#I finally got NWH Otto!
blapis-blazuli · 1 year
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Happy Pride month to these two
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
Talk Shop Tuesday: what inspired you to create your OCs? Was there a specific moment or inspiration that drove you to creating them, or was it something more indistinct?
How many revisions do your OCs go through before they're ready to post? Have any of your OCs gone through significant edits since you first created them? (and bonus, what are those edits?)
Who's your favorite OC to write? Which OC is the most difficult for you to write?
Love these questions so much, thank you 🥰
Ooh the answer varies for each OC. For Morgan, it was me thinking "hmm wouldn't it be cool if Jesse had an E1 doppelgänger raised by Eowells?" (I say that Jesse is instrumental to Morgan existing and I very much mean it—Morgan wouldn't exist without Jesse).
For Lucy, it was seeing Obi-Wan and Leia's dynamic in the Kenobi show and wanting Obi-Wan to raise a Skywalker kid for all the years he's on Tatooine (I'd thought of writing a Skywalker triplet fic for years, but only then did it finally click).
For Amelia, it was in watching NWH and thinking two things: "wow Otto Octavius is so dad-shaped" and "if Peter had a sister who lived through the Snap and who found out his identity via Mysterio, that would introduce sooo much fun tension...and give me the opportunity to really dig into the Snap and its implications" (I always love "post-blip meta" fic 💞)
And for Reyna, it was moreso me just wanting to give Nora a girlfriend 😂 I ship Nora with Lia and Mia anyway, but...I wanted to make my own OC girlfriend for Nora.
My OCs usually don't go through many revisions, they moreso just get details added to them and get fleshed out...though none have had major edit. The exceptions to this are Morgan and technically Lucy.
Morgan went through a few revisions—she initially had super strength, and she initially wasn't as close to Barry and Iris in s1. But the former changed when I wrote the intro fic (the super strength would cause rapid aging that I had no cure for), and the latter changed as I wrote the s1 arc and got attached to Barry & Morgan and Morgan & Iris 💞
Lucy is technically an exception too because as mentioned before, I tried to make a Skywalker triplet idea work back in 2015-16. Liana Naberrie Skywalker was her name...but I never could quite come up with a way to fit her in. But the Kenobi show finally made the idea click...and I changed the name to Lucy, since it seemed more fitting (and ofc her surname was Kenobi, not Skywalker)
Morgan is my favorite to write 💞 Amelia is usually the most difficult, but only because the MCU muse is elusive. When it clicks though, that's when the magic happens!
Reyna can be quite tricky to write too, to be fair. A lot of her story is full of question marks because there's a lot I haven't quite figured out yet (she's a pretty new OC)...which makes it a challenge to write for her. Though for both her and Amelia, it's always satisfying when I manage to write something 💞
talk shop tuesday!
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0tt00ctavius · 2 years
Octogoblin day 20! Sick day! It ain’t gonna be in order but y’all will get all of them eventually 🥲
After Nwh
Norman woke up with a terrible headache and a sore throat, he couldn’t breathe through his nose and he felt like he could cough one of his lungs up. Norman sat up and started coughing..was he sick? No! He couldn’t be sick…he still has the goblin serum in him. The noise and shaking of the bed woke up otto and he sat up. He put his scared and callused hand on the sick man’s back and started checking on him. “Norman….? Are you alright..?” Ottos morning voice immediately sent butterflies to Norman’s stomach….it’d feel so much better if the shorter man wasn’t coughing and feeling bad. Norman nodded and kept coughing, otto felt his forehead and norman had a bad fever. Ohhhhh dear-…..his lover was sick. He knew how to deal with simple colds and stomach bugs, Rosie would normally keep a cold so he knew a bunch of home remedy’s for a cold. Norman finally stopped coughing a few minutes later. This poor man felt lightheaded and just the sound of him breathing hurt his head. “Y-yeah…..I’m a-alright…” Norman mumbled as he curled back up in bed….he kind of yanked otto with him. “oK- aGh-!” Norman had grabbed the back of his turtleneck as he laid back down so it put pressure on ottos throat-. The tentacle man just chuckled after he was let go and he cuddled up against norman. “w-where is y-your hand….g-give me it.” Norman asked and then demanded for ottos hand. He gave his boyfriend his hand and it was yanked to norman. The sick one put ottos hand on his chest and just sighed…..norman always stayed cold and otto was always hot. Sooooo any kind of touching otto did to norman warmed him right up. “Bud I need to go get medicine for you…you’re sick..” otto said as he kissed Norman’s neck. “mhmmm…..I-I’m not sick…..just g-give me five more minutes to sleep…” Norman mumbled as he shut his eyes, he had to get up to go to work but he just wanted that extra five minutes. “I’ll give you a few days….I’m going to call in for you…” otto told norman as he got up and grabbed his phone…nOoOoO! Norman needed to go to work! “nO…..! doNT cAll iN-“ his voice was just blocked out by otto as he dialed oscorps business number. Norman heard him talking to one of the board members…eH-. Screw it…he didn’t need to go into work-, norman just accepted his fate and chuckled. “Alright thank you….you’re off for the rest of the week..I’ll be taking care of you hon…” otto put his hand on Norman’s shoulder and rubbed a bit…there was no response. “Honey….? You alright?…” otto said as he looked over at Norman’s face. Poor Norman was out cold-….his mouth was open a bit aaaaand he started snoring a tad. Otto just chuckled and covered him up some more as he cuddled close to him. “Sleep good my dear….” Norman wasn’t fully out yet and when he heard otto say that he just smiled a bit and rolled over into his boyfriends arms. Now he was out…feeling the warmth of otto just completely calmed him down and he relaxed almost immediately. Not to long after that otto fell asleep as well…..
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badger-with-a-boa · 2 years
Otto Octavius / Doc Ock kin list
+ why I kin them
Slight trigger warning to generally sensitive subjects. No real naming, but implied about some things.
Comic book Otto / Doc Ock
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His childhood is very similar to mine, especially with his father. Carbon copy of my father if I had to put it simply. From many things I'd rather not share. But if you read the comic, that's a lot of what I went through personally. Also how Otto drowned himself in science, especially when something traumatic or out of routine happened. Completely disconnecting from people to consume himself in science. I did that often as a kid when I got extremely stressed. Added bonus is that Otto was seriously bullied for endless years. From about his appearance, to being into science. As I was too.
TSSM Otto / Doc Ock
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Before the accident, Otto was highly sensitive. He was easily pushed around, ordered & wasn't taken seriously. Though when introduced to a project, he'd go on about how it was made, what it'd do, etc. Info-dumping & rambling. Something I do when I get a chance to talk about my hyperfixations or passions. But Otto is seen to get overwhelmed / overestimated & lashes out when this occurs. Also invisions a thought when upset. Hiding his true feelings & opinions.
I'm an extremely sensitive person & can get easily overwhelmed. I cry easily, I can simply be controlled if in fear or just being a people pleaser, etc. As a kid, I was never taken seriously. I studied advanced sciences since elementary school & people just saw me as a nerd. I also never stood up to my bullies, so I was often seen as weak & a huge pushover. But I'd always invision different things to push my anger down.
USM Otto / Doc Ock
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One thing I've never shared with a fictional character was a complex. He has an inferiority complex, just as I do. It's probably in every Doc Ock out there, but specifically his is like mine. Coming from being pushed around, used, abused, taunted, manipulated & so much trauma. He's easily irritated & annoyed when degraded & picked on. He also lashes out & is nearly always angry at something or someone. Pretty straight forward anger issues. But even after all that, still ends up being easily manipulated, even when he claims he'll soon be on his own & no one dictate what he can and can't do.
