#I have no plans but to eat fish I am not joking
astronicht · 10 months
IM GETTING ON A TRAIN TO THE SEA TOMORROW. Hated the ocean all my life but this year I have eaten those words and now I’m going to eat F I S H.
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alyswritings · 4 months
Request: hey can you do one with jj x little sister reader where she self harms and just protective big brother jj ik it's a strong theme but i struggle with it and would really appreciate it
JJ Maybank x sister!reader
Summary: JJ finds out his little sister hurts herself.
Warnings: mentions of self harm, please do not read if this could trigger you!!
a/n: this request has been in my inbox for almost a year and a half. so sorry it took me forever to get out, but hope you all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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The pogues had spent the day out on the water, fishing, drinking, swimming. They had been out almost all day, finally getting back to the chateau and planning to cook the fish they caught.
Y/N and JJ are carrying the cooler of fish to the shack.
"Jesus. Did you have to keep all of them?" Y/N groans, struggling to hold her side of the cooler up.
"You wanna eat or not?" JJ scoffs making the girl roll her eyes.
They put the cooler down and JJ notices something on Y/N's wrist. His eyebrows furrow as he tries to tell what it is, but she moves, all of her bracelets moving up her arm a bit.
"Am I done now?" Y/N asks. "I'm not skinning these things."
"Oh, come on, Y/N/N." JJ wraps his arm around her shoulder. "You don't wanna feel all the fish guts and slime and the beautiful smell and--"
"I hate you." Y/N shoves him away, the boy cracking up while she makes her way inside.
While the boys start to deal with the fish, Y/N and Kie are inside and making corn on the cob and potato salad.
"Shit." Kie sighs, looking in the fridge.
"What?" Y/N asks.
"We forgot to stop for beer." Kie groans. "I'll be back in a bit." She grabs the keys, leaving.
After a little while of being alone, JJ walks in.
"I can't believe we forgot to stop for beer." JJ rolls his eyes.
"Well, hydration is always important." Y/N remarks.
"Water's so boring." JJ whines, staring at the inside of the fridge as if a beer will magically appear.
After realizing he's been there for a few minutes, Y/N shuts the door.
"Are you trying to make John B poorer than he already is? You don't leave the fridge open, idiot." Y/N chides.
"Okay, mom, jeez." JJ mutters making Y/N roll her eyes.
Y/N opens the cabinet that has the plates and reaches up, failing to get them. She stands on her toes, still failing to grab them. JJ notices and walks over, reaching above her, easily grabbing the plates.
"Shorty." He snickers, Y/N elbowing him in the chest. JJ grunts, coughing at the pain. He takes the plates out, his eyes falling onto Y/N's arm, noticing the marks on her arm. He frowns, freezing for a moment.
"Thanks." Y/N mumbles, taking the plates and putting them on the counter.
"What's on your wrist?" JJ asks.
Y/N tries to hide her brief moment of panic before she turns to him.
"What? My bracelets?" She asks, acting clueless.
"No. N-n-no, under your bracelets." JJ stammers, praying to whatever is out there that he was hallucinating.
"My skin." Y/N gives him a weird look. "There's nothing."
"Show me." JJ orders.
"What?" Y/N scoffs, feeling her fear build up, starting to sweat.
"Show me your wrist, Y/N." JJ demands.
"No. There's nothing. You're just fucking weird." Y/N says, starting to leave.
"Y/N, I'm not joking." JJ grabs her wrist, preventing her from leaving. Y/N cries out in pain when he squeezes too hard, right over some of the cuts. JJ yanks her back over to him, quickly moving the bracelets out of the way, despite her fighting against him.
"JJ, stop!" She yells, but it's already too late.
JJ stares down at the cuts on her wrist, his heart plummeting to the bottom of his stomach. He lets out a shaky breath, eyes instantly tearing up. He grabs her other arm, pushing the bracelets aside to show more cuts.
"Y/N/N..." He shakily breathes out. Y/N winces, her guilt swirling in her chest and causing tears to spring to her eyes. "Ple..." JJ harshly swallows, sniffing. "Please, tell me these were kooks or something."
JJ looks into her eyes, immediately knowing the answer.
"Y/N/N..." He whispers, his voice cracking.
"It's nothing." Y/N tries to rip her arms out of his hold, but his grip is too strong. "JJ, it--"
"Why?" He asks. "Why did-- why would you--"
"Forget it, JJ." Y/N sneers, finally ripping her arms out of his hands. "It's nothing. It's not important. Just leave it the fuck alone."
"Y/N--" He follows her through the hall, the girl slamming the bedroom door shut in his face. "Y/N!" He knocks on the door. "Y/N/N, come on. Let me in."
"Just leave me alone!" She screams.
JJ huffs, pulling at his hair in frustration. He paces the living room, trying to calm his breathing down. He punches the wall, quietly growling.
JJ plops down onto the couch, head buried in his hands. How did he not notice sooner? How didn't he see a single fucking sign? Why didn't she talk to him? Why was he so stupid?
Y/N avoided JJ the rest of the night, latching herself onto any of the other three pogues, though mostly Kie. JJ kept an eye on her all night, knowing she wouldn't talk to him, but not able to look away from her for more than 10 seconds at a time.
Everybody had gone to sleep, JJ being kept awake by his thoughts and worry. He's had plenty of time to think of ways to approach his sister, mentally prepared for every outcome -- or at least he hopes so.
JJ slowly opens the door, peeking inside, Y/N sitting on the bed, her back against the headboard. Y/N looks up as the door opens, JJ standing in it. She sighs, looking away, curling into herself. She knows he won't let it go.
JJ walks in and shuts the door. He clears his throat as he sits on the bed, keeping a little bit of space so he doesn't overwhelm her much more. The two sit in silence, both dreading the conversation they know they're about to have. Y/N chews on her nails while JJ's leg shakes, both nervous habits they've had since they were kids.
"Why?" JJ quietly asks, finally looking over at his little sister. She seems much smaller in her curled up position, an exhausted look in her eyes.
"I didn't want to." Y/N finally answers after a few moments. "I..." She gulps as the words get stuck in her throat.
"Y/N/N, I'm not mad." JJ tells her.
"You're not?" She frowns.
"No." He shakes his head. "No, I'm... I wish you would've come to me or something. Instead of..." He glances at her arms. "I would've helped you."
"I just wanted to feel something else." Y/N hiccups, harshly rubbing the tears away from her cheeks. "Between dad and-- and harassment from kooks and other kids and-- and I just... I needed some other feeling. Even... it hurt at first, but then it just... it stopped hurting so much. It felt... just felt something else."
JJ's eyes are full of tears as he listens to her, staring at the floor, not able to look at her broken expression for too long. He harshly sniffles, rubbing his face.
"Okay." He mumbles, clearing his throat, trying to compose himself enough to talk. "Okay." He moves closer, sitting so he's facing her. "Hey." He gently shakes her knee making the girl reluctantly look at him.
"I'm gonna help you." JJ tells her. "With stopping this, we're gonna stop. I'll do whatever I have to, whatever you need me to. I'll be here 24/7."
"That sounds really overbearing." Y/N manages to tease earning a short laugh from her brother.
"Well, you're gonna have to get used to it." JJ states, no longer joking. "And, I'm sure you can understand this, but no more bracelets."
"No." Y/N's eyes widen with panic. "No, Jayje, then everyone's gonna see. I-- it-it's bad enough that those three will probably find out, but-- but dad and-and kids at school and kooks. Especially if Rafe fucking Cameron sees it. I--"
"Okay, okay, okay, hey. Hey, hey. Breathe. Shh." JJ coos, resting his hands on her shoulders, rubbing her arms until her breathing slows down. "Okay. You can wear bracelets. But we-- I gotta look sometimes to make sure you're not..." He harshly swallows. "We'll figure it all out. 'Kay?"
"Okay." Y/N sniffles, wiping under her nose with the end of her sleeve.
"And if you ever feel like doing it, come get me. No matter what time of day it is, if I'm asleep, if I'm working, if I'm smoking a joint. Come get me." JJ tells her and she nods.
JJ pulls her legs down and pulls her into a hug, crushing her in a death grip. Y/N quietly cries into his shoulder, JJ stroking her hair, letting some of his own tears finally fall.
JJ kisses her on the head, holding her closer, if that's even possible.
"I love you." He mumbles into her hair. "So, so much. You got that?"
Y/N nods, clutching onto the back of his shirt. JJ scratches her head, continuing to comfort her, keeping her curled up in his arms while she cries.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @venomsvl @wildieflower @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @mrvlxgrl @star-wars-lover @champomiel @ironmaiden1313
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sexilene · 5 months
i just had this thought of yapper!gf being taken on a fishing trip with jj and him getting frustrated because she’s scaring off the fish and then she gets annoyed back at him 😩😩😩
lol soooo cuteee! ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷ yapper!gf x jj
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jj had been planning to go on a little fishing trip for a few days now, but because you've been dragging him around town he hadn't gotten a chance to. but today was the day, and because you go with him everywhere, he let you come with him. 
"are we going to have some lunch after this?" you ask hand in hand with your boyfriend as he leads you to the HMS pogue. 
"are you hungry already? didn't you just have some ice cream?" 
"that was a snack jj, are we going to eat the fish? if you catch any i mean." you giggle, looking up at him through your lashes. 
"whaddia mean if, when. when i catch some." he corrects.
"right of course! what am i supposed to do then, help you fish?"
"juuus' relax, i provide the sustenance while you sit there n'look pretty." he jokes, lifting his hand to help you get on the boat. 
as you arrived at the spot, the tranquil waters stretched out before you, jj wasted no time in setting up his fishing rods. you sit at the edge of the boat and wait patiently watching your boyfriend flip his hat around. 
"its really sexy when you do that." you smile up at him, covering the sun with your hand. 
"what? flippin' my hat backward?" he grins, turning back to look at you.
you nod and turn back to look at the water, leaning against the edge to see if you could spot any fish. 
"its really nice out...i saw this thing that um- that said, would you sell your boyfriend to make your dog live forever? and i thought about it, i would." 
he scoffs and leans back to do whatever people do when trying to reel in a fish. 
"we don't even have a dog!"
"i know, but it's the principle!" you argue back, dipping your hand into the water and swishing it around.
"you're scarin' the fish away dude! c'mon sit down." he snaps his fingers at you making you glare at him and sit back in the middle of the boat. 
 "i was just checking the temperature." you shrug with a small smile, but jj wasn't amused. 
"nough' of that and you yapping my ear off, like i love you babe, but next time bring a book or a crossword puzzle or something...." jj huffs and baits his hook and casts his line once more. 
pissed at him you decide to give him the silent treatment and pretend he isn't even there. 
after some time, in silence, jj starts to feel a little guilty but then he hears you again.
"i shoulda' pushed you in the water." you furrow your eyebrows and shake your head, just couldn't stay quiet for much longer. "alright alright, come help me, i'll teach you how to do this." he laughs, offering his hand to help you up. rolling your eyes to take hold of his hand as he pulls you up and stands behind you, placing the fishing rod in your hands and wrapping his own hands around yours to help with guidance. 
"swing it back aaaand- wait." he lets go of your hands to let you try being in control and stands beside you with his hands on his hips. in no time a fish was pulling at the hook, jj boyishly excited for you, telling you to reel it in. you try your best to be fast and get the fish out of the water. 
"that's what im talkin' about baby, atta girl!" he cheers and takes hold of the fishing rod for you, grabbing onto the fish, and placing it in a bucket. 
"i can't believe i got a fish!" you squeal, turning over to him with a smile. 
"come here..." he beams and grabs onto your face with two hands to press a bunch of sweet annoying little kisses on your cheeks. 
"nooo! you touched the fish! and i'm still pissed at you." you scrunch your face up but that only makes him wrap his arms around your waist and lift you up like a doll with your hands on his shoulders. 
"gimme a kiss, and then we'll call it a day, yeah?" he squints his eyes and tilts his head, you roll your eyes and nod. wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning in to give him a proper kiss. 
once satisfied, your boyfriend sets you down with a smile. 
"alright. let's get outta here." he spins you around and smacks your ass playfully. ᥫ᭡
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ashxketchum · 8 months
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Let's break this down one by one ~
This is such a good Sora fit I don't even know how to explain how very much OG Sora this is, the pink tones of the overall sporty outfit perfectly capture all levels of her personality. To top it off she's sharing flower themed cream sandwiches with Piyomon AAAHHH the subtle reference okay merch team you can take a w. Not to mention Sora is perfectly matching with Taichi and the fruit in her sandwich is orange stoooopppp itttt!!!!!
TAICHI OMG who is dressing this boy because that's the most he's ever jocked as a 11 year old. The sweatshirt, cargo pants, matching wristband and the sense to put his goggles down, he is winning the sporty casual fashion show for sure. And of course him and Agumon are enjoying some chicken popcorn, love how they weren't even subtle with the packaging art we all know Japan's favourite fried chicken brand anyway 🤣
Yamato. YAMATO. Y A M A T O. You're 11 can you tone down the cool guy heartthrob behaviour for a minute because I am losing my mind THE DOGTAG CHAIN IM GONNA SCREEAAAMMM ACTUALLY I AM SCREAAAMING AAAAHHHHHHH. He looks so good, there is absolutely no wrong element in his entire outfit, everything is perfectly paired up, a fashionista is among us. The little thumbs up over the onigiri that Gabumon is offering him?? Is he telling Gabumon that he's okay with having one and Gabumon can have the rest because that's the sweet, protective, kind, caring baby he is at heart???🥹🥹🥹The blue and green gradient in the background tho?? Mimato math is mathing bestiesss 🤣
Takeru is just a lil guy, but such a perfect lil guy!!! I like how his outfit has the similar green shade as his anime outfit but they still chose to gave him a new beanie instead which doesn't really match the colour tone of the rest of the fit but it's Takeru so we know that he can pull any hat off and that's what he does!!! Him and Patamon sharing burgers, okay mood, but why is he looking so surprised? I need to know what happened, did he spill some sauce on his overalls? Was the burger too hot to bite? WHAT HAPPENED TAKERU????? 😢
Jou, I see you paired up the plaid pants with a nice long, muted, warm toned jacket BUT I SEE THAT PURPLE SHIRT POKING IN FROM INSIDE and excuse me sir but why that purple with the plaid 😭 I need to see a version where Jou isn't wearing the jacket so I can make an informed rating on this outfit but may I add that in the full merch pic he has paired this look with green and white sneakers...I cannot defend you I am sorry Jou, please try brown loafers next time 😭 But outfit aside, Jou eating a taiyaki with Gomamon is lowkey funny I just know that Gomamon cracked a Marching Fishes joke at least once.
Koushiro...I will not go into detail but I will say it's cute that you have a sweater with a little K on it, it's also very cute that there is a splash of orange in your outfit, who's attention are you vying for it isn't subtle at all bby boy and I am grateful you matched your shoes to your sweater even if the socks are definitely a choice and that blue with orange is also definitely another choice. Good to see your are making choices. I like that him and Tentomon are sharing dango, it's always nice to see Koushiro's fondness towards Japanese traditional snacks hinted at in some way.
MIMI. QUEEN. SLAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!! YOU NEVER EVER MISS MY SWEET BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL. The pastel tones matched with the grey stockings for contrast, that beret and the fuzzy hem boots, you just know she shops at Takashimaya and Isetan and anything below it will just not do 👏🏻 Plus Sora and Mimi are wearing the same tones, which probably means that they pre-planned the outfits together, cuties!!! Also Crepe is such a Mimi™️ choice of dessert but I always get teary eyes when I see Palmon mimic Mimi's gestures, there is just so much love and admiration between them for each other, pure childish wonder 💚 And the crepe even has a cutesy character face on it, which kinda looks like Monzaemon, though I can't be sure but if it is then another win for a subtle reference. Not to mention both Yamato and Mimi look like they've dressed in a more cool and elegant style than the rest like they might be on their way to a date THE MIMAT MATH IS MATHING YALLL!!!
Hikari looks super cute, I think there isn't much official art of her in casual clothing for OG stuff so it's nice to see her in a more cutesy fit suited to her age. The hairband matching the cardigan is such a nice touch!! I can't recall any other casual outfit for OG design Hikari except the War Game and Memorial Party dress, so I think this would be the first time we see Hikari with a hairband and it just looks adorable. Of course she is sharing an ice cream with Tailmon, it's kinda their brand now but like Takeru she's making a surprised expression, perhaps she wasn't expecting Tailmon to offer her a bite of her ice cream?
To conclude, this is probably the best OG artwork we've gotten since Idk maybe the Rainy Day stationery series. This will be sold in advance at the Kamio Store booth at Anime Japan 2024. No other details were mentioned, but the event booth sale feels like a pre-sale before the goods become available more widely at other outlets, hopefully, at some stores that international fans have access too as well.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
Ayushi out.
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FG Dreamtale au
Fg stands for Forrest goblin which is the Twins Nickname in this AU
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the twins have skull masks they made for fun. also growing up the first few years they were surrounded by animals and being little kids they tried to copy them. Dream has a Deer and Nightmare has a Bear. they found these skulls lying around. they like decorating them. The twins also cant speak any language at first. they communicate through a mental bond. and make other noises they observed from the different Animals they enjoyed watching.
There are two Fundamental differences in this au 1 The Twins are More Feral which i think is more realistic ig since they were made by a tree. 2 is that the villagers attitudes towards the twins is much different as well.
The Villagers in this au are a group of Monsters and a few humans running from a tyrant King. they had been traveling for a long time and came to a valley a little ways away from the tree if feelings. The Villagers are unaware of the tree when they first settle. Though the valley is plentiful and there's a lot of food, many of the plants and animals are different so they are unsure what is good to eat and are struggling to find food.
The twins who had been observing the villagers from secret decide to help them. They lead a few villagers in a roundabout way to a few streams and berry patches. They also gather other bits of food they find, Nightmare finds Berries, Nuts, and Roots while Dream catches fish bear style (ie he uses his mouth) Dream learned to do this by watching bears.
Because of the twins activities the villagers start saying there are forest goblins in a joking semi serious way.
the First real interaction between the Villagers, Dream, and Nightmare was actually because of some of the village children. A group of about 3 children where playing or attempting to play tag. The Problem was they didn't think they had enough players. Enter the twins who had been watching from a nearby tree. Dream and Nightmare had decided it wouldn't hurt to play with the other children as they could kinda figure out what they where doing.
The Village children where a little hesitant at first but quickly became friends with the twins. The Now group of 5 Children happily played together for hours, the twins showed off their animal skull masks and the Village children showed The twins their own clothes and a few toys they had. though they couldn't exactly understand each other they made it work
I made this bc i wanted a wholesome dreamtale au :) i am very happy with this though. I'm planning other things which will show more of this au's story. HEHEHEHE I love this au sm
also the twins eventually become like the entire villages children. Like community childs. everybody kinda helps parent
have this little doodle too
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feral childs
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lazycats-stuff · 2 years
I love the Jason Todd x Jokers son it's awesome!
I actually have another idea while I lay with my cat lol batfam/Jason Todd x brother reader (like he's the biological son of Bruce but a lil older than Damien) he has a close relationship with Jason compared to his other siblings and he ends up getting captured by Joker?
You got it! I'm glad you like it, I was a bit worried that I didn't write it well, I have never written such dynamic before. Again, let me know how it turned out.
Warnings: Kidnapping, violence, Joker being the Joker, Jason losing his mind, blood
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Jason waited outside of (Y/N)'s school. He wanted to take his favorite brother back home. They didn't have a chance to hang out this week, because the teen was swamped with exams. Jason swore that (Y/N) didn't sleep this week. Poor kids...
He smiled once he saw him at the entrance, talking to his friend. He leaned on his motorbike, crossing his arms. He waited until (Y/N) saw him and then opened his arms. (Y/N) ran into them, hugging his favorite brother.
" Hey mini Bruce. " Jason joked as he hugged his brother back.
" Stop it, I look nothing like him. " (Y/N) said.
" Yeah sure. " Jason said, ruffling his hair.
" How come you came to pick me up? "
" Well, I know you stay later on Fridays. And I wanted to hang out with you. I missed you this week. " Jason mumbled.
" Aww. I missed you too Jay. But if you had a plan to take me out, please don't. I just want to sleep. "
" You got it. I was going to take you home anyway, you look like you are going to drop dead. "
" Wow, okay. " (Y/N) pretended to be offended, sitting at the back of the bike. Jason handed him the helmet and (Y/N) put it on.
" Hang on bro. We are going to be back home quickly. "
Jason turned on the bike and started driving back to the manor. It was a perfect day for a nap too. It was cloudy and if you were from Gotham, you knew for a fact it was going to get rain. So it would be perfect for a nap.
When Jason sat down, (Y/N) wrapped his arms around Jason's stomach to hold on. Jason revved the motor and started driving. It was a quick drive back to Jason's driving skills. (Y/N) had hold onto the bike when they got back.
" I'm not a bad driver. " Jason defended himself watching his younger brother.
" Say that to my legs. Jesus. Next time pick me up by a car. " (Y/N) said, managing to steady himself.
" Come on. You need to eat and then sleep. "
" Can you nap with me? " (Y/N) asked, using his puppy eyes.
" Of course I can. But you need to eat first. I think that Alfred made something with fish. "
(Y/N) nodded and went inside the house.
" Let me take your bag up to your room. "
Jason took the bag while (Y/N) went straight to the kitchen. He didn't find Alfred, but he did find a container with his portion. He let out a yay and took the container and a fork to sit at a kitchen island. He took his phone from his pocket and put it on the kitchen island.
