#I hope Horus is proud
enri-yeen · 7 months
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Decided to draw my gf's goblin! Its my first mech art, but it was really fun, hope you like it
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moodymisty · 7 months
Author's Note: Inspired by this post. You can blame all of the unhinged horniness there for this unhinged horniness. Someone there put the idea down as space wolves or Luna wolves and I chose Luna wolves because @bispecsual gave me the brain rot. And since I'm a massive masochist, I write.
Relationships: Like five unnamed Luna Wolves/Fem!Reader
Warnings: Vaguely NSFW, Very hornily charged bullying, Astartes are very curious and grabby, Demeaning speech, Just imagine you're that one girl on the couch in the meme surrounded by massive dudes but those dudes are 8 foot tall genetic abominations, Gangbang implications(?) my warning tags are getting weird as fuck
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To the Luna Wolves, serfs are a new idea- a curiosity.
But after their good deeds upon a planet of little known renown and placement in the galaxy, a few of their population offered to serve them.
Before them, most serfs were primarily stationed on Terra, and on Luna Wolves ships instead those roles were given to low ranking tech priests, or penal labor. Even then however the Astartes saw them rarely, until now.
Some of the newly conquered planet offered sons as aspirants, of which they eagerly accepted. The Luna Wolves have been eager to grow their numbers now under Horus’ leadership.
Others, older and ablebodied, offered themselves to serve as serfs.
Many Luna Wolves can't remember the last time they've seen a normal human for more than a few moments, ushering them to safely into a Stormbird or pushing them from a firefight. Or seeing their corpse flung on the far reaches of a battlefield, out of sight and mind.
In their brief periods of reprieve from battle, it's now been a struggle for their captains and lieutenants to keep their men on task, now that serfs scurry around them completing various tasks. Particularly for the youngest marines among them, it's been a constant to stop them from reaching towards the serfs, interrupting their sanctioned duties.
They will get to you once finished with your brothers, is what the current quartermaster on duty or Astartes captain says. Though haste to have their armor cleaned or bolter clips loaded isn't the thing on their mind, but instead an almost dog-like curiosity.
But after their superiors leave, they always end up crowding around you again. These astartes have barely seen baseline humans in decades, let alone a woman.
It's suffocating.
You were nothing on your home planet. Insignificant. You’d hoped joining them would bring you purpose, something to be proud of. And to get off the planet that had you feeling so trapped. And while you got your wish, in a way the thing trapping you had merely changed form.
They have you cornered in the armoring room now; Like Wolves. You went from trapped on that no name planet to trapped by five different astartes. Your palms feel hot and sweaty, but not as hot as your face.
“You’re so small, you’re going to get lost on the ship,” One says.
He grabs for your chin and holds it for a moment, forcing you to look into his grey eyes. they're stoic, but you can see he's enjoying something about this. Though he allows you to shrink away and out of his grip, looking downward at their chest armor. Or anywhere else that isn't their faces.
“Or trampled,” Says another. The one who spoke previous gives him a sour look before passively aggressively replying.
“We’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”
One who hasn't spoken yet has his top armor removed, his lower half unpowered. He was training, using it as dead weight. Training concluded blood now drips down from his nose and lips but is mostly dried, partly covered healing bruises. If he looks like this, you can't help but wonder how his opponent looks.
It’s distracting.
You don’t know if it’s some sort of illness or insanity from being locked in this ship for so long; It makes him look more attractive. You hope to whatever deity or god or whatever exists out in the stars that he doesn't notice you’re staring. That he doesn't notice the way your heart is pounding in your chest and what feels like your cunt as well.
He does. As do the others. You can't kid yourself and think that with their hearing and smell that they haven't noticed that you're boiling alive, and that your body is screaming fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me-
“He won. Out of one hundred men.”
Your gut twists and the marine behind you laughs quietly. It's deep, enough so that you swear you can feel it in your chest. You would squeeze your thighs together for some relief, but you don’t think you can without stumbling over.
“She likes the winners. Looks like you’re out.” He gestures to a fellow marine that gives him another sour look. You briefly wonder what he lost at to deserve such a jab.
“I should return to my duties,”
You meekly say, hoping to remove yourself from the embarrassment and scurry away to another quarter of the ship.
One of them blocks your path and traps you from leaving, picking you up by the armpits and holding you before putting you back down between them all. It's like you weigh nothing to them, and that they can simply jostle and swing you around like a toy.
“I’ll tell your quartermaster you were helping us.” He jerks his head in the direction of a marine clad in only the casual clothing they wear out of their ceramite. Now the focus of your attention he rolls his shoulder, and you can see the muscles of his neck and around his collarbone flex.
You swallow a knot in your throat that felt like it was going to choke you. Your hands clench tight, nails sharp against your palms. You're going to have a heart attack, you swear it. Tears well in your eyes but they don't break your waterline just yet, from sheer will alone. If any of them say another word, call you cute, small, soft, that you smell so sweet, you swear they’ll roll down your cheeks like a waterfall.
“He wants you to put on his armor. The others are always so rough, you’re so gentle with those little hands.”
The marine reaches for you, and in your back step you stumble and accidentally bump into the one who hasn't spoken at all; Just watching and sitting. You stumble over his massive armored boot and end up falling into a sit on his thigh, legs parted over it. His massive armored hand comes to grip your waist, to keep you from falling over. It covers a good portion of your stomach in the process.
You’re so tightly wound just the simple pressure alone is enough to have you clamp a hand your mouth to avoid letting out a moan that would kill you right then and there, if you weren’t already dead. Your knees quiver, toes just barely touching the ground. His massive height makes it impossible to fully stand with his thigh between your legs.
You know they can smell the way you’re leaking and staining your underwear, hear the way your heart is racing like it's going to explode. You’re half afraid you might make his ceramite thigh plate slick.
You can feel their eyes on you. They look at you like you’re food thrown to a pack of starving wolves.
One suddenly steps forward, and pushes his battle brother out of his way with a harsh slam of ceramite on ceramite before undoing the latch his belt.
“I go first.”
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shiyorin · 7 months
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#When you play dumb or your primarchs are just *ahem* horny :v
#I don't know what I wrote. I just do as requested :v
#Roll the dice and it said this time's menu is: Horus Lupercal and Roboute Guilliman.
#This is request from my dearest heretic anon.
#Primarchs x Reader, Reader is Imperial Agent. Malcador is proud of you (is he?)
#A little NSFW.
Horus Lupercal
You sighed listlessly as you wandered the ship, seeking diversion in your boredom. A familiar presence drew you eye, and you spied Horus upon a balcony overlooking the training cages below.
The training cages were alive with activity as Horus observed his Astartes sharpening their skills in mock combat. Though focused on their form, his thoughts drifted elsewhere, preparations for the coming Crusade weighed heavy. He gazed down from the viewing platform, assessing their progress, when soft footsteps alerted him to another's presence.
Horus appeared lost in thought, no doubt pondering weighty matters of strategy and conquest. You crept stealthily across the chamber, the feet making nary a sound upon the plush rugs. Coming up behind the Warmaster unnoticed was no mean feat, but your skills remained as sharp as the blade at your hip.
Finally within reach, you drew a deep breath and exhaled softly upon Horus's neck. A sudden warmth ghosted his ear, followed by a sultry whisper caressed his ear. "Boo..."
