#I just feel like we need to let Shen yuan be a little shit more often
greeniegaes · 6 months
I’ve decided the most fun dynamic to write with a Shen Jiu and a Shen Yuan is SY in the body and SJ backseat driving (floating?) outside the body being like “we should do this” and SY being like “I’m going to do this, but in the most heart attack inducing way possible”
Shen Jiu is glad he is a ghost or he would’ve qi deviated to the point of no return and Shen Yuan is enjoying his time being a menace to both a ghost and the system
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afsosville · 3 months
Shen Jiu, if he was actually a competent shizun
My HC for how Shen Jiu is like with kids without trauma/healed trauma and shit: Honestly with a person like Shen Jiu, I can only see his interactions with kids going one of two ways, him being so very fond of them, and ofc, how he's like in canon. Ok look, in the third book under Shen Jiu's character description, it said that Shen Jiu definitely had more reasons to relate to Luo Binghe than to hate him yet he still chose violence for some fucked up reason. So yes, I for one headcanon that when he's in a better place mentally, he would choose to be doting and fiercely protective. We've seen that he's capable of being like that with Ning Yingying (and Qiu Haitang), and it's not outwardly obvious, but we can see it with the way she behaves around Shen Yuan when she thinks that's still Shen Jiu. She definitely acts like a spoiled younger sister/daughter who looks up to her guardian and shows a great amount of trust in him. So just imagine if that was extended to all of his disciples.
No coz if he was spared enough kindness for him to actually want to do better, he would choose the first option and emphasize with LBH instead BECAUSE smn gave HIM a chance and emphasized with HIM. LBH and SJ are parallels, and so whatever happens to SJ, it would be reflected onto LBH.
I am dead. I am so dead. I'm bleeding out so fast and goddammit it HURTS- SJ and LBH's whole story hurts sm.
I kinda like to imagine that when Shen Jiu's heart settles on the fact that maybe, just maybe, bleeding on ppl who didn't cut him and taking his hurt out on LBH is a no good very bad idea, he's going to end up over compensating for his whole fucking childhood and the way he projects on him is completely flipped.
"I'm going to treat you the way I wanted to be treated and ur going to feel loved and safe do you hear me?!?"
"Yes shizun (*^v^*)"
Here's the thing, he may be fond of his disciples, but he is still shit at taking care of them. He was robbed of his own childhood, so he doesn't know what normal kids act like in the first place. And he has no idea what the typical stages of development are and he would totally underestimate how dumb kids who didn't grow up like him would be. So yeah, shit at babysitting but loves them anyhow, for the same reason he would hate them in canon. (They remind him too much of himself). Idk, him being bad with kids regardless of trauma is so funny to me.
That moment when it clicks for him that he may not hate them after all: "oh gods these brats actually like…me? Me? Fuck what the hell do I do?! This is why no one should trust me with kids Aghhhhh!! Still think they're brats tho :( but they're my brats >:) "
He'd be like Shifu from Kung Fu Panda as a shizun. He's strict, harsh as hell and shows no mercy when training, coz becoming a cultivator/martial artist is fucking hard and requires alot of discipline anyway. So he really is doing his best to make sure his disciples come out on top. Shen Jiu is a prideful person by nature, it's just that his disciples are his pride. He's always there for them when they need him, and he will make sure that none of his disciples will ever have to go through anything he has. He wants to be the reliable adult that his disciples seek out. (He will never let it be known that he seeks his disciples' approval and validation as much as they seek his.)
Really fucking specific but idgaf. My social teacher brought chocolate bars to class and gave them out one time. After a few moments she asked if everyone was enjoying themselves. After she heard us agree she went on a lesson about slave labour and the production of goods in underdeveloped countries. Shen Jiu. Would do this. Because he’s a madman.
And Binghe. He would still end up a little unhinged. Like sure being under a master that abuses you will fuck you up one way but if you had a guardian who will start genocides and watch cities burn for you… It does things.
Shen Jiu is morally ambiguous as fuck and that rubs off onto his disciples. He is still a terrible role model, but his kids wouldn't trade him for the world:)
Would be the type that gives 5 yr olds knives for birthdays, bc he had a shit ton of them hidden away on his person when he was that age and knew how to use them when he was on the streets.
“What? It's an appropriate gift! The kid needs to have smt to protect herself! Yeah I know she didn’t grow up on the streets so what? No need to rub it in. Ok fine! I’ll teach her then just shut up. Let’s go Yan-er, some people just don’t appreciate the value of giving practical gifts WAIT PUT THAT DOWN-”
Is this lowkey self indulgent? Yes. Do I particularly care? No. I just want my favourite blorbos to be happy, is that too much to ask for? My Roman Empire is that SJ probably could've been a crazy good shizun if he had a chance to heal. If you've read The Hidden Flower, then you know exactly what I mean.
I already made a post with all of the soft BingJiu fics ik. I could literally make another one rn where they're just chilling platonically, or even as an adoptive family bc I have no chill like that and read all the SJ fics there is to read.
It's already summer and all I have going for me is my job rn and I am sooooo close to going through all nearly 400 pages under the SJ tag coz I simply can.
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Preview for HOMD Chapter 10
Hey folks! I am very tired and still pretty sick but! I know not how to rest if I am physically able to work soooo. Let's just blame my capricron sun. But now we present! HOMD chapter 10! This is, again, a joint effort with @mocheng-gusto!
Shen Yuan was reminded of this last unfortunate fact as he turned off his fifth alarm and read the notification to his most recent message.
✂️: Don’t forget to bring a certain special someone to our date today~ 
Fuck. Shen Yuan had completely forgotten about that part.
Not about the lunch of course. Yesterday he had been psyching himself up to “meet the family”. He was nervous but not anxious as he was putting together the outfit Mei Kexin had specifically made him buy for this occasion.
And just then was when his package arrived.
Alright yes, he had to admit that after that all other thoughts had exited his brain like an emergency evacuation. But by then he was too out of it thinking of silicone heavenly pillars to do anything but the most mundane tasks to keep himself busy!
Nothing to do about that. Fortunately at some point in the past when he’d been more mindful he’d put enough alarms to make sure he’d wake up with plenty of time to get ready, so he had time for a thorough shower and a quick breakfast, but not for anything more.
He would’ve liked to go on a jog to free himself of any restless energy but… thinking about it, he didn’t think his body would be able to take the impact. 
His musings were interrupted by his phone pinging with two new messages.
✂️: And don’t even think you can get out of bringing your man 
✂️: Remember how much blackmail material I have and won’t hesitate to use ❤️ 
That was the detail he hadn’t accounted for so far. Luo Binghe couldn’t come for quite obvious reasons, and it wasn’t like he had any desires to fess up that he was dating, married, to a mind construct, but he had other options. He’d disappoint his friend and her girlfriend no matter what, but Shen Yuan didn’t want to completely ruin their afternoon. 
Good thing he had a Plan B in mind. The problem was that he never informed his Plan B of his participation in this ruse.
No time like the present! Shen Yuan called Shang Qinghua as he was getting rid of all the gross beddings and towels.
The call was picked up on the third ring. “Bro?”
“Free food.” Best to start with his strongest cards. “I’m inviting you to lunch, with plenty of leftovers to bring home.”
Shang Qinghua was silent for a few seconds. “… Are you bribing me?”
Technically. “Are you coming or not?”
“Aww, no need to be so shy about it bro. If you were feeling lonely you could’ve just said so!” Sensing Shen Yuan’s silence as an impatient one, Shang Qinghua was quick to add. “But sure, why not.”
Shen Yuan discreetly let out a sigh of relief. “I’m sending a Didi to your place. You have twenty minutes to get yourself decent and finish whatever you’re doing.”
Shang Qinghua mumbled. “Every day you’re becoming more like your brother.”
“What did you just say?”
“Nothing! Just send me the info and I’ll be down when it arrives.”
“Alright. I’ll meet you there.” 
“Whe–” Shen Yuan hung up before he was able to get the full word out. He had a couple of cars to order and a cold shower waiting for him.
Shen Yuan, because the shopping center was actually closer to downtown due to the somewhat upscale nature of the place, got there first. Shang Qinghua wasn’t too far behind, climbing out of the didi with eyes and something like fear on his face. “Bro, what the fuck?”
“Wardrobe,” Shen Yuan said before grabbing his friend’s arm and pulling him in, putting the little strength he had worked to build to use. “Don’t worry; I’m paying.”
“No shit you’re paying!” Shang Qinghua hissed. “I can’t afford to breathe in here. What the actual fuck is going on? Are you becoming my sugar daddy? Platonic, of course; love you but not like that, bro.”
“Tch, you wish. Besides, I’m straight. I’m just paying for stuff today so don’t question it.”
“What kind of lunch are we going to that apparently requires shopping?!” Shang Qinghua asked quietly, eyes darting from side to side as if a nervous herbivore. Shen Yuan locked eyes with a sales associate in the men’s section and, spotting a sale, the person discretely hurried towards them. “Oh, my God, are you taking me to lunch with your family!? Is Shen Jiu going to be there!?! Bro, I’m noping out of the free food offer if that’s the–”
“No, it’s not with my family, sheesh,” Shen Yuan said through clenched teeth before smiling at the sales associate. In a much more polite tone, he addressed them with, “Hi. My friend here needs appropriate semi-casual attire for brunch. We have a rather immediate deadline and would appreciate your assistance.”
“Of course, sir. If sir could please follow me…” Shang Qinghua was too polite to his fellow service worker to resist their urging, but he did throw Shen Yuan a dirty look as he left him alone. He watched from a distance to be sure that Shang Qinghua didn’t pick anything out that was ridiculous but otherwise left him to it, helpfully avoiding the questions his friend had about this ‘lunch’.
He would find out soon enough as it was.
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gnappart · 1 year
(leaving here the link to the ao3 version for those who feel more comfortable with its formatting)
SVSSS AU inspired by a possible animatic I could do with “Imposter Imperceptible” in which Shen Yuan is among the imposters (you think there would be just one? In a SVSSS fanfiction-more-like-quick-thought?! Fools), BUT! It’s not an Among Us AU (… an AU AU). 
