#I guess having an ally of justic is important
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seraph-noodle · 1 month ago
Why’re they busting out not Sasarindo for this
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bunabi · 5 months ago
dats whats been getting me they said like. oh we didnt put choices in because we wanted to do the choices justice and its like. literally just write a codex i promise people will be happy with codexes and one or 2 cameos like thats what we got in inquis and most people are fine with that. every complaint i see about inquis is that ur choices within that game dont matter LOL people know its not realistic to get a full cutscene for every choice. and like some things i guess need to be retconned like leliana but i'd rather those inconsistencies than nothing. :(
I get it 🥲 Especially on the DAI point
Who you support for the Oresian throne, whether the Wardens are exiled, the ramifications of the Well, whether you allied with the Qunari, it didn't have any impact on the Inquisitor or the battle against Corypheus (aside from whether your companions toot or boot your choice)
It would have been nice to have it mentioned, just to reinforce our huge and powerful organization maybe was as influential as we hoped it would be.
I think most choices in DA don't matter but that doesn't change the fact some should. The payoff of cameos like Dagna returning as an artificer can be really really special, but slipping little mentions into ambient dialogue or a note is fine too. Even as someone who disliked the war table for crashing my PS3.
It's a nod that this world is yours, that this Morrigan is Your Morrigan, which sounds absolutely ridiculous as I'm typing it out, but it really is important to the overall experience.
And it's creating this weird friction between players and the creators. The characters are theirs, the characters are ours, and the result is the most annoying custody battle imaginable. 😭
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galexibrain · 9 months ago
Hnnnnng something about Vegeta's entire arc that I find so important is that he didn't change BEFORE becoming an ally (sort of).
I've seen ppl call him "undeserving" of a family or of forgiveness and happiness bc he didn't formally apologize for being a prick but. Hnnnnnnnnnnnngggggg.
He only became capable of change, of feeling remorse for what he did, and subsequently caring enough to put his life on the line for others BECAUSE he had a family.
After Namek he hadn't changed at all. It took him more than ten years of domestic life and a brief return to his old ways before he finally was able to admit that ok, he's changed, he likes the way things are now.
People grow with their circumstances. Vegeta wasn't a poor uwu boi at any point we see him in canon. Freezer's subordinate or not - he was horrible. Despicable.
And maybe he deserved death.
In another fandom, about a character with a situation not totally unlike Vegeta's, someone once said:
"No character deserves a redemption arc. They either have one, or they don't."
Killing Vegeta, or shooing him away after Namek wouldn't have done any good. It wouldn't have brought back all those he'd killed. Not the billions of unnamed people on other planets, not Elder Tsuno's village. Moori says so in Moro Arc: they didn't forget what Vegeta's done, but they know holding a grudge won't help. And guess what? Now Vegeta's saving them all. (Not by himself but he has a key role in defeating Moro.)
Justice isn't when the villain "gets what they deserve".
Later, and I'm including Super/Moro arc here, bc that one hit SO GOOD, Vegeta uses the fact that he's still alive despite all he's done to try and do something good with that sorry life of his. And he helps make the universe a little better. He saves lives, in some cases gives them back, even.
And that's the key for me: the universe would not be a better place without Vegeta in it. There's no longer anything left to achieve by killing him for the sake of "justice" (a word that can mean many things).
Vegeta knows he's on borrowed time: once he dies he will face the music. He's accepted that, ever since Buu. But while he's at it, he can do more good than he could if he was dead.
A redemption arc isn't "oh, this character is sorry for what he's done, now we can forgive him". A redemption arc is an arc, and it must start somewhere, usually when a villain is still far from being redeemed. (Surprise lol.)
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 11 months ago
I might go a bit silent for some time after this post because I've been neglecting my real life lately in a way that's seriously about to bite my arse, but. I'm here to say something that I fervently wish the 9-1-1 fandom, and the queer audiences, or fans of queer fiction in general... will hear and embrace. It's this:
This is the time to let your freak flag fly!!!!
Don't you DARE hold yourself back!!!
Let that freak flag fly!!!
I say that because we need that enthusiasm for our survival. We need that enthusiasm NOW.
Who is this we? It's us!! Fans of the show. Fans of queer fiction. Queers! Allies! People who believe in love! Queer representation in media!!
Because do you even realize what this show just did when it gave us a canonized bisexual Buck, kissing a man on screen, for the first time, in season 7 of the show?
No, it wasn't fan service. It wasn't the show folding to an obsessive queer audience.
No, this was planned, from the very beginning. Anyone who pays any attention and watches the show with open eyes can see it was.
They wanted to create a closeted bisexual character who would stay in the closet for a good while. And they did.
Yes, I am being 100% serious, yes, I absolutely believe this to be true.
These characters we follow, these storylines we watch... Do you really think these characters are just the result of random keysmashing, the writers just going
"Hmm I don't really have a plan here, let's just call this guy "Buck" and release him into the world! ... What do you mean, who is he?
I don't fucking know, he's Buck, let's just decide what to do with him later! I'm going to lunch now, who's coming with me?"
No. These characters are designed. They are planned. They are crafted out by teams of writers, who brainstorm and discuss, and pitch plans, and figure them out:
Which quirk makes them interesting, what secret are they hiding, what are their flaws, what's their backstory, why do they behave like they do...
What to do with them, what kind of story to build with them, whom to match them with for future romances... And so on.
The end result is thought out, because they want the characters to be complex, and human... yet consistent...
And to serve a purpose: to help the storytellers create meaningful stories, and illuminate important issues.
And this character design process nowadays? It definitely includes figuring out what the character's sexuality is - way before you release them into the world!!!
Because the writers know they need to know, and understand the character, to operate them in a way that makes sense, and sexuality is an important part of the "design".
Because that's how you ensure consistent behavior, how you establish a personality!!! I'm being serious, this is just basic characterization, and worldbuilding, and these writers are professionals.
Sexuality is a trait that real people are fairly consistent about, and good fiction imitates real life. For example... If my dad just out of the blue got busy with another man, I would be quite stunned because I've spotted no signs that he might be closeted. Ever.
So if you want to create a closeted bisexual character, and not have people go "there were literally zero signs of this"... You plan. From the start.
And not just to avoid pissing off the straight audience!!! We queers don't appreciate half-assed queer characters any more than they do!!! That's ignorant and lazy, a casual middle finger to the queer audience.
But Buck's closeted bisexuality... It WAS definitely planned. It was CLEARLY planned. In a way that would make justice to the real bisexuals watching.
"Oooh but you're delusional, he's a womanizer, he's been a womanizer!!!"
Exactly. Because guess what? That isn't unrealistic at all. That is real life illustrated into fiction.
This is actually fairly common behavior for bisexuals, this era of almost hypersexual interest in the "opposite sex".
It is both genuine interest, and a front. It is genuine because it's not a lie. These closeted bisexual "womanizers" (or if it's a woman, "man-eaters")... Of course they are truly into these people they so eagerly court, why wouldn't they be. Buck sought out women, because he is into women.
And as said, it is also a front. Because it is often triggered by underlying insecurity. You think you're straight, or desperately want to be straight... But something just feels off. Maybe you notice someone who you "shouldn't" be drawn to, maybe you find that your eyes linger on odd things. Maybe you get turned on by something you "shouldn't".
And that freaks you out. So you try to drown these strange feelings by clinging into what you know. You know you like the "opposite" sex. This means you are straight!! You definitely are. Look at me, doing straight things, like a regular straight person!
It's kinda... A state of desperation, and denial is the engine. You became almost this parody of a straight person. A womanizer. A man-eater. 100% straight, look at me woo! It's about self-deception, and it's about bi erasure (not really even believing that bisexuality is a valid sexuality), and it's about fear of someone figuring you out.
And sometimes it's really just... About being oblivious, and lacking self-awareness. I mean... I am bi, just like Buck. Guess what clued me in? The unplanned flirting. Brainless, outrageous, oblivious flirting.
I am a woman and I did that with women. I had no idea I was flirting. I thought I was joking. Teasing. Bantering. Being friendly. Bonding. Being funny.
