#I have soo many ideas but I draw way too slow to be normal about them
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Just found out Upgrade was canonically put in jail for attempted murder and that's honestly so iconic of her
#I also need to draw her as a dragon but it can wait#I have soo many ideas but I draw way too slow to be normal about them#spg#steam powered giraffe#upgrade spg#rambles
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Have you ever wonder what each of the main four would be like as yandere? Sorry, I’m just soo curious.😋
No onethat has met Gon would ever think he can become a yandere… Him? A yandere?Impossible. He’s such a dear person and has a certain innocence that appears tohave remained even when he got older. Besides, he has morals. Certainly this alsoprevents him from developing this sort of sick obsession as well, right? And ifhe ever did, he would realize this issue and seek a way of healthy dealing withit, right?
Wrong in all accounts.
Regardlessof how you two met (if he approached you after a brief meeting and wanted tobecome your friend, you just crossed paths, so on) or for how long you’ve beenfriends, you feel you can trust him with all your heart. It’s not so different fromhow it tends to be with other people Gon has befriended. After all, he is akind man, he is gentle and sweet. Heck, even if you didn’t want to befriend himwhen you two met, he has that special way of getting in someone’s heart. In theend, you’re glad you’re friends!
And becauseof this, chances are you won’t realize what is going on until it is too late.
Gon’sfeelings for you will start innocently enough and even he might notnotice them at first. He just knows that he enjoys being with you! You’re niceand fun! Yes, of course, he likes you, I mean, you’re friends… So, it’s alsonatural that he starts to feel bad when you’re not there… It’s natural that heworries… He… He needs you. Of course he doesn’t like the way that personlooked at you, it was outright staring! There are many dangerous peoplein the world, he knows, he met quite a few. He is just being a good friend and lookingout for you! There is nothing wrong with that…
He justdoesn’t want to fail with you like once failed with Kite.
Gon’sbehaviour starts to change in response to his feelings increasing… It is slow,it is insidious, but a few signals start to pile up. The way he places his arm aroundyour shoulders. The way he stares at people who are a little too friendly withyou. It doesn’t get to the point of being suffocating, but there is somethingthat just feels wrong about his presence… And you don’t want to considerthis, even feeling ashamed of such impressions. For crying out loud, this is Gon!Your friend! You shouldn’t feel like this about him, ever!
Actually,yes. Yes, you should.
His feelingsbecome so intense that he can’t be unaware of them forever (not that itwould’ve been of much help anyway). He may just see you laughing with someoneelse… And then he thinks how you could get involved with someone someday. How youcan leave him someday. And the mere thought is more than he can bear.
And theidea of losing you in one way leads to another. Regardless of what happened afterwards,Gon never forgot when he failed to help Kite. And it was one of those things aperson may never fully get over. No matter in what way, the idea of losing youincites more than mere fear in him. He… He can’t take it… No. No. NO!You can’t leave him, you just can’t!
Speakingof Kite, if you get hurt, this will likely be also the moment when he goes overthe edge (if he hasn’t already).
If you’realready together, that’s when things go overboard. If he hasn’t realized hisfeelings yet, that’s the moment when it hits him: This must be love, right? Thedesire to be with you all times, to protect you from all harm and to be theonly one to see your smile… Isn’t this what people call love? The moment thethought crosses his mind, he realizes that this is what he is feeling. And you…You must love him as well, right? You’ve spent so many good times together, surelyyou love him. And if you don’t, you can. Someday.
How Gondecides to deal with this depends on how things are between the two of you atthe moment. He may just go ahead and confess, or he may jump straight to the next“solution” (extreme likely to happen if you got injured somehow, which, in theworld of Hunter is easy to happen). Even your reaction to his confession is, inthe end, unimportant. You accepting Gon and starting to date him, no matter evenwhen, won’t soothe his obsession or make things easier. The only thing itwill do will be giving you a window to his actual mental state. The uncertaintyyou felt before was your instinct reacting and if you date Gon, his obsessionwill slowly become more obvious until it finally reaches a crucial point.