So! Shen Yuan gets transmigrated as little Ba, Jiu’s younger twin. He gets a Qi-ge too, of course, he’s part of the package deal. A year goes by, during which in one way or another Shen Yuan collects the hints and comes to realise that his Jiu-ge is the great but terrible Scum Villain of PIDW! Now though he’s not so bad. Sure, he’s snarky and not exactly kind, but he cares, he makes sure his didi’s fed whenever it’s possible, checks his health as first thing in the morning and never lets Shen Yuan get (too) cold during the winter.
Then, one day, Jiu-ge tells him and Qi-ge that he felt on his back quite constantly for about a week the stare of a certain wealthy man, surely a noble. He’s sure he’s about to get sold and none of them is having it. They make a plan to escape somewhere that same night, they have a whole day to get ready and inconspicuously retrieve the little money they’ve saved — how should not be investigated. Get everything you need, hide it near the the city’s gate, and when the moon is high and just the song of crickets fill the night that is the time for them to gather and leave that hell hole to find some wandering cultivator to learn from. They’re strong, already did with success some simple exercises with their qi. They can do it.
But when the time comes, Shen Yuan, Ba-di, is missing. The two other kids wait for a bit until Qi-ge gets restless and wants to go and search for the younger boy, but Xiao Jiu stops him ad confesses: that day, a wealthy family bought his didi, allegedly to adopt him. They seemed nice, he would notice a liar or an imminent danger right away… He didn’t want to get separated from his didi, even hated him for a few seconds because why Ba and not Jiu? But, but… It was better than being fugitives slaves, safer, he had to let him go. Qi-ge is sad but understands. Dried the bitter-sweet tears, they depart.
Is Shen Yuan getting some luck in his life? AH! He wishes! Nope! I know, you know, everyone know who got him though, right? None other than Qiu Jianluo, 1st place in the scummiest villains league — joint winner is of course that viscid old man, Lao Gongzhu. Even though Shen Yuan tells Qiu Janluo he’s not Jiu, hi gege (and the bastard noticed!), the man shrugs it off: a twin for a twin, their beauty is the same and so will be they’re role. So, Shen Yuan discovers in a very traumatising way the would have been past of Shen Jiu. There’s a hope he holds to, though: when he got bought, he saw Jiu-ge and his brother saw him, made a terrified expression and run away. He was surely making a plan with Qi-ge to save him, none of them would never leave him.
Uh uh.
We know the drill of this world, the Never-a-Joy universe has some preferences and protagonists are the lucky winners.
Things go too far, patience’s limit has been reached and long passed, no one is coming. Shen Yuan’s furious, Shen Yuan decides that yes, he wants to let go and go ape shit, and so he does. The qi deviation is freeing, seeing blood flying everywhere cathartic. Among the flames and the dying screams, there are no survivors this time: no one helped, everyone turning their heads either because they didn’t care or because they didn’t want to incur in the young master’s retalation. Even Qiu Haitang is left to burn. Shen Yuan is glad he’ll never have to hear her annoying giggles ever again, her blind naivety. Not to mention the bitch would then come back in the future to accuse Shen Jiu, or, well, him in this case, of well deserved pluri-homicide. Good riddance, he thinks.
Painted red from head to toes, Shen Yuan is out for vengeance.
Time skip to many years later.
Shen Jiu, Shen Qingqiu is the esteemed lord of Qing Jing Peak, he’s still kind of an asshole, but because no Qiu household, no Wu Yanzi, no scum villain party! He’s more mellow of his original counterpart, but still perceive others as potential enemies, the too good disciples as potential usurpers. That’s a no no in his life schedule. Binghe, my dear Binghe, I love you but the drama is needed here! But worry not, because there’s no escape from the SVSSS vital plot moments even for scum villains!
Our dearest White Lotus, on a day like all the others (so, it starts bad, it ends worse), runs into a very peculiar scene: Shizun elegant but - oh my! - bloody robes, is being hold by another Shizun, wearing nice but cheap and very bloody robes, a dagger in his other hand. Oh my oh my, what happened here?! 
Elegant-Shizun looks quite dead, so let’s call the other alive-Shizun. Binghe is scared, sure, but he notices he doesn’t care about the lifeless body. About time that bitch kicked the bucket! Shizun who?! Ptui! Just a powerful man wanting to feel better about himself by exploiting the weak! Just like the terrible people back in his village!
There’s just the little detail that there’s seems to be a Shizun too many.
Oh my oh my, what happened here indeed!
Count me as scared and intrigued! (not horny, definitely not horny) Binghe thinks, because he’s avant-gard! [I write these things with no alcohol or funny substances in me, I’m very proud of myself! Though my friends used to say that my body itself produces the drugs that enter my system]
Alive-Shizun notices him and in his eyes there’s a glint of recognition. The man smiles kindly. “Fear not, Binghe, for I’m not your enemy”
He knows his name! Stranger danger! But he killed the evil Shizun? He cannot be so bad!
At this point Shen Yuan presents himself to Binghe (while fanboying inside because LUO BINGHE! WHITE LOTUS LUO BINGHE!), outline his and Shen Jiu’s past, says he will save Binghe from his destiny yadda yadda. [Not sooo sure how this section of the narrative would go, this is just a thing I’m writing down to remember all the ideas I thought about. Will a proper story ever see the light? If the God of Fanfiction will bless me, maybe], but long story short, Shen Yuan convinces Binghe to help him hide the truth (and the body), as he will pose as Shen Qingqiu from now on. No worries about his change of character, Qi Deviations happen (so good that Shen Yuan’s spiritual veins got ruined along the way, keeps the narrative strong!) and conveniently may erase memories, right Mu-shidi? No, this master has not forgotten everything, he knows his martial family and his disciple and the main events of his life, but more like as if he read about them in a book than actually living them, and there some holes here and there. But, oh!, he remembers being quite nasty on more than one occasion though, and he’s very sorry about that!
Mu Qingfang’s smile is so strained his cheeks are sure hurting, while Qi-ge looks one step away from qi deviating himself, but they nonetheless reassure him that everything is okay, whether he remembers or not, as long as he is okay now, they will work on them his memories. And if they won’t come back… well that’s unlucky but I’ve got a whole eternity in front of me, who has time to be depressed about what is lost? Let us make new memories! - he cheerfully informs them. Yue Qingyuan faints.
In a corner, Binghe grins entertained.
This White Lotus, does he not seems too vicious? He is, he is! If you could hear what he hears, you would know of the velvet voice in his head; if could see through his eyes, from time to time, when the voice feels in need of a bit of an outlet, in the mirrors you could see an older Binghe, with a bright scarlet sigil on his forehead. But if you could meet Binghe at night, you would encounter someone completely different - that you, Bingge? A round of applause for the man with thousands of wife and not a joy in his sculpted body! (Theirs is a situation kind of Jekyll and Mr Hide, though the shape won’t change, just who’s in control). This man from the future helped his younger self, told him about the terrible things Shen Qingqiu did and will do, how rotten this man is, how he deserves all the pain of this life and the next.
Curious then, the raw scream Binghe heard in his head when he first saw dead Shizun, victorious but also pained, though he’s sure that if he brought it up Bingge would say it was anger, he, they, should be the ones bringing every Shen Jiu to his demise! Sure gege, sure.
Binghe’s new Shizun, his true Shizun as he likes to call him making the man smile, is a marvel and he’s kind and dotes on his disciple so much. Bingge boils in envy until this kindness is extended to him as well, the kind Shizun recognising a different soul in his beloved little shit sheep. “Not even being turned into a limbless body could make me hate you” Shen Yuan says as he pats Bingge hair and the half-demon understands: this man knows, somehow he knows. He’s not a reincarnation of Shen Jiu from his world, neither his wandering ghost, he just knows and he doesn’t care, about all the blood he’s spilled, sinners and innocents the same. He brought chaos and destruction, full of regrets, pain, he’s broken. But Shen Yuan pats his head and doesn’t dismiss his existence, doesn’t try to exorcise him (he wouldn’t be able but still, the thought counts!), this Shizun showers both him and his younger counter part with unconditioned love?! What witchery is this?!
Binghe seethes with jealousy: Shen Yuan is supposed to be his Shizun, umpf! Like proper siblings, they bicker a lot from then on when it comes to who has more claim on Shizun! Harmony is reached for the well being of Shizun <3 and especially when Liu Qingge starts to appear more and more on the peak. If it was to kneel in front of Shizun to thank him everyday for saving his life they would praise him, but this shameless man doesn’t know his limits! This Brute should stay on his Brutes Peak and that’s it!
And who’s this plain guy going to and forth from Shizun’s house lately? Oh, wait. Shizun’s whacking his head with his fan again, good good. But. But! Shizun never let them stay in the Bamboo house whenever this Shang guy comes! Shizuuuuun!
The first time the man came to visit, he silently looked at this Shizun for a very, long, awkward time and than said just one word: Airplane. Shizun almost spat his tea (he actually did, but the Luo “brothers” are going to forever protect his dignity). What the hell is an airplane?!
After few weeks, Shang-guy starts coming every.fucking.single.day. Binghe and Bingge are this close to give him the Shen Jiu treatment but their Shizun placate them, with a promise or another (not even one went broken; their Shizun is the best <3). 
After a month nothing changed. Well, unless you notice one less Shang going around Cang Qiong mountain (but just some An Ding disciples ever noticed there were two, a plain set of twins, to tell the truth). Everything goes much smoother though, this everyone becomes aware off. And Shang Qinghua doesn’t give off rat vibes anymore, he feels more like an overworked hamster. The Peak Lords look at the unsightly (but recently often together) pair of Shen Qingqiu and Shan Qinghua quietly talking to each other and shrug it off: if the whole Sect benefits from it, no one should think too much about going to the root of it. AND the demon lord of the North Region asked for a peace treat??? The Sect is confusion; the lost look that Yue Qingyuan gives to his second in command makes Shen Yuan burst in laughter in front of everyone. But Shixiong, is it not an event who shall be rejoyced? You should smile as well!
The only one who caught some words of the whispered conversation was Luo Binghe who dutifully later transcribed them in his notebook “Shizun’s code” (he’s sure he will decipher it one day). It went as follows:
SQH: Broooo, so much more paperwork! Double paperwork! I swear, I’m going to die!
SHIZUN <3: Is it not worth it, though?
