#I hope what I’m trying to say here makes sense xD it really does to me LOL
prismaticpichu · 4 months
About your fics: What's a line/passage/chapter that haunts you (in a good way)?
Ooooh! That’s a good question!!!
Honestly, the dream is that I’ve written/to someday write a line/passage powerful enough that it would forever haunt someone else 😂❤️ But self-love is just as important too, and in terms of what has stuck like a phantom with me… I think it goes to this passage from Lightning.
Zack tightened the embrace as soon as he dissolved into it. “I’m so sorry…” he whispered, and it sounded like he was crying. A raindrop against his head told him that he was.
Again, through the small quivers, Sephiroth felt guilty. “Why are you… upset…?”
“Why…?” Zack said thickly. “You’re my best friend, Seph. And when you hurt, it’s like… I can feel your pain…” He examined his neck, scanning his eyes across the still-damp skin, brushing tresses of silver out of the way. “How the Hell can I have not known….”
“You won’t find any scars,” Sephiroth explained, a hint of bitterness creeping back into his tone. “My body never left them.”
And still, he was being tormented. He was a twenty-three year old man hiding away from plagues that weren’t even visible. A twenty-three year old SOLDIER having….
Zack could hear the poison in his friend’s voice loud and clear, and knew it was aimed at nobody but himself. The boy’s expression blued. “You don’t need proof of your bad memories to have them.” He rested his head against Seph’s shoulder. Turned on his cheek, pressed his x-shaped scar into his friend’s shirt. “Sometimes they just… kinda come. And that’s okay. They can be random like that.”
“...Random?” Sephiroth repeated, low.
“Yeah…” Zack nodded. “Random. Like… y’know how lightning always has a chance to strike a tree? I think sometimes a bad memory can hit like that. Just lands when other times it doesn’t.”
Sephiroth pondered his friend’s words. Wise, really… and truthful, now that he was hearing them. He had taken on missions during thunderstorms before. Led troops through horrible tempests in Wutai, camped out in the rain and mud and slept under trees when there were no other options.
And now, in the most calm period in his life, he was afflicted.
Mist welled in Sephiroth’s eyes. He quivered, clutching the soft velvet of the sofa. Straining and fighting.
And Zack gave him a reassuring squeeze. “It’s okay..”
Let it out… His friend was saying. You’re safe. You know I’m not going to judge you. It’s okay.
It’s okay….
And yet—
“….Warriors don’t cry…” Sephiroth rattled.
Not even a beat passed before Zack held him closer. “You don’t have to be a warrior all the time, bud…” he whispered.
(Heavier explanation under cut; small TW for mental health discussion)
More than almost anything I’ve ever written, this message I was trying to convey here is one authentic from the heart (and was super incredibly cathartic to write). As someone who is unfortunately diagnosed with PTSD and prolly always will be, I think it’s important to remember that, as cheesy as it sounds, we will sometimes face those bad memories again. There’s doesn’t always need to be an explanation to sometimes get a little bit triggered by our past. For example, just the other day I was sitting in class when something my teach said hit me so viscerally that I had to excuse myself, despite having had casual conversations/even joking about the subject matter before. Sometimes, it truly is random. Like lightning striking a tree. Like how Seph is triggered by a thunderstorm despite having weathered through countless of them before. And that’s okay ❤️ We aren’t weak for being afflicted by our past. We’re just human.
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doggone-devil · 7 months
How (Not) to Summon a Demon: Chapter 4
Kind of nervous about this one. I'm trying to make sure I keep true to Alastor's character and his personality, but boy is that harder than it sounds, haha! Please don't mind the typos and such also; writing is not my primary trade skill XD But anyways, I hope you dear readers enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated! Pairing: Alastor x fem!Reader Warnings: not really any for this chapter, it's kind of a filler
As the bedroom door slams shut, you drop Alastor’s hand and begin pacing. You eye him a couple of times, trying to make sense of it all. You finally stop and face him, waving your hands at him. “The fuck is this?”
“What?” He’s smiling. No, correction. He’s smirking, amused by all of this. You would punch him if he wasn’t a demon.
“This,” you motion to his body, pointing out the obvious. “You look human!”
“My dear, you wound me,” Alastor says, placing a hand on his chest. “I was human once.”
“Yes, but you’re a demon now! How are you…?” you trail off, noting how his voice is no longer filled with static. It’s crisp and clear, soothing even which worries you, but you can’t place the accent. It does, however, remind you of those old talk shows from the 1920s.
Alastor fixes his bow tie, standing proudly. “I’m a demon, darling, it’s all part of the gig.”
“So you have powers?” You feel anger bubbling up. “You could’ve totally shown up like that instead of all demon-y and scaring me half to death!”
“Yes, but you wouldn’t have believed me had I not came out all ‘demon-y’, correct?” he shoots back, smirk widening when you realize he’s right. You would have thought him an insane intruder and called the cops.
“Touché,” you subside, letting it go. You move to sit on your bed in a huff, feeling drained from all that’s transpired in such short little time. Now the matter at hand was presenting itself and you had no idea how to handle it. “What do we do now?”
“I fail to understand the question,” Alastor responds, staying put by the door.
“What do we do? We can’t tell Veronica you’re a demon,” you whisper the last word, afraid she’ll hear or that she’s listening in, ear pressed to the door.
“And why not?”
“You serious?” You scoff and roll your eyes, throwing your hands up. “Yeah, sure! Let’s just tell my roommate that I summoned a demon and that it wants to take my soul for the price of one measly wish. That’ll hold over well.” Alastor raised his shoulders with a nonchalant ‘hmm’. You really wanted to punch him now, demon or no, the irritating bastard.
“How long you gonna hog him?” Veronica calls from the other door, startling you. You groan, not ready yet. You needed a plan, something to say or your roommate was going to get suspicious. Wait… that’s it!
“Ok,” you say, walking over to Alastor in a hurry. He steps back in habit, eyeing you quizzically. You ignore it, placing your hands on his chest and continue, “here’s the plan. We have a spare bedroom that’s been listed for over a year now. I’m going to tell Veronica that you’re here to apply as our third roommate and to rent the room, got it?”
Alastor lets out another amused hum, brows raised and eyes lidded. He’s having a blast from watching you panic. “I suppose I could go along with it, so long as you get to making your wish.”
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll talk about that later. First, we got a show to put on.” You open the door, Veronica nearly falling on top of you as she struggles to regain her footing. She smiles nervously like she just got caught and stands straight, fixing her shirt.
“So! Ready to let me in on what’s going on?” she asks. You nod and start moving to the living room, Alastor and Veronica behind you.
“Well, remember our spare bedroom we’ve put up for rent?” you start, taking a seat on the couch. Veronica sits next to you and Alastor takes the chair on the other side of the coffee table.
“The one that’s been listed for forever?”
“That’s the one! Well, Alastor here is applying for it, right?” You look to Alastor, hinting for him to take the lead.
“That’s right! I saw your ad and thought to myself, why this isn’t this just a charming little home? Perfect for me to live in as I reacquaint myself with good ol’ New Orleans!” Alastor spoke with ease, like he’d secretly rehearsed the whole thing. Meanwhile, you were sweating, nervous that somehow Veronica would know he’s a demon.
“Reacquaint, you from here?” Veronica asks.
“Indeedy! I use to, anyhow, some years back,” Alastor pauses to glance at you, smirking. “Though it’s been quite a long time since.”
“How long has it been? You see, girlie over there and I have lived here our whole lives.” Veronica leans in, smitten by Alastor already, you can tell. You want to gag, knowing she’d be shaking in her boots to know she’s trying to flirt with a demon, the stuff from nightmares.
Alastor crosses one leg over the other as he leans back a bit, getting comfortable in the chair. He seems to look off into the distance, making you wonder what’s on his mind before his attention snaps back. “I was born and raised here myself, though times were different, I’m sure. I’d say it’s been a few decades.”
Veronica looks at you before laughing. “Come now, Alastor, you make yourself sound ancient. You can’t be no older than twenty-five!” Alastor barks out a laugh, making you jump.
“My dear, you flatter me! No, I’m well in my thirties, but I appreciate the compliment.” You gawk at him. You, too, thought he was young. His complexion and features were sharp yet soft with youth. Then again, it shouldn’t shock your or him to be old. There’s no telling how long he’s been in Hell, been a demon. He could be well over hundreds of years old for all you knew.
“You certainly don’t look it,” Veronica states, breaking your train of thought. “So then, Alastor, what do you do for work?”
“I manage a hotel facility,” Alastor answers. It’s quick and you remember him mentioning a hotel when explaining Hell to you.
“Oh, sounds fancy! You must make a lot of money, then.”
“Veronica!” You smack her arm lightly.
“What? I’m just judging his financial stability, isn’t that what I’m meant to do? He’s going to rent from us, after all. I wanna make sure we get paid,” she defends. She speaks the truth, but she couldn’t been more subtle.
“Not to worry, my dear, any and all financial arrangements will be met.” Alastor shifts, grabbing something from his coat pocket. He voices your name, grabbing your attention. “I do apologize, may I ask again what the agreed amount was for moving in?”
“Right, the deposit,” you rack your brain for a number, trying to remember what you and Veronica set it at when listing the room. “Um, it’s $300 for deposit and $250 for first month’s rent.” Alastor pulls out an envelope, handing it to you.
“That should cover it, unless there’s anything further to finalize this?”
You look at Veronica, words escaping you. She just laughs, turning to Alastor. “Usually this is done a little differently but, what the heck! Welcome home!” She stretches out her hand and Alastor takes it, placing a quick kiss to the back of her knuckles. You frown at the blush on her cheeks.
“I don’t know where you found him, but bag him before I do,” Veronica whispers to you and now it’s your turn for your cheeks to redden. You want to protest, saying how you’d never, but you don’t want Alastor to know what she said. Though from the way he grins smugly at you, you have a feeling he heard.
“I’ll have your lease printed up by tomorrow morning,” Veronica says, standing from the couch. Alastor stands as well and she shakes her head. “Girlie, where did you find him? The 1930s?”
“You’re not far off,” Alastor jokes. Veronica shakes her head, checking the time.
“Good Lord, it’s that late already? I gotta get ready for work.” She steps out of the living. “Oh, why don’t you show him the room? I’m sure he’d enjoy that!” She winks at you and then disappears to her bedroom to get ready. You groan, letting your head hit the back of the couch.
“I think that went well, don’t you?” Alastor asks, that smile still plastered on his face. You wanted to punch it. You wanted to punch him. God, you were violent tonight, weren’t you?
“Come on, I’ll show you the room,” you say, pushing yourself off the couch. You move towards the kitchen, walking past it to a door that sat opposite yours. Veronica’s was next to it, the only other bedroom on this side while yours sat on the other. You liked yours cause it was on the wall with the bathroom, an easy walk to when nightly trips hit you.
You open the door and let him step in first. It’s a normal size bedroom, a full bed sitting in the middle with adequate space on either side to move. There’s a closet facing the bed, the hangers empty. The whole room itself is bare minus carpeted flooring and neutral grey walls.
“It’s not much, but I guess it’s something to be comfortable in while you’re here.” You pause, frowning. “Do demons even sleep?”
“Some do,” Alastor says, walking around the bed, his fingers ghosting over the comforter, “I find it difficult, so I usually don’t.”
“I feel ya there.” You rock on the balls of your feet, trying to kill the awkwardness you feel thickening the air around you. “Um, ok look.” You sit down on his bed with a sigh, running a hand through your hair. “I still don’t know what to wish for. I can’t wish for others and I really don’t know what I can think of that’s worth my soul. So, until then, you’re just gonna have to live here and play roommate until I do.”
Alastor, his smile tight, sighs and joins you on the bed. “It looks like I don’t have a choice, my dear. Can’t leave either way. You’re stuck with me just as much as I am stuck with you.”
“So it seems, Mr. Demon Boy.” You turn to face him a bit, bringing your leg to tuck under you on the bed. “Where are you really from, by the way? The way you talk is so…foreign.”
“Why, here in the bayous of New Orleans!” Alastor answers, spreading his arms wide. “A true, southern gentlemen.”
“But you have an accent, like some kind of talk show host.”
“No, no, my dear! A radio host, and I was quite the famous one during my time on Earth,” he says and you perk up.
“Wait, really? When?” Alastor raises a brow, seeming confused but amused at your sudden prodding. He seems to be in thought, weighing his options of telling you. You wait patiently.
“My last time on Earth was back in 1933. That is the year I died,” Alastor explains. He looks off towards the wall, disappearing into a flashback somewhere. You wish you could see it.
“So you’re from the 1920s then? That makes total sense now,” you say. The accent, the showman ship, the dramatic flairs. You were also right in thinking he was older than he said. Well over a hundred years. Amazing.
“Yes, indeedy! What a time to be alive it was. Say, what year is it now? Time gets a bit fuzzy when down in Hell.”
“2024.” Alastor’s eyes widen, no doubt shocked. You wondered if time even existed in Hell. Did it move just like on Earth? Did they have birthdays and holidays to mark the movement of time? You shouldn’t be so curious and, yet, if you were bound for it then why not learn all you could? It would certainly give you an advantage over others heading that way.
“My, my. I’m going to have to see New Orleans now. I’m sure she’s changed a bit.”
“You’d be surprised,” you say with a smile. If it’s one thing you loved, it was the historical preservation of the city. Sure, new buildings had popped up, but a lot of the old ones stood proudly along side them. “I could take you out to see them!”
“Darling, I would enjoy nothing more!” Alastor stands from the bed, moving to the side just as his door opens after a short knock. You see Veronica peek in, already fully dressed.
“Just wanted to let you know I’m heading off to work!” She looks to Alastor. “We’ll have you a spare tomorrow, too, when you get the lease! Too-da-loo!” She waves goodbye and a moment later, the front door shuts. You’re back to being alone with Alastor once again. Thinking of nothing else to do, you decide to say fuck it and ask.
“How about that city tour?” you ask, standing up off the bed.
“Are you sure, my dear? I would understand if you’d like to stay as far away from the demon as possible. Most in your situation would, but then again, most would have made a wish by now.” You chuckle at his comment, walking past him and out to the apartment entrance.
“I think we both know I’m not normal,” you say, grabbing your car keys. “I mean, I’m literally about to take a demon for a drive through the city. Tell me how that’d be normal?”