He dug in, happy to eat something. The teen had a small breakfast today, not enough to get him through the day and he was hungry all day, despite the lunch he had. It was a stressful week for his family too. Joker was up to no good, but more than usual.
He still doesn't get it how they still do it. On patrol until late in the night, injured, seeing stuff that would make his stomach turn. Was (Y/N) trained like his brothers? Yes. But he didn't want to become a vigilante, he wanted to be a normal teen. And he didn't consider himself strong enough to become a vigilante.
And... He didn't tell anybody this, but the reason why he was up until 2 or 3 am this week was because he was worried for his brothers and father. There were times when he couldn't sleep until he knew that his brothers and father were in their rooms and even then he either went to Jason's room or Bruce's. He truly didn't know what he would do if something were to happen to his dad or Jason.
" Hey, what are you thinking about? " Jason said, sitting across from him.
(Y/N) was startled by Jason, he must have been thinking about this for so long that he didn't hear him.
" Jason, don't sneak up on me. You scared the living shit out of me. " (Y/N) said, taking an another bite.
" Oh, come on, you will live. " Jason laughed.
" Ha ha. Very funny... Are you free tonight? I need you to drop me off at a friend's house. We wanted to have a sleepover. " (Y/N) said quickly.
" Okay. Is it the brunet guy? " Jason asked, taking his jacket off.
" Yes, but his name is Cody. For the record Jay. "
" Okay, okay. " Jason laughed, smiling at his younger brother. " I will drop you off tonight before I go on patrol. Does the old man know? I don't want him blowing a fuse. "
" I texted him, he said it's fine. "
" Okay. Which bike you would like? " Jason asked, smirking.
" Screw you Jay. "
Jason cackled like a madman, leaning back in his chair.
" Okay, I will take a car to drop you off. Don't worry. "
" You always make me worry Jay. "
It was Saturday evening, a day after the sleepover and Jason was getting worried. Jason went to pick (Y/N) up a few hours earlier, but Cody, the friend said that (Y/N) went already. Jason was confused at first, but then noticed the cameras in the neighborhood. He called Bruce to tell him to get the footage. Something is off. Way off...
He searched the block for any evidence, his gut refusing to believe that everything is okay. What the hell happened last night? Maybe Cody was lying, but Jason could tell if someone was lying. Shit.
And the time for (Y/N) to go missing too is far to weird. Joker wanted something from Wayne Enterprises, they got intel that he wanted to get guns that Wayne Enterprises was storing at the moment. They were old and were supposed to be destroyed, but there was some delay.
Jason took his phone and called (Y/N)'s phone. He was back at Cody's building, waiting to hear (Y/N)'s voice. He froze once he heard the familiar ring in an ally. He ran into the ally, finding the phone near the dumpster.
He knelt down, getting the phone. He blinked a few times, trying to fight tears. Jesus Christ... No. Not him. Out of all the people, not him. He called Bruce with shaky hands. His hands never shook.
" Jason? Where is (Y/N)? "
" Taken. I found his phone near the dumpster behind Cody's house. " Jason stated, trying not to cry.
" Okay, I will obtain the footage for the entire block. Is there anything out here that might help us? "
" No, I searched the entire block, there is no signs of struggle. And Cody said that (Y/N) had left already, but I think someone threatened him to go. "
" Okay. Until we get the footage, we can't do anything. Come back. "
Jason hanged up, going back to his car and driving like a maniac back to the manor. He is not going to allow himself to waste a single second. He won't be holding back. Not when it comes to (Y/N). He was protective of all of his brothers, but he was really connected with (Y/N).
He ran towards the cave, wanting to know if there is anymore development. The rest of the family was already there, surrounding the big computer.
" And? " Jason asked.
" He was taken, but we can't connect the kidnappers to any Gotham rouge. " Bruce said.
Okay, an outsider then. That would take some time, but they would get the intel soon.
" Okay. So, we need a suspect. Who the hell wanted to take (Y/N)? " Jason asked.
" Somebody who wants money? Maybe for ransom? " Tim suggested.
" Or someone who hates Bruce? " Dick added his suggestion.
Bruce didn't say anything, obviously thinking. He had a lot of enemies, both as Bruce Wayne and as Batman. So the list wasn't small... Far from it...
A ping on the computer alerted them all. It was from the news, the anchors telling that this is the footage of (Y/N). The family froze, looking at the screen like they were hypnotized.
Everything was fine until Joker came on screen. Jason froze completely, eyes widening. No. (Y/N) was bound to a chair, gagged, with blood over his face. Joker was showing his face, clearly proud of his handywork. Jason's eye twitched.
" Now, I want the weapons from the Wayne Enterprises and I will let the boy live. "
The tape stopped and it returned to the regular program. Everyone slowly turned to look at Jason. Jason took a deep breath, before flipping a table near him. He let out a yell, before rubbing his face.
" Jason, you need to calm down. " Bruce said, trying to calm him down. If he goes out, he will kill somebody.
The boys moved away, trying not to get in the crossfire.
" I will be calm when (Y/N) is back here and Joker behind bars. That's that. And if you need me, I will be out in the city looking. "
" Jason, we need more info! You can't go out this mad! " Bruce yelled after his son.
" Too fucking late! "
Bruce stood up, going to change into his suit. He doesn't want to Jason to kill the Joker, he would regret it and it wouldn't do anything. Tim stayed behind to track down the footage.
They barely managed to catch up with Jason. It took them 15 minutes to calm him. Jason was already a deadly individual, but when mad? Get out of the way.
" Jason, we need to think. We need a plan of action. " Bruce has tried to explain, but Jason laughed.
" A plan of action? We need to get (Y/N) out of there! I can't let him go through what I did! I can't!" Jason yelled, before he took a deep breath.
" Jason, you need to compose yourself. I know it's difficult, but now your judgment needs to be perfect and not impaired. I know you are angry and I know you are getting flashbacks, but you have to... Shut the emotional part out. I know how it sounds, but when dealing with the Joker, you can't allow the emotions to take over. "
Jason was quiet as he listened to Bruce. As difficult it is for Jason to admit this, he knew Bruce was right. He can't allow his emotions to lead him.
" Do we have a lead? " Jason asked, trying to breathe.
" No, Tim is still looking, but we do have all known Joker's warehouses and other similar locations. We can start from there. We will split into two teams and start searching. Jason you are with me. Everyone, stay in contact. The moment you get something, call it in. "
The boys nodded, Jason simply stayed still, seething with anger and adrenaline.
" Come on Jason. " Batman prompted, walking to the edge of the building. Jason followed, still mad and angry. Nothing can calm him down. Absolutely nothing.
It has been hours and Jason was getting angrier and angrier. There hasn't been any leads in regards to (Y/N) and he was losing his mind.
" How can you be so calm? " He asked Bruce, who was calm. It irritated him beyond belief.
" I have to Jason. I can't allow myself to be guided by emotions. I can't make any mistakes. I don't... I don't want to lose him like I lost you... " Bruce admitted, looking away.
Jason was shocked by this admission.
" What? "
" I can't lose another son to Joker. I barely got over your... Kidnapping."
" Really? " Jason asked, petrified by this new piece of information.
" Yes. I searched for you just like you are searching for (Y/N). Despite what the Joker told you, I never stopped looking. "
Jason looked away, away from Bruce's eyes. He swallowed, trying not to cry. He clenched his fists and then released them.
" Hey guys, I managed to track him. Bruce and Jason are the closest to the docks. It's an old warehouse and be careful. Bring (Y/N) back. "
Jason and Bruce agreed and started moving. They are going to get him back now.
Jason paced outside of the cave medical part. Alfred wouldn't allow him to enter. They brought (Y/N) back, but he was beaten, had his nose broken and dislocated shoulder. Jason was only thankful that (Y/N) was under a lot of painkillers.
The mere process of getting (Y/N) back was rather simple. They took out Joker's goons and Jason got some revenge. He found a crowbar and while Batman was busy with freeing (Y/N), he has beaten the Joker. He didn't kill him, he just made sure he would be recovering for the next year. He smiled at the memory. It was etched into his memory.
" Masters. " Alfred said, closing the door.
" And? " Jason asked impatiently.
" He is going to be okay. I reset his nose and shoulder and gave him some stronger painkillers. He is going to be out for a while. I prepared a bed for you too master Jason. "
" Thank you Alfred. "
Jason stepped into the room, taking his shoes and jacket off. He looked at (Y/N), simply sleeping. Now he could sleep and protect (Y/N). With a last glance to (Y/N), he laid down and closed his eyes. Now everything is the way it should be.
462 notes · View notes
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Chris had been acting weird all day. The two of you were supposed to get lunch, but he'd changed plans at the last minute and requested that you meet him at the studio instead. "I want your opinion on a song."
It's odd because you're not musically inclined - he knows this. Still, you settle into the desk chair he steers you into, ready to listen earnestly. "I kind of - um, wrote it about you. or with you in mind?"
It may take longer than it should to realize that the song playing is a love song. The song about you that he wrote while thinking about you is a love song. It shocks you a little, makes you sit up straighter, carefully taking in every word. "Play it again."
He does hands shaking. You could listen to his confession forever, but you're afraid he'll shake right out of his skin from nerves if you make him play it a third time without saying anything. "I love it," you admit, "I love you too."
He deflates in his chair. "You couldn't have said that the first time you listened to it," he whines, relieved.
You grin, "Play it for me again."
"You really like it that much?"
"Yeah, I do." And you don't just mean the song.
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You were a little confused by the things Minho kept presenting you with. At first, you thought nothing of it. Snacks every now and then - normal. The coffee you love - very sweet of him. Stickers after you complimented the one on his phone case, a keychain, a cute stress ball: it isn't until the items become a collection of things that you question it.
You want it to mean something, something crazy like he likes you. But you're terrified it doesn't mean anything at all. You've convinced yourself that he's just being kind. You don't want to mention it and never receive another thoughtful gift from him. Each item brings you so much joy. Curiosity is eating you alive, though.
"I really appreciate everything you give me, but why?" You ask, fiddling with the newest gift, a cute cat plush.
He looks startled, like a deer in the headlights.
Chan chuckles from behind you, "It's because he likes you!"
Minho looks horrified, hissing, "Shut up! I'll kill you." Then to you, "I can stop if it's making you uncomfortable."
"No!" You startle; that's the last thing you want. Calmer, you add, "I really enjoy it because it's you, and I like you, too."
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"I want you to stay," Changbin murmurs against the bare skin of your shoulder.
Your skin is tacky with sweat, and your brain is a little foggy from your last orgasm still. "What?"
His arm tightens around your waist like he's afraid you'll disappear. "I want you to stay."
"Like for now or?" You question because you desperately need clarification, your heart beating wildly.
You roll over abruptly, fighting against his firm hold to face him. "Say that to my face."
"I want you to stay with me forever. I love you, and I can't stand to watch you walk away anymore."
You don't know if you're more relieved at finally hearing those words or pissed that it took so long.
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"Can I look?" You gesture toward the sketchbook on the table, and Hyunjin agrees, distracted. Usually, you'd work on your own project while he worked on his. Still, you just can't find the motivation to be productive today. If you don't distract yourself with something, it's only a matter of time before he catches you staring.
It isn't until after you start turning pages that he remembers what's in that particular book. The damage is already done, though; before he can resend the agreement, your wide eyes are already taking in page after page of you. The whole book is a character study of you.
"Wow, a little obsessed, aren't you," you try to joke, but it doesn't land. You don't know what else to say, hating the sudden tension.
"I am," he admits after a beat of silence, "you're sort of amazing."
"Sort of?"
He glares, "Stop fishing for compliments."
"But I love getting compliments from you."
Feeling brave, you drop the playful jesting. "Because I'm kind of in love with you."
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Jisung's lying on the couch, phone held above his face. "You're cute," you declare, just to watch how his cheeks color.
"Don't tease me," he grumbles, turning to pout at you.
"It's not teasing if it's true."
He rolls his eyes, focusing back on his phone. You've liked him for a while, always complimenting him, and his blushing and stuttering are rewarding, but you'd really like to know how he feels about you. Seungmin had said Jisung's an idiot, and you would have to spell it out for him.
"I like you! Like a want to date you - like you."
The phone drops onto Jisung's face. "Ow! Wait. Really?" He questions, turning so fast he nearly rolls off the couch.
He beams, "I like you too."
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You blurt out, "I like you!" It's a poor excuse for a confession, and immediately, you regret the words. You stuff the cookie Felix made into your mouth, so you can't speak anymore. Clearly, you shouldn't be allowed to talk.
He laughs, his smile lighting up his entire face; it distracts you from your embarrassment. "That's good because I've been trying to seduce you with baked goods for a while."
The sound of your surprise is muffled by the cookie in your mouth.
"Please, don't choke. I won't be able to kiss you if you do."
At the admission, you do choke, struggling to swallow and coughing to clear your windpipe once you do. "Not helpful," you complain.
He giggles more, enjoying your reaction, and is relieved that you are both on the same page.
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"I wish you'd look at me like that," you mutter, wistful; maybe you've had too much to drink.
"Like what?" Seungmin questions.
"Like you want me."
"You're drunk," he points out. The words sting like the worst rejection. This isn't the first time you've told him you liked him, hinting at your desire. It's also not the first time that he's brushed you off.
"Not so drunk that I don't know what I want." You stand abruptly, having to use that table to steady yourself.
"Where are you going?"
He sighs heavily before following you outside. He pulls you to a halt on the sidewalk. "Are you serious?"
You stare, confused and hurt.
"Do you really like me?"
Huffing, you demand, "Haven't I told enough times?"
"Just once more - I'll take you seriously this time."
There's something earnest about the way he says it that makes you swallow your pride. "I like you, you asshole."
"I like you too."
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"I'm sick of going on blind dates," you complain over coffee with Jeongin.
"Then why do you keep going on them."
You stare him down momentarily, weighing the pros and cons of honesty. The silence stretches so long it pulls him from his phone. You decide to be honest; lying to yourself and going on stupid dates hasn't lessened your crush on him. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, or some shit like that. "Because I can't go on a date with you."
"Why can't you?"
You gape at him. There's a list of reasons, starting with him being your friend and not liking you romantically, but this is the day for taking chances apparently because instead of answering, you ask, "Will you go on a date with me?"
He smiles, "I'd love to."
The easy agreement leaves you a little baffled and angry at yourself; if only you'd known it would be that simple.
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twinsunstars · 4 months
Thank You, Mother's Day - a small Bad Batch fic
Sypnosis: Omega learns what Mother's Day is, and she's got a few ideas, while Eva, Jax, Sami, and Baryn prepare something for Emerie.
Oh my gosh, Mother's Day is almost over for me where I am in like less than an hour, but I started working on this all day after putting up this post this morning and just finished it quickly (I was so inspired by my own thoughts lol). I hope you guys like it, and Happy Mother's Day!
also up on ao3! read under cut if you want to read it on here instead!
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The galaxy had many unique holidays shared around many planets. Life Day, Harvest Day, and the Festival of Light were a few that were more commonly known. One holiday had grown very popular recently as it was coming up soon, as many people on Pabu were getting ready to celebrate it with their loved one.
Mother’s Day. 
When Omega first learned about the holiday from Lyana, she was curious to hear more. Lyana barely remembered celebrating Mother’s Day with her own mother, who had unfortunately passed away from a heavy illness when she was three. Lyana showed Omega a few holophotos she had left of her mother, reminiscing in the memories.
Omega listened closely when Lyana described what a mother was upon her asking. A kind, caring, nurturing, and strong female who always watches out for her family, making sure her kids are safe and healthy.
Nala Se had taken care of Omega ever since she was born, though Omega wasn’t sure about any of those motherly characteristics matching her. All she did to Omega was run tests and make sure she was staying healthy for her own purposes. 
While Lyana described what a mother was, she added, “But you know, mothers don’t quite have to just be female. My dad is like my mom too, and he does everything he can to keep me safe.”
Omega thought about that. Her brothers matched those characteristics way more, always there to make sure she was safe and cared for her wellbeing.
The brother who did this the most was Echo. He always broke up Hunter and Crosshair’s fights before they escalated to violence, helped Omega sew Lula back up whenever Lula got a hole in her fabric or one of her ears ripped, made sure Wrecker wasn’t overeating and wasn’t eating anything that would make him sick, and always tried to get Crosshair to eat something. 
“Lyana,” Omega began, thinking about an idea. “What if I do something for Echo? He’s always taking care of all of us, and he’s my brother but Hunter and Crosshair like joking that he’s the mom.” She would always hear things like “Listen to your mom” or “Okay, Mother” whenever Echo was around, but Omega never got the chance to sit down with her brothers and ask what that meant. 
“That sounds like a wonderful idea!” Lyana said. Lyana was already planning to do something for her father and having Auntie Phee help; ever since her mother had passed away he was fulfilling that role, and even if it wasn’t Father’s Day she wanted to have her dad feel appreciated. 
Omega began brainstorming ideas, asking Lyana what people usually do on this day. Gifting flowers, making a heartfelt message card, giving them gifts and letting them know how much you appreciate them. She had to share this with her brothers. 
“Mother’s Day for Echo?”
Omega nodded with excitement, deciding to talk with her brothers about her ideas during their time out fishing today and telling them what the holiday is. “Lyana told me about it, and you all always call Echo the mom.” 
“He certainly does act like a mother,” Crosshair scoffed, chewing on his toothpick and holding the fishing rod with his one hand. Batcher leaned over the ship, keeping an eye out for any fish. 
“Yeah, we always joke about it,” Wrecker chuckled. “But would it be right? Echo’s not actually a mother.”
“Lyana said someone close to you who acts like a mother doesn’t actually have to really be a mother to be celebrated on this day. She’s going to celebrate her dad. I feel like we should do the same for Echo, and he’s coming back for a visit on that day. It’ll be fun!”
Omega hopped up and down, trying to convince her brothers to agree. Omega had a point; Echo always took the most care of them and made sure they were keeping things neat, clean and tidy. Wrecker and Crosshair exchanged a look, and then looked over at Hunter, who was lost in thought. 
“We… could give it a try,” Hunter began. “Echo has been doing a lot lately with Rex. He does need a break.”
Hunter also didn’t want to say no to Omega. She looked so determined to appreciate Echo, he had to give her a chance to experience a Mother’s Day celebration like natural-borns do. 
Omega squealed, telling her brothers the plan. 
“Do you think we should do something for Dr. Karr?” 
Eva, Jax, Sami, and Baryn resided under the tree in central Pabu, relaxing after chasing around the moonyos and playing a lot of games to keep Baryn entertained, who was now sleeping soundly in Sami’s arms. 
The kids still resided on the island for their safety, waiting for their chances to go back home once the older adults found a safe way for them to get back to their families. The tricky part was finding Baryn’s family, but the kids had hope that he would get to be reunited with his mother. 
Everyone was talking about Mother’s Day during their stroll in the market, putting up sales and handing out flowers and chocolates. None of the kids had been away from their family on Mother’s Day until now. They missed their mothers much more, longing for their warm hugs. 
Eva suggested giving Dr. Karr a Mother’s Day gift to fill that void of longing to appreciate their mothers. Dr. Karr had been the nicest to Eva, and she felt like appreciating her. She had been away from the island for a while, so Eva was excited to see her again. 
Jax tilted his head, confused. “She’s not our mother though.”
Sami replied, “But she helped us escape and kept us safe. Mothers try to keep their kids safe.” 
The memory replayed in her head of when her mother tried to keep her away from the strange man who was trying to take Sami away. Everything else was a blur after that. She laid her chin on Baryn’s head gently, trying not to cry. 
Eva nodded. “I have a friend who always celebrates her dad for Mother’s Day. Dr. Karr has been so nice, and Omega said she’ll be coming on that day to visit.”
Sami thought for a moment. “Should we ask Omega? She could give us advice. Dr. Karr is her sister.”
“I think she’s near the docks right now. Dr. Karr did try to protect us Maybe it could be fun,” said Jax. He missed his mom a lot, as he would always make drawings and pick flowers for her.
Eva knew how he felt. Eva missed her mother and father so much, and she prayed it was only a matter of short time before getting to be reunited with her again. Dr. Karr had given her the hay doll Eva grew to love so much, reminding her of the small plush dolls her mother would buy for her to feel happy and safe.
“Let’s go find her.”
“That… sounds really nice, Omega.” 
Omega had commed Emerie to talk about Mother’s Day for Echo, sitting in a corner near the docks on Pabu. She was really excited, and Echo was bringing Emerie along too during his annual visit. Omega wanted her to be a part of her plan. 
Emerie found this Mother’s Day interesting. Just like every other clone, she never had a mother, nor any parents. Nala Se may have taken care of her for a short period of time, but she wasn’t quite someone who you would call caring and nurturing. Hemlock may have raised her after taking her in, but he didn’t fit any of those categories either at all.
“I knew you would like it!” Omega said. She was about to tell Emerie more, but she heard an outside voice calling her name. 
“Sorry, Omega,” Emerie turned with a frown. “I have to go take care of something. But I promise to keep it secret.”
Omega smiled. “It’s okay. We can go over the plan later.”
Emerie gave her sister a nod. “Be safe, Omega.” 
The call ended, and Omega tucked in her holo-comm into her pocket. She turned to see Eva, Jax, and Sami coming over. Baryn was awake, snuggling with his toy. 
Omega noticed Eva had a nervous look on her face. “Hi! You guys doing okay?”
The kids nodded. Eva held her hands together behind her back. “We wanted to ask you something.”
