#I just rec not reading this unless you're the anon
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themsource · 2 years ago
Hi! I'm new to fandom and I am going around asking different creators if they have any advice for me if that's okay
First off congrats, that's really awesome that you've discovered a passion for something enough to engage in the fandom space! ❤ I hope you have a wonderful experience in whatever fandom you're joining ^^ (If it's UT—YAY! XD lol)
Anywho, sure I can give some. But uh, it'll be derived from what I've experienced and won't be pretty. There's nothing guaranteeing you'll experience it at all as I have but still it has some stuff I wish I'd been told before getting heavily involved and learning stuff the hard way.
Placing it below a cut so people can easily avoid reading if they wish.
Be careful who you interact with. (People that frequently bad mouth others—make callout posts with no hard evidence.) And don't take someone's word on a person's character as truth.
You could become a victim of callout posts/drama no matter if you've spoken to the person or not. If it's someone you've been talking to a while or have only been kind to in interactions. Unfortunately people can be quick to jump on anything that has the slightest possibility of being taken negatively and spin it that way even if there's no ill intent or maliciousness behind it. Or they can paint you as negative just because.
You will face labels such as "Problematic" or "Toxic" to name a few, and once you get associated with those you'll see that a large portion of a fandom can and will blacklist you over it for their own mental safety, and/or to avoid potential drama you carry with you by probable association (such as "my idol creator hates you so I will too so they don't dislike me." or "I heard from someone that you think people that like this shipxship are stupid, and I like that ship so no bueno." Etc.)
Things I've said that people have called me "problematic" to my face for over the years:
"It's entitled and selfish for a following/fan base to get upset because the creator wants to explore a new genre the fanbase isn't comfortable with or used to, especially when they've labeled and warned so it can be avoided. Those aren't real fans or supporters."
"I ship Frans."
"The content you make doesn't matter when it comes to fiction. It's not real and neither are the characters. It's dumb if someone judges you over it."
"I don't believe hearsay without proof." (Twitter drama for example about someone)
"Denying where an idea comes from just so you can feel valid and good about yourself is wrong, especially if you're wrong in what you thought you knew and just don't want to admit it."
"I just wanted to be a Hufflepuff."
"I love pinapple on pizza."
"He said, she said, is a political debate. Because all it is is throwing words and accusations around without any evidence to back it."
"Chara is evil."
"Fluff is nice but sometimes you just need really dark unhinged stuff to balance it out otherwise it'll get bland."
"You can like content and not like the creator. And vice versa. I will always separate the art from the artist."
"I don't believe in the term 'problematic' when it comes to fiction."
"Toriel was just as much in the wrong as Asgore was."
There's probably more but these are the ones I was made aware of.
Other labels that have been pushed on me because of what was said above that fall under "problematic": P*do, Weirdo, Freak, R*p Apologist, Transp*be, and Exclusionist just to name a few.
Though none of those labels remotely align with my personal views and stances. It won't matter to a lot of people though if you've been "warned" for with those labels used. This world currently is very "Guilty until proven innocent" instead of "Innocent until proven guilty." Which means it'll be very hard or impossible to change someone's mind especially if they were "warned" by a friend.
You'll also find a lot of people will isolate and detach from you if you disagree on something such as how you view a certain creator or their work, so a lot of the time people will keep their mouth shut just to fit in or to not experience rejection, or will go so far as to say things they don't mean to appear as if agreeing. This is called an "echo chamber" and if you don't fit it, you'll likely get booted. Be prepared for people to maybe DM saying they agree with you, but ultimately not speaking up for fear of backlash for themselves. If someone does speak up? Cool! That's an awesome person and you are lucky to have found them.
So am I problematic given the examples above? To some maybe, others no, some definitely yes, and everyone has the risk of being viewed that way too. Thankfully just like most things in this world though, online you'll find not everyone will share the same viewpoint or opinion. You will undoubtably find at least one person that won't care how others label you.
I have a really small, really closed, friend group. There are six people I know for sure are lifelong friends that I've made through fandom. They took the time to get to know me, listened to my views even if they disagreed and did so amicably (as I've done too), and if there was an issue always talked to me about it. Six may not seem like much but you'll find a smaller number of people who truly understand you vs a crowd that you have to say the "right thing" or make the "right content" for is so much more fulfilling.
The golden rule is something I try to live by: "Treat others the way you want to be treated."
And the best way to determine that is through interaction. If they reciprocate the golden rule that is a positive indicator that they might be safe to interact and eventually open up to. It's best to decide for yourself what a person's character is like and if they're safe rather than having others decide for you by word of mouth, including the very person themselves because you'll find a lot of people in fandom tend to have terrible self confidence.
Unless there's hard proof like an admittance or gloat that someone can provide, then oh boy—the block button is a friend.
Personally, I've learned it's best to just post your stuff, give someone a like or reblog here and there, and answer any legit asks if they're received to try avoiding unnecessary conflict. But that's just me.
Don't get involved in "picking sides". (You're with us or against us nonsense)
This is a quick way to get you avoided and blacklisted because you'll either disturb someone's echo chamber or you'll be seen as a drama mama when people are here for content and fun, not the latest issue or gossip going on.
The world isn't black and white, and that includes the issues and viewpoints in it. It's shades of grey. By viewing it as black and white you leave no room for nuance, and people that use the "with us or against us" arguments so vocally expect 100% percent compliance or none. You're not allowed to agree on one thing pertaining to a topic but disagree on another thing on the same topic because then "you're adding to the problem".
Now this isn't to scare you into thinking that you can't trust someone you want to be friends with by opening up to them with your opinions. No, please do, that's how friendships are made, but if you feel like there is the slightest risk they'll drop you like a sack of potatoes then you probably shouldn't. It's 50/50 gamble sometimes. And if they do well they weren't your friend to begin with and you're better off without them. Bizarrely some in the "with us" camp believe having you around with a viewpoint they can't stand will somehow influence them in a way they don't want. Which is honestly just ridiculous to me because that eliminates the principle of free thought and will.
So I advise just enjoying the content you see and making it yourself if that's what you want to do. Don't turn yourself into an advertisement board for free harassment from those who actively want to pick a fight and make you look like a bad person somehow on top of it. Some get joy out of just destroying people.
Ignore the trolls
Every fandom has trolls. People who like to give shit and bully just for fun (for them) aka harassment. This can include "kys" messages or other negative things in your inbox from anons, comments on your post bashing a ship though it was clearly marked so it could be avoided, etc. These come in all ages and demographics, from minors and yes even from grown ass adults in their 40s and up. Sadly trolls can't be avoided no matter how popular you are or how wholesome the stuff you engage with is. You could be a mute virgin nun and still be attacked for something.
The only thing you can do is ignore them. If they get bad, really bad like do doxing (the exposure of your real identity), report them. They've been around since even before the invention of the internet and will be around even after.
Don't take being blocked or muted personally.
Some just block or mute to avoid content they don't like, and with how algorithms work on certain websites just you liking something without reblogging or sharing can make it show up on their feed, especially if you share mutuals or are gaining traction in a tag or whatever. This doesn't mean they dislike you personally.
