#I just remembered his bitch ass daddy mentioning something about having a family outside of reiner and karina
pinkmirth · 2 years
thinkin’ about the fact that reiner probably had younger siblings (from his father’s side) but never got to meet them… he’d be the best big brother ugh
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fiveredlights · 5 months
I saw you mentioned you liked kid fic and had bookmarks— do you have any reccs for maxiel kid fics?❤️❤️
do i ever!!!! one thing about me is that i will eat kid fics up, like i think i’ve read about all the tagged kid fics in the maxiel tag. i love seeing what names authors choose for their children and it just makes me happy. here's a couple and if you want more lmk!
listen to the slow parts by @nobrakesdown [T-7.2k]
Neither Max or Daniel are the one to find the baby. That honor belongs to Christian, and Christian alone.
a lil you, a lil me, a perfect being by 3_33 (@maxcuntstappen) [G-4.8k]
The three of them stand outside, looking at the entrance, August in the middle, clutching tightly onto Max and Daniel’s hands.
“Okay, I need you both to repeat after me.”
“Daniel, we already did this in the car. Can we please just go in?” Max asks, desperately, which only confirms to Daniel the need to remind all of them of the ground rules.
“Baby, please. We need to remember, okay? We are here to meet some new friends and play with them. It is okay if we don’t meet anybody we like. We can always come again. There is no need for us to be upset. Yeah?”
“Yes, Daddy,” August says and drops his hand to give Daniel a mock salute and Daniel really didn’t know he could love someone so much.
“Max,” Daniel implores, knowing that it is as important that his husband acknowledges the plan as much as their kid.
“Yes, yes, Daniel, okay,” Max rolls his eyes but nods in agreement.
“Okay, let’s do this,” Daniel says. The three of them walk in through the doors.
Or: Daniel and Max visit an animal shelter for their son, August's fourth birthday. Daniel is apprehensive. Max and August are vibrating out of their skin.
That's Where I Am by @flawlessassholes [E-47.8k-6/8]
“Her name is Emily,” Daniel says softly. Max’s eyes snap down to the baby, still sleeping on Daniel’s chest. It’s—she’s snoring a little. In that snuffly way that babies snore. “Short for Emilian.” His eyes snap back to Daniel’s face, so serious, and Max knows it’s a joke, of course, but he still opens his mouth to say— Then Daniel’s face breaks into that wide grin, the real one, the one Max hasn’t seen since. Well. In a while. It feels at once so familiar, and also like seeing something rise from the dead.
There’s a month between Melbourne and Baku. A month to convince Daniel to return to racing. A month to learn and relearn how to love. A month for everything to feel right amidst a season that has felt nothing but wrong. A month to create a family, and a month to maybe lose it all.
keep me in the open by Aurelia (Lily_Rizzy) (@lilyrizzy) [E-11.7k]
"Chrissy Baker sounds like a cunt,” Daniel says, then cringes at the pointed look his mum shoots him. “What? It’s not like they’re old enough to repeat that yet.”
Grace laughs, the sound audible now over Livia’s cries, which are quickly fading into miserable whimpers. Of course, she behaves for grandma, and not the dad who dotes on her endlessly, feeds her, cuddles her, and wipes her smelly ass.
“Three words, Daniel,” she says, eyebrows raised. “Cash, money, bitches.”
or, Daniel navigates bed times, bath times and jealousy, while Max races his last season in Formula One
summer sun after the rain by gentleau [T-11.7k]
“Papà? Is Max your friend?” “He used to be.”
then you came by beforemidnight [G-4.5k]
Daniel looks at Max swiftly but pointedly. Smiling, he looks back at the camera. “Marrying him was the easiest decision of my life.”
(don't let) the days go by citydreaming (@thewindowatkirkland) [M-11.3k]
“Hey” Daniel says “thanks for coming over.”
“Is now a good time? If you are busy I can come back later.”
“Now is fine, she’s already asleep so we should be able to talk without being interrupted.”
“Talk about how you have a daughter.”
Daniel bites his lip nervously “yeah, about that.”
OR: single dad daniel returns to the grid for one final year with red bull, max doesn’t plan on falling in love with him and his daughter, but somehow it happens anyway.
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rein-ette · 3 years
Are you still working on your Commonwealth study? Do you have any thoughts on Arthur's relationships with his colonies apart from Canzuk + US?
Not properly, unfortunately with exams and then work I haven’t had mental/emotional capacity to do real research (and probably won’t for a while 😔). But I have continued to think about and develop certain relationships, and I think I also have old hcs I’ve never shared, so I’ll put those down!
Born into the Empire
@oumaheroes has already done such great hcs on him idk what I can add, but basically he was a little bit of a rowdy child, always breaking windows and shattering fancy pots, never able to sit still. I think rainbow once mentioned that Ken (short for Kenneth, my name for Aus) was a lot like England as a child in his curiosity and energy, and I wholeheartedly agree. But I think Arthur’s intensity was more inwardly directed, pushing him to pursue and master new talents and learn whatever he could, while Australia is a little more carefree in his love for the outdoors, exploring, jumping around and off things, little wild animals. Unfortunately for him, he was born in a period of the empire when Arthur was very serious about his kids education, and therefore often praised those who studied hard and learned fast, which really just wasn’t Australia’s cup of tea. Australia took this kinda hard and thought he was the “dumb” one in the family that Arthur was always scolding, but in reality Arthur knew and appreciated that Australias interests lay elsewhere — he was just a frustrated, tired, parent who really wanted to give his kids the best while also holding his empire together, two goals that were never going to fit well in the end and would completely exhaust him.
As Australia’s grown older he’s realized a bit of this (not entirely, though) and also that 1) he really did break a lot expensive things and cause general mayhem 2) scolding us Arthur’s way of showing he cares, if he didn’t he wouldn’t have payed attention to him at all 3) despite being a penal colony, he was still one of Arthur’s more “legitimate” children (being white and a boy) and was therefore still incredibly privileged — never having to question, for example, why it was that Arthur was his dad, if it should be this way, or if he had a seat at the family table at all (more on this later).
New Zealand
Zee, from birth, was a clear favourite. Obedient, calm, quietly intelligent, he would also later develop a blistering sense of humour which combined with his appearance made it overwhelmingly clear who’s child he was. If Ken questioned his place in the family because of his poor academic record and others did because of their appearance/race/other complications, Kaelan never had such problems; his siblings called him the “prince.” Zee, however, also had a charm that, like Matthew, endeared him to his siblings and mostly protected him from jealousy, though he certainly still had issues with being called a try hard, daddy’s boy, bossy, arrogant. Certainly as a child Zee was a little prideful and, under that unperturbed demeanour, willful, but he grew out of it by the 20th century and became one of those most trusted by Arthur, second only to Matthew. He’s also always been inseparable from his brother Australia despite their differences, and today they both have one of the healthiest and most amicable relationships with Arthur of any nation, let alone former colonies (family road trips, every summer).
I absolute fell in love with this girl after reading about here, once, in this fic by @shachaai, and after that my mind just ran away with me. For me, her human name given to her by Arthur just has to be Ariel — for the little mermaid reference, yes, symbolizing her connection to the sea and stunning good looks, but also because:
1. Ariel is a biblical name, meaning lion of God. This makes sense to me, because Bermuda began as a Portuguese trade post, so Arthur definitely consulted our resident bad catholic Port before naming her.
2. Ariel used to be boys name. This also makes sense, because I hc Bermuda was and still is a tomboy. Bitch is fierce, takes no prisoners, and has zero filter. Her letters to Arthur, which all the colonies sent so Arthur could keep an eye on things, were full of shit like “I swear to god if the Spanish don’t get out of my waters I might eat one of them,” and “father, I asked you for destroyers two months ago, and yet you sent them to Hong Kong — could you explain this most unusual occurrence, surely it’s not that you forgot”, and “thank you for the harpoon on my birthday, I caught a small shark a couple days ago and have sent you some of its teeth for your collection.” Arthur tolerates this attitude because he’s weak when it comes to girls; he absolutely spoils his daughters (and flushes like a 16 year old when a woman so much as bats her eyelashes at him). Yes, p*ssywhipped Arthur is a hill I will die on.
3. It also suits her because? Ariel? Shakespeare? The Tempest? Bermuda Triangle? Shipwrecks? Daughter-like figure of powerful and vengeful sorcerer? Yeah. And this girl is a fire spirit — she is so lively, snarky, clever. As she’s grown older she’s mellowed out a little, but still: a no shit taken, no fucks given type of gal.
4. Speaking of growing up, she’s also become quite the beauty. Shacha, if I’m remembering correctly, described her as dark skinned, wavy-haired, and green eyed and that image has been burned onto the back of my eyelids ever since. Those Iberian genetics really be pulling through for her, that’s for sure. Engport love child if I’ve ever seen one. Definitely one of the prettiest in her family.
I’ve already mentioned this to needcake, but I’m not too big a fan of canon Singapore, so this is my oc version. Singapore is fascinating to me because it had only a very small local population before it became a colony (The original settlement had actually been destroyed by the Portuguese about two centuries before the British started building a port there.) So nation-tans like Singapore and Bermuda really are Arthur’s children in the most direct sense of the word. And yet, Singapore is mostly ethnically Chinese, with Malays being the second largest group. Growing up Asian in a white, Victorian era family surely cannot have been easy and more than once Singapore probably wondered if there hadn’t been some mistake. To make up for the constant fear that he wasn’t “really” British, Singapore studied ferociously and had a truly terrifying work ethic. I’m not sure if this is common knowledge outside Asian circles, so I’ll mention that this hc comes from the fact Singapore is well known for having truly exceptional students and some of the most prestigious schools. Singaporeans score highly in literally everything and they have an advantage with good English learning environments, a highly desirable trait in Asia, but these results come from brutally long hours — and its really saying something that they’re known for working hard, considering the studying ethic of students in Korea, Japan, and China aint nothing to sneeze at, either. To me this actually fits really well with Singapore’s upbringing in Arthur’s household, because Arthur himself prizes intelligence and hard work above all else, being a workaholic himself.
As for their relationship, it was probably the best when Singapore was young and peaked in the 1930s with the massive naval base the British built at Singapore, at the time the largest dry dock in the world. Singapore was a well-behaved child, not necessarily introverted but not rowdy either, and all the way into his teenage years he truly admired Arthur and was proud to be a part of the British Empire, despite his lingering unease and insecurities. The British defeat in World War II, however, was a massive turning point. He had worked his ass off to be a good son, a good brother, to contribute to the only family and system he had ever known, and he had thought by the 30s he was finally on his way to becoming a fine adult. And suddenly, the British surrender brings his entire world crashing down. He had followed the rules faithfully thinking it was his destiny, but suddenly it was clear that all rules were made up. Of course, his insecurities exploded. If the empire was a ruse, what the hell was he? A part of the illusion? He couldn’t have a truly Asian identity, because many of the old East Asian nations shunned him for his Western upbringing, and he could not entirely understand their values either. So he was a kid who kinda had to figure out late and very very suddenly who the fuck he was and wanted to be.
And, well, he’s done pretty well for himself, hasn’t he. After having a total crisis and questioning everything, I think Singapore slowly started to realize that just because the British Empire as a political entity didn’t last forever, that didn’t mean that his entire childhood and identity weren’t real. The love he gave to his siblings and the love he got back, the hard work he put in, his bond with Arthur and the safe, happy childhood he had — those memories and feelings didnt have to be diminished by what came after. Essentially, he learned the lesson all nations have to learn, which is that one needs to be able to discern between duties as a nation and feelings as a human being, and to some extent keep them separate to protect both.
Whoooooo ok I’ll stop there because this turned into a dissertation, sorry. Let me know if there are any specifics u want me to elaborate on or anything I missed, but I’ll leave this here for today :)
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Hated Love 3 - Post-wedding apocalypse
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Summary: Will your wedding become a dream or a nightmare?
Pairing: Mobster!Dean x Mobster!Daughter!Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester, Ruby
Warnings: angst, love-hate relationship, Dean hates the reader, and she hates him, language, snarky comments, arguments, smut, public sex, unprotected sex, arranged marriage, food play, anal play (not really; does eating pie off a butt count?), implied threesome (mentioned/and implied)
Kink: Foodplay
A/N: Y/F/N = Your father’s name
Catch up here:
Part 1 - Hated Love
Part 2 - Hated Love – The Reckoning
Kinktober 2020
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Wedding days should be filled with laughter, cake, white dresses, and people crying as they watch the bride and groom confess their love for each other.
Wedding days shouldn’t be filled with odd noises coming out of the bride’s room right before the ceremony.
“Look at you, filled to your limit,” Dean purrs, holding your body against the wall.
He’s driving wildly into you, not caring anyone who passes your room can hear he broke your fathers’ rule to not see you before the wedding.
“Missed this tight little pussy. Your father is an idiot for believing he can keep me away from my girl.”
“I’m, fuck me, not your girl, Winchester,” your eyes roll back at the way Dean grips your ass to fuck up into you. “Did you forget that I’m your fiancé?”
“Never, sweetheart,” Dean grins, rolling his hips faster. “How could I ever forget I’m allowed to fuck you anytime I want to from now on.”
“Already daydreaming?” you laugh when someone knocks at your door, to tell you that the ceremony will start in ten minutes. “Faster, Dean. I want to cum before I agree to marry your sorry ass.”
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Dean tries to fix your dress while you fight with your hair. “The zipper, I think it’s ruined,” you groan at Dean’s words, adding another bobby pin to your hair. “Do you have a clasp pin?”
You would laugh about Dean, even find it adorable he tries to fix your dress but not three rooms away your families wait for you to attend a wedding – your wedding.
“Dean, you can’t use a clasp pin to fix my wedding gown! Why did you have to rip it down my body? Jesus, I swear you’re a kinky bastard,” Dean grins, nodding eagerly whilst his hands creep toward your ass to squeeze it tightly.
“Guys, you should stop doing whatever you are doing and move your asses outside. Y/N’s father is close to starting a war. John is no better. I can tell, I never saw Y/F/N that mad,” Sam calls from outside the room, snickering. “Dean, stuff it back inside and hurry.”
“I ruined her dress,” Dean curses, still fighting with the zipper. “Do you have a safety pin? Or a jacket she can wear?”
“Wait, I’ll ask Ruby. Maybe she can help Y/N out. Just wait here,” you roll your eyes at Dean when he tries to repair your dress with a bobby pin.
“Dean, stop trying,” a deep sigh leaves your lips, realizing this could be a sign. “Maybe we shouldn’t marry. For years we hated each other and now you want to marry me.” Dean has the guts to smirk at your words.
“Oh sweetheart, you are mine and I intend on collecting,” he husks, grabbing the back of your neck to kiss you fiercely. His tongue slips inside your mouth to explore every inch of your wet cavern. “I will not let you slip through my fingers again, Y/N. Now be good, get out of that dress and we will try to fix it.”
“If not,” you grin, sliding your hand over Dean’s chest, “I can still marry you in nothing but my underwear…”
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“Perfect, Ruby,” you smile, checking on your wedding gown. “Where did you learn to sew? I never thought you would be the one saving my dress.”
“Let’s say Sam likes to rip my clothes off my body too. I hated that I had to explain why my clothes got ripped open almost every week,” Dean snickers, watching Sam’s cheeks turn pink. “Don’t act all shy now, Winchester.”
“I know you would like to talk about my sex life some more, but we should not wait any longer or Y/N’s father will lose his patience. I think he already checked on his gun,” Sam tries to turn your attention back toward your wedding.
“I guess it’s time for a wedding,” you smirk, holding out your hand for Dean. “Don’t you think I’ll let you out of sight, Winchester. I don’t need a runaway groom.”
“Damn, I forgot my sneakers,” Dean grins, taking your offered hand to squeeze it tightly. “No one will stop me from marrying your cute ass, sweetheart.”
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The ceremony is short, honest, and filled with insults. Which means you called Dean a humorless jerk. He called you a frigid bitch. You exchanged rings and swore to each other not to stray.
Whilst John grinned throughout the whole ceremony, even dared to laugh, your father remained stoic. He didn’t like you acted as if the ceremony or rather the whole wedding is a joke to you and Dean.
Your father’s mood didn’t get any better when you insisted that the wedding was perfect to you. Even though you laughed, joked, and threw insults at your husband, it was the wedding you wanted.
The after-party, or as you liked to call it, the desperate people buffet who look for someone to fuck after a wedding, went on until 2 am. Your father grumbled the whole time, not missing John was in a good mood.
When the last guest finally left the ballroom you kicked your shoes off, grabbed the last piece of cake, and pushed it into Dean’s face.You laughed your ass off, he wasn’t amused.
That’s how you ended up, bend over the table with the cake, hands tied tightly behind your back with Dean’s tie whilst your husband smears the cake all over your ass.
“You should see your ass, baby. Ready to get eaten,” you gasp, feeling his teeth sink into your left cheek to leave an angry bite mark. “What will your daddy say when I send him a copy of the video?”
“He’ll believe I married a kinky bastard who likes to smear cake onto my butt,” you giggle, feeling his fingers slide through your folds. “No cake on my pussy or you’ll lose your dick.”
“Shhh…, sweetheart,” Dean smirks, licking more cake off your ass, moaning as you press your butt into his face. “I’d like to take your ass.”
“No,” you grit out when Dean’s teeth leave another mark on your right cheek. “Not now, Dean. I want you to fuck me on that table. Give me the perfect ending.”
“Babe, you’ll get anything you want but I already chased you through the ballroom. We had a food fight and now I’m going to fuck the life out of you,” Dean smirks, feeling wetness coat his fingers.
“I want your dick, Winchester. Give it to me,” you complain. “I’m your wife, fulfill your duty,” laughing at your words Dean gets up to slowly unzip his pants. His dick slaps against your ass and you whine feeling Dean step away from the table to take another picture.
“I must admit I never imagined our wedding like this,” Dean is back on you. This time he slightly lifts your butt to slide into you with one forceful snap of his hips.
“Dean,” you cry out, walls clenching tightly around his thick cock. “Fuck me, please.”
“Love it when you beg me, Y/N,” if not for the pressure he builds in your core with every sloppy thrust, you would gladly slap his face. “Love it, even more, when you moan my name.”
“Dean, fuck,” one hand cups the back of your neck to hold you forcefully down, the other grips the edge of the table. Dean speeds up, ignores his phone started to ring moments ago. “Dean, the phone.”
“Later, sweetheart,” his moans turn louder, and you swear, it’s the most erotic sound you ever heard. You don’t know how the sex feels to Dean but the way he calls out your name gives away he enjoys it as much as you do.
“It won’t stop ringing,” he’s angrily grasping for the phone, to yell at anyone who dared to disturb him. “Dean…”
“Shit give me just a minute,” you feel the knot tightening, ready to snap anytime when Dean speeds up once again. “I need to tell you something,” he pants, dropping the phone onto the table. “I guess you’ll not like it.”
“Make me cum and we can talk about anything, Dean,” falling hard you rest your head onto the table. “Come on, Winchester. Give it to me good.”
Dean groans at your words, not needing more encouragement to fill you with his sticky cum. He’s fast to pull out.
“Promise me to not get mad.” You cock a brow when Dean removes the tie, offering you a sly smile.
“What did you do, Winchester?” He’s grinning cheekily whilst he hands you his jacket to cover your modesty. “Dean?”
“You see…erm-uh,” he coughs, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “Do you remember Vegas a few years ago?”
“Vague. I know we woke in a bed…with Sam,” you hum, closing your eyes. “I think it was a hot mess back then. Why do you bring Sammy up?”
“Well, it’s kinda – whew, there is no good way to tell you,” eyes narrowed you fist Dean’s shirt to bring him to your eye level.
“Jesus, tell me what’s wrong. I’m freaking tired and want to drive home, maybe smear more cake onto my husband and lick it off,” Dean huffs, glancing at you. “Dean, you are scaring me.”
“Okay…let me tell you what happened in Vegas didn’t stay in Vegas. Somehow, and I don’t know how it happened, you did not only fuck me and Sammy, but you also married my brother. The marriage never got anulled, and this means you are still married to my brother,” Dean gasps for air when he finally stops talking. “Sorry.”
“What the…?” you blink a few times. “Wait…what? I’m married to Sam?” Dean nods, not missing the dirty grin on your lips. “Does this mean I can have both of you? I always dreamed of having a harem…”
Dean’s jaw drops when you grasp for his phone to send the video he made to Sam.
“Ruby said he can go to hell. I think my baby brother is lonely and heartbroken. Sammy is at your daddy’s house. Imagine, having us both in your room for daddy to hear…” Dean can barely end his line before you drag him out of the ballroom.
“This is the best wedding ever…”
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
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decayandfanfics · 3 years
The great book of sayings
PAIRINGS: Tomura Shigaraki x FemReader
SUMMARY: He looks at you, his scarlet eyes fixed on yours, burning a hole through your head, every bit the predator he is, but you are as tough as it gets, so, against your better judgment and any well-founded logic, you answer his silent threat, the animalistic look he gives you with nothing less than a fearless smirk, irises burrowing into his pupils.A clever girl. He thinks, finally labeling you inside his head, cursing himself in the very moment he allows his brain to think of you as more than an asset. He is sure (he knows himself enough to know) he’ll think of this moment many times from now on.A clever pretty girl.
Reader is a typical college student until she gets herself tangled with the league of villains.
WARNINGS: Unhealthy/complicated relationships, violence, Tomura being Tomura, mentions of murder, heroes’ abuse of power, smut later.
A/N: I’m trying so hard to write crusty boy here really in character. At least after AfO is taken. Any misspelled words, english is not my native language so i’m trying Helen.
Chapter 7 / Chapter 8
Familiarity breeds contempt.
Three days became four, then five. The hours flowing between your fingers and before you know it’s been two weeks and three days already.
Not that your will ask them to go. You were pretty sure the little trembling harmony that reigns in your home is as fragile as you decide by asking the wrong question.
To say you are comfortable would be rich, at least. They are a band of murderers, meanwhile you were just a student, but you would be lying if you didn’t accept the fact that the wave of fear had subdue to become some mild annoyance.