“Sure, what is it?” Omega gave the young ones her full attention, feeling a little concerned. 
“Well… everyone says Mother’s Day is coming. Our moms aren’t here, but we felt like giving a gift to Dr. Karr.”
“She’s been nice to us, it’s the least we could do,” Sami added. 
Omega’s eyes widened. “That sounds fantastic! I’m going to do something for one of my brothers, and Emerie is going to help. She’ll love your surprise!”
Eva smiled. “You really think so?”
Omega nodded. “Emerie never had a mother either, but I know she will love your gift.”
The kids were happy that Omega liked their idea. Now they just had to think of the perfect gift. 
It was perfect timing. Mother’s Day was today. Omega had been wide awake since the sun rose, awaiting Echo and Emerie’s arrival. She had her brothers help her paint banners, pick flowers, and cook some food. She had drawn a picture of her and her family together for Echo to keep with him, and she had Lyana help her frame it. 
Omega had gotten Mox, Stak, and Deke to join in, who were helping the Batch set the table. They had decided to make handmade bracelets for Echo to have on his missions, adding touches to his new painted armor. 
Lyana came over, informing Omega that the ship was arriving. Omega ran out, Hunter exclaiming to tell her to be careful. Batcher followed her, wanting to see Echo and Emerie. 
The ship landed, and Omega ran to Echo, leaping into his arms. 
“Whoa, good to see you again too kid!” Echo returned the hug, carefully setting Omega down. Omega gave Emerie a hug next, as Emerie knelt down to give her sister a tight one. Omega was still getting used to seeing Emerie without those rose-tinted glasses, but she looked pretty either way. 
Batcher nuzzled herself on Echo’s legs. Echo smiled, giving her some pets. She came over to Emerie, who slightly flinched. Batcher tilted her head and sat down calmly, allowing Emerie to come near her when she felt comfortable.
Emerie was still getting used to Batcher, as she would always see the lurca hounds as these vicious creatures who could easily rip one’s throats with their claws. But there was nothing to worry about with Batcher; she wasn’t one of them anymore. Emerie slowly reached her hand out, gently petting Batcher’s head. She smiled, enjoying the feeling. 
“Dr. Karr!” Emerie heard little voices call her name, looking over to see Eva and Jax running towards her. Sami walked over with Baryn in her arms; the baby never wanted to leave her gentle hold. Emerie stayed down on her knees to receive a hug from each of them. 
“Hello, Eva, Jax, Sami. Baryn.” Emerie smiled and scrunched her nose at Baryn, who giggled, happy to see her. “You all can call me Emerie. You don’t have to keep calling me Dr. Karr.”
“Okay. Emerie,” Eva responded, getting the feel of calling Emerie by her first name.
Echo looked around. There was no sight of the Batch. “Where are the others?”
Omega smiled. “Getting ready.”
Echo raised an eyebrow. “Ready for what?”
Omega grabbed Echo’s hand, pulling him to go with her. “Come with me. You’ve got to see this!”
Echo laughed, following his sister to where she wanted him to go. Emerie began to follow Omega, turning to the kids. “Coming?”
Eva replied, “In a bit. We’ll  be there.” Emerie nodded, following Echo and Omega.
“Let’s go prepare her gift,” Jax whispered. The kids nodded, heading off to get Emerie’s Mother’s Day gift. 
Omega excitedly led Echo to her family’s new home on Pabu. Echo noticed her being more energetic than usual, wondering where this girl had in store for him. They reached the door, but Omega stopped before opening it. 
“Could you close your eyes?”
Echo scrunched his eyebrows, starting to grow suspicious of what was behind those doors. He hoped it wasn’t one of their pranks they convinced Omega to do with them. Last time he had a whole mishap with his scomp arm and sticky string.
“Please?” Omega held her hands together. As much as he was worried, Echo couldn’t say no to his favorite girl. He shut his eyes, feeling Omega take his hand again and heard the door open. Emerie opened the door so Omega could lead Echo in.
Echo slowly walked, trusting Omega to take him safely. He felt Omega stop walking as he stopped as well. 
“Okay, open.”
Echo swallowed, ready to face anything that was thrown onto his face. He opened his eyes, and all he saw were his brothers, standing together with smiles on their faces. There was a whole table set with food and flowers carefully arranged. A painted banner was hung above on the walls with the words colorfully written in Aurebesh: “Happy Mother’s Day.”
Echo was about to ask what Mother’s Day was, but Omega began, “Everyone may joke that you’re our mom, but in a way you really are. You take so much care of us, and we wanted to thank you for it. Happy Mother’s Day, Echo!”
“Yeah, happy Mother’s Day, Echo!” Wrecker exclaimed, happy to celebrate. Hunter and Crosshair couldn’t help smiling at their older brother. Mox, Stak and Deke came over to Echo, handing him the bracelets they made. 
“For your new armor. It’ll add some color,” Mox said. 
Echo smiled, grateful for all of this. 
Omega walked over to the table, reaching for a frame. She handed Echo the frame, who got to see her drawn picture of him and Omega standing together, the rest in the picture as well along with Emerie. “I drew this for you to have wherever you go, so you have a picture of us for you to look at whenever you miss us on your missions.”
Echo knelt down, holding the frame. He loved it so much, and the picture being drawn by his little sister was the best thing for him. “Thank you, Omega.”
He pulled her into a hug, which Omega returned warmly. Wrecker joined in, and so did Hunter. Wrecker dragged Crosshair into the hug, which he actually enjoyed.
Emerie came over to Echo, holding an untied bracelet. “Senator Chuchi told me about these bracelets that are shared between brothers and sisters. I wanted to make you one as a gift. It’ll bring you good luck.”
Echo looked at the delicate bracelet in Emerie’s hand. He reached out his arm, allowing Emerie to put on the bracelet for him. Emerie smiled, tying the bracelet onto his wrist next to the bracelets the young triplets gave him. Echo loved his gifts, and he was happy that his family decided to do this for him. 
“You should eat, you’ve probably had a long journey,” Hunter suggested. 
“The cake is delicious! Your favorite berry is in it,” Wrecker said. 
Echo nodded, following his brothers and sister to the table. 
Emerie was ready to follow Echo, but she heard Eva’s voice behind her. The kids stood together shyly, and Emerie noticed a red box in Eva’s hands. 
“We… thought of making something for you for Mother’s Day,” Jax said. 
“For helping keep us safe,” Sami added. 
Eva reached out the box. Emerie was shocked. She wasn’t expecting to get anything for Mother’s Day. She didn’t feel she really fit the qualities of a mother. 
Emerie knelt down, taking the box gently from Eva’s small hands. She opened it carefully, revealing a beautiful woven necklace.
“Did you all make this?” Emerie asked. The kids nodded. 
“It was Sami’s idea,” said Eva. “You can wear that on your adventures, and when we go back to our families, you can have that to remember us by.”
Emerie held the necklace, fond of the design. The colors of gold, maroon, and dark blue were so beautifully woven together. She had never received a gift as precious as this. 
"I have some flowers for you too," Jax said, handing her a bunch of colorful flowers he found around Pabu. Emerie took the flowers gently.
“Do you like it?” Sami asked. 
Emerie smiled, tears welling up in her eyes. “It’s beautiful. It’s perfect. Thank you." 
The kids smiled, coming in for another hug. Baryn cooed as Emerie set a hand on his head. She felt grateful to be loved by these children. 
“Emerie, come eat!” Omega called. 
“Come join,” Emerie said to the kids. She stood up, holding Eva and Jax’s hands. She helped Sami set up Baryn so he could eat something good for him. 
The family was happy to be together like this, just like other normal families in the galaxy spending a holiday together. Echo had listened to Omega explain Mother's Day to him and often looked over at his bracelets, loving his gifts. Emerie had Eva put the necklace on her carefully, loving to wear it. 
Mother’s Day had become a new special holiday for them in their hearts, and Omega was ready to celebrate it every year, just like this.
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total-killer-brainrot · 8 months
Remote Broadcast
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You felt the cold wrap around your wrists and tug them to your sides. And finally you got a glimpse of who was messing with you. Tendrils of darkness holding your arms tight, just below the tablecloth. And grinning up at you between your legs, a large smile amidst inky shadow.
Amidst one of Charlie's mind numbing lesson plans, you get a big surprise hiding under the dinner table.
i love this stinky swamp man so much and i love the thought of his shadow basically manifesting any and all horny desires and occasionally acting on them despite his best efforts.
i am fully aware that hes canonically aroace, but fuck it im horny i wanna write horny shit
All my fics are also on AO3
Not Beta Read. Rating: Explicit. Length: 1,303. Ship: Alastor x You. Fem!Reader. Tags: Mildly Dubious Consent, Groping, Exhibitionism, Public Humiliation, Public Sex, Restraints, Tentacles, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Embarrassment, Multiple Orgasms
The logic behind today’s lesson plan escaped you. Charlie seemed to think that proper table manners and dining etiquette would surely land each participating sinner a spot in Heaven. Like you, most of the Hotel’s residences were less than enthusiastic. But still, why bother trying to redeem your damned soul if you were going to refuse to get involved with all of Charlie’s ideas.
By now the Hotel boasted over twenty willing sinners. Most of which had no clue how to properly hold a butter knife, let alone know the difference between a fish fork and a salad fork. A handful of the volunteers from Cannibal Town were actually well educated in the practices of fine dining, despite their usual methods of messy eating. And they were more than happy to assist Charlie’s lesson. Including the Hotel’s resident facilities manager, the Radio Demon himself, who sat near the head of the table with Charlie and Vaggie. 
Halfway through the lesson and you were bored out of your mind. Picking at your food while Charlie attempted to instruct a particularly violent demon on how to use the fork without breaking the fine china. Most of the other residents were chatting quietly amongst themselves as they ate. It wasn’t often the whole Hotel got together to eat and talk casually. And most seemed to be enjoying themselves. You continued to pick at your food until you felt something brush your leg.
You frowned and leaned back in your chair to look down, unable to spot anything in the shadow. You assumed one of the people seated next to you, or perhaps even Angel Dust seated across the table, must have nudged your leg accidentally. And then you felt it again. An icy cold slither up the back of your calf. You glared at Angel, sure he was pulling some kind of joke. But he wasn’t laughing, lost in his own conversation with Husk next to him. You glanced at the other sinners near you, but no one seemed to be paying you any mind. 
A shudder ran through you as the thing at your feet touched you again, reaching the hem of your skirt and pushing it up slowly. You leaned back further, but still couldn’t see anything. Just inky darkness below the table cloth. Too dark to simply be the shadow of the table. Quickly sitting up straight and going very still when you felt cold fingers run over your clothed cunt. What the fuck was going on? 
This time the thing below you didn’t pull away. Exploring your pussy and inner thighs. You did your best to not show your reaction on your face. Whatever cruel joke someone was playing on you, they wouldn’t get the satisfaction of seeing you enjoy it in front of everyone. Though you did draw a few confused glances when a quiet gasp escaped you. Your mystery friend pressing down on your clit repeatedly. Your hands shot down between your legs. Pressing down on the chair below you and blocking the things access to your core. 
You felt the cold wrap around your wrists and tug them to your sides. And finally you got a glimpse of who was messing with you. Tendrils of darkness holding your arms tight, just below the tablecloth. And grinning up at you between your legs, a large smile amidst inky shadow. You’d seen this creature before. Always attached to its master. Your head shot up, looking towards the Radio Demon. He was sitting nearly at the opposite side of the table to you, but even from this distance you could see he was tense. His ever present grin strained as he stared straight ahead, brows furrowed. Not engaging in conversation, just dead focused on, well you knew what. 
Another shuddering gasp left you. The shadow having pulled your panties to the side and gaining full access to you. You refused to look down again, trying to remain calm, but you could feel a long, cold tongue on your clit as two fingers slipped inside you. You whimpered, as quietly as you could possibly manage. The stretch didn’t hurt, the combination of your own slick, and whatever substance the shadow was made of making its fingers slide in and out of you easily. It was slow, taking its time to explore every inch of you, inside and out.
Your gaze turned back to Alastor, and you were surprised to see his cheeks flushed bright red. You could see his claws digging into the edge of the table as he gripped it. And all of a sudden you weren’t so sure he was doing this on purpose. Did the shadow have a mind of its own?
Before you could stop it, a horribly loud whine escaped your mouth. Drawing everyone’s attention. You blushed dark, the fingers inside you stilling as everyone stared at you. Everyone except Alastor, who remained staring straight again. Embarrassment clawed up your throat and you stammered to explain yourself. 
“Oh yeah! That's what I’m talking about!” Angel Dust moaned across from you, leaning back in his chair as he mimicked your whine, though much louder and far more exaggerated. The table laughed along with him, before returning to their conversations. You frowned at Angel in confusion, but he simply just winked at you and returned to Husk.
You took in a deep breath, right as the shadow curled its fingers inside you. You squeezed your eyes shut and breathed through your nose, focusing on remaining still and quiet as it drew you closer and closer to your orgasm. The coldness of its being a stark contrast to your burning skin. 
Glancing once again at Alastor you could see how he was gritting his teeth. For a brief moment the shadow disappeared, not pulling away, simply fading out of existence. Before returning back full force. Seemingly intent on making you finish before Alastor dragged it away from its work. 
You clenched your fists and bit down on your bottom lip hard as you rolled your hips against the shadows fingers. Eyes fluttering shut as you felt your pleasure nearing its peak. Distantly you hear Angel talking louder, making lewd jokes and making sure the attention was off you as you tipped over the edge. Thighs trembling as your orgasm flowed over you. Each and every nerve on fire. The wonderful sensations quickly turned into overstimulation as the shadow continued its motions. You squirmed in your seat, struggling to get out of the tendril’s grip so you could push it away. It was hopeless. 
You had long since forgotten about keeping quiet. Far too distracted by the fingers and tongue driving you crazy. Right as you were being dragged towards your second orgasm, it all stopped. You whined needily and glanced down, the shadow was gone. Looking up in a daze you noticed so was everyone else. Except for Alastor. 
The tall demon stood from his chair, adjusting his coat and running a hand through his hair. He looked embarrassed almost. Avoiding your eye as he turned towards the door. You sat up slowly, watching him as he walked away from you. Still trembling and a little bit out of breath.
“Alastor. Don’t you dare fucking leave. I was just about to cum.”
He froze. And you grinned as the room around you darkened. The length of the shadow crawling up the wall, grin spreading across its dark face. You felt another tentacle of darkness wrap around your waist and lift you out of the chair. 
The door in front of Alastor opened and Angel Dust stuck his head in.
“Hey I got everyone to leave and- oh! Well I’ll leave you to it.” He laughed, watching you be maneuvered by Alastor’s shadows before leaving the two of you alone once again.
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withlove-angel · 1 year
⚠️warnings: fluffy
I hate onion
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Law looks up at Penguin as he speaks. He is conflicted now. He realizes that he still needs to decide his own feelings toward y/n. He is not sure if he likes her back or not. He is still processing what passing into his heart. He is also worried that he might ruin what they have now if he takes action. He is also worried that his feelings are purely based on physical attraction and not something much deeper. Law is worried that if he talks to y/n, it can only go badly for him. He is not sure what to do now.
Penguin finaly say "just pass a little more time with her... I can make an scenario on the dinner to out you two together... to you find your feelings for her, captain"
Law quickly nods his head in response at Penguin's offer. He is ready to try and spend more time with y/n, just to see if anything changes over time. Penguin is happy to see that Law took his advice onboard.
Y/n is seen in the Kitchen by herself...Law could just walk in now and start that "dinner scenario" right now.
Penguin enters the kitchen ahead of Law "y/n, the captain will help you with dinner instead of me... I have some things to finish do for next mission" he lie...
Y/n looks a little surprised, but noods, she never saw him cook but deep down she pray he was batter than her...
Law walks into the Kitchen after Penguin leaves and he greets y/n.
"Hello, y/n. Penguin has told me that you require my assistance in the kitchen. Am I right?" Even though he is in a good mood, he is still acting very formal and polite with her. Penguin's "dinner scenario" seems to be working already and Law is quite anxious to see where this goes now.
Y/n lift her head slightl, shiftingher attentio from the ingredients to her captain "it was me and penguin task make today's dinner, but I'm glad you could come help me as penguin couldn't come" she smiles slightly.
Law and Penguin little lie got good. He is glad that Penguin helped him out and made a little lie in order to get him the dinner duty. He nods in appreciation and speaks to her as he walks towards a nearby counter.
"It is my pleasure to assist you with dinner. What do you have planned for tonight?" Law sounds interested in what y/n is saying and he is eager to help assist her with dinner. He wonders what new dish they will have tonight."We gonna have fish with baked potatoes and some veggies" she say explaining "hope you know how to take off the fish bones as it was Penguin task" she say embarrassed because she don't know how to do it...
Law smiles as he hears what she has planned for dinner. He enjoys eating fish and especially likes a nice baked potato. He realizes that y/n is embarrassed as she does not know how to effectively remove the bones from the fish. He laughs a bit before speaking to her.
"I can definitely help you remove the bones from the fish" he seems confident that he can handle this part of the dinner tonight. "Oh God thanks" she say relived "i couldn't bare the teasing of the crew if they knew the 'dangerous killer in all blue don't know how to handle a fish"
Law chuckles at y/n's comment about the "Dangerous Killer in the All Blue", finding amusing the way she mocked her own title. But, he feels that it is an appropriate title for her as she is truly a formidable pirate in her own right. He say in a more friendly tone as he sees that she has relaxed somewhat.
"there is no need to worry about that now. They will not know it yet. I will be helping you with dinner tonight and we will be able to enjoy a wonderful, cooked meal with our crewmates. This will be fun."
She raise the knife she is using to choose the carrot "yet? don't you dare reveal my secret captain" she say trying to sound scary but it's clearly a joke as she couldn't controlthe little giggle in the end
He chuckles at her fake attempt at acting scary. He looks down at the knife in her hand and then he gestures for her to pass it to him so that he can start the job at hand. She gives him the knife and then she returns to slicing veggies for the dinner, or at least trying to
" Do not worry, my dear. Your secret is safe with me." seems to be enjoying the idea that y/n is trying to be a little less formal with him. He also appreciates that his crewmate is in a lighthearted mood. He begins to debone the fish with much care.
She giggles shaking her head, even tho she is acting friendly with him he is a trained pirate... he can see her slightly blush and her hands shaking a little. She may be a little nervous around him. He decides that he won't bring it up as he respects her own feelings. He doesn't want to push her into a conversation she may not be comfortable with. He finishes deboning the fish and then he looks over at her, as he speaks to her once again.
"I have successfully deboned the fish for dinner. Are there any other tasks that I can assist you with?"
She look in awe at how fast he did it "you already finish?!" He is slightly amused at her surprise. He speaks again with a confident tone, as though it is completely normal to debone fish in a matter of seconds
"Indeed, I did. I learned how to do this when I was still younger. I would help my hometown fishermen all the time when I was a child." Shel is starting to realize that Law might be more humble than she initially thought. She is also starting to see a new side to Law as she wonders if he could do anything else that is remarkable.She smile "speaking as someone that don't even know how to take the head of the fish... it's impressive..."
He laughs and nods his head in acknowledgement. He seems to be enjoying his interaction with her. He speaks to her in a friendly tone, as he slices another carrot and chops up a few potatoes for the pot. This gives him the chance to engage y/n in conversation once more.
"Y/n, is this your first time cooking, as a pirate? Your skill seems to be lacking." He smiles to indicate that he is joking around with her. "Dont tease me when I have a knife on my hand" she say playfully holding up the knife. He raises his hands in surrender. He speaks to her again as he slices more carrots. He looks over at her and then he continues to speak, in a mock serious tone.
"I am sorry, I'm sorry. I am only teasing you because you are not very good at cooking. I know that you can kick my ass easily if you wanted to." He laughs and makes sure to let y/n know that he is teasing her in a friendly way. He then resumes slicing more carrots. He does appreciate that y/n might use this as an opportunity to develop her cooking skills more.
"I will give you bread if you keep doing it" she say playfully back. He chuckles a little at her playful threat. He still does not want to test the patience of this powerful pirate. He decides to try and change the conversation up a bit, which allows him to relax more.
"Why don't you let me do the cooking tonight? I will show you how to prepare everything that is included in this dish." He seems to be quite calm now and he seems more relaxed as he speaks. His offer to teach her is an attempt to let her learn a new skill and to help strengthen her abilities as a pirate."Besides being a captain you are also a chef?" She say playfully "teach me then" He nods his head in response to y/n's question. He smiles at her as he gives her some instructions, before taking her over to the pot and explaining what to add.
"Alright, we'll need some potatoes and carrots. I'm going to add some salt and pepper to the water so that the flavor is enhanced." He then shows her how to add the carrots and potatoes to the pot, before he starts talking to her once again as they work together.*
"I'm glad that this is turning out to be fun for you. I didn't realize that you were so interested"
"I can bake well but salt food was always a challenge..." she admitted as she watch Law cut the potatoes. He smiles as he listens to y/n's confession. He is glad to see that she is trying to branch out in her cooking. He tries to reassure her and he speaks to her again. He wants to teach her how to prepare the potatoes, which he is currently working on now.
"salt is your friend in cooking; you just have to know how to use it without ruining the dish. What you want to do is add salt and pepper to the water you bring to a boil. It will help the potatoes be a bit tastier." He smiles once again and continues cutting the potatoes up.She follow as he say, seasoning the boiling water. He looks over at her and he sees her add the salt and pepper to the boiling potato water. He nods his head in approval at her efforts.
