#I feel bad Kendra’s is so short but to her it really is just some fun and games 😭
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carnivorousyandeere · 1 year ago
the student council x slasher darling idea is just.... 👌👌👌 chefs kiss
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Glad y’all like the idea so much!!
Kendra: prefers a baseball bat herself, but thinks you’re super fucking sexy no matter what weapons you lean towards… she just wants to kill with you forever and ever till death do you part~
Emerson: they could never do what you do. Emerson tears up a little at the thought of killing spiders in their room, much less killing people. And yet… when you do it, they can’t help but feel a sense of fascination that overrides their horror at the scenes you create. You’re so visceral, so raw, so real when you kill. Emerson wonders if you’d end up killing them someday— and they can’t ignore the way their heart shudders and beats a little harder at the thought of you ripping it right from their chest, holding it in those hands of yours…
Jace: reserved but volatile, Jace has come close to killing before. But he’s always been able to pull himself back from the edge until now— until you showed him the light. The light leaving your victims’ eyes, anyway. He can’t hold back now that he knows that you don’t, can’t live dishonestly anymore… if you’re going to kill, then so will he. And each creative death will be a monument to his love for you.
Rayleigh: always tried so hard to be good, to suppress her evil thoughts. She was always a little too fascinated by blood and death, the thought of taking somebody apart piece by piece until there’s nothing to put back together. It frightened her, kept her to herself. If you thought her overbearing sisters or awkwardness were the only reasons she has so few friends, well… that’s what she’d hope you’d assume. It’s not until she meets you that everything changes… and before she even realizes you’re like her, she begins to kill for you. But once she realizes you’re a killer too, her m.o. changes to mimic yours… imitation is the highest form of flattery, right?
Hailey: she could probably be The World’s Shittiest Final Girl. She could also snap and kill everyone you’ve ever known and loved. Depends on the day, on her mood, but she loves the adrenaline rush of fighting you, running from you… knowing that you might kill however many people, but the one that got away will always be her. She’ll always be in your mind, taunting you— until you finally get her. Or she gets you… tied up in her basement.
Kaylee: has the potential to become a killer herself, though “slasher” probably wouldn’t be the right classification… probably adores fucked up morality plays like SAW, and plans everything carefully in advance. Well, almost anything— Kaylee does like a good element of uncertainty and surprise now and again. And they love that about you.
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cupcakeslushie · 7 months ago
First || Prev || …
Here’s the next part of the Kendratello AU! I knew it was going to be very dialogue heavy, so I figured writing it out would be fast, but I’m so ready to be done with it that I’ve not really beta read it. So I apologize for any errors. But enjoy!
Splinter loves his sons, but these last few days have been eating away at his already shriveled and fraying nerves. Watching his children ambling around their home, for months, each in varying states of anxiety, fear, and distress, hasn’t been easy on his old heart.
They’ve been through so much, experienced more hardships than Splinter has ever wanted for them. But the latest crucible tearing his family apart was caused, not by some ancient demon, or world-ending threat—but a fiendishly smart, young woman.
One who’d kidnapped his son and replaced him with a stranger that Splinter hardly recognized.
The bitter tale is too familiar for the old movie star to painlessly swallow. It seems fate played such cruel tricks sometimes. Always seeming to strike harsher the second go around. With outcomes even more brutal and painful. His son was stolen by a hateful, sadistic woman, and kept locked away, until she was satisfied with the new toy that emerged from the shadows.
So it stands to reason how…relieved Splinter had been that one, early morning. When his three sons had pulled Purple into his bedroom, piling into his bed, nothing but wide eyes and panicked shouting; one over the other. Looking back now, he can recognize how short-sighted his quick relief had been. But in the moment, as a father, Splinter had only seen this new, strange development as a blessing.
Donatello might have been confused, and irritated with his brother’s manhandling, but Splinter could clearly see more life in those eyes than he’d witnessed in months. Splinter had shushed the rest, and spoken to Purple directly, finally getting a better grasp on what his sons were shouting about.
So, of course, relief. Because how could forgetting all those horrible, tortuous weeks in that woman’s grasp, possibly be a bad thing? By some miracle, Splinter’s boy had been returned to him. Nowhere near that frail ghost of Donatello, which Splinter would sometimes find curled up on the floor of his own lab, screaming Kendra’s name and sobbing to be returned to her care.
He had been spared all of that, like it never happened. Their family had been handed a gift, and Splinter truthfully wasn't interested in the whys of it all…
Until Michelangelo chose to contact Draxum, and words like “brain damage” and “tumor” were thrown into the mix.
An entire day of testing yielded…varying results. They were able to rule out the scariest of options. No dark shadows were seen in the X-rays of his son’s beautifully brilliant brain, and no concerning squiggles were pointed out by the Hidden City doctors who studied the fast moving waves appearing on the EEG. It was all a bunch of nonsense to Splinter, but Donatello nodded like he agreed, when he was handed the papers over to inspect himself.
Everything was normal, physically.
That left the most difficult part of the day. Getting his son to speak to a psychiatrist—seriously, and without snarking back at every possible question he would eventually be asked.
Draxum had thankfully picked a good one. Briefing her beforehand on…everything. She seemed prepared for Purple’s special brand of cynicism. The sheep yokai was apparently at the top of her field.
A tentative diagnosis of “dissociative amnesia” had been given, along with a small number of pamphlets and printouts. The doctor had informed Splinter that certain treatments might improve Donatello’s situation, but no cure had been discovered for something like this.
They would just have to take things one day at a time. And they’d been doing so well. Almost like everything was back to normal.
Splinter had become very good at ignoring that pending feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach. He smiled at his sons every day onward, like nothing was wrong. And all of them, in return, began falling back into a more comfortable ease around each other. The stress had just been starting to loosen in Red’s shoulders and jaw. Orange was giving real, honest smiles again. And Blue was no longer a shadow around corners, hiding from Purple like a bomb he was scared to set off.
But the other shoe that had been the root of Splinter’s dread, finally dropped, and the rug was pulled from under their feet once more, violently, with no warning.
Even after they’d managed to calm Donatello down. There was no negotiating the terms of his reality, and he was stubbornly convinced that the world around him was fabricated. Without caring about the consequences, he refused to be civil towards any of them, treating them all like jesters in a play, where no one had the script.
The family’s usual process for dealing with Purple’s anger–letting him cool off alone in his lab until he collected his thoughts–was unfeasible this time around.
Splinter didn’t think he could ever forget the image of his son, turning the knife he held in his hands inwards, and threatening to end his own life.
No; leaving him alone was not an option.
Which led back to Splinter’s previously mentioned frayed nerves.
Four days into this new, stressful change, and his genius son was still managing to find creative ways to sneak past their watchful eyes. Six attempts, in total. Each time, caught with seconds to spare, and just as traumatic for everyone involved.
Raphael and Michelangelo at the moment, were going through their home, removing every sharp implement they could find. Anything that could possibly be used to “put an end to the loop” that Donatello was convinced he was stuck in.
While the two performed their important task, Blue and Splinter had the harder of the two jobs; watching Purple.
Splinter was currently sitting comfortably in his chair, but it was far from his usual level of relaxation. Despite plenty of bean bags to occupy, the twins were locked in a shoving match. For some reason, they were fighting over the single, smallest one they must’ve owned.
“If you don’t get out of my personal space, I swear to Oppenheimer you will regret it, Leonardo!”
“And I swear to Ryan Renolds, that I’ll shred all of your softest hoodies if you kick me in the nuts one more time!”
“That Barbenheimer joke doesn’t even make sense, you idiot, that was Ryan Gosling!”
“Who mentioned Barbie? I’m talking about Deadpool and Wolverine!”
“What does that movie have to do with anything?!”
“Fuck dude, what did I just say about nut shots!”
“Then get out of my kicking radius, and your non-existent nuts will be safe!”
Both his sons quickly pause their arguing, giving their father their undivided attention.
“Leonardo, go help your brothers.” Splinter demands. “I will watch Purple. He has not had a moment of free time from any of you in days, and it is clearly wearing on all of us.” Blue gives his father one of his patented unimpressed stare downs.
“No offense, Pops, but how is you watching him, any different than me?”
“Because I will sit in my chair, and Purple will scroll on his phone, and there will be quiet.” Splinter can’t stand the bickering any longer. He knows both his sons will benefit from this time apart. It’s just convincing Blue of that.
Donatello’s gaze is boring holes into the back of Leonardo’s head while his second oldest son matches Splinter’s scrutiny. The rat can see the need for some fresh air battling against Blue’s desire to stay close. But Leonardo is his sharpest son, and even he can admit that his constant presence has become too grating for his brother.
“You need to watch him like a hawk, Dad,” Leo glares at his twin out of the corner of his gaze, “sometimes you can get a little…distracted.”
The new projector, playing Splinter’s same old programs, flashes against the curtain hung on the wall. The volume is set to low, but Blue still looks pointedly between his father and the screen. Splinter doesn’t blame him for his concern, so he tries to put all the gravity he can into his tone, enough that when he does promise to stay vigilant, it seems to convince Blue to place his trust in him.
Purple stays quiet through the exchange, only breathing a sigh of relief once his brother is long past the threshold of the den. He looks ready to lean back into his hard won pillows, but Splinter realizes that Blue had something of a point. Donatello is positioned quite far from him, and he’s suddenly nervous about catching something in time.
“Purple, how about you come sit with me.” Splinter suggests it kindly but firmly, and with a smile– so his son can’t refuse. He pats the bit of cushion next to his legs, “I will honor my promise to leave you alone, but I would be much more relaxed if you were within my reach.”
His boy merely blinks at him, blank faced, and staring at the very spot that Splinter has just created for him.
It isn’t as though his recliner is small, even if Splinter himself is. Donatello had custom made it for him, after one too many complaints about his old brown one hurting his back. It practically swallows Splinter, but remains just stiff enough to provide plenty of support for his lower back. He could even lay sideways and still have some space to stretch.
Splinter recalls very clear memories of all his sons fighting for a spot by his side when they were younger. But it has been some time since those days…perhaps Donatello thinks he’s far too old for such a thing as sitting by his aging father. Yoshi remembers himself at eighteen, and shudders. He’s forever thankful that no matter how lacking his parenting skills might have been, that his boys are kinder to him than he ever was to his Jiji.
Donatello pulls at some invisible thread of his black leggings. Since this new alteration of his memories, Purple has taken to wearing more layers. It’s nearing fall, but not nearly cold enough for the large sweatshirt, black leggings AND socks that his son is currently donning.
Splinter just barely hears Purple murmur a jumbled, “Huh?”
Splinter catches some sort of emotion actively being suppressed behind the bewildered shock at his offer, but it’s hard to tell what it is. Over the years Splinter is ashamed to say, he has grown very bad at reading his own children. Especially Purple, who, if he was being honest, has always been very hard to decipher.
Splinter starts to think the offer will be rejected, when Purple finally climbs to his feet and ambles slowly over. The unknown emotion skittering at the edge of Donatello’s expression morphs into something closer to suspicion. This one easy to identify, especially when it practically drips from his next words.
“Trying to endear yourself to me won’t sway me into falling for your tricks.”
The barb is said just as unkindly as everything else Purple has thrown at his family these last few days. Splinter lets it slide off him like water. He knows his son would (probably) never speak to him like that if he wasn’t stuck in such a painfully clear mode of survival and uncertainty.
“Yes, yes.” He says, untroubled. “Come sit and I can finally lean my chair back.”
Donatello watches him the entire time as he cautiously settles into his spot. He yelps when Splinter grabs his ankles and pulls his son’s long (thin, still much too thin) legs across his lap. For an instant, Splinter freezes, growing worried he’s overstepped. The act had been done without a thought. It’s the way Purple has always liked to sit, finding it more comfortable than any other way. Donatello preferred to keep his distance. A deviation from his siblings, for sure.
Michelangelo would press as close as possible, two sides smushed together like a hug, only without the constricting limbs (though, if Orange were ever to fall asleep in Splinter’s chair, those too would eventually find their way to catching him in their hold).
Leonardo preferred to sit on the arm of his chair, never staying still for long enough to find a comfortable position. But when he slumbered, after a long night of binge watching Novela’s with Splinter–he would curl up, head in his father’s lap, limbs held tight to his body. Like he was afraid even that was asking for too much.
Raphael, his poor, eldest son, hadn’t sat with him in so long. Splinter could still remember a little turtle tot in red, climbing up and splaying out onto his lap when he needed a good cry–or just a moment of peace from his much too loud siblings. Sadly, it wasn’t long before his Red was too big, and his father too small to provide such a refuge. The last time Raphael needed consoling; after the Krang, Splinter had been forced to climb up onto his own son’s knees in order to reach and wipe away his tears.
In the few rare instances of Purple seeking out physical touch, this was all he would allow. Legs stretched over his father’s lap, but his upper body was always off limits. Pulled just far enough away from the threat of any sort of long term contact.
Splinter used to wonder if Purple was scared to ask for anything more, like Leonardo, or if he thought depriving himself of a comforting hug would make him seem stronger, like Raphael, or even the rare times when Michelangelo wished to appear more mature and refused to be comforted. Eventually, Splinter caught on to the truth. His son was asking for comfort, in his own unique way. He was content with the minimal amount of closeness, as long as he felt like he was able to dictate the terms.
But one thing Purple would always allow his father to do, was loop his fingers around his ankles. Trusting the grip would hold his legs in place and keep him stable. He once said the pressure was small enough that it wasn’t overwhelming, but strong enough that it could ground him when everything became too much.
Even now, the act of reaching out to pull his son’s long legs up had been so instinctive. When Splinter looks over and sees the uncertainty still on Purple’s face, he knows he’s pushed too far too quickly.
It’s a risky move, but he’s already pushed, and it’s something that never fails, not once since he’s discovered it.
Purple has always been the most ticklish of all his brothers. Another thing that never really helped his sensory issues. But Splinter long ago discovered that there was a particular spot, which could always earn him a giggle and a brighter smile.
Splinter grips the meat of Donatello’s right knee and jiggles it back and forth. The silly action seems to do the trick and knocks something loose in his son’s overwrought head. His gamble pays off spectacularly, and Splinter is overjoyed to see a small smile erase most of the uncertainty clouding Donatello’s face. It isn’t a full peal of laughter, but the wariness makes way for something softer, and the huff of air from his nose is just as rewarding as a full body laugh.
His boy rests his shoulder and head onto the cushioned back of the chair and Splinter presses the button that will lift up the leg rest, and recline them both into a more restful position.
After a few moments of quiet, Donatello slowly pulls his phone from the pocket of his hoodie. Even without looking directly at him, Splinter can feel his son watching and waiting for the reprimand he thinks will come. Instead, Splinter raises the volume of his show just loud enough for him to hear, but not enough to completely shatter their peace. He wants to make Purple feel more at ease; like he’s not being constantly surveilled–not providing more overstimulation.
They sit like that for some time. Splinter rubs a thumb back and forth across the meatier part of Donatello's calves. He’s learned that repetitive touch is the best kind of grounding technique for Purple. The patterned motion always worked to calm his nerves.
Even still, after only so long Splinter catches Purple lowering his phone.
He keeps his own gaze forward, locked on his commercials. Splinter can see, without looking, that his son is studying him, trying to take apart something in his mind that he doesn’t understand. Splinter allows him all the time he needs to gather his thoughts.
Finally Purple speaks, “Dad…?” It’s so quiet, if Splinter hadn't been waiting for it, he might’ve missed it.
He pauses the repetitive kneading for just a moment, squeezing his hold, and humming in order to prompt his son to continue his thought.
“Can I tell you something?” The inquiry is whispered to him so delicately. It takes everything in him to keep his face open and soft and his movements steady. It’s clear that Donatello is trying his best to remain aloof, but his gaze is locked on his hands that are settled in his lap, the fingers of one pulling on the digits from his other.
At some point he must’ve put his phone completely away. Splinter feels the pressure of having Donatello's complete focus aimed at him.
The tugging intensifies. Splinter wonders if he should reach out, but he’s not sure how well that would be received. It doesn’t look painful just yet.
“I don't know what Kendra is accomplishing by showing me this.” Donatello growls, suddenly digging his palms into his eyes like he can still feel the weight of the screen blocking his vision. “Trying to make me happy, only to rip it all away from me? Or attempting to make me feel, even more like a useless burden than I was?”
It’s the first crack in his armor that Purple has shown in days. A clear sign that he was not as unaffected by Kendra’s lies as he’d been trying to project. Donatello sighs, but as it dies out Splinter thinks it sounds closer to a sob.
“You can’t tell the others…” Donatello looks at him with wet, desperate eyes, and it’s unclear if his son still doubts who he’s speaking to, but Splinter works to ease his fears all the same.