The thing is that the famous league of villains is as human as can be. Surely, they are insane, powerful, and menacing, but they also eat, and sleep, and they watch tv and smile when they are happy.
So here you are, getting in tune with their antics. Like how Magne likes to use your flowery shampoo because smells nice and it makes her feel pretty, or that Mr. Compress drinks his milk with honey before sleep.
So, you try your best to remember place and time, but then Toga asks you to paint her nails and asks if she can brush your hair because she wants so desperately to be your friend that something in your heart breaks a little when you remember that she’s just an abandoned child, with no other feminine figure to guide her. (Magne does what she can, but she also faces different kinds of struggle.)
Something in you began to soften to them and you simply cannot help it. Maybe is the little girl in you who wanted to be a hero but saw it impossible.
That’s how you end asking Spinner about his swords, both of you watching some tv program about forging historical weapons, and sharing about your parent’s death with Jin, who cries for you and hugs your tightly telling everyone he’s so happy to have a friend like you.
You end up buying vitamins and oranges for them because no one getting scurvy under your watch. Patching their injures and making some fast clinical examination of them, just to discover some of them are underweight, scrawny, and sharp. So, you cook for them, and made two beds in the living room because you’ve always had a soft spot for broken things and lost causes and somehow, you really want to make them feel nice, and you are no longer sure if this is about your survival or theirs.
Then is Tomura.
You can feel the attraction growing wild inside of you. How your eyes look for his figure inside the house and how you care about what he thinks of you or what he likes.
He’s not helping either, not when he insists on playing chess with you between playful back and forth, or sometimes just sits behind you in the kitchen counter to watch you cook. Silent until he’s not, asking “what’s that” when he sees you putting some spices in the pot.
He’s a curious cat. A fast learner and problem solver. Quick to intuition and creativity.
And you like the way his hair falls wet over his shoulders, clearing away from his face after he showers, looking less like a vagabond and more like a boy.
It’s awful and you know it. You can recognize a crush from a mile away and yours is there pulsing alive for everyone to watch.
The sad part is the what if.
Sometimes Toga asks things. Random things about medicine, about history, about books, and you cannot help it but to vomit everything you know about the subject because you are a scholar above everything else.
Those are the moments when Shigaraki will look at you from the corner of his ruby eyes, attentively listening and absorbing anything you say, siting quietly in a corner of the room, playing with his phone. Then he’ll hear something that catches his interest, asking you about it, his questions always interesting and more complex than Toga’s.
It saddens you to think of him as a student. His brilliance shining under the lights of proper education and love. What positive reinforcement and care could have done for him. Not that you know anything about Shigaraki, but there is no way a loving family could produce such person (not when you are more than sure that he’s clinically depressed), so your bets are on violence and abandonment.
What brilliant career could have achieved, what kind of things would he create, instead of just brutal destruction and (you suspect this one) raw self-loathing.
So, you dream of him sometimes.
You can see him wearing more than just a worn-out coat, a backpack hanging from his shoulder and his soft features clean and properly cared for. What he should look without the dry skin, the slouching and the eyebags.
You can imagine him crossing paths with you on campus, siting with you in the cafeteria, laughing youthfully, his persona free of the heavy weight of his wicked gestures, product of a life expended celebrating too much spite.
Maybe you would have meet him in other circumstances. A “friend of a friend” in some shitty party, the kind of boy that smiles when speaking, sharing some smart-ass joke, his witty speech making you laugh, making you fall.
Just like now.  
“so, how do you know a quirk is a mutation?” Toga ask while you read some article in your laptop.
“well, most of them have a base or function as a variety of some primordial quirk. Those that are mutations simple work outside the norm and tend to be very dangerous for the everyone, including the holder, because as the mutation is a completely new expression of genetics, the rest of the body is still adapting to the evolutionary crescendo. That and, well…mutants have a very distinct look because the gene that comes with the mutation, also alters the expression of other common things like melatonin production.”
“Oh! I remember that! We saw it at school…with the Mendeleyev system.”
“exactly!” You say, but Toga isn’t done with the questions and you don’t stop the conversation before-
“so, how do they look? The mutants. How do they look.”
“well, they all have silver hair and red eyes.”
They look at the corner of the kitchen and only then you realize what you’ve done.
“Congratulations, Shigaraki. You are officially a fucking freak.” Dabi says from the couch, but Shigaraki doesn’t answer his provocation. He just keeps playing in his phone, the only sign of acknowledge is an arched brow.
It rubs you wrong. As much as anybody is okay with it, you hate the words that leave his mouth.
Maybe is the fact that he’s making fun of someone’s looks, or maybe is because hearing someone being called a freak sends you back to high school when your classmates told you that you were a fucking creep with that evil quirk of yours (or maybe is the stupid crush speaking) but it makes you angry, so before you can think of it, you spat.
“blue eyes are a mutation too, so you are no one to talk about it.”
Twice laughs at the comeback, but before you could taste your little win, Dabi makes sure to answer back because he’s being dying to fight you the moment he set a foot on your apartment.
“that was bold for a quirkless little bitch.”
You laugh astonished, deciding you will not acknowledge the fact he (very wrongly) thinks you quirkless.
“A quirkless little bitch? Seriously, Dabi? Where you raised in a fucking barn that you know nothing but fuck this and bitch that?
“yeah. I know stupid cunt too.” He barks referring to you.
“Dabi, cut it out.” Shigaraki snaps to no avail.
“Hey! We agree in no insults!” Compress try to quiet the fight down, but neither of you pays attention.
“I’m sure you do. Pretty useful to describe yourself I bet.”
“you sure like to bet, like how you are betting I don’t burn you alive for being an annoying bitch.” He threatens looking at the chess game still on the kitchen table, getting quickly into your nerves.
“Guys-“Toga fails to intercede.
“Fuck off, Dabi. This might be shocking for you, but you don’t scare me.”
“now, that’s pretty fucking stupid of you.”
“Dabi, shut up!” Shigaraki growls done, but you are not paying attention to him, so you keep pushing into the fight.  
“I’m not the one insulting everyone just because I cannot deal with some fucking daddy issues.”
“YOU DON’T KNOW SHIT” he snarls before kicking the little table in your living room, breaking one of its legs.
“CUT IT OUT! I don’t have to know when it’s plainly obvious you have problems with authority.”
“you really think you are so clever, don’t you?” he states, crossing the living room, aiming to you.
“Dabi, get the fuck out!” this time Shigaraki yells.
“I know I am, asshole!”
He stops his tracks, looming over you. His eyes scanning your face before looking at Shigaraki, who suddenly stands beside you.
Dabi laughs darkly.
“stupid woman. You should know better.”
And then…he just slaps your laptop out of the table; the computer smashing open against the cemented ground.
Chapter 9
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
Seven. Part 2
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Watching TJ walk off to go on my jet, oh that wasn’t what I thought was going to happen. I am stood with my mouth hung open in shock, TJ did a u-turn and jogged back over as I am still stood here in utter shock to my core, am I allowing this asshole to be this way. I am only remaining calm for my man; I don’t think he understands that part. I am literally going to go crazy on this man, I am just going crazy “look, I am sorry. I don’t want this beef with you, you’re a sister to me Robyn. I have said things that I don’t mean but I feel attacked, you’re a big persona and I understand you feel like I have done bad by Chris, but I haven’t, I ride for your husband to the end. I love him so much; he has done so much for me, and I am blessed by that. I don’t want this between us because I know you have a lot of power over things” crossing my arms across my chest “what did you come back? To just say that to me?” I am confused “because I feel bad, but I feel like you got beef with me. I have always supported Chris, even with Barry. It’s me that was there for Chris, always. I know how much he loves you, from jump” I need to show him how a real bitch is “didn’t you call me forehead in school? Or was I dreaming that? Didn’t you want me to not be around, you always made jokes about me. You went out of your way to make Chris not see it for me in school. I remember it but I let it go, you were nasty to me. Now you’re the same niggas lusting over me, I suggest you apologise. And you do it in front of Chris. While on the jet I am paying for, got it?” Looking down at him, I am like squaring up to him, but he has angered me a lot. I did like TJ but now he’s being a dick for no reason, he didn’t need to be like this “your husband just came out of hospital and you’re stressing him out? Your lifestyle ruined Barry, and Chris lost him. Still, Chris misses him and you making him do that again? It always makes me think that my friend has any balls, but he just leaves them in your hands, maybe I was right about you then. I am here trying to apologise, and you can’t even accept that. Mel is such a good person to live in your shadow, I know your vibe. Pretty girls are the worst, light skinned ones actually. I don’t really see how you both worked, I don’t get it because my friend, my Chris. He was the boss, and his ego would have overpowered yours, you broke that down. You sat there looking at me like shit; you had no right when I did nothing wrong Chris chose to give me that, we have that bond. We boys, he can speak to me about a lot, I don’t know about you miss busy” oh I want to punch him “can we just get on, sorry” balling my fist up “what is going on here” Jen said, I want to kill him, I really do.
I just felt like I was in school there, I had a major flashback to when I was at school. I didn’t have a good time at school in general, the only time I did have a good time was when Chris was there for me, just honestly it was Chris that made my school life bearable, but it was short lived, and he honestly is a good guy with shit people around him. He was always kind of talked out of being with me, friend wise and he always said it’s because you’re pretty that is why “earth calling Robyn?” Jen said, bringing me back to the fact I am stood in the middle of the hanger, and everyone is on the jet “what happened?” She said again, looking at the jet “just, I.” I paused saying “I don’t know what to do” I openly admitted “about what?” Jen is confused, she doesn’t know what has happened and I don’t blame her “I think we should go on the jet, we can talk then” Jen’ face softened “hey, oh my god. Why are you sad” waving her off “don’t” I said, I don’t need to be crying right at this moment. Suck it up Robyn, Jen held my hand as we made our way to the jet. I don’t want to hold the jet back now, but TJ and I really don’t speak like that anyways. I keep him there and I am here, I don’t agree with Chris paying for him all the time so I just stayed away from the situation and stuck to what I need to do but it’s too much and this really hit home, Camron is not my son and I feel like he’s making jibes at me thinking Camron is owed a life and owed to be in my family because I can’t give Chris that, I am sick “sorry girls” I held the jet up, Rylee looks unimpressed “mommy I want to sit next to daddy, or you are?” Rylee asked, shaking my head “I need to speak to auntie Jen, I’ll be in the back ok. You can sit there” making my way to the back “but Camron is there” I let out a deep sigh, of course he is there “then sit with Tianna, she is watching YouTube” I don’t have the patience to say anything right at this moment, I am just going to snap if I speak on it.
Jen turned to me “speak, what was that all about? All I heard was about having balls and the conversation seemed really deep into it?” I am of course going to tell Jen, that is my best friend, and I will always confide in her “we have the time, so Chris and TJ are friends, you know the whole background on that. They came up together that whole story thing, Chris gave TJ his clothing line to handle which I have no issues with, then move on a few years. Seiko, now this is Chris’ ex that loved him a lot, maybe still does love Chris but she actually got pregnant by TJ to piss Chris off now that shit popped off bad, I remember when it happened. Chris was hurt by it, it’s a bro code thing but it was over with, all forgiven so like we moved on. Seiko was neglecting Camron, I felt bad to hear that. She was using the child maintenance on not so good things but come to think of it, TJ never put them in a nice home. He paid and that’s it, Chris came to me and said I am upset, that is nephew. He comes here and has a good time but goes back to shit, school has been saying he doesn’t go and stuff. So I gave my lawyer, they won the case. Me, I did that, but Chris was happy. Don’t forget Chris has given the business to him, keep that in mind. Now we did this case, my lawyer, my bill. I didn’t get a thanks, no. It was Chris, he said a thanks, but I have other shit going on anyways so it’s whatever. Then Chris tells me oh TJ is living in the apartment complex just down the road, ten minutes away. Oh right ok, oh I erm just helped him to get it. He needs the help; Black Pyramid is behind. I said right, then help him silent partner. So TJ started to sell tees where it had Chris’ face and designs on, they sold out quick and he promoted it, I go Chris is he paying you back, oh yeah yeah. He didn’t, then Chris comes and says Camron is amazing at Basketball, you know people” Jen gasped pointing “you called me to say about the academy, it was for him?” Jen said, nodding my head “mommy I want juice” I was so deep in the conversation “Imani, please go to daddy. Ask him” I want to finish this conversation off.
Nodding my head “it was for him, I helped him. Got him into it, Chris thanked me. And this situation happened because Chris went to the Fenty Christmas party with TJ and Camron, Mel was there. He gave the SUV to them to go home, Mel was unwell apparently. I say that because Mel didn’t say that to me, she said they went out for some food. They went out in that SUV all around New York, knowing Chris needed that SUV, it was his. He got in the Uber because of them, Mel was literally is being shady as fuck about this. But anyways, so deep inside I am fucking angry. I am giving sly looks, TJ caught on. Because why is my husband putting himself out there for a child not his? So TJ pulled me to the side and said you been looking at me crazy, it’s not nice. I said it to him what it is, you are using my man, that is your child. He started speaking on me, he said maybe if you gave him that son” my voice broke “maybe if you give him what he wants maybe he won’t do that, he just started poking at it knowing I lost the baby. Then out there he mentioned it, like sorry I said what I said but me and Chris are close we speak on things. If you give him that, like pressurising me for this” Jen shushed me because my voice is now becoming even more strained “say something?” Jen said “he mentioned I broke their relationship, then leave my husband with no friends. He adores him Jen” her face softened “but you’re his wife” she retorted “and maybe I should have stayed in my place, I shouldn’t have gave him looks, you know” I sniffled “I get it but he has no right to speak on your body, you have lost two babies. That is some nasty ass shit to say, I want to knock his fucking block off” I laughed a little “he wasn’t always a fan of us to be honest, I kind of got in the way in school. It’s just like the same vibe, I kept out of the way, I have been too busy for this shit. Now I am home and here, I see it. I just left it alone, I did” wiping my tears, Jen’ eyes widened looking behind me. Looking to the side of me Chris is just hovering over me. I feel like I got caught “what is happening here?” wiping my tears “we are just having lady talk now Chris, come on” Chris frowned “my wife is crying, why? Robyn why are you crying” now I am panicking because I just don’t want to do this, I am here trying to open up to Jen “Robyn, hey. Talk to me” I can’t, getting up from the seat. He is making me want to cry more “What happened Jen? Robyn” making my way to the toilet, I am not really wanting to speak to Chris.
Chris is stubborn, he won’t leave me until he knows I am ok and he will keep asking and asking and he will wait outside this door until I come out. Taking in a deep breath opening the door “seriously?” Chris stared at me unimpressed with how long I took “what is it? I am ok, Jen and I was just speaking on things. I cried happy tears, you know how it is when I speak on my dad” Chris is searching my eyes, he is wanting to know the truth “yeah but you been like that at the hospital, also what was you speaking about to TJ? You been really odd since then actually” clearing my throat “we just spoke on things, that is all. Look I am just having a talk with Jen ok? It’s fine” he is not believing me, but he will have too “ok” he touched my shoulder and then placing his hand on my cheek “I got you” he breathed out, he is annoyed like he lowkey doesn’t believe me either “I will sit down then, I got an eye on you though Robyn” Chris turned walking off “on god” he said, Jen smiled at me awkwardly, I didn’t think Chris was watching me like that actually. Making my way back to the seat “Chris kept asking what I said, what happened. Why is she crying, what did I say. Anyways back to the part where I murder him” I breathed out laughing “not that now, I just think I don’t want Chris to lose another friend in this. I feel like Chris is saying something to him for him to be saying this, Chris must be speaking on this a lot, you know?” Jen nodded her head “they all talk, these men do. But he has no right to repeat it, he has no right to speak on your fertility. Same with Chris, it’s tiring for you Robyn. You are working so hard, I have two boys and dealing with this. You have three girls and dealing with being the face of the company, my ass can skype a meeting, you are literally the face of it, here and there. You both still have time, things will calm down, but he has no right. I want to hit him” Jen will do that for me, I love her.
I have caught Chris twice look over at me to check if I am ok, I adore him a lot “am I weak Jen? Be truthful with me?” looking over at her “erm, pre mommy Robyn I think you would be ripping his ass, but I think you are more thinking of the bigger picture, you see that this weasel is close friends with Chris. School years too, you’re stuck between telling Chris or just keeping it to yourself, but I would mention to Chris that you want that boy to not be paid for, he has nothing to do with you. That has to stop, that is your empire, your money. That ends, he may dislike it but then you take it from there. You will see his true colours, meaning TJ. If he kicks off then it will be about the money” nodding my head “he keeps throwing that Chris pushes to have it, but as a man he can say no too” I added “exactly but always remember this, you have the power to destroy that friendship and I think he hates it. He is envious of that; I think he is. I understand what you are doing but don’t ever let that weasel think he has one over you, because he doesn’t. You will pounce when it’s good and ready, but I would reign it in. Say to him that stops, then we will see TJ’ true intentions, let’s see. If he doesn’t kick off and he does it then maybe he was right in a way but do that” nodding my head, he is a bastard and I will expose him, or shall I say he will expose himself.
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bluebirdwrites · 4 years
j stands for joker; batfam
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warnings; language, violence, injury, non-consensual touching (nothing extreme), descriptions of death.
author’s note; so,, this is based off of Arkham knight slightly where jason gets branded by the joker. except!!! in this universe, the normal thing where jason died happened, and it’s batsis that this happens to during an unexpected situation.. if that makes sense? hopefully this isn’t too sucky :’) fem!reader too, btw (: here’s my dc masterlist in case you wanna, you know, check it out! requests the opennnn ;)
summary; with time, you hope that Joker will burn. that he will be marked by death the way that he has branded your skin.
Being held up in the bank with your brother on the way to get lunch is not how you expected the day to go. Not to mention, being Wayne kids had massive targets immediately on your backs in the case of bank robbers.
If only they knew Bruce Wayne was Batman.
“Fuck’s sake,” He drags a hand down his face, palming at his cheeks looking rather like a spoilt child with an angry pout on his face at a time like this. “Of all the times that I don’t carry my guns. This shit happens.”
You glare at him over your shoulder, making sure to thump him up the side of the head watching as the white strands mix with black, “Not the time when we’ll probably be the ones offered up as rich people bait Jason.”
It’s not the people that turn you in surprisingly enough, it turns out to be the white streak of hair that flops over your brother’s forehead that gives him away as the a Wayne boy, and in turn you as a Wayne girl.
The thugs parade around you both in a circle making sure to taunt you both, roughly shoving your brother to the floor even as he glares up with such a ferocity you know he’s itching to lose it. So, stupidly- bravely maybe, you step in, completely ignoring the glare that is now focused on you.
“Well aren’t you boys just precious? Look,” you let out a whistle and press the emergency button on your necklace that would alert the whole family. “How about you take your hands off of my brother and shove them up your ass so I don’t have to do it for you.” It is said lightly, even as Jason continues to give you a look of exasperation that says to shut up, it’s too late now.
The men laugh as the leader- seemingly a member of Jokers crew by the white clown makeup he wears- steps toward you and lifts your chin with a gun. “Listen rich-bitch, I don’t want to mess up that pretty face of yours,” the gun stays put as the man grabs your waist and brings you towards him by the hips. “That and I always like a woman with a mouth. I think I’ll take you with me sweetheart. Make everyone else leave, let’s keep the girl here for when the boss arrives.”
You can see three guys grab Jason and struggle to hold him as the guy turns you so your back is to his chest. “Everyone out,” the guy rubs the gun in circles on your temple and cocks it as you give a fuming Jason a hard look telling him to go. “Or her brains paint the wall a nice shade of red.”
Everyone leaves, and you’re sure your family will be here soon as the guy feels you up. You growl low in your throat and drive your elbow backwards as his hand grazes over your ass.
“Touchy, touchy,” the guy ties you up on a chair in the bank ripping your shirt from your torso. The gun is still pointed to your temple and your impatience grows. “The boss is here rich-bitch, and he’s going to have some fun with you.”
The clown is pasty white and scarred as always. Still wearing a purple suit and an orange plaid dress shirt. Still a psycho with green hair and an unflinching smile; this is your first time meeting him in civilian clothes.
“Well, well, well. Whatever do we have here? You wouldn’t happen to be Miss Wayne would you? My, my, my,” the Clown’s cackles bounce off of the walls as he claps his hands in glee. “Now you’re all mine, mine, mine, to do with as I please. Can’t harm that pretty face can I? I’ll have to get creative.”
He turns to the thug in the room, gun still hesitantly trained on you. The clown smiles, mouth gleaming yellow and bared as he purrs approaching his henchman holding out his hand expectant. “Such a good boy, give me the gun,” the goon is wary as he gives Joker the gun. “Time for the fun, pull my finger.”
The sound of the bullet ripping though the man’s skull is wet, spraying blood and brain matter from the impact of the bullet. The henchmen’s eyes are glazed as his body dully falls to the floor and pools with red. The clown cackles and jumps with glee, clicking his heels and shimmying around the fallen body.
Soon after, Joker brings forth a battery and generator that one would use on a car from a storage closet. He unhurriedly connects a wire to each arm and each leg and steps back chittering to himself as you wonder what in the hell is taking your family so long.
“Now pet, I’m not going to kill you! Of course not!,” his voice lowers an octave as the first circuit of electricity goes through you with the press of a button in his palm causing a loud groan to escape you and buzzing noises to fill your ears. “I’m just going to hurt you. Really, really, bad.”
A mere few minutes later, he stops the surges of electricity, seemingly frazzled as he approaches you with a metal rod and an unfaltering grin and twitching, deranged eyes. You begin to struggle, as it looks akin to that of a branding iron with its red hot end at one end of the metal.
“It seems that we’ve run out of play time dear, I’ll leave you something to remember me by until our next play-date since we’ve had so much fun together.” The clown lifts the iron poker for you to see, red hot with the letter ‘J’ held close to the side of your neck.
You’re straining in your chair as you think you can feel the buzz of your necklace on your collarbones, alerting you that they are coming. They’ll be here soon is all you can think as you try and stall.
“Go to hell you” it is said, and it is said with venom lacing your voice. It makes the clown all the more eager as he pushes the brand into the side of your neck. The pain is searing and it makes your toes curl as a scream rips through your throat as you become branded with him. His name on your body forever.
