#I had to do it to be free pff
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I can’t believe Nayuta did that
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grimgummies · 8 months
Ohhh an archive blog would be cool!! I'd been thinking about archiving SM stuff for a while actually (I still have the imgur with HQ doodle pages and the QNA doodles pinned in my tabs hehe), I'd be glad to help you out if you need it!
OMGGGG I had a feelin you'd be interested pff and I'm glad u are!!
And hey if u wanna help feel free!! I think it's gonna be a bit of a community effort to gather everything considering how much there is
I wanna try get everything in the best quality possible but I know that might be hard for some things since they were uploaded to places like Twitter where the image quality gets destroyed
But ye I'll prolly go ahead and make the blog asap and I'll link it here once it's been made :3
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bruhnze · 3 months
BOXING LESSONS - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Fluff with a bit of smut, inspired by these pics cause holy hell their arms uhggg, they are fs in boxing lessons together. (imagine watching that, pff id die on the spot).
Summary: Lucy gets a substitute coach for her boxing lessons, but now it's a women, Ona gets jealous.
Wordcount: a very long one sorry; about 3600
Warnings: 18 and up, minors dni, fictional story.
BOXING LESSONS - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
/// 13:04 ///
Lucy and Ona came back from morning training to eat lunch at home. It was one o’clock and they had a rare free afternoon. Usually they wouldn’t be done until three, four or even five in the afternoon.
While eating lunch they discussed their activities. Lucy had her boxing lesson, what she tried to do atleast once a week and Ona wanted to go to the beach with Coco and Narla.
‘’So you have a substitute teacher today?’’ Ona asked.
‘’Yep, got an email from Mateo, him and his wife are dealing with some personal difficulty’s and that’s why someone else will come today, and he said if i like them, i could continue my year with them otherwise it’ll still be Mateo but then we’ll have to make effort with the scheduling’’.  Lucy stated.
‘’Well maybe the sub is better than Mateo, cause you said you needed more challenge, no?’’ Ona said.
‘’Yeah’’ Lucy sighed ‘’i didn’t have the heart to tell him, he seemed so distracted lately, so maybe it is for the better, i’m curious about the replacement tho, hope their good’’.
Ona laughed, ‘’i cant wait to hear your stories when we’re back’’
/// 13:48 ///
While Ona got the dogs leashed up and gathered some stuff to take to the beach, Lucy cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen. She tried to keep up with chores now that Ona practically lived with her, when she lived on her own ,she sometimes left the dishes for a day until she got to them.
But Ona liked the kitchen to be clean and Lucy knew that a happy wife, meant a happy life and it helped that she seemed to earn points with Ona everytime she did something around the house.
After the kitchen was spotless she walked to the bedroom, Ona was changing into a bikini. Lucy stripped aswell, but only to change into her gym clothing.
They looked at eachother while getting dressed ‘’it’s a shame we have to go’’ Lucy swooned while closing the gap between her and Ona, now both fully clothed again.
‘’ I can reschedule my appointment with the beach’’ Ona kissed Lucy briefly ‘’but it is probably better that you’re not late with your potential new coach’’.
Lucy kissed her back and sighed ‘’Yeah probably’’.
They gathered their stuff and walked to their cars. Lucy carried the bags while Ona held the leashes with the dogs.
Lucy helped her girlfriend settle everything in her car and gave her one more kiss ‘’see you in few, don’t forget to relax and maybe take some cute pictures of our little ones’’.
Ona smiled ‘’ I will, good luck with your lesson, don’t act too tough, watch your knee and also have fun’’
‘’Thanks mom’’ Lucy laughed causing Ona to push her away. ‘’Sorry that i care about you, stupid, no go before you will be late’’ with that Ona closed her car door.
Lucy waved and then sprinted to her own car, chugging her sports bag on the passenger seat. She connected her phone to the car to put some music on and drove off.
/// 17:04 ///
Ona had been tanning for a few hours almost ready to go back home again, the dogs were still playing with eachother in the sand, until she rembered Lucy asking for some photos.
She put her clothes back on and snapped some pics of the dogs from different angles. When she thought she got some decent ones she packed her stuff and leashed the dogs.
In the car the dogs layed passed out on the backseat, completely worn out by their beach adventure. Ona got behind the wheel and took a selfie of her with the dogs in the background.
She went through her photos and selected one of Narla, one of Coco, one of them together and the picture she just took to send to Lucy.
@Ona: *shared 4 pictures*
@Ona: we had a great time🏖️🏖️
@Ona: we''ll be home in 25
/// 17:58 ///
After Lucy stepped out of her second shower that day, she had put on a black tanktop and grey sweats and got her phone from her bag. Her and Valentina, as the substitute turned out to be called, had lost track of time a bit.
Her phone was full of incoming messages like usual and as usual one name stood out, Ona, she had sent something a while ago. Lucy opened the message and saw the photos, she read that Ona would be home in 25 minutes, she checked the time and realised how late it actually was.
She texted back.
@LucyB: hi bb, cute pics, they look exausthed
@LucyB: did you have them do laps up and down the dunes😂
@LucyB: anyway i’ll be home soon x, just showerd, sry we lost track of time.
Ona answered right away.
@Ona:nw, im making dinner, i think it will be done when you are here
@Ona: so new coach is good?
@LucyB: yeah she’s great, ill tell u bout her when im back
@Ona: drive safely , see u soon
Lucy was tempted to reply -yes mom- but instead she went for a simple heart emoji.
/// 18:43 ///
Lucy stepped in to their apartment and she immediately put her sports bag in the hall closet and threw her dirty sportswear in the laundry basket. Then she walked to the kitchen. ‘’Hola’’
‘’Hi’’ Ona smiled up, she was on her phone standing next to the oven  ‘’a few more minutes until its done’’.
Lucy stepped into her girlfriends space ‘’I have experienced better greetings, I don't even get a kiss?’’ Lucy pouted.
Ona looked up now and had to laugh ‘’ofcourse you get a kiss, sorry i was just watching something a-
Ona became silent and blushed, her eyes landing on lucy's upper body, specifically her arms.
She put her phone on the counter and held out her hands and took a bicep in each.
‘’Meu forta guapa’’ she grinned appreciatively.
Lucy looked at her confused but smiley, her spanish was okay but her Catalan not yet ‘’what? guapa i know but forta?’’
‘’I called u fit, forta is like strong’’ Ona said while tracing her hands over Lucy’s shoulders and biceps. ‘’I like this top, it looks nice on you.’’
Lucy grinned ‘’Fit hmm, soc de teva núvia forta y sexy?’’ (am i your strong sexy girlfriend) she tried in her broken Catalan.
Ona smiled, Lucy knew it got her weak in the knees when she talked, or atleast tried to talk in catalan, or spanish.
‘’Yeah’’ Ona said ‘’almost, its sóc la teva núvia forta i sexy?’’
‘’Yes you are, meu teva núvia forta i sexy’’ (my strong and sexy girlfriend) Lucy tried seductively.
Ona laughed ‘’Nice try but then its: la meva xicota forta i sexy’’.
Lucy groaned and looked up ‘’ugh i wish i would pick it up quicker, i want to be able to talk to you in your mother tongue’’
Ona held Lucy’s face ‘’I think you’re doing good, very good, you put in effort, and i mean, we have our whole lives to practice, right?’’
Lucy kissed her now, smiling into the kiss she talked as their lips were still connected ‘’are you asking to spent the rest of our lifes together?’’ then she pulled away and looked at Ona ‘’because, yes’’
Ona looked at her girlfriend with a wide smile on her face, ‘’no wasn’t a question, it was a promise, you will never get rid of me’’
‘’I dont want to, i’ll never will’’ Lucy cupped ona’s face and went in for another kiss, as the kiss became deeper and more heated, Ona pulled away suddenly.
‘’Lucy!’’ ona called out ‘’you distraced me, don’t you smell the oven?, quick!’’
They pulled out the tray with vegetables and chicken, it was a bit dark but they could stil eat it. They put everything on the table, including two bowls of rice and Lucy poured two drinks. Sparkling water with lemon and ice.
‘It looks good bub, thanks for making dinner’’ Lucy said as they took place at the table.
‘’no thanks, i'm happy to do it, would've been better if you hadn't distracted me, but okay, now tell me about your new teacher’’ Ona said as she started her meal ‘’If she is as bad as you at losing track of time in the gym i dont know if yous two are the best match’’ she laughed with her mouth full.
Lucy rolled her eyes and chewed until her mouth was empty before she spoke ‘’Valentina is her name, she was a professional, but because of injury she became a coach instead, the session was actually really refreshing, wayyy different from Mateo’s style. We first talked about my goal with boxing, she knew i’m a soccer player and then we talked about injurys for a bit and..,, yeah i don’t know actually, the time flew by, she got called actually, she had to go, so then i showered and saw your messages, but next week we planned a session together again.’’
Ona listened to Lucy, she was happy that Lucy had enjoyed herself but that the new coach was a women, that was something Ona was less happy with, she didn’t know why, but the way her girlfriend said -Valentina- got her feeling jealous.
‘’So how old is she’’
‘’huh? Who, Valentina?’’
There it was again, Ona felt it in her bones.
Lucy sighed ’’hmm, i don’t know actually, i guess about my age or something, maybe youger?’’ .. ‘’why’’ she said as she looked Ona straight in the eyes.
Recognising the fiery pupils that only came up when One was jealous.. wait.. was Ona jealous? Lucy thought by herself, why, how, she hadn't even seen Valentina.
‘’okay’’ Ona said poking at her food.
‘’Is someone a bit jealousss’’ Lucy laughed and stood up from the table standing behind Ona, she tickled her and kissed her neck ‘’You’re crazy Ona, my crazy little girlfriend’’ she kissed Ona’s cheek a few times and then flopped back in her chair.
She changed the subject by asking ‘’How was the beach’’  
/// 20:03 ///
‘’So you didn’t even swim huh?’’ Lucy asked
‘’nahhh’’ Ona laughed ‘’It’s nice out, but the sea is still wayy to cold’’
‘’did you know that Valentina swims in the seawater whole year round’’
‘’Does she now’’
‘’Yeah, i talked about my icebath, she said she wish she had space for an icebath but that her house is too small and thats why she just does morning plunges in the sea’’ Lucy said
‘’amazing’’ Ona couldn’t prevent the sarcastic tone it came out in.
Lucy laughed ‘’you don’t even know her, how are you already spiting the women’’
‘’well she seems to have made quite an impression on you, you hardly met her yourself and here you are Valentina this Valentina that’’ Ona couldn’t help pronouncing the name angry, she almost spat it out.
Lucy looked amused at her sputtering girlfriend ‘’why don’t you come with me, next week, then you will find out that you are worrying about nothing’’
Those words sparked Ona’s interest, next to meeting this mystery coach, she also had an opportunity to watch Lucy box, something she was farley interested in. She agreed ‘’yes, that could be fun’’
‘’Good’’ lucy said ‘’now, no more crazy talk’’
‘’Okay, but no more saying other people's names when!’’ One said sternly
Aha, Lucy thought, that was what had bothered Ona, she smirked, ‘’but i like saying Ona’’ she cheekily said, knowing full wel that was not what she meant.
‘’Other people!’’ Ona kicked Lucy under the table, ‘’im not other, im yours’’
‘’Hmm, damn right you are, come here’’, lucy said as she patted her lap.
//// The next week //// 19:16 ////
This session was at night, in the context of the other things they had that week Lucy had planned it that way deliberately. Lucy had sent a message to Valentina asking if it was okay if Ona came along for their session, to which the coach had reacted enthusiastically.
They stepped foot in the gym that Lucy was now a regular at since 2022, in the car Lucy had talked Ona through some of the basics but she had said that she was sure Ona would be a natural.
''Hello guys!'' a low voice called out.
''Hey Valentina'' Lucy said.
Ona stopped in her tracks as she faced the women, she had a completely different picture in her head than the woman with the high bun and undercut who stood in front of her. The woman had two tatted sleeves and she was wearing a muscle tee.
Lucy laughed not understanding why Ona had frozen up, she put a hand on her girlfriends shoulder and said: ''This is Ona, it's actually her first time boxing''. thinking perhaps Ona maybe went shy because she only now realized that she knew nothing about boxing.
Valentina walked over to the pair and put out her hand to shake Ona's ''Hi, im Valentina, you can call me Vale btw, and dont worry i love teaching rookies''
Ona put on a smile ''Good, I can't wait to learn''.
Ona laughed out loud on the inside, oh how she had misjudged this!
As they were warming up Vale was mostly giving attention to Ona, Lucy hadn't thought anything off it, after all, Ona was the beginner. Ona thought it was strange, she could do a warm-up.
Ona started to wonder if Vale was flirting with her when she felt her hand on her lower back for the umpteenth time this warming up and Vale kept coming close to explain things.
She tried to eye Lucy, who was completely caught up in her lunges.
''So are you a soccer player too?'' Vale asked.
''Yeah'' Ona anwsered ''Im with Barca, like Lucy, we're on the same team''.
''Ah so that's how you know her?''
''No, she, well it's a long story but Lucy is my girlfriend also'' Ona laughed akwardly ''It's kinda private though, that's why not everyone knows, but with the fans it's better that way''.
''Ah, thats a shame'' Vale smirked
''What'' Ona frowned, finding the smirk weirdly out of place.
''That the fans can be invasive'' ..''and that you have a girlfriend'' she quietly added, but loud enough for Ona to hear.
Ona knew she had not imagined it and was now stopping completely with the exercise she was doing..
Lucy walked over to them ''ah are you guys also done warming up, now we can start with the fun part'' she said while punching the air.
Ona and Vale laughed, Ona hoped Vale would get the hint and stop with her stupid behavior and they could just box.
While Lucy helped Vale get some gloves and wraps and two hand targets from the storage closet, Vale suggested Lucy and her could give Ona a demonstration of boxing first, a little sparring session, before teaching her.
Lucy agreed, as she liked the idea of Ona watching her and last week she and Vale had also finished with a friendly boxing match, which went quite well as Vale adapted to her pace.
Lucy showed Ona how to put on the wraps and gloves, while Vale helped her a bit. After that Valentine also put her gloves on and she explained the idea.
When they had been dancing around each other for a while and Lucy had done some blocking and hitting and Vale had dodged it and attacked back, going back and forth, things started to get a bit more intense.
Lucy was sweating and had a hard time keeping up with Valentina, she couldn’t help but think Vale was trying to show off. But if you knew Lucy at all, you knew she wasn't going to give up.
Ona had watched it all from the sidelines and couldn’t help but admire her girlfriend working hard in the ring, it was maybe even hotter than watching her play soccer.
A few minutes later, when she was forced into the corner and dived to avoid a blow, she thought it was enough and spoke up. ‘’Right, well I think we have showed Ona what boxing is like’’.
She looked at Ona and smiled, noticing concern on her face but also admiration.
