#I got Haruki demons
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betaboks · 2 years ago
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Ability - 1Q84: Allows for the user to shapeshift when stepping through a threshold or boundary (door, stairs, etc)
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ta-ni-ya · 1 year ago
(It’s about time I finally do this)
Name: Taniya
Nickname: Niya
Age: 16+
Birthday: 28 April
Fav colour: pink >:3
Pronouns: she/her
If you’ve seen my posts, you can already tell I’m an artist and I do original character designs and sometimes use references- I also draw my mutuals :D
I’m Indian idk if that was necessary to know but still anyways lol-
Also I haven’t revealed this but I’m still in school ;-; I never really got a reason to tell but this kinda explains my break right?
I love cats. That’s it.
I love sleeping so much but my schedule is messed up because of it that’s why I don’t have any fixed time to post because I be sleeping during the day and being awake at night sometimes 😭🤡 (I’m not sure if I got insomnia bro-)
I also have this habit of adding emojis everywhere so don’t mind me- I just like expressing myself with emojis
Also- I have a habit of saying ‘lol’ a lot ;~;
I also might share some random stuff about me? 🤷🏻‍♀️
I also draw my own oc’s (so far I’ve made from demon slayer, Tokyo Revengers and, mha and one piece)
I originally made an account on tumblr just to read stuff but I eventually decided why not post my own stuff? And I’ve made a lot of friends now :)
My lovely mutuals 🥰:
There’s more but I’ve reached the tag limit 💀
Appreciation post
(Please lemme know if I missed someone ;-;)
Some of my moot’s ocs that I’m a huge simp for:
Kansatoki Hikari 🙈💚
@persuasionhero / @slayfics
Catilina alexandrovich 🥹🫶🏻
Hiroyuki kajiwara 👀🩵
Takahiro shinkirou 🤭🥰
Anywaysss here’s my oc:
Demon slayer oc (shipped with Sanemi shinazugawa)- ♡
Her backstory- ☆
More about her appearance- ♥︎ •
More info- ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
Facts- ♤
Her animation!- ♧
Katana design- ○
Sanekiri- *
Modern au- <3
Voice claim- ●
A series with @kiyokatokito’s oc
Demon slayer oc 2 (shipped with takahiro shinkirou) - ♡
Voice claim- ●
Tokyo revengers oc (shipped with Shinichiro sano)- ♡
More about her appearance- ♥︎ •
One piece oc (shipped with no one)- ♡
More about her appearance- ♥︎ • °
Her backstory- ☆
Facts- ♤
My hero academia oc(s) (shipped with each other)- ♡ ♡
Ship name- Haruki
Voice claim- ●
Voice claim- ●
A random oc (shipped with @tokito-dulya20’s oc catilina alexandrovich and @muitsuri’s oc katarina)- ♡
Ship name- catrinelle
Them all together
I also have 3 rp blogs:
Lol I think that’s all for now? I might update later if I have more to add ig ^^
Thank you for reading this-
Here have head pats:
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matchagyudon · 3 months ago
The Great War in the Land of Hearts
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Keisuke Baji くっそお、あの鬼教師 明日1時間目から小テストってなんだよ! Damn, that teacher is a demon. The hell’re you doing, giving us a pop quiz during first period tomorrow!
Keisuke Baji はぁ・・・これ以上留年するわけにはいかねぇからな テスト範囲、勉強するしかねぇな Haaah… I can’t repeat another year anymore… I guess I got no choice but to study for it.
Keisuke Baji 教科書持って帰ってきてたよな〜 ん?なんだ、カバンに本が入ってる・・���『不思議の国のアリス』? I left my textbook at home, didn’t I… Hm? What’s this book doing in my bag… “Alice in Wonderland”?
Keisuke Baji オレのじゃねぇし多分ガッコーのだよな… 明日戻しに行くか This ain’t mine, probably the school’s… I’ll give it back tomorrow.
Keisuke Baji … ん… まぶしい朝?オレ途中で寝ちまったのか? … Ugh… Why is it so bright? Did I pass out on the way home?
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Keisuke Baji はあ!?どこだここ・・・寝てる間に移動したのか・・・!? The hell!? Where is this… Was I sleepwalking…!?
Keisuke Baji ん?なんか体もちっさくねぇか? 髪も・・つーかなんだこの帽子!? 格好も!! Huh? Why is my body so small? Somethin’ on my head… what’s with this hat!? And my outfit!!
Keisuke Baji 意味がわかんねぇー I dunno what’s goin’ on--
Keisuke Baji なんか腹減ったな この辺のキノコたべれっかな Damn, I’m feelin’ kinda hungry. Guess I’ll eat this weird-lookin’ mushroom.
Keisuke Baji ーパク Chomp.
Keisuke Baji う~ん・・・味はイマイチ Mmmm… Kinda tastes weird.
Takashi Mitsuya オマエ!!! 今、そこのキノコを食べたのか!? Hey, you!!! Did you eat that mushroom just now!?
Keisuke Baji ん?そうだけど 誰だテメェ Huh? Yeah, but who the hell are you?
Takashi Mitsuya そいつは毒キノコだ 食べると笑いが止まらなくなる!! That mushroom’s poisonous, If you eat it, you won’t be able to stop laughing!!
Keisuke Baji 毒キノコ~? うんなわけ•••••• A poisonous mushroom? You’re shittin me….
Keisuke Baji アハハハハハハハ!!! なん、ハハ、笑いがアハハハ、とまんねぇ!!アハ! Hahahahahaha!!! What-- haha-- I can’t stop-- hahaha-- laughing!! Haha!