“Touché,” Alastor grins. He opens the door and steps to the side. “After you, my dear.” You feel your stomach flip, but push it back down, thanking him as you two leave the apartment.
taglist: @i-like-potatoes12533, @girl-nahh-two, @mcntsee, @projectdreamwalker, @sassmasterxx, @alsemain, @yunimimii, @noraunor, @justneo11, @dragonlover123a, @falsemain
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writing-for-life · 6 months
Hey there! I hope you’re having a good day. I just saw a post you made about Dream’s type romantically. Thoughts on Calliope and Dream’s relationship specifically? It always stands out to me how though Dream has had a number of lovers throughout the millennia, Calliope is the only one he married. (And of course, Melissanthi Mahut and Tom Sturridge’s blistering chemistry in the show is an additional component for me xD but feel free to respond only based on the comics if you wish!)
Hey, always happy to see your asks in my inbox!
So, first of all; I don’t care what everyone else thinks:
Dream and Calliope are the OTP even though I’m not a shipper. There, I said it, hit me over the head with a hammer, I live well in that tiny little corner of fandom 🤣
Conceptually, they are very, very alike. There is definitely something in there about dreams marrying epic poetry (and eloquence!) that’s just so on the nose.
But I also can’t help thinking: Slight power imbalance maybe, and we also get this more directly via the “all gods get born and die in the Dreaming.” I think often about how this would have played out for them once Calliope’s last worshippers have died—it’s certainly a tough one, even if their relationship hadn’t soured.
But even so: She is the Muse of Epic Poetry, he is the Prince of Stories, so there is A LOT of overlap between what they stand for. And hence, a lot of mutual understanding. They always struck me as *getting* each other (probably why they fell in love in the first place)—until they didn’t. The fact they didn’t live together was good for them I think, because thoughts need to be allowed freedom to form and develop. Plus, there’s also a lot to be said for Calliope keeping her independence that way. Not just in terms of personhood, but again if you think of how she was essentially created in, and will return to, the Dreaming. It’s probably wise for her (in conceptual terms) not to hang out there ALL the time?
She seems a lot more grounded in the mortal world than Dream is though. I always thought that was down to the fact that humans know her, as in actively worship her/ask her for inspiration, which must make her much closer in a way? Because bar a few, no one really *knows* Dream exists, although everyone does, if that makes any sense? Mortals know him on a subconscious level (that’s why he’s forever nebulous and *lonely*), but people know Calliope as a deity and seek connection explicitly. I’m not sure what I’m trying to say here, but to me, that was always a reason why, although a goddess, she seemed far less removed from the mortal plight than Dream was (at least when they were still an item—we all know he changed, even if he didn’t admit it [well, he did in the end to Nuala, which is a whole ‘nother topic]).
And when I think about why they didn’t work out, I can only think: “Orpheus”.
I mean yes, she said that they were already starting to drift apart slightly before she was with child, but there was still a lot of love between them even so. I think the death knell was to have a child on these wonky foundations. Why they did, we’ll never know.
Conceptually, there’s again something very deep and painful about dreams and poetry becoming something real. And then, that mortal child becoming immortal (until his father finally intervenes). But Orpheus was still all mortal and human to his core, even when he became immortal for a while, and that was *always* at the base of their rift. But I digress…
Back to why was Orpheus the death of their marriage? Dream’s advice to Orpheus was sound, yet it was unfeeling and lacked empathy. Calliope’s was maybe (?) not as reasonable, but she understood her child because a mother’s love is (usually) unconditional. We all know Dream’s wasn’t for a long time although it should have been.
I think if they’d all sat together as a family, supported their son in his grief in a balanced way, this whole catastrophe could have been avoided (I mean no, not really—it’s a tragedy, “doomed by the narrative” and all that). But all of Dream’s relationships (be that to his son or his lovers) fail because he is unreality (hence he has a hard time when things quite literally get real), and despite *knowing* mortals on a very deep level, I don’t believe he truly *understood* them at this point. But I think Calliope did—maybe due to who she was, maybe just because she actually *allowed* them in? Because Dream never truly did that. And when he finally did and truly understood what unconditional love actually means, he came apart at the seams and unravelled.
There’s also something really interesting conceptually in thinking of the Prince of Stories who doesn’t believe he has his own, and the Muse of Epic Poetry who inspires. Who is trying to control whom in this scenario? It’s mirrored in how they behave when the whole Orpheus tragedy takes off:
Calliope tries to inspire and, dare I say try to control the narrative a bit, and I don’t mean this in a bad way, quite the opposite: She looks for the most favourable outcome for everyone involved, even if it means bending the rules: She tries to convince Dream to put in a good word with Hades and believes he would listen because Gods respect him and, dare I say it, are even a bit scared of him.
Dream is rigid. Which is so mind-bending for someone who is the personification of hopes, wishes and possibility. But he is an immovable object: If he’s right, he’s right. That’s the rules, that’s it. And he won’t bend them, not even for his son. I’m not saying that it’s not understandable from his point of view, because he might know things we don’t (potentially also that although he *could* bend the rules because he has the power to do so, it might have knock-on effects no one else can understand or see—it’s impossible to say), only that they are fundamentally different in their approach although they are *both* about inspiration. And inspiration is so closely related to bringing on change (ouch!).
Part of me wants to say that Calliope uses it to control the narrative while Dream doesn’t, that Calliope believes that we can change our destiny while Dream doesn’t, but that’s also too simple. Because Dream *can* be controlling, but in totally different ways and areas.
I feel like I’m rambling out a lot of unordered thoughts, but I guess what I’m trying to say is that Dream and Calliope were so close because they are so similar in so many ways bar one:
Their understanding how inspiration can be used to bring on change. I would somehow go as far as saying that Calliope understands what it means to have personhood, also for herself, and that’s why she understands it in others (I think this is made *very* clear when Richard Madoc holds her hostage). Dream doesn’t—least not at the point where it would have mattered with regards to their relationship, because I think the fishbowl has changed him in that regard. This is also why he wants to make things right with her I believe. But of course he would never openly admit it (he basically stops himself before blurting it out), simply because it would also mean he’d need to admit it to himself…
With regard to that meta:
I definitely think they were highly romantically attracted, purely down to who/what they are. I can’t say too much about their sexual attraction, but after Calliope’s speech at his wake, it would be somewhat unlikely to assume they weren’t 🙈🤣
Was it unconditional though? No.
Was it pragmatic (that sounds so bad and unfeeling, but it’s not a bad thing, because a certain level of pragmatism is what grounds love in reality and makes it last)? I think they tried. But ultimately, he can never live that way because he is unreality, and I often wonder if they both knew 😭
@two-hands-toward-the-sun ask answered
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quinloki · 1 year
hi again!! i’m here to ask about corazón, killer, and drake (i love big dudes) for the kinky one piece game!
how do you think they feel about:
- lingerie (wearing or on a partner)
- sensory deprivation
- overstimulation (giving or receiving)
this game is so fun and i’m loving all the content ur making for it! <3 (:
I love (legitimately) "hi again" from an anon xD ♥ Like you're a collective of borg or something. (and now I have a mental image of a borg ship with "yay quin" banners or something and that makes me grin. )
I, also, love big dudes (thank you One Piece for giving me a stronger big dudes kink, btw), and I love these options for this =D
Alright, let's get into this and we'll shake up the order a little bit, and go alphabetically.
Donquixote Rosinante:
Lingerie - FUCK Yes - this is a man who can appreciate the finer things in life, even if he's not nearly as driven as his brother to obtain them. A man of simple pleasures, he's happy to have you in whatever state you can offer, but dolled up in lingerie is a feast for the senses. He'll drink in the look of you, and his hands won't stop moving as they slowly strip away the things he wants to. He's highly unlikely to tear anything off of you, preferring to see you wear it again, but he'll certainly tease you as he strips you.
As for wearing it, you could convince him easily enough. He's not going to let anyone else see, and you have to hope his clumsiness doesn't kick in while he's trying to put it on. But he won't be uncomfortable with it, and he'll enjoy your enjoyment of it.
Sensory Deprivation - He starts at a Sure, he turns into a Oh god you don't even know - I posit that Rosi's clumsiness is partially due to his inability to be duplicitous. He's really bad at it, which is unnerving for a guy who is undercover a lot. Thus it manifests in just wild acts of clumsiness - but that said, when no one's watching him he's incredibly skilled. (Also if he's not undercover or needing to be undercover, his clumsiness eases up a lot, imo).
But covering your eyes, dampening your hearing, standing out of your reach and teasing you with feathers, fingers, kisses, etc. he revels in the sounds that come from you. Those nervous, laughter-edged gasps of pleasure and soft moans of delight are music to his ears. The shiver and twitch of your body, tentative hands reaching out to try and find him, muscles flexing against the pleasure - deprivation that it might be for you, it's a feast for him.
Over-stimulation - Yes - He loves the pleasure of it. Both the giving and receiving of it, as it's nice to lay back and let you pump pleasure into his body until he can't take. The only thing that keeps it from rating higher is that he's not keen on causing his partner pain. So he's always minding that thin, thin line between pleasure and hell.
He wants you to lose your mind to the pleasure, but he doesn't want it to start to hurt. He can take the pain when it happens, that's his job, but it's not for you. Even if you like a little pain in your love life he's going to struggle to provide it a little bit.
X Drake:
Lingerie - FUCK Yes - for both you wearing it and him wearing it. Look, he's 99% dom as I've said before, 50/50 on the top/bottom prospect, but what he does have is a lil' humiliation kink. Lingerie plays to it very nicely (feels nice to wear it too), especially if you start praising how good he looks. You can see his face and chest light up like a christmas tree.
Drake can both preserve your lingerie and rip it off you - depends on his mood (and your say in it. Some lingerie is for destruction, some of it's expensive.)
Sensory Deprivation - Oh god you don't even know - Drake's big button is control. He does enough undercover work where he has to let go of control for things to progress that he doesn't like letting go of the reigns in the bedroom. For the same reasons he prefers to be in control, he's good at it - you have to snatch the reigns fast when the opportunity arises, after all.
Sensory deprivation is controlling what you do and don't sense, and this man revels in it. That whole Predatory/Prey kicks in a little too, and as much as he tries to keep it under control, it certainly adds to things in this case. You at least look like prey, unsure of where he is, unsure of what will happen next, what kind of pleasure or pain will find you - how long the game will last before you're devoured.
And he loves to swing Sensory Deprivation straight into --
Over-stimulation - Oh god you don't even know - Two sides of the same coin, Drake loves both over stim and sensory deprivation. There's an element of control to each, and taking you from one extreme to the next is the height of his desire. It's like sitting in a warm Jacuzzi and then having someone toss you into an ice-cold pool. There's a rush to it - for him and you - and he'll keep that rush going for hours if there's time enough for it.
Often you won't even get your senses back as you're being over-stimulated, completely in his hands and lost in pleasure. You might feel like you're drowning in it, but you won't need to fear actual drowning, Drake won't let you get hurt in that way.
Lingerie - Oh god you don't even know - He can be gentle with it, but let this man just wreck some of it as often as possible. Tearing holes into fishnets, ripping lacy pieces off you like wrapping. Even if you've explained something isn't for destruction, you can still feel his fingers and muscles flex with a need. That heated wall of muscle against you, hot heavy breath pouring over your skin, a deep voice sinking into your core, praising you for gifting him like this. It's not often he struggles to hold back, but there's just something about it.
And he'll wear it - Sure/Yes - he's not against putting it on, but it's not going to do a whole lot for him that way. There's no humiliation in it for him, clothes are clothes when they're on him. He'll flex and flaunt though, he knows he looks damn good.
Sensory Deprivation - FUCK Yes - the little gasps and whimpers, the sensation of practically getting to hunt you down, he enjoys it. He can be a little cruel with it, leaving you completely untouched for long stretches of time as you try to find him or call out for him. What senses you have left straining to find him to the point that you sometimes jump at absolutely nothing.
He'll tease you until you're begging him for his touch, and then he'll shift into --
Over-stimulation - Oh god you don't even know - This is one of Killer's favorite things, and he's all in for it to be done To Him as much as he is to do it to you. Pain or pleasure doesn't matter, the idea is to drown in it, to let it soak down into your bones and bring you to the brink again and again.
Whether you're dominating him or not, he can get caught up in your pleasure just as well. Cumming over and over again along with you, keeping himself in check just enough to be able to keep watch over you as you writhe and squirm and beg beneath him. You're beautiful to him all the time, but you're nearly divine during these moments.
Kinky one Piece head canons
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
Are you taking requests actually? I want to know if Jaskier ever or often patches up geralt’s wounds
Hi Elsa! So here I am apologizing again to a tumblr fren for how long I take. But I really do open a gdoc and pick away at these for months. Hopefully they are worth the wait.
So. Here is your next installment of ...
I Can't Believe It's Not Fanon: facts that sound like Geraskier fic writers made them up, but that are in fact, book canon.
'Bandaging each other up' edition.
In Geraskier fic, the ‘’bandaging each other up” trope is wildly popular. That just makes sense. Geralt has a dangerous job + we all want them to show each other care and tenderness. Restrained yearning while touching is a great combo.
Now, is it book canon? (drumroll please)
Yes folks. It's canon.
They both patch each other up at least once that is mentioned. The time Geralt bandages Dandelion is much more dramatic so I'll focus there first:
Geralt does patch Dandelion up. And while it isn’t just like fanon (there are no kisses) it is an incredibly pivotal moment for Geralt. Seeing Dandelion get hurt and put at risk, fucks Geralt up so badly that it leads to one of the most iconic scenes in the series. It also portrays one of my most beloved tropes of all time. I will get into all that.
 Also, as a bonus, the way their friends react to Dandelion’s (relatively) minor injury, is so fucking funny and cute. There is this fanon going around, (I saw a post I can’t find now) where Jaskier gets minorly injured and the wolves fuss over him and make a big deal over his bravery. XD It’s very cute. 
And actually.
That is canon. Only instead of the wolves, it’s the hansa. (For the uninitiated, the hansa is an iconic group of friends who wander the continent through a war hellscape with Geralt to help him find Ciri)
Ok *clears throat* here is what happens when Dandelion is injured. I talked about this part a bit in my “Geralt being extremely protective of Dandelion” post, but I have something new to say about it, I promise.