As someone who came from abuse, being bullied for years on end, being used, manipulated by many people, etc, I saw myself in USM Otto in many ways. I have also ODD. As a little kid when everything was at its worst, I was more aggressive to people. But as I got older, I became aggressive to myself. During severe episodes, yes I can grow violent & experience extreme anger. I also suffer with anger issues. Mainly connected to my inferiority complex. Which I began developing in middle school.
SM2-NWH Otto / Doc Ock
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One big thing was grief becoming greed. After the failure of his artificial sun, then it killing his wife, & finally the chip for the actuators fusing to him, Otto broke. Lost most control of himself due to the arms, taken over by grief & guilt, then losing his life's work. His only way out? Doing what he fits necessary to get his fusion reactor right. Because that's all he had left. Then when finally realizing his mistakes, he gives up his only hope to save people. To give up what he's worked his whole life towards. His dream. He didn't want to die a villain.
I lost my childhood. Especially due to my father. Not to mention bullying, forced to mature, piles of trauma, and so on. But my anger rested in my father. He took away too much from me & I wanted to take back my rightful revenge. The grief I had from a lost childhood soon became greed to get revenge on my father to get the closure of what I never really had. But my revenge also contained my bullies, people who've done other cruel things to me and such. It was all I had left. This anger & plain to make people repay. But soon after I moved, I realized it won't fix anything. It won't heal anything. No closure. Just more pain. I didn't want to be last seen as a villain.
Welp, that's it. I have no real reason that I wrote all of this, but hey, now it's out there I suppose. Anywho, please no rude comments or anything. I kin to cope most of the time & Otto is my top kin & means a great deal to me. So yeah 🐙
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edith-hyde · 2 years
Hi Edith! I miss you so much and your writing. I hope life is treating you well. 😌
Why do most fanworks see Otto as having no mind of his own, being a jackass no appearant reason, and my personal favorite after he got cured he's back to his evil self but with more problematic fanon. It's gets ugly, especially on Pinterest. I went through Pintrest recently, and lets just say they only see him as an object of desire , not a complex character who helped Peter one and his friends with the Battle of Liberty Paralance. Another irritating thing that Rosie didn't love him and Spiderman was just a nusinace to him even though he showed remorse and gratefulness in NWH. On a closing note, it still made me angry when Otto was called a lapdog in front of everyone and some interpted as "romantic," even though it wasn't. 😑
Hey! Sorry I haven't posted anything. I got the Cold from Hell so I've been down all this week. I'm finally starting to get over it, so my brain should be able to form coherent thoughts again.
Yeah, people take a lot of liberties with his character to have the narrative they want. We all do it to some extent. (I make Norman far nicer than he's ever been probably.) Many like to dumb Otto down to something to be objectified, which is sad. Just as much as the comics sexualize women, fans sexualize everything else. I've seen some really upsetting things in Tumblr tags.... Wish Brain Bleach was a thing.
The whole thing of having Rosie not love him is just so they can have their ships between him and Norman. And yeah, it's upsetting when people take that line as romantic when it is clearly not. They wanted to take a lot of dialogue between Norman and Otto as romantic and, while they are free to do so, I'm with you on it. I don't like seeing it. I've blocked all tags that ship them so I don't have to see it. idk if you can do that on Pinterest or not.
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thedeadthree · 3 years
hiii! i was tagged by the loveliest dears @shellibisshe, @chuckhansen, @preachercuster, @faithchel, @loriane-elmuerto and @honeysides to fill out this uquiz for my babies! thank you all so much your all the sweetest + i adore u all AH
— TAGGING: @griffin-wood, @ottomentallis, @yennas, @starsummoners, @taliaferros, @bvckybvnes, @rebootrequired, @stormveils, @lustyargonianmaid, @danielsullivan, @jmiacolt, @mementovivere, @maeflower, @inkrys, @pearlcscent, @trvelyans and you!
LISELOTTE “LOTTIE” lewis OTTO, absentia
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LOVE AS TENDERNESS, [love as gentleness after a lifetime of cruelty] when ocean vuong said “sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you’ve been ruined” and when pablo neruda said “like a jar you housed the infinite tenderness and the infinite oblivion the infinite oblivion shattered you like a jar” and when anais mitchell wrote “all i've ever known is how to hold my own, and now i want hold you, too"
YELENA alexander VORONIN, fallout 3
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LOVE AS RELIGION, [love as the sole object of your reverence nothing about you is holy, but maybe your love for another is] when sappho said "in the crooks of your body i find my religion" and when the cast of les mis sang "to love another person is to see the face of God" and when halsey said "i found God, i found him in a lover" and when katherine philips wrote "to the dull angry world let's prove there's a religion in our love”
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LOVE AS TENDERNESS, [love as gentleness after a lifetime of cruelty] when ocean vuong said "sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined" and when pablo neruda said "like a jar you housed the infinite tenderness and the infinite oblivion shattered you like a jar" and when anais mitchell wrote "all i've ever known is how to hold my own, and now i wanna hold you, too”
MARTYNA RYZECK thyssen OF LAN EXETER, the witcher
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LOVE AS VIOLENCE, [love as bloodshed, crimson as a knife slipped between your ribs] when ocean vuong said "to arrive at love, then, is to arrive through obliteration" and when franz kafka said "you are the knife i turn inside myself; that is love" and when ada limon said "how do you love? like a fist. like a knife" and when richard siken said "sorry about the blood in your mouth. i wish it was mine"
BELLONA murdock BANCROFT, marvel
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LOVE IS A CHOICE, [love is beautiful because it's built deliberately] when casey mcquinston wrote "that's the choice. i love him, with all that, because of all that, on purpose. i love him on purpose" and when jenny slate tweeted "i just want someone to grab my little face and scream on purpose, on purpose i am going to care about you" and when jodi picoult wrote "after fifteen years, love isn't just a feeling. it's a choice" and when the good place said "if soulmates do exist, they're not found they're made"
#YALL ARE THE SWEETEST SOULS EVER I LOVE AND ADORE U ALL AHH thank you for the tag! this was so fun i loved this sm!#I FINALLY GOT THE CHANCE TO DO THIS ✨🥺 if you’ve been tagged already feel free to ignore as its a bit late! 🤍#leg.ocs#leg.txt#leg.tagged#c. yelena voronin#c. elin wiseman#c. bellona bancroft#c. liselotte otto#c. martyna of lan exeter#THE WAY THESE ARE ALL SO ACCURATE IM YELLING#yelena being love as religion parallels to her mom and dad her being something of hope and loving her feels like loving something divine!#AFTET WHAT LOTTIE AS HAD TO ENDURE SHE DESERVES THAT WHOLEHEARTEDLY (@ kade ✨🥺)#elin as love as tenderness dont mind me I’m SOBBING her feeling like she it’s not worth it but SO DESERVING of it! crying! elin x kent my 🥺#*after#hehe and introducing bellona!#joining the ring after i watched nwh and my love if matt murdock coming back with a VENGEANCE#ALSO WITH HIM BEIN IN THE MC/U NOW yelling screaming crying! that’s my man! and thus bella was born!#parents were wealthy but OBSESSED with spiritism and were a part of a cult that believed#in a prophesied being that walked the line between two worlds! her parents since walked away but the cult never forgot their chosen one#she’s a tattoo artist in Hell’s Kitchen! (and was a law student but dropped out of columbia!)#one day she was closing up the shop and was taken by the cult and sacrificed in a ritual :’)#now she has the ability to go in and out of corporealness and can possess people :)#she still does tattooing and is now an amateur private investigator for the area but she’s in some hot water with some of the crime bosses#and owes them and Matt helps her get free ✨🥺 very protective of eachother it’s UGH
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jbreenr · 3 years
I didn't want to post my NWH spoilers just yet but I need to let it out so…
⚠ Spider-Man: No Way Home spoilers under the cut ⚠
Michelle didn't convince me in the first two movies as a character and love interest, but I really liked how supportive and great she was with Peter and how she put up with all that crap for him.
