#I just bought the Buddha statue lol
Are you looking for an easy Halloween costume? Why not get something from my Bo Burnham accessories list and go as one of his characters in Inside? 👀
I'm going to be "My Favorite Position: CEO" Bo who's flipping the bird in White Woman's Instagram this year! 🖕🏻🖕🏻
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There are tons of other options though:
Bo and Socko (you just need a Gold Toe sock)
Girl Boss Bo (maybe carry "27" balloons?)
Social Brand Consultant Bo (don't forget the ponytail!)
May Contain Wine Bo (all you need is the shirt and a giant fake smile!)
Sexting Bo (just a white tee and boxers haha)
Welcome to the Internet Bo (don't forget the mirrored glasses!)
You can find all of these accessories and more in my post (and please use the links in the article itself...I get a referral from Amazon, which can keep my site free of awful ads!).
Happy Halloween shopping, and keep it here for more comedy fun! ✌🏼🐔
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merryfortune · 1 year
incomplete list of all the fun i had in japan on my holiday
the bus trip from narita airport to shinjuku, the scenery was so gorgeous, i got to see my first cherry blossoms and first part of the city
sorakara-chan the mascot at the skytower, they also have nice lemonade there, and it was fun to walk on the floor windows too
the shogun's gardens are so cool you can hear the martial artists train - the imperial s garden was very nice as well, the azelias were in full bloom
karaoke with three of the others on the tour with me was tonnes of fun as well
also at karaoke i was the only one who could speak Japanese so I was ordering drinks for the other girls and had A VERY INTENSE “conversation” with the older waiter who spoke no English so it was very unintentionally funny experience to try and convey that i wanted two bottles (nipikki) of sake but I said nisai instead (so 2 years). also the Spanish-Irish chica said the sake that they/we ordered (I was soft drinks only) was the best she ever had
i loved having chanko for lunch and the similar ones as well (though the himeji oden set wasn't my favourite...)
asakusa shrine was so busy but i liked the balancing of the shinto and buddist faiths
meiji shrine was beautiful, the trees there are gorgeous and heartfelt, we also saw a wedding procession!!! the bride and groom looked stunning in their traditional ware
 the cruise night was good too
 IKEBUKURO MY BELOVED. the area was nerd heaven. i saw fellow yumejoshi god bless, bought a giant smoliv plush at the pokemon centre, and stuff like that yeah
the inari shrine/thousand torii gate shrine is definitely on my come back to list since there wasn't enough time to do the full summit
shoutout to the hotel we stayed at in mishima city, easily my favourite hotel, them soft beds went a long way, not to mention we could see mt fuji at breakfast
(for me personally that hotel was even outclassing the five star hotel we stayed at which is a highlight and also was home to foreign dignitaries and celebrities :o
 mt fuji. just. mt fuji in general. absolutely gorgeous, breathtaking, stunning, thank god we did not climb it as i was coming down with a cold the day we were meant to but mt fuji meanwhile was coming down with an avalanche risk so only looking for afar
oshina hokkai is gorgeous, i would love to come back there at peak with more time to wander
i also loved the little historical village, i can't remember its name rn but i loved seeing the different girls day and children's day displays, the tanuki statues and the scarecrows, the rubber duckies in the various streams, too
the various tanuki statues i saw all over the place deserve their own bullet point tbh
making soba was fun but i didn’t actually enjoy eating the soba, i wanted to try yakisoba though
i'm kinda blanking at this 3/4 mark because all i really remember is the bullet train journeys which are cool i guess but i'm not a train nerd like my dad lol, it just felt like taking a normal train to me
the osaka okonomiyaki lunch was my favourite lunch, probably
i loved the kyoto hotel we had dinner at too, they gave me extra on desserts. and also bread. carbs yippie
ooh the italian cafe we had lunch at in shibuya was also really good actually so i'll mention it here too
kiyomizu shrine was my Absolute Favourite Highlight, it was gorgeous and had so much history behind it, the shops are good too, i hope to visit it again one day, would especially love to visit in autumn/maple leaf season. also I got to drink from the fountains of long life, beauty, and wisdom which is really significant because normally that's impossible to do due to queues/demands. and also all the buddha with their bibs is adorable.
also at kiyomizu, one of my fellow tour goers did something so unintentionally hilarious, i want to add it. this guy was very cautious, always masked up and sanitising so we were all very surprised to go watch him fill up a ladle at the fountain... only for him to immediately dump it into the basin below instead of drinking it like I and a couple others did
miyajima island is amazing!! i definitely want to go back there in autumn one day. i had momiji manju with custard filling and it was so delicious. i visted the art museum there and the attendant on the second level gave me an Exclusive Special Experience™️ because I managed to convey that whilst I couldn't speak Japanese on account of my sore throat, i can understand it so they gave me a big art spiel and then turned off the lights so i could see this one silk screen literally glow in the dark like the moon
the himeji gardens were my favourite set of gardens!! i saw a cat and lots of pretty ponds
threw coins in okiku well at the himeji castle (well's haunted) and the architecture of himeji whilst a nightmare for a flat footer like me is awful but its still very beautiful i'm probably missing some stuff but i've had a big, big week and a bit in japan
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2024年8月3日--- Fo Guang Shan Monastery
Yesterday we went to the Fo Guang Shan Monastery and it was one of the coolest places I’ve ever been to in my life! Yeh Laoshi’s mother has volunteered with them for over 30 years and we were fortunate to have some special opportunities because of her! We had a resident monk give us a tour, and he was really nice; he and Yeh Mama gave us each a bracelet! The women got see through beaded bracelets and the men got brown, wooden bracelets. They then took us to the offering room with three large Buddha statues, and there were flowers to offer them in exchange for them hearing a wish. Later, we had one of the volunteers (a woman who is actually from Michigan!) join us on the tour and explain the formal eating experience of the monastery.
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We got to do it ourselves, and I was really happy we got to experience it, and it wasn’t nearly as hard or stressful as I thought it would be! The food was super tasty, and I got seconds. What was super fun was that the seconds I got was actually from a pot that I believe they just threw all the food people said they didn’t want into! It was just as tasty, if not more, all put together! If I had a better grasp of time, I probably would’ve eaten faster so that I could’ve eaten more!
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After our initial introduction to the monastery, we went over to the museum part of the complex and got to look around! There was a 360 degree room that showed different parts of the world, and it was cool, but it made me feel dizzy. And by then, I was already suffering from a caffeine withdrawal headache, so it just made me feel worse lol. Thankfully, after the tour, we got to go off on our own, and I immediately bought a milk tea! I was definitely suffering from a caffeine withdrawal, because I felt better very shortly after. (Five minutes later I actually went and bought another milk tea hehe.) Yeh Laoshi’s mother bought us cakes from one of the stores and they were super tasty!
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I felt so bad though, because she had told me in Chinese she bought us them, but I didn’t think I had heard her correctly at first. I told her I didn’t understand Chinese all that well, and we had a very simple conversation. She left, and then I almost immediately realized that I HAD heard her correctly, and that she bought us some treats! I felt so bad, I didn’t get to thank her in person despite having the chance to ;__;
I feel so embarrassed. I’ll write her a letter to thank her though, so hopefully that will make up for it a bit. Later that night, I went to the stationery store and I bought some cute stickers and paper! I’m super excited to use them!!
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Then we all went out for dinner together with our tour guide, Peter, and his boyfriend! Although the food at our table came out SUPER late, it was still a fun experience, and I got to watch the others down six or seven big bottles of Taiwan together lol. (I don’t drink more than a sip or two of alcohol usually, so I just watched everyone LOL.)
