#I friggin love christmas
stick-by-me · 2 years
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Winter friends ❄️
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hellguarded-moved · 2 years
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Marlo had always been impressed and fascinated with the human traditions around the world. Each time he had popped back on their realm, he had noticed something new, bringing those people together, as if they always needed an excuse to celebrate something - and he couldn’t blame them for that. Tonight, both Ignis and him were walking around in festivities that people were calling Christmas celebrations, wandering in the streets where the fox could easily snatch some food from the stalls. It was cold, but Marlo felt warm, hanging by Ignis’ side. Somehow, he sensed that he was more than glad to be with him right now, the two of them sharing a special bond, unbreakable, that no one could ever match in Marlo’s heart.  “Here!” Marlo pulled on the other’s sleeve, dragging him further away, where he had seen people doing something new. Right under strange little branches, they were all giggling, looking up at these ornaments, before they would exchange a kiss. Marlo dragged Ignis until they were also standing in the middle of them, mischief written all over his features. “We have to blend in, remember?” He said with a foxy giggle, before he eventually stepped closer. For some reason, his heart skipped a beat. He licked his lips and stepped closer again. “Didn’t you see that they all kissed under that plant?” He pointed at the mistletoe with his clawed finger, before he eventually rolled them around Ignis’ collar. “Allow me…” He whispered, before he eventually gave a slow kiss onto the Hound’s lips.
the various celebrations humans had come up with were... strange. oftentimes unneccessary in the canid's eyes, but his vulpine companion disagreed— he found great enjoyment in them, he'd noticed. this wasn't their first christmas spent together— part of him had wondered if he'd come to figure out its charm and enjoy it just as much as marlo did, but it never simply clicked with him. on earth, it had always seemed to snow during this time period, and whenever they visited the more populated areas, all that snow had been stomped ten times over into nothing more but slush. it was ugly and wet.
still, he'd accompanied the fox to the festive markets, still eager and willing to learn a bit more. compared to most of the people around, he wore considerably less layers, which had sometimes earned strange stares from the humans, but he didn't care. " hey! " a quiet yet sharp exclamation as he witnessed the other steal some food from a vendor that was too distracted to notice, already attempting to take it from the kitsune and return it, but the way marlo swiftly dragged him along prevented from as much— made worse by the dense crowds they had to squeeze their way through.
given the thievery, he explained marlo's motives to himself as means of hiding away his crimes, more than anything. he met the fox with a pointed glare, " that's theft. did you know thievery is punished across all realms? " he tried to be educational, as he'd noticed as much both here and at home. with a frown, his eyes followed the trail of claw, observing what the fox was referring to— the way people kissed under a mistletoe. " yeah, i saw... " he trailed off, flinching just a bit as once his gaze had dropped again, he noticed the other standing far too closer to him than he originally was.
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he scoffed, rolling his eyes at marlo's advancements but indulging them anyway— he'd be a liar to say he didn't enjoy the feeling of the vulpine's lips against his own. at the very least it served as means of relaxing his soured features, as well as his mood. humming into the kiss, he glanced up at the mistletoe hanging above them with a curious smirk. " what a weird tradition. we should ask around where it comes from, " he mused idly, then turned rubies to the fox once more, " alright, alright. i'll forgive you just this once. "
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phantasieandmirare · 11 months
I got my dad and my sister lightsabers for Christmas cause that’s their big Thing (and therefore their big father-daughter thing) and they just got here and I’m not even that big on Star Wars but FUCK THIS IS COOL
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deanswhiskey · 9 months
𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐞 - 𝐬𝐚𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
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summary; while stuck at home, you find some christmas decorations in a storage closet
wc; 1935
warnings; kissing, tooth-rotting christmas themed fluff, that’s really it
authors note; merry christmas and happy holidays!!
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christmas had always been your favorite holiday growing up. you hadn’t spent much time celebrating since you started hunting. your parents were hunters but they sent you to your uncle bobby’s whenever they’d hunt. you didn’t know what was happening, just excited to see your uncle.
when you started hunting, looking for whoever, or whatever, killed your parents, you didn’t get to celebrate much anymore. the days mushed together half the time.
after you met sam and dean, and eventually joined them, you tried to bring as much of the holidays as you could, seeing as they didn’t get to much.
you find little plastic decorations at the shitty gas stations you’d stop at in different cities and states. hanging christmas scented air fresheners from the mirror in deans car, even when he’d get annoyed, he couldn't say anything because he knew how much you loved it. you’d always buy funny little headbands for sam and dean to wear too, just so you could snap pictures of them on your camera.
it was midday in december when the boys were leaning up against baby while you were inside the gas station. “geez, what’s takin’ her so friggin long?” dean asked while checking his watch. he’d finished pumping gasoline what felt like a half hour ago.
you walked out of the gas station with a slightly full grocery bag and a huge smile on your face. they knew that smile. that ‘i-just-got-something-you-won’t-like-smile’.
you walked up to the boys and before you could even say anything, dean interrupted, “what did you get this time?”
you fake acted offended, “how dare you, dean!” you then giggled and pulled out two silly christmas headbands. one was reindeer antlers one had to little santa hats on springs that moved around.
they both gave you a look. they didn’t want to wear them but they were anyways. you ripped the little bit of packaging tbh eh had and held them out, silently telling them to pick one.
sam grabbed the one with the reindeer antlers and set them on his head. you continued to hold out the santa hat one. dean rolled his eyes and put them on. “don’t give me that, dean, you love it.” you chuckled at the dancing santa hats on his head.
you reached down into the backseat through the window to grab your camera out of your bag. “smile!” you said turning on your camera. and they did, they smiled for you. you snapped the picture of your two boys looking adorable in their christmas headbands.
when the three of you found the bunker, there were rooms upon rooms upon rooms to discover.
during a hunt, you got badly injured. one of the vamps had harshly shoved you and you fell down some old stairs, leading you to breaking your foot.
now the boys stopped hunting for a little less than a month so they could tend to you, even against your wishes not to.
sam spent most of the time right next to you; he didn’t want you out of his sight. he acted as if you were sick and could hardly stand.
“i’m not terminally ill, sam,” you said with a giggle as he picked you up to move you from the kitchen to the couch in the living room.
“i know, my love, i’m just being cautious,” he said stopping and giving your forehead a kiss.
once the doctor released you of your crutches, leaving you with just a boot, the boys finally went back to hunting. sam, reluctantly, agreed, with the exception that he’d call you multiple times to make sure you’re okay.
one of the days the boys were away, you decided to go through some of the storage closets you three had yet to go through.
you limped down the halls making your way to one of many. the room was lined with various boxes and cabinets that had a thin coat of dust.
you opened the first box which had nothing but spare bedding. thankful it was the first box you opened; definitely setting that aside to take out and put them in a closer storage closet.
the next box had old clothes, along with the next few boxes.
the next box you picked up and dusted off made a noise; a jingle sort of noise. you took your box cutter and quickly opened the box.
to your surprise, it was christmas decorations. the men of letters must’ve loved christmas. you couldn't find a tree in sight, nor any ornaments. that was okay, there were plenty of other decorations to do the trick.
you looked over at the pile the box was in to see if there were any more. you only found one more box which was full of string lights. you carried the boxes, one at a time, to the living room to start setting up what decorations you had.
your phone was set out on a table with a speaker connected to it and you had christmas music blaring through the bunker. you wanted to start with the lights. so that’s what you did. you grabbed the step ladder from a closet, the bag of push pins, and many extension cords and went to work. you wrapped the main staircase railing and many door frames and miscellaneous pieces of furniture with the yellow christmas lights.
next up was this little christmas village you found. there was a perfect table in the library for this. you grabbed the empty light box and put all the different pieces into it and carried that to the library. you meticulously placed each little building and extra pieces just the way you wanted.
the last of the decorations went up and there was only one left. the mistletoe. where could i put it, you thought to yourself.
it had to be somewhere where everyone could see but not in a doorway where everyone stands often. you decided to put it on the doorway to the living room. it was a simple and easy place to put it.
you grabbed a thumb tack and hung it up there, careful not to fall off the ladder with your boot. if sam knew that you were climbing on a ladder with a boot on your foot, he’d throw a fit, demand you sit on the couch and he do all the work.
not long after you hung the mistletoe, you made yourself some hot chocolate and cozied on up on the couch with the book you were currently reading. the christmas music was still playing but it was soft now.
sam had texted you he’d be home soon about 15 minutes ago and now you were just anticipating their arrival. you were so excited to show the boys the new and improved, and festive, bunker.
your ears perked up as you heard the best bunker door begin to open. you all but threw your blanket off of you and placed your book open face down and rushed to the door.
