#I haven't even seen into the Spider verse yet
angelbitezzz · 1 year
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Inspired by one of my friends, I have remade my spidersona from way back in the day
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mnzbrg · 1 year
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aweina · 1 year
Random adding on to the glasses headcanons with Hobie in your other account, I sleep with my glasses on, sometimes on purpose and sometimes I just forget they're on. So far they haven't broken, but I don't know if it's gonna stay that way if another person sleeps with you.
I don't know what I'm saying man I haven't watched Across the Spider-Verse yet but I WANT TO SO BAD 😭
Also I feel like Pav or someone else would steal glasses to wear them for whatever reason, stack and wear all the stolen glasses together.
back to original drabble ^^┊more spiderverse content.
i have slept on my glasses also and the way i would gasp so loud when i realize it + you haven’t seen spiderverse ?! it’s amazing, watch it when you can ( ˙꒳​˙ )
don’t even get me started with hobie, he’d smother your frames until he wakes up dazed and realizes it’s your glasses. he would comically jump off the bed and panic to see that the temple is broken off. hobie tries to make his diy skills work but to no avail.
pav would like stealing them for fun. you would try finding your glasses while asking him where it is. he would shrug his shoulders when they’re actually nestled into his thick, wavy locks. and idk about you, but prescription lenses are really expensive so he better give it back.
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atalana · 1 year
also, across the spider verse was everything awesome tumblr said it was, but something that really stood out to me that i haven't seen mentioned here yet is the amount of body diversity among the spider people at hq?
like. this is just from the one scene i can find on youtube just now, it's about 10 seconds of footage, it by no means covers everyone we see in the movie, but as an example
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the sheer amount of fat spider people? almost made me cry, like yeah the first movie made its message anyone can wear the mask, but you're not supposed to believe that stuff if you're a fat person, society does not want you to
except all of these people are the spiderman of their own universe! and spiderman is a hero known for crazy athleticism/gymnastics, and this movie is explicitly saying that all these people with all these body types are the crazy gymnast superhero of their universe!
and it's not just a fat/thin cookie cutter pair of body types either, look at how many different ways there are to be fat or thin or anywhere in between represented here. the way fat and muscle accumulate differently on different people (and also they're all allowed to wear skintight suits bc that's what spiderman does, and no one is seen as gross for doing it)
even if it was just one face in the crowd, this movie basically guaranteed everyone could find their body type on a spider person somewhere
and that goes a lot farther than any spoken message towards saying no seriously, the hero can look just like you
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velichorus-k · 9 months
Ranting about animation and gushing about trolls under the cut. Dont mind me I love sharing opinions nobody asked for on the internet
We all talk about the 'spiderverse artstyle/clones' blah blah I won't get into how much I hate that term. But while we're on the unique animation bandwagon. I think what Disney got so so wrong with Wish (haven't seen it yet, just speaking of the artstyle) is like, yeah, they were clearly going for 'storybook' in some aspects, but rather than make it more textured-- like, I would expect pastels and watercolours for something along those lines-- maybe even something reminiscent of the hella-lined-and-textured ink illustrations that appear in classic fairytale collections like Andrew Lang's Fairy Books-- they make everything feel flat, with a blend of 2d and 3d that... doesn't really work. They were so close to GETTING it, to making an artstyle that fit their story, but this is the only movie in the recent age where I feel 'spider-verse clone' COULD (not would, could) fit; they didn't quite get it. The only thing I really love from what I've seen is that some of the plants have like? A pop-up storybook effect?? That's enough about that. I do love the masterful compositions of Spider-verse, but in terms of actual art, TMNT takes the cake for me in the 'animation revolution' sphere. The grime and grit of New York sewerboys! The comic-book and hand-drawn feel! Beautiful, and a perfect artstyle for the turtles. Puss in Boots didn't capture my attention quite as much artstyle-wise (though the art was gorgeous, still), but it still does have that painted feel they were going for and that fits storybook characters (cough cough, Wish). I bring this all up because of my most recent 'unique animation' obsession, Trolls. Surprise! Another excellent example of an artstyle that upholds the overall feel of its story. I noticed this in the first movie, but I only really started to look closely after now seeing the sequels, so excuse me while I gush a bit. Immediate love for letting Poppy, a very girly character, have small eyes and a big nose rather than the typical babyface look of female disney protags. Though, Dreamworks was always better about this. I love the fuzz and crochet textures on everything. Even the little earrings on the pop trolls, something you might expect to have a metal or plastic texture, has fuzz on it! The water that floods Rhonda in the third movie is made up of those little plastic orb things (the name escapes me)! They all look like they're made out of felt, which is absolutely perfect for the scrapbooking/toy theme they've got going on. They're little creatures! And we get to see a whole bunch of different textures when we see the other species in the sequels. I want to stare at the textures all day. UGH SO GOOD
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hollowtones · 1 year
Hi Holly, I was wondering if you’ve seen Into the Spider-Verse and it’s sequel that just came out? I couldn’t find anything about it on your page but I’m curious, if you’ve seen them(or even haven’t), what’re you’re thoughts on it?
