#I hope you're alright with it anon
fellow-traveller · 1 year
What's your opinion on Hol's first appearance when he manipulated a girl and told J. Geil he was doing it so they would risk their lives to save him, compared to his later appearance when he got very upset about the implication that he would hurt a woman?
To make it short, it's good character growth, visually. Very rarely one gets to see a minor antagonist who was supposed to be forgettable having such in-depth and memorable development.
I'm not a good meta writer, but let's try to dissect this question anyway. As usual, disclaimer, I'm not an expert in the Major Arcana...yadayadayada okay, let's go!
(decided to put it under the cut because it ended up being a very long answer)
By the girl, I would assume you're referring to Nena, the wielder of the Stand Empress. The girl who rode the elephant with Hol Horse. The girl who proposed to Hol Horse for his hand in marriage but got rejected by the cowboy because (likely, he assumed) she was 16.
Before I say more, a brief note on this: I know a lot of new JoJo fans are throwing a fit over Hol "flirting" with a 16 year-old - although I wouldn't call it flirting as it sounded more like "sweet talking his way out of trouble" kinda thing - and my solid argument to that is the era. The 1980s and early 1990s were ladened with people getting into relationships and getting married young, not just in South Asia (where Nena might be from) but also in the West. It wasn't right, but it was the norm, especially in the poorer parts of the world with strong traditional and cultural practices, before the UN strongly advocated for the rights for children's education in these regions, and pedophilia crimes had taken the spotlight in the public eye.
Hol was, and probably still is, the Western rugged gentleman trope through and through. And part of the Spaghetti Western is the cheesy romance, so if Hol's character design was following it to a T, at least in his first appearance in SDC, he's bound to speak like the dialogues in a novel with Fabio Lanzoni on its covers.
Plus, we don't even know if Nena was really 16 years old. She was in disguise, remember?
It's not too far off to say that Hol still respects women as long as they did not interfere with his life as a mercenary. And being a mercenary, one does need a network of people to aid their journeys, even if it seemed like a blatant manipulation of emotions and resources.
Nevertheless, I wouldn't call it 100% manipulation on Hol's part, even though manipulative behaviour is a trait for a Reversed Emperor. Reversed tarot cards are what I assumed the Agents of Dio had traits of and followed through as the villains of the story.
I'm not sure if this is already told by Araki or if it was general consensus since the manga came out, but...it's a common belief that Nena was in love with Hol Horse, second to Dio, and she actually disguised herself into a beautiful young maiden to match Hol's dashing looks. She was genuinely in love with Hol, and based on that, she could be willingly giving up herself to Hol's vices without thinking about the consequences.
Her disguise is also part of her own manipulation of Hol Horse himself (and after that, to an extent, of Polnareff as well), so Hol and her are pretty much just two sides of the same coin. Which, again, is not too far off.
Reversed Empress is characterized as the loss of willpower, going overboard with loving someone, neglecting own needs, heavy reliance on others and being clingy...which is basically what Nena was, and how her Stand works. In the context of her sticking with Hol and helping him, yes, it could be Hol's own manipulative trait of a Reversed Emperor, but it's also Nena's whole Reversed Empress trait doing the works.
Hence, why it's not exactly 100% manipulation by Hol.
That said, we also don't really know if Hol knew that Nena was in disguise. He might have known she had the Empress Stand. Her backstory as a heiress to nobility might also be a ruse, just so she can get close to Hol. All of these? Manipulative behaviours. Though this sometimes made me wish she wouldn't be in disguise since I do believe when Hol said that he respects all women, pretty or ugly, young or old. He wouldn't care about her looks anyway, should she present her appearance as her real self. But that wouldn't be too bizarre, wouldn't it?
(part of me actually headcanon Nena being giddy about Hol Horse, while Midler supports her crushing and gushing over the cowboy...I wished this was real, somewhere behind the scenes)
Now what he confessed to J. Geil, about using women around the world for his own selfish benefit, could be true. As I mentioned, Hol's a mercenary, and with a Reversed Emperor, he's basically not following what a king should do - serve his subjects. Instead, they are serving him. Although I do believe it's not solely to risk their lives to save him, but, like Nena, these women most likely were in love with the cowboy that had the Western charm of John Wayne and Marlboro Man. And love can make people do stupid things.