“holy shit,” you heard dean say in the distance. you fretted the boys as they were walking down the stairs. their eyes lit up and they scanned the room and beyond of the decorations.
“what’s all this, sweetheart?” sam said leaning to give you a kiss, half still distracted at all the decor.
“i was going through some closets and found a whole bunch of christmas decorations!” you beamed.
dean set his duffel bag on the table in the war room and went to go look around in the library and further.
sam set his duffel done too but stayed with you. you were admiring the joy on his face; you could tell he needed some holiday joy, especially since he never really got to have this.
“this is,” sam paused, speechless. he didn’t know how to describe this. “amazing. i can't believe you did all of this.” he smile wide as he looked at you.
you smiled back, impossibly harder since your smile was already big. sam interrupted you before you could get a word out. “wait,” you brows furrowed slightly. “did you climb up on a ladder to hang this stuff?” he questioned.
you simply nodded. you knew he was gonna be upset, he won’t be too upset with you, just concerned. “y/n, you could’ve hurt yourself further.”
“sam, baby, i’m okay. i promise i was extra extra careful. just for you.” you grabbed his hands, rubbing the back of them with your thumb to reassure him.
he just looked at you with worry in his eyes. “i’m okay, baby. why don’t you go take a shower,” you lean up closer to his face. “then meet me under the mistletoe.” you gave him a sweet kiss before patting his butt, the two of you giggling.
a little while later, you sat in the living room waiting for the love of your life. christmas music still softly filled the living room while you sipped on the last of your hot chocolate.
sam walked in, his sweatpants hanging low and his navy blue v-neck hugged him perfectly. his hair still wet but not dripping. he looked beautiful. he stood under the mistletoe and leaned against the door frame.
you looked up at him and smiled with adoration. you made your way over to your beautiful boyfriend.
standing in front of his tall frame you look up at him, “can we dance?” you ask.
“of course, my love.” he says contently taking your right hand in his left. his right went around your waist. your left rested on his chest.
the two of you just gazed into each others eyes while you rocked back and forth. elvis’ ‘blue christmas’ played softly in the background. it was one of your and sams favorite christmas songs.
occasionally, sam would spin you just to hear those melodic, beautiful giggles.
your head now resting on his chest; hearing his heartbeat was so relaxing to you.
“hey,” you look up at him. “we’re still under the mistletoe, you know.” sam smiled.
you look up and the mistletoe you hung up earlier, “huh, i guess so.”
the two of you kept your gaze before sam slowly dipped his head down. the two of you fit perfectly like a puzzle piece.
his lips soft against your as they moved in sync with yours. sams hands found theirs way to your thighs, lifting you up while your hands made their way around his neck, tangling in his hair; his lips never left yours.
sam blindly made his way to the couch, sitting down with you straddling him. the kiss didn’t last much longer. you pulled away and laid back against his chest, cuddling into him.
sam was the first to speak up, “this place looks amazing, baby, i’m proud of you.”
“thank you, sam.” you gave him a kiss on the cheek, laying back down against him.
the cinnamon candle you lit earlier was still burning and the christmas music still played as the two of you fell asleep on the couch.
the next morning, dean made his way to the kitchen and brewed himself a fresh cup of coffee. the coffee finished breeding and he added whatever he did necessary for the perfect cup. he took that cup and walked to the living room, unsuspecting of the two of you sleeping there.
he approached the living room and saw the two of you, you were in almost the exact same position as when you fell asleep. dean chuckled to himself, “those kids.” he said before sipping his coffee and walking back to the kitchen.
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wilbursprincess · 8 months
okay NOWWWW we need to see Wilbur’s proposal! i know a lot of people have written about how he’d have this big proposal in front of everyone at a lovejoy concert but I personally think that it would be more intimate and well thought out. he’d subtly be dropping hints like asking you to get your nails done, wearing your nicest dress for dinner. after dinner he’d take you back to the beach that you guys go to all the time to watch the sunset. he’s been visibly nervous all week, but more so tonight. his plans are sweaty, he’s constantly checking his pocket (probably to make sure that he hasn’t lost the ring lmao) but your blissfully unaware as always. he asks you to go to the car to see if his wallet is there (it’s not) and when your come back he’s DOWN ON ONE FRIGGIN KNEE.
Wilbur Proposing To You!
Wilbur Soot x Female Reader
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff with one teeny little suggestive line at the end!
Vaguely a prequel to this post about planning a wedding with Wilbur!
Headcannons below cut!
~He’d be so nervous, planning it out for weeks.
~Knows you don’t want a massive spectacle, so decides against doing it at a gig.
~Asks Molly to invite you on a nail salon & coffee outing the day before, hoping her ‘idea’ would make you less suspicious.
~”Baby, you should wear that pretty dress I got you last Christmas for dinner tonight. You haven’t worn it in ages, and it looks stunning on you.”
~Hopes you can’t see how nervous he’s been for this proposal, or even all week.
~The plan is a beach walk after dinner, Wilbur planning to pop the question when you reach a secluded spot on the beach.
~Dinner passes without a hitch, the two of you still giggling and flirting like the first date all over again.
~If Wilbur didn’t know it before, he knew now just how much he loved you.
~He loved you so much that he almost teared up, looking at your gorgeous face as you smiled at him and squeezed his hand over the table.
~You two alternate who pays when you go out, and this time, it’s your turn, something Wilbur’s using as part of his proposal plan.
~”Since you payed for dinner, I’ll pay for ice cream from that booth if you want some?” He offers casually, and you nod happily.
~Wilbur pats his pockets. “That is, if you get my wallet? I think I left it in the car.”
~You laugh, kissing him on the cheek and teasing him about being scatterbrained before headed to the car.
~For what must be the thousandth time that night, he checks for the ring box.
~Still there. Just like the previous 999 times he checked.
~”Will, your wallet wasn’t in the ca-“
~He’s down on one knee, diamond glinting in the silk box in the evening air.
~”Will you make me the happiest man alive and ma-“
~Can’t even get the words out before you frantically nod, wrapping him in a tight hug and practically kissing his lips off.
~”You asked Molly to take me for nails for this, I can tell,” you tease, admiring the gorgeous ring on your finger.
~You two head back home for a cozy night in, the only thing on is the radio.
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sweetcarolinejane · 4 months
Today on Caroline watches the rookie, I'm catching up. . . First off Chenford's First Date! We got this great line from Tim:
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I love that, Mr. Calm, Cool, Collected Tim Bradford becomes a bumbling mess that says things like "naked time" in the presence of Lucy. Lol
But their second "actual first date" was adorable, and I got my favorite Tim Line:
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IT'S FRIGGIN CHRISTMAS FOR ME. My babies are together, and happy. I know this is the rookie and that probably won't last, but I'm enjoying it while I can 😀
My only complaint is I feel like we've skipped over a lot of "honeymoon chenford." I know it's a cop show, and chenford Romance is not the main event, but I wish we could have seen the squad finding out about Chenford, or Tim finding out that Lucy and Nolan used to have a thing lol I've definitely got some fanfic ideas floating around!! I finished season 5 last night, and it's bittersweet that I only have 10 episodes left!
