#I got the job right after I finished the program! I got into college and was offered a (small) scholarship
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 years ago
Years ago, I asked you what the different alternate universe Maria’s were doing with their lives. Are the answers still the same?
but now I’m in the period where I have to face that I do not, in fact, have multiple lives so I have to figure out what I’m doing with my one wild and precious life and the sort of (for me, at least) ease of following a particular school-related completion course that wasn’t too hard to commit to or finish has come to an end and I am at a crossroads where it’s just like—you could choose. And on some level, in the next few years, you need to. Low-key terrifying and I hate it.
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johnbrand · 9 months ago
It had been a lot easier for Miles to get into the groove of the gym than he had anticipated. When he had first entered, the recently-graduated meek college graduate had originally planned only utilizing the treadmills. Miles wanted to stay fit while he applied for new jobs, and nothing more than that.
“Hey shrimp, over here!”
Miles immediately went red, pivoting towards the bellowing voice. A shirtless jock was waving him over to a small booth near the front. Trying his best to stay calm, Miles approached, the hulking figure of the other party looming over his skinny frame as he drew closer.
“I assume you’re new here?” the jock grunted.
“How could you tell?” Miles replied.
“It’s Shirtless Saturday bro!” the jock chuckled. “Mandatory requirement of the gym, should’ve been in your membership details. Helps encourage self-positivity or whatever.”
Miles took a quick scan around the gym to confirm, taking in all the shirtless, muscular, sweaty bodies. To his further embarrassment, he found a certain part of his midsection perking up a bit in response. Miles could not believe there were so many hot guys in one space.
“Uh…ok…” Miles mumbled, slowly removing his top article. The jock snatched it from him once he was finished, placing it in a waste bin behind the booth.
Before Miles could complain, the jock stopped him. “Trust me, most dudes go shirtless every day here. Our gym mists the place every five to ten minutes, like produce at a grocery store. Keeps everyone cool and fresh.”
As if on cue, a spray of mist rained down from the ceilings, trickling onto each one of the shirtless men at the gym. A coating fell onto Miles, absorbing into his hairless, near-translucent skin. Figuring it was time to move on, Miles nodded and left the station. Although instead of finding himself at the treadmill, his feet led him towards a workout bench. He did not even realize his mistake until the soft buzz of another coat of mist fell onto his body.
Rubbing his head with a meatier palm, Miles took in his surroundings, trying to make sense of the situation. Once again he found himself boning up as he took in all the attractive men working out. Believing he had regained a sense of direction, Miles got up from the bench, placing his weights aside before once again moving across the floor. However, his body sat him down at a machine, a leg pump to be specific. Miles did not notice this until another wave of mist rained down. He also did not notice the muscular definition that expanded from his calves, quads, and buttocks.
The pattern continued slowly, all without Miles’ intention or attention. The jock from the booth followed along, bemused as with each spray Miles shifted from one machine to the next, his frame piling on pound after pound of muscle. After a while, the constant misting began to affect more than just Miles’ figure. One coating helped calm the poor boy’s nerves, granting him the confidence to swagger rather than scurry across the gym floor. Another vocalized this transition, literally, with Miles grunting and groaning with each exertion like every other lunk.
The jock could almost predict each wave that followed. The masculinized features, the carpet of hair, the constant rearranging of a larger, yet dormant package. The jock had noticed Miles’ excited pecker right away, knowing his fagginess would eventually be washed away. Yet that conversion was the only wave he could not predict: did it come after the spray of manly conformity or the vapor of fraternal commitment?
In the end, it did not matter. Once a person walked into the building, they became a permanent member of the gym. The jock had been serious when he stated the gym’s mists kept everyone “cool and fresh”. Miles just did not realize that the gym’s definition of “cool” meant a stereotypically masculine, arrogant, heterosexual perspective; and “fresh” reflected a more casual discretion.
A final layer of mist hailed down from above, programming Miles to carry on to the chest press. Unlike the previous coats however, this one stayed on the surface, as no more could be absorbed. It now remained as sweat on the undeniably straight man’s skin, reproducing before dropping back into the floor. From there, it was absorbed and then processed back up into the sprinklers above. A water cycle of pure, heterosexual testosterone. 
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But Miles did not know this, nor would he ever. His past self was forgotten history, now nothing more than just another straight bro.
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queers-gambit · 1 year ago
Affirmation King
prompt: ( requested ) attending university as a full-time student is hard, but your boyfriend makes some of the stress worth it.
fandom masterlist: FX's The Bear
word count: 3.1k+
note: author gives unsolicited advice in the form of sharing a citation website to make college essays a little easier! this is not meant as promotion or anything, it's just your author trying to share a resource they know of.
warnings: cursing, small hurt large comfort (reader snaps a little at Carmy but he handles it like a fucking pro), author gives unsolicited college advice in the form of a recommended website, reader is in a masters program and not undergrad, fluff.
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The 16 inch screen glared into your retinas, fingers feeling numb from the hours pounding away at the loose keyboard. When the screen started to warble and darken, your head ducked down slightly to try and preserve your visual; glaring up at the offender when they pressed the screen closed after forcing you to retract your hands.
"You're cute and all, but not so cute as to interrupt me like that," you deadpanned, eyes wide and burning from your lack of lubrication via blinking.
"You've been sat here for hours, it's time for a break."
"Funny when I say that to you, it's always, 'Get outta my kitchen.'"
Carmy smirked, "Come eat something."
"Let me finish this essay and - "
"No, it's time for a meal."
You felt your irritation spike, narrowing your eyes slightly, "I'm on a deadline, Carmen, so either be fucking helpful and productive or get the fuck out of my space. I've got work to do and you're just slowing me down."
He offered a patient look, asking, "Is that what you really wanted to say?"
You paused, then shook your head, "No... May I try again?"
"Of course," he nodded.
"I appreciate you trying to... Alleviate some of my stress," you spoke slowly, stringing the sentence together in realtime, "but this project isn't something I can ignore right now, so, I'd like to finish this thing before we do whatever else."
"Better," he teased, knowing you ran a short fuse when stressed out and overworked. "What's got you riled up?"
"I have this 20-page paper due."
"20 pages!?"
"It's not that bad, honestly, once you have your thesis together," you chuckled dryly. "it's just time consuming and meticulous."
He frowned and stepped forward to press a kiss to your forehead, mocking in a sarcastic tone, "You're doing amazing, sweetie."
"I'm so tired," you pouted up at him. "Do I really need this degree? This is so much stress for such a little thing such as a piece of paper that cost me $50k just to say I'm allowed to join the work force."
"Hey, hey," he laughed. "Just remember what you're working towards. You're one assignment closer to your internship turning into a full-time gig, right?"
You nodded, "You're right. I want that job so bad... I just hate how busy I feel - it's like, how can I remember to eat let alone write 6 different response posts to my classmate's work?"
Carmy nodded with empathy, "Just remember that end goal, baby. Keep grinding, keep moving. Almost at the finish line, right?"
"Right," you nodded with a smile. "Thank you, angel face."
Carmy smiled at you before softly asking, "Want me to bring you anything? Something to eat, drink, a condom?"
"Stop quoting Mean Girls at me!"
His hands shot up in defense, deflecting, "I was just trying to be a gracious host. If the missus wants anything, I'll make sure she has it."
"Pretty sure 'missus' is a term used for wives - " His groan made you laugh lightly, then covering, "No, thank you, baby, I'm okay. I should only be about another hour or so...?"
"All right, yeah, sure. I'll start dinner in 30, okay?"
"Sure," you smiled, already distracted again as you lifted your screen again to stare at the Word document that had been haunting your hard-drive for about 3 weeks now.
"Hey," he interrupted, "don't forget your glasses."
"Thank you," you mumbled, reaching for the special, blue-light filtering glasses Carmy had gifted you when you first started your Master's program. He claimed staring at a computer screen was going to cause long-term damage (he read an article) and got you a pair, which, you had to admit, made a huge difference.
Your hair was raked into a new bun as you reread the last of your essay, trying to get back in the academic mindset in order to finish the last bit of your assignment. There were textbooks spewed around your work table; laptop plugged in, highlighters and pens and notebooks within reach and a nearly-finished bottle of water was set to the side. You wrote ferociously once you got back on the right mental track, feeling your headache stir to life as you blindly reached for your water bottle.
However, when you picked it up, you blinked in mild shock when the bottle was heavier than before. Glancing over, you realized Carmy had replaced the bottle because there, under where it had sat, he left you a handwritten note:
replenish what you lost from crying!
You chuckled, knowing you were a stress cryer and when tackling big assignments like this, you were ten times as stressed as usual. Still you worked, even putting your headphones on to play soothing background noise - like rainfall. Your neck cramped, back ached, temples throbbed, and hands were cramping. Still you worked, using sticky notes to flag the important quotes you wanted to use from your textbooks and notebooks. Your stomach growled, your eyes begged for reprieve, chest felt tight, and shoulders were too tense.
Still. You. Worked.
Deadlines were important to you, and while you were a professional procrastinator, you always turned everything in on time - no matter your mental state. You could smell whatever Carmy had started cooking, focused on writing as you only used spellcheck as you went - and still you worked. You knew you surpassed the hour limit you told Carmy, but you couldn't stop, you were so close to finishing, it almost put tears back in your eyes, but this time out of relief. You only paused to look at online sources and apply chapstick, cracking your tightly-wound knuckles, and when you finished the last body paragraph of the essay, grinned to yourself.
All that was left was your conclusion, to create a bibliography, and to edit - but you were almost home free!
Suddenly, you jumped in fright when a hand planted on your shoulder; whipping around to see your boyfriend's own startled expression. "Sorry," Carmy apologized with a wince when you removed your headphones, "didn't mean to scare you, just wanted to check on you."
You nodded, 'Yeah, no, I'm almost done. Like give me 20 minutes, almost done-almost done."
He smiled softly, "Dinner's ready when you are."
"I'll be there soon, thank you, angel face."
"Can I help with anything?"
"Uh," you cocked your head, "you know what? Maaaaybe..."
"Really?" He grinned, perking up. "You never let me help!"
"It's not really work, per se," you amended, "but would you mind letting me read this out loud to you - see if it makes sense? The mark of a good writer is to act as if the audience knows nothing about the subject and make them understand, and you're exactly that."
"Lemme hear it," he nodded, taking a seat, "I might not be much help but I can still try."
You agreed and finished typing the outline of your conclusion, then scrolled to the top of your word document, and explained to him what your class was before starting to read. He listened intently, sitting on a spare stool with his elbows resting on his knees; keeping him leaned forward to provide his undivided attention. You managed to reword a few sentences, only noticing they didn't make sense when you read them out loud. Once or twice, Carmy even offered an alternative phrasing you liked - making the changes and rereading, then continuing through your assignment.
By the end, you were able to beef up the conclusion and Carmy was grinning at you in pride. "That's real good, baby," he complimented, "it all made sense and rolled nice together. I think that has to be an 'A'-worthy paper."
"You should be the one grading theses, my professor's the worst," you frowned. "It's why I got so in my head, I got a fucking 76 on my last essay and need to do really well on the next few to help average my grade."
"What about the tests?"
"We don't have any, this class is all about writing material and turning it in," you pouted.
"Hey," he spoke seriously, making you look at him in question, "I'm really proud of you."
You giggled nervously, "Oh, yeah? Why? What for?"
"For doing this," he nodded to the desk. "Look at all you're doing, baby, there's no way I'd ever be able to keep up with this kinda shit. You're doing such a great fucking job - I want you to remember that. What you're doing ain't easy, but you're handling this like a pro."
"I cry, like, everyday..."
"So what? You still get shit done while emoting - call that multitasking, baby."
"Got me there."
"Seriously, though, you're not told enough what a fantastic job you're doing; how strong and resilient you have to be to deal with this kind of stress day-in and day-out. I see the hard work you put in," he promised, "and I want you to know how fucking proud I am of you. It's all gonna be worth it one day, but until then, I love watching you grind through school. I might not take the classes with you, but I'll help however I can, whenever I can."
"Thank you," you whispered. "It's really nice to hear... I feel myself burning out and it's nice to be reminded that what I do now will influence my future. Validates me in feeling stressed out, you know? Sometimes, I feel silly 'cause, like, there's so many bigger things to be upset about and here I am, stressed out at a place that's guaranteed to stress me out..."
