#I imagine the crew would find it both endearing and a lil unsettling
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waifujuju · 9 months ago
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What if Cloud unconsciously mimicked Avalanche?
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doctorgerth · 5 years ago
One of my favorite love confessions is yelling BECAUSE I LOVE YOU during an intense argument or other high stakes now or never situation. Headcanons on what situatiom would push Zoro, Law and Marco to shout this at their s/o? Thanks, Coop :)
Ok, so for this I just kinda picked random situations and ran with them lol this ended up scenario-y, I hope that’s ok! I also went a lil overboard as always ugh these are really long so I’m putting them under the cut.
I hope I wrote this how you wanted! I made them angsty but I know you said you wanted a happy ending so I made them fluffy and cheesy too 💓
HCs: “Because I love you!” (Zoro, Law, Marco)
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wanting you to stay
- as a new member on the crew, you instantly became friends with all of the Straw Hats, Zoro included and perhaps the most of all
- you two just seemed to hit it off instantly, enjoying each other’s company, training, and drinking together
- though you were friends, you and Zoro also tended to butt heads a lot of the time, simply because you weren’t scared to call him out and challenge him; he found this equally annoying and exciting about you
- the entire crew picked up on Zoro’s manners with you, the way he went out of his way to see you, the way he fussed at you when you were being reckless, the way you two just couldn’t possibly walk by one another without saying anything snarky and low key flirty…it was so obvious that you two were crushing on each other
- your arguing was just so different from Zoro’s genuine dislike for Sanji; Zoro knew he didn’t dislike you, he’s had many good moments with you, but when Robin tried to convince him that he was in love with you? that made his stomach flip
- when presented with the idea of love, Zoro denied everything, claiming that you were just friends, someone who he enjoyed spending time with and that was the extent of it
- annoying as you could be, he really enjoyed your company, and your companionship when on missions or trips was really endearing to him, but he would never admit that
- but, you were just a passing friend after all, not intending to be an official crew member as the Straw Hats helped save you from a village you were held hostage at, carrying you to your home island
- Zoro grew accustomed to your presence, and much like the rest of the crew, was used to seeing your smiling face every day, even looking forward to it 
- he didn’t imagine that one day you would suddenly want to leave; why would you leave? you were all friends right? wasn’t everything you needed right here?
- the day the Sunny docked at the next island, Zoro thought it would just be any other day, not expecting you to have your bags packed, ready to disembark 
- “Oi, what are those for?”
- “They’re my bags, dumbass. You guys are dropping me off here, remember?” 
- “What? Why the hell are you leaving us?” he’s utterly shocked, just completely forgetting the whole plan to bring you home; you’re his crew mate, you can’t just leave!
- Zoro throws a fit, begging anybody and everybody to make you stay; no one is against it of course, but they’re telling him that he has to be the one to do it
- flustered and confused, Zoro’s unsure what to do; he understands you wanting to return home, but what about all your adventures together? who would train with him now? does this mean he won’t get to see your beautiful smile or hear your cute little laugh again?
- Zoro was a stubborn man and he knew he wouldn’t let that happen without a fight
- he instantly rushes to find you, heart dropping into his stomach when you’re no longer in your room and all of your things are gone; he runs out on deck, catching sight of your figure at the edge of the ship, preparing to leave to walk off onto the island
- “Oi! Wait!”
- you turn around to see Zoro running towards you, his cool demeanor replaced with a clearly unsettled one
- “Come to say goodbye?” you smiled brightly
- “You’re not going. I won’t let you.”
- “Huh?”
- “You can’t leave! We’re your friends. You can’t just leave us like this!”
- “Zoro, my home is here! My family-”
- “Are we not your family? We’ve been taking care of you for months now! And you just want to throw all of that away?”
- “I’m truly grateful for all of you but…”
- “But nothing! There’s no real excuse for you to go and you know it! You’re just being a dumbass!” he hadn’t meant to be so harsh, but the thought of you leaving forever was truly breaking him
- you had no words to say as you turned around, fuming, saying your goodbyes to everyone else except him; he looked to the crew, desperate for advice as he watched you walk further down the walk way, so close to the shoreline; his head was spinning, heart racing, knees shaking as all he wanted was for you to stay with him
- “(Name)! Stop! Please stay!”
- “Why should I stay?” your foot almost reaching the shore
- everyone audibly gasped, including you, at his confession; you stopped dead in your tracks, unable to move, listening to your heart echo in your ears
- slowly, you turned around to see the shock on everyone’s faces and Zoro’s own flushed body; he was completely red head to toe, chest heaving from stress, but he maintained eye contact, letting you know that he was dead serious 
- your body felt like it was floating as you made you way back up to the deck, Zoro moving to meet you halfway; soon you were standing right in front of the other, both wide-eyed and sweating nervously 
- “You…love me?” 
