#I have way too many headcanons about Monster eyesight and it's all because of a scrapped idea for my knight papyrus au lmfao
illdothehotvoice · 10 months
I'm happy with the glowing eye lights in my last Sans drawing I think I'm gonna keep drawing them glowing qwq
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atlasxspeaks · 2 years
I've been stalking the #spidersocorro tag since January, and I love everything I see, so here's me throwing my two cents in.
After the final battle (where Neteyam is only wounded, not killed), Spider tells Jake that he saved Quaritch and explains why. Why he felt like he owed the man a second chance when he saved Spider so many times. Save him from Ardmore's torture, from the Bridgehead scientists' experiments, and saved him from Neytiri.
I genuinely believe they would have experimented on the kid; he's taller and stronger than all their human soldiers at 16. That Pandorian air is doing something to him.
But while Spider is giving his tearful confession, Neytiri overhears them. She hears everything and immediately feels a rush of anger and uncomfortable conviction. She looks back on all her years of harsh treatment towards Spider and realizes just why he truly believed she'd harm him. Neytiri is then struck with the horrific thought that she is to Spider what humans and his father are to her - a monster, a demon that haunts him, someone who only brings pain. Neytiri vows then and there to do better by Spider - she doesn't see him as her child, nor is she obligated to - but she starts treating him with more respect.
Now, bringing Spider back to the Metkayina clan got mixed reviews. Most ignore him post-battle, while others are interested because they've never seen a human up close. Ronal is absolutely against it until Jake makes Spider tell her and Tonowari about his time in captivity and why he saved Quaritch.
Jake, ever the well-intentioned idiot, does it to get them to fight beside them against the humans and to get them to see the Spider is on their side. "He went through torture, guys and still didn't give us up, he's on our side!"
Ronal, however, does not see a warrior, but a child, prompting her to ask Spider how old he is, to which Jake replies 16, only for Spider to say 17 (he had his birthday in captivity because I love angst). To Ronal and Tonowari, he's still too young, and they argue with Jake over why a child was even put in a position to be kidnapped as a war prisoner in the first place. While they argue, Neytiri is silent, slowly realizing that Spider is almost an adult now by human standards. By Na'vi standards, he is one.
The Na'vi mature between the ages of 15 and 17, which is why we see Neteyam wearing the warrior's waistband in the movie because he is now an adult in the clan.
She reasons that if Spider were Na'vi, he'd be a warrior now, one of the people looking to make his own bow from home tree wood and make his place with a mate by his side.
This realization makes Neytiri vow to find Spider a good mate, someone to care for him since she can't anymore. Queue the hijinks of Neytiri vetting (terrifying) every eligible bachelor and bachelorette in Awa'atlu while simultaneously trying to see Spider more clearly to know which one will be right for him. Imagine Spider's confusion with her sudden interest as well as the sudden increase in the attention he's getting from the Metkayina, who regard him as a fine swimmer and diver thanks to his mask.
Another headcanon I have is that Spider is physically different from humans on Earth, just in ways you can't perceive without scientific testing. He has denser bones, larger lungs & organs in general, tougher skin, better eyesight, etc. The Metkayina people marvel at his differences more than the Omaticaya do because they've never seen humans before, so most of the things he does impress them.
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ahjustroza · 3 years
I saw a hc post abt how Last Legacy love interests react to MC actually going back to Earth,so can I ask some hcs abt this one? I'm curious of what you come up with!!
I actually made the same request to @lucigucci !!
For this ask, I had to play the entire game once again because I couldn't come up with anything. Hope you'll like it!
MC Going Back to Earth Headcanon
Warning: Sad feelings and pain...
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Before giving in to her emotions she will make sure to not miss anything important for your return to Earth
She'll check with important magical necessaries for the portal
Check if you have everything you would possibly need
If you ate well
Will check twice everything she prepared for you to take with you to remember her
She will also give you the Orlando postcard
It is important to her but also you two shared many memories together talking about Earth looking at the postcard
She knows when you visit Orlando you will remember her
After she is done with everything
The realization of you actually leaving her will hit her HARD
She knew you for only months but fell for you in a way with no return
You became her breath
The meaning, the cause she wanted to live further
The center of her life
Her priority
Her peace
Her shelter, and safe place
If only she could stay in your arms for a little longer...
If only she could find a way to see you again
The smell your scent while she buried her nose to your neck
To your hair...
She misses you always
Even for a couple of minutes without you within her eyesight makes her feel troubled
She misses you to death before even you leave her...
She will use all her strength to not cry in front of you
But the moment you hugged her and kissed her the last time she broke
She never struggled like this
Never felt hurt like this
The devs mentioned that each character will have multiple endings, so I headcanon two different happy endings in this situation
One is being Anisa letting you go while she stays in Astraea
She knows that she might not be able to fit in
You are people of two different worlds
Quite literally
And it shows
Anisa however will never love again after you
She will refuse every potential partner both in her romantic life or in her bed
She will confess her feelings for you and give you her hair ribbon as well as the most painfully mesmerizing kiss...
The other ending being Anisa leaving Astraea with you.
She is half-human and can tell people that her marks on her face are tattoos on Earth
She will see this as an opportunity to start a new life
Without the guilt of who her parents are and what they have done
Without the danger of magical monsters or assassins tracking her all around
She is smart, a quick learner, and curious about Earth
With your support, she can get used to life on Earth and get a job
I am thirsty for Anisa as a workout or martial art trainer
But I can also see her going to college and finish it quicker than expected to work in a school
Counselor Anisa
You two will travel the world together
No matter the lifestyle you live Anisa is happy
She doesn't need a lot of money
All she needs is you
Also another surprise, she doesn't miss Astraea one bit
You are what she calls home now.
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I am a Sage hoe myself but I can't see him leave Astraea with you
He can't fit in to Earth
He has to be free and living on Earth means he has to follow so many rules that he struggles to understand
Also Sage will absolutely refuse to leave Tulsi behind
There are only two people he actually cares about in this world
You and Tulsi
You two are his family and home
He is a family guy
And oh my god does he want to make his family larger secretly
Sage is a character that struggles with emotional confessions
He is also a good liar
So even tho he wants a future with you
If you want children, raise your children together (adopted/surrogacy/biological/a found family...)
Finally settling down and actually live in a home
Sage will experience the feeling of home with you the first time
He never felt safer and not worried about being vulnerable to someone
Having family dinners, family meetings with auntie Tulsi...
Celebrating anniversaries
Getting yourselves in trouble and moving to a different town
Even though he would fight the gods themselves to have this future with you, he will not tell you to stay
He will not say anything at all
He'll watch you and make sure to prepare everything for your return
And to make sure of your security during the process
You will look into his eyes each passing hour, hoping him to say something
But he will not
He'll only give you his signature soft half-smile with tired eyes
He will drink the entire day before your depart
Spend the whole night with you
Watch you sleep
Memorize your face
Your body
Will listen to your breathing
He will take everything he can get to never forget you
Also, cry too
Without you noticing
Tears will fall down to the pillow one by one
He wants to scream and tell you to stay but he can't force you to do anything you don't want
Any word out of his mouth might make you change your mind and do the opposite of what you want to do
You have a family too and you have to see them
A life you have to return to...
So if you don't say that you want to stay he will stay silent forever
If you choose to leave, do give him something to remind him of you
A necklace? Your laser pointer? Your foam sword?
He will carry whatever you give him with him
Until the day he dies
Let's say you gave him a necklace, anyone who knew you will feel the pain in Sage when they see him still wearing the necklace after all those years...
He will never love again. It was a one-time thing.
He will not open up to anyone
He will not let anyone see the real Sage the way you did
He might have bed partners but it is not emotional
He is in pain and will either drink or throw himself somewhere to spend the night without thinking anything
But that can only happen if he is too drunk to remember what happened the night before
If you choose to stay, he will feel relieved
Guilty too but mostly relieved
He will build the future he desires with you
But will also look for ways to make you visit Earth and come back
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I don't think Felix can fit in the Earth either
He grew up as the Arcmage's son and spent all his life studying magic
He can't live in a world where magic doesn't exist
He can't live a lifestyle where he will have to learn everything anew
I just think he is too sensitive for our world.
But unlike Sage and Anisa, Felix will ask you to stay
He'll ask you to stay and live a crazy but full of love life with him
He'll promise to take care of you since he is filthy rich
Then admit his fears of losing another lover
If you decide to leave he will feel betrayed and abandoned at first
He'll cry, then disappear for a while, then appear and tell you that you gave him a lot of hope
And disappear once again
He'll get drunk and then cry loudly too...
