a blood test, and she had an idea of what was going on, then maybe it was not "nothing", or simply something you ate. the idea of it being something serious caused panic to wash over you.
sakura was very skilled, she took your blood quickly, you almost didn't feel a thing and you were so so thankful for that.
"can you tell me what do you think it is?" the panic in your voice was obvious.
"we better wait for the results, but don't worry, it's nothing bad, i promise." she replied, tagging the blood bottles.
you nodded, looking at the perfectly painted white wall. nothing bad... as if something good was an option. in hospitals. haha.
"so, because it's christmas eve we're really short on people and the results may take a while, but you can go home if you want. i know you hate hospitals, it'll only make you anxious staying here... i'll send the results to kakashi."
"really? thank you!"
"yes, just make sure you rest, get some sleep and drink loads of water, ok? and try to eat something. a fruit, a glass of milk, anything is better than nothing, your body needs it." she recommended.
"okay, doc."
sakura smiled and touched your arm.
"and don't worry, everything's okay. i'll ask konohamaru to take you home."
"oh no, don't worry, i'm ok, i can go by myself."
"it's no trouble, he's got nothing better to do. besides, kakashi would kill me if he found out i let you leave alone."
that was true and there was no doubt. kakashi was overprotective - it would be ridiculous if it wasn't somehow sweet.
konohamaru walked you home taking very seriously the mission of taking the hokage's wife home in safety, it was adorable.
as soon as you got home you boiled water to make a cup of tea and tried to keep your mind free of worries, but it was difficult. sakura's questions brought up a fear you were working really hard to ignore, specially because it matched your symptoms, but it couldn't be true, it just couldn't. not with you.
you snuggled up on the couch with your cup of tea and turned on the tv to try and distract your mind.
.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.
kakashi was finishing signing a huge pile of documents when sakura entered the office.
"hi, kakashi sensei!"
"hey, pink hair! i hope you didn't come here to deliver bad news... how's y/n? or did you come to talk about something else?"
"i brought her blood test results."
"is she ok? please, tell me she's ok!"
"she's ok, sensei!" sakura smiled. "she's home, that's why i'm giving the results to you."
kakashi took the envelope from sakura's hands, but didn't open it, instead waited for her to say what was really written in that piece of paper. he was trying to hide the fact that he was anxious and worried, but a bit calmer now that he knew you were home - if you were home it meant you didn't have to stay at the hospital, so it was nothing too serious.
"so?" he asked when sakura didn't speak.
"congrats, sensei, you're going to be a father!"
sakura couldn't hide her excitement, she believed children were a blessing and she was so happy her beloved sensei was going to be a father! being one of his genins she knew he would be an amazing father. kakashi, on the other hand, was frozen, still holding the envelope, not even blinking.
"sensei... are you... ok?"
"she's... pregnant?"
"yes!" sakura confirmed, smiling. "isn't that wonderful?"
"are you sure?!"
"yes! look at the results, she's around five or six weeks in!"
kakashi still seemed really confused, as if sakura had said that the sky is in fact green.
"how is that possible? you're not lying to me, are you?"
"no! see, she takes the pill, but antibiotics cut the effect of the pill, i don't think she was aware of that."
kakashi was so shocked he didn't reply, still trying to process the information, envelope in hands.
"sensei... is everything okay?"
"yes, of course!" he gave her his signature smile, his eyes becoming little crescent moons.
"i have to get back to the hospital... tell y/n i want to talk to her asap, we need to run other tests, start the antenatal check up, see if everything's okay, if she'd like to keep it..."
kakashi nodded, but he didn't seem to have listened to her, so she left and went back to the hospital. it took kakashi a while to fully process the new information, he was caught so off guard. after a few minutes he left the hokage tower telling shizune he had to rush home and not stopping to hear her complain about how late they already were with things.
.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.
you woke up with a little jump when you heard kakashi call your name, realizing you had fallen asleep on the couch, the empty cup of tea on the floor. at least it didn't break.
"y/n!" kakashi called again.
"in the living room!"
three seconds later kakashi appeared with an envelope and a box in hands, almost running towards you.
"how are you? are you feeling better?" he asked, hands cupping your face, eyes analyzing every millimeter of your skin.
"i'm ok, i'm better. i told you i only needed to eat something. and sleep apparently. i'm better, there's no need to worry. is this the test results?"
you reached out to the envelope, but kakashi didn't let you touch it. weird.
"well? can i please see it?" you asked, sarcastically.
kakashi shook his head, then sat by your side.
"i'd like to talk to you first" he said.
"you're acting weird... are the results bad? am i sick? what is it?"
"you're fine."
you raised an eyebrow, not believing him. your heart was beating fast, and you started to feel a little anxious with the idea that something was, in fact, wrong. maybe you really were sick.
"if i'm fine, then why you don't want me to see the results?"
he handed you the box, which you accepted suspiciously. you untied the ribbon and opened it up, seeing a pair of tiny tiny socks inside it. your heart skipped a beat.
"uh... what's this?"
"y/n, you're pregnant."
the words hit you and made the room spin. you dropped the box and time stopped while your mind tried to process the information. that's exactly what had crossed your mind at the hospital, but you were too afraid to even consider it. it might have been seconds or minutes before you looked back to kakashi.
"i'm sorry... what?!"
"you're pregnant." kakashi said the words very carefully, seeing how you received the new.
"no... no, it doesn't make sense. let me see this!"
you finally took the envelope from kakashi's hand and opened it up, taking a quick look at the numbers and then seeing the high number on hcg hormone.
there was probably a question mark tattooed on your face, because you were so confused. it just didn't make sense! you took the pill and, even without the pill the chances of you getting pregnant were lower than average because of pos... at least that's what the doctor said when you you were diagnosed. it didn't add up.
"you see, apparently antibiotics cut the effect of the pill."
antibiotics! of course!
you closed your eyes when it all started to make sense. the sickness, the mood swings, the sleepiness... you touched your stomach unconsciously, the sudden awareness that there was a life evolving there was mindblowing. your eyes burned and you started to blink to contain the tears.
"i'm sorry..." you said with a weak voice, trying to contain the scream in your throat.
the tears fell from your eyes nonetheless and you felt ridiculous. you had one job! and now it was all ruined. kakashi and you never really talked about having kids, but you could tell from the way he talked about his father that he was scared, probably terrified at the idea of traumatizing someone same way his father did. he loved his genins, he really did, and he was some sort of father to them, he'd go to hell and back for them, but that was different. he had already lost so many people, he didn't want to go through the pain of losing a loved one again - you were the only exception, the only one he had let in, the only one who was worth it enough to risk it, but that was it. and it's not like you were dying to be a mother - sure, you loved children and the idea of a mini kakashi running around the house made your heart feel warm, a little package of love, the result of how much you and kakashi loved each other, the chance to make it right, the way your parents hadn't... but to be honest the idea of being responsible for a life scared the shit out of you.
"you're sorry?" kakashi chuckled.
you nodded, the tears never stop falling.
"i'm sorry i was so stupid, i know you don't want to be a father... i'm sorry i don't know what to do!"
it was getting harder to speak and impossible to contain the tears. kakashi pulled you in to his chest and kissed the top of your head.
"honey, we're in this together. it's ok, you're ok."
he kept repeating you were okay, massaging your back while you held on his shirt for dear life and tried to pull yourself together.
finally, a few minutes later, you felt calmer. kakashi pulled your chin up to look at you. you could tell he was smiling under the mask.
"you're right, i didn't want to be a father. past tense. that was before you. you can't imagine how happy i am, how full i feel!"
"honey, i love you! nothing could make me happier than starting a family with you!"
the tears came again, but this time it was because you felt incredibly happy and emotional. yes, it felt like you were all over the place.
"oh no, what's wrong?" kakashi asked, wiping away your tears.
your answer was to hold him tight and plant a kiss on his neck, which made him smile.
"so it's safe to say you also want a family with me?"
"of course i do!" you told him.
kakashi ran his fingers through your hair, something he knew made you feel calm and safe while in his arms and you two just stayed there for a while.
finally, when you were almost asleep he asked:
"what do you think it is? a boy or a girl?"
"hm... i think it's a boy. a silver haired boy that looks just like you and will annoy the hell out of me just like you do. i just know you two will be full of shenanigans."
"what if it's a girl? a beautiful lovely girl just like you that will be the center of my world just like you are. too clever for her own good, will always be on your side, even when she knows you're wrong."
you giggled, painting the picture in your head.
"what if we have twins? a boy and a girl." you asked, intertwining your fingers with his.
"then we're lost. completely. they would destroy the house while we'd watch in awe."
"i bet they would destroy the whole village, and no one would dare to stop them because they're the hokage's kids. they'd be little terrorists."
"oh yes, i can already picture them... shit, i'll have to hide my books."
"and the dogs, oh god... the house will be a complete mess 24/7!"
kakashi laughed.
"i can't wait for them to be here, i wanna hold 'em and smell their tiny head..."
"i have to say that the way you're so excited to be a father it's so hot and if i weren't already pregnant i'd ask you to put a baby in me right now."
"shit, i love you" he said, before pulling the mask down and kissing you passionately.
you weren't sure how it happened, but you were suddenly beneath him, your fingers pulling his hair while he kissed your neck. now that you knew you were pregnant you could blame it on the hormones, even though you knew that the truth was that, when it came to your husband, you were insatiable.
"thank you for the greatest christmas gift of my life." he whispered between kisses on your lips.
"the gift is not over yet. pants off, hatake."
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kakashi's taglist: @smutteedreams @justmyownreality @nightingaleflow @allyallygator @thetimelesschild @jyotsna-d @rocknrollsoul76 @crimsonxuchiha @hellogecko-blog1
fill this out to be part of my taglist 💕
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34choco · 1 year
Laying in bed thinking up a Naruto modern day au like...
Ok so Sakura's a med school student and Naruto and Sasuke are her childhood friends who didn't have a plan for after HS other than "keep hanging out with Sakura." thankfully they grew up close to a good school so so she didn't even have to move away for college. Naruto and Sasuke just get some boring starter jobs and wing it.
The trio is always taking selfies and sending them to "dad" aka Kakashi, their old martial arts instructor from middle school. He hates the nickname but has long since resigned himself to it. It started when Sasuke accidentally called him "dad" once but it was after his own family died so to save him from being sad/embarrassed about it Sakura and Naruto both started calling Kakashi "dad" too, and then after a few weeks of it Sasuke started thinking it was funny how much it annoyed Kakashi so he starts doing it on purpose to be a little shit.
Of course Kakashi goes crying to his bf and fellow martial arts instructor Gai about how the nickname's officially never going away now that Sasuke thinks it's funny and Gai's just like "man i wish my students (Neji, Lee, & Tenten) would call me dad they must really like you" and Kakashi responds "TAKE THIS CURSE FROM ME I'M BEGGING YOU!!!!"
Neji actually comes from a long line of martial artists and grew up training with family till his dad died protecting his twin brother (Hina's dad) in an accident, then Neji started resenting his uncle and Hinata and joined Gai's team instead of continuing to practice at home. Eventually Neji grows out of hating his uncle and cousin during high school, after having a kind of epiphany about why his dad risked his own life to save his brother when Neji himself jumps between Tenten and an incoming car after she accidentally tripped off a curb trying to back up from some bullies from school. He's hurt bad but she only ends up with scrapes and bruises, so when he wakes up in the hospital he's just relieved that she's okay and that's when he suddenly gets it. After that he starts trying to be nicer to Hinata and they get close.
