#I hope you have a lovely night annonie <3 thank you <3
peppermintmochafem · 4 months
Awaaaaaa, green dress and gold jewlery gives me kinda like. elfish royalty vibes? especially if it was a deeper, maybe emerald, green.
either way, I'm sure you were absolutely stunning in it <3
(also tbh i find myself thinking about nursing on you so often now it's not even a horny thing for me just such a comforting idea to have the mouth stims suckling on titties while we both get to be cozy and close and sleepy) -shy
Come lay in my lap and nurse on me 🩷
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Bonus hand pic because I got purple and gold nails today!
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atinyniki · 10 months
AWHHH!! Your so sweet 😭!! But I agree that snow it LITERALLY soooo ROMANTIC!!! So glad it’s snowing where you are, I’m stuck with no snow, but it has got very low of temperature, I wish it would snow thooo!!
I’m also so glad you have some ideas for the request I submitted, I have a good feelings you’ll be amazing at it!! Can’t wait >< !!
also I’m so glad I made your day!! 😊
thank you !!! tbh i love snow so much but as a college student it kind sucks :((( i have to walk in the cold everyday </3 i still love it regardless though, still waiting for the person that will watch the first snowfall with me 😣 hopefully it’ll snow where you’re from soon !
i’ve started writing the actual story now, i’m almost 900 words in. i’m planning on making it about 5 or 6 thousand words, so i have a long way to go 😅
i hope you have an amazing day/night annonie !! drink lots of water and make sure to stay warm <3
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psyoungs · 2 years
hi love I hope it's okay with me asking, but I recently got into Girls Generation and know you're into them as well. Do you have any song recs/ favorites from them? Hope you're doing so well!!
the way i'm so geeked with an anon asking me about GIRLS GENERATION STUFF!? i know they're aren't enough blogs that still stan them but even so i'm flattered that you've asked me!!!!!!!! if you're ready to go down the rabbit hole, i'll let you know the songs that gotten me into them and it's funny enough because majority of it isn't their korean songs but mostly japanese, so i hope you're in that. i wanna say, every sone should know their japanese discography is so untouchable. this song, is like. the pinnacle of my snsd jpn experience and how i got into them in the first place.
here's a whole list of what i think you should hear:
paparazzi (song starts at 1:46)
my oh my
beep beep (it's a short mv but i'm sure you can find the full one somewhere! the whole song is so good)
time machine (this songs hurts good, it's start around 1:36)
divine (this hurt so much to listen to back then because they released this around 2014 [the year that jessica left] and the lyrics just 😥)
if you could ever find their albums online to listen to, i think you should really try girls and peace (animal is my favorite off of that album) and love & peace (karma butterfly is another, that performance is godsent)
now to their korean stuff:
forever 1 (i don't care if it was just released this year, this is their best title track)
hoot (she's a classic, it come second!)
igab (really to be in this era was heaven sent)
itnw (an actual classic, their debut still has a chokehold on korea's gg all the time)
all night (she really needs the recognition, i love her she was so perfect)
b-sides and some titles:
mr mr album: europa
igab album: LOST IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I WILL SHOUT THE ROOFTOPS ON HOW HEART WRENCHING THIS SONG IS), romantic st (it's a little boring but i still love this song), express 999, baby maybe.
lion heart album: bump it, check, one afternoon (another boring one but i enjoy it), you think
forever 1 album: forever 1, closer, mood lamp. but honestly all of the songs are so good, i think this is their best album musically.
anyways i think i wanna say, forever 1 is my favorite song from snsd ever. i think it really portrays what their music is known to be best. it's poppy but so nostalgic? and the lyrics are so meaningful to me since i've known them for all my youth and i'm currently 25. i'm so glad you're going to give snsd a chance <3 their really are the best girls to represent what 'girls generation' is currently for this 3-4th generation of music and what they've done for the industry.
please come back to tell me which one of your faves or if you found new songs from them that you enjoy!!!!! i would love to know <3 thank you again for coming here this got really long. hope you're day is going well annonie.
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josefavomjaaga · 3 years
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Auguste of Bavaria, vice-queen of Italy, and her two daughters, usually referred to as “mes petits choux” or “mes deux anges” by their father, Eugénie (7 months, sitting on Mama’s arm) and Joséphine (3, clearly not interested in the geography of Hungary that her mother is trying to teach her). Painting by Andrea Appiani
During the Austrian campaign of 1809, Eugène for the first time was separated from wife and children for a longer period of time. Perfect husband that he was (in Auguste’s eyes at least), he wrote to her at every occasion. Some excerpts:
July 18:
Good morning, my dear Auguste. My first thought, as every day, is for you and my beautiful children. [...] I know that the emperor was kind enough to announce the armistice to you through one of his squires; I only learned of it thirty-six hours later, and during this time I was fighting on the March, so that the last cannon shots were for me.
July 19:
[…] Last night, Tuesday, I was thinking about our little games and regretting them very much. I hear that in Eisenstadt I will be very well off; they say there is a superb park with plenty of game; I will hunt every morning, work afterwards and think of my little family all day.