Takashi Mitsuya ちょっと、待て解毒剤持ってるから・・・・・.. これだ、ほら飲め Hold on, I’ve got an antitode here… Here, drink up.
Keisuke Baji ーゴクリ Gulp
Keisuke Baji ハァ~!!!! 止まった~~ Haaah!!! It stopped~
Keisuke Baji サンキューな!助かったぜ Thanks man! You saved me there.
Takashi Mitsuya いいさ、これからは無闇やたらとキノコを食うんじゃねぇぞ From now on, you shouldn’t eat weird mushrooms.
Keisuke Baji そうするわ You got it.
Spades Soldier なんか笑い声が聞こえると思って来て みたら… I thought I heard someone laughing…
Spades Soldier テメェーら、オレらスペード団のシマで何やってんだ? What are you guys doing on Spade territory?
Takashi Mitsuya チッ、スペード団か今は会いたくなかったな Tch, damn Spades, I didn’t wanna get involved with them.
Keisuke Baji なんだ?オマエの敵か? What, these guys your enemies?
Takashi Mitsuya 敵…まぁそんなところだな この辺を荒らしまわってるタチの悪い 奴らでさ Enemies… Yeah, I guess it’s something like that. These guys are up to no good, makin’ a mess of things around here.
Takashi Mitsuya 危ねぇからオマエは下がってろ They’re dangerous, so you better stay back.
Keisuke Baji 相手、3人もいるじゃねぇか There’s 3 of them, though?
Takashi Mitsuya このくらいちょうどいいハンデだ It’s just the perfect handicap for them.
Keisuke Baji ハハ、そうかよ Haha, is that so.
Keisuke Baji けど、さっきの礼もあるしな見てるだけってのも性に合わねぇオレも一緒に戦うぜ!! But, I’ve still gotta thank you, so I ain’t just gonna sit here and watch-- I’ll fight with ya!!
Takashi Mitsuya オマエ、やるな! Great job man!
Keisuke Baji そっちこそ、なかなかやるじゃねーか! Same to you, you’re pretty good yourself!
Spades Soldier ・・・・・・勝った気になってんじゃねぇぞ …….. You haven’t won yet.
Keisuke Baji あぁ? まだやられ足りなかったか? Haaah? What, you still haven’t gotten your ass beat enough?
Takashi Mitsuya オイ、あそこ見る! どうやら仲間を呼んでたみたいだ Hey, look over there! Looks like they’ve called over their buddies here.
Keisuke Baji チッ、いつの間に・・・ 2人相手に何人味方んでんだよ Tch, when did they… How many people do they need to fight the two of us…
Spades Soldier 形勢逆転ってな!!! もうテメェらは終わり��!!! Now the tables have turned!!! This is the end for you guys!!!
??? オラッ!! Oraaaaa!!
Spades Soldier ガハッ!!! Gahhh!!!
Manjiro Sano よっ、助太刀するぜ! Yo, help is here!
Keisuke Baji 誰だオマエ Who is this guy?
Takashi Mitsuya マイキー! Mikey!
Keisuke Baji マイキー? オマエの仲間か? Mikey? This your friend?
Ken Ryuguji Can’t we chitchat later?
Haruki Hayashida まずはこいつら倒すのが先だろ We’ve gotta take down these guys first.
Keisuke Baji そうだな!! Yeah!! …
Keisuke Baji オマエら強ぇーな あっという間に全滅じゃねぇーか You guys are pretty strong. They were all wiped out in an instand.
Haruki Hayashida 当たり前だろ オレらハート団がこんな奴らに負けるかよ!! Of course, there’s no way the Hearts are gonna lose to a bunch of losers like them!!
Keisuke Baji ハート団? Hearts?
Ken Ryuguji なぁ三ツ谷、こいつ誰だよ Hey Mitsuya, who’s this?
Takashi Mitsuya あぁ、スペード団に遭遇したところ一緒に戦ってくれてさ Ah, I ran into him here on the Spades territory, and we ended up fighting together.
Takashi Mitsuya マイキー、こいつスゲー強いよ Mikey, this guy’s strong, y’know.
Manjiro Sano オマエ、名前は? You, what’s your name?
Keisuke Baji 場地圭介だ It’s Keisuke Baji.
Manjiro Sano 場地 オマエ、ハート団に入れよ Baji… Join the Hearts.
Keisuke Baji はあ!?入れって急に言われても・・・てか、ハート団って何なんだよ Haah!? You want me to join just like that… but hold on, who even are you guys?
Haruki Hayashida オマエ、ハート団を知らねぇのか!? 無敵のマイキー率いるハート団だぜ!? You don’t know who the Hearts are!? Don’t you know the Invincible Mikey leads the Hearts?!
Keisuke Baji 聞いたことねぇな Never heard of you.
Ken Ryuguji さっき戦ってたスペード団 あいつらのせいで、困ってる奴が多いんだ The guys we just fought, the Spades, those are the ones causing a bunch of troubles around here.
Ken Ryuguji そのスペード団をぶっ潰すために結成したのがハート団だ And the Hearts were created to take down the Spades.
Keisuke Baji なるほどな I see now.
Manjiro Sano どう?入る気になった? オマエなら歓迎する So? You gonna join us? You’re welcome here.
Keisuke Baji 歓迎するって・・.. 今日会ったばっかでいいのかよ Welcome, huh… Even though we just met today?
Manjiro Sano 一緒に戦えばなんとなくわかるだろ オマエは…..なんか面白そうだ! You’ll see what I mean if you fight with us. After all… you’re kind of an interesting person!
Keisuke Baji なんだよそれ What is that supposed to mean…
Keisuke Baji まあ、別に目的もないし入るとするか、ハート団に Well, I guess I’m not really doing anything, so I’ll join you guys.