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Academic Excursion
Before reading the article, I had no idea that the Fo Guan Shan Monastery had closed its doors to the public for three years. Whenever I visit religious buildings and temples, I usually never consider its relationship with the surrounding community. I usually just assume the local community is indifferent, if not happy to have the religious building there. But I learned that that was not the case for this monastery, and that the people in the area actually had quite a few disagreements with it and its leadership. Money and transportation jams/difficulties are always large sources of tension between organizations and the communities they are located in, and so to me it makes sense that there were a lot of disagreements because of that. However, what surprised me was that the monastery had been receiving a lot of backlash for being “too secular,” and that it was part of the reason the monastery was closed. Coming in person to the monastery, I personally didn’t feel like the monastery had a secular feel to it, but I can understand why people might have criticized it in the past.
Especially because of how the monastery’s image was damaged because of Master Xing Yun’s endorsement of a failed political candidate. This made me look a bit more into other instances of Buddhism influencing politics and I came across a woman named Shih Chao-hwei (a Buddhist nun). Her lifestyle appears to differ from traditional ideas of Buddhism/other Buddhist sects, in that instead of retreating to escape society, she believes that Buddhists should take an active part in trying to push society towards better moral standards. I never know how to feel when political and religious lines become blurred, because even if the cause is good, using religion to achieve political goals sometimes feels akin to using force or threatening.
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#howmanybeancakesdoyouthinkIcouldeatinonesitting? #tour #taiwan
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memoriofagoldfish · 6 months
On this day, one year ago...
Today we went sightseeing around Kamakura. We'd planned WAY too much to do in Kamakura, so we had to focus on the highlights.
I took my camera out with me, and I know I've said how for the ease of it I prefer taking pictures with my phone, but the photos look so much nicer from my camera imo. This post is going to be such a photo dump.
First, we went to see the Great Buddha of Kamakura, but on the way, while we were walking, we saw this XD
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Everyone was taking photos and saying hi to the driver. It was so weird 😂 I love it so much. What even IS that 😂
Anyways, the Great Buddha statue and area was really awesome, albeit suuuuper crowded 😅
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Then we ventured over to Hasedera Temple. I got separated from my friend for a little while, I can't remember why lol, so I went off to take some photos and enjoy the sights.
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This was the view 🥰
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We then went to the Meigetsuin Temple :)
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As we were walking home I took some photos of the quiet streets. I love how clean and tranquil the residential areas of Japan are, and walking down these small streets was really lovely.
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As we were nearing our hotel we saw the Ofuna Kannon Statue peeking up above the trees XD
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I'd love to go back to Kamakura. We planned to do more things in two days, but the day we arrived we never really got it together. We were tired from travelling from Tokyo, and we just wanted to gather our bearings. However, what we saw was so amazing. I'll have to dump all my Kamakura photos on here at some point, but this post is running out of room 😂
I think we bought cake back to the hotel with us from this lovely little cake shop that was in the main market street just down from our hotel. Oh, and we did karaoke that night at a Native American themed karaoke club 😂
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loustellaperry · 4 years
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Sorry Self Bath Spell
This was the first spell, I ever did. I used to carry a lot of regrets with me. So this spell was to forgive myself and to release things holding me down. 
Best performed during the waning phases or the dark moon, for the releasing properties. 
Updated notes for the spell & symbolism for the ingredients: 
Rose water for self love
Moon water to help align you with the moon. Don’t worry about this if you don’t typically work with the lunar cycle. 
Bath water because it’s a bath spell (lol).
I’m a crystal witch so obviously, I use a lot of them. This was also when I was a baby witch, so I used every ingredient I could find, because why not? This is give or take for what you have. I do encourage the use of crystals to raise the vibration and energy of the spell, but it’s probably cool to use what you have. An intention is technically all you need. 
A favorite charm. I did this to remind myself of who I am. I think this is important when forgiving yourself. Because maybe you acted out of line of who you are? In my case, I just felt like I was losing myself. I used a little tiny Buddha statue, my mom gave me a longgg time ago, and a memento from one of my guardian angels. 
I always clean the room I perform the spell in, to help with the flow of energy and also to clear any anxiety. (I just feel better in a clean room)
If you use a million and four items like I did the first time, you should totally get creative and place them in the bathtub in like the shape of a sigil or crystal grid. Or just like decorate the heck out of your bathroom. 
 ALSO please beware of crystals that aren’t water safe. The ones listed did fine in water. Although, I’ve since heard that labradorite is water sensitive. Mine didn’t do anything. But later on, it did end up breaking. Perhaps, the water contributed to that?
If you change the crystals, beware that some crystals are toxic when heated, so use precaution as always. I’m almost 100% sure none of the crystals I mentioned are toxic in the way we’re using them. I’ve done many bath spells similar, and nothing’s ever happened. Like always use your best judgement and if you’re unsure, do research.
ALSO definitely consider washing the crystals before putting them in your bath water.
Black pepper to absorb negative energy
Thyme because healing takes a lot of time sometimes
I’m not sure if it’s possible to be allergic to either of these things, but definitely use precaution. I was fine. But if you find yourself having any sort of reaction to just the scent, you might want to consider something in it’s place. You’re a witch, be creative with the ingredients. :-)
Also I shouldn’t have to say this, but please don’t like inhale the black pepper, you will most likely have a sneezing fit no matter what lmao
Even though, I have a dangerous past with candles, I like to have one lit to monitor how the spell’s doing. White particularly attracts light. You could also use black to absorb negativity. Or even pink for love. 
I always begin spell, as I ignite the candle. I emphasized “to undress afterwards”, because you can visualize removing the shame with each article of clothing. 
Try to stray from negative words such as “don’t” or “not”. 
Talk to your gods if you have them. If not that’s cool too. Make the spell yours.
When rinsing, at the end, use cool water to close your pores from allowing shame back in ever. Not ice cold, because not fun.
Work spell how you typically work your spells.
I never blow out my candles. I forget why. My mom always said not to lol. She bought me a candle snuffer YEARS ago, and it’s never failed me. 
Trust that you’ve forgiven yourself.
Side note: all ingredients are interchangeable to fit the witch.
If you try this spell, let me know how it worked for you! Also did you do something different & how did it improve/not improve the spell? 
I’m not so sure if I believe in regrets anymore. This spell might have just been to put my mind at rest over things I cannot change.  
Perhaps, this is so, because the spell worked so well lolololol. Who knows?
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christywitch · 6 years
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Finally got around to fixing up my mini-alter on the top shelf of my bookshelf. It's not much but it has all of my favorite objects that I've collected over the years.
The little Buddha was a gift from an old HS friend who passed away. The stones with the castle, dragon, and elephant I bought at a Christmas festival 12 years ago. The little silver box was a Christmas gift from my parents when I was a teenager. It came with a pair of unicorn earrings and a unicorn pendant inside, both of which I've lost, unfortunately.
The dragon statues I found at garage sales over the years. The flower shaped jewelry holder was a gift from one of my best friends in HS. And the pipe cleaner mermaid was made by my wife when she was bored lol
The jars hold sage (loose and bundle) and chamomile. I need to find a jar for the bay leaf I just bought, and the small empty jar is going to be used for a protection spell.
The teacup was given to me by my sister for my birthday a few years ago and I actually use it as a "cauldron" for mixing herbs and such.
The corazon bag is a protection charm that was made by a friend for our niece who has been caught in the middle of a dirty custody battle between my brother in law and her mother. She lives in California with her other grandparents who are super Christian and would probably have thrown the charm out if we sent it there with her, so we have it and keep it safe for her.
The angel votive is going to be used for a healing charm for my sister. She recently had a miscarriage and has been really down, so I wanted to make something to help her heal. There is also a bead charm in healing colors that I made for her as well. I'll share those later when I put the charm together.
And that's pretty much it 😊 it's like, me in a nutshell lol I'm not new to tumblr or the witchblr community (I used to be @artemis-goes-witchy but I forgot my old log in 😇) but I'm really working on honing in my craft this year and wanted to share.
Thank you for reading! Blessed be 💜
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narashikari · 6 years
I Went to a Sex Shop with My Boss (Things I am not Proud of): Kari Goes to HK Day 2
Yep. You read that right. And that’s not even the highlight of the day.
