#I had to leave on a scheduled sightseeing adventure just as it ended in a tie so I missed the extra time and shoot out
obsessivedilettante · 2 years
I’ve avoided most things World Cup this year out of sheer spite for FIFA’s corruptness by selecting Qatar as the host country (and then all of the terrible things Qatar has done to secure it and build the infrastructure).
But I am a weak woman who can’t help but watch the final because this might be the last chance Messi has to win a WC and I need to be there for it.
EDIT: just as I was typing in my tag essay, Messi scored! GO MESSI!
UPDATE: DI MARIA SCORES! Argentina up by 2! Beautiful goal!
HALFTIME UPDATE: I’ve fed the turtles their breakfast and have scrounged some leftover dumplings for mine. Mum is now up and cozily ensconced in her chair to watch the second half with me. Hopefully it will be just as exciting as the first half!
OMG UPDATE: Mbappé penalty goal and then a couple minutes later a legit goal! What?!?!?!? Tied 2-2! So stressful! C’mon Argentina, get yourself under control!
ANNNNNNNND now we go into Extra Time. What a game. We all need a moment to catch our breath and then try again.
France goalkeeper smashed in the face, rebound to Messi, then MESSI SCORES!!!! Argentina ahead in Extra Time! I screamed so loud I feel like I need to apologize to my neighbors on this peaceful Sunday morning.
AIIIIIEEEEEEE another Mbappé penalty kick! TIED UP! WHAT IS GOING ON! I mean congrats on a record-breaking hat trick but WHAT IS GOING ON THIS GAME IS SO INTENSE I CAN’T HANDLE IT.
Going to penalty shoot outs. It’s too much. I can’t handle this. I still hate FIFA but man what a game this has been.
Me to Mum: “I’m so happy that I want to cry.”
Mum, with tears running down her face: “I’m already crying.”
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xbunnybunz · 4 years
circhester city blues [hop x reader]
Summary: Hop finds you at outside at midnight, mulling over some personal thoughts. He extends some much needed words of comfort, and a little bit more.
Genre: Fluff
Date: July 12, 2020
Circhester was unlike anything you had ever seen before.
Snowflakes drifted slowly from the sky, brushing over the city with a crispy new layer of snow. The cold nighttime air was serene, moving languidly over your exposed cheekbones and fingertips and leaving you slightly shuddering. A hum of gentle music floated softy in the breeze, sounding quite melancholy and tearful.
You lean over the railing on the higher point of the city, eyes taking in the scene of the city of snow. The sensation of snowflakes grazes your skin with a soft nip, melting away and leaving you yearning for more than that gossamer touch.
You close your eyes to eternalize this memory, the sweet and delicate song echoing in the distance and the soft glow of nighttime snow flurries dancing before your eyes. It is times like these, where you’re away from the crowds and cheering of fans, do you get the time to reflect on your journey.
The beginning of this trek seemed so long ago. The hazy memories of Postwick and its endless expanse of green fields leave you feeling bittersweet. As much as you miss home and the feeling of waking up at home in your soft bed, the smell of freshly cooked omlettes wafting from the kitchen, you’ve been beginning to ponder the end of your journey.
The heights and lulls of your adventure fill you with purpose, and every morning you wake up with a mission in mind. Other times, when the excitement dies down and the sun begins to dwindle behind the horizon, you can set up your tent and lay under the stars, counting the specks of light until the coos of your pokemon lull you to sleep.
That is something that, with all its glorious, warm sunshine and creaking cottage houses, Postwick cannot give you.
You watch as one by one, houses lining the streets illuminate with life from the inside. Families come together for supper, their shadows dancing across the cobblestone path lined with a thin layer of snow. You wonder if you’re selfish for not wanting to return home- not wanting this chapter of your life to be over so soon.
Tomorrow was the day you were scheduled to battle Melony, the Ice type gym leader and sixth hurdle to completing your Pokemon Gym Challenge. You think back to your first challenge against Milo, and wonder why you’re not feeling the same jittery feeling in your stomach.
The first night before your first gym battle, you were kept awake by the visions of battle and victory. You recall recounting the potential battle strategies you could use against the grass type leader in your sleep, which led to a night of tossing and turning in Bedew Hotel.
You sigh, your breath making small puffs of clouds in the air. You look down, clenching and unclenching your fists to get blood flowing back into your fingers. There had been a lot you encountered in your travels, all of which would’ve never found had you stayed in your hometown.
You had the chance to step into the battle arena, the stadium pumped full of life and vivacity that made your ears ring and heart swell. The cries of millions watching from home set your soul ablaze, and the urge to pursue your dreams had never been stronger. Amidst your challenge, you met many new and beautiful souls, both in battles and in passing. Each had their own stories and dreams to follow, burning with the passion of life. Their voices rang in your ears as you crept through the dusty Galar mines and scaled the Turrfield ruins, the experiences lives bleeding into yours and coloring you with wonder and devotion.
Many days as you waded through the wild area, you wondered if the sun ever burned so bright back at home. With enough warmth to sear your skin, warm your bones and bleach the heavens with nothing but clear, blue skies. Every night, you find yourself in awe that the starry night sky expanded so far over the horizon, deep, dark and heavy. You always question if it’s the same sky you see through your little window at home, hanging humbly over your desk in a wooden frame.
As the snow falls upon your face, you turn skyward, beholding the moon in all its lustrous, ephemeral beauty. It drips with tantalizing fullness, the light spilling over to speckle stars into the unfathomably darkening night. It hangs heavily in the inky blackness, as if even the skies aren’t large enough to hold it up.
You catch yourself thinking about who you were, and who you are. You wonder if the journey has allowed you to grow too much, too large for your modest little hometown.
The crisp sound of snow underfoot breaks the spell of silence, but you don’t need to look to know who it is.
A violet haired boy leans on the barristrade beside you, a relaxed smile stretching across his face and lighting his eyes.
“Fancy catching you out here,” He teases. “Pondering the mysteries of the universe?”
You see him staring at you from the periphery of your vision. You kick at the snow by the ledge, watching it fall into the fountain underneath.
“Not quite, but I was getting there before you came along.”
Hop laughed, and it was bold and rectifying. It echoed off the brick walls and concrete statues to warm your heart, and soon your cheeks.
“A right ruckus you are. How can you stand out here for so long and still have mysteries unsolved?”
You stutter, feeling quite abashed he had called you out on your glooming. “It hasn’t been that long! I was just… Admiring the view.”
Hop’s smile softens, and in the warm yellow light of the streetlamps, his eyes look like dark pools of swirling honey.
The way he carries himself is new, yet familiar. You know he’s the same Hop that left Postwick with you all those months ago, and yet seeing him like this reminds you that you have not been the only one growing. His exuberant flame is still there, licking at the edges of his smile and playing at the corners of his eyes. But somehow, he seems more mellow, more willing to stop for a second before surging forwards like the freight engine you’ve always known.
They’re all small shifts, but bring you comfort nonetheless, knowing you’re not the only one who may feel out of place. Hop’s the one thing in your adventures that remained constant despite change, as sturdy as an anchor in the raging sea.
When you look at him in the dull glow of the moon, you feel like you have a fragment home in your hands. You see tanned skin and the sun-kissed freckles that faintly pepper his cheeks, a signature mark of a Postwick Wooloo herder. It contrasts greatly with the snow that has settled onto his hair and the fur lining his denim jacket, as Postwick doesn’t often have cold seasons.
“What are you doing out here, anyways?” You ask.
Hop peers over the rising, and then up at the sky. “I was looking for you.”
Your heart throbs at the way he speaks so candidly. “For me? Don’t you think I can handle myself, now?”
He chokes, and waves his hands. “No, that’s not what I meant! What I mean to say is…”
He places a hand on the nape of his neck, now his turn to feel embarrassed.  “It’s a force of habit, I guess? It was always my job to fetch you before supper back in Postwick, before you got your first pokemon.”
You grin and give him a bit of a shove with your shoulder to let him know you were joking. He stumbles a tad, but recovers quickly with a mirthful smile, gladly settling back into his place next to you.
“It’s been a while, huh?” You say.
Hop leans heavily on the balustrade, crossing one long leg behind the other. “More than a while. I still remember how you cried when I caught my Wooloo, you were so worried I’d leave for the pokemon challenge without you.”
You laughed at the memory, but the distance between then and now makes you a bit teary-eyed.
“Would you have?”
Hop smiled at the thought, but shook his head. “No, I’ve always known I wanted to start the challenge with you as my rival. But I’ll admit, I really thought I was ready to take on the world at the time, just my level three Wooloo and me.”
You giggled and he reddened, though you were unsure if it was from the cold or being flustered.
“Thanks, Hop. That means a lot to me. I wouldn’t rather have anyone else by my side for this wild ride.”
He grins at you, taken aback and flattered all at once. “Oh, geez. I’m real glad to hear you say that, but don’t think I’ll go easy on you just because you said that!”
“Drat, I thought flattery would work for sure this time.”
You roll your eyes and subconsciously lean into him a bit more for warmth, though it doesn’t go unnoticed by him.
He blushes, a deep red reaching the tips of his ears and sticking a lump in his throat. He swallows thickly, and doesn’t say anything for the longest time.
You watch as the moon silhouettes the lightpoles in the air, overtaking their light with its own. Hop notices your silence, gives you a small smile.
“What have you been thinking about?” He asks, breaking the stillness.
You pull back from him, and you think you see a flash of disappointment across his face, but it’s gone as soon as it came.
“What do you mean?”
Hop shakes his head at you, the snow in his hair catching the illumination of the moon and making him seem almost otherworldly.  “You’ve been gone since we finished eating dinner with Sonia. There’s not much sightseeing to do here, especially after the sun sets.”
You look at the city again to confirm his words, and find that he’s right. You’ve been moping about on your lonesome in the drape of the night, thinking about the inevitable end to the story you’ve waited so long to experience.
You figure that if anyone else can understand you, it’s Hop, the boy who’s grown up beside you all your life.
“Do you ever not want this to end?” You ask, snowflakes catching on your eyelashes and melting away just as quickly.
Hop doesn’t speak, and you take this as a sign to continue.
“This is the most I’ve ever seen of the world, and it’s far more beautiful than anything I could’ve ever imagined. I want to keep feeling the wind in my hair when I take flying taxis to the next gym, and I want to always feel the sand brewing into a storm in the battle arena. I want to keep meeting new people, meeting new goals and making new aspirations. I don’t ever want to stop chasing this dream, but I know that I’m going to catch up to it one day. And what happens then? “
You turn to him, your eyes sparkling alongside all the stars in the sky. “I don’t know if I’ll ever belong in Postwick anymore, or anywhere at all for that matter. The stars reach too far, and the sun moves too quickly for me to just go home and watch them when I know I could be out here, running after them.”
You shudder, the cold air nipping at your skin through your thin jacket. “Every step forwards feels like a step backwards, too. The closer I get to finishing this challenge, the sooner I know I’ll have to go back home.”
Your shoulders slump, and you can’t help but sigh softly, dejectedly. Mist collects in the night air at your exhale, and evaporates.
You’re surprised to feel something thick and heavy descend upon your shoulders, cocooning you in warmth and the familiar scent of pine. You look up, and your cheek brushes worn Wooloo fur.
“Hop, you’ll catch a cold.” You say, moving to shrug off his denim jacket. But he places his hand on your back, firmly holding the jacket in place. He gives you a smile and it’s enough for you to drop your efforts.
“Keep it on, you’re shivering.”
You keep eye contact with him a beat too long, but he doesn’t say anything when you turn away.
For a long moment, you wonder if he would respond and feel silly for asking him these things. When he speaks again, his voice clear in the crisp snowfall, you’re taken by surprise.
“I think every adventure is richest with a definite ending. It means we achieved what we set out to do.” He says.
“But the most important part's gotta be finding new pieces of yourself to explore, and that’ll never expire. You’re right, we may be done with this part of our journey, but now we know what drives our hearts. Without going through this, we would never know how many more stories lie ahead, ready for us to learn from.”
Hop turns to you, eyes gleaming, drawing you in.
“And I don’t know about you, but it means the world to me that I get to go on my first big adventure with my closest friend. It helped me realize that I have a lot to learn from other people, and a lot to learn from you, too.”
You feel your heart twinge and pulse quicken at the tone in his voice. You divert your eyes to the buildings behind Hop instead, unable to bear his intensity, and take in the lights dwindling with silhouettes of families ready to sleep. He presses on, voice bordering almost on a whisper now.
“I can’t wait to become the person I’m meant to be, (y/n). And I can’t wait to see the person you’ll become too. I really want to tell you all the things I know I’ll be amazed by in the future, but even more than that, I want you to be there beside me, like now, so we can both learn from it together. I know there’s so much more out there for the both of us.”
Your eyes prick with tears, and the moon and the stars and the streetlights all blur together into one large and glistening mosaic.
“Hop… Thank you. I don’t think you know how much I needed to hear that right now.”
You reach up and brush away your tears, blood rushing in your ears when you realized Hop’s hand never left your back.
“I’ve just been so worried about everything. The challenge, our sponsors, and that strange gigantamax energy showing up everywhere. But now that the end seems so close, I was worried I’d be left unfulfilled.”
Every inhale you take smells like him, and it’s calming and electrifying at the same time. The stars twinkling overhead seemed dull in comparison to the glint in hazel eyes, shining with endless ambition yet such patience.
“But?” He asked, a puff of cold mist trailing from his lips, beckoning.
“You were right. There is more for us out there, more than either of us could begin to imagine. And I can’t wait to see it all.”
He smiles again, softly. Dimples push at his cheeks, and you suddenly really want to hold his hand. So you do.
His fingers are rough from years of wrestling Wooloo, but his hands are still large and warm. When you slip your hand into his, he doesn’t hesitate to thread his fingers through yours, and it’s a perfect fit.
You sneak a glance up at him again, and this time it’s his turn to be abashed. His cheeks are tinged pink, and his gaze is directed towards the water, the soft rippling casting a calm glow on his frame.
He startles at your voice, and you can barely hold back a chuckle.
“Hm? Yeah?”
“Did you mean what you said before? About us?”
He pulls his gaze back to you, face still flushed but voice thick with earnestness.
“Of course I meant it.”
The words swell a happiness in your stomach, and you look up at him, admiring the unruliness of his hair and the softness of his features basking in the nighttime sky, contrasted by a pair of sunny yellow eyes that speckled like amber in the dark. Then you really looked at him.
You looked into his eyes and saw gold, as vivid and overflowing as the wheat fields back in Postwick you both spent years running up and down in autumn. You saw endless humid summers of climbing trees and splashing in lakes, you saw the boy who picked you up and carried you home when you slipped on the stairs just outside the village, and the boy who you got into a fist fight for because someone called his hair funny. You looked at him and recounted all these memories, of the times you had laughed together, and cried together. When you looked at him, you saw your rock, your inspiration and your best friend- perhaps now, something even more.
You reached up to brush a hand against his cheek, skin cold then blossoming with warmth under your touch.
He leans into your palm, eyes burning and never leaving your own.
The moon hung low in the sky now, full and heavy with a pearlescent sheen that inked your shadows into the stone floor, standing closer now than ever before.
Hop whispered your name, the warm air washing over you and drawing goosebumps. You hummed in response, much too lost in your trance to respond with words.
“I'm really glad we're here right now.”
A knot closes in your throat and a gentle warmth spreads across your face at the sincerity of his words. You’re not sure how to respond, so you just draw yourself closer to him. He dips his head to meet you halfway, and in a single slow and blissful moment, the space between you and Hop dwindles down to zero.
His lips are soft and chaste, moving with a slow and tender languidness that made your legs wobble and knees buckle. You grip at his shirt for support and he responds by pulling you flush against him, arm looping around your waist and the other hand still sweetly holding onto yours.
When it ends, you’re both breathless and red in the cheeks. He rests his forehead on yours and his eyes are deep and endless; pupils blown and hair askew, tickling your face and blushing your cheeks.
The snow nipping at your clasped hands is a reminder that the universe is moving everywhere around you. Yet time feels slowed and perfect, and the world, though large, seems to fit lovingly intertwined between your fingers.
Your bodies are languorous and barely want to untangle, but Hop laughs at the snow collected in your hair. You wonder how even in the cold night, his laughter is full and round and warm. You can feel his body, pressed against yours, trembling from the cold without his denim jacket. You tease him for this, but do it with a grateful smile while wrapped in the scent of Hop.
The night had grown long and with it came the dropping temperatures.
“Let’s head back to Ionia Hotel, we should get some rest before taking down Melony tomorrow, don't you reckon?” Hop asks cheekily, despite his tousled hair and labored breathing.
You want to poke fun at him some more, but bite your tongue. Instead, you nod and began your trek together with him, hands still linked and hearts ever pounding under the cape of the shimmering, expanding night sky, and look to the future.
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peace-coast-island · 3 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Rainy day gyroids
Rainy days are the perfect excuse to stay inside with a cup of warm tea and a good show to watch while letting the day pass on by. How fitting is it that the theme of this gyroid event happens to be rainy days?
Joining us on this rainy day adventure are Robert and Mace, two former members of Jamie's entourage back when she lived on Peace Coast Island. Robert Azarias is a writer and actor, best known for his work in the TV show Faerie Town, which just ended earlier this year. Mace Callaghan is an actor whose career kicked off thanks to people like Jamie and his cousin Amelia, who's also an actor as well as a producer. Both have been super busy as they're on a new show that's set to premiere in the fall so they're at the camp for a short vacation after pretty much working nonstop for the past several weeks.
The new show is called Mount Barley, RFD - which stands for rural free delivery - and it's about a journalist who moves back to his old hometown to take care of his aging father and reconnects with his old friends. Mace plays the main character, Alex, an ambitious creative who has a tendency to get carried away with his ideas. Robert's the co-executive producer/showrunner and has a recurring role as Jerry, a friend and colleague of Alex's who sometimes gets dragged into everyone else's problems due to bad timing. Other characters include Alex's dad Emmett, the wise father figure everyone looks up to, Blossom the pharmacist who's a neighbor to Alex, Leia, a childhood friend and work colleague, and Deedee, the hairstylist who serves as Alex's source for gossip.
Having insider information is kinda a blessing and a curse. Well, what I mean by curse is that I can't say too much about something because of non-disclosure stuff, which means I have to be careful not to let anything slip. Especially with a lot of show creators, writers, and actors being active on social media, it's kinda easy to accidentally reveal something that wasn't supposed to publicly come out yet. It's not usually anything super confidential but some companies are more particular about what people say more than others. While being able to interact with crew members has its perks, it also has its drawbacks - then again, that's social media in general.
Robert's previous show, Faerie Town, ended last year after five seasons. A good number of the entourage members were in that show like April Wingate, Melody Muto, Linus Cooper, and Cecelia Argent. Robert was a writer on the show as well as a recurring character who became more prominent from season three onwards.