And if you find someone does block or mute you over a comment you made recently or what have you, still don't get hung up over it. Chances are you probably wouldn't have a very productive conversation in the first place. Unless it's a case of misunderstanding since online text boxes can be too limited to get your meaning across, then I rec either reaching out a quick message via an alt to clear it if you truly care enough about the person.
But don't ever try to not be yourself just to please someone. If after talking they still want nothing to do with you based on differences in views, drop it. It'd just stress you out in the long run to linger over it.
And if you make an honest mistake, sometimes people will hold that against you, but it's best to just let that go too, because not everyone will hold that against you, and given time a few will get over it and even see where you were coming from after the anger dies down. Mistakes happen and they will happen. You can't hold that against yourself. Tagging can be confusing, the wrong word could be used when describing something, etc.
Just stay calm, take a deep breath, and compose yourself before you react. It's a mistake, not the end of the world. Let people block that need to block, don't take it personally because odds are they're hurt just like you are, apologize where you can, and just try to do better.
In the great words of The All-American Rejects, move along.
Don't do DNIs if you can help it (Do Not Interact lists)
I don't recommend having DNIs, I see it as a bar to what could otherwise be a good friendship so long as you simply tell them your boundaries.
DNIs can be taken as a red flag by some that if you see anyone that fits the labels you choose for your list that you automatically see them as a bad person, regardless of nuances or discussion, and that you'll likely target them for harassment if you come across them in a mutual's post or share a space for a community event. Obviously this is for the mundane labels, I've seen people list "Apple Lovers" (yes the fruit), and Vegetarians, to name a few.
I'm not saying that people who use DNIs will harass, just that I've seen it happen and have been targeted over it too as have others.
Seriously harassment can and will happen from anywhere, it's the internet, better prepared than not though.
But if you really feel you need one to feel safe. Please make sure you research the true meanings and definitions behind the labels you select. Otherwise people will stare out of confusion, or block you over more misunderstandings.
Have fun
Create and curate, for you.
Make the type of stuff you want to make or engage with without fear of judgement. Be shameless in what you enjoy because that's the only true way you'll enjoy being in a fandom. People will judge you anyways, no matter what, so don't get hung up on it.
Out of my friends there's some that absolutely loathe some of the content and ships I enjoy, so they don't follow my socials to avoid that content, but they still encourage me to be happy and to keep "doing me" with what I write or draw, because they know my character isn't reflected in my consumption. And the right people will see that with you, and encourage you if you're honest and happy with yourself even if they may disagree with it or not.
This is the most important bit of advice I want to give. Given the other stuff I know it may seem overwhelming but trust me it really is worth it in the end once you find a rhythm, and pretty soon after enough time you'll find yourself roiling your eyes over the other stuff when you've reached a place of comfort and contentment. Because once you have that none of the other stuff matters. Ultimately that's what every decent person strives for in a fandom. It may be easy or it may be difficult to reach but it's possible.
No one can hurt you when you're having fun and you're happy with yourself. Words will roll off like water on plastic after a point and trolls/bullies will largely disappear if they realize their name calling and words can't hurt you or sow doubt.
You also won't feel as lonely if you don't receive interaction on something once in a while because you'll still feel the joy from having made it. That's another thing, don't join a fandom just for attention and validation from others. That's the number one way to find disappointment and to end up dropping from a fandom in the end other than simply losing your hyper fixation after a while.
With that I wish you luck! Sorry if this was long winded ^^ and please don't take this as a be all end all guide, this is all just personal opinion and interpretation meant to help. (I also am terrible at discussing my thoughts cohesively and accurately so I apologize if anything is confusing.)
I hope you live your best fandom life, I'm rooting for you. ❤
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triassictriserratops · 10 months ago
pls let us know your faves everlark smut fics 🙏
Hi Anon!
Given that I just did a Post Mockingjay Smut Rec List the other day. (Link here) I'm going to use this opportunity to do a Modern AU smut rec list. (spoiler alert, @katnissdoesnotfollowback WILL feature heavily. Sorry, not sorry.)
(I can also do a Canon Divergent/In Canon AU smut list if anyone is interested in that.)
Maybe Tomorrow by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Complete 5/5
Everlark snowed in, two night stand, duck slippers, Glasses!Peeta. Shower scene. Need I say more?
Come On Baby, Light My Fire by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Complete 14/14
Oh my God, they were neighbors! Firefighter!Peeta. Teacher!Katniss. Fireman Charity Calendar. (IT'S FOR CHARITY YOU HEATHENS.) I, uh, I read it for the articles. 👀
Librarian!Peeta (SERIES) by Silvercistern (now an orphaned work)
Complete as 3 one-shots
I mean, COME ON. Librarian Peeta (that drives a scooter)???? Structural Welder Katniss???? My bisexual wet dream, honestly.
A Case of the Honeymoons (SERIES) by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Complete 7/7 AND a one-shot
Murphy's (Smut) Law. Anything that can go dong, will go dong.
Unmasked by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Complete 34/34
Not modern but i'll still put it here. Period AU. Masked balls! BOOTS. Hidden identities! Marrying for money! PEETA ON A HORSE. KATNISS ON A HORSE. STABLES?????? HNGGGGGGGG
9000 R.P.M. by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Complete 7/7
Literally a drug for me, honestly. Just fuck me up with this. You ever want to just annihilate me? Write more of this in Peeta's POV. Would take me OUT.
Katniss Racecar Driver. Peeta Mechanic. Single Divorced Mother! Dimpled Daddy! JUST KISS YOU FUCKING MORONS, YOU'RE SO IN LOVE, AHHHHHHH.
Chemistry by @annieoakley1
Complete 3/3
Age Gap! Older Peeta! Younger Katniss (college)! Hot For Teacher! Former high school teacher but EVERYTHING IS LEGAL HERE.
Two Night Stand by @absnow
Complete 2/2
LISTEN, LISTEN, I'm a simple woman. Put my two idiots in a space together with snow outside??? I'm SAT.
The Flatshare by @absnow
Complete 3/3 (Unless... 👀👀👀?)
Oh My GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES! (Wait...were they??? I mean...kinda????) That post-it note kind of love. the CHOKEHOLD this story had on me!!!!
Forbidden by @annieoakley1
Complete one-shot
It's the 50s! Peeta wants Mr. Everdeen's approval. But he also wants Mr. Everdeen's daughter...
Love Is... by @annieoakley1
Everlark as childhood friends. 😭 Peeta becomes an Everdeen. 😭 Mr. Everdeen calls him "son". 😭
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Complete one-shot
College Besties. Happy Birthday, Peeta.
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Spellbound BY @katnissdoesnotfollowback
This story is EVERYTHING to me. I LIVE for it. Witches Katniss and Prim? Ghost Haymitch??? War Vet Peeta remodeling a house??? BISEXUAL PEETA???? (This was actually the BIRTHPLACE of Bisexual Peeta for me. It was fucking REVELATORY.)
Where the Stars Crumble to Life by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
FUTURE AU. Everlark in SPACE. (Well, another planet.) Criminal Peeta??? DIVORCED EVERLARK??? SCHRODINGER'S BUTTERCUP.