Hina grows up chilling with the "weird kids" at school cause she's shy and that gets her bullied sometimes, but Kiba (the furry/scene kid in middle school to grunge punk in high school) and Shino (ND kid who is wayyyy too obsessed with bugs) both instantly take a liking to her cause shes genuinely kind to them and interested when they're enthusiastic about stuff so they'll go to bat for her anytime (which lands them in the principal's office more than once)
Okay this is all i have rn but i woll return to add more to this lol uhhhh hmu if u wanna talk about it i guess lol im always down for more Naruto fandom friends
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smutteedreams · 3 years
Hey precious! I hope you’re doing okay🥰🌸
If (and only if!) this is okay with you, may I please request a drabble with a very needy Kakashi. He simply can’t get enough of you and he’s all over you like you’re ice cream melting away! 🥺👉🏾👈🏾
Maybe he had a nightmare about losing reader, and simply wants to hold reader and he’s reassured that they’re not going anywhere and very well exist in his arms.
The rest is totally up to you to decide! I just wanna read some Kakashi fluff(even if it’s a little spicy😉hehe)
Hope you have a good night or day and please ignore this if it’s not what you’re feeling! Thanks beautiful♥️💐
Billie billie billie...idk if i love your ass for such a heartwarming request or hate you for making my single ass feel even more single (jk you know ily) plus im down bad for this hunk....so ENJOY i guess
Kakashi x reader
WARNINGS: themes of depression, insomnia and trauma, fluff, slight nsfw
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Frustration is one word to describe it, the constant drifting in and out of sleep- too tired to stay awake but too scared of the nightmares that haunt him to fall asleep. After struggling like this for god knows how long, Kakashi finally opens his eyes and lets out a dejected sigh. He wasn't new to this torture. No. He was way too used to it. He shouldn't be but some things just can't be helped.
His mind started wandering off into the darkness of his soul- the loss of his comrades and his sensei, his inability to protect those close to him, the feeling that he can only bring misfortune to those around him. Before he knew, his body was shaking, mind going haywire in a constant loop of guilt. He was about to start hyperventilating when he felt movement and his gaze landed on you, curled up by his side on the bed in the apartment you shared. Your hands snaked around his chest, your legs wrapping his thighs and waist, your head on his shoulder- you were clinging to him like he was the most fragile and precious being in the universe and you never wanted to let him go. And its true, you didn't and that realization seemed to bring Kakashi out from the void in his heart and back home to you.
You woke up when you felt like you were being squeezed only to see Kakashi laying his head on your chest, tightly wrapping you in his arms as his whole body shook. It took you a minute to come out of your dazed state from being woken up and to realize what was going on.
"Kakashi?" No answer.
" Babe, are you okay?" Still no response. You suddenly felt your tshirt getting wet where Kakashi buried his face and you immediately hugged him. You pulled him closer so that his whole body was over you now and cradled him like a baby. You buried one hand in his tangled white hair while the other rubbed his back to calm him down.
"Its alright love...you're okay...you're okay. I'm right here baby and I always will be. I love you so much. Just let it out ok?" Kakashi nodded in response.
You knew about Kakashi's past. It took him almost a year into your relationship before he could talk to you about it. He cried that day, so did you. It hurt you to see the man you loved carry so much pain in his heart- pain that was too much for any person to bear alone. So you offered to share his pain. Since that day, you guys had come a long way, both as people and as lovers. Kakashi felt happy and content, even blessed, to have you in his life.
But he had his moments of relapse. Tonight was one of them. He needed to feel something, something other than despair and you made him feel loved and wanted and it frightened him beyond words could express. He was scared of losing you like he lost so many others. He was scared that you would also fade to a memory, a teaching that he would have to drill in his students.
" Promise me that you're gonna stay. I swear I'll never forgive you if you leave me behind as well."
You gave him a reassuring smile and cupped his cheek, lightly pecking his nose.
"Of course love. You know you mean the world to me, don't you? I promise I'm staying. After all, how can I leave this ass," you said as you reached to spank his scrumptious booty but Kakashi was faster and pinned both of your arms behind your head with one of his hands.
"Really? I'm not safe from your sneak attacks even now?" he said as he wiped his tears away.
You both laughed at this and you were glad that you could feel Kakashi's body relaxing gradually.
"Are you feeling a little better now?"
"Good cause I need you to move. You're squishing me!" you tell him in breathless pants. He mumbles a quick sorry before readjusting himself over you so that you are comfortable, and then burying his face in the crook of your neck.
You look down at him to find him looking at you expectantly with the cutest puppy eyes. You knew what this look meant- it meant that Kakashi of the Sharingan, the "cold-blooded" shinobi feared by his peers and enemy ninjas, wanted to be babied and was asking you to play with his hair.
You of course obliged and buried your hands in his messy hair because you loved doing it and those eyes made you melt. Your fingers roamed on his scalp, softly scratching and massaging when you suddenly felt sloppy kisses and some nibbling on your neck, on your very sensitive sweet spot- something that always ended up with you struggling to stand the next day.
"Hun, whatcha doing?" you asked in a teasing tone.
"Nothing..." he replied making the most innocent face he could come up with but failed to hide his smirk. You tugged on his hair to bring his face up to yours, crashing your lips against his in a soft but passionate kiss. The kiss got deeper and more heated as you both got needy. Soon you could feel Kakashi's erection brushing up against your clothed sex and let out a soft moan, earning a small grunt in turn from Kakashi.
His hands reached under your clothes. You let out a gasp that turned into a long moan when you felt his cold fingers pinching your nipple and rolling it between his thumb and index finger.
"I love how these always perk up at my touch" he said and bit your lower lip sucking on it ever so softly.
"W-wait...don't you have to train your little gremlins tomorrow?"
"Well yeah but I guess I can be a little late."
"Did you even plan to be on time in the first place?"
"Nope", Kakashi chuckled before pulling the sheets up hiding you both under it.
i poured my heart and soul into this piece so i really hope i was able to give you what you want @iambilliejeanok
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imaginativeamateur · 2 years
hey... i know req are closed but i wanna req, one special req! Do not push yourself for making this! It's ok! I know you're busy
Since it's my birthday tommorow i wanna req a birthday surprise
No ships!
It's more like a birthday surprise for reader...
Since i'm not the only one who has a birthday in july 4...
I wanna req a fem and male too
This req is for everyone!
Story: reader thinks that everyone forget his/her birthday and they are sad about it, and so they go to sakyra and tell it about it... and sakura feels quite cuz... she knows whats going on... reader don't know that everyone(as in EVERYONE!) making a plan for her/his perfect birthday party!
Thank youuu
Pairing: No ships, gn!Reader
Note: Hello, love! First of all, Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday to my July lovelies <33 Wish you the best of the best of luck, health, and happiness! This was a very nice request, thank you so much! Now, let's jump right into it!
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“Four-thirty,” you mumble, looking at your watch as you cross a street. Today is your birthday, yet everyone you saw in the morning did everything but bring the word ‘birthday’ up.
It saddens you that your close friends like Shikamaru, Hinata, and even your teacher, Kakashi-sensei, have no clue whatsoever. Your last hope is Sakura. Even though she might appear a hot-headed and stubborn girl in your group, Sakura still has a very kind and altruistic nature. She will definitely remember your birthday. At least you try to tell yourself so.
Soon enough, you are greeted with a gust of cold wind. When you stop at her doorstep, the pink-haired is just about to leave her house to run some errands. 
“Oh hi, Y/N!” She waves, closing the door behind her back. “I actually have t go pick up my laundry and deliver groceries to my parents’ place. Do you—”
“It’s fine,” you immediately hold up your hands and laughed, “I was just wandering around. I don’t have anything planned so, yeah. Well, I’ll see you around!”
You leave, trying your best to restrain yourself from falling into the rabbit hole of pessimism. How come no one remembers your birthday? The more you dwell on the matter, the harder it becomes for your tears not to brim. You quickly wipe your eyes and turn around, making your way back home. Maybe you will just spend this birthday by yourself then, it is not too big of a deal anyway, you are all grown up. There is no birthday in this world where one’s safety is always on the line. Birthday celebration is too trivial of—
“Happy birthday, Y/N!”
As soon as you turn on the lights in your living room, Naruto jumps from behind the couch, throwing confetti at you. Then Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji gather around, starting a whole choir of ‘Happy Birthday.’ What you do not expect to happen is Sasuke and Neji joining the mass, singing loud and clear even though they have obviously messed the rhythm up. Kiba and Shino busy themselves with a balloon show. Kakashi-sensei leans onto the doorframe, watching with his crescent-eyed smile. Once the song is finished and you are still in shock, Hinata and Sakura enter the hall with a birthday cake and dancing candles. Rock Lee, honored with the mission to get the lights, swiftly switches them off with a bright grin.
“Make a wish, Y/N,” Hinata urges you.
You shake yourself out of the trance and clasp both hands together. “I wish that from now on, my birthdays will always be blessed with my loved ones. Thank you so much for giving me a chance to meet them this life, and for them to become my family.”
Taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @darling-imobsessed @animepickle7 @simping-master-69 @tirzamisu @uchiha-bride @the-tiniest-one @greenshirtimagines @adeards @chloe-secret @rory-cakes @byyalady @icedemon1314 @melovehiddlestan @sharingangirl @sakinotfound @kaimaara @ireallyhateithere2 @feitanett @bobalix @uchihaprince @6-022-10-23 @foggyperfectiondragon @professionalsimp330 @christiansdior @dramaticq
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pxnk-velvet · 4 years
Hello! Hope you're doing well! So. Ok. So I'm on my pms. I'm in pain and I'm horny af at the same time so fml 🤦‍♀️ . I need some Kakashi smut x fem!reader. I'm sucker for this cold-blooded bastard, who thinks he never finds love and then he is melting in her embrace 🥲
Luv ya 💗
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Kakashi Hatake x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n L/n. The women that everyone wanted, until Kakashi got his hands on her. To this day, he still couldn’t fathom the things she made him feel.
Warnings: nsfw!, overstimulation, squirting, intended for mature readers only
shawty! this? THIS??? 🖐🏼🥵🥵🥵 this is probably some of the hottest stuff i have ever written lmao 😭 for reallllll. as always feedback and reblogs are appreciated 😊
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He was completely enamored with her. It was like he couldn’t get enough of her being. Everything about her was just so hypnotizing. From the way she spoke, plump lips morphing around each syllable, to the way she walked, frame held beautifully as her hips swayed with a natural rhythm. Her skin, delicate and smooth under the touch of his own calloused hands. Her eyes holding so much emotion and so many secrets, drawing in people with just one glance.
Typically Kakashi Hatake wasn’t a man to brag about the things he had or skills he owned. However, with her by his side, he couldn’t help but smirk under his mask knowing that so many other people had pinned after his beloved.
Y/n L/n.
A notorious name known to the hidden leaf and beyond. One of the best kunoichi to ever come from Konoha. Praised and loved by all. Often set as example for many of the young ninja in training. Sought out by both men and women for friendship, love, sex, and other things.
Yet after years and years, she never gave in to the countless offers of love and devotion. Only resorting to giving the lucky person a single night of ecstasy. Leaving them in the morning, only to return home with a stronger yearning for one man. For years she had eyes for him. Growing up and honing a sturdy friendship that lasted decades. Along with their growing bond, grew their feelings for one another.
Quick glances turned into lingering stares. Stories being told whenever they locked eyes, not a single word spoken. Simple touches seemed to last longer than they usually did. A deep desire and passion behind each one. Only up until recently had they come to terms with one another, finally being able to confess after all this time.
Now, Kakashi sat in the hot spring’s warm waters, his gaze trained on his girlfriend relaxing beside him. The mission they had been sent on, now completed early and taken care of. They figured it wouldn’t hurt to stay for one more night and enjoy the hot springs.
His eyes ate up the sight of her. The way her skin held a thin sheen of sweat and condensation, shining in the moonlight. A few strands of hair sticking to her forehead, cheeks, and neck. Lips parted slightly, head tilted back, chest rising and falling gently.