Istg I screamed when he caught that brick? stone? idk, and everyone was like “how did you do that?” and he goes “Well, I'm a good lawyer.” It was only a few minutes of him onscreen but those minutes were worth the cost of the ticket.
Right now I didn't care if the Spiderverse actually happened. I was more than good with Matty on the picture.
Back to the movie, i did feel bad for Michelle and Ned not getting into the MIT because of recent controversies. Y'all are the reason people say Thanos was right!!!
Strange accepting helping Peter was such a great gesture of comradeship, in the absence of another word.
And even though I understand why Peter kept interrupting him while performing the spell, I couldn't help but to be frustrated. Like, ugh, Pete, shut up and let the wizard do the favor you asked for!
Okay so, the spell didn't go as planned, Peter's trying to convince this lady to give Ned And Michelle a second chance to get in and BAM! we have Otto and the whole spot from the trailer.
+ Peter saving this woman who, in gratitude, will convince the MIT to consider his friends AND him.
I had no idea how Otto got the Stark tech, and now we know he took the nano from Peter's suit, which didn't work well for him in the end but whatever.
Then we have that quick glimpse of the Green Goblin before Stephen brings Peter back and tells him he captured the Lizard, that everyone from other universes that knew Peter was Spider-Man was coming and that he'd have to capture all of them to send them back.
Something I don't understand is why are they all so angry at Peter? As far as I remember from the previous movies, they redeemed themselves.
Maybe Max didn't, but Connors, Doc Ock, Sandman…
Which is brought up again when Flint saves Peter from becoming barbecue thanks to Electro and then he's like yeah, I don't need fixing even though I want to go back to my daughter, I'll be a villain.
Lemme point this out, Stephen separated Peter from his physical form to his Astral form and he was able to go back into his body and keep Stephen from taking the box from him. Was it his Spidey-sense (no, I'm not calling it tingle)? Because it was awesome.
Otto having his silence and mind back is just so good.
And well, Max suggested there is a black Spider-Man somewhere. Miles, I'm looking at you, bud.
Norman. Just ✨ perfect ✨. The way the Goblin analyzed Peter through Norman was brilliant.
And him convincing both Max and Flint and, well, Connors they were Gods and they didn't need fixing.
Now, freaking hell if I knew what was about to happen and still was not ready. I already knew May was going to die, but I had this slight drop of hope when she stood up and walked to Peter saying that she was okay.
She told Peter that with great power comes great responsibility and I'm totally sobbing at this point.
I ugly cried, people. Not as much as I did with Loki or Nat or Tony, but it's fine because we're finally getting a Peter who suffers and has nothing. Which is sad but that's the essence of the character.
And then, Happy watching from the car.): His realization of what was happening broke me.
Okay but Ned is ✨ magical ✨ and he freaking opened portals.
FFS I almost end up hoarse. My hands were shaking and sweating and yes, you can call me ridiculous but this is a freaking big event in the History of television.
Then, we have the other two Peters telling… Peter about their losses, about Gwen and how Uncle Ben told them the same thing May did the day(s) he died. It was very emotional.
And they deciding they were going to help the villains.
That joke about Peter, no I mean Peter Parker. Was hilarious. Mostly because in the group of people I went with there is another Brenda and we get that a lot.
Peter (Andrew) saying that he wants to fight an alien. Oh, boy no, you don't want to. Trust me.
And then Peter (Tobey) telling him that he's not the worst Spider-Man, that he's amazing. Man, he is. I love Tom, Tobey is part of my childhood but Andrew's SM has been my favorite till now. Though I believe Tom's is talking over.
I froze when Michelle fell and Peter was about to get her and the Goblin stopped him. I was certain she was gone too.
But then we got Peter (Andrew) saving her and I cried again. His face when he realized that he saved her, that he didn't let Peter's girlfriend die... GOD!!! Too many feelings.
They stop them all, except for Norman and damn if I saw Peter beating him to death.
I gasped really loud when Peter (Tobey) stopped him and then got freaking stabbed. Like what's gOING ON?!? WTF, WHAT'S THIS?
Oc, they heal Norman too and I breath normally again when Peter says he's fine, that he's been stabbed before.
Now, the multiverse is opening again. Whoever that knows Peter's identity is coming through and Strange does his best to stop them.
And Peter makes the most difficult decision ever. A variant of the spell, where everyone forgets about him. Not only that he's Spider-Man, but about his whole existence, as if he'd never existed.
And my heat aches because it works and he couldn't tell Michelle or talk to his best friend or--.
Or Happy, in the cemetery with May. I would have liked it if the gravestone had said “Ben Parker & May Parker” instead, but I guess we'll never know what happen to uncle Ben.
I was lowkey expecting to see Mr. Ditkovich when someone said something about rent in Peter's new place.
Also, did y'all see that new suit!??!??!?!??!? The colors, the spider in the back, the eyes in the mask. Great, beautiful, magnificent. *chef kiss*
And those post-credits. MAAAAAN. Eddie going back to his universe but Venom leaving a little Venom behind!?!! We already knew it was likely to happen but.… YESSSSS!!!
Dude, I can't wait to watch this movie. It's gonna be crazy.
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nyeddleblog · 3 years
Pairing: Andrew! Peter Parker x Fem!Reader. Warnings: some swearing, angst, mentions of death, short. Summary: He really thought he lost you, but now he had a second chance. Request: 1. heyyy! i was wondering if you could write an imagine on andrews peter parker in nwh. so basically ned and mj are doing the whole portal sequence where they're trying to find tom's peter, so they accidentally bring andrew. before that they try to find y/n they find her, only she's from andrews au. then andrew comes along and they start crying, hugging, kissing etc bc y/n dies in andrews world. it's such a sad yet cute idea to me :) (they're dating before y/n dies in his world) 2. hello it could be a request from andrew peter where the reader returns, despite being dead, as otto and goblin. and all angst and happy. because I read that emma stone was going to appear but due to the covid she couldn't. 3. i was just wondering if you could write fluff imagine with andrew!peter parker x reader who was his girlfriend in another universe but they broke up and then she died (not necessarily for the same reason as gwen, you can come up with something new) and when he meets her it feels like it all they had never passed? just fluff, but you can make second part with smut thx <3 4. i found out your requests are open and i am so happy! can i pretty please request fic? Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) x Fem!reader?What about this one. Y/N runs to save child but she hurts herself. After she returns the child to the parents, she falls away and Peter tries to save her.... Thank you very much!
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It was difficult for Peter to get over the fact that you weren't coming back. He still had the memory of your eyes fading, as the color in your skin slowly went away; your soft hair sprawled all over the pavement and your clothes dying of a dark red.
He couldn't save you; he didn't even realize he should have been there to save you. It was supposed to be a harmless date; a last date before he finally proposed.
He had everything planned, the ring was in his pocket, and he was taking you to this empty coffee shop that for some reason you loved.
He would spoil you all day until you came back home, he would take you to the prettiest places, make you spend the most magical moments, have you wondering all day when he was going to do it because he knew you knew this was the day.
And then, as you hung your keys and your coat, he would kneel behind you and surprise you.
But things didn't go as planned. Maybe it was the universe telling him that he just didn't deserve you...
You just... You wanted some ice cream. And who was he to say no to you, right?
And you waited for him sitting in that bench where you guys had your first kiss, and he ran to the ice cream shop. And he patiently waited for the guy to scoop your ice cream...
And then he turned around, because the look on this guys' eyes... He would never forget.
It had been so silent.
A girl was crying, held desperately by her mother. And your body laid there, trying your best to not close your eyes.