After Rime, you taught him how to love again
You made him feel safe and supported
Accepted for who he is...
You taught him how to properly love someone
No toxicity
No lies
No rivalry
He only wants to sleep in a bed in your arms around him not wake up for years
The idea of you leaving him hurts like someone stabs a dagger into his heart
He'll start to believe that this is his cruel destiny
To be the one stays while the other leave
He wants to follow you but he knows he can't live with you on Earth
He couldn't even fit in his own house yet...
Once he cooled down he'll admit how important your life back at home to you
And how it is his fault to steal that life away from you by bringing you to Astraea
He will open the portal for you himself
He is not trusting anyone else for this work
Before you leave he will tell you that he loves you and promise to never forget you
Here comes the pain
But he might fall in love again after you
You will always have a different place in his heart and in his memories though!
Felix did try to bring someone he fell for back from death then fall in love with someone else
I just think he will be more flexible with what life brings in front of him
And get even more depressed with time...
If you accept his offer and choose to stay his eyes will see nothing but you from that day and forward
You are officially his spouse now, no ceremony necessary
You will go on the vacation you both need and deserve then get a house to live together
You two will be the scary power couple
People will talk about you two as "the small necromancer and his spouse- yes the spouse. They are the one that fought the Lord of Shadows and the undead Rime. I also heard they got a relic the moment they stepped on Astraea- I KNOW it is crazy..."
Felix will share everything he owns with you, even his thoughts
He is so open to you that he knows you understand him the best
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queen-yalo · 4 years
FFXV | Headcanons | Meeting after 10 years
Request: How about HC for the chocobros where they see there S.O (you can choose if they were dating,engaged, or married) about 10 years (they were separated during the dark years and they meet about the light comes back) [by Anon]
A/N: Oh, that’s soooo good! ;-; These are all set at the end of Episode Ignis, the only TRUE ENDING, YOU CAN’T CHANGE MY MIND! >:( Hope you enjoy! ♥
Pairing(s): Gladiolus Amicitia x reader; Ignis Scientia x reader; Noctis Lucis Caelum x reader; Prompto Argentum x reader
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• Gladio was a mess. You were his safe haven when he lost his father. You grounded him. You kept him together. And now that he lost Noctis... he lost you too. It was truly the worst thing that could have happened. 
• He hoped you were safe. He knew that you could handle yourself in a fight... but he’d much rather fight at your side still. Of course he kept looking for you, although he had to realize that it was practically impossible to find you in this mess, the darkness with daemons lurking everywhere. 
• He tries not to let guilt eat at him. You were both part of the crownsguard and when he left with Noctis to Altissia and Insomnia fell he knew that you couldn’t just drop everything and go after him. You had a duty to fulfill, just like him. Still, he had hoped that you two would have seen each other again before the darkness took over the world. 
• It was shortly after the first sunrise in ten years that he heard your voice. That voice that always stuck to him during those trying times. That voice that would still talk to him in his memories. “Gladio..?” You whispered as your eyes fell onto the familiar figure in front of you. 
• Gladio wasn’t one to become emotional. But he’d be damned if he didn’t shed a few tears when he engulfed you in a warm yet bone-crushing hug. He couldn’t speak. He could only hold you and make silent promises to never let you go ever again. 
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• Ignis was a very rational man. Calm and collected at all times. Did that mean that he didn’t freak out every now and then? No. He just did it without anybody noticing. His form of freaking out was drinking tea instead of his beloved Ebony or eating Cup Noodles instead of cooking something himself. 
• Of course, the people that knew him best noticed his behavior. And they knew why he wasn’t quite himself. First his eyesight, then Noctis and now you - his wife for not even two months. Life truly didn’t treat him kindly. It only seemed to take from him and not give a thing back. 
• Ignis didn’t let it show, put on a brave face - but he was hurting. Hurting because he felt like a burden since he was blind. Hurting because he felt like a failure since they lost Noctis. Hurting because... he lost you. Well, he knew you weren’t really lost. You were hidden somewhere in a bigger city - safe and sound like you’re supposed to be. Unfortunately that also meant that Ignis had no chance of finding you in this mess. 
• In the end though, his patience was well rewarded. After Noctis brought back the light, Ignis had a purpose again. And while he was so busy with being the King’s advisor again, time was flying by. Days turned into weeks, the city of Insomnia became a lively place again... and somewhere among those many groups that returned home... there was you. With a little travel companion. A girl, maybe... 10 years old?
• Ignis had cried openly before. His friends had seen it. You had seen it. He knew that nobody would laugh at him or blame him for that. And still, all of a sudden he felt so vulnerable when he held you in his arms again and sobbed like a little child. Speaking of little child... your daughter cried no less when she finally got to meet her father after all this time, clinging to him like her life depended on it. You were glad to finally be home again. The three of you had some serious catching up to do. 
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• Watching Noctis disappearing into the crystal... was tough to say the least. You tried to help him, tried to stop it... but eventually he just vanished into thin air. You were left behind, gaping into a black crystal, unable to fight back the sobs that escaped your throat. 
• Ten years were a long time. Even longer when you didn’t know if (and: if yes) when a loved one would return. You spent your days (or endless nights rather) doing what you did best. Fight monsters, heal injuries, make people smile as best as you could. It wasn’t always easy, but somehow you managed. 
• Gladio, Ignis and Prompto made the situation more bearable. At least you didn’t have to fight alone. You still had your new found family, even if it wasn’t complete at the moment. 
• The day Noctis returned to the four of you felt surreal. You couldn’t believe it. It was really him climbing out of the little truck. He looked etheral. Older, yes. But no less beautiful than you remembered him. And for a fraction of a second you wondered... did he remember you? What happened the last ten years inside that crystal? Did he remember anything? 
• His smile answered your unspoken questions, his embrace erased all the doubts in your mind, his kiss holding all the bottled up emotions. “Just one.” He mumbled against your lips. “One more duty to fulfill. And then I am all yours again.” 
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• Prompto was all over the place. First he was kidnapped, tortured, learned who (or rather what) he really was, suffered a minor existential crisis, lost his best friend... and now you were gone, too. 
• All he wanted was to find you. You were always there to build him up, to support him, to boost his confidence, along with Noctis. He wasn’t sure he could manage without one of you - let alone with both of you gone. Scratch that, he was certain, he could not.  
• But he had to. For you. For Noctis. For himself. He couldn’t always rely on other people, could he? He had to become his own support, his own boost. Even if it was difficult. But then again, there were also still Gladio and Ignis who became very good friends and tried to fill the holes you and Noctis left behind. 
• Prompto was full of so many emotions when he found you again once the darkness was gone. He was so proud. Of you, for surviving those ten gruesome years. Of him, for becoming more independent and confident. Of the two of you, for still being together in a way... even though you haven’t seen each other in so long. Your bond was still there. Invisible but strong. 
• The man Prompto became was different in a way. He looked older, he seemed calmer and more confident. But he was still a goofball. His lashes still tickled your skin when he peppered kisses all over your face to hear your melodious laugh. His freckled were still as gorgeous as you remembered them. He was still blushing so quickly. You two had to make up for quite some time. But now that everything was back the way it was supposed to be... you had all the time in the world, didn’t you? 
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rothalion · 2 years
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Duskwight have so little information on them that a lot of what I write is guesswork and headcanon, although I could never state my headcanons are anywhere near truth nor that they cover most duskwight in the universe. Honestly, some of my headcanons are even just because I like certain things and that's why I only apply them to my muse, even if I write with someone also writing a duskwight/elezen in general.
Not all duskwight still live underground obviously, but Rothalion absolutely did for 18 years, with many of his family tree remaining within settlements hidden in caverns and deep underground. One thing he learned the hard way after leaving home was the significant difference in how his own senses work compared to that of other races, even some duskwight who had lived some generations above ground.
Rothalion has very poor eyesight; he's not blind but he is near-sighted and often has to squint to see detail at arm's length; his eyes are very much strained but he refuses to wear glasses. His strengths, however, are particularly in his sense of hearing and touch.