“I swear, whatever you tell me will remain between us, alone.”
Donatello nods faintly, eyes trailing downwards once more. Splinter may have had trouble before, but now the many emotions jumping across his son’s face—fear, shame, frustration, all are easy to catch.
With a shaking breath he whispers his secret. “I lied.” He’s crying now, real tears that he doesn’t even bother to wipe away. The pulling at his skin grows more violent, and Splinter finally interferes to carefully pry Donatello’s hands apart before damage is done. In place he cradles his son’s hands like delicate porcelain and runs a thumb over Donatello’s palm.
“I told everyone that I could tell. That I wasn’t being fooled, but that’s not exactly true. The last few loops have…it’s been getting harder, and harder to remember things— how they really happened. Too much is…plausible.”
Splinter keeps silent. This confession has clearly been weighing on Donatello. He deserves to get it all out, and hopefully feel lighter for it. Even if Purple suspects the family, something is letting Donatello open up enough for him to share his fears.
“There was one loop…Mikey broke…he broke the remote…When I said I didn’t have time to fix it. He threw the pieces at my head. He would never do that, though…right?”
“No, of course not,” Splinter answers immediately, quick to banish the doubt from his son’s mind. Donatello only blinks at him, like his thoughts are moving too slow, and cannot comprehend such a simple, stark contradiction to what he experienced.
“It felt so real…it all feels so real. But…I could feel how one of the sharp, broken corners had cut through my mask and how the wet fabric stuck to my skin with blood.”
Donatello raises a hand and touches the spot where the phantom wound must’ve sat. The pain now gone, but the memory of it haunts his eyes and rattles the tremors building in his hands.
“I thought…I thought I was handling this—maybe not well…But I’d hoped I would be strong enough to last until you all came for me…And now Raph is saying it’s already over.”
It’s a simplified form of the truth which they had tried to get Purple to believe, but even that much clearly doesn’t sit well with him. “If it is over, why does my body feel like one massive bruise? How did you all find me? How long did I last? Was I in there long enough to…?”
He’s clearly scared to ask Splinter any more questions, so he trails off, curling in on himself and pulling his hands up to his chest, pressing there, as if checking to make sure he feels something still beating.
Splinter decides he’s waited long enough and slowly pulls Donatello out of his hunched ball and guides his head to his own chest, making sure his ear is aligned against his own pulsing heartbeat.
Donatello resists slightly at first, but the moment he’s close enough to catch the sound, his breath catches and he glues himself to the spot.
“I don’t want to be there anymore,” Purple murmurs. It sounds like sleep is catching up with his son, the exhaustion pulling him down and slurring his words.
Splinter cups the back of Donatello’s head and carefully tug his fur lined blanket down from where it’s been sitting on the back of his chair. The blanket slots over the both of them and Donatello curls even closer to his father, tucking himself into his warmth.
“Go to sleep, when you wake up, you will be right here.” He’s sure to say it softly but with as much reassurance as possible, and Donatello seems too tired at this point to hold onto his doubts.
“Okay…,” Donatello mutters. Then, practically hanging on to the waking world for one final query hesitantly asks, “…Dad?…Do you love me?”
Splinter doesn’t even think. “Of course, my son.”
Donatello’s breathing finally evens out, and Splinter feels a few tears finally escape.
He’s not sure what next steps they should take, or what kind of state his son will be in when he wakes, but Splinter can only hope this is progress. He prays it won’t be undone…but regardless, Donatello is home. Any steps back or forward will be taken together, and that is the most important part.
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tizeline · 1 year ago
Asking some artists/writers that I follow:
What is the most recent thing you've written or drawn? Do you like to share sneak peeks of your work, or do you prefer to post finished pieces only?
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I'm currently working on a follow up on that comic I posted recently where Donnie sneaks to April's school, so here's a peek of that. Kendra also shows up in this part of the story, so I wanted to draw a reference image for her (Kendra and April are around 11-12 years old here btw)
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I took some inspiration from Angel when coming up with her outfit and hair. Fun fact, for a short while I thought Kendra WAS Rise's iteration on Angel. I watched Rise first, but I'm bad at names so I immidietly forgot that her name was Kendra, but I still remembered that she existed so when I watched the 2003 show and read the IDW comics and both of them had a girl with purple-dyed hair who had ties to the Purple Dragons I just assumed Kendra was Angel as well but... I guess not? Anyway, canon be damned, I still headcanon that Kendra is Rise's version of Angel lol
Anway, I do like showing sneak peeks of my WIPs, but I mostly tend to do it when work on longer projects like comics and animatics, otherwise I usually don't really feel the need to show it off until after I'm done with it.
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kiku91 · 1 month ago
Purple Delusions AU-Fanfic
(Pregnant Kendra whump)
For @cokoweee
Kendra groans softly, her heavy eyelids squirming as she looks over to the bed table
2:43 AM
The hacker scrunched her nose; the gremlins couldn’t even wait until an even three in the morning. She sighed as she slides her partner’s arms from her shoulders, stretching her leg out toward the edge of the bed. She didn’t get far, before the softshell gently pulls her back in.
“Tello…” Kendra huffs. “Lemme go”
“Mmh ah….” Donnie hums his refusal. Kendra rocks her head back, her crown bumping into his shoulder.
“Othello…I have to pee... bad!”
“Na-uh…you went twenty two minutes ago.” Donnie refuted, pulling Kendra in closer.
“Donnie…” Kendra whines. “I’ll piss in this bed!”
“You wouldn’t” the turtle mumbles.
“I will and I’m making you clean it up!” Kendra warns. She feels the strong arms slither off her and she rolls her eyes. As if she would really humiliate herself. But she did need the bathroom. Having three fetuses kicking your bladder every thirty minutes wasn’t comfortable either.
She was freed from her guard dog, now came the hard part. Kendra holds one arm over her swollen belly and uses the other the pull herself closer to the edge, wriggling her feet as she wiggled toward the edge.
“You… need help?” Donnie asks sleepily. Kendra didn’t need to look back to feel his gaze on her back.
“Yeah, ‘m fine!” Kendra insists. “Just a little tired.” That was a lie, she was extremely tired. Ever since the second trimester the number of bathroom trips she needed had increased. Kendra was never too far for it to be an issue, rather than an annoyance, but for a week it really started to impact her sleep. The blanket nest she made became a frequent spot for her, even bringing in some work and typing away while hidden from the world. She could tell everyone noticed her withdrawn, but there wasn’t much that could be done. All the nutritious meals, back rubs, and yoga wasn’t going to keep her progeny from pushing at her vitals day and night.
She finally scooted to the edge and rocked herself off the bed. She felt a twinge in her pelvis as her foot stretched onto the floor, and she had to pause and wince. She pushed herself into a standing position and brushed her hair back as she wobbled to the door. Thankfully she didn’t have to walk too far down the hall, and she fumbled for the doorknob as she let herself in; that part wasn’t so bad, now was it?
Kendra took a shaky step and rubbed her eyes as she walked toward the toilet. Unfortunately she missed that the rug was partially folded back and the sudden change in elevation and texture tripped her up. Kendra lurched forward her hand flying forward to keep her belly from running into the sink. Her knees hit the toilet and her back hits the wall, slumping into the floor.
Immediately, Kendra grasps onto her abdomen, searching for any indication of injury to her belly. She sighed with relief, and rest her head on the wall.
That’s when she realized her night shorts were absolutely soaked.
Donnie kept his breathing even as he waited for the sounds of Kendra walking back to the bedroom when he heard a clatter. It was soft, but it was clear where and who made that sound. He sits up and leaps out of the bed. He was just reaching for the door when he hears a high pitched wail, which devolved into smothered, angry sobbing.
In a flash he was just outside the bathroom, and jostling the door knob.
“DON’T COME IN!” Kendra shrieks.
The softshell hesitates but only for a moment.
“I heard you fall. I’m coming in!” He pushes the door open as Kendra choked out a growl.
“I SAID—I said stay out!” she sobs and wraps her arms around her knees. Donnie kneels beside her assessing her for injuries. His partner is distressed, no bleeding or contusions. He realizes the floor is wet and jolts up.
“H-hey!” Kendra protests as she feels the softshell lifting her up. “Lemme go!”
“We need to get Draxum! You’re in—”
”It’s not that!” Kendra interrupts. “Just… just leave me alone!”
Donnie’s eyes widen “It’s not amniotic fluid? Then what is…” He pauses and looks down, battling a look of alarm and disgust.
“So it’s…Just…” Donnie slowly lets her down, being careful to avoid placing her back on the puddle under them.
“I slipped…” Kendra pouts, fighting tears, and breathing deeply. “I hit my back on the wall.” She feels Donnie leaning over, her rubbing his hand along the back of her head.
“I pissed myself! Okay!? Just get out!!” She pushes Donnie back and curls into herself as much as she can.
The softshell leans back, kneeling vigilant, his gaze staying close to her while looking for the factors in the incident, his partner’s unsteady gait, the upturned bathroom mat, the flickering lightbulb overhead. He hears Kendra swallowing a few times, letting out sniffles between frustrated sighs. He slowly stands up and walks over to the bath, turning on the water. He straightens the mat and quietly lifts her again, ignoring how the urine feels on his arms and gently places her in the bathtub. Then he turns to the sink, washing his hands and forearms, before retrieving a pair of nitrile gloves and bleach solution from the cabinet.
In the bath, Kendra feels the warm water clear her sinuses. She turns her head when the cabinet door closed and she heard the soft spritz of bleach solution spraying over the floor. Biting her lip, Kendra removes the soiled bed clothes and lays them over the bath rim. A moment later, she watches the clothes slide under the bath curtain and the door closing.
The young woman sighs and lets a few more frustrated sobs break out before she cleans the rest of her shame away. Afterward she heard the door open again, and Donnie meekly peers behind the curtain.
“I have some clean clothes ready in the bedroom.” He offers quietly. “Or… do you want them in here?” Kendra replies with a shrug.”
Donnie looks down, expression blank save for a slight upturn to his brow.
“Do you need any counsel, or reassurance, because incontinence is common in pregnancy.” he continues
“I’m…” Kendra swallowed “I’m just tired of this.” Donnie tilts his head.
“Just… I’m tired of being pregnant… I just want to get this over with!” Kendra wipes her cheek. Donnie nods silently. “I’m tired of not being able to move like I used to, tired of feeling my joints and feet being sore and swollen all the time! I’m… I’m just tired; getting almost no sleep, feeling sick all the time! My hormones take me all of over the place, and I’m leaking colostrum outta my tits whenever Jr. cries!
“… And now I can’t even use the bathroom like a decent adult! I’m… This is so fucking dumb! Even Beast didn’t have it this bad! I’m.. I’m just done with it.” Kendra wipes her eyes and wrings her fingers through her hair.
She feels Donnie caressing her cheek, wiping under her cheekbone. While keeping his hand there, the softshell reaches with the other to turn off the shower and hands Kendra the towel. He hovers nearby as Kendra used the mobility bar to pull herself back up. Quietly he offers his hand, which she takes as she steps out of the bathtub. They walk back to the bedroom, and Kendra quickly changes into the fresh clothes laid out on the duvet.
Donnie crawls back into the bed with her, and the two nestle back into the familiar cuddle. He only breaks his silence a few minutes later.
“I’m sorry… I couldn’t do more to make it easier.” He admits. “And it’s probably my fault there are so many in there… But… I read… it is normal.”
“But it’s not normal for me!” Kendra huffs. “I don’t... do that!”
Donnie lets out a heavy sigh and rubs his beak over his partner’s forehead.
“As for Casey, she’s overkill, but even she got a little bitchy near the end…. But she also only had one kid… Ken.. you got three!” He adds. ”You’re carrying all three of our kids at the same time! You are really, really incredible.” He looks down and cradles her cheeks. She looks back with a bashful look; Donnie always had this intense look when he was being affectionate.
“But what if I… what if it happens again.” Kendra bemoans.
“Then I’ll help you clean up again.” Donnie assures matter-of-factly.
Kendra looks up with a cynical glare. “Even if I piss myself a hundred more times?” She asks.
Donnie lets out a nasal sigh. “So long as those one hundred more incidents are accidental.”
“As if I would intentionally piss myself?” Kendra scoffs.
“You did threaten to, earlier.” he smirks in response.
“Okay, that’s enough of that!” Kendra changes the subject. “I’m exhausted… now let me warm up—”
“Do…do not put your icy feet on me!” Donnie squeals and shirks back. Kendra grins and hooks her ankles over his sides. She could not huddle as closely with the triplets in the way; another thing she was getting used to. Thankfully Donnie’s limbs were long enough to still enclose behind her back. The two share a contented sigh, as they start to settle down.
Until Kendra’s eyes bug open and she growls.
“Are you referring to me?” Donnie mumbles into her hair.
“I… I gotta go again…” Kendra whimpers. She feels the blankets getting kicked off.
“I’m walking you this time.” Donnie declares.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter - Monday, September 4th
HOLDEN: No, no. Feels great. Strong. Like I'm connected to a powerful all-consuming evil that's gonna suck the world into a firey oblivion. How 'bout you? BUFFY: Not so much connected
~~Conversations With Dead People~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Ignite (Spike/Buffy, E) by HollyDB
Slayer Bound (Spike/Buffy, M) by HollyDB
Grieving on the Inside (Leverage crossover, not rated) by Telaryn
[French language] La Rencontre (Gen, T) by guepard54
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everything in the world changes, and nothing changes at all (Spike/Buffy, R) by disco-tea
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Next Time Won't You Sing With Me Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Willow91
Dusk Rising Chapter 22 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by HappyWhenItRains
The Aurelian Prophecy: There's No Way Out Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Willow91
In The Dark With You Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
Haunted Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by scratchmeout
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Anything We Want, Part 2 Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by scratchmeout
I Do! Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Dusty
Bad Necromance Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Rea
Those 2 again Chapter 46 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Julikobold
The Nips! Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Desicat
A Place in the Sun Chapter 15 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by honeygirl51885
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Chosen Chapter 1 (Buffy/Angel, not rated) by jupiter_dandelion
Boyfriend & Girlfriend Chapter 3 (Cordelia/Xander, E) by CambrianBeckett
Pavlov's Spell Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, E) by ret_wat
[Image, Audio & Video]
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Art: self ship stuff by vampyrwaltz
Art: Buffy/Cordelia by lafgl
Art: spike receiving praise by tubesock86
Art: Buffy/Spike by pinrut
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The Buffy Re-watch: S2E11 (part 1) by jvstheworld
[Fandom Discussions]
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Slayer dreams by explosionshark
rewatched the halloween episode from season 2 by caliburn-the-sword
Kendra could absolutely have supported her own show by secretlyasummers
The online Buffy fandom seems to really like talking about the “original plans” for the show... by coraniaid
Buffy trusting Spike in season five feels incredibly ooc and makes her look stupid in some cases by stjoandearc
My issue with Willows arc in season 6 by buffy-targaryen
i can’t stop thinking about Illyria-possessed Tara by feelsnotfeelings
One of those BTVS moments of near brilliance by deadthingu
I’ve just watched the ‘Angel the Series’ episode ‘Billy’ by girl4music
Going back to one of my favorite spuffy moments… by winterlovesong1
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The Buffy 2019 remake need a second chance by MCyves__
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Why did buffy leave Sunnydale by Gibby11
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When do we think buffy started wanting Spike? by WhatName230
Best Buffy TVS Episode? by snowmanlvr69
What is Jenny Calendar’s archetype by StatusStunning8142
Passions is a real show?!! by PJpittie
Buffy gets kicked out of her house by lianagolucky
“Bring new life to the Old One”? by oliversurpless
The many Metaphors of BTVS! by NessaKins91
Can someone explain why I’m left feeling underwhelmed about Faith’s 4 episode arc by classified12345
What episode do you find bad but often isn’t criticized? by ApprehensiveBuy2009
Season 4 episode 12 (a new man) why the attack on Giles! by Dorothy-704
Re-watching SELFLESS by kipcarson37
Why did the Scoobies continuously underutilize Anya? by Stellz04
Something I noticed is Buffy forgiving Angel and Spike for the things they did while vampires by sushibananawater
Do y'all even like this show? by anonymous
Buffy fans.. need to know: is Angel worth watching ? by LayerBig7783
Rewatching season 2 (as one does…) and Xander is annoying me more and more by LayerBig7783
Buffy Really is in a Mental Hospital by Jaxsonj01
What is a line in the show you find to be cringe-worthy? by themostbluejay
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coraniaid · 2 years ago
Giles/Jenny for the ship ask game!
Yeah, I like this ship.  Not to the extent that I’m obsessed about it (or even think about it all that much), but it’s good.
