#I haven't even included my HCs of them as a couple bUT
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itsashowtime · 1 year ago
What kind of personality does Toshi have and what backstory?
I am still in the process of fleshing out his story but! Here's what I have so far...
(Art by: Aixen )
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Japanese Name: 時紫 雨花
Surname: Toshi 時紫 (violet hour)
First Name: Ukuwa (rain flower)
Alias: White Rabbit (By most), Eighty-Six (By Sho after they breakup) 
Birthday: June 8
Age: 19
Gender: Cis Male
Height: 190cm (6'2")
Noise Form: Jackalope Cantus
I designed him next to Rindou so they looked super hot together but then Shou swiped him like the asshole he is - I have yet to play Neo so maybe UkuRin will be able to recover but rn the Shou living rent free in my brain doesn't seem to want to share
I made Ukuwa's motif Hydrangea after a trip to the Hydrangea Shrine.
He's extremely picky about food and drink tempretures, like, it has to be just right or he'll tear you a new one
Loves Chai flavour
Every barista's nightmare, he'll yell at you if you don't pay attention to his laundry list order
He fiddles with his ear piercings when he's nervous
He thumps his feet like a rabbit when he's pissed
The neediest fucking bottom
A hardworking, judgemental and esteemed horologist. Time means everything to Ukuwa and he always seems to be in a rush! He is nicknamed 'Shibuya's White Rabbit' since he is often spotted dashing around the streets mumbling about schedules.
Ukuwa is strict and harsh but especially towards himself. He hates relying on people and prefers to get things done on his own. He is extremely counter dependent. If absolutely necessary, he takes extreme care in picking who to have around. He mostly sees people as tools for his own convenience. He calls people 'cogs'.
He has a very good eye for art and is passionate about design. He doesn't get excited often but when it comes to art, that is the one time his eyes light up.
Ukuwa's character arc is about slowing down and embracing the moment, being able to acknowledge your progress, allowing yourself to accept help and allowing friendships with unconditional love to blossom.
tldr; He is the CPTSD haver ever - Trigger warning for: child abuse, neglect, divorce
An only child who did not have his emotional needs met. Ukuwa was raised by an abusive, alcoholic father who was a electronics technician and a neglectful mother who was a highschool teacher. Both his parents had high expectations towards him right away. Failure to perform with the best outcome would result in: solitary confinement + hitting/whipping as punishment whether that be in school, house chores, or even going out. He has scars all over his hands as a result which is why he wears gloves all the time.
Ukuwa would be locked in an empty room after a rough beating to 'reflect on his actions' for hours, his only company being clocks. This is where his obsession with clocks started. Curious and bored, Ukuwa would start to disassemble clocks at a young age to figure out their workings. One could’ve gone insane, but Ukuwa was grateful that the clock would tell him when the pain was over and he could see the light again.
His parents divorced when he was in middle school, both of them getting newer partners with other children. This applied extra pressure onto him to perform well. Unfortunately, Ukuwa was often casted aside in favour of his step/half siblings. He is desperate to prove that he isn't a burden. In fact, that's a really big fear of his.
Ukuwa functions on guilt and shame. His fear of being a burden and a failure is what causes his workaholicism and lack of care towards himself. He pushes forward and only forward. He does not allow himself to rest. Time only moves forward, and so he wants to move only forward too.
This means that he's chronically counter dependent and refuses help when it is offered. He avoids connecting with people unless it's absolutely necessary and for business purposes. Because one less person to be around means one less person to be a burden and disappointment to.
Ukuwa saved up a lot as a child just to move out and to escape his family. Once he graduated from high school, he immediately moved out to Tokyo and has been living in a sharehouse.
He currently attends a college of jewelry in Shibuya, learning how to make clocks of all kinds. He is obsessed with Il Cavallo Del Re and dreams to design clothes and watches for them.
Now, I don't usually have my OCs getting TOO involved in canon but this is sort of an exception (though Ukuwa does not effect TWEWY mainplot) *puts hands together* So where does he fit into TWEWY? WELL-
One day, when he was rushing around mumbling about time and being late, he got caught up in a sinkhole and he dies. (Haha, ironic bc of his nickname which references the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland) He was already feeling terrible because his clock design didn't get included in this competition he had participated in.
But he lands himself in one of Minamimoto Shou's earlier Reaper Games. At this point, Shou hasn't discovered Taboo bullshittery. This game takes place a while before Neku comes along.
His entry fee was his concept of time. This means that he cannot even see the timer on his phone and can only recieve missions. Ukuwa is hyper vigilant (thanks cptsd). That means he's extra sensitive to light and sound. He has several clocks on him with different 'voices' that soothes him. Suddenly, he can't hear them anymore and that throws him off real bad.
He gets grabbed by a straight-for-pay lesbian hostess and party girl, Hana, admist the panic of Day 1. She grabs him because he looks 'reliable' and wealthy. (she was wrong. Ukuwa is gay and he only looks wealthy because the clothes he wears is what he designed and he's good with his hands)
Hana forms a pact with him, wanting to take advantage of him like she usually does with men because she treats them like wallets. Her entry fee was money, so she cannot spend money throughout the game and has to rely on stingy Ukuwa. Ukuwa has to rely on Hana to keep track of the time.
They start off pretty rocky at first because Ukuwa doesn't have patience for her antics and Hana gets frustrated by how Ukuwa is so careful with how he uses his money and how he doesn't seem to know how to have fun.
Ukuwa's pysch is cryokinesis. Because you know. Time has literally stopped for him. He can summon icicles and walls of ice. Hana has immense strength and smacks the shit out of noise with her purse. They become quite a good team throughout the week.
Ukuwa starts to enjoy the moment instead of trying to push forward and ignore his feelings, and Hana learns that partying and drinking won't solve all of her problems.
Tldr, he falls in love with Shou so hard and he already struggles with feelings of uselessness in the RG so he ends up becoming a reaper. Their relationship happens very quickly and it's veeeery toxic (but that's what makes it tasty)
If you wanna know the deets about UkuShou-
Ukuwa x Shou
Ukuwa is immediately intruged by Shou's trash heaps. The symbolism and the cynycism towards humans speaks out to him. It's the first time he really feels connection towards someone. The precision of the trash, how it's held up so sturdily and is obviously so deliberate is impressive to him. Hana tries to snag a piece of trash that looks useful as a weapon and Ukuwa yells at her and puts it back. He calls it an art installment.
He doesn't know that Shou is the artist behind the heaps. Not until the trash cat turns up anyways. He actually finds Shou insufferable and annoying at first. The yelling into the megaphone is pretty triggering to him and he doesn't hesitate to throw an icicle at Shou. When he finds out that Shou is the artist though, he can't help but grow more and more curious.
When Shou hears Ukuwa praising his art, he's pretty confused at first. He normally doesn't care if measly humans can't understand his art's brilliance and beauty, so hearing Ukuwa reading his piece like a book is different and a little unsettling. One part of him is happy? But the other part of him just doesn't want to admit that he's understood.
So throughout the week, he makes more unhinged art pieces and challenges Ukuwa to guess the symbolism and he denies how correct Ukuwa is every time. It's annoying how bright Ukuwa looks when he talks about his art. But it's also really endearing too.
Anyways, Shou grows curious about Ukuwa and it's a running theme that he tries to interrogate him in closed spaces like alleyways, the phonebooth of love (where they share their first kiss) and changing rooms. They bicker, argue, talk about art, the mission, etc.
Ukuwa is a stupid baby gay and he starts seeing Shou as a person and he starts to understand and speak in maths lingo too. Shou becomes so fascinating and beautiful to him so he makes the extra effort to get to know him. He has the biggest crush and Hana notices too- Even trying to set them up in her own silly way.
I should prolly mention that I hc that Shou is colourblind and has protanomaly colour blindness (weak to red/green) and like.
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Shou vision Ukuwa is vibrant and pretty it's insane.
I fully agree with Kiga's Shou HC and I think Shou had his art criticized in the past due to his questionable colour choices which lead to him making more sculpture stuff than paint. ANYWAYS-
Shou eventually accepts that he is understood by Ukuwa and by the time it's day 7, he realizes that actually, he kinda doesn't want Ukuwa to die in his hands. Luckily, Shibuya's Reaper's Game rules at this point aren't exactly solid yet and Shou being Shou finds loopholes. On the last day, there are a few surviving duos that reach the top of Pork City to fight Leo Cantus. This is when Ukuwa tosses humanity right out the window and he essentially erases all remaining players aside from himself and his partner Hana.
He's under the impression that one of them will have to die so he tells Shou that he'll gladly 'give him his movement' and die in his hands, but Shou cannot bring himself to do that and asks him to stay and add art to this world with him.
Tldr, thanks to the loophole of mission mail wording, Ukuwa is able to become a reaper and the two become even more inseparable.
They are very horny and very obsessed with each other. Ukuwa drops everything for love. Unfortunately, Ukuwa is a needy bitch and he relies on Shou for his dopamine. Shou is a free spirit and he likes his space so the relationship falls apart after a few months.
Ukuwa is actually the one that dumps Shou because he was 'five minutes and twenty three seconds late to our date'.
This hurts Shou's pride a lot because how DARE he get dumped. But here's the thing- they keep banging anyways. They are like magnets. And Shou is SO smug about it too. Because Ukuwa is in denial about still having feelings but he keeps going back!