July 22:
Here I am back from my journey, my dear Auguste, and I hasten to give you my news, which is very good. [...] I saw Louis [Ludwig, Auguste's brother] this morning; he has improved a great deal since I last saw him; we lunched together at the Emperor's; I hope we shall see each other often during the few days I shall be here; you can well imagine who we talked about. You have been the constant subject of our talks, as you are always the subject of my thoughts. The news of Eugenie's two teeth has given me great pleasure, and everything leads us to believe that she will also be able to get all her teeth. [...] Farewell, my dearest Auguste, I hope that we will no longer be absent for as long as we have been. I kiss you and my two little sweeties and love you with all my heart. Your faithful husband and friend.
Of course, whenever a writer all of a sudden calls himself “your faithful husband”, I wonder why he feels the need to do that ... but that’s just me.
July 26
I am sending you Bataille with this letter, my good and dearest Auguste. Your name day is coming up, and I hope it will arrive just in time. I am sending you a trifle from Vienna, which I thought was pretty; I wish it to seem so to you. I will not make any new declarations of tenderness and attachment to you for the 3rd of August: these feelings are the same, and will be for all days and all times. I am sending toys to my little angels; I hope that Joséphine will pay you her little compliment and I am sorry I am not there to teach it to her. I see Louis every day; I am even having dinner with him today; this morning I gave him your letter and urged him to answer you by Bataille; he promised me to do so.
July 28
Louis leaves today to visit our last battlefields; he will also go to Austerlitz and Raab. I dined yesterday with Duroc and Bessières; it had been five years since we had been able to reunite this trio. We then wanted to walk in frock-coats on the rampart, but as soon as we arrived a great crowd followed us, because we were recognised; I had already been there the two days before and I had enjoyed the greatest incognito, […]
I guess having such a nondescript face does have its advantages. But as soon as you’re out with Bessières and his hairdo from the last century, no way people won’t recognize you.
August 2
[…] They say that the plenipotentiaries will meet tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and we don't know any more than that, but what I do know is that I love you with all my heart.
August 3
Today, August 3rd, is your name day, my dearest Auguste, and I think with regret that I am not with you to talk to you about my feelings. How happy everything near you is at this moment! [...] I slept last night at Schœnbrunn, because the theatre play finished late, and this morning I went hunting with the Prince of Neufchatel. We returned for the parade and to lunch with the Emperor. I returned a few hours ago from Schœnbrunn, and I bathed, as it is very hot. Aubert has just told me that your foot is still hurting; why didn't you tell me about it? If you need Aubert, please let me know, I will send him to you immediately. Farewell, my dear Auguste, I like to think that in the midst of the pleasures of your name day, my regrets will have been thought of a little.
All quoted from A. DuCasse, “Memoires et correspondance ... du Prince Eugène”, Volume 6
As for the painting above, Auguste sent it to Eugène on his 28th birthday (September 3) which other than that apparently had gone pretty much unnoticed, even by himself. He writes to her the other day:
September 4
I thank you a thousand times, my dearest Auguste, I have seen Annoni yesterday. I came back here at eight o'clock in the evening tired from the heat of the day and the hours I had been out, not thinking at all that I was already twenty-eight, and as soon as I got down to my lodgings, Annoni was announced to me. You can't imagine how happy I was when he gave me your letter and your charming present; the idea is charming, the portraits are very similar, especially the one of Joséphine; in short, it's all admirable. I shall always carry this pretty picture with me everywhere, it will remind me, each time I look at it, of the happiness I enjoy with my little family. I am going to mount my horse shortly, the Emperor has asked me to pass some more reviews. I am sending Annoni to Vienna, where I shall be late this evening, and I shall keep him for a few days so that I can talk about you at my leisure.
Adieu, my good friend, I have no time to express to you how deeply touched I am by your attention, and how happy you make me. Farewell, my dear Auguste, you deserve and possess all the tenderness of your faithful husband and friend.
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purpleyoonn · 2 years
My dog and I had a showdown today because I wanted to hang up his blankets so they could dry after he left them in the rain but he didn't want me to touch them 🙄
I hope you're feeling at least a little better after interacting with us today! I hope we could all help bring you comfort one way or another.
I just want you to remember that you aren't alone in this and if you need someone to rant/talk to, all of us annonies are here 🥰
I'm not sure if you watch anime, but my favourite comfort animes are kamisama kiss and fruits basket and I thought you'd like them too if you haven't already seen them <3
Also please don't take today and interacting with us all as "now I have to come back even though I'm not ready"! We can wait as long as you need before you're ready to come back fully!
Lots of love and hugs and kisses!
- 🐧
im feeling a tiny bit better today...I spent at least 20 minutes sitting in my car in a store parking lot just stimming and listening to music. so that really helped.
thank you penguinny for being so sweet and giving me this gentle reminder that I do have people that care, especially after that family member fiasco message last night.
I haven't watched anime, unless you count my pokemon obsession from when I was younger. I have heard a lot about fruits baskets when I worked at hot topic though.
im still not fully back, but I am trying to write through my troubles, I guess you could say.
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https-lovergirl-com · 3 years
you're such a cool and fun and sweet and kind person <33
i hope u have a great day or night
heres some love for uuu <33 💖♥💕❤💖💕
thank u for being here :)
aaaaAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH- awieeeeee thank you so much annonie you're too kind 😭 did you know how happy you just made me oh my god 😭 I'm sobbing thank you :') I hope you have a great day or night too lovie <3
here's some love right back at ya 💞💞❣💕❣❤
naur thank YOU for this T-T <3
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