He won’t everbe violent, but there will always be something in the sweetness of his voice.In how “protective” he acts… He doesn’t outright forbid you from seeing yourold friends, but he seems to prefer to be there when you meet them… He neverseems to ask for more than you’re willing to do/give, he is never abusive, but…There is still something that makes you unsure. Things being said underneaththe spoken words and done underneath the acts. It’s almost imperceptible and whileit can last, eventually, you can’t fool yourself by saying this is normal.Or that you’re completely comfortable in this relationship.
And by thistime, it is too late.
It has always been too late, ever since Gon fell in love with you.
His senseof protection regarding those he cares about is very high and, while this tendsto be a great thing in a friend, it is another matter when obsession is addedto the mix. Because he wants to keep you safe… And with him. It’s a dangerousworld, after all.
So, if hehas to throw you in a cage to keep you safe, well, so be it.
Well, ofcourse it won’t be a cage. That would be too cruel! He has a nice little house,all prepared, just for you. Why he is doing this? Silly, because he loves you.And you don’t have to cry, he will take good care of you, he promises! He cangive you anything you want, so you won’t ever wish for anything! Food, clothes.He’ll even give you books and games, so you won’t be bored when he is not athome! See, he can make you happy! And keep you safe! All you have to do is staywith him.
Everygood quality can become a negative if twisted enough and this is the case withGon. Everything about him becomes a nightmare: His innocence blinds himto how what he is doing is messed up. His protectiveness becomes a cage beyondthe house he put you in. His sweetness is poisonous.
And oneof the worst things of all? Gon won’t ever realize that he’s become a monster.
WhileKillua is a tsundere and might prefer to have a certain degree of control overhis emotions, it doesn’t mean they are lacking in intensity. But still, (andhis training to be a “perfect assassin” might come in play here as well), hewill be able to keep his feelings hidden for a while, even though he will becomeaware of them very early on. And while there is nothing wrong with an intenselove, it is a serious problem when it crosses the line.
He willprobably already know you for a while before a deeper interest is born (maybehe met you while travelling with Gon, maybe you crossed paths somewhere andbecame friends, etc). Whether or not he will confess right away will depend on certaincircumstances: It might happen if you’re travelling together (or at least seeingeach other often), if his emotions take a longer time to become more disturbing,so on. You might even notice it (or at least in some level) soon if you’re perceptiveenough. The way he blushes, the way he compliments you and tries to act as ifit’s nothing…
His love is likely to start pure and perhaps might even remain genuine as hedescents into yandere-ism (which can be a rare occurrence when dealing with yanderes),but this doesn’t imply control over the darker impulses… Oh, he may tryat first, remind himself of his own family and how those thoughts are not healthy…
Thingswill seem normal for a while, regardless if you become a couple or not. It’sfun to be with him, he is a nice guy… But meanwhile, Killua’s natural feelings ofcare and protectiveness are slowly gaining more obsessive undertones. Heworries about you being hurt. About Illumi finding out about you (whateverhappens then, he doubts it would be good). About his parents using you… And whilenormally Killua would indeed worry about such things, the problem hereis, again, his state of mind.
The problemhere is the darkness consuming his heart.
Thoughtsof (over) protectiveness return, along with others that are quite dark. As hisfeelings cross the lines towards obsession, his mind somehow follows. Many ofthose impulses will soon appear to be fairly logical and, as unpleasant as theycan be, a necessary evil in order to keep you safe. And with him.
Becausein the end, that’s all that matters to Killua. And while a part of him mightrealize how unhealthy this is, he won’t be able to fight it, even if he tries.
Once hereaches a certain point, nothing else matters. Whether you’re in a relationshipor not (with him or not), whether you notice the small signals ofobsession in his behaviour (like with Gon, you might feel bad for thinking heis becoming unsettling or even be hesitant to draw a line), there is little tobe done. In the end, if you don’t find some excuse to go away for a long, longtime (and if this might not work since Killua would have no issue with followingyou – once he falls in love, he falls hard), you’re all but already caged.