He whirled with a start to find your smiling face mere inches from his own, eyes dancing with mischief. Before you could retreat, Horus flashed into action, seizing your arm in an unbreakable grip.
With a grunt he hoisted your form against his chest, pinning your effortlessly as your legs kicked in vain. "Little one." he chuckled, though tension still lingered at the corners of his eyes. "One of these days you will be the death of mine, I fear."
Your eyes dancing with mirth. You laughed breathlessly. "You are no fun, my Warmaster."
"It seems you don't consider me worthy of respect, little one," he sighed, effortlessly maintaining your struggling form. "Sneaking up on your Warmaster, bold, but foolish."
You squirmed halfheartedly, delighting in the feel of his powerful physique caging you in. "And what would the great Warmaster do to earn it, I wonder?"
A gleam entered his eyes, dark promise in every contour of his sculpted features. "Oh, I can think of a few...persuasive methods."
Below, the Astartes fought on, oblivious to the true battle raging within their midst. Horus took his captive agent and you were limp and sated in his arms, marking you thoroughly as his. Only then did he release your, satisfied your pride had been tamed.
Horus smiled down at the dazed your in his arms. "Convinced, my dear?" He purred, nuzzling your satiated cheek. You could only sigh dreamily in reply. It seemed doubts of his prowess were well and truly laid to rest...
Roboute Guilliman
Guilliman reclined upon crisp sheets, body aching from battles past. His scowls only deepened your frown, but still you droned on, casualty reports, supply requisitions, missives from a thousand worlds.
"Do you hear me, my lord?" you pressed, quill scratching relentlessly. He sighed, weary unto his soul.
"Do you think I want to hear what you have to say, agent? I am wounded and wish only silence." His tone brooked no argument, yet still you persisted like the plague.
"You are the Primarch," you said, eyes aglow with righteous fervor. "You must overcome such things for the billions of people of the Imperium. Their hopes and dreams rest upon your shoulders."
Guilliman scrubbed a hand down his face. "I am Primarch, not invincible. Must I sacrifice even my healing for duty's never-ending demands?"
Your look softened, but still you would not yield. "That is not something you can decide, my lord. As were mine." 
The Primarch knew well you spoke truth, bitter though it was. With a grunt he waved your on, closing his eyes against the rising tide of reports.
Guilliman continued to sigh, weariness seeping into his bones. Your report droned on, an endless litany of numbers and names. His mind drifted as you spoke, seeking escape however brief. Your voice took on a new texture in his imagination, breathy sighs and wanton gasps replacing dour droning.
One hand tangled in your locks, tugging your mouth to his in a hungry, open-mouthed kiss. The other grasped that ass, fingers dimpling soft flesh as he thrust up to meet each bounce with abandon as reports fluttered forgotten to the floor. And you will chant his name like a prayer, a litany more rousing than any duty....
By the Throne, was he some green boy still in need of release? Shame warred with lingering heat, desire too long denied by duty's demands. He yearn for soft curves yielding beneath his palms, the taste of your skin, your cries of rapture as he took what was his by right.
You'd whimper and writhe, begging wordlessly for what they both craved. At the first penetration your walls would clutch him like a vice, pulling him deeper, deeper into scalding flesh made solely for his pleasure. He'd pound into your without mercy, relishing each gasp and moan, each slap of flesh on flesh. Only when he'd spent himself fully within your willing sheath would he grant surcease, collapsing in a sweat-soaked tangle of limbs.
By the Throne, how he longed to make that vision reality...
Guilliman blinked, flushing at the path his mind had wandered. But you remained oblivious, quill scratching as reports spilled forth. Little did you know the effect you had, and the fantasies your voice inspired in your lord's lonely chamber...
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angronsjewelbeetle · 5 months
Figured I might as well do the rest of them 😘💐
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What kind of flowers do the primarchs gift you CONTINUED ~♡
Includes: Lion, Perturabo, Leman, Guilliman, Mortarion, Horus, Alpharius
Lion: crocuses and forget-me-nots. Crocuses symbolise cheerfulness and forget-me-nots eternal memories. He's not the best at expressing his romantic thoughts out loud, so he hopes the flowers will suffice.
Perturabo: garden heliotrope and bellflowers. Heliotrope symbolises devotion and "dreams fulfilled" and bellflowers are gratitude. He is grateful for you and intends to stay by your side for as long as you'll stay by his.
Leman: gloxina and anemones. Gloxina represent love at first sight and a "proud spirit", and anemones symbolise anticipation. This man has been infatuated from the moment he saw you, and he can't wait to see what you bring.
Guilliman: honeysuckle and morning glory. Morning glory respresent affection and determination and honeysuckle represent devoted affection and domestic happiness. He is determined to be as good a husband whoops, I mean, as good a partner as he can be.
Mortarion: camellias and trumpet gentian. Camellias mean destiny, and trumpet gentian are power and healing. Well, I believe those speak for themselves, but he is utterly infatuated by you and your ability to love him.
Horus: sweet peas and irises. Sweet peas symbolise blissful pleasure and irises symbolise messages. Horus presents this bouquet to you with the happiest, lovestruck look on his face. He loves you and wants nothing more than you to understand that.
Alpharius: pansies, phlox and nasturtium. Pansies mean sweet thoughts, phlox unanmity and harmony and nasturtiums are victory and conquest. He sees your love as a personal victory, he won by being himself around you, he wants you to understand that he thinks very highly of you and he loves that you adapt so well to him. Also, he starts eating the bouquet as a joke (nasturtiums and pansies are edible) just to see your startled confusion.
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dark-raven-666 · 1 year
Do you have any funny/fluffy headcanons for Leo doing some activities with the Golden Army like a little brother who admires a lot his older brothers and sister XD
I can see Leo going to Egyxos when he has the time even when there is not a battle to fight.
Leo Walker headcanons (fluffy)
Warnings: none
It's already shown in the show that Leo would teach them to play basketball. Poor Leo, they don't really understand the rules
I see him asking Osiris/Hyksos for help with his homework and both of them are super confused, especially if it is physics or chemistry.
Osiris would be all proud of how he can manage chemistry easily and it will be a piece of cake. But it's not.
Now Osiris is questioning his life.
He would probably be gossiping about other humans. Especially Colin.
Leo uses slang words and Kefer is trying to understand what he means by "it is not slay" or "spilling the tea". No seriously, Kefer is wondering now why Leo is slaying people and spilling his tea.
I feel like Ramses would be like "yes, exactly" or "slay? ".
Ramses doesn't know what it means but he wants to seem cool to Leo. Leo knows this, because he uses these words at the wrong times.
Flying with Horus is also one of his favorite things to do. (Also shown in the show)
Now every time they do it they pray that no freaky rocks hit them.
That is all my silly brain could come up with.
I hope it's enough
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finrays · 1 year
Horizon Tag Game?
Stole this one from @foibles-fables
1.ride or die ship (your otp): It may be abnormal, but I don’t really ship things except in like… an offhanded “Oh that might be cute” kind of way. Just not what comes into my head when I consume media. I’ve never been ride or die for a ship in my life.
2. most annoying ship: The Odyssey, because it brought the Zeniths back
3. second favourite ship: The one that rammed the Horus off of San Francisco
4. favourite platonic relationship: NOW we’re speaking my language; these games are SO GOOD about friendships, it’s hard to pick just one. I could talk about ALL of them for DAYS.
