#I just think it’s a funny idea so I made an entire au around it lol
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m0th-person · 3 months ago
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Poseidon and a young Homer
(King Telemachus au)
(extra below): ⬇️
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mutable-manifestation · 1 year ago
aiobuvu;nj I have stared at this for several nonconsecutive hours since I was @'ed Minji
I love this idea so much. Just lemme- yeah here we go:
In the midst of it all, a light of hope amidst the chaos, there is: Tucker.
Tucker Foley knows what he's about. Tech. He's about tech. His first priority after entering an entirely new version of earth with who knows how many differences to temporal placement, sapient populations, flora, and fauna?
He wants to know if his PDAs still work.
He checks Sandra first, of course.
Miraculously, she works fine.
Next up is the modded ones - he skips straight his one true love: Helena.
Helena had been with them from the beginning - the first PDA, the one true PDA, with every mod and upgrade tested over time. They'd cracked open many a GIW facility together in the past - among other things.
And. It seems Desiree was feeling generous? Helena connects to the internet just fine, and her scans all come back clean. He'd set his other loves up to scan while he was waiting, but of course Helena finished the fastest, unparalleled as she was in her might as in her beauty.
So next up was research time.
And Tucker is about tech, but the first article about heroes has him distracted.
So of course he has to know more.
The first search, ghosts, doesn't really net anything.
The second for a more general "powers" leads him to an article about "metas." He only skims a few sentences before moving on.
Finally, he searches "magic."
A hero named "Captain Marvel" pops up. Guy claims to be magic instead of a meta. It's not a LOT, but it's a possibility. Tucker's gonna have to hunt the guy down. Because if magic is a real, genuine thing in this new world?
Tucker wants magitech. Badly. The things Helena could do with a magical power boost...
Well, he doesn't really know, but he wants to.
But first, time to be a good friend and help Danny (and all of Amity, really) Triple G their way into this new world.
Kon is so, so grateful he can hold his breath for a long time.
It took thirty minutes for them to arrive to the newly-existing town in middle-of-nowhere-Illinois thanks to the logistics of "the entire internet and US government just got several thousand new people as if they were always there except they clearly weren't and it's causing Issues (TM).
(Mainly, the issue is paranoia - is this another invasion, is this a trst version for a mass-brainwashing, etc etc).
Kon spent the next twenty minutes watching Clark trying and failing to get a word in edgewise.
The maybe-hero's no one's ever seen before hovering above the definitely-town that wasn't there before very politely roast Clark's costume before, essentially, dismissing him out of hand.
Then they'd gone back to squabbling. There'd been a few stray lasers from the maybe-hero's aimed at each other accompanied by pouting or protest, but they were few and far between and all very carefully aimed away from the onlooking crowds below - almost the whole town from the look of things.
And then.
And then.
Some kid in a beret waves the three down - all of whom obediently descend.
Well, the probable-siblings descend obediently. Red grumbles a bit before following - utterly ignoring Clarks "If we cou-."
Clark stared after them, dismayed, as Kon diligently kept from vibrating in place behind him.
And then, of course, Kon hears what beret-guy is saying.
There's magic in this universe, he tells them.
And, well, at least that one thing confirmed.
The four - and a nearby goth girl - grin as one, saying as one: "Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss?"
"Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss," Beret grins back.
Kon is so glad he doesn't have to breath that often.
Clark begins to descend.
"I'll get Lance on it- if- " Goth hesitates.
Beret nods. "Yep, everything's greenlit. Thankfully. I'll update the city-only page with deets - make sure he checks it before he goes live."
She nods before away, taking out a phone as she goes.
The maybe-hero trio squabble a bit more, with the boy groaning and rolling his eyes when he sees Clark's approach before grabbing the other two and dragging both into the ground.
Beret and the onlookers seem unconcerned.
Clark doesn't let it phase him, calmly allowing the three to slip away in favor of talking to the unmoved Beret, who had yet to look up from his...
"Young man-"
"Sean." Beret boy cuts him off with a polite nod.
"Ah, Sean then, I have few questions for you-"
"Uh, my name is Tucker," Tucker shoots back, raising a brow. And yet. His eyes still do not leave his...device? At first he'd thougt... but the more Kon looks the less it seems like a phone.
No. It isn't a phone.
Maybe it never was.
"But- you said it was Sean?" Clark asks, voice politely confused, if a bit distressed.
"I thought you were Sean. Isn't that was the 'S' stands for?"
"...No, it-"
"Spencer, then," Tucker says, finally putting away The Device. "Listen. I'm sure you're wondering "who are all these people" and "how did you get here" and "there wasn't a town here like five minutes ago how could this have happened." I gonna level with you - so is the federal government, probably. And now that the Notice-Me-Not curse afflicting our home for generations has finally been lifted-" Clark opens his mouth, but Tucker barrels on "-we kind of need to deal with that. So if you have questions maybe just watch the news. Or least go away for a minimum of five business days."
"We're literally not related, our town was literally isolated from the outside world by a curse for ages."
"We know you're from a different universe."
"What, Amity? Why would you think that?" The boy feigns confusion.
Kon notices a variety of people in the crowd recording them on an eclectic mixture of flip phones, Just Cameras, and oddly old-looking touch-screen phones.
"I heard you talking to your friends-"
"From that far away?" Tucker's eyes flicker doubtfully to the sky.
"I have super-hearing-"
"Then you heard wrong. Now if you'll excuse me-"
"I heard you perfectly well-"
"Uh-uh, and just how does this "super-hearing" work, exactly," he asks, and he puts the power in air quotes. And Kon is holding his breath without too much effort but he can't quite subdue the tears bubbling up as a result of suppressing his laughter at this. "If you even-"
"It's global-" Kon spits out, his desperation to know what Tucker will say next allowing him to subdue the chuckles just long enough.
"What, just everything? All of the time?"
Kon nods. Clark works his mouth wordlessly, unsure how to proceed with the odd change of topic but upbringing forbidding him from being rude just because the other person is being difficult.
"Dude, do you have any idea how many people talk about alternate universe stuff all the time? It's, like, nerd 101. And you, what, picked out one conversation? Out of billions? And don't think you might've confused any of the numerous same or similar voices throughout the world with mine?"
Tucker shakes his head pityingly.
"You heard wrong, my guy. It happens to the best of us. And speaking of the best of us," he says, pulling out another buzzing not-a-phone-and-maybe-never-was, "It seems like Monica needs some quality time with the TF."
He caresses the side of the machine and turns to leave.
Clark stares after him as the crowd moves to disperse. Among them, a girl glances at him and tells her friends, "Dios mio, all the fashion in this place had better not look like that."
A tear rolls down Kon's cheek.
'Don't. Laugh.'
You know... >.>
My Dad always used to tell me, if I get a Genuine Genie(tm)? Get a lawyer first. Before I make my Wishes(tm), so they can help me word them correctly.
Obviously, a human lawyer would not be foolproof... BUT! What about a Ghost Lawyer?
Like? Obviously Desiree would be PISSED. How DARE you twist HER wish twisting! Her THING is "what you believe is your heart's desire always comes at a terrible cost" which is what she DIED to learn.
So obviously she would NEVER, willingly, bend her Obsession for ANYONE. And you'd have to make a DAMN good case to that Lawyer for why he ISNT breaking the law by helping you. Probably some "you can: save the life of an unconscious person against their will/shove an unobservant person OFF the train tracks, even if they get hurt, to save their life" clause.
Like? Using a ghosts Obsession against them? Bad. Illegal.
Using it against their will, to save OTHER ghosts, who are in immediate danger? Not illegal, but they will be PISSED. Still not great though, you will want to apologize and fast.
So like??? Reality Bending Power. Patrick Star Method of "what if we MOVED the city... somewhere else?" Considered at 1am. Team of Ghost Laywers, acquired.
Amity and all Limnals are REMOVED from the DP-verse.
Wish worded juuuuust so. Any ghost that forms there? Yoink! Instantly removed to the Zone. Natural Portals? Cut off. Let the whole Reality fade out at an accelerated rate, as no NEW energy is fed into the system. Entropy will do, what entropy does. Exactly as they wished it.
They hated Death so much, they speed up the heat death of their ENTIRE universe by Eons. Congratulations, you guys "Won". Enjoy the wildly more fragile flora, fauna, and general ecosystems. Now that none of you have that ambient Ectoplasm strengthening your bodies. Yeah, the things you used to shrug off? Those are gonna maim or kill you now.
Doesn't MATTER if you "learn your lesson" though! Cause this is WAY past that point! This is "cutting off the tumor before it kills us" territory, and buddy? Amity ISNT the tumor. Go forth a grow, just like you wanted.
They won't be here to fix your messes anymore.
Because Danny got himself a dictionary thick "I Wish..." contract. Which was worded, as it needs to be, in one loooooooong run on sentence. Shouted "I Wish what's written on THIS, as it is currently, and without any form of editing or negotiation!" As fast as he could. Yote the document in Desiree's direction. And Flew like an INCANDESCENTLY pissed off Genie was trying to set his everything of fire.
Which she was.
Thankfully, Paulina came in clutch with her History of all things Jewelry, world fashions, and Make-Up knowledge. That, coupled with the Power Of Rich Friends(tm)? (Sam. Her mother was THRILLED to take her Jewelry and clothing shopping for something other then blacks and dark purple. They went on a jet setting whurl-wind tour. Sam actually kinda liked a some of what she found.)
They have Apology Bribes.
They shamelessly HIDE behind the mountain of Apology Bribes, while they explain themselves. Is Desiree HAPPY? No. But those bracelets are magnificent and she DOES deserve nice things. Those silks will really bring out her eyes. And she... DOES... admit...
That things are not... SAFE. Any longer. Danny TRIES. Everyone else can see it. And he's made incredible strides! Even convinced his lunatic parents. Though they're still not quite POPULAR. (WAY too pushy and invasive with their questions, for most people.) But the fanatics in white?
They nearly killed Box Lunch. If her father hadn't BEEN there...
And the poor man will have that scar on his back for the rest of his afterlife. Desiree can see why Danny is pushing. Does she LIKE it? No. But...
She supposes she will content herself with the suffering of the Fanatics in White and all who support them. THEIR wishes, twisted. Their ugly heart's desires.
And? The ghost town of what WOULD of one day grown into Amity, had the witch's there not been found by those they had fled from, which sits in long rotted ruins, amongst the trees in nowhere Illinois? Poof! Two "Towns" are switched.
The roads out of town coming to a clean line stop, meeting not even goat paths. Just trees. Old growth.
But it's not ALL of Town, is it? Faces missing. New, confused, faces from every corner of the map, taking their place. No Limnal left behind. No supporter of the GIWs genocide, brought along. Family's kept together where they could be. But by the few, scared and upset, green flashing eyes of children in the crowd?
It seemed for some, it was easier to fear and hate, then love their children.
Already they were being gathered up by school teachers and PTA parents. As everyone tried to figure out what had happened. Concerned, quite muttering a dull roar as everyone tries to coordinate.
Red Huntress joins Danny and Dani in the Sky. She doesn't get a word in. Wanted to know what the HELL was going on. She was with her dad in Chicago! Dani was in Taiwan! Literally! As in, sitting in a SUBWAY station one second, the next? Outside!
But they don't get to demand those answers. Because there is a sonic boom on the horizon. And then? Floating... weird... not ghosts?
That much blue... sure is a Statement. Like the cape and... bloooomers? Shorts. Bikini bottoms? It.. it's a Cool Look, dude! No, really. They are being VERY supportive here! If YOU like it? That's the only thing that matters!
Red Huntress smacks the Danny/i's Repeated upside their heads and demans to know what the Not-Ghosts are doing in their airspace.
Oh YEAH. Good point! What she said! And can it WAIT? They're kinda going through A Thing right now...
Kon? Wants it on record he loves these guys. They're hilarious. The LOOK on Clark's FACE?? He wishes he could frame it. Preserve it for future generations. Thing is? There was NOT a town here a second ago.
Well, bout 30 minutes or so, but you get the idea. One moment? Tree noises. Bam! Thousands of people! Obviously the checked it out. Only to be met with two... three maybe? Heros who have NO IDEA who they are.
Clear Reality warping shenanigans. Might be time travel or multiverse. Question is... are they STAYING? And if SO? What now...
@hdgnj @ailithnight @the-witchhunter @nerdpoe @dcxdpdabbles @mutable-manifestation @hypewinter
#dpxdc#yeah I maybe made Tucker's phone a little eldritch#yeah they're gonna convince people Amity was cursed before#“people couldn't see amity before because of the curse”#“what's that? Magic isn't real? Do you think beloved hero captain marvel is a liar?”#also literally what are meta powers if not magic#“but! but it's linked to genetics!”#my entire ass - genetics don't let you bend metal. correlation is not causation. some magic is more specific than other magic#they be gaslighting everybody#but#They pay their taxes?#and their tech updates are surprisingly good?#especially once their scientists learn DC (or “outside world”) tech better#yeah the gov't doesn't mind them too much#very funny if Lex Luthor thinks they're all martians or something (re video of danny dragging dani & val through the ground) and HATES THEM#vlad would be there#still mayor? idk#but if at least some of dalv co is in Amity he can prob finangle it to get some of his money back#and elbow in on Lex tech's markets#making about both “evil aliens” and about money#just Vlad v Luthor#does luthor have anti-ghost protections?#I want Vlad to get fed up and start stealing his stuff#idk where else to go with this but I feel like this AU has so much potential!#alt idea: they could claim amity has been skipping around the world since forever#but got caught in the bermuda for a good bit there#looks like it's america this time#Amity Parkers: *sips smoothie while wearing hawaiin shirt* hi new neighbors
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borathae · 2 months ago
Pink Ribbons
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“Pink ribbons around his dainty wrists, his pretty hair a mess and drool covering his puffy lips. Your husband has never looked cuter.”
Pairing: CEO!Jungkook x f.Reader
Genre: married life!AU, Slice of Life Fluff, Smut
Warnings: sub!Jungkook, Mommy Dom!Reader, cozy BDSM, safe power play, a cute chicken & movie date, he is very snuggly and clingy <3, he is also very obedient and the goodest boy, praise, good boy kink, loving dirty talk, bondage with pink silk ribbons, she takes videos of him because he is the cutest, handjob as he sits on her lap, gentle movements with lots of love, lots of kisses and touches all over his pretty body, a lil bit of edging, he is in such a cozy & safe subspace, he cums all over himself, did i mention that this is incredibly soft & cozy?, did you know that this is cozy?
Wordcount: 4.9k
a/n: i love him so much!!!!! omfg i'm sobbing :( he is the cutest pookie ever 😭 this story made me feel very cozy as i was writing it, i hope you guys can feel cozy as well hehe 💗 did you know that this is cozy?
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“Jungkook, Jungkook, Bunny, Bunny, Bunny”, you come running around the corner calling his name repeatedly.
Jungkook, who is in the middle of a relaxing yoga session next to the windows, lifts his head. 
You plop down in front of him, holding your phone.
“I saw something.”
“Okay?” Jungkook sits back, knowing that he won’t be able to continue his exercises until you showed him whatever you saw.
“Do you have time? Is it okay?” you ask.
“Yes, show me”, he assures you, scooting closer to you so he can see better.
You recently downloaded some famous video app because your college friends all talk about it and you wanted to feel included. You told him that you are only doing it to be trendy and to actually know what the young people talk about, but Jungkook has a gist that you are finding a liking in the app yourself. Sometimes he catches you literally cackling at your phone because of something funny you saw on the app. Other times, like today, you come running to show him whatever delighted you.
“I just saw this and it’s so cute. Look.”
You flip the phone and show him the video. It is a video of a generally perceived as attractive man filmed in pink light. Jungkook’s heart tightens in jealousy, his stomach sinks.
“Isn’t it cute?” you ask him.
“Why do you think that other men are cute?” Jungkook throws back with a huge, massive, immense pout, crossing his arms in front of his chest, “hmpf.”
“What? No you stupid noodle, it’s about the ribbons. Look.” You repeat the video. “His girlfriend tied ribbons around his arms and his torso and his wrists. Isn’t that so cute? We could do that too.”
“Ooooooh” Jungkook’s lips form the perfect O-shape and his eyes widen, arms relaxing, “ooooh you mean thaaat.”
You slap his chest gently.
“Stupid noodle. Of course I do. He is not cute. You are.”
Jungkook grins, “course I am.”
You roll your eyes. He is such a jealous baby sometimes.
“Whatever, silly. What do you think of the idea? Should we play with ribbons?”
Jungkook doesn’t need to think for long.
“Yes, I love the idea”, he agrees, nodding his head. 
“Coolio as fuck.”
Jungkook laughs, “you don’t sound trendy when you talk like this. Just saying.”
“Whatever.” You stand up. “I’ll be going ribbon shopping. Should I get takeout?”
“Yes, god. I want chicken.”
“Alrighty right. I’m going now. See you later alligator.”
“My love, please stop talking like this”, Jungkook laughs.
You merely grin at him and then leave, telling him that you won’t take long and that you love him.
Jungkook returns to his yoga session, finding great relaxation this way. His week was very stressful and yoga always calms him down.