"you are learning quickly, my dear." He continues to show her how to cut up the vegetables, while also speaking to her as he works.
"Another important component of preparing potatoes is to ensure that they are not burned by the boiling water. You don't want to end up with a very overcooked dish. These potatoes should be slightly undercooked so they are still tender when eaten."
"You can... burn a potato in water?" She say cutely tilting her head in confusion He chuckles as he sees her confused expression. He wants to clarify the situation for her and he speaks to her once again. "Oh, you definitely can." He takes a minute to consider how he should explain this to her, as he has to do it in simple terms that she'll understand.
"If you keep cooking the potatoes for too long in the boiling water, they will turn a strange black and burnt looking color. This makes them tough and unpalatable." Law finishes cutting the potatoes and he begins working on the carrots.She have her mouth in a 'o' shape as like her world just expended. He cannot help but laugh when he looks at her. He cannot recall a time where he seen her this shocked. He speaks once again and he continues cooking up dinner.
"my precious comrade in arms, there are much worse things you can do while cooking than burning potatoes. I've seen men who are absolutely terrible at cooking cause so much chaos in the kitchen that it seemed as though they were attempting to burn down the kitchen. " he chuckles as he continues to work on dinner. She chuckes with him. He looked at her laughing a bit to much, he likes espend this time with her, like friends and not as crewmate and captain. He smiles as he looks over at y/n. He is really enjoying spending this time alone with her, which is a new experience for him. He is finding that talking to her without the usual formalities is very liberating and refreshing.
" I must admit. I do not dislike this current arrangement. I really do enjoy spending time with you, without the constant formalities." He adds another ingredient to the pot and he sets the carrots and potatoes aside for later. He has decided that he will prepare the main course for dinner. "Its good not talk back to you as we always do" she jokes about how they always end bickering about the mission. Law chuckles once more as he hears her make this comment. He is aware that they do enjoy engaging in friendly banter most of their time. He speaks to her again as he begins preparing for the next step in the meal. He seems a little relaxed and laid back as he speaks to her.
"If you didn't know already. Most of the bickering we engage in is done out of fun and not out of malice. You are one of my favorite crewmates, after all."
If this was meant to assure her, it has apparently done the trick. She cannot help but look delighted upon "Its good not talk back to you" She have a slightly blush on
Law looks over at her and he sees her smiling once again. He realizes that her cheeks are pinkening slightly and it seems as though she is blushing. He tries to hide a giggle, but he still laughs softly.
"Yes, yes... It is good that you aren't bickering at me right now." Law prepares to cook the protein for tonight's meal as he speaks to her again.
" But seriously, we might bicker, but we work in perfect harmony. We may argue about things, but we get the job done and that is all that matters." She nods, he could see she os flustered, she definitely have feelings for him... but he decided not talk about it for now, instead he preferred explaining how to so the fish. Law is getting a little flustered as he notices y/n's flushed, blushing, face. He does not know exactly what is causing it and he thinks it best to not msntion it... yet...
Okay he couldn't control himself
"are you alright? You seem a little flushed, my dear. You're not feeling unwell, are you?" Law is worried that she is not feeling well and as a result of that, she is blushing out of concern for her physical condition.
She start making the rice, she is kind clumsy but she can do it, but she is cutting the onin a little to big He steps forward and he takes over the task of cutting the onions. He smiles at her and he speaks to her again as he slices the ingredients for the rice, he chuckles to himself "You need to cut the onions and carrots smaller. If you make them this large, the texture of the dish will be quite uneven. You must cut the carrots and onions into fine, even pieces. I'll help you with it." Law seems to be quite enjoying the fact that he is preparing dinner alongside her. He likes learning that she is enjoying his company as well.She plays a little with him as she makes a move to cut the onions bigger "like this?" She have a playful smiles as she looks up to meet his gaze. He watches as she playfully tries to cut the onions as large as possible to annoy him. Despite her intentions, he finds this quite amusing. He chuckles softly as he takes over the task of cutting the vegetables again.
"Don't tease me now, dear. This isn't a competition to see who can cut the vegetables the largest. The dinner I am preparing is a dish that should have the vegetables cut very finely, for a pleasant texture.She chuckles"
"why i can easily cut someone neck easily but an onion is so hard?" She say a little annoyed. He laughs out loud once he hears her comment. Once he calms down a bit and collects himself, he speaks again to y/n as he helps her with preparing the vegetables for her dish. He is still not used to seeing her behave like this.
"I am well aware of your capabilities with a blade." He smiles and nods his head, before speaking to her again. "But this is not the same as when you are in the heat of battle. This dish will be ruined if you cut the vegetables in such massive portions."
" I almost taking my sword out to cut this" she say annoyed" Law chuckles once more as he cuts up the carrots, onions, and peppers very finely. He then sets the prepared ingredients aside and then he turns to y/n, who he sees is still struggling to cut up the onions in such a fine manner. He speaks to her in a playful tone again. It is his attempt to tease her, but it is very light-hearted in nature. " I am a bit concerned for this poor onion. You are treating it as if you intend to eat it without cooking it first. This onion is destined to become some delicious rice, not a play thing for you."
"I will trow it on the sea..." she say annoyed looking at the onion like it was her biggest enemy. Law laughs softly as he prepares the final step in the preparation of dinner: the rice. He speaks to her once again and he is still enjoying the fact that he is interacting with her without the usual formalities.
"the poor onion has no one to defend it as it is being cut up!" He cannot contain a tiny giggle as he speaks to her. His chuckle indicates that he is just being playfully teasing, as he is certainly not offended by anything that she is doing. He also seems to be amused by how much she hates cutting the onion.She left the knife on the bord as she cross her arms and slightly pout, its a cute scene in Laws eyes "i can't do it... ask me to kill a seaking but not to cut an onion"
He shakes his head at her display of annoyance. He speaks once again in a playful tone. He seems to be enjoying y/n's cute and endearing demeanor and he believes that she is too hard on herself. He knows that she might be struggling to chop up the onions properly, but he does not blame her for her mistakes.
"my dear, you are too hard on yourself. Just because you cannot properly cut this onion, it does not mean that you have failed. You can still learn to do it, especially with my help." She have an angry pout on he face a she clares at Law "the onion offended me"
Law cannot contain himself as he bursts out laughing. Hearing y/n claim such a silly reason for her inability to chop the onion makes him laugh even harder. While this is very amusing, Law still sees that she is upset for the fact that she is having difficulty chopping up the onion. He calms down so he can speak in a kinder, more gentle tone to her. He speaks to her as he carefully cuts some green onions for the garnish.
"the onion did not really offend you now, did it?" Law cannot contain himself as he bursts out laughing. Hearing y/n claim such a silly reason for her inability to chop the onion makes him laugh even harder. While this is very amusing.
"the onion did not really offend you now, did it?"
"It did!" She defended herself as it was obvious "why is so hard to cut it?"
Law seems to be quite amused that heis so deadset on the idea that this onion is her enemy. He speaks to her in the most convincing way possible as he shows her how to cut an onion. He also places his hands on top of hers and he demonstrates how to properly slice up an onion. " It's not hard to cut an onion. You just have to be careful and you must slice the onion thinly and evenly. There's a bit of a trick to it." Law demonstrates to her how she can easily cut the onion as if it were second nature to him. She plays close attention on his moves as his hands in on top of hers showing how to do it. He seems to be very perceptive of her feelings as he realizes that she is paying close attention to his motions and his demonstration. His hands are much larger than her own and the weight difference is quite staggering when they are side by side doing this. She seems to really be enjoying this. She is focused on Law and he is focused on her. He begins to grow a tiny bit flushed as he feels more and more heat coming from her.
Law couldn't help but feel how she is so soft against him... he likes holding her... more then he should
He begins to understand the feelings that he is experiencing as he feels how soft and delicate y/n's skin is against his. His gaze is locked on her and his heart beats faster and faster. He is very close to her and his hand is on top of hers. There is barely any space between them and their faces are practically inches away from one another.
Law's face grows hotter as he feels himself becoming flushed. He feels a very strange desire to hold her in his arms. He knows he should not act upon this impulse. He thinks to himself that this will be a mistake.
She sighs "why is so easy when you do it?" She say annoyed, resting her head against his chest as he is directly on her back
he smiles as he hears the slight sound that she makes when she sighs. The way her head is leaning against him makes him feel a strong surge of warmth in his chest. He knows he cannot act on these feelings but he finds it incredibly difficult to restrain himself in this moment.
he chuckles softly, his voice is a bit hoarse "y/n, you are trying to get me in trouble. Your head resting against me like this... you must be doing this on purpose." He laughs once again, yet again trying to restrain himself from expressing his deeper feelings.
She quickly lift her head to stop touching his chest, she have a light pink tone on her cheeks "sorry if i made you uncomfortable"
Law sees y/n's face become flushed with color once more, he can see that she is trying to hide her affection toward him. However, after their earlier conversation where she was so open and honest about how she felt, Law is not quite as convinced. He thinks about pulling her back towards him again, but he refrains from doing so. While he does think it would be fun, he realizes that it might be too improper for him to do. He speaks to her calmly once again."no need for apologies. I am not uncomfortable. In truth"
She nods slowly as they start to work once again, she could cut the onion this time not as perfect as Law but good enough to eat
He cut the onion into a more acceptable and even texture. This time, the onions aren't as large as the ones she cut previously, which makes the cuts look more like cubes and not odd chunks. He speaks to her once again as he continues with the dinner.
" I must admit, you have improved quite a bit. Your onions are becoming increasingly better. This is quite promising for you."
He is relieved to see that y/n's chopping skills are finally improving. She has clearly been paying attention to his teachings and his instructions have finally clicked with her. She is able to chop even the onion into small, evenly-sized cubes. Law does not know that he is blushing even more in the process, as he watches her chop the onions flawlessly. He speaks to her calmly once again.
"dear, you have improved immensely. Those onions are perfect." His words make her blush in a way that makes her look even cuter than before.He cannot help but smile proudly to himself.
"Thanks captain" she sutter a little, wich is not comum for such a deadly killer like her. Penguins and Laws little plan to get him pass more time with her to descover his real feelings for her only proved that he liked her back , but as her captain he feel that its not right to be in a relationship no
He sees the way that Angel blushes and her reaction makes him blush too. It is quite a cute sight. He then hears the way that she addresses him. Law's heart skips a beat, he suddenly realizes that she is addressing him in a more intimate way. He can tell that Penguin's scheme to bring him and y/n closer together was a success.
Law speaks slowly "You don't need to call me "captain" when it's just us." Hesounds a little distracted as his mind wanders. He seems to be thinking quite deeply about her words.
She tilt her head to the side "okay, Law" she say his name a she is experimenting the new intimacy he just gave her. Hecannot help but notice how she calls him by his first name. No one else has ever said it with such sweet voice, and it fills him with a strange feeling of tenderness. While he realizes that the moment with her is a more intimate one, he is also confused and nervous about what he feels toward her. He realizes that he is trying to maintain his composure even though he wants nothing more than to give in to his true desires.
he chuckles, trying to keep his cool. Law's face blushes again. Y/n is just so sweet and beautiful. He is struggling to maintain his composure. He also notices that she is looking at him with such kind eyes and her lovely smile makes his heart beat faster. He notices that he is beginning to sweat, even though he is not doing much physical work. His face grows even hotter and his hands begin to shake. His body is reacting in a most un-captain like fashion, but he is not sure of what to do or say.
Law shakes his head to clear his mind of the thoughts he was thinking about Y/n. He then looks to see what she smells and he smiles once he realizes that they have dinner ready. He speaks with her as he grabs their plates and he begins to load up their meals. He speaks to her in a calm and collected manner once more, trying to make himself sound normal.
"The fish is ready. Lets taste it before calling the others" He places the plate in front of her and he speaks with a soft smile, as he sees that her eyes are filled with excitement
If you like please ♡
Thanks for reading
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thebibutterflyao3 · 3 months
“She’s Mine.”
@pandalilymicrofics - 537 words
*University History Professor AU*
If all else fails, check the University library.
“There she is. I should have known,” Pandora muttered. She slipped between the stacks and made a beeline for the table near the back.
Lily had her long, auburn hair wrapped up into a messy bun with a pencil stabbed through it. A was a classic sign that she was buried deep in her research. If left to her own devices, her wife would squirrel away in those dusty tombs for days, eating nothing but an expired granola bar from her purse.
“Excuse me, Miss Evans?”
Pandora slowed her steps as she watched the tall man approach Lily’s table. He was almost handsome, if she squinted a bit. His oversized jumper wasn’t doing him any favours.
As usual, Lily released an annoyed huff as she glanced up. “That’s Dr. Evans, Professor Lupin. What do you need?”
Oh, she was deep, deep in the rabbit hole this time.
Lily was never snippy with her co-workers unless she had specifically requested no interruptions. Which explained why she’d turned her phone off too. Pandora’s plan to surprise her for lunch was thwarted by a deep dive into…17th century Grimoires and Spell Books.
“Sounds about right,” Pandora said under her breath. She crossed her arms over her waist and leaned against a bookshelf.
That’s what happens when you marry a hot history nerd.
The man apologised profusely for the title slip-up, clearly caught off-guard by Lily’s sharp tone. He asked her a series of questions about something “archaic” and “ancestral” before awkwardly fumbling with a book in his bag. Pandora may even have felt bad for him if he wasn’t in her way.
“I’d really like to hear your thoughts on the historical context of this novel,” he said. “Could we discuss this over lunch, perhaps?”
Not so fast.
“She has plans for lunch, actually,” Pandora said, with more attitude than was probably warranted. She wanted her message to be abundantly clear. Back off. She’s mine!
Lily’s head snapped up at the sound of her voice as a bright smile lit up her oh-so-lovely freckled face. “I do?”
“With who?” Lupin asked, glancing between them in bewilderment.
“With her absurdly possessive wife,” Pandora answered casually. “I’d clear out before she sees you hitting on Dr. Evans.”
Lupin backed up a step, shaking his head. “Oh no, I wasn’t—”
“Relax, Professor. She’s joking,” Lily said, rolling her eyes fondly.
Pandora hummed a vague disagreement as she walked around the table. She leaned in to kiss her wife’s cheek, then draped her arms around Lily’s neck and glared menacingly at the man. He made a hasty exit shortly thereafter.
“As happy as I am to see you,” Lily said, leaning into her embrace, “you shouldn’t terrorise the other professors, my love. Besides, he’s married to a man.”
“Good for him. Where am I taking you for lunch, mon cœur?” Pandora asked, nuzzling her temple. “Anywhere you want, it’s my treat.”
Lily’s grin widened. “Your treat? In that case, Paris!”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time. I will charter a plane and—”
“Pandora, no! Fish and chips is fine.” Lily quickly packed up her things and shooed Pandora toward the exit. “Charter a plane…you’re ridiculous.”
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ailendolin · 24 days
Live Reaction to TRoP 2x01
Spoilers for 2x01 under the cut
the way I shouted, "Go Adar!" at my screen when he flipped the crown over
Sauron in his Caesar era
Sauron exploding and turning everything into ice was so cool
I love Adar so much. There has always been something so inherently tragic to the Orcs because of the corrupted / tortured elves angle and I love that we get to see that in the show
lol Sauron noping out of Forodwaith as black blood / goo
oh no, cute rat. I just know something bad is going to happen to it
yep, there it goes. Fuck you, Sauron. That rat did nothing to you
and neither did the centipede
Sauron eating himself one animal at a time out of that cavern
that black gooey body of his is giving me Studio Ghibli vibes
him sliding down that slope is so funny. He's like a polar bear coming out of hibernation. One very ugly polar bear
that poor woman. But at least the horse got away
hello Halbrand! Long time no see. He must be so happy to finally be able to walk again after crawling around Middle-Earth for Eru knows how long
the fish monster is back, yay
aw and Sauron's having nightmares. Poor baby
"choosing to be good" didn't last that long, did it?
ELROND! There he is! My sweet summer child, beating Galadriel in the race to Lindon. I'm so proud
Galadriel, sweetie, I like you but for Eru's sake, tell someone that Halbrand is Sauron. Please.
Ah, she does. Thank you. But fair form? Really? Have you seen Halbrand? He's a sopping bit of rag (to quote Mary from Ghosts)
"Gaaaaah!" - Gil-galad, I love you. That reaction was so relatable
"No, Galadriel, you were blind." Lol
Not Galadriel talking to Elrond about failure. My boy did everything he could while she was hanging out with Sauron
I can actually see both Elrond and Gil-galad's points in the ring discussion but as a cautious person myself I'm taking Elrond's side here
love the moment when Gil-galad steps forward and places himself in front of Galadriel - a visual reminder that it's now him and Galadriel vs Elrond
I knew Elrond was going to jump but damn, that scene is still painful to watch. He's just trying to do what's right and is now completely alone in the world
ah, Sauron's back to fuck things up for Adar. Of course he is
Nori and the Stranger <3
haha love Nori being the little devil on the Stranger's shoulder and having him wrapped around her little finger
love Nori's glee when her plan works. Nothing makes a hobbit / harfoot happier than food
aw Nori, we miss Poppy too
oh the chihuahua warg is back as well. Maybe it can be Sauron's new friend now that Galadriel has spurned him
I was joking but yay, Sauron has a pet now. His break up is going well
And Elrond is so not okay but I am very distracted by that flash of collarbone and I am not even sorry
I'm glad Gil-galad is remembering to warn Celebrimbor
aw that little smile on Elrond's face when Cirdan calls Celebrimbor remarkable
and oh, that vulnerable look at, "You do your father proud." I can't
and I can't believe Elrond's the only one considering all possibilities here - that the rings might not be corrupted, yes, but perhaps Galadriel is (also Halbrand touched at least the Mithril - who's to say he didn't do anything to it when he did?)
POPPY! Poppy is back! Aaaah I'm so happy!
oh my heart, the music of the walking song in the background
noooo not Sauron saying he's the friend of the elves and implying Sauron's with them. This is going to lead Adar to attacking Eregion, is it not?
oooooh clever, Sauron. Very clever. "I vow to serve the lord of Mordor."
lol that shit-eating grin on his face when his pet warg wreaks havoc
oh Gil-galad's song. My heart. I can't. This is so beautiful
oh fuck I'm having a Figwit moment. Who is that pretty elf whose shirt is conveniently open below the collar? Because I am looking respectfully and am not okay
Cirdan to the rescue and ouch, Elrond's look of betrayal. The step he takes back in fear
The TRoP Elven rings are still ugly but if I had to choose one, I'd still take Vilya. Always have, always will
I'm so sad Celebrimbor isn't there to see the tree healing
and that Elrond cannot even enjoy the moment because he knows the danger is still there and cannot ignore that
"Do we grant him entry?" Do you? Will you? Has Gil-galad's warning arrived or has it not? I'm off to episode 2 now.
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echo-stimmingrose · 1 year
Big Three Cousins Movie Night
(and nicknames)
Nico: *arriving* Hey, Pine Cone.
Thalia: Sup ghostie boy.
Nico: Where's Percy?
Thalia: Not here yet. Did you bring snacks?
Nico: Of course.
Thalia: Please tell me you brought more than just fruit snacks.
Nico: Oh please like I'd share my fruit snacks with you. I brought popcorn, M&Ms for you and blue gummy worms for Ocean Boy.
Thalia: Good then, I brought the sleeping bags and pillows.
Nico: The good ones?
Thalia: Of course! The hunters of Artemis only carry the best of sleeping equipment!
Nico: *mumbles* Only good thing about them.
Thalia: What was that, Death Boy?
Nico: Nothing.
Thalia: That's what I thought.
Nico: *growing impatient* Where is, Corn chip?
Thalia: I'm sorry.... Are you referring to Percy?
Nico: Yes. All he's been eating are fucking corn chips!
Thalia: Are they blue corn chips?
Nico: What kind of question is that?
Thalia: Yeah that was dumb. Of course they're blue!
Nico: Duh!
Thalia: But uh... Why are you so mad about his blue corn chips.
Nico: Because he's a fucking hypocrite! He told on me to Will when I was only eating fruit snacks but now he won't eat anything except the corn chips!
Thalia: *trying not to laugh* Okay then....
Nico: *rambling* and corn chips aren't even that good! Potato chips are so much better! At least they have flavor! He doesn't even dip them in anything he just eats them plain!
Thalia: Yes that is absolutely despicable of him. I mean, the nerve of some people!
Nico: Shut up, Birds Nest.
Thalia: Hey I was the whole tree, not just a birds nest.
Nico: I was referring to your hair.
Thalia: Wow, you're almost as much of a bitch as Sea Horse is.
Nico: Please, no one can compete with him on the bitchiest. Speaking of, where is Surfer Dude. He wants us to spend time together and then he's late!
Percy: *walks in*
Thalia: There's The Walking Wet Floor Sign!
Nico: *snorts* That's a new one.
Thalia: I know, it's great isn't it?
Nico: I still like "fish face"
Percy: Really guys? I just got here and you're already insulting me.
Nico: No that's wrong, we were insulting you before you got here.
Thalia: Are all fish this late to their own movie night?
Percy: At least I'm not a flightless bird.
Nico: A flightless bird and the nest all in one!
Thalia: Okay we better get the movie started before I commit two first degree murders!
Nico: Actually it would be second degree. For first degree you'd have to have premeditated, meaning you planned it. Second degree would apply here since you're doing it out of anger and in the heat of the moment.