Also, we're kinda forgetting that Hol Horse was a fucking cocky bastard. At least in his first arc in SDC.
So I'm not too surprised if he's trying to overcompensate when talking to other people, even to his work partners. And overcompensation can be an outright lie. Another possible reason for Hol to boast about his "girlfriends around the world" story might also lie in him being intimidated by the person he was talking to. J. Geil is, as far as the canon manga goes, a mysterious man to Hol and he only knew him as Enyaba's son who wielded the Stand Hanged Man. He most likely didn't even know J. Geil killed and raped Sherry, and why he pursued Polnareff first. All Hol knew at that point of time was J.Geil was assigned as his partner, and they were to work together to kill the Joestar group. But at the same time, he knew J. Geil was a dangerous man.
Also, with Polnareff, Hol Horse did his cocky stint as well, in the possibility that he didn't know much about what Polnareff can or cannot do with Silver Chariot, other than the intel that was given to him. Obviously his confidence (and arrogance) rose up a notch when he was a millisecond close to killing Polnareff before Avdol stepped in (irl context it's kinda bull since no one can dodge a bullet unless they have Star Platinum or King Crimson...or Hol Horse's supreme agility).
Hol's cockiness showed the most when he should feel intimidated. It's almost like a defense mechanism.
He's pretty much humbled since he had his head shot at, but in his interaction with Mariah in CDDH, he still has a tiny bit of cockiness left in him. Again, intimidation by Mariah because he did think he was touching her Stand Bastet a few minutes earlier.
So this long arse explanation is just to conclude this - Hol had always been a good person, despite the obvious flaws. He still respects women; it's part of his own principle, which he cannot go against as the Emperor. He gets upset (as all people should) if he had to hurt a woman for no reason. Even in the context of his conversation with Nena, even in his Reversed Emperor traits, the words he chose to tell her off were still rather gentle, and while she was saddened, she wasn't exactly hurt by the rejection. Twice, if I might add.
Keep in mind his Emperor card is only reversed when he's the major villain in his arc i.e. when going against the Crusaders in India. Otherwise, his card is always upright and I believe before he met Dio, he's a real deal hero.
Hence why it's more of a character growth for Hol visually, because we saw it happen. From The Emperor and The Hanged Man arc, to the latest Chapter 15 of CDDH. Visually, we saw him gradually changing his Emperor traits from reversed to upright. But upright was what Hol originally was. And so were most of the villain characters of the tarot card (which we barely could dissect because, unlike Hol, their appearances are pretty limited).
idk...I hope this answers it.
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datcravat · 2 months
I saw your Teto print pop up on the shop and I swooped so fast to get it alongside Gumi so I can have the trio on my wall all together. Your art is absolutely fantastic please keep doing what you do!!
WAUGH... THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FROM ME AND TETO!!!!!
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canisalbus · 7 months
It's unexpectedly cold in coastal Canada right now (it's raining and snowing very hard and fast, and before the sun set it was also very sunny) and the floors are cold, so I find myself concerned for your warmth. Are you doing alright?
Aw, that's very sweet of you to ask, I'm fine! Here in Northern Finland it's slowly getting warmer, the temperatures seem to stay at around 0°C during the day so the snow has started to melt. Then it gets a little colder at night and those wet slushy roads freeze, and when it warms up again the next day there's a layer of water on top of the melting ice and as you can imagine it gets extremely slippery. I cycle everywhere throughout the year and even with winter tires it's kind of precarious. Other than that I'm enjoying the increasing amount of natural light and the birds have started to sing again.
