#lin reacts
ailendolin · 12 days
One thing I love about the Elven Rings storyline is all the little visual nods to the One Ring and its effect on its bearers because it creates this underlying current of potential danger throughout the season.
We get a hint of possessiveness with Gil-galad and Galadriel in 2x01, and Elrond is helpless in the face of it all just like Sam was when Frodo turned away from him. We get Nenya "choosing" Galadriel in a similar way the One Ring chose Bilbo after abandoning Gollum. We get the Elves looking at their Rings as if they're one second away from saying, "My precious," and they're constantly touching and fiddling with them. We get Galadriel sacrificing herself to save Nenya (whether that's true or not is obviously up for debate but Elrond certainly thinks that's what's going on which plays well into the idea of rings of power slowly taking over and consuming their bearers' thoughts until little else is left). Even Cirdan changing his mind could be interpreted as the Rings influencing him.
All these moments are subtle reminders that there is something dangerous about the Rings and leave the viewer just unsettled enough to wonder whether Elrond's objections to using them might be justified after all, and I for one really love the ambiguity of it all.
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calitsnow · 4 months
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Just thinking late at night …
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honeycakelion · 3 months
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you're my silly little rabbit
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allycot · 1 year
bi-han: where is kuai liang
frost: ask his boyfriend
bi-han: his- who???
cyrax: scorpion
bi-han: W H A T
smoke: yes, I was shocked too.
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lurkingshan · 2 months
Can’t believe this show tricked me into watching a story about two rich hoes lying to each other
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byk23 · 5 months
Some dudes really said if i can't find the perfect man imma make one myself...
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cienie-isengardu · 6 months
Honor: Bi-Han’s disillusion vs Kuai Liang’s idealism
Did you notice how Bi-Han in the previous timeline barely talks about honor in contrast to his younger brother?
Like in Mythologies: Sub-Zero, Bi-Han does not describe himself as honorable man or part of honorable clan, as in his own introduction he calls himself mortal, then thief and assassin before Lin Kuei warrior and Sub-Zero
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When accused by Raiden for putting Earthrealm in danger, only says "I was just earning my living" - considering how he balances between death and life, as he either fulfill incredible difficult missions or he will be killed for failure sounds to me more like "I'm trying to survive" kind of argument.
The Elder Sub-Zero mentions honor only when facing the Grandmaster
"Grandmaster, in honor of the Lin Kuei, I bring you this sacred Map of Elements."
as Lin Kuei custom demands and MK11 Noob Saibot's BIO points out Wraith's desire to reclaim the honor that was forcibly taken away from him
Mortal Kombat 11: "Shadow of the Netherrealm. In life, Noob Saibot was known as Sub-Zero. Unjustly murdered by Scorpion, he was resurrected by Quan Chi and granted power over darkness, but as Quan Chi’s slave. Now, Quan Chi is dead. Noob Saibot is finally free to reclaim the honor that was stolen from him."
and that is basically all? None of Noob’s intro dialogue directly uses this word but honor (and honoring someone or something or alternatively, dishonor) is one of Kuai Liang's constant used term, from 
Mortal Kombat 9
"[...] assuming Bi-Han's identity is the best way to honor him."
"I am his family and clan! I fight for his honor!"
Mortal Kombat X
"Our honor is indeed stained. Please. Sit."
"After you and I were freed from Quan Chi's control, I sought out my clan. I had hoped rebellion from within would have quashed the Grandmaster's plans. But Sektor had realized his father's vision. The Lin Kuei had been fully cyberized. I pledged to kill Sektor and his followers. Reform the Lin Kuei and restore our honor."
"When I finally killed Sektor, I discovered the Lin Kuei had not sacrificed its honor with the Cyber Initiative. We had abandoned it long before."
 to Mortal Kombat 11
Erron Black: That's some outfit. Sub-Zero: It honors Lin Kuei tradition.
Liu Kang: I admire your discipline, Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero: And I your honor, Liu Kang.
Mileena: You're so cold to me, Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero: Because you are utterly devoid of honor. Mileena: Who needs honor when you have power?
Sub-Zero: Can Tarkatans be redeemed? Baraka: My tribe seeks no redemption. Sub-Zero: Then it has no honor.
Sub-Zero: You serve Shao Kahn. Kollector: And I am well compensated. Sub-Zero: Wealth without honor is pointless.
to name few examples.
And this seems to be carried out to the new timeline even though the games don't exploit much this difference between brothers, the Bi-Han’s disillusion vs Kuai Liang’s idealism. Previous timeline gives the feeling Elder Sub-Zero was more aware of Lin Kuei's true nature, as he witnessed Grandmaster and Quan Chi's deal that resulted in death of Scorpion's clan but Kuai Liang would not believe Lin Kuei could be responsible until he found a hard evidence how wrong he was. Now, one brother sees Lin Kuei servitude as enslavement while the other blindly believes and chose to honor the tradition passed down for generations.
At the same time I feel like original timeline Kuai Liang, the same as his elder brother, was much more disillusioned about Lin Kuei but I will leave that subject for another time.
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The Hollow of My Bones
When Lin is killed in action, Tenzin has to face a world without her.
