#I feel more worried about all the personal arcs and what they are doing with the characters
Nandermo is such a funny ship . Both of them are canonically queer, a fact that is regularly expressed on screen - Guillermo even had a “coming out to the family” episode, but nandor has a thing going with Laszlo and makes references to other guys (and stole Guillermo’s boyfriend once).
And that’s usually like the main hurdle if it were a classic queerbaiting situation.
They even both acknowledge they have quite a special bond with each other, not like their relationships with other people.
and yet. and yet.
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elementroar · 3 months
Analysis behind the backstory and personal story arcs of A.B.A. and Paracelsus (part 1)
Sorry for the people who waited. Technical and real life delays and all that. On the positive, I happened to run into new resources in the past two days that have helped lining up the facts easier.
Anyway, I originally wanted to compress all the lore into a single post, but I find it’s so much more massive once you really dig into the analysis between the story across multiple mediums, the in-game animations and interactions etc. To make this more readable for you all and to make creating these posts faster, I’m going to separate them up into parts that focus on different facets of their relationship and lore as I progress through them.
This first part goes into their origins, and I hope this big post helps to thoroughly explain who/what A.B.A. and Paracelsus are, their backstories prior to STRIVE, and my own analysis sprinkled on top. I want to try to keep the info/lore dump minimal and focused, so if I mention a character without elaborating, I’ll leave a link but if I’m not elaborating more, it’s because they’re not relevant to A.B.A/Paracelsus' stories that much.
Related links:
Analysis of Paracelsus' initial bloodlust and its longlasting effects on A.B.A (Part 2)
This is the "Why ABA and Paracelsus can feel horny" lore/theory post
Flament Nagel - Paracelsus’ true form theory
The Red King and White Queen alchemical concept in A.B.A and Paracelsus’ relationship
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The beginning with A.B.A.
First off, to introduce their individual origins, it’s easiest to start with A.B.A. She’s a homunculus, an artificial lifeform created by a scientist in his mansion, which was located in the mountains of a region called Frasco or Flask. But before she was ‘born’, her creator had been taken away by the military for his skills in creating artificial life, and so A.B.A. woke up alone.
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Despite this, within the 10 years she spent alone in the mansion she was able to learn to read, write, and even create some alchemical magic (seen in some of her attacks in games before -STRIVE-). It’s assumed either she was created with a set of memories and skills, or she naturally learns very quickly. It’s probably due to reading leftover journals and research materials that she even learnt her creator’s name was Paracelsus.
Technically, A.B.A. could’ve left the manor quite easily, there was even a village not far from them. However, she understood that she knew nothing about the world outside and was scared to leave the safety of the manor by venturing outside to explore the unknown world. But she did yearn for freedom and to leave Frasco, so she took to fixating on keys, which she found fascinating in being able to unlock doors to different places.
In the last bit of her 10 years in Frasco, A.B.A would accidentally cross paths with the hidden the demon axe Flament Nagel (which she would later rename to ‘Paracelsus’ in honour of her creator, or just cos that’s the only other name she actually knew).
What’s a demon axe doing here anyway?
So what is Paracelsus? He is what’s known as a magical foci, which are objects or even people that get a soul or a collection of memories/emotions/desires attached to them, which eventually leads to them gaining sentience and often supernatural abilities. They draw from the Backyard, which is basically where the information that makes up all reality is stored in the Guilty Gear world, and also the source of magic. This is the origin of ‘demons’ within the GG world, like Paracelsus.
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The story of how Paracelsus/Flament Nagel ended up in Frasco actually involves the ancient Nightwalker (technically not a vampire but he's basically a vampire without the bad stuff) known as Slayer.
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Now Slayer is this incredibly old, incredibly strong vampire Nightwalker, who nonetheless is a very nice guy who doesn’t need to feed on regular people because his wife, Sharon, is a deathless woman that he can feed on indefinitely without worrying about her dying.
Because of his immense age (AFAIK he’s the oldest of the main GG cast) and overwhelming power (he always holds back in-game), he has very insightful observations of Paracelsus and A.B.A.
The following screenshots are excerpts taken from the English transcript (available here) translated from the Night of Knives Vol.2 audio drama CD (you can listen to it here), and are from the perspective of Slayer recounting his encounters with Paracelsus and A.B.A.
Sometime near the end of the 100 year long war between Gears and humans known as the Crusades, Slayer was roaming a battlefield and came across a mountain of corpses of both Gears and humans. In the middle of it was a wandering blood covered warrior that was swinging an axe wildly. After confronting the man, Slayer realized that it was the axe that was the true master, the man had already lost his mind and was under its full control.
That axe called itself Flament Nagel aka the Flaming Nail, or the Sanguine Gale. I'll still be referring to him as Paracelsus at this point in time though.
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Now magical foci start off simple-minded, only repeating small word fragments, and evolve over time to become more intelligent and sapient. At this point, young Paracelsus was a demon axe who had just gained sentience on that battlefield. Hot-headed and hungry for blood, and wanting to prove his combat superiority, he challenged Slayer and got curb stomped. Slayer was disappointed in how primitive Paracelsus still was in mind and soul, so he left him there to rust.
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However eventually, Paracelsus was picked up from that battlefield and was sent to the alchemist Paracelsus, creator of A.B.A. We don’t know if the alchemist knew what the demon axe was, or whether he even requested him specifically for research. But the alchemist ultimately didn’t let Paracelsus out, not letting him take control over him and hiding him somewhere in the depths of his mansion.
(Inaccurate information removed, updating with A.B.A.'s JP GG World entry from XRD)
It would be after A.B.A.’s 10 year long isolation that she decided for reasons unknown, to leave the mansion and explore the outside world. By pure chance, she comes across Paracelsus, who because kinda resembled a key, she immediately picked up and she fell in love with him and decided they were married from then on.
Becoming her key
It's always been known that Paracelsus has some form of empathic abilities, and that he could tell that A.B.A. was fixated on keys and assumed the shape of a giant key to entice her to wield him. This was also the first ‘manipulation’ that Paracelsus admitted he had done to A.B.A. during their heart-to-heart talk.
It’s been further clarified in this recent interview, that it wasn’t so much Paracelsus deliberately taking the form of a key to attract ABA, but because ABA had been so heavily fixated on keys that she saw Paracelsus as a key straight away. That image she had of him as a key seemed to immediately imprint itself on him the moment she touched him, because of his true nature as “an axe (that) transforms into the owner’s image” of what his wielder wants him to be.
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Slayer actually did mention this was likely the case over 20 IRL years ago in the audio drama CD, when he observed Paracelsus behaviour with A.B.A. in their second encounter.
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Because A.B.A. never sees Paracelsus as a weapon, Paracelsus began to change to fit her ideal of what she saw him as, to become something more than just a weapon, and allowing Paracelsus to truly change and evolve physically and emotionally.
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It’s important to note, Paracelsus isn’t bound to his wielder, and he doesn’t HAVE to allow this to happen either. Despite being dragged around by A.B.A. and acting like he has no autonomy; he actually has all the power to stop her from the start.
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As Slayer notes, Para still has the power to completely take over A.B.A. 's mind and force her to do what he wants if he is truly unhappy. However he has never even threatened A.B.A. with this ability, and if not for Slayer knowing his past, no one would know Paracelsus actually can do this.
Whether consciously or subconsciously, Para was becoming more than just a demon axe from the moment he met A.B.A., and in his heart of hearts, he was begrudgingly accepting of his then situation-ship with her.
Fast forward to STRIVE and it's shown that he still continues to evolve to fulfill her 'vision' of what he is. When described as becoming more key-like, it's more obvious when you place both his old and new design side-by-side.
Notably, the blade part of his axe form has gotten smaller by STRIVE, just as he has sworn off violence and bloodshed by STRIVE.
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It's even shown in how A.B.A. wields him., especially when Para partially possess or influences A.B.A. in his Muroha mode in the old games (mechanically this is the Jealous Mode in STRIVE). A.B.A. would wield him like a proper 'axe' blade-first in XX/ACCENT CORE. In STRIVE, since A.B.A. is now the dominant one in Jealous Rage mode, she doesn't wield him like an axe and now wields him by...bashing his head into people.
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(Also I'll be going over the in-game animations and what they convey in a future post, don't you worry! You can view the comparison compilation here first.)
This even is shown in how A.B.A. uses Paracelsus as an actual key in her Overdrive "Keeper of the Key", which is a new move for her.
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If we go further, I have speculated in this semi-crack theory that due to A.B.A. also interjecting her ideal of Paracelsus being her spouse over the years, that him actually 'reacting' to her advances now could also be an example of his evolution.
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Even if he's trying REAL hard not to.
Hope this was an enjoyable read, let me know if you have any suggestions for improving readability or other stuff. Feel free to ask me questions through the inbox in the mean time that I'm working on the next part.