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gurgling-guts · 4 months
I’ve been constipated for DAYSSSS my belly is swollen up so bad I look pregnant every night I’ve been eating normally and then every night I eat 4 bananas cause someone said that would ease things but not at all it just makes my belly even larger and my outie sticks out so far that’s how full my belly is at this point I’m so freaking cranky and annoyed cause my stomach hurts every time I eat and add something more to it I know a good warm water flush would get it out but my stomach throbs when I do that so I’m avoiding😭 I’ve had 10 bananas in the last few days and none of them have left my stomach along with other foods I just need this so stopppp😭 cause between the rounds belly and my outie being pushed out I really look pregnant and I can’t stop rubbing my belly so I’m sure that doesn’t help either but man I’m so uncomfortable
oh my goodness- that sounds so uncomfy and painful. something you should know is that bananas can and will cause constipation in high amounts- its actually recommended to eat bananas while you have diarrhea. from personal experience i recommend a laxative, maybe miralax? dulcolax also does the trick but can hurt a bit. i really hope youve gotten relief or will soon!! constipation pain is no joke :'(
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i-still-mask-because · 5 months
A couple years ago I was diagnosed with PTSD from having to live through COVID. I have psychotic OCD and worked retail all through 2020 and 2021.
When mask mandates were first removed and customers stopped wearing masks to work that first day I had the worst panic attack I’ve ever had in my life. I’ve had an NSTEMI heart attack before and this panic attack felt worse than that. I had to quit that job because I couldn’t do it.
I had therapy for a long time and gradually became okay with going out in a maskless public again, but I’m still terrified when someone around me in public sniffles or coughs or sneezes or whatever.
I never stopped masking and I likely never will because I have PTSD, because I have immunocompromised friends, because I myself have heart and lung issues, because I care about my community and myself.
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yuckydraws · 10 months
if you're looking for requests, can i req general fluff of undertale sans, underfell sans, and/or underswap papyrus looking after a reader (he/they? either or?) who stupidly broke their knee and are now in recovery >w>;; (i am a fool. the coffee table totally attacked me unprovoked >:C i swear it)
Sans: ... he will be making lots of knee-breaking-related puns. Sure he's getting you food, fluffing your pillows, making sure you're all nice and cozy, but you might be kicking him out soon enough with all his bad jokes and teasing.
Bee: He'll be your cuddle bug when you're resting your injury. Good luck even attempting to get out of resting before you should, because he's not letting go. He'll also be sure to flip off or glare dramatically at the coffee table whenever he walks by it. If that gets a laugh or a smile from you, he'll really play into it. Squaring up with it, talking shit to it, lecturing it - it's dorky, but so is he.
Red: He's actually quite the worry-wart. He's going to be right by your side through your recovery, anxious about you accidentally hurting yourself even more, or worse, getting taken advantage of when you're vulnerable like this.
... yeah he may or may not be projecting a bit, but he's a great presence while you're healing. He'll take good care of you.
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gallaghersgal · 1 month
hey there! tonight, i’m thinking about carmy boy who hates being in his blank, cold, lonely apartment :’(
since the first time you invited him over, he has been unable to deal with his own place. every time he gets the opportunity or finds an excuse, he ends up at your place because he just feels safer there. you have little trinkets, pictures of your friends, your family and eventually, even him. the apartment feels like it’s actually lived in, alive with its own energy—a home.
he realizes soon enough that he always sleep more soundly in your bed, covered in you, your smell, your favorite blankets and cushions. often, he’ll come over after a long shift or when it’s been too long since he had a good night of sleep. you cuddle with him and make sure to not make noise in the morning to let him sleep in. he told you once, half asleep and mumbling so you barely understood him, that he felt safe at your place.
you give him a spare too. so when you’re out of town for some reason or you’re still at work, he can find some solace in your apartment. it’s not exactly the same when it’s empty but he still finds comfort just being surrounded by what makes you, you—your perfume lingers in the air, your favorite cup is drying on the kitchen counter, your comforter is on the couch and he can take a nap, wrapped up in it.
your apartment is probably smaller, overall less good and farther from the restaurant than his but he prefers the detour he has to take and all those “downsides”. because nothing has ever felt like home before the way your place does to him.
but your workplace is also closer to his place so you ask to stay there sometimes. and slowly, his apartment becomes a little bit yours too. your makeup is in the bathroom. you buy frames and print out pictures of you and him, of your loved ones and gift them to him. you bring some of your vinyls to play on his record player. you leave some of your clothes in his drawer.