Thalia and Percy: *no words*
Nico: *casual as can be* Also if you kill me my glow stick boyfriend will kill you so make your next move wisely.
Percy: Do I wanna ask....?
Thalia: Probably not.
Nico: I've met a lot of serial killers.
Percy: You were right, I shouldn't have asked.
Thalia: Uh huh... Moving right along! What movies did you bring, Whale Man?
Percy: Well Sparky, I brought a few I thought we could agree on.
Nico: Okay but no zombie movies!!!
Thalia: Why the fuck not? Those are the best?
Percy: Are you scared of zombie movies?
Nico: No, they're just so unrealistic it pisses me off. And no slashers either!
Thalia: Oh I am with you on that one! It's always some girl who always runs towards the killer!
Nico: Right! And it's always so predictable who the killer is.
Percy: Okay..... I've got some comedies.
Nico: No, I never understand like half of the jokes.
Thalia: You think that's cause of the Autism or the 70 years in the casino thing?
Nico: Not sure.
Thalia: You got any Romance?
Percy:.... You hate romance movies.....
Thalia: Yes but I do enjoy making fun of them.
Nico: I agree, that's a comedy I can enjoy.
Percy: No we are not watching a movie just to make fun of it.
Thalia: Why not? That's why we watched The Bee Movie.
Nico: He doesn't want to cause he enjoys cheesy romance movies.
Percy: How about a Sci-Fi movie?
Nico: Sure.
Thalia: No.
Percy: Okay... Apocalyptic?
Nico: No.
Percy: We could watch an ocean documentary.
Thalia: Only you would enjoy that.
Percy: Hey, I can understand what all of the sea creatures say, it's like an underwater soap opera.
Nico: But only you can understand.
Percy: Fine.. what about-?
Thalia: It's useless, were never going to agree.
Nico: Wanna watch the usual?
Thalia and Percy: *nods*
Percy: *puts on Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs*
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totesnothere04 · 1 year
According to Plan Pt.2
Recom!Quaritch x F!Metkayina!Reader
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the fanart, screenshots, or gifs uses with my stories.
Warnings: Light bullying, no trust, some violence.
Part 1 Part 3
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You woke up early the next day and prepared extra food for the newcomers. Spider woke up when he heard you cooking and decided to come investigate.
"Good morning, (Y/n). What is for breakfast?" He asked and you motioned to the fish you have cooking.
"Fruit and fish. I am making more to feed the sky demons." You tell Spider and he grabs his cutting board and his knife. He starts helping you cut up the fruit and separate it into leaf pouches. When the food is done the two of you pack all of the food into baskets and head to the sky demon's marui's. Spider knocks on the entryway of their abodes and all of them slowly start waking up. There was one missing. You spin to look for him when he appears by your side.
"Sorry. I'm an early riser. Figured I'd stretch my legs with a walk on the beach." Quaritch said and you rolled your eyes.
"We brought you all breakfast." Spider piped up when he realized your hesitancy to speak to them.
"You're so thoughtful Spider." Quaritch spoke and Spider shook his head.
"It was her idea. She cooked the fish, and we both cut up the fruit." Spider told his dad who looked at you with an untrusting gaze.
"No good in training if you are weak." You spoke and a few of them laughed. "Today I teach you to breathe, and how to swim."
"We already know how to breathe sweetheart." Quaritch said as everyone settled down to eat.
"Not proper. From here." You patted your stomach. Spider nudged in to sit next to you and you smiled at him.
"Maybe let them eat before you start trying to teach them." Spider suggests.
"I was giving them an example not teaching them." You tell him and he chuckles. You hear footsteps approaching the marui and you turn to the door to see who it is. You find Tonowari standing there and you bring your hand to your head. "Oel ngati kameie, Olo'eyktan."
"Oel ngati kameie, (Y/n)." He greets you back and looks around at the eating men. "Did you make them first meal?"
"Yes. I suspect they are useless with hunting right now, but once I'm done with them they will be fine hunters." You tell him and he nods once.
"Very good." He says and starts examining the men. "Very muscular. They should be able to throw a spear well. Especially these two." He points out Quaritch and the bald one.
"Maybe. I will try my best to teach them when it comes time for it." You say and he clicks his tongue.
"I will teach them to throw a spear." He says and you look up at him confused. "I said I would help where I can. I will teach them to throw a spear." You bow your head.
"Yes, Olo'eyktan." You say to him and he nods.
"Very good. If you and Tirea'eylan need any help call for me, and I will help." Tonowari says and he ducks out of the marui.
"Why do you do what that guy tells you to do?" The bald one asks and you glare at him.
"He is the Olo'eyktan. The leader. You must do what he tells you, or you could be punished." Spider tells them.
"Tonowari is a good leader and a good man." You say.
"What is he your boyfriend or something?" Quaritch asks and you look at him confused.
"What is a boyfriend?" You ask them.
"Uh, a boyfriend is the human version of a male courting you." Spider says through laughter and you recoil in disgust.
"That is my brother." You say in a disgusted tone. Quaritch's ears pin back and he seems mortified by what he just suggested. He's from the south so he had been on the receiving end of that joke too many times to count.
"I'm sorry I didn't know." He apologizes, but that just leads Spider and the rest of the men to continue laughing. You turned and looked out of the entrance and the sun was starting to raise into the sky.
"Finish. We start soon." You tell them and leave the marui. There was something about them that you couldn't trust, but you couldn't quite place it. You waited at the end of the docks for Spider and the avatars. You heard footfalls approach you from behind so you turned to greet whoever it was. You find Jake smiling awkwardly. He brings his hand to his forehead.
"Oel ngati kameie, (Y/n)." Jake greets and you bring your hand to your forehead as well.
"Oel ngati kameie, Jake." You return his greeting.
"How's the training going?" He asks as he looks around for the avatars.
"We have not started yet. Besides today we are only teaching them to breathe, and how to speak Na'vi, and we will get to sign language soon." You tell him and he nods.
"Please let me know if they step out of line. I don't trust these guys." He tells you and you nod.
"I understand. I do not trust them either, but I have already been asked by Tonowari to involve him should the need arise. You and your family are to be as low contact with them as possible." You tell him and he sighs. There's no room for argument from him because here he holds no power. He can't use Toruk Makto anymore because he gave up that title years ago, and he holds no position of rank. You, however, used to be tsakarem before Tonowari mated with Ronal.
"Atleast let me help with teaching them to throw a spear." Jake says and you shake your head.
"That duty has been taken off of my hands by my brother. He has insisted on teaching them atleast one thing." You tell Jake and he sighs defeatedly.
"Alright. I understand none of you want me to risk anything here." He says.
"It is the reason you came to us. You and your family are to be living a peaceful life. Not involving yourself with training the demons." You tell him and he nods. "Go. Go help train the new hunters or go hunting. Something away from here." You shoo him off and he reluctantly leaves. You sat down by the water's edge waiting for your students to arrive. A throat clears behind you and you gesture to the sand next to you.
"So what about Sully?" Quaritch asks.
"A trusted advisor to my brother, and a good friend. Had Jake not been mated before he came here, my brother would have had me become his mate." You state like it's obvious.
"But why? Does your tribe truly know him that well?" Quaritch asks.
"When you are in charge of the clan, knowing your mate does not matter. And with Jake's reputation, he would have been what my brother would've wanted for me." You tell him and look him in the eyes. "By the grace of Eywa, he was already mated. We would have argued constantly."
"Then why haven't you gotten... mated?" Quaritch asks and you stare at the water.
"I have too many duties to worry over finding a mate. I teach the younger children to breathe, to hunt, and to ride ilu. I also help Tsahík train the tsakarem." You tell him and give him a questioning gaze. "Why do you want to know?"
"You seem like a nice woman. It's hard to believe that you would be without a mate." He says after he clears his throat.
"I never found a mate that could provide the way the clan would need him to. My brother is the only one that was strong enough to become Olo'eyktan. I told him to find a mate so he could take his place... He tried to argue that I had worked harder to become Tsahík than he did to become Olo'eyktan. So I found Ronal, befriended her, and introduced her to Tonowari. Once he started courting her I taught her to be Tsahík." You told him and he chuckled.
"You remind me of my ma. She used to try to play matchmaker for me with the girls from church. None of 'em ever felt right though." He said with humor in his voice. The other's footsteps caught your attention and you stood up to lead them. You took a seat near the shallows and gestured for the rest to sit with you.
"To breathe your heart must beat slow and air must go deep within." You instruct them. "Tirea assist the bald one, he seems to struggle." She moved to the bald one and starts to instruct him and you look over the group. "The one with the eye coverings." You spoke and the one with the black squares on his face looks at you.
"Ma'am?" He asks.
"Your posture is bad. Straighten the spine so the air can flow easier." You told him and he sat up straighter. "You're the Mansk correct?"
"Yes, ma'am. It's just Mansk." He says and you nod.
"What is your name bald one?" You ask the bald one and he looks at you.
"I'm Lyle, ma'am." He tells you and you nodded. "This is Ja and Z-Dog." He tells you and you examine 'Z-Dogs' tattoos.
"We won't have space for your passing of the iknimaya tattoo." You tell her and she looks at you surprised.
"The what?" She asks you.
"In the Metkayina when you pass your iknimaya and become an adult, the Tsahík will grant you a tattoo. Tattoos are a part of our culture and very important to show who you are. Tirea'eylan has multiple tattoos showing her strength and brave soul." You tell them and your friend shows her tattoos to the group.
"And what do yours mean? I mean you're crazy strong to get a tattoo on your forehead." Z-Dog says.
"This is the tattoo of the tsakarem and once you become the Tsahík it is expanded to show your place. I received this one and one other when I passed my iknimaya." You showed them the tattoo that's directly over your heart that runs across your ribs under your breasts.
"What does that one mean?" Mansk asks curiously.
"It means that I am strong in Seeing people and that I have a strong heart." You tell them and Lyle stiffens.
"What do you mean see people?" Mansk asks.
"I can see them for their true character." You tell them and make sure to pointedly look each of them in the eye.
"You tryna say somethin' sweetheart?" Miles asks.
"I do not trust any of you. Your story seems unlikely and the Mansk was okay with shooting a child." You say and Mansk visibly shrinks back with his ears pressed back.
"That's unfair to him! You don't get to jud-" Miles says and he starts to stand to show authority, but your eyes narrow. You stand slowly as his words die out.
"(Y/n)." Spider tries to get your attention but you aren't backing down.
"This is my home. My people. You came to us 'seeking sanctuary', but I do not see change in you demon." You growl out. "If you do not stand down now I will have no choice but to put you in your place." Unbeknownst to you Tirea'eylan had run to go get Tonowari.
"You wouldn't beable to take me down honey." Miles says.
"Boss I think this is a bad idea." Lyle says but Miles continues to stare you down. You finally strike having enough with the disrespect and punch his stomach. The wind is knocked from his lungs and he hunches over enough to allow you to get him on the ground on his stomach. You hold him in place by grabbing his tswin and hold it at knife point.
"You will learn your place or you will die. I do not care who you used to be and who you still are. You must earn our respect or you will be outcast." You tell him in the most threatening voice you've ever produced.
"(Y/n) stand aside." You hear your brother say and you back away from the demon and take your place behind him. "What happened?" He asks Tirea'eylan.
"He challenged her authority when she expressed she does not trust them." She tells him and he sighs angrily.
"You will return to helping Ronal today to calm down. I will continue their lessons." Tonowari says and you bow your head.
"Yes, Olo'eyktan. I apologize for my behavior." You tell him and turn quickly to join the Tsahík with training Tsireya. When last meal came around you still held your head down in shame with your ears tucked back. A former tsakarem should not have responded in such a manner, but your distrust of them mixed with their disrespect sparked anger. They asked for uturu but acted as though they owned the land you walked on. This was the problem that humans suffered from. The thought that they owned everything and everyone. Tsireya catches onto your sour mood very quickly and places a gentle hand on yours.
"They are going through a transformation in their lives. It will take time for them to learn our ways." She says gently and you shake your head.
"The way to learn is not to argue with authority figures. They need to accept that they are no longer in charge." You tell her and she sighs.
"You taught me patience when I was younger. Is it a lesson you must relearn?" She asks you and you chuckle.
"Patience gains the result of hard work put into personal development, but there is no patience when there is no will to learn." You tell her and Ronal nods once.
"She speaks the truth. Patience with Toruk Makto's family was achievable through the fact that they wanted to learn. These vrrtep don't want to learn our ways. In time we will see what they are truly here for, but until then we must stay guarded." Ronal tells her daughter who doesn't seem too happy that neither you nor her mother were willing to show trust.
"They must be shown the trust we give others if we want them to want to learn. If patience in unachievable right now, then we make it readily available." She argues and you stop to think about her approach to this.
"Once you are older and you take a role of leadership you will understand our hesitancy to accept them." Ronal tells her daughter, but you cut in.
"But what if that's the perfect way to find out why they are here?" You ask her and she seems confused. "Show them our trust and see if we can build enough trust to see their truth." You suggest and Ronal shakes her head.
"Trusting them would be a fatal mistake." She says angrily.
"I said show them our trust so they will know that if we can change then they can too. Not take advantage of their real trust with our fake trust." Tsireya says while she crosses her arms across her chest.
"If they earn my actual trust along the way then it will happen by the will of Eywa. But for now I offer what Jake calls an "olive branch"... What is an olive anyways?" You wonder about the last part quietly but push it away since it doesn't matter. It's probably a weird human thing. This plan, however, is a good idea and the correct way to go. You excuse yourself and turn to leave with a new plan brewing in your mind.
Taglist: @hatislust, @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed, @kenzi-woycehoski
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kerubimcrepin · 8 months
Episode 20 - My Friend Bashi (Part 1)
We had reached the milestone of 20 episodes, and I want to sincerely thank the readers for sticking with me so far. :)
I also have a small announcement: after finishing liveblogging this episode, I will take a very small break from the show to do some reading of articles and comics instead.
It's starting to feel awkward - constantly referencing some canon materials without reviewing them on this blog proper, y'know? I originally planned to do this all at once, before the movie, but I think it'll be more fun to do it in multiple reading breaks, during the show.
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So many kids in this city, and Joris is friends with none of them. Except for Tatak.
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All analysis and plot leaves my body as I think about how much Kerubim cares about Joris.
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He's really not perfect, but no matter how much I joke about his failures, he really does care and try his best.
He's too nice for me to actually make fun of in any serious manner.
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It's very nice to see the more down-low, bittersweet moments of parenting and childhood portrayed. It's also nice that it's just between the two of them, without Simone.
I love her, but it's very cute to see just Joris and Kerubim, and how they act when they're alone together.
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I think that it's interesting, that even at 7yo, Joris is already at the... "this one social interaction was a disaster, and it's over, just irredeemably over"-level overthinking about relationships.
Perhaps it's knowing that for Kerubim it, often times, was like that. Kerubim did inspire very many people to either hate him with passion, or leave him.
Perhaps it's the fact that, besides Kerubim, Kerubim's friends, and Simone, he doesn't have a family; and besides Tatak, he doesn't seem to have any friends: and that makes him struggle with the idea of losing relationships.
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Keke I will be real, I think Tatak is his only friend in general.
...Man. I am making myself sad by writing these things.
I don't think Joris ever had good social skills in his life. Just issues after issues.
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As I've said in the previous posts, both Keke and Joris have an issue with needing to be liked always all the time, and the way it makes them do things to seem Cool and Awesome. Even if Joris has this issue in a very introverted way.
It might just be normal kids stuff, but it does add a certain flair to the things we see him do as an adult, if one accepts the idea he's always been like this.
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Kerubim's way of connecting to others is to draw from his own experiences, and compare them. It's a more... mature way of cheering up people, than just saying "it gets easier!" like he used to.
For all his faults, Kerubim has grown emotionally from his youth. But it can be a thin line between making everything about yourself, and trying to say that it gets better from experience.
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Even so, Joris cares a lot about his experiences and life (cough cough. the Lore), so it works for them, both as a way to distract him and to cheer him up. Kerubim knows this, it's his go-to technique.
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I think Kerubim either vastly overestimates the depth of what happened here (I highly doubt Ecaflip is giving him tasks because he's "the best"), or he is lying to Joris, because "I spent my whole childhood afraid that my father, who is a living god, would eat me Zeus-style, because of shit like cleaning the toilets badly or not delivering the fish on time." isn't a nice story.
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This is exactly what I'm talking about.
A small aside: according to The Wheel Of Destiny #8 Kerubim Crepin (which will be one of the things I liveblog during the Reading Break), Bashi and Kerubim became friends before the events of episode 3, Strich Hunt.
It makes a lot of sense, because before the events of that episode, Ecaflip had... a very rough way of treating and speaking to Kerubim. Even if he had a soft spot for him, enough to save him (and then manipulate him) during said Wheel of Destiny article, I think Kerubim only truly cemented himself as Ecaflip's most favourite in the Strich Hunt episode.
Also, considering the fact that in Wheel of Destiny, little Bashi reports to knowing and strongly disliking Atcham, it's safe to say that in this episode we have a confirmed instance of Atcham being canonically present and simply not mentioned.
...keke sure is the guy who says "im the last living crepin. laugh" while having a brother. insane.
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I yet again want to gush about the portrayal of relationships in this show.
I think all of us can relate to meeting someone, and not thinking much, — not yet knowing that they will turn out to be one of the coolest people you've ever met.
Anyway, tangent incoming.
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One thing that's interesting to me, is that Kerubim is never depicted as having friends in the temple. From what we see, he spends most of the time alone, or with Ecaflip.
The reasons may be:
He is Ecaflip's favorite. He had important tasks from the moment he joined the temple. It alienated people.
He was Atcham's brother. Kids are judgemental, and Atcham is a perfect bullying target. Chances are, they didn't like him due to the association.
He came in very mentally ill and unsociable, due to, y'know, being orphaned, and never managed to make friends because the impression that he's "the sad mentally ill kid" stayed.
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No wonder that he got anxious around three people, and then immediately trusted them when they were nice to him.
He probably hadn't had anyone be nice to him in ages. Or, like, acknowledge him too much, at the very least.
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I won't elaborate on how I think Atcham was treated in the temple lest I fucking scare you, (Something-something, literally catboy Rule of Rose,) but I will say that, just like Atcham is still violently mentally ill due to whatever happened to him, Kerubim's experiences with loneliness and alienation as a child most likely fueled his dishonesty and attention-seeking behaviours as an adult.
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So I understand why, even though Bashi kinda sucks, Kerubim is so broken up about losing him. There's a lot more tragedy to this than one can first see.
It was a very important moment for Kerubim to finally have a person in his life that wasn't his father (who constantly threatened to fucking eat him), one of the kids who either disliked him or were too intimidated to talk to him, one of the random monks, or his severely mentally ill brother (who fucking hated him.)
He was his first friend.
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heymeowmao · 3 months
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2024.05.28 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321325039099747893642
[WB has AI highlights now?]
bgm: 未完待续 (To Be Continued) (Honor of Kings - Story of Hai Nuo and Doria) by Liu Yuning x Shan Yichun
LYN: Hallo everybody, good evening! Welcome!
C: If I had known you were going to stream I would have prepared some snacks. LYN: I think you’re just a foodie. You still have time to order takeout now. Order something. C: Will you reimburse? LYN: I started streaming, to keep you company, and I still have to treat you to snacks (duck: neck, tongue, intestines)?? What about some soybean skin and fish tofu, while we’re at it? I can’t believe snacks were part of my job, too. This customer service… you really know how to chase stars. LYN: I think you should ask for these funds from wb, not from me. Because you’re currently using wb’s software, so see if you can contact them and if they’ll reimburse you for your snacks.
C: I was halfway through a game of HoK and then came here. LYN: You play your game. Finish the round, before you get reported by the other players for going AFK. It’s not worth it.
LYN: I know it’s Tuesday and pretty sudden- I’m sure none of you thought I would stream today, because I didn’t even know myself. Isn’t that mysterious? I didn’t even think I would stream today. I was filming and then the director told us that we would not be filming the night scenes that were scheduled for later in the day. What does that mean? It means the crew made itself a villain and dumped the night scenes. We’re pushing them back to a later time. It rained in Hengdian last night and we weren’t able to complete yesterday’s scenes, either. Since I’ve been filming nonstop lately and spent a lot of sleepless nights, they wanted me to be able to get a good rest tonight. They were thinking if they let me go early I could eat a nice meal and have a good night’s sleep. Little did they know… I am not resting, and have even come to stream. If they find out that I’m streaming right now, they’re going to think I’m unprofessional. LYN: They gave me a break so that I could get a good sleep and maintain my condition so that tomorrow I could pick up with the grueling- I mean- continue working hard. But I picked up a different job instead. C: Chatting with us IS resting. LYN: Of course. It’s not “resting” but it definitely is “relaxing”. To me, streaming is relaxing. Because I always used to just banter with with my fans. We would mutually roast each other. But now as time has passed and we’ve spent more time in this industry, and- how should I put this…?- experienced the worst of this industry, I’ve finally learned how to control myself just a bit. When we used to roast each other- I say that, but we’re all just joking- I thought it was a fun way to communicate. But now, I don’t dare to be as relaxed as I used to.
bgm: 唯一的回答 (No Matter) - Men in Love OST
LYN: I didn’t think I would be streaming today, but I was released from work early and I don’t know the next time that will ever happen again. The month is almost over- it’s about time for me to stream. C: I was thinking you weren’t going to stream this month. LYN: Me too. I didn’t know this would happen, either. But now that I have the chance, I just want to be able to keep myself busy. Cheers~
C: Chat about KSTLB. LYN: I will. I’ll defnitely talk about the things you want to know. You know that I don’t make any preparations or have any sort of agenda for my streams. Sometimes my colleagues will ask me, “Ning-ge, usually when you stream do you make any preparations or anything?” and I tell them I don’t. A lot of the times what I say is based on whatever you’re typing into the chat. I told them that the joy of streaming is the mutual communication and participation. We can discuss things in real time. If you prepare things in advance and just come here planning to perform, then your stream would not necessarily even be as entertaining as watching a variety show instead. Variety shows have editing; MVs and stage performances require a lot of preparations. Of course a livestream wouldn’t be as entertaining as that. LYN: That’s why, when I stream it’s more loosely flowing. I see what you’re saying in the chat, so that’s what I talk to you about. Of course, that also means I suffer some losses. But it’s okay. I am constantly learning about how to stream, even though I’ve been doing it for about 10 years now. I started in 2014 and now it’s 2024. I’ve been streaming for ten years now and I’m still learning. Truly embodying that saying, “Live until you’re old and learn until you’re old.” You still have to learn. So, I am always learning how to stream. 