Manjiro Sano じゃあ、���メンバーも入ったことださっそく行くとするか Since we’ve got our newbie, let’s get going!
Manjiro Sano スペード団、ぶっ潰しに! Let’s go beat those sorry Spades’ asses!
Draken, Mitsuya, Pah-Chin おー! Hell yeah!
The Great War in the Land of Hearts (google.com)
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larz-barz · 1 year ago
Milo information!!<3
finally lol
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Milo’s personality
She’s kind, pretty shy unless with people she trusts, she has separation anxiety and trust issues, she hates conflict, and she’s really silly especially with Tanjiro. She’s also kinda sensitive. Very indecisive, once it took her an entire hour for her to pick a movie for date night with Tanjiro cause he didn’t want to pick, he thought he should give Milo a chance to pick (he ended up having to pick anyway) She’s also quite easily distracted. This one time, she was training with Tanjiro and she saw a butterfly. Let’s just say Tanjiro has been very hesitant to train with Milo ever since.
Backstory (this is for both original and Kimetsu Academy)
Basically, Milo has had a rlly bad track record when it comes to friendship. She’s been betrayed by a lot of ppl, resulting in her shy and insecure personality (she’s always been this way, these things just made it even worse). She has a rlly hard time getting close to ppl as result of this, she thinks that no one actually likes her. She also used to be bullied by some of her family (like her extended family, not her parents) into thinking she didn’t deserve to be loved. The abuse of her uncle has caused her to always have to wear thigh highs to cover up the bruises and stuff. Her uncle killed her parents shortly after she became a demon slayer due to her not visiting him on time (she was in the final selection when she was supposed to go visit him).
What drove Milo to be a demon slayer?
This happened when she was 12. She was having a sleepover at her best friend’s house and a demon came in. It murdered her friend and her friend’s whole family. Milo escaped with just an eyebrow wound (that’s how she got her eyebrow scar, in Kimetsu Academy she got it from her cat when she was 5).
Milo’s family
Mother- Akane Suzuki (dead)
Father- Leno Suzuki (dead)
Uncle (father’s brother)- Haruki Suzuki (alive)
Aunt (mother’s sister)- Akari Suzuki (She married Haruki) (demon)
Grandma (father’s mother)- Hana Suzuki (dead)
Grandpa (father’s father)- Haru Suzuki (alive)
Grandma (mother’s mother)- unknown
Grandpa (mother’s father)- unknown
Adoptive Aunt- Aika Tomioka (yw @muichirothehashira)
Uncle by marriage- Giyuu Tomioka
Milo’s mother and aunt were raised in an orphanage and was never adopted.
Milo’s birthday
July 2nd
Milo’s age
Milo’s height
Milo’s likes
Tanjiro, strawberries, pringles, mushrooms, mild spicy chicken udon, her mom and dad, friends, affection, love in general, watching anime, reading manga, and designing clothes (the last 3 are for the Kimetsu Academy au)
Milo’s dislikes
Inosuke (she feels bad but she doesn’t like how loud he is and that he’s always picking fights), Zenitsu (same thing except instead of picking fights, she doesn’t like how he’s so weird with girls), bullies, her aunt and uncle, and demons
What Milo is like in school
She likes to be with Tanjiro constantly. Even if his friends are around. Tanjiro makes being with them more pleasant for Milo. She enjoys hanging out with her friends (especially Mari cause she’s Milo’s favorite). She likes designing things like clothes, she has a sketchbook filled with things that she’s designed. Her favorite class is english because of her teacher. Her least favorite class is history because she’s never really been into that kinda stuff, and that is never gonna change. Also, because of her relationship with Tanjiro, and her friends, Milo is popular. She absolutely hates it, a lot of other girls don’t like her cause they like Tanjiro. This has often resulted in some bad things happening to Milo when Tanjiro isn’t around.
Milo quotes-
“How much gasoline would it take to start a fire?”
“A pringle a day keeps the single life away.” (stolen from @muichinno cause that quote you made for Milo is literally my life rn and i absolutely love it)
“Live for the happiness of yourself not of others.”
“Learn to live not live to learn.”
“How do fires exist under water in Spongebob?”
“1000% silliness confirmed.”
“Milo Suzuki at your service, how can I help?”
“I hope to be Milo Kamado someday.”
*while reading fanfics at 3 a.m.* “I don’t need sleep, I need answers.”
Milo’s favorite animal
Definitely axolotl, or cat, or dog. Honestly it could be a lot of things.
Favorite season
Fall because of halloween, spring is ok except for all the pollen, winter is also amazing cause of christmas and the break from school, summer is just blahhh. It’s too hot.
Favorite type of weather
Cloudy cause you don’t have to deal with the sun in your eyes. No rain tho, just clouds.
Day or night
Night by far, Milo thrives in the night.
What Milo is like in battle
She’s actually very dependable in battle. She’ll do anything to protect the ones she loves, even if it means she could get killed. Better herself than anyone else, right? If someone needs backup? She’s right there. She often gets scolded by Tanjiro for how reckless she is in battle (like he’s any better). He doesn’t want to lose her like how he lost most of his family. Milo and Nezuko are all he has left so he’ll do anything to protect them. She has to try her best to keep from getting distracted by a bird or something.