He soon stands back and claps his hands as he reheats the brand placing the mark multiple more times against your bare torso, becoming increasingly gleeful as you scream and cry. “You’re mine now girlie, got me all over you.”
The sound of glass raining from above like a hurricane is reassuring as the pain throbs and your body is searing and sizzling where his brand has been. The clown stands behind you, lifting your head by your hair. He’s leaning over your shoulder as he shows you off like a sick prize to your family in costume.
“Look at how pretty she looks all marked up,” he yanks your head to the side showing one of his brands and slides his hands up and down your torso where the rest of the brands lie. “Now she’s all mine, mine, mine. I had fun with her today, we’ll have to do it again sometime! Tell her daddy I say ‘Hi’!”
Tears are in your eyes as you look at the members of your family currently in front of you. Varying levels of anger are displayed, as they all twitch and glare looking ready to rip the clown behind you to shreds. Joker leans down to rest his head on your shoulder and wrap his arms around your neck and giggle as the lights go out and he is gone. Just like that becoming a ghost.
There is a beat of silence where your head rolls harshly to the side as you stare blankly with silent tears. There is a beat of silence as they realise that Joker is gone and of the pain that you are in and the state of your body. The beat of silence is the calm before the storm. In that beat of silence you are scared, utterly terrified. Not of the clown but of what he has done to you.
You don’t move and neither do they, too paralysed and too numb and in that moment you just want your family. The tears come faster, they come in fat salty rivets that cover your cheeks and drip off your jaw. The panic and the pain sets in next, overwhelmingly so, and it crushes you.
Your dad is there first, not as Batman but as Bruce Wayne- he must have come through the front entrance judging by the wide open door and police escort- as he reaches you, his daughter. The restraints are gone as you fall forward into him as he allows himself to run his hands through your hair and kiss the crown of your head.
“Dad,” you cling to your father and you are aware as he picks you up and wraps you in his suit jacket being careful of the brands that cover your torso. “Can we go home?”
Your brothers are in costume you realise, as they vanish in quick succession, one after the other. When you get outside, there is press and police and sirens. There are flashing cameras and yelling. The police force a barricade around yourself and your father make press leave.
The next thing you remember you’re in an ambulance and there are four people rushing towards you and your dad. Damian reaches you first, where an out of character hug happens as he leaps on you minding the bandages on your torso. He has his head resting on your shoulder and all you can think is, ‘I’m glad it was me and not anyone else.’
“I’ll kill him,” it’s said as a snarl and you know he means it. There’s no playing around with what he’s saying, with the sincerity of it. “He hurt you. Branded you, and I know you are not okay before you even say it. I was worried and I am glad that you’re okay.”
With glassy green eyes, he gently lets go of you standing slightly to the side and then Dick’s there, half picking you up and still being careful with you. But you can feel the anger bubbling in the trembling of his arms and the ticking of his jaw, the familiarity of the dangerous temper hiding under the surface. You can see the fear too, within the tears ready to drip down his cheeks and the shaky breaths he takes.
“Had us worried there pretty bird,” and he’s letting you sit back down fully and kissing your temple. “Don’t taunt the guys holding you hostage again please. Don’t take after Jason. Cass, Babs and Kate are going after Joker at the moment.”
He now stands to the side with his jaw locked talking to Damian. And Tim’s looking at you with tired, worried eyes as he takes large steps forward to hug you. He’s hugging you as tight as he can; so tight you can feel the racing and stuttering of his heart in his chest. He seems beyond relieved that you’re okay.
He’s pulling back to look you in the eye. “When I saw you before, I-,” he’s now gripping your shoulders forcing your eyes to meet the smouldering steely blue of his own, that show the distress within them. “I thought he was going to kill you y’know? I thought that- well, I’ll tell you later. Just know that I’m glad you’re safe pretty bird.”
As Tim joins your other brothers, it is only Jason with you now. You can see it in his eyes- he’s tearing himself to bits. He looks like he’s been crying, his face is puffy and his cheeks and nose are flushed pink. He strides towards you until he’s standing so close he’s towering over you wringing his hands looking like a kicked puppy.
“Why did you talk back to that thug in there? I had it under control! You were hurt by him, it should’ve been me! Why the fuck? I will kill that son of-“ he’s ranting and running his hands through his hair, mussing it up beyond belief. His eyes are blue green and darkening with his anger, and his lip is beginning to wobble the way it always does before he either explodes or is about to cry.
And you’re the one pulling him to you this time, tired arms around broad shoulders. You’re the one making him cling to you as he hugs you as tight and as tenderly as he can while his eyes water and he’s shaking like a leaf. Only when he’s ready, he’s pulling back and silently asking to look at the brand on your neck.
When he sees it, he looks green and he gags. Not because the wound is that bad, but because of what it stands for. Because of who had branded you, of the promise Joker made, of the fact you both knew Joker would be back for you.
The ‘J’ covers the entire column of the left side of your throat, it looks red and angry and painful. Jason is tentative as he runs a finger over it and you look each other in the eye. It burns. And with time, you both hope that Joker will burn too.
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twinklecheeks · 4 years
Friends With Benefits (Jeff Wittek Imagine) Part 8
Summary: Jeff and Y/N have been hooking up for a while. The whole vlog squad assumes they’re dating and Y/N does too but Jeff doesn’t like labels. He eventually starts to express interest in Natalie.
Note: Planning on making this a multiple part series, depending on how good it does.  You’re 21 & Latina in this (maybe) series. Also, I’d like to apologize for the typos, if there is any. I’m just illiterate lmao.  
Warnings! Pregnancy, Mentions of sex.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6, Part 7,  
Word Count: 1.4k
Since last night, all y/n could think about Jeff telling her that he loved her! She doesn’t know whether it’s her actual feelings or her hormones making her crazy. She didn’t think that Jeff would try to step up and admit his wrong doings. Was she still in love w/ him? How is she gonna survive the weekend in Big Bear w/ him AND David??
Jeff: *texts y/n* Hey, I’ll be there in 20.
Y/n: Okay, see you soon :)
Y/n pov:
*talking to the mirror while doing makeup* Ugh fuck me. I hope I look cute. WAIT what the fuck am I saying? It’s only Jeff. But he’s the father of your kids. But you haven’t broken up with David yet. So you can’t think that way. Jeff probably thinks you look gross anyways. Last time he fucked you, you had a bangin ass body and now you’re a beached whale. Ugh the last time he fucked me… That was… Ugh, I’m getting horny just thinking about it… David is sweet and gentle but Jeff is something else. They way he would-  Why tf am I thinking about fucking Jeff before an appointment? I swear these hormones mess with me at the wrong times... Jesus take the wheel!
Jeff: Hey, I’m outside.
Y/n: I’ll be down in a sec.
Y/n: *looks in the mirror one last time* Please don’t be a dumb bitch today…
Car Ride
Y/n: Heyy, you nervous?
Jeff: A little. They’re not gonna poke you with needles and shit, right?
Y/n: No but if they see something wrong, they’re gonna have to.
Jeff: Oh I hope not..
Y/n: So how was your Thanksgiving?
Jeff: It was boring as usual. My mom asked me questions about my dating life.
Y/n: Really? And what did you say?
Jeff: That I was on a break… But Karyn knew something was up.
Y/n: Did she drag you to filth?
Jeff: Maybe…
Y/n: That’s why I loved Karyn. She’ll always tell you anything straight up.
Jeff: *Smiles* Good thing she did.
5 month Ultrasound appointment
Doctor: Well hello y/n, your belly sure has grown.
Y/n: Haha I definitely feel it growing.
Doctor: *sees Jeff* And your name is?
Jeff: Oh I’m Jeff, I’m the father.
Doctor: Well, I’m glad you were able to join y/n today. You excited to see the babies?
Jeff: For sure. Can you also do the 4D ultrasound?
Doctor: Since my next appointment isn’t for another 2.5 hours, I’ll be able to do it.
Y/n: *lifts up her shirt*
Doctor: *Put’s the jelly on y/n’s stomach* And those are your 2 little girls. Looks like one of them is a little shy today.
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Jeff: Wow. It’s really them. Two girls. Two little princesses.
Y/n: *looks at Jeff in the eyes* Yeah. Two little princesses.
Doctor: *turns of the heart monitor*
Jeff: *speaking in his head* Two little princesses. Two strong heartbeats. Boy you were fucking stupid to ever have treated y/n the way you did. I’m gonna be a dad to two girls. Fuck, I swear if any boys hurt my baby girls, they’re gonna fucking regret hurting my kids. If one or both of them are into girls, then it’s y/n job to chase after them. I don’t care how my kids will turn out in life, I just know I will love them no matter what.
Y/n: *looks at Jeff* Are you okay?
Jeff: *has tears in his eyes* Huh what? *wipes his tears* Nah I’m good. Totally cool.
Doctor: And now I’m going to switch to the 4D, and those are your babies.
Jeff: They kinda look like aliens.
Doctor: All babies on 4D look like Aliens haha. Oop it looks like the shy twin is being a little troublemaker already. It looks like she’s giving us the middle finger.
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Jeff: Yup she is for sure daddy’s little princess already.
Doctor: I’ll print all the pictures out and do you mind if we run some tests on both of you today? When it gets to the halfway mark, we like to run tests on both biological parents to see if there’s a chance of abnormalities with the child. We can see on both ultrasounds that everything looks fine but we’d just like to make sure.
Jeff: Yeah sure. How long would test results come back in?
Doctor: Since it’s getting close to Christmas and not many people are coming in at the moment. Might come back in 48-72 hours max, might be even faster.
Y/n: Okay that’s fine.
*After the appointment*
Y/n: Was it just me or were you crying at the appointment.
Jeff: Cryin? Haha you wish. It’s allergies. I think some dust went into my eye.
Y/n: Okay big tough guy.
Jeff: You hungry?
Y/n: That’s the dumbest question you can ever ask a pregnant girl. Of course I’m hungry!
Jeff: In n Out?
Y/n: You know me too well.
Jeff: You nervous about the test results?
Y/n: A little but no one that I know of in my family has a condition or anything.
Jeff: Yeah neither do mine. Karyn’s kids came out just fine.
Y/n: Hopefully the results come back after we get home from Big Bear cause we’re already leaving tomorrow.
Jeff: You were also gonna break up with David after…
Y/n: Ughhhh. Why does so much have to happen during the holidays?
Everybody meeting at David’s house the next day (12/14/19)
David: Okay so in my tesla, it’s me, y/n, Natalie, Jason, Zane, Jonah and Suzie. In Toddy’s, it’s him, Jeff, Matt. I know the rest of Jonah’s family is coming. Carly and Erin are driving up with Mariah & Heath. I feel like we’re missing people.
Jason: I think that’s everyone.. .I don’t know. This is a big group.
Natalie: Not to mention that there’s more people coming later.
Y/n: David, can I talk to you?
David: Yeah sure.  
Y/n: Sooo, Jeff apologized for everything the other day…
David: He did? When was this?
Y/n: About 2 days ago
David: So you’ve kept this from me for 2 days? I thought you would’ve told me sooner…
Y/n: Ummm I don’t know where all this attitude is coming from but I didn’t need to tell you. He is the father of my kids after all, not you.
David: Well thanks for reminding me… Maybe you can ride with him since he’s the father.
Y/n: If you’re going to keep acting like this because Jeff is actually doing something right for once, THIS is not going to work out between us.
David: If that’s how you feel, then so be it.
Y/n: Fine then. *turns to Carly* Hey, can I ride w/ you & Erin?
Carly: Of course.
*Everybody stands around awkwardly after seeing what happened*
Car ride to Big Bear
Carly: Wait, David actually got mad at you because Jeff apologized?
Y/n: Basically. He came at me with an attitude but didn’t think he was in the wrong when he said he still liked Madison during a lie detector test. But whatever, I’m pretty sure we were a fling anyways.
Erin: Yeah we lowkey thought that too.
Y/n: haha what.
Erin: Well, you know how excited he is about babies and how easily he gets baby fever. It looked like he was getting close to you because of it.
Y/n: That’s what I said to Jeff!
Carly: So do you think you and Jeff are gonna get together?
Y/n: I think it’s too early to tell. I still don’t completely trust him. Remember, he’s on a trial rn. Awww but he did cry at the ultrasound appointment the other day.
Carly: He can cry?
Erin: I thought the botox in his face prevented that
Okay so I KNOW that this chapter was ehh BUT it’s because I wrote 3k words and I decided to split the chapter into 2 because I wrote A LOT. A warning for the next chapter, most of it is pure filth and I demand y’all get some holy water.
Comment if you want to be on the taglist!
Taglist: @elvlogsquad​ @siemprestan​ @zavidzobrik​ @galxydefender @iminlovewithenchilidadas​ @ilsolee @ranprivate @one-sweet-gubler @thoughtfullymysticalpoetry @sunwardsss @shamalamashams
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mychemicalimagines · 5 years
Imprinting Changes a Man-Paul Lahote-Chapter 1
Summary: Growing up in a small, close-knit tribe in the great state of Washington, the Chief’s daughter, Melissa Black, has her entire world flipped around when she finds out the legends she grew up on were true. What will happen to her, her best friend, and the rest of the guys they grew up with? Will life ever be the same?
Warnings: Cussing, Bella-Bashing, Leah-Bashing, Possible Eventual Smut
Words: 2297
Tag List: @elskinner45, @jayrart, @paullahotes, @laurastrutz
A/N: This is the rewrite of Wolves, Imprints, Babies! Oh My! If you would like to be tagged please message me or @you-a-southpaw-doll​ or even submit an ask! Please Please Please comment!!! I am also tagging everything in the tags. Please do not message me about the tags being wrong.
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La Push, Washington. Located in the great Pacific North-West. Home to a whopping total of 372 people. What other people don’t know about La Push is that it’s home to the Spirit Warriors. Our tribe, the Quileute Tribe, believe that the Spirit Warriors are just legends that my father tells over and over as we’re growing up. That’s not actually the case. 
My great grandfather, Ephraim, was the Alpha of his pack and he passed down the knowledge to his son who passed it down to my father, Billy. We strive to keep it a secret from the family. With this being the case, my younger sisters, who moved away last year, and my little brother, Jacob, don’t know. The only reason I know is because my dad had me join the council. 
My brother is supposed to be the Alpha one day. I used to think that the council was just going off of lies that our ancestors had been passing down for several generations. I never, in a million and a half years, would’ve actually believed that these “lies” were actually true. Boy was I ever wrong. It came as quite a shock when I found out they weren’t just “lies”.
I noticed it was true one day last year when my best friend, Sam Uley, phased! He did it right in front of me! Talk ‘bout the shock of a lifetime! See...what happened that led to me finding out was this:
I look up from my spot on the floor where I’m sitting in front of the coffee table, working on a puzzle. Sam tosses his phone on the table next to me, just barely missing the puzzle I’m putting together. I can’t help but raise an eyebrow. It’s ‘cause I’m worried ‘bout the phone or anything. I know those things can’t withstand a lot! 
It’s ‘cause I’ve never seen him do that before, and ‘specially not at his girlfriend’s house. Leah didn’t like things being tossed ‘round. No matter how gentle the toss was. It was kinda weird considering she and I both grew up surrounded by a bunch of guys, all of whom roughhoused like there was no tomorrow. 
There’d even been times where she and I had joined in. But, it’s her house, so I suppose she can like and not like what she wants.
“Sam? You ok, bud?” I ask, softly.
I’ve always been  a bit soft spoken, but that never kept the boys in the tribe from listening to me. Sam sighs and rubs his temples as he closes his eyes, leaning back against the couch cushions. Leah shifted a little next to him to look at him. 
“No. That...that was my dad. He said he’s back in town. Wouldn’t say why or what brought him here. But he did say he wanted to see me. Talk to me.” He says, sighing heavily as he opened his eyes.
Leah gets a strangely excited look on her face. “That’s great, Sam! You need to talk to him!”
“No. I don’t. I want nothing to do with him anymore. Not after what he did!”
“You should still give him a chance, Sam!”
“Leah! He never tried to see me! Why the hell would I even talk to him?” Sam rolls his eyes. ”He’s just an asshole who only cares ‘bout himself! He made that quite clear all those years ago!”
“Because he’s your father! You deserve the right to know why.” She says, standing up off the couch.
“I don’t care why!” Sam snaps, looking up at her.
“You should! He’s your father!” Leah stares down at Sam, putting her hands on her hips.
“I agree with Sam. If Joshua never tried to see him, Sam doesn’t need to give him a minute of his time.” I say, looking over at Leah.
“Oh shut up!” She snaps at me. “You’re just trying to get in Sam’s pants.” She glares, and if looks could kill, I’d be dead.
“No! I’m not. I’m just agreeing with Sam. Joshua left him and Allison. He doesn’t deserve to see how well Sam’s doing.”
“Allison left him! He’s alone now. He needs someone besides me!” She crosses her arms.
“My mom leaving has nothing to do with me not wanting to talk to my dad. I have people in my life. I don’t need them.” Sam says, glancing over at me.
“You have me. That’s it. You need more people in your life.”
“Leah...He has me, too. You do know that, right?” I say, slowly.
“Oh of course I fuckin’ know that! You’re always following him ‘round like some lovesick puppy, just hoping he tosses you a bone! But, let me tell you somethin’, bitch, it’s never going to happen! He would never be with someone like you! Never in a million years! No one even likes you anyway. We only put up with you ‘cause you’re on the council, and that’s only ‘cause your daddy put you there! You serve no point to this group! You’re useless! Nothing! Nothing but a waste of space! So why don’t you just run on back to your daddy, like the whiny little puppy dog you are, and leave Sam and I alone?!”
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I just stare at her for a minute, swallowing deeply. I look down at the puzzle piece in my hand. Sam stands up from the couch for the first time. I look up from the puzzle piece to see Sam starting to shake lightly.
“Don’t you dare talk to her like that. Just because she is agreeing with me, doesn’t mean she’s trying to get in my damn pants. And for your information, I’d pick Mel over you any-day! She’s my best friend, who has been by my side way before I even knew who you were!” 
Leah scuffs. “You know it’s because you felt bad for her.” She then smirks. “Or was it because her dad is the Chief so you wanted to be in the tribe’s good graces.”
Sam starts shaking more. My eyes widen as I remember what my father once told me about the signs of phasing. I quickly stand up.
“Sam...Why don’t we get out of here?” I ask, trying to keep my voice steady and calm.
Leah snorts in fake laughter. “Oh, please! You can’t really be still trying to get him to leave with you! If he did end up with you it’d only be ‘cause he was using you!” 
I glare at her and gently but still quickly pull Sam outside and as far into the woods as I can before he starts shaking worse than he was in the house. I step back quickly and look at him, not really sure on what I should do. As I watch him shake more and more, it dawns on me just how much angrier what Leah said made him.
Sam gets, and has always been, really protective over me. Ever since I got bullied on the playground in kindergarten. Not to mention the fact that I just pulled him outta the house and into the woods. I swallow deeply as I watch him. Not because I’m scared of him. I could never be scared of Sam. He’s my best friend. 
I swallowed deeply because I don’t really know what I can do for my best friend. I remember something my dad said years ago. He mentioned that these things...what happens to the guys...dad said it could be painful. I don’t really want to see Sam in pain, but I honestly don’t know what to do for my friend. 
Before I can even try to help, Sam explodes. I don’t know if that’s how I should explain it. Clothes and shoes go flying and I jump back, tripping on a root, causing me to fall back. I watch what unfolds before me in a mixture of confusion, shock, and total astonishment. Where Sam once stood, there’s now a big, black, fluffy looking wolf.
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I blink my eyes several times, and even pinch my arm twice, just to make sure I’m actually seeing what I think I’m seeing, and that it’s not just my brain playing a trick on me. There’s a horse sized wolf staring back at me. How can they not be playing a trick?
“Sam?” I call out softly.
Flashback Over
I had to call my dad to tell him what happened. That was when he finally told me the truth, saying he couldn’t keep it a secret from me anymore, not since I witnessed Sam phasing for the first time. He had mentioned that he hadn’t wanted me to find out that way, but it was what it was. It happened, and I found out. 
After that, Sam and I got closer. Closer than we had ever been friends, yet we always remained friends. There was just something ‘bout seeing your best friend since you were little kids change into a horse sized wolf that brought two people closer together. I look up from where I’m standing in front of the stove, and glance out the window over the sink.
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Jared Cameron and Paul Lahote are tossing a football ‘round on the beach. Since its not to far from my house, I watch them as I start thinking about the past. I remember Paul used to flirt with every girl in school when I was still there. He never tried with me since I’m the Chief’s daughter. I’ll never admit it, but I was hoping one day he would. 
Sam shifting at the table drags my attention from the boys on the beach to my best friend. 
“You ok, Sam?” I ask, going back to washing the lettuce off.
He grunts and mumbles. “Yeah. This damn phone doesn’t like my big ass fingers.”
I giggle. Ever since he phased, he got bigger. More muscular and taller, and that included his fingers getting a little bigger too. I glance over at him as I set the lettuce on the counter. He’s holding the new LG EnV 1 in his hands, trying to use his thumbs to type, but since the buttons are so small and his fingers are bigger than they were before he phased, I’m sure he’s pushing multiple buttons at once.
I know this ticks him off, it can be quite frustrating. I walk over over to him, drying my hands on my pants, and gently take the phone from his grasp.
“Easy, Sam. This is the fifth phone in the last two weeks. Just tell me what you want the text to say, and I’ll type it.” I say, softly.
He lets out a low growl of frustration, but nods. “Fine.”
I start texting my father for him that says a total of 4 words. Council Meeting. 5pm. Tomorrow.
I send the text message and smile at Sam.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Sam mumbles before glancing up at me, smiling.
I giggle and walk back to the stove. I take the burgers out of the pan and set them on a plate covered with paper towels to help catch the grease. I glance out the window out to see that Jared and Paul are gone. I sigh to myself before turning to Sam.
“Alright. Dinner is ready! There’s enough for you to fill up, fatty.” I smirk.
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He laughs, before standing up. “Easy there, Bean Pole. It’s not my fault I have to feed my inner wolf.”
