#I feel like this might come off as making fun of kinning but it's not supposed to
deepouterspacecandy · 2 months
Next of Kin
The pregnant reader requests are so sweet, I swear I'm not ignoring them. All of your messages and requests have been great and they mean a lot to me. I'm under the weather right now so I apologize big time for the slow updates and responses. I hope this drabble scratches the itch until I'm back. 18+ only.
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What if Abby's girlfriend is the pregnant one in TLOU2?
Oh, there will be no more running from the infected or putting yourself in harm’s way. This comes to an end immediately.
She’ll be reluctant to let you lift anything, even when it’s safe to do so and even when you’re capable. Abby knows it drives you nuts, and it’s the one thing she doesn’t compromise on.
However, not all her doting bothers you.
Your heart swells with tenderness for Abby as she reaches out to grasp your elbow while you climb the stairs and drops to her knees to tie your shoes when bending becomes more challenging. Her duty is to make sure you get the nutrients you require, and she tirelessly hunts for any pregnancy related books she can find.
When Manny tells her that orgasms can trigger labour, she blushes furiously and groans at him to knock it off.
“It’s not like that,” she mumbles.
It is like that. Abby is deeply in love with you.
I don’t think she takes you back to the Stadium, though. I imagine she quietly settles beside you, observing your peaceful slumber, while wrestling with the weight of her actions as the renowned Scar hunter. Memories of her dad resurfacing to remind her of the dreams and aspirations he held for her. As she defects from the WLF, a small crew of soldiers joins her, eager to fight for a new cause.
In the beginning, she might feel too self-conscious to sing to your belly, but once your baby bump becomes more noticeable, she will seize any opportunity to touch and connect with you, as long as you are comfortable with it.
She is hell bent on finding a community with a medical team.
I see Abby as the girl who is by your side for every ultrasound.
The moment she experiences the baby kick, her eyes meet yours in disbelief, as if she’s overwhelmed by the extraordinary gift bestowed upon her by the world. When she lays eyes on the growing life inside you, her role as your protector becomes an eternal vow.
It’s not often that she cries, but if she misses an appointment because her assignments run late or there is an unexpected problem, it would be one of those few occasions. Trying to hide her emotions from her squad, she will steal a glance at her watch and clench her teeth, struggling to keep her lip from quivering.
The next time she cries will be the night your son is born, and she cradles him in her arms for the first time.
Abby surprises you by building a crib with her own two hands, meticulously sanding, and staining the wood. The day she finally confesses her love out loud, you can’t help but notice the pine chips tangled in her hair and the dust that coats her threadbare shirt.
“You’re a mess,” you say, brushing the remnants of her project from her shoulders and watching the particles float gently to the carpet. “I can’t believe you did this for us. It’s beautiful, Abby.”
“I want to be a part of this,” she says, breath catching in her throat as she lifts your hands to her chest. “I want to be yours.”
“You already are,” you murmur.
Although the labour theory that Manny suggested scared her to death, the minute she notices your libido is returning in full force, she goes all in, making the subsequent sexual experience fun and romantic.
She finds beauty in the soft curves and stretch marks that adorn your body, especially when you cannot see it yourself.
Is she a little obsessed with the way you looked during pregnancy? I don’t know, you’ll have to ask her, but she sure as shit adores your body as it is now.
Below the surface, Abigail Anderson may be gentle-natured, but nobody fucks with her son and wife.
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bonefall · 1 month
i NEED to know more about waspwhisker/waspstar now that xey seem to be leader during TBC/ASC. are xey as levelheaded as leafstar or more aggressive? i think it would be fun if xey were willing to defend skyclans separate culture WAY MORE than leafstar was willing to. that would especially bring conflict with the imposter and maybe could even lead to a battle!
I'm leaning HEAVILY towards doing it. Killing off Leafstar during Squirrelflight's Horror by having Juniperclaw poison their food makes perfect sense. He was trying to make them desperate to leave the territory, so they'd invade the Sisters' camp.
Plus, then I can delete the Meadow Saffron subplot. There was no new plant that suddenly showed up like a big coincidence RIGHT as tensions escalated-- Sparkpelt can just have gotten a bite of the poisoned food somehow.
(Maybe a diplomatic meeting... I'll think about it.)
Anyway, here's an Intro to BB!Waspwhisker, and how xey would act as Waspstar in comparison to BB!Leafstar;
Once the ShadowClan family tree is complete, I will be going back to SkyClan's overhaul and making it more significant.
But in the meanwhile, Waspwhisker is a very close family cat to xeir mate Fallowfern, and kids; Plumwillow, Rabbitleap, and Creekfeather.
(Nettleplash might be gone, unsure.)
I really like Creekfeather for absolutely no reason. I just like his name lmao. SO I'm probably going to put him into The Kin so I can get mileage out of him as a villain
Having Waspwhisker have to fight and maybe even kill xeir own son sounds absolutely JUICY. Push this guy to the BRINK
Show, over and over, how Waspwhisker is willing to put SkyClan above everything xey've ever loved.
When The Kin absorbed a significant portion of SkyClan, Waspwhisker took Leafstar's side. Though xey can be tough, xey're always fair and rational.
The reason to exclude Daylight Warriors makes no sense and is just based on pride, in xeir eyes. The Daylight Warriors are not the ones attacking the camp right now, are they?
There are SkyClan Warriors in the gorge that night, and there are traitors.
And if that includes Creekfeather... then so be it. Creekfeather has made his choice.
You might think that Waspwhisker is a mean person. Xey're not.
In fact, when it comes to friends and family, Wasp's compassion is absolutely limitless.
Plumwillow and Rabbitleap get their love of long discussions from xem, as a Ba Waspwhisker was always encouraging their curiosity.
Xey like to answer questions with more questions, and guide kits and apprentices by leading them to the right answer instead of outright telling them.
The thing that makes Waspwhisker so brutal is that, well... xey just don't see the value in being overly generous. Xey want what xey are owed.
Down to the last scrap of fur, the final droplet of blood.
As a warrior who has gone through so much, loved so thoroughly, and serves a people who have lost everything, shouldn't respect come with that?
SkyClan has been cheated, threatened, and betrayed from the moment they were driven from the forest. Waspwhisker believes in reciprocity like it's a bank account-- xey simply want the positives and the negatives to be in balance.
It feels clear to xem that the moment they stepped paw into the new forest, the Forest Four saw them as pitiable.
They were not equal. SkyClan is a mixed-blood Clan of ex-kittypets and loners.
The politeness that defines SkyClan, helped to keep coalitions of cats together at a distance through forgiveness and cordiality, is a funny joke to Forest Four.
Though times are changing in Clan Culture, strength is currently still a stronger value than diplomacy.
Leafstar was playing by SkyClan rules. They have their own values, traditions, even a copy of the warrior code that diverges earlier.
But Waspwhisker can see-- what at first seems "amusing" about SkyClan to the Forest Four is quickly hardening into contempt.
And that contempt is mutual.
Forest Four cats are proud, self-absorbed, xenophobic, and stubborn. And they don't even realize that.
They're so used to only ever dealing with each other. With their big bluffs, political showboating, and ceremonial fights.
To Waspwhisker, it seems as though Forest Four cats see battle like a game. One you play together, with ancient, unspoken rules that SkyClan has been locked out of for generations.
It's been so long since they've known REAL fear that they've forgotten it. SkyClan hasn't.
Claws aren't toys; battle isn't a game. To SkyClan, their skills are a martial art.
To be respected.
In SkyClan's conversation about what "version" of the Warrior Code they will use, and how they interact with other Clans, Waspwhisker has always felt uneasy about the very premise.
Who interprets the Code, to begin with? Us, or them?
If I end up going with this, Leafstar will die of poisoning in Squirrelflight's Horror.
Juniperclaw did it to try and convince SkyClan that the Sisters ARE a threat. He wants them out of ShadowClan territory.
At first, Heartstar is going to refute any accusations of her deputy/nephew doing this poisoning. Nepotism is her consistent weak spot.
Waspwhisker might have died too, but someone tasted poison.
(Maybe I'll have it be the wounded sister they are holding as a prisoner. She can recognize a flower in a spoonful of soup and lurch foward to slap it out of their paw, then dump over the pot. Maybe when Squilf's about to have a bite, so there's a big accusation that the sister only stopped it to try and help the one who's been nice to her)
But in any case, when Waspwhisker finds out that it was a Forest Four warrior who did this...
It really solidifies in xem that xeir uneasiness was right.
Juniperclaw may have acted alone, but his feelings were born out of a deeper spite. One that Leafstar was too optimistic about.
They'll never take SkyClan seriously if something is not done about Juniperclaw. Exile is a JOKE.
The only thing that Forest Four cats seem to respect is brutality.
So xey will GIVE them brutality.
You demand we follow your version of this code?
"We'll start with a true warrior not needing to kill to win his battles, unless it is necessary for self-defense. Understand that I have no reason to believe Juniperclaw would not do it again. This was self-defense."
If the Forest Four can't even be consistent about Commandment 1, then they wouldn't be able to handle how SkyClan interprets the rest.
Xey insist SkyClan matters will be handled by SkyClan. When a law would affect another Clan, then we can discuss it.
Like Bramblestar, Waspstar refuses to be pushed around.
Unlike Bramblestar, they aren't a particularly emotional or biased person. In fact, Waspstar is cold.
That reputation is exactly what xey want, though. Let it precede us. "If they fear us, we live in peace. If they respect us, we live in peace. I offer the choice of which type of harmony we have together."
A good diplomat realizes quickly that Waspstar is not unreasonable, though. Getting xem to do anything is a matter of demonstrating mutual benefit.
Or making a show of goodwill.
Hawkwing is chosen as Waspstar's deputy because of his compassion and commitment.
They're not TOO different as well, and that's a plus to Wasp. Xey want the deputy to see eye-to-eye with xem, but still be bold and emotional enough to launch a challenge if needed.
Xey have thought fondly of Hawkwing ever since Plumwillow's mate went missing, and Hawkwing became a father to Wasp's grandkits.
Unfortunately, I can see Waspstar either respecting the Impostor a lot (for living by the same brutality he demands of other Clans) OR coming to a huge battle against the Impostor (for trying to force SkyClan to live a certain way).
In contrast to BB!Leafstar, who would think Bramblefake is a lunatic from the very beginning.