I am fairly outspoken and impulsive (now diagnosed with ADHD btw) so often I just leap before I think. So I just... interacted. And then one day, in the middle of a conversation with a female friend... I just got this really, really weird feeling. Like slowly waking up from sleep walking. Where am I, what am I doing? Why am I standing so close to her? Why does this feel so intense? And I just took in the moment, rewinded it, analyzed it, took notice of how oddly jittery I was. And went...
What the fuck. I am FLIRTING. I am totally flirting. I have been flirting! For a good while now! This is me, trying to provoke a very specific reaction! This is me, being excited because she's noticing me, and flirting back! (She was bi too btw, and out, so even though this never went anywhere, I am fairly sure that I wasn't wrong. We were both flirting.)
Anyway, this ramble was about Buck being a womanizer, and an oblivious flirt with men, and closeted, and not even realising the closet...
And it all making perfect sense!!! This happens! It happened to me! Some people don't realise their bisexuality until it practically smacks them in the face.
This is perfectly realistic story-telling. This is a valid portrayal of a closeted adult bisexual.
And Buck does flirt with men, on screen, since season fucking one!!! That emergency, in season one, the guy with the tape worm? That's him, being an oblivious outrageous flirt, starting to hit on a male patient mid emergency!!
Bobby actually has to cut it off because Buck is being super unprofessional there.
That was written, acted, filmed, aired. And as said, these characters are designed.
And that's not all. There are so many other instances of Buck flirting with a man, crushing on a man, being unable to shut up about men.
Go see Eddie's and Buck's meeting - the ridiculously homoerotic first introduction of Eddie. The way Buck absolutely must impress Eddie. The way he jumps to the idea that Eddie won the spot on the "hot firefighter calendar", the way he gets super flustered when Eddie compliments him and tells Buck he can have Eddie's back anyway.
The way he assumes Maddie is surely talking about Eddie instead of Chimney when she says "he's so cute". The way he is seen prattling about Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, and Maddie then asks about this "boy crush".
Go watch the entire storyline with Veronica/Albert/Buck/Taylor. It tells us very clearly that Buck sees Albert in a towel, and then can't stop rambling about him. This chronic inability to shut up about Albert is shown on several occasions.
Buck's date, Taylor, even walks out mid their double date due to that. Taylor takes in the clusterfuck she's been invited to, makes it very clear that she's heard A LOT about Albert as Buck keeps talking about ALBERT, and leaves.
Anyway - my point here is. The writing team wanted to write a closeted adult bisexual character, and figured... How do we make them realise that Buck really was bi all along?
Well, by showing him, being bi. Showing him in genuine relationships with women, and also showing him flirt with men. So that when he finally comes out, people have material to examine, and realise...
It was always there. He was always bi.
And they did because they wanted to bring awareness, to write a story of an adult closeted bisexual. The closeted part is important, btw. Because making him come out on screen is like simulating someone coming out to you in real life. They're making you ask;
Did you see the signs?
Or did you see signs... And dismiss them?
These stories are important because bisexual erasure is real. Many people don't even believe, or know that we exist!! And there is so much ignorance about what bisexuality is, what it can look like. "Oh, surely not a womanizer like Buck! Can't be. Ridiculous!"
But guess what? It isn't ridiculous. It isn't bad, or half-assed writing. You just don't understand the realities here.
Let me tell you some facts about bisexuality. I challenge you to verify them yourself, look up studies, and see that I'm not writing fiction now.
We bisexuals cling to our closets, desperately. Often well into adulthood. Btw, I'm closeted too actually, to my family. And yeah, I may sound like I'm 14. I am not.
And no, we aren't fine in our closets. We don't have it easy. We aren't doing well. We bisexuals are actually... Alarmingly, clearly, unwell.
And not just compared to straight people. No. We are pretty much, fairly clearly, either the top or near the top.. highest ranking mental cases among the queer community!! ... So. Yay?
Don't believe me? Look up studies about bisexuals. Though... There aren't that many, actually. Turns out, if you try looking up scientific research about bisexuals? Well, there isn't much. Compared to other groups of people, we are basically unstudied. Because hey, we're a bit meh. Why fund that research? Unimportant, those bisexuals! They're doing fine!
So... This is why I love this storyline, and Buck coming out. Because it's a high profile main character. And because they worked to get this right, to establish Buck's interest in women, as well as men.
You know, because that's what usually happens when a closeted character, or a real bisexual person comes out.
"Oh. He's gay now?"
Yeah. Bisexual erasure, it never stops winning. 🙄
Anyway, my post turned essay about letting the freak flag fly....?
That's how you support shows like these, writers like these, storylines like these.
By being an enthusiastic fan, and letting everyone know about it.
This is free PROMO for the show, our rambling, our freaking out.
Even if you personally have no legal means to watch the show, you can still support it by loving it. Talking about it. Letting your imagination fly. Indulging in your CRAZIEST fan theories!!!
And tagging it, reblogging it.
Please do that.
Don't listen to anyone trying to make you shut up,
Trying to get you to be rational,
Trying to organize a freaking "moment of silence" from shipping,
Trying to shame you and get you to "respect Buck's coming out arc" by focusing on it instead shipping characters....
Don't listen to anyone trying to make you hate a "problematic character".
"Problematic" characters are good writing!!!! Real people have flaws!
Guess what - trying to create and write perfect characters... If you do that? You end up looking at Teletubbies. Do you like Teletubbies? Do you?!!
Don't even listen to me if I try to argue for something because I "spot a problem' and want to whine about it.
No, ignore it, be confident, be a freak, let your freak flag fly!!
Because this is an important time in the history of the show, of queer media.
People are looking at how the show does after a queer twist like this one.
And they look at numbers.
At viewership. How many people the show lost.
How many it gained.
These numbers do not tell them which viewer ships whom.
Shipping is fucking irrelevant.
Shipping wars don't matter here!!
Because even if you ship Athena and a table lamp,
but post about it, it is still promo and viewership!!!!
How "sensitive" you are, and how overwhelmed the story arc made you...
does not matter here.
How disappointed you are that you did not get Buddie, yet, doesn't matter.
You being offended that people focus on some characters over others.... Does not matter.
It doesn't translate to the most important number, which is viewership.
And the best way to get decent viewership, and reward this incredible story arc, and love this show...
Is to let your freak flag fly!!!!!!!!!!
It's not to sit in silence because people are shaming you about continuing to freak out about your particular focus on the show.
That shame and "respect" just creates silence. That erases our voice. That mutes the fandom, the free promo, and tanks viewership.
Silence? That could kill this show, and OTHER shows that may consider doing something like this.
Going on mute now will only hinder incredible writers like these, wanting to create future shows and storylines like these.
You know... Because this scene about "let 'em fire us" underneath??
It is hilarious, yes. But it is also heart-breaking.
Because this is very likely META writing.
The writers, the show... scared, yet brave, wondering how the audience will react to Buck's coming out.
If this pays off. If they still have a job in the industry after this leap.
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So see what a gift these writers are.
Reward it by making noise.
By being absolutely unhinged about it.
Really, fuck this moment of silence to "Buck's bi growth".... Ship whoever, NOW, - Ravi and Buck and Athena together, if it tickles your brain!!!
Be problematic. Be a freak. Let it show.
Let your freak flag fly. That's how you love the show.
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tgrailwar-zero · 7 months ago
Not really? Our physical body got wrecked a long time ago. We’re actually just voices given a humanoid shape by the Freyr. After we lost the Origin War we got sent into an endless repeating loop of holy grail wars and mindwiped over 6 billion times. Not to mention, I’m not even sure how much of The Interlopers was actually us and not just pre-programmed gunk considering our robotic nature back then.
Think of it like a computer where you replaced all the hardware after smashing it with a hammer, wiped the hard drive and software until it was dust and you had to buy a new one, and started it up again in an entirely different spot then last time. We got glimpse of memories in a dream, we were the ones trapped in their tomb, and we do feel responsible for their actions. So legally and morally, yeah, we’re The Interlopers.
Though we go by Patchwork Gestalt now.
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DURYODHANA: "Alright then."
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DURYODHANA: "Nope, he's dead. But that's part of why I called you here... alright, I'll only say this once, so listen up."