He willfind a way to keep you with him. If he has to threaten your family, so be it.If he has to destroy your previous life, so be it. If he has to place a goddamncollar around your neck, so be it. On this point, let it be noted that Killuawon’t need a house to keep you in, preferring to… “Persuade” you to travel withhim and Alluka. It will be easy to “convince” you with some veiled threats towardsyour family or anyone you care about. It’s not something he likes to do, but ifit means keeping you with him… Once you realize you two are meant for eachother, it will be alright.
If you’re hoping this means you’ll have a chance of escaping someday, you’re mistaken. Thereis a reason why Killua was picked to be the Zolcyk heir instead of Illumi and,in certain areas, he is as good as his brother. He has means of keeping youwith him, without needing to resort to a physical chain (though he won’t beagainst it, should you prove it necessary). Even when you think you have a chance,he will be there. His reactions may vary from treating your attempt like agame, as if you’re just some adorable little kitty, to being upset or evenangered. He loves you. He is just doing what is best for you.
You maycry. You may beg. You may point out how he’s hurting you and how this can’t becalled “love” anymore… But by this time, Killua will believe that you’re justnervous and doesn’t know any better. It isn’t just a matter of keeping yousafe: He knows everything about you, what you like, what you hate. He understandsyou better than anyone else, you are perfect for each other and he won’t letanyone hurt you.
He justwishes you would understand this…
But you will.You will have time… And he will do whatever he can in order to keep you safefrom anyone, including yourself. Even if you cry now, there will come a daywhen you’ll understand and realize how much he loves you. And that you actuallylove him as well. He knows you do.
Those arethings Killua will be telling himself a lot. Even in the chance a part of himstill recognizes he is being cruel to you, he won’t be able to stop himself anymore,his feelings far too strong for him to fight against.
It seemsthat he is more of a Zoldyck that he ever wished to be…
Among the“main four”, Kurapika is easily one of the best when it comes down to keep hisfeelings hidden, for the most part. As such, if you don’t spend a long timewith him or aren’t incredibly perceptive, you might not notice when he startsto fall in love with you. Sadly, this also means you might have trouble seeinghim becoming a yandere towards you, while with some other characters, there mightbe at least some subtle signs…
BecauseKurapika takes time allowing people to get close to him, the development of hisinterest and eventual change into yandere might take a while and you might not evenknow that he is in love with you when he takes some drastic action tokeep you with him. Even being already together will do little to prevent hislove from crossing a line (the most it will do will buy you a little extratime), but once it does, you’re in serious trouble.
One ofthe “main roots” of this development (if we can use such terms) is in his desire to protect you and his trauma of losing his clan. He knows you can takecare of yourself, but the fear of seeing you hurt is still present (like withmost yanderes, seeing you seriously hurt might be what sets him off) and while,in any other scenario, he would find a way to deal with it healthily, this isn’tthe case here.
In hismind, he needs to keep you safe, no matter what. He can’t bear to lose someonehe cares about again, let alone someone he loves.
Asmentioned, you might not even know he was even in love with you until he callsyou over and confesses… Or better saying it, reveals how obsessed he is. And ifyou’re dating him already, what you’ll see when he “decides to take better careof you” is how twisted he can be. In a way or another, there is nothing you cando at this point. You just need to look in his eyes to know it… Even if you trybegging or fighting, Kurapika will merely look upset for a moment before makingsure you understand you won’t be leaving, you can’t change hismind and, most important, you can’t win against him.
Please, don’tcry. It’s for your own good. He loves you, he won’t do anything to hurtyou! He is just doing this so no one will harm you, try to understand.