I have yet to play NEO but after Shou dies in TWEWY Ukuwa acts like a fucking widower and he has a relapse with his workaholism. Kariya really helps him loosen up and enjoy the moment.
When Shou is revived in NEO, Ukuwa is like a sobbing mess. I imagine by then, Ukuwa has grown as a person more and he has learnt to give Shou space so they end back together. Shou also learns to have some empathy and stop being so selfish and finally apologizes (shocking) and they get back together. With their bond stronger than ever, they end up having a daughter (light puck baby) named Miu who is almost as unhinged as they are. She LOVES physics. She's a genius. And also a super powerful angel but I'll explain that another day LOL
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ereawrites · 1 year ago
Hey gurl✨ I’m in my wife era rn so maybe some Shisui and/or Tobirama husband/jealous husband hcs?🫣 I loooovee your writing and tbh your thoughts are my thoughts so no pressure😩 If you not feeling it feel free to ignore me babe🧚🏻‍♀️
YOU HAVE FED ME SO GOOD MISS GIRL! under the cut for length
this isn't too relevant but I have to include it. it's too cute. I definitely see shisui getting married pretty young, like early 20s. if he finds his person he's going for it. probably gets a lot of shit for it from his family, but he doesn't care
loooong honeymoon period. in part because they're still a young couple but also... shisui is just a really devoted husband. he loves the married life. insists on kissing her goodbye every morning, eating together every night, stuff like that
LOVES DECORATING THEIR HOUSE are u kidding me. let's say they get a kinda shitty place right after they get married, and put a tonne of work into doing it up. he gets so into painting, building the furniture, even starts up a little herb garden in their kitchen
finds so many ways to drop his wife into conversation lol. he's down bad even after the honeymoon period ends, so he wants to show her off. his FAV is when she swings by his workplace to bring him his 'forgotten' lunch. he turns around to the rest of the guys like. yeah. that's my WIFE. isn't she hot.
very much a believer in keeping the romance alive. he wants to keep making the effort with her until the day he dies. veryyyy good at remembering anniversaries, scheduling regular date nights, etc. always makes sure she has fresh flowers in the house
obviously it isn't all perfect though. especially while they're young (and presumably both still active, high-ranking shinobi) their schedules keep them apart a lot. and this hits shisui really hard tbh. he hates coming back to an empty home after a long mission, knowing he might not even see his wife before he has to leave again
work is probably where most of their arguments stem from, actually. I don't see it being a regular thing, but it's easy for resentment to build in those kinds of situations. shisui is very torn between his love for his village, and his love for his wife, and the fact he can't prioritise both. thankfully shisui is a good communicator so they make things work.
in terms of jealousy... I don't see it being a common thing. maybe before they get married he tends towards it a bit more, but once she's his wife, why would he worry? she's his entire world and he knows she loves him just as much
the only way I rly see him getting jealous at all is if they're going through a bit of a rough patch for the reasons mentioned above. maybe they haven't seen each other in weeks, and they both get back from a mission on the same day. and there's some kind of event/function that evening that they have to attend
so they barely have a chance to acknowledge each other, before they're pulled apart again by the crowd. so if shisui sees some random guy getting a little too close and flirty with her, he gets more annoyed than he'd like to admit
even then though.. he's not necessarily jealous as much as he is upset. like goddamn just let this poor man have his beloved wife to himself for a night. in this situation he's more likely to behave more rashly than usual, and he might just make some excuses and take her home lol. he gets a little bit pouty until she gives him some attention
overall, though, he's very chill. he trusts her implicitly, and expects the same from her. they need to have a very honest, respectful relationship if he's going to wife her up
god okay and in old age they're so cute together. I bet they have a bunch of kids (probably accidentally tbh lol) so then they end up with a whole squadron of grandchildren. he's that fun grandpa who sneaks them sweets when the parents aren't looking. all the grandbabies want to sleep over at their house. and they LOVE it.
to sum up: very good husband. very relaxed, communicates well, makes her feel loved every day. why did he have to die I want to throw myself off a bridge.
first of all. good job to this woman. wrangling tobirama into marriage is not an easy job. he's so fucking ANNOYING. it probably takes him years to confess he even has feelings for her, let alone ask for her hand in marriage
but once he gets there. it's pretty cute. he doesn't really act very differently for the most part - he'd already decided his heart belonged to her well before they married, and wholly committed. so his behaviour doesn't change much, and there isn't much of a honeymoon period. sorry. he's like marriage is just a contractual agreement why would it change anything between us
he does make a few little indulgences though. he gets this smug little look every time he introduces her as his wife. he's actually just a lot more prone to 'showing her off' in general, and more likely to show some physical affection in public. for tobirama that's maybe a peck on the cheek lol. but it's progress
he's definitely a lot.... gentler?idk. with her once they're married as well. he makes an effort to be more patient and less snippy, and shows his appreciation for her in a lot of quiet little ways. for example, he'll be sure to leave work on time no matter how busy it is if he knows she's putting a lot of effort into dinner that night. or if she spends a second too long looking at a new dress in the store, he's buying it for her
on that note. tobirama is such a provider once they're married. he does have that traditional idea of providing for his wife. he'll probably ask her if she wants to become a stay at home wife tbh. if she says yes, he still expects her to get out in the community of course. he'd love if she did volunteering work, maybe at the hospital or with kids or something. but he's also equally happy for her to keep working. power couple vibes very strong
they have a nice, quiet little house away from the village where no one bothers then and they loooove it. especially tobirama, his wife and their home are his sanctuary. everyone else gtfo
other than that, not much is really different from before their marriage. they probably actually lead quite independent lives, to the point where people don't even know they're married until tobirama drops it into conversation a few months later. they're very private and lowkey.
unfortunately for her, tobirama's paranoia also persists. he's a bit delulu sometimes lol and she knows this going in. but it does inevitably cause some issues, especially if she's headstrong (which is definitely the type of woman he ends up with)
he trusts his wife more than anything. he would never doubt her for a second. but other men? the enemy. not to be trusted. they're all dogs. it drives him absolutely batshit crazy to watch them ogling her, or god forbid trying to flirt with her. which is actually kinda common bc they're such a lowkey couple, so people assume she's single
tobirama isn't one to make a scene per se, but this definitely leads to a few awkward situations in public, and she probably ends up embarrassed a few times. and there's 10000% arguments behind closed doors. I don't see either of them being good with this lol. he acts like she's his political enemy he's ridiculous
but because he loves her so much, and he actually really wants to put work into the longevity of their marriage, he'll come around. he's a lot softer and more willing to compromise when it comes to her. but she can't point that out because he's mortified
over time, he chills out a lot more. they're one of those couples that just get stronger and better with time. they grow a lot together, and although they probably continue to disagree a lot throughout their marriage, it's always in a way that leaves their relationship stronger. and he only gets softer for her. people (hashirama) even start to point out how devoted he is and he can't even deny it. cute
overall a kind of difficult husband, because he is an exceptionally difficult man, but my god he loves her so much. he would do anything to make her happy.
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delzinrowe · 7 months ago
Got amy headcanons about being in a secret relationship with jjk? I feel like they'd all have separate reasons for keeping everything down low
For the sake of my sanity i'm not doing all of jjk like in my hc posts I hope you're not mad at me for that
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A/N: I only choose a few ones, if you want someone specific I haven't picked just send me another ask and I'll do my best. But these are the characters I feel the most and feel I can portray well. Includes: Yuji, Megumi, Takuma ☆ Choso, Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Yaga
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Yuji just kind of accidentally kept it a secret. With Nobara around she talks a lot, and Yuji listens, he doesn't interrupt his friends. He was going to tell them about you two eventually, but whenever he wanted to tell them something came up, mostly missions. And after a while it slipped his mind that he hasn't told anyone. He's a kind and good guy, but he's not pushy when it comes to his own daily life. When he has good news he likes to share it with friends, but after a while of trying and failing he forgot about it.
Megumi is and has always been a more private and reserved person. He takes a while to warm up with others. So, once it got serious with you two he asked if you're okay with keeping it more private. Or rather, he implied it, you already knew it was gonna be more private. He doesn't like his private business being the talk of the town. After a while he would confide into Yuji, with the promise of him not telling anyone. Nobara? Hell no, out of the question. Megumi's main goal is to keep Gojo in the dark because the poor boy would never hear the end of it if Gojo ever found out he has a partner.
Takuma would only tell it to Nanami. He might have the feeling of shouting it from the rooftops that the person he likes also likes him back. But he would much rather just confide in his mentor. Which he does. And thanks to Nanami's private nature he doesn't tell anyone else, but he is proud and happy for Takuma. That's enough for our local skaterboy. Hearing that his mentor is happy that he's happy is all he needs, therefore no one else really needs to know about it. After a while he would lose that mindset and it would be replaced with "fuck it, I wanna show you off" which is what he does. He'd have his arm around you and walk around the entire school grounds and all over Tokyo just yelling "That's my partner!" "Watch out, happy boyfriend coming through." He's the epitome of golden retriever energy.
