Frog and cranberries it must be fall.
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Alright here's some ideas for a monster AU where the human souls are well monsters.
Backstory- A fox monster like Ceroba, though he was born a orphan in the wild east where he mostly survived on helping people around the town mostly stealing back what people already stoled and returning it to them but sometimes stealing for himself a example of this, when he was 10 he snuck into Chujin lab to find something valuable to steal to afford himself some food for the week that's where he met Kanako shortly after finding and taking the blue soul serum but quickly returning it after talking to Kanako. The two of them quickly became friends, with Clover often sneaking his way into the lab to talk and play with Kanako, until he was discovered by Ceroba, who showed him a safer way into the lab instead of the way Clover was entering. A month after Chujin's death, Clover discovered what the serum did and the effects it had. He managed to convince Ceroba to let the serum go after what it did to her husband. 4 years later, Clover would be found by Starlo, who took the fox thief in and made them his deputy, showing Clover the ropes of being a sheriff and to eventually take over once Starlo retires. 
Starlo- Mentor and father figure
Kanako- Best friend (Maybe something else in the future)
Coreba- Hand to Hand and Cqc teacher
Lynn- Frienamy
Shot- Just a normal shot from his revolver
Dynamite- A move he took from starlo were he drops dynamite
Drop kick- The name explains it's self he drop kicks the person.
Fast reaction- Similar to the shot but it's faster and hard to dodge.
Slash and stab- When Clover pulls out his knife going for multiple slashes and stabs.
All Six- A move that was originally a pistol trick he was trying to copy from Starlo when he did so and pulled the trigger a large laser came from the pistol hitting whatever in front of it.
Born in the hot lands a young dragon like monster was born and raised by a noble and wealthy family but Lynn was far from the noble and proper. Sense the age of 5 the monster would do daring stunts. When Lynn was 14 he met Echo the two would quickly became friends the two going on adventures from hot lands to snowdim where they would some time get in trouble with marlet. At the age of 17 Lynn met Clover who had just stopped Him from doing something stupid.
Ray/Patience- Best friend.
Clover- friend and crush (gay gay homosexual gay crush)
One Two- Lynn simplys punches the opponent
Uppercut- A move where he simply goes for a uppercut
Drop kick- name explains it self.
Chokeslam- Lynn chokes slam the opponent doing little damage when grabbed but lots when slammed into a wall.
Berserk rage- Lynn sends a storm of fist and punches towards the enemies with normal attacks after doing bonus damage.
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high school mirages
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Now this was a care that just randomly popped in mind (which I swear if this somehow gets to gooseworx)
They're an AI similar to Caine, but they're the complete opposite of Caine. Instead of trying to keep the players inside the game, they're actively trying to find ways to breach the code and pull them out. And they could know each of the characters real names. But how would they introduce this character? Towards the end of the episode, they appear in Pomni, Ragatha, Kinger, or hell, even Jax's room and talk to them, calling them by their real names and asking for help finding a way to get them out of the circus. But I don't know. Tell me what y'all think..
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The Gardener boy was on the palace guard shoulders, the two were working tough so the Gardener boy could give the Prince a rose. Once it was done he would get down onto the guards shoulder before hearing a voice. "Lieutenant, Gardener may I ask what are you doing?" The Royal advisor asked leaning on his cane "Oh! Um advisor I was just helping the gardener with the flowers." She would say sweating alittle. "By getting to a highet of the prince's balcony?" He would ask looking the two. "Um yes..." She said. "Please don't tell anyone I just--" before the gardener could finish the advisor would interrupt him. "If you want to give him a rose you could ask me for entrance you know." The Advisor said with a smirk before walking away leaving the two surprised slightly.
In the morning the prince walked out onto the balcony seeing the royal advisor sitting at a table sipping some tea. "Good morning your highness." The Advisor said looking towards the prince from the sun rise he was watching. "Oh good morning Mr.Advisor." The prince said smiling as he sat down across from the Advisor. "So the Gardener visited you last night correct?" The Advisor asked before sipping his tea once again. "Um yes why do you ask..." The prince asked worried about what the Advisor would say. "If he makes you happy I'm welcome this." The Advisor said with a smile sipping his tea once more. "But note this if the king finds out and he dare hurts either of you in any way well do expect to take the throne." The Advisor to the concern to the prince.
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Mmm door to door salesmen that will appear one and get kicked in the balls
Planning on making some ultrakill fanfics that take place in the imperfect love song universe so I'm here to show the five characters that don't appear in the level
V1: Mirage older brother. A threat to society. A Senior in highschool. Been voted to be the most likely to end up in jail by his class. Chaotic Bisexual. Has actually been to jail for thrown down with homophobe. Dating Gabriel
V2: V1 frienamy and friend to Gabriel. The friends group theater kid. Has a crush on Mirage. Has also been to jail for helping V1 beat the homophobe. Has threaten some that thought they were a alpha male.