SQH: Oh sure, didi dearest didn’t pass the vibe test
SHIZUN <3: The bitch was empty
SQH: Rightfully yeeted out of the Mountain and of life
BOTH: Good riddance
SQH: Say, bro, would you like to hear the story of Tianlang-jun? I think the Bing Bros should stay as well this time
Under the roof of the Bamboo House, drink tea the Imposters Imperceptible. 
(No, Shang Qinghua didn’t avoid the fan whacking once the whole truth was out. The Bing Bros are not sure why Shizun is taking out his anger on his friend but he’s wise and surely has his reasons <3).
{Hi everyone! Long time no see! I finally had some free days, which mean enough time to recharge my writer energy juice. I haven’t abandoned my other works, especially the BNHA myths AU, but work truly sucks out all my life force. Still, Tumblr is a magical place where even a forgotten, old something can suddenly see light again, so thank you so much for all the likes and reblogs! They make me so happy (and a bit teary) <3}
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delicioussshame · 3 years
And now, for something a bit different. Set in the Sugar Baby AU.
Shang Qinghua cannot believe Shen Yuan’s gall. How can he, a very unproductive member of society, dares to criticize Shang Qinghua’s output? At least he contributes something, unlike some people who are paid to look pretty.
And, apparently, do more than that now.
Good for him, really. Shang Qinghua has heard his fair share of horror stories about Luo Binghe, but since Shen Yuan cannot stop singing his praises in that oblivious way of his, he cannot be that bad.
Plus, you know, Luo Binghe is very, very hot. Hot enough that even Shen Yuan, famous for his ability to ignore even the most blatant double entendre, cannot deny it. Shang Qinghua can imagine much worst fates than having to fuck him.
Now, if Shang Qinghua could get him to share all the juicy details, he’s sure it would make for great inspiration.
Not that there is much chance of that happening, not with the way Shen Yuan clams up as soon as Shang Qinghua so much as hints about his sex life.
Shen Yuan is a hypocrite, that’s what he is. He sure isn’t shy about complaining about Shang Qinghua’s sex scenes, or every aspect of Shang Qinghua’s writing.
Well, Shang Qinghua isn’t going to let him get away with it. He’s going to hear about it too! He just has to-
“What are you doing.”
Shang Qingua drops his phone in his haste to shove it down his pockets, so he gets to scramble under his desk like an idiot right in front of his boss. Fucking great. “Nothing! I wasn’t doing anything!”
Mobei-Jun’s angry growl has no right to be this sexy. “You’re supposed to be working. Get to it.”
Shang Qinghua sits back at his desk as fast as possible, randomly pulling a file off his desk while opening one excel spreadsheet or another. “I will! I’ll do it! I’m doing it now! I’m sorry!” That’s what Shang Qinghua gets for maintaining an acquaintance with an old friend who doesn’t have to worry about office hours.
Then again, this is kind of his job? Mobei-Jun wanted him to keep an eye out for anything useful on Luo Binghe, so he’s technically not slacking! “Actually, I was just messaging Shen Yuan, trying to get the info you asked for! He’s not very open, but I’m working on it!” He doesn’t think Shen Yuan will ever give him something Mobei-Jun would benefit from, but not for the reasons he’d think. From the way Shen Yuan complains about Luo Binghe’s general disinterest in the business he’s somehow managing like he was born into it, which he very much wasn’t, it wouldn’t even cross Luo Binghe’s mind to keep Shen Yuan informed on the ins and outs.
So Shang Qinghua is trying to find a way to get Shen Yuan to ask for said intel, cause he has a feeling Luo Binghe would tell him everything without a second thought. For someone who decided to pay their sex partner instead of wooing them, which someone like Luo Binghe could certainly have managed, he seems utterly besotted.
“Can’t we just pay him for it? He’s fine with being a whore; why wouldn’t he accept cash for info?”
Shang Qinghua winces and ducks instinctively to evade the slap Shen Yuan would have given him if he’d called him a whore in his presence. “It’s not quite like that. Shen Yuan’s relationship with Luo Binghe is complicated. Yes, Luo Binghe is paying for him, but from what I’ve gathered, it was more to skip the wooing and get to the good parts faster.” At least that’s what Shang Qinghua thinks happened. Shen Yuan, again, isn’t the most open about the details.
Plus, Shang Qinghua can’t say it didn’t work. Luo Binghe managed to get Shen Yuan living with him and doing nothing but being available to him 24/7. That has to count as a success.
Mobei-Jun seems baffled. “You can do that?”
Shang Qinghua shrugs. “Most people wouldn’t be into it, but I can get behind it. If someone with Luo Binghe’s wealth and looks told me they wanted to finance my lifestyle in exchange of sex, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Good life, here I come!”
Shang Qinghua then remembers he’s talking to his boss and not one of his former college buddies. “Ha ha, not that I really would! I am devoted to my job! I wouldn’t leave it, so please don’t fire me!” He needs the money to live!
“I’d pay you.”
Shang Qinghua startles for a second, before his brain catches up to reality. “Ha ha, that’s a funny joke, Boss.” He doesn’t know why Mobei-Jun chose now to try to develop a sense of humor, but he’s not surprised that when he decides to do so, it’s at Shang Qinghua’s expense.
“Not a joke.” Mobei-Jun takes out his wallets and pulls out what has to be at least a couple thousands yuan, which he waves in the air almost threateningly. “Take it.”
Shang Qinghua is utterly flummoxed. “Are you sure?”
Shang Qinghua leans over the desk and tentatively takes the money.
In exchange, strong arms grab his waist, lifts him off the chair he was just sitting him like he could do it in his sleep, settles him on the desk and kisses him until Shang Qinghua has to push him back to breathe, because he cannot use his nose and his mouth at the same time right now. Not enough brain cells left.
“The hell?” says Shang Qinghua with all the eloquence he has left.
Then, his brain catches up with his mouth. If, for some unfathomable reason, Mobei-Jun has decided Shang Qinghua was worthy of him spending his money, Shang Qinghua will do the smartest thing he’s ever done and let him.
Why Mobei-Jun just didn’t use his words and tell Shang Qinghua he wanted him, Shang Qinghua will probably never know. It’s not like Shang Qinghua would have told him no. No matter what Shen Yuan says, he’s not stupid. The embodiment of all his fantasies wants to fuck him? Shang Qinghua is into that.
Oh god, Shen Yuan. He’s going to have to explain to him that latest development, will he?
…Naaah. He doesn’t need to know for now.
Anyway, what is there to explain?
…Is there something to explain? Mobei-Jun hasn’t spoken since Shang Qinghua freed himself, so maybe he’s reconsidering? Shit, maybe Shang Qinghua is a terrible kisser? Is he a terrible kisser? Is Mobei-Jun reconsidering? Of course he’s reconsidering. He’s not stupid either.
This train of thoughts is stopped by Mobei-Jun’s growling, grabbing his shoulders, pushing him down on the desk and devouring his mouth.
Shang Qinghua probably isn’t a terrible kisser then! Yes! Also Mobei-Jun isn’t reconsidering, so double yes!
That’s a good thing, because he’s pretty certain he’s going to need the money to replace the shirt Mobei-Jun is apparently very offended by, if the way he ripped it off Shang Qinghua, sending buttons flying everywhere, can be believed. Not that he cares about the shirt. Mobei-Jun can destroy all of them if he wants to. Especially if it’s always following by Mobei-Jun’s teeth getting very familiar with his chest.
Or the rest of him. Mobei-Jun is so lucky Shang Qinghua is both incredibly thirsty for him and suffering from long-term celibacy. He’s definitely willing to go despite the aggressive lack of foreplay.
Not that he can imagine a moment where Mobei-Jun almost tearing his pants open to get his mouth on his cock wouldn’t be welcomed. Shang Qinghua is always down for that. Very, very down for that.
Shang Qinghua balls his hands into fists, nails digging into the flesh of his palms, to stop himself from holding Mobei-Jun’s head. Mobei-Jun might bite them off.
Shang Qinghua also bites his tongue hard enough to bleed. The building is nice enough, but Shang Qinghua can be very loud.  The last thing he wants is for some underling to come running and find them like this. He would feel guilty to have caused a death.
Soon enough, another pressing concern makes itself known. “Boss, ah, please, you should let me go.” Shang Qingqiu has never even dreamed of Mobei-Jun blowing him, but he sure doesn’t seem like the type to swallow, and he wants to keep his cock in working order. He might get to use it more later.
Mobei-Jun glares at him over his cock, which has no business being this hot. Shang Qinghua is sure he felt him twitch and leak on his tongue.
Hey, if Shang Qinghua is wrong and Mobei-Jun is the type to swallow, more power to him. Shang Qinghua isn’t exactly going to complain.
Shang Qinghua whites out when he finally comes, and then probably does so again when he opens his eyes and is faced with Mobei-Jun staring at him, a little whitish drop on the corner of his mouth.
Fuck, he just got blown by Mobei-Jun. When did his life become so great?
Mobei-Jun kisses him again with no less urgency, which Shang Qinghua can sympathize with. He hasn’t done anything for his poor boss, has he? Time to remediate that.
Shang Qinghua blinks repeatedly, trying to keep himself awake after the many, many rounds he’s just gone through.
His back is going to hurt like hell, isn’t it? And not just his back. He’ll probably be out of commission for days.
Doesn’t matter. So worth it. Even if it was a one-time thing, it’d still be worth it.
Is it a one-time thing? Does Shang Qinghua still have a job? Two jobs?
He should ask, right? It’s probably the right time to do so. Even Mobei-Jun probably is in a good mood after getting laid. “Boss?”
Mobei-Jun makes a noise Shang Qinghua decides to interpret as encouragement for him to continue. “Am I your sugar baby now? Do I have to come to work tomorrow?”
Mobei-Jun frowns.
Well, the whole thing was pretty spontaneous. There is probably no plan.
“You’re working tomorrow.”
Ahh, too bad. Well, it was nice while it lasted.
“I have to get you a replacement before you go.”
Shang Qinghua straightens up. “Just to be clear, that’s because you’re going to bankroll me personally, right? Not because I just lost my job for being unprofessional, right?”
Mobei-Jun nods.
