#I haven’t thought about the night at the museum in like five years
the-rat-eatery · 4 months
Why are all the posts on my dash night at the museum? Am I missing something? It’s not even trending? It’s not like I’m upset they’re good posts I’m just confused??
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ryuzakemo128 · 12 days
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Grim Reaper Part Five
Pairings: Poly 141 x female reader / female reader x her mental health x König
Content Warnings: Kidnapping, breaking and entering, mention of one-night stand, pregnancy from one-night stand, mention of past divorce, mention of miscarriage, possessive & obsessed Austrian man.
Words: 1426
Masterlist - Prequel - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven
Supernatural AU - Poem
Credit for Dividers: @cafekitsune + @strangergraphics
Summary: “I have nothing to say to you.” You spat. “You decided to step out of the relationship. I just decided I didn’t want to wait for someone who didn’t want me.”
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You should have known better than to think he would have ever let you go. You were a fool to think you would be able to outrun him, Maus. Nine years of marriage to you. It wasn’t his fault his affair partner caused your first miscarriage. How was he to know that she would have done that to you?
“I have nothing to say to you.” You spat. “You decided to step out of the relationship. I just decided I didn’t want to wait for someone who didn’t want me.”
König frowned as he sat across the table from you. “You left first.” He stated. As if anything he could ever say would bury anything he had done.
You were back in Austria. The same place you were so determined to leave behind all those years ago. The main reason why you moved into the cabin in Alaska. You missed the chill the Alaskan air had, the way it soothed your nerves, and the sauna you had in your backyard. Which you used when you felt overwhelmed or even overstimulated.
You looked into his blue eyes, you wouldn’t be moved by them like you were when you were young and naïve about the world. Not anymore. “What do you want from me?” you asked. You didn’t bother hiding the venom in your tone.
You slept with him. A one-night stand months ago. You didn’t understand why you did it at the time. Perhaps you were drunk or too drunk to notice it was him instead of someone else. You were pregnant again. You didn’t want to risk another miscarriage. Though the question hung in the back of your mind. How did he find out?
You didn’t tell him. You haven’t spoken to him in years, or at least in the past few months. This is the first time you spoke to him sober. How much does he know? What does this six foot ten sized man child know of it?
Silently, hoping they would find you before you decided to do something stupid or make a decision based on your own stupidity. You thought about picking the locks on the handcuffs and sprinting for the door. Something kept you from doing so. You didn’t know what it was. It must have been the photo of you that you happened to spot on the writing desk inside the room he locked you inside.
A spacious white room, beige walls and a chandelier that looked like it belonged to a museum exhibition than a cottage in the middle of the countryside of Austria. The large oil paintings decorated the walls must have been switched out since you have last stepped inside. You barely recognise the room you’re in now. It felt more sterile. Business-first, home second. Just like much of the rest of him.
The home you once thought of making with him, long gone by now. A blissful memory in a sea of ongoing mistakes. Him being the biggest one you made. You were sure to tell him when you sold the furniture you personally bought when you were living with him. No trace of your personality remained for any onlooker to discern. He was deployed when you left him. You were long gone by the time he got back.
You were indifferent to his thoughts; escape from your home-turned-nightmare was all that mattered. You were kind in leaving him a letter. Poetic. Subtle. Called him a lamb because by the time you were done sobbing. He was a lamb in your eyes. No more, no less.
The combination of the fluorescent lighting, the background noise, and the god-awful socks he put on your feet. Sent your mind spiralling in a mess of overstimulation. So many things going on a once, you wanted to puke and scratch your face off all at the same time. You expected this was his doing. Keeping your mind totally fucked, enough to keep you from making any rational decisions.
When you finally passed out on the super king-sized bed decorated in crimson red silk sheets and a black duvet. König had your meals brought in through a maid young enough to be your little sister or your niece. Which you have more of those than nephews at this stage of your life now.
Though you suspect this is due to being the eighth and final sibling. The youngest one of the lot. At times, it was clear who the favourites were, not that you would say anything about it at the time. As it wouldn’t have changed anything either way. Words were said about you to your face and behind your back enough times for you to go low contact with them. At least, at the time, it made sense for you to do such a thing. Looking back on it now. Maybe it wasn’t so much of a good idea.
Who knows now. You got married too young? Perhaps. You were expecting things to move at a faster pace? Not really. You had expectations and felt let down by the outcome. Though those expectations weren’t even high to begin with. You met Simon and Soap first, you were about to head out into a mission when you told them about the affair König is having. You weren’t thinking about who you were talking about to. You thought they’d ignore you or tell you to pipe down or something.
You still remember the conversation and how it played out to this day. It was the soothing memory you had all to yourself. You had no intention of telling him. A secret you would take to your grave no matter what happened to you in life.
“I found out about the affair the same time as I miscarried.” You started the conversation with Soap and Ghost that way. Which took them off guard. You must have been so tired at the time. As you rarely spoke to them. “I feel like a naïve idiot. I want the earth to open up and swallow me whole.”
Soap and Ghost exchanged a glance, their expressions filled with concern. “Hey, it's okay to feel that way,” Soap said softly. “Losing a child is incredibly painful.”
“And finding out your husband was cheating on you during such a difficult time? That's a betrayal,” Ghost added.
“It feels like a mismatch of double jeopardy and cosmic injustice," you continued, your voice trembling slightly. “I feel like a stale egg sandwich left out in the sun for two hours.”
It was the first conversation of the many, of them talking you into leaving the man for good. Soap said, “You deserve more than a man who thinks he can use you whenever and however he wants to.” Soap continued, a quiet rage building inside of him. “He doesn’t respect you now or ever. You don’t need him. He needed you.”
Ghost chimed in with, “I'm sure he won't notice you gone either. Think about it, he doesn't know of your work with us because he would rather be nose deep with another woman's business.”  Ghost continued, a quiet rage simmering just below the surface. “He's a selfish prick who doesn't deserve you.”
On the way back home you passed out, you were back at Austria at the time and slowly, yet surely you started to pull away from the relationship. The first thing you started doing was pulling your money into buying a cabin in the Alaskan wilderness, you started selling bits of furniture you couldn’t afford to take with you to Alaska.
By the time, König had any kind of inkling of what was happening around him. You were already gone, and you had no intention of coming back to a man who didn’t feel like being faithful was something he ‘had’ to do in any kind of way.
Seeing him there in the doorway now, it felt like a different world entirely, and you didn’t know how to feel about it either. An entire world away from the one you started to build with task force 141. Something they gave you, it couldn’t be taken from you in the same way he did to you. “I don’t need you anymore. I have a new life somewhere. You should have gone on to that ‘pretty young thing’ you had.”
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starsstuddedsky · 8 months
Doyoung as your brother's best friend...
(wc: 1.7k, non idol au, mentions of food, alcohol, reader has a mother/family, i really dont know what this is)
who you were always fond of because he was way nicer to you than your brother ever was growing up (a pretty low bar, but a win is a win)
he graduates before you and you see him only a couple times a year when your brother would hang out with him, which fizzles out and suddenly you realize you haven’t seen him in five years 
you finish college and get a great job offer except it’s a city five hundred miles away from home and you don’t know anyone, until your mother mentions Doyoung moved there a year or so ago and says something like you should reach out
to which you think no thank you but you politely say you’ll see what he’s up to 
and you don’t give it a second thought, you meet a few friendly people at work and try to call your old friends as much as you can but loneliness has a way of seeping into the empty corners of your room and the quietness of 9:56pm on a Tuesday 
so you figure a hinge date or two isn’t the worst idea
hey, guess what’s the worst idea? 
the first man you decide to go on a date with spends the first hour bragging about his job and how he’ll be able to retire by the time he’s 35 and simply does not stop talking about himself
you’re sure you’ve given help me eyes to every person that’s walked past but no one takes pity on you, until you’re looking into a familiar pair of eyes 
Doyoung doesn’t hesitate to stride up to you, saying “I’ve been looking everywhere for you, why haven’t you been looking at your phone?” and “The doctor’s say he won’t make it much longer!” 
it isn’t difficult to follow him out of the café and listen to him throw out fake medical terms until you’re around the corner 
he slows after that and you realize he’s gotten even taller and let his hair grow out a little
before you can tease him about the hair, he asks if you’re busy and when you say no, he drags you to the coin laundry to watch his clothes spin around 
sitting on the plastic chairs and sipping paper cups from the water dispenser, you trade stories, amazed at the Doyoung from your memory and the Doyoung that sits in front of you
he’s changed so much (he spends his free time painting and going to art museums) and not at all (still ducks his head when he’s feeling shy and smiles with his eyes just as much as his lips) 
you try to pretend like you aren’t stealing looks at him. he isn’t nearly as successful.
you walk to his apartment, only a couple blocks away and it’s gotten so late that he insists you spend the night, saying that your mom would kill him if he let you walk alone this late and to just take the couch 
to which you protest, because, honestly, what would his mother say not offering the bed? and he just rolls his eyes and gives you his best pillow 
except he must have really never slept on the couch because it’s actually so uncomfortable that you can’t sleep. when Doyoung gets up for a middle-of-the-night bathroom break, he finds you watching a crime show
despite making fun of you for it, he sits beside you and it’s actually way more comfortable when you’re using his shoulder as a pillow and then it’s suddenly morning and you wake up fully in his arms, meeting his smug smile
he does not waste time making fun of you, saying “what was that about the couch being uncomfortable?” and “are you sure you didn’t just want to sleep with me?” and pretending he wasn’t just as flustered
even though it’s daylight, he still walks you home and you find you don’t mind it at all. in front of your door, neither of you can figure out how to say you want to keep seeing each other, especially since you aren’t sure if it’s in a flirty context or not and what any of that would entail
finally you tell him your apartment has laundry, if he doesn’t want to pay for it and he says somehow he thinks you’re going to cost way more than a laundromat but he’s smiling 
Doyoung slowly becomes a fixture in your life and even when you truly befriend your coworkers and become particularly close with one of the baristas in the coffee shop next to your apartment, he’s always the first person you think of–when you get a commendation at work, when you have another fight with That One Coworker, when you stub your toe. and he tells you about his constant fight with the owner of a dog on his floor that thinks it’s okay to let their dog pee on Doyoung’s doormat, and you hear all about his friends before you finally meet them 
there are countless “almost” moments–telling him about this guy at work who flirts with you more blatantly than Doyoung himself and when you pause after saying you told him you have someone, he doesn’t say anything so you just say it was a lie to get the guy off your back; holding your hand on your birthday (after cooking a five course meal for you) but letting go before you even reach your apartment; staying over at his apartment again and refusing to sleep on the bed but he builds a wall of pillows between you “so you don’t feel uncomfortable”; waiting for the bus after drinking with his friends under a flickering streetlight where you think for sure he’s going to kiss you but he ducks away before you can let the fantasy dip into reality 
you know you have to talk to him about it directly (especially since all of your friends say that he’s as in love with you as you are with him) but every time you try to do it you freeze up and you can’t get the words out 
but when the holidays come around, you go to visit family with him and realize Just How Much you’ve changed around him
you’ve completely forgotten how to be normal around him, how to look at him without hearts in your eyes, but you’ll die if your family asks you what’s going on and you don’t have an answer, so you steel yourself up for a Doyoung-less Christmas 
it goes really well until Day 2 when your mother announces Doyoung and his family will be coming over for dinner. to make matters worse, your brother finally shows up and it becomes very clear 1) he and Doyoung still talk all the time and 2) Doyoung has not mentioned how close he’s become with you 
you try your very best to pull stories out of everyone else, since you can’t seem to mention anything about your life that doesn't include Doyoung, which apparently is true for him, you discover as he tries his best to tell the story about the time he wound up halfway across the city with a dead phone and no way to get back without telling them you were right there with him (ultimately failing since you were the one who ran into a friend who let you into their apartment to charge your phones) 
after dinner your brother and Doyoung disappear and maybe you’re being paranoid but you swear everyone is looking at you
so you go ahead and vanish into your childhood room, thinking about anything except your brother’s best friend who’s become your… (damn you really thought you’d have a word for him that time) 
an hour or so later, your brother knocks at the door and asks to come in (already scary since he’s always just busts in and purposefully leaves the door wide open). he sits down and says he doesn’t care what happens between you and Doyoung but not to hide anything on his account and you’re like okay well there’s nothing to hide and he’s like if my dumbass can pick up on the vibes, there’s something to hide so go figure it out and you’re like wait what did Doyoung say and he rolls his eyes and mutters something like “I am not doing this” and tells you Doyoung is waiting for you outside 
you did not sprint down the steps, no matter what anyone says. it was a controlled pace, one foot per step, hand gripping the railing to keep you upright 
Doyoung waits for you like your brother said, sitting on the porch swing wearing his winter jacket with his hands stuffed into the pockets, and he perks up when you come out the door 
you sit beside him, trying not to lean into him and letting the cold air warm from the tension between you. there’s a couple heartbeats of silence, your breath hanging in the air in front of you before you manage to get the words out. 
“i like you” 
silly words, immature words, not the right words for how you feel, but you can’t quite figure out what those might be. 
“it’s like mixing paint,” he says and you think maybe there really aren’t any right words, but he keeps going. “at first you think ‘wow i used way too much blue and this will never look right’ but you keep mixing it together and even though it isn’t the color you wanted it to be, you’ve found a whole new color and it changes the painting completely but it makes it so much better.” he pauses before admitting, “maybe it isn’t the perfect analogy. my point is, i wasn’t expecting you at all, but you make my life so much better.” and another couple seconds for him to remember he’s got something else to say. “oh, and i like you, too. if it wasn’t obvious."
it’s stupidly like a movie when the snow starts to fall, but you’ve been waiting far too long to kiss him, so you won’t let the feeling that this is a bad hallmark movie stop you
what does stop you is hearing half your family cheering through the window when you scoot closer to him 
(your first kiss happens a couple days later on a secluded hike in the woods) 
(a few years later at the wedding, one of your cousins pulls up footage that can only be described as stalker-like) 
and you never sleep on his crappy couch again (though you do stay over, even when it isn’t late), and he keeps doing laundry in your apartment until his lease is finally up and he moves into a bigger apartment that just so happens to have enough space for you
(oh, and it has in-unit laundry too) 
a/n: i swear i have been writing i just haven't been finishing but i got 2/3 of sending this to bestie before i realized this is a writing format so yeah. idk this is very much my delusional stream of consciousness but tell me im wrong. go ahead. tell me.
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eyesteeth · 4 months
sorted my fic backlog last night and it’s like a museum tour of my hyperfixations. there’s a folder with 12 wips for a fandom i haven’t thought about in five years. there’s awful fic from six years ago. there’s stuff i’m not ever letting anyone see. wowza
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brooklynislandgirl · 8 months
Name:  “Benjamin ‘Not a Serial Killer’ Tallmadge”
Do you like to cuddle?: “I do – and if you’re lucky, I might also be willing to share the blankets on my couch.”
Can we make-out?: “That’s…I-I mean, I’m not opposed, but I also don’t wish to be presumptuous. At this date and time, I’m not so sure I’ve earned the merit badge to make-out with someone.”
A night in or dinner out?: “Preferably in, but it’s always dealer’s choice. And ‘the dealer’ in question is, you, of course.”
Whipped cream or chocolate syrup?: “Chocolate syrup. As a kid, I’d pour on so much that you could never even see my ice cream. To be honest, I’m amazed I don’t have any cavities.” He scrunched his nose in thought. “Wait…we are talking about ice cream, right?”
Chocolates and roses?: “No. Chocolates, maybe – gotta love a harmless vice here and there – but rather than give you some hacked up, soon-to-die flowers, I’d opt to bring a potted plant that you could put in your garden.”
What makes you a good Valentine?: “I certainly wouldn’t say I’m a 'good’ one. I’m woefully out of practice, in fact. I haven’t been a Valentine since…five, six years, maybe? And I’d also never presume that you want a date on such a commercially exhaustive day, but given how much I’ve enjoyed your company lately, I just thought maybe you’d prefer to spend it with a friend… A friend who may or may not have a collection of bodies in his apartment.”
Would you cook for me?: “Yes, I’d be willing to put in the effort. It’s cooking for myself that I don’t enjoy.”
Would you let me cook for you?: “If that’s something you’re into, then absolutely…though I might hover in the kitchen, since I enjoy snacking on the ingredients.”
Where would you take me on a date?: “I’m not really sure – out of practice, remember? – but probably a good museum. I love history and art and just learning in general. If you could withstand all that, then we might be out for hours. A hike someplace would be nice, too.”
Who’s paying?: “I was raised a 'traditional gentleman’ by my father, but I’m also not too proud to go halfsies, if requested. However, seeing how this was my idea, I also wouldn’t be an ass and request recompense.”
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?: “I’ll admit I haven’t thought that far ahead…didn’t think I’d even get this far, if I’m being honest – but maybe something for your car, since you seem so proud of it. Or a kitschy little snow globe of the ocean, so that way, you always have it there with you in your home, no matter where you go.”
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Lunch today was on Beth after Ben graciously insisted on getting dinner the other night at ‘their’ diner. She doesn’t know when she started thinking of it like that, and she has certainly not said it aloud. She’d sent him a text because even Beth knows that one simply can’t turn up at an elementary school just to catch a glimpse of one’s friend, deep in his trenches, and was both surprised and delighted when he mentioned they were having an in-service day. He’d said he’d be happy to meet up with her after his meeting wrapped up, and she’d answered with, he knew where she would be.
