#I just plugged their names in and kept pressing go
il3x · 6 months
True Facts (TM): Breakthrough is possibly the best fictional squad ever to put into a random incorrect quotes generator.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 9 months
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words: 700
warnings: 18+ only, smut, established relationship (theyre married), age gap (rafe is late 30s reader is 23), breeding, pregnancy kink, p in v sex, unprotected sex, rafe counts reader down to orgasm
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @rafecamerongirl @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando
“my pretty little wife, supposed to give me a baby.” rafe grunts, his hips slamming forward into you, making your eyes roll back in your head.
“supposed to give me an heir. someone to take over.” he grunts, pressing your body further into the mattress, not caring about his weight holding you down.
rafe was a sweet lover, at first. before you married, he was gentle and soft, treating you like you were a breakable thing. it all changed on your wedding night when he switched from treating you like glass to like a toy, ready and willing to be fucked as hard as he wanted to that day.
it's been three months since your wedding night, and your stomach remains just as flat. he expected you to swell up with a baby instantly, give him someone to take over as he moves into his older years. someone to continue the family business, to carry on the cameron name in the outer banks.
“gonna get you fucking pregnant this time, i swear.” rafe mutters, your legs tightly wrapped around his waist, as if he would dare to pull out. “gonna flood you with my cum.”
“i want it rafe.” you moan with every thrust, clenching your cunt around his fat cock. 
you knew what was expected of you when rafe began his relationship with you. he's in his late 30s, still fertile but getting up in age, while you are at the ripe breedable age of 23. some people looked down on you because of the age gap, but you couldn't care less.
“gonna give you a baby rafe. give it to me.” you moan, moving your hips in time with his thrusts, wanting to feel his warmth spreading inside of you.
“gonna look so good with your tummy all swelled up with my kid.” rafe says, his lips moving to yours, taking your mouth in a dominant kiss. 
he moves a hand to your pussy, his thumb rubbing over your clit, massaging it. “i-i can't.” you gasp out.
“you can, baby.” rafe says. “come on, need you to cum for me too. together, okay?”
“it's too much.” you whine. it's been constant sex. rafe felt the pressure to get you pregnant and has kept you on his cock all day and night.
“im gonna count you down baby.” rafe says, pressing his lips against your jaw and cheeks, your mouth slackened open, breathy pants and moans coming out. “gonna count us down.”
rafes thumb flicks over your clit, not managing to be gentle. “5…”
you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to force yourself to relax and let your orgasm come, but you're wound so tightly.
“4…” rafe continues, his hips moving at a blistering pace.
“3…” you feel your orgasm building, your body responding to his needs, not caring what you want, just focusing on your husband.
“2…” you let out a shout, back arching off the bed as rafe pushes his cock through your clenching muscles, forcing himself as deep in as he possibly can.
“1!” rafe finally shouts, his cock immediately spurting inside of you as your orgasm hits, your entire body quivering and shaking as your high works over your body, legs locked around his hips as you angle yours up, keeping the cum inside of you, even as he pulls out.
“shh, good girl.” rafe mutters when you whine, his fingers pushing into your hole, clogging you full again.
“just gonna keep my fingers in for a bit. you're okay though.” he says calmly as you breathe deeply, exhaustion taking over.
“‘m tired.” you hum, looking to rafe. it's only midday, but you were up half the night riding rafe.
“go to sleep, my beautiful wife.” rafe says, kissing your cheeks as he moves to the side to lay against the bed, keeping his fingers plugging your cunt.
you close your eyes, nuzzling into his side with a yawn. “rafe?” you ask softly.
“what is it baby?”
you blink your eyes open, looking into his beautiful blue ones. “I think it took this time.”
rafe smiles, knowing you want to be pregnant just as much as he wants to breed you. “i think so too baby.”
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h0efor2ho · 5 months
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Yunho X Reader ( ft Wooyoung & Mingi )
WC : 1.4K of p0rn with very little plot ; not proofread
TW : Unprotected intercourse ( wrap it up kids ) Cockwarming, Exhibition (being listened to) Dirty Talk, Name calling ( Slut ) Praise, Use of nic name ( Baby, princess, pretty )
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"Shhh baby, you don't want the rest of the guys to hear you do you? Don't want them to know what a little slut you actually are" Yunho says as he adjusts both of you in his gaming chair. You whimper in response as you feel his thick cock shift inside you. 
You're trying to wrap your head around how you ended up in this position. Yunho was having his normal weekly gaming night with Wooyoung and Mingi and you had been peacefully reading your book laying on his bed. 40 minutes ago he called you over to sit on his lap, saying he needed some good luck. One thing led to another and here you were straddling his hips, his hard dick buried in your cunt.
"Woo over there by that wall" Yunho says into his headset as he looks over your shoulder. Your head nuzzled into his neck as you try not to pant and whine too loud. His arms caging you in as he looks at his screen. His long pretty hands pressing the buttons on his keyboard. "Yuyu" you whimper into the side of his neck as you try and hold still. The ache between your legs becoming to much for you. "Shh babe" he coos at you as his hand comes up to push on your back, trying to muffle your voice.
 All it does is shift your body forward, Yunho's cock shifting inside you hitting places that have you seeing start. A strangled moan leaving your lips as you throw your head back, the same time Yunho lets out a sharp gasp. The sound echoing through his room. "What was that?" you hear Mingi ask through the head set. Your chest heaving as you lean back looking at Yunho with wide eyed. A playful smirk plastered across his mouth as he says "Oh that was just Y/N. She apparently cant sit on my cock with out moaning like a needy whore" You feel your face heat under the blush that spreads across it.
"Yunho" you whisper yell at him. "Dude..... you have her sitting on your cock right now? While we're playing?" you hear Wooyoung say through the mic. "I sure do. She couldn't help herself, grinding all over me before" "YUNHO!" you shriek as you bury your face back into his shoulder. "What?" He chuckles "I told you to be quiet or they would hear you" You huff and try to lift your self up and off his lap, but you don't get far before his arm is wrapped around your waist pulling you back down. "Oh no where do you think you're going baby?" Another needy moan slipping past your lips as you slide back down on his shaft. Yunho lets out the same. "Oh did you like that baby? Fuck feels so good" 
"Yuyu" you whisper breathlessly. "oh you can't. Hold on" You watch as Yunho removes his head set and unplugs them, plugging in a few new wires and pushing a few buttons before he asks "Can you hear me" followed by both Mingi and Wooyoung's voice filling the room. The horror you felt must have been all over your face because Yunho chuckles "They said they couldn't hear you babe. We want to be good friend's now don't we and let them listen" You knew this was his way of asking you if you were okay with this. You knew if you said no, he would shut it down. Yunho had never done anything to make you even close to uncomfortable.
But you couldn't deny the shock of pure pleasure that shot through you when you figured out that they could hear you, and you them. "Yes" you said softly "Want to be good for all of you" As soon as the words left your mouth three things happened. 1) You heard all the air leave Wooyoung's lungs. 2)Mingi let out the neediest groan and 3) The biggest smile crept its self across Yunhos face. "That's my girl" he said as he leaned in a placed the sweetest kiss to your lips. "Now move for them baby" he says against your lips "let them hear all your pretty sounds." 
And you do. You would do anything this man said right now If it kept you feeling this way. Slowly you begin to pick up your hips, dragging yourself up his length before coming back down again. Little mews and moans leaving your lips as you look at Yunho watching you, his hands grabbing your hips. Slowly you pick up speed, bouncing on his lap faster, harder, pulling grunts of pleasure from his throat as he tried to control himself. 
You on the other hand have lost all sense of self preservation and are a moaning, whining mess as you fuck yourself on your boyfriends dick. "God she sounds so good" Mingi deep voice grunts through the speakers in the room and you have know doubt in your mind that he has his cock in his hand listing to you. "So good" Wooyoung coo's back. Your walls tighten at their praise sending a moan slipping from Yunhos lips. 
"Fuck baby you like that? You like them telling you how good you sound?" He asks, his hips jerking up to meet your body. You shake your head enthusiastically. "They can't hear you princess, use your words or have you gone dumb on me? Hmm?" "Yess" you moan out "Yes I like it yuyu" your hands snacking up his body to rest on his shoulders, giving yourself leverage to fuck yourself on him harder. 
"Fu- fuck" Mingi moans "She sounds so pretty" The sound of your panting and your thighs slapping agains Yunhos hips fills the room along with the pants and whimpers from the speakers. "You should see how pretty she looks" Yunho breaths out "Maybe one day you can show Mingi baby, show him how well you ride cock" Your body heats up and your core clenches around him at the thought of his best friend watching you fuck him "Oh Mingi I think she likes that idea" 
"Do you pretty? You like the idea of me being there? I like the idea" Mingi groans out, the tell tail sound of slapping filling the room lets you know either him or Woo are jerking them self to you and it elights another sensation of pleasure in you. "Hey what about me?" Woo whines "Well see about you" Yunho laughs. "Yuyu im-" His hand comes up to cup your cheek "I know baby, I know me too"  he says as he lifts his hips to meet you. His other hand sneaks between your bodies and finds your bundle of nerves "Just let go for me baby" 
It doesn't take long, between Yunho thrusting up into you, hitting that sweet spot just right, his finger in your clit rubbing circles just the way you like and Mingi and Wooyoung's groans and pants filling the room you are sent over the edge. Your body jerking forward till you were flat against Yunhos chest. Clamping down on his cock, your walls flutter around him just as he shoves back inside you and stills. His cock twitching as he fills you with his load. 
The both of you reaching the loudest you have been the whole time, followed by the sound of Mingis deep grunts filling the room letting you know he followed behind the two of you. The only tell of Woo finishing was the heavy panting from his end. You stayed pressed up against Yunhos chest as his hand came up to stroke your back, helping you calm down. The reality of what you just did washes over you and you bury your face in his chest. Embarrassment eating away at you. 
It's Wooyoung who breaks the silence first. "Ughh, I'll talk to you guys later.. Gotta clean up. Bye" and with a quick click he's gone. Its Mingi who lets out a chuckle after that "You got him all embarrassed there pretty" You shift to look at Yunhos computer screen, like you half expected to actually see your boyfriends 6ft blond best friend looking back at you. "Didn't mean to" yo mutter out. "Awww don't go getting all shy now baby. Don't forget we promised Mingi he could see just how well you ride remember" 
You look up at Yunho, meeting his big chocolate brown eyes and that sweet smile and you instantly melt. "Yea pretty, I want to witness that first hand" you hear Mingi say. You nod your head yes up at Yunho before remembering Mingi cant hear you. "Yea.. okay" you say softly. A smile forming on your face as Yunho leans down to place a kiss onto of your head, you think to your self, what did you get yourself into?
Part 2 ?
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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chososluv · 10 months
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P L U G T O J I !
✎₊˚⊹♡ summary: i just got the thinking about toji fucking you with a chain on and how drastically different he would be from plug!choso and well... she came out!
🏷 tags/warnings: smut. fem!reader, reader has vagina, black coded, big dick toji, pet names (ma, mamas, daddy) daddy is used as "hey zaddy" not in a ddlg kind of way, slight size kink bc toji is huge squirting, fingering, some degradation, toji being a meanie its why we love him. dom!toji, cervix touching, deepthroating, weed smoking, mentions of criminal activity, toji is as toxic ass mf, reader is a fly ass bitch, toji fucking you w the chain on cuz duhhhh! Also subject to be edited
✎₊˚ word count: 6.5k sorry i had a lot to say about plug!toji yall!
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Plug!Toji who is drastically different than plug!choso from personalities and down to how you meet.
You were college girl and Plug!Toji is the king of the city you moved to. You two lived in separate worlds until you decided further education was not for you and dropped out. It wasn't the fact that you weren't making grades — you were on the dean's list the entire time you were there — but you suddenly felt bored. Destined for more, you submitted those drop out papers and felt instant relief knowing that was the right decision. Now that you had time to pursue something other than college, you started bouncing around jobs. Retail job here, customer service agent there, eventually you tried out being a bottle girl at a local luxurious nightclub after being referred through a friend of a friend. That decision led you to be tangled with the notorious Toji Fushiguro.
Plug!Toji flew back to the city on this particular day. He touched down and decided immediately he need to be fucked up with a pretty woman in his lap. He went to his penthouse condominium, ridding himself of his clothes to start a hot shower before he got ready to go to one of his favorite clubs.
The same one you happened to work at full time now
Plug!Toji waited for the shower to get hot when one of his trusted men, Gojo Satoru, sent him the details of the section booked, followed with a selfie of him and an unknown's stripper's ass, grinning really hard. Toji could only grunt out a small laugh, tossing his phone onto the counter and climbing into the shower.
Originally not scheduled, you picked up a shift that fateful night Plug!Toji arrived back in town. You wanted the extra cash — and needed to justify spending money on getting your hair done into a smooth silk press. Your hair was long and straight down your back, and you looked absolutely divine. You garnered more attention that night from both clients and coworkers. You only laugh off each compliment, saying thank you, before tossing the strands over your shoulder. You had time for nothing more. You were here to get your bag and go.
Absorbed in your bag chasing, you failed to notice Plug!Toji watching you from his section. Satoru had the section packed with a plethora of strippers and bottle girls but you were all he could find himself focused on. Strippers kept trying to get his attention but he shooed him away every time as he watched you bring a bottle to a table. He saw your gorgeous smile all the way from his section. He continued to watch you and he took a generous swig from the Hennessy bottle. He doesn't flinch as the dark brown liquid raced its way bitterly down his throat. He still didn't care. His only focus was on the pretty woman with the exuberant personality he saw from across the way. You.
"Wait, I think the Toji is staring at you." One of your coworkers peeped as you were walking to the bar to prepare another drop on a table. The other one looked over and saw the big brooding man staring shamelessly in your direction. She quickly looked back to the rest of you before joining in the confirmation.
"He's definitely looking this way, but could he really be staring at y/n?" The other asked, clearly not attempting to hide her jealousy and you laughed. You only shook your head, not even bothering to look at who they were talking about because again, you were here to get your bag and not fawn over men. Money was the only thing on your mind and these men had to prove they were worthy of your attention. The three of you approach the bar before you replied.
"Girl not you sounding like a damn hater," you checked her, "we'll revisit that comment later, but either way I have no idea who that man is." You continued as you watch the bartenders finish up the last touches on the bottles you were delivering. The girl only rolled her eyes.
"Even more reason why I hope he's not looking at you. You're too new around here and you getting all the high end clients-" You looked directly at your coworker.
"You worry about the wrong damn things. Focus on ya bag and maybe you won't be so hurt when someone new comes in and takes up your clients." You snapped, not bothered — or concerned — if customers heard. This coworker in particular had been testing you since you got here and were sick of the unwarranted attitude. The witnessing coworker whistled.
"Y/N got a point. Step ya pussy up and maybe you'll party with Fushiguro one day." She said, defending you and that was all you needed to hear. You heard her fix to say something else, but then your manager popped up next to you three. A big grin was on his face
"Ladies, Yuki is going to fill in for Y/N. Toji Fushiguro just bought Y/N for the rest of the night." You raised your eyebrow and turned to face your manager. You didn't even bother to sneak a glance at your hater coworker. You knew she was fuming but that wasn't your focus. You had a smile stretched across your lips.
"How much?"
"Shit, probably enough to pay off the remainder of your loans from school. I know I could go out and buy a car with the money he just offered off tip alone." He said honestly and that was all you needed.
Plug!Toji who watched your manager fill you in from a distance. He immediately got up from the section, not wanting to share you with anyone. He descended from the stairs with suave arrogance as if he owned the place. Shit, he pretty much did one way or another with the way he ran this city. Everyone ate out of his hand whether they knew it or not. He continued his descension and that's when you finally looked in his direction. You unknowingly clenched your fist when you settled on his face, the look of an adonis but eyes of something so evil and sinister. You felt the tides change in that moment and knew your world was about to shift tremendously.
Plug!Toji stalks up on you, towering over you and your manager. He offers his free hand that wasn't holding the Hennessy bottle. His hands are cold. . .
so why was your palm so hot when he held it?
"You're y/n?" you nodded, "you ever fucked with someone who could buy you fucking the world, pretty girl?" Toji asked, quickly inspecting your empty wrist and empty ring finger. Perfect. That meant it would easier for him to snatch you up if you didn't have anyone at home waiting for you.
"Nah, but I assume you're about to change that, Toji?" Your mouth moved before you could stop yourself. He could only smirk and he bit his lip as he looked at you up and down. Your manager sensed he was no longer needed and walked himself away as he felt the wad of cash in his pocket - courtesy of Toji bribing for your time.
"Had a feeling you had a mouth on you," he brought his lips close to your ear, "glad to know I was right." A shiver skated down your spine and you felt goosebumps prickle on your arms. You brought your face back to look at him, shooting him a mischievous grin and Toji felt something adjacent to love in that moment. A desire to have you to himself had grew even more. You leaned close to him and he brought his ear back down to you so you could speak clear into it.
"I'd love to know what else you suspect about me, Toji." You challenged, voice something sensual and thick with sultry honey. He traced a thumb over your knuckle and replied back.
"Careful with me, baby. I just might snatch you up and never bring you back." Toji warned. You probably should have took some time to think about what he was saying, but you felt high off this banter alone and wanted to do anything to keep it going. So, you licked your lips, stepped close to him and placed a testy hand on his stomach and spoke.
"What if I been waiting for you to come do that, Fushiguro?" You said. You removed your lips from his ear to capture the look in his eyes. Sensual darkness passed over and he grinned sinfully, that scar lifted at the corner of his mouth. You had only just fully realized how eerie he looked with it, but for some reason you wondered what it would be like if he let you licked it. . .
"Then," he broke your thoughts, "lets go ahead and get acquainted, baby. Whatcha say?" He questioned and you nodded. He smirked again and took a final swig of the Hennessy bottle. He looked to his left to see your coworker from earlier gawking at you two. He motioned her over, excitement came across her face as she thought she was joining in on you. However, Toji placed the empty bottle in her hand, patted her cheek, and shooed her away. He focused his attention back on you before witnessing the crestfallen look on her face. You couldn't even attempt to shoot her a fake sympathetic look because you started squealing.Toji literally snatches you up and takes you out of main room and to the lounge he faithfully rents out.
Plug!Toji who had you squeezing your legs tight as he carried you to keep your cunt from fluttering. The brute exhibit of his strength had you swoon as he balanced you with one arm. He took you to his favorite lounge where drinks and pre-rolled blunts were already waiting. He took a seat on the plush couch and you slid down next to him. He stared at you all over, not bothering to hide his wandering gaze. He stared at you for a few moments before he spoke.
"You smoke?"
Plug!Toji who offers you a blunt - to which you gladly take. Smoking on the shift with this handsome man? That's a dream come true. You take a couple puffs, barely coughing and Toji is impressed as you passed it back. He takes a hit before passing it back to you.
"You be smoking, huh baby?" He asked you. You chuckled, nodding as you take another generous hit. This time you stifle a small cough and he laughed at you.
"Yeah. It's how I decompress." You admitted, coughing again and he chuckled at you once again. He rubbed your back jokingly to help you through your fit.
"Can't smoke my shit like its regular baby this shit pressure." He said, taking another hit to hold the blunt for you. You rolled your eyes, looking at him to see he scooted closer to you. You felt the heat from his body waft off his and onto yours, words dissolved from your brain as you looked at his appearance appropriately. His all black outfit with a black tee, jeans, and shoes - a simple yet sexy monochrome moment. A thick gold herringbone chain draped around his neck to provide a pop of color and you couldn't stop yourself from wondering how the weight would feel on your face while he fu-
"What you looking at, y/n?" Toji asked, smirking at you once again as he caught you staring at him in deep thought. You subconsciously licked your lips as while staring at his chain and he felt compelled to call you out on it. You snapped from your gaze, trance lifted and your eyes shifted back to his. You only smiled.
“Your chain, daddy.” You teased and he shifted at the pet name that rolled off your tongue. He didn't even try to hide his sleazy ass grin.
“What about my chain, ma?” He took a final hit of the blunt, ashed the rest in the tray. Leaning back into the couch, he stretched out his legs and patted a broad hand on his lap. You knew this signal, and usually you ignore it but with Toji? You obeyed and got up to slide into his lap. You placed an arm around his shoulders to steady yourself against his frame. His broad arms circled around you and caged you in possessively. You sunk into his hold and then you spoke.
“It's pretty.” You reached up and your fresh manicure set brushed against the herringbone. He swallowed when he felt your nails scratch against his neck and he only stared at your face in the lounge lighting. He’s allowed to see your pretty complexion in this space, gorgeous set of pump lips, and lashes extended for days. Your eyes looked from the chain to see him staring at you. You smiled and tossed your hair over your shoulder.