So, in Baptism of Fire, Geralt and Dandelion are on the same horse, fleeing an enemy. They are in a clearing, and are trying to make it to a forest for tree cover. Geralt is riding in front, and Dandelion is holding onto Geralt for dear life in the back. If they are caught and overpowered, it would mean certain death. In that context, here is how Dandelion is injured:
When hope dawned that they might just make it, the night air suddenly sang with a whistle of fletchings. Dandelion yelled, this time very loudly indeed, and dug his fingers into Geralt’s sides. The Witcher felt something warm dripping onto his neck.
Uh oh. Bard down. What does Geralt do?
“Hold on!” he shouted, catching the poet by the elbow and drawing him closer to his own back. “Hold on Dandelion!”
So first, he draws Dandelion closer, hoping he can cling to his back. And how does Dandelion react? Well, Dandelion has been hurt before, when the djinn got him. But that was magical. There was no blood involved. No one has ever made him bleed his own blood before. So, he panics.
“They’ve killed me!” the poet howled, impressively loudly for a dead man. “I’m bleeding! I’m dying!”
The tongue in cheek humor is one of the hallmarks of the witcher books. But yeah. The poor guy utterly panics. They almost make it into the cover of some woods when Dandelion pitches backwards off the horse.
The poet thudded onto the dirt and lay still, groaning pathetically. His head and left shoulder were covered in blood, and glistened black in the moonlight. 
Now, this part I've discussed. The next part is where we see how it makes Geralt feel to see Dandelion harmed like that. 
The witcher sprang up, feeling a swelling wave of cold fury and hatred inside him...he wanted to kill.
Seeing Dandelion attacked makes him feel cold fury and homicidal rage. So he faces their pursuers and kills the leading rider in a grotesque way, by way of a blade into his open mouth up to the hilt. (Geralt is an intense motherfucker when you hurt someone he loves) Then he goes back to his friend.
“Dandelion! Where were you hit? Where is the arrow?”
“In my head, it’s stuck in my head.”
“Don’t talk nonsense! Bloody hell, you were lucky. It only grazed you.”
“I’m bleeding...”
Dandelion has never been shot before, so he thinks the pain means the arrow is stuck in his head. Geralt is massively relieved. And then Geralt does something that we do see a lot in fanon.
Geralt removed his jerkin and tore off a shirtsleeve. The point of the quarrel had caught Dandelion above the ear, leaving a nasty looking gash extending to his temple. The poet kept bringing his shaking hand up to the wound and then looking at the blood, which was profusely spattering his hand and cuffs. His eyes were vacant.
So Geralt takes off his own jerkin so he can get to his shirtsleeve and he tears his own clothing to get ready to bandage Dandelion. Dandelion is in shock. His eyes are vacant.
And here’s the part that really gets me.
The witcher realized he was dealing with a person who, for the first time in his life, had been wounded and was in pain. Who, for the first time was seeing his own blood in such quantities.
Now, again, Dandelion was horrifically wounded by the djinn. But it was magical and he was cured. But this is the first time he is bleeding from a wound. And to me it is so crucial that this is the thought that Geralt has. Despite the fact that he’s closer to a hundred years old than fifty, and has been injured countless times, he never loses sight of the fact that his friend doesn’t have the same experience of physical suffering that he does. (I’ll come back to that). Now. Back to the story.
“Get up,” he said, wrapping the shirtsleeve quickly and clumsily around the troubadour’s head. “It’s nothing, Dandelion. It’s only a scratch. Get up, we have to get out of here fast.”
So Geralt wraps up his wound. But since they are in the middle of a battle zone and he is emotional, it is quick and clumsy and he's trying to calm him. And now he needs to get him to safety.
Dandelion managed to get up, but immediately sat down again, groaned and sobbed pitifully. The witcher lifted him to his feet, shook him back to consciousness and hauled him into the saddle. 
Geralt mounted behind the wounded poet and spurred the horse east...
So, he reassures him, rips his own clothes to bandage him and he tosses him on the horse for safety. Now they ride off to find their friends, and now Geralt is behind him, holding him up.
Now, we get back to the hansa. If you don’t know hansa, there is Milva, who I have profiled here. She is a very tough archer who has been through a lot of shit and can beat your ass. There is Cahir, (nothing like tv Cahir) who used to be a soldier. So. Also a warrior. And we have Regis, a several centuries old vampire who can go from genteel to deadly in the blink of an eye. (we don’t have Angouleme yet). I'd be willing to wager that Dandelion is the baddest ass poet on the continent. But compared to Geralt and the other members of the hansa, he is a soft squishy little wet kitten, and they rarely let him forget it.
When Geralt reunites with them, Regis bandages up Dandelion with a real bandage. Regis is a barber/surgeon and very good at field medicine. 
And the way Regis talks to Dandelion is so sweet. Like, there is an inherent ridiculousness but to me it is so goddamn touching. Here he is treating him:
“Be brave, Dandelion.”
Dandelion was brave.
“Almost done here,” Regis said, setting about bandaging the victim’s head. “Don’t you worry, Dandelion., you’ll be right as rain. The wound is just right for a poet, Dandelion. You’ll look like a war hero, with a proud bandage around your head, and the hearts of the maidens looking at you will melt like wax. Yes, a truly poetic wound. Unlike an abdominal wound for instance. Liver all cut up, kidneys and guts mangled, stomach contents and faeces pouring out, peritonitis...Right, that’s done.”
It is so comedic how he talks to a grown man like a child but it's genuinely touching to me because there is real compassion in it. They may have suffered far worse (Regis has been quite literally torn apart), but they still are so proud of him for dealing with his wound. Also, he knows to appeal to two of Dandelion’s biggest priorities; good poetry and impressing women. 
Then, we really see the emotional effects of Geralt seeing Dandelion injured like that. 
Right after this happens, Geralt tries to drive his friends away. He says his mission (they are trying to find Ciri in a war zone) is too dangerous for them. He gives his “I’m going it alone now, you can all leave” speech. Dandelion has no intention of leaving him and sasses the fuck out of him, shading him in a very accurate way, as he does.
“It only concerns you,” Dandelion repeated slowly. “You don’t need anybody. Company impedes you and slows down your journey. You don’t expect help from anybody and you have no intention of relying on anybody. Furthermore, you love solitude. Have I forgotten anything?”
And Geralt’s response shows us how badly Dandelion’s injury had him fucked up. He replies to Dandelion:
“Had that arrow passed an inch to the right, you idiot, the rooks would be pecking out your eyes now. You’re a poet and you’ve got an imagination; so try imagining a scene like that...”
That arrow, that close call on Dandelion's life really shook Geralt. Though he always worried about them, Dandelion’s injury was the inciting event for him to try to push away his friends in order to protect them. But of course no one leaves him. They make him sit down and chop vegetables for the iconic fish stew scene. Ok, now back to the ‘everyone is proud of Dandelion for his injury’ trope.
The group reunites with Zoltan Chivay, their dwarf friend, and he shouts and embraces Dandelion. 
“Dandelion, alive and kicking, even if your skull is bandaged! And what do you say, you bloody busker, about this latest melodramatic banality? Life, it turns out, isn’t poetry! And do you know why? Because it’s so resistant to criticism!”
I love how all of these warrior/soldier/badass types love to tease him about being a poet. It’s the kind of teasing that shows affection and indicates that they consider him part of their group, even though his gifts are different than theirs. Then later, Milva talks about how she misjudged Dandelion and how he is a hero.
“I saw how Dandelion puts on a brave face: but thought him weak, soft, not used to hardship. I was just waiting for him to give up and we’d have to offload him...Now just look: Dandelion’s the hero...”
But of course, Dandelion cannot just be cool about the attention he’s getting. He has to make ballads about himself.
Dandelion followed behind Regis and Geralt on Pegasus, with a bandaged head and a warlike mien. As he rode, the poet composed a heroic ballad...the song clearly implied that the author and performer had been the bravest of the brave during the adventures.
The man just cannot. Be. Cool. About it. But I think it’s cute they all let him preen and they don't tell him to stfu about a damn grazing of the head. XD That's true friendship. True love.
So, can I tell you about what really really gets me about that bit though? 
Geralt, our main character, has been abused and traumatized in every way imaginable. He has been tortured, assaulted, discriminated against, experimented on, beat to shit, and people are always trying to kill him. 
In my experience, people who are traumatized can sometimes resent people who have had an easier life. They can begrudge other people their comparative innocence, freedom, or ignorance. It’s human. It happens. 
So when there is a fictional character (Geralt) who is that traumatized, and they meet someone comparatively sheltered (Dandelion has been beaten for sure, but it's hard to compete with Geralt's experience with harrowing violence), and instead of resenting that person, their instinctive emotional reaction is an undying, almost pathological determination to protect the more sheltered person, that gets to me. It hits me directly where I live.
The compassion and empathy it takes to have a wound like a crater and instead of begrudging other people their relative safety, you dedicate your life to preventing them from getting a scratch, that is profound. And when I see it in a fictional character, I fall in love with them. That’s it. I just hand them my heart. It also sort of implies to me a sense of vulnerability. An instinctive desire for healing. When you can heal someone else and it makes you feel good, isn’t that like wanting healing for yourself? It makes me ache.
Girl help, I’m in my feelings again about Geralt of Rivia.
Dandelion helps Geralt Sew His Wounds
Now, the fanon of Jaskier patching up Geralt is not on the page in book canon. He must have helps him with smaller injuries from time to time, just by sheer necessity given how many years they travel together. And while he hates murder and gore, I imagine he can handle small wounds. But that isn’t on the page.
Thanks to a lovely reader/observant anon who reminded me AND hunted down the passage, it is mentioned at least once that Dandelion helps Geralt with suturing a wound. In Sword of Destiny p227:
" Just before the girl arrived, Geralt had poured a coagulating elixir on his mutilated forearm, and boosted it with an anaesthetic elixer, and Essi had caught them just as he and Dandelion were suturing the wound using a fishing line tied to a hook."
Now, other times, when Geralt is very probably-would-have-been mortally wounded (after the striga, or after the redacted), Jaskier is not physically present, and once someone else helps Geralt because they are much better equipped to do so. On the page, it is always usually women who put Geralt back together: priestesses, sorceresses, or dryad healers. 
The women in Geralt’s life challenge him in various ways, and their respect is sometimes hard earned. But they are always there when he needs them. They are all powerful or learned healers. And Yennefer specifically tries to think of his health. She indirectly pressures people to pay Geralt more for jobs so he has more of wages for medical expenses. It is touching, AND really important how it places Geralt and witchers as part of the working class.
Dandelion constantly defends Geralt. Geralt is his specialest boye. But he never bandages Geralt in the books. And he also canonically helps him suture his wounds.
So, this one is 50/50. Half canon half fanon. It's canon, folks.
ALSO, that story, (A Little Sacrifice, which is a short story in Sword of Destiny) is PEAK domestic Geraskier/Gerlion. They pool their money and get in brawls together, and they share a bed and clothing. They also philosophize, psychoanalyze each other, bicker, and swear not to leave each other when they get into trouble out on a hunt. If you don't want to, or can't read the books, I recommend that one short story.
The "male gaze" is heavy (most people's critique of The Witcher books is very true) in that story. The mermaids breasts are described at least twice every time she makes an appearance. But the story IS really fucking delightful and you get so much insight into Geralt and his friendship with Dandelion is in top form. Also, I adore Essi, and she is in that story.
Anyway, thanks again to the eagle eyed anon. I usually try to qualify "that is not in the books" with "that I remember" since my brain is so fallible. But I really thought I would have noticed something like that! Goes to show.
And I think it's HYSTERICAL that the ONE time I write that Gerlion DON'T entirely behave like they're in a fanfic, is the time that I'm wrong XD.
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The Adventures of Dilf!Chishiya Info!!!
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*squeals and fainting people in the crowd*
Hello everyone *yay* This little post will serve as an Info on the Dilf!Chishiya Series of One Shots and its Intro who all have the same Chishiya in them.
That means, in all of these Stories, Chishiya is the same age, works the same job, has the same Family and so on.
The only things that change are the plot of the Stories and the reader who plays the female lead you could say.
For that role, I could either write them as “You” which means things will go like Chishiya did this and you said that etc. I guess you know that format from other fanfictions, Imagines and so on.
I’m not so big on “Y/N” but I could do this too, which means instead of a Name, the female lead gets called Y/N which you can then imagine as yourself or put in any other name.
The third option, and the one I actually prefer, since it help me getting into the character and personality, is giving the female lead a name for the story. In this case, I would like you guys to send me some names you could see fit, since I’m running out of possible ones. I wont promise that I’m gonna use each and every single one, but honestly, again, I’m running out of possible names…
Now onto the main task here. Our Dilf!Chishiya Intro is coming!
I’m going to put it up shortly after this post makes its way on your Dash. I worked really hard on it, so it wont clash with future One Shots and I hope its perfect, cause I don’t like changing content that has been posted and is officially out. There is a german saying that goes “Was liegt das pickt” translating it makes almost no sense, but I googled it and apparently the English version is “What’s agreed is agreed” I hope you guys can still understand what I’m trying to say at this point xD
Anyway, here are some Dilf!Chishiya One Shots coming up. Names may change (some surely will)
Free the Öko Nipple
Chishiya and his Med Student
Chishiya and his daughters Tutor
Chishiya sees double
Chishiya meets the Easter Bunny
Ho Ho hoes in the House (Not so proud of the name but yeah its Chishiya dressed as Santa)
Chishiya loves the trampoline
College Sleepover party
College Sleepover party the second
Another College Sleepover party
Too many College Sleepover parties
College Sleepover party 5 times is too much
And who knows what. Seriously I had way too much fun with those One Shots xD and he does come a bit over as a pervy middle aged man so if that’s not your style, better not read it. Note: All females in the Stories are at least 18.
Send me Names if you have one in mind that could fit and don’t be shy! Enjoy *wink wink*
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years
MAG 151 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: apple cutting.
Haha, Big picture! On one hand the idiom of getting an overall view and then on the other hand it’s a bit more literal, since after all Simon was a painter, and he worked on big pictures!
MARTIN: „Um, excuse me sir – uh, sorry, you – can’t actually be here?“ UNKNOWN: „Oh, not to worry! I seem to be doing all right so far.“ Simon is such an icon! I love/hate that old guy!
UNKNOWN: „Ah! You must be Martin. Goodness, he was not exaggerating.“ MARTIN: „What’s that supposed to mean?“ UNKNOWN: „Oh, come now, don’t be like that.“ Yeah, what was that supposed to mean? Does Martin really look so lonely? Any other guesses?