and his apartment becomes more bearable the more it becomes yours too. because it was never so much about the place, but about the person. you’re carmy’s home <3
i feel like i forgot some stuff i wanted to say but i’m sooo tired so i’ll come back if i remember lol
big smooches on your forehead
this is just. so so sweet. i feel like he really needs someone to take him out of his head, and sometimes that means taking him out of his physical space as well. there can be a lot of anxiety stored in there, it's easier to be afraid when you're alone :((
there's something so sweet in the way your apartment is further, and smaller, but it's filled with warmth. it's enough to where carmen, whose daily mantra is every second counts, can look past those lost minutes. because every minute spent at peace is worth so much more <33
the more his apartment becomes a shared space, the more he finally feels like his home is a home :((( ugh i just love him sm
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2aceofspades · 1 year
*emerges from my blanket cave of Tired™️* Hello, yes, lil toddler Casey Jr is an adorable lil gremlin and this current comic gives me liiifffe its so cute aaaaa ~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
Oh thank the stars hi hello! Gah I missed ya..oh I hope you've been staying safe and well 🙌✨
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Cozy blanket time for you, my dear morse anon
Aaawwweee! I'm so so happy to hear that eeee!! Drawing this lil comic has been so special and a whole ~experience~, so it's very heartwarming to know you've been enjoying it 🥹 Casey is definitely giving lil gremlin vibes ha! Ah, I love it I love it 🙌🙌
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hrokkall · 1 year
Hello! For the pride headcanons; Do you have any thoughts for the Archivist?
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As stated before, I don't really see the Uberbots as their own characters; they're just P03's OCs to me... which isn't to say they couldn't have their own identities (dictated by P03) but I genuinely, honestly don't think it'd give enough of a shit to flesh them out. They're like NPCs created on a whim by the DM that the players end up liking a lot more than the DM does (and keep asking questions accordingly)
However, I know that's a boring answer, so here's a transparent version that you can add whatever flag you'd like to. Just be sure to credit me if you use it 👍
Send me 🏳️‍🌈 and a character for my lgbtq+ headcanon and a doodle
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gotchibam · 1 year
Howdy there, I’m just a simple cowboy and was wondering if you have a spare second if you could explain Ko-fi to a simple fella like me
Heyo! Ko-fi is a platform for receiving tips / donations! But some ppl also use it for other purposes like accepting commissions or selling digital goods :)
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I’m chronically ill and I am in a constant state of thinking about Big Moth having a sixth sense for when I’m having a bad day and going Cuddle Mode on days when I’m bedridden and he WILL start Screaming in the back of Childe’s brain to let him out for Comfy Time
oh anon, you are so right. Foul Legacy just KNOWS when you're not feeling well, even if you're halfway across the city!!
the first time it happened Childe was mostly confused, since he didn't know what was going on- why was Foul Legacy, normally so quiet, now whining and scratching insistently in his mind? no matter how he tries to ignore it, his Abyssal half becomes more and more determined to pull him in the direction of your house, and when he finally arrives Foul Legacy immediately takes control of their shared body, letting out a soft coo when he sees you in bed. you're more than a little shocked to see Foul Legacy standing in your room, but you give him a tired smile when he caresses your cheek, clicking in worry
he wants to snuggle with you all day, no matter what Childe might have planned for work- you're infinitely more important. Legacy keeps you company, it's alright if you can't get up! he'll make sure you're as comfortable as possible, curling around you and letting you rest your head on his chest so you can hear his heartbeat- although it's often obscured by how loud he's purring. Foul Legacy purrs when he's happy, but he also purrs in hopes of helping you feel better, even just by a little bit. you'll often end up in a comfy nest of blankets, a big Abyssal monster nudging your hands for pets, wings fluttering happily whenever you laugh
the next time Childe feels Foul Legacy scratching at his mind, he doesn't even question it
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bellysoupset · 2 months
hey there so i've got some more fanfic-y stuff happen to me since i last checked my tumblr. it's 🍉 !! so firstly i broke up with my gf which is like truly terrible because she was the main source for the fanfic-y stuff in my life BUT we did get some time together before we broke up and like she was over at my house and i was kind of sick so i couldn't eat anything but i was so hungry anyways. and like there's one point where she places her head on my belly and we lay there for a few seconds before my stomach growled loudly. and she didn't even say or do anything atp it's such a common occurrence that ig she just kinda ignored it, i was pretty embarrassed though lol. also i went to the beach with some friends. we went to this fancy restaurant at the hotel and i ordered ribs. they were huge i couldn't even finish them. then we went clubbing and admittedly i drank quite a bit so when we came back i wasn't just full i was drunk too. woke up in the middle of the night to barf. i was the only other guy there so the guy i was sharing room w, one of my girl friends' boyfriend, was freaking out 😭 the next day two of the girls knocked at our door and when i opened up i was pretty sure i looked like shit but they went straight to him and were like 'are you ok?' apparently they thought he was the one who was sick. when they realized it was me they immediately shifted that attitude towards me i thought it was pretty funny. there were some 'pukehead' jokes on the way to the beach also since they know i get carsick. and at some point the same thing that happened to me with my ex where my stomach growled, happened to one of the other girls. nobody but me and her boyfriend heard and of course he rubbed her stomach up and down but i couldn't do anything so i just stared at the ground. anyways that's it SADLY
🍉 anon
Hi 🍉! First off, I hope you're alright with the breakup and that you guys went on the best terms possible!