“Want one?” He asked you, eyes flickering to your naked neck and picturing how a matching one would look on you. He thought about adding a T charm to it so people know you were his. A smile on his face when he thought about it but it looked like he was mirroring yours because you had also smiled.
“Maybe. What I gotta do for one?” You teased and played a dangerous game consciously. You played dumb, but you knew the whispers about Toji Fushiguro. He was the top boss of the city and he did highly illegal things. Too many of the people he was affiliated with were fighting charges and RICOS. And you had sat in the most dangerous man in the city’s lap, and flirted with him as if it were nothing.
When you look back on your behavior that night, you couldn’t help but wonder if you always knew you were secretly made for this kind of life with Toji.
“Let me take you out of here and I’ll show you everything you can do for me, pretty girl.”
Plug!Toji didn't need to ask you twice. You immediately left without telling any of the girls and your manager. You texted your roommate you would be out late and shared your location with a trusted best friend and that was as much as you did.
Plug!Toji met you out front. He grabbed your hand and led you to a vehicle, opening the door for you to the backseat of a sleek, black suv. The leather interior had you wondering how much it cost as Toji slid in the backseat with you. The driver greeted Toji and he responded with grunted instructions to go home.
“Ayo you know the rules. Don’t look back here. And shit with this one,” Toji looked at you, licked his lips, and wondered how yours would taste, “if you even think about looking back here i’ll cut those eyes out.” You didn't have time to register how serious Toji’s threat sounded because he placed his rough lips against yours. You immediately shut your eyes, melting into his lips and you felt immediately brazen enough to grab onto his t-shirt to bring him closer. Toji could only smirk against your lips, seeing how you were bold and never terrified to be in close quarters with him regardless of his criminal status. He only wanted you more that night.
Plug!Toji who didn't give a fuck his driver was less than a foot away and he pulled down the raunchy work top you wore. You gasped when his calloused fingers pinched at your hardened nipple. The action earned a twitch between your thighs.
"I been wondering how pretty these tits were since i saw you and i'm not disappointed. They real aint they?" Toji said against your lips, he paused kissing you to cast a gaze down at your breast. He saw the perky bunch prickle with goosebumps as your nipples stood at the cold air and stimulation. You only moaned at his compliment before you snaked your hand that was on his shirt to the back of his head to bring him closer, aching to devour his taste of mint and hennessey again. You're stuck your tongue out lewdly as you drew him closer and he smirked sinisterly before you two kissed yet again. This time was sloppy and spit swapping with teeth bumping against one another as tongues traced one another. The taste of your strawberry gloss and tongue left Plug!Toji feeling greedy and he needed more.
Plug!Toji and you only managed to kiss on the car ride. When Toji was about to place you in his lap the driver alerted you two that you had arrived to his apartment. He grunted, pulling away from you to see your gloss smeared around your lips and pupils blown sexually. He took a thumb and rubbed the gloss off your chin as you tuck your breast back into your shirt. Toji reached into his pocket, took out a wad of wash, and threw it into the lap of the driver.
"Good job not looking. Y/N, baby come on."
Plug!Toji who wasted no time and fucked you crazy in his apartment that night. He brought you up to his apartment and was nice enough to let the door close before he had began tearing your clothes off. You can't recall who took off what, but what you do remember is the first thing he made you do was lay face down ass up on the edge of the bed. His hands caressed your ass as his tongue lapped up and down your cunt ravenously. Salvia and dripping cream dribbled down his chin and lips but he didn’t care. Your angelic wails melodic to him and each time you went an higher octave he felt his cock swell another inch.
“Sexy as fuck when you moan,” Toji complimented you, “pussy pretty and soaked too think you ready for this dick?” You were so delirious you agreed. Your cunt lusted for something inside it and you felt him tap on your ass. You got up from your position, turning around to face him as you sat on the edge. You looked up at him, his massive frame towered over you as he slowly undid his jeans, his shirt long gone but that damn gold chain still sitting grandly on his chest.
He settled onto the middle of his bed, free from his clothes and he gave you a look. You didn’t need to be told, and you crawled towards him, swift hands at the band of his boxers and you languidly pull down . . .
you gawked at his immense cock that flopped against his stomach, stiff and flushed at the tip. You attempted miserably to hide your overwhelmed countenance but Toji saw the way your eyes widened and snickered. You don't notice him laughing at you because you were still so mesmerized by how huge it was. The veins are engorged around his shaft and even though it’s so brawny and intimidating it’s so pretty.
"Never seen a dick this big before huh?" Toji teased you, a playful thumb coming to caress your cheek as you continued to stare at his cock. You shook your head, just astonished. His enticing mauve shaft with a pink tip had you licking your lips at his color. The tip bubbled with precum and you leaned forward and kitten licked his slit. Toji hissed, but then grumbled as you took his tip in your mouth. He moved his hand to your hair and held it back, his brawny fingers fisting it into a ponytail. His thighs jerked when you kept trying to take as much as him as you could. What you couldn’t take you caressed with two delicate hands.
"Y/N." Toji hissed your name again and gripped tightly onto your hair. You answered with obscene noises coming from your throat and mouth as you performed the best oral of your life. You were so determined as you were determined to claim him with your mouth. Toji noticed your stubborn nature and one of your hands snuck away to fondle at his balls. He cursed and bucked his hips up in your mouth.
His tip bullied its way down your throat and it caused you to gag, but you took it obediently. He carnally bucked his hips into your awaiting throat, more obscene noises tumbled before you pulled your mouth off of him to breathe. You gasped as spit and a little bit of precum slid lewdly down your chin from the excess on your lips. You only smiled, giggled, and then continued to massage his balls with your hands.
"Dick so fucking big, Ji." You said, fucked out just from sucking his cock and Toji could only smirk. He saw that look in your eye and could not believe you were drunk off sucking his cock alone. He almost replied but then you tucked him back into your mouth. Toji groaned as he watched you hungrily slide his dick past where you stopped last time, deep throating him.
"Fuck— mouth so fucking good let me fuck that throat again." Toji said desperately. You barely gave his thigh a gentle caress as a go before he bucked inside your mouth again. You released a sound that was a mix of a whine and a gag and Toji felt his dick jump in your mouth. He bit his lip, relishing in the feeling of your wet and hot mouth and pictured what your cunt felt like. He casted a gaze down at your legs to see you grinding your poor thighs together. He smirked.
"Rubbing your thighs while sucking my dick is crazy. Get cho ass up here and fucking ride it."
You pulled your mouth off his cock, lungs gasping for air as you let oxygen fill them once more. You got up to your knees, quickly placing a few fingers at your entrance to feel the slickness. You're beyond drenched and your glossy fingers were indisputable proof. Toji snatched your hand as you straddled his waist and stuck your fingers in his mouth. Your taste danced on his taste buds and he sighed with pleasure.
"How I taste, daddy?" You inquired, finding your voice now because when he ate you out earlier words were scarce.
"Fucking delicious now sit on this dick."
Plug!Toji had a feeling he was going to fall damn near in love with you the moment you deepthroat his cock, but the way you rode him with something serious he felt in heaven. His arms were crossed behind his head as he enjoyed the way you slapped your hips against his pelvis erotically. His groomed hairs sticky and soaked with your nectar. You huffed, tits bouncing as you ignored the burn that plagued your inner thighs.
"To-ji!" You moaned, continuing to bounce up and down on his cock. You strived to ignore the fact that his girth was literally splitting you in half. You could feel him in the depths of your soul each time you managed to bottom him out completely. Your cunt quivered each time and you panted out pathetic gasps between moans. Toji only continued to smirk at you, drinking in and loving the way you moaned his name. Why was everything about you so perfect?
"You're so fucking sexy taking my cock like a pro, mama." Toji grinned and the scar at the corner of his mouth lifted. He decided he can't take not feeling you against his skin anymore and removed a hand from behind him, bringing it to your waist to steady your body. You mewled when he touched you, not realizing you missed his touch until he placed his hand on your hip. You take one of your hands that was at your breast and move it to hold onto Toji's hand.
"Cock so fucking big." You sighed as you continued to feel his tip deep in your cervix. His cock pulsed inside you this time, twitching when your tepid walls embraced him. Your cunt throbbed, hugging him tightly to beg for his seed. Toji groaned at the feeling, moving the hand from your hip to your ass. He caressed the fat before spanking it ruthlessly. You shout and threw your head back as the sting echoes throughout the surface.
"Biggest cock you ever fucking had, huh mama?" Toji asked of you. He witnessed your face contort in pleasure as you nodded shamelessly.
"MMmmm, yes Ji." You're drunk off the thickness, feeling your cunt tightening up and that thread deep in your belly become taut. You felt it coming and you were biting your lip to brace yourself for the messy spout about to erupt from between your legs.
"You a squirter, y/n?" Toji already had an inkling what was fixing to take place. You nodded, hurling your hips down faster as you felt it coming promptly. The feeling knocked into you when Toji's cruel thumb traced circles on your nub. You wailed, screeching as your cunt sprayed all over Toji, soaking his pelvis and hairs once more.
"Toji!" You panted while you rutted your hips greedily to let the last few spurts of squirt leave your cunt. He grunted and sat up before throwing you off of him and to the side on the bed. You weren't given a chance to register anything before his raven locks dove between your legs.
Plug!Toji has one of your legs thrown over his shoulder as his tongue assaulted your folds the second time tonight. His tongue reveled in every last drop as it oozed out of you. Arousal coated his lips and he doesn't mind. He licked his lips before he suckikg at your trembling hole. You whimpered, wanting to run away because of how good his hot muscle felt against you. Toji only gripped your thighs roughly, surely to leave violet reminders that following morning.
"Fuck you think you doing running from me, y/n?" He swore, slapping your thigh and you whimpered.
"Sorry, Toji—" You attempted to apologize but he cut you off.
"Nah, don't "Toji" me now wheres all that daddy shit from earlier huh?" He taunted you, bringing a finger to your awaiting hole and you sighed at the intrusion. You completely forgot he asked you a question when he sunk a second finger inside. A loud squelch sounded out and your eyes rolled back and you moaned. He slapped at your thigh again.
"Fucking answer me, y/n."
"I'm sorry, daddy. Please—” You tried to speak but his fingers curling deep in that one spot left you winded..
"Please what, pretty girl?" He teased, fucking your hole with his fingers and he earned a nasty squelch. His tongue circled your clit and you cry out. Toji’s fat tongue was so mean and overpowering your poor little clit as he fucked it. He earned another gush to coat his fingers and on the sheets.
"Want that dick, daddy." You finished your thought finally. Your pussy finished its second round of squirting and Toji licked at your clit one last time. He traveled down and sucked the arousal from around your folds before he came back up to you. He grabbed onto your face and you opened your eyes, seeing him stare down at you with that precarious darkness in his eyes.
"Open, and I just might give it to you." He said and you obeyed without question. Mouth open, you stuck your tongue out as he gathered the spit and arousal left in his mouth. The liquid is on your tongue and before you can swallow it Toji's mouth chased after you. You moaned in the kiss as your tongues swirled together in a salacious dance. You were so distracted by the kiss you fail to notice he was prepping to slide in until he eased in you.
"Toji—fuck—feels ssssogood!" You slurred underneath the brute man as he fucked you into his mattress. You couldn't keep up, pathetic gasps and whimpers fell from your lips each time he pistoned into you. He only smirked, drunk off the sounds that left your lips. He knew you ain't ever had dick like this before.
"Could say the same about you baby," he looked down at you, his chain bumped into your nose but you don't care, you're in heaven at the feeling, "pussy so pretty, leaky, and creamy can't have no one else fucking my shit." He spoke about you filthily but you don't care — again. You only get enraptured off his words and nodded frantically.
"It's all yours, daddy," you're drunk off his cock as it continued to send you in a lustful spiral, "i promise." You approached your orgasm and threw your legs around his waist to pull him closer. Toji only grunted and continued to fuck deeper into you as you squeezed him tighter.
"All mine huh," you nodded as your eyebrows scrunched up, face contorting into a euphoric expression once more, "that's what i like to fucking hear." He fucked into you faster, his thumb coming to rub on your clit again and you cried. You threw your head back, screaming as you felt your body succumbing to the orgasm.
"To—ji!" You're choking, pussy tight and leaky on Toji's thick cock as you came. You creamed, sucking him in and gushing hard around him. Toji only kept fucking you through your orgasm, his cold chain continuing to dust lightly against your face. You became a whimpering mess underneath him, unable to comprehend anything as overstimulation took over.
"Fucking tight pussy tryna get me to cum in it the first night," Toji chuckles, "shit should I, baby?" You nod your head so fast you should have felt shame for it.
"Want it all, Ji." You tell him and Toji didn't need to be told twice.
You're cumming again when he finally spills himself inside. He grunted and groaned, the sounds melodic to your ears and your cunt twitched around him more. He felt it, continuing to milk his cock with your silky walls and coming down from his high. He looked down at you and saw the roots had turned curly and a light smirk came to his face. A moment passed when you opened your eyes and looked up at him.
You mewled, coming back to Earth and you studied the man who lingered above still. His chain is still swinging against your face but you don't flinch. Dark eyes peered down and you hold his stare for a moment. The scar caught your attention, and the fingers that were on his back found themselves sliding forward to trace along the abrasion.
Plug!Toji tried to ignore the electricity he felt when your manicured finger traced along his skin. The moment felt slightly tender as he held a gaze with you. Something short of vulnerability flashed briefly until he snapped out of it. He hooked a strong arm around your waist and pulled you up from laying on your back and into his lap.
Plug!Toji who sparked a blunt before speaking,
"Once you with me there's no backing out." A subtle warning that once you were tangled with him and his lifestyle that was it. There would be no take backs. You only held his stare and took the blunt from him. You spoke.
"Long as you don't play me for no goofy bitch we good." A subtle warning from your side and you took a hit from the blunt. Toji could only smile sinisterly at your attitude.
"Yes ma'am." He chuckled darkly, taking the blunt back from you before he thinks to himself.
yeah, she'll fit right in.
flash forward a few years later and your life has changed drastically.
You're no longer a bottle girl. Why would you need a job when you had Plug!Toji to take care of you and spoil you to death?
The same went with your apartment. Why did you need to continue to pay expensive ass rent with a mediocre roommate when you had Plug!Toji who was ready to move you into his two floor loft after that first night of fucking?
And last but not least? You're the queen of the city.
Just as violent as Plug!Toji, you always get your way and opposition was always dealt with quickly and efficiently. If one didn't like you, you just prayed for their sake you never met them. Probability very high that the day you two crossed paths would be their last.
Plug!Toji has you as his iced out baby girl who he spoils. He always gets you what you want whenever you ask and men who stared at you a second too long always got punched out by him. Everyone wanted to know who was this one that was always next to Fushiguro. They knew you were someone special to him because Toji never showed up with the same woman more than once, never had a protective hand on their backs at times...
but it was the gold herringbone chain with a "T" brandished clear as day that marked you. Everyone knew it Fushiguro's way of marking you as his.
And you can't help but relish in this new found life of yours. The luxury, opulence, comfort, and excitement it offered to you was unimaginable. Soon after that first night with Plug!Toji, he took care of you instantly. He settled your loans and paid your roommate off to let you break the lease to move into his apartment a month later.
"I need you close to me this shit dangerous. Here, buy you that Saint Laurent bag you been eyein' or somethin just stop that fuckin poutin'.'" Plug!Toji argued, tossing his credit card in your lap on the drive back to his apartment with all your essential stuff in the rear area.
And you did in fact stop pouting and purchased the Saint Laurent purse you had been fawning over. This wasn't the first time Toji asked you to do something and rewarded you when you gave in. As mentioned earlier, you quit your job a couple weeks after meeting him because one time he wanted to see you but you had a shift . . .
"Mane, fucking quit that place, y/n. I take care of you now." You could hear the annoyance in Plug!Toji’s voice as you spoke over the phone, but you were feeling reluctant to agree. Relying completely on him after what you had in your account was gone? You felt uneasy and Toji could sense it. You heard him shuffling on the other end.
"Y/N." He said your name that day and he sounded like he was in a building.
"Yeah, I don't know To-" You started to tell him your thoughts until you heard knocking at your door. You went to answer it, seeing on the other side is none other than Toji. You can't help but roll your eyes as you two hang up. You take in his sexy all black appearance with that signature thick gold herringbone.
Plug!Toji showed up with a present. You two went to your room, you huffed and puffed about how he was going to make you late for work but he ignored you. Toji occupied himself with the jiggle of your ass as you lightly stomped into your room. You had went to the side of the bed, placing the bag there before opening the gift. Toji stood behind you and watched you remove the tissue. You saw the black box, raising your eyebrow as you feel his mischievous hands on your waist and slowly slide up your body. He hands were at your neck when you finally began opening the box.
Plug!Toji sported that signature devilish smirk, moving your hair from your neck as you revealed the gift. You gasped so loud that day.
The gift: a thick gold herringbone necklace similar to Toji's, however yours brandished a "T" in the center. You gasped at how pretty it was but also the slight meaning behind it.
"Toji.." You were still in awe as he began kissing on your neck, moving his hands back down to your waist. He naughtily licks a stripe along your pulse, causing your knees to buckle. He held you up before bringing his lips to your ear.
"Quit that fucking place, y/n."
You didn't even hesitate and immediately agreed that you would.
And moments later, you were riding him with nothing on but that pretty gold herringbone chain.
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bonus scene:
present time: you lay pretty in a bathtub, rose and cinnamon filling the air. The ambience relaxing and romantic with your plenty bubbles and aromatic candles lit. Your muscles were slowly releasing the tension from a long day of shopping. A way to decompress after a stressful week of being the fiancé of the notorious Plug!Toji.
Plug!Toji who finds you sitting beautiful. Your eyes are opening, sensing he arrived and your lips shift into a sensual smirk. All day you missed your man and seeing him waltz through the door all tall and delicious you were ready to pounce. Your eyes sank seductively and Toji watches that look pass over you. He sits on the side of the tub as you speak.
"I missed you today, daddy." You speak.
"Missed you too baby," his eyes look you over before speaking, "come out that tub we both know you aint tryna bathe right now." A cocky smirk on his lips and you can only chuckle. However, you get up, standing up from the water and letting the suds and bubbles run with the water down your enticing frame. Toji licks his lips, watching the bubbles fall from your tits, stomach, hips, and between your thighs. He watches intensely as you step out, water lands on the floor but the two of you didn't care as you stand before him. You grab the towel from the sink and hand it to Toji. He leans down and grabs your wet calf, bringing your foot onto his knee as he begins drying your leg off.
You look at his lap, seeing his dick laying against his leg through the tight slacks he was wearing. You bring your foot up, sliding it until your toes were pressing into the print.
"You hard already, Toji" You tease him, he only looks at you sinisterly, knowing he was about to have fun with you tonight.
"Don't play these games y/n you know I aint the mufucka for that." He warns.
"What games, daddy?" You press your toes harder and before you can register the mean look he gave you he swiftly pulls you into his lap. The towel is gone and you're squealing, giggling even because you know you're about to get put in your place.
"Oh we actin' brand new? That's cool." He strikes your ass, earning a lament of shock.
"Get your fucking ass on the bed so i can break this fucking pussy so you don't fucking forget shit again."
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©𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐯 ╰┈┈➤ MASTERLIST!
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elysianightsss · 5 months
This Price thot that got away with me..❤️‍🔥🖤
The fire had started to die down, John grabbed a piece of firewood he’d freshly chopped this morning while you lounged in the sweet little pillow and blanket pile you’d made earlier by the fireplace, trying your hardest to ignore the slight stretch you felt with a plug inside your aching core, keeping you stuffed full of Price’s cum. Your clit still pulsing from the memory of his filthy words.
“That’s it sweet girl, taking my cock so well. Let it out love, let it all out.”
Price flung the wood onto the fire before pulling away the soft heavy weight blanket hiding your needy body from him. His ocean eyes raked over your figure, admiring the way you shook with pleasure. His truly oversized hands began teasingly tracing over your skin, his pearly whites flashing under the bushy mutton hops and full beard when you twitched as his fingertips glazed where your thigh and hip met.
Slowly sliding the plug out of your dripping cunt, he felt himself harden even more, his cock becoming painfully tight. “Fuck honey, this pretty cunt, fuck.” He shook his head, eyes fixated on the way his cum from this morning dripped out of you. There wasn’t a prettier sight than this.
How he longed to keep you stuffed full of it so you wouldn’t even think of leaving. Not that you would, Price likes to think by this point he’s reconditioned your mind to need him and only him for anything even the tiniest things like dropping a fucking apple on the floor, in fact he prides himself on it.