Choso doesn't really know the etiquette of dating, his worst fear is to do something wrong and lose you. He isn't sure if being in a relationship is something you keep private or parade around. He does see couples on the street and on tv, but it's still new to him. He's only had a human body for a few short months. The thought to introduce you to his sorcerer friends doesn't even really occur to him until you ask, which prompts a conversation between you where he asks you all sorts of questions on this matter. He eventually settles for only telling his brother Yuji as he's concered for your safety. He is a curse who murdered people after all.
Gojo keeps your relationship a secret from the very first moment, even if you wouldn't have expected it from him. Being known as the strongest came with a big target on his back, he's had bounties on his head since he was a toddler. Even if he can easily take care of any threat, he would do anything to keep you safe and out of danger. The less people know about his sole weakness the better. He does apologise and spoil you to make up for it, but he cannot and will not risk putting you in harms way. If you're involved his judgement isn't as clear as it should be.
Geto could potentially have two reasons, depending on if he stayed with jujutsu high or defected. If he stayed the most prominent reason to keep your relationship a secret would be Gojo. His best friend has his nose in everything, but it's also partly since he's known as one of the strongest and you prove a weakness, in that sense he's similar to Gojo. Now... if he defected, then it's solely to keep up appearances as cult leader. Since he's not stupid he knows that a lot of people only join his cult because of his looks, and he fears that once it's known he's in a steady relationship that his cult would lose a lot of members.
Nanami is not a secretive person, but he is a more private one. He doesn't like sharing his business everywhere. What's going on in his private life will remain private. He does not like to mix personal with work, therefore he would keep your relationship quiet because it simply has no place in his work life. Especially since coming home to you is his happy place that brings him peace, he wouldn't taint that by mixing personal and work.
Yaga is an authority figure. As principal he holds a certain status, while he doesn't care much for the authority he holds, he does need to be respected. It's therefor a mix between Gojo and Nanami, where he doesn't want to mix personal too much with work, but also doesn't wanna put a target on your back. Considering he is also the only one who knows how to make cursed dolls he is already the target of some people. Dragging you into all of this would only be harmful. The only one who really knows about you two is Panda, obviously.
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redrum-alice · 11 months ago
ABA x Paracelsus HCs that live in my mind rent-free, even though I haven't played the game--
Some of these HCs include other characters involved in their arcade mode.
ABA is no stranger to stalking people. So when she came across a lookout point, she saw many couples, mostly teenagers, making out and going on romantic dates. She wonders what it would feel like to be young and in love, rather than just declaring someone whom she met first glance as a "husband"
ABA's collection of keys were hidden somewhere in the pocket dimension. She sometimes uses them as accessories to adorn herself, despite the like of knowledge in fashion (the girl wears pants as a top--)
There are many shades of blue that ABA can pick from. Since Paracelsus turned himself blue, the shiny surface reflected more colors than just blue, inspiring her to try and appreciate other colors near the blue gradient.
Added to the color stuff, she eventually tries variation of outfits with other colors, but with blue as the base.
Paracelsus knows when she's feeling fatigued. When she's at her limit, he opens the pocket dimension and lets her rest there until she wakes up. ABA sees this as his love language, but unintentional on his part
Both ABA and Paracelsus have no clue on how homonculi biology works, and Paracelsus hates to admit he feels bad that ABA may be at risk of getting herself hurt without him knowing what to do
Paracelsus wishes he knows more about human anatomy because its the closest one to ABA's physiology.
Since ABA is clairvoyant, she often hears the spirits of their victims which she tries to ignore, and probably because she doesnt know the correct response to a wailing dead person wanting justice. When its too much, she asks Paracelsus if what theyre doing was justified and that she begins to regret her rage filled jealousy directed at those that dont even bother them.
Paracelsus keeps telling ABA that she needn't to worry because it was a necessity for the both of them-- something he deeply regrets to say because he knows she has strong principles that she live by despite not being a human
Paracelsus, deep down, is ashamed of himself for tainting ABA for the purpose of tending to his bloodlust. He saw how genuine and pure hearted she is, but it turned into malice because of his demonic origin. He begins to wonder what ABA would be like if she found someone else years ago.
Just like ABA, Paracelsus has an unspoken fear of abandonment, but since he lacks capacity to feel other emotions, he doesnt notice this.
Ever since Elphelt and Testament approached her with good intentions, ABA wanted to make more friends like them, but is scared that others have ill intentions toward her and Paracelsus.
ABA's favorite book would be Alice in Wonderland when she was still in Frasco, specifically the part where Alice was trapped in a room or multiple doors with the smallest door being the exit. ABA admires this because of the concept of escaping, especially that there's a key involved. (Im biased bc my name's Alice and i like this story--)
Besides door keys, she also collects windup key and smaller keys for chests and compartments. She sees this as a symbol for discovering new things, especially music when she came across a music box that needed a key
Speaking of music boxes, she associates this object with Elphelt bc of her musical talent (and that she may as well look like the ballerina spinning on the music box)
Other than doors, music boxes, and compartments, she also came across a small doll that needed a key. After she winds it up, it began walking and talking towards her and freaks her out. But when it said "mama" in a robotic voice, ABA contemplates and wonders if she was ready to become a parent somewhere in the near future when Paracelsus has a body. An impossible thought, but one could never be sure, and it scares her.
Butterfly Pea tea with brown sugar, or sparkling butterfly pea lemonade with honey would probably her favorite drink because of its color. She shares this with her hubby 🥰😋
There comes a time that her bandanges would get uncomfortable and smell bad from blood stains and wounds, so Paracelsus tells her she needs to change them before she gets an infection. He does stop her midway because he realizes she isnt wearing any undergarments and proceeds to take her in the pocket dimension.
Elphelt offers ABA to shop with her to pick clothes suited for her. The first thing she sees at the boutique display was a wedding dress and begins to day dream a wedding with Paracelsus. Without her looking, Elphelt happily buys the wedding dress with matching tuxedo and gives it to ABA, despite Paracelsus' protests (the fact that he hears them chatting about setting up the wedding next day had him ded on the spot :P)
ABA watches home video tapes left in houses unoccupied by their owners (abandoned or they went on vacation; ABA is a home intruder lol). She finds a tape labeled "Happy Day" and it plays a recording of a newly wed couple dancing at their reception. The way the couple moved gracefully tickled an idea in her brain and insisted she and Paracelsus should dance. But since the large key doesnt have any legs, her attempts in waltzing with him went nowhere 😅 (and this gave more reason for ABA to find a body for Paracelsus)
At late nights when ABA is asleep, Paracelsus wonders that if he had a body, would ABA still be shorter or they would be in the same height? Either way, he was impressed that she can keep herself up with that low weight despite her tall stature, more so on how she was able to carry him around without much muscle mass.
When he sleeps beside her, her hair unwittingly falls on his bow and feels how soft it is. A very pleasant feeling he won't admit.
Everyday, Paracelsus keeps reminding ABA that she needed to eat to gather strength. ABA often forgets to eat because its not hard wired in hr system, nor that it was even natural for her to eat in the first place.
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writingriver001 · 9 months ago
Obey me character hc 💙
🤍 Brothers and side characters 🤍
General hc of mine, a mixture of things I thought of, things my friends have thought of, and things I've seen online. Just move on if you don't agree, there is no reason to hate. ((Possible ooc? I haven't gotten too far in the game))
Requests are open 🩷
Lucifer ❤
- He and Satan have the exact same birthmark on the back of their neck.
- The first to tell Satan a few stories about Lilith
- Has scared Mammon a lot because he has a tendency to stand in a room and zone out while thinking, but the room is pitch black and he is silent.
- He went with Levi to his first cosplay con because Levi was too scared to go alone
- Likes cooking, a lot. Makes brilliant soups.
- His desk has many scratch marks from digging his nails into it when stressed.
- He has a matching ring with Mammon and a matching anklet with Asmo (He begged, Lucifer pretended to be annoyed but actually thinks it's really sweet.)
- He is attracted to all genders but has a preference for men.
- Has a lingering smell of coffee and ink, it's oddly comforting
- He always has a bowl of mints on his desk that he eats when he is sitting there
- Enjoys wearing Victorian style clothing
- Asexual and Non-binary I will die on this hill
Mammon 💛 (On mobile and I can't do yellow, sorry guys <3)
- Very cuddly. Like, extremely.
- He randomly leaves notes in his brothers' rooms, reminding them to eat, or drink water. Most of the time he shoves the note under the door, knocks and runs away. He tries to disguise his handwriting but everyone knows it's him (They pretend not to know.)
- Demi aroace.
- Has a minor fear of the dark
- Matching keychains with everyone (Including Diavolo, and surprisingly Barbatos. His favourite is matching with Luke.)
- Has awful eyesight and has to use contacts
- Adores wearing heels (Icon)
Leviathan 💙
- He wants to spend more time with his brothers but doesn't know how to ask so he paints Asmo's nails whenever he can, and often has random colours of nail polish under his fingernails or on his fingertips
- Really enjoys love songs
- Will randomly "boop" his younger brothers noses.
- Smells like the ocean/perfume (Asmo buys him different perfumes he thinks would suit him.)
- He doesn't really care what pronouns are used for him
- Non-binary
- Snake bites (piercing)
- ADHD + Autism
- Has a split tongue
- Has a small collection of feminine clothes in a drawer. Anxious about wearing them, but his brothers hype him up enough to get him to wear them around the house
- Hates showing his legs unless he is wearing shorts
- Has fangs
- He has pointy ears that are purple at the top
- HATES wearing matching socks for no reason
- Literally allergic to grass.