Success! Shang Qinghua just won at life! He'll finally get to write whatever he wants instead of what sells! And he’s got a scorching not-boyfriend on top of it! Take that, Shen Yuan! You’re not the only one who can attract crazy rich guys! “Am I moving in with you? Or are we just not-dating? I’ll do whatever you want, no problem! Or wear whatever you want, cause this shirt is so dead I’m not sure how I’m going to leave this room, but I don’t care! You can do it again if you want to!”
Mobei-Jun throws his blazer in Shang Qinghua’s face like he’s an especially rude shoujo manga love interest. “Put this on. I’ll get back to you for the details, but you’ll be moving in with me.”
“Okay! I’ll be waiting!” He’ll wait forever if he has to. So worth it.
He’ll have to remember to buy Shen Yuan something to thank him for making this possible.
He’ll probably order him a bunch of the weirdest sex toys he can find and have them delivered anonymously to Luo Binghe. Shen Yuan will thank him someday.
Okay, he never will, but Shang Qinghua will know in his heart he did right by his friend.
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ryukoishida · 4 years
QianQiu/Thousand Autumns Fic: In which gang leader!YWS and school teacher!SQ falls in love.
Title: You’re a Problem I Encounter Fandom: Qian Qiu / Thousand Autumns Characters/Ships: YanShen Rating: NSFW eventually Chapter: 1/? Summary: Yan Wushi was the proud leader of Huan Yue Group, one of the most influential syndicates in the underground world, who wanted nothing more than to see the world burn. His accidental encounter with the pure-hearted school teacher Shen Qiao was a problem he didn’t expect to get entangled in. A/N: A syndicate!AU that literally nobody asks for. It’s also been awhile since I last wrote a fic, so please excuse awkward/bad writing. Sobs. List of Chapters: [1] [2] [3] 
i. First Encounter
“Tie the pretty boy up nice and tight,” Sang Jingxing ordered his subordinates in a lazy drawl, his face half hidden in the shadow of the poorly lit room, but even the darkness couldn’t conceal the cruel smile crawling along the lips of the deputy leader of He Huan Group. As he stepped away from the wall and began walking towards his captive, his grin widening when he saw how much of a mess his men had made of the young man, his foot crushed the discarded glasses that’d been knocked off the man’s face during the brief but vicious fight.
There were no windows, just a lone, bare lightbulb swinging back and forth from the ceiling casting a meager glow of light in the underground chamber.
Glancing down at the half-conscious man bound at the wrists behind his back, Sang Jingxing grabbed a fistful of his hair and forced his neck to crane back.
“We don’t want you running back to your daddy so soon again, do we?”  
The only response he received was a pained groan. A sound that sent trills of excitement down Sang Jingxing’s back.
It had taken four trained men to finally take Shen Qiao down. By the time the scuffle ended, Xiao Se had an impressive bruise on his right cheek, Yan Shou had bloodied scratches along one of his arms, Huo Xijing had been elbowed directly in the solar plexus and was still recovering on the ground, and Bai Rong was smart enough to retreat just after receiving a blow that barely missed her eyes.  
After a valiant attempt at escaping, Shen Qiao was no match for the sheer number of guards Sang Jingxing had assigned to keep him under surveillance in the end.
“At least not before we get what we want, isn’t that right, my dear?” Sang Jingxing turned towards the woman with an overly saccharine smile.
Yuan Xiuxiu rolled her eyes at her partner’s theatrics, but after working and managing He Huan Group together for so many years, she was used to his antics by now, so she merely ran a hand through her wavy hair and replied, “I don’t care what you do with the boy – torture him, fuck him – do whatever you want. Just don’t go overboard. We still need him alive if we were to negotiate with Qi Fengge.”
“Whatever you say, dear,” Sang Jingxing said to Yuan Xiuxiu’s retreating back as the leader of He Huan Group slammed the cell door shut behind her without another word.
There were no windows, just a lone, bare lightbulb swinging back and forth from the ceiling casting a meager glow of light in the underground chamber.
“Ah… Shen Qiao. Do you know how much of a pain in the ass it was to steal you away under Qing Fengge’s nose?” he’d released his grip on Shen Qiao’s hair, and his head lolled forward like a broken, ragged doll. Blood streaks on his face made his complexion more pallid, and the only sign that he was still breathing was the shallow rise and fall of his chest.
Sang Jingxing continued, circling his captured prey like a hawk. “I get that you’re his adopted son, but you aren’t even meant to be his successor, so why does he spent so much of his resources on protecting you?”
He wasn’t really expecting an answer, but he wanted to have fun with the boy first before he dived straight into business. With a leering, animalistic gleam in his eye, Sang Jingxing reached out towards Shen Qiao’s bruised face, thumb roughly brushing against the man’s lower lip as he tried to force his finger past the seam of his lips.
Though Shen Qiao was in no shape to fight back, he was not a man who surrendered as long as a drop of strength still remained inside him. He twisted away from his captor’s hand and swiftly angled his head to bite Sang Jingxing’s finger with a snarl, hazel eyes bloodshot from what little adrenaline still lingered in his system during the fight.
Sang Jingxing hissed in pain, fury flashing across his eyes as he yanked his hand back, and Shen Qiao felt a sharp blow across his cheek just a short second later. Taste of iron flooded in his mouth.
“Playing hard-to-get is cute the first time around,” Sang Jingxing muttered while inspecting the teeth marks Shen Qiao had inflicted on him, before he put his hand on Shen Qiao once more, “but I don’t have that much patience, even for a beauty like you.”
He wrapped his fingers around Shen Qiao’s neck and started to squeeze with real intent to hurt.
“Yan Wushi, how did you—!” Yuan Xiuxiu’s muffled high-pitched exclaim transmitted through the thin walls of the basement and was interrupted by a distressed scream.
Before Sang Jingxing could react or shout for backup, he heard the men who were stationed outside the cell yelped in surprise and agony, and two successive bodily thuds later, the cell door was busted open.
Two men strode in with confident steps. The one leading had a cold, lethal look to his maroon eyes, the streak of star-silver locks a stark contrast to his otherwise dark, slicked back hair. In between his index and middle fingers was a small silver blade, still dripping with fresh blood of his latest victims; he wiped the blood off with a clean handkerchief that the younger man standing just half a step behind him handed him with the kind of easy elegance that one couldn’t simply mimic.
“Sang Jingxing, has He Huan Group lost so much money these days that you can’t even afford decent guards anymore?” the older man sneered.
“Leader Yan,” the utter of the respectful title was pleasant enough, but they’d been rivals long enough to know that there was no amiability in this exchange, “what’s the meaning of this?”
“I heard you got yourself a new plaything,” Yan Wushi said, glancing over at the barely conscious Shen Qiao with one of his eyebrows raised, “is that him?”
“What is it to you?” Sang Jingxing asked, narrowing his eyes. His flexed his fingers instinctively, his muscles taut and itching to reach for the revolver tucked inside his suit jacket. If anything, at least he was certain that the bullet would find its target faster than Yan Wushi could cause any real damage with his infamous silver blade. It had been awhile since they last confronted each other face to face like this, but Sang Jingxing could never forget the scars and humiliation of defeat from their last meeting.
“Oh, calm down,” Yan Wushi chuckled, the other man’s subtle signs to initiate the first attack all too obvious under his trained observation, “I’m not here to pick a fight, unless you’ve already forgotten what that was like the last time that happened.”
Sang Jingxing pressed his lips tight, silent anger threatening to boil over in the form of whipping out his revolver and pulling the trigger, but he didn’t dare — not when he knew he’d already lost. The fear of losing once again to this man – this monster – was simmering at the back of his mind, and he had a feeling that he wouldn’t be able to get away with just a long, ugly cut along his back this time.
“That’s what I thought,” the corner of Yan Wushi’s lips curved up slightly into a cold smile, “let’s not waste any time here. I’ll take what I want, and then we’ll each go our separate ways, hmm?”
“Yu Shengyan,” the leader of Huan Yue Group commanded his assistant with a nod towards the bloodied man still tied up in the chair a few steps away from them. Without further instructions, Yu Shengyan quickly ran over to Shen Qiao and started to cut the ropes loose. With practiced swipes of his switchblade, it took him only a short moment before he freed Shen Qiao.
At this point, Shen Qiao had already completely fainted, and when released from his restraints, he fell forward limply into Yu Shengyan’s arms.
“What do you want with Qi Fengge’s kid anyway?” Sang Jingxing asked. Though he’d given up on trying to keep Shen Qiao in his possession, curiosity still got the best of him.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Yan Wushi only said with a laugh.
Carrying Shen Qiao on his back, Yu Shengyan followed his master out of the dank basement cell, thrilled that he got to witness Yan Wushi scaring the shit out of Sang Jingxing and his minions, but mostly confused about the purpose of this confrontation. He didn’t know what to expect when Yan Wushi had suddenly ordered him to come to He Huan Group’s headquarters. To be honest, the young assistant had been half-expecting the gang leader to start a bloodshed for one reason or another — after all, it wouldn’t have been the first time Yan Wushi went off the rails due to the most miniscule of reasons — but he’d never thought they’d be rescuing a stranger.
They were rescuing him, right? Yu Shengyan was hesitant as he carefully placed the unconscious man into the back of the car before slipping into the driver’s seat. Glancing over at his master out of the corner of his eye, the young man almost felt sorry for Shen Qiao, for he recognized that particular look on Yan Wushi’s face.
It probably would not bode well for the man still unaware of what he’d gotten himself into by getting accidentally entangled into Yan Wushi’s life.
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tossawary · 4 years
Some random favorite lines (with commentary) of Chapter 20: “The Other Shoe” of “pride is not the word I’m looking for” because I’m doing a re-read. Not a full list or full commentary.
AN: I actually really like the title of this chapter. It’s a reference to the saying, “Waiting for the other shoe to drop.” Both in regards to the arrival of SVSSS’s other transmigrator and to the sudden, forced System World Update that happens because SQH’s been breaking the world too much.
 One of Mu Qingfang’s glowing hands is on the man’s bared stomach, while another rests on his chest, and Shen Qingqiu bares his teeth in agony. Mu Qingfang is speaking very quickly to the people around him - voice sharp with urgency and brow furrowed with intense concentration - giving instructions to his patient, his head disciple at his side, and his sect leader. 
 Yue Qingyuan is kneeling beside Shen Qingqiu, hunched and desperate and wild-eyed, letting the other man squeeze all life and feeling from his fingers, the both of them holding on for dear life. 