In a nutshell; If the two leaders heard the phrase, "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind,"
Leafstar would hum and smile, praising the wisdom of the words. There are many ways to win a battle, and she does not want SkyClan to have to lose its peaceful life after enduring so much hardship. "That which cannot be fixed must be broken, and revenge is not something that can be repaired."
Waspstar would gently shake xeir head. That hope died with her. Either SkyClan will choose the change they make, or it will be taken. Our new neighbors respect only one thing, and if we want our kittens to live in peace, then we must study war, "If the enemy has taken your eye, take both of theirs."
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sibsteria · 2 years
hello, can you do headcanons of klaus mikaelson being a simp for you? 💘
yes of course, lovely!
Warnings: large fluff, a bit smutty, soft!klaus, protective!Mikaelsons
Summary: Klaus Mikaelson is the malewife simp of the century(ies)
not proofread, don’t kill me 😭🫶
the first time he met you, he studied you, up and down, I feel as if it would be at a Mikaelson ball, or maybe the Mystic Grill
I mean, eyes roaming
so our man just felt he had to introduce himself
he presents his hand out for you to shake
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before, I know I would have remember a face like yours.”
“Oh, wow, you’re charming.”
He gives an amused smile, a soft chuckle
“I prefer the name Klaus Mikaelson, please tell me what name could possibly match such a person of beauty?”
I feel as if he wouldn’t assert his name as Niklaus right off the bat ygm besties
he is leaving you blushing though
you’re probably a vamp so congrats, he’s got eternal dibs!
definitely lays a gentle kiss to your hand when you tell him your name
“I suppose I’ll be seeing you.” he lingers in your presence before slowly walking away
you’re just- astounded, who gave him the right to be so alluring?
I ain’t gonna lie to you, he went home that night and stalked for your information
he knows where you live, your next of kin, the bar you frequent
so an accidental bumpings into are already in his workings
“Ah, hello love, what a surprise!”
he’d buy you all your drinks, making sure to keep any eye on them if you left the bar for a moment if you’re human (you probs aren’t)
you would spend the whole night together
just chatting and swapping anecdotes
he charms you with poems, jewellery and just spending time getting to know you as if he didn’t know everything already
he will flaunt his money around
“I should take you to dinner, tell me love, do you enjoy pasta?”
if your answer is yes then well than enjoy your authentic italian dish! the flight wasn’t even too long
you had both fallen off the cliff, smitten for one another
when you’re dating he absolutely follows wherever you go
but you know better
and you don’t mind, he’s always looking out for you
long parting kisses
I’m talking tongue, with his hand tangled in your hair
ass slaps as you walk away, making you present a shy smile
when your more comfortable around each other, you don’t hesitate to do it back
a faux shock face from the hybrid
“well, love, I never listed you as the kinky type. I do say, I’m quite impressed.”
get ready for marks
he litters you in hickeys, even if they might fade by the end of the day
he’s going to try
if you’re human he’ll have you wear a vial of his blood around your neck
for emergencies
and a fun conversation for anyone who comes on to you
if he’s in a heated argument discussion with someone, his face will immediately soften when you walk through the door
“hello, love.” a passion induced coma hoods his eyes
will try to protect you from violence and danger but he does know you can handle yourself
“Klaus, I can snap a neck like a motherfucker-”
“I know, darling, but why do that when I can do it for you?”
hours of cuddles
just you in his arms, with his nose nuzzled into you
he’s a softy, really
you get along with his family, it’s a given
Rebekah is literally you’re sister from another mister
shopping sprees with her unlimited credit card
knowing each other’s styles
“How did you know?” She pouts as you hand her a pair of heels that she had been eying up
she’s just overjoyed she actually had a true friend that she can trust
someone she can rely on
you are inseparable
and Klaus is absolutely jealous
“may I please have my girlfriend back, dear sister?” an edge to his tone
“if you must, you annoying rat bastard.”
but you love them
Elijah is eternally grateful for your calmness
and your ability to tame the beast
“I must say, you impress me, Miss L/n.”
you’re utterly baffled
Elijah is not an easy man to impress
but your besties anyway, now 🙄🤚
you often pick up ties that you think would suit him
he smiles and shakes his head
“I do hope you insist on keeping her around, Niklaus.” he uses a low whisper to his brother.
“I don’t assume I’m ever letting her go.”
whilst you have managed to wrap him around your little finger
he won’t hesitate to rip someone’s throat out for touching you
say you’re at a bar
he left for a moment to answer a call, his mistake
he comes back, you’re face filled with discomfort and annoyance as this poor man would not stop verbally harassing you
but that was not enough of an action for you to snap his neck yourself
but as he’s walking towards the bar, he watches as the stranger lets his hand trail down your back until he reaches your-
Klaus has already sped towards him
grabbing his hair and tearing out his throat
his chin, neck and chest are dripping with blood
your surprised at the lack of screams around you, coming to the conclusion that he must have compelled the drinkers to not bat an eye at supernatural goings-on
“are you kidding-”
“sweetheart, don’t get angry-”
“I just got blood stains from last week out of that shirt!”
he pauses his spiel, a blushing smile across his face
you weren’t repulsed by the violent display he’d put on
“have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“on occasion.” you roll your eyes, pulling him in for kiss
the blood coats around your lips but you don’t mind
“I love you too, Nik.”
that was the first time you used such an intimate nickname
and he loved it
hearing such words fall from your mouth
you both get blood drunk nightly
but refusing to feed on kids, because you have some morals
and you push Klaus to erase after eating because why draw attention to himself, he already has a healthy crowd of enemies
and that is where Elijah expresses gratitude
if you ever get kidnapped on that one occasion you were caught off guard
be ready, the cavalry are coming
a crowd of angry originals, breaking down walls and tearing out hearts
“shit! I didn’t know she had all of ‘em at her beck and call-” one of your kidnappers scream, as he watches his cronies drop to the floor
“mate, I advice you shut your mouth, in fact- I’ll do it for you-” queue Kol punching his head from his shoulders, it rolls nicely onto the floor in a pool of blood
they had you on a vervain drip
“oh, love, I’m so sorry.” Klaus is by your side, ripping out the tubes, hugging you close
Kol is your annoying little brother, but mostly a sweetheart to you
you two tend to sneak out together, infiltrating house parties
“if Nik finds us, he’ll kill you!” you scream over the music
“he can try, darling!” he howls with laughter, a bottle of his chosen alcohol spilling down his throat
he does find you
“why in the world, did you think I wouldn’t notice you leaving my side?” he caresses your cheek
“don’t torture him, we just wanted a bit of fun.” you whisper, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth
“I suppose you’re right, I have faith in his protection, he loves you like family.” begrudgingly letting Kol off the hook
he has fucked you on every surface in his home
“not on the dinner table, Nik-” Beks
“I eat off that counter, pests.” Kol
“Is it a rule that you have to infect every piece of furniture in our home?” Elijah
*noises of disgust* Finn
*eye roll* Freya
still counting how many public displays he can get away with
he has tied your ex to a chair and made him watch as he gave you orgasm after orgasm
I mean, he murdered him afterwards, so-
“was there any need?”
in his mind, you’re already together forever
he lets you be in possession of one of his daggers, just in case his family give you any problems
“you know I won’t need to use it-”
“just humour me, keep it safe.”
it’s never boring
y’all he’s in love 😻
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quietblueriver · 9 months
They’re in my head again (always) so here’s some more Southern Gothic fluff. Once again very minor spoilers for last night’s ep but mostly just them being perfectly, disgustingly in love.
The bones on Laudna’s garland knock together overhead as Imogen ducks under her arm, laughing and stepping close again, squeezing Laudna’s fingers (gently, always gently) before standing on her toes to reciprocate the spin.
Laudna has to bend a little awkwardly to compensate for the height difference, a familiar crack of joints just audible over the music as she turns. She’s laughing when she comes back, smile haunting and bright, and Imogen pulls her close enough to press a kiss to her cheek before twirling her out again.
It’s not long before the deck fills, the rattle of bones a charming if entirely off-beat accompaniment to the music, and a few minutes later, Imogen feels the tap of a skeletal finger on her shoulder. She turns, keeping one hand on Laudna’s waist, to find one of the crewmen shifting from one bony foot to the other.
“Beggin’ your pardon, ma’am.” And Imogen knows that bones can’t blush, but she can almost see it anyway, nerves working themselves out through shifting hip bones and twitching phalanges, a clenching mandible. “Would you mind if I cut in?”
Flaming blue eyes dart to Laudna and Imogen smiles, feeling fond and strangely kin to the skeleton, grateful to be surrounded by souls who see Laudna a little more like she does, who can appreciate the particular beauty of a wilting flower that refuses to give up its spot in the sun.
She raises a brow at her girlfriend, who nods, rubbing a thumb over Imogen’s wrist at her waist.
“Not at all.” She presses another kiss to Laudna’s cheek, a little too close to her mouth to be friendly, and Laudna shakes her head fondly even as she blushes.
No need to worry, darling. I only have eyes for you.
Imogen winks, only the smallest bit embarrassed to have been called out. Can’t blame a girl for tryin’ to make things clear. She tucks a strand of Laudna’s hair behind her ear before stepping back and gesturing to the skeleton waiting patiently beside them.
“Y’all have fun.”
The skeleton dips his skull and moves closer to Laudna. Rather beautifully tattooed waves circle down his radii and ulna, which move hesitantly toward her hand and waist, and Imogen thinks that maybe Kyle isn’t the only sensitive soul on the Crimson Abyss. She hears an enthusiastic, “Hello, there! I’m Laudna,” and smiles as she steps out of the crowd for some quiet.
Laudna finds her leaned against the railing, staring into the fog. She braces her forearms next to Imogen’s, pressing their hips together as she says, “Platinum for your thoughts?”
At Imogen’s raised brow she grins and waves a hand, “They’re clearly worth more than a copper, darling, although we might have to come up with some sort of payment plan if you intend to collect. We could resurrect some of the old shows with Pâté and Sashimi, maybe? Or, I have a few craft project ideas…”
Imogen gives a cursory glance to the crowd near them and then puts a hand on Laudna’s jaw and turns her, leaning up for a kiss.
“You can have ‘em for free, darlin’.” Laudna leans down and kisses her again, lips cool and, thrillingly, a little bit familiar now. “You can have whatever you want from me.”
She means it as a tease, even if she’s absolutely serious, but Laudna’s face changes, brow furrowing as she traces her nails up Imogen’s cheek, brings her fingers down to rest against her nape.