Vale smiled ‘’yup, that was good, well done Luce’’, and held up her fist with the glove around it for Lucy to bump, Lucy looked back and gave in to fist bump her, even though she thought it was weird how Vale was behaving.
‘’Okay lets head over to the bags, and practice some punches’’ Vale said as she stepped out of the ring. She got her gloves of and took the hand targets in one hand and she put an arm around Ona to guide her to the punching bags.
Now Lucy was irritated, did Vale think Ona was just a friend of her or something, she should’ve clarified it when texting about bringing Ona. She quickened her pace to join the other two.
Valentina said to Lucy that she could start with Jabs on the brown bag and then do a drill of crosses and hooks.
Lucy sighed ‘’I think I still need to recover a bit from our session just now, I will do the drills in a second, maybe I can watch how my girlfriend does for a bit’’. She stared at Vale with those last words.
‘’Okay’’ Vale said without reacting ‘’Lets start with some easy drills for you’’.
//// 20:32 ////
Lucy was watching Valentina’s every move, it seemed as if she had completely ignored Lucy's comment and Lucy didn’t like it one bit.
Vale walked away for a second to grab some more attributes and Lucy got close to Ona, ‘’Hey, are you okay?’’
Ona smiled ‘’yeah the boxing is nice, I really like watching you box as well’’
‘’Do you think Valeria is acting strange?’’ Lucy questioned
Ona looked straight into Lucy’s eyes, ‘’Yeah do you notice it too? it kinda feel like she is hitting on me, I even told her you are my girlfriend and you just said it again’’.
Now Lucy's blood was boiling, at first she had thought it was all in her head, that she was just jealous, but now that Ona said she didn't feel comfortable, she felt like she could beat up Valentina. ‘’Do you want to stop? Do you want to leave?’’
‘’I don’t know, I want to do this with you Lucy, I get why you like to do this sport and it’ll be nice to have a hobby together’’
‘’Yeah, we can continue to train together, I’ll just teach you for a few weeks, while I'll search for a new coach and when I find one we will be more on the same level, hmm?’’ Lucy came closer to Ona and whispered ‘’This coach kinda sucks, she’s wayyy to comfortable around my girlfriend’’.
Ona laughed ‘’and I was the one who was worrying last week’’
‘’yeah, but I told you then already that it was not like that, and this is your proof , she has good taste but she should know when to piss off’’
‘’Who should piss off?’’ Valentina asked when she came walking back with some rubber bands and other stuff.
‘’We -, we are’’ Lucy stated, ‘’we just got a call and sadly we have to go..’’
‘’But your phones are in the dressing room?’’ Vale asked suspiciously.
‘’Yup’’ Ona said ‘’It was nice training with you, but we really have to go’’
As they walked away Lucy grabbed Ona’s butt and looked back, seeing that Valentina had seen her do it she slipped her hand under her girlfriends shirt and kissed Ona's cheek and head.
In the dressing room they got their bag and Lucy wanted to get her stuff to take a shower, but Ona grabbed her wrist, ‘’No, we’re supposed to be in a hurry remember, let’s go home’’
‘’No I think she got the part where it was just an excuse’’ Lucy grinned and cupped Ona’s face to kiss her.
‘’I want to go home Luce’’ Ona said softly ‘’let me show you how much I love being yours’’
Lucy gulped ‘’damn, lets go then’’
//// 21:41 ////
Ona quickly opened the door, Lucy following behind her with their gym bag. In the hallway Ona pushed her girlfriend against the wall, ''I liked how you showed her I’m yours when we were walking away'' she said while she kissed her neck, already breathing heavy.
Lucy laughed as she looked up ‘’hm, yeah, well I hated watching her be so up in your space and I will not be working with her again’’
‘’thats a shame because it was kinda hot when you two were sparring in the boxing ring’’ Ona said against Lucy’s ear. ´´Your so muscular´´ she said as she felt Lucy's shoulders and arms.
Lucy lifted Ona up, holding her up with her hands just below Ona´s ass. She always got very horny when Ona adopted such a worshiping position.
Ona straddled her legs around Lucy´s waist and as they were kissing Lucy walked them to the bedroom, when they bumped into the doorframe, Lucy broke their kiss ´´Oh sorry baby, didn´t -
Ona didn't let her finish, ''Sshh, I didn't feel it , you know im a bit of a masochists anyways '' Ona smiled cheekily.
Lucy gulped, she knew Ona liked it rough but it was always special to hear again that Ona really thought it was such a turn on, Lucy herself was more of someone who got off on being praised, maybe that's why their dynamic worked so well.
She threw Ona roughly onto the bed and told her to undress. Ona immediately obeyed and undressed clumsily ‘’wow so well behaved’’ Lucy smirked. ‘’Don’t even have to direct you further, immediate follow-up, let's keep that up, right bub? Are you gonna listen to me really good?’’
‘’Yeah’’ Ona said, voice raspy from being so turned on.
(sorry for edging, but i don't know how to continue so that was it😘)
unless maybe someone has some ideas and sends them my way
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jsprnt · 6 months
Americano PT. 5 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: pff, this was a long one, enjoy babes. A heads up in advance, I’ll be taking a break in the first week of April due to my exams 🫶
W/C: 4.558
part four
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"Come in here and bring your laundry hamper!"
"Just a second, dad!"
I jump out of bed, leaving my phone on the other end of it, and grab the pink hamper. I hold onto the handles tightly as I make my way out of my room.
I see him standing over the washing machine in the laundry room. I enter quickly, the both of us starting to sort out the dirty clothes and putting them in the machine accordingly.
"Did you finish packing?" My dad asks, glancing at me before grabbing the laundry detergent and fabric softener out of the cabinet above me.
"Yeah, just a couple basic things. It's like a 2-3 day trip."
He pours the blue liquid into the cap, checking the measurements before pouring it into the designated compartment. Doing the same thing with the fabric softener.
"Really? No fancy dress or anything?"
I look up from the washing machine, a sheepish smile forming on my face. I watch him shake his head in disbelief, a smile on his face as he turns the machine on.
"When I sent you abroad- I thought your aunt would raise you exactly like I would. But I forgot she probably raised you to love dressing up like her. You know, she used to terrorize me in my own room growing up, only because I had bigger windows and thus better lighting for when she did her makeup.." He shakes his head, chuckle leaving him as he reminisces.
I laugh at him, the smile on my face bigger now.
"I think packing something proper is very important. It worked out pretty well last Saturday when we went for dessert in Girona."
"Just stay safe when going out. It's a dangerous world, honey." He says, putting his hand on my shoulder.
I purse my lips at his words, remembering what had happened just a couple nights ago. He didn't know about the entire debacle, but since it was already dealt with, I didn't see a reason to bring it up.
"When are you getting up?"
"Not super early, like around eight? The match isn't until Tuesday, so no early flight."
"You know, it's almost twelve, right? Go to bed already, and don't go on your phone." He tuts, scolding me and pushing me towards my room.
"Alright, I'll go to bed."
"Goodnight, I love you." He says, kissing my forehead before he makes his way down the stairs.
"Love you too!" I shout as I watch him walk away while I stand in front of my bedroom door. The silence of the house surrounding me when I’m left alone.
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The team had finally wrapped up training for the day. We had arrived in Napels that morning, and they had trained hard until late in the afternoon.
This left us with some free time for the rest of the day, until we had to prepare for the match tomorrow.
"You've been doing your makeup for about 40 minutes now." I hear Luis complain, lying flat on his back on top of my bed.
"I could be meeting my future Italian husband out there! Come on, let me look cute for tonight."
I darken up my eye makeup, coloring my waterline with a black pencil to contrast my white dress.
I then drench my face in setting spray, fanning it dry with a random brochure, I found on the nightstand.
"Besides, you're wrinkling your clothes, stand up. I can't have you looking bummy! What if you find yourself a pretty lady?" I wink, struggling to hold back a laugh at the unimpressed expression he sends me.
I finally stand up from the chair, smoothing down my dress in front of the mirror, and adjust the slit a little.
"We can go now!"
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"Are you drinking?"
"No, not feeling it tonight." I mutter, eyeing the delicious-sounding food on the menu.
I look up, watching Luis flip through the menu.
"I'm going to order a pizza."
"Why pizza?" He asks, looking at me.
"We are practically in the birthplace of pizza. Are you judging me?" I ask, raising a brow at him.
"Just get it, I'm not judging you.." He raises his hands as if to surrender.
"You're so mean when you're hungry." He mumbles, closing his menu.
"Just appreciate the fact that I dragged you here. Look at how beautiful the view is.
I turn, admiring the view behind the glass panels of the restaurant. The Vesuvius mountain and the water are absolutely breathtaking, especially right now during sunset.
He sighs at me in agreement, looking around to find a waiter for us to finally order our food.
I watch him order for the both of us, getting distracted by the view, and turn towards him when the waiter leaves.
"If you get hammered, I'll leave you here.."
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"So, now you want to find an Italian girlfriend?" I ask Luis bewildered, watching him walk - no stumble in front of me.
The drinks he ordered were good, so good he felt inclined to ordered multiple of them. I didn't keep count, but he definitely had more than his limit, which made him the drunk mess he was right now.
"Of course, you're my best friend. We should each find a person to marry!" He slurs, walking towards the docks.
I sigh deeply, looking down at my heels, before jogging up to him, clutching onto his shirt tightly.
"You're going to fall into the water!" I shout, trying to hold him back from the edge, but he shouts in protest.
"It's fine, maybe one of these hot people will save me from drowning."
Oh my god
I look up to where he's pointing, seeing a group of people on an expensive-looking catamaran. I'm way too distracted to realize my grip on Luis has loosened, and watch him leave. I see him greet the partying people loudly. I close my eyes in embarrassment, wanting to jump into the water out of shame.
Who even parties on a random Monday evening?
I surprisingly hear someone shout something in what sounds like Italian. I turn my head, eyes searching as I turn my attention to the person.
My eyes meet the eyes of a tall, brown-eyed, beautifully sun-kissed man. His blue linen shirt halfway unbuttoned.
He looked like, and definitely is trouble.
I hear him say something again, and my eyes widen when they go back to Luis, who looks like he's having the time of his life with two girls.
"English?" I hear the beautiful stranger ask.
I nod, watching him walk towards the dock and then, interestingly enough, reach for my hand.
I would never leave Luis alone on this boat full of strangers. Therefore, I reluctantly grab the guy's hand as he pulls me onto the boat.
"Hi?" I greet, raising a brow. Quickly smoothing my dress down.
"Hello, and your name is?" He asks, eyes roaming up and down my body, definitely checking me out. The Aussie accent practically melting me on the spot, making it difficult for my jaw to stay closed.
He was the definition of trouble.
But I needed to get my mess of a friend off this damn boat and leave.
"y/n, yours?" I ask, pretending to be more interested than I am, sneakily glancing at Luis.
"I'm Chris. You're not from here, are you?"
Obviously not
"No, I'm actually from Valencia."
A white lie, he didn't have to know anything about me.
"Valencia, Spain? What are you and your friend doing here?"
"Visiting, for fun." I lie again, giving him a smile.
"Really? Having fun so far?" He smiles, his pearly white teeth blinding me.
"Yeah, a lot of fun." I reply, my brows raising in fake interest.
I watch him chuckle, his plump lips curling up. His arm going up to run a hand through his blonde locks.
"Care for a drink, then?"
As beautiful as this man was, I wasn't naive enough to accept a drink from him. Especially, since we were in a totally different country.
"I'm fine, actually. I'm leaving tomorrow, so I'm trying to not drink as much."
"Oh, you probably came to watch the Champions League game then?"
Got me, kind of.
I immediately pull a sour face, pretending to be disgusted.
"Of course not, I have better things to do than attend a Real Madrid match. If it wasn't for Valencia, I'd be for Barcelona anyway.."
That one physically hurt to say.
"Oh- don't get mad now." He teases, putting his hands up, his smile getting wider.
I had to leave hastily, at least before this man got me into his bed.
"You're fine. I'm just trying to get my friend and leave. You alright with that?"
"Let me get your number first. Don't think I'll forget you after tonight." He says, handing me his phone.
I was curving the man left and right, and he still wanted my number?
"I don't really give out my number. But I can give you my Instagram handle?"
"That's fine." He says, clicking on his Instagram.
I watch his screen, my eyes accidentally catching the number of girls on his explore page.
No way, this man was looking for something serious.
"Oh, I'll type it in. If that's alright?" I say, reaching for his phone. He nods, handing me the device.
I quickly type in my username, pressing follow.
To snoop a little further, I go back to the explore page, seeing more ass and boobs than I had prepared for. Pretending to be unfazed as I clear the Instagram tab and hand his phone back to him.
I mean, their bodies were amazing, but why the hell was he following them?
"That's it. Here you go. My phone is dead, so I'll talk to you later?" I say, fidgeting with my handbag. My social battery was dying even faster than normal tonight. 
I watch him nod, his eyes on me, as I immediately make my way to Luis, who's now sitting with a random girl.
"Hi, sorry to interrupt, but we have to leave."
I grab onto Luis' arm, using all my strength to get him up. Noticing the amount of shot glasses and empty beer bottles in front of them.
How the hell did he manage to do that so fast?
"Wait, do you want his Instagram?" I ask the girl. She hesitates before nodding looking at us confused.
"Okay, well, let me spell it for you."
I spell his username quickly, turning away.
"Yes, that's it. We're not a thing, by the way- he's my brother. Bye!"
Another lie, but maybe it would help him in the long run.
"Let's go, come on." I groan, dragging Luis back to the hotel.
It was doable until he started leaning his body on me, making me slump partially. My heels beginning to hurt my feet more than ever.
After a good ten minutes of struggling, we finally enter the elevator of the hotel, his body weight starts to pile on me. Arriving at our correct floor I drag him out, a huge sigh of relief leaving my lips as I recognize some of our Real Madrid players.
"Help." I mumble, watching some of them recognize the fact that I was half-suffocating.
I watch Antonio, Aurélien, and Jude, of all people, walk towards us, getting drunk and passed out Luis off of me.
"Thank you." I sigh, fixing myself, watching Antonio comically throw Luis onto one of the seats there.
"What happened to him?" I hear Brahim say as I try to catch my breath and I readjust my grip on my bag.
"Long story."
"Let's put him to bed first." Antonio says, making me nod. All of our eyes moving to a passed-out Luis.
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"So, he got into a random boat?" Federico asks, looking at me.
I nod, trying to hold back a laugh while I drink my water. The cardigan I had retrieved from my room keeping me warm as we sat in the sky lounge.
"I would've partied." I look up at Cama, shaking my head.
"They were strangers, come on! But- one guy did approach me." I say, sending him a smug look.
"So you had some fun!"
"Look, he was cute. He offered me a drink, but I refused."
"That's it? Come on..”
"Why are you all up in my business?" I joke, being half-serious, hearing some of them laugh.
I finish my cup of water, beginning to stand up from my seat.
"It's getting late, I'm going up to my room. Don’t make it late, you guys need to rest well!" I say, waving after they send me off with kind words.