- Loves centipedes so much (They were a special interest of his for a while.)
- Tan skin, scale skin pattern across his body, it even goes up the side of his neck and ends on his right cheek, next to his nose
Satan 💚
- He has a cat plushie that sits on his lap when he reads
- When somebody he knows is wearing glasses while he is walking past, he will just grab them and run. They usually have to tackle him to get them back
- Smells like lavender and occasionally old books
- Trans guy (proof? The thing in my wardrobe said so)
- Part of his phone case matches with Asmo's
- Has a bar piercing in his ear, idk what its called
- Part of his hair is naturally black. He always dyes it but as his relationship with Lucifer improves, he lets is grow out and doesn't dye it
- Wears hairclips
Asmodeus 🩷
- Once convinced Lucifer to let him do his makeup. Lucifer let him do his eyeliner a couple of times after that.
- He genuinely loves onesies, specifically ones that have a hood
- Genderfluid, Can and will shapeshift to change his body depending on how he feels that day. Literally doesn't care about pronouns, say whatever
- Autism, Goes nonverbal when really upset
- Helps Levi with cosplays
- Used to beg Satan to read him bedtime stories occasionally to help him feel like he was part of the family like he was asmos older brother. It's become a routine for them at least once a week
- When he goes nonverbal he will go to Satan or Lucifer for comfort, and will cling onto them
- His special interest is snowglobes.
Beelzebub 🧡
- Loves cooking, but often eats it before he can show people what he made
- If he loves somebody he will randomly bite their hand/arm.
- He has matching T-shirts with Belphie and Asmo. Once a month they have a sleepover (Asmo will do their nails, they will watch films and eat snacks.)
- Chews his shirt sleeves when working
- Has an undercut
- Dark tan skin, freckles
Belphegor 💜
- He only wears socks with patterns
- He hates bugs. Absolutely hates them.
- He likes drawing patterns on his arm, or little farm animals.
- Loves strawberry milk for no reason.
- He hates the fact that pigeons can sit down.
- He has a bad habit of falling down the stairs, and he will just lie there for 10-15 minutes before getting up.
- Snake bites piercing
- Loves audio books (managed to get Satan to record one for him, and he listens to it often.)
- Autism
- Smells like fabric softener, general floral scent but a very specific brand
- Demiromantic
- They/He pronouns, but doesn't correct people or really tell them
- He won't admit it but human men were his bisexual awakening
- Dark skin, braids (What braids? No clue, my friends hc not mine personally.)
Diavolo ❤
- Has matching bracelets with mc
- He has this one mug that he will always use for tea/coffee/hot drinks and it's bright yellow. He loves it.
- Pointy ears + ear piercings
Barbatos 💚 (Another character I know little about)
- He has fangs
- He wears glasses to read
- He really struggles to show affection with words, he is better with actions
- Split tongue
Simeon 💙
- I actually have none for him... I don't really know anything about him actually 😭
Solomon 🩷
- He can only make sausage rolls. It's the only thing he can make, but nobody trusts his cooking
- Asmo is jealous, Solomon has really long eyelashes
- Likes to crochet
Luke 💜💜
- He teaches Solomon how to cook (Tries)
- He has accidentally called Simeon AND Lucifer dad before but denies it (They have no proof)
- Levi is his favourite brother, and he really looks up to him. He tried to bake Ruri-chan gingerbread people, but when it came to the decoration it didn't go the way he wanted it too so he got really upset. Levi absolutely loved them, thanked Luke and ate them all happily regardless. (I say all... I think we all know Beel got to a few)
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For a reason I can't tell you yet 🤐, I'm thinking a lot about Bryttalíf and Hálwinë today... Do you want to tell us some headcanons you have for them?
I WILL make my own headcanon public once it's not a spoiler for unpublished pHORSE chapters anymore! (Not that they will appear in pHORSE, only that the HC is related to some of my OCs who haven't had their big reveals yet!)
I am very intrigued that there is any kind of connection between my Háma’s family and a HC of your pHORSE story, and I look forward to hearing more about it (at the appropriate time of course)!
I’m about to unload probably way more than you ever needed/wanted to know, but I’m not sure the fic I was working on that would include a lot of this is gonna work so I might as well spoil it all! So, here’s a bunch about Háma’s family, which also naturally features lots of Háma himself!
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Art by @ rinthecap (I’ve got no art of Háma’s family but imagine he’s thinking about them!)
—Bryttalif (Brytta to her friends) was originally from Harrowdale. Growing up in the mountains gave her a hearty constitution — she was outdoorsy and strong and not afraid of hard work or getting dirty.
—Her father was a swordsmith, and they moved to Edoras when she was a teen because there was a bigger market for his work there. But a capital city is a more expensive place to live, and so Brytta trained as a midwife in order to add another income to the family. She was a natural, and by her mid-20’s she was the most popular midwife in Edoras, known for being especially calm and efficient.
—Because she was unmarried, she still lived at home. Her father was *extremely* domineering, and both Brytta and her mother spent a lot of their time trying to avoid upsetting him.
—He pushed her *hard* into a relationship with Grigan, the son of one of the wealthiest merchants in the city. She liked Grigan well enough — he was much nicer than her father, at least — and she wanted to please her parents, who clearly thought the match would be advantageous for all of them, so she tried to make Grigan happy even though she never loved him.
—That resulted in her getting pregnant while they were still courting, and Grigan freaked out. He ran, leaving Edoras to go stay at a family estate in the Westfold, and refused to acknowledge that he’d ever had anything to do with her.
—This obviously made things very hard for her — the gossips and scolds of Edoras had a lot to say about an unwed pregnant woman (fed by damage control from Grigan’s family), and her father, in particular, was furious with her for having “ruined” his plans. But into this chaos and unhappiness walked Háma!
—He met her by chance when he came to commission a sword from her father. (Their meet-cute is here as a WIP snippet.) They started to spend time together, and she fell for him hard, knowing almost immediately that she felt far differently about Háma than she’d ever felt about Grigan or any other man.
—She was (happily) shocked when he seemed to like her just as much. He didn’t care what anyone else thought of her (“a man of worth trusts in his own wisdom”) and wasn’t put off by the idea that she was going to have a baby (“often times the best things in life are those that were unlooked for”).
—There was quite a stir in town when people found out that Háma had taken up with her. It even came up when he was considered for promotion to captain of the king’s guards. One of the king’s advisors asked what it said about him that he was consorting with someone like Brytta; Háma answered that Brytta was clever and kind and brave, and so it said that he was a lucky man. (He got the promotion, obviously, with Théoden reasoning that a man of unshakable loyalty is exactly who he wanted in charge of his safety.)
—The stir quieted down fairly quickly once people realized the whole situation was a lot less interesting and salacious when there was a loving couple at the center of it. And in all the best ways, Háma and Brytta were boring — they got engaged and were happy and lived a quiet life with a small, tight circle of friends and family.
—When Hálwinë was born, Háma loved her like she’d always been in his plans. She was even registered as “Hálwinë, daughter of Háma” (Háma cried when Brytta asked him if he’d like to be Hálwinë’s legal father). When he and Brytta were finally married two months later, he carried Hálwinë through the whole ceremony.
—Hálwinë was an enormous daddy’s girl. She loved to braid his hair (badly), go for rides on his shoulders and listen to him tell stories. He was her first hero.
—It tickled her to see the other guards all treat him with the respect due to a superior — she didn’t totally understand it, but she could clearly see that her dad was Important and she agreed!
—Once he became door warden, she liked to visit him while he sat watch, and Théoden knew her by sight from how often Brytta brought her to Meduseld to see Háma, give him a hug and sit with him for a few minutes.
—(Incidentally, she became a bit fixated during these visits on Gríma, who she saw often. After Gríma scowled at her once, Háma told her that Gríma was a sad man who used his sadness as an excuse to be mean. This made her decide that Gríma just needed a friend, and so she tried repeatedly to befriend him, always waving and saying hi and sometimes bringing him little flowers she’d picked or a treat that Brytta had intended for her. Gríma found this very confusing and eventually told Háma to keep his brat away from him; this is the closest Háma ever came to murder.)
—Hálwinë was barely 6 when Háma died. She had a hard time truly understanding what had happened and would periodically ask Brytta when he was coming home. It wasn’t until the next year, when Brytta was able to take her to Helm’s Deep to see his grave, that it really sank in. She went back to visit him there regularly for the rest of her life.
—Brytta was 5 months pregnant when Háma died. She had a boy and named him Wilspell (“welcome news”). The need to care for Hálwinë and Wilspell carried Brytta through this extraordinarily painful time, along with the love and support of Háma’s sisters and the guards, who looked in on their old captain’s family often.
—Once Hálwinë and Wilspell (“Willie”) were old enough, Brytta went back to work and was the one to deliver Éomer’s kids because she was *still* the best midwife in Edoras and would be until she retired.
—Grigan came back to Edoras to take over his family’s business when Hálwinë was 13, and he and Brytta inevitably crossed paths. He sort of apologized, and she told him it was all for the best because things had worked out much better for her without him. She asked Hálwinë if she wanted to meet him, but Hálwinë had no interest in a father that wasn’t Háma.
