#I have so many oneshots planned y'all don't even Know
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shiroselia · 7 months ago
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Me when I'm the fiercest and most important lawyer in the solar system and I also look like this
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lay-z · 1 year ago
So'lek falling for one of the remaining Sarentu clan members:
Fandom: Avatar movie franchise/Avatar:Frontiers of Pandora Pairing: So'lek x Na'vi!Reader Warnings/Info: Possible Spoilers for A:FOP!
I might turn this into a oneshot if y'all enjoy this :)
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So'lek has a mixture of feelings towards your sudden re-appearance at first.
On one hand, he feels a tiny spark of hope, that one day the Sky People will be defeated with your help, and Pandora will be safe once more. On the other hand, your existence does hurt him as it is another reminder that his clan did not survive the brutal colonisation, and that he is indeed the last one of his family.
Of course, he is also thrilled about your survival and the way the group has defied the twisted experiment the TAP tried to put you through; many Sarentu have stayed with his clan in the past, and he remembers looking forward listening to their stories of adventure around the fire pit when he was still a child.
Your pride, fierceness, and bravery is no surprise to him when he gets to know you after helping you escape the TAP.
So'lek quickly learns that you're more than eager to finally learn about your culture, and explore Pandora with his help.
You don't even shy away to pester him about teaching you the Na'vi ways, day and night, even when he tells you to be more patient, and to really digest what he teaches you.
But when So'lek finds himself becoming more intrigued, his first instict is to withdraw himself from you, to assure himself that he finds your lack of knowledge and humility irritating.
Your eagerness only makes you oblivious to his behavior though, and you simply don't let him pull away from you the way he wishes to. So, So'lek caves in and swiftly abandons his plan to stay away.
Soon enough, the battle-hardened warrior truly finds himself in a pickle when his feeling towards you grow even stronger, more intense and complicated.
He finds himself worrying about your safety and insists on exploring the Kinglor forest with you, even though he did not bother to do so before; he wanted you to experience Pandora by yourself at first after all, wanted you to make your own mistakes to become a better hunter and warrior, just as he had to when growing up.
It's a strange feeling to him; how his chest swells with pride whenever you achieve something new, whenever you share a new experience with him. He never believed he could feel and care this way about another individual.
So'lek is amazed to witness you becoming better at shooting a bow, speaking Na'vi, climbing and tracking more swiftly, and bonding with your ikran. He even finds himself jealous when Eetu tries to teach you and gives you advice.
Hunting and gathering supplies alongside you during nighttime becomes a regular activity, one he starts looking forward to, fondly at that. He's embarrassed to admit how he has memorized the glowing freckles on your face, the markings on your body, and the way your eyes light up whenever you discover something you haven't seen before.
One night, alone during his watch at the Resistance HQ, his breath hitches sharply and his heart starts pounding violently when a soft breeze carries your sweet, enticing scent to him randomly. The scent of temptation, one he can taste on his tongue when he inhales deep enough. That fateful moment leaves him trembling and wanting you in an utterly carnal way.
At that point, So'lek hadn't wasted a single thought on finding a mate or mating in general since fighting the Sky People and joining the Resistance. And how could he when everything revolves around survival and revenge nowadays?
To be continued...
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aryisacapricat · 4 months ago
perhaps........yuour babygirl
Ooooooh boy here we go
First impression I don't actually remember my exact first impression of Iggy, but I think I knew he was meant to be one of those gruff dudes with hidden depth after the first Lib. I had liberated Jodi kinda early in my first playthru so I didn't get much of their scenes together (plus I think their little meet up scene after a rite got taken over by the one with Jodi and Pam). Later I would find out on TV Tropes that they can get together and was incredibly intrigued how that even happens with the few scenes they had. That's when my brain went wild filling in the blanks and the rest is history.
Impression now This grown ass man is my pathetic, hot trash babygirl and I love him so much. Out of all the blorbos I've had that have infested my brain, he somehow became the most resilient. All due to the fact there was barely any fan content of him so it was all up to me to fill the void.
Favorite moment Oh DEFINITELY the scene after with him and Jodi after the second time you face him. Especially this line,
And he keeps waiting. For there is little else for him, there, in the Downside. He keeps waiting... but, not for very long. ... not for very long.
Idea for a story Oh ho HOOOO boy. Y'all already know about Killing Time and Iggy in the Downside. I have soooo many more ideas than what is physically possible for me to do. Some are oneshots I have planned for after KT. Also a few AU ideas that I probably won't seriously pursue but they're fun to run in my brain anyway.
Unpopular opinion Yea Iggy got WAY too much hate, even with the bad first impression. Back then, pretty much every mention of him from the fandom was just shitting on him and about wanting him to stay far away from Jodi as possible. Thankfully that hate has toned down a lot since then (likely due to my propaganda, hehe).
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Favorite relationship Do I even need to say it? Like, I know it's all just my headcanon, but Jodi and Iggy really are a great dynamic to write. And who doesn't love when two strong characters are vulnerable with each other?
Favorite headcanon Does it count if I say Moira? She's just been a huge delight designing a writing. Otherwise, it's Iggy being a goofy, sweet guy who deep down, just wants someone to love.
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johnslittlespoon · 9 months ago
HI I'M ALIVE i swear this is a pattern at this point, i post a new fic/chapter and disappear for a phat day (or two) lmaoo i literally get The Fear and i have to avoid notifs/comments for a bit <33
that being said, wept reading the comments on TAS, i'm so so thankful y'all are vibing with it because i was NERVOUS about posting my first ever modern au and i wanted to make sure it still felt true to the characters but everyone's been so unbelievably kind i'm so wahhahhhh :')) i appreciate the sweet words SO so much, it's so reassuring and so motivating <33
so motivating actually that i'm already halfway done ch2... whoops? litch rally buzzing with how excited i am to write, i don't think i've ever experienced this which sounds strange but like. okay hold i can already tell i'm gonna go on a tangent so let me cut myself off with a read more lmaoo
idk, does anyone else ever sometimes feel like even though obviously we all write fic for enjoyment because we do it for free, sometimes it feels like a chore? not in the sense that i feel obligated to write, but just that even though i feel passionately about what i want to write, it's just hard to get my brain into gear (adhd aside) even when i really want to. i'm just thinking out loudddd now but my concerta just kicked in so it's inevitable LOL word vomit and thought processing is apparently a necessary part of my writing process smh
writing yad(iym) has honestly been so helpful with this because one of the biggest things that i struggle with when writing is that i have a super vivid imagination and can picture exactly what i want to portray/convey, but sometimes i don't know how to get there, but with the dog coded fic i have the timeline of the actual show to follow, so it takes a lot of pressure off in that sense! it's sorta like filling in the gaps because i have something base level to work with.
but 99% of the time when writing, i don't have that, so i end up avoiding my docs often because i feel stuck in terms of progressing the storyline, and my writing process drags on so longgg. i'm finding too now that i'm writing my first (and second oops) actual long fic that oneshots are actually more difficult for me to finish for some reason despite most of mine being shorter than a singular chapter in my fics, which is funny because i was so terrified of commitment starting a chaptered fic but i've ended up being more consistent.
anyway point is, i adore writing yad(iym) and it's been the most fun experience i've had fic writing, but now that i've sorted out the world building aspects for tough and sweet, everything is just flowing and instead of having to sit myself down at my desk and kinda just force myself into the zone, i cannot drag myself out of my docs?? and i've never had that happen but i'm definitely trying to take advantage of it while it lasts and get as much written as possible!
i think it also helps that it's so lighthearted compared to the angst of yadiym (tho i've got some angst planned for tas too lol sry) so i don't have to think as much about the weight behind certain dialogue, or carefully plan out the progression of the relationship dynamic the way the time period/setting of yadiym requires. it's a nice breather from the constraints of the mota–verse (as much as it's still my favourite thing to read/write with these boys), but i also enjoy getting to sink back into that doc when i want something deeper than the little biker boys.