“John.” Your back arched, his body moulded against yours, fitting perfectly together, being made for eachother had its perks, he thought. His hairy, sturdy chest pressed against your tits, squishing them there. His scent consumed you, fresh rain, cigars and something musky.
His thick fingers stroked down your stomach, grabbing softly at the pudge there before he slid into your throbbing hole. He could never describe the satisfaction he gets from seeing the blissed look you get on your face when he first slips his fingers inside you.
“Let me hear you love, nice and loud for me.” Price growled from somewhere deep within his chest, his pupils dilating until you couldn’t see any blue at all. “Gonna fuck you,” he grunted his fingers thrusting in and out of you, curling just right just where you needed it, “But you’re gonna cum all over my hand first.”
The fire ablaze once more, just like the feeling that burned in your lower abdomen. That coil that got tighter with every slide against that spongy spot deep inside you.
“Fuck I can’t, too much.” You whined, pussy still sensitive from the way John had woken you up with his tongue lapping at your clit. And fuckkk the way he’d flipped you onto your back and pounded into you from behind until you were cock drunk, only able to say his name on repeat.
“No, come on now, be a good girl for me,” Price’s voice transformed and you wondered if that’s how he spoke to his unit. Before you even had chance to say you couldn’t again, he brushed his thumb over your achey clit. You sobbed, moaning into the evening air, your hips jerking up against his hand.
“Yeah,” he laughed darkly, “look at you buck your hips like a good fucking girl.”
“Fuck Johnnyyy.” The way his eyes shot to your face, your pretty eyes closed, mouth open, head thrown back digging into the pillows on the floor. Johnny, it was a very limited nickname for him, only hearing it on very rare occasions. But every time he loved it.
“Oh you’re gonna cum for me aren’t you.” It wasn’t a question, even if he had to force you, you were going to cum for him. Adding a third finger and changing his angle, he bullied your cunt, plunging in and out desperate to feel you gush.
Pulling his body away from yours and leaning down, he dove right in, tongue licking, sucking and flicking at your clit. “Oooo Johnny yes! John fuck keep doing that baby!” Your hips jolting, almost riding his face not that he minded. You kept going, feeling your body burn with need the faster you bucked and the deeper his fingers went.
The feeling was so addictive you never wanted it to end, never wanted to come down but the world was against you. Your orgasm slammed into you pushing you to arch your back into the air, no longer able to jerk your hips away John saw his opportunity to hold you there and lick lick lick, until you screamed squirting onto his face and hand.
“Fuck off John!” You screeched trying to push his face away with your hands but to no avail, the way he kept you bent, you could barely reach. He stayed there a while before eventually taking pity on you and pulling away.
His thick facial hair soaked with your juices, “I thought I was Johnnnyyyyy.” He mimicked you with a fat grin on his gorgeous face.
“Fuck off.” You spat moving to turn on your side so you could get up, only for his big hands to roll you all the way onto your front. His body moulding with yours once more, you could feel the thickness of him, the hair. It made you burn with anticipation.
“Now where d’ya think you’re going love? I told you I was going to fuck you.”
©️ squishycheekanon 2024. please do not steal, copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my works without my permission. do not steal any elements of my theme without permission.
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dollwrites · 1 year
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮��𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!reader ( suggested rival college ), glory hole, dub con, cock worship, oral sex ( m!receiving ), degradation, name calling ( whore, hole ), facial, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 ∣ day ten [ leona kingscholar + glory hole ]
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“Yeah,” you knew it was Kingscholar before he released the grumbling from within his throat, “lick it first, whore.” it was just so obvious that he would be the one to go first, and as soon as the thick, warm brown cock slid through the hole to demand your attention, you were certain. pressing both palms flush against the wall, you lap at the swollen, red tip, tonguing the slit until your worship elicits a satisfied snarl from the other side. your heart skips a beat at the sound, realizing what he must look like right now. the cock pushed forward, as if demanding to slide into your mouth, and you knew he must be bucking his hips. if you imagined his emerald eyes staring down at you, his broad chest heaving as he tucked his chin into his chest to watch you lick at his cock, you’d simply get dizzy.
“Work that fuckin’ tongue.”
it was an order impossible to refuse, and you moaned as you dipped your head, dragging your tastebuds over the bulging veins, dancing your way down the length of his shaft until it lays across your face. the velvety muscle flicks at the underside of him, the raw scent of his arousal engulfing you, the weight of the cock on your face driving you mad. with your face against the wall as close as you could get, you licked every inch that was presented to you.
“You love that taste, don’t you?” he rumbled, baritone gurgling deep in his throat, before he expels a wicked hiss of what might’ve been laughter, snide and crass. “I’m starting to think you threw that Spelldrive match on purpose, just so you could be stripped and used.”
“I—I didn’t—“ you started to protest, pulling back to pant with the tip of the mighty cock smearing against your lips as you form the syllables.
“Shut up and suck it already,” Leona demanded, and you knew that had he been able to, he would’ve grabbed you by the hair and forced your head down to take him. so you do just that, opening your mouth, letting the bulbous head slide in, your lips stretch into a tight O as inch by torturous inch, Leona plugs your mouth. once he was inside, you start to suck, bobbing your head in a furious rhythm. his taste was twice as intoxicating as his smell, raw and musky— as if lust oozed from every pore. “Attagirl. You learn fast.” your eyelids flutter, gargling and drooling as you work him over. it’s embarrassing, and you may never admit it, but the flimsy pair of panties you’d been stripped down to were damp. you were enjoying this way too much. but you mewl and slurp, squirming on your knees to get even closer. the more he grunted, the more desperate you were to please him. “You know your place at the very least,” you could practically hear the way he must be baring his teeth as you sucked him off and he growls, “on your knees for me and my Pride. Don’t you worry, hole, because each and every one of my boys’re gonna get a chance to fuck that cock hungry little mouth a’yers:” Leona grunts, and his girth pulsates against the walls of your warm, wet cavern— the tip prodding at the back of your throat every time you try to take another inch. “Just as soon as I’ve had my fill a’ya.”
you cluck, your body jerking as if to protest taking so much cock, your cheeks hollowed and your couplet stretched and aching, but you didn’t care. you kept your same, rapid pace, drool leaking from the corners of your mouth and dribbling down your chest, where it sticks like glue in your cleavage. Leona was rock solid, battering your cheeks and threatening to jam your tongue to the back of your mouth when he drills into it. your arms hang slack instead of reaching up to pump the inches you thought you couldn’t take, and the depravity of feeling the head of his cock dip into your gullet sends you into a frenzy of hungry sucking, and fervent bobbing, until you start to gag on him.
“Oi, take it easy, whore.” Leona groans, pulling back enough that his cock nearly slips free from your grasp, had your lips not clamped down against the spongy head to keep him inside, whimpering with a need to keep his taste filling your mouth for as long as possible. “You don’t get to just tap out if you choke.”
with your head so close to the gap, you could hear waves of murmurs, snickers, and gleeful taunts. you couldn’t imagine how many guys were lined up after Leona to fuck your face, but you assumed it was Night Raven’s entire Spelldrive team, and most likely all of the boys from Savanaclaw, as well.
“Better hurry up and make me cum,” Leona growls, “there’s a lot more cocks out here that need your attention.”
spurred by the knowledge that you were far from finished, both of your hands flee to wrap your fingers around the thick cock in front of you, gliding along the slick provided by your saliva to jerk off the remaining inches as you focus all of your attention on the throbbing tip. you alternate between sucking until your cheeks hurt, and then sliding your tongue along the shape, outlining his tender frenulum, before delving into the slit as it dribbles sticky sweet precum into your mouth.
“That’s it, almost there.” Leona grumbles, “Keep sucking me just like that, fuck, worship that cock.” the more you teased, the tighter you squeezed, and the more the muscle started to twitch in your hands, the closer you knew Leona was to cumming. “You’d better take my load on your face, whore. You ready for it? You know what to do…!”
your eagerness overwhelmed your dignity, and your lips made a vulgar pop as you pried your mouth from his dick, pumping both fists at a merciless pace until the first streamers of his release shoot into the air. they coat your hairline, dribbling down and sticking your tendrils in clumps, as more spurts splatter against your cheek and into your open, panting mouth. his cum costs every tastebud, and you moan, closing your eyes to avoid being blinded until the shower is over. his essence is warm and viscous as it hangs in globs from your chin, speckling the tops of your breasts with white.
you can hear him snarling, panting, as the orgasm starts to fade, the cock in your hands softening significantly once he’s finished— but there’s still some spunk that drools out from the twitching tip, and you can’t help yourself: you dip your head and swirl your tongue along the slit once more, gathering all he had left in the groove your muscle makes to swallow it with a happy whine.
“Already addicted to cock, huh?” Leona’s chuckle is hoarse as he wrenches himself away from your mouth, the delicious cock disappearing as he pulls out of the hole. “Don’t get greedy and swallow it all, either. When I decide to letcha outta there, I wanna see a cum covered slut, crawling on all fours, begging to suck me again.”
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The Eye of the Hurricane [38] - The End
A.N: The last chapter! ❤️ Thank you so much for your wonderful support throughout the story my loves, you're amazing! ❤️
Summary: The heir becomes the boss.
Word Count: 3537
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Violence, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship, mentions of sex. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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The week after you almost died was chaotic, and not even for the reasons you had assumed earlier.
Needless to say, everyone in your life was out for blood, but the problem was that there was a specific lack of people to take revenge on.
“Do you think it’ll go back to how it used to be?” you asked Bucky as you turned your head to inspect your nose in the hallway mirror while he kept pacing in the living room, gritting his teeth while he typed something into his phone.
“We should kill every person who worked for Ian.”
“Because Sarah said it would go back to normal but it doesn’t feel like it.”
“I bet Ryan can give us a list, and—”
“Ryan already killed his inner circle that night.”
“There has to be some people left,” Bucky insisted and you heaved a sigh.
“Bucky, you can’t kill people just because they worked for Ian,” you said. “Most of them switched sides already—”
“That’s not enough, and once a traitor always a traitor.”
You rolled your eyes and made your way to him to stop his pacing, cupping his cheek. He took a deep breath, his blue eyes locked in yours as he clenched his jaw like he was trying to keep it together.
“They hurt you.”
“Not really, the ones who hurt me are dead,” you said. “I killed one of them, Ryan killed the rest.”
“I need to do something,” he insisted through his teeth. “I…it’s bad enough that I let you get hurt—”
“You didn’t let me get hurt.”
“I was supposed to protect you,” he said. “Not…not you or Ryan.”
“I’ll let the next person who tries to kill me know about that.”
“Bucky,” you said with a small laugh. “I’m fine. I promise.”
“Your nose is broken,” he reminded you. “There are stitches on your head.”
“Both of those things are temporary,” you assured him. “Seriously. Besides I…you know, it’ll be a good look for the sit down tomorrow night. I’ll look badass.”
He opened his mouth to argue but you both turned your heads when someone knocked on the door.
“Come in,” you called out and the front door opened before Ryan stepped into the apartment, his hands clasped behind him, his back completely straight in the perfect soldier pose.
“Ma’am,” he said. “Mr. Barnes.”
“Ryan, hi!” you said. “You’re back already?”
“Yes ma’am,” he said before stealing a look at Bucky and you waved a hand in the air.
“You can say whatever you want to say in front of Bucky.”
“When I asked to have the morning off, I took the liberty of visiting Mr. Ian’s warehouse,” Ryan said, making you tilt your head.
“He had a warehouse?”
“Yes ma’am. I wanted to make sure we have cleaned out everyone who might still support him or pose a threat to you, so…” he trailed off and pulled out a flash drive from his pocket, extending his hand. You took it from him, then heaved a sigh.
“Anyone we know?”
“I didn’t check what’s inside, ma’am,” he said. “The only reason why I didn’t say where I was going was because I wasn’t sure if there was anything inside that warehouse, but there was. We found it in the safe.”
“We?” Bucky repeated and Ryan nodded.
“One of my trusted men, sir, he can crack open any case.”
You pressed your lips together as you plugged the drive into your laptop, then clicked on the first file and let out a breath, staring at the screen.
“That fucker…” you murmured. “Ah. Well now it makes sense.”
“What?” Bucky asked and you licked your lips.
“Check out the name here.”
Bucky came closer to see the screen, then raised his brows.
“Should’ve known,” he muttered. “If there was going to be anyone HYDRA had its claws in, it’d be Ian.”
“I didn’t think he was this big of an idiot.”
“Did you know he was making deals with HYDRA?” Bucky asked Ryan who shook his head.
“No sir, I wasn’t allowed in most of the meetings. Mrs. Barnes saw it before.”
“Yeah, he kept him outside,” you said. “Figures. Oh, my dad will hate this.”
“Will you tell the others?”
You paused for a moment, then shook your head.
“No,” you said. “This stays in the family—that includes you as well, Ryan.”
Ryan bowed slightly. “Of course, ma’am.”
“Will you give us a moment please?” you asked him and he nodded, then walked out of the room. You turned to Bucky, tapping your fingertips on the kitchen island.
“This is how they had all those attacks on everyone’s territory—everyone’s but ours,” you told him. “That’s how Ian knew it wasn’t HYDRA, but us.”
“I guess he’s lucky you killed him already,” Bucky said. “This is betrayal. People would be racing each other to kill him.”
“Working with HYDRA though?” you insisted. “That doesn’t just mean betraying others, it means betraying the family. Forget the other bosses, my dad would kill him if he heard about this.”
Bucky grinned. “That argument should come in handy. This afternoon.”
You shook your head.
“I am not looking forward to that,” you murmured. “Especially with my aunt there.”
“She’s still here?”
“She’s leaving the city today, apparently,” you said. “I doubt she’ll go without giving me a piece of her mind first.”
“Want me to come with you?”
“No,” you said. “You have your own stuff for preparation for tomorrow, to—”
“Don’t worry about that,” he cut you off. “There won’t be anyone against you being there, we already know that.”
“Wouldn’t hurt to make sure.”
He nodded his head and came closer to carefully kiss you on the top of your head while you pocketed the flash drive, then looked up at him with a small grin.
“Seriously, how bad do I look?” you asked him and he let out a chuckle.
“You look breathtaking as usual, baby.”
“You’re such a liar,” you said with a small push to his arm and he caught your hand, entwining his fingers with yours.
“Hey,” he said. “I’m serious. Broken nose or not, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen my whole life.”
You could feel a smile curling your lips.
“And not fucking you until you get better will be torture,” Bucky added, making you scoff a laugh.
“So romantic.”
“Only for you,” he played along and slapped your butt. “Come on. We both have things to do, boss.”
“Aw I can get used to that,” you said, still grinning, then walked out of the apartment. Ryan was already waiting for you by the entrance, and straightened his back as soon as he saw you.
“Let’s go pay a visit to my dear father,” you said and walked to the elevator with him following you.
Your father had been furious when he saw you at the hospital, so much that you thought he would’ve killed Ian if you hadn’t.
Well, technically Bucky would kill Ian before him but…
So you knew he was going to be happy to see you but you weren’t so sure if the feeling was gonna last when he heard what you were going to say to him.
Your aunt was on her way out, loading her suitcases to the car when your car pulled over in front of the house and you heaved a sigh, then gritted your teeth. It wasn’t that you didn’t see this conversation coming, yet that did nothing to put you at ease.
“Here we go,” you murmured as the driver opened your door for you and you stepped out, your aunt gritting her teeth the moment she saw you.
“Auntie,” you said and she held up a hand, gesturing you to be silent.
“Don’t,” she said. “Don’t call me that.”
“Is father inside?”
“You’re a monster,” she spat and you pursed your lips together.
“He was going to kill me,” you told her. “You know the rules, and so did he. Don’t blame me if he was too stupid to win.”
She eyed you up and down, making Ryan take a step closer but you motioned at him to stop.
“It’s fine Ryan, thank you,” you told him before your aunt let out a hysterical laugh.
“I see you surround yourself with traitors already.”
“Ryan is my right hand auntie, you need to respect him,” you told her, making Ryan give you a proud smile before his expression turned stony again upon turning to look at your aunt.
“I do hope you and Bucky have a son,” your aunt said through her teeth. “Because trust me, I will take him away from you.”
You managed to keep your expression completely calm despite the small shudder running down your spine.
“You can try,” you told her and she scoffed, then got into the car and slammed the door. You shook your head slightly, climbing the stairs to walk through the front door.
“I apologize on her behalf, Ryan,” you told him and he shook his head.
“Don’t, ma’am,” he said. “You have nothing to apologize for. She’s a mother, it’s normal that she’s angry at me.”
“Well if my mother were here, she would tear her apart for what her son tried to do,” you muttered as you stopped by the door to your father’s office. The men waiting there nodded at you and you knocked on the door, then peeked your head in.
“Oh sweetheart, come in!” he said, standing up from his seat. “I was just thinking about you.”
“Good things I hope,” you muttered, letting him kiss your cheek before you sat down on the armchair across from his desk. He filled you a glass of whiskey and put it in front of you, then filled his glass as well and went behind his desk to sit down.
“Any word on that traitorous bastard?”
“Ethan?” you said. “Not yet but any day now. We know he’s not in Chicago, a couple of Bucky’s men are already waiting for him at his hometown and…” you trailed off. “It’s honestly just a matter of who will get him first, you or Bucky or Rhett.”
“Do they know not to kill him yet?”
You grinned. “Oh trust me. Both Bucky and Rhett have a lot of…creative ideas.”
“So do I,” your father murmured and you pulled out the flash drive from your pocket.
“Speaking of traitors,” you said, “You might want to know Ian was working with HYDRA.”
Your father stared at you for a couple of seconds in silence. “What?”
“That’s how they got in,” you said. “And that’s why our territory was never attacked and everyone else’s was.”
“Our territory was attacked.”
“Not by HYDRA.”
“We don’t—” he started, then raised his brows, heaving a deep sigh. “You.”
“Well Ian is dead now so it doesn’t really matter,” you said. “But yeah.”
“I asked you and you said no.”
“Can you blame me?” you asked. “I didn’t exactly have leverage yet, nor had I proven myself. I will use the names in the file to track them down, I figured you wouldn’t want anyone else to get involved, especially the other bosses.”
“You thought right,” he said. “Especially the sit down tomorrow…”
“That’s actually why I’m here,” you said, your heart beating in your ears and he pulled his brows together, then scoffed a laugh.
“Sweetheart, obviously I will name you my heir tomorrow.”
You took a sip of the whiskey, then heaved a sigh.
“Yeah I figured you’d say that,” you said. “That’s the problem.”
“The problem?”
“I didn’t almost die just so that you can name me your heir,” you said, looking him in the eye. “That’s not how it works. You know how cage fight works, I’ve been through worse. Being named heir is not going to be enough.”
He frowned at you as if he was confused before a look of realization dawned on his face and he leaned back on his seat, his eyes locked in yours.
“Is this a hostile takeover?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Doesn’t have to be hostile.”
A silence fell upon the room while he stared at you, then let out a breath.
“And you think you’re ready?”
“I know I am.”
“Just out of curiosity,” he said. “What would happen if I refused?”
“You can refuse,” you said, your voice completely calm. “But it’s not going to change anything. I have the support from other bosses, I have proven myself and your latest choice of heir fucked over everyone, which could backfire on you. So, I’m sitting at the head of that table tomorrow, whether you like it or not.”
An impressed smile curled his lips before he heaved a sigh, then stood up and opened up his arms.
“Come here,” he said, making you frown.
“If you’re planning on stabbing me father—”
“Don’t be ridiculous, come here,” he said and you got up from the armchair, then stepped into his embrace. He hugged you tight, then pressed a kiss on your hair and pulled back to look at you better.
“My little girl all grown up to threaten me,” he said and you shrugged your shoulders.
“I mean I’d rather not, to be honest with you,” you muttered. “I’m just saying, there’s family and there’s business. I’m threatening the former boss right now, not my father.”
He hummed, still smiling softly.
“You have one thing right, you have proven yourself, over and over again,” he said. “Even before that bastard pulled a gun on you. I’m sorry for not seeing it sooner, Y/N. That right there was exactly what I was trying to protect you from.”
“Yeah, protecting me from business,” you said. “You should’ve known I wouldn’t have let him take it from me, dad. One of us was going to end up dead either way.”
That made him clench his jaw. “I didn’t think he’d have the guts to do that to you,” he said. “That will be on my conscience forever.”
“It shouldn’t,” you said. “I mean yeah you fucked up but you know, there’s no one who doesn’t take me seriously in the business after that whole fight. I doubt it’d have the same impact if you handed it to me, so…it’ll work in my favor.”
“Will you forgive me?”
“My father has nothing to worry about,” you told him. “And the former boss is paying for that mistake with me replacing him. Hostile takeover and all that.”
He let out a chuckle, then hugged you again.