TW Major Character Death
/Ao3 x/
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scarefox · 11 months
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jabbloo · 2 years
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the xiaomed saga continues.................more doobles
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habizuh-studios · 24 days
Reaction to Guardian (Chapter 2-Chapter 10)
okay so i had to stop myself from binge reading so that i could make this post, but i think i failed.
okay i'm not even gonna lie, i kinda really love guo changcheng. he makes serious situations so funny and i feel kinda bad for him. ik he would be soOOO annoying irl, but in the book he kinda heightens the experience without intruding on zhao yunlan and shen wei, lmao.
i re-looked at the cover for volume 1, of course, and my first impression of shen wei was that he was apprehensive or concerned, but now he seems a little in love/shy type of concerned. idk, after reading, their expressions seem a lot more soft.
the python lady, whose name i forgot. wait. erm. ZHU HONG that was it. okay so first of all the period jokes are crazy. at first i was abt to say why tf would you spend so much money on making her learn about tech stuff, but then i realized this was based in china and idk how much universities cost there. whoops. ALSO ALSO WHY THE FUCK IS SHE FLIRTING WITH ZHAO YUNLAN?? HELLO?? bro was actually disgusted and she should've been ashamed. that being said, i do quite like her. i think if there are scenes with her in the future, they won't be that bad.
lin jing- whose name i only remember because of jin ling- is super kewl. idk, bro just seems like a wingman. i think i imagine him differently in my head because of jin ling.... so he has no glasses and is kinda short in my head... but all is well, yk? i like his- again, i binge read, so sorry if this is offensive/incorrect- monk/buddhist motif.
the fight scenes are so well made, holy shit. and so are the illustrations! like omg, they were so fun to read. i love love love fight scenes and with guo changcheng it definitely wasn't AS serious, but yk. obv we love shen wei being a badass and daqing being daqing.
the illustrations are such bangers as well, i love the style. especially the one where zhao yunlan was holding the dagger in his mouth and holding the talisman? dont ask me why, but i love when characters do that. it feels so badass to me.
i'm so excited to read the rest. i'm not sure if zhao yunlan's memory altering technique thing will work on shen wei, because he is a little sus. meaning that he definitely has a hidden past and is like secretly a demon or guardian of zhao yunlan or some shit, yk? i have the covers of the rest of the novels at my disposure, or whatever the fuck, and i can see that they have long hair, which was kinda strange to me because it seems like a modern type au so far?
oh yeah quick interlude: love the fact that you can shoot ghosts with bullets. that seems so fucking badass to me. this novel is so badass, dont ask me why
anyway i really enjoyed the little kissie that zhao yunlan gave shen wei. i wonder what their future dynamic will be?
so excited to read the rest, i highly recommend if you like good fight scenes!! can't wait to unravel the mystery.
oh, p.s: li qian (?) wasn't the one who died, i was wrong. but she was supposed to die- or so i think rn, idk the twists. ah, maybe mxtx has shapen me into expecting something so out there, but with jun wu and nie huaisang and luo binghe, things aren't really what they seem, i'm SURE of it.
i love guardian so far, and i'm sure you will too!
until next time...
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ailendolin · 18 days
You know what? I'm still not over the fact that no one even considers the possibility that Elrond might be right to be worried about the rings.
Yes, I know Sauron has not tampered with the Three but the characters don't know that. Sauron not only touched the mithril, he also gave Celebrimbor the missing key to make it work which ultimately leads to the forging of the three rings. He might not have been present when Celebrimbor made them, but I'd say his contributions to making them are enough to warrant at least some concerns regarding corruptions.
And yet when Elrond brings up all these valid points about the rings and the danger Galadriel's closeness to Sauron could possibly present, he not only gets ignored, he also gets lectured even though Elrond makes it absolutely clear that he knows the consequences his proposed plan of action would have. It's like Gil-galad needs a miracle so badly he's willing to throw caution completely to the wind, and I'm not even going to start with Galadriel because her motivations are completely self-centred and revolve around the shame and betrayal she feels regarding Halbrand.
I just ... I wish this whole mess had not ended with Elrond being completely isolated from everyone he cares about and learning how little he and his opinion truly matters to his friends.
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thispatternismine · 1 year
Xiao Lin: How it started vs How it’s going
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mvnces · 5 months
flips off julian-
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He doesn't know what he did to deserve that. A quick glance around the rest of the office, gauging. Maybe trying to make sure that there were witnesses around. And he's flipping her off in return.
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bluevveather · 9 months
Wait people eat horse meat for real??
Oh damn I forgot asks are a thing i can receive lol sorry for the probably late answer!
It's a domestic animal with a lot of meat on it that tastes ok, so why not? People tend to react similarly to it as most do with the concept of eating dogs though so it's not super common everywhere for all classes but it definitely does happen. Pretty sure it's relatively common in Finland for example.
Humans have been eating horse meat long before we domesticated them like... very long before. I'd recommend looking up stuff about human horse interaction throughout history. It's very interesting to see how things change over time!
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what-am-i · 10 months
Me: Hmm but I don't have that many problem with changes actually Discord: *changes their icon-style* Me: AHH omg what is this??? Someone help *almost starts crying and stims to regulate the emotion*
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