“Yes,” she says, quieter. “About that.”
And Imogen knows, braces, waits. Laudna’s eyes, dark and appraising, meet hers. “Your soul is too precious to risk.” It’s definitive, the usual joyful rhythm of her words traded for a series of hard stops.
“So is yours.”
Laudna blinks. And Imogen understands that even now, even after…after, Laudna can’t quite believe what she means to them, what she means to Imogen, but if this is what helps her to understand, then Imogen is more than willing to give it.
She waits patiently, but when Laudna seems unable to find her words, looking down at the railing of the ship and biting her lip, Imogen says, “I know she’s in there with you, and you know I support you doin’…whatever it is you want to do about that. It’s your mind and your body and your soul, Laud. I would never, ever try to take any choice away from you.”
She risks tilting Laudna’s chin up with her pointer finger, a gentle pressure that leads Laudna’s eyes back to hers.
“But I need you to understand how important you are to me. To us. I had to live without you once, and…” She clears her throat as a cry comes from the crowd behind them, the music changing and Chetney yelling something she can’t quite make out. Laudna presses closer to her.
She shakes her head and takes a deep breath. “I don’t intend on doin’ that again, unless you ask me to.” Laudna shakes her head vehemently, nearly dislodging her rock chisel, and Imogen smiles at her. “But even more than that, it’s…you bring so much good to the world, Laudna. You. As you.” She gestures at the garland and tilts her head back to the crowd. “You bring so much joy.”
“That’s kind of you, darling,” she murmurs, ducking her head again, “but joy isn’t power. I don’t have much of that, without her, but you…you do, Imogen. You’re important. Too important to risk.”
She doesn’t sigh, not out loud, but inside she wants to scream. She wants to give Laudna her soul, to dive into her and destroy the bitch who has spent so long torturing the best person Imogen has ever known.
“There is nothing too important to me to risk for you.” A disgruntled noise, but Imogen pushes on, determined. “Think of what you’d give me for me, Laud.” There’s a tiny drop of ichor at the corner of her eye when she looks up, and Imogen catches it with her thumb as it falls. “You have to know I’d give the same for you. You don’t have to understand why, but…you believe me, right?”
Laudna bites her lip again, and ichor wells there too, the skin split with the force of her incisor. It’ll heal, Imogen knows, but she has to stop herself from tutting, settles for freeing the lip with the same thumb already stained black. Laudna watches as Imogen sucks reflexively on her thumb before bringing it back to Laudna’s cheek.
Finally, she nods. “I believe you. Of course, I believe you.”
Imogen nods back at her, says softly, “Good. Then you know, when I said you could suck out some of my soul, I wasn’t offerin’ anythin’ that ain’t already yours.”
Laudna sucks in a breath and Imogen kisses her and kisses her until another cry rises from the crowd and they break apart, breathing slightly heavier.
It’s a lot, all of it. Too much, always too much, to have to carry, even if it is easier between them. But as the music strikes up again, another new tune, Imogen wants to take advantage of the chance to do something a little bit normal and dance with her girlfriend. And if it’s in the most abnormal of circumstances—on a ghost pirate ship with music blasting from their sentient robit friend while bone garland swings from above—then that’s okay. That’s perfectly them.
“And anyway, didn’t you say it was kinda hot? The thought of suckin’ out my soul?”
Laudna barks out a laugh and purples, hand moving to her own cheek.
She gives her best roguish grin and winks, grabbing Laudna’s hand.
“Dance with me?”
Their friends are in a circle when they return, Chetney throwing his body against the ground in a strange approximation of a worm as the others clap, and Laudna leans into Imogen as they settle between Orym and Ashton to watch, cheering him on.
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kanmom51 · 9 months
Jikook - what we see is what we get
When we get to see it.
Not seeing it doesn't mean it's not there though.
Was sitting today BTS songs just playing in the background while I'm working on my post. All this shit just happening around us, around JK and JM (yes, JM is part of it, he's also affected by it all), and The truth untold comes up.
This version:
One of, if not their best performance imo. The emotion just pouring out of them.
This song. It kills me every single time. Brings me to tears every single time. JM turned away from JK singing "and I still want you" in every performance. Well, other than their last 3 in Seoul, changed by them, performed by them, ending facing each other JM singing "but I still want you". Defiant.
All about the need to wear that mask to hide your true self for fear you might not be loved for who you truly are, that you might be seen as ugly, a monster. And the two of them, changing the staging, turning to each other, looking into each other's eyes, while changing the "and" to "but I still want you"... do people understand this? The enormity of this moment?
And then this song comes up, this performance:
This was on day 2, while on day 3 we had this:
Omg, my YT logarithm is trying to kill me today.
And got me thinking about this moment we got on day 3 as well.
This love, people, this chemistry, us not seeing it as often for the lack of BTS ot7 content doesn't mean is gone. It's very much still there. We just aren't as lucky to be able to see them in that one frame as often or even at all. But when we do, there is no denying it. Even if it's for the shortest of moments.
We saw it in 2020 (have people forgot memories 2020 for god sake?)
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We saw it in 2021
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So much more, so little image allowance... But you can find it all in my masterlist.
We saw it throughout 2022 in their Seoul and LV PTD concerts.
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And in JITB even if briefly,
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And in Busan and Run BTS episodes.
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And we even got a little touch of it in 2023, when there was no way of keeping them out of the frame, like in Jhope's enlistment BTB, D-Day in Seoul and even when not being in one frame, in those lives we got to enjoy when the one joined the other in their comments and even without the other even making that kind of appearance.
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Letter, goddamnit.
Oh and then we had JM literally flying across the world to be with JK for his Solo debut (if only GMA concert wasn't cancelled, damn it), and them dipping off for their 4 day private trip in CT.
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It's sad how short people's memories are. Really. I am reading all sorts of fanfictions being put forward as "this is what happened with Jikook over the years", stating facts that are not facts, creating non existent drama, because people love the drama.
This is a loving couple in a long term relationship. You know, that boring kind. The stable, loving, filled with respect and no drama. The one where one supports their partner when they are struggling. One where just being with each other is fulfilling (cough JK coming to JM's room in LA just to be with him in the same room for hours cough).
Funny how people are talking about them breaking up 2020-21 during the pandemic when JK literally had a slip of the tongue spilling the beans they live together, they are one household, in Run BTS episode 142 they were each gifted a knife. JK all proud and piping up "we got 2"...
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JM just sitting there all quiet, smirk on his face.
Stories about breakups. Stories about sexually experimenting but no actual emotional commitment. All while ignoring the constants. Those things that are just there, all the time, whenever we do get to see them:
That electrical chemistry between those two.
The way they look at each other constant over the years.
The way they talk to each other constant over the years.
The way they touch each other constant over the years.
The way they talk about each other.
The way their interactions are so different from the others or their own with the others.
The way the others are around them, their reaction to Jikook.
All still there!!!
I wrote this post yesterday before JK's Radiohead appearance and his TikTok post-delete.
I guess now would be a good time to repeat what the wise @ourwinterspring (yes, I'm mentioning you again, lol) once said (well a couple of days ago, that is):
Rumors are created by haters
accepted by fools
and spread by idiots
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mellowwillowy · 6 months
Alright, let's get this straight. You are praying for the Great Seven, or whatever it is in this TWISTED wonderland, to be transferred away from Pomefiore! (Pure crack content with a lil bit of yan spice~)
No, it's not fun having to do these damn skincare, especially with Vil around you, ready to reprimand you for slacking off! Posture check, outfit check, hairstyle check, fragrance check, dialect check! Rook is sure as hell happy to assist Vil in checking on you! He really should have just let Azul and Kalim fight about who gets to keep you in their dorm.
It feels like Vil is just living beneath your skin like the beautiful parasite he is now, so by all might after punching Crowley right in the guts, he hands you a phone. Well, technically, he's only lending you his spare phone, stingy.
"Aren't I very kin-" Another punch right on his jaw because his beak ass mask will hurt your fist.
Alright, an admission for NRC's dorm, this is it. This is your one and only chance to actually make Crowley agree to transfer you to another dorm.
He sure took his sweet ass time in introducing everything in that stupid voice of his but here comes the moment of truth! Just tap the screen and pray for the best. It's a 1/7 odd and you sure as hell wish you won't be transferred to Heartslabyul. Riddle's name alone is enough to make you think Vil might actually be a better choice here.
Savanaclaw sounds peaceful enough, Leona got that lil Ruggie around after all. Ignihyde is great, you can just be the little introverted ass you are and send some game invitations to Idia and Ortho every now and then.
But of course, Octavinelle is a great option to start. You have a high affinity with those sea mafia and you just have to be careful not getting tricked by their scheming nature.
Scarabia? Great. You got Kalim. He will spoil you rotten and squeal in joy the moment he knows you are transferring. You are not sure about Jamil though, seeing how he has to take care of 2 babies now but he will manage.
Last but not least, Diasomnia. While you do have a great relationship with Malleus and co, Lilia is the real highlight here. You get a friend whom you can actually drag into a fistfight like the good ol'days Lilia misses (does he?). You two are old old, it'll be nice being able to vibe with him more in pulling stunts plus your life there will be made easy by Lilia and Malleus.
So COME NOW! Do not shoot me into Hearslabyul by all means!
A hand takes away your phone before you can see the 2D character appears on the screen. You know damn well which dorm's uniform this is because well, you are wearing it right now.
""I am Pomefiore's dorm leader, Vil Schoenheit."" Uh-oh, not only are you shitting yourself over the 1/7 odd, why are you hearing double? (This really happened. I got Vil's despite trying to transfer them away in my first go.)
""Are you the new student?"" By all means, yes. Ignorance is bliss.
""Hmm? Well, you may have been sorted into Pomefiore in the first one go."" Oh great Seven, in TWO go. Don't look up, don't look up.
""But, you are still very naive."" You admit it, you are naive enough to not include Pomefiore in the 'Do not shoot me into Heartslabyul and Pomefiore by all means!'
Like the brat you are, you close your face with both hands and look up, "Oh my, housewarden Schoenheit, what are you doing here?" If you can't see him, he can't see you.
Well, that is until Rook pulls both your hands away from your face, "My, my, mon chèri, you shouldn't hide your beautiful face from us, do never shy your beauty away as you exist to enchant everyone."
Now you see Vil's feature being graced with a smile yet you can feel just how threatening his aura is right now. You are in a BIG trouble. Not only did the Great Seven grace your prayer of not getting transferred to Heartslabyul, but they also grace you back in this stupid 1/7 odd!