The next part is going to be analyzing and comparing Paracelsus' XX/ACCENT CORE Muroha mode to STRIVE's Jealous Rage mode, which has quite a bit of detail from comparing their effects on A.B.A. in in-game sprites/animations, plus how it reflects on the change in their power dynamics between games.
Edit: Part 2 available here
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lxvebun · 1 month
I'll wait forever if I have to
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synopsis:you're worried Satoru's teasing has gone a bit too far. There's nothing wrong with saving your first kiss for someone special, right?
content: Suguru Geto x gender neutral reader. Fluff! Comes off a lil angsty in the beginning but its fluffy and sickeningly sweet. Around 1k words. Written with hidden inventory arc in mind so you'd be in the same grade together, but read it however you want♡.We are all a little lovesick for Suguru and he's a lil lovesick for you♡ eng is not my first language so i'm sorry for any mistakes♡ enjoy!!
Based on Satoru's version of the fic♡
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"Does it bother you that Satoru teases you so much?" The question breaks the comfortable silence you had as he walked you home. Sky fading from pink and orange cotton candy clouds to a clear and deep navy gradient canvas clustered with stars and moonlight.
Suguru is Gojo's bestfriend. You're sure he's used to his antics. Still, Satoru can take it a little far sometimes. Being oblivious to or ignoring the line completely. Crossing over it with a skip in his step and a smirk on his face.
"There's nothing wrong with waiting for the right person, you know." You reassure. Perhaps a little to yourself too. You'd wait forever for him, not that he knows.
(You kinda wish he did.)
You keep your voice soft, and soothing even with the unintentional undertone of worry. But Soothing enough to dulcify if Satoru's teasing did leave some cracks in his heart.
He lets out a low amused hum in agreement. Smooth as warm honey. Its drum startling the butterflies between your ribs awake. Not that he has to do much anyway to awaken them. It seems like they are always fluttering around when he's near. A bit smothering at times. Making your head fog over with images of liquid golden eyes and sickeningly sweet smiles.
You reach the traffic light before he speaks again. Filling the silence of waiting until the red light turns green.
"You don't have to worry about that, y/n. It's not hurting my feelings. I'm more than content to wait for my person" he answers sincerely. Not an ounce of impatience dripped from his voice. He means every word.
My person. his words weigh a little heavy on your heart. My person. Does that mean he already has his eyes set on someone? You're pretty sure a few of the butterflies have lost it's wings. Wings Shriveled and shattered at the thought. Broken bodies wriggling uncomfortably in your gut. Anxious and mourning as you think over who it could be. Would it be different if you'd just confessed already? Did you miss your chance or was there never any to begin with?
(The thought of him making someone else's heart race the way he does yours makes you a little sick)
You don't look at him. He's always been good at reading you, so in tune with your well being. You're an open book to him and usually, you're more than happy to let his fingers glide over the pages. Break you open to study you up close. Hoping that one of the words, one of the chapters in there is enough to lure him in, like a sirens song. Enough to steal his heart ...damn, how dare he fall for someone else.
"Sounds like you already have someone in mind, then". It comes out forced as you swallow down what you really want to say. Unable to decide between cursing him out or confessing to him on the spot.
You keep your gaze at the light ahead as if the force of it can will it into turning from this horrible shade of red to green, so this conversation can be over. So you can continue to walk in silence, so he can drop you off at the front door, wait until he hears the lock click from inside as he always does and you can dive into the comfort of your bed, dream of what could have been and try your best to move on
(You don't think you can if you're honest)
But again, you're an open book to him. He almost looks proud as he glances you over. Standing up a little straighter, failing to suppress a smile. A horribly beautiful smile that does not at all fit the turmoil inside your head. As if you're reaction solidified something in him.
God, how long does it take for a light to switch?
Your gaze doesn't falter as he steps closer to you. His warmth, his cologne enveloping your senses, wrapping around you like a spiderweb. Fitting as you feel like your heart is going to be torn out at any moment. Waiting for the words that will fracture your hopes. you think of just booking it through the red right at this point and leave him to choke on his rejection.
"Will you look at me, please"
He's replicating the soothing tone you used on him. Only he's so much better at it. Smooth like warm butter and sweet as syrup. How could you possibly deny him when he sounds this heavenly.
He's a patient man, he is. But he doesn't want to hurt you. Doesn't want you to shatter your own heart even more by thinking he could ever love someone the way that he loves you. As if he could ever want anyone else when it's always going to be you that captured his heart.
His fingers slide under your jaw, grip delicate as can be as he turns your head to meet his eyes. You're a little embarrassed at the lack of resistance on your part.
His face is kind. And despite your hesitance, his eyes are easy to hold. Feeling like sunsets on a warm summer evening.
"I'm just waiting for you to be ready too. However long it takes."
A timer goes off. The light has finally turned green. you both stay unmoving.
You feel like you've been staring into his eyes for hours when really it's only been a few seconds of silence after his words. Then you half-heartedly push him off. A laugh bubbles up your throat, relief evident in the melodic tone.
"you're awful, you know that?" not a sliver of actual malice in your words. He knows that too. continuing to stare at you fondly, eyes soft and a little love-sick. Smiling brightly at your words as if you complimented him.
"And you're beautiful"  the timer of the traffic light is sounding quicker now, similar to the beating of your heart. Indicating that it will soon turn red again.
You have a moment of bravery. confidence, as you intertwine your fingers with his and pull him across the street before the light turns red. His grip is nice and firm, tracing heart shapes on the back of your hand with his thumb. Doodling silent I love you's into your skin.
you continue to walk to your home together. Hands now interlaced. Hearts intertwined. Crisp evening air kissing your skin and calming the heat blooming in your body.
"I don't want to have my first kiss at a traffic light. You deserve something more romantic than that too," you begin. swaying your hands back and forth. Focusing on the street infront of you. You see your front door coming into view.
"But if you feel the urge to kiss me as you drop me off at my doorstep," you see him begin to grin in the corner of your eye. It tugs at the corners of your lips too
"I'll let you"
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thank you for reading, angels!! I'm havinf such Suguru brainrot atm😩🩷 he's so cute.
Also I thought his eyes were brownish/ gold because I always just imagine him with that but they are purple....🔪 YOU🫵 ARE GOING TO IGNORE THAT FOR NOW AND IMAGINE THEY ARE GOLD AS WELL. Thank you🩷
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maidenvault · 2 months
Okay so, Crosshair’s hand.
Has anyone pointed this out? When Crosshair kills Nolan, he doesn't use his shooting hand.
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He uses his left. Just as he very significantly has to in the series finale.
I don't know if the writers knew as far back as "The Outpost" that Crosshair was going to lose the use of his shooting hand and by extension everything he believed made him strong, a "superior" clone, and safe from being discarded when he was kind of fascism-pilled. But it feels extra significant in retrospect that his first action taken against the Empire is not done with the hand associated with the terrible things he did as an Imperial sniper. And it's after he just got a difficult lesson about how his own personal strength and skills aren't enough to protect him - he was saved twice by Mayday, then possibly only survived through the night because he wouldn't leave him behind and could share his body heat. He may be using his left hand when he shoots Nolan because his other arm is tired from supporting Mayday all the way back, which only adds to the symbolic touch I love that Mayday is using his rifle as a crutch to help him walk as well (and of course, he's at close range so quite meaningfully Crosshair doesn't use the rifle to shoot here either). It all supports the idea of this as the first huge moment of transformation for Crosshair when he's finally turning his fire on the real enemy out of a desire to protect others, however futile and too late it is in this particular situation.
Going back and noticing this really reinforced for me that Crosshair's hand injury probably isn't just meant as a manifestation of his trauma related to Tantiss. It would make sense considering it's his shooting hand that it also has something to do with his inner conflict regarding his changed relationship with violence and killing.
The Batch were introduced as these stereotypically macho soldier characters, an impression that's softened a little as early as the pilot of TBB but still distinguishes them a little from other clones. In a kind of funny way you can look at the whole series as being about these guys who were only brought up to fight gradually discovering and finding peace with their more traditionally feminine sides - literally because of Omega, a female version of themselves who shows them the possibilities of being a family and living for others instead of for violence.
For Crosshair this journey is much more difficult and like a painful rebirth than it is for anyone else because being a soldier was so much of his identity. He's always been the one to most pointedly distinguish his squad from regs because of their "superior" traits that he thinks will make the Empire value them, and he clearly internalized the way the Kaminoans only care about clones as weapons to be used in war. And it all betrays how little value Crosshair actually believes he has deep down. It was easy to go into S3 being especially worried about his fate because he's believed so long that he's not good for anything but fighting and he's the character it was the hardest to imagine adjusting to a different life.