But I’ll focus in on one; I absolutely LOVE the Erend-Varl dynamic. They have such a feeling of “We’re both smart, capable men but when we’re together, we just discard all our brain cells and do stupid shit for fun,” and they both SORELY need it, I love it so much. And! They also have good talks about their feelings; Erend specifically mentions sitting down with Varl and having a beer and a good talk, and I love the shit out of it.
5. underrated ship: That’s all the ships I know of in this game… maybe there will be others in H3? The Skiff from Burning Shores is pretty fun, even if there ARE Waterwings that outclass it.
6. overrated ship: The ones that foundered on the way from the Quen homeland, probably, I bet they hyped those fuckers up and then they SANK the minute they hit a typhoon. Shameful.
7. one thing i would change in canon: So fucking much. I’ve written numerous posts about this before. And the cheap answer would be my ecology rants, lol. But…
I think I’m with Foibs on this one; Zeniths as the ultimate antagonists of H3. Imagine spending the entire time in FW learning about the Claw-Back. About how the world was reeled back from the brink of ecological collapse. And imagine, sprinkled throughout, we have the voices of the people who are currently returning on the Odyssey; Gerard, standing in the way of a coastal restoration project, because he could make money off of beachfront condos. Erik, being called in to break up a protest with vicious efficiency. Walter, being nonchalant about the radiation his rockets produce. All these people, putting selfishness and profit above people and planet. We get a chance to really dig our teeth into hating them for a reason. There are bits and pieces of this in the Canon As is of FW, but you have to HUNT them down. Imagine these people being front and center.
And then imagine we finally see the Zeniths at the end of the game. And we realize with a start…
…we’ve heard their voices before.
Thematically, the 1% coming back to take the planet after the hard work of restoring it is done, and Aloy and Co putting down their feet and going “NO” is much more satisfying a narrative to me than “Oh noooo, there’s a Big Bad AI coming” but I’m not in charge of the writing, I’m counting fish halfway across the world. So.
8. something canon did right: I’m literally spitting down HFW’s throat for this. I’m slamming its face into a bench covered in wet paint. I make NO apologies whatsoever for this brand of criticism because it’s one of my Pet Soapbox Issues. The ecology stuff is just for fun. This is Serious Times.
But the first game NAILED their scientist characters. All of them felt so much like people I’ve met in the field. Which is to say, HUMAN people, driven by passion, hope, fear, EMOTION. They really, really did well with it.
And then totally threw it out the window in the second game, but that’s another rant entirely.
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: Here’s my AO3 if you want it.
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): I… don’t have one, actually. Even the characters I love dearly were, I think, mishandled in many ways that I don’t agree with. I think Alva comes closest. But even she, I have some notes for, as far as gameplay/story separation goes… they could have done a better job with everyone.
11. the character i relate to the most and why: Elisabet. 100%. She’s my favorite for a reason. When I was 16, I decided on my career trajectory for similar reasons to hers; I wanted to help. I wanted to make the world a better place. To see that actually represented in a character focused in the sciences is… shockingly rare. Additionally? Our personalities ended up being fairly similar as well. High anxiety, very strongly introverted, cares deeply but has weird/nonstandard ways of showing it, trouble connecting with people… I really feel like this is the closest I’ve seen to seeing myself represented onscreen, and it’s in a positive light this time! Mostly! I love it and I love her so much.
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: I don’t think I outright hate any characters in this series outside the narrative sense? There are ones I don’t understand the appeal of. There are ones I’m puzzled by. But it’s not really personal. It’s not hatred. Like, even Ted, who’s SUPER fun to hate on, is well-fitted to his role. And that’s pretty cool.
13. something i've learned from the fandom: They will make it so much worse than you could have ever imagined (both affectionate and derogatory.)
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: I don’t browse AO3! I take fic recs from friends, mostly.
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: Crossing the Bar for Elisabet. It’s such a melancholy song that captures that moment where she left GAIA Prime so perfectly… I can’t listen to it without thinking about her, asking her friends not to say goodbye and to take care of each other. Knowing what was coming. Gives me the sads, man.
tagging: I feel that since I stole it, I should just tell you to steal it too.
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foibles-fables · 1 year
You already talked about your thoughts on the romance, but what did you think of the rest of the plot of the DLC, with the Quen and Londra? I believe you posted that you didn’t love the overall plot and writing of Forbidden West, so I was curious if the DLC had done better plot-wise for you or if you had concerns going into the third game?
Since you're asking outside of the romance, I will answer outside of it as well!
So, Ashly Burch herself compared the DLC to a summer blockbuster movie--and I have to say that she was right.
On the surface, the plot was fun. Definitely an action thriller with the cult, and the Zenith tech, and the Horus! The stunning visuals definitely helped with all of this, too.
The writing? Fell flat to me, sure. (Like a summer blockbuster.) And most of my criticisms do fall in line with the issues I had with HFW.
There was a lot of inelegance in the telling of things, not the showing. The Quen were, IMO, underutilized for it being their DLC. Interesting aspects of their culture were touched upon, but--never quite enough, you know? We get told about Compliance...told about their other issues...but not really shown a lot? And I think that's definitely credence to the sparsity of the Burning Shores as opposed to the Frozen Wilds, where we were immersed headlong into Banuk culture. It would've been nifty if there had been more (mandatory) side quests to tether us to the Quen more, like having to build up clout to challenge Aratak in FWilds.
As far as the plot with Londra--while the "oh no, somehow a Zenith escaped" plot is a little convenient, it does a really nice job of 1) establishing the DLC as postgame and 2) containing the DLC unto itself. I can overlook the convenience writing of Zenith Tech (both for the spaceship and the Horus) because, well, it's what we were given in HFW, so there's precedent. I thought the cult was a pretty good and believable angle, too, given the nature of the Quen and their relationship to the Ancestors.
Which...brings up one of my major ????s. The handwavey reason for the Fleet's End Quen not recognizing Aloy as Elisabet Sobeck--because their Diviners are gone? That doesn't match up super well with Alva's dialogue to the Marines in HFW. "Don't you see? etc." That was one of the issues that threw me.
The other was...how Kina was treated at the end? About how she would need to earn Seyka's forgiveness? For being young, brainwashed, traumatized, prepped to be taken as a creepy wife stand-in mate? Oh man. That was...pretty yeesh and not the outcome I was expecting from that conversation, TBH.
I think a lot of the Dangers (the cult, the radiation, the Horus, the Kina issue) could have benefited from some more time to breathe, but it was a short DLC! Maybe picking and choosing the crises would've helped. Not stretch everything so thin, you know? Trying to do So Much all at once, a lot like HFW.
BUT! I gotta shout out the absolute gems, too. Once again, the datapoints were the heart and soul of the series--I hope the datapoint writers are proud of themselves, because goddamn, they should be. And Gildun's quest? Don't even talk to me. Made the whole DLC for me. I adore the way he's written, and I adore the way his quest highlights Aloy's growth since FWilds in subtle ways. Chef's kiss.