While settlements are still well lit enough to live, systems of caverns are incredibly dark and not so easy to light particularly narrow passages. Rothalion's hearing is incredibly sharp, it is near impossible to sneak up on him. He is also well adapted to memorizing sound patterns and will know just who approaches by their footsteps alone, even identifying some common monsters by the weight and speed of their steps. His sense of touch is equally amplified although somewhat pointless in most day-to-day life, a skill useful for exploring thick darkness but not for much else.
Much like a cat, Rothalion can squeeze into places he doesn't appear he could feasibly fit within - an adaptation developed from delving deep into caverns whether to expand settlements, create new settlements or to forage for food without daring to step outside. With Rothalion's abnormally small size (5'2" due to severe malnutrition growing up) he is able to fit himself into even smaller spaces and does not mind them; rather he finds these places comfortable and safe. When overwhelmed, it is not uncommon to find him curled up somewhere abnormal and closed off.
Another very important aspect about Ro is his light sensitivity. While it has eased slightly over the 11 years he has been outside of the caverns he grew up in, he still suffers chronic migraines and headaches when the light is too intense. While everyone can only handle so much light as is, Rothalion finds discomfort in clear and fair weather if outside for only a few hours, with headaches growing worse the longer he's exposed to the sun. His skin, while not ghostly pale, is also easy to burn and does not tan.
These are mostly just little things very relevant to Ro particularly. Obviously I also have pointless little hcs for him with no real explanation for how, like Ro's ability to purr and his sharp, feline-like teeth but ya know gxhcgxxghc
Everyone deserves some cat traits-
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pyrefell · 4 years
Headcanons for some of the boys? Namely horrorfell, underswap and underfell?
you let me off my child leash and i honestly wasn’t even really sure where to even start here, so you get some pretty general headcanons. i have a lot to say about underfell and horrorfell,,,
IN ALL HONESTY, Underswap is currently one of my least developed AU interpretations. I'm still just really indecisive. BUT! I do have some stuff that I'm fairly set on.
Never really grew out of the shyness he had as a babybones, he’s always had a much more outgoing brother to hide behind. 
He's the one that designed the puzzles in Snowdin! Puzzles are still one of his special interests in this AU. (Sans gets really excited to tell anyone that asks that his Very Cool little brother designed them.) 
He's fairly low to mid (but consistent) energy. He tries (and usually succeeds) to act all chill but he gets really excited about some things and can reach True Papyrus levels of loud. 
He and Undyne are still friends in this AU! He doesn't go to see her super often because. Hotland. But when they are together, it's pretty chaotic. They like to design things a la Mickey's Dick Smasher. 
Man, he's sure been feeling a lot of deja vu lately. Huh, wonder what that's all about. :)
He’s still the Judge! And he's still the one that has to deal with the ever shifting and resetting timeline. It's...really starting to take a toll on him, but what's the point in telling anyone? They won't remember and besides, who's going to believe him anyways? 
He was always fairly outgoing and bubbly but he took on an even more bubbly persona kind of unconsciously to overcompensate for and hide how Tired he is now. 
Sans is just about the opposite of his brother energywise. He's full of energy for short bursts and then he sleeps for hours. He's started sleeping more since everything with the timeline started. It's not the best sleep but he’s just...so tired nowadays. 
Still completely willing to eat condiments for a joke (or a """joke"""). He eats mayonnaise by the handful. Does it mostly to embarrass (and disgust) Papyrus. 
Genuinely enraged by people who think he's young. Sure, he may be only a few inches over 5', but he's a Wide Boy. And not a naïve child, he's the older brother, thank you very much. Haven't you heard his voice? What kid has a voice that deep? 
One general headcanon I have is that they both have DT in their systems. Gaster gave them injections when they were still very young babybones in the sterile lab and they’d started mysteriously falling down. He’s not really a bad guy there, he wanted to save them. Of course, it’s probably got it’s side effects, right? After all the Bromalgamate and Comic Papyrus exist. :)
Their relationship is...strained. They definitely still love each other and would fight to the death for the other but they don't really talk. They both blame each other for how the other turned out, how they act.
He’s blind in his scarred socket! He first got the wound when he was still pretty little and because he and Sans were still living out on the streets, he wasn’t able to get any real kind of medical care. It’s still pretty fragile but there’s really not a whole lot that can be done anymore. 
He can cook! Like, really well, actually. Grillby taught him when he was younger. He’s particularly good at cooking with whatever’s already in the house. 
I think he still wants to believe everyone can change and be good if they try. Though, whether he actually believes that anymore is kind of debatable. And I  think that he doesn’t really enjoy all the fighting. He doesn’t take any real pride or joy in what he's become. He really wanted (and still wants) to actually protect monsters. 
There's a square of fabric on his scarf that's from a well-loved blanket he'd had as a babybones. It still brings him some semblance of comfort when he needs it. 
He's well aware of timelines. Well okay, 'well aware' isn't exactly the right way to put it. He can't put a name to what's happening, why he can remember things that haven't happened yet or have happened at all. He at one point attempted to keep a journal about it all but it was gone the next reset. He'd like to talk to Sans about it, but given how their relationship is... 
He’s got 3 golden teeth, he got hit pretty good almost directly on those teeth around the same time Papyrus got his scar. They were really loose after that but didn’t actually come out until later. 
Most still see him as free EXP. He doesn't get attacked as much anymore but the times he has, he's been able to suffice on just dodging until Papyrus shows up. He could just as easily fight back, but he's decided there could be some benefit to hiding what he can do for just a bit longer. Besides, he'd rather not place any more targets on their backs. 
He knows how to sew! He learned completely out of necessity when they were both young. They only had so many pieces of clothes, after all. He's the one who sewed the little square of Papyrus's blanket into his scarf. 
King of eavesdropping. Despite his stature (and who his brother is for that matter), he's surprisingly good at going unnoticed. He tends to play like he's completely shitfaced and passed out at Grillby's, just in case someone lets something slip. 
They both blame themselves for how the other turned out but Sans has it bad. He's supposed to be the older brother, right? He was supposed to keep Papyrus safe and stars, did he do a shit job at it, even if there were some things he just couldn't do anything about. 
OKAY SO, my Horrorfell doesn't start the same way the normal Horrortale AU starts. The short version is that Frisk doesn't fall until YEARS after they normally would have and they fall with Aliza. The Famine devastated the Underground. Frisk's left to try and figure out why they didn't fall when they should have and why they can't remember anything that happened during those years between. They have to balance keeping themselves and Aliza alive and trying to get through to at least Sans, who, while his memory is terrible he knows he's supposed to be pissed at them. They left the Underground to rot. I think that's all y'all really need lmao. I'm definitely going to write about Horrorfell, in fact I've already started something about it
ANYWAYS! On to the headcanons for the Boys. These two are so ride or die now it’s almost unreal. They’ve had a lot of time to air out their grievances and have the years worth of fights with each other. They work together so much better now and it comes in handy for both protecting each other and hunting. They're the most efficient and successful hunters in the Underground. 
He’s effectively completely blind at this point. He needs coke bottle lenses to see. He ends up completely depending on his hearing and sense of smell when he's hunting. Despite his failing eyesight, he remains the best chef in Snowdin after Grillby's disappearance. He's always sure to use as much as he possibly can. 
His new stature has made it incredibly difficult to get into most buildings. He often ends up walking on all fours and his magic's started to adjust his body for that. He doesn’t recognize himself so much anymore. 
While Sans was comatose, Papyrus spent his time trying to ration out food, attempting to keep the peace for the denizens of Snowdin and caring for Sans. He'd continued to cut his own rations not only for the rest of Snowdin but for Sans too when he hopefully wakes up. 
He'd managed his way out to the rest of the Underground with his own brand of 'shortcut' earlier on despite the lockdown in Snowdin. Some say they'd seen him but no one's really sure if that's true and if it is, how did he get out? Can he do it again and maybe talk some sense into the Empress? They used to be friends, right? 
His memory is also not very good. He and Sans keep a big whiteboard in the kitchen with pertinent information and there's a calendar in every room with all the past dates marked off, just in case someone forgets. 
The reason why the hole in his skull is so big and leads into his nasal cavity is because of preexisting cracks. Undyne really didn't mean to hit him! Really, she didn't... 
The selfish part of him almost wishes the DT in him hadn't kept him around, but he can't bring himself to really want that. He can't leave Papyrus alone, especially not now. 
His relationship with Frisk is...tense to say the least. When he first saw them, he didn't fully process who they were but he felt nothing but rage. He doesn't really believe what Frisk's saying when they claim they can't remember anything. Their relationship could absolutely mend, there's just so many roadblocks at the start. 