It was ludicrous, really. The way he was looking at her with no shame at all. Eyes raking over ever dip and curve of exposed skin. Focusing particularly on her breasts, the water moving around them, bobbing to become accustomed to their shape. His lustful stare was intense as his eyes continuously absorbed the sight in front of him, yet the whole time she could feel it. With his eyes trained on her, she peeked open one of her own as a shudder ran up her spine, catching a glimpse him.
His hair dampened by the steam, chest glistening in a way that drove Y/n to new heights. The defined muscles accentuated in the moonlight. Nothing but a single, small towel was covering his face, replacing his usual mask. Y/n had insisted that it was alright for him to take it off, yet he still felt obligated just in case some lone stranger decided to stroll in at the dead of night.
“My eyes are up here, you know.” Y/n teased, lifting her head to look straight at Kakashi. The eye contact sending a strike of arousal through both of them. The ache between their legs only getting worse.
“Yeah,” Kakashi mused, eyes flickering down for a second before coming back up with a smirk, “You just look so good like this. I seriously don’t know what I did to deserve a woman like you.” His voice hung in the air like a song, Y/n melting at his words with an adorable giggle.
The water rippled around them as Y/n shifted to settle herself over his lap. Her thighs sat snuggly over his, chest to chest as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She pressed her breasts against him teasingly, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck, a tall tell sign that she wanted him.
“I think....” She began, shifting slightly in Kakashi’s lap, “That we should head back to the room for a little while.” Her words coated in desire as she spoke, looking deeply into his eyes, telling him exactly what she wanted.
Kakashi hummed in agreement as his hands moved to rest on her bare hips, squeezing instinctively as she lightly swiveled her pelvis. All the while the water swayed around them in rhythmic movements.
Without a single word, Kakashi removed the towel covering the lower half of his face, slowly pulling her in for a kiss. Lips slotting together comfortably like so many times before. In a way that if anyone saw, their jealousy was guaranteed. Kakashi really was a lucky man, and he knew it.
The kiss was hot, full of lust and passion as their hands roamed over wet, warm skin. With parted lips, their tongues danced sinfully. All senses heightened, being stimulated simultaneously.
He was like putty in her hands, shivering whenever her fingertips danced over certain spots on his body, blood rushing to his length by the second. Never did Y/n think Kakashi’s body would be so reactive to her touch. Soon she felt his length press against her lower abdomen, chuckling lightly.
“Come on,” She pulled away reluctantly, feeling him resist slightly, “You’re the one who insisted on wearing a mask even though there’s not a single soul here besides us.” A smile teased on her lips as he held her impossibly closer.
A playful sigh left his lips, groaning, “I suppose you’re right....” A flirty tone laying underneath his words, “But we’re already here. To go back to the room we would need to get up, put our clothes back on, only for us to take them off again seconds later.”
The moment he spoke those words, a mischievous smirk etched onto Y/n’s plump lips, an idea blossoming in her head.
Not even a minute later, two of the most respectable ninja of the Hidden Leaf were dashing down the hallway of a lone motel, completely naked, clothes slung over their shoulders as they tried their hardest not to burst out into loud laughter.
The door swung open as the couple rushed in, the air becoming thick with tension as they caught their breath. A small thud could be heard as they threw their clothes elsewhere. Now standing in the middle of the room, eyes locked in an intense gaze, chests raising and falling as they reciprocate from the antics they just partook in.
This feeling of lightness as well as lust swirled around in Kakashi’s chest, something he lived for. The way she made him feel like he was on top of the world with every passing moment was something he craved. The high he gets whenever he was with her was addictive. Something he never thought he’d get to experience in his lifetime. He didn’t ever plan on stopping either.
Within seconds, they has stumbled their way onto the bed in a tangled mess of limbs. Kakashi situated over her frame as his hands moved to wrap her legs around his waist while they were captured in a heated kiss. With this proximity, their skin was warm to the touch as arousal pooled between Y/n’s legs. Now his lips ghosted over her jaw and continued further on to her neck and collarbones.
A delighted sigh fell from her lips as Kakashi ran his tongue over the area he just marked, lips soft as he sucked on the spot that he knew made her go weak in the knees. All the while she managed to snake a hand between their bodies, taking hold of his member, grazing her thumb over the tip and pumping it a few times. His cock felt heavy in her hands as the veins throbbed under her touch. Kakashi wanted nothing more than for her to cast her magic spell and drive him wild.
“Kakashi...” She whispered, bucking her hips up, “I need you.” Her hand trailed up his abdomen, the muscles going taunt under her fingertips as they continued up and into his hair.
“Anything for you.” He mused, his chest inflating, knowing what he was getting himself into. He ran his length through her folds, a pretty moan falling from her lips as he did so, collecting her wetness.
Kakashi hissed at how tight she was, squeezing around his tip mercilessly, almost enticing him in. Y/n’s mouth fell open, eyes rolling back as her walls stretched to accommodate to his size.
It was euphoric, the way she felt. Velvety walls clamping up whenever he withdrew to thrust forward again. One hand gripping the bed sheets beside her while the other was clasped onto her hip.
As his pelvis continued to snap into hers at a steady pace, her breasts bobbed with each thrust. A sight Kakashi would never get tired of seeing.
“Fuck....” He sighed, hand releasing the sheets to take hold of one of her breasts, “You feel so good.” His lips brushed against her with each word, colliding soon after in a messy kiss, consisting of teeth and tongue.
He could feel her orgasam starting to build. The muscles in her lower abdomen contracting as the coil in her core tightened, Kakashi hitting just the right spot. That spongy little spot that held the key to a mind shattering orgasam.
“Kakashi, please!” Y/n whined, teeth grinding as her eyes were squeezed shut, “Fuck, I wanna cum! Make me yours.” With those words, something snapped inside of him, completely gone and focused on only one thing.
Kakashi made quick movements, shifting so he could grab the back of her thighs and press them to her chest. At the new feeling the position change brought, they nearly lost their minds. Y/n’s walls growing impossibly tighter as Kakashi thrusted into her even deeper.
Y/n’s legs dangled in the air as Kakashi held her thighs, pistoning his hips into hers with incredible speed. The squelching of her wetness echoed in the room as she creamed around his cock. Hot tears running down her cheeks as the intense orgasam rushing over her. Incoherent babbles and words leaving her mouth as he worked her through the high.
“Come on, baby,” Kakashi praised, “Just hold on for me for a little bit longer, ok?” He leaned down to place a gentle kiss on her cheek, licking the tears his lips picked up when he pulled away.
With that he worked quick, taking deep and strong strokes as he paced for his own climax. While doing so, Y/n felt another one quickly creeping up on her.
“Fuck, Kakashi! I’m cumming again.” She cried out, the ballon in her core bursting. Her tight cunt spraying all over his thighs and stomach, squeezing him so tight it was almost painful, triggering his own release. He pressed her thighs down, closer to her chest, holding his hips as close as he could to her hot skin. His tip kissing her cervix, painting it with pretty white strands of his cum.
He gently let down her legs, hissing as he pulled out. Y/n whining quietly at the empty feeling, the mixture of their cum leaking out of her cunt and onto the sheets below.
“You did so good, babe,” Kakashi sang, a tired smile etched on his face, arms moving to wrap around her midsection, “You’re the only woman in the world that could make me feel this good.” His words sweet, sounding like music in her ears as she chuckled softly, pulling him in for a gentle kiss.
“I love you, Kakashi Hatake.” She mused against his lips. Running her fingers through his messy hair, eyes now blown with love and admiration.
His smile grew even wider, hand coming up to caress her face, “I love you too, Y/n L/n. More than you know.”
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kakashifanrp · 3 years
-Going Between Dimensions-
Part 16 - Talkative Drunk
Kakashi Hatake x reader
AN: things are finally comming togheter, and memories are back. It has been a slowburn soo far, but now it is slowly going thowards the two 😊
Taglist: @fuzzyfestcat , @ari-hatake15
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A quick shower and some dinner when you got home was making the hours go by before you had to meet up with everyone at the bath house. Suprisingly you were the first one there. "How late am I?" Kakashi's voice came from above you as you looked up and saw he was standing on the fence. "actually you are early... The others are late" You frowned and sighed as kakashi jumped down and looked at you. "really? That was a new one" He had his usual posure, with his hands in his pockets as he leaned on the fence. "right?" you muttered before you heard small laughs coming from the street.
"oy, Sorry.. ANKO USED FOREVER!" Genma started to run thowards you with Anko behind. "I did not!" you watched them and tilted your head. "allready fighting?" You looked at them in disbelief, knowing how the night would end up. "Ey, what do I say.. I have that effect on people" Genma shrugged and smirked, while the toothpick was in the corner of his mouth. "That is one thing I can agree with.." Anko rolled her eyes before hugging you. "look who finally got her uniform fitted! Now you can hunt the men!" She smirked as she watched you, while a blush creeped up on your cheek. "wha... Don't drag me into that stuff." You put your hands up nervously. "Who knew that you actually hid something underneath the old uniform." Genma said plainly, earning him a hit from Anko straight to the head. "I see things never change" Kakashi looked at all of you.
"Offcourse not, biggest flirt is still the biggest flirt.." You sighed. When the rest arrived you all were finally able to go inside. Kakashi, Asuma, Genma and Gai went to the mens side while Anko, Kurenai and you to the girls. "I am soo ready for some sake" Anko sighed as she walked out to the small hot spring. "just don't get drunk here.. We have the pub after" Kurenai added before getting in. You smiled happily and got in yourself and sighed. "I really needed this" you hummed happily and filled everyone a glass of sake and gave to them. "imagine all of us going out togheter.. It has been years" Kurenai smiled happily. "it has... Last time was in our early teens.. Never gone out for drinks all of us like that" You thought about it. It was always someone missing.
What could been better? A hour to soak in the hot spring with some sake after a long day with the best people around you.. It was like heaven. Even if it was just for a hour before you guys had to move on to the pub, it was still worth it. The three of you girls were able to finnish a bottle each just chatting along and enjoying the time before you heard Gai's voice from the barrier. "get ready girls, we are heading and ready for a Yuthful night!" at least they choosed the loudest to let you all know.
When everyone had gotten the clothes back on, you sighed. "I need to come back one day soon" You muttered as you were the last one to leave the room and went to meet up with the others. Surely it wasen't just the girls that was tipsy, most of the boys seemed to be aswell. "anko, lead the way" Genma wrapped a arm around her shoulders as he whispered something to her and smirked. "ok, lets go!" Anko cheered and dragged Genma along. You all almost walked in pair, Anko and Genma in the front, Asuma and Kurenai, Kakashi and Gai, then you behind. "Oy, Y/N was what that trick you told Anko about?" Genma suddenly had come to walk next to you. "what trick?"
"the flirting one, that even made her look shocked.. I wanna win the flirting battle tonight" Genma whispered as he looked at you. "ah, I see... But I can't help you.. Flirting with girls isn't my thing... Just read some books.. Thats where I got it from" You shrugged and smiled as Genma looked defeated. "that is not helping me now.. What do you women like then?" You narrowed your brows, seeing the competition shine in his eyes. "damn.. You ask the woman with the least experince, ya know?" You sighed and thought. "Do what you normally do, just be sweeter, and hard to get.. Maybe add on some sexyness into it.." The toothpick in his mouth were visably roling over his tounge as he thought. "I think I get it, thanks" He winked before running back to Anko. "least experince?" Kakashi looked over at you with some curiousity in his eyes. "are you normally listening in?" He slowed down a bit soo he could walk next to you. "only when it gets intresting"
"soo this was intresting?" you watched him as he nodded. "to be someone without experince you knew alot about flirting" He chuckled. "mediocre at best would I say, just throw the right words in there and he will get it" You defended. "And I was around Master Jirayia for too long, picked up a thing or two" You reminded him carefully. Luckily there were no more questions about it as you all got to the pub and found a booth to sit in. Asuma got the first round as most talked with eachother in their own way, and kakashi hadn't taken out his book yet, which meant a ok night. Anko and Genma had been on the flirt thing all night as anko leaned over. "Y/N, I need the line.." You looked at her and made a small face. "Seriously, dragging me into this?" Anko nodded and gave you her pleading eyes. "please, with sugar on top, just one line" You nodded and thought a bit. "How far are you taken it?" this caught Kakashi's attention as he started to listen in. "as far as I have too, I just need a line" This was more intresting than what he had thought it would be. He were happy his smile of amusent were hidden under the mask right now. "ok, the one that breaks him each time.. Just turn on the sexy voice and go.. Wouldn't you like to see how flexible I am senpai... And flutter your lashes" You explained simply. Kakashi grabbed onto his glass a bit thighter, he had forgotten about that voice of yours now, and having it reminded this way were not it.
