#I hope atlest
Olin walked into the hut holding a basket full of herds he green robe's a which was dirty alittle due to gathering herds. "Hey honey I home." The wood elf druid would say. Quickly using her magic to fix a wilting rose. "Ah welcome back my dear." A masculine voice would say looking over Olin "Mmm oh heya baby." She would say walking over to her husband. His black dress shirt somewhat dirty from working on some mediation his red lensed mask shining abit. "I see your still wearing your mask." She would say. "I know just finished up with a patients." He would say removing his mask. Olin would go and give him a kiss wrapping her arms would her tall half dragon husband. "So should that be everything for the day?" She asked Him. "I believe I have a idea my dear." Lin would say placing his plague doctor mask on a table. Soon the two would travel into the bedroom.
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chenyann · 2 years
I knew I was God's least favorite, my pookielicious vivian ☹
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GOODNIGHT hopefully ill finish the thing i have for october on my sideblog in the next 2 or so days smiles
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miwachan2 · 9 months
Writers block is being nice to me! YIPPIE ima try and finish the bullet points draft for the second chapter! ( wish me luck💀)
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ellecdc · 6 months
id love to see a poly!marauders where the reader is muggle born or atlest muggle raised , reader and remus just bond over muggle stuff while the others sit there all confused asking wtf they’re talking about
like music, technology, maybe certain foods, certain slang and books the wizard world doesn’t have.
(ps i love ur blog and everything you write plz keep it up❤️)
hahaha awe so cute - here's a sweet little scene, and thanks for your request <33
poly!marauders x gn!reader who is muggle born
James was not too proud to admit he was rather upset.
And by upset, he meant jealous, terribly jealous. And desperate, so unbelievably desperate. And also sort of pissed off.
The cause of such upset, you might wonder?
Oh, only one of his own sodding boyfriends, of course.
You see, it had been his idea to start chatting with you in order to see where things could go - you know, romantically - between the four of you.
Sirius was eager - which would seem very out of character for the notoriously territorial and stand-offish Black who was wary of anyone interfering with their already established dynamic - but Sirius was equally as enamoured with you as James was from your shared classes and your few interactions around the castle.
Of course - as would be expected - it was Moony that the two of them had to persuade to consider you in earnest. 
“Come on, Moons. Don’t tell me you’re worried that you won’t be the smartest one in the relationship anymore.” Sirius had teased, earning him a glare from the werewolf. 
But of course, James (and Sirius) had been right, and Remus was practically immediately taken with you after James had officially introduced you to his boyfriends at a Gryffindor party. 
It was perhaps very helpful that you happened to be muggle born seeing as Remus had a muggle parent himself, so he was able to bond with you over various muggle things.
And James thought that was wonderful! Truly!
He honestly did.
But...well, did you guys have to talk about it all of the time!?
And it’s not that James didn’t like you talking about muggle things, or that he didn’t like muggle things in general.
What he didn’t like was that he couldn’t participate in the conversation at all.
And James is sorry, but what in the buggering fuck was a ‘vee sea are’?
James tuned back into the conversation when he began recognizing some of the words you and Remus were saying, though Sirius looked no less confused than he had previously.
“My favourite is probably The Sound of Music.” You admitted somewhat bashfully, features painted with a shy smile as you looked at Remus through your eyelashes.
James didn’t know what you were so shy about, especially considering Remus was beaming at you in response. “Me too!” He agreed readily.
“I love the sound of music!” James chimed in readily, earning him a surprise look from you, a curious look from Remus, and a bemused look from Sirius. 
“Do you really?” You asked sweetly, offering him a hopeful smile.
“I didn’t know you’d ever heard of it.” Remus added quietly.
James scoffed. “Oh, come off it Moons. Of course I love the sound of music! It’s arguably one of my favourite sounds ever!” 
“Awe.” You said sympathetically as Remus barked a laugh.
James looked at the two of you in confusion before he turned to Sirius in hopes for an answer. 
“I don’t know how Prongsie, seeing as they never really asked a question.” Sirius started, placing a reassuring hand on his thigh and squeezing gently, “But I think you got the answer wrong.”
James harrumphed and fell back into his chair, feeling thoroughly dejected. 
“I’m sorry Jamie.” You apologized, looking particularly distraught at having caused James any grief. “We can talk about something else, if you’d like.”
James waved you off quickly. “No, no. I’m sorry, sweets. It doesn’t matter to me what you talk about, as long as I get to continue hearing the sound of your lovely voice, arguably my second favourite sound ever.” 
James may not know what sounds of music you had been talking about, but he was proud that he did know how to make you blush something fierce with nothing but a few simple words. 
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silken-moonlight · 4 months
Older Alpha and Human waitress/ Part 4
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A/N: Hello again! I am back with part 4 of this series. I have a lot of fun with developing the plot and characters. I am hoping I am not overdoing it in any way shape of form. Also we have now the Moodboard and the Introduction. Also here you'll find part 3 if you are interested. I love you guys so much -Swan/Moon
Desmonds POV
The next day was similar to the days before. He went to the meetings in the morning and noon, speaking with the other alphas about the pack territory. The problem had been that there was a new pack forming and they had demanded space or else they would have taken themselves said space. This of course could not have been permitted, since that would have ended in a massacre. The human government would have not been amused to cover up a slaughter between two packs and so they had to find a way without blood. While Desmond knew better, some days he wished they would just fight it out. Atlest then there wouldn’t have been so many meetings and fights in the meeting room. His thoughts were captivated by something else anyway…He was worried for his mate, she had looked so distressed. The longing to just take her away from all her worries had never been as strong as in that moment.