Seeing as he can't reliably use his shortcuts anymore, he's not as efficient a hunter as he could be. But that doesn't mean he isn't extremely deadly. The brothers are revered for the effectiveness, after all. 
He's developed some pretty nasty coping habits, most of which involve some kind of self harm either intentional or not. Papyrus tries his best to limit it, but he's not the best either.
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podcastenthusiast · 5 years
I wasn't going to post this directly to Tumblr, but I have for almost all my other fics so why not. Features: some very specific eye-related headcanons and my undying love for Jon and Daisy's friendship. [ao3]
After six months (dead) in a coma, Jon wakes up more or less all right. Unsettlingly so, apparently. He feels...clearer somehow. Which is the only thing that’s clear. Jon finds himself strangely grateful that he can’t see the disappointed expression on Georgie’s face before she walks out of his hospital room.
“Basira,” he says, voice raspy from disuse, “where are my glasses?”
“I don’t know. There was no sign of them when they found you. Probably got lost in the explosion.”
He recalls so vividly his grandmother’s exasperated sigh when he’d return home, glasses broken, after yet another altercation with some bully. Jon can almost hear it. In any case, he adds his glasses to the ever-expanding mental list of things he’s lost, which now also comprises: his clothes, his flat, the trust of his friends, and whatever had still remained of his humanity.
“I guess you won’t be needing glasses anyway,” Basira continues. “Since you’re...whatever it is you are.”
“The Archivist,” he says automatically. That is what’s different now, isn’t it? Jon made a choice and he’s...become something else. It runs so much deeper than simply his eyes. “But, actually—"
Before he can explain further, Basira leaves Jon alone to read the statement she brought for him. So, he reads it and—well, that’s exactly the point. He reads it perfectly fine, even without his glasses. The Beholding’s latest unwanted boon shouldn’t come as too great a shock, Jon supposes, considering he once read a statement written entirely in French. This change in his eyesight is new, though, and, he quickly discovers, highly conditional. What good is an Archivist who can’t record statements, after all?
Even after Jon is released from the hospital, he just sort of fails to mention that he does still need glasses otherwise. Basira’s mourning Daisy, she has enough on her plate right now, and she’s rarely in the Institute as it is. Melanie wants very much to kill him. And Martin is—
Well, it feels like such a small and insignificant thing in the face of potential apocalyptic threats.
 Daisy pauses the Archers. Truth be told, he likes listening to it. It’s terrible, yes, but unlike most stories he encounters, ultimately harmless. Nothing to see. Jon glances up from the document he’s been reading. It isn’t a statement. Basira is looking into the Dark’s ritual, but follow-up and additional research on anything else falls almost exclusively to him these days.
“You’re squinting,” Daisy says. He reflexively tenses up at the note of accusation in her tone. It strikes something deep and fearful in him; Jon remembers walking through a forest with the cold metal of her gun pressed into his back.
“Just a—headache,” he explains, massaging his temples. It isn’t completely untrue.
“Hmm. Where are your glasses?” she asks.
Despite all these new abilities he’s recently acquired, lying is not among them.
“Great Yarmouth. Buried in the rubble of a wax museum.” He sighs, wincing at his own poor choice of words.
“You do need them though, yeah? Or did you get some kind of eldritch Lasik?”
“No, that costs extra.”
“And you decided not to tell anyone. Why?”
(Because it was easier to hide away in his office and read statements, Jon doesn't say, to do what he's meant for. And because he honestly never imagined anyone would care. Perhaps they’d be right not to.)
“It, uh, didn’t seem important. I can still—I’m useful,” he says. “Please don’t tell Basira about this. I don’t want to give her any more reason to distrust me.”
“Might be too late for that, but...all right.” A brief silence settles between them. Then she adds, earnest, “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean for it to sound like an interrogation.”
“I know,” he says quietly.
 To her credit, Daisy keeps her word. She does not tell Basira anything.
“Jon, you idiot,” Melanie declares, barging into his office.
“Hello to you too, Melanie.”
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
Shit. He tries to Know; it’s not his proudest moment and it doesn’t work anyway. The Eye seems rather uninclined to help with this one, of course.
“Four,” Jon guesses.
“Not even close. The correct answer was two, and a knife. Relax,” she says, setting the knife down on his desk. “Helen thought it’d be funny.”
Not particularly reassuring. He attempts a laugh.
“Jesus,” she mutters. Melanie sounds frustrated, although not actively homicidal. An encouraging development. “We are all trapped in a place that was literally created to make people miserable, and you’re just letting yourself suffer even more! Maybe you think you deserve it—I don’t care. Make a choice. Fight back. Or at the very least replace your fucking glasses.”
She storms out. There's nothing more to be said.
 As a child, Jon failed the vision test in primary school. His grandmother gave him a strange look when he told her, a look he would come to know quite well—the mix of grief and love that meant she was remembering his father.
So, while he can’t stand eye exams, he is unfortunately quite familiar with this process. Jon hates being poked and prodded by the doctors. Always has. He hates waiting most of all, though. It’s been nearly half an hour since his appointment time.
There is a very good reason Jon rarely leaves the archive anymore. Someone in the waiting room has a statement. He can feel it. He can see it as well, in every sense of the word. Jon sees the person clearly, thrown into sharp relief by the dull and blurry surroundings of the clinic. Compulsion rises in his throat like bile. He wants—
He just wants new glasses, damn it.
“I think we need to leave,” he whispers urgently. “I can’t be here.”
“Oh no you don’t,” Daisy replies, firm but kind. “We didn’t come all this way just to give up now. Besides, I’m not going anywhere until my legs stop shaking. Unless a monster shows up.”
(A monster is already here.)
Jon is aware that he should stop staring at the stranger and closes his eyes. It doesn’t really help. Daisy has statements, too, of course; stories from her Section 31 days. But she’s already bound to the Institute, to the Eye.
“Focus on me, Jon. Listen to the quiet.”
“I—I don’t know if I can.”
Daisy reaches out, interlacing their fingers. She squeezes his hand gently and Jon squeezes back. It’s a holdover from the coffin. A small gesture of comfort and grounding which affirms they are not alone.
He’s changed, irrevocably so. They both have. There has to be some part of himself that isn’t wholly the Archivist. He wants to be more than this hunger. This is what Jon chooses, if only because it makes him feel a little bit more human.
(Later, standing on a desolate stretch of shoreline in the Lonely, he knows it’s all worth it.
“I see you, Jon,” says Martin.
And Jon sees him, too.)
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raiders-r-us · 6 years
Headcanons-How Gage Feels About the Other Companions
Cait- Doesn't get along with her at all if he meets her before she gets clean, sees her as just another junkie commonwealth raider type.
If he meets her after she's clean, he has a quiet respect for her, since she worked to better herself. Her constant drinking annoys the hell out of him though. She wants to fight him every time she's drunk and he's within eyesight; he's not interested in a fight that doesn't end up with someone's guts on the floor and their money in his pocket. He figures Sole wouldn't be too happy with him if that happened to Cait.
Curie- It's not a secret that the idea of synths creeps him the hell out, but with Curie it's a whole new level. It's one thing to build a person in a lab, you can almost forget they weren't born like normal people; but Curie started out as a robot. What does that say about humanity if you can take a programmed personality and slap it in a human shell? Doesn't help that she's so damn nice all the time. "Monsieur Gage, if I may, perhaps I could help you with your eye." He shudders every time he hears that accent, and he avoids her like the plague. He is not at all pleased if Sole forces him to see her when he's sick.
Preston Garvey- Hahahahaha fuck you.
Danse- Gage and Danse don't get along at all and it's very mutual. Danse is quick to dismiss Gage as just another piece of raider scum. Considering Gage's thoughts on the Brotherhood, he thinks Danse ought to look in the mirror before he goes pointing fingers.
If Gage is romanced by a Fem!Sole, Danse makes him very insecure. The "white knight" military man probably has more in common with Sole's late husband than a busted up old raider ever could.
Codsworth- Gage does not like robots; especially creepy robot butlers with stupid accents. He thinks it's super annoying the way he nannies Sole; and he'll probably break his fist on a wall if the damn thing compares him to Sole's husband one more time. He'd smash the damn thing and scrap it for parts if it were up to him, but for some reason Sole considers it a comfort to keep around.