"Let's have a pleasant chat about this, shall we?" And with that, Vil drags you by the collar of your uniform like a stray cat you are, ready to be starved and drenched in cold water.
"Don't worry, I'll share my dinner with you later~" "Really-" "Rook, no."
PS: Turns out the person who alarmed Vil was Rook himself because well, he sees everything that you are doing, whether creepily or thoughtfully? Who knows~ Now you'll just have to hear Vil lecture you again.
PS 2: Epel thoughtfully shared 1/3 of his dinner in exchange for you teaching him how to fight bare-handed like a Savanaclaw.
Reference to the said event
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animatorweirdo · 9 months
Imagine Beleg comforting you
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(I wanted to write this for @doodle-pops 's underrated character event. This was the best I got in the comfort section because I had only angsty ideas after reading The Children Of Hurin. It was a real rollercoaster that one. )
Warnings: getting lost, a bit of family angst, comfort.
- It was by strange luck you had somehow managed to get through Melian’s girdle and get lost in the woods of Doriath. You didn’t even realize you had passed something magical. You just walked deeper into the woods and then realized you were terribly lost as the forest only seemed to continue and continue. 
- You nearly got desperate trying to find your way out, especially when the night was coming and creatures of the night were awaking. Nothing good ever came at night, but luckily, you were found by Beleg, one of Doriath’s march wardens. 
- He was surprised after finding you inside his kin’s woods without even them noticing you, but he was no less willing to help you, especially after learning you were only trying to find some herbs and got lost. 
- Beleg was rather easygoing and helpful, nothing you imagined an elven march warden to be, but you were grateful and seemed to click immediately, conversing about things and making funny jokes. He helped you find the herbs you needed before escorting you back to the borders back to your hometown. 
- You grew to like his company and didn’t want it to be a one-time encounter. You hoped to see him again, but since he likely had better things to do, you kept quiet and thanked him for his help before bidding farewell when it was time for you to return home before your family got worried.
- A few days passed, and you arrived at your usual spot where you liked to read in peace without your family bothering you. You enjoyed listening to the sounds of nature, and your spot offered a nice view of the surroundings. 
- You had nearly forgotten the incident inside Doriath’s borders but you still missed Beleg and his calming presence. The thought of purposely getting lost again just to see him crossed your mind, but you didn’t want to bother him and possibly make him annoyed with you. It was perhaps better just to forget the elf and move on with your life. 
- Well, you didn’t have to think about it too long– because after reading a few pages of your book. You were startled by someone commenting on the story and leaning against the tree right beside you, and that certain someone was Beleg himself. 
- His appearance confused you, and the elf was only amused by your surprised reaction. 
- Beleg told you he came to check if you had gotten lost again and then found you reading and decided to join in. You were happy to see him and slightly offended by his remark. You were not that bad in directions. 
- He complimented your taste in stories because he enjoyed reading the book with you, and then strangely, you just started spending time from there, talking and reading books you sometimes brought with you. 
- He was fun company, and you enjoyed listening to the stories about his kin and the forest he lived in. Menegroth and its forest sounded magical. You nearly wished to see it one day. 
- He sometimes even brought books you might enjoy in the common language since you were not familiar with his people’s language. 
- His free-spirited nature was so infectious that you sometimes wandered through the woods with him, discovering plants and animals you had not seen before. You began to enjoy his company more every day, and he gave good advice when times seemed rough and you felt down. 
- You valued the friendship you shared with him, and honestly speaking, you don’t think you have ever felt so heard and valued by anyone else, not even with your family. You love them, but sometimes it feels like they brush you off more and leave your feelings invalid whenever an argument is born. 
- Like this incident. You did not want to bother Beleg with your familial drama, but you were feeling so down after the argument with your family that you needed someone else’s company, so you wandered to your usual meeting spot and found him there. 
“Morning, (Name)! How are you feeling on this wonderful morning?” Beleg greeted with that usual grin of his. You nearly felt better, but the heavy thoughts in your mind only made you utter a greeting in return as you stopped beside the tree. 
Beleg seemed to sense something was going on as his grin dropped, and he looked at you with concern. “(Name)? Is everything alright? You seem… like you have a dark cloud over your head,” he questioned. 
You unintentionally choked and released a tear. “Sorry! It’s just…” You dried off the tear and tried to control yourself. “... I’m just having a bad day,” 
“Well, it seems it's more than just a bad day,” Beleg uttered as he carefully observed you and your body language. He was now more concerned and could sense you were holding in deep emotions and not the good kind. “Tell me, my friend. What happened? Did something terrible happen to you or anyone you know?” he asked as he gently laid his hand on your back. 
You struggled to hold in your tears, but they forcefully came out, and choked gasps escaped your mouth. “No! It’s… “You rubbed your eyes, but they still watered with painful hot tears. “I had an argument with my family, and nothing good was said,” you confessed. “I feel so empty… and like – nothing I do matters,” Beleg’s eyes dropped with sympathy as he comfortably rubbed your back. 
“I don’t believe that. You had done quite a lot of things that mattered,” Beleg said. “It doesn’t really feel like it, especially to my family,” you said. 
Beleg was quiet for a moment before wrapping his arms around you and bringing you in a gentle hug. You were surprised for a moment before wrapping your arms around him and weeping out all the tears you tried to hold in. Beleg gently stroked your hair as you cried against his chest, nearly feeling his own tears form in his eyes. 
“It’s okay to cry for not all tears are evil,” he said as he continued stroking your hair. “What you might not see in yourself, others see in you. You do matter. To others and to me…” he held you as you two stood beneath the tree.
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taybatwo2 · 7 months
Monster High Skullector Nightmare Before Christmas Review Part 2 of 2
In my last review, I covered the box and most of Sally’s doll, until I ran out of pictures. In this one, I’ll cover Sally’s sculpt and all of Jack.
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She has really cute and tiny ears hiding under her soft hair. I feel like most Skullectors’ face molds’ prior use are quickly found by the fandom, but I did not see much for Sally’s head mold, except for a Reddit thread pointing out that she probably used a modified version of the Bee CAM girl (the head does have a 2022 copyright on it).
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I can see it, but if so, it was really modified. Bee CAM has a pointier chin, but does have the narrower/pointy nose, similar curving cheeks, and small puckered lips -they’re just over painted on her doll).
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If they did use the Bee CAM as a base, they would have had her nose looks better defined, her chin shaved down, her lips look more inline with each other, and she received tiny round ears when/if they did use this sculpt.
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They look juuuuust different enough that she might have a new sculpt or someone else’s. Does anyone else think she might resemble another character? I really should take some acetone to clean off those shiny spots on my Bee CAM’s forehead.
Okay, now for the main dish: JACK the Pump-kin KING
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More under the cut:
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He is seriously SO CUTE! I love his round vinyl head, his sculpted in mouth, his upturned nose, his subtle brow ridges, and blacked out eyes (thank GOD they did not genderswap him and make him look like someone doing a cosplay of Jack- like I have seen some AWESOME artwork of a more “Monster High” Jack and I think they are all playing it too safe or off model for it to be Jack). I mean these were all background characters for G1 Monster High:
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He looks like another version of Eyera and would fit right into the Monster High universe in my opinion.
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Okay, let’s get a close up of his shoes. They are very intricate (perfectly Monster High, and have the Spiral Hill as the heel and a teeny tiny skullete on the front of his shoes). His outfit is, unfortunately, just the two pieces and that printed, thin, satin fabric (probably to cut costs on Jack’s new head and body sculpt).
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Here is his jacket. I like the print of his jacket. It is just different enough from his original movie look without looking garish.
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Yup, one piece. I can understand attaching his pants and shirt together (so his pants don’t fall down…although some spiffy Pumpkin King Suspenders would have looked cool too), but it would have been nice if the vest was removable.
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Hexiciah has three separate pieces…..and his set was cheaper than this set (but I suppose they need to charge more for the license….does anyone else wish they’d make older characters that were never turned into dolls again???). The shirt has real metal buttons on it though. Also, his vest reminds me of his prequel version in the graphic novel: Battle for the Pumpkin King:
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Jack compared to other Monster High Manster body types (minus G3 and Finnegan). But, this comparison is a bit unfair…..Frankenstein’s Monster has lifts, and Jack is wearing heels…
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Hexiciah is towering over all of them. He is actually about the same height as the buffer manster body and the default G1 body. He fits right on in. He’s also very fun to pose, but his elbow joints are bit stiff and (I’m going to assume) delicate. They also come off fairly easily.
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His stand is taller than most of the Monster High characters (even Hexiciah’s) because his little stand needs to sit up higher in his ribs to hold him. His clip is also the exact same as Sally’s.
With Jack’s rectangle plastic piece under his clothing, it was hard for the stand clip to grip him, so I just tossed it for the rest of the review. No regrets.
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Jack and the other skeleton girls: Skelita and her almost trial run: Skeleton CAM (and Skelita’s Re-Ment dog).
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His three fingers versus Skelita and CAM (the same mold). The thumbs look pretty similar besides the size. I might paint the joints of his fingers black, but otherwise, they look great.
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A close up of his tiny, but VERY detailed feet (I assume they wanted them about the same size so his pants go on easier).
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Skelita’s feet dwarfs his.
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His leg bones are fused together like Skelita’s, while his arm bones are separated like Skeleton CAM’s.
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A comparison of Jack’s and Skelita’s back (Skelton CAM just has a regular one). I like how they still simplified his neck to resemble his simplified vertebrae seen in the film. His sculpting is JUST SO GOOD!!
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This set is near perfect to me. I adore it and I really wish that Mattel made it easier for everyone to get one that wanted one.
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squerunit · 4 months
Not to bring the mood down with my sparse appearance but my friends and I learned about fanworks next of kin recently (if you never heard of it, here's AO3's explanation of the terms) and it was quite challenging to figure out essentially what you want to be done with your stuff in the future you can barely imagine. So many considerations!
Like like, the you of today might not mind having all your works orphaned after your death but maybe, just maybe in 15, 20 years you're still alive and suddenly the thought is no longer so welcoming and like how do you even tell your next of kin about the change? What stuff do they gotta keep track, if you even inform them beforehand?? (cause apparently you can appoint them as your next of kin without informing! fun! pleasant surprise for the family!!!)