For Day 2, my group decided to go to the giant Buddha statue here in Hong Kong. We left the hotel and took the train to Tung Chung then took the cable car to Nhong Ping.
Okay, so here’s the thing: I kiiiiinda have a fear of heights. It’s strange in that I can look out the window of the 36th floor of our office building no problems, but when we rode the cable car... I freaked. I only kept my cool long enough for a photo then I had a bit of an anxiety attack (before my friends calmed me down by poking fun at Toffer. Lmao I love them)
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It was so cold and a little rainy when we got there, and the fog was so thick that we couldn’t see the Buddha at all. There was also a fun run going on so we couldn’t go up either.
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In the end we just looked around the shops and then headed off to an outlet shop nearby. Let’s just say I am soooo thankful to my co-worker because I found a cute pair of shoes I really liked and bought~
By then we were really really hungry, so Cybin (who is our resident foodie/tour guide) lead us to this ramen shop called Ichiran in Causeway Bay, near our hotel. There, they really just serve one style of ramen, but you can change it up in various ways like the firmness of the noodle, the amount of garlic, etc.
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I ordered one like this without the red sauce. I finished the whole thing. My boss and my friend (famed big eaters)did not.
I am not proud of it.
Then Cybin (again) persuaded a few of us- including my boss- to go to a milk tea place called Tiger Sugar. Our group split up from the others then we went there on our own. The queue was so long that that... well, we went to a sex shop. For obvious reasons I won’t post pictures of our time inside, but... I probably know quite a bit about the things we saw there.
And that’s not the part I’m embarrassed about! It was the fact that I was there with my boss that I was embarrassed about!
I am not proud of it.
Anyways, thank god no one bought anything, and we went down quickly to get the milk teas we bought. It was really pretty to look at, but otherwise tasted like milk tea I usually get back home. I finished the whole thing anyway.
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I am not proud of it.
Afterward we went back to the hotel to drop off our shopping and get a bit of rest before we went souvenir hunting. Our team head went and bought a ton of these little candies and nuts and cute Starbucks water pitchers her sister asked for. Then we went to Ikea because apparently there were chocolates to be found.
And here’s the real highlight of the day:
I got lost in Ikea. I am not proud of it.
Here’s what happened: I apparently kept going ahead of the group until I hit the end of the Ikea maze. That’s when I realized that I got separated and I couldn’t even contact them to tell them I was at the end. Fortunately some nice Filipino ladies helped me talk to the personnel who paged my boss. They found me soon enough, lol. I even got to buy the chocolates and some cookies too.
After Ikea, we decided it was about time for dinner and we ate at Café de Coral, which seemed to be a Chinese fast food type of place. I had a roast duck and steamed chicken rice bowl I was too tired to take a photo of. I also finished that rice bowl, and, say it with me:
I am not proud of it.
Today is our third day. We’re going home tonight. It’s been a really tiring, strange three days.
And oh, we have work in the morning.
God help us all.
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yoosungiib · 7 years
rfa and minor trio being surprised by mc? like making a nice dinner or getting something they’ve wanted for the heck of it or whatever lol. i love ur blog btw u write so nicely!!
Thank you, love! I hope you like this :) I really enjoyed this request!
RFA + Minor Trio being surprised by MC
★ Yoosung ★
The moment the new video game Yoosung was craving for came on sale, he was rushing to the store to get it,
But only to be disappointed by the fact they were all sold out.
He kept going back and back to the store, but everytime they had to turn him away.
He tried to order it online, but the only way he could do so was by paying a high fee for shipping.
Another problem was that the game was re-stacked while he was at work, so people came right away for it, leaving none eft. So Yoosung was really upset.
He moped around a bit, but tried not to let his sadness show. But you could see just how upset the smol boy was.
Of course, you had to do something about this. You will not under any circumstances let your husband be sad!
So once you give him his kiss goodbye and see him off to work, you get dressed and head to the gaming store.
You wait for about an hour for them to re-stack so you can make sure to get one for definite. You are so excited to present it to him when he gets home – you wrap it in his favorite puppy wrapping paper and put a big blue bow on it.
When he comes home and you help him to de-stress by massaging his shoulders and some soft kisses hehe you hand him the wrapped up game. He looks up at you with a gentle smile and asks what it is, but you just tell him to open it.
He tears the paper apart and s c r e a m s when he sees the game. He nearly throws it across the room jumping up and spinning you around.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, MC! You have no idea how much this means to me!”
Dinner and any responsibilities are forgotten by you guys as you play the new game for the rest of the night.
♪ Zen ♪
Zen had recently gotten the lead in a new play, which he was absolutely ecstatic about! It was a role he’s been wanting for awhile.
You couldn’t be more proud of him, but you watched as he came home exhausted every night, worn out, and barely able to stay awake.
You watched him eat little to nothing as stress started to chew away at him. Zen had even stopped taking care of himself! Your worried he is going to drive himself to insanity if he doesn’t at least eat breakfast.
So you had to do something for him. You couldn’t stand to see him like this. You wanted to do something that would be nice for him, enjoyable, and would help him to get more energy. Something that would commemorate him for all his hard work.
What better way than a date night! You found a few recipes online for some of Zen’s favorite meals, and while he was at work, you cooked it up for him. You decorated the room with candles and flower petals how romantic and set the table with all the meals presented - including a dessert!
You waited for Zen to come home, which was around eleven o’clock, excitement bubbling inside you to show him your surprise.
Zen came through the door looking exhausted as usual, but he was surprised to see you awake considering you are normally in bed by the time he gets home?
“Jagiya? What are you doing up?” he says smiling tiredly. You just grin and gently take his hand, pulling him to the kitchen. He gasps when he walks in to the elaborate display in the kitchen.
He’s wide awake now!
All his favorite meals on the table, fish bread from the shop, a chocolate cake, candles on every shelf and center, rose petals scattered all over the floor. He was speechless! He turned to you and suddenly all his energy was back as he lifted you up and spun you around. “Thank you so much, MC. This must have been a lot of work.”
“It’s nothing compared to what you’ve been doing, and I’m so proud of what you have accomplished and how far you have come.” Zen grins, bending down to kiss you, then digging into his food.
He’ll probably be extra tired in the morning after the wonderful~ night~ you~ guys~ have~ together~
❀ Jaehee ❀
*** FUN FACT! This same thing happened to my mom!
You were at home with a kidney infection, under doctors orders to rest while you take the medicine the makes you woozy and sick. You felt terrible, not only because of the pain in your abdomen, but because this meant that Jaehee had to work in the cafe by herself.
She came home exhausted and worn out, dark bags under her eyes and her auburn hair a mess. She tried to aid you since you were in a lot of pain, but you could see just how much it was taking out of her; the shine that was normally in her eyes just gone.
You desperately wanted to do something for her, but you were at a loss of what to do. Money was tight and you were home sick.
Under a blanket on the couch eating cereal, you listened to the radio. You were snapped out of a daze when they mentioned a contest where the winner would get two tickets for a free trip to Bermuda - flight paid for by the station and everything. You were interested and thought maybe if you could win, this could be a gift to Jaehee. She deserves a vacation afterall.
The way to win was by getting the correct answer to a trivia question based on an American TV show. You were able to answer it correct, however, many others did too so the radio station had to choose a random caller for their winner.
You were just about to hang up thinking there was no chance of you winning when suddenly, “Caller number 3?”
“Uh? Yes?”
“Congratulations! You have won a free trip for two to Bermuda!”
If it wasn’t that you were in so much physical agony, you would have jumped up and started screaming.
By the time the tickets were mailed to you, you were better, so you decided to do something flamboyant in presenting them to Jaehee. While she was washing the dishes from the cafe, you quickly set up a display of her favorite cupcake, flowers and coffee.
“MC? What’s all this for?”
It was hard to contain your excitement. You pulled out the two tickets from your pocket, presenting them to Jaehee who let out a gasp and squeel prying the tickets out of your hands. She was at a little bit of a loss for words. She questioned why you bought tickets, especially with their financial status. But you told her about the radio contest and how you won, and Jaehee just couldn’t be haPPIER SHE’S GOING TO BERMUDA.