Outside Chance (SERIES) by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
ONGOING (all three stories, main Everlark story is 28/32)
Everlark at the Olympics. Para-snowboarder Peeta. Biathlete Katniss Childhood friends! Teenage Loves! WHAT HAPPENED?!
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roslynwrites · 10 months ago
Hello! I hope you're doing well. I rejoined the zutara fandom a few weeks ago and let me tell you i am OBSESSED with your fics. I know the atla fandom keeps whining about it but I actually really enjoy the darker aspects of zk & incendiary is simply a masterpiece. So i was wondering do you have any zk fic recs that are darker in nature?
Oh, welcome back! Thank you very much!!
The idea that Zutara is dark has always been blatantly hilarious to me. It's sooo vanilla. It's baby's first ETL. It's quite possibly the purest ETL out there. And yet. Lmao. I'll be real with you anon, if you're wanting fic recs that are darker in nature, I'm not sure if the Zutara fandom is the best place to look. I have found it be an incredibly vanilla fandom, from my perspective anyway, and there seems to be a greater resistance to darkfic or darker fic around here that I haven't noticed in other ships I've poked around in. You look in Reylo or Dramione, for example, and I think there's a clear difference there. To some extent it's also a character thing I think, I believe characters like Draco or Kylo Ren to be more convincingly morally grey or dark than Zuko. Zuko is just such a sweetie, at least to me, so if he behaves too dark it doesn't ring quite true (again, for me) unless it's wildly AU.
(On a side tangent, I've always been a believer that of the two, Katara would be the one to go dark first and Zuko would be the one to follow her, with a lovestruck devotion, into that abyss, and that's what would pull him over...but that might just be me, I love that whole 'love that corrupts' sometimes, it's so delicious) 😄 Anyway. For Zutara I can currently only give meager offerings of fics I have not yet read: there's Salt and Scale, which seems to be well liked and appears to be darker, based on the tags. I'm looking forward to reading that one! I also saw a recent one a while ago that was based on Senlinyu's Manacled, which is quite dark. I thought it was called 'Unbalanced' but I am having trouble finding it; either I'm remembering wrong or it's down? But good luck finding more!! Maybe others have more too.
(I'd be happy for some more suggestions myself).
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winwintea · 1 year ago
Let's ride, Rodeo!
abt me!
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london/cowboy/may — broke college student — 21 — any pronouns!
mbti: entj + gemini
nationality: raaaaaaaaaaaah america /hj (save me please)
lang: 中文/en all ok
fav color: brown/green
ult groups: nct (all units), enhypen, skz, txt, aespa, (g)-idle, riize, & zb1, p1harmony, svt (casual listener of many groups)
biases: winwin, chenle, doyoung, riku, jay (en), han (skz), soobin, ningning, soyeon/yuqi, anton, matthew/taerae, jiung, minghao
likes: bubble tea, cats, dark academia, gaming, literature, sleep, fashion, writing, winning, people, turtles, pineapple on pizza (unironically)
dislikes: arguments i can't win, mushrooms, humidity
i shitpost on @sinisxtea (you're on my writing acc!)
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be respectful at all times AKA no hate speech, bigotry, bullying, harassment, spamming and the like, towards me and to others who interact with my blog
do not plagiarize my posts !!
minors (anyone whose 18th birthday has not passed yet) please do NOT interact with my 18+ posts, but anything else is fine to interact with. (blog mostly sfw with a lot of cussing, so i probably won't have any 18+ posts unless you count reblogs, but just in case 🤞)
asks are ALWAYS OPEN. i love talking to people please talk to me 🥺 ask me questions hi. pls chat with me guys
don’t send asks about political opinions !
anons: 🌊 ◎ 🍉 ◎ 🍷 ◎ 🍄 ◎ 🐍 ◎ 🌼 ◎ 🍑👋 ◎ 🥚 ◎ 🍆✊
on terms of requests:
requests are currently: OPEN
if you make a request, please be patient! i'm only human (wayv reference guys) and i have a life outside of tumblr
i don't have an update schedule, so the time the request gets done will be based around if it's a scenario or a longer fic!
i'll write basically anything but smut. i apologize but i get really uncomfy writing it, so the most i'll do is somewhat suggestive works. i'll read it though, if u wanna send me good fics recs 🙏
i write for all nct units (wish included), and also pretty much any boy group i stan (if you aren't sure don't be scared to send an ask!) when requested 🙏
masterlist here!
o u got bread ???????????? good i want that
belladonna! - h.rj
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cinnamonest · 9 months ago
I know nothing about Persona let alone Goro Akechi but after reading the bsf and yan profile post I want to give this man a hug (and my tits). His story seems so sad ;-; and he's so pretty and for what?? 💢
Honestly, as much as I enjoy genshin I never truly found it to have any meaningful or extremely well written characters (which is not a bad thing, I just can't take them seriously when they all look like that lmao). All credit to making me think twice about them goes to writers and artists in the fandom. So the change in content feels soooooo nice. Made me appreciate your writing in another way
I've heard about Persona a LOT for years, but I didn't have a huge drive to play it until your liveposting (p.s I love the LP so much) and especially the posts with that one insane policeman guy who is a loser (affectionate, also giving him my pussy). Any recs? 😅
HE IS MY BABY BOY you're so right he is so pretty 😖😖😖 Akechi is genuinely an excellently written character, and Persona 5 Royal is one of the few games I think fully deserves to be so hyped as it is.
Tbh I think the problem genshin and similar games has is that there's so many characters, you have to essentially go out of your way to dig into lore to get anything beyond surface level from them. This happens a lot in series with lots of characters — like with Danganronpa for example, your experience of a lot of characters completely changes upon playing their free time events. A lot of genshin characters get very little screen time on the main story, so all their characterization is in their quests, lines, and character profile content. Which to be fair, with a game of this nature that's kinda the only way to really do it, so, I'm just glad they give us that extra content tbh. I've played some gachas that would introduce new characters but give very little beyond a design and name which is kinda sad when you want to know more about the lil guy you're playing with.
But AAAAAAAAAAAAAA thank you so much anon I am going to ramble here, but I'll put a tl;dr at the bottom!
Soooo if you want to get into Persona, I'd recommend the series in a certain order with some notes. There's 5 main entries in the series and a lot of spinoffs.
A word of advice in general with marathoning a game series: with any series it's a good idea to play in order of chronological and thus technological progression, especially if you intend to play the series back to back, otherwise going from a more recent game to an older one can damper your experience due to the decrease in graphical quality, gameplay smoothness, and general content quantity.
However for this series, the ideal order to play really depends on the factors of 1) which version of Persona 3 you choose to play, and 2) if you want to play Persona 1 & 2.
Regarding Persona 1 and 2: These are some of those games where your enjoyment will strongly depend on whether or not you're a person who is okay with some of the frustrations, limitations and slowness/jankiness common to old games (they came out between 1996-1999). I know some people don't mind or see it as a sort of vintage charm, while others get very frustrated with that — if you're the latter, I'd recommend saving yourself the frustration and skipping them, but if you like old games or have a high tolerance for jankiness, you could start here. I will also say that, even amongst the vintage/90s games fan crowd, P2 is definitely more popular and considered better than P1. It's also much better on the aforementioned issues.