Anyway me and the peeps talked about it and we come up with 15 questions, very generic points that should cover most of the basic stuff you want your next of kin to do in the unfortunate circumstances, and I'm sharing them here just in case it can help :3c
Basic Questions (if yes, elaborate if it apply to all works or just some of the fics)
Delete fics?
Orphan fics?
Lock/private fics?
Allow fics to be included in collections?
Allow people to comment?
Allow accounts/pseuds to receive gifts?
Allow people to make remixes of fics?
Allow people to make stuff based on the fic? (art, audio, fodfics, etc)
For fics with multiple Author, do you allow them to continue the fic? How do you wish for this fic to be treated? (Refer to the first 8 questions)
Would you like for your draft to be posted?
Would you like for your anon fics to be revealed?
Would you like for the uncompleted works to be marked as complete? 
Do you want this account to keep subscription to other works/authors?
Turn off email notifications for kudos/comments/etc?
Do you want your next-fic-kin to make an update/post about the situation on your page?
Like I said, they're basic-ass questions, but we think they get the job done enough for our friend group's needs. Feel free to modify it however you wish! And I hope it helps even a little bit :'D
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randompolykin · 1 day
Going to talk about my specific angel, fallen angel and demon kin experiences. I have been meaning to do so for a bit now, as I do feel a bit distant from others because of not relating to a lot of common experiences. Or at least not without thought or with triggering specific parts (feelings? Idk what word to use) of me. Kay here I go...
My actual angel kintype isn't that angelic or devine or holly. I never really fitted in with the other angels in my circle. Being a seraphim, I was the definition of devine and holly and an above being. But I didn't really feel like that. There was this disconnect from me and the other angels that was always apparent. I was always 9 feet below them at an slanted angle. They were holly, and I was trying. They felt angelic, and I felt like a stupid idiot who was formed broken and wasn't able to know what I was doing. But I was good at being...idk if divine (bro I've been calling it devine for a bit lol) is the right word, but it's closet, I could stare at the "lucky" human that got to meet God in the same way the othera did (most of the time, at least) so i wasn't all bad at my purpose. My flame just couldn't burn bright all the time, and well...usually was as dim as a candle soon to go out. But I never did. I never went out. By this a mean fell, I never fell. At least not with this kintype/past life.
So, I often have a hard time relating to angelkin posts about how: they want to be worshiped as the divine holly angelic being they are, or how they miss heaven. (I don't miss heaven. Well...nah. I would not go back there. Clouds are too suffocating, angels too...better than me? Distant? The English language usually fails me :(
I do miss sleeping on my corners of the cloud dome and going out for a fly, staring at the big open sky, taking all that vast freedom in before I go back to my cloud prison aka heaven.
At least that's the past of heaven I was mostly trapped in, there were other parts of heaven, I was stuck in the most closed off part. The part where God himself was.
It was a dome of clouds, what can I say. Something was wrong with me, the others didn't feel trapped, they didn't really feel as many (or at least not in the same way) emotions as I? Or something, look, I was distant from them, I have no idea what was going on in their metaphorical brains.
Anyway love to all the other angels of tumblr. I honestly appreciate you so much and I hope you know your angelic light is shining throughout your blog, trust me, it's clearly there.
I just...have a little bit of trouble relating to y'all sometimes. But please don't feel bad about this! It's not your fault.
Now, when it comes to my seraphim kintype I didn't fall, but don't feel the same angelic holiness to me that other angels wish othera could see on them. Maybe I have a bit of angelic light to me too, but past life trauma go burrrrrrr? I'm not this light little holly being, or this divine angelic being to be worshiped to, I was a coffee with to much milk and sugar in it colored winged sad looking little eye ball that needed to cuddle up with someone they could actually feel safe with and accepted and understood, not feel like some burdon and just cry it's eye out, or the color of rust, and trying to be a holly divine being to be worshiped, but doesn't really actually want to, worshiped is a foreign concept please chill little human dude. I might be wiser than you but don't get on your knees and pray, please. It makes me uncomfortable. So yeah... I am pretty off from alot of you, but still an angel.
I guess
When it comes to my fallen angel-demon kintype, honestly sometimes I use the angel part of it, aka who I was in the beginning, before I started to fall, as a way to relate to angelkins, using my demon kintype to better relate to angelkin then my angel kintype often can (technically speaking). Because the angel I was, was a fluffy white winged humanoid angel that had a fun time in heaven and lived humans and could travel down to earth and did not see heaven as a boring suffocating dome of clouds, but as a open spaces platform of clouds covered in beautiful vines with heartstring (isn't that the name of that one instrument or did i get it wrong?) that angels can play as they pleased. It was wonderful. THIS is the heaven I miss. But not the one tied to the kintype I call angelkin. Of coarse, I ended up falling, specifically into depression, then insanity, and for a time chilled as a fallen angel scaring, welcoming (phycologically torturing?) souls in what seems to be purgatory. (It was a dark colored place with black fog on the sky and blood red leaves on the trees, and for a while, it was my home.) but somehow sometimes, I left and became a full-fledged demon. (In purgatory I had black feathered wings among other features, but now I had orange scales and oranges claws and cartoonist of I may say, horns and tail and small light orange back like wings, I was a demon now. I only spent a bit of time in hell, here and there, it was cool I guess, but earth was still my favorite, I lived in earth by then, in a room somewhere in a house that I probably shared with some other creatures, cryptids, undeads, fellow demons, etc or maybe some humans, icr. The room was light brown colored, and I didn't add much to it, there was just a bed in the middle. But it was my bed.
Anyway, my experience is a bit different from alot of what I see in these tags, so I felt like finally sharing.
Because I'm not some sinner to be taken back to heaven and forgiven by the lovely God, or taken in by another being to worship, but the fallen angelkin lable is the most relatable seemingly tag for my experiences.
But not really.
Your all amazing beings and I hope you get what you need. You deserve to worship or be worshiped, to be seen as divine, angelic, holly, chaotic, cunning, demonic, etc, etc... and you are to me, and the rest of us in these tags.
But...i don't know how much of me is, and that's okay, and I will keep floating around in these tags.
Thank you some much for reading all this!
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ask-de-writer · 9 months
(Part 57 of ?)  
18+ readers only  (sex scenes)
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to MLP Fan Fiction
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Making Fiends and Influencing Ponies
An Anthro *Tail* of the Mane Six
Part 57 of ? (Work in Progress)
De Writer
63566 words (story in progress)
© 2022 by Glen Ten-Eyck
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on   or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
This story is age restricted to 18+
years or older!
Users  of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original  characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the start HERE
Kin, shuddering slightly at the memory of some of the things that ancient sorcerers had made her do, did not want to be there as a part of the sentencing. That the defendants richly deserved what was going to happen in no way lessened the fact that these were calculated sentences. And that would bring her pain from those ancient memories.
Luna, picking up on Kin's upset kindly offered, “Kin, dear, I do believe that we have all that we will need of your services. Why don't you go back to the Carousel? I am sure that Rarity will be happy to see you.”
Kin managed a very good courtly bow and offered, “I will take the Pink Tornado with me. It needs only eyes to see that more butterscotch, chocolate mint and cherry treats are going to be needed.”
She corralled Pinkie Pie and they went out to haul away the now empty snack cart.
Pinkie offered sympathetically, “What has you so upset, Kin? None of the rest of the trials and all bothered you. Something set you off.”
Kin shook her head sadly, “Old memories, Pinkie. You know what I am. My guess is that you don't really grasp how old I am or what I had to do, mostly when I was younger.”
Pinkie nodded, “You got ordered to do some really bad things, um? Kinda sorted that out a long time ago, my mare. Thing is, you are not evil. The poopy heads who made you do things were the evil ones. If you were evil, you wouldn't feel bad about things you had to do centuries ago.”
Kin impulsively hugged Pinkie as she agreed, “Thanks for seeing that, Pinkie! It was the calculated nature of setting the punishments that got to me. It was really nothing like the calculated evil of the old sorcerers but it triggered those old memories.”
Pinkie looked up from the comfort of Kin's arms and nodded, “I can see that. It might be more like old times when the Ducal Council gets their tails nailed to the wall in some deep dark dungeon!”
Seriously Kin replied, “I don't think that would bother me at all, Pinkie. From the goodness that I have experienced from the Princesses, anypony trying to take them down out of greed or power lust really makes me angry.”
Pinkie nodded slowly as she through that idea. “I can really see that one, Kin, my mare. It's not that far off from what I feel for them.”
They were already at the Carousel's front door with its beautifully glowing phoenixes rising from flames. Rarity opened the front door and snickered, “Too late, Pinkie! Put away that jimmy now and come in the front like a proper shoplifter!”
Pinkie was giggling as she re stowed her prized burglar's jimmy. “Darn! I wanted to use the window again because what happened last time was so much fun!”
Rarity gave a slightly closed eye grin as she assured Pinkie, “Never fear, our cuddlesome mare. We can manage more fun than mere catching a burglar, though that was a delightful catch!”
As they went in, Rarity's eyes were taken once again by the beautiful softly glowing door glass. She paused and wrapped her arms around Kin, incidentally entrapping a shorter pink mare between them as she murmured, “Thank you so much for this amazing pane, my treasure.”
She gently shut the door and led the two of them on into the back room. “Minty left because we got all the costumes that you had listed done. She really is an excellent seamstress.”
Kin took notice of some costumes laid out on Rarity's work table. “I don't recall any Saddle Arabian harem dance numbers, my Dear.”
Rarity chuckled as she snorted, “That's because there aren't any, my lovely Fiend. Those are for us. I thought that we could do a little costume play. And yes, Pinkie, I did think that you would be along, so there is one for you too. In fact, I made up two complete sets of these dance outfits.”
Pinkie chuckled, “Oh, we can trade off outfits! There's only one fly in the ointment that I can see. I don't know anything about Saddle Arabian dancing!”
Rarity was saying, “My sweet innocent Pinkie, these are not really about DANCING except for, um, back danc . . .”
When Kin interrupted, “I do know Saddle Arabian harem dancing! Equestria is not the only place on this world that practiced raising my kind.” She shuddered slightly as she spoke.
Pinkie instantly pulled her into a close and comforting hug. “Never forget, Kin, it was the sorcerers who were evil, not you. But if you learned some dynamite dances, at least that part of it was not merely good, but great! I always wanted to learn that!”
Kin smiled and ruffled Pinkie's mane. “You are right, Pinkie, and I would love to teach you and Rarity both. One thing needs to tended to first, though.”