AN: My feelings towards YQY, SQQ, and Qijiu have their ups and downs, but I’m always firmly convinced that they care. If they cared less, if they were both more vulnerable people, maybe they could actually talk about it. 
 The young man has short hair -  short hair -  short enough that the tips only just cover the top of his ears. That’s one of the many haircuts Shang Qinghua thinks about wistfully every time the weather gets too fucking hot for fancy long hair. The kid turns to look at Shang Qinghua, clearly terrified, wide-eyed behind his glasses.  Glasses!  Semi-rimless glasses with bright blue frames! And to top it all off, the kid is barefoot and wearing  patterned pyjamas, with buttons and a breast pocket, and just the sight of them is nearly enough to knock Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky back on his ass. 
  Modern  hair.  Modern  glasses.  Modern clothing. 
AN: Why give SY piercings? Idk, because it’s fun. That’s it. Here’s some young punk with a cool haircut and cool piercings and also glasses and button-down patterned pyjamas, who likes to read shitty stallion novels for the monsters and the emotional arcs and negative development of the sexy protagonist. 
 Shang Qinghua launches forward and grabs the transmigrator - holy fucking shit, the  transmigrator  - by the arms. The transmigrator  wobbles  under Shang Qinghua’s hands, which makes Shang Qinghua’s skin crawl in sympathy and  “get me the fuck away from this thing” horror, but there’s something there - something mostly there - to hold. The kid struggles, but he’s not strong and not heavy, and Shang Qinghua is arguably a little bit more than human at this point. 
AN: They are both... SO FAR from home. 
 Flashy and attention-grabbing? Yes. Probably a crime against graphic design? Also yes. Ahhh, Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky probably thought it was cool! But it’s been… ehhh… a few decades in the world itself has given Shang Qinghua some opinions and different tastes. Super nostalgic! But, like, in a very bad, dread-inducing,  “a haunting image from another life”,  and  “someone just walked over my grave”  way. 
AN: It is immensely funny to me to imagine someone being genuinely (and for good reason) haunted by some shitty web-novel banner. It’s like picturing a “Modern Character in Naruto” Self-Insert knee-deep in some extremely bloody ninja wars and then being confronted by the Naruto title design again. 
The dissonance of experiences! 
“...You’re… you’re a transmigrator,” the kid says. 
 Being found out is definitely one of the Top Ten Worst Transmigration Crimes, so far as Shang Qinghua has been able to pierce them together from his System’s disapproval. But, ahhh, it looks like Shang Qinghua’s own System has just done that for him! What the fuck are rules or reality anymore? 
 “For my sins,” he answers. 
AN: Says the Author God of this world, Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky. 
 "So! You're a reader?" Shang Qinghua asks. "A fan?" 
 "I wouldn't say 'fan',” the kid grumbles, lifting his chin while still visibly trembling. “What's the other option? Someone who didn't waste hours of their life on a stallion novel written by someone with no taste and the writing skills of a grade-schooler? A ‘non-reader’?" The kid's eyes narrow. "The author?" 
 Shang Qinghua is both mildly hurt and reluctantly impressed. “Ah, wow, you’re sharp,” he says. “An anti-fan, then? Hey, that’s fine, it was kind of all the same to me, really.” 
 The kid blinks at him, apparently surprised to be right. “You’re… Airplane?” 
AN: SY can be a complacent guy sometimes, but he can also be sharp sometimes too. It’s a fun balance. 
 He’s been here, alone, for decades. If there are more transmigrators, Shang Qinghua is going to scream. In fact, it’s really unfair that he’s not screaming now! He would really, really,  really  like to start panicking now! He’s having a day here! Except the kid currently has the  “allowed to panic”  ball right now. Dying (Shang Qinghua assumes), transmigration, almost becoming  Shen Qingqiu, and getting a broken transmigration instead? That’s a lot of bad news in very quick succession! Shang Qinghua doesn’t want to set the kid off or make an even worse first impression by having a much-deserved breakdown. 
 He’ll have his breakdown later in private, like a responsible adult. 
AN: SQH has the “Responsible Adult” Override here. 
“The time and place for your appearance wasn’t good,” Shang Qinghua admits. “But I can come up with something for a mysterious backstory. I have some pull here, you know. There are lots of teleportation plot-devices lying around. You’re an escapee from somewhere, fleeing… ah, something. Someone, maybe! Hey, you pretend to have amnesia about the whole thing and we call it a day! If we’re lucky, you get lost in the shuffle!” 
 “Amnesia,” the kid repeats, unimpressed. 
 “It’s cliché because it’s a classic, Cucumber-Bro.” 
 “I’ve always wanted to be a  Proud Immortal Demon Way  background character with potential for an interesting story, but who gets abandoned in favor of  papapa plotlines and fades away into non-existence!” 
AN: Cucumberplane banter is just fun. 
 “Hey, want to learn to cultivate? You can learn to cultivate!” 
 “With  your cultivation system?” the kid says, unimpressed and wary, but he’s totally considering it. Flying swords are pretty tempting! 
 Kids love the flying swords! 
AN: SQH is definitely trying to pull a “hey, shiny thing!” tactic. 
“...The System will look after you,” Shang Qinghua says. 
 The kid squints at him. “What?” 
 “I was lying before,” Shang Qinghua lies. “I just didn’t want to do the update. Yeah, it’s actually going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine, bro.” 
 Now the kid called Peerless Cucumber looks like he doesn’t know whether to be relieved or furious; he looks like he’s managing both at once pretty well. “You’re only looking out for yourself here, aren’t you?” he says icily. “It’s like you really are Shang Qinghua.” 
 “The one and only,” Shang Qinghua agrees. 
AN: There’s a lot I like about this moment. Shang Qinghua lying to comfort Shen Yuan in the face of the unknown. Shen Yuan being prickly again and pulling out another insult. Airplane honestly being the only Shang Qinghua there’s ever been in this world. He really is Shang Qinghua now! This is his life! 
 He needs to think that he has some control over the life he is living  right now and has been living for decades now. This is a life that he really doesn’t want to see actually become the shitty story he wrote. 
 Shang Qinghua grabs the kid by the arm and makes for th
AN: This was mean, but it was also a lot of fun. I’ve had AO3 glitches before. Time to mimic them now in a serial storytelling format for tension!
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natsunoomoi · 4 years
More SVSSS stuff because I just watched ep 5. I’m not in a position at the moment to pay for the VIP pass and plus it’s like one show that I’d be paying for, so eh. I think I can wait.
The highlight for me is definitely always just looking at Shen Qingqiu’s face. I really like how he looks. Like when they show grown Luo Binghe he looks nice too, but it’s not that often. When Liu Qingge comes out of the cave I’ll probably enjoy the eye candy for every episode thereafter. I’m not normally really like this, so I think the aesthetics of this show just touch on something very comfortable deep in the recesses of my memory of some kung fu movie I watched with my Dad as a young child that imprinted on me so I have a very specific weakness for men with that kind of a look.
I also have a very specific weakness for villain characters that have a kind of redemption or a complicated past with some inklings of maybe they could be redeemed even if overall they were kind of a dick for at least a portion of their lives. This is my Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho weakness that almost universally applies to almost all my interests in life. I think the idea that Shen Jiu set his owner’s house on fire and killed them all except for his friend relates rather strongly to that because that is the thing that Hiei ulitimately decided not to do, but was the thing the Koorime in Hyouka no Kuni feared. Except Shen Jiu acted on it.
But like Shen Jiu supposedly could have been saved if the original’s author was a better writer and wasn’t writing a bullshit stallion novel. Like the fact that he saved Haitang is a compelling example of how his heart wasn’t completely cold. Of course she was his fiancee and people kind of are iffy about if they really were, but like they probably were between each other. Even if he was a slave, she lived in his house and she was his friend and they talk to each other. Naturally if you get along with each other really well, maybe as kids you just say, “When I grow up, I want to marry you.” Then because they’re friends and they like each other, they agree and they plan it that way. Just between them. Nothing to do with her family or the reality of the situation. Just two cute kids making a promise innocently. But like with that backdrop, it’s kind of understandable that he would save her from his slaughter and the fire that he set to destroy her family house. The interesting thing is that he never once in his entire time living there or even in the aftermath tried to tell her what her family was really like and what they did to him. He left her to hate him for what he did and assume that her family was innocent and the attack was unprovoked. He didn’t do anything to destroy her image of her loved ones.
It’s really sad how strong his mistrust for other men is, but that’s trauma too. We’re not really given specifics of how exactly he lived as a slave. We know that he was the 9th one bought, but he likely slept in close quarters with other slaves because it’s not like a noble family would give a whole lot to their slaves and amenities were probably sparse. For very different reasons, the disciple quarters even on Qing Jing Peak are probably similar. Sparse to focus on training and cultivation and close because of the number of disciples and just the overall situation. Even if the quarters had relatively more space than his slave quarters, that does sound too similar for it to be a huge trauma trigger for him on top of being surrounded by mostly other males. Self-isolation as a result of the trauma and hyper focusing on just his cultivation as a means to survive and get by day by day and create the foundation for his entire identity and basically it’s definitely the set up for disaster and all of Shen Jiu’s problems socially that lead him to being the main villain for the original story. It’s very sad. If only Yue Qingyuan tried to actually talk with him more instead of apologizing. I know he probably figured ultimately his excuse doesn’t matter, and it doesn’t, but Shen Jiu really needed help and to feel like his whole world wasn’t cold. Just knowing that he was in his friend’s thoughts and he tried to come back maybe could have eased his suffering even a little and start to build up a new level of trust again for him in particular but even for men in general. It’s sad as well that no mentors in his time there as a disciple ever like kind of noticed and tried to like just talk to him. I know he keeps his cards close and probably didn’t show outwardly he was struggling, but like how come no one asked how come he was spending so much time at the Warm Red Pavilion with women? That’s strange right? No one was concerned? I mean, like even if ultimately you say, it’s up to you if you want to keep going and that’s your business, still maybe ask and be like, “Hey, so I notice you’re not sleeping along with the other disciples and spend every night with the ladies over there? Uh, what’s up?” I think like for his teachers that might have been an important thing they should have done, but no one did? That seems like a big plothole to me that he was allowed to just continue like that with no one asking even once or showing concern that the top disciple of Qing Jing Peak was not socializing with the other disciples or sleeping in the same quarters as them. I’m surprised even not one of the ladies in the Pavilion even asked why he was there every night. I mean, I’m sure they wouldn’t want to shoo a way a client, but like no one asked even like one time? I understand from the meta point of view that plothole is probably there on purpose to show how the original’s author was a dumpster fire to create a horrible world of super toxic masculinity as an ouroboros eating itself, but jfc I really feel bad for Shen Jiu that he was made to feel such suffering as a result of absolutely shit writing just to make him an enemy for Demon Binghe.