I saw the first one years ago when it was new in cinemas. I thought it was fantastic. Haven't seen the new one yet. I'm still kind of anxious about going to crowded closed spaces, frankly.
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danielfeketewrites · 10 months
The Marvels (2023)
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Not usually reviewing films but here we are. A friend of mine invited me to the cinema to see The Marvels. And so we did, two days ago.
Neither of us expected much. I haven't seen Ms. Marvel. I thought Captain Marvel was 'meh' and a bit bland. Not offensive in any way (if you discount the blatant milatary propaganda) but ultimately Just A Marvel ProductTM. And not even a fun one. At least not fun for me.
And no offence to Teyonah Parris, but her character was definitely the least interesting thing about WandaVision. That's not saying much, seeing as that miniseries was great and one of the best things Marvel did since Infinity War... But it just goes to say that this didn't seem that promising.
The trailer for it looked quite cool though.
My friend Marek, who was bitching to me about how bad Captain Marvel is for years now, invited me to see The Marvels with him in the cinema. Mostly as a joke. Although he did enjoy Ms. Marvel. But still, neither of us expected much.
To our surprise - The Marvels is really good and we both enjoyed ourselves a lot.
It's really, really good.
While I don't think it can stand shoulder to shoulder with stuff like The Suicide Squad, Across the Spider-verse or GotG Vol. 3, I still feel comfortable calling it one of the best superhero movies of this decade so far. It's easily the 2nd best MCU movie since Spider-man: Far From Home, imo. (admittedly, I haven't seen all of them, so take this hot take with a grain of salt... I just really enjoyed The Marvels)
So now I'm gonna do a wee bit of gushing about some of the reasons why it's so good. (spoilers bellow)
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Carol, Kamala, and Monica are just really fun to watch? Their interaction is amazing.
Kamala can be a bit cringey but in an authentically teenage way and I really enjoyed that! Her being a huge fan of Captain Marvel never stopped feeling real. Yeah, of course she's into RPF.
Consequences! I love when things in stories have consequences. And this is all built around consequences to the stuff Captain Marvel did. She did them with good intentions... But that didn't necessarily matter. And I love that. It adds a bit of complexity and nuance that's less and less common in superhero movies these days.
Which ties into... Carol not being perfect. She's amazing and powerful but she can't save everyone.
Carol is also... really fun? With a slight nudge she just became a really well-written, interesting protagonist? I love this version of Captain Marvel and I want more!!! Brie Larson finally gets to show off a bit as an actress!
She just really gave me Xena vibes, in the best possible way.
While the villain isn't an all-time great, the actress went for dignity and it payed off. She feels iconic and you understand where she's coming from.
Monica's sacrifice was quite powerful and kinda hit me.
The "training sequence" where Carol, Monica, and Kamala are practicing the switching is perfect. I love it. No notes.
I love that while it's only an indirect continuation of Captain Marvel, it takes the best bits from that film and builds on them. For me, Goose is the best bit of that film - a cat, but make it eldritch and alien, as well as bigger on the inside? Nice, love it. So what do we do with that idea the second time around? MORE CATS!!! I got a bit excited when I saw the kittens in the trailer and they did not disappoint. (Can the next movie be set on their planet? Please?)
But it's not just "there are kittens now" though. THE KITTENS ARE INTEGRAL TO THE PLOT. It's not just there to be there, but it's an important plot point. And it's so fun!
Nick Fury is also fun.
But it's not just taking what worked and expanding on it. This movie got really creative!
For example - the worlds! Especially the Bollywood planet. Great stuff.
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That's just some of the reasons to like this film. I'm probably gonna watch it again when it's on Disney+
If you haven't seen it yet, go do that it if it's still playing in a cinema near you. It's definitely worth a watch if you are in the mood for a fun, well-made superhero film.
I'm really looking forward to what Nia DaCosta does next. This film really didn't deserve to underperform and I hope she gets another stab at a big blockbuster like this in the future.