Ending the show was one of those cases where they were told ahead of time that they weren't going to get renewed. By then, the overall story they wanted to tell was coming to a conclusion so it made sense to start wrapping things up. Being an ensemble show, it kinda suffered from a large cast - I'm overall satisfied with the way the main characters were handled but at the same time I felt that it could've been balanced better. And I'll admit, the writing during the last two seasons were weak, but not to the point where the show went downhill.
The way I see it, there's a difference between a show going downhill and a show where the writing isn't as top notch. Downhill is bad, as in this has a negative impact on how I feel about the show in general. An example of downhill is Popular Besties, which, looking back wasn't entirely good, but I enjoyed it as a kid. It was one of those shows which the quality dipped a lot - and knowing the issues going on behind the scenes, it makes a lot of sense as to why - and it gets to the point where you're watching a new episode out of obligation or dropping it all together.
Hogan Family Values is an example of a show that has fallen to weak writing. Like Faerie Town, it has a big cast, though it struggles more in terms of having too many characters to handle. It's ending after three seasons, which has ten episodes left. Season three started out pretty strong, but since then it has been a mixed bag. We all kinda suspected that it was ending as some of the episodes kinda had that vibe and that was later confirmed by the creator just recently.
I think the biggest problem with this season is that the pacing's kinda rushed and I feel like the show has kinda written itself into a corner by trying to wrap up various plotlines while introducing a bunch of new characters/plot points at the same time. On one hand the show could use another season just to pad things out a bit, but at the same time it makes sense why they would end it there.
The show's still good though, it's just season three doesn't have the same spark as the first two did. I mean, the stronger episodes of this season are some of the best in the show overall while the weaker ones aren't entirely terrible, just mediocre, or at worst, somewhat boring. And despite my reservations at the moment, I have faith in the crew that the ending will be satisfying, even if rushed.
A show with a satisfying ending is Star's Universe, which has become one of my top favorite shows of all time. I think, if it wasn't for the network, the show could've easily run for another season to even out the pacing towards the end. It also suffered from the uncertainty of being renewed, which then led to a movie. While working on the movie, the network decided to order an additional season at the last minute to fully wrap things up. There's still a lot the show can touch on but it's all extra stuff - and while it could've focused more on the supporting cast, I can understand why they couldn't because it's essentially not their story.
As for the overall story the show wanted to tell, they not only succeeded, but exceeded my expectations. The conclusion's satisfying in a way that it's open enough to revisit but if that's the end, then I'm happy with that as well.
I think Star's Universe has ruined me in terms of judging series endings. It still kinda doesn't feel real that the show literally just ended less than a year ago. The writing has also remained consistently strong for the most part and it's just a brilliant show. Now I feel like binging on a bunch of episodes. I guess you can say it's one of my comfort shows.
While collecting gyroids, we got to talking about Mount Barley, RFD a bit as well as catch up on life in general. Robert's got an interesting backstory that Hollywood has been wanting to make into a movie for years. He was known as the Etienne Falls Baby as he was born en route on the ill fated train that crashed in the desert. His father died in the accident while his mother passed away shortly after, leaving Robert in the care of three friends who helped bring him into the world. Only one of them survived and he, while carrying Robert, made a dangerous trek through the desert to find help. After the tragic ordeal, he adopted Robert, becoming somewhat known as a hero.
Mace is the nephew of actor Gary Stewart, who's well known on stage and screen, as well as his daughters Amelia and Lesley. It was Amelia who helped Mace pursue his dream of acting by helping him stand up to his father, who was against it. At the time he was going through a lot and as a result of everything, he finally had enough. It wasn't easy going against his father's wishes, but he had to or else he'd be stuck working at the bank being his father's successor.
He's still hoping for a reconciliation, though it seems unlikely at the moment. Since moving to the island, Mace rarely spoke to his father, who has pretty much disowned him. Back home he heard that his father's not too crazy about Mace having his own show as that'll make him more well known. At least his cousins and uncle have always been supportive of him - he had always been closer to them, especially after his mom passed.
It's been raining all day, though it started out as a light drizzle at first. I don't mind the rain too much - it adds to the rainy day theme! I love how gray and cloudy the sky gets - there's just something about rain that's calming and cozy. Also, it was the perfect excuse to break out my new umbrella - and it was worth every leaf ticket because not only it looks pretty, it kept me dry. Aside from the mud, collecting gyroids in the rain was a lot of fun!
When it started pouring we headed back to the cabin to begin crafting some stuff. I was surprised that we managed to collect a lot of gyroids today, then again, I think the rain might've helped some. We also managed to do some fishing and bug catching as well, which the guys had never done before. Robert's a fast learner when it comes to fishing - and a lucky one too as he managed to catch two king salmons!
Aside from collecting gyroids, we didn't get to be able to do too much sightseeing today. Once the weather clears up, I'm thinking of setting up a picnic in the meadow and a short hike along the trail. Then, depending on Gulliver's schedule, I was hoping we can catch a ride with him and explore an island or two. Robert mentioned that he always wanted to try out sailing so I want him to experience that. As for Mace, he says he's content with anything the camp has in store and he enjoys running errands for the campers.
With the rain pouring, we all were in the mood for some tea so I put on the kettle as soon as we got inside. While waiting for the tea we set up the TV to watch some shows while helping Daisy Jane package orders from her shop. Nothing like cozying up with a nice hot cup of tea on a cloudy rainy day!
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up! (ᵔᴥᵔ)
Hi hi! May I please have a matchup for IkeSen? I’ve been reading through all the ones you’ve posted and I love how much thought and consideration you put into them! ☺️
A little about me; I’m just about to turn 23, 5’4”, a Leo, and my MBTI is ENFJ. Blue eyes, blonde hair, but ya girl is about to become a redhead and I can’t remember the last time I was so excited for a change like that lol 🤩 I’m pretty confident in myself, and sometimes that pride gets in the way of asking for help, but I can understand when it’s needed and put it to the side (temporarily).
I love love looove to read 😍 Lately I’ve been really into contemporary romance but I’m also a big fan of YA and adult fantasy! Oh, and academic texts, the reasoning for which I touch on below.
Learning is honestly one of passions, but it has to be on my schedule and the subjects I’m actually interested in. I just finished my BaH in History, and it’s cool because I can go off about fertility treatments in 17th century England or notable female figures in the Philippine Revolution of 1896, but I don’t know shit about much of WW1 🤷🏼‍♀️
I’m also super social, so I love going to parties and events (or better yet hosting parties and events). Social interaction is what keeps me going, and the side of me that loves quiet reading time comes out when i need to recharge. I also need something to do to keep busy, so I tend to alternative creative hobbies pretty frequently. And I’m always trying new recipes! Mainly baking different things, but really I’m willing to try cooking anything that piques my interest at least once.
I love to travel too! I’m a broke uni graduate so I can’t exactly afford to go anywhere rn, but I’d love to be able to travel the world and visit historical sites. They would have to be long trips though, because I have a habit of sleeping in and staying up late into the night, so I end up limiting how many daylight hours I have to get things done 😅
I think that’s about it? Me in a bubble lol. I’m so looking forward to seeing who you’d think I’d mesh with, thank you so much! 🥰
Hi hi, love! 🔥Thank you so much for the request! Awww I’m so happy you have been enjoying my matchups! ❤😆Sorry for taking sooo long!  I hope you enjoy and I hope you have the best day!❤🌻 @ohno-0tome​
So I match you with……….Shingen 
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It had been a few weeks since you arrived in Azuchi and you were starting to fit in pretty nicely. I’ll admit when you first arrived the warlords were extremely cold and suspicious towards you, but soon they got to know you and had adopted you as their dearest little sister. 
You work incredibly hard for the castle and its people and all the warlords absolutely adored your bubbly personality. One of your closest friends was Mitsunari, as he like you was a fellow bookworm and scholar. You had also come to become quick friends with Masamune as the two of you would often swap out recipes and spend the day cooking delicious food for the Mitsus
Mitisunari had introduced you to the town library, where he too spent most of his time absorbing the knowledge from any and every book he could get his hands on. In just 2 weeks of being in Azuchi you had managed to read almost every book in the castle archives. So you would often accompany Mitsunari on his trips to the library to quench your own thirst for knowledge.
You loved going into town and just spending the day in the library, it was every book lovers ideal setting. Quiet, comfy chairs and a small teahouse in the furthest corner of the library, that sold the most amazing pastries and tea you have ever tasted. It had become somewhat a tradition for you to quickly finish all your chores and then make your way to the library, to sit in your usual sunny spot by the window. You had gone to the place so often that everyone knew you there, even the teahouse owner would keep your teacup full as you spent the day reading in the sun.
One day as you sat in your usual spot, a man walked past the library window and saw the most enchanting person he had ever seen. The way you red hair shimmered in the sunlight absolutely enchanted Shingen. Boy oh, boy did Shingen lose his heart to you the second your beautiful blue eyes met his. You gave him a small smile and went back to the young adult romance book you were reading. As you carried on reading your mind couldn’t help but drift to the mysterious man that you had seen through the window. You wondered if you would ever get a chance to see him again, and if hearing your thoughts, fate intervened
The next day you went to the library after work as per usual, the owner had told you that they had just gotten in a new shipment of YA books, and gestured to the top shelf. Honestly, you weren’t the tallest of people so you opted to climb a few of the shelves, so you could reach the books. You had no intention of asking anyone for help, as you were a strong independent woman. You carefully made your way to the top, gripping the small groves between the shelves for support. Just as you reached out to grab a book, your footing slipped, and you went tumbling down. You braced yourself for impact, yet it never came. When you cracked open your eyes, you saw two deep brown eyes and a gorgeous smile staring back at you, “Careful my angel, can’t have you falling down and injuring yourself, now can we.” 
He gently set you down on the ground, and the two of you got to chatting. You were incredibly social, and you loved meeting and chatting to new people. You couldn’t help but laugh and Shingen’s cheesy pick-up lines and his flirtatious way of talking. He definitely caught your interest, especially when you spotted him holding a book about history, and not just any history, English history. That afternoon was spent with the two of you excitingly talking about the historical events and figure of all the different places the two of you had read about. 
The next day you took up residence in your usual spot, when Shinegn walked into the library and took a seat next to you, to read a book of his own. This had become somewhat of a daily occurrence. You and Shingen would sit in your usual spot in the library near each other and just read. 
Some days the two of you would just sit and read without saying a single word, yet other days the two of you would sit for hours and hours in the tea-house discussing everything and anything, from new books read, to the most random of topics.
Shingen wasn't the only friend you had managed to make when leaving the castle to spend the day in the markets. You had soon after your arrival also met Yukimura and Sasuke, and the three of you became quick friends. You absolutely loved to banter and bicker with Yuki and completely geek out with Sasuke over history. Honestly, the three of you acted like a siblings. 
One day while you stopped by at Yuki’s stall for your daily bickering match, he let it slip that Sasuke’s birthday was coming up. Your eyes gleamed in delight at the mention of your friend’s birthday, “Yuki, I know just how we can celebrate his birthday!” You and Yuki spent many afternoons together planning a birthday surprise for Sasuke. You absolutely loved parties and hosting events, so you were absolutely in your element, planning out every detail. You, of course, left the guest list up to Yukimura cause he had told you that Sasuke had many friends that didn’t exactly live in Azuchi.
The night of the party, you were having the best time, Sasuke was so surprised that you and Yuki had managed to pull off such a big bash right under his nose. You were walking around mingling with all his friends when a familiar man caught your attention, was that…. Shingen? You walked up to the gorgeous man, “well well well fancy meeting you here.” You smiled at the sight of Shingen being caught off guard, “I was wondering what kind of celestial being would be able to pull off such a big bash right under our enemies noses, and I must say to find out that it was all your doing doesn’t surprise me.” Before you could answer Yuki and Sasuke came up to the two of you. Sasuke and Yuki were busy introducing Shingen to you when you, shocked them both with the revelation that the two of you had actually been spending the past few months together, reading and chatting in the library. You and Shingen spent the whole party together just chatting and joking away
Shingen realized that night that he had long ago fallen in love with you. He loved your bubbly social personality, he loved the way the two of you could just sit in comfortable silence for hours and hours not talking but just simply enjoying the presence of each other. He loved how confident and intelligent you were and how you hated asking for assistance/help of any kind. He just simply loved you. He was determined after that night to tell you exactly how he felt.
He knew from the many conversations the two of you had shared that you loved to travel and explore historical sites. So a few weeks after Sasuke’s party, he met you at your usual spot in the book shop. He gently took your hand in his, and lead you outside to a waiting horse. The two of you rode for what felt like hours, when you finally arrived at Kasugayama Castle. Sasuke had suggested to Shingen that he show you his home, as Sasuke knew you would absolutely love to see the home of another warlord, as it is low key considered a historical site in the future. The last stop of your sightseeing visit was Shingen’s room, which was full of the coolest historical artefacts. 
He made the two of you some tea, and you sat down across from him slightly exhausted from a full day of fun adventures. After tea, Shingen walked you to your room, as it was already too late to take you back home. The two of you stopped in front of the door, neither one wanting to part from the other just yet. That’s when Shingen took your hands in his and leaned in close and confessed his feeling for you. He couldn’t even finish his cheesy flirty confession, as before he knew it your arms were wrapped around his neck and you had captured his lips in a sweet kiss.
You decided to stay in Kasugayama Castle for a little while longer, sending word to Nobunaga and the other to let them know you were safe. Shingen loved finding our new thing about you every day. Like your love for baking, he had quite the sweet tooth and to find out that his goddess could satisfy that sweet tooth with delicious pastries, made his heart soar. He loved it when you would surprise him with your latest creation, after being inspired to try out a cool new recipe that piqued your interest. He loved how you could never sit still and always had something to keep you busy.
The two of you continued your tradition of reading together, expect the only difference was, now that you were together Shingen would insist you sit in his lap and read so that he could hold his goddess in his arms. 
This man will shower you in endless amounts of affection and attention. THB you loved it at Kasugayama Castle, as there was a social gathering almost every night. Whenever you would need to recharge your social battery, Shingen would be by your side in an instant, silently leading you away from the banquet so that the two of you could spent the rest of the evening in peace.
What did Shingen love the most about you? Well that easy, he loved that you would sleep in late into the mornings, especially if the two of you had had a late night staying up together. He loved to just lay there and watch that beautiful sleeping face of yours, while he gently rubs small circles on your back. 
He loved how you would wake up slowly and turn around in his arms while nuzzling into his chest to shield your eyes from the sun streaming into the room, to give your self 5 more minutes of sleep. He would tighten his embrace and trail small kisses from the top of your head, making his way down to your forehead, each of your eyelids, nose and finally lips, while whispering a sweet good morning. These quiet, warm moments with you every morning were beyond compare his favourite.
Other potential matches……………. Nobunaga 
I hope you enjoyed this dear❤🌻!
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sonicringbond · 4 years
Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey - Scene 15
And after vacation and a subsequent schedule change based on everyone's feedback, I'm finally back with the next scene of Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey. Now asides from schedule changes, such as only posting updates on Wednesdays and Saturdays now, the story has undergone some changes in presentation as well. I'll be mostly focusing on short 2-part episodic scenes for now with maybe the occasionally longer or shorter story. Prompts (I'll get to that after the story), will be one of the big determining factors in "episode" lengths and I hope everyone will be motivated by the story to send me some. For now though, let's join Rosy as she begins her solo arc of story...
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     ~The Rings will always remember. It became kind of our mantra after we first heard it. Our truth and that of this world itself made of Rings which join Gaia and Chaos energy together. But the Rings can also be used to bind people and share their hearts and memories. Or at least it sounds nice that way. It’s how I gained the ability to run at the speed of sound, at least when I’m not tripping over my own feet and falling on my face. Tee-hee! Though I guess it’s funny then that I’m lying in the back of a pickup truck on my way to my destination.~
     The truck the narrator referred to was an old beat up steam truck. The bed was enclosed by wood planks not unlike a fence and was filled nigh to the brim with hay. The narrator lay within, a pink hedgehog girl clad in a white leotard and red slipper like shoes. As the truck bounced along the road of old stone slabs, she reached a white gloved hand up towards the sky and peaked between her spread fingers.
     ~Well, I suppose it’s because I got separated from everyone. My boyfriend, the world-famous Sonic the Hedgehog woke up the Rings that were sleeping like I knew he could, and everything got kind of crazy.
     ~Well, I guess he isn’t so world famous. I’ve been traveling for a while trying to find him and my friends but none of the people I’ve met have heard of him. It’s kind of lonely running around on my own, but it’s also hard to imagine what it was like running with everyone else too. I don’t know why, but the lands the Red Star Ring took us too just mess with time and memories. Ooh~! It’s so frustrating.
     ~But you know what, it’s okay. The Rings will always remember. And I know when I close my eyes and feel the bond I share with Sonic through them that we’ll never forget each other or our friends. And I’m sure Sonic will find me again too. If I don’t find him first. Tee-hee.~
     Though she laughed to herself in quiet, the narrator could not keep herself from sighing with a longing smile. Through her fingers and the tree branches the blue sky opened up adorned with clouds hung on a gentle breeze. Beyond them a small planet loomed in the sky ominously.
     ~I hope you didn’t end up there Sonic. It’d be really hard to get back together if you did.
     ~What is that little planet? I don’t know. It’s not Little Planet and everyone I’ve met is scared of it. And no matter where I go, by foot, Ring Gate, or even getting caught in a Ring Shift it is always there like the sky has an eyeball. But I only see it during the day. It’s so weird. I bet it would be fun if I could go explore it with everyone. But I can’t yet. I have to find everyone first, and before I can only remember them through the Rings. And that’s hard enough too.~
     Rolling over in the hay and propping herself up on her elbows, Rosy looked through the back window of the truck at the sapient dog who drove it. They eyed her through the rearview mirror, and she waved at them with a smile. As casually as they had checked their mirror, they returned their eyes to the forest road they drove down.
     ~I don’t know why, but everyone is just as scared of Rings as they are the planet in the sky. They consider running from those awful golems I’ve been bumping into since before I was separated from everyone more natural than collecting and using Rings. It makes me feel kind of exotic as I still vaguely remember we used Rings everyday wherever it was I came from. Ooh~! It’s so frustrating losing my memories. I know they’re still in my heart, but the words and images are all so faded now. What an awful land to steal people’s memories and time. And there are so many more types of golems now too. It makes it hard to convince people I’m just a traveling sightseer looking to catch up with her friends when I keep having to break them.
     ~The people I meet are so nervous whenever they see me fight or run. I try to cheer them up and remind them that they have guards they send out to beat the golems, but they still fuss about it. I hope they’re not dismissing me because I’m a kid. Ooh~! That would be so mean of them. But not as mean as those priests.
     ~Hee-hee. I guess I haven’t thought about them in a while. It’s almost like every town has them too. Mean priests who strike you when you arrive to take away any Rings you collected while traveling. I don’t get what they mean when they say that Rings shouldn’t be held by people. It’s so weird. But that’s part of why I’m hitching a ride right now.