“Perhaps I’ll buy another boat,” he said. “I should ask George what he does with all the time he has in retirement.”
A laugh escaped from you and you held up your hands. “Hey, if you want to be a cliché, I can’t stop you,” you said and checked your wristwatch. “I need to go and meet Bucky, we’re having lunch.”
“Alright,” he said. “Tell him I said hi.”
“Of course,” you said and kissed him on the cheek, then walked to the door before turning to look at him. “And thank you.”
“For what?”
“For not making this harder than it should be,” you told him and he shrugged his shoulders.
“Well,” he said. “You’re the head of the family business now. It’s your rules, the rest will follow your orders. Including the former boss.”
You let a smile curl your lips, then walked out of the office and passed through the hallway to step outside, your heels echoing on the marble floor.  
There had been numerous sit downs at this place but this was the first one that you would attend as a boss, so needless to say you were way too impatient.
Ever since you had stepped a foot in your father’s house, you couldn’t stop tapping your foot. The guests were beginning to arrive one by one, and you desperately needed a drink but you knew you had to keep a completely clear head so you couldn’t exactly drink what the rest were drinking.
“Here,” Bucky said, touching the small of your back with one hand while giving you a glass of water with the other.
“Thank you,” you said and he pressed a kiss on your temple, making you frown and pull back. “Nope.”
“This is a work meeting,” you told him, nodding at Clint and Natasha by the corner of the living room while Tony talked to your father and Bucky frowned.
“They already know we’re married, Charm.”
“Well we can’t be too lovey-dovey!” you whispered through your teeth and he chuckled.
“Babe, it’s going to be fine,” he said. “You’ll do great, I promise.”
“Right?” you felt the need to ask and he nodded.
“I love you, you know that right?” you asked and Bucky smirked.
“I love you too,” he said. “And you’re not going to war. It’s your first meeting as a boss, but it is still a meeting.”
You nodded your head, taking a huge sip of your water and turned your head when you heard the familiar chatter. Sarah and Becca walked into the living room, making your jaw drop.
“Hey,” Becca said as soon as she reached you. “Girl talk Buck, beat it.”
“Nice to see you too,” Bucky told her with a roll of his eyes, then turned to Sarah. “Hey.”
“Hi Bucky. Sam and Steve are in the hallway.”
“Great,” he said and walked away from you. You pulled Sarah into a hug, then pulled back to hug Becca.
“Oh my God,” you said. “What are you both doing here?”
“Well it’s your first day on the job,” Becca said. “You know, emotional support.”
“What she said,” Sarah said. “And I figured you’d be nervous, so…”
“I was,” you said with a smile. “Guys, you’re amazing.”
“I even brought a cactus,” Becca said. “Apparently that’s what people get people when they start jobs, who knew?”
“They usually get them flowers, Becca,” Sarah said and Becca waved a hand in the air.
“I haven't worked a day in my life in case you guys forgot,” she said. “Oh and Leila said ‘kick everyone’s ass’.”
“Tell her I said thank you,” you said and took a deep breath. “It’ll go well, right?”
“It’ll go great,” Sarah said, lifting your chin a bit to check your nose from the side. “It is healing nicely. The stitches too.”
“Thanks to my awesome doctor,” you said with a smile and Becca looked around.
“Your bitch of an aunt isn’t here then?”
“Nope,” you said. “She left earlier.”
“Without making a scene?” Sarah asked, disbelief apparent in her tone and you shook your head.
“Of course not,” you said. “She…she told me something.”
“That she hopes Bucky and I have a son,” you said. “So that she can take him away from me, the same way I took Ian away from her.”
Sarah rolled her eyes and Becca raised a brow.
“Oh please,” she said. “She does know that when Bucky and you have a child, that child will be like, the most protected heir in the entire world, right?”
“I guess,” you said and Sarah frowned.
“You can’t let that get to you,” she said and you shook your head again.
“I’m not,” you said. “That’s not it.”
Becca pulled back slightly, then eyed the water glass in your hand.
“Please don’t tell me you’re pregnant,” she said, making your eyes widen.
“No!” you said. “No, I’m just not drinking because I’m trying to keep my head clear, it’s my first meeting with everyone else as a boss—no, I’m just worried I guess.”
“I agree with Becca,” Sarah said. “First of all, that child will be the most protected heir in the city, with your people and Bucky’s people. Second of all, who’s going to take your aunt seriously?”
“No one,” you admitted with a small laugh. “Yeah. Like I said, I’m just worried.”
“Don’t be—” Sarah started but you heard Ryan’s voice by the door.
“The meeting room is ready,” he said and everyone walked out of the living room one by one. Your father gave you a soft smile and you smiled at him back, then turned to Sarah and Becca.
“Wish me luck.”
“You got this,” Sarah said and Becca squeezed your hand.
“You were born for this,” she told you. “Go get ‘em tiger.”
You let out a breath, then made your way out of the living room to the meeting room before you stepped inside, your heart beating in your ears. Bucky was walking to his own seat and you brushed your hand against his as subtly as you could while you walked past him. He winked at you before sitting down as well, making you bite back a smile.
You got this.
Becca was right. You were born for this.
You took your seat at the head of the table, Ryan approaching to place a file in front of you and you cleared your throat, then lifted your head to look at everyone around the table.
“So,” you said, your voice completely calm. “Shall we begin?”
The End.
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xcalkenf · 6 months
౨ৎ — PRETTY BOY ! [ switch!choso x reader]
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౨ৎ — warnings . 18+ / smut (obviously) / soft-dom ish f reader / switch choso! / bondage (shibari) / choso with pink ribbons around his biceps <3 / overstimulation / choso crying / anal plug / cock rubbing & edging / cum eating / p in v / riding / cockwarming / aftercare / reassurance / praises / safeword was made between two !
౨ৎ — note . okay, this was written in my notes from 2 until 3 am (actually being serious) inspired by a Twitter vid I watched >< it was sooo good !! also, y’all can’t change my mind on switch!choso. He’s both, the thought of him being only a sub/top is just not.. satisfying enough 😓🤭
౨ৎ — wc . 1.3k
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“D-do I really have to be like this..?” Choso mumbled, face flushed -feeling embarrassed to see his nude body resting on top of the bed with pillows supporting his back. His hands were bound on his back, thighs spread, chest wrapped by ropes, and his biceps wrapped by adorable pink ribbons.
“Mhm.. you want to be a good boy, right, Choso?” You kissed your boyfriend’s mark on his nose, when you mentioned his name, his entire body shivered, well jus’ a little, and he nodded, "Yes, mommy."
As you were ready to insert a plug into him, he stopped you, “Wait! w-will that h-hurt?..” he asked.
“It's hard to say for sure, but moving around might hurt a little, but you'll get used to it, I promise.” You say, and Choso swallowed hard as he pictured what pain he was going to experience in his hole. As he felt the glass heart-shaped plug go into his hole, his sculpted thighs began to expand.
"Wait, that hurts.. Go gently", He became anxious, but when you insert it more slowly, allowing him to adjust, he soon calms down.
When you glance at his lower abdomen, you can see that he's panting heavily and that he's breathing and sighing heavily.
“Don’t worry, I won’t go hard on you, pretty boy”
"You're doing so good for me, cho~" As you slowly turned the plug around, without moving too quickly or roughly, you purred.
Choso blushed heavily, feeling the strange object inside him as well as embarrassment. With a nervous look away, he muttered, "It feels weird, baby.." He could feel the burning sensation building up in his cheeks. "Do you want me to stop? Remember the safeword, Cho?" You asked, and he shook his head, "N-no, don't stop.. Yes, I-I do remember", You nodded.
You continued to playfully tease Choso, occasionally grazing his sensitive skin or tugging gently on the ribbon tied around his bicep.
Each touch sent adrenaline down his spine, causing him to squirm even more. "Please, stop teasing me," he begged, reaching for your face to kiss you, only to have you pull away and press your pointer finger against his lips.
"No, I'll kiss you when I want to, cho" you say with a giggle while he stared at you with furrowed eyebrows.
You enjoy seeing him like this, completely under control and wanting your attention. "Such a needy little thing," you muttered, tracing invisible patterns on his chest while sitting on his lap, completely dressed, not like him, bare.
You sit in front of him, stroking his cock with one hand while fondling his balls with the other, all while maintaining eye contact. Your hand moves from his balls to his thigh, massaging it, the other hand stopping at his tip and then twisting and holding it for a little while. He throws back his head and groans with pleasure. You're aware of his extreme sensitivity in the thigh area, which might lead to his orgasm occurring quickly. His slit is sensitive, so you press down on it with your pointer finger, making him wriggle. You're applying pressure to both of his vulnerable spots. “W-Wait, that's dirty, I'm sensitive too. Slow down. Don't touch both..” Between breaths, he says the words. He makes a high-pitched whine as you continue to rub them.
As you stroked Choso, he groaned many times and uncontrollably bucked his hips. He loved the sensation of your hands on him, especially in combination with your kept gaze. He whispered, "Please," his eyes begging for your attention. You wanted to see how fucked out he was before letting him cum, so you thought about holding off on letting him climax for a few times. Which you did. Three times. -
"I can't take much more, really, babe -ngh" His muscles tensing up as you've repeatedly edged him, strong muscles nearly ripping the ropes off. As he was about to finally rip them off, you said, "No breaking ropes cho, you’re doing really great.”
With an arrogant grin, you continued to edge him for precisely thirty-five minutes, knowing just what would push him over the edge. Choso's muscles tensed as a wave of pleasure passed over him, and his breathing became quicker.
“Oh, oh, oh! I'm cumming, I'm cumming!” You stroke his cock faster just as he began to cum, staring at his release. You watch the thick white and milky strings spurt out of his cock, eyes glowing in admiration. 
“That's it, Choso,” you cooed, loving the sight of him writhing beneath you. “Come for me, my pretty boy.”
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck, fuck, -angh!”Another high pitched moan came out of his dirty, yet lovely mouth.
He kept releasing his seeds over and over again, not stopping after what you felt had been at least a minute and twenty seconds since he finally came after an hour of edging. Choso thought it was over, but he was wrong.
He felt your warm mouth wrap around his length, your hand slowly drawing out the plug and thrusting it back into his hole with force. “Fuck, wait, no, sensitive, no- I'm sensitive fuckkk,” he threw his head back, tears and spit streaming down his face.
You hummed. That vibration sent Choso over the brink again just minutes after he arrived; it was painful yet so good. He's overstimulated, moaning again and again as he feels your tongue everywhere, sucking him off and swallowing his cum preventing it from spilling out. You took off the butt plug out of his hole, and left it on the floor.
When you were swallowing, you kept a bit in your mouth. Standing up and softly kissing him, allowing him to taste himself and his cum. Tongue intertwined, it was a very sloppy kiss. You put your right hand on his chin and grip it. The other strips your underwear and sits on your knees, adjusting his cock to your entrance.
You were adjusting yourself, closing your eyes, focussing on kissing his lips and down below, not noticing Choso had removed the ropes off him. When his hands unexpectedly pushed you down forcibly on his cock, you yelped and made out muffled moans of pleasure as Choso leans back, your hands on his shoulder for support.
“Fuck- feel so good, cho,” you exclaimed, immediately undoing your buttons and stripping to your bra and miniskirt. He stopped the kiss and looked at you with lust and thirst.
“Your insides feel so warm, I'm going to come again...” “So tight,” he whispered before locking his lips on your collarbone and biting everywhere, leaving hickeys that would remain for days.
You bounced on his cock, supported by your partner's thrusts and the hands around your waist. You press your eyes tight and allow your orgasm to build with his.
“Cho ‘m so close…”
“Me too baby, ngh” The two of you moaned together, and you pressed your sweaty foreheads against one other as ecstasy gushed over you; finally, you opened your eyes and kissed each other, still bouncing on his cock, but a little slower than before. You can feel his cock jerking wildly, sending vibrations down into your core/cervix.
You continue till hours have passed. There you were cockwarming him: “Stay like this for a little longer, please.” He begged, and you nodded before wrapping your arms around him. The two of you remained in that position for some time before getting off to clean up.
You prepared a warm bath while Choso laid on his back, staring at the marks left by the ropes that restrained him. He looked up and across his body to discover a pink ribbon still tied around one of his biceps, which he thought was cute.
Maybe he’ll do the same thing to you next time because you pushed him too hard today, it did felt good though.
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a/n p.2 | The fact that this only took me an hour to write scares me. Hope you enjoy this one more than my prev work <3
@xstom on tumblr 2024, do not repost/copy/translate this post!
creds to the divider owner!
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
The Taste of Temptation {3} || DR3
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x fem!reader Summary: Pierre enjoys winding Danny up with rumours, and Danny enjoys his recompense with your body. Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, age gap (13 years) reader is 20, smut, smut, alcohol, smut, ass play, dom!daniel, bond*ge, overstimulation WC: 3.7k F1 Masterlist Story: One || Two || Three || Four || Five Snapshots One || Two || Three || Four || Five
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Round Fourteen - Netherlands You had been minding your own business, enjoying a cool glass of fruit juice to combat the rising temperature of the day. The Red Bull motorhome was unusually quiet as you sat down at an empty table, so much so that you didn’t even notice the hush that fell over the few members of staff that were around setting up for the week ahead.
Something hit your neck and a sudden roar almost deafened your ear as the shock turned to a flash of pain. You jolted out of your seat, tipping it over, and clutched the burning skin below your ear as you saw a dark blue shirt disappear out the door, the number 10 printed on his back.
“What the hell was that?” you asked as you used your phone as a mirror. “What the fuck! GASLYYY!!!!!”
A deep purple circle was growing on your skin where he had pressed the end of a hoover against it, the bright red vacuum now discarded on the floor in the culprits rush to get away. The powerful suction had instantly brought your blood to the surface and it looked like a huge hickey, and Daniel was just walking in.
You slapped your hand over the mark and saw the team members of his that were still around stifle their laughs.
“What’s so funny?” he asked with a grin.
“Pierre just gave her a hickey,” Calum, a friendly technician, managed to admit as he pointed to your hand. “Then he boosted it out of here, never seen an Alpine go so fast.”
Daniel didn’t laugh along with the rest as his fingers curled around your wrist and pulled your hand away. His eyes narrowed at the offensive mark before darting to the vacuum still running on the floor behind your chair. The stupid smile and big, round eyes on the plastic shell only seemed to grow more mocking the longer he looked at it. 
“It was just a silly joke,” you said softly. 
“Very funny.” He forced a smile but his eyes kept flickering back to your neck and you shivered as he ran his tongue along his teeth and leaned closer so no one could overhear his promise. “But only I get to mark you, kitten.”
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Daniel got his recompense when you returned to the hotel mid afternoon. There was a few hours of down time before there was a small get together planned, nothing too crazy since media day started in the morning and no one wanted to be hungover for that. 
“Shhh, kitten, the walls aren’t that thick.” 
With the curtains drawn it was impossible to tell how long had passed, how long it had been since Danny tied your wrists to your ankles and subjected you to such immense pleasure you couldn’t remember your name. 
His fingers were cool against your hot skin as he brushed your hair back from your sweaty forehead before they softly tweaked your nipple piercing and another gasp slipped past the strap of leather you were biting. 
The rave music filling the room was set to overwhelm yet another of your senses but it couldn’t hide the sounds you were making and it was a wonder that all of the Netherlands didn’t know what he was doing to you. You didn’t even know what he was doing to you, there was only one orgasm rolling into the next as your tears wet the pillow beneath your head.
Toys littered the bed and Danny had taken his time to enjoy ruining you with them all. 
Your ass throbbed around the metal plug he had worked you up to taking, his words of courage helping you to push through the gasping breaths you filled your lungs with as he stretched you to the limit. The cry of relief that had erupted when the plug slid home, and the sight of your hole clenching around the narrow handle, had been enough for him to come again and the warm ropes of his release had splayed across your breasts.
If you could move you would have run your fingers through it, gathering the viscous mess so you could taste it on your tongue. That was where he had finished earlier and where he would possibly finish again, because before you knew it he was hard again.
“Please,” you whimpered as he pressed a bullet to your clit, the vibrations making more tears stream down your cheeks as intense tremors rocked your entire body and your ankles screamed for mercy. “I need to come.”
“Soon, kitten.” 
Daniel shifted to lay between your spread legs, his breath hot on your cunt as he tasted the essence dripping from your swollen lips. His fingers soon replaced his tongue and the lewd sounds of them pumping in and out of you only added to the overwhelming experience. 
Two fingers, then three. Each snap of his wrist buried them deeper and each time he brushed against the butt plug and pushed it further. Stars danced across your vision and you couldn’t hold back any longer as your pussy spasmed around his fingers before they were gone and his tongue lapped at his reward as it escaped your folds.
“I didn’t say you could-” 
Your body fell slack against the restraints as you lost all ability to think, see or hear and you floated away on the high.
When you came back to your senses you were tucked under the blankets with Daniel’s body curled behind you, his arm draped over your waist. His beard tickled your shoulder and he pressed a soft kiss upon it when he felt you wake. Every part of you ached in a way that could never actually hurt and you sighed with contentment as you rolled over to face your boyfriend. 
“How long was I out?”
“About half an hour,” he said with a proud little smile as he pulled your leg over his hip as you felt his hard length teasing along your entrance. “I think that’s a new record.” 
Your body felt empty without the toys and you looked around to see them neatly lined up on a towel drying. As messy as Daniel liked to get, he also liked to clean up after and you could feel your skin was no longer slick with sweat or sticky with his release that had painted your skin. He had taken care of it all after you had passed out.
“How bad is it?” you asked when you caught his fixated stare on your neck but he grabbed your hand when you reached up to touch the tender area.
“Don’t hide it, kitten. You can cover up Gasly’s but not mine.”
You rolled your hips and smirked when his lips parted with a deep breath as his sensitive head started to slip inside you, just an inch. “You are so petty.”
“You’re mine and I have to mark my territory,” he said before snapping his hips forward and stealing your breath as he bit your bottom lip. “It’s just biology, baby.” 
“Have you been watching the Discovery Channel again?” you teased as your eyes fluttered shut. 
Daniel laughed as rolled you to your back and tugged your other leg over his hip too before pinning your hands to the headboard. “There’s something satisfying about seeing a hunter subdue his prey.” His head dipped to yours and a shiver spread goosebumps across your skin when he grazed his teeth over your racing pulse. “Seeing how vulnerable she is up against such a beast.”
You arched your back and pushed your breasts up, silently begging him to trail his lips further down to them. He was gentle this time, swirling his tongue over the sensitive peaks knowing they would be tender. Everywhere was tender so he was taking his time with you, enjoying the long, slow strokes that made you feel every single inch of his cock as it filled you.
“She’s only vulnerable to him,” you moaned as you dragged your fingers through his hair and tugged the damp strands.
Daniel’s honey brown eyes said far more than his lips did as they curled up into a soft smile that made your stomach flip. “A lion and a kitten.”
He released your hands so he could run his own down your arm and over your collarbone to cup your cheek, the calluses on his palms tickling your skin along the way. His hand was so large it cradled your entire jaw and his thumb stroked your kiss-swollen lips before he took them for his own.
There was never a fight for dominance with him, your lips just parted as if he were the elixir of life and you were dying of thirst. He was intoxicating and addictive, unlike anyone you had been with before and he completely consumed your consciousness, filling every waking thought before infiltrating your dreams too.
You lost all sense of self with him, yet he had helped you explore your body and find so much more. And you also had lessons to teach him.
“Lions don’t actually hunt,” you murmured as you lay your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat thumping rhythmically in your ear. “It’s the females that do the hunting. The male is just there to fuck.”
Your muscled pillow bounced as he laughed, his fingers along your spine pausing their relaxing dance. “I like that even better. What can you tell me about the honey badger?”
You pushed up onto your elbow, resting your chin on your hand so he could see the amusement on your face. “The honey badger is a cheeky creature who is very territorial and gets quite jealous over little things.”
“Is that right?” he dared you to continue with the lifting of one eyebrow and a smirk on his lips.
“Mhmm, but don’t let the cuteness fool you, there’s a fighting spirit beneath all that fur,” you teased, running your fingers through the dark triangle of curls that grew over his sternum. “And six nipples. Oh, did you think I was talking about you?”
His smirk broke into a bright smile that reached his sparkling eyes as his laugh filled the room. “You never know, I might have six nipples and just be very good at hiding them.”
You snorted a laugh and buried your face into the crook of his neck, squeezing your arms around his waist. “No, you would happily parade them about if you had that many.”
Danny placed a soft kiss atop your head before resting his cheek upon it with a happy sigh. “You know me so well.”
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“Hey Nips,” Pierre greeted with a grin as he bounced on the balls of his feet impatiently. “You haven’t blocked me on Insta have you?”