Due tohis work, he might prefer to find a way to keep you with him rather thanleaving you in a house somewhere (and he has quite a few means to make sure youwon’t leave, trust me), to the point others will easily assume you’re eitherpartners or a real couple, working together. Those comments often make thecorners of Kurapika’s lips twitch in an almost smile (this pleases his greatly,because, in a way, he thinks this is not that much of a stretch. Why, in a way,it’s actually true, isn’t it?) while you always feel like you could puke as youwant to scream how he is keeping you against his will.
Not that thiswould help. You could say that to the Zodiac, to Cheadle, hell, even to Leorio,Gon and Killua and still, somehow, Kurapika would find a way to twistthe situation and nothing would be done. And although he sincerely believes heloves you and is doing what is best, this doesn’t mean he won’t find a way topunish you if you test his patience too much. If you keep this up, he may haveto come up with a more drastic way to ensure you behave.
Remember,this isn’t the Kurapika you know: This is someone lost to obsession.
When you’re“working”, Kurapika keeps his “professional” stance, but you always notice hissmall glances, the way he brushes his hand against yours at times… He may evenkiss your cheek at times. To bystanders, those small gestures always seem caringand gentle. To you, they feel like being brushed with needles. They are remindersthat you’re his and for you to not try anything funny (even Kurapika’s intentionsare not like that… Well… Not completely).
Thingsdon’t get better when you’re alone.
Whilemany yanderes cross the line way into sexual abuse, it’s hard to say if itwould be the case with Kurapika (well, any of the main four) or at what levelof obsession, he would need to be for that to happen (if it did, Kurapika would completelybelieve this is love, that he is merely showing you how much he loves you and helpingyou to settle in your new life together). However, even if he doesn’t everreach that point, it doesn’t mean things are that much better or that he leavesyou alone: He insists you sleep in the same bed as him, he frequently holds youclose… And those displays of affection are absolutely sickening for how wrongthey feel.
You can begand cry as much as you want, it won’t change anything. It breaks his heart, butKurapika rationalizes how this is for your own good. Oh, dear, he knows this isnot ideal, but once he gets rid of the Spiders (and anyone who might be athreat to your relationship), everything will be better, he promises. Like Killua,Kurapika might retain enough sanity to be aware of how his actions are hurting you,but at the same time, he will be at that point when he can’t fight against it…Or merely doesn’t care anymore, telling himself this is just for now and,eventually, you’ll come to accept him and love him back.
He willkeep you safe, no matter what.
When youthink of Leorio, the Leorio everyone knows, that kind man who cares so much forhis friends, whom you can trust to always help them and think about the man hebecomes when he turns into a yandere, it’s like comparing two people whosedifferences are frightening and whose similarities make the time you have tospend together all the more painful.
It doesn’teven matter how you crossed paths, if he fell in love as soon as he met you or aftera while, if you two are in a relationship or not, though with the former, youmay have a few indications… Not that they will make much of a difference. First,because they will be very subtle. Leorio is not the type who’ll go into ajealous fit over nothing or be controlling. Second, because he’ll do his bestto apologize if he realizes he upset you or was irrational. Of course, norelationship is perfect, but in any case, you won’t have any reason to think youmight be dating/friends with a dangerous person.
If onlyyou knew…
And whileit’s obvious he’ll act soon if you’re not with him, don’t think that already beingin a relationship with him will prevent this, either.
As Leorio’sfeelings increase in intensity (and not in a good way), he starts to struggleto control certain impulses, at least at first, before his mind starts torationalize them, to the point they feel completely natural. He can’t help but toworry about you, especially if you’re involved in a dangerous job or when he hasto leave you due to his work. Even if he knows you can take care of yourself (makeno mistake, he is aware of your strength), he can’t help it. No more than hecan help how much he wants to be with you always…
And if you’renot together, the idea of you being with someone else starts to burn him… Yes,he thought it was alright, that as long as you’re happy, that’s all thatmatters, but… It’s not so. It’s not okay. His entire being seems to be on firewhen he thinks about it and he closes his fists so hard that his nails cut hispalms.