SIMON: "…They have been in, haven’t they? I’d hate to think I’m underrepresented in here – not when Peter tells me that that (derisive) bone fellow has at least half a dozen –" Hm, is Simon perhaps a bit bothered by the possibility of his own insignificance?^^ Seriously though, the way he talks this whole episode, the dismissiveness towards any value of our lives.
MARTIN: „And you do it? Why?“ SIMON: „Is that your first question?“ MARTIN: (tense) „…is there a limit?“ SIMON: „Only until I get bored. And that does tend to come more quickly these days.“ MARTIN: „O…okay, okay then, sure, sure. First question, then. Why are you helping Peter? Don’t you serve different, you know, fears?“ SIMON: „Well, now… See, that’s actually two questions.“ This dialogue is just hilarious! xD
The One Alone and the Falling Titan are such good names. A strong yet mysterious tone.
MARTIN: „How are new powers born?“ SIMON: „Hmm… Don’t know.“ MARTIN: „How soon could it attempt this ritual?“ SIMON: (cheerily) „No clue.“ MARTIN: „How do we stop it?“ SIMON: „Can’t help you.“ MARTIN: (teeth gritted) „Could you at least try?“ I can’t possibly highlight every funny dialogue in this episode, can I?
SIMON: „The thing you have to remember is that no one actually knows how these things work – not really.“ Not-really counter of S4: 19!
SIMON: „There’s always been plenty of theories, of course, and over a century or two you do start to get an intuitive feel for it, but… there’s really no hard-and-fast rules. The powers, or entities, or fears, or whatever you want to call them, are bound up in emotion. In feeling. How they exist, what they can do, how they interact with the world… it all makes about as much logical sense as a nightmare. Which is to say, there is a certain sort of emotional logic to it all: things feel like they flow together in a way that makes sense, but if you try to stop and do the maths, then it all comes apart. At least, in my experience.“ I love this explanation! Soft magic system, soft magic system!!!
SIMON: „Because it wasn’t a very good idea…? The fear wasn’t out there – not like I hoped it was. It all sort of… fizzled. Also, a Hunter broke in and destroyed the mechanism.“ So what did happen to various rituals, which they didn’t work (without Gertrude’s or Jon’s interference). Was that in Alexandria a ritual or just a stronghold like the Institute? Either way, it was destroyed by the Dark iirc. Then the Stranger ritual in Budapest, stopped by the Slaughter. And now the Vast, sabotaged by the Hunt.
SIMON: „It’s all been getting a bit much over the last few decades. I blame the number of people. From a raw numbers point of view, it’s getting very busy. More minds equals more fear, after all.“ So is he kind of saying, the Fear business shifted into a capitalistic model? xD
SIMON: "Erm… imagine you are deaf. But every night you hear the most beautiful music in your dreams, and your every waking thought is consumed by trying to reproduce that music. – oh, you’re mute, as well, in this analogy, or at least, you can’t sing. And you need to invent the idea of a musical instrument from scratch. Everyone else is also deaf and mute, and, um –" Also, very good explanation!
MARTIN: "And – and how did you get started with it all? Did you – did – did you just look up at the sky one day and fall head-over-heels in love?" It's funny how Martin's thoughtless guesses actually come quite close to the truth. Happens in MAG 154 as well.
SIMON: (laughs) "Well, this has been fun. Now, if we’re about done –" [CHAIR SCRAPES] MARTIN: We’re not. Sit back down." SIMON: "Bold!" (chuckles) [CHAIR SCRAPES] SIMON: "I like it." I'd like to say that Martin really got bold in S4, but actually, he always had it in him and he certainly was no scaredy cat. He grabbed a few worms on the way out of his flat. He stood up to Jon several times and even snaps at him in MAG 39. He snaps at Tim in MAG 79. He decided to provoke Elias and went through with it. I'd say his fuse got shorter in S4, but he's never been a pushover and one of his advantages actually was people underestimating him.
SIMON: "I’d say, 'any time,' but honestly, if you see me again… I may just throw you off something for a joke. How do you feel about – roller coasters?" Sassy bitch! [affectionate] I do like Simon very much as a character, but in rl I would stay away as far as possible to people like this xD (tbh, there are a lot of characters I really like and appreciate, but who I would avoid at any cost irl.)
BASIRA: “I don’t think so. Three weeks I’ve been waiting to catch sight of you, and now I find you chatting with Simon Fairchild.” How did Basira recognize Simon on sight but Martin did not? Am I forgetting something?
BASIRA: "Yeah, Jon found the tapes you made for him –" MARTIN: (frantically) "Shh, shh!" This is such a huge indicator that Martin isn't actually buying into Peter's bullshit that much and still is very invested in Jon. But he needs to keep up his facade and play the long game. Very Web-y of him.
BASIRA: "And you don’t see anything suspicious about that –" MARTIN: (overlapping) "Of course I do, but it – might be the only way, and…" Oh man, the parallels to MAG 194... Except the roles are switched here and Martin didn't go through with it when the time came and he finally got the big picture.
MARTIN: "Yeah. Don’t… tell Jon. Please." BASIRA: "Fine. I can’t promise you he won’t just Know it, though." MARTIN: "… How is he?" He's still so attached! T_T
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luimagines · 1 year
*walks in tiredly, offers you a mug of tea, downs my own like a shot, makes it like the Wild 100 years ago* Hey there, hope you're doing well today ^^
Probably long ask so uh, warning and apologies in advance. I'm glad the Lustrous ask was seemingly well received? XD It's just a snippet of a bigger thing, I'm writing a full thing for them when I have the time (along with a series for the Fairy Tale prompts, which I also have snippets of if anyone's interested?) which I'll post later and tag you if you're interested, plus you listened to me basically just come into your little corner of the internet and ramble about a crossover of a series you're not familiar with and LU, so it's only fair since it basically inspired me to keep going, so thank you ^^. Although, uh, Citrine/Little Link won't have a good time, apologies in advance, I blame the evil moon people. Yeah sorry he's probably going to pull a Time or Sky in the bad sense. That was an exchange from a draft of chapter 4 and English is not my first language even though I've been using it more for years, so that's likely why it's off, I apologize for that. Also I promised I'd come here and scream about how much I adore your writing of the boys (and once again, thank you for posting, great pick me up after a rough week that really does make me want to walk right into a Guardian beam, so here we go while I can even if I may need to split this in two if I hit the word limit.
Also the small family with Warriors and Wind is so wholesome, I think I went under from cavities alone (or maybe it’s the sleep deprivation, eh), please let the Link’s have parents and parental figures who stick around and don’t contribute to their trauma universe and Wind and Aryll are definitely up there in both deserving and needing it a lot, had to say I laughed at Warriors not being as thrilled by the crab as someone who makes friends with them and seagulls every time I’m near the ocean, they’re neat little fellas ^^, Poor Legend probably ain’t gonna be thrilled to find one on his clothes though, I know I wasn’t before figuring out how to keep them out, also, Reader comforting Aryll- just yes, also Wind’s grandma is the best I don’t make the rules. Sick Reader is such a mood, the boy's reactions hurt to read though it's really heartwarming how much they care, perfectly in character, 10/10, would definitly die over it again. Reader being good with a bow made me chuckle and smile because the irony of being familiar with a bow and seeing Reader and Wild excited of it reminds me of when I first picked it up, sweet and humorous and I adore it. Four getting a taste of his own medicine- *cackles hard in current Minish Cap player and Manga reader of it and Four Swords* That's what you get for your canonical flirting boy! He was as bad as Warriors and look where it got him XD Also he's so gone for Reader's Colors and Reader in general, it's sweet and just really good, I love it so much, plus the Reader’s colors have so much personality and it’s great. The Fear Room, goodness THE FEAR ROOM. I'm going to need to save it in for another ask because there are so many little details that I adore and I am a sucker for horror and it's too good- 20/10, would scare my poor dog again over my pain and elation.
Reader accidentally spilling who’s their favorite (and suffering as a result) also makes me cackle and smile a lot, it’s soft and sweet and each Link being so elated by it is literally so sweet (though Time, Wild, and Twilight literally murdered me during that segment, not a bad cause of death all things considered, but how dare all Link’s be so sweet? Like I’m already dead here, shoveled dirt into my box and everything, no need to try finishing me off), na interesting detail is how Hyrule and Legend both have the almost immediate reaction of asking why, dunno if it’s intentional or not but it’s a very neat touch, like you don’t have to elaborate but either way they’d happy if you did decide to which reflects really well with their characters. Four overreacting the second Reader takes it back (be smothe, smithy boy, specially so you don’t plot), Sky being sweet but oh so oblivious and basically killing Reader and Warriors being flattered, Wind just being triumphant in general and wanting to make Reader smile, Wild basically getting a critical hit in, Twilight and Time existing, it’s just so nice and I am soft. Plus the consistent and cackle worthy betting always makes me wheeze.
Speaking of betting, the Link’s being so gone for a tall S/O is both hilarious, consistency I greatly appreciate and a mood, plus the lines where definitely on point for sudden hilarity (“They got family?” “They took all your height” “And ours too-“ “Twilight wondering why he got none of that” absolutely sent me, great pick me up after a generally bad time existing), and all of them being soft and just so happy their S/O is in their lives and how they can show them off when meeting in each Hyrule is really wholesome, plus the consistent betting and friendly teasing which really sells how they are as close as brothers is really nice to see.
Soft Fierce Deity, honestly the main thing I can say coherently is that if the favorite scenario, and then the meeting scenarios slayed me, then this man came into my house and stole all my bones before killing me again in a good way because I am too soft, I have a really soft spot for the Fierce Deity, and the way you write for him is great and we usually don’t see much for him in any corner of the Zelda (or adjacent) Fandoms, it’s in character sure because Nintendo has a tendency of mentioning deities in Zelda or Link variants and then just refusing to elaborate, but it always makes me happy to see people write stuff for him among other things, 50/10.
How to Be a Heartbreaker delights me, always nice to see Warriors being the flustered one instead and his and Reader’s banter (and Twilight cameo) gives me life, I could probably write a small essay on why it delights me so much, but again word limit so let’s move on, maybe during another ask or something.
... Actually maybe I should save the oneshots for another individual ask, more organized that way.
Anyway, onto there’s only one bed! Also know as, Wild killing me with cackling that had my dog nuzzling me with concern and being my spirit animal all in one go, never change Wild Child, knew there was a reason you managed to bring me back to the Zelda fandom, me trying and failing not to be soft for Warriors, soldier boy deserves good things and it’s really sweet how much he cherishes reader, and me and Legend having the same trauma (aka KOHOLINT, if I could I’d fistfight the Windfish, I can’t go to the beach without a seagull being nearby and remembering Marin, specially with the friendly ones who actually come by just to stare and chirp for a while and it hurts), the fact he doesn’t want Reader to look down on him, because he doesn’t want them to leave him like how he basically lost or was left by most people in his life, the correlation with when he was stranded at sea, Reader comforting him- Just yes, bless the veteran. Flustered Reader is also my spirit animal, and cat Reader delights me to no end,  thank you once more for the wonderful contente and all your work in the fandom!
Also, while the urge to nap has not yet claimed me yet (and with hopefully the Tumblr wordcount not vibe checking me), I saw an ask about Time/Mask/Sprite with a resistance leader s/o? May I raise an idea/au of this au that’s been haunting me every second when I’m not doing anything much? Resistant Leader in the pre-timeskip timeline (aka The Child Timeline) started out as a Terminan Thief, that’s why Mask didn’t run into them when first going to get the Master Sword, they haven’t left Termina yet. The first contact Mask had with them after the timeskip was when they stole his wallet as a Deku Scrub, ran from him on the second day and then vanished on the third day. After the loop starts Thief/would be Resistant Leader Reader is somehow always just there, stealing random stuff from him and generally making his life harder (he would like to know how they snatched the Bunny Hood from his head and the Gilded Sword without him noticing, please? But Thief Reader definitely ain’t going to start divulging tricks of the trade) but always vanish on the third day before he can really stop them to talk, so honestly done and just really wanting to know why someone he remembers as this really amazing, confidente and badass leader would be acting like this (because it honestly doesn’t seem in character, given they were fighting Ganon for so long and stalled him several times on his search for Link) and just really missing a friend and being tired of these loops, he manages to follow them, maybe Reader was in a spot of trouble with other thieves and couldn’t get out of it unless they stole a certain quantity of rupees or rare items, and by the final day they snap and that’s why Link doesn’t see them (maybe the Gorman Brothers? If Reader spoke out and maybe tried using one of his stolen weapons to have a go at them for attacking Cremia and Romani if they’re close, although it’s generally ambigous, maybe it could be someone from Ganon’s former band of thieves who ran to Termina, and that’s why they became a Rebellion Leader in the timeskip? They couldn’t leave, saw what Ganon was going to do to Hyurle went, “Hm. Don’t really like that!” and probably fought their way out, maybe getting other thieves to speak up and rally together as well and it just escalated?) Either way, Mask sees what’s happening and that they probably can’t get out of it alone like usual and helps them because that’s HIS friend lord darn it he hasn’t seem them in forever and thought he wouldn’t ever see them again, the first familiar face since maybe Lullaby and Malon he’s seen in a while, he isn’t leaving them behind (casually raising my headcanon of Fae possesiviness being Time’s fault in the bloodline if we want to figure out where Hyrule’s came from, because the Kokiri are basically another branch of Fae and have fairies near them), and as thanks they not only give him his items of whichever loop his in back but maybe something of their own as well to remember, and help him out with the rest of the tasks or a temple (probably by somehow getting him the dungeon item, or a few dubiously acquired potions ahead of time), but if he had to reset they get caught up in it and actually remember the previous loop, given the way they just SPRINTED through Clock Town on the first day and instead of being subtle like always to steal something, they just bowl him over in a glomp and start checking him over, breaking the pattern.
Cue a bit of panic, several explanations and either an ear pull, cursing or stealing of rupees and holding masks hostage as revenge (and the threat of leaving him with nothing but the clothes on his back if he tries stopping them from helping, oh you’ve lost count of how many times you’ve done this now? And don’t want me to get hurt? Well too bad I am not letting you do this alone, News flash, technically I’ve already been hurt I’m not losing the one person who bothered to help me), and now he has an impromptu loop buddy to help him out even if it’s through questionable means after they usually deal with whichever other thief is around first. Maybe if after he defeats Majora and goes to leave he doesn’t tell Thief Reader, assuming they don’t want to come with since he’s caused them a lot of trouble and they’re technically free to do as they please now, only he can’t, because Thief Reader absconded with two more things of him: One of his earring’s, and the Fierce Deity Mask, which they are cheekily  waving to show off to him atop Clocktower, the earring on their own ears. (And seriously? HOW?!) Shenanigans ensue, maybe a chase or two, and Mask acquires himself a travel companion on top of Epona, Tatl and Tael on his search for Navi.