1) What made you ship it?
Hmm.  Honestly I think it's partly just the fact that Jenny Calendar shows up in the second half of S1, exactly when the show starts to find its feet. So when I rewatch, I'm sort of primed to associate Jenny's arrival with good things.  (But it's not just that, of course, because you could say the very same thing about Principal Snyder.)
Giles and Jenny starting to date just feels like part of the show really starting to work, I think: like Spike and Drusilla arriving at around the same time (Spike and Dru being, as it happens, my other favorite ship from the first two seasons).
Also, while I'm not really sure it was ever consciously planned by the writers, I like the fandom reading that losing Jenny just has this quietly devastating impact on Giles that he doesn't ever really recover from.  I think it retroactively gives their relationship an importance and depth that I don't think it was always intended to have.  But it works, and it makes the fact nobody really takes about Jenny after S3 seem intentional and deliberate in a way that nobody talking about (say) Kendra really doesn’t.
2) What are your favorite things about this ship?
My favorite version of the ship is definitely the early S2 phase, before The Dark Age and before all the retcons about what Jenny's doing in Sunnydale.  Honestly I just think they're kind of cute together.
(I'm not really sure what would have happened to this ship in some alternate universe where Jenny didn't get killed off.  It's hard not to think that the writers were already struggling for ideas, because by the time of Passion we'd already been treated to two different iterations of "they've broken up because one of them turned out to be lying about their past and Bad Things happened -- will they get back together?" and I don't think that sort of dynamic is sustainable in the long run.
Maybe there's some other reality where they break up for good mid-season 3 (after Jenny finds out about Giles's role in the Cruciamentum, say), and it's Jenny, not Wesley, who ends up following Angel into his show in LA.  That’d be kind of fun.)
3) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
There's a pretty popular fandom take that basically casts Giles as the Dad and Jenny as the Mom, with Giles apparently seeing the Scoobies as adults and Jenny seeing them as children.  I really don't get this reading at all.
Not only do I not think there's much in canon to ground this on (beyond that one scene of Jenny saying "not in front of the kids"), I think it's pretty much the reverse of how they actually relate to the rest of the Scoobies.  After all, it's Jenny, not Giles, who blows off teaching her classes on the grounds that her friend Willow can cover for her, isn’t it? And it's Giles, not Jenny, who is explicitly cast as a parental figure to Buffy, who dismisses Xander's odd behavior in The Pack as him just being a teenage boy, and who as late as S3's The Prom is referring to Buffy and her classmates as "children" whose maturity surprises him. 
In short, it's Giles who treats the Scooby Gang as kids; Jenny (mostly) doesn't.  
And that makes sense, I think, because -- after all -- Jenny Calendar is much closer in age to the other Scoobies than Giles is!  (The show never establishes her exact age, but since Robia LaMorte is only seven years older than SMG I assume she's meant to be in her late twenties at most?)
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thecagedsong · 4 years ago
Forgotten Light: Chapter 1: The Key of Forgetting
“Seth, I need to be the one to do it,” Kendra said. “Let’s be honest, your abilities are way more useful in managing Wyrmroost. I have the feeling that…that everyone else wants you to be the one to lose your memories. We’re being played by someone, even now.”
           “Kens, I’m not a dragon tamer, without you, I can’t do anything here,” Seth said, gripping the key in his pocket. “When the statues wake up, we’re probably going to need some of that good old diplomacy you can do to explain what happened here. I just irritate everyone. We need to think bigger.”
           “I am thinking bigger,” Kendra said, pulling him short before they were in unlocking distance of the door, “The fairy queen has my back. The fairies won’t lead me astray, not really, but without your memories, you won’t know how to keep your head around demons and the undead. One of them already offered to teach you, back in the Path of Dreams, and you would have said yes without your memories. You just felt what it was like to have your memories wiped, you’ll be able to help me figure things out better than I could help you.”
           Seth’s eyes went to the pouch at her waist, “You’d forget Bracken, I’m not going to let you throw away the best boyfriend you’ll probably ever have. You have terrible taste.”
           “Shut up,” she said, flushing. 
She held out the bag of gales, Bracken’s first horn, and the caretaker’s medallion from around her neck. Kendra shoved the items at him, letting them drop, and Seth fumbled to catch them. While he did that, she took the key from his pocket. “Bracken isn’t really my boyfriend, and he’s immortal. If anyone can figure out how to make me like him again, he has the time. And it’s not like it took me forever to fall for him in the first place.”
           “You can’t do that, that’s my trick!” Seth complained. He looked like he was contemplating the success of doing the exact same thing to her.
           “Ronodin wants Bracken’s horn, don’t let him have it. I won’t be a good keeper without my memories.” She searched her brain for other important information. “A demon put a mark on me, if the demons Talizar, Batoosa, or Vez Radim approach you and offer help, I have it on another demon’s word that they hate the dragons enough to make sure you succeed. Don’t do it, unless there are literally no other options. You don’t need more demon friends.”
           Seth quickly tucked the items into his emergency kit, “We don’t have time to wrestle over this, give me the key, Celebrant is on his way.”
           “I love you Seth,” she said, “We’re trying to save the world. It’s my turn to pay the price. I’ve gotten out of this pretty well so far, people like to give me things.”
           “I’m supposed to pay the price,” he said, his eyes looking teary, “I’m your stupid younger brother.”
           “And I’m your protective older sister,” she trumped. His shoulders slumped in resignation, and she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead. By the time she relearned when to do that, he’d be taller than her. “Find a way to fix me if you can, don’t let me abandon you or the preserve. I’ll still be me, and I’ll still want to help people. Sorry to leave you alone for the last bit. Tell everyone I love them, and don’t let Mom or Dad flip out too badly.”
           “At least if we did make a huge mistake somewhere,” Seth said, “You won’t remember it. Less guilt that way.”
           “I’m choosing to do this,” Kendra asserted, “The Wizenstone sounds pretty beefed, it might be able to bring my memories back. I could be gone for only a couple of minutes if we do this right. Oh, the rod. If you get it, stretch it out to something, say ‘begone’, and the thing you’re pointing at goes far away. There’s a scary demon guarding the stone, it probably needs to be used on that.”
           “I do everything wrong,” he protested weakly, one last shot, making a lame grab for the key. She held it out of his reach.
           “No, you don’t. I don’t say it nearly enough, but you’ve done amazing things, you make me proud, and when we’re up against the end of the world, I want you up front. I love you most,” she promised, her voice breaking, “even if I forget about it for a little while.”
           There was a clattering from the stairwell, and Seth turned to look while she went for the keyhole. It slid in on the second try, and she had just a moment to wonder if it would hurt before it clicked home.
              She slumped against the door in front of her, the room spinning. It passed and she got back on her feet, muscles sore for some reason.
           She looked down, but she wasn’t in exercise clothes, though she seemed to be sweaty and dirty. She didn’t recognize the clothes she was wearing. Or the body she was wearing, which seemed to be teenage girl. What had she been doing? She looked around, saw a concerned boy in what appeared to be an old and groady castle. Where was she?
           She tried to remember how she got here. Then she tried to remember anything at all. She was a teenager, but who was her family? Her parents? Everyone had parents. But not her.
           She didn’t even have a name.
           “Kendra? Are you okay?” the boy asked. He seemed worried about her, had one arm outstretched, but nothing seemed familiar. Maybe he saw how bad she looked, saw her collapse against the door, and decided to help her out.
           Or maybe she did know him, clearly her memory was having problems right now. Was her name Kendra? He seemed a little young to walk in the same social circles as her.
           Who was she? And who was the man coming up behind him?
  1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
A/N: thanks to everyone who liked this idea and wanted me to post. It’s always nerve racking posting a new story, but I’m pretty proud of this one. I started this fic at the beginning of the pandemic, and I hope to finish this one before the fifth book comes out. Have fun reading! EDIT: Shortened it and added the title!
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jesussavedevenme · 4 years ago
To Be A Knight
This is the beginning of a collection of one shots following Seth's adventures as a Knight of the Dawn
Description: Like most young boys Seth had always dreamed of being a spy. He had spent most of his childhood sneaking around the house with a walky-talky while humming the Mission Impossible theme song. And while he technically still wasn't a spy,he was pretty darn close.
May 20
St.Matthew's Island, Alaska
6:25 pm
"Sorenson, I've got a job for you." came a gruff voice from down the hall. Seth turned and saw his handler, a man by the name of Flynn Hotching, leaning out of the door to his office. Flynn was a tall and strong man with a broad frame. At fifty five he was in excellent shape and the only indications to his age were the flecks of white that were sprinkled throughout his dark hair and neatly trimmed beard. Flynn was a serious man and often gave off an intimidating vibe, but Seth knew that he wasn't that bad once you got to know him.
Seth stood, ignoring the way his back popped and cracked in protest because of how long he had spent sitting in the rather uncomfortable wooden chair. He had once started a petition to replace them with those really comfortable bean bag chairs. He actually had quite a few supporters. But Flynn, being the man he was, just rolled his eyes and walked away. Seth could feel the stares of his fellow knights burning into the back of his head as he made his way over but opted to ignore it. Seth got missions quite frequently, a fact that many knights were slightly jealous of since it would occasionally get him out of some the more mundane tasks a Knight had to complete. For example, paper work. Which is what he had been doing when he had been called. He quickly made his way over, eager to get away from the evil sea of inevitable paper cuts. He couldn't help but chuckle as he mentally heard Eve calling him a drama queen. Though she wasn't much better.
Flynn barely waited for the door of his to close behind him before he began pouring out the details of whatever job he had lined up.
" There's a dealer that's been causing us some problems. They are preying on creatures such as unicorns and there has been some rumors that they are working with some less than savory characters. I need you to track them down. " Flynn stated firmly. Seth narrowed his eyes, there was no way it was that easy. If it was that simple then they would have brought in a rookie.
"Ok, what's the catch." He replied crossing his arms over his chest.The man heaved a sigh before sliding a file towards him.
" The catch is we don't have any idea who the dealer is. We don't even have a description. However, all of our dealers crimes have a certain flare to them and we have reason to believe that he is human. We have intercepted news of a deal taking place in three days in Belize. "
Seth read the file and whistled at the lack of information. The file was extremely limited which meant that whoever was doing this knew what they were doing. The Knights of the Dawn had excellent connections and kept tabs on every possible threat so for them to be this uninformed- well lets just say it wasn't good. It also meant he was walking into this mission completely blind. He couldn't plan for anything meaning he had to plan for everything. He had no idea what was going to happen once he got there but, if you ask Seth, that was part of the fun.
"Alright I'll do it." Seth replied after a moment of thought. He had to admit he only pretended to think about it, mostly just for the suspense. He had always loved a good mystery and this mission honestly excited him.
"Good, your plane leaves tomorrow at eight am sharp. You will be issued a bag that will be stocked with supplies but I advise you to bring anything you think would be useful" He said gesturing to the satchel over his shoulder, that served as his emergency kit. " I have wired five thousand dollars into your account but if you need more than that you know who to call." Seth nodded, placing the folder in his satchel and walked out of the office, heading to his apartment to prepare for the mission ahead. He pulled his coat tighter around his body as he walked outside and realized that it was later than he had originally thought. The sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon and though Seth loved the pinks and oranges that painted the sky, he could practically feel the temperature dropping. Last time he had checked it was 25 degrees, which is no where near as cold as it could get but it was still very cold. Despite how long he had been in Alaska, he had yet to get used to the bitter cold. And he honestly didn't think he ever would. Seth guessed he should count himself lucky, this was the Knights biggest base and it had been cleverly hidden by distractor spells as well as the natural terrain of the island. Seth shivered as a strong gust of wind blew through the base reminding him of the other reason it stayed hidden from most people. Luckily he lived on the grounds of the base so it was only about a minutes walk.
The Knights of the Dawn had no shortage of money. Seth wasn't sure how they got there hands on so much money and honestly he didn't want to know. It was all warranted though considering how many supplies they had to buy along with the amount of damage control. It was amazing sometimes how much chaos a secret organization could cause. Seth knew he definitely wasn't the favourite over in the legal department because of some of the 'incidents' that had been a result of his missions. Seth was proud to be able to state that these incidents were few and far between but when they did happen he knew they had to be a nightmare to clean up.
Needless to say, with all that money, his apartment was very nice. It had a decent size living room and kitchen which connected go a small dining area. Upstairs there was two bedrooms and a bathroom. Seth's furniture was pretty sparse if he was being honest. He had a couch that had been there when he moved in, his bed, a desk, a small dining table that has also come with the apartment, as well as few chairs scattered here and there. It didn't bother him in the slightest. He honestly wasn't here that often. He slept there when he wasn't out on missions which, once again, was pretty rare. Besides the real fun began downstairs. He walked down the stairs into what appeared to be a musty, unfinished basement. A punching bag hung from one of the exposed beams and a small pile of weights sat not far from it. Seth rarely used those, they were reserved for restless nights when the big communal gym and training area was closed for the night.
Seth strode confidently towards the back wall and slid away a lose board revealing a keypad. It was truly a horrible hiding spot for something that important but there wasn't really anything he could do about it. The neat thing about the keypad though was that it had been enchanted so that he was the only one who could touch it. Meaning that not only did you need the correct code, but he had to be the one to punch it in. He wasn't exactly sure what would happen if someone else touched it but he knew it would do more than just set off an alarm. Stuff like always made Seth feel like a true spy and totally made up for the unsecured hiding space.
Seth punched in the code and heard the distinct sound of stone scraping on stone, briefly reminding him of his few days spent in the Sphinx's prison. When the sound stopped, a small opening was revealed that lead to a room containing his weapons and supplies. From the outside the room appeared to be tiny and cramped but it had also been enchanted to be much bigger on the inside. It wasn't quite as big as the knapsack they had all those years ago but it was nothing to sneeze at. Still, no matter how big it was on the outside, Seth had to crouch down to fit through the opening. The door frame was ridiculously short and the amount of time he had smacked his head against the top was honestly embarrassing. The supplies inside the room was a knights dream. There was everything you could dream of, swords, daggers, armor, bows, you name it. The special thing about this room though, was that most of the items were his. They were things he had gathered prior to becoming a knight. Seth also had several magical talismans and tools that had gotten him out of more than a few sketchy situations. His favorite talisman was a ring that sat on his right forefinger. The ring had been a gift from The Fairy King when Seth had been accepted into the Knights Academy. It was pitch black and didn't look like much at first glance however, when you looked closer you could see three unicorns that were engraved on its surface, each of which served more functional purposes. The first unicorn, when pressed, sent out a distress signal strong enough to reach Bracken even if he was in the fairy realm. The distress signal also went out to anyone who had a connected talisman. At this point the only ones being himself and Kendra who had gotten hers when she officially began dating Bracken in the form of a bracelet. The second unicorn held a few precious drops of unicorn blood. The substance could heal almost anything but it could only be used once. The final unicorn was arguably Seth's favorite. When it was pressed it would release a pearly white dagger which had been extremely helpful in the past. The downside to this tool was that, since it was made of light, he tended to have a harder time controlling it.
Seth looked through his stash, trying to decide which weapons were right for this particular mission. He knew at this point stealth was key but if you leave for a job without a weapon, you're just going to get yourself killed.
When going on stealth missions the best route to take is small weapons that can be easily concealed, such as daggers or blow darts. However, the problem with that was those were easily detected when going through airport security. Ever since becoming a knight Seth had decided that he hated flying. It was loud, chaotic, and absolutely impossible to tell who was a danger to you.
Plus carrying weapons onto the plane was pretty much impossible but, a knight needed to be prepared in every situation. The weapon had to be easily accessible, ready at a moments notice, and the best way to do that is to build a weapon that doesn't look like a weapon. Seth walked over to a small red tool box tucked away in the corner, and pulled out a large nut and and tied a piece of cord to it. He secured the cord and then started to spin it, making sure nothing was going to fall off. And just like that he had a weapon that made a killer whip and could easily crack a mans skull if it came down to that. The best part was that it wouldn't trip any alarms. Sure it might seem a little odd that someone carries a piece of cord tied to a nut but, he wouldn't get arrested for it. Seth tied the lose cord around his neck, creating a necklace that he could hide underneath his shirt until it was needed. When that was finished he turned his attention to his emergency kit and sifted through the various items, taking out anything that would tip off a scanner. Seth gathered the items that he had taken out and moved towards the suitcase that he would be taking with him. He felt around one of the sides and unzipped a pocket so small that you most likely wouldn't see unless you knew it was there. In the pocket he placed the remaining items of his emergency kit. This time he wasn't worried about the items being seen as the pocket had been enchanted to hide the items from sight. Seth then repeated the process with the bottom of the suitcase, peeling back the inside to reveal a similar compartment that had also been enchanted to be bigger. In this pocket he placed two daggers, A blow gun and darts, and his favorite sword. He pulled the sword out of it's sheath and inspected it for any chips or dull edges. The sword was jet black and held the name Shadow Slayer, which was kind of ironic given its nature. The sword held just enough darkness to work well with him but not so much that there was a risk it would corrupt him. He had found the sword while on a mission for the fairy realm not long before joining the Knights. He was pretty sure he wasn't going to use it because lets face it, milk or no milk a sword was still a sword. However, Seth had learned that it payed to be prepared. So with that thought in mind, he placed the sheathed sword in the compartment, closed it up, and began to carry it upstairs to his bedroom. He filled the rest of the suit case with clothes and other essentials and once he was satisfied that he had everything, he closed it up.