i'm still very much working away on yadiym tho to be clear!! i was scared to start tas before i finished it in case i hyperfixated on tas and my updates got slow on yadiym, but it's genuinely helped me find a balance because i'm always working on one if i'm not working on the other <3 i'm about half done ch6 too for yadiym (how many times can i type that in one post jfc), i'm just at an internal emotions heavy part which i Hate. writing lmaooo give me dialogue or smut and i can type away for hrs but introspection?? internal conflict? hell
ok that's all my fic related rambling thank uuuu/apologies if u sat thru all of that LOL lmk if your writing process/mindset is similar or not bc i'm always curious about how other people's brains work with this stuff!! also how does one get over feeling obnoxious about rambling on their own acc like. this is my acc. i could post 100 times a day if i wanted. i need to Relax good god
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romanaxe · 2 months ago
Writing WIP Wrap-Up: February - March 2025
It's that time again where I get too excited about all my WIPs and want to share what I'm working on with all y'all! In short I have 3 current WIP's that I'm actively writing, one sad, one cute, and one smutty (and then a little Freely We Serve related news at the end)
Details below cut:
In no particular order
[Title TBA] - RadioApple AU PWP Oneshot
It's an AU i actually don't think I've seen a lot of in the fandom, so I think it will be a fun little treat, even if its a PWP style oneshot with little world building
I can't give many details about this one because it's for the RadioApple Valentine's Day Exchange, but it's my usual wheelhouse of praise, degradation, negotiated smut with a little AU to shake things up a little.
just one more time (even if it's a lie) - Radiosilence Angst filled character/relationship study
Expected to be around 6k words maybe? Will be released February 14th
I basically only know what I want to happen, and I have the opening written, but it's bound to be like 1k words or less.
It's going to be similar in vibe to 'i don't think badly of you' which is to say, really sad and poetic. Major themes of unrequited love and mourning a future you'll never have
Glass Closet (Title subject to change) - Fluffy 5+1 RadioApple Sequel to Mutual Satisfaction
Aiming for Late Feb/Early March release
Ideally the last part would be released on my birthday, which means I would need to start posting mid-March, but we'll see if I manage that lol
Outline is done, expected to be 6 chapters of varying lengths that would release with weekly updates until complete, starting maybe March? Early April?
And a Freely We Serve update!
I'm getting all my information together for the sequel and I have a basic outline of what I want the story to be.
As I was planning, I did re-read FWS and oh boy have I come a long way as a writer. Unfortunately, I can not dedicate the time or the mental capacity to do a full re-write, but I will be going through and doing editing passes on every chapter in the next month or two.
All major scenes will still be the same, I'll only be fixing errors, typos, prose, etc. (and also probably taking out some of my more insecure authors notes lol).
Since FWS is so plot heavy, depending on how recently you've read it, you might need a reread ahead of beginning the sequel. I want the re-read to be as painless as possible, so editing is necessary lol
I'll make an announcement when editing is done so y'all can re-read if you'd like!
I will make no promises as to when it will start, but after I get a few chapters written to make sure my idea has legs, I'd like to do weekly updates. Again, that's a hope not a promise lol
Anywho, I have some other ideas, but these will be the priorities! (unless something crazy happens - coughcoughSeason2Trailercoughcough) ^-^
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cilil · 10 months ago
For the writer ask game, please and thank you!
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back?
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
Thanks for the ask, dear!🤍
14: For the most part, yes. Generally I'm always down to let people borrow stuff, but certain books may fall into the category of things I'm not super stoked to give away, even if just temporarily. In such cases it really depends on how well I know the person and how careful they are with other people's stuff. I always have at least a rough idea where my stuff is and make sure I get it back, though if I don't need it I'm generous with time. I'm not sure if I'm "scary" when it comes to asking me to borrow stuff, I may be to some people, but those who know me well should know that I can't deny a friend a little favor ^^
24: That depends on length and complexity of the project. A drabble I'll start just based on a random idea, oneshots is where I'll start outlining in advance, my longer projects are all still in planning stage. I need my road map before I'm on my way. I also take my time with lore posts, just to make sure I have my research down and my sources on hand. None of this prep work is particularly fancy, just notes in (solo) chats, some screenshots and the occasional spreadsheet. I also enjoy a good planning and outlining process simply because it helps me streamline the process and feel secure, which increases my enjoyment during the actual writing.
35: So the thing about this is that a lot of writing rules are probably unknown to me. Aside from the very basics you may learn in school, I taught myself how to write (and English too). I'm going off instinct, feelings, my own perception of other people's stories (what I like and dislike there) and what opinions I've seen others express. I suppose if I had to name one rule it could be story structure? Like the elements people say all stories need to have and tension curves and all that? I may stick to that through pure instinct sometimes, but I never really care if it's there or not. If I want to write thousands of words detailing someone's meandering thoughts I'll do that, rules be damned.
39: Writing is just... sticky. It's the one thing people told me I'm talented at (y'all can disagree of course) and the one thing I stubbornly pursued no matter how many others made fun of me and practiced until I reached a level of skill that's no longer embarrassing. It's the one thing that became a habit and an established part of my life that greatly enriches it. No matter how sad it is when a project I put huge effort in is barely read I'll just keep doing it. I'm the annoying little shithead who keeps throwing stuff at a wall and hardly even checks what sticks. It's just like... I've come so far. I've faced the hardships of practice and ridicule. Now there's just nothing left to stop me anymore :)
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stabbyfoxandrew · 5 months ago
Hi guys! Sometimes I get repeat questions so I thought I'd make this FAQ post. I think I've covered everything. If you think of anything else that needs to be added, please let me know! <3
What is WIP Wednesday? It's a little game I started doing because of Ash, aka jtl-fics. It’s sort of a way to motivate me to write. And this way I’m able to release tiny little installments each week instead of having to finish whole chapters before I post. It's been so helpful. I've written more since last August than I had in years.
Okay, cool. So, how does WIPW work? When Wednesday rolls around, wait for my WIPW post to appear on your dash then you can send me an ask with your request. After I get done writing, I'll answer your ask with a snippet. :)
Please note: ~ I only take WIPW asks on Wednesdays, hence the name. ~ My ask box button will say either ‘wipw open 🔓’ or 'wipw closed 🔒’. Please do not send asks after it’s closed. ~ I do not answer asks in order anymore. I answer all of one AU’s requests, then move through the rest until I’m done. ~ The length of the snippets varies, based on how the POV changes or how the scenes fall. It also depends on my mental health. ~ Please be patient with me. I’m just a little guy. ≽^•⩊•^≼
What fics do you work on for WIPW? I have six ongoing projects to choose from, they're listed on my pinned post.
Can I send more than one request on WIPW? Please don't, unless I've said otherwise! Getting too many asks stresses me out and if I allow one person to send multiple, I have to let everyone. So, just pick your favorite please! Someone else will ask for the others.
Are your WIPs ever going to be on AO3? Yes! When they're closer to being finished I plan to tidy them up— make minor edits, check for continuity problems, grammar, etc— and post them to AO3! This won't be happening for a long while, so please feel free to go ahead and read them here if you're interested. :)
How do I read your AUs in order? Each of my AUs has a 'masterpost', a post where I link to each and every piece ever written. You can use it to click through and read each piece in order. Alternatively, if you're brand new to my fics you can click the link on the masterpost for a chronological view of the AU's tag! :)
Can I reblog WIPW posts? Absolutely! It makes me really happy when you do!
How can I leave comments on WIPW stuff? You can reblog a post and put comments in the tags, reply to the post, or send me an ask with questions or comments about my AUs! Though I might not answer every comment I receive, I appreciate them all so much. Y'all don't even know.