Oh and he just had a shit first cultivation master too. What the hell with the horrible luck. This poor kid is just trying to survive and he just gets a raw deal.
But I suppose that’s also like a masterful backstory on MXTX’s part to make us root for Shen Yuan’s rewrite and create a happy life for “Qingqiu” that he wasn’t able to make himself. He did it initially for his own self-interest, but the Qingqiu everyone knows in the end is much more well-adjusted. I’m still sad though that it feels like that means original Shen Jiu still left that world with Shen Yuan replacing him only knowing sadness.
So then I was poking around the tags on here and saw someone had a theory that original Shen Jiu got punted from his timeline and turning into Shen Yuan who knows the whole story and then dies and gets put into his old body. I actually buy this, but my version of the timeline is different. Like I was thinking Shen Jiu-Qingqiu died as a human stick under all the torture and everything and then became reborn as Shen Yuan reading through his whole life and mistakes through a horribly written story and then dying via food poisoning and brought into his own old life with a chance to redeem himself. I really like this idea except that Shen Jiu seems really, really straight and Shen Yuan may be a bit more fluid.
But all this to say, that I have an itch in a confluence of all of my weaknesses to want to really comfort Shen Jiu. ;o; There’s a small part of me that while enjoying Shen Yuan’s rewrites, also really wished Shen Jiu could have been happier so he didn’t turn into such a dick because literally no one else around him seemed to do anything except let him fuck himself over including the people who supposedly cared about him. So very sad. T_T
And then maybe this should be in a different post that’s a different topic. I kind of touched on a bit how the image of the situation probably doesn’t look great, but it looks like some people are like bashing on the Bingqiu ship? It’s the canon ship for one, so just stop there.
But if you really want to go into it, as another person pointed out, the actual teacher-student relationship was between original Qingqiu and Binghe. We’re reading a different situation because it’s Shen Yuan who was a Binghe fanboy who has the relationship with Binghe. The imaging isn’t great because he’s in and controlling Qingqiu’s body, and the rest of the characters in the world don’t know this, but the meta reading of this is that it’s okay because it’s a different person actually. In world, the other characters do probably find it a little odd and the issue with Qingge in the succubus cave as I mentioned before, he’s probably panicking when the succubus mentions that Qingqiiu’s love interest is a junior because he can only think of himself as that role and didn’t think to include a disciple into that description. It doesn’t seem like it’s completely unheard of or taboo though because there seems to be some implications that maybe Shen Jiu originally had some kind of designs on Ning Yingying because he’s also a bit jealous of Binghe for getting her attention too? A large part of his jealousy comes from his insecurity with his cultivation and other people having more advantage or potential to surpass him despite his hard work, because again trauma and hyper focusing on building his entire identity around one thing and no one helping him, but like also seems in this world there’s some leeway between teacher-student relations turning into something else. This is not really a normal kind of situation where they go into a modern school or anything. A lot of the disciples were probably at one point also juniors to their master before they graduated to become a lord, and when they grow enough to end their disciple term and can become more independent cultivators they’re not really obligated to stick by such a standard because they’re adults. Like maybe they hang around the sect still and work as like someone they happen to send out on demon slaying missions if they choose to stay instead of going off somewhere and it functions a bit more like an army in that regard where they’re not really learning anything new or getting any new instruction, but they’re still kind of a disciple. It’s not a perfect 1:1 relation to teacher-student relationships because of the structure of cultivation sects. It’s not great in the army to have a relationship with your CO either, but the point in the story when their relationship develops is more like that. But like Mingfan probably eventually would go back to his family and just live out a noble life because he is a noble, so it’s not like all the disciples would stay and perpetually be students forever. There’s some very important distinctions at play here in the story that the people who object to this aren’t understanding. 
Like this isn’t like an actual school like in Harry Potter or something where the kids all go off to Hogwarts and there are actual students and teachers and every Peak is like a Hogwarts House. They’re learning and the peak lord gives them some level of instruction, but there’s also a great deal of independent study because cultivation is very personal and bound by natural talent and how much you put into it. The fact that everyone has their own manual should tell you a lot about the structure and how it’s okay for Qingqiu to leave for 3 years to go meditate in a cave. The masters in these situations are more like more well studied seniors who just have more experience and have been appointed to help you get unstuck or something because they have more experience to troubleshoot. There’s some authority carried with that as well, but it’s a very different experience from like a boarding school, so such a relationship is not entirely taboo. It’s not perfect because if you’re still trying to play the old roles at the same as your new role as a partnership that can get kind of weird, but it can work out if there’s communication involved as with generally all things.
So yeah, Bingqiu is actually okay, and rather than harping on something that’s not an issue, I think the more interesting discussion is how obligated a person is to be faithful to a different person’s life if they end up in their body. Like for body swap movies where the change is temporary they’re always like “Hey, don’t f up my life!” But like this is a permanent change where Shen Yuan was inserted into Qingqiu’s life after he was already established. What is the philosophical theory to how much he should keep up Qingqiu’s responsibilities and how much freedom should he exert for his own desires? That’s the real question. I think the balance he struck became ultimately more happy for everyone in the sect, so eh.
I realize a lot of this is not related to the episode, but the episode is just a continuation of the sparring match and nothing much else to say about it. The most interesting thing is getting to see a flashback of the original Qingqiu and getting a better idea of who he was like instead of the Shen Yuan version we know.
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joyfulpoet · 6 years
Handsome Brothers’ Daycare
Modern AU crossover where Lan Wangji collects all his queer brothers to help him run a daycare.
Part 1 | Part 2
~~~~ part 3
The man seated across from him at the cafe did look rather, unwell. He was so pale his skin was almost translucent; face thin, with dark smudges under the eyes. It was concerning. But Yue Qingyuan had insisted that his friend Shen Yuan was interested in the job and that his doctors had given the ok for him work again, as long as it wasn’t overly stressful.
Of the business tycoons that Lan WangJi had met before leaving the business world behind, Yue Qingyuan was a rare breed. He was more for quality over quantity; valuing getting the job done right even if it took an extra year to do it. This had at first earned him a lot of criticism from others, but as every job he handled went off without a hitch and none of them turned sour later. Many of those critics learned it was better to swallow their tongues then to bad mouth him. To say the least Lan WangJi had respect for the man.
But the fact that the job he needed to fill did require the person to be able to work with a bunch of rambunctious children left him a bit concerned. Lan WangJi looked back down at the resume. Shen Yuan did have experience from before his illness had surfaced and had work with young children before. So he would know what would be the best subjects to focus on.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Shen Yuan interrupted Lan WangJi’s thoughts. His voice was strong at least, nothing in it hinted at the possibility of the owner being ill. “I look like shit.”
He hadn’t planned to say anything to that extent to the man’s face. Lan Wangji merely nod at him to continue.
“I had hoped to wait a week before meeting with you, but Yue was very insistent that I meet with you as soon as possible. My doctor a few months back convinced me to try out a new treatment that should help keep me in better health in the long term. It’s just that I look like hell for a week right afterwards.”
Lan WangJi nodded in understanding before asking “Do these treatments happen frequently?”
Shen Yuan waved his hand as if he could shoo away the concern. “No no, only once every three to four months. I’ll only need a week to rest afterwards.”
This just made Lan WangJi more concerned. Yue Qingyuan did say his friend had a bad tendency to downplay his illness, believing himself a burden.
“Is there a reason you don’t want to go back to teaching high school again? You must miss it.”
The man across from him studied the top of their table where he’d been folding one of the napkins up like a fan. “The school I had work for had been a public one. Most of the kids were poor. A lot of them by the time they got to me were on their way to being delinquents. In their minds no one cared about them, so why should they? As their Shizun I did my best to let them know I cared, but . . .” A deep sadness etched his face. “I’ve always wondered if I’d met them sooner if things could be different.”
“Most of the looking after will be done by Brother Xie and I. You needing more time after treatments will not be a problem.”
Shen Yuan blinked a bit looking up. “Oh.” Tentatively he asked, “Does that mean you’re hiring me?”
Lan WangJi nodded, shuffling papers back into their folder. “I trust Yue Qingyuan judgement, and I want people who care.”
Lan WangJi was just starting to prepare lunch for the children when a large, slightly bewildered looking young man in a black hoody wondered in through the back door. He paused before looking about as if he’d lost something. His face crumpled up a bit, Lan WangJi was unsure if it was from sadness or anger.
“ . . . Can I help you?”
The young man jumped a bit, he seemingly hadn’t noticed the other person in the room.
“ . . . Shizun . . .” Was all he was able to mumble out.
They stared at each for awhile before Lan WangJi asked “Shen Yuan?”
“He’s setting up for the lesson after nap-time.”
“ . . . oh? May I go see him?”
“ . . . No.”
“Why not?” There was hard edge underlining to the question.
Lan WangJi huffed as he went to check the rice. “There are children here.”
The young man blinked. “Why are there children?”
“This is a daycare.”
“Oh . . .” The young man nodded in understanding, then shifted about uncomfortably, clenching and unclenching his hands.
Since he hadn’t tried to leave the kitchen Lan WangJi decided for the time being he wasn’t a threat and went back to cooking. He was just starting to place the meat in the heated pan when there came a pained strangled sound from behind him.
“Elder Brother, do you even know how to cook?!”
Offended Lan Wangji turned to give him a reproached look. The food he made might be bland but it was at least edible. Brother Xie somehow always manage to charr everything to black bits; while Brother Shen only knew how to microwave food. Such was the life of bachelors from well off families. Though Brother Xie had the excuse of having not lived anywhere with a kitchen in some years. It also surprisingly stung when a three year old tells you your cooking is awful.
Ignoring the glare, the young man rolled up the sleeves of his hoodie before grabbing the cooking utensils from Lan WangJi’s hands.