But in retrospect, it was stupid to think they'd let him off that easy and of course the whole point is that it takes a lot to get him there. What exactly he went through on Tantiss beyond the electroshock torture we've seen is never delved into but personally, I think being a soldier is something that's poisoned for Crosshair after he becomes a victim of the Empire himself and subject to their attempts at reconditioning. He's not psychologically able to be that person anymore, but for a long time is still trying to largely rely on himself and his own strength. He tries to sacrifice himself for others because he's still holding onto that part of himself in a way.
But for once in Star Wars we've gotten a fully realized redemption arc showing that sometimes what's harder than giving your life in a redemptive way is to actually have to figure out how to live with the bad things you've done and be better. Some of the people Crosshair hurt were his family, and he has to learn he can only make things better by being there for them. He has to learn that he actually can survive and figure out a way forward from his life as a soldier if he lets himself rely on them, just like he only survived Barton IV with help from Mayday. As @moonstrider9904 explains so well in this post, that is what's so important about Crosshair losing the hand and making that final shot to save Omega with Hunter's support. Symbolically he's had that toxic part of himself actually cut off and it's the final, most painful part of his rebirth. But because of that he's forced to find that he can live on without it, that he's surrounded by people who love and believe in him anyway, and that having superhuman skills as a killer was never what gave him worth.
No, having his shooting hand cut off doesn't "fix" anything or mean that Crosshair is healed. He's probably only begun to recover from everything he's been through. But all we really need to see is that he's firmly found his place as part of a family instead of a squad, and he's not going to be alone as he deals with all of that.
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skitterhop · 26 days
animation tips
arcs are the single most important thing. if something looks weird or wrong the first thing you should check are your arcs.
(assuming 24 fps) animating on 2s is perfect most of the time. don’t worry about it too much, just focus on spacing. if you can get the spacing right then you’re golden.
1s are useful for when you need something to happen a little quicker. throwing a 1 in can also be useful for defining arcs more when they need it. i try to use 1s sparingly, 2s are good enough most of the time.
1s can also be used to make motions feel smoother, but i personally don’t use them for this purpose very often.
smears go on 1s. smears are for when something is happening faster than 1 frame, so holding on them for longer defeats this purpose.
3s are great for when you need to hold on a frame for a tiny bit longer. i like putting them on or around key poses that need a little emphasis. like 1s, i find them more effective when used sparingly.
4s+ are for brief pauses/holds in a motion, or for when you’re animating something intentionally choppy. i don’t usually put multiple of these in a row unless it’s the latter.
all that said…do whatever you want! these aren’t hard rules, just vague guidelines i hold in my mind while animating since it helps me get results i like quickly. there will always be exceptions to just about any animation tip that exists so just try to do what looks good to you.
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morphodae · 2 months
Hello!! May I request something for black butler? Reader usually being quite non-confrontational and energetic but has a bit of a possessive streak. Not toxic level but sort of unintentionally intimidates people that flirts w/ their partner even when they know they’re taken like staring down at them from behind their partner or being passive-aggressive, and then just goes back to being their usual self once the other person’s left.
The characters being Claude, William Spears, and Lawrence Bluewer (you can replace him with Sebastian if you don’t write for Lawrence).
Tysm and sorry for the long request!! Feel free to delete if ever ^^
Protective Passion
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Sorry it took me a bit to get to this. I’m not entirely caught up with Lawrence and the Public School Arc but I did some research :) I hope you enjoy! Thank you for requesting 💜
Claude Faustus 🕷️
On the surface, Claude doesn’t seem to care much for your existence at all.
He’s a demon who knows he’s can take the form of a handsome man - which he has - and who could charm anyone he sees fit. Only, he usually does this in order to make a contract. When you came into his life, he surprised himself at how… endearing your qualities were to him.
As said before, he knows he has attractive looks and charm and it isn’t uncommon for people to try and flirt with him. It usually ends the same way: with his unblinking stare and some remark about business at hand; you don’t need to worry. He knows that he’s taken by you.
As a demon, he can be quite possessive; it’s a natural instinct for him. So when he sees you of all people becoming instinctually protective over your relationship with him, he feels an odd sense of pride well up into his chest and a small smirk cross his face.
You needn’t worry, dear. Claude has already claimed you as his long ago and no mortal, demon, angel, or otherworldly being is going to come in between that.
William Spears ⚔️
More likely than not, your relationship with him would have to remain secret and private. It took a long, long time for you to even worm your way into his heart. He’s supposed to remain impartial and adhere to all rules, after all.
On the rare occasion that he isn’t busy as a Grim Reaper, he does try to take you out on private outings. Usually, these “dates” consist of private, scenic spots around London or even an indoor date at your home.
If, by chance, an individual disturbs your outing with him and even flirts with him without taking the hint, and William sees you become protective, he will quickly take you elsewhere as though not to escalate the situation.
He’s flattered at the thought you’d felt the need to be possessive of him, but he’d rather avoid conflict of any sort. To him, he will tell you that no one else stands a chance with him. He, an avid rule follower, has already broken the code of impartiality by being with you, so there’s no need to doubt his unwavering affection for being with you.
Lawrence Bluewer 📚
Ah, yes, another avid rule-follower who values tradition in academic and personal settings.
Lawrence is definitely attractive in a booksmart sort of way, and his knowledge and stoicism might even be seen as attractive to others initially.
If a person doesn’t take the hint that you two are a couple while you are there, and you feel the need to make snide remarks and stand your ground, Lawrence won’t really know what to do.
After a moment, he will fix his glasses, clear his throat, and excuse himself and you from the person causing issues. Despite his best wishes, his cheeks are a faint shade of pink and he’s mentally berating himself to maintain composure.
He appreciates your devotion to him and is surprised that you seem so fiercely loyal, but he also would prefer if you follow proper etiquette in social situations. Don’t get him wrong, he adores all aspects of your personality, but he still does put traditions on a pedestal.
In the end, you receive a light scolding as his significant other and a light peck on the cheek before the two of you go about the rest of your day.
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tizeline · 6 months
The Sep AU is super interesting, like it grabbed my brain and does not want to let go-
I find it interesting how from the Drax Trios innitial perspective everything Donnie is just justifies their opinion more-
Donnies dark aesthetic, murderous humor, dangerous machines, deadpan attitude and lack of liking of magic combined with his alleged backstory and being friends with a human? U could really argue he got indoctrinated into being a villainous mad scientist or smth. They don't know that that's just him, Donnie TM. I can absolutely see them being worried that "Long lost brother" got brainwashed so badly and how annoying that could be for Donnie himself lol
I'm also curious on Donnies relationship with Splinter. Is it better than in canon or similar to Canon or worse? Since in Canon Donnie is craving parental approval, does he still here?
Thank u for (potentially) answering :)
First of all, "Drax Trio", thank you, I needed an easier way to refer to specifically Raph, Leo and Mikey in this AU so I'm gonna steal that
Second, yeah, Donnie acting like a cartoon villain is really just cementing the Drax Trio's idea that he's been corrupted by humans. You know Draxum's villain song in the show? I can totally see Donnie putting on a perfomance like that XD Speaking of Draxum, to be fair he's very alike Donnie in the way that he's fully embracing the whole Evil Scientist aesthetic, but in that case his sons would just excuse it with "oh haha dad's just a bit silly goofy don't worry about it it's not like he's actually evil!"
Anyway, you know how Mikey basically forced Draxum into having a redemtion arc in the show? He'd try to do the same with Donnie in this AU. I've been thinking about this for a while so I'm defintiely gonna draw it, but he's constantly going full Dr. Feelings mode trying to teach Donnie how to be a "good person" and such and Donnie finds it INCREDIBLY annoying!
And Splinter! Being a single parent taking care of a child who was created to be a super soldier while living in the sewers is HARD, but not nearly as hard as taking care four of them at the same time under the same conditions. So while Splinter is still dealing with depression and burn out in this AU, he's doing better than what he is in canon. For years Splinter and Donnie would literally only have each other, so they'd end up growing closer as a result. That being said, because Donnie didn't have any siblings to spend time with, he'd end up demanding a lot more attention from Splinter. Which he didn't always recieve, because his dad is still very much dealing with a lot of emotional baggage. To summarize, Splinter is still a flawed parent, but he's not terrible by any means, he and Donnie are close, but Donnie is also a lot more lonely (especially before meeting April).
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
And maybe a Gojo concept? Or a oneshot of him with a darling that is like horrified of him because of his abilities? (Which makes them try to doge and not talk to him)
I can probably write down some ideas I have of him for a concept :) It'll probably be like some of the other stuff I did for him but at least it will get down my ideas for him properly!
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Stalking, Manipulation, Kidnapping briefly mentioned, Violence, Murder mention/implied, Clingy behavior, Fear of loss, Forced companionship/relationship.