That kinda covers my base-level thoughts, nonny! I'll be back with "AND ANOTHER THING" if anything hits me, lmao
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the-abyssal-lord · 21 days
The Abyss Chasers - Revised 3.0
(( Hello heretics! Haven’t been as active but I am still whittling away at my usual 40k hobbying. Some months ago I made a big post about my homebrew warband, well a little bit ago I’ve finally complied it into something I’m relatively happy with. More story feeling. Hope you like it! I am also planning on writing a few 40k fics in the future to rekindle my passion for this little world I’ve made! ))
Chaos God: Chaos Undivided
Allegiance: Chaos
Founding: 999.M32
Numbers: roughly 1000-2000 marines and untold thousands of the Lost and the Damned
Leader: Silas Decurin, The Abyssal Lord
Home World: Vorago; Former Maiden World
Sons of the Serpent
Rot Heralds
Brazen Skulls
Helsson’s Hounds
Battle Cry: Unknown
Colours: Black, Purple, & Silver
Cognomen (Prior): Emperor’s Children
Home World: Chemos (Perditas)
Colours: Purple & Gold
“Let it be said that on this day we have finally cast aside the shackles of our past, our fathers and brothers, fallen so far into the depths they cannot see the stars, would weep at our achievements. We have claimed this world in the name of the Gods, in the name of our Legions, and in the name of our legacies. In the name of true glory, we shall bring ruin to the Imperium!”
- Lord Silas Decurin, at the Triumph of Vorago
The Abyss Chasers are an infamous Chaos Warband formed in the bloody age shortly following the Horus Heresy. During the Great Crusade and later Horus Heresy, the warbands eventual leader, Silas Decurin , was a captain of the Third Legion, the Emperor’s Children. Along with the rest of his brothers, Silas would sink into the depravity and excess the legion would become known for, under the sway of the Dark Prince Slaanesh. He fought in many of the major battles the Third were known for, such as Isstvan and even the Siege of Terra. When the Heresy ended and the Traitor Legions soundly defeated, Silas accompanied his brethren fleeing to exile in the Eye of Terror. There the future Abyssal Lord witnessed the Emperor’s Children further splinter, and fall apart entirely, scrabbling to survive. Awakening to the reality of the path he had fallen upon, Captain Decurin took his company and broke away from Fulgrim’s Chosen. If the remnants of the legion even noticed, Silas did not care. Over the next ten thousand years, he would gain allies and build a new force, attempting to return the Third Legion to the glory they deserved, trying to keep his brothers united despite their fracturing minds and souls, the galaxy their birthright, whilst also struggling against the corrupting, twisting influence of the Dark Gods that he and many swore allegiance to in this new, grim age.
Warband History
1. Remembrance
During the Great Crusade, the company Silas led gained many honours, fresh souls born of Chemos and raised under the light of the early Imperium. Notably fighting alongside the Sons of Horus, due to their Primarch-Father’s close friendship with the Warmaster. Captain Silas Decurin was particularly noted for his ability as a poet, even amongst his brothers of the artistic and proud Third Legion. Captain Decurin is also known to have made a friendship with a Remembrancer attached to his company, and the pair recorded many of the early campaigns in a flowing prose.
2. Heresy
It was upon the alien planet Laer that Captain Decurin and his company would be forever changed, the taint of Slaanesh falling like a shroud upon the legion. Not long from there the Warmaster’s rebellion would begin, and the company would battle throughout the Galaxy at the behest of their primarch and their leaders. Most notably Isstvan III and V, and the Siege of Terra. Along with the rest of the traitors, they would flee into the Eye of Terror after the failure of the Siege.
3. Legion
In the Eye of Terror the former united legions splintered, squabbling and fighting amongst themselves. The Emperor’s Children, fully lost to depravity, barely even noticed their fall finally sealed for the rest of time. Captain Decurin and his company were entirely in the thrall of the Dark Prince, and it would take some time for this to change, the company practically fighting on their own. Time is fickle in the warp, and it's hard to say how much time truly passed, but eventually Silas awoke to the truth, seeing how utterly ruined the legion he once saw as the finest Astartes in the Galaxy had become. At the end of the aptly named ‘Legion Wars,’ Silas would take his company and truly break away from the remnants of the Third Legion.
4. Warp
For centuries the scraps of the company would travel the currents of the warp, emerging to raid isolated worlds, void-stations, and supply fleets, and conserving their greatly diminished strength. By this point the small fleet they had was reduced to a single strike cruiser, the flagship of the company, the Echo of Glory. To the sons of Fulgrim still with minds to recall, and the former captain, they felt as though merely a century had passed, a short time in the near-immortal forms of the Astartes. When they would finally track the time in real-space, they would find nearly a millennia had passed. Drifting along the winds this would continue, the company slowly being corrupted by the malign influence of Slaanesh. Captain Decurin would struggle to keep them all on the same path, like a family watching helplessly as a loved one succumbed to addiction. Their numbers would only further diminish, a full company dropping to maybe fifty battle-brothers by the end of the thirty-second millennium.
5. Allies
Moving into millennium thirty-three, Captain Decurin was on the verge of abandoning his endeavour, the whispers of Slaanesh nearly impossible to ignore, pressing upon his mind to merely return to the Eye and join his gene-father and spiral into the depths of damnation. This changed with an unexpected arrival. On a piratical raid of an Imperial void-station, the company encountered a single frigate on the far end of the solar system they resided in. This frigate belonged to the newly formed ‘Sons of the Serpent’ warband. A faction of the enigmatic twentieth legion, the Alpha Legion. The leader of this group introduced himself as Alpharius, as the masters of misdirection always did, after Captain Decurin pressed the warlord to drop the antics, the Alpha Legionnaire would re-introduce himself as Naethar Sestus.With the aid of Sestus and his company, Silas would find some relief, and his numbers bolstered as the Alpha Legion soldiers offered an accord to band together.
6. Abyss
Some time later, the level-headed, and seemingly uncorrupted Sestus advised that Captain Decurin truly disconnect himself from the past that could no-longer be reclaimed. Silas understood that clinging to the past would not bring back the glory he knew his brothers could achieve, and thus did he rename the company, The Abyss Chasers were born, if they would be damned, they would be the hunters of the depths, not the victims. The strike-cruiser flagship would also be renamed, an acknowledgement of the god that Decurin could never truly escape from, the Echo of Ecstasy.
7. The Left Hand
On a forgotten world, now dead, the Abyss Chasers and their allies would fall upon the innocents of the Imperium. It is said a single boy stood against the Abyssal Lord, noting his courage and psychic potential, Silas would take the boy and through the baleful magics of the Empyrean, and lost sciences, raise the child to the ranks of the Astartes. Now called Vezeral, who would become one of the warbands finest leaders, and close advisor of Lord Silas. Vezeral in his risen form is a master psyker, a sorcerer of Chaos who utilizes the magic of the Dark Prince as easily as he uses his wargear.
8. The Red Hand
In the following centuries, in a tale now lost to time, the Brazen Skulls warband would splinter off from the Twelfth Legion, the World Eaters. This warband was led by Tyrax Revka, once a proud captain, now feeling the bite of the Butcher’s Nails just like the rest of his brothers. Tyrax would encounter the newly formed Abyss Chasers and their leader Silas. For reasons known only to the pair, either an understanding, a duel, or anything in-between, the berzerker lord would offer his allegiance and the forces of his warband to the Abyssal Lord, further strengthening the growing Chasers with the warriors of the Blood God. This also marked the first time the warband could be called an Undivided force.
