#I hope you know what I mean
silverpiwon · 2 months
I love how chocochips go crazy over Jiung doing the most normal things
It’s always “goddd he’s so perfect 🫦”
And this is the picture they’re talking about:
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agrebel18 · 1 year
one of my “hot takes” I guess is that a lot of leftists straight up cannot be normal about religion as a whole. for example, the most common examples I see in a lot of leftist spaces online and in real life is people acting all like “ugh I’m so glad I left Christianity, it was a cult, actually all religions are cults tbh” OR “I wanna convert to Islam/Judaism/Buddhism/Hinduism/other non Christian religions because they’re SO MUCH BETTER than Christianity, we should ban it” or any other black and white take. It just Grosses me out and on top of that, it just prioritizes ex Christian atheists (primarily white people) who don’t bother learning about cultural Christianity and end up ignoring the people who are part of other marginalized religions (in the USA) or or people who used to participate in a marginalized religion but no longer do now, y know the same people they claim to protect?????
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clumsy-words-again · 4 months
One of the most irritating things ever is when you’ve just finished jhaadu-ing your house and you’re walking back inside and you see those little jhaadu ke pieces over the floor like why
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softspiderling · 5 months
Share with us!!
okay no but now i have to bc i hate the people that go omg uwu i hate my life and someone says omg whats wrong and they go i don't wanna talk about it lmao
SO, this is in no way or form hating, just something i observed, PURELY AN OBSERVATION okay but drew has skinny legs😭
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sunsburns · 6 months
oh brandon 🙈… brandon 🤨 BRANDON 👹
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deeerlydeparted · 9 months
Being trans means looking in the mirror and dreading cutting your own hair because you KNOW the local haircut shop will not give you what you need and the one person who you trust with your hair (also transgender) lives 2/1 hours away
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kittimu · 1 year
sure clint eastwood is real "conventionally attractive" but there's definitely something weird about his face. like someone put him in a video game character creator and spent way too long making adjustments until he was just imperceptibly off looking. you know what I mean
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anitalianfrie · 4 months
when cele pulls that little face that goes :3
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cyrankaa · 1 year
Anyway back to our regularly scheduled Supernatural rambling but
Season 3 has me so fucked up because from time to time I'll realize that both Sam and Dean are wholeheartedly convinced that this is the last year they'll ever spend together???
Like they don't know that Dean will eventually be back. Jesus Christ isn't that just horrible
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silverpiwon · 10 months
Whenever I think about p1harmony lyrics being not always that great or meaningful I remind myself that their best lyrics were written by a 16yo
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louisisalarrie · 5 months
I see a lot of people, including larrie, who say that L has a relationship with the kid. That he loves and protects, and I feel horrible thinking that the only relationship he has with this kid is when he shows up at the show or at Christmas
I completely understand that, and Louis is so beautiful and caring and wonderful and sweet and he of course cares about and wants to protect that child. He would absolutely feels awful about all of this happening. But I truly don’t believe he visits and hangs out with this kid in his spare time.
F is now like 9 or something, so is still very young. I highly doubt they have explained the situation to him in full, but I think it leans more to them telling F that Louis is a close friend of his mum’s or something to keep that bond close. Or he’s B’s boyfriend and he’s famous and busy all the time or something and so he can refer to him as dad when in a situation to. I genuinely don’t know how they’re navigating it with him, but with how little free time Louis gets, he’s not hanging out with that kid (if he did, it would be once in a blue moon). But not often, at least not nowadays.
Perhaps when F was far younger louis was a bit more part of his life, as we did see sometimes, but forming too much of a strong connection with a kid and leading them to believe something is true ends up heading towards a very awful situation, and more hurt in the long run. And I think Louis would rather distance himself for the sake of F, than stay so invested in his life that things go deeper.
And that kid will start asking questions. And he will end up eventually getting social media. And I think they’re gonna have to end bbg before that, and explain things in a way that would be true (perhaps most of it), but would soften the blow. And Louis being further away from that would be better for him, I think.
I dunno. Trying to communicate this all to someone would be pretty bloody difficult. But the bigger the distance between them, the less it’s gonna hurt, I think. For both of them.
But also… people who hate Louis, namely harries, use the “deadbeat dad” thing super often to try and tarnish his name. And if he didn’t want to seem like a “deadbeat dad” while continuing bbg, wouldn’t it make sense for us to get a little more content of F?
I mean… thank god we don’t. Because I’m not an advocate of anyone with a public platform posting pictures everywhere of their kid. And mgmt tried to make it look so real by doing the Insta pics and stuff, but honestly… if it was just those hospital pap pics and a couple of tweets, that would’ve been enough for the general public. It’s just they tried doubling down too hard without thinking of the long term consequences because it wasn’t meant to be long term. It was meant to end in a paternity test/custody battle. It was meant to spin louis in a good light, while still keeping him closeted.
Hell, he probably has a small amount of money in a trust for putting the kid through this. It’s suuuuuch a sticky situation now. It needed to end earlier to minimise damage to F, Louis, and his career.
Louis is a beautiful and caring human, and he will do whatever it takes to minimise the pain for F when this inevitably breaks. And I think moving away from that connection has, and is, happening.
That’s why we were all so shocked about having F in AOTV. Because F was shoved back in the public eye when it wasn’t necessary at all, and reenforced a narrative that will negatively affect him in the long run far more if it is a consistent element of his life.
Louis can still see him and have him in movies or the public eye or whatever and say how much he means to him, if they end bbg like he was actually a surrogate or he finally got a paternity test or whatever. It still works. He can show pics of F to the world if they have a bond and he wants to stay in F’s life and be honest. This shit will all spin Louis positively in the public eye also. It’s so frustrating.
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designers-teaparty · 2 years
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Idk, this outfit reminds me of the Cheese suit Nikki designed in LN
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monstrsball · 2 years
me: i’m scared of birds
me when i see a bird: oh woaw cool bird o:
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trennoandgreggo · 1 year
I need this video of Erling making fun of the Everton player
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wosofanstuff · 7 months
I also ordered a spicy burger, which was definitely not on purpose, I can handle a bit spicy but that was a lot with jalapeños and really spicy sauce. I had to switch with my friend who loves spicy food cause I felt like my mouth was on fire💀💀
That sounds like pain, I imagine it felt like you where ready to spit fire
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vroomvroomcircuit · 8 months
Max Verstappen is one of those people who had to grow into their faces to look attractive first
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