     ~One of the last things I did with my friends was take a big group picture together. We didn’t have time to make the picture from the film, but someone said they saw a picture of me with a whole bunch of people so I’m hoping to find it. If I can get the current owner to let me see it, and maybe even have it, it may be enough to make finding my friends easier. I just have to be so careful though to not spook anyone. It’s so slow going though. I’m so glad the scenery is pretty. It’s kind of nice to slow down and enjoy it for a bit.
     ~I just hope none of those mean golems attack.~
     Sitting up fully, the narrator scanned the passing trees for signs of the stone constructs that had impeded her travels thus far. There were plenty of signs of ancient stone brick structures that poked out of the forest, but no sign of any stones that were animated. With a sigh of relief, she plopped back down into the hay and spread her limbs out as though to make a snow angel. In her eyes the clouds and tree branches above drifted by and the lure of sleep to stave off her boredom grew subtly powerful.
     ~I really can’t stop. It makes it harder for my friends to find me, but if they’re in trouble, I have to keep moving. Tee-hee. Rosy the Rascal can’t stop moving. I guess that’s wrong though. It’s too much trouble to be a rascal anymore. I guess I have to settle for being Rosy the Traveler. Adventurer sounds better, but the people I keep meeting are made uncomfortable by that too, so traveler it is.~
     “W~o~w~!” Rosy’s mouth formed a massive “O” Shape as she peered out from the truck bed at the town that erupted from the forest. More so the town that grew like fungus on the monolithic stone structure that jutted out of the woods. More than enough trees grew from it to make it look like the structure would soon be pulled back under the forest, but for now it was home to a plethora of overgrown stone buildings with tiled rooves.
     “This was your stop was it not miss?” The driver asked stepping around to lower the tailgate and provide Rosy an easier means to exit the truck bed. With a nod Rosy confirmed the driver’s suspicions.
     “It is. Jutting Rock Village. It’s so amazing, don’t you think?”
     “Maybe. I just hope you haven’t forgotten what you came here for. Nothing more awful than a traveler who lost their purpose.”
     “Don’t worry,” Rosy smiled at the driver. “I can’t possibly forget because the Rings will always remember!”
     The driver gave Rosy a suspicious frown and she laughed nervously while trying to give him a reassuring smile. “It’s okay, really. The lands I’m from considered using Rings normal. No one ever even heard of Ring Craft. We were more worried about a scary man and his machines than anything else.”
     “Say what you will miss, but remember you only endanger yourself by putting faith in those things. You’d be better off if you were one of the lucky ones who can’t even see them.”
     “That’s not true,” Rosy puffed up her cheeks and thrust her balled up hands down by her sides. “Without Rings there’s no way I could have traveled as much as I have and experienced all of the wonderful things that I have.”
     “Suit yourself as I said. But what good is traveling and sightseeing when it’ll all fade in time?”
     “It’s why you have to live in the moment. It’s what Sonic taught me to do, even though I still think about the future all the time too. But even more so because this land steals our precious memories is it more important to live in the moment!”
     Perhaps it was simply Rosy’s persistence, or maybe the driver had a soft spot for children, but he finally smiled slightly at her. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the minute smile and the driver chuckled. “So be it. Who am I to tell a child who has made it on her own how to live her life? You go do what you do, and I’ll do what I do. Perhaps our paths will cross again, and we might actually remember each other.”
     “Don’t worry! The Rings will always remember.”
     With a wave and a laugh, the driver soon departed leaving Rosy to face the town of Jutting Rock Village. Energetically pumping her fists next to her shoulders, Rosy left the road and walked up the dirt path to the village. 
Scene 15 · CLEARED Rosy the Traveler, to be continued
And there we are, the opening scene of the Rosy the Traveler arc of the The Journey. Now, my first concern out of the gate is that I took a dual narrative approach for the story and hope it was not too confusing for everyone. Especially so since the detached 3rd person narrative is primarily in present tense while Rosy's first person is kind of leaning more towards past tense. For how I want to tell the story for the most part though, and the AU on a whole it is Rosy's adventures. Preferably I would love to have her adventuring alongside Sonic, but that is still something she has to earn and that the story has to make its way to naturally. I also have to consider the rest of her friends who are along for the journey and how they tie into her experience. But it is at the end of the day Rosy's experience and I hope to be able to capture that with this dual narrative approach.I hope everyone has enjoyed the story to this point and is hyped to continue this journey Rosy. Thank you for your support, it means the world for me and I hope you'll continue to be there support me. And if you can, please feel free to contribute to the story by submitting prompts to help shape the story. You can find all of the rules on my Prompt Discord Server - -, but feel free just to DM me your prompts here if you'd like. Thank you again everyone, I hope you enjoyed.
Story Format by @cutegirlmayra​ Story by @JoshTarwater/SonicFanJ Inspiring Song - Granblue Fantasy — Lumacee Archipelago Mysterious Forest
Fair Use Disclaimer
Sonic the Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement. The Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
*Sonic Ring Bond logo created by DEE Art – twitter.com/daryliscute.
Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein considered for all legal purposes the property of the Sonic the Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
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On It {James Ransone x Reader Oneshot}
Requested by: @h-a-j-i-m-e-ru​ Wordcount: 2048 Summary: An unexpected storm puts a halt to your roadtrip with James.
Since everyone was saying that It Chapter 2 was going to be a huge success, James had suggested that the two of you go on the trip that you’ve been talking about since your school days together. It had been something that you started to plan after learning more about the country in Geography class, and saw things in your textbooks such as the Grand Canyon, The Statue of Liberty, Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Now was the perfect time to do it. With the movie finished filming, reshoots already completed, he had the time before he would have to do the press junkets, and before his face would be as out there for the world to see. The last thing either of you needed was people interrupting your road trip around America, begging for selfies and autographs. He loved the attention that he got when his work was recognized, of course, but this was more about making memories with you, his favorite person in the world, than advertising his career.
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“Is that rain?” You asked, on the third day of the adventure.
“Worried about a little bit of water?” James joked, though the skies ahead were starting to look ominous. You both were just now leaving New York City, having started off there by seeing the Lady Liberty herself, and taking in Times Square where James was able to remain anonymous. He let out a deep breath as you gave him a glare, and focused on making the correct turn to get to Connecticut. “Because we’re going to be there in just a couple of hours, and that’s if traffic is bad.”
You were tapping on your phone, looking at upcoming weather forecasts and winced at what you were seeing. James kept glancing over at you, growing worried since you weren’t saying anything in response. Nothing was coming out of your mouth except for little winces and then a groan, so he just turned up the radio which was playing an obnoxious pop song.
You finally turned it down after the commericals started. “James, I think we should stay in Connecticut instead of continuing onto Rhode Island today. What the weather apps are telling me is honestly pretty frightening. I’ve been searching up hotels too, and I found us a deal on a room in a bed and breakfast, is that okay?” As he was doing the majority of the driving on this trip, even though you had offered to do your fair share, you wanted to make sure this was alright with him before going ahead and booking it.
“Now that’s another day to add onto this trip,” James grumbled, but he instantly regretted it when he saw the look on your face. “Which is wonderful?” He added, but your look of disappointment didn’t change. “Sorry, you just know how I like to stick to my schedules.”
“You want to drive through a storm, that’s fine with me. For some reason, I thought being courteous here was the right thing to do,” You huffed, folding your arms in front of you. It was clear that being in the same car as James for so long was beginning to irritate you, and even more so was the fact that he didn’t seem to be bothered much at all.
During the drive though, the rain started to fall. It was in big fat drops at first, and you looked at James with an ‘I told you so’ expression. But James gave you the same smug look and pointed in the backseat of his car where, along with some trash from fast food places, souvenirs and your suitcases, there was an umbrella for the two of you to use while you looked around the city. You rolled your eyes and brought your phone out again, deciding at the very least you were going to book the bed and breakfast for you, since you weren’t crazy enough to go through a storm, even if you weren’t the one driving.
And, of course, the rain didn’t let up as you crossed state lines. “You’d better drop the bravado act, this is getting bad, James.” The fact that as soon as you said that, thunder rumbled throughout the sky and the rain started to fall harder and harder until it was getting tough to see, helped your cause. You weren’t setting out to piss off James, you just wanted the both of you to be safe, even if that meant going off schedule a little bit.
When you reached the city of Hartwood Connecticut, James finally gave in and asked you the directions to the bed and breakfast. “Y/N, you win, we’ll stay the night.” He sighed, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel as he tried to make out the street signs. You read off the directions, refraining from saying anything that might bother him further. The trip into the city became more about safe driving than sightseeing. You managed to steer James in the right direction and the car pulled up to an old house, three stories high, that would look cheerful on a sunny day but looked drab in the gray.
You started to shuffle through your stuff in the back seat, looking for your overnight bag that you used the day before. Over your shoulder, you noticed that James had turned off the car and was preparing to run out. “Don’t forget the umbrella,” You said, grabbing it and handed it over. Once he had it, he was out of the car and into the rain, circling around the car instead of running straight up to the door like you had half-expected.
“It’s freezing!” James announced as he opened your door for you, shivering beneath the umbrella.
“Oh James, let’s hurry then. Here, take this.” He took his bag from your arms and awkwardly held it and the umbrella and tried to keep it over you as you got out with your own bag. You noticed that he hadn’t pulled the umbrella out quick enough when he stepped out of the car, and the top of his head was damp from the rain. You wanted to stop for a second and admire how adorable he looked with his short hair plastered to his forehead, but he was right - the weather put a chill up your spine.
As luck would have it, it was a slow season for the Bed and Breakfast, and they had your room available immediately. Essentially, you would have to be out very early in the morning, but that wasn’t a problem with how tight James wanted to stick to the schedule. He smiled at you as he was handed the room key, grateful for your insistence. You knew that he wasn’t the type to say anything such as how wrong he was and how right you were, but you could see it in his eyes that he felt that way.
“Don’t look at me like that,” He chuckled as you both went up the stairs to the third floor where your room was. Smiling, you pretended that you had no idea what he was talking about.
The room looked as cozy as a picture, with floral bedding, home-made looking furniture, prints of artwork that could probably be seen in every bed and breakfast around the world as if they had a store just for that, and a small TV mounted on the dresser. James put his damp bag on the circular rug that went part-way under the bed and headed to the window to look out at the car. When you came up behind him, you could smell the rain on his clothes, despite the fact that he had barely been caught in it. You put your arms around him from behind and pressed your head to the space between his shoulderblades.  
“Once we unpack a bit, I promise I’ll make it up to you,” You told him, nuzzling him gently.
“First thing in the morning, we’re out of here,” He said, offering that as a compromise to staying here for the night rather than the original hotel in the next city. You nodded and let go of him and took a couple of steps back.
“You’re right, we should go early,” You sighed, not looking forward to waking up at the crack of dawn. His smile was reflected in the windowpane so you could see it. James had a lovely smile, and you felt that you didn’t see it often enough. “So I’m going to go and take a shower now, rather than wait for later. Do you want to join?” You asked the last question with a cheeky wink as he turned around.
“How? If the bed is this tiny, I can’t imagine what the shared bathrooms are like.” He said, making you laugh. You shrugged at his question, rummaging through your bag for your pajamas since it seemed like you two would just be staying in for the rest of the day.
“I guess I’m just going to have to find out.” James gave a nod, and sat on the end of the bed, picking up the remote and turned on the small TV. The door closed behind you, but he didn’t get up to turn the lock. He just fell back onto the bed, his head landing on the pillow. Because of the force, he supposed, a couple of feathers came loose from the inside of the case and tickled at his ear. You usually enjoyed nice long showers, so he knew not to expect you back too soon. For a little while, he played with the feather, and thought about this road trip that you two had been having.
Honestly, he had been excited about it since you brought up the prospect when the both of you were younger, before his acting career, before you got busy with yours. He thought about it when he got his driver’s license in the hope that he would be driving the two of you around sooner rather than later. As he picked up the feather and let it free fall once more, he frowned, thinking about how he had acted earlier to you. You didn’t deserve it - you didn’t control the weather.
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He snapped up into a sitting position and looked around to try to find something to woo you with. The TV was playing an old episode of Happy Days, and that was extremely far from romantic. There were no flowers, no little chocolates, not even a coffee pot in the room, it was as simple as he could imagine. Something Eddie might live in, though his room would have medication bottles on every surface, he thought. As he thought this, he smiled, thinking that he had been really lucky to land the role, and it had been thanks to you. You were the Stephen King fan, you had goaded him into reading the book, which made him want to try out for the role. You really were the biggest part of his life.
James wasn’t able to find anything that he could use to woo you, so he laid back on the bed, once again playing with the feather until you came back into the room, hair damp against your head, skin slightly red-tone from the warm water. As he watched you come in, he sat up slowly, the feather sticking to the side of his head without his realization. So when you looked back at him, you had to stifle your laughter, sticking to a grin instead.
“Do you forgive me for being a grumpy jackass?” He asked, a nervous smile playing at the corner of his lips. You, wearing your cutest pair of pajamas, climbed onto the bed beside him, and blew the feather out of his hair. It flew up, but then landed right down on his lap, as if it didn’t want to leave him, which was pretty amusing.
“I guess so, chicken boy,” You giggled, picking up the feather and tickled his chin with it.
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snappedsky · 4 years
Fanatics 70
With the Battalion home on Earth, all they wanna do is nothing. But will they ever have a chance to relax again? Previous! Next!
Whole Lotta Nothin
Squee: After the year we had I kinda wanna do absolutely nothing today
Dib: Sounds like a plan
Gaz: Im down
Pepito: way ahead of you
Zim: Then it’s settled. Today we will do absolutely nothing. Check in later.
           Squee closes the group chat and stretches, smiling contently. He quickly finishes his cereal and, after washing his dishes, starts to head outside. Johnny and Granny Cammie, who were both sitting on the couch with him, watch him pass by.
           “Big plans today?” Cammie asks.
           “Yup,” Squee replies as he opens the front door. “A whole lotta nothing. I’m gonna see if Colton wants to join.”
           “That sounds like a good plan,” Nny comments and sinks deeper into the couch.
           Squee heads down the yard and sits on the curb. A moment or two later, Colton joins him.
           “Sup,” he greets.
           “Wanna do nothing today?” Squee asks.
           “Every day,” he smiles and they both lie down on the cement, sighing happily.
           The sky is a bright blue, dotted with puffy, white clouds. Birds are singing as they fly overhead. Around the city, kids are running around, enjoying their last week of summer before school starts again. But as per usual, Grave Road is quiet, which is perfect for the two lazy boys.
           “I bet the Earth sky is pretty boring after what you’ve seen,” Colton remarks.
           “Space is amazing,” Squee comments, “so much…space. But the sky is nice in its own way too. Space is endless; Earth has a horizon. Both boast freedom.”            “I like clouds.”
           “Clouds are nice too.”
           Across the street, a neighbor girl Emily leaves her house with her friend and Colton’s sister, Kay. Giggling, they race over to the boys and stand over them, blocking their view.
           “Squee!” they exclaim.
           “Are you shouting my name or just squealing?” Squee asks.
           “Both,” Emily replies.
           “Is it true you were in space all year?” Kay asks.
           “Yup,” he nods.
           “What was it like?” Emily demands.
           “What did you see?” Kay asks.
           “What did you do?”
           “Did you fight aliens?”
           “Did you go to a lot of planets?”
           The boys both grumble with annoyance from the constant questioning before Colton interrupts them. “Girls, please. Squee just got back yesterday. Give him space.”            “Pun not intended, I hope,” Squee grunts.
           “Uh, yeah, no, sorry.”            “Awww, but we wanna go on an adventure,” Emily whines.
           “Huh?” Squee questions.
         “You guys are always going on such awesome adventures,” Kay points out, “we wanna too!”
           “I never go on the adventures,” Colton argues, “I just hear about them.”
           “Well, I’m tired of just hearing about them,” she whines, “I want adventures!”
           “Me too!” Emily shrilly agrees.
           “Well, why don’t you go find some?” Squee suggests, somewhat impatiently.
           “Huh?” they question.
           “You don’t need me to go on adventures,” he explains, “adventure is everywhere, around every corner. Who knows what you’ll find.”            The girls share a surprised look before beaming with excitement.
           “Let’s go find adventure!” Kay exclaims.
           “Yah!” Emily cheers before they go racing away.
           “Finally,” Squee sighs with relief.
           “Now you know what it’s like to have a little sister,” Colton remarks. They both sigh happily from the peace and quiet and continue their packed schedule of nothing.
           Meanwhile, Emily and Kay race down the street and through the neighboring blocks, giggling and excited.
           “Where should we go? How do we find adventure?” Kay asks as she peeks around every corner they pass.
           “Hmmm,” Emily muses before spotting the city bus. It just arrived at a nearby stop and a couple people are filing on. “Let’s take the bus!”
           “Okay!” Kay exclaims and they both laugh excitedly and skip to the bus stop. They slip inside behind a random businessman and since they’re both young children, the bus driver doesn’t even notice them.            
           They settle down on an empty seat, giggling feverishly as the bus takes off.
           “Where do you think it’ll take us?” Kay asks.
           “I don’t know,” Emily snickers, “definitely somewhere we’ve never been.”            “Somewhere adventurous?”
           They both laugh into their hands, getting strange stares from the other passengers.
           They watch the scenery pass by with wide eyes and big smiles as they get farther and farther away from their neighborhood than either of them have ever been. The filthy city streets covered in litter and panhandling addicts might as well be paved in gold with the way the girls are staring in awe. And when the bus gets stuck in traffic, they both beam excitedly at the new, colourful language they hear from the surrounding drivers.
           Their sightseeing is interrupted when a middle-aged bald man in loose, filthy clothes covered in sweat stains approaches. “He-hello, little girls,” he says in a heavy, panting voice.
           “Hi!” Kay chimes.
           “Where are you off to this-this fine day?”
           “Adventure!” Emily exclaims and they both giggle.
           “Really?” he smiles crookedly, “y-you must be very brave girls to look for adventure.”
           “You think so?” Kay asks excitedly.
           “I-I do,” he nods, “and I know a great place for adventure if you’ll come with me at the next stop.”
           For the first time since they’ve started their adventure, Kay and Emily feel hesitant.
           “I don’t know,” Emily replies, “my mom says I shouldn’t go off with strangers.”
           “That’s a very good idea,” the man nods, “but-but adventurers need to be brave and take risks, right?”
           “I guess,” Kay replies, somewhat unsure.
           “So be brave, take a risk, and come with me,” he smiles, a little bit of drool dripping out of the corner of his mouth as he reaches for them. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.”
           Before he can touch them, another hand lashes out from his side and grabs his arm, twisting it around.
           “Ow! What the fuck!” he barks and glares at his perpetrator: a young, black haired woman with a nasty glare.
           “I suggest you go sit on the other end of the bus,” she growls, “before I change my mind about being PG.”
           The man starts to say something but stops when the woman snarls, revealing very sharp vampire fangs. She lets go of his arm as he winces back and he scurries away like a frightened dog.