Well,that’s how love it, right? He loves you and when you love someone, you want tobe with them and make sure they are happy. It’s only natural… And you’re such agreat person, so many cruel things could happen to you… But you don’t have toworry. You don’t have to ever be sad. He can take care of you! He loves you somuch, surely he can make you happy!
And, asmentioned, even if you’re already in a relationship with him, it won’t matter inthe end. Feelings of this nature are not going to be hidden for long, not withLeorio. But by the time you’re forced to face them, it will be too late.
Don’tbother protesting: Leorio will make sure you understand you’re his. As much ashe wants your acceptance, it’s something that he knows he will have with time.
Leoriomight be contrary to threatening your loved ones, but it doesn’t mean he won’tdo so, should he consider it necessary (after all, the pain of those we careabout is always efficient to ensure “cooperation”)… Of course, he actually has other resources available you wouldn’t expect before resorting to this. And hewill make sure you have no loopholes, no opportunities, no chances of ever leavinghim, so even when you’re out in public, you’re still under his control.
Not thathe would ever allow you to go anywhere without him.
As caringas Leorio can be, crying won’t help you. It will break his heart to see yourtears, no doubt, but he considers them a necessary evil. They’ll only make himhold you close, whispering sickening words of comfort and of how much he lovesyou. Arguing that this isn’t love will only make him twist your words. He doeslove you and someday you’ll understand this. Trying to fight back willupset him and also be of little result. Leorio might not seem the most powerfulman around, but you’ll be surprised if you try to use force (and depending onhow he uses against you as a means to control you, you might decide it’s notworth the risk).
Perhaps,one of the worst things, is how Leorio somehow keeps being his usual selfenough for you to remember who he is (or you thought he was), what you likedabout him and the good times you had together. The way he acts as if this is anormal relationship doesn’t help it.
But atthe same time, you can’t fool yourself. You don’t need to push much to see thatglint in his eyes, hinting to what he believes to be love (and might be, butcertainly not the healthy kind) and every time he holds you close, as gentle ashe is, you feel as if you’re being hurt. Even if you cry that he is abusingyou, Leorio will just ask how he’s abusing you. Come now, dear, has he ever hurtyou or forced himself upon you? All he is doing is to make sure you’re safe.
As soonas you accept your new life, you’ll see how happy you can be! After all, you’lllearn to love him in time.
It’s notlike you have much of a choice, now, is there?
#hxh headcanon#headcanon#hunter x hunter#main four#yandere#gon#kurapika#killua#leorio#god what have I done with those angels?#Not sorry actually#hxh
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VK Science I - Vmpr & Prbd Gene
Soo… I don’t feel like creating a temporary email just for this discussion, so yeah… This is already a “fake email” that I use for my beyond dead account and my currently abandoned fanfic. Not sure if my email is noticeable to everyone, but if it is, I don’t really care which name you decide to call me by lol. And if you’re wondering, I’m trying to quickly reply because there were a lot of concepts that were misunderstood and I don’t want to give misinformation or a theory that makes no sense (Plus, I have the longest break before my class).
And ah, I love @imaginarylights! Their edits are always pretty :) Anyway, I just figured life caught with you up, and yes, I did resend my ask, but I guess tumblr didn’t like it *side-eyes*.
*Note: I tried to make things easier to understand by writing them as points, so hopefully this helps. Let me know, I guess?
Humans carrying Vmpr gene: So what I actually meant was that your original theory from our first discussion assumes that all humans (past & current) naturally contain a genetic sequence that codes for vampires except the gene is normally turned off. I do NOT agree with this because if you actually try to map out the transfer of alleles or even create a punnet square (granted, it’s already difficult with the lack of evidence like I stated earlier), you would expect humans to birth vampires, including Purebloods, more frequently regardless of the time period in VK. Obviously, this isn’t the case, so no, humans do not carry this gene at all.