Gabriel:V1 boyfriend. Friends with V2 and Mirage. Is buff but a bottom. A good christen boy who is slowly releasing his church is more of a cult then a church to worship the Lord. A homosexual. The other theater kid.
Minos:The drama teacher. Is friends with Sisyphus. Is built like a truck. Snakes are actually his pets. Has thrown hands with a couple of his students parents.
Sisyphus:The P.E teacher. Minos friend. May look out of shape but can bench press 850. Has also thrown hands with some students parent's (and the students period). Has a warrant out for his arrest in another country for aggravated assault. Former wrestler. Has been seen pushing a boulder up the largest hill before letting it roll back down to exercise
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V2 and V1 kept quiet as they sat in their cell, and because they were in jail, they threw down in a Waffle House parking lot. "I swear this is the last time I leave you two alone." Gabriel would say as the officer opened the cell door. "As I said, they share a single thought," Mirage would say as the two V's walked out of the cell. "Though I got to ask who won the fight?" Mirage asked. "Please don't." Gabriel would say as he covered his face, knowing who won. "I did a drop kick to the face, which took him down," V2 said proudly. "Ha, congrats on that." Mirage would say as they walked out of the station. The angel and the blue robot would talk before kissing. "I'm heading home," V2 would say. "Later, gay boys and Miragen," V2 said. "Later Red."
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Planning on making some ultrakill fanfics that take place in the imperfect love song universe so I'm here to show the five characters that don't appear in the level
V1: Mirage older brother. A threat to society. A Senior in highschool. Been voted to be the most likely to end up in jail by his class. Chaotic Bisexual. Has actually been to jail for thrown down with homophobe. Dating Gabriel
V2: V1 frienamy and friend to Gabriel. The friends group theater kid. Has a crush on Mirage. Has also been to jail for helping V1 beat the homophobe. Has threaten some that thought they were a alpha male.
Gabriel:V1 boyfriend. Friends with V2 and Mirage. Is buff but a bottom. A good christen boy who is slowly releasing his church is more of a cult then a church to worship the Lord. A homosexual. The other theater kid.
Minos:The drama teacher. Is friends with Sisyphus. Is built like a truck. Snakes are actually his pets. Has thrown hands with a couple of his students parents.
Sisyphus:The P.E teacher. Minos friend. May look out of shape but can bench press 850. Has also thrown hands with some students parent's (and the students period). Has a warrant out for his arrest in another country for aggravated assault. Former wrestler. Has been seen pushing a boulder up the largest hill before letting it roll back down to exercise
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Olin walked into the hut holding a basket full of herds he green robe's a which was dirty alittle due to gathering herds. "Hey honey I home." The wood elf druid would say. Quickly using her magic to fix a wilting rose. "Ah welcome back my dear." A masculine voice would say looking over Olin "Mmm oh heya baby." She would say walking over to her husband. His black dress shirt somewhat dirty from working on some mediation his red lensed mask shining abit. "I see your still wearing your mask." She would say. "I know just finished up with a patients." He would say removing his mask. Olin would go and give him a kiss wrapping her arms would her tall half dragon husband. "So should that be everything for the day?" She asked Him. "I believe I have a idea my dear." Lin would say placing his plague doctor mask on a table. Soon the two would travel into the bedroom.
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Just doing as it says
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the mark of the rift
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Now before we begin I had a random thought what if the demon's in the fandom had relationship with each other and then I had another thought what if a pride demon and a desire demon got into a relationship leading to this.
Azazel would open his eyes would rise up he had been out of the fade for a few days and then was sent back by two qunari, a human mage and a elf with a lot of arrows. "Morning Love." A feminine voice would say. Looking over he would see who it was. Lilith a desire demon and his girlfriend. "Morning how long was I out?" He would ask sitting up. "Three hours the shades dragged you to me." She would say "They did ha how many did it take?" He asked. "It took around 10 of them on your torso, three on your arms and two of you legs." She answered.
Azazel would keep quiet as he imagined what happened. The shades would be struggling as they floated over to Lilith struggling to hold up the pride demon. "I see well now that I'm back you want to do anything?" He asked with the desire demon smiling. "Cuddles now." She would say sitting down on his lap. "As you wish." He would say wrapping his large arms around her and giving her a kiss on the forehead before cuddling her.
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Chapter 1
Kane kept quiet as the carriage rode into town. Kane was a part of a mercany group there was five others Chi, Jackson, Clem, jascy, and the leader Griffin. They were going to pick up there reward for a job. "So this is the demon we had to kill." Jackson would say holding the head. "Yes it was it was the king wanted us to kill it because fun fact it destroyed half of his kingdom." Clem would say everyone would talk as Kane kept quiet thinking to himself, he grew up near his castle his mother working in the kitchen he would often help her cook but when he wasn't helping his mother he was playing with the princess.