I laugh and playfully smack his arm. “Shut up with the puns, dog-boy.” 
He laughs and sticks his tongue out at me as he grabs some of the fresh french fries I just made. I playfully reach up and ruffle his hair. I was barely able to touch his head but I made it work.
“Good boy. All dogs need to eat.” I tease.
He laughs and gently swats away my hand. “Shut up. I’m a wolf. Not a dog.”
“Only half wolf. And even still, dogs are descendants of wolves. So, lick it, dog-boy.”
He laughs. “Shut up, Mel.”
I giggle and we keep joking around with each other. We both know that we’re just playing ‘round. We wouldn’t actually say something hurtful to each other. One of the ways I found to help Sam cope with him phasing was to make puns and jokes. After first, he was bitter ‘bout it, but after the first twenty, he couldn’t help but laugh.
Ever since then, he and I make jokes and puns. We sit down to eat, sit waiting on my brother to show up. Sam manages to devour 4 big burgers, and nearly an entire batch of homemade french fries. I can barely make it through my one burger and handful of fries. As we’re eating, Jacob shows up. He gets some food and we all talk for a little bit, discussing some important matters.
Eventually, Jacob has to leave, to go do whatever it is that he’s been doing here recently. He hasn’t said, and I’ve learned not to ask what my brother does. He does his own thing. He’ll tell me when he’s ready to do so. After he leaves, Sam and I curl up on the couch like we’ve done since we were little kids. 
Sam puts on one of our favorite movies. He and I have watched it so many times that we can, and do, quote the movie’s lines as it plays. Sometime ‘round halfway through the movie, we both hear a loud wolf howl ring through the night. My eyes widen, and both Sam and I quickly look at each other, knowing exactly what’s just happened, but not sure who it’s happened to.
“Call your dad!” Sam says at the exact same time that I say. “I have to call dad!”
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ashspn · 4 years
Lonely eyes
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Dean hauled the bastard up off the ground by the neck of his shirt shoving him out the door. “Don’t come back you hear me because next time I won’t go so easy on you.” Dean huffed looking down at his knuckles. A little bit of blood but nothing he hasn’t dealt with before. Besides, the guy had it coming. When someone tells you to back off, you back off. You don’t proceed to grab them and pull them into an embrace. Plus, the stench of whiskey rolling off that guy, Dean knew he made drinking a sport not a pastime.
“Thanks, Dean. I would have done it, but I already kicked him out like three times tonight.” The bartender flashed him a smile. Dean gave her one back and maybe a once over too. Damn did she look good tonight, he thought.
“I know you would have, Ariel. You’ve kicked my ass once or twice.” Dean smirked.
“Such a flirt, Mr. Dean Winchester. Want another round. On the house.” Before he even could say anything, a bottle was in front of him and she was gone working her magic on another patron. Dean brought the bottle to his lips savoring the taste of caramel on his tongue. He turned around in his barstool to look out in the crowd. He sighed as he watched everyone mingle among themselves while it was just him, alone at the bar. Tonight, was no different than any other night until he saw the loneliest eyes walk in. The man looked out of place with his tan trench coat and business suit. If Dean didn’t know any better, he would say this man was an account. What was an account doing in a bar like this? Dean kept watching the man as he didn’t move from his spot in front of the door. It looked like the man was searching for something or someone until he caught Dean’s eyes. The man squinted at him tilting his head in curiosity.
Dean looked down feeling a creep of blush begin to dance across his cheeks. Dean turned backed around to face the rows and rows of bottles. He didn’t know what came over him but in that second, he could feel his heart skip a beat. Dean ran an absent finger along his beer not paying attention to who sat next to him.
“What would you like dear?” Ariel asked the mysterious man.
“Do you have wine? Any kind would work,” he said. Dean glanced over to wonder what kind of person walks into a country bar looking for wine. From his angle, he could see the guy wasn’t all put together as he looked. His tie was undone as well as his shirt was slightly unbuttoned. There were bloodstains on his sleeves. Jesus, Dean thought, what this dude’s story. Dean continuing taking the man in until he caught him staring. Dean flashed a smile and turned away quickly feeling his throat grow dry. He tipped his beer bottle back finding it to be empty. He scoffed sitting the bottle back on the bar.
“Oh, sweetheart, this is a bar. We don’t have wine, but we have every liquor you can think of.” The mystery man tilted his head to the side just staring at Ariel not knowing what to tell her. The man looked so tired and done with his day.
“Hey, Ariel won’t you get me and my handsome friend another beer.” Dean looked over at the man next to him giving him a wink and a smirk. The man tipped his head in confusion not understanding why this beautiful man was talking to him. Ariel just shrugged walking off to grab those two beers leaving the two men to just stare at each other.
“Hi, my name is Dean Winchester.” Dean took a sip of beer that was placed in front of him waiting to learn more about the blue-eyed fella. The man just stared at him out of curiosity. Dean swallowed hard not understanding why he was just staring at him. If he was honest with himself it was kind of creepy. “What cat got your tongue?” The man tipped his head to the side once again.
“No, it would be impossible for a cat to grab your tongue.” The man stated as serious as possible. Dean clapped a hand on his shoulder laughing. He laughed like he hadn’t laughed before.
“You’re funny but what’s your name?” Dean asked.
“Castiel.” Dean waited to hear if he was going to say more but he didn’t. Where did this man come from?
“No last name? What brought you to this place? This doesn’t seem like the type of place you would come to.” Castiel just shrugs running a finger along the rim of the bottle never taking a sip. He often found beer tasked like nothingness and broken dreams. Maybe that’s because of his past.
“Don’t have one that is important to claim. I came in here because it seemed like a nice spot. It had roses out front. Also, I have nowhere else to go.” Castiel smiled allowing Dean to see the sparkle in his blue eyes. Dean often found blue eyes dangerous. They hid dark clouds and drunken rage. Dean found himself one too many times faced with those dark, hateful blue eyes staring at him, screaming spiteful words. These blue eyes were soft and loving. Dean could feel that he was falling in love with these blues even if he knew nothing about this man.
“Why are you here, Dean?” Castiel squinted waiting for an answer. Dean gulped not knowing how much he should share with this stranger. Dean turned away looking around at all of the other customers. He was trying to buy some time before answering but he could feel Castiel’s eyes continuing to look at him.
“Well Cas, sounds like we have the same story. This is my favorite bar but trust me if I had anywhere else to go, I would be there instead of drinking my night away.” Castiel just nodded understanding not even batting an eye at the nickname Dean had given him after the first five minutes of meeting each other. Cas quite liked it. “What’s with the blood? Got in a fight before you go here. Want some help fighting the dick.” Dean raised up his fist mocking a fighting stance as a laugh escaped his throat. Cas’s eyes turned dark at the mention of the blood. Almost like he remembered really why he was here.
“Family,” Cas said.
“Yeah, family can be a real bitch sometimes trust me.” Dean didn’t know what came over him, but he placed a hand on Cas’s arm. Maybe it was to reassure Cas it was okay or maybe it was to reassure himself. Cas didn’t pull away. He could feel a flutter in his chest. Could this green eye man really be making him feel like this? “I got an asshole of a dad and a little brother. Basically, raised that kid. He’s off doing god knows what.” Dean sighed. Life had got really lonely lately on the road. Dean put on a smile trying to shrug his shitty life off. “You?”
“Dad ran off one night never to be heard from again. Got many brothers and sisters. Some are good others are terrible. Others I’ve never met but know they are out there.” Dean gave him a look of shock.
“Daddy really got busy huh. So, brother of yours caused that blood.” Dean chuckled but Cas got really quiet. He looked down not wanting to really say anything else. Dean noticed the sudden change in Cas and thought maybe he shouldn’t have brought it up.
“Hey, what do you say we get out of here? It’s getting kind of stuffy in here.” Dean bumped Cas’s shoulder making him lookup. He nodded liking that idea. Dean grabbed hold of Cas’s hand leading him outside to his 67’ Impala. “Say hello to baby.” Dean ran out front to show off his home. Cas smiled not understanding what he was looking at, but he was happy that Dean was happy. Dean waved him over to come to join him in the car. Cas opened the door and slide inside. He noticed it was relatively clean but the thing that really piqued his curiosity was the duffle bag in the back. Before he could stop himself the words just tumbled out.
“Do you live in your car?” Dean shook his head no.
“I have a hotel room about three miles from here, but I guess I could say that this car is the only place I could call home. Never had a real one since my mom died when I was four.” Cas placed a hand on Dean's thigh giving him a sad smile.
“I understand. Didn’t know my mom really and the home I did had Dad would say it was heaven and that I should be grateful for it. It just felt like hell for me.” Dean placed a hand on top of the hand resting on his thigh. He leaned in eliminating the space between them.
“Well, I guess we are just a couple of guys with daddy issues trying to find our place in the world,” Dean smirked. Cas didn’t move away but instead moved in closer until him and Dean was just a few inches away from one another.
“I guess we are.” They stared deeply into each other’s eyes not knowing who would make the next move. Cas saw the freckles that ran along Dean’s nose and the crinkle of crows’ feet at the corner of his eyes. He could also see the dark circles from restless nights and scars that he was hoping no one else could see in the pale moonlight. Then in a flash Dean’s lips were on Cas’ with no warning. Cas could taste caramel from his beer. This made him smile as Dean’s hands search every inch of his body. He threw his arms around his neck pulling him closer as Cas leaned back on the door. The world stood still like they were the only two people left. Dean pulled back allowing both of them to breathe.
“Man, to be honest, I’ve been wanted to do that all night.” Dean gasped. Cas sat up straightening his clothes but continued to smile.
“Yeah, me too.” Dean bit his lip trying to be coy but inside he felt like a teenager again with a crush.
“Hey, do you want to head back to my hotel? Not to fuck. Not that I wouldn’t not want to fuck you.” Dean grabbed Cas’s hands trying to explain himself even though he didn’t have to. “See most of the time I meet someone at the bar, and we have a little fun. Then we never speak to each other again, but I don’t want that with us. I wouldn’t mind seeing you multiple times.” Cas gave him a love stuck look.
“I would like that Dean because I feel a bond between us.” Dean turned the car on.
“Great let's go.” Then Cas stopped him as he was about to begin pulling out of the lot.
“Wait, Dean. I do really like you, but I come with a lot. My life is complicated, and I don’t want to drag you into it.” Cas made his way to open the door when Dean placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“Hey man, we all have baggage. Trust me. My life doesn’t exactly scream easy. I do know I wouldn’t mind having some company tonight and maybe watch a movie. We can worry about tomorrow when it comes. How does that sound?” Cas looked over at Dean seeing the pleading in his eyes. I only met this man three hours ago and I trust him with my life. What would one night hurt, he thought. Cas shook his head leading to Dean jumping for joy. He put baby in reverse and headed down the open road of possibilities.
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My daughters cry really scared me awake, I swear she be having me jump out of bed, but this cry really had me shook, jogging around the bed “huh” I said looking at the bed, Robyn is not there either “hey, angel eyes. What is wrong” my daughter is crying, with real tears “hey, come here” picking Fenty out of the crib “ok, ok. Its ok, daddy is here” her eyes scrunched up, tears are literally coming out of her eyes “hey, princess. Hey” placing Fenty just against my chest, her cries slowly soothed “it’s ok, you had a bad nightmare baby” shushing her, she slowly calmed down and her cries eased as the skin to skin contact just calmed her down, she needed soothing. My heart right now, she is so sad, lightly wiping her tear that barely dropped but was there “it’s ok, I am here” Fenty just stared at me, her eyes are all Robyn, I love it. When I just stare into her eyes I am just looking at Robyn “your eye colour is always different, I think you will have your momma eyes. Are you ok now?” she needed some reassurance, some cuddles and love “now where is your mother, she done left me in bed” Robyn’ family left, they didn’t stay long which was good that they did actually go but I think Robyn wanted her mom to stay behind, but I think her team will be coming today, well I know Mel is “you have sparkly eyes my daughter, you really do” I grinned, she is just growing and there is always something different with her “let’s go and see if your milk supplier is awake, but first my baby. I need to wrap you in a blanket because it’s a little cold” placing Fenty down on the bed, if I remember how to swaddle, Robyn did show me but I at times don’t pay attention “we can sit in front of the fire once we get down” grabbing the blanket, Fenty whimpered a little. She is not happy at all; she must have had something spook her like that.
I know Robyn has been sad about her family, I am glad they have left but I think she expected more from them. Like I know for a fact my family is trash so I do expect them to be like that but I think Robyn just gives too much, she gives her heart to those people that will do that to her, she’s been ever so sad about her dad and brother but let them trash be gone, who cares. But I am trying to be so nice to her, that’s my wife so whatever I feel for her family I need to not mention it “angel eyes! My beautiful Angel” Fenty is just staring at me in complete silence, she is calm now “I didn’t like that Fenty, really upset me that you was so sad” my heart right now, she is just staring at me with heart eyes, my daughter looks in love, with me “let’s see what your momma is doing, I hope she is not sad like you” walking into the living room, the main one anyways. The TV is on, so she is here. Peaking over the couch, she is asleep in the corner watching real housewives “what is she like” I sighed out, walking around the couch. Robyn is such a mouth breather, the way she has the nerve to sleep with her whole mouth open “can daddy put you in your lounger?” Placing the lounger on the couch “I will be just here” carefully placing Fenty in the lounger, I think she should be ok. Turning to Robyn, the mother breather. She doesn’t snore anymore though, but she certainly doesn’t stop her mouth from being wide open like this, stroking her cheek smiling. I wonder why she came downstairs to sleep, I am confused on why, was it me. She has her arms over her stomach, she is just knocked out.
Sitting down on the couch next to Fenty in the lounger “hey baby, are you ok now? You seem so much at peace, I love you. Yes I do, I love you so much” she loves her lounger so much, whatever upset her she is now content with herself “your mom watches some shit” taking off her show, she be on some shit, she likes to watch these ugly ass shows and likes to see some bitches fight. Placing the remote at the side of me as I sat back and moved closer to the lounger “what shall we speak about, life? Well life is good Fenty, I think you are the most blessed girl in the world, your mother is Rihanna, like I know people hype it up about Beyonce” I said in whisper “but, I think your momma is better. She is just the most loving woman ever, like I think back in our teenage days, she was very feisty, but she is calm now, she just wants to be happy. She looks after me too” I grinned looking over at Fenty, it’s just a weird feeling to be seeing my daughter just stare at me with heart eyes, it’s like she wants to speak to me “I know, we think alike. I wish a lot though Fenty, I wish I didn’t have kids outside of this. I mean I do love my kids, but I feel like Robyn didn’t deserve to be a step mother, I feel bad. I wish it were just you, I wish a lot, but I am going to do right by you, like I haven’t had the chance to be so hands on, like now. I hope you grow up to love me, like at times I can be a big weird guy but deep down I am just confused” nodding my head “like trying to figure out shit” I sighed out “I want to do good by you Fenty, I really do. They say you feel a different love, but I have felt it this time. With you I have” it’s weird but I feel like Fenty understands “thank you for coming to my talk” I chuckled, she is my heart.
Fenty is refusing milk, like I didn’t think a baby would refuse milk and I didn’t think that could happen but it is, she is crying when I try and give it her, she is moving her head away too but I don’t want to force feed her “what is wrong with you today, you are hungry. This is your feeding time Fenty, stop being hard headed. If you continue to be hard headed then you will get a forehead like your mother” Fenty furrowed her eyebrows, she is not impressed with what I said. Trying it again, placing the bottle near Fenty’ lips, she took to the bottle but then did it again “wow, what is this Fenty!?” I am concerned, I don’t like this “you need some comfort, I am going to have to wake your mother” Robyn seems so comfortable asleep and here I am can’t feed her, I failed at this shit, it’s wack that I have” getting up from the couch “Robyn, baby” Fenty whined out and started to cry in my arms “Robyn, hey” I said before Fenty cried out loudly which shook Robyn awake “what is it?” Robyn said in shock, she didn’t expect me all in her face “Fenty won’t drink from me” I mumbled, Robyn got up from the couch slowly “it’s ok” Robyn said, I feel all sad myself now that I failed to do this and had to wake her.
Watching Robyn breastfeeding Fenty instead, I feel sad and horny. This is a weird mix to feel, I get kind of turned on seeing Robyn boobs and it’s getting to me. I am not sure if to go and jerk myself off or continue to watch “I think she just needed some comfort; she is ok. You didn’t do anything wrong” I heard what Robyn said but I just couldn’t bring myself to say anything, I am just staring at her boob, I wish that were me to be honest just sucking on them “Chris!” Robyn poked my arm, looking over at Robyn “mhmm” looking over at Robyn “are you listening to me?” nodding my head smiling a little “then why were you just staring at me, are you staring at my boobs again? These things are your daughters now, sorry” pulling a face at Robyn “whatever you say but I can’t wait to have sex, I am literally feeling it” Robyn eyed me up “I can tell by your dick, but anyways. It was never you, like you said she was a little sad earlier from crying and getting scared so don’t think it was you” nodding my head “you sure I can’t just like stick my tip in?” shaking her head “no, I will help you?” I laughed shuffling off of the bed “I am good, you just rest with Fenty, you both are restless. Stop thinking too about your dad ok” my dick is hard as fuck.
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I have been feeling a little shit about things with my family, I expected so much more from my family, I wanted so much more from my family coming and it’s hurt me. I have done nothing but love and be there for them and my brother and dad couldn’t just do it for me, forget about Chris but what about me. I have done nothing but pay for them, love them, helped them emotionally too. I have always done it for them but when it came to me it was all silent, it was all guns blazing for Chris, it was lets tell the world Chris and Rihanna left the house with their newborn, make out like I was making a bad decision to take my daughter out, had me on the blogs like that. That was all down to my dad, he didn’t even apologise, he ran off. My dad used me again, I always cave in and let him do it but that is because I have a good heart, he actually never said sorry. He used his own granddaughter for his own gain, I am annoyed. I will not let that happen again. Not to my daughter, I allowed my family to do that. I can’t believe I let that happen, I let people I thought would love me and love my daughter into our lives. I have been hard on myself; I really have and it’s making me stressed out, I can’t even deal with it.
Chris literally brightens my day, he makes me laugh “I love you” he kissed my cheek as he sat on the bed “I love you too, are you ok?” I asked, he was up early. I hope he hasn’t been jerking off too much “I was thinking once my team arrives. I think you and I need to spend a little time together, not in that way. But I can do other things. I trust them more then my own family, Mel will protect her so then we can just snuggle and have some us time. I feel like at times we don’t spend time, it’s like we do but we don’t like we don’t get spoilt, we are living if you know what I mean. I don’t mind it, but I wan to just spend time with you, I want to know you’re ok mentally and physically. Also I need it, just to sleep through together, to sleep in” Chris smiled at me “I would love that, honestly I would” he is so cute “don’t worry, I will spoil my husband. I see it, you do so much for me too and I appreciate it. It does not go unnoticed” hearing my phone ring “can you get my phone for me, I got Fenty here, then I will have to move her” Chris pecked my lips as he got up from the bed, he is my baby. I swear I want to baby him so much; he is a grown baby. Fenty on the other hand she is just laying on the bed staring at the ceiling “it’s Jen, hey. I will pass it to Robyn” Chris held out my phone to me “my wife is on the phone, don’t jump Chris. She is on the bed” he is here climbing on the bed at his big age “hi my wife” placing my phone against my ear “I miss you so much, god. Anyways, I have something. I sent it to your email, can you check it now please? It’s important, Tina was going to call you, but I said let me do it, it’s urgent and I need you to check it now. I wish I were calling you on better terms but please now” looking at Chris “I am sorry Chris; can you get me my laptop. Please” he just sat down “ugh! Bring back Tina yo” I chuckled.
Chris shuffled closer to me as we waited for the laptop to load up “I will put you on speakerphone, don’t be loud. Where are you? Mel is coming today; I think Jah too. Not sure but my team is coming back, aren’t you?” placing my phone on the bed “I am coming, I am just packing. I want to hug Fenty so much” opening up my emails “wait, it’s early morning over there, this must be very important then” seeing Jen’ email “ok, I can see your email. Is it something that I won’t like? Is it something Tina could do?” I don’t know why but I have a bad feeling about this, my heart is telling me “so I was going to bed but then Tina called me and asked me what to do. Robyn, all we know it’s an exclusive to The Sun magazine, we are on it” clicking on the email, I just have a horrible feeling. Tapping on the picture file, watching it load up until I saw the image “no!” I shouted slamming the laptop shut, staring at the laptop in shock “how the fuck, yo Jen. How!?” Chris said, I am in shock that I feel physically sick seeing my daughter on a newspaper cover “not my daughter, I want them sued, you stop this! Stop it now!” I shouted, not my daughter’ picture.
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bangtanlalaland · 5 years
red light district | jhs (m.)
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𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔 ⤷ your pimp “J-Dope” decides he wants you off the market. what will it take to win your heart?
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ⟶ pimp!jung hoseok x prostitute!female reader
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆 ⟶ fluff, smut
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ⟶ 5k
𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 ⟶ pimp au, prostitution, drug & alcohol use, a little bit of fluff?, the tiniest bit of plot, oral sex (m + f receiving), slight overstimulation?, daddy kink, swearing, dirty talk, spanking, rough sex, deepthroating, unprotected sex (stay protected everyone!), shower sex, creampie
☞ 𝑫𝑰𝑺𝑪𝑳𝑨𝑰𝑴𝑬𝑹: I am in no way glorifying prostitution and/or drug use, considering that these acts are illegal in most parts of the world. If these acts offend you in any way, please do not read. However, this body of text is for entertainment purposes only. All characters, settings, scenarios, and dialogue are fictitious. Any similarity to events or persons, whether living or dead, is coincidental.
Your eyes flutter open, as you awake in the middle of the night from the sound of a cell phone ringing. You look over to your right to see that your client’s phone was ringing, but he is still knocked out for the night. You grab your cell by you to see that your friend Candy had texted you:
My Bitch 🍭✨: Hey bitchhh, come by the shop tonight. Gotta talk to u.