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pennameab · 8 months
There's something that's been bothering me about Across the Spiderverse and after watching the movie for a second time, it's been brought back to my attention. So if you haven't seen the movie yet, what the hell are you doing with your life? It's such a good movie. It's on Netflix! Go watch it! Rent it! Go go go!
We see Miguel talk to Miles about canon events and how they're the things that tie all the spider people together. Ok I get that. Sure, whatever.
What's been bothering me is Miguel claiming that Miles is the original anomaly. It doesn't make sense to me. We know that the spider that bit Miles was from Universe 42. So the Miles there that was supposed to get bit never got bit. I get that. But Miguel claims that this is what causes the anomaly. But the spider that was brought over to Miles' dimension was brought over by the people who were studying multiple dimensions. So what's the say that wasn't supposed to happen? To Miles at least. And other subsequent spider people? I don't think the spiderverse is that fragile. I think it's a bit more flexible than Miguel makes it out to be.
What we do see is that Miguel himself caused a universe to break down. He even admits it. By trying to slip into a role that wasn't his. Why didn't he try to have a family in his original universe? Why didn't he try to create what he wanted from the universe he broke down organically? He cheated. He didn't want to do it organically. He wanted the easy way. He BROKE a universe!
Miguel is the anomaly here. Not Miles. We see that Miles' dimension is stable. There's nothing breaking down, falling apart like it happened for Miguel. I think that since Miguel cheated to get what he wanted, the multiverse corrected itself since he wasn't in HIS original dimension. He wasn't there to provide for HIS OWN canon events. That's what caused everything to break down. He's the anomaly. And he's using Miles as a scapegoat to fix HIS mistakes.
What does every spider person have in common? They get bit by a spider. We see Miguel inject himself with some sort of spider venom. That's not something any other spider person, that we've seen, has had to do. See I don't think he ever got bit. I don't think HE is supposed to be a Spiderman. In the dimension with his daughter, he dies. He doesn't become a Spiderman. So what's the say that in his own universe, he still doesn't become a Spiderman.
HE'S the original anomaly. The universes falling apart started with him. Because he caused one to unravel. And when a web starts to unravel, it kinda cascades, doesn't it? It all started with Miguel O'Hara. It has to end with him. It has to be fixed somehow. And I think Miles is that solution. Miguel caused such a ripple in the web that things have to shift to get it stable again. Which is why Miles' dimension is stable. Gwen's father quits being a cop for her, an anomaly to the "canon" events. Patvir (forgive me if I misspelled his name) was able to save his girlfriend and her father. Yes everyone agrees this is an anomaly but we see that that's not the reason his dimension is falling apart. I don't think it would've had the whole spot thing happened.
I think that's what's going to be the focus of the next movie. At least I hope so. If not, I'd love for some clarification or answer to all of this. This is going to bother me until I have answers. I just have thoughts man!
Edit: AND ANOTHER THING! This just occurred to me so I thought I'd add it in. I feel like it has some relevancy. The "original" Miguel, the one we see, obviously didn't have a family he was close to. It's why he wanted the family the other version of him made. Miguel 2.0. What if, and hear me out, OG Miguel losing his daughter to the dimension collapsing was a canon event for him? What do we see in all the spider people? They lose someone they love which makes them become a hero. For Gwen it was Peter. For Miles, his uncle Aaron. We see this across the verses with Uncle Ben dying, aunt May for Tom Holland's Spiderman (which we can say is canon in the universe because Miguel even brings it up with Dr. Strange). If, let's say, Miguel was supposed to become a spider person, but he didn't have anyone close to him to lose, what would make him want to be a hero? How do we make him fit the "canon"? He still has to lose someone. Miguel going to that other dimension and losing his daughter was his reason to become a hero. It was supposed to happen. In which case, my theory on him being the anomaly kinda falls apart. And I'm ok with this. BUT it also means that the Spiderverse never needed fixing to begin with (aside from all the villains popping into dimensions that don't belong to them. That's. Yeah that's a problem). I think by insisting he's fixing the multiverse, OG Miguel might be breaking it unknowingly. How's that for a plot twist right!?
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theyluvlyss · 11 months
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𝐈 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞...
I know, I know, don't yell at me, I'm late as everloving hell✋🏽😔✋🏽...
fun fact about lyss you didn't ask for, though: I have massive trouble committing myself to watching new things, even if I know for a fact I will love/enjoy it. due to this reason, I haven't seen barbie, blue beetle, etcetc, yet, hence why I'm just now getting around to watching across the spider-verse months and months and months later...
but not the point,,, oh my god, it was so good?! obviously, I've been planning to watch it, but I think I definitely should have mentally prepared myself because though it was amazing, it was also very overwhelming? but in a good way. like, my thoughts are still very jumbled (which might make me biased, currently, due to being stuck in wonder-mode).
