#I havent been on tumblr much but i HAVE been on twt and i was super sad bc of the lack of lesbianism in my hermitcraft circles
deathricedrawn · 19 days
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mblue-art · 1 year
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care. reassurance.
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anonymous-dentist · 4 months
u know ive been thinking abt this since yesterday, but i havent seen much ppl talk freely on their blogs in pt, and a really cool aspect of twt i feel like is how everyone just speaks their own language, also ive seen some brazilians try to post here but get demotivated bc they cant find themselves, and idk, maybe its just how tumblr works but for the months ive been here i have found plenty of brs and hispanics but everyone always defaults to english here, which might be the reason ppl feel like they cant find anyone from where they live (also idk abt this at all but i have a feeling that the ppl here that only talk in a language that isnt english get looked over immensely, but again thats just how i see it i dont really know any stats or numbers to back this)
And that really actually genuinely sucks because I think that everyone should be free to speak in their own languages here :(
I think it’s because of the lack of auto translate features? But like. Twitter’s sucks lol
I think that if we get a mass migration of Brazilians or French-speakers or whoever that we should do a qsmp blog intro day again where we all introduce ourselves in our native languages and where the new guys introduce themselves in THEIR native languages so we can find our respective language communities! That could be super cool!!
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glamjrwi · 2 years
Okay I’m making this while tired but I figure I can at least get it started and smart people can add on. if you’re here from jrwitwt first off HELLO!!! Welcome. I know there have been several posts going around saying watch your step, we do things differently here, and to get with it, that might seem a bit intimidating. So I wanted to make this non-exhaustive list of how tumblr works and HOW we do things different so you can get settled in :)
also these are just to the best of my ability and based off my time here i am by no means a standard, just a starting point
-You might’ve heard this one already but there isn’t much of an algorithm here. You can follow certain tags and blogs. The best way to find people is to just scroll through tags and check out blogs whose posts you enjoyed
-reblogging is standard. Likes are typically for letting a mutual(or anyone rlly) know you saw their post or during liveblog sessions(at least that’s how I use them) while we have replies on posts that might look like a comment section. It really isn’t most of the time. Comments are normally put in the tags of reblogs. It’s completely okay if your blog is just reblogs that’s super normal here. you don’t have to have an original thought if you don’t want to
-If you really don’t want to post/lurk and only follow ppl, change your pfp so we know you aren’t a bot. Blank blogs have a history of being bots and if we can’t tell you’re a person a lot of people will block on sight. Just fair warning
-We do a lot of blocking here. If you don’t like someone’s posts, block em and keep going. The filter tags system on tumblr really works(I’ve heard twt is fussy and not great) and most people tag things appropriately here so you Will Not see the shit you don’t want to
-TAG THINGS APPROPRIATELY PLEASE it’s a give and take. When it comes to spoilers, as long as the original poster tagged it you normally don’t have to tag it again in a reblog but you can out of courtesy
-Bonus point a lot of us use “jrwilb” as a tag when everyone is on the dash liveblogging a stream ep or just when they get around to watching it. Some people have personalized ones, and some ppl also main tag their liveblogs so it’s just a good one to know ahead of time
-People chit chat through asks frequently. You don’t have to feel shy abt it, esp if you are being friendly. But if you’re anxious a lot of people leave on anon asks so you don’t have to have your name attached
-We don’t really do callouts/negativity posts. If you see a take or headcanon you aren’t fond of going around. You can block/filter, or you can make a positivity post or post abt your own interpretation!!! A lot of people here love different takes and headcanons and try to value all of them. Again, if one squicks you really bad, filter/block it. If you really wanna complain, be sure to do it in dms or a private discord server
-our concept of what jokes are okay to post are very lax. there really isnt an official thing but i’ve tended to notice we dont really tend to do anything the council havent done. we joke abt gillion tits and eggs here because the council have done it. we have made very lewd jokes because  . . . mcs and everything else grizzly does when he’s not playing dakota. so be prepared to be jarred by how . . . interesting it gets here
Okay that’s all I can think of for now. Members of councilblr feel free to add anything smile
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dominic-sessa · 3 months
life update!!!!
hi hello friends good morning good afternoon good evening its that time of the month again! this isnt really a big life update like the last time bcs i just thought id list down a bunch of things ive had on my mind.