"It's not silly, it's normal. College ain't easy," he reminded, "and you're just trying to keep yourself afloat."
"Yeah, but there's bigger things in life than something trivial as my education."
Carmy scoffed at you, shaking his head, "Ain't no way."
"My girl just said her feelings are trivial... Nah, she said her emotions about her education is trivial," he shook his head again. "Should wash your mouth out with soap - talkin' crazy like that. Baby, you know, first and foremost, your education is high on our priorities list, but your emotions? You think they're trivial? Nah, if anything causes you to have any emotion, it's valid - it's not something silly or redundant."
You pouted slightly, "You always know what to say."
"You're the perfect man," you laughed, looking at your document again and humming. "Okay, so, lemme just cite my sources and turn this in."
"Then you wanna have date night?" He smirked.
"No, no, I'm so tired - "
"I meant we can stay in."
"Oh, then count me in!"
"Change into something cozy when you're done, we can watch a movie with dinner. Yeah?"
You agreed, accepted his kiss of encouragement, and then took his leave to reheat the dinner that had surely cooled off. It didn't take long to cite everything when you used an online citation source website - that IS N O T plagiarizing! It's a handy-dandy tool you discovered your undergraduate freshman year by an actual professor. It was as simple as choosing which style, APA or MLA, and then to either paste the URL of the website you need sourced or you type in the book's information. Hit the generate button and BAM! A perfect citation for your bibliography every single time.
Or if you didn't like that, you could always just Google citation examples and do your best to write it out yourself. But the website, Citation Machine dot net, was a great tool. After perfecting your in-text citations and saving your work, you uploaded it to your university's assignment portal, crossed the essay off your to-do list, and stretched on your feet.
Cleaning up your space minimally, you hustled to your bedroom to get a quick hot, relieving shower, change, and then met Carmy in the kitchen. "Hey," you sighed with a soft smile.
"Hey, doll. All done?"
"For tonight," you groaned, "but tomorrow's a new day with new assignments."
"That's a future problem we'll handle at a later time," he eased, showing you your dinner plate. "Ta-daaaa!"
You grinned, "Oh, baby, this looks amazing!"
"Yeah, well, I kinda figured as a full-time student right now, nobody was gonna remind you what incredible job you're doing, so, I'm more than happy to step up to the plate. And what better treat than your favorite meal, huh?"
"Thank you," you whispered, pecking his lips.
You often thought his love language was "food", but then you realized it was technically under the acts of service and quality time. He loved cooking for you - it was like a gift. He loved cooking with you - it was time spent bonding. He loved introducing you to new dishes - it's a present! He loved when you let him give you a culinary lesson - it was time well spent.
"C'mon," Carmy lead you to the living room, both crashing on the couch you had been gifted from your grandmother's house when she was put in a nursing home. Normally, you wouldn't have splurged on something like this, but considering it was free, you and Carmy were happy to use it. Settling together on the couch, you got cozy under a shared blanket and Carmy flicked some movie on for background noise, but instead of watching, he just asked you about your coursework.
You told him what you could, shaking your head and huffing about how annoying your program was. How hectic. How jam packed and fast-paced it all seemed to be. How your head felt like it was spinning. How you couldn't nail down workable coping mechanisms and just felt totally out of control. You were spiraling.
You needed this rant session.
Carmy listened intently.
He never once tried to say, "oh, but if you had time management," or anything like, "if you do THIS instead..." or some bullshit, "my way works better." His bright and wide blue eyes watched you the entire time, sighing when you got to the end of your meal and vent session.
"It just feels like, I turn in one assignment, I get three more right after. Turn in those three, and all of a sudden, there's another 10!"
"Does the syllabus say anything about that?" He wondered.
"No, it just said what our reading schedules were and when major assignments are due. But those dates all got shuffled around that it feels like a train wreck. You know, if the original schedule was kept from the syllabus, I wouldn't feel so worked up! It's the rearrangement and added assignments without warning that's throwing me off."
"That doesn't sound easy," he validated. "Anything I can do to help?"
"No, you're doing more than enough," you whispered, pecking his lips. "Thank you for dinner."
"I made dessert, too."
"No!" You gasped with a grin.
"Mhm - wait here. I'll grab it."
"Wow, dinner, movie, and dessert?" You teased, "I'm being spoiled tonight."
"You've been working your ass off for weeks now," he smirked, standing from his seat to pick up your plates, "this is the least I could do. I know I said it, but you know how good a job you're doing, right? Damn, baby," he chuckled, "ain't no way I could ever handle shit like that on the regular."
"I could't do what you do, either."
"We all balance our crazy different. Want some tea? Wine?"
"Tea would be great."
"Comin' up."
When Carmy returned, you pulled the blanket back to let him sit again with the dessert plate between you both; two steaming mugs of tea sat on the coffee table. "What's this?" You wondered, seeing a sort of pastry.
"Marcus told me 'bout this," he chuckled. "Kinda like a poor man's version of this one thing he makes. So, look, it's Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, right? In the middle, there's raspberry preserves - or jam if you want that instead. It's baked then drizzled in melted white chocolate."
"Wow, you got all fancy on me," you beamed.
"Hardly, more like I was a little impulsive after hearing your essay. Figured you could use some dessert - you really earned it, baby. You always earn dessert," he grinned, "but tonight, you were kickass. Know that? Hear me?"
You shook your head, "This is nothing compared - "
"Hey, hey, nah," he interrupted, "nah, nah, don't do that, don't try to invalidate or downplay yourself. Look, shit is always hard in college, right? But you handle it so well, I can see the work you're putting in and the little reward you receive in return, and know that shit's gotta add up for you. But my baby just keeps cool, does her work, and does what she can to earn the grades she does. Right?"
"I mean, I try to..."
"You succeed. C'mon, lemme hear you say it. 'I kick college's ass.'"
"I kick college's ass."
"'I work hard.'"
"Carmy - "
"Saaay it!"
You huffed, "I work hard."
"'I'm an incredible hard worker.'"
"I'm an incredible hard worker."
"'I am only human.'"
Another breath in, repeating, "I am only human."
"'I am a success.'"
"I try to be a success."
"That wasn't the quote."
"Well, I don't know if I'm succeeding because grades aren't finalized yet and I have - "
"No, no, no," he smirked again, "you're still successful 'cause you're doing such a kickass job. You could get a fucking 'D' on something, and guess what? You're still successful 'cause you don't let this tear you down, you learn from mistakes and apply whatever lessons you learn to your upcoming assignments. Some people say you might even learn more from losing and failing than from undisputed success. Look, I'll be honest, I thought my job was hectic as shit, but hearing your essay tonight? Goddamn, you're not just beautiful, but so fucking intelligent, too. Baby, I was shook - that sounded like some academic paper that college kids need to defend their thesis or some shit. Something scholarly, not some assignment you gotta hand in by a deadline so you just wrote down whatever. So, give yourself credit and tell yourself you're a success."
With a long, deep breath, you answered earnestly, "I'm a success."
"Good girl," he muttered, handing you a fork finally. However, unlike Mikey all those years ago, you didn't launch your utensil at anyone and used it to cut off a corner of pastry.
You moaned when you tasted the gooey goodness. You managed through a mouthful, "Mmhhh! Mhm! Mhm! If you make this every time I have some assignment pissing me off and stressing me out, I'm afraid I'll get used to this treatment."
Carmy grinned, "You deserve whatever dessert you want, whenever you want. Huh? Yeah? Lemme hear you say it."
With another grin, you mused, "I deserve whatever I want, when I want it... And however I want it!"
"Atta girl!"
"You're so fucking corny," you laughed lightly, feeling as if you were falling in love with him again, "but thank you, my Affirmation King."
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requesting rules and masterlist
The Bear masterlist
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allthingsfangirl101 · 11 months ago
Out of The Blue – Keys
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I walked into my apartment and kicked off my shoes. I went upstairs and changed into a pair of leggings and an oversized flannel. The second I got downstairs, I collapsed onto the couch.
Right out of MIT, I got a job as a traveling coder. I meet with business professionals and owners and help them build their websites. After the first meeting, everything I did could be done from home.
I grabbed my laptop off my desk and took it to the family room. I put on the TV show I was currently binge-watching and slowly started working on my newest project. I was finishing up for the night when I glanced over and saw how late it was. I was just about to close my computer when it dinged. With furrowed eyebrows, I checked my email.
Walter McKeys.
My heart flipped and then plummeted into my stomach. I haven't talked to Keys since college. We were in a lot of classes together. We constantly studied together and helped each other with our homework. I was the one who gave him the nickname "Keys". He gave me the nickname "Buggy". He used to say that I was annoyingly good at finding and getting rid of computer bugs.
Memories came flooding back as I read his email.
Hey Buggy, It's been a long time. I'm sorry for this random email, but I've been thinking a lot about you lately. That's probably weird. To be honest, I don't really know how to explain why I'm emailing you. I've never been very good with words. I'm only good with code. You know that. How many times did we have to do a presentation and all I could do was the coding part? You were always the one who did the presentation and the talking part.
Sorry. I'm email-rambling. Anyway, I've been having this issue with a code and AI. I finally made the connection and figured out the problem. I only figured it out because of you. I know that doesn't make sense, Buggy, and I'm sorry. Please watch the video attached and maybe, just maybe, it'll make more sense.
Sincerely, Your Keys
As I finished the email, my breathing was unsteady, almost coming out in short gasps. I reread it over and over again, my mind spinning with questions. I opened the attachment, but for some reason, I couldn't play it. When I finally pressed play, Keys popped up on my laptop screen. From the looks of it, he was at his office late at night.
Why would he film this at his office and send it to me despite how late it was?
That question made me finally press play. I held my breath as Keys started talking.
"Hey, Buggy," he smiled at the camera. "I know this is kinda weird, but I need to get some things off my chest. I'm not sure if you know this but for the last year, I've been working for Soonami on a game called, "Free Life". Lately, I've noticed something. . . Strange. Before I explain, I need to confess something. A while ago, I created a game with a friend of mine called, Life Itself. To be honest, Y/N, I used part of your code from our senior project."
Keys looked away from the camera and sighed. When he looked back, my chest tightened at the look on his face.
"I'm really sorry, Y/N," he whispered. "I should've. . . I changed it a little bit. Your code was focused on programming. All I did was adapt it for gaming. I'm sorry. I know I should've called and asked for your permission. I really hope that doesn't make you hate me."
He cleared his throat and took a minute to get his thoughts back on track. "Anway," he continued, "Soonami bought "Life Itself". They claimed to have shelved it, but my friend Millie found proof that they didn't. For you to understand what happened, I need to introduce you to Guy."
I smiled when his scream split and I saw the character he started talking about. "He's supposed to be an NPC, but something changed. Now, from the beginning. . . Guy's behavior is much more complex than it should be, thanks to our code."
My heart jumped when he called it "our code".
"But he's still stuck in "Free City,"" he continued. "He's still stuck in his life, this loop. And then, something changes. He comes to life. Why? And then I remembered. One of the characters from "Life Itself" was this guy that I nicknamed, "Lovelorn". And he was someone who was designed to never meet the right person. It was essentially the building blocks of the character. But he never stopped hoping that he would meet "the girl of his dreams". So I had to base this girl off of someone. . . and who better than the person that I was sitting next to every day? You."
My breathing sped up and I felt my heart jump back into my throat as he continued to explain to me what was going on.
"But then, one day, he meets Millie in "Free City", and once he sees her. . . he can never be the same. He was supposed to feel doomed, but instead, he feels alive until eventually, he is alive. Millie changed him. You wrote the code that was able to be changed by one person. One connection. You brought him to life, Y/N. You wrote the code that brought him to life. And he was alive because he met the one person he'd been waiting for his whole life. And I had to make it realistic, so. . . I based it off of. . . You. The woman of his dreams. . . she was the same as mine."
I hit the pause button, my heart beating against my chest. I ran my fingers through my hair as I tried to put my thoughts together.
"But Millie is the one who met him," I mumbled under my breath. "She's the one who brought him to life. . . I just wrote his code."
I grabbed my bag and headed to my car but stopped when I realized what time it was.
I went to bed but as soon as I got up, I found Soonami's address. I anxiously drummed my fingers on the steering wheel as I got close. I signed in at the front desk and headed up to the offices. The entire time I was in the elevator, I kept repeating what Keys said in the video.