[wonder-mode = the first fifteen minutes - twenty-four hours of pure adrenaline, good vibes, and main character energy you feel after watching a good ass movie where you have no thoughts yet so many all at once and you'll definitely need some time to gather yourself/your words].
I think I'll definitely have to watch it a second time tomorrow so I can full grasp onto everything and every one of the characters, which will then allow me to gage some proper thoughts to share later. and then, I'll be able to officially add it to the master list of stuff I write/make content for (although you are very free to request whatever you want right now just to get my creative juices flowing in advance /ᐠ-ܫ-マ).
but anyways, I'm now officially unhealthily in love with hobie, miles, e-42 miles, and pavitr :')♡. If anyone wants to talk spider-verse (no matter the specific topic), I'm game, especially for dr's and oc's ! run me those spider-sonas >:D !!
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purplekoop · 8 months
FINALLY saw Mutant Mayhem, and it was really good!!! I might wanna give it a second watch later along with other Turtle stuff rewatches and do a more in-depth review then, but I'll say the spoiler-free highlights now.
The obvious striking thing is the film visual style, which going in I knew broadly as "like Spider-verse", but that feels like a gross oversimplification for this movie's fantastic look. It's a mix between grungy realism, rough sketchiness (my mom said it looked like one of my drawings, which, yeah I'll take it), and oddly some vague claymation vibes? The turtles especially feel like chunky molded clay in the best way. It's a super cool style that definitely stands out on its own but still feels thoroughly Ninja Turtles despite not quite looking like any one individual prior incarnation. A bit of 2012 with the grungy blockiness, a bit of Rise with the vibrant expressive animation, and a heaping dosage of just general "this would've been the coolest thing ever in the 80's."
Other major high point is just how... exceptionally pleasant the movie is. It's arguably the most light-hearted Turtles incarnation to date, even beating out Rise in terms of friendly vibes... well, barring the bottom-shelf swears and on-screen puke, personally could've gone without the latter but oh well. From the moment we see the turtles we get to see how much this movie appreciates the mundane, with dialogue, visual details, and quick gags that just... I dunno, feel natural? Like, this movie pulls of an astounding amount of reference humor that feels like it'd be irritating if it weren't so believably honest. Yeah, if they were teenage brothers they would say Mikey's head looks like a mix between Hey Arnold and Stewie Griffin. Of course they would. Also the "cringy" music choices rubbed me the right way too, again this movie's tone is so sincere that I can't help but love these too. My mom also specifically cited this as a high point. The "pleasant vibes" praise extends throughout the movie, but I think going fully in-depth on that point would require spoilers. Rest assured, this movie's an exceptionally feel-good watch.
I guess only critique is one I saw coming but because I was dodging spoilers I didn't have the full expectations for. I heard vaguely that there were gonna be a lot of classic mutants showing up for this movie, hence the title I suppose, but I was worried it was gonna be a Spider-Man 3 kind of situation where it'd be constant bad guys that don't leave much individual impact. Which... is both true and not true for this movie. It's not THAT detrimental by any means, but I do still wish the individual characters got to do more. I like what they do get to do, but only a couple actually get to do much, even Bebop and Rocksteady barely have a few lines despite being THE mutant bad guys and having some of the biggest celebrity voices. I think maybe even two or three of them could've been cut and their presence wouldn't have been missed, but I can also appreciate the novelty that these characters probably wouldn't get a big screen debut otherwise. I dunno, maybe I'm just petty these are all classic picks and aren't new characters from my eras of turtles. Fishface for the sequel, come on folks if I believe then you can too.
On that note though, I am hoping that obvious sequel bait goes somewhere, because this movie deserves it. I wanna see this incarnation again, which... I mean I'm pretty sure did well enough to where it's already in the works? If Spider-Verse is gonna be a trilogy (still haven't seen Across yet btw) then this movie certainly deserves at least one followup.
But yeah, great movie! I think I do have to put this as my favorite TMNT movie ever now, so uh... sorry to the original two live action movies and none of the others.
(also I was gonna do a season 1 review of TMNT 2012 but I started it a while ago right as I finished it early in January but then it got overwhelming and I didn't have as much as I wanna say so I don't know what I'm doing with that yet, I might move on to season 2 but idk there's still a lot I wanna say about the show but I still don't know the format. Also expect Things I Love #4 about a completely unrelated show I'm due to finish a rewatch of soon)
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Massive SPIDER-VERSE *spoilers* are ahead... Do not read on if you haven't seen the movie...