He slumped down in his desk chair and pulled out the file he had stashed in his emergency kit, pouring over what little detail it had and attempting to prepare for what was to come.
May 21
St.Matthews Island, Alaska
The next morning Seth was up well before five am preparing for the mission ahead. Thankfully he had always been a morning person so the early hour didn't bother him in the slightest. He grabbed his bags and exited the apartment, heading to the missions office to pick up the final things he would need for this job.
The lady at the desk, He pretty sure her name is Jennifer, smiled at him as he approached the counter. She was a women in her mid thirties and she was one of the nicer people that worked the desk. There were quite a few of the people working here that obviously didn't want to and others who even seemed to resent it. Seth really couldn't blame them though, he had worked here for a few months while he was going through training and it definitely hadn't been the most fun or exciting job out there.
" ID and case number?" She asked as more of a formality than anything else. Seth was such a regular visitor that he was pretty sure they knew who he was. However, since it was required, he slid showed them his badge and rattled the number off anyway. Seth supposed that he coukd see the logic behind the badge. It was a way of identifing someone beyond ther looks. All of them had been enchanted fo return to their owners, generally via their pocket, should they be lost. Seems simple and secure enough. However, in their line of work things were rarely that black and white. Seth is not entirely sure what would happen to the badge if their was a stingbuld or if the enchantment could be removed. Luckily they didn't do much. They were just means of identification and they didn't let you into anything at all. Any area qhich required a certain level of access had several different enchantments placed on it. Ones that were designed to recognize the person requesting access and weed out potential imposters. After the battle of Zzyzx and the whole mess with the Evening Star, the knights had undergone huge security upgrades. Bracken as well as one of his sisters, Iredessa, had set mist of the enchantments. Kendra had also played a major part on strengthening these enchantments a few years ago.
The case numbers were pretty harmless. Not the most secure but all they did was let the people at the desk know what bag of supplies to get. It didn't give access to any crucial or confidential information. The most a fake could get was an issued duffle bag and possibly some.plane tickets.
Jennifer smiled as she stood and disappeared through a secured metal door. When she returned a few minutes later she was carrying a black duffle bag which she passed to him over the counter along with a two way plane ticket.
"Thanks a lot," Seth told her, flashing a bright smile her way. She hummed in response before responding,
"Stay safe out there,"
"I'll try my best," Seth replied with a grin as he headed towards the door and began the short treck to the parking lot where a car would take him to the airport. He knew he must have looked a little funny carrying around a huge duffle bag, suit case and a leather satchel that sat across his shoulder but he wasn't worried. Every Knight here had been in similar situations before. Seth looked around the parking lot, squinting in the bright morning sun, before making his way to the small grey jeep that sat close to the front. Leaning against the side was a tall guy with wind blown red hair and a lean build. Seth smiled when he spotted him. The man's name was Parker and he was one of Seth's closest friends here on the base. They had gone through training together though, Parker was about three years older than him. He was twenty-four while Seth was only twenty-one. Seth, unfortunately, hadn't had a lot of friends at that time. Because of his shadow charmer status, people tended to be wary of him but Parker had never been deterred by his abnormal abilities.
In between his own missions Parker volunteered to drive Knights back and forth to the airport. Due to Seth's frequent missions, the two usually ended up paired together.
"Another one Sorenson? Didn't you just finish that one in Sweeping Pine preserve like a week ago?"
" Yeah, Jealous?" Seth teased, raising his eyebrows. Parker laughed and shot a playful glare at the taller boy. Despite Parker's tall height, he was still at least and inch shorter than Seth. Though to be fair, not many people were taller than Seth. A fact that many people found unsettling.
" Just a little bit dude. What, you trying to show the rest of us up or something?" Parker laughed back, poking Seth in the side as he got into the car. Seth rolled his eyes as he loaded his bags into the car before following Parker's lead. They road in silence for several minutes as Parker navigated his way out of the crowded base and set up the directions to the international airport. It wasn't everyday that a Knight flew internationally for a mission. Generally if they were going to somewhere outside the country they were going to a preserve and would have to be flown there by helicopter or other means. So while it did happen, it didn't happen often.
Seth used the temporary quiet to unzip the bulky duffle bag and look at its contents.
Looking into his bag for a mission and seeing the certain supplies or gadgets still made him a bit giddy. Like most young boys, Seth had always wanted to be a spy. He had spent most of his childhood sneaking around the house with a cheap walky-talky while humming the mission impossible theme song. And while he technically wasn't a spy, he was pretty darn close. One of the common misconceptions about the Knights of the Dawn was that they didn't use any human or modern technology such as computers and other gadgets to do their job. However that was far from true. Sure they tended to avoid it when dealing directly with magical creatures, but they often used these gadgets for things such reconnaissance.
Inside the bag was some of the things you would expect such a binoculars and many more that you wouldn't expect. Seth's favorite part of these bags were the small box near the bottom that generally came with each one. The box contained different potions that you might need for the mission. Seth had always found potions to be fascinating. There had even been a time that he had considered going into the field himself. For this particular mission he had been given a night vision potion which was pretty self explanatory, An eavesdropping potion that enhanced his hearing and allowed him to listen in on a conversation without getting too close, and a form of truth serum that would loosen the lips of of someone you wish to get information from. There was at least three bottles of each along with the normal defense and first aid potions that were added. Such as, the gaseous potion, a potion for pain, a salve for injuries and many more. On top of that Tanu insisted on making sure that Seth was always stocked with his own personal set of potions. Tanu usually supplied him with more gaseous potions, a gummy potion, a giant potion, a new potion that enhanced his focus and his reflexes, as well as plenty of first aid related ones. He seemed to be convinced that Seth would end up seriously injured on every mission. Though sadly, Seth could admit, that the worry wasn't completely unfounded. Other than the potions, the bag contained an enchanted communicator, a few listening devices, a laptop, and a few other useful knick knacks.
" Got anything good in there?" Parker questioned.
" You bet," Seth replied holding up the box of potions that was in his bag even knowing that with his friends eyes on the road and so Parker probably couldn't see them. Parker laughed anyway not needing his eyes to know what Seth was referring to.
" Seth, I swear I have never seen anyone get so excited over potions before."
" What can I say, I'm a simple guy," He replied earning a scoff from Parker.
" Uh huh, says the literal Shadow Charmer who has a mission every other week," The pair laughed once again and fell into an easy back and forth banter. Continuing there shenanigans until they pulled into the airport. It was then, as much as he, loathed to do it he bid Parker farewell , thanked him for the ride, and walked into the crowded airport.
Arriving at the airport was just as hectic as he expected it to be. Of course it was crazy for everyone but, it was even more so when you are constantly looking over your shoulder or waiting to get stopped by airport security. Thankfully he was able to board the plane okay even if his makeshift weapon did raise a few eyebrows.
Something Seth had learned was that a knight should always fly economy. It may not be the most comfortable but few people would start a fight with that many witnesses around. Plus it was easier to blend in. A tee shirt and some jeans and you were all set. Ready to settle in for a long flight.
Seth popped one ear bud in his ear but left the other out in order to let him hear incoming threats. Seth found it impossible to sleep on a plane, no matter how long the journey was, because of the unknown circumstances. It would be difficult to keep an eye on people and to know who was a threat. Unlike Kendra, Seth hated reading. Only a few books had every managed to hold his attention for any.period of time. He was too restless. He would much rather be doing something outside. Moving and exploring. He didn't mind doing art, sketching being his favorite. However, that was difficult to do in a crowded, bunny plane. So Seth resigned himself to a long ride half listening to music and ignoring the guy beside him who vaguely smelled like onions.
May 22
Corazol, Belize
4:45 pm
Seth stretched his stiff legs as he walked from baggage claim to the exit of the airport. He breathed deeply and relished the feeling of the sun on his skin, even though he knew he would quickly become hot. But, after a long eight and a half hour flight, they were welcome changes. He glanced at the clock hung on the wall and noted the time. He knew that Corazol Belize was about two hours ahead of Alaska. Not that it mattered. Seth was pretty much immune to jet lag at this point. Not necessarily because of the constant travel, though that certainly helped, but because of the erratic and uncertain sleep schedule he had become used to while on any mission. His body had become well trained in sleeping whenever it was told. The only thing that interrupted this was nightmares but he rarely got those while on missions because his mind was too focused on other things. Seth would never admit it but that's one of the reasons he takes on as many missions as they will give him.
Seth's hotel was not far from the airport so he opted to walk there. He had done some research the night before and found a hotel that he rented under the name of Roger Alpine. The Knights would usually rent one for you but Seth preferred to do it himself. To say the hotel he chose was run down would be putting it nicely. The paint was peeling horribly from the siding and it was definitely not on the nicest side of town. The rooms were separated from the outside by a door with A flimsy looking lock, something Seth would secure once he had settled in. The room held a musty scent mixed with the smell of cigarette smoke. There was a bed in the center of the room, covered in some unsettling stains, a side table and lamp beside it, and a desk under the window. The window itself had a pair of thin ratty curtains and crooked blinds. There wasn't much Seth could do about the window, except string up a blanket, which he did. Opening his suitcase and removing his clothes, he opened the hidden compartment. From inside he took out the pieces of his emergency kit that he had stashed. He also opened up the duffle bag he had and pulled out a few other various knick knacks that he thought he might find useful. He then empty the remaining items into the compartment at the bottom of his suitcase. Leaving the duffle bag empty. This was.common practice for Seth in a place like this. He didn't want to leave his unused supplies in a relatively unprotected duffle bag while he was away. Unfortunately this was something Seth had learned the hard way.
In the end Seth was left with: the box of potions, a rope, a small bottle which held a thin dust that immediately soaked into the skin upon contact allowing the victim to be tracked, dark sunglasses (which did indeed have a camera and microphone installed) , a slingshot, some marbles( which as Seth had found were great for distractions), binoculars, and a pair of ear buds. All of these things were packed neatly into his emergency kit, ready for use. He still had his makeshift weapon secured around his neck and two knife secured in a holster and strapped to each of his legs. He had glanced mournfully at his sword but knew that it would only draw in wanted attention. Besides today wasn't about getting into a fight. Today was about exploring Corazol and getting a lay of the land. Still it played to be prepared, hence the knives. Finally, satisfied that he was ready, Seth left the dingy hotel room and began to wander along the streets. Searching for anything that might lead him in the right direction.
Corazol was a quaint little sea side town. You could smell the salt in the air, carried by the cool breeze. Corazol was small in population but it also had its fair amount of tourists. Especially right now with summer just around the corner. The busy streets were lined with street vendors all vying for his attention but Seth was more interest in searching his surroundings. The smells coming from said street vendors were heavenly and caused his stomach to crumble loudly reminding him that not only had he not eaten breakfast this morning, but that he had been walking for over an hour. Technically he could have rented a car, he definitely had the funds for it, and most Knights probably would. However Seth, was not most Knights. He didn't like rental cars for many reasons, one because it was easier to see a car and a license plate then just someone walking in a crowd. Two, every rental car was required to have trackers and such in them to prevent theft which was fine in most cases but problematic for him. That wasn't necessarily a huge risk but it was still one Seth wasn't willing to take. Maybe he had grown paranoid, but he was still alive so there's that. Finally he didn't like rental cars because, in his line of work, it was likely to get beaten up or destroyed. Plus having a car would cause him to miss out on the unique sights, sounds, and smells. That is yet another thing Seth loved about his job. It allowed him to travel the world and to see as well as, experience things he would never get to otherwise.
He had to admit this was a good place to go if you were going to hunt for artifacts and magical creatures and then illegally sell them . The Cerror Ruins were only a few miles away and Seth knew that it was a prime spot for missing person's cases, especially when people wandered off alone. He hoped beyond hope that he wouldn't have to venture there during this trip but, that's definitely where he would go if he was an illegal dealer trying to avoid the Knights as well as any other prying eyes and ears. Plus it wasn't exactly a place you would expect anything big to happen. And besides the Cerror Ruins, their wasn't really anything magical about the place. It honestly seemed kind of ordinary. It was perfect because it tended to be overlooked.
After another thirty minutes had past, the rumbling in Seth's stomach became too overwhelming to ignore and he resolved find a place to eat. He stumbled upon a small hole in the wall restaurant that seemed to be pretty popular amongst the locals. Meaning it was the perfect place for Seth to gather some information.
Even though he worked directly with magical creatures, you'd be surprised how many times he had to interact with regular people. The knowledge gathered from these people was often shaky at best and should definitely be taken with a grain of salt. However, this information often helped him form some semblance of an idea. In his experience Seth had learned that regular people noticed a lot more than even they realize. In addition most people never pass up a chance for a good gossip. And since they didn't know how valuable their information was, they were a lot less stingy with it. The only problem you run into is when they begin to ask questions and wonder why you're asking and who you are. When that happens you become the subject of gossip and word will eventually get back to you enemy. That's why Seth hated small towns. The information might be easier to come by, but it was also easier to get caught. And getting caught meant revealing your mission too soon.
In his line of work , timing was everything. Move in too soon and you risk blowing you cover as well as the entire mission. However, if you don't move in quick enough you'll miss your chance to get your guy. That perfect timing came only when you knew you enemy better than they knew themselves. It came from careful observation and lots of Intel.
Gathering Intel was arguably one of the most boring and tedious parts of Seth's job. It involved a lot of waiting, listening, learning, more waiting, and every once and awhile, a well calculated risk. Luckily, for Seth, his shade walking gave him an edge in this particular area. The ability allowed him to get closer to his enemies so he could overhear plans and put together one of his own. However no ability came without its share of risks. He had gotten a lot better at learning to shroud himself in the shadow to help cover his movements when shade walking but it wasn't an exact science. Not adding enough shadow would reveal his position should he happen to move too quickly however, adding too much shadow could be just as revealing.
Seth's favorite way of gathering Intel was doing exactly what he was doing now. Finding a place to eat while he sat back and listened. Small places like the diner he had just entered were prime spots for gossip. Additionally, they gave him an opening to talk with the locals in a relatively unsuspicious way. People tended to loosen up and talk more freely when both parties were eating. Plus it gave Seth a reason to try all the local dishes. Most of which were pretty good. The smell of home cooked food hit his nose the minute he walked through the door making his mouth water so much it was a wonder he didn't start drooling. He was met at the entrance by a plump, kind looking lady, who appeared to be somewhere in her mid fifties judging by the gray streaking through her black hair. The hair was pulled tightly into a bun at the back of her head, accentuating her full rosy cheeks. He apron stated that he name was Rosa which somehow seemed to fit her perfectly, even thought Seth didn't know her. She gave off a very motherly vibe that instantly made Seth feel at home. With a smile she led Seth to a table and asked him for his drink order. To which he replied with a simple black coffee. Coffee was something Seth had quickly become addicted when he became a Knight. It often helped him through the multiple all nighters he pulled while on a mission. Some minutes later she returned with his coffee, this time ready for his order of food.
" What would you recommend. I'm from out of town so I'm counting on you to hook me up with the good stuff," He said with a wink. Rosa laughed heartily and replied with a thick accent,
" Well only for you I will tell you my personal favorite," She rattled off the name of a dish which sounded completely foreign to Seth but he wasn't going to admit that.
" Ok then, you've talked me into it,.I'll get that," He replied and as Rosa turned to leave he continued, " And could you do me a favor and just wave your little magic wand and take all the fat and calories out for me," Once again Rosa replied with a full bellied laugh.
"You are a funny man. But for you I will have to add extra. Maybe then some of it will stick. You look like you need it," She teased in return before turning a leaving Seth alone once more. He leaned back in his chair, and pulled out his phone. Absent mindedly scrolling through something or another and trying to hide the fact that he was listening to the conversations around him. The diner was loud, making it difficult to discern the voice of only one person. Seth was tempted to use the potion he had that would hone his eyesight and hearing but didn't want to waste it seeing as he only had one. It would be unfortunate to use all of it now at the beginning of the mission when he could need it more later on.