You gave Kakashi a small push to the side before looking at him, hinting for him to watch what was gonna happen. He acted like he didn't know anything as he did what you suggested, just in time to see Gemna falling off the chair and Anko smirking. "Wierd how they haven't got togheter yet if you ask me" You giggled a bit as you sat back and finnished your drink. "That line is from a book?" He knew which book too. "Yes, first icha icha, chapter 9.. Wierd they haven't caught on to it yet" You admitted, not noticing his blush, and shocked expression. "you are way to young for those.." He struttered. "We are the same age.. And who do you think had to read them for approval?" He almost spit his drink out, as he placed the glass down. "I get some more to drink" You smiled and got up and walked over to the bar, taking your round for the table.
You smiled at the bartender and ordered another round for the table as Genma walked up. "fuck me.. Anko got some lines" He muttered, making you give his shoulder a comforting pat. "dear dear, You figure out a comeback." it was hard holding back a laughter. Their silly flirting game had been going on for years. "Ok, just get her on two on two and whisper to her.... Your place or mine, I wanna test that flexibility" You smirked as Genma brighten up. "got it! Thank you!" He smirked as he walked back to the table. The best thing is knowing you had won over both of them, since you gave them the lines. When the drinks came you carefully carried them all over to the table, as carefully as you could in your drunken state." We will be back!" Anko said as she got up from her seat and held onto Genma's wrist before dragging him along out of the pub. "What did you do Y/N?" Asuma looked at you and chuckled. "I don't know what you are talking about?" You played innocent as you sat back in your seat.
"On another hand they are kind of a good cupple" Kurenai said softly, while the drunken blush was on her cheek. "And they still don't see it themself, like his silly week chruses on me and so on.. It is to piss her off" You smiled and took a sip of your drink. "Soo lets find you a match then!" Gai smirked happily, also getting drunk at this point. "me? You serious?" Gai nodded. "If Anko and Genma is becoming a thing, kurenai and Asuma.. Oh my, that means only us three left out of that yuthful experince!" Gais eyes went wide as he realised. "I need to start right away" Gai got up and left, making you look confused. "Should we worry?"
"maa.. It is Gai, he can handle himself" Kakashi brushed it off. "well, more drinks for us" You smiled and conntinued to drink with the others for the rest of the night. All four of you getting awfully drunk at the end of the night. "I follow you home.." Kakashi offered as you all walked from the bar. "Aren't you sweet" You teased happily, trying to walk straight. "You know, I have a bottle or two at home" You gave a sloppy wink to him, not ready to finnish the night just yet. "Ok, I join if we can play a game" Now was his chance, he had you alone and it was time to get the information he needed. "what game?" You fiddles with your key's as you walked up to your appartment. "Truth or dare?"
"Kakashi, aren't we too old for that?" the giggle was hard to hold back as you looked at him. "No, I don't think soo.. And it is fun" Those words were not normal to hear out of his mouth, making himself hold back a cringe as he said them. "ok then." You unlocked the door and walked inside with him before walking over to get the glass and bottles. "living room then?" You smiled and walked in with him as you sat down on the floor and leaned against the couch. Kakashi walked over and sat down next to you. "ok, you start then" You commanded as you filled your glasses.
"what do you pick?" He leaned against the couch aswell. "Truth" it was always the easy pick, wasen't it. "ok, when was the last time you dated?" you stopped in your tracks, the glass resting on your lips as you eyed him. "you too?" He just chuckled. "well, dated.." you narrowed your brows as you started to count. "damn.. It has been many years.. 5 maybe 6...more?" You were not sure at all. "Naruto had just moved out last time I was in any kind of dating situation" Kakashi looked at you, at least you remember that part.. But that was more than before. The questions started to get worse from his side, like he was interigating you. "I take dare then" You decided later, thinking you were smart. "ok, you have to pick truth the rest of the game" He winked at you, or blinked hard to tell. "Why don't we finnish the game and you just tell me why you ask all of theese wierd questions all of the sudden, and I might be honest" You poked his chin where you know his beautymark was, as you used to do way back then.
"how long have you remembered?" he blurred out as he looked at you. "remembered what part?" You wanted to know what he wanted and such a vauge question would not help. "You know exactly what" He looked at your hand that just had poked him as it hit you what he was refering to. "Well.. Us you mean?" This made him nodd. Finally you understood what all this was about. "It started after the Itachi thing months ago... Small memories came back, but not fully until the cloak came on" You looked at him, trying to read his face. "I know you wanted it to stay forgotten, soo I didn't tell you" You smiled and finnished your glass. "You think it was that I didn't want you too?" He sounded suprised by that and you nodded.
"Wasen't it.. Or is there more too it?" Now you had questions, and hopefully he would answer. "no, Thats not.. What did you see.. That night?" You had to think about it. "That night it happened or when I started to remember correctly?" "both" His answers were quick. You leaned back and thought a bit as you looked at the wall on the other side of the room. "that night.. I am not sure how to put it.." You mumbled, trying to word it in your drunken state were not easy. "my worst nightmare I guess..Hate, alot of hate.." You didn't really wanna remember. "You were avoiding me.. Not only that you were afraid of me for years after that..." Kakashi wanted to know, it was really easy to hear in his voice as he spoke.
"It was shown as if it was you doing it.. Like you hated me, for what I am.. Like you wanted me dead..." You thought if you should conntinue, but unsure if it was a good idea. "The last words I remembered that night was if you saw me again, You would not hesitate.." Kakashi turned you to look at him, now having his headband off. "wait, you belived that?" He sounded more hurt than annoyed. "It felt real.. I had never seen such hatred in your eyes before.. Thats why I think it played on my fears from back then" He leaned back as he listened. "When the memory came back, it was something else.. It wasen't like that.. It was someone else doing it" A sigh left Kakashi's mask. "I know... For years I thought it was my eye doing it... But when you healed me earlier.. I saw what you saw.. Someone else"
It got quiet between you two as you looked at him. "well on the bright side, You don't hate me" You smiled making him chuckle. "True.." He muttered. "but promise you don't tell Naruto I know what your face looks like.. I don't want that after me" You teased trying to cheer him up. "Well, it is kind of fun, maybe I tell him when he comes back." He smiled under his mask thinking it would be fun to make Naruto bug you for a change.. Then he remembered the last time he thought you were in on the game. "soo, The last hook up?" He asked carefully. "Oh, around 2 and a half years ago, wasen't planned just to much to drink and yo.." You stopped as you looked over at him. "wait a minute, mask off" you commanded as you looked at him. He carefully nodded and pulled it down, before looking at you carefully. "no way, it was you!?" You studied his face carefully, adding on the features from the photografer you had spent a drunken night with.
"Better to take the heat for it now" He said carefully as he blushed, now on full display. "how is that even possible.. I saw you two at the same time!" "shadowclones" He said plainly. "You have a few secounds to explain..." you warned carefully as you held back your own blush. "Well, it was to talk.. Since I thought you were in on the games.. But when you weren't I just took the oppertunity for a normal conversation.. And we got drunk and." You sighed. "Soo basically.. You were him?" you asked carefully. "yeah.. Lets just be happy you didn't pull the wig off.."
You shaked your head. "Soo my hook up were my ex.." You whispered. "that makes more sense actually" Kakashi looked over at you with a frown. "how come?" You filled your glass and took another sip. "For someone who never do hook ups, or anything like that.. Then suddenly doing it with one stranger, and somehow had a connection and things to talk about.. There is no odds for that" You looked at him. "but that is staying between us, anko is teasing me enough as it is" Kakashi relaxed a when he noticed you were not as mad as he thought you were gonna be, that was his biggest worry if the memories came back.. It was never meant to happen anyway. "Soo, what now? You are not gonna stop being my friend are you?" Your voice caught him offguard as he looked at you. "no, we can look at it as a fresh start..." You hummed and smiled. That is better than nothing.
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
I'VE BEEN WAITING TO REQUEST THIS EVER SINCE REQUESTS HAVE BEEN CLOSED ok so can I get a scenario where kakashi's s/o walks in on him masturbating? And whatever it leads to is up to you! :) 👉👈
Well I’m glad that they’re open so I can bring this to you now. 😊
Caught || {NSFW} Kakashi x Reader
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Word Count: 1.3k
AO3 Link
You walked into the dark house after your shift at the hospital and hadn’t expected the entire house to be this dim. It was relatively early for it to be so dark. You had gotten off your shift much earlier than you usually had. With few Shinobi in your ward, you had been unneeded, and as the Hokage’s wife, you were the first to be sent home. 
You walked hesitantly down the hallway to the bedroom, hoping that as you reached the door you would see the lights on. You were hopeful that he had just been reading his book and that he wasn’t asleep. But as you entered the room you found more than just him reading a book. 
As you placed your hand on the handle you heard a low grunt, you thought nothing of it, he had just cleared his throat. That’s when you opened the door a crack. It had gone completely unnoticed by him as you peeked your head through the small space. 
You saw him in all his glory. A hand wrapped around his hardened length as he slowly pumped, searching for his release. His head was rested against the headboard as you watched the pleasure wash over his face. 
You opened the door wider, his eyes were shut as he still didn’t seem to sense your presence. You leaned against the door frame and crossed your arms, biting your lip as your thoughts turned to anything but wholesome ones. You cleared your throat before speaking. “Need a little help over there Kakashi?”
His eyes opened wide at the sound of your voice in the dark bedroom, but you soon saw the smirk spread across it. His hand still grasped his length, but his pace slowed. “I definitely wouldn’t mind some help, Mrs.Hatake.”
You slowly stood up straight and approached the bed, your jacket being stripped from your shoulders before you reached him. The shirt you wore was slowly lifted above your head as your hands made your way up your sides. He watched and licked his lips as the lace bra that you dawned became visible. “You’re even wearing my favorite bra. Even better for me.”
Your fingers slipped into the sides of your leggings as you slowly slid them down your legs, never once taking your eyes from his. The desperation and hunger in his look was something you hadn’t seen in Kakashi in a very long time. 
His work as Hokage kept him busy and didn’t leave much time for the two of you to be intimate. As your matching lace panties slowly peeked out from under your pants you saw his eyes widen even more. 
Your figure slowly hovered over him, straddling his lap and slowly moving toward his lips. He finally let go of his length and placed his hands on your hips, helping your hips slide forward as you sat on his legs. “Why don’t you slide yourself up just a little further darling? Let daddy get a little something.”
As the name daddy left his lips you heard a growl come from him. When you crawled forward you felt yourself being lifted from the bed. Kakashi’s strong arms wrapped around you as he flipped you onto your back and pinned you to the bed, his hands now intertwined with yours. “Now, now, darling. You know how I hate being teased.”