Deacon- Gage, for all his faults, is not a liar; and he can't stand liars. He doesn't trust Deacon half as far as he could throw him, and it drives him crazy that Sole does. He's forever keeping a cautious eye on the railroad spy, waiting for some shifty shit to go down.
Dogmeat- Gage tries to act all tough and indifferent to the "mutt" at first, but soon falls in love with man's best friend. When he thinks no one's looking, he even sometimes shares his food with Dogmeat. Sole has caught him more than once passed out curled up on the couch with fluffbutt over there.
Hancock- Hates him at first; chem downing junkie ghoul that he is. Gage warms up to him though, as he realizes that Goodneighbor is a thriving town that doesn't judge, and Hancock worked his ass off to make it that way. He respects and identifies with the need to walk away from family when they make a choice you just can't respect.
He does wish he'd stop offering Sole chems though.
MacCready- Gage just can't believe a word MacCready says about his past. A cave full of kids who kick people out once they grow up? Nope, too weird, not buying it. Because of this, he doesn't believe a word the young mercenary says, and feels about the same for him as he does for Deacon.
Nick Valentine- Resents the hell out of him. Sole looks up to this guy-robot-synth-thing like a father figure; and like any prewar father figure, Nick doesn't have many nice things to say about a guy like Gage. Gage finds it hard to look at Nick, he freaks him out almost as much as Curie does, just in reverse. This obviously robotic looking thing has the mind and memories of a prewar lawman, it's not just programming, he used to be a person...but what the hell is he now? Creepy, if you ask Gage.
Piper- Oh God just so damn annoying. Does she ever shut up? Not every cause matters, and his business certainly doesn't belong in a fucking newspaper for all to read. He hates it when Sole indulges her with tales of their exploits. Gage thinks if Piper REALLY wanted to keep her sister safe, she'd worry more about combat training than journalism. Piss the wrong person off and kiss your family goodbye; and Piper doesn't take any care in who she pisses off. What's more important? He'd like to ask her. Your family, or the scoop?
Strong- When he first meets Strong, Sole narrowly stops Gage from killing him on sight. At first, all Gage sees is a goddamn fucking mutie. Gage and Strong form something of a strange and unlikely friendship, full of lots of boasting and chest slapping. Gage takes an interest in Gatorclaw hunting, he likes bringing back trophies to rub in the mutant's big dumb green face.
X6-88- At first, Gage trusts him about as much as he trusts the institute as a whole...which isn't saying much. Surprising to himself though, he finds himself on weirdly good terms with the courser. Not too many of Sole's companions can relate to Gage's quiet, somewhat calculating disposition; he appreciates X6's tendency to leave him alone. He also appreciates how X6 judges by skill, not by a warped sense of black and white morality. Neither of them are very fond of words, so the extent of their communication is a friendly nod of the head in passing.
Longfellow- Gage sits in childlike wonder when Longfellow tells the stories of his youth and the sea. He wouldn't admit it, but he sees Longfellow as the strong father figure he wished he had in his own youth. Usually Gage doesn't give a shit what people think of him, but it cuts him deep when Longfellow looks at him with disappointment upon finding out about Gage's position as a raider. Longfellow's life actually makes him consider leaving it all behind; running off to a secluded and inhospitable wilderness to build a life with Sole away from all the bullshit. Something to consider anyway.
Preston Garvey for real this time- It's no secret that there is heated animosity between the two, but Gage can't help but note the similarities between them. They both placed Sole in charge, taking a back seat as second in command; both of them with a fire in their hearts to accomplish their goals. Garvey's goal however, is futile to Gage. The commonwealth, and the wasteland as a whole, is just not a peaceful place. There will always be a bigger badder monster or stronger force of manpower lurking around the corner to fuck up your day; sending in Sole to rescue people who don't even have what it takes to stand up for themselves does nothing in the long run. Gage usually prefers to keep his distance from Garvey and his holier than thou speeches, but he always tags along when Sole goes to speak to him. He's not above knocking Garvey's teeth in if he tries to trash talk him to Sole again.
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pacifistofpatience · 6 years
Skeleton Headcanons!
*My headcanons for weather they did or did not get to the surface don’t pertain to asks (unless specified).
** for the sake of this blog (And myself) I’m giving everyone the best possible outcome (getting to the surface) because I love them all so much
***Some stuff is subjected to change, mostly because I’m way too fickle.
****There’s also some notes here that…kind of don’t make sense and its just used to keep track of things
Undertale: (On surface, compliant with Pacifist Canon)
Sans (Fandom Known- Vanilla): J
·        Lazy, easy going and generally a memester.
·        Spent his first couple of months on the surface learning whats funny via the internet, lost his absolute shit the first time he was rickrolled
·        Just a gremlin, a small, very dirty, very lazy gremlin
·        when he likes someone/thing, there’s a spark of something in him that makes him…actually try…sometimes lol.
·        Ignores issues until they blow up in his face and then hopes they pass, it barely ever works out for him
Papyrus (Fandom Known- Classic):
·        Loud! Happy!
·        If you need a boy that believes 100% that you can do it then this is the guy! And all his belief is completely genuine!
·        Very pushy but its only because he knows you can do it if you really believe!
·         Is he passive aggressive or dose he actually not know what he’s saying! Who knows!
·        Dies in Genocide Routes
Underswap: (Permanent Looping Genocide route, hoping for that one lucky route)
Stars (Fandom Known - Blueberry): J
·        Sweetheart! Cinnamon roll! God he’s so cute!!
·        He looks and act a lot like a kid, sometimes people mistake him for one
·        Kind of has a complex with that, so don’t bring it up if you wanna upset him
·        Puzzles?? Why do that when you can make Obstacle courses!!
·        Secret big brother mode!
·        Secretly lazy but has the motivation to force himself out of bed  
Pappy (Fandom Known - Stretch, Orange) :
·        You know that friend that just sort of appears in your house raiding your fridge with no warning
·        At like…3 am
·        This is him, this is your man
·        English is his passion, get him to talk about Shakespeare and hell never stop (He’ll bring up the dick jokes, he’ll bring up so many dick jokes)
·        Loves listening to others talk about their passions as well
·        Subtle ways of encouragement, hell notice when someone’s feeling down and while he won’t go right  up to you and shove you right into the situation you’ll find him in your house cooking you dinner just cause he wanted to (and maybe he noticed that you looked really tired)
·        Dies in Genocide Routes
Underfell: (Never freed onto the surface, typically because any humans went down fighting or got free and dusted a lot more monsters in their wake)
Red(Don’t have an Original Nickname for him):
·        Rough around the edges and filled with anxiety.
·        plays it off with easy jokes and a lazy smile but its…hard.
·        Flirty- can dish it out but cant take it
·        He tries, he tries to take care of Boss (Eventho boss doesn’t need him anymore) and tries to make things work (Eventho nothing will ever be the same…)and he wishes-
·         Fuck, never mind, don’t listen to him
·        Hates that he couldn’t give boss a good life growing up
·        Scared that one day Boss will leave him for a better life….considering everything
·        A protective streak a mile long
·        (This some resentment towards Boss, because he had those good years where Red had none.)
·        Dies in Genocide Routes
Boss(Don’t have an Original Nickname for him):
·        Doesn’t love his brother
·        Nope, totally, not at all
·        No love zone, Boss needs to be scary. Needs people to fear him and if they know he can do something like Love its game over
·        (he loves his big brother so much)
·        His brother took care of him for a long time underground, gave him a few good years until Paps really Jumped into the shitshow
·        Tsundere
·        Show him an ounce of affection and hell lose his mind
·        (There’s some resentment Towards Red, because after Boss joined the Royal Guard and had to work his ass off and could never be… well…his old self… Red had this freedom to just…Rest…that he never really took notice of)
Swapfell: (Same situation as Underfell)
Blackberry (Don’t have an Original Nickname for him):
·        Mom friend to the extreme
·        From years of taking care of his brother he’s become the ultimate housewife but the kind that could kill you in the middle of the night and make it look like an accident.
·        Will kill you if needed
·        Knows how to hide the body
·        Don’t lie to him, he hates it and will hate you.
·        Trust issues through the roof, and also control issues.
·        Dies in Genocide Routes
Rus (Fandom Known - Mutt):
·        Pure anxiety, but on the down low
·        Goes with the flow
·        Had dreams of being part of the royal guard but could never go through with them.
·        Instead stumbled behind his brother for most of life, watching from the sidelines as he changed from this cool, nice guy to the harsh monster he was today.