His thoughts were interrupted by Rose who had come with his food. Seth was shocked at how quick the service was seeing as it was rush hour and the small diner was packed to the gills. With the meal she also brought his check. Seth glanced at the check, surprised at the low prices considering the quality of the food.
" Well would you look at that! you must have given me the senior citizen discount!" He paused for the laugh that he had come to expect and then followed up with, "So what are some cool things to do and see while I'm here, anything particularly interesting?"
" Oh well the Cerror Ruins are always a prime spot for tourism but you must be careful to stay on the trails. Too many people wander off and go missing. One of my favorite things is to see the sights at night. The water takes on this stunning color and you can see the star as clear as day. But if you choose that route you best stay away from Devils Tavern. Its on the North end of Corazol, close to the beaches. That place is nothing but trouble, and full of shady characters, especially recently," Rosa said. Rosa was obviously the type of person who talked openly once you got them going. The last part of her sentence caught Seth's attention.
" Really, shady people in this town? Surely not everyone seems so nice,"
" You are young. You haven't seen the darkness of man. People are not always as they seem child," She replied with a sad smile. Seth internally rolled his eyes. If only she knew. " But yes, a week or so ago , this man arrived and came into the diner to eat. He seemed normal enough even if he was a bit rude. However, later that night I saw him outside the Devils Tavern, its on my route home you see, and he was talking in hushed tones with another man. They were standing in the shadows real creepy like. I wasn't really able to hear what they were saying but they didn't sound to happy and they looked like they were planning something, " Rosa finished with a grim look on her face. A look that didn't last long as it was replaced with her usual bright smile.
Seth stored the information away for later, and smiled brightly in return. Acting as if the information had no effect on him at all. Something that had always made Seth a good agent was his poker face. He had a good control over which emotions showed on his face. This was a vast contrast to Kendra who tended to be easily read, like an open book. One with pictures and big letters. A fact that Seth ,and surprisingly Bracken, had teased her relentlessly for.
" Well I won't keep you, thanks for chatting with me . And I will be sure to check out those suggestions," He said, putting an end to the conversation. Seth then dug into his food, nearly moaning at the taste. It was incredibly good. Probably one of the best meals he's had while on a mission. While he ate, he began to sift through the information that he had been given. As always he had to wonder how much of it was true, seeing as people had a tendency to exaggerate. He also couldn't bring himself to believe that Rosa stumbled upon the Devil's Tavern, a place she claimed to despise, on her way home. From what he had seen of Corazol most of the housing was away from that part of the beaches. He wasn't going to completely discredit it but as Rosa had said, people aren't always who they seemed. However, no how much truth there was in the statement, one thing remained true. Tonight he was heading to the Devil's Tavern.
May 22
Corazol, Belize
Seth walked through the darkened streets. Careful to remain close enough to the street lights so as not to unintentionally shade walk. He had gotten a lot better at controlling it but it still happened from time to time. And he couldn't afford giving himself away like that. Just in case there were eyes watching him that he could not see. He had done a pretty good job of keeping on the down low. After lunch he had wandered around the streets a bit more and then headed to the beaches. Particularly the part of the beach close to the Devil's Tavern. The Devil's Tavern had been relatively quiet during the day. The sign had stated that they were opened but it had seemed oddly empty. That was a stark contrast to what he was seeing now.
The tavern now seemed to be packed to the gills with people. And even more of them were standing outside. Even from where he was standing a few feet away he could hear the loud music that played he could see the bright, colorful lights shiny through the windows. As Seth drew closer he saw a problem. Standing at the door was a big burly man wearing dark sunglasses and a tight short sleeved T-shirt that accented his bulging muscles. He was shorter than Seth, most people were, but he made up for it in width. Seth was considered to have pretty wide shoulders and his years of training had hardened his muscles into steel cords. However, none of this reassured him as he stared at a man that looked like he could snap him in half like a twig. He wasn't scared of the man per say. But, he was definitely cautious.
As Seth approached the man he seemed to be doing his own analysis and his stance showed that he didn't feel even the slightest bit intimidated. Which was fair and actually worked to Seth's advantage He had done his best to tone down the darkness of his aura that seemed to put people on edge. Plus the leather jacket he had opted to wear hit the bulk of his muscles, which weren't overly pronounced to begin with, as well as a few... other tools. Aside from the daggers strapped to his legs and the makeshift weapon around his neck, he had three throwing knives cleverly hidden in the folds of his jacket. Unfortunately, much to Seth's displeasure, he had once again leave his sword behind. As weird as it may sound he felt like the sword gave him a better sense of security than the multiple knives strapped to his body. He was dangerous with both weapons and that was disregarding the fact that he was a shadow charmer. So even without the sword, he was hardly helpless. Still, he always felt oddly bare without it. A look settled on the bouncers face. A look that Seth had often seen on bullies when he was a kid. In the end that was all this guy was. A bully. And obviously he saw Seth as his next victim. However, despite all the scenarios Seth was mentally planning for, all the man did was sneer. Seth did his best to pretend he was scared as he entered the building
The air smelled heavily of alcohol and the music, which had been loud before, now seemed to shake the floor. He immediately began to weave his way through the sweaty bodies packing the room searching for signs of anything that was amiss. You would think that a place with this much chaos would make it harder to find anything let alone one person but for Seth it made it easier. If there was one thing that the file full of its limited information had taught Seth was that this guy was far from careless. He wouldn't risk anything that might loosen his tongue. The rest of the people in this place shared no such caution. So find the guy who can walk a straight line and that was probably who Seth was looking for.
He hadn't been searching for more than five minutes when something caught his eyes. His eyes darted to what had caught his attention and and, confirming his previous suspicions to be true, he found Rosa.
So there is part one!!!! Most of this collection will be one shots but seeing as this z alone is over seven thousand words I figured I needed to split them up. I will hopefully be able to post the next part very soon. It needs a few touch ups and changes but.other than that its.practically done. This took SOOO much research its not even funny. I'm pretty sure trip advisor things I'm moving to Belize. Anyway I really hope you all like it, it is probably one of my favorite fics to date so let me know what you think. I apologize for any mistakes you may find. Let me know what adventures you want Seth to have in this book or any other requests you have!!!!!
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hologramband · 4 years ago
Hollywood Ghost Club p3
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(my gif) 
Luke x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k 
A/N: eek! This marks halfway! After this I have 2… maybe 3 depending on the length of the last few parts… until the conclusion! Lmk what you think!!
Caleb marking the boys was a game changer, it would be at least 24 hours before the shock started, she just needed to work quickly on making a plan to be able to help them. 
On top of that, you also woke up with a killer headache, the pain was manageable, but you had no idea what could be causing a ghost to have this type of pain. 
Since it was a weekday, there were no new incoming members to the club, so you basically had the day off.
Not knowing what else to do, you poofed into the hallway right outside of Lucy’s door, deciding to take her out for the day, show her what she could do as a ghost, maybe even take her to see the boys, if they weren't busy. 
You knocked on the door, but after not hearing a response, you walked in and noticed the room was empty. 
Deciding she had probably gone looking for Kendra you poofed around the building, looking for anywhere they might be. 
It was when you were in the hallway that connected yours and Caleb dressing rooms that you felt the unease wash over you, there was a whimpering coming from down the hall, towards Caleb's office. 
“Just show me what you showed her,” You heard muttering from inside of the room you were standing outside. 
Not thinking twice you gave the door a sharp knock before busting in without waiting for a response, repulsed by what you saw. 
Lucy was sitting in the middle of the room, on a stool, with tears budding in her eyes. 
Caleb wouldn’t dare lay a hand on her, he had that much decency about him, but causing the young girl to feel unsafe and scared was enough to send you into overdrive. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” You gasped, walking towards Lucy, her eyes locking instantly with the girls. 
“(Y/n), I’m gonna have to ask you to leave,” Caleb walked in your path, putting a hand out to hold you in place, but you poofed to behind him, holding Lucy’s hand before he got the chance to stop you. 
“No, Caleb, I'm gonna have to ask you where you found the nerve. She is a CHILD.” You’re not sure where the sudden attitude came from, ever since last night you didn’t have the same fear of Caleb from before. 
“Fine, if she wont answer me, then you will, (y/n), what exactly did little Lucy show you last night?” He spoke with a snarl, fists balling at his sides. 
“Lucy, honey,” You whispered in her ear, “go find Kendra and Willey, okay?” You smiled at the girl, but her face hardened. 
She shook her head no in response, glancing between Caleb and you, not wanting to leave you alone with him. 
“It’s okay, i’ll join you in a little bit!” You smiled at the girl again, trying to put a convincing smile on your face. 
Lucy looked back at Caleb, then to you, before squeezing your hand and leaving the room.
Once she was gone, you hardened your expression and made eye contact with Caleb again.
“She just showed me a memory I had, she was trying to make me feel better.” You kept your response short, twisting your words so it wasn’t a lie, but also wasn’t the full truth. 
“The way you care for the girl is cute, but I can’t have you standing in my way, I brought her to my club for a reason.” Caleb took a step closer, you doing the same, meeting him halfway. 
“Caleb, I say this with absolutely no respect at all, if you ever think of getting to her again, you’ll have to go through me first.” You felt a fire behind your eyes, not a sliver of anxiousness in your body. 
“Bold statement, little bird. What makes you think I can’t ‘go through you’? Hm?” His frown turned to a smile as your wrist started to burn, and a fire started in your abdomen, a few shocks running through your system, somehow not as bad as they usually are. 
You gritted your teeth and closed your eyes, trying not to show your pain. 
When you opened them again, Caleb was staring back at you with confusion, then momentarily at his hands before returning his gaze to your face. 
“You know what, I’ve had enough of your deviance for today,” He looked you up and down before turning around and walking behind his desk. 
Taking that as a cue to leave, you focussed on Lucy's energy and poofed into the cafeteria, seeing her at a table with both Willey and Kendra.  
As soon as she saw you appear she shot from her seat and ran to you, grabbing your hand again, this time you felt what she was doing.
“Are-are you restoring my power?” The energy was rushing through your body, making you feel back to full capacity, not feeling the aftershocks of Caleb's attacks in the slightest. 
“(Y/n)!” Kendra and Willey were at your side now as well.
“What happened? Lucy came in and looked all anxious, but we couldn’t figure out what was going on.” Kendra spoke, looking down at the girl. 
“I found her in Caleb’s office this morning, he was trying to get her to tell him what she showed me last night.” You went to continue when you saw the confused looks on both Willey and Kendra’s face. 
“Is that what happened when you got all glowy last night?” Willey looked down at the child then back up to you. 
“Yeah, she unlocked some sort of memory I think, but, I don't know, it was weird. It seemed to take place in a different time, like before I died maybe?” You spoke, but Lucy was pulling on your arm shaking her head no, pulling you to her level like she did last night, placing her hands in the same spots. 
You knew what was going to happen this time. 
You were back in your dressing room again, but a boy was with the other you this time. 
“(Y/n), I know you think he’s a good guy, but I really think there’s something off about him.” The boy spoke, grabbing your shoulder and turning you to him. 
“Dan, I’m sorry. I-I just… why would Caleb threaten anyone?” the other you shook her head, clearly there was something going on. 
“C’mon (y/n), you’re my sister, you should believe me when I say I feel something’s off. I told you the same thing before we died, that driver wasn’t good to drive.” The boy, Dan, spoke. 
Two things spun you for a loop, 1, you had never known how you died, and 2, Dan called himself your brother. 
Your vision appeared back to normal, and you noticed the headache from this morning was gone. 
Lucy was looking at you expectantly, her hands coming off from your face, returning to its spot in your hand. 
“It happened again, you got all bright and glowy,” Willey poked at your shoulder, “are you like, radioactive, or… something?” 
You shook your head and looked up at him. 
The memory Lucy just showed you, along with the one you saw last night, you came to the realization, not wanting to voice it out loud. 
Caleb erased your memories. Both from before you died, and some after.
You looked between the three people in front of you, not wanting to scare Willey and Kendra, so you offered half the truth.
“She’s showing me memories I didn’t know I had, Willey, I always felt like I was missing a part of myself, and then I met you. Things started to feel right, like-” Willey cut you off with a cough. 
“Um, (y/n), before you confess your love for me, you know I’m, like, gay right?” Willey raised his eyebrows and Kendra choked back a laugh. 
“Willey, you idiot,” you rubbed your temples, “yes, I know you’re gay.” You laughed and continued with what you were previously saying. 
“In one of the memories Lucy showed me, I had a brother. I think we died together, or at least at the same time.” 
“Ohhhh, so you’re just saying you love me as a brother, I think i’m the one guy you can say that too and not get hurt or offended.” Willey laughed, trying to downplay the news, easing the nerves that had arisen in you, and you would always be grateful for him being able to do that. 
Lucy smiled up at you, and you realized why Caleb wanted her so bad, she had powers that could ruin his whole operation, in the last 24 hours alone she’s given you back memories and power that Caleb has stolen from you, who knew what else she was capable of. 
“Hey, do you guys wanna go on a little trip with Lucy and I? We’re gonna go see the friends we made yesterday.” When you mentioned the boys her eyes lit up.
“Nice,” she smiled again. 
Willey nodded and Kendra smiled at Lucy.
“You think Reggie will be there?” Kendra looked at you and you smiled.
“Probably, does someone have a crush?” You smiled at the blush that was rising to her friend's cheeks. 
“Oh, noooo,” she wrung her hands together, “okay, I’m a sucker for a guy that’s good with children.” 
You laughed at her and shook your head. 
“Alrighty, well then let's get going!” You held Lucy’s hand and Willey poofed you all in front of the garage that the boys practice and live in. 
As you walked in the door the boys all assembled and started to sing the words to ‘i'm sorry’, but stopped when they realized you weren’t the suspected guest. 
“Oh! (Y/n)! Hi,” Luke smiled at you. 
“Hey! Sorry to drop by unannounced, but Lucy wanted to see her new friends.” You smiled, and as if on cue, Lucy ran out from behind you and jumped into Reggies arms. 
“Aha! There's my favorite dance partner.” Reggie smiled at her before picking her up in his arms and spinning her around. 
“You know,” Kendra started, “they say kids are really good judges of character.” She made eye contact with Reggie and he froze for a second, trying to figure out if this was real or not, if the cute girl from the performance last night was in front of him or not. Lucy wiggling from his grasp while he was distracted.  
In an effort to save everyone from an uncomfortable silence, you spoke up.
“You guys are the only one she’ll talk about,” You smile and Lucy looks back at you then to the boys. 
“Nice,” she nodded her head at them and giggled as Alex started to chase her around, Reggie joining soon after. 
“So Luke, what was the ‘I’m sorry’ song for?” You turned to him, on the arm of the couch that sat in the room. 
“You know the girl that can see us? We ended up missing the gig with her last night, she wants to quit the band.” he sits on the couch and looks down at his feet, twiddling his thumbs together. 
Not knowing how else to help, you move to sit beside him, placing a hand on his. 
“I’m sure she’ll come around Luke, from what I’ve heard you guys are supposed to be really good, no one would want to be the cause of a good thing ending.” You smile at him as he meets your gaze. 
“Yeah I guess, she just seemed so serious, we really hurt her.”
Before you could respond Lucy ran back into the room and grabbed your hand, smiling and brought you to the piano in the center. 
“Lucy, I don’t know how to play.” You look at the girl and she smiles up at you, this time just laying a hand on your shoulder and she put your hand on the keys, making a sound come from one. 
The sound felt familiar, and you hit another key, then followed with a song, it was like muscle memory. This time, you saw the glow. 
Your hands were hitting the keys and making a melody you have never heard before, but it carried the tune of an upbeat happy song, the glow of your hands growing with each note you hit. 
You didn’t remember knowing how to play the piano, but the glow made you think this was another hidden memory that Lucy helped you uncover. 
You reached a point in the melody where it seemed to die out, making you think you reached the end of the song, the lack of glow confirming the thought. 
“Wow, (Y/n), that was amazing, I didn’t know you could play.” Alex spoke first. 
“I SOOO want to learn how to do the glowy thing.” Reggie followed. 
You chuckled and smiled at Lucy, whispering a ‘Thank you’ as she hopped off the bench and went to sit in Luke's arms this time.
The afternoon continued on a lot like this, everyone hanging out, Lucy running around playing with everyone, when you started to feel a pull, looking up you could see that Willey and Kendra felt it too, meaning you needed to get back to the club. 
“Alright, I think it’s time we head back to the club, we all have some things to do before tonight’s act.” You stood up and held your hand out for Lucy to take, but she shook her head.