He already finished his session, now getting tomorrow’s outfit ready, when you come back home. It is not a work outfit, but a date outfit because tomorrow is date day. Jungkook has been looking forward to date day the entire week. It is your turn to plan the activities and you hinted at bowling. Jungkook really loves bowling. 
“My love, I’m home!”
“I’m upstairs!” 
You appear in the dressing room soon, carrying the bags of your shopping tour.
“I got the stuff”, you tell him, grinning proudly.
“Yeah? That’s so cool, my love.” 
“Wanna eat the chicken on the sofa?” 
“Wanna watch a movie as we do?”
“Sure, let’s do that then. I’m picking out an outfit for tomorrow.”
You smile at him, “very good. Make sure that you can move in it well.”
Jungkook giggles and nods his head obediently. He loves date day! 
“Good boy. Come downstairs once you’re done. I’m setting up the chicken.” 
“I understand. Thank you, Mommy.”
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You sit on the floor, switching through your movie choices, when Jungkook joins you. He does so rather vigorously, plopping down next to you to wrap his limbs around you and pull you into the biggest cheek smooch ever.
“Mmmmmmwuah” he lets out, following the smooch with a nose nuzzle against your cheek. 
You chuckle fondly, caressing his lower arms, “you’re a cutie. Did you pick out a nice outfit?”
“Yes, you’ll like it a lot”, he says, resting his chin on your shoulder to gaze at you, “Mommy, you’re so pretty.”
You look at him, smile and kiss his forehead. 
“You’re feeling clingy tonight, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, really clingy.” Jungkook gives you a big squeeze and nuzzle. “It’s because tomorrow is date day. I love date days so much.”
“I love them too.” You say fondly. “Should we watch a horror movie or something romantic?”
“I want romantic. I feel too soft for horror tonight. Is that okay for you?” 
“Sure. Anything my soft Bunny wants. Should we watch this one?”
Jungkook, still snuggled against you, turns his head so he can look at the TV. A movie you both haven’t seen yet. You talked about watching it together.
“Yes, let’s do that. We haven’t seen that one yet.”
“I heard it’s great”, you say and press play. 
The movie starts, but you shift your attention to Jungkook. You put some distance so you could grab his sleeves and roll them up for him.
Jungkook lets you with a fluttering heart. His heart flutters even more when you put a paper bib around his neck so he wouldn’t get dirty. It came with the chicken and carries the restaurant’s logo. You finish the sweet gesture by pinching both his cheeks softly.
“There we go, now you’re proper”, you say, making him lift his shoulders shyly.
You turn to the front, rolling up your own sleeves and putting on a bib as well. You hand Jungkook a pair of plastic gloves, putting on your own. 
“I can’t wait to dig in”, you say, picking up the first chicken piece of many.
Jungkook needs a few moments before he can start eating. Moments like these are no big deal to you, but they are huge deals to him. Taking care of him comes so natural to you that he should already be used to it, but he truly isn’t. It always feels so special when you coddle him. 
He needs to hug you, even if you are already eating. 
“Hm?” you let out, eyes glued to the TV and mouth stuffed with delicious chicken.
“I love you, Mommy.”
“I love you too, Bunny. Now eat baby, before it gets cold.”
“Yes, okay”, Jungkook listens well, putting on his gloves to finally dig in. 
“Good boy. Do you like it? I went to your favourite place.”
“I love it so much. It’s so yummy”, Jungkook gushes, stuffing his mouth full of chicken.
“That’s good to hear. Eat as much as you want.”
You and he are silent as you eat, enjoying the movie fully. The chicken tastes delicious. You went for three different flavours. Natural in a crispy, crunchy breading. Honey soy garlic which tastes so rich and savoury. Spicy sweet chilly which is Jungkook’s favourite because he likes spicy food. You like it as well, but Jungkook seems to be truly obsessed with it tonight, so you let him have most of it while you stick to the other flavors. They are delicious as well and you want to see Jungkook happy. He is so adorable when he is happy from good food that you could never ever take this away from him, even if it meant missing out on your favourite chicken flavour. 
You clean up after finishing. Jungkook wanted to do it because you already did everything else but you told him to stay put. He listened very well. 
Tonight is a certain energy present between you and him. A sort of silent understanding that your roles are more prominent even in the mundane, domestic things. Granted, stuff like taking care of him and praising him, are your daily tasks, but tonight there is energy in them. Electric, warm energy. Jungkook gives you the same kind of energy back, letting you know that he is in a mild subspace just from the way he moves and talks around you. 
You return with chocolate cookies and cocoa as dessert. Jungkook is waiting for you on his knees and sitting on his crossed feet, hands folded on his lap. He stayed put. The position, he decided to do it in, is the last proof you needed to know that he feels the same energies you are feeling. This is a domestic, relaxing moment as much as it is also casual, soft power play. 
“I hope that you like cookies and cocoa for dessert. I was feeling cozy. Careful, the cup is hot.”
“Yes, this sounds yummy. Thank you for preparing it”, Jungkook says, accepting the cocoa with sweater paws. He blows on it to cool it down.
“Of course, anything for you.”
You sit down on the sofa and press play on the movie. There is still half an hour left. You bend forward and rake Jungkook’s hair gently. He shivers, tilting his head back and gazing at you. He sets the cup down on the table.
“Who’s my good boy?” you ask him.
“I am.” He lets out and exhales shakily, leaving his position so he could hug your legs and nuzzle his face into your lap. “I'm your good boy.”
“That’s right, my good boy”, you say, leaning back comfortably. You begin combing his hair with your fingers, scratching his scalp soothingly.
Jungkook stays seated by your feet, resting his cheek on your thigh. He watches the movie with heavy lids, tingling each time you scratch him behind his ear. Only when he takes a sip of the cocoa, he sits up for a vast moment. 
After around ten minutes you bend down again, kissing the side of his neck. Jungkook shivers, letting out a surprised gasp. 
“My good boy”, you says softly and straighten up, scratching his undercut gently. From the corners of your eyes, you watch how he is squirming. 
Another ten minutes pass and you both have finished the cocoa and cookies. Jungkook stays seated after setting his empty cup down, shimmying in discomfort. 
“What’s the matter?” 
“My butt hurts.”
“What? No way, come up here immediately.”
Jungkook leaves the floor, climbing onto the sofa with you. He lies down on his side, resting his head on your lap. Then he sighs, melting in relaxation.
“Is that better?” you ask him, rubbing his hip gently.
“Yeah, it’s so comfy.”
“That’s good.”
You slide your hand to his butt, eliciting a gasp from him. 
“Relax. I’m just gonna get rid of the ache, okay?” you assure him.
He giggles, wiggling his butt against your hand.
The rest of the movie is spent like this. By the end of it, Jungkook can barely keep his eyes open. He is so relaxed in your presence that the word stress doesn’t even exist in his mind anymore. Like most romance movies, it makes him cry when the couple is falling into each other’s arms happily.
You watch it happen fondly, providing him comfort by scratching his back slowly while he sniffles and whimpers in happy tears. You are so immensely in love with him. He brought out the real you, the you who is so happy to be soft and who loves to watch cheesy romance movies.
Jungkook lets out an especially loud sniffle, shoulders shaking. 
“Gosh Bunny, are you alright?” 
“Yes”, he is talking in a pout, “they’re so in love. I’m so happy”, he whines and sobs, hugging your legs to hide away in them. 
“You’re the cutest”, you coo, ruffling his hair. 
“They’re so in love. I love this movie so much.”
“Me too, Bunny. It’s a very cute ending.”
“Yes. So cute.” He flips over, looking up at you sniffly and teary eyed. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Bunny”, you say softly, wiping his tears. He always gets like this after a romantic movie. He cries in happiness, then needs to look at you and tell you his feelings. It is as if the love in the movie filled his heart with too many feelings of its own and the only remedy is the view of you. 
“I love you so much that, that if we were both bunnies and we were cuddling, I’d put one ear over you to keep you warm.”
Your heart flutters, bursting in giddiness. You let out a squeal of too much cuteness and drag him into a kiss by squishing both his cheeks. 
He stumbles to his knees, ending up on your lap soon after with his hands on the nape of your neck and his flushed cheeks under your fingertips. 
You always get like this after a romantic movie. He tells you cute things and you get so overwhelmed by them that you need to kiss him until his head is foggy and his lips are tender. You are starving and the only taste you crave is his kiss. 
The hunger was especially unbearable tonight. The silent understanding of the power dynamic added craving to the starvation. Oh, you cannot get enough of him. 
Your fingers, once tasked with cradling his face, fall to his dainty waist. Jungkook gasps, breaking the kiss with parted lips.
“You’re mine”, you lull the words, eyes still closed. He is wearing an oversized jumper but when you hold him like this, it exposes the real size of his waist. It makes you a little crazy.
“Yes, Mommy. I am”, he whimpers, squirming in your possessive touch. 
“I’ll make you mine even more with the ribbons.”
He giggles, nodding his head.
“Yes, Mommy. You can do whatever you want to.”
“What if I wanna keep going until you made a mess?”
Jungkook exhales shakily, nodding his head. 
“Yes? You’d want that?” 
“Yes, Mommy.”
“Fuck, Bunny. I don’t know if I can control myself any longer.”
Jungkook rolls his hips on your lap, sighing his words, “don’t control yourself please.”
“But I have to. You’re so soft, I’d only break you.” 
Jungkook exhales shakily, falling around your neck. Your words are so strong. Your voice does the rest. Jungkook with his obvious and immense voice kink is broken.
“Please Mommy, please don’t hold back please”, he begs.
“You’re lucky that you’re so cute”, you say and stand up with him in your arms. Jungkook wraps his legs around, moaning happily because he thinks that you will carry him to bed. 
You, however, set him down on the sofa, keeping his eyes on you by guiding his head. 
“Can you stay put for me?” 
“Yes, Mommy. I can”, Jungkook promises, nodding his head obediently.
“Good boy. Be patient, I’ll be back soon”, you tell him, giving him one last forehead kiss before you leave him to prepare everything.
You clean the coffee table of the dessert and disappear upstairs to get the ribbons, jogging down with them.
Jungkook stayed put the entire time, sitting up straight and with his eyes focused on the wall before him. He turned the television off.
“Look at you.”
His eyes are instantly on you. 
“You’re such a good boy. You stayed put.”
He exhales shakily, following you with his eyes as you return to him. You stand in front of him, combing your fingers through his hair. His eyes fall closed, his lips part. He lets out a quiet moan, sounding so sweet. 
“You’re so handsome”, you speak softly and will continue to do so for the rest of this moment. It feels right to do. It is such a comfortable and healing moment, which can only be enjoyed when whispered.
Jungkook is in heaven because of it. There is nothing more comforting to him than being spoken to softly. He feels so safe in your presence. So incredibly safe.
“Keep your head like this”, you order him and because Jungkook has no ounce of brattiness in his bones, he listens well.
“Good boy.”
Your praise makes his entire body tingle. It is the main reason why he could never disobey you. Why would he, if the reward for being good is your praise in your voice? 
His eyes are still closed which means that the sudden soft ribbon around his neck surprises him. He opens his eyes, coming face to face with your features as you tie a loose bow around his neck. His heart flutters.
You give the ribbon a gentle tug once tied, making him sigh in bliss and tilt his head back to reveal more of his adorned neck. 
“What a pretty little present you are”, you say, caressing his chin before you move on to another part of his body.
Jungkook feels so warm in his chest. He swears that he could touch the stars right now. He is yours and he is it gladly.
The next ribbon you wrap around his chest, ending it with a surprise kiss on his lips because the position allows it. Jungkook scrunches his entire face in giddiness, gazing at you as he giggles. 
You giggle with him, caressing his cheeks because he deserves it. 
“It’s funny. I’m calling you a present but I’m wrapping you up instead of unwrapping you.” 
“It’s so nice”, he sighs, kicking his feet. 
“Yeah, it’s pretty epic. Now next. Arms.” 
Jungkook shifts them into the correct position all on his own, earning himself yet another praise. And yet again, it leaves him tingly. 
You decorate his left arm first, then his right, ending it by giving his arms gentle rub downs. Jungkook shivers, flexing his muscles for you.
“So strong. Have you been increasing the weights?”
“Yeah, I have.”
“I can really tell. What a strong Bunny you are.”
“Thanks, Mommy”, Jungkook croaks, voice trembling. Is it possible to orgasm from too much praise? Because if he gets praised any more, he might actually cum. 
“Now, wrists.”
He presents them proudly, palms facing up and next to each other. It is a given that you have to kiss each of them. It would be a crime if you didn’t. 
Afterwards, you guide them together, tying a ribbon around them. You make sure that they wouldn’t pinch or cut off blood flow but still keep him in place, finishing it with a pretty bow. 
“Wow, look at you”, you have to squeak because the view of him makes you so giddy. 
Jungkook giggles and shimmies on the couch, kicking his feet. 
“You are so fucking adorable. Gosh”, you cradle his face. “I could eat you.” 
He smiles dreamily, leaning into your touch. He gets kissed on his forehead and feels eternal. He loves you so very much.
“Now stay like this. I need to take a video like she did”, you say and pick up your phone. You scroll on it with two hands, scrunching your brows. 
Jungkook has to giggle, gazing up at you.
“Nothing. It’s just, when you’re using your phone like this, you’re really channeling your Mommy energy. You look like you never used a phone before.”
“Wow, rude”, you laugh, nudging his cheek, “it’s not my fault that new technology uses such tiny fonts. Oh here, found you camera app.”
Jungkook snickers and shifts back into position. His heart is racing so much. You make him so happy. 
“Now look the prettiest for me”, you say and press record. 
Jungkook does his very, very best to pose for you. He keeps his back straight, his wrist presented, he gives you puppy eyes and even does a little lip bite. If you want him looking the prettiest for the cameras, then he will look the prettiest.
“Wow, look at you”, you gush, replaying the video, “you’re so handsome.”
“Can I see too, please?” 
“Of course. Look.” 
You show him the video. Jungkook watches intently, having to squirm on the sofa. The ribbons look so good on his body, he looks so owned. 
“Aren’t you adorable?” 
“Yeah”, he gets out shakily, biting his lower lip afterwards.
You watch it happening, feeling tingly. You put the phone aside and sit down next to him, patting your lap.
“Come here. I’ve got one more ribbon I want to put on you.” 
Jungkook gladly obeys, climbing on your lap in a way so that he was facing you. He squirms at the feeling of your touch on his body, trying his hardest not to moan. It would be so embarrassing if he already moaned before you even as much as played with his cock. 
Judging by the hungry glimmer in your eyes, this is exactly what you are planning to do. And Jungkook can barely breathe because of it. He misses your touch so much. 
“Lift your butt.” 
He obeys. You hook your fingers in his sweats and tug them over his perky butt. 
“Wait. I can help.” 
“Do it.”
Jungkook stands up for the time being, letting you undress him. He steps out of his sweats and later his briefs, then climbs back on your lap. His oversized jumper still adorns his torso, looking so pretty. 
You tug it from his cock, letting it pool behind it. He is already hard, throbbing when the fabric brushes his tip. 
"Aw, look at you. Is someone really needy for my touch?” 
“Yes, so needy. Please.” 
“Mhm, soon. Just gotta get you pretty for me.”
Jungkook giggles. You are wrapping the last ribbon around the base of his cock. You snicker because hearing him laugh makes you want to join him.
“How’s that for a last place?”
“Sexy…oh god, I can feel it aahmm.”
You give it a gentle tug, then finish it off with a bow. Jungkook definitely feels the pressure, but it isn’t as intense as a cockring would be. He likes it so much that he is biting his lower lip again, furrowing his brows. 
“How’s the pressure?”
“Good. Gentle.”
“That’s good. Let me know if it gets uncomfortable.”
“I will.” He squirms. “Please. Can you touch me?” 
“How can I refuse you when you’re so polite?” 
You close your hand around his adorned base and dance it up to his tip.
“Ah, Mommy”, Jungkook moans loudly, arching his back and throwing his head back. 
You watch his reaction with a tingling stomach, having to chuckle. Jungkook hears it, rolling his head to the front to look at you nervously. Your hand is around his tip, motionless and driving him insane.
“Why are you laughing?” he asks quietly.
“It’s just that I literally only put my hand around your cock and you’re already moaning so much. It’s adorable.”
“Mommy, don’t tease me please. I can’t help it”, he whines, pouting.
“Aw, I’m sorry Bunny. Here, let me make it up to you”, you say and finally pick up a rhythm.
“Woah”, Jungkook gasps, eyes widening and cock twitching between your fingers. Next he bites his lower lip - again - and mewls, furrowing his brows. Lastly, he arches his back and drops his head. His mouth opens, his high-pitched moans escape.
“So good. Such a good boy”, you rasp, hand moving around his cock in a constant rhythm. Slow and dragged out because you want him aware of every single movement. “You sound so sweet for me.”
“It does, Bunny. I love touching your cock. You’re so pretty and perfect.” 
He twitches each time you praise him, tip glistening between your fingertips and shaft pulsating needily. You want to be everywhere at the same time. It is so addicting to touch his cock.