“If you cook the meat like that it’ll get all tough. You want it soft.”
Sometime later Shen Yuan wandered into the kitchen to see about helping Brother Lan with the lunch. And found it a little more crowed then usual.
“What’s this? Did you hire a cook while I was a way Brother Lan?”
There was a clatter as the young man fumbled the rice spoon. Luckily no rice was lost in the process.
“ . . . Maybe.” Came the rumbled reply. “He seems to know you.”
“Does he?” He looked at the young man. There was something about his face that felt familiar. It was a very handsome face, still with a touch of boyish softness giving it a devilish charm. The half ponytail in his wavy hair gave him a slight wilded look. Where had he seen him before?
A blush had started to creep up the young man’s face while he fidgeted with the rice spoon.
“Has Shizun forgotten this student?”
“Oh! Little Luo Binghe! Though you’re not so little anymore!” Shen Yuan couldn’t help but grin at seeing his favorite student.
The last time he had seen this student he had been a gangly 17 year old who barely came up to his shoulder. What a surprise he grew up to be so tall and handsome! He was even taller then Brother Lan who was also very tall.
Luo Binghe face crumpled up, the corners of his eyebrows twitched. Did the boy have a stomach ache?
Everything was just too much for Luo Binghe. Here was his old Shizun, smiling as if he hadn’t just up and disappeared five years ago. Like he knew nothing of what happened afterwards. Anger clogged his throat while his heart felt like it was being strangled.
“Shizun,” he finally managed to scrape out while glowering down at the spoon, “where have you been all this time? Did you not think people would worry?”
The last bit was interrupted by Brother Lan.
“Sit down before you pass out.”
A weak voice protested with the sound of chair being pulled out, “Eh? I’m fine Brother Lan, I’m fine.”
Luo Binghe looked up as a pale Shen Yuan was gently pushed to sit.
“Is Shizun unwell?” The Shizun he remembered had always been healthy.
“I’m fine!” he exclaimed waving his hand as if to shoo the concern away. He’s face then turned a pale green nearly matching the shirt he wore. Slowly he bent forward to place his head between his knees.
“You were up editing for that friend of yours again.” Brother Lan stated.
There was an awkward silence before Shizun answered with a sheepish, “I couldn’t sleep.”
The other man huffed before turning to fill a glass with water and setting it on the table next to Shizun, still folded in half over his knees. A gruff “Rest” was muttered before he left the kitchen. An uncomfortable silence blanketed the room, only broken by the sound of the rice cooker beeping that it was done.
A quiet, muffled “I’m sorry.” came shortly after. Slowly Shen Yuan raised his head until he was able to sit up straight. “I had not wanted to worry anyone. I was very selfish that day when I choose not to return or to give a proper goodbye. I understand if you’re angry with this Shizun.”
The man before him wasn’t the same Shizun. He was too thin and pale. Luo Binghe had dreamed about returning the suffering he’d had after Shizun left. Make him understand the betrayal he felt those five years ago. But he hadn’t expected this, this shadow of a man. He felt his heart being pinched in sympathy. How could he rage at a man who looked as if a gust of wind would blow him over. It was just so unfair.
Before he could find anymore words to say Brother Lan returned with a much smaller man in tow.
“Brother Shen! I heard you nearly fainted again! Are you alright?” This new brother smiled comfortingly while gently petting Shen Yuan on the head. “Should we postpone your lesson for tomorrow? I can always take the older children with when I take the younger ones to the park to play.”
Shizun shook his head as he accepted a medication bottle that Brother Lan handed him. Shaking a few out he swallowed them with the water from early before answering.
“No I’ll be fine once I’ve rested, but thank you Brother Xie. Don’t glare at me like that Brother Lan, I’m just tired.”
Luo Binghe glanced at the brother in question. His face was still as stone as ever. He’d been in close proximity to him for almost an hour as he’d helped cook. The man had said very little both with his words and his face. But the feeling of closeness the two men had with his Shizun grated at him strangely.
“You should rest upstairs.”  Said Brother Lan, “It will be quieter.” Shen Yuan looked as if he was going to argue when he said, “I will tell Yue.” A look of horror crossed Shizun’s face.
“That’s playing dirty!”
“Take better care and I would not have too.”
Then for the first time in his young life Luo Binghe saw Shizun pout.
The problem with Wei Wuxian isn’t that he’s not aware he’s queer. He’s well aware he’s a bi disaster. He just forgets he’s not the only one. And right now he’s in agony.
Those older sisters weren’t lying when they called this the Handsome Brothers’ Daycare. All the brothers here were definitely VERY handsome, and probably also very straight. Even the grumpy puppy in the back that glared at him from the doorway when he was talking to Brother Shen. That one was too young for his tastes though. Brother Shen wasn’t too bad. He seemed very gentle and had a good face despite looking like he might have been ill recently. It made Wei Wuxian want to wrap him up like a burrito and feed him soup.
There was another brother he’d yet to get a good look at as he was being dragged about by small children. He seem to be a small bean with a blinding smile. Wei Wuxian could image cuddling with him. Just the right size to tuck under his chin.
Right now though he was fighting hard not to tease the stone faced brother in front of him, typing away at the computer. The serious ones were Wei Wuxian’s favorite. They always reacted in one of two ways to his flirting. Either they would get flustered but be too polite to say anything, or they’d get angry and start yelling. But given that this stone face brother was the owner and Wei Wuxian REALLY needed someone to watch his son and nephew, he’d just have to keep his shamelessness to himself.
He wasn’t supposed to be work this morning. Him and his Shijie had an arrangement so that when one of them was working the other could watch both of their munchkins. But one of his part-time jobs had called him in a panic saying they really need him to come in. Being the bleed heart he was he agreed to if he could find someone to watch the kids. A lot of the other parents in his apartment complex however also had work. But one of the ladies took pity on him and told him to check out the daycare by the old park.
The prices were surprisingly reasonable, and the place, while not new looking, looked clean and inviting. The walls were painted with murals of clouds and mountains, almost making you believe you were in the heavens with the early morning sunlight streaming in through the big windows at the front of the building. Along the walls were shelves full of books and toys for the children to play with. The floor was littered with squishy bean bags and overly large pillows for siting or laying on. The preschool lessons had a small sectioned off area to the back with folding screens if the smaller children proved too distracting. Apparently there was even a vegetable garden out back where a small colony of bunnies lived that the kids could help care for.
Wei Wuxian was almost jealous. This was practically a small paradise for children. On top of that they got to play all day with all these handsome brothers and demand all the hugs they wanted! He was so distracted by the musings of his crooked little heart that he forgot that he had decided to behave himself.
“Lan Er Gege, you must have all the single moms fawning over you being so handsome.” Wei Ying gave him his most flirty smile awhile giving him a very obvious once over.
The man in question paused in his typing to turn his pale eyes to Wei Wuxian. He did look very good, with his shoulder length black hair tied back while wearing a well tailored, pale blue dress shirt with a slim white necktie. The tie, he observed had little cloud motifs embroidered in a marching thread color to his shirt, which he found rather cute. Neckties were also great for playing with.
To his utter disappointment though, Brother Lan did not react to his flirtation. The man merely blinked twice before turning back to the computer. What Wei Ying hadn’t noticed was that the lobs of Brother Lan’s ears had started to turn red.
Wei Wuxian was just thinking of his next attack when the small child in his arms started to squirm. When he’d left the apartment this morning to take A-Yuan and A-Ling to the daycare, A-Yuan had still been fast asleep. Instead of waking him Wei Wuxian decided to just carry him even though he was getting quite big for a three year old.
“Oh ho! Is someone finally waking up?” Wei Ying couldn’t keep the glee out his voice as his son sleepy blinked his eyes open. Since he couldn’t tease the stone faced brother he could tease this small child.
A-Yuan however was too well aquatinted with his Papa’s teasing and not awake enough to deal with it. With his tiny hands he patted at Wei Ying’s face that was definitely trying to blow him raspberries, while voicing a pitiful “ nooooo “ while looking about for an escape. He then spotted Brother Lan who looked both very serious and intimidating. Filled with hope he stretched his little arms out to him with a small “Eh!”
Lan Wangji’s brows lifted in surprise. Then hesitantly he reached across the counter. With a quiet “pardon me” he lifted A-Yuan out of Wei Wuxian’s arms. Then settled him above his right hip. A-Yuan safe from the teasing Papa, happily wrapped his little arms about his savior’s neck and went back to sleep.
Wei Ying felt too many things at once. He felt betrayed that his own child (well adopted child, but he’d still known A-Yuan since he was born) would choose someone over him. He was jealous that this brother got to snuggle with his son, A-Yuan was picky about who he snuggled with. And he was jealous that his son got to snuggle with this good looking brother. But also Wei Ying’s crooked little heart was being strangled by how cute this whole thing was. He wished that someone with a phone had been present to record this! Then he realized that his son just presented him with the perfect opportunity.
“Oh my goodness! this is just too cute! Could I take picture!” He was already pulling his phone out. Brother Lan at first seem not to hear, then blinked a few time. After a moment he nodded. Wei Wuxian snapped three pictures before the other man could say anything. With the morning light casting a soft glow on them it looked so wholesome, as if a father was holding his son before going off to work at the office. It was almost worth getting rejected to have this picture.
“Uncle Ying!” Came a tiny voice by his knee.
“Hmm” Wei Ying looked down at his other charge, his two year old nephew A-Ling. His nephew was pouting up at him while gripping his pant leg with one hand while holding a small dog plushie with the other.
“Hmmm? Do you want something A-Ling?” Wei Wuxian asked knowing full well what the toddler wanted. The two year old hadn’t taken well to having to share his Uncle Ying. The whole way here he had whined to be carried too. Now that A-Yuan had vacated to someone else’s arms he expected to be picked up. Sadly for him Uncle Ying’s crooked heart still wasn’t satisfied with its teasing.
A few things have changed since writing part one. A original I was going to have Lan Wangji like actually hire Luo Binghe, but now I think it’s going to be more of Luo Binghe just shows up to cook food and harass Shizun to take a fucking nap. For the most part Lan Wangji is fine with it as long as he’s not an actually threat to anyone and Shen Yuan doesn’t work himself to death.