Do you like fanart? Yes. I love it. I adore it. I will give you my firstborn child. You don't even understand. I've received fan art from three or four people and I still think about them every single day. That being said, if you do make fan art please tag me in the post (@/stabbyfoxandrew) or send me an ask/ message with the link so I can see! 🥺 I'll also link your art in the masterposts so everyone else can find it! <3
Okay, okay. That's all great but do you have any finished fics? Yep! There's several oneshots on my AO3! :3
When are you going to update cosmic lost and found?! I don't know. TwT It got so popular (to me) so quick and I got freaked out and I haven't worked on it in ages. I'm sorry. :( I have the fic planned out, through to the end. But working on it is so hard for some reason. I shouldn't have decided to rewrite canon. :')
Can you tell me about your OCs? Yes. 🥺🥺🥺 I'm dying to tell you about them. If you'd like to know anything about my OCs please, please, please send me an ask! I love talking about them but I'm so afraid of getting on peoples' nerves. :')
Why are you taking so long to answer my ask? Because I'm just a little guy and sometimes I don't have the energy to reply right away. TwT
Can we be friends? Maybe! :) If we're mutuals and you'd like to talk to me, please feel free to send me a message. I must warn you, I'm a lot more awkward in messages than I am in my askbox. I don't know why. I'm sorry. TwT
Do you write for any other fandoms? Not at the moment. (RIP to my klance fics.)
Do you have fic recs? Possibly! It depends on if I've been reading much. You can always ask. I might have to tell you no though. :')
Do you allow translations of your fics? No.
What about podfics? Yes.
Is your name really Aerie, you know that's a clothing brand and also means bird nest? Yes. I thought I made it up when I was like 13/14. Was very distraught when I found out that wasn't true. :') But yeah. Aerie is my name and I love it.
Who's Jess? My younger sibling.
Who's Rascal? My very old cocker spaniel and the best boy ever. :3
...What's wrong with you? Oh. Many things. Some of them probably don't even have names yet.
Thanks for reading my FAQ, if you still have a question please feel free to ask! <3 aerie
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vannahfanfics · 2 years ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💕
I have to pick just five? I've written so much, and so many of them are near and dear to my heart... Well, I'll try, LOL! My ultimate favorite is probably "Daffodils Bloom After Winter." It was my first real fanfic when I started writing seriously, and to date—even with it currently being re-written—it is my most successful.
My next favorite is another ongoing project, "The Dark Side of the Sun." That's more for the circumstances surrounding it; I was inspired by a sub-server that I'm in, and thanks to how much they hyped me and my story up, I have plans for an entire universe of interconnected stories. Who knows if they'll ever end up seeing the light of day, but the brainrot is fun!
I've written a lot of character-study fics in addition to my typical fluffy oneshots and fantasy epics, but "Drinks on Me" has a special place in my heart. Characters don't often get to fully grieve in the media, at least not where we can see it, and it's a facet of characterization that I love to explore!
For the obligatory romance piece on this list, "Galaxia de Primavera" is probably it. I'm just really proud of the language in it. :)
Finally, "How to Insult a Forest God (And Other Misadventures)" is wacky, zany fun. It makes me smile even now!
Seriously, though, this is so hard! I have so many fics that I'm proud of, simply by virtue of having a massive portfolio. But, still, it was nice to scroll through and think about why I like certain pieces more than others. I'm proud of all my work, but some of them really do blow me away sometimes, after all is said and done and I review them. Like, wow, that came out of me? A nice confidence booster for the day! :)
I'd love to hear y'all's favorites of mine :D
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luckycheesefoodie321 · 3 years ago
Mari wears Chat Merch fic
Originally posted under this post by @glockenzspiel, figured I may as well dedicate its own. Not a fanfic writer but I like writing, and I was feeling inspired XD Disclaimer: only watched a few eps of MLB but really wanna get into it. Most of my knowledge has been absorbed through tumblr and osmosis. Make a lot of assumptions based on y'all and your reactions, so there is the slightest of angst re: the most recent season where Chat feels like Ladybug is replacing him. I also yadda yadda past the reveal bc don't wanna touch that with my limited knowledge. But anyway! Enjoy!
2k+ words. Oneshot. About that one black tshirt with a new green paw print on it that apparently yall have collectively decided Marinette owns. Otherwise mostly wholesome.
Chat’s eyes were brighter than usual.
Ladybug watched in bemusement as he came screeching to a halt on their way back from another successful mission, and stood in front of a little street stall. The stall owner seemed to have fled to safety during the last akuma attack.
It was covered top to bottom in Chat Noir merchandise.
This wasn’t an unusual sight. There were dozens of Chat Noir-specific merch vendors all over the city. There were just as many Ladybug stalls. There were even whole department store sections dedicated to celebrating the resident heroes of Paris.
“This is so cool!” Chat gushes, his eyes glowing a vibrant green, hands clutching at a black shirt. Ladybug peered around him and noticed the black t-shirt had a single neon green paw print in the centre. She raised an eyebrow.
“Really, kitty? There’s probably a dozen like it” she chuckled, as he whirled around with a mock offended look on his face.
“How can you not appreciate how incredible this design is, milady?!” he argued as she smirked at him. “The simplicity yet sophistication. It’s bold but understated!” He waved the shirt around but she merely blinked at it. He pouted at her lack of enthusiasm.
“Bet Marinette would appreciate this” he grumbled, fingering the material.
“What was that?” Ladybug tilted her head, not having heard him. Chat’s ears twitched as he glanced back at her. “…I was saying it’s a shame you don’t realise how awesome this shirt is!” he finally said, thrusting the shirt into her face.
“Like it that much?” she giggled, gently pushing it away. His jaw clenched with playful stubbornness.
“Do you know what this says, LB?” he crooked a brow.
“What does it say, Chat?” she indulged him.
“It says, ‘I am a Chat Noir fan 100%’” he whispered dramatically. He leaned back with a bright grin. “I wonder if I could just leave some money and take this?” he mumbled to himself.
Ladybug burst out laughing.
Later, Marinette was driving around, running some deliveries on her scooter when she passed by the stall she had visited earlier that day.
There was still a stack of those Chat Noir shirts, but now with a bored vendor tending to the stall.
She couldn’t help but giggle, remembering how delighted Chat had been.
Marinette pursed her lips as she walked up to the stall, looking at the shirt. There really was nothing special about the shirt. It was a plain black tee, the neon green paw print stamped on. No embellishments, nothing clever. As a burgeoning fashion designer, nothing about the material or graphic design seemed exciting to her.
But Chat Noir had loved it.
As a general rule, and also because it was really, really weird, Marinette didn’t buy Chat merch. Let alone her own. That would be even weirder. But here she hesitated.
“Excuse me, miss, but are you planning on buying anything?” the vendor finally piped up, having watched as the strange young girl seemingly zoned out in front of his stall.
“Oh!” a bright flush spread across her face. “Uh, um, yes uh, this please!” she hastily grabbed one of the shirts, not even bothering to check the size and handing it to the vendor to ring up.
She paid for the shirt, gave the vendor an embarrassed smile, before running off to finish her errands, the now bagged shirt clutched in her hands.
An hour later, she stood, holding the shirt in front of her. It was a little big but nothing too crazy.
“I mean, I suppose I should try it on” she shrugged, and changed into it. Marinette looked in her mirror.
There she was. The Ladybug, wearing a Chat Noir t-shirt.
“Yup. About as weird as I thought it would be” she announced to the empty room, strangely embarrassed. “But it’s pretty comfy.” She played with the hem of the shirt and shrugged. Guess these were her pyjamas for the night.
As time would go on, the Chat shirt would naturally become part of her loungewear rotation. Marinette no longer felt self-conscious, and would often happily don it to go to sleep. It was a really comfortable shirt.
So comfortable, in fact, that she would forget she was wearing it.
Which would come back to bite her in a very embarrassing way.
It had been a long day of fighting another one of Hawkmoth’s akumas, and Marinette decided that a quiet evening looking out at the beautiful city of Paris on her balcony, with a hot mug of cocoa was exactly what she needed.
“That smells good,” a voice suddenly spoke. She looked to her left and saw Chat Noir perched on the ledge of the balcony. She rolled her eyes and smiled.
She had gotten used to these abrupt late night visits from Chat. Since he didn’t know she was Ladybug, she could relax and not worry about fending off his flirting.
“Hot cocoa. Want some?” she offered, preparing to push away from where she had been leaning. He shook his head and instead shifted from his crouch to sit properly on the ledge, legs dangling over the edge.