“Oh god, it feels so good”, he croaks and throws his head back, dropping his tied up hands against your chest. He is clutching whatever small amount of fabric his constricted hands can grasp, moaning your nickname like it is all that he can do. 
“There we go, hold onto me. Good boy.”
“Please, seriously, please don’t stop”, he begs, legs tightened around your thighs.
“Mhm, you must feel so good right now”, you whisper mindlessly.
He nods his head vigorously, hips shaking on your lap. He moans just for you, delighting you even more. He does. He feels so good right now. So, so good. Nobody, not even himself, could touch him like you are able to.  
“Of course you do. It would be a shame if I just…” you trail off, removing your hand from his cock.
“No please”, he whines, rolling his head to the front. He gives you the most lethal puppy eyes, pouting. “Please, Mommy. I-I was a good boy.”
“Yeah, that’s true. You were.” 
He is so adorable. Pink ribbons around his dainty wrists, his pretty hair a mess and drool covering his puffy lips. Your husband has never looked cuter before. You can’t say no to him. You just can’t.
“Put your arms behind my head.”
He obeys.
“Good boy, now let me taste your moans.”
Jungkook moans, leaning in to kiss you. He instantly uses tongue, moaning louder when you wrap your hand around his cock again to pump it. He throbs between your fingers, leaking all over them. 
You pick it up and use it to increase the speed of your touch. He was such a good boy tonight and you want to make him feel good. No more teasing, he is supposed to feel in heaven from now on. 
And you know that he does. He moans and whimpers, breaking the kiss every now and then when he needs to gasp for air or be a little louder. You talk sweet words to him whenever he has to, playing with his hair or rubbing circles into his neck. 
It isn’t long after that Jungkook can’t kiss you back anymore, dropping his face into the crook of your neck.
“Mommy please”, he sobs, convulsing on your lap. His entire weight is on you right now, also pressing on your chest because he is currently squeezing himself against you. 
His arms are restless, tensing and flexing as his shaky hands try to break free from their constraints. He could easily break free, but you ruined him enough that his muscles feel weak. 
“Do you like this?”
“Like it. Ah” he sobs, “ahmmmm Mommy…”
“My sweet Bunny. Lean into me, that’s good.”
“I have to…soon… please can I?”
“Yes, my baby, you can. Just let me do it for you. Make a mess for me, baby”, you encourage him, pumping his weeping tip. 
His veins are bulging by now, his base is stretching the ribbon. He is so restless on your lap that he constantly rubs his balls on you as well. It feels so good. Jungkook is entirely and utterly in your hands.
Quite literally. 
And it only takes him three mores strokes to make a total mess of them.
He squeaks, tenses up and then you feel it. Warm, messy cum shoots from his cock  covering your hand and parts of your bodies. He sobs your name when the shakes finally set in, holding you close as best as possible. 
“Good boy. Cum for me. Fuck, you’re such a good boy”, you talk him through it, keeping your touches focused on his tip because he is most sensitive there. 
Jungkook is able to handle nine pumps and then overstimulation sets in, instantly making him beg and whine. 
“Stop please. No more, please.”
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” 
“Thank you, Mommy. Thank you!” 
“There we go, good boy.” 
Now satisfied, you release him of his pleasurable hell. You keep the messy hand between his legs for now, hugging him with your other arm. 
And Jungkook falls into a trance of gratefulness, afterglow and adoration. He sighs and whimpers, gasps and sighs some more as his body recovers from the intense high.
“Thank you Mommy. I love you.” The two sentences repeat themselves, growing quieter and quieter the deeper he falls into the relaxing afterglow.
“You’re welcome, Bunny. I love you too”, you answer him every single time, feeling entirely content. Honestly, you could play with him for hours. Being with him like this, makes you so happy. 
It is Jungkook who breaks the cozy hug, running his eyes over your features. He is smiling with them, cheeks flushed and bangs sticking to his forehead. 
“I made a mess”, he confesses and snickers.
“You made a mess. A pretty big one actually. You really needed that orgasm, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, I think I did. I feel so submissive tonight and so soft and then you dressed me up in the ribbons and praised me and yeah…” he grins goofily. “I love being your sub, Mommy.”
“And I love being your Domme, Bunnybaby.” 
“Can we do this again one day? Please? Oh, I feel so cozy right now”, he says and snuggles into you. “I don’t want to leave this space.”
“Of course we can do this again. Maybe I’ll tie you to something when we do.”
“Yes please. Please do this”, he sighs and melts into a total weak mess of limbs on your lap.
His heart is racing. You hold him close, snuggling your nose into the crook of his neck. He smells like a good orgasm and his floral shower gel. You love his scent. 
“My Bunny”, you whisper, melting into him as well.
Date day is going to be extra romantic tomorrow. After such a night, it will be difficult not to stick to him at all times.
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wokecipher · 7 months ago
Billy Pines AU
Say hi to an AU I started drawing right after the book came out, it's funny to see it show my art journey of learning to draw Bill Cipher over time.
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(above being something I made yesterday vs the first time ever drawing for this idea)
This is an alternate universe of Gravity Falls, where during the collapse of Weirdmageddon, the Universe makes a teensy tiny mistake...
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When Weirdmageddon was thwarted, the sudden release of chaotic energy accidentally flung a younger version of a familiar face right into Gravity Falls. This younger Bill Cipher stumbles around looking for his parents, lost and alone, until stumbling upon the statue of his "future" self.
He stays by the statue until he's found by Mabel Pines, who immediately panics and kicks him, not realizing that this tinier version of Cipher isn't the same as his counterpart.
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(more doodles and huge infodump below! I plan on turning this all into a comic at some point, so, SPOILERS!! if I decide to do that, that is :P)
After the initial panic, Mabel ends up calming and realizing that this sobbing smushy version of Bill may... not be Bill. At the least, not in a way she's familiar with. She ends up retrieving Grunkle Ford who takes Billy away to study him, paranoid Bill somehow returned yet again.
Billy is frantic and confused, being in an entirely new reality is incredibly overwhelming and scary. He's also lonely and worrying, being away from his caregivers is intensely stressful and he is unable to go to them for help, comfort, or advice. Stanford is sadly not very nice at all to Billy, and sees him as a ruse by Bill to trick everyone into helping him... somehow.
Stanford and Stanley are both heavily against Billy and want him destroyed, Dipper wants him gone as well... but Mabel doesn't feel the same.
After awhile, Mabel becomes increasingly anxious over the scenario. She's worried that Billy isn't an actual threat, and starts wanting to help and understand him. Mabel is also feeling slightly guilty from kicking the kid. Meanwhile Dipper is frustrated and scared of Bill's potential return and fights against Mabel's various theories about Billy. One of Mabel's leading theories is that Billy is actually Bill's child, who just happened to show up at around the same time. She notes how young and confused he seems as evidence, alongside the obvious resemblance to Bill Cipher. Dipper thinks this is insane.
The two end up getting into an argument over the theory, leading to Mabel running out on Dipper because she's very upset over everything. It'd sorta go
Mabel would sort of start it, defensive, "He's just a baby, you guys can't do this to him without knowing it's Bill first!"
Dipper is frustrated "This is obviously a trick, Mabel! Bill is trying to trick us into... whatever this is!!" He'd probably waves his hands around, not sure what to do with himself.
Mabel is upset too, she wanted to defend the defenseless, "But what if he's not? What if he's just Bill's kid??"
"You'd take that chance?!" Dipper is very much done with this.
"... :(" Mabel doesn't really have a response. Because Mabel wants to say "YES!" but also she hates Bill too, and doesn't want him to hurt the people she cares about because of her again. So she'd probably get upset and just leave because this is VERY morally conflicting for her.
Later, Mabel decides to sneak into wherever Ford's lab is, and starts attempting to communicate with Billy. She draws and lets him draw too, but she does her best to be cautious. Mabel doesn't want to make a mistake and accidentally trust Bill again, she feels enough guilt for "starting Weirdmageddon" the first time (regardless of if its really her fault, regardless of how many times others reassure her).
(To note, Bill Cipher is still very much around, and very stuck in the Theraprism! I'd like to think he, at some point, found out about this "impostor" version of himself as a child through some doodle either Billy or Mabel made. He was probably flabbergasted and furious.)
Ford would eventually conclude this is probably not some evil plot by Bill, at least if it is, it's very convoluted and doesn't make too much sense for him to actually believe it.
Mabel eventually takes Billy home with her and Dipper because Ford can't handle being around Billy without acting very disturbed, and she can't in good conscious abandon the literal child. It also helps that she seems to be the only person Billy trusts at all.
Ford only allowed this with frequent visits and check ins.
To make this VERY long plot summary a bit shorter, what happens after this is general shenanigans a la the OG Gravity Falls show (minus the Bill Cipher drama, just fun hijinks and adventures)(there's still huge drama when it's discovered that Billy IS just Bill as a kid though, that sure won't end up deeply traumatic for any reason)!
But eventually, people grow up, people die, and Billy is left with an extinct world and alone, similar to his predecessor.
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I don't think he'd turn out okay what so ever given he was ripped away from his home reality, got stuck in a place where he's hated by everyone, and raised by a family that was deeply traumatized by an alternative version of him so he's always eternally guilty for things he literally never did. Also, constantly not being able to interact with society, participate in things like school and being with people like him his age... yeah this kid isn't growing up stable I'm sorry.
Don't worry! After millions or billions of years, he ends up in the... exact same place as his counterpart. Good job Billy! Get better soon. Bill hates his ass so much.
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That's all byyyyeee!
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jaeyunverse · 1 year ago
kiss cam
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pairing: yang jungwon x fem!reader
genres: fluff, frenemies to lovers, high school au, basketball au
wc: 3770
warnings: profanity, mentions of kidnapping
summary: you were fully prepared to spend valentine’s day alone. yang jungwon was fully prepared to blow your mind.
note: i know i’m off season but i still hope y’all enjoy <3
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It was Valentine’s Week and you were absolutely, extremely, horribly miserable.
You didn’t particularly care about the celebrations, but the feeling of loneliness first began to creep in when the student council appointed a Valentine’s Day Dance committee and made them decorate the entire school. 
There were banners and streamers hanging everywhere. The culinary club was selling heart-shaped cookies and the broadcasting club was busy urging students to get their dance invites every few hours. You wished the PA system would malfunction and they would finally shut up. 
Some boys even had the genius idea to capitalise Valentine’s Day and ask people out on behalf of the students who paid them for their services. They called themselves Cop-Your-Crush. 
Classes were being interrupted all day long. You were witnessing a grand proposal being made multiple times a day. Just today, you had seen three girls being asked out and each proposal had been better than the one before.
Karina got asked out through a song the choir group sang for her. She quite literally burst into tears because her boyfriend, Soobin, still remembered the song they had first kissed to. 
NingNing got asked out when a member of Cop-Your-Crush sweet-talked Mrs. Kim into letting him take over her presentation. He’d prepared a cute montage using the pictures provided to him by her boyfriend. 
Yeji got asked out by the cheerleaders. They had prepared a special cheer for her, courtesy of Heeseung, also a member of Cop-Your-Crush, and his girlfriend, Chaewon, who was cheer captain. They were both Yeji’s best friends and had spared no expense in helping her boyfriend deliver a memorable proposal. 
You thought the entire concept was corny, but it would have been nice to have someone ask you out too. You didn’t even have any expectations. Just a simple Hey, will you be my date to the Valentine’s Dance? would have sufficed. 
Needless to say, you were irritated and cranky. You were debating begging your mom to let you skip school tomorrow. It was the thirteenth of February, so Valentine’s spirit was definitely going to be at an all-time high. 
You slammed your locker door shut. Slumping against it, you clutched your books to your chest and sighed deeply. If only you had the courage to ask your crush to the dance. It was sort of surprising that he still didn’t have a date. 
He was really attractive and really popular. You wondered why—
“Keep moving, dummy,” a voice popped from behind you, and you couldn’t help the groan that left your mouth. Deciding to not acknowledge the person further, you pushed yourself off the locker and turned to leave in the opposite direction. However, they seemed to have different plans for you. Throwing an arm around your neck, Yang Jungwon twisted you around and said, “Class is this way.” 
“Piss off, Yang,” you snapped, trying to not stumble as he dragged you along. 
“Are you coming to the basketball game tonight?” Jungwon inquired.
He wasn’t much taller than you, so when you glanced up at him, you found your faces only a few inches apart. “Why?” 
“We’re playing Riverside High. You know there’s a bet between our schools, right? Losers have to jump in the lake at midnight.” 
“Okay. Let me know if you lose and I’ll meet you there to enjoy your humiliation.” 
Jungwon narrowed his eyes and flicked your forehead. You let out a sound of protest and slapped his hand away. “You think you’re so funny.”
“I think I have better things to do,” you retorted. “I’m supposed to pick up my sister after her soccer practice and drive her to her friend’s house for a sleepover.” 
“That can be taken care of,” he answered immediately. “Riki will do the chauffeuring in your place.” 
You snorted. “No.” 
“C’mon!” Jungwon complained, moving to stand in front of you. You crossed your hands and raised an eyebrow. “I need you at the game tonight.” 
“Because—” he hesitated— “because we always win when you’re watching from the stands. You’re our lucky charm.”  
Jungwon was making absolutely no sense. The Bears of Eastwood High were one of the best. They didn’t require lucky charms to win games. Besides, you’d never benefited from the so-called fortune Jungwon claimed you possessed. He definitely had an ulterior motive for wanting you at the court tonight. 
“You won the Christmas game,” you pointed out. “I wasn’t there that day. I was with my family at my childhood home.” 
“Well, I thought you were at the game,” Jungwon corrected. “That’s why we won.” 
You sighed and rolled your eyes. Stepping past his figure blocking your way, you said, “You need to get rid of these superstitions.”  
“Please!” he begged, following after you the way a lost puppy would. “Winning tonight would give us a ticket to regionals! Can’t you let me have this?” 
The desperation in his voice was so evident that you couldn’t help the crack that appeared in your resolve. You weren’t one to believe in luck, but you still carried an Omamori to stay safe. 
You hadn’t exactly been the recipient of any good fortune lately, but your life had been sailing smoothly. Come to think of it, you’d probably subconsciously begun to depend on the charm. 
You were a hypocrite for making fun of Jungwon’s superstitions. 
“Fine,” you relented. “I’ll come. But—” you added immediately upon seeing a wide grin replace the pout on his face— “after I’m done with my chores. I’m not leaving Hyeri with Riki. He crashed his car into a trashcan last week. I was with him. My life flashed in front of my eyes.” 
Jungwon looked slightly amused. “Do you think you might be able to make it before half-time?” 
“Nice,” he popped. The two of you had arrived at your classroom, so he ruffled your hair and bid you goodbye before making his way towards his friend group. “I owe you one.”
“Yeah, you do,” you muttered to yourself.
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You finished dropping your sister earlier than expected. 
Her soccer practice had run short and when you’d checked your watch after seeing her off, you’d realised that the first quarter of the game would be ending in a few minutes. 
You glanced up at the screen displaying the scores as you walked into the gymnasium. 
8-3. Eastwood High in the lead. 
Good luck was a scam. Shaking your head, you searched for your best friend, Eunchae, in the stands. Your eyes stopped on a girl who was aggressively waving her hands in the air. 
You smiled and waved back, making your way to her. 
“I was worried you’d be late,” Eunchae said. 
You hummed. “Hyeri finished her practactice early so I was able to get here quicker. I don’t even know why Jungwon asked me to come. We’re in the lead.”
“Better safe than sorry,” she popped. “Second quarter just started. We should pay attention.” 
You turned to look at the court. While you’d been talking to her, Riverside had scored a 3-pointer. Eastwood was only 2 points ahead now. 
You could hear both schools’ coaches screaming despite the loud noise of the audience. Cringing a little when Mr. Jung blatantly cursed at Jungwon and told him to get his head out of his ass, you decided Eunchae had been right about being better safe than sorry. 
“Timeout!” Riverside High’s coach yelled. “Timeout!” 
The whistle rang and the playing 5 went jogging over to the sidelines. Jungwon’s eye caught yours as he scanned the stands and you waved at him awkwardly. He smiled and waved back, looking rather relieved to see you. 
“You guys are so cute,” Eunchae commented.
You whirled on her. “Excuse me?” 
“I’m just saying!” she exclaimed, raising her hands defensively. “Jungwon and you would make a really good couple.” 
“What makes you think so?” 
“Other than the fact that he’s completely whipped for you?” Eunchae shrugged. “You’re into him as well. No! Don’t give me that look! I know you are. I’m not fucking blind, Y/N. You say he’s annoying but I don’t see you pushing him away. I think you love the attention he gives you.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, suddenly feeling awfully exposed. “You’re delusional.” 
“Am I though?” She raised an eyebrow. “You both are together all the time. You can pretend all you want, but I know your petty and childish banter is just a cover for the horrible amount of flirting that’s hidden underneath.”
“I don’t flirt with him!” 
“He flirts with you and you entertain him! You claim to dislike him but hang out with him at school everyday! An idiot could tell by looking at you how much you enjoy being around him.”
You glared at Eunchae. “I don’t appreciate being psychoanalysed.” 