Maybe if the car hadn't left. Maybe if you had accompanied him to get the ice cream...
Maybe if you just hadn't gone out that day.
But you did. You did and now you were gone.
Peter blamed himself even if it wasn't his fault. He blamed himself because he wouldn't be able to live with himself either way.
So when he saw you again, it was like he finally got some air after being underwater for four years.
You were there, confused, and dressed up in the same sundress you had left him with. And when you saw him, any sign of fear left your face.
Peter almost fell to his knees.
"You... You know each other?" Ned asked.
Before you could say anything, Peter stumbled his way to you and pulled you into his arms.
"I guess that's a yes..."
Your soft hands traveled to his hair, caressing it in the way only you did. The smell of your perfume was sprawled all over his suit, it made you wonder what happened.
He looked a bit older, a bit more thin, but overall, it was your Peter.
"I missed you so much" he cried. You frowned immediately "Please don't leave me again, please."
"I would never leave you" you said, clueless.
He cried harder, because he knew it was a lie.
Oh, how easy would it be to just think that you chose to leave him.
Your eyes went all over his trembling body. He was on his suit, his hair longer, his beard sloppily shaved, a chain with a ring hanging from his neck...
"Did I..." You were scared, your eyes trying desperately to find his, but he just wouldn't pull away "Did I die, Peter?"
He shivered at the word, his head on your neck. You didn't need any other answer than that, and you hugged him harder.
It wasn't an easy task, but the expectant teenagers needed to find a way to save you. And if they could save the villains, they would definitely find a way to get you back with Peter.
TAGLIST: @itssvphia @swaggysposts @allisonxmcu @elarasstardust @lartdestrouvailles @crying-is-your-latest-fashion @mrsbarnes107th @pastel-painted-sunrise @allisonxmcu @endlesssummerfun @glytchfic @apoloslut @ceyoongs @yunho-leeknow @starfirette @justbookworm
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shangchiswife · 3 years
nwh villains and peter parker living with you and doing different things with you (1)
summary: in general just a couple of different scenarios lol
also this includes the tom holland peter parker!
nwh villains and peter parker x gn!reader
warnings: cursing, sexual innuendos
word count: 934
inspired by @mobiusismyfav and this entire concept
Introducing them to Taylor Swift
Y/N: *starts playing blank space*
Everyone else: *confused*
Peter: *rushes over to the other room where you are and starts singing along with Y/N*
Otto: Good lord what is this?
Norman: *is still confused and just drinks his water*
Max: Hey I know this song, Taylor Swift right?
Curt: I thought she only wrote songs about her ex-boyfriends?
Y/N and Peter: *have offended looks on their faces and then start beating him up with pillows*
Curt: STOP!
Peter: Have you heard any song from folklore you jerk?
You: Yeah, she's in love now she's been with her boyfriend for five years! And your plan to turn people into lizards failed.
Curt: I was in jail how am I supposed to know what goes on with a pop singer while I'm in jail
Y/N: It's Taylor Swift you have to know
Otto and Norman: *scared in the corner*
Y/N: Peter turn on the Blank Space music video. You know what let's watch all of the music videos starting off with Our Song and then we'll build our way up to Willow
Peter: Aye aye captain *is a proud boy and then cues up Our Song*
Time skip and you finish all the music videos
Everyone: completely shook by Taylor Swift's presence
Otto: She's a very talented songwriter and lyricist and I think you see that especially in cardigan and willow. And I think her song Blank Space is used in a satirical and brilliant way and shows how this is how the public portrays her.
You and Peter: *extremely happy and run up to him and hug him*
Max: That's crazy, the last song I heard from her was Shake it Off and she came up with those songs. And she's been with her boyfriend for five years...good for her.
Cue you and Peter's happy faces again.
Curt: Hmm I guess she doesn't write all her songs about her exes *returns to his book*
Y/N and Peter: *give him suspicious looks*
Max: You know MJ kinda looks like that girl in the Bad Blood music video
Peter: *little cheeky bastard moment* I know right
Norman: Her cardigan looks comfortable
Y/N: Funny you should say that because not to brag but I have one of those
Peter: *grumpy because all the cardigans sold out when he wanted to get them* I think you are bragging Y/N
Norman: Can I borrow it some time I like the stars on it
Y/N: Of course!
Flint: *sobbing in the corner of the room* That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. We just watched her grow up right in front of our eyes.
Y/N: is everyone ready? wait where's Curt?
Norman: *clearly disgusted by his own costume* he's getting his absurd dinosaur costume finalized
Y/N: what's wrong?
Norman: did I really have to be the Joker?
Y/N: *fixing his makeup a little* yes it fits you so well!
Norman: gee thanks
Y/N: you look hot stop complaining
Norman: i always look hot
Y/N: shut up old man only i get to say it so quick being narcissistic
Norman: oh you want to play games, hm? we'll see how old i am when i get into your bed
Otto: *very annoyed* quit it you two! and i agree with Norman...not about the hot part
Norman: *raises his eyebrows* liar
Otto: look point is why did you choose our costumes because Ursula would be the last person I'd dress up as for a holiday
Y/N: because you have the tentacles and she has tentacles and you both are good at singing
Otto: *mumbling* well if you're going to flatter me then that takes away my anger
Y/N: *kisses his cheek*
Max: hey look at me I'm Thor look at my muscles *shows up the costume he got from walmart*
Y/N: *snaps a photo of him*
Max: I hope you made me look good
Y/N: you're Thor of course you're going to look good and you're hot in general so
Max: *all smiley*
Flint: *is very unhappy and comes in the room all stiff* I liked this costume but it's very tight
Everyone else: *starts laughing*
Flint: what's so funny?
Otto: nothing you're a good looking spongebob
Curt: *stumbles in the room wearing a huge ass dinosaur outfit*
Everyone else: what the fuck
Max: there is no way I'm going out to trick or treat with a grown man dressed like a dinosaur
Everyone else: *agreeing*
Curt: your loss I think I look great
Peter needs help with his homework
Everyone: *watching tv in the living room*
Peter: hey guys I had a quick question on this one biology thing-
Everyone: *drops everything and takes his body and goes to his room to help him out*
Otto: so what did you need help on?
Peter: *sort of giddy because everyone dropped everything to help him*
Curt: go on there's no reason to be embarrassed we're all scientists or are equipped with science we can help you out
Everyone: *nods*
Flint: I'm not!
Norman: well then you can go back down and watch twilight with Y/N
Flint: i'll pass, i'm sick of all that vampire sexual tension
Max: true
Peter: anyways i just needed someone to just explain the process of transcription and translation-
Everyone: *gets into a huge argument because they want to help him*
Peter: *tries to speak up* guys!
Flint: this is so dumb you all are such nerds
Max: i'll help you out, Peter!
Otto: no me!
Norman: no me!
Y/N: *comes in the room* what the fuck is going on?
Everyone: *stops arguing*
Peter: i wanted someone to explain transcription and translation to me and they got in this big fight
Y/N: well then since you all got into a huge fight i'll be the one to explain it
Norman: but that isn't fair!
Y/N: shut up or i'll take you to jail
Y/N: *explains it to Peter*
Peter: *all happy* okay thank you!
Y/N: c'mon everyone let's go back down and watch twilight!