Best trip of your lives. On the beach, relaxing, eating whatever you want, swimming, with the woman you love. You couldn’t have asked for a better vacation. 
☂ Jumin ☂
What can you do for one of the richest businessmen in the world, who with a snap of his fingers can have anything delivered to him.
You watched the recent stress of work eat at him, though he tried to pass it off that he was fine. When he came home, he acted energized and on high alert, but over dinner you could see how his eyes would droop and it was difficult for him to keep his head up.
You tried to talk about it with him, but he just smiled, kissed you, and assured you he was fine.
But not only seconds later did you find him asleep on the toilet. Embarrassed, he had allowed you to help him into bed. He tried to tell you he didn’t need the help but he was just so tired at this point, he couldn’t even bother stopping you.
It pained you to see him like this; you know just how much he hates feeling weak and not in control. As he slept your cutie pie husband, you thought of something you could do for him. You felt like buying him something would be unnecessary, and you thought trying to clean up or cook something for him would just be a waste since he’d probably have the maid or cook redo everything.
So whatever it was you were to do for him, it had to be heartfelt and meaningful.
As Elizabeth the third strutted into the room mewling, her indication that she wanted food, the perfect idea popped in your head.
A sweater with Elizabeth’s face on it!
He could probably get a proper designer to do this for him, but you have some skill in sewing/knitting, and it will be much more meaningful and treasuring if it were you who made it.
The project took about a week, but it was worth it just to see the way Jumin’s face lit up when you presented to him the sweeter with Elizabeth on it.
For the first time ever, Jumin seemed to be at a loss for words as he pulled you into a bone crushing hug mumbling thank yous.
“My love. What did I do to deserve such a beautiful gift?”
You giggle, pulling him back down into a hug and kissing his cheek. “I did it because I love you. And I see that you are stressed. You are my husband. We are connected. You help me whenever I am stressed or upset, so I will help you when you are stressed.” You felt Jumin smile into your hair before he whispered to you,
“I’m a lucky man to have some as wonderful and pure as you.”
☺ Seven/Saeyoung ☺
Shopping for Seven can be incredibly difficult, considering there isn’t much that he wants and if he really wanted something, he’d just make it himself.
But you watched as Sevens health seemed to deteriorate as work for a new agency alliterated stress, and how unlike before where he could stay up for days, he could hardly keep his eyes open. And it astounded you how he continued to try and be lively around you, shower you with affection, and pretend that nothing was wrong though you could clearly see that there was.
You wanted to do something for Seven; something to show him that you appreciate him and all the hard work he was doing to provide for his family and the RFA. But what could you do?
While Seven was cooped up in what he called an office – which was a room with a bunch of computers and honey buddha chip bags everywhere – you sat in the kitchen with a notepad and tea and tried to think of some ideas.
In the end, it was Saeran who gave you the brilliant idea of adopting a kitten for Seven! What better gift could there be? It was so clear that Seven wanted a kitten and with everyone in the house, the kitten would definitely be taken cared of. But let’s not but Seven in charge of feeding it. All the cat will be fed is honey buddha chips.
The only one who was against it was Vanderwood, but after enough convincing, he finally agreed to adopting the kitten.
It was really hard to keep the surprise a secret since Seven has eyes basically everywhere and is always keeping tabs on you, but the day you went to go and adopt the kitten, Vanderwood and Saeran made sure he was completely unable to track you or figure out what as going on.
You went to an adoption center and searched for the perfect cat. You finally found the one when you spotted an orange tabby cat with a torn ear and a what looked to have a lopsided grin. Not only was the cat just purely stunning, it was playful too which was perfect for Seven!
You were so excited to give the kitten to Seven, you could hardly stop yourself from jumping up and down. Inside the bunker, you stood behind Seven who was so focused on work, he didn’t hear you come in. You grinned, holding the kitten to your chest and said, “Seven, honey, I have a surprise.”
Seven turned around to tell you he’d look at it later but he gasped when he saw the beautiful orange kitten. The scream of joy he released could probably be heard all around the world as he jumped off the chair and hurried towards you and the cat. He practically yanked the poor baby out of your arms.
“MC?? You did this for me? You got us a kitten? I’m a father now!!” You laughed, nodding your head and joining him at his side. You rested your head on his shoulder and petted the kitten who was flush against Seven’s chest. “Thank you, baby, this is amazing. Is it a boy or a girl?”
“A boy. What are you going to name him?”
Seven ponders for a few seconds before snapping his fingers. “Elliot!”
❆ V ❆
When V is not devoted to your well being and making sure you feel utterly loved, he is devoted to his art, whether it is painting or photography.
V has a transparent talent in the arts, especially photography. However, you can see that he favors painting. So you can imagine how upset he was when he ran out of paints. Of course, he could go to the store and buy some, but money was incredibly tight, especially with the move and financing a new house.
You could see just how much it upset him that he couldn’t paint. Sure, he loved photography, but he did it for so long that he got tired of it and prefered to mix the colours of paint instead of taking pictures of the same old thing.
If only you could get him new paints, and maybe more tools as something special, without cutting in too much to your finances. But doing that would be hard, so you called in a favor.
You were hesitant to do this but you wanted to see V smile, a genuine smile, once again. Besides, he’s done so much for you, so you should do this for him.
You called Jumin and asked for a loan, promising to pay him back, but as you expected, Jumin denied the need for you to pay him back. He was happy to loan money to a friend, especially when the money was being used to help someone.
In Paris, you found the most luxurious if that is really even possible and most eccentric of paints you could find. You had definitely gotten your money’s worth. While V was out, you set up the paints in his studio, grinning as you waited for V to come home. You heard the front door open and V call to you. “In your studio, honey. Come look at this!”
Blue boy shooketh
V entered the studio and immediately dropped his bag when he saw displayed all over the room were buckets and cartons of new paints. He was speechless as he walked around the room, inspecting the paints, as well as some new tools you bought for him. He turned to you and smiled.
“Darling, this is wonderful. But I told you we needed to save that money for finishing with the house and-”
You silenced him by placing your finger on his lips, then taking a hold of his collar and bringing him down to you so you could kiss him, gently. “None of that money was spent. I got a favor from someone, besides, we are not in debt. We are not in a financial crises, but even so, you don’t have to worry about that money being spent. You deserve this. I can see how much you miss painting. I want you to paint to your hearts desires.”
Your husband wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug as he kissed the top of your head. “Thank you, MC. Really,” V said into your hair. “I know exactly what I will paint first.”
☻ Saeran/Unknown ☻
It’s been two years since Saeran was rescued from Rika’s grasps, and 6 months since you and Saeran made your relationship official.
Everyday, Saeran worked to be a loving and caring boyfriend to you, working on his anger and showing affection through the little ways he can.
However, this month seemed to be a particularly bad one for Searan. He was having issues with PTSD, and having more panic attacks than usual, and frequent breakdowns. He yells more than often, gets angry very easily, and the littlest things set him off. The transition from Unknown to Saeran was not easy for him.
Everyday he tries, so, so hard to get better. He even realizes how bad this month has been for him emotionally and mentally. He started to go to therapy more often, and at home he’d do all the things his therapist would suggest for him. He even agreed to take medication, which he was really against doing.
You’re so proud of him.
All the trauma he’s been facing this past month has drained him. It hurts you to see the mental pain he endures.
One night you two sat on your shared bed, him crying into your chest as he degraded himself and called himself weak.
“Don’t you ever say that, baby, don’t you ever. You are not weak. You are so strong. Look how far you have come. You have reached a rough spot, but that is ok, you are not alone.” Saeran continued to sob into your breasts as he clutched onto you, too afraid to let you go.
“I fear that one day you will leave me,” he wails, “because I am not good enough. I fear I won’t be able to make you happy… all I want is for you to be happy. I’ve been so cruel to you this month… not even just this month. I’ve never treated you right. I don’t deserve you.”