first of all, im very happy to announce that i was able to watch 16 movies last march !! exciting!! i know ive said the last time that i quit the bingewatching thing but HONESTLY im in a work from home setup and the only way to keep me inspired is by watching a movie ... i am yet to find other ways to stay inspired so watching movies will just do for now... ALSO im gonna try to update my newsletter for the first time this year and itll probably be about the movies that i saw this march that i liked ! im now comfortable with turning the newsletter to be more about movies bcs nothing major has been happening in my life lol . so pls stay tuned for that newsletter post if ur interested!
another thing is ive decided to make this blog more personal! for the past year ive made this blog to be more about movies and gifs and stuff, and as much as i love getting the notes and reading ppl's tags, im going to try and make this blog work for me this time :) hope it doesnt get annoying or something... im also in the process of fixing my about pages and tags and all. ive used tumblr since 2012 so im still struggling with the setup. LIKE yes i want to maximize the fact that you can edit html pages and its cute and lets me be creative but at the same time, im on my phone majority of the time . and i dont like being on my laptop after work because ive literally just been using a laptop the whole day. for work. im rly shy to post some stuff about me (bcs i havent done it before fr insert the tom hanks dialogue from joe vs the volcano abt doing some soul searching and coming to the conclusion that hes just boring so he stops doing it) so if u see me doing it as an attempt to fix the personal pages on my blog, im sorry! AAAND as for the gifs thing, im thinking of changing my film diary tag, one thing i really enjoy is taking note of dialogues i love from a movie so i might just do screenshots. i really miss making gifs even though most of the gifs i end up with are LQ , but it just really isnt feasible now . (also some movies are just so tempting to gif LIKEEE valley girl and everytime we say goodbye 😭😭 it physically hurts me that i cant gif josh whitehouse and tom hanks in those movies....)
ALSO im really very very happy that ive gained new followers recently. i enjoy chatting with you guys and get so happy whenever i get the notif that someone sent me an ask/message!! ive been idle on stan twt/fandoms in general so its been a really long time since ive actually... talked to people... it makes me really happy talking to u and im sorry if my happiness doesnt show in my replies/posts. as i said, its been a while since ive done this and i usually go on here as soon as im off work (when my brain is semi-fried and the words are not wording anymore) . i hope i dont come across as bored/uninterested :(
and it isnt just about fandoms too, im genuinely insterested what u guys are up to lately and all... (in a non stalker way). it just feels nice to have friends in general ^__^
SO YEA, i think thats about it :) if u've read this all until here ilysm! thanks for ur interest and lmk how ur day was! or just send me something u want to talk about !
have a nice day :)
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starfac3 · 9 months
hii so in a post you wanted someone to talk abt their mlp headcannons, i’m getting into mlp rn so id absolutely love 2 hear them! (also just a question from a new tumblr user, can you see my asks on my page?) feel free to message them or whatever tumblr response mechanism there is! ^ω^
-not forcing, Moss ^^
first off , yes i can see your ask button !!! and welcome to tumblr :)
i tried to respond to this 4 times and i lost all my text and almost cried so im gonna make this much shorter than it was supposed to be (8 paragraphs) 😞 PROBABLY A RELIEF FOR MOST OF U THO LOL i have too many headcanons but here are some of my headcanons and /or “perfect world” scenarios for mlp g4 :)
i cant put all of my hcs here but im gonna put the ones i tell most ppl !!! ALSO NOT ALL OF THESE ARE IN THE SAME UNIVERSE!!! (if anybody wants more, ask me something specific .. >:3 nyeheh)
💜 - the mane six minus twilight have all been friends their whole lives, but not as a friend group until twilight came along!!