           The woman sighs and sits on the seat across from the girls. “I couldn’t help but overhear. You two are looking for adventure?”
           “Yeah!” they cheer.
           “Well then, let me give you some advice, as a seasoned adventurer. We need to be brave, sure, but we still have to make careful risks. Otherwise, you might end up not being able to go on adventures ever again.”            Emily and Kay both cock their heads, quizzical looks on their faces.      
           The woman looks them over analytically. “You must be far from home. Where do you live?”
           “Grave Road,” Emily replies.
           The woman’s eyebrow rises with interest. “Really. You know someone named Squee?”            “Yeah, he’s our neighbor,” Kay nods, “he’s the one who told us to look for adventure.”            “Oh, he did, huh,” she grins with amusement. “I doubt this is what he meant. He’s gonna owe me big time.”            “Huh?” the girls question, cocking their heads.
           The woman leans forward, smiling. “I’m Serena. What are your names?”            “Emily!”
           “Well, Emily, Kay,” Serena says, “I know of an amazing, safe place to have an adventure. I happen to be going there right now. Wanna come?”
           “What kind of place?” Emily asks, eyes shining excitedly.
         “An amazing, alien vessel filled with wacky characters that you would only find in a cartoon.”
           “I like cartoons,” Kay beams.
           “I thought you would,” Serena grins, “but do you also like clowns?”
           They spend the next couple hours riding the bus through the city. Kay and Emily are amazed by Serena’s seemingly endless knowledge of the city, as she always has something to say about something they pass. She also seems really tough and scares strangers away with just a glare and a snarl.
           Finally, after about two hours, they arrive at their stop and Serena leads them off the bus. They walk for a couple blocks before arriving to another, smaller bus that’s bright pink. The young girls are immediately ecstatic.
           “It’s so pretty!” Emily chimes.
           “Really? I always thought it was kind of gaudy,” Serena comments as she opens the side door. “I’m back.”
           Inside is pink too, with fluffy carpeting and leather seats and a hammock hanging from the ceiling. Spread out on the seats are four very odd looking characters who do a double-take as the girls walk in.
           “What!” D-boy exclaims and falls out of his hammock.
           “Uh, Serena…” Sickness trails off, pointing dumbly at the young girls.
           “What did you do?” Reverend Meat asks accusingly.
           “Relax,” Serena grunts, waving away their concerns. “I saved them from some perverted creep on the bus. They’re Squee’s neighbors.”
           “Really?” Eff asks as he kneels in front of them.
           “You’re a clown!” Kay exclaims.
           “Very perceptive,” he remarks.
           “Can you make balloon animals?” Emily asks.
           He shrugs. “Sure, why not.” He reaches into his hat and pulls out a long, deflated pink balloon which he quickly blows up. After a bit of twisting and pulling, he makes Emily a balloon poodle and she squeals with delight.
           “I want one!” Kay exclaims.
           “D-boy, you make this one,” Eff orders.
           The other Doughboy groans with annoyance but pulls a red balloon out of his hat, which he twists into a giraffe. Both girls cheer excitedly.
           “They’re adorable,” Reverend Meat beams.
           “They’re too loud,” D-boy grunts as he rubs his ear.
           “Where’s Aron?” Serena asks as she looks around.
           “In class,” Sickness replies.
           “Damn,” she sighs, “I wanted to drive them home right away but I guess we can’t just leave without Aron. If he comes back and the bus is gone, he’ll break.”
           “Wait, you’re gonna take us home?” Kay snaps, “you said you’d take us on an adventure!”
           “Was this not enough of an adventure for you?” Serena asks, gesturing to the Night Terrors. “You even got souvenirs.”
           “We want real adventure!” Emily shouts, “with danger and…and…exploring and…and monsters!”
           “Yeah!” Kay agrees.
           “Ugh, this is why I hate kids,” Serena groans, pinching the bridge of her nose.
           “So, you guys want adventure, do ya?” Reverend Meat purrs as he kneels before the young girls.
           “Yah!” they cheer.
           “Meat,” Serena says suspiciously.
           “Relax,” he grins and stands up. “I was just gonna suggest that we walk them home.”
           “Across the city?” Eff exclaims, “that’s like five hours!”
           “And the perfect adventure for a couple budding adventurers,” Reverend Meat adds, “who knows what we’ll see, who we’ll come across. And they’ll probably get wiped out before we even get them home.”
           “Fine,” Serena shrugs.
           “Yeah, alright,” Sickness nods, “could be fun.”
           “Pass,” D-boy yawns as he lies down on his hammock. But before he can get comfortable, Eff yanks him off and they all leave.
           “I guess we better stop at a store and pick up drinks and snacks,” Reverend Meat muses as they walk down the street, the girls skipping ahead of them with excitement. “Wouldn’t want them passing out from hunger or something. Serena, you got any cash?”
           “Uh like ten bucks,” she replies.
           “That should be enough for them but what about us?” Sickness asks.
           “Don’t worry, I got a plan,” Eff smirks.
           They go inside the nearest store and Eff hands them the ten dollar bill. “Alright, girls, go ahead and buy ten dollars’ worth of snacks and drinks.”            “Cool!” Emily cheers and they race off. They carefully pick out their treats while Eff and D-boy follow, seemingly like diligent guardians. But as the girls pay, the Doughboys slip outside with the others.
          “We got gummy worms and fizzy pop!” Kay exclaims excitedly as they join the Night Terrors.
           “Hey, us too,” Eff replies as he and D-boy reach into their hats and pull out cans of soda for everyone.
           “Hey,” Emily says accusingly, “where’d you get those?”
           “We’re magicians,” D-boy shrugs plainly, “we definitely didn’t steal them while the clerk was busy with you.”
           “Yeah, exactly,” Eff nods, “now let’s go.”            The girls stare at them suspiciously but follow nonetheless.
           It’s a beautiful day for a walk and the girls are in awe of everything. It’s even more amazing than what they saw on the bus because now they’re actually within it. The Night Terrors keep them from stopping and admiring though, but also tell little stories about some of the stuff they pass.
           “That’s the alley where Serena tried to drink my blood once,” D-boy says.
           “Oh, yeah, when we first met,” Serena remarks.
           “Why’d you try to drink his blood?” Emily asks, grimacing.
           She shrugs. “Blood has lots of iron.”            “Eeewww,” both girls reply shrilly.
           They eventually leave the shopping area and pass into a middle-class neighborhood. Kids their age and older are outside, playing around and enjoying the nice summer day. But there’s one house that everyone seems to avoid and Serena points it out.
           “You two will like this; that’s the Membrane house.”            “Like Dib and Gaz Membrane?” Kay exclaims excitedly.
           “Well, I was thinking more like their dad,” Serena replies, “you know, The Professor Membrane.”
           “But Dib and Gaz are the ones who have been on all the adventures with Squee,” Emily points out, “Dib is a genius with ghosts and monsters and Gaz is super strong and dangerous.”
           “Wow, you guys really know a lot about Squee’s adventures, huh?” Sickness questions.
           “So you must know us then, right?” Reverend Meat asks, “the Night Terrors.”
           “Ummm, I don’t think my brother ever talked about you,” Kay replies.
           “But we’ve saved Squee dozens of times,” Eff points out.
           “Yeah, he’s our Little Boss,” Sickness adds.
           Both girls shrug apologetically.
           “Hmph,” D-boy snorts, “guess our adventures aren’t good enough to talk about.”            “Whatever,” Reverend Meat whines, “we’re way cooler.”
           “Guys, shut up for a second,” Serena snaps and points down the street. “You see that?”
           “What? What?” Kay and Emily question. They can’t see it but the Night Terrors do: something or someone on a building across the street from the Membrane house. They’re hiding in the shadows and doing a pretty good job. If Serena hadn’t noticed a glare from the scope on their gun, they never would’ve been spotted.
           “What are they doing?” Sickness asks.
           “Looks like their pointing some kind of weapon at the Membrane house,” Reverend Meat replies.
           “That’s suspicious,” Serena comments.
           “What are you guys talking about?” Emily asks, “we don’t see anything.”
           Eff smirks at them. “We’ll show you just how cool our adventures are. Come on, D-boy.”
           The Doughboys suddenly leap up onto the roof of the closest building, to the shock and awe of the two girls.
           Meanwhile, Dib and Gaz are relaxing on lounge chairs on the roof of their house. Both of them are smiling blissfully, enjoying the peace and quiet. Across the street, an Irken in a black body suit points a scoped laser rifle at them, taking aim at Dib’s big head.
           He starts to pull the trigger when his antennae twitch. He whips around and fires his rifle.
           Dib’s eyes crack open at the sound. “Did you hear that?”
           “Huh, I don’t care,” Gaz replies, not even looking up from her GS3.
           “Hm. Yeah,” Dib agrees and closes his eyes.
           The Irken growls defiantly but is completely immobilized as Eff holds the barrel of his gun and D-boy squeezes his antennae. With his free hand, Eff rubs the little spot of charred flesh on his cheek where the laser grazed him.
           “You ruined my make-up,” he grunts.
           Without another word, Eff reaches into his hat, pulls out a machete, and carves the Irken to bits.
           They soon join their friends back on the ground, after disposing of the Irken in a nearby dumpster.    
           “So?” Reverend Meat asks.
           “Looked like some kind of Irken assassin,” Eff replies.
           “An assassin? After Dib and Gaz?” Sickness questions, “but Squee hasn’t said they’re being hunted.”
           “Maybe he doesn’t know,” D-boy shrugs, “we almost didn’t notice them.”            “Oh! Oh!” Emily exclaims, frantically waving her hand in the air.
           “Yes, Emily?” Serena asks.
           “What if assassins are after Squee’s other friends too?”
           The Night Terrors share a curious look.
           “Well, we’re already walking through the city,” Reverend Meat muses, “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to check on them.”            “And the Little Boss would definitely appreciate it,” Eff adds.
           “Well, looks like you two are getting more adventure than we thought,” Serena grins at Emily and Kay, who beam excitedly.
           The group hurries through the city. With a set goal in mind, even Emily and Kay don’t get so easily distracted. And soon they arrive at Zim’s cul-de-sac, and stare at his house from down the street.
           Inside, Skoodge, Gir, and Minimoose are enamoured by a silly cartoon playing on the TV. Behind them, Zim is lying face down on the couch, relaxing for the first time in over a year. He forgot how nice it felt to just shut down for a while.
           Outside, on the roof of a neighbor’s house, an Irken reaches into her PAK and pulls out a small, round device with a display and a red button. She presses the button and a countdown begins on the display. She starts to toss the device towards Zim’s house when a flash of purple rushes by her eyes. Before she can react, something grabs her antennae and yanks her off her feet.
           Sickness lands back on the ground with her friends and holds out the immobilized Irken like a trophy. “Behold: an Irken.”
           “Whoa!” Kay and Emily exclaim.
           The Irken says some nasty things in her alien language which thankfully the young girls can’t understand as Sickness tosses her over to the Doughboys. “Here you go, guys.”
           They both giggle excitedly and disappear down a nearby alley to finish her off in private while Sickness hands the device she had to Reverend Meat.
           “She had this too,” she says, “I’m guessing it’s some kind of bomb.”            “Hm,” he muses as he examines the display. “It’s in Irken. No idea what it says. Oh well.”
           He grips the bomb, pulls his arm back, and whips it into the sky strong enough to break through the atmosphere. But it doesn’t make it that far and explodes ten seconds later.
           Zim’s antennae twitch at the sound. He lazily lifts his head, glances around, and lies back down.
           “Well, that was a lot quicker than I thought,” Reverend Meat comments.
           “That was so cool!” Kay exclaims while Emily nods agreeably. He chuckles bashfully and rubs the back of his head.        
           “Okay, we’re done,” Eff says as he and D-boy return. “Let’s get going. It’s a long walk to Pepito’s house.”
           “Yeah, too long to walk if he’s gonna be assassinated,” Reverend Meat agrees then smiles at the girls. “You too wanna go for a ride?”            They stare at him in confusion.
           A few moments later, they’re squealing with delight as they hang onto his shoulders and the Night Terrors leap across buildings. They’re moving much faster now, even faster than the bus, and they cover way more ground. A five hour walk is quickly shortened to barely an hour.
           In his house, Pepito has barely moved from the couch all day, except to get a snack or use the bathroom. He’s been watching whatever cooking shows his mom has playing on TV and finds that he’s retaining quite a lot of it. He’ll have to try these tricks later when he’s not determined to do absolutely nothing all day.
           On his roof, an Irken removes a small explosive device from his PAK and begins to activate it when he senses multiple presences appear behind him. Before he can react, a hand roughly grabs his antennae and turns him around to the Night Terrors, with Kay and Emily peeking excitedly over Reverend Meat’s shoulders.
           “Hey,” Eff nods while D-boy draws a sledgehammer from his hat and smashes the Irken’s face in.
           The noise is audible through the house and Pepito glances up curiously before shrugging apathetically.
           Back on the roof, Serena quickly wipes the pink Irken blood off Kay and Emily’s faces, who are both stunned.  
           “I told you to not do that in front of them,” she hisses at the Doughboys.
           “Sorry,” D-boy shrugs, “got excited.”            “Ah, they’re fine,” Eff scoffs, “right, girls?”
           “Yeah!” Emily exclaims.
           “That was awesome!” Kay cheers.
           “See?” Eff says to Serena. “It’ll just come up in therapy later in life.”            “That was everyone, right?” Sickness asks.
           “Let’s see: Zim, Dib, Gaz, Pepito.” Reverend Meat lists them off on his fingers. “Yup. All that’s left is the Little Boss.”            “Good. We can drop these two off at the same time,” Serena declares and looks at the girls. “You ready to go home?”
           “Okay,” they chime.
           “Good,” she nods, “let’s go.”            The hot summer sun has passed over the sky and just begins to set for the day, and Squee and Colton haven’t moved an inch. They’re still lying on the sidewalk, legs stretched out onto the road. Their glazed over eyes blink heavily as they both smack their dry mouths.
           “Hey, Colton,” Squee says.
           “Yeah?” he questions.
           “I’m starting to think that spending all day lying on cement wasn’t a good idea.”
           “I was just thinking the same thing.”
           Squee squirms painfully, his back aching. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to move again.”
           “Squee! Colton!” Kay and Emily exclaim as they race down the road.
           “Oh, look who it is,” Colton groans wearily.
           “Wonder where they’ve been all day,” Squee muses.
           “Probably just playing in the backyard,” he replies as the girls approach.
           “You’ll never guess the adventure we just went on!” Kay yells excitedly.
           “First we took the bus, and then we met this really cool girl Serena who took us to the bus she lives in with clowns!” Emily explains enthusiastically, “and they took us through the city while beating alien assassins that are trying to kill your friends!”            “That’s nice,” Squee mutters, barely registering what she just said. Then it hits him like a brick and his eyes fly open. “Wait, what!”
           An Irken’s mangled, lifeless body hits the sidewalk right by Squee’s and Colton’s head, startling them to jump to their feet, squealing. They hold onto each other, panting as they stare with bewilderment at the body and at the Night Terrors as they land before them.
           Serena grins and leans forward, flicking Squee’s nose. “You’re welcome.”
           “Duh-um-uh-g-good work, guys,” Squee stammers, pointing at the Night Terrors before slipping past them and heading to his house. “I gotta call Zim.”            Everyone watches him leave before the Night Terrors look at Colton.  
           “So apparently you don’t like telling your sister about our adventures?” Reverend Meat questions accusingly.
           Colton flinches beneath their glares while Kay and Emily dance around, giggling and cheering about the day they just had.
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Half on a baby: Leo & Alicia -Part 2
This is from Cordonians gone wild, a TRR AU. A collaborative effort by @ao719 @cocomaxley @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom and myself. Find our other crazy adventures HERE
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It had been four months since Leo and Alicia had started trying for a baby. They knew it would take some time after removing the IUD as the doctor had said. It took two months for her cycle to return back to normal, she was happy just to let it happen when it happened,  Leo on the other hand was starting to stress.
Sex used to be fun, but it started to feel more like a chore.
Alicia sat at the restaurant with the other girls, Genevieve and Rashad's wedding was fast approaching and the girls were going over a few of the final details for the bridal shower they were planning wiating for Genevieve showed up.
She absentmindedly played with her wedding ring, lost in thought. “Alicia! Earth to Alicia?!” Pam waved her hand in front of her face “hmm what?” she slowly turned her head. “Mimosas or Manhattans for the shower signature drink?” “oh umm Manhattans.” she answered, slightly embarrassed.  “you were a million miles away, what's up?” Stef asked, the others stared at her waiting for a response. She took a deep breath “So you know how we have been trying for a baby?” they all nodded “well, Leo has become like, obsessed. To the point sex isn't fun anymore, it's like… a chore. I don't even want to have sex with him.”  
The girls gasped “Oh my God, you don't want to have sex with Leo? The two of you couldn't keep your hands off each other for 2 minutes and you don't even want to at all?” Anitah shrieked.  Alicia shook her head “It's horrible I know. I'm still super attracted to him, but I just hate the pressure.”
Just then Leo approached the table. “Hello Ladies, sorry to interrupt but Alicia and I have an appointment.” Alicia rolled her eyes “I'm kind of in the middle of something Leo, can we postpone the appointment?”
“we already postponed one appointment today, I do not want to miss another.” he gave her a stern look, finally she tossed her napkin on the table and stood. “Sorry ladies but my Husband seems to demand I attend this Appointment.” Leo held his hand out, she walked straight past him giving him a pointed look, passing Genevieve on the way. “Hey Ali…” she started to say but quickly stopped noticing Alicia's annoyed look, Leo hot on her heels.
The ride back to the palace was a quiet one, they got to their quarters, Leo started to unbutton his shirt. “we should probably do it twice to make up for missed time this morning.” he said pulling off his pants. “what are you doing? Take off your clothes.” Leo huffed annoyed she wasn't moving he walked over to her and started to unzip her dress “Leo Stop!” she turned pushing his hand away. He abruptly stopped, staring at her wide eyed, never in the entire time they had been together had she ever told him to stop. “you are so crazy over making a baby you don't even see or care that I am pissed. What you did back there, that was embarrassing and ridiculous.”
Leo blinked several times at his wife's words. “Sex used to be exciting, and amazing. When was the last time you went down on me? When was the last time I had an orgasm? It's become a chore and I'm not ok with it.” she yelled. “you don't want to have sex with me?” his voice almost a whisper. “No Leo,I think we need to have a sex break for a little bit.”
“So are you saying you want to stop trying?” his voice started to break, blinking back tears.  
“I'm not saying that,  I just want our old sex life back. The fun, spontaneous, passionate, whenever, wherever sex we used to have. Not this, scheduled boring ass shit that's happening now.” leo sat on the couch. “I'm, I'm sorry, I just got so crazy over getting you pregnant. How long is this break going to be?”
“I don't know, we will just see how it goes.”