“You know that isn’t true, Saeran… I am happy every day with you. I wish you could see that.”
Rationally, you wanted to do something to cheer him up and to make him feel better. 
So you got him an ice cream machine!
At first, you thought that was a silly idea, but as you sat and thought about it, you realized it was perfect. Saeran loves ice cream more than you you are sure, and you think he might find it calming and therapeutic to be able to make his own ice cream.
Ice cream machines aren’t cheap though, so you had to put aside a lot of money for it. You even had to borrow some money from Jumin you don’t know if you are lucky or not that he didn’t offer you taking in a cat as a deal breaker.
Saeran had gotten a lot better by the time you were able to order the ice cream machine and get it dropped off at the bunker. You had Seven keep him occupied as you set it up in the kitchen, putting a big bow that was his favorite colour on the top. Giddily, you shouted for him.
He entered the room and stopped in his tracks when he saw the machine. He gaped, his mint eyes widening a bit. You giggled as you ran to his side and took his hand, pulling him towards the machine.
“Is… is this?”
“An ice cream machine? Yes! Now you can make your own ice cream. It even comes with a tutorial and different flavors to use.”
“MC… why would you do this for me?” he asked, turning to you and cupping your cheek. His eyes kept straying to the machine since he was pretty desperate to start making ice cream.
“Because I love you, silly. And I’m so proud of you.”
He grinned, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in for a bone crushing hug. The two of you spent hours that night making ice cream after ice cream, not caring how sick you may feel in the morning because of the amount of sugar you two will have surely consumed.
✌ Vanderwood ✌
Leaving the agency was a huge step for Vanderwood.
He loved the action, the thrill, the sudden adrenalin you get when on missions, but he loved you more, and he understood being in an agency put your life at risk. So he was willing to give it all up if it meant he could be with you.
But that didn’t make adjusting to what’s a “normal” life any easier. Though Vanderwood is skilled in many things, finding a job was hard for him. Especially one that he fit in to and one that he didn’t end up pissing anyone off in.
Vanderwood was going through job after job until he finally settled as a janitor and facilities worker ok I can so see this though I’m sorry at a school. But the problem with that is he is surrounded by at least 700 other sevens!!
And everyday he comes home frustrated and tired, absolutely done with the world. The second he is through the door, he’s kissing your temple as a quick hello then locking himself in the bedroom to do work. He’ll only come out for dinner and maybe watch something with you, but then he’ll go back into the bedroom.
At first you thought it was to sleep but you figured out it was him working and getting out some stress by stabbing one of those seven dolls.
You’ve tried to get him to talk to you, and only once did he ever really open up to you about it, and he barely said a thing. “Lets just say kids are brats. If we ever have a kid we better raise them right.”
When you’re stressed, Vanderwood has always pushed his tsundere side aside to help you, so you think it is only right that you find a way to help him.
One night he called you telling you he’d be home late, so you decided you would prepare a nice meal for him with some candles, a movie, and a cake.
It was around 8 o’clock that Vanderwood came through the door. He looked very tired and was reaching for a cigar as you walked over to him. He kinda weakly wrapped his arm around you and kissed your forehead, then made his way to the bedroom but you stopped him. “Before you shut yourself off from the world, I have a little surprise for you.”
You took his larger hand in yours and brought him to the kitchen where you had the meal set up. His eyes widened and he stammered as he stared at the meal. “MC. What is this?”
“Dinner of course! When is the last time you have had a proper meal? You are always telling me to eat healthy and to take care of myself. You’ve been working so hard. You deserve this. So before you go to complete any more work or sleep, please just have this meal with me.”
Vanderwood chuckled, a smirk appearing on his face as he took off his jacket with the leopard prints and hung it up. How could he deny this.
You two ate the meal together and had your first proper conversation in what has seemed like ages. After that, you cuddled on the couch and watched one of Vanderwoods favorite films. He noticed half way through the film though that you fell asleep. He grinned, turning off the TV and bringing you to bed. As he tucked you in and got under the covers besides you, he wrapped his arms around you, something he hasn’t been able to do in awhile since he has always been asleep first. He whispered a small thank you in your hair, and drifted off to sleep with you.
It was the best sleep he’s had in ages.
Requests are closed right now, but to find rules of requests you can check out my masterlist page!
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jsmnutami · 5 years
Nara: day  01 - Osaka: day 02
For our 5th day here in Japan, we planned to visit another city, just 31 km away from Osaka; Nara.
Nara is the capital city of Nara prefecture, Kansai Region. During the Nara period, Nara was the capital of Japan, and the Emperor lived there before moving the capital to Kyoto. 
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From our apartment in Tsuruhashi, We took JR Kintetsu-Nara line to Kintetsu Nara station which costed us 540 yen (Rp. 60.000), 20 minutes later we arrived at Nara. 
I don’t know is it just that day or the usual, but Nara was less crowded than Osaka and Kyoto, less hectic and more....serene? somehow. Once you get out of the station, you’ll meet Higashimuki Shopping Street. Here you’ll find many stores, cafe, and restaurant. The famous one is mochi store called Nakatanidou. Whats unique from this shop is they still making mochi in a traditonal manner and you can watch them making mochi whle you’re there. Couldn’t be fresher than that right? I didn’t get the chance to try them because I just heard about this place once I got back to Indonesia lol
Okay, our first destination was Todai-ji temple. On the way there, we made a brief stop at Nara Park (No, not the restaurant in Ciumbuleuit Bandung). As you might already knew, Nara is famous for its deer being on the street, but mostly they’re gathering at the park. Why is that?
The story of how the deer of Nara became a sacred animal hearkens back to the Nara Period (710-794 CE) when the capital of Japanese civilization was established in the area of Nara City. At that time, divine protection was being sought for the new capital and the mighty lightning god, Takemikazuchi, of the Kashima Shrine (located in what is now Ibaraki Prefecture), was beseeched for aid. Takemikazuchi, heeding the call, left the Kashima Shrine and rode into Nara on the back of a great white deer, taking up new residence in the Kasuga Shrine. Ever since that time, the god has provided protection and the deer living in the area have been considered sacred in reverence to Takemikazuchi and his deer.
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As you walked thru the sidewalk along the park, you’ll meet so many deer, walking freely. Some of the deer was nice and tame, the other was hungry and vicious. If you want to feed the deer, you can buy deer crackers in the food stall along this sidewalk, 1 pack for 200 yen. I’ll guarantee, in a second you’ll be surrounded by all the hungry deer
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I’m somehow familiar with deer since Ranca Upas, Bandung (Deer conservatory park) was basically my sanctuary whenever I felt like escaping the reality (yha, im talking nonsense again here) but its tru, Ranca Upas was my fav place, and I was pretty much familiar with deer and their behavior. One thing I noticed, deer in Nara different than deer in Ranca Upas. Deer in Nara doesn’t have horn. I don’t know if they’re cutting it off or just different breed. Then, deer in Nara has ‘white back fur’ which I didn’t see in Ranca Upas’s. About the behavior? Its pretty much the same hehe. Being the sacred animal here in Nara, deer really rule the road. One time there were 2 deer blocking the road and guess who is yeilding behind? the vehicle of course! 
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By the way, I went there at the end of winter but at Nara Park, some of the cherry blossom was already blooming. It was so pretty!
About 30 min walking, we arrived at Todai-ji temple. Tōdai-ji is a Buddhist temple complex that was once one of the powerful Seven Great Temples. The temple is a listed UNESCO World Heritage Site as one of the "Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara", together with seven other sites including temples, shrines and places in the city of Nara.
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After passing a big gate, you have to buy a ticket first for 600 yen (Rp. 90.000). The layout of the temple is similar with Taj Mahal in India, there is a long walkway before the entrance of the temple. Since it is a buddhist temple, first you can light up an incense in a large burner called joroko as a way to purify ourself before entering the temple then, you’ll see a chozuya, a big water pavilion for cleanse your hands and mouth before entering the temple. Its not a mandatory since we aren’t buddhist, but if you want to try it its okay.