Head cocked, ears forward with curiosity, Pinkie simply asked, “Oh?”
Kin gave her a perfectly lewd grin as she replied, “Both Rarity and I have full boobs and need to be milked! I will bet that you would enjoy doing that, wouldn't you?”
Pinkie made a production of staring from Rarity to Kin, eyes focused exactly at tit level! “You got that right, my mare! Only one question. What will we do with it all? Between the two of you, there must be a half gallon waiting to hit the milking pail!”
Rarity gently felt up her own bosom and commented thoughtfully, “You know, Kin, she could be right. Let the cream settle to the top while we play and make it into whipped cream to go on top of some cold coffee and as a topper to some ice cream that we make out of the rest? Maybe banana split sundaes?”
Pinkie piped up, “You two are singing my song! Where is that bucket?”
Laughing, they got out a clean and shiny small pail and a leather strap to support it. Rarity, licking her lips in anticipation declared, “My shop! Me first!”
She leaned forward, hands on knees, and tail up! That let the bucket hang down on its strap just under her right boob. A few drops leaked out of her nipple into the waiting bucket with small pings! Pinkie, mischievously took time to simply fondle before starting back at Rarity's chest wall and carefully squeezing and working the alabaster breast in her hands.
While Rarity purred her pleasure, her milk shot out in steady, if pulsing, streams from her nipple. The pings and rattles of milk striking the bucket bottom were soon replaced by the light hiss of thin streams of milk striking the milk pooled in the bucket. In a surprisingly short time, that breast was empty.
As Pinkie was shifting the leather strap to move the bucket to Rarity's other breast, she looked in and exclaimed, “Holy Celestia! Did you or Kin cheat somehow? That is at least a pint in there.”
Rarity smiled softly at Pinkie and replied, “No, dear Pinks. As good as it felt to have you milking me, it never even occurred to me to cheat. That was all from my breast. Where it comes to milking, I think that you are the best.”
Pinkie, taking advantage of Rarity's bent over posture, pulled her head close and kissed her on the lips, while gently stroking the sensitive areas behind her ears. Breaking the kiss gently, she went back to her task of erotically milking her friend and sometimes lover. She luxuriated in the soft yet firm texture of the tit that she was fondling as much as milking until there was no more to be had.
Setting the bucket aside, she held Rarity at her level and both nuzzled and lick-suckled at both of her nipples. As she was letting Rarity go, with a gentle smile on her face, Kin interrupted.
“Dear One, the Pink tornado was right. I just poured your milk into our separating pitcher. You had thirty four ounces, just over a quart. From what I saw, I can't wait for her to do my boobs too!”
Pinkie hugged her close with one arm and reached up with the other to the top button of Kin's blouse. Her hand lightly floated down the front of the shirt, her fingers sort of dancing, the fabric falling away to both sides. Hugged slightly closer, a pink arm went under the loose garment and played only a second at Kin's bra backstrap.
Stepping back just a little, she reached up to the cream colored shoulders and slid both blouse sleeves and bra straps down her arms. Snuggling close, nuzzling between Kin's tits, she finished pulling away the shirt, followed by the bra straps, releasing that garment from the lovely mare before her.
Stepping further back, like an artist admiring a perfect sculpture or painting, Pinkie shook her head slightly, in wonder and let out a sigh. “I am so lucky, Kin and you too, Rarity, that I have such a poor memory. I keep forgetting how amazingly beautiful you both are, so that I get to see such gorgeous mares like it is the first time, every time!”
As she bent to be milked, Kin took Pinkie into a hug and a kiss, stroking the Pink one behind her ears! Pinkie managed to get the strap and bucket into place and begin. Like with Rarity before her, she had milk leaking into the newly emptied bucket before Pinkie could do more than merely stroke the full breast before her. As her milk flowed out under Pinkie's careful and erotic manipulations, it was apparent that Kin too was going to have more than the average mare.
Accompanied by a little heavy petting, Pinkie got the strap and bucket shifted and started in on Kin's other breast. All too soon, in Kin's opinion, the milking was done.
She pulled the willing and eager pink one into a hug and lifted up her sweater. Pinkie blocked its rise with her arms, both nuzzling and muttering, “Bra too, creamy one!”
With a slight snicker, she played at fondling Pinkie's back. Almost magically, the bra came undone! Pinkie delighting in the titilating feel of her clothes being erotically removed raised her arms enough that both garments came free.
“I hate to break this up, Kin, but we have those nifty costumes to try on.”
Gone serious, Kin offered, “Pinkie, if you want it, I can have you dancing the different Saddle Arabian dances in only a short time. There is only one problem. To make the necessary reflexes and moves work naturally, I will have to use my deep magic to alter parts of your subconscious. I won't touch your mind as such or any memories.”
Pinkie was in her arms that fast. Snuggling Kin's soft fur, she reached up and stroked down from her collar bone, between her lush breasts as she said, “I trust you, Kin. What you need to do, do it. I would love learning something new and wonderful like that.”
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Cannon call ig
Okay so I'm Mangle kin, William Afton kin (Like all versions of him like, Springtrap, Jimmy neutron (scraptrap), Glitchtrap, Peepaw/Crispy boi (Burntrap), etc), I'm also Cassidy kin and Funtime freddy kin.
I'm Looking for mainly my Toy Chica, BonBon, my kids, and anybody else.
People 18 and above are welcome just don't be too weird.
When I was Mangle I was dating Toy Chica. Sometimes we'd play pranks on the other toy animatronics and the withered animatronics. I remember sometimes we'd just scare the night guard and not actually kill them because we thought it was funny but usually we would kill them. I remember venting to my Toy Chica about how being taken apart and put back together absolutely sucked and I remember how she'd comfort me. When I was Mangle I was either non-binary or a Demi girl. (In this body I'm a trans masc demi boy). I also remember having some dog like behavior but it wasn't like I was possessed by some dog. I just had some dog like behavior. I made dog vocals (although they did sound more robotic). I remember liking to play fetch and stuff. I also liked chewing on bones.
When I was Funtime Freddy I remember talking to Bonbon about how Funtime Foxy was so full of themself and we'd play pranks on him sometimes but I remember that I didn't dislike him it was just annoying sometimes or maybe I was even a little jealous of how confident he was but other than that we were great friends with them. I remember being a trans masc demiboy. I remember how you'd desperately try to convince me that there was no nightguard and how sometimes you'd just give up when I was being to stubborn to listen (I'm sorry ;-;). I remember how it would take a day or two for you to talk to me again after I would kill the nightguard. I also remember having a very chaotic, goofy, and murderous personality and I made a lot of not very child appropriate jokes. I was very sarcastic. I'm pretty sure I was demiromantic. I might have even been ambiamorous. I remember being really self conscious but Bonbon and sometimes even funtime foxy would try to comfort me when I was in a particularly self hating mood. (That's also pretty much me in this life too I'm just not funtime fred :,( )
When I was William I remember being an abusive and just awful person to my kids (Elizabeth, Michael, And Evan). I remember how sometimes Mike would get so pissed off at me and feel like he, Evan, And Liz weren't safe in the house and he'd take them to Henry's house. He'd come back after a night or so with Evan and Liz. (I want you three to know that i am so so sorry for what I did to you. But I know that no matter how many times I apologize it will never make up for what I did to you three and the other kids I killed.)
When I was Cassidy I remember being Gabriel's sister. I remember being besties with Fritz and Charlie. I remember how me and Fritz along with the rest of the missing kids before we died we'd all hang out at each other's houses and play and stuff. I remember occasionally messing with Jeremy (The kid who haunts bonnie not one of the night guards) but it was all in good fun and I never did anything too bad. I remember when the pizzeria from fnaf 6 was burning down Charlie tried to convince me to rest my own soul and just leave William. I remember how she practically begged me. But I remember being to stubborn to listen so she just left and I was left behind with William only left with the memories of our friendship. I remember spending every moment being filled with regret for not leaving and I took it out on William.
If any of this rings a bell then just comment.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 5 months
Snow Day, Post Kikus
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♫ "If the scattered stories have connections somehow, the threads of time will be rewoven." ♫
A lucky, lucky snow day indeed. I do work a job where we get those off which is nice because I fell on the ice yesterday. Fortunately a long history of theatre and stage combat means I know how to fall. Means I could get around to this, even if it means breaking Shyarly letting me transition out. I hope y'all like tomorrow's post. Today though, we are anchored by a lovely anime Kiku face because it's been a minute. Last chance to recap & refocus as we come out of the holiday slowdown for mainline One Piece chapters. We should have a fun back half of Academy's latest soon too. Still very cool to me I can talk about Kiku the same way for both.
That quote up top, if you're familiar with One Piece you've probably been hearing the Japanese line it's a translation of. It's from the new Egghead opening. Given how we've been looking at this arc so far...feels a little like a promise y'know?
We still really just went and did that with this Kuma flashback didn't we? Ginny at God Valley opens it by showing off a sharp lady preemptively setting up a smokescreen through the snails then Kuma wraps it up through an alternate POV flashback. That was the idea for so long before we got there; Kiku's weird ending and role in Wano is ripe for that style of flashback and you could do it with Egghead via the Grand Fleet. Miss Unassuming who doesn't want a fuss about her quietly slipped away.
It's still that Rashomon angle to me, seems like the simple idea showing all these sidestories might be baiting you to ask who threads the needle was already gaining traction before the opening nudges at it. Right now you have Vivi and Bonney. Both showing something people paid attention to before their stories end on a note that kinda makes them feel more like Law/Kid. We're moving on, you have other things to do behind the main story getting into the final phase. How we now have enough known unknowns to thread another one of these cutaways through Stussy, Marco, and Drake giving his Chekov's Report to SWORD...Kiku's just grown as someone solid to do that through what's on the table in front of us. Still plays pretty nice with the initial Kishotenketsu outline too, Rashomon fits that perfectly by design. The only problem with the initial sketch is it assumed Egghead would be shorter like most of us did.
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Especially with how Vegapunk punted on the question of what happened last night in the lab. That was clever. That's still hanging. Don't forget Robonosuke came online. It'd be cute as hell if Luffy was right about only needing to know his name and someone who knew Toki well could believably know that detail without stepping on Robin's general role too much. I didn't get this nice little exchange last time to show the real meat of skipping that. But isn't it really close to say...what you could draw out of that hypothetical time to talk between Kiku & Marco? Funny thing is, you're really just a twist of fate away from Kin'emon doing the same right away in Act 1.