“It’s okay Lucy, (y/n) will bring you back,” Luke looked up at you, “won’t you?” He pulled some puppy dog eyes, the rest of the boys following suit. 
“Yes,” you laughed at their faces, “we’ll definitely be back, you can’t get rid of us.” 
“I wouldn’t want to.” Luke kept eye contact and smiled at the blush he caused on your cheeks. 
Lucy hugged each boy goodbye, then took your hand, satisfied with the promise of returning. 
“I hope all goes well with Julie! You can’t let things end before I’ve seen a show.” You smiled at the boys and waved, Luke sending a wink your way before you all poofed and arrived back at the club. 
“And you wanna talk about my crush,” Kenda nudged you and giggled. 
You rolled your eyes, because maybe, maybe, you did have a small crush. But where's the harm in that? 
Part 4 coming soon…
Tag List!
@perfectlywrongformend3s @bathtimejish @lovesanimals @oswin05 @ashleyleblancx @losers-club6 @parkeret @lukeys-giggle @simplysanha @perfectlywrongformend3s @bathtimejish @lia-faerie-queen @morgandamrose @crybabyddl @caitsymichelle13 @simp4reggie @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve @lolychu  @simplysanha @-episkey- @kristencoontz @ifilwtmfc @sarcasticsagittarius1998​
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ficsbynani · 4 years ago
Chasing Delilah (1)
Chris Evans/OC
March 22, 2018
Atlanta, Ga
Honeylux Studios
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"Thank you for filling in on such short notice. Kendra is sick and can't do it."
Delilah nodded fixing her hair in the mirror in front of her, she had heard the same thing from stuffy nosed Kendra when she called a couple hours earlier, so she didn't want to hear it again from their supervisor, Kelly. Doing the interview didn't bother her, the constant last minute changes was starting to annoy her.
"What is this interview for anyway?"
"It’s for endgame."
“Like Avengers? Marvel?”
Kelly stared at her and nodded slowly, “Yeah. What else would I be talking about, Delilah?"
Turning away from the mirror Delilah stared at her for a moment about to say something smart until she heard one of the assistants call her name. She approached the assistant accepting the cards she was handed. The assistant ran through how much time Delilah had for the interview, what to expect for the duration and all of her angles.
"Got it, honey. How much time do I have until they get here?"
"He was supposed to be here about 10 minutes ago but he's running a little late."
Delilah nodded. "And how long ago was that?"
The assistant looked at her watch and hummed, “About twenty minutes ago. He's probably stuck in traffic or coming from filming. He should be here soon."
"He's here now. I assume you two were waiting on me."
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Both women looked away from each other toward the voice. Delilah walked towards him with a polite smile and her hand extended to him. "Glad you made it safely. Hope it wasn't too much trouble."
He shook her hand enthusiastically with a big, wide smile. "It was no problem at all. I'm sorry to have kept you ladies waiting like that on me. I'm usually pretty punctual."
"It's no problem, Mr. Evans, we didn't mind waiting."
Delilah shook her head a small smile on her face, "Speak for yourself, I did mind."
"Please call me Chris," he chuckled, “Well in that case, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting..." His voice trailed off waiting for her to tell him her name.
“Its Delilah, Chris."
 "Accept my apology, please, Miss Delilah."
Shifting her weight from foot to foot, Delilah nodded at him with a polite smile. "I guess l accept your apology Chris. You ready for your interview or you need a little time to get yourself together?"
"No ma'am I'm ready to get down to it if you are." he replied smiling.
Both went to their respective seats, neither spoke as they were given last minute touch ups from hair and make up. Delilah was given some last minute information from Kelly just before the cameras started rolling.
Delilah put on her big, bright smile looking into her camera, “Welcome to Honeylux Backstage Pass, I'm Delilah Anderson. With us today we have Captain America himself, Chris Evans." She paused for him to speak to his camera. "I'm glad to have you here today."
His brows rose playfully, "Thank you for inviting me, Delilah. That's a great dress by the way. You look gorgeous."
"Thank you, I see you trying to match me, Chris."
A hearty laugh escaped him when he looked down at himself and back at her realizing that they were pretty much wearing the same shade of brown. "So that was you I saw peeking in my bedroom window this morning."
Delilah smirked, “Oh, Chris, if I'm going through all that to peek in your window, I’d go all the way and climb right in."
A light blush rose across his cheeks that he tried to conceal by wiping his hand over his mouth and beard. "Noted, duly noted."
Delilah laughed, glancing down at her cards. "Since I've gotten you all the way here, tell me what you've been up to."
"As you know I'm here in Atlanta filming Endgame. And that's why I was a little late today, we got a little behind in our schedule."
"A little late? " She asked, chuckling. “Since you brought it up, you were not a little late, you were a lot late. You didn't want to come see me and Honeylux, Chris? I'm hurt.”
Chris laughed again, starting to get a little flustered, unable to hide the blush that creeped into his cheeks. "No, that's not it. I wouldn't do you like that, Delilah.”
“You wouldn't do me like that," she repeated playfully, “Then how would you do me, Chris?" They held each other's stare for a few moments before Chris broke and looked away rubbing his hands over his clothed thighs trying to dry his sweating palms "Chris, what do you like to do when you're not filming? I know that you've pretty much been in Atlanta on and off for the last two almost three years."
"I really don't do much. I go to a good restaurant every now and then, go to the gym and go home."
"Come on, Chris. I know you do more than that. You don't seem like a homebody to me. In fact a little birdie told us that you're a bit of a night owl."
"I... Who told you that? Was it RDJ?” he laughed. 
Delilah laughed giving him a playful innocent shrug, "I can't reveal my sources. "So let's try this again, what does Chris Evans do when he's not filming?"
"When I'm not filming I may, possibly go out to a bar or two or have a little party or go to a party."
An hour later, they wrapped their interview and Chris left her with a promise to not be late next time and a big hug. Delilah avoided her boss knowing that she wanted to talk about the flirtatious parts during the interview. If they were gonna make her do that interview last minute then she was going to do it her way. 
"Here you go. A strawberry lemonade vodka."
Delilah look up from her phone frowning, "I didn't order this. You can take it back."
"Its from a gentleman in the booth across from you. He asked me to bring it." The waitress discreetly nodded her head in the direction. "Trust me, you wanna take it."
She looked around the waitress spotting the patron who sent it and slid out of her booth. "I'm gonna move over there. You can send my food there." Not waiting for a response, Delilah grabbed her drink and crossed the bar sliding into the empty side of the booth. "An apology drink?"
"That depends. Are you accepting?"
"Hmmm … I accept but this doesn't completely make up for it."
Chris laughed, his hand going to his left pec, "This is not gonna be easy, I see. So what are you doing here? Alone at that?"
"I'm here to get my fried pickles." 
"And why are you alone?" 
"Hmm … maybe you should've been a journalist. You're pushing that question of yours," she responded taking a sip of her drink.
He shrugged, turning his baseball cap backwards. "Learned from the best I guess."
Shaking her head, Delilah stirred her drink around with her straw. "You didn't. If you had then you would've known why I was here alone before you asked the question."
"Okay, you got me there. Can I have an answer?"
"I'm alone because I'm always alone, Chris. I hope that answers your question."
"So since you're alone and always alone you wouldn't have a reason to turn down an offer to go to a more comfortable place."
"Comfortable place like," she drug out staring at him, "your place?"
Chris returned her stare, feeling sure of himself in the moment. Mentally applauding himself for not blushing the way he did during the interview. "My place. It's a few minutes down the street. You keep pulling on the sleeves of your sweater so I assume that you're cold in here, its an unusually chilly evening and my place just happens to be pretty warm. Got a fireplace."
Delilah smirked looking away for a moment, "Observant. Tryna get me to your place using your fireplace. Smart."
"Thank you. So you'll have your pickles and drink and then we'll go try out this fireplace. It's a date."
"I guess so then. But what are you gonna have?"
Chris peered over at her from the top of his glass as he drank from it. Once she returned his eye contact, he winked at her. 
The pair enjoyed their drinks, food and conversation with no interruptions. Chris' cute family stories and funny stories from set had their flirtation a bit forgotten by Delilah. Their conversation became animated a few times leading to one or the other reaching out for small, innocent touches every now and then. Their playful banter continued on their walk to his condo. 
He spoke politely to the men coming out of the building as he and Delilah entered. Their conversation ceased on the elevator ride up. Chris whistled softly to fill the silence until the elevator pinged on the 20th floor. 
"Ladies first," Chris offered playfully. 
Delilah walked out in front of him, tucking her clutch under her left arm. She looked down between them when she felt him hook her pinky with his then at him laughing at the smile on his face. 
"Don't want you to get lost or anything. It's a pretty long hallway." He kept her pinky hooked tight until he let them into his condo. She stood in her spot looking around as soon as he cut the lights on, she could hear him locking the door. "This is my temporary home. Not bad right?"
She shook her head slowly, "Not bad at all, Chris. Now where's this fireplace?"
Chris shrugged off his jacket and took off his hat sitting them on the stand beside them. He put his hand the the small of her back giving her a gentle push. "Let me give you a tour. I'll make the fireplace our last stop."
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Chris stood with his hand on the doorknob of the last room he needed to show her. "What do you think so far?"
"It's nice. I could almost buy you being a homebody when you have downtime," she joked, "Almost. But I like it. The floor to ceiling windows and that shower are definitely being added to my wishlist."
"You like the shower? Well if you're nice, I'll let you use it." He joked opening the last door. "And the reason you're here, lounge room. Or if you'd like the fireplace room."
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Laughing, Delilah walked into the room and tossed her clutch onto the sofa. Her eyes lit up a bit when it lit up. She assumed he did it from behind her with a remote. "Fireplace room, I like it, we'll call it that."
Standing behind her, Chris put an arm loosely around her neck pulling her closer to him sending a chill through her. "Cold still?" He asked in her ear.
"Uuuh," she hummed biting down on her lip, "You could say that."
"I can warm you up, if you want." He spoke in a low tone moving his other hand to her waist, gripping it. "Yeah?"
Had he not been so close to hear and felt the vibrations from her body as she spoke, he wouldn't have heard her answer. Releasing his hold on her, Chris pulled his shirt over his head then removed his shoes and socks. He approached her again, this time kneeling in front of her undoing the clasp on her right heel then the left and tossed them aside. His hands traveled slowly up the outside of her legs, from her ankle to her thighs, disappearing under her dress. 
His hands went to her panties, slowly pulling the thin straps down her hips from under her sweater. She braced herself on his shoulders stepping out of the thin fabric. Drawing back a bit, he pushed her sweater up above her navel holding it there looking directly at her pussy. Delilah pulled the sweater off, tossing it into the sofa on top of her clutch. 
Chris caressed her thighs, her back arched slightly, and his hand moved from her thigh towards my quivering center. Using his other hand, Chris put her right leg over her shoulder pulling her closer. Gently he parted her lips and ran the palm of his hand against her clit, stoking Delilah's inner fires. A soft chuckle escaped him when her body jerked in response, followed by a deep guttural groan. His head lowered a bit moving in closer, deeply inhaling her scent. Then leaned closer and started to lick at her wetness, from bottom to top, the long smooth strokes, making her knees buckle prompting him to hold her up as he worked. Giving only hums in response to her moans, her groans and her whimpering. 
He sucked on her clit, and swirling his tongue around it at the same time, pushing her to the brink repeatedly. Her hips bucked against his face, lifting and rolling in an instinctive rhythm. Chris followed Delilah relentlessly, devouring her and then slid one finger deep inside her, following with another. They slid in and out while Chris focused his attention on her clit. Delilah could feel herself slowly building as the flames were in the fireplace were. 
Chris double his efforts, feeling her push his face into her center.  Delilah's body locked, becoming rigid as the convulsions hit me, staggering in their intensity. She came crashing down as the flames started to crackle a bit louder. 
She cried out loudly as her stomach muscles clenched and tightened. Her body shuddered with the aftershocks and Chris stayed there slurping and sucking as the aftershocks faded slowly away from her. Pulling away, Chris started to plant slow kisses up to her stomach, looking wickedly up at Delilah.
"Warmed up?" He asked standing to his full height licking remnants of her from his lips. 
"Very. Helluva first kiss."
Closing the small gap between them, Chris lowered his head capturing her full lips in a kiss. His hands instinctively went to her ass, grabbing and massaging it while her hands rubbed up his chest meeting at the back of his neck both deepening the kiss.
"How was the second one?" His words were a soft whisper against her lips.
"Just as good as the first."
Chris grabbed her hands and kissed her palms then placed them on his belt. "You mind giving me a hand with that?"
An audible groan passed Delilah's lips as she tugged his belt open. Her eyes met his, silently asking him for permission to unbutton his jeans, smiling when he ever so slightly nodded. Delilah had them open and down in seconds, her hands went to grab him. Chuckling, he stepped out his jeans putting his hands on top of her easing them off. He pulled her in front of the sofa and turned her around, her back facing him. 
"You remember what you said to me during the interview,  Delilah?" 
Delilah paused to think. "I said a lot to you."
"You said that I didn't want to come see you. Ring a bell?" 
"Yeah, I remember."
Chris caressed her sides, "Put your knees up on the sofa and grab the back. And I said I wouldn't do you like that. What was your response to that?"
Delilah did as she was told, looking over her shoulder at him. "I asked how would you do me."
Leaned down to kiss her lower back, using his tongue to trail up her spine to her neck. Her back arching in response, curses falling from her lips as she tilted her head back. 
Chris gently pushed her hair away from her ear, nipping at the skin below it. "You asked me how I would do you. My answer," he bent his knees a little lining himself up with her entrance slowly pushing inside her, "Like this. Hold on, beautiful."
He moved slowly at first, standing back up straight and placed a hand on her back keeping it arched. He gave her just a little. Not going all the way in, and pulling back out. 
He teased her this way a few times, until she started begging him to give it all to her. In that moment all she wanted was for him to bury his dick inside inside her. He smirked moving his hand to her shoulder and thrust his dick deep inside her. Delilah moaned loudly and gripped the sofa right as he pulled back and thrust again. Slow, long, hard thrust, in and out. In and out. 
Chris started moving faster acknowledging he desires she was moaning out to him.  Him burying his shaft deep inside of her wasn't enough. She started moaning, begging for more, faster, harder. She wanted all of him. He picked up the pace, moving faster, careful not to disturb her curls. He wet a finger and reached around to stimulate her clit while plunging deep inside of her.  Chris felt her start to squeeze him and his smirk grew into a wide grin. He thrusts hard and fast, until she screams for mercy, cumming again. He was more than pleased with himself to have brought her to a second orgasm. 
Chris eased himself out of her watching her head drop and slowly start to catch her breath. "Turn around and sit down," He instructed gently. Delilah turned slowly, now eye to eye with his dick and her mouth started to water. "Can I touch your hair?" 
"Yes, Chris. It's already sweated out," she joked softly. 
A chuckle escaped him, one hand went to the back of her head urging her closer and the other brought his dick to her lips tapping for her to open which she did. 
She sucked him the same way he had just fucked her. Hard and fast. Careful not to hurt her, Chris gripped Delilah's hair, holding her in place. He paused for a second to firmly plant his feet before thrusting into her face. Strings of curses and groans came from him feeling her stroke and massage his balls with his nails as he fucked her face. He groaned louder, telling her that he was about to cum. Delilah braced herself just as he exploded, filling her mouth with his seed. Delilah swallowed every drop and slowly licked his dick clean as he released his hold on her and pulled out.
Waking up warm, Delilah felt an arm around her waist and slowly opened her eyes. The events of the night before all coming back to her. A great night that she wasn't sure what it meant, her body was sore beyond belief but she was satisfied. Her mind and body was conflicting with her. She enjoyed herself but she didn't know what to say to him. Maybe it was a one night thing, a good end to a heavily flirtatious day. 
Easing his arm off of her, Delilah crept out of the bed putting a pillow in her place. She limped around the room looking for her clothes for five minutes until it hit her.
"Fireplace room, duh," she whispered limping out of his bedroom. 
Dressed aside from her panties that she couldn't find, Delilah rushed as fast and quietly as she could out of his condo. She fought hard against herself on the elevator ride down to the lobby to keep herself from going back up to his place and starting again. 
She decided against sitting in the lobby while she waited on her Uber and stood outside. Texts from Kelly about other interviews she had lined up came through momentarily taking Delilah's attention from the man she'd just left. But nothing could take her attention from the ache at the apex of her thighs.
