#// i expected a lil smooch... what do i get..... a whole ass scenario... thank.....
hellguarded-moved · 2 years
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Marlo had always been impressed and fascinated with the human traditions around the world. Each time he had popped back on their realm, he had noticed something new, bringing those people together, as if they always needed an excuse to celebrate something - and he couldn’t blame them for that. Tonight, both Ignis and him were walking around in festivities that people were calling Christmas celebrations, wandering in the streets where the fox could easily snatch some food from the stalls. It was cold, but Marlo felt warm, hanging by Ignis’ side. Somehow, he sensed that he was more than glad to be with him right now, the two of them sharing a special bond, unbreakable, that no one could ever match in Marlo’s heart.  “Here!” Marlo pulled on the other’s sleeve, dragging him further away, where he had seen people doing something new. Right under strange little branches, they were all giggling, looking up at these ornaments, before they would exchange a kiss. Marlo dragged Ignis until they were also standing in the middle of them, mischief written all over his features. “We have to blend in, remember?” He said with a foxy giggle, before he eventually stepped closer. For some reason, his heart skipped a beat. He licked his lips and stepped closer again. “Didn’t you see that they all kissed under that plant?” He pointed at the mistletoe with his clawed finger, before he eventually rolled them around Ignis’ collar. “Allow me…” He whispered, before he eventually gave a slow kiss onto the Hound’s lips.
the various celebrations humans had come up with were... strange. oftentimes unneccessary in the canid's eyes, but his vulpine companion disagreed— he found great enjoyment in them, he'd noticed. this wasn't their first christmas spent together— part of him had wondered if he'd come to figure out its charm and enjoy it just as much as marlo did, but it never simply clicked with him. on earth, it had always seemed to snow during this time period, and whenever they visited the more populated areas, all that snow had been stomped ten times over into nothing more but slush. it was ugly and wet.
still, he'd accompanied the fox to the festive markets, still eager and willing to learn a bit more. compared to most of the people around, he wore considerably less layers, which had sometimes earned strange stares from the humans, but he didn't care. " hey! " a quiet yet sharp exclamation as he witnessed the other steal some food from a vendor that was too distracted to notice, already attempting to take it from the kitsune and return it, but the way marlo swiftly dragged him along prevented from as much— made worse by the dense crowds they had to squeeze their way through.
given the thievery, he explained marlo's motives to himself as means of hiding away his crimes, more than anything. he met the fox with a pointed glare, " that's theft. did you know thievery is punished across all realms? " he tried to be educational, as he'd noticed as much both here and at home. with a frown, his eyes followed the trail of claw, observing what the fox was referring to— the way people kissed under a mistletoe. " yeah, i saw... " he trailed off, flinching just a bit as once his gaze had dropped again, he noticed the other standing far too closer to him than he originally was.
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he scoffed, rolling his eyes at marlo's advancements but indulging them anyway— he'd be a liar to say he didn't enjoy the feeling of the vulpine's lips against his own. at the very least it served as means of relaxing his soured features, as well as his mood. humming into the kiss, he glanced up at the mistletoe hanging above them with a curious smirk. " what a weird tradition. we should ask around where it comes from, " he mused idly, then turned rubies to the fox once more, " alright, alright. i'll forgive you just this once. "
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