“I will if you keep calling me Nips,” you warned as you pulled your phone out of your clutch and checked the app you had muted the notifications for and groaned. “Seriously?”
The Frenchman's laugh was insufferable as you saw what he had uploaded while Daniel returned to your side after chatting with Valterri, never straying too far away from you. The video wasn’t great quality considering Pierre had been running full pelt through the paddock with a vacuum plugged into a massive extension lead but you could still make out the path to Red Bull’s hospitality.
You saw yourself sitting at a table sipping your juice in peace before he flicked the vacuum on and a look of shock fell over your face when it sucked your neck into the nozzle. Unable to resist now that he had more than made up for it, Daniel chuckled in your ear at the video and you jutted your elbow back to check him in the ribs.
The next picture he posted made you roll your eyes before you saw an opportunity and sent a reply before locking the phone and slipping it back into your clutch as Daniel’s laugh grew even louder. “There’s those claws, kitty.”
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You regretted opening the app as you were still thinking about the other notifications you had seen and they left you distracted. It wasn’t anything new and they weren’t often malicious but the rumours were just irritating. Every single post you were tagged in by one of the drivers inevitably led to people thinking you were dating them.
It was only Pierre who did it on purpose for his own amusement, knowing how possessive Daniel was towards you. It was like he just wanted to push his buttons and see how long it took for him to snap and make the relationship public. There had been talks of it, after collapsing into bed, high off an orgasm, but then nothing happened.
The rumours were still playing on your mind when the group moved to the large round table and you saw the name on the seating chart next to yours. 
“Hey, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Danny asked as he sat to your left, his hand disappearing under the table to slide up the slit of your dress to your thigh, his thumb drawing soothing circles over the bare skin.
“Nothing, I’m just a little tired.” You weren’t lying completely, you could have done with a lot more sleep after what he put you through.
“Have you been boring Nips, mate?” Pierre asked as he dropped into the chair beside you, likely having paid off a waitress to have his name card put on your table. A smarmy smile played at his lips and he trailed a finger around the rim of his glass, the crystal humming quietly, as his other arm draped over the back of your chair. “You weren’t bored in Paris with me, were you?”
Danny’s fingers tightened around your thigh and you fought back the gasp as his nails dug half-moons into your skin. “Do you want to tell him why you’re tired or should we let him use his imagination?”
You hid your laugh behind your hand and Pierre’s interest only grew as he leaned closer. “I don’t think he is creative enough to imagine everything we did. Maybe I’ll tell Kika and she can surprise him.”
A dopey smile crossed his face at the mention of his girlfriend before a camera flashed and he sat back in his seat with a huff of annoyance at the photographer. “I thought they weren’t allowed at these things.”
You shrugged and accepted the glass of wine Danny took from a passing waitress. “Netflix wants a taste of everything this year, all the behind the scenes shots. Just be grateful you don’t have to wear microphones.”
“I dunno, could be entertaining as hell,” Daniel chuckled as he teased his fingers along the edge of your panties. “But they would have to censor 99% of what happens outside of the paddock. For us at least.”
“We get it, you guys have sex,” Lando said with a roll of his eyes as he arrived late and dropped into the seat beside Daniel, Carlos on the other side of him. “Sup, what’d I miss?”
“Nothing much. Pierre got schooled on Insta, and we are going public,” Daniel casually stated, your head whipping around towards him as he shrugged with a smile. “What? It was bothering you and it’ll shut him up too.”
Instead of looking annoyed that his fun was coming to an end, Pierre laughed and let his arm slip off your chair. “About time. Pay up, Norris.”
Lando groaned and fished his wallet out his pocket, his fingers flicking through the cash before taking it all. “You couldn’t have waited one more week? I’m a bit light. Can I get you the rest tomorrow?”
You curled an eyebrow as the money exchanged hands in front of you and you reached out, taking one of the €100 notes from Pierre. “My cut for using my relationship for your gains.”
“Well, if I’m losing five grand on this I want to see the evidence,” Lando said as he started unfolding and refolding the swan-shaped napkin in front of him. “Or I’ll have it back, thanks, with interest.”
“You’re not getting this back,” you stated as you shoved the cash into your bra before fetching your phone from the table. “My employers are cheap bastards.”
Pierre laughed with a shake of his head, knowing you had one of Danny’s credit cards and that he would never let you spend a cent of your own money while you were with him. It was the same amongst all the drivers, they spoiled their partners and enjoyed providing everything one could want or need. They didn’t see it as being ‘used’.
“There,” you grinned as Daniel’s phone beeped with a notification you had posted on Instagram. “The not-so-secret secret is out.”
“Let the chaos begin.”
Daniel’s hand disappeared from your thigh and you instantly missed the warmth before he reached for your nape. His fingers tightened their grip as he drew you closer and your breath hitched as you saw the possessive glint in his eyes before he crushed his lips to yours. The room was forgotten as he took all your focus and your phone fell to your lap so you could grab the lapels of his collar and deepen the kiss. 
Ten seconds or ten minutes could have passed by the time you parted breathlessly and as your eyes fluttered open they were blinded by the flashed of the cameras aimed your way. Daniel smirked and pulled the finger at them, causing another bright burst of flashes. “Fuck ‘em all.”
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“People will talk.”
Your tongue wet your lips before you dared him. “Let them.”
His eyes drifted down your body before he dragged them slowly back up. “They’ll say you’re too young.”
“Age is just a number.” You used his own words against him, the words that had lingered in your mind since he had said them to you the first day you met.
“They’ll say you only got your job because of me.”
A small giggle bubbled up as your fingers toyed with the buttons of his shirt. “I’ll show them my degree.”
“You have all the answers, don’t you, kitten?” he smirked.
“No, there’s still one I’m waiting on...”
The moment hung suspended in the air as his brown eyes searched your face for the answer and he swore under his breath. “Fuck ‘em all. You’re mine.”
Daniel’s teeth nipped at your earlobe and you inhaled sharply at the bolt of lightning that struck your core, tightening your stomach as it flipped in response. “You’re mine, kitten, all mine.”
You couldn’t even form a response as your back pressed against the wall and he pinned you there with his hips. The denim he wore did little to hide the hard length that he ground against your core and you trembled with anticipation.
“Please, Danny,” you begged unabashedly. You had fantasised over this moment since you had met him but nothing could prepare you for the reality. Your eyes screwed shut as his zip brushed over your clit and your lips parted at the sensitive touch, a keening whine slipping from them, “Pleeease.”
Your arms tightened around his neck as he stepped away from the wall and carried you to the bed, swiping the half empty wine bottle as he passed the coffee table. The mattress rushed up to meet you and he smirked down at you as he used his knee to spread your legs wider.
“This isn’t champagne but we’ll make it work.” His fingers curled around the bottleneck and his thumb covered the hole so he could control the flow as he started to pour it over you. You jolted at the difference in temperature and the red potation started to snake across your skin with each small movement you made.
“It’s going to stain the bedding,” you whispered as you tried to hold your breath so it didn’t displace even more.
“Wine will be the least of their worries,” he teased as he dipped his head down and lashed his tongue across your stomach, dipping it into your belly button where the wine had pooled until he had licked it clean. Your stomach clenched when he rolled his eyes up your body to look at you and you swore you almost came from that image alone.
You were heady as he made his way up your body, trailing a dribble of wine between the valley of your breasts before chasing it with his tongue. His thumb traced your lips, parting them as he tipped the bottle up to fill your mouth until it overflowed. The bottle was carelessly discarded and a large hand caught your chin, tipping it back before he sealed his mouth over yours and shared the flavour of the wine on your tongue.
You silenced your phone from the incessant notifications that hadn’t stopped all evening and tossed it onto the coffee table. Dropping onto the sofa in the quiet hotel, you swirled the topped up red wine around your glass mindlessly and wondered what you had gotten yourself into.
“It’ll die down, as soon as something new comes along.” Daniel fell into the space beside you and took the wine stem from your hands, sipping it before placing it on the table and pulling you onto his lap. His hair was still damp from the shower he had just had and every few seconds a droplet would break free from the strands and run down his neck. “You’re not regretting it, are you?”
There was a touch of vulnerability in his tone that he tried to hide with a smile but it didn’t reach his eyes. You cupped his face and brushed your thumbs over the creases that were deeper when he truly smiled and shook your head. “A little apprehensive of what’s to come,” you admitted with a whisper. “But I’m proud to be yours, you make me happy.”
“That’s all that matters to me.” He guided your head to his shoulder and you relaxed as your body moulded to fit against him perfectly. This was your safe place and your soul recognised that as the late hour instantly caught up with you. A tired yawn clicked the joint of your jaw and your eyes grew heavy as you nuzzled your face closer to his neck. “And what do we say if someone has a problem?”
“Fuck them,” your murmured sleepily, making his shoulders bounce with a silent laugh.
“That’s right, kitten,” he whispered across your skin as his lips rested on your forehead. “Fuck ‘em all.”
Click here for part four.
Tagging: @moonvr @copper-boom @yunnie-f1 @ophcelia @lightsoutletsgo @alwaysclassyeagle @neiich @omgsuperstarg @starwarssavy23 @fdl305 @faeb1tch42069 @sweetestrose569 @pleasantducktimetravel @zendayabelova @dr3lover @writerscurse @christianpulisic10 @alexisquinnlee-bc @purplephantomwolf @belennasif @ryiamarie @mickslover @tyna-19 @destourtereaux @sunf1ower16 @octaviareina @laneyspaulding19 @booknerd2004-blog @mimimarvelingmarvel @chonkybonky @jpg3 @bangtanxberm
1K notes · View notes
achromatophoric · 2 months
Late one night at Nevermore University, Enid and Wednesday are having a heated discussion in bed.
Wednesday: I find these so-called frightening fettuccine to be both juvenile and poorly-written.
Enid: Pasta, babe. It’s creepypasta.
Wednesday: That reinforces my point. Even the name is ludicrous. I seriously doubt anything deserving of actual horror could be derived from such tripe.
Enid: Look, how about we bet on it? I’ll like, tell you a story based on my favorite creepypasta. If you get the creepies, I get to pick the movies for a month. If you don’t, then like, you pick for a month. Sound good, babycakes?
Wednesday: I find the wager to be acceptable. You may proceed with this futile attempt to deprive me of even a wink of sleep.
Enid: Easy peasy! *rolls to face Wednesday* Okay, so, what if this —*waves around*— isn’t even like, real?
Wednesday: Our dorm? *shifts to face Enid*
Enid: All of it. This room. This place. Even this moment. Us talking. Us together. The last four years of everything. Little more than fiction.
Wednesday: Are you proposing that we are in a dream?
Enid: Something worse. That this is your mind. That everything you’ve experienced for the last four years is a world that you’ve created, to keep yourself from completely fracturing apart.
Wednesday: And the reason for this?
Enid: Esther. My mother. Because of her—*sucks in breath* —I made the worst decision of my life. Because of her, I said no. Because of her, I left you behind. *blinks tears*
Wednesday: *stares* Four years ago. That… is when I gave you my heart. When I told you about the family curse.
Wednesday: I… do not like this story.
Enid: What if this isn’t a story, Wednesday? What if, right now, you’re lying in a hospital bed, plugged into machines, unable to wake up? Looking so small. So— *voice breaks* —frail.
Enid: And I’m here, Willa. Right by your side. Holding your hand. *softly crying now* It took me years, but I’m finally here. Wishing to Goddess that I could take it all back. That… that you would just wake up, so I could tell you how fucking sorry I am. Tell you how much I love you. H-How I— *choked sob*
Enid: Kept loving you, this entire time. Every. Single. Second. And— fuck! I hate myself for letting this happen to you. Letting this happen to us! *sobs* Willa, I just— I can’t— n-not without you! Goddess, please! Please-please-please-fucking-please WAKE UP!
Enid: Except… *sobbing ebbs* It isn’t real, is it? *wipes away tears, calm now* It’s just a juvenile idea. A poorly-written story, like you said. One more piece of tripe that you’re going to easily forget about…
Wednesday: *transfixed*
Enid: Until you hear it again. Perhaps late at night, when verging on the very edge of sleep. From a source you can’t locate, no matter how hard you try. But it will be there, that voice. My voice. Begging. Beseeching. Whispering to you and only you…
Enid: Please. I’m so sorry, baby. Please wake up.
Wednesday: *stares*
Enid: *stares back*
Wednesday: I, ah—*swallow thickly*— I admit to the idea being… intriguing. But entirely implausible. *licks lips* Wouldn’t you agree?
Wednesday: E-Enid?
Enid: *blinks once, then smiles* Just think back about what I said. G’night, babycakes. Love you!
Enid presses a kiss to Wednesday’s temple, clicks off the lights, and rolls over to sleep. Wednesday just… lies there. In the dark. Silent. Listening.
Wednesday: 😕
Enid: 😴
Wednesday: 🙁
Enid: 😴
Wednesday: ☹️
Enid: Please wake up. 😈
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137 notes · View notes
imaginespazzi · 7 months
Part 2: If Only You'd Been Here
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Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you (but ain't nobody love you like I do)
(In which a sadistic writer tortures her beloved ship a fair amount and maybe her readers too)
Pairing: Paige Bueckers X Azzi Fudd
Themes: Angst, Pining, Hurt/Comfort and maybe Fluff if you squint
Words: 6.5K (someone please be proud that it is in fact shorter 🙈)
TW: Swearing, Alcohol, Injuries, Alludes to Sexual Content
A/N: Good morning my lovelies <3 Just a couple of things I changed that you should know before you read. If you follow WCBB, you know UCLA didn't win the Pac-12 tournament in 2023 but in this universe they did. You also probably know they lost in the NCAA tournament last year to SC in the Greenville region but in this universe, for plot purposes, they're gonna be in the Seattle region. I kept their seeding and who they were playing vague because it was gonna get too complicated to figure out. Also if you saw my list of part titles a while ago, no you didn't lol. As always, feel free to know what you liked, what you didn't, and anything you'd like to see in future parts. And as you're reading, let's just remember y'all love me and everything I do is for the plot. Happy reading and have a wonderful week lovelies!
December 2022
The distinctly “car” smell of her car is starting to make Paige more than a little nauseous. Going by the way Drew is pouting in the passenger seat, he’s also clearly over it. They’ve been driving in circles for what feels like hours. At first, still enamoured with being allowed to sit in the front, her little brother had gone along with her ridiculousness. Now, as they approach maybe the 12th or so lap around the neighbourhood, he seems less than thrilled. 
“Alright let me out and you keep driving,” Drew says, fiddling agitatedly with his seatbelt, “I think I’m gonna puke.”
“Well hold it in,” Paige retorts unhelpfully as they re-round the block. She keeps her eyes focused on the road, ignoring the glare her brother sends her away. He takes in a dramatic breath and leans back onto his seat. She grips the steering wheel tighter as they pass the house again, still not brave enough to pull into the driveaway of a place she’d once considered just as much a home as her own. 
Drew lets out another groan, “I shoulda just stayed home.”
“Well you didn’t-” Paige’s reply is cut off by the sound of a phone call reverberating around the car. The CallerID reads “Azzi (DON’T YOU DARE IGNORE)”, a name the younger girl had plugged in herself with a warning look the day Paige had left LA. Chewing whatever dry skin is still left on her bitten-to-death lips, Paige clicks accept on the call. 
“What number lap is this?” comes Azzi’s exasperated voice and Paige can’t help the smile that creeps onto her face. 
“Oh you know my car’s feeling the need to exercise today,” Paige hums back, suddenly feeling a lot lighter than she had just a couple of seconds ago. Sometimes, she’s not sure how she managed to go a year with this constant heavy weight pressing down on her ribs, and no Azzi to slowly ease her out from under it. 
“Azziiiiii,” Drew whines dramatically, “please come save me. I’m gonna die in this car.”
Affronted, Paige splutters, “nobody forced you to come.”
“You begged me to come,” her young brother quips back and it elicits a laugh from the girl on the other end of the line. 
“I did-”
“Paige,” Azzi cuts her off, “just come inside okay? You’re wasting gas for nothing.”
“I- it’s just-,” Paige’s hands tighten even more around the wheel, as she stops on the sidewalk, switching on her turn signal, but still not entering the driveway. She leans her head against the wheel, overwhelmed by emotions she can’t quite name. Drew places a comforting hand on her back and she sends him a reassuring smile, trying to shield her younger brother from the havoc in her brain. 
“Hey,” Azzi’s voice floats through the fog, “it’s just me okay? Me and you and us. It’ll be okay. I promise.”
It’s like a child being soothed with their favourite binkie, that’s what Azzi’s promise feels like to Paige. She finally turns into the driveaway, and both Drew and Azzi cheer in tandem. The knot in her chest loosens just a little bit at that because the large crowds that scream for her make her feel adored, but this, her own personal cheer squad for her littlest of achievements, well it makes her feel loved. 
“Freedom,” Drew yells as he practically flings himself out of Paige’s barely parked car. She rolls her eyes fondly at her mini me as he dramatically pretends to kiss the ground. It’s a small distraction from the memories that are swirling like a tornado in her mind. Minnesota is home, it’ll always be home but this place, this had been her safe haven, something she could hold onto at a time where everything else was slipping out of her hands. And then, like a fool, she’d let go of it. 
The door opens even before they’ve made it halfway to the door and Azzi’s brothers run out into the front yard. Jon pretends to take pictures and José practically falls to his knees as they swarm around the blonde. 
“Paige, Paige, can we get a picture or an autograph please,” they yell teasingly, “please Miss Bueckers we’re your biggest fans.”
“Move over boys,” Tim Fudd’s booming voice hollers, as he swats his children away, “her biggest fan is actually me eh Paige?”
The girl in question nods solemnly, her smile stretching the full length of her face, and both Jon and José let out a groan as their father beams at Paige. And then Katie’s there, not a hint of anything but pure happiness on her face as she wraps the younger girl into a hug. Paige melts into the embrace, trying her hardest not to burst into tears. Because all she can think about is the hundreds of calls and texts from Azzi that she’d left unanswered, all she can think of is Azzi's devastated face as she’d told Paige about just how hard she’d tried and that wretched ache of i don’t deserve this i broke your daughters heart wraps itself around Paige’s  heart. 
Over Katie’s shoulder, Paige watches as Azzi finally walks out into the law, her cheeks immediately turning red from the cold. The younger girl winks at Paige with a radiant smile, before giving all her attention to Drew who almost trips as he excitedly launches himself into Azzi, tiny hands wrapping around her waist. Paige watches, still buried in the warmth of Katie’s arms, as Drew animatedly tells Azzi all the stories he possibly can and Azzi nods along emphatically as if she’s being told the most important facts of her life. And Paige takes a snapshot of it to add to her ever growing collection of moments i just knew. 
January 2023
“Call her.”
Paige doesn’t bother replying, burying her face further into her tear-soaked pillow. Maybe if she ignores her teammate, Caroline will get the message and go away. The earth-shattering pain that she’d subdued for the last couple of months had finally reared its ugly head. And that too at the worst time possible, when her team needed to be a source of strength and with cameras catching the teardrops falling as she mourned the loss of not being able to play in the epic UConn-Tennessee rivalry. She’d done so well at holding it in, breaking apart only a couple of times, sometimes alone and sometimes with Azzi on the other end of the line. Until tonight, when the bright lights and roaring crowd had reignited the itch to just fucking play ball. 
“Paige,” Caroline says again, “stop being stubborn and call her.”
“She has a game tomorrow, she doesn’t need my dramatic ass worrying her right now,” Paige replies, getting into a sitting position when she realises the other girl isn’t about to just let this go. 
“You’re eventually going to call her. The two of you haven’t gone one day without talking to each other since this summer,” Caroline gives her a look, a hint of a smirk play on her face when it tints Paige’s cheeks pink, “seriously, just call her.”
It’s not that Paige doesn’t want to. She’d scrolled through her contacts and stopped at Azzi’s one too many time’s tonight. And each time, just as her fingers had hovered over the green call button, she’d felt guilt claw at her neck. Since she’d shown up in LA, Azzi had shown up for Paige every step of the way, checking in regularly, listening to Paige vent her anger at the world and whispering words of comfort that only sounded true when they came from Azzi’s mouth. Sometimes, if she tries really hard, Paige can feel the ghost of Azzi’s arms wrapping themselves around her shoulders, just as they had that one night in LA when Azzi had held her, so delicately as if she was made of porcelain, through the worst of her breakdowns. 
“She needs to focus on her game,” Paige says after a moment. 
Caroline sighs, mind wandering to the countless texts on her phone from Azzi begging her to take care of Paige and to let her know when the blonde wasn’t doing okay, “I know but she’d want you to call her if she knew. You need her.”