They both gazed out at the twinkling lights of the city.
“Tired from a long day saving the world?” she sipped at her drink. He shrugged, smiling down at her.
“A little, yeah” he admitted, and she looked up at him. He wasn’t usually so forthcoming.
“The job getting you down?” she asked, hesitantly.
One good thing about being Marinette and Chat Noir, was she could ask him things she wasn’t brave enough to ask as Ladybug. It was something that had long since been on her mind. Her role as a hero. His role as her partner. Living this double life. All the responsibilities they both were facing. She wondered if he felt the same way.
“Well, you know. The constant fighting gets to you after a while,” his eyes glowed in the black night, as he stared into the distance. She did know. “Well at least you have Ladybug at your side,” she offered, but all she received was a sad smile.
“Ladybug is great. She’s strong and steadfast and never seems to let anything get to her.” He went quiet for a moment. “It can be pretty intimidating, actually.”
Marinette’s eyes widened in surprise. “You’re…intimidated by Ladybug?” the shock in her voice made him turn, and he shook his head vehemently.
“No! No, that’s not what I meant,” he raised his hands defensively. “Don’t get me wrong. I love this part about her. Her duty to the city and her role, and how fearless she is in the face of insurmountable odds! But… it kinda leaves very little room for me. Like even if I weren’t there, she’d still do just fine.”
He almost whispered that final part, and Marinette’s heart squeezed tight. She had never realised he felt this way. In her eyes, Chat Noir was unshakeable, undeterred, grinning through all the trials they faced as heroes. She looked to him as a shoulder to lean on and a support she could rely on. He was the best partner she could ever hope for. And yet she had made him feel like she didn’t need him.
She reached one hand over and laid it over Chat’s clenched fist. He looked at her and she glared at hi.
“You know that’s not true. Ladybug needs Chat Noir just as much as Chat Noir needs Ladybug.” She squeezed his hand. “I know it. You know it. And the whole of Paris knows it.”
Chat studied her gaze as she studied his, before they both smiled. “You think so?” he finally asked.
“I do. And I know Ladybug would think the same.” She gave him a pointed look. “You should tell her how you feel.”
For some reason, Chat’s ears turned red, but he coughed and looked away. “Yeah, maybe I should.” She nodded, and finally leaned back.
“Sure you don’t want some cocoa?” she asked.
He pondered for a second, before turning around. “Yeah, why not? I have time for- HEY!”
“What?!” she looked around, worried some hidden enemy had ambushed them on her balcony. It was still quiet, empty night and she looked back at him. He was looking at her clothes.
“My shirt!”
Marinette glanced down at herself, horror dawning on her.
“Oh no” she wheeled around, looking for something to cover the green pawprint, but there was no such object. She settled for instead covering her face with her hands, avoiding Chat Noir’s ear-to-ear grin.
“You bought a Chat Noir shirt!” he chimed, his voice bubbling with excitement.
“No, I didn’t!” she denied, trying to shuffle towards the door leading back into her home.
“Don’t deny it! I saw this shirt the other day with Ladybug!” he slid in front of her, blocking her escape.
“It’s not the same shirt. Not related to you at all” She tried to slip past him but the wasn’t letting her past.
“Don’t lie! Who else could be represented by a green paw print?” he demanded, planting his fists on his hips.
Marinette scrambled for an excuse.
“It’s this, uh, great indie band I know, Neon Leopards. Big fan. Yup.” Chat burst out laughing and allowed Marinette to push him inside as she re-entered her home. She stopped him before he could follow her in.
“Didn’t realise you were a Chat Noir fan, Marinette” he leaned in close to her bright red face but she locked her brows stubbornly.
“I’m a Neon Leopards fan,” she huffed. “Also, I just realised I drank the last of the hot cocoa. So I’m afraid you’ll have to leave now!”
Chat Noir didn’t even try to stop her, too busy snickering.
She slammed the door shut on his laughing face.
Over the subsequent months and years, the Chat shirt would becoming an ongoing joke between Chat and Marinette. When Chat Noir mentioned Marinette owning his merchandise to Ladybug, it took everything for her not to burst into flames from embarrassment and react with cool indifference.
But it would soon make way for an even bigger reveal.
“Wait, Marinette. You’re Ladybug?!”
“You’re Chat Noir, Adrien?!”
The Chat shirt would not be a topic that would come up for a good while after this, as Marinette and Adrien adjusted not only to the news that they were Chat and Ladybug respectively, but also the newfound romantic relationship they had entered into soon after the reveal.
Until one day, when Chat appeared on her balcony.
--- “Claws in!” and suddenly, Adrien Agreste was on her balcony.
Marinette poked her head out onto the balcony and huffed, coming to stand in the doorway with her hands on her hips.
“Hey Marinette!” he greeted her, before freezing midstride.
“Adrien, you know you can use the front door!” she complained, before noticing the creeping smile on his face.
She felt a tingling sensation on her neck and weird sense of déjà vu as he stared at her clothes. She glanced down and sighed.
“Neon Leopards, huh?” he smirked, walking over and wrapping her in his arms.
“This is why you don’t catch a lady off guard” she grumbled, leaning her red face into his chest.
“I should’ve known you were Ladybug when I saw you wearing this shirt. The fashion-forward design genius Marinette would never have bought this kind of top otherwise” he chuckled, pulling back enough to look at his cute lady’s face.
She rolled her eyes, lazily draping her arms around his neck.
“I guess I couldn’t help myself.” She sighed, smiling playfully. “I mean, it’s simple, yet sophisticated.” She teased. He nodded seriously. “Truly bold yet understated” he declared, tucking a stray hair behind her ear.
“I mean, do you know what this says?” she leaned in, whispering dramatically. He followed her lead.
“What does it say?” he whispered back. “It says, ‘I’m a Chat Noir fan, 100%’” she grinned, and he couldn’t resist. He leaned in and pecked her lightly on the lips. A light pink tinged her cheeks and across her nose.
“Clearly you wouldn’t survive without me,” he sighed, winking at her. She jabbed him in the ribs. He jerked before retaliating by tickling her. She giggled and swatted his hands away.
“There is no Ladybug without Chat Noir, after all,” she announced.
“And no Adrien without Marinette” he murmured. She blushed again, and how could Adrien resist that. He leaned back in once more.
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byeolhyesisi · 3 years ago
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troublemaker!lee donghyuck x reader
The school's troublemaker, Donghyuck, realizes that the reason why he can't bring himself to be an asshole to you is because he likes you.
genre: fluff, slight crack????, oneshot, short fic, highschool au
warnings: use of profanity ><, not proofread!!!, things may be too fast, flow may be off, might not be a good fic so im sorry in advance:(
words: 1.2k+
tags: @angel-hyuckie @joker0705 @bbjisungg @mmarrie @jwoos-colored @deysii @trashlord-007 @intokook @neotechhsworld @kjpmin @i-aecrysture @je4nsv @whatsa-bi-as @daegall
a/n: hello this is my entry for the @ficscafe trope event! the trope i chose is angel x asshole that's mean to everybody except angel BUT i feel like i didn't pull it off because haechan isn't technically mean here i guess? but i hope y'all still enjoy it >< + special part two here!
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How do we put this in a clear way.
Lee Donghyuck is an asshole. Hands down. More like a jackass but you probably get the point. He'll annoy the shit out of you and if you think getting angry at him would make him stop oh no no no, it won't. He'd actually enjoy it more (his friend Renjun can confirm that). It was like his sole purpose in this world is to irritate everyone he feels like irritating. He's not a bully, he really just like getting on other people's nerves.
Yes, he does have limits and lines he wouldn't cross but it is a universally known fact that he's the student that just wanted to cause mischief, a frequent visitor of the detention room because of all the pranks and tricks up his sleeves.
Donghyuck has some exceptions though when it comes to the people he'd target. The list consists of people he's wise enough not to bother; most likely adults, certain teachers and maybe some relatives as well (not his siblings though lmao poor kids). However, there was an odd addition to his list of exceptions and it was you. Donghyuck doesn't know why he can't bring himself to mess with you. There was this invisible forcefield that was stopping him and it renders him confused. He attempted so many times but in the end, he just couldn't do it that's why he just gave up and left you alone. Donghyuck didn't want to think much about it but alas, he thought about it day and night.