You’re completely drained, out of energy. You let out a huge sigh, and silently creep out of the bed to put back on your clothes. You find your client’s closet to steal a trench coat so you could hide what’s underneath. Before stepping out to leave, you noticed the view from the penthouse you are standing in. You paid no attention when you first arrived, but now that you have a moment - you realized it is breathtaking. What do I have to do to get this kind of view every morning I wake up?
It was already dark outside once you stepped out of the building. Since you were done for the day, you wanted no attention from anyone that might have been looking for a good time. Which is why you were glad to have found the coat. You continued walking down the city’s streets, until you reached the red light district area to visit the sex shop Candy works at. You pull the door open, and the “ding” noise can be heard throughout the store.
The cashier’s eyes met yours when she heard the door chime. She welcomed you with a warm smile and a simple “Hello.” You tread through the store, making your way to the backroom that’s only accessible to employees. You pry open the door and sure enough there was Candy in the lounge area.
“Hey girl! Come here, I have something important to tell you.” She gestures while sniffing a line of coke on the table.
“You couldn’t have just texted me or hell even told me over the phone? Having me walk all the way over here.”
“Ooh, look at who’s cranky today. Someone obviously isn’t getting any good dick. Was he old? Too hairy? Oh no... Don’t tell me you got one of the fat smelly ones.”
"Bitch! Just tell me what you called for so I can get out of here. I’m fucking tired.”
“Fine, damn.. But you’ll have to take a seat for this.”
You do as told and take a seat next to her, wanting to get this over with already. She sniffs another line of coke, shakes her head back, and wipes her nose with her wrist making sure every bit gets into her system. She takes a sip of the beer nearby on the table and turns facing you, grabbing hold of your hands.
She takes a deep breathe,
“I’m moving.. soon.”
“Okay... When do you ever not move?” Candy reaches in her purse to grab a cigarette and she lights it up, taking a puff in.
“No. I mean moving, like not here with you, the girls, not even with Jay.”
For a moment you were confused, but you remembered what this is called and you quickly become heated, arising from your seat.
“Wait no! No, no, no! What the hell? You’re not choosing up, Candy!”
“Y/N, I have to.”
You look around, feeling annoyed and run your fingers through your hair.
“Why? I mean why now?”
“Remember Jay’s partner? The one from upstate?”
“Uh.. yeah? His name is kind of similar to yours but I don’t remember it. Why?”
“His name is Suga. He’s starting his own family, and he wants me to be part of it. He’s offering way more than Jay. You and I both know that I’m trying to get out of here, even before all of... this, I’ve been trying to leave.”
“Have you talked to Jay about this?”
“Not yet. And don’t say anything to him!”
You roll your eyes and sigh.
“Oh, before I forget. I have a message from him to you.”
“What is it?” you shrug.
“He wants you to go home. To ‘call it a night’ he says.”
You decided to take a taxi home. Upon arriving at your apartment, your front door is cracked. As if someone was inside and/or had broken in. You sigh, knowing it’s Jay. Your “pimp” who goes by the name J-Dope. He had taken you in a year ago after a small encounter at a nightclub. During that time, you were at a low point in your life. Having just let go of a toxic relationship, laid off your job, later evicted from your place and having to stay with Candy. You were looking for anything or anyone to fill the void.
And there he was. Right there when you needed him. You’ll never forget the way he approached you that night. He was so captivating. Very slim, but tall and unbelievably sexy. You remember that night so clearly as if it were yesterday.
When he strided pompously towards you at the bar with his chocolate, wavy hair that danced effortlessly with each step he took. Wearing clear aviator sunglasses, dressed in an all white suit, leaving his white-buttoned undershirt loose by about 3 buttons, revealing his bare chest. And flashing a glistening smile that would make any girl want to risk it all.
He appeared as an angel. So naïve, you had no idea what his plans were with you. But all you knew was that you needed him. More than your best friend, more than yourself. At least, that’s what you thought. He quickly became really close with you, offering a place to stay and even a job. But you developed a love/hate friendship with him. You hated that he turned you and Candy out, but you were also grateful of everything he had done for you.
He was always supporting you. Making sure you had the most clients out of everyone, so that you were the one gaining the most cash. You hated that you were the most “pimped out” of all the other girls, but you were also appreciative of the heavy cash flow. Despite how you felt about him, you never acted on your feelings - afraid of any consequences it might bring.
Not to mention, he was known as a “player.” Always sleeping around with the other girls, even with Candy once. You heard from most girls that he always wore protection, which was rare. Especially for a pimp. However, he never asked to have sex with you. And you took that as a sign.
Maybe he just wasn’t into you like that, maybe his loving, caring, attitude towards you was all just a gimmick to butter you up just to get what mattered to him the most - money. Who knows? You hated how in control he was and still is. You never thought things would come to this, but here you are.
You walk into your 1 bed, 1 bath apartment, removing the platforms that were murdering your feet. You found Jay passed out on the sofa with the TV on, as if he fell asleep waiting for you to arrive. It was rare that he ever visited your place. But you were way too drained to bother waking him up. You quietly stepped into the bathroom, turning the shower on waiting for the water to warm up.
You remove your tight fitted, bodycon dress and fishnets, along with your bralette and lace panties. Next, your fake eyelashes and you grab a few make up wipes to remove your lipstick and the rest of your facial makeup. You stand there naked, playing with your boobs and admiring your figure in the mirror. You grab your washcloth from the shower rack and step into the steamy shower to rinse the body glitter off that clung to your now dampened skin.
Closing your eyes, tuning out your surroundings, and taking in the relaxation your muscles are receiving from the water. Suddenly you feel a pair of arms wrap around you, and your eyes fling open. To your surprise, it’s Jay. Shocked, you ask: “What are you doing in here?” He looks down at you and says nothing. He just caresses your face. “I’m sorry.” He wraps his arms around you again, giving you the longest, tightest hug you ever had. “Jay.. what’s wrong? What do you m-?”
You’re cut off by his lips joining with yours. His kiss so eager, so hungry, and filled with passion. His lips tasted of cool mint. You both tilt your heads, switching positions, and caressing each other’s bodies. You move back a little, getting him soaked in the water along with you. His hands running along your sides, and your hands running through his luscious brown waves that are now drenched and have fallen loose.
Small moans escape from you when he places a hand on your ass cheek, firmly gripping it. As eager as you were to pull away and ask why he was in the shower with you and why he crashed his lips onto yours, you continued with the flow anyway. Because after all, this was what you had been waiting for - for so long.
He breaks the kiss from your lips, to give your neck some action while caressing both of your ass cheeks. “Oh, Jay..” you moan into his ear. He responds with a soft moan, and you feel the vibration pulse throughout your body, ending at your core. He places delicate kisses from your neck to your earlobe. He pulls away to gaze into your eyes and caress your face saying, “I want you, Y/N.” He graces you with another kiss on your lips, before lifting you up by gripping your waist.
You naturally wrap your legs around his waist, feeling his member rubbing against your core. You were surprised to find yourself wet, thinking that the water would have washed it away. You reach down to stroke his stiffened erection. Growing impatient, he pushes your hand away to grab his member and slowly push inside of you.
You had never felt so relieved to have someone fill you until now. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer as he uses his body and the shower wall to support you, giving him better access to bang your pussy out. Your moans echoing from the walls of the bathroom causes his dick to throb.
“Oh please.. fuck me just like that!”
He quickens his pace, and you take a chunk of his shoulder between your teeth and your nails scraping his back while holding yourself tight against him. His cock hitting all the right places you never even knew was there. The feeling so grand that you didn’t want him to stop, but something inside tells you otherwise. You let go of him and use your palms to push him forward so he could understand that you wanted him to stop.
“Jay.” He slows his pace down, noticing your expression he comes to a halt.
“What’s wrong?”
The brief silence brings him to pull completely out of you and let you down on your feet. You knew that according to the rules you weren’t supposed to question your pimp. But at this moment, you didn’t care because you need your answer. You eventually gather up the words to ask: “What are we doing? Why are we doing this?” Emphasizing the “we.”
You’re still fuzzy and confused by his sudden actions of coming onto you. As much as you wanted this moment to happen, you also needed to validate why it was happening. He had never made a move on you. And the last thing you needed was someone toying with your heart again.
His head drops low. Obviously he was hiding something, and you weren’t sure why he hesitated. All he could muster up was a simple: “Can we talk?” He proceeded to turn the shower off and exit the bathroom, wrapping a towel around his waist. You also grab a towel to wrap around you and continue to follow him into your bedroom, finding him sitting on the edge of your bed with his head held low, tiny water droplets dripping from his hair onto the carpet.
Before you could slip any words out, he states softly:
“I don’t want you working for me anymore.”
Your mouth slowly parts, attempting to process his sudden demands. Frozen, you stand there not able to speak or move. His eyes follow you, startled at your delayed response. You close your eyes, taking a deep breathe, inhaling then exhaling. You clear your throat, and open your eyes, gathering yourself together to speak: “I don’t understand. What are you saying?”
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𝒋-𝒅𝒐𝒑𝒆’𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒕-𝒐𝒇-𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘
My heart hurts. I can’t stand to see her with other men. I know, I know. I’ve turned her into my bottom girl, hooking her up with the most clients and letting her run things whenever I had other matters to attend. But that was only so she could be stable and because I trust her. I hated seeing her struggle, and I wanted to help her. Because I care about her - a lot more than I should.
I was afraid of this feeling I have for her. As much as I tried fighting it, I couldn’t take it any longer. It was eating me alive, and that’s why I needed to come clean and tell her how I really feel. Meeting Y/N at the nightclub changed my life. The moment I laid eyes on her, I couldn’t stray away. It wasn’t the idea of approaching her that scared me, it was the consequences I knew I would face later. Because I was aware that I had fallen in love.
Her eyes.. I’ll never forget the look she gave me when I reached her at the bar.
It was about 11 pm. Music blasted through my eardrums. Seated in the VIP section along with my partner and long time friend, Min Yoongi (or as we call him: Suga), and two of my girls, I awaited a fellow colleague for a business meeting. For the past few minutes, my eyes had been fixated on the sweetest looking babe I had ever seen.
She seemed bothered, casually shifting in her seat and looking around as if she were searching for something. I arose from my seat, taking the last swig of the whiskey in my glass, leaving an oaky aftertaste in the back of my throat. "Stay here. I’ll be back,” I warned Suga. I gradually strolled towards her, my eyes not leaving her direction all while bumping and dodging people left and right in this tight-packed club.
She looks up again, just as she did earlier. Searching. Her gaze turning towards me as she realized my sudden presence. I delivered the brightest smile possible, more so attempting to play it off by directing it to the bartender and not making it seem obvious that I was smiling because of her.
“Another shot of Jack, please. Neat.” I wittingly caught her gaze and asked: “Is this seat taken?” She simply nodded and replied with a quiet no. I swiftly took the seat on her right, and realized her glass was under 1/4 full. I waved the bartender down. “Another one of what she’s having, please.”
She softly giggled, snapping towards me.
“You really didn’t have to do that. Besides, I don’t know you.”
I grin in response and extend my hand,
“Hoseok Jung, but I go by J-Dope or Jay.”
She hesitated for a moment then slowly inched her hand toward mine and replied, “Okay, ‘Jay.’ My name is Y/N.” The sudden wave of electricity I felt coursing through my veins when she gently grasped my hand, and her eyes darted toward mine for what felt like an eternity. A moment frozen in time, finally giving me a glimpse of her up close.
And that was all it took to have my heart racing. Her hands felt as if they were made of silk. Her mesmerizing eyes pierced my soul to the core. It was in that moment, I knew I was in trouble.
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Jay doesn’t respond, and he’s staring down at the floor again. You’re fed up with this “silent treatment” shit he’s giving you. You need an answer. And you need it now! You strut closer to him, pretty much standing an inch or two away.
“Look. If you can’t tell me what the hell is going on... I’m going to ask you to leave. And I mean it.”
In response, he quickly rises from the bed and looks down at you. His figure elevated above you, as you gaze in his eyes hoping he would reply. Then it hit you. Like a wave crashing against the shore. You noticed the sentimental liquid forming in his eyes, and it broke every fiber in your being to see a tear fall down his face.
His lips part as he finally speaks,
“I want you.. only you. I want to touch you, feel you, kiss you, see you, make love to you. I want all of you. And for no one else, but me. Forever. Just tell me that you want me to. Even if you don’t mean it..”
He pauses for a brief moment, trying to re-gather his breath, that hitches from his rapid tear flow.
“Tell me that you want me, even if you don’t want me. So that I can put an end to this pain.”
Your breath is immediately taken away, and you can’t even bring your thoughts together. You simply go with the flow, letting your body speak rather than your lips. You swipe the tears, flowing down his cheeks, away. Grasping his shoulders, you pull him in to meet your lips. Your kisses filled with the fire of passion and elements of longing.
Wanting more, you ease your tongue into his and he allows access. Using your hands, you entangle them into his hair, not breaking the kiss. He wraps his hands tightly around your waist, not leaving any space between the two and clinging you to his body like a magnet. The feeling of his slick wet tongue against yours causes you to moan into him, resulting in his large hands to fall down to your ass. Groping and squeezing tightly.
Feeling the need to breathe for a moment, you both pull away and you finally reply,
“I want you. I’ve always wanted you. I need you.”
You had almost forgotten about your wet arousal since you left the shower. You were more ready than ever for this moment. You prayed for this day to finally come, and now it has. And you’d be damned to let this opportunity slip. Your body needs him.
Every touch, every inch, every lick and kiss, your body craves for him. He pushes a few strands of your hair behind your ear.
“Will you let me show you how much I love you?” You respond by nodding your head yes. Just as he was about to reach towards your lips, you instantly notice the towel that is still wrapped around his waist. You squat down to unloosen it, making it fall on the ground, and boing. His lengthy cock springs up. Hard like a brick, with veins popping on his shaft and a swollen pink tip.
Now that you’ve gotten validation, you’re anxious and ready. Despite what you do for a living, this was the first moment you’d actually wanted sex more than the opposite partner. Maybe it was because you have real feelings for him.
“Okay, I know that you want to ‘make love’ to me and all. But do you think we can save that for another time? Because I’d really just love to fuck your brains out.”
Before he even had a chance to respond, you quickly glide your tongue from his balls to his shaft and all the way up to his tip, gaining an “Oh fuck” from him. You glance up at him looking down at you with lust filled eyes. You slowly wrap your lips around his tip and suck gently, watching him flinch from your touch. You pull away with a pop and spit on his cock, using your one hand to jerk and smother him with your spit.
“I’ve waited so long for this moment,” he whispers. You grin up at him and as a response you grip the sides of his thighs to push his cock into your mouth. Bobbing your head back and forth, you take him in more and more each thrust. The feeling of your tongue gliding against his hard member drives him wild. Once his full length has reached the back of your throat, you hold it there. The gargling sound of your saliva makes his cock jump and your pussy twitch, as if both of your sex organs were communicating with each other.
“Oh, fuck. Just like that.” Your eyes become watery, as your gag reflex weakens from holding him in your mouth for so long. You break away and cause a load of spit to drip down from your mouth. You carefully attempt to catch it and use both of your hands to cover his cock with it some more.
“Such a fucking mess. How did you know I like it sloppy?”
You chuckle at his response, “Who doesn’t like it?” He nods in agreement, and you continue to jerk him with your hands while taking him in your mouth again creating the “twist and suck motion.” He rubs the back of your hair saying, “Look at daddy. Please, baby?” Just the look of you drooling on his dick has him on the verge of cumming. By the expression on his face and the grip on your hair getting tighter, you know it. You let your hands go and use just your mouth.
Swirling your tongue all around his shaft, while massaging his balls. You grab the base of his length with one hand and use the other to hold his balls as you lick and suck on them both. His breath begins to hitch, as if he tried to say something but was unable to speak. This was your cue to stop what you were doing and you did so.
You stand on your two feet and he frowns in disappointment.
“What the fuck? I was just going to cum!”
“Fuck me already. I’m horny and I need you, please.” Your desperate cries left him even more hungry. As much as he wanted release at this moment, he’d waited for so long to have the chance of burying his seed deep inside of you. He complies and orders you to lie down on your back.
“Fuck! You know you’re lucky I really like you.”
You blush at his comment. He removes the towel wrapped around you, revealing your body. He climbs on top of you, placing kisses all over you. Starting at your lips, down to your neck and collarbone, he plays with your breasts, leaving small licks and tight sucks on them. He moves down to your navel, and the area just below it. He pries open your legs, kissing the inner parts of your thighs.
Your soaked core is finally revealed.
“You like sucking daddy’s dick? Did it turn you on this much?” He asks, using his index and middle fingers to rub your clit in a circular motion. He groans at the feeling of how wet you are. “Or is it because of the way I fucked you in the shower? You like how daddy feels?” You nod your head and squirm in response, grasping the sheets and swearing under your breathe.
“No baby, I need to hear you say it.” His tongue swirls around your clit repeatedly, making you grasp his hair, your back arch and his name escaping your lips.
“Y-yes! I love having your dick in my mouth. U-ugh, please just fuck me. I need you fucking me again. Feels so good, please.”
He loves seeing you like this. Begging and whining to have him inside of you. This is what he always wanted. He wanted your desperation for his touch, his kiss, for him. Nothing turned him on more than to see you yearning for him.
He shows his thirst for you through his tongue, as he salivates all over your pussy, gliding up and down, left and right, sucking your clit and inner lips with just the perfect amount of suck.  Leaving streams of his saliva gliding down from your entrance to your ass. “Mmm, tastes so fucking good. I don’t want to stop.” His compliments cause a gush of wetness to flow from inside, making you grind against the rhythm of his tongue, needing to cum in this moment.
His moans causing vibration against your pussy, creating waves of pleasure to flow throughout you. He wastes no time in inserting two fingers inside of you, turning them in a rotation-like motion while simultaneously rubbing your clit with his thumb. The tight knot at the pit of your tummy is slowly breaking.
“Oh Jay, I’m so close! ugh!”
And then he stops. Cheesing as pulls away, wiping your mess away that drenched his mouth and chin. You frown at him and roll your eyes. “Fuck you, okay!”
Still laying on your back, he pushes himself into you, causing you to yelp.
“What was that?”
“Mmm.. I said fuck you!”
“Fuck me? No..” he pulls out and rams back into you, your toes curling. He repeats and again and again, going deeper with each thrust. “Fuck you,” he adds. Holding the sides of your hips, he rams into you again but this time continuing the pace. Fucking you slowly, but deep. He knows you’re on the verge of an orgasm, but just as you teased him he will do the same with you.
“God, you feel amazing. I don’t want to stop fucking you, ever.”
You reach down to rub your clit, wanting a release but he smacks your hand away.
“Look at you.. all needy and shit. If I can’t cum yet, neither can you.”
“Fuck off!”
He slaps your clit, and your back arches off the bed. His cock slips completely out of you, and you whine at the emptiness your kitty feels.
“Say it again and see what happens. Turn around and let me fuck you from behind, I think you deserve a spanking.”
You do as you’re told and get on your knees. He grabs your waist to pull you towards him, causing your back to arch, facing your head down against the comforter, and revealing your ass in a heart shape.
The sharp pain from his large hand stings your bottom.
“There’s one for not letting me cum.”
“And another for saying ‘fuck you.’”
“Another one for telling me to fuck off.”
“And another one, well.. just because.”
He lines himself up at your entrance, giving your kitty a few slaps before inserting himself. His tight grip on your waist, his sexy moan as he slips inside you with such anticipation, and the feeling of his cock filling your walls causes you to melt. The doggystyle position grants him a much deeper access to you than the previous position. You clench the sheets, and call out his name.
“Fuck! Oh my God, you’re so deep.”
Your eyes roll in the back of your head as he pounds into your kitty like his life depends on it. Literally fucking you senseless. He grabs a hold of your hair, pulling it back. He uses his other hand to grasp one of your breasts. He’s so deep in you, that you’re convinced he’s hitting your cervix.
“You feel so good. Look at you creaming all on my cock, baby.”
“Daddy, mmm! Please don’t fucking stop. Make me cum, please!”
Jay’s grunts are being more uncontrollable as he feels himself not being able to last any longer. Hearing your cries, constant “oh daddy’s” and watching your ass jiggle which each thrust he makes is pushing him to his limit. His grip on your hair loosening up, and his hands move to your waist.
“Yes baby... cum for me. Cum all over daddy’s fucking cock.”
The knot inside of you finally pops. Your kitty pulses around his length, your knees instantly give out, and you fall forward flat on the bed. He keeps his grip on your waist while continuing to thrust, fucking you through your high. Making you tremble and squirm underneath him. He eases his hand in between your thighs to rub your clit, making you scream from the over-sensitivity.
“Ahh, daddy! That’s e-enough, oh my God!”
You shove his hand away to stop him, and his thrust comes to a halt. He falls forward, by your ear, and moans with utter pleasure.
“Oh fuck, Y/N!” His member twitches deep within you, and you feel your walls being coated with his warm jizz. He collapses beside you, on his back, panting and sweating profusely. You lie there completely fucked out and coming down from your high. You gather up enough energy to cuddle up under him. He gives you a tiny kiss on your forehead.
He looks down at you, caressing your cheek and lifting your chin up.
“I love you.”
You’re stunned, yet can’t help but smile. “I love you too.” You part your lips and mash them against his, savoring his delicious lips. The both of you naturally smile during the kiss, breaking apart. You nuzzle your head under him and wrap your arms around him. Silence fills the room. Then the sudden thought of what Jay said to you earlier comes back.
“So... I guess I’ll go job hunting on Monday then? Since, you know.. And I don’t want to lose my place either.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N. You know that I’ll help you. You do know that, right?”
“No, I couldn’t do that. You’ve already done enough. I’ll be fine, really.”
His bright smile spreads across his face as he says,  “Hey, I know this is random but.. for some reason I’m craving chicken noodle soup.”
“With a soda on the side?” You retort.
You both lie there laughing the night away.
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hobiwonder · 6 years
A vase of flowers | (m)
Genre: Smut, enemies to lovers.
Pairing: Wealthy art student!taehyung x art student!reader
Warnings: slight angst. language. foreplay, descriptions of unprotected sex, dirty talk. it’s pretty tame otherwise.