I press the elevator button, crossing my arms as I wait for it to arrive. The doors open a few seconds later, and I step in. I raise my head in surprise when I see an arm hold the doors open. Surprise turns into irritation when I notice Jude step in.
"Why did you follow me?" I ask, playing with the clasp on my bag.
"You know, not everything is about you." He mutters, a fed-up expression on his face. I sigh, closing my eyes in impatience, as I lean against the elevator wall.
The elevator makes a noise, and I check the floor number, getting out, hearing him follow me.
I start rummaging through my handbag for my room-key. Finally, fishing it out as we walk up to our respective rooms.
I arrive at my door, hearing Jude walk up to his own, his room interestingly enough being across from mine.
I go to scan my card but freeze, realizing my door is open by a small sliver.
"Why is my door open?" I mumble to myself, trying to subdue my instant panic.
"What?" I hear, seeing Jude walk up to me from the corner of my eye. His eyes darting in between me and the door.
"You left it open, probably." He responds, not an ounce of concern in his voice.
"You think?"
"Yeah, since you're so good with doors-"
"Okay, stop right there." I mutter, pushing the door open further. I flick the light on, looking around cautiously.
I hear him scoff at my behavior, and I turn around to look at him.
"Can you check the room?" I ask, trying to sound as nice as possible.
"No." He deadpans, giving me a bored look.
I hold back a string of cuss words, stepping into the room as he stands at the doorway.
"Stay here at least, before I get murdered."
"Would be a sight." He mutters, voice laced with humor. Though, I found it difficult to see this situation as funny.
"You're not funny. Are you aware of that?" I ask, punching into the curtains to check if anyone's hiding behind them.
"Find anything, detective?"
"Shut up." I whisper, going to open the bathroom door, hesitating for a moment.
Adrenaline starts pumping through my veins. I try to take deep breaths to prepare for a fight.
"What if someone's actually here?" I whisper, my eyes wide, as I turn to look at Jude.
I watch his expression harden, his jaw tensing as he looks at me.
"What do you mean?!" I hear Jude whisper back. His voice is hushed and more low than usual.
I take off both of my heels, ready to bash the possible intruder’s head in with my heels.
"Call security." I whisper, preparing to fight. I watch him take out his phone, before he raises his head again. His expression darkens for a moment before it changes into something- else...
"What are you doing, idiot? Come here." He says, and I can almost make out a vein popping out of his forehead.
All of the sudden, he makes his way over to me, grabbing my wrist and dragging me out of my room. Shutting the heavy door behind me, his hands coming up to my shoulders.
"What is wrong with you? You don't even know if they're with a weapon or anything!" He shouts in a hushed voice, his Brum accent more prominent than ever.
I continue staring at him, my lips parting in realization.
Damn, I was such a shallow thinker in times of crisis.
My mind turns blank, not acknowledging Jude's presence anymore. I can only hear him sigh and mumble something as security from both the club and hotel arrive at my room.
"Could you take her somewhere else, sir?” I hear someone say, feeling my wrist being pulled abruptly by Jude.
I follow him blindly, but I try to look back at my room. Wanting to see if someone would actually appear out of my room.
"Don't look." I hear, looking in front of me again as I’m brought into the hotel room across from mine. Nicer and bigger, definitely his.
"Sit down." He orders, pulling my wrist again and making me sit on one of the cushioned chairs.
I oblige without protest, too dazed to react in a snarky way. The silence in the room feels like hours when only being about ten minutes. It is finally cut off as Jude's phone starts ringing loudly.
I hear him speak for a few minutes before he hangs up. I watch him walk towards me as he sits in the chair next to me.
"No one was there, they checked the cameras as well. You left the door open."
I cringe, realizing my own initial mistake. A shudder runs through me as he explains.
"Oh, great!" I mumble sarcastically, feeling embarrassed, fidgeting with the fabric of my dress. Only now realizing I was barefoot, my heels probably fell out of my grasp when he pulled me out of the room.
I get up when he finishes explaining, walking up to the door. Pulling my soft cardigan closer to soothe myself.
"Where are you going?" I hear Jude ask. I turn and look back at him.
"Back to my room." I say, suddenly feeling the day's exhaustion take effect. My vision becoming blurry as I feel an ache make its way to my head.
This day alone probably took five years off my lifespan.
I hear him sigh as he walks up to me. Feeling him put his hand on my right shoulder.
"What?" I ask, looking him up and down. Trying to shrug his hand off of my shoulder.
I watch his jaw tense again, his grip on my shoulder getting tighter, though, not getting to the point of hurting.
I open my mouth to speak again, as he doesn't bother to answer my question. Unfortunately, I’m stopped by a sharp pain shooting through my head.
I groan in pain, placing my hands on my temples as I squeeze my eyes shut.
"What's wrong?" I hear him whisper, his other hand making its way to my left shoulder.
"I'm fine..." I dismiss, taking his hands off my shoulders. I reach for the door handle, pulling it down and stepping out of the room.
I tap my card against the sensor hurriedly and open my door, turning to see his door across the hallway already shut.
"Doesn't even care to watch me go inside." I mutter, ridding myself of my clothes and taking a much-needed shower. Trying to wash off all my stress and embarrassment.
When I'm done, I make a beeline to my bed, closing my eyes and forcing myself to sleep. I shift and turn, groaning in frustration as I turn my pillow around for the nth time.
It's like my sleep was robbed of me within minutes. My thoughts keeping me up. I check the time, realizing it was almost two in the morning.
I begin getting fully paranoid, my stupid brain making up the craziest scenarios imaginable.
I bury my face deeper into my pillow, forcing my brain to shut up. Finally, managing to fall asleep, too tired to keep my anxious walls up.
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"You look like a truck ran you over."
"Shut up." I snarl replying to Jude. Trying to ignore him further as I continue eating my food, Luis sitting across from me at the breakfast buffet.
I had gotten maybe five hours of sleep. My three layers of concealer weren’t doing its job today. It had creased within minutes of application.
I roll my eyes as he sits at the table next to us, probably to annoy me further.
“Someone get this weirdo away from me..” I say loudly, closing my eyes in prayer.
I hear Jude scoff, following it up with a laugh.
"Were you born insufferable, or do you practice in the mirror before going to bed?" I ask, poking at my food.
I hear him chuckle again, which makes my blood boil even more. I glance at Luis, seeing a grin forming on his face.
"You too?"
I had told him everything that had happened last night, him feeling embarrassed but finding it hilarious at the same time.
He did promise he'd make it up to me.
"Don't forget how I dragged your ass from the dock to the hotel. I could've easily left you there."
I threaten, looking at Luis as I shove another spoonful of food in my mouth.
I see Jude open his mouth, but I stop him with a hand as my phone rings. My dad calling me right at the perfect moment.
"Oops, sorry, too busy for whatever you want to say."
I realize how immature I sound, but I digress. I get up and answer the call. Chatting to my dad about the past few days.
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I signal for Luis to stop filming, patting his back to commend him for his hard work after the final whistle is blown. A nice 3-2 putting us on top of the table.
"They played really well."
I hum, posting the last social media post and turning to him.
"Right, if they keep playing like this, we'll definitely end up at the top of table C for sure."
"We'll go far. That's without question."
We make our way inside, trying to rush to get inside on time.
"Hugo is saying to interview both Frederico and Jude." I mutter, rereading the text message.
"That's fine, let's just wait here until they're ready." He says, both of us waiting in front of the changing room as they pile inside. Tired expressions on all of their faces.
"By the way, have you seen this one guy that's working here? He's so cute for you." I hear Luis say, looking up at him confused.
"Which one?" I ask, fidgeting with the cable of the camera.
"I'll show you when I see him." He says, and I give him a look.
"He better be cute, since you're making me wait."
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"Alright, that's it." I announce, looking at Jude. Finally wrapping up his interview.
"Thank you." He mutters, with less attitude this time. Probably way too tired to have a petty fight with me. I wasn't disappointed with that, to be honest. I couldn't stand speaking to him anymore.
"See you on the bus, man." I hear Jude say, giving Luis a handshake as he begins walking away. My eyes follow him, piercing into his back.
"See, that's the guy I was talking about." I hear Luis say, my head snapping towards the direction he was looking at.
"Which one-" I begin, shamelessly looking at the guy.
"What? No, are you serious?" I ask, appalled by the person he’s shipping me with.
"Yeah, he's cute for you." He mutters, giving me a smirk.
"You might be hungover still. Let's just get into the bus, please."
We pack our equipment up, starting to walk towards the team buses. Successfully helping fellow staff with the multiple suitcases and bags and stepping up into the vehicle.
We greet the players we make eye contact with, the both of us walking along the occupied seats until we finally find two empty ones next to each other.
"I'm tired..." I mumble, leaning my back against the seat, closing my eyes as I get comfortable. Leaving my phone on my lap.
"I can see that." I hear Luis reply, and I open one of my eyes to give him an offended look.
"How sweet of you." I reply, trying to take a quick fifteen-minute nap. Running around for more than two hours with five hours of sleep was not for the weak.
I was part of the weak.
I hear the sound of a notification, surprised it could be heard through all of the chatter and banter of everyone in the bus.
"Was that your phone?" I ask, leaning my head against the window.
"No, it was yours." Luis answers.
"Can you read it for me? You know my password."
I feel my phone being removed from my lap, a second of silence from Luis before he starts laughing uncontrollably.
"What?" I ask, getting curious.
What could be that funny?
"It's a DM from a Chris on Instagram."
"Who the fuck is Chris?" I ask, finally opening my eyes to take my phone back. My eyes roaming around the screen, reading a short message with a 'view once’ photo.
"Thought you repped Valencia?"
I read the message out loud, looking back at Luis, confused. Then I look at the profile picture.
"Oh my god! It's the guys from the boat!" I shout, embarrassed when I realize I was being louder than necessary.
"The one you talked about?"
"Yeah- wait, what do you think the photo is?" I ask, starting to feel squirmy.
"A dick pic." I hear Luis whisper.
"Who got a dick pic?"
I hear someone ask, looking at the row behind me. Jude peeking his head in between our headrests.
"Not you, so mind your own business.." I reply, moving my phone out of his view and returning to my conversation with Luis. Ignoring the daggers he’s sending me with his piercing gaze.
"No way, gross. He looked desperate, but no way."
"Well, click on it."
"No, now I'm scared. Why would you even bring that up?"
"Just squint."
I huff, leaning back against the widow, squinting as I press on the photo.
"Oh-" I exclaim, taking a deep, relieved breath.
Thankfully, it’s not an explicit picture, but a photo of me at the stadium we were just at, prematch to be specific. From the angle, you could tell the photo was taken from the stands.
"Wait- what the fuck? He was there? Ew, why did he take a photo of me?” I say, showing Luis the screen.
I watch his mouth fall open. He reaches over, taking my phone from me and screenshots the photo.
"That's why he sent that message. You lied to him about yourself, right?"
"Of course I did!" I say, snatching the phone from his hand.
"What do I say?" I ask, looking at him with a questioning look.
"Do you even want to speak to him?"
"Well- I'm bored?" I give him a grin, his arm coming to push me.
“I can’t stop you, but you said he looked like trouble, so ignore him..." He advises, squeezing my arm.
I nod at his words, taking them in. I swipe to press the mute button on the chat, and turn my phone off.
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all-mirth-no-matter · 7 months
Time After Time | Chapter Fifteen
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader, Tommy Shelby x Original Female Character
Summary: You and Tommy head to the races.
Warning: language, assault (again, nothing explicit just not fun), death, ethnic slur
ao3 link | catch up on tumblr here
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Chapter 15: Left Hand Free
Well, your left hand’s free, and your right’s in grip, with another left hand, watch his right hand slip towards his gun. Oh, no.  – Left Hand Free, alt-J
What you knew about horse racing could be counted on exactly one hand. You knew there were horses. That their riders were jockeys. That rich people owned and trained the horses. That the fastest horse won. And that most of the horses had really weird names. 
That was it.  
You’d never been to a race. Hell, you weren’t even sure you’d even seen a real race on tv outside of movies or shows. 
The drive to the racetrack wasn’t long. You knew you were still in Birmingham, but that was the extent of your whereabouts. You pretty much stuck to Tommy’s side as the two of you entered the track, your eyes taking in all of your surroundings. 
“So,” you’d started as you made your way inside, “this is a Kimber track, yeah?” 
Tommy nodded, looking around slightly at the people around you. 
“And you said someone was giving him trouble?” you asked, this time a little softer. 
“Aye, the Lees,” he replied, more comfortable with your volume level. “They run Kimbers chalkers.” 
Your brow creased, “And that means?” 
“The men taking the bets. They gang up on them in the rouse of selling them chalk. Steal their money and leave them with a stick.” 
You hummed in understanding. Before you could ask any more, he distracted you by leading you through a side door and approached a man. He shook his hand and gave you both a tight nod as he opened the gate and let you through. Your feet met a floor of gravel and hay, and you realized you must be down in the stables. A row of stalls lined with horses caught your eye. 
“What do you think?” 
You turned back toward Tommy, brow knitted confused at his question. “Of the horses? They’re beautiful,” you replied. 
He looked down with an amused huff, the action reminding you of the black horse in front of you. “Yes, they are. But which do you think will win?” 
You nearly scoffed, “Pff, how should I know?” 
“Take your time.” 
You rose your brow, but he nodded toward the line up, the smirk on his face not yet convincing you that he was serious. But you took his challenge, starting from the end closest to you and moving slowly down the lineup. 
At first glance, they all looked the same to you aside from the color of their coats. They were big, intimidating creatures. But as you took a closer look, you began to see some differences. You began to weigh the pros and cons of size and muscle mass, whether that would make them faster or weigh them down. If taller horses could go farther distances than those with shorter legs. Soon you were even wondering if their hair ever got in their faces while they raced, and if that would eventually cause a problem. 
And yet still, you had absolutely no idea. 
When you reached the black horse again, he pushed his head over the railing and huffed, stomping his foot. You chuckled, reaching out to give him a pet. 
“I don’t know, Tommy. Does it even matter?” 
Tommy, who’d been watching you quietly at the end of the line, furrowed his brow. “What do you mean?” 
You shrugged, running your hands along the horse’s hair. “Aren’t all the races rigged?” 
He breathed out another amused scoff. “Not all of ‘em, love.” 
“That’s not fair, is it?” You asked the horse in the same voice you used on dogs. As if understanding you, the horse shook his head. “See, he agrees.” 
“These horses are up for sale. One of the dealers owes me, so he’s given me early access to take one off the lot.” He walked a few stalls down until he stood in front of a speckled beast, one on the larger end of the spectrum. “I was considering this one. He comes from good breeding and has a good chance to rank.” 
You hummed in acknowledgement, looking up at your horse. He blinked at you and leaned his head against your shoulder, causing you to stumble a little and laugh. “I like this one. He’s got a little attitude.” 
Tommy made his way back to you, his hands in his pockets as he reexamined your horse. “Attitude doesn’t make for good competitors. We want a winner.” 