“You just don’t appreciate the truth.” She shrugged. “I don’t know what’s stopping you from asking him out to the dance, but I hope you come to your senses. You don’t wanna regret missing out on someone who cares so much for you.”
Thankfully, the whistle rang before you could formulate a reply. The game began again, and you focused your attention on the court. 
It was Eastwood’s way and the ball was in Jungwon’s hand. He aimed high and his eyes set on Jake who was standing at the far end of the court. However, instead of throwing the ball with all his might, he only flicked his wrist. 
The ball bounced between a Riverside player’s legs, and Heeseung, who was waiting a little behind him, grabbed the ball immediately. Instead of dribbling, the boy passed the ball right back to Jungwon. 
Jungwon caught it without stopping and sprinted to Eastwood’s side of the court. Your jaw dropped when you saw him manoeuvre his way through Riverside’s defence so flawlessly. Even though you’d watched him play multiple times, you’d never really been able to comprehend how good he was. 
He’d covered the court by himself without needing to stop or backtrack. It was as if he knew the opponent’s move even before they decided to make it. 
The crowd went wild the moment Jungwon executed the layup effortlessly. The whistle for half-time blew a few moments after and Eunchae turned to you. 
“That was so good!” she squealed. “He could go pro so easily!”
“He could,” you agreed. “He really is very good.”
You had to admit—watching Jungwon in his element made your heart beat at speeds you didn’t even know it was capable of reaching. You convinced yourself it was the adrenaline and the anticipation from watching the game. Your dad never sat still whenever he watched his favourite team play in the World Cup. 
“It’s time for the Kiss Cam.” Eunchae nudged you with her elbow. You turned to look at the big screen hanging from the roof of the gymnasium. The camera focused on Juyeon and Chaeyeon. The couple grinned and pointed at their recording on the screen in excitement before the latter grabbed the former’s collar and pulled him into a kiss. 
You felt a smile form on your face. You’d always thought the two of them were one of the cutest couples in your school. 
The camera then focused on Mr. Hwang, your biology teacher, and Mrs. Jung, your calculus teacher. You hooted and joined everyone else in the stands as they encouraged the two teachers to kiss. 
Whoever had decided the Kiss Cam victims was a genius. Mr. Hwang and Ms. Jung were the youngest faculty members in your school. It was a popular opinion amongst students that they looked cute together. Some even placed bets on whether it would be Mr. Hwang to make the first move or Ms. Jung. 
Naturally, the two of them didn’t kiss. They just smiled in embarrassment and waved at the camera, asking it to focus on someone else instead. 
You waited eagerly to see who the drone would target next. A jolt passed through your body when you saw yourself on the screen. 
Eyes widening, you shook your head and tried to tell them that you were single. The camera didn’t move despite your protests, instead zooming out to include Eunchae in the frame instead. 
You paused. 
Looked at her.
Raised an eyebrow. 
“I’m down if you—”
“To your left, you idiot!” she exclaimed, grabbing your shoulders and whirling you around. 
Yang Jungwon was standing in front of you with flowers in his hands. His hair was dripping with sweat and his cheeks were flushed. He was panting, but there was a shy smile on his face.
Your heart stopped as he got down on his knees and the entire gymnasium burst into cheers. 
“Hey,” he popped. 
“Hey,” you answered with much effort. Then added stupidly, “You’re on your knees.” 
“No comment about the flowers?” 
“Not when you’re on your knees for me in front of the entire school.” 
“Oooh, I didn’t know you were so kinky.”
“I didn’t know this was why you begged me to come to the game.” 
He laughed and the sound was like music to your ears. You were nervous. You were rambling. There was no way he was going to ask you to the dance. He wouldn’t be stalling so much if he was. He wouldn’t—
He was giving you time to wrap your head around what was happening. This was clearly intended to be a well-planned surprise meant to catch you completely off-guard. He—
“Yeah, I would’ve been really bummed out if you hadn’t shown up. My efforts would have been for nothing.” 
“So I’m not actually your lucky charm?” 
“Of course, you are. I feel the luckiest when I’m with you.” Your chest swelled with an emotion you couldn’t identify. The gymnasium faded into the background and all you could hear was the sound of your heart thudding against your ribcage and Jungwon’s voice as he asked, 
“Will you make me lucky again by accompanying me to the Valentine’s Dance?” 
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The game had ended twenty minutes ago. 
Eastwood had won by 10 points. You’d thought the difference was pretty good but your Mr. Woo, your school’s coach, didn’t seem to share your opinion. He’d claimed that Riverside never even should have been able to get within 15 points of Eastwood.
He’d been especially tense in the second half of the third quarter when the opposition had begun scoring back to back baskets. It had all worked out in the end nonetheless, all thanks to Yang Jungwon, the MVP of the match. 
You still couldn’t believe he’d asked you out and you refused to believe he’d done it in such a grand way. 
He was the definition of a jock and goofed around in school all day long. He was charming, sure, but you’d never known he was capable of pulling off something this big. 
You’d never even suspected he was a romantic. 
Your phone dinged and you unlocked it to check who was texting you. 
[eunchae]: wya? 
[y/n]: parking lot!! are u here? i’m leaning against my car
[eunchae]: noo i’m home :( btw are u still waiting for him?? 
[y/n]: yeah he asked me to but the team hasn’t come out of the gym yet
[eunchae]: yikes i heard mr. woo was hella mad we only won by 10 points.. maybe he’s yelling at the players right now
[y/n]: i’m p sure he is LMFAO
Your fingers hovered over your phone’s screen as you waited for Eunchae to type her reply. However, before she could send it, you felt the device being grabbed from your hand. 
“What the—” you started, but relaxed when you saw Jungwon standing in front of you with an amused expression on his face. “Yang.”
He quirked an eyebrow. “Someone could have easily kidnapped you, you know?” 
“We live in the most boring part of the town.” You snorted. “Baek Seung threatening to chop his neighbour’s tree on local TV was the most interesting thing that happened this year.”
“That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be on your guard,” Jungwon said and moved next to you, leaning against the side of your car as well. He was wearing black sweats and a red hoodie. He smelt of cheap soap and his hair was damp, making you realise that he had probably showered. “Besides, Baek Sung actually followed through. We have a real criminal in our ranks.” 
“Didn’t you literally let five sheep loose in our middle school three years ago?” 
“That was just a harmless middle school graduating prank.”
“There’s no such thing as a middle school graduating prank.”
“Tell that to the current 8th graders who are planning their prank. I hear they’re going to stuff the hallway outside the principal’s office with helium balloons so she won’t be able to leave.”  
You stared at him, a small smile playing on your lips. Jungwon’s eyes dropped to your mouth for a millisecond before he looked into your eyes again. 
“Why did you ask me to the dance?” you asked and turned on your side to face him. It was a stupid question but you were genuinely curious. 
Eunchae was right before. Jungwon flirted with you all the time and you always entertained him. You enjoyed the attention he gave you. But if this thing between you was just platonic, and if it was never going to progress into something real, you needed to know now. 
You didn’t want to hope and wait for something that was never going to happen. 
“Sunoo said I was an idiot for not shooting my shot with you,” he replied and turned on his side too. “He threatened to make a move on you if I didn’t get my shit together before Valentine’s Day.” 
You snorted. 
“Oh, also,” Jungwon added. “I really, really like you.” 
You felt a tidal wave of emotions override your senses. Euphoria, nervousness, breathlessness, giddiness, uncertainty and this inexplicable urge to squeal washed over you. 
Your heart went haywire inside your chest when Jungwon leaned closer to you and dipped his head so that his face was right in front of yours. 
“You’re blushing,” he whispered. 
You squeaked and buried your face in your hands. He grabbed your wrists and gently moved them out of the way. “Can I kiss you?” 
“I think that would be a health hazard,” you croaked, looking at anywhere but him. “My heart is beating concerningly fast right now. What if I drop dead?” 
“I can do CPR.” 
The corner of your mouth quirked up in a small smile. Your heart beat slowed down and you began feeling at ease. You wondered if Jungwon could tell that this was the first time someone had confessed to you. 
The entire concept of dating and being in a relationship was foreign to you. You doubted Jungwon had much experience in the field himself since he’d only had one girlfriend in kindergarten, but he seemed confident. 
You trusted him to take over the wheel and guide you through the strange waters of love. 
“Okay,” you breathed and closed your eyes. “Kiss me.” 
His hands cupped your cheeks, his soft lips brushing against yours. You sucked in a breath and just stood there, not really knowing what to do. 
Your hands itched to grab onto something, so you shifted closer to Jungwon and clutched the front of his hoodie in your fists. 
He smiled against your mouth as you rose on your toes and tilted your head to the side. 
But then you realised something and hastily broke the kiss. Jungwon stared at you in confusion, but before he could ask what was wrong, you blurted, “I like you too.” 
There was a pause. He didn’t say anything for a long moment, so you clarified, “I thought I should make that clear. I mean, you confessed but I didn’t confess back even though I feel the same way and what if you thought I wasn’t into you. I am into you, by the way. I’ve been crushing on you since forever but I never knew how to say it—” 
Jungwon swooped in for a second kiss and you melted in his arms. You could get used to the feeling of his lips on yours. They fit together perfectly.  
“You are so cute.” He giggled after detaching his mouth from yours. Resting his forehead against yours, he continued, “Eunchae told me last week. She urged me to confess because she knew your stubbornness would never allow you to make the move.” 
“What?” you exclaimed, jerking away from him. “Where’s my phone? Give me my damn phone, Yang!” 
He grabbed arms before you could lunge at him and search him for your device. “Relax!”
“I’m going to kill her!” 
“Because—” you sputtered, struggling to get out of his grip— “because it’s embarrassing! I was pretending to not like you but you knew I was crushing on you the entire time!” 
“It’s not embarrassing!” Jungwon said. “It’s normal—Y/N stop!” 
You let your body fall limp in his arms. “I’m going home. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“You’re seriously not going to let Eunchae’s nosiness stop us from having our first date, are you?”  
“What?” you asked and moved out of his grip.
He shrugged and shoved his hands into pockets. “It’s nothing special. I was going to ask if you wanted to go out for some food.” 
“Oh,” you replied blankly. “Don’t you have a celebratory dinner with your team though?” 
“I can ditch them.”  
“You shouldn’t.” 
“Let me correct myself: I already ditched them. I want to spend tonight and celebrate with you.” 
Your heart swelled with happiness. “Really?” When was the last time someone outside of your parents prioritised you? You genuinely couldn’t remember. 
“Of course. Do you wanna get some McDonald’s?”
You nodded, but before he could make his way to the passenger’s seat of your car, you said, “Just so you know, I feel the luckiest when I’m with you too.” 
Yang Jungwon kissed you for the third time, and by no means was it the last, or even close to the last one you shared that day.  
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sftykth · 10 months ago
milk and cookies ⟢ anakin skywalker i.
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banner made by me!
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╭ summary: your doll like face will be the end of anakin skywalker he was sure of it. however he must stay away from his disturbing thoughts as he was only your sugar daddy, and you two had agreed on a deal, no physical contact. Though for how long can you both resist the temptation?
╭ pairing: y/n x anakin skywalker
╭ genre: college au!, gap age (y/n is 20, anakin is 42), sugar daddy
╭ a/n: hi everyone! i couldn’t help but make another story as the idea sprung into my head. i would love to hear your feedback on it!:)
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Today seemed like God was not on your side.
From the moment you had woken to your alarm not going off, to the precious sweat you had to break for chasing a taxi to meet him. You will admit you might have slept through the alarm this morning but that can't be entirely your fault. Your curious little mind just had to stay up and do research more of the stranger that you will be seeing for the first time today.
Anakin Skywalker. The name that drove you crazy for the past two weeks straight. A very well known man in Coruscant, the front leading man for ruling the state. To say you were quite intimidated by him would be an understatement, however you tried to ease yourself by reminding your little head that he agreed to this.
When you created an account for a sugar daddy website, seeing the man who was known for being cold and ruthless was the last person you expected. You chewed on the inside of your cheek, wondering if you should add him. Handsome wasn't enough to describe this man, he was absolutely divine. The blue piercing eyes had made your breath hitch, you had been aware of his overwhelming looks but seeing it up close still made your knees weak. The sunken smile lines revealed his age and instead of making you feel turned off, it inflamed something deep within you. Creating an account was purely for financial gain, as a broke college student you had listened to your friend and pushed yourself to try it out.
As you sit in the taxi on the way to the little cafe you both had agreed to meet, just on the outskirts of the city. Away from the prying eyes. You reminisce on the first messages you two had exchanged, past you not believing that the day will come were you will meet this man.
April, 2024.
[Sky] Hi.
[Dollface] hey! what's up?!
[Sky] You added me?
[Dollface] um well yea but just a polite thing to say yk..
[Sky] I see. I don't think I have you seen on here before.
[Dollface] come here often huh;)
[Sky] Funny.
[Dollface] sorry. yeah im new here. hoping not to run into no creeps haha
[Sky] Well, one thing I can promise is that I'm not a creep. So dollface, why are you here?
At the moment you were scared by his harsh tone but you grew to embrace it and it only made you tease him harder. Even his texting style made you think about how much older he was, nearly twice your age. Somehow it just didn't concern you that much, you knew that getting into something like this will most likely mean that the men on the website will be much older. You only ever had one boyfriend in your twenty ears, and that was when you were sixteen and he was around the same age. You shook your head at the thought, this man is not going to become your boyfriend. This is a pure transactional relationship, something he made to stress.
Him being a known figure had its advantages to that you were able to get every detail of his life, from a young age he was put into the world of leadership and wealth. Age eighteen he had already won the elections and was announced as the youngest ruler of the state. Married at twenty one to the daughter of the ruler of Naboo, Mr Amidala and having twins just at the pure age of twenty three. You shuddered at the though of having to raise children so young. Though an unexpected divorce at the age of thirty had made you raise your eyebrows, even though you knew of the power couple you were never really into politics, the topic being all too confusing for someone like you. Leaving twelve years of being single, you wondered what caused him to join such website, he didn't reveal much through messages.
"Miss, we are here." You heard the driver speak up, you shook out of your thoughts and thanked him before handing some cash and leaving the car.
You shivered at the cold breeze that swept by you, you tugged your little pink skirt further down. Hoping that warmer days are coming, you hated the cold. Finally, the realization that you will be meeting this man that you have been messaging hit you like a ton of bricks. You gulped, as you peered at the cafe in front of you. Without another thought you rushed through the doors, feeling bad you that you must of have left him waiting. From the research you had done you knew he was a punctual man, always the first one ready for every event.
Scanning the area around you before you spotted the tall figure sat right at the back booth. You didn't even realize he was already staring you down like you had murdered his whole family, speed walking to the table.
"I'm so sorry Mr Skywalker, I slept through my alarm this morning and I didn't realize how long the ride will take." you rambled on, cheeks turning red being under his intense stare.
He hummed and pointed to the seat in front of him, not saying a word yet. Your hands shook slightly at the silence he was giving you, taking the seat he was pointing. Expecting the cold shoulder but still slightly hoping that the messages you had exchanged had encouraged some form of lightheartedness.
"Twenty minutes. That is how long I have been waiting for you. I must say I'm very displeased by this." Were his first words to me, oh that sweet honey voice rolling smoothly of his tongue. You took every word in carefully, gazing up at him you tried not to get too distracted by his good looks.
"I'm sorry... I will do better next time. I promise Mr Skywalker." you mumbled, biting your lip as sudden shyness took over your body.
"Not so bold now are, dollface? I must say the nickname does match the face." he added as he toyed with the coffee cup in his hand. The compliment had made you blush harder, not being able to look into his eyes no more as you shook your head carefully. The way he said the nickname had made your thighs clench together beneath the table, hoping he didn't notice the action. He did.
You were unsure how to reply, not really expecting for him to be so forward, before you could say anything he begins with a "So, are you ready to go through the rules?"
This made you look up. Rules? He was really an organised man afterall. "Yes." You replied, unsure what possible rules he will be giving you but still ready to hear what he wants from you. The intention of why you were on the website in the first place was known to him but you were yet to learn what he wanted from you. He said he would only discuss it in person which encouraged the meeting in the first place.
"Okay good. So as you know already my job requires of me to attend to many different events. Not just around our state but to others as well." He carefully listed, his eyes never leaving yours. Though you were taking every word in carefully, knowing you couldn't afford to anger him. Being late already set you back in your eyes, so you had to try harder to impress him. You scoffed inside, you didn't have to impress him, this is not a date. You had to remind yourself once again.
"My uncle, well he is a very persistent man and as much as I try to push his talks away it seems impossible. He wants me to marry again. This is something I cannot do, but to push those frustrating talks away I thought you could be an actual help here." Furrowing your eyebrows, you added puzzled, "You want to marry me?"
He scoffed at the words. For some reason that made your insides feel weird. You shook your head, this is not a date. You kept repeating in your head. "No, of course not. I meant that you could play a pretend girlfriend or some sort. Only for a while, until he backs off and I can finish off my tasks without having to hear his talks." He answered, taking a sip of his coffee. You licked your lips in response, you felt crazy for finding any action of his so sexy. You had to control yourself.