“And where was I when she needed me?” it’s the word need that triggers it, the quick snap because it’s all Paige has been able to think about lately. 
Without basketball, she’d had far too much time on her hands and she’d ended up going down a spiral of watching Azzi’s games from her freshman year, something she’d religiously avoided doing when they had happened live. At first, it had just been this immense feeling of pride, seeing her best friend be the college basketball phenomenon Paige had always known she would be. She’d shoved away the envy of it was supposed to be us that immersed her seeing the way the Bruins celebrated their new star player, and just let herself be happy in her best friend’s happiness. 
And then something changed around at the beginning of January 2022. It had only lasted a couple of games, but Azzi had hit a wall. Threes were short, cuts were made at the wrong time and she kept on getting lost on defence in a way that was very unlike her. And all Paige could focus on, eyes glued to the screen, was how completely and utterly exhausted Azzi looked during that stretch, despite the fact that she’d just come back from winter break. The smile had vanished off her face, replaced by stress lines Paige wished she could go back in time and erase. 
It wasn’t until she’d binged through all the games, cheering silently as Azzi slowly returned to form, that the realisation had hit Paige. She’d been slapped with the memory of a store decorated brightly for Christmas and a familiar voice calling her name, as she’d purposely walked the other way, pretending she hadn’t heard and the more than deserved i’m done trying text that had followed right after. For a year, perhaps longer, Paige had convinced herself that she was the only one who had lost something, she was the only one who had a right to hurt, to break. And still, she thinks she’d take all of that pain again a thousand times, if it means she could erase the fact that in all of her self-pity, she’d broken Azzi too.
“Where was I when she needed me?” she repeats again to Caroline, as the brunette stares at her in confusion, “the answer to that Carol, is that I was anywhere but with her.”
Caroline’s eyes soften in realisation as she takes a cautious step towards Paige, “oh P don’t do this to yourself.”
“I want to call her,” Paige confesses in a whisper, tears brimming in her eyes, “it’s the only thing I’ve wanted to do all day and maybe- maybe I should have but I’m just- I’ve been so unfair to her.”
“You were hurt Paige.”
“I know- I know that. But so was she. You don’t- god Carol- you don’t even know the things I said to her before she left for LA. And she’s still here,” the first tears fall from her blue eyes, and then the next and the next until there’s a steady waterfall streaming down her face, “you know I almost didn’t let her in when she first came over this summer?”
Caroline doesn’t say anything, choosing instead to come sit next to Paige and wrap her arms around the point guard. 
“I didn’t answer her calls or her texts for a year and still, still she’s picked up every call, replied to every text I’ve sent her since summer. I know- I know I need her and she’s going to be there of course she is. But when she needed me, where was I?” Paige drops her face into her hands, “I just- I don’t deserve her.”
There’s a moment of silence as Caroline rubs Paige’s back and lets the older girl wallow in her guilt. And then she reaches for Paige’s phone on the nightstand, ignoring the little grunt of protest. When the screen lights up, there’s already a notification of new messages from Azzi and Caroline can’t help but smile. 
“I think,” she begins softly, “Azzi’s a smart girl so maybe give that tiny little brain of yours a little bit of rest and let her decide who deserves her,” she hands Paige her phone “let her be there for you. I think maybe she needs that too.”
Caroline gives Paige’s shoulders a little squeeze before heading out the doors, giving the older girl a moment of privacy. Paige sighs, getting herself comfortable against her pillows, and rubbing away her tears, before finally giving in and pressing the facetime call button. 
“Do you want a distraction or do you want to talk about it?” Azzi says as soon as she picks up and Paige can see the concern etched all over her face.
“Or maybe I’m perfectly fine?”
“Ah we’re playing the pretend game tonight. Should have cleared your throat for a second longer maybe Miss Perfectly Fine, your eyes are red as fuck and you sound like a dying cat.” 
“Wow, that was rude. Maybe I’m sick?” 
“With what? The “lies to her best friend” flu?”
“That UCLA education has you making up illnesses now? Damn Az, you’re supposed to get smarter in college.”
“You’re so funny, like so funny,” Azzi huffs sarcastically before they both dissolve into giggles. It’s always just been so easy with them. And Paige’s isn’t a poet, but if she was, she’d write sonnets about the sound of Azzi’s laughter, and the way it makes the corner of her eyes crinkle. 
“I watched the game,” Azzi says after a second, “and I saw you.”
Paige smirks, “so you didn’t actually watch the game, just stared at my gorgeous face the whole time?”
“There’s that comedian streak of yours again.”
“Hey you’re the one who said you were watching me instead of the game. But who could blame you really?”
“I didn’t-” Azzi rolls her eyes, as Paige’s cocky smirk deepens, “stop it.”
“You can admit I’m a pretty girl Az,” she teases, delighted when it makes the younger girl blush. 
“Fuck off, you have enough people telling you you’re a pretty girl.”
“Yeah but it means more coming from you,” she says quietly, biting her lip. It’s not the kind of thing you’re supposed to say to your best friend, at least not in the soft, wanting way that Paige says it. Except they both know that the lines in their friendship are far more blurred than they should be, even if they've both done a pretty fantastic job at ignoring that kiss. Paige had learned over Christmas that Azzi was exceptionally good at the pretending part, moving away the moment Paige’s hands lingered a little longer than they should, changing topics if they even got anywhere near addressing the something between them. It shouldn’t have hurt but it did and Paige doesn’t understand how she can so desperately miss something that she never even had in the first place. 
“So distraction then?” Azzi says after a second, changing the subject back to her initial question. 
Paige closes her eyes, taking in a deep breath, “it was just- it was a lot tonight. I didn’t realise I was being that obvious.”
“You weren’t. I just know you a little too well.”
“These are my favourite types of games, you know. The rivalry, the crowd booing my name and getting the chance to quiet them, that’s- that’s the type of game players live for and I just- I miss it Azzi. I miss shooting, I miss defending, I miss just standing on the fucking court sometimes. I miss playing basketball. So. Fucking. Much,” a fresh set of tears leak out of Paige's eyes, as her free hand fists at her bedsheets. 
There’s silence as Paige’s words linger in the air. In a way it’s freeing to be able to say it out loud, to just let herself feel how she feels instead of fighting them. 
“You’re gonna miss it every day until you play again,” Azzi says quietly, her own voice thick with emotions, “and it’s not really gonna get easier until you get it back. But when you finally do, just- just imagine it okay, your first game back. The feeling of the crowd. Dribbling up the court. Making that first shot as everybody loses their minds. Finally just playing the game you love. That’s when that feeling of loss will finally go away.”
Using Azzi’s steady breathing as an anchor to still her erratic heartbeat, Paige lets herself get lost in the picture the younger girl has just painted for her. She lets her mind run to the future that lies ahead of her and if she focuses hard enough she can almost hear the Gampel crowds roaring as she finally returns to the court. 
“It’s kinda really fucking annoying how you always know what to say,” no it isn’t, it’s the only thing that’s keeping Paige going these days. 
“Surviving an ACL injury will do that to a girl,” Azzi says with a pained smile. 
That’s not it Paige thinks, it’s not experience, it’s you and I really wish you were here. But she can’t say that, so she changes the subject instead. 
“Tell me about your game tomorrow.”
They both settle back into their pillows, getting into more comfortable positions. Azzi tells Paige all about her upcoming game and then moves onto another topic, then another and another and another. They’ll wake up tomorrow morning to phones that died and no memory of when they’d fallen asleep. And then they’ll remember who was on the other end of the line, and if that makes them smile a little too hard, well that’s just another thing they’ll pretend didn’t happen. 
March 2023
It’s only natural that when Paige finally feels like she can learn to live with just having a little bit of Azzi, that the world would show her just how wrong she could be. She’s been in a much better headspace these days, her knee finally starting to feel like itself again, bit by bit. The guilt of not being able to help her team is still settled into the pits of her stomach but even with that, she’s reached a sort of acceptance. And while she’s still struggling to fight the part of her heart that wants so much more, she’s learning to be content with just having her best friend back.
It’s that little bit of time in between conference tournaments and the NCAA tournament when it feels like the calm before the storm and it’s the first weekend since before the season that the UConn team finally gets to go out and let loose for a bit. They’re riding the height of winning another Big East title and even if it’s a little bittersweet that they did it without her, Paige is beyond the moon happy for her team. 
She turns up the music in her room and changes the lights for the sake of a little ambience, before sitting down at her desk, to call Azzi and do what little of her makeup she knows how to do. Normally she’d get one of the other girls or Kayla to do it, but she’d rather sacrifice a flawless makeup look then miss out on having Azzi tease her about how she still didn’t quite know how to do her eyeliner properly yet. 
The fact that it takes Azzi longer than the third ring to pick up should be Paige’s first warning sign but instead she’s sucking in a deep breath at the sight of her best friend who looks breathtakingly beautiful tonight. Paige’s heart stutters as she takes in Azzi’s face, the light layer of red lipstick (that Paige wants to kiss off), the blush-tinged cheeks (that Paige wants to caress delicately) and the perfectly done mascara on her eyelashes (that Paige wants to feel flutter against her own skin). 
She lets out a low appreciative whistle, “celebrating that Pac-12 championship in style huh?”
“Something like that,” Azzi bites her lip and really that should have been warning sign number two, “was there- was there something you needed?’
“I can’t just call you?” Paige asks, noticing the tension on Azzi’s face, “are you busy?”
“No it’s not-”
“She is actually,” a different voice cuts in aggressively and Azzi immediately gives whoever it is an exasperated look. Paige doesn’t know who it is, but she guesses it’s one of the UCLA players. It’s no secret they aren’t huge fans of her. They’d made that much clear the few times they’d met Paige during September, always regarding her with a wary eyes. It wasn’t their fault really, Paige understood their protectiveness, in fact she appreciated it more than they would ever understand. 
“Chill Angela.” 
“Are you not busy then?” the other voice who Paige assumes is Angela Dugalic says, clearly a little annoyed. And then Azzi’s phone is being shifted away from her and instead it’s Angela’s face that covers Paige’s screen. 
“Oh,” the blonde manages to get out, taken aback by the sudden change, “hi Angela.”
“Hi Paige,” the other girl says, her voice dripping with saccharine sweetness. 
“Angela,” there’s a clear warning in Azzi’s voice and Paige already knows, even before the words are let out into the open, that whatever Dugalic is about to say is going to tear her apart. 
“Azzi has a date tonight,” Angela pronounces the last words with a gleeful lilt. 
The world spins and Paige’s head spins with it, as she grips onto her desk for some semblance of stability. She can hear Azzi spluttering in the background as she tries to get her phone back but it’s of no use as the UCLA forward powers on. 
“With a really pretty girl,” Angela smirks at the camera, clearly trying to prove something, “Zoe’s really wonderful. You’d like her, Paige.”
Zoe. Recognition registers in Paige’s brain. She remembers seeing the name flashing on Azzi’s phone a couple of times, accompanied by a photo she never quite caught a glimpse of. But as she tended to do with most phone calls that came during her time with Paige, Azzi had simply just declined the call and texted whoever that she’d call her back later. And so Paige hadn’t really bothered caring about Zoe, chalking her up to being some random friend Azzi had made. But fuck, maybe she should have cared. 
“And Azzi really likes her I think. They’ve been tiptoeing around it for ages you know? But we all knew it was only a matter of time.”
A strangled noise escapes Paige’s throat and she tries her best to disguise it as anything but the cry of despair it is. It feels like there’s a thousand knives digging into her skin, pressing harder and harder until she has no blood left to bleed. 
“They’re gonna make the cu-”
“Give me my phone back Angela,” Azzi’s voice cuts in harshly and Paige hurriedly rushes to contort her features into a smile right before the camera’s back to facing her best friend. 
“So you’re all dressed up for a date then?” Paige manages to get out and the word date sounds like bile on her tongue. 
“Doesn’t she look lovely?” comes Angela’s voice again; the girl seemingly on a mission to break Paige as much as possible, “give her a proper look Az.”
“Angela,” Azzi hisses through gritted teeth. 
“N-no show me the fit,” Paige counters, because that’s what a best friend’s supposed to say right? Show me how fucking perfect you look for a girl that’s not me
Azzi hesitates, swallowing nervously, before she takes a couple of steps back so the camera captures all of her. And Paige wishes she’d never asked to be shown in the first place, hell she wishes she’d never bothered to call tonight. Because she thinks the image of Azzi’s casual light blue jeans and simple green off-the shoulder top will be etched in her mind forever, captioned with the words not for you. 
“You look lovely Azzi,” she whispers quietly, trying to keep her voice steady.
“Zoe won’t be able to keep her fucking hands off of you,” Angela supplies and this time the glare Azzi shoots her is murderous. 
“I think I hear Emily calling your name Angela.”
“I don’t-”
“Yes,” Azzi says pointedly, “yes you do.”
Angela rolls her eyes but doesn’t protest this time. She turns to the phone with a devilish grin, clearly feeling accomplished in being a menace, “nice talking to you Paige.”
She waltzes out, leaving Paige, Azzi and a silence that feels like it could drown them. 
“You could have told me,” the blond says after a second, averting her eyes from the screen, “aren’t dates the kind of thing best friends are supposed to tell each other?”
“It’s good though- you-uh- you deserve a night out.”
“Listen, I uh- I’m going out too so- I- umm- I better get going but-,” Paige takes in a deep breath, “have a- have wonderful time on your date Az.”
She hangs up before Azzi can reply, the concern in the younger girl's eyes becoming too much to bear. For a moment, she stares straight ahead at the wall, just processing. And then she lets herself fall apart. 
It’s 1 a.m., Paige is drunk and miserable and so fucking tired; it’s an extremely dangerous combination. Aaliyah and Amari had practically had to carry her to her dorm because she’d been stumbling far too much and everyone was worried she’d eventually fall flat on her face. Personally, Paige thought they just didn’t have enough faith in her. She wasn’t even that drunk, she couldn’t be. After all she could still feel that stupid Azzi-sized scar on heart and wasn’t the whole point of being drunk supposed to be not being able to feel? But she has to be drunk because sober her would know better than to do what she does next, would know better than to call Azzi when she has no control over herself. 
“Paige? Is everything okay? Are you okay,” Azzi’s voice is filled with concern when she answers.
“Azziiiii,” Paige slurs, “areyoustillwithyourdate?”
“Are. you. still. with. your. date?” Paige pronounces each word slowly. 
“I- yeah. She’s in a different room. Paige, are you okay?” 
“Interesting,” the blonde remarks quietly, “you never picked up her calls when you were with me. And we weren’t even dating.”
She hears Azzi’s breath hitch on the other end, can almost picture her doing that nervous swallow of hers, “ I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“You didn’t care if she was okay then? Those times she called you?”
“That’s not- she didn’t call me at 1 a.m.” the younger girl justifies hollowly. 
“Bullshit,” Paige scoffs, “1 a.m. isn’t even that fucking late. Why is it so hard for you to admit you care about me waaaayyyyy more than you care about Zara or whatever?”
“Zoe. You’re drunk Paige, go to bed,” and Paige really should listen to the edge in Azzi’s voice.
“Where did y’all go?” she asks lightly, changing the subject, “c’mon Az, best friends share their date stories right?”
“Baltaire,” Azzi relents, choosing to let this battle go. 
“Oooh that restaurant we passed that one time wow,” Paige coos, “too fucking bad you hate fine dining huh? But she wouldn’t know that now would she? Because she doesn’t fucking know you.”
“Paige please,” Azzi breathes out quietly in a pained voice.
“But you know who does know you? Me. And I would have never taken you to some boring old fancy ass piece of shit restaurant like that.”
“I would have taken you on a picnic. Do you remember that park you loved, the one by my air bnb? There, that’s where I would have taken you. And I’d have gotten you supermarket sushi even though I fucking hate that shit but I know, I know, you like it. And flowers. Did she get you flowers? Because I- I would have. Roses and peonies and lilies, a whole fucking bouquet.”
And Paige is crying again, for the second time tonight, one hand gripping at her phone as the other one tries to wipe away the frantically falling teardrops. 
“And we’d stay at that park til the sun goes out and I’d take a polaroid of you in the sunset and I’d keep it forever. I swear Azzi, I’d keep it forever and I’d put it on my wall.”
“Paige,” Azzi whispers, as if it’s the only word she knows, as if it’s the only word that matters. 
“I’d bring my laptop so that when it finally gets dark, we can watch a movie. You choose Az, whatever you want. And I’d get distracted and start playing with your hair or something and you’ll pretend it’s annoying you but you’d be smiling. Fuck I love your smile.”
“You can’t- you can’t just say these things Paige.”
“Why not? It’s the truth right- why can’t I say the truth?,” Paige says petulantly, “but hush okay I’m not- I’m not finished yet. And then, then we’d just lie under the stars and it'd just be you, me and the sky. Perfect.” 
Azzi lets out a broken sob and Paige hates it, she hates it but she keeps on talking. 
“And then I’d take you home and I’d kiss you,” she whispers the last bit like a confession, “everywhere. Fuck, I’d make it so good for you Az. So good. Everything you wanted, everything you needed, I’d give you all of it. I’d make you come apart on my fingers and then my tongue-”
“Shut up,” Azzi’s voice is suddenly cold and frosty and it feels like all the heat has been sucked out of Paige’s room as well, “shut up, shut up, shut up.”
“No,” Azzi all but yells, “you don’t get to say all of that to me.”
“Then who does? Her? Zia or whatever? Who the fuck even is she?” Paige spits out venomously.
“Zoe. Her name is Zoe and you wanna know she is Paige?” 
She should say no. She should apologise for interrupting Azzi’s date and hang up the phone, but no, Paige doesn’t do any of that, “enlighten me why don’t you.”
“She’s the girl who was there,” Azzi says, her voice cracking, “she’s the girl who held me last year when I was going through the worst time of my life. She was there when I couldn’t make a fucking shot and I thought maybe I’d never be good enough. She was there when I let the pressure and the media and all of it get to my head. She was there when I was crying my eyes out over losing the one person I was sure would always stay. She- she’s who you were supposed to be because she was there, and you weren’t.”
Paige isn’t sure if it’s the bitterness behind Azzi’s words or the brokenness of her sobs that is the reason for the ache in her own chest. All she knows is that she still remembers tearing her ACL, and she doesn’t think it hurt as much as this. 
“It was supposed to be you,” Azzi sniffles, “I wanted it to be you. Because I’d have let you- fuck- Paige- I’d have let you take me on a picninc and if you brought me sushi I’d have brought you your favorite mac and cheese. I- I know you don’t really care about flowers so I’d get you chocolate, the rum-filled ones that you love. And that sunset polaroid would have been a selfie of us, where you’re kissing my cheek and I’d have it framed. I’d pick out a movie but first- first you could watch whatever basketball game was on and you’d get exasperated when I don’t know the team because I’m literally a basketball player,” she lets out a wet laugh, “but I know you secretly like explaining the NBA to me. And then- then I’d have let you take me home and I’d let you take everything. Whatever you wanted, it’d be yours.”
The vivid image of a date that never happened fills every inch of Paige’s brain. She feels like she’s in a bad dream, trying so hard to reach for a happiness that keeps on evading her grasp. 
“But you weren’t there then Paige, and you aren’t here now.” 
“Azzi-” Paige chokes out. 
“Go to bed Paige,” the younger girl says, her voice shaky but adamant, ‘Get some sleep. Maybe you’re drunk enough that you won’t remember this when I call you tomorrow.”
“Right. So we’re gonna pretend this never happened. Again. We’ll just keep on pretending forever I guess,” Paige retorts bitterly. 
“Yes, we will. Because if I stop pretending, I don’t think I’ll be able to survive.”
The buzzer rings around Climate Pledge Arena as the UCLA women’s basketball team loses in the Elite 8 on a last second buzzer beater. Azzi’s face contorts into one of sheer disappointment, and in the stands, Paige feels her own heart drop. She’s not one to root for a team outside of her own and god knows what would happen if Nika found out that she’d been screaming her head off each time the Bruins, or at least one specific Bruin, scored, but for Azzi, well, there’s not many of her own rules that Paige follows when it comes to her best friend. 
It had taken a fair amount of convincing on Paige’s part to even be able to come to this game. Everyone had wanted to leave immediately after the Sweet 16 loss but Paige had insisted they needed to stay in Seattle, do something to get the team’s mind off of the terrible end to their season. And that wasn’t a complete lie because even if she hadn’t been able to help when they needed it on the court, she could try and help boost morale. But she knew her teammates weren’t fooled. They knew the schedule just as well as she did and they knew exactly what or better yet, who she wanted to stay for. 