Now all those stories 😳😳I love the middle of the night sick after clubbing, might just use it as inspo! Poor dude freaking out 😂
I never understand the embarrassment over hungry tummy growls? Might be the Bella-essence in me, but I'm always pretty unapologetic about those!
"Pukehead" is sooo mean but so funny 😭😭😭
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weenwrites · 2 years
Heyo!! What about tfp arcee and airachnid comforting their human charge after a failed attempt of suicide by overdosing? If this is too much I understand! You don’t have to if you don't want to!
Thank you and have a good day/night!
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TFP Arcee and Airachnid Comforting a Human Charge After A Failed Suicide Attempt
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Pairing - Platonic Category - Headcanons Trigger Warnings - Suicide mention, Suicide attempt, Mentions of overdosing
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As soon as Arcee heard that you were in the hospital after a failed suicide attempt she was... Even now she's at a loss for words because you nearly killed yourself. She was scared when she heard what had happened to you. She already lost so many people near and dear to her heart, Primus please don't let her lose you too. The instant she can see you again she's fussing over you, are you alright? How are you feeling? She pretty much acts as a helicopter-mom around you for a while.
For the next few days she talks to you as frequently as possible, or if you do need some space, she'll try her best to give you some (although she's still scared that something bad will happen to you, so that's why it might be difficult for her to give you some room to breathe.) She checks in every now and then to see how you're doing.
And speaking of checking in on you, if you ever needed someone to talk with about your feelings, she'll try her best to make time to listen, but if you don't want to talk about those at the moment, she understands. It can be difficult to talk about mental health and how you're really doing at times.
Whenever she hangs out with you, the two of you will mostly be doing things you enjoy doing, mostly in hopes that you'll enjoy it and feel happy. Arcee wants to see you enjoy yourself again, she wants to make sure you're happy, and she believes that after what just happened, you could really use it.
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For once, Airachnid actually felt genuine fear and worry, something she didn't expect to ever feel. It's needless to say that she hates that feeling, so she tries to ensure she'll never feel it again by making sure that you're alright. If you're in a hospital, she calls you to ask if you're alright and to ask about where you are. She's goes to visit you regardless of the possibility she could get caught or not.
She'll question if there's anyone who upset you to make you feel this way, (and I'm pretty sure you can guess what she'll do if you say yes,) and if you say no one has she'll still be rather protective over you whenever she brings you back to the Nemesis. The instant she hears someone back-talking you, she'll deal with them, quickly and quietly.
She begins to check in on you rather frequently, (more frequently than usual) whether it be in person or over a call or text. Whenever she does check on you in person, she pops up at a completely unexpected time and most likely just straight up spooks you. If there's anything you need she'll try her best to provide it or get it for you.
Whenever the two of you hang out, she tries doing things that she knows you'll enjoy, but if you don't seem to be enjoying any of it, she'll instead try something else like taking you out on a flight, or just aimlessly exploring the wilderness for as long as you'd like to with no particular destination in mind.
She isn't... Good with emotions, so she isn't going to be the best at talking about mental health with you. But if you ever wanted someone to talk to about that, she'll try. It's better than doing nothing at all.