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Kin & Kanjuro are out for this little scene tail end of Dressrosa. They're the ones who hear the rumor about Rebecca's parentage and sorta spur the last leg of the Straw Hat story into motion from there. So they don't see this quiet side story. It's kind of interesting how the Samurai are kept away from knowing too much about Luffy's story with the Whitebeard Pirates because of Izo. Neko is probably worldly enough to just know it offhand and we already have that idea he was playing a little coy saying he was seeking out Marco. That's all on top of Kiku & Izo already being this parallel reunion turned tragic.
It's still too weird to leave all that hanging tacked onto someone who already pulls a perfect little thematic bookend about Wano's deeper darkness then constantly have Egghead play with the same ideas. If these scattered stories could be connected somehow, time would be rewoven. The time part is easy. Past to future arcs and the element of Toki as this adjacent unraveled enigma. Been thinking about the Grand Fleet too...does it just have to be serving as the cavalry at Egghead? Don't get me wrong, that's spectacle enough but don't forget we've woven their captains into these sidestories already.
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One thing I wonder about more and more is how them and like, potential with Robonosuke don't even need to be mutually exclusive. How much are they needed on Egghead? How much could they, under smart guidance, tip the scales on these side stories? Ginny wasn't a sudden precedent, the reveal just like we suggested before was that she was setting things up the whole time. Even if you wanted reinforcements Orlumbus has the bulk of your raw numbers. But like...you could spin something grander.
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What if the Fleet intervened everywhere? Circle back to Kid's story, he does get fished out because shortly after Barto showed up to make a formal apology. Law's/Koby's retreat ends up being covered by someone like Cavendish and Ideo. Sai or Leo serve as a go-between to relay a high-stakes negotiation to figure out Vivi's safe without exposing her. That's a cool idea too. And would work well with the idea Egghead's main story is a lateral move. Luffy almost went to either Blackbeard or Shanks but a game of rock-paper-scissors had him stumble into a story we've pointed out is irrelevant to the Straw Hats and their own interests. There's a lot of cool ways to spin that, but going into a new year it still feels like the best anchor to the broader story lines up with what was left unfinished on Wano.
And if nothing else, we'll always have Academy.
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snellyfish · 1 year
(duck) w. what are your thoughts on drdt ch 2 so far
I haven't seen the ttttttwo most recent videos I think, so keep in mind there's still some stuff I haven't seen yet, bc me and my bestie have been too lazy to watch them lately HAHA
2 unpopular opinions, which make me laugh because I love being passionately wrong;;
Absolutely cannot stand Teruko right now, she's pissing me off so bad it's embarrassing for everypony, but I'll get over it; I do look forward to what they end up doing with her character, but for now I await satisfying character development like a madman....... rip...... Babygirl stop being so edgy we get it. go to your corner if you must.
Unfortunately, I miraculously still love Arturo, I looove freak characters so much (no one is surprised!!) and I do genuinely think there's potential to come out of his...... err.......... What definitely reads like blatant in-character transphobia. LOL. Seeing this man doubled over in terrifying euphoria is truly all I could've ever asked for, so I can't complain.
In general, Arturo weirdly doesn't read like a character that will progressively get worse and worse until he's put down like ol yeller, I feel that he's got some sort of redemption ahead of him,, whether or not he dies afterwards or in the middle of said redemption. Maybe with an attempt to get genuinely close to J but it's rejected and heartbreaking for him, more spiraling but you feel a little bad for him somehow. Idk. Not to be delusional but I also have this idea, that I REALLY hope is somehow true despite every piece of contradicting canon information, that Arturo is transmasc too ..... because like ..... whatever.. crosses my arms.. you wouldnt get it .........
Not to Verturo on main but-- I smiled when Veronika was like "ok whatever ill just go play with Arturo then 🙄!!" I like to think it was super awkward when she did find him because he probably just infodumped about J the whole time. Veronika being like "can we talk about my day for once" GHHGFKJGHDF. LOVE WHAT VERONIKA HAS DONE THIS CHAPTER SO FAR IN GENERAL SHE'S SO SILLY SO YASS SO KIN
Ace is going fucking BATSHIT and I'm so here for it. GO GIRL BESTIE I LOVE YOUUUUUU SO MUUUCH. For the most part I generally don't care for Levi (just not my typea character ig, nothing personnel kid), so while it is a little YEESH that all of Ace's character rn seems to be driving towards Levi and their heads butting together, I am still a little intrigued by said interactions. They're like a chihuahua and a pitbull, ykno, ykno. Would not be surprised if Levi merked him but that might be too obvious of a kill so hmhmmhmhm.
Speaking of which;; they're also like waaaaaaayyyy playing up the possibility of either Whit and/or Eden dying soon. So I have a feeling they are safe...for now... maybe. Shrugs. I hope Eden gets another layer to her soon, either way, she is very sweet.... too sweet. Take that as you will.
With the tension in the air as it is now, I'm far less worried they're gonna pull another accidental blackened, since idk if anyone remembers but I was very concerned about that in the past. It's fine and fun for a first chapter, though! Gets things rolling I suppose :D Now everyone is incredibly scared and unbearably pissed off at everyone at all times, so yippee!
Fun motive, too, I think the whole secrets thing was a super fun concept in THH and I hope we get to learn everyone's secret at some point. PLEASE I BEG.
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bastet-c-haddock · 5 months
~The War is Coming (Part 2) ~
WARNING: This is a Fic centered around the main events of "Wizards". Specifically those involving the Gumm-gumms and Morgana. Also, it is narrated from a 1st person perscepctive. The narrator is my Troll named Neala. For more info on them, click the "Who's Neala? Button" at the end of this part.
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My stomach sinks at the news -It cannot be...- I say to myself, feeling somehow guilty. I had to be the one at the threshold, not the prince. Before I can offer my services, the skull crusher sends Argamon to Dwuoza to recruit the pacifist tribe hidden from human sight. Even though he's supposely a brother in arms to me and Bular, I don't trust him. He's like a youngling, vulnerable, gullible, let's just hope he's not that innocent. When the Krubera soldier exits the room, only me and Gunmar remain.
Normally, in a situation like this when the prince's arrogance might get him in trouble, I wouldn't care by letting him figure it out on his own, but given our roles were exchanged, and he might have been caught off guard by those humans, I offer a solution for the sake of the Black One's Lineage.
-My lord, wouldn't it be better to send a rescue party for the prince? We know what Arthur is capable of- I say, confident of what I've heard over the years. Exposes prisoners to daylight and shatters them, murdering anyone who's not of his kin. -I can build a small group to enter Camelot at twilight...- my lord interrrupts me, growling.
-He only wants a trophy, a victory for his broken kingdom. But he won't stand a chance!- his fury unleashed as he stands, his colossal sword at hand. -At Nightfall, we march to Camelot!- In a thunderous roar, its vibrations traveling through my legs, its invigorating! I nod, before he leaves the throne room. Now I stand alone, taking off my mask and admiring it, letting out a sigh. -War, huh?- my mind, overun by many thoughts...
What if we win?
What if Dwuoza refuses?
Would we be...all that is left?...
-Agh! Enough!- I growl, I always think too much. It would be better if I hurry, this will be a long night.
After a nap, some training and sharpening my blades. I wait for the Skull Crusher at the entrance of his kingdom, wearing the mask while I scout around.
The moment I get near the threshold, I can see the centinel, frozen in place, bound by chains. Something inside me aches, the guilt over the fallen puts a weight on my chest. To think it would've been me... It also reminds me who are we really fighting against. Arthur calls us demons, monsters, abominations, but when push comes to shove, he invades our territory, hunts us down, and kills us, while rejoicing on our demise. To me, that's a monster. One with no empathy or mercy...
Once I am beside the fallen soldier, my heart sinks. He was exposed while fighting for his life. Was caught off guard, chained and executed. No trial, why am I not surprised? The king only spreads decay wherever he goes.
-Rest now, soldier- I say, taking off my helmet to see the chains around his arms. They were still made of iron, instead of petrifying with this troll. What cruelty... -You fought bravely for The Black One's crown. And for your heroic deeds, me, Commander Neala, Gunmar's Hellhound, relief you from your suffering.- I say, as I release him from the metal chains which fall limply at his sides. The clatter of the binds hitting the ground makes me sigh, making me feel relieved somehow. A moment after, two other centinels come to drag him back to camp.
As I see the soldier leaving, I take a deep breath, knowing he'll be shattered shortly, putting an end to such a death. -May our ancestors welcome you with open arms to the Hall of Heroes- as I bow slightly, before his stone body leaves my sight.
It takes me a minute or two to shake these feelings of guilt and sadness that take over everytime I see a troll dying in such a horrid way. He was killed for the fun of it, that thought alone makes me wish I could kill Arthur with my own claws. But, with the crime scene I have on hand, I might be a step closer to doing so.
As I take the chains that bound the soldier and sniff them, I can create a scene in my mind, one which confirms what I thought from looking at their victim. The King and his men bound the centinel when he was off guard, immovilizing him and then exposing him to the sun. The fear of my ally and the lustful joy of my foe, contrasting, strong scents. But, someone is missing in this scene: Bular. So, I sniff around some more, bumping into the rock which lies a couple of feet in front of the gate. There, the scent of the Prince's Bravado takes force. And now, the image of his capture is clear.
His arrogance made him ambush the king, got the upper hand, I can tell due to the adrenaline in the air. Then, the traitors defended their liege.
The smell of Arthur's magician fills the place. Iron and the scent his spells produce, smoke. More scents come to my nose: Other wizards, a witch, the horses and Excalibur; the cursed sword the human King carries to protect from us. Bans magic, but wields that forsaken weapon...
Reeks of the fallen.
Two wizards, and two witches were there. Old steel, Merlin; lightning, his apprentice; melted gold, Morgana and a fourth, can tell is a witch, but her scent is...peculiar. Sugar, cinnamon and...citrus peelings, also...corn, but as if toasted on a grill. Spiced Corn Bread, weird but it certainly made her stand out. She doesn't belong here...
Despite the little witch's scent, I could feel the strong tang of anger in the air, close to where Morgana stood. Anger...drove by...what?
-What did you find, champion?- Gunmar stands behind me while I sniff around. As I notice him, I quickly put on the mask to answer to his question.