The alpha tried to cheer himself up, he would see her again today. Maybe would even make her smile when he brought her the books she had left behind. Of course was he aware that it might have looked a little weird…he just could not help himself. The urge to spoil and pamper his little mate was overwhelming. In his mind he had already planned their first trip to his cabin. He would take her there before they would officially return to the pack village. Thinking about all the things they could do…while Desmond really tried to keep his thoughts pure…it was not as easy. His inner wolf whined and scratched against the walls of his mind. The primal needs he felt were strong, he craved to touch his mates soft skin. To kiss her plump lips, to make her feel safe in his arms. To undress her slowly before- Desmond stopped his thoughts right there. He really didn’t want to get a boner in the middle of a political discussion.
A few hours later, the meetings and work was done for the day. Desmond would do the paperwork later, he had gotten an email from Isaac with some documents he needed him to look at. Desmond’s Pack had a few companies under their name or were part of them, while most things were equally shared, two of the companies were under his name. There also were many contracts he had to look at, work with or renew. 60% of the money earned ran into the Pack fund, all pack members that were working full time also gave away 10% of their salary to the pack fund. With that money were paid a lot of things like the maintenance of the packhouses, insurance costs, school and kindergarten places, student loans, cars that were free to use amongst the Pack…the list went on and on. Desmond himself had brought this concept to the pack after seeing it being absolutely successful in another pack. Since he did that, his pack had not only grown a lot but also was one of the most peaceful. That comes along with being an actual community. Desmond had learned the importance of acceptance, beginning to help werewolves who had not such a good start in their life or a rough time…The Alpha wondered what his mate would think of all of that. With how sweet she seemed, he was sure she would adore his work.
With his mind occupied by that thought, he walked into the restaurant. He sat down in his usual booth…but his beloved was not there. Desmond ordered by her colleague, waiting for her to arrive. But she did not come. His heart sunk…where was she?
Your POV
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It had been your day off when your father had a bad episode of pain. His back and hip were hurting so much that he couldn’t get up from his bed. Of course you took two days off and stayed with him day and night. You had called his doctor who had taken the time to do a home visit. He had given your father some medications that eased his pain for a short time. Today was the first day that he felt better. Right now he sat in the garden, Pumpkin and Spice laying at his feet, enjoying the sun. Your mum and you were baking blueberry muffins, the kitchen smelled deliciously like the home baked goods. Tonight you would work again, but would always be available for your parents to call.
Initially you had wanted to become a nurse, but the condition of your parents has kept you occupied. You were unable to stay away from home too long, so you found a job that only would be in the afternoon and evening. That's how you ended up in the Sailor Boy, utterly grateful for your job and understanding boss. It may not have been what you wanted at first, but you were more than grateful to have something. Your mum and you put the muffins in the oven, setting the timer and sitting down. Your phone beeped and you looked at it.
William: Hey love, I am in town again, how you doing?
Y/N: Will, haven’t heard from you in forever! I’m doing fine.
William: Nice to hear that, yeah, I was on a big hike with Jeannie. Want to meet up and catch up?
Y/N: Sure, but I am only free in the mornings and noon, you okay with that?
William: Absolutely, how about tomorrow? In our Café?
Y/N: Sounds like a plan, how about 9 am and eat breakfast together.
William: Deal, see you there.
You were quite excited to see Will again. He was one, actually the only, friend you had left. Most of your friends had stopped texting you when your parents' conditions worsened. Since you refused to go out and party, which wasn’t your thing anyways, they stopped making the effort. You tried to do other things with them like going shopping together, movie nights or hikes together. That wasn’t really what most of your friends wanted. So they and you started to text less and less until you lost contact. The two friends you still had were William and Amanda. Amanda began to use you as her personal therapist, trying everything to get your attention. Manipulating you to be available to her at all times. Will told you she was bad news, you didn't listen. The brutal fallout came eventually. Both of you were left hurt.
So that only left Will. Will had no one but his girlfriend Jeannie and you, he had gone no contact with his family as soon as he moved out. For a short time he had lived with you and your family, when his flat had caught fire and he was left homeless. Will didn’t want to be a bother, but you refused to let him sleep in a dingy hotel. That was two years ago. Will had also been the one to tell you about Werewolves and other magical creatures. You didn’t believe him, that was until he had transformed into a Werewolf in front of you. You had been…a little out of it afterwards. However when he explained everything and you swore secrecy, everything went on as usual. Honestly the knowledge of magical creatures didn’t affect your daily life in the slightest. Shortly after the housefire William met his wonderful girlfriend Jeannie, she was a travel and hiking blogger. The two of them hiked and traveled the world together, often sponsored by some big company. William took the pictures and videos while Jeannie was the model. Jeannie was a lovely person, kind and so confident. You two got along so well that Will often joked if he was even needed when you all met up.
The next hours passed quickly, you thinking about tomorrow, the muffins being ready and eating a late lunch with your parents. You got ready for your work and took the bus into the city.