·        Knows his brother rung himself thin just so Rus could have a decent life, and blames himself for that…too
·        Still trying to make up for it, trails after Black like a puppy
·        Cant stand confrontation, freaks out and runs away before things can even start to escalate
·        Clingy AF
Horrortale: (Made it to the surface thanks to all the monsters banding together in their desperation and taking the souls)
Jupiter (Fandom Known - Jaws, Axe): XJ
·        Named after the one big, red eye thing he’s got going on.
·        Big gentle giant
·        Hates what he had to do to survive, but knows it kept Mars Alive and eventually freed them all
·        Memory probs because of the giant hole in his head
·        Can’t read Wingdings anymore because of said hole
·        Never wastes food
·        Tells Pluto everything
·        Falls asleep the most out of all the Sans
Mars (Fandom Known - Sweets, Crooks):
·        Learned how to read Wingdings for Sans sake
·        Got braces first thing on the surface, his teeth are sharp but at least they’re not crooked! He can eat a lot better now!
·        Never wastes food
·        Magic is….kind of fucked up because of how he had to conserve it underground. Which means he hadn’t used it in years (Except for one time and that was terrible) His eyesight’s kind of shot because of it.
·        Glasses don’t fix the issue with his eyes, but he likes all the options and its easier for humans to understand that he has eyesight issues so he wears them
·        Opened commutation at all times! Talk! About! Your! Feelings! GODDAMIT!
·        Constantly slouching, mostly because hes over 7ft and wants to be less scary
I’m fully willing to do other AUS too, they’re just not as fleshed out!
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stephicness · 7 years
And All Your Quirks -- Final Fantasy XV x My Hero Academia Headcanons (Part 1)
WHOO! I finally got around to writing these up. :D Super fun to write, and I’m super excited for when the next season comes around. Like, legit. I don’t watch anime as much as I used to anymore, but this one got me hooked after the first episode. If you haven’t seen it, you definitely should -- especially if you’re a big fan of superheroes.
But I wanted to do my take on the characters as heroes and villains, so I hope you have a fun read. c: I’m going to be breaking it down into parts to talk about four heroes per post. So if you want me to write about anyone in specific, feel free to suggest!
Some terminology before you read too will be there, just in case you haven’t seen the series, but still are curious~ Also a few hinted names too!
QUIRK: The name of a person’s special power. About 80% of the world’s population possesses a Quirk of some sort within this universe. QUIRKLESS: Someone without a Quirk or who are unable to use their ability anymore. They’re often bullied for such. HERO AGENCY: A company that sponsors and pays heroes. While the government regulates Quirks, the agencies work individually and sponsor different heroes for different tasks. SUMMER SPORTS FESTIVAL: The sports festival for the Hero Academy. It’s seen as a massive event almost in comparison to the Olympics, where students compete for the sake of agency sponsorship.
Hinted Characters -- Crystal King (Regis), Deathless (Verstael), Scourge (Ardyn), Dragoon (Aranea), Duality (Ravus)
Noctis Lucis Caelum AKA Night Light
Quirk:  Crystallize – Able to manifest crystallized versions of himself across the battlefield. After he creates them, he’s also able to teleport and warp to them. If he warps or generates too many crystals, however, he’ll start to enter a crystalized stasis, where he becomes fatigued and begins to turn into a crystal himself!
Comes from the Lucis Caelum hero family, being the 114th hero since the emergence of these superhuman Quirks.
Lots of heroes, but some of these guys get messed up.
Especially when the Crystallize quirk is incredibly complicated to use and harness.
Noctis’s variation of the quirk is said to be the most powerful in the Lucis Caelum family, however.
Attended Hero Academy, Insomnia, as a part of the Hero Course, due to his high-skill tier with his quirk as well as his desire to follow in suit of his father, ex-hero, Crystal King.
Is next in line to manage the Caelum Hero Agency as well.
Is incredibly agile in combat and skilled with his Quirk.
However, after an accident that resulted in the death of his mother, he suffers from a bad back injury, resulting in him becoming fatigued faster than his predecessors before.
But he continues to push himself to the limit – for it is his duty to continue the family legacy as a pro-hero.
Is also the so-called ‘leader’ of the smaller group known as Regalia, who are associated together for how often they’re seen working as a group on the field.
Prompto Argentum AKA Bullet Time
Quirk: Metalcraft – Able to manipulate metal due to the copper and iron elements within certain types of it. Simple enough, but it’s used in combination with his bullets from a special hero-issued gun, he can fire them and shift them mid-battle. It’s a struggle, however, as part of him is metal as well. So when not focused, he might be prone to accidentally manipulating himself!
A strange being, as he is a young man genetically engineered by the mysterious villain, Deathless.
He was created VIA the result of Quirk marriage and Deathless’s frightening quirk, Modify.
But after having been saved by the pro-hero, Lionheart, he grew-up under the foster care of the pro-hero himself.
He’s been learning how to control his ability as best as he can.
Mostly through home-schooling by Lionheart.
Seeing as his quirk was too unstable at first for him to enroll into Insomnia.
But he passed his licensing exam after training long and hard with Lionheart, even becoming sponsored by the Lucis Caelum Agency to be a hero for them upon Lionheart’s request.
He and Night Light are often partners whenever they’re out working as a duo or together within Regalia. He’s rather good friends with the other hero.
He’s still got a few bugs with his quirk, especially since he’s got a few metal things within him after Deathless’s tinkering on him.
But nevertheless, he fights to fit in and become a hero for the sake of protecting people from monsters like Deathless.
Ignis Scientia AKA Taciturn
Quirk: Plotline – Able to strategize and break down anything and come up with a counterplan to it. It’s almost as if looking at the gears in clockwork to see how it functions, and he’s quite skilled at it. However, an accident when pursuing the villain, Scourge, resulted in his blindness – leaving him supposedly quirkless for a time until he channeled his quirk VIA his hearing instead of sight.
Adopted by the Lucis Caelum Agency at a young age, mostly so they can sponsor him to become the eventual side-kick and assistant to the heir of the agency, Night Light.
Even though in the ironic sense, he’s not only older, but the more experienced hero between the group, Regalia.
He was top of the class when he was attending Hero Academy Insomnia, though he dedicated most of his time to making sure Noctis didn’t fail his written exams.
Or if he slept through his alarms.
Initially, he was supposed to be a part of General Studies, seeing as his quirk isn’t entirely a physical attributed one.
However, during the year of the Summer Sports festival, he was changed to the Hero Course after taking a surprising position in third place by the end of it all.
Though asked to be a part of various other agencies, he declined and remains loyal to the Lucis Caelum Agency to this day.
However, he’s more loyal to Night Light if anything, still declaring himself as a ‘sidekick’ even if he’s the brains of the group.
Supposedly an amazing chef, as he can break down ingredients from any recipe and replicate it.
Lost his eyesight after an unfortunate encounter with the villain, Scourge. He eventually relearns how to listen to an object and map out directional sounds, so he can continue to help.
Gladiolus Amicitia AKA Steelguard
Quirk: Blades – Able to manifest blades from his body, which act as a protective shield or even a weapon with how sharp they can be. He often uses it as a means of support, covering people with these massive blades. But he can also remove some of these blades from his being, wielding a variety of them for combat purposes.
The bodyguard to Noctis Lucis Caelum, but also a pro-hero with quite a bit of popularity behind him.
The first one to turn pro between the boys after having been Lionheart’s sidekick for some time.
When Lionheart went solo, Steelguard made his debut after protecting a powerful government official from being assassinated by the headhunter villain, Dragoon.
His family has been long-time partners with the Lucis Caelum Agency. And despite being asked to be a part of the Amicitia Agency, he joined the Lucis Caelum one to protect Noctis still.
The ‘Dad’ of the group, being the one to protect the others with his life.
It’s what makes him a rescue hero more than anything, because of how he focuses on protecting civilians and supporting his team above all else.
He hopes to one day be as great of a hero as his father, Guardian, once was. But he still has a long way to go to find his duty.
Has a strong rivalry with the ex-Hero, Duality, having been thwarted by him when the hero turned villain. He hopes to fight him once again and arrest the ex-Hero.
Trained under not only Lionheart as his sidekick, but when through brutal training under the old hero, Blademaster, to be able to harness his quirk more.
Works extremely well with Bullet Time, as Bullet Time can actually manipulate some of Steelguard’s blades for combat purposes.