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bronx-bomber87 · 27 days
Happy Wednesday lovely Fandom :) Phew lord we’ve reached the eps I’ve only watched once. Because I was far too destroyed to watch them again. Knew my second time around would be my rewatch. I’m not ready emotionally. Will I ever be though? lol If we don't laugh we cry right? Ha Anyways I’m on a strict timetable before I move. So press forward I must. Sad at the lack of gifs in this one. But also understandable since we were all anxious af after this one. I am excited to do Tim analysis though. I always enjoy that.
Also pre-shout out to Eric and Melissa in this one. They never cease to amaze me with their acting chops and chemistry. Eric really kills me in this one in particular. Let us begin the slow breaking of our shipper hearts shall we? Also thank you to my readers for going through this with me. Once was hard enough. But revisiting isn’t any easier so thank you for coming with me on this journey. Off we go.
6x05 The Vow
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We get our couple immediately after the cold open. I knew going into this ep it was going to be angsty. I just had no idea why or how bad it would be…It’s date night for our beautiful pair. I just love them constantly dating each other. Makes my soul so damn happy. I can’t put it into words well enough. We get ship crack in this opening sequence for sure though. The way they light up when they see one another. That never gets old. Lucy is lighting candles when her man enters in.
Tim couldn’t be any cuter just as happy for date night as she is. Looks like he’s carrying quite a bit into her apt. Lucy instantly notices his present for her. Tim continues with the cuteness and says yes and the beer is for him. This is so domestic I wanna die. This moment started off so precious I knew he we were in for a world hurt tbh. This scene was the calm before the storm.
Tim is not wasting any time getting a thank you kiss in. Lucy is lit up like a Christmas tree as she leans in for said kiss. I adore the smiles going into it. Making my shipper heart giddy af. Also his grip on her arm. Drawing her in nice and close. It’s doing things to me as they melt into each other. Lucy’s questioning face cracks me up as she pulls back. Tim picking up on it right away. Asking her 'What?' With so much sass I’m cackling. How he has grown in his sass heh
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Lucy can’t help but note gift giving isn’t his normal love language. Fact that they’re talking about love languages has me reeling so much. It’s just so cute. I'm squeeing at how friggin precious and domestic this is. Tim challenges her back. Asking what is his love language then? Their banter right here is one of their love languages let's be honest LOL Always top tier with some flirtation mixed in for good measure.
Lucy being cute as all hell replies ‘Terse nods mainly.’ I mean she isn’t wrong haha There have been some wonderful sets about this line. Man sure does love his terse nods. For her especially. Mainly her really. Tim continues his trajectory towards adorable with his reply. Letting her know he’s trying to change things up.
The smile on that man’s face. Oh my word. I said this a lot in S5 and I’ll say it again. Have we ever seen this man so damn happy before her? The answer is a sharp no. Not ever. She is the absolute joy in his life. It just radiates out of him when they’re together. Especially when they’re bantering. Ugh my heart. These two kill me in the best way.
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Lucy then turns into an adorable little bean herself. Asking Tim if she can open it now? She is so excited about this impromptu gift. No way she can wait through their dinner to open it. Tim say of course she can. I’m sure he was hoping she would open it right away. Especially with the thought he put into it. Also well done on the wrapping good sir.
Lucy’s reaction is delightful. It reminds me of the way she reacted in 6x03 with her trophy. Blown away by this man’s thoughtfulness. Not only that but making her laugh in the process as well. We get a second in love 'Lucy smile' in the second gif. He is so gone for her. Man they were really setting us up for a fall with the goodies they packed into this scene.
I love how Tim locks eyes with her and is beaming ear to ear. No one makes him smile like that except Lucy. Legit the sunshine in this man’s life. I can’t get over how damn happy he looks. My heart might implode at how happy he is. Happiness looks so good on him. Also how proud he looks as well at his choice in gift. Patting himself on the back for it hehe
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We see it’s her KIA radio in a display case. Lucy looking at him like he’s hung the moon and stars. Bringing out her own in love 'Tim smile.' She too is beaming right back. Heart eyes paired with that joyful smile. Tim for this moment (not the rest of this ep) is once again 10/10 for her. Commemorating her takedown of Jeff Budny. Saw an excellent parallel between this and 2x12. About Tim giving back things that saved her life for him. My damn heart. I’m fine….
Tim continues on to say it was to memorialize the radio that saved her life. So grateful to that radio for taking the hit it did. I remember thinking how that radio represented her communication problems. Little did I know it would soon represent Tim’s as well. The irony of this gift will hit us painfully hard later in this episode. Having watched rest of the season as well it represents their’s as a couple too. *sigh*
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Anyways we get a SECOND kiss in this moment. That’s how I knew it was coming like a freight train at us. We got cuteness, flirtation, banter and two kisses in one scene. They were setting us up for a very hurtful fall. They just look like two happy idiots in love. *dreamy sigh* I wanna die it’s so precious. They fall back into each other for this second kiss.
The look in Lucy’s eyes ready to thank him for this radio. Not with dinner but some sexy times. That kiss before it’s interrupted looked like it was headed for the bedroom. Dinner be damned at that point. The way Tim is leaning heavily into that kiss too. Ready to go in for more. His patented first kiss need an immediate second one well underway. Phew lord. He was more than ready to receive that thanks LOL
Sadly Tamara steps through the door. Doing what she does best. Be a wet blanket for their bedroom endeavors. I love her anyways though haha She instantly apologizes saying she forgot it was date night. Tim sighs as they pull apart and Lucy goes into mom mode after she hits Tim. haha It’s so cute. Little damn family up in here.
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Tamara says she can hide in her room. Lucy replies that’s not necessary. That she can make a plate for her room if she’d like though. Then the scene takes a giant shift in tone. Tim receives the phone call that ruins our entire shipper lives. It sounds dramatic but it’s really not…Tim’s whole demeanor changes. Lucy is crazy intuitive to it. Her internal Tim radar going haywire. The tight way he replies and says he has to go.
Lucy wanting follow up questions. It’s the way she says. ‘Just wait.’ Not wanting him to go. *heart clutch* The sheer panic and worry developing in her soul and in ours. That gnawing unsettling feeling we feel through out the rest of the episode. Breaks my heart. She clearly spent the whole day waiting to be with him for their date night. Only to have him taken away with no answers. Lucy looks SHOOK as her entire heart walks out the door. It's written all over her face. His abrupt departure filling her with questions and worry. So it begins…
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We see Tim pull up in his truck to the pre-arranged spot. A man comes out of his own car and enters in. I was on pins and needles waiting to see wtf this was about. Who the man was. Why he had the power to make Tim, basically run from date night with his girl. I knew in the back of my mind had to be his military past. Only thing I could think of to make him spook like this.
They shake hands when he gets into the truck. He thanks Tim for coming. Our boy replies he didn’t have a choice. If Ray is alive they have a big problem. The intrigue meter continued to grow. Who was this Ray? What problem did he present to them both? Tim looks like he’s seen a ghost when he’s shown Ray’s photo. He was supposed to have died in an air strike….He's been working as a gun for hire and came into LAX the day before.
Tim asks why he would come to L.A? Apparently his mom is dying of cancer. That’s who they’re staking out. It’s here we find out what the vow is. And it’s not a good one….Tim is not onboard for honoring this pact they made. To kill Ray if he ever resurfaced. To pay him back for the friends he killed. We see the conflict on Tim's face. How he doesn’t know how he’s gonna tackle this. Eric killing me softly early on in this one. His eyes alone scream so much emotion.