What made you so special that the angel on his shoulder is stopping the devil from the other to cause trouble when it comes to you?
He tried to look back to when you were just a new student who transferred from a small town. He remembered that he felt giddy because there's a new person he can annoy the shit out of but the way you politely approached him made him have mixed feelings about his plans. The first time he attempted to provoke you he "accidentally" spilled water on your notes, knowing that you always wanted everything to be clean and perfect as possible however all you said was "It's alright don't worry, Hyuck. You didn't mean it." and you even said it with a smile instead of retorting at him. It took him aback because of the absence of the emotions he was expecting you to at least have. The boy felt guilty afterwards, eventually buying you a juice box and and a bag of chips from the vending machine to make up for it despite your protests.
The next set of attempts followed the same sequence: he'd do something that is supposed to be annoying, you don't react the way he expected you to react and then he feels guilty resulting to him making it up to you.
It was a cycle. It just had the same results that's why he just decided to stop.
It was lunch time and Donghyuck was conversing with his friend, Mark, when he saw you walked in the cafeteria and he eventually zoned out halfway through the conversation. Allured by the way you seemed like a girl who was modelled to be perfectly kind and pure. Almost innocent, even. You were such a sweetheart how can someone even be like that? "Hey are you even listening to me, dude?" The sound of Mark's voice slowly became clear to Donghyuck. He blinked repeatedly before looking back at the boy in front of him. "Yeah I am." He answered nonchalantly. "Oh really?" Mark crossed his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow. "What did I say then?" He questioned Donghyuck. "Uh... That you look like chicken little?—" He replied, pursing his lips afterwards. A sigh escaped from the older boy. Mark adjusted his glasses into place, eventually saying, "No. I was informing you that you're in trouble. You can't just fill the school's pool with thousands of orbeez!" "Why not? It was fun. Plus it's not like they'll know it was me. How am I in trouble." Donghyuck cockily stated, but that cockiness quickly faded away just like how he quickly acquired it when he saw the look on Mark's face. "You do realize the school has cameras, right?" Mark mentioned with this matter-of-fact tone and with that, Donghyuck knew he fucked up with the small mistake of forgetting to disable the cameras. So that's why I felt like I forgot to do something. He thought.
The troublemaker already had a plan to avoid detention since it was already his third one this week and he was getting tired of the boring hours he would have to spend. Donghyuck was ready to sprint off the classroom and get out of the campus, the only thing he was waiting for was his cue which was the bell to finally ring. He waited impatiently, staring at the wall clock hanging on the wall at the front; he was wishing for time to go faster. Until it finally happened, the bell rang and it was his cue. Hastily he stood up and bolted out of the classroom, sprinting towards the exit when an impact made him fall to the ground with a grunt. Donghyuck heard a quiet groan and he cursed under his breath as the hall was slowly getting filled by students. He looked at the person he supposedly crashed into with a glare but his deadly gaze soon melted and softened.
"(Y/N)? Oh god, are you ok?" He brought himself closer to your figure, a concerned expression enveloped his face. The polite smile you always flashed is now plastered on, "Yeah I'm good." You responded. Donghyuck stood up, offering his hand to help you get up on your feet; You hesitated at first but you still reached your hand out to his. There was a sting on your elbow, wincing slightly when Donghyuck pulled you up. He noticed the small movement and saw that your elbow was bleeding faintly which was the result of the sudden friction when your elbow made contact with the floor. "Let's get you to the clinic—" "Lee Donghyuck." A stern voice called out. He clicked his tongue before facing the direction where the voice came from. "Yeah yeah detention I know." The boy spoke with a snarky tone. "Can you just wait for a minute, thanks." Donghyuck told the faculty member to which the faculty member raised an eyebrow on. He pulled out his wallet, opening it to find a certain thing. A small "aha" escaped from Donghyuck's lips when he found what he was looking for.
"Here take this. I'm really sorry, I hope you weren't too hurt..." He said apologetically before handing you a bandaid that had cute bears as its design. He approached the faculty member and is now being escorted to the detention room. He glanced over his shoulder to see a bewildered (Y/N) seemingly looking at the bandaid with a smile. Your soft smile was contagious and soon enough there was a grin on his face that he didn't notice spread throughout his lips.
Then it hit him. It hit Donghyuck hard while he was cleaning the detention room as punishment. He likes you. He literally almost fell down the table while he was dusting the ceiling when he realized it.
"OH MY GOD I LIKE HER." Donghyuck exclaimed upon comprehension.
You're an exception to all his troublesome extravaganzas because he has feelings for you and maybe you like him too.
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96percentdone · 2 years ago
Fic Writer Interview.
thanks for the tag @juudaimes-true-form. the @ is. not working. sorry kjnbhvbhj
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
245,076, apparently.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Oumasai Oneshots: 1,297
A Fragile Bridge of Trust: 710
Lost Souls: 593
History Maker: 433
Game Over: 417
All of these are old and older. One of them isn't even finished. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--
Please read my newer works o(╥﹏╥)o
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Nearly always yeah. I like the people who read my work and overcome whatever anxiety they might feel to know that I appreciate anything they have to say, and I'm grateful.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I enjoy angst a fair bit but rarely do I ever write something that ends with angst. Obviously, Game Over was expressly written as a bad end to a v3 au i was working on, so it's the easy answer, but there are a few in the oumasai oneshots that I think count, namely Chapter 22, Chapter 24, Chapter 26, and in more ambiguous turf Chapter 19 and Chapter 15. I still like the ambiguous ones a fair bit even now, the first 2 not-ambiguous ones just do not hold up with my interpretation of the text anymore (and also i wrote worse), but 26 is fine. Game Over could have been better, but hey I was a different writer then.
That said I have a lot of stuff I consider heavy on angst, but since they have happy endings I don't think they count for this. But I enjoy that kind of fic the most.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
the ones I haven't finished yet--/gets shot. Nah, probably Le Chasseur et le Démon (The Hunter and the Fiend), because it's a fairytale. It gets a fairytale ending. But I like happy endings so it's pretty hard for me to pick.
7. Do you write crossovers?
No because I tend not to like them and find them obtuse, UNLESS said crossover is between dangan ronpa and Higurashi. No I could not explain why these two things in specific inspired me this much. But also I'm SO right and one day I'll get back to those. But mostly crossover concepts exist in jokes in dms with my friend Cass.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yep lmao. A couple times. It's been pretty lackluster though like solid 2/10 hate comment y'all can do better.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No? Okay so I did orphan a series of fics that had smut in them, but that smut was kind of poetic and deliberately vague, and it's probably the most I plan on committing to in the future for the fics I'm working on rn.
I think people who write pwp or other hard smut are very impressive and have a set of skills I lack, namely....the ability to express physical intimacy in any capacity, including through words! I honestly like. Still struggle with kiss scenes sometimes, but for me all this comes down to my visceral irl discomfort with people existing within 3 feet of me, nevermind touching me.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I sure the fuck hope not. 
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't remember if this happened with a fic, but iirc I think someone translated that long ass DR meta I wrote about Ouma and Komaeda into...Russian? I don't remember very well. Also that meta is being majorly overhauled spoilers I guess.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not for fic no. All my fic belong solely to me, as do my original works, and its what I prefer. I've done volunteer writing on other people's original projects however, even right now. @clusterfuck-au is something I work on with my friend Wren, but I do all the writing, and they do art stuff, so its not the same lmao.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Idk how I'm supposed to have one of these when I can't really pick a fandom over a fandom. So I'll just name some fandoms I like, and the ship I currently like the most for it.