On her second cup of coffee, but that didn’t bother her. When he’d come in she blossomed into a smile for him and rose from her chair. She waited until he’d unwrapped his scarf and hung his jacket ~she still gets a kick out of the leather patches on the elbows~ on the back of his chair before she leaned upwards and gave him a hug, all arms around his neck. Kissed the air near his cheek. Even in her knee high boots she’s not quite tall enough. They made small talk while perusing menus, and now waiting for their food to arrive, she watches as he pulls out a little off-pink sheet from his pocket and unfolded it. He starts off at a race, and she laughs at the aside in his name. It takes her a minute to realise it was one of those quiz things they’d seen in a magazine at the community hall last meeting. At the time it had seemed both weird and funny to them that someone would have left the pages open to that and then she’d forgotten about it. Neither one of them had shared, but she’d ended up holding his hand and squeezing it tightly when they listened to a truly heartbreaking story that hit too close to home for both of them.Now she makes note that he skips his age. Beth is poised to wonder if that was accidental or if there was weight behind the omission. He could be anywhere from twenty to thirty-five. Normally she’s great at guessing but he ~like her~ has some combo of amazing genetics and a fantastic skin-care regimen. She blushes when he mentions cuddling, but doesn’t ask more about his house. “Ooh, I bet you have the really soft ones, too.” He earns half that badge though giving her the best answer possible, even when it comes with a side of blushing and avoiding eye-contact. Ben is very sweet that way, and she rather appreciates his wholesomeness. “I’ll do my best not to be disappointed, then, if we don’t get to it. “I prefer in, as well. Going out takes up a lot of energy and effort I don’t have, but points for letting me choose. Very smart of you!” A little wink shoots his way before she grins. Some part of her wonders if he knows about her thing with teeth, considering he mentions not having cavities, but then she realises he’s just dangerously wholesome, especially following it up with the nose wrinkle he does. She feigns shock. “Why, whatever else would I mean?” She doesn’t answer him when it comes to the flowers part, but her face softens and her eyes grow misty. She’s never been on a rant about the corpses of beautiful living things but he seems to intuitively understand her any way. And maybe some of the emotion carries through when he casually drops the fact that his last serious or at least...serious to him... relationship was some time ago. She doesn’t understand it, how that could be. Ben is a lovely man in every sense of the word; handsome, educated, gentle, kind, sweet, funny...and in New York that makes him a Unicorn. But then he follows it up with a call back and she laughs again, the kind that crinkles her nose, the corners of her eyes, and flashes him those small, sharp teeth. “I’m not going to judge your art.” She’s a little breathy a moment later when the mirth settles into something warm. “As long as your toaster understands our arrangement, it’s fine. Wonderful, really. Because I promise you...that’s all the meal you’d get from me. The ingredients that is. Cause I don’t want you to see me ruin a carbonara. And I would actually...I’d love that. I enjoy history and art as well, and I love hiking, especially in good company.” The next thing surprises her. Somehow the curse word seems to sit ill on his tongue but in context, he’s once again being wholesome. “I think you’re a gentleman either way. So...this time I’ll be gracious enough to allow you, and next...it’s all on me.” Then she shakes her head. “I love the idea of a snow-globe, but really, truly, I don’t need a gift beyond getting to spend what seems like a wonderful day with a very good man. I’d be foolish to say no to such a brilliant offer. And my brother raised no fool. So yes, Mr Tallmadge, it would be my honour to accept you as my Valentine.”
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no-song-so-sweet · 11 months
i saw your name, for the first time in four years today. it wasn’t even really your name, but your social media handle. i woke up to it in my inbox; you reblogged one of my posts.
i have to admit something. i had forgotten we were mutals, and i had, quite frankly, never expected to see you again, in any capacity.
actually, i have to admit to something else - i didn’t attend new york pride for awhile because i was terrified i would run into you, and frankly, i don’t know how i would have handled it. i went once, with a group of your friends, and the following year, your girlfriend texted me to ask where i was, and the truth of the matter is that we had never talked about it. we never talked about it, and i wasn’t going to travel two hours to a place i wasn’t sure i was wanted, so i didn’t go. i attended pride events closer to home, and remembered you once a year when i thought about new york, and chose philadelphia instead, except this year, where a bunch of fellow researchers and i descended upon dc, and for one, glorious pride, i didn’t think about my first.
you became a ghost in my world, a string of text messages about cats where we last spoke, a string about student loans where we didn’t, and several months later, finally. a single message from the start of the pandemic, asking you to stay healthy. we hadn’t spoken in five months, but i still wanted you to be okay.
i don’t know if you’ll ever see this post. i don’t know if you’ll read it, if you’ll recognize yourself or me in my words. i don’t know that i care. because here’s the thing.
we were friends. and then we weren’t. you were the driving force behind my single most popular fanfiction on ao3, it still gets hits, and comments, and kudos. it shows up in rec lists, which always astounds me, because it was originally just a line of crack texts we sent each other. a joke that i put out into the world. you took me to my first pride event, my first con. we met in philadelphia, once. we were going to go to the art museum, and instead i spent half the night driving around the city.
we were friends, and then we weren’t, and i, with the exception of my refusal to go to new york, moved on. i wrote other things, i still do (little drabbles of things, but there’s a document saved that’s professional. i started it last year, and it’s nonfiction, but it’s my baby). i got a girlfriend, and lost her because we fell out of love (we still talk, still laugh. we fell out of love, not out of like, and i’m delighted she found someone new, and equally delighted that i’m friends with both of them). my roving band of researchers have also gone to comicon (we haven’t cosplayed yet, but there’s talk in the groupchat, and either way, i’ve got fabric and a plan). i go to museums on the regular, i take a different friend every time, and we always have a blast.
somewhere in between you vanishing and today, i fell back in love with life. i got passionate about things, i started exploring again. i remembered the things that i loved before i got depressed, and i got better. life got better, even as the world goes to shit.
and i want you to know, if you see this, that you don’t have to reach back out. this isn’t meant to be a guilt trip, but rather, a treatise on how sometimes people touch our lives in interesting ways, and how sometimes, they intersect again for brief moments that make us think about the person we used to be and the person we are now. so yeah, you’re welcome to pop back in. i won’t turn you away if you do. but if you don’t, that’s alright. we’ve drifted apart, and that’s something that happens. regardless of what you do, i just want you to know that i hope you’re having a great life. i hope you’re doing what you love, i hope that you’re in love, i hope that you’re happy. because i don’t think we’re friends now. but we were, once.
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Le Joyau le plus precieux
A Lucky Luke Modern!AU fanfiction
Chapter V - A complicated story
-There was a time when I was also on the side of the law. I was working as an FBI agent, in the Cultural Assets Recovery Section, and my brother was also my partner. We arrested many criminals together, and soon we were called by the secret services because of our very clean methods: never killed anyone. Our nicknames were 'Lucky Luke' and 'Jolly Jumper'. They became our code names, and then our identities.- Lucky paused, then resumed in a more serious tone: -One day we followed a lead on a trade in old paintings. Have you ever heard of the Friedrichshain Flakturm fire?- -Never.-
-It was the greatest artistic disaster in modern history. It happened in May 1945, just after the Second World War. There were three towers, built by the Führer, armed in every corner and ready to withstand any attack. Those buildings, which had provided a solid defence for the city of Berlin for years, were later used as warehouses to protect objects, sculptures and paintings from the capital's various museums and others. But for five days, unexpectedly, a fire broke out that destroyed most of the works of art. And here we come back to us. It seems that those who intervened to put out the flames never declared, except in a few secret documents such as diaries and letters, that they had kept a total of about ten canvases for themselves. We are talking about Caravaggio, Rubens, Goya; paintings that these men then sold clandestinely over the years. You can imagine their value: they are the few survivors of 417.- -Let's see... Calculating that the average is ten million per painting...- -Oh no, we're talking billions here, Joe.- This one blinked, realising: -... Holy smokes.-
-Jolly and I, against the advice of our boss, agreed to take care of it. The works were to be sold in great secrecy by the art dealer to his buyer, but one of their men was happy to leak all the details to us after a few shots of whisky, so we located the negotiation site and organised a team. Everything went as planned, we recovered the paintings but...- Lucky approached Joe, his hands in his pockets: -Something strange happened. Jolly Jumper disappeared into thin air. I looked for him everywhere, all night and the next day, but his mobile phone was dead; none of our friends and colleagues knew anything. Until I got a phone call. The art dealer's boss had not liked our intervention.- He clenched his fists: -He had kidnapped my brother. He said he wanted the canvases back, otherwise I would never see him again. I talked to my boss about it, and do you know what he said?- -Let me guess: "Not my problem"? Or: "We are not responsible because you were not authorised"?-
-Then I went on my own initiative: I took the paintings from the warehouse and went to where I had agreed with the kidnappers. In my naivety I thought they would respect the pact, but they did not. In fact, I was framed by their leader. I bet his name will sound familiar: Arthur Mason.- Joe dug out from memory the information connected with that name: -That Arthur Mason? The criminal who enriched himself by smuggling fake goods, jewellery and artwork?- -That's him. He said he had noticed my talent, that he appreciated my method. And he proposed a deal: he would free my brother in exchange for some commissioned thefts, not to resell the objects, but for personal collecting. I had no choice; I resigned and followed him here, to Paris.-
-It occurs to me to ask why you haven't finished yet. I knew Arthur Mason had died, not so long ago.- -His son Dorian has taken his place in charge. Unlike his father, unfortunately, he has an innate cruelty that pushes him to be more brutal in concluding his deals; Mason senior used to compromise, Dorian is the type who gives you one chance and if you fail, he makes you disappear. He is also cunning: he always uses agents, never kills with his own hands, and is always uninvolved in the crimes he organises. Until some time ago he kept the pacts I had with his father unchanged.- -What has changed?-
Lucky frowned: -He ordered me to eliminate someone. A business rival of his.- Joe looked at him, tilting his head: -And you refused, right?- -He laughed at me and gave me a three-week ultimatum to do the job, or Jolly would pay the consequences. That's when I decided to put a stop to it. It was before Versailles.- -Here we come to why I'm tied to this chair, I guess.-
Lucky Luke moved a little closer to the detective, crossing his arms over his chest: -I have been watching you for a long time, Joe Dalton, ever since you were assigned to my case. You have a great head, you inform yourself and then you plan. You're a strategist, and that's what I need. That's why I appealed to your curiosity about me.- -And doesn't that make you a planner, too?- -I study countermoves, most of the time. I need you for another reason: you can do what I cannot, having lost my authority. Arrest Dorian Mason.- -Arrest him?- -Yes. Killing him would serve no purpose, because someone else would take his place. Instead, once in prison, he can be interrogated, and the whole organisation can be dismantled. But I am no longer an agent, and the only choice left to me to save Jolly looks the worst.- -All right, arresting criminals is my job... And?- -I know you can understand me.- Lucky's tone softened: -You have three younger brothers you would protect no matter what. If one of them was in trouble, what would you do?- Dalton did not hesitate to answer: -Are you kidding me? I would move heaven and earth to get him out!- -See?- -But I still don't understand why me, Lucky Luke. Why do you want me to help you?- -Like I said, I've been watching you for a long time. And of all the cops I've come across, I can't think of anyone, Joe, as reliable.- He took a knife from the table behind him and approached at a slow pace: -Once we've saved Jolly, no more burglaries; you'll have one less thief to think about and one more criminal behind bars.- He cut the ropes that were restraining the detective. The latter massaged his wrists: -My circulation has stopped...- -I'm sorry, I'm not used to kidnapping people. I'm not as delicate as when I set off the alarms!- Lucky joked.
Joe pondered for a moment over all the information he had just acquired. Finally the fog was lifting. -I have one last question.- -I'm listening.- -How did you manage to keep an eye on me?- Stooping to the height of his host, too close for the detective's liking (mindful of that night in Versailles), Luke smiled: -I'm sorry, but I think I'll leave a trail of crumbs for you to follow. Simply put, you'll have to get there on your own, and I say that precisely because I don't underestimate your intelligence.- He held out his hand: -Will you agree to embark on this venture with me? But I warn you: neither your brothers nor your colleagues must know anything about this.- -Why?- -The fewer people know about the mission, the less likely they are to become targets. Just the two of us, Detective Dalton. Of course, you're free to refuse, but then a man will die, and you'll let your thief turn into a murderer, and this will never end.-
-You want to face such a dangerous man and his organisation alone just to save your brother? You are crazy.- He shook his hand: -I accept.- -Really?- -Don't ask me why, but I feel it is right. I will help you, but I warn you that I take orders from no one.- -Don't worry, that won't be a problem. Joe Dalton...I couldn't have hoped for a better answer!- A broad smile lit up Lucky Luke's face, and the detective thought he had gone mad accepting without laying down his conditions. It was a leap of faith he was about to face with what was previously his enemy... well, not enemy exactly, let's say with the one he was supposed to be taking to prison.
-Lucky?- Cheyenne re-entered the room, wearing a silver sequin dress: -I have an unscheduled show in ten minutes; could you pick up Amelie when you're done flirting with your boyfriend?- -No problem.- Joe froze: his what?!? -You're the greatest, thanks!!- The girl vanished as she had appeared. Lucky exhaled: -Duty calls. What do you say, let's go for a bite to eat together later?- -Huh?- Dalton was still in disbelief at Cheyenne's words and was not listening to him. -My niece will be out of school soon.- He went behind a screen nearby: -And since it's almost lunchtime, I thought I'd invite you. After all, we are in a neighbourhood where restaurants are not to be counted.- He came out from the opposite side dressed in jeans, a dark shirt and a black coat. 
Changing as quickly as when he was shooting, Joe thought.
-Wait... Where are we?- the detective then remembered. Lucky Luke went to the door, and looking over his shoulder he smiled at him one last time before leaving: -Welcome to the Moulin Rouge.-
Cheyenne, still wearing the sequined dress, returned to the room fifteen minutes later, and seemed rather surprised to see Joe still there, snooping absent-mindedly in the unlocked compartments of the cupboards there. -Detective!- -Oh, hello.- -I thought you'd left.- -It seemed rude to refuse your cousin's lunch invitation, so I decided to wait for him here.- The girl smiled, amazed: -He invited you to lunch? But that's great!!! I mean, ever since Jolly was kidnapped I've never been able to get him to stick his nose out of his room except to work or steal!!! That means you agreed to help him!!! What a joy!!- She held Dalton in her arms: -I adore you!!- -Hey, I'm not a doll!!! Cut it out!!- he complained, wiggling angrily. -Thank you!!! You've given him hope again!!- She let him go, trying to calm down: -At first I didn't understand what he saw in you, but now that I see you here, even waiting for him...- -Woah, wait! Calm down! I don't know what idea you have about me and your cousin...- -Oh, don't worry, I was joking when I called you his boyfriend.- -Ah, well.- -At most, you could be his man.- -But--
Before Joe could reply, small, rapid footsteps outside interrupted the conversation, and a little girl of about six, who looked very much like Cheyenne except for the detail that she had green eyes, entered the room: -Mom!- -Honey! Hello!!- She welcomed her with open arms. The little girl dived laughing towards Cheyenne; in the doorway appeared Lucky Luke holding a yellow "Minions" backpack in one hand: -Amélie, tell your mother the good news.- -Ah, yes! I got a seven in maths!- -Bravissima!- -And my buddy Nicolas ate a bug!- -Yuck, that's gross!-
Leaving mother and daughter laughing and joking with each other, Lucky put down the little girl's backpack and turned to Joe: -Now that the princess is back at the castle, we can go.- -Where to?- asked the little girl curiously, -Who is it?- -Oops, I beg your pardon: Amélie, this is my friend Joe Dalton; Joe, my niece.- -Hello! - she greeted, her smile incomplete because of a couple of fallen baby teeth. -Hello, Amélie, it's a pleasure.- -Uncle Lucky often talks about you, you know? He said you take bad people to jail.- -That's right.- Dalton was surprised. Luke chuckled: -Let's go, princess, Madame Louise is waiting for you in there with mummy for lunch.- Amelie held out her arms to him: -Will you take me for a piggyback ride, uncle Luke? Please! - -How can one resist those sweet eyes?- he indulged her, and the little girl laughed happily.
As they walked away, Cheyenne looked at them tenderly. Joe did likewise, and commented: -She's a beautiful little girl.- -Yeah.- -Where's the father, if you don't mind me asking?- The girl sighed: -He was a soldier. Iraq. He made time to see her newborn before he left, but he never came back.- -... I'm sorry.- -If it wasn't for Lucky and Jolly, I wouldn't have been able to cope, you know? They acted more like brothers than cousins; you can always count on them.- Cheyenne turned her attention to the detective: -That's why I didn't hesitate to follow Lucky here to France. We're family; I couldn't leave him alone to deal with this situation.- Joe nodded, thinking of his brothers.
-Amélie loves them. We had to invent a plausible excuse to explain Jolly's absence.- -Why do you use their code names as proper nouns?- -It's force of habit. And their real names were erased when they joined the secret services.- -I understand.- -If you want to know more, ask Lucky.- A giggle escaped her: -What would be the fun of revealing all his secrets otherwise?- -Maybe you're right.- Cheyenne changed expression: -He is a good man. He's kind, he wouldn't hurt a fly. Promise me you'll help him, and won't leave him alone.- -I can try.- -...You're a good man, too. It shows.-
Joe blushed, embarrassed; Lucky returned a moment later: -It's ok, she's waiting for you with the rest of the company.- -All right, thank you very much. Goodbye, Detective! - -See you soon.-
Left alone, Joe turned to the other with a smirk: -Mysterious thief, charming gentleman, good uncle and brother of the year. Who are you, Lucky Luke?- -All these things at once, one of which is just a facade though. Did you say charming?- -Why, what do you call what you did at Versailles?- -I was just trying to be affable, to sustain a conversation...- He seemed pleasantly, and to Dalton annoyingly, surprised. This led the detective to try to correct himself: -By that I don't mean that I personally find you attractive or anything... Fascinating! I meant f- Forget what I said!- The sound of Joe's stomach interrupted the conversation. Lucky pointed to the door with a nod, smiling: -Shall we go?- The other walked past him, his face purple and mumbling something. Lucky Luke covered his mouth, holding back a laugh.