"Hello, gorgeous," a guy smirked. "I'm Mouser. And you are?"
"Not looking for you," I said harshly. "Where's Keys?"
"Not here," he shrugged. I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair.
"You got an address?"
* * * * *
When I pulled up to Keys' apartment complex, my nerves made me freeze. I wasn't even sure what I was going to say to him when and if he opened that door. I barely found the courage to park my car and head up to his place.
I got to his door but hesitated before knocking. I held my breath as I waited for him to answer. The longer it took him, the closer I got to turning around and running away. I was just about to when the door opened.
"Y/N," Keys stuttered.
"Hi," I said, my voice softer than I wished. "We need to talk about that video."
He sent me a small smile and nodded. I took a shaky breath when he opened the door and moved aside for me to come in. I walked in and instantly started nervously playing with my hands.
"Have a seat," he invited me.
"Nice place," I mumbled as I looked around but didn't sit down.
"Thanks," he chuckled, clearly embarrassed. He cleared his throat before attempting to break through the tension. "So, that video. . ."
"Millie brought him to life," I cut him off. "Not me."
"It was your code," he shrugged with a small look on his face.
"You said I was the woman of your dreams," I continued, "but your friend Millie is the one who brought him to life. Not me. So according to that, she should be the woman of your dreams."
"But she's not," he said, slowly taking a step closer to me. "Millie has a lot in common with you. She loves bubblegum ice cream, swingsets, and Mariah Carey. So yes, Millie is the one that Guy ran into, but it was the similarities that he fell for. In fact, if you had run into him in the game, you would have brought him to life."
"Keys, this is. . . I don't understand. . . I just. . ."
I cut myself off when he leaned in, his face inches from mine. "I know I was rambling," he whispered, "but there is one important part in what I said."
"What are you talking about?"
"I've had a lot of time to think about this," he continued. "You're the woman of my dreams, Buggy."
Before I could say anything, Keys leaned in and gently pressed his lips to mine. My mind was swimming as I slowly kissed him back. He broke the kiss with a small smile on his face. We looked into each other's eyes as we struggled to catch our breaths.
"I know this was completely random," he whispered with his forehead pressed to mine, "but I couldn't stop thinking about you, Buggy. Every day I fixed the coding issues with Free Life, I thought about you. I haven't stopped thinking about you since the night we graduated from MIT."
"That video. . ." I whispered but didn't continue.
"Was my cowardly way of admitting my feelings for you," he said with a small chuckle as he leaned back. I held my breath as he reached forward and gently grabbed my hands, slightly pulling me closer.
"Say it," I said under my breath.
"Say what?" He asked, slightly tilting his head.
"Confess to me what you confessed in the video."
Keys smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.
"You are the woman of my dreams," he whispered. "I created the character Lovelorn and kinda based him off of me. I designed him to never meet the right person because I was worried I never would. As I was creating him and "the girl of his dreams", I started basing her off the first girl that came to my mind. You. I thought about what I felt as we sat next to each other and worked on our senior projects. I thought about how I felt when you helped me with my code. I thought about how badly I wanted to be more than just coding partners. You, my dear Buggy, are the woman of my dreams."
I grabbed his face and pressed my lips to his. I felt him smile as he tightened his arms around my waist and kissed me back. We let out matching laughs as we fell back onto his couch. He hovered over me, looking deeply into my eyes.
"I've missed you, Buggy."
"I've missed you too, Keys."
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meowmarkie · 1 year ago
first snow — jsc
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you were out buying drinks at a convenience store to celebrate your most recent achievement, however, fate had other plans which involved the one Jung Sungchan and a couple of snowflakes
pairing. . . sungchan x female reader
genre. . . fluff
prompt. . . love at first sight
requested?. . . yes!
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The wind was coldly blowing through your face, sending small shivers down your spine. Cold didn’t agree with you — but it was still better than hot climates, in which you’d sweat non-stop.
Yet another year was coming close to an end and the imminent question about new year resolutions was popping around in your head, even though said holiday was still a month away. After all, what had you done this year that was somewhat meaningful to you? That’s something worth thinking about.
Well, you did manage to get into the most prestigious psychology program in Seoul while working part time as a barista. Not many people you know can juggle college and a job at the same time, so it’s safe to say that’s a solid achievement.
Nonetheless, you were walking down your street, hands filled with convenience store plastic bags. The good college related news arrived earlier in the day, but you were only having time to celebrate it a few minutes past 11 pm. Your day wasn’t busy at all, it was actually your best friend who only finished her activities at such time in the night. 
After walking for a while, you felt a sudden vibration coming from your jacket’s pocket — it was probably your best friend calling. 
Once you had your phone in your hands, the time it showed stood out. It was precisely 11:11 pm. An angel number.
Usually, things like horoscopes, angel numbers and tarot cards weren’t your cup of tea but you did, however, believe in fate. You believed there was a reason for you to have seen such numbers together.
Before a line of thought could be finished, you suddenly felt yourself bump into something large and big. It turns out you hadn’t stopped walking while checking your phone and you probably bumped into a wall. Such realization came after your butt hit the ground with a loud “pof” — Thank God it was winter.
“Are you okay?” A sweet voice called out, making you look up again, mildly confused since the walls you know don’t usually talk. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there”
You got up quickly from the ground, expression filled with embarrassment. Now that you knew you were dealing with another human being, the situation became 4 times more stressful than before.
“I’m… Fine”
As soon as you both lock eyes, something in the air shifts. The cold wind suddenly turns warm and it feels like it’s day again. The stranger’s eyes were the kindest you had ever seen in your whole life, and in just a mere second, you managed to feel safe exactly where you were.
It was as amazing as it was strange to be feeling such things. It was also even more exhilarating to know that somewhat, it went both ways. A magical thread of connection was formed in this beautiful wintery night.
“Here, let me help you” He said, getting your bags off the ground and handing them to you. “Please hurry home, the weather forecast said that-” His train of thought was interrupted by a mountain of snowflakes that started pouring down from the sky, making him frown and pout a bit.
“What’s wrong?” You said, after noticing both his frown and the sudden increase in the wind to snow ration.
“I live very far from here, and the weather report said to expect a blizzard today… I can’t believe this year’s first snowfall is going to be that aggressive”
His sad expression broke your heart, and you didn’t even know his name! What absurd thing, you thought, to be this connected and empathetic towards someone you just met, and bumped into?!
“Okay, first things first. What’s your name?”
“Oh, right! I didn’t introduce myself, sorry, I’m Sungchan, and you?” He said, smiling warmly and offering you his hand.
“I’m Y/N, nice to meet you!” You gladly shook his hand after introducing yourself to him. “Would you like to wait it out at my house? I know I just met you, but I wouldn’t like to be in your position if the tables were turned, and I’d be really thankful if someone offered me a place to stay” You were a certified yapper whenever you felt nervous, and right now, you were about to piss your pants out of nervousness. 
Here’s the thing, you never knew how to maintain your composure around pretty boys, and Sungchan was just… Breathtaking. It was almost dizzying to look at him for even more than a minute.
You didn’t think someone could ever feel as strongly as you, but right now, Sungchan was there to prove you wrong. He was completely starstruck after gazing upon your beautiful and delicate figure.
“I really don’t know how to thank you. I’m gladly accepting your offer!” He promptly took the bags out of your hands, in order to make things lighter for you. That’s when he noticed the bottles of Soju and the mini-sized bottle of champagne. “Ooh, so we’re celebrating, huh? What’s the occasion?” You two started walking quickly towards your house, making small talk.
“I just got into Seoul’s most prestigious psychology program at SNU! I worked really hard for it” This was an insane accomplishment, you thought to yourself. Pride is not a strong enough word to describe your feelings.
“No way! I’m also a freshman there!” Sungchan���s eyes gleamed with excitement. “Wow, the universe really wanted us to meet, then! That’s nice.”
After talking for a few more minutes, you both finally arrived at your house. Your best friend was waiting for you — worried sick — at the door. She then noticed the very tall man’s presence, which was explained right after her noticing him.
Your best friend seemed to get along with him really well, making you feel happy and at ease — she was hard to please, that one. 
This whole situation made you think back to your new year’s resolutions. One thing was missing from your bucket list, one of your prioritized goals: that was, falling in love. 
And now, some weird intuitive feeling tells you that Sungchan can help you accomplish said goal
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hey guys! i hope you like this and don't be shy to request other things! just make sure you follow the rules ;)
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sensei-venus · 1 year ago
Baby Issues- (Poly! Demetri/Yasmine/Chubby!Reader)
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(Unedited) (Yasmine being Yasmine, Strange Dreams, Pregnant Reader Mentioned, Demetri Sarcastic, Sweet Reader, Mention of Moon/Hawk) ( @gemini-sensei )
“Awe Yas don’t act like that! Isn’t he the cutest little baby you have ever seen?!” Reader gushed as she held the newest member of the Moskowitz family. She gently bounced the little Moskowitz boy in her arms. He gargled a little and tried to tech for her face. A smile spreed across her lips as she made little sounds at him.
Yasmine rolled her eyes a little and looked over at Demetri. He only gave her a blank look before going back to his conversation with Hawk. Moon gave a small laugh as she watched her friends face turn.
The blond was never great at hiding her emotions and Moon loved that. She always seemed to know what Yasmine was thinking.
“Oh come on now Yas, you’re going to want one of your own soon enough. I can feel it in my bones.”
Yasmine snorted “I think I’m good for the moment. All babies do are eat sleep and poop. Oh and make huge messes, they throw up on you and poop on you and even pee on you! You think I want that right now? Uhh no thanks.” She withered at the thought. Baby’s were a hassle and she wanted no part of it. At least not right now.
Everything seemed to be going so good for her right now.
She was doing great in design school at a very high in college in the area. In a fast track to early graduation from her program. Reader finished her schooling already and was working a nice remote job from home. Demetri was doing great at his start up tech company. He just got a promotion along with a hefty raise. Not to even mention the fact that her parents had paid off the comfortable house they had started to rent but now own after their wedding only about a year ago.
They did not need to be thinking about babies.
Well that’s what she thought at first.
But days after the trip to Hawk and Moon’s place, it’s all she could think about.
It started the night they got home from the couples house after a very long visit.
Yas had just gotten done with her skin care routine in the bathroom when she walked into their room. Reader was in bed with Demetri talking about the days events. She was wearing her cute little night gown while telling the man all about how cute the baby was. Going on and on about how adorable he was, how she could see a mix of both Moon and Hawk in the little one. It was adorable to see her so worked up over something.
Demetri just sat there with a small smile while listening to her. His eyes half closed as he got more and more tired. Her rambling was quite cute though.
“He was so tiny! He’s a healthy little guy but he felt so small in my arms! I wonder if all babies feel like that?”
“Do you think he eats alot? I know baby’s have tiny stomachs at first and I never asked Moon about it. She probably knows that stuff better than I do.”
“Do you think we should get them a baby basket or something? I know we got them stuff when we went to the baby shower but who knows. Maybe they already need more diapers and wipes- oh what about clothes? Should we get them more clothes?”
The comments just continued for the rest of the night until the lights finally turned off and they all fell asleep.
But then Yasmine’s dreams started to get weird everytime she fell asleep. Dreams of random things, stupid dreams, funny dreams, sweet dreams, all of those were gone. Replaced by ones of Reader. Weird dreams, in Yas’s opinion, that were never brought up in her mind before.
“He’s kicking, Yas feel!” Reader giggled while reaching out for Yasmine’s hand. Demetri was already by her side feeling her belly. Yasmine’s eyes grew wide as she looked at her wife. Her once chubby and soft belly was now round and hard. Popping out in the nice dress she was wearing. Demetri grinned as his hand creased her tight belly. Yas’s hand was pulled over to be placed on Reader’s belly. Her cheeks grew red at the strange feeling.
For a moment in time she could swear she felt something move under the skin.
“I can’t wait to meet him. I can’t wait for us to finally get me out son.”
Yasmine woke up with a slight gasp. Her eye lids shot open. She rolled over, looking towards where her husband and wife were sleeping next to her. The darkness of the room hide them from her but she knew they were there. With no hesitation her hand quickly scanned over the body next to her.
Soft skin drifted under her finger tips, soft rolls over the belly she traces. She could feel the way Reader softly breathed under her fingers.
Her fingers soon dug ever so lightly into the soft belly of her wife.
Nothing stuck out to her, no hardness, no bump.