"I see. So what would be rules I would need to follow?" You asked, still unsure about this whole thing but deep within you knew you wanted to keep seeing this man. Something about him made you question your morals, wanting to do absolutely anything to please him. Once again you had to shake your head at such disturbing thoughts appearing in your head.
"Well firstly, you will and must attend every event that I have scheduled. No matter last minute or not, those events are super important for me and my job. And that way the media will be able to spread the word of their leader in a relationship and my uncle can finally back off. There will be no physical contact between us besides a typical hand hold, and only for such contact to made will be at those events. And for your attendance you will be payed as discussed prior of course." This seemed so easy for him as he spoke, always so professional.
You had to take all the information in, this was such an unusual situation. When your friend said to join the website you were expecting you will have to get some form of sexual interaction but this, this was so different. You can't lie, it was really an amazing deal. Though you cannot lie that the last rule made you slightly disappointing, you didn't know how you will control yourself next to this man and not be able to touch him.
"Deal" You squealed, throat dry from not speaking up for a while. Embarrassment took over you, hoping you didn't draw too much attention to yourself. You saw a slight smirk appear on his handsome face, "That's good, I'm glad." You still couldn't look into his eyes for long before staring at the table, playing with the hems at the end of your skirt.
"It was nice meeting you, dollface. I hope that our next meeting will be with you on time." The comment made your head shot up, face flushed as your doe like eyes stared up him, you saw his adams apple wobble as he swallowed, adjusting his tie he stood up, ready to leave.
"Oh and nice shirt, dollface." Were his last words as he turned away and walked out the doors. Leaving you speechless and embarrassed, you looked down at the shirt and saw you had forgotten in your late process to put a bra on, your white shirt clearly highlighting the hardened nipples from the earlier cold you felt.
You cursed yourself, this is going to be the hardest thing you will have to do. You were sure of it.
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— i would love to hear your feedback on it:) and let me know if you like another part to it.
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misojunnie · 1 year ago
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DELICATE ─ psh. ☆ (teaser)
does love ever cross the line?
# genre: rich kid!enemy!sunghoon x fem!reader, forbidden love, enemies to lovers, slow burn, family feud, non idol au
# warnings: substances, lots of pining/angst, cursing, insults, mature jokes, implied sex, I have no idea how businesses work plz don’t roast me
# featuring: sunghoon & enha! + le sserafim
# playlist: delicate by taylor swift, take care by beach house, love by kendrick lamar, babydoll by dominic fike, hurts so good by astrid s
# a/n: hi y’all! I got this request a long time ago and only recently got to it, so I hope y’all like! lmk if u want to be added to the taglist! pls enjoy <3
# word count: 13.2k
# taglist: @lovialy @minniejenseo @powerpuffstuts @mnxnii @idkdykilr @ionlyreadforfanfics @heelovesmeknot @100520s @simjyunnie @scrumptiousloser @eneiyri @pinkkami @milkycloudtyg @enhypenlovre @pinkkami @m3chigo @saythenameseventeen178 @desistay @capri-cuntz.@taerifin open!
# unable to tag: @hohohobo
this was written upon anon request; check it out here!
when your father’s company cratered after a faulty business deal, a vendetta was formed between your family and the biggest export company in south korea. but that rivalry begins to falter when you fall in love with the ceo’s son.
[more under the cut!]
Awards banquets were Sunghoon’s least favorite part of being in business. Forget the ruthlessness and backstabbing, dressing up in a suit and pretending to be successful blew all that warfare out of the water.
“It’s too tight.”
“It’s fine. You’ll be fine. Just stop complaining.”
“I’m not kidding, Jake. Loosen it or I’ll kill you.” Jake sighed, tugging on the navy blue tie until it was hanging loosely around Sunghoon’s neck, a stark and messy contrast to his crisp black suit and neat button up.
“Jesus Christ. After fifteen years, you’d think you’d know how to tie a tie.” Jake said, shaking his head as his best friend checked his hair in the mirror.
“Are you sure we have to go to this thing tonight?” Sunghoon huffed, brushing a stray piece of hair into place.
“Don’t be stupid. You’ve been going to these galas since you were six, and dragging me along with you.” Jake scoffed, pushing Sunghoon’s head from behind and ruining his hairstyle yet again, the latter glaring.
“You love it.” Sunghoon teased, tearing his eyes away from the mirror after checking his hair a last time. “God, I can’t believe we’re still having these idiotic galas. Everyone just knows they’re a coverup for big corporations to distract from the fact that they’re abusing their poor workers.”
“Nobody cares these days. Put a bow on anything and the media will eat it up.” Jake said, adjusting his tie before slapping his friend on the shoulder. “Ready to ruin some lives? Destroy some young futures?”
“Not funny.” Sunghoon warned, pointing his finger at Jake while trying to tug on his shoes with the other hand. “You know how much I hate the company.”
“Say that as much as you want, but you’re still wearing shoes bought with your daddy’s blood money.” Sunghoon huffed.
“Hm...I suppose you’re right.” he said, putting his hands on his hips.
“C’mon, let’s get you to the ball, Prince Charming.” Jake dragged Sunghoon out of the room by the wrist, locking it behind him, Sunghoon in tow.
Sunghoon sighed. God, how he hated his life. A legacy built on deception, and nothing he could do about it. Him and Jake made their way to the elevators, his dull eyes disappearing behind the closing doors.
He didn’t belong anywhere. Certainly not here.
On the other side of the city, you were having an entirely different conversation.
“Take that off, Chae.” you said, biting into an apple. Your red lipstick bled into the fruit as you stared judgingly at Chaewon’s enormous diamond necklace.
“But it’s so pretty.” she crossed her arms, but you gave her a stern glance and she turned around to change with a roll of her eyes. “And you, put that out.” you swatted at Jay’s hand, a lit cigarette perched between his two fingers, roiling smoke spilling from the top. “You’re gonna make my new dress smell like smoke.”
“Jeez, what’s got your panties in a twist?” Jay asked, putting out his cigarette on the corner of the coffee table, which made you frown. “No need to stress. You’ve done this business routine a million times over.”
“I’m just nervous, I guess.” you said, hands fidgeting in your lap.
“I thought you didn’t care what the Parks thought about you.”
“I don’t.” you said firmly, tongue poking into the flesh of your left cheek. “I just want things to go smoothly, that’s all.”
“So you’re not gonna stand up to those fuckers that ruined your life? No protest?” Jay asked, resting his chin on his hand. “You always wanted to take them down.”
“Of course I do. But tonight’s not the night.” you sighed, rubbing your forehead, smudging your foundation and cursing when you realized what you had done. “I just want to be put together, just for one night.”
“Well you certainly look the part, honey.” he said, eyes trailing over your floor length red gown. “You’re a proper businesswoman.”
“I hope so.” you laughed.
“You’re gonna kill it. I know it for a fact.” Jay said, pressing a kiss to your cheek before standing. “Now let’s get you to this ball.” You grinned up at him, getting to your feet and brushing the dust off your skirt with determination.
“Let’s show these people who our company is.”
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donelywell · 1 year ago
If your taking requests, I liked to see your sonic and tails if they were closer to their actual animal size difference.
January 9 2024
Doodle Request #5!
You have no idea what you've done. This doodle request has made me spiral into making my own self indulgent au.
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I've never more times in my life used 'cause I want to' as an excuse for something. This entire au is just self indulgent fluff. At first, I looked at the request and went 'oh, they probably don't realize how small hedgehogs are or how big baby foxes are.' and then I was like 'okay, but Mobian'. AND THEN I was like 'okay, but it'd be funny if Sonic was like- almost an adult in this drawing.' and it just spiraled into this. I want to make so many more doodles of this au FUCK.
So everything isn't set in stone yet, aside form their ages I think.
Amy is 19, she's studying to become a teacher. She works at a daycare.
Sonic is 22, he picks up odd jobs where ever he travels in his van.
Tails is 8, he also picks up odd jobs, but more mechanically centered ones (and way less jobs because Sonic will not allow the kit to overwork himself).
Knuckles is 23, he guards the Master Emerald still, but he also is a pro at arts and crafts (mostly pottery).
I know I wrote 'plane' in the doodles (if you can even read them, my handwriting is a nightmare there), but I was originally thinking van that Tails later modifies into a plane-van combo.
Do they have powers? Yes. Because I want them to. Are there magical gemstones? Yes. Because I want there to. Is Eggman trying to take over the world? Eh, I don't think so. I like chill vibes, plus how is Sonic gonna beat up a Motobug if he isn't even as tall as the tire? Why are they wearing clothes? Because I want them to! Why is everyone but Tails aged up? BECAUSE I WANT THEM TO (and it's funny to me).
Sonic and Tails live in a van (that he stole) and travel around. Sure, Sonic has super speed (he's not afraid of showing it off), but he just likes driving (he had to diy an entire system just so he could drive). Plus, it's fortunate that he stole that van, because carrying around supplies needed for a toddler already twice your size when you met them is definitely not light.
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dustcrumbs · 3 months ago
Ok, but in all honesty, I find it funny how similar Dust and Crosses story are
Cross n Dust both killed their entire AU, trying to stop something out of their own control.
Cross n Dust wanted to protect the people they loved the most.
Cross n Dust were both blinded by their own selfishness to see through their wrong doings.
Cross n Dust both struggle to communicate or express what they want.
Cross n Dust both don't know what life they want to lead.
They're both pathetic in their own ways but still intertwine in their choices.
And yet, Cross was the only one given more than one path. He was given more chances to find a place he belongs in. People cared about him more.
He was wanted.
Dust wasn't.
Don't get him wrong. He doesn't want to be saved. But he does wonder why no one had tried. Why no one had attempted to even throw a chocolate bar at him for some support, to give some hope, just something to tell him he's not alone in this.
Sure, you could argue that they seen the many variants of Cross pass through. He bonded with more people through these times.
But then why wouldn't they want to save a variant of the classic sans that they all love? The one who is the start of many people's stories. Why would they leave him to suffer with nothing left to defend? They don't know this specific variant, but they didn't know the specific Cross we know either. It was just a familiar face.
Oh, because they don't want to interfere? There isn't anything left to mess with, no other people. The player would've quit a long time ago, and that would mean that the timeline no longer serves a purpose. There won't be an impact on the timeline if you took the only thing existing in it. Leaving him to torture himself instead of bringing him into an omega timeline, seriously?
Oh, but he's a murderer! So what? Cross was tormenting and destroying/stealing parts of AU's, and they still let him into the omega timeline. He eliminated his entire AU and wiped it clean. Wouldn't that be more threatening than a guy who just killed only his(small) kind and not the global population?
Idk, I just think Dust would notice this and be absolutely pissed. Especially with how Cross views himself and the people around him. Cross is basically taking things that Dust can only dream of for granted. He says he doesn't have a home, but he doesn't understand what a home truly is. And Dust can't understand what makes him so special. Was it because X Gaster wanted to use him as some chess piece while Dust was a discarded tissue? Are people's lives truly dependent on what they can do over who they are.
Dust genuinely doesn't know. He feels betrayed by those who don't even know him. Dust is full of hate that there isn't any hope to see in a life other than crime. Crosses existence only solidifies that idea. After all, who would support him? Killer wouldn't. He isn't even sure Horror knows who he is. It's not like he would want him to. He doesn't need someone else to tell him how they'd have lived his life. How they would do something smarter. He's tired of people thinking they're better than him. When all of them are just hypocrites.
Anyways, sorry if I misspelled or made anything sound weird
Skibidi crumbs OUT!!
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dramaticallytotal · 21 days ago
For Your Entertainment Headcanons: Part One
Idea Post
• Chaos Gremlin Noah, my beloved! Chris purposefully starts drama in the show to entertain Noah because, as mentioned before, a bored Noah is a scary Noah. This is why he was so mad at Duncan for quitting. Noah was looking forward to the love triangle drama! Now what was Chris supposed to play on?
• Noah getting Harold kicked off was more brutal than any of my other aus. Bro compared Harold to Chris, and Harold took that personally. This happened after the challenge in Egypt was over, and they settled into the hotel they would be staying at for a while. A lot of people were chilling by the pool, and Noah was one of them. Noah really liked pools despite the crowds they attracted. Plus, he promised Izzy he would watch her do a handstand and walk the entire length of the pool while doing so. He had been doing so until he got bored and started reading Construire avec le peuple (Architecture For The Poor) by Hassan Fathy when Harold decided that he absolutely had to interrupt Noah to start a debate.
He had done this four times previously, and Noah was done.
Apparently, Harold could not let go of all the cultural insensitivities they encountered today and just had to tell the 50th person around so. All the while wearing that stupid tinfoil hat he made. Actually...that gave Noah an idea. An awful idea. It gave Noah a wonderful, awful idea!
• He laid into Harold about wearing the tinfoil hat and that by wearing it, he was being culturally insensitive. "You're basically stating that you don't believe in their history. You wearing that...thing...is a statement that you agree with erasing people's hard work and labor for a brain-dead conspiracy theory. Hard work and labor that was significantly important to not only their history but their culture.
You keep harping on about Chris and the Network but are just as bad as them. Maybe even worse, too, considering you keep telling everyone you know everything about Egypt. If you're so well read and educated about it, that makes your fashion choice all the more insulting. And all the worse because I'm pretty sure Chris's knowledge of Egypt is purely from The Mummy, Cleopatra, Gods of Egypt, and other movies.
Do better."
• Absolutely destroyed Harold. This made Harold determined to prove Noah wrong and to maybe appease himself of guilt. Which cultivated in him having to point out everything that could be seen as culturally insensitive.
• Each time Harold annoyed someone, Noah had to hide his widening smile. Especially if the someone was Chris, his annoyed expression was just too funny!
• Alejandro flirting with Leshawna and Bridgette was also really entertaining to Noah because of how the others reacted. Especially Harold! He was so mad and sad, and it was hilarious because he kept trying harder to seem cool and good, and it was failing spectacularly!
• Like I said before, Noah is pretty apathetic and only cares about Team E-Scope and Owen. He also holds little grudges against some competitors! Like, noticeably, Harold. Another one that may come as a surprise is Bridgette, which is why he found such joy in her predicament in the Yukon. Before he got eliminated on Island Noah, he didn't like many people there, but he thought Bridgette was pretty cool and nice, and he did think she was pretty. It was a small crush, one he knew he wasn't going to pursue but that didn't mean he couldn't be her friend.
Apparently, this must have given something away, though he had no idea how, and instead of talking to him, she joked about it to some of the girls knowing damn well that Geoff and his "bros" were listening in. It was most likely to see if the guy would get jealous, considering everyone knew the two were crushing on each other. That somehow made it worse to Noah because from then on, he started getting the Harold treatment from Geoff, Duncan, and DJ.
That pissed him right the hell off. He had done nothing, and all of a sudden, he was getting shoulder checked when walking to the mess hall. His books would go missing from time to time if he didn't hide them first. Just small shit like that, and he was over it.
It was one of the reasons he got himself voted off. He was not about to stick it out in a shitty summer camp while these dude bros wanted to act like high school movie bullies instead of focusing on the competition.
• He had no remorse. He had more fun watching the competition from the luxury of his resort room or the game room.
• So he has little grudges against Bridgette, Geoff, DJ, and Duncan because of that whole mess. Everyone else he just doesn't care about. He tried to get to know some of them on Island and in Aftermath, but it was like they were humoring him. And he knew some only interacted with him because he was Owen's best friends. He was content with that, though, because the way he saw it, he at least tried, and that's more than he can say for the others.
So yeah, he doesn't really care what happens to everyone else.
• Izzy and him are chaos siblings, and Eva is terrified that they are on the same team without her being there to keep an eye on them and be their stern voice of reason. She should be.
• The number of times that Chef has had to carry them under his arms away from areas they weren't allowed is too much. All the while, the two are giggling maniacally.
• When Noah told Alejandro "Good Work," about Bridgette in the Yukon. Alejandro was afraid his teammate had found him out and went on the offense, which was flirting. He figured he could distract Noah with the flirting, and they could forget the whole mess.
It seemed to work if the blushing was anything to go by. Or the way Noah looked away if he complimented him and smiled a little. He was a little surprised when Noah would compliment him back of whisper snide comments to him, and he figured that was the snark's way of flirting back.
He assumed his plan worked and didn't pay any more close attention to his teammate. Which was a mistake he later learned.
• Noah knew he shot himself in the foot when he complimented Alejandro on a job well done with Bridgette, but he didn't care because it led to more entertainment for him! Alejandro started flirting with him, and the expressions of the females were delicious! So he acted shy and coy and would reciprocate the flirting here in there in his own way, and the way Alejandro fell for it was also hilarious. It took everything in him not to cackle.
• The crew and interns love their gremlin boss, which is why they have a code for if they think he's getting bored and they really can't have that! So if they see even an inkling of boredom, they call a Code B-72 and rush to find something that will entertain him. Most of the time, it's helping sneak him to Chris and Chef's room so Chris and Noah can watch Love Island together with excuse that Chris misses his trash TV buddy.
Or they sneak him books!