He cleared his throat, beginning to pace a bit, clearly preparing himself to be speaking for quite some time.
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'I was summoned near the back end of the Origin War. Not by any official systems, but in the aftermath of where my Karna and that Arjuna had fought and ravaged the land. It was apparently one of the most grand battles of the Origin War, the two Archers putting everything they had against one another. Nobody knew who the 'victor' was. Some called it a stalemate with them destroying each other.'
'Anyways, I suppose the concept of a 'deadly clash between Pandava and Kaurava' and the dense magic in the land was a suitable catalyst. Maybe it was something else. Luck? Fate? Who knows. My Karna was already gone, but I figured I had to have been called for some purpose, so I began wandering.'
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'When I found him... when I found Arjuna, he was already beginning to fade away. Whatever skill he had been surviving off of wasn't enough, he was starving himself of mana. Self-inflicted penance, if I know Arjuna at all. As soon as I arrived, he started talking. I didn't even have to ask. Frankly, I wasn't going to, but I guess he had something to say and he'd be damned if he vanished without saying it.'
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'He spilled everything. How his mind had been taken by a dark curse, and the same had happened for his allies. How he had said and done unforgivable things in the name of a monster that his divine father had put his all into challenging. How his heart would never know peace, that sort of thing. Apparently, Karna had struck him with such a destructive blow that it served to temporarily shake whatever curse was on his mind and body, and he returned to reason. With that, he had tricked his Masters into using all three Command Spells on him in order to finish off Karna, and then- now that they had no formal power over him, he went into hiding. And, once he told me everything, he stated that he'd simply let himself fade away as penance. So I'd guessed right, because if there's one thing about the Pandava, they're predictable.'
'…With that lore dump dropped on me, I started to leave. Clearly he was dealing with his own stuff and it wasn't my problem. But he stopped me before I could leave his little pity cave to ask a favor.'
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'He had discarded something important. That, if his Masters proved themselves worthy, could collect and assist them on their journey of redemption, if that's the path they chose to take. If they didn't, then it'd simply remain in stasis. Simple as that. He wanted me to guide them to that item. That if they ever broke free from 'his' curse and could enact justice, then it was rightfully theirs. He wanted me to lead you to it, since he wouldn't be able to.'
'I very reasonably asked, 'Why would I ever help you?' which I think is a fair question. We weren't exactly friends after all. I didn't owe him squat.'
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'He responded, 'You don't have to do it for me, but you're a Heroic Spirit, and that monster is still out there. So please, I implore you, help me leave at least one legacy in this world that isn't darkened by violence. Be the hope for them that I couldn't be. Be the hero I was unworthy of being.''
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'…'And if that's not enough, Karna gave his everything to protect this place for the sake of ending that monster. So if not for me, then for him.''
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DURYODHANA: "Talk about a cheap shot. Though considering this is Arjuna we're talking about, 'cheap shots involving Karna' are his trademark."
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'Still... At that point, I knew he was desperate. Entrusting his hopes and dreams to me? His legacy, to me? Me, his enemy? The man was so damn earnest that I didn't have much of a response to that one, so I agreed to his terms. He laid out everything, I committed it to memory, and then I left him to whatever fate he decided for himself.'
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DURYODHANA: "...That's the long and short of it. I figured if I used one of Arjuna's epithets, it'd eventually lead you to me. Plus, it didn't hurt to hear a bunch of people singing my praises like that. But I still don't know if you're 'worthy', and I figured this was a good enough chance. If you can't win this tournament, then what hope do you have to beating that freak in the Moon Cell?"
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MUSASHI: "Oh, Archer..."
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twilightmalachite · 2 years ago
Altered - Prologue 1
Author: Akira
Characters: Eichi, Wataru
Translator: Mika Enstars
EN Proofer: PitXRoxas
"How troublesome, they say that those being watched by Gods die prematurely."
Season: Winter
Location: Hospital Room (Private Room)
⚠️ This is an import from a unproofed Twitter Livetweet!
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Two years prior to the establishment of ES, one month following fine’s subjugation of the Five Eccentrics. New Year’s Eve.
Eichi: (……)
(Hmm, there’s nothing interesting on.)
(The year-end SS tradition has no featured idols at its center, so it lacks its usual excitement.)
(All the other programs are low-budget rubbish with no substance.)
(Though, that’s just how it is any other year.)
(How boring…)
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Wataru: —Hello~, are you alive?
Eichi: …… Y… You scared me.
Don’t scare me like that, Hibiki-kun. My heart nearly stopped.
Treat the sickly with care. Even someone like me knows it’s impolite to enter through the window… I don’t know how to react, you know.
Wataru: But my previous raid in this manner had such a good reaction![1] And so I decided to attempt another unexpected entrance!
Eichi: A raid, you say…
Wataru: As an entertainer, it is of utmost importance to successfully seize your attention!
Eichi: Are you an entertainer?
Wataru: Indeed. However, I still have not yet found humor that would please you. I am still figuring it out.
Repeat gags, slapstick, inside jokes… I hope to try all sorts of things to find your taste.
Eichi: You sure love to please others, Hibiki-kun. You try to make me laugh, despite the fact I should be your enemy, having trampled what is important to you.
Isn’t it madness at this point?
Wataru: That’s a compliment!
Eichi: I think it’s well-suited for performers and idols. I really respect you, and I truly mean that–not as sarcasm. I have for a long time now.
More importantly, do you have something to do with me? New Year’s Eve comes only once a year. Why spend it with me, your enemy, rather than your family?
I’m trying to guess why, but I just don’t understand. I’m ashamed to be so clueless.
Wataru: Hm~, there seems to be a misunderstanding.
—That performance has already ended.
The time of calling each other “friend” and “foe”, “righteous” and “evil” has long since passed, “Eichi”.
Eichi: I don’t understand. We’re not exactly on friendly enough terms to be calling each other by our first names, are we?
I gave you five geniuses the name of the Five Eccentrics and defined you as the root of all evil.
And I incited the public who were dissatisfied with the status quo to corner you completely.
That is how I weakened and isolated you, and established the DreamFes system to ensure victory over you—
I got rid of you all as the protagonist, the ally of justice.
And as thus, we fine have come to be hailed as heroes and revolutions who have saved the world.
As the author and the main character of the story, we have naturally been given a happy ending.
Happily ever after, and all that.
You are an outstanding actor who understood our clumsy script to the very T, actively improved it onstage, and performed it wonderfully to the end.
There’s no way you are unaware of the fraudulence in the story being circulated around, right?
I've been cruel to you.
So with you coming to visit me like this as if we are friends, I can’t help but find it eerie.
There’s no logic to it. It doesn’t make sense.
Wataru: Fufufu, do you think I’m causing you trouble to take pleasure in it?
Eichi: I’ve considered the possibility. This cheerful demeanor of yours isn’t consistent with the hedonistic personality I know from you.
If your goal is to hurt me, there are many other ways to go about it.
You could take over Yumenosaki while I’m away, and render the revolution I’ve accomplished the past two years meaningless.
You could visit my hospital room day after day disguising yourself, pretending to be the people I’ve involved myself with—spitting curse after curse at me.
Wataru: You sure come up with unpleasant things.
Eichi: I’m a gloomy person, it seems.
Wataru: Fufufu, it’s a mentality I’m not compatible with. I can only think about what a waste it’d be to spend precious time and energy to hurt another.
Yet, that is why you are such an interesting creature to me.
Eichi: How troublesome, they say that those being watched by Gods die prematurely.
Wataru: Though, I am no God. By engrossing yourself in acting onstage, you may lose touch with reality and who you truly are.
I fear that.
Eichi: ……
Wataru: That is why I rush to capture any slightest of emotion that arises within me, so I do not lose that humanity. That is also why I am here, speaking to you.
Being around you brings out all sorts of these feelings that are so hard to come by. This is what I have realized within the midst of all those festivities, up until now.
Eichi: Doesn’t calling them “festivities” make them sound a bit too fun?
Wataru: I truly did have fun. The war in Yumenosaki, the showdown between we the Five Eccentrics and you fine, was much like a blissful performance right out of a dream.
Everyone fought like their lives depended on it, and shook the world with their endless passion.