No movement of any kind.
Her eyes fluttered back closed.
Yasmine gripped at the tiny tin foil packet that she grabbed from the bathroom cabinet. She flipped it around a little. There were already multiple small punches in the foil. Multiple pills already gone from the days before.
The sound of feet walking though the bedroom echoed into the bath. They stopped at the doorway, a voice filled the room.
“Oh are you looking for your birth control pills? I think they are next to mine in there. I think those are mine.” Reader said sweetly as she entered the big bathroom. Yasmine held herself back from almost dropping the small tin. She nodded before stuff the tin back into the cabinet. She didn’t even look at the other girl as she flees the bathroom.
Reader watches in confusion as she leaves.
She didn’t even take her own pills with her.
“Why would you even think that!?” Yasmine screeched from her side of the bed. She had basically cocooned herself in one of their blankets at this point. She almost hissed at the other two people in the room.
“Babe you have been acting strange for weeks now. We just want to know what’s wrong with you.” Demetri replied as he sat on the edge of the bed. Reader slowly moved to roll over on the bed and lay next to the girl.
“Yas you have been so…unfocused the past few weeks that it has us worried. We can’t even have sex without you acting all weird about it. We just want to know what’s wrong.”
“She has been acting weird, especially during sex…” Demetri mumbled.
Minutes passed in a long silent pause.
Something seemed to click in Reader’s mind.
“Yasmine….do you want to have a baby?” Her words were filled with pure curiosity. A new look of interest crossed her face. She smiled as Yasmine retreated even further back into her little blanket cocoon. Face fully a blazed by now.
Demetri pulled himself onto the bed more, resting by Yasmine’s feet. With a brow raised he looked to Reader saying “Yasmine? Wanting a baby? Wasn’t she just saying she didn’t want one, especially right now just a few weeks ago when it was brought up?” Yasmine couldn’t take it anymore. The constant talking and false ideas were starting to get to her.
“It’s not me! I don’t want have a baby! I want Reader too! I want Reader to get pregnant okay! Why do the both of you have to be so dumb, especially you, you stupid nerd!” Yasmine screamed and rolled over. She shoved her face into one of the pillows. She wanted to scream right now. She had just confessed one of her deepest secrets. One of her deepest ideas that she had been struggling with for almost a month now. Thats all she wanted right now.
She wanted to see Reader all swollen with Demetri’s baby. She wanted to hold THEIR baby. She wanted to see Reader coo and baby talk their little one and not the Moskowitz kid.
She just wanted their baby.
“Is that really what all of this has been about? You want me to get pregnant?” Reader said ever so softly as she cuddled into the girls side. Demetri was quick to do the same. He crawled across the bed as wrapped an arm around the two women. His long arms stretched to pull them both in, Yasmine groaned as she was pulled up out of her small ball. A grin fell on his lips as she looked down at her.
“You want me to get Reader pregnant?”
“Don’t you even fucking start.”
“Yasmine I’m being serious about this. Is this really why you have been acting so funny?” Demetri said in a serious tone. His eyes where trained on hers, love and affection where the only things he gave off. No humors tone no judgment filled their voices as they looked for her real answer. 
There was no hiding the truth anymore. Reader had hit the nail on the head.
“Maybe. Okay yes, that’s why. All I keep thinking about is Reader having our baby. Ever since we went over to see the Moskowitz baby it’s the only thing I have been able to think about. At first I didn’t want a baby. Mostly because baby’s are a lot of work and I was a little scared and also we have all been doing so well recently. Wool and school and been doing so great for all of us, a baby would complicate all of that for us. But then I started really thinking about it.” She paused before going on. “What if we CAN have a baby? What if this is actually the perfect time for us to have one? We have money, a home, time, we could do it. I just know we can.”
She unraveled herself from her blanket and sat up.
“I keep thinking of Reader holding our baby too and I love it. I can’t stop thinking about how much we would love them. How well taken care of they would be with us as their parents. I know Reader would be such a good mama and Demetri would be such a good daddy too.”
Reader held the girl tighter “You know you would be a great mom too right.” She giggled a little.
“So we should start trying for a baby then?” Demetri remarked which caused Yasmine to hit him softly in the chest. He groaned a little and backed off.
“Don’t even try to start something with me right now.”
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girlvinland · 1 month ago
I guess I can talk about the good stuff now, I feel like I’ve processed it a little bit lol.
If you’ve ever been a certain level of close to me, you would know that my biggest regret in life was not actually finishing my geology degree. Did it for three years and had to leave school because of an eating disorder. Stayed in the city where I was getting treatment and finished school at a college without a geology program. After that I went onto library school because at the time it just felt too hard for me to think about going back for some reason. Despite that, every job I’ve had for the past fifteen years apart from one has been geology-adjacent or in some way related to some form of earth science, including now. Idk it’s just a form of addiction for me lol. I know here I talk about fandom shit and my OCs all the time bc fun hobbies, but irl it’s a little different (as I’m sure it is for a lot of people).
My current job is kind of research-focused, and it started putting me back in the brain space of considering trying again, so I found a program that does an accelerated B.S./M.S. in geology (I have so much work and school background that it’s what made the most sense to me logistically). Applied and got in and start later this year. Excited is a word I would use. Encouraged? Hopeful? Bittersweet? Idk. I’m doing something I prevented myself from doing for a very large chunk of my life, so it feels like the next step towards reaching a goal I’ve had since I was a little five-year-old when my family began to really stoke the flames of everything by going fossil hunting and to national parks and natural history museums. If my parents did one thing right, it was helping those interests flourish and giving me room to explore them.
Speaking of my parents, I watched both of them get their Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in their 30s and 40s, so it honestly gave me a bit of an extra push to even apply for the program. I thought my mom might find it silly that I wanted to go back to school, but she just went on and on about how “just do it bc this is all you’ve talked about your entire life and I fully support you”. She and I have had a rocky relationship overall, so hearing that…idk it’s not that I needed her approval or validation, but I think it helped to hear words like that coming from her.
Anyway! As far as what I’m going to do with it, I don’t know just yet! My original education was heavily focused on (invertebrate) paleontology, but tbh, even though I still love paleo, I’m kind of wanting to move towards something that could help improve human life quality/infrastructure and that sort of thing. I’m probably going to be aiming towards geothermal energy or hydrogeology bc those are the other things that I find really interesting within the field, and I know the program has a track for hydro and that there is a professor who takes on grad students for geothermal, so it’s just something to think on for now and make a decision on once I have more classes.
I am. Very happy. I never saw myself getting to this point again and thought it would just be a dream and a lifelong regret, and I genuinely could not have even gotten courage or mental energy to apply had it not been for all of the changes that have happened in the past year. I’m at a point where things are much more stable and I am really ready for it, so I guess I will just continue moving forward. No time like the present to do anything you want!
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simslegacy5083 · 2 months ago
Today's (2/6/2025) Episode: Thinking About Tomorrow
“Are you sure you feel up to going out tonight?” Noemi asked Skye at lunch the day of xir prom date with Elyse.
“I’m fine mom” Skye said, rolling xir eyes.
“All right,” she said reluctantly “you can’t blame a mother for worrying. You just had emergency surgery. I just don’t want you to overdo it.”
“I’ll be careful” xe replied, softening. Xir mom was right that xe was still feeling rough, but xe wasn’t about to let xir girl down.
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“This place had stellar reviews online, I can’t wait to try it!” Skye gushed after the waitress took their order at their pre-prom dinner date. “So, Elyse, how are your university applications going? Mom and dad are excited about Foxbury, but I like Britechester’s culinary and fine arts programs better.”
Elyse frowned as she was suddenly faced with a conversation she’d been dreading.
She’d been letting Skye believe what xe wanted but she couldn’t outright lie to xem. “Skye… about that” she began “I don’t think I’d get accepted into Britechester. My grades were never good like yours. Honestly, …”
Xe cut her off before she could finish “Well that’s OK, we can both just get standard degrees at Foxbury. My parents will be thrilled I’m going to their Alma Mater, and your painting skill is sure to get you accepted there even if your grades aren’t great.”
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Elyse ducked her head, a lump forming in her throat “No, Skye” she said quietly “I don’t want to go to Foxbury either. I don’t like school; I’m ready to be done with it. I want to find a place of my own, get a job supporting myself with my art, start living my life!”
��University just delays everything, and for what?” she continued, her eyes stinging as she tried to stay calm. “I’d like to have kids before I’m an old sim with forehead wrinkles and bags under my eyes. Without a degree it takes a little longer to level up in your chosen career, but who cares!?”
Seeing the look on Skye’s face at her admission she quickly added “Of course, you can go to college if that’s what you want, we’ll figure it out.”
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Skye had been preparing to argue with Elyse about tying to “force” xem to skip out on University with her, but xe relaxed at her words.
“Right” xe finally said “I can do what I want… and I guess you can to. I just thought we’d be like my mom and dad, but without all the trouble they went through. If I’m in Britechester and you’re somewhere else establishing yourself in your art career…”
“I was thinking I’d rent a place in the Art District, really immerse myself in the scene” she nodded “Were you planning to live on campus?”
Skye returned her nod with one of xir own “My folks didn’t live on campus long, but they said it’s the best way to get started for your first semester.”
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Just then the waitress arrived, and they turned their attention to the exotic dishes in front of them.
“Oh, I’ve got to get a picture of this!” Skye exclaimed, completely missing the look of disgust on Elyse’s face as xe pulled out xir phone and focused on getting the shot just right. “It looks amazing, right hon?”
Elyse poked her fork at the meal uncertainly, before complaining: “Its so… WEIRD! We came here for dinner, not whatever this even is.”
Skye, already savoring xir first bites, looked back across the table guiltily.  “Sorry, I guess this sort experimental cuisine isn’t for everyone.”
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“Its OK, its not your fault.” she soothed “Anyway, I can eat at school. Unlike SOME sims “ she smirked pointedly at xem across the table “I’m perfectly happy with plain old “normal” food.”
Skye shrugged, cleaning xir plate happily. “A chip off the old block my dad likes to say.”
As soon as xir fork hit the table, Elyse bounced up and grabbed her date’s hand. “Come on, let’s get out of here, the dance is starting soon.” She dragged xem to the front to settle their bill and head onwards to their next destination of the evening.
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Don’t worry, this was a chaperoned date 🙃… the restaurant is in Willow Creek; Noemi and Luigi dropped the teens off and then enjoyed a little fun in the park nearby while they ate.
Prom of course counts as a group date  - can’t trust these two on their own 😬
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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lilsocksiswriting · 2 months ago
Academic Weapon Chapter Six
You were like a lot of humans, born with just enough curse energy to see curses but not enough power to do anything. Your greed has helped you hold in the Jujustu Sorcery program. it is this same greed that tends to blind you to the danger you are in.
Sukuan sees you as a weak pretty thing that he can hold a conversation in his class. This is what he tells him to do he falls for you, his student because the curse refuses to believe this is love.
Oh, then there is the murder.
Characters: Reader, Ryomen Sukuna, Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto,Ieiri Shoko, Iori Utahime,
Pairings: Sukuna X Fem!Reader
Tags: College AU, Professor X Student, Modern Fantasy AU, NSFW
warmings: no beta lol
Not as much smut as I would have liked but we got to advance that plot. I feel like a broken record but I'm sorry for the inconsistency posting. It might still happen when I apply to every job under the sun. With that being said if you like my fics and want to see more of my writing as well as exclusive content you can buy or subscribe to my Patreon or leave me a tip over on my Ko-fi. Every little bit helps right now!
Chapter Five || Chapter Seven || Masterlist
You do not know if you like jerking Sukuna off or sucking him off more. On one hand, when you jerked the curse off yesterday you were so much closer to his face that you could feel and hear every grunt he made as you worked him to a release.
Now, the following Wednesday, you find yourself down on your knees gagging on the curse’s thick cock. Somewhere in the post haze from pleasuring each other yesterday, you had given Sukuna your cell phone number. The�� first ever text from him was during your Curse Weaponry class telling you he expected you in his office after your classes.
And now here you are, knees red and sore from the hardwood floor between Sukuna’s legs that are spread wide enough to create a spot just for you. You are squeezing and working what you cannot fit into your mouth. Sukuan has been so graciously patient with his new plaything.
But she’s…..different.