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Gojo at first seems like he'd be a laid-back and casual yandere.
One who is silly with you and wants to make you laugh.
He wants you to smile and be happy... and he just seems like a good guy at first.
But underneath the surface? Gojo is a man plagued with traumatic experiences and losses... he may be the strongest but it's awfully lonely at the top.
He's a yandere fully capable of protecting his obsession.
In his eyes doing such a thing is making up for not being able to save others he's cared about, such as Geto and Riko.
Which is why I doubt Gojo would have many rivals as a yandere.
After all, he is the strongest Sorcerer.
The only competitor I can think of would be Sukuna... but thankfully those odds are low... right?
For the most part, Gojo really is happy and casual with you.
He is goofy and silly, acting really playful with you when he greets you.
He doesn't like showing the full extent of his emotions often.
There's times he gets overly worried about your safety, but he reassures himself with his abilities.
You'll never be as strong as him, he doesn't think anyone will be, which means he feels he has to be the one to protect you if no one else can.
Gojo can see you as a student, friend, or lover.
He acts very similar, although you could argue he'd be more flirty while romantic.
Gojo probably doesn't need to resort to kidnapping, but he could do it easily.
I say he doesn't have to because Gojo could already stalk you and protect you whenever he wants.
Gojo probably never leaves you alone for long.
Not when he's mastered his techniques, including teleportation, and his Infinity technique.
There aren't many who are going to mess with the guy who has Hollow Purple in his arsenal.
Not unless they have an ego or are trying to seal him.
Point is, you are probably the most protected person while simultaneously being the most smothered person in the world.
Gojo has a lot of unmentioned trauma, everything from the burden of being the strongest to the entirety of his arc with Geto and Riko.
He tries not to burden you with it, but the pain from said events still shows in his obsession.
After all, the man hates leaving you alone.
To the point he'll be childish and cling to you at times or just be a brat.
I also imagine Gojo is petty and childish when it comes to being jealous most of the time... he'd probably whine about it.
Gojo hates the idea of getting attached at first.
He fears he'll just lose you, so he would definitely try to suffocate his feelings.
Until he eventually snaps and realizes he doesn't have to hide such feelings.
He won't lose you, he just won't let it happen.
After all... he is the strongest, right?
Anyone who tried to hurt you is probably going to be "nuked from orbit" by his techniques, be the Curse or Curse User.
Normal humans will just be redirected by him.
Gojo adores his obsession and promises to them and himself that that he won't let anyone hurt them
You can bet when the Shibuya Arc happens he would have a panic attack in the Prisoner Realm until he gets out.
Then after that he'd just be worse?
I think the scariest part of Gojo is not his personality during his obsession.
It's the fact he's so damn strong.
Even Sukuna is strong but his personality lets you know what you're expecting.
Gojo? He's nice, caring, overprotective, but can obliterate anyone near you if he wanted to.
He can be manipulative but does try to listen to you.
Even if he did kidnap you then he'd make sure all your needs are met, you're comfortable, there's a seal somewhere in the room to prevent curses from coming in...
You could call him paranoid, but you can't entirely blame him.
He carries a lot on his back.
If he lost someone else he cared about again, Gojo may snap.
Do we really want to see a man as strong as that snap?
You soothe Gojo, but his obsession also curses him.
Gojo is a yandere who would sacrifice anything for his obsession.
As one of, if not the, strongest out there...
How much can a man like him sacrifice just to keep the one he adores the most safe?
Would it just be your happiness... or if he snaps... would it be the lives of those around you and himself? All in an effort to prove to you and the world that he's not only strong... but can protect you.
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fancystudentpeanutpie · 9 months
I just love the dynamic between the Morning Crew. Not just the cc's, but the cubitos too.
Tubbo is an energetic little shit who immediately got on Cucurucho's nerves. The only things in his brain are create mod, trains, and investigate EVERYTHING. He's a really good investigator and interrogator, but a terrible theorizer. He tries really hard to not trust anyone but also doesn't take into consideration that people might lie to him.
Pac is...the most tramatized person you'll ever meet. He's a complete sweetheart (though still a little shit, of course). But he's also...extremely sad. And scared. And lonely. And suicidal. He mainly started hanging out with the other 2 because his other half was missing, but now that Mike is back he almost seems closer to them than he is to him.
Fit is also the most traumatized person you'll ever meet, but Ramon and the morning crew might be the only people who know that, and unlike Pac, he's healing despite everything. He's the most level headed of the 3 and he was specifically sent to the island by someone, but doesn't know what he's doing any more than they do.
Together, they hold each other back from going insane and encourage each other to do insane things at the same time.
Pac is terrified of Tubbo being traumatized by the Federation like he was, because he is SO MUCH like him, Mike, and Cellbit all at the same time. Fit is also worried and promised to babysit him so he doesn't do anything too bad. But they went to the Nether with him and Tubbo perseveres even while blinded and even wants to go to The End now! He's so unaffected by it that Pac and Fit jokingly hit him around instead of helping him.
Though, he also has a Federation employee buddy that can be used against him. And he hasn't been kidnapped (that he remembers) yet. There's still a lot to be worried about.
Fit and Tubbo are much more aware of how badly Pac's doing than most islanders. Even during the pill arc, with the other most concerned person being the ever-busy, terrible-at-handling-situations Cellbit, Tubbo and Fit were the only ones who seemed to be there for him. They tried to convince him not to take the pills.
After the fact, when they saw the blood on the floor, Fit offered to clean it up for him, and told him that he can talk to him when he's ready. Tubbo, not nearly as gentle, directly asks what it's about, and probably would've kept pressing if Pac didn't show them the warp plate.
Pac and Tubbo are very aware that Fit is keeping secrets. Tubbo keeps trying to convince himself that he doesn't trust him, but he keeps hanging out with him and discussing things with him. When Mike was trying to convince Pac that Fit was bad, Pac still believed Fit despite really wanting to be on Mike's side. If they hadn't gotten so close, he probably would've just forced himself to believe Mike to make them both feel better. But he had gotten so close to his little crew that he trusted Fit over Mike.
They've spent almost every morning since Tubbo de-frosted hanging out. Pac and Tubbo want to make trains together. Fit and Pac are a slow burn romance novel and Tubbo annoys them about it. They're just a bunch of chaotic and wholsome little guys.
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jq37 · 1 month
So, that lady FH episode was amazing and all, but...
Hoo boy, I already see the discourse around the Ratgrinders' fates forming and it is going to be painful. Be careful around the fandom space.
(I mean, resurrection is still on the table for them, but that's based on if the players feel like it and right now, we're looking at 50/50 odds at bests)
Yeah, don't worry about me. This isn't my first rodeo and also I post a lot about D20 and respond to asks I get but I don't actually personally engage with any of The Discourse (tm).
And I'm not really surprised at the reaction. I know people have been opinionated all season in two main camps (that have a lot of overlap): people dissatisfied with the narrative direction and people deeply sympathetic to the Rat Grinders to the point of being mad at the Bad Kids.
The first camp I mostly understand. I get wishing the cast would explore a certain storyline more. For example, I've been on the Aelwyn redemption arc train since literally the first episode of Fantasy High so I was a little disappointed that when that finally came to a head in Freshman Year, it was a big fight and then very little aftermath/unpacking because Aelwyn was sent to jail right after. And Sophomore Year hadn't been announced so I had no idea that she was gonna get another shot. But I wasn't upset or anything. Adaine at that point still hated her sister. She had no reason to want to reach out. And at the end of the day this is other people playing a game. Brennan presented them all the possible plot threads and they were most interested in self discovery, hanging out with each other, doing Shenanigans, and playing Tomb Raider re: Ankarna. Those are all options they were presented and it's not like they were doing crazy off-roading. It's well within the parameters of what D&D is. If you're gonna watch a show like this (or honestly any show), you have to accept that what's most interesting to you isn't always going to be the most interesting thing to the people in the driver's seat.
So yeah, I feel like this side of things I get (even though I'm fine with how things turned out).
The other camp--people being legit mad at the Bad Kids (and in some cases the actual cast) for treating the Rat Grinders like antagonists instead of victims that they were responsible for empathizing with and redeeming--I find kind of wild.
Like…you're mad at the kids who go to Child Murder School for killing kids who want to end the world and kill them specifically? Literally the first day of school the principal of the school says that adventurers are violent wanderers who engage in shenanigans and enact violence. This is the exact assignment they were given and that's what they're doing.