0 notes
donutloverxo · 4 years
Yes captain
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Note - this is part three of corrupting a good boy but it's mostly porn so can be read as a standalone as well. Sorry about all the jealousy stuff its just what the muse calls for sometimes. Comments/reblogs are really really appreciated🙏🙏 Dividers by @whimsicalrogers.
Summary - You ask Steve to keep it on while doing it 👀👀
Warnings - 18+ only explicit sexual content, uniform kink, captain kink, daddy kink, roleplaying, jealousy, insecure reader.
Pairing - CEO!Steve x reader
Word count - 4.5k
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“Ooo,” you yelped, trying to run away from his firm grip across your hips.
It only made him hold onto you tighter, his nails digging into the flesh of your hips. “There’s no where to run, babygirl,” he chuckled at your misery, delivering another harsh slap to your naked bottom.
You shrieked in pain as your flesh burned in agonising, but delicious pleasure. As if you’d ever want to actually run. “I’m sorry, daddy.” Since you were allowed to call him daddy now, which seemed to always make him forgive you, but you added your princess voice just to be safe and not make it any harder on yourself.
“You should’ve thought of that before you decided to make fun of my team, but you had to be a dumb baby and run your mouth,” he scolded you, slapping you twice before slipping a hand between your legs, the squelching noises of him gathering your slick on his fingers made your ears burn.
You had gotten too bored of him watching the game and not paying attention to you so you might’ve said some mean things about his team, but the jokes on him since your diabolical plan seemed to have worked.
You had gotten too lost in slight tinge of pain in the roots of your hair, that he was pulling, and his fingers teasing your core, you yelped forward when he slapped your pussy, gasping as you throbbed for more of it.
“Honey,” Steve shook your arm causing you to jolt awake.
You had a habit of talking or mumbling nonsense in your sleep and since he was a light sleeper it usually woke him up. He found your incoherent rambles and the little faces you made in your sleep cute, they were particularly intense tonight for some reason, and while he loved you with all his heart he was not about to let you talk nonsense about the Yankees.
“What? Where?” you sat up, rubbing the soft sheen of sweat on your forehead with the back of your hand.
“You were talking in your sleep, sweetheart,” Steve said, rubbing his hand up and down your back, “Come here.” He circled a hand around your waist, pulling you down and back against his chest, kissing the back of your head, “What were you dreaming about, hm?”
“Um...” you blinked, “How much of it did you hear?”
“You think your so clever, don’t you,” he teased, pinching the side of your hip as you giggled.
“Yes, I’m very smart.”
You shut your eyes, ready to go back to dreamland and to your daddy, who was just a version of Steve who liked being called daddy. Which was something Steve would never be into. Not that you’d ever admit to having such a shameful kink.
But you felt Steve grind his excitement against your ass, “You wanna go back to sleep, or...?” he asked, biting the shell of your ear before snaking a hand up your cami to grope your breast.
“You woke me up with such debauch intention?!” you gasped in fake incredulity. Deciding to indulge him and that any time spent with normal real Steve was much better than being with dream daddy Steve.
You fixed his tie, tightening it just a bit around his neck. His golden hair was smoothed back, your eyes caught a glimpse of his rosy pink lips. So pouty and perfect. You could spend hours just looking at them, his smile was what truly made you fall for him. But you pulled away when he tried to steal a kiss from you.
“Gloss,” you argued, puckering your lips. Instantly feeling guilty as his pink ones pouted, giving you his sweet puppy eyes.
“Come on, doll, just one kiss? Don’t you wanna wish me luck?” He bent to capture your lips but you moved your head away at the last second, making him groan as his nose bumped against your cheek.
“I spent over two hours getting ready for this!” you huffed, smoothening a hand over your puffy tulle dress, finally having a chance to wear it out in public.
“Did you just smudge my blush?” Gasping, as you looked into the mirror, picking up your rouge and patting it on again.
You loved the dress Steve had gotten you for Christmas, it was so pretty and princess and you felt like Cinderella wearing it.
But it was too... girl-ish, Steve had insisted that you wear it. So he could show off his beautiful new wife.
Tonight though, you had to look like a woman.
A strong woman.
Who is not to be fucked around with. And not someone who is vulnerable and weak.
Because you knew she was going to be there.
“You always look gorgeous,” he mumbled, looking in the mirror and patting his hair to make sure it was in place.
You had convinced him to grow it out. Having more courage to express yourself since the Christmas gift mishap a couple of months ago.
Tucking a loose golden strange behind his ear, you wondered how someone as breathtakingly as beautiful as him could be yours.
But as beautiful as Steve was, he could also be naive. He wanted to see the best in people, which often didn’t let him see what was right in front of him.
How his ex Peggy had been trying to cause problems between you two from day one.
At first she had welcomed you with open arms, with a treacherous smile her red lips had told you that she wanted to be best friends with you. Taking you to the MET museum, of which she was a board member, asking your help in organising a couple of galas and the fundraisers. Shopping with you to make you more presentable to be a CEO’s wife
You were prepared to be wary of her. The fact that Steve was still good friends with his ex, who he had dated for more than five years, didn’t exactly sit well with you, you knew you’d face some troubles there, but then you met her and spent time with her you knew that you did had nothing to worry about.
That was until she, and Steve’s mother, had tried to get you to sign a pre-nup before you both got married.
While Sarah was always nice, you could always sense a tinge of hostility, your intuition told you how she preferred Peggy over you and would much rather have her as Steve’s wife.
With a heavy heart you had told Steve you couldn’t do it. That there was no point in getting married if you would end up divorced eventually. You were ready to cut your losses then, to pack your bags and go home, preparing for the worst. But he understood and said that he wouldn’t be marrying you if he didn’t trust you.
You were glad to have worked out everything, but decided to play nice with ‘Judas', whom you learned had infamously betrayed Jesus from a mass you attended with Steve and Sarah, and pretend that you didn’t know anything about her betrayal.
You shook your head, there was no point in letting her ruin your night, or dictate what you wore. The dress was what you liked and who you were, there was no reason for you to pretend to be like her. Steve liked you because you were nothing like her,
You looked over to Steve, tugging his pants up and securing them, you had never once thought you’d be someone who’d have a thing for men in uniforms, they were simply doing their jobs, what the fuck was sexy about uniforms anyway, but that was until you saw your Steve in his...
He really could pull off any color, even something as boring as army green, his chest and built looked almost too broad. Numerous medals adorning his chest. He certainly looked the part of a soldier.
He kissed your temple when he caught you staring at him and you only hoped he couldn’t decipher what was going on in that horny brain of yours.
Steve rarely ever talked about his days in the army. If he did it was about the friends he made and the good times he shared with them. And how army whipped him in shape, made him the man he was.
He had been honorably discharged a couple of years ago, all his army friends only ever spoke highly of him--which wasn’t really surprising.
“Hello, darling,” she smiled to you in her classy British accent, kissing your cheek before hugging you, “How have you been? Haven’t seen you since new years!”
“I’m good and you look amazing.”
Which wasn’t a complete lie, she did look elegant in her uniform, a lot similar to Steve’s but her coat had flares at the end which gave it a more feminine feel than that of Steve’s.
“So do you,” she beamed, “Oh, you have a little something,” she gestured to the corner of your mouth before wiping some white frosting from your cupcake off with her thumb as you tried to keep your face from cringing.
So far the strong woman act wasn’t coming along so well...
“So...how is married life?”
Wouldn’t you like to know. “It’s very good. You know Steve, he’s just amazing. I’m lucky to have him.”
“Oh, I did heard about your little goof with your erotica from Natalie, and the gift slip up!” she laughed, hooking her arm around yours, she walked with you towards your husband. “And here I was thinking you are a good girl,” she winked.
“I... guess I’m not...”
“I must say though, unfortunately for you I don’t think Steve would like any of that. He’s always been so traditional,” she rolled her eyes, “He has an old soul.”
Yes, you knew that. You knew that he was traditional and an old soul. Of course You did, he was your husband. Why she felt the need to point out the obvious was beyond you. “Well, you know people can be unpredictable,” you countered.
“Yes, well you’re free to explore of course, I just didn’t want you to get your feelings hurt,” she put a hand over yours.
“Peggy,” Steve greeted her.
“Oh don’t mind us. We’re just gossiping about you,” she smirked.
“Really?” he looked over at you with a quizzical face, “All good things I hope.”
“I don’t have anything bad to say about you,” you said giving Peggy a side eye, “Can we dance? Please?”
It didn’t take a lot of convincing because he loved dancing. After a couple of dances it was time for him to give his speech.
Seeing your husband up on the stage, hearing everyone talk about his accomplishments made your heart swell in pride. You really couldn’t believe you were married to someone like him.
You suppose that you understood where Sarah was coming from. It would make sense for someone like Steve to fall for and marry a classy worldly lady like Peggy. There really wasn’t much you could offer him.
“Steve,” you huffed, trying to yank on the zipper for like the tenth time, while you loved the dress you needed to get out of it and breathe for a while.
“Yes, doll?” he called for you, entering your closet, smiling at your struggling form. “How can I help?”
“You can get me out of this thing!” you said, turning your back to him.
You were really feeling yourself tonight, you had gotten a facial and a manipedi, a blowout, spending hours on getting ready for battle. You thought you looked good and fierce. But then you took off your makeup and your extensions and were reminded of how Peggy was much more effortlessly beautiful than you. She had often been dubbed as a ‘natural beauty’.
“Is something bothering you?” he asked as he unzipped you.
“No. Will you let me change now?” you turned around, to politely ask him to leave.
“You’ve changed in front of me before.”
“Yes, well I can’t right now.”
“Why not?” he frowned.
“Because...” You couldn’t stop your eyes from turning misty, “I’m ugly...”
“What? Who told you that?” His face instantly flushed with anger as he held onto your forearms, and when you didn’t push him away he pulled you in closer to his chest.
“No one needs to. I know it because I’m not blind,” you confessed, the cool metal of his medal digging into your cheek.
“Then maybe we need to get your eye sight checked. Because you’re the prettiest girl in this whole world. I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.” He stroked your hair, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head.
“You’ll have to fight the whole world then.”
“If it comes to that then I will.”
You couldn’t help but smile at how protective he was. Propping your chin up on his chest you blinked at him. “Why didn’t you marry Peggy? She’s so much more beautiful.” Your heart was heavy with so many emotions, usually you wouldn’t give in and ask something so dangerous--a question you weren’t sure you wanted the answer to.
Judging by the frown on his face, you were afraid that you had upset him, but then it softened as his pale baby blues twinkled at you, “Why would you say that, doll? Peggy is beautiful, but I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you. I could never even dream of marrying anyone else.”
“I’m sorry,” you sighed. “I know I shouldn’t be comparing myself to others.”
“You really shouldn’t. They don’t measure up to you anyway,” he teased.
“It’s just...” you gulped, not being able to hold his gaze you played with the olive green buttons on his coat, “I heard at the party from Tony, that she will be working with you from now on. Do you think that’s a good idea?”
“You don’t trust me?” his voice cracked.
You whipped your head up, frantically shaking your head from side to side, “No no of course I do! I’m just saying it’s a risky game. To be around her so much... what if old feelings resurface?”
Your heart almost broke as he let go of you, putting some distance between you both, “You know all I ever ask for is that you trust me... and love me. I don’t think it’s a lot.”
You scoffed, “Yeah well, I don’t think me asking you not to work with your ex is a lot. No woman would be okay with her husband spending that much time with her ex.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, “Why can’t I get through to you?”
“Maybe try speaking at a fourth grade level. Then I’ll understand. Since I don’t have a masters in literature from Sorbonne,” you rolled your eyes. Maybe he was intimidated by how smart Peggy is and decided to go for someone younger and dumber.
“I’ve never... been in love with Peggy or anyone but you really,” he told you, his broad shoulders hunching as he let out a sigh, “Not the way I’m in love with you. We were always more like friends than... lovers.”
“Is that better or worse?” you wondered out loud. Isn’t it important for husband and wife to be friends as well? Was that supposed to be a compliment?
“It’s much better. We would go months without seeing each other, and I didn’t miss her. Like I miss you when I’m at work. I can’t wait to get away and come home to you. Peggy is amazing, and I’ll always have a special place for her in my heart, but I would never even think about cheating on you.
But... I understand where you’re coming from. Maybe I would react the same way if you were to work with an ex. So I can just tell her that she’ll have to work with Nat, or someone else.”
“No,” you blurted.
Absolutely not.
Because A - You really did trust Steve not to stray. He wasn’t that type of man. And B - That would be admitting defeat. Admitting to her that you are afraid of her.
“I do trust you, Steve. I think... I just need to work on myself. If we don’t have trust then we don’t have anything right?”
“I trust you too, honey,” he kissed your forehead. “Just talk to me about this stuff okay? You can’t keep it bottled up.” You nodded as he worked on loosening his tie.
“Um... is that uncomfortable?” you asked, watching him pop open the first button of his shirt.
“The uniform? A little. It’s been a while since I put it on.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t wear it at our wedding.” You smiled. Maybe it was a good thing that he didn’t. While he looked so handsome in the black tux he had worn, the uniform would’ve made him irresistible. You would’ve spent the whole evening swooning over him.
“It didn’t feel right, I just wanted to be myself. Uh... doll,” he quirked a brow as he caught you staring at his crotch, “Hey,” he snapped his fingers, “My eyes are up here.”
“Yes, um, of course,” you whipped your head up as soon as you heard him, since you were too busy trying to make out the outline of his johnson, “And what beautiful eyes you have!”
“Tell me something. What is your obsession with this uniform?”
“I don’t know what you mean.” You decided to feign ignorance.
“Really? You’ve been staring at me all night. Do you not like it? Do you like it? Sometimes I think I don’t understand women at all.”
You probably would’ve appreciated his suit even more so if you hadn’t spent so much time festering in your jealousy. “I think... it’s... kinda hot,” you sighed dreamily as he blushed a crimson red. “You’re like this big strong Captain, and I’m like this small woman, like a damsel in distress type of thing.”
“Oh.” Was the only thing that he said. He never believed you would be into something like that, not from all the feminist rants you tend to go on.
“Oh god. You think I’m a weirdo, don’t you?” You put your hands over your face to hide it from him.
“No no, hey, don’t be like that,” he cooed, pulling your hands away so he could look at your pretty face, “I can be your... big, strong Captain. And you can be my damsel in distress.”
“Yeah. So... how would it work? Do I save you from a burning building or something?”
“No, sweetie. You’re thinking of a fireman.”
“Oh, right,” he blushed, scratching the back of his neck, “We can do the fireman thing if you like. I can... be a fireman.”
“Steve, we don’t have to do anything.”
“I know. But I want to. Come on! Give me something to work with.”
“Okay,” you cleared your throat. “How about... you keep the suit on?”
“On for how long?” he tilted his head like a cute confused puppy, looking down at his suit, “Oh! You mean on while we’re...”
“Yes. And I could, I don’t know, thank you for serving my country.”
“Yeah. I mean medals and all are nice, but I want a special kind of thanks from you, doll.”
“Ooo,” you felt up his biceps through his coat and shirt, he really was strong. “Do you have anything specific in mind?” you asked, batting your lashes.
“Um... yes.... You get on your knees, miss... I mean ma’am, shit,” he cursed as he awkwardly stumbled over his words. “What do I call you? Are you my wife in this scenario?”
“You can just call me doll, captain. I’ll be whatever you want me to be,” you smiled, cheekily pressing your lips to his in a quick peck but he held onto your waist before you could pull away. Sliping his tongue inside your mouth.
“Alright then, doll. Show me how grateful you are,” he puffed his chest out, so he could appear a bit more dominant.
You only giggled, taking your dress off because there was no way you could kneel in so much tulle.
Standing before him in just a strapless bra and a nude thong, you were vulnerable, but not scared anymore. He was your captain, he’d never ridicule you.
“I’m already feeling appreciated,” he said as he ogled you.
You dropped down to your knees, unbuckling him with some help from him, “It’s so big,” you gasped when you looked at his length, pretending to be seeing it for the first time. Although, you were still always surprised with the sheer monstrosity of it.
“We’ll make it fit, doll. Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that,” he smiled, tapping on your mouth, “Open,” he commanded.
You’re a natural, captain. You took a deep breath before opening wide. You’d been having sex regularly for the past three months or so, he had gone down on you more times than you could count, you felt as if he could live between your legs if he could. But he had never once asked you to return the favor, you didn’t have it in you to be the first one to bring it up either.
Licking your lips, you tasted someone of the preejaculate leaking out of his tip before wrapping your mouth around his head, moaning at the salty taste and the essence of him.
“That’s... ugh,” he groaned, “That’s good. Keep going,” he spurred you on, a hand on the back of your head giving you the slightest bit of push.
You took as much of him as you could, stopping halfway through when he hit the back of your throat, you pumped the rest of his length with your palm, holding onto his thick thigh for support, you bobbed your head, increasing your pace when he started moaning loudly.
Rubbing your thighs together to relive some pressure, your throbbing core desperate for some attention and friction, you knew your panties were ruined.
You had read your fair share of cosmos, and the many sex tips they offered, you knew they’d come in handy someday. You swore you remembered reading something about balls... to suck them? Bite them?
You fondled his balls, feeling him tightening in your palm, you were ready to swallow all of you. That was the only proper way of saying thank you.