Because that performance was so enjoyable and satisfying, I can’t help but look forward to the” next” installment of excitement and fulfillment.
That is my ego as a performer, who only wishes to stand upon the best of stages.
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Eichi: So you wish to repeat the same feud again? Is that what you want?
Please look elsewhere, then. There’s nothing left of me right now but the remains of debris. You won’t be able to get anything out of me, no matter how hard you squeeze.
Wataru: Yes, as of now it would be difficult. We, who stood side by side upon the same stage as you, are exhausted, too.
However, deep within your heart, there is passion that has not yet been extinguished. There’s a dream that sparkles brightly. There is heat like magma.
The other day, you saw the proposal and pipe dream of my beloved disciple, who shares passion like you do—That strange and insistent child, Natsume-kun.
The excitement that shone in your eyes then was no act or lie.
I wish to bet my soul on those promising eyes of yours for the “next” thing.
I felt if I stayed by this person’s side, he would surely take me to another dazzling, inspiring stage.
That is what I anticipate, much like a television kid looking forward to the next episode of a show.
Eichi: A television kid, huh? What a dated term.
Wataru: Influence from my parents, perhaps? They both are surprisingly quite old.
Eichi: Your parents… I have done thorough research to take you, the Five Eccentrics, down, but there is still so much I don’t know about you.
Wataru: I doubt you’d be able to find much more than what you have already researched. I am the type of performer so devoted to the stage that they neglect reality, after all.
Even if you pry into my private life, I am no more than a boring person with no interesting gossip to find.
Eichi: Instead, you put your skills as your performer, everything, towards the stage. I suppose that is why you’ve come to become such an outstanding genius.
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I’d like to imagine this is referring to the Christmas scene with Wataru, but I have no idea.
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troius · 2 years ago
Six Hearts vs. Fullbringers: Rukia vs. Tsukishima
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Yeah I’m legit mad this isn’t what we got.
Tsukishima isn’t the main villain of the story, but he pretends to be for a good portion of it, and he’s got an absolutely terrifying power that drives directly at the heart of the arc, the relationships between Ichigo and his friends. Tsukishima slowly tears them apart, first by participating in the assault on Uryu, and then by brainwashing every single human in Ichigo’s life, until he’s in a murderous state and actually fighting Chad and Orihime.
And then, in the semi-main event of the arc, he fights...Byakuya. A person who Ichigo has barely spoken to, and could probably go very happily his entire life without speaking to again. The guy who has spent this whole arc winning by subverting interpersonal relationships winds up failing, ironically, because Byakuya doesn’t actually value those relationships as much as he values abstract ideals, and so blasts his chest out without hesitation. It makes sense, I guess, but it doesn’t really do anything in the context of the story.
To the extent the Byakuya-Tsukishima fight does have symbolic relevance, it’s in regards to Ichigo’s relationship with Soul Society. Soul Society (and Byakuya) were going to execute Rukia. Ichigo fought to stop that, and reminded Soul Society that principles are more important than process, that governing isn’t just a mandate to preserve one’s government, but also a responsibility to do right by others. Rukia being sacrificed at the altar of justice would have perverted the very concept itself.
Which, cool and all, but if Rukia is the central character in all that...why isn’t she the one in this fight? If we’re going to test Ichigo’s relationship with Soul Society, shouldn’t it be through his oldest and closest ally? It’s a subplot that’s present in the earlier parts of the arc, though it gets forgotten. Keigo specifically brings up Rukia not being in touch as a reason Ichigo’s being such a grouch. He remembers her when thinking on his past pride as a Soul Reaper. He hears her voice when generating his Fullbring.
And in this final battle, especially when Ginjo is revealing how Soul Society was less then trusting of Ichigo, this should all be paid off! After all, Rukia might not have known about the badge when Ukitake gave it to Ichigo...but she’s Ukitake’s lieutenant now! I’d find it hard to believe she wasn’t told at some point in the last 18 months. So this fight should thematically not just represent Ichigo’s trust and relationship with Soul Society writ large, but also his friendship with Rukia specifically.
So much work has already been done to set it up! Rukia has probably the most well-developed past out of all the characters in the story-- we’ve seen flashbacks to her childhood, her academy days, and her time with Squad 13, and she’s been in the story since the very first chapter. So unlike Byakuya, we’ll have a wide range of old scenes for Tsukishima to insert himself into, to really scare the reader with how essential he can make himself to her life. Imagine Tsukishima giving her Kaien’s speech on heart, or Ukitake’s speech on honor, or saving her from Aizen on Sokyoku Hill. We were already a little worried about Rukia’s feelings toward Ichigo given her lack of communication, and what Ginjo has revealed about Soul Society...now that Tsukishima’s the most important person in her life so far, how could she possibly win?
Well, because of the Heart, duh. Tsukishima pretty consistently shows that he doesn’t understand or practice two-way relationships-- he was dependent on (and used by) Ginjo, something he reproduces with Moe, but there isn’t a sense of mutual support for either of those relationships. It’s one-way fealty. And he does the same thing when he paints himself into the pasts of Ichigo’s friends: it’s always as the provider, the beloved mentor, the patron.
And so in rewriting Rukia’s past I don’t think he’d bother to change her relationship with Ichigo much. Sure, he’d make it so that he came to Soul Society and stopped the Sokyoku, but all that stuff that happened before? Where it was just Rukia giving her power to Ichigo, and teaching him how to use it, and guiding him through this new life he was completely ill-equipped for? Why bother?
Well, because that’s where the bond was formed. Because personal relationships aren’t a transactional, tit-for-tat exchange of goods and services. Rukia might have had the power vis-a-vis Ichigo in those early days, but by being that person for him she grew, taking on a responsibility that allowed her to feel for the first time in decades like she was a strong, independent person. And this, combined with Ichigo time after time proving himself worthy of her powers and guidance, created such a trust that no pilfered monologue can shake. We saw it when Aaroniero was cosplaying Kaien back in Soul Society-- yes, he meant something to Rukia, but Ichigo means something to her today. She trusts him implicitly, because he earned it. And this fight is where that becomes explicit.
So yeah, this fight would have a whole lot of cutting Rukia without bleeding, and a whole lot of Tsukishima-insert flashbacks, and would maybe be intercut with Ginjo expositing to Ichigo about Soul Society’s nefarious spy device. And while Ginjo is trying to convince Ichigo that Soul Society (and by extension Rukia) are evil and out to get him, Tsukishima would be trying the reverse, avoiding Rukia’s established powers before trying to convince her that, considering Ichigo’s done nothing for her in her life, she should really be fighting him instead.
Rukia admits that Ichigo hasn’t done what Tsukishima has done for her. Then she blasts him through the chest with Soren Sokatsui, without the incantation. Something she admits to Tsukishima that she’d never even attempted before. But she believes in herself. Because she believed in Ichigo. And that’s why she still believes in him.
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mephinomaly · 1 year ago
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Rei: Well, whatever. If there’s nothin’ we can do, should we leave the “vampires” alone then?
Koga: No. Hasumi-senpai has prohibited anyone from enterin’ this livehouse if they haven’t applied to the student council and received approval for their unit.
Don’t really get it but, if you break the rules you’re gonna get punished, so.
But the “vampires” are just gonna ignore that ‘n keep on causin’ havoc.
Hasumi-senpai was sayin’ somethin’ about settin’ up a DreFes so we can put an end to those guys once ‘n for all.
That’s why I’m out here practicin’.
Rei: A Drefes… Is it like a live showdown? Doesn’t really sound dream-like.
Koga: Even if the DreFes takes place ‘n we win, what happens next?
Are the rotted idols at our school gonna suddenly have a moment of introspection ‘n say “from this point forward, I’m going to take my idol activities seriously!”?
Rei: That’s the plan, I guess. A rotted corpse can’t become a living human again though.
But. The DreFes is part of school regulations. From what I’ve seen, rules say that if they keep losin’ they’ll be disqualified from bein’ idols.
Their grades get worse ‘n worse, and since they’re not fit t’be a student at our school anymore, they’ll be suspended or expelled.
Bouzu’s just tryna find an excuse t’exile the delinquents, or “vampires” from school.