🩵 - branching off of the last one, rarity has made outfits for ALL of the ponies before !! but pinkie pie has been by far her most loyal customer because yk she throws parties like triweekly !! rarity mostly specializes in dressmaking but can also make other types of stuff . :) pinkie pie and fluttershy both seperately have taken some sewing classes from rarity cuz they alwayss loved her stuff :)
💛 - fluttershy runs/works a petshop/veterinarian clinic
💖 - at some point , pinkie pie moves out of sugarcube corner and runs her own nightclub !! (but like its not a naughty club, this is ponyville we are talking about here !! just lots of candy and soda and DANCING AND GAMES :3) and pinkie pie would be the funnest momma evr >w<
💙 - rainbow dash becomes a coach for the wonderbolts / some sort of coach :)
🧡 - applejack would grow up and continue to just run her family business and have a family of her own !! applejack would be a very caring mother but also she wouldnt take shit from anypony!! if anybody bullied her kid she’d have to try so hard not to kick anypony that bothers her and her kids
🩵 - rarity never expands her business or gets big, but she’s happy with it! her store is independent and a gem that many talk about all around the nation. :) she would be a fun mom but she would spoil the kid a lot lolz
💜 - twilight works at a school as a science/math/magic teacher, book author or a librarian! she would be a pretty average mom IN THE NICEST WAY POSSIBLE just saying she’s just your average girl!! but she has lots of knowledge to share :3 !!
🩷 - either:
-mane six all are alicornized. you cant just give the order keepers of the nation some fancy crystals and tell them to go on with their day while one friend who happened to be a rich unicorn who went to a unicorn school and got hit with a rainbow beam turns into a goddess and you have to watch her outlive you, you make them all goddesses or none of them. especially if the gifted unicorn never asked to be alicornized.
- twilight and cadenza rule together. cadence was done so dirty :( she was given goddess powers just to be sent to a Far Off Land and the Twilight was favored to just RULE A WHOLE NATION ALONE. insanity. also they have been friends / chosen sisters for the longest time. this scenario would not only give cadence a better storyline, but also spit in the faces of “theres already 5 alicorns” ❗️
there was nothing about vamp rarity because i havent expanded on her yet <//3 and also you guys have yet to see my whole cross-race breeding chart.. >:P
but thats all for now TwT sorry it still got long , i hope you or somepony enjoyed !! if anypony draw/write something off of these PLEASE tag me just cuz i NEED content with these !!!!!!! :33 plzplzplzplz and tag me in any pony art/writing/ etc :3 anybody feel free to ask for more !!! bye bye <33
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etoilesbienne · 1 year
personally i don't Totally know if infighting amongst the english mcyt twitter community is a major part of the anglophone mcyt community being smaller, but it definitely could be; speaking from experience i and many others Completely dipped from mcyt early last year, after dsmp just flopped and sucked so much ass, along with.... Certain...... things that happened with...... certain very big creators 💀💀 unfortunately qsmp has pulled me Back Into the vortex now. but the community has been so much better all so Yippee??
the few english speaking fans i follow on twitter are pretty cool and have follower counts that are nothing to scoff at too, but i see tweets or art pieces from hispanic fans too and it's like. 30k likes always. so. My God. and ill admit a lot of other anglophone twt fans beef and talk about mcyt controversies, but they've all been about certain ccs that are Not on the qsmp. if you know what i mean (pain). likely just the absolute shitshow of dsmp and its dramas just made so many anglophones flee and not come back while hispanic fans have been frolicking in the flower fields
i havent cared about minecraft rp in about 2 and a half years and im the fucking trenches here to be honest ! i am watching streamers in languages i barely understand (shout out to spreen im entirely lost here but ill still hang around and watch)
plus im under the impression the fact the spanish community seems like its always been more... ig positive about everything from fans definitely helped. like the Set Up for why dsmp fandom's behavior about rules of how to ship people was based from smplive and multiple creators from there making very public livestreams about the fact they were uncomfortable with it. i do not think dsmp shipping would have been anywhere near as explosive if that wasn't the pretext to it. (vague gesture to hermits who have been doing this for years and years before smplive and didn't/don't care about shipping. vague gesture in different direction to the fact after smplive and the new social taboos about shipping one of the hermits got harassed off of tumblr for saying she didn't care if people shipped her.)
and then i look over and roier is known for block evading people who block him to stop their ship art of him from getting retweeted and liked by him. and i look back at the 2 hr "we hate smprompa" stream from cmc. and im like damn no wonder they have more fun.
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theyellowhue · 1 year
Day 86 since LITA ended
How is everyone??? Like how are doing with the LITA withdrawals??? Have you picked up another series to obsess over??? Ive been watching another BL series but thankfully, i havent gone unhinged yet. I guess its a right reserved only for the weather boys. Honestly, almost 3 months since LITA ended and im still here, waiting for fanfic authors, artists, and editors to feed me LITA content.