The Prbd gene: like I said in past msgs, this would be developed in the Progenitors during human development in the womb where a mutation likely occurred during replication, repair, or even crossing over during meiosis. This just means that, technically, a “misarrangement” of DNA ended up coding for the traits we see in Purebloods. Since there are so few Purebloods, you would expect this gene to be recessive or “rare.”
Arguments: You could argue that it’s also the nature of Purebloods in VK and how they do not reproduce often and many of them were killed off early on in wars. Considering the different levels of vampires and even Senri’s rank, though, I think it just comes down to a gene that is rarely passed on. Although, you could also look at it as that Hino wanted Purebloods to be rare to emphasize the Kuran family’s prestige and nobility, ultimately making Yuuki and Kaname “special” characters in comparison to others.
The environment: I’m not taking back what I said from earlier msgs - I still think it played a role in the ways I stated earlier.
“Failed” or “incomplete” Purebloods (I don’t know how you would want to word that): In short, these people expressed partial traits of what we would now in VK consider the Prbd gene. Because they didn’t express the full gene, their fitness was lower, so they did not have a good chance of surviving and passing on their genes. Therefore, these people would not encompass the Progenitors, thus, lowering the Progenitors numbers.
Your questions: Hopefully my point about humans helped clarify some things. As far as humans duration of pregnancy for Purebloods and “teething,” I can’t answer these questions because I am not the author, sorry. This would all be speculation that has no basis because there doesn’t appear to be any evidence to support any claims.
The Vmpr gene: Basically Levels A through C (Pureblood to Average) vampires would express this (dominant) gene as it encompasses the very nature and expression of vampires. As such, this would mean the Progenitors underwent several mutations prior to birth as this gene would be at a different loci (location on the chromosome). Although, considering how the two are related, I would expect the genes to be relatively close to each other in terms of distance.
Charisma: I’ve seen it mentioned in the manga, but I don’t recall seeing it shown. However, I would presume that vampires have more pheromones to attract humans or that humans are just more attracted to vampires for some psychological reason that I can’t answer.
Blood satisfaction: To me, this is more of a plot device, similarly to the argument of why Purebloods are rare. I think it’s something Hino added for the sake of the love triangle as a way to add drama and romance. To argue that there’s some sort of genetic or scientific basis for this is like saying that there are predestined soulmates that people are fated to fall in love with, which is determined by their DNA… Which just seems odd… There might be a psychological reason, but that’s not my major.
Why I was salty: It’s hard to determine the offspring of mixed classes of vampires and even with humans because we are not shown any examples. Based on her lore, the simple answer is that based on the level of vampire parent(s), the children will fall somewhere in between as seen by (my love lol) Senri’s rank as an Aristocrat. In the case of Ren, I have no idea. Of course that’s not how genetics works and is confusing when considering the children between Average vampires and humans since some may be human (-.-)
Zero: I didn’t use Zero as evidence for vampires reactions to sunlight because Zero was not born as a vampire. My whole theory only encompassed Level A to C and I thought he was a Level D. Regardless, he wouldn’t carry the Vmpr gene and as such, he falls under my next theory that I hope to present, which is how Purebloods turn humans into “vampires” and how Level D and E are different (genetically and otherwise) from the other classes of vampires.
Hunter genes: I know it’s a possible counterargument and my answer is that I still have no idea how Hino’s “pseudo-science” works with hunters, so… Imma side-eye that. Maybe I’ll eventually come up with a theory that can explain her lore and hunters, but until then, I’m not going to address it.
So I don’t know how long this ended up being since I no longer have a limit LOL, but I hope it wasn’t too long. Nonetheless, I hope this helped clarify everything! Let me know if you have any more questions before I move on to my next theory.
Until next time!
I figured your poor ask had been gobbled by the tumblr gremlins again; this new submission post system seems to work much better (and it allows you to have more freedom to outline your points, which I’m sure everyone following our crazy discussion will appreciate). =) Plus it’s easier to respond to, fufu!