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We see Lucy unable to sleep. In what I can only assume is Tim’s shirt. I think Melissa confirmed it was and thanked the fans for their keen eye. It’s the little things we love so much. Lucy is clearly missing him. So naturally she sleeps in a shirt of his. Also her DOD ring and her necklace are in plain view as well. Killing me softly. She can’t sleep because he’s supposed to be next to her. His consistent calming presence is missing and she can’t relax enough to rest.
Their date night was supposed to end with him asleep by her side. Not this. We can see the anxiety just seeping out of her. Don’t blame her one bit. No one knows that man better than her. From the second he took that phone call she knew. Deep in her gut that not only was something off but very very wrong. Her whole being emanating unease and concern. I feel you Lucy. The rapport and connection they’ve built over last 5 seasons coming in hot here.
Lucy looks sick to her stomach and it makes me wanna cry. The hurts so good is ever present in this scene. She is missing him and crazy worried. Her rampant anxiety is not letting her rest. My guess is other than 6x01 they’ve scarcely spent a night apart. The way he took off is scaring the shit out of her with good reason. So she tries to quell it with a phone call. Sadly she gets his VM. Her message to him makes my stomach sink more. Lucy is used to being his go to. She was left in the cold and her stress level is rising due to it.
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Tim watches her call and VM come in. He looks pained at not being able to answer it. It’s the way he sighs and closes his eyes. It’s killing him to keep her at a distance. Eric out here trying to murder my feels with his superb acting. This truly begins the immense breakdown that is their communication. Lucy showed her hand at it before this ep in 6x04. Now it’s Tim’s turn at it. We had indications of it but s6 showed us how glaring it is. The cracks in their foundation were there. We just didn't want to see it. These are the issues Eric wanted to tackle.
Honestly when we're on the other side of this I'll be real grateful for it. Till then this just hurts. Now Tim’s communication probs are particularly glaring in these in this ep and the next. Pains me to write it but our boy has serious issues with stuff like this. You know he knows she is at home worried sick. That’s why he looks so pained. Tim knows her just as well as she does him. Very aware she is panicked and worried about where he is. If he’s ok. Absolutely killing him to keep her in the dark. To Tim right now he think's despite that it's the right call.
This is Tim Bradford so he thinks he’s doing it to protect her. To keep her from his dark past affecting her. If he distances himself and handles it solo it’ll be ok. Because he doesn’t need help. Wants shoulder this alone. Oh Timothy, my love you are so wrong. It pains me how wrong you are. His childhood issues screaming out in this decision. Which we will get into. That gif of Captain Holt's ‘Paaaaiiiin’ gif is fitting right here. *sad sigh*
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Greer rejoins Tim in the truck with his recon. Tim is clearly uncomfortable with this whole thing. Weighing so many things at the moment. What he has to lose with any action they do. His soul is already so heavy with the past. It pains me to watch this. Tim is trying so hard to talk Mark out of this. Asking what they’re really going to do? What the point of all this really is? Noting them even talking about this is criminal conspiracy. Greer gas lights Tim this entire episode and I do not appreciate it.
Saying he can’t believe the ‘Reaper.’ is going soft on him. He is softer because of a wonderful woman named Lucy Chen. He’s in love with a person who is beautiful inside and out. One who has changed him so much. So yeah he’s softer now Greer. Also the first time I heard that nickname it made me fan myself. Is that wrong? lmao Idk if it is but I found it insanely attractive. I probably shouldn’t haha But here we are. With me still finding that service nickname sexy. I am who I am. Tim says he isn’t soft. He’s only thinking of what’s at risk here.
They can’t be committing murder, because of a pact that was made years and years ago. I love Tim’s line about they made it in the anger and fog of war. No doubt, with his nickname alone, we can see how angry Tim was going into the service. How could he not be? He came from a household where his emotions were suppressed heavily. So there is zero doubt in my mind he went into the service full of anger. Not only angry but loyal af as we know. That combination alone would result in this pact/vow being made.
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Tim is almost reflecting on how much he has grown since that moment in time. There was a lot of talk about the ways Tim hasn’t changed following this episode. Hell even inside this ep with him keeping Lucy at bay. But he has. He changed so very much since Lucy came into his life. It’s why he brings up the lives they’ve built. The life he is currently building with his soulmate. The jobs they hold.
That angry young man doesn’t exist anymore. The one who would murder for his squad in retaliation. Now Tim still has that instinct in him. Don’t get me wrong; scorched earth for those who mess with his loved ones. But this? This situation puts the life he’s built at risk. Puts the love of his life at risk within the department. Unfortunately Tim is still loyal af and Greer uses that against him.
Gas lights him some more. Saying how they’ll never get to build lives because of Ray. Pulling on that thread of guilt that lives deep inside Tim's soul. Trying to reawaken a man that is long gone at this point. But is still loyal to a fault. Weighed down with enough tortured guilt to keep this going. I resent Mark for using it against him I really do. Friggin stunard...My Italian rage coming out for Greer.
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It’s here we find out more about what went down between them all. Not only that but WHY him being around is such a damn problem for Tim/Mark. I would be remiss if I didn't note this. How much I am enjoying Tim in street clothes. Mmm nice and scruffy too. He is scruffy most of this season and I am here for it. He looks so good in that jacket it’s sinful. How can he make such a simple jacket so attractive? Yum. Ray asks what they’re doing here? Greer pipes in to bring him to justice. He asks for what?
Tim starts to list off the numerous reasons why. Going AWOL, faking his death, felony grand theft, stealing half million from the government. Just to name a few sweet lord… Then to top it off, he called in an air strike on his own guys when they came for him. Ugh. Real peach this one. That there wasn’t enough of Henderson and Coyle to fit in a shoe box….ooof. It’s here we find out what Ray has on them. That he read the after action report. That it didn’t read that way. Tim justifies it by saying it only reads that way so his wife and daughter got his death benefits.
Of course that’s the most Tim Bradford thing ever. ‘Some things matter more.’ Only breaking the rules if it’s for the greater good. We talk a lot about Lucy’s empathy but don’t sleep on Tim’s. It runs very very deep. This is proof it was a huge part of him before the Isabel trauma buried it and Lucy resurrected it. That being said this doesn’t look good at all for Tim. By bringing Ray in it endangers their service record and their current jobs. Because as kind as what they did was. It has consequences because they lied on an official government document. My stomach turned even farther with this scene.
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Eric KILLS me in this portion. This man has no right making me this emotional. How has he not won any awards? His beautiful shimmering blue eyes cutting me deep. Eric is so expressive in just his eyes alone. But he gives this scene everything he’s got in his arsenal my god. They get away from Ray’s to talk. Tim immediately says they’re not killing him. It’s not happening. (Someone needs to capture this scene in gif form BTW) It's a crime there isn't one. Mark tries to appeal he’s dead anyways.
Tim won’t hear of it. Says it won’t matter when the nightmares come knocking. And we know he’s had those nightmares. Not just about the service but about 5x19. About the life he was forced to take. Tim says they need to just come clean about everything. They don’t have a choice. Greer fights him some more. Saying it’s just going to blow up their lives as a result. Tim tells him he won’t let that happen. He’ll take the fall for him. Ugh Tim no. You have a life that’ll get blown up too my love. A woman who would be devastated to watch this take you down.
There's a Lyric from a band I love. "A thousand scars betray me Oh, what's another one?" That is Tim in this moment. What's one more emotional scar? Better than Greer losing his life because of what he chose. Tim's integrity is one of my fav traits about him. It’s the one I relate to the most. Because I am the same way. It drives a lot of my decisions. He's so willing to fall on his sword because he bears the weight of that decision still. Mark pleads some more but Tim won’t have it. Says he can’t with tears in his eyes. (I'm fine....) He is not that hot headed young man anymore. Life has kicked him around and he’s seen things. This isn’t the path and he won’t let Greer take it.