And honestly? Chaotic and bullheaded as they are and probably something of a magpie to boot, he wouldn’t have picked anyone else. You can hold your own and you’ve been ride or die with him twice over now, if that isn’t a sign you’re sticking around he doesn’t know what is.
Or something, idk, I’m running on three hours of sleep, maybe someone with more energy can expand on this into the War of Ages later or I’ll do it myself (Wind would have the best/worse role model ever, given ya know, Pirate and really light footed, feather touched and chaotic thief, Warriors is having heart attacks every five seconds even if he has to admit that when Thief Reader is going for soldier’s who talked badly about him, Mask, Wind, Ravio or Zelda is the most hilarious thing he’s ever seen and that one time they stole Cia's staff and were going to bash her over the head, Ravio is probably side eying them the whole time or seeing a business opportunity, Artemis and them trade tips due to her Sheik alter ego and both Mask and Warriors have to drag them away from one another, the possibilities are endless). I just find the idea of the Link’s with any morally dubious, but clearly cares a lot and wouldn’t hesitate to cut or bite someone for them amusing. Gives way for some interesting dynamics, like say Twilight and cattle raider reader (aka the cowboy/wild west themed rivalry au that I will not elaborate on), or Warriors with an Assassin Reader, or Wild with a mercenary reader, the possibilities are infinite folks.
Also also, if for some reason Mask and Thief Reader got separated before LU, and they reunite as Time and Still a Thief but much closer to their Rebellion Couterpart Reader. And their reunion basically goes like that one Puss in Boots, or the Lion King one scene: Thief Reader: *Holding dagger to throat, teeth bared as they just managed to steal the Fierce Deity Mask for the 10987th time from this strange man they don’t recognize after he gave chase, pauses for a couple of seconds in disbelieving, shocked recognition, dropping the blade*... Link?
Time: *Also in fight mode and ready to kick the attacker off of him and getting the mask back, actually takes a good look at their face and pauses in shock, long dead hope suddenly burning again, hesitant* (... Reader)? Thief Reader: *Not even hesitating to throw themselves at him in a hug with a slightly teary laugh* LINK! Time: *hugging them back just as tight, still somewhat in disbelief* (Reader).
Thief Reader: *pausing as they notice the Fierce Deity’s marks, flashbacks to all the times they told Mask not to over do it on the battlefield with it because they saw how much it hurt and affected him even if the Deity is pretty chill with them, chillingly livid as they level the tone at him, you know the one, pulling at one of his ears* ...Link.
Time, Knowing he is in danger as he recognizes that tone: ... (Reader). *wisely stays silent as they smack him hard on the shoulder and starting the lecture of a lifetime, silently glad Malon also isn’t here because she’d probably join you, but also just glad you’re even here to lecture and get mad at him in the first place after so long* The Chain, watching all this drama and telepathy display go down and who just wanted their stolen stuff back: I can just imagine the sheer confusion and bewilderment as to how Time knows this seemingly random thief who stole their stuff and would have probably dipped sucessfully if not by somehow getting Wild’s Slate, the Fierce Deity Mask and almost all of Legend’s rings at the same time and why they’re arguing like an old married couple about self care of all things. Most amusing reactions probably going for Twilight, Wild, Legend, Warriors and Wind. Or something, i’m probably not making much sense.
Anyway, I’ve probably bothered you with my rambling enough for one day xD Thank you once again for all your work in the fandom, maybe I’ll have more stuff on Lustrous reader or even Vessel reader next I’m by but until then, thank you ^^.
-Signed, Just a Tired Anon on A Stroll 🐚.
Anon!!! Hello again!!
But also, please tag in anything. I'm so intrigued and I want more fairytale stuff. Go ahead. XD
I'm glad you like the oneshots! Please tell me more of your thoughts on the Fear Room o.o I'm not big on horror so I'm glad it got the terror across ^.^*
And Fierce Deity and How to be a Heartbreaker and other because I want to hear all your thoughts. XD
And what do you mean Twilight- wild west au- rivalry?!?!? Hello!!?!??! You can't just drop that and say you won't elaborate!!!!
But this idea with theif! Reader is a good one :D
Clearly, you put a lot of thought into it and there's just so much potential.
The boys are all awkward and shuffling in the background as Time gets scolded because they're not sued to the leader cower back like that and even then he's not even trying to defend himself at this point and they're just staring. "....Who is this person?"
"No clue, but the Old Man finally got what was coming to him."
"I feel like my parents are fighting."
"I know them..." Warrior sighs. "I guess they haven't change at all."
Multiple heads turn to look at him.
He puts his hands up. "I'm not saying anything."
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countlessrealities · 2 years
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name. Scotty
pronouns. they / them
preference of communication. Tumblr IMs or Discord (even if I’m selective with whom I hand my Discord to. We need to have talked at least a bit here before).
name of muse. I currently have 12 active muses (both canon and OCs), 3 test muses and 1 request muse on this blog. Mort of them are Rick and Morty muses (all versions of the two titular characters).
rp experience / how  long. I don’t remember for how long exactly I’ve been RPing. It has to be at least 8-10 years. I started on another site and then landed on Tumblr about 5-6 years ago.
best experience. I don’t have a specific episode that I consider the best ever, but in general the best experience for me is connecting with kin minded people and build a world of plots and interactions through of our characters. It’s always a lot of fun and very stimulating. I have a few people I’m especially grateful to in this sense and I hope I’ll have the chance to keep writing with them for as long as possible. And hopefully to meet more like them.
rp pet peeves / deal breakers. This calls for a quite the list xD No rules / muse(s) page. Drama / callout culture. DNI for specific characters. Cyber-bulling of any sort (and yes, this includes harrassing people for liking content that you consider “problematic”. If you do that sort of things, get away from my blog, grow the fuck up and get a life). Untagged posts / untagged NSFW, or too fancy tags that are hard to blacklist. Being a self-absorbed dick in general. People who ignore the starters / replies to ask you wrote for them. People who try to force their personal headcanons / views about my muses on me. People who use the “this is a hobby” excuse to be terrible to their writing partners and to not give back the effort people offer them.
fluff,  angst, or smut. Angst is one of my favourite things to write, so that’s definitely my pick. I still like a happy ending after navigating an ocean of feels, pain, trauma, broken spirits, crushed dreams and so on x’D But yeah, angst all the way. Fluff is good to balance more intense threads, so I don’t mind indulging in that too. As for smut, I’m extremely selective with it. I write it with trusted people only, and only when inserted in the context of a developed scenario / ship.
plots or memes. I’m definitely partial to plotting. I like creating long-term storylines, dynamics and arcs / verses. It’s really important for me to plot at least the general idea for first interactions especially, because it helps me getting an idea of what the other person is looking for.
long or short replies.  I’m a descriptive RPer, so I almost exclusively do multi-para and novella threads. Single para are for brief interactions / crack.
best time to write. I don’t really have a specific time. My inspiration comes and goes as it pleases, it could hit me at every hour of the day and of the night. I usually end up writing at night mostly because it’s when I have more free time.
are you like your muse. I share some traits with most of my muses, but I wouldn’t say that there’s a muse that is exactly like me. If something I’m a bit of a mix of some of them. I tend to be almost as cynic as Rick, I can be a bitch like Summer, and I struggled with bad anger issues in the past like Morty does and I tend to put up a facade / play a certain kind of persona for the world to see Like Blitzo. I’m not super easy to approach (even if it might not seem so), I have plenty of insecurities and I’m really socially awkward, traits that characterises a good number of my muses.
tagged by: @warmongersofzaun & @surgingchef [[ thank you! ]] tagging: @advnterccs @thesafaribaggirl-returns @floweremojifound @esmorothfallen @heamvir @defactomatriarch @finitecurved​ & whoever wants to steal it !
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Hey, Ridia. I hope you’re doing well. Some days ago you mentioned something in one of your answers that made me wonder something. You said that Fushimi hates happy people, which makes sense to me. Now I have an OC who at the beginning of my fic was very smiley, cheerful and full of life so I could see Fushimi hating her (also jealousy because Yata also loved the way she was). However, after Totsuka and Mikoto’s deaths, she loses most of her energy and isn’t as happy as she used to be. Do you think it’s possible for the two of them to get along then because she would want to for Yata? Also, I also saw you recently mention that Mikoto dyes his hair in a more recent ask. Do you know from where that information comes because I’d like to read about it?
Fushimi hates happy people but he also hates people who have a full spectrum of emotion so he would still hate her :P No, wait, I’m kidding (or am I) — I think it would be a more complex thing that’s hard to say for sure since I’ve only got the basic outline of your OC, Fushimi deals with different people in different ways. Like assuming she was in Homra when he was I think Fushimi would find her irritating just from what you’ve said, since she’s likely an energetic positive person and Fushimi is already predisposed to dislike most of Homra for various reasons anyway. Particularly if Yata gets on well with her I think that would make him even more irritated, like why is this bright person clinging to Misaki and why does Yata like it (and I could see some of his own insecurities here too, like similar to how he dislikes Mikoto because he feels like Mikoto is someone he can’t surpass, having Yata be close to someone who is bright and positive when Fushimi could never be that way himself just reminds him of how messed up he is and how he could never be like this person either). 
Post-S1 I feel like he just wouldn’t think about her at all, like even if she’s become more gloomy he has no attachment to her so he likely wouldn’t even notice her change in demeanor, he’s not really paying any attention to the Homra alphabet either. If she tried to proactively befriend him I think he would still dislike her, Fushimi’s not interested in making friends at that point and her personality isn’t really the issue there, it’s more Fushimi himself not wanting to get closer to anyone else. If they were going to get along eventually I’d see it as more of a post-ROK thing when Fushimi’s reconciled with Yata, like if Yata is friends with her and wants Fushimi to be too I think he’d at least give her a chance for Yata’s sake. I don’t know if they’d ever be able to become close or anything, with Fushimi being so standoffish with people in general, but I think he’d at least tolerate her more at that point and it could eventually turn into a friendship, now that Fushimi’s more willing to actually try and let people in rather than knee jerk hating everyone.
(As for the Mikoto question…that was a comment made by Gora during a Q&A once that was reported on Twitter. They’ve never to my knowledge really mentioned it before or since and they didn’t say what color he was originally, which is why I decided he’s a secret platinum blond because I thought that option is funniest XD)
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rttnpnkpmpkn · 1 year
good day/evening OP! got a question if you don’t mind! how long have you been drawing art? and what keeps you motivated to draw? do you also do commissions? and do you ever feel tired or exhausted staying in one fandom?
thanks for answering! take your time and you don’t have to answer these if you’re not comfortable ☺️
((btw anon here is in early 20’s just to be clear ^^))
Good evening/day, Anon! And thanks for clarifying your age, as it really does mean a lot 🙏💖
No problem at all to answer these! For drawing, traditionally, it’s ever since I got my hands on my first set of crayons as a babby.
1) If it’s digitally, I started doing more of that when I bought my first surface pro tablet with the remaining art scholarship money at 18-19 years old back in 2015, I believe! Medibang was a game changer because I felt it was a good starter drawing software when I couldn’t afford Paint Tool Sai at the time (I eventually bought a license for Clip Studio instead because of a friend’s recommendation lol).
2) What motivates me to draw? I have many reasons. First one to spite a kindergarten classmate who said my drawing of a Pokémon wasn’t good xD (don’t remember which). Second, to tell stories because I couldn’t write a cohesive plotline. Third, it’s the cheapest entertainment I got lol.
I remember I tried to adapt excepts from the novels I read into comic form and they were pretty fun. Especially when I was inspired by the 39 Clues fanart in the wiki page at the time.
I think if people online made them look fun, it makes me wanna join in too, and that makes me forget that my skills suck~ Which is very important in having the motivation to draw. When focusing on quality, or perfectionism , I tend to be very harsh towards myself, which what leads to my occasional art blocks.
3) Ay I do commissions, but currently closed atm! I still have two more to go and thus, I promise myself not to reopen until I get them done!
You can find the list in my Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/rttnpnkpmpkn/commissions
I may have to increase the prices a bit to account for inflation, which is disappointing but every penny counts in this trying times sorry! qwq
4) It depends! While I can enjoy a content for as long as I can before I move on to the next, the main deciding factor is whether to be involved in a community.
Every fandom I came across as a lurker always seem to follow a pattern, so I’m very reserved in joining new communities socially.
I came for the experience, so I gotta make the most out of it before I do leave to find my next hyper fixation. I’m drawing until I can find my “finale” if that makes sense ^^;
Peeps can come and go in a fandom, but inspo strikes when no one asks!
For the particular fandom I’m in, It’s definitely a mixed bag, but I’ll focus on the positives!
I have many things to be grateful for as they’re the ones who got me out of an art rut for the past year and so. I learn so many new skills and life lessons from them, where I couldn’t imagine it being any different if I didn’t meet them otherwise. I met the nicest peeps who made me forget I’m not too fond of group chats, and were very nice and supportive in their own way!