Everyone: *groans*
Max: *secretly happy*
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dilf-whore · 3 years
a jump back
pairing: tobey!peter parker x f!reader
genre: fluff
summary: a night with your husband after a long day from the park with your kids; takes place after nwh
A/N: i hope you guys enjoy this, this is my second fic hehe. i really want to write something about life with peter parker at this age (his age in nwh) and i also  don’t see enough fics for tobey’s spiderman so here ya go! 
requested: no
requests are OPEN
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“goodnight, i love you both”
you settle your son and daughter in their respective beds after spending the whole day in the park they finally lay on their beds and fell asleep almost immediately. 
you and peter decided to bring your kids to the park to finally have some bonding time together and take a break from the busy and crazy week you guys had. the kids schoolwork got a bit demanding, your boss has been loading you with so much work, and not just that your husband suddenly showed more like teleported up to your home with a stab wound rambling as if he has forgotten that he’s in pain about the multiverse: how he met other peter parkers, how he met otto again and his other enemies from the past and that magic exists!
“honey that’s amazing but we need to tend on that wound you have, how did you even get stabbed?” you ask worriedly, examining his wound.
“oh the green goblin did, but it’s all good! don’t worry” he reassures.
“are you sure? let’s get you all cleaned up then, you can tell me all about this multiverse and magical wizard stuff”.
you went to your shared bedroom with peter who was reading something on his laptop.
he felt your presence and as he settles down his laptop, he pats the space beside him motioning you to come lay with him.
“what’s in that mind of yours?” you ask as you lay comfortably beside him.
“just wondering how the other peter parkers are doing, especially the young one”
“i also wonder where otto is and the rest are, i thought they would come back again here in our universe but they didn't. i want to know if they got another chance in a different universe” he adds.
“i think they’ve gotten another chance to live a better life, probably in a different universe to not mess up our timeline. you know, like in movies where time travelers have that rule to not show yourself to anyone from the past or future cause it’ll destroy things” you look at him, holding his hand.
“hmm, i guess so” rubbing your hand and looking at your marriage ring.
he sits up and suddenly lets out a small giggle, “why? what’s wrong?” you look at him confused to the sudden action. 
“nothing i just remember when doc connors would tell me to focus and stop staring at you in class” he smiles at the memory.
“oh yeah i remember you were a real creep staring like that” you tease.
you both laugh, reminiscing the times when you were younger. remembering how you thought peter was pining over your friend MJ surprised and blushing like a fool when he asked you to go to the museum together.
“you know, if it weren't for doc octavius and connors, i wouldn't have the guts to ask you out” he says, looking at you lovingly.
“well i’m glad you did. look at us now, married with two beautiful kids” you reply giving a peck on his lips.
you both look at each other, feeling content with each other’s presence, admiring one another.
you and peter continued talking about things from when you were younger, looking back on your experiences: from the wholesome to the cringey memories. 
peter was more than grateful to have you beside him, for spending and sticking together no matter what. he just adores you so much; for giving him an amazing family, for listening to his nonsense, and for everything you’ve done for him.
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let me know your thoughts/feedbacks send them to me here ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵
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expectos-writings · 3 years
Meant to be part 2 (Otto Octavius x reader)
Word count: 2834
Rating: G
Summary: You try and get to know a but more about Otto before dropping the bomb, but things don’t go according your plan...
(A/n: part 2, also nwh spoilers, I am testing yalls patience and am once again proving that I am incapable of writing short things
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After your bathroom visit, your attitude shifted. The adrenaline of the shock you got from your discovery coursing through your veins. When you walked back towards the basement your mind was reeling. All thoughts about school were forgotten when you thought about your current situation. There was no way you were going to tell him about this. You only just met him, and he hadn’t made a great first impression.
 To you, Otto seemed short-tempered, grumpy and not interested in any of this soulmate stuff. The first two could be explained by him being warped into another universe. The last, you could be wrong about it of course because you hadn’t said anything on the topic to him. The real question still remained whether or not the soulmate system was the same in his own universe as well. And if you do decide to say something, would he think of the age gap between you as a problem?
 You expected you would feel grossed out, the age gap was quite apparent. But something deep inside you was glad to have finally found the person you had been looking for, even if he was the embodiment of a grumpy old man. You were sure of one thing, you were not going to tell him. not yet, at least. If only you could get a glimpse of his wrist without him seeing it or noticing your gaze.
The distraction lifted your spirits, and you went back towards your computer with your mind buzzing with new thoughts. You re-opened your laptop without a word and started searching for the other presences you were told about. Ned and Peter were on Neds computer and MJ was on hers, doing the same as you. You searched the recent news tabs of google, some social medias and some news sites. There were a lot of disturbances and events, but not anything related to the spell Strange had cast. It got kind of boring, non stop refreshing of the news sites and nothing coming up. You decide to search this man who was supposed to be your soulmate once more, but nothing popped up.
 And even if you did get the chance to tell him, he probably had his own life back in his own universe. It felt like it was not your place to mess that up. So you get back to your task. For what seems like hours all four of you search the internet, finding nothing or only false leads. It was quiet in the basement too, the only noises where the occasional grunting from the two villains, the whirring of the actuators keeping Otto in place whenever he tried to move and the four of you exchanging words from time to time to keep each other updated.
 Then, at long last, Ned was the one to speak up. His voice laced with excitement as he found a page filled with people calling in about some guy floating around in some forest. The four of you crowded behind his laptop but within minutes you were sure this was also one of the people you were looking for. Peter went to put on his suit, quickly giving instructions before swinging out to find the source of commotion.
 MJ and Ned were tasked with helping him find the exact location of the floating man, and you were assigned to keep searching the internet and keep an eye on the two already caught villains. MJ and Ned moved to the room on ground level, not wanting to excite the villains any more nor distract you from your search. This left you alone with Curt and Otto.
 It took Peter quite some time to fly over, so there was just regular conversation on the radio next to your desk. If things went south, you could chime in via the device. Your eyes trailed from your laptop to Otto. If only you could just tell him what you’d discovered… You looked him over, he was actually really attractive. He was tall, his dark locks curled on the top of his head. You feel yourself spacing out, just admiring his face but not seeing anything. You never knew how long you were spaced out for, but a cough from the man you were looking at brought you back to earth. You felt your cheeks warm up, he caught you staring. Damnit.
 You quickly avert your gaze back to your laptop, acting as if nothing happened. But he would not let you get away with that so easily.
 ‘You know it’s rude to stare, dear?’ he says in a soft voice. Your head snaps back up at the pet name. It was probably some form of habit for him to use it, but to you it was anything but usual, especially with what you knew. You try to come up with some form of excuse, not wanting to drop the bomb just yet. Rephrasing, not READY to drop the bomb just yet.
 ‘Oh, I wasn’t… I was just… wondering…’ you say, unsure where you were going with this.
 ‘And what does that mean?’ he half-snaps, half-asks. It’s almost like he wants to continue the conversation but something in him is stopping him at the same time…
 ‘Well, if you’re from another universe… what else is different between these universes? Are some things the same? Are some people maybe even the same?’ The thought of another Otto Octavius existing in your universe has crossed your mind, maybe because he was from another universe it was enough to change the age into a name on your arm, but he didn’t have to be the one.
 ‘Well not all people are the same. Your Peter Parker is not my Peter Parker for example.’ You look up at him as he talks, his expression looks softer than before, he actually looks like he wants to talk about this.
 ‘But, like, even though they are different Peters they did the same studies, led very similar lives AND share the same name, right?’ You ask him, curiosity getting the better of you. You wanted to get him to talk about himself, to get to know him better.
 ‘Yes, I suppose so, where are you going with this?’ he asks, matching your curiosity.
 ‘Then why can’t I find anything on you on the whole internet? It’s like, you never existed in this universe…’ you say, slightly disappointed you hadn’t found anything about an Otto Octavius in your universe. ‘Both of you!’ You quickly add, trying to make it sound less stalker-y.
 Otto, being the smart man he is, sees right through you. A smile creeps onto his face, he likes your curiosity. Being a man of science, he believes willingness to discover things is a wonderful trait not all people posses, but you seem to be showing a great deal of it.