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Tim follows up with he won’t let him do it. Even if it’s without him. It’s here where Eric just rips my heart out with his performance. When Mark asks him if he would arrest him if he killed Ray? It’s the way his voice breaks. Tears threatening to fall when he chokes out ‘Yes.’ Rip my heart right out writers sweet lord. Greer says he’s out then. But I wanna deck him for his reply after that. He hangs all future crimes Ray does on Tim. I don’t curse very often in these. But how fucking dare you sir. How dare you put that on this man.
He is already riddled with so much guilt and shame. His soul is ten times heavier than it should be. Because Tim shoulders things deeply. Not only that he does it solo. A chunk of what weighs his soul down isn’t even his fault. Tim is a much deeper empath than he’s given credit for as I stated earlier. He absorbs the feelings and pain of those around him. Takes them in and never lets it go. It’s why he was and honestly still is so rigid as a cop. That iconic line ‘Rules matter boot.’ Was his PTSD in a line and we had no idea back in S2.
Because anytime this man has let his guard down to break the rules it’s hurt him. Mitch, Isabel and we now find out about this. Tim did the right thing and yet he’s paying the price not Ray. It’s the hitch in his breath as Mark takes off that’s the final emotional blow for me. I just want to hug him so much. The way he tries to catch his breath after he’s gone. Finally releasing all the emotions he was bottling up. You can see why he was wants to retreat to one person who will make him feel whole again. It’s why his next scene is with Lucy….
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This scene we get to see Melissa shine along side Eric. Killing us softly with their angsty goodness. We watch the sheer amount of relief run across Lucy’s face. It's evident when she hears his keys in the door. The happy relief is fleeting though. Her opening line is salty af as it should be. ‘Oh good, you’re not dead.’ She is ready to rip into him and rightfully so. Hurts to watch but she has every damn right to. She kept it together for work. But now that he’s in front of her she doesn’t have to. Her sass turns into the anxiety and worry she’s gone through. Telling him that his sorry isn't good enough. (it’s not…)
Saying she spent the last THIRTY-SIX hours. (That's a day and a half Timothy...) Worried he was bleeding out in various landmarks all over the city. Ugh poor Lucy. That’s very taxing on your nervous system to be in that state of mind for that long. That’s way too long to go without communication. But this is pre-therapy Tim so...Communication isn’t his strong suit when he isn’t in fight or flight mode. One of my fav lines of the scene. ‘Telling me you’re alive is NOT optional.’ Hell no it's not. The hitch in her voice and tears in her eyes. Gah killing it Mel.
Trying to communicate clearly to him this behavior isn’t going to fly. Not ever. Rewatching this season, it pains me how many hints the writers gave us about their communication problems. Now Lucy is trying here. With telling him what he did was not ok in the least. She then asks what the hell is making him so crazy? Expecting him to tell her. Tim’s reply is vague and only serves to make her angrier. Especially when he says he’s doing it to protect her status at the station. She asks if he committed a crime?
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The irony of this scene is that radio being prominently shown. How it was a happy thing 36 hours ago. Now it’s a symbol of their dysfunctional communication as a couple. Tim tells her no…Not technically. The fire continues to build in Lucy. Angrily retorting how it’s serious enough she could be disciplined for not reporting it then. Tim tries to do his protection line for her but it doesn’t land at all. The fire in her is raging at this point. She stands up and angrily asks what he’s doing here then? Tim is so taken aback by this. His reply breaks my heart. Stumbling over himself ‘I...I came to see you…’
To Tim it’s his default to go to her. When he’s upset or lost he goes to Lucy. Seeking her out like the sanctuary she’s always been for him. Has been for years. Even more so since they got together. Tim came to be near his comforter and happy place. Wanting her to envelop him in her arms and take his hurt away. Unfortunately my love, she can’t help or take away what she doesn’t know about. It’s why her hellfire continues on. Lucy absolutely obliterates him with her reply. 'To what? Order take in? Watch TV? Pretend like nothing is going on?' Tim so desperately wants to sink into solace he’s used to. But he won’t let himself tell her what's going on.
Thus denying himself the one thing he came here for. Her. Lucy (who is wearing the same blouse from 5x12 btw. Way to push the knife deeper writers) tells him if he’s not here to tell her to truth.... We pan back to Tim’s face. She can read him like a book and knows he’s not going to. She then tells him he’s needs to leave. My heart is on the floor at this point. I totally understand her drawing this boundary. I truly do. Lucy is trying to show him there are consequences to his actions. Holding him accountable. That he needs to communicate and trust her. Lucy wants him to see despite the ramifications she is there for him. Sadly Tim doesn’t see this hence her asking him to leave. My poor shipper heart.
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To make matters worse Eric is personally attacking me with his teary eyes and hurt puppy dog expression. Had to get this gif in. Why? Because it beautifully captures the devastation of her sending him away. We haven’t seen him this visibly upset since 4x09. Except this time his person isn’t there to make his tears go away. She is the one causing them and sending him away. The range of emotions flitting across his face has me bawling my eyes out. The man deserves all the awards once again. The way his eyes convey so much. How utterly wrecked he is. It's written all over his expression.
Eric brought it so hard in this episode holy hell. Tim came to her seeking out the comfort of normalcy from her. As we all know our boy needs his routine and structure to stay sane. Lucy has become an intricate part of that. He sought out his girlfriend to stabilize himself. Sadly there was no comfort to be found for him. Gotta give to get my poor broken boy. As much as it’s frustrating to watch him do this I get it. As I said earlier he has the tendency to shoulder burdens alone. It’s how he has survived most of his life. Doesn't excuse it just explains it.
His childhood is a massive proponent of why he operates this way. He came from an abusive household as we all know. Where he had to turn off his emotions and learn not to ask for help. If he did it only served to further the abuse. Also it was looked upon as weak. Was seen as useless if you did. When that is ingrained in you at an early age it is so friggin hard to get rid of it. It's an instant default for him. It’s not something being loved properly just gets rid of. If anything it only makes it worse on some level. Because it means you something to lose as Tim does in Lucy.
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To explain Tim’s side of it I need to give a little piece of me. I can relate because of what my mother did to me growing up. It’s something I fight to this very day. I hope one day it’ll be easier and less of a deep grove in my brain I go to. Most of my childhood as I’ve shared was full of emotional abuse. My mom didn’t like it if you spoke your mind or messed up in any way. If you did you got the silent treatment for weeks on end. I wish I was kidding. She once went three weeks without speaking to me as a kid. Pretending like I didn’t exist. Felt like I didn’t have a mother. As I got older her default punishment only got worse. When I went to college my baby sister got engaged couple years in.
To a wonderful man. They're still married and happy btw. But my mother could see herself losing her control over my sister. Told me to pick between her and my baby sister. The choice was easy. I picked my sister. She then abandoned me and didn’t speak to me for 18 months after that. Her doing that made me feel like, whenever I stand up for myself or make a mistake with someone I love, I’m going to be abandoned. I just recently got into a fight with said sister. I had that exact same panic after I stood up for myself thinking she was going to discard me. She has proven time and again that’s not true. It’ll never be true. My sister and her husband have always made room for me in their lives here in CO. Made me feel loved unconditionally.
The same will be true when I join them in TN when I move. And yet that deep ingrained thought that she would abandon me still appeared. Worried that because I had stood up for myself she would do what my mom did. She didn’t cause loves me. But I’m still not used to the idea of unconditional love. It’s hard to grasp when you’ve never really had it before. So this is where I related to Tim so hard and defaulting to doing this alone. I’m in my 30s and this still affects me deeply even with therapy. Tim is pre-therapy and not seeing the unconditional love Lucy has for him. Which is a precursor for 6x06 honestly. You could have the best human in the world loving you and still not accept it or understand that you even have it.