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favefandomimagines · 4 years ago
I Never Planned on You 3
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AN: chapter 3 even after the first two parts kind of flopped but hey i like this series and i’m hoping it’ll get better since harry potter tiktok is still somewhat thriving 
sorry for going awol!! i was on a family trip and wanted to unplug for a bit! but i appreciate your patience and i’ll try to have a more structured posting schedule! i also apologize that this was so short, the next chapter will be much longer!!
taglist: @x-lulu​
After Kendra’s talk with George, she knew that she needed to find Harry. Professor Trelawney said that he was the only other student to have the Grim in his tea leaves. What were the odds that both her and Harry Potter had the same fortune? 
She caught up to the young before he entered the Gryffindor common room. “Harry!” She called. “Oh, hi Kendra.” He greeted her. “May I talk to you for a moment?” She asked. “Of course.” He said. Harry told Hermione and Ron to go on without him as he hung back with Kendra. 
“What did you need to talk about?” Harry asked. “This afternoon in Divination, Professor Trelawney saw something in my tea leaves. She said that you were the other student to have the same thing.” She started. “You had the Grim too?” Harry questioned. 
Kendra nodded her head slightly before Harry spoke again. “Do you think it has anything to do with your father?” He asked. “I-I really don’t know. Everyone thinks I know what’s going on but I don’t.” Kendra answered. “I believe you. You haven’t spoken to your father in 11 years, how would you know anything?” Harry replied.
“Thank you, Harry.” She smiled. The two entered the common room, splitting up to go to their respective friend groups. 
“Kendra, we need to have a little discussion.” Angelina said as Kendra approached her three friends. “And what might that be?” She questioned. “What’s going on between you and George?” Alicia asked. “What? Nothing, we’re just friends.” Kendra said.
Angelina, Katie and Alicia all exchanged a look before looking back at Kendra. “He’s always the first person to defend you and the first person to check on you. Especially with recent events.” Angelina said. “Fred is also your friend and he doesn’t do that nearly as often as George.” Katie added.
“We’ll just wait and see tomorrow. We’re all going to Hogsmeade, maybe he’ll personally invite you.” Alicia teased. “Actually, you can count me out for Hogsmeade. I’m not really feeling up to it.” Kendra said. “What?” The twins interjected in unison. “Kendra, you have to come. We’ve been waiting all term for this and even with recent events, they’re still letting us go.” Fred said. 
The older twin nudged his brother, knowing if anyone could make Kendra join them at Hogsmeade, it was George. 
“Please, Kendra. We haven’t been able to hang out like we did over the Summer before you left.” George said. “You’re really laying it on thick aren’t you, Weasley.” Kendra commented. “If it’ll make you say yes.” He replied. “Fine. I will come to Hogsmeade. But I’m only doing it for you.” She finally said, earning soft cheers from friends. “Only for George, aye?” Fred poked. “And for all of you.” Kendra corrected herself before shooting Fred a glare. 
Fred had been trying to set up his brother and best friend since third year. To no avail. They were both too scared to tell the other in fear of ruining their friendship with each other. But Fred knew better. He knew both like the back of his hand and if they needed a few friendly nudges, then so be it. 
Later that evening, when everyone went to bed, Kendra couldn’t sleep a wink. She tried everything and she didn’t want to bother Madame Pomfrey at such a late hour. So she resorted to sitting on the velvet couch in the common room, reading a muggle book Hermione had lent her. 
As she was just reading about the tragic affair of Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan, the sound of shuffling knocked her out of it. 
“Oh, Kendra, I didn’t know anyone would be up.” Harry’s voice alerted her. “Oh, hi Harry. Couldn’t sleep either?” Kendra questioned. “You can say that.” The boy replied. “Well, we can be insomniacs together.” She said. “I actually wanted to ask you something.” Harry said. “Of course, go right ahead.” She told him. 
“Do you remember anything about my parents? I know you were young when they died but you said you knew them.” He asked. 
Kendra closed her book and turned her attention to the young boy in front of her. “I don’t remember much but I do remember one thing. It was before my mother was killed and we were at your house. You were just born and my mother was good friends with yours. It’s my earliest memory actually. I was sitting on the floor, my mother and Lily were fawning over you,” Kendra started with a laugh. 
“And your father sat down on the floor with me and gave me this little doll made out of scraps of clothing. Lily had made it in case they had a girl so James gave it to me. He made sure I wasn’t going to feel left out. He was a very kind man, your father. Knew how to make people laugh, so Remus told me.” She finished.
Harry smiled at the recollection of Kendra’s memory. “So you knew Professor Lupin on the train?” He asked. “Yes. When I lost both of my parents and I was sent to live with the Malfoy’s, Remus did everything he could to get me out of that house. Him and my aunt Andromeda made sure I wouldn’t be forced to share the same ideologies that made the Black’s a very infamous pureblood family. That’s putting it lightly.” She answered. 
“This might be a sensitive subject but do you think your father wants to kill me?” Harry questioned. “Of course not, Harry. My father could never hurt you or anyone who is innocent.” Kendra said. 
Harry nodded his head curtly before Kendra stood up. “Seems talking with you as done the trick to make me want to sleep. So I thank you for that. Goodnight, Harry.” She said. “Goodnight, Kendra.” Harry replied. 
The next morning, an abundance of students stood out in the courtyard of the castle, handing their permission slips to Professor McGonagall.
Kendra handed her’s to the older woman. before going to join her friends off to the side. “So, where to first?” Angelina asked. “Let’s go to Honeydukes! I told my brother I’d send him some chocolate frogs!” Alicia answered. “George and I need to run to Zonko’s. We have some new products to plan.” Fred commented. 
“Kendra, where do you want to go?” He added. “I’ll come with you to Zonko’s. I really don’t need to be tempted by Honeyduke’s.” She joked. “Well come on then, Kendra! We have so little time!” George exclaimed dramatically.
The younger twin grabbed her wrist and pulled her along towards the village, leaving their friend group behind. “George, slow down! You’ll rip my arm out of its socket!” Kendra called with a laugh.
George came to a slow stop, allowing Kendra to catch her breath. “Is that better, your highness?” He teased. “Indeed it is.” Kendra replied. “Why were you so adamant on me coming to Hogsmeade?” She asked.
“Because we never spend time together just us. It’s always us and Fred or us and Ginny or us, Ron, Hermione and Harry. Do I need a reason to want to spend time with my best friend?” George explained.
George noticed Kendra’s smile falter ever so slightly before she quickly recovered. “No, you don’t need an excuse. You never need an excuse, Georgie.” She replied.
Though the word ‘friend’ was a word she didn’t like hearing from George. “So we’re just going to ditch the rest of our friends?” Kendra replied. “That’s exactly what we’re going to do.” George answered. “If I know Angelina, she’s already convinced Fred to go to Honeyduke’s with her.” He added
Kendra wanted to say she felt bad that they were leaving their friends behind but whenever she was able to spend time alone with George, she took it.
The two arrived at Zonko’s and George looked like a kid in a candy store. He’s been to the joke shop a million times and yet each time still amazed him.
“So what exactly are we looking for?” Kendra asked the boy. “I don’t know, anything that creates the greatest prank in the history of Hogwarts.” George answered. “You’ve already done that by now. At least I think you have.” She said.
“You’re biased, love. You have to think our pranks are the best.” He said. “Oh really? I have to think that?” Kendra questioned. “Of course you do.” George replied. “Alright then. If I’m being honest the last one you did with Peeves wasn’t the best. The execution was sloppy.” She told him.
George paused his browsing and looked at the dark haired girl for a moment. “Sloppy? My execution was sloppy?” He questioned. “It could have been better. That’s why Snape caught you. If you would have taken my advice, you wouldn’t have had detention for two weeks.” Kendra answered. 
“You’re a minx you know that right?” George asked with a laugh. “What can I say, I get it from my mother.” Kendra said, flipping her hair over her shoulder. 
George smiled down at her as she stood at his side. He hoped that she couldn’t hear how loud his heart was beating or if she could tell that his palms were clammy. He just thought she was so pretty he could never think straight around her. 
“Did you hear me?” Kendra asked him. “What?” He questioned. “I said did you want to go to the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer before we go back?” Kendra asked. “Uh, yeah, yeah, sure. I’ll pay.” George stammered. 
“If I didn’t know any better, Weasley, I’d say you were considering this a date.” Kendra teased. “No, no, definitely not a date.” George lied. 
He wanted nothing more than for it to be a date but he didn’t have the courage to ask and what if Kendra said no? It would ruin their friendship forever. Kendra ignored the way her heart felt as if it were tightening in her chest at his words. 
Would going on a date with her be that bad to him? Then again, she didn’t want to jump to conclusions. But she also didn’t want to ruin the friendship she had with George if she were to confess her true feelings. 
So Kendra did what she did best when it came to her true emotions; and that was to hide them for as long as she could. 
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averagesmw · 4 years ago
DC Girls x Reader- Christmas time! (3/3)
DC Comics (Comics, not the movies)
A/N: This is a small one-shot collection, with the theme being the holidays!
I don’t own any of the images, they’re just so you can identify the characters easier
Cassandra Cain/ Orphan
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Christmas, one of the most peaceful days of the year...or at least in Gotham
As someone who made a living out of being a henchman for various supervillains, you were up to date with the new job offers every time one came up
But for Christmas, not much would arise, and even if it did, you wouldn't take it, if there was one day you wouldn't work, was this one
Instead, you chose to spend it with your younger sister, the little one who was the cause for all your doings in the first place
She was so happy when you brought her a gift, and you were too when you saw a few family members in the room as well. They welcomed you and once the girl fell asleep, they said that they could handle it from there
They were good people, but it's just that you had never been told that before, and it wasn't like you didn't have any plans, it's just that, well, you didn't have any plans
But fortunately, the day was far from over and you ultimately chose to visit the one other person who left a mark on your life as well
Taking a taxi cab to Wayne Manor, you were welcomed by the butler, who also welcomed you with open arms. This was no coincidence, you were a frequent visitor of the place thanks to tbe people living in it so you were basically a friend at this point
However, while he was being polite, you could sense some relief upon seeing you there
"Is everything alright, Alfred? You look a bit worried"
"Well, you see sir/ma'am, Miss Cassandra won't stop training and while normally that would be alright, it's the holidays. I would like her to go out and enjoy the city when it's not attempting to kill her"
He sounded almost fatherly in his words, genuine concern was there but fortunately, you had arrived to help just with that
"Then I'll take her for a walk in the city, if that's okay with you"
"I wouldn't trust anyone else with it. You're the one who gets along so well with her"
"Give yourself some credit, Alfred"
The man couldn't help but chuckle at this. Shortly after this exchange, he stopped walking to announce that you had arrived at to what could very well be the mansion's gym and inside you found Cassandra herself, training
"Miss Cassandra, you have a visitor"
She stopped her actions to greet the butler, but once she heard what he had to say, her gaze shifted to see you and when she did, she rushed towards you
Cassandra gave you a hug, and a tight one at that
"Missed you"
It was hard to believe this was the same girl who was beating the crap out of a punching bag. Chuckling, you hugged her back
When the act was over, you directed her attention to a wrapped box you brought along with you
"I bought you a little something. I hope you don't have ones already"
"Even if she did, I got a feeling that she'll cherry your gift more, sir/ma'am"
The butler added, those comments were quite reassuring
"Thanks, Alfred"
He nodded as Cassandra opened the box, a smile appeared on her face when she saw a brand new pair of boxing gloves. She held them and even gave a couple of punches with them
"I love them. Thank you, Y/N!"
Another hug was in order, but this was to be expected, Cassandra was much more of an action person. Words never quite cut it
She then directed her attention to the butler in a child-like manner
"Alfred. Can I go out with Y/N?"
The man looked at you and smiled remembering the talk you just had with him and nodded
"Certainly. Do enjoy the night"
Cass smiled and left the room to get something warmer, leaving you two alone for a short while. When she was back, she had black winter clothes, she looked kind of cute, really
And so, you left the manor with Cassandra, happy to go out and explore with you. You'd spend a while walking down the streets with Cassandra, holding her hand as you guided her through this new perspective
She could see the snow falling down, people walking along with their family or friends, lovers sharing a drink in the comfortable warmth of a restaurant. You even stopped at a park with a frozen lake, where the people were handed ice skates to enjoy it
Needless to say, she was amazingly good at keeping her balance and moving almost gracefuly through the lake
The city had many wonders, but her reaction to them was perhaps the greatest of them all. You could tell that she wasn't used to simply go out for a walk, and she wouldn't just go out like that, but this time she chose to act differently
And that's because she was with you
Barbara Gordon/ Batgirl
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"You should have seen his face when I told him that a cheetah and a jaguar aren't the same animals!"
Following that statement, you shared a laugh with your uncle Kirk, who was on the other side of the glass. Fortunately, it was just you, him and the guards in the room, so your laughter wasn't much of an issue
Currently, you were visiting your uncle, Kirk Langstrom, who was residing in Arkham Asylum for the time being
"My God, you sure are a busy fellow, Y/N" He said while recovering his breath from laughter
"And what about you? How are you doing, uncle Kirk?"
"Much better, they say I'll be out of here in three months if I don't cause an incident"
"That's great! You're practically good to go!"
"As long as they don't start talking biology, that is"
Another laugh followed that, but then you felt a guard touching your shoulder. Being a frequent visitor ar Arkham, you knew what did that mean
So you put your hand on the glass without fading away your smile
"It was great to see you, uncle Kirk"
The man returned the gesture and placed his hand, smiling gently
"You too, Y/N. Merry Christmas"
With a nod, you placed the telephone back on its place as a guard escorted you outside safely. The man had somehow managed to be in this asylum for almost a year now and he hadn't changed or at least gotten worse since his last incident as "Man-bat"
You visited him as often as possible, and how easy was to engage in conversation with you seemed to help the man
Upon walking out the main gate, you sighed. As much as you tried to keep him company, the holidays without your uncle would certainly feel... different, especially when your parents lived in another continent
You took out some earphones and set some music to accompany your journey back home, it worked on getting you cheered up all the way to the bus, sitting next to a window so you could see the snowy place that had become Gotham
In the middle of a song, however, a voice announced that you had a call from someone that, while unexpected, brought a smile to your face. Pausing the song, you chose to accept the call
"Hey, Babs, what's up?"
"Hey Y/N. You busy?"
"No, what's up?"
"Well, you left school so fast I didn't even got to say goodbye to you"
You facepalmed when you heard that. It was true, you left in such a hurry just to get to Arkham in time, but completely forgot to say goodbye to your friends for the holidays
"My bad, sorry about that"
"Don't worry, but that's not the only thing I wanted to talk about"
"Well, I-"
"Did you tell them?"
Another voice interrupted Barbara, who gave a muffled answer. By the looks of it, she was with someone else
"Sorry about that. So I wanted to tell-"
"Y/N, get your ass here!"
"Yeah, we need our friend!"
This time, there were two other voices. This was unusual for sure, but oddly amusing
Laughter was inevitable from you, especially since you knew perfectly who the voices belonged to
"Alright, where to?" You heard a sigh before being given an answer
"Naomi's house" This time, it was Barbara who finally replied
"Alright, I'm on my way"
You ended the call to spare Babs from having her call highjacked again, making you chuckle once again
Before, you didn't really have any plans for the day, but your friends thought otherwise. Fortunately, Naomi's house was about three stops from your current location
During your stay at the Academy (which is still going), you have made quite the circle of friends. From jocks to chess champions, you are just about the most diverse group of friends in the school, and it made for some unique adventures as well
Stepping out of the bus and into the front yard, you rang the doorbell. A couple seconds passed before it was opened to reveal a smiling redhead with glasses
"Y/N, you're here!"
This girl approached you to give you a hug. This was Barbara herself
"You're just in time!" She said, dragging you inside as she held your hand
As soon as you stepped inside, everyone stopped whatever they were doing and cheered your name in unison. Inside the house were your friends, both close and casual, but they were all glad to see you
A female voice called for everyone's silence. From the crowd, a brunette walked through and stopped next to you, wrapping her arm around your shoulders, this was Naomi herself
"I heard you were going to Grinch out and spend Christmas alone, Y/N"
"I...I don't know, maybe?"
The crowd booed in a joking response, Naomi motioned them to stop
"That's why I called EVERYONE here, so we can light up your day!"
"Yeah, you're our friend, Y/N!" Someone else joined from across the room
Naomi then looked back at you, giving you somewhat of a more serious look
"We are here for you, but whether you want to stay with us or go out on your own it's your choice. We'll respect it"
You thought about it for a moment. Not about your choice, but wondering just how did your friend managed to gather everyone in one place without you knowing it and still invite you in the end
Someone told Naomi you didn't have any plans. Gossip's not that bad, but the fact that she actually chose to act on it?