 ‘So, there was no professor in your universe who accidentally blew up his lab trying to recreate a small scale sun to provide an unlimited power source to the world and got four metal appendages melted to his back at the same time?’ He asks dryly.
 You let out a small chuckle, his blunt statement caught you off guard.
 ‘No, I think I would’ve remembered a news story like that.’ You watch him as a small smile creeps onto his lips as well. The tense atmosphere in the room seems to have been diffused. Curt remained silent, and it looked like he was fast asleep in the back corner of his cell.
 ‘So,’ you continue, deciding to press your luck a bit further, ‘What else did you do in your past universe? Besides causing explosions.’
 He chuckles again, and you immediately grow fond of the sound, wanting to hear more of it.
 ‘I used to work at Oscorp, with Norman Osborn. I did some teaching on occasions… that is about it.’ You heard that name before, wasn’t that the man he believed to be dead but was sighted on the bridge earlier? His answer doesn’t provide the answers you were hoping for.
 ‘So how about your sun-project, what happened?’
 ‘I miscalculated… Normans son, Harry, funded me for years. But the demonstration went wrong. Then with the help of these actuators I rebuilt the machine, but bigger. Spider-man was trying to stop me, I had him by his throat when…’ his voice trailed off.
 ‘When what?’ you tried to get him to keep talking.
 ‘Then I was here…’ he said, looking around. You could almost see the gears in his brain turning, trying to figure out how he had magically transported from that moment in space and time to this one.
 ‘So, you have a family too? Like Osborn?’ you try and sound as nonchalant as possible, your eyes lazily shifting between him and your laptop.
 ‘No, I was too busy with my project to ever look for things like that.’ He brushed your question off, not realizing this was exactly the answer you were hoping for. Could this really be your soulmate then? Your eyes sparkled with hope, but he was to lost in his own words to notice, his eyes still looking around his cell. His brown eyes looked big, he looked a bit like a lost puppy. ‘My machine… it was gone, disappeared into nothing.’
 ‘I’m sorry to hear that, we are doing what we can to fix this.’ You say. The realization dawning on you that he would have to go back sooner or later. A wave of sadness rolls over you, and you turn your back to him trying to hide your tears. He was too busy to notice anyways.
 The noise coming from the radio on your table gets louder, voices are shouting back and forth. ‘Left! No! Right!’. You turn down the volume a bit, reaching forward over the table to do so.
 ‘Wait!’ You hear from the left cell. Apparently, Curt has woken up too.
 ‘Good morning to you too, sir’ you say, sarcasm dripping from your voice.
 ‘Your wrist, is that a tattoo, or a soulmate mark?’ His question catches you off guard. The colour draining from your face. Now what not the time for the villain in the second cell to find out about this. You decide to bluff.
 ‘Just a tattoo, why?’ You try to sound calm, but the panic was quite evident in your voice. Both scientists ignore it, however.
 ‘Well, in my universe, your soulmates age is on your wrist until you make eye contact, and it changes into their name. Of course, in lizard form mine isn’t visible,’ he chuckled dryly ‘I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting mine yet, it just says ‘40’’.
 Of course, age appropriate.
 ‘We have that too,’ Otto starts, and he starts rolling up his sleeve. ‘but I also haven’t been able to find mine yet. Though I’m pretty sure mine is wrong, there is no way my soulmate is twenty-o-’. Otto’s expression was unreadable as he stares in shock at his wrist. ‘Well I’ll be damned…’.
 ‘What’s up, doc?’ Kurt asks, and you feel a warm glow engulfing your face. Shit.
 ‘It says ‘Y/n’.’ he says, looking around the room. ‘I looked her in the eyes, and never realized it was her…’ Otto says, his head dropping.
 You realize what happened then.
 You never introduced yourself!
 He has no idea…
 The room goes silent for a moment, Otto wondering how he once again overlooked such an important thing, and both Kurt and you too afraid to break the silence. The only noise heard was the radio emitting soft noises op people frantically screaming, the volume was set way down.
 Then the whole room shook, and all 3 of you were rudely taken back to the here and now, when an enormous tree was suddenly dropped into the third cell.
 What the…
 Ned and MJ run down the stairs.
 ‘Everyone okay?’ MJ asks quickly. All three of you answer yes and you move up from your seat, standing by MJ and Ned. ‘What was that?’ You ask, pointing towards the tree in the basement.
 ‘Peter found two other men, is all we know. We are waiting for him to beam them in here, but his first shot went straight through one… these are both different men than the one on the bridge.’ MJ continues.
 Some time passes and the radio silence continues, Peter was too busy rounding up the two guys to respond to you at the moment. Then after moments of nothing, the next man was beamed in. He looked angry, electricity shooting from his fingers making the lights in the room flicker. You look up to the lights, which soon stabilize and resume their emittance. When you look back down the 5th cell was also occupied, by a man made of… sand? Could this day get any stranger?
 Peter called in after that to ask if all the people he beamed in are there, which you told him was the case. The villains started talking amongst themselves, some of them appeared to come from the same universe and were catching up with each other. Otto stayed silent, not knowing any of them it seemed. The sandman also stayed quiet, occasionally looking over at Otto but never saying a word.
 You, Ned and MJ decide to move on with the internet searches. The man on the bridge was still on the loose.
 You didn’t get much time to search, when Peter showed back up with another man.
 ‘Guys, this is Norman Osborn, the man from the bridge.’ He introduced you all to him. you were weary at first but decide that in this state, Norman is not a threat to you. He shook your hand to make introductions but got distracted when he looked into the second cell, a flash of recognition crossed his face.
 ‘Octavius?’ He spoke to the man with his back turned. Otto spun around like he had seen a ghost.
 ‘Osborn?’ he responded, but his mind was struggling to catch up.
 ‘What happened to you?’ Norman asked, referring to the whole tentacle situation his friend had going on.
 ‘What happened to-, YOU’RE the walking corpse!’
 Confusion ensued. But it quickly became clear that 3 of the 5 guys in this dungeon should have been dead, at least at some point in their respective universes.
 Strange came back at that point, and without even letting Peter speak he shot Norman in a cell of his own. You didn’t want to send the guys back like this, especially if this Otto really is your soulmate, it wasn’t fair. It seems Peter thought the same thing, because as Strange was about to reverse the spell he took the box. Their fighting ended up outside but when you came out there to watch and try to help, they were nowhere to be found.
 You walk back in to MJ and Ned.
 ‘So, let’s say Peter manages to get the spell and gets a shot at curing these guys, where do we go?’
 ‘Aunt may already offered up her appartement when she met Norman, we could go there.’ MJ offered.
 ‘Maybe you could already go over there? You could disable the security cameras so Happy won’t find out!’ Ned said.
 While you were a media student, you knew a bit of basic coding. You and Peter did it from time to time. Without further arguing you left the sanctum, desperate to get away. There were too many villains and one of them was probably your soulmate? You weren’t ready for that conversation with Otto. He was pleasant to talk with, but you didn’t want all those prying eyes looking at you when you had this conversation with him. It was, after all, only a matter of time before he would find out your name…
 You walk over to Happy’s place, shutting down the security system without to much trouble before sitting down on the couch and turning on the tv. The daily bugle was on with some weird report on spider-man. Though usually their conspiracy theories were way off… this time they were actually really close. ‘Spider-man aids the notorious new villains in town.’
 Your phone suddenly rang, it was MJ.
 ‘Y/n! Did you get everything set up?’
 ‘Sure did! Peter get the spell?’
 ‘Yes, he trapped Strange in the mirror dimension and all, we’ll tell you later. Peter will be there soon with the guys, get ready.’ She says. You thank her for the info and hang up waiting around for the guys for a bit longer.