You whined as his hands let go of yours and his large fingers left tingles as they trailed down your chest and to your now dripping core. His hands gripped onto the inside of your thighs, pushing them apart slowly, exposing the soaked fabric of your panties. His breath was warm as you felt it hit your soft skin. Goosebumps formed on your skin as you watched his face disappear before you.  
His tongue began slow, circling around your throbbing clit, sending waves of pleasure through your body. Your instinct was to push your legs together to ease the feeling, but his strong hands kept them apart. He slowly slid his tongue over your folds as you began to convulse under his touch. As his tongue slid into your cunt your convulsions grew. Your hand wrapped into his hair, tugging on it slightly as his tongue quickened. You could feel your orgasm looming over you as he continued, ignoring your attempts to shut your legs again. “Kakashi… I’m so close.”
Kakashi laughed into your pussy, sending vibrations through you, making you throw your head back into the pillows behind you. As you felt the pressure in your abdomen growing you felt his hand slowly reach over, rubbing your clit roughly as his tongue ruthlessly embraced you. 
The combination of his tongue and his thumb were about to send you over the edge. “Let daddy please you, darling, let it all go.” At his words, you felt the pressure in your abdomen subside instantly. His name left your lips as your climax washed over you. 
You felt his figure hover over you as he licked his lips, making sure to get every last drop that had left your body. “Now it’s my turn to get a little loving.”
He lined himself up with your entrance and without even letting you come down from the high you had just ridden out he thrust into you. You threw your head back into the pillows and his lips met the part of your neck that was now exposed. His thrusts were quick, desperate to feel the release that he had been interrupted from. As your walls began clenching down around him he grew closer. He had already been halfway there when you had made your entrance. “I’m almost there baby girl.” 
You wrapped your arms around his waist and sunk your nails into his back, leaving small white lines as you scratched down it. He winced a little aa the pain, but never changed his pace. “I-I’m gonna come, Kashi.” 
“Do it, darling. I wanna see you writhing underneath me.” As your walls closed around his cock, nearly suffocating it, he let out a grunt. The tightness of your pussy was driving him wild as he tried his hardest to hold his composure. His cock twitched against your walls as he emptied himself inside you, painting your insides white with his thick cum. 
Kakashi collapsed on the bed beside you and grabbed the nearest towel off the floor. Leftover from the shower he had taken before bed, he handed it to you. As you handed it back to him to clean himself up, you were both still fighting for your breath. You rolled onto your side and placed a hand on his cheek, watching him as he stared at the bedroom ceiling. “Well, Mr. Hokage, I guess I can say that I’m glad that I came home when I did.”
A small chuckle left his lips. “I was just preparing myself for when you did get home. Had to get that first round out before you got here.” He placed his hand over yours. “It’s been so long since we’ve had a chance to be like this. I wanted to make sure that I lasted long enough for you.”
You placed your lips to his and smiled against them. “You don’t have to do all that just for me. It’s not like we’ve never been through this type of thing before. It’s not like we didn’t go through the same droughts when you were going on missions constantly, now it’s just you being in the office instead.” A sly smile filled your face. “But if it really came down to it Kashi, I’d be happy to meet you at your office.”
Naruto Content Taglist 💕 @chidori-mint @praisingkuroosbedhead @korianrdr @excitedlysuffering @uhhh-hatake @ari-hatake15 @kurobo @siesel @rubysroom @kakashishan @blackkacchan
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egyptsblackrose · 3 years
Dancing with Strangers
Ok here’s part 2 I guess, this is a bit longer than the first one, I was listening to the playlist again and kinda got into the zone. This chapter is where things get a little hotter but theres no sexy time still...I don’t know do you guys want that? Do you want more plot? I don’t know how long I wanna make this story guess I’ll leave it up to you guys so let me know what you think. Also the image included is one I drew digitally from a template found on Pinterest, if you repost or use it please give just mention me :)
Warnings: swearing in this one, very suggestive behaviour and language, nothing to spicy
Like to Part 1 here-https://egyptsblackrose.tumblr.com/post/648370506842701824/dancing-with-strangers-ok-so-theres-a-playlist
Part 2-
You were grinning from ear to ear, a gentle happy buzz fizzing under your skin as you entered the heat of the club your friends insisted was the best in town. Been an exchange student in a very different country like Japan could have been a scary experience for anyone, but you had actually spend some of your young life living in Hiroshima and made life long friends, 2 of which were currently pulling on your hands to lead you to the bar as they laughed loudly. Japanese was your second language, one you adored and had kept practicing through the years, and when the chance came to study at the same uni as your best friends for your final year, you couldn’t buy the plane ticket fast enough!
“Y/N! What are you drinking?!” Miku shouted to you over the music, Sakura already flirting with the barman.
“Same as before, just a vodka and coke please Mi-Mi.” She nodded and turned to Sakura, yelling at her to order the drinks already. You couldn’t help but smile and shake your head at your friends antics. They never seemed to change, no matter how many years passed.
Taking a look around the club, you was somewhat relieved that the crowd on the dance floor wasn’t too crazy. You could hold your liquor pretty well, hence why you weren’t as effected as the others in your group, and you didn’t want to loose people in the crowd.
A sudden shiver took over your body, heat stroking your skin like a touch, trailing over your form. Not so surprising, people were often surprised to see a foreigner in the clubs, so you brushed it off. Taking the drink Miku had bought you for her round, your group cheered and took a drink. As “Such a Whore” finished, you and your friends cheered as “Sexy chick” began, quickly finishing your drinks and heading to the dance floor.
Blue and black eyes roamed the foreign beauty with no attempt at hiding their interest. She was stunning; her lush hair shimmering in the flashing lights and flowing with every move she made, dressed in something skin tight and pretty to show off her curves but not too revealing and flashy, make-up made to look natural and only flatter her already pretty features. Her body rolled in controlled rhythms to match the beat, her feet shuffling. God she was a sight for sore eyes.
Her face lit up as she and the group surrounding her recognised the beginning of “Lights down low”. Then the real show began. It was like she rehearsed the dance before, singing along to the sinful words. Gojo licked his bottom lip slowly, his blue eyes glued to the way she threw her head back and grinned cheekily at no one. Kakashi couldn’t stop staring at how her hips snapped and thrust like she was acting out the song from both male and female perspectives, his hand tightening dangerously on the glass bottle now finished in his hand. Images of possibilities filled their minds.
“Damn,” Gojo sighed almost to himself.
Kakashi nodded in agreement anyway. “Please tell me you don’t want her for yourself.”
Gojo grin was devilish. “Now where’s the fun in that?” He chuckled, passing his brother another beer he’d just bought, sipping as the foreign beauty dancing like a damn belly dancer to “Culo”. “Do you wanna try make the first move this time?”
The other white haired male shook his head. “Wouldn’t want to risk loosing this one.” Gojo patted his back good natured lay. He was proud of how far his best friend had come in his confidence and prowess, but he knew he had a way to go yet.
“I know what you mean though pal, what a catch.” His blue eyes narrowed at some men clearly eye-fucking you. “I’m gonna make our play before one of those wolves takes a bite.” Kakashi levelled the group was a fierce glare of his own, nodding in approval. This was their hunting ground after all, others had to wait their turn and take the scraps.
Handing his half empty bottle to his still glaring friend, Gojo gracefully weaved through the crowd, gently easing past the many women trying to dance with him. He was determined, his goal set, eyes locked on you.
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Your friends span you, making you laugh, but you paused for a second to grin as “Promiscuous” opened up. What you hadn’t expected was a very hot, very pleasant voice to gently sing the beginning “How you doing young lady,” into your ear.
Surprised, you turned only to pause as the most amazing blue eyes you’d ever seen pierced through your gaze and stared right at your soul. Your cheeks heated as the man grinned, pleased at your staring and continued his singing. Blinking to clear your mind from the surprise and shock that a damn MODEL was hitting on you, you began singing too.
“You expect me to just let you hit it, but will you still respect me if you get it.” Your tone held a warning in there somewhere, wether he picked up on it over the volume was another matter. The white haired beauty before you laughed cheerfully, smoothly taking your hand and spinning you to face away from him, before pulling you back so you were pressed up to him.
“I’m curious about you, you seem so innocent.” He teased, hands squeezing your hips. You didn’t even pause, singing the reply but focused more on moving your body to the beat, and into his. “Promiscuous girl, your teasing me. You know what I want, and I got what you need.” He growled in your ear, causing your spine and insides to shudder in delight. You tilted your head back and laughed, only hitting his chest. God this guys tall.
You dipped to the floor and brought yourself up elegantly against him, now facing the dazzling stranger with a teasing grin of your own. “I’m a big girl I can handle myself, but if I get lonely imma need your help. Pay attention to me, I don’t talk for my health.”
The male’s grin turned hungry, his large hands dragging up the side of your body from your hip, tracing your collarbone, before wrapping his hand around your throat. There was no pressure, he just rested his big hand there, engulfing your neck easily, making you look at him as he bit his lip. “The names Gojo Satoru, and you beautiful, can call me Sensei.”
“My names L/N Y/N, not beautiful, flattery only gets you so far...onii-san.” You smirked back as the song changed to “Where have you been”.
Gojo smiled genuinely, letting out a long hum of amusement. “Then let me start by buying you a drink beautiful, I left my brother all alone at the bar just to try talk to you.”
Laughing, you raised a brow. “Talk? Yeah right. I’m sorry but I’m out with my friends, and I don’t want to leave them, I’m the most sober one after all-”
“Of course she’ll have a drink!” Miku all but screamed excitedly. You turned to her with a frown, opening your mouth to refuse, but she grabbed your arm and whispered loudly in your ear. “He’s Gojo Satoru, and his friend is Kakashi Hatake! They’re like small time celebs around here, they’re both hot as fuck and close. Like REALLY close, they only ever take a girl home who they both want, they know what the fuck they're doing too and they’re policemen! Trust me, go with them and thank me later! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
Miku all but pushed you into Gojo waiting arms, the male chuckling charmingly at the scene. You watched as your group of friends gave you thumbs up and shooed you away, Sakura and Miku blowing you kisses and winks. “What the?”
“So, what can I get you beautiful?” Gojo purred in your ear to distract you, his arm wrapping comfortably around your shoulders and leading you back to Kakashi who had ordered another drink, and was straightening out his shirt and hair out of nervousness. “Don’t worry, just one drink, anything you want and if your not having fun by the end of it, then I’ll escort you back to your friends myself.”
You bit your lip, about to glance back at your friends to check on them, when another handsome white haired male gently smiled at you, with stunning black eyes, an adorable beauty mark on his chin, a dangerous scar over one eye and a perfect jawline. “One drink wont hurt then, I guess.” You replied, almost shyly as you stood between both men, leaning against the bar.
One drink turned into four, and they were not drunk quick ether. You had lost track of time and songs playing as Gojo and Kakashi bantered easily, always keeping you involved and centre of attention. You were beyond grateful that you could hold your liqueur and hadn’t being going crazy like your friends, it made it easy to follow along with the conversation. You were quick to pitch in effortlessly with cheeky and teasing remarks that had the 2 men both in stitches with laughter, and enamoured with you all at once. Most women were happy to sit and giggle, focus on looking pretty and flirt with suggestive touching, not really focus on what they were saying. You were intelligent, modest and sweet with undertones of naughty delight. It excited both men more than anything had in a while.
When a more suggestive song came through the speakers, Gojo sent Kakashi a discrete look, both leading you to the dance floor after your drinks were finished. Once in their favourite spot, their stage was set to begin the best part of the hunt. This part was more than just seduction, this was about using the music, their words, bodies and heat to turn yours on to the max, until you couldn’t take it anymore. And their favourite spot held just enough cover and darkness to keep all sinful acts a secret.