Also, unless you have an original PlayStation or PSP, you'll have to emulate these.
Regarding Persona 3: there's several versions — the original came out in like 2006, then there was a remake version called P3 FES which added an epilogue (which is being added to the recent remake soon anyway), then a PSP remake called Persona 3 Portable (which has ports on modern consoles), then the most recent remake, Persona 3 Reload, came out just a few months ago in 2024.
Obviously the newest remake has vastly improved graphics and added lots of gameplay content. However, one of the biggest differences is that P3 Portable had the option to play as a female protagonist — this altered a lot of aspects of the game and is exclusive to that version (which has disappointed a lot of people hoping she'd be in the 2024 remake), so you can't play as her if you play Reload (unless, I believe, you play PC, there's a volunteer team currently making a mod for her).
Personally, I bought P3 Reload, and couldn't get into it, so I dropped it. Then I bought P3P on a whim and LOVE it so far. Getting to play as the girl protagonist makes a massive difference in my opinion, and more than compensates for the older graphics/gameplay. It's not just the romance routes either, her dialogue options, interactions, music, and overall vibe is different enough that it changes the feel of the story.
It really depends on what you value more — 2024-tier visual quality/gameplay and the epilogue, versus the Female Protagonist experience, so just pick which you prefer.
For the order thing, if you choose to play P3P (or the original/FES for whatever reason), I'd start here, but if you want to play Reload, I'd play it either last or just before P5 Royal.
Moving on, Persona 4: Golden and Persona 5: Royal are both the definitive editions of their respective games. They're remakes of the originals with a lot of added content, and unlike Persona 3, there's no reason to play the older versions over these. Notably their themes/vibes are kinda opposite of each other (big city world-scale societal rebellion versus small rural town murder mystery), I wouldn't say either story is better or worse, they're not really comparable and more a matter of personal taste.
As for the stories, admittedly if you've read my posts, you've essentially already been spoiled on the identity of the killers, but honestly it's still worth experiencing the story, there's multiple big plot twists before and after the reveals regarding Akechi/Adachi.
I would play Persona 5 Royal last, largely because it's widely considered the best entry to the series and is by far the longest. However if you only intend to play one game, it should definitely be P5 Royal. The only real flaw to P5 is it's much easier than previous games.
From here, there's a few more spinoff games, whether or not you want to play them really just depends on if you enjoy the genre. There's a bit of lore in some of them but nothing critical.
Dancing All Night/Starlight/Moonlight - dancing rhythm games
Arena Ultimax - fighting game, acts as an epilogue to P3&4
Persona Q 1&2
These are Nintendo DS spinoffs with chibi style art. I haven't played these and admittedly don't know much about them, I think they're dungeon crawler genre? It's popular for the aspect of which it involves the characters of the different main games, so you get to see them interact with each other.
The downside is that these games are oddly expensive, I think because there weren't too many copies. I intend to get them eventually.
Persona 5 Tactica/Strikers:
These are P5 spinoffs that put the cast in alternate stories, strikers is the closest to a true sequel from my understanding, tactica is more of a dungeon-crawler. I didn't get them because Akechi isn't in strikers and is just minor dlc for tactica.
The Phantom X
This is upcoming I believe, it's going to be a mobile game with a new cast.
The TL;DR of my advice:
- Play P2 only if you're into vintage gaming
- Play P1 only if you're REALLY into vintage gaming
- Play Persona 3 Portable if you really value the female protagonist/male character romance experience, otherwise play Persona 3 Reload
- If you play the original Persona 3, FES, or P3 Portable: start with that, then P4 Golden, then P5 Royal
- If you play Persona 3 Reload: play P4 Golden FIRST, then both P5 Royal and P3 Reload in either order.
- Play the spinoffs just based on what type of games you like, if any.
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torchickentacos · 3 months ago
do you have any pokeani fic recs for the classic vibe (read: the content is unhinged and wild)
Referencing this post- long reply but I give a few pointers in these fics' direction at the end!
I'm gonna be so honest anon, I'm not sure I want to actively rec some of them 😭 A lot of them are very of-their-time (usually 2007-2013) and, while HILARIOUS, often contain things that I really don't want to 'recommend' (homophobia, sexism, a lot of slutshaming, some REALLY out of pocket stuff that is not properly warned for, etc). OBVIOUSLY I am not reccing the yikes of things so much as the rest of it (the hilarious unhinged side), but the current fandomscape leans bad-faith and assumey and I'm just not keen to fuck around and find out tbh. Ye olde fic reccing takes a level of understanding of other time periods and attitudes and customs in fandom and on FFN that I'm... not sure that all of tumblr is always very good at tbh lol. If you guys really want me to and if we can all understand that it was a different time and that enjoyment of batshit insane fics does not equal agreement with everything said or depicted in them, then come back and I'll consider it again. But for now, I'm MORE than happy to tell you guys the best ways to find them on your own lmao. It's not hard once you get it down, and anything I'd rec, I've found through this method.
First off, FFN's search system is just frustrating imo. Between a less-than-intuitive UI and people not bothering to tag characters and ships and genres properly, using it the same way you'd filter stuff on Ao3 is a fool's errand (unless you're doing it by word count/completed/etc, which is objective and automatically tallied I think). You're better off using key words. I usually ignore the filters. The only thing I filter by is fandom at the start page (all of Pokemon is under 'games' in FFN and I don't bother narrowing it down to animeverse personally due to aforementioned mistagging or an entire lack thereof).
So, what key words do I use? When looking for that specific brand of insane campy 2000s kitschy wild unhinged stuff, I usually default to searches like "PS CS IS" (poke contest ikari, there's a lotta stuff in there, sometimes there's ORS/LGS/OS/ES/AS etc and you won't always know the acronym and it's just a surprise tbh) or trope related searches like "Assassin" or "High school" or "Vampire" other words you might find in a summary. You can also search by character names (in the search bar and not in the actual filters, which are not reliable in my experience). I'd say to go for tropes and AUs as far as keywords go. I'd ALSO say to not filter by completed, because that'll filter out a lot of two-week-passion-projects that someone dropped as soon as it got flamed, and there's some fun ones in there.
That's about it, but if you find one good fic then it's worth checking the rest of what the writer has. A lot of them have a bunch of unfinished fics and there's some hidden gems. Have a good time reading, and the search is half the fun! Come back with any funny lines you find if you want :)
#it's so hard because I truly love these classic era insane fics but you've gotta understand that they're from like 2008#and I'm just not going to open myself up to any possible bad-faith interpretations.#it's also hard because like while I'm not a big blogger#there's enough of you guys that I am hesitant to do name/title-dropping for this sort of thing specifically.#I don't want someone to see this and think we're doing it to make fun of the fics#and if someone went and did that from a rec of mine then I'd be really fucking sad about it.#I love these insane 2000s fics even though a lot of them are flawed and a little yikes sometimes.#it's not an ironic enjoyment at all. it's genuine. They're nostalgic and fun and unreserved (albeit-again-a lil' yikes).#they're from when a lot of people wrote only for themselves and leaned fully into that level of self indulgence#and it's really sweet in a way to read them so much later and to see how much fun someone had writing it#now that we're all older and more aware of what we make and more nervous about how it's perceived and aware of quality.#you also tended to see a lot of author's notes about school and summer camp and writing between life#and it's just. idk. it's got such a specific feeling to it. like damn I hope [author] had a nice choir rehearsal in 2009.#I hope their swim meet went well and that their dad stopped being annoying or whatever.#none of this is ever to make fun of the fics or to be mean-spirited. i would hope that people know at this point that I LOVE cringe#thank you very much lol.#I am cringe's number one defender. go be cringe and genuine. it's better than being condescending and bored.