Someone should start a ficfest on twitter. Its criminal how little LITA twt aus are on twt. Maybe there are new ones, i dont really check the LITA tags on twt. For LITA, im always here on tumblr.
Also i wake up in a weird time so i almost always miss any events that the weather boys go to. The time difference really sucks 😭😭😭
How to cope with missing LITA a little too much??? Asking for a friend 🙃
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lucymt-art · 10 months
I'm slowly moving my art here.
But I'm still active on twt.
I will be moving to tumblr fully if/when twitter falls. (Or I've gotten sick of it, whichever comes first)
I don't really know how many of my followers here are active (or which are bots... I've been getting a few follows lately that seem a bit suss.)
I am not sure if I will be doing much of any engagement posts here (polls, give me a number/I'll answer, share and tag posts. Etc.) Cause honestly when I would do so on twt I would not get any response/engagement. If I'm lucky I'd get 1. (and I have more followers there, around 1,700 compared to the 300 here)
And honestly it is so disheartening.
I'd leave the post up and even retweet them every now and then for a week or 2 but still nothing. So I'd just end up deleting them. But when I see another engagement post floating around twt I hope that maybe this time will be different.
But it isn't. The only posts that people actually engage with is if it comes with a free drawing.
And while I love those posts. I unfortunately don't have the same time for them and it just isn't the same as the other posts where it actually engages conversation.
Sorry for the long post.
I am writing this now, while I am still a small account here, cause to be honest I still want to try the posts like "artist/fic author asks", or the random facts tag share, etc. Because I'd like to actually talk with you and build a community.
I feel like I'm just good for sharing art but not interesting or worth engaging with. (on twt, not here since I'm technically starting over here cause I've been ia for a few years and havent made an engagement post yet)
But while I mainly draw/write krtsk content that doesn't mean I am not interested in other fandoms/topics.
But who knows, maybe I'm missing something or I am doing something wrong and just don't know it.
Might delete this later.
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victoria1676 · 2 years
i only realized when i was just scrolling through your account since i wasn’t active in the last few days then i saw your art commission and saw that your from the Philippines
which makes me happy!!since im filipino and i never encountered any tumblr writers as filipino so this was kinda a shock to me-
id love to support you on your commissions but im broke D: but i hope you get clients for your art commissions and always keep safe when going outside!
There are other filipinos writers tbh and so far i only know like three? Cause my memory is not very vague in remembering stuff TwT
@hiraya-rawr @greenteaanon and @rea-can-yeet are filipinos from what i can remember XD
And yeah i havent gotten any comms but did get one from a friend who was lucky to ask me coms before their country block Paypal which is sad TwT
Although i can say i avoid politics and i havent spoken very good tagalog or Filipino only small words from those language since i have been rasied to speak english by my family. But i can say i understand a bit of Filipino and Tagalog but never much since im losing my touch on them slowly TwT
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zerobaselove · 1 month
my love !!! saturn !!! i havent been online for the LONGEST time EVER and i miss you so much !!!
how are you? i have been so busy recently, life was WOAH and its been so long and its almost a year since we started talking ????
arck ! is there any other way i can talk to you other than tumblr? how was life on your side? is everything ok? im rambling now, but i hope you have a wonderful day ahead of you
OH MY GOSH HIII IVE MISSED YOU SM!!! i hope you’re doing well lovely <3
i’m good!! i feel you though life has been so crazy,, A YEAR IS SO LONG?? omg. we are 4 lifers now
also yes i am pretty active on my priv twt if you wanna follow me <3 @/ httpheoni pls message me id love to talk to you more dear !!! i cant wait to hear from you ^^
also pls never apologize for rambling i luv hearing from you! but life has been up and down as per usual HDJDHJDD but im getting through !! hopefully gonna write some this weekend once i get some energy back (i say knowing damn well it’s after midnight rn)
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cadelionell · 6 months
New Account, New Me!