He sits in his expensive desk chair, looking almost bored. In one hand, he twirls a fountain pen that he is supposed to be using to mark up the latest essays from his Curse Theory class. His other hand is closed into a fist that he rests his cheek against. His heated eyes bore into the top of his head.
With every little bit you take further into your mouth Sukuna swears it is the best feeling ever. Your mouth is so warm, wet, and eager to please him. When your nose presses against the coarse hairs of his groin Sukuna's eyes flutter close. He cannot believe his luck to have found someone as brilliant, eager, and enticing as you in that last place he would expect it.
“That’s it,” he purrs, setting down his pen to give you more of his precious attention.
The slight pressure he puts on your head makes you stay put. You struggle to breathe through your nose as his dick rests in the back of your throat.
“What a sight you are,” Sukuna says, “I have a hard time believing that you’ve never sucked dick before with how little of a gag-“
But just before he can finish degrading you pull back, and cough.
Sukuan frowns. He spoke too soon.
You take in a few deep breaths. You thought you had it. Your plan was to go slow and easy until you felt comfortable, then let the curse take control and fuck your throat raw. But that damn gag reflex was getting in the way. Sorry is not going to do you any good with an unforgiving being like Sukuna. So, instead, you went right back at it.
The cruse leans his head back and moans this time when you take the fat head of his cock into your mouth again.
Somewhere in the background, you hear a phone going off. It takes a second for you to recognize that it is your cell phone going off. It keeps going off as you swirl your tongue. The insistent tone is taking up more and more of your lust-muddled mind. You wish it would just go to voicemail already.
“Answer the cursed thing before I slice it in half,” He growls.
You clamber to your feet. Going without a cell phone sounds like hell. Having Sukuna upset with you sounded somehow worse.
Your book bag had been forgotten by the office door. Pulling out your phone Gojo’s goofy smile lights up your screen.
“What do you want, Gojo?”
“Ohhh she’s bitey.”
You look over your shoulder at the curse and regret doing so. Your whole face, hell your whole body goes red. Even though there is a desk obscuring your view it is obvious that Sukuna is stroking his cock in slow, even strokes as he watches you with predatory eyes.
Whipping your head back to face the door, Sukuna chuckles. Really? You had no shame gagging on his cock. But one look at him jerking himself off and your sudden bashful?
“I’m not bitey. I’m busy. I came to the –“
“The library to do class work,” he cuts you off. “Yes,yes,yes I figured. Do you want me to drive you home, I can be there in like five.”
Gojo’s tone was chipper which was usual but the offer to come pick you up was a little off. “You mean like right now?”
“Why not?”
Sukuna’s fist settles around the base of his shaft. His inhuman senses pick up the Gojo brat’s voice. He did not know that the two of you were acquaintances, or even that a weakling like you was on the sorcerer’s radar, or why this new fact about you made frustration bubbles in his chest.
“Well, I'm a  little busy…” you look back at Sukuna again. He now looks annoyed with you. Seriously what the hell did you do this time? “I’m about to have a feedback session with Professor Sukuna.”
“What? What he’s doing at the library so late?”
You knew why he was staying late tonight; to get his dick wet. But your mind flashed back to the night of that party when you left early. What was he doing on campus then?
“I don't know, I-I just saw his office light on and….”
“Ok, yeah. I’ll wait for you then.”
“What? No Gojo, you don’t have to do that. I-it may be a while and, like, aren’t you two not supposed to meet or something?”
Sukuna scoffs. It was actually that the two of them should not be on campus at the same time, but that went out the window once the brat started college. Now the two just avoided each other.
“Come on y/n let me be chivalroussssss,” Gojo wines.  Your jaw twitches. There he goes again, trying to hide something with that childish attitude. “I can just wait outside.”
“Gojo…is something' going on?”
“What,” he laughs then says,” I told ya I’m just trying to be a good friend. If you must know, the Gojo clan has oh so graciously offered up members free time for extra patrols around campus.”
“So, something is going on and you don’t think I’m smart enough to keep myself safe?.”
“Y/N  I promise it’s not like that, I'm just bored.”
A knot of anger in your chest tightens, “If you were bored you wouldn’t be so  concerned with how or when I get home.”
“That’s not true. Jeez, you ever think that you're just good company?”
“Then why haven’t you offered this to Utahime, of Shoko?”
“If you are so concerned with the woman getting home I will ensure it.” Sukuna's booming voice is picked up by your phone.
“Are you already in office?”
“…y-yea,” you look at Sukuna. To see If he was serious. The stern look tells you that he is.
“Well,will that suffice you brat?” Sukuna addresses Gojo.
You do not give the six eyes user a chance to answer. “I’ll text you when I get back to my dorm. Will that stop you from worrying?”
“Satoru are you coming?” someone calls for him in the background with a distinct accent.
Gojo sighs, “Fine,”
Hanging up you put your phone in Do Not Disturb before slipping it back in your book bag.
“Now where were we?”
“Giving you feedback,” Sukuna answers and it looks like he has forgotten about his hardened dick drooping between his legs.
Sukuan looks up from the essay you turned in today with that stare that did not leave any room. It was so hard to tell what was going on the curse’s head. Whatever thoughts he had he hid well behind that cold face.
You tell yourself that feedback would not hurt. Especially if you can figure out how to bring your grades up to an A. That will really show people like Gojo and that one jerk in your class.
You go to take a seat across from him at the desk but Sukuna shakes his head, “No back on your knees woman.”
You pause, but then your body moves to do as told. Once you are settled back in your original place look up to the curse for further instructions.
Sukuan tsks,” Now get back to sucking and I will tell you how you can improve your grades. Little dam overachieve-erng!”
His words are cut off by a strangled groan when you take half of him into your hot mouth.
“ Fucking brat,” He mummers under an exhale.
He soon relaxes in his seat and even pets our head as you take a little more into your mouth. He waits until he can feel his spongy head squish against the back of your throat then  begins speaking, “You aren’t pushing yourself.”
You wonder if he means your essays or sucking him off. Either way, you start to experiment bobbing your head fast. You cough again but do not pull back this time.
“You are so focused on presenting your thoughts in such a perfect and complete way  that you don’t think about what you’ve written.”
Oh, so it was about your essays. Though your efforts are not all for not. Sukuna’s voice seems tighter.
You try to retain the feedback to  memory. But you do find it hard with the wetness growing between your legs is just as distracting as the dick pulsing in your mouth.
Sukuns lets out another one of the long exhale and his red eyes flutter close. The hand atop your head fists your hair.
“You-you need to stop worrying so much about making it all perfect”
Ok, maybe you could apply that feedback to your dick sucking. You pull off Sukuna’s slick cock and look up the moment he opens his eyes.
Oh god, you think. He looks so good. There is a redness in his cheeks, his pupils are dilated, mouth slighted arrest, and face contoured in annoyance. Was he annoyed that such a weakling was in control of making him feel this good? The possibility makes you want to giggle.
“Then help me make it messy.”
“Do you have any idea what you are asking brat?”  Sukuna now has a smirk across his face.
“You heard me. show me how….I’m seeing now that I've been misled.” “oh, misled by who?”
“By my sources,” you answer averting your gaze.
“And would those sources be pathetically vanilla and fake videos of humans fucking each other?”
The shameless way he describes it makes your face flush. The curse just chuckles, “ The oddest things make you blush.”
You do not have the opportunity to make an excuse for yourself because the hand in your head pushes down. Sukuna’s cock is filling your mouth again and this time you have  no control of how fast or deep it goes.  It sparks something new and hot in you.
You let Sukuna guide your mouth up and down his cock. There is plenty of gagging and coughing. Your throat constricts around the girth. There is a serious lack of air. But it is such a turn on.
You hate hate hate that you choose to wear high waisted jeans today. As Sukuna fucks your throat you have a strong need to spear your knees apart and touch yourself. Your hands are digging their short fingernails in his slacks just to have something to hang onto.
“See, “ he grunts and suddenly snaps his hips frowned.
You jump and gag more. Tears collect in the corners of your eyes which are now rolling back. You feel the hot spurt of cum splash down the back of your throat.
You try in earnest to swallow all  of the cum, really you still manage to dribble  down your chin. Sukuna pays it little mind like you do . He simply swipes it up with his thumb that he then pushes past your swollen lips.
“You did good for your first time sucking dick,” the curse praises.
“Thank you?” you say not sure of how to react to the casual compliant
“You're welcome. Now get up and get your things. I did tell the Gojo brat that I would ensure you get home. “
For a college campus, even at night, it is eerily empty. You expected to see more students about rather that  be grabbing something for one of university’s cafés that stay open late, coming and going to and from dorms, or the library. But you have seen only a handful of students out.
Mabey Sukuna scares them all off? You bit the inside of your cheek. Would that mean that I have scary dog privileges then?
Or maybe something happened like you originally excepted. There is an offness in the air tonight. Plus, why would Sukuan offer to walk you back? Surely he could care less of the fate of one of his students even if  that student sucks his cock. Maybe he saw potential in you and he would hate for that potential’s life to be cut short?
“I can hear your brain whirling at this point,”Sukuna remarks.
“I-“ you look up to see the stone-faced man bathed in a passing streetlamp. He is not paying you any mind, but you still look forward as well as if you had been caught staring at the curse’s sharp features . “Do you think something else has happened? Gojo’s always been a little…. over worrisome when it comes to me. But this kinda feels like a whole new level if he is putting trust in you.”
“Oh, is he afraid I might do something to you? Take advantage of you in some way,” there is a teasing lift in  his voce.
You let out a puff of air,” He treats you just like the rest of the university does, like a bomb. He thinks you’re gonna snap and go back to the Heian era when you were out  decimating villages if they didn’t throw you a festival like you were some kinda of harvest god.”
“Hmm, so you have been reading about me?”
“Don’t act as if you don’t play any significant roles in Jujutsu history,” you point out then go back to the situation possibly at hand. “So do you think something else has happened?”
“Hard to tell,” Sukuan says in a more contemplative tone. Was he mad now? This is why you do so much research on the infamous curse. “The whole university is panic over a measly death-““Murder,” you correct him.
You do not even notice that you dare to correct the King of Cures in such a carefree manner. Sukuan does, but for some reason he does not get as annoyed. If it were any other person or curse he would not think of ending their life here and now. What was it about you that made you get away with speaking to him like that? You were weak, your only saving grace was that too are just a tad bit smarter than most. Sukuna tells himself it would be such a shame to let that go to waste.
You bite your bottom lip as the silence between continues. The night is awfully quiet now that you have a moment to really listen. You can only hear the sound of your footsteps against the cement sidewalk and the occasional rustle of leaves when a gust of wind weaves through the trees. You hug yourself as a hard guest blows past.
You hate to admit that Gojo was probably right and make a note to take a sweatshirt with you tomorrow morning. Sukuan looks the least bit bothered since he grabbed a jacket off the back of his chair.
You look around once more. Not a soul in sight now. It was a new moon too. The only thing keeping the dark at bay is the passing streetlamp. If you did not have the King of Curses escorting you home you would have definitely been creeped out and cold. Well, you still are a bit chilly, but at least safe?
“Do you even know where I live?”
His mouth presses into a thin line before speaking, “They don’t know a thing about the culprit and they intend to keep their lips pretty sealed about the whole matter. Leaving it up to the Gojo clan to take care of this. And that clan loves to keep its secrets.“
You giggle then tell him, “I live at the student commons B. That would explain all the extra patrols.”
“And the Gojo brat’s protectiveness over you?” Sukuan inquires.
You do not miss the edge in his voice nor how he moves a bit closer to you. You do not comment on it or the warmth you can feel against your arm from having the curse’s larger body closer to you. It was nice. Even if it was just a sliver of his closeness, you relish in it.
“He’s usually not this worrisome and overprotective. His behavior is what clued me in that there’s something going on. The big clans have gotten involved too and because of that Gojo has to do stuff as head of the clan which stresses him out.“
Sukuan only hums.
You two are plunged into a brief darkness stepping out from under a streetlamp . In the darkness you admit, “honestly I really hate it.”
You two pass under another streetlamp, a few more steps closer to the student commons. Your face is more relaxed, eyes on the branches overhead blocking your view of the dark infante sky.
“You hate the brat’s attention?”
“I hate that I’m weak?” you wonder. Now that you have said just a snippet of your inner thoughts out loud you cannot stop more from spilling out into the world. “I hate that no matter how much I learn it just never feels like it’s enough. Or that in the end it might not mean anything.”