Tim doesn’t know how to ask for help and to see Lucy would love him through his mistakes. He’s protecting her but also himself in this moment. Because he’s ashamed of what he’s involved in. That she won’t love him anymore due to his past sins. So he’s keeping her at a distance from him. Thinking it’s protecting her from his toxic past. But also protecting him from losing her as well. This scene, sadly, is the result of many miscommunications since they started boiling up and over. A gradual escalation toward breaking apart. This was a incredibly hard scene to stomach and watch. Lucy is vibrating with how upset she is when he says ‘Understood’ and leaves. Un-break my heart you guys.
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Another banger of a song running through this final scene. The songs always hit and work so well with the tempo of a scene. It’s ’Teeth.’ By mallrat. Have a whole playlist of songs from this show I love it. We see Lucy looking at her phone fighting the urge to call Tim. Despite their epic fight she misses him. It clearly shows. Tamara brings her out of her thoughts by plopping on the couch. Asking her what she's doing?I adore her saying she is going to be a good girlfriend. Trust her man. *heart damn clutch* HER MAN. It’s the little morsel we all needed after that heated argument of insane pain.
I am most grateful for Tamara in this moment. Wanted to shove her out the door in the opening scene though. LOL Nolan is such a failure to be there for Lucy earlier in the ep. Where as Tamara is clutch af in this moment. She is emotional support while Lucy goes through this. Talks it out with her. Tamara asks if she’s heard anything? Lucy tells her about their heated fight last night. That it’s been their only contact….That Tim just stood there. Lucy seems so at a loss and it hurts my heart.
Tamara makes her laugh and says they should put a tracker in his truck lmao Lucy calling her out for being a bad influence. Tamara follows up that No, she’s just a really good teacher. Lucy is floored replying what? Wasn't able to fit this in but her lessons learned are hilarious. No coffee in gun hand and head on a swivel. The swivel part had me laughing so hard. What a goober. I love them. Just the levity Lucy needed. I need more of them in S7.
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We pan back to Tim in his truck. Longingly looking at his phone. Specifically at Lucy’s contact page. He is breaking on the inside without her and yet can’t force himself to let her in. Also would’ve killed me if it had a pic of Lucy or of them. I would’ve legit died of happiness. What a missed opportunity writers. He is missing her so much and is dying to reach out. Wants her by his side but can’t overcome his wiring to do so.
His default is to go to her. To talk to her. Once again just another look into their broken communication. When one stops so does the other and it goes to shit. They are partners in every sense of the word except for their communication. They were stellar at that with work. It blows my mind how quickly that broke down when they got together. They had something extra special to lose when they did though. *sigh* s7 you have work to do.
We see Tim refocus his sights on Ray. Tasked with the mantle Mark Greer thrust upon him. He’s now on a crusade to catch him before Tim has anything else to add to his soul…. Phew this was an emotionally draining one to get though and it’s not even the harder of two. Phew lord. Thank you to every single one of you reading these, liking them, reblogging or commenting (love me some comments don’t be shy) they mean the world to me. I shall see you all in 6x06 where can sob together. ❤️
Side notes-non chenford
All the Aaron and Blair scenes are so icky knowing her endstory. Bleh.
Beauty of rewatching I can skip all the Nolan content. Snoozeville again.
Smitty only hanging out in therapy office for snacks lmao Needed in a tense episode
Lucy’s crack about asking Celina To Aaron. Lmao. Commend our girl for cracking jokes and keeping her shit together on shift.
Nolan is absolutely useless when Lucy comes to him for help. Their friendship truly fell apart when Jackson died. Any rapport or connection shot to hell. He can’t read the utter panic she is in and I hate him for it. As useful as a paper hat in a rainstorm to keep you dry.
Also the lyrics used earlier from my fav bad RED. The lyrics ARE TIM. In this episode to a tee Here's the link https://genius.com/Red-cauterize-lyrics
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WIBTA for rejecting a gift?
🐸🐸 <for my refrence
My buddy got me a poster yesterday as a Christmas gift. I was asleep when he dropped it off, but he's really excited about my reaction. Even asked my roommate to tell him what my initial response is.
I love this guy- he's my best friend and he tries really hard to maintain our relationship, despite having radically different schedules. He's a ✨Creative✨ and doesn't work a lot, so he has a very limited amount of spending money. He insists on getting friends gifts, though, because the tradition is important to him. Last year he got me a custom baseball bat and I was so excited I actually blacked out for a minute (don't hold your breath as a bit)!
This year I asked him to come to a drag show with me and bring his own single dollars. we did, we had fun, but he still wanted to get me something.
It's a poster of a frog painted rainbow with the text "OBAMA TURNED THE FRIGGIN FROGS GAY." overlaid.
I'm gay and like a meme as next as the next homo, but I'm really uncomfortable with this. I don't like using the language or rhetoric of people who literally or figuratively want me dead. Even though it's got a rainbow on it. I don't want to think about Alex Jones, I don't want to think about Obama and his war crimes, and I don't want to think about my political enemies in my own home. It's funny to reference but I really don't want to put those words on my wall. I'm also not huge on frogs so the cute factor doesn't do much for me.
My sister recently got me rainbow "don't tread on me" stickers and I feel the same way about that- it feels like Make America Gay Again hats, where I'm just freaking out my community for no reason (until they get close enough to see it's a joke).
I live in a small apartment and I don't have a place I could put this out of the way, like a garage.
WIBTA for regifting or throwing away the poster? Is there a better course of action? He was really excited about this and I don't want to break his heart, but I also don't want my home full of alt right quotes, hilariously misguided or not.
What are these acronyms?
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jadewing-realms · 1 year
disclaimer: written pre-release
i've had this sitting in my drafts for a bit since i started playing BG3, I kept seeing a particular kind of post regarding Astarion and it really started to frustrate me soooooo. here's a vaguely coherent rant nobody asked for pff
As I got into the game, following Astarion's romance subplot, doing research on the game and characters thus far, I encountered the schism between those who love Astarion and by extension, characters like him, and those that consider said characters as little more than toxic creatures, narcissists best dealt with swiftly and harshly. The latter tends, in the posts I've found at least, to view the former as poor unfortunate souls with the dreaded "i can fix him" mentality.
Now, I'm not here to say either is entirely wrong. I think to take a side here is to do the exploration a disservice and to forget the depth of nuance in art and media interpretation.
And that's just it. Because at the end of the day, interpretation is one of the key elements involved in this discourse. In the case of Astarion, especially with the game having been in early access for so long and no complete, guaranteed details of his past or arc made public yet, with so much up in the air as the full release drops, there are worlds of interpretations that can be made regarding our infamous vampire rogue.
Is one of those interpretations that he's both emotional and literal vampire who's every action is a trap for the protagonist in order to use them, and that he's irredeemable? Yes. Is another that he's simply trying to survive in a situation he's never been in after spending two centuries living like an animal? Also yes.
The error here, I think, is to treat one interpretation like it's more "right" than another. Which is what I've seen a lot of online threads do... Insisting one perspective is superior to the other. Which is bad faith even on a good day when either perspective is based in concrete, unchangeable fact. Even moreso in this case, until there's complete canon material to bank on, and even then that will have so much variety to it since most of it will depend on the actions of the player. It's a choice-based game. There is so much space for varied experiences, and none of them will be "right" or "wrong."
I feel like in modern media discussion, when considering whether a character is actively harmful or just flawed, it can be easy to forget that some of our most popular stories are ones in which someone is deemed beyond hope or redemption, a danger to all they encountered, only for their arc to raise them from their Pit of Dickishness and set them on pedestals as some of the most memorable, inspiring characters we know.
The timeless story of the Christmas Carol gives us an absolutely despicable old geezer who literally spells out the horror he'd inflict upon the poor if he could, simply for the sin of poverty. But in an effort to fixate only on how problematic he (very much intentionally) is, we might lose sight of how the whole point of the story is to watch him be forced to confront his ways, unpack all his crap, and become better for it in the end.