Oof, i havent been on Tumblr in years, saw my old account was just a mess, so i decided to delete the old one and start anew! Honestly, the whole new tumblr account process gave me so much anxiety. TwT But I steeled my nerves and have gone through with it. :) still trying to clamp down on my anxiety, im not that big a fan of change really. ^^; But i know that this was a necessary step. :) So, hello again tumblr, it's good to be back. ^^
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janggtoco · 8 months
You don’t have to post this if you don’t want to just wanted to let you know just in case you didn’t. When you get anonymous asks you can block that anonymous user and it will block their IP and their actual tumblr account. If you still get anonymous asks that are being disgusting that means it’s more than one person. You can block them all it won’t block all anonymous user just those specific one s on the specific asks.
Also there are trackers you can add to tumblr accounts to track everyone even anonymous people but most of us don’t because usually people are pretty chill here but all of a sudden Twitter/IG trash is spilling over to here sadly. We use to be a more peaceful kind place for funnsies. 😔
hi tysm for looking out for me <3 i do know this and mostly haven't blocked them bcs it's just kind of funny to me lol. i mean, being black online (and irl in a heavy white area tbh) kinda gets you to have tough skin. i was walking to class once and got called the n word from a passing car and my friends growing up would tell me i had burnt/turd fingers. so what they're parroting in my inbox, unfortunately, is just water on oil to me and not even the worst i've heard. just abusing aave, telling me i'm nappy & ghetto and using the n word.. like i dare them to say that to a black person irl 😭 i can take it! i also havent blocked them bcs they definitely want the attention and blocking would just satisfy that (learned this w dealing w kpop twt stans lol) not going to post it though bcs while EYE have thick skin, i shouldn't subject the rest of the black community to that.
eh, i've been on tumblr since 2011 and while i can say it's gotten worse recently, (& i wasn't in the kpop space then) anon hate was VERY bad back then when you couldn't just block anons lmao. it was a little easier to get their IPs and VPNs weren't as common, but they really did scare kids then about their digital footprint. but now somehow all that is thrown out the window even though ESPECIALLY now they should be aware of it 😭 it's much easier for a future employer or anyone really wanting to spend the time and money to find out about you VERY easily, especially in this digital age
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astrxealis · 2 years
HELO APOLLO havent been in here for a while yet </3 but as others have said and stated!!!! ur nor chained to the fandom so dont feel like u have to be in the fandom so ur mutuals wont leave u!!! ik what u feel when ur writing for a fandom and suddenly that spark of interest for it suddenly just dims completely and you're left wondering what to do jwjsksj TT
i always remember feeling lost everytime i lose interest in something but always remember that your mutuals are something u won't lose just because of that!! im not sure if i read the post correctly and its 3am meaning i shld be sleeping but instesd im hanging out in my drafts collecting dust BUT I HOPE U KNOW UR DIFFERENCE IN INTERESTS SHLDNT BE WHAT MAKES U STOP BEING FRIENDS WITH PEOPLE
AINNN HELLO!! honestly it doesn't rlly seem like it dw WHEEZE i haven't been too active on tumblr again yes ?? >_< ^^ aaa thank you so much :(( yeah!! sometimes that Spark just kinda. yeah. TwT & w who i am like as a person it's rlly <//3 w that
DWDW you did read the post correctly!! and YES by the time i'm answering this almost an hour after i hope you are well rested in bed >:( but :O yeah fr ,, i'll try to rmbr that! T___T
TY FOR HUGS... returning them Very Much bcs srs i'm really thankful :( HVE A GOOD REST!! and i hope you feel better in the morning yes HGBSJG AND PLS IT'S NP BUT i'm rlly grateful to u (all) aaaaa mwah ilyt T^T <33
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glamjrwi · 2 years
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I posted 3,292 times in 2022
That's 3,292 more posts than 2021!