• After the confrontation in the cargo hold, Alejandro is always close by Noah looking at him with absolute moon eyes. Noah thinks this is still Alejandro flirting with him because he caught him, but no....Alejandro is just a simp now.
• Before their next challenge, Noah makes sure to get Alejandro alone so he can tug him down by his necklace again. He doesn't notice that the guy doesn't seem bothered by this in the least. "You're going to try today. That's not a question. You are going to actually try and win with the rest of us, and if we lose. We lose. But at least we lost when putting in effort. If we win? All the better. Understand?"
Alejandro, breathless, "Si."
"Good boy." After making his point, Noah once more patted Alejandro on the cheek before walking away again. And again, he left Alejandro absolutely flustered and heart eyed.
• Next challenge was the Amazon, and Alejandro did still get punched by Owen, but Noah thought it would be funny to fuss over the hunk of a guy in front of everyone, especially the girls. Alejandro could die happy with the attention he was getting from his zorro.
• Alejandro went down the zipline with Noah, and Noah let it happen because there was no way he was doing that himself. He just went along for the ride and clung to Alejandro, who swore he was in heaven the entire ride down.
• When they stopped to make camp, Noah made sure to act like he wasn't doing much besides indulging Izzy and Owen in their shenanigans, but he was also telling them to go get firewood while Alejandro told Trent, Tyler, and Justin set up their sleeping bags and such while he and Noah went to find some food.
Thank goodness Noah was in the Boy Guides of Canada when he was younger even though he didn't stay long. Plus, he read those survival handbooks, and his sister was studying to be a horticulturist, and she had a phase where she wanted to harvest her own food or take trips into the forest to find "hidden snacks" and of course he got dragged along.
• No Owen being taken by the giant caterpillars. Alejandro is a simp, and he knew Noah would be angry. Of course, Noah noticed his anger with the oaf and how he didn't let him be taken, so he rewarded Alejandro with a smile and pat to the head. It had Alejandro on cloud nine.
• Noah's all about reward systems.
• Thankfully, his friends respond to them, too! And so does Alejandro! Win win.
• They don't win the challenge, but Noah still gives Alejandro a smile because he knew the guy was actually trying. Noah may or may not start being fond of Alejandro more than he was before. But according to his observation, Alejandro seems fond of him, too.
• Alejandro starts to let Noah see the real him behind the masks and feels so relieved when the guy doesn't hate him or finds him weird. He feels accepted, and he doesn't fail to notice how Noah opens up to him in return or the way they both get closer, and Noah gets more touchy feel-y.
Noah finds the real Alejandro worlds more interesting than his mask and realizes that he's starting to get a crush on the guy.
• Chris and Chef also notice this development and are thankful that Alejandro is keeping their little gremlin entertained, but also, how dare that charmer make goo-goo eyes at their gremlin!?
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quibbs126 · 1 month ago
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These have been my drawings since yesterday, more of the AU of mine
Eventually I realized “wait, I just want to draw Megatron and Optimus in this AU. And it’s my AU, I can just draw what I want”. So that’s why this is just these two
It’s not that I don’t want to expand the AU, and I know I should draw more characters for it, and I probably will at some point. But I had a moment of realization that I can just do what I want, and I’m being indulgent
But yeah, so we got some poses and weapons for Megatron and Optimus, plus a couple little tweaks and enhancements to their designs. I did forget the top line on Megatron’s buster in the top left though. And that axe of Optimus needs some tweaking, and I need to learn how to draw it better. And how people hold axes
But Optimus has his axe here, which is supposed to contrast with Elita’s axe. It hasn’t been drawn either but she’s supposed to have a large double-sided axe, while Optimus has a smaller, only one-sided axe. I’m thinking he shares some of X’s mentality in that he’s not the most fond of fighting the infected bots, and him having a smaller, more utilitarian axe is supposed to reflect that. Also I mean, it’s his typical weapon
Anyways, moving down to the bottom right since it’s also new stuff, I’ve been wondering for a bit on what these guys would look like without their helmets, so that’s what this was. Sketch only because it wasn’t supposed to be at the level of the other three
The page was supposed to be more sketches, but I liked the first one and two so much I fully colored them, and the third followed suit. I used the Syrup pen this time, I think it worked better than the marker in this instance
But back to the head things. With Megatron, I was debating whether I wanted to do cables or his solar panel things. But while attempting the cables, I realized they’d be a pain to draw, so solar panels it is. They too are not drawn well, but it was more to get the idea of them. They fold and such like the ones he has in IDW
Optimus meanwhile I have decided is bald. Well okay, it’s supposed to look more like the thing Cyborg has going on in Teen Titans, it just doesn’t come off as well in sketch form, with also a port for charging in the back
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I did this partially because I like the Cyborg look, because it’s funny to me, and also because I genuinely don’t know if X, unlike Rock, has hair or not under his helmet. This is following my assumption that he does not
Also I drew them sleeping with their helmets on before, but this was before I considered if their helmets were removable or not, so ignore that
Oh and one last thing, with these helmet-less designs, I think I've given up on the idea of them having hair. It's just that most characters I can't see having visible hair under their helmets. I think I like the concept, but I just don't know how to give them hair
But also with the two heads, I feel like there’s supposed to be a difference in Megatron’s mechanics compared to other bots. I’m not sure I’ve gotten into it, but I think I’m going with the idea that since he takes some narrative inspiration from Zero, and Zero was built by Dr Wily, thus making him entirely different from the other Reploids, Megatron too has mechanics unique to himself compared to other bots
I’m thinking that in some ways, his body is more rudimentary seeming, such as how he has clunkier looking solar panels (even if that means he doesn’t need external charging sources), or how his arm cannon isn’t retractable, whereas other bots with transforming weapon limbs can retract them at will
I haven’t really gotten around to figuring out why he has different mechanics than the rest of the bots, or why the virus made him docile, or why he’s the source of the virus. I mean it’s most likely because whoever created him built him to be this way, but I don’t know who did. It’s just that I’m taking from Zero and Wily, despite Transformers not really working in that method. I mean, I did say here that Alpha Trion created both Optimus and Elita, but I don't know who fits for creating Megatron
But oh well, things to figure out another time
Moving on to the top left finally, yeah like I think I've said elsewhere, megop's definitely a thing here. It's my AU, I can do what I want
I do still need to work on posing with two characters, but I think it turned out pretty nice
They are both supposed to blush blue, since that's a thing Transformers do, and it was supposed to both be circle blush, but I didn't like how it looked on Megs, so he squiggle blushes now. I have elected that they just have various forms of blushing, between everyone. Optimus has circles, and also his nose blushes slightly too, because I don't know, he doesn't have ears. His antennae are also supposed to be flapping here as well
His gem is also supposed to be shining brighter in that moment, with me deciding their gems get shinier when they're happy, and duller when they're sad or otherwise filled with negative emotions. Because why not?
Oh yeah, I'm also not sure what I'm doing about faction symbols here. They don't have them because initially I didn't plan on there being Autobots and Decepticons, but they should probably have symbols, since they are part of an organization. But should it be the same Autobot symbol or should I switch it up? I'm not sure
And I think that's about it? I think I've gotten through everything relevant to this page of stuff
I've been planning on drawing full body refs for individual characters here, I just haven't done so yet, in part because I wanted to figure out Optimus' axe first. But yeah, hopefully I end up doing that, in my head they're all official and proper looking, like I actually made something of effort and not just sketches on a white canvas. We'll just see when I do
Other things I plan on drawing for the AU? I'm not sure entirely, just some ideas, like drawing Alpha Trion so I can figure out his whole deal with Optimus and Elita, and maybe also trying to figure out the Prime situation since I don't want Alpha Trion as one and I think I might just make them all their own things outside of the Thirteen Primes, at least of the ones I choose to use. But that also means trying to figure out his design. I also need to draw Elita more, because while I have some basics of her design, there's details that I've not settled on and need to get around to fixing. And also I should probably try my hands at the Decepticons again. No clue what to do for Shockwave though, since Reploids tend to have human faces
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dorylinae-supremacy · 1 year ago
Thinking about an AU where Techno, Wilbur and Tommy are all the harbingers of the actual entire apocalypse and Phil (just some insane guy) decides that those are in fact his kids and starts gaslighting the absolute shit out of them about it.
Rambles under cut!
I wanna try something where they're just more insidious and passive killers than anything else, theyre mostly just biding their time and watching as wherever they're lingering around gets sicker and just starts withering away.
They're a slow moving threat that just can't be stopped and for some reason (because Kristin thinks its funny) Phil just isnt affected by them.
Phil: Oh Techno's always been like that ever since he was a baby Techno: I have literally never met you a day in my life Tommy: Idk man... you have always been like that Wilbur: Oh my death he's actually getting to us
Its a mix of that combined with that "how did he know I was a gemini" meme
Phil: Wil! I brought you some salmon, I know how much you love it! Wilbur: How the fuck did you know I like salmon Phil: I'm your dad silly, of course I'd know :-)
I just think itd be super fun since Phil in this au is literally just some insane dude. He literally lies about their entire childhood but does it so consistently and so realistically that it throws them off guard.
I also have a few ideas where they start referring to Phil as their dad in the beginning as a sarcastic / mocking thing but accidentally just getting themselves even more adopted as they do it.
Phil: Wilbur put on a coat Wilbur: I don't need one! Techno: Go on, Wil. Listen to dad Wilbur: Ugh fine. Only because dad wants it, though
Stranger: Whos this? Tommy: Oh thats our dad. He kinda just tags along Stranger: Aww thats so sweet! You got his nose and everything Tommy: I- wh- no he's not actually our da- Phil: I know he did! Isn't he the cutest, spitting image isnt he? Tommy: You're not my dad! Stranger: Oh someones embarrassed! Phil: Yeah he's going through a rebellious phase right now
Just a mixture of things like that where it starts as calling him it but then accidentally actually giving him parental authority along with that.
I also wanna explore how Kristin and Phils relationship would be like. Maybe her as death being very bemused by this silly human that just decided she was his wife one day.
She literally visits him in dreams and stuff and he just acts as if they're married and have been for years. He complains about their 'rambunctious kids' and how he has to threaten them with her so that they behave sometimes. She finds it so silly and just cant help but play pretend.
Kristin: Hello, human Phil: My love! Its been so long since I've seen you Kristin: We've never met Phil: Oh don't say that! It hasnt been that long. I've just been far too occupied with our boys to visit too much Kristin: Our boys? I made them Phil: And they came out beautiful! I'm so glad Wil and Tech got your eyes. I was hoping they would.
I think that'd be a core part of this AU as well. Everyone is playing pretend but then it just fuzzies and it all becomes real for them. At first its a joke that Phil is her husband and their father but then they get lost in the fantasy and fun of it all and actually accept him as such.
Phil has no ulterior motives either, he's literally just a strange insane man that heard stories about neotrio and started thinking they were his kids one day. He genuinely believes his delusion and they end up accidentally making it a reality.
He just makes lucky guesses and plausible lies often enough that he's still shiny and new, he's still fun to play with and thats what ends up 'tricking' them all.
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purerae · 1 year ago
Hii! I love your work!! Could you do a halloween party imagine with any of your characters? or all of them meeting our poor y/n, it'd make a cool crossover
Free form however you like!!!
warnings ;; mostly crack, yandere behaviour, male yandere(s), female yandere, mentions of drinking, demon summoning (silas), mentions of blackmail (none to Y/N), alternate universe, not canon to anyone's plot. 
a/n ;; Hi Anon! I know halloween is over but this is such a good idea i couldn’t miss out on it!! By the way, in each one of the yandere stories, Y/N has a slightly different personality. So I wasn't sure  whether you wanted me to do multiple Y/N’s or just one. So I decided to combine the personalities into one. Good luck<3 (please let me know if there are any mistakes.)
CLICK HERE FOR MY MASTERLIST (intro to all the yanderes)
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Hopeless. You felt hopeless as your left arm was dragged around like a piece of meat by the girl no one swore to mess with
“Come on babe~! Wear the angel wings, we have to be matching!” Reina grits her teeth as she attempts to place the wings onto your unwilling back. The fire headed girl gives up with a scoff in her throat before walking over to your mirror and reapplying her dark red lipstick, adjusting the horns that perfectly matched with her crimson wavy hair. 
How did she even get into Y/Ns house in the first place?
You remember pretty clearly. Today is the 31st of October. You were well aware that it was halloween and perfectly content with staying inside your humble abode. You’d buy a bunch of bulk cheap candy and scarf it down whilst watching some classic horror movies. Not enough to scare you, but to make you physically cringe.
That was the plan, Perfect right? There would be nothing to stop you from having a peaceful night of binge watching shitty films.
Apart from the three vastly different individuals who were all pining over you. Though they were complete opposites, they all had a way grinding your gears and irritating you to no end. 
Reina, the delinquent who made your life as the school president 10x worse. She’d constantly hang around you during lunch and break, surrounded by her delinquent friends who’d make jokes you wouldn’t get but would laugh in fear of getting made fun of. Not to mention the lessons you’d have to miss in order to supervise her during the detentions she had purposely got.  You think you spend more time with her then you spend eating the gross lunch your school provides.
Kieran, the playboy who suddenly switched up his entire role once he realised you weren’t interested in him like the others were. God, if only you pretended like you were. Maybe that would’ve stopped him from bothering you in all your science classes with his weird sexual jokes or flirty overbearing personality. Yeah he was a bit funny and maybe he sometimes made your day with his stupid jokes but that came crashing down once he would say his tenth pick up line to you all in one lesson. 
And then there’s Alex, the jock who’s the captain of the football team, a tad bit stupid  but still had the personality of the literal sun, which made him the most tolerable but still pretty overwhelming for your average dream life.  He was the last one to pop up in your weird harem, he stuck around you like a lost puppy once he realised you didn’t like his team. “I’ll make sure you like me, no matter what!” — were his exact words. 
These individuals had a very high reputation in school, most people liked them and often idolised them. So, why were they all vying for your attention? People would go to great lengths to be in your shoes, yet all you desired was to lead an ordinary student's life.
Your internal monologue was abruptly interrupted by the ringing of your phone, and you didn't even have a moment to guess who might be calling before the sound reached your ears (You would've had two guesses). -- In response, Reina let out an exasperated groan and struts over to you.
She confidently picks up your phone and shuts it off before snapping her fingers in your face.
“How have you still not put the wings on.. god what would you do without me!”  If you didn’t know any better, from the tone of her voice you’d think she was annoyed. But in reality you noticed the glint in her eyes. She was genuinely pleased that she had gotten to help you. Happy that you had to ‘rely’ on her.
“Probably live a peaceful life” You murmur under your breath, not realising the close proximity of you two until she snaps her sharp eyes to your tired gaze.
"Excuse me?" The green-eyed girl arched her eyebrows, her lips forming a grimace of annoyance. 
“I said I would probably live a very sad life.” You quickly defer, letting out a sigh of relief once she relaxes her eyebrows and shows you a soft smirk.
 Reina grabs her bag and sprays perfume onto her body, walking over to your bedroom door before abruptly stopping, throwing her arms up. “Come on then! We can't be too fashionably late~” You curse whoever invented halloween parties, and trail behind her. 
Just ten minutes into the party, and you were already contemplating grabbing that cowboy-clad stranger’s prop gun and pretending to shoot yourself with it.  Music boomed against your ears, drawing out any coherent thought as the smoke from Reinas cigarette mingles in the air. It was as if your personal space ceased to exist, with the red haired girl's body pressing against yours, her presence enveloping you. The sensation became overwhelming, the close proximity sent shivers down your spine. You had no ability to escape, seeing as the delinquent had her friends form a tight circle around you both, acting as protective guards you didn't need or want. There was no room to escape for you, too intimidated to say a word. 
“Hey Y/N!! Is that you?!” A loud voice shouted amidst the music, crowd and smoke. Reinas whole friend group snaps towards the noise, seeing who dared to interrupt the leader with her ‘beloved’. Despite Alex being faced with gnarly stares, all he could see was his cutie dressed like an angel. He settles his drink down on a nearby table, exchanges hurried farewells with his football teammates, and rushes his way towards you.  
The tall friendly giant had no struggles breaking the circle you were trapped in. It was like the sun beaming past a bunch of angsty rain clouds, two things you usually dreaded. But in that moment, you found yourself silently praising the towering, 6 '6 human puppy as he enveloped you in a massive bear hug.
 As he released you, his strong arms remained on your shoulders, and he beamed at you with eyes that formed crescent moon shapes.
He stuttered an apology for the sudden physical contact before staring at you up and down with his doe like eyes and a massive grin. “Wow…you look stunning, like a true angel. You’re my angel!” He giggles proudly because of the cheesy line he made. The jock completely disregards his earlier apology as he wraps you in another tight hug. You murmur a ‘thanks’ and lightly tap his back in return, your lips thinning with a hint of awkwardness as you look around and notice Reina's friend group staring at the two of you as though you'd just committed a crime. Alex's firm grip gradually loosens as he comes to a realisation, and he reluctantly lets you go, you notice his boyish grin turned into a pout. “I invited you to this party, I bought a whole matching outfit and everything! You told me you couldn't come!” The brown eyed male whines , his brows furrowing as his beady eyes bore into your soul. During this moment, you couldn't help scrutinise his Halloween costume.