A couple weeks later the group flew into Tahiti for Leo's 35th birthday. Alicia was able to reserve 3 on water bungalows in the same cluster. Drake and pam would be sharing with Genevieve and Rahad, Anitah and Liam would share with Stef and Max, and since nobody liked to bunk with the loud couple,  and it being his birthday weekend, Leo and Alicia had their own bungalow. Each bungalow had two bedrooms, a full kitchen, living room, deck and private water entrance. Except Leo and Alicia's had one bedroom, and an island inspired canopy bed.
They spent the afternoon in the sparkling bluewater. .The guys did a little fishing while the girls floated around in rafts sipping on tropical drinks. It had been 2 full weeks since Leo and Alicia were intimate, Alicia seemingly ok, Leo starting to crack under the lack of sex, but not wanting to push his wife.  He watched as she got off her raft and into the clear water, swimming to the stairs of the bungalow. She made her way up the stairs, beads of water rolling down her body, her long brown hair cascading down her back. She adjusted her bikini bottoms, Leo adjusted his pants at the sight of her. She smirked as she walked into the bungalow Leo getting up to follow her.
Alicia walked into the kitchen grabbing a glass of water,  she felt his strong arms wrap around her waist. “you're killing me in this bikini love.” his husky voice in her ear sent shivers down her spine. “is that so? And what exactly do you want to do about this?” she teased. Leo let out a low growl hands placed firmly on her hips, his lips gently nipping the back of her neck. “Leo, hey, you got a bite on your line.” Drake's voice came from behind them. “You can't get it?” He growled, back still facing Drake. “Na I think you should come get it, it looks like a big one.” Drake tried to stifle his laughter.  Alicia turned facing her husband “Better go get that fish.” she whispered as she walked out the door. Leo turned glaring at Drake seeing him laughing “Fuck you walker.”
The first night Alicia passed out before Leo came to bed, the second night the girls all crashed in Alicia and Leo's bungalow, Leo being forced to bunk with Liam for the night. He woke up being snuggled by his younger brother. It was then that he vowed, one way or another this hold out was going to end.
They spent the day at the beach, and doing a little sightseeing. The resort that the bungalows were near was having a party, and the crew wanted to check it out. The spent the evening eating and laughing. After way to many drinks pam and Drake were the first to leave, followed by Genevieve and Rashad. Maxwell, stephanie and Anitah were on the dance floor. Liam slouched in his seat wearing a goofy grin and a coconut bra.
Leo looked over at Alicia he dipped his mouth close to her ear “Dance with me?” she agreed and they made their way to the dance floor. Leo pulled her flesh to himself using the close proximity to his advantage. Between the beat of the music, the way his hands felt on her body and the alcohol, Alicia couldn't resist him anymore. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him into a searing kiss, his tongue slipped between her soft lips their tongues swirled together, fighting for dominance. They pulled apart finally “I need you Leo, now!” she breathed out.
Without a word he grabbed her hand rushing back to the bungalow. Once they reached the docks he scooped her up, carrying her bridal style until they got into the bedroom. He let her down pulling her into a kiss as his fingers diligently removed her long floral dress. He growled in Appreciation discovering she had nothing underneath. He turned her around pulling her flesh to him, his hands roamed her naked body, he caressed her breast, pinching and rolling her pink buds until the formed firm peaks. She let out a soft moan, it had been to long. His fingers slipped lower, parting her folds, he rubbed her sensitive bundle sending jolts of pleasure throughout her. “f- fuck Leo.” she moaned. Leo pulled off his shirt and slipped out of his shorts. He lead her to the bed giving her a soft nudge watching her fall back. He dropped to his knees, pulling her legs over his strong shoulders.  “Fuck baby, I've been waiting for this moment for 2 weeks.” he growled as his lips found her clit sucking and swirling her clit with perfect skill. She arched her back at the sensation, it didn't take long, with one hand gripping the sheets the other tangled in his blonde locks she came screaming his name.
He stood with a smirk. “You taste as good as you feel baby, and right now, I need to feel you.”  He lined his thick long length up with her aching center and plunged into her causing Alicia to gasp. “Fuck love your tight.” Leo groaned, as he gripped her hips pulling her up slightly off the bed. He set a steady pace, wanting to take as much time as he could. Their moans filled the room, her fingers raked his back as she felt the coil tighten. She felt her coil start to tighten, she needed more. She bucked her hips into him, he gave her that sly grin. “mmmm that's my girl, I know what you want.” Leo picked up his pace, thrusting into her with force. “Fuck, yes Leo just like that.” she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deeper into her. “mmmm fuck, yes.” she moaned “come for me baby, I wanna  hear how good it feels.” he growled. Leo thrust harder, he felt her walls flutter around him “ Yes,Leo…. Leo!” she screamed his name as her sweet nectar crashed against his length sending him over the edge. “Alicia!” He pumped into her as he spilled himself into her with a loud groan collapsing to the side of her. They laid tangled together in the bed. “I am so sorry I almost ruined our sex life.” Leo sighed. Alicia laid on his chest “you didn't, but let's never schedule sex again ok?” he grinned as he kissed the top of her head. “Happy birthday Leo.”
A month later…..
Alicia walked into their quarters, she had spent the day with the girls getting their nails done they were heading to the rehearsal and dinner, afterwards everyone would be traveling to Domvailler for the wedding the next day. “Leo I'm back, you about ready?” she hollered out, kicking her heels off. She say down in the oversized chair in their living room, she leaned her head back closing her eyes. the next thing she knew Leo was shaking her “Wake up love, we need to get going.” “hmmm what? Did I fall asleep?” Leo grinned “Yeah you did. Now come on the car is waiting for us downstairs.”
The rehearsal went well, finally it was dinner time. Alicia sat at the table waiting on her food. She hadn't touched the glass of wine that sat in front of her. The staff sat their food down she glanced over at Genevieve's surf and turf steak and lobster, her stomach doing flops. She picked at her chicken, not being able to bring herself to eat it. It wasn't until she glanced over at Leo, who cut into his medium rare steak,  the blood pooling out did it. Her hand flew up to her mouth she stood abruptly knocking over the chair, rushing out and into the bathroom. The entire table staring at the empty spot.
“Is she ok?” Rashad sympathetically asked. “I really hope she isn't getting a stomach bug the day before the wedding.” Genevieve sighed. “I'll go check on her.” Leo stood walking to the bathroom.
“you ok love?” he hollered in. “I don't know, I looked at your bloody steak and puked.” she splashed water on her face. “I think I'm gonna go lay down, can you tell Gen sorry and I'll be fine for tomorrow.” she walked out of the bathroom pulling off her dress. “You want me to stay, I can take care of you.” Leo put his hands on her shoulders “You're sweet, but no. Go back down and finish eating. I'll be fine.” leo ran back down to the dining hall, filling everyone in on Alicia's condition,  he finished eating and went back to the room. Alicia was sleeping, he covered her up and climbed into bed next to her.
The next day was the wedding, Alicia was fine most of the morning. The girls sipped champagne Alicia declined, the thought of it made her stomach turn instead she snacked on crackers and ginger ale. She got through the ceremony even the dinner with no isssue.  Genevieve and Rashad left for their honeymoon Leo, Alicia and Stephanie sat at the table, Leo and Stephanie had a nice buzz going, Alicia sipped sparkling cider. Maxwell plopped down next to Alicia at the table, tossing a plate of fish, rice and greens down. “Max, where’d ya get that?” stef eyed her husband  “Oh I raided the kitchen, want some?” he forked a large chunk of fish waving it in Alicia's face. Her hand flew over her mouth and she darted off to the bathroom. “I guess she does have a stomach bug.” Leo sighed. “Or she's pregnant.” Stephanie eyed Leo, who couldn't stop the grin forming on his face. “I better go check on her. Talk to you guys later.”
Alicia walked out of the bathroom coming face to face with Leo “Damn Maxwell and that damn fish. I'm gonna go up, you can hang out if you want, I won't be much fun.” “I have something I want to do, but I'll be up shortly.” he kissed her forehead and took off.
A short while later Leo came in the room. “Hey baby. How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Better. What ya got there?” she took note of the bag he was holding. “This?” she shook her head, Leo handed her the bag. She reached in pulling out a box “a pregnancy test? No, it's to soon, the doctor said it could take a year.” she argued. “Just take it love, please.” he took her hands. “fine.” she sighed ripping open the box and going into the bathroom.  She came out a few minutes later placing the test on the nightstand, setting a timer on her phone.
Leo placed the floor, when the timer went off. Alicia's head snapped over to the test and back to Leo, she shook her head, she couldn't look. Leo crossed the room in two strides snatching the test off the nightstand, he stared at the test. “its.. its negative isn't it?” Leo looked up at his wife tears in his eyes “Im… its… Alicia, you're.” he stammered “Leo, what's going on, you're confusing me.”
“you're pregnant love.” Alicia stood up “im.. what? You're serious?” He wrapped his strong arms around her, pulling her into a sweet kiss. “Were having a baby love.I love you, so much.”
Alicia looked into his bright blue eyes “I love you too Leo. I can't believe it, were going to have a baby!”
A few months later ….
Alicia laid on the table of the imagining office, Leo sat next to her gripping her hand. They had had a few office visits, got a few blurry pictures of what Leo called their little “sprout”. Today was the day of their big ultrasound, with any luck they would know the sex of their baby. When they found out they were expecting, Alicia was 6 weeks along. When they told their friends the news Leo announced it as his delayed birthday present, as she got pregnant during the birthday trip to Tahiti.
The technician came in “Hello your grace, your highness, I am tessa and I'll be doing your scan today.” Leo and Alicia shared a look, fighting back the urge to laugh hysterically at the penis shaped eyebrows on tessa’s face. After a few measurements and tessa telling them what every part was she finally asked the question “So do you want to know the sex of the baby?” “YES!” they answered unanimously. Tessa laughed “well ok, let's see if we can get some cooperation here.” tessa wiggled the wand on Alicia's stomach snapping a few pictures, she furrowed her brow and stood up “umm if you will excuse me for a minute. “ she got up and walked out of the room. “What's wrong Leo?” “I don't know love, I'm sure fine.” He have her a reassuring squeeze.
Tessa returned with another woman “Hello, I'm doctor Swift. Tessa asked me to take a look really quick, if that's ok.” Alicia nodded as the doctor scanned her stomach. “ok so, this little one right here is baby A” she pointed to the screen. “and this one… is baby B” Leo whipped his head to the doctor “come again?”
Alicia sat up on her elbows “What do you mean?”
The doctor giggled “well, it appears you are having twins. This little one was hiding behind it's sibling.” tw.. twins?” Alicia muttered, Leo grinned “guess my swimmers were having a buy one get one free special that day.” Alicia groaned. “Now, let's find out the sex of these two.”
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ecofinisher · 6 years
The Adventures of Super Nathan 2 - Chap. 1
Man I had nearly no patience to wait to start the sequel of the Adventures of Super Nathan. I missed writing TomatoFox and Adrigami from there so much :3
Summary: Months have passed since the superheroes have defeated Le Paon, now they divided themselves to focus more on their last school year. Nathaniel’s relationship with Lila grew instantly over the months after figuring out each other’s true identities, while Kagami’s relationship with Adrien is getting waver due to having to deal with Adrien’s fangirls, every time she’s with him.
Could this get any worse? Marinette as the new guardian is constantly passing by Master Fu to learn new things and loses one of the miraculous, which lands on the hands of the wrong person…
Pairings: Adrigami & TomatoFox are main. Julerose and Lukanette are side couples. Eventually background couples might appear. 
Months have passed since Super Nathan and the other superheroes had defeated Le Paon and save Emilie Agreste from her doom. After that Super Nathan had taught along with the help of Miss Vixen and Cat Noir the three school comrades Rose Lavilant, Luka Couffaine and Kagami Tsurugi everything they needed to know as a miraculous holder and how to work together as a team or a duo. Since there are no more supervillains terrorizing the French metropolis, the superheroes divide between all two days per person, when there is anywhere trouble on a specific day, the heroes of that specific day will move out to solve the case. The best part is, they won’t have to skip the school or any special occasion very often due to the organization between the miraculous holders.
Marinette as the new guardian of the miraculous has meet Master Fu once in a while, to see how he was doing. Besides that, she’s learning how to decipher the codes in the miraculous book with the help of the senior for further uses.
Before the summer break had started the six heroes had a meeting together to discuss their schedule, due to the absence of a few of the teammates, which had left France for a few weeks.
Nathaniel stood back alone with Rose Lavillant and Adrien Agreste, taking care of Paris beside the rest of his free time he was alone by himself or at the museum with his classmate Alix to pass the time, while his girlfriend was down in her fatherland enjoying the vacation. Nathaniel isn’t very excited about only having one week of vacation in front of him before the last school year starts for him again, but what makes him happy is, that then he will see his girlfriend Lila Rossi again, which arrives on the last Sunday before the first school day. If luckily, he may be able to surprise her at the airport, when she arrives.
One week before school starts, Adrien Agreste stood together with his fencing teacher Armand D’Argencourt in front of the Berlin Airport leaned in front of a black car with a Silver star symbol on the hood of the sedan. The two were waiting for the Tsurugis, which have been away for vacation in Tokyo to visit their relatives.
“This might sound silly Adrien, but I never have seen Kagami’s parents and she’s been in my fencing class for nearly three years,” Told the grey-haired man the blonde boy.
“Well she has the same blue tone as Kagami on her hair, she wore it in Chignon style last time I saw here and she uses black sunglasses, since she’s blind” Explained Adrien glancing up at the adult, which passed with his thumb and his index finger on the curl of his mustache while listening to his student.
“That she’s blind is new to me”
“Same, the first time Kagami officially introduced me to her mom was weird. She appeared there with her Shinai walking towards me with a strange look on her face and I felt nervous and thought she was going to do something with it,”
“I wouldn’t see her doing that unless you’ve hurt Kagami and she was going to get revenge on you”
“Yeah but she isn’t like that. I mean, she cares deeply for Kagami, but she isn’t a person, that would hurt somebody”
“Sweet and what about her father?” Questioned the fencing teacher. “I never heard her talk about him?”
“I don’t know, she never talked to me about her father, better said I never asked her about him” Adrien said looking around to see on the end of the sidewalk, where other vehicles were parked his girlfriend leaving the building of the airport pushing the cart with the luggage, while next to her walked the mother using her cane to orientate herself on the outside. “Monsieur D’Argencourt, they’re here!” Announced Adrien happy as he saw the Tsurugi’s heading together towards the dark sedan.
“I’m going to help Kagami bring the baggage,” The blonde said to his teacher heading along the sidewalk to the two Japanese women. “Konnichwa,” Greeted Adrien stopping in front of the two blue-haired women. Both smiled at Adrien and Mrs. Tsurugi, then Adrien exchanged looks with his girlfriend placing his hand on the cart. “Shall I help you?” Questioned the boy, then heard Kagami’s mother starting to talk.
“Oh it’s you Adrien Agreste,” Said Mrs. Tsurugi. “I thought your voice was so familiar”
“It really is me Mrs. Tsurugi. I and Monsieur D’Argencourt have been waiting for your arrival. The car is right here a few meters down”
“That’s great. Thank you” The ex-fencing champion said moving forwards, then Adrien looked at Kagami, which smiled at him and placed her hands on his cheeks, lifting herself up in her chucks to be closer to Adrien’s face to greet him with a kiss on the lips.
“I missed you” Adrien replied shortly after she got off him, followed by the girl chuckling.
“Aishiteru,” The Japanese girl told the blonde, making him tilt his head.
“Uh Gesundheit”
“Idiot” Kagami said rolling her eyes, which caused Adrien to laugh.
“Just kidding, I know, what it means” Adrien admitted watching Kagami shook her head while smirking at him. “Come let me help you with it” The boyfriend offered pulling the cart together with the heiress of Mrs. Tsurugi to the black car, where Mr. D’Argencourt was about to open the trunk of the vehicle.
“Mrs. Tsurugi, if you don’t mind, I and Mr. Agreste will take care of the luggage” The Frenchman offered earning a nod from the blue-haired adult, which walked on the side of the car touching on the windows of the backdoor looking for the door handle, then managed to open the door of the first row and entered on the side of the co-driver.
“Here….uhm do the three suitcases fit in the trunk?” Questioned Adrien looking up at the man along with Kagami.
“I’m not sure” Responded Armand looking at the three suitcases, including Kagami’s barrel bag from the fencing class.
“We are only two on the back seat, we can put the smallest one in there….well, they look all the same”
“If you two don’t mind,” The fencing master said picking up a suitcase and putting it into the trunk. “Imagine I had rented a lower class car. That would be big trouble for us”
“You know we could just have rented that weird SUV they had. At least it would have more space for the suitcases.”
“There goes my plan of impression down” Armand D’Argencourt complained after stowing the suitcase into the trunk, then picked up another suitcase. “Maybe I could have impressed you, Miss Tsurugi Jr?” Asked the gray-haired man glancing at the blue-haired girl, which looked at the black car together with Adrien.
“It’s the exact same car as mine and Adrien’s, but in another color,” Told Kagami making Adrien chuckle.
“Ugh,” The teacher said slamming down the door of the trunk and walked to the front door to enter into the driver seat. “Get in you two” The man ordered while closing the door behind him. Adrien watched Kagami before she opened the door of the car yawning, earning a smile from the blonde, followed by him placing his arm behind her back.
“Jet lag?” The blonde said and the Japanese girl nodded.
“Right now in Japan is 3 am,” Explained Kagami. “Really late” “You got a couple of days to get used again to the European time zone. Before the tournament you will be ready and show everyone there, who’s the best” The French boy told his girlfriend receiving a peck from her on his cheeks, then he opened the door for the girl and helped her into the vehicle, afterward he closed the door and on the other side he got into the car and pulled with him into it the suitcase putting it on the seat next to him and he sat there in the middle of the back row, while next to him sat the girlfriend putting the seatbelt on.
“If we got time this week, we could go stroll around Berlin and maybe visit the Brandenburg Gate, what do you think of it?” The blonde questioned the inmates of the black sedan.
“I’ve booked on the other side of Berlin, I’m not sure if we’re able to find the best time for doing sightseeing. I’ve got plenty of things to do, including finding out, where the tournament takes place” Explained the teacher to the blonde, which sighed.
“Okay, maybe another time” The blonde replied sadly leaning his head back on the seat and taking out his smartphone of the pocket of his jacket with the earpods plugged in the phone. Kagami noted Adrien putting the pods in the ears, then the blonde rolled his eyes at her and took one of the pods out. “You….”
“Old school, huh?”
“Uh what do you mean?” Questioned the blonde at the question of the girlfriend.
“I don’t know, I always thought you had airpods like me,” Kagami said taking out from her jacket her airpod case showing it at the boy.
“Ah yes I do have them, but I tend to lose them a lot, so I prefer to take these” Adrien explained the girlfriend earning a comprehensive nod. Adrien unlocked the display of his smartphone and widened his eyes as he saw the battery stage of the electronic device. “What a pity, I need to charge it and I left my power bank in the hotel”
“We can share my smartphone if you want, except I might not have the songs you like”
“I don’t mind listen to your favorite songs”
“Fine, but we use your headphones since you’re a pro in losing airpods”.