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blackbatcass · 5 months ago
im so happy u turned ur anons back on they rlly thought they were baiting you, huh?
anyways! im sooo excited for the cass rebirth fic skdfewkd but in the meantime i DO wanna get into some arrowfam. ollie, roy, mia and connor just interest me so muchh but i havent read muc except for fics and even though i was supposed to follow my super specific reading order i wanna take a break from nw and the batfam and read something else.
like you said ga can be very healing!
anyways do you have a read list for me that includes all of them? thankss!
p.s nightwing vs green arrow was a question dc posted on their insta and the answers really surprised me! any insight on this?
hey! <3333 tyyy i hope it lives up to expectation. LITERALLY reading ollie is so healing its good for the soul.
so this is like a comprehensive list of ollie comics, and this is a guide to everyone in the arrowfam. they’re super helpful if you want a broad overview
for my own personal recs, i think it's nice to start with green arrow: year one or green arrow stranded, to get a feel for his origin & time on the island. the hard traveling heroes (green lantern/green arrow) stories are also essential reading in that they basically established the modern version of ollie's personality and they're soo much fun, just beware of snowbirds lol.
from there green arrow vol 2 (1988) is the big one! pretty much Thee green arrow run, especially if you want to get to know ollie better. it's a lot of solid street-level ga stories in seattle, dinah's there, eddie fyers is there, and connor's introduced towards the end! if you're specifically interested in connor #102-137 was his original green arrow run. though word of caution that anything written after mike grell is a bit questionable.
if you're more interested in the 'arrowfamily' as a whole then you're looking for green arrow vol 3 (2001). it's 75 issues and a lot of fun. this is where ollie comes back to life, mia is introduced, ollie legalizes gay marriage, etc. it's pretty much just ollie hanging out with connor and mia and having some more street-level star city shenanigans, and i am very fond of it. that being said when judd winick takes over there is some questionable shit (you might want to just skip the arc with joanna pierce) but overall it's a fun time. roy shows up occasionally, dinah comes and goes. it's probably the best run to read if you want to get to know the arrowfam as a whole.
do not read green arrow/black canary unless you're desperate. it's bad. it's hilariously bad. do not trust anyone who tells you it's good. it is pretty harmless so if you just want to skim through for mia funny moments go ahead but...yeah it's trash.
post-new 52 there is not a lot unfortunately. a lot of it's garbage. the jeff lemire run is probably the most salvageable? and the rebirth one (volume 6) isn't as nauseating so that's also an option. but obviously you can read & enjoy whatever you want, maybe new52 ollie is your favorite ollie. i would say to read through some of this if you're interested in emiko but i can't really recommend it per se.
and that brings us to the current ga ongoing! you've probably heard us bitch about it a lot on here, but tbh it's been less bad & more mediocre. mediocre comics are just really frustrating to read through in real time. i might give it a try though, it has some nice moments even though it's not great, and williamson is leaving the title next month! chris condon is set to take over and has said the first arc is about street-level crime in star city, influenced by grell and o'neill. so i am VERY excited, it has the possibility to be peak. i think condon's run (issue 18) could be a great place to hop on!
so those are my green arrow recs! if you're more interested in roy, he usually features more in titans titles than ga titles so i have a separate list in my comic recs tag for him.
i couldn't find the ig post you were talking about? i have no clue how a fight between dick and ollie would go if that's the question. power scaling is not my forte by any means. i'm not sure how ollie's archery and dick's hand to hand fighting would match up. so i don't have a lot of insight on that sorry!
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allwaswell16 · 1 year ago
Hi! Hope you had a great new year! Just want to ask if you know any more farmers or rancher fics. I've been wanting to read more of that and i feel like I'm a pregnant woman whose craving for food but instead it's for the farm or farmer fic I'm so weird I'm sorry HAHAHAHA.
Hi, anon! My new year is starting off nicely! I'm assuming you've already checked out this fic rec, I have?
🌸 Farm Fics
So here are a couple more for you that I loved! (If you want a longer part 2 Farm rec just send me another ask for that and I'll add it to my pinned post!)
You're Not My Type (still I fall) by Imogenlee / @imogenleewriter
His mum is going to kill him!
Well, not kill him. Just give him a right telling off, make him admit she'd been right, then try to confine him to his room until they found a hefty Alpha to look after him and rein him in or something.
She wouldn't manage, of course. Harry is only twenty-four and has no inclination to settle down at all, especially not at the behest of an Alpha.
But, as his mum would point out, that was the same stubborn attitude that got him here: in his car, in a thunderstorm, on the side of a forsaken lane of some little countryside town in Yorkshire. His mobile's got no signal, his GPS isn't working, and he's running low on petrol, so he can't even use the heater.
Oh, and most importantly, his car is stuck in the mud, so even if the GPS was working and he knew where to go, he wouldn’t be able to.
He's been in stickier spots; he reminds himself. Way stickier. This is just a bit of rain; it'll blow over. Then Harry will just... well, alright, he isn't entirely sure what to do when the rain stops because he'll still be stuck and lost. But, hey, there won't be any rain, which is something to cheer about.
It's gonna be a bright sunshiny day by @justalarryblog
Louis took his students to The Goat Father Farm on a field trip to learn about dairy farms. Harry, the farm owner, loves having visitors on his farm and telling fun facts about goats. And there's Brutus.
Louis is a teacher and Harry is a clumsy nerd farmer and they go on a date. Featuring Brutus and his obsession with butthead Harry.
 "Et Tu, Brute?"
no good unless it's real by @fackinglouis
“Here,” Harry says, pulling a strap off his shoulder so he can dig his phone out of his bag. “We can get each other’s numbers.”   Louis shakes his head. “I have the practice’s number already,” he tells him. “And my number is definitely on file somewhere.”
 Harry pauses, smile quirking a bit as he stares at Louis. The sun is still in his eyes, though, with his sunglasses pushed up onto his head still, so Louis credits his funny face to that.
 “I’m trying to give you my number, Louis,” Harry explains around a breathy laugh.
 “Oh,” Louis blinks, processing that. He scratches his temple, moves a piece of longer fringe back behind his ear, and then nods. “Okay.”
 Or: Louis is a very busy farmer who’s just trying to make it to his next nap and Harry’s the new hot vet that’s determined to infiltrate every area of his life.