Ace Attorney: narumitsu (there are a couple close runner ups tho)
Dangan Ronpa: komahina
AITSF: ryudate
Higurashi: keimii
Spy x Family: Twiyor
There are other I fandoms, and other ships, but it'd take forever so take these.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I HAVE SO FUCKING MANY MY GUY, AND I REALLY WANT TO FINISH THEM, BUT I HAVE NO IDEA WHEN IF EVER I'LL GET TO EM. HERE WE GO. I will not be including the WIP I'm working on right now! That's happening! fuck you @ self
The Long Way 'Round: This is supposed to be an extremely long narumitsu Ace fanfic about their relationship through the years from their time together in childhood to after Apollo Justice. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about their relationship, its ups and downs, and the character development they undergo together and seperately. The fic would not feature anything actually shown in canon, and doesn't include DD or SoJ because I hate them and think they're bad and disowned them from canon. This fic is next on my list of things to work on.
Exoneration AU and the LCC rewrite: aus that only makes sense to anyone who has ever read the visual novel Chaos;Child and is in fandom (maybe 100 people) and ALSO is gay enough to ship Takuru, the main character of a bishoujo game, with Shinji (his token best friend). Also has to be gay enough to ship the girls together. also has to be based enough to think Kawahara deserved better and are mad about the writer's gaslighting. I'm not going to explain the plot of these any further; y'all aint gonna get it.
The Cries of Hope's Peak Academy: AKA, clusterfuck AU. What if I took the higurashi cast and put them in a pre-despair dangan ronpa setting (also the v3 kids are here too). Also. What if I shipped. Mion with Keiichi, Hinata, and Ikusaba, Keiichi with Ouma, Kamukura and Saihara, Ouma with Kamukura and Saihara, Kamukura with Komaeda, Komaeda with Hinata, and Hinata with Saihara. This is the titular clusterfuck; they are a polycule in progress. Its not even the only ship. The plot though is inspired by all that I wished Dangan Ronpa 3: Despair Arc was, with Enoshima taking advantage of vulnerable people via manipulation and HPA's inherent powderkeg, but with higurashi's thematic core.
Higurashi: When They Cry - Uso (Lies) and what would be its answer arc counterpart I haven't named yet: The other crossover fic. This one is just. What if I yeeted Ouma into the Higurashi setting like it was where he belonged. What would happen. It's Higurashi, so it borrows a lot from its overarching story and arc ideas, but every arc would be a unique twist based on the existence of a new guy in there! I still like this a lot. I still think of every character in dangan ronpa, Ouma feels the most like the one who would belong in Higurashi, and stands the most to gain from it.
The Klav/Seb enemies to lovers fic: it's exactly what it sounds like. I just think they have a lot in common but their themis years would absolutely be filled with PETTY beef because seb is a nepotism baby which pisses Klav off, and seb doesn't know he's a nepotism baby so he doesn't understand what the fuck his problem is. Also Apollo is there later. Klavier has 2 hands.
Pewter in a timeloop for aitsf and he gets a buddy cop dynamic with Iris on his looping quest to save renju. yeah that. that's the jist. also includes REHABILITATING THE OKIURA HOUSEHOLD AAAAAAA
I have some oneshots I haven't written yet, but those don't count. If you're aware of a long fic/series I was working on that isn't listed here....sorry but I think I've grown past those ideas.
I have two WIPs that are original, but I still work on those. They're both visual novel concepts I came up with, and they both mean everything in the world to me.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Fanfic specific strengths, I'm great at being in character. Translated more broadly, strong dialogue and internal narration coupled with actions and behaviors that reflect their emotional core.
I think my narration is at its best when it's just sitting inside some messy bitch's head and living out their entire thought process, and I think my background in poetry really adds to that. I like using line breaks and font sizes/alignments/effects to express intensity or disarray, etc. I do that for dialogue too. Also I'm pretty fucking funny in both places when I want to be. I think it adds to the charm, and I think my authorial voice adds to that.
Also tbh I'm so good at structuring and pacing frankly I think I'm a natural at it. I think my scenes are as long as they need to be, my stories hit every necessary beat, every scene and story ends and begins on the correct note, and readers learn things when they need to. Pacing and structure is not really something people think a lot about when they get asked this question, but I think it's the most important element to any story. If your pacing, your narrative structure is broken, no amount of metaphor and poetic description can save you.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
God forbid I have to describe a physical thing. Forget it. Not actions per se (although sometimes yeah those too, but more like clothes, settings, sounds, smells, tastes--that's a real struggle. I always think its the weakest thing I have to offer, and a lot of my writing process is desperately trying to put the image in my brain into words that make sense and sound good. Definitely the biggest weakness I have no fucking contest holy shit.
Other smaller struggles is a tendency to overuse words like just/maybe/really/still/etc; the problem with having a strong voice is that some of the quirks from my way of TALKING don't actually add anything to narration or the dialogue, so I've been training myself to cut back and cut things out. It can lead to things being repetitive.
Also, while I believe I have a lot of killer ideas that slap 10/10, and I'm a very creative person, the ADHD makes it hard to keep working on ideas even when I love them. The smallest thing stumping me, or boring me, or just kind of draining my sole, can get me not writing for weeks. I guess this is an ADHD problem, but it affects writing, my one true love, and in some ways that makes it the real biggest issue.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it's fine depending on how you do it. If you put a note at the end translating all the lines in other languages, or fit the translation smoothly within the narrative, I think that's completely legal.
With that said, I do kinda cringe when instead of writing Japanese someone types out just. romaji. I get that you want your audience to know how to read it, but they're likely not to know what it means anyway even IN romaji, so just commit. Go for authenticity. You can put the pronunciation in your footnotes too.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Pokemon in my spiral notebook in 5th grade. It's still pokemon online cause I made an illegal ffn account and moved it there at age 11. You can't read it; I literally don't even remember what the account was.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Mmm....I guess spy x family? I haven't written full fic for it yet, and it'd be nice to. The list of ships is longer, and I'm not going to bother with that, but needless to say I have a lot of passions lmao.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
The ryudate fic I'm revising right the fuck now. No, okay, that's illegal, it doesn't exist in full yet, although you can read its revised first chapter here <3. That said, I find this decision kind of hard, so I'll give you a few that I've finished: Yours, Le Chasseur et le Démon (The Hunter and the Fiend), A Rational Man, The "Death" of Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth and a fic for a Pandora Hearts zine that hasn't come out yet!
Um. I will tag. @generalherasyndulla, @queenshroorn, and anyone else who reads this whole thing and considers themselves a writer.
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moonstruckholland · 5 years ago
Sober (t.h)
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Word count: 1,918
Warnings: drinking, fluff, tiny bits of angst
A/N: The second oneshot for Cosmic Souls! I really hope y'all like this 💕 let me know what you think if you do and if you want, you can find the first oneshot in my masterlist 🥰 also, as always, shout out to the amazing @fangirlwithasweettooth for reading this over
It was obvious by the way you were dressed you hadn't originally planned on having Tom over.
Usually, you didn't care much for getting dressed up when you hung out with Tom at your place, opting for a pair of sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. Not that he ever minded, he loved that you felt comfortable enough to be yourself around him.
Tonight though you had on a pretty floral dress that complimented your skin and more makeup than you usually cared to put on, pops of color and shimmer on your lids that added to the natural sparkle in your eyes.
Tom thought you looked beautiful.
Though, to be fair, there hadn't been a moment since he met you three years ago, in the music history class the both of you were forced to take, where he hadn't thought you looked absolutely stunning.
"So, what exactly happened tonight, love?" He looked up to where you were sitting next to him on the couch, hoping he didn't seem too eager to hear your answer, "You were pretty vague with the details over the phone."
"Fuck, Tommy, it was horrible," you took a sip of your cup, that was mostly filled with vodka, scrunching your nose as the liquid went down your throat, "I had a date tonight with that dude I was telling you about the other day, from my child and family development class."
Tom felt a pang in his chest as he remembered exactly who you were talking about, recalling how you fawned over him while the two of you were having lunch together, mentioning something about wanting to jump his bones.
He felt just as jealous then as he did now, wondering if you'd ever noticed the fact that he would literally do anything for you.
"Not only was he almost an hour late, didn't even bother to warn me, by the way," you rolled your eyes, bringing your cup to your lips again, "He wouldn't stop talking about his ex the whole time, but I'm getting ahead of myself, let me start from when he finally picked me up."