Koga: Nn, that’s still kinda a roundabout way of doin’ things… Can’t he just use the very fact that they are delinquents to kick ‘em out? That’s bad enough on its own.
Not much point in him goin’ out of his way t’set up a live showdown.
Rei: There’s a high percentage of Yumenosaki students, especially those on the idol course, that come from respectable families. That includes me.
That’s why the schools been turnin’ a blind eye to all their misconduct.
The entire industry is on the decline, and strugglin’ Yumenosaki needs nutrients to survive– needs money to survive.
No matter how irritatin’ and rowdy they are, it’s not as simple as just throwin’ them out.
That’s Yumenosaki’s fatal flaw. No matter how sick it is, ‘n how much it’s hurtin’, it’s not as simple as just removin’ the defective organs.
On the flip side, the schools been desperately tryna cover up any student scandals ‘n protect them from it.
That’s why the “vampires” are still out here, enjoyin’ their youth. So, what do you think? Pretty revolting story, right?
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Koga: I guess… Is money really everythin’? Adults always say that it is.
Is money more important than justice? There’s people out there who have been brought t’tears ‘cos of those delinquents, there’s people who feel like shit even though they haven’t done anything wrong.
Why do people who do bad things laugh ‘n point fun at people who do good things?
It’s weird, Sakuma-senpai.
Rei: Yeah. You realise with age that that’s just how the world is, and you learn to ignore it.
So, if you can, help Bouzu to get rid of these delinquents like he’s planned.
Koga: Th-then, you’ve got to take part too! If Sakuma-senpai is on our side, we’ll have the strength of a hundred people!
Let’s do this! Let’s defeat the delinquents with our music!
Rei: Hm~... When you ask me like that, I go all weak.
Ahaha. I don’t think there’s a fix for this sort of thing…maybe I’ve got an incurable disease.
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Koga: Y-you’re sick Sakuma-senpai? Then don’t force yourself t’do anythin’...?
Rei: Don’t worry, it’s more of a mental problem.
Right then. Take me t’where Bouzu is, so I can help him too.
I’ll stand on stage.
Koga: Hah! Fuck yes~! If you’re on our side, we won’t lose to anyone ♪
Rei: But. I’m not the type t’break my promises, so I can’t be on the same side as Bouzu who beat me in the Deadmanz live.
That’s why I can’t stand on the stage as his ally. If I do show up, I’ll be in a different unit to him. That’s the only way I’ll perform.
So. If you’re gonna stand on the stage, you gotta pick. Me or him, Oogami Koga-kun.
Koga: That’s, I’m… This ain’t the time to be stubborn. We should band together so we can defeat those delinquents ‘n then—
Rei: Nope~, no can do. This ain’t some heartwarmin’ story. I’m not breakin’ my promise. Not again.
A promise was made. And he lost.
We’ve said our goodbyes. Our paths will never cross again. We will never stand on the same stage again, with the same goals in mind.
Koga: ...
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Rei: Yet I stood with him! We have performed together countless times! I'm sorry about how rash I was back then…!
Koga: True. And in the end, I chose t’stand with you, Sakuma-senpai.
Rei: It feels as if Hasumi-kun bestowed you upon me. He was serious, so I couldn’t break my promise.
He said that since he had formed a new unit, AKATSUKI, and per the rules, could not belong to more than one unit at a time.
In the end, Hasumi-kun acted as a supporting figure, working behind the scenes whilst we fought on the front lines to vanquish the delinquents.
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
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hellishere7980 · 2 years ago
IMW Chapter 8
"Gabriel Agreste" "then she isn't exaggerating, Gabriel is the largest fashion company in France, once this gets out it will cause mass boycotts and the business will go under, lucky information about the shadowmoth situation hasn't left France's borders yet.." before the finance minister could continue Ladybug cut him off.
"Information about Shadowmoth won't leave Paris as long as the Miraculous are in use, Apart from the information block and other things you have in place, my predecessor thought it important to place an magic barrier over all of France to insure no one especially the Justice League or the villains they fight gain any information about what has been going on here but that barrier will fall soon after all the miraculouses are in my procession and I leave France with the miraculous. So if we act right we can negate the worst possible outcome of a finance crash" Opening up her and pulling several copies of her plan and all possible emergency/contingency plans. "this is my plan but in order to do this with minimum collateral damage to the people of Paris economy…"
The meeting went well into the night but after hearing out her plan they all agreed it gave Paris and France the best possibility to recover from the effects of Shadowmoth, with a few tweaks here and there from the ministers.
They would start by talking away Shadowmoth's allies without exposing their hands. Ladybug told them her former mouse would give them the in to take down the mayor and from there they can launch a 'public investigation' that will lead them to the police corruption and will be able to replace them with trusted people. Lila would lead them to Dupout (the foreign affairs minister will have a field day with her). As long as they do this right they can wipe out all of Gabriel's allies in a single final swipe.
Monday – Noon T-48 hours till emancipation.
After checking on the kwami's Marinette was able to finish her school work in record time, even for her. On the other side of the apartment, the kwami were more than ever convinced that Marinette had a great destiny ahead of her. Her natural ability to wield all the miraculouses of the mother box without harm, her natural gifts with magic, her instinct everything points to that one fact. Marinette was going to leave one hell of a mark in history.
Marinette sat looking up at her bedroom ceiling when a thought accrued to her, she had taken in 16 soon to be 19 pocket gods who were cosmic beings who she has all but legally adopted as family. God dammit it was genetic, she cursed Bruce.
Bruce in a board meeting. Achoo!
At midnight on the tallest tower in Paris… guess it
Marinette looked at the ring in her hand and thought how easy it was to take. Looking up she saw Plagg in the middle of an Kwami hug as the other Kwami's showed him around the apartment, Marinette's gaze never leaving the ring. Taking a deep breath and putting it on the ring, resizing itself on her right fourth finger as it turns into a stunning emerald and gold ring .
Marinette sat on her arm covering her eyes thinking about the events that had undertaken an hour ago.
1 hour ago
Ladybug, Bee and Shell (Basically Marinette transformed with Ladybug, Turtle, Mouse and Bee) stood on top of the Eiffel tower with the wind blowing strong.
Not even 10 minutes passed before chat arrived "hey Buggaboo, finally going to confess your feelings for this cat" said Chat Noir as he wrapped his arms around her waist as one of his hands wandered down lower to her butt.
"Something like that" replied Ladybug as she put her arms around his neck, tapping her index and middle fingers against his back. Chat turned his head to the side as his eye went wide and a smile lay apon his lips.
"about ti…" but before he could finish he frozen as he was coated in a dark yellow light as his muscles became stiff. Ladybug's arms unwrapped from his neck as the shelter went up. Her right hand tracing down his arms reaching and slipping off the black cat miraculous, as bee and Shell reappeared taking their place behind Ladybug near the edge of the tower.
Marinette looked up to Plagg as he moved over to sit on her shoulder "you ready for this Plagg?" "Yeah pigtails, I'm ready" Plagg gave Adrien the saddest look she had seen in years. Marinette stood there putting her hands on his head as she gathered and forced her magic out of her body to draw the magic circle Wayzz had shown her on the surface of the tower.
"I, Guardian of the Chinese mother box, holder of the Ladybug and chosen of Tikki, kwami of creation. Hereby revoke your right to wield the black cat miraculous, the ring of destruction. I curse you with memories of your time as Chat Noir and seal your ability to use a miraculous and to talk about them. This is my judgement as a guardian." Plagg continued "I Plagg, kwami of destruction, hereby acknowledge this judgement and agree to it." His words grew louder as he glowed. Adrien's body was enveloped in magic as his glowed.
Next Day
Everything went to plan and she was granted emancipation and legal independence. Tom and Sabine didn't stand a chance. They had called some of her old class to be character witnesses and had it back fire on the majorly.