“Wait,” he growled, pulling you off of him.
You looked up at him, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No, doll,” he heaved, “But I gotta come in your pussy.”
Your jaw dropped, to hear the golden boy using such filthy language. “Whatever you say, captain,” you rasped.
Gasping when he yanked you up, pulling you over his shoulder and carrying you to the bed before throwing you down on the mattress.
Although Steve had always been dominant in bed, it was somewhat lowkey and subtle, he was never rough with you, he treated you as if you were made of glass, right now he was treating you as if you were literally a ragdoll.
“Take off your panties,” he ordered you.
You followed quickly, desperate to have him inside you asap, rolling your thing down your thighs and then getting rid of your bra before he even had to ask. You looked at him through your lashes, waiting patiently for his next command.
He hesitated for a moment before saying, “Now touch yourself.” It had always been a wet dream of his to watch you, instruct you as you got yourself off. Since your intention was to please him... he might as well make most of it.
You blinked at him before nodding, “Yes, captain.”
Fondling your breast you pinched your nipple, pulling on it before hissing exaggeratedly, smirking when you saw his hand twitch to touch you.
“What do I do?” you looked up at him with big doe eyes.
He shook his head, circling a hand around your wrist he shoved two of your fingers inside your mouth, “Suck,” he told you. “You like having your mouth stuffed, don’t you?” he asked as you noisily suckled on his fingers.
You shamelessly nodded, hoping that you’d get more opportunities to suck his cock from now on, he pulled your fingers out, bringing them down between your legs, pushing them into your willing channel. His own thumb rubbing on your clit working you up even moreso.
You threw your head back as you felt your climax approaching. “So close... captain.”
But he pulled your hand away from your pussy, tutting at your disobedience, “I didn’t tell you you could come.” He shook your head, giving you a minute to catch your breath before pushing two of his, much larger fingers inside you, “Gotta get you ready, doll. Since you’re so small.”
“Oh! It’s too much...” you moaned, holding onto the bedding.
“How're you gonna take my dick then, doll,” you watched as he licked your slick off of his fingers, “You taste like heaven, honey.”
“Thank you, captain.”
He unbuttoned his coat, he would be much freer without it and fuck you properly like you deserved.
You rolled your eyes when he folded his coat setting down on the floor, when you were literally lying naked before him with your legs spread wide, waiting as his tie and pants followed, “Really?” you scoffed.
“Can’t have them getting dirty, doll.” He knelt on the bed, now only in his shirt, spreading your legs a bit further so he could make room for himself, nudging your intimate lips apart with his length before slowing sinking into you.
He stayed like that for a bit, inside your heat, it felt as if he would explode then and there but he had to savor the moment. To have such a pretty girl wrapped around him.
Hovering over you he placed his elbows on sides of your head so he wouldn’t put too much of his weight on you, and so he could look at your as he fucked you.
He moved his hips against yours, rocking slow and steady, “You like that, doll?”
“Yes,” you nodded as he pulled on your hair to bare your neck to him. Biting your neck to mark you as his, “Do it harder, please, captain.”
“Harder?” he spoke against your neck, pinning both your hands above your head as he started rigorously pounding into you. “That hard enough?”
You were too fucked out to give a coherent answer, or to do anything but nod pathetically and take whatever he gave you.
“Ima come...” you clenched around him as your orgasm washed over you, rendering you immobile and weightless.
He thrusted into you a couple of times before filling you up to the brim - just as he had promised.
“Thank you, doll. That was really nice,” he smiled, laying beside you and pulling you closer to him, he kissed your forehead.
“Thank you, captain. You sure know how to treat a lady right...”
“Maybe we can do this more often,” he suggested as you nodded in reply.
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Tags will be in the reblog! Click the link in the bio to be join the taglist or shoot me an ask/dm.
Shout out to my friend lizzygal (you can find her on ao3) who gave me the idea of Steve folding his uniform. It was too hilarious to leave out! Thanks for reading.
Please note that my work is not to be reposted or published anywhere other than my Tumblr or AO3 account without my permission. Reblogs are most welcome though!
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somanysoundtracks · 2 years
That moment you realize you're not playing a heavily modified version of giant senet in "Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation" (1999), because you're actually playing a modified version of the game of twenty/Twenty Squares
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(Image from "The Game of Twenty Squares" from cyningstan.com http://www.cyningstan.com/game/1061/the-game-of-twenty-squares)
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Also, before we start off, credit to "Ancient Egyptians at Play: Board Games Across Borders" (2016) by Walter Crist, Anne-Elizabeth Dunn-Vaturi, and Alex do Voogt for more background on the various ancient board games. I am not an archaeologist or historian, but these folks are (also they go way more into detail on the individual games, naming arguments, rules, geographical movements, etc., than I will because this post is long enough).
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(You can purchase an ebook copy on Books (iOS) and Kobo, and a physical in most places books are sold; I get nothing from the sale, it’s just a very interesting book)
So I haven’t found anyone who’s written or vlogged about this in ~23 years of this video game’s existence, so I guess it’s down to me, having too much free time and an interest in going down a research rabbit hole.
I’ve wanted to be an Egyptologist since I was like 7, so learning senet - an ancient Egyptian board game - was something I was always interested in doing, particularly given how often senet pops up if you do any basic research into the lives of ancient Egyptians or their mythology.
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(A senet/znt board from Abydos ca. 1550-1295 B.C.E. (the other side appears to have had the game of twenty on it) https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/544775)
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(Image credit: Wikihow)
According to some versions of the myth, Ra, the Egyptian god of the sun, was either jealous of Nut’s (goddess of the sky) love of Geb (god of the Earth), or knew of a prophecy whereby her offspring would unseat Ra from the throne, and cursed her to be unable to give birth for the whole year. On Nut’s behalf, Thoth, the god of wisdom, played senet against Khonsu, god of the moon, for enough moonlight to add five extra unofficial days to the year (bringing it to 365 days), wherein Nut could give birth.
The giant game of “Senet” in TR4′s Tomb of Semerkhet always fascinated me, because not only was it apparently “senet” in some form, but it also just looked neat (for the time, TR4′s graphics looked really cool). By the time I was able to play it myself, though, I’d come to accept that it wasn’t actually senet, because the configuration was wrong (most senet games have 30 cells in 3 lanes of 10, whereas “Senet” in TR4 has 20 cells and is arranged like a lollipop or hammer).
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Fast forward to recently when I finally looked into getting a senet board to play with my family, and I discovered another ancient Egyptian board game called Mehen, supposedly based on the Egyptian snake god of the same name, who was known to wrap his coils around Ra for protection every night on the sun boat as Ra journeyed across the sky.
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(Image credit: a Mehen board from Abydos, Egypt, ca 3000 BCE, the Neues Museum)
During that search, I randomly came across boards for the TR4 game I thought the TR4 devs made up! But rather than being a recreation of a fictional board game, as a number of gaming enthusiasts are apt to do, this one is real. It was called Aseb, which is a name you come across for the game of twenty in a number of places, and is a little more accepted than the alternate but also relatively popular name, Tjau. Most of the academics I’ve seen don’t use either “Aseb” or “Tjau”, though. They call it the game of twenty or Twenty Squares.
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(A Twenty Squares board from Thebes, Egypt. ca. 1635–1458 B.C.E https://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/listings/2014/assyria-to-iberia/blog/posts/twenty-squares)
So what happened here? TR4 actually calls it “Senet”, so clearly the naming choice was intentional on some level. Here's a picture of the in-game item in the Tomb of Semerkhet level to learn the rules for the board game (you can see a preview of the board itself on the bottom right) (also I believe this is from the console version):
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The name of the item in your inventory telling you what the game you're going to be playing is called:
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(Screencap from “Tomb Raider 4 - Tomb of Semerkhet Walkthrough” by Roli's Tomb Raider Channel: https://youtu.be/RhAbD7EsC8A?t=512)
After the game of twenty was introduced to Egypt, it was often added to the back of senet game boards (two games in one). I’ve reviewed interviews from before and after TR4 was released, various retrospectives and documentaries, and found nothing on who made this level or why the game was misnamed, assuming anyone involved even knew it was misnamed. I imagine the TR4 devs found one or more of these double-sided boards during game development: a labeled senet board with the game of twenty on the back, and they then assumed it was the same game in two variants. My assumption is that someone wanted senet because it’s a relatively well-known cultural artifact from Egypt that people would at least have name recognition for, but the game of twenty was picked instead of senet because it’s shorter and less complicated. Plus, senet is considered to be a metaphorical journey through the Egyptian afterlife, which is suitable for a tomb (and a game involving bringing a dead god back to life), and many of the surviving boards we have were found in tombs.
Maybe the devs even read some article somewhere that misattributed it. Surviving board games have been misattributed over the years and anything is possible. Also, this was 1998 and it's easier to download an epub of "Board Games Across Borders" in 2022 than whatever they did.
Notably the team did research at the British Museum (https://youtu.be/aTL88Z4db9k?t=4560), which has at least one senet board on display. It also has a game of twenty board, which was possibly in South Carolina or being transported when the team was researching (https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/Y_EA24424)
The team also bought books for research, though I'm not sure what, other than some of the works of John-Yves Empereur (https://youtu.be/aTL88Z4db9k?t=6414). There was also apparently a US team (Core Design was British), but I'm not sure where they went for research.
I've seen a few websites call the game of twenty in TR4 a "variant" of senet (likely because it's called "Senet" in TR4, but doesn't look like senet). It's not. Senet is Egyptian (though the origin is murky pre-First Dynasty). The game of twenty possibly came from the Indus Valley and shows up in Egyptian artifacts around the 17th Dynasty. The game of twenty is supposedly a variation of the Royal Game of Ur (from Sumer). The Royal Game of Ur was played all around the region.
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For the game of twenty, four of the cells on the right were folded back into a longer tail. I haven’t found any historian or archaeologist who says that senet or the game of twenty was involved in the other’s creation, outside them both appearing on the same game boards, back to back. For all intents and purposes, senet was present in Egypt for some time before the game of twenty arrived, and then both games were popular there simultaneously.
I can’t find any fansite, forum, speedrunner, or playthrough that references the fact that the giant board game in TR4 isn’t actually senet. Even Stella’s Walkthroughs references it as a variant of senet, and links to Senet’s wikipedia page, which does actually have a game of twenty board on it (though they call it Tjau), and the Met’s page on senet, which also references the game of twenty. Tomb Raider Horizons mentions the game and shows screencaps, but talks about senet, not the game of twenty. And all the fanwikis I’ve found refer to it as senet, not the game of twenty or any of its other name variants.
For all intents and purposes, I guess no one noticed this in 23+ years, or was invested enough to go down a rabbit hole for it. But it’s neat to learn it was real.
Unrelatedly, there appears to be a sort of senet board in "Tomb Raider" (1996). There are ~15 more cells than most senet games and 2 extra lanes, but it's interesting that the team seems to have sort of done it right just a couple years beforehand.
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(Screenshot from "Was it Good? - Tomb Raider 1" by Josh Strife Plays: https://youtu.be/dwzIu4zFJVI)
It's possible the TR1 game is forty-two and pool, which is supposed to be similar to senet, and has 42 holes, though the number of rows is wrong, and I don't have a picture of the board for comparison.
It's also possible this is some version of "Hounds and Jackals", which often has 58 holes (notably the one above has 45 cells), but the TR1 board looks more like senet's does and the pieces are missing, so who knows? (https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/543867)
Misnaming aside, shout out to this translation of the casting sticks in a video game not built to play board games and using 1998-9 tech.
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(Screencap from “Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation - 13b - Winning at Senet” by ladycroft214: https://youtu.be/1JV2oIXmVMg)
You can also play versions of all these games, online or physically. We don’t know the rules for all of them, and rules changed over the centuries anyway, but many people have come up with their own rules based on what we know, so there are versions online, and plenty of board game makers who have designed them for you to purchase, or even draw yourself on paper, like the ancients used to graffiti on roads and walls.
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90stvshowgoth · 4 years
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summary: you thought that as a member of the phantom troupe you were supposed to be smarter than this, yet here you were betting against hisoka. everyone knew that hisoka was a master at poker, cards were his weapon after all, but you couldn’t resist wagering one more bet on a drinking game.
w/c: 4587
tags: dubcon, drunk sex, creampie, blood kink, hate sex, begging, brat taming
a/n: this originally started as a chrollo oneshot, you can kinda tell from how the opening paragraph is about him, but once i started writing the poker game i was like “okay no i gotta make this its own thing,” and because of that decision we now have loose ends getting ch.3 rn :) also no, i couldn’t help but kinda reference phantom of the opera cause it slaps and nobody can tell me otherwise. also, no, before anyone asks, this is a oneshot. it aint getting a sequel.
big thanks to the lovely miss @sealedrosewater for beta reading this clownfucking nightmare.
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The heist had gone off without a hitch, Chrollo’s plan worked like a charm and before the night was out you had all flawlessly extracted each and every one of the gilded texts being held in the museum. You still remembered the childlike gleam in your boss’ eyes as he ran his fingers over the aged leather, its binding parchment laced with gold. The faintest ghost of a smile fled from his pallid lips as he admired his new conquest. It made your chest swell with pride, happy to help the man you respected so much. Besides, your cut was nothing to sneeze at.
Your rendezvous was inside a long-abandoned opera theatre where dust clung to the red velvet of the seats and the chandelier was seemingly hanging by a thread; your boss always had a flair for the dramatics. Once all members of the spider had finished reconvening at the empty theatre to gather their spoils it wasn’t long before someone, probably Uvogin, brought out the drinks. Nobunaga had already begun nursing a rum and coke, all while Feitan kept turning down Shal’s insistence to “Just try some, Fei,” Even Shizuku cracked open one of the ice-cold bottles, knocking back an impressive swig. As soon as you saw Machi pulling out a deck of cards you knew you had to stay for the after party.
Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said of your leader. He’d gone to his room with the book you recovered tucked under his arm. A few other members who couldn’t be bothered took after your leader and went off to whichever side room they’d stashed a futon in the week prior; the Phantom Troupe’s equivalent of picking out a bedroom. A shame, really. You’d seen Feitan drunk once before and it was truly a sight to behold.
You sat crosslegged on the wooden floor, watching your comrades slowly get comfortable for a night of fun. Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat above you, looking up to see Pakunoda with a soft smile on her face and an opened beer in her outstretched hand.
“Paku, have I ever told you how much I love you?” You couldn’t help but shower the woman with praise. She had been the one who recommended you to Chrollo after all, and she served as your mentor for your first few months until you found your feet.
She scoffed at the compliment, “Far too much,”
Sticking your tongue out playfully at the mindreader, you took a deep sip of beer, enjoying the familiar taste. Paku sat down beside you and it wasn’t long before the two of you were drinking shoulder to shoulder.
“Machi! Deal us in,” You raised your drink to the transmuter and she flicked two cards towards you both.
Scooting away from Paku, you quickly scanned the cards you’d received before pressing them face down. A queen and an ace. Not great, but not awful either.
The others had formed a haphazard circle, each glancing at their cards with an unreadable poker face. Well, all except Hisoka, who seemed pleased as punch with whatever hand he’d been dealt. Silently, Nobunaga took out two coins and threw them into the center— the Troupe’s house rules counting it to be equivalent to 2 billion jenny.
“Call,” you answered, matching the swordsman’s bet with an unreadable expression on your face.
“Oh? Well then, I’ll raise you,” Hisoka purred, pushing five extra chips into the pot without breaking his gaze from yours.
‘What was he planning?’ That smug look of his just made you want to win that much more. The same seemed to be true of everyone else, each calling the clown’s bet in a row. After all, to a member of the Phantom Troupe, five billion jenny wasn’t that much of a loss.
When Machi turned up the first three cards your heart skipped a beat. Two queens and a seven. Winning a round of poker against some of the smartest criminals the world had ever known was an uphill battle, seeing as how you’d been a member for years without winning a single game.
‘Three of a kind already... what should I do?’ Your face was as stone-cold as before, even with the excitement bubbling in your gut. As nonchalantly as you could, you raised another two billion. At that, Uvo and Shizuku both folded, the enhancer grumbling with a disappointed frown.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I haven’t got enough coins~” Hisoka slapped down a twenty, and a chorus of annoyed groans broke out like a choir, the abandoned theatre’s acoustics amusingly echoed the loud noises of displeasure.
After that little stunt only three others remained: Pakunoda, who’s facade hadn’t cracked all game, Nobunaga, who was glaring daggers at Hisoka, and the aforementioned magician holding up his cards in front of him like a child playing for the first time.
All three of you matched his bet, but none were happy about it. As Machi flipped over the fourth card you found yourself holding your breath. Not because you particularly cared about the money at stake, but because you felt closer to a victory than you had in months. The caricature of a medieval jester being illuminated under the light made you dig your nails into the palm of your hand.
Joker. That meant you had four queens.
It never felt harder to fight a smile off your face than in that moment. Without betraying your excitement, you called, and to your surprise so did Hisoka. Was he bluffing? Or did he have something else in mind? Nobunaga took a deep breath, knocking back the rest of his drink before calling alongside Pakunoda.
All eyes were on the card beneath Machi’s fingertips, the seconds it took to turn the paper on its head filled the theatre with a suspense liable to bring its fragile walls to the ground.
An eight of hearts. Oh well, no big deal.
Nobunaga muttered a curse under his breath, revealing a simple jack and ten of the same suit. Pakunoda was unreadable when she showed the pair of kings she held in her hands. She must’ve thought that the three of a kind would’ve won her the game. The smile on your face felt sweeter after holding it in the whole round, and Nobunaga rolled his eyes when he saw your hand, pushing the pot towards you.