‘Did he seriously just throw on his jersey with some fake blood around his neck..’ you pondered silently, shooting him a disapproving stare due to the minimal effort he had put into his outfit
Your initial expression of curiosity transformed into one of slight disgust when you realised that the intended matching costume was going to be ‘the jock and his cheerleader’
‘How original’ You thought sarcastically.
For the second time this night, your thoughts were interrupted, but this time it wasn't a ringing phone. It was Alex’s voice, laced with sadness whining in your ear. He pouts as he gazes down at you, gently poking your halo headband, waiting for your response.
“Basically what happ-”
Before you could even begin to explain that you had no intention of attending the party, regardless of who insisted, not until the delinquent showed up at your doorstep and mildly threatened you, your words were cut short. The moment was disrupted as she forcibly pushed the sulky jock away from you.
Despite her noticeable lack of height compared to the towering jock, Reinas attitude  definitely made up for it. 
‘Speak of the devil..metaphorically and quite literally.’ You snort at your own joke, before quickly composing yourself and directing your attention to the scene unfolding in front of you. 
Alex and Reina, two people who couldn't be any more different but they were both madly in love with you. In school, you had always managed to avoid confrontations involving the both of them, but it appeared luck wasn't on your side tonight. 
“Who do you think you are, barging into this conversation where no one invited you? Don't you have dumb shit to attend to? Like shotgunning a dozen beers?”  the delinquent spoke with a withering glare, she grabbed your arm and forcefully pulled you away from him. The crowded party left little room to manoeuvre, so she practically made you turn your back on him to ensure you were separated.
Unfortunately for her, that allowed the charismatic loveable jock to shed his facade, and shoot her an  uncharacteristically intense gaze. His eyes grew dark and his typically cheerful face contorted into a look of hatred and envy  Though it only lasted for a second, anyone who would’ve seen it, the memory would linger in their thoughts for days. 
Reina, being unlike anyone else, didn't perceive his gaze as a threat, but rather as a golden retriever attempting to imitate a wolf. She scoffed and protectively grabbed your hand.
"I'm pretty sure forcing Y/N to be surrounded by your..." The jock paused, glancing at each of Reina's friends, carefully choosing not to insult them, not out of fear, but out of respect with his beloved watching. ".. interesting group of friends might not be comfortable for her. Anyways, don't you guys have more fun plans, like commit vandalism?" He delivered with a cheerful tone, tilting his head to the side in a display of ‘adorable’ confusion.
While the male may come across as unintelligent there are some quirks to his character that reveal a different perspective. He possesses a unique knack for framing his words and expressing himself in a manner that radiates positivity.
‘He’s so stupid and oblivious , he doesn’t mean what he says!! He's just asking a question, he means no harm!’ — is what most people think. 
 But Reina, being a delinquent who often deals with various groups of people, can read him like a book. She knows he’s showing less than what he truly is. What he can truly become. And although she doesn’t give a shit about how he acts around others, she knows he’s interested in her Y/N — and that’s why he needs to stay away from her girl at all costs. 
With Reinas anger level rising, she lets out an annoyed grunt before softly pushing you back, The delinquent puts one finger on the jocks chest.
You think for a second that you should probably step in, Not because you want to but because you have no idea who will win. Reina most definitely has a weapon in her bag somewhere and also her group of friends who would kill to protect her surround you three but Alex’s strength and height  can cover that. Though from what you know  the delinquent is a lot more aggressive than the ‘pacifist’ himbo so he may have a bit of a disadvantage.
Nonetheless, you decide not to intervene and just watch the two idiots fight it out. It's not your issue right? You didn't need any more attention than you already had coming to this party tonight. 
As they both stare at each other, Reina opens her mouth to speak but gets cut off by someone tapping her back. One of her friends grabs her arm and she turns a whole 180 degrees, ready to scream at whoever is trying to hold her back.  Her eyes are narrowed as she pushes the said friend away from her. “What the fuck is your issue, Thomas?!” You now learned who the guy's name was, Thomas. He was dressed as a pirate and barely flinched when Reina screamed at her. He must've been used to it. All he does is show her phone, and mutters “Look at who's calling you.” Reina’s angry expression turns into one of disbelief as she roughly grabs the phone away from his hands. She looks at Alex one last time with a scoff before she excused herself for a moment and engaged in a heated argument with the caller. You couldn't help but overhear snippets of their exchange — it was clear that Reina was being pressured to leave the party. She hung up, her face etched with reluctance, and then turned to you.
"Babe, I've got to go, I'll still be at the party. " she said, her tone uncharacteristically serious. "Just promise me you'll head home soon, okay?" Your face drops into a frown, though you didn't particularly like the aggressive delinquent, she was one of the only people you knew at this party.. Well except for the man who's staring at you with love struck eyes as of right now. Before you could say anything, Reina left your side, with the group of delinquents who followed. She didn't forget to barge into Alex as she was leaving, though it didn't really affect him — he was too focused on the fact that he was alone with you right now. 
 The overexcited jock happily grabs your arm and drags you around the whole house of the party, Although he was meant to be giving you a supposed ‘tour’; you noticed he was just staring deeply at your face whilst speaking. You came to the conclusion that he didn't really know what he was doing, he just wanted to impress you.
Amid the swirling costumes and pulsating music, You  felt as if you were caught in a whirlwind. Every step you took was accompanied by Alex, who remained steadfastly close. The bulky man stayed close, like an overprotective guard dog, as you both navigated the crowd. Y/N couldn't help but feel suffocated by his constant presence. You desperately needed a moment of peace, a brief escape from his watchful eyes. You decide to ask him for a favour, of course he’d help you. 
 You finally mustered the courage to speak up, tugging at the edge of Alex's costume and turning to him with a gentle but tired smile. "Hey, Alex, do you mind getting me a drink? I could really use a break."
The jock beamed at you, happy that you trusted him enough to do something for you. ‘That must mean you like him right?! That's how it works!!’
 "Of course, Y/N," he replied, his voice warm and reassuring. "I'll be right back with your drink. Just stay right here, okay?"
You nodded gratefully, allowing yourself a sigh of relief as Alex disappeared into the crowd, determined to fulfil your request. The distance that had separated them, albeit briefly, was a welcome change, and you could breathe a little easier. 
Although he told you to stay where you were, you began to wander around and observe the revelry around you. People in all manner of costumes danced, drank, and got a little too comfortable with each other. 
You let out a yelp as you open a door to a couple grinding on each other.  Murmuring a dozen apologies, you leave the room flustered. 
As you lose yourself in your thoughts and in the house, you notice a familiar white haired male approaching you, with a wide cheshire grin, Kieran; the host of the party. 
The playboy moved through the crowd with an air of confidence and intrigue. He was dressed up as… a prisoner with handcuffs. Or as he’d probably say ‘a sexy prisoner.’ ‘Please don't come here, please don't come here, please don't come here.’ Is the phrase that repeatedly pops up in your head as you try to look at anything but him. 
“Boo!” The playboy whispers in your ears as he wraps his arm around your shoulders. He then turns you around and ignores the pout on your face, Inspecting your outfit whilst biting his lips. 
“Are you done eye-fucking me?” you sneered, crossing your arms as you tried to move slightly away from the playful male. "Oh man, you would've looked prettier as a princess~" he purred, his voice carrying a flirtatious undertone, his words accompanied by a roguish grin. You were clearly no stranger to Kieran's personality and annoying nickname for you. You roll your eyes and retort  "Well I'd rather not deal with the whole 'damsel in distress' shit tonight," a hint of sarcasm laced in your response. 
Kieran laughed, unbothered by your resistance. "Ooh but I'd have so much fun saving you princess~!” he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "But what made you change your mind coming to my party? I rang your phone like two hours ago and you didn't pick up.” He questions with a raised eyebrow,  his sly smirk still displayed on his face before he laughs.
“Missed my face that much huh?  Should’ just said! Would've came running to you.” 
You couldn't be bothered to talk about how you were forced to come to this stupid party, and also not wanting to mention Reina because for some reason they both had some weird dislikement towards each other. “Just had a change of heart.” You say before turning around and attempting to walk away from Kieran, but again luck wasn't on your side as he grabs your arm and tuts. The dimly lit room with the midst of the crowd, made you focus on the playful man's eyes and you noticed a shine in his eyes whilst staring at you. Before you could tell him to let you go,he whispers closely to you, so close that you could faintly smell the alcohol and mint laced in his breath. “Hey this is my party y’know? Let me show you a more secluded area, perfect for an introvert like you~” He teases as he drags your arm downstairs, and into one of the rooms which he had to twist to unlock. You silently cuss the playboy as you notice his entire group of so-called friends in the room. LED lights which displayed red, multiple couples in the room doing God knows what.
 As you both walk further into the room, Kieran, too busy dabbing up people who you never once saw in your life, You notice a pile of unlabeled drugs and drinks on the table that was in the centre of the room. Quickly looking away, you squint your eyes as you try to notice anyone that you’re familiar with. In the corner of the room, there's a girl wearing a red corset with red horns, matching yours. You notice her angry expression as she converses with the two people around her. It was Reina. She notices your gaze and her face slightly softens, As she approaches you, she notices your arm being held by Kieran. Her face returns to the expression of which you first saw in the room. The white haired male doesn't notice the vexed delinquent yet, and he stares at your face in confusion as he notices you watching something, following your line of view he finally sees the girl wearing the devil costume. “Oh hey! Didn't know I invited you to my party?” He says playfully, but you notice the snark in his voice.  Reina seems to notice it too as her face contorts into one of jealousy. “You guys know each other?” She questions, her question directed towards mostly you. Your hands begin to sweat as you attempt to stutter out an excuse, but for the second time this night, the living sun in human form interrupts your conversation by walking into the room, except this time he didn't have a happy expression, it was evident that he was sulking. 
Your eyes drift to his hands, noticing the drink in his hands that you had specifically asked for. ‘Shit..’ you think to yourself and for the first time you felt bad for the jock. You didn't mean to leave him for that long! It was more of Kierans fault for dragging you away. “I have your drink Y/N…” He says with wide eyes and pursed lips, clearly upset that you had just left him. With an apologetic gaze, you gently take the drink away from his grasp with a thank you, as you look away with a little guilt. “Oh my god, not this freak here again!” Reina scorns,disdain in her face as she stares at both Alex and Kieran, they stare back with disgust. The entire school year, these three constantly hung around you and you still managed to never make them interact whilst you were there, in fear of any of these bold characters causing a scene. But of course, the one day where you especially didn't want to see any of them, they all surround you possessively with jealousy tangled in their eyes. Could this night get any worse? -
It most definitely can. You managed to calm them down and now you're all sat in a circle, with random people you don't know. Kieran sat down next to you on the right, while Alex occupied the seat on the left, and Reina sat across from you, clearly not happy with the seating arrangements.
Whilst the room was filled with chatter, one of Kieran's friends mentioned a board game that you've never heard about  that supposedly had the power to ‘summon demons.’
The suggestion hung in the air, Kieran laughed at the idea and laughed harder as he noticed the uncomfortable look in your face. 
“Don't worry babe, i'll protect you~” He whispers in your ear, Reina notices you two conversing but can't hear what he told you, Her already green eyes appear even greener as she looks away enviously. The idea was met with hesitance, but with Kieran's playful persuasion, everyone reluctantly agreed to try it.
As the game commenced, Alex clutched onto your arm, his protectiveness reaching new heights. The friendly giants sends you a look of comfort. Reina, on the other hand, grew increasingly annoyed and impatient, wanting to leave this messed up party. Still, she begrudgingly  stayed, unwilling to abandon her beloved in this situation.
The group followed the game's instructions, and to their shock, the room filled with an eerie energy. The lights began to flicker and in an instant it turned off, most of the room ran away screaming, not caring about the party anymore. Others began to laugh with interest  and waited for what was going to happen next. a sinister figure formed in the centre of their makeshift circle. You freeze as you notice the demon (?), he is fucking terrifying but inspecting him closer the extremely tall thing is quite.. handsome?  
A malevolent demon with smouldering eyes and a sinister grin, stood before everyone. Panic coursed through the room, and everyone, including yourself , scrambled to flee. As you attempted to escape, the demon swiftly locked the door, trapping you inside with Alex, Reina, and Kieran.
With a devilish chuckle, The demon introduced himself as Silas. The red faced man turned his attention to you. He took your chin in his hand, his touch chilling to the bone. His nails dug sharply into your skin. "You're prettier than the angels we have where I'm from" he hissed, his voice dripping with lust.
Your heart raced with fear and arousal as you looked into Silas's eyes, a shiver running down your spine. Alex and Reina attempted to interject, their voices laced with fear and anger, but Silas silenced them with a mere flick of his fingers, flooding their minds with endorphins that dulled their resistance. Kieran seemed to be less affected by whatever poison Silas had put out as he grabs Y/Ns arm towards his chest. “I don't know what the hell you are but she's mine, get in line” Kieran jokes, not scared of the situation at all. You send him the dirtiest look possible as Silas laughs mockingly at the playboys statement.
As the night wore on, and the party raged outside, Y/N, Alex, Reina, and Kieran were trapped with this demon who had an interest in you for some strange reason. Well, everyone in this room has some abnormal interest in you and it seems that you're quite literally trapped in a  room with people who would do anything for you. Even if that means fighting a demon.
Desperation welled up in your body as you realised the dire situation that you were stuck in. "How am I supposed to leave now?" you whisper to yourself, noticing 4 gazes staring at you with different expressions but they all contained one thing, Lust.
Did Silas forget to mention that he was a succubus?
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biblicallyaccuratecrow · 5 months ago
in stars and time but ghibli movies au braindump
nobody fucking asked for this but it's been plaguing me for weeks and i need other people to think about this with me
IDEA 1: Howl's Moving Castle x ISAT
I mean, come on.
Isa is Sophie. Listen. A hat shop? the themes around changing and transformation? learning to love someone who believes they don't deserve to be loved? Seriously. its perfect.
Sif is Howl. Self explainatory, but I'll talk a little more about it later.
Loop is Calcifer. Also self explainatory. If you know then you know.
Bonnie is Markl. I need more Siffirin as a mentor figure for Bonnie.
Odile is the Witch of the Wastes. Definitely not the same characterization as in the movie though. Don't think too hard about it I just didn't want to make her Turnip Head or something. Plus I think it's a funny idea that Odile does all that shit to Siffrin bc she suspects he did some forbidden magic shit. Basically Witch Hat Atelier.
Mirabelle is Sophie's sister from the verrrry beginning of the movie. she can be more included in the plot because I fucking said so. Maybe she would meet up with Isa when they settle back into the original town?
The King is Madame Sullivan. I have not been able to get the scene where she says "let's show your mother what you really are" out of my head beacuse. it's so so so much like what siffirn fears. also turning her followers into weird blob monsters? its sadnesses for real it works too well
Siffrin as Howl has been knocking around in my head for a while. A few things to note:
The hair dye scene. Siffrin's hair starts out black, and then turns white after. Initially it seems like it's a vanity thing, but their reaction is more because they're afraid of being seen as different.
Howl is a big crow thing. Odile has a cut line where she calls siffrin "little crow". do i really have to explain.
The "dream" sequence where sophie goes to find howl after he comes home injured. "Tell me what's wrong so I can help you!" "You're too late!" like. FUCK. it's them. it's them it's them it's them...
Actually pretty much any sophie and howl scene from the last act of the movie, in particular the one where sophie tells howl to run away... and howl says that they won't because they've finally found something they wanna protect,,,, bc they have a family,,,, ough,,,,,
i yearn for funny kinda isaloop moments (HE LIKES MY SPARKKK)
do i really gotta say it. the opening scene of isat. Loop's wish. eating the fucking star the entire fucking opening of this game is a howls moving castle reference-
there's a lot more i could say about this one but i also wanna talk about my other ideas....
IDEA 2: Castle In The Sky x ISAT
hi, I love castle in the sky, am definitely normal about it, have definitely not made prior aus about it for totk, definitely not
Siffrin is Sheeta. just a random guy with special powers who came from a sky (star) centric civilization that has been forgotten by everyone? yeah. yeah that's. yup.
Isa is Patsu. not much to say there, just. they share a lot of similarities. except isa has more braincells. Also the idea of engineer Isa workin on the planes is enjoyable to me.
Odile is Dola. Listen. I need pirate Odile in my life. I need it with my whole body and soul. She would be wonderful. So full of piss and vinegar.
Mirabelle and Bonnie are members of Odile's crew, they got picked up along their journeys. Mira is there? because she's running form the secret police (Muska/The King ig)and Bonnie is there bc Nille is a mechanic who basically keeps the whole ship running
Muska is The King. There's not a lot I gotta say about this, other than Muska is genuinely the most terrifying Ghibli villain ever and is the reason why i watch this movie in dub (thank you Mark Hamill), so a lot of the conversations surrounding Laputa kinda remind me of the country
The Lost Country is Laputa, enough said, an entire country that has been forgotten by seemingly the entire world with technology and magic that is so powerful that it could quite literally lead to the destruction of humanity, yep yep yep
i also like the thought of the giant gem in the center of laputa being a star...