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My first impression once I entered the main temple was “wow, that is a huge great buddha statue!” with 15 m height and 30 m in length, sure this is the biggest buddha statue in Japan. The temple itself basically has a few other statues and a brief history about the temple, one of them was how it has gone thru so many reconstruction due to misunderstanding over another misunderstanding regarding the original shape of the temple. It was such a pleasant experience, esp those of you who has any interest in history and buddhism. 
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1 pm, it was time for a lunch! We were having lunch at Kamameshi Shizuka Koeun-Ten. It is a super famous restaurant, across Nara park, specialized in Kamameshi. Kamameshi literally translates to "kettle rice" and is a traditional Japanese rice dish cooked in an iron pot called a kama. Well, basically, we sundanese called it “nasi liwet’. Kamameshi itself usually topped with vegetables, chicken, or seafood. I bought the one with seafood for 1200 yen (Rp. 180.000). We were lucky we could get in the restaurant without a long queue, usually you have to wait an hour to get in since this place is so popular! The taste was oishi, almost similar to nasi liwet if i recalled. One thing you couldn’t miss was the okoge, I don’t know how to describe it other than ‘kerak’. Notice when you eat nasi liwet, you’ll always longing for the ‘kerak’ part ath the end of the meals? It is a similar thing. They have a particular way to scrape the okoge, please follow thoroughly for the best experience.
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Our belly was fully loaded and we were back to Osaka. I love Nara, I love how neat and clean this city is, I love how you could cross the road by an old tunnel and ended up at the modern fancy building on the other side. I mean, It’s like a well fusion between old japanese and modern japanese. 
Took the same train, but we were heading to Namba area, so we stopped at Namba Station. Our destination was Shinsaibashi-dori in Dotonbori area. At its center is Shinsaibashi-suji, a covered shopping street. I like this place. It has a shibuya-like vibes which I like so much. It is sure a long street, filled with many stores you name it from the luxury one, to the convenient store. Check out Don quijote, a mega store with discounted prices perfect for souvenir or pretty much any stuff you need. 
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We stayed there until the sunset, and wait for the glico sign to light up. In the other hand, my brother didn’t join us for the shopping spree, instead he met up with his highschool friend who live in Osaka for study. He went to Kuromon Market, a street food heaven he said. For those of you who’d prefer eating than shopping, maybe going to Kuromon Market instead. It is located also in Namba area. 
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After more strolling and walking, we called a night off and went to our apartment.
(To be continued)
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elle-stevens · 5 years
The Break Up Blog - Day Fifty Five
That's been my mood all day.
I woke up really early, like at 06:20. But I slept for 9 hours last night, so go figure.
I still felt down after X's miss call on Facetime yesterday. Upon further reflection (because I'm OCD, lol), it occurred to me that X's toddler niece could've gotten hold of her iPad as per usual and dialled me by mistake. She did that once before and I overheard what sounded like X eating dinner with her family. When I told X about that first incident, she'd had no idea that I even called her that night thanks to her niece.
So I guess...mystery solved.
If only that actually made me feel better.
When I couldn't fall asleep again, I posted more pics of my trip to the big buddha statue from yesterday on Facebook and Messenger. I think I only did the latter because X is still in my list of contacts; a sadistic part of me wanted her to see how much fun I'm having without her.
Pathetic, right?
Why do I even feel the need to get X's attention? My self-esteem really has nose-dived since the break-up.
I washed my hair at home instead of going to the salon. I've been blowing through too much cash lately, so I figured I'd save myself twenty bucks. Plus, I didn't feel like going to the mall for two hours when I had other work to do at school today.
So I washed and blow dried my hair, then I went to work for a bit. A couple of my colleagues from the Chinese department were there too prepping for their upcoming tests. I didn't stay too long and managed to get away after two hours.
I caved and bought some coffee. It's bad for my gastritis, but I'm getting constant headaches from skipping caffeinated days.
The joys of getting older...
Maybe I can try to manage my minor caffeine addiction without getting too much acid reflux in the process. It feels like breathing gives me acid reflux these days.
I went home after that and bummed around while watching TV, flat-ironing my hair and painting my nails.
I talked to my ex-boyfriend, CH, for most of the day via Kakaotalk. We haven't spoken in a while and I missed him. He's the only one out of my exes that I still have any kind of friendship with. Sometimes I find myself missing what we had before: the passion and simplicty of it all.
But that was a different version of me back then. I've changed so much in the past 8 years since CH and I dated. Still, I'm glad we found our way through the bullshit and drama, even if we lost a lot of good things along the way. I hope CH finds his own version of happiness; I worry about him a lot. Sometimes I feel really guilty about breaking his heart once upon a time. I was so impetuous and 'all-in' with my feelings before we were both ready for a lasting committment. And when CH was finally ready to take the leap with me, I'd already moved on.
Life is shit sometimes.
I'm so tired of the push-and-pull of chemistry and romance. I want things to be simple again: yes or no, love or hate, good timing or bad timing.
Honesty or lies.
Great, now I'm philosophising. Definitely time to mute my morbid thoughts and get ready for bed. I'll read some more of 'Big Little Lies' before I do though - it's a fantastic read!
I have speaking assessments this week. I hope I don't kill any of my students trying to prepare them for it.
All of this is gonna get easier, right? Sometimes I have my doubts.
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edmturnmeon · 6 years
It’s good to be back in Thailand. We planned our trip to Hua Hin 5 months ago and finally, the day has come. My friends and I are there for holiday and getaway from the heavy work hectic, probably to laidback, chill and relax, in Cantonese we called it as 嘢 (pronounced as ‘hea‘ or ‘h-eh‘).
Whenever we go travel, like our previous trip to Phuket, we always make an early booking to avoid complication, expensive airfares & hiking room prices.
There are many other attractions and sightseeing in Hua Hin but we are only able to visit 5 places during our 5 days trip in Hua Hin. All will be revealed in the journal after the jump.
Grilled Pork Rib – Food Hunting at Tamarind Market Hua Hin
In Hua Hin, the most popular things to do here is food hunting. There are many night markets and food bazaars in the city. Cicada Market and Tamarind Market are among the most visited market if you are going for dinner or supper, both are located next to each other.
We actually preferred the foods from Tamarind Market rather than Cicada Market because of overpriced foods and the food taste so-so.
When the night gets dark, many foreigners and traveller’s who are looking for drinks head to Soi Bintabaht Hua Hin Walking Street, one of the Hua Hin most popular nightlife district. The beer is pretty cheap here.
5 Days 4 Nights @ Chalelarn Hotel Hua Hin
Chalelarn Hotel Hua Hin is a great hotel in the city with amazing interior design and architecture giving an authentic Thai feel. I’m feeling so comfortable with my large hotel room although I don’t spend much time in the room. There is a sofa to lay down and relax while enjoying the amazing sea view.
We stayed there for 5 days 4 nights and are very satisfied with the strategic location because it is so convenient and can easily access to 7-11 & Family Mart which takes just a few walks. I don’t have to worry much because I can get drinks & snacks anytime I want.
Chalelarn Hotel is also central to night markets, shopping malls, food stalls, restaurants and bars. It takes about 15 minutes to walk to Soi Bintabaht and can have unlimited access to beers & cocktails.
Let’s get started with my 5 days 4 nights journey of chillax trip at Hua Hin, Thailand.
Day 1 – Exploring Hua Hin
We reached Hua Hin airport at about 11.20am and quickly booked a van to our hotel in Hua Hin, Chalelarn Hotel. It is a bargain with just 400baht, we get to sit on a luxury van and it’s a pretty pimped up van actually especially the luxury interior and in-car entertainment system.