You continued on, taking large gulps of your drink as the details of the story got worse and worse.
Tom followed in your footsteps, drinking more from his cup than he had originally planned when you first handed it to him, each sip helping him refrain from blurting out what he actually wanted to say to you.
It was safe to say by the time you were done talking, the two of you were definitely tipsy.
It was safe to say by the time you were done talking, Tom was definitely buzzed. You on the other hand were on a completely different level, taking shots in between drinks, going harder than Tom had ever seen.
You had just finished your third cup, already working on your fourth one, while Tom had barely taken sips of his third one, figuring it'd be best if at least one of you slowed down.
"How do you manage to find the worst guys to go on dates with?"
You sighed, "I don't know, I just want one actually nice guy to want me, that's it."
'I want you,' is what Tom's thoughts were begging him to say. Instead he gave you a sympathetic smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, "You'll have that some day, darling."
You leaned back on the couch, sadness overcoming your features, "I wish there were more guys like you, Tommy."
He barely had time to register your words, his head fuzzy from the alcohol, before you distracted him with an awkward cough, mumbling something about it being too warm.
"Maybe you should take that as a sign to take a break."
Just like that the sadness washed away, replaced with a wicked smile, "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm only getting started."
Tom rolled his eyes, getting up from the couch with a groan and walking over to the fridge to get a couple of water bottles and the bag of chips on the kitchen counter, knowing you'd have the worst hangover if he didn't get some food and something non-alcoholic in your system.
He brought them over to you, handing you the bottle and putting the chips on your lap, "Eat something please, darling."
"Don't wanna eat," you shook your head stubbornly, "I wanna dance."
Before Tom could protest, you downed the rest of your cup before jumping up and grabbing his hand, pulling him up with you. "C'mon, dance with me, Tommy, please."
"But there's no music."
Tom expected you to do the easy thing and connect your phone to your Bluetooth speakers and play one of the dozens of playlists you had on Spotify, instead you caught him off guard by belting out the lyrics to What Makes You Beautiful.
He couldn't help the laughter that bursted from him as you started swaying and twirling while you sang.
It was totally ridiculous, but Tom found himself singing along with you, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close so you could sway together.
After a while you stopped singing and put your head on his chest, making his heart hurt. He wished this was more than what it was, more than him comforting you after a bad date.
Tom tried not to dwell on his negative thoughts, deciding to just close his eyes, lay his head on top of yours, and enjoy having you close to him like this.
He got lost in you, the feeling of your hands in his and the way your body was pressed against him, so close he could smell the scent of your favorite perfume.
He'd been close to you so many times over the years, but something about this was inherently different, more intimate than you'd ever been before.
There was nothing he wanted more than to stay in this moment, in your embrace, for the rest of the night and honestly he would've if you hadn't somehow tripped over his feet, resulting in the two of you falling back onto the couch.
You landed on top of Tom, drunken giggles escaping your lips, "Are you okay?"
"I'm cutting you off for the night," he huffed, making you laugh even more as you attempted to apologize.
You rolled off of him after a moment, your chest rising rapidly as you tried to catch your breath. It took everything in him not to pull you back, his body aching for your warmth as soon as it was gone
"I think...it's time for bed."
"Good idea," Tom stood up, holding out his hand to help you do the same.
"Will you pretty please carry me? I have jelly legs."
Tom couldn't help rolling his eyes at you, "Jelly legs from what? You're the one that fell on me."
"Please?" You pouted, "Because you love me?"
'I really do.'
If he had wanted to, he would've put up a fight, but deep down he knew he would do anything you asked of him. You had him completely wrapped around your finger.
"Fine," he said, pretending to be annoyed, as if he hadn't already decided he would carry you the second you asked him to.
He hooked one arm underneath your legs, the other under your back, holding you close to his chest as he carried you to your bedroom.
"Thank you for taking care of me, Tommy," you said softly as he laid you down, pulling your blanket over you and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"I'll always be here to take care of you."
'I'd do anything for you.'
He was about to leave your room and pass out on the couch, when you grabbed his arm, "Stay with me? Please?"
He nodded, wordlessly crawling under the covers beside you.
You turned over so you were facing him, your hands in between you, just barely touching Tom's, an unreadable expression on your features.
"What are you thinking about?"
You shook your head, "It's so dumb."
He gently nudged your leg with his, "Tell me, darling."
"I-fuck, okay," you looked down, suddenly very interested in the pattern on your blanket. "I swear there wasn't a moment tonight where I hadn't wished I was with you."
"After what you told me, I wish I was there too."
"No, Tommy, you don't get it," you chewed your lip nervously, looking everywhere but at him, "I don't just feel this way about this date, it's every date."
Your words weren't really clicking in Tom's head and he was starting to think the alcohol was having more of an effect on him than he originally thought.
"I want you to be the one to pick me up and take me to dinner. I want to hold your hand when we go to the movies," you voice got lower the more you talked and you shyly peeked up through your lashes to gauge Tom's reaction, "I want to kiss you and murmur how much I love you against your lips."
Tom's heart was beating hard against his chest, the sound so loud in his ears he could barely hear you.
He couldn't believe it. Were you really saying the words he's been wanting to hear since the day he met you?
If his head wasn't buzzing with a million different thoughts, he probably would've kissed you or at least said a few coherent sentences but all he could manage to blurt out was, "You love me?"
Something in you seemed to switch, your words stuttering and your eyes widening with shock as you realized exactly what you just said to Tom.
"Shit. I-I'm so drunk," you turned over, your back now facing him, "I, um, I'm tired. I need to go to sleep."
"No, Tom, it's okay. Please just Forget I said anything."
He laid there in complete silence, his eyes glued to your back as he contemplated what he should do, if he should say anything or do as you said and put tonight behind him.
'Don't be an idiot, tell her.'
You didn't say anything for a moment too long, making Tom's stomach clench. What if you were asleep and he missed his chance completely?
"Yeah, Tommy?" You said so quietly Tom could barely hear you.
"I love you too."
He felt like he was going to be sick as he waited for you to say something or just do anything to let him know you hadn't suddenly changed your mind.
Tom was starting to wonder if you heard him or maybe you just didn't care when you reached behind your back and grabbed his arm, pulling it towards you. You laced your fingers through his as you brought his hand to your lips, pressing a kiss to his knuckles.
He let out a breath of relief he hadn't realized he'd been holding before hesitantly scooting closer to you, closing up the little space between you.
Once again Tom found himself in a position he'd been a million times, wrapped up in you, but the air had changed and it was almost like it was the first time.
In the back of his mind he knew there was a chance you were only saying this because of the alcohol in your system, but he pushed the thought away, and nuzzled his face into your hair before closing his eyes, hoping you'd still mean what you said when the sun came up.
Tagging: @fangirlwithasweettooth @bravest-at-heart @hollandsamor @constellatinq @aidiastyles @ravenclawmarvel @cosmicholland @sleepyhollands @devildisguiseasangel @fairytaleparker @hollandsosterfield @now-imagine @officiallyunofficialperson @stealth-spiderr @xxxxdelenaxxxx @its-the-aerieljeane @petersstarcadet @babebenhardy @antoouu @lovinnholland @kxrtwxgner @sleepybesson @awkwardfangirl2014 @brookeelee98 @nedthegay @petersmparker @parkeroffline @snjms02 @the-queen-procrastinator @tomhollandsumbrella @spideyosterfield @thollandx @styles-balor4eva @80sthottie @marvelobsessedteenager @marshyrebelcloud @sixwyrxstuff @itscaminow @tomshufflepuff @jillanaholland @howdyherron @undiadeestos @quaksonhehe @theslytherinwarrior @itstaskeen
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princebugs · 5 years ago
stolen dance. (reed900)
small note before this begins--- this oneshot is based off of some art made by @jude-shotto !!! pls go follow them theyre amazing
"Fucking--- shit," Squinted eyes gaze into his dust-ridden reflection before him, his phalanges evidently not nimble enough for this simple task he had to complete; tying a tie. Perhaps he was skilled in this in another life of his, but ever since he was a young kid, he was never able to finish any sort of tie. Whether it be a regular ass tie, or a bowtie--- tying that shit? Not Gavin's thing; he would just force his father to tie it, when his dad was still in the house, that is.