“Well, look at that~” Your victory was interrupted by Hisoka’s insufferable tone, the cards he held up making your jaw drop.
A nine and a jack of hearts. A straight flush.
“That’s bullshit!” You cried, enraged over the loss. It wasn’t even that you cared so much about losing, It only mattered because you lost to him. In an instant you had summoned your nen into the palms of your hands, ready to lunge at the clown when Pakunoda grasped your shoulders, holding you back. Sometimes you forgot how much brute strength was hidden under that pantsuit.
“Just flip a coin, don’t give him what he wants.” Your first reaction was to ignore her, squirming against her iron grip to try and get to Hisoka, who was dramatically scooping all your winnings into his arms.
Uvogin tossed yet another empty beer can over his head, “C’mon Paku, I say let ‘em fight,”
“I concur~” The magician chirped, dramatically stacking each and every coin he’d won while boring his yellow eyes right into yours. His tongue parted his lips, a manic excitement hiding behind the coy expression.
Although every muscle in your body screamed at you to rip into him, you knew you wouldn’t win. He knew your abilities and you couldn’t say for certain you knew all of his.
“Never-mind,” You spat the words out at him like they tasted sour, “You’d probably get off on it anyways.”
A few laughs from the peanut gallery followed your words and Hisoka shrugged, the intense bloodlust from a few seconds ago vanishing as if he’d changed his mind about fighting you on a whim. “You may be right, darling,” your face scrunched up at the nickname you knew he only used to get on your nerves, which it did. “but what if we played a different game?”
Despite how badly you just wanted to ignore him and laugh the night away with all but one of your comrades, you couldn’t turn down the idea of a rematch. Your pride wasn’t nothing to you. “What kind of game?” You asked hesitantly.
He hummed, standing up from the towers of coin he’d made, sauntering over to the cooler of drinks Franklin had provided. After digging around the cold box he pulled out a bottle of fruity tequila and two empty shot glasses.
Your eyes narrowed at the “innocent” smile on his face, looking over to Pakunoda for reassurance.
“You’ll kill him if he spikes my drink, right?” You asked your mentor, who nodded resolutely.
Paku was staring at Hisoka like she was already thinking of ten different ways how to kill him. After sizing him up she flashed you a reassuring nod, “Without question.”
Resolute in your decision, you marched forward, snatching one of the shot glasses from his hand. The stage lights shone above him, making his eyes gleam like the plastic gloss of a doll.
“Shall we begin, then?”
You raised an eyebrow, “What are the rules first?”
He waved his hand in the air, brushing it off, “Nothing too complex, I assure you. The first one who taps out will lose. The loser will do something for the winner. That’s all.”
You still weren’t convinced it could be that simple. “What’s the catch?”
That smirk from before returned to his painted face and he suddenly leaned forward, feeling far too close for comfort. Still, you didn’t step away, your face expressionless as he whispered into your ear. If you did you felt like he’d somehow win whatever stand-still the two of you had on.
“If I lose, I’ll leave the Phantom Troupe,” You reeled away, stunned at his declaration.
Being accepted into the Troupe was the best moment of your life, it always would be. When you looked into the mirror at the tattoo that curled under your ribcage you felt such a warm swell of pride. You couldn’t imagine throwing it all away over some drinking game.
“And...” You blinked rapidly, trying to collect yourself, “If I lose?”
The laugh that echoed from his chest was far from reassuring.
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The evening slowly ran into the early morning, each of the other Troupe members wandering off eventually in varying stages of drunkenness. Even Pakunoda headed off to bed after confirming that Hisoka hadn’t spiked your drinks with anything other than a strawberry vodka base. It was unnerving at first, to be completely alone with Omokage’s replacement. Luckily his tastes ran strong, and your vision was spinning before your knew it.
“Match.” Another shot went down your throats, the taste disgustingly sweet, and you watched as his Adam’s apple tensed from the burn.
You’d long since stopped counting how many drinks you’d had, losing track once you got to the double digits. You were both using nen to reinforce yourselves, obviously, but it wasn’t infallible.
‘How is he so good at this?’ You wondered, because as the bottle ran low you started to question just what had made you so confident as to enter a bet with Hisoka in the first place.
“My dear, why not rest for a minute? At least try to enjoy each others company?” His legs were crossed, resting his hand on his palm as he not-so-subtly checked you out. It wasn’t uncommon, and certainly not unexpected from someone like him, but what you hated wasn’t just the nerve of him, but how it made you feel. His scrutiny sent chills down your spine, the unnerving edge to his tone only making you shift your thighs together to relieve some of the pressure.
“You’re the worst, Hisoka,” you knocked back two consecutive shots, unable to hide the wince it caused on your face. Good, you wanted it to sting. Anything to take your mind off the magician in front of you.
He pouted as he poured another row of drinks, “Aw, now why’s that?”
You answered his question with another, pointing towards the half-empty bottle of liquor, “Whats in this, really?”
The magician rolled his eyes, “I did pick an unopened bottle for a reason, dear, I do so want you to trust me.”
Without much fanfare he threw back four shots, over your stunned reaction.
“Just give up already, Darling~ I promise to make it worth your while,” You were reaching your limit for sure, but you were far to stubborn to give up without a fight.
“Fuck you,” you took the first of your next four shots slowly, not managing his fast pace.
He grinned a cheshire smile, “Oh, say that again, will you?”
If he were to call you out on the blush slowly spreading across your nose you’d just blame the alcohol, but the truth was that his words just egged you on even more to the point where you were almost—barely even considering...
“What do you mean, make it worth my while?”
He leaned forward like a cat, agile and silent, whispering his words against your temple, “I’ll tell you how I won that hand,” He got you, hook, line, and sinker.
“You’ll tell me how you cheated?”
Hisoka nodded, a clawed hand coming to stroke a stray piece of hair behind your ear, the action far too intimate for someone like him.
There was no way you’d win against him in this match, that much was clear from the very sober way Hisoka held himself against you, inhumanly still, so what did you have to lose?
‘Your dignity,’ A part of you answered back, but it wasn’t all that convincing. You’d left your dignity behind four shots ago.
“If I lose...”
“If you lose,” He mouthed the words into your cheek, his eyes closed in thought, “You do know what I’ve decided my prize shall be, right?” Of course you knew what he wanted. You weren’t stupid, and the way he nuzzled himself into your neck was far from subtle.
Were you actually so desperate to learn how you lost that you’d sleep with him?
No, you weren’t. But the ache between your legs was getting harder to ignore, and the idea that you could write off what you were about to do behind the excuse of gathering intel sounded like a win-win.
You dug your hands into his hair, not trying to be anything but rough, basking in the moan that spilled from his lips, breath hot against your neck before you yanked him back to meet your gaze.
“Fine. You win, Hisoka,” He smirked, and although he was on his knees he still towered over you, “so how did you cheat?”
Before you could blink his hand had wrapped around your throat, the magician slamming your head into the wood of the stage. You’d had plenty of time to block the damage with your hatsu but the action left your brain rattling inside your skull.
“I’ll tell you later,” He promised, the disorienting blur was slow to fade from the alcohol, and distantly you could feel his other hand stroke your face, his nails like filed daggers trailing over your cheekbones.
“What to do with my prize, then, hm?” He mused, tilting your head from left to right as if examining a block of wood he was about to carve. You coughed on impulse when he let go of your neck, guiding it up instead and taking both your small hands into his palm with an iron grip.
With a flick of his wrist he drew a card, the eight of hearts, seemingly out of nowhere, his nen sharpening it into a thin blade, “Don’t move,”
“Wait... Hisoka, don’t—!” You were far too late to stop him, the frigid air of the ghostly theatre rushing to meet the bare skin of your chest.
Your shirt fell to ribbons along with your bra and you thrashed desperately in his grasp, angry over the loss of your favorite top. He paid your escape attempt no mind, enraptured with the way your tits rose and fell with the timing of your breath and the way you tried to wriggle yourself free.
Still holding your hands to the floor above you, his head bent to wrap a skilled tongue around your tits, a soft sigh involuntarily falling away from you.
“I fuckin’ ha-ate you, Hisoka—ah,” His teeth bit down on your peak at the comment, peering up at you from under his fiery hair.
“Oh? Then why is it you’re moaning like a little whore?” He shifted his weight above you and you saw an opportunity.
You kicked with all your strength between his legs, pulling your knee back and shoving him off with a dig of your shoe into his stomach, “I’m not, don’t call me that shit!”
He actually loosened his grip on you clearly not intending for you to get free from his grasp, a choked sound of what you thought was pain devolving to something much more heated as he stared into you.
“You... are well worth the wait, my dear,” His bloodlust seeped out from every pore, grounding you to the spot. You could usually hold your own against someone like him but it wasn’t hard to see the disadvantage you were at.
Within a fraction of a second he was on you, twisting your waist in his clawed grasp until your ass was hiked into the air, a sharpened playing card slicing through the denim until he could rip it from your legs, yelp echoing like music in the long-silent theatre.
“I knew you’d have some fight left in you,” He crawled forward and you started to realize why he wore exclusively baggy pants, his length hot against you through the fabric as his hips caged you in. As he began to remove that street-performer getup he always wore he’d occasionally curl his hand around your waist to mercifully tug on your ignored clit, your groans muffled and cursed, “I love it. That resilience? It just turns me on.”
You could feel your confidence fade as he tugged those sweatpants down, the weight of him grinding into your ass made all your bravado vanish.
“It will make it so much more satisfying...” He pointed his finger upwards, and suddenly your hands became magnetized to each other, no amount of struggle even budging the rubbery nen substance. “...when I break you.”
Without warning he slid himself inside you, hands holding your hips still as he forced your back into an arch. You couldn’t move even if you wanted to, the flailing of your bound arms useless as he shallowly began pumping his cock deeper inside you.
Your muffled curses whispered into the floor made him laugh, pulling his hand back and cruelly slapping the vulnerable flesh of your ass without a warning.
“Wh.. Why?”
“Because, darling, I want to hear you beg for me.” He pouted, teasing your clenched walls with only the tip of his slick head.
Despite the desire coursing through your veins you still had your pride in tact, “Never gonna happen, asshole.”
Gripping your hips, he dug himself into your dripping cunt as far as he could, both of you unrestrained with a moan at the feeling of his cock brushing near your cervix, your hips traitorously snapping back to meet his eager thrusts, movement near impossible as Hisoka forced you into the ground.
You cried out softly with each quick pull and stretch, only able to say his name one syllable at a time,
“Hi-so—kah...” It was hard to turn your head to the side from his brutal pace but somehow you manage, craning yourself in order to see him; His head was thrown back with a sheer bliss softening his glistening skin, his eyes closed and lips parted. The sight made your keening grow louder, the simple image of him losing himself in your twitching pussy sending a wave of slick dripping around his length.
He must’ve felt your gaze on him because soon enough his was staring at you, his pupils blown wide with desire in a way that made them look like a sun eclipsed, black outlined with a ring of fiery gold.
All at once his hips froze, digging his cock so far as to leave an indent in your pelvis. For a confused second you thought he’d finished, but his gaze was cruel and focused, his lips in a smirk, and you felt no more full than you had a moment ago. He was doing this on purpose.
“Wait, no-nono, wh..y?” You hiccuped, taking his break as a moment to wipe unshed tears from your glossy eyes.
He sighed, “I don’t like repeating myself, darling,” He accentuated the infuriating nickname with a slap to your thigh, face unchanged as he trailed his sharpened fingertips along the reddening skin.
“His..oh.. fuck, Hisoka—“ The banished tears returned, falling silently down your pink face as you whispered, “please,”
“Hmm? Sorry, I couldn’t hear you, my dear, mind saying that again?
Your voice hiccuped as you spoke, “Please, alright? Please,” You thought it’d be enough, that he might finally go back to toying with your clit while he fucked you into the old floorboards, but you’d underestimated the magician’s self-control.
Innocently, he tilted his head, “Please what, dear? Please hit you again?” Hisoka didn’t blink as he slowly brought up his palm, giving you plenty of time to try and wiggle free from your punishment just to show off how futile escape really was, lashing his hand down on the same patch of skin as before, grinning at the shriek he yanked from your lungs.
“No! No, fu-uck.. just—“ You whimpered, brain seemingly disconnected from your mouth as you struggled to form the words, “just fuck me, Hisoka, please.”
“Look at you, huh? You were a slut after all,” He purred, letting the weight of your words hang lifeless in the air along with your stubborn pride. Before you could argue again his hand had returned to your clit, pace unforgiving as he pulled your nerves ever closer to snapping only to halt the second he grew bored, “Say it,”
Mindlessly, you nodded your head, “I’m yours, I’m your slut, Hisoka,” you intentionally clenched yourself around him, mumbling lucid pleas for more as his hard cock twitched, pre cum dripping from your heat onto the floor as your conscience trying to deny what your body so willingly accepted, “want you to fuck me, Hisoka, fu-ck,” you whined, the still presence inside your sensitive walls drove you insane.
With each word a truly unhinged aura began to surround him, and by extension, you, the intoxicating menace dripping over you like a drug as you faced forward once again, wiggling your ass as best you could in his grip.
That was his breaking point, ripping you away from his cock only to drive himself back in, digging the full blade of his nails into your hips, blood pooling around the crescent cuts.
“Fuck, ah.. Darling, ‘doing so good, so good’fr me-ah,” He slurred his words together, more drunk on you than the vodka as he leaned back, forcing you to meet him as his thrusts became so quick that it was getting hard to breathe, your ribcage creaking with discomfort as you were nailed into the stage.
“M..o-re, more...” You begged, and he was happy to oblige. the smearing crimson of blood running hot down your thighs, the pain only making you more pliant in his sculptor’s hands as he folded your body however he liked, ignoring your pained weep from the stretch as he slung one of your bleeding legs over his shoulder.
It was almost weird to hear him say your actual name, so often he used a pet name to mock or flirt with you, sometimes both, “So good for me like this, taking me so goo-uh,” He choked on his words as your cunt tightened around him, your hands clinging for balance in his hair, and Hisoka clearly didn’t mind if the slew of moans from his lips was any indication.
The angle his hips cut into had the edges of your vision turning into a vignette, “I’m close, so close, gonna cum inside you, yeah? Right here,” The hand that had been toying with your clit changed angles, his fingertips spinning spirals onto your aching bud while the flat of his hand pushed against your stomach, your shout swallowed by his pretty lips, tongue toying with yours.
“Ye-es cum inn-side me,” You were too far gone to care, anything he said sounded good as long as he said it in that sultry purr, arms numb as they lay suspended above your head.
“Take it, take it, Darling,” With what little strength you had left you curved your calf beside his neck, pulling him in until his cock brushed your cervix, the pain indistinguishable from the pleasure, “Uhn, cumm-fuck, i’m cumming—“
His cum was thick, the curve of his cock jutting inside you as he filled you up, mercifully swallowing your hallowed scream as he kissed you deeply, almost all feeling in your raised leg lost until he lowered it to his waist, involuntarily snapping his hips up although they had nowhere left to go until your moan turned into a broken sob of lingering bliss.
“Shh, dear, I’ve got you,” With a whirl of his wrist your arms were free of his bungee gum, shakily pulling them to your sides again as he pressed open-mouthed kisses along your neck, whispering a slurred mess of sweet words, stopping to suck a particularly deep hickey into the vein of your flesh.
“Hisoka, quit it!” Your fight had returned along with feeling to your fingertips as you wrenched him back by the hair, his cock jumping.a bit inside you at the grip, “I’ll have to wear sweaters for weeks now, you jerk.”
The capillaries had already begun to burst as he laughed, reaching up behind your head to pull his discarded top forward, digging out what looked like a piece of smooth cleaning cloth from its pocket and lying it over your neck with a simple point of his finger, gyo revealing the pink gum of his aura that controlled it before he smoothed the fabric over your skin, the texture so light you could barely feel it.
“A deal’s a deal, love, I’ll tell you how I cheated,” He smiled as satisfied and smug as he could ever be, a tingling sensation overtaking the patch of covered skin.
As he pulled your hand away you ran your fingers over the cloth, not finding a seam among the normal tone of your chest. Eyes wide as you looked at him for answers he was already happy to provide, “It’s called texture surprise. I can apply it to any flat surface and change its appearance. It’s quite handy,”
“It works on skin, paper, even playing cards,” You felt like an idiot. During the match you kept analyzing him for a sleight of hand trick all while he was using a second nen technique to win. It was so simple but genius, and you felt a little bit better knowing you weren’t outwitted by something obvious.
“You’re the worst, Hisoka,”
He chuckled, kissing along the new unblemished canvas of your neck, “I know~”
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westiec · 3 years
June 13: T4T Wangxian! 🏳️‍⚧️
genderbend wangxian, no, bendier than that
Read on ao3
When they first meet in high school, Lan Zhan can't stand him; she doesn't like boys as a rule, and Wei Ying is the worst: loud and cocky and flirts with everyone.
Her friend Nie Huaisang goes out with him once and swears up and down that he's pretty cool really, a perfect gentleman on their date. Lan Zhan bites her tongue and asks if he'll be seeing him again, but Nie Huaisang shakes his head.
"There just wasn't much of a spark there, y'know? I'd like to be friends, though, if you wouldn't mind him hanging out with us sometime?" And Nie Huaisang has been her best friend since they were five-year-olds drug to their big brothers' wushu competitions, so...
So that's how Lan Zhan finds herself eating lunch every day of senior year with Nie Huaisang and Wei Ying, Most Awful Boy in School.
It's surprisingly un-awful.
Wei Ying is still loud and cocky, but he is also kind and generous. She'd known he was smart—they'd often competed for the top spot in their classes—but she comes to realize that much of his flirting is honest curiousity about everyone and everything.
Including her.