Half an hour later you arrived at your workplace, quickly going up into the staffrom an changing into your work clothes. After that you went down, doing your usual routine. Not even forty minutes had passed when a certain somebody entered the restaurant. Desmond, you remembered his name, was dressed in a black suit, his hair in a bun and his beard must have been freshly cut and formed. You bet that he smelled like the most expensive perfume.
You smiled at him kindly: “Hi there, how are you doing?” You asked him. Why did he look so relieved? You were missing something, you just didn’t know what. “I am good, wonderful actually.” He stepped with you on the side and a worried look was on his handsome face, his gray eyes were filled with compassion. “Is everything okay? You looked distressed the other day.” He asked, his voice was soft. Actually worried. Your bottom lip trembled, a sudden wave of sadness and exhaustion washing over you. If you thought too hard about it, you would cry. However, you caught yourself. Faking a smile you tried to ease his worry: “Yeah everything is alright, don’t worry.” You looked up at him, he was far taller than you. “May I ask what happened?” You nodded slowly: “Well my parents are chronically ill. My father had a bad episode of pain and needed me.”
The handsome man, Desmond, looked at you again with such compassion. “I know I might overstep, but you left the books behind and I took the freedom to buy them for you.” He placed a black paper bag in your hand. Your eyes went wide and you looked up at him absolutely surprised. “I cannot accept these.” You quickly said. Desmond chuckled:” I insist.” You felt guilty, you must have looked so distressed that he wanted to help you. “Let me pay you back.” You tell him, wanting to get your money. “If you pay me back I will give it as your tip.” Desmond said with a grin. “Has anyone told you before that you are stubborn?” You said with a smile. Desmond chuckled: “Actually yes. And please accept the books. I am so grateful for our conversations. After a day at the office I always look forward to it.” You grinned and answered: “Here I was thinking you’re always returning for our town's famous cocktails.” Both of you laughed at that.
“Thank you, really.” You then said a little more serious again. You blushed slightly, but then quickly remembered what you had told yourself before: He was just kind, not interested in you. You reminded yourself that he was older, a businessman and very surely not interested in a waitress from a medium sized town.
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skellyflowers · 6 months
Girls night in 
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I have had a long day, I have had a long week. I just want to sleep for a month. I've been caught up importing new books cataloging them and just doing general paperwork and it's super time consuming and annoying. On top of all that I also became the one in charge of handling the  paperwork for a brand new oil painting. When my day is finally done I want to head straight back to my room, take all my clothes off and go to bed. But I skipped lunch today so first things first dinner.
I trudge into the dining hall. Plenty of people are still being served and tonight's diner smells delicious. I briefly wondered who was cooking before I saw someone waving their arms like crazy over their head. After focusing on the person I realized it wasn’t a person, but rather a ghoul. When I get closer I see that it was Sunshine waving like her life depended on it. The ghoulette points to the empty space between Cumulus and Aurora and I throw myself into it. I bury my face in my arms and let out a loud but muffled groan.
“You look awful.” says Cirrus bluntly after a brief moment of silence.
“Wow thanks.” I respond sarcastically.
“Rough day?” Aurora gently asked, hand on my shoulder.
“If I see any more paperwork I’m going to jump off the roof.”
“Don’t” says Cumulus.
“Atlest eat first.” says Sunshine, she has a bowl in her claws. “Shouldn't make decisions like that on an empty stomach.”
I give Sunny a grateful look and start eating the stew she brought me. It is warm and comforting, the diner roll that was with it was like eating a cloud. I almost forget my long and arduous day.  The tension I brought to the table melts away and the ghoulettes start chatting around me.
When I finish my food I lean back in my chair and look at the ceiling. I finally started to feel relaxed after that meal. Maybe Sunshine was onto something about eating before deciding to jump off the roof. That might be a little dramatic.
“You're coming back to the den with us tonight.” Cirrus said with authority.
“What?” I ask dumbly.
“You have had a long day and need to unwind. We can help.” Her voice is steady and matter of fact. 
“GIRL’S NIGHT!” cried Cumulus. Drawing the attention of the ghouls next us.
Swiss opens his mouth to say something but he doesn’t get a chance before Aurora shuts him down.
After we all get up and leave laughing. Sunshine suggests movies to watch. Cumulus talks about a bottle of wine she stole from the cellar. Aurora grabs my hands and declares she is going to paint my nails. Cirrus suggests I take a relaxing bath first and the girls all agree.
“That way you can start to unwind and we can set up.” She states. I just nod my head, willing to go with whatever they had planned for me. When we get in the den the ghoulette split up and Cirrus puts an arm around my shoulder. She and Sunshine lead me to Cirrus’ room. Unny pulls me to the bed and turns on the TV and Cirrus heads to the bathroom.
Sunny sits behind me and gives me the remote to the TV. “You pick something.” she says as I channel surf. Sunny starts messaging my shoulders as I put on some reality dating show, one that I don't have to think too hard about. After a few minutes Cirrus calls me into the bathroom.
The lights are off in the bathroom but there are lit candles all around the room. Cirrus has drawn a bath that is filled with bubbles. The smell of lavender also fills the room.
“I put in a bath bomb, bubbles, epsom salt and some bath oil.” She explains “I hope it’s not too hot.”