It's been four days since I checked out SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE in theaters... And I'm still processing such a rich layer cake of a movie with all this stuff going on, just the sheer ambition of it... And... This story isn't even over, that's the mind-blowing part...
This movie did have pretty strong arcs for Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, and even Peter B. Parker to some extent, in addition to introducing a major conflict and a soon-to-be-primary antagonist in Miguel O'Hara/Spider-Man 2099... While a larger threat, The Spot, still looms, and there's even a closer to home threat for Miles himself as the picture wraps up...
There's so much more to go, assuming that BEYOND THE SPIDER-VERSE is also going to be a pretty long movie. That this movie was, in the planning stages, getting to be so big that they had to break it up into two parts? Who knows what we're in for...
I feel a lot of ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE's narrative brilliance is within its yet to be resolved conflict...
Back in 2018, INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE came onto the scene with its dynamic new way of rendering CGI imagery in an animated feature, while throwing in eye-candy flourishes and other dynamic art styles to really make that movie pop amongst other mainstream animated movies *and* the entire comic book movie sphere. In a neat sense, this groundbreaking new way to make an animated feature strengthened the inclusive and quite simple overall message of the story: ANYONE can be Spider-Man.
Now, if INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE said "anyone can be Spider-Man", ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE asks what that "anyone" must go through to be Spider-Man.
Can Spider-Man truly be anyone?
What is "canon"?
Miguel is adamant that every Spider, from man to woman to animal to insect, must experience some major tragedy in order to truly be a Spider-Something. A loss of a family member, close friend, or any kind of loved one... That's that about that, that's the nature of the "Spider-Verse", it is set in stone, no other way! Seems to contradict "Anyone can be Spider-Man", right? Apparently Miles can't have a relatively normal non-costumed life, someone he loves HAS to be axed... And that's the case with... How many Spiders? Over 280?
... which quite frankly sounds very controlling and lacking in imagination. And kinda dumb on paper. Miles knows that, even... It all relates back to what his mother and father want for him vs. his ambitions and desires.
"Nah, imma do my own thing"...
Such a liberating line, during such a literally and figuratively heavy moment in the film...
Between Miles' arc and Gwen's story, this autistic queer right here felt something quite resonant from all of this... I needed to see and hear these classic story tropes pulled off in such a great new way at a crucial time in my life...
Now, this works even beyond one's personal journey and how a film relates to someone: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE seems cleverly critical of contemporary superhero movie culture and most nerd-dom, from its most toxic swamps to its most boring offices. Adherence to "canon", shackling oneself to hard-set rules that mustn't be deviated from. It's especially potent coming from a movie series where the main Spider-Man is a black/Puerto Rican teenager, and his pals include a trans Spider-Woman, an older adult Peter Parker who has a child, and many more.
The insistence that Spider-Man has to be this one thing, i.e. Miguel running a Spider-Society that makes sure all Spider-People have that very "Uncle Ben" tragedy happen to them, with NO ANOMALIES... Miles' whole existence as Spider-Man, of course, is revealed to be said anomaly... In that a spider from another universe, Earth-42, got to his, Earth-1610, and bit him... Messing everything up... He's even blamed for Earth-1610 Peter Parker's death, to add insult to injury!
Or DID he mess things up?
Maybe "canon" is a bunch of bullshit.
The very kind of thing that shackles whole characters and franchises down, instead of letting those who come to the sandbox play with the toys THEIR way. INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE came to CG animation and didn't do the Pixar style, didn't do what most other mainstream animated movies were doing, didn't follow the accepted "standard" or "canon"... A friend of mine, in his review of ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE, noted something very interesting: This also ties into how a lot of very online animation fans insist that every new movie now must be like SPIDER-VERSE. And like PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH. And like any other animated movie that they consider "top tier" or "based" or "cinema". Including a relatively-panned Mario movie. Screw off if you're Pixar making "mid" movies like TURNING RED and ELEMENTAL, or Disney Animation making equally "mid" movies like ENCANTO or RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON... "Canon" in feature animation, apparently, is now movies that must be like SPIDER-VERSE or PUSS IN BOOTS or whatever. Animated movie "requirements". You have to have scary dark villains, you have to have the most amazing unseen animation style ever, you have to do it all THIS WAY...