“Hahaha,” Adrien said sarcastically, then Kagami took the one headphone from Adrien’s hand placing it inside her ear and put her phone on shuffle starting to play a song of a female singer.
“You’re listening to house?” Asked Adrien surprised making the girl shook her head.
“That’s actually dance, Adrien. But their songs tend to be from that genre”
“And this one is my favorite” Kagami said pressing on the forward button to skip some songs and stopped on a three-minute song. “Here”
“A slower one”
“Well it changes later”
“Sweet” Adrien said leaning his head back on the seat, then his girlfriend leaned her head on his shoulder closing her eyes while listening to the music on her smartphone releasing a joyful sight, making the tall blonde smile and lean his face on the shorter girl’s head doing the same too, soon the two were asleep while Monsieur D’Argencourt drove them to their destination on the other side of the German capital.
In the evening, Nathaniel lied on his bed inside his bedroom watching Anime on his laptop, while eating popcorn.
“I’ll be going, see you tomorrow,” Ms. Kurtzberg said standing in front of Nathaniel’s room.
“Bye mom,” Nathaniel said to his mother, which entered into the boys’ room placing her hand on his shoulder.
“You got in the fridge the rest from the lunch from today if you want darling”
“Okay mom”
“Goodnight son,” The mother said pecking the boy on the head and look up at her.
“Don’t forget the parking card”
“I already remembered it, thanks sweetie,” Ms. Kurtzberg said leaving the room of the boy. “And behave”
“As always mom” Nathaniel responded back, then heard his mother closing the door of the entrance and locking it up.
“Yippie,” A soft voice said from behind Nathaniel’s back and it was his kwami Karaa, which had been hiding from the adult behind Nathaniel’s feet.
“Serve yourself. There’s enough for the two of us” Nathaniel offered his kwami, which landed inside the bowl grabbing one popcorn and taking a bite.
“We need to fill our energies, in case of an emergency,” Nathaniel said making his kwami laugh.
“That’s what I say to you all the time”
“I know,” Nathaniel said while yawning, then looked down on the corner to see the time it was now. “Lila should be calling me any minute”
“She will, don’t wowy,”
“Do you think she could have forgotten about me, during the time she’s in Italy? Maybe she did”
“You have chatted and talked to hewr on video and you think she has fowgotten you?”
“I...I don’t know, it could be, couldn’t it?” Questioned the redhead looking at the kwami.
“You cwazy“, Told Kara shaking her head at the boy. „She definitely had you in hew mind all day. I‘m telling you that, that‘s twue“
„I miss her so much Karaa. I can‘t wait to see her again, but in real life not on video“ Nathaniel said opening the cloud of his laptop and opened the first picture, where he stood together with Lila, Kagami and Adrien at Andrè‘s ice cart with ice cream they had bought at the man.
His laptop received on the right corner a video call and it had Lila‘s name on it, making Nathaniel excited.
„It‘s Lila!“ Exclaimed Nathaniel excited and hovered with the mousepad of the laptop over the note, then wide his eyes and looked up at his kwami. „Do I look good?“
„Besides you only weawing showts, you look gweat,“
„You sure, shouldn‘t I wear a t-shirt or something?“
„You videochatted with Lila evewy day like that. She didn‘t hate it“
„Okay…..“ Nathaniel said pressing on the green symbol to attend the call. On his screen appeared Lila waving at the camera of her laptop at her boyfriend. „Lila!“ Nathaniel said glad as he saw the brunette girl on screen.
„Hey Nathy“ Greeted the Italian girl. „How are you?“
„Good and you?“
„Great you can‘t believe, who I saw today at the mall in Milan“
„No, who?“
„Jagged Stone and Penny Rolling“ Responded Lila.
„Cool, wasn‘t he on a tour or something?“
„Yeah and today he will play at the San Siro and my cousins are going there with me to see him live“
„That‘s great Lila,“ Nathaniel said making Lil giggle.
„And how has Paris been?“ Questioned the brunette. „Any trouble?“
„Well Luka has been on a break since his miraculous has started to give problems and made him feel very sick“
„What happened?“ Questioned Lila interested.
„He said his powers weren‘t working correctly, then around the third time he transformed he felt very sick and went with Marinette together to Master Fu and he told him it was because he had transformed while wearing a ring on his finger“
„Oh and is he alright?“
„I think he‘s better now, he‘s still out with the family and will arrive tomorrow. Then I and Rose won‘t be alone“ Nathaniel said, then on the screen next to him appeared a red notification bar warning about an occurrence.
„Oh oh,“ Nathaniel said looking down at the notification.
„What is it?“ Questioned Lila as Nathaniel read the short information on the bar.
„There was a plane hijack here in Paris, shortly after it took off. I need to inform Rose about it“
„Alright go take care of it,“ The Italian girl said. „Be careful baby“
„I be“ Nathaniel said and the call was finished by Lila‘s side and Nathaniel picked up his smartphone entering into a green colored app and pressed on the second bar, which was a groupchat with the name Super Squad and checked the last messages changed between him and Rose, then pressed her phone number and set it on call, then moments later the blonde attended it.
„Hey Nath!“ Greeted Rose excited over the smartphone.
„It‘s an emergency Rose, a plane got hijacked and we need to go now“
„Okay and how are we two going to deal with that?“
„I don‘t know, it sounds like a hard challenge for only the two of us, maybe we should ask Marinette about it?“
„Let‘s use the video group chat together, so we can discuss the two together with her, is it good?“
„It‘s good Rose, I‘ll do it“ Nathaniel offered taking the phone off his ear, then tipped on a telephone symbol with a cross next to it and it showed the contacts of the students, that were the alter egos of the superheroes, including Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Master Fu. Nathaniel pressed on Marinette‘s phone number adding it to his screen, showing a picture of her on the screen doing the peace sign and next to her was a picture of Rose wearing a designer hat from Marinette.
„Nathaniel, Rose did something happen?“ Asked Marinette sounding a little tired on the other side of the call.
„A plane hijack and I and Rose need your advice. We might need a third superhero to help us since plane hijacks are most likely to end badly and we could really need someone to help us“
„Okay I think I have the right miraculous in my mind, we just need now a person to borrow it,“
„I think I found the perfect person for it,“ Nathaniel said smiling.
„Me as a miraculous holder?“ Questioned a pink-haired girl standing in front of the Louvre with Super Nathan, the alter ego of Nathaniel.
„Only I and Ro…..Honey Bee are here and we could really use a third person to help us since all of the others are away“
„This is so cool,“ Alix said jumping excitedly. „I get to work together with my favorite superhero, I need to put this on my blo….“
„Nope, sorry I can‘t allow you to do that“ Super Nathan said grabbing Alix on her hand as she was about to take her smartphone out. „No one can ever know the real identity of a superhero“ Super Nathan said looking at the blue eyes of the girl, turning her cheeks a little pink.
„S...sure“ She responded then the purple-skinned superhero took from behind his back a black octagonal box, then pressed it on Alix‘s hands. Alix excitedly opened the box and a sea green colored light shined brightly causing Alix to cover her eyes along with Super Nathan by putting their hand over their eyes. As the light disappeared a cobra-like kwami with legs and arms appeared in front of the French girl and Alix looked astonished at the creature.
„A snake?“ Alix asked. „I love snakes!“
„This sounds splendid,“ The kwami said. „The name‘s Sass. You must be my new miraculous holder, am I right?“
„Uh I think this was temporarily,“ Alix said looking at Super Nathan, which shrugged his shoulders.
„According to Mari….Master Mari….uhm you know the master, that holds the miraculous“ Super Nathan said scratching the back of his neck abashed. „I don‘t know, she doesn‘t have to know so many information y‘know,“
„Temporarily? Okay, and what‘s going on, what do we have to face?“ Questioned the snake miraculous, then a loud noise banged over the city and all looked up in the sky to see a jet of the military pass by rapidly over the city heading towards the Eiffel tower and turning its right wing up to pass beside the tower with the head of the cockpit looking at it.
„The military must have sent some jets behind the plane, that‘s the way we have to go then,“ Super Nathan said earning a nod from Sass and Alix.
„Alright listen you two, the transformation quote is Sass, Let‘s slither, your weapon is a lyre, where you use to play and form a wave to paralyze your enemy and your special power is hypnosis. After your superpower has been used you have five minutes left before you transform back into yourself again before your time is unlimited.“
„Okay, I got it,“ Said Alix and Super Nathan took out a green bangle placing it on Alix‘s right arm, where her watch was, then removed the watch placing it inside the box of the miraculous.
„Just in case I put it here, Vent had trouble with his miraculous, because he wore something, that conflicted with his powers“
„Oh okay,“ Alix said then looked at her arm, where she had the snake miraculous.
„Come Alix, we have to go fast, every second counts,“ Super Nathan said earning a nod from the pink-haired girl, which raised her arm up in the air.
„Sass, let‘s slither!“ Alix shouted activating her miraculous.
Two random questions: 
Do you prefer, if I share the link to the fic including the whole chapter OR a part of the chapter including the link to the chapter/fanfic?
Should I add, when I share it here on tumblr all three links of the fic (A03, FFN and Wattpad) or only one (Ao3)?
You can tell me your answer in private, here or anywhere else, where I’m on.
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germanfulbrighteta · 6 years
End of the 2017/2018 Fulbright year - Wimbledon and home at last!
It’s over! My Fulbright year has officially come to an end. I cannot believe how many amazing people I met during the past 10 and a half months abroad, and how many places I was fortunate enough to have traveled to and to have experienced as well. It’s been an incredible ride, and though I’m sad it’s over, I’m already excited about and looking forward to whatever adventures may lie ahead.
Before leaving Europe for good, however, my Dad and I teamed up to squeeze in one more fun excursion in London, England. Below is my account of attending the first three days of the most famous tennis tournament in the world: Wimbledon!
The trip from Germany to England to meet my Dad began with - you guessed it - a delayed flight. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise, however, as France was playing Argentina in a thrilling World Cup game, and many of the people in the Düsseldorf airport had crowded around T.V. sets to watch. Even when in transit, Europeans apparently take the sport of soccer very seriously. (Though that wouldn’t compare to the England vs. Columbia game I would later bear witness to - more on that further down.)
I eventually arrived in England that Saturday evening, and as Wimbledon didn’t start until two days later, our first day together was simply spent sightseeing around London. We first checked out the London Science Museum (note to all future attendees: although interesting, it’s mostly a children's museum) before managing to complete my favorite walk in London. Here’s how it goes:
Start at Westminster, admire Westminster Abbey and Big Ben Walk up Downing Street Stop for lunch at The Old Shades Cross Trafalgar Square Finish by walking down to Buckingham Palace and potentially taking a selfie with the Queen
At last, Monday morning finally arrived, and my Dad and I embarked on the famous tennis pilgrimage to the lawns of Wimbledon at the All England Club. It’s something every tennis player, whether professional or amateur, hopes to see at least once, and we were both thrilled to walk around the prestigious grounds and hop from match to match, knowing that we would be surrounded by world-class tennis no matter where we looked. Excitement levels: off the charts.
We started by orienting ourselves with the Wimbledon complex. One of the first things you see when you walk in is Centre Court, the most famous tennis court in the world and where only the best matches are played. Nearby are the bigger courts of 1, 2, 3, 12, and 18 (where the world’s longest match ever, at just over 11 hours spanned over two days, was played in 2010), and finally, the myriad of shops and restaurants where you can spend your money on amazingly overpriced (but still pretty cool) merchandise and snacks. Basically, the main question facing any newcomers is simple: where on Earth do you begin?
We decided to check out the outer courts for a few hours before proceeding to Court 1, the second biggest stadium at Wimbledon. There, we saw Sloane Stephens, one of the top ranked American women, lose handily to Donna Vekic (ranked 55th in the world), as well as Milos Raonic and Serena Williams win their matches with no trouble. We also managed to secure the famous strawberries and cream dish, a classic staple of the Wimbledon experience, and see Caroline Wozniacki, the #2 female player in the world, on a practice court. It was an amazing day, and only had us hungry for more once we left nearly 9 hours later.
If I had to describe day two of our Wimbledon extravaganza, it would look something like this: Centre Court. That’s right, we actually had tickets all day for Centre Court at Wimbledon, and on schedule to play were Rafael Nadal (men’s world number one), Garbine Muguruza (Wimbledon defending champion), and Simona Halep (women’s world number one). I’ve posted pictures and videos of each match below if anyone is interested in seeing a behind-the-scenes Centre Court perspective. Otherwise, take my word for it: seeing that many top players spar on the greatest tennis court in the world is nothing short of a dream come true, and my Dad and I loved every minute of it.
That evening, England played Columbia in the World Cup round of 16. We went to a pub to get the full experience, standing among at least a hundred other people (many of whom, ironically, were Americans) to watch England come within minutes of winning the game, then be stunned by a last-minute goal from Columbia, and finally see the game be taken to a sudden-death penalty shootout. The tension in the pub was palpable, and it was an amazing experience being there when England scored the final goal and the whole pub basically erupted (video posted below!).
Our final day at Wimbledon involved a little strategy, as we arrived extra early to escape the somewhat voluminous crowds. Our reward was a court level view of three great matches (featuring Gael Monfils and Stan Wawrinka) on Court 3, where we spent the first 6 hours of the day. We also managed to see some of Marin Cilic’s match on Court 1 before rain caused a premature end to the day, and to our Wimbledon experience as well. Our luck with the great weather had finally run dry, so we bought a couple of small souvenirs, sent a postcard back home, and left the gates of Wimbledon for the last time.
We had one more day in London to spend, however, so the next morning we went to the British Library, home of, among other treasures, the Magna Carta and ancient Biblical texts. In between train delays and cancelations, we also managed to see the Harry Potter store at King’s Cross and visit the House of Parliament. We ended the day by watching a few Wimbledon matches at the local sport’s bar before turning in and flying home (really) early the next day. It was a great last day in Europe, and was a suitable ending to one of the most surreal and memorable years one could ask for.
Writing this last article back home, surrounded by my 2 dogs and 3 cats, I find it hard to believe that the last year really happened. It feels great to be back, but I know I’m going to miss the traveling and late-night Döner runs. Most of all, however, I’m going to miss the amazing people I met in Germany, as well as in the other countries I traveled to during my months teaching abroad. However, I’m also excited to see how the Fulbright program will continue to develop, and what kinds of stories future participants will return with. I’d highly encourage anyone who counts among their interests living abroad, traveling, and languages to apply - you can visit their website (https://us.fulbrightonline.org) or talk to your campus representative for more information.
With that, I hope you enjoy the pictures and videos I’ve posted below of London and Wimbledon! Thank you for reading this blog of my 2017-2018 Fulbright year in Germany - I hope you’ve had as much fun reading it as I have had writing it. Safe travels!
Das Ende
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#healthcarevacation, part IV
Today is Sunday, May 10, 2020: Mother’s Day. (I like that in Turkish, the name of the day is Mothers’ Day—plural. I prefer that.) 
This felt like the appropriate time to sit down and catch up with the documentation of this long journey. 
If you need to catch up, you can read Part I here, Part II here, and Part III here. 
So where were we? Ah, yes. December 2019. The pregnancy/birth guarantee program at Fertty International Clinic in Barcelona, Spain. 
In my research looking for a new clinic after the last failed transfer (and the poor communication after staffing changes at our old clinic), one thing became clear: G. needed to have more tests and analyses done to try to figure out why all these transfers, including a donor egg cycle with two transfers, had failed.
After much struggle trying (in vain) to have Kaiser cover the tests and analyses Gene and I needed to have done, we realized it was going to be cheaper and easier for Gene to fly solo to Spain in November to get all that done. He would come back to SF, we would wait about three weeks for the test results, and then, based on the test results, we would finalize the protocol for me and the embryo transfer. 
Thankfully, G’s results came back normal, everything within expected ranges and levels. So our application to the birth guarantee/shared risk program was officially approved. I would go to Barcelona (solo this time) at the start of my winter break, have a first scan to check my lining, adjust my medication as needed, and get ready for transfer day in about a week. 
On December 10, G and I went out for sushi in San Francisco one last time (we hoped) before pregnancy, and a week later, I left for Barcelona. My first check up at Fertty the day after my flight was mostly just blood work and an initial scan to see how my lining was coming along. The lining was fine, but surprise, surprise: I was getting sick with a cold—December flights/weather change were working their magic on me again. My doctor asked to see me in a couple of days, and told me to keep the clinic updated on my health. Two days later, my cold had gotten worse, but my lining was still all right. I spent the rest of the day looking for a reputable and affordable acupuncturist (the second part being the challenge), and thanks to a friend’s rec, I made an appointment, with a focus not on uterine lining support this time, but on kicking this cold’s ass before transfer day. 
I took it easy that week, feeling no pressure to do any sightseeing since my priority was the healthcare part of this #healthcarevacation without a doubt. I feasted (!) on soup, bone broth, and hot tea and not much else for several days, and slowly started getting better. My clinic decided to keep my transfer day as scheduled: December 27. Meanwhile, Rina joined me again in Barcelona for a few days for emotional support leading up to transfer day (she doesn’t need much of an excuse to travel, especially to Barcelona). 
December 27: Transfer Day! I went to the Fertty for my final blood work before the transfer and to sign some papers. Then, off to fertility acupuncture, and back to the clinic for my transfer. Everything went smoothly; we transferred one embryo this time, with four more good quality embryos left for future attempts/a sibling, so I was feeling good and positive. Besides, their recovery/rest room was the most comfortable one I’d been in in all these cycles at three different clinics. After resting a bit, I went out for lunch, then headed back to my acupuncturist for a post-transfer fertility acupuncture session. Stick, baby, stick! 
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I took it easy the rest of the time I was in Barcelona. Went out for a walk at least once a day, but had lazy days for the most part. 
On New Year’s Eve, the woman I was staying with, Renata, and I went for a late lunch at her favorite Brazilian Bistro (she’s from Brazil). And for dinner, we decided to go to my favorite Turkish restaurant, which I knew would be open till late with their regular menu and would not be charging an arm and a leg for a modified menu. After lunch, Renata, another Brazilian friend of hers, and I walked to the beach for a Brazilian ritual honoring Iemanja (Brazilian spelling). We made wishes, prayed, meditated, and threw yellow and white carnations to the sea for Iemanja, then sat together and watched the sunset. I felt so grateful to be invited to join this ritual (this will be my new cultural appreciation vs. cultural appropriation example the next time I teach that class!). Ever since I’ve known about her, I’ve always felt drawn to Iemanja—being a Pisces and considering my home to be the sea more than any piece of land and all. I felt at peace, and all felt right in the world in a way that I hadn’t felt for a while during this long fertility journey. 