I think it's wild to at the same time believe that the Rat Grinders (who have killed people) are not responsible for their actions and deserve to be talked down while in the process of causing an apocalypse because they're just kids who were manipulated while at the same time calling the Bad Kids evil lunatics for trying to stop them by killing them (in a world where Revivify and Resurrection exist) even though they are ALSO kids who are doing what they've learned at Child Murder School. The Bad Kids have to be mature enough to thoroughly investigate the situation and have nuance about it but the Rat Grinders don't have any responsibility to not join a shady evil murder plan*? And do the Bad Kids really hate the Rat Grinders to the point where they're doing some overkill in this fight? Absolutely. But it's not like they're killing them because they hate them. They're killing them because they're trying to end the world--and they also happen to hate them. Are we forgetting that Kipperlilly killed Buddy--her own teammate--with a gleeful smile on her face? That was so out of pocket.
They're adventurers! Not guidance counselors! If Jawbone was like, "We need to kill these kids," yeah that would be weird but why would the Bad Kids extend an olive branch to the kids who (1) famously hate them, (2) killed at least one maybe 2 of their own party members, (3) endangered the entire student body population an hour ago, (4) are currently trying to end the world. Hell, Adaine was ready to be mean to her own sister in elf jail literally up until the point Brennan described how rough she looked from the torture and that's when she changed her mind. The Power of Love and Empathy is on the menu but it's a special item you only can get if you know the chef. Everyone else is getting a serving of These Hands. Just because you can find a vegan solution to a problem it doesn't mean you're obligated to.
This all comes down to, "Maybe teenagers shouldn't have godlike powers and the ability to play judge, jury, and executioner" but that's literally the premise of the entire show so you can't get around it without rejecting the show's entire premise. If they were like, "Hmm the systems that underpin our world are questionable and we should change the power structures" instead of, "Let's kill some bad guys!" then that's a totally different thing we're doing here!
And, idk man, this show has always had a Who Framed Roger Rabbit style morality where the normal rules of ethics stop applying when it's funny. They beat the crud out of Ragh and then lied to him that he shit his pants just for the bit. A pirate was rude/kinda racist to Riz so they scared him into killing himself. Riz ate the remains of the sentient (albiet evil) dragon he killed. That's all unhinged behavior but none of that is meant to be serious. Getting upset about Fig sending Ruben to hell to me feels like getting mad that Jerry hit Tom with a cartoonishly large mallet.
None of this is new so I have to assume that people are having a big reaction because they relate to the Rat Grinders or just really like them so it feels bad that the Bad Kids are treating them like fodder rather than beloved NPCs.
But again, this is a world where you can bring people back from the dead and the Rat Grinders have showed intent that is grievously neglectful at best and insanely murderous at worst so I can't muster a lot of sympathy for the fact that the Bad Kids are just taking them down without remorse. I don't think you have to try to empathize with the people who are trying to harm you if you don't want to especially while they are in the process of harming you.
(*And we still don't know how voluntarily they joined this plan. We don't know if they were killed and basically forced into resurrecting with rage or if they just leapt at the chance to join a plan that would let them get one over on their rivals. It literally could be either. We've had kid villains on this show strong armed into being party to evil plans by threat of harm (Aelwyn) as well was kid villains who just had their own selfish motivations and weren't tricked at all (Penelope and Biz). We actually don't have any clear answer on how culpable they are. We don't know if they all have rage crystals (except for Buddy). And we don't know how much having a Rage Crystal effects your actions. The best indicator we got is in this latest ep when Brennan said that there was a mechanic where Porter was going to call anyone with a rage crystal to fight for him but that says to me that he's only directly puppeting them when he uses that action and otherwise they have free will and are just angrier. The Bad Kids don't have a reason to believe definitively that the Rat Grinders are just unwilling puppets even if that is the case so of course they're treating them like enemies. Anyway, this is a whole lot of "I don't knows" but that's only because I've seen a lot of people talking like the Rat Grinders literally aren't in control of their actions but that's not info that we have. It could be true but we don't actually know that so it's not a good argument.)
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luffyvace · 6 months
Hello there hope your doing super well ~ . As request are currently open could I please headcanons with law ,sanji, zoro. +feel free to add characters. With a s/O thats super sweet to everyone almost too sweet. Also cute. But some choice to take avngenre of y/n kinddess. And once y/N found out that is all fake. They become like a sad puppy. All sad.
Thanks for your work.💙💜
I’m doing wonderful dear anon<3 thank you for asking! Oh my I’ve never written for law, I don’t know much about him because I’m still at the impel down arc in the anime soo I hope sanji and zoro will be alright~ :)
y/n sounds so sweet! They must be protected!! (Also you used s/o and y/n so I will too, in this case no pronouns will be used ♥︎)
enjoy your hcs love! And thank you for your request! (may be a bit ooc for zoro?)
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Zoro and a cute and sweet reader!~
what an adorable oxymoron<3
you love to cuddle and curl up on top of him when he’s sleeping
He’s a big guy so he’s sure to provide warmth
zoro doesn’t get your need to help others and being so kind to people
or how helping others makes you happy
but zoro is emotionally strong—maybe not intelligent but strong
so he knows when to draw the line for you if your accidentally being overly helpful
or if your tiring yourself out/overextending yourself
he brings a sense of balance to you in that aspect
the fact that he can do that for you is comforting and makes you feel protected
which Zoro is protective of you because of how naive you are
Zoro is very wary of strangers for you
your too sweet and assume that person is just having a bad day or that’s they’re natural face
but behind you is your big scary dog (zoro) who is glaring daggers at the person he knows actually has an evil intent towards you
Zoro is there most of the time so he doesn’t let people take advantage of you
but the times he isn’t around?
once he finds out he gonna slice that person into dice and make them return whatever they had you get them, etc
he doesn’t it like it at all and can immediately tell when someone is trying to get over on you
After the situation is handled he drags you away (getting you two lost) and says
“Seriously! You needa be more careful y/n!”
he doesn’t really notice how down you are for a while
until he turns around to ask you something and you sorta have this sad puppy look on your face
”what’s wrong with you?”
he’s not gentle about it or anything but he does care
when you tell him it’s because your sad that everyone your kind to betrays you his protectiveness heightens
”what do you wanna impress those people for when you have the world's greatest swordsman..”
he kinda muttered it to himself
but you heard and immediately perked up
you clang onto his arm and walked all the way back to the sunny like that
(might I mention it took a while since Zoro was leading..you knew the way but you decided to just let him 🤦‍♀️😂💗)
Zoro overall does appreciate what you do for him and the crew tho
how you count his push-ups and bring him the drinks/food you asked sanji to make him
it doesn’t go unnoticed so don’t worry :)
as far as y/n being cute he doesn’t notice every time
or have a big reaction when he does
he only blushes a little sometimes, again, when he notices
it’s easier to make him bashful than it is to make him blush with a cute face/smile
He does think your innocence is a bit cute tho!
…..along with naive, but still cute!
”seriously..how come your always getting yourself into trouble” (he blushes a little and turns his face away, pouting slightly)
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Sanji x such a sweetheart reader is practically meant to be!!
Your both equally sweet and serving
especially sanji since he was raised in an environment where he had to serve people
you guys always insist on helping each other
your love languages are most definitely acts of service and quality time
you two do each other favors all day
”let me help you!”
”no I’ve got it sit down, relax!”
that conversation goes both ways between the two of you multiple times a day
Sanji loves to cook for you so ask him any time of day!
he never has a problem with it and wants to do it actually!
You two are equally emotional people and probably empathic
you guys feel for other people so you feel the urge to help those in need
your weakness is being too kind and his is being too much of a gentleman
you guys are actually really similar in a sense
which you all don’t mind because you can relate to each other
sanji however knows when to take a break
not to say that you don’t but you just tend to overwork yourself for other people’s sake
to which sanji puts a stop to :)
he runs you hot baths, massages your shoulders and washes your hair
You do the same for him since you’d feel bad if you didn’t
he very much appreciates this
its not every day someone takes care of him
you guys then eat the delicious hot meal he prepared and snuggle up, falling asleep together
You guys also take the chance for vacation every time you see one
Pirates have to be prepared for the worst of adventures on every island
so as soon as you see the opportunity to relax you two leap to have a fun beach day
sanji is absolutely a SIMP for how cute you are
he is SO fond over you and is always gushing and bragging (to zoro) how cute his s/o is
like literally he doesn’t shut up about how adorable you are!
a cute lady with a sweet personality??
yes please.
He definitely warns you after the first few times he sees you getting taken advantage of
it’s a sweet and gentle chat about the dangers in the world and how you can’t trust everyone
even if you don’t trust them! set boundaries and don’t let them walk all over you!
if you feel too many bad people are around don’t give them the benefit of the doubt! find a straw hat and stick with them!!
