#I hope it doesn't look that bad
cnth-rb · 6 months
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Yoshioka como amo de casa.
Yoshioka as a house husband.
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cozylittleartblog · 9 months
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worst way to start my new year, thanks. i have a lot of things to say about these companies but i'm tired and just keeping it focused to the pin side of things for this one. do not ever buy pins from these companies, literally ALL of them are stolen from small artists like me. if you want to buy enamel pins, check out etsy, and artist's personal websites and shops! (though even Etsy has some bootleg pins that ship straight from china, so tread carefully…)
Every pin I've designed is, thus far, EXCLUSIVE to my etsy. if you find it anywhere else, it's been ripped off! and once these stupid bootlegs pop up, it's basically a never ending game of whack-a-mole trying to get them all taken down...
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shiqingxuanz · 6 months
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magicshop · 6 months
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gorgeous and fluffy ♡
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spoiltxbrat · 5 months
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based on this meme lmaoo
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dazais-guardian-angel · 4 months
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Reminder that the Dazai's Entrance Exam audiobook comes out tomorrow! It's narrated by Patrick Seitz, Kunikida's English dub voice actor!
Here are all the places you can buy it:
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
Apple Books
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zuzu-draws · 3 months
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The one time Kise asked(dragged) Aomine to come to a photoshoot
+Bonus (The Aftermath):
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somegrumpynerd · 6 months
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The most labrador coded guy, somebody call him a good boy
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parched-chaos · 5 months
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canisalbus · 8 months
Just had the most awkward conversation with my husband wherein we discussed the album full of vachete on my phone titled "emergency sad gay dogbois". Safe to say the man is conCERNED 💀👀
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catabasis · 1 year
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jones and conrad's kiss requested by @drawsaurus
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kitkat578 · 9 months
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Jack is back!
flats under cut
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triglycercule · 7 days
instead of nightmare approaching horror to recruit him for the gang i think it would be cooler if he talked to undyne about it. because she would not hesitate TWICE to ship horror off to fuck knows where in the multiverse
like booo booo boring horror would never cooperate and agree to join nightmare without him doing some extra work that he cant be bothered 2 do bc its doesn't benefit him enough 4 the effort put in. AND THAT METHOD DOESN'T EVEN GIVE HIM MORE NEGATIVITY!!!!! nonono the king deserves a show :3 so he goes to undyne who's the craziest of everyone in horrortale and yk yk does some stupid mind manipulation. maybe in exchange for horror he makes up some bullshit lie about how he could save alphys (is she even alive atp) or the rest of the underground and provide them food (like the same deal that nightmare WOULD offer horror) and undynes like 70x more fucked up than horror so of course she's accept in a heartbeat. shes the queen!!!! shes supposed to provide for her subjects (even tho shes kinda. erm. making them all suffer)!!!! and all it would take was a sacrifice of the guy she lowkey doesn't like??? undyne has more reason to accept a deal like that from nm than horror ever would. and it wouldnt be the first time she sacrificed horror anyways lol
idk she sends royal guards out to snatch up horror in the middle of the day (nightmare told her to make it dramatic and tense :3) (all of snowdin would probably follow in concern because OMG WHERE IS SANS GOING????) and then yeah. just like that horrors gone! nightmare probably didn't even give him a chance to say bye to paps. undyne never ends up getting the food nightmare promised because hes a bitchass like that (and papyrus probably ends up taking up the full leader role of food provider for snowdin (if undyne even lets snowdin stay out of her control) good luck for him!)