Words: 10k
Summary: Art prodigy Taehyung comes to your art store out of desperation   when he doesn’t have enough paint to finish his latest piece. That wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t hate his elitist ass. 
a/n: this was just to get back in to writing. Its not edited and probably doesn't flow the best. But it did get me writing so here u go!! feedback is much appreciated :)
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(he’s a work of art himself!!1!!!1!)
The hustle and bustle of students – females in particular – in the hall outside the lecture theatre was more infuriating than you had anticipated. What else did you expect though? The one day you don’t come late to the lecture is the day Kim Taehyung had decided to show up to class so the hallways outside the room being cramped like a chicken farm was inevitable. Even Minnie sitting beside you was craning her neck forward to catch a glimpse of the artistic prodigy – never mind his out of the ordinary good looks – before the class started. He was very much a superstar at your university but you will never understand why people were so obsessed with people who were not actually that great if you just looked past the good looks and the talent. Talent didn’t automatically make someone a good person and everyone’s obsession with the teal haired artist really pissed you off.
“Ugh, when will these bimbos shut up. He’s not a god!” Your words are muffled against your sweater clad forearm as you try and rest your head before class started. Having the closing shift the night before was one of the few things you despised when you had a class this early in the next morning. But you still showed up to every one of them. Unlike someone else.
“Well it doesn’t help that he looks like one.” Minnie is just shrugging while she continues to lean over her chair to watch the girls twirl their hair, throw back their heads in laughter whenever Kim Taehyung says something ‘funny’, nudging his shoulder with their own to show their frankness when really – none of these girls probably knew him past his bedroom since he rarely showed up to class. But news of him being a womanizer was common although slightly more hushed than that of the football team captain and co-caption Jeon Jungkook and Min Yoongi. Those boys were a headache for another day.
Kim Taehyung wasn’t anything special. In fact – he rarely showed up to class, was given special privileges you were sure of it because he was always in the top three students despite showing his face once in a blue moon, had every professor whipped for his pert ass because of how well connected he was in the industry as well as his family being one of the founding fathers of your current university.
Sure, someone like that is bound to be more popular than your regular high achiever or talented artist but the fact that he had everyone absolutely nuts about him was infuriating. On top of th-
“Are you done with your inner monologue? You’re blocking my way.” The unmistakably deep voice belongs to none other than the boy who you wanted to punch so very much. But that wouldn’t be wise given that most of the class was watching. His annoyingly attractive smirk was always there. Like it was just how his mouth was shaped but you knew that he always made the look a bit more condescending when speaking to you. Not that he would let anyone else know though. Bastard knew how to keep his persona up and you just wanted to smack him even more!
“Oh sorry. Forgot your name was on that seat since you barely come to class. I’ll remember for the next time when you make your monthly appearance.” Minnie is nudging you with her elbow no doubt to shut you up and it’s not the first time this exact scenario had taken place. But you wanted to keep yourself in check since no doubt the rest of your comrades would give Minnie a hard time since they didn’t have the balls to annoy you because of your obvious dislike of Kim Taehyung.
“Missed me, did you?” Your little victory smile is slipping off your face when his smirk deepens and you have to physically grab your desk and grit your teeth from snapping at him again while you move your feet out of the way so his smug ass can get to his stupid seat. Thankfully his seat was towards the end of the row so you didn’t have to catch glimpses of his pretentious face.
“You wish trust fund baby.” Alas, he isn’t affected. Not even a bit as he winks your way while walking to ‘his’ seat.
“Leave the pet names for people who actually get to be with me.” That’s it. Youj will break his stupid obnoxious snobby face!
“Calm down y/n. Everyone is watching.” She holding on to your arm while your eyeballs glare at Taehyung’s direction without even blinking.
“All the more satisfying when I kiss him with my fist! Minnie let me go you knob.” While you’re trying to wrestle your arm free; your professor has walked in looking pleasantly surprised with the semi-full lecture theatre. His gaze almost instantly goes directly to Taehyung because even he knows that most of these new faces that show up once in a while as well are because of Taehyung. They nod at each other before he starts the class and your mouth is agape that no one even questions the favouritism in this class. A bunch of ass kissers!
“Are you seeing this? His daddy probably plays golf with the prof. Jung Soo!”
“So what, y/n? You’re forgetting the rest of them also have parents who play golf with Taehyung’s dad. Most of these rats are rich as fuck. Not everyone comes from humbler beginnings.” Minnie is smiling hopefully as she watches you pout but her response only makes you snort.
“Are you forgetting you’re one of these ‘rats’?”
“Don’t remind me.” She falls back in her seat while hiding her face at the mention of her filthy rich parents being business partners with Kim Taehyung’s. When you’d first found out how well off your best friend was it only made you more enraged. If she could be a decent human being and not get any special treatment – despite being extremely talented as well – then why stupid Kim Taehyung? Minnie had a banging body and a face to match not that it should matter but you were so sick of the double standards. Your best friend also deserved special treatment dammit!
“Why? You shouldn’t be ashamed of being rich, hot AND a decent human being. I would so be one of those girls drooling after that canvas demon if I was gay.”
“Bitch I’m almost convinced you aregay but the way you’re ready to drop your panties for Min Yoongi tells me otherwise.” You only try to muffle your laughter while smacking Minnie’s knee, mumbling a ‘shut up’ before you both opt to pay attention to what your professor is going on about. Not before you catch Taehyung watching you like he was about to grade your upcoming assessment. You just send him another glare and try to ignore his overtly attractive physical presence. How could someone just sittingseem attractive, you will never get it. God really favoured some people more than others huh?
“Thanks for coming. Have a nice day!” The chime of the register as it slid closed was a sound you were starting to hate. The smile on your face was tired and probably was becoming very obviously fake. But that was just a typical day at the arts and crafts store – the only one in the near vicinity of the university hence the more than average traffic even close to 7pm at night on a weekday. Since the store was employed with almost entirely all students, it was able to stay open longer than the regular hours to allow the students with day classes to work during the night shifts. You were an exception though. Being on the lower end of the income spectrum among your peers, you needed as much work as you could get. Doing a bachelors in fine arts helped too as you used the tools that the store sold, on a regular basis. It definitely came in handy when assisting first years and some mature aged students who needed extra help in finding the right type of brushes or paints needed for their canvases.
“You good? You can take off for the rest of the night you know?” You know that Sungwoon is trying to sound helpful but you knew his real intentions. Scoffing in his direction you just grab your blue water bottle to take a good swig and wake you up.
“So you can steal my shift and work instead? Not today satan.”
“You’re literally so dramatic.” He says while heaving the biggest breath out like he was any better. “Maybe I genuinely just want you to rest and not have your face turn in to one of those creepy smiling masks from that one movie.” He’s clicking his fingers s if that’ll help him recall the name of the film any faster. Lucky for him, you knew what he was talking about.
“The Purge?”
“That’s it! See, you knew exactly what I was referring to. You need sleep.” Sungwoon is nodding while looking at you like you stank or something. Ugh screw boys.
“If I did, you’re the first person I’ll get rid off.” You deadpan and you can almost pinpoint when he starts to realise you may not be joking. But you were of course. He was a little shit but all in good fun.
“Well,” he’s picking up his bag and making sure to clock out from the app the store used to make sure everyone was getting to work on time, “I’ll be going then. Have fun scaring off rest of the customers and drowning the revenue for today.”
His squealing laughter is the last thing you hear before he’s scuttling out when you try and smack him across his bicep. Sungwoon was probably one of the few boys you could stand and were actually close enough with for them to joke around like that with you because apart from Minnie, there weren’t many people who really liked talking to you. That much was clear when you’d moved near the campus from your town when you’d been accepted to the rather elite Art University.
Coming from a small town – you’d think you were more friendly but that wasn’t the case with you. You’d grown up with a strict father that made sure to discipline you if you ever messed up your tasks at his workshop. Ever since you could remember how to read and write, you had been helping him out with the business as he could not. His own father – your grandfather – had been even more strict on him according to your mother so there was no changing him. You had never really minded in doing the book-keeping for him or making sure the small town client paid on time after having their cars tended to. That’s until you had started your Junior year in high school and had the choice of choosing between subjects now that you were to apply for universities after. Or that’s what the plan was for most children. You had taken Art as a spare since it was the easiest class at the time and you really didn’t need any complicated subjects to study for because you were having to work at the workshop with your dad even more as you were getting older.
Being an only child also meant that all the expectations your parents had fell upon you to see them through. It also meant that the only time you interacted with your fellow classmates was during class. Not even after because as soon as school would finish – you’d have to rush to the workshop to help your dad sign out cars from the shop to the owners on time. He specifically made appointments towards the end of your school day just so you could be there and help him make sure the checks he was given by the more wealthier customers – only a few – were not for an amount less than he’d quoted them with. Believe it or not, it had happened and every time it did you had to stop yourself from smacking the bastards who had tried to take advantage of your father just because he couldn’t read. Ant to make the matter even more ridiculous, most of the people who tried to scam your father had been those who could actually afford his services. Not Joe who had a farm and sold eggs locally as his main source of living, not Jihoon’s father who was a delivery man and needed his vehicle to keep working and provide for him family and certainly not the old lady who had her truck serviced by your father so she could get to her appointments to the doctor, on time despite her only income being what her son sent from the city where he worked as a chef and had his own family to feed.
The world was filled with unkind people and most of them were those who could afford most things but still tried to take the less fortunate’s share too. Your father was a calm man but all his frustrations were usually taken out on you whenever you would rightfully insult those who tried to seek discounts despite knowing that your father wouldn’t be able to afford the tools he needed to do a fair job on the vehicles if he didn’t get paid the amount he had set on the pricelist which was dismal compared the mechanics you have seen in the city.
But of course, he wouldn’t say much to those low-lives because at least he was getting business. And that was better than nothing. When you’d finally let him know at the end of your senior year that you’d applied to an arts university rather than the business school he had hoped you would go to – things had not gone well, to say the least. Of course all his anger would be directed at you that day from the shop as well as finding out that his only child was not interested in business at all. You had done it as much as you could for the sake of helping out and honestly? Just not knowing what was out there for you to study and do with your life. But If there was anything that working with your father had taught you was that if you didn’t take a chance sooner than later – you’d end up having to rely on someone else for the rest of your life. Just like your father relied on you for so long because he just never got around to even finish school because of doing exactly what you had been – helping out your granddad.
The day you had left for university had been hard and was the second time you had cried. Your father hadn’t even looked at you but your mother had clutched on to you until you had to physically pull her away when your taxi had arrived. Even after making sure there was someone to help out your father at the shop, there was still apprehension present in your gut. It had all felt wrong somehow even as you had been unpacking your stuff in your flat the next night. Thankfully, all the hesitancy, all the fights and the sleepless nights had been worth it when you’d gone in to your first class the next day. You’d been excited to meet new people, make friends, make memories you didn’t even knew you had the option to make. But what do you know, getting accepted in to an elite university meant there were more of the same people you had fought off and defended your father from.
Meeting Minnie was almost a miracle. She had been the only one to come up to you being desperate to find a buddy to get lost around the campus with and not like the rest who had taken one look at your jeans and plaid shirt and moved on to find others with the same clothing or designer bags. People were so materialistic in the city it was almost unbelievable. In your town you had been able to find others who were more so on your social and economic status and feel comfortable. But in the city you were outnumbered. Maybe that’s why people like Kim Taehyung got on your nerves even more than usual. You’d noticed his elitist behaviour when invitations had been sent to attend the commencing party at his house in the first week you’d been attending the university and instantly you knew you would never be able to stand him or people like him. Only a certain number and certain looking people – girls to be exact – had been invited to the famous Kim estate. You’d only found out when Minnie had asked what you were going to wear to the party. The look on your face had probably given away your lie that you weren’t actually invited when you’d made up some excuse of not wanting to go. Minnie being the good sport and the only decent person you had known, had made some excuse about not ‘feeling it’ and stayed in that night and watched all of Harry Potter series with you. With you watching them for the first time.
“Bugger.” Your thoughts are interrupted when you almost trip over the bucket of sale items Sungwoon forgot to move. Taking a deep breath, you pick up the relatively heavy bucket that contained tubes of oil paint in colours such as black, white and red that were bought the most and move it to the stock room so it can be displayed again the next morning. Your shift was going to end in another 2 hours so now most of the work included moving display stock to the back room and print out labels for the discounts that were going up tomorrow morning. This is probably why you didn’t completely hate night shifts because other than a few customers – it mostly involved you working silently and most times even able to use headphones without having to worry about missing anyone at the till waiting for you.
“Hello? You guys still open?” You’d just finished putting away the tubes and the paint brushes when the front door had opened – as signalled by the bell atop it – meaning there was a customer.
“Coming!” Quickly getting down from the ladder where you’d been putting the paint in their designated boxes, you rush outside. “Hi, how can I- Oh. It’s just you.”
Taehyung is scoffing towards you when you roll your eyes seeing as it’s not a real customer. It was true. The last few time she’d come in – he’d browsed for all of 5 minutes before making a weird face and leaving. Probably going to buy his pretentious paints from his pretentious shop. It was as if he only came to the store to make fun of all the products most students living on campus – or not filthy rich like him – used.
“Isn’t that against some customer service code? To have this sort of attitude?” His bright hair has somehow made the place look a little less mundane, you hate to admit it. His very clear skin and the various rings he wore didn’t help either in making you feel less than. You hated how much he actually affected your mood.
“For actual customers? Probably yeah.” This time, it’s him who’s rolling his eyes while his hands comes up to have a feel of a synthetic brush that was hanging in front of him.
“What makes you think I’m not a customer?”
“You really want me to answer that?”
“I actually am here to buy something this time.” His response only makes you smirk as you hum.
“So you do admit that you only come here to flaunt your wealth. That’s a good sign Taehyung.” But for some reason, the teasing that would usually make you feel better doesn’t feel as satisfying when Taehyung is just looking around like he’s in a pickle rather than through an insult back at you.
“Look, I need some paint and maybe a few natural hair brushes. I would go to-”
“Your overpriced and pretentious art store?”
“-my regular spot but I need to finish this painting tonight.” He completely ignores you when you cut in with a smirk and almost sounds like he is pleading. Wait. He was. The new found info perks you up more than you’d anticipated and it’s almost exciting knowing Kim Taehyung’s fate lies in yhour hands. Okay, maybe an exaggeration but still exviting. So you do what anyhone else in your position would �� milk out the entire debacle.
“Well, well, well.” Leaning on your elbows on the counter, you can’t help but feel sort of like an evil villain finally with the perfect opportunity to strike. Except, you weren’t the villain really. You were the good guy!
“For fuck’s sake.” Taehyung mumbles lowly under his breath but you could hear him loud and clear. “How long are you going to make me wait?”
You wanted to be cruel, you really did. You wanted to tell him you had ran out of the supplies but you were too tired and honestly, he was probably going to buya  bunch of stuff and if you made a sale above 50,000 won in one transaction then you would make some sweet commission. So whatever.
“Luckily for you, I’m a decent human being so,” stepping out from behind the register, you just deadpan at him, “right this way.”
He seems surprised and so are you. At yourself. Because you’re not sure why you’re being this nice to him when he’s made fun of you on more than one occasion.
“I’m slightly scared you’re leading me somewhere quieter so you can murder me.” His voice is slightly meek and you’re thankful that he can’t see your face because you’re trying to hold in ugly laughter that Kim Taehyung is actually scared of you when alone despite acting like hot shit when surrounded by a herd of girls.
“A good, educated guess. But not today.”
“…. So there is a chance for that to happen another day?” Spinning around to face him abruptly – damn okay maybe you should major in acting because Taehyung flinches but tries to play it off by shrugging his broad shoulders.
“Maybe.” You’re slightly too close to him because you have to crane your neck up to meet his gaze. Just when his own slips down to your lips, you quickly gesture towards the aisle you’ve just stopped in front of. “Here you’ll find what you need. Brushes and paints.”
“Thanks.” You just shrug before turning around to go back to the cash register. That plan doesn’t go too well because a warm grip on your wrist stops you in your tracks and almost on instinct, you’re ripping out your hand from the grasp as soon as you feel it.
“Woah, sorry! I didn’t mean to-” You just cut him off to move past the subject before he even brings it up.
“What do you want now?” Taehyung pauses for a few seconds as if not ready to let your jumpy reaction go just yet but thankfully decides to drop it.
“Look, I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t desperate and rally needed the sup-”
“Taehyung, I’m not interested in hearing how you would never set foot in a place where peasants like us – or normal people really – shop so just get to it.”
He however is just biting on the inside of his cheeks as if to burry a smile before it breaks through. “You’re not very patient are you?”
“I haven’t been put in many situations that really require it, so.” You just shrug in his direction but the flash that goes through his eyes that resembled molten dark chocolate sends an involuntary shiver down your spine and thankfully the air con is on and you could blame your odd reaction on to that if he noticed. Why was he looking at you like that?
“That’s too bad. Sometimes the rewards for waiting are quite fulfilling at the end.” And somehow, you’re not sure if he just means that in general or…
His heavy gaze travelling down the length of your body only makes you more eager to move on before you lose all the good comebacks you had at the tip of your tongue just because his looks were making you weak in the knees.
“Whatever.” You turn to leave once again and again, Taehyung reaches out to grab your wrist but pulls himself back before he can. Thankfully, you have already seen him this time so you just cross your hands under your chest, tapping your foot while you wait for him to spit it out.
“Just help me okay? I’m not familiar with these… brands.”
“That’s because none of them are Gucci.” He just rolls his eyes but follows you down the asile anyway.
“You do know that Gucci doesn’t make paint right? If they did it would be amazing though. Maybe I should write to them about this. Hm.” He’s started talking to himself but you start pointing out the different types you had available because you don’t have time to have causal chats with him like you two were friends. Despite his weird behaviour before.
“If you’re looking for oil paints, these ones are smoother and the colour payoff is better than others and if you want buildable colours then go for… this.” You’re about to say they are cheaper than the first brand you had pointed out but then realise that he most likely doesn’t care about the price. Though he doesn’t seem to be looking at you at the moment but only paying attention to the paints just like he paid attention the content in the few lectures you’d seen him at.
“Do they not say the ingredient at the back? That’s peculiar.”
“What’s peculiar is you using the word ‘peculiar’.” You mumble while still watching him inspect the different tubes as if he was going to drink them or something.
“May I get the list of ingredients for these ones here? And the lightfastness rating please.”
“It’s literally at the bottom of the tube.” His eyebrows furrow as he looks back at the tube and looks at the bottom again.
“Oh. Isn’t there like a booklet or something that comes with this so I can check?”
You just continue to stare at him.
“Taehyung, this is a campus arts store and our most expensive paint is 55,000 won. So no, we don’t have fancy brands that make ‘booklets’ for every paint. But if you must know,” You sigh, rolling your eyes at how high maintenance he was with his paints, “I can have a look at the delivery boxed for the ingredients. I know that all of these paints of this brand have a lightfastness rating of II at least.”
“Excellent! And yes that would be great, y/n. I just prefer my oils to be made from pure Linseed is all.” He has a bright smile on his face while he shrugs like that’s just the way it is. But of course, you want to punch him once more for making your job harder than it needs to. He was a college student. What did he need such high quality paints for? Ugh.
So you grit your teeth and walk back to the storage room and fish for the delivery boxes of the brand that Taehyung was interested in. “Stupid rich boy. Used to always getting what he wants.” The mumbling continues on your part while you try to locate the box as quickly as possible so he can go away and stop making your shift harder than it needs to be at almost 8:30 PM at night.
“Aha!” You have finally spotted the boxes that were stacked way at the bottom. Quickly reading through the large ingredient list, you confirm that the paints are unfortunately not made purely from Linseed oil.
“I have some bad news.” When you walk back out to where Taehyung is testing a few brushes, you can see his face drop because you’re sure he can guess what you’re about to say. “The binder used for these paints is a mixture of Linseed and walnut oil as well as a few others.” You shrug but Taehyung seems to be losing it.
“God fucking damnit. I’m screwed.” He’s started to pace around the aisle, looking like his life has just ended and his dog has died. Did he have a dog? You loved dogs.
“Why are you freaking out so badly?” He looks at you like you’re the one who’s acting weird.
“Because I have an auction in three weeks and it usually takes me that long to even finish a painting.” Of course he had an auction. It was common knowledge around campus that he sold his paintings for quite a sum at a few well known auctions. But you couldn’t remember another one happening anytime soon though.
“What auction? There isn’t one scheduled for at least 3 months.” Taehyung is hesitating when you question him. He looks like he would rather not mention it but in the end, sighs and tells you anyway.
“It’s more of an exhibition. Just for my paintings.”
“Oh wow.” Your eyes have widened at the mention of his solo exhibition. He was rich enough to afford to hold one so it shouldn’t be that surprising. But it still was a big deal even for a privileged student like him because you need to have enough credibility and a loyal customer base to attract enough people to an exhibition that is solely filled with your own artwork and not a collection of artists. “ I didn’t know you had your own exhibitions.”
He scratches the back of his head as he shrugs nonchalantly but you see the nerves showing through with how his hands shake slightly. “It’s the first one.”
“Whatever I’ll just look somewhere else.”
“I use a medium of stand oil, linseed and turpentine, a little wax and add a small amount of cobalt drier to control drying time for my paintings.” You have blurted out your little trick before you could stop yourself. In your defence, he just looked so pitiful. You had to help. He also seems just as surprised at you suggestion and even more surprised when you walk around gathering the supplies you’ve just mentioned.
“Oh… thanks for the tip. I never really thought about that since I never really needed to…”
He silently follows you to the register where you place all the items and scan them so he can pay. Whatever. Maybe you helping him will bring some good karma and give your career a break too and your painting will finally be displayed at the Montero Art Gallery. It was a local gallery but a lot of successful artists you admire had started out from there and you were hoping that your work could be good enough one day to be displayed there too.
“How did you go through all your paints by the way? Should you have a ton of them because you’re supposedly always painting.”
“Supposedly?” Taehyung is smirking while his eyebrows are raised in mock disbelief at your suspicion. “Well, I used up most of them when I had sex on a canvas with Jihyo. Made for a good painting though. Maybe I’ll display that one too.” He’s grinning from ear to ear and you’ve just halted while he pays on the eftpos machine. Okay you definitely regret telling him your trick when he put himself in this position by being a horndog.