-Magic was used to kidnap the prince, four or five fleshbags dragged him back to Camelot. The others disbanded and continued the hunt- I answer while pointing with my claws the paths each group took. I could tell the king's men were after some others: The eldest scents, which were almost lost to the fight, were from trolls who had been among humans for way too long. -Three or more trolls ran to Dwuoza- completing my search, keeping some curious things to myself. Though two of the three trolls I sensed were somehow familiar, one stood out. Old Steel, Charcoal and blood. It confused me how those three aromas could coexist. Old Steel, Merlin; but...Charcoal, that was my king's scent; and blood, it was a stinging smell, penetrating, not that I wasn't familiar with it, but...from a Troll? Those facts had to lay dormant in my mind as I stand aside my lord, who looks at me, satisfied with the bloodhound he raised.
-I trained you well, champion. Now the hunter, becomes the prey- growling at the time he crouches on his four points, roars and runs. I follow his lead, doing the same.
The night falls upon us as we arrive to the castle...on fire. His keep, destroyed by unknown magic. I smell it, melted gold and tree's blood.
-Who destroyed Artur's keep without my orders?- my King growls at the centinels who always keep watch on it. They don't answer, but a witch does. One dressed on golden armor and green robes, pledging an alliance sealed by Bular's return and words I will never forget.
"Eternal Night"
As tempting as that sounds, my years on this Earth had taught me not to trust a human. They kill anything and anyone who's not of their kin. All nature knows their savagery and though I know she speaks the truth, my instinct tells me that this might be a trick. I step closer to my liege and prince standing between them and the witch with my blades at hand.
-Pretty words for a human- I snarl, defying her -You were there when the prince was captured, with your wizards and your king.- slowly stepping closer as she levitated down to my level, making our gazes meet. -How do we know this isn't part of Arthur's plan?- growling, not letting my blades touch the ground. My green lit eyes meeting hers. Mine, filled with rage. Her's, calm.
-Yes, I was there.- she replied, politely -Watching Arthur kill one of your own, rejoicing on his defeat by exposing him to the sun. I saw as my mentor betrayed our kind by capturing your prince. I tried countless times to stop the massacre with kindness. But the time of peace is long gone- swaying her left hand, so my gaze could catch it. At a glance, nothing was odd, until I felt the scent of jade and, something more ancient. Something I had never smelled before. A mix of volcanic stone, a freezing blizzard and the blossoms of the early spring. Life and death. How? As I picked the scent, she kept explaining. -My brother cut my own hand, all because I spoke our truth. How his hipocracy knows no bounds.-
Baffled, but not bemused, I turned once more to face her. Before I could ask, she kept on going with her speech.
- A force greater than us ushered me back, gave me the power and the goal. No more bowing our heads to the men's rule! I shall bring you the means to bring Arthur to his knees- she sounded like a preacher, one I heard eons ago while captured by humans. Same system, different motif. I don't trust her.
-Nice speech, Pendragon- I growled, about to attack her. My tail was wipping around, angrily leaving marks on the ground. -But you've got no stakes to lose. So if I must die defending my king from your pretty little lies, then so be it- Growling lower, as my tail finally slapped the ground, making me snap into action. I was ready to fight the witch, rip her to shreds...but...
-Champion!- I stop cold on my tracks, digging my hooves on the dirt below. My king's scold catching me off guard. After a second, I recover my senses, making me turn around to face him.
-My lord...- confused. Never had he stopped me from following my judgement. Once I smelled a liar, he left me to ram against them and bring them to his feet. This would've been one of those situations...except...
-The witch speaks the truth- Gunmar says, calm, but stern. -We are on the same side. So don't look for enemies where there are none.-
My anger flares up, in disbelief. -None?! She's a human!-
-The witch is one of us!- Bular interscepted, walking closer to meet me, defying me like I defied Morgana. -She created a distraction to free me and destroy Camelot by making a Troll walk in broad daylight!-
As he spoke, I froze. The memory of the odd mix of scents came back. -No troll can walk in broad daylight- I replied, anxious.
-They can- she spoke from behind me. -If they are half human...- my anxiety, turning once again into anger. That explained it!
A growl escapes my throat, targetting her from over my shoulder. -A changeling?!- my eyes gleeming with rage as that proposterous idea crossed my mind. Half human-half troll, an absolute abomination.
-They could be effective spies and second agents for our cause.- Gunmar agreed, though under his breath.
My ears couldn't fathom what I was hearing. Baffled, confused, and furious, I tighten the grasp I've got on my blades. -You...have poisoned my lord's mind with YOUR LIES!!!- I roar as loud as my rage allows me, making the trees around me tremble. My disbelief filled my reason with a sudden rush of absolute fury. This witch shouldn't be trusted! And yet! Here she still stands, creating deformed mirrors to serve "our cause". Every spike and hair in my body shaking from the anger, the defiance and the audacity of this Mother of Monsters, who made my king question my judgement. It is the last straw! Without a second thought, I launch towards the witch, attacking her. But, within a second, someone stands between us: Bular. The few ounces of respect I had for him, were slowly becoming dust. He blocked my attack, before pushing me back, making my hooves leave trails on the ground. Once I recover my footing, my eyes shot him daggers.
-Commander, there are no enemies to fight!- he growls at me, as my brows rise, once again, in disbelief. -This Witch has saved my life and attacked our enemy's keep! Don't you see?! The tides of war are changing to our favour!-
-Or dragging us to our destruction!- I roar once more, as I throw my blades, making them cut the ground and stand on their own. -Your weakness and arrogance has caused all of this. We wouldn't be facing Arthur's kin and considering such a blasphemous arrangement if it wasn't for your need to show off!- I attack him, finally speaking my mind after millennia. The comment makes him freeze, letting me know I'm right. -Don't you know I know the scent of your bravado?! It's bitter, penetrating, like meat left to rot. It is sickening...and it was all over the GATE!- My steps draw me closer to the prince, as my knuckles crack, my claws ring and my growls threaten.
Bular, trying to intimidate me, lowers his blades and puffs out his chest, pathetic! I can smell his shame, his anger slowly boiling to the surface. -You're overstepping your line, Commander-
I chuckle, showing my mouthful of sharp ivory teeth. I stand my ground, stretching to meet him almost face to face, letting him know I'm not afraid of a pampered brat -Scared you'll lose? Little Prince?-
-ENOUGH!- A loud roar shakes me, it is my king. Once more scolding me. -The witch has proven her worth, and as enemy of our enemy, she's now an asset to win over the King! So you better lower your voice, Commander. Or my blade will...- his growl making my torso shiver, even from afar. I could defy Bular and Morgana all I wanted, but if Gunmar the Black gave a command, my body was inclined to follow it. Wanting or not, he was still my king, and his orders are gospel.
So, I hushed, begrudgingly turning around. Like that, I kneel down, asking forgiveness for my acts, though I have no regret of my actions. -Yes, my king...- I say, bowing my head towards him. The anger still boils within me, but I try to persuade my body into calming down that anger. Not very effectively, but effectively enough to apologize -It won't happen again- trying not to bark those last words.
-It better not...- a disgusted whisper lefts his mouth before walking away, followed by Bular, the centinels, and Morgana. After it, I was left alone for a minute or two...
The apology I gave, was a not genuine one. And Gunmar knew it...
I just wonder how much time I have before he hunts me down...
"Who's Neala?" Button
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brooklynislandgirl · 7 months
❤️ You know I won't ever give up on the familial relationship between Tony and Beth. But feel free to throw any other kinds of ships over here.
Heart to Heart || Accepting Well OF COURSE Tony and Beth will forever be cousins. She might tease him a little, might be a little flirty in good fun, but she's vested in ensuring that he lives his best life, and is his ride-or-die. ~*~ I feel as though Henry and Beth can be a really great June/September kind of relationship, strongly based in respect, cross-culture understanding, and a rare quietude. They each have a lot to teach each other, and a lot of similarities. It could also be a deep abiding friendship, depending on what Henry would like. Beth prefers a quieter, simpler life and values nature, traditional values, and doesn't mind hard work; things that I feel might appeal to Henry. He also has a gentle sense of humour and a wide range of interests that he could pass on. She really wouldn't mind being a ~~stepmother~~ a good friend to Reb. She also doesn't mind Walt, and loves how loyal Henry is to his lifelong friend. ~*~ I can say the same about Spencer and Beth. They are both phenomenally intelligent, both experts in their fields, both have jobs that require more effort and time than anything else in their lives which makes seeing other people difficult at best. Neither of them are particularly socially adept when it comes to dating and the like. And I think Beth can nurture him, where as Spencer can keep up with her and keep her intellectually engrossed. They might also be of use to one another. Spencer might not find Beth's bi-polar disorder off-putting, and she would be more than glad to help him with his own trauma. ~*~ Eliot needs Beth in his life, in the same ways Tony does. And in others as well. Although I could also see there being an adversarial frenemy kind of tension between them {unresolved? passionate? who knows.} due to what Eliot does ~Beth tries very hard to be a pacifist~ and who Beth is. He isn't a fan of people who are that rich. Though to be fair, she's far more inclined to support materially/financially/spiritually the kind of work the Leverage group does, and could probably point clients toward them. Most of the Admiral's cronies certainly deserve what they get. And Beth would be UTTERLY grateful for any food Eliot might make her because Lord knows the child cannot cook and should never see the inside of a kitchen. ~*~ Sam Winchester. Hooo boy. Beth is everything that should give him nightmares; a 'blood' witch, though she would say that's oversimplifying, shape-shifter kin and nothing as 'nice' as a wolf, a medical professional, a woman of extraordinary means. She is, however, someone who could overlook an overbearing brother {she knows what that is like}, the angels and demons on his back, the constant travel, the constant hiding of the truth, and so on. She could provide him a stable home, a vast library of fiction, nonfiction, and grimoires, and a glimpse of life beyond the Hunt. {Shake a magick-8 ball and see where they land}. ~*~ Rebecca Standing Bear is about the same age as Beth. Some of their struggles are similar, some are so foreign that there's likely not ever going to be common ground. Then there's the clear fact that Beth and Henry keep getting closer. On the other hand, I can see Beth 'fund-raising' for legal defense, helping Reb gather evidence, working together to have a clinic for the tribe that has nothing to do with the shame and shambles that is Native health care. Beth would absolutely do everything in her power to protect Native women and children, while Riley would eventually seek work with Walt. Beth's best friend in the world, Jay Morgan, is also a lawyer, and I can see Beth interested in introducing the two women, and see what they could do as a trio of strong, independent super-folk.
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