—Brytta never remarried, though she had offers. When she died, she was buried at Helm’s Deep beside Háma, the only woman buried there among the war dead.
So…like I said, way more than you probably wanted! Thanks for asking and hope it wasn’t a total overload! (And yes, the Háma of my HC is a dream, he’s a dream based in reality — I borrowed the Háma - Brytta love story from an elderly relative of mine, who was pregnant and unmarried in the 40’s when she met the love of her life!)
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bimadabomily · 2 months ago
Chenford chats time!
Here’s a future-esque one
Do you HC they gave kids? If so, how many? Boys? Girls? Both?
And do you have names for them in your fanfiction universe?
Fun fun fun!
Yes! I have a long winded answer, but short answer is: yes to all.
I definitely headcanon them having kids. I always imagine three, (which I know is somewhat controversial since some people say just because that's what he mentioned with Isabel it doesn't have to apply to them, but I almost always HC three for all my ships LOL). I also want three, because I want them to be able to have at least one of each - I think Tim is meant to be a girl dad, and also should get the chance to be on the other side of a healthy father-son relationship. So I'd like them to first have two girls to really get that girl dad vibe going (to me girl dad means more than one!) and then a boy. (Of course three really ends on how dang long they ever take to GET THEIR SHIT FIGURED OUT and get to this point in canon.)
When I was writing fanfic for another fandom recently, that is long since off the air, there was a lot of great fic that is currently being written where people HC their whole future and a lot of authors would have their own little universes with kids and pets and etc. that take place post series and present day. I would LOVE to do that one day with Chenford - but I would wait until the show is over, to keep it as canon compliant as possible and just go from however it's left. Not that I honestly expect to ever see them actually have or name kids (face it, even if they have a kid who says it'll be named, ask Wopez bwahaha) within canon, but who knows if there's ever a hint at the end, etc. So whenever I write fics with kids now I DO include my girl first agenda, at least once I've alluded to two boys and a girl, a couple times that they have three, but I never name them! It's a weird thing I do, because when I was writing fic for Bones so many years ago, I named the baby before she was born on the show and after we got her real canon name my stories always felt awkward and out of place. So I leave the kids unnamed in the hopes that if they ever do have a firstborn girl we know about, we can always later imagine the girl in the sotry is the actual canon child when we read after the show ends. If that makes ANY SENSE AT ALL lol. (If they canonically have a boy first, well - whoops.)
I actually do have names chosen that I'd use. Have for like a year lol. They're just names I like and feel like fit - I'd headcanoned other names I like but they don't feel right - I've been lately leaning to Nora and Sophie for girls (Charlotte also a strong contender, but I've seen that used a lot). For the boy I haven't felt something that fits but I feel like it's a sort of classic shorter name like Milo or Liam or Theo. I'd love for their middle names to have a nod to Lucy's heritage somehow.
Anyway. Whenever the show ends expect me to channel all my fandom vibes into this post-series universe. If anything changes canonically I'd adapt it to that first!
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luvcryo · 2 years ago
Their Fanfic Trope - HC
Angst/fluff, not proofread, a little ooc
Includes: Albedo, Al Haitham, Childe x Reader [seperate]
Can you believe it I'm actually writing the things in my head instead of just thinking about writing them. I haven't even played genshin in like a month
Reblogs are greatly appreciated :>
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Hanahaki disease
-Ok reader having hanahaki disease is easy to imagine with Albedo
-But imagine albedo having the disease
-He adores you, he really does, but he doesn't want to admit it. Not only is he dangerous but he should focus on his research
-Then hanahaki disease hits him
-First he coughs up one or two petals, not a big deal, he gets weird side affects from his alchemy all the time, but after a few days the symptoms don't die down like normal, in fact they worsen, leaving him unable to breath at times
-So he goes to the Knights of Favonius library, it's possible someone else has experienced the same
-Thats when he learns about the disease
-And the only cure is to have his love requited
-But there's no way that would happen, you've made that clear
-You think he's aloof and far to engrossed in his alchemy, you have no interest in him
-He trys to keep it hidden, thinking that maybe if he falls out of love, he'll be cured somehow
-When you find out, thanks to sucrose, you do feel pity, but your empathy isn't enough to cure the disease
Al Haitham
Academic rivals to lovers
-No matter how hard you study day and night, no matter which classes you take or how many, you can't seem to surpass Al Haitham
-Honestly, you wouldn't really care that much about being below him academically, if it werent for that prideful smirk on his face everytime test scores on announced in the academia, with his as the top score, and yours as the second
-He congratulates you on getting such a hight score, in that arrogant and insufferable way, "even though you were just one correct question away from being first"
-Whenever he walkes into the room you feel annoyed, he makes you want to rip your hair out every time he opens his mouth
-You do feel you're heart race a little faster when he condescendingly congratulates you, but that's just because of your anger, of course
-And it was also your anger that made your face heat up when he asked you to study with him, it was because you were annoyed at his mocking tone, not because the thought of spending time alone with him made the butterflies in your stomach dance in excitement
-Y'know, maybe you will take him up on that offer. Only because you want to see how he studies so you can finally surpass him, definitely not so you can see that stupidly pretty face of his again
Fake relationship
-He's your superior, you're one of his best lackeys
-You don't really know the details, but he has a pretty simple mission. Get into this fancy party in Fontaine, follow around some big-shot, gather any information he has, and kill him when no one's around to watch
-Of course, when he asks you to help by being his pretend lover for the night, you accept. Anything to benefit the Tsaritsa
-As the night goes on though, you begin to wonder why he really needed you with him. Although the majority of people here were couples, finding someone alone wasn't a particularly rare sight, and he certainly didn't need you to get information, he's much better at that, so why did he want you with him?
-His hand around your waist, holding you close, felt a little to real. So did the way he offered to punch anyone who made you uncomfortable there, the glares he was giving to anyone who looked at you. The relationship between the two of you felt less platonic as the night went on
-It's not like you're feeling towards him were platonic either, what's not to love? He's kind to his family and close friends, he's handsome, and you have no reason to hide the work you do since you're both in the same buissness
-Never in a million years did you think he felt the same though, until tonight
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sugar-omi · 1 year ago
do you have any hc for mc's who are blind or deaf? I'd send a request but I don't wanna pile up your already full inbox.
don't worry about stuffing my inbox!! i love seeing how many of you like to share your thoughts or have smth you wanna talk abt, or want me to expand on something you're thinking about, all that stuff, i love it its great
Fluff ofc, headcanons, blind or deaf mc/reader
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i'm assuming you wanna ask on how the boys are with a blind or deaf mc
n they're all so sweet, n so helpful so i know it goes without saying if you need help bc of your blindness he'll help you walk through say a crowded place
and if needed, they'd help communicate for you
like I've seen deaf/HOH people say they struggle to communicate their wants at the nail salon (this one girl says she mostly gestures or shows pictures of what she wants, n in one video she said the nail tech misunderstood what she wanted)
so if you're worried about messing up, or being a bother, or anything like that, he'll come join you n help you communicate what you want
(yes he's right next to you getting his nails/toes done, ends up looking forward to the trip every time)
but omg i started thinking abt step 1 and... yk cove was going through it, and he can be stand offish or selfish (for lack of better word)
but i imagine if you, despite your blindness/deafness and whatever struggles that brings you- (especially if its a hurdle in trying to befriend cove)
- you try to accommodate and include your new neighbor in your summer activities
ofc he warms up to you, and he starts accommodating you too
i can see him writing or signing for you if needed (if you use sign to communicate, i'm sure he'd try to learn sign, even if its just the basics)
now this applies to any of the boys, but assuming you are totally blind, or have any form of impairment that blocks part of your vision or shrinks it
(i'm thinking abt this youtube couple where 1 of the husbands can only see through a very small hole in his vision, can't think of their name rn, and when i figure out their name or the name of his blindness i will come back!!!)
*found the channell!! "matthew and paul official"
*FIGURED OUT THE NAME OF HIS BLINDNESS!!! its retinitis pigmentosa
whatever type of blindness you have, won't stop them from showing you stuff or doing stuff with you
i can see him putting something in your hand or bringing your hand up to touch something so you can get the feel of it.
or if it's something he has he wants to show you, of course he patiently waits for you to analyze it n get the full visage like Paul does in this video here, where his husband asks if he's seen his face
or he'll describe it to you..
baxter would use such fancy, big, and/or poetic words that it's easy to imagine it, and you can't help but imagine it being better than it is but you have to laugh bc of his grandeur, its quite funny
(no matter what he saw, he'd definitely floof something up, you being blind or not. he's funny like that)
cove would feel pretty awkward bc he's shy, yknow how he is. but he always does his best to tell you how something looks and tries to share the sight, especially if it's something beautiful
derek is very animated, moving his hands and even moving your hands to help you envision it if it's something really grand. he's so excited to share what he saw (would also do this even if you aren't blind, i think he's very excited to share his sights n memories)
omg i didn't think about this until i found that channel i was talking about, but i can see the boys pulling breaks on you like how matthew does to paul (paul is the blind husband, just for those who haven't seen their videos)
very harmless pranks of course, like this one: where matthew switches his chips n dip, or this one where matthew puts pengroom plushies in the fridge
i love them they are so cute
now if you think your blindness is stopping baxter from asking you to dance, you are very wrong
he won't do elaborate spins n dips if you don't want to, won't do anything you don't want of course.