 Cirrus helps me get undressed and folds my uniform. After she helps me get in the tub. I moaned in pleasure from how nice the water was. “Good to know you like it.” Cirrus laughed. When I get settled Cumulus comes in with clothes in her hands. 
“Put these on when you're done.” She says as she takes my uniform from Cirrus.
“Thank you for this.” I say as Cirrus stands to leave me alone.
“Of course it's no problem.” she says. Cirrus gives me a kiss on the forehead before walking out of the bathroom to give me some privacy.
I’m not sure how long I was in the bath but it must have been a while. All the ghoulettes enter the bathroom and check on me.
“Sweet Satan! I thought you drowned in here!” Aurora yelled.
“Sorry.” I whispered, feeling embarrassed.
“Glad you are ok.” Cirrus said, helping me out. Cumulus and Sunshine both dry me off with the softest towels I have ever felt. Aurora gets the pjs Cumulus bought for me and redresses me. I get dragged back to the bedroom and Aurora takes a good hard look at my hands.
“You need to stop biting your nails babe.” she says, taking out her nail kit.
As Aurora starts working on my hands Sunshine gently brushes my hair so she can braid it. Cumulus and Cirrus bring wine glasses and face masks for each of us. 
“So, what made you so stressed out?” Cumulus asked.
“Fuck, where do I start?” I respond after a big drink of my wine. “Paperwork to get books is so stupid! NO ONE IS GOING TO EVEN READ THAT CRAP!”
“That’s right, let it out!” Cheers Sunshine.
The ghoulettes laughed at my outburst but listened intently. They let me moan and complain about the annoying little things about my job.
“I swear that Sister Molly hates me sometimes.” I complain.
“Only idiots hate you.” Aurora says with authority.
“She’s right.” Cirrus agrees, “Sorry you have had a shity week.”
“I feel way better now, thanks to all of you.” I say.
“I can ask Papa to give you a few days off.” Cumulus says.
“Of course babe.”
Sunshine hugs me from behind and Cumulus joins the hug.
I can’t help but to laugh at the whole situation as Aurora grips my wrist. She restarts painting my nails while grumbling about the interruption.  Sunshine and Cumulus moved to the foot of the bed. Sunny is now braiding Cumulus’ curly hair. Cirrus moved next to me to lay against the headboard and turned on an overdramatic and over acted RomCom.
About ten minutes later Aurora is done with my nails. They are now painted pastel purple with little blue stars. As I admire her work I can see her tail wag and her chest puff with pride.
“Thank you Rory! These look great!”
“Your welcome Honey.” She says with a huge smile. “Who's next?”
“ME!” Said Sunshine excited to get her nails painted.
I decide to get under the blankets and cuddle Cirrus as she puts her arm around me. As I lay on her chest I try to pay attention to the horrible movie. However the combination of my fully relaxed muscles, Cirrus’ heartbeat and body heat, the wine and my long day my eyes don’t stay open long.
“We should do this more.” I mumble just before I fall asleep.
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ark-fork · 9 months
(I love momma Lottie Soo much so I wanted to make out oc interact, hope you don't mind💕)
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Peisi: Thanks for teaching me to bake Miss Lottie~ I know I'm not quite good at this much but atlest it'll come out taste good right?
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Since Peisi is kind of a singer(The Siren) here and momma Lottie is The chief, I'd like to think they'll like to sing together while cooking
YOU! How dare you be that much.. SWEET-
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thegengarprincess · 3 months
Baking cookies for my love! , I stir and mix~❣️
Pairing: (❤️💜) Jan Peteh x Nace Jordan (🐈‍⬛💞🐕), (💖💙) Bojan Cvjetićanin x Jure Maček/implied (🎤💕🥁), (🧡🖤) Kris Guštin x Damon Baker/mentioned (👑💗📸)
Warnings: (‼️) minor depictions of a character throwing up off-screen (Bojan fr eats raw cookie dough like the chaotic puppy he is) , RPF! don’t like, don’t read. Just a whole lotta fluff N gay pinning from here on out :3 (❕)
Word count: (👾🗒️) 1.3k/roughly (📝😭)
Tags: (🎁🐱) tooth-rotting fluff/baking as a love language/pinning/very, very gay pinning/author can’t tag to save their life/flour fights/Bojan’s only purpose here is to look pretty and be a lil shit /just two kitties and one puppy being chaotic and in love/Igor being his dad’s no.1 wingman/the inherent eroticism of making bear-shaped cookies for ur crush as a birthday gift/obligatory heart to heart while ur other best friend is throwing up raw cookie dough in the toilet (🍪🧸)
Summery: (🧈💘) Nace’s birthday is only a week away and Jan still hasn’t been able to find a good enough gift for the older bassist that he *just* so happens to have a not so small (read: big fat) crush on, and with the other 3 getting increasingly more sick of both boy’s *obvious* homoerotic pinning, 2 of them decide to help him out a little (🤮😽)~
~ @ * , • > . 🎁 . < • , * @ ~
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• > * . + , ^ ~🐱 ~ ^ , + . * < •
{5 hours prior}
“Why don’t you try baking him some gluten-free cookies or something ”? , Jure suggested — it’d been atlest three hours since band practice ended for the day. But with a certain turtle owning, Pokémon loving, big brown eyed brunette bassists birthday coming up a week from now, one of their guitarists may have had an internal crisis over what to get him which leads the four boys to their current situation. Brainstorming ideas back and forth till something finally clicks. Just like how they’ve always done when it comes to their music…
Except working on a new song or playing around with different beats and cord progressions is currently the last thing on their minds right now. Instead having to help out their permanently tired, cat-like main guitarist who oh so coincidentally had sorta gained a “teeny tiny baby (read: incredibly giant ass ) crush ” on the soon-to-be birthday boy.