We checked in at Chalelarn Hotel, put all our bags & luggage in our room and then headed straight to a food stall opposite our hotel and had our first lunch in Hua Hin. After having lunch, we went back to the hotel to check out the rooftop swimming pool and chill area. The view at the rooftop at Chalelarn Hotel is breathtaking, giving an amazing view of Hua Hin town and the beach.
With muscle feeling a bit stiff, I then went for an authentic Thai massage just next to the hotel. I have to wear oversized clothes. The massaging technique is very relaxing and the Thai girl who is massaging me is pretty but lack of strength. Thai massage cost about 200 baht.
Then we all headed back to the room for rest, and watch Batman Returns on TV. At about 7.30pm, we have a break at the hotel lobby and then got on a tuk tuk for BBQ buffet dinner.
Heading to Hua Hin’s most popular nightlife district – Soi Bintabaht Walking Street
After dinner at about 10pm, we headed to Soi Bintabaht Hua Hin for a short drink. I ordered the wrong drink for myself, Long Island Tea cost about 200baht++ which is expensive compared to other cocktails. We call it a night and back to the hotel. I was so tired, have a quick bath and load up my sleep playlist and go to bed. I have a good sleep in my hotel room because of the peaceful environment, 0% noise pollution.
Day 2 – Sightseeing in Hua Hin
If you think there is nothing to do in Hua Hin, you’re totally wrong. There are plenty of activities, sightseeing and things to do in Hua Hin. The one day trip to attractions here is quite familiar with the one in Phuket. Some location will take a couple of minutes, some might even take a few hours to reach, make sure to ask for a tour guide or the hotel receptionist.
We quickly planned for one day trip to 5 attractions and outdoor activities. This includes a visit to Hua Hin Railway Station, Pineapple Club, The Venezia Hua Hin, Khao Luang Cave and an unnamed flee market in Phetchaburi.
Khao Luang Cave
A cave located at Khao Luang Cave Phetchaburi with the temple in the cave. There are Buddha statues and praying avatar once you reached the base of the cave. The cave is great for photo shooting and selfie. There are other caves in Hua Hin but Khao Luang cave is just an hour journey from Hua Hin, while other caves like Phraya Nakhon Cave, Kaeo Cave takes a few hours to travel, so we skipped it.
The Venezia Hua Hin
Venezia is a Venice theme small amusement park and attraction to visit in Hua Hin and probably worth listed in your one-day trip plan. You will need tickets to enter the place. There are many activities which are suitable for children and adults such as the gondola, 3D gallery, upside down gallery and many more.
I had a lot of fun and we spend about an hour and a half exploring Venezia.
Pineapple Club Shopping Area
I’m not sure if the name Pineapple Club is correct but here you can shop from anything from souvenirs, clothes and eating out. I bought one T-shirt for just 80baht at the shop here and the price is pretty reasonable and cheap.
After visiting all the sightseeing location, we headed to the Tamarind Market for dinner. The concept here is similar to the one in Malaysia but with better quality, find a place to sit, and then order the food.
Tamarind Market
There are a lot of foods, drinks and deserts plus live music performance singing in English and Thai. A great place to have dinner and supper while relaxing.
Tamarind gets crowded on Saturday night as many tourists and the locals came here to have a fast grab of good food.
After the dinner, it’s night time and we head over again at one of the bars at Soi Bintabaht for a drink or two. The next day is the most exciting day of all during our stay here in Hua Hin.
Day 3 – Offroad Adventure @ Siam Milsim
We actually booked for ATV ride and airsoft shooting at Siam Milsim (known as Siam Military Simulation). The staffs there are very friendly and helpful. For about 2800 baht, we get to ride a Can-Am 1000cc ATV. That is the most powerful ATV I’ve ever ride since Phuket.
With 6 ATVs, we headed for an offroad adventure at the Rocky Mountain, where we have to go through hard terrain. It was a pretty bumpy ride but an amazing experience. After the offroad adventure, we headed back to Siam Milsim, took a short break and then started the Airsoft Shooting.
Thanks to Siam Milsim for such a great outdoor adventure! If you are planning to visit Hua Hin soon, this is a must visit attraction for the children & adults. They are opening a new branch in Chiangmai soon. Visit Siam Milsim on Facebook to find out more details.
They even recorded all the moments with the Go-Pro camera for their customers, it’s edited and was sent over to us via email. Guess I will be doing a full review for this soon. Stay tuned.
I was too tired. I took a rest at the hotel to level my new Ragnarok M Archer/Hunter while others went for a walk at the shopping mall. The WiFi connection is pretty bad in the room as it keeps disconnecting, I have trouble doing my leveling up routine for my new Ragnarok M character.
Dinner at Cicada Market, food was so so some really unpolite and lazy foreigner but at least he said ‘excuse me’. We took a walk at Hua Hin Market but it’s nothing much to see here.
Seems like the night is getting late, we headed to Panama Club, in Soi for short drink. Panama Club in Hua Hin is actually an open-air club with a DJ spinning Tribal House, which suits the bar name and environment. We had a 5 minutes drink and then headed back to the hotel to chill out the night at the rooftop.
I was levelling my character again with 2 mobile phones this time. It was pretty fast from level 1 – 45++ with a mentor, keep consuming potions and completing all the main quests.
Bar hopping in nightlife district such in Hua Hin is recommended here if you want to explore those pubs and bars. I can see a lot of foreigners accompanied by girls either sitting at the bar or walking back to the hotel. Well, the story after that is none of my business. LOL.
Day 4 – Free & Easy
Day 1 Flashback – Taking break with an iced cold banana icecream at Swensen’s in Hua Hin
It was a free and easy day, we actually accomplished all our activities and nothing much to do and just to chill and relax. The hotel WiFi connection was bad when more people are using it.
Nothing much going on on the 4th day, we decided to rent a scooter from bike rental in Hua Hin. We explored around Hua Hin for food and later head to our last location, the jetty.
It is so convenient staying at Chalelarn Hotel Hua Hin because they provide all the services, anything you need from airport transfers, tour attractions to bike & car rental. Just head over the counter and ask the receptionist.
Day 5 Back To Real World
Probably the last day at Hua Hin and get ready at 8am at Chalelarn Hotel lobby and waited for our transfer to Hua Hin airport. Hotel to airport transfer cost about 400 baht which is cheap, the price might change without notice.
We reached Kuala Lumpur early at about 2.10pm, have our lunch at KLIA2, smoke and headed back home in a taxi, back to the real world.
Overall travel expenses for my 5 days 4 nights to Hua Hin is 7000baht.
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Hua Hin Chill & Relax, A Getaway Trip in Thailand
It’s good to be back in Thailand. We planned our trip to Hua Hin 5 months ago and finally, the day has come.
Hua Hin Chill & Relax, A Getaway Trip in Thailand It's good to be back in Thailand. We planned our trip to Hua Hin 5 months ago and finally, the day has come.
0 notes
coolivanyolo · 6 years
It’s good to be back in Thailand. We planned our trip to Hua Hin 5 months ago and finally, the day has come. My friends and I are there for holiday and getaway from the heavy work hectic, probably to laidback, chill and relax, in Cantonese we called it as 嘢 (pronounced as ‘hea‘ or ‘h-eh‘).
Whenever we go travel, like our previous trip to Phuket, we always make an early booking to avoid complication, expensive airfares & hiking room prices.
There are many other attractions and sightseeing in Hua Hin but we are only able to visit 5 places during our 5 days trip in Hua Hin. All will be revealed in the journal after the jump.
Grilled Pork Rib – Food Hunting at Tamarind Market Hua Hin
In Hua Hin, the most popular things to do here is food hunting. There are many night markets and food bazaars in the city. Cicada Market and Tamarind Market are among the most visited market if you are going for dinner or supper, both are located next to each other.
We actually preferred the foods from Tamarind Market rather than Cicada Market because of overpriced foods and the food taste so-so.
When the night gets dark, many foreigners and traveller’s who are looking for drinks head to Soi Bintabaht Hua Hin Walking Street, one of the Hua Hin most popular nightlife district. The beer is pretty cheap here.