but he'd be very willing to slow dance or do the salsa or whatever you want depending on your comfort
could totally see him, when you're reconnected n dating (or friends ofc), putting on music n a song comes on he rlly likes n he pulls you into a little dance
takes your hand n ask if you wanna dance, or he'll be badly singing and he'll shake his hips n wave your intertwined hands in the air... jfc just imagine his big smile. pls he's so cute
ohhh cove showing you his shell collection, letting you touch every shell and carefully puts them in your hands, tells you the lovely colors they're in if you can't see em
or pulling you into the ocean, doesn't have to be far, just enough to get your feet wet. and he'll walk w you down the shore and he enjoys it as always
now I just looked it up. n there's several sports blind ppl can play in, and football n soccer is one of em (not sure the details)
so if you wanna play ball with derek, he's very happy to find out you can play together
again, depending on your type of blindness/impairment, he's happy to go to the amusement park with you n get face painting
no matter what, it thrills him I just know it
especially since you're probably holding hands/locking arms, the place is crowded and even more so at certain times and days
step 2 derek is very flustered to be so close, bc he's still holding his crushes hand/locked arms, even if he's helping you go through the park safely, he can't help being a bit happy about the proximity
jfc this spiraled so bad LOL i didn't think i had much to say but this stuff is actually so cute, just imagine it <333
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lovethetasteofnothing · 1 year ago
Hello! If you can, I would like a headcanon of Task 141 with a tiktoker s/o and see them doing a dance, you know, some tiktok trends. Thank you so much! <3
my apologies for this being so late, i haven't touched tiktok for months and have no idea what trends are currently popular
the clock app vs task force 141 | price, ghost, gaz, soap
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includes: captain john price; simon "ghost" riley; kyle "gaz" garrick; johnny "soap" mactavish
gn!reader, gender neutral terms of endearment
warnings: nsfw content, mentions of breeding kink (implied), brief smutty descriptions, horny jokes (it's all in price's hcs)
word count: 1k, aprox. 250 words/ character
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Captain Price
is so confused every time you start recording, like what are you doing?
you were just laying in his arms and decided to film a cute little tiktok because you wanted to join in the trend with your lovely husband
you looked back at it and you knew you couldn't post it, this man had the most confused face the whole time
"youngsters these days..." before picking your phone out of your hand and demanding cuddles
you tried on multiple occasions to show him tiktoks that you found funny
he just stared blankly, trying to figure out what you found funny at them
but you show him one dad humor tiktok and he's daying laughing??
watches tiktoks over your shoulder while you cuddle him
since he won't do trends with you, you might as well do them alone
so you decided to record a very pg 13 lies tiktok trend in front of him
just to spite him
we can all agree he has a breeding kink, yes? good luck with that mating press, soldier
and because you love him so much and respect his opinion so dearly, you ask him opinions on which tiktoks you should post
doesn't see the point of this but is supportive nonetheless
you use the opposite of what he chooses, sorry pop
until you accidentally stumble across some older thirst traps you recorded
he just stares at you, makes you send them to him
for safe keeping yk
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
"tiktok is for kids, luv" you just stare at him in disbelief for a minute (in my mind he's like early 30s)
you tried to explain that it's almost the same thing-
pretended not to hear you and went on with his day
but oh it's no longer a kid's app when you started doing the dancing trends
literally watches you doing them from the corner of the room
"you're not posting that, are you?"
he'd probably take your phone and delete it for safety but he doesn't know how to
you also try and make him do couple trends
random stage fright where he just 🕴️and doesn't move at all
confuses you because you have seen him scold a whole group of recruits before and then bark out orders to them with no problem
but you put a little phone with some music on it in front of him and he just error 404s
god forbid you have one good attempt and put this man on the internet
you dragged him into ONE trend and the video went viral
never again, you had to turn off comments
didn't even show him because... i mean we know, you're not feeding his ego any more today
its already so high, he doesn't need to see the step on me daddy comments
he also watches tiktoks over your shoulder, tells you to slow down because you're swiping too fast and he can't read
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
type of person to have cooking videos appear when he's hungry and can't eat (me)
also type of guy who has random facts on his fyp but he actually goes to check if they're accurate
he either sends you 20 tiktoks in five minutes or 3 in two weeks
he actually does send you good tiktoks, i'll give him that
fairly normal feed (for your standards at least)
he'd argue with people in the comments about random misinformation
does cute tiktok trends with you
makes you get all dressed up for them because he wants everyone to know what a cute partner he has
i feel like he'd have a fairly large number of followers just because he's a man in uniform-
you both giggle at the simping in his comments
kisses you while telling you you're the only one who can have him
posts you so so much because he just loves to have little memories with you in his posts
i feel like he does the different outfit trends with you
overdressed bf x overdressed partner energy
knows all of the slang, trends, sounds and references them randomly
they appear on his feed before they do on yours
randomly pulls you aside and uses those "which blank are you" filters
redoes them because he's not happy with his result, also goes into a random analysis as to why it doesn't match him
"it's just a filter, kyle" you tell him because he won't stop until he gets his favorite thing
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Johnny "Soap" Mactavish
this man right here sends the wackiest tiktoks with no explanation
like you just wake up with 10 tiktoks in five different genres and one of them is a poorly edited 3d animation (iykyk)
and if you ask him he just says it's funny???
also the type of person to find random misinformation about his field of work and send it to you complaining
doesn't last long
he finds another weird video and sends it right after the rant
starts recording randomly while you're talking to him
you don't notice until he shoves the phone in your face and records you mid sentence
he loves to see you doing trends (went wild for American horror show when you did it)
this man learned the dance with you and did it better
biggest fan of you posting thrist traps
there's just something about knowing that other guys are thirsting over you but he's the only one who can have you
helps you pick the best one to post and reads the comments with you
makes you post a couple tiktok right after, his account tagged and everything
has the weirdest profile pic and username
that plank/pushup training filter that was trending a while ago?
he did it like five times to impress you, makes you watch each one and give him your opinions
doesn't post anything, lets you do the bragging
he and gaz stole your phone once and recorded like 20 tiktoks with the same sound
all of them were showing how they almost burned you guys' kitchen down
they were used as proof against them
divider cred: @/cafekitsune
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neutrallyobsessed · 4 months ago
obviously u like topher x joan but how far does it really go? just curious cuz ur always making fanart and even fanfiction about them
Yeah, drawings, drabbles, edits, comics, collages, smut, videos, everything two dimensional I can manage! when I get a better computer with a good video editing software and a animation program it's all over for y'all~~♥!
I FUCKING SHIP IT WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♡ww♡
What made you ship it?
I fell down the "this is a pretty funny ship" to "hol up this actually makes a lot of sense, this ship kinda fire" to "these motherfuckers have consumed my every thought and its GREAT!!!" pipeline xdd.
The more I thought about it, the better it sounded, the more ideas I had, EVERYTHING CLICKS SO PERFECTLY WTFFF
It do be like a sliding scale with me in the middle approving a het ship with Joan where sliding negative leads her with Confucius and sliding positive she ends up with Topher lolxd
What are your favorite things about the ship?
WHERE TO BEGIN!!!!! Well, they are terrible people and can always get worse, either doing shenanigans and bothering everyone in the process or just ignoring everyone to be in their own world~~
Age gap, people. It might be a technicallity but they do be 20 years apart and thats like, the best thing ever and the OW/YM strikes again so it's EVEN BETTER!!!!! And with their unconvencional tastes, they'd have A LOT of stuff to share and talk about and teach and learn and they could have so much fun with their niche lil hobbies and references that nobody but them could get and memes that could scar the average angloparlant for life!
And they both have this,,, love for nostalgia (not as apparent in topher, ill concede that its more of a hc) so reminiscing about the past or catching up with things they never lived could be so themmm and so fun to explore~~!!