”y/n-Chan you’ve gotta use your discernment to see who is being mean and who is worthy to trust..!”
like yes some strangers are kind but some will see how sweet you are and use that against you!
absolutely does not let a man take advantage of you and will immediately kick him away
with a women tho he will probably go get robin or nami
maybe even simply take you away and let it go if it’s just a regular woman
but if it’s a pirate who’s trying to back you into a corner yeah he’s for sure getting the straw hat girls
he will offer himself instead and tell you to go get someone from back on the merry/sunny
Or maybe if you can fight he’ll root for you!
not that he likes that fact that another woman is being hurt in the process..
but if he has to choose between his woman and another one that was disrespecting his woman??
as for sad puppy y/n he notices right away and immediately does whatever he can to cheer you up again
he bakes you sweets, runs you a bath, makes you drinks, makes you laugh, buys you whatever you want just to see you smile
and again if it was a guy who did this to you he’s 100% getting the boot 💥💥
your sure to cheer up soon with all that sanji does for you
especially with his warm cuddles n kissses ♡
thank you once again for your requests my love! Today is a very busy day..I have a lot to get out.. 😅
Overall I hope you enjoyed your hcs!
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Hotaru Hagenezuka x DemonSlayer!Fem! Reader (NSFW) (Takes place during village arc, no spoilers)
I can't help myself, this man is so damn scriddily scrumptious, LOOK AT HIM !!!
(Contains; Hotaru cheats on his wife with you/Manipulation/virgin reader/age gap)
(Story is under the photo ofc.)
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"You don't think he'll be to mad? Do you Tanjiro?" You say, your face filled with worry as sweat drips from your face. You hold your broken-in-half sword, looking at it and then at Tanjiro who only cringed. He scratches the back of his head, "Uh well..." He starts, taking a breath and then looking at you. "Yeah no, I'm pretty sure he's going to try to kill you..." He says, slight worry in his face. "W-What?!" You say, blinking. "Well...You can probably get him some mitarashi dango, it usually calms him down. " Tanjiro says. "I'm sure you'll be fine." He adds on, a reassuring smile on his face. You slightly whimper, "If you say so." You say, scratching your head. Tanjiro smiles once more, "Well here, I can take you to a market and then walk you to his home since you don't know where it is." Tanjiro says, you both stand up; as you were both sitting on the grass.
Tanjiro had been in the sword smith village for a few days, he already had his sword fixed but he told you some demons were lurking about and he had to stay to capture and dispose of them. Your sword had broke on a mission, and you got here just today.
You and Tanjiro walk along a path, you look at all the buildings and such in awe, "This place is sooo big!" You exclaim, a smile on your face. Tanjiro smiles, "Yes," He says. The sun was setting and it was starting to get slightly cold out. You and Tanjiro finally make it to some small food stand, originally you were going to a market but this was closer to Haganezuka's home. Tanjiro walks up to the stand, a masked individual inside, Tanjiro smiles and says, "2 mitarashi dangos please!" He says, holding up the number two with his hands. "Coming right up!" The person inside says. While waiting for the food, you decided to bring up Hataru again. "I've actually never met Hataru before...he was busy so someone else had delivered his sword to me." You say. "Oh, I see, well I hope your first meeting doesn't get too off on the wrong foot..." Tanjiro says. You sigh. The person finishes cooking the Mitarashi's and you take them both. You and Tanjiro thank the person, then making your way to the Haganezuka household. You reach the door to which Tanjiro the knocks on it. Someone with a mask anwsers the door, you could see long hair but not the face. Tanjiro bows, "Hello miss, we're looking for Hotaru Haganezuka, is he home?" Tanjiro says with a small smile. "Oh! No he isn't, I believe he's at the hot spring. Oh and also, I'm Nanako Haganezuko, I'm his wife." The woman states, then bowing slightly. Tanjiro side eyes you and raises an eyebrow, to which you only shrug. He sighs then smiling at you. He looks at the woman,"Thank you ma'am. " He says. Nanako shuts the door. You turn to Tanjiro, "I have some things I need to do, its late so please be quick, if I were you I'd go ahead and give him the Mitarashi and tell him about your sword tomorrow." Tanjiro says, then turning around and leaving, after a few steps he turns back and waves, you then do the same.
You sigh then starting your way towards the hot spring. It had reached night already. You lightly groan. You finally reach the large building, you feel the heat from the building even though you're outside. You remember Tanjiro had told you these springs were known to heal people. You waling inside the building, it was made out of wood and long big sticks for fencing. After a bit of walking, you make it to the springs, there was steam everywhere and tons of water and rocks, there were lanterns that lit up the place, you could also see the night sky. "Wow..." You mutter, looking up. You then look around the room, holding the two mitarashi's in hand. "M-Mr Haganezuka! Are you here..?" You yell out. You then see someone come out from the water, still inside the pool though. Their back was turned to you, the person had long wet black hair, you could tell even just from looking at the person's back, they were very 'ripped'. You then saw a mas and clothes right outside of the 'pool' area he was at. "U-Uhm sir..?" You call out. The man turns his head, his dark brown eyes piercing straight at you, he furrows his bushy eyebrows. His eyes then turn to the mitarashi dangos in your hands and he gives you a toothy smile, turning around fully. "Who are you and what do you what?" He asks, sternly but still smiling. You take a deep breath, "Uhm...My name is Y/n L/n, You had made me a sword uh...well...its kinda funny actually-" You try talking, then sweating as you scratch your head and look away, nervously laughing while speaking just to get cut off. Hataro's smile fades and he furrows his eyebrows slightly, he starts walking towards you but still in the water. "Whats actually kinda funny?" Hataro says, cutting you off. Hataro then steps out of the water, your face turning a dark shade of red as he walks right over to you, snatching both of the mitarashi's from your hands. "U-Uh..." You say blinking, looking up at him in awe.
He wasn't bad looking, and you found him quite attractive with his long hair and very muscled body, but he was a middle-aged married man so you just shook the thoughts away. He looks into you eyes, his tall figure looming over you. His eyes were like mini swords poking your eyes, you couldn't help but look away from his gaze. He grunts, "You know making swords costs money right? You were right to buy me these but it just won't do-" "I-I can pay you, really its n-no problem-" You had cut him off to which he holds his snacks in one hand, using the other to grab your jaw, You whimper. "I don't need money." he growls. He bites off one of the rice dumplings from the stick, chewing it. You raise an eyebrow in confusion, then putting your hands around his wrist, trying to make him release his grip on you. "H-Hey! Let go of me!" You yell out, although it was slightly muffled. "You're very pretty you know that? Hm?" He says, talking even though he had food in his mouth. You'd think he would swallow it by now. You whimper, you feel your blood run cold, you thought he'd get super pissed but not like this. He lowers himself down, a more calm look on his face, "Say...mm... If I let you leave now, I'll make you another sword but...if you break it, I'll never make you a sword again, but if you stay here and let me do my way with you, I won't care if you break 100 of my swords!" He exclaims, chewed food being spat onto your face as he speaked, it wasn't intentional, but you found it gross. You gulp. You were new to being a demon slayer so you didn't know you could just have a different swordsmith if he doesn't want anything to do with you. "A-Aren't you married..?" You ask, your eyes were wide and you were frightened. He rolls his eyes, "Indeed I am, but..." He says then groaning, "She's old and we're not really close anymore..." He says. He was still chewing his food, you thought it was so weird.
You whimper, slowly looking down, accidentally your eyes find their way to hotaru's cock; which looked rock hard. You didn't look for too long but long enough to now exactly what he looks like. He was quite hairy not unkept or in a gross way though. You bite your lip, you can't deny you're slightly turned on by the man. He holds a cold expression in his face. "So..what'll it be?" He says, raising an eyebrow. You sigh, your face was a very dark shade of red. You close your eyes. "F-Fine..." You answer. You feel his grip on your jaw go away, you open your eyes, the man lowers himself to your level, then cupping your face, he moves his face closer to yours, you gulp. His lips reach yours, unexpectingly you feel him push the food from in his mouth into yours. Your eyes widen. "Mphhh!" You moan out. Your lips part, before you can spit it out he puts a finger over your mouth. "Swallow it." He says, that same cold look was in his eyes. If it were possible you'd blush even more, you quickly swallow the pre-chewed mitirashi dango. You could feel your panties starting to soak. You start breathing heavily, feeling yourself get hot. Hotaru takes another bite, stuffing his mouth with a mitarashi before dropping the sticks to the floor. He then starts unbuttoning your uniform, then removing the top and tossing it to the side. You look away from him and cover your chest up. Haganezuka looks at you hungrily, grabbing your wrists and moving them to get a better look. He backs up slightly, "Take it off..." He says. "Wh-What...?" You say. "The bra...no all of it, take off your pants.." He says, his voice very stern and serious. A small frown was present on your face, you unhook your bra, then taking it off before going to your pants. Haganezuka watches in excitement, starting to slowly stroke his cock. You unbutton your pants, pulling them down and tossing them to the side. You look down at the floor and fiddle with your hands, you were now only in your underwear. Haganezuka groans, walking closer to you. He grabs your underwear, ripping them off your body, in response you let out a small whimper, then covering your pussy. "I-I...I've never done anything like this before..." You say, just above a whisper. The man freezes, dropping your ripped underwear to the floor. "Wh-What? You're a virgin..?" He says, looking up at you, his eyes slightly widen. "Y-yea..." You respond, biting your lip. You were 20 but you were still a virgin which made you incredibly embarrassed. He smiles, "Oh..." was all he said. Haganezuka the picks your up, cradling you, "A-Ah!" You squeak. He looks down at you, giving you another toothy smile then turning around and walking towards the hot spring's water. You look down nervously.