881 posts created (27%)
2,411 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,813 of my posts in 2022
Only 45% of my posts had no tags
#jrwilb - 619 posts
#jrwi - 213 posts
#just roll with it - 112 posts
#jrwi riptide - 70 posts
#jrwi spoilers - 52 posts
#councilblr crew - 41 posts
#gillion tidestrider - 33 posts
#jrwi prime defenders - 31 posts
#chip jrwi - 30 posts
#jay ferin - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#to be fair if i was a teenage noodle boy who had died twice and it sucked both time i don’t think i’d wanna get hit either
My Top Posts in 2022:
Okay I’m making this while tired but I figure I can at least get it started and smart people can add on. if you’re here from jrwitwt first off HELLO!!! Welcome. I know there have been several posts going around saying watch your step, we do things differently here, and to get with it, that might seem a bit intimidating. So I wanted to make this non-exhaustive list of how tumblr works and HOW we do things different so you can get settled in :)
also these are just to the best of my ability and based off my time here i am by no means a standard, just a starting point
-You might’ve heard this one already but there isn’t much of an algorithm here. You can follow certain tags and blogs. The best way to find people is to just scroll through tags and check out blogs whose posts you enjoyed
-reblogging is standard. Likes are typically for letting a mutual(or anyone rlly) know you saw their post or during liveblog sessions(at least that’s how I use them) while we have replies on posts that might look like a comment section. It really isn’t most of the time. Comments are normally put in the tags of reblogs. It’s completely okay if your blog is just reblogs that’s super normal here. you don’t have to have an original thought if you don’t want to
-If you really don’t want to post/lurk and only follow ppl, change your pfp so we know you aren’t a bot. Blank blogs have a history of being bots and if we can’t tell you’re a person a lot of people will block on sight. Just fair warning
-We do a lot of blocking here. If you don’t like someone’s posts, block em and keep going. The filter tags system on tumblr really works(I’ve heard twt is fussy and not great) and most people tag things appropriately here so you Will Not see the shit you don’t want to
-TAG THINGS APPROPRIATELY PLEASE it’s a give and take. When it comes to spoilers, as long as the original poster tagged it you normally don’t have to tag it again in a reblog but you can out of courtesy
-Bonus point a lot of us use “jrwilb” as a tag when everyone is on the dash liveblogging a stream ep or just when they get around to watching it. Some people have personalized ones, and some ppl also main tag their liveblogs so it’s just a good one to know ahead of time
-People chit chat through asks frequently. You don’t have to feel shy abt it, esp if you are being friendly. But if you’re anxious a lot of people leave on anon asks so you don’t have to have your name attached
-We don’t really do callouts/negativity posts. If you see a take or headcanon you aren’t fond of going around. You can block/filter, or you can make a positivity post or post abt your own interpretation!!! A lot of people here love different takes and headcanons and try to value all of them. Again, if one squicks you really bad, filter/block it. If you really wanna complain, be sure to do it in dms or a private discord server
-our concept of what jokes are okay to post are very lax. there really isnt an official thing but i’ve tended to notice we dont really tend to do anything the council havent done. we joke abt gillion tits and eggs here because the council have done it. we have made very lewd jokes because  . . . mcs and everything else grizzly does when he’s not playing dakota. so be prepared to be jarred by how . . . interesting it gets here
Okay that’s all I can think of for now. Members of councilblr feel free to add anything smile
252 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
BEHOLD THE RESULTS OF The Most Projectable™ PC of All Time SURVEY
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See the full post
322 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
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condi the only mf in this house i respect
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i am coping
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My #1 post of 2022
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663 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
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i use twt and i havent really seen any :D! but since i really don't get to see much of the dream apologist discourse regardless (as of recently ive been exposed to more dream apologists on tumblr and ao3 individually than i have twitter) i feel like im in the minority here a bit
but looking at the trending tags, seeing #tommy trending (# on twitter lingo before a name and a quote means theyre quoting what a cc said) while dream isnt, and the top tweets are about cheering tommy on, tommy trending while twitter's in the clear
also just it doesn't seem to center around that too as there are more tweets under the tubbo trending section (4k) than tommy's #tommy (2k) which for reference is the same amount of tweets under mumza's kristin (2k) so yeah little to no discourse on twt dot com mostly, the quote itself is isn't the only tommy quote being talked about too, like twt is barely centering around the big guy currently let alone discourse about a single quote
and if we're going by the trending tags twt's recommending me, dream doesn't even seem to be talked about at all (but since I've blocked the guy out of my twitter experience for the most part i could be wrong)
(over all it's either twitter's just been made a more habitable place for me, or the level of discourse just isn't that high, which seems a bit likely considering most of the top tweets barely have qrts on them, as in one litterally has zero on it, and the other with 735 likes and 97 rts only has One qrt and i dont even know what it says considering it's a private quote tweet)
anyways tldr twitter is a more bearable place for me regardless but i dont think there's much discourse there still, just judging by the numbers
ah. that’s good. still not going there with a 10000 foot pole tho
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