“The Jujutsu world doesn’t seem to care very much for scholars.”
“Exactly!” you say, something in the darkness sparking within you. “All they seem to want are healers and fighters. There’s no, like , want to progress forward.”
“Makes everything so boring,” The curse agrees. “Looks like we have something in common.”
You bite back a smile. The comment makes you feel pleasantly warm. You spend what little time you have left until you arrive at the front door to the lobby of your dorm building asking Sukuna other questions to see if the two of you have anything else in common. Though Sukuna sounds like he sees each and every one of the questing meaningless and annoying, he still answers.
“Well thanks for walking back,” you say once at your door.
Thaw curses only grunts, his attention seems to be drawn somewhere else, nose turned up sniffing the night air.
“Good night Professor Sukuna.”
You were digging your key card from your book bag but paused when the curse said your name.
Looking at Sukuna you catch a glimpse of surprise before it is consumed with that coldness again. “There is blood in the air tonight.”
And that was all that is all the curse has to say before leaving you at the door to your dorm building confused by his ominous words.
You were not left confused for very long because first thing  in the morning the King of Curses seeks you out at the Cruised Collection Archive. He came there under the pretense of returning the book he ‘stole’ out from under your nose. Asshole.
The other student workers are too frozen with fear to say or do anything when the curse waltz in the library and tosses the old book down on the front desk. They then look the other way and busy themselves with anything as he strolls right up to you. So long as it is not them he is focusing his cruel attention on.
You were at one of the long tables organizing different pamphlets that needed to be foaled and given out to the other branches for an upcoming exhibit, when Sukuna’s presence consumed the place. Looking up just in time to see him walk in as if he owns the library.
“Good morning brat,” he greets standing across the table from you.
You pause your work. Looking up at the man with a from across your lips. “Good morning professor, you shouldn’t toss books like that so carelessly. They are old and easily damageable.”
Sukuna smirks at the confidence you have to scold him. He steps around the table to get closer to you. Placing a hand flat on the table next to the neat stack of printed pamphlets you lean in close. The looming presence caging you and not one person currently in the library dares not even look fearing that they may be caught by the curse’s gaze.
“Where do you get off speaking to me as if we are equals?” Sukuna asks you in a low, dangerous voice that sends a shiver down your spine, but you are not scared.
“I told you yesterday that books in these collections are fragile. They are original sources of primary information. The credibility of anything written becomes useless  as soon as those sources are lost..”
She makes a good point.
“And what has been published with that book by that mad man?” he challenges.
“I can’t think of anything off the top of my head but I can research it for you and give you an estimated number Professor. Or should I point out that you checked that book out because you seemed to find it relevant for your class?”
This brat.
Instead of continuing this argument which Sukuan would enjoy doing , he tells you in a quieter voice, “There’s been another murder.”
Your eyes grow wide in surprise. Sukuna then watches you face grow serious and analytical. “So, there was something up last night.”
“I thought I would give you a heads up since you seem to like to take these late night strolls to your dorm.”
“Thank you.”
Thank you. thank me?
Sukuan stares at you for a long moment. His face is still as cold as ever, but there is something new about his eyes. They seem less sharp, less deadly. Then he leaves, just like that
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gx-gameon · 10 months ago
Gotta ask how's Seto's relationship with the rest of Yugi's friends in this au? How'd the gang take the news that Seto and Yugi were dating? What about when they got engaged and married on the same day?
Okay so we are actually going to see a lot of this in the story itself.
So right now I’m editing all the rough drafts I posted here. I think I have three more to do and then it’s brand new content.
I think I’ll have somewhere between 2 to 3 more chapters from there. I have them all scripted out I just need to actually write them.
That will finish the first arc of this au. Jaden getting adopted and the afterlife adventure.
It will also be the end of the first book.
I think from there we will go into the second arc which will focus on two things. 1) Jaden and Atem adjusting to life 2) Yugi and Seto
The story will set up Gx season one. I think it will take place over Jaden’s first year or two in the family and then we will time skip to Gx.
I might do some one-shots with young Jaden and the DM crew in the time skip eventually (like Seto and Yugi’s proposal/wedding. But that could also be the last chapter so arc 2 I’m still scripting the second arc.
So we are going to have a whole little adventure dedicated to the two of them.
But it boils down to Seto realizing he has feelings for Yugi starts trying to so affection, as only Seto Kaiba can.
Jaden and Yugi are getting harassed by paparazzi? Now they had a security team following them ‘from a distance’
Things like that.
Problem: Yugi thinks this is Seto sending people to follow them to get him or Atem to duel.
He goes over to Seto to be like. ‘Hey we’re friends now. If you want something from me, like a duel, just ask me. Don’t send a goon squad to follow me. It’s freaking Jaden out.’
Seto hears two separate statements. ‘If you want me ask.’ And ‘security is scaring Jaden’ he will take care of that later.
He takes care of number 1 first and asks Yugi out. Yugi’s brain kinda breaks. Looking back he can see how everything Kaiba has been doing can be seen as either sweet or flirty in the most Seto Kaiba way ever. Because of this, and the fact that he’s not used to people actually flirting with him, made him totally miss the fact that he was being flirted with? Courted?
(All the people who flirt with him at tournaments actually want Atem or so he thinks. It’s hard sharing a body with someone for years because people outside their group don’t know. Yugi just naturally assumes that anyone that flirts with him really wants Atem, because Atem’s confident and wonderful. Yugi still has only kid insecurities.)
Seto also has no idea how to human when it comes to things like dating. He was raised to conquer businesses. He’s pretty sure your not suppose force people to date you (Mokuba said no) and your not suppose to pay them. So he has to get Yugi’s attention some other way. Mokuba is the point of reference and reason. “Do something nice for him. Talk to him. Show him you care.”
But he’s Seto, rich boy, Kaiba and he’s pursuing Yugi, if I’m near anything expensive I’ll have anxiety about breaking it, Muto. Yugi, for better and worse, isn’t interested in his wealth.
What is Yugi interested in?? Games and his friends.
He already hired Yugi and Atem to Kaiba Corp.
this is before he started pursuing Yugi. It was because he over heard them taking finances once. Its was going to be hard having Yugi, Atem, Solomon, and Jaden in one house.
He can’t just give them money, Yugi and Atem would refuse. He thinks Solomon might burn it to prove a point.
Yugi is going to college, Atem though is new to the world and still figuring out his place. Seto offered him a job at play testing games. Atem will probably beat all of them, but it will help show the flaws in the program, were things are to easy or to hard, and no one knows how to think outside the box quite like Yugi and Atem.
Atem is skeptical at first, thinking the job is just dueling Seto all day long. Which fun but no. But after hearing the actual job and pay. He takes it. (He talks with Yugi before doing so and they agree)
Later at the end of Yugi’s semester they have a final project to create a game. Their freshman so it’s not suppose to be that impressive. Yugi knocks it out of the park. Like a few tweaks and it’s ready to be sold.
He starts getting offers from other businesses. Pegasus, Zigfried, and others to higher him.
Seto isn’t losing his rival to another company. (And ya maybe the crush played a role but you can’t say Yugi didn’t earn his spot) so he highest Yugi as a game designer.
This makes there failed flirting worse and better. Because some co-workers think Seto only higher Yugi because he likes him. This gets swiftly shut down because of Yugi’s skill at his job, but there are still whispers of favoritism. They are also the most entertaining water cooler gossip of all time. Especially once they start dating. They go through all the proper channels to make dating an employee as ethically sound as possible. (They’re 19 and have known each other forever, it’s not surprising to outsiders. But Seto is still a CEO and held to certain standards when starting a relationship.) but all the other workers get a free show of watching their boss trying to flirt with his boyfriend.
It back to topic. They already have jobs so he can’t offer them that and they won’t take money without reason.
Yugi is interested in games and friends. So Seto will play games and ‘help’ his friends.
Problem. All these people are used to Seto only doing ‘nice’ thinks when he wants something (which he wants something but he’s genuinely not trying to trick them, he for once is trying to be nice) and they are not having it (Seto’s over here like I get it but let me grow as a person)
He’s trying to flirt with Yugi. A part of liking Yugi is being around his friends (preferably getting a long with them) everyone thinks Seto is finally joining the friend group but they are wary (some more than others, Joey and Tristian)
He’s someone who only knows how to show he cares through taking care of someone (you have a problem he removes it) (his love language is acts of service you can’t convince me otherwise wise)
unfortunately he’s not the best at telling people what he’s doing or asking them how they want help. He will learn but it’s ruff in the beginning.
Leading us back to. ‘Hey your goons are scaring my kid. Can you maybe call them off? If you want to duel just ask.’
‘Will you go out with me?’
They talk it out. Seto revealing all the nice things he’s done.
‘So is this why you hired me?’ ‘No I hired you because you’re competent. But I do like you because you’re competent.’
‘The goon squad?’ ‘Reporters weren’t leaving you and Jaden alone so I made them leave you alone.’
‘Joey’s sponsorship?’ ‘I wouldn’t have offered if he was going to embarrass me. He’s not on our level but he is, (big sigh) a good duelist. You value your friends so I value your friends. He earned his spot in the pro leagues. Money should be the thing that stops him from entering.’
This is also the time that Seto reveals he’s started planning duel academy because he wants Jadne to be able to have a ‘normal’ high school experience. Plus it’s a solid business move and the more he looked into it the better it was. He’s actually making 5 schools all around the world. It started out of love for Jaden but will now help so many kids.
And look Yugi always had a crush on Seto. But they have both grown and changed as people. To see Seto now verse the Seto he knew at the start of season 1. He’s grown a lot.
They talk out a lot of things. Mainly Seto’s instinctual need to fix his loved ones problems vs actually talking to them about what they want/what he’s doing.
The do end up on that date though.
Now everyone else’s reactions….. that’s a story for another time.
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venusmage · 6 months ago
FAQ Post!
I've gotten a good amount of repeat questions the past few years and thought I'd make an FAQ. No need to RB or anything, this is going to go in my pinned post!
I still always happily will take questions, this is just for folks who might want to just find the answer without going through the extra effort. These are mostly about art and TTRPGs :)
What brushes/programs/hardware do you use?
Almost all of my regularly used brushes come from either Retro Supply or True Grit Texture Supply! I'm not sponsored or affiliated, just really like the quality of their products. They have sales fairly frequently and I've never had any complaints. I also use quite a few products by Ittai Manero.
Right now I primarily work in Procreate on an iPad Pro. Procreate is my favorite art program and I'm quietly hoping they eventually make a desktop version.
I very recently also got an XPPen Deco 01 V2. Partially because there's some art programs on desktop I want to learn (Aseprite, Blender) or programs that have superior desktop versions as compared to mobile (ClipStudio). I'm also teaching some grade-schoolers digital art and wanted to have the same kind of tablet as them (I haven't used a screenless tablet for over half a decade). As of right now I'm very happy with it! For the price it's an easy recommendation.
I mainly use ClipStudio in this instance, and the brushes linked above both also support the program (aside from Manero). However there's a huge user-base that upload free assets constantly that makes ClipStudio so great. I especially like painting in it for some reason!
What's your opinion on AI art?
I don't like it, obviously, but I get how people who lack the context and education on why it's bad wouldn't get it. I also think that some other artists fearmonger a little too hard regarding it and it has the unintended effect of making the situation and it's nuances even harder to understand. I talked about it here.
Did you go to art school? Would you recommend it?
I did, I have a BFA in illustration and graduated from CCAD in 2018. Every art school is unique and my experience with art school and the benefit it gave me is VERY different from how I believe it may be for others. As of right now I think there's a lot of good cheaper online resources than private art education in general. I did have a wonderful time there though, and it's availability helped me eventually escape a domestic abuse situation - so my feelings are a bit complicated.
Do you have a dream art job?
I'd love to be a college-level art teacher. Funny I know, considering I just said art school isn't always worth it. I just deeply enjoy the craft and discussion surrounding art in general. I'm tempted to make art videos one day to scratch that itch.
What's your favorite/least favorite part of the drawing process?
I hate sitting down and getting the sketch started (hello ADHD...) And flatting. Linework/sketch cleanup and finishing details for color are where it's at for me.
What made you interested in art?