This whole "canon" nonsense also ties into superhero movies in general, as well. Even comics, like a lot of runs of Spider-Man are apparently doing... especially in a time of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC movie-verse being clamped down by such hard continuity... That has only morphed into a bigger cluster-cuss, post-SPIDER-VERSE.
I remember when watching the LOKI Disney+ series, thinking... This series is trying to explain in FIVE 40-MINUTE EPISODES something INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE effortlessly explained in less than 5 MINUTES... Then you bring in the Doctor Strange follow-ups, all this stuff about "incursions". Incursions this, Sacred Timelines that... Why is this so goddamn convoluted and wracked head-to-toe with all these RULES? Other multiverse stories don't do this, and Marvel's characters span DECADES... And a big criticism of the recent MCU output is that the continuity, the canon... Doesn't allow for the characters to have their own unique stories, told by filmmakers with individual unique visions working within reasonable guidelines. I feel these two movies, along with EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE, show what a multiverse story can still be in this day and age.
And by using Miguel's rule, ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE goes right for the jugular bearing its spider-fangs.
Anyone can be Spider-Man, Spider-Man can have ANY life.
May I also add? The Spot... He's not in the movie much, but his arc... Tying this back to the worst of toxic nerd culture. The Spot is shook by being called some villain of the week and everything else that happened to him (like getting conked by the very bagel from the first movie), and instead of using his weird abilities for something good, he's going to go great lengths to prove that he is not some villain of the week. To become a larger scale threat... And for what? To fill a literal hole in himself? What validity and happiness will this bring him? I see something similar in some aspects of nerd culture, where they take being wronged (I'll humorously compare this to being shoved into lockers, circa 1988) at some point in their life, and turning it into their literal villain origin story... Growing up to be the jocks that bullied them, growing up to be the ones making life harder for other people in the community... The very people complaining about how "w0ke" this movie is for having "forced diversity", the very people who also lob that stolen word at harmless things like the LITTLE MERMAID remake and virtually anything "W0ke Disney" puts out these days, the very people who had literal shit-fits over MAD MAX: FURY ROAD, every new STAR WARS movie, GHOSTBUSTERS 2016, SHE-RA AND THE PRINCESSES OF POWER, new MUPPET BABIES, any new STAR TREK media, the list goes on and on... That's The Spot. Funny how some superhero movies, even animated superhero movies, have these villains who feel like they've been wronged and feel like they're entitled to something...
Just more texture to this ludicrously-textured layer cake movie... Yeah, CAKE itself is a big part of the movie, too. Look at that-
All this, amidst a backdrop of hundreds of Spider-People, a surrealistic smorgasbord of visual styles and animation techniques (Spider-Punk alone, YOWZA YOWZA YOWZA!), a multiverse-spanning story, and at the end... All of it tying back to who Miles Morales wants to be. How he wants to tell HIS story... When he defies Miguel on the train, it's a monumental moment...
And the story isn't even over yet... This movie is something special.
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 9 months
Rating Spider verse ships!!!
I've been planning on doing this for a long while but I've been a bit busy, NOT TODAY!!!
Anyways don't get mad at me for my opinions, you look really fucking stupid
I'm sorry if you're just trying to find fan art and find this 😭😭😭
1. Ghost flower (Gwen x Miles) 100/10
THIS SHIP IS ACTUALLY SO FUCKING CUTE I LOVE IT SMMM, I really hope it becomes canon in btsv because I just really love this ship I think it's really cute!! :>
Byteflower (Margo x Miles) 5/10
Not really for me, it's actually cute but I don't really see it happening, plus Margo barley had any screen time, hopefully she has more in btsv!
Peniles (Peni x Miles, I dunno Peni's spider name lol) 0/10
It's around a 2/1 year age gap (thought it'd be longer for some reason) since Peni is 13 and Miles is 15, although she probably aged up so she's like 14, but I don't really like it cause the barley have any interactions and I see her as a younger sister/sibling twords Miles
Miguel x Miles, Gwen, Jess, Lego Peter, and Peter B. 0/10
Not only is it p3d0philia (Miles and Gwen are both teens) the mf literally body slammed a child and called him a mistake 💀💀💀 yuh that's definitely a boyfriend/husband material y'all 😊😊 and also Jess literally has a husband and so does Peter B., AND LEGO PETER ISN'T EVEN IN THE MOVIE, ONLY LIKE FOR ONE SECOND HE ISN'T A MAJOR CHARACTER 😭
Ghostpunk/Hobie x Pavitr (Hobie x Miles, idk Pavitr's spider name either😭😭) 0/10
They're more friends/siblings in my eyes, and isn't Hobie literally 18/19 years old???? 💀💀and Pavitr is literally dating Gayatri so...💀💀💀
Miles x Miles 42 -infinity/10
...bro...thats literally himself, IT'S GIVING FLASHBACKS WHEN PEOPLE SHIPPED EMMET AND REX DANGERVEST 😭😭 (and funny enough spider verse and Lego Movie are made by that same people... 🤨🤨🤨)
Aaand that's all!!! This is a relatively short list cause there isn't that much spider verse ships I've seen so yeah!