“You’re literally so gross.”
“Hey, abstract art is also a thing you know?” He looks serious enough that if he hadn’t said ‘abstract art’ you would think you had actually offended him. You obviously hadn’t when he just winks in your direction while he gathers his items and leaves.
It’s been a week since you first saw The Kim Taehyung pop by the little arts store that had previously been too beneath him to even consider buying his supplies there. Though ever since you’d told him about your little trick, he’d been bugging you non-stop on writing tips and you’re almost sure he’s doing it to… well, bug you. It’s as if he isn’t even aware that he’s an artistic prodigy because you’ve seen his paintings yourself and they were hyped up for a reason. Even a bitter person like you could admit that.
So when you get a special request by your boss one Friday evening, you’re surprised to say the least when you figure why you’re even asked to deliver supplies in the first place.
“Are you serious?” Your boss being the sweet old lady she is, is just pushing up her glasses as she nods vigorously at you.
“Of course dear! Must be some poor student who really is in need of help. He sounded quite desperate on the phone.” The old woman was way too nice for her own good. And while you appreciated her big heart, if she says yes to one person that the supplies can be delivered to his house then then word will get around and sooner than later, you’ll have a flood of students ordering their supplies over the phone and wanting them to be delivered. If that was going to be the case then you’ll have to quit since you can’t deliver because you don’t have a car. You relied on public transport damnit!
“Or he’s just lazy Ma.” Yes. Everyone called her ma upon her request. Short for Marion. Not that you minded because she was sweet as honey and really did remind you of your own mother. And she treated you like one too. Especially right now when she just scowls at you and asks you to stop being lazy yourself and deliver the package she’s prepared.
“Ugh fine.” You whine until the very end and she’s just wishing you a safe journey. Thankfully she’d leant you her car for today – it was her idea after all – so you wouldn’t need to spend an hour trying to find the place. It seemed to be quite close to the shop surprisingly. And unsurprisingly, the apartment is in a trendy but expensive neighbourhood. Most kids who went to your school probably lived in these buildings. The one you were supposed to go at though was on the top floor and you’re already angry that this buttcrack insisted on delivery and manipulated poor Marion into having his stuff delivered to his door rather than being at the front reception so the exchange could be faster.
When you reach the top floor, you pull out the receipt to hand it to him first thing as he opens the door and don’t have to spend more time than necessary in this place that you felt so out-of-place in. You’ve already rung the doorbell while you read the receipt and that’s mistake number one that night. It dawns on you who this person must be when you’re reading the names of the exact items Taehyung had bought from you last week. You could turn around and go really. Only if you hadn’t already rang the doorbell and he hadn’t opened it right as you’re setting the heavy bag down.
“Well hello there.” His deep voice is an anchor itself as you stop your movements right then and look up at his smirking face that looking down at you. Ugh. Like always.
“Hi.” Slowly, you straighten yourself up, the bag still near your feet as you step away, trying not to gawk at his perfectly toned skin that is showing way too much from between his unbuttoned shirt. “Here’s your stuff. Goodbye.”
“Oh good. You can set it inside in the kitchen.” You’re gritting your teeth in order to stop yourself from slapping his cheery voice right out of his throat with a punch. Okay maybe that’ll be too much. Maybe. You won’t know until you try though.
“Come on.” He’s gesturing inside his expensive apartment that shinier and cleaner than any place you’ve ever seen. He probably has it professionally cleaned.
“I’m not coming inside you weirdo.”
“Don’t worry, you’re not my type.” Somehow that makes you even more mad and you hate that it does. Fuck him honestly. You knew you weren��t his ‘type’. His type included skinny, rich and bad artists. Just so he could get off on a power-control dynamic you’re guessing.
You just pick up the heavy package without breaking eye contact and step inside, walking straight to the kitchen and placing the materials on the counter. The inside décor is surprising when you take in the various canvases strewn about in the living room on different easels. But what really takes your breath away is the familiar artwork that you’d looked at time and time again when you’d been lacking inspiration. When you’d been in a rut and everything had been too much and all you would want to do is quit. But looking at the work that evoked emotions from a place inside that even you hadn’t still made sense of it was the only thing that had kept you going many times throughout the years you’d been at university.
But how was Taehyung interested in such underrated art? You’d never heard him mention Vincent Van Gogh before. And yet most of his paintings covered the walls of his apartment.
“You like Van Gogh?” Taehyung has gone back to his pallet as he mixes the various shades of reds and oranges together.
“Who doesn’t?”
“Like, all of our school?”
“Nah. They pretend that better artists exist.” His answer surprises you. You’d never pegged him as someone who appreciated the more sombre period of art. His paintings usually were a lot more cheery and sometimes rather complicated.
You’re kind of lost in the long hallway covered with several paintings. The tall ceilings and the dim lighting only making you more excited to take in such beautiful art in silence with the only sound being the bristles of Taehyung’s brushes across the canvas.
“You like his work too I assume?”
“Mhm.” You’re too lost in the various paintings to really properly answer him. You’ve almost forgotten where you are until Taehyung speaks again. But this time, from somewhere far closer as you can smell the musky scent that always accompanied him.
“This one is my favourite.” His voice startles you a little when he appears just behind you, slightly to the side so you can look to the side and watch his long neck fall back when he looks up at the painting.
“I like it too.” Your voice is quieter than before. Like neither of you want to disturb the air surrounding you. It’s probably the first time you haven’t felt instantly annoyed by Taehyung’s presence. When you look besides you again, you don’t realise it’s the second mistake you’ve made that night. Because Taehyung is staring right back at you and this time he doesn’t stop. Your breath hitches in your throat when you catch his dimly lit face staring intensely at you. Or maybe it was the lighting that amplified every look. Every gesture. Whatever it was, in that moment, you’d never felt more attracted to Kim Taehyung.
“I lied.” His whisper floats across your skin and the light breeze that comes with the breath from his words has your eyes closing for just a few seconds longer when they blink.
“A-About what?” Taehyung has somehow moved even closer because you could feel the heat from his chest seeping through your own shirt. It also didn’t help that his shirt was fully unbuttoned and the smooth expanse of his chest was absolutely bare for your traitorous eyes to feast on.
He brings up a hand, slowly as if not to startle you like he had last week, and tucked the stray strand of hair behind your ear. “About you not being my type.”
The only thing your body seems to be able to do at the moment is turn your face back towards the painting, heart thudding in your chest as you feel his hands move all of the hair from your neck out of the way to the other side. Exposing the sensitive flesh to the cool air inside his apartment. “You’re exactly my type and better.”
This time the words are whispered s close to your ear that you have to physically clutch tightly on to yourself so you don’t flinch from his breath tickling the flesh of your neck. You’re biting your lip, trying not make any sudden movements or noise because honestly, you didn’t trust yourself to not jump his bones. How was he this sexy and annoying at the same time?
“I kn-know.” You’re hoping that teasing is evident in your voice but that plan has gone down the gutter as soon as Taehyung presses his luscious lips in to an open mouthed kiss against the side of your throat. So instead, your response comes out way too breathy and you can’t stop the moan escaping you in the end.
“You’re just always looking for trouble aren’t you, y/n?” How is his voice perfectly steady? He doesn’t even sound remotely affected as he brings his arms around you from behind, fully moving behind you as well while he continues to undo the strings of control you had tied tightly around your brain. Because seems like you’re only thinking with your vagina at the moment.
His hand have slipped beneath your shirt after playing with the hem for a few seconds and testing the waters. When you don’t push his hands away – you could barely breath at the moment – he slips them inside your thin shirt, tracing circles across your torso and up until his warm, large – so fucking huge – hands are taking handfuls of your breasts before he’s gently squeezing the mounds.
“Oh.” You feel like you’re going boneless by the second as your head lolls back and on to his shoulder and you’re just praying that your brain shuts up and lets you enjoy these sensations without the red alarm bells going off in your head that you hated him!
You hit mute on said alarms as soon as you feel his index finger and thumbs rolling your puffy nipples through the fabric of your bra into hardened pointy tips and you’ve finally lost the filter on your mouth. “F-Fuck. Taehyung, ungh.”
“Look at you. Thought you hated me, huh?”
“I still, mh f-fuck, d-do.” Being a slave to your stubborn ways, you’re retaliating with your words before you can even keep yourself in check. Taehyung doesn’t seem to be bothered though. He’s just chuckling at your pathetic attempts at trying to hold on to some autonomy even if your body is betraying the fuck out of you. The constant squeezing, rolling and pinching of your nipples has you almost mindless, you’re not sure you can survive much more than this.
“Sure. At least your body doesn’t lie though.” He’s squeezing the mounds firmly this time before he’s slipping one of his hands downwards again. You’re aching and wet and aroused beyond words but finally you’re up to the point where you can easily ignore the rational side of your brain and let your body take control.
Breathing loudly, you’re almost panting with every inch that Taehyung’s hand moves closer to your underwear. You’re so soaked that you can feel your panties sticking to the contours of your pussy lewdly and knowing that Taehyung was about to touch you there had you dripping in more. You can’t remember the last time you were this horny from just foreplay.
Taehyung closes his lips around your pulse point before he sucks a punishing bruise in that patch of skin. “Spread your legs y/n. That’s it.”
He’s cooing at you when you instantly comply, whimpering his name when he presses his entire palm on your clit, rubbing the hard nub in gentle circles while you’re about to cum just from his words alone.
“Look at you. So wet and soaking. Have you always been this wet when you’ve been giving me nasty looks baby? Hm? Tell me.” His pace is increasing and the audible sound of your arousal coming through the layers of clothing makes you want to hide your face from the sheer embarrassment.
“T-Tae. Please.” You’re pleading sounds like you’re on the verge of tears and it’s not too far off from the truth. Your legs are spread but not enough for you to completely enjoy the feel of his hands. Not that he seems to be in any rush though.
“Please what y/n? Please use your pussy as your apology? Are you going to be a mouthy slut or let me use your cunt to milk my cock? It’s the least I deserve after the way you’ve treated me in every lecture.”
He’s pouting in mock hurt as he leans his head forward to look in to your eyes as if you’re not being destroyed by the fast paced circling of your clit under his palm. Your eyebrows are furrowed, eyes half shut as the mind blowing orgasm looms around the corner. You’re about to cry from happiness and relief when he slips your underwear to the side, sliding his middle and index finger in without a warning and without remorse. The force with which he’s pumped his long, thick digits inside jerking back against him. Which only makes matters worse when you can feel the evidence of his own arousal pressing against your back. You’re slightly terrified from the sheer bulk of his erection too because it sits hot and heavy behind you. You just know he isn’t the average size you’re used to and that excite and scares you at the same time.
“Would you listen to that? Your cunt is singing for me babe.” You’d smack him across his chest for being so dramatic and cheesy but the sounds of your excessive wetness just has you hiding your face in his neck. But Taehyung is having none of it when he’s harshly tugging back your head as he weaves his hand in your hair.
“I said listen. You slutty pussy is leaking for me y/n. And you pretend to not even be able to stand my existence.” His words are harsh and said from between his gritted teeth. The sounds of the inside of his palm slapping against your clit with every thrust is obscene and rude. Yet, you can’t seem to care. Only moaning loudly and in a higher pitch with every smack against your heated flesh. Arousal drips steadily around his fingers while your symphony of ‘ahs’ and ‘ohs’ continues – almost sounding like you were in pain.
His grip around your hair is harsh and his pace inside your pussy relentless. It’s like he’s angry. Angry that you’re this wet. Angry that you’re ready to cum around his fingers just like this. That makes the two of you.
“Come on baby. Cum around my fingers. I’ll need it to prep myself before I enter this pussy, hm? You’re too tight for me to just impale you on my cock right now like you want me to. Don’t you?” You’re nodding enthusiastically as your breath hitches with your orgasm ripping through you like a wildfire,
“Taehyung! Fuck I-I’m cumming. Oh god…” You’re heaving and hiccupping as his rigid fingers continue to brush against your sensitive insides until you’re jerking back with each thrust.
“There you go. Easy… easy, baby.” You’re panting like you’ve run a marathon and your neck aches from being bent that way while Taehyung had your head captive.
He doesn’t give you much time to recover as he’s turning you around to pick you up and take you back to the living room, dropping your body down on to the fuzzy carpeted floor. He makes quick work of his shirt and his pants, ridding himself of every item of clothing – not that he was wearing much – before he takes his soiled fingers and wraps them around his extremely intimidating girth. He doesn’t seem nearly as nervous as you but you still don’t stop him. “Take off your clothes for me baby. I want to see you.”
Your body is moving instantly like it was programmed to listen to Taehyung’s every command. Soon, you’re laying back down on the ground, watching him stroke his incredibly hard cock that stood rigid against his toned stomach. He looks like a wolf that’s about to devour you as his pokes out from between the corner of his lips, eyes neve wavering from your own. You’re biting your own lips and squirming on the soft carpet when he just keeps looking and makes no move.
“Spread your legs again baby. Let me see you pussy.” He hisses as soon as your legs fall open, your red, slightly swollen pussy coming in to full view as he finally kneels down to his knees, grabbing your thighs to pull you closer until you were flush against his cock. His hands gently massage the area between your thighs and pussy, needing the rosy flesh and effectively making you drip even more when he looks directly down at his hands that work your labia softly – keeping in mind how sensitive you were.
“Look at you. So puffy. So wet. So fucking beautiful.” He leans forward to look in to your eyes and you’re holding on to your breath when you finally see his face so up close for the first time this evening.
“Can I make you feel good, honey? Will you let my cock make you feel good?” There is no hesitancy in your reply because you’re fisting the soft rug besides you and arching your body in to his.
“Fuck,” it’s the first time you can hear Taehyung’s voice shake as he adjusts his hips and rubs he blunt head of his blood fattened cock against your swollen labia. “I’ve wanted you for so long, y/n. I can’t believe you’re here. Are you sure baby? Because I won’t be able to stop or go gentle once I s-start. Oh fuck.”
You can see how desperate he is for you to say yes but nonetheless, your heart still warms at his concern and even though you were slightly scared of his above average length – and girth – you were mostly excited as the anticipation had built steadily. So you give him the green light, nodding for him to continue.
He seems to be surprised too for some reason and you’re caught off gard when his mouth crashed down to your own. His kiss is ferocious and passionate, tilting his head every which way to capture every noise you make, tongue playing with your own. You’re just enjoying the out of the blue kiss until it all makes sense. Because when you break apart from the kiss to shout out your surprise, you can feel all of his hot length pressing the deepest corners inside your pussy. The kiss had been a perfect distraction and you hadn’t even felt the pain when he’d pushed in.
In fact, the slight burn that was present as he let you adjust around him was more arousing than anything. “T-Tae ungh. You’re s-so big. Oh god.”
He’s watching every facial expression you make and he doesn’t miss the almost drunk expression on your pretty face when he drags his length out slowly, only to slam back inside. Your breasts bounce with every thrust that pushes you further up the carpeted floor. It feels better than good. Better than amazing. You’d never thought you’d enjoy penetrative sex this much after having several mediocre experiences but at this moment, all you wanted to do was egg Taehyung on to go as fast as he could. So you do.
“Fuck y/n.” The seat of his lap slaps against your damp skin as he pounds his leaking cock in to you unremittingly. “You’re so t-tight. The tightest cunt I’ve ever been inside. You like it baby? Hm?”
Taehyung was definitely a dirty talker. All throughout this encounter. He hadn’t stayed quiet for longer than a minute. Always wanting to say what he was feeling, wanted to do to you or was going to do to you. And until today, you never realised how much of a sucker you were for verbal stimulation.
“Y-eh-ess. I lo-uh-ve it.” Your words bounce and hiccup out of you with the same rhythm as Taehyung’s dragging of his cock inside you. It’s like he’d grown even larger and you could cry from how good he felt inside. In fact, you were sure you probably were crying with how blurry your vision was getting.
Taehyung had fully covered your body with his own, pulling one of your legs over his shoulder now to split you open even more before he increased his pace until you felt like he was actually splitting you open.
“Tae! I’m going t-to c-cum again. Oh god.” He was breathing hard, sweat dripping down his temples as his gaze never left your face. You were actually crying now; clawing at his back as you held on while he parted you open every time he pushed the entire girth of his cock until the base so that with every thrust, his balls slapped against your ass obscenely.
“Let go baby. Cum all over my cock.” He could already see the white, translucid creaminess forming around the base of his cock as it continued to slam inside you, signalling how close he himself was with his cock leaking pre-cum profusely. “Fuck, you look so delectable darling. Look at how your pussy gapes around my cock every time, hm? Your pussy was made to fit around my cock. You’re m-mine now. Made j-just for my cock.”
You could tell how close he was since he’d seemed to lost all and every filter on his mouth. Pounding in to you while you clutch on to him for deer life and finally release around his cock that shows no sign of relenting until he reaches his own release. Thankfully, he’s not too far behind as he grabs your legs for the final round, pushing his hips in to the hilt before he’s shouting out his release. You can feel the warmth of his cum explode inside the walls of your pussy, filling you up to the brim until you could feel his spunk leak around you thoroughly abused lips. Taehyung lays his head in to the crook of your neck very much like how you had at the start.
It's peacefully silent as you both catch your breath, your fingers lazily massaging his scalp without even realising. You’re finally gathering your bearings and coming to terms with the fact that you just fucked each other’s brains out when you could barely stand each other before. And you absolutely do not know how to proceed from here. Not when his cock was still inside you. Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about that decision for too long because Taehyung is pulling back his face to stare in your eyes deeply as if he’s also at a loss for words.
You search his face for any disgust or any realisation that will make him pull away from you and you don’t know why you’re this nervous and worried about his reaction. You didn’t care before so why now? Why was your heart beating so fast that you felt like it was going to come out of your mouth?
“Y/N,” Taehyung post-sex, sexy voice breaks you out of your downward spiral as he brings his hand up to caress your cheek damp from the tears earlier. “I’m going to kiss you now.”
You watch him for a few seconds before nodding slowly and that’s all the confirmation Taehyung needs before taking your lips between his once again. And just like that, he kisses you lazily, tangling his hot, sweet tongue with your own for who knows how long. You two stay just like that for a long time, kissing ecahother with so much passion that it scares you how much the thought of breaking away from his lips gives you anxiety. It seems to be the same case for Taehyung because when you break apart to breathe in much needed air, he pulls you back in – mouth open and tongue seeking your own.
Sometime during the night, he’s started to harden inside you once again and rather than breaking away, he fucks you exactly the opposite way he had earlier. This time, it’s slow, even more sensual and the space between your body is almost non-existent. By the time your phone rings and breaks you both out of the haze that had you both intoxicated in the apartment, it’s sometime around midnight. Though Taehyung doesn’t stop even for a second until he’s made you cum once again and spilled himself inside you as well.
The night had definitely taken a turn as you both talk – for once without the intention of insulting each other – and fuck. Mostly fuck actually. Turns out Taehyung made you insatiable and his eagerness and fondness for cumming inside you didn’t exactly help. After replying to Minnie and sending Marion a message of apology, you’re both dozing off on the soft floor.
“Come to my art exhibition with me? I want you by my side.” He asks you in the morning, slightly breathless as he grinds his erection – seriously, how often did this boy get hard? – against your damp, soiled pussy, awaking you from your sleep.
“O-Okay.” You can only moan in reply as he takes a nipple between his lips, sucking gently as he coaxes out another orgasm from you before carrying you off to the shower.
“You’re such a horn dog.” Splashing water at his face, you’re laughing as he attacks your sides, tickling you in revenge.
“A horn dog you slept like, a thousand times with.” Your mouth is falling open in mock disbelief but he just kisses your frown away.
“It will be zero times if I see that sex painting at your show!” Taehyung is giggling at your pout and the frown that creases your brows as he kisses it away, promising you that you can burn his ‘sex painting’ before the show.
Maybe he wasn’t so bad.
a/n: thoughts? :ooo
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marvel-lous-things · 5 years
AN: reposting because tungle.hell is a little bitch that messed up the read more link on this and doesn’t deserve rights.
Relationships: Family fluff, Pepperony, mentions of Peter’s crush on Harley
Prompt: “Every month everyone has a get together at the pepperony cabin and they have dinner together. Happy grills cheeseburgers for the kids (Morgan, Clint’s boys, Peter, Lila, Cassie, Harley) and they play outside until it gets dark, the older kids giving the younger ones piggy back rides and everyone eating juice pops. Steve is inside, bantering with Bucky and Sam, like the old times. Pepper wishes Tony would be here to see it all.”
It was tradition, at this point, for everyone to meet up in Pepper’s old cabin (she had since moved to New York) on the first Sunday of each month. 
It had begun with a miscommunication. Steve had texted Bruce that he’d be visiting Pepper to check on her and Morgan, on that fateful day a little over a year ago. Somehow, Bruce had interpreted that as “Gather the whole gang, we’re gonna collectively show up at Pepper’s cabin with 35 assorted presents.”
It was a little odd the first time round, what with Bruce apologizing profusely for goofing up, and the cabin being too small to hold everyone while also allowing them some personal space. But she’d decided she liked having them all around. Might as well do it again.
14 months and 14 barbecue meet ups later, everyone looked forward to driving out there for a nice evening of grilled food and banter. And the occasional explosion. To be fair, when you throw two brilliant, reckless, science-loving teenagers and an equally brilliant, reckless, science-loving little girl together, explosions can (and will) occur.
Which is why Happy was very loudly arguing with Harley over using his “new and improved” grill rather than the usual one from Happy’s garage, which was decidedly safer and less daunting to use. To top it off, the damn thing was shaped like a nuke.
Elsewhere, the younger kids were having their own argument, except theirs had a little less to do with barbecue grills.
“Morgan,” Pepper called out, noticing the commotion, “it’s Cooper’s turn now, sweetheart.”
 “But mom-”
“Give it to him.”
“Just a minute!”
The 6 year old turned around, gave her mom the most heart-achingly adorable pout, and begrudgingly handed her brand new nerf gun to the older boy (a very well received gift from May). They’d been going at it all evening, shooting empty soda cans off rocks, tree branches, and at one point, Peter’s head.