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ahjustroza · 3 years
Last Legacy Headcanon
💤Sleeping Together💤
Kind of a self insert type of headcanon. So that you beautiful people can imagine yourselves in Anisa’s arms. Or wrapped by Sage’s tail. Or Felix on top of you. Pick your poison ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
✨MC is always gender neutral in this blog✨
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I feel like in his case you are the little spoon most nights unless you tell him otherwise
He will always face you
Not because he doesn't trust you to turn his back at you
But he has to have you within his eyesight at all times
He wraps his arms around you or lets you wrap him with your arms while he rests his head against your chest.
He is probably the one to sleep on the wall side as well
Meaning, no matter which side you turn he can still cuddle you while keeping an eye on the room, window, or door for any possible threats at night
He won't let you know tho
oh no 
He'll make sure you get your sleep without worrying about anything
He'll worry for you 
Also will make everything so causal as well, unless you ask too many questions about his sleep routine you will never know he guards you even at nights
He'll purr and wrap his tail around your leg each time
He likes to have his tail around your leg 
That way he can pull you even closer and feel your body more
Hair pets are a routine if you are willing
Kisses are also a must
He'll either kiss you on the cheek causally if you are both too tired and need to just lie down or give you longer and more sloppy kisses here and there
Playful on the bed for no one's surprise
Not always for heated follow-up moments if you catch my meaning, but romantic and intimate closeness is always there 
You two are just too comfortable with each other and can lie down any way you want
He just has to feel your presence at all times
Also Sage is a light sleeper in my opinion
He has the potential to sleep like a bear but he also can intentionally sleep light as well
He'll check you each time you move away from him in your sleep
Either with his hands or by opening his eyes slightly
When you wake up for the bathroom or to grasp water he'll sit upright and look where you are going
Maybe ask you half asleep where you go in the middle of the night and if you don't answer he'll get up and follow you to see what you are up to
And he doesn't like walking around half asleep
Some nights he'll hold your arm and make you lay back down and grab you a glass of water himself 
You two are way too comfortable 
You won't mind if he purrs too loud in his sleep or throws one leg on you in his sleep
He also won't mind even if you sleep on top of him, take all the space in bed to yourself, or even drool in your sleep
He also won't mind morning hair or morning breath
He'll kiss you good morning and beg you to make/find breakfast every morning 
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She actually cares for your sleep schedule a lot more than you do
Anisa is not like the controlling and then lecturing you for not getting enough sleep kind
She instead gives attention to how energic you wake up after long or short sleep every day and calculate how much sleep you need in her head 😌
Everyone's body works differently, some needs more than 8 hours of sleep while others are fine with only 4 hours of sleep
If you sleep less than her she'll make sure to lie down beside you if you like to spend time in bed until you sleep yourself 
She enjoys your company in any way possible
While giving you your space
She'll learn your sleep habits as well
What kind of pillow do you sleep well with
Is it high or low? Hard or soft? What kind of pillowcase do you prefer?
Oh you bet she'll even change the bed with a new one if you are not comfortable with the old one 
She likes to talk to you before going to sleep in the bed too!
She mostly would like to talk about the future of you two in my opinion
Where would you go together or what new things to try...
She'll ask you many questions about your world and home
I can also picture you two just wear your most comfortable pajamas and just be yourselves and really, really enjoy each other
Your pajamas might look ridiculous but have an insane level of comfort 
Like you can wear just a random shirt with a really old coffee (or anything really, maybe soup stain? wine stain? pomegranate stains are a bitch to get rid of as well) stain that is just not going away no matter what you do 
Or you can just wear a potato bag all she cares
She is nonjudgmental 
She accepts you with your everything
And she actually likes it when you be yourself without having a need to look perfect at all times
She LOVES it when you just be comfortable around her 
So just be natural
Wear your ugliest socks
She'll still call you gorgeous 🥺
Ah and she'll be comfortable around you as well
She is calm around you
Like really calm
Her muscles are relaxed as if she were just out of a spa day
You two start off by cuddling but when you both fall asleep it is just a matter of which position do you sleep most comfortable with
She just needs to feel your presence but won't sleep on top of you as Sage does
She might like to just put her arm around your waist in her sleep or sleep close to your body without putting her arms around you
I feel like she won't take a lot of space in bed to herself either
She is good with sharing
If you are a clingy sleeper she is fine with it as well
You can sleep on top of her and she'll caress your cheek before finding herself a comfortable position while not disturbing your sleep while you're still on top of her
She might want you to make a coffee for her in the morning while she takes care of the breakfast most mornings
You are the mighty barista after all 💪
If you don't know how to cook she'll teach you so that you can surprise her with a nice breakfast one day
While she might enjoy drinking her coffee with you in bed, you are not allowed to eat in bed
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He is ✨smol and pretty✨ but definitely has the potential to take a lot of space in bed while sleeping
His bed was huge and comfy before he signs to the Starsworns too in my opinion
Filthy rich and with a big comfy bed hmmm
But I also think he will just curl in your arms too so
It is a 50/50 situation with him
You are mostly the big spoon because he is 
a bottom
I don't decide the rules here
He will have a hard time getting comfy sleeping beside you early in the relationship
He is nervous for funny reasons
and adorable
He cares how he looks around you
Also, he is grown up in an almost perfectionist environment. Appearance among the upper class is always important. 
His pajamas are comfortable, most likely silk or something soft 
You have to take the first step to break the uncomfortable walls with him
It is not like Felix is pushing you away or don't want to sleep in the same bed with you
He does
But he is shy and nervous like I said 
Be casual around him, wear your most comfortable pajamas without caring how ridiculous they might look on you 
I am saying this way too much but I don't believe people wear fancy pajamas at all
If they do they belong to jail.
Wear that shirt with Spongebob print that you bought in 8th grade y'all
He'll find it reassuring but will also make comments on your pajamas
Because he is a "quick answerer"
He has a comment for everything 😌
But he'll relax after seeing you being yourself around him without worrying about how you look
Also not making comments about his bed hair or the way he sleeps will help a lot as well
Just be gentle with my sub bottom boy
Caress his hair when you hold him close
Maybe murmur a calming melody while stroking his back 
Just enjoy his presence as much as he does enjoy yours
It is all looking mesmerizing and cute. Just like straight out of a romance movie awe
Holding the love of your life in your arms and feel his warmth
Until he falls asleep.
He is a blanked hog
I am not accepting any opposite commentary about this and baby boy takes all the blanket for himself in my dreams
And you will let him as well. as I do in those dreams
No, but I am serious.
He will wrap himself with the blanket
If he could breathe easily he would put his head under the blanket as well
Felix does this so that he can feel pressure around him
Something to hold him tight all around
Blanket hogging can be a huge sign of self insecurity and fear of outside factors/ harm coming to them in a sleep state
 People that had a lot of sleep paralysis during their childhood tend to wrap their body with a blanket for the sense of security and sometimes feeling nervous even sleeping on their back
Those people usually sleep sideways or on their stomach 
Felix has traumas and a not too peaceful childhood so I believe he will unconsciously feel like he is not secure in his sleep
I also think he is a heavy sleeper unless he is napping
He is a night owl yes
but it is only half because he doesn't need too much sleep
I think he might feel nervous in the dark. Not afraid, but nervous. 
He saw a war against Lord of Shadows and lost the entire Starsworn 
He also knows necromancy and nighttime rituals
There are also many abominations and monsters in The Last Legacy universe as well. Most likely he fought many during the war
My point is, sleeping is partly torture for Felix without him knowing it
So when he got used to sleeping beside you, he started to feel alive when he woke up
His unconscious told him that he was safe with you
That you would protect him
That you will always be beside him, ready to pull him in your arms
And your scent is a calming factor for him too
He started off by getting more and more clingy with you in his sleep each night
When you hit the final/ 100th Level (the chosen barista: Felix’s hug pillow) with making Felix comfortable in his sleep, he starts sleeping in positions such as curling in your arms, tangling his legs to yours, and getting the blanked all the way up to your necks
Or if you turn your back to him in your sleep, he will sleep either pressing his back to yours and hugging the blanket at the same time or wrap an arm and leg around you with the blanket covering his entire back
On summer nights tho you will have to put your arm around him with a small space between you two to not get sweaty
Or he will not care about the heat and sleep on top of you
He mostly gets lucky with the summer breeze on top of you, but you'll feel super hot beneath his body 
Put your arm around him if you want to sleep
Either way, he wakes up looking healthier each day  
Just seeing how relaxed his shoulders look in the mornings feels heavenly for you
You are good for him
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stephicness · 7 years
Astral!Ravus AU? O u O
I WILL RAISE YOU AN ASTRAL RAVUS WITH AN ASTRAL EVERYONE AU!But I’ll talk about Ravus alot because I really, really, really like Ravus. ccc:
SO HERE WE GO! Because who needs just the Six when we can have all of the gods and goddesses? c:
Divine Intervention – FFXV x Mythology Headcanons
Noctis Lucis Caelum – Protector of the Crystal; God of Night
The God of Night, son of the God of Time and the Goddess of Maternity.