And here are some ships that probably exist I just haven't seen fan art of yet
Peni x Gwen
Gwen x Hobie/Pavitr
Peter B. X Miles
Gwen x Jess
Miles x Pavitr
Miles x Gankee
Peni x Spider Noir
Anyone x Spider ham!
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So, this was basically just for fun. I haven't even seen Across the Spider Verse yet, and I don't do fan art often, not a lot of ways to easily depict fictional characters through collages. But I realised Spider-Punk was one of the few characters that collage easily applies to and it would be a missed opportunity if I didn't try.
And this ended up being an experiment in the illusion of depth and perspective, not easy with a medium all about flat assets. I only done something like that before with an analog collage, and that was with space ships and planets, not making a person from scratch. I made figures from scratch before, but their poses weren't so complicated. Still, as tricky as that part was, I think this turned out pretty great. References are your best friends, folks, even more so to collage artists who might just use them directly.
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silentdiacht · 1 year
(edit: read the notes)
I have a theory about Across the Spider-verse that I haven't seen anyone else bring up yet.
Ok, so, at this point I think most of us can agree that canon events are BS and that either a) Miguel is misinterpreting how the multiverse works or b) He does fully understand how it works but he's not telling the whole truth.
In the movie Miguel tells Miles that he went to a universe where he replaced a dead version of himself who had a family. One detail he conveniently leaves out however is how the other Miguel died.
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We see him standng right next to the corpse of his counterpart, presumably at the moment of his death. But this is just his perspective, not the event itself.
What if our Miguel killed the Miguel from the other universe and that's what caused it to collapse?
We've only seen 3 other characters die in the series so far: Gwen's Peter parker, OG Peter Parker and Uncle Aaron. In all 3 instances they were only killed by people from their own dimension, Gwen (indirectly) kills her Peter and Kingpin kills OG Peter and Aaron. What if dimensions only collapse when someone from one dimension kills someone from another, thus their story ending earlier than it should have?
How did other Miguel's universe not immedietly collapse when our Miguel killed him? Well, we don't get a clear idea of how much time passes between other Miguel's death and the collapse so it could have been a few days or even weeks later. In the first movie Gwen was in Miles' dimension for about a week before even starting to glitch out so it's not outside the relm of possibility.
This isn't 100% perfect and I could be completly wrong about it but it is an interesting theory to chew on until Beyond the Spider-Verse comes out.
Feel free to reblog if you have your own theory or want to build on this one.
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pevensiechase · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara Theory
@nerdyenby had a post about Miguel O'Hara being a spider but not a Spider-Man.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I've been on tumblr enough to know that he's the newest and biggest hot Internet crush and also babygirl?? (I guess I see the appeal, but he's kinda meh. Don't come at me, I'm getting off topic).
All this being said, the fact that he's a type of vampiric-being and does all the injections and whatever that "keep his vampire instincts at bay" makes sense, but nerdyenby's post mentioned how maybe he's using all the Spider-people's DNA to make his injection because he seems to be a bit of an anomaly.
Despite not seeing the movie yet, I have read many of the Spider-Verse comics (Patton Parnell's issue traumatized me, this is why I have a fear of spiders).
I don't remember a lot about Miguel O'Hara (other than many of his multiverse selves being killed), BUT obviously the movies aren't an exact adaptation of the comics (no hate, just an observation, and maybe a choice for the better because I think having an on-screen Patton Parnell would raise concerns).
So, if they're taking liberties with the comics, you know who else is a vampiric-being in the Spider-Verse?
(SPOILERS for the Spider-Verse comics)
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THESE GUYS (The Inheritors)
Okay, hear me out.
So what I know from Across the Spider-Verse is that they're being hunted by The Spot (similar to the Inheritors hunting the Spider-people). There haven't been mentions of the Inheritors in the movie as far as I'm aware.
In the comics, the Inheritors basically weaken, capture, and consume the Spider-people. Their goal is to destroy all Spider-people (or Spider totems as they call them) and use their life forces.