Milo’s breathing style
Starlight breathing
First Form: Breath of Starlight - Releases a wave of stars to knockback/lightly wound the opponent
- First Form: Improved Breath - A wave of stars sends the opponent flying through the air, with light wounds
Second Form: Pool of Shine - The user stabs forward, and lets out a blinding flash of light that stuns/temporarily blinds the opponent
Third Form: Starlight Ripple - The user spins in a quick circle, releasing ripples of sharp stars that cut into the opponent
Fourth Form: Binding Stars - Binds opponent with stars and starlight, withstands only 5-8 seconds
Fifth Form: Yugata no Kurai - Darkness shrouds the opponent, letting the user run away or swiftly chop at the opponent (cheese move)
Sixth Form: Spinning Stars - The user leaps up and forward, sending a wheel of spinning stars to cut the opponent
-Sixth Form: Multi-directional Spinning
Stars - The wheel of stars comes out from different directions, forming a sort of spinning circle around the user
Seventh Form: Consistent Night - Sends a thick stream of starlight stars that bends and twists to the users command
Eighth Form: Hoshi no Dansu - Allows the user to float in midair with little to no control for 10-15 seconds
Ninth Form: Peaceful Sky - Sends a calm but deadly wave of stars at the opponent, deeply wounding them in a few spots
Tenth Form: Dead of Night (Deddobunaito) - Surrounds opponent and user in stars, galaxies, cosmos, basically the universe, and at the users command, implodes on the opponent. This leaves the user heavily damaged, but not fully dead (unless they are already wounded or weak)
(I got this breathing form from a quotev quiz awhile back)
This is all I can think of rn, I’ll probably add more eventually as I think of more stuff:)
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isame-allen · 8 months ago
My demon slayer X dreamswap au but I did some justice to the designs
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Asagao kogane/ golden morning glory (cross)
His father was the priest of the village and cross was supposed to take over his fathers place once he died
He was michikatsu/kokushibo’s best friend before being defeated by kokushibo in a battle for the no1 upper rank demon
His blood art is like kokushibo (a mix of blood demon art and sound breathing)
Yoite/ evening rain (error)
Descendant of the first black samurai, Yasuke
He is a tailor at the entertainment district
Kokuei/ dark shadow (nightmare)
Was banished from his village after killing dreams mother
Only lasted 40 years as the upper 3 rank demon
Haruki/ shining sun (dream)
Got kicked out of the demon crops because he couldn’t kill nightmare after countless encounters with him
He is watching over 3 villages and a district from any demon attacks
Trained ink after ‘stealing’ him from being sold as a slave
Morio/forest boy (ink)
Has to use a tanto (a knife) instead of a katana because he accidentally cut multiple trees while training with Dream in a forest
Incapable of having a breathing technique
Kuni/childish (blue)
Was supposed to be the water hashira but resigned from the corps before he could have the position
Yea that’s it
Can y’all guess who got a full story/ fully developed before I abandoned the au
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squidpro-quo · 8 months ago
i feel like i know ur trigger thoughts already so im hitting u with tenns relatives for the chara ask game : - riku - kujo - aya and just for fun also - nagi - mitsuki
This feels like an ask challenge now! I have to get a good grade in ask game, something that is both...so on and so forth lol
Nanase Riku:
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I love him and Iori's monster/handler dynamic because it just feels like yet another example of what makes i7 so good, the human intensity of all the characters and their relationships. Plus that they were so spot-on with Riku even in real life, re: the shrimp chips, the tea boxes, etc. He's got the power, and Iori can see the fallout coming even while his star is not yet going supernova.
Kujo Takamasa:
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Mostly my headcanons have to do with Zero: the Musical and how that whole process went. Did Zero have these songs written after the fact or during the stages when the songs are sung in his story? Was he planning on having a musical of his life, or was that all Kujo's doing, some unacknowledged attempt to get Zero back and lay his own demons to rest finally? Did Kujo save these songs, gut out Zero's place in his search and hide the songs from Haruki, or did Haruki leave them to him in that will in a gesture of "you're the last of us"?
I should go re-read Part 5 again.
Kujo/Yotsuba Aya:
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She's a tragedy, but I do love the scene where Tsumugi almost runs her over as she's trying to get to Tamaki once she hears she's sick. So much happens to her that just breaks your heart.
Rokuya Nagi:
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That conversation at the riverside barbecue in First Beat is still something I look forward to in rewatches, because it impressed me so much when I first saw it. Of course, he surprises them over and over again throughout the series but that was the first layer peeled back on the assumptions we all make with characters like him, with an accent and a love for anime, who else could he be but the joke character who's clueless and air-headed?
Izumi Mitsuki:
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My boiiiiii!! My i7 favorite from the group, his arc was the one that hit the hardest for me and the characterization of him from others as not being especially talented but he tries really hard being his best quality got me right in the heart. The people who make the party go round, who smooth the rails of conversation so everyone joins in and gets along have an unsung job, until someone doesn't do it and then you notice all the awkwardness and the stilted words. I remember Iori put it well somewhere that Mitsuki makes the show go smoothly from the production side, whereas others make the show feel smooth from the audience side. Or something like that, but it was really insightful.
I didn't manage to nail his exact shade on this bingo sheet, but I also love his peachy color.