They would reach the castle soon. "My lord." Griffin would say to the king that was waiting out at the front door with his daughter. "Griffin I presume you have the beast head?" He would ask as everyone got out of the carriage. "Yes your highness it took us some time but thanks to Kane over he we managed to slay it." Griffin would say looking at Kane. Kane would smile abit as the king smiled nodded the head soon being handed to two knights that would take it. "Now I believe it's time for a reward." The king would say signaling the band to follow him which they did everyone talking. Expect for Kane he was keeping quiet though soon he would be and who was he talking too the princess. "So Ce it's been a long time sense we last talk." He would say. He was much taller to CeCe while she was around 5'5 he was around 6'3. "Yes last we talked you weren't a gaint." She would say. "Ha yeah and you weren't so proper." He would say jokingly the two would talk catching up. Until they got to a room filled with items. "Each of you may pick a item from the vault." The king would say everyone would scatter going to select their rewards everyone would pick what they wanted Kane chose a great sword with a dragon style hilt with a black blade. Though something else caught Griffin eye.
A amulent with a black gem. "My my this looks interesting." He would say carefully picking it up. "Mmm oh sorry it's not available." The king would say Griffen would look at him soon talking. "Oh why I mean it would be better to be outside and being wore by someone else then just sitting here gathering dust." He would say holding it still soon talking to the king. "U-um alright then sure go ahead and take it." He would say the band leader would smile soon leaving.
Kane would keep quiet as everyone got ready to head over towards a tavern to rest for awhile though CeCe and Kane would talk interacting with each other the two enjoyed each company
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Planning on making some more mass effect content for those few that follow this blog here's the info for the characters (This is a alternate timeline)
Shepard is a during mass effect one was a 24 year old vanguard that fell for Tali when they met he and after the game (All good options) he managed to save saren from killing himself and after me 2 and during me 3 the two dated ans Shepard planned on proposing if both of them survived he "died" at 27
Gurass he was 24 when he joined Shepard the two quickly became friends with the two going on multiple missions together they after me 3 the officer worked on tracking down Shepard for a year just to atlest confirm he died
Tali during me 1 she was 22 when she joined Shepard which after seeing him in a few fights she developed a crush that quickly turned into a romantic relationship with shepard though after me3 she helped rebuild the homeworld and had a kid named Saer
Shepard when he met the crew that would help him save the world 3 different times he was 24 and was seen as the paragon of humanity during me3 keeping to his code of not commiting genocide became the god of the reapers though he's slowly rebuilding his body using the dead clone body (citadel dlc) as a base
Saer is a 18 year old quarin and the son of Tali and Shepard with a much stronger immune system though he still wears the envo suit he works on the Normandy and during his younger years had the pleasure of traveling though dark space to meet his father
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Me making the most mentally ill traumatized character that is need kg heavy therapy
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Kin a half dragon kept quiet as he woke up yawning alittle his hand was over the head of his girlfriend Ana a human smiling her woman kiss her on the forehead continuing to cuddle his girlfriend thinking "Once all of this is over I'm putting a ring on her finger".
Ana would slowly wake up to Kin giving her some love she was laying on top of his chest from what she remembered last night him and her embarrassed each other and got rather loving last night with some love and some roughness she would snuggle up alittle to him "Hey there hun" she would say "Morning sweetie" he would say.
The two would speak as Kin noticed a hickey he left smiling he would pull her in and kissed her the two would kiss for abit before getting dressed and getting ready to track down the next demon lord.
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Alright a tall, cold, stoic character know for being the most deadliest person in a kingdom, empire, whatever but he's incredibly affectionately starved so when the romance partner or whatever a friend he absolutely melts from it
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(This take place a month before Ganondorf imprisonment)
Mikoru kept quiet as he sat in his workshop a couple miles from the castle he would be working on a new construct though he wasn't doing it alone behind him was Mineru working the Zonai engineer "Mineru you can go I'll be able to take it from here" he would say as Mineru walked off she knew he was telling the truth.
Mineru would put up a book and reading it as she sat down as she read it learning abit more about constructs though she would soon discover it was a journal and it was Mikoru so she begin to read out of curiosity.
"I meet Mineru today we spoke about like normal she was discussing the current situation of the demon king though it quickly changed I don't know if I can't keep up how I feel about her if we win this and we both survive I'm going to go up to her and tell her how I feel and tell her that I love her if she rejects me she rejects me if she feels and same way well ha I can finally let out how I feel" the journal would say Mineru would blush alittle closing it as she sat there looking over at the normally self over working friendly guy felt that way thinking for awhile she would dicide if they do win and if he does tell her how he feels she'll accept
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