"Lan Zhan, you should let me set you up on a date! Who do you like? There are lots of girls at this school who have a crush on Lan-jiejie, you know."
She did not know. She tries to tell him she does not need to be set up. Nie Huaisang betrays her and sides with Wei Ying.
Here's the other thing about Nie Huaisang & Wei Ying: they are weirdly good at matchmaking. She knows of at least four couples who started dating on their suggestion.
(They are not good at finding themselves dates, but that's a different story.)
"Hmm... oh! Lan Zhan, do you think you might like Mianmian?"
Lan Zhan goes on the date.
(She and Luo Qingyang date for the rest of senior year and part of that next summer, then break up amicably when they start university in different cities. They remain friends and pen pals.)
Lan Zhan and Wei Ying graduate at the top of their class. She has a little snapshot of them all at graduation, she and Nie Huaisang and Mianmian and Wei Ying and even Wei Ying’s brother Jiang Cheng, all in their hats and baggy gowns, looking proud and happy and ready to take on the world.
There's a lot of world, as it turns out.
People move, they graduate, they get jobs and fall in love and change their number and lose touch.
Sometimes they find out new things about themselves.
"Nonbinary" is a new thing.
Ge is adorkably supportive. Nie Huaisang congratulates them, and Mianmian sends a sweet message. Lan Zhan doesn't really have a conversation about it with Uncle, but the first time they wear a binder and blazer to a family lunch, he just compliments them on their outfit and asks about the new exhibit they've been working on for the museum.
Wei Ying’s messages had started bouncing a few years back, and Lan Zhan mostly manages not to wonder what he'd say.
Lan Zhan cuts their hair and grows it out again, because sometimes you just have to try things to see if they're you.
(Lan Zhan had learned that from Wei Ying.)
They date, a bit, and adopt a pair of rabbits. They find what makes them feel at home in their body.
They love their job and smile inside every time a wide-eyed kid takes in their long braided hair and earrings and makeup and the lean, crisp lines of their work outfits with awe.
They let Nie Huaisang teach them how to dance, and do brunch with Ge and his partners, and they travel, sometimes for work and sometimes for themself.
They visit Mianmian, meet her wife and baby daughter, and travel to see their mother's family, and other times go somewhere they know no one.
It's at a craft market in one such town, looking at handmade jewelry and homemade jams, that Lan Zhan hears a musical laugh they haven't heard in years.
They follow it past booths of landscape photos and hand-thrown pottery and beaded necklaces until they turn a corner to see —
Long glossy hair in a high ponytail. Elegant wrists and lively hands. A flowing skirt that flutters in the spring breeze as the person at this table of what Lan Zhan belatedly realizes is small-batch fruit wines waves goodbye to a happy customer before turning and—
"Wei Ying."
It's undoubtedly Wei Ying's eyes that go wide and surprised. Undoubtedly Wei Ying’s smile that spreads across this lovely face. Undoubtedly Wei Ying who responds, "Lan Zhan! Fancy meeting you here, after all this time."
Lan Zhan can feel a smile in the corners of their own lips.
"Come here, come here, tell me what you're up to these days. You look fantastic, Lan Zhan, have a seat, I want to hear everything that—ah, if you have time?"
Lan Zhan has time. Lan Zhan thinks they would sit at this market stall until dark to keep that smile on Wei Ying’s face.
"I do. Wei Ying, you also look—" beautiful, captivating, happy, alive "—fantastic."
Lan Zhan does not remember Wei Ying blushing like this in school. It's utterly charming.
Lan Zhan sits at Wei Ying’s stall for hours.
("This is more words than you ever said to me back then!")
They catch up. Wei Ying lives and works at a small family farm outside this town. Wei Ying declares Lan Zhan's job as a museum curator "perfect for you!"
They do the pronoun thing.
("It changes? But 'she' today."
"'They,' as a rule; 'she' when it's too..."
"Sure, I get it.")
Eventually, Wei Ying carefully asks if Lan Zhan has kept up with anybody they'd both known.
She's delighted by the news of Luo Qingyang's marriage and child, and thrilled that she and Lan Zhan remain friends. ("I knew you'd like her, Lan Zhan!")
Wei Ying’s face does something complicated when Lan Zhan asks about the Jiangs, so they let her change the subject. There's a little boy on the farm, apparently, who Wei Ying adores.
Wei Ying does not sell very much more wine that day, but she won't hear of Lan Zhan apologizing.
It's not quite dark when Lan Zhan helps Wei Ying pack up the unsold jars, but it is late enough that it's easy to ask her for a recommendation for where to eat dinner, then insist that Lan Zhan treat her to a meal.
It is dark by the time they leave the restaurant.
Lan Zhan goes to bed smiling that night, a new number in their phone under a contact they could never quite bring themself to delete.
Wei Ying has never visited the museum Lan Zhan had come here to see. Lan Zhan barely notices the art, too distracted by the light in her eyes.
The train ride between towns is not long.
Later, under cheerful lanterns strung up at the Wen farm to celebrate Wei Ying's birthday, Lan Zhan mentions they've gotten a position at the museum they visited that first weekend.
Wei Ying's kiss tastes like cherry wine and happiness.
Epilogue thoughts:
Wei Ying's jiejie does her hair at the wedding. Jiang Cheng cries on Nie Huaisang at the reception. Mianmian and Mian's Ma'am and Xiao Mianmian are, of course, all in attendance as well.
Lan Zhan and Wei Ying hang a picture of all of them at the wedding in their new house, with an old, faded snapshot tucked in the corner of the frame.
#PrideMonthSnippets Masterpost!
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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folkloreguk · 4 years
Paris (optional bias)
A/N: This is just something short I’ve had in my drafts for so long and I’ve finally finished it...there’s not much storyline but I swear it’s really sweet and I hope you like it x
genre: photographer!bias, suggestive themes, some kissing and cuddling, just two people on holiday and deeply in love tbh (pls send me some tissues)
words: 1.4 k
“Stay still baby,” he demanded, but not in a rough tone. It was gentle, a little sleepy. You chuckled, hearing the familiar click.
“You look so gorgeous in this light,” he mumbled, his face hidden behind his camera. The curtains of the hotel room were pulled away slightly, so the golden evening light could enter. You were going to get up, but now you fell back into bed, giving in to your boyfriend. Your hair was messy, your makeup even messier. Your clothes were everywhere but on your body.
For a moment you gazed at your boyfriend as he tried to photograph you from the perfect angle. He’d always preferred watching the world through a lens rather than just his eyes. Until you had come along. In you, he had found a new challenge. Oh, how many times you had heard him complain about how he couldn’t seem to capture your beauty in a photo. As if you were some part of nature that simply was too beautiful to fit into a picture. He had compared you to the night sky, a roaring waterfall, the light of the setting sun and fireworks – all his favourite things, basically. Although you didn’t agree. When it was hard to see your beauty in the mirror, one look at the collection of photos on your wall sufficed. Seeing yourself through his eyes made you feel like you were enough. More than enough, in fact. You understood a little better what he saw in you, and slowly you had also started seeing the good, beautiful things in yourself.
It had been a year since he had asked you to be his girlfriend. For your anniversary, you had booked a trip – your first holiday together, in fact. Now it was just the two of you, together, in a strange city. Without a care in the world. That’s what you had agreed on.
You spent your time in bed, exploring the streets where even tourists weren’t found, trying all of the local food and then spending more time in bed. As always, your boyfriend couldn’t put his camera down. Not even in his holidays. But you didn’t mind because you knew it made him happy. And when he was happy, so were you.
His hair was probably even messier than yours, but it made you smile to know you had made it that way. He grinned, watching you through his lens.
“Can I please go to the bathroom now?” you asked, stretching on top of the blankets.
“If you come back quickly,” he answered, and you laughed.
“Don’t worry,” you joked. Your legs were a little weak as you got up. You could still feel where he had touched you, making your cheeks heat up.
When you entered the bedroom again, he had taken your spot on the bed. The last sun rays were now catching in his sparkling eyes, tangling in his hair and dunking his skin in a golden, glowing light. His bare chest was rising and falling steadily and he had draped the sheets over his lower body lazily. He looked at you as if you were the rarest sight in the world, some mythical creature only the luckiest got the chance to encounter once in a lifetime and like you held all the answers to the universe all at once. An overwhelming feeling of love overcame you at the sight of him.
As soon as your leg touched the bed, he opened his arms for you. Smiling, you clung to him as he stroked your hair and kissed your forehead. Even though you were thousands of miles away, you had never felt more at home than in that moment. Your safe place was wherever he was.
Softly, his hands wandered across your skin, drawing random patterns. Sometimes he touched you as if you were artwork at a museum. Too fragile and too precious, maybe even forbidden to lay his hands on. Other times, he dug his fingers deeply into your skin and pulled you flush against his hot body, trapping you under his weight and making it hard for you to breathe with his feverish kisses. His light chuckle rang ever so delightfully in your ears as he noticed the dark hickeys on your chest. His personal masterpiece, only for you to see. If he was the artist, you were his muse and his canvas. The touch tickled you a little. When he traced the dark shapes on your skin you shivered, and when his fingertips came close to your nipples your heart skipped a beat or two. Softly, you swatted his hand away.
“Still haven’t had enough?” you asked.
“I’ll never get enough of you,” he said. You didn’t blame him. If anything, you had never related more. You had just closed your eyes, trying to listen to the way his heart was beating underneath your head, when he rolled over on top of you. When you looked up at him, he had already lowered his head to kiss you. Without your control, your lips curled into a smile. Compared to earlier, when his kisses had been so full of passion and need, they now felt soft, like candy cotton clouds on your skin. Your lips moved slow enough for you to consciously notice every little sensation. The way his hair tickled your forehead, his nose brushing against yours, and his hand intertwining with yours next to your head. Deeply, you breathed in, only to sigh because his scent overtook all your senses with a rush you thought one could only receive from consuming drugs.
His bare chest against yours was warm and your legs tangled with the blankets by your feet. Through the gap in the window you heard the lively song of birds and chatter of both other tourists and residents in the city. Physically, they were just outside, a few levels lower, on the street. But your head was miles away from it all. It was all heart eyes and lips practically quivering with the need to let him know how much you loved him. He beat you to it.
“I’m in love with you,” he whispered. “So much. All of you.”
He peppered kisses on your neck and squeezed your hands in his. How come your heart could never get used to these words? Why did it have to jump the way it did, every single time? Not once had you been able to stop the big smile on your face upon hearing the confession – not that you tried hard, because why should you have – and each time you had to regain your composition for a few seconds, until you could return those words.
“So am I,” you said. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“Yesterday you said the ice cream shop downtown was the best thing that’s ever happened to you,” he teased, a smile evident in his voice.
“That was an exaggeration, obviously,” you said. “If you hadn’t been there with me, it would have only been a fifth as delicious.”
“Thank god,” he said, exaggerating. “I almost thought I had lost against some chocolate ice cream there.”
“Come here, silly,” you said. He raised his head from your neck and grinned. Sometimes you were nearly convinced he could have cured any problem with his handsome smile. But the look he was giving you was reserved only for you. It was saying words without having to speak and held countless memories from the past.
“You’re my favourite person in the whole universe,” you said. “And yes, I do know that none of the aliens out there could possibly be better than you. But I do hope we go back to that ice cream shop tonight.”
His eyes had gone from loving to amused and back to loving. Gently, his lips met yours again. The kiss only lasted for a short while, but it said enough.
“We can go back there,” he said. “Do you wanna go for dinner now? Down by the river?”
“Let’s stay like this, just five minutes longer, alright?” you asked. You weren’t quite ready to lose his warmth on your skin and to leave this little, perfect world inside the hotel room just yet. In fact, if it was possible, you’d drag out the moment forever. And he seemed to agree. He hummed and nodded quietly. The next time his lips met yours, you didn’t let him pull away so fast. Five minutes, half an hour, an hour, what even was time when you were with him?  
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strawberryspence · 3 years
Angst | Spencer Reid x FEM! BAU! Female
Summary: Spencer meets the love of his life while Reader continues to the search for her love for life.
Word Count: 2,1k.
Warnings: angst, no happy ending, reference to having sex, lots of sentimental stuff, rossi has a part in this he was the only old OLD member
Writer’s Note: Hello! I am sad, so this happened... I wanted to clear up that I used the song Vienna in this, tho the meaning of the song is more of a “slow down, you have a whole life ahead of you.” I took the song and made it the direct opposite which for me is “find yourself and never stop until you find it. vienna (your destined destination) waits for you.” I didn’t edit this and I wrote it in one sitting so I am sorry for the mistakes. This is basically me venting out my emotions and I am not entirely sure if this made sense.
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Spencer knew that you would change his life the moment you stepped foot in the BAU conference room.
You were a new agent with a fiery passion for the job. You were a Psychology Professor before quitting and took up Criminology and after that you ended up in the BAU. You were eager to learn, always on the go and was always energetic to do any job Hotch gives you. You had a heart of gold and would do absolutely anything for anyone in the team and Spencer was in no doubt completely in love with you.
It took Spencer a year and a month to finally ask you out. By this time, you were already close. It wasn’t hard to be friends with you, you radiate warmth and brightness and you were always so kind to everyone. He honestly felt embarrassed and weak. You were this amazing, strong person but Spencer... he was only Spencer.
“W-would you like to get dinner? Or... L-like coffee?” Spencer fidgets with his fingers, staring at his stained converse as it lines up to your black ankle boots. The contrast was jarring, it shows the two opposite spectrums of your personalities. When he looks up, your face was hard to read and it makes his heart beat harder against his chest.
“Like... a date?” Spencer watches as you chew on your inner cheek, something you do when you’re nervous or anxious.
“Yes... But if you don’t want to it’s okay! You can forget what I sai—“ Spencer raises his hand as a sign of goodbye, as the other grips his satchel. He turns halfway before you hold his catch his arms, stopping him from leaving.
“No! I want dinner! I mean, coffee! Whatever it is!” He looks back at you, a smile now forming in your face, and no matter how many times Spencer have seen it, it still catches he’s breathe.
“Really?” A grin starts forming in his face as he watches a shade of pink color your cheeks, “Yes. Tell me when and where. I’ll be there.”
The date was perfect. Spencer picks you up with a bouquet of daisies in his hands. You pick one of the daisies, clipping it in your hair for the rest of the night making it hard for Spencer to look away from you for the rest of the night. He reserved a table for two in a small, quaint cafe. Even with the nerves Spencer had, the date went smoothly. You talked, he talked and it was just like any other day but this time it was a date.
That date leads to another one, and another one, and another one, until you both finally made it clear that you two were dating.
It leads to numerous adventures.
To museums where Spencer becomes your own tour guide, where he teaches you everything he can teach you, where he watches you become one of the beautiful art pieces and where he realizes that he can take something so beautiful and surreal home.
To libraries where Spencer opens a book, any genre, and reads it you as you both take a journey to another world together, where you watch him read books that he probably already have memorized in the back of his head and where you realized that the world is so much bigger than you thought. More than anything it makes you itch for that world.
To movie nights which more often than so ends up with you on his lap, making out like you were both craving for something only the other can give. If it does, you both end up in bed, tangled in each other as both of you catch your breathe as you make love to one another. If it doesn’t, you both watch a movie chosen by the other and just sit in comfortable silence, cuddled into each others warm body.
To coffee shops where you both try as many different kinds of pastries, making a list of which one has the best pastries. The little corner shop down the street near the library is where Spencer learns that you liked croissants but only if they had chocolate in them. In the cafe down on 5th near the pet store, you learned that Spencer liked his blueberry muffin with cream cheese. The expensive, posh coffee shop in the high end street is where you were both kicked out for laughing way too much when you both realize that a muffin costs ten dollars each.
It leads to numerous sleepovers on Spencer’s double bed. Waking up to a new day with you was the best thing in the morning. Waking up tangled with your limbs all around him, waking up to you making him his favorite coffee and pancakes in bed, waking up to your naked body pressed unto him as you dream of him some place else.
It leads to home cooked dinners with silly dance numbers in the middle, warm hugs after hard cases and silent whispers of It’s okay’s, picnics in the park with packed sandwiches and it leads to five hundred, eighty one, forever treasured I love you’s.
One date leads you to numerous adventures and dates with Spencer.
But it was also a year and a month into the relationship when Emily video calls you both for a job offer in Interpol. She says, it would be a breathe of fresh air for the both of you. A new adventure. Together.
Spencer was set in his ways. Virginia was the closest thing he’ll ever have to a home and that’s because of the BAU. They were family. Penelope and JJ are the sisters he never had. Will, Henry and Michael was his extended family. Derek is his best friend and he loved being near him and Hank. Hotch and Rossi was the closest thing he’ll get to some kind of a father figure and he didn’t want to lose that in his life. He has long set his roots in this place, his home and he immediately shakes his head and declines.
He looks over you when the silence was to deafening to ignore and it doesn’t take a profiler to see the hesitation in your face. There was a spark in your eyes, the same one he saw when you first came to the BAU, the spark of excitement. You look at him and you see the way his eyes shines with sadness as he realizes that this was what you wanted. You shake your head at Emily and declines.
Emily smiles as she says her goodbye before reassuring both of you that there will always be a position open for the both of you in her team if ever anyone changes their mind.
That one video call leads to exactly six fights about the job opportunity. Spencer knew that you wanted to go and the selfish part of him wanted to hold unto you. So he did, he held, and he held, and he held until he couldn’t anymore.
Spencer stays late at the BAU one night. The two of you haven’t been the same since the job offer. You have left earlier to go home as he stares at the place he has called his home. Can he leave this? Was his love for you enough to leave everything he has known half his life?