@Humans carrying Vmpr gene: Thanks for clarifying this one for me. So you’re saying if humans naturally carried the vmpr gene, we’d see it more frequently across time (even if it was still rare on the whole) rather than all at once in a clump like what Hino implies, which makes it unlikely as a possible explanation. I can definitely get behind that.
@The Prbd gene: It’s fairly undeniable there was an environmental component to the development of the gene, so we’re in agreement there. (That’s the one thing Hino pretty much directly implies in the story.) And lol @ the Purebloods needing to be rare in order to make the Kurans “special”. (I would not be surprised about this one.) And my questions regarding vampire pregnancy and teething were more speculative in nature anyway; just wanted to know if you had any thoughts on how a human giving birth to a Pureblood would go, given how long it takes Purebloods to develop within fellow Purebloods (though perhaps this is more due to the fact that Pureblood female wombs have other toxins that slow natural development that a human’s wouldn’t, who knows–again, just speculating). Admittedly the whole teething business was a recent addition on Hino’s part, but it’s a bit of a horrifying process to contemplate given the progenitors arrived with human parents who knew nothing of the process.
@The Vmpr gene: Oh that’s quite interesting that there’d be several mutations prior to birth . So of course for Levels A through C you’d expect some kind of vampiric gene dominance. What would your thoughts be on Level Ds like Zero and the other turned humans? Would they pass on human genetics or vampiric ones if paired with, say, a human, rather than a vampire? (Obviously Zero’s kids would be partially vampiric due to Yuuki being his partner.)
@Charisma: You see this pop up in the story at various points–Rido uses it against Aidou during the Rido battle back in arc 1 (Aidou’s eyes go glassy and he becomes mesmerized until Yuuki has to snap him out of it) and Yuuki when he takes over that kid at the vampire ball where she mopes about Kaname and Sara, and also during the Sara arc everyone’s always commenting on how Yuuki doesn’t have any charisma and Sara’s busy mesmerizing nobles and humans alike. It appears to be from what Hino establishes a sort of “aura” around the Purebloods that draws the eye (she usually uses sparkles or some other screentone to show it). Anyway, my thought was increased pheromones of some kind myself, though admittedly it doesn’t particularly matter and could just be a natural part of the “whole package” of the gene and more of a social side effect rather than an intentional one.
@Blood satisfaction: Okay, I just wanted to confirm you didn’t think this whole bit was scientifically valid from a genetic perspective, as I’m personally also of the opinion that this is just a romantic plot device. ;) I can definitely get behind the idea that it’s potentially just psychological on the part of the Purebloods and has no actual basis on whether or not they should be satisfied with X or Y amount of blood taken from random or less loved parties.
@Mixed Children: That’s really interesting that average/human mixes might have human genetic dominance (at least if this was genetically sound fufu). So do you think it’s possible for Purebloods (or a Pureblood/Noble mix, or Pureblood/Average) to have a throwback human child? Come to think of it, you know, the Hunters having a small amount of the Vmpr gene creates humans with some of the genetic traits–such as Kaien’s long life and youthful appearance, despite his lack of fangs. How interesting would it have been for Hino to have a human or more human expressing Pureblood or Noble character? *ahem* But yeah, it’s a shame Hino was so focused on the top of the hierarchy we never got to see any characters from the lower ends, where the struggles would be more common.
@Zero: Oh great you’re going to dig into the Level Ds/Es in your next theory. Then I’ll wait to badger you about Zero’s specialness until after you’ve had a chance to dive in. =) (And lol, yes, it’s kinda…bizarre how the Hunters ended up being able to pass down certain vampire genes by just…eating?…the Hooded Woman. Like…pretty sure that’s not how that works lol. But hey, whaddoo I know? XD)
Anyway, don’t you worry a thing about how long your posts are! You have plenty of space now, and if my own responses get too lengthy, I can just put them under a cut now. =)
Looking forward to your theory on how turning works!
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