9. Corruption
Despite the best efforts of Lord Silas and his advisors, he could not stop the endless march of the power that is the warp. The tenuous alliances of Heretic Astartes would only indulge their dark desires, bloodlust, and other whims as time went on. Even the Abyssal Lord himself was not immune, as the taint of Chaos can never be removed once it takes hold. Daemons run rampant in the depths of the Echo of Ecstasy, and the brothers of the warband mutate and twist. Silas constantly teeters on the edge of sanity at all times, keeping the Abyss Chasers together. His goals remain ever the same, but the methods grow more brutal and depraved. The honour he once sought out would forever be lost, but the glory, now that could still be attained. In response, the advisors formed the Council of Claws to keep the drifting mind of their leader on the correct path.
10. Judgment
In the Galactic North, Segmentum Obscurus, was a region of Imperial space known as the Judicium Sector, small but well traveled and fortified by various forces. In 988.M41 the Immaterium would once more spit out the twisted vessels of the Abyss Chasers, and they made their way towards the agri-world of Riothea. The planet would be raided by the warband and razed to near destruction. The local PDF held for weeks until the timely arrival of Astartes assistance in the form of the Marines Exemplar chapter. The Abyss Chasers would battle the loyalists for weeks, eventually being forced to withdraw. To the Imperium it is unknown why the heretics attacked the planet, to the Council of Claws, it was to test the defenses of the Sector, and the response times of the servants of the Corpse-Emperor.
998.M41 would see their return, a trail of worlds were razed by the warband before coming into fire with Judicium's battlefleet, and the Abyss Chasers were forced onto the capital planet Rubedo where a lengthy engagement continued for months. The local Planetary Defense Force was eventually aided by a detachment of Adepta Sororitas from the Order of the Black Sepulchre, and the Atropan 985th Imperial Guard Regiment. The fighting grew so intense that a company of Adeptus Astartes were even deployed, from the Flesh Tearers chapter. This great conflict would become known as the Scouring of Judicium, the largest engagement the warband had ever fought in since the ancient days.
11. Maiden
After being pushed back to the Eye of Terror, the Abyss Chasers were battered but succeeded in their goal, while they recovered they examined their discoveries. Just beyond the edge of the sector, close to the Eye, they had discovered a world that was held in secret by the Imperium’s foul Inquisition, never traveled and dubbed ‘taboo’ due to its connotation. An Aeldari Maiden World called Blathdahan. The mostly Slaaneshi forces could not pass up such a prime chance to bring carnage to their ruinous mistresses' most delicious foes. At the command of Lord Silas and the Council of Claws, the fleet, and the Echo of Ecstasy began the journey through the warp to find the hidden world.
12. Witch
The warband discovered the world after pinpointing coordinates stolen from Rubedo, and fell upon the lush, green world with all the wrath of the Ruinous Powers. The world would not take it lying down however, as the native Aeldari, called ‘Exodites’ fought back against their kind’s most feared enemies. Heretic Astartes and mortal cultists fought against wild xenos and their dinosaurid mounts and pets. The battles raged across the surface for weeks, but the corrupting influence of the unleashed warp eventually wore down the Exodites, and their planet would fall to the full force of the Abyss Chasers and all their accumulated allies, including the original advisors, as well as the Rot Heralds of Nurgle, and the Scions of Dawn of Tzeentch. Chaos Undivided conquered the world, and Lord Silas would lay claim to it. A hidden world known to few, a perfect foothold to launch even greater devastation upon the dogs of the corpse-god. The fallen Maiden World was renamed ‘Vorago’ from an old Chemosian word for ‘witch.’
13. Port of Call
Similar to other Chaotic ports of its kind, Vorago would quickly grow due to its proximity to the Eye. More arrivals and allies came to the banner of the Abyssal Lord. A renegade Knight known as the Violet Tear, the warband of Heretic Astartes known as Helsson’s Hounds, who are former sons of Russ, and many, many others. With the numbers swelled, the warband was no longer that broken shadow of the Third it used to be, so long ago. At the centre of the former Exodite city was a temple to their xenos gods, now renamed ‘Cordomus’ and transformed into a dark temple, and fortress, to the four gods of Chaos. In the centre of that bastion, is the throne-room of Lord Silas Decurin.
14. Thirteenth Black Crusade
In 999.M41, before the warband could begin any further plans, Lord Silas was contacted by an emissary of the new Warmaster, Abaddon the Despoiler. This envoy told the Council and the Lord of the incoming Black Crusade, the Warmaster’s attempts to attack the gates of Cadia and ram down the doors of the Imperium. Lord Silas was always unsure of the Black Legion, but he understood that Abaddon had similar aspirations, to finally bring an end to the Emperor that forsook them so long ago. The Abyss Chasers agreed to the accord, and would sail to join the Black Legion in their great siege of Cadia. It is noted they took up the colours and banners of the Warmaster’s forces during this brief period, alongside the many other groups that came to Abaddon’s call.
15. Dark Millennium
After the 13th Black Crusade came to a galaxy-shaking conclusion, the Abyss Chasers would break away from the Warmaster of Chaos’ forces and return to Vorago. Their journey was fraught with calamity as the massive warp-wound named by the Imperium as the Cicatrix Maledictum tore itself across the stars. Battered by the end of the trek, Lord Silas and the Council of Claws decreed the warband lay low for a time. Of course, the silence did not last long as only a few standard years into the new age the forces sworn to the Abyssal Lord once again began their raids. The Judicium Sector plunged into shadow as a result of the Great Rift.
16. Advent
“My brothers, we have received word of something most dire. The wretched son of the False Emperor, Roboute Gulliman, a thousand curses upon his name, lives again. Alongside him came an abomination to our perfect forms, the so-called ‘Primaris Marines.’ We will show the lapdogs what true Astartes look like, and pray to the Dark Gods that foul Gulliman meets his true and final end.”
- Lord Silas Decurin, addressing the Abyss Chasers
As the 42nd Millennium began its cycles, the Abyss Chasers would first meet Gullimans Primaris on an outskirt world called Drenades. These new marines clashed with the fallen first and showed how powerful they were despite the difference in experience. Outwardly Lord Silas would show disgust and disdain as many of the Heretic Astartes did across the galaxy, but silently he wondered if their power could not be turned to a better purpose, a purpose of enacting the will of Chaos.
Experiments would begin in the secret levels of Cordomus, under the watchful eyes of the Chasers’ Apothecaries. Indeed, Silas would even hear word of the great and terrible Fabius Bile attempting similar testing, and would wonder how perfect they could be if such creatures were created.
More and more conflicts arose across the neighbouring sectors as the forces of the Imperium pushed their way across the Cicatrix Maledictum, but the Abyss Chasers heeded it little, as always their purpose was personal glory in the name of the gods.