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nostalgic-muffins · 6 months ago
your ocs question mark
uhmmmm i have a lot so ill js break them down into groups amd not all of them individually im skibidi like thay
genhouse - random ass high schoolers who live together so basically its like the hype house but if they werent tiktokers (star, noa, oliver, cassidy, max, tommy, light, and nina ^^) (nina does not live with them but shes like. their frient.)
melodists online - pjsk unit 😈 one day akari (leader) puts them in a group chat for funsies and they become besties. after that they make their songs using what i can best describe as like. fuckinf blob opera and begin performing street shows of their sogs!!! they also post them online naotos kinda like their pr manager (akari momoi, megumi yamada, kenji shimoda, naoto tero)
genspy - spy agency who kill billionaires and take down evil villians for the greater good!!! also some in-agency betrayal and perchance lost siblings and undercover spies (miki, rin 1, sam, lana, charlie, connie, fritz, and like a lot more like a lot lot more)
freaky obey me part 1 - basically all my obey me mcs and also the demon rad students i made up in my head (minus serun and diaval theyre already canon i just assigned them sins but i also gave them designs and personslity so theyrebasically my ocs) and good lird i have a lot prepare urself (chia, zephyr, ren, mika, ale, rin, elise, saku, jun, yuki, asami, jade, skylar, kye, abbadon, rex, serun, mckenzie, gabi, diaval, and paimon)
freaky obey me part 2 - basically the offspring of the last mfs theyre still not very fleshed out tho whoopsie poopsie (hannah, rori, serena, frankie, ally, and aster)
genvamp - a resistance of 7 vampires joining together and struggling to survive the vampire genocide of humans !! (badicalllu humans are EVIL!!!! (theyre not EVIL evil but like they js got the wrong idea of vampires in their head) (also this is inspired by thirsty vampire on roblox bc i KEEP GETTING KILLED BY HUMANS FOR NO REASON LEAVE ME ALONE DAWG I DIDNT DO ANYTHING) (augustine, lucien, lucky, haruki, kit kat, grace, and winona)
and thays basically it yippeee !!!!!!!!
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ask-yuna-handa · 1 year ago
(Trimmed) (I’m about this close 👌 to swearing because of how much I freaking hate Haruki. He can go become a demon then burn in the sun for all I care)
*Giyuu waited for the two by the door. Once they were both ready, he walked them out to his car. He unlocked it and got inside*
*cutely grabs regular Milo and runs away with her*
you’re mine now.
*She gasps then sees its you* “Hi Yuna!” *She giggles*
(your oc’s name is yuna right? sorry, i’m not the leader of the muichiro memory for mothing😂)
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jealousfishrave · 4 days ago
Books I Read in 2024 (and some brief thoughts)
Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh- took me like five months to finish it, i just don't think it was for me
Ghostbuster's Daughter: Life with My Dad, Harold Ramis by Violet Ramis Stiel- harold ramis is a huge comfort guy for me and feeds the huge daddy-issues hole in my heart, so this book was the best thing ever for me
You Shouldn't Have Come Here by Jeneva Rose- i was looking for trashy romance, and that is what i got. ending was a little dumb, but fed me what i was craving
Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson- listened to the audio book, i don't think i absorbed much of it.
Oscar Wars: A History of Hollywood in Gold, Sweat, and Tears by Michael Schulman- super interesting topic, and very well-written! I will say tho that it felt like it glossed over/compartmentalized the role of poc actors/awardees into one chapter
Taste Makers: Seven Immigrant Women Who Revolutionized Food in America by Mayukh Sen- a lovely and quick book, i want to learn more!
This is Your Mind on Plants by Michael Pollan- reads more like a person running up to you and telling you about their first interactions with drugs, a bit unprofessional imo
For God, Country, & Coca-Cola: The Definitive History of the Great American Soft Drink and Company That Makes It by Mark Pendergrast- very well written, super dense, cool when i started to recognize the ads they were talking about
How to be a Dictator: The Cult of Personality in the Twentieth Century by Frank Dikötter- read this to prepare for a class that I ended up dropping, but found it a decent introduction to each of the people covered in it. Definitely not a comprehensive history however
The Tale of Genji: Dreams at Dawn (Volumes 1-7) by Waki Yamato- I took a class on japanese lit during my semester abroad this year, and this is so SO good. I like how the old topics (grooming, overall creeping over young women) is actually not explained away as "result of the times" and acknowledged for the psychological damage it gives. Going to defo continue finishing this series in 2025!
The Great Wave: Gilded Age Misfits, Japanese Eccentrics, and the Opening of Old Japan by Christopher E. G. Benfey- this has become an area of history that i've focused a lot on, and was looking forward to reading this book since it's centered in the exact spot i love to learn about. However, after the first section, this book gets so boring and confusing jfc. just not well-written imo
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon- super fun, thrilling, sexy (but also be warned for some super fucked up couple dynamics)
Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche by Haruki Murakami- yup murakami wrote this non-fic , and it's super upsetting
Angels & Demons by Dan Brown- read this so i could watch the movie so i could see hot ewan macgregor as a hot priest so i could see him yank off his priest collar, got exactly what i wanted and then some. this story was insane i actually loved it so so much
Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed by Maureen Callahan- crazy upsetting and super illuminating. would defo recommend
Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon- not as sexy as Outlander, but a super solid story. very history heavy
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown- not as exciting as Angels and Demons, felt a bit more like I was being talked down to, but still a fun read
Conclave by Robert Harris- read this bc the trailer for the movie looked super epic, and this book had me in its clutches until the very end. ending was interesting, and i'm choosing to believe (hope) that it's well-meaning and just tainted bc the topic was a bit clumsily handled
Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief by Lawrence Wright- very interesting and dense af. learned a lot more about tom cruise than i thought there would be and a lot less about john travolta than i thought i would
A Woman of Pleasure by Kiyoko Murata- guys like honestly,,,, dare i say fav book of year! (heads up for intense scenes tho)
Deep: Freediving, Renegade Science, and What the Ocean Tells Us about Ourselves by James Nestor- I LOVE DEEP SEA CREATURES PART 2!!! super cool book and very very interesting. a bit of a jack-off near the ending.