Steve smiled, watching Barton’s kid shoot a can off Harley’s bike from 10 meters away. And then immediately panicking after realizing the can was actually full. And probably belonged to Harley.
“Kid’s good with a gun, Clint,” Steve noted.
“Scared he won’t take after his dad?”
The glare he received from the arrow enthusiast was borderline terrifying.
“We’ve just got killer aim, Rogers, it ain’t about the weapon. Hand me a gun, stand across the lake, and I’ll show you.”
Pepper laughed, throwing Clint a grape flavored juice pop (his favorite kind). 
“Nobody’s murdering anybody in my house, alright?”
Just before Clint could catch his dessert, though, a web shot out from behind the couch and snatched the sugar infused stick of ice right out of mid air. The web then proceeded to disappear as quickly as it came.
“Well, actually, Pepper,” said a youthful voice, no doubt belonging to the pop thief, 
“the murder would happen outside the house, so technically-”
“Peter Benjamin Parker, you give that back right now or you’re grounded for a month.”
Peter winced. Busted.
“He can get himself another one, May!” He tried (in vain).
“There’s a whole freezer full of em right outside-”
May raised her eyebrow at him. Ah, there it was. The look of devastating disapproval. A look nobody could stand to receive, let alone Peter “I cried watching Big Hero 6″ Parker.
“Alright, alright.” He sighed, back flipping over the armrest; a completely extravagant and unnecessary move that was only carried out in case Harley was watching. Peter had been trying his absolute best to get Harley’s attention off late. He told May that it was because he wanted to prove that “he’s the alpha” (May thought her disaster of a son simply wanted to impress his crush. She was right).
20 lazy footsteps and an annoyed huff later, the juice pop was slid across the kitchen counter, right into Clint’s open hand. 
When it was, regrettably, immediately snatched away by Lila.
Clint blinked. “Can’t catch a damn break, can I?”
Laura laughed, planting a reassuring kiss on her husband’s cheek. She’d learned over the past year that Clint had turned to vigilante justice to deal with his feelings of anger and helplessness. She couldn’t have him hunting down members of the Ukrainian mafia over popsicles.
“Calm down, drama queen, I’m sure there’s more in the ice box-”
“WHO TOOK ALL THE DAMN GRAPE JUICE POPS?” Captain America yelled from outside. A sound that was immediately followed by a very ungraceful pterodactyl-like screech, and Clint putting his head in his hands.
“…or maybe not.” She winced.
That was the exact moment Bucky took to walk down the stairs. a sticky purple mess gracing his face. He stopped abruptly when he noticed everyone’s eyes were on him, and just this once, he was sure it wasn’t because they were admiring his beauty. 
His eyes darted around the room, making note of Clint’s deep resignation, Pepper’s terrible poker face, May’s grimace, and Steve nearly falling off his chair in sheer amusement.
He wasn’t fully sure how to proceed.
He looked around the room again, hoping it would give him answers. 
It didn’t.
“…what’s up?”
Steve actually did fall over at this point, prompting Peter to scream something about senior citizen needing help, followed by Cassie dialing 911 on Morgan’s old toy telephone. Neither of which helped him make sense of what was going on. Although, he had to admit, it was a little funny.
Bucky’s question, however, was answered when Sam entered the kitchen with the force of a very disgruntled wildebeest. He looked around wildly, until his eyes fell on Bucky and his incredibly purple grin.
“You,” Sam glowered.
“Me,” Bucky replied sweetly, slowly wiping the purple dye off his mouth with his sleeve. Which, of course, only served to drive Sam further up the wall.
“True, true.” Bucky shrugged.
“I do love pissing you off, though.”
What followed after was Sam chasing Bucky out into the woods, brandishing his shield and yelling something about how “this shield ain’t only for defending, I’ll star spangle whoop your ass you dick, come back here.”
Clint followed a minute later, on a quest to avenge his stolen popsicle
(This was after they were pointedly told by Pepper to take their battle outside, they’d lost enough vases over the year to the kids’ antics as it were).
Steve eventually found the strength to get back on his chair, and throw an apple in Harley’s general direction. Which was warranted, because the kid kept yelling “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” in this ridiculous (and frankly, offensive) “old man voice” while Steve did, in fact, struggle to get up.
He briefly wondered how pleased Tony would be to see Captain Perfect struggling with real, human issues, like achy joints and a sore back. Almost as if she’d read his mind, Pepper voiced his thoughts. 
“Tony would’ve loved to see you dealing with elderly-man problems, you know.” She laughed. “The number of times he’d complain that ‘Steve goddamn Rogers’ doesn’t suffer from a single grey hair even at the age of 100, while he did even though he was only 50.” 
She made air quotes around the “only.”
“Took a lot of convincing for him to let it grow out, you know, instead of hiding it behind dye after dye,” she rolled her eyes, “he looked at me like I’d told him to give Morgan up for adoption.”
Steve laughed softly. “A herculean effort, I’m sure.”
“Oh, you don’t know the half of it.”
Pepper remembered that conversation clear as day, like it had happened just days ago. Partly because she’d never had to convince someone who was once labelled “Sexiest Man Alive” by Times magazine that he would still be attractive with grey hair, until that strange, strange day, and partly because the method of convincing she’d opted for was… unusual, a little unexpected. But not unwelcome, for sure 
(He’d told her as much the next morning, wearing a stupidly lopsided grin, but no shirt)
Washing the dye off her fingers had been a pain in the ass though. She couldn’t believe he’d actually agreed to letting her color his hair grey. Morgan had shrieked seeing her daddy with “weird hair” (her words), which was not good for the case Pepper was making. But she had eventually warmed up to the new look. She even told Tony he looked nice, of her own accord. After which Pepper had walked in on Tony hugging his daughter and her struggling to get out of the death grip he had on her.
Pepper was snapped out of her reverie when Steve spoke up again.
“Who’s to say he isn’t seeing it, though?” 
Pepper blinked. She wasn’t one to space out often, but when she did, she was disturbingly thorough. 
“Tony, watching us,” Steve took a deep breath, “laughing at me struggling with weak hipbones, watching over you, Morgan, Peter…” He looked down at his mug of coffee, that had long since gone empty
“You never know.”
Pepper couldn’t quite place the look on his face just then. Somewhere between sad and hopeful, she supposed.
“You never know,” she repeated under her breath, more to herself than to him.
Steve heard it anyway, and smiled softly at her, before turning to look at the picture Pepper had framed on the living room wall. A picture of her, Tony, and Morgan, taken at the beach. Morgan was on his shoulders, maybe 3, 4 years old then. His right arm was wrapped around Pepper’s shoulder, her left arm around his waist. All three wore contented smiles, Tony’s and Morgan’s achingly similar.
No Iron Man, no arc reactor, no intense, murderous stare, like the hundreds of pictures that had graced every magazine in existence, for a month after his death.
Just plain, good old Tony Stark. The part of him he kept hidden from the world, reserved only for the people he loved.
It was the only picture that did him justice, Steve thought.
“I wish he could see you now, Pepper,” he turned back to her, half his mouth upturned in a small smile, “see how well his two favorite girls are doing.”
Pepper chuckled, gently placing her hand on Steve’s. 
“Oh, he knows,” she nodded, twirling the ring that still adorned her finger.
“I promised him we’d be fine.”
my adhd ass jumping from prompt to prompt: parkour
anyway, thanks for reading
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theyearoftheking · 4 years
Book Thirty-Five: Dolores Claiborne
“Sometimes you have to be a high-riding bitch to survive...sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has to hold onto...”
Let’s play a fun game... who is the most famous Dolores you know? For me, it’s Dolores Avery, of Making a Murderer fame. She’s got a seemingly endless collection of fancy house dresses (er, nightgowns), people are always on her case about not taking her diabetes medication, and the fact she refers to her grown son as “Stevie” cracks me up every time. And her Manitowoc accent is SO strong it should be a character by itself. 
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I know there are people who haven’t seen this gem of a “documentary” on Netflix, and it’s really something special. It highlights the worst Wisconsin has to offer (as if being home to both Jeffrey Dahmer and Ed Gein wasn’t enough). Please know... we’re not all like the Avery family. We’re not all inbred hicks... some of us even have college degrees and haven’t committed crimes like masturbating on a police car. 
My sister and I like to use the Manitowoc accent (we also refer to it as our Manitowoc County voices); and we refer to each other as Dolores, and our daughters as Little Dolores. Whenever I say Dolores, my husband is hella confused about who I’m actually referring to. Spoiler: it’s always my sister. We’ve also been known to yell, “Dolores!!” as we drive past each other’s homes. Our neighborhood is so lucky to have us. 
So, Dolores Avery was the only Dolores I knew before picking up Dolores Claiborne. Spoiler: DC might be my new favorite Dolores. I had really low expectations for this book. It was referenced a few times in Gerald’s Game, and I really hoped it wasn’t the same trigger warning bullshit. I started it, and groaned. Was I really going to be able to read 300 pages of monologue? 
Yes, I was. 
And quickly, I might add. 
The entire book is Dolores’s police interview regarding her involvement in the murder of Vera Donovan, the elderly woman Dolores worked for. Dolores immediately admits she had no part in Vera’s death, but she did kill her own husband, Joe. 
Remember in Gerald’s Game when Jessie kept having images of a woman standing over a well? That was Dolores, and Joe was the dead body at the bottom of the well. 
But don’t worry, he totally deserved it. 
So, Dolores spent almost her entire life working for Vera Donovan, an eccentric (all bed sheets should be hung outside with six clothespins- not four- but six!) rich bitch on Little Tall Island. Dolores started working for Vera when she still had her mental and physical capabilities, but in her later years, Vera was haunted by the dust bunnies under the bed, and had some particular incontinence habits. I totally would have killed her for this alone. Dolores is a better woman than I am. 
Vera is a formidable woman, but Dolores is no slouch herself. She stuck up for the employees Vera fired for no reason, and wasn’t afraid to call a spade a spade. Or, a bitch a bitch as the case may be. After all, Dolores had her own shit going on. Her husband Joe was an alcoholic, abusive piece of garbage, who took it too far one night, and Dolores threatened to beat him dead if he ever tried it again. Their daughter, Selena, walks in on this scene, and Dolores tells her to go back to bed.
But, Selena’s behavior starts changing. She becomes a total daddy’s girl, following Joe around everywhere, bringing him snacks, and working in the garage with him. But then she changes again. She stops washing her hair, she wears big, baggy clothes, and starts coming home from school later and later. Dolores eventually finds out Joe has been sexually abusing Selena. 
Once again, she threatens him, and tells him to stay away from their daughter. She knows she needs to escape. So, she goes to the bank to withdraw money from the kids college accounts... only to find out Joe beat her to the punch and withdrew the money already. 
Dolores is frustrated, angry, and loses her shit one day at work. Vera tells her there’s only one thing you do with a man like Joe. Dolores knows she’s right; Selena deserves better than living in fear of her father.
So Dolores ships her kids away, and waits for the eclipse, when the entire town is either on a boat Vera rented out, or on a hotel rooftop. She gets Joe drunk, provokes him, and then has him strategically chase her through the woods, where he falls into an abandoned well, and eventually dies after Dolores clocks him in the head with a rock. 
For a minute, she reconsiders killing Joe. Maybe he’ll change. Maybe he’ll get better. But then she has an image of a little girl in a yellow and red striped dress, sitting on her daddy’s lap as he paws at her (it’s Jessie!). And she knows she needs to do this for abused children everywhere. 
Dolores calls Joe in missing the next day, the police eventually find his body, but find no signs of foul play. Well done, Dolores! You could teach a master class in crime scene and interviewing tactics. Vera raises an eyebrow and just kind of smirks. She knows what Dolores did and she silently applauds her for it. 
So, life continues on. Dolores’s kids grow up and thrive away from their asshole father, and she keeps working for Vera as her health deteriorates. One day, Vera has had enough of life, and asks Dolores to kill her. She’s haunted by dust bunnies, and she knows her mental capacity is diminished. But before Dolores can do it, Vera trips and falls down the stairs, killing herself. 
Dolores is conflicted about Vera’s death. Yes, she was a crabby old lady with peculiar habits; but she was also the one who basically gave her permission to kill her husband. A few days after Vera’s death, Dolores gets a call informing her she’s now thirty million dollars richer. Vera left Dolores her entire fortune. 
Dolores is confused, and assumed the money would have gone to Vera’s kids. But come to find out, Vera’s kids are dead... they died in a horrific car accident. But it explains why they never came to visit their mother. They’re not terrible kids, they’re just dead. 
Dolores is eventually cleared in Vera’s murder, and anonymously donates the thirty million to an orphanage, just in time for Christmas. Boom. Merry Christmas, orphan children!
I loved this book. The narrative style was so different from anything Steve had written up to this point, and Dolores and Vera are bad-ass bitches who understand what it means to support other women and take care of them. And know when their husbands have to die.
Total Wisconsin Mentions: 25
Total Dark Tower References: 26
Book Grade: A-
Rebecca’s Definitive Ranking of Stephen King Books
The Talisman: A+
Needful Things: A+
Misery: A+
Different Seasons: A+
It: A+
Four Past Midnight: A+
The Shining: A-
The Stand: A-
The Wastelands: A-
The Drawing of the Three: A-
Dolores Claiborne: A-
Nightmares in the Sky: B+
The Dark Half: B+
Skeleton Crew: B+
The Dead Zone: B+
‘Salem’s Lot: B+
Carrie: B+
Creepshow: B+
Cycle of the Werewolf: B-
Danse Macabre: B-
The Running Man: C+
Thinner: C+
Dark Visions: C+
The Eyes of the Dragon: C+
The Long Walk: C+
The Gunslinger: C+
Pet Sematary: C+
Firestarter: C+
Rage: C
Cujo: C-
Nightshift: C-
Gerald’s Game: D
Roadwork: D
Christine: D
The Tommyknockers: D-
Next is Nightmares and Dreamscapes. Ka was on my side with this one, it was delivered three hours before I finished Dolores Claiborne! 
Until next time, Long Days & Pleasant Nights,
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Bad Daddy part 2
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Part 2 reposting. Not my gif, belongs to @bbylangdon
Warnings: Foul language, sexual situations
You sighed staring at the empty space next to you. Michael had never come to bed last night. Biting your lower lip in frustration, you couldn’t believe that he actually had the nerve to leave for the outpost last night and not even try to say goodbye. That never happened. No matter what, you two always said goodbye with multiple hugs, and yearnful kisses until he returned. But not this time. Had you really fucked up so badly, angered him enough to the point where he would choose to avoid seeing you and leave?
Heaving a great sigh, you rolled over onto your back to stare up at the ceiling. You would have to get up eventually, and see to the baby. She would brighten your spirits. At this point, you could only hope that he at least said goodbye to Y/D/N before making his journey into that hellscape.
Maneuvering yourself out of the bed, you began to march to your daughter’s bedroom. Making your way to the door, you halted suddenly as your hand reached for the doorknob. It was utterly silent. That was unusual. Usually Y/D/N would hear your footsteps in the hallway and begin screaming in delight to be let out of her room, and start her day. Maybe she was more exhausted then you thought, and had decided to sleep in that morning. Better to just check in and make sure.
Quietly, you cracked the door open peering your head through. Eyes widening, you immediately slammed the door into the wall and ran over to the crib, eyes immediately tearing up. Y/D/N was not in her bed. You could feel yourself start to hyperventilate, as your head began turning left and right, questioning if maybe she had escaped and was hiding in some corner of the room. Falling to your knees, you looked beneath the crib, opened her closet but she was nowhere to be found.
Immediately, you began to rush down the hallway, an awful thought taking over in your head. What if Michael had taken her while she was asleep? No matter how awful the argument could be, he would never willingly do something so cruel. He was so protective of Y/D/N, he would never let her out of the sanctuary. He rarely let her even be outside of their home, just to keep her hidden from the curious gazes of the members within the cooperative. Michael kept his little family safe, and extremely close to the hip.
As you continued to rush down the hallway, peering into different rooms, you heard movement taking place into the kitchen. Fuck! They had appliances, extra pointy knives and god knows what else she would be able to get into. You skidded to a stop at the kitchen entrance, ready to witness some horror but to your surprise it was something entirely unexpected. Michael was in the kitchen preparing breakfast with Y/D/N. He had sat her on the countertop in front of him, Y/D/N babbling baby words to him as he was mixing the sweet egg batter for French toast. Y/D/N handed him the cinnamon he had left in front of her, Michael carefully measuring out the amount of cinnamon he wanted. “Thank you little love”, Michael grinned towards Y/D/N.
“Good Morning, Mommy”, he greeted not looking up, too focused on his work and concerned of overdoing it with the spices.
You said nothing, chest rising and falling rapidly realizing that Y/D/N hadn’t gone missing. That Michael in his anger towards you, hadn’t taken her to fuck with you. You were ashamed of yourself. Michael might be the Anti-Christ, the antithesis of evil but he was still your love; your rock, and you knew he treasured the both of you above anything else.
You finally cleared your throat, the terrible black fog clouding your mind forgotten as you finally became aware of your surroundings and the situation at hand. Daddy was home. Daddy was surprisingly awake before you. He hadn’t left, and he was making breakfast with Y/D/N. Not only that, but he apparently had foregone wearing a shirt while cooking. You couldn’t help but bite the corner of your lip admiring the view in front of you. You knew Michael was always meant to be as aesthetically pleasing as possible. His beauty, so dangerous and alluring, beckoning you and welcoming you closer, even when you could see the fangs baring themselves. Beautiful strong arms, lean and toned. Skin so perfectly smooth. Broad shoulders filled with a quiet strength, and a warm chest, so perfectly created to cradle your face closely.
Michael said nothing else, adding the cinnamon and handing it back to Y/D/N chubby hands. “You are doing marvelously little chef! That was the most important ingredient we needed to make this delicious!”. Y/D/N glowed under her father’s praise, her small hands clapping together enthusiastically. Michael circled his way around the island in the center of the kitchen, making his way towards the fridge.
You felt your breath stop. Oh no…..
Michael opened the fridge, back towards you. Not only was he going shirtless for breakfast, but on top of that he had decided that he felt like wearing his extremely tight, very flattering leather pants. You sucked on your teeth. He knew how much you loved those pants on him. You often pawed at him, like a bitch in heat when he would wear them. They were the closes thing to lingerie for you. He wore them, and you were ready to do him dirty.
Like a lightbulb going off in your head, you smirked as crossed your arms across your chest and leaned against the island. You knew exactly what he was doing. Daddy didn’t get to play, so he was going to make Mommy want to play with him.
“I know what you’re doing Daddy”, you commented knowingly, as Michael pulled out a jug of orange juice and placing it next to Y/D/N.
“Would Mommy like orange juice, or coffee?” Michael asked, ignoring your comment and finally looking up at you. You stared back at Michael silently, eyes making contact but no other words being spoken.  You could see the playfulness in his ocean blue eyes, almost daring you to do something about it.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about Mommy…”, as you and Michael continued to hold eye contact, the look in his eyes daring you to contradict him. You licked your dry lips, subtly clenching your thighs, already feeling an ache. Michael continued to leer at you, a soft smug smile gracing his lips. Fine, he wanted to play that way. So be it. You would play.
You cleared your throat, giving a small exhale not willing yourself to look away from him. “Where did you sleep last night?”, watching as Michael turned away and returned to the bowl of egg mix, Y/D/N playing with a lone spoon, as Michael began to calmly whisk the ingredients. Michael looked up giving you a thoughtful look. “The living room. Can’t remember the last time I slept on a couch, Mommy”, he murmured softly.
Ouch. You pensively chose to look down at the granite counter, your hands clenching harder and nails digging into your palms. There wasn’t a time that you and Michael had ever slept separately from each other, unless he was away on a trip. Guilt trip was not going to help him win this one.
“I mean…I mean you could have come to bed. You didn’t have to sleep on the couch last night”, you whispered.
“Could I have?”, he whispered harshly, slamming the whisk on the counter startling Y/D/N for a second before she went back to taping the metal spoon against the granite, entertaining herself.
You felt yourself flinch, already exasperated by the tense atmosphere taking place in the kitchen. You looked up, staring him in the eye before blatantly rolling your eyes at his bratty behavior.
“You have no one to blame but yourself Daddy”, giving Michael a tight smirk. Michael’s jaw clenched, eyes narrowing, his breathing deepening. You knew you were playing with fire at that moment. You were well and truly fucked now. Were they really going to argue before they ate?
Instead of shouting, Michael began to gently shake his head and chuckle. “You are truly maddening sweetheart…”, as he stepped around the counter, walking past you and towards the phone on the counter. You turned your head, unable to stop yourself from watching him walk away. The way those black leather pants clung to his ass like a second skin was sinful to say the least. You could admit to yourself, quite easily actually that Michael had an amazing ass. At times when you would watch him change, or shower, you wondered what it would be like to have an ass like his. One night, when you both were dating back before the world was led to ruin, you were staying the night at Mead’s home having some alone time with Michael. You had mentioned to him how he had an ass you could bounce a quarter off of.
Michael had blushed so hard, and was so flattered but alarmed as to what to do with that information. You had somehow managed to convince him to let you try to bounce a quarter off of it. Needless to say, it was a few hours of indescribable silliness for the both of, and one of the fondest memories you had helping you fall even more in love with him.
You were broken out of memory lane, realizing Michael had just gotten off the phone with someone. Before you were even able to ask who he had called, Ms. Mead walked through the kitchen entrance, ignoring you and Michael and walking straight towards Y/D/N.
Y/D/N extended her arms in delight at seeing Mead, the words Nana breaking through her little lips, as Miriam simply lifted her into her arms and cuddled her closely. “I’ll see you two later. Enjoy your morning”, turning back and exiting the kitchen entrance as quickly as she entered.
You stood there, lips parted in disbelief as you turned to look at Michael to understand what was going on. Before any words could move past your lips, Michael crossed the kitchen in a few strides halting right in front of you, trapping you against the counter. His whole body was tightly wound, his chest puffed out making you feel smaller, trapped and aroused.
“Bedroom. Now”.
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