On the court, Paige can tell Azzi’s fighting back tears. The brunette had given it her all, scoring an efficient 34 points and really the game could have gone any way. That last minute heave from the opposing team really probably shouldn’t have gone in, but at the end of the day the NCAA tournament was a lot about skill but also a little about luck. But Paige knows, Azzi isn’t thinking about any of that, too busy finding a way to blame herself even though she’d had a near perfect night. They were just too similar sometimes. 
Azzi’s eyes flicker through the stands, clearly looking for a familiar face. Paige resists the urge to run on to the court and pull the younger girl into her arms and soothe away the defeated look in her eyes, if only for the fact that Azzi doesn’t actually even know she’d figured out a way to stay back for this game. Despite being in the same city, they hadn’t been able to spend nearly as much time together and while Paige’s teammates had tried to be of some help, Azzi’s teammates had seemed determined to pull her away as much as possible. All of that on top of the fact that they’re still playing that stupid game of pretend had left Paige wanting for just one moment alone for the two of them. 
As soon as the UCLA team starts heading back to their locker room, and the crowd starts leaving, Paige scurries towards where she knows Azzi will be. Their assigned locker room isn’t that far from where UConn’s had been and Paige gets there in almost record time, her mind firmly planted on being there for Azzi. She’d missed so many opportunities, but this time, this time she’d be there. 
Azzi’s leaning against the wall, her eyes closed and Paige has to take in a breath at the sight of her. Sweat sheens against her tan skin and her gameday braids are falling apart just a little but still, she’s perfect. Before Paige can take a step towards her, there’s another girl, all dark hair and long legs, brushing past her, rushing to get to Azzi’s side. It’s like the world has stopped and yet is spinning too fast all at the same time, as Paige watches this girl, Zoe, pull Azzi, Paige’s Azzi, into her arms. 
After the night of the date (and everything else they’re ignoring), Paige hadn’t bothered to bring it up and Azzi had never said anything about it again. Naively, the blonde had thought that maybe that meant nothing much had transpired after the date, silently patting herself on the back for possibly even having had a hand in that. Except, the way Zoe holds Azzi isn’t fucking platonic and the way Azzi relaxes in Zoe’s arms, isn’t fucking friendly. 
“I”ve got you Az,” Zoe whispers into Azzi’s hair and Paige wants to die. She should look away, she should walk away but her feet seem to be glued to the ground. And she remembers the way Azzi’s eyes were searching the crowd and oh- she’d been looking for- Paige can’t even let herself complete the thought because she’s sure she’ll burst into flames the second she does. 
“I’m really glad you’re here,” Azzi says quietly to Zoe. To Zoe, and not Paige. If she could feel anything beyond the dagger twisting in her heart, maybe Paige would hear the way there’s still a tinge of disappointment in Azzi’s voice, as if she’s wishing it was someone else. 
It takes Zoe pressing a kiss into Azzi’s forehead, eliciting a sigh from the brunette for Paige to finally tear her eyes away. Her feet finally move and then she’s running faster than she has in a long time, ignoring the way it causes her muscle to ache. She can’t tell if her rapid blinking is to usher away the tears or to try and prevent the memory of Azzi with some other girl from welding itself into her eyelids. It blurs her vision and in the speed of things, she can barely tell where she’s going. Paige runs chest-first into a wall, bruising her elbow. Her phone slips out of her hands, falling to the ground with a loud thud, the screen protector cracking into pieces. 
And when Paige looks at the mess of her phone on the floor, she thinks it couldn’t possibly have cracked harder than this silly little stupid heart of hers.
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deleteddewewted · 11 months
Breaking news! Pro heroine calls boyfriend daddy in public!
You can choose who, and whether on accident or purpose
Hawks x Fem! Reader
W: Fem! Reader, Hawks, Teasing, Hawks does have butt feathers, he's silky smooth, Fingering, Public Sex, Daddy kink, Sub! Hawks, Dom! Reader
If you'd like to support my work (Check my Ko-fi and Throne!)
You had been teasing him since early morning. He woke up hard as a rock and wanted to fuck it out of his system but you had him punished for his misbehavior the day prior. You didn't grant him relief, just stimulation. You let him fuck between your thighs but didn't let him cum. You told that if he wanted he could wear a cock ring and plug if it made it any easier on him. He agreed and he promised he would be good today since he wanted to so desperately fuck you.
"Baby you dont get it. I need you. I don't think I can go the entire day without touching or even rubbing one out at the thought of you." He whined. He had his arms wrapped around you, his head placed in between your neck and shoulder.
You were standing outside and were taking a break from patrolling so he could mope. The original plan was to grab something to eat but he decide he wanted to just stand around and whine about how cruel you were to him.
"Continue with that attitude and you won't get to cum till tomorrow night, baby." He groaned at your remark and just kept his mouth quiet.
A group of fans flacked up to you and asked for autographs and photos. Neither of you denied them their requests, the attention was good for PR since being seen out and about as a couple would help solidify your relationship publicly.
"H/n! Whats it like to date the #2 hero?"
"Are the rumors true? Does the carpet match the drapes when it comes to Hawks?"
"Do you both ever plan to marry?" Multiple people shouted out at the same time, many of them insistently demanding an answer.
You merely shook your head and laughed to yourself about how ridiculous the entire thing was. But you decided that maybe you could use this opportunity to have some fun. Maybe mess with Hawks since no one truly knew what he was like in regards to his personal life.
"I can assure you that, daddy here, has the prettiest butt feathers anyone has ever seen." You joked.
The crowd all began to squeal at the new, but fake, information about your boyfriend and proceeded to ask even more questions. Some caught on to your use of the name "daddy" and insisted you talk about what other pet names you had for each other.
Typically, a coming like this would have him squawking out at you or at the person who made the comment but he stayed silent. Instead, when you turned your head to face him you noticed his face was bright red. He coughed and excused himself but not before you noticed that he had grown a bulge. You held in a laugh before excusing yourself from the crowd and following closely behind Hawks.
"Oooh birdie~. Where are you~?" You teased.
Hawks flapped his wings at the petname before sending you a glare and proceeding to walk away from you.
"What's wrong, Daddy?" You knew that shiver that ran down his spine wasn't from the wind.
You got closer to him, grabbed him by his jacket, and made sure to press him against the closest wall. He let out a gasp as the rough surface met his back and whimpered when you pressed your knee against his crotch.
"Come on, Daddy~. Tell me what's bothering you." You started to kiss his neck and opened up his pants zipper so your hand could slip in.
"Fu-ck~." He couldn't help but groan as you began to stroke him.
He rolled his hips towards your hand and whined when you teased his tip with the top of your finger. You pulled down his pants and underwear and spat on your hand before wrapping it around his now-exposed length. He tried closing his legs, the cold air making goosebumps appear on his skin, but you didn't allow him to. Instead, you made sure to push them further apart and used your free hand to slowly circle and prode his hole.
"Baby, please~ I can't- I'm gonna cum if you keep touching me like that." His voice shook as he spoke but he didn't stop you.
You finally inserted a finger inside of him and slowly pushed it in and out of him all while you slowly kissed up his neck and eventually his lips.
"Fuck~, please. Mommy, please~" He felt his eyes roll back all while you continued to fuck him open with your fingers. You swallowed all of his moans and whined as you kissed him, at some point shoving your tongue into his mouth just to get him to quiet down.
You added a third finger once you knew he was close to cumming and vigorously trusted them inside him. He choked on his own moans and scratched at your back as he tried stabilizing himself. His legs gave out under him and used you to support himself up. He felt so good as he felt your fingers curl inside him and rub against his inner walls.
"Come on, Daddy. I know you can be good and cum for me." You pulled at the feathers above his ass and watched as he let out a scream.
You added one last finger and thrust it as deep as his body would let you. He came all over himself, his clothes, and the wall he was leaning on. His legs shook and gave out beneath him as you took them out of him.
"You did such agood job for me, Daddy~" You chuckled as you watched him struggle to catch his breath and dress himself. His pants were ruined and there was no way for him to walk out without people knowing what had just happened between you two.
223 notes · View notes
astrolynnworld · 9 months
pairing: dom!matt x reader
summary: while you’re in the shower, matt finds some hidden toys. how quick can he be before your roommate gets back?
warnings: smut! toy usage, watching you masturbate, aggressive sex, caught by roommate, praise/degradation, pet names.
word count: 1,792
Tumblr media Tumblr media
i squeal as i stretch from the stale position of my nap
i look over at matt who’s on his phone playing pokémon go
“hey” i speak with rasp
“oh you’re up” he smiles at me, “dont forget that nai invited us to her house party later”
fuck i forgot. i kinda dont even really wanna go, it just feels like the type of day where you lay in bed and never get up
“do we have to go?” i ask with a frown
“come on babe, we don’t have to stay long but let’s at least show our face” he replies
“fine. let me start getting ready now” i say as i hop out the bed to the shower
matt’s pov:
after i hear the shower water turn on, i get up and walk to y/n’s mirror to see how i look for this party
“i need to brush my hair” i say out loud
i look around to see if she has a brush lying around anywhere
i start checking some drawers just in case she likes to keep everything tucked away
i open the first drawer to a bunch of shirts and crop tops. “not here” i say aloud
the second drawer was just filled with all kinds of pants. “not this either” i say again
i opened her bottom drawer because maybe this would be where she kept all her beauty supplies
but i was wrong.
all I see is mass amounts of electrical toys. from vibrators to dildos to plugs.
i didn’t know my girlfriend was this much of a freak..
a million questions was running through my mind. how often would she use these? was i not doing the job? why wouldn’t she ask me to incorporate these into our sex lives?
i waited for her to get out the shower so she could do some explaining
y/n’s pov:
i get out the shower, grab my towel and walk back into my bedroom.
when i open the door i see matt standing by my dressers with the bottom one open
fuck. i know he saw the freak show i have going on in there
“wanna explain?” matt exclaims, breaking the silent staring contest we had
“are you mad?” i ask, letting that be the deciding factor on what i say next
“no. i just wanna know why i never knew you were into stuff like that” he brews
“it’s not like a super big deal. i touch and play with myself when you’re not always around” i tell
he walks closer to me, “do you think of me when you do”
i look up at him and nod, i could tell that the idea of this was turning him on
“which one do you think about me the most with?” he asks dominantly
“the blue wand looking one” i say as i point to the drawer
he goes to grab it then brings it back to me, “show me how you would use it”
i freeze
“huh?” i ask
“show me. how you would use it.” he demands as he hands me vibrator
i take it out his hand and stare as he finds a seat at my desk ready to watch the show
i have never had someone watch me masturbate before but the idea didn’t necessarily turn me off
i walk back over to my dresser because im going to need a little help if im using the vibrator
i grab the pink dildo that sat at the top of the drawer and i make my way to the bed
i could tell matt was putting up a lot of resistance to not speak since he didn’t want to ruin the scene
i take off my towel and lay down flat on the bed, facing my body towards him allowing him a perfect view of my already wet pussy.
i turn on the vibrator and place it on my clit.
this wand had high sensational levels so the vibrations were strong
i start rubbing the vibrators in circles before taking the end of the dildo and tracing it against my hole
i can hear matt’s anticipated breaths fill this silent room
i start slowly trying to push the dildo in as i fail to mask my small moans
the toy was pressing against my walls at the perfect pressure
from my peripheral vision i could see matt starting to undo his pants and take his dick out into his hands
the idea of him watching me masturbate had always secretly been a fantasy of mine
i continue to let these thoughts of matt watching me flow through my head as i push the dildo deeper into me
i whimper as i feel the tip of the toy push all the way against my g spot
i continue to circle the wand around my clit as i use the dildo to pull out and push deep back inside of me
the stimulus of both these toys at the same time was always enough to set me loose
i try to fight being nosy but i couldn’t control my body movements
i start slowly grinding into the wand and toy more and more aggressively
i slightly raise my head again to check on matt and i see him stroking his dick with his foggy eyes and chest panting from breathing so hard
i put my head back down and start whimpering her name as i continue to grind into the toys
“matt oh my god” i gasp out
“please matt.”
“fuck matt you feel so good.”
“don’t stop matt.”
“nugh- matt please keep fucking me” i say on repeat
i didn’t even notice matt had gotten up from the chair until i felt his hands slowly trace up my spreaded legs
i slowly stop the grinding just to see what his plan of action is
he pulls the dildo out and tosses it to the side before sliding his own dick inside
“matt-“ i try to speak as he starts thrusting into me
“i can’t watch this anymore. i have to be the one to make you cum. i always want to be the one to make you cum” he speaks
“you’re so fucking hot and nasty. putting on that slutty show for me knowing how turned on you make me” he continues
i don’t speak. i just let the noises flow from my mouth as he pushes balls deep inside of me
he grabs the wand from my hand and spits on my pussy before putting it back on my clit and rubbing it in with the wand
“fuck your pussy is so pretty. i cant get enough of you”
i stare up at him with a fucked out expression as his dick continues to pound inside of me
he puts his other hand on my throat and bends down to start kissing me, slowly getting more sloppy.
“you’re mine okay princess? all mine.” he whispers into my mouth
“all yours” i repeat, choked out from his tight grip on my throat
he continues to thrust messily before stopping
“turn over” he echos
i flip over and lay on my stomach while arching my ass up
he slaps my ass, “so fucking sexy”
matt hands me back the vibrator so i can hold it against my own clit before sliding back into my drenched hole
“fuck you just get hotter and hotter” he says as i throw my ass back on him while the thrusts into me
the room filled with nothing more than echos of clapping sounds and moaning
matt starts pulling my hair, leaving me no choice but to tilt my head up
“look at how you sound under me. you’re so perfect for me baby, it’s like you were made for my cock” he says through gritted teeth
matthew doesn’t stop the slamming into me, making it so hard to speak. but i did find my words when i heard the front door open indicating that my roommate was back home
“ma- matt.. my room- roommate is ba- back. we need to be qu- quiet” i try to make out into a sentence
matt bends down into my back and aggressively holds my mouth as he continues to slowly thrust deep into me
i close my eyes and shudder at the stimulation that overtakes my g spit and clit
“y/n? are you ready for the party yet?” my roommate yells from the kitchen
i can’t even bother trying to function out a response to her because i knew it would give away the scene behind my room door right now
it also didn’t help that matt was starting to whisper in my ear about how slutty and nasty i am
i went fuzzy over all the stimulation, i wouldn’t even be able to conjure up a sentence if i wanted too
i just hope she doesn’t walk in here because lord knows how i would be able to explain this to her later.
matt starts whispering in my ear about how good i feel and how bad he wants to cum
my pussy starts to tighten at the incoming orgasm that we’re about to share
“baby you’re clenching around me so tight.. i’m gonna-“
the door swings open, “y/-“ she stops as she realizes the scene in front of her
i clench around matt’s cock and let orgasm out as he continues to thrust and meet my orgasm halfway
she looks horrified, i feel terrible
“fuck. i’m sorry” she says before quickly walking back out
i can’t even focus on what just happened, i continue to fuck back into matt’s cock and ride out my high as he does the same
after a few seconds of deep breaths and calming down, i fully realize what had just happened
“matt oh my god. that’s so embarrassing” i snicker out of humiliation
he pulls out and flips me over so he can get a better look at me
“to be fair we should of locked the door” he laughs back
“I DIDNT KNOW SHE WOULD COME BACK THAT QUICK!!” i say while covering my face in embarrassment
“god it’s probably gonna be soo awkward now.” i continue
“orrr.. this could make you closer!” matt says
“you’re just saying shit” i laugh
“yeah! cause the world isn’t going to stop because your roommate saw me fucking you into oblivion” he continues
i stare at him in silence
“i mean.. i was putting shit DOWN. and now she knows how you really get”
“you’re actually no help.” i say with a fake frown trying to hold back my laugh
he smiles, “whatever. let’s finish getting ready so we can go to this party”
a/n- thank you guys so much for 500 followers 🥹🥹 i literally started this account 11 days ago!! love you guys so much
@bernardsleftbootycheek <33
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lavendermunson · 10 months
christmas lights - steve harrington
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day 2 of leia's christmas tree farm
cw +18 nsfw. slight perv!steve and perv!reader. pet names. DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME.
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Those jeans. Those stupid, tight, sexy, blue jeans.
Do you know why he refused to match pajamas today, he knows he looks so fucking good on those Levi's. You watch as he squats down to open the boxes his mom left in the attic, full of Christmas decorations. You didn't want to leave Steve doing this alone, you always kept him company when his parents didn't even bother to remember him, not even in this special season. 
He notices your glances, your flushed face as you stare at his ass, or the growing bulge on his pants. You start to feel the wetness in your panties.
The problem is, he always does this. Wearing those blue jeans to get you worked up you decided to get in the game, wearing the shortest skirt you own which happens to be his favorite.
"A little help with the lights? I'm almost done unpacking everything" he says, leaving you alone with your dirty thoughts and a mess of lights. They are tangled, how can someone pack them like this, I hope they survive. 
You take the lights on your hands, trying to untangle them but the only thing they do is tangle more around your arms. Trapping your wrists. You shake them off desperately, maybe they don't work and you can get them out of yourself with your little strength. Or maybe they do work and Steve is going to kill you for breaking them.
You let out a sigh, you are desperate to try them but you can't take them off of yourself.
You find the plug and plug them in.
"They work!" you squeal, getting up and checking every bulb on them to make sure they work perfectly. That's when Steve comes and sees you with the lights around your wrists.
"Oh, what do we have here?" He grins because you look so hot. You are tied up and your face is flushed, your legs are pressing together.
With slow steps, Steve carries himself to be close to you. So close you can feel his breathing on your cheeks when he giggles.
"Help me" you whisper. 
"Help you with what exactly?" Steve whispers too. Licking his lips while he admires your body, you rub your thighs as his hand tugs the lights softly.
"Because I think you can get out just fine of this problem you got yourself in, isn't doll?"
"I can't" You shake your head, and your body presses against the wall when he comes closer. "I need you" 
"You need me huh?" he coos, "you need me so bad you couldn't take your eyes off of me, am i right?"
You nod, and his hand comes to pinch your warm cheek. He gets close, so close the tip of his nose is brushing with yours, he leaves a peck on your lips and you try to get another kiss when he shakes his head. 
Steve holds your chin between his fingers, slightly tilting your face to the side so he can kiss your neck. His kisses are soft at first but then turn into wet hot kisses that have you rubbing your thighs together more than ever. He notices your distress, the way you push your body against his to feel more of his warmth. 
He sucks on your skin, close to your collarbone. You feel his teeth softly biting you, it makes you moan for the first time, and Steve's dick twitches under his jeans. 
"Don't hide those pretty sounds from me, okay doll?" he mutters, leaving another soft peck on your lips before kneeling in front of you. 
Steve's fingertips find your thighs, slowly opening your legs. You moan again when he touches the wet spot on your panties. 
"Jesus, you are soaked. I guess you do need help after all" he groans, touching your clothed clit and sending goosebumps all over your body. He looks at you. Your cheeks are red and your brows pinched together as you close your eyes. A pout forms on your glossy lips. The pleasure slowly takes over you but then you remember you still have the lights on.
"Steve-" you moan, accidentally. His finger rubs your clit so deliciously.
"Good, tell me how good I'm making you feel baby" His devilish grin adorns his face, and you finally open your eyes to look at him. Your eyes glow, full of pleasure and getting lost in his touch.
He starts to kiss your thigh, wet kisses leaving a path of saliva until he reaches your clothed pussy and leaves a kiss there.
"So good, good. But Stevie-"
He feels your body tense up. He looks at you again, quickly. 
"Are you okay doll?"
"The lights, isn't this dangerous?" 
The blood returns to his head, something clicking inside. "Right, you are right" He snaps his fingers together and unplugs the lights helping you get rid of them. "Let's take this off and I can take care of you in my room, yeah?" 
"Yes," wiggling your arms, you finally get rid of the lights. "And then you can tie me up with something else"
"Of course doll, anything you want baby"
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reblog to support your creators! comments are appreciated !! ♡ thank you for following my christmas event, remember you can still request a gift!
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
One and only
Dance request I’m so so thankful @notyour-valentine for sharing and tagging me in requests you get for Cillian, anons always share with you great ideas! I enjoyed this way too much! And decided to make it a bonus for my Adele challenge 🥰✨
Cillian x reader (one shot)
Summary: Meeting Cillian at the most unexpected place after a breakup was the last thing you thought could happen. As he asked you one question, you knew you’d dance with him through anything.
Word count: 3,449 (including the song)
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Stretching in bed you tried to roll on your back, noticing the huge effort it meant now, a lot of things were different now.
Your hair was stubborn, most of your clothes wouldn’t fit anymore, you felt worn out all the time, nothing was the same as it used to be. But your brain corrected yourself as you dragged your feet across the floor to the kitchen and found your husband with his back at you. Wrapping an arm around him and leaning your head on his shoulder, you felt him press a kiss against your hair.