“What’s keeping you here?” Spencer snaps out of the thought, looking up from his paper work to Rossi leaning over the railing right across his office.
“Nothing.” He looks back down, but he can see Rossi giving him a soft smile, “News flies fast around here.”
Spencer snaps back his head, “What?” Rossi nods, “We all know.” He continues to chew on his lip.
“I don’t know what to do.” Rossi walks down the stairs, walking closer to Spencer, “You remember Y/N’s first few weeks?” Spencer nods, the memory of your first week still vivid in his mind.
“You remember how before she was in the BAU she was a psychology professor? When she came on her first day,” Rossi smiles, reminiscing as he continues, “Remember how eager she was to do everything? There was this spark in her eyes and she was just passionate about the job and to learn?” Spencer nods again.
“Kid, in my life, I have met two kinds of people. The Mover and The Homebody. The Mover is the one who moves, they never get enough of the high that life can give, they go around looking for more adventures to learn and to help them grow,” Rossi looks down at him, a sad smile on his face, “Then there is the Homebody. Its not a bad thing to stay in one place. They are the ones who set roots in one place and grows in that place, they get comfortable and make that place in their life their home.”
“Are you saying I am a homebody? And Y/N is a mover?” Rossi forces a smile, giving his shoulder a pat.
“If you’re so smart then tell me, why are you still so afraid.” Rossi sings before giving him one last smile as he turns his back, not giving Spencer the chance to ask what he meant.
Spencer later learns from Penelope that it was a song written by Billy Joel. He asks Penelope if he can hear it by himself in her bat cave and she immediately agrees, leaving him alone with a song someone wrote in 1977 that perfectly fits and embodies you. As the final beats hit his ears, Spencer lets go of you.
The next twenty one days comes in a swift. Spencer stands in the airport as the team says their teary goodbyes to you. The team leaves to give the two of you space and privacy to say your goodbye.
“Spencer... I am sorry.” Spencer gives a smile. It wasn’t fake, there was no bad blood. He wanted to let you go, to go find the best version of yourself.
“This is what you need in your life to grow. I am happy for you.” Your eyes sparkle in tears as your heart softens.
“I’ll be back, if you are still in the same place as we are today, can we pick up were we left?” Spencer nods, as he opens his satchel and reaches in for a box.
You open it and inside is the same daisy you pinned in your hair on your first date, but it was dried and framed. You look up at him with questions in your eyes, “I stole it from you after our first date. I kept it for future purposes but it’s more suiting to give it to you right now.”
“Last call for passengers of flight 582 bound for London. Again, last call for passengers of flight 582 bound for London.” You both look at each other as the announcement rings through your ears
“I love you.” You whisper. Spencer gathers up all the courage he has and pulls you into one last kiss. His hands stays on the curve of your neck as he pulls you closer to him and as you snake your arms around his arms.
Spencer kisses you with fervour and fear. This was the last he’ll kiss you and if he had to tattoo it in the back of his mind he will. He will remember the distinct taste of your peach lip balm, the way your lips moves against him and how your hand presses hard on his back to pull him closer. Spencer pulls away when a voice in his head screams at him to not let you go. He had to let you go now before he change his mind, screams and beg you to stay with him. His heart breaks a little more as he sees tears flowing down your cheeks.
You pull him into one last hug and it sinks in, his holding you for the last time. He tries to memorize how your hands wrap around his neck and how you perfectly fit between his arms. Your body vibrates as you sob against him.
You pull away from him with tear stained cheeks and barely catching your breathe, you smile through it as you wave at him, “Goodbye Spencer.” You sobbed as you start backing away from him. You see him clench his hand as tears start filling his eyes.
“I can’t wait to meet who you’re going to be. Good luck, Y/N.” Spencer raises his hand to wave at you as the inches between the two of you grow bigger.
“Thank you. I love you.” You bid him goodbye before turning your back on him and running to your gate number. Spencer smiles through his tears as you give your ticket to the airport staff. You look back at Spencer and give him one last smile before boarding the airplane.
“Vienna waits for you, my love.”
taglist (if you want to be added, please message me 🥰): @all-tings-diego @shemarmooresfedora @averyhotchner @samuel-de-champagne-problems @bingereid @sweetandsunny @reidsbookclub @spencerreid-187
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Just in Your Heart {Taylor Swift x ChubbyMale!Reader}
Requested by: @lunchawx Wordcount: 2114 Summary: After five years of dating, you’re finally thinking of making it social-media official. Warnings: Fat shaming.
You weren’t the sort of person that most people would picture Miss Americana herself to date. Taylor Swift had gone out with some of the best looking, or at least according to the media’s standards best looking - men in the world. You didn’t need to go over them. The tabloids did that enough for you on a daily basis. But the point was that you were the opposite of a lot of these men. You weren’t in the entertainment industry. You weren’t rich. You weren’t famous. You didn’t have a six pack or a chiseled chest or that rugged jaw line or any of those things. You had worked your way up to being a curator at a Museum in New York - not one of the biggest ones, mind you, but big enough to where you always had a lot on your plate. You were overweight according to your doctor though you ate healthy and tried to get lots of exercise. And you had next to no social media presence, only followed by your friends and family - not even Taylor as for the most part, you both agreed on keeping you out of the spotlight, much as that sometimes hurt. But then again - you both had been together for five years now, and you weren’t being picked apart by the media. That was nice.
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“Do you think that this is folded in enough? I always think of that scene in Sleeping Beauty where they actually fold them in,” Taylor laughed, snapping you out of your thoughts. When you had stopped at the grocery store to get the ingredients for baking night, you of course had seen Taylor on the magazines. Stepping out with new ‘mystery man’ it had reported. It was only her new bodyguard and would be forgotten in a week or so but it was still a bit annoying to be surrounded by rumors of your own girlfriend.
“Yeah, that looks good babe,” You’d say, looking into her bowl. It was cake night in your shared apartment. The whole quarantine thing had the both of you at home a lot more, though you did still have to go to work, so you were trying new hobbies. Baking had been Taylor’s idea, and it was something you had shot down at first considering your weight, but she was so insistant. She had given you those puppy dog eyes you couldn’t resist. Those baby blues had you saying yes every time. “No shells this time?”
“Oh my god, it was one time, let it go,” Taylor laughed, going for the next couple of ingredients. “I don’t think that you put enough chocolate in yours.”
“It’s a light chocolate cake, not a Devil’s Food Cake. I’m still watching my weight, remember?” You kept on whipping the eggs until they were light and fluffy, and then finally folded your own into the rest of the mixture. “This will probably be my lunch tomorrow,” You joked.
“I’ll make you something, don’t worry,” She said, putting a kiss on your cheek, transferring a bit of flour that she had on her nose onto your skin. You laughed and wiped it off. “What were you thinking about?”
“Saw you on the cover of another magazine today,” You said, slipping behind her, taking the chance to run your hands across her waist as you went to grab one of the cake pans you already prepped. “They’re thinking that Greg is your new boyfriend. It’s really throwing them off that you’re not out there dating openly anymore.”
“Oh, that’s hilarious. I’m sure his wife is going to love that,” Taylor laughed, not taking it seriously. Being in the industry since she was a teenager meant that she had to develop that tough skin. You loved that about her. You only wished that you had been able to do that yourself. “Oh, let’s take a picture before we pop these into the oven.”
Always the change of subject. But you gave in, as you always did, giving her a little nod. She pulled out her phone, turned the front camera on, and snapped a picture of her kissing your cheek while the full cake pans were waiting on the counter. You were grinning, you couldn’t help it. Every time that this wonderful, beautiful woman gave you attention, you were fawning for it. You couldn’t wait to make her your wife. Just a little longer. Just getting the ring sized.
And then the pans went into the oven, and you settled back down on the couch, looking for something to watch while waiting for the timers. Taylor went straight to Law and Order. Of course. You even bobbed your head to the theme tune. Her favorite show in the whole world. She cuddled up to you, hand and head resting on your barrel-like chest. When she touched you like this, it was hard to feel insecure. And the way that she looked up at you whenever the screen went dark between scenes - still made you feel like blushing to this day.
Once the timer went off, cake out of the oven, it was the only part of this whole baking thing that you really enjoyed. Decorating. Tongue in cheek, going over the layers with the icing that you had managed to make look tie-dye with different colors. “What do you think, fruit maybe? Some whipped cream?” You looked over to see what she was doing, only to see that she was literally throwing sprinkles on top of the icing. Making a huge mess, but it was cute to see her looking so joyous.
“Whatever you want,” She’d say, bending low, turning the plate to see the other side of the cake, and then threw even more sprinkles. One thing could be said for her method - she was thorough. There was hardly an inch on it that was untouched. You looked back at your own which was looking plain in comparison, and started chopping up some fruit to put on the top. At least give some semblance of it being healthy. That way you wouldn’t feel as guilty when you went to the doctor next and explained what you’ve been eating. “I can’t wait to try yours,” Taylor said, sticking a finger in your spare icing and dabbed some of it on the tip of your nose with a giggle. Her eyes were lit up from the inside out. She looked happy. Truly happy. “Can we take another photo?”
“Can I at least get this off of my nose first?” You laughed. She shook her head no, and this time in the photo, she was licking it right off of you, the cakes on full display in front of you. Your face was scrunched up from the attention on your nose, which made her laugh when she saw it.
“This is really cute. I might even post it,” She teased, tongue in cheek.
“Doubtful,” You chuckled, and grabbed a knife to make the first cuts.
“No, really,” She said, leaning against the counter, looking at the picture on her phone. “We’ve been together five years now and I haven’t really been able to tell anyone but our close friends and family.”
“Does anyone else matter?” You asked, eyebrows furrowed. “Everyone that I care about knows about you. Why does the whole world?”
“I just - I don’t want you to feel like I’m ashamed of you when I’m not. I’d love to start posting pictures of us, like normal couples do.”
“We’re not a normal couple,” You pointed out. She was pouting again, but this time it didn’t look like she was trying to get what she wanted. She looked genuinely upset. You watched her for a minute as she dropped a couple more sprinkles on spots that she missed, trying to keep her hands busy. “Okay. Fine. You can post one tomorrow if you really want. But can we just relax tonight?”
“Okay,” She said, tucking a long blonde piece of hair behind her ear and smiled. She looked happy again. And that’s the way that you wanted to keep her forever.
Your phone was left in your office for most of the day while you were working on the usual day-to-day activities of the museum. You had forgotten your little agreement with Taylor the night before, having settled back in for a night of watching Olivia Benson on the television solving cases.
So when you finally had a chance to sit down and look at your phone, you were surprised to see that it was dead. You plugged it into your spare charger only for it to turn on and have hundreds - maybe even more notifications. You had to quickly go into your settings and try to turn them off so that you could have a breath. That was when you remembered, and immediately opened up instagram. 2.6 million follow requests. Jesus. At least your account was on private, who knows what they would have done if they had been able to go thorugh your photos and comment on them.
You’d leave those for another time to deal with. The next time that you were taking the subway and had nothing else better to do. But for now, you went to Taylor’s profile, where you were one of her millions of followers, never anything special until now. The two pictures from the night before, kissing and silly icing on your nose. ‘#bakingwithboyfriend.’
Over three million likes. Comments galore. And most of them were not of the nice and supportive kind.
‘Oh my god, is this some body positivity stunt?’ 'This is literally like three of her exes put together, weightwise. ‘ 'Must be really rich or have great dick’
There were other ones that were much more rude, but you weren’t going to go through them. You couldn’t. You wouldn’t do that to yourself. You put the phone back down, face down so that you wouldn’t have to look at it, or at the very least be a lot less tempted.
“Mr y/l/n,” Your assistant said, poking his head into the office. His face was looking flushed, so that already gave you an idea of what was going on. He already knew about your relationship, but that didn’t stop him from having fan-boy moments whenever Taylor came in. “She’s here to see you.”
“She can come in,” You said with a nod. He popped his head back out and the tall, lithe figure of Taylor, as dressed down as she could be, walked into the stuffy room. She smiled nervously and sat down across from you in the spot where donors or assistants usually would sit.
“You saw those comments, didn’t you?” Taylor said. You simply nodded. “I already talked to my publicist and we’re going to be taking comments off all of my posts. It isn’t right. Any of it.”
“Can’t say that it wasn’t expected though,” You admitted, leaning back in your chair. “I’m not Styles or Hiddleston.”
“That’s why I love you,” Taylor insisted. “You’re not any of those men, you’re you. They’ve got nothing, nothing at all, on you.”
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“But I’m apparently three of them,” You laughed humorlessly. “Look, I knew what I was getting into by falling in love with you. I can accept it. Just sucks that the day had come after all.”
Taylor was quiet for a moment, but then she leaned forward over the desk, and took hold of your hands, giving them a squeeze with her well manicured fingers. “You’re everything to me, y/n. And I just want to show you that. I want to show the whole world that.”
“I know. I know,” You breathed out with a sigh. “Were any of the comments good?”
“Selena is going apeshit in the comments. Or at least she was while I was on the way here. Threatening to fight some of the people saying the worst things but I already deleted most of the really bad ones. I have my publicist on it. Some of them were really positive though. You’re really handsome. Some of them are threatening to come after you when we break up.”
“Ha, like that’s ever going to happen,” You said, shaking your head. “You’re it for me, baby.”
“You’re it for me too,” Taylor said, raising your hands up to kiss the tops of them. Your unmusical hands. “So - are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll get over it. I guess. More incentive to go to the gym maybe. Gotta show your millions of fans that you can still get a buff guy after all.”
“Don’t change yourself too much,” She’d say, smiling. “You’re perfect. Completely and utterly ... perfect.”
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omg violet you write so well!! if you can, could you write a taehyung nsfw of while on vacation, tae's girlfriend wakes him up early with kisses and promises to do "whatever he wants" if he gets up with her and explores the city and tae holds her to that promise when they get back to their hotel starting with some steamy (private) hot tub sex?
Anon, you are awesome but you have ruined my brain. I got so carried away writing this fic, it is double the size I thought it would be. Many thoughts, head full typa situation. Thank you. This one is titled Only One. Enjoy <3
WC: 4475
Genres: Smut, fluff, angst
Tags: established relationship, anniversary dinners, tae x oc take a trip to Paris
Warnings: dom/sub relationship, dom!taehyung, sub!reader, sir kink, punishment, praise kink, use of the word slut once, colour system as a safeword, insecurity, possessiveness, possessive sex, aftercare, taehyung is very 🥵🥵🥵 in this one y’all
(*Cis female reader*)
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“Y/N, Y/N, should we take a picture over there?” Taehyung asks, batting his eyes cutely.
You smile but roll your eyes at Taehyung’s enthusiasm.
Not to be mistaken, if there’s anyone who loves their boyfriend, it’s you. You would live and die for Kim Taehyung, but there’s a special reason for your eyeroll today.
It has been only two weeks since Taehyung got off tour, and at that a world tour. You know Taehyung must be very tired from constantly travelling, hence why you let your boyfriend get his full rest the first week. But the thing is you haven’t seen your lover in a year, and you want to make some memories with him. 
You know he will get too busy once the post-tour lull passes over everyone at the company and everything goes back to regular schedule. Then, Taehyung will get sucked away by album preparations, promotions once it’s out, and inevitably: another tour.
You love that Taehyung gets to do what he loves for a living. You also love how cool he looks on stage. But most of all you like getting to spend time with him. 
To be honest, you were going to go see Taehyung in Paris during the European leg of the tour. It had been your anniversary, and the two of you had plans to get dinner together and enjoy the city. But then life happened and your plans came crashing down, preventing you from seeing Taehyung until the tour ended months later.
But past you had thought quickly, knowing the day Taehyung would return home and shifted your ticket instead of cancelling. So a week after Taehyung got home, you presented him with a second plane ticket to Paris, France that you bought last minute just for him.
You thought Taehyung would agree with making up for your missed anniversary, but Taehyung had frowned instead. “Babe, I seriously don’t want to go anywhere for a while. I’m sick of hotels and planes.”
“But I’ve never been there, baby. It would be so romantic!” You convinced him eventually, your pout winning him over. Taehyung had sighed, then called his manager to let him know.
So excited from Taehyung agreeing, you had leapt up into his arms and kissed him like crazy. “Ahhh! I’m so excited!”
Taehyung had held back a grin. “Okay. But no touristy stuff.”
You pout. “But that’s the most fun part!” When Taehyung pouts back, you try to convince him again. “Baby, I promise I’ll seriously do anything you say if you do all the embarrassing touristy stuff with me.”
“Anything?” Taehyung asked you, arching a brow. 
You took his hand, nodding eagerly. “Anything. Let’s just have fun!”
Taehyung grinned at you. “You better keep your word.”
You had kissed him, grinning at him. He watched you with a fond smile, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “You bet I will.” You vow.
It isn’t until you actually land in Paris that you realize what anything Taehyung is imagining.
For all his great qualities, Taehyung is not subtle about what he wants. Especially when he wants you.
The first three days, Taehyung lets you drag him around under the condition that you both wear disguises to avoid being noticed. You comply, picking odd hours of the day for activities that would be very busy at other times of day. You hit all the touristy spots in early mornings before the crowd, hide away in small tucked away cafes and restaurants with Taehyung during lunch hour, then spend the day browsing vintage stores for jewellery and clothes. 
It’s all fun and games except for the teasing that Taehyung will not stop. It’s hard for you to name a time of day where Taehyung’s big hands hadn’t been resting on your waist or his lips idly pressing a kiss to your cheek in passing. You know very well the game Taehyung is playing. He is slowly working you up, getting you used to his constant touches. Then, he will withdraw them, leaving you needy. 