I’m returning the favor for the inspo they brought me as it’s the least I can do ^^
Also, I never truly leave a fandom, I just wander around as a lurker until I find a reason to come back again. I don’t really make an account dedicated to a specific fandom, because they don’t usually last long, so I tend to sample from other places to make the candle last longer. It wasn’t obvious mostly because I was more of a lurker then and an OC artist xD
I began drawing lots of fanarts mainly because peeps made drawing pr0n for a stickman fun 🤣
Hope that answers your question, and thank you for your time! 🙇💖
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painted-fanbird · 1 year
Okay! I’ve got about 200 pages left, so here’s a thoughts and theories update! Haven’t had a lot of the latter honestly and they’re half formed but eh, it’s fine XD
I’m not done thinking about that assassination attempt when Elend was trying to keep the throne. That fight was so so SO good though!! The drama, Vin getting to do her thing, and OreSeur jumping in to help Vin?? I’m obsessed. And later him keeping a wolfhound body?? He actually kind of likes her, and being a dog. Love him <3 I really hope Vin being a fool and Pushing on his emotions doesn’t ruin the little friendship they were building, I like them together <3
Speaking of Vin, her whole situation this book is really something. In a good way. She doesn’t know how to build an identity for herself, she doesn’t know who she wants to be. In all her internal monologuing she talks about how “no that’s Kelsier’s way, I won’t do that” and “I’ll do this because it’s Elend’s way.” But what’s her way? She doesn’t know. She doesn’t know how to know. She wants to be happy, but she’s afraid of taking that happiness in case she gets burned in the end. She’s so so fascinating, and I want to hug her and wrap her in a blanket and get her to take a proper sleep. I think she needs it lol
And Elend?? Threatening Jastes, finding out what’s up with the koloss, and then going back out after losing the throne and deciding that he’s helping the people anyway?? That’s my king right there, adore him <3
Zane… is still here. My least favorite of the bunch tbh. He’s a survivor of Hathsin now!? Like did my man really need more specialness packed into his character??? If he got out before Kelsier exploded the pits I’m going to scream. I like that he gave Vin Atium though, that was sweet <3
I was right about the mists being related to The Deepness! Shenanigans are for sure afoot in that department
Also I think whatever Rashek did at the Well of Ascension created Allomancers. It just seems to make sense lol
Who’s the imposter? I have no clue and I’m frustrated it’s taking so long to find out lol. Feels like an important thing we’re just not worried about XD First off, I do not believe OreSeur when he says that catching someone burning metals rules them out of being the spy. Sanderson likes to set up Absolute Truths about things, and then a little later go “ehhhh that’s not quite accurate actually.”
I feel tentatively confident in ruling out Spook, because he just hasn’t been in a lot of the book and it seems silly to have a character betray their teammates and not build up on how much that would hurt. I’d use the same logic on Dockson, but he did sit in that carriage with Elend when he delivered the message that he’d been deposed. I dunno if that’s suspicious or character development lol. Which leaves… everyone else lol. Club’s also hasn’t gotten a lot of screen time, so I don’t suspect him that much. I’m thinking it’s either Demoux or Ham, but idk. I feel like there are clues I’m missing and it’s driving me nuts XD
Also I think Vin is the Hero of Ages. Does that count as a theory? She can hear the thumping in the mountains like Alendi could, so that seems cut and dry lol.
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Some folks aren't good at therapisting. It Difficult and not the kinda thing to be taken lightly. And it makes sense that if after 5 tries you start considering alternatives.
I can understand it’s a hard job…. But some of this really could be avoided
Thanks for the money! But uhm, you need to buy my book? Yes. My book. Mine. With my name. Yes. That one. I can’t do any therapy before you get that. I know you’re paying me crazy money for me to just do an hour long commercial for my book? But buy my book. :3 thank youuuuuu
I’m so sorry you had to go through that sweetie. Here lemme try to help. How does this work?- (I can’t say anything about this man other than, he’s the best one I’ve had. Me and him would get into almost challenges to see who knew more bout how brains work. ME AND A DOCTOR! It was so fun for both of us. But he got other opportunities so I was taken to the next one…. Hope he’s doing well tho <3)
Ok, so, what are you’re goals? (Reply) okok. Uhm. (Talk for a bit. Tell her my problems) stares like a fish out of water. (Asks for advice) UHHHHH What do you want to happen?? (Presses again cause that was not an answer) What are your goals?! 😅😅😅😅 (asks to switch) SURE WE CAN DO THAT OF COURSE YES (hurray I now feel like a freak. She made me feel absolutely amazing. Every problem got fish face. Then she was sooo excited to see me leave… am I that much of an issue doc?)
I had to see her every week. (No other had demanded that) but she gets the same amount done in a month regardless. Talks very slowly, and keeps going over things. Forgets what issues are, and makes up others. Try to be firm? “Now is learning time! Not talking time!” Slaps useless little bandages onto big gashes, thinking she’s fixed things forever, then gets offended you’re still upset. Talks to you like you’re 5. Airplane advice incident. XD
It runs very hot or cold (ok last one is lukewarm, cause she gaslights you into thinking you’re 5 and she has the knowledge of the universe). I can say I’ve had one good one. But all the others? How’d they get into this business…… that’s something I’ll be thinking about for a long time.
And yeah. Giving this one more shot. Then I’m washing my hands of the entire sha-bang. I obviously know my way through my head (hey I got into debates with all of them. Only the second therapist found it fun… or actually trusted me). It might sound sketchy? But I’m literally giving up on it all. Not trying another route. I’m done. I’ll do what I can for myself… that’ll be enough. If I end up in a loony bin? It’ll be good for content/j
But seriously… I’m too tired to keep trying things after this. I’m just gonna have to do this alone like I should’ve done if this doesn’t work. I know that sounds bad to everyone. And believe me! I’m not saying to it yourself. I’m just good in my own head…. *sigh* I know it sounds bad. I know people are gonna try to convince me otherwise. And go ahead btw, always up for debates. Heh. But I’m exhausted. And really sick of other people messing me up. Trust issues are there for a reason… and they’ve only been getting worse through this. I’ll back out before I get too bad…. Cross your fingers and hope this last one actually knows this garbage.
0 notes
Hanging By A Moment (Chapter Six) - Charlie Weasley
A/N: aaahhhh! I have no idea how I was able to do this but I was and I honestly hope you loves like it because I know it’s been forever!!! 
Prompt List
Warning: Percy kind of being a jerk, him and reader fighting, reader accidentally hurting herslef (it’s all good, Charlie takes care of her) I think that’s it but let me know if I missed anything :3 also this is suuuper long sorry xD 
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter :) gif isn’t mine :D
Your name: submit What is this?
Hanging By A Moment
There's nothing else to lose There's nothing else to find There's nothing in the world That can change my mind There is nothing else
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"Charlie knows!"
"What?" Oliver asked, confused after you closed the door and put on the Silencing Charm. "What do you mean Charlie knows?"
"He knows" you widen your eyes.
"H-how does he know?" Percy panicked.
"I'm not sure-"
"Did you tell him?" he asked, getting upset.
"What?" you scoffed.
"Did you tell him?" Percy repeated, anxiously.
"No! How could you think I would do that?" you snapped back at him.
"Guys, calm down-" Oliver tried.
"Well, how else would he know? We are the only ones who know!"
"Percy!" Oliver said, getting in between the two of you.
"And you think I would come all the way here and say that I would help you to then out you to your family? Do you honestly think I'd do that?!"
"I don't know! Would you?"
"Percy!" Oliver snapped at his boyfriend.
"Look, I get that you're going through a lot, Perce, but is really not fair that you're taking it out on me when I'm trying to help you-"
"Alright, both of you, that's enough!" Oliver said, glaring at Percy.
"Oh, don't act as if it has been so hard for you when you're happily ogling over my brother!"
"I am not ogling over your brother!"
"How does Charlie know?" he repeated, getting closer to you.
"I wouldn't know! Maybe he got fed up waiting for you to finally tell him!" you yelled back.
"Guys, just stop-"
"You have no idea how I've been feeling! I have tried, okay?"
"I know that Percy, but you keep saying that you're going to tell them, and then you back out! They know something is up and they are worried about you! You're so fixated on thinking that they're all going to hate you that you don't even realize how hurt they are to know that you're hiding something from them!"
"And how would you even know that?"
"Guys! Both of you, stop it!"
"Maybe because I have actually talked to them!"
"Oh, so that's what this is about? The fact that you have a better relationship with my brothers than I do?"
"That's not what I said! You're not making any sense!" you started raising your voice.
"Or maybe I am making perfect sense! Is this what you wanted? Is that why you came here?"
"I didn't even want to be here, remember? You dragged me here because you LIED to your ENTIRE family and told them I was your girlfriend!"
"Oh, don't act like that's such a burden to you! You seem to have made your way perfectly comfortable around here!"
"Percy!" Oliver tried one last time.
"You just barged in here and took my family away! It is not my fault that you don't have one!"
It was done. Percy regretted the words the second they came out of his mouth but it was too late. He could swear he saw how your heart broke written on your face. He saw the way your eyes watered, but, of course, no tears came out. Instead, you closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and placed the saddest smile both Oliver and Percy had ever seen on you.
"You don't sound like yourself" you said, quietly, your voice breaking a little when you did. You knew Percy didn't mean it. And you knew he regretted saying it the minute he did but didn't make it hurt any less. "I'm gonna go" you said, turning around and opening the door.
"(Y/N)-" Oliver tried but you slammed the door in his face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" he glared at his boyfriend before he also walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
Throughout the rest of the evening, you had been incredibly silent. Charlie had tried everything he could think of to get you to talk to him but you only smiled sadly at him and told him to talk to Percy instead. In all honesty, it scared him. Your look seemed so lost but you were still trying to put on a happy face. He hadn't known you for long, but he knew this wasn't you. He noticed that you had been avoiding everyone. Especially Percy and Oliver. Which meant you knew. You knew what he knew and you were broken-hearted. Which broke his heart. He wanted to talk to Percy, but right now he might be too angry and end up telling him something he would regret. So he tried to talk to you first. And now was his chance. Everyone had gone upstairs to sleep and you stayed behind in the kitchen offering to wash the dishes. He figured you didn't want to go upstairs with his brother. He quietly entered the kitchen and saw you standing there, making tea, in your pajamas, wearing his Christmas jumper, your glasses, and your wand somehow seemed tangled in your hair. He could see the sadness in your eyes even if you weren't paying attention to the kettle. You didn't even notice when the kettle started whistling and he walked closer to you.
His voice startled you, making you jump in surprise and accidentally place your bare hand on the burning kettle.
"Fuck" you bit your lip, dropping the kettle to the floor in the process when you felt the burning sensation.
"Shit, are you okay?" Charlie ran over to you.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" you cursed in pain.
"Look at me, love" he said, placing his hands on your shoulders and you turned to face him. He saw your eyes filled with tears and you were trying extremely hard not to cry.
"I'm fine" you said, grabbing your wounded hand with your other one and you pulled away from Charlie.
"You're not-"
"I'm fine, Charlie!" you snapped at him, feeling horrible when you saw nothing but worry in his eyes.
"Please, let me help you" he begged.
"I don't need your help" you said, with a tear falling down your cheek.
"Stop! Just stop" you cried, walking away from him. "Stop being nice to me!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Percy's right" you muttered to yourself, letting the tears fall freely down your cheek and you sat down on the kitchen table. Charlie quickly knelt down in front of you.
"Please just... let me take a look at your hand" he said worriedly. You slowly turned to look at him and pulled your hand out. "Hold on a second, okay?" he said, running out of the kitchen. He came back a little later with something in his hand. Charlie carefully grabbed your hand and started placing a cool ointment. "I swear this is the best thing for burns" he told you. "It might sting a little" he said, grabbing his wand and pointing it at your hand. You saw a soft blue light falling on your hand. You bit your lip in pain when you felt the icy spell fall against your burned skin. "I'm sorry" Charlie apologized when more tears fell down our cheeks. After a few seconds, he was done. He walked to the kitchen counter and took out a bandage. He walked back to you sitting on the other chair and wrapped your hand with it in complete silence.
"Thank you" you said, wiping your tears with the back of your other hand.
"I don't want to talk about it" you muttered.
"I'm sorry" he said, suddenly and you turned to face him, confused.
"I'm sorry" he repeated.
"What are you sorry for?"
"For what I said that made you feel like this" he said. "It wasn't my place. I shouldn't have gotten involved. I know this is between you and Percy. I just hated the thought that he hurt you-"
"Charlie, what are you talking about?"
"I know that you have been avoiding Percy. And I know it's because of what I told you earlier today" he said, sadly. "I just thought you had the right to know and... I'm really sorry."
You felt your entire heart warming up. After you basically snapped at him he was still worried about you and he even apologized to you. For something he didn't even do.
"Charlie" you said, grabbing his hand with your good one and pulling your chair closer to him. "You have nothing to apologize for" you assure him.
"Listen to me" you said, placing your hand on his cheek. "What happened between Percy and I has nothing to do with you" you assured him.
"But I was the one who told you" he said, confused.
"Told me what?" you asked, genuinely confused.
"That Percy was cheating on you with Oliver" he replied as if it was obvious.
"What?" you asked even more confused.
"(Y/N)?" you both turned to the kitchen entrance to see Percy standing there. "What happened?" he asked, noticing your bandaged hand.
"N-nothing" you said, pulling away from Charlie a little. "I... dropped the kettle and burned my hand" you told him. "Charlie was just um, helping me" you told him.
"Are... you alright?" he asked, concerned.
"I'll be fine" you said with a small smile. "I always am" you told him. Charlie looked between you and your brother and stood up.
"Uh... I'll let you two talk-"
"No, stay" Percy asked, quickly. "P-please. There's... something I need to say to you as well" he said, sighing. "But first I need to apologize to you-"
"You don't have to apologize, Perce-"
"Yes, I do" he insisted, taking Charlie's seat. "There is absolutely no excuse for what I did" he started. "I was a prick-"
"A massive prick" you added with a small smirk and Percy felt just a little relieved.
"Yes, a massive prick" he agreed. "B-but you have to know that I didn't mean it. Any of it" he continued. "You are one of the few people that have always made me feel comfortable and that I could be myself around. You're not just my best friend but you are my family. You are part of my family! I mean, you fit in better than I do" he chuckled. "I know that I fucked up but... I promise that I will make it up to you" he begged. "Can you please forgive me?"
You smiled at Percy as another tear rolled down your cheek. You rolled your eyes and walked over to him, hugging him and you felt him sigh in relief.
"Of course I forgive you, you idiot" you chuckled.
"Really?" Percy asked, relieved.
"Yeah, I mean, families fight, right?" you said, casually. "So I've been told" you chuckled. "But... I love you, Perce!"
"I love you too" Percy said, kissing your head.
"Wait, that's it?" Charlie asked dumbfounded and the two of you turned to look at him, confused.
"I'm sorry?" Percy asked, confused.
"What do you mean?" you asked at the same time, just as confused.
"I mean, you forgive him, just like that? After what he did to you?"
"Um, yes?" you said looking between him and Percy. "I know Percy didn't mean it-"
"He's cheating on you, and you're just fine with it?" Charlie asked, not believing that you could be this calm. You arched your eyebrow and looked at Percy.
"What?" Percy asked. "I'm not cheating on her-"
"Don't try to deny it, okay? I heard you!"