“Well, you’ve got attitude,” you teased while keeping your focus on the horse. 
“And what does that mean?” He asked, turning all his attention now on you. 
As you met his eyes, you could tell his cheeks were fighting off the smile that his eyes conveyed as he peered down at you. The sight of it made you smirk as you turned your body toward him. “Are you planning to lose?” 
You watched those pale blues move between each of your eyes before dropping to your lips. “Not today.” 
You pulled your lip between your teeth before you replied with, “Neither will he.”
“Hmm,” the battle against his cheek muscles finally lost as he matched your smirk with one of his own, looking back finally toward the horse. “Well, he won’t be racing today, anyhow. None of these horses here will. They’re just prepping for the auction.” Tommy clicked his tongue and the horse turned his attention toward him. He reached out and pet him, “You are a beautiful beast.” 
You smiled as you watched him press his forehead against the horse’s, his voice low as he talked kindly to him. 
“How about a bet?” He asked, this time to you. “We go upstairs and watch the races. We each place a bet. If your horse wins, I’ll buy this boy here. If yours doesn’t win, I’ll buy my first choice.”
“So it’s me against everyone else? That hardly seems fair,” you said with a chuckle before pausing. “Hold on, you said we both place a bet. What if your horse does win?” 
Tommy rose a challenging brow, “You’ll have to wait and see.”
“Again, not fair,” you pressed. 
“That’s the weight of gambling, love. You want the horse?” He nodded to the black horse who was nudging you for attention again. “That’s the cost of your faith.”
“Should we do it?” You asked the horse, giving it your most serious face. He neighed playfully, causing you to giggle. “I may not know a thing about horses, but I know a keeper when I see one. Deal.” 
You shook Tommy’s hand, very reminiscent of that first night in the Garrison when you played your first game. He smiled as he squeezed your hand, telling you to say goodbye to the beast before pulling you back toward the crowds of people. 
Tommy’s horse won. 
“You knew,” you demanded, nudging a laughing Tommy as he led you down the corridor with the rest of the drone of people. “I’m never gambling again.”
“I did say I wasn’t going to lose today, didn’t I?” He countered. 
You rolled your eyes and he chuckled again, leading you to the bar and grabbing two champagne flutes. 
“Maybe that’s what you should do,” you quipped, taking a sip of your drink, “fix races.” 
“Now, now — that would be illegal.” 
You chuckled, the drink calming you slightly as the room began to fill with dancing. Ever since you and Tommy left the stables and joined the rest of the crowd, you’d begun to feel uneasy. 
At first you thought it was the crowd itself. Even in your own time, you hadn’t been the biggest fan of high-traffic places. The chaos of it all caused you anxiety, especially when it was a place you weren’t familiar with. And while this place wasn’t anything like some concerts or sporting events you’d attended, it was still a whole group of strangers who knew what they were doing far better than you did. 
On top of that, you felt yourself revert slightly back to how you felt when you first arrived at Small Heath. Like everyone could tell you didn’t belong, that you were different. You could feel yourself trying to hide, much like you had in the first few months of being here. 
Though this time, you had Tommy. 
That reassurance for some reason made you feel a little more comfortable. And yet, here again, as you stood on the outskirts of the dance floor, an anxious chill ran down your spine. 
“Remember what I taught you?” 
Tommy’s question pulled you back to yourself. You met his eyes, sparkling uncharacteristically as he gestured toward the dance floor, offering his hand to you. 
You smiled, forgetting your uneasiness for a moment and letting him pull you. This time, when he wrapped his arm around you, you didn’t take your eyes away from his as he took the lead. And surprisingly, you did remember a good bit of what he (and Johnny Dogs) had taught you that night with the Delphi. 
“A bit different than a gypsy camp, eh?” He jested. 
You shrugged, “I mean, besides the attempted assault, I kind of preferred it. This all feels a little, I don’t know… staged. There it felt,” you met his eyes, “real.” 
His eyes moved down to your lips again as you felt his grip at your back tighten. 
You heard someone call for him, demanding his attention behind you. 
He huffed slightly before turning back toward you. “Will you be alright without me for a moment? It’s time for me to go collect my horse.” 
You nodded as he promised not to be long and found yourself on the outskirts of the room, grabbing another flute. 
The band wrapped up their song as the MC took the mic and introduced the players. With all eyes forward, you gasped as you felt a hand wrap around your arm. 
“Not a sound,” a gravelly voice whispered against your ear, “or this blade goes in all the way.” 
You suppressed a whimper at the sharp tip pressed against your waist, the hand around you tightening. The band roared to life again as the room jumped back into formation, giving the stranger behind you an opportunity to pull you backwards and through the back doorway. 
Squinting into the daylight, the man who’d grabbed you pushed you forward, causing you to stumble into the empty alleyway. 
“Tsk tsk, Tommy should have known better.” 
Your eyes adjusted to see another man walking toward you, gasping slightly when you recognized him. “Benji–”
“Shut up!” He smacked you across the face, sending you backwards. You caught yourself on the ground, chancing to look back up and clutching your bag. 
The door flew open with a frantic Tommy. He ran toward you, lifting you up. “Y/N, you alright?”
Benji chuckled darkly, “The great Thomas Shelby,” he taunted. “Did you think I was going to let that bitch get away with stitching me up? After everything I did for you— for your family! I was a Peaky fucking Blinder!” 
“You tried to steal from us, and you got caught. You know what we do to those who double cross us, Hancock,” Tommy said calmly, trying to subtly position his body between you and the two other men.
“Well, now you’ll get to see what I do to those who threaten me!”
Tommy pushed you backwards just as he grabbed for his gun. You hit the wall as you heard a shot, then the sound of one of the men running toward Tommy, tackling him to the ground and knocking his gun away. Quickly, you reached within your purse and grabbed Polly’s handgun. In an instance, all the training your father had instilled in you came back as you turned, your gun ready. 
The man who had grabbed you was lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood. Benji had Tommy by the hair and a blade to his throat, Tommy’s gun kicked to the side. 
“Drop it, Benji!”
He pressed it harder, enough for blood to begin to trickle down his skin. “The only thing this bastard understands is blood and money. You think he cares about you? Nah, love. You’re just another pawn in his payroll, just like the rest of us.” 
Tommy snarled, struggling against his hold.
“I’ve been wanting to do this for years,” Benji said, emphasizing the word in Tommy’s ears. “First I’m going to finish you, then I’m going to take my time with her.” 
“Let him go!” 
Benji laughed, “What do you think, Tommy boy? Think she has the guts?”
You shared a look with Tommy, who barely nodded before pushing away from Benji’s grasp. Not a second to waste, you pulled the trigger. 
Your hands were still shaking by the time you and Tommy returned to Small Heath. You attempted to calm them by playing with the tattered hem of your dress, but it was just another reminder of the horrible events that’d just occurred. You looked over toward Tommy, the strip of your dress wrapped around his neck to stop the bleeding from Benji’s blade when he’d pushed him away. 
“This is why.” 
Aside from some reassurances that each other were okay (physically), the two of you had been relatively silent for most of the evening. So Tommy’s words made your brow furrow as you questioned him. 
“You wanted to know why I pushed you away— what was the phrase you used?” 
“Ghost. I said you ghosted me,” you replied, slightly amused despite your seriousness to the conversation. 
“This is why. I was worried about putting you in this exact situation. When I couldn’t find you in the hall tonight, I–” he shook his head. “Death seems to come for everyone but me, and I can’t bare to think of you dying because of me–” 
“What happened back there wasn’t because of you,” you rationalized. “He was coming after me. If it hadn’t been for me, you’d be safe–” 
“But you were only in that situation because of us. As long as you work for us, you’ll never be safe.” He took a deep breath and met your eyes. “Though I’m a little less worried about you being able to protect yourself now. Where did you get the gun?” 
He scoffed, “Figures.” 
You looked down at the gun, sitting on top of your bag in between you and Tommy on the seat.
You’d killed someone. It’d felt like an almost out of body experience, watching yourself pull the trigger, and the bullet flying through into another man’s chest, ending his life.
Shaking, you took the gun and shoved it back into your bag. 
Tommy pulled over and moved your bag, pulling you across the bench and wrapped his arms around you. “I’m sorry you had to do that. It’s never easy, deciding to take a life.” 
Despite the tears that’d begun to fall as soon as Tommy pulled you in, you sniffed and shook your head. “I’m not sorry,” you surprised yourself. He let go of you enough to see your face as you continued. “He wasn’t going to stop. He was going to hurt me, he was going to hurt you.” You swallowed hard, nearly afraid to say your next thoughts out loud. “I would do it again to protect you, or your family.” 
Tommy watched you as you said your words carefully. Instead of responding, he lifted your chin to meet him and kissed you. 
It was dark when you returned to town. Tommy said he had a couple more items to take care of that night and asked if you wanted him to drop you off. You declined, asking if you could accompany him. Truthfully, you didn’t want to be alone after the events of the day. He seemed to understand and agreed, telling you that he needed to drop the car off at the Yard and check on an expected delivery.
“Evening, Miss,” Charlie greeted you, with Curly offering a big smile as you and Tommy drove into the Yard. 
“My delivery?” Tommy asked as he helped you down from the car. 
“Aye, this way.” 
You followed the trio through the yard as the rain began to fall lightly. Luckily, Ada had forced you to purchase a hat to go along with your outfit tonight, keeping the rain away from your face. You were wrapping Tommy’s jacket around you tighter as they approached a huge crate. 
“Geeze, what’s in there?” 
Tommy didn’t answer you as he examined the crate, his brow creased. “This isn’t right. Crowbar?” 
Curly and Charlie opened the crate and pulled out one of the many smaller crates inside. He lifted the item inside and your mouth involuntarily fell. 
“Tommy, that’s—”
“A machine gun.” 
The three men looked at each other, equally as dumbfounded as you felt. 
“Thought you said these were supposed to be motor bikes and petrol?” Charlie asked Tommy. 
“They were. Must have picked up the wrong fuckin’ crate.” He looked at the crate for a moment as you watched, curious what was going through his mind. 
“Tom,” Charlie said cautiously. “This says it’s destined for Lybia. This is– what are we going to do?”
Tommy took a deep breath and finally turned back toward his men. “Get it out of the rain. Put it in the stables for now.” 
“In the stables– you can’t be serious–” 
“That’s what we’re going to do for now. You, me, and Y/N are going to inventory the crate. Curly, prepare for a new horse.” 
A week went by, and you hadn’t said a peep about the crate sitting in Charlie Strong’s Yard. The crate bound for Lybia that contained 25 Lewis machine guns, 10,000 rounds of ammunition, 50 semiautomatic rifles, and 200 pistols with shells. Tommy had sworn you all to secrecy, even from Polly. 
So when Tommy invited you to the Yard after an early shift, you were slightly nervous. 
“Thought you’d want to meet the newest Shelby racehorse,” Tommy finally said when you got to the stables. 
Honestly, you’d completely forgotten all about the horse Tommy had purchased at the races with all the other stuff going on. Between the sleepless nights dreaming of a gun in your hands, and the looming sword of those rifles hanging over your head, you felt like you’d collapse if one more disaster struck. 
But instead, you were pleasantly surprised when you walked through the arch to see the black horse you’d befriended at the track. 
“Hey,” you greeted sweetly as you began to pet him. He neighed a greeting to you before pushing his nose against your shoulder. “What is this, Tommy? You won the bet.” 
He shrugged. “I changed my mind. He has his first race Monday. I’m going to take him down to Garrison Lane tomorrow.” 
“Gonna have a Chinese woman do the powder trick. Apparently she’s a fortune teller as well,” he smirked at you, causing you to roll your eyes. “Whether it’s true or not, it’ll convince everyone to place bets on him.” 
You still didn’t completely understand, but you went with it. “Will he win?” 
“Good,” you smiled up at the horse. “What did you decide to name him?” 
“Monaghan Boy.” 
>> next chapter << chapter masterlist
Tag list: @cillixn @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame @cillmequick @swordofawriter @sweetmilkshakeluminary @nataliewalker93 @ttae-yong @topstory21 @cole-silas @moral-terpitude @optimisticsandwichgladiator @reallysparklychaos @enrapturedbythemoon @bat-shark-repellant @kpopslur @skxawngs @musicsweetie21 @invisiblexcth @whoisf4yryl0v3r @laylasbunbunny @lordofthunderthr @luvstylesz @roseanimelover @lostgirl219 @berarenado @akemiixx01 @mulletmcghee @jasminxts @oneboygenius @piceous21 @xoprincessmel @the-blueatlas @regatoni1 @goblinjnr @gentyleman @xxbeckybeexx-blog @tanyaherondale @sometimes-i-sing @littlewhiterose @ja-4-leyvam @rubyxx16 @allie131313 @pet1t3 @globetrotter28 @woofgocows @radrouda @wildernessflora @jeysbae @lilianashomaresparza @himikotoga101 @a-asterias @sourholland @samywhale @thecityofspareparts @ponyboys-sunsets @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @vastseamind @optimisticsandwichgladiator @booktvmoviefangirl @drquinnzel0217qqqqqqqqqqq @zodiyack @ofkilljoysandslytherins @bluevenus19 @ce1iat @mgajdaaa @babyotileeblog @arcanebabe @iamtrashsry @snowtargaryen @mottergirl99 @sinarainbows @belledawnidk @laneyspaulding19 @warrior-of-justice @kkrenae @ryswritingrecord @qtkat @monifaagha @avidread3r @mysticalfuncollectorus
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bimobuddy · 11 months
Chasing the Chicken
Helluva Boss
SFW Tickle fic
I haven't seen this done yet so I decided to do it
Lee!Asmodeus, Ler!Fizzy
Summary: Fizzarolli gets the Fizz-equivalent to zoomies and Asmodeus is his target.
"Fizzy, baby, calm down, just take some deep breaths, please-"
Out of context, it may have sounded like Asmodeus was trying to calm his partner down from a panic attack. However, with context, you'd see the Sin holding his hands up in defense, and Fizz inching closer to him with an almost feral look in his eyes. And Asmodeus knew this look very well unfortunately.
Fizz lunged, but Asmodeus was faster. He dodged, barely, and ran to the other side of the bedroom. Now they were in the same stand-off as before, just in different positions. This had been going on for about ten minutes at this point.
Fizz's "zoomies" didn't happen often, but when they did, he was a ball of absolute chaos. Most of the imps knew to either lock the office doors or to stay out of his way because once he got running, he could not be stopped, not even by Ozzie sometimes. Especially not when Ozzie was his target.
The jester grinned. "Cluck, cluck~"
Asmodeus frowned. "That is rude- AH!" He jumped back to avoid getting jumped on. This time, Fizz wasn't stopping. He continued to run after him on all fours, even using his limbs to essentially launch himself, while Asmodeus was desperately trying to run around furniture without tripping or losing his robe. When he found himself cornered, he just teleported himself across the room in a quick flash of flame.