You inhaled sharply as Gojo’s large hands spread over the front of your thighs, pulling firmly so your back and body were pressed into him, while Kakashi’s rough hands gripped your waist, one of his legs pressing between your own. The two moved in synch perfectly like a well oiled machine, Gojo rolling his body into yours as his feet shuffled. The roll forward would drive you into Kakashi, and more importantly your core onto his firm muscular thigh. The male in front of you would gently shuffle and thrust forward as well, the action meaning there was absolutely no space between you and their hot hard bodies. Their hands would guide and encourage your own dancing, focusing on your hips and slow movements that was driving them just as wild.
You felt like you were melting from the inside out, there was a craving for more deep within you, and it was burning hotter the more they teased. Fingers would lightly graze your breasts and a insincere “sorry” would be breathed into your ear through a smirk, lips would brush your neck, hands would squeeze and tighten their grips at random intervals, keeping you tense and senses focused on them and them alone.
Only when you were a dazed, panting mess did Gojo deem you wooed enough, and Kakashi insisted on getting you another drink. At some point, Gojo had picked you up by your hips as Kakashi had pulled up a bar stool for you, easing it under you. The action was so quick and effortless for both men you couldn’t help but blush, especially as Kakashi kept a hand gently resting on the small of your back, drawing soothing circles there. Gojo’s hand was rested on your thigh as well, like it was nothing, and smirked at you now not hanging to look up so much to meet their eyes.
You stuck your tongue out at him in response. “Careful beautiful, I might just take that tongue if you don’t watch out.” He growled hotly into your ear. Holy-
“I think she’d like that Sato.” Kakashi grinned, groaning the words into your ear. You’d noticed how he’d relaxed more and more as the night went on, becoming a little bolder with you when he saw you weren’t pushing him away or favouring Gojo. The touches were turning less and less innocent or ‘accidental’, and the way they looked at you... Gojo had no shame, staring hungrily at each and every curve, licking his lips hungrily as his hands would skim the line between teasing and inappropriate, working slowly to drive you crazy. His blue eyes drank in every hitch in breath, every shudder, his own patience thinning as he watched your perfect teeth graze your wet lips. Kakashi had a different approach, he wanted the eye contact, he want you to look into his eyes and see he wanted you. “She’s panting, poor thing.”
You hadn’t noticed how your chest was rising and falling rapidly, too busy trying to hide the fact of how turned on you were caught between these gorgeous men. “Your right brother, her thighs are clenching too. What images are forming in that naughty mind of yours beautiful? Care to share? We’d be happy to make them reality, wouldn’t we Hatake?”
The most sinful, hungry groan rumbled through your ear in response as Kakashi stood forward and shielded your body from view of everyone else in the club, sneakily easing a hand up your thigh. Up and up and- you gasped, the single finger making you jump and let out a whimper. “God yes, I want her to make more of those sounds Sato.
“I’ve already called a taxi.” Gojo said lowly, pushing his body into your side so you could feel every hard line and ridge of his toned form, and something poke your arse. “You ready to go beautiful?”
All you could do was nod, too afraid of how desperate you’d sound if you tried to speak. Downing the rest of your drinks, you squeaked as Kakashi eased you off the stool and immediately directed you towards the exit, Gojo leading the way to the taxi and opening the door for you, both always touching you as your legs wobbled and mind raced.
Part 3 - https://egyptsblackrose.tumblr.com/post/648557120920354817/a-rose-by-any-other-name
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aineirisha · 4 years
What I confessed while daydreaming
Kakashi x reader
Summary: Coming back from a mission early means one thing to him, more time with you. 
A/N: I was writing some angst for Treachery and hurt myself. So I needed some fluff to balance and this happened :3 hope you like it. This is set before team 7 and you and Kakashi are not dating... yet.
He was crossing Konoha's gates at exact midday. Asuma pad on his shoulder. 
"Another great mission. Aint it, Kakashi?"
They smiled at each other. 
The black-haired left jumping on the buildings. Kakashi took a breath and looked up to the sky letting the wind caress his skin. He was finally back home. They wouldn't meet up with the Hokage to deliver the report until the evening which gave him a few hours for himself, so he decided to stop by your house. 
He could listen to your music from the gateway. Good thing you lived on the outskirts of the village and you practically had no neighbors. He knocked on your door accidentaly pushing it open. 
He glanced through it to find you dancing as you cleaned, just like that first night he spied on you, though that night you were cooking. A wide smile drew beneath his mask. You were exactly the same person. Except you weren't, not to him, not anymore. You were no longer a stranger in his eyes, to his heart. 
He walked away to leave you be. He could come back later.
"Kakashi you're back," you said, excited. And turned the volume down. 
"Hey YN-san, I didn't mean to intrude-"
"Don't worry I'm just cleaning. How did the mission go?"
He shrunk his shoulders, "Same as always."
"I'm glad you are back in one piece," you smiled as you looked into his eye. "Can I offer you something to drink?"
It took him a moment to understand what you said. Kami! he had missed your smile so much.  "Uh, sure..." 
You leaned the broom on the wall and got into the Kitchen. "Would you like to stay for lunch?" you turned to see him, "I'm cooking," you said as you wiggled your brows, "Naoki-san taught me this recipe and I decided I had to put my lack of skills to the test..."
He stayed silent, smiling.
"Can't promise it's gonna taste good but..."
"Sure, I'd love to." he finally concluded. He sat down on the couch and you started to sweep again. 
"Are you sure I'm not interrupting, YN-san?"
"Does it make you uncomfortable that I'm cleaning?" you stared at each other. "You can help me if it makes you feel less awkward," and you tossed him the broom. You turned on the volume a little and danced your way to the kitchen to keep an eye on the food. A happy feeling in the air. He stared at you. His heart was probably not beating, or maybe it was beating too fast, he couldn't tell anymore. 
"How do you do that?" he suddenly asked.
"Do what?" you glanced at him while you kept corky dancing with the ladle in your hand.
"That. Make everything feel like a celebration..."
"Oh Kakashi," you sighed, "if I didn't make my life a celebration I would've killed myself when I was seven," and awkwardly laughed. 
Your words hit him. He never, not for a second,  would've thought that someone like you could even consider taking their life away. It was like Guy not screaming around about the power of youth. It never crossed Kakashi's mind that maybe you have had a hard life. But... After all, what the hell were you doing in Konoha anyway? It was something he asked himself often. 
But he could understand. If he hadn't been so frightened to follow in his father's footsteps, he would've killed himself too a long time ago. Maybe that was why he enjoyed your company so much, maybe you had found the way that he had needed. 
It's in the little details. 
The situation was a little surreal to him. He was helping you sweep your floor while you danced, jumping on your tiptoes, singing to the ladle as if it was your mic, and you pretended to check on the food. Your voice wasn't that bad, though.
"AAAAH!" you screamed. 
"What is it?" he turned around. A small fire had lit on the stove.
"I think I burned myself," you said covering your eye with your hand. 
"Let me see," he took your hand away gently and softly placed his fingertips on your cheek to set your eye under the light. Your gazes falling on each others’. 
He was so close to you, you could hardly breathe. It would be a lie to say you didn't yearn for his touch. Your lips parted and tickled at the need of his. 
God! Why did I ask him to be my sensei?! 
You were getting tired of respecting 'The Line'.
For a fraction of a second, Kakashi's gaze fell on your lips. 
"I- I think your eye is fine, YN-san," he stuttered and let go of your hand, "Do you want help with that?" he pointed at the food. 
"Yeah..." you said in a childish voice. 
He smirked and took over the kitchen. 
"So you really can't cook, huh?"
You shrunk your shoulders and looked at him with puppy eyes. 
"So all those nights I saw you dancing in the kitchen, what were you actually doing?"
"Hhmm.. dancing?" you looked away, pouting, "I can cook ok? just... very simple things... like..." the puppy face intensifying, "...instant ramen and stuff like that," you muttered.
He chuckled. Your sweet voice had his heart melted. You were cute. Hella cute. "I'm learning, ok? I always had someone cooking for me."
"Rich family?"
You froze. You were being too chatty, "Yeah... something like that... Oh! I love this song!!" and avoided the subject. Now the broom was your mic. 
Kakashi chuckled again. 
You looked at him from the corner of your eye as you pretended to not pay much attention. He looked fucking hot cooking. God bless you! You didn't know if you'd be able to focus on anything after this. 
He seemed happy. You knew hugging him was out of the table so you increased your vibrations to reach his chakra and feel him closer. 
After a while, his hips loosened a little and started dancing with you to the rhythm of every song as he cooked. You with the broom in hand, and him with the cooking tools. 
When the food was ready he helped you set the table. 
"I didn't know you could dance," you said as you sat down. 
"Can I?" he giggled. Yeap, life with you was easier. For the past hour, the stress of the mission had abandoned him, in fact, he hadn't even remembered he was coming back from a mission. It seemed like life outside your living room didn't matter. 
"Guess what?" 
He looked into your eyes. 
"I already finished Icha Icha," you smiled proudly.
"All of them?" he asked. The fanboy in him popping out. You nodded, "And? What do you think?" 
"I liked some chapters more than others. I hate how she's portrayed as an excuse for him to surpass himself because I think she's a great character and could have sooo much potential. She's beautiful and smart, and brave, and strong... and I get the story is not about her, but sometimes she seems like an ornament, you know... I just wish female characters were not just there to make men better cause it is not our responsibility, and I know so many women in real life that feel that their ONLY purpose, the only thing they can aspire to be, is the rehab center for some troubled dude. Though I get it's pretty romantic when you meet someone that makes you wanna overcome yourself but... I dunno. It's just not women's responsibility. We are so much more than pretty faces and hot bodies...” you paused, “On the other hand... I absolutely love him. He's just so... full of hope. He never gives up, no matter what, he never stops believing that he'll get her, and he does absolutely everything he can to deserve her. And he is hilarious. Funny how romantic these porn books can be... I feel that's just how Jiraiya sees the world in general. Because Naruto, the character from the other novel, has a very similar approach to life but with much more honorable intentions," you tilted your head and raised your eyebrow. 
The image of your blond kid crossed your mind making you smile.
Kakashi listened to you astonished, "And you got all that from a porn book?!"  emphasizing the 'porn book' part.
You shrugged as if it was obvious. 
He was looking at you completely amused. "I always knew those books are pure art," he scratched his head smiling.
The way his eye narrowed every time he smiled left you breathless.
Lord, I'm so screwed!
"What happened to your fence, by the way?" Kakashi reminded you of the messy paintings you hadn't fixed since that day with Naruto.
"I... I... was making life a celebration?"
CH 7 (prev)    CH 9 (next)
@ren-hatake @howcanibreathewithnozaire @strawberrycakesstuff @strangerfoundmahblog @kakashishoekage @spnningtop @attsm @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @honeypirate @keigelsss @witch-o-memes
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Ding dong, here’s the final chapter! I have an epilogue in mind so that may come later, but for now, Thanks  so so much for the response to this series and Enjoy!
Ch1 Ch2 Ch3
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[talking] [talking passes]
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Gai: You knew right away, didn’t you? Kka: Correct. I knew something was wrong when you weren’t trying to do situps or anything..... You little criminal, who smuggled that in for you? Gai: Naruto
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Kks: How did you get him to do that? /I/ cant even get Naruto to do things. The tear tracks and shit eating grin are cute. Kinda wanna kiss you. Gai: Don’t let me be a hindrance to-
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Gai: What are you giggling about? Kks: I just remembered
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Kks: I get to hold over your head that I held mirai before you. Gai: You what?! Your first baby hold and I missed it? Get off of me Kks: So mean! Near death made you crabby. Gai: I won’t give into this Kks: You will, you always succumb. [gai sighs annoyed]
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Gai: [Groans] When are they making you swear in as hokage? Kks: That’s not happening anymore thankfully. Gai: Huuuh?? Tenzou didn’t tell me that!