He walks into the water, setting you down. "Look at me.." Haganezuka says. You oblige, looking up at him, you couldn't help the fact you were actually incredibly horny. He puts his hand in the water towards you, touching your inner thighs, squeezing and rubbing them before going higher. He rubs the outside of your pussy, then rubbing your labia. He smirks. "You really like this don't you?" He says, slipping a finger inside of you. You gasp. He slowly move his finger in and out, adding in another shortly after. "M-Mr. Haganezuka...P-please don't be rough with me.." You whisper, your breaths starting to get heavier by the second. The man only chuckles in response. He curls his fingers inside of you, working them in and out of your body. "A-Ah-!? You quietly moan out, then letting yourself fall onto Haganezuka's chest. He chuckles once more, pulling his fingers out of you. You look up at him, your eyes filled with lust. He looks back at you, a small smile on his face. You feel him grab your thighs, he pulls you up, then holding your ass so you didn't fall. You gasp, feeling his tip lightly touch your entrance. Your eyes widen. He lowers you down slowly. You bite your lips, your palms laying down on his chest. You feel him slowly filling your insides to the brim. Your eyes go half-lidded, you look up at him. "M-Mr..H-Hagnnn...." You try to say his name but you feel him start to slowly bounce you up and down on his cock, distracting you. He slowly gets faster and faster, your tits bouncing in sync with your sex being violated by Haganezuka's. You can feel yourself starting to get over stimulated. "H-Ha...H..." You try to say his name, failing miserably and turning into a moaning mess. You hold onto his shoulders. He was being too rough, he started going fast way to quickly considering he had just put it in. The water splashes around you both, causing very small waves. You pant, your eyes go to the back of your head. Already you could feel your walls tighten around him as he repeatingly hits your core. He continues shoving himself in and out of you, you feel yourself reach your climax. You Scream out in pleasure, your eyesight going blurry and you feel a wonderful sensation all over your body. You laid limp against him as he continued fucking you; having not reached his own climax. His thrusts start getting sloppier and sloppier by the second, You hear Haganezuka let out a loud grunt, then you feel a hot liquid fill inside of you. He pulls himself out, setting you in the water, the cum drips out of you and into the water. You couldn't stand, you were so tired. You take a hold of Haganezuka, hanging onto him as if there was a 800 foot drop below you. "You did know that you could've just found a different swordsmith right? Or am I just that good looking?" He boasts. "Wh-Wha-? What do you mean...?" You say, panting, a red tint still on your face. Haganezuka only lets out a laugh, then patting you on the head. "You did good, you should break your sword more often..." He flirts. "Hey...I said what do you mean! We didn't have to actually do all that...?" You say, a frown was present on your face. "You enjoyed it anyhow..." He says, lowering his eyes at you. You only blush in response. "How about I take you home..? Its dangerous at night." Haganezuka asks. "Mmm...Well, I don't really see why not...I mean the worst has already past so..." you think to yourself. "S-Sure.." You say. He smiles.
Any Constructive criticism is appreciated. Please tell me what you think.
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mycadences · 4 months
Elain: I am not a child to be fought over. (Chapter 21 of ACOSF, Azriel was present when she said that and HE HEARD IT)
Azriel: (In an arrogant tone) I'll defeat him [Lucien] with little effort. (Azriel's ACOSF bonus chapter, after Elain said what she said, and referring to the Blood Duel)
(Here Elriels might bring up "but Lucien asked if Elain was worth fighting for!" but the difference is 1. Lucien had only met Elain once at that time (it was during ACOWAR) 2. he didn't know anything about her 3. she hadn't said the line I'm referring to 4. he didn't overhear the line I'm referring to 5. "fighting for" has a slightly different connotation from "fighting over".)
So it IS canon that Elain would hate the Blood Duel and would have a problem with Azriel killing Lucien... while Azriel doesn't. In ACOWAR, Nesta and Feyre were worried about Lucien going off to find Vassa in case harm befell him.
This was what Feyre thought: Even Nesta seemed relatively concerned. Not for him, no doubt, but the fact that if he were hurt, or killed … What would it do to Elain? The severing of the mating bond … I shut out the thought of what it’d do to me.
But Azriel didn't think of how devastating it would be for Elain if her mate were to die. No, in fact, he didn't think much of her "beyond the fantasies he pleasured himself to".
Wow. How romantic. If this is the "canon" that Elriels are so proud of, then I'm honestly glad that it wasn't written about my ship.
Also look at this scene:
Elain: You do not decide what I can and cannot do, Nesta. // Then I will find it [the Dread Trove]. // You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater. (This is also from Chapter 21 of ACOSF, and yes Azriel was present to hear it. Notice how the wording focused on Elain's agency, on her choice, on people making decisions for her.)
Azriel: (In response to Amren's suggestion that they let Elain track the Trove) There is an innate darkness to the Dread Trove that Elain should not be exposed to. (Chapter 29 of ACOSF)
Once again, he was doing something that Elain had explicitly mentioned she disliked, something that he KNEW because he HEARD IT. Despite hearing that Elain didn't like Nesta making the choice for her (not to scry for the Trove), Azriel STILL chose to throw in his unsolicited two cents and was essentially robbing her of her free will.
Compare this to when Gwyn got taken to the Blood Rite along with Emerie and Nesta.
Cassian: If I interfere, we’re both dead. And even if I did, Nesta would kill me if I jumped in to save her. She’d never forgive me for it. \\ And even if the laws had allowed it, he would never take that away from her: the chance to save herself.
Azriel: You—we—trained them well, Cassian. Trust in that. It’s all we can do.
Both Cassian and Azriel recognized the skills and abilities of the Valkyries. They trusted them to survive. And Cassian himself said that he wouldn't step in, NOT because he didn't care about Nesta, but he knew she would hate it (that he made the call for her) and that he was confident in her strength to overcome the Blood Rite. And they're mates.
(^ Those who say "Azriel and Gwyn cannot be mates because he didn't save her from the Blood Rite" must not have read SF at all lol. But anyway I digress.)
Azriel's line of thinking was similar to Cassian in that he believed in the Valkyries, and that's more than I can ever say about his faith in Elain. Or lack thereof.
Speaking of faith in Elain, you know who has it, though?
(I swear he's the solution to every Elain puzzle. He's linked to Papa Archeron whose death Elain was implied to feel guilty about, he's linked to the Courts that Elain would thrive in (Spring and Day) and he's linked to the central conflict in Elain's personal arc (their mating bond).)
He literally went to the Mortal Lands to find Vassa because Elain had a vision about it. THAT, is an example of trust. The only other person to argue for Elain's visions was Mor, and Cassian was busy rebuffing her while Azriel "looked inclined to agree [with Cassian, not Elain]". Lucien went on a possibly dangerous wild goose chase all because of his trust in Elain's visions -- in his mate's visions.