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I took it easy the next day. And the day after that, the morning of January 3, I had some spotting...very faint, but still spotting. I called G. and cried on the phone. But as he said, we were not out yet. I let Fertty know, too; they said they would up my progesterone dosage and monitor me closely. I had a big lunch and a late dinner that day. Big mistake. I woke up around 3:30 am, nauseated, and threw up twice. In the morning, my spotting had gotten slightly darker, but it was still not heavy spotting and definitely not considered bleeding. I went up from 600 to 800 mg of progesterone a day, and followed the BRAT diet—well, just the R part. The following day, I was feeling better, and finally went outside and played tourist. Surrounding myself with the beauty of Barcelona felt healing. Meanwhile, my clinic told me I could come by the morning before my flight back home for a blood test so they could tell me sooner than later both the result and what the next steps would be. If I weren’t pregnant, I didn’t want to keep taking all those pills and patches loaded with hormones. 
January 7, 2020: pregnancy test day! A year ago today was transfer day at Irema clinic, I noticed. I had a glimmer of hope, but no gut feeling either way. I repeated the lesson I had learned from a guided meditation that had been helping me a ton: there is hope in uncertainty! I distracted myself by finally sitting my ass down and doing some lesson planing for my cultural competence/equity literacy unit. In the middle of that, around 2:30 pm came the phone call from the clinic. “Do you want me to tell you on the phone or do you want to come in?” I didn’t want to go in just to hear “I’m sorry...” and I wasn’t sure I wanted a hug. You can just tell me now, I said, bracing myself. 
And that’s how I found out I was pregnant. 
I don’t remember the exact words the patient coordinator said. I just remember it took a second for it to sink in, and then I started crying while still somehow continuing the conversation and smiling from ear to ear. I finished up my work, and headed to the beach for sunset, which was my plan whether it was positive or negative. Whether I had to celebrate or grieve, I wanted to do it facing the sea. 
I went to the beach, watched the sunset, thanked Iemanja, thanked the Universe, and recorded an “IVF Log” video, which I assumed we would eventually share with our baby. 
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At this point, you may have noticed I didn’t call G as soon as I heard. The next day, January 8th, was my flight back, and the day of our first date 11 years ago. The plan was to tell him in person—our anniversary gift. 
When I arrived home, I didn’t let him know I already knew. I didn’t know if he knew that I knew. We had decided on no anniversary presents this year since we had plenty of medical expenses. Turns out G got me a couple of gifts. I would have been upset with him when we had said we weren’t doing presents. Instead, I went to the bathroom, took the pregnancy tests I’d been saving for this day, then went back to the living room, saying I did have some presents for him from Spain. I gave him the couple of small gifts I had gotten for him from Barcelona. Then, I said I realized there was one more thing, and went back and got the pregnancy tests. 
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The adventure didn’t end there, leaving its place to a blissful period. I had some bleeding week 7 and week 8, and ended up going in for five ultrasounds in those two weeks, freaking out each time since that’s around the same time in my pregnancy and the exact way my miscarriage had begun back in 2016. Each visit, though, instead of the “I’m sorry...there’s no heartbeat” of 2016, we heard “there’s the heartbeat” and exhaled, immensely grateful. After week 8, all was well, but I remained cautious and scared, and didn’t want to share the news with anyone other than family for a while. 
Then, the month after my return from Spain, of course: a global pandemic! We were handling all the challenges of this fertility journey so well, apparently, that the Universe thought, “Here, how about a global pandemic during your pregnancy in case things seem too easy now?” “Awesome,” I thought sarcastically; “what perfect timing.” Then, I realized: wait...this IS perfect timing. I came back from Spain, and not long after, Spain was suddenly one of the epicenters of the pandemic, one of the first countries that took significant precautions. This pregnancy did have perfect timing for real. I feel for women whose cycles had to be canceled or postponed. 
Today, Mother’s Day, is exactly 22 weeks into my pregnancy—we are more than halfway there to our estimated September 13, 2020 due date. So it feels like it’s a good time to share the news at last.
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I want to say that I do not take this pregnancy for granted—especially with the context of a global pandemic and how it has impacted assisted fertility cycles in mind. Each day, I thank the Universe “for this healthy pregnancy—for all the healthy days so far, and all the healthy days to come.” Each time I light a Shabbat candle, I pray not just for my own family and friends’ health, but also for all who are pregnant, and for all who are trying to get pregnant.  I had thought that after almost five years of trying to conceive, when we finally succeeded, we would have celebration and community...and hugs! Instead, we found a global pandemic, isolation, distance from our loved ones, and more than the usual dose of a new parent’s fear of the unknown. Last month, I spent a lot of time crying upon slowly realizing all the things I wasn’t going to get in this pregnancy:
- being pregnant out and about in the world and experiencing what that’s like, even with all its irritations (people trying to touch my belly, people not giving their seat up for me on public transportation...); watching people slowly notice it at work...
- looking at baby stuff in person with G.: “OMG...Look at this one! Isn’t this soooo cute?!?” 
- an all gender (in-person) celebration/party with our family/friends in July or August (silver lining, I guess, is that family/friends who aren’t in the Bay Area can attend the Zoom party now...whatever that will look like);
- going to Turkey in June one last time in a while before the baby comes; being pregnant on a beach in Turkey; going baby stuff shopping with my family in Turkey; eating all the amazing food in Turkey and knowing it was nourishing not just my soul, but also our baby. 
- having my parents’ hands on my pregnant belly, feeling the kicks of their first grandchild; 
- coming back from Turkey with my mom, who wanted to come for a visit before the baby to help us get ready at home; 
- the September visit from both my parents; possibly having my mother in the delivery room, and knowing my dad is in the waiting room, being anxious and impatient; wondering if Rina could make it, even, and if she could, knowing she would be taking some amazing newborn photos. 
Gratitude has been my savior this whole time, and it still is. I know we will have time with my parents, my sister, and my in-laws as they each meet our baby in person eventually, and we will all make beautiful, sweet memories. I know there was a time when there was no FaceTime that would allow a partner who’s not allowed to be at the anatomy scan to still be there virtually. I know there was a time there was no anatomy scan via ultrasound. I could go on. 
There is so much to be grateful for still. Thank you, Universe, for this healthy pregnancy—for all the healthy days so far, and all the ones to come. 
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wishes-wanderlust · 7 years
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Soliman Bay, Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico - Day 1: July 22, 2017 Just under a year after our adventure in Belize, Kelly and I are back exploring the beautiful Caribbean Sea.  We arrived in Cancun this afternoon and made our way to our little piece of paradise - Casa Playa Maya in Soliman Bay just outside of Tulum, Mexico.  It is certainly more jungley than our stay in San Pedro but in many ways feels the same.  Our accommodations are amazing.  There is coral just a few steps off the beach outside our door.  We immediately took advantage of that and ended up seeing two turtles right off the beach!  We saw so many fish and most of them were the same species we saw in Belize.  Kelly described it best - “It was like seeing old friends.”  We had a delicious meal at the neighbouring resort, Jashita Hotel, in the Sahara Cafe.  I had the fish filet and Kelly had the prawns. Muy delicioso!    Day 2: July 23, 2017
This place is so peaceful.  This morning we drove into Tulum for breakfast and some sightseeing.  I love that practically every restaurant is open air.  We had huevos al gusto at El Mariachi Loco and walked around looking at the various shops.  When we grew tired of the heat, we returned to Casa Playa Maya.  We took a kayak out to check out a snorkel spot one of the other guests told us about.  It was fantastic! We saw so many fish and explored the coral canyons until we were almost too tired to paddle back.  We made it back, had a well-deserved shower and made love while the sun set.  When we woke up a couple hours later, we realized that all the restaurants would be closing soon so rushed into town in search of an open restaurant.  We found La Coqueta and had the most delicious chips and salsa I’ve ever had.  Kelly had the chicken fajita and I had a chicken burrito.  We came home and sat on the beach watching the thunderstorm and the stars. Day 3: July 24, 2017
This morning, we woke up early and went to the Tulum Ruins.  There was quite the thunderstorm the night before so Kelly and I had stayed up watching it come in across the water.  It had cooled things down nicely and made everything smell so fresh. Las ruins  de Tulum were fascinating.  It was definitely a tourist trap but certainly something to see.  The structures have withstood the test of time.  If those stones could talk… After our walk through the ruins, Kelly and I had lunch at a taco stand on the grounds and walked through some of the shops.  There was a rainstorm that lasted maybe 2 minutes that we ran outside to stand in.  It cooled us off nicely for our drive back to the casita.  Very different from the rain we try to avoid back in Vancouver.  When we got back to our little slice of paradise, we immediately jumped into the ocean.  We swam around, cooled off and fell asleep to the crashing of the waves. When we woke up, we went into town in search of the famed $1 tacos we have heard of but have yet to find.  We were unsuccessful but did have delicious quesadillas.  We walked around Tulum and found the zocalo.  For a Monday night, the place was hopping!  We continued walking and stumbled across a game of fútbol so we sat and watched for a bit.   Day 4: July 25, 2017
We had a bit of a sleep-in this morning.  It was lovely and much needed after all the sun we took in yesterday.  We had breakfast on our balcony - oatmeal with fresh mango and these mini bananas for dessert.  After breakfast, we decided to check out a cenote. We arrived at Dos Ojos around noon and it was perfect.  The heat was just extreme enough to make the cool, clear water of the cenotes seem like paradise. It was like another world in those caverns.  It’s easy to see why the Mayans saw them as holy places.  After snorkelling through Dos Ojos, we drove into town for some lunch.  We were still on the hunt for those $1 tacos but couldn’t resist the smell of the pizza at Hogar’s. Then it was back to the casita to get some beach time.
Day 5: July 26, 2017
Kelly and I decided to spend a day exploring Soliman Bay and enjoying our lovely beach.  We got up early, had breakfast and decided to go snorkelling.  We saw a turtle surface a few times while we were walking on the beach so thought we’d try to catch another glimpse while snorkelling.  No luck today, but we saw tons of fish. After lounging for most of the day, we decided to head into town to grab some dinner.  We finally found the famed $1 tacos at Antojitos de Chiampaneca.  We had the tacos al pastor and they were delicious.  After dinner, we walked around for a bit looking at the shops.  We ate gelato and decided to head back to the casita. 
Day 6: July 27, 2017
This morning, we drove up to Akumal Bay to see the famed “Place of the Turtles.”  It did not disappoint.  We saw tons of turtles and Kelly got to see his beloved “sea roombas” (stingrays).  The first turtle we saw was massive.  Absolutely awe-inspiring.  We started our day with breakfast at the Turtle Bay Bakery & Cafe.  We both had huevos rancheros and for the first time this trip, I was able to order tea!   We came back to the casita and decided that we just hadn’t had enough snorkelling so we took the kayak out to the buoy and snorkelled for an hour and a half.  We saw a massive barracuda!  It had to be about 4 feet long.  Kelly noticed it by a patch of coral so we watched it for a while and then went on with our swim.  Then it circled around and swam past me, looked at me and I swear it smiled.  Not a happy toothy grin!  We went into town for some dinner and had tacos from Taqueria el Nero.  It was good but we both preferred the $1 tacos.  We walked the entire step looking at all the shops and ate gelato.
Day 7: July 28, 2017
We got up and had breakfast on the beach - this time with tea!  The sun was shining and the sea was calm so we grabbed our snorkel gear and dove in.  This bay must be a nursery of sorts because we saw so many baby fish.  Kelly put a GoPro by a piece of coral and got some amazing footage of all kinds of fish - including a “fish selfie” when a couple of curious butterfly fish checked out the camera.  For lunch, we walked down the beach to Chamicos.  They really took the “open air” restaurant style seriously - it was literally tables set up on the beach with a kitchen behind in a palapa.  We had quesadillas - shrimp for Kelly, just quest for me. After lunch, a storm blew in so Kelly and I had a siesta.  When we woke up, we got ready and went into town for dinner at Charlie’s.  I had the fish tacos and Kelly had chicken taquitos.  We walked around for a bit and then called it a night. 
Day 8: July 29, 2017
We wanted to soak up as much of today as possible so we woke up shortly after sunrise and had our breakfast on the beach.  It was a beautiful, calm morning.  The waves were lapping at the shore, the turtles were surfacing just close enough to tease us with their presence.  We had a nice swim after breakfast and decided to fit one last kayak in.  The turtles were swimming right beside us so that was pretty exciting.  We also decided that one last snorkel trip was in order so we grabbed our gear and got back in the water.  At one point, I swam out a bit farther than we usually went and was rewarded by getting to swim with one of the turtles! After our snorkel, we begrudgingly got ready to head to the airport.  Neither of us wanted to leave Soliman Bay.  We had been so spoiled getting to kayak and snorkel whenever we wanted to.  But we made our way to Cancun.  We stopped for lunch at the “Burger Stop” just outside of Playa Del Carmen for lunch and then we were off to the airport.  Unlike our trip to Belize, there were no delays and we actually made it back to YVR a few minutes ahead of schedule.  We packed a lot into the week but I wouldn’t change a thing. 
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patrick-watson · 7 years
Boomers Are Not Saving Enough for Retirement, Neither Is the Government
Wall Street endlessly gushes about retirement. Its TV commercials show how wonderful life will be in our golden years—when we are old, yet still healthy and wealthy enough to go hang-gliding every day.
Meanwhile, out here in the real world, most working-age Americans don’t want to talk or even think about retirement. Often this is because they know they aren't saving enough and probably will have to work until they drop dead.
This is the elephant in the room. 10,000 US Baby Boomers turn 65 every day. For most, life at that milestone won’t look much like the TV commercials.
That sounds dire, but it doesn’t have to be. Let’s look at ways this problem could be solved.
But first, some more facts.
Retirement Shortfall Among All Income Levels
Lately, I’ve been working with John Mauldin to research the huge public pension fund shortfalls. But it’s not just big funds that don’t save enough—most individuals are in the same position, or worse.
Teresa Ghilarducci is a labor economist at The New School, specializing in retirement security. Here’s what she told the Washington Post last month.
“There is no part of the country where the majority of middle-class older workers have adequate retirement savings to maintain their standard of living in their retirement.”
Her research shows even high-income workers haven’t saved enough to fund comfortable retirements.
The circles in this chart show how much money people should be saving for retirement. The shortfall (the red part) is around 30% for all income levels.
The green part of the circles is what Social Security provides. The program was never meant to be a full pension, and it clearly isn’t delivering one.
Yet a majority of the age 65+ population depends on Social Security for at least half of its income.
These are sobering numbers:
19.7% of retirees get 100% of their income from Social Security.
A full third (33.4%) depend on it for 90% of their income.
And 61.1% get at least half their income from Social Security.
Now, consider what John Mauldin wrote in Thoughts from the Frontline last weekend (I’d also highly recommend subscribing to his weekly letter here). The federal government’s unfunded 75-year liability for Social Security and Medicare combined is $46.7 trillion.
So Americans aren’t saving enough for themselves, nor is the government saving on their behalf. And the Millennial generation, whose taxes Boomers and Gen-Xers will depend on, is not exactly off to a great career start.
It’s hard to see how this story could end well. It certainly won’t end with every older American enjoying a leisurely retirement.
“I’m Going to Work Until I Die.” Yes, You Most Likely Will, So Embrace It
Unprepared retirees are filling the gap the only way they can: by working well into their golden years.
In 1986, 10.6% of the population older than 65 was still working. In 2016, it was 18.6%, and I suspect the number will keep rising.
The Washington Post story profiles some working senior citizens:
Richard Dever had swabbed the campground shower stalls and emptied 20 garbage cans, and now he climbed slowly onto a John Deere mower to cut a couple acres of grass.
“I’m going to work until I die, if I can, because I need the money,” said Dever, 74, who drove 1,400 miles to this Maine campground from his home in Indiana to take a temporary job that pays $10 an hour.
Dever shifted gently in the tractor seat, a rubber cushion carefully positioned to ease the bursitis in his hip—a snapshot of the new reality of old age in America.
Dever’s story isn’t unusual. Many older people sell their homes, buy campers, and move around the country. Some just enjoy sightseeing—but many are making ends meet as seasonal laborers. Amazon even has a formal program for them called CamperForce.
Amazon makes it sound fun: “Your next RV adventure is here,” says the website. But it’s not the kind of adventure most camping enthusiasts would prefer.
Now, the idea of working past age 65 isn’t necessarily so bad. After all, work isn’t “work” if you enjoy doing it. The problem arises when the work is physically difficult or otherwise unpleasant.
I know many people over 65 who are very happily employed. John Mauldin, for one.
He’s 68 and keeps a schedule that would exhaust much younger folks. Working past retirement age isn’t always a nightmare—though it can definitely be one if you are forced into it.
Encore Career
This problem currently affects 76 million Baby Boomers who have already entered or are about to enter their retirement years. At 53, I’m one of them.
We know most Americans in that age group don’t have enough savings to simply stop working. If that’s you, here are some tips what to do.
1. Save and invest as much as you can, even if the amount seems small. It will still come in handy. (In my recent exclusive special report, I describe one fixed income asset class that can yield up to 6-8% returns with moderate risks.  Download it here for free).
2. Take care of your health. Lose weight, get exercise, eat healthy. This will both minimize your medical expenses and let you work more comfortably if you need to.
3. Think ahead about what kind of work you can do in retirement. Identify a job you can “retire into.” It should be something you enjoy, that earns real income, and that you’ll be able to continue even as aging slows you down.
4. Don’t look at it as Plan B. Think of retirement as a new stage in your career. As I said, work is only work if you don’t enjoy it. If you plan ahead, it can be a time when you work on your own terms instead of someone else’s.
In my case, there’s no reason I can’t keep writing into my seventies. Maybe I’ll take more vacations, but I don’t want to stop writing completely. I’m not sure I could stop even if I wanted to.
Meanwhile, those extra working years will let me save longer and my savings to compound, which will leave me in a better position when I can’t work anymore and have to tap my savings.
Medical breakthroughs extend what my colleague Patrick Cox calls "health spans." Not only can we live longer, we can be healthier longer. There’s a good chance 80 will be the new 60.
In that regard, watch this short video by Gary Vaynerchuk. It has a little profanity at the end, but watch anyway. He has a message that may help.
We all have more time than we think… and we can do a lot with it.
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curvychaos24 · 7 years
Battles: Chapter 5
A Finn Balor Fiction
Taglist: @mylittlepartofthegalaxy @igobypoet @nickysmum1909 @nickie-amore @thebadchic (If I left anyone off, or if you would like to be added, please let me know!)
“I love it! It’s so beachy and colorful! I’m so jealous! Nashville is very hip, but it’s not the ocean…I must come visit soon! I miss you!” Becky squeaked enviously.
Since my arrival in Orlando I’ve Skyped with her almost every night. I show her the daily progress I’ve made settling into my new condo and my views of the ocean. Tonight I’m especially in need of support because tomorrow I start at NXT and venture to the performance center for the first time.