"Cheating!" Fizz called after him, having turned around to chase him again. The Sin found himself grinning at this. "We're demons, babe, we don't exactly play by the rules!" He laughed, making it back to their bedroom, shutting the door. He initially was going to lock it but a part of him felt bad about locking Fizz out of the room. All of this disappeared when the door was unceremoniously thrown open, revealing a mischievous little imp. Nevermind. He should have locked the door.
"Fizzy, it's too early for all this, come on now-" He backed up, maintaining eye contact, too afraid to turn his back on the gremlin in front of him. Unfortunately, he wasn't looking where he was going and ended up tripping, falling back onto the bed. Fizzarolli wasted absolutely no time and jumped up onto him, startling Asmodeus into giving a short shriek.
Extending his arms, Fizz wrapped Ozzie up and started scritching at his sides, resulting in deep chuckles rumbling from deep within his chest. He could easily break free, but he didn't want to risk hurting his little Froggy, so he just gave up and endured it. Fizz knew this too, and used it to his advantage.
Metallic fingers scritched and scribbled over his sides and tummy. Chuckles turned to deep, rich laughter as Ozzie lay there, trying not to squirm too much. "*snort* pff- Ahahahahaha! Fizzy, cohohome ohohon! Okahahay, you cahaught mehehe!" He laughed, hoping that would be enough. But there was a slight evil look in his eyes. Ozzie didn't know what else he wanted until he felt his hands wander lower, toward his hips, causing a giddy, nervous panic to blossom in his stomach right then.
"Wahahait, wAHAIT- Fihihizzy! Nohohot thehere! I'm nohot gonna doho ihihit!" He turned his head away, knowing exactly what Fizzarolli wanted now.
Said imp only grinned. "We'll see about that, Ozzie~"
He drilled his thumbs into the Sin's hips, wincing a little when his laughter came booming out. But the sight he was gifted with was beautiful. Asmodeus had his head tossed back, the widest smile he'd ever seen, and a brilliant blue blush painted from cheek to cheek. He was squirming a lot more now, kicking his legs out, yet still managing to not hurt Fizz, who was holding on tighter now as to not get thrown off.
Fizzarolli stopped and burst out laughing, pulling his arms back and releasing Ozzie, who covered his blushing face, catching his breath. "Ugh, why do you insist on making me make that sound?" He asked, his voice slightly muffled from his hands, yet there was no real hint at being genuinely upset. Fizz grinned, sitting on his chest. "Because it's cute, duh."
Asmodeus removed his hands and looked up at his grinning partner and couldn't help but smile himself. "Well are you finally satisfied enough to calm down?"' "For now." The rooster snorted. "Good enough."
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honeycloudz · 9 months
Perfect Storm | Chapter Three: Trapped with Truth and Dare
Content Warnings: MDNI, Mentions of blood on Sanzu (not his), Mentions of a gun, Sanzu teasing but hes also an ass, being stuck in an elevator, Smidge of angst if you squint, Sanzu is a menace while playing truth or dare, Ran teases too, Emotionally Constipated Jealous Sanzu, Fem!Reader has very brief wet dream (I promise Ill do actual smut soon), Mating press
Back to- Perfect Storm Chapters Next- Chapter Four: WIP
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Today had been an unusually boring day without the normal banter of your coworkers as well as the strange quietness of not having Sanzu around. The Haitani’s and him had gone on a mission with Takeomi, leaving you with the usually quiet Mikey who shooed you away to your office to get paperwork done, just as Mochi and Kokonoi were doing in their own respective spaces. Bored, you sigh, walking to your office ready but dejected for the long day of paperwork ahead of you.  You stare at the clock ticking hung above your door, counting down the seconds before you can go home after long exhausting hours of signing documents and crime. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the clock strikes midnight as you let out a silent cheer and pack your belongings into your purse to then make your way to the rickety old elevator. You press the button that lights up beneath your finger and hum contently, excited for your plan to sit back on your comfortable couch and catch up on your favorite show. When the elevator opens, you step into it, continuously pressing the button to the first floor (as if it were to make the doors close faster) and just as they were about to shut- a hand suddenly makes its way between them- startling you. Your hands quickly make their way to your purse, where your gun is resting, on instinct. 
You curse under your breath in anger when Sanzu steps foot in the elevator, dress shirt covered in blood which you knew wasn't his own. Noticing your shift in attitude, he smiles smugly, and to your dismay speaks. “What? Didn’t miss me today princess?” he voices sarcastically. He watches you closely, trying to get a rise out of you. “Yeah, of course, just as much as my gun misses your big ass forehead. All that room up there and still not enough to make one coherent, well adjusted thought.”, you hissed back just as sarcastically, ready for the interaction to end as the elevator slowly descended. “My forehead isn't big” he grunted, turning away from you, picking and choosing what hears as per usual. “Is too” you spat back at him. As he was about to retort back, the elevator shook aggressively and grinded to a halt. “W-what is happening” you questioned out loud in fear to no one in particular. When suddenly the red emergency lights glowed and the audio system boomed with Rindou’s voice, answering you. “Hey uh, i know we would all love to end this night peacefully but unfortunately for you both, you'll be stuck in here for the next hour”- panic set in as you realized you'd be stuck with Sanzu alone - “please don't kill each other in there, we are all working to fix it (you hear slight snickering in the background, probably Ran laughing at your current predicament) dont worry itll be okay in no time”. Rindou finishes, sounding uncertain, not helping your current crisis. “Fuck” you curse out loud, hope dimming quickly. He turns to you, annoyance on his face. “Really?”. He exhales out of frustration, “Well, we are here together whether you like it or not, what do you wanna do to pass the time while they work to free me from hell?” You look at him, anger and shock written all over your face, “Free you from hell!? Go fuck yourself, and go to that corner, dont even breath near me asshole.” You reply and take a seat in the corner, opposite to his. He (surprisingly) listens and takes a seat away from you, “Pff, whatever, take that stick out your ass, I'd like to make it known I don't wanna be here either.” he huffs out. Choosing to ignore his comment, only a few minutes pass in silence, and to your dismay he starts repeatedly tapping the wall with his fingers in a rhythm, the sound getting on your already worked up nerves. “Oh my gosh, ok we’ll pass the time with whatever but you have to stop with that shit”, you glare at him. He laughs back in response, stopping his finger drumming. “Hmm..” Sanzu pauses to think before turning to you and declaring, “Lets play truth or dare”. You look at him, surprised by the childish remark when you notice the mischievous glint in his eyes. After a few seconds of thinking it over you respond, “Sure, but I start”. He nods, giving you the go-ahead. “Truth or dare?” you question, his answer being ‘truth’. With another short pause of thinking you ask him, “If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?” and for a second you swear you see a look of hurt on him, before its masked with the smug smile he returns quickly, and you feel guilt for some reason. He looks away from you for a moment before whispering “my scars” quietly, but loud enough for you to hear. You frown and look away, thinking when he breaks you out of your thoughts, questioning “Truth or dare?” to change the subject. “Uh.. dare” you boldly decide, quickly regretting it when he dares you to lick the floor. “Yeah I'm not doing that.” you say, unimpressed. “Fine, then it has to be truth!” he retorts. “Well there isnt many dares we can do in here anyway, so lets just keep asking truths”. You respond. And for the first time probably ever, you both agree on something.
“You ever fuck anyone that works here?” Doing a double take and staring at him in shock he only looks back, completely serious. Exhaling you answer, “Good God, and no.” You look over at him and he almost seems relieved? Knowing it's your turn, you ask him something almost equally as strange, “Have you ever practiced kissing in a mirror?” He looks at you weird, then laughs and you feel a small smile making its way to your face. “What? Thats so weird, why do you ask?” he runs his hands through his tuft of pink hair giggling at you. “I don't know, its a very you thing to do, and you didn't answer!” you defend yourself playfully. A few seconds of silence and him looking away is all the answer you need. He continues to look away before he hears you trying not to let a sound out, when he faces you he notices the wide smile on your face, that you tried to hide with a hand clasped tightly around your mouth, clearly you couldn't control it when he hears your laughter. And although its at his expense, he would usually respond with something mean, yet, for a moment Sanzu forgets he hates you. “Yeah whatever, laugh all you want, I was a teenager and now I can get the real thing and more, whenever I please.” He defends himself while you swipe the unshed tears from your eyes, calming down. 
Trying to change the subject, he questions, “If you had to pick someone from our team to fuck, who would it be?” Sanzu continues to ask out of pocket questions to try and embarrass you. Your face heats and your stomach drops and for a moment you think of him, on top of you and you decide to throw the thought of your head permanently. You look away, trying to think and all the comes up are filthy thoughts of him. “Ch-change the question.” You cough out. He leans in, “Nah I think I wanna hear your answer, princess”. He directs his complete attention on you, stare unwavering. A few seconds pass before you whisper “Ran”. For a reason unknown to him, Sanzu feels angry. Not at you for a change, but at Ran as if it were his fault. He masks his irritation by asking “Why him, of all people?” Quickly you respond “He was the first that came to mind” you lied, when suddenly the loud audio system answers, this time by Ran himself.
“Really? I'm honored sweetheart.” He giggles out to your complete shock and horror. “YOU CAN HEAR US?!” you question.
“Yeah, I'm surprised Sanzu didn't tell you.” You turn back at him with betrayal in your eyes and he only shrugs. God what an asshole, and to think you were starting to enjoy yourself even a little bit around him.
“I would've never answered that if I had known they can hear us! I don't wanna play anymore” you huff and cross your arms. “Aww the fun was just starting” Ran teases you, earning a quick shut up.
Sanzu decides to call it quits too, your answer the only thing replaying in his mind. You both stay silent for the duration of the period. Thankfully, before you fall asleep, a tired sounding Kokonoi announces that the elevator will work in the next minute. You stand, stretching and yawning, ready to get home when you notice the grumpy look on Sanzu’s face.
He stands too, and when the elevator dings and the doors open, he shoves past you walking- almost stomping away. You recollect yourself from the powerful push and make your way to your car. The only thoughts on your mind being him and his stupid face, his stupid smile, his stupid laugh too. You replay the soft look on his face in your brief moments of getting along, the thought being soured when you remember how he pushed you.
Exhausted, you finally get home, kicking off your heels somewhere random, not even bothering to undress you hop in bed quick to crash out.
Even in dream land he wouldn't leave you, your sleeping mind conjuring up the vulgar images of Sanzu groaning from on top of you, grabbing the under part of your legs that were wrapped around his torso, to put your knees to your shoulders, effectively trapping you in a once again, this time in a mating press, before he leans in and whispers “Cum for me, pretty girl”, while speeding up and deepening his thrusts, the filthiest grunts and praises leaving his pretty lips. Moans and whimpers leaving your own. “Hngh- Hah, I love those sounds, make more princess.”
A/N: omg? me updating so soon? once in a LIFE TIME, im sorry i think this chapter kinda sucks, forgive me </3, anyway some of you were wondering how my nipple piercing went, and it went fantastic! I really love them and im glad it went well lmao, anyway PLEASEEE send me requests, it can be smut or anything!! holy shit i forgot about the taglist too im just remembering, ill bring it back for next chapter <33 Love you guys, thank you for the support and reading!
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Transmasc Sanji coming out to the gang and of course everyone is incredibly supportive. Chopper even manages to get him the One Piece equivalent of testosterone (may be actual testosterone but also I feel in a world where there’s a viral illness that gets you all boobed up there may be funnier options). Hurrah!
…. Except hat Sanji is afraid of needles and his T-shot is absolute agony for him every time. He can’t do it himself. The only people he trusts with it are Chopper, Nami and Robin. Until one day Usopp asks him if he can try it, because those three are currently otherwise occupied and Sanji has been kind of moping about it all day. Sanji agrees thinking it will be hell and prepares himself to constantly tell Usopp “NOT THERE!” “Make it quick!” “Please for the love of god don’t hit anything important I don’t want- …. What are you doing?”
He locks eyes with Usopp whose tongue is poking out, a pen in his hand, drawing on his leg. “Taking aim.” Sanji looks down at himself to see the bullseye painted onto his thigh. “What-“ The sniper pulls down his goggles with a comically serious expression “Target locked.” “Pff.” “Three. Two. One.” It still startles Sanji despite his laughter, but the needle pierces his skin like butter. Usopp forgoes the theatrics for a second to make sure he does the rest of the injection correctly, just like he had watched Chopper do it a hundred times before. When he pulls back his expression remains dead serious. “Target eliminated.” And that’s when Sanji breaks out into hysterical laughter “God! GOD that’s so stupid!” He needs a minute to calm himself down again, looking at his friends beaming face, happy that it all went down so smoothly. “Thank you…” “What can I say?” Usopp responds, twirling the needle between his fingers and making show out of blowing imaginary smoke from its tip “I’m an expert marksman.”
I've always loved the headcanon of Sanji being scared of needles because of Germa's experiments,,, And this is just so sweet. He finally gets to be himself around his family!! And he's thrilled and so so grateful that Chopper and the others are willing to help him go through this. But of course, the fear of needles doesn't go away easily.
Not that he actually tells people about it. He only says he trusts Chopper and the girls more when it comes to gentle, medical stuff and he doesn't want the clumsy idiots in his crew to get near him with something sharp. Which is, you know, perfectly understandable. So nobody thinks twice about it.
But Usopp knows. Usopp knows because he has seen Sanji close his eyes tightly while doing this, whether it's with the girls or Chopper. He has seen him shaking before getting into the sickbay. He has seen Sanji sighing deeply, trying to calm himself down minutes prior. He has noticed him being a bit too emotionally exhausted after doing it. Usopp knows exactly what fear feels like, so he knows Sanji is scared.
So when nobody else is free to help him, Usopp asks. He knows he won't let the others do it (for obvious reasons) and he's tired of hearing Sanji complain and also feels a bit sad and guilty seeing him like that. The whole thing about Usopp being all dramatic and theatrical about it is so perfect for them. Usopp acts silly to distract him and Sanji used to think those things were stupid and for kids. But-- There's just something about Usopp here.
He's doing this act for him. Because he knows he's scared and he cares and he's being oh so gently with him. Besides, he's so close to him, too. Sanji starts to wonder if he has ever been so close to him before and why the hell he looks so pretty now. Not even with the girls and Chopper he gets so distracted. So much that the whole thing happens quickly. Painless. And it's so damn dumb that Sanji can't help but laugh.
So between Sanji's laugh being the only noise around and startling Usopp with a new feeling inside of him, and Sanji realizing he has never been more comfortable and happy around another person... A new relationship blossoms. So I guess Sanji will be the one asking Usopp for help with his T-shot more frequently now.