Best. Movie. Year. Ever.: How 1999 Blew Up the Big Screen by Brian Raftery- had me watching a ton of 1999 movies, a super great book
Voyager by Diana Gabaldon- just as hot as the first book in the series (woo!), and the love story is super cute. A bit uncomfortable whenever diana wrote about Mr Willoughby bc he's a huge chinese stereotype. also thought she handled the topic of the slave trade a bit ham-fistedly, but i see her intentions of keeping it in the historical context instead of ignoring it
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smithlibrary · 7 days ago
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What's In A Title? A book with a funny title
A Brief History of Seven Killings by James Marlon (Fiction)
A Pity Party is Still a Party by Chelsea Harvey Garner (152.4 GAR)
A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon by Sarah Hawley (ROM)
Adult Assembly Required by Abbi Waxman (Fiction)
Ask Me What's for Dinner One More Time : Inappropriate Thoughts on Motherhood by Meredith Masony (306.874 MAS)
Assassins Anonymous by Rob Hart (THR)
Bad Summer People by Emma Rosenblum (Fiction)
Birds Aren't Real : The True Story of Mass Avian Murder and the Largest Surveillance Campaign in US History by Peter McIndoe (598.02 MCI)
Book, Line and Sinker by Jenn McKinlay (MYS)
Books Can be Deceiving by Jenn McKinlay (MYS)
Bossypants by Tina Fey (BIO)
Chose the Wrong Guy, Gave Him the Wrong Finger by Elizabeth Harbison (Fiction)
Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr (Fiction)
Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness by Alexandra Fuller (BIO)
Crying in the Bathroom by Erika Sanchez (BIO)
Curiosity Thrilled the Cat by Sofie Kelly (MYS)
Dead People Suck : a Guide for Survivors of the Newly Departed by Laurie Kilmartin (818.602 KIL)
Dim Sum of all Fears by Vivien Chien (MYS)
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick (SFF)
Does the Noise in My Head Bother You? by Steven Tyler (BIO)
Does this Beach Make Me Look Fat? by Lisa Scottoline (818.54 SCO)
Don't Feed the Trolls by Erica Kudisch (Fiction)
Dracula vs. Hitler by Patrick Sheane Duncan (HOR)
Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris (814.54 SED)
Easy Crafts for the Insane : A Mostly Funny Memoir of Mental Illness and Making Things by Kelly Williams Brown (BIO)
Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous by Mae Marvel (Romance)
Excuse Me While I Disappear : Tales of Midlife Mayhem by Laurel Notaro (BIO)
Fake It Till You Bake It by Jamie Wesley (Large Print Romance)
Floating in a Most Peculiar Way by Louis Onuorah Chude-Sokei (BIO)
Girls Can Kiss Now : Essays by Jill Gutowitz (Non-Fiction 814.6 GUT)
Go Hex Yourself by Jessica Clare (Romance)
Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami (Fiction)
Have a Nice Guilt Trip by Lisa Scottoline (Non-Fiction - 818.54 SCO)
Hell of a Book by Jason Mott (Fiction)
Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris (Non-Fiction - 814.54 SED)
How I'll Kill You by Ren DeStefano (Thriller)
How to Age Disgracefully by Clare Pooley (Fiction; also available in Large Print, eBook, and eAudiobook)
How to be Perfect: The Correct Answer to Every Moral Question by Michael Schur (Non-Fiction - 818.602 SCH)
How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix (Horror; also available as an eBook)
I was Told There'd by Cake by Sloane Crosley Non-Fiction - 814.6 CRO
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy (BIO)
If This Book Exists, You're in the Wrong Universe by Jason Pargin (Horror)
John Dies at the End by Jason Pargin (Horror)
Last Wool and Testament by Molly MacRae (Mystery)
Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris (Non-Fiction - 814.54 SED)
Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson (BIO; also available as an eAudiobook)
Lies My Mother Told Me: Tall Tales from a Short Woman by Melissa Rivers (Non-Fiction 792.702 RIV)
Love Letters to a Serial Killer by Tasha Coryell (Thriller)
Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris (Non-Fiction - 814.54 SED; also available on CD)
Murder Your Employer by Rupert Holmes (Mystery)
My Nest Isn't Empty, It Just Has More Closet Space: The Amazing Adventures of an Ordinary Woman by Lisa Scottaline (Lg Print Non-Fiction - 814.54 SCO)
Never Have Your Dog Stuffed by Alan Alda (BIO)
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ultimatecutenesspeaks · 2 months ago
Bunny wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh now that something I want to see go on ruki show us what you got I really want to see that happening bun oh yeah me too I hope isn’t one very scary I always wondered how they actually look like didn’t you too big sis hihi :D as bun gives his beloved big sister/mother a adorable smile of his
*Cin just gives her beloved little brother/son a smile in return as his adorable smile warms her heart.*
Cin: Sure. I've been curious before.
Haruki: Great! Follow me outside, everyone.
*With that, he leads everyone to the front of the yard, not wanting to ruin his mother's garden as he takes out his book and flips through the Seven Deadly Sins' pages. After picking out the demon he wants to summon, he grabs a wooden staff and starts drawing a spell circle on the ground.*
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parasite-core · 11 months ago
Oh man, so let’s see. I’ll give you two since the first one doesn’t have much to dig into.
One that might get some answers still is the source of Calio’s powers. He’s been told that his powers come from ‘the darkness at the heart of Irrisen’, but not even Baba Yaga knows what that actually is. All that’s known is that after one of Queen Elvanna’s winter witches did an experiment on him as a child relating to a bit of that darkness which he’d been born with, Calio got a particularly strong affinity for death. He had multiple near-death experiences growing up, and actually died for real twice, but always came back in one way or another. And he became an extraordinarily talented and powerful necromancer. And is like one step away from lichdom entirely by accident, although he didn’t like the answer to what the final step would entail.
One of the big ones is Haruki, because his SMTIV inspired campaign is on likely-permanent hiatus.