To bring back something I said earlier, I also really dig the isolation of it all. How Joan feels betrayed by everyone but Topher is there to give her all the attention and devotion that she wants. I haven't decided if they'd finish school or drop off earlier but they do feel like a couple that could ride into the sunset to never be seen again as they build a new life for themselves~~.... it's just that after what happend, I don't see her going back to her old and new friends, but I totally see Topher manipulating all that he can to keep it that way, including Joan. They do be having some unhealthy clinginess towards each other and that's soooo damn good >w<
And yeah, I like Topher getting positive female attention, he looks cute when he likes girls and whoever said that they turned Joan into y/n was so right she really is very easy to project to x_v
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
That's the fun part! As the Queen of Joanpher, is everyone else the who may have an unpopular opinion, my word is law and the other 3 shippers are pretty much in similar Joanpher wavelengths. It is a very instinct ship, ya either get it or ya don't. I don't care and don't have to care bout what non shippers have to say btw 737
Joanpher tastes like: EVERYTHING!! I have eaten so many delicious foods, of many flavors and textures, and when it's Good I go uff si esto es muy joanpher =w=~ but if I had to pick one dish, it'd be The Brochette! Anything you can cook in a stick and directly on the fire cause it's hot as hell~♡! Any type of meat, any kind of vegetable, oil, sauce, sugar, salt, caramel, tender, crunchy, mushy, firm, literally all!! The most important part is that it must be eaten out of the metal stick, like gnawing meat out of the bone, cause it's both raw and wild plus ~elegant and sophisticated~
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happiness-of-the-pursuit · 1 year ago
20 fic writer questions
Thanks to all of y'all, @read-and-write- @daisymae-12 @inexplicablymine @celaestis1 @kiwiana-writes, for the tags!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
18 including my catch-all for drabbles which I update sporadically
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Red, White and Royal Blue as of right now
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Super Six Take a Lie Detector Test | Vanity Fair
Prince Henry and FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz Answer the Web’s Most Searched Questions
Prince Henry and FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz Take a Couples Quiz
10 Things Alex Claremont-Diaz Can’t Live Without
Y'all love a YouTube/scriptfic, plus the Alex bias is showing y'all 👀👀
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, always, they are the air I breathe, the water I drink, etc. Comments are pretty much everything to me especially at this stage of my writing, I totally get why people with a greater readership may not be able to do this.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really have angsty endings lol I'm such a fixer; I wrote a drabble where they're elderly and moving out of the brownstone (I hc them always living there) and so that's a bit sad.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
My fics all pretty much have happy endings but the happiest has to be for my 5+1 Water over Blood (five times a member of the Royal family loved Alex, and one time they loved Henry; featuring FirstPrince as uncles). It's so sweet you'll get a cavity.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No and I'm such a people pleaser it would be a Tough Time
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not really, if it's part of the plot I mostly have made allusions and faded to black. For some WIPs it's genuinely part of the plot so that'll change and I'm probably gonna need some help lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Kinda. PJO x RWRB WIP and my PJO x Grey's Anatomy are the closest, but they're not really true crossovers, we just put the RWRB characters in the Riordanverse for PJO and I heavily drew on Grey's as an influence for the other one, but they're not at Seattle Grace.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge, it would be an insane honor though
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
We will never shut up about PJO x RWRB, Super Six and the Siren's Call, which I'm currently co-writing with @read-and-write- and @inexplicablymine and it's literally a life-changing experience.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Percabeth probably wins in terms of length of time (I shipped them before shipping was a thing), but FirstPrince will probably be up there when it's all said and done.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
So I have a doc with an AU of someone else's RWRB fic which is one of the biggest barriers to me making more progress on it b/c I feel weird about that, their story just totally inspired an idea and I had to get it down on (digital) paper
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty solid at dialogue and one-liners, especially with funny lines, even though I wouldn't necessarily call myself a funny person. Same with funny titles.
I feel so weird saying what I'm good at, but I also think I'm really nailing Alex's characterization, both inner monologue and his dialogue. I also recently realized I'm pretty solid at writing Nora I think? @read-and-write- and @inexplicablymine will have to verify, they've read that WIP
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actions, I just want to be like "and then this happened and then this happened and then everything was fixed." I just haven't mastered artfully describing movement between spaces for example.
Also sometimes I'll rush to get to a certain scene because I'm writing chronologically, so then I have to go back and make the middle part of the story better because I neglected it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm...okay. I feel mildly confident in writing Spanish, but I double check using SpanishDict and triple check with @read-and-write-(God Bless You). Anything more than a couple of words/a sentence or two and I'm not there, I definitely try to use English writing structure for the Spanish language which simply doesn't line up perfectly.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Officially: RWRB, unofficially: HP, as a kid I just wrote my own post-canon stories and created tons of fan art
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'm gonna cheat and say two:
proudest for plot/writing reasons: How well you play...that's up to you (Grey's-inspired fic)
favorite YouTube fic: ALEX CLAREMONT-DIAZ COMMUNES WITH HIS ANCESTORS WHILE EATING SPICY WINGS | Hot Ones (this idea inspired me to write the whole series)
also the PJO AU is probably going to be my favorite very soon
I kind of let these build up so sorry if I missed someone's! No pressure tags but I'd love to see your answers! @raysletters @heybuddy-drabbles @14carrotghoul @sherryvalli @affectionatelyrs @littlemisskittentoes :)
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yellowjacketslesbian · 1 year ago
What are some fics you’d like to write someday, but don’t necessarily have the time for right now?
hey!! sorry it took me forever to answer this, I've been pretty inactive on tumblr the last couple weeks (ironically because I've been writing a lot lol). I love this question!
there are so many fics I want to write eventually but don't have the time to write for at least a few months with other wips.
these aren't new fics, but I really want to finish the two fic story arcs I started pre-S2 (Someone Who Makes You Feel It and Your Love is Tried & True Blue) that I really struggled to revisit during and post-S2. I only have three installments left in Someone Who Makes You Feel It and I really would like to revisit my pre-S2 imagining of adult Van and taivan's reunion before S3, even if it is all wildly contrary to canon. I just would love to write them a happier ending than what they'll likely get in canon. I'm also interested in revisiting Your Love is Tried & True Blue particularly after seeing all the heartbreak of those years spent apart that could've been avoided by them reuniting 20 years sooner and I have two (possibly three) fluffy, slice of life style chapters planned, I just need the time to write them.
I also really want to revisit the There She Goes Again universe in the future, but I haven't quite decided what that will look like, yet.
(I also plan on revisiting my taivan pride fic next June).
as far as new fics that are planned for the far-off future:
a vannat friendship centered pre-crash fic of them working a summer job together with some background pre-relationship taivan.
a very angsty taivan breakup songfic (sometime pre-S3)
I have a few prequels to It's Nice to Have a "Friend" planned for the near future including Taissa's pov of figuring out she liked Van and Tai's pov of the party where she got jealous while Van remained oblivous.
I also really want to write a no crash taivan proposal and wedding fic eventually, but I'm still deciding how to approach it. plus, I want to write more no crash fluff fics in general to cope with canon lol
a 10 things I hate about you taivan smau
I also have two fics that I'm putting off until I'm a bit more confident writing in Tai's pov (I didn't even attempt alternating pov until like August of this year, so I'm really still getting comfortable writing in Taissa's voice).
The first is a one shot expanding on this hc I shared on tumblr a few months ago. I just think it would be really interesting to explore how Taissa dealt with (more like supressed) her breakup from Van while living in the city that had really always been Van's dream city for law school. I also would love to use the fic to explore how other tai may have coped with the separation from Van (especially when it wasn't her decision).
Then, I also want to do a semi-sequel to that first one shot of the events of S1 & S2 in 2021 entirely from other tai's pov. I have always really felt that other tai also loves Van, and like it must've been so hard for her to wake up after 20 something years without the only person she had ever really loved and counted on beside her. in a lot of ways, I really think the entire situation was also frightening for other tai. I honestly have a lot of empathy for her, and I would just love to explore the entire situation from her perspective more.
and then, outside of taivan, I really would love to work on a few fics for jesslupe, I've loved the ship forever but haven't contributed any fanworks. also, jeanviv (from Blue Jean) because I really relate to Jean a lot and I feel like their romance is such an incredible portrayal of butch4butch love in media, but I don't believe there are any fics for them, yet.
anyway, thanks again for asking this!! I really hope I can get around to writing all of these eventually.
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masschase · 1 year ago
shaunviola for the ask meme :]
Question ask meme (feel free to send more, I like this format)
When I started shipping it if I did:
Directly from tumblr! I think the first time would have been in a piece by iilovebeam though I think I saw other people's art of them too. I was just like OOH! Like I'd not really thought about it but the moment I did, I saw an interesting dynamic there.
My thoughts:
I mean I adore them. I make no secret of the fact I can sometimes end up a little bored once couples are together and there's no friction and so on. With Shaunvi there's a lot to play with. I think it was the first kind of secondary ship I decided to add to my fanfic, though I believe it wasn't the first to appear as I wrote everything so out of order.
What makes me happy about them:
They start from this place of a lot of tension established in canon, and I just love the idea of Viola having this attraction to Shaundi right off the bat but her being like... untouchable? Unavailable? Like she almost starts off a goal; a grown-up version of the more unusual girl trying to win the popular girl over as a friend, but it becomes more than that as she falls hard for her. From Shaundi's perspective there is this huge barrier though, she can't even allow herself to think about it because Viola is involved in Johnny's death. That barrier breaks in my hc when Shaundi finds out Johnny is actually alive, because that really was her sticking point above all else. From then on they start a rather intense relationship. I was going to say short but it's about a year long so short is pretty subjective. They're a bit on again off again after that; they fizzle out romantically but they remain friends and they also maintain this spark sexually.