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bidokja · 2 years ago
do u have any manhwa/webnovel recs? preferably stuff like orv but its ok if its different too :D <3
I actually have a whole list of different series I'm currently reading if you're interested in that, but if you want my personal ORV-ish picks...hmm. "Stuff like ORV" is a big range. Are you focused more on the genre, or the themes? The tropes, or the message? All of the above? IDK, so I'll just do my best to recommend a varied handful to you.
I have to preface this with: This is a tall order, anon. Honestly, I don't think any of these are on the same level as ORV. ORV is a whole different beast. But, one comes close, and the rest at least share a few similarities. So, here we go~!
NOTE: Links lead to MangaUpdates and NovelUpdates unless marked with an asterisk (*). These pages contain links to official and unofficial English releases, so you can choose whichever you want.
SSS-Class Revival Hunter (Novel / Manhwa) Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural Tropes: Deities, Future Knowledge, Game Elements, Hunters, Missions/Quests, Regression/Time Travel, Tower Climbing CW: Suicidal actions -> If you read only one thing on this list, read Revival Hunter. It's the only series I feel can stand on the same stage as ORV as a whole. Highly recommend the novel first, but the manhwa is a great adaption too.
My S-Class Hunters (Novel* / Manhwa) Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural Tropes: Deities, Dungeons, Future Knowledge, Game Elements, Hunters, Regression/Time Travel -> Definitely recommend the novel more here. I think the manhwa is doing an alright job of adapting it, but it makes some...unique editing choices.
Those are the two I feel are the best in quality while having some overlap with ORV. For a longer list of recs, check below the read more.
Whether the series below share more or less in common with ORV than the ones above, they're series that I feel aren't quite as good in quality. This is, of course, only my personal opinion. Plus, quality level isn't equal to enjoyment level. So don't hold back and check them out! Things in bold are ones that I personally enjoyed the most, regardless of "quality."
I Woke Up as the Villain (Novel / Manhwa)
Level Up With the Gods (Novel / Manhwa)
The Live (Manhwa)
Lout of the Count's Family (Novel / Manhwa)
The Player Who Can't Level Up (Novel / Manhwa)
Regressor Instruction Manual (Novel / Manhwa)
Return to Player (Novel / Manhwa)
Solo Leveling (Novel / Manhwa)
The Stars Are On My Side (Manhwa)
Thumbs Up, Level Up (Novel / Manhwa)
Tyrant of the Tower Defense Game (Novel / Manhwa)
The World After the Fall (Novel / Manhwa)
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sajirah · 2 months ago
Reaching out to express my appreciation for you as we approach the new year - your writing has brought me so much joy in 2024 and I really feel so lucky I discovered your writing after finishing ACOTAR. <3 I'm so obsessed with your Feysand stories, especially Rhys omg. The way he's ALWAYS an utter simp for Feyre is like ruining men for me - whether he's posessive dark Rhys or charismatic husband material. Would you be willing to rec some of your favorite romances? (They can be super dark, Come Away O Human Child is like my fave of yours - though Let Us Cling Together As The Years Go By, We Just Have To Face It and Take Care of Business for Me are SO GOOD too!!! Even unfinished!!!) I think you mentioned a pirate fic in one of your comments a while back?. Not that I'm complaining about spending my days rereading your fics and refreshing ao3 to see if you've posted a new chapter - time very well spent, not regrets! BUT I feel like we have the same taste in reading material so would love to find out!
ANON!!! 😭🥺❤️🥰🥹❤️💛💚💙💜
You just made my day! My week!! I am so flattered and happy that you enjoy my fics so much! Especially since I've really only been writing for the first time in years just this past year.
Oh man, I have so many recs but let me see if I can narrow them down a bit. Sorry, this might run a little long.
Lyonesse trilogy by Sierra Simone
A modern re-telling of the myth of Tristan and Isolde. But with kinky sex, threesomes, and spy shit.
Looking for some of the hottest books you'll ever read? Do you love angst? Pining? Kinky sex? Mess? Hate love triangles but love a ménage à trois (aka everyone fucks)? What about hot but morally complex doms? Golden retriever simps? Complicated female characters? Well boy do I have the book series for you!
The first and second books (Salt Kiss and Honey Cut) were my favorite books of 2023 and 2024 respectively. By a lot. Book three comes out in a couple months and I AM RABID FOR IT.
2. The Four Horsemen quartet by Laura Thalassa
The world is ending and the Four Horsemen have come to bring an end to humanity...unless they're given a reason not to.
These books surprised me. I went in thinking they'd be trashy apocalyptic romances. And they are. But they're the kind of trashy, tropey romances that hit all the right spots. Enemies-to-lovers? We got that. Mortal/immortal romance? We got that too. Angst? We definitely have that. A man who will literally kill anyone who hurts his one true love? We absolutely have that. These books made me cry. Like three times. But it hurt so good.
3. Sea of Ruin by Pam Godwin
A female pirate finds herself drawn between her dashing ex-husband and the cold and calculating English Naval Captain who seeks to capture her. Who will win? (The answer is both. This is another ménage à trois book) aka the Pirate Book you asked about.
I do have to warn you that this book has some triggers (namely rape and non-con). For me, this was a delightful fun historical romp but for others it could be upsetting. So fair warning.
4. Love Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood
While applying to a new position, a scientist finds herself at odds with the brother of the man she is fake dating.
My girl Ali! I've been a Reylo for quite a few years now and remember when Ali was still writing Reylo fanfic. It was a joy to see her blow up as a best-selling author but even more exciting to finally see some new material from her that wasn't based on one of her fics! This is one of those books. Easily my favorite of all her published works.
5. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
The story of a marriage between a man forced to travel through time and the woman who loves him.
Since you mentioned you're enjoying Let Us Cling Together As The Years Go By, how about the book that inspired it?
I read this book when I was a teenager, shortly after it first came out, and it was a revelation for me. I don't think I had ever really read a proper literary romance before that point. It was fascinating. Not just the plot device (the time travel), but the way the relationship between these two characters was woven and the very real, very gritty ups and downs of their marriage. Not to mention the prose itself is beautiful. Highly recommend.
6. Land of the Beautiful Dead by R. Lee Smith
A woman seeks out the god of the dead to plead with him to end the apocalypse...at any cost.
And last, but certainly not least, my favorite romance of all time? It's this book. The big daddy of all romances for me, made specifically with my tastes in mind. And I really do mean that. It's problematic. It's weird (the love interest is a corpse...and not a sexy one). It's full of triggers (a lot of them). It's angsty. It will rip your heart out of your chest and then stomp on it for good measure...and it is also the best love story I've ever read.
15/10. Perfect book. I was left sobbing into my pillow at 2 am when I finished it. I still think about that last scene almost daily.
I hope these are what you're looking for! Feel free to hit me up again if you need more! 💜
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latecomersprivilege · 4 months ago
Hi, loved your Galex halloween fest fic! I just have one question - maybe I’m too stupid but I didn’t understand the last line and the sent text😭
Hiiiiiii Anon!
Thank you so much for reading my silly little slip of a story.
Just to cut straight to the oozing wound here, you are of course not stupid!
Spoilers, and a teeny bit of filth, below the cut.