When Haruki got turned into a drow by a curse, an angel of his people’s god, The Nameless Father, told Haruki that his bloodline was tainted and he only deserved death for how his family dabbled with ‘unclean ones’. There were also hints that some big things were happening that his family was tangled in. His father was the head of the Himura Company, which held a lot of sway on the surface already, but he also secretly had connections to the underground demon-infested Tokyo. His father was Haruki’s only family, as his mother had died in childbirth, so Haruki was kind of in denial that his father could actually be doing the evil things they kept learning about. Also Haruki kept coming into contact with actual drow in the underground, and they generally would try to kill him on sight with no explanation. One even stabbed him with a knife made of a substance called Magnetite, which was supposed to devour his body in a matter of moments. However something has been keeping the Magnetite poisoning under control, so occasionally in high stress situations his arm would turn into a magnetite covered claw that could infect and destroy other people in a matter of moments, but it always crumpled away after a moment instead of overtaking his body.
I know a little of where it was going to go, because Zane told me. It was going to turn out that his actual mother was a drow who escaped from execution by going to the surface. There she basically mind controlled Haruki’s dad, and murdered his wife and newborn child when she accidentally stumbled across what the drow was doing. So she took the mother’s place and had Haruki with his father to hide the fact that the real mother and child were dead. His mind controlled father claimed to everyone that his wife had died in childbirth and that the child was too sickly to leave the house at the moment, and was being cared for. This was also his excuse for Haruki appearing smaller/younger than the original child should have been. So all along his mother was pulling the strings, puppeting his father while keeping herself hidden from the underground drow who wanted her dead for crimes I don’t know about exactly. This is also why the drow kept trying to kill Haruki—except for the one that poisoned him. That one was trying to make himself into a prophesied messiah for his people—a drow said to have control over magnetite, who had it in his veins but would not be overtaken. The drow that stabbed Haruki was being overtaken by the magnetite because he wasn’t the one, and he was desperate enough in his dying moment that he stabbed Haruki in one final hope he might be the one. Whether he really is or not is questionable, because apparently his magnetite was being held in check by actual literal Lucifer, who saw the potential chaos and darkness in Haruki and was nudging him in the direction of his path to throw the world into chaos.
I’m not sure where Haruki’s mindset would have been by the time he learned all this. He was really spiraling down a dark path where we were, and him learning his entire life was a lie and that he was *never* really human would likely be devastating. Idk if he’d have the will to resist Lucifer or not by that point.
Oc questions : has there been any additional lore that you created for characters that you haven't got full closure on ? @parasite-core
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ariapmdeol · 2 years ago
zeno anon once again, most likely for the last time (my apologies for bothering you so much haha!) thanks for the rec! I was planning to play that but I wasnt aware of that part, so thank u for the heads up so I could prepare ahead of time. if you have any other game recs in general id love to hear them
i promise youre not bothering me at all, no worries :D! i love talking abt games and stuff so i promise im having fun dsalkjakjdslkjds
Here is a list of game recommendations, with a summary and the major TWs that i can remember! I'll edit in links after i post this ask too! and ill put them under the cut bc this is gonna be long lkjdsalkjdskjads. All games listed are free!
Cell Of Empireo - Sharktale Factory: Major TWs: Cults, Human Experimentation, Body Horror, Character Death, Suicide, a single implied mention of cannibalism (very brief), Overall Dark themes, Two (2) jumpscares. My personal favorite right now! Haruki Atou is a 28 year old detective. When his friend and coworker, Eiji Shinano, goes missing, he follows him to his last known location... the mysterious cult known as the Empyrean Heaven Research Institute. LOTS of lore. Like genuinely every single detail feels so fleshed out, it's insane! Foreshadowing EVERYWHERE. this one has a similar vibe to ZENO to me? Also i love the character writing in this game, everyone has their own motivations and plans and its SO DETAILED. Theres a gay mad scientist! a headless rat! a puppy!!! No official playable translation, but there is a translator who has uploaded the entirety of the base game on youtube! The DLC is currently being translated. 7 endings, + bonus scenes based on whether a specific flag is triggered.
Witch's Heart - IZ (Blue Star Entertainment): Major TWs: Body Horror, Suicide, Murder, Dark themes. While playing up in the mountains, Claire Elford finds herself taking shelter from the rain in a mansion. Soon, she finds four other people, some bizarre monsters - and no way back out. In the company of demons, the five must figure out how to escape... and solve the mystery of the legendary wish-granting treasure, the Witch's Heart. This one is split into multiple scenarios. There is the base game, Witch's Heart Bonus Stage as the direct sequel, and Sirius' Conclusion. There are more to come (more character conclusions). This one is fun! Wonderful Character writing, fun gameplay, and charming interactions between the whole cast. Five endings.
SHTDN - Umami Mazu (Marutoku Kichi): Major TWs: nothing major iirc. brief mention of sex, some discussion of death. The desktop is peaceful as usual. In order to delete the computer virus called "Agape", the anti-virus program, Virus Buster "Goyou", must cooperate with it while searching through the computer's files. This one is short and genuine, with GORGEOUS backgrounds. It's STUNNING. It’s so so so cute and the conversations between Goyou and Agape are genuinely sweet <3!! Same creator as ZENO, different translator! Three endings.
Eloquent Countenance - RachelDrawsThis: Major TWs: religion, horror imagery, blood You have been told that the pastor of your church had suddenly passed away last night. As you helped with his wife's funeral not so long ago, you were assigned to assist the pastor's funeral service today as well. But as soon as you were about to start the service, you hear a strange voice in your head… This is short but compelling! Made for a game jam where the entire game takes place in a single room. I had a lot of fun with this one :D WONDERFUL character writing! Two endings.