- “Uh, yeah…” a hand reached to scratch the back of his head, eyes averting from yours in anxious manners, “Do you…?”
- “Yes.” you muttered simply, catching Zoro by surprise once again, “I do. I love you too.”
- a small smile graced his lips as he looked at you incredulously, lost in thought and happiness as he stared at your smiling face
- “Kiss her you fool!” Franky couldn’t help but cry out at this romantic moment
- Zoro grunted, annoyed, gearing up to yell at him for ruining the moment but your lips on his stopped him dead in his tracks; eye wide open he stared at you, hesitant to move until your soft lips sent him into euphoric bliss
- his hands grasped gently at your waist, accepting your confessions, thanking the heavens above he was brave enough to confess to you; elated to know he had gained a lover and official crew mate all in one
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when you get hurt
- it all happened when the Heart Pirates had come across some enemies on an island you were visiting; Law wanted to avoid a scuffle, but he knew that was never possible with his crew; the whole crew fought for their captain, you being no exception, much to his dismay
- there was something special about you to him after all, something more than you just being his subordinate
- he tried to deny that four letter word for so long, but he knew he had fallen deeply for you when you were the one he was searching for once everything was over
- his heart sank when he couldn’t find you, he cursed at himself as he searched through piles upon piles of bodies, wishing he had just locked you up in your room and not let you fight
- when Shachi called for Law, he rushed over, studying your beat up, unconscious body; he couldn’t hate himself any more in this very moment
- with haste, Law scooped you up into his arms, carrying your limp body quickly into the sub; he wasted no time in yelling at the crew to load up, doing a quick head count of everyone, making sure everyone was safe and on board before submerging
- many rooms were filled with injured members, but nothing was life-threatening; Law laid you down in the infirmary, making quick rounds to check on his other members, asking Bepo to watch over you 
- though Law deeply cared for his other crew members, with each shot he gave, each stitch he laced, he could only focus on you, praying that you were going to be okay
- “Captain, let us take care of everything. Go take care of (Name).” Penguin and Shachi offered their captain some help, and with slight hesitation, he nodded before rushing back to the infirmary
- when he entered the room to see Bepo pushing you back into bed, he felt a wave of relief wash over him; your genuine smile, though tattered and bloody from battle, made his heart warm
- “Captain! Will you please tell Bepo that I am perfectly fine and can get out of bed?”
- though he was happy to see your cheery self return, a scowl stretched along his face as he looked at you, “Bepo, leave us.” the bear left and you couldn’t help but look wide-eyed at your clearly pissed captain 
- “What’s wrong, captain?”
- “Are you stupid? You can’t possibly leave this bed now under these conditions! I’m demanding three day bed rest, minimum.” 
- “Three whole days?! That’s highly unnecessary! Look at me, I’m perfectly fi-ouch.” you attempted to stretch your arms to prove you were completely healthy, but the sharp pain that ripped through them was undeniable
- “If you move one more inch, so help me god, I will put you under right now.” he replied through gritted teeth, laced with utmost concern; he reached towards your clipboard, checking your readings and vitals 
- “I can’t stay here for three whole days, Captain. What if those pirates follow us? I need to help fight!” 
- “You don’t need to do anything except stay in this bed, (Name)-ya.”
- “Why can’t you let me fight? I took down the most guys on that battlefield and you know it!”
- “That doesn’t matter.” the vein in his forehead was beginning to show all the while you were beginning to fume
- “Why are you treating me like this? I just want to help! I’m supposed to help protect you!”
- “No!” he yelled, slamming down the clipboard, “I’m supposed to protect you!”
- “Why-” 
- your eyes were as wide as the moon now as you looked at your disheveled captain, a flush of red on his cheeks as he realized what he just confessed, eyes averting as he fumbled his words to backtrack
- “The crew loves you and we want you safe. That’s all.” he so desperately wanted to run away from this, but he knew he had to bandage you up first; what a truly awkward situation
- you couldn’t calm your racing heart as he didn’t mutter a single word while his soft hands bandaged you up delicately; a blush graced your cheeks with every tender touch from him, wondering if he really meant what he said
- “So, you love me, huh?”
- “Please stop talking.”
- the rest of the three days were long and awkward, giving you plenty, perhaps way too much time to think about your captain’s confession; you thought hard about your feelings, deciphering between subordination or adoration for your captain; when the third day arrived, you were ready to give him your answer
- Law wasn’t expecting an answer of course, he had spent many sleepless nights attempting to get over the painfully inopportune situation, and accepted your silence as an answer in and of itself; he was beginning to remove himself, desperately trying to forget his romantic feelings altogether
- that was, until you welcomed him into your room with a warm smile that was both pleasant and embarrassing for him
- “How are you feeling today, (Name)-ya?”