Finally, this is not a hate post against Azriel (in case it reads like one). I love him, but somehow when he's around Elain they give me Tamlin/Feyre vibes, which is why I believe SJM is actually intentionally dropping hints that their relationship won't work out. Already we see how toxic it is. I adore his interactions with Nesta, Feyre and of course our lovely Valkyrie-priestess, Gwyn ;)
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vodid · 1 year
MASSIVE rotb spoilers ahead but can i just say. the emotions they let optimus feel for once really sold this movie for me.
optimus' anger after what happened to bumblebee, the way he just picked up something and chucked it, is what i want to see from him when he's angry. because there wasn't just pure fury, there wasn't murderous intent, there wasn't "oh they're just really angering me now", no. there was agony. there was grief and pain. there was so much pain in his reaction.
they really let him feel his emotions, let optimus feel his pain, in this movie and i really loved seeing that side of him. he was vulnerable, he made mistakes, he was selfish, he was flawed most of all, and had the weight of the world on his shoulders. he just wanted to do what was right, and bumblebee's death broke him in that moment. he began blaming himself for everything, he took on more of that pain and they let him feel it. they let him learn to navigate it. they let the team know he was suffering with it too; this wasn't something he bottled up and hid from them
it was made VERY apparent that optimus was crumbling under that kind of pressure for a very brief moment. but he had to be strong. for his people, humans, for himself and for bee. but they didn't keep him from experiencing his emotions. but because of needing to be strong, because of trying to be better for his team while in this torrent of emotions, he was not the leader he was meant to be for a bit and that's okay. they really showed he's a person too, complete with his own feelings and relationships. and that those things DO affect his judgment, contrary to what the high standards set against him say.
and after everything, after losing and winning everything all at once, he still put on a smile. because you can be a person with emotions while being the strong leader others need you to be, and i think that was his true arc in this movie. it was more than just "i'm worried about my home" to "i'm worried about my new home", it was so so much more. it was going from "to be strong is to be imposing" to "to be strong is to be gentle"
and this is exactly where age of extinction (and even dark of the moon) went wrong, when optimus discovered ratchet had been killed — by his former allies no less. his extreme reaction was understandable but it lacked that certain compassion that is unequivocally our optimus. or when sentinel betrayed the autobots, betrayed him, and killed ironhide, he didn't show much of that grief/betrayal/sadness that was barely present. he was just. angry.
so i think rotb really set us up for something great. yes, we do get silly goofy prime who isn't as stoic in other things, but we don't often get an optimus who really feels. because they don't let him. some toxic masculinity thing, y'know. and i'm really happy we're moving past that
ngl, it took me several hours to process this movie so to have me tearing up a little bit at the prospect of optimus in visible emotional pain means a lot. it means a job well done. i'm really excited to get to see this movie again sometime
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dekusleftsock · 7 months
Don’t y’all love it when a popular tiktok creator is analyzing a character and interpreting it so, so wrong, and him and his dumb ass take is spreading.
Like it was one thing for you to be wrong
If one more person says that Izuku is “underdeveloped” and that he’s “uninterested in all of his other relationships” and that he “has a power imbalance in his relationships with other characters bc they care more about him than he does them” STOP. PLEASE STOP.
A fundamental part of Izuku’s character: He is an UNRELIABLE NARRATOR. Most of his character is, therefore, told through SUBTEXT.
Izuku doesn’t say that he feels ashamed about his feelings for Katsuki.
But he does say that he thinks they’re gross.
Izuku doesn’t say that he thinks that Toga and her feelings aren’t human
But he does say that she is the “perfect counter to this quirk”.
Izuku is an unreliable narrator in a third person omniscient story (though sometimes mha acts more like a third person objective story? Anyway). That means that the way we do not understand the story is not through a retelling of what is happening to you, the viewer, unreliably—instead it is not telling you the full extent of his character and his thoughts.
To say “izuocha’s relationship is underdeveloped because it’s one sided” is NOT the same as saying “bkdk’s relationship is underdeveloped because it’s one sided”.
Izuku has always been obsessed with Katsuki. At some point the rhetoric being passed around was that it was Katsuki who was underdeveloped and uninterested in the dynamic. Now that rhetoric has been reversed since we’ve seen so much of Katsuki’s POV.
Ochako has always been obsessed with Izuku, NEVER THE OTHER WAY AROUND. In fact, Ochako’s arc even surrounded letting go of those feelings… as literally said in the text. Because that is a textual statement that she makes.
Izuku does not understand how or what Ochako loves in anybody, especially him. She loves a unique sense of personhood, which Izuku has always carried, and of which she saw in the entrance exam.
Izuku does not know how to view things he deems as “girly”, and Ochako very personally CANT be in a relationship with someone that she has realized is very repressed. Her friendships turn from friends to fascination very quickly, into her heroic form. (Think her few moments with Katsuki in that extra, or how disinterested she became of Izuku as she saw him run away from help, and not know how to respond to an apology. Or, hell, how much more interested she became when Himiko was honest with her feelings in their second real confrontation. She even says that she “admires how she can love so freely, and say it with her whole chest”)
LIKE ALL OF THESE THINGS. THIS IS WHY IZUOCHA ISNT DEVELOPED. That’s a purposeful choice in genius writing, at least in my opinion.
Bkdk is a result of Izuku being uninterested in acknowledging said feelings, and this is shown to be different because of the amount of times he has had that imply a deeper emotion or thought that we are not told. Think black whip, controlling your heart solely surrounding katsuki, “my feelings are gross”, the ear piercing scream when katsuki was kidnapped and the “this was a total loss” line, relaxing into katsuki’s arms after the apology, only coming home because of Katsuki, comparing romantic feelings toga had for him and admiration to ALLMIGHT and not katsuki who was “actually in his life”, I COULD GO ON FOR HOURS.
This is absolutely NOT underdeveloped, this is called SHOW NOT TELL. Horikoshi is so purposeful in what he shows vs what he tells. He tells you that ochako and toga are the same, he tells you that katsuki is worried about Izuku, he tells you that katsuki is there to step in when deku can’t handle it on his own, he tells you that ochako has a crush on Izuku, and he tells you that Katsuki is Izuku’s “closest person”.
But he also SHOWS YOU SO MUCH MORE. Unreliable narration is such a key part of Izuku and his character. Izuku doesn’t understand Izuku as much as the audience doesn’t understand him. It’s why I genuinely think most interpretations of his character are wrong, because you really can’t take him at his word. It’s the same reason no one understood katsuki for the longest time, he was in the same circumstances of a character who is only showed to you, not told.
I know i named so many god damn references so if anyone is curious as to what specifically I’m talking about with what, I’ll gladly show what scene I’m referring to. Apparently I can’t remember a damn thing but this manga anyway.
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edandstede · 8 months
racist fucks out here acting like ed is doomed to become abusive like his father, like he is a violent monster, as if his arc isn’t about learning that he isn’t a monster at all but just a man. how are you looking at ed accepting himself, overcoming feeling like he’s the literal kraken, that he’s loveable and worthy of compassion and kindness even when he thinks the worst of himself, and drawing the conclusion that he’s an irredeemable thug - which is, by the way, what every fucking villain and antagonist thinks of him. you’re aligning your view of him with the bad guys, y’know, the ones who call him a donkey, low-born, and try goading him into violence over and over again because they think that’s all he’s worth? and yeah that includes izzy, because he did that too, it’s 90% of what he fucking did, treating him like he only deserved to live if he was performing hyper masculinity the entire time and the second he stopped he was worse than dead.
we are supposed to feel sorry for ed. the way he feels is heartbreaking. he was abandoned, had his worst fears confirmed to him by stede leaving and izzy pressing on the wound in the worst possible way, and then he fell completely into depression and suicidal ideation. he thinks it’s all he’s good for. he can’t be loved, he hates himself, he’s just the dick who killed his dad and nobody wants him for him. how can you see this very obvious spelled-out agony in him and say “hey, that guy is gonna abuse the man he loves, he’s an abuser just like his dad” you guys are just absolute bottom of the barrel scumbag dickheads, you really really are. you could not be more blatantly racist. you know damn well the show is not saying what you’re claiming it is.
also, insisting that he would ever hurt stede is just completely ignoring every single fucking thing about him. ed would never. the only fucking time stede is physically hurt by ed is when he wakes up from literal death and headbutts him. that’s it. i think we can all agree he didn’t even know what planet he was on when that occurred, and he petulantly says “good it was supposed to hurt” during a squabble that ends with stede telling ed he loves everything about him. pull the other one if you think this was ever framed as ed seriously wanting to hurt stede and not an incredibly hurt and vulnerable man still acting on a half-dead brain.
like for fuck’s sake this is the same man who hides under stede’s robe and presses his head to stede’s hand when he cries after telling him - the only person he has EVER TOLD - about killing his dad. he tells stede about the plot to kill him, and he cannot do it. he can’t lift a finger to him, he never would. he holds stede’s face with both hands when he kisses him and tells him he loves him. he brings him breakfast with a bit of twine on ‘cause he panicked and thought it needed a flourish. he rubs stede’s cashmere against his cheek. the first thing he says makes his life worth living is warmth. he imagines stede with a big goofy sweet grin and gold sparkly goldfish tail coming to save his life. he just wants to retire and have his inn with the man he loves and not worry about stede ever being in a near-death situation again. he wants stede to be safe with him. at no point are we remotely told in the text that we should be genuinely worried ed will ever, ever physically hurt stede. he protects this man with his WHOLE BODY twice and signs an act of grace to avoid him being shot. he tries to get ned to leave him alone when they’re being tortured. he jumps off the boat with jack to swim back to him and he rows back to the republic to find stede too.
he loves stede, would never hurt him, and you’re all just fucking sour your fav died and you’re saying any old shite as a result. swear to god if i catch one more of you even so much as insinuating ed is abusive i’m gonna start lobbing off toes as well.
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