christywitch · 6 years
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Finally got around to fixing up my mini-alter on the top shelf of my bookshelf. It's not much but it has all of my favorite objects that I've collected over the years.
The little Buddha was a gift from an old HS friend who passed away. The stones with the castle, dragon, and elephant I bought at a Christmas festival 12 years ago. The little silver box was a Christmas gift from my parents when I was a teenager. It came with a pair of unicorn earrings and a unicorn pendant inside, both of which I've lost, unfortunately.
The dragon statues I found at garage sales over the years. The flower shaped jewelry holder was a gift from one of my best friends in HS. And the pipe cleaner mermaid was made by my wife when she was bored lol
The jars hold sage (loose and bundle) and chamomile. I need to find a jar for the bay leaf I just bought, and the small empty jar is going to be used for a protection spell.
The teacup was given to me by my sister for my birthday a few years ago and I actually use it as a "cauldron" for mixing herbs and such.
The corazon bag is a protection charm that was made by a friend for our niece who has been caught in the middle of a dirty custody battle between my brother in law and her mother. She lives in California with her other grandparents who are super Christian and would probably have thrown the charm out if we sent it there with her, so we have it and keep it safe for her.
The angel votive is going to be used for a healing charm for my sister. She recently had a miscarriage and has been really down, so I wanted to make something to help her heal. There is also a bead charm in healing colors that I made for her as well. I'll share those later when I put the charm together.
And that's pretty much it 😊 it's like, me in a nutshell lol I'm not new to tumblr or the witchblr community (I used to be @artemis-goes-witchy but I forgot my old log in 😇) but I'm really working on honing in my craft this year and wanted to share.
Thank you for reading! Blessed be 💜
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c0ffeewitch · 5 years
tagged by: @lupsbro and by that I mean they said anyone lol
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
(i know I just did one of these but the questions are different!!!)
name: Elliott
nickname: Ell sometimes, and my gf’s snap nickname for me is vegan beef
zodiac sign: Aquarius and A RAT (i used to think i was an ox but i was born before lunar new year)
height: 5′5 and a half
languages: English, very basic Spanish, I can read French and I know like three sentences in German, I can sing Happy Birthday in Mandarin
nationality: American, unfortunately
favorite season: I wish it was fall bc I love halloween but I’m always depressed in the fall so it’s spring
favorite flower: Celosia, i love those fuzzy little boys
favorite scent: Campfires, sandalwood, rain, spearmint, tobacco (i know, i have my reasons, don’t @ me)
favorite color: Yellow and Pink!
favorite animal: literally all reptiles and amphibians. My Favorite Animal is my ball python Henry. He is my son and I would die for him.
favorite fictional character: Anne from Anne of Green Gables, Aubrey Little from TAZ, and Buffy Summers are my top three probably.
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Coffee has to be iced, tea is good no matter what, i will drink so much!
average hours of sleep: Either 13 or 3 no inbetween
cat or dog person: Reptile person, I’m allergic to both. I love cats and dogs they are beautiful and wonderful, but they make my whole body itch
number of blankets you sleep with: a duvet comforter, at least one fleece blanket, maybe two, a cover sheet and an afghan in the winter, in the summer its just the comforter but i do the stick out the legy thing
dream trip: Right now I want to road trip to Cape Flattery, WA and stop at some places like the Badlands on the way.
blog established: December 2018, but I had a different one from 2014-2016 that I cannot remember the name of 
followers: 67 (yes i gained one since yesterday)
a random fact: BEES DON’T HAVE LUNGS! oh wait it’s supposed to be about me. I have three tattoos and I got them all in two months, two of them were within a week. I have them only on my left arm so I have an easy reminder of right vs. left bc I never figured it out.
tagging: (gonna try to tag all my mutuals and see what happens) @norlunder @cryptidwolfe @frank-murphy @1000unicorns @dykeatron3000  @albme94 @sceathers @hufflrpuff @alliemcseal @agentjx7 @an-actual-lizard @punkreas @christywitch @notsosecretlyavampire that’s 14 so I will add you!! yes you, reading this!
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