17. Endless War
All across the galaxy war erupts, grim and bloody and full of the laughter of the gods. Octarius saw Tyranids defeat and devour the Orks that held it for ages, the Realm of Ultramar came under siege by the noxious forces of the Death Guard, and a region of the Nephilim Sector falling to all-out carnage as the Necron xenos created the Pariah Nexus. As always, the Abyss Chasers continue their raids into the Judicium Sector and its surrounding regions, now contending with Primaris Marine bolstered chapters and renewed Inquisition forces under the Ordo Hereticus. They do not stand alone however, Vashtorr the Arkifane sending daemonic envoys to Vorago, as well as others to neighbouring warbands. Their numbers increased with the techno-arcane horrors of the aspiring god. There are also the ever-flowing arrivals of lost and damned, demigod and mortal alike. War is eternal, war is ecstasy, and the Abyss Chasers welcome it always.
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gasha40k · 1 year
I’ve been reading a lot of 40k fiction in between painting recently, and I’ve gotten a good bit of progress done on both. I’ll start with a little reading update.
Horus Rising
False Gods
Galaxy in Flames
Flight of the Eisenstein
First Heretic
Know No Fear
Butcher’s Nails
Wrath of Khârn
Khârn: Eightfold Path
I finished Betrayer just a couple days ago, and holy shit. What an incredible book. I am a strong Khârn stan (Argel Tal, too) and I am more convinced than ever that I’m a World Eaters gamer.
I plan to read the three (or four) Unremembered Empire books before I loop back to A Thousand Sons to read the “main” Heresy storyline through to Slaves to Darkness, and eventually Siege of Terra. But for now, I’m making a little detour through all of the books that Khârn takes center stage for, so that I can satiate the hyperfixation and figure out what he’s up to in the 42nd Millennium. I also plan to finish most of the World Eaters books, as that was the whole reason that I started reading the Heresy in the first place.
Betrayer is by far my favorite Warhammer novel. Fulgrim was my top for a while—I may be a closeted Emperor’s Children enjoyer, don’t tell Blood Daddy—but man. Betrayer blew it out of the fucking water. What an incredible ending to an incredible trilogy. My biggest takeaways were as follows: nobody fucking likes Angron, and Khârn is my favorite guy ever. Enough gushing, though. Time for painting stuff.
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The second Ultramarine I’ve ever painted, weirdly enough. My first Ultramarine was my first model, so my second being a keychain-corpse for a new army is weirdly sentimental
Since we’re on the topic of Khorne, I finished up the torso of my old school Daemon Prince. I’m exceptionally proud of this! I think the shading and blending is maybe some of my best, most advanced painting yet, and I pulled out just about every technique that I know for this thing. I even did a little drybrushing on the Necron skull. Here’s to hoping I can maintain this level of quality across the other pieces of this mini once I get some more primer.
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Getting some good use out of my technicals, and finally utilizing my skull box
Still on Khorne, here’s some more progress on those Bloodletters from last post. They’re just about done, complete with horn blending and everything. I’m planning on doing flaming blades for them, but I’ll have to buy some more paints before I tackle that. I’ve got a handful more of primed and based Bloodletters, so they’ll probably be my backup easy paint for a while. The bases are simple and easy to make, but decently visually effective, which I think is good and fitting for such a massed unit.
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Next up, I decided to give highlighting a go with one of my newer Thunderbearers, since I’m trying to boost my painting technique all around. This is definitely my best highlighting work yet, certainly leagues ahead of my first try from last year. I think he looks pretty clean!
I’m also experimenting with new photography backgrounds since I got kinda sick of having pasta or hamster cage cleaner or whatever the fuck in the background of my poorly lit update pictures. Think I may have stumbled upon a good method for backgrounds.
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I love you, empty white void
Last but certainly not least, I finished up the first bike for my lone Outrider Squad. I’m really happy with him, as well. The hardest part of painting these dudes is definitely base painting. They just have a lot of ground to cover with your brush so they absolutely devour paint, but it’s cool cause I finally finished him up after like, actual months of sitting half-painted in my vehicles box. I’m a particular fan of the little white lens glare in the top left of his eye. I just think it’s neat.
This unit is gonna be mad satisfying to finish, and I can’t wait to get more work done. In the meantime, I’m chugging away at my first 5-man Berzerker squad, including their bases, which are gonna be pretty unique. They’re like, black mountainous rocks littered with skulls and blood-stained snow. Alongside that, I’ve also been stripping my Custodes, so I’ll have a bit of an update about that next time, too.
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rotten-downer · 1 year
⚠️ TW: Emotional and mental abuse, mention of parent death ⚠️
Back when he was nearly 18, Horus became a constable with the hopes that it would finally make his cold father proud.
- - - - - - - -
His eyes run over himself, taking in the brilliant blue hue of his uniform. Slowly, gloved hands run over his torso as he takes it all in, all while mentally preparing his words for his father.
This was it. This would be what would finally make that callous man proud.
For years, ever since he was a child, Horus did everything he could to hear his father's praise, to make him proud of his son. He pushed himself in school, isolating himself from the other children to focus on his studies so he could always remain at the top of his class. When he was a teenager, the other boys were hooking up with girls and playing sports, and Horus always kept his nose buried in his books, staying late after class to finish homework or prepare for upcoming tests.
Childhood was a time to be social, to develop relationships with others and develop social skills. Yet Horus hardly ever interacted with his peers unless absolutely necessary. He kept quiet, kept to himself. He never had a friend, never had playdates. Girls would try to flirt with him, and he would simply brush them off. All of that stuff was a distraction, as lonely as he may be as a result.
He had to be good. He always had to be better.
Because he was never, ever good enough. And a part of him was worried he never would be.
So when he had been accepted as a police constable after graduating at the top of his class, Horus was sure that this would be the thing to finally catch his father's attention.
All he wanted to hear was that his dad was proud of him. That's all he's wanted, all he had ever pushed himself so hard for.
Glancing at himself one more time, Horus takes in a soft breath before leaving his bedroom, making his way downstairs to where his father sat in his usual chair, reading the newspaper.
Horus stands stiffly at the bottom of the stairs, clearing his throat. "....May I talk with you��sir?"
Without even glancing towards Horus, his father grunts softly in response. Taking that as a 'yes', Horus steps into the living room, lingering to the side of his father.
"....I got accepted into the constabulary."
His father continues to read without a word, before peering over his paper at his son. He looks over the police uniform, before returning to his newspaper. "Good luck with that."
The dismissive tone in his father's voice felt like a weight had been dropped on his heart. Horus's hands grasp at the bottom of his uniform, squeezing the fabric tightly as he stares at his father. "I graduated at the top of my class." He urges further, hoping for some sort of reaction from the man, any sign of positivity or encouragement or congratulations from the man.
With an exasperated sigh, his father looks at him again. "What do you want, a medal? Can't you see I'm busy, Horus?"
As his father dismisses him once again, Horus's breathing quickens as his gaze drops down towards his feet. Disappointment floods over him at the response. This wasn't right…what did he do wrong? He should be proud, shouldn't he? So what had Horus done wrong…?
"...Nothing I do will ever be good enough, will it…?" Horus murmurs, his amber eyes low as the corners of his tear ducts begin to burn with angry tears.
His father cocks a brow at him. "What's that? You need to speak up."
"Nothing I could do would ever be good enough for you!" The teen snaps, lifting his eyes to stare hatefully at his father. "I try and I try and I will never, ever be good enough for you!! I've never had a life because of you! I've never had any friends because I've always worked hard just to hear you say that you're proud of me! Is it so hard for you to be proud of your only bloody child?!"