LYN: Someone said LYX-laoshi is watching my stream? He’s probably busy and doesn’t have much time to actually WATCH my streams like you do. I’m guessing he scrolled across a clip and thought I was pretty insane- since I’m just spewing nonsense most of the time- and thought I was interesting. It’s nice to be able to have some colleagues in this industry also watch my stream, and I’m happy and honored to be to their liking.
C: I want to see your eyes. LYN: Friends, it’s like this- yesterday I went to get my double eyelids done. My eyes haven’t recovered enough, so I’m wearing these shades to stream. Please don’t mind it, okay? I’ll show you when they’re done healing. People always say that my eyes are small, so I went to get eyelid surgery yesterday.
[t/n: he has the li shiliu eye makeup onnn] C: I don’t mind. I want to see them today. LYN: Oh, how high and mighty! “I don’t mind”?? I don’t care if you do. What can you even do if you DO mind?? “I don’t mind. I want to see them today.” There are a lot of things that you want to see (but never will). First of all, you’re being a little demanding, forcing people to do your bidding. Secondly, if I take off my shades, all you’re going to see id blood and scarring! The blade yesrerday went a little rough, so my eyes are bloody. I’ll scare you to death! C: Which shop’s skills are so lacking? LYN: LOL. Are you going to go report them for me?? Why would you even ask? It’s like this- since I sort of count as a public figure, I can’t just go to the big names and get surgery, because what if someone sees me there and exposes me? They’ll say “LYN went to get cosmetic surgery. He realized his visuals are lacking so he went to get work done.” If that gets exposed it’d be really shameful. So I found a small shop and had the work done. I should still have found a more reputable place…
C: Ning-ge! Have a drink. After you do, your streaming condition will be even better! LYN: … LYN: You think too much. Don’t think I don’t know what you’re thinking. All the little thoughts in your head- do you think I don’t understand them? You saw me have a glass of champagne at the Pomellato event and flush all the way down to my neck. You want to make me drunk, then make me cry. Let go of all my sins. (song lyrics) You want to make me drunk, so that I’m more open and a little bit more deranged? LYN: ! It could be this, too: last time I went to the event, as I was walking I undid a button. Maybe you thought I would lose my caution. “So, it turns out that after Ning-ge drinks, he starts undoing buttons!” That’s why you wanted me to drink a glass, so that I would start undoing buttons. But whether I drink or not, I still can’t undo my buttons!! LYN: What the heck?! /took off the shades/ Drinking- I- LYN: I undid the button because of the clothes- it was a little tight. It’s summer and even though there was air conditioning, after making myself busy and a glass of wine, I got hot. After the event ended I undid a button to save myself from being uncomfortable. I know what you’re thinking! You think I don’t understand??
C: Where’s the blood (about his eyes)? LYN: It’s bleeding isn’t it. Look at all the blood. /touches the makeup/ C: They didn’t do a good job with it. I can’t see a difference. LYN: /laughs/ First, I already told you, it was a small shop with average skills. Secondly, as an artist- maybe I didn’t know before, but now that I’m in this industry I can share some secrets- if you want to get any work done as an artist, it has to be subtle. If you go too big, you’re just asking to be ridiculed online. Even IF I were to get double eyelid surgery, I wouldn’t do the whole thing in one sitting. I’d do it 4-5 times, just a few mm each time. That way there’s a slow change and you can’t really tell. That’s an industry rule. Subtle change.  - C: Didn’t you get double eyelid surgery? I can’t really tell. Did you really do it? LYN: I was talking about my bellybutton*, not my eyelids. [肚脐眼 - “eye’ of the belly] LYN: Just listen for entertainment!! I can’t believe you’re actually considering it. I can’t stand you.
C: Ning-ge, your accent’s a little heavy. LYN: My accent is heavy…? You must not have seen me in too long. It’s my fault, for not streaming. I CAN speak Standard Mandarin, though. LYN: It’s been a long time since I’ve streamed, and usually when I do I use my hometown dialect to make it a more relaxed setting. Maybe the most you’ve seen of me these days is clips from my dramas, and that’s why you think my accent is heavier?
----- Drama - SJYM
C: How did your cameo in SJYM go? LYN: My cameo went fine. Remember- I went to cameo for them. And I also discussed with the producers- “I’ll come to cameo for you, and I don’t particularly care about the name ranking. Just put me at the end, and credit me as, “Supporting actor who shows his face a lot.”” I’m only here to cameo. Friends- in SJYM, I’m really only there to help (in the bg). As long as they credit me as “cameo actor who shows his face a lot: liu yuning” it’s enough for me.
C: Your hoodie is so big! LYN: This isn’t a hoodie, it’s a hat. (song lyrics) Hello, I have a hoodie. (你好, 我有一个帽衫)
C: Was the SJYM armor heavy? LYN: No? It was okay. It was armor, yes, but it wasn’t very heavy. It was hot, though. The weather actually wasn’t that hot yet, but every time they put it on me I would start sweating buckets. It was okay, though. I was thinking, and even asked my staff, “What dramas was I shooting summer of last year??” But thinking back in past years I was shooting the modern dramas in the summer. So in the past two years this is the most recent guzhuang that I’ve shot in the summer at Hengdian. Last year I was shooting um… /can’t remember/. In any case I was never shooting a guzhuang at the hottest time of the year. Cicada Girls and BYOL. This year the heat’s getting to me.
C: Speak English. LYN: How do I know how to speak English?? My English is really bad. 
C: Ning-ge, the sound of the music is too loud. LYN: Oh. Excuse me. I’ll turn it down. // I’ll turn the sound of the mic up and come to a nice equilibrium. 
C: You won’t die in SJYM, will you? LYN: Undetermined. We’ll see how well I get along with the crew as time goes on. If we don’t get along, they’ll make me die. If we do get along, they’ll spare my measly life. C: You can never act as a living person. LYN: Yeah, I’m about ready to start acting in ghost movies. I’ll start acting in horror movies. Out of all the guzhuang dramas I’ve done, for the most part I’ve died in all of them. But of course, it’s because I was acting in supporting roles a lot more before. Who cares if a side character dies? I didn’t feel down about it, because I figured that since I was a support character it didn’t matter too much if I died or not as long as it didn’t delay the main storyline. But then one day I came to act as the main lead- and I still died. Maybe that’s just my fate. 😬
C: Will Li Shiliu take off his mask? LYN: Don’t ask. I haven’t dared to eat much lately. I can’t even eat. I don’t dare to eat any sweets. I’m afraid that I’d get fat. My meal control for this drama has been crazy. In a day, at most I eat two meals and at the least one. What happens if I get hungry? I’ll eat a spring onion with sauce. Maybe some tofu skin or sliced peppers. I don’t dare to gain weight. Why? When I first accepted this drama, I knew that this character would be wearing a mask and I was terrified. Because for anyone who wears a mask, there will definitely be a close-up shot of that mask coming off. LYN: Friends- /sigh/ You get it, right? As long as you wear a mask- it doesn’t matter if you’re a man or woman, old or young, there will be a shot of that mask coming off. We were shooting and one day I came to the realization, “Are we finally shooting the unmasking scene?” The crew confirmed that yes, the mask would be coming off in the next few scenes. Oh no. Here comes the pressure. I immediately went to my car and grabbed the guasha to scrape my face. I needed to get this blood point in the back, to reduce swelling. I gulped half a cup of coffee. Then I called the makeup artist over and asked them to please touch-up the eye makeup, cover my wrinkles, and draw a slightly longer eyeline so my eyes look bigger. I was flustered. LYN: But to my understanding of this drama, this will not be the only scene where I take off the mask. /sigh/ It’s coming for my life. 
LYN: I only went to “cameo” and I’m already being cursed to death. I don’t think it’s worth it. I’m only cameoing in SJYM, and people are so up in arms about it, but I don’t think it’s worth it to be.
C: Will SJYM be real-time sound? LYN: It should be, but we’ll probably also do a little voiceover after editing. A lot of dramas nowadays cannot accomplish a 100% real-time sound, because the filming conditions are limited. It’s not a closed set, available to just your own people. Sometimes you’ll be recording in one room and there’ll be construction in the next room over. Not actual construction, but because lots of different dramas use the same set, so each crew needs to move and set things how they’re going to use it. It can never be 100% real sound- we use what we can then make up for what we can’t in post. That’s the first thing. Real-time sound has strict requirements for set conditions. Having about 80-90% is already very amazing. For the rest of it, we’ll go into the studio in post to make up for it. Even after all the scenes are shot, there’s still editing, and then there’s going through the censors. After the censors, we receive the drama back with what should be changed. Eventually there are going to be parts that need to be done over in the studio. 
C: Has Daimi acted? LYN: I haven’t and I won’t let her. Not to say that as her acting manager, I am limiting her development. For this artist, I help out as much as I can. For example when I was on KSTLB, I put her pictures up on my wall as a chance for exposure. But I won’t let her act. Because it’s actually really hard for a small dog on a drama set. I won’t let her suffer through that. I’m being serious. It’s really tough for a small dog on set. 
----- KSTLB
C: Ning-ge, why do you have a secret identity in every episode of KSTLB? LYN: You’re right. How many eps have aired, now? Four? I was detective/x for 3 and murderer for 1. “X” for three times in a row- I was truly dumbfounded. You know the feeling- knowing who the murderer is, right from the start? In any case, my game experience the first three episodes sucked. But I was happy! As I said, it’s a sweet burden. A TMD burden. Sweet (tian mi de - 甜蜜的). [t/n: you sure you don’t mean Damned (ta ma de - 他妈的)??? XD]
LYN: I think the show arranged for me to be detective in the first three eps because- I functioned as a way to set an example of how to play the game. They arranged for me and the old players to be detectives, because since there are new players, they wanted us to show the process. It shows the trust they had in me. At least that’s what I think. They wanted me to be able to show the process, because we (LYN/ ZKY/BY) had been in the first season, so we had more experience. Later the new players are the detectives. It’s their problem. Maybe I’m a bit more reliable? That’s what /I/ think. It’s what I tell myself when I’m lying on my bed thinking complicated thoughts- to comfort myself. 
LYN: There were a couple episodes where I wasn’t in the best condition, too. You can tell which they are by how little I talk in them. If I went to record when I was tired, my brain didn’t have enough time to process. Sometimes I had off days.
LYN: A lot of people like to take the scene where I am scared out of my wits to make fun of me. Some of you might be thinking, “Ning-ge, you’re so tall. Why are you so afraid when the lights go out? Is it worth it?? What’s wrong with you, a 30+ year old man??!” “You’re almost 40, how can you be so afraid of the dark??” It’s like this, friends- there’s a problem with my eyes. First of all, they’re small. That means that my ability to absorb light is a bit weaker than the average person. I also have astigmatism. My eyes are bad- I have astigmatism. Secondly, I can’t see very well at night. It makes me dizzy. When the lights go out I really can’t see anything at all. Some people have the ability to absorb light better, and at least they can make out the barest outlines of things. But I can’t see ANYTHING when the lights go out. It’s KNOWING that your eyes are open but not being able to see- the uncertainty of it that terrifies me. Also, I need to be grabbing something before I feel safe. I’m terrified of someone suddenly popping up and touching me. I’d lose my soul. My soul would just leave my body and disperse. That’s what terrifies me the most. LYN: I’m not afraid of ghosts- I know that there isn’t anything scare in this program. I’m just afraid of the jump-scare. For example, if we’re all quiet… and then someone suddenly yells. That scares me. The sudden fright of it. 
C: Ning-ge, if you’re afraid of the dark, don’t tell me you leave a light on when you sleep at night? LYN: /laughs/ I’m not that afraid, because it’s MY HOUSE. I have a sense of security there. It’s not like I’m sleeping on the streets! If I were sleeping on the street, I’d definitely be afraid. At home, with the doors locked, I’m safe and I know that no one is going to suddenly pat me on the shoulder. LYN: What are you talking about??? In your case I wouldn’t even be able to sleep because once I close my eyes it’s dark and I’d be afraid. You must be crazy.
----- Concert
C: My piggybanks are already full. When are you holding your concert? LYN: Soon. Don’t shatter* your piggybank just yet. Keep it for now. When my concert opens, you can smash it open then and start buying your tickets. [t/n: they way he said “shatter/break to pieces” (摔碎), reminded me of when he said it as Xiazi and LYH laughed at the heavy accent.] - C: Hello. I’m a new fan. LYN: Mn. Welcome.  - C: I won’t be able to get any tickets! LYN: I’m not as popular as you think I am! Don’t worry, you will definitely be able to get one. It may not be the seat that you want- those who are better off might want something in the front row and they might face some competition- but if you buy something in the very back row, you should be able to get it. You’ll be able to get something, don’t worry. C: Ning-ge, you’re super popular! You just don’t know it. LYN: 去你的! I’m not-
LYN: This season of KSTLB is a totally new gameplay. I had a lot of fun recording and I hope you’re having fun watching it. I’ll also skim through the show and check out the comments. Everyone is pretty interesting and we made a good group. I think Thursday is the ep where Jin Jing comes (E5).
LYN: The previous concert tour was in 2019, or 2018 right? I forgot. 2019, right? And the last stop was Wuhan- all the tickets were sold. I’ve been thinking about this. Because I was supposed to hold my last stop there, but then because of the pandemic it was postponed. I didn’t hold the concert, but the tickets were already sold. I had told you at the time that you could ask for a refund and we would give it to you, but up until this day I don’t think anyone has. Of course, it made me happy to know that you didn’t want to refund it. But- because it’s been 4-5 years since then, is there anyone out there who forgot to get their refund, or have since stopped being my fan? Is there anyone out there like that? I don’t know. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone posting about having a ticket and wanting to sell it. LYN: I just want to ask- how many of you watching right now have tickets for the Wuhan stop that never happened, that you didn’t get a refund for? Are any of you here? If you are, press “1”.  I want to see how many of you there are. I’m just worried about people who have a ticket but stopped being my fan, and don’t care about the money they had spent. If they wanted to, they could have.
LYN: If I’m going to hold another concert tour, I will definitely make up for that stop. I owe you one. I was thinking I would do one day for makeup, plus an additional day. Two stops in Wuhan. IF I hold it, that’s how I want it to go. LYN: I was just thinking about it, is all. Honestly, there aren’t any plans set because my filming schedule is a bit much and I don’t want to think much about what comes after. I was just thinking about whether I should accept another drama for after SJYM or not. If I don’t, then I would hold my concert. If I do, then I’d probably… not hold it this year. I don’t know becauseI haven’t set anything yet, so that’s why I don’t want to make any promises. LYN: If I accept another drama for the latter half of the year, then I will definitely hold my concert next year. This year is already half gone, so I’d hold the concert next year. If I don’t accept another drama… I don’t know what my condition will be like. But since I haven’t taken a break from filming, I could probably use some rest and get ready for the tour. 
C: Lao-da, your dramas waiting to be aired is a little advanced. LYN: See? Other than the 90% of you who are visual-fans /laughs/, I still have some career-fans. They hope that my career continues it’s upwards growth. “Ning-ge, your waitlisted dramas are in trouble, because you’re running out of stock.” /sigh/ It’s true there aren’t many left. Including the one I’m currently filming, I only have four. LYN: You don’t need to worry, because I have my own plans. I’ll see when the time comes, as nothing is set. C: I used to be a career-fan. LYN: Don’t worry about it. My career- I’m well aware of it. I don’t know about other people, but I don’t need you to push me on it. Maybe some people need it, and you were here planning to supervise my work like, “Ning-ge, instead of doing nothing at home, wouldn’t it be better for you to find a job or event to do?? You’re not accepting dramas. You’re not releasing albums.” etc. They’re worried for me, but I really don’t need it. LYN: If I go three days without work- whether that’s recording, or filming, or meetings/anything related to work- I get anxious. I’m guessing I would probably stream for three days straight instead. “I won’t have any work for three days, I should stream!” I’m that type of person. So, you don’t have to worry for me and be concerned that I’m not accepting jobs. You don’t need to do that. I’m a little intense. 
LYN: As long as it doesn’t kill me, I will work until I die. LYN: But I’m not trying to brag about how hard I work by saying that! I just… I’m afraid of not having work. It’s that simple. I’m not working hard, and it doesn’t have to do with how much hard work I’m doing. I’m just afraid of not having work, afraid that this industry won’t need me anymore. Even though it doesn’t need me very much right now, either.
----- Misc
C: Please wish me success on my gaokao. LYN: Okay, I saw your message. I want to tell everyone who will soon take the gaokao to work hard, don’t be nervous, and I hope you get good scores. Jiayou!
C: Ning-ge, I’m celebrating my birthday today. LYN: I’d also like to wish you a Happy Birthday, and hope that everything goes smoothly in the next year of your life. I hope your work is smooth, your learning is smooth, and everything goes by without a hitch. I hope that you are successful at whatever you are striving towards.
C: Lao-da, why are your eyes a little red? LYN: I just cried. I- No, forget it. Let me change a reason. I opened up the corners of my eyes a little (with surgery).
LYN: Of course, I wish all of you happiness.
C: I want to hear 奉上. LYN: I don’t know what my condition is like today. I’m not sure I can sing it well. But I can try. - /making noises/ LYN: I’m testing the sound. I don’t mean anything by it. LYN: I feel like I haven’t sung in a long time. - /turns on a effect that immediately zooms in on his face/ LYN: You don’t need to do that. It’s so big. (his face) -- 奉上 (Offer) - A Journey to Love OST LYN: I haven’t adjusted my mic in a long time, so I’m not sure how that sounded. / What’s wrong with the track? C: The bg music was super loud. LYN: Oh, sorry!
LYN: Every time I finish singing a song, there’s someone in the chat who says, “Old but still vigorous.” /sigh/ Because I’ve been acting lately, the fact that I’m even able to still sing means that I’m “old but vigorous”, is that it? I’ll pretend you mean that in a good way.
C: Sun Lang is here. LYN: Li Huan is here? Welcome! If I were streaming from my phone, I would have asked to connect but I’m streaming from my computer today. I can’t do it on my computer. The next time I stream using my phone, Huan, if you come we should connect and chat. 
bgm: 莫问前程 (Don’t Ask About the Future) - White Cat Legend OST
C: Ning-ge, it’s about time to cut your hair. LYN: What do you care?! I’m shooting a drama and I don’t really have time or occasion to go out and get my hair cut. And I… don’t really dare to go out around Hengdian to get it cut. XD No- I have someone I go to, to get my hair cut. When I go to Beijing or Shanghai- I have hairdressers that I know. If I say it that way, it’s okay right? There are stylists I’m more familiar with, and when I have time I’ll get them to cut it. But for now, I’ll just leave it.C: The sound of the mic is very small. LYN: Is it really that bad?? /troubleshooting/ Is there no change? /sigh/ Sorry. - /continues trying to adjust the settings/ C: When the background music is on, the speaking sound is too little. // There’s no change. LYN: Oh, the background music is too loud? It should be fine now, right? Is the sound loud enough?? It should be good now, right? / Ok, I got it. The bgm was too loud. LYN: Maybe that’s the atmosphere I wanted to create- like you’re in a bar. I just want the music to flood your ears. Here, even though you’re watching a stream, I want you to feel like you’re clubbing. Let me find some music, so you can feel it properly. - /picks a song he calls “off-putting” to start/ - /the next song he looks like he’s in pain??/ LYN: OMG. I haven’t been out in a long time, does it all sound like this? I don’t feel like this is clubbing music. This is like those scooters with speakers on the back of it. There are all sorts of lights and leds on it, and a speaker on the back. This is the type of music that would play on those things. I’m not trying to say that I’m high maintenance or anything, but I don’t think I can accept this type of music. - /plays a new one - Mike Candys - Aliens/ LYN: This one is starting off okay, with the English from the start. // This one’s okay! - /clubbing/ C: I can’t hear you talking. LYN: I’m not talking, though?!
C: What about the lights? LYN: My normal streaming isn’t enough anymore, and now I have to arrange a flashing disco ball too? So that you can get hyped up? Sorry- I can’t do it. I can’t help you with that. - C: Ning-ge, you’re trending at #33. LYN: It’s for something good, right? Is it something positive or is someone making fun of me? Which is it? … What’s the topic? “LYN Livestream”? Oh, then that’s okay. - LYN: I just hope to make a stream with the right mood. I think that no matter what you’re doing, that atmosphere is the most important. Think about it- why is it that when you’re watching dramas and the two leads are about to kiss that there’s the mood for it in the scene? It’s because of all the lights and the filters that work together to make the scene, right? If you see two people kissing on the street, will you feel like you’re watching two leads in a drama? No. That’s why- everything needs that atmosphere/mood. 