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Gai: He said Lady Tsunade was retiring and you were the only choice. Naruto even tried to- Kks: Where do you think i’ve been all day? I convinced her to hold out until Naruto or whoever  took over next. Gai: How did you smooth talk that one? Kks: I agreed to do her paperwork and cover for when she needs R&R. I also advised her to ditch the elders so she can actually run this shit show right. Gai: And they... took that well? The elders? Kks: No, not at all. Let’s just say I said some... things that made them backtrack on their decision.
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Gai: YOu cant just say that and not tell me now!! I gotta know! Kks: Well... Homura: Absolutely not! Kks: If I am appointed, I’ll be replacing you regardless. Naruto certainly will. It’s inevitable. Koharu: Those kids don’t know how this village runs!
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Kks:Those kids just won your war and this is how you speak of them. Or are “those kids“ only respectable to you when they’re eager to die at your beckon call and shut up. Elders: How dare- Watch your tongue! Kks: I won’t be someone who you can walk all over. Things will change. Just so my intentions are clear
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Gai: What next?! Kks: That’s is really. Kinda tuned the rest out and passed out for 3 hours. Gai: Rival, I was so invested Kks: Sorry Gai: So you agreed to essentially split the work of a hokage but not publicly take the title? Kks: Mhm Gai: So cool! Apologies, I had just assumes since you were gonna accept last time Kks:[hums] Things changed. Konoha’s not on the brink of war, Tsunade’s still here. The village can breathe and rebuild now.
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Kks: After a glimpse of the hassle and public attention the last time, I’m just... Not interested in any of that. I’ve never dreamed or desired to be the hokage. That was always something others wanted /for/ me. So I said no. I know you were happy for me so- Gai: Kakashi
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Gai: I’m so very proud of you for expressing how you truly feel. You and tsunade will do amazing work supporting the next generation. Even If you chose to retire today, I’d still be just as proud of you. Also a selfish part of me if happy to have more time with you. [kks huffs]
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Kks: I’m proud of you too, y’ know. All your hard work, you’re fucking incredible. Glad my dad made me talk to the cool kid in the green jumpsuit. 2nd coolest shinobi. Gai: Only took 25 years, but I’ve finally caught your eye! Kks: Yup, let’s move in together.
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Gai: WHAT?1 Whu-! Kks: I’m fixing up dad’s old house with Tenzou. you should live there with me Gai: Why? Kks: Why are yo suspicious? I’m serious. Space, accessibility for you... I want you around more. Gai: Ok Kks: Ok? Gai: An exciting change is just what my youthful journey needs!! Kks: So yes?
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Gai: I would love to share a home with you, Rival [kks giggling] What now?
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Kks: Did I just make you succumb, Gai-kun? Gai: When can we have a match next, I need to consensually slap you in the head [kks laughs] Why did you say it like that? Kks: I’m sorry! Your pout looks so cute.... You are still moving in with me, right? That wasnt a joke.
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Gai: I’m gonna let you sweat on that one awhile... [whimpers]
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Kks: Love you so much, Gai
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[gai snoring]
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[gai snoring]
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Someone said Hokage Tora and now I'm thinking about what would need to happen to make that a reality.
Ok so we're gonna shuffle the Hokage's and their timelines around.
(Also note: at this point, Tora very sympathetic to the Uchiha bc of his relationships w Shisui Itachi and Sasuke)
So Sarutobi dies and people are going "oh noooo someone go and get Tsunade back"
And Tora gets PISSED.
They want another Senju to have the hat?? Are you fucking kidding him??? 2 in a row was bad enough but 3 sets a standard. Choose literally anyone else! Anyone!! Fucking Kakashi would make a better Hokage!!!
And then he stops.
Hmmm. Kakashi as Hokage.
That... wouldn't be too bad, actually?
Long story short: Tora starts to campaign for Kakashi as Hokage.
Kakashi does not appreciate this. Stop immediatley.
Tora is on the civilian council at this point (at the terrifyingly young age of like 17) and lowkey has them under his thumb. So he's able to get them all aboard, meaning Kakashi is officially civilian approved.
The Uchiha are into it to, with him lowkey being the closest they've been able to get to the seat since fucking Madara. He has one of their eyes, he's lead/taught both of the clan head kids, and hes visibly, publicly close to multiple Uchiha/Uchiha sympathizers (Itachi, Shisui, Tora)
He's the yodaime's student which gives him major points in the politics department, + he actually knows what it is like to be in the life of a Hokage, he has seen and been involved in that life firsthand
Hes also on good, personal terms with a few clan heads and solidly neutral terms w the other clans
His clan is innofensivley small (read: fucking wiped out) so there's no concern with biases of a guy coming from a specific clan, working w a bias for that clan
Perfect candidate!!
(Something something Kakashi quietly touching his eyelid and mumbling to Obito that he guesses he'll be able to show him even more of his dream than even he'd expected)
Danzo tries to intimidate him into not accepting it and while Kakashi does agree that he would be one of the worst options, the conversation kinda... leaves him a little less sure he'd really be the worst option.
Anyways, Kakashi as the godaime hokage!!
He hates it.
Tora Shisui and Itchi have to hunt him down the day of his ascension and fuckin wrestle him on stage (he's gonna go home and scream into his pillow later)
How would Naruto canon change with Kakashi as the Hokage so early?? Until this point, the au has mostly been sticking to the script (minus the Uchiha massacre) but this is a HUGE status quo change for a character decently central in the cast list, and it's a change that'd impact just about everything going forward! Don't ask me how exactly because I know very very little about the actual specifics and events of canon but holy shit it'd sure change the course of history, huh? If you wanna get really down to the nitty gritty technicalities, we could take serious liberties and kill off and or save several characters with the simple explanation of "different Hokage, different people assigned to different missions"
Team Ro gets to be his personal guards,, they need a replacement for the team since Kakashi left, maybe we can throw in someone else to join them and add some more chemistry in there
I don't think it'd be anyone on team 7 (I don't live in a world where I can see Kakashi tossing specifically THEM in ANBU that young, no matter how more powerful or better taught than cannon, sorry) also conflicting interests w THREE uchiha on a team or the Haruno siblings. Also, Naruto is Naruto, so. *political noises*
Actually the slot is a very valuable one since they're basically Kakashi's special little guys (anbu eddition) so it's really hard to think of a character that'd even conceivably be put on it. (Part of me wants to add Neji for literally no reason other than I suddenly want him in the AU but that'd bring a whole mountain of implications with him if Kakashi chose HIM specifically to join his personal guard + he's suddenly in ANBU, what??)
Wait would Kakashi even choose the replacement personally.
Wait wait ok. Record scratch. Rewind. Let's try this again.
So. With Kakashi's promotion, Tora gets to he team leader. One of the first things he's told is to find a new replacement for the team
"Shouldn't you do that yourself?" Says Tora
"You've got me to take the hat I refuse to move so much as a single fucking finger more at your request." Says Kakashi, who then delights in bodily removing Tora from the room via the window.
I don't know Neji's actual age but for the sake of this fic he's suddenly Tora's age or only a year younger (Tora is like 17 at this point)
Him and Neji do not get along!! At all!!!! Actually it was kind of hate on sight.
Uhh insert montage where they become grudgingly almost friends but still mostly frenemies
Neji is very talented and Tora is frustrated by how he seems to be being "held back" in some way. Like, he doesn't like the guy! But damn if he doesn't know how it feels to have the system itself fighting you, no matter how good you prove you are and how hard you work.
Anyways, Tora finding out Neji was skipped over and denied for different promotions or smthn bc hyuuga second class or whatever.
And him going "hmmmmmmmmm...."
He hands Kakashi a form with Neji's name on it and Kakashi signs without even looking.
When he scowls and asks if he's even going to look, Kakashi just gives him a dry look.
"Like I dont know whoever you've picked won't be for whatever plot you're cooking up next. Just don't set anything on fire where I can see it and I don't care."
A very, very confused Neji is suddenly told he's not only going to join ANBU but also the Hokage's private guard.
Hey Tora !! What the fuck !!!
They have one of those "You don't even like me??" "I don't have to like you to want to see how far you can go." moments
Queue Neji angrily revealing that it doesn't matter "how far he can go" or how many opportunities are afforded to him bc his limits are fuckin branded on him, and shows Tora his seal mark
Hey Neji !! What the fuck !!!
Hyuuga reformation arc,,,
Ok so not sympathetic Hiashi Hyuuga but like,, rational (deeply fucking flawed) person Hiashi who is able to leverage the "Neji has been ordered to work directly the Hokage" @ the Hyuuga clan elders to at least slightly loosen the seal on him.
TONNS of political drama in the Hyuuga house w Neji being chosen for such a huge position, but w the complications of "they can't fucking voice it outloud" bc ANBU identities are supposed to be super top secret, so it's kept to the really high ranks only
(There's an AU of an AU out there where instead of stopping the Uchiha coup, Tora went "ok but are they wrong tho", decided to help instead, and got the Hyuuga lower cast to join them)
(Look he wants to reform the government, right? Ok so why SHOULDNT he support an attempt to rip it up by the roots?? The Uchiha want equality but Tora wants reformation. They do not know what they just let into their homes.)
What the fuck did I come here to talk about again?
Right, sorry, Hokage Tora
Uhhhh pivoting again here we go ->
So Kakashi is Hokage!!! And he !! Wants !! Out !!!
Tora is a very very clear contender for "the next Hokage", even early on in Kakashi's career. He's basically the guy who MADE Kakashi Hokage (both arranging it and forcing him to accept) and most important people know it.
I'm ngl I kind of don't know how exactly we'd get to hokage Tora.
Maybe Kakashi is temporarily taken out of commission and he's just the obvious replacement. Maybe we do a proper Hokage switch and promote him when Kakashi got the job in the original. Dunno! But Tora for Rokudaime all the way !!
If not Tora I think Rokudaime Neji could be suitably dramatic and fun. Also has similar themes of "rising from the lower ranks against the odds" and just in general tons of interesting implications both politically and like,, character interaction wise.
Everyone expects Tora for the next hokage but Tora decides he likes being the powerful guy in the shadows to a Hokage who knows both how to listen to him and how to lead with a strength and surety he can trust. And decides Neji is apparently that guy who has the leadership and wisdom he can trust.
Callback to the earlier moment where Neiji, voice cracking, goes "you don't even like me."
And Tora gives him a smirk and goes "I don't have to like you to want to see see how far you can go."
Mmmm actually I think I like that ending best, it has the most weight to me. Like, yeah Tora as Rokudaime is cool and a kind of ironic "full circle" moment, but Neji as Rokudaime has that gut punch energy that will leave your skin buzzing and your eyes tearing up with written right
Have to get going but I might try to draw that scene tommorow if I find the energy in me after work (doubtful tbh)
I love a good call back through dialogue in different character defining moments that leave you pointing at the screen shrieking "HE SAID THE THING!!"
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bitchiha · 4 years
may i request kiba nsfw headcanons and kakashi smut also ily lizzie mwah :33
Kiba NSFW HC’s
A/N: ily too anon!! So this is obv the Kiba NSFW and I’m currently working on a Kakashi smut. Also I combined this request with another one which was asking for Kiba w a biting / marking kink and I think that’s pretty spot on for him so I’ll just add that here as well!
Okay first things first, Kiba does not know how to be gentle.. like this fucker will really try okay, like he’ll try and kiss you softly, but it just gets him all flustered and before you know it your lips are bruised again. Same thing with sex like omfg he tries to make it savoury but his instincts just kick in and now you’re all bruised on the inside. He feels so bad afterwards, but you kind of like it and he can’t help it.