“Morning sleeping beauty.” He kept stirring the food and then turned to face you.
It was past seven o’clock, but Cillian allowed you to take a much needed nap.
“The smell is incredible, what’s this?”
Cillian smiled noticing her appetite. “Pasta, chicken and broccoli cos mamma needs her veggies.”
You were practically drooling over it so Cillian took a spoon to offer you some. “Careful, it’s hot.”
“You’re hot.” You retorted before closing your eyes at the flavors oblivious of the blush on his cheeks for your comment. “Hmm. It’s so good.”
“Yeah? Well it’s almost ready.”
“Oh! Baby likes it.” You took his hand to place it on your bump, so he could feel the baby wriggling and kicking. A soft smile spreading on your lips.
“Woah baby it’s so active tonight.” Cillian expressed with excitement.
At the beginning it started as a joke because that was the most frequent question you got, what will be the baby’s name? So you just started calling him or she baby, because you wanted to keep the gender a secret and surprise.
“Baby wants more?” You asked placing your hand on top of his, with adoration in you eyes.
Laughing, Cillian gave you some more, taking in the moment.
“What’s that?” You pointed at the notebook on the kitchen island.
“I’m trying to make the list of songs I’ll be playing on the radio show, still can’t decide though.”
You new it was a long process, and he was always playing his music whenever he was home, but when it came to his radio show? He was extra jealous about the list.
“Will you let me see this time?”
“No.” He answered bluntly followed by a deep laugh. “Don’t give me those puppy eyes.”
“A little hint?” You batted your eyelashes at him then.
Throwing a quick glance at the notes he made, he suddenly had an idea. “Wait here.”
Cillian started walking out of the kitchen but he went back immediately to take the notebook with him and giving you a side eye look.
“I wasn’t going to look.” You laughed.
“Yeah sure.” He knew you would’ve.
A moment later, he appeared back with the headphones he bought to play music for the baby, it had a special connection to make it possible to plug yours as well.
Your husband gave you the bigger ones to you, to place on your bump while he placed the others in his ears.
“And what about me?” You asked with a pout.
“This is going to be a secret between baby and daddy until the radio show comes out.”
“This isn’t fair.”
“Just need to wait for a little bit.” He gave you a small peck on the lips.
“But I want to hear it too.” You tried again, Cillian had been spoiling you all along the pregnancy with the weirdest cravings, giving a massage to your swollen feet. “Pleas-” He placed his forefinger on your lips to interrupt your words.
“Mrs. Murphy would you and baby like to dance with me?” Cillian gave you the most beautiful smile you had ever seen.
Happiness started to burst from your heart, your belly and every corner of your body. It was an indescribable feeling.
As he extended his hand to you, you took it. His free hand came to rest on your lower back and he started to sway from side to side in a slow rhythm and you wondered what was the song that he chose to play because you felt your child moving.
Cillian twirled you into his arms gently, making sure it was a slow movement so you wouldn’t get dizzy.
You let the unknown rhythm set the pace by only following Cillian’s steps. You felt his fingers rubbing softly on your back and you tried to lean on his shoulders but a huge bump was in the middle of the two of you.
Looking up you found his eyes shining as a smile spread on his lips, he was trying really hard to not lip sing it.
Walking around you, Cillian placed himself behind you in complete silence, offering you to lean your head back against his chest while his both hands came to rest around your baby, then he continued with the slow sway, just the two of you dancing in the kitchen, well three more likely if he included the baby.
The song he chose was definitely extra special for both of you. Kissing your temple his mind went back in time to the day he met you.
“Hi, I’m sorry, I think this is my seat.” A woman approached him.
He arrived early to the venue thinking there’d be a lot of traffic. But he knew this was his seat. “I checked my ticket this is it.”
“Look, I don’t want to be annoying just would you mind making sure?” She asked again.
Cillian was hoping to have a quiet night at the concert, it looks like this wasn’t his lucky night. After his break up he was trying to go back and do the things he enjoyed the most. This Radiohead concert had been on his mind since the pre sale tickets. Of course back then he swore he would be attending with his former fiancée and not by himself, that’s why a friend helped him sell the ticket online so at least he could get back his money.
“My seat is number 5.” She insisted while he took out his ticket.
“I’m pretty sure that’s mine but here, look it’s…” Cillian kept quiet as he read the correct number.
“6?” She added trying to hide a smirk and the I-told-you comment. “Just in case you’re waiting for someone and the seat would be taken.” She added.
“Oh, don’t even worry about that… I’m by myself.” Cillian explained but switched his seat with hers in case she was expecting someone else.
“I’m sorry then! Please stay there.”
She shuddered. “I’m alone too, I was lucky to find this ticket last minute, my ex bought the tickets using my credit card but used his account and we broke up and of course he kept them,” then she laughed, “sorry for all the babbling.”
Cillian was relieved to see he wasn’t the only one on his own that night.
“Sorry about that… I sold it for the same reason.” He added with a shy chuckle.
“Oh, well I hope we both have a great time then!”
Cillian chuckled feeling something strange towards this woman, she had such a light energy and this calming presence.
“I’m Cillian.” He offered his hand out.
“Y/N, nice to meet you.”
Cillian nodded. “Are you a big fan?”
“I’ve followed their career since the beginning. Sneaked out of my house to see their first concert and got grounded for three months.”
That made him laugh, a real laugh from the deepest part of his soul.
“I saw them playing in a bar long time ago before they went big, you know?”
“Are you kidding me?” Her eyes sparkled with excitement. “That was their best era in my humble opinion.”
“It was on the early days of On a Friday… I didn’t know it was them tho, until years later.” Cillian explained of the former name the band had at the beginning.
Their surroundings blurrier as they shared their opinions back and forth. Conversation was flowing freely between them without knowing each other, it was so easy to compare opinions about an album or a very specific song, Cillian particularly loved her enthusiasm over the band.
And he had to admit that she was beautiful.
She explained him that little by little she was enjoying being on her own, to the cinema, the theater, for a café, and even dinner, now it was the turn to a concert of her favorite band. Healing wasn’t easy and learning to love herself and actually enjoy things by herself had been so helpful.
As the lights went down the crowd exploded shouting, the stage lights turned on and the music filled the arena, making both of them enjoy the magic of the moment. He was in awe by her enthusiasm towards each song, singing at the top of her lungs, he was constantly giving her quick side eye glances. For good two hours, they sang all the Radiohead songs. Cillian cocked his eyebrow when she sang a part of one verse wrong but immediately smiled towards her, earning a blush and a smile back from her.
He drummed his fingers against his jeans while Y/N raised her arms to clap. And too soon, the show came to an imminent end, by the end of the night he could feel his heart drumming against his chest and his ears ringing from the loud music.
“This was a great show! Thank you for selling me that ticket.”
“Well thank you for buying it.” Cillian added while they waited in the queue to get out of the venue.
Was this it? Meeting someone by chance at an event of something they both enjoy and then they go in different directions?
Something he wasn’t familiar with made him ask her his next question.
“Traffic is going to be packed now… do you wanna go somewhere and have a drink?” He rubbed the nape of his neck, unsure if it was a bold move.
But when a smiled spread on her lips, his nerves disappeared.
Cillian chuckled. “Come on, I know a place.”
Ever since that concert and subsequently drink, they became inseparable.
(End of flashback)
“It looks like you’re rocking this baby to sleep.” You hummed making Cillian snap back out of his day dream.
Chuckling, Cillian squeezed her bump. “When I saw you napping, I wanted to sneak under the covers with you so bad.”
The continued swaying from side to side slowly.
“You should’ve joined us.”
“But I wanted to prepare dinner.” His lips connected with your neck, sending a warmth sensation over your entire body. “Get your lemonade and I’ll bring food over in a minute.”
In silence, you felt thankful he could read you like an open book, because standing up for so long now was the hardest thing to do, even harder than picking up something from the ground.
“I just have to stop by for a wee real quick.” You laughed. “No, Scout thanks I don’t need company.”
Cillian whistled the black lab, he insisted on being your guardian dog, watching every step you took.
Taking a sip of your drink, you closed your eyes at the sensation of the cold drink, your glass half filled with ice, Cillian stared at your bare arms, you insisted on wearing a thin t-shirt, actually one of his undershirts while he was already wearing a comfy jumper over the chilly and rainy October that started a few days ago.
“Are you sure you’re not cold?”
You shook your head profusely, suddenly feeling like throwing your wavy hair in a messy bun because it made your neck feel hot.
“As we were dancing, I was transported back in time to that time when we started going out.” You remembered before taking a bite of your dinner. A moan escaped from your lips at how good it was.
Arriving at the bar, your eyes scanned the room, trying to find Cillian, you had been going out with him after the Radiohead concert several times, both of you made it perfectly clear it was as friends with similar stories, sharing similar interests. But lately you started to develop a deeper bond with him, a conection you didn’t experienced before, you could talk to him for hours of everything and for some reason, he ended up searching for your company as well.
You realized once more Cillian was a gentleman, he helped you get on the high barstool, offering his jacket as soon as you pointed out it was freezing. The smell of his cologne was imprinted on it and it was intoxicating you, but in a good way, it was so masculine.
You've been on my mind
I grow fonder every day
Lose myself in time
Just thinking of your face
“What can I get you guys?” Asked the bartender interrupting the initial conversation.
Cillian gave you a deep look “May I have a guess?” He asked with an inviting smile, you raised your eyebrows, waiting for his answer. “A glass of Chardonnay?”
You had never tried it but you liked Cillian instantly so you gave the bartender a nod, then your eyes moved back to him. “And a pint for me, please.”
“A friend asked me why did I cancel the plans with her so I told her I was meeting you and said it was okay if it was the Radiohead-guy.” You chuckled. “I loved that show, it would’ve been a mistake to miss it.” You admitted. “Thank you again.”
Today you were so thankful it happened the way it did. Because thanks to that ticket, you got the chance to meet Cillian, he was completely different to your ex-boyfriend in every possible way, you had different dreams, goals and interests. How come you didn’t realize sooner?
God only knows why it's taken me
So long to let my doubts go
You're the only one that I want
“Glad it was you the one who bought the ticket to be honest.”
As the bartender placed your drinks in front of the two of you, you proposed a toast.
“To music, that brought us together.” He raised his pint and you mirrored him with your glass.
“To finding good concert neighbors.” You smiled before taking a sip, surprised by the exquisite taste.
“Did you get your money back? For your original tickets I mean.” He leaned closer.
“I did! A few days ago, how have you been?”
“Grand! Mhmm I actually got a phone call, there’s a producer who’s a friend of a friend, you know… they offered me a deal to do a radio show.”
Resting your head on the palm of your hand, you gave him a shocked look. “That’s incredible! What’s the show about? You actually have radio voice by the way.”
The sound of his laugh made something inside you jump. “Music as a matter of fact… it’s like to propose something different, unique.”
“Cill this is great, when are you starting?”
You saw him rubbing his hands in a nervous tic. “I haven’t signed yet, needed to talk to someone about it first.”
“I feel special now! I’m the first to hear about it?” Your cheeks were burning as he nodded. “Congratulations!” You touched his arm as he thanked you.
But suddenly, something changed as the two of you paid attention to the singer on the small stage.
“Would you like to dance, Y/N?” His eyes sparkled with something new. And you found yourself trying to normalize your heartbeat through your breathing.
As his hand touched yours, you felt electricity shoot through your body and as your hand came to rest on his shoulder your brain shut down completely.
Feeling his ocean eyes staring into every layer of your body and soul, you dared to look up.
“Y/N…” He suddenly got closer, the rest of the place disappeared in the background.
I don't know why I'm scared
I've been here before
“Yes?” You blinked trying to disguise the sudden nerves.
Bodies swaying slowly, giving into the soft music from the piano and that angelic voice.
Every feeling, every word
I've imagined it all
“There’s something I need to tell you.” He stammered nervously.
You'll never know if you never try
To forget your past and simply be mine
“I know we both started this with the limits very clear, after coming from broken relationships for different reasons, but I’ve realized how amazing you’re and if you feel like this is so soon I’ll respect that.” He gave you a long look, trying to find a sign in your expression. “And this song describes perfectly how I feel about you, I’m going crazy with the lyrics thinking the person who wrote it, got inside my head and created this.”
You gave him a clumsy nod, the words were tattooed now in your mind, in your heart.
“Cill… I know.” You felt his thumb caressing the skin of the back of your hand. “I feel the same way. Despite everything I don’t regret a thing, because it led me to meet you.”
I dare you to let me be your, your one and only
I promise I'm worthy
To hold in your arms
“So, I need to know, if you’d let me be your one and only?”
So come on and give me the chance
To prove I am the one who can walk that mile
Until the end starts
“Only on one condition… that you let me be yours as well.”
Tilting his head, he leaned forwards to capture your lips for the first time.
(End of flashback)
Pulling him from the neck of his green jumper for a quick peck on the lips, Cillian felt you moving back with a strange expression on your face.
“What’s the matter?” He asked, noticing the floor was wet.
“My water broke.” You announced, trying to take it calmly.
“Are you having any contractions?” Cillian took a look at his watch to register the time.
Cillian stopped to look at you, really looking into your eyes. “Perfect timing, baby wanted to join us for that dance.”
Standing up carefully, you tried to smile through the first contraction. Holding onto his forearm, you leaned your head against his chest.
As the wave started to come down, you blew the air out of your cheeks. “What was the song?”
Cillian looked from side to side, confused. “What are you talking about?”
“The bloody song you hid from me, for your radio show, I need to know.”
A nervous laugh escaped his lips as he looked down at you.
“Sorry, Mrs. Murphy you can either wait three years to ask the baby or you can listen to the show once it comes out.” He rushed to kiss the top of your head before you could rip the skin of his arm as another contraction started. “The midwife texted, she’s on her way.”
Using the chair for support you could barely register his words.
(Months later)
“So, if you made it this far to the show, I want to thank you for staying with me. This last song is totally different from the rest you’ve been listening every week, to me it’s like an anthem. Really really special from a magnificent artist, her vocal ability it’s remarkable and impressive. And it’s the song that my wife and I danced the night my daughter, Elle was born. Folks, this is One and only by Adele. Until next time, that’s all from the basement.”
Pressing the mute button, Cillian took off the headphones and turned around with a huge grin to look at you, his eyes moved down to the baby sleeping peacefully against your chest.
“How could it be that I missed that song?”
Cillian laughed. “You said every possible song, but that one.”
“Elle blurred my brain.” You stuck out your tongue for him.
“Would you ladies like to dance with me?” He offered you his hand, and you took it, just like the first time.
You'll never know if you never try
To forget your past and simply be mine
I dare you to let me be your, your one and only
I promise I'm worthy, mm
To hold in your arms
And the three of you started to sway away to the beat of the soft tune, your free hand sneaked around to the back of Cillian’s neck holding your daughter between your bodies, just like you did the night she was born, just like you would continue to dance through whatever life had prepared around the corner.
Sometimes it would be him leading the way, sometimes it’d be your turn.
Master list
Anon, I hope you see this! If you do, I’d love to hear your thoughts… 💕
A/N: Now Im heading to read Val’s Dance versions! I didn’t want to have any background before writing this. Remember if you enjoyed this story, I’d love to hear your thoughts about it!!!✨
Fun fact: Here I was reading about Radiohead bio! ☺️
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @cillmequick @datewithgianni @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @elk96 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @winchestergirl22 @heidimoreton @allie131313 @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @already-broken144 @moral-terpitude @rangerelik @imichelle-l-rigby @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @cilliansangel @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @kmc1989
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joongbin · 1 year
i need a male × jeongin smut where he and the fan boy have some interactions during the show, but they somehow met each other by the night and then...wow.
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꒰ you were a fanboy of jeongin, why wouldn't you be? you thought you had no chance with the idol, but one night changed those thoughts immediately.
+ pairings: btm!yang jeongin x top!fanboy!reader
× warnings: possible one night stand, dubcon?, both are slightly drunk, reader is amab, unprotected sex, they use spit as lube.
# genre: smut.
& smut req fuiyohh
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You finally got front tickets. You had been trying for MONTHS, but they were always sold out within seconds, but today you were lucky.
You screamed in joy, staring at your screen in relief. You can finally see your bias, Yang Jeongin. He was the cutest, talented member, that's why he was your bias.
You could easily be called his ultimate fanboy. You had an entire TikTok account about him and how you have every single one of his photocards and merch, you were basically known as his ultimate fan.
You wore a mask, baggy and light shirt and some pants you found. You of course, brought your lightstick with you that had Foxyi.ny on the screen along with the cute hoodie thing for it.
You grbbe your album, just in case. You grabbed your your favourite photocard of him that was in a Foxyi.ny case.
You stared at it before getting inside the car that was going to pick you up, since you were feeling a little lazy to drive.
You sat comfortably, making sure your lightstick was working and connected to the app, then you updated your friends on what you were doing since they just wanted to make sure you're safe.
Getting a little distracted, you didn't even notice you had already arrived to the venue. You made sure everything was in your bag, before thanking the driver and getting out of the car.
You waited a few minutes in the crowd, fumbling to put in your earplugs because you know how wild STAY gets when SKZ goes on stage.
And you were right. The moment they stepped on to the stage, numerous screams from STAY just filled the venue up. You had to cover your ears while screaming, even if you had the ear plugs in.
You looked at your one and only Jeongin. He looked so good on stage. You were basically admiring him, smiling ear to ear as you kept interacting with him whenever he's not performing.
Little small waves, connecting hearts, him recording a video on your phone, probably everything a fan would imagine for. You immediately set your phone wallpaper to you connecting hearts with him.
That would be your closest interaction.
He's an idol and you're just a fan. That was the relationship, no more no less.
Or, that's what you thought.
You were at a bar with your friend because it was her birthday, and you wanted to celebrate it with her. She just got heavily drunk and hanging out with someone while you sat at the seat you were always at.
You weren't exactly a fan of the smell of the alcohol in front of you. Then, you felt someone beside you. You said your friends name, before you turned to look at them.
It was him. The Yang Jeongin. You called out his name, before he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“ You're that .. guy from earlier .. ” He said, his voice raspy. It just .. made you feel something, your idol in front of you, being all touchy.
But you didn't know what to do. Yeah, he looked absolutely euphoric looking at you with those eyes, but was this even right? You were soon dragged to a room at the bar, as if the bar knew that people would have sex at the place.
He pressed you against the bed with absolute lust in his eyes, grinding on you as he let out a whine. You didn't expect for him to even do that, but it definitely lit something inside you.
Your dick grew hard in your pants, just like the other's was. He was starting to moan from the pleasure he was getting just by grinding on you.
Jeongin clashed lips with you, making out with you as he tried to reach his high, but couldn't. It just didn't feel good enough.
“ Please... ” He muttered.
Your hands snaked to the back of his head before gripping on his hair softly, earning a soft moan from him.
You flipped him around, making you go on top of him. He looked so beautiful under you, a wet patch on his pants that was probably his precum. You stroked his cock from his pants at an agonizingly slow pace, making him raise his hips up to get more friction.
You held him by the waist, slowly picking up your pace to please him.
“ Better? ” You say, he nods vigorously, eyes shut as he enjoyed the pleasure you were giving him.
You didn't really expect to see your idol in such a state, much less that you were making him feel this way. Such sensation made you feel .. powerful. You loved the way you had control over his pleasure.
Your hand stopped and he opened his eyes, panting lightly as he looked at you. You stripped him of his pants, taking off his underwear as well.
He looked at you with anticipation, you looked at him with a smirk before turning him around, his ass facing you.
“ So cute. ” You squeezed at his left cheek, his whines were just like music to your ears.
“ Please .. please .. fuck me. ” Jeongin whined even louder as you spat in to his hole and fingered him. The room didn't have lube, and you weren't expecting to fuck anyone, so spit was probably your second option.
Once you thought it was done, you lined yourself up with his hole before inserting it in slowly, making sure he wasn't uncomfortable or hurt.
He moaned, back arching as you make him take your full length. You and him panted before you started moving, slowly.
“ You're so tight, angel. ” You say, fucking into his hole as he moaned louder when you hit his prostate. You were absolutely in love with his moans.
You wanted to hear more of it.
Jeongin's dick started to twitch, his words slurring more and more as he slowly reached his climax. His thighs shaking.
“ Baby- please, ngh! I'm close.. ” You couldn't even tell what he was saying, but it made you fuck him faster, making him reach his high faster.
You panted behind him, reaching your high also. You shover your cock deep inside him as you came inside of him, him cumming along with you with a long, loud moan.
You both panted and were tired. His legs were shaking as he fell, his cock still leaking a little bit of cum. You kissed him on his cheek with a smile.
That cock drunk smile was so beautiful.
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