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gloveslut · 25 days
god, are you that fucked up? do you want me to die?
oh, about that. no.
don't fucking play with me.
i'm not, stupid.
you almost left me there on my own, who's stupid now?
but i didn't. you are safe, what else do you want?
answers. why were you so damn calm when there was a high chance of me dying?
i wouldn't be if you were actually in danger. but you weren't.
what the fuck, dazai?!
see, i had a load of different plans for every fucking letter of the alfabet in case you'd get too far. i just didn't want you...
don't you whine in front of me—
ignore it. i didn't want you to know... all of it, okay? it's stupid and weird as fuck. and you wouldn't care anyway. 'cause why would you? there's literally no reason. and i don't need you to care.
don't fool yourself. you say all this shit and then swear you don't need me to care. fantastic.
nevertheless, why do you care? you always treat me like the least important person in this world. you also say you hate me.
how do you imagine me hating you when i rely on you with my life every fucking time?
fine, i get it, but what was it today, then?
you scared me. you're the only one i can truly trust. and i thought i lost it. hell. holy hell. okay, if you... fuck. just say it.
oh, come on.
i have no idea what you're talking about.
if you're curious, i don't think it's weird.
why'd you do shit without my permission?
okay then.
and again. you're so bad.
pff, i can kiss you whenever the fuck i want. just say it, is it so hard?
why would i?
i'll kiss you again.
it's not...
oh god, you actually wanna win with this.
you didn't even wait!
i'm not a bitch like you. it was for free.
how kind of you.
don't tell me you don't want more.
if you know everything already, why not just do it?
i need you to be tame. and i want you to say it.
but you gave me one for free a second ago.
i was... it was impulsive.
fuck it, whatever, i like you.
finally. and don't you dare think that— well, just know that i hate you. i don't need you. i can live without thinking of you.
nahh, you don't deserve to look so pleased.
you said twice.
i also said i hate you. you need it so bad?
and i said i love you. isn't it obvious i would need something from you?
what was that?
i love you.
what else?
you sure do have something else on your mind.
if you knew how many different things are on my mind every living moment—
then it's just different parts of my body? aren't you wondering what i could do to you?
it's so dirty to say, chuuya. if you want me to be polite don't be a jerk as if you have special rights.
oh, i do have special rights. and i see, i don't have any other option rather than make you beg.
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mythicalmaven · 13 hours
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♥ I made a promplist in case people wanted to request something, but aren't sure what to :) ♥ Just let me know the numbers you've chosen, which driver(s) you want it to be about & if you want fluff or smut (or both) & I'll try to write it asap💕 (im open to write a lot of types of pairing, like f.e. f!reader, m!reader, driver x driver or maybe even a threesome or foursome, whatever you like)
♥which drivers can you request? lando norris, oscar piastri, daniel ricciardo, carlos sainz, charles leclerc, alex albon, george russell, pierre gasly, oliver bearman, franco colapinto, max verstappen, liam lawson, kimi antonelli, jack doohan
⬇️ Down here you can find a list with either fluff, smut, angsty prompts out of which you can choose (feel free to combine)
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PROMPTLIST (smut&fluff)
"use my thigh"
"if you wanted to see me naked this bad, all you had to do was ask"
"like what you see?"
"don't be shy, touch me"
"keep your eyes on me, love"
"Can you be good for me?" 
"It's so hot when you talk like that." 
"if you keep looking at me like that, we won't make it to the bedroom"
"but what about the cameras?" - "they can't see us from this angle, if you stay still"
"you look su fucking hot right now"
"you have no idea what you do to me"
"do you wish it was *name* touching you right now?"
"you’re fucking soaked"
"Care to join me?"
"Do you like it when I talk like that?" 
“touch yourself, i want to watch"
"you can practice on me"
"fucking hell, if I knew you were this good, I would have gotten you on your knees earlier"
"Do you have any idea how many times I thought about you.. with my hand down my pants.."
"let them know you're mine"
"you want me, don't you?"
"don't make me say it"
"I..uh.." - "I have never done this before"
"We can take things slow if you want?"
"We don't have to have a label, if you don't want to"
"i didn't realize I was in love with you until it was too late to stop"
"okay, maybe I have a crush on you! So what?" 
"we shouldn't do this"
"Leave me alone." - "Don't say things you don't mean" 
"i don’t want anyone else."
"what does this make us?"
"Do you really think it’s so crazy to feel that way about me?"
"nobody can know about this, okay?"
"I think about you all the time."
"Are you blushing?! That’s adorable."
"you're so cute"
"So.. this is the part where we kiss, right?"
"I never thought you'd feel the same?"
"Did you just kiss me to shut me up?"
"I don’t want him/her. I want you."
"is that my shirt/hoodie/jacket?"
"My eyes are up here, babygirl:
"Jealous? Me? Pff.. absolutely not" - "Okay.. fine.. I am jealous. Happy now?"
"I'm not jealous, it's just that you belong to me"
"God, I am so in love with you"
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that"
"But.. I thought you said you didn't feel the same"
"For my sanity, i think we should start dating"
"Do you even need to ask?"
"I don't think I can explain it either, but yeah. Yeah, I do."
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italeean · 9 months
The time of forgiveness... or not
A/N: Hellooo 💕 It feels like forever since I've last posted content on this blog, and I apologize for that... let's say that med school has been draining 😓 Anyway, I'll try to be more active starting from this year, although I'll make no promises because my first exam session is approaching, and I'll start with my gift for @tickles-and-cuddles for the @squealing-santa event! I wish you the happiest Christmas, my dear Star 💚🤍❤️ I can't not mention @hypahticklish and thank her for hosting this wonderful event! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ✨️
WARNING: This is a tickle fic, if it's not to your taste, I don't suggest you read it
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They said Christmas was the time of generosity, warmth, family, forgiveness... Well... Sasaki agreed with that, except for the forgiveness part. He was out for revenge, and he planned on showing no mercy.
Miyano, who had been spending the last couple of days at the redhead's place, thought it was a nice prank to splash him with water when he tried to kiss him in the morning, so he needed to return the favor... but how?
Hiding one of his manga volumes? Nah, too predictable, and Miyano would probably find it too soon. Pretending to be mad at him? Absolutely not, Miyano would get anxious and that wasn't Sasaki's plan. Splashing him back? Too easy... not the right idea
The older guy kept thinking and thinking, until the perfect idea came to his mind. He smirked, happy with his plan, and went to set everything up.
That evening, when Miyano came home, he called for his boyfriend but no one responded. He looked for him everywhere, and when he entered the living room, his eyes widened.
"Sasaki what the-?!"
His partner was on the couch with a cozy blanket and two mugs of hot chocolate on the table. "Welcome home, Miyano! Come here, I wanna cuddle with you~"
Miyano's face became so red that it was glowing, but he eventually obliged. The two students huddled on the couch, the taller one holding the other, and the dark-haired boy had to admit that it was pretty comfy thanks to the blanket and the sweet aroma of chocolate coming from the mugs.
At least until Sasaki started talking...
"So... I hope you enjoyed splashing me this morning..." Oh no, Miyano had completely forgotten about that! "Because I can't say I did~" The kouhai was on high alert now. He was sure that his boyfriend wasn't angry, but his tone was even more concerning. He was up to something, and Miyano understood what he was up to when he felt his fingers tightening around his sides.
Oh shoot... he had to act quickly! Without thinking twice about it, he turned around and dug his fingers into Sasaki's underarms, eliciting a gasp and some giggles. However, his advantage didn't last long. His lover grabbed his wrists, lifted him up and turned him around, making his back lean on his chest and keeping his hands pinned against his own chest.
"Tsk tsk... first you splash me and then you dare to tickle me? The audacity... someone must teach you manners~" "Wait Sasaki I didn't mean i- gaaahahahaha noooo!!" Before Miyano could even try to justify himself, five fingers dug into his poor tummy, squishing it and poking it without mercy.
The younger student squealed, laughed and kicked in the air, but his hands couldn't get free from his partner's grasp. "That's what you get! How do you like this? Does it tickle?" The redhead was surely enjoying himself, a little too much according to the kouhai, but it's not like he was gonna stop any time soon... not at all, actually. He chuckled at how his boyfriend shrieked when he wormed his hand under his shirt to tickle him even better (or worse... depends on the point of view)
"PFF- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU..! YOHOU'RE A MONSTEHEHEHER!!" The younger one scream-laughed when he felt the redhead's nails softly scraping on his skin. They felt excruciatingly soft, which made it all more tickly for him.
Sasaki, on the other hand, was having the time of his life. His lover was in his arms, laughing gleefully and secretly enjoying himself. Well... not so secretly, since he knew about it... let's say he thought he was being secretive, without thinking that Sasaki could read him like a book.
"A monster? Now I'm hurt!" The taller guy fake-gasped at Miyano's words, "Now I'll show you what a true monster would do~" In that instant, a sneaky finger dug into the kouhai's belly button and wiggled around, causing a loud stream of giggles, snorts, squeals and pleas to come from the smaller guy.
"PLEASE PLEASE STAHAHAHA-" Suddenly, his laughter went silent, and the taller guy took it as his cue to stop. The dark-haired boy panted and took greedy breaths, welcoming as much oxygen as he could in his lungs. "That was mean..." He whined, making the senpai chuckle.
"You're lucky I didn't go for your feet~" The redhead replied. That sentence alone caused a shiver to run down the shorter guy's spine. "You're lucky I'm feeling kind thanks to the Christmas spirit... I won't go for your feet this time. Take it as one of my Christmas gifts."
The two guys layed there for a second, enjoying each other's presence. "So... the chocolate should be still warm. How about you take a sip while I put on a cozy movie?" Sasaki asked, watching his lover's face light up at the proposition. He didn't need a verbal ansewer, his gleeful smile was more than enough for him.
The rest of the evening went on peacefully, with fluffy Christmas movies, hot chocolate, lots of laughter and warmth. After all, Christmas is the time of warmth and family.
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fictionalmenxyn · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes
Y/n: Hey can I tell you a joke?
Ghost: go on..
Y/n: what’s a dj’s favourite sauce?
Ghost: What is it?
Y/n: *giggles* mera nera (Marinara)
Ghost: *proud of Y/n*
*Soap and Gaz casually watching Tv*
*Y/n walking through the hallway while watching TikTok’s*
Y/n: *with headphones on* I’m gunna kill my mom.. I’m gunna kill my dad
Soap: what I’m god name..
Y/n: I’m gunna my grandma
Soap: what is she up to??
Gaz: it’s a TikTok sound don’t worry
Soap: a what?
Gaz: it’s a sound thing.. uh just don’t worry it’s fake
Soap: *drops eyebrow raise* right..
Soap&Gaz: …
Soap: I’m old right
Gaz: *quickly responds* yeah
Y/n: two bros chilling in a hot tub five feet apart cuz they aren’t gay
Soap: Ghost is my boyfriend??
Ghost:.. you forgot didn’t you?
Y/n: pff noo.. maybe.. ok yeah fine just for a second..
Soap: *laughs*
(Saw something like this off of Pinterest I didn’t copy them I did change it so it was different I just used this vine and also thought it had fitted well for these three)
Y/n: *whispers* ok Alejandro we need to place these *suggests hand grenades* with the rope so it will set it off when he opens his door
Alejandro: *whispers back* sound like a plan amiga (friend)
*Y/n and Alejandro grab a piece of rope and a grenade each*
*hears door open*
Graves: uhh what are you doing
Y/n: *hides rope and grenade* nothing that may concern you, Graves
Graves: *raises eyebrow*
*hears some saucy TikTok edit sound*
Y/n: what you watching in there Graves??
Alejandro: sounds a bit odd if you ask me
Y/n: agreed
Graves: uh.. uh nothing leave me alone
Y/n: your on my sus radar
Graves: WHAT WHY
Y/n: Run!
*Y/n and Alejandro runs off most likely to Ghost or Price for protection*
Y/n: I have a question..
Ghost: Go on..
Y/n: if an animal were to speak what one would be the most scary?
Soap: a chihuahua
Ghost: what?
Soap: how you ever been with one they are vicious little things
Ghost: I would’ve said a goblin shark
Y/n: well at least one of us gave a decent answer..
Soap: THEY ARE VICIOUS OK?! *gets flashbacks from getting chased by one*
Gaz: hey Price do you know updog?
Price: updog?
Y/n: yeah do you know updog?
Price: what’s updog?
Gaz: nothing much? You?
Gaz&Y/n: *bursts out laughing*
Price: *confused* kids today..
Y/n: Gaz let’s fight!
Gaz: why? Is there a reason?
Y/n: idk? What’s your favourite animal?
Gaz: uhh probably a chameleon?
Y/n: fuck chameleons!
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Hi! I will be double posting today as I may or may not post tomorrow as it will be my birthday! I have had some requests which I’m currently working on. Still feel free to request anything you would like to see or anything that comes to mind. Have a good day/night! :D
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deuxcherise · 4 months
Collar Crimes: All Bark, No Bite (1/2)
C/w: Unhealthy behavior (?) | Yandere | Female OC | Gender Neutral Reader | Reader is a bit of a… gold digger here (pun intended lol) | Comfort (?) | Fluff (?) | Slight Angst (near the end)| Swearing | Includes a cute pic of a Golden Retriever x German Shepherd mix dog for reference
A/n: So a long time ago, before reader met Eris, reader met a certain dog~ Hint, hint: she was mentioned in the last chapter (can I call it a chapter? It was in part 2). It’s not the bartender, by the way. So this is going to be a two parter because it got too long. Huh… Is it just me or are these getting longer and longer? Even the animal is getting bigger lol. Enjoy~
Masterlist | Part 0, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (1/2) (you’re here!), Part 3 (2/2)
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[Seven years ago…]
“Hiiiii~ Welcome to Petal Blush Cafe, dear guest. We’re so happy-happy to see you~”
“Oh, what do we have here? I heard a lot of great things about you. Come give Papa a big ol’ smile, why don’t cha?”
You keep your ever present resting blank face on, place your index fingers together in front of your mouth and drag them apart in an upward curve. You throw in a tilt of your head, as a bonus.
He throws his head back in ecstasy. “AHHH! So it’s true what they say. I feel so refreshed. Papa’s got an appetite for some sandwiches… unless you’re on the menu today?”
“Oh my~ You flatter me~ But unfortunately, nooooo sir~” you say with a high-pitched cutesy voice that heavily contrasts your stiff-robot face, fanning yourself for show.
You’ve always hated these kinds of customers– actually you really hated this job in general. Not only were you forced to wear a ridiculously, scandalously short pink waitress dress uniform regardless of your gender, but you had to listen to yourself talk with an ear-gratingly high-pitched tone because that’s what sells the performance here.
It’s not like you can just leave, as much as you wanted to. Where else would they pay you enough to make rent? Besides, with who runs this cafe, do you think you’d be able to leave scot-free? No.
Ah… if only someone with a lot of money could just… sweep you off your feet. Someone kind. Someone considerate. Someone polite.
Pff. Like that’s ever going to happen.
You take his usual order on your paper notepad. As you leave, you feel something heavy slap against your behind, the action sending a jolt through the rest of your body. You glance behind you and see him don a sleazy smirk, which further adds to your disgust and increasing resentment for this place and this man, as you pick up the pace to hand over the order to the chef. You slam the paper down onto the counter with a little more force than expected, warranting Remy’s attention.