His father stares at him and lowers his papers with a scoff. "What's there to be proud of? What have you done that makes you think you're so deserving of my praise? You've always been a bloody burden on me, Horus. I don't care if you became the Queen of England, because you have and will always be a worthless boy."
Horus's breath catches on a sob as he clenches his hands into tight fists. "I hate you!! I've always hated you!! I've only ever wanted you to love me, I have done nothing wrong to you!! Mother is lucky she never had to see you treat her son like this!"
His father moves quickly, rising from his chair and striking his son across the face. Horus gasps, holding a hand to his face as he looks to the adult with shock and horror, his cheek instantly flushing pink from the impact and stinging painfully. His father then grabs him by his collar, pushing him roughly against the wall.
"Don't talk about her as if you knew her!! You have no right to speak of her at all, because if it weren't for you, I would still have my Marissa…She died giving birth to you, and I wish that you were the one to die instead!"
Horus's chest heaves with panic as his father gets physical with him. His hands grasp onto his father's wrists to try and pull his hands away, a wince leaving him as a picture frame digs into his back. "Let me go….you're hurting me…."
His father's grip doesn't loosen. He brings his face close to Horus's, his eyes narrowed in anger. "Maybe now that you're a constable, you'll end up dead and the world would have one less worthless pile of shit plaguing it….No matter what you do, you will never amount to shit, Horus���."
Horus clenches his eyes shut, another sob leaving his throat as he lowers his head. His father finally releases him with a disgusted sneer.
"It's a curse that I even brought you into this world…If I could trade your life for hers, I would in an instant…."
Even though he was now released, Horus remains with his back pressed against the wall, his shoulders shuddering with his uneven breaths and the tears that fall down his cheeks. His eyes fixated on the carpet, all he can manage is a soft whisper in response to the cruel words of his father:
"....I know."
Without even another glance towards Horus, his father turns away and storms off towards his bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him and making Horus's body jolt at the loud sound. Staring at the now closed door of his father, Horus couldn't fight his tears anymore as sob after sob leaves his lips as he hugs himself tightly, his fingers pushing painfully into his arms.
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darkcat8 · 7 months
For the AU where Juliet and Bomani get stuck in that dimension where time goes faster, we know that Leo would be horrified to see that his little sister grew up without him surrounded by a lot of dangers... but what about Horus and Bastet??
What are their reactions to seeing that their baby grew without them?
Hi my friend I am so glad to hear from you and I was hoping you asked this
They were a little pained to see that bomani had grown without them but that the same time, they knew that effects only lasting while bomani in the dimension.
I can imagine them also being impressed and proud of how strong and good of warrior he is.
Something I'd like to add is that because bomani is from his life before he got trapped in another dimension. He remembers his parents and leo and knows the leo is juliet's older brother. Bomani would, at one point, explain to leo that juliet doesn't want to know what her life is like until they find a way back to their home.
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birdkeeperklink · 2 years
✨2022 Writing Year In Review✨
I was tagged by @lassiesspanishaccent! Thanks, Swattie! 💖
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 11
2. Word count posted for the year: 76,818
3. Fandoms I wrote for: Psych and Gods of Egypt
4. Pairings: Shawn Spencer/Carlton Lassiter, Horus/Bek
5. Story with the most:
- Kudos: Complementary Souls (382)
- Bookmarks: Complementary Souls (107)
- Comments: DoMaystic Shassie (79)
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
“DoMaystic Shassie” because it was the first time I’d ever tackled one of those month-long challenges and actually followed through on it.
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
“Never Be the Same.” It just didn’t come out the way I hoped it would.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
Oh, dear, I have so many favorites - so many people say so many lovely things 😭💖 But I guess, for recent ones, I’ll have to go with this one -
“This was super sweet, I loved when the dwarves realized WHY Bilbo complains so much, and their reactions when he started complaining again were adorable.  I loved this, loved how they all came together to make sure their Hobbit was all right!  Thanks for sharing!”
It was left on a story I’ll always have a soft spot for, and it always makes my day on the occasions when a comment is left on it. It reminds me that people are still reading those older works and enjoying them, which is a reminder I really need quite often.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Mmm, September through December? 😂 This past semester really kicked my ass, mostly because one of my classes wasn’t offered online, so I ended up driving a ton and it sapped my time and energy.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
It’s not a scene, but a whole story 😂 “5 Times Shawn Called Carlton ‘Babygirl’ + 1 Time Carlton Didn’t Freak Out About It” surprised me because I don’t usually liked 5+1 stories, with very, very rare exceptions, so I really never expected to have an idea to write one of my own.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
<<The teens bolted, slipping and sliding in the snow. Carlton watched them go with satisfaction, partly just for the joy of it and partly to see that they really did stick to the trail, heading back towards the lodge, and didn’t turn off into the trees.
It was a mistake, though, because he’d forgotten that there were more than just two hooligans out here.
He yelled, flailing, and stamped around, wriggling to try to get the cold out of the back of his shirt! Specifically, his neck, and oh, God, it was going down his back now, and —
Carlton went still, whirling to glare at Spencer, who was laughing. He’d just stuffed snow down the back of Carlton’s shirt and he was laughing.
“Oh, you son of a —”
Ordinarily, he’d try to strangle Spencer, but today, he had a snowball in his hand.>>
From “Coffee on the Snow,” which I suppose was technically 2021, but I’m counting it in 2022 because AO3 does and I’m lazy, lol
12. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I don’t feel like I did, really. Sounds like a bummer downer answer, but what can you do 🤷‍♀️
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
I hope to learn to let go of what other people think and just write what I want. I’ve always known that intellectually, but I have a really hard time taking it to heart, so I’d like that if I could develop that skill more permanently next year, rather than just having waves of not caring followed by long periods of insecurity.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
Oh, without a doubt Swattie and my bestie - those two are beacons of light.  I know Swattie is always there for everyone and always has an encouraging word, and it’s amazing.  My bestie, of course, is my bff and even has kind words for me when I write about shows or characters she doesn’t like. 💖
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Not that I recall. If it did, it was a tiny throwaway bit, like something I was eating at that moment, lol
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
You don’t have to take every bit of criticism into consideration.  If someone offers you “advice” and you didn’t ask for it, it’s okay to ignore it.  If someone offers you advice and you did ask for it, it’s still okay to ignore it.  Sometimes it’s personal preferences clashing and sometimes the other person doesn’t understand what you’re trying to do - that’s okay, and you don’t have to pay it any mind if you don’t want to.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
I have a short Elementary fic I’m working on that I’d love to finish very soon, I’m collaborating with my bff on a Bagginshield fic that will remain between the two of us and I’m excited for that, and I went back to a really old Buffy fic that I’m really excited to rework into a second draft, even though absolutely no one else will ever want to read it but me.  Other than that, who knows?  I’m giving myself a break from deadlines and expectations this year, since college has plenty of those, and am just writing whatever I feel excited about in the moment, without guilt.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
Oh, let’s see.... @stevviefox @asublimehimbo @lenievi and...I feel bad, but I can’t remember who’s already been tagged for one of these and who hasn’t among the writers in my mutuals, so...if you haven’t already been tagged and you see this and want to do it, then I’m tagging you. Although no pressure even to the three people I did tag 😅
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sparklyfaerie · 1 year
So I finally finished The Burning Shores. I liked the plotline, the villain was great, and there were some genuine high points.