Misc ideas that I haven't really fleshed out as much:
Princess Mononoke: Siffrin is San. Isa is Ashitaka???? i guess???? Odile is Moro, Bonnie and Mira are the two unnamed wolf gods. The King is lady eboshi. the universe is the forest spirit, and triggers the red shade when it's head is severed. the kodamas are the little change god statues.
Spirited Away: Siffrin is Haku. the forgotten name, the loss of identity, the badassery... they've got it all. Bonnie as Chihiro, if you make it weird it's ON SIGHT, uhhhh loop as Kaonashi/No Face, The King as Yubaba, Euphrasie as Zeniba, Odile as Lin (I LOVE THE IDEA OF ODILE AS LIN WITH MY WHOLE SOUL, where is more hurt/comfort of odile and siffrin MY GOD-), beyond that i have zero idea who mira and isa would be ;w;
anyways yall have fun with this one
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oopsiedaisiesbaby · 3 months ago
Okay because the AU that I'm thinking of is ALSO inspired by the gifs of John in his little polo shirt.
I'm thinking fratboy AU, with senior member John ( maybe treasurer or social secretary) and 19 year old freshman pledge Gale. John is assigned as Gales "big brother"/mentor person in the fraternity.
Obviously they're into each other from day one. Gale's very into this strong, funny, kind frat boy who yeah, wears a backwards baseball cap and gets drunk on jungle juice but would also die to protect any of his brothers and is a big part of the reason that the frat doesn't do hazing to the dangerous degree they used to. He admires his strong, filled out chest and his long clever fingers, and the way that John opens up his room whenever Gale needs to talk. And even from day one John defended Gales decision not to drink and made sure he wasn't excluded from other bonding activities.
John on the other hand is working very, very hard at keeping this fraternity rule appropriate. No fraternizing with your little, definitely no flirting with him ( more than he normally flirts with everyone) and when Gale is in his room, on his bed, John tries his best to shut out the images that flash through his brain ( mostly of john pressing Gale into that bed) but the more time he spends with him the less he wants to be his big brother and the more he wants him as his date to their events. He shakes it off though, Gale is 19 and doesn't need that sort of pressure from an "authority" figure and he's sure he definitely wouldn't want a 22 year old frat boy who spent more time on college baseball than college.
It all kicks off when Gale is assigned to John as his pledge, tasked with fetching drinks and driving him home from parties, making him coffee, waking him up in the morning. How is Gale supposed to function when he sees what John looks like in the morning?
How is John supposed to function when his normal morning wood won't go down after seeing gale in the morning?? And what about when Gale walks john home after a party and John drunkenly asks Gale to stay with him. After all, he's his pledge. He has to do what John says, right?
John holds him close all night and in his sleep ruts against him once or twice but an awful hopeful part of gale hopes that John wouldn't be as respectful. That maybe he would order him to get John off or something. But obviously John doesn't see him that way. He's nearly a grown man and gale is a kid in his eyes.
It takes them a while and more than a few close calls but they figure it out and the rest of the boys are supportive.
( they checked, there's no rule against the frat sweetheart also being in the frat)
Not me being sad the entire ask because Gale can’t be the frat sweetheart and then you healing me with that last line ❤️ I live for frat boy John, Callum in a backwards baseball cap makes my knees week so I know it would make Gale swoon too lol
Yes to all of the above and my thoughts and inspo pics are below the cut (which I tried to keep short and will probably just end up sharing more on later cause I love this idea!)
Imagine during rush week, little baby duck Gale going to each house and clamming up as everyone around him is shouting and partying and he’s shyly trying to talk to any members that approach him because he’s knows Greek life looks good on resumes and will be great for networking after he graduates. It’s just so far from his scene though and he’s horribly uncomfortable and he just wants to go back to his form because this was a huge mistake.
Except then he gets to [insert whatever frat you want here]’s house (they’re nickname is the bloody 100th and no one really knows why but there’s plenty of wild legends) and this absolute puppy dog of a senior is automatically all over him calling him Buck. Gale is, of course, shocked and confused and asks who Buck is and the guy looks at him like he’s lost it and insists Gale is Buck and when Gale asks if he’s high the guy nearly cries laughing and starts showing him off to all of his brothers.
The night goes on and he learns Bucky is the social chair and he’s a lit major (which Gale was not expecting and Bucky is so amused when Gale points that out) and he’s a legacy and he loves baseball and all kinds of other random facts and doesn’t blink when Gale says he doesn’t drink or smoke, just pours him a cup of juice like it’s nothing and continues showing him around the house. He puts the 100th down as his top choice that night and is delighted when he gets an invite back for the second night.
The second night he finds himself being an absolute chatterbox (he’s talking a normal amount but it’s positively loquacious by Gale’s standards) when Bucky commandeers him again and sits him down at the table with his brothers where they’re playing cards (the other rushees are seething with jealousy because it is usually an invite reserved for legacies only).
Gale keeps putting them down as his top pick and he keeps getting invited back and then on bid day he’s being scooped up and spun around by Bucky who is absolutely whooping in excitement and admits that he hand wrote Gale’s bid. Pledges are rotated to different brothers each week and Gale doesn’t care, they’re all pretty nice even when bossing them around but Bucky and Gale still find ways to basically live in each others pockets those first few weeks.
It’s not until the last week when Gale gets assigned to John and he’s waking him up with coffee in bed and John groans and just pulls Gale into bed with him for a cuddle that Gale realizes he might actually be falling in love. He’s embarrassed because there’s no way this hot senior likes him back, he’s just an awkward nerdy freshman. Normally, he’d run for the hills to save himself the embarrassment but he just can’t stay away from John.
He makes it through being a pledge and dies at the elaborate thoughtful gifts his big gets him leading up to the reveal (this may be sorority specific rather than a fraternity thing but it’s what I know so we’re going with it lol) and is absolutely floored when he find out John is his big. He’s both excited and devastated because John being his big means more time with John but it also means they absolutely cannot fuck… there’s gotta be rules against that, right???
Except Gale reads through the rules religiously leading up to initiation and there isn’t shit about fraternizing within the fraternity. It doesn’t matter though because John definitely doesn’t see him that way anyways.
Then homecoming week rolls around and while Gale can’t officially live in the house as a freshman, he stays over every night that week because it makes it easier with all the events and parties going on and means he gets to snuggle with a drunk and happy overgrown puppy by the name of John “Bucky” Egan every night and he’s basically living his best life. Benny looks at him like he’s crazy when he mentions sleeping in John’s bed and explains that Brady makes him sleep on the floor.
It’s got Gale wondering if maybe this isn’t so one sided. It all comes to a head on bonfire night when John begs off pre gaming and plants one right on Gale once the bonfire is lit. He gives Gale his pin and ask him to be his boyfriend (yes, I know pinning is like a promise ring but this is Bucky we’re talking about who was ready to full on propose the moment he laid eyes on Gale) and ofc course Gale says yes.
John might turn down a spot at grad school far away to go to their school’s program just to stay near Gale for the rest of his undergraduate program 😉
Need more frat boy John in my life ❤️❤️❤️
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There is another pic of Callum floating around out there with a backwards baseball cap and shirtless but I couldn’t find it but just know I was thinking of that pic in my heart ❤️🤣
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numericalc4t · 3 months ago
Levi birthday!!
Modern au
Warnings: uh not proof read and fluff
Day one: Happy birthday Levi
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When I open my eyes I noticed the left side of the bed was still warm. I looked and saw Levi fast asleep in bed. Today was one of the rare days that I woke up before him. I stared at his features for a moment. When he wasn’t wearing a scowl he looked very soft. His lips were slightly parted as he breathed softly. I smiled softly knowing he felt safe enough to sleep like this around me, to show his vulnerability. After staring at him for a moment I silently and carefully slipped from the bed. I stepped into my slippers and walked down the hall yawing. When I flicked on the kitchen light I saw that Levi had cleaned up last nights mess from dinner. My heart swelled at the sight knowing he was just as tired as I was yet he still cleaned up. I walked over to the cabinet and took out some of his tea, setting on the counter while I set some water to boil. While waiting for that I began to think of what I should make for breakfast, he really liked the biscuits I made the other day. I began to grab the stuff for the biscuits and set them one the counter, I had to scroll though my phone for a bit before finding the recipe.
The water was finally done boiling and I turned the stove off and poured the hot water into two cups. I left the tea to steep while I mixed together the ingredients. I had to work fast because Levi only stayed asleep for a shot amount of time after I get up. I managed to make the filling pretty quickly and I already had the dough from the other day, I threw some of the dough on a pan and into the oven to bake. It only took 15 minutes to bake so I hoped he would stay an asleep till then. I took the tea bags out the tea and set the cups on the table. While the treats baked I washed my dishes and mess so he wouldn’t freak when he woke up. I heard the door handle to the bedroom begin to jingle and knew Levi must’ve woken up. The timer went off at the same time so I quickly took the food out the oven and ran down the hallway to keep him there. When I got to the entrance of the hallway I was greeted by a shirtless Levi and I couldn’t help but notice the scratch marks on his shoulders, causing me to blush slightly. He looked at me tiredly and I walked down the hallway so I could be closer to him. When my face was mere inches away from his I whispered against his lips “Merry Christmas, my love.” He placed his hands on my waist and leaned down to press a tender kiss to my lips, I smiled against his as I kissed back. When he pulled away he just looked into my eyes for a moment before pulling away from me entirely. “I have to go shower since Hange and Erwin will be over.” He turned away from me and walked back in the room to proceed with his morning routine.
While he started the shower I was busy rushing to fill these biscuits. It’s funny how when you need something done fast it’s takes longer than it usually would. I managed to finishing filling and plating them by the time he was opening the door. I placed them onto the table and sat myself in my chair. When he came into the kitchen his face contorted into a confused look when he saw the breakfast. He knows I don’t usually cook because um I’m not very good at it but he was grateful nonetheless. Wordlessly he sat down in-front of his plate and took a sip of his tea. The sounds of drinking and chewing filled the room, no words needed to be exchanged for him to understand. He knows this is sort of a nonchalant way of me saying happy birthday without the words. He expressed to me that he never really liked his the idea of his birthday since he didn’t see a point. He said when he was a kid his birthday was just like any other day to him and didn’t wish to celebrate it now. I hated the thought of doing NOTHING for him on his birthday so instead of huge gifts and what not I decided to do little discreet things to help out.
When we both finished I grabbed the plates and began to wash them before I felt Levi press his chest against my back and place his hands on mine stopping my movements, “you don’t have to do this love, I can do it myself.” I smile softly to myself and turn around to look at him. His eyes are filled with nothing but warmth and appreciation, “but I want to. Because I love you.” I placed a gentle kiss to his lips before turning around and continuing the dishes. He let go of me sighing and walked into the living to tidy up a bit(not that it was a mess anyways) before hange comes and messes things up. I finished the dishes and when I turned around I saw Levi reaching for the broom much to my dismay.
I sighed knowing he was going to clean something and there was no use in trying to stop him. I went to the room to shower and freshen up since he already did. I took a quick shower so I could have time to do some makeup(or not if you don’t like makeup). I just put on some light eyeliner and mascara and got dressed. Walking out the room I found Levi relaxing on the couch drinking tea, I smiled softly at the sight. I took out my phone to take a photo but he spoke up startling me,
“Don’t you know I don’t like photos.” I sighed placing my phone back into my pocket. I walked over and sat in the couch with him and before I could fully relax. A loud ding on my phone announced I had gotten a message. I glanced down to see who it’s was, it was the repair store. I quickly turned off my phone and made sure Levi hadn’t seen it.
“Hey Levi are you okay if I head out to the store for a few minutes? I need to pick up some things before later.” He looked at me as I got up and followed suit.
“Why wouldn’t I be? Am I not coming?” I smiled internally at him. He had the look of a lost puppy and I almost felt bad for leaving him on his BRITHDAY but I knew I had to.
“No levi I have to run these alone.” His brows furrowed a bit,
“Levi, just, because I have to. I’ll only be a few. I promise I’ll go as fast as I can.” He gave me a bitter look but nodded internally understanding. He sat back down and the cat came trotting down the hallway, finally awake. “Look the cats here to keep you company.” I smiled softly and he just looked at me disinterestedly. I leaned down to give him a quick kiss to his lips and when I pulled away I turned around to leave. I grabbed my jacket off the hook and took off out the door. As soon as I closed the door I opened my messages to text back the store. My feet hit the snow covered pavement creating little footprints in my wake. Snow was falling softly as I made the walk to the store. When I walked in the scent of strong cleaner, and what other chemicals were kept here, hit me. They guy at the register looked up from his phone and with bored tone greeted me,
“hi welcome to [insert name of store]. Did you need help with anything?”
“Um hi, yes I’m here to pick up a tea set. It’s should be under the name [your name] Ackerman.” He scanned through the names on the computer for a moment before getting up to grab it from the back. When he brought it out I nearly cried. It looked stunning. He gently handed to me and I handed him my card to pay. While he processed the transaction I carefully picked it up out of the box and inspected it. They had made it look brand new and I softly gasped at how well they replicated every detail. I set it back into the box as the guy handed me my card back. I thanked him and left, holding the box with extra care. I headed to the store across the street to pick up some other things for Hange and Erwin so Levi wouldn’t be suspicious of the box. By the time I was done in there the snow fall had begun to pick up a little bit. The icy air nipped at my cheeks and I hurried home wanting to warm up. When I checked my phone it read 1:30. Crap I took longer in that last store than I wanted to. Just as I was about to turn into our street I realized I forgot to pick up ingredients for dinner. Mentally cursing myself I turned around and hurried back to the grocery store.
By the time I finally had gotten back home it was 2:40. I walked in and set the bags down on the counter, hiding the box in one of the gift bags. I began getting to work since by the time I was done Hange would be here already since I was starting late on dinner.
As soon as I had taken off my apron I heard a knock on the door.
“I’ll get it.” As Levi got the door I played the food, setting it down on the table. When Hange came into my view i smiled and strode over to her to give her a hug. She hugged back gently and when I let go I moved to giver Erwin one as well. After a moment we separated and sat in our respective spots. I sat next to Levi and Hange across from me. 
“This looks amazing [your name].” Erwin was always so respectful. My cheeked flushed and I thanked him. Hange on the other hand had already begun digging in without a second thought. We all ate while chatting about what we’ve been doing and how the holidays have been.
As we finshed our meals they all shifted over to the living room and when I finished cleaning up the table I moved to join them. We sat around chattering about random things, Hange occasionally getting curious and touching. It was nice to be able to sit around like this and hang out.
“I’ll be right back.” I excused myself from the room and paced over to my room. I grabbed the gifts I had prepared off my dresser and when I came back Hange was fighting Levi to try and see ‘what would happen if she stuck a hotdog in the light bulb socket.’ I giggled slightly at the sight. When Hange noticed my presence she calmed down, especially when she saw my hands filled with bags. Levi guided her back to the living room to sit down and I followed suit. I passed out the gifts I got to Hange and Erwin and I held Levi’s. They shot my a confused look but I payed no mind to it.. when Erwin opened his gift he took a moment to look at it before looking to me with caring eyes while giving me a quick ‘thank you’. Hange opened hers next and nearly passed out. I had gotten her a titan ugly sweater from the museum and a diy explosive kit. She thanked me a bunch before shoving it messily back into the bag. Erwin had gotten me a new baking set since he knew mine were old. I thanked him and Levi opened his. Erwin had gotten him a big box of tea and cleaning supplies. I giggled softly and when Levi flipped it over it had a 50 dollar visa attached. Figured Erwin wouldn’t actually get him just that. I opened mine from Hange and saw it was some sort of sciency baking kit, it looked really cool. I smiled at her and thanked her a bit as well. Levi opened his to find earl gray tea and a 20 dollar visa. Levi is hard to shop for so it was expected that he would get gift cards. I didn’t want to give Levi his actual gift until after the two left so I handed him a holiday card with money in it. He shot me a confused look but took it nonetheless. After about an hour or two Hange and Erwin bidded their goodbyes. When the got out the door I sighed finally able to relax.
“Levi I um.. I have your actual gift right here. I didn’t wanna not give you anything infront of them but I wanted to save this for just us.” And raised and amused eyebrow as I handed the box. He handed me a bag and told me to open it first. Upon opening I could see that it was a beautiful necklace. It had mine and Levi’s name engraved into it a gorgeous gold chain. I teared up a bit at how much it must’ve cost. He gestured for me to come over so he could put it on. I shivered as the cold metal hit my skin. I turned around and gave him a kiss and told him to open his. I stood there standing anxiously as he unboxed it. As soon as he could see what it was his eyes widened, swirling with so many emotions. He carefully took out the tea set and when he noticed the tea cup wasn’t broken anymore tears welled up in his eyes. He carefully set it down on the table and quickly strode over to me give me a tight hug. He pulled back a bit and smashed his lips against mine. After a few moments he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.
“Thank you.” His tone was soft and filled with love. I squeezed him close to me and whispered back,
“Merry Christmas, Levi.”
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