if horror had a nickel for everytime he got forced to be a sacrifice he'd have 2 nickels. which is actually 2 too much in his eye HES PISSED!!!!!! rightfully so become man ☹️ taken away from his world without even a choice or a reason (to his knowledge) or anything to benefit him??? and now hes STUCK in this disney movie castle with two freaks who look like him (what the FUCK) and then the most annoying THING he's ever had the misfortune of getting kidnapped by. he is in misery. it sucks. he IS infact bitter. if he ever came back to horrortale (which he literally would never get to without dying or losing his stolen eye) he would 500% commit anarchy and finally get rid of undynes annoying ass ‼️‼️
#horror gets to join killer in the forcefully kidnapped into the gang group#would horror lose hope of ever getting back to horrortale???? yeah probably :3#unlike dust he doesn't have dt so he would NAUGHT be that persistent#dust would die trying getting back to dusttale. horror would just want to die after not being able to get back#unlike dust (debatable) or killer (he's done all he can do to help his world and wants to move on) horror still has attatchments in his au#i KNOW the constant thought that snowdin is starving without him HAUNTS him like a plaugue#im like 80% sure horrortale would not survive without horror. it would implode without horror to keep undyne somewhat in check#NOOOO because like what if it was after Aliza manages to help all of horrortale???? like undyne#like she manages to get through the undyne somehow and everything seems to be going up slowly#horror FOR ONCE has hope for everyone again and then nightmare comes in and undoes ALLLL of aliza's progress!!!!!!#THE HOPE GETTING RIPPED AWAY FROM HORROR AFTER SEEING THINGS RECOVERING WOULD DESTROY HIM (maybe idk)#can just imagine killer having to be on suicide watch for horror bc nm can tell he's in a bad mood bc of that hope#killer doesnt have to be on suicide watch for dust bc he wont let himself die if his human still exists but horror?????#horror would not have the same will that dust and killer do. he tries to jump off buildings every mission#horror leaning off a ledge and killer's just holding onto his hood like man stop it this is wasteful and pointless#why does he keep trying to kill himself and have to make killer deal with this. cant horror just like get the fuck over it and do his job#anyways dust and horror exchanging stories about their aus and reminiscing about things before it all went bad#horror gets pissy anytime dust makes an offhand comment tying his story about the genos#dust completely ignores him when horror mentions something about the famine and how it fucked everything up#they rather just take this moment to pretend everything is alright in their memories#in that moment its almost like looking into a mirror. ok triglycercule getting a bit TOO poetic there#horrordust seeing sans in eachother only when they talk about their pasts and making it a way to deal with all thats changed#tricule hc#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#nightmare sans#murder time trio#bad sanses#nightmare's gang
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🐝The future of hell belongs to the Bees 🐝
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Do y'all want cotton candy?
Lucifers version [LINK]
Mammons version [LINK]
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can you do jealousy/possessive prompts or aus? thanks!
Absolutely! Not really a fan of the possessive side, but I can do some jealousy prompts all day long. Hope you enjoy! :)
Person A sees Person B, their crush, talking to their mortal enemy, Person C, and immediately assumes that B and C must be having some kind of romance. This makes them hate C even more and causes some resentment towards B.
Person A knows, absolutely knows deep down that Person B would never cheat on them, but they can't help the twinge in their heart every time they see B talking easily with someone else.
Person A is very socially awkward and self-conscious about it, which makes them think that their partner Person B is always looking for someone new.
Person A notices Person B talking to someone else at a party and immediately swoops in with an arm around B's waist to claim them as their own.
Person A can feel their temperature rising a degree every time Person B dances with someone else at a party, finally culminating in them cutting in and not letting B dance with anyone else the rest of the night.
Person A has mind-reading abilities and gets irritated every time they can sense Person B is thinking about someone else.
Person A can hardly blame anyone for being attracted to their hyper-attractive partner Person B, but that doesn't mean they have to like it.
Person A is in love with Person B, who is in a committed relationship with Person C. Person B is unaware that A is absolutely seething every time they are affectionate with C. (or for bonus spicy points, B absolutely is aware that A is jealous and plays it up so that A will reveal their feelings).
Person A knows that Person B likes them but is too shy to let them know, so they start actively flirting with Person C to get A to make a move out of sheer jealousy.
Person A gets aggravated every time Person B hurries through a conversation or situation together, convinced that B is having an affair with someone else.
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florvralies · 9 months
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excuse to draw riddle and pocket sized heartslabyul characters
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