My grandfather was a painter, sculptor, and stained glass maker. He will always be one of my biggest inspirations. In terms of media, there's a ton - but I started internalizing art as a skill after seeing the Shivering Isles DLC concept art by Adam Adamowicz. I started appreciating how art can be weird and beautiful and whatever you want after reading Evan Dahm's Rice Boy (and the rest of his work). I also had a particularly beautiful book cover for A Wrinkle in Time by Leo and Diane Dillon when I was little and their art rewired my brain chemistry. At the time I said Adamowicz was my most impactful inspiration but on reflection I really do think it's the Dillons. I talked a little about it here.
(2023-24) Commissions haven't been updated in a while. Can I get some more information as to why?
I have a post here about it! If you're one of my clients, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any further issues. I apologize for the delay and am more than happy to work out something with you if you're unhappy with the wait. I'd advise messaging me here or on discord - the latter of which is linked in the post.
What system is your DnD game running?
I'm running my game using a modified 5e ruleset. 5e happened to just be the first TTRPG system I learned and I also really enjoy Forgotten Realms as a setting - though I take extensive liberties with both. I'll probably be moving away from WoTC's products and the system after this campaign, though. I already change lore so much the setting has a lot of differences.
What materials do you use in your DnD game? Do you play online or in person?
As much as I'd adore to get to play IRL with my friends at some point, our game is currently online. For our current campaign I recently made the switch from Roll20 to Foundry VTT. If you're an online exclusive DM and have the money to buy the one time license, I would recommend it!
A list of what I use to run my current game:
Foundry VTT
Discord (A custom server for Voice Chatting/Private DMs/Memes and art sharing/Scheduling)
Epic Isometric (On Patreon. Digital isometric maps and tokens. Have been using them since at least 2020 if not earlier. Will be making tutorial videos soon!)
The Dungeon Sketcher (Also on Patreon. Also isometric maps and tokens. The artist frequents Epic Isometric's discord server where we all share custom assets we've made, too. His stuff blends in pretty seamlessly with EpicIso)
Vile Tiles by Gabriel Pickard (Found on the Roll20 marketplace, but you can use the assets in any VTT. For theater of the mind and RP backgrounds)
Artstation (Our game is not streamed, so I tend to use backgrounds I source from concept artists for RP backgrounds. If you stream a game, obviously always ask the creators of your assets if you can use them.)
Procreate/An art program (I draw the PC/NPC portraits for our game myself)
Milanote/Any note-taking method (Milanote is just what I use to plan the game, since I already use it for other hobbies and commissions as well.)
Do you stream your game? Is there someplace I can find out more about it? Are you looking for players?
I am not looking for players! Our game is also not recorded or streamed - mostly because I'd get some serious DM stage-fright. I also like it being a relaxing experience for myself and my friends where we're performing for ourselves, instead of with the pressure of a potential audience.
However, I do have a toyhou.se world where information on the game is available - including session recaps! If I ever get the time I also want to draw fun comics and little animations of what happens because my friends are very inspiring to me and DMing has quickly become a favorite hobby.
You can also search the words "Seven Asunder" on this blog and you'll find relevant posts here.
Can I use your art/assets/ideas in my own game?
I can't really stop you. If it's not recorded, streamed or monetized and you're not saying you created anything I made yourself, I legitimately don't care! This even includes using character art I've made. I just would like to politely request you don't post any of it publicly to avoid confusion and to respect my players - many of the NPCs in my games are also characters they create and I cannot give permission for them (obviously). It also would kind of suck to see one of my own beloved characters supposedly "belonging" to someone else.
Essentially, I understand taking inspiration and having "placeholder" images/artwork for characters in a game. Not all of us have time or resources to have custom art! Just don't take one of my or my players' OC's designs and start saying they're yours publicly , pretty please :)
Once commissions are over and I find the spare time, I intend to release free-to-use (personally and for streaming) art packs for folks' games. I also highly recommend the patreons I linked above.
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astralfms · 6 months ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
you’re not from around here , are you? i figured because you totally just missed JULIAN HENDRICKS walking by . don’t tell me you don’t know who he/him is ? they kind of look like mason gooding and i could be wrong but i think that they might be 27 years old right now . they’ve been living in palmview for the last sixteen years and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of jim halpert from the office . if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at sunset villas as a realtor . you see this town isn’t really that big of a place , some folks like to call them the charmer of palmview ! they took a liking to the name too after a while , go figure . oh crap , they must have heard me yapping , they’re coming this way . i got to warn you though , rumor has it they can pretty reckless at times . i wouldn’t take it too seriously though , from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty thoughtful to me . we see each other all the time since they live in that two bedroom apartment beside me over in sunny shores . i better leave you to it , it was nice meeting you .
full name: julian andrew hendricks
nicknames: juju ( mom only )
birthday: december 12, 1996
hometown: palmview, florida
occupation: real estate agent
hobbies: self proclaimed movie buff, occasional amateur dj, frequent dog walker
lives: sunny shores
from humble beginnings, julian’s story begins in a small bungalow in palmview, florida. rented to own by eliza and jerome hendricks, the couple decided to begin their family with his older sister, julian following only 26 months after. deciding their family was complete, the two dedicated their limited resources to ensuring their children had the most fulfilling childhood possible. his love for movies began at an early age, orange vhs tapes racking up by the stack and julian begging his parents to spend hours in front of the tv. he’d spend his time mimicking the characters, analyzing their movements and re-enacting the scenes for his family after dinner. noticing his spark for acting, julian’s parents signed him up for various auditions.  this starts his stint as a childhood actor, moving the family from tiny palmview to bustling los angeles, all for the sake of his career. attending a traditional school at first, julian starred in different plays for his elementary and middle schools, along with snagging different background appearances and commercials from time to time. it was never a secret to him that this was a job, becoming more prevalent to him after landing a key role in a children’s film. constant press tours, appearances, filming, and trying to finish seventh grade all at the same time became too overwhelming, his parents noticing his passion fading and his stress rising. small outbursts from him began to occur, leading the hendrick’s family to retire julian’s acting career and move themselves back across the country. the transition wasn’t easy, reeling at his fall from grace and his return to ‘normal’ life, times were rocky in the hendrick’s house for the next few years. it’s not until he lands a minor role in his tenth grade production of the crucible that julian begins to mellow out again, finding joy amongst his cast mates. this joy included his crush that would consume him for the next two years, auditioning for roles only for the chance to be her counterpart. his love for movies returned, subscribing for a membership at the local theater’s movie club that he still holds to this day. life had returned to what it once was, julian finding new passions while finding ways to honor the old ones.  college comes and he’s faced with a crossroads: go for juilliard’s acting program and try again for his dreams, or follow his crush to the university of florida and pursue a degree in business. julian chooses the latter, despite the urging of his family, and begins his stay at u of f, a proud resident for the next four years. the first semester of his freshman year proved to be nothing he’d expected, his lack of commitment and focus on his studies causing the downfall of his potential relationship. with the loss of her, and the realization he’d chosen the wrong path, julian found himself lost and wandering. the next few years are very much look down and grind ( with the occasional party ), determined to graduate with honors and land a decent job in real estate after graduation. it’s the least he can do, he figures.  post graduation has been dedicated to finding himself. he’s settled in his real estate job and managing financially, trying to figure out where he fits in outside of his own expectations. aside from spending time with his family, he can be found doing showings and open houses during the day, and producing amateur dj sets or rewatching his ten favorite movies by night. it’s a simple life, which he’s convinced himself he prefers. 
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violivs · 1 year ago
NMTDaily: And So It Begins
- Beatrice’s first vlog! What an opening line, I love it lol. I remembered the hand wave on “hello, people of the Internet” having a wider arc across the screen than it actually does, funny enough! Glad I didn’t specify the wide wave when I referenced this line in MARRIED, the fic I posted on the 25th.
- “I’m not too old for Halloween”, girl after my own heart!
- Always thought it was interesting that Bea’s mother is American. I wonder how/why they decided that. It’s the kind of super specific detail that makes Bea feel so real, because who would make that up? It’s also interesting that it means Bea and Ben’s families are both somewhat international. Another parallel for them, another thing they have in common.
- I bet the Aunties’ wedding was the cutest thing ever, imagine Hero and Leo standing up with them! That’s probably the last time all of the Dukes were together before the story starts.
- I’m surprised Bea’s parents moved because her dad got a promotion. I would have assumed her mom did, because we get the impression of her as the high-powered businesswoman. But good for Bea’s dad. Is it canon that he’s a university professor? (Promotion = tenure?) Or did I make that up for fanfic and/or confuse him with Ben’s parents being professors in canon? Listening for that. Maybe Bea’s dad was actually also a business person all along and that’s how her parents met. Who knows.
- Bea says Australia like I say Indiana, lol (no hate to anyone from Indiana though! Just another of those inborn rivalries with the neighbor, like the Oz/NZ one.)
- “A great science program” I forgot Bea was a science person!
- I always loved the set decoration in this room, I remember it’s Hero’s room, and it’s so artsy and cozy and pretty. Love the wall art.
- “Leo and I are in charge of the house for the next six months” Excuse me, does this series really only take place over six months? Well, it ends in the first week of November, so that’s seven full months. I think it felt like it lasted a whole year when it was airing though. Time slowed down during a certain arc for sure.
- “in-joke with myself!” Classic. I kind of love that the text on screen saying “good one Beatrice” is Bea talking to herself again in-world, but out-of-world it’s kind of the Candle Wasters talking, interacting both with their own main character and with the audience. Meta.
- “Sorry my life is so boring” are like, THE famous last words for an LIW protagonist. Honey, you got a big storm coming!
- I was always so incredibly impressed with Beatrice’s independence, her comfort with leaving her parents and essentially being on her own before she even finished high school. I was alone in a college dorm hours away from home when I first watched this, second semester of freshman year if I’m not mistaken, and I could barely believe I’d managed it. I couldn’t imagine doing that any earlier than I had. I thought she was so brave and cool. I think Bea actually shows more hesitation and nervousness than I realized she did in this episode, both because she’s not used to vlogging yet and because being in a new place is nerve-wracking, but I still think she’s so brave.
- It’s so interesting that in a reversal of the play, it’s our Beatrice who comes from away to Messina to start the story, instead of Benedick and the other men returning from war. Of course, we’ll see how the boys’ arrival on the scene is modernized soon enough!
- Harriett does such a great job making you care about Bea and like her right from the start. You just want to keep listening to her talk. I can’t wait to do just that over the next seven months.
- The Benedict Cumberbatch crush is a stroke of genius, but what are the odds that there happens to be a super famous guy named Benedict that you can reference who is at peak relevance in the exact year your MAAN modernization premieres? Truly, this series as it exists could only have happened in 2014. It was the perfect time and the perfect people. What luck.
- Oh, this is the wider arc hand wave I was remembering! It’s just at the end of the video and not the beginning. Funny!
- Covering the camera with her hand and ducking out of frame at the end of her first video is a direct parallel to what Bea and Hero do in their final NMTD video, sliding out of frame and all. Love that.
- I can’t believe how much there is to talk about even with these early episodes. These posts are gonna get so long they’ll have to go under a cut for the later episodes!
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builder051 · 5 months ago
NaNo 2024 day 8: A hairbrained scheme
Avengers Infinity Saga canon/missing moment
Right before they put the time through the Scott
Humor without plot
Bruce sits behind the control panel in his lab. Scott’s van is backed into place in front of him, and many wires and cords run from its trunk to his computer.
That’s not his focus at the moment, though. A video chat window dominates his screen.
“You sure you don’t want to come?” Bruce implores.
“Nope.” Tony replies succinctly. “I already told you. And I haven’t changed my mind.”
“It’s still not too late. We can delay launch until you get here,” Bruce offers. “Come on. The team’s back. We need you to help save the world.”
“I need to be in the backyard,” Tony says. “Got to blaze the fire pit. Morgan already has the tent. We’re camping out tonight. You know, play a little banjo, melt some marshmallows. Way more important than your hairbrained scheme.”
“Can I get your blessing at least? If it works, I’m taking all the credit.” Bruce tries for a light, friendly tone. He doesn’t want to be angry with Tony. He doesn’t want to be angry at all. “If it fails… Well, it was Scott’s idea.”
Both men laugh, but they quickly sober when they make eye contact again. Tony’s hand comes into the camera view, and the feed cuts off.
“Hey!” Scott calls from across the lab. “Why were you laughing at me. This is a great idea.” He gestures at the van. “I’m the only one with an idea.”