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hpdfag · 3 months
Your three kitties are absolutely so adorable. I have three too!! I just love looking at them sm,,,
Also good luck on your uh thousandth replay of SDR2? Like yass let’s add up to those…I don’t remember 2k hours of gameplay? I seriously don’t remember. But good luck! Autism wins today.
Strange question but what do you think of 2020-2021 danganronpa fandom or just media in general…tw for nsfw regarding dr but I was a shameless DR role player who did erotic rp. Nowadays I have found out I was just very psychotic and I didn’t understand that and responded with psychosis…but it sure is a dark time…! I’m not a role player and stuff tho nowadays dw dw I just thought you sounded cool. Well, I hope you have a great day,,,
- 🧶
hehe thats lovely !! i wish tumblr let you send images thru anon so u could send me pics .. (though i understand why anon image sharing cld be Abused...)
and its 200 hours!! 2k hours would end up as like a third of a year straight having dr running which would be a nightmare despite how much i love the game...
and i was a fan in 2020 and god. do i not miss it. im glad the hype around the games has died down because it was just hellish trying to exist as myself back then ... i was essentially a stereotype of a "faker" because my delusions center arnd being komaeda lolol. also none of the jokes were ever funny if i hear one more bagel "joke" im gonna start actually maiming.
i think generally it was just a symptom of being a big fandom at the time, any fandom with enough people (especially people that hop fandom to fandom based on popularity) will be a total abysmal mess and i try to avoid those whenever possible. and i truly have nothing against roleplayers, i think its a fun hobby, i always just feel weird seein people rp my friends and i lolol (and i dont want people mistaking my vents for like. in character musing. like no i do unfortunately think all of this is real)
and i hope you have a good day too !! since i finished up cleaning for the day (you can see my floor now! how lovely!) im gonna dick arnd in bloxburg for a while .. ive been working on a new house for a while and im excited to get it looking nice :D (ill probably also be doing more work for artfight later but for now .. rest tiem)
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deniigi · 2 years
How have you been lately? :)
Hi Anon!
So kind of you to ask. I've been okay! Sort of going through some seasonal affective disorder stuff because my part of California has seen nothing but rain for like 2 months now.
Currently, I am absorbing K-Dramas and the new Mandalorian series.
Some cool stuff recently happened, though! Some wonderfully talented people have been podficcing bits and pieces of my work and I am ENDLESSLY humbled by them.
Here are links if anyone would like to take a listen!
couldn't be love it's too sincere (Blyla) by GodofLaundryBaskets (they've done several pieces including the first installment of the Jedi!Maul series too!)
center stage (chapter 6 - Jedi Food) by FlightlessMagpie (@bluegreenphotophores)
Chicken, cattle and cat (Maul + Obi-Wan on Tatooine) by NotBatman52
Listening to these is definitely making me feel better lately ❤
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pardonmydelays · 7 months
(I’m ⬆️ anon)
I’m Romanian and was adopted by a white family who live in Texas. Of all the states… a hick one?? How was the adoption agency okay with that? Anyways, I lost my accent and can’t speak Romanian, and so, for that specific reason, fuck my life. Secondly, don’t get me started on them… I can tolerate the man but I cannot stand his wife! She’s so manipulative, belittling, obnoxiously overprotective, controlling, and disrespectful. (I refuse to refer to them as “mom”/“dad” and “parents”) It’s a long story and I don’t expect you or anyone reading this to understand, but I literally feel so behind on life because of them and their inability to stop controlling me and let me live my damn life independently. I have other reasons for disliking them, but I’ll stop here.
I am SO SORRY for the negativity. To answer your hashtag, ummm… I actually have no idea which celebrity! But yeah, oh to be adopted into a rich family lol and not ever worry about money. I’d definitely still work just to keep myself occupied though!
anon, i did not expect that, what- 😳
ok, now i feel so bad that i was joking about living in poland, i'm sorry. i don't know how old you are, but if you're an adult, i would suggest to move out as soon as possible. i may not understand what it's like to have such a toxic family (if i can call them that), but i surely know what it's like to live with controlling & overprotecting mom parents. moving out helps, trust me. also, i can only assume you were adopted as a child, have you ever considered learning romanian? that would be so cool. i also know absolutely nothing about texas, so i can't really judge (i can still bet it's better than my country tho).
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