I do have some thoughts though.
Spoilers under the cut.
The main plot was fantastic! A great exploration of how sick and twisted these egomaniacal psychopaths could become given enough time and resources. Londra genuinely made my skin crawl when I realised what he was after, and watching all those poor Quen he manipulated into his little cult was disturbing.
Seyka is a fantastic character. To me, she feels like what Aloy would have been if she'd been raised by the Nora tribe; headstrong, clever, compassionate, and proud of her tribe. There are parallels between the Quen and the Nora, even: Seyka's "I am of the Chosen People" line made me think of the Nora and their insular nature.
For me, the biggest problem with the DLC was the romantic subplot. It genuinely made me stop playing for a few days because of how much I didn't like it.
Aloy and Sekya have genuine chemistry. Unfortunately I'd been spoiled going in about the romance option at the end, so my perception of their relationship throughout the plot was coloured by that.
But they have a great dynamic... when the game isn't trying to force the romance.
Which is ultimately my main point of contention? The romance feels forced. Aloy has been Too Busy For This Shit™ since... well, her whole life. She was busy training for the Proving, then busy hunting down the Eclipse, then busy dealing with Hades, then Regalla, then the Zeniths...
She hasn't had time to sit and just... be, without some kind of life-or-death threat looming on the horizon. So to see her all her fretting over someone she just met feels off. Especially while dealing with a threat like Londra, while still being aware that Nemesis is coming...? Idk, I just rolled my eyes every time Aloy had one of her little monologues.
Not that I'm against the pairing. Like I said, they have chemistry! I think, given more time and some actual development between the two, and possibly placing the climax of a romantic subplot either just before or just after the final battle with Nemesis, it could have been really good. But with what we were given? I felt like I could only tell her that Aloy wasn't ready at the end; especially because it's not likely we'll see Seyka in Horizon 3, being a DLC character and all.
I've seen all the endings, and both the "not ready" and "too much" options feel like they could be canon. I'm not sold on the "yes" option.
I'm not disputing that Aloy has feelings for her, mind. They're very much there and it's very obvious. I just feel like it was a bit heavy-handed, and a bit of subtlty and a longer period of time for those feelings to grow naturally would have suited better.
Fighting the Horus was great though. 10/10 I hope we fight a Horus again.
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hydrangeapartridge · 19 days
Thank you for the ask dear anon!
🤩 What’s the most meaningful comment you’ve ever received?
I loved and was touched by so many comments, but the most meaningful one has to be a comment on my SnK fic "Through Horus Eyes", a fic that stayed unfinished for 10 years and that I finally felt motivated to finish because someone commented they re-read the fic (amongst other JeanMarco fics) every summer (for ten years!) and still hoped one day I would complete it... the story is now complete thanks to them!
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
I have so many OTPs (even if you're supposed to have only one, it's basically the concept XD) ... so it depends on the pairing and the setting.
I am going to be very millenial here and since I love imagining scenes with background music, I'll say 'Accidentally in love' (yes the Shrek 2 sountrack one by Counting Crows). There was an AMV (do those still exist??) that I loved for a JeanMarco fic called 'like a drum' using that music and I loved it so much back then... (I often imagine my DnD campains romances with that song in mind too bc I have a problem... ><)
🟥How long do you spend in edits?
Obviously it depends on how long the text is. First, when I write a scene or a text, I make very little changes (I rarely delete entire paragraphs because I don't like them for example), so my edits are more or less only proof-reading.
I usually re-read what I already wrote for let's say a chapter, and correct it before I continue writing what's next (that way I also know where I stopped precisely). And so on until the chapter is finished.
Then I reread the chapter twice, on two separate days before I post it (it takes me between 30 minutes to an hour per reading for chapters between 4 and 7k I think?). And sadly mistakes and typos still get past me... I sometimes correct them again when I reread my fics and am not on my phone (btw I re-read my fics almost every year because I like them! I enjoy the stories I told and am proud of what I wrote! sometimes I rediscover sentences I wrote and am like 'damn, I wrote that?! X) )
I hope that answers your questions! :)
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2001blue · 27 days
Tumblr media
I'm drawing other stuff but I peaked into my gallery meanwhile and just dannnggg I'm still so proud of that piece & the drawings tbh... 😊💛💙!! I have a big hope of making myself a Horus & Xizzle piece to print as posters alongside Optimum's. Waaa
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sonofdorn-vii · 2 years
Dorn's Lament
I remember their faces. All of them.
Not the snarling animals they've become, not the scheming hubristic nightmares made flesh. Not the hideous bringers of apocalypse.
The faces they had before, the proud and noble guardians of a new age.
Fulgrim, so beautiful; like he'd been sculpted by some artisan of unparalleled skill. His amethyst eyes missing nothing, the casual curl of his mocking mouth. Mocking, yes. But never cruel. Good humoured, his pride hiding a shyness few would notice, fewer still would be invited to know fully.
Perturabo, dear Perturabo. His fear of never being enough, grey eyes pleading for the smallest acknowledgement of how brilliant he truly was. Commander of thousands of men, insecurity behind his eyes visible only to those with the patience to understand it. His pale face forever frowning in concentration, but marvelling at the smallest new idea, revelling in the process of creation.
Konrad, paler still. His pure black eyes, the blade of his thin face belying noble intent. Misguided, yes. But perhaps the purest of us, the strongest will in matters of right and wrong.
Angron; I felt sorry for him the first time I met him. The pain behind his eyes, his nervous twitching showing how much he hated his very existence. But beneath the rage, the gladiator mask of war paint, a gentler soul might one day have emerged. I knew the story of his rediscovery, knew he was capable of love and depth of feeling. But his upbringing crushed any hope of his ever finding the peace he deserved more than any of his brothers.
Mortarion, brilliant and conflicted, like we all were at the start. His gaunt face showing sorrow, his tired eyes a sad reflection of the horrors he'd already witnessed. The soft voice, feeling like he was talking to you alone in the whole universe. He SAW me, understood what he saw. The fleeting nature of life and death didn't frighten him, he embraced it with goodness in his heart.
The Twins. So... ordinary. Easy to miss, easy to overlook. But their indelible guile and brotherly affection plain for those with eyes to see. Opposites, negatives. Two parts of the same whole, laughing at themselves as much as their other brothers. I miss their harmonied smiles, laughing eyes and honest intentions.
Magnus. I truly believe he allowed me to see the real him, once. Unremarkable in stature, his bronze skin shining in candlelight. His one eye full of mirth, excitement at learning something, ANYTHING new. Eager to discuss ideas for the future, the unmapped possibilities of creating a world of our own making.
Lorgar, so sure of himself, so wise but eager to listen. I told him things I'd never tell anyone else. A true brother at one time, soft spoken but fierce in his conviction. The lustre of his skin impossible for any artist to recreate, his humility and loyalty utterly humbling for me to behold.
And Horus. The best of us. The easy smile, the Cthonian gutter slang delightfully scandalous in the right circumstances. His booming laugh disarming, his sculpted face righteous. Daring the galaxy to look him in the eye, willing the universe to meet him on his terms.
I admired them all, each differently, each in their own way. I still do, I'll admit to no-one alive. All of them unique, all of them my brothers, even now. Even after everything.
Even while they're making me kill them.
I remember their faces.
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