"You heard me? What do you mean you heard me?"
"Well, I... didn't mean to but I used the twins' extendable ears... things, and I just..." he sighed. "I knew there was something going on! And you were avoiding us so I just thought-"
"You spied on me?"
"Wait, the twins' extendable ears work?" you asked, impressed.
"I didn't mean to" Charlie told Percy. "I'm sorry, Perce but- look..." he sighed. "Remember when you were a kid, I think you were about five years old and you were convinced that there was a monster in your closet and you would sneak into Bill and my room and we would build a fort?"
"Yeah" Percy said, a little confused.
"Well, I just... you kind of used to come to us whenever you were scared or you had a problem and... the truth is... I really miss talking to you. I really miss it" he continued. "And I know that I'm the one that moved away but... I don't want you to forget that I'm here. And I'll always be here, Perce. Because you're my brother. And I love you. And there is nothing in this world, okay, absolutely nothing, that will ever change that" he continued. "A-and I understand that you might feel more comfortable with (Y/N) o-or Oliver but I just want you to know that, I guess, and I just... wanted to make sure you were okay" he sighed.
"I... I love you too, Charlie" Percy smiled. "Are you... crying?" Percy asked, turning to you.
"No!" you said, quickly wiping away a few tears, and both he and Charlie raised their eyebrows at you. "Okay, fine! That was just beautiful" you said rolling your eyes and both Percy and Charlie laughed a little. "Perce, do you have any idea what I would give to have someone who cared about me at least half as much as your brothers care about you?"
"Yeah, I know" he sighed. "Okay, alright, this is a mess" Percy said, covering his face with his hands and taking a deep breath. He then looked straight at Charlie and finally said it. "Look... I'm gay."
"Well, I would think so, Perce since you are cheating on (Y/N) with Oliver-"
"No! There's no cheating!" Percy said, frustrated. "I'm not cheating on her. I'm just with Oliver. I've been with Oliver since our last year at Hogwarts! I've never been with (Y/N), she's just my best friend. I panicked because dad kept asking about her and told mum about her and everyone just started assuming she was my girlfriend but she's not!"
"Hold on, so... you're with Oliver?" Charlie asked, confused.
"Yes" Percy said.
"And... that's what you have been trying to tell us all along?"
"Um... yes" Percy told him.
"Does anybody else know?"
"Well, (Y/N) knows" Percy said, pointing at you and you smiled sweetly at Charlie. "And um... Fleur" he admitted.
"You told Fleur?"
"She kind of walked in on me and Oliver kissing and she actually also thought that I was cheating on her with him" he said.
"Oh" Charlie said, running a hand through his hair. "Well... okay" he shrugged his shoulders.
"Uh... okay?" Percy asked, confused. "Is... is that it?"
"What do you mean?" Charlie asked.
"I don't know... I just... thought- I don't know" Percy chuckled.
"Perce" Charlie said, walking closer to him. "I meant what I said. I love you. You're still my little brother and I will always care about you. I am sorry if I made you feel like you couldn't tell me this" he said. "I just want you to be happy. And if Oliver makes you happy then, why wouldn't I be okay with it?"
"Really?" Percy asked, smiling and Charlie nodded.
"Of course. I'm sorry about the mess I made" Charlie told Percy. "I was just... upset when I thought my brother was cheating on his pretty amazing girlfriend and-"
"Wait, what?" you asked, walking closer to them. "You- uh... you think I'm amazing?" you smiled brightly at him.
"Well, I... uh... I mean, you-" he stuttered with his cheeks flushing instantly.
"Hey! Guys! I'm coming out here? Maybe save it for about, in a minute or something?" Percy complained.
"Right, sorry, Perce" you said, walking back to your original spot.
"Look, Percy, I'm happy you told me, really" Charlie said. "And for what it's worth, I am sure that everyone here loves you just as much and will be just as happy" he insisted.
"Thanks, Charlie" Percy smiled before hugging him. "It actually feels like a weight being lifted" he admitted.
"I'm glad" Charlie smiled when they pulled away.
"Well, I... guess my job here is done for tonight" Percy said, walking over to you and kissing your temple. "I love you" he whispered to you.
"Love you too, Perce" you replied as Percy walked out of the kitchen. When he was at the entrance he turned to you and mouthed 'your turn' nodding his head towards Charlie. You turned around and saw that he was making tea again for the two of you. "You know that was um... really nice" you smiled at him. "W-what you said to Percy" you added. "He was really struggling to figure out how to tell you and what you said was kind of perfect" you said as he walked over to you with the two cups of tea.
"I'm happy he told me" he told you before clearing his throat. "It's also nice w-what you did for him" he smiled.
"What, lie to you and your whole family?" you chuckled.
"Well, maybe not that part but... you were being a good friend" he insisted. "He's really lucky to have you around."
"Actually, I'm the lucky one" you said, grabbing your mug with your good hand. "I got to come here and meet your amazing family instead of spending the holidays alone so... pretending to date Percy was just a small price to pay, really" you said, taking a sip of your tea.
"W-well, I'm glad you're here" he blurted out.
"You are?" you asked, feeling your heart flutter.
"Of course, I am" Charlie smiled. "You have made this holiday so much more interesting" he told you.
"Well, um... thanks" you said, shyly, feeling your cheeks burn.
"So... you're not with Percy" he repeated, feeling an enormous weight being lifted off his shoulders.
"No" you chuckled. "I'm not with Percy" you said. "Or with anyone" you added, cursing yourself silently. He didn't really ask that, you idiot.
"Oh, well... that's uh... good to know" he muttered before taking a sip of his tea.
"Good to know? How uh- why is that good to know?" you asked, clearing your throat.
"W-well, uh, y-you know I just... I would hate it if he w-was actually cheating on y-you a-and if you're not it's just... um... good" he stuttered.
"Oh" you smiled, finishing your tea. "W-well, that's very sweet of you" you said, getting up and walking over to the sink. You felt your heart beating faster. If Percy could tell Charlie the truth, then so could you, right? What's the worst thing that can happen? "Um, Charlie?"
When you turned around, you saw that he was already up and closer to you. So close, it made you think back to the first night the two of you had run into each other.
"Yes?" he whispered, placing his hand on one of your cheeks.
"I uh- w-well, I kind of- had to tell y-you something" you managed to get out in barely a whisper.
You could feel your heart pounding so hard, that you were convinced he could hear it as well. Everything you had felt about Charlie before just seemed a million times stronger right now. With the way he was looking at you. And the way his big, strong, scarred hand was brushing against your cheek.
"What is it, love?" he asked, pressing his body closer against yours.
"I um- I have no idea" you chuckled, getting lost in his beautiful blue eyes. "I-I mean, I d-do, b-but it's really uh- it's kind of hard when you're looking at m-me like that a-and-"
"Like what?" he smirked. Shit. This man is going to be the death of you.
"I like you!" you blurted out. "Shit" you closed your eyes, cursing yourself. "I sound like a fucking twelve-year-old" you laughed. "B-but I do, I m-mean, it was really hard to pretend to be with P-Percy and then you're just standing there and w-well since now you know that Percy and I are n-not together, I was just w-wondering if-" you stopped, smiling at him. "I'm rambling, aren't I?"
You saw the most beautiful smile you had ever seen form on his lips before he leaned in and crashed his lips against yours. You felt about a million different emotions running through you. But the strongest one was pyre happiness. You felt Charlie's arms wrapping around your waist and you wrapped yours around his shoulders bringing him closer. Kissing Charlie was even more perfect than you had imagined. This was better than your dreams. You felt his hands going lower to your legs and you were suddenly being carried up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and he started walking towards the living room, placing you gently on the sofa with him on top of you.
"You have no idea how much I had wanted to do that" he said before he started trailing kisses down your neck.
"Oh, I think I might have had an idea" you smiled up at him. Charlie cupped your cheek and gave you another soft kiss.
"I felt really bad for liking my brother's girlfriend" he admitted.
"Well, lucky for you, I'm not his girlfriend and never was" you said, giving him another peck on the lips.
Charlie's hands on your body felt, unlike anything you've experienced before. You were quickly becoming addicted to them. And his lips. Merlin his lips. As soon as his hands traveled down to your waist, toying with the hem of your sweater, well, his sweater, the two of you were interrupted by a sound on the other side of the sofa.
"Bloody hell!"
You both stopped at the exact same moment and you didn't dare to move. Charlie sat up and looked at Ron, holding his head after hitting himself with something.
"Charlie?" he asked, still half asleep. "Did I wake you?"
"Uh" he cleared his throat and looked back at you as you placed your hand over your mouth. "N-no" he told him. "What are you doing up?"
"I just wanted something to drink" Ron said, walking over to the kitchen and Charlie sighed in relief.
"Alright, mate" Charlie said, hoping he would leave soon. He turned to look at you and saw you were trying really hard not to laugh. "Shut up, this isn't funny" he whispered to before you heard Ron's loud burp from the kitchen. You let out a small snort and covered your face as you tried not to laugh louder.
"Stop it" Charlie said, biting his lip as Ron came out of the kitchen with the jar of pumpkin juice in his hand. "For fucks, sake, Ron! Use a glass!"
"Hey, Charlie, since you're up I uh- have a question" he said, ignoring his brother and sitting down at the dining room table behind the sofa. You tried your best to stay still and quiet as Charlie turned to look at him.
"Can we talk about it in the morning?" he asked, a little annoyed.
"I guess" Ron said quietly. Charlie sighed, feeling a little guilty, and looked at you. You widened your eyes and nodded your head towards Ron so he would help.
"What's bothering you, Ron?" he asked, rolling his eyes a little.
"Well, I was just wondering" he started. "How do you know if you... um... l-like someone?" he asked blushing.
"Uh, you mean like when you fancy someone?" he asked and Ron nodded. "Is there anybody you like?"
"Yes" he said. "No" he continued. "I don't know" he said, grabbing the jar of cookies in front of him and eating one. "Bloody hell, these are amazing!" he said with his mouth full and he tossed one to Charlie.
Charlie looked down at you and you nodded at him so he got up and joined Ron at the table. "Alright, let's start over. How come you don't know you like someone?"
"Well, I don't know! I've never liked a girl like that before and now it just feels... weird" he said.
"Is she a friend of yours?" Charlie smirked.
"Y-yes" he replied. "I mean she's in my year. And she's in my house b-but..."
"I don't know! I'm not sure how I feel about her. I used to find her really annoying!"
"And... you don't anymore?" Charlie laughed seeing his little brother's cheeks get redder. "Look, Ron, when you like someone, you just know" he shrugged his shoulders.
"But... how?"
"Well, for starters, you can't really stop thinking about them" he said. "And you constantly want to be with them" he smiled.
"Have you-?" Ron started. "Have you been in love?"
You felt your heart stop and tried your best not to sit up to listen better.
"Uh- yeah" Charlie admitted.
"Well, what's it like?" Ron asked, genuinely curious.
"To be honest with you, it's one of the scariest feelings I've experienced" he said and you placed your hand over your heart. "But... it's also one of the greatest feelings in the world" he added.
"Really? Better than when you won the Quidditch Cup your last year at Hogwards?"
Charlie laughed. "A million times better, mate" he said, taking a bite of his cookie. "Is like you just want to be with them all the time and the more time you spend with them, the more you fall in love" he continued. "Like you find something new to love about them, like the way they laugh, or the way they listen to you when you talk about things that matter to you or her face lights up when she talks about things that matter to her" he said. "Or the way she would do anything for the people she loves" he said, smiling. "It's this amazing feeling that, everything is just better and brighter because they smile at you" he said.
"Well, I don't think I've ever felt that" Ron sighed, taking another bite of his cookie.
"You're still young, mate" Charlie laughed. "I never felt that until-" he stopped, remembering you were able to hear him. "W-well, until not long ago" he cleared his throat. "If you like this girl, just spend some more time with her and see where it goes" he suggested.
"Yeah" Ron nodded. "Yea, I guess you're right" he said, getting up. "Maybe I'll write to her tomorrow" he smiled.
"That's a great idea" Charlie encouraged.
"Um... could you... not tell Fred and George about this?"
"Of course, not mate" Charlie smiled at his little brother.
"Or Ginny!"
"My lips are sealed" he said. "Good night, Ron" he said as Ron started walking up the stairs again.
"Night, Charlie" he said, yawning.
Charlie got up and slowly walked back to the sofa where you started sitting up a little with a big smile on your face.
"Hi" you said, sweetly as he sat next to you.
"Hi" he said, grabbing your hand. "I take it you heard all that?"
"Well, is not like you whispered" you smiled, sitting closer to him. "Did you- um-" you chuckled, looking away. "N-nevermind-"
"I was talking about you" he said, placing his finger underneath your chin so you would look at him. "I haven't really felt this way before, but..." he admitted. "I can't stop thinking about you. No matter how hard I try, you're always on my mind" he said, leaning in to kiss you again.
"Well... for what it's worth, I haven't felt this way before either and..." you said, shyly. "I think I'm in love with you" you whispered, feeling your heart flutter, even more, when he smiled at you. "I m-mean I know you didn't exactly say that b-but uh" you blurted out. "I just- I feel so comfortable around you for some reason and I c-can't stop thinking about y-you either a-and I'm fucking terrified, I mean I have no idea what-"
You were cut off when Charlie leaned in to kiss you again, placing his hands around your face to bring you closer.
"I'm in love with you too" he said when you pulled apart. "I meant every word that I said" he smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"You are making me become dangerously addicted to you, Charles" you smirked, giving him a peck on the lips.
"Well, it's only fair" he said, between kisses. "You're doing the same thing to me, love" he said before he resumed what you two were doing before getting interrupted by his little brother.
To Be Continued
[Ch.1] [Ch.2] [Ch.3] [Ch.4] [Ch.5] [Ch.7]
A/N: ahhhh! I really, really hope you loves like it! again, I am so sorry for the long wait but hopefully this made up for it xD also, this story has like 2 or 3 chapters left! I would love to hear headcanons about how everything goes down! ahhh please let me know what you think!  
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primofate · 3 years
Heyy how are you I want to ask if u are willing to make a hc for xiao and child and who ever u want when they ignore they oc for lumin/aether and they're oc think they are tired of them with happy ending. Thanks and have a nice day
Sorry it took so long!!!! Sorry though anon, I’ll do Xiao first and then Childe later (Xiao turned out longer than expected XD)
Characters: gn! reader x Xiao
Headcanon/Short Fic? Turned out longer than I intended lol.