The answer to your ask is: I wanted to hint that it might be Alex, real Alex, that meets George in the tyre room. That maybe he left his phone in his own drivers room (I firmly believe the man is a chaotic menace and the lack of pockets in his race suit would scupper him) and responds only later, once he's dodged the carnage in the paddock and made it back to Williams. That he decided to run with George's assumption and take what he could get. Just like George.
But also, maybe not. Maybe it was the shadow, slipping out just as the sun is setting and the curse is over. And George has to live with the knowledge that he's violated Alex without him ever knowing.
Either way, George can't be quite sure, unless he gets up the courage to ask. And his inability to be brave and just ask Alex is kind of the whole reason he's getting sucked off by his best mate/his best mate's cursed shadow self in the tyre room anyway.
But also, I'm new at this, so I probably aimed for ambiguous and landed on vague.
Extra bonus content and a rec to a much better fic: When I first outlined this, I was borrowing heavily - or bouncing off, I guess - @ctimenefic's much much better fic Three's a Crowd, which I'd been lucky enough to be beta-reading. The idea of would you fuck your clone - the eternal question - opened out into, would you fuck the clone of the guy you're in love with? Would it count? What if it did? She does this way better than me - but I had started writing a torturous historical fantasy ghost story set in sixteenth century Europe about puritanism and religious tolerance which I had to abandon for the fest deadline (and for other obvious reasons), so I was hunting around for something I could do quickly. Theft, it turns out, is fast, if shallow.
Also, this is my first ask ever that isn't from my real-life internet friend, who lovingly sends me asks like a parent sending anonymous valentines to her lonely kid (thanks @ctimenefic you'll always be my internet mom) - so instant bonus karma to you, Anon, for making my week on top of reading the fic. Thank you.
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masochistartt · 9 months ago
Can you tell us your favorite age gap books
i am not even going to lie to you anon, the football brainrot has kept me from reading anything for longer than i'd like to admit, and i have a generally bad memory in the first place so it's kind of tough for me to recall things i have read.
the first one that came to mind was something to talk about by meryl wilsner, it's a sapphic book about a screenwriter who wrote one of the biggest shows on tv (i think again sorry shit memory i'm pretty sure she just got a massive job to write a movie when the book starts) and her personal assistant. who i think. i think is younger than she is.
parable of the sower has a pretty significant age gap relationship in it but that's not what you're there for if you're reading that book tbh - it's a great sci fi that i'd def rec, but it's not like. it's not like you're going to read a dystopian book about a girl who starts a new religion to try to survive a waterless hellscape just for the age gap relationship. unless you are. if you are good for you
i also want to recommend amberlough by lara elena donnelly. i can't remember if the mc and his love interest have an age gap or if they're both old men but whatever they've got going on is fucked up (complimentary)
on the same page of i don't remember if there's an age gap but whatever the mc and the love interest have going on is wild (complimentary), a memory called empire by arkady martine. this is also sci-fi (so not primarily focused on the romance, there's more shit going on), but there's also a power dynamic (complimentary) in this one.
that's all i can think of right now ?? i might be able to come up with more given time and less brainrot tbh but. i hope those are good enough recs ?? i hope ?? enjoy ??
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shipcestuous · 10 months ago
Sorry if it's a silly question or one you've answered before, but what's that "grade on a curve" ask referring to? I tried looking for more context in your discussion and anti tags, but I couldn't find anything, idk if that's due to Tumblr's search system.
Anyway, I personally think trying to prove anything to antis is a wasted effort in most cases. Most of them seem to be looking for reasons to get angry, possibly because they don't feel important or in control irl so they want to play the part of the hero battling the bad guys For The Greater Good online and get clout and admiration for it, so they're not generally the best people to try and have reasonable arguments with. Plus, with how many of them can be hilariously hypocritical about their interests ("you writing a physically abusive relationship in your fic proves you're unstable and dangerous, but me drawing a lot of violence and gore is perfectly okay," "we're essentially shipping the same problematic ship but I see myself as someone with good critical analysis skills and you as someone who's either stupid or evil, so it's fine for me to put it in my fanworks but not for you," etc.) I have my doubts about them reading "incest shipping isn't really a free-for-all, people have different tastes and opinions" and NOT somehow getting "people who like incest ship in THIS way are okay, but people who like incest ships in THAT way deserve all the hate they get" out of it...
On the other hand, I absolutely DO think it's important for incest shippers, proship/anti anti types, and people who just care about other people's comfort in fandom space in a healthy, non-self-centered way to be aware that we all have different preferences, boundaries, and even triggers, and that's okay! Just to make an example, if I like sharing fluffy headcanons about a wholesome brosis ships with you (general you), that doesn't necessarily mean I'll be okay with you reccing me hardcore BDSM darkfics about a codependent twincest ship out of the blue just because I'm into incest. Or, if I like twisted, manipulative parent/child and I've gushed about it you, even on multiple occasions, that doesn't necessarily mean I'll be okay with you suggesting me an extreme underage noncon scenario for the same ship, just because I like my incest dark and fucked-up.
We all have a place in fandom, no matter if our tastes run wholesome or twisted, vanilla or hardcore... and I think it's safe to say that many of us actually like both, even if at different times, for different ships, in different context or different combinations! But to coexist together peacefully, we have to be clear about what we want or don't want from our fandom experience, and respect other people's boundaries. Even when we don't get them, or we think they're too specific, or they're the squshy "X is yes or a soft no for me depending on the day, unless Y happens, then it's a HARD no" or "X is a hard no for me unless Y happens when Z, then it's just a soft no or, in a W context, even a yes" kind. (And, as someone who does have some squishy boundaries, let me tell you: they're actually WAY more frustrating when you try to formulate them in an understandbable manner so you don't accidentally cause any misunderstanding than when you have to hear them out, lol.)
Fortunately, I don't think I've actually seen cases like these happen a lot among incest shippers. But I think it always good to keep all this in mind!
Hi Anon,
I apologize for making things difficult for you. The grading-on-a-curve analogy first came up in this post. It was primarily a discussion of Cathy and Chris, so I didn't link back to it.
I agree with you. Many antis cannot be reasoned with, will always assume the worst, and need to pass judgment to validate themselves, or some other psychological reason. If we start regulating our behavior to appease them, they win. As always, the best way to deal with the issue is to ignore them, create content, and enjoy ourselves. But even though they are prone to assumptions, we also don't want to give them any fuel for assuming the wrong thing about us as shippers.
And then within our community its important not to make assumptions, but I think we have a pretty good understanding among ourselves that tastes vary. But it's good to remember to always give details when recommending things so that people can make informed decisions.
Thanks for sharing these thoughts, Anon!
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emberphantom · 2 years ago
hey I loved your sunny recs post I’ve read them all and NEED MORE I was wondering if u had an updated one or any more recent recs bc that one was from 2020 👉👈 (your taste is impeccable and no worries if not I have a lot to go on)
Oh jeez hi anon 😅
Okay I'm assuming you also came across this post of mine that's basically a part 2 of my pinned? And my bookmarks too. But just in case here you go 😎
But impeccable taste you say? Now I can't let you down.