Despite Taehyung’s teasing, the two of you still have a great time. You buy souvenirs for your friends and things for yourself. Taehyung also buys you clothes and jewellery, loving to spoil you. But what you love the most are the small establishments he brings you to, full of tasty food and where no one knows his name. You know the game Taehyung is playing, but you let him guide you to an isolated table towards the back and feed you food off his own utensils. You let him wipe the corner of your mouth for some smeared sauce, let him lick it off his thumb. Sometimes, you even get a little on your face on purpose. Taehyung notices when you do that, and lets you get away with it. After all, this isn’t a favour he’s doing you. This is your anniversary trip. He can’t be the only one getting away with teasing.
The following three days, the two of you hit the museums. Taehyung shows you around, explaining things he had seen on previous trips to Paris. You listen to him, happier to see him happy than to really look at the art. You take pictures of your boyfriend inside the museum and really anywhere it won’t catch too much attention.
Over those three days, Taehyung’s touches decrease. He reduces it little by little, but you know him well by now. Taehyung isn’t trying to be subtle, rather the opposite. He wants you to notice, to get riled up when his touch is gone. 
You tell yourself you don’t mind it, but both of you know it’s a lie. You ignore the smirk on Taehyung’s face every time you intertwine your hands or wrap an arm around his waist to guide him through the back roads. You will get back at him at dinner tonight.
After lunch on the final day, you tell Taehyung to head back to the hotel on his own. You say you are going to buy a new dress for your dinner date tonight, and that you want it to be a surprise for him. Chuckling, Taehyung just passes you his blackcard and tells you to have fun.
You buy a dark green coloured gown, Taehyung’s favourite colour, and a matching necklace and earrings set of emeralds. You smile at the sight of your ass being cupped by the silky material. This is sure to drive Taehyung mad. After all, tonight is the final night. Both of you know exactly how tonight will end.
You catch a cab to the five star Taehyung made a reservation at. You pay the taxi driver excitedly, getting out in your all new outfit, new heels, and even a new purse! You were sure to impress Taehyung.
You walk into the restaurant, telling the waiter who you’re here with. He lets you in, guiding you upstairs to your table.
You frown as you see your table. From this angle, you can’t see who, but Taehyung is talking to a woman. You approach quietly, catching neither of their attention. Luckily (or unluckily) for you, they’re talking loudly. You don’t speak much French but you don’t need it to deal with this woman. You hear her mention the word “model” and a woman’s clothing brand. You hear her repeat “model” a second time as she blatantly roams her eyes down Taehyung’s figure, then up at him. That’s the part that makes your blood boil. You know she is aware of your presence. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what kind of relationship you and Taehyung have.
But she still challenges you anyway, openly eyeing your man in public. If you could speak more French than basic small talk you would rip her a new one. 
Fuck it. You think, making your way across the room. Who needs to know the language?
“Oh, baby.” You say in a sweet voice. They both look over at you. The woman looks visibly irritated, pursing her perfect lips in annoyance. What a shame you like to flirt with other women’s men. You think, slightly in awe at her beauty. I’d like you in any other situation. “Is this a friend?” You ask.
You see a hint of a smile before Taehyung bites it back. “No, Y/N. We just met tonight.”
You smile pointedly at the woman. She frowns at you. “Ah, I see. Well, it was nice meeting you. We haven’t had dinner yet, so.” You say, pretending to be apologetic for cutting the conversation short. All three of you know you’re not, but it’s the thought that counts. Or doesn’t. You couldn’t care less.
“Colour.” Taehyung asks the minute you’re back in the hotel room. 
“Poor baby. Got so angry that I took my eyes off you, huh?” Taehyung teases, hooking his fingers in the band of your underwear. He pulls back, making it snap against your hips. You whimper. “What’s that? Are you trying to say something?” Taehyung taunts you.
He cranes his head to look at you. He cups your face and makes you look at him. He makes a fake-worried face. “That’s odd, you were talking perfectly fine a few hours ago. Was it something in the food that’s making you feel sick or are you just embarrassed from being a possessive little slut in front of sir?”
His words make you shiver. He grins as he feels it against his own abdomen. “It seems like you’re really sick, Y/N. I guess we'll just have to go to bed.”
He begins to unwind his arms from around your waist, but you grab them, holding them against your skin. “S-Sir.” You whisper.
“There’s my girl.” Taehyung says proudly, rewarding you with a kiss to your temple. “Let’s talk about what you did wrong tonight, shall we?”
“I-I was possessive. I got jealous because you were talking to that model.”
Taehyung’s eyes flicker at the last word. “Oh, you heard?” He snaps the band of underwear against your skin again. You wriggle, but he refuses to let you go. “What a bad girl. Eavesdropping on sir’s conversations. What if she had been a potential colleague and you ruined everything? But you didn’t think of any of that, only your. own. feelings.” He emphasizes each of the three words with another smack. “You’re just an ungrateful little slut, aren’t you? I bet you would open your legs for any man that offered you this kind of treatment, huh?” He growls in your ear.
“I-I’m sorry.” You whisper, voice cracking.
Taehyung stops. “Colour.” He says, thumbs gently stroking at your sides.
“Y/N.” He repeats more firmly. You sniffle. A tear rolls down your cheek. Taehyung thumbs it away immediately. “We don’t have to. I’m sorry. Do you want to take a bath together? We can cuddle after. Anything you’re comfortable with baby.”
You shake your head, looking away from him. “I’m really okay. I...I want my punishment.”
Taehyung turns you to look at him. He watches your face, looking for any unwillingness. He cups your face and makes you look at him. He smiles finally when he sees the familiar, hazy look in your eyes. You are already slipping into subspace.
“Follow me.” Taehyung says.
You walk behind him, still naked except for your panties. Taehyung is still entirely clothed in his suit and tie. He leads you to the fancy living room of the suite, and closes the curtains. You wait until he sits down to approach him. You observe his spread legs and the stern look in his eye. The air in the living room is freezing cold, but it only adds to it. This is one of the many things you love about Taehyung. How incredibly sexy he looks when he is in control.
Without being asked, you get on the sofa on your hands and knees. You drape your body over Taehyung’s lap, ass up in his lap. You fold your arms over the sofa’s armrest, turning your head to look at Taehyung. 
Taehyung’s warm hand caresses your ass. He kneads at the flesh roughly without breaking eye contact with you. On the outside, he looks indifferent, dark eyes sultry. He makes it look like he couldn't care less if it was you or another sub being bent to his will. But you know it’s part of the scene, that he’s watching you this intensely for your reaction and it is only your reaction he ever wants in a setting like this.
“You can safeword out if you need to.” He reminds you. You nod, putting your head against the armrest. “Count.” He tells you, before the first smack comes down.
You flinch on instinct, but his arm pins the backs of your thighs down. “One.”
Another smack but to the other cheek. You hiss under your breath. “Two.”
Taehyung gives the next three in succession. “F-Five.”
“Colour?” Taehyung re-checks. You reply green again. He delivers two more. “Six, ah, seven.”
The next two smacks are harsher. “Eight, nine一!” As you’re counting, Taehyung gives the final one. This one is the hardest of all, making the two of you sink a little lower into the sofa. “T-Ten.”
You are crying now, falling deeper into your subspace. Taehyung’s warm hands smooth over the places they hit. His voice murmurs sweet nothings in your ear, reassuring you.
“S-Sorry.” You continue to cry. “I didn’t mean to be like that.”
“I know.” Taehyung reassures you. He helps you up into a sitting position. It burns to sit on your still painful ass, but you do so anyway because it’s Taehyung who asks you to do it. “You took my punishment very well, Y/N, just like a good girl.”
You shake your head, sniffling. “I don’t wanna be ‘a good girl’, I wanna be your good girl.” You say. Taehyung frowns slightly as he wonders what that means, then looks shocked when he realizes what you’re saying.
“You are my good girl, baby.” He says softly, wiping away your tears. “No one but you.”
“But i-it was our a-anniversary dinner and you were letting her flirt with you. You just一just let her do it. And when I called you baby at the restaurant, you only called me Y/N.” You confess, giving up your fake confident act. The truth is that despite your anger in the moment, you had felt very insecure. It wasn’t like you could blame the woman for finding your boyfriend hot, anyone would. But the fact that Taehyung never said anything back and just put up with it instead of correcting her bothered you. Was it embarrassing to admit he was dating you in front of a woman who was so obviously his equal in elegance? This thought bothered you throughout the whole dinner. 
You didn’t plan on telling Taehyung about it, since he didn’t know you sometimes felt this way. One of the reasons you insisted on travelling to make up for your missed anniversary was this doubt. Maybe if you showed him around this fancy city and you made good memories with him, he might appreciate it. Maybe then it would ease your doubt of if you were worthy enough to be his.
You had never admitted this aloud to anyone, but you actually wondered If Taehyung had women in other countries that he went on dates with during tour. You know Taehyung is a good person but after all, he is a young man with sexual needs. And at that, a very attractive man who could get with just about any woman he wanted. So yes, seeing him talk to the very attractive woman had angered you, but it also made you feel like your worst fears might be true. 
“Y/N, talk to me, baby.” Taehyung pleads you, his worried brown eyes searching your face for any answers.
“...Can I ask you a question?” 
“Of course, my love.” Taehyung responds. “Ask me anything you want, baby.’
You sniffle. You play with his suit blazer. “Can you promise to not get mad at me?”
Taehyung looks like he might cry when you ask that. “I promise.”
“When you go away for tour...is there anyone else?” You watch your own tears fall onto Taehyung’s dress shirt. Taehyung looks shaken. “It might seem random but I’ve always wondered. I promise I’m not just acting up because of tonight.”
Taehyung continues to watch you, looking worried and at a loss for words. You put on a fake smile. “Sorry, it’s probably nothing. Let’s just go to bed.” 
Taehyung holds you by the waist, stopping you from getting up. “Y/N.”
“I said it’s fine. It’s okay. Really, even if you had another woman. I can’t control what you do when you’re not with me. A year is too long for a couple to spend apart anyway, it’s only natural that your feelings would change. It’s okay. Anyway,” You breathe shakily. “Anyway I’m still yours. As long as you like, of course.”
“Of course I like it.” Taehyung insists, tears glistening in his eyes. “I love you. Tell me how long you’ve felt like this.”
You hesitate. “Y/N.” There it is again, that firm tone that you hate outside of scenes. 
You look down at your hands. “Maybe two years?”
Taehyung is crying now, and he cups your face in his hands. “You’ve been thinking like this for two years? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“...I didn’t want to burden you. You’re really busy on tour.”
Taehyung purses his lips. “Can I show you there’s no one else?”
You nod. Taehyung lifts you up, and you wrap your legs around his waist. He holds you by the backs of your thighs instead of your ass, careful not to hurt you. “The bed?” He asks. You consider the feeling of the rough sheets against your sore ass. 
You shake your head. “C-Can we use the hot tub?”
Taehyung kisses your forehead. “Anything for you.”
Taehyung sets up the hot tub for both of you. He takes your panties off for you, sliding them down your legs. He kisses you deeply, sweetly. You whimper into the kiss, his tongue completely in control of your mouth. When you part, a strand of saliva comes loose. When you part far enough, the saliva ends up on your chin. Taehyung wipes it with his thumb. A darkness has entered his eyes again. “Get in. Let me show you how much I love you.”
You get in the hot tub, relishing the feeling of the hot water. It stings a bit, but it’s easier to sit then the bed would have been. You sit with your legs spread slightly, calves tucked under you and feet beneath your ass. Neat and pretty. Just the way sir likes it.
Taehyung strips quickly once you’re in the water. Your eyes roam over his beautiful body, at the hard muscle of his chest, his bulging biceps, his caramel thighs, and his rigid cock. “Come here.” Taehyung orders as he gets in the water. You do so, climbing up into his lap. He kisses you hungrily, like this is the first time all night. You are surprised at the intensity of this kiss. You cannot recall a time Taehyung has ever kissed you so passionately in your years together, even in your roughest scenes. 
“So pretty.” Taehyung growls when you two part again. He wraps one arm around your waist to press your chest against his, then attacks your neck. You gasp as he makes love bites, all the way down your neck. He has never made this many before in total, yet he makes them everywhere tonight. He litters your collarbone and the top of your chest with them, making them bloom red at first but you know they will be a deep purple shade tomorrow. “How can you not know what you mean to me, when you’re this fucking beautiful? You drove me crazy in your dress tonight, no, you drive me crazy every fucking time I see you. Maybe even since the first time I met you.”
“S-Sir.” You moan at the praise, face heating up. Taehyung pushes you back against the wall of the hot tub. You tilt your head back against the tiles as he touches you everywhere. He uses his hands to tease at your nipples, making them harden. Even as he does it, he is grinding down on you. You can feel yourself getting wetter by the second. 
“You fucking know I am.” Taehyung snaps, losing the careful composure he wears during scenes. “You’re my one and my only. Look at yourself, so fucking lewd, all worked up by my touch. You have me wrapped around your finger and you still think I’d have another woman.” He continues, cursing in between his sentences at your sweet sounds.
“Don’t ever be sorry.” Taehyung cuts you off. You let out moans as he starts rubbing at your clit, hard and fast. You grind against his hand. In his dom persona, Taehyung would never tolerate you doing this, but both of you are too far gone tonight to follow the rules to a T. “I will clear this misunderstanding tonight. On your knees, princess.” 
You lean on top of the towel Taehyung placed for you on the tiles. Taehyung places his own knees outside of yours, and you feel his hard cock against your ass. Taehyung eases two fingers into you, wet from your arousal that it’s an easy fit. “Nnn, sir.” You plead, grinding down on him. 
“You won’t get more until you say what I want to hear.” Taehyung says next to your ear. He presses his chest into your back, pinning you to the edge of the hot tub. “Who do you belong to?”
“Sir! I belong to sir!” You cry out, and Taehyung picks up the pace.
“So fucking pretty.” Taehyung praises, kissing the marks he left on your neck. “Only you get treated like this, understand? No woman could ever be loved like this by me. Every time you forget I will bend you over my lap and make you come on my cock over and over until you get it in your head.”
You let out a particularly loud moan at that, making Taehyung smirk. “Does my princess like that, hmm? You want to get bent over and take my cock all the time? Want me to fill you up with my come, plug you with a pretty little toy, and make you go about your day?” Taehyung inserts another finger and the stretch has you whining. “Answer me.” He demands.
“I do. Ah, fuck, Taehyung. Please. I do.” You plead, tilting your head to the side. Taehyung meets you immediately in a passionate kiss. It’s all tongue and teeth, completely different from Taehyung’s usual style. Is this really what he can do when he lets go? You wonder, getting drunk on his kisses alone. You thought Taehyung had been rough before, but it’s nothing compared to tonight.
“Turn around.” Taehyung says, withdrawing his fingers. 
He takes in your needy expression, leaning in to kiss you again like he can’t get enough of you. “Can I come in you, baby? Have you been taking your pill regularly?” 
“Yes. Yes.” You chant. Taehyung laughs breathlessly, grabbing a fistful of your hip in one hand and lining himself up to your entrance.
When he enters, both of you moan. “So good. Whose are you, princess?”
“Yours, only yours.” You answer breathlessly. Taehyung grips your thighs and lifts you slightly, allowing him to enter you more deeply. 
Taehyung abruptly picks up the pace of his thrusts. You grip at his shoulders for support, unable to stop the noises that fall from your lips constantly. Not only is Taehyung going fast, he is also going incredibly deep, rubbing right over your G-spot. 
“C-Can I come, sir?” You beg.
Taehyung nods, and you move one hand between your legs to rub at your clit. As you tip your head back, Taehyung holds himself deep inside you. Both of you come at the same time, you clench hard around him and Taehyung pumps his seed inside you. He kisses at the marks on your neck as he comes, and you dig your nails into his back. 
You move your hand to his hair once you finish, stroking it gently. Taehyung pulls back from the wall, his hand smoothing down your back to ease any discomfort you felt being pressed against it. You don’t even notice until the postcoital bliss dies down that your ass was now more sore than before. But Taehyung does. 
“Let’s take a shower.” He tells you, helping you up. You both get out of the hot tub. Taehyung runs a small handcloth under the tap. He comes over and wipes your vagina down first, then cleaning himself. 
The two of you get in the shower together. You let Taehyung wash your body down, scrubbing gently and avoiding touching your ass. You grab his shampoo off the ledge and put a good amount in your palms. “What are you doing?” Taehyung asks, surprised that you turned around while he was washing your back.
“Taking care of you.” You mumble, washing Taehyung hair for him. You grab the detachable showerhead from the side. You shield his eyes with a hand as you rinse the soap out.
Taehyung smiles fondly at how concentrated you look. “Baby, a dom is supposed to look after their sub following a scene. Not the other way.”
You shrug. You probably heard that somewhere. Your brain is too foggy right now to think. “But I want to.”
“Oh yeah?” 
“Yes.” You answer, smiling at how nice Taehyung’s hair looks now that it’s clean. “Because I belong to you.”
Taehyung lightly pecks your forehead. “And I’m yours.”
Later, when the haze of your subspace wears off, you two are laying in bed together. You’re wearing one of Taehyung’s shirts and a pair of panties. Taehyung is shirtless and in a pair of boxers. Taehyung has just finished putting lotion on your sore bottom to ease the ache for tomorrow. 
You lay on top of Taehyung’s chest, and Taehyung tucks the blankets tucked in around you. You snuggle up against his chest, content in his strong arms.
“Y/N, I know I already proved my point, but you really are my only one.” Taehyung tells you. You don’t reply so he cranes his head to look at you. Taehyung smiles fondly to notice you’re already asleep. He kisses the top of your head. “No problem. I guess I have the rest of my life to prove it to you.” He mutters to himself.
You smile to yourself with your eyes closed.
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