The trail had begun a little after noon, Tom and Sabine's lawyer was running late because of traffic. Marinette's lawyer allowed them to go first and just like they thought they tried to impugn Marinette's character by calling 'character witnesses' otherwise known as her former classmates and 'friends', but when Marinette's lawyer objected speculations and asked for the to provide proof of their accusations they only replied with 'Lila said' this and that and Marinette's lawyer back down. The only other evidence they had was school reports from Dupout but they countered that with the reports Marinette herself filed against her bullies about the destroyed sketchbooks and notes, even if they weren't officially filed but with threatening Damocles with perjury he admitted Marinette had 'claimed' she was being bullied but there was no evidence. But when asked what evidence Lila provided for her 'claims' he could only reply with 'she had people to cooperate her side' but when it was pointed out the same people who vouched for Lila where the same people she had promised connections with people that could give them a jump start in their future careers their truthfulness on vouching for anything was brought into question.
But the final nail in the schools coffin was a signed statement from previous students who had their bullying reports buried because their bully had rich or influential parents.
After that, they turned their fangs towards Lila herself, after calling her to the stand and making sure she knew the price for lying under oath she kept lying. Her own lawyer showed a video from the Ladyblog and asked if it was true not releasing the smug grin Marinette's side sported when he did. When they got to cross-examine her it was a bloodbath. Clip after clip of interviews Lila had done for Alya and they presented again signed statements and even a few short videos of every celeb Lila claimed to know state they did not know a Lila Rossi and when shown the video said they would be pressing charges. And with that Tom and Sabines case fell apart. The only evidence they had that Marinette was a bad person was second hand accounts from people who had been lied to, and from said lair herself, it was even pointed out that most of her lies could be disproven with a simple google search and the fact that no one, not Marinette's classmate and so called friends or even her Parent had tried clearly showed their character and showed that Tom and Sabine shouldn't have the right to look after any child if they were so gullible.
From there it was a simple case of presenting proof of neglect and abuse. Showing bakery's payroll record and CCTV records to prove that they didn't pay Marinette for the hours she worked (both baking and manning the till) and that they had her working at least 3 hours after school everyday till closing even during exams season, meaning she only had from 6 to 9 to study for exams before having to get up at 3-4 to start the morning prep before heading to school.
Marinette had even tracked down some past part timers they used to have before Marinette was old enough to 'take over' their duties. With the final nail being the emails with the mayor, Tom and Sabines reputation was completely destroyed and the judge ruled in Marinette's favour after they showed the judge that Miss Gamora Luscinia, P.A. to MDC was willing to adopt Marinette (thank god fake identities and people who do that for bribes as well as illusions) The judge was satisfied that Miss Gamora Luscinia was mature and responsible enough to look after Miss Marinette.
Thank kwami that after a week after my emancipation my records were sealed after Tom and Sabine tried to expose who my biological father is, and I was able to convince the judge to seal both my record but even the emancipation trial record a secret for my safety, after all Bruce Wayne's kids are often kidnapped and he has already signed over his rights. And the best part? You ask? He doesn't even know it! IN YOUR FACE! You 'I-have-12-backup-plans-in-any-case'.
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wyvernscales · 4 months ago
Rather than make a post for each of my DATV thoughts, I’ve just put them all here. Spoilers for all of act 1:
Not Varric fulfilling the Duncan role this game
Why only Elgar’nan and Ghilan’nain tho? Why aren’t they all out
Strife!!! He doesn’t like me :(
Would smash the nadas dirthalen
Well D’Meta’s crossing was gross.
Why is there a human mayor of a town in Arlathan and why does he care about Ghilannain?
A Morrigan intro that doesn’t have her saying “well, well”????????
Bbg I’m so confused by the crossroads I don’t like these mapsssss
Faceless horde of identical qunari occupying a city? How original.
Caterina’s kind of a gilf ngl
Underwater level uwu
Spite’s kinda…
No! Another gilf down :(
oh? Is the oracle the same thing that valta heard???
Yeah, yeah, dangerous relics or whatever. I’ve got kitties to pet and pottery to eviscerate
LuCANIS! All this talk of coffee kisses in front of your cousin??
Why is the Butcher called the Butcher if he’s the leader of the Antaam?
Why would the qamekmaster call them human traitors if all non-qunari are bas?
You can’t seriously make me believe the Crows are a moral group fighting for justice
Governor Ivenci only referred to with gender neutral pronouns. Another nb win
And Why would the Venatori be knowingly working with elven gods??
I don’t care how long I have to go running around killing darkspawn to get the chest in the creepy blight tree, I’m GETTING the chest
Worth it.
Idk, I’ve always imagined the Anderfels as snowy not… cactusy
Antoine is perhaps the most French man to exist ever. Not even Orlesian, French.
Hold on, I’ve gotta explode this cactus with my body
Gloom Howler’s kinda hot
Jesus FUCK this blighted dragon
Noticing a suspicious lack of anyone responding to Varric’s existence….
When Harding talks about the inquisition all I can think about is the inconsistencies? Like, why would she remember Cole if he left or remained a spirit?
I’ve only known this wisp for one second and if anything bad happens to it I will kill everyone and then myself
Em has canon father energy
Ykw. Vorgoth can get it too
BELOVED Taash feeds the birdies
Karash has non binary swag
Wait wait. If Taash’s mom left the Qun bc she didn’t want her child to be in the Antaam, which would make them functionally a man then why is she ok with Taash being a warrior anyway? Seems odd to do this kinda plot with a group we’ve already established transness with
You can’t seriously think I’m gonna save the capital of the slave empire.
Davrin is dadcore
FORMLESS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!
A BELOVED wisp has gifted me a SPOON!
Astrolabe Restored
Well. Goodnight shadow dragons I guess.
candle hops are such cuties
My inquisitior would not behave like this.
So Aveline’s the Viscount and she’s allied with Sebastian, a guy who tried to annex Kirkwall in my worldstate
I kinda wanna play “Inquisitor saves Southern Thedas 2 Electric Boogaloo” if I’m being honest
I already collected all the wolfs regrets before meeting Inky. So. Yeah. That was a lot.
How come the other gods are crazy looking and Mythal is just a normal elf
Oh this echo in the well thing is gonna be cool
Truly don’t know how much of these blight sound effects I can take tbh
The Kal-Sharok armor kinda reminds me of the Sha-Brytol
The Valdasine Thaig is the primeval Thaig in 2 btw
Ugh. I’ve always hated the ‘the old gods are related to the evanuris’ thing (tho I guess it’s not a theory). But we all thought Elgar’nan was Dumat tho right?
And if you can kill the Gods with the lyrium dagger, why didn’t he just do that? Like, we’ve already established that killing them with the dagger just fragments them.
I get that the fate of weisshaupt and all the wardens is important or whatever, but I’ve got chests to open beybee
Yeah bc it’s super easy to just off an Archdemon. what do you mean davrin’s killing it….
Well now killing an archdemon while it’s all tied down’s a bit unfair
God that archdemon fight sucked.
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dirtybiowareconfessions · 2 years ago
Raven!! Our resident justice warrior, programmer and sex expert! Can you please share tutorials on how a woman can please another woman, if you have them available??? I did research of my own years back when I realized my sapphic inclinations, but all I got was shady porn sites. I'll conduct some more research now that I'm fully grown of course, but it never hurts to ask for a trusted expert's insight.
I don’t have vids, if that’s what you’re asking. But here’s some tips:
- TALK TO YOUR PARTNER. This is in all-caps because it’s important. It’s the most important thing I can tell you. Talk to your partner about sex, about what they like what they don’t like and what they would like to experience with you. Share fantasies, share your favourite porn (yes fan fiction counts), ask them to teach you how to pleasure them.
That said, here are some other tips:
- invest in foreplay, kissing, running your fingers over your partner’s body, gripping them
- if your partner is into hair pulling: grab a handful by the nape of the neck and direct them however you want, either making them stand still or guiding them towards the position you want. Grab a LOT, grabbing just a few strands leads to actual hurt, and not the good kind
- don’t go straight for the clit, tease them first, lick around the vulva, give the inner thighs some attention by kissing/biting/licking
- if you want a little temperature play, after you ate them up for a while, blow cold air into their vulva.
- if they’re into edging, then definitely ask them to teach you how to please them… then do something merely *similar* or just straight out edge them until they need to cum, the release after a long play session? 10/10
- teasing can happen with fingers, mouth, toys, but the brain is still your best ally in sex: dirty talk goes a loooooooong way, ex: ‘I’m going to put something in your mouth, and then you’re going to show me how you like it, and how grateful you are’ then sit in their face or feed them your fingers.