After saying our goodbyes, I raid my closet for the perfect outfit. Something fun, but professional. First impressions are everything, I’ve been drilled to believe. I select a peacock blue pencil skirt with a white button up shirt that I’ll roll the sleeves up on for comfort. I’d forgotten how the southern humidity and heat don’t play this time of year. I choose a thin black belt and black heels that have a strap around the ankle for support. The blue will bring out my ice blue eyes, a trait I inherited from my mother. The heels will give me some height being I only stand at 5'5". A few accessories later I feel confident in my choices.
The next morning I wake up, shower, and, dress. I leave my blonde hair curly and allow it to hang naturally down to my shoulders. Attempting to straighten it in the heat will only cause a frizzy mess. On the way out the door I grabbed my mug of tea and gave myself one last glance in the mirror. As I stepped into the sun, I was once again thankful on my decision to leave my hair curly. I could already feel the humidity sticking to my skin like glue.
When I arrive at the center I sit in my car enjoying the last few seconds of a/c and giving my makeup one last look. Going in I receive my newly appointed badge, meet my team of writers, and settle in to my new office. My nerves slowly steadied as I begin to recognize so many familiar faces.
By the end of the day I’m am exhausted but pumped. I’ve met so many amazing athletes and my creative ideas are flowing. Walking to the exit of the performance center I jostled open the door and heard a hard smack and someone yell. Opening the door fully I see someone hunched over holding their head.
“Oh god! I’m so sorry, I totally didn’t know you were on the other side. Shit, first day and I’ve given someone a concussion! Please be ok? Are you ok? Let me see!!” I said in a panic. Lifting his head, it would only make sense that the pained eyes staring back at me would be those of an Irish gentleman.
“Is this how you treat men you reject? Add insult to injury do ya?” He said breathy, but so smoothly with his Irish twang.
“Oh it’s you. Fergal? Hi! Again I’m so sorry. I was just trying to get to my car. And I can assure you, I didn’t reject you. I enjoyed meeting you. I’m sure you’ve been just as busy as I have. Today is my first day, at NXT. Executive writer that is.” I say nervously.
He tells me he thinks he’ll live and that he’s been waiting to bump into me all day… maybe not so literally though. He says he keeps in touch with Becky and that she had given him a heads up that I was in town. After steadying himself and getting over the initial shock, Fergal stood upright facing me with those piercing blue eyes. My did he look good, in fact better than the last time I had laid eyes on him. His shirt clung to his muscles and he looked much leaner. His hair was styled differently but still he had managed an effortless look.
As the breeze swayed around us I caught a tantalizing smell of cologne that made me wish I were closer to him. It pulled me in, taunted me, and left me dizzy. Coming to I realize he was still talking about his adjustments to America and achievements in driving.
“So now that we are both here and you are new to the city, maybe I can show you around? I’ve managed to find some pretty interesting dives and shops. An incredible coffee shop with tea from around the world!” he said seeming too eager to share his find. Feeling hesitant but adventurous, I agreed.
After a few moments of breaking out our schedules and exchanging dates it was decided. This Sunday I would spend the day with Fergal Devitt. Sightseeing of course, this was not a date. I made that very clear. Satisfied with himself he walked me to my car before throwing on his shades and hopping into his bright blue mini Cooper waving as he drove away. Leaving me utterly breathless and unsure of what I had just agreed to.
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myvalzpival · 7 years
The Summer In Prague
My gift for the lovely @caren-ortensia for the @emimikeweek exchange thingy! I sent this gift privately for the giftee to enjoy beforehand, so now it’s time to show it to the world, too!  Because of the wonky format I decided to make this at, I had 0 idea how to publish it, but, here we go :D 
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Dear Mila,
We’re finally in Prague! But the ride was terrible. The AC in the bus stopped working shortly after we left and the weather is crazy here. Is it so fucking hot in Saint Petersburg, too? It was like 36 °C all day, Mickey almost fainted at one point.
But we’re finally here and that’s important! The hotel is bomb. I was angry at first since Mickey chose a really expensive one, but after the ride we’re so glad to have such a comfy room with GIANT beds and an ENORMOUS bathtub! Mickey is soaking in the tub right now, so I have a bit of time for myself here, unpacking and stuff. You know, this girl’s dresses have to hang!
We’re having dinner in the hotel restaurant tonight and tomorrow we’re starting our adventure! I booked us a guide because I’m pretty sure we would get lost here in no time. Prague has so many back alleys and side alleys, it’s insane. Besides, we don’t want to spend money on overpriced stuff and the guide should help us with that!
But I’ll tell you more tomorrow. Super sleepy now. Talk to you soon!
Love you,
Sara <3
Dear Mila,
Today was, um, very interesting, I’d say??? If you want to know what we had for breakfast and lunch, just go to Mickey’s Instagram he’s got everything there, you know him. The real deal was the sightseeing today!
You know how I told you about booking a guide? Turned out he’s the cutest thingy ever! His name is Emil and he’s tall and all goofy! Such a sweetheart. His English sounds funny, it’s adorable, and his Italian is even better hahaha he’s trying so hard! He’s friendly and helps us with everything. And he took us to places that are not even in our guide books! Prague is full of surprises, I love it here so much.
On the other hand, Mickey’s been really quiet today. He tried to growl at the guide at first, as always, but it just slid down on Emil as if he said nothing. The boy keeps smiling and smiling and smiling, it’s contagious! Well, for me, not for Mickey, unfortunately. He really didn’t seem like himself today. But maybe he was just hungry or something, who knows. I just hope he likes it here and isn’t suffering through it just because of me.
How is your vacation? Are you enjoying time with your parents? Can’t wait to see you boo!
Love you,
Sara <3
 Dear Mila,
I hope your dad feels better. But, as I know your mom, he definitely will. One or two cups of her chicken soup and he’s gonna be as healthy as ever! Woah, your grandma sounds so cool! At 70 in a hot air balloon?! FIERCE!!!!
Today I forced Mickey to pose for a few pictures. We took it a little easier because Emil figured out we were tired after all the walking we did the day before, and so he took us mostly to famous restaurants, cafés and pubs! He said he would look into the event schedule and maybe he’d be able to get us some concert tickets for the end of the week, if he finds something that we’d like and that’s not sold out.
He spends so much time with us! I actually have him booked for only a few hours a day, but he just keeps hanging out with us for the rest of the day, he doesn’t mind! Such a nice boy. I will have to give him a big tip or something, even though he does seem to enjoy spending time with us. I think you’d like him, too, he’s so happy and bouncy all the time and you’d love love love his stupid sense of humour. I even caught Mickey to fight laughter and that’s something!
But he still looks kinda… sad? I don’t know, I’ve never seen him like this. He’s kinda annoyed, too, whenever Emil tries to talk to him, Michele starts cursing in Italian and I really don’t know what the deal is. But, other than that, everything is absolutely beautiful and so much fun!
Take care and say hi to your mom and dad from me!
Love you,
Sara <3
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Dear Mila,
Mila, no kidding, I think he’s got a crush on Emil. I know, weird, right? But I think he really might??? Apparently, he’s been taking pics of Emil secretly the whole time. I caught him in the morning just sitting on his bed and going through the album full of smudgy Emil pics, it was so funny, but, I don’t know, kinda cute? Hahahaha that poor kid. Any time I try to talk about Emil, he starts blushing and tries to change the topic. I think I’ll try to hook those two up, even if it was just for one night. It’s our vacation, Mickey deserves some fun after working so hard all year. And Emil is a real sweetheart, I don’t think he’d want to use Mickey or anything like that. We’ll see.
He took us to the Faust House and told us the story about it. Honestly, he knows the most badass and scary stories about Prague ever, I love it! He promised to take us to some night sightseeing, I can’t wait!
Please, send me more pics of your family dog! She’s so cute and chubby, I love her~
Love you,
Sara <3
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Dear Mila,
I’m sorry for not getting to you sooner, hope you’re not too worried, I know sending an e-mail at 3am is not very responsible. But holy shit we had a blast of a day! Emil surprised us and took us to a steamboat to sail on Vltava! So beautiful and refreshing. Emil is still trying to talk to Mickey, but my brother is a stubborn old fart. So, I decided to just leave them alone and go talk to some older Italian couple who happened to be there with us haha they were really nice and I got a recipe for what sounds like the best cake ever, you just wait when you come visit me!
Mickey looked so much more relaxed when I came back, they talked about skating and we found out Emil is actually trying to get back into figure skating after an injury. It’s so weird we’ve never met him before! But it’s so sweet, they finally found something they have in common that they can talk about. I knew it was serious when Mickey decided to add Emil on facebook. Savage.
We didn’t do much more, but then Emil called us if we wanted to go clubbing. I’ve never seen Michele get out of the bed this quickly. He was so cute trying to brush his teeth, get into his jeans and comb his hair at the same time. Let me tell you, Czechs are party animals. I’ve never been to a party like this, we definitely have to go here together one day, it was lit! At one point Mickey and Emil disappeared, I think I saw them kissing near the restrooms, but I’m not sure. Either way, Mickey looked really happy (and slightly tipsy) when we got back to the hotel. I think he’s starting to feel Prague finally.
Could you ask Georgi what the eyeshadow he used on his last Instagram pic is? I need it. Like, right now.
Love you,
Sara <3
 Dear Mila,
Thanks for the pictures! Also, I think the blue dress looks better than the pink one. Not that you don’t look hot in pink, but it’s a wedding, I think the bride would appreciate if you didn’t try to outshine her.
As of Mickey, he had some hard time this morning. He’s really confused. He’s never even done anything with a girl, yet alone with a guy. I don’t think he’s sure what he wants at this point. At least he decided to talk about it and doesn’t try to keep it in as always. He’s uh… Quite shook by the discovery that he might be gay and I think the fact that it seemed totally natural to Emil made it just worse. He feels better now, though. He seems to really care about Emil and that’s what’s important.
He wasn’t talking much the whole day, not even to me, but the smiles and looks the two of them shared were so precious. They look adorable together, have you seen the pictures? It’s so funny to see someone taller next to my brother. Mickey spent all his life protecting me, but had no one to do the same for him. I think Emil would be the best candidate for that, but, you know. He’s Czech and all that jazz… Not that Italy is that far away (says the girl dating a Russian), but you know how Mickey gets jealous over me all the time? I don’t think he’d be able to take that with a boyfriend so far away. But I’m thinking about the future too much, it’s irrelevant now.
The important thing is that we went to the concert Emil promised us and he went with us, of course. It was a really good Czech band, I’m not even sure what their name was, but it was amazing, definitely something you would enjoy! They held hands on the way home. I think Mickey is still a bit too shy to show any affection on the day light, but the night makes him feel safe. He tried to stop me from taking a picture, buuuuut I made it! B)
Sleep well, love you!
Sara <3
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Dear Mila,
I love the new haircut! As always, you look cute and badass at the same time. Can’t wait to see it in person, the new red is super adorable on you, too. Only two weeks and we’ll be together! How amazing is that?
I got so lost in everything I forgot yesterday was the last day we had Emil booked for us. We’d already seen everything Prague has to offer, so we went shopping today instead of sightseeing! Got you a reeeeeally cute top and a few more things I’m sure you’ll appreciate. Mickey had been quiet for most of the day again. It was as if he was missing a limb without Emil around. So strange! I wanted to take him to the movies or something, but he wouldn’t go anywhere.
At about 7 pm, though, he suddenly got up and told me he was going out. I’m not his mom to keep an eye on him 24/7, but I was a bit worried, so I tried to ask Emil on facebook. Turned out he invited Mickey over to his place. Those two have something going on, I’m telling you. Not complaining, though, as long as they’re happy, I’m happy too.
The fun part is that it’s almost 11 pm and Mickey’s still not here hehe. But it means I can watch some of my favourite movies without being bothered! It’s a total win.
I can’t believe our vacation is almost over. We’re leaving tomorrow evening, I’ll miss it here so much. But, oh well, home is home. And I can’t miss Prague more than my girlfriend, that’s for sure!
Take care, love you!
Sara <3
 Dear Mila,
Sorry for not messaging you yesterday. It was all so hectic and I’m just so glad the ride is over and I can rest back at home!
Anyway, Mickey came back to the hotel in the morning. I was starting to worry, Emil said the streets can be pretty dangerous at night. But, instead of coming home with an empty wallet and a beaten up face, he came home with… wait for it… a boyfriend! Well, not literally. Emil wasn’t with him. But I tried to carefully ask what happened that night and it seems like they had a really nice talk and they seem to just click, you know? I’d never think someone so goofy and lively would click with my grumpy brother, or that my brother would ever let anyone touch him. I’m so happy for them. I just tried to make sure Mickey did think it through, I mean, they’ve known each other for what, a week? But he seems to be sure, so I trust him.
We ended up making big snack and water supplies for the long ride home in the morning, had our last huuuuge Czech lunch in a restaurant (pics, again, on Mickey’s Instagram) and then we hang out with Emil for the last time. I don’t know what they talked about the previous night, but holy shit. I’ve never seen Mickey so happy and sad at the same time.
Emil even came to meet us at the bus. I think it was the first time I saw him really sad. He was hugging Mickey for solid ten minutes and didn’t want to let go, it was heart-breaking (and reminded me of you and that was even worse, curse you, you damn gays!). Mickey was very quiet and sad the whole ride home, but that goofy Czech idjit kept sending him dog pics, it was adorable.
Soooo I decided to invite Emil over! For the two weeks you will be in Italy, too. I think Michele would be too embarrassed to have someone over alone, a double vacation will feel safer for him. And you’ll get to meet Emil! I’m so sure you’re gonna love him. He was saying something about a lifting-your-partner competition, so you might want to start working out again, we’re noT LOSING TO THESE TWO WIMPS!!!!!
Well, I think that’s all from our vacation. It was lovely, Prague is stunning and Mickey seems so happy after a very long time. I think it was a success. Message me when you get back to Saint Petersburg, let’s skype when you have time. I miss you so much!!!
Love you,
Sara <3
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Eunkwang-Cruise. He wants to see the world with you, or at least part of it, so I think he’d struggle to pick one country to visit with you. Plus the extra benefit of having your every whim taken care of? He thinks you deserve to be treated like royalty and on a cruise he can make sure this happens everyday. Gets over excited when you dock in a new country, always takes the guided excursions even if they’re not in Korean because he like to be taken around and shown the best parts of a city, doesn’t want either of you to miss out on your short stops there. Will make sure you guys eat at a different place each night, and always pick up something, even if it’s just a quick snack when you’re on land, just to say you’ve tried the local cuisine. On board he loves it, and feels a sense of security that he’s not going to lose you, or put you in any danger that can befall a tourist because the boat is a limited size and everyone is accounted for at all times.
Minhyuk- City Break. Probably some obscure European city he heard someone mention ten years ago. Expect to do everything. You’re going to be taken to museums, galleries, parks, sites of historical importance, cafes, bars, restaurants, excursions, the whole shebang. You’re not going on a relaxing holiday, not a chance, you’re going on a culture adventure. This boy has probably even scouted out the nearest gym and goes there in the morning before you wake up so his workouts don’t interrupt your day. He’ll hold your hand the whole time, take so many cute couple selfies, hold you close on busy transport, and just enjoy soaking in your company. It’s the longest time you two have had on you own before without being interrupted by your working schedules or one of the boys. He likes to think it’s a practice for when you two will live together.
Changsub- Chill. He’s taking you somewhere you can snooze all day, by a pool or in a spa, or a hammock. Will probably take you to Fiji or Bora Bora in one of those huts halfway out in the ocean. His idea of paradise is isolation with you where you can sleep away your exhaustion, leave the working world behind and just destress. As long as there’s coffee, he’s happy. You guys will float in the sea with the brightly coloured fish, eat fresh fruit and feel a million miles away from your life back home. You can go island hopping, snorkelling with the marine life, visit the local cafes and bars, but really Chansgub is happiest when you guys are doing nothing, lazing on the desk, hands and feet trailing in the warm sea, half asleep.
Hyunsik-Adventure holiday. I think Hyunsik would want to take you somewhere really unique and special, somewhere you will never forget, like Iceland. He wants to watch the Northern Lights with you, wants to chill in a hot spring, see the geysers and volcanoes and area of natural beauty with you. He’ll take you dog sledding, snowmobiling, snorkelling through the silfra fissure, whale watching, hiking through the mountains, the ice caves. He can’t wait to make these amazing memories with you to a snowy, beautiful backdrop. Prepare for endless photographs, but not many of them will end up on social media, he wants to keep these for just you and him. He’ll also arrange a night in the ice hotel for you guys, so you can sleep under the stars. Expect nothing short of a magical, memorable experience.
Peniel- Beach. You are beaching it with this boy. He thought about taking you to Chicago to see his parents or LA to see his sister and her family, but in the end he wants to spend the time with you sunning, and sleeping, and chilling. He’ll pick a hotel on the edge of its own private beach with sun loungers and bright white umbrellas, white sands and turquoise seas. He’ll actually do lots of research on the perfect place, checking weather predictions, Trip Advisor reviews, spending hours on the internet making sure that it’s flawless for you. Once you’re there you guys will take it easy, chilling in the sun, reading or listening to music, take a dip every now and then, maybe play some volleyball or beach tennis. You might venture into the town or go to the markets on some of the days. He’ll have packed a different swimsuit for each day for both of you, they may even be matching if he’s feeling especially cute.
Ilhoon- London. Yeongo-style is taking you to London, whether you want to or not. You will sightsee the shit out of the city. You guys will get on one of those open top buses that you can hop on and off whenever you feel like it. Go to Buckingham palace, tower bridge, Camden Markets the whole shebang. You guys will also combine his love of shopping and visit Harrods, Fortnum and Mason, all the good places. Will try and be your tour guide, taking you round places he’s visited before, making up histories about battles that have been won there and lives that have been changed. He’s all about that perfect insta pic, so you might become designated photographer for a while. But once he’s got that winning shot he’ll become very attentive, taking couple selfies with you, taking you out for afternoon tea, fish and chips, a drink at Weatherspoons, all the things he thinks are typically British. It will probably rain, or be overcast but that just adds to the whole London atmosphere, and really trekking through the city in the blazing sun is no fun anyways!
Sungjae- Theme park. This kid will take your ass to Florida and you guys will absolutely destroy the theme parks. You’re both hoarse after your vacay from screaming and laughing. He’ll think it’s a great idea until he gets there and realises he’s never actually asked your opinion on rollercoasters. Has a mini panic that you’ll hate it and isn’t sure if you’re scared of heights or not. Feels a little better when he sees there are other things to do than the big scary rides. Sungjae actually really likes meeting all the characters at Disneyland and has picture taken with them all. You stay at a different theme park every couple of nights, gorging on all the unhealthy but delicious theme park food, churros, dunkin donuts, hot dogs, and burgers in the day. And try not the throw up at night. Very like Minhyuk, your holiday with Sungjae is anything but relaxing. Daily adrenaline rushes and trekking through the parks has the both of you coming home exhausted, you’ll both definitely fall asleep on the flight home, and maybe a couple of days after that.
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