He’s a possessive little shit sometimes too. Like one time when you came home you smelled like Naruto and it got Kiba so pissed off lol. He’s like, “where’ve you been?” And you tell him you went to get ramen with Naruto and he’s being too pissy about it, which just leads to him fucking Narutos scent off of you and a shir ton of hickeys. That drive just makes his thrusts 10 times more aggressive and like you’re so worn out after because like I said, he cannot be gentle with regular sex so imagine just imagine the jealous sex..
Because he’s so possessive he always leaves marks on you. Like if you’re not marked up after a good fucking is that really Kiba laying next to you?
His favourite spot to leave marks is on your thighs. Likes when you wear skirts and you move your legs a certain direction, accidentally letting a few hickeys peek out. He gets a kick out of watching your flustered face as you desperately try and cover them.
When he’s eating you out, leading up to it he does a real good number on your thighs. They’re so soft and squishy and he’s biting them and sucking and licking and just he loses track of time, but your whimpers always snap him out of it. Then he gets down to business. He does the same thing with your tits and sometimes you have to claw at him to stop because it’s way too stimulating. He can’t be gentle so he’s sucking and biting down on your nipples like there is no tomorrow. PLUS!! He’s really good at massages so if your tits are sore afterwards he’ll make sure to rub them real nice for you.
Also like.. after he’s already did a number on your chest and you’re going at it again (like literally the next day because Kibas libido is >>>>) wear a lacey bra. His head will explode. He will go feral. Like He goes to lift your shirt off your head and then he has to pause at the sight of your tits because wow. They’re covered by this really fucking hot lacey white bra and hes drooling over how it contrasts with the purple and red marks he left all over you.. yah he’s a goner <3
As much as Kiba loves lingère on you, you don’t wear it for him very often. This is strictly because he always ruins the pieces. Once you wore this really cute matching set of a purple bra and panties and kiba ribbed the panties off you. Like straight up ripped them off you. In the moment you didn’t care because right after he ripped them off his dick was fucking you senseless, but the next morning you were pissed. He even managed to shred up the back of your bra. Like he just got irritated with the clasp and scratched it off you.
He doesn’t think it’s a big deal, lingère is hot and it’s meant to be ripped off you, right? Plus you can always buy a new set.. but when you show him the price tag after you’ve dug it out of the garbage his eyes pop out of his head. Who knew that small amount of fabric could cost so much??
Jealous sex is always the best. He just gets so worked up and he can go on for hours. If you piss him off enough he’ll be into orgasm denial, but for the most part he’s trying to show you how much better he is than whoever you tried to provoke him with, so he’ll try and make you cum as much as possible.
Anyway, I think Kibas loud in bed. I mean like I think he’s just the type to not care how loud he is?? Like he’s just horny and the only thing he’s thinking about is you. He wants to make sure that you’re loud too though. Don’t hold them back girl, let him hear it. Or don’t and he’ll try like 100 times harder to make you moan.
He groans a lot, but he also says dirty shit too and like I don’t think he even cares how dirty it is. Also he has a thing for claiming too, so expect a lot of talk with regards to that. “Taking by dick so well baby, so eager for me to claim you?” “You’re all mine.”
Uhm tbh I think you could just lay down forever and let Kiba just go at it.. like he just has so much energy that he doesn’t mind expelling it onto you. Of course he wouldn’t mind if you returned the favour every so often. Like don’t get me wrong he loves getting his dick sucked. More than most boys do.. and he also likes if you want to ride him too. Riding him is the best treat ever, bonus if you wanna dig your nails into his shoulders or chest. But for the most part he doesn’t mind doing majority of the work. He likes going down on you or just treating you because he gets so excited at the noises you make.
Kibas an ass and tits man. You cannot and will not change my mind. He likes cumming on them too LMFAOO. Like ok he likes cumming in you a lot — he has a breeding kink, but if you’re not into it or he’s not in the mood he’ll just let his load off on your tits. It doesn’t matter if he’s hitting from the back because he’ll just flip you over and finish himself off. Your ass works too though. You’ll scold him for doing it sometimes because he likes to make sure it’s all over your tits or your ass, but he’ll just shrug at your scolding and give you a smirk.
Okay back to the breeding kink omg.. let me collect myself for a second here.. Kiba is a dirty talker okay, but when he’s really getting into his breeding kink his dirty talk turns kinda soft?? “Look how pretty you are all filled up.” “You’re so gorgeous like this, so ready to have my kids.” I mean.. That’s pretty fucking nice man, I feel like he may also manage to be a tad bit gentle when he’s getting into the whole breeding thing, just because the idea of you having his kids makes him soft, but it just depends on his mood tbh. Sometimes he just flips a switch and just goes for hours like he’s on some next feral bullshit and other times he takes it a little slower.
I don’t think this really makes sense and I don’t really have much to go off of to prove this point but.. I think he’d be good at aftercare? Like he would always have to shower you in complinments after, please give him some too, “that was great babe, you did really good, so good.” Then he’ll help you clean up. He ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS, gets you a glass of water after sex. Probably drinks it halfway back to the bedroom and has to go and fill it up again, but the effort is what counts.
Uhm aftercare got me thinking of showers and now I think that he would also like shower sex. It’s kinda like what I said about kakashi in my NSFW headcanons for him, but I think Kiba would want to do it with you anywhere in your apartment: in the shower, on the bathroom sink, on the dinner table (WITH the dinner on it), on the coffee table, the couch... and do I really need to continue this? I think you all get it. It just ties into his claiming thing.
So when your friends are over and you’re eating snacks on the couch with pizza on the coffee table, it kinda makes him smirk because he’s like.. we did it on that coffee table lol
Also when either of you come home from mission, expect Kiba is gonna wanna fuck immediately. Like he’s not even halfway through the door but he’s taking his shirt off and telling you to do the same.
Ugh. Magnificent. Exquisite. Delectable. Like if he’s laying down, his head is titling back on the pillows, if he’s ontop his head is tilting down and all his fair falls in his face. He definitely squeezes his eyes shut and makes a little hissing sound, plus, he curses after. “Fuck, yeah right th-there.” “Shit, b-babe, I’m cumming.” Yes I believe he stutters when he cums. Don’t try me <3 AND ITS CUTE TOO. Okay also his mouth will fall open a little and it’s super hot because you can see his little canines peeking out.
This man
This man...
I am whore knee for this man.
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wanyinchen · 4 years
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(I may have accidentally deleted the ask and the post whoops sorry, anon!)  HOLY CRAP YES PLS OMG TALK TO ME MORE They literally are the best team ever? Like I am such a sucker for found family tropes you have no idea. The idea of these four people, so different from one another and are, in varying degrees, considered as outsiders found a bond with each other so strong  and I- AHHHH I CAN’T NOT LOVE THEM. I’ve always imagined them to be all orphans and then finally, they found these people who could and would always be their home, and where they could feel safe, loved and cared for, a family. I-I’m weak-*chokes back the tears* I have always had a hard time making friends in my younger years and I was a bit of a loner at childhood, and now as I am older and found friends who I could laugh with and keep secrets with, who I could be myself with and who I could always be with, I FELT THAT WITH TEAM GAI, OK? THEIR TEAMWORK AND CLOSENESS?? YEAH BABY! Sure I could relate on Nart or some other character but something clicked in me with Rock Lee and Gai. Like holy crap these are not the type of characters I usually love but there’s something about these two adorable bowl-cut, spandex wearing angels that compel me to them so much. Hardwork, effort, and dedication is something I very much value but not always “do”, they’ve become one of my inspirations to do better and be better and all around help me make good decisions with the question “would Lee and Gai be proud of me if I do this?” fuck I am such a loser but I just hecking love them so much. Rock Lee is the love of my life and I love him to bits, this kid is super precious and so sweet and so polite, like omg I want him, he literally is boyfriend material and I just super love him and whoever ended up with this sweetheart, I congratulate you, you have eyes more powerful than all the ‘-gans’ in the world and you have caught the greatest treasure. Neji is a complex character, a true genius but always considered to be inferior from the main Hyuuga family just because he was from the branch family, he was this happy kid and then was so jaded by his dad’s death, like I just want to hug him. He had such a compelling character arc and development, evolving from this bitter (and with reason!) and angry kid to this mature teen who empathizes and loves his team and cousin very much. He became somewhat more mellow, gentle, and approachable now that he found a true family with team gai. HE SHOULDN’T HAVE DIED, IT WAS A BS PLOT DESICION AND I WAS LIKE CRYING AND WHAT???? FOR WHAT?? IT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE, HIASHI SHOULD’VE DIED INSTEAD FFS. And then there’s my queen Tenten, the one who aspired to be like Tsunade, the greatest medical nin and the strongest kunoichi, but along the way, with her DAD’S (Gai’s) help, she discovered that she just wanted to be a great and strong kunoichi at her own right and at her abilities(!!!). Despite her clear insecurities, hotheadedness, and not getting what she wanted at first, she still strived to be better, and perseveres to keep up with her team mates. And hello? Space time ninjutsu is super cool? Like summon a shit ton of weapons all at once out of mid air and heck?? How was this not exploited and utilized by Kishi?? Give me a solo Tenten sword fight with a powerful enemy?? She’s a weapon’s mistress FFS, how come Sasuke and Orochimaru gets sword fights when SHE, the thing she specialized on, didn’t get to have one?? Fuck what this is BS I swear AND HOLY ROCK LEE I need all of my kids to be legit taijutsu masters and is actually shown to be unparalleled at it compared to other nins and kids since its KING MAITO GAI himself teaching them taijutsu holy ass is that too much to ask for??? Wait, let me gush about Gai, he’s literally my favorite character. He’s the best dad, I want him to be my dad. I really love my father but I want Gai (and Dai) to be my dad, ya know what I mean?? He’s so supportive, loving, and he really just gives his all in caring for you. He’s forgiving and firm and crap I want a mentor like that. He’s such a excellent sensei and are one of the best adults in Naruto. He’s so unconventionally handsome and attractive?? He’s so confident?? He’s so amazing?? He’s so emotionally intelligent?? He defies the unjust expectations set by others and said “fuck you” to it?? And he’s super crazy strong? Like literally feared and famed, I bet enemy and rogue nin just tremble at the mention of his name, a peep about “The Noble Blue Beast of Konoha” would have enemies wetting their pants. He’s one of the elites and is one of the strongest in the Konoha? Heck the world?? He went from this below mediocre adorable runt to this feared and very powerful jonin?? And he did this without ninjutsu, hacks, and any kekei genkai?? Only through pure hardwork and dedication?? He developed the Strong Fist style?? Yeah break dem bones, my king!! I only stan legends. He is literally the light of my and Kakashi’s life. Whether you ship kakagai platonically or romantically, dude you better believe that Gai is one of the most precious people of Kakashi. Kakashi literally trusts no one more implicitly than Gai. Like this hella paranoid and self-sacrificing silver haired dog boi trusted Gai to watch his ex-anbu traumatized ass and be there for him at all times of trouble??? And Gai being there for Kakashi so unfailingly for all of their lives??? For all the dark times in their lives, they'll always have each other no questions?? They're each other's constant?? They love each other so much?? No one knows them like the other??? Uhh hello?? Like why do some writers write Gai as this weird ass buffoon idiot who goddamn annoys Kakashi 24/7? And then Kakashi doesn't even like him and pushes him away, super annoyed?? What. Are we talking about the same characters?? They are each other's best friend. Goddamned soulmates. Eternal rivals. They all have such untapped potential that I am breathing hard in frustration. I still stand by my claim that we should’ve had Team Gai as protagonists like fuck. This is the hill I will die on, I want them, I want to see their bond, I want their stories, I want to witness their development?? Like why nerf these beautiful characters I hate it here WHOOPS, HAHAHAHAA! That was rather ineloquent and vulgar, uuhh forgive me! I hope I could talk to you again, anon! Thank you for enabling me and helping me warm up my brain in answering my summative essays, I feel like writing again! And pls send asks, i wanna make new friends
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