“Jure, ur a genius “! , the guitarist in question quipped. Signature smirk tugging at his lips then whipping out his phone and googling the best gluten-free cookie recipes. As the youngest of the three let out a sigh of relief then muttered a quiet “finally ” while jumping off their rehearsal spaces infamously worn-out couch and gently taking his guitar of it’s stand. Their frontman following suit. ”maybe if Janči can get his shit together with Nace by next week, you could finally score a date with Damon ”~ , “yeah yeah, shut up Bojći ”. He shot back playfully, only a slight pink tint dancing across his cheeks from the other’s teasey comment.
{present time}
Plopping a stick of softened butter into one of the many bowls layed out on the counter as another set of hands belonging to their shortest bandmate passed the caster and light brown sugar to Jan for mixing into a large bowl as he began stirring all the dry ingredients together while the older of the two started cracking an egg then stirring it thoroughly till it’d had combined with the butter/sugar mixture. Handing over another set of ingredients and sift to his boyfriend, Bojan attempted dipping his finger into the flour bag then booping Jure’s nose. Electing a giggle out of the taller drummer who retaliated by butterfly kissing Bojan’s nose till a white, powdery mark appeared as the younger flashed his iconic smile from the sudden movement.
One flour fight and change of jeans later, Jan went back to mixing the batter until they were left with a soft, slightly sticky dough for shaping. Hoping they had enough leftover to make bear ears to decorate their confection with, only turning around when they all heard a faint sound of a meow and Bojan cooing over the fluffy creature while simultaneously keeping his little paws from getting prints all over the counter and adorable little head into the butter tub.
While Jure was spooning the dough onto a baking tray and helping Jan mould them into their desired shape, the blonde’s lover sneakily curled his fingers around the rim of the mixing bowl and stole a few bites of the (raw mind you) batter. Sure, he may of eaten more than the recommended amount. BUT it’s not like it’s HIS fault cookie dough is one of the greatest foods ever invented. Only pulling away when their guitarist turned around to check on Igor and give the cat some pets, chin scratches and letting him sniff his dough coated fingers. Until Jure noticed the bowl’s rim was suddenly clean and the only person closest enough to stick a hand in it other than him was Bojan.
“Bojan, did you just eat raw cookie dough straight from the bowl “?-
“Bojćiiiii ”.
“If raw dough isn’t ment to be eaten, they why does it taste so good “!
“I swear if you get sick again, Kris is gonna have to lock you in the apartment so you’ll actually rest for once “-
And as if his friend had been gifted the power to speak anything he merely desired into reality right then and there, Bojan’s face contorted into a grimace and darted to the toilet. After both boys let out equally disgruntled twin sighs, they began placing the batter filled baking trays into the oven and cleaning everything up. (And maybe playing a round or two of rock, paper, scissors to see who’s on dish duty), while Jan kept a watchful eye on the cookies so they wouldn’t burn to bear-shaped crisps. Igor strutting over and sitting next to the dark-brunette guitarist, curiously gazing at the sweet treat rising from the sheer heat his dad’s oven provided.
“What if he doesn’t like them at all “? — the second youngest bandmate spoke all of a sudden. Tone sounding a hybrid between unsure and questioning. Drying the last of the spoon’s and abandoning it on the rack, Jure appeared next to him and crouched down infront of the oven as Igor started pawing at the blonde’s shoes. Staring Jan dead in the eyes while he deadpanned “were talking about the same man who made turtle shaped gingerbread cookies with mini Christmas hats and ugly sweaters on. Why wouldn’t he like them “?!
He asked with a look of “ I knew you weren’t always the most aware, but Jesus fucking Christ “.
Shuffling around to face the other boy, Jure placed both hands on Jan’s shoulder’s with a fond sigh and said matter of factly “have you seen the way Nace looks at you when we’re playing infront of a crowd? Like you literally hung every single star in the sky single-handedly just for him to look up at every night before he goes to bed, or how he smiles when you smile back him, even if it’s only for a couple of minutes ”.
“he’s just doing that to be polite Muca! And knowing him, he’d probably take the cookies and say thank you then flash that stupidly perfect dimpled smile he has then throw them in bin as soon as he get’s inside or he’ll think their stupid but won’t say anything cuz he’s too nice and sweet for his own good or, or “-
“Or he could like them sooo much, he invites you over the next day to say thanks and then kisses you and say’s he loves you like we all know he wants to ”! , a familiar voice chimed in from the bathroom out of the blue. The same voice then resuming the gagging noises and grotesque sounds it’s been making for over an hour now. It’s owners lover rolling his eyes fondly then scrambling to pour a glass of water and hurry upstairs to help their frontman. So much for being the one who’s severely allergic to any sort of health and safety.