Characters like Prince Zuko, Edmund Pevensie, Greedling, Steve Harrington, Boromir, James Ford, friggin Darth Vader, we wouldn't have any of them if we only read them at surface level as toxic assholes and then left it at that. But through learning the nuances of these characters and watching them confront their actions and consequences and learn from them, they not only grow and change into better people, but we love them because they hold pieces of ourselves in them, despite their sharp edges. We can understand why they are the way they are, and maybe, if we're honest with ourselves, we can acknowledge that we might have done similarly awful things under their circumstances. It makes them relatable, admirable, and cautionary all at once. It makes them human.
None of that is to say that there are never characters built purely and solely to fear and loath, not at all. True scumbags can and do exist, both in fiction and reality. To try to enforce the idea of finding empathy for a true monster is often a tactic used in reality to gaslight people into excusing said monsters' behavior.
Which leads into the "i can fix him" argument. When applied to situations dealing with real dangerous and horrid people who can't or won't change? Absolutely Not Great (though that's not to say it can't be included in a story, there are valuable themes in that on its own). Condoning this dynamic as something good is what leads to abusive relationships and innocent people staying in unhealthy situations for far too long. I'm among those who can attest to that personally.
That said, when it comes to Astarion, no one can rightly say going through his romance arc or not is condoning anything. Because it once more comes down almost entirely to perspective and interpretation, because he's a video game character comprised of pixels and a well-written script and there are limitless ways he can be interpreted and interacted with.
Like, personally, yes, there are some dynamics I'd feel uncomfy pairing him with, even with the empathy I feel for his character. Platonic or romantic, doesn't matter. Does that mean I'm going to apply my interpretation and personal boundaries to the next person playing the Astarion romance? No. That would be assuming I've somehow discovered the "correct" way to interpret the game, which I have not and can never do because RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 are such personalized experiences. People are 100% free to play a fictional game however the hell they so please, because stories are not inherently 1-to-1 reflections of reality.
Especially when it comes to the narcissism accusation, it sparks an extra layer of discomfort for me when it seems like characters who act selfishly or spin lies get called "narcissistic" when that's kinda severely over-generalizing what narcissism actually is??
Narcissism is inherently selfish, but not all selfishness is narcissism. Gaslighting is built on lies, but not all lies are gaslighting. This separation was literally bugging me so much, I talked with my therapist about it last week. And she agreed.
Some folks seem to forget is actual NPD isn't just about selfishness and manipulating. It's fragile ego and delusions of grandeur and the mind games, dysregulating highs and humiliating lows that they will weave in a web around you so that you, as a victim, can never get your mental and emotional footing. Usually for the purposes of then swooping in to offer themselves as your only source of stability. The whole "rely on me because your judgment is clearly faulty and you need to be protected from yourself" shtick.
You know. Kinda like Cazador.
The way I see Astarion, by contrast, is that he has an honesty to him that lacks such delusions. As much as he desperately tries to maintain this veneer of poise and sass and devil-may-care out of self-preservation, it's paper thin and crumples under the barest pressure. Like, the equivalent of a thematic sneeze and down he goes. Then you see him as he is. Which is just... frightened. Sad. Kinda pathetic, really. And absolutely, positively lost. All things he knows, but he legit believes he will be killed if he lets any of it show.
Comparing that to, say, Wyll, who's blissfully ignorant bluster reminds me painfully of self-aggrandizing family members that I love but can't interact with honestly because of the forest of self-delusion around them... well, it's not much of a contest.
If somebody interprets Astarion as a slimy, manipulating power-monger and gets rid of him the first chance they have, that's their story to tell and power to them for it. But the same must be said for the opposite. I don't appreciate the thought that there's a whole sect of the BG3 fandom that probably genuinely considers me "less than" or "unhealthy" or "problematic" in some way for being among those who like this character or others like him and their potential thematically and narratively. But if my interpretation is that he’s a frightened man who just wants to feel safe and free, that is also its own story and it's mine to tell if I wish. And both can be good or even powerful stories!
Is all of this based on my own personal nuances, biases, and priorities? Absolutely. And that's kinda the whole point... There's not a wrong answer with this, really. I experience these games and these characters through a lens that is mine and mine only, and I give meaning to the worlds I enter based on what makes the story feel most interesting and satisfying for me. And at the end of the day, what else is art for but to help us explore ourselves and learn a little bit more about what it means to be human. In all its glory and ugliness.
And that's a wholly personal journey nobody deserves to have micromanaged or belittled. I'm certainly not gonna go around looking down on anyone for having a different reading than mine. You do you, boo. But let me do me too.
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dora-papp · 9 months
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If you shouted "gravity of the situation" out loud at this scene while watching Wild Blue Yonder for the first time, like me, I friggin' love you and may your Christmas be 99.9% awesome.
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Deck the Halls
Castiel x plus size reader
It’s Christmas time in the bunker so it seems to be the right moment to introduce some new traditions!
Warnings: dean being crude, fluff, alcohol
WC: 1k
Square Filled: Matching Pyjamas @spnchristmasbingo
Minors DNI
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SPN Christmas Bingo
“What exactly is the purpose of these clothes?” Castiel’s head was tilted to the right as he examined the colourful pile of fabric you had shoved into his arms. You just smiled sweetly at him and pecked his scruffy cheek before pushing him into your shared room in the bunker.
“It’s so we can match, angel! Now go get dressed and we can take photos.” You could tell he still didn’t understand but nodded and walked into the bedroom anyway, softly shutting the door behind him. 
“He’s so pussy whipped.” Your head snapped to the side, glare immediately locking onto Dean who was lazily leaning against the brick wall of the hallway, casually sipping a beer. “Say that again Winchester, see where it gets you.” The shiver of fear that rolled down his spine was barely concealed by his nonchalant shrug.
“Besides, you’re wearing the pajamas too and I know for certain I have never and will never sleep with you.” He glanced down and cringed at the bright shirt and pants combo that you had thrown into his hands after returning from the mall earlier that day. 
Yet, he still put them on, the same as Sam did, admittedly with the promise of a pecan and a cherry pie. Both of them knew it would make you happy, so they did it. 
“Yeah well, I’m just in it for the pie.” He pouted, turning away from you like a spurned child. 
“I love you too Dean!” You called after him as he stomped away. The smile never left your face. This Christmas would be different. Finally, all four of you were safe and living somewhere you could almost call a home. 
So with a tree Sam helped pick up and haul inside, lights Cas was enchanted by, and a couple all-nighters filled with baking and cooking, it was time for your very first Team Free Will Christmas! And what better way to kick it off than with matching pajamas!
“Come on! We’ve got presents to open!” You excitedly yelled into the empty corridors, rushing to the war room where the tree, and the presents, had been stowed. The tell-tale clack of your boyfriend’s dress shoes against the stone floors made your smile even wider.
“How do I look?” You turned to look at him and your heart skipped a beat. You maybe, had purposefully bought him a size smaller than he would normally wear and dear god were you happy about that decision. The scratchy fabric clung beautifully to his powerful frame, letting you see the way his muscles flexed and rippled, even if he was still wearing his signature trench coat.
“You look beautiful angel.” You cooed, wrapping your arms around his neck, your fingers immediately burying themselves in his short hair. Cas smiled along with you, although his expression still had a hint of confusion. “Thank you for doing this.”
His nose bumped gently into yours as he softly pressed your foreheads together. “I would do anything for you.” He spoke truthfully.
“Alright we’re here.” Sam lumbered into the room, obviously having been woken from a nap by Dean, red marks still spread across his cheeks from laying on his arms. Just like Cas, he wore the colourful clothes without complaint, all too happy to have something normal to do.
You sent an appreciative glance to your surrogate brother as he moved past, making a dash for the recliner Dean had dragged in a few weeks back. 