LYN: What happened, the sound is small again? /adjusting/ I know. It should be fine now. I just forgot to adjust one of the settings. If it’s still small… I’ll take off my head and give it to you. I’m that confident.
bgm: 잘자요 아가씨 (晚安大小姐) - ASMRZ
C: The sound of the music is loud. LYN: It’s still loud? I saw someone type earlier that if you’re listening with headphones, there’s no problem. If that’s the case, why don’t you grab a pair? I’ve already adjusted things to their limit. Can you grab pair of headphones? So we don’t… keep wronging ourselves. // Is the sound still low? I really don’t believe you. I’m going to go into my own stream to check it out. I don’t know what’s wrong. How can it be like this? There’s no way. LYN: Is it okay? I think it should be. You can blame me for earlier. I rather think it’s too loud, so I’ll adjust it lower. It’s okay now. There’s no problem. Let me save these settings, as long as you think it’s comfortable to listen to. That way next time I won’t have to mess with it again. [t/n: the L-R balance is off… >.>] - /more complaints from the chat, driving him crazy/ LYN: Is it okay now? Is there no end to this?? I’ve totally lost my streaming condition. I’ll stop streaming. Goodnight, everyone. Goodnight, ladies. Lao-mei, it’s time to go to sleep. C: Our ears are the problem. LYN: No, it has nothing to do with you; you don’t need to make it your problem. It IS my problem. I had reset the system, because my streams would lag before.
C: 光束一夜黑. LYN: 黑夜一束光, lao-mei!! A lot of people know this song from the variety show, but they don’t know what the original sounds like. I’ll sing it for you- 光束一夜黑. -- 黑夜一束光 (Praying) LYN: Forget it. Because I can’t be sure of how you’re hearing it, so I don’t really dare to sing. C: The sound is low. LYN: See? It’s low again. Whatever. Listen for entertainment. I won’t keep messing with it, since this equipment sensitive.
----- break #1 bgm: 落了白 (Falling White) - Jiang Xue’er
C: The speaking volume is too low. LYN: Are you going to keep on with this?? Is it low? It shouldn’t be. I’m sure it’s not. If it’s still low, it’s your problem. C: Whenever you sing, it goes low. LYN: I can hear the white noise so loudly, and you think the volume’s low?? That’s a little strange…I don’t know… /clicking/  which settings…/clicking/ It shouldn’t be low now. It’s just right. C: I’m not using the headphones because the sound’s too loud. LYN: /laughing/ What should we do with this?? LYN: /deep sigh/ Whatever, it is what it is. As long as you can hear me speaking, it’s fine. For singing, I’ll have to come here earlier on another day and fix the settings properly. As long as you can hear me fine when chatting, it doesn’t matter. Once all this equipment is out of sync, then my whole streaming mood is gone. It’s okay as long as you can hear clearly. I need to fix the settings; for now I just won’t sing.
C: Talk about TXJ. LYN: The climax is over. The time to talk about it has passed. In any case, I died again. It’s quite good.
C: Ning-ge, can you wish me luck on the gaokao? LYN: About hald an hour ago, I already did. When the stream is over you can watch the playback. That part where I wished everyone success on their gaokao- that part was for you. Okay?
C: Watching Zhuo Bufan made me cry. LYN: Yes, he does have a sad ending. I also felt emotional, watching it myself. That drama, including this year, was filmed about three years ago. At the time my biggest challenge was doing fight scenes. He fights too much and for no reason! As soon as two people meet, they start fighting. They want to spar for no reason. Every time I go into a new crew, I come out learning something. With that drama my biggest improvement was in how to do fight scenes. 
C: You’re trending at # 8. LYN: ?? /checking/ LYN: /sigh/ LYN: I think you must be mistaken. The #8 I’m seeing is “Elder Princess and Second Prince _ The Crazies Meet” [Joy of Life topic] The Second Prince… Liu Duanduan, right? I’m Liu Yuning. You were mistaken. Yes, we are both named “Liu”. - /explaining the sub-categories in the “Trending” tab/ LYN: I’m trending at #40. You can’t even figure out how to work weibo?? In your “my trending” tab, I’m at #8? That means that I must be ranked #8 in your heart, too. “My trending” filters it down to only people or things that you follow. C: Ning-ge, in my trending topics you’re at #1. LYN: For that person earlier, I was #8. Who are the first seven artists? I want their names! LYN: You must have climbed the wall in (came from another fandom).
C: Ning-ge, when will the KSTLB all-cast air? LYN: Who released that news? I don’t think there will be a livestream, I haven’t heard anything of it. What stream? There isn’t one, right? I don’t know- no one has told me.
C: Ning-ge, you’re #18 on my list. LYN: … Get out. I know there aren’t many people here to begin with, but we will not miss you. When I open the doors to do business, I hope all those who come are kind, and not here to wreck shop. For example, if I had a restaurant and I just delivered your dish to you, and you say, “Chef, your dish isn’t that great.” I would be thinking, “Then don’t eat. Leave.”
C: Can you wish me luck on my finals? LYN: Sure. I wish you luck on your finals. I hope everything goes well for you and for those taking the college entrance exam. I hope you get into your ideal school and location. I’m sure you will succeed. Jiayou. You can do it. 
C: Ning-ge, I’ve been chasing you for four years, now. Could you look back at me? LYN: /literally looks behind him/ LYN: Where are you? LYN: /looks over his other shoulder/ LYN: You’re not there… C: Lift your head and look at me. LYN: /laughs/ 
LYN: Wang Youshuo is here? Welcome, welcome! Let me introduce him- WYS. He’s an actor I am working with on this drama and he’s great. I’m happy to have him. Welcome! LYN: Next time, I really should use my phone to stream. When I do, some of my friends will come. Even if they don’t want to be on stream, I can force them to come and exchange a few words and chat. Force them a little bit. But I can’t do it on my computer. :(
C: Ning-ge, I’m a student-fan. I’m doing my homework. LYN: Focus on your homework. A lot of people use my stream as background noise; you can just leave me to the side. Work on whatever you need to, and just leave your phone playing. Do your homework. Work comes first. If you want to chat about anything, you can type it into the comments and we’ll chat. I’ve got nothing else going on today, so I’ll stay and chat. 
C: Gossip, gossip, gossip! LYN: I asked about what you wanted to talk about, and you say, “gossip”?? They’re going crazy. Can you see them in the chat, spamming “gossip”? You must think that since I’m an insider, I know a lot of things, right? You want to ask me about other artist’s secrets? Even my own secrets? Is that what you mean? You want me to publicly (on stream) engage in gossip. You must be crazy. Have you gone crazy or have I? LYN: But, in this industry it’s true that you will come to know about a lot of things. Including which dramas will be airing, and who they’ve fixed as cast and for what. You’ll hear the news about this type of drama stuff.
C: I’ve watched 50+ of your streams and have not engaged once. LYN: Find some sense of self. The reason I’m here right now- instead of sleeping, playing games, or doing other things like watching a movie or drama- the reason I’m streaming is to keep you company. I’ve done all of this to pay attention to you, so the least you could do is reciprocate. Let’s interact. Exist in the moment. LYN: There are a countless number of you out there, and you collectively make up the mood of my stream. You are included in that collective. All the words I am saying to you now, are also being said to everyone watching. Did you want to add me on WeChat and talk one on one?? And then when you’re ready to sleep, should I say to you, “Yare, yare~ Miss, go to sleep.” Should I wait on you??
------- Advice
C: Xiao Ning, ah- LYN: You must be a jiejie, to call me that. I suddenly felt like I’ve gotten a lot younger. C: Xiao Ning, if you encounter some inconvenient/troublesome/annoying things, how do you relieve yourself? LYN: Wow, this question. This is the type of question with sustenance that adults should be asking. Not like you others who only wanted gossip. You only like the useless things, but look at this jiejie’s question: When you feel like you’re under pressure, how do you release it? This is a really good question.
LYN: How do I mediate? My choice is not to mediate. In my opinion, I feel like a person’s life is just one problem, one pressure, one after another. I don’t have any way of dispelling that pressure. The most I do is get a good sleep. After I wake up, I face the problem. Whether it can be solved or not is a different story. I have to bravely face it first.
C: Xiao Ning, are you trying to become a mood streamer? LYN: /laughs/ A mood streamer?? I sure do have a lot of personal moods. 
C: How do I persevere at work? LYN: This friend is probably working now, and wants to know how they can persevere, right? I mean… what else can you do? You should work. People should be working. Unless you come from a good family, and your parents have money enough to indulge you while you laze around at home, playing games and enjoying life. If that’s the case, then you can play. That’s a blessing the heavens gave to you. But if you are in a situation where your family can’t help you, then you should be working hard and going to work so you can earn money to live. What else can you do? We’re all the same.
LYN: There was someone earlier who asked if I wanted to be a “qing xu” (mood) streamer, but they probably typed wrong and meant “qing gan” (emotion) streamer. I think people took it seriously, and really are coming to ask me questions. Friends, I can’t explain anything to you. Please don’t take it seriously. The stream is for joking around. LYN: Someone just asked me, “Ning-ge, what should I do if I don’t score well on my college entrance exam?” I can’t give you the correct answer. I can only tell you that university it not necessarily the most important thing. It’s also a turning point in your life, but it’s not the most important choice you will ever need to make in life. You might not score well. Look at me- I’m just a cook. I don’t dare to say that I’m doing well in life right now, but I may be a cook only have a high school education, but as of this moment I can also be an emotional streamer. Right? If I can’t do anything else, at the very least I can be an emotional streamer right now. But I (officially) learned how to be a cook. This might only be a small point in your life, and there are countless opportunities on your future path. As long as you keep looking forward to the work you’ll do and the people you’ll meet, you will come to face a new turning point. 
LYN: Someone asked me a question that truly touched me: C: How do I give rockets to the streamer?  LYN: /laughs/ I’m so touched. Earlier I got “I don’t want to work”, and now I have “How do I send rockets?” YOU are the true emotional streamer. You have comforted me. It’s like this- I don’t care to make a profit off of weibo. So, 1. I don’t advertise or try to market influence you, and the gift-giving function is closed on my stream. My stream is just a space for me to chat with my fans or people who know me. I don’t accept gifts. But, I do have some brand collaborations. I am spokesperson for a number of brands. Jewelry and accessories comes from Pomellato. If you want to buy something, you can check them out. Skin and haircare comes from L’Oreal. If you want to drink some yogurt, I am also Chunzhen’s spokesperson. I’m pretty good with them, so you can buy some Chunzhen yogurt and the like. Eat, drink. Okay? LYN: But when you’re checking out- you know how you asked about rockets? When you’re checking out of the store, you can tell the clerk or make note that your purchase was a “rocket meant for LYN.” Later I’ll go and check. Okay? That’s enough for me.
C: Ning-ge, when you look into the camera, it’s like we’re meeting eyes. LYN: /laughs/ I need to prepare some bgm for this… - /~~ You Are My Destiny ~~ … but missed the right timing./ LYN: It’s not this one! Oh, no. It’s flopped. Why didn’t she sing…? [t/n: he’s got the instrumental track…] LYN: AWKWARD. LYN: Let me search again. // Ok, here we go. - /~~ ₊˚✧ ゚ You Are My Destiny ₊˚✧ ゚~~/ C: Sweet pretty boy suddenly became greasy old boy. LYN: Apologies, I am the performance-type. 
C: Recommend a drama to me! LYN: You want me to recommend you a drama? Um… there are a lot of hot airing dramas right now, you should go onto your preferred platform and do a search. I have an airing drama right now called TXJ, you can check it out. Check out TXJ; it’s airing on Tencent and iQIYI. Go have a look. C: Ge, do you have a long contract with Tencent? LYN: Yeah? I have a long contract with Tencent, iQIYI, Youku, Mango… At least that’s my wish. I hope they can continue to use me for a long time. That’s the wish I made for my birthday- that these platforms will continue to use me. So in my heart, I think of our relationship as a long collaboration. LYN: Even though up to this point I haven’t had a drama on Mango TV, I’m sure that in the future we will have a very long collaboration. That’s what I hope for, at least. I hope someone wants me to act in their drama.
C: Why is your sense of crisis so strong? LYN: That’s just the way this industry is. Actually, it applies to any industry. I will always remember a saying, even though I’ve said it many times before, I think every industry is the same. “��水行舟,不进则退” (Like rowing a boat upstream, if you stop moving forward you fall back.) If you really like your current conditions or become satisfied with the way things are, it’s possible that you will be replaced or eliminated over time. Even when you’re trying your hardest, you’re not necessarily going to be able to keep up with the flow. So that’s why you should always strive to be more active (and move forward).  
C: What’s on your face? LYN: I didn’t remove this when I was wiping my makeup earlier. This is a tattoo I have in my current drama. 
C: The volume is low again. LYN: It’s okay, I’ll adjust the settings later.
C: What did the champagne taste like when you attended that event earlier in the month? LYN: How can I describe the flavor of champagne to you? You really have to taste carefully, with champagne. You have to open up your whole palate to taste it in detail. Let me tell you how it tastes- like champagne. Do you understand? If you want to know how champagne tastes when it hits your mouth, I’ll tell you it tastes purely like champagne. What did you expect to hear?
C: What does beer taste like? LYN: It tastes like beer! C: What does a cucumber taste like? LYN: Tastes like a cucumber! LYN: What nonsense is this?? How could you ask me what champagne tastes like??? I’m at a loss!
C: Didn’t you down it in one go? LYN: What you mean to say is I was like Zhu Bajie eating the renshen fruit, who swallowed it in one go and didn’t have a chance to taste it, is that what you mean??? I drank it too quickly, and couldn’t even tell you what it tasted like? I mean… when it goes down the aftertaste is also the same taste- of champagne. I give up. C: Was it sweet? LYN: A little bit.
C: Lao-da, did you get drunk? LYN: It wasn’t enough to get me drunk, but dizzy. A glass of champagne isn’t enough to get me drunk, but I was super dizzy. 
bgm: 撞地球 (Earth Collision) by Yu Er Qi
C: I’m sleepy. Goodnight. LYN: If any of you are sleepy, you should go to sleep. I’m sure that you are- um… em… forget it. I would have made a snarky comment before, but now I don’t dare to. LYN: WHAT TIME IS IT, AND YOU WANT TO SLEEP? IT’S 10PM, AND YOU WANT TO SLEEP??? Do you spend your life away in dreams? 10pm to a young person is the time we are only just starting to wake up. Have you heard the song, “If I were a DJ, would you love me?” LYN: If I were a DJ, would you love me? I really want to ask you. bgm: 午夜DJ LYN: It went to my head for no reason. I haven’t even had any champagne. - C: Sleeping so early? LYN: It’s okay to go to sleep now, because early to sleep and early to rise is good for your health, right? Have a good sleep. Goodnight. LYN: Friends- that person went to sleep, right? Now I’m going to tell you something that will become today’s BIG gossip story. Friends- that person went to sleep, right? Ok. When that person has gone to sleep for five minutes, I’ll tell you the hottest gossip in the entertainment circle today. This is the biggest thing I’ve heard since I’ve entered this circle; I’ll share with you. But that person has gone to sleep, right? It’s okay- we’re not in a rush. Let’s let them get to bed, and I’ll tell you after they fall asleep. C: I knew you would say that!  LYN: You’ve seen me through. This is already a recurring program. Whenever anyone wants to leave my stream early, I’ll reveal some exposing gossip.
C: The yxh is saying that you’ll start your tour in Sep. LYN: ?? I haven’t even heard of that. They’re saying LYN will start his tour in Sep? As LYN himself, I didn’t even know about it. Because this drama is going to take me until at least October. Why don’t I just take a tour around set and sing to the props, lighting, wardrobe, and makeup laoshi? If I go around to the different departments, that counts as a tour, right?  C: A different yxh is saying summer vacation of next year. LYN: Summer vacation of next year?? I mean, they’re bound to blindly guess correctly. They’re predicting. If you find 12 yxh accounts, and each one of them claims a month, starting from September-Oct-Nov-Dec-Jan-etc.- all the way up until Sep 2025, one of them is going to be right. Then, when I actually start my tour, you’ll think, “Oh! They got it right! This account is so accurate.” This is just like fortune-telling. It’s all about probability.
C: Is the second album finished yet? LYN: No, it hasn’t. But I have a new plan for my EP. /laughs/ Inexplicably. I’ve been too busy with this crew. I found that once I enter a crew, pretty much all work on my album comes to a pause. I don’t have enough time for it all.
C: It’s been five minutes. Where’s the gossip? LYN: The gossip is- this is the biggest thing going around the entertainment industry right now- friends, let me tell you. Liu Yuning might hold his concert tour next year. /struggles to keep a straight face/ LYN: Isn’t that exciting? Of course, it’s like this- if you care about it, you’ll think it’s big news. If you don’t care about it, then it has nothing to do with you. Just like most things on the internet- it has nothing to do with me. I don’t worry about it, because it’s none of my business. 
LYN: Someone said Wang Jialuo (Pang Hanchen) is here? Here to apologize?? LYN: Welcome, Pang Hanchen~! LYN: Wang Jialuo! My senior brother is dead. The Rongtian Sword Sect has perished. Can’t you just let me go?? C: You scared him to death. LYN: Nah, that’s unwarranted. It’s all cool. Actors are actors, and characters are characters. For a character to be known or hated by everyone, that just means that the role was worth remembering. It means that an actor performed well. 
C: We’re too into the story. LYN: No, you can’t be like that. Separate actors from the characters they play. It’s because I’ve lived through this already. When I first started acting, it was as the villain. I would be the one harming the main character. I was always the villain, the bad guy. But I don’t think Wang Jialuo can be considered either a bad or a good guy. You can’t use good/bad to judge the man. But at the start, I was this type of “bad guy.” I remember my very first drama- it was a pretty big project- and I was just happy to be an actor. All of the comments I received were those yelling/cursing at me. “Why is this character such a abad person? I’m sure LYN himself is as well.” “He LOOKS like he would play a villain.” /sigh/ 
LYN: Dunming is here, too? My da-shixiong, Yu Huanjie? LYN: No- I just want to tell them that I’m streaming from my computer today, so I can’t connect. Next time, we should get the actors together for a stream and to chat. We can do a livestream. I was thinking of calling them over the last time I did a group livestream, for the drama promotion. But I want to call them over so you all can yell at them. Put them under public scrutiny. But there’s no helping it, you can only ridicule them in your hearts.
LYN: The two of them (PHC & ZDM) are both very excellent actors. You can tell by watching the drama- the only reason these two characters strike a nerve with people and are hated to the core is because the actors themselves are great. C: They acted too well; I really hate them. LYN: /sigh/ In any case, the two of you (PHC & ZDM) should take care when you go out these days. If you are plotted against on the streets, it’s understandable.
C: Ning-ge, I just went to Taobao to get rockets for you. LYN: You didn’t need to!! I was just joking. But if you truly NEED those products, you can go ahead and purchase some. Because they are products I am a spokesperson for. If you need it, you can buy it. I am not forcing you, by telling you in my stream that you SHOULD go to Taobao and buy these things for me. It’s not necessary. LYN: Thank you for your support, though. LYN: At the Pomellato event, I saw many of you taking bags home. I can tell that you have money~ I saw you with such small bags and thought, “Mn. Nice.” It makes me look good. XD - LYN: The event was in Shanghai, right? Every time I go to Shanghai I’ll shop around, and encounter my fans. I personally like shopping. I like to buy clothes, because I’ll wear what I buy when I go to any event or function, and even my daily clothes. I don’t often ask brands if I could borrow or rent their clothing. For the most part- 90% of the clothes I own I bought myself. So, I really like shopping and especially for clothes. I’ll always go to the Pomelleto shop- becasuse there’s one there- and secretly take a selfie and leave. But I guess I do it kind of suspiciously, because the clerks always squint at me like this: /imitates/ “What’s that guy doing at the entrance??” C: Release the pic! LYN: I will! Do you want to see them? Let me look.  // There’s really not much to look at. I won’t be posting it, because I wasn’t wearing any makeup.
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C: Send it to the weibo group chat. LYN: Ok. How about this- I’m streaming today, but tomorrow I won’t be able to keep you company, so I will post it then. Perfunctorily. Oops- I said my inside thoughts out loud. C: Is this also a “pie”? LYN: It’s just a picture, why would it become a “pie”?? I can’t with you. C: I really like this type of half-heartedness. LYN: ?!? C: Ning-ge, if you don’t post it tomorrow I will tear down the shed. LYN: I’ll post it to the group tomorrow.
C: Ning-ge, are you still alive at the end of TXJ? LYN: Go watch it for yourself. I can’t give you any spoilers. If I tell you I live, you might not think it’s very exciting. If I tell you I die, you might be sad. So you should go watch for yourself. I won’t be telling you any spoilers. Some people are alive but dead to others. Some people die but live on in our hearts.
bgm: 莫问前程 (Don’t Ask About the Future) - White Cat Legend OST
C: Ning-ge, have you been to Chengdu? LYN: I’ve been there. I also shot a drama there. BYOL with Tao-jie was shot in Chengdu. I was there for a long time. C: Have you been to London. LYN: I think I’ve been there… have I? I think I went to Paris. I’ve forgotten what cities I’ve been to. It should have been London- I shot a commercial there before. I haven’t really been out of the country, so I don’t have a good concept of it. I collaborate with a number of brands, and sometimes they will ask me to attend their events, but I never go. I don’t really like going in that direction. So I… haven’t much been out of the country. C: Do you want to go traveling? LYN: Not really? I haven’t really thought about what specific country I’d like to visit, rather I think about amusement parks. I just want to go to an amusement park and it doesn’t matter where. // I’ve been to a lot, because every time I go to a city I’ll ask about them. Then I’ll look up whether they’re fun or not. If they’re not then I won’t go. 