The sudden ping of the oven made a beeline straight to Jan’s ear’s, pulling him out of his trance as the Slovene fitted a pair of oven gloves on and gently pulled the tray of cookies out from the machine onto the counter closest to it. Leaving them to cool for a couple of minutes before sticking the pre-made bear ears on and throwing on some finishing touches, finally transporting each one into a box they (read: Jure and Bojan) decorated from head to toe in rainbow confetti, turtle stickers, Pokémon drawings, violet candles and a big purple ribbon neatly wrapped around the box’s lid.
“You think he’ll like them, Igor “? — He whispered to his furry friend who was currently lazing around underneath one of the stools, only getting a slow blink and yawn in return.
“Thought so “…<3
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mikalame · 1 year
AAAAA STOPPP I love the Manzini ones soooo much to the point they make me giggle in good ways can you please make another 😽
No problem glad you love it so much im kinda surprised people like it tbh ahaha hope you enjoy.
taglist: @oppopotamus @violentnewmarley
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Dating Manzini Hc
. I can see his making you breakfast in bed on your birthday it wont be to extravagant as he would prob take you out for your birthday maybe like eggs,bacon, toast yk all that good stuff (maybe some b-day dick 🫢)
. He'd make you stand behind the camera if he has to do a photoshoot and between photos he's make silly faces at you or run up to you really quick to kiss you giggling while we walks back
. Making you be in each of his music videos even if your just on for a little bit he just wants you to be there or if you dont like to be on camera have you make a couple lines of his songs.
. Taking you out shopping at stuff stopping at all the hat stores seeing whats new, If you wear hats maybe getting matching ones or atlest hats that look good when placed together
. Showing off his breakdacing moves infront of you and when he learns a new moves and shows you he looks really proud of it and just has this goofy smile on his face.
. In a interview he said that he gets a lot of girls i think if you get jealous early he would hold back from flirting with them and just be friendly instead and if one of the fans girls did get a bit handsy he would make it up to you ifykyk 😉
. He said that he drove a mustang once in the USA where he could i can image him taking a video of him doing burnouts or something showing off the fact hes driving car.
. He has 3 little dachshunds (when he was younger) i can see you two going on cute lil date with the 3 in-tow in like a park having a picnic or just walking around getting some fresh air
. Since he grew up with 4 older sisters i think its fair to say he'd be very helpful for your period, would get you snacks, hot water bottles the whole lots and you two would just relax and watch movies together.
This is pretty much all that i could find out about him some of the stuff i wrote it looked like something he'd do but like the last 4 are from an interview.
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starkers-lair · 7 months
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Hello watchers and stalkers, welcome back to
Personal shifting prefrence (WR before DR)
i hope this makes sence im at school rn and people are being loud and annoying (please i wanna go home but i have to stay here for anothe 3 hours. actually im not that mad cuz i only have geography and math left and i like those but our new seating arangment is deffinetly unfortunate, gonna have to manifest a new one)
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yk whats intresting? istead of shifting to a dr i perfer to shift to my wr first (especially since i havent shifted yet). my wr is just a very chill place where im the only one there and i just need that alone time to do whatever i feel like whenever i feel like (to heal a bit aswell, im kainda fucked in the head rn). and also that will make actually be atlest a bit coherent when seeing the people from my drs for the first time cuz it wont be like a "oh i was in my or just a sec ago!" type of moment ykwim i wont be shocked or supriced (and that first shock of actually shifting wont be there).
plus i can work on scripts there and not use the small amount of free time i have on that
i think im a genuis, dk tho
- yours truly
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tv-gh0st · 1 year
Yiga clan - Run in at Fort Hateno
a new LU story it might become a series if people like it!
Wild loved the chain, and was overjoyed whenever he got to show off his Hyrule(it was to big to get through even a small section any time they were there) but in the name of Hylia could they not just get the message that Bananas meant assassins. Ya see wild new everyone in his Hyrule, and everyone knew him. Everyone also knew that people who didn’t know Wild or  bananas ment really bad news. Everyone exept a certin group of Eight heros.
It was the second time being shifted to Wild Hyrule when it first came up, Wild mentioned it to the others when they actually first met but there were a lot of things happening that day. They were overjoyed to be home and hopefully finally show everyone everything, the first time they were shifted here they had to buy supplies, talk to Flora and Impa, deal with a black blooded monster camp, and a black blooded hinox, with that alone + the travel time there was no actual time to rest and do sightseeing. But this time Flora reported no strange events sence last time and they were currently residing at Hateno. Flora was visiting with Purah along side Time and Twilight , Legand and Wind  went to get more Materials, and sky was just resting, so  it so Wild and Hyrule wanted to explore, to there surprise Warrios went along with them(most likely to make sure there not gonna battle a lynle with a latel, two pot lids, and a mop but that doesn’t need to be said) Wild wanted to show them  fort Hateno they’ve had to walk in that way but there main objective at the time was to get to Hateno village. Wild was hoping  to show the little shack, harvest guardian parts, and fight a normal-blooded monster camp, atlest that was the plan.
 They were currently surrounded by three  yiga, another one teleporting around shooting at them, they should be able to deal with it but Wild was harboring a nasty gash in there arm and Hyrule having two arrows in him. and with the yigas teleporting killing four without getting any mote injuries was a hard task. 