Speak of the devil. You thought.
Dean came in last, a very full glass of eggnog in his hands that you suspect was mostly filled with the spiced rum you picked up along with the pajamas. “I hope your pie is friggin worth it.” He grumbled and sat down on one of the other chairs, sending his little brother a glare for taking his seat.
“Great!” With one last peck to your angel’s cheek, you skipped over to the tree and gathered up as many perfectly wrapped presents as you could, dumping a small pile in everyone’s laps. You sat in your own seat, pulling out your phone to film your boys like an excited mother.
Like the animal he was, the older Winchester shredded the wrapping paper in an effort to get to his presents. Ripped paper surrounded his legs like colourful snow. 
Sam carefully slid his thumb under each piece of tape, ensuring he did not rip the wrapping. Then, once the present was completely unwrapped, he placed the paper to the side in a neat little pile by his feet.
Cas ripped off one stripe of paper from the middle of his gift, allowing him to simply pull it from the paper, leaving it most intact. He stuffed the trash in his pocket.
Your heart clenched as each of them studied what you had picked out for them, a comfortable silence settling over the bunker. Dean was easy to buy for, a nice bottle of whiskey that Bobby had been fond of and a new polish for Baby. Sam was less easy. You settled on a new spell book you might or might not have stolen from Rowena and a small iPod so he could listen to his podcasts while he ran.
But by far, Cas was the hardest to buy for. Being an angel, he wasn’t materialistic and probably wouldn’t have accepted a present if you hadn’t explained to him a few weeks before that you loved giving gifts to people. Like the others, you gave him two gifts.
The first was a large bottle of raw honey, a treat he enjoyed even if it did taste like molecules to him. And the second was a piece of paper he carefully pulled from the small envelope you had tucked it in. “What is it?” Ever impatient, Dean attempted to look over his friend’s shoulder, but Cas turned away, holding the paper tightly to his chest like a child trying to hide something.
“Thank you.” He murmured, overwhelmed with emotions he had not felt since he was human.
Leaning over, you captured his lips in a soft but loving kiss. “It was my pleasure angel.” You gave him one last peck, then stood up to fetch Dean his promised pie. As you left the room, you heard his raspy voice ask Castiel something.
“Is it porn?” The silence was deafening.
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interxstitial · 2 months
continued from here . . . with @tewwor!
Given the type of occupation he runs with, it's not uncommon to find himself in tight situations. It's just that he doesn't make it a habit to use kissing as a means of escape. Don't get him wrong — he's very keen on the idea. Thinks Jiwon's a friggin' genius, actually. The slightest hesitation stems from the squirming mess that's punting the shit out of his heart. He's so in tune with his emotions ( prides himself in it ), but this shit's straight out of a YA novel and they're the main protags. One part of him is nervous with anticipation, and the other's screaming not to make a huge fuss. It's just a singular kiss, brocipher. "Dude— thought you'd never ask." Nailed it — internal high-fives all around. He leans in, uses both hands to cup Jiwon's face. Then, at a moderate speed ( he hopes ), kisses him sound on the lips. Deep, but not too deep, like he really means it ( he does, actually ).
jiwon loves that ravi wears his heart on his sleeve—embroidered with bright, glow-in-the-dark thread and surrounded by christmas lights. that kind of sincerity is unusual to jiwon. dance taught him to mask every ounce of effort with a portrait of serenity, to keep hidden the years of blood, sweat, bruises, breaks, and tears. the audience isn't meant to see any sort of struggle when he performs. if they do, then jiwon simply isn't dancing correctly.
so when ravi agrees almost too eagerly, jiwon feels a rush of white-hot affection flood his lungs. their lips meet, finally, and jiwon can't stop himself from smiling. he has to tip-toe to wind his arms around ravi's shoulders, then tugs him just a small way closer, just enough to comfortably get his feet back on the ground. it feels like the fairy tales he used to dream of. a true princess diaries moment, complete with the essential foot pop.
no one's walking towards them—hardly anyone is even looking in their direction—but jiwon isn't about to stop so soon. he doesn't half-ass dance; he definitely isn't going to settle for a subpar kiss. (if he enjoys this a little more than he should, no one needs to know that except him and ravi.)
"i think you should kiss me some more."
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polarisbibliotheque · 9 months
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*Explains in Gale of Waterdeep*
So, my sister took some pics of me on Christmas while I was blabbering about the differences of life between West Germany and East Germany (and how friggin' close to us this huge historical thing is: it wasn't like 50 years ago, the Wall fell only 5 years before I was born; German Republic as one country is almost as old as Brazilian Republic - and both are SO YOUNG. For a government and a country to be a little older than I am, it's absurdly incredible.)
And now she sends me the pics I had no idea she was taking, and lo and behold, for my fellow Baldur's Gate 3 fans, I am Gale of Waterdeeping.
I have even my best company along in the form of a dog I lovingly call 'my little fox'.
The doggo belongs to my sister's boyfriend, but little fox always lays down by my side/at my feet to sleep and I always die 🖤
In DMC terms, Vergil would probably approve and want to talk about everything that happened while he was marinating in Hell, Dante would be semi-asleep on his desk joining the subject every now and then - V would be fighting to let him talk about all the random things with the random walking encyclopedia 🫠
Nero and Nico burning the kitchen down while trying to help Kyrie, poor angel
But eh, just felt like posting this so you guys know how your pocket writer ~kinda~ looks like and some more about said eldritch writing creature. A little hello to you all and happy holidays wishes in the most librarian sort of way - this is a bibliothéque after all hahahaha
Plus, it's a cute fox-doggo pic. Look at him. He's so chonky and cozy. Peacefully sleeping while the eldritch wizard overlytalks in the background. Those little paws that look like he's wearing socks. Tucked in and sleeping after all the food :3 It's always worth it 🖤🖤
I love little fox. Such a cutie. Such a chonky cupcake. He deserves all the highlights. His name is Kobe and I call him everything but that, even Kibe.
And I told you guys almost my entire closet is blue, right...? It wasn't a joke. Almost everything I own is blue, I did it before Vergil and I'll die on this hill.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 9 months
Look I drew you in a pirate hat!!!
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How’s everything going? How is the love of my life Legend doing?
Wind: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! :D That is friggin AMAZING, I need to go hunt down a hat like that now.
Everything’s going pretty well! I’m on break from school so I’m pretty happy! I get to chill and try to make sure my idiotic friends take care of themselves since half of them worked Christmas Day. Think I’m gonna make some food to meal plan for them, what do you think I should make? I’m a half decent cook, but don’t do it much tbh. (Anything I make is better than Linebeck’s cooking though)
Legend’s pretty good, I think! Last I saw him was yesterday, he was making cookies with Hyrule and Sky. And they even turned out pretty good! He’s out right now, we’re all staying at Lon Lon Ranch for the holiday, it’s a little cramped but with people’s work schedules it still works out.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, Wild took a picture of one of the cows the Lons have, here she is!
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iffylogic · 9 months
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doulayogimama · 7 months
If I’m not pregnant by Christmas, I told Kevin I wanted to go back to Spain and stay based in Barcelona for like 3-4 months to really make the decision to move there in 2025/2026 or not.
Sky can go back to her school in Barcelona. We’re privileged and lucky to work from anywhere. We can keep trying for a baby while we’re over there. And I don’t have to spend a Winter in NY after this upcoming election.
I really don’t want to buy land in NY after having experienced a mild winter in Spain. I just… don’t want to deal with anything more intense than that. I love NY but it’s so friggin cold, the hail, the snow, the millions of layers on yourself + children. We saw land plots for sale in Spain and I felt so much more at ease at the thought of buying there vs here.
This is the perfect way to combat the negative test blues: if I don’t get pregnant this year, we are going back to Spain sooner rather than later 🫶🏽✨
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