- unless specified otherwise, pleasure should be mutual, but not focused on orgasm.
- if they like it, play with their breasts, pinching, kneading, biting, sucking.
- don’t underestimate how powerful looking at someone is, devouring them with your eyes, slowly
- if your partner tastes good, tell them so
- if your partner likes to be penetrated with toys or a strap, invest in a hula hoop and train at least 3x a week. This will train the muscles you need.
- if you’re into being pleasured, then give your partner feedback on what they’re doing right, and redirect them if they’re on the wrong place
- teach your partner how to please you
- do NOT berate your partner while you’re both in bed. (Unless they’re into that) it feels awful to be berated during an intimate and vulnerable act.
- after everything is said and done, ask for feedback. What they liked, what they didn’t, where you can improve. Also give feedback.
- kiss, kiss often, and kiss passionately.
- when it comes to consent? practise FRIES: Freely given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic, Specific. Everything I’ve said so far implies your partner and you have agreed that you’re both into it.
Anything that isn’t an enthusiastic ‘yes!’ is a no. ‘I guess so..?’ it’s a no ‘we can if you want to’ is a no, ‘I’ll fuck you just to shut you up,’ is a no.
involve consent into your dirty talk ‘I’m going to do X while you tell me how you feel, if you stop, I stop.’
- cut your nails FFS! Middle and pointer fingers, else you’re gonna tear up their vagina
- even if you’re not into kink, spicing up your sex lives with bondage tape is always interesting. It only sticks to itself, it doesn’t pull on hair or skin. Just don’t cover the nose with it
Aaaaaaaabd that’s all I have for now. Anyone else with tips feel free to chime in!! ^^
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yunessa · 7 months ago
When will Wendaug show up? In the story
Uhhh, not sure if they will. At least not as an ally / comrade/ friend. Generally Yunessa doesn't have a lot of boundaries that immediately turn them into an enemy. But hurting a child automatically will do it and it;s a kneejerk reaction they have when someone admits to something like that.
IIRC Wendaug admits to this as does Hulrun. There's an excerpt below from my story about it below if it helps. :)
“What is this gibberish?” Hulrun stared at Ember as if he just noticed her. “As if I have nothing to do better than meet with beggars! We’ve never met.”
“We have!” Ember insisted loudly. “You and the other knights tied us to staked and started lighting the bonfire. Father died, and then one of your knights changed his mind and pulled me out… but then he died too… don’t you remember?”
There was no lie to be found in Ember’s face or voice. “Did you burn a child Prelate?” There was something about that which made YUnessa’s blood run cold. Ember had several visible scars, some old and some new. But Yunessa would have never guessed someone tried to burn a child alive.   “Surely you wouldn’t burn a child.”
“If I burned a child, as she said, then it was with good reason. She said some traitor helped her escape from the fire? That’s a crime in itself which means that the child would have been evading justice all these years.”  He sighed regretfully. “If it wasn’t for this invasion I’d review your case and see that your sentence was finally fulfilled. You’re lucky we have more important matters to deal with right now.”
“He didn’t look like he does now.” Ember explained helpfully to Yunessa.” Not wrinkled and grey. He was young with a big moustache. Ember’s smile was broad. Soot let out a displeased crackle of noise above.”He probably forgot about me. It was a really long time ago, back when this was the river city-”
“A hundred years? Since the first crusade?” Daeran murmured. But Yunessa didn’t catch it. Their blood was slowly turning curdling in the cold as Ember kept talking. “He probably forgot all about me and Father- it was a long time ago.” Perhaps Ember could sense the growing mood in Yunessa, how the stillness was the calm before an angered storm because she added: “I’m not angry with him! He’s a hero. He just got really, really mixed up about who was good and evil. It’s okay, really!”
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uncertain-future-hailey · 1 year ago
Plans for the Future
I guess maybe we aren't so dead after all... maybe. While the original plans for the project were a bit too ambitious to handle, there are still a few things I'd like to create.
Standalone Stories:
The Night After: An Uncertain Future story
This will serve as a compressed adaptation of Endure the Study Tour's ending as well as the focal moments of The Girl and the Professor. It mainly serves as a character-centric fic that focuses on emotional moments, but also features glimpses into the action and allusions to characters like the Chaos Knight and Iron Myth.
The Hailey-Ween Hack: Justice's Calling
In an alternate world where things really went wrong in the world of An Uncertain Future, three heroes arrive to answer the call. As Clover, Martlet and Starlo find themselves in the world of Hailey's On It, they find it to be ruled over by the corrupt superhero Iron Myth (Tony Smark). In a hellish world where it's Kill or be Killed, the trio find themselves faced with horrible enemies and petulant allies, will they even be able to hold onto their JUSTICE before it turns to VENGEANCE?
This fic will be rated M and will contain Graphic Depictions of Violence. This also serves as a crossover and stealth pilot to @bluefeathers06's Unnamed Deltarune Yellow project, but won't be canon to it. Nor will it use the same versions of the characters.
Releasing Concepts:
I guess that means I'll be sharing the original concepts for some of the plans I had, whether or not they've been scrapped.
Series Revival:
If the series ever gets fully or partially revived, it will be on a smaller scale overall. The total amount of entries has been shortened from 7 to 5, to remove filler.
Hailey's On It: An Uncertain Future
After being barred from completing list items, Hailey Banks' field trip to the Aestius Labs Giga Scieceum takes a turn for the worse when the edutainment complex's ROBOTS go haywire. After being lost in the bowels of the complex, Hailey is stranded there in the middle of the night while being stalked by the mysterious Chaos Knight. Determined to uncover the role of the corrupt Aestius Labs in stopping her from completing her List, Hailey discovers a much darker truth about her role in this. Should she pursue the truth, or risk losing her friendship with Scott and shattering her own reality?
Hailey's On It: Key to Our Future
Triumphing against the Chaos Knight after obtaining a Keyblade of her own, Hailey Banks is caught in the aftermath of a massive revelation about the List. Trying to regain importance, Hailey takes up the role of the Keybearer, defending the worlds of the "Disney TVA" against the Heartless. In addition, she ends up joining Smark Industries' coalition of the greatest teenage minds of the multiverse, in an attempt to create her Climate Change reversal machine. But when the seemingly-heroic Tony Smark turns out to not be truly benign, Hailey is at risk of losing her very HEART.
Hailey's On It: Endure the Study Tour
Over a year after the events that unfolded, Hailey is left a jaded 17 year-old member of the Organization XIV. A new Study Tour to Highkeep in the Trifectus Realm provides a new opportunity to reconnect with Scott, but in the very place she dreaded returning to. But the spidernetic assasin Spider-Male has other plans, and Hailey and Scott will have to balance their field trip with fighting the forces of Smark Industries.
Hailey's On It: The Girl and the Professor
After the disaster that was their study tour, Hailey mends her relationship with the Professor and get to know each other more, with Hailey even coming to a new realisation about herself. But when the truth about the Chaos Knight's identity comes to light, Hailey is left grappling what this meant about her. Meanwhile, Iron Myth/Tony Smark prepares one last attack...
Hailey's On It: The Chaos War!
Oceanside is under attack! Caught in the crossfire of the Chaos Knight and her Chaos Boat forces, as well as Iron Myth's legions of androids and the assisting Retributors, everything is down to them. With everything they hold dear at stake, Hailey Banks and Scott Denoga will need to take one final stand to save their world.
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devonsrugbyexgirlfriend · 1 year ago
Jess Watches // Sun 17 Dec // Day 86 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Person of Interest (rw with mum) 5x13 Return 0 (Series Finale)
Finch, Reese, Fusco and Shaw embark on one last mission to prevent Samaritan from destroying The Machine and cementing its hold over mankind.
The series seeming even more relevant a decade later. The dangers of living in a surveillance state and not trusting the government to monitor us with any kind of fairness and justice. The importance of human connections and helping others when we can. That the effort to be good is always worth it.
“Everyone dies alone. But if you mean something to someone… if you help someone or love someone, and even a single person remembers you… then maybe you never really die at all?”