 Meanwhile Otto’s mind was reeling. As he was walking towards the van, he overheard MJ calling you. When you answered the phone, she said your name… he couldn’t remember exactly but it sounded familiar. You racked his brain, but he could not place it.
 That is until he sat down in the van.
 And he looked down at his hands.
 And there, on his wrist, it was again.
 ‘Shit…’ he muttered to himself.
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The Cat & Her Spider 🕸 | Tobey!Peter Parker Prequel Series Masterlist
Follows the events of Spider-Man 1-3
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Series in association (read first):
Quiet As A Cat, Sneaky As A Spider 🕷 | No Way Home Series (Completed)
Family Of Cats & Spiders 🤍 | Post NWH Series (Completed)
My marvel Masterlist
Characters & pairings: Tobey!Peter Parker x female!reader/ Black Cat (romantic), tobey!peter x Mary Jane Watson (only for S1), Harry Osborn, Gwen Stacy, Eddie Brock, Norman Osborn, Otto Octavius, J. Jonah Jameson (pretty much every character from the Raimi trilogy)
Content Warnings: implications & references to SA (not explicit), profanity, angst, fluff, violence, death, blood. Flirtatious banter & sexual tension, slight nsfw. Slight canon divergence. | female reader (she/her) told in 3rd person POV.
Series Premise: She’s quiet as a cat, he’s sneaky as a spider. She breaks the law while he defends it. Their costumed alter egos are complete opposites though as civilians they are pieces to a puzzle almost. A duo like theirs is guaranteed to have obstacles and drama along the way. It wouldn’t be easy, but she’s got nine lives to get through it.
Pinterest board for this series | Black Cat theme from the PS4 game | Tobey!Peter theme | Spotify playlist
Note: This is my third and final series as part of my Tobey!Peter Parker x Black Cat!Reader saga 😭 This will follow the events of Spider-Man 1-3 with Tobeys version of Spider-Man in which the reader is a version of Felicia Hardy/Black Cat from his universe. Everything I have hinted or talked about in the other two series will be revealed in full depth in this series. This does diverge from canon and will include warnings if sensitive content is implied or referenced in the chapter—this is because I am basing the Black Cat persona off her comic book character which involves how she became the costumed anti-hero. Please read with caution. I had so much fun writing these series and I hope you enjoy this final installment.
I do not own the characters of Marvel all those rights belong to its owners at Marvel and Sony. This is fanfiction for the pleasure of fans and written for the enjoyment of others. Please do not repost my works onto other platforms and steal. Reblogs and likes are welcomed but please do not steal.
Chapter Set List (In Progress 📝)
Spider-Man—This section of the series will be shorter than the others because Y/n & Peter are not formally acquainted enough during the events of Spider-Man & will focus more on how Y/n became the Black Cat.
Field Trips & Spider Bites
Love Is A Curse (check content warnings before reading)
Don’t Rain On My Parade
The Black Cat Is Born
Catch Me If You Can, Spider
Spider-Man 2
Old Faces & New Friends
You Again, Spider
The Power Of A Sun
Everyone Needs A Friend
Engagement Parties Are For Attention
Cat’s On The Loose With Spidey Gone
Just The Peter & Y/N Show
You Deserve Better, Peter
Cat’s Out Of The Bag
What Do You Say Partner?
Filler chapters between SM 2 & 3
Switching Sides Ain’t Too Bad
Jealousy Sparks Cat Fights
Enemies Make The Best Lovers
Spider-Man 3
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Tag list (comment to be added): @todaywasafairytale07, @r0bynsblogins, @edgycatx, @andrewgarfieldsloml, @fuck-goes-on, @m-1234 , @secretsthathauntus, @grippleback-galaxy @izzzzy-the-amazing
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eykismyfav · 3 years
AU where all the NWH villains share an apartment and reader falls in love with Norman.
Requested: Yes! Anon.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Swearing
Pairing: NWH Villains x Reader (Platonic) Norman Osborn x Reader (Romantic)
Characters: Otto Octavius, Norman Osborn, Max Dillon (Mentioned in Passing), Flint Marko (Mentioned in Passing), Curtis Connors (Mentioned in Passing)
Authors note: This takes place during This Preferences time frame. My requests are open so don’t hesitate to make requests.
Major No Way Home Spoilers Below Keep Reading
Marvel Preference Masterlist
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You can’t help the fact that you fell in love with the scientist and ex-villain.
Norman was kind and he tended to be more introverted than the other 4 ex-villains 
He was adorable and always got so excited when you asked him questions about science.
That is how you ended up in the lab located in your basement. 
One of the perks of being a friend of the Starks.
Norman was ranting about something regarding some kind of science thing but you were not listening.
You were a little too preoccupied watching the way Norman’s eyes lite up like a child on christmas whenever he was talking about something he was really passionate about.
When Norman was in the lab your eyes had a tendency to wander over to wherever Norman was. 
This did not go unnoticed by the other’s in the lab ie. Otto, Curt, and Max.
Max would send you suggestive looks whenever he catches your eyes and nod his head towards Osborn.
You roll your eyes everytime Max did this.
Otto would kick your shin under the table to help you get your attention when Osborn ask you a question to help you out.
But Otto always gave you a look that became know between you two as The Look. 
Raised eyebrows and sly knowing smirks.
Made you want to smack the look off his face but you had self control.
Otto also noticed Osborn doing the same things that you were doing to him to you.
He did not say anything he was enjoying watching this shit show with front row seat.
Cocky bastards.
Dr. Connor’s on the other hand was going to lose his absolute shit any second.
Curt couldn’t work in these conditions the obvious sexual tension was unbearable.
After three weeks of this will they won’t they between you and Norman, Curt finally lost it.
“Oh for god sake will you two just kiss already? This is getting painful to watch.” Connors snaps.
Norman and your heads snap over to look at the other three people in the room.
“He has a point you know.” Max says.
“I think it might be best if we gave these two sometimes alone boys.” Otto uses his tentacles to push the other two men out of the room.
“I...uh...I have no idea what they are talking about...” You stumble over your words looking up at Norman.
“I do.” Norman responds taking a step closer to you causing you to take a step back bumping into a table behind you.
“Oh...You do?” You ask quietly.
Norman kept approaching until you were chest to chest.
“Oh yes...yes I do my Dear.” He leans forward until your noses are touching.
“Are you going to kiss me or not?” You ask gaining some confidence.
Norman let out a light chuckle before pressing his lips to yours in a surprisingly soft kiss.
“Fucking finally!” Max and Connor shout from the doorway as you pull away from the kiss.
“No I said leave them alone.” You hear Otto say and see two of his tentacles wrap around the two men standing in the doorway dragging them away as they struggle. “Sorry! Enjoy your time alone lovebirds.”
“Jesus Christ your friends are the worst.” You giggle resting your head on his chest.
“Hey! I am only friends with Otto.” He mumbles rubbing your back in soothing circles.
“Whatever!” You grin up at him pulling him back down for another kiss.
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0tt00ctavius · 2 years
Sorry that this is late again, I’ve been busy and started feeling un well today! Also this is a littlleeee longer than the other ones so-
First date, Octogoblin October day 3!