Cold Front - RachelDrawsThis: Major TWs: Blood, gore, disturbing imagery. Augustine and Winnie have always been together their whole childhood. Ever since elementary school up until now, when they have graduated high school. They were inseparable. But now that Winnie got accepted to his university, he is soon leaving town. The two decide to spend their last day together before his move. Not long after they hopped into Winnie's car, they suddenly find themselves trapped in a freezing blizzard... It's currently July. also short with 2 endings! FANTASTIC character writing, both Winnie and Augustine feel SO fleshed out <3
Your Turn to Die - A Death Game By Majority - Nankidai: Major TWs: Death, graphic depictions of violence, Hallucinations, Trauma, overall dark themes. Sara Chidouin returns home from school late one night to discover that something's gone terribly wrong. When she comes to, she finds herself, her friend Joe, and 9 other people trapped in a mysterious place. Placed in life-and-death situations, they must come to an agreement about what they should do - and who should die. YTTD <3 this one is released up through chapter 3-1B, with part 3-2 to be the final part when it is released. Multiple routes! this is what got me into playing these kinds of games in the first place :D very fleshed out characters, details matter! your choices determine who lives or dies!
Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger - Dino999z Major TWs: jumpscares, cartoon gore, blood, flashing images, loud noises The genius of Dr. Krueger shines again with his newest revolutionary breakthrough therapeutic sessions. Allow Krueger’s new treatment to tackle the toughest cases of mental disorder (peer-review pending) and fears in our ever changing day to day world. The genius lies not only within Krueger's stunning techniques as a therapist, but also with what he calls “Dream Therapy”, combining breakthrough neuron technology with his closely held therapy principals. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for your therapy today! HELLOOOOO MR KRUEGER! Same creator and world as VTSOM, with some connections between the two (though the order in which you play them doesnt matter)! three endings! I love this silly goofy marine biologist turned therapist! the protagonist is NB :D
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recentanimenews · 3 years ago
Soccer Anime Blue Lock Sets October 2022 Premiere with New Visual, Trailer
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  After months of teases and character highlights, the highly anticipated soccer anime Blue Lock has finally set an official kick-off date on TV Asahi's NUMAnimation programming block: October 2022!
  And to top it all off, we've also received a brand-new key visual, the first full trailer and a lineup of ten additional cast members:
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      RELATED: Blue Lock TV Anime Kicks Off With Character Trailer for Chigiri Hyoma
    The trailer highlights the emotional journey of Yoichi Isagi, played by Kazuki Ura (Shota in World's End Harem), as he steps into training hell under Hiroshi Kamiya (Levi in Attack on Titan) as Jinpachi Ego:
    The other newly announced cast members are as follows:
  Masatomo Nakazawa (Haruki in given) as Wataru Kuon
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Inosuke in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba) as Jingo Raichi
Shoya Chiba (Shinei in 86 EIGHTY-SIX) as Yudai Imamura
Shugo Nakamura (Tomoki in Outburst Dreamer Boys) as Gin Gagamaru
Daishi Kajita (Rael in Noblesse) as Asahi Naruhaya
Ryunosuke Watanuki (Ryohei in Mob Psycho 100) as Okuhito Iemon
Aoi Ichikawa (Nagara in Sonny Boy) as Gurimu Igarashi
Kenichi Suzumura (Hinawa in Fire Force) as Ryosuke Kira
Eri Yukimura (Cayna in In the Land of Leadale) as Anri Teieri
      RELATED: Rensuke Kunigami Gets Fired Up in 3rd Blue Lock Character PV and Visual
    Based on the award-winning manga by Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura, Blue Lock is being directed by Tetsuaki Watanabe (Haikyu!! episode director) and assistant-directed by Shunsuke Ishikawa (Sword Art Online Alicization episode director) at studio eightbit (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime) for a 2022 release.
Kodansha, who publishes the manga's official English version, describes the series as:
  After a disastrous defeat at the 2018 World Cup, Japan's team struggles to regroup. But what's missing? An absolute Ace Striker, who can guide them to the win. The Japan Football Union is hell-bent on creating a striker who hungers for goals and thirsts for victory, and who can be the decisive instrument in turning around a losing match...and to do so, they've gathered 300 of Japan's best and brightest youth players. Who will emerge to lead the team...and will they be able to out-muscle and out-ego everyone who stands in their way?
  Source: Comic Natalie
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    Der shy man behind @Shymander, Liam is a timezone-fluid Aussie with a distinct fondness for anime, Eurovision and creating odd stats projects despite hating math.
By: Liam Dempsey
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altairtalisman · 3 years ago
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@pandora-dusk, you mentioned wanting a Lunatic Cultist plush toy, and while I can't give you an actual toy, I can certainly give you something based off him for Christmas as well as a dystopian-ish novel by Haruki Murakami.
I've personally never read a single work of his, but 1Q84 seems to fit into your interests so let's pretend I got you a copy and you can secretly throw it out yeah?
Santa demons are not good at getting gifts mind you.
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uppermoonkoku · 2 years ago
Friends are something that Ko has issues making, so maybe he knows how the other feels. But, he also wasn't the most social demon out there.
"I do not... have a connection with nature. My father... does. He's very... concerned about his children."
Ko didn't have a connection with nature, at least... he thinks he doesn't. But, with few times he's had his adoptive father's blood... he is truly unsure. Maybe this is something he'll talk about with Haruki later.
"Seeds are... best for birds. Bread can... upset the stomach of...some species."
Ko titled his head, and sometimes he wonders how he got into these situations. But, he isn't crazy enough to risk burning.
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