Warnings: slight angst, maybe a lot. idk. Not proofread. Fluff in the end. F word.
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“Xiao, how about today? Are you free today?” You’ve been asking him if he’d wanted to take a nice relaxing walk with you for a while now. You think that he’s been working too hard and needed more breaks.
“...Not today,” he doesn’t even look at you when he’s saying this. His eyes are glued to the archway leading into Wangshu Inn.
You know who he’s waiting for and lo and behold, Lumine comes strolling in, just passing the archway and Xiao straightens up. 
You really don’t have anything against Lumine but you also can’t help the slight jealous streak bubbling up from the pits of your stomach
“...Okay. Be careful then,” you don’t say much other than that, not expecting a lot but, as if sensing your unease he turns to you, thoughtful gaze on his face. You stare back at him and tilt your head in slight wonder.
He lifts his hand to barely graze your cheek, the tips of his fingers tickling it. “I’ll be back,” and the next moment with a slight whistle of the wind, he’s gone. When you look down at the archway of Wangshu Inn, he’s standing next to Lumine already.
You take a moment to watch the scene and turn away to go back to Liyue, a heavy feeling in your chest. 
For the next few days you get busy with some paperwork for your job. You hadn’t passed by the inn in a few days. “...Not that Xiao’s free, anyway,” you tell yourself and keep at it during work. You get frequent headaches at work when you stress out too much and so you do make it a point to try and de-stress once in a while or take short breaks.
“He must like Lumine a lot... or something...” You think to yourself one day while looking out your window and up at the moon. “...Or he just... doesn’t care about me anymore...” You blink as a picture of Lumine flashes in your mind’s eyes. “...She is kinda pretty... and strong... and capable...”
You feel yourself getting slightly depressed so you stop thinking about it and go on with your daily tasks.
After a week has passed you were busy at work when there’s suddenly a commotion at the front desk. “Uh, Y/N, there’s someone looking for you...” your co-worker says, pointing at the entrance of the shop, a perturbed look on her face. 
You wonder who it could be and stroll up over there and to your surprise Xiao is glaring at you like you’d done something wrong, arms crossed and everything. “Where were you?! You didn’t come for a week!” Your other co-workers loitering around glance at you and him.
You blink, shocked at his outburst, “Oh, I... was busy,” Xiao seems to let out a long sigh and turns around, “Come walk with me for a bit,” he demands and you get slightly annoyed that he can just stroll in there and demand what he wants and yet you can’t even get a moment with him when YOU want to.
“I’m not on break, so no,” you hold your ground and step back, he twirls around, his turn to be shocked at your refusal. You never refused to spend time with him. He keeps quiet but searches your gaze. “Alright I’ll wait till you’re done then,” he’s about to walk away but you’ve just about had it.
“You don’t have to do anything for me... You’re better off spending time with Lumine, I’m not that interesting,” You say before you could think about it. Your co-workers are watching the scene unfold but before Xiao can say anything you’ve turned around and disappeared into the back of the shop.
Xiao is even more shocked, you were always good-natured and he’s left standing there in the middle of the shop slowly realizing that he might have fucked up somewhere. He gives your co-workers a dirty glare though before stalking off and waiting outside your workplace for the rest of the day.
“Oh... You’re still here,” You were secretly hoping he still was but you were also extremely tired and could feel the dull pain of a headache starting. 
Xiao is silent again but gives you a once over. Then he fumbles with something in his pocket and hands you a vial with some liquid in it. You blink down at it but receive it, turning the small glass around in your hands.
He finally offers an explanation, turning his gaze away from you. “...The traveller said there’s a flower up on the mountains that helps with headaches...” he gives a slight pause here. “It was a little difficult to gather so it took a few days but... we got enough and turned it into an ointment,”
You’re taken aback. So... all those times were actually...“You... For me?” You look up at him, clutching the vial carefully, getting teary eyed at the emotional roller coaster of a week you’ve had.
He senses your distress and turns his eyes towards you once again and just gives a small nod. You suddenly feel guilty and let a few tears fall, not exactly crying but just on the edge of it. “I’m sorry Xiao, I thought--”
“Idiot,” he grabs your arm and pulls you closer to wipe away your tears. You manage to breathe out a small chuckle as he does so. He already knows what you were worried and upset about. “....I’d never replace you,” 
It was so soft that you might have missed it if you didn’t listen carefully, but you heard it and a smile forms on your face, you lean in to kiss him on the cheek “Thank you Xiao!”
A slight pink forms on his cheeks, there wasn’t a lot of people this late at night but it still got him shy. “Wh-Whatever, just try it out and let me know,” he crosses his arms again and starts walking away but you follow him happily.
“I’ll try it out now, can we take a quick stroll right after?” You ask, falling in step next to him. This time, he agrees. And although he acts tough and everything through the night stroll, you’ll suddenly notice that you’ve been holding hands by the end of it.
“Don’t disappear like that again, even if you do I’ll come looking for you,”
Taglist: @larkspyrr @outlet-0
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gffa · 2 years
Hey Lumi, I have a tiny itty bitty silly question. I am ashamed to admit this (there is no anon option so I have to attach my face here and I’m crying) but all the Star Wars media I’ve been consuming so far is in the form of movies/tv shows/games and fanfiction.
I know, I know. It’s horrible, I should have went straight for the good sources a.k.a comics and books the way I did with Marvel/DC. It’s just that when it comes to Star Wars I have no idea where to start from and I get overwhelmed … Does that makes sense? I guess what I’m trying to ask is… where do I start from?
Because I wanna know EVERYTHING but I wanna read the proper works and not wookieepedia. And I can’t ask my best friend, she will absolutely laugh at me if she has to make me another list with titles to read or important pop culture things to see. You are my only hope.
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Hi! First of all, I am firmly of the opinion that Star Wars generally works best when watched in priority + chronological release order, because the way Star Wars stories often work is that they assume you've seen/read the previous thing to base your current understanding off the other story, even if it's set as a backstory. For example, a lot of people suggest watching the prequels then the originals and I think that undercuts a lot of what you're meant to get out of the story. You're meant to know Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader, that's a huge part of watching the prequels. You're meant to know that Palpatine is going to become the Emperor, there are all these little comments about future plans, you're meant to know what the Death Star is, so when you see the plans on Geonosis, you understand the gravity of what's happening here. This also applies to reading supplementary material, because the books and comics assume you've watched the movies and the TV shows first, often times your understanding of them is based on that knowledge. So, you're doing things right so far! And that's why I usually suggest, whatever you're looking to get into, whatever you're interested in reading, do it in order of release, because a lot of stories assume you've seen/read the stuff that's already released. The second issue is a bit more of a "It depends on what you're interested in!" one because, well, it depends on what you're interested in! XD If you're coming to me, generally, I'm going to assume you're interested in the prequels characters and my list of Must Read materials will cater to that. (I do have a more well-rounded list here, it's a bit old at this point, but honestly I wouldn't say any of the current books have been must reads in awhile, aside from maybe the Thrawn and Alphabet Squadron books. This is slightly more up to date, but has a lot of the same suggestions. XD) My recommendations are: - Darth Vader (2015 - Kieron Gillen) + Star Wars (2015 - Jason Aaron) - These two series are meant to be read concurrently for at least the first six issues, read issue #1 of SW, then issue #1 of DV, then issue #2 of SW, then issue #2 of DV, etc.  They’re events crossing over into each other and are meant to be seen from different perspectives at the same time and it’s still one of the best series the Star Wars comics have had in Lucasfilm canon!  Gillen’s Vader is more the mystical, unknowable nightmare version of Darth Vader and he does an excellent job of getting into that space with the character.  Aaron also writes the original trio really well and it fills in a lot of the gabs just post-ANH so well, this is a great starting place for reading comics.  You get to see Vader’s moment of realization of who Luke Skywalker is and it’s one of the best comic moments in all of the franchise. - Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (2017 - Charles Soule) - As tempting as it might be to read them in chronological order, I still think release order works better, and this one is set just after Revenge of the Sith and it’s all about digging into the psychology of Anakin Skywalker choosing to be Darth Vader.  Choosing it over and over and over.  This Vader is INCREDIBLY extra, but underneath the hilarious dramatic antics of this series (HE IS SUCH A DRAMATIC ASSHOLE IN THIS SERIES, IT’S SO FUNNY), there’s genuinely a story that looks at how afraid Anakin was to face his own choices, how Vader’s issues are Anakin Skywalker’s issues, how he goes from Anakin to the Vader we know in the OT. This is still my favorite piece of SW supplementary media, but I may be biased. - Shattered Empire (Greg Rucka) - This is a four-issue mini series that’s basically 100% pure connective tissue between the aftermath of Return of the Jedi and where things were headed to in the future.  The entire point is to show a variety of characters and nothing but focusing on the aftermath, rather than too much of a plot-focus.  Which makes it really satisfying, because it’s finally some breathing room for the characters--plus, it has stunning artwork to go with it. - Princess Leia (Mark Waid) - More aftermath, this time focused on Leia’s character in the days after A New Hope and the destruction of Alderaan.  It includes her going to Naboo (though, she can’t figure out too much, of course, there’s some lovely nods to the Force whispering in her ear) and trying to figure out how to be a princess of a world that’s in ashes, and it’s a lovely look at her character. - Obi-Wan & Anakin (Charles Soule) - A five issue mini series set between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones and when I first inhaled it, it seemed like a bit of a filler adventure, until I went back to really pay attention the second time and suddenly all these connections and all this groundwork was being laid for understanding where each of these characters was coming from.  It’s a fantastic look at Anakin’s doubts about being a Jedi, that he’s planning on leaving, Obi-Wan’s interactions with him over that, and why Anakin ultimately makes the choice to stay, along with so much of Palpatine laying down groundwork to undercut everything the Jedi are helping to teach Anakin.  Add in the most gorgeous artwork you’ve seen, and it’s a hell of a read. - Poe Dameron (Charles Soule) - I really did not expect to love this comic as much as I did, but it’s incredibly good character work for him (the absolute best Poe-related material) and it does a ton to set up and flesh out the story of the sequels (in as much as anything can) and it’s just very, very easy to settle in with and read.  It’s got great pacing and a great plot and was really, really addicting to read. - Age of Republic (Jody Houser) - There are eight issues in this maxi series (and you can go on to read the Age of Rebellion and Age of Resistance comics, they’re in the same format--four issues about heroes, four issues about villains) and they tell stories of various characters and they’re all really solidly good.  My favorite is the Obi-Wan one, it’s another great look at his relationship with Anakin, though, the Anakin one had some great character stuff and the Maul one got me in the feelings place. - Jedi of the Republic: Mace Windu (Matt Owens) - Heads up about this one, the art style is wonky as hell, including some real nightmare fuel Yoda moments, so you gotta power through that aspect of this mini series.  Once you do, though, it’s a stellar look at Mace Windu’s character!  It’s not necessarily plot-heavy, but the chance to understand more of Mace’s mindset, the incredible Jedi he is, the good man he is, how hard he worked to become the person he is currently, all of that was excellent. - Star Wars Adventures - The series started in 2017 and then was rebooted in 2020, all of them are very worth reading!  They’re aimed at a younger audience, so you’re not going to get too much darkness in any of the stories, but that doesn’t hold them back from being some of the best Star Wars comics.  They’re all little stand-alone stories with characters from all across the three trilogies and you’ll get some wonderful stuff, like Luke and Leia on Naboo, Anakin and Padme going to see a play, baby Leia being told about Padme by Breha, Mace Windu rescuing a young Twi’lek child and giving her a pep talk, Rose Tico having adventures, Obi-Wan and Dex having an adventure, etc.  They’re adorable and super fun! - Kanan (Greg Weisman) - While parts of this have been a bit overwritten by The Bad Batch (to the detriment of the story, this version is so much stronger), the Kanan mini series is absolutely stellar for understanding the character, getting to see the prequels Jedi from the perspective of the Padawans, instead of just the Knights, and getting some great worldbuliding and character work.  It’s split between Kanan’s time in his present with the backstory of what happened to him after the Jedi genocide and it’s brutally heartbreaking in all the right places, hopeful in all the other right places, and the artwork is just stunning. - The Clone Wars - Battle Tales (Michael Moreci) - This is in the same vein as the Adventures comics (and may even be under that label?) so it’s pretty light-hearted but it has some absolutely baller comic moments for the clones and the Jedi.  It’s a quick read, but you’ll have a scream of a time doing it! Books are a more complicated issue, because a lot of the Star Wars books have moments of great quotes, but overall aren’t great stories, in part because they can’t do character work in the same way comics can and all the really good stories are being saved for potential TV series, I suspect.  But two books I always recommend starting with are Matthew Stover’s Revenge of the Sith novelization (nobody has ever come close to the heights that book has achieved) and Star Wars: Propaganda by Pablo Hidalgo, which is an in-universe look at the entire timeline (such as it was at the time) and how art and propaganda shaped things and, oh, it’s so good. Other than that, I like the Thrawn books, the Ahsoka book was solid, Bloodline did a lot of character work for Leia in the sequels, the Aftermath trilogy is one I really love but I personally think you almost have to listen to the audiobook versions because the text versions just bored me while the audio versions gripped me, Dark Lords of the Sith by Paul S. Kemple is more “Vader being Vader” goodness, Resistance Reborn was probably the best sequels book for me, I legitimately enjoyed Phasma a ton but given how her character just kind of fizzled out in the movies, I’m not sure how it would stand up without the excitement around her character, and I enjoyed Catalyst a lot, but I’m a sucker for a book that does connective tissue stuff between the prequels and the originals. I also highly recommend looking up “movie” versions of the Battlefront II storyline and the Jedi: Fallen Order storyline on YouTube, both are excellent stories if you’re not into playing the video games yourself.  You won’t get the full experience (you get much more invested when you spend a bunch of hours running around as your character, after all XD) but they will tell you the stories and they’re both very good and you’ll see connections pop up fairly often.  I also loved the Vader Immortal storyline, but because it’s a VR storyline, you’ll probably only find shaky footage of it and that may hit your motion sickness.  Still totally worth it even though I almost (literally) threw up trying to watch Vader be an asshole. That’s a lot to dump on you all at once, but I promise the stuff goes quicker than you’ll realize and this will give you a very solid foundation of having read the good stuff in Star Wars franchise!
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