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters 1x06 Terrifying Miracles
Shaw finds an unlikely ally within Monarch as the team has a harrowing run-in. Keiko and Lee grow closer while at a military ball.
I missed the 50's and having the dual storylines so it's not surprising this was one of the best of the season. I still don't trust Lee, but his doomed-by-the-narrative romance with Keiko is quite sweet. Even Bill noticing and giving them some privacy. I'm guessing Lee messing up by going to Japan will mean at some point in the future he does something for Monarch to try salvage his career and his relationship with Keiko, but it only pushes her further away. // Godzilla taking a decades long nap is a mood tbh. No wonder he was pissed at being woken. Also, Cate finding any opportunity to hold May's hand like the messy lesbian she is lol.
The Family Plan (Film)
Used car salesman Dan (Mark Wahlberg) is living the American dream as a family man in the suburbs with wonderful wife Jessica (Michelle Monaghan). But Dan has a secret.
So much potential but never quite reaching it. The fight scenes were pretty impressive (minus the baby always in shot during the early ones) and the acting was solid. It would've been a tenser action/drama without the script forcing the comedy element imo. Even though there was a couple of genuinely funny oneliners near the end, most of it just didn't work for me. And Michelle and Maggie should've been the exes!
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tf2workbench · 1 year ago
I want my diamond back
If you've played against a Spy, you've probably seen the Diamondback. It's an awesome-looking revolver that stores crits with each backstab or sapped building.
Diamondback (+) Stores 1 guaranteed critical shot for each backstab or building destroyed with Sapper attached (-) -15% damage (-) No random critical hits
I've also noticed that it's sometimes received with frustration by many victims. Why's that, and does it need a change?
The Diamondback provides a powerful positive feedback system for its users, who are rewarded handsomely for playing well.
It's possible for enemies to guess how many Diamondback crits a given Spy has simply by watching the kill feed (although this does require a high level of attention and/or good team communication). This transparency is good and lets all players understand the capabilities of the Spy wielding the Diamondback.
The reduced damage makes it so that even critical shots are not one-hit kills, which is important to give players a chance to fight back.
On the other hand, the Diamondback can fire a perfectly accurate shot at any range, pinning enemies with 102 damage from across the map. In 2017, the Ambassador was reworked (see Spy section) to keep the Spy's range more predictable, but the Diamondback wasn't.
This is compounded by the Diamondback being hidden from enemies while the Spy is disguised, meaning that shots can come with very little warning.
I'd argue that the chief issue with the Diamondback is how suddenly it can strike enemies for large amounts of damage. To ameliorate that, I'd suggest adding the following to its attributes:
(-) Critical damage is affected by range
One other thing I was considering would be a more complex attribute affecting how easily a Spy could camouflage themselves:
(-) Holding a crit-boosted Diamondback causes your current disguise's weapon to appear crit-boosted
This is a nicely versatile attribute that can affect gameplay in so many situations!
Most often, it's a liability for the Spy, who will appear more suspicious if they're actively holding the Diamondback while disguised. This gives them a choice to make, and opposing players have a chance to capitalize on the information they receive.
In some cases, this can even add authenticity to a Spy's disguise - for example, if they're disguised as an Engineer with the Frontier Justice.
If you want to play mind games, disguising as a friendly class with a crit-boosted weapon can be fun. Watch enemies run from a crit-boosted "Soldier."
However, we should acknowledge that there are a few semi-common visual glitches related to crit-boosting, which can make some people's weapons appear boosted when they really aren't. This is more an annoyance than anything, but does make identifying Diamondback users a little more unpredictable.
It does not do very much to prevent sudden Diamondback attacks, since it's possible to swap to the gun and then fire. This takes very slightly longer than just having the gun out, but it's not a lot of time.
This is very minor, but it might encourage more Spychecking of teammates who appear with crit-boosted weapons, making Frontier Justice users and the like stoke paranoia in their allies.
These are reasonable pros and cons, although I find myself really liking the mind games of the whole thing. If we're focusing mostly on ameliorating the "surprise Diamondback" factor, it might be best to stick with the range-falloff attribute. But that's not to say this other one isn't worth discussing!
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bzramblestuff · 1 year ago
Jeez how did I never noticed Kaitou Joker season 1 & 2 Opening isn't exactly the same- (the same can be said for season 3 & 4 OP.)
Time to ramble I guess!
Reminder once again that this is just a ramble and not a professional-level analysis
Wasn't going to dive too deep on the changes at first, but I probably still will accidentally rambles. So!
OP 1 & 2 doesn't have that much difference, only the flash of some episode from season 1 changed to season 2.
The next difference is the main cast spotlight, whereas the season 1 spotlight is 1 character per beat; Joker, Hachi, Spade and Queen. Season 2 do 2 Characters instead, Joker + Hachi, Spade + Dark Eye, Queen + Roko and leaving one open space filled none other than Shadow + Rose.
I think what's interesting on this is Shadow filling Queen previous spot, Queen in S1 look midly mysterious because she's the main focus that season. Replacing her with Shadow (+Rose) is like saying he's the focus for S2 which is yes, true.
The last difference is the last panel, nothing big, just different pose of the main cast, S2 do look more cleaner though.
Season 3 & 4 meanwhile is more noticable.
Another main cast spotlight but S3 & S4 pose changes minorly, mostly mirrored and slight movement difference (S4 is more comedic with Hachi slipping off banana and SH back's acting up). It do make me wonder why they changes it though, such a little detail not a lot would pick up.
The next scene is Joker zoomed on-beat, it's barely noticable but the season 4 frame have that colorful tint along the line.
Another Cast spotlight but this one is for the side-character (or reoccurring) for the respective season.
Immediately Phoenix catches my attention, the difference between the two are not that different but it is interesting; the Phoenix form and Human form switching places, S3 Akai Tsubasa at first is infront while S4 Phoenix is Infront instead. Probably highlighting what we know (or don't in the case of S3) about Phoenix, S3 we barely know him and assume his human form is the default before S3 Finale drops and reveals the otherwise (Phoenix form is his default one instead).
The one that follows after Phoenix is Commando Satsuko & Ali Baba to Commando Satsuko & Mr. Kaneari, Probably to display that they do get married, shoving Ali baba aside bcs he's only appeared in one episode.
Thirdly is Capt. Blue, Hayami and Rainbow Justice to Chappa, Hyakkimaru and Younger Ai. Three characters that got introduced in S3 replaced by a new character in S4 and surprisingly Hyakkimaru! A pre-existing character that plays an important role is S4, Would say that's interesting. Not forgetting Younger Ai, which backstory appeared on S4 instead of the earlier season like the other main cast.
Shadow and Rose is next on the list! Nothing much beside Shadow looking more friendly(?) And Rose being in-front in S4. S3 Shadow look either angry or smiling I'm unsure but the gaze definitely is more intense, if it is an angry expression this could be a way to highlight the development of being calmer in the fourth Season.
Now for a more noticeable changes, the Devil fang member to Agent Purple (in her prime), Doctor Neo and a striking silhouette of Genma. This most likely display the threats and enemy they're fighting, from the "Bounty Hunters" to Doctor Neo and Genma. It's interesting though to see Purple as an ally is there. Maybe to show the connection between her and Neo? Another interesting thing is how menacing Genma is, with such a little screentime yet massive impact on the story.
President D afterward only changes pose, from being darkened by the shadow to being closer on the screen. Maybe to show him being more directly involved in the story, and also the apple seems to be highlighted (if you know, you know).
Hoshi zooming in and being mirrored in S3 to S4 and title screen.
S3 & S4 stayed the same until that part where all of Joker enemy slides in the background again S3 are the DF Members; Red Scorpion, Nightmare, Candy and Spider Ace. S4 being Doctor Neo and Genma again, but uniquely Red Scorpion and Spider Ace pops up again, most likely because they do appear again.
Finally! The last Frame changes from the Main Cast + Hosshi to Almost every important character in one screen.
That's all! Thank you for staying on another ramble of mine!! Feel free to tell me if I missed anything.
Ps. Will edit the post from time to time, mostly for some grammar corrections
Also Happy birthday Joker/Jack Jones!!
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