What makes me sad about them:
Because my universe is canon obviously it's never going to work out because Viola dies 🥲 I obviously had that in mind when I decided not to have their relationship cover the whole 2016-2020 period because I think Shaundi would very much struggle to recover from that in a way my other characters who lose people have strong defences against. It also just didn't fit what I wanted for them, I wanted them intense and passionate and I think that either settles into something else or it ends.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I mean I haven't actually read any fanfic that features them I don't think, I included them briefly in mine but didn't tag them as a pairing bc that would annoy me if they were tagged but not a main pairing and only in it for five seconds. Actually I wish I'd woven them into my own story in a more interesting way, but I was so far in when I came across the pairing. It kind of works though because we see Shaundi's disdain adapt quite suddenly after finding out about Johnny. I guess I wouldn't like to see anything too cheesy or boring for them? Nothing that's like love at first sight, instantly getting along when Viola joins because while canon devation is fine it would also remove a lot of what I like about them. I would accept a well written happy ever after for them! But they need some tension in the lead up. Obviously hc them however you want, this is just about what I'd personally enjoy reading! 😊
Things I look for in fanfic:
Honestly any interesting portrayal of the relationship would draw me in. I'm not super picky. I've not read fic of them but every angle I've seen for them on tumblr I've absolutely loved. Pining, angst, awkwardness, well written smut; a lot of standard things I like would work.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
So for main universe, Shasha (Shaundi x Asha) is something many of you know I have an interest in. I think they would have an interesting dynamic but plotting out an actual storyline for them is quite different. These things come with time for me though they just pop into my head at random times. If I don't find a route for them romantically I'd love to see them living together in a QPR type situation! I'm also a little... just a little curious about Shaundi x Kinzie. That would be more AU though, as would Shaundi x Casey. There are quite a few I can see for Shaundi.
As for Viola, main universe she's dead so I'm going to just go cracky and say Violin? Yeah I feel like some people are going to think "oh, well, you're the self-appointed ship name guy so you would", and... they have a point. 😆 It's really quite hypothetical as I don't really make anything with the afterlife, but if I did, there would have to be a heaven x hell ship. I think they'd kind of click. AU where she lives though? I'd say most likely an OC tbh. If Casey's the Boss it doesn't really fit for more than a fling type thing, but the idea of Viola x Boss really appeals to me for a more fitting Boss, because they gave her a pretty big chance in SR3 and I'd like to know what would come from that. Imagine the early days and them just being the one who's on her side, y'know? 🥲
My happily ever after for them:
So I guess in terms of what fits my mostly canon+ universe, I did have a possibility of Viola being in the pods after all due to a mix-up, very much a "here's how Shaunviola can still win" thing tbh. They could potentially be together on Ragnarok. But I guess I don't really see that theory as an actual part of my canon nowadays, and again, idk if I have a story for them there yet. If I do I'll likely share it 😊
Who is the big spoon/little spoon:
I guess I see Shaundi as the big spoon most of the time. She's the more physical of the two but it's more than that. I just think Viola has this insecurity about whether Shaundi really cares for her and always will. When Shaundi holds her it just reinforces that this is all willing and that she loves her.
What is their favorite non-sexual activity:
So in my hc they both like to dance, that's a pretty straightforward one. I can see them going out while in the "off" phase of on/off and winding up slow dancing 🥲 I think they prefer nights out over nights in but maybe they would enjoy cooking together with a bottle of wine or two. I also have an image of them cycling out of town and looking down at everything from high places. I feel like it's easier for these two to find what they really cherish about each other when there's no distractions, just peace and quiet.
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x-neurodivergent-reader · 1 year ago
Heyy i Hope You’re Doing well! I’m a new writing acc and I don’t really have any requests or an audience, can I please ask for your advice on how to start writing more or gaining an audience, because I struggle to write without any ideas being given or a prompt list.
Sending love!! Byee
Hello, welcome to the world of writing fanfiction! Since this might get a bit rambly, I'll stick my advice under the cut. I'll also break it up into categories, and bold the most important parts, just for easier readability.
Writing a particular niche/experience
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how universal my experience with writing/the following I built is, because my blog is directed towards a specific niche? It was genuinely a case of there being very few fics directed at/including neurodivergent readers, deciding "fine, I'll do it myself", and then the people who also wanted more of such fics were drawn to my writing as they came across it.
As such, writing one or two things based on your unique personal experiences (that you're comfortable sharing) might be a good start?
Your blog doesn't have to be centred around those experiences for you to write about them, and it doesn't have to be very specific, either (a few of my first posts were literally HCs for "[character] x Autistic!Reader - Established Relationship"). My more specific/unique ideas came along as I wrote more, and from the requests that came in over time.
There'll always be someone out there who not only relates to your experiences and feelings, but is waiting to see themselves in your stories!
Prompt lists (even without anyone to send them!)
Other than that, though: there's no shame in starting with a prompt list! Even if there's no one to give you a prompt yet, you might be able to find a small list, and then put the numbers/prompts into a random name picker to choose it for you?
I've just had a look for some examples, and a lot of prompt lists tend to be fairly long, from what I'm seeing (around 15-25 prompts seems to be the average) - but I've found this blog, that has some smaller lists to choose from. If anyone else knows of any others that anon might find useful, feel free to share them here!
An extra bit of advice...
This isn't really relevant to your question, but is the No. 1 bit of advice I would give to a new fic writer: figure out what you are/aren't comfortable writing before you start taking requests.
When I got my first request, the requester ended up having to change it a couple times, because I hadn't considered that, for example, someone could request a character I wasn't familiar with - leading to the "don't request characters I haven't already written for" rule in my guidelines. In hindsight, I'd recommend writing several fics before you start taking requests, so you have a better idea of what your boundaries are, and can list them out for people to take note of. It'll save you, and the requesters, a lot of trouble!
It's also important to not let anyone intentionally try to break those boundaries (e.g. by blatantly guilt-tripping you). While it's wonderful to have people appreciate your writing enough to want to see more from you, they aren't entitled to cross the line like that - it's OK to stand up for yourself. Do no harm, take no shit, etc. etc.
And that's all I've got!
I hope this was at least a little bit helpful - again, I'm not sure how universal the way my blog grew is, but hopefully there's something you'll be able to take away from this!
I hope you have fun writing! c:
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thecloudstan · 9 months ago
(Part 1) Sharing an idea I've been crafting with in my head for angst reasons: Claudia is a loving mother and I totally headcanon her to be supportive of whoever Cloud's partner is, regardless what their sex or gender, but seeing how incredibly sexist/toxic Nibelheim is and how they shunned Claudia because she wanted more than simple village life in ToTP and then the village's further mistreatment of Cloud when he a CHILD, I've gotten the idea that Nibelheim may look down on same-sex couples.
(Part 2) The devs confirmed in "Rebirth" that homosexuality is generally accepted in the world (yay!), but I don't believe that aren't any bigots that exist in the FFVII world, either. Going with this idea, I'd like to HC that there's a tiny part of Cloud that is scared how his mother would react if she knew that he was in a relationship with a man because his whole life was surrounded by people who hurt his mother and him for not fitting the "mold", even though he rejects such backwater views. (Part 3) Of course, being the awesome mother she is, Claudia would be happy for Cloud and assures him that he shouldn't worry what other people think of him, especially by the judgmental folks in Nibelheim, or anywhere else. Claudia would happily welcome Cloud and his partner to visit her in Nibelheim without fear or shame. (And if anyone has a problem with it, she'll go full mama bear mode!) Hearing this would move Cloud to tears, and it will fill him with so much relief and happiness. End. 🥹
I'm not even finished with ToTP yet and I'm already surprised by the villagers in Nibelheim. Although, I guess that whole theme of 'small town, small mind' can be pretty universal. Young people leave their small backwater towns (myself included) because of a lack of opportunity and/or a conservative mindset that never changes if people don't live in close proximity to those who are different from them. Both could be true for Nibelheim. Clearly the treatment of Cloud's family is enough to draw such a conclusion. Maybe some of the villagers who are younger would find same sex relationships to be more foreign than taboo, and might even act bizarre because they just haven't had the exposure. Older ones might have an overtly negative view. It's hard to say.
There is definitely discrimination of certain kinds in the world of FF7 (thinking about how people in Midgar talk about Wutaians in Remake), although general exploitation tends to be the main theme in terms of oppression and even the nature of the Wutaian/Midgar conflict is borne from that. It's economical as opposed to cultural. Shinra repeatedly pushes the world to the brink through socioeconomic monopoly and fascism, but the actual core cultural differences don't seem to be a feature of why all the factions (Midgar, Junon Replublic, Wutai) detest one another. Kind of an interesting, almost Trekkian means to create conflict without alienating the player...I'm careening off topic.
I don't personally like to project our real world hang-ups onto the world too much because of the extremely specific nature of it. If you're in the west, a lot of rampant homophobia is rooted in somewhat modern interpretations of religious texts (I'm being intentionally vague here, I'm not going to get into this shit on a fandom blog), so it can feel strange to imagine how that would be expressed even in Nibelheim. I guess an old world desire to have a big family to work the land or whatever? Something more akin to 'traditional family survival' than 'THAT AIN'T RIGHT.' I don't know. I get where you're coming from, though. And I think ultimately the point is that Claudia would be supportive, which she obviously would. She clearly feels that her son hung the moon, and I don't think it's just because he went off to become a SOLDIER. I'm sure their bond was extremely intense (coming from a child of divorce/single parent home), especially given the treatment she received from the other villagers. She likely tried her best to shield him from it, but I'm certain there were quiet moments alone when it was overwhelming for her. It would only be natural for her to fear that Cloud would be treated poorly for being different (he already is), and she was probably delighted when he chose to leave for a better life. Sad, but hopeful he would find his tribe (and his way). I wouldn't mind if the Remake series gave us a few more memories Cloud has with her, a little more window into their lives before everything went to shit. Maybe in the Mideel bits, we'll see.
This went super long and I kind of rambled, but I had a lot of feelings that I wanted to share. I know you sent me some follow-ups so my response to those may seem redundant now, but I'll get to them!
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