A young and naive god, but one tasked with a great duty to protect the Crystal of the Astrals.
Many say he resides within the Crystal itself, but it’s only a legend since few have been able to see this strange Crystal within the Temple of Thought.
The Crystal itself is a means that regulates day and night, you see. If the Crystal isn’t able to control itself, then night will be eternal.
Or if something happens to the God who is to bring forth the daylight, then the Crystal would need to help make sure the darkness doesn’t fall.
The God of Night and the God of Sun coincide in terms of powers, both relying on one another in order to allow day and night to be balanced in the realm of humans.
The God of Night usually slumbers within the Crystal, waiting for when the God of the Sun comes along and awakens the night once again.
And once it is time for the night to slumber once again, the God of Night returns back to the crystal, put to a pleasant slumber by the Goddess of the Moon before the cycle repeats once again.
Prompto Argentum – Waker of Day and Night; God of the Sun
Bright as the sun he represents, the God of the Sun is among one of the best worshiped Astrals.
Many ask for his blessings in hope for his radiant light to shine upon them, resulting in him being a god associated with luck and fortune.
His main duties reside in bringing the sunlight to the realm of the humans, and also allowing the God of Night to bring forth the night.
He travels across the Sky every day until he meets with the Crystal where the God of Night slumbers.
And with a gentle greeting and ritual, he’s able to awaken the night, allowing the God of Night to cross the expansive sky so it may meet with the Goddess of the Moon and awaken her.
The God of the Sun holds an important duty to not only help the night, but he also serves as an icon for the humans – a blessing to them as a divine figure who directly affects them all.
He adores the humans perhaps the most out of the other Astrals, more inclined to walk amongst the humans to see how he can bless them with his light.
But nevertheless, his favorite time of the day is when he’s able to greet the night once again.
Ignis Scientia – Archivist of Thought; God of Memory
Residing in his own pantheon amongst the Astral realm, the God of Memory holds the knowledge and secrets of the Astral Realm and the Human Realm.
Perhaps his pursuit of knowledge seems overwhelming, but he continues to become the embodiment of perfection with the memories he holds to become the most intelligent Astral of the realm.
Protects the Crystal within his Temple of Thought, allowing only a rare few ever lay their eyes on the Crystal that he oversees.
At least, as much as he can see, for an accident where the God of Chaos attempted to defile the God of Night’s crystal resulted in the loss of his vision.
The God of Memory still allows himself to see VIA the dreams and memories of those he encounters, allowing them to be his gateway to the world he wishes to see once more.
But anything he can do to protect the Crystal and the God that resides in it, he will gladly do it as a devoted ally to the God of Night.
He is never seen leaving his Temple as a result of his accident, but it is no matter with the God of Strength visiting the Temple often or the God of the Sun approaching to awaken the night.
Perhaps one day, he may fight the knowledge of how to restore his eyesight again, but alas – such secrets must be sought after first.
Gladiolus Amicitia – Shield of the Gods; God of Strength
Just as the God of Metal once was, the God of Strength protects and serves those who are in need of his strength.
An unwavering shield of the weak, the God of Strength takes pride in his duty to bless people with his strength and devotion.
If someone feels doubt in their powers, he will help every last soul asking for the strength to carry on – at whatever the cost it is.
However, he cannot protect those unwanting of his strength – those who are strong without him. And it’s ultimately what caused him to fail in protecting the God of Memory.
He vows to protect his comrades as he can, but alas, he sometimes finds him own strength wavering as he’s unable to protect everyone he cares for.
But he fights, and fights, and fights. For one day, he may find the strength to truly be worthy of his status as a god.
He is noted to wander amongst the humans at times – particularly when the Astrals wish to traverse amongst human kind – and serves as their bodyguard of sorts.
He does admit, however, the humans have the best concoctions of food. Especially what he simply knows as ‘Cup Noodles.’ He asks the God of Memory to tell him more about this delicacy quite often.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret – Keeper of the Night; Goddess of the Moon
As the night awakens after the God of the Sun performs his ritual, it is up to the Goddess of the Moon to make sure the night is safely brought to the humans.
A light amongst the dark, when the night becomes too weary to bear, she provides an aura of hope to those lost within the darkness, and to the god with a burden to carry every eve.
Without the night, there would be no moon, which is one of the reasons why the Goddess of the Moon is so reliant and enticed by the night.
However, the tragedy is knowing that without the moon, the night can still thrive.
But nevertheless, the Goddess of the Moon dedicates herself to guiding the night until the God of the Sun may return once again, allowing the God of Night to rest once more.
The moon allows travelers to fight safety in the dark, but the Goddess personifies an ideal of peace as well, for the dark can sometimes be filled with unwanted chaos and fear.
But fear not, weary traveler.
For when you gaze upon the moon’s graceful light, the Goddess will watch over you and protect you from the monsters in the darkness.
Ravus Nox Fleuret – Watcher of the Dead; God of Death
A strange fate the God of Death had faced, residing once as the God of Life and yet, meeting a fate that resulted in a tragedy for the god.
Corrupted by the God of Chaos, the God of Life was unable to do the very thing he was destined to do: give life to those he wished to grant life to.
Everything the god touched withered away, unable to fight for life – a tragedy in the eyes of a man once beloved by most, now feared by all.
He resides amongst those who attempt to pass through the Astral Realm to the afterlife, a judge to them with a new duty to make sure no one wicked or unjust can pass through to the afterlife.
Those who are unworthy of ascension must deal with him. And just as despair once filled him, he will show the wicked what true despair was with an eternity of punishment and torment.
Due to his corruption, he is unable to truly reside amongst the Astrals once again, trapped in his own realms of death, where the lost wait for their chance for atonement in the afterlife.
He is unable to see those he once cared for, fearful that his corruption and pension for death will curse those that he touches and remains by – just like the Goddess of Fertility that he unfortunately took the life from.
He can only watch from his place amongst the dead, hoping that perhaps one day, he too may know his own peace in death.
Ardyn Izunia – Wicked King of Exiles; God of Chaos
A name erased from history itself, and yet his reputation is known throughout all of legend.
Something wicked this way comes, and it comes in the form of the God of Chaos.
Once chosen to become the King of the Astrals, he was denounced in his name, for no one could trust a man of chaos and wickedness to rule over with fairness and justness.
Alas, it was something that the king of Chaos would not take lightly. For step by step, plot by plot, he hopes to be able to exact his revenge against the Astrals and their ‘Beloved’ king.
He will do what it takes to prove that he is not a threat to be taken lightly, even going so far to attempt to steal the God of Night and corrupting him, so that night will never be allowed to slumber ever again.
There are those amongst the humans that see the King of Exiles as the true king of the Astrals, many devoting themselves to the God of Chaos’s philosophies and teachings. 
So it is there that he will continue his revolt against the gods, by turning the humans against the gods they once worshiped.
Because, after all, what is a God to a non-believer?
Aranea Highwind – Goddess of the Winds. She can be as gentle as a spring breeze or as treacherous as a fall hurricane. Her temper is hard to judge.
Cindy Aurum – Goddess of Creation. Not to be confused with the God of Life, she blesses the humans with the inspiration to create, build, and shape the world around them.
Cor Leonis – God of War. Evenly-tempered and honorable, those who seek war will see for the God of War’s advice and strength, for only the honorable will prevail in war as the god watches.
Iris Amicitia – Goddess of Nature. Young and kind-spirited, she blesses with the humans with the life around them and the ability to survive in a beautiful world created by her and the other Astrals.
Nyx Ulric – God of Victory. When your will is lost and the tides of battle fall out of your favor – fear not. Call upon his blessing, and the God of Victory will aid those truly deserving of a fair victory in an unfair world.
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