Otto and Norman had been living together for a while and had started dating. After nwh they finally confessed to each other and found out both of them had the same feelings toward each other. It was 6am and norman wanted to be sweet. They had planned it all out, Go out to eat, shop, and watch a movie afterwards. Norman though…had more plans. Norman quickly shut his alarm off so it wouldn’t wake his boyfriend…he slowly got out of bed and covered his tall, soon to be husband up some more. The short man toddled to the bathroom and got a shower. Once he got out of the shower he looked at himself in the mirror..gray hair starting to poke through his bright auburn colored hair, wrinkles that show his age, dark circles around his eyes. He didn’t know how otto loved him…he looked ‘disgusting’. He sighed and finished getting ready. He had on one of ottos sweaters, a pair of black sweats and his slippers. He started fixing his coffee and got the stuff out for breakfast…he made breakfast and surprised his boyfriend with it in bed. Otto woke up and smiled. Both of them ate and talked for a bit before otto got up and got ready. “I love you otto….” Norman told otto as he laid ontop of him while otto read his book. “I love you too my dear…” otto replied as he kissed the top of his head. It was now around 4 and they had went out to eat. Norman of course got something expensive and otto not wanting to be that kind of date just got something cheap. They laughed and talked to eachother….norman being the sweetheart he is, he payed. They went shopping and Norman spoiled him. Absolutely spoiled otto. He got him a shit ton of sweaters and turtlenecks, some new stylish gloves, of course new sunglasses, new work shoes and a cane. Why a cane you might ask? Otto has severe back pain from carrying around the 70 actuators on his back 24/7…even if the actuators hold him up it still hurts and he’s found that a cane helps. He can put most of his weight on one while he’s walking. Norman got him a well made one with his initials carved into it. Norman was so excited to give him the gifts. Norman got them put in bags and went to find otto….his taller boyfriend was sitting on a bench with Norman’s bags. Norman gave otto a new pair of sunglasses and the cane….the tentacled man loved it and hugged his love. “I love these so much….thank you pumpkin…truly…” otto mumbled as he pulled back and smiled at norman. The lover boy had someone come and take their bags back to the house…the older couple went and watched a movie. Norman picked a scary one out andddd acted like a pussy all the way through it. Even the slightest jump scare made the skittish old CEO jump in his seat and grasp his boyfriends hand tightly. Otto found it adorable and just chuckled. That night norman didn’t leave ottos side. He was just to ‘scared’. “Thank you so much my dear…I loved our date.” Otto said as he rubbed the knuckles on Norman’s hand. “You’re welcome honey….how about we go to sleep? I’m wore out-“ Norman said in the middle of a yawn. “yeah I’m tired too…..goodnight norm….I love you…” otto said as he sat his glasses down and turned the light off. “mhmmm….g’night….I love you too…” the old auburn haired man almost instantly fell asleep. Otto covered them up and soon fell asleep as well.
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ophezio · 3 years
this might be a spoiler for nwh so read at your own risk
but i absolutely love how peter parker is like a safe space for otto octavius, and how he has this like soft spot for peter.
in spider-man 2, he instantly takes to peter and is like happy to talk with him even though he’s just met this kid and has heard some bad thing about him. and it’s a sweet exchange to see otto like genuinely enjoy talking to peter as if they’ve known each other years. and him also giving him life advice is so sweet and it really builds that relationship between peter and otto.
and that part where harry tells otto that he can find spider-man through peter parker, for a second otto has this look like’s he conflicted about it, but of course the arms take over and he quickly gets over it but it was that hesitation that shows that soft spot.
and of course, the scene where peter reveals his identity to otto. the moment peter takes off that mask, otto like snapped out of whatever crazed fit he was in and just stared, because it was like he couldn’t he was fighting peter parker, this kid that he held in such high regard. like that little smile he had when he realized peter wasn’t lazy, he just had other things he focused on. and then once the arms took over, he ended breaking that conditioning for peter. all it took for him to take his arms back under his control was for peter to talk through to him and that moment really showed how much he values peter. he decided to sacrifice himself only after peter talked to him. if it wasn’t for peter, he wouldn’t of been able to see the value of taking down his machine for the betterment of everyone else. and so i think this carries over into his otto treated the other peter (tom holland’s peter) once he was cured.
of course, he was in a crazed fit when he first appeared on the bridge because the arms took back over and he didn’t have his peter there to talk to him down. the arms made him vengeful for his failed project, and he was mad for having that taken away from him. he wasn’t in the right state of mind, rightfully so after traveling to a difference universe than his own.
he’s a little standoffish towards this peter as he doesn’t know him, and so far all he knows about this peter is that he’s spider-man and he‘s just trying to push otto back into his universe. but when he sees that peter is trying to cure them so they don’t go back to their universes to succumb because of their ailment’s, you can kind of sense otto trusting him a little more and not being as standoffish towards him. of course he’s still skeptical but he’s not as bratty towards him as he could be.
but i think that peter parker soft spot really becomes evident when peter puts the new chip in his neck that gives him complete control over himself. he instantly gains this appreciation for this peter, and is clearly already starting to value this peter like he valued his own version of peter, and it’s a very sweet switch. you can tell he see’s the same things he saw in his own peter, especially because this peter worked to build something that cured otto of this curse that has been ruining his life for who knows how long, and so he can see the same selflessness that his own peter is known for as well.
and this switch is also evident when otto comes to the statue of liberty and instantly is on peter’s side and fighting to defeat these villains. he doesn’t even second guess what he’s doing, and just instantly helps peter. it speaks volumes of how much he values peter parker, no matter what version of him it is.
and finally, the moment he see’s his peter is when the soft spot is so insanely evident. he smiles so bright, even brighter than when he literally got cured of being controlled by 4 bionic arms. and it’s literally just because he got to see his peter again. it’s such a soft smile that was filled with so much affection. and the line “you’re all grown up” really pulled on my heart strings :(((.
anyways, conclusion, otto octavius has the biggest soft spot for peter parker :)))
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illiana-mystery · 2 years
For the 6 Characters, I'll make it hard
Dr. Edelweiss, Otto Octavius, Stephen Arden, Maxim Horvath, Terry Berman, and Ricardo Morales. <3
Oh, you did make it hard. 😵🙃
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Dr. Edelweiss (Push Off a Cliff)
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Okay, before anyone has my head, I just want to say that I would do this in the Angie Tribeca universe which means that the cliff wouldn't even be that high up. Plus I'm clumsy, so it would be an accident (I bumped into him or something) and I would look down to see that he was a-ok. Then I would go down by him and give him a big hug, relieved he was okay.
Otto Octavius (Wrap a Blanket Around)
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This one was kind of obvious. If we're talking about Spiderman 2, if he was able to survive drowning and was saved, I would want to be the first responder to comfort him and drape a blanket around him. If we're talking about NWH, I would want to give him a blanket and give him comforting words after he finally got his mind back. Plus, he's been through a lot after he did regain control, so he deserves a little comfort and compassion.
Stephen Arden (Kiss)
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How could you not want to kiss this cutie? And not just on the lips...on his neck...and cheek...and collarbone if he lets you. Plus, he deserves actual love. He didn't deserve to die at the end of the movie. (I still hate that ending with a burning passion)
Maxim Horvath (Set on Fire)
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If I was Horvath's apprentice, I would probably be hopelessly terrible at magic like Dave (but maybe even worst). So there would probably come a time where I accidently set him on fire. He would probably be mad, but it would be something to laugh about in the future.
Terry Berman (Marry)
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If you've read Rose-Colored Glasses (Chapter 7 coming soon🤞🏾), then you know how much I love Terry. He has so much potential as a fully-realized character and I took it upon myself to explore his character more. That being said, he's totally marriage-material. He would be such a doting and caring husband. (So fuck Kate in Rose-Colored Glasses for cheating on him with Quinn's old pediatrician. Stupid bitch didn't know what she had)
Ricardo Morales (Be Roommates With)
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I feel like this one is obvious too. I mean he was DDA and a cop. So I feel like I would be protected if he was my roommate. Plus, if we wanted to be more than roommates, I feel like he would be a really good cuddler. And I theorize that he would be a pretty good cook and I could go for some authentic Mexican food. 😊
Alright, that was fun. If you want me to do more, feel free to send me 6 more. And if you really want to make it fun, throw out some of his more obscure characters or less popular characters if you would like.
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