“I didn’t mean to make you feel bad,” Bruce says. “It’s just…Tony. He’s spent too much time alone. I think it’s an entrepreneur thing.”
“So he’s really a no go?” Scott asks. “For sure?”
“Yeah,” Bruce sighs. He closes the tab for the video chat and returns his attention to the time machine’s programming. “At this point, he may as well be on another planet.”
“He still covers the insurance, right?” Scott squirms in his vermillion hazmat suit. “If I die on the job, somebody’s got to get the payout to Cassie. I, uh, haven’t been great at that college fund thing. Do a cashier’s check. And delivery receipt.”
“You’re not gonna die,” Bruce reassures. “It worked last time.” He taps a few keys, finishing up the last line of his equation. “You survived the dust after all.”
“Mm.” Scott nods. “Will it be like jet lag, do you think? If I come back all woozy, wave some horseradish under my nose. That’ll kick me out of any kind of time coma.” He takes in Bruce’s blank look. “You have condiments here?” He tilts his head toward the fridge in the back of the lab.
“I don’t know,” Bruce says. “Natasha does the groceries. I usually eat out.” He hovers his finger over the power switch. “It’ll go fine. You ready?”
“Wait!” Scott stalls. “We should get something tonight. To celebrate, you know? After this thing works? Your treat. You have Doordash?”
“We have to actually do it first.” Bruce flicks the switch. The equipment in the back of the van lights up. “Then tonight we’re eating on Tony’s ticket.” He grins at Scott. “Do you like s’mores?”
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silver138 · 5 months ago
Perfectly Flawed - Chapter 23
word count - 1.9k warnings - one curse word Summary: Lina, Penelope, and Spencer uncover some things…
As Gideon and Elle head towards Hotch to fill him in on what we've learned, I rush back to the room Penny and I are in, eager to see what other information can be uncovered. I'm walking in and about to start searching for answers to the latest questions we have when I nearly run into Spencer, who says, "Lina! You're back! Hey, Garcia, she's right here!"
Entering the room, with Spencer right behind me, Penny spins in her chair to face me and says, "Ah! There's my right-hand woman. Lina, what did you find out while you were out?"
"Uh, h-hang on, Pen...Spence, did you want to read this real quick? I think I took some decent notes..." I say, handing him my notepad as I quickly start looking up any info I can find on these five people, starting with Roxanne Waters.
"Y-yeah...wow, these are pretty thorough..." I hear him mumble as I start pulling up what Ms. Waters has been up to since high school.
As Spencer brings Penny up to speed, I find that Roxanne's been bouncing from one thing to another, first with different majors in different colleges, never finishing more than a semester in any one program, to different jobs within the same company.
"How has she been able to stay with the same company, yet gone through so many different jobs?" I muse to myself, nodding when I see her father owns the company. "Hmm, makes sense..." I say, sighing.
"Uh, here's your notepad, Lina," Spencer says, setting it on my desk and pulling up a chair as Penny wheels over to see what I've come up with.
"Ah, checking out the resident Mean Girl, Class of '96?" Penny says, looking over at my screen.
I nod and hum in acknowledgment. "Mmm-hmm. Seems like she was kinda...flitting from one thing to another, never committing, until...I don't know, maybe her parents got fed up and just gave her a job? See? That's her dad's modeling company," pointing at her workplace files. "But she's still going from one thing to another, an assistant to everyone from the CEO to the various managers..."
I bite my lip, and Penny asks, "What were the jobs of the first two victims?"
As I pull it up on my screen, Spencer quickly reads, "Ashley Naldi is a journalist, and Jennifer Wilcox is a fashion designer."
"Looks like Ms. Naldi works at Vogue, and Ms. Wilcox just had some of her work featured in the October issue," I say, scrolling through the information, stopping when I see something that could be damning.
"Says here the models were from the Waters' agency, it's possible Ms. Waters was there during that shoot..." I say, cross-referencing between different windows, trying to see if any of the dates line up.
"Found something! October 11th through 15th, some receipts indicating Ms. Waters stayed at a hotel in the same city where the photo shoot was taking place!" Penny says, turning from her computer to look at us.
I hum and say, "Yeah, but the shoot was for 2 weeks, she left after one? Did different models come in?" I continue scrolling through receipts and plane tickets, following the trail. "No, it's looking like she was the only one to leave, and someone else from the company came in to finish the shoot in her place..." I reveal.
"Do you think something happened to make her leave or need to be replaced?" Spencer asks, looking over from my screen to Penelope's.
"Not sure, but that's something else to add to the list of questions..." Penny says, tapping on her keyboard. 
"Do we know what hotel Ms. Waters is in while she's here?" Spencer asks, and I quickly pull it up.
"Yup, seems she's staying at the same place the reunion's being held, the Ritz-Carlton," I tell him, starting to check on where Sabrina Sadler and Lucas Davies are lodging as well.
"You checking the areas for the profile there, Reid?" Penny asks, turning in her chair to look at him.
He hums and starts, "Mmm-hmm. Hey, Lina, where are Sabrina Sadler and Lucas-"
  "-Davies staying? Already got it. Ms. Sadler is at The Georgetown House, and Mr. Davies is at the Sonder Georgetown C&O." I cut in, getting a smile from him when I turn to face him. I blush and shrug, saying, "I...kinda figured it'd be prudent to look up where they were staying too, just in case."
He continues grinning at me for a moment, then goes back to the map he has spread out on a spare table, marking all the relevant spots. His mouth bunches up to one side, deep in thought.
"What are you thinkin', Doc?" I ask him, turning around in my chair to face him.
"The crime scenes aren't that far from each other, so the unsub is probably somewhere in the 1 to 5-mile radius. It's more likely they're closer rather than farther away..." he says, tracing over the map with his fingertips and frowning slightly.
"That's good, right? Less area to cover to find the unsub?" I ask.
"In theory, yes. But this part of the city is so densely packed with people, it'll be near-impossible to keep people away to properly comb the area to find him..." he says.
"But, they're still gonna send people to patrol it, right?" I ask, standing up to look over at the map.
"Well, probably for at least a little while, if only as a precaution so there aren't any more attacks," Spencer says, sighing and sitting down in a nearby chair.
Penny looks over at us and says, "Hey, why don't you two go get some coffee, maybe grab something from the vending machine, and I'll tell Hotch and the others what we've found,"
I look over at Spencer, then back at Penny, and ask, "Um, are you sure? Shou-shouldn't we stay here, try to find anything else?"
She gives me a smile that's more of a grimace and says, "Well, for the time being, we're kind of...on pause. Until something happens, or someone decides to offer any more information, we're kind of on standby."
Spencer looks over at me and shrugs, then turns to Penny and says, "Alright. We'll be back. Thanks, Garcia."
Smile growing wider and more playful, she says, "Well, if you really want to thank me, you can grab me a pack of Skittles from the vending machine," and hands him some change for the machine.
I grin and grab some money as well, and say, "Yeah, that's doable. Be back in a bit, Pen."
  Following Spencer out of the room, we make a stop to grab some coffee, then head to the vending machine. Spencer gets Penny her Skittles, and I spot a pack of Twix and swiftly punch in the code for it. After I retrieve and open it, I ask, "Hey Doc, want one?" holding the package out in offering.
He gives me a small smile as he deftly snags one of the bars, giving me a quiet, "Thank you," as we head back.
  I grin and say, "No problem, Doc." taking a bite from my bar.
After we head back to Penny, Spencer hands her the Skittles, which she gleefully takes, ripping the bag open. "Have I ever told you that you're my favorite doctor, Reid?" I give Penny an amused look, raising my eyebrows. She gasps and says, "Ohmigosh, that's right! There are two of you now! Sorry, Lina!"
"It's ok, Penny. Just means I gotta work harder," I say with a small laugh.
"Well, far be it from me to try to deter you from that..." Penny says, grinning.
Hotch then comes in, giving a quick, hard rap on the door, and says, "Reid, Garcia," He takes a small pause, then adds, "Aschebrooke. You all can head home, but safe to say we'll be coming back in tomorrow. Rest up, we're going to need to bring our A-game to find this unsub before he does more damage."
"Will do, Sir," Penny says, as she starts putting the computers on standby for the night.
Grabbing my purse again, I help Penny with the computers, as Spencer leaves the room with Hotch. After everything is set for the night, Penny and I make our way to the elevators, and on the way there, I see Hotch talking to Spencer, a hand on his shoulder. Spencer nods and gives him a tight smile, then walks towards the elevators, satchel slung across his body.
We take the elevator down and, waving to Penny as we leave, Spencer and I start walking to the station. As we walk I ask him, "You ok, Doc?"
"What do you mean?" he responds, hands in his pockets. 
"Dunno, guess I'm just...checking in? I don't know about you, but I'm going to try my best to get those crime scenes out of my head so I can sleep tonight." I say quietly.
His demeanor softens, and he takes his hands out of his pockets and runs a hand through his hair. "Yeah, it's...quite a lot at first. Sorry to say it, but you tend to get used to it after a while."
"Well, I know I'm new to this, but, if you need to talk about anything, or just...need to get your mind on lighter topics, you can text or call me," I tell him, smiling gently at him.
A small smile emerges on his face, and he says, "Thank you but, shouldn't I be saying that to you?"
I shrug and say, "I suppose, but that's...just...kind of what I do," 
"On a different note, you're going to be able to sleep in your own bed tonight instead of in a hotel, so that's gotta be a nice change, right, Doc?" I say, which causes Spencer to give a small chuckle.
"Yeah, that is going to be nice, I've got to admit!" he says, grinning.
Reaching the station, we go to sit on the bench to wait, but the Metro pulls up, and instead, we board and sit down. Letting out a small breath, I gently rub at my temples and stretch my neck to loosen my muscles, then turn to look at Spencer.
"So, your usual tomorrow?" he asks me. I nod and go to tell him he doesn't have to, but he stops me and says, "I've gone a week without a coffee buddy, I'll gladly get yours, too. And some decent coffee, at that."
I flash him a smile and say, "Thanks, Doc. No one else would drink coffee with you?"
He sighs, shaking his head and saying, "Not really. Not after the first cup, at least."
I snort and say, "Ah, well, there is that..."
Riding in silence, I see my stop coming up, and, signaling for the Metro to halt, I give Spencer a small wave and tell him, "I'll see you tomorrow, Doc."
"I'll see you tomorrow, Lina," he says, returning the wave with a small smile as I head off the vehicle and start on my way home.
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trissaysmoi · 6 months ago
What if I return to STEM?
This rant is brought by regrets, self-doubts, burnouts, existential crises, and still the aftermath of the graduation season.
Last night, I started browsing for job openings since I'm already planning of leaving the news org as soon as possible after the long-term toxicities I've found out about it. But also, because I just don't see myself doing print media in the long run.
Today while I was taking a break in writing my article, I reflected on the things I did that led me to where I am right now. I reconsidered the decisions I made.
I think about what my life would've been if I didn't shift my degree program. There's a high possibility that things would've ended just fine.
I hated how obsessed I was with academic recognition for the past 5 years. It literally ruined everything. If I didn't aim for a latin honor for too much, I probably wouldn't have shifted. If I just accept things the way it was back then, I would've stayed and finished the degree. (For context, I got pulled out from PL/DL during the 2nd sem of 1st year and it greatly prompted me to eventually shift).
I might feel like a loser for a bit but at least, looking at the bigger picture, I'd recognize that I was brave enough to survive engineering. Because that's probably what's in the minds of other engineering students that I've watched during their grad ceremony.
Shifting to journalism didn't bring me good after all. In fact, I felt even worse. The college is extremely competitive. I feel like shit seeing all my blockmates get a latin honor.
Right now, I'm in the verge of another burnout. Again, I'm feeling like I'm exerting my effort in the wrong places. Para ba saan talaga ako?
Then I finally thought, what if I return to the STEM field?
Taking the journalism path means being socially aware to the brim. And I think that fact is taking a toll on me right now. It's exhausting. There's no other way for me to describe it. Right now, I just want to go back to the times that I might still be socially aware, but I don't necessarily have to do something about it.
I need to step back and refocus my priorities. I need to leave the news org asap because it already came to a point that they're pressuring us to stay, and I don't want to.
I'm still going to apply for media related jobs because that's what I can physically do, and I need the money immediately. But the thought of pursuing electronics or engineering again is back on my mind.
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