“Which table?” he nonchalantly asks, cracking a couple of eggs onto the pan.
Somehow, despite wearing the same outfit as you, he maintains an extremely powerful look with his exposed bulging muscles and trimmed beard held by his hairnet. You envy the man.
“Table 13,” you grumble.
“Special sauce?”
“Special sauce.”
“Got it.”
The bell rings and in comes a trio of brothers in fancy suits, three of your most loyal customers, along with an unfamiliar face. Upon their request, the hostess leads them to a table in your section. You grab four menus before walking over and greeting them as usual.
“Hiiiii~ Welcome back to Petal Blush Cafe, dear guests. We’re so happy-happy to see you~” you say, with your iconic blank face.
The three men roar with delight. The lady with them, wearing the same kind of suit, simply pinches and pulls at her sleeve as she keeps her face downcast. One of the brothers turns to the lady with them while pointing at you. “Hey, Sis. Whatcha think of (Y/n), huh? That straight face and cute voice– combo’s real nice, ain’t it?”
“O-oh… um…” The woman makes eye contact with you for a split second before she looks away, a blush appearing on her face. She nods animatedly, releasing another roar from the men, much to your confusion.
“Oh right! (Y/n). You already know the three of us: Dante, Vergil and Nero. This,” Dante says, placing an arm around the lady’s shoulders, “is our baby sister, Lyn. She may look shy right now, but put a weapon in her hand and–” He whistles before chuckling.
“Ah. Happy-happy to have you, Lyn~” you say, cutely wiggling your fingers.
“... T-thank you… (Y/n).”
“Good girl,” one of the brothers sitting across pats her on the head. She reminds you of a golden retriever, with her blond hair and gentle, round eyes.
“Yay~ Now, what will it be today~?” you ask, clicking your pen.
They order some sandwiches and some drinks. You place the order in exchange for picking up the order for that sleazy customer who calls himself Papa. You and Remy exchange knowing looks before you deliver the food.
“Oooh. This looks delicious. Thank you very much, sweetheart.”
You nod and start walking away, before your arm is grabbed by a meaty hand. You turn your head around to see the man grinning at you maliciously. 
“Now, wait a gosh darn second. I heard that this establishment offers a… special service. Now… you aren’t holding off on me, are ya?”
You rip your arm out of his grasp, used to being grabbed by unscrupulous individuals like this man. You answer, “Oh~ The special service~ Sorry, hon~ That’s a privilege only reserved for customers who have dined here more than ten times~ Since you’ve come here once, that means you’ll have to come back nine more times.”
The special service in question refers to asking any server to sing the cafe’s jingle and perform a cutesy dance for the customer asking. Everyone who works here must learn this song and dance before they can be placed on the floor. Each server adds their own twist to it, of course, thus providing a unique experience.
The man slams a fist on the table and stands up, his face red with anger. “WHAT? I CANCELLED AN IMPORTANT MEETING FOR THIS. NOW IF YOU DON’T GIVE ME THE SPECIAL SERVICE, I AM GOING TO–”
Both your heads turn to the side to discover Lyn pointing a loaded revolver with one hand just a feet away, aimed directly for the man’s skull. Her eyes are sharp and narrowed, unlike the gentle, round ones you were introduced to earlier.
She raises her eyebrows. “Is there a problem here, sir?”
“D-do… do you know who you’re pointing that gun at, lady?” the man stutters, sweating beading up on his forehead.
Lyn shrugs. “Does it matter?”
“O-of course it does! Shoot me and you’ll have the West Razors going after you and your entire family.”
She raises an eyebrow. “... Never heard of them before.”
“What? Who are you then, huh bitch? Some don’s lady?”
She scoffs to the side. Her eyes widen, pupils contracting, as she cocked her head with a smirk. “Lyn Aurem-Diavolus. Of the May Devils.”
The man gasps and immediately lowers his knees, Lyn’s gun following. The man clasps his hands together in a prayer as he begs for his life. “I didn’t know! I didn’t know! Please forgive me! I didn’t know this server was your lover!”
…Who? Is what now?
Lyn’s eyes soften back to their round shape, her face darkening to a red hue as she stutters, “E-eh?”
“That’s right!” Dante pipes up with a smirk, coming behind Lyn, followed by the other two brothers. “Mess with (Y/n) again, and we’ll send you straight down to hell, capisce?” He gives the man a thumbs down with a frown. “Now scram.”who want to get on the bad side of the May Devils. The less competition, the better anyway.
Lyn replaces the safety lock before she puts it back into a hidden holster. She bashfully asks you, “Are you okay… (Y/n)?”
You nod and give a thumbs up. “Yeah. Thank you, Lyn~”
“N-no, well I mean yes, that too. But what I meant was–”
“Ooh, free sandwiches,” says Dante. “Don’t mind if I do–”
You throw a hand out. “No, wait!”
Ever since the brothers introduced you to Lyn, she has been visiting the cafe every day you’re scheduled to work for months now. Sometimes she comes with the brothers, sometimes by herself if they’re too busy dealing with… probably mafia stuff.
“Hiiiii~ Welcome to Petal Blush Cafe, dear guest. We’re so happy-happy to see you~”
“H-hi… (Y/n).”
At this point, there is no need to provide her with a menu anymore. She always orders a peanut butter milkshake and a plate of chocolate cake. Somehow, aside from the extreme sweet tooth she possesses, you always feel weird about giving her the chocolate cake. She’s definitely human but… she really does remind you of a very shy golden retriever… with perhaps a German shepherd side to her.
“Okay~ Here is your milkshake and your cake. Will there be anything else you’d like today, Lyn-Lyn~?”
You expect her to say no as per usual, but this time it seems she has something on her mind. Based on the way her face has turned red and her eyes look like they’re panicking.
“O-oh! U-um… (Y/n)?”
“Yes, Lyn-Lyn?”
“Do you… what time do you get off work? D-do you have time after work?”
That catches you off guard. “Why~?”
“UH… UM… I… I-I have something… to tell you! Come meet me behind the cafe.”
“Oh… kay. Okay~” you answer.
“Alright. Good job, everyone! Have a safe trip going home!”
“Yeah!” “Thank you! “Yes!” “Uh-huh.” “See ya!”
The day has ended and all of the customers have left. Your boss leaves first, but you and your coworkers stick around and begin making conversation.
“Oooh, you gonna go meet lover girl in the back, (Y/n)?”
You roll your eyes at a coworker’s words. “Ha ha. Real funny.”
“What does she wanna talk about anyway?”
You shrug, closing your locker. “Beats me.”
“Ooh, do you think she’s going to confess?”
You scoff. “No. Where’d you get that idea from?”
Your coworkers exchange looks before bursting into laughter.
Ever since that day when the don of the West Sharpies or something assumed you were Lyn’s lover, your coworkers have never let you live it down, especially with Lyn’s daily visits. She is… kind, considerate, polite, and she was pretty hot when she defended you back then. However! You do not have such a relationship with her, nor any kind of feelings like that.
You’re the last one to leave, the only one to leave through the back door to meet with Lyn. You see her leaning against the wall, dressed in her suit as always. The moment she spots you, she blushes again. She has never seen you in civilian clothes before, but you look so… beautiful. More so without the pink outfit.
“Sorry, did I keep you waiting?” you ask in your regular voice, out of character. Your face is still stiff though.
“O-oh, not at all, not at all. Um, here.”
She manifests a flower bouquet from behind for you. You take the bouquet, entranced by the largeness of it and how beautiful the colorful flowers look in the alleyway’s streetlight. When your eyes finally break away from the flowers, you find Lyn kneeling down on one knee and looking up at you with a very serious expression.
”(Y/n). Over these past several months,” she starts off, “I have been trying to figure out my feelings. I’ve thought about it over and over, tries to rationalize it as… as just infatuation, but… I know what’s in my heart. And I’ve finally come to a conclusion. Ever since I first met you, you have… captured my heart. I am in love with you, (Y/n).”
You stare at her with wide eyes. “Huh?”
She clears her throat and starts glancing between you and the surroundings, embarrassed. “I-I know you may not feel the same. My brothers… and everyone else have told me already. And it’s not like I’ve really done anything to win your affection…” She mumbles something in between before continuing. “But if you give me the chance, I can show you what I’m capable of. As your potential girlfriend.”
She holds out a hand to you. “Will you… go out with me?”
Do you want to try going out on a date with one of the May Devils, the youngest one too? You didn’t have any prior romantic feelings for the girl, which makes you feel bad. What if you never develop any feelings for her? What if she stops showing up to the cafe? What if you accidentally do something that triggers the entire famiglia after you?
In the midst of your thoughts, something dark emerges from you. A devil. It sits on your shoulder and whispers into your ear, “What if this is your chance to get out of here? She has money. You need money. It’s a match made in… well, ya know?”
You smile, an expression Lyn hasn’t seen before but is entranced by, as you place your hand onto hers.
“I would love to.”
You hadn't expected to enjoy going out on dates with her, but you were sure glad that you said yes.
“(Y/n)! Look what I got for you!” Lyn excitedly says, holding a neatly wrapped box for you over your shoulder.
“Another one?” you chuckle, accepting the gift as she hugs you from behind and nuzzles the back of your neck. “Designer clothes. Designer bags. Luxuries cars. Lyn-Lyn, you're spoiling me too much. You're going to go bankrupt!”
She shakes her head, her hair tickles the back of your neck. “Mm mm mm mm. You're not being spoiled! You're being pampered! By me. Your loving, romantic girlfriend. Who regards you dearly very, very much! Forget about the money. Just let me enjoy spending it on you.”
You giggle and place a hand on her cheek, turning your head so you can share a kiss with her. Of course, Lyn starts planting lots of kisses on your face afterwards, like the lovely puppy she is.
You both fall into bed, full of laughter and joy until you both settle down to cuddle with each other. With your fingers interlocked with hers, Lyn gazes into yours with so much adoration, it makes you shy. You turn away and hide your face against the pillow.
“(Y/n), look at me,” she whispers.
You refuse, for a moment, but you make eye contact. You both gaze into each other's eyes, lovingly, until Lyn breaks the silence.
“I love you, (Y/n).
It makes you freeze, hearing those three words fall from her mouth for the first time in your relationship.
What shocks you more is that…
The thing is… normally… 
You're… supposed to say it back, right?
You open your mouth but not a single noise leaves it. You avert your eyes in shame, biting your lip.
Why can't you say it? After all she's done for you so far?
“I-It's okay, (Y/n),” Lyn suddenly says, making you look at her. Her eyes and voice are filled with sadness. “I know… that it takes time for a person to develop feelings for someone. I mean, it took time for me to realize my feelings too, and… I did ask you out knowing that you might not… reciprocate my feelings. At least not yet. That's why people date, right? To get to know each other and hopefully fall in love. So… I'll wait for you. Besides, we’ve only dated for a month, right? I’ll do my best to make you fall in love with me. Okay? Prepare yourself~”
You nod, happy that Lyn still wants to be with you even if you can't say those three words back to her yet.
“Who are you talking to?”
You look up from your phone. “Oh! One of my old coworkers. He was just asking how I'm doing now since I've left the cafe. Thanks to you,” you answer, with a playful smile.
Lyn’s face doesn't share your expression. “Oh. Okay.”
You pout, wondering what's going on with Lyn lately. She'd catch you on the phone, ask you who you're talking to, and then ignore you until she finds something else to ask.
You crawl towards her on the bed and ask, “Lyn, I know you're upset. Do you want to talk about it?”
Lyn looks at you, looks away, and then looks back at you again before she leans forward and catches your lips with a kiss. She pushes you down onto the bed before releasing you from her lips and just looks at you.
Her eyes move from your eyes to your lips to your exposed collarbone before going back up to your eyes. She sighs before laying her entire weight on you, her head nestled in the crook of your neck.
“I love you, (Y/n)... Do you love me?”
“I…” Your voice catches in your throat for nth time.
You feel her breath as she sighs. “I know.”
Tears start to fill up your eyes out of frustration. “I'm sorry…”
She pops back on her elbows, worried. “Oh no, it's okay. Shh shh. It's okay. (Y/n). My (Y/n). I'm sorry,” she coos, caressing your cheek and wiping your tears.
For some reason, no matter what she did, nothing could spark you to say those three damned words back to her. It isn't your fault but…
It is starting to drive her insane.
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amaranthhiding · 2 years
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Samwena in 10x19 The Werther Project
This scene from 10x19 The Werther Project is a classic for obvious reasons, but it has taken me until today to think more deeply about this.
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Sam doesn‘t go, “Can you do the spell for me?” or “What’s the Cabirian Invocation?” No, all he says about the topic is, “Great, thanks.” This absolute nerd either already knows the Cabirian Invocation or is at least entirely confident that he knows exactly where to look it up and that he will be able to cast it on his own.
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That is the moment when Rowena is suddenly far more affected by this call than before.
Obviously, she thinks it’s hot as hell that Sam can do magic, too, but there’s more to this. She has been expelled from the Coven. Earlier in this season, in 10x07 Girls, Girls, Girls, Rowena was shown trying to recruit those girls as students, with... very limited success.
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It’s painfully obvious this is so not going to work, neither for the girls, nor for Rowena.
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But hilariously, this scene is not the first time Latin is mentioned in this same episode. No, the first time was this little gem here:
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It was even made clear that while the translation for the spell’s name was on the website, Sam looked up thoughtfully and just casually translated it on his own in his head.
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I must have been blind never to notice the purposeful contrast between Sam and the girls before, but I seriously never paid attention to this detail until today. And that even though I’m a linguist. Pff.
(And yes, I do believe this contrast is completely intentional. Both 10x07 Girls, Girls, Girls and 10x19 The Werther Project are Berens episodes, and he does give loving attention to detail and parallels.)
Even though she probably wouldn’t admit it, Rowena craves the companionship of joint spellcasting. She’s been lonely ever since she has been expelled from the Grand Coven. She craves a kindred spirit she can nerd out with.
Enter the dude who calls her just to chat about a spell, and who can match her own intelligence and thirst for knowledge.
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Sam’s initial reaction to this proposal kind of gets me, lol.
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He’s a very intuitive guy with finely tuned senses. He absolutely heard how sultry her voice had become.
He declines (much to his own disadvantage, as the episode later shows. Things would have gone so much better for Sam had he taken Rowena’s offer!)
But, er... what is his face doing? This weird little smile that flares up for just a second, half tormented and half... something else, before he goes back to a far more neutral expression again.
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Know what this reminds me of? This moment from 4x09 I Know What You Did Last Summer where Ruby is trying to seduce Sam while he’s desperately trying (and failing) to resist.
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And here’s a casual reminder that Ruby, too, was a witch.
Even these profile shots are mirrored (and I can’t for the life of me tell if this mirror was done on purpose, or if it was a coincidence. If this was done intentionally... man.)