- “Loads better, captain.” his heart shattered a bit at that name, though he was very used to you calling him that, it still felt like a slap in the face
- “Let me replace your bandages and then you’re free to go.” 
- his soft hands were on your skin again, sending you reeling; when his face was mere inches from yours, you couldn’t help but touch it, him flinching ever so slightly 
- “Captain?”
- his golden orbs were focused on you, fluttering lightly at your gentle caress that he couldn’t help but lean into; was this all a dream?
- “Do you really love me?”
- he was hesitant as he could take the opportunity now to recover, pretend that his outburst was simply just that and nothing more; he could go back to only being your captain, you only his subordinate; you two could move on from this situation, pretending like nothing ever happened
- but as you looked up at him innocently, lips parted and eyes glossy, he knew he couldn’t lie to you like that, no matter how terrified he was to face his feelings for you
- “Yes, I-“
- he couldn’t finish his sentence but it was all you needed to hear; your lips plastered on his own with eagerness, affirming that you loved him back
- “Good. Because I love you too, Captain.” you smiled innocently at him
- Law peered down at you with a smirk, hardly believing this was real life; his heart raced when you pulled him down to your face once more, “Now let me out of this god forsaken room before I go insane.”
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wanting to protect you
- Marco’s lost many important people in his life, and you weren’t going to be the next if he had anything to say about it
- ever since meeting you, he’s felt an intense desire to protect you at all costs, perhaps sheltering you a bit too much but it was all under good intentions
- he didn’t realize it was love until a few months in to your friendship; he was terrified to fall at first, as so many loved ones have slipped away and Marco would break if he had to lose another
- but he couldn’t deny the happiness you brought him, the way you made him feel so complete; all worries and fears subsided when he was with you and for the first time in a long time, thanks to you, he found peace in his world
- that being said, he’d do anything to protect you; being a former Whitebeard pirate means he tends to get targeted by scoundrels every now and then and he’s had to fight so many times already
- so the day a certain pirate groups raids his village, he knows that he has to go fight again, aiming to protect the village and yourself
- you were plenty capable of holding your own and you’d shown him that countless times, but he wouldn’t have any of it
- “Just stay here, (Name)-yoi! Let me handle it!”
- “But Marco, you might get hurt! Let me help you.”
- “I said no!”
- “Why won’t you let me help! I just want to-“
- you were instantly taken aback, and even among the screams and canon fires, you could hear your heart thumping wildly in your chest
- Marco didn’t seem to budge at his confession as he took the opportunity to flap away to the scene while you stood there in complete shock
- after some recollection, you aided townsfolk in helping them find shelter in your home; you were helping and talking with these people but all your mind could focus on was those four words Marco had said
- did he mean them? or was it all just heat of the moment? would you even be able to ask him?
- it wouldn’t be until morning when you’d get a chance to speak to him, and lord knows you didn’t sleep a wink that night as you worried yourself sick over if he was safe or not; the thought of what was going to happen between you two now if he was safe haunted your every thought
- as soon as day broke, you rushed over to check his home, finding a seemingly normal looking Marco resting in his bed; the nurse assured you that he needed rest, but when he stirred in his bed, asking to see you, she complied and left the room
- though there were no markings on his body, he hissed a little as he sat up in his bed to look at you, an unreadable expression on his face
- you couldn’t stop yourself from rushing over to him, throwing your body onto his to embrace him; he yelped a little at the pain, but accepted your body nevertheless
- “Don’t do anything stupid like this ever again, okay?”
- “I just always want to keep you safe, (Name)-yoi. It’s my duty to protect this village and-“
- “Promise me!” you were crying now, a mix of emotions as you were so relieved to see him okay, but the terror of last night still remained
- Marco was shocked to see you so worked up, but he hugged your body tighter into his, petting at your hair, “I promise.”
- “Thank you. I just can’t bear the thought of losing you…” you wept into his shirt, soaking in his every smell and touch
- Marco enjoyed having you so close like this, he prayed time would just stop so he could continue holding you forever
- “I don’t know if you meant what you said last night…”
- “Oh…”
- “It doesn’t matter because I just want you to know that I love you too. You don’t have to say it ever again, I just thought I would…”
- before you could finish he tilted your chin up to look at him, a content smile on his face as he peered down at you, “I promise you, I meant everything I said. I love you, and I want to protect you always. If you’ll have me.”
- you couldn’t help but smile through your tears, accepting his soft kisses and caresses as you continuously confessed your love for one another
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