You may be wondering how the fuck this happened, well after the defeat of the calamity  it seemed the yiga just got angrier, they changed there tactic traveling in groups without wilds knowledge, even then they were still always careful at there Hyrule. Bad news though, Wild seemed to neglect telling the chain about the whole "group of banana loving assassins all trying to kill them by dressing up as normal hylians" thing. I mean he didn’t realize any of them especially  not WARRIOR would be that talkative, they also all know that everyone knows Wild and Wild knows everyone, so he assumed people asking where to find him would be a red flag but whatever. So there were three travelers that have never took that rout, Wild wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, that’s until they asked Warrior if they’ve seen Link. Long story short Wild blocked what could have been a fatal hit on Wars, the three turned into yiga, and the fourth appeared. And right now there fucked. 
No one was making a move, not even the archer. Then he heard it, the bows little bring, the arrow cutting through to air, it was going to hit warriors, who knows way hes there target but it seems there out to get him. Very un-gracefully wild pushed warriors out of the way once again then pushed himself into the side of the yiga jabbing into there side aswell as making them the new target for the arrow. It worked. It went straight into there chest as they retreated, right behind him Hyrule and Warriors started the fight with the other two there swords clashing with those sharp sickles, with the two ground soldiers under control wild started running and pulled out his bow, and an electric arrow. It was simple, shoot the electric arrow, then go in get the kill. It worked. 
Its a relief they brought Hyrule because with the adrenaline now gone Wild finally felt there arm. Warriors also had an arrow in him, though it was a shallow wound. It seemed Wild, who in any normal situation would just pat it down until it stopped bleeding and maybe put on something with a longer sleeve was currently being forced to drink a potion and Hyrule was immediately fretting over his arm. "so champ" here it comes. "what in Hylias holy name was that about." 
'its just a- like a little group, they like to take a crack at me every once in a while there really harmless, they just changed it up today a little also they are really not that great even with catching us by surprise for once.' he reverted to sign with bis good arm ofcourse  not feeling like coming up the the words in his throat right now. And yes he knows he was playing it down, a lot, but Wild really didn’t feel like dealing with the whole "trained assassins who worship Gannon trying to kill him relentlessly because he killed Gannon and took down there cult leader" so here they are. 
"this isnt a normal thing is it…" Hyrule seemed hesitant to ask, wild always kept a lot of his adventure close to his chest, he liked to tell stupid stories or talk about some of his adventures just in the actual wild but any specific details are only known by twilight and tike(even they don’t know much) 'eh its every once in a while, were going to be staying at Hateno though and there never in towns, they also don’t attack the same time twice in a row, about after every blood moon.'  Hyrule just nodded, Wild couldn’t tell if he was convinced or not, didn’t really feel like figuring it out either. "well still up to showing us this Fort Hateno" and Wild gladly agreed to Warriors question.
It took about four hours to get there see the sights, fight monsters, do a little snooping in the scientists old cabin, and get back to Hateno. When the three got back the 6 heros were hanging out around Wilds house Flora and Epona aswell. Twilight ofcourse fussed over Wild when seeing his bandaged arm but They were just cryptic about the whole thing, Hyrule and Warriors were no help at all seeming to understand Wilds hesitance to tell Twilight that he often got ambushed by these assassins(ofcourse not knowing all the details) they all knew how Twilight and even Time would go all mother cuukoo on him.(hell it’s a surprise warriors didn’t) 
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hello0person · 11 months
About me!
I'm a bisexual demigirl, who uses she/they pronouns. I color manga panels and make edits. I'm willing to color manga panels or make edits for anyone who asks for free. Please tell me the color(s) for the manga panels. For edits, please atlest tell me a character and if you want a specific song tell me (if you have photos/clips you want me to rdit send them to me) I'll do anything from these fandoms:
Tbhk-No manga spoilers
Jjk - Ive read the manga
Bsd - I've read the manga
A silent voice - I've read the manga
Sk8 the infinity - haven't read the manga
Kny (Demon Slayer) - I've read the manga
Tpn - I haven't read the manga, but I'm collecting them (no spoilers)
Heartstopper (ik it's not a manga) - I'm all caught up
Given- I've read the manga
Komi cant communicate - I've read most the manga (spoilers are okay)
Tgcf - I have all the books so I'll make all the angst you want
Please if I havet read the manga dont request me to color a manga panel with spoilers or make edits with said spoilers, I won't do it if you do. I'll also color black and white fan art but please give me credits to the artist or I won't do it!
I hope you have a great day/night.
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breannasfluff · 1 year
so like hi there i have a Ravioli hurt/comfort fic plot im not gonna write but i thought youd enjoy it so ima over explain it in your Ask box!
Okay okay okay so A link between worlds right so for this were gonna pretend it was before A links awakening for the ✨Story✨ 
So in A links awakening Links gf is fucking a seagull or a dream or smthn right kinda fucked up, well you see Ravio already kinda lives with Link at this point and there kinda dating but not so Link comes back home from his adventure and Ravio is  so fucking exited and like "Mr. Hero your home! oh in sk glad i was so lonely how did Hylia treat you are you okay do you need something want to lie down? are you injured" But then Links jusy standing in the fuckjng door way like, Shit Ravio did i forgot about him? i mean i fell in love with Marin that's basically replacing him, Marin... i mean fuck she was a dream does that count i still fell i  love with her though thats fuvked up i replaced ravio fuck fuck fuck. 
abd then he fucking passes out
but then after that Link still having a crisis avoids Ravio as much as he can, whichhhhhhhh is not mych considering theu live in the same house, sleep in the same room, and eat the breakfast ravio made together. but he tries. and when Ravio tries to confront Link he is overwhelmed and doesnt know what tk say so he just anounced an impromptu visit to his sister saying he wants to update her on his adventure.
so he leaves and Ravios confused and a little hurt while Link feels like shit and also confused.