I'm not gonna lie to you -- I feel like the MacDen fics sorta dried up a little after 2020 and then I kinda fell off reading and checking the tag bc Sunnyblr was kinda dead, and then I kinda moved on from MacDennis taking over my entire brain so I am fully not caught up with very recent works at all. But if you're in the market for some Call of Duty fic recs...😏 I'm kidding. Unless...
But I have a few recs from the same author that I didn't have on my list originally that def should have been. Also they just posted a few fics recently (this year!) which is how they kinda popped back up on my radar:
the empty space where your body's been by quixoti Mac wonders when it got so fucked up between them, how Dennis can look at him with such pure desire and still want to go out there to meet other people, and when Dennis meets his eyes in the mirror Mac knows, down to his soul, that Dennis is thinking the same damn thing.
mine (always will be) by quixoti Mac wants to reach over there and slap Dennis so hard he forgets himself, forgets his empty apologies, forgets everything but Mac. But he knows that once this gets going it'll be impossible to stop. Better to wait for the safety of the apartment, their own little world to destroy as they please.
Also this absolutely vintage (if 2014 can be considered vintage) gem that should have been on my other two lists:
each the other's world entire by quixoti Mac and Dennis survive each other. Mac and Dennis will always survive each other.
If anyone else has been knee deep in the Sunny/MacDennis tag as of late and wants to throw some recs out there, please send 'em my way!
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triscribe · 2 years ago
Hey, Tri!
I'm sorry for contacting you anon, though we're mutuals. I just have a very strange problem and I'm not sure how to go about it: On one of my fics, someone started talking about a fic that is similar to mine and written by someone else. What I got out of the comment was "this is really good and you should read it" even though they never actually made a comment on what was happening in my own fic. (Just the fic-rec and then some "I hope this happens" kind of thing.) Then another reader came along and asked for the fic's title. On my fic. In the comment section.
This week has been really rough emotionally and I don't know how to respond or what to do. This has never happened before and I don't want to be rude because it was probably kindly meant, but I've never recc'd another fic in the comment section of a fic I'm reading because it just...sounds...rude?
Any help?
Thank you very much.
Yeah, I been there. Emotionally, it's annoying and a little hurtful; logically, I talk myself around to just ignoring it.
My initial gut reaction the first time was "what the heck?" Kindly meant or not, that's just, the sort of thing that makes me want to wave my hand in front of someone's face and go "hello? Remember where you are?" But when you think about it... there probably used to be a lot of interactions like that on fic sites that were built as forums more than archives.
I've only been involved in posting fan fiction for about eight years at this point, and my experience is with just ff.net and AO3, where interactions with other people is mostly limited to comments. There's no community space, really, to talk about stories and authors, unless you know other people on different websites, like here and Discord. And because of that, there's inevitably moments where readers get into conversations with one another, establishing comment threads that barely touch upon the fic they're attached to.
As the author, it feels rude as heck. I'm not discounting that. I am lucky in that I've got a longtime reader who often does this, but always separate from the actual comments they leave regarding my story. That's someone who get to the bottom of the page, writes their initial reactions, and then goes looking through the rest of the comments for other people to poke at with theories and thoughts.
If everyone operated in that manner, I'd feel a lot happier with extraneous threads - because that does feel like people trying to have a bit of community interaction, which I'm all for... just not at the expense of my mental well-being. Because it is definitely disappointing to see a comment notification, eagerly open up the email, and be completely confused by what's been written.
As far as what you can do at this point, there aren't exactly a lot of options. Delete the comments if you'd like, or just shrug and ignore them. If you're worried about it happening again, you could put a note at the bottom of your fics requesting people not do so, but that's not necessarily a guarantee.
I am sorry this came up at a poor time for you, dude, and that I don't have more helpful advice. Hope things get better soon.
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arcanehobo · 2 years ago
I ask that respectfully because your blog doesn’t specify otherwise and it’s important to me to make sure men aren’t interacting with my blog.
I know it is presumptuous to see a masculine person with he/him pronouns and say “that’s a man” but for my own personal boundaries I need to check.
[This was preceded by a message asking "Are you a man?"; I have no other context whatsoever.]
So, obviously this answer doesn't fit with the general theme of this blog. But the anon posting the ask is, well, anon, so I don't have much option in replying to them, and it feels kind of discourteous to not reply, since the answer is clearly meaningful to them. I'll leave this up for about 48 hours, so the anon can see it, and then - probably - take it down again. [ETA: Although now I've spent a chunk of time thinking about and writing an answer to it, maybe I'll leave it up. It is, regretfully, a bit on the mansplain-y side, but with the lack of context, it's the best I can do.]
So, anon, that's a big question. I don't really feel qualified to answer it as written, because the culture I live in makes it pretty clear that "man" is something other people tell you you are or are not, not something you can claim for yourself. There are debates and accusations around the term "real man". I am not attached to the term, and have been generally amused by the attempts of others to tell me that I am or am not one.
If you're asking if I'm trans in some way, I'm unconvinced that that is any of your business, and your asking makes me suspect you're some kind of TERF. I've deleted TERFy asks here before, and dealt with some mild hostility from people who object to my he/him pronoun badges in real life too.
If you're asking if I'm biologically male, I feel that's also not really your business, any more than your sexual characteristics are any of mine. But out of an excess of courtesy, I can say that as far as I know, yes, but I've never had any examination of chromosomes, or any of the myriad other conditions and states of being that would make that debateable. However, "biologically male" starts to verge very close, again, to TERF stuff, and if that's the gist of what you're asking, you can fuck right off and continue to fuck off a bit further after that; my use of pronouns on my profile is mostly to help establish a cultural norm for the people to whom they are important, and partly to politely give people a set of pronouns they can use to refer to me.
If you're asking if I identify as a man, or male - which are two different things, related only by social construction - I'm not sure if I do or not. To be honest, I identify more as a wizard or as a GM or as a cook than I do as male or a man. It's not a question that's important to me, and hasn't been since I was a child (and even then my main question was whether I was "allowed" buy the Sylvanian Families toys or not).
I hope that goes some way toward answering your question, anon, because frankly, it's a bit weird to just post up out of nowhere and ask it.
It is possible, given the "interacting with my blog" line, that you are in some way asking me to post some DNI stuff in my profile. While I try to respect other people's DNIs - I don't want to read stuff written by people who don't want me to read it, unless they're legislators - I also think they're complete nonsense (and if I hit "follow" from a post or Tumblr rec, I don't see them). More broadly, if a tumblr blog is viewable, there is nothing stopping a malicious actor from viewing it while not logged in, or logged into an alt account. There are a lot of ways to establish safe spaces into which you can allow people on a whitelist; discord, newsletter subscriptions, private email, locked Twitter accounts, etc. Tumblr doesn't have the technology for that. Notwithstanding my fervent desire for TERFs and Nazis (to pick two meaningful categories) to not participate in my life, I don't have even the slightest expectation that either group would comply. So I will not be posting any such stuff on mine.
Some more context would be very nice, if you're inclined to give it, anon, because this ask has arrived in out of the blue, and I'm still half-thinking it's a new variety of spam.
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