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The positions of Sam with Ruby and Sam with Rowena are inverted, though, and I love that considering the fact that Sam’s involvement with Ruby and the demon blood and freeing Lucifer are some of his biggest regrets, and even his deepest hurt because it’s what makes him feel tainted and unworthy.
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(That heavy swallow Sam does as Rowena says “dark magic” never fails to get me.)
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So of course he’s trying absolutely everything and anything to keep himself from going dark side ever again. Little does he know at the time that this connection doesn’t end with him going dark side. It ends with Rowena joining the good guys! She’s his big success. She’s the deeply needed validation for his willingness to see the world in more than black and white. She’s the cure to that deepest hurt and his feeling of unworthiness.
But, erm, back to 10x19 The Werther Project and a timeline where none of that has happened so far:
Suddenly those sexually charged Rowena hallucinations he has later in this episode are making even more sense to me than they ever have before... as does the fact that he declined Rowena’s help when having a seasoned witch around who offered her help freely sure would have seemed like the more sensible choice here.
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That he hallucinated her calling him “Sammy” when that’s something he always got mad about when it was done by anyone other than Dean is... certainly something.
I very much read the “It’s opening” not only in reference to the Werther’s Box, but also as Sam’s desire that’s woken up in full here.
And I don’t even mean that in an exclusively physical way, it’s also his desire for magic and knowledge and a kindred spirit and connection and being seen and appreciated for who he is and what he can offer, much like what Rowena herself craves after a life filled with rejection and never fitting in.
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Yep. He is so gone on her.
And yes, I also see “it” very much as a placeholder for both of them.
Not even to mention the fact that he 100% trusted whatever this hallucination was telling him, no matter what.
Even if it was to make a blood sacrifice of himself.
To bring this full circle, let’s not forget that he also hallucinated Rowena being impressed by and appreciative of his knowledge of Latin, which... is so painfully ironic with regard to the beginning of this post, I want to bang my head against the desk.
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Sam, buddy... you realize you didn’t have to make this shit up, right? You could have had the real one. She wanted exactly the same things you did. She actually appreciated your knowledge of Latin. You both could have been your sapiophile selves around each other all day long to your hearts’ delight.
No? Okay then.
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To silence the box, slake its thirst... I mean, seriously. Come on.
And yes, I absolutely see the box as a metaphor for Sam’s deepest wishes. Which takes Rowena’s fondling of the inscription to a whole new level.
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Then there’s also the little fact that this is what Benny said to Dean in Dean’s hallucination of Purgatory that was happening at the same time:
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And guess what?
Dean woke up on his own.
Guess who didn’t?
Sam didn’t.
Dean actually slapped him, and Sam attacked Dean with a knife for trying to break him out of the illusion.
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And even through all of this, even after Dean bandaged Sam’s bleeding wound and began to sacrifice his own blood instead, the Rowena illusion still persisted until the box was opened.
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Oh well, indeed. And when Sam next met the real Rowena at the end of the episode, he put her in shackles in a desperate attempt to keep control this time around. Because he had already gotten dangerously close to losing all restraint, just like with Ruby.
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I... rest my case.
(Who am I kidding? I’ll never rest my case.)
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(Can’t believe they went so far as to even have a similar background in both 10x19 and 15x03 when Sam and Rowena were holding hands like this. Both scenes feature dark gray stone walls with rays of light falling in through a curved window. And Rowena is wearing an iron chain around her wrist in 15x03 to ward off the ghosts when everyone else was wearing the iron chain around their neck. Was this sheer coincidence or done on purpose up to the smallest detail? I feel like I’m losing my mind here. Again all of these are Berens episodes.)
On a side note, when I used the Werther’s Box inscription repeatedly in my Samwena video, I also very much had that metaphor in mind and saw it as them growing closer and closer. In case you haven’t seen the video yet:
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altraviolet · 4 months
mini director's commentary on TEG: Ch 24
a new reader left a really nice comment on Ch 24 so I went back to read it and thought it'd be fun to share a few 'behind the scenes' facts about it!
Soundwave swirled the flask as Ambulon and Anode fought each other. After Ambulon finally wrestled Anode down and hooked her back up to the monitors, he rounded on Soundwave.
I have a very clear visual of this scene. It's SO funny to me xD I laughed when I wrote it and I laugh internally now rereading it. In my mind (if we think of this being framed like a comic panel or a movie) I see SW on the left, looking down at the flask he's holding in his tendrils, which he's swirling. Behind him is a very cartoony dust cloud of Ambulon and Anode fighting each other on the med bed, haha. You know when the characters are drawn super simplified, and you see little stick arms and hands darting around a dust cloud and you know they're fighting? That's what's happening at this moment and Soundwave is COMPLETELY ignoring the chaos behind him 😄 Lug is, of course, watching all this in a distressed state.
The montage continued, footage of a memorial service... Any crew member who wanted to say a few words was allowed to. The ceremony went on for seven hours, as evidenced by the timestamp in the corner of the clips... Aquafend gave a short, but surprisingly passionate, eulogy.
Two notes about this truncated excerpt:
1- the memorial ceremony is lengthened by people paying respects. this was directly inspired by a funeral I attended once. the lady in charge of the funeral was supposed to limit the time to one hour for memory sharing/storytelling. anyone could come up and share a memory of the deceased, but it couldn't be longer than an hour. we were there for much longer than an hour
2- I put Aquafend's euology in here not knowing what I was doing with him in the future, but knowing I wanted to be able to refer back to this moment as a touchstone of him Caring About People. I felt bad about how Aquafend's character was treated early in the fic and wanted to give him a 'redemption arc' in the eyes of the reader and Soundwave. I got my chance to refer back to this eulogy during the Irradion arc. I think this deepened Aquafend's character, made him less one dimensional than just "hurr hurr fuck u Soundwave I hate u." good for characterization and more interesting for the reader, hopefully :)
Soundwave found he was crouched forward on the couch. The snack tray in his lap had cracked. He unwound his tendrils from it.
this is after the Scavenger's memorial video concludes. I'm throwing this in as an example of show don't tell. we see SW's visceral reaction: I didn't tell you how he feels, I showed you what his body did without him even realizing. it's a small detail but I've always liked it. bonus: I got to use that tray in a future chapter. Cyclonus uses it to confront Soundwave about his past actions. Cyclonus confirms that SW is a changed mech, because SW says if he could go back knowing what he knows now, he wouldn't do what he did to the Scavengers
“Pff. These are an officer's quarters. They're supposed to look dignifi-” Rodimus stopped himself. “Oh my god. I sound like Magnus.” He shook his head.
Rodimus has this "omg I sound like Magnus" revelation because I, the writer, wrote Rodimus saying the officer's qtrs are supposed to be dignified, paused, & was like "wait, that sounds like a Magnus thing to say, not a Rodimus thing." lol. but I wanted to leave it in. and, why not? after a couple thousand years together, there's no reason Rodimus wouldn't absorb a tiny bit of Magnus, especially if he's seeing evidence that SW has disobeyed one of the few rules Rodimus has directly given him xD cheating? mayyyyyyybe... but fun
that's all! if you're ever reading TEG and have a question about a paragraph or something, feel free to hit my inbox. it's fun to think/remember back to the chapters... Ch 24 was posted in Oct of 2021 but I still remember these little details ^u^
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nenynrawrites · 6 months
Comfortable ~ Steven Adler x Reader
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Summary: Steven gets home from tour, and tells (and shows) you, what he's been up to
Wordcount: 1564 words
Warnings: Smut involving Steven being subby and being jerked off, gender neutral! reader, reader is the dom
A/N: This was written for @popcorn-adler2 , as both me and him went crazy over Steven, and especially this idea! This is my very first story on here, so feedback is appreciated!:D
,,What- Oh my god, Stevie!''
,,I look good, right?''
You were sitting on you two's bed, a book in hand, as Steven, after what felt like hours, emerged from the bathroom, a thick fog enveloping him, which subsided after a few seconds. Stepping closer to the bed, you might've, just might've, stare a little too long, eliciting a smirk from him. But hey, if you were his partner, you, too, would do it. He's a beauty after all!
,,According to you eyes, I do, so don't try and fight it!''
,,You wanna give me attitude over a scare?''
,,Pff, no, why would I?''
,,Good boy.''
He blushed, a strawberry red crawling over his face and parts of his neck and chest, which made it seem like the leftover condensation was boiling away from his body, the curly hair drying.
Picking up and putting on a new set of boxers, you dwelled in his sight, because to you, he's just such a beauty, but there were certain parts which you found the most cute...Especially his ass.
,,What'd you wanna watch?''
,,How about Police Academy?''
,,Sounds good!''
Putting the VHS into the player, Steven moved to sit in between his lover's legs, yourself sitting against the headboard, as your pre-occupied hands are now on his chest, moving to lightly scratch over his arms, before moving down to his waist, starting to tickle him (yes, he's ticklish!:D)
,,H-H-Hey! S-S-S-Stop!''
,,No, you look cute! Unless you overwhelm me, then I'll stop.''
Trying his best to wiggle out, he managed to get free of your grasp, pinning your hands to your sides, as he kneeled in front of you, one leg on each side, a sweet grin on his face.
,,I'll get you next time.''
Enclosing their lips in a sweet kiss, he moved to sit on your legs, his arms around your neck, whilst yours were on his hips, pulling him closer.
,,You know, we've got a film to watch...''
,,Fuck it, I wanna do this the whole duration of it...''
,,We can do that...''
It had been a bit since the pair had time with each other, let alone seen each other, and even with trying to sneak away or jus trying to get a quiet minute was deemed impossible. That's the only thing Steven and you hated about touring.
~ Lil flashback ~
,,You don't know how much I miss you...''
,,I know, I miss you, too...But there's only two days left, and I'm gonna pick you up from the airport, remember?''
,,Yeah...Speaking of come...Can we?''
,,Yes, we can.''
It it would've been for him, he would've taken you with onto the whole tour, but give your job and your pets, it wouldn't have worked out. Plus the stress of being in another city, another state, let alone another country in just mere days...He wouldn't want that stress for you. Though during the whole tour, he managed to have you flown out to a few big shows, letting you cheer him on from the side of the stage, and you could've sworn he played even stronger.
But that was the smallest downside: Physical contact was what he missed the most. What the both of you missed the most. The times you had been flown out weren't long enough, knowing that sometimes you already had gone back home, and that Steven would wake up to an empty bed.
Daily phone calls were a must, and whenever you two got a chance to talk alone without the boys barging in ('cause, lets be honest, they'd try to the second they knew), it often escalated to phone sex, and just...Welcomed a new idea into your sex life...And the amount of times you had thought Steven had been caught are unreal (every second, to be exact), but it was mostly a weird movement he made, making the sheets rustle, or the rings on the curtain rod rattle. Though once one of the boys, you supposed it to be Duff, made an off-handed comment about how he should ,,stop jerking off all the time.'' He later found out, that Duff was just talking in his sleep.
~ Flashback ends ~
,,You know, I really wanna watch the film...''
,,You don't wanna watch me?:0''
,,Of course I wanna watch you, baby! Sit down like before, alright? Just wanna be close to you...I love you.''
,,I love you, too, sweetheart.''
Sitting back down, Steven opted to lay his legs over yours, his hands over your thighs, and his head buried in your shoulder, as you gave him little kisses all over his face, and wherever you could reach.
~ Little time skip to about half an hour later~
Feeling like, and actually having, burst into tears, the scene just kept getting better and better, and the both you could've sworn, that at this point, none of you had had any air left, nor tears.
,,Jeez, fuck...Wait, stop the movie, I need a break...I don't think I have any air left...''
,,Me neither...''
The scene, which the film was stopped on, showed one of the cadets dressed up in a bath robe and bath cap, with a towel on his arm, peering into the women's shower from outside the building.
,,I hope you didn't do that...''
,,Did what?''
,,Watch other women like the guy there...''
,,I wouldn't dare! You're way more beautiful than all of them...And I made sure I took enough photos of you with me...'Cause the memory of your body wasn't enough, I had to see it...''
If this wasn't a declaration of love, you wouldn't know what it is.
Steven gave you his famous Popcorn smile, at which you couldn't help but look away in nervosity, at which he made you face him, by softly grabbing your chin, kissing you.
,,Stevie, baby, tell me what you did when I wasn't around...When we weren't calling...I wanna know everything...''
,,Everything...I'd love to see it, too...''
None of you were doing anything, just basking in the silence, observing every little feature of each other, and it got more beautiful by the second...There was a little scruff on Steven's face, from the last few day, his bangs grew longer, too, basically covering his baby blue eyes, but making it look magical, as he's still looking up at you through them, your eyes trailing down over his cute button nose to his mouth, with the softest lips you could think of.
,,Sometimes I'd just look at a picture of you, and just tease myself at most. Just...Trailing over it, maybe holding it, but I didn't dare move it, and-''
He took a sharp breath in, as your hand ghosted over his boxers, before moving under them, having played with the waistband. And oh, did it feel good to touch his dick, no matter how many times you've done it.
,,Go on, honey.''
,,And I- I just thought of all the things we've done, and that you've said on the phone, and- And- Fuck!''
His eyes flutter shut, as you had taken his cock out of his boxers, the slightly cold air giving him a rush through his entire body, as you slowly stroked it, barely putting pressure on it.
,,And I- I would suck my fingers, y-you know, spit into my hand and stroke it, thinking--Haaah--Thinking it was your hand.''
It had been a few minutes at this point, but for Steven, it felt like hours. The poor boy could never really get off, and sometimes he'd cum two, three times, if not more, just so he could feel satisfied, since it wasn't you who was doing it.
,,You're such a good boy, taking it so well...''
,,Your good boy...''
,,That's right...Want it faster? Or slower? Hm?''
,,Faster, please!''
Speeding up, you could see the first few little beads of pre-cum oozing out, making sure to use it as an extra lubricant.
,,Hnng, I think I'm gonna cum-''
,,Not yet, baby, only when I tell you to.''
,,Please, I- I n-need to!''
,,Be a good boy and I'll let you.''
Steven had thought, with all the time apart, that you would have a little mercy on him, but he knows how you can be. But he loves it, and wouldn't want it any other way.
,,You know how to...Just a little bit more...''
The once fast speed changed to a lazy stroke, not daring to touch his tip, where he wanted and needed it the most. His face and parts of his chest had turned red, but you couldn't figure out, if it was from blushing, or just the overstimulation. His tongue was hanging out, and he was panting, his chest rising like crazy. His hands were all over, wanting to direct you how he wanted it, but he knew you would deny him to cum, so he just opted to grab at your thighs, probably leaving marks, with how hard he was gripping them.
,,That's my good boy...Come on, cum for me, you did so well...''
,,Thank you, thank you, thank you!''
One, two strokes more, and the ropes flew out, coating your hand, part of his thighs and his stomach, as you stroked him through it, kissing him softly, praising him.
,,Did so good, baby, looked so beautiful...Do you want to take a bath, or just stay a little bit longer?''
,,Wanna go again...''
,,As you wish.''
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