He does get to Zelda and she rightfully slaps some sense into Link because wtf are you thinking, your upset yes but he can help you he doesnt have to know everything but atlest tell him hey i dont hate you
so Link dramatically goes running back to his kinda boyfriend who feels like shit and collapsaes at ravios feet gushing out how he loves him and he fell in love with someone else and he feels horible and shes kinda gone anyways she wasn't actually real and link is fucking truamatized from his gf jot actually being real and the  ravio goes and hugs him and they do a cute little communication thing and Ravios like hey fuck ur all good i live you to its fine you fell in love with Marin it fucking sucks shes dead can i help at all??     
and there all cute and cuddly and Link deals with some Truama in a healthy way fir once       
anyways that was much longer then anticipated i just have alot of thoughts about them
im noy gonna write it tho cas thats like  of work and im still only on work 3 for wumptober and my wip list is st like 10 and jts like sir wtf is going on
so yeah hope you like it! uhm have fun ig
Oh boy, yeah, that would be pretty angsty! And a good topic for therapy/couple’s counseling on falling in love and forgetting your boyfriend 😂
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
oh my goodnesss 🫢 chap 18 🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢
hoonie's down baaaaad 😏 as he should 😌
Zadie, this story is so fucking interesting, like oh my god when are you going to publis a book ? (if you ever do that, i think it's going to be bestseller 🤭) i am so invested un this story i swear to god im going to SCREAM when it gets revealed that hoon beat up jeam 😌 and i don't know why, but i have a string feeling that it's gonna go down like: hood and yn have one of theirs usual fights in a gc (rikis ec) and hoon says smth really mean to her and jake has enough of it and expose im for beating up her ex 😏 idk
also, hoon was really sweet at the end of the chapter, how he was trying to be nonchalant and all "nobady gives a fuck wear my t-shirt", it was really cute ngl, like "i can't fucking stand you but i want you all to myself, so here, wear my shirt, drive me more insane than i already am"
and im really glad that yn told tsuki what happend, i really think that she should open up more, to her atlest, bc it is alway easier when there's someone that knows what's happening to you, and be there for you, to give you a hug, advice, or just listen to you get it off your chest. it means a lot, esp when that person is an honest and loving friend!! i also can imagine how angry all of the boys are going to be when they find out abot them, esp the first time they slept tgt.. they'll be so disappointed in hoonie..i see them giving him the silent treatment for days and him thinkig he lost them 🥲
hope you're doing good baby girl!! sending lots of love your way 🥰🥰 hope you have a great day!!! and please, take care of yourself!!! 🤍🤍 hugs and kisses 🥰
THE FACT THIS IS THE CUTEST THNG EVER I LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH 🥺🥺🥺🥺💗 thank you for your gentle and kind words baby, they really mean the world to me and i will always hold them so close to my heart!!!!🥺💗🤞🏼💕🎀
i love how we all lost our shit over a FUCKING SHIRT BUT IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO US 🤕🤕🤕 i cant wait for him to lose his mind when he sees her wearing it casually around her apartment..oOOPS 🫣
100% agreed!!!! its always easy to keep things to yourself especially if yourelike ch!y/n who's always been used to dealing with her problems on her own but im so glad we can all agree that she really did the right thing with telling tsuki bc she needs it and needs to know its okay to talk to the people she's close with 🥺
i hope you've had a nice weekend baby, sending you the biggest kiss rn 🥺💗💕🤍
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crystlizabeth · 1 year
i’m really sick rn and u know i gotta project it. i’ve looked through your dad!snape and zhuri fics and they’re adorable, i love snape as a dad. if you’re open to it, could you write a drabble or headcanons on how dad!snape would react & care for his pretty sick daughter?
+ no pressure 2 write it ofc
YES OFC OMG!! I haven’t done them in a while for I’m shifting back and forth of many fandoms but here you go!
Dad!Snape & sick!Zhuri Snape!
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Zhuri is actually really healthy so when she gets sick its really bad.
Snape being portective and such hes by her side as soon as she called for him.
He held the girls hair as she puked over the toilet sobbing. (Bc yk when u throw up you start crying at least i do)
When finally able to calm her down and back to her room he grabs the essentials, a pot, a cold washcloth, and so pain killers till he can get a potion brewing.
Trying to get here to eat is a whole different story, its so difficult he would practically beg her to eat something.
Her snarky remarks are even better when she sick, sev always coming back at her with “atlest i dont have the lingering taste to puke in my mouth.”
Even when he has classes he doesn’t mind leaving them to go take care of her quicky though.
Sev is such a germaphobe in a way but that all goes away when shes sick.
He’ll lay with her and watch movies with her to keep her company.
Zhuri is very i want to do it myself. Even though she practically dying. He tends to stand back and wait for her to ask for help sometimes, other times he’ll just flat out help her.
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I honestly dont know what else to put haha but i hope this was decent enough sorry its short!
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