I also changed A-Yuan’s age. In part 1 I said he was 2, but he’s suppose to be older the A-Ling, so I made his 3 and A-ling 2.
Anyway, just one brother left to introduce! I’m kind of excited to try writing Hua Cheng. 
Also thank you again for all the likes and reblogs! It means a lot that people are enjoying this au! 
Also drew these guys kissing the other day WeiLan |  HuaXie LuoShen
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neoblogcrying · 5 years
“Let’s Play a Game” pt.7
Here is the next part! This will be up on AO3 as well very soon! Not sure why the horizontal line isn’t working for me today but welp--- here we are
Another close call on this one. Had trouble deciding between two of the options, but you figured it out in the end, and settled on one answer. Good job.
Ultimately you decided to do the gutsy thing and tell the truth! Was this the correct answer? Was it the wrong answer?
Let’s push play and find out.
Shen Yuan knew he couldn’t lie to his brother.
No, he could lie, but he wouldn’t. Lying to him was the worst thing anyone could do if they wanted Shen Jiu to trust them. Shen Jiu wasn’t very trusting of most people (if not all people), so lying even as much as one time could cause him to distrust you for as long as you draw breath into your lungs.
If he lied now, his brother would never trust him again.
While he had faith in his ability to act, and twist his words in a masterful way that he can say what he wants but make it sound like what the other party wanted to hear… he knew full well that Shen Jiu asked him the question KNOWING the answer.
It would be absolute insanity to lie now.
Avoiding the question would serve the only purpose of making him suspicious.
“I don’t see why you are asking me that while knowing the answer. Yes, the medicine is for Yingying, but not because she was hurt. Luo Binghe sustained injuries from being bullied by his fellow disciple brothers, and she wanted the medicine to help him.”
Shen Jiu loathed the little bastard. He had so much of his brother’s attention all while being a worthless piece of shit (All thanks for Shen Jiu, of course, but that’s neither here nor there)!
He truly had some luck, given the fact he hadn’t died yet. He was given a fake manual, but the fact he hadn’t died from an ‘accident’ yet was truly telling. When was the bastard going to die so his younger brother would finally stop going on about him?
What was it that he saw in him? How utterly annoying!
Jealousy? Perish the thought. Shen Jiu HATED the kid, and having his brother be so… so OBSESSED with him was nothing but a migraine. If not for the fact that he was concerned that his brother would get upset and leave him, he would have tried to kill the brat a long time ago.
Occasionally the Peak Lords must go to recruit new disciples to join their peak. Luo Binghe was the one and only disciple that Shen Yuan was able to choose before his sickness got the better of him.
You could say that Shen Jiu was effectively trapped by his foolish brother’s decisions. This idiot sure knew how to choose a loser.
No matter what Shen Jiu had to say about Luo Binghe, Shen Yuan had absolute faith in the young protagonist. He’d always say, “Just you wait, he’ll soar above the skies! I know he’ll reach new unprecedented heights! Be kind to him and I’m sure he’ll return fortunes to you in good faith. He’s a sheepdog who will follow you until the very end.”
Loyalty was probably the only quality of Luo Binghe that Shen Jiu would appreciate if nothing else. Heaven knows that he wouldn’t like the fact that the protagonist would grow so strong in the future. It would only remind him of his own wasted potential.
Shen Yuan wished that he would’ve been able to find his brother much sooner, but it wasn’t that easy. Prior to this, he was a simple reader of the novel, and the novel never went in depth about Shen Jiu’s background. By the time Shen Yuan found him, it was too late to begin preventing some of the harm Shen Jiu sustained over the years of abuse.
Really, it took him a long time because he had no idea what to expect. How was he to know at first that he was thrown into the novel? As far as everyone knew, Shen Jiu didn’t have a twin brother! The damned system didn’t tell him anything until years later when his nagging finally paid off!
It only took him one month to pack up and leave the house in search of Shen Jiu.
While he knows that he wasn’t raised with great care in the Qiu household, that’s all he knew about Shen Jiu’s past. Anything prior to that was a mystery and he never had the chance to delve into his elder twin’s past. He feared that he would ask the wrong thing at the wrong time and then be cast aside.
Only Shen Yuan knew of his struggle in the past to get Shen Jiu to trust him and feel comfortable with him.
The silence in the room was stifling. Shen Yuan waited for his brother to finish brushing through his hair before they could switch places. Even if he was mad, he was still gently brushing through his hair with the comb. Who said that Shen Jiu didn’t have a kind bone in his body? Shen Yuan will fight you!
“If you had to choose between saving your brother or that brat, who would you choose?” At first, Shen Yuan was stunned to hear such a question coming from his brother, but he answered without hesitation.
“I would save Binghe.” Dumb answer? Probably, but answering with a blatant lie would only piss his elder brother even more. You always want to choose the lesser of the evils. Besides… “If brother is unable to save himself, would I be able to save him? I’ve faith that my brother would be able to save himself with his strength and wit. Binghe on the other hand would require assistance.”
A small snort sounded behind him. It was the happy sort, he’ll have you know.
When in doubt, praise him. It will inevitably gain you some points that you’ve lost.
Shen Jiu was as proud as they came and needing to be saved by his younger brother of all people would be nothing short of an embarrassment of a lifetime.
“Your turn.” Shen Jiu handed his brother the comb and they swapped places. Just as how his brother let his hair down and brushing it gently, Shen Yuan returned the favor.
Of course, he also chose to ask a question himself. “If brother had to choose between saving Zhangmen-shixiong or me, who would you choose?”
It’s only fair that he asks a hard question in return, is it not?
Awkward silence filled the air as neither said a word. Shen Yuan slowly brushed through his brother’s silky smooth hair, wondering if or when Shen Jiu would answer.
He’d always known there was something going on between the two, but he never knew what it was. While Shen Jiu didn’t seem to care for Yue Qingyuan, it wasn’t necessarily mean it was true. It was plain as day to Shen Yuan that his brother cared a lot for the man, Yue Qingyuan.  
His brother would always give way to Yue Qingyuan and he would often act in the benefit for the Sect Leader. During that time, the two men obviously recognized each other.
Whatever history they had together, they must have known each other prior to Shen Yuan finding his brother in the Qiu mansion, beaten.
“I understand, brother. I’m not hurt by it.”
His refusal to answer was enough. Whatever relationship they had with each other it far outweighed the relationship the twin brothers had with each other. One could even consider it payback for saying that Shen Yuan would save Binghe over his own brother.
What kind of relationship did they have? It was clear as day that the two were intensely loyal to the other, but their relationship was so… strained. Mostly, it was strained on Shen Jiu’s part rather than anything. Yue Qingyuan cared for Shen Jiu deeply (if his bias was anything to go by), but he often held back because he knew he would upset Shen Jiu if he acted too familiar.
Not to toot his own horn, but Shen Yuan had 100% confidence that he’d be able to fool anyone into believing he was the true and (dis)honest goods. Yue Qingyuan was the only one who could tell the two apart.
Albeit he’d need at least 3 seconds to tell them apart, he had the ability.
“Get your useless trash to save you.”
Shen Yuan chuckled to himself. Was his brother sulking? Do he want to save his little brother from impending doom? Although he wanted to argue that Binghe wasn’t trash, this wasn’t the time nor place to start any arguments.
Instead, he would bury those insults deep in his heart for now. “Zhangmen Shixiong told me earlier how you will be descending from the mountains soon?” It was time for a change in topic.
This scene never made it into the books, so this mysterious venture was eating away at his curiosity since the moment he heard about it.
“I will be going down with the disciples to test their mettle.” There came the simple answer.
No matter how long he waited, there wasn’t any supplementary information fed to him. This is how Shen Yuan secretly gauged how angry his brother was. The elder twin was full of information and he quite enjoyed showing off his vast knowledge.
His refusal to divulge information was proportionate to his anger levels.
Shen Yuan wanted to know more. How were they going to test the mettle of the disciples? How many disciples were going? It couldn’t be all of them. Perhaps it would be the youngest bunch? That would include Luo Binghe, wouldn’t it?
How would they travel down the mountain? With horses and a carriage? How long would they be gone for?
Is the distance they are travelling far, or is it close? How dangerous is this journey of theirs?
“It’s time for bed. Hurry and go to bed.” There was no room for any rejection. The younger twin was left pouting at his lost chance to pry for any extra information. How stingy.
The two readied their beds for sleep, sleeping on opposite ends of the room. They were still close enough that they could whisper and hear the other just fine.
Obedient as always, Shen Yuan prepared his bed and shuffled under his covers without a word, deep in thought.
Before, Shen Jiu was told to go because Shen Yuan was still sick. Now that he’s gotten better, he should be able to take his brothers place, couldn’t he? Since this descent from the mountain wasn’t written in the novel… it should be safe for him to take his brother’s place, wouldn’t it?
He might still be bad… but… it’s worth a shot!
Shen Yuan rolled over to gaze upon Shen Jiu’s back from across the room. Hm… yeah, he was still upset. Maybe now isn’t a good time to ask. Shen Yuan was acting as if he were a teenager biding his time before asking his father before he could go to a concert.
“I’m waiting.” Shen Jiu continued to show Shen Yuan his back.
The younger of the twin brothers bit his bottom lip in anxiousness. His elder twin was considerably upset, but it was a now or never situation! He mustered the courage to finally bring up what was eating at his mind. “Brother… about your trip down the mountain…”
Congratulations! You’ve successfully managed to unlock a mini-flashback event! Will you choose to watch it now, or will you wait until later to watch it? If you chose to watch it later, then you can choose to watch it the next time you trigger a flashback event.
Mind you that this is only when you trigger a flashback event, which is to say… you might never have another chance if you don’t play your cards right after this point!
You should choose wisely.
Ah ah~ Don’t worry, never fear! We won’t just leave you on a cliffhanger should you choose to watch the mini-flashback event. If you chose to watch it, we will continue with the story afterwards, so you best have coffee in hand, because we’ll jump right into it!
If you chose not to watch the mini-flashback event, we’ll simply jump right into the story and continue as we usually would.
Moderator #6 finished the poll, so it’s time!
                               What will Shen Yuan say to Shen Jiu?
Come back safely with everyone
Remember not to bully Luo Binghe
"Can't I go in your place instead?"
"Don't forget to bring me back some souvenirs."
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