Cue another long-winded groan, and he gives up. The tie had gotten all sorts of messed up during the actual wedding, due to him having to lift it up to wipe away the tears dripping down his cheeks. Weddings were emotional, alright? Tina could barely get through her vows to North, and Gavin felt too many emotions at once--- anger at her for leaving Gavin so easily (not in the romantic way, he didn't like her like that), sadness for seeing her go away into her new life, and happiness for seeing his best friend finally finding someone that cared about her so dearly.
Nonetheless, it left a bitter taste in his mouth. Jealousy.
When the fuck was it gonna be Gavin's turn, huh?!
He threw the abandoned, wrinkled tie behind him, not really caring to see where it landed, and he points to himself in the mirror. "You, Gavin Reed, are a fuckin' delight to be around. You will find someone eventually. And, your ass looks GREAT in these pants, so don't go in there and look all depressed. You're gonna walk into that stupid dance-floor, immediately sit the fuck down at the bar, drink champagne, and hope for the best--- because Gavin Reed isn't a desperate man!"
A proud grin stretches across his visage, confidence washing over all of his insecurities as he turns around to leave the bathroom--- of course, taking a quick look at his ass along the way.
You're damn right it looks good.
He straightens out his suit jacket on the way out, before noticing that someone was in the bathroom stall directly behind where he did his little pep talk. Freezing in his tracks, the air is silent in the room for several moments.
"...I'll give you twenty bucks after this if you don't tell everyone about me talking about my ass."
Done and done with that, he walks out of the bathroom.
A brief exhalation, and still meandering with a new surge of confidence, his hues breeze over the area, searching for a very specific lady of the hour--- he wasn't letting her go on that honeymoon without stealing a dance from her, duh. That's just how they rolled, ever since highschool prom.
His train of thought is broken by someone speaking to him, and he inclines his cranium to the side to catch a glance of who wished to partake in a conversation with him--- oh. Connor, and Hank.
Connor was wearing suspenders along with his bowtie (stupid phckin' neat android who could tie a tie--), and his jacket was placed on a chair just a few feet away from them. His hair was done as it usually was; slicked back except for a few baby hairs. His smile was as bright as ever. "Gavin! We were wondering when you would come out of there. I queried to Hank that you might have had a bad lunch, and were possibly disposing of i--"
"Connor, stop that shit," Hank interrupts before Gavin gets the chance to, and Gavin almost laughs at his appearance. Listen, it's not everyday that you see Hank Motherfuckin' Anderson dressed up nicely, and Gavin actually has to cover his mouth to stifle his laughter. He didn't catch sight of him beforehand, so he was just seeing this--- this monkey suit of his.
He couldn't deny that it did look good on the Lieutenant, but nonetheless, it was fuckin' hilarious. "So, Hank, did you borrow that suit from your grandpa, because it looks just a lil' dusty riiiight--"
"Don't even touch me, Reed. Don't even think about it," Hank's coarse voice states, causing Gavin to retract his palm from almost wiping off the other male's shoulder. Gavin snickers anyways.
"Sorry, sorry. I'll bug you about that shit later, after the wedding," He actually has a tone of genuine joy, his childish smirk turning into a bright grin.
Connor beams at that. "Wow, Detective! You actually... don't look pissed off for once. I'm quite impressed."
His cerulean irises roll in slight irritation, but he keeps smiling. "Listen, today's a good day for me, alright? My best friend got married, for fuck's sake--- speaking of Tina, where is the secondary bride? I need to get my dance from her real quick before I dash outta this place. It smells like my nana in here."
"Don't tell North that," Markus joins in on the conversation, looking as pristine as ever with his tuxedo (suit jacket abandoned), and his sapphire-and-emerald optics practically sparkling in the light. Gavin almost blushes. Almost.
There may have been a possibility that Gavin used to have a minor, MINOR, crush on Markus. Who could blame him? Look at the guy--- he was too pretty. If Gavin was the president during the revolution, he would've let the androids live free just because he would have gotten entranced in everything that is... Markus.
He gave up on that MINOR crush soon enough, and now they were just mutual friends.
"Oh, shit--- she isn't around here, is she? North'll kill me if she heard that," Gavin glances around himself, emitting a sigh of relief. North was the one who planned the majority of the wedding occasion, and if she heard any complaint about it, she wouldn't hesitate to snap a certain-coffee-infused-relatively-short-detective's neck. Phew. "Coast is clear, y'all."
"Tina and North are actually sitting down right over there," Markus turned around to point over towards the newly-wedded couple before continuing, "be careful what you say, of course. North could still commit a murder tonight." Markus chuckles, but Gavin gulps.
"Alright, see ya, losers," The human begins his sauntering over towards Tina, ignoring any possible looks that were given his way (he was hoping it was merely because he put just a little extra sway in his step to catch people's attention), and then tapping Tina's shoulder once he made it there.
"North? Mind if I snatch away your wife for a dance?" Gavin bit down on the inside of his right cheek, extremely nervous about merely asking her that. He had met North beforehand, of course--- he was just very afraid of her. She didn't generally like humans, besides her partner, and he didn't generally like androids; it was a match made in HELL.
Surprisingly, North smiled softly, gesturing for Tina to go ahead and stand up. "Go ahead, I'm sure she needs as much time with her best friend as she can get."
"Sweet. C'mon, Tina," Finally taking off his jacket and placing it around an empty chair near his current area, as well as pushing up his sleeves, he then holds a palm out for her to take, and Tina laughs.
"Dude, are you taking me for a waltz, or something? Don't be so fancy," Tina, that beautiful bitch, giggled before giving her wife a kiss on the cheek, then taking Gavin's hand. "This doesn't make me any less gay, you know that, right?"
Gavin stuck his tongue out in disgust, a little 'bleugh' sound emitting from him, "Gross, man. Plus, you're totally not my type," he says as he leads her to the dancefloor. People are already dancing there, but once they see the grey-black vest of Gavin, and the sleek black dress of Tina, they move out of the way. Perks of being the best man and one of the brides, eh?
"Yeah," Tina began, peeking behind Gavin's shoulder as they swayed around to the rhythm, their hips shaking at a leisurely pace, "in fact, didn't your type just walk right through that door?"
His eyebrows furrow momentarily, his head turning to look behind him, and---
keep reading on ao3!!!
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cashasthephonebox · 7 years ago
Hey so I actually read your fanfic 111-555-XXXX and I HAVE READ IT ALL NIGHT UNTIL 4AM and finished it. I have never gotten into a fanfic this much before. I cannot commission you unfortunately but your work is so amazing. I'd be very sad if you stopped. Keep doing your thing cause you are amazing and with I feel so hard in love with the fanfic. Can't wait for the next chapter. Don't be bothered with other people's thoughts. You are an incredible being. 💞
Oh goodness! Sweatpea please get some sleep! I don't wanna be responsible for people not getting enough sleep, hahaha.Anyways um thank you! That's ever so kind. I don't think I've ever had this much of a reaction to a fic before writing this one. I've made friends, received fanart, got so many asks and comments and things and it's just made me so happy. Meeting you all and getting to know you, even if we only follow each other and don't interact, has been so cool and I would have never expected it to come from one silly little fanfic.I've never completed more than a oneshot before, I've always stopped a couple of chapters in, but y'all keep me going. This story keeps me going! I even thanked David Hayter himself in person like "dude this game series has done so much for me. I've got a job streaming because of it, I've made friends, I've got my passion back for writing" and he was so fucking happy! And am planning both a slice of life trans wlw story/ comic and a magical girl (also wlw) story/ comic like... it's brought so much back hhhhhhh. Anyway uhhh I got side tracked. It's ok if you can't commission me or help out with my situation, I don't want you to feel that kind of pressure. I'm just here to reblog memes and write about eating ass. And I'm all out of memes 😏
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