C: Chengdu Disney is waiting for you to come play. LYN: Chengdu…? You’re talking about… Chengdu Disney??? I didn’t mishear you, right? This joke is already long over, and you’re only cueing me now?? - [t/n: some meme reference?] LYN: It’s been about a month since that joke has passed. C: You know of it? LYN: I’m a singer, still. For things related to song/rap, that’s still within my circle. I still follow music related things. 
bgm: 拂晓 (Dawn) - Harbin 1944 OST
C: When will you go record the music variety? LYN: I don’t know. I’m waiting for the other part to update me with the itinerary. But I might not have the time to record it. It depends on my time in the crew. If I could take the time away I’ll do to record it. If I can’t take time I’ll just have to work with them the next time. It’s all still being planned.
bgm: 别梦寒 (Don’t Dream of the Cold) - A Journey to Love OST
C: I want to hear the previous song. LYN: I was afraid to play this song because I didn’t want you to be sleepy. It’s too sad (of a song). Plus, it’s almost 11p.
----- break #2 LYN: ?! It lagged for a bit there and gave me a fright. I was afraid my computer was frozen.
C: Who won and who lost? LYN: The neighbors? … The volume on their tv was up too high. The neighbors are watching TXJ, and it was right at the part where ZBF and MSD were exchanging blows. They were loath to part, making all sorts of noise. So I just decided to come back. 
C: Trending topic #4. LYN: Who are you trying to trick with that? Is it “My Trending Topics” again? C: You dropped of the Trending list. LYN: … That’s hurtful, isn’t it? Look at other people- those more amazing people- who can get a trending topic as they wish. It’s so easy for them to get a trending topic. But then there’s me. I’ve been chatting with you for (close to) three hours now and I’m only at #40. /corrects himself/ I’m not even on the list. C: Ge. You were at #39 and then dropped off after a while. LYN: That’s why I have to continue to work hard. C: Trending at #4. You’re on it. LYN: What is it? /goes to check/ LYN: In MY “My Trending Topics” I actually am at #4. If I’m at #4 in my own list… What is “LYN unmasking PTSD”? What does “PTSD” mean?? P-T-S-D? 胖头 (Pàng Tóu = fat head)... /laughs/ “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder”, is it? - /trying to read all the responses to “what does “ptsd” mean?”/ LYN: Okay now, all you “doctors”. Thank you, Doctor.
C: TXJ is really good! Ning-ge, shoot more dramas like this one. LYN: I actually do like this type of drama. But next time I just hope that I can have more scenes. I haven’t had enough. - /trying to remember his opening narration/character intro/
C: Ning-ge, I’m on vacation in Sanya. Will you come? LYN: What?? You’re on vacation in Sanya, and you’re asking if I’ll go? What type of job do you think I have? Huh? Do you think I’m like… a companion you can bring along like in HoK? Even if I do go, you can’t just ask me like this so openly. How could I promise you, then? Even though I am in a type of customer service industry right now, I don’t think I can do that type of service. I hope you have a fun time in Sanya. I hope you enjoy it. I won’t be going, as I have a drama to shoot. C: Should we contact your studio instead? LYN: No, no. I’m not going! LYN: Do you all know what the “contact my studio” thing is? I used to joke- someone had asked me before, “If I gave you 100k RMB, would you give me a bath/scrub?” I told them to contact my studio. XD It was a joke. I could make jokes like that three years ago, but now I don’t dare to make any such jokes. Everything goes online. People KNOW it’s fake, but they will still post it and make you a target for a round of ridicule. 
C: People have no sense of humor. LYN: It’s not that they don’t have a sense of humor, they do. They just don’t like me. They don’t like me, yet they continue to look out for news on me. There’s a group of people out there who do nothing but watch me like hawks. For example, they might be more eager to watch my stream than my actual fans are. They’re just looking for a loophole or a slip, some topic that they can turn into a point of discussion. With that, they’re happy. They’re so happy to curse people, even for one or two sentences. They’re just looking for people who resonate with them. LYN: But I can understand these types of people, too. I have a feeling that 20-30 years later, sometime within the next 30 years, these people will have a moment where they realize they actually like me. In 30 years they will have grown, matures, seen all the world has to offer, and their hearts will become good. When they look back, they’ll realize that I was the one who kept them company for the past 30 years. I’m waiting for that day to come, when they have matured and their hearts have calmed. The day they don’t think of harming others first, they will look back and realize that I have spent the past 30 years with them. It doesn’t matter if they cursed or ridiculed me for those 30 years, I was still there. Without me, how else would they have expressed their dissatisfaction with the world, or unhappiness and pressure from work?
LYN: Seriously. Friends, let’s wait and see. I’m sure there are some people watching my stream right now, who don’t like me and are ready to ridicule me. Maybe they hate me. Maybe they think I’m ugly. Maybe, somehow I am not good enough for them. Let’s make a 30-year agreement. Trust me. I guarantee you. In 30 years, or one day within the next 30 years, there will come a day where you love me. LYN: Let’s swear on it. [t/n: I am now noticing I really like the shape of this sweater. (wide sleeves)] - C: Can you go at 2x speed? LYN: Are you crazy?!? I’m LIVEstreaming. You have to cherish every word- Are you really that bored?? You have to put it at 2x speed in order to watch? - LYN: Just like how the Bodhi and Dharma successors (TXJ) had a 30-year agreement, antis and I are the same. Antis, let’s make a 30-year agreement, okay? I’m sure that in thirty years we will become people who sincerely know and love each other. 
C: You’re an old actor already, and yet you (break character to) laugh?? LYN: It had nothing to do with old or not old- I’m just impressed by how I could even think of such a thing (as the 30-year agreement). LYN: I look insane.
C: Ning-ge, in 30 years I’ll be eighty. LYN: What about it? It’s okay. LYN: Have you turned yourself in, though? Did that count as turning yourself in? “Ning-ge, I’m an anti and I can’t wait for you another 30 years. I’ll be eighty by then. I can’t hold on much longer.” You’ve confessed? Or do you mean that in 30 years you’ll be eighty, but you want to live to see that day that antis and I finally come to peace? C: Ning-ge, in 30 years I’ll be forty-five. LYN: :| … It’s a good thing that the presents are closed, otherwise I’d be afraid of being accused of soliciting money from minors. What time is it? 11pm. You should be sleeping. Fifteen years old and you’re watching my stream?? You should know better. Quickly go and rest. Go to sleep. Study well. C: Ning-ge, in 30 years, I’ll be eight. LYN: /laughs/ You- did I misread that? What does that mean? In 30 years you’ll be eight??? How does that math work??
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------ Bathhouses (how did we get here??)
C: Ning-ge, how do you bathe/scrub in the South? LYN: In the South… I do it to myself. I’m originally from Northeast, and we have bathhouses there. Friends, if you go to the Northeast to play, you definitely should visit one and experience it. But you’d have to find a better rated one. You can soak in the big pool and experience the scrub. A lot of the better places are not only about the scrub. Let me tell you, because many of you have not been to one. Let me tell you what you can do in a bathhouse. People from the South might not know, so I’ll walk you through the process. [t/n: flashbacks to his 2022.08.12 stream, where he explained this whole thing]
- You walk in and see two paths. Someone welcomes you, asks you how many people in your party, and directs you to the front desk for a number - You get your number (for a locker) and are directed to an area- only shoes- where you will take off yours. “You can go in to wash but you can’t bring your shoes. Because they’re afraid of people washing then immediately leaving. Shoes are collateral.” Change into slippers. - You are asked if you’d like your shoes cleaned. It’s about 10-20rmb. - Men are on the first floor, and Women are on the second. There are no solo rooms. - Next you enter a hall full of lockers. Find yours according to the number originally assigned to you. Take off your clothes and put them in the locker. 
LYN: There are a lot of people, and some are shy. Like me. But you’re there to wash up, so normally people just tie a towel around their waist and go in. C: Really get naked?? LYN: What else are you going to do, watch?? You’re there to wash up, why wouldn’t you take off your clothes? C: Southern people are shy. LYN: It has nothing to do with whether you’re shy or not. It’s all men in there, what’s there to be shy about?? But if you are, you can just wrap a towel and go in.
- Around the perimeter of the area are shower heads. You can adjust temperature however you want and the pressure is high. In the middle there are 2-3 large pools. The largest one is usually around 30-35C. Towards the edges are the hotter pools, around 40C or a little higher. There’s another row with seated bathing- for the old people to sit and wash. - You only need to bring your body. Soaps, shampoos, and cleaning supplies are all offered. - You finish up with the baths, rinse, and are ready for the scrub. There’s a designated area to go, find and find a shifu. It normally costs around 38rmb, but can be more. It was 38rmb when he was still going. C: Is that expensive? LYN: I guess it depends on what you’re there for. If you’re there to have a bath and scrub, 100rmb should do it.
- The shifu will ask if you want a salt scrub: 68 or 88rmb. To disinfect. “If you’re stingy like me, you’ll say no thanks.” Or they’ll ask if you want lemon. Lemon is 68, the slightly cheaper option. The salt was 88. You can ask for vinegar instead. “Because it is better at getting off the dust.”
C: Do they have purple salt? LYN: 去你的!
C: Is there medicinal oil? LYN: That counts as a spa thing. You’d have to go up. I’m telling you floor by floor. We’re only on the first floor now. LYN: Putting salt has a disinfecting function. But men rarely have a milk scrub; you’d see that more in the women’s baths. It’s supposed to make your skin better, but let me tell you- it really doesn’t do anything. Even if you sit in a tub of milk, it’s not as if your body can absorb anything. Let alone using it to scrub your body with. I’m telling you- it’s all a lie. The most realistic thing is to use some lemon. Salt is okay, too. Vinegar helps to remove oil. Maybe without it, it would be easier to scrub. 
- When you’re done you can rinse off or go take a sit in the sauna. - The better accommodations are upstairs. By floor: 1. Men’s Bath 2. Women’s Bath 3. Dining 4. Rest area - one section has dim lights and you can sit on a sofa and rest a little; there’s a Chinese chess area; likens it to an amusement park. 5. Private Rooms - for massage, ear cleaning, etc. 6. Hotel Rooms -  /starts explaining what you can do by floor/
- got to 4F, when: C: Are you naked all through this?? LYN: No, when you finish washing they’ll give you a robe before you head upstairs.
LYN: When you’re all done you can come back to the first floor and rinse off before you head home. That’s the basic bathhouse walkthrough.
C: Have you worked there? LYN: I have worked in a bathhouse before. I was a waiter there for… a little more than a year, I think. I was working in the dining area, but I’m familiar with the whole process of it.  - LYN: If you get the chance to head North, visit a bathhouse. It’s pretty interesting. - C: Do you get commission? LYN: No, it’s just your regular wage. A very “dead” wage.
----- SJYM
LYN: LYT-laoshi is here? Oh, welcome! LYN: I’m sorry. I’m ashamed. Because originally I was supposed to be filming for a scene tonight- a scene where the hero rescues the maiden. The FL gets surrounded by 200 small vagrants. She was shopping on the street when she was surround by 200 small vagrants. In fear and at a loss, she looks around for help. Suddenly, I appear. Together, myself and 100 other small vagrants (?) bombard her. But this scene was scrapped and I didn’t get to film today. She’s hanging out with those 100 small vagrants now. I came back home to stream. [t/n: what??] I didn’t save her, but came to stream instead. C: What about the other 100? LYN: … - C: I thought you had cameo’d? LYN: Yeah, I’m the background actor that shows his face a lot. - C: The other 100 came to watch the stream. LYN: Meaning that you’ve already discovered that there are 100 little vagrants with us in the stream? /laughs/ You got me.
C: You’re going to scare her away. LYN: No. Actually, when I work with other actors- it doesn’t matter who- I’m still a rookie. Though I may look older (and AM older) than the actors, colleagues, and friends I’ve worked with, the truth is that I AM a rookie. You can pick anyone, and they all would have debuted earlier than me.
C: Ning-ge, I want to go act as a vagrant. LYN: /lol/ You want to bombard the FL??
LYN: The director is here??
LYN: On, in that case- speaking from the heart, if I had to use a single word to describemy current state it woul be: humiliated. Because when I’m with the drama crew I never act like how I do in my stream. In the crew I need to act a little more proper/sane. I don’t want them to think that I am unreliable or unstable. I don’t want them to think I’m a vagrant. So usually when I get on to set in the morning and see the director, for example I’ll say, ‘Good morning, Director.” And if I see the Fl, I’ll say, “Good morning.” [short and simple] Do you hear- the sound of my voice is even more dignified. “Good morning.” “Did you sleep well?” “Not bad?” “Okay, good.” And to other actors: “Hello.” “Do you have a lot of scenes today?” “You don’t?” “Thanks for your hard work.” Putting on airs. But in reality, I’m just a small vagrant. XD
C: Director Guo, please film Nan Heng well! LYN: Is that not disgraceful?? Do you think he, the Director, needs you to tell him that? LYN: The Director has already done his best when filming me. Think about how many times I have to wear the mask. Every time I have to take it off, I’m terrified. But the Director has already done the best he could. I can’t say I look cool but at least you can’t say that I’m… /trails off/ We don’t want what happened before to happen again.
C: You scared Song Yimeng (LYT) away. LYN: It’s okay.
C: Ning-ge, I’m a vagrant to begin with, can I go act? LYN: Its not necessary.
C: Are there any scenes in this drama where you bombard the ML? LYN: Female vagrants?? You want to come bombard the ML???
C: Ning-ge, your eyes are so pretty. LYN: You’re not kidding, are you? My eyes are the biggest “bug” (flaw) on my face. When I’m acting opposite people it’s always big eyes against small eyes. I am the small eyes. You didn’t learn this from foreign movies, did you? I always see that when they are complimenting someone they’ll say, “Wow, your eyes are so beautiful.” “Your eyes look just like a blue lake.” I feel like in a lot of foreign movies the ML will compliment the FL by saying her eyes are pretty. LYN: Oh, my goodness. ~ You have a pair of eyes that can speak ~
C: Ning-ge, we don’t self deprecate. LYN: Let me tell you. If you want to survive in this industry, you’ll have to learn how to self deprecate. If you don’t do it yourself, others will do it for you. I’m walking on others’ path, so they have no room to walk it. - [t/n: he’ll make fun of himself so other people’s words can’t hurt him.]
C: KSTLB is a really good watch! LYN: It is! I had fun shooting this season as well, and the episodes have all finished recording. If you have some time you can go check it out. Over time we came to know one another, and we were able to relax and play better together. 
C: How many times were you the killer? LYN: I don’t remember, and I can’t spoil anything. But it’s already been 4 episodes and I’ve had a special identity in all of them. For four consecutive episodes, I already knew who the killer was. It really took away from the overall experience. LYN: And then- /laughs/- this is human nature. In E1 I was Detective and chosen as the X. When we finished recording that ep, I told my PD: “It was fun, but I didn’t have any sense of experiencing it for myself. I didn’t have that motivation to solve the case. I didn’t get to experience thesearch and putting the clues together to find the killer.” But let me tell you something about how it was recorded- As the X, I do know who the killer is. But! You still don’t know what the whole story is. The story, modus operandi, timeline, and how the characters are connected- the X does not know any of that. You only know who the killer is, that’s it. You don’t know the motive or how the deed was done. So on that part, there is some sense of participation, as you’re solving the case along with everyone else. We find the clues, connect them together, and finally see the whole picture before voting for we think the killer is.
LYN: The Director is calling me for overtime. I won’t be going, Director. Thanks for your hard work. 
LYN: Then, in E2 I was Detective AND X AGAIN. So I told my PD, /smug/humble/ “Why did they pick me again? It’s like I can’t even play to my fullest. It’s a little boring.” By E3, I was Detective & X again, and I knew who the killer was, so I felt a little discouraged. /sigh/ I was originally planning on to take it by storm, but I felt that I was limited by the knowledge. I wanted to show off my strong reasoning skills and the limits of my intelligence but as the X I had to protect the killer. Therefore, I could not properly come to the right conclusions. In E4- you’ve already seen it, as it’s finished airing. Later- I finally become just a “commoner”. I was so happy. LYN: They will tell you your identity beforehand: if you are the detective, commoner- actually there is no “commoner” but rather the rest of us are “suspects”- or killer. Finally one day I became the commoner/suspect. I was so excited. It was like I got a pump of chicken blood (expression to express insanity or excitement). When I got to the set and for example:
- Saw ZLH- I said, “小杀手~” (xiǎo shāshǒu - means “little killer”, it became a sort of term of endearment on the show) “Today I’ll be- /makes the watching you gesture/- keeping my eyes on you~” “You’re a little strange today, ZLH.” “I called you out and you didn’t refute.” - Later Reba walks in. “Ba-jie… you’re not normal today.” :) “Oh, you are normal?” “I’m not crazy, no. I’m just… testing you.” “It seems you’re not very suspicious today.” - Later, BY comes in. “Lao Bai, are you the killer today?” “You are? Stop joking! The show wouldn’t dare to give you such an important position. We also have a new friend today. There’s no way you can be the killer. You’re not worthy. ” - Later, ZKY comes in. “Keyu.” “I called you, how could you not hear me?? Were you too busy memorizing the killer’s script?” “There’s something wrong with you today. Something very wrong with you today!” “Watch out, Ning-ge will be keeping his eye on you.” “You’d better be careful!” - Later, Jin Jing. “Hello, hello~ You’re shooting with us today?” “Are you the murderer, JJ?” JJ: “Why would you think I’m the killer.” “I’ll tell you why: because you are someone who records variety shows often. But since you’re here, on your first episode, the program would definitely give you some sort of special identity so you can experience being the killer. They will assume that we would never think that they’d give a new player an identity. I’m sure that’s what they’re thinking.” “Watch out. Ning-ge is watching you~”
LYN: I was super excited that day. LYN: And in the end, I guessed wrong. I thought I was so smart! But at the end of the day I voted for the wrong person. How outrageous!! LYN: After recording that day, I felt even worse. I was SO confident. “Little Killer. Let me tell you- I’m set on you as my killer. Don’t try to explain. Okay, fine. I’ll give you a chance. Let me hear what you have to say.” They say a bunch. I refute. “Keep talking.” They say, “Ning-ge, why do you think it’s me?” I say, “You don’t need to try to make excuses. Don’t try to make me pity you. It’s definitely you.” I voted wrong. LYN: I thought I was invincible, but at the end I was even more dispirited. Seems like it really isn’t easy to pick correctly… 
C: Spoilers! LYN: No- when you watch it, then you’ll realize whether I really gave spoilers or not. LYN: That experience made me realize it was better off being the X. /pause/ Not really. It’s fine being a “commoner” too. I’m better at stories that take place within reality. I’m not as good this season because I have a strong sense of logic, but a lot of the stories this season are… how do you call it?? Alternate reality. The first season didn’t have things like infinite loops, time travel, aliens, etc. I’m not well-versed in these types of scripts. I CAN understand, but I am better at the logistical side of things. 
C: Infinite loop. LYN: I did think of it, but it’s not something you can be certain of. It adds too many variables. If you think it’s a time loop, it might not be. But if it were to take place within reality, that’s not even a direction you have to think about. You’d only have to think about motive, and how the act was conducted.
C: Are the snacks tasty? LYN: Yes, they were all quite tasty.
C: What does the suannai geda (nai lao) taste like? LYN: First, you need to open up all your tastebuds. Before you eat it, it would be best to have a drink of clear water. To clear other flavors from your mouth. The moment you put the sour milk on your tongue, you will be able to taste the flavor of the sour milk. Suannai geda tastes like suannai geda. What did you expect? Would it taste like daikon?
C: Did you like it? LYN: Um… it’s an acquired taste? Some people like douzhi, but others can’t drink it/aren’t accustomed to the taste. If you like it, you will like it. If you don’t, then you don’t. So, does it taste good? If you think it’s good, it’s good. If you don’t think it’s good, then it’s not. LYN: /laughs at himself/ I can’t even believe how much nonsense I am spewing tonight!!  - likens it to stinky tofu- not that that’s what it tastes like- but people who like it, like it. People who don’t want to throw up at the smell of it. Depends on personal preference.
C: Ning-ge, everything you’re saying today is nonsense. LYN: That’s right! It’s not that I’m making a lot of noise. 1 minute on stage is 60 seconds off stage. [t/n: ??] Right? It’s not as simple as you think.
C: Ning-ge, I knew you would say that. LYN: I can’t believe you guessed right. Let me do something now that you will definitely never guess.  LYN: I hope you had a relaxing, happy, and wonderful night. It was great to have you and I hope you had fun. Let’s meet again in the next stream~ Goodnight, everyone! LYN: If you still haven’t subscribed to my weibo, please do so. It’s about time (to go). I’ll go wash up, do some homework for tomorrow’s scenes, then I’ll go to sleep. Okay? Goodnight, everyone. LYN: You didn’t see that coming did you? 🙂 LYN: Goodnight. Bye, bye.
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