5 Days 4 Nights @ Chalelarn Hotel Hua Hin
Chalelarn Hotel Hua Hin is a great hotel in the city with amazing interior design and architecture giving an authentic Thai feel. I’m feeling so comfortable with my large hotel room although I don’t spend much time in the room. There is a sofa to lay down and relax while enjoying the amazing sea view.
We stayed there for 5 days 4 nights and are very satisfied with the strategic location because it is so convenient and can easily access to 7-11 & Family Mart which takes just a few walks. I don’t have to worry much because I can get drinks & snacks anytime I want.
Chalelarn Hotel is also central to night markets, shopping malls, food stalls, restaurants and bars. It takes about 15 minutes to walk to Soi Bintabaht and can have unlimited access to beers & cocktails.
Let’s get started with my 5 days 4 nights journey of chillax trip at Hua Hin, Thailand.
Day 1 – Exploring Hua Hin
We reached Hua Hin airport at about 11.20am and quickly booked a van to our hotel in Hua Hin, Chalelarn Hotel. It is a bargain with just 400baht, we get to sit on a luxury van and it’s a pretty pimped up van actually especially the luxury interior and in-car entertainment system.
We checked in at Chalelarn Hotel, put all our bags & luggage in our room and then headed straight to a food stall opposite our hotel and had our first lunch in Hua Hin. After having lunch, we went back to the hotel to check out the rooftop swimming pool and chill area. The view at the rooftop at Chalelarn Hotel is breathtaking, giving an amazing view of Hua Hin town and the beach.
With muscle feeling a bit stiff, I then went for an authentic Thai massage just next to the hotel. I have to wear oversized clothes. The massaging technique is very relaxing and the Thai girl who is massaging me is pretty but lack of strength. Thai massage cost about 200 baht.
Then we all headed back to the room for rest, and watch Batman Returns on TV. At about 7.30pm, we have a break at the hotel lobby and then got on a tuk tuk for BBQ buffet dinner.
Heading to Hua Hin’s most popular nightlife district – Soi Bintabaht Walking Street
After dinner at about 10pm, we headed to Soi Bintabaht Hua Hin for a short drink. I ordered the wrong drink for myself, Long Island Tea cost about 200baht++ which is expensive compared to other cocktails. We call it a night and back to the hotel. I was so tired, have a quick bath and load up my sleep playlist and go to bed. I have a good sleep in my hotel room because of the peaceful environment, 0% noise pollution.
Day 2 – Sightseeing in Hua Hin
If you think there is nothing to do in Hua Hin, you’re totally wrong. There are plenty of activities, sightseeing and things to do in Hua Hin. The one day trip to attractions here is quite familiar with the one in Phuket. Some location will take a couple of minutes, some might even take a few hours to reach, make sure to ask for a tour guide or the hotel receptionist.
We quickly planned for one day trip to 5 attractions and outdoor activities. This includes a visit to Hua Hin Railway Station, Pineapple Club, The Venezia Hua Hin, Khao Luang Cave and an unnamed flee market in Phetchaburi.
Khao Luang Cave
A cave located at Khao Luang Cave Phetchaburi with the temple in the cave. There are Buddha statues and praying avatar once you reached the base of the cave. The cave is great for photo shooting and selfie. There are other caves in Hua Hin but Khao Luang cave is just an hour journey from Hua Hin, while other caves like Phraya Nakhon Cave, Kaeo Cave takes a few hours to travel, so we skipped it.
The Venezia Hua Hin
Venezia is a Venice theme small amusement park and attraction to visit in Hua Hin and probably worth listed in your one-day trip plan. You will need tickets to enter the place. There are many activities which are suitable for children and adults such as the gondola, 3D gallery, upside down gallery and many more.
I had a lot of fun and we spend about an hour and a half exploring Venezia.
Pineapple Club Shopping Area
I’m not sure if the name Pineapple Club is correct but here you can shop from anything from souvenirs, clothes and eating out. I bought one T-shirt for just 80baht at the shop here and the price is pretty reasonable and cheap.
After visiting all the sightseeing location, we headed to the Tamarind Market for dinner. The concept here is similar to the one in Malaysia but with better quality, find a place to sit, and then order the food.
Tamarind Market
There are a lot of foods, drinks and deserts plus live music performance singing in English and Thai. A great place to have dinner and supper while relaxing.
Tamarind gets crowded on Saturday night as many tourists and the locals came here to have a fast grab of good food.
After the dinner, it’s night time and we head over again at one of the bars at Soi Bintabaht for a drink or two. The next day is the most exciting day of all during our stay here in Hua Hin.
Day 3 – Offroad Adventure @ Siam Milsim
We actually booked for ATV ride and airsoft shooting at Siam Milsim (known as Siam Military Simulation). The staffs there are very friendly and helpful. For about 2800 baht, we get to ride a Can-Am 1000cc ATV. That is the most powerful ATV I’ve ever ride since Phuket.
With 6 ATVs, we headed for an offroad adventure at the Rocky Mountain, where we have to go through hard terrain. It was a pretty bumpy ride but an amazing experience. After the offroad adventure, we headed back to Siam Milsim, took a short break and then started the Airsoft Shooting.
Thanks to Siam Milsim for such a great outdoor adventure! If you are planning to visit Hua Hin soon, this is a must visit attraction for the children & adults. They are opening a new branch in Chiangmai soon. Visit Siam Milsim on Facebook to find out more details.
They even recorded all the moments with the Go-Pro camera for their customers, it’s edited and was sent over to us via email. Guess I will be doing a full review for this soon. Stay tuned.
I was too tired. I took a rest at the hotel to level my new Ragnarok M Archer/Hunter while others went for a walk at the shopping mall. The WiFi connection is pretty bad in the room as it keeps disconnecting, I have trouble doing my leveling up routine for my new Ragnarok M character.
Dinner at Cicada Market, food was so so some really unpolite and lazy foreigner but at least he said ‘excuse me’. We took a walk at Hua Hin Market but it’s nothing much to see here.
Seems like the night is getting late, we headed to Panama Club, in Soi for short drink. Panama Club in Hua Hin is actually an open-air club with a DJ spinning Tribal House, which suits the bar name and environment. We had a 5 minutes drink and then headed back to the hotel to chill out the night at the rooftop.
I was levelling my character again with 2 mobile phones this time. It was pretty fast from level 1 – 45++ with a mentor, keep consuming potions and completing all the main quests.
Bar hopping in nightlife district such in Hua Hin is recommended here if you want to explore those pubs and bars. I can see a lot of foreigners accompanied by girls either sitting at the bar or walking back to the hotel. Well, the story after that is none of my business. LOL.
Day 4 – Free & Easy
Day 1 Flashback – Taking break with an iced cold banana icecream at Swensen’s in Hua Hin
It was a free and easy day, we actually accomplished all our activities and nothing much to do and just to chill and relax. The hotel WiFi connection was bad when more people are using it.
Nothing much going on on the 4th day, we decided to rent a scooter from bike rental in Hua Hin. We explored around Hua Hin for food and later head to our last location, the jetty.
It is so convenient staying at Chalelarn Hotel Hua Hin because they provide all the services, anything you need from airport transfers, tour attractions to bike & car rental. Just head over the counter and ask the receptionist.
Day 5 Back To Real World
Probably the last day at Hua Hin and get ready at 8am at Chalelarn Hotel lobby and waited for our transfer to Hua Hin airport. Hotel to airport transfer cost about 400 baht which is cheap, the price might change without notice.
We reached Kuala Lumpur early at about 2.10pm, have our lunch at KLIA2, smoke and headed back home in a taxi, back to the real world.
Overall travel expenses for my 5 days 4 nights to Hua Hin is 7000baht.
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Hua Hin Chill & Relax, A Getaway Trip in Thailand It's good to be back in Thailand. We planned our trip to Hua Hin 5 months ago and finally, the day has come.
0 notes