(WARNING, light comic book violence/gore depicted, disturbing images)
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The Inheritors feed on the Spider-people's life forces. They're pretty invincible and not even Cosmic Spider-Man (Earth-13) could defeat them when he left his Earth. Cosmic Spider-Man and his Enigma Force was the only thing keeping the Inheritors from their safe haven, but as soon as he left, they decimated him.
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I mean, look. Morlun (one of the Inheritors) is walking through fire.
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This Inheritor is taking the arm off of Takuya Yamashiro's (Earth-51778) mech, Leopardon.
So, the Inheritors are invincible and super strong. Miguel O'Hara has a unique skill set such as super strength as well as being abnormal to the usual requirements for Spider-people as state in nerdyenby's post.
Is Miguel O'Hara an Inheritor, or akin to one?
Don't take this as me saying that he is; I just see the similarities. Again, I have yet to watch the movie, and I don't remember all the details from the Spider-Verse comics, but the post reminded me of the Inheritors. Of course, we don't know where the sequel is going to go, but that's my two bits.
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checkxmaster · 5 months
are there any characters you wish to interact with as Kap that you haven't gotten the chance to yet?
{out of code} Below the cut because this got long, heh.
Honestly the character I've always wanted him to interact with the most was Rain, and over the years I've had the privilege of doing that with a couple of writers. Shoutout to @wanderingaroundwithmysoul, with whom I write currently on three of my blogs, for writing an absolutely incredible Rain. Just... *chef's kiss* She acts and sounds like she just stepped right out of the movies but also has her own unique aspects too, and it's been a lot of fun to write with her really talented mun.
Ironically, I would love it if he could interact with Matt Addison, but I've never met another person on this site who rps him, at least so far. I know I write him myself and I could do a fanfiction thing if I wanted, but... eh, it's not the same when you're rping with yourself, you know? So he's definitely one I would have liked. Matt's very empathetic and so is Kap, and they both have a big sense of justice even if their bravery level doesn't always help them act on it fully. Kap has more of a problem with that than Matt, but regardless. I think they could be really good friends and I would've liked to have seen them have more interactions together.
Also... Kap waking up in the hospital in Raccoon City when the outbreak gets starts and he encounters Nemesis. Having him there adds a whole new dimension because he can hack any computer system he wants, heh, so he'd be able to know what Umbrella's plans are in advance, he could find out what happened to Matt, he could even go so far as to remotely either change Nemesis' orders or disable the control chip entirely and set him free, at least mentally. Kap teaming up with Nemesis is something I need in my life, but like Matt, I've never seen another Nemesis rper on here before. Maybe someday someone else will pick him up. There's just so much potential there for deviating from canon that it makes me twitchy in a good way, haha.
Also, J.D. Really, anyone from his Sanitation team is high on my list, but J.D. would be an interesting interaction, I think. I feel like they really didn't always get along because their personalities were very different, but at the end of the day, they're part of a team and they're friends, so they looked out for each other. With all the guilt Kap has surrounding the elevator incident and J.D.'s ultimate demise, it would be interesting to see them reunited after the fact somehow in an AU where they both survive the events of the first movie. Maybe Rain succeeds in pulling J.D. out of the elevator and he gets to the antivirus with everyone else at the end. It'd be fun to have them both thrown into the Raccoon City outbreak together after waking up in the hospital, or to have them meet years after thinking they were each dead.
And finally, I realize they're from completely different movies and never even met each other, but... Jill Valentine. Jill's badass, no-nonsense, stop-whining-and-get-the-job-done, get-outta-my-way attitude juxtaposed with Kap's self-doubt, anxiety, and volatile emotions would be a total mess that I'd be so here for, haha. She'd probably find him annoying, but I could see them having a good working relationship, especially if she needs to rely on him to break into places with keycard access or find out information about Umbrella's plans and he needs to rely on her for extra firepower because hordes can overwhelm a lone person in seconds. I could see it working, but not without its strained moments, and that's perfect, heh.
I have a Retribution verse for Kap where he's working in the testing facility and has been for several years, basically the same as the clones except he's the real deal. He was recaptured by Umbrella after the events of the first movie, experimented on, and then had one of those mind-controlling spider-crab-tick things put on his chest, the same as Jill. So it'd be interested if he was somehow able to have a moment of clarity and could disable those and set them both free. I forget how he got free when I had a thread in this verse back in the day, but I'm the queen of bullshittery when it comes to bending or completely fucking RE canon, so I'm sure I could come up with something.
That's all I can think of at the moment! =)
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