It was... just so kind of her, of them
You took a drink near you and raised it to the air, looking at the crowd with a smile
"I guess I'm spending Christmas with my friends"
They cheered in approval of this and soon enough the party continued. You were soon offered a drink and the party continued as it was before, even some people asked you to join a tournament of air hockey they had going on.
As you took a moment to think about how any of this was even possible, you came to the conclusion that only one person could have known about this and started this event, and she was talking to somebody else at the moment
Choosing to be sneaky, you walked up behind her and held her hand, intertwining it with yours. She was taken off-guard by this gesture but then turned around to face you with an intrigued look in her eyes
"Thank you, Babs" You said with a smile of your own
The redhead then gave you a smile and tightened the bond between your hands
"That's the thing, Y/N"
She whispered while placing her hands above your chest to peck your lips, much to everyone's amusement
"You'll never have to be alone"
Kendra Saunders/ Hawkgirl
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Christmas trees were often the strongest symbols of the festivity, and for a good reason, but never had you been assigned the task of decorating one so...big
You were in the Watchtower, the real home of the Justice League and where most of the members spent the time, when not dealing with an individual crisis, of course
As Kendra's partner and an actual ally of the league, you were welcomed aboard and now, you and a couple of other heroes were decorating the massive Christmas tree that was in one of their main rooms
Something with such a size seemed a bit too much, but when you take a look at the size of the space station you were in, it fitted just fine
Concentration was key in this task, but the moment a branch you were using for support gave in, you were suddenly thrown down
As a pilot and soldier, you weren't nearly as terrified of this as you could have, but there was a bigger reason for your lack of fear
The exact same reason that had just caught you in her arms, smirking
Taking a good look at her, you moved her hair out of the way as you cupped her cheek with a smile
"Thanks, angel"
This earned a warm smile from her. She wasn't too sure of the nickname, but she was getting used to it
"Now you see why I told you to use the platform?" She said putting you down safely
"You know I like the thrill"
She couldn't help but chuckle at your attitude and decided to go with it
"Don't dwell too much on it, maybe I'll decide not to catch you one of these days"
After successfully decorating the tree (using the suggested platform this time), there was an event, dinner, dance, and everything. It was mind-blowing, to be honest, but it also served as a reminder that those people were human beings
Well, human where it matters anyway
Kendra, however, wasn't much of a dancer. You knew this first hand, and that's why you grabbed two drinks and headed towards one of the halls
There she was, in all her beauty without her uniform and with something lightly formal but as stunning as she was, her gaze was so distant
She was staring at the window, looking at what would normally be a breathtakingly good view of Earth, but something wasn't right
Taking advantage of this and attempting to ease things off for her, you approached her gently and kissed your partner's cheek
"What are you doing out here all alone? I know you don't like dances, but I don't think it's that bad"
She laughed at your comment, turning around to face you and grab the drink that was supposed to be hers, taking a sip
"Something on your mind?"
She nodded, returning her gaze to the window
"It's just that... As a member of the league, you get to save the planet (and sometimes the universe) so often, but this whole celebration thing, it just feels..."
"Exactly. I mean, I want to enjoy it, but I don't know if I should"
Leaning on a handrail nearby, she sighed in defeat, or at least until she felt your hand on her shoulder
"I know the feeling, like you should be out there on patrol, regardless of the day"
Her eyes might not have changed direction, but Kendra was listening to you
"But that's the thing about days like this, you get to enjoy some of what you are fighting for, it serves as a reminder that in the end...
Now it was you who was looking out the window
"...it's all worth it"
The girl leaned closer to you, placing her head on your shoulder, and your head gently over hers
"There's nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy it if anything you deserve this more than anyone"
You took a step back and raised your drink, with the attitude of a host accompanying the gesture
"Here's to Kendra Saunders. Leaguer, a savior of the planet and one hell of a girlfriend"
You could tell she was surprised by this gesture, but she soon joined you by raising her glass
"And here's to Y/N L/N. Pilot, soldier and the best partner I could ask for"
She made the drinks clink as the custom indicates and without further due, you drank together
Once that was over, she was the one to cup your face, looking at you in the eye and filled with gratitude
"Thank you, Y/N. I needed that"
Helena Bertinelli/ Huntress
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The Mafia might be questionable in and of itself, but they were not monsters
...not all of them at least
That's what this party was for: both a peace offering and an opportunity to enjoy something without the fear of getting murdered
Oh, and also to enjoy the holidays
It's not necessary that you take a partner to this kind of events, but this year you wanted to take someone who quickly became important to you. She was currently next to you in the inside of the vehicle
There she was, with her black hair loose in contrast with her purple dress and of course, her beautiful blue eyes to top it all off
"I still don't know how to feel about this"
She was still trying to get comfortable in her dress. This was more of an act of nervousness since the clothes fit her perfectly
Although you had to admit, watching the fierce vigilante be so uneasy was... intriguing, to say the least
"And why is that?"
She sighed in defeat before finally looking at you with a hint of shame
"Wanna hear a secret?"
You nodded and asked her to continue, which she reluctantly agreed
"It's been years since I've been to a dance, I don't even remember how to do it"
It seemed so simple, you couldn't help but chuckle before giving her a reassuring smile
"Don't you worry, I'll guide you through"
She was taken off-guard by the calm in which you said that
"How can you be so sure about it?
You took a sip before answering her, not losing the smile
"You'll find out when the time comes. Have some faith in me"
Nothing more was said after that. Truth to be told, you had taught a few people how to dance before, the first of them being your sister when she was fifteen and a couple lovers too, so you had some experience
After a couple of minutes, you arrived at the place where the event would take place. The door was opened and you stepped out of the vehicle, lending Helena a hand so she could do the same and with her arm wrapped around yours, you made your way inside
Multiple families were attending the party. Mostly adults, but there were also children, lovers, and friends in there
You were invited to give the opening speech as a way to officially begin the event. It wasn't much of a surprise since you were one of the main backers of the party, seeing as a much-needed break from the usual violence
And so, you walked up to the main stage, with a glass in hand
"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to be the one who welcomes all of you to this event that serves as a reminder that we might be from different families, backgrounds, and whatnot"
You looked around to confirm this. These people came from all around the world, yet they were under the same roof for the night
"And while it is so easy to hate each other over that, the only reason not to do so is because we are human"
With confidence in your words, you raised the glass you were holding
"And tonight we are here to celebrate that, in this peaceful night without any bloodshed, I sincerely wish you all to have a wonderful time"
A round of applause took place as the guests raised their drinks as well and you all shared a drink together, even Helena joined the act. Once you were done talking, the band began playing their wonderful ambiance music
The party had officially begun
Walking back to your table, you found Helena herself, smirking at you
"Hell of a speech you gave. You sure you wouldn't be better as a politician?"
You couldn't help but laugh at the statement, picking up another drink you were offered
"Tempting, but we both know that this line of work is much more honest"
"Ironically, yeah"
You sat down and enjoyed the drinks, soon enough the main dishes were served and the event had managed to continue uninterrupted so far. Seems like that vigilante you paid to keep the event clean was really doing a good job
After a couple of hours deep into the party, the bands began playing music that had a different feeling to it, as if it was an invitation to dance. Realizing this, you looked back at your partner with possibly the biggest grin she'd ever seen before
"No" She said sternly
"Come on, you'll learn as we go"
You stood up and offered a hand, showing that same confidence that she loved so much (and hated to admit it)
"...Fine, but I'm not responsible if I step on your toes during the whole thing"
She finally took your hand and allowed you to guide her to the dance floor, where many of the couples were already dancing, even some of your employees were allowed to have some fun
"So, how do we do this?"
You walked in front of her before instructing her
"First, I'll place my right hand on your back to help us move"
With your free hand, you guided her left to rest on your right shoulder, this getting you closer to her
"And then, the other two hands are clasped together like this"
You made your hands meet around the shoulder height. You could tell she was nervous, but with your guidance, there was also a desire to put the fears aside
"Now what?"
That's when your smirk reappeared, you leaned close to her and whispered:
"And now, we dance"
Without further due, you began to move around the place. Normally, you would ask your partner to be careful with their feet, but with Helena, this wasn't necessary
In fact, you were able to go even further and twirl her around, much to her enjoyment
She laughed and once she was face to face with you again, she smiled
"I think I'm getting the hang of it"
"I knew you would"
Without losing her smile, she gave you a bit of an intrigued look"
"How did you?"
"Because, Helena, fighting and dancing are not so different. The purpose and the actions are different, yes, but when done correctly, they can be both incredibly deadly AND graceful at the same time
"You know, just like you"
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aerinmelina · 4 years ago
Fictober 2020 day 6 prompt: “That was impressive.”
Fandom: Fablehaven (Dragonwatch)
Not particularly spoilerific for Dragonwatch book 4, buuuuut maybe stay away if you haven’t read the book yet. This is where my thoughts immediately jumped to upon hearing of Prince Doriano.
Once again: May contain spoilers for Dragonwatch 4.
“Tell me, Kendra. How did it feel to wear the crown of the Fairy Queen?” Ronodin leaned his head against one of his hands and peered at her with the same distantly interested look he often tended to give her.
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” Kendra cooly replied. Her patience with him was growing thin. How much longer did she have to put up with this infuriating, evil unicorn? At what point was she allowed to politely slip away? Curse societal convention! The fact that she kept running into him in moments when she couldn’t just outright scream at him was fraying her nerves.
“I admit, that was impressive,” Ronodin said. “Not as impressive as some things I have witnessed in my time, but still. Very clever, Kendra. I understand why people tend to be so very enamored of you.”
She did her best to kill him with her glare. He simply chuckled and placed his drink down on the tabletop nearest to him. And then he did something Kendra didn’t think she could ever forgive him for.
He held his hand out to her and said, “Would you care to dance?”
Kendra glanced around the room and saw many eyes looking in their direction. She was in the care of the Giant Queen. The Queen and her guests - both large and small - knew Ronodin by a very different name and personality than Kendra did. She knew the truth. They did not.
Unfortunately, Kendra was the new girl in town; she hadn’t done anything to earn the giant’s trust yet, at least not that they knew or cared about. Ronodin had formed a camaraderie with the Queen and her council. They trusted him. For her to follow through with her desire to punch Ronodin in his stupid face would be for her to invoke the wrath of the Giant Queen upon herself, and she knew better than that.
Societal convention. 
Play the part, Kendra, she told herself. Pretend you don’t know who he actually is. Play the part and then move on.
Kendra was sure that the smile which spread across her face looked as forced as it actually was, but she took his hand and allowed him to lead her to the dance floor in silence. Their awkward walk was short-lived, and when Ronodin turned toward her, he leaned in close and whispered, “You don’t have to scream so loudly at me.”
She yanked her hand out of his and he laughed. He’d been listening to her thoughts! How could she have forgotten that he had that ability?!
Laughter continued to gush out of him as he pulled her into a dance without warning. She stumbled over her feet, righted herself, and before she knew it, she was being whisked all over the dance floor. Kendra was passed between several different partners. She was spun and twirled and lifted and everyone moved so quickly that she found she was actually somewhat enjoying herself. If Ronodin hadn’t been there, she might’ve even been having fun.
“Ouch, Kendra,” his voice rang in her ears. “That was mean.” She’d managed to wind up back in his arms again.
“Oh, please,” she replied. “Don’t pretend you didn’t know how I feel about you.”
“This particular virtuous maiden has an edge to her,” he crowed. “I’ve never met anyone quite like you before. I can see why my cousin likes you so much.”
“I don’t want to talk to you about-” 
“Sorry, but you’ll have to hold that thought,” he interrupted. “Time to trade partners again.”
The next man she was partnered with didn’t say anything to her. He followed the steps of the dance, which Kendra now had memorized, spun her under his arm, then passed her to another person. She went through three additional partners before winding back up with Ronodin once more.
“Still want to punch my face in, hmm?” he asked. His tone of voice held a lilt of teasing in it.
“More than anything,” she replied as sweetly as she could.
“I’m really not as bad as you think I am.”
“Your actions suggest otherwise.”
He appeared to be thoughtful for a moment. “I wonder, if you truly knew my past and my objectives, if you would still think that way.”
That struck her as an odd thing to say. Odd and wrong. She opened her mouth to ask him to explain himself, but he let go of her hand and bowed to her as the music ceased. 
As suddenly as she’d been swept up into it, the dance had ended.
“Thank you for your company,” Ronodin said as he stood back up. “I’m sure I’ll see you again, although perhaps sooner than you’d prefer.”
Kendra was left standing on the dance floor, staring after him in confusion and what felt like even more frustration than earlier.
Stupid, evil, cryptic unicorn, she thought. And I didn’t get to punch him in the face.
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emeraldoodles · 5 years ago
Long Grindeldore Fics
Here’s a list of Grindeldore Fics that are longer. I tried to pick only fics over 10k or are going to be over 10k in the future.
Zwischen Immer und Nie (Between Always and Never) by sudowoodo
Words: 38563
Albus smiled and tossed the manuscript back on the table. "It's the rest I don't agree with. I simply cannot get behind that American rule."
Gellert laughed loudly. "You wish to marry a Muggle, Albus? There is something you're not telling me, yes?"
Albus tipped his head sideways, growing weary of his friend always missing the point. "Oh, I don't know. I feel some sympathy with those who are not allowed to love freely." Gellert's gaze became fixed on the floor before his eyes roamed up to take in Albus' face. Albus placed his hands on his stomach and sighed gently. "I can only imagine what it's like not having the freedom to walk hand in hand with my love, or marry them, or kiss them in the street."
There was a long pause. Then, seriously, "What are you talking about, Albus?"
"I think you know."
-A summer of 1899. Has  a Victorian feel with themes of homophobia. There’s a cry scene that got to me. I like how Ariana and Alberforth are written.-
Hold on by OUATgirl
Words: 26,631
After their famous duel in 1945, Albus Dumbledore decides to give his old friend another chance. Instead of being held in Nurmengard, Gellert Grindelwald will serve his time under the watchful eyes of the new hero of the wizarding world. But Albus cannot plan everything, and things might be more difficult than he anticipated
-I like how Dumbledore was written. Very cute and slow. Writer is currently working on a sequel-
same apartment, roommate's gone by Anonymous
Words: 10,176
After nearly five decades of imprisonment, Gellert Grindelwald was ready to break free.
-Very funny, but it is serious too. Gellert takes over the mind of Lockhart because there ain’t nothing there.-
Defence Professor Wohl by DarthKrande, NeverBeyondRedemption
Words: 54,421
Gilderoy Lockhart landed himself in St Mungo's after his 'Cornish Pixies' class. Where can a headmaster now find another Defence teacher, one who's knowledgeable beyond doubt, willing to face the curse on the position, and available to start in a few days? In Nurmengard, that's where.
-I really like the beginning of this fic, the ending dragged after chapter 18, but that’s probably because the later chapters focus on Harry.-
rummaging for answers in the pages by kittysorceress
Words: 37,620
It is the summer of 1899 and Albus Dumbledore is ready to venture into the great wizarding unknown. Instead, he finds himself at a dead end, keeping house for his siblings in Godric's Hollow. Bored. Lonely. Wasted.
That is, until he meets his equal.
-A collection of Albus's journal entries from the summer of 1899, detailing his adventures and the innermost workings of his mind, from the mundane to the sublime.-
So Many Chances Unseen by The_Marron
Words : 32,043
Dumbledore wants to die, Severus Snape doesn't want him to, and there is also an ex-Dark Lord trying to get his ex back. Maybe.
-This is broken up into 5 parts that total the word count. Is completed. Albus is an ass and I loved it! Slow burn with old men. Loved the ending! Wish this is how the books ended.-
Thirty-Five Owls by Letterblade
Being a correspondence between Albus P.W.B. Dumbledore, Grand Sorcerer, Supreme Mugwump, etc., and the prisoner Gellert Grindelwald, of some decades in length.
-Gellert and Ablus are penpals? Kinda. It’s sweet, it’s angry and it’s sad. It’s Grindeldore in a nutshell.-
Extreme Incantations by meanwhiletimely
Words: 10,043
Gellert makes a discovery in Albus's bookshelves that results in a revelation.
-Very much smut, but with a plot… no maybe just a point? Dark magic sex during 1899. Bottom Gellert.-
My hands in yours by FrozenBrownie
Words: 21,452
A student of Hogwarts, died in Albus Dumbledore’s arms. What impact this unnecessary death of a child (again) would have on him, on England, on Hogwarts, neither the watching centaurs nor that desperate wizard with his wrists in unconnected metal chains could have foreseen. There was a man, of course, who did, roused in his sleep from the agitation of his husband over a thousand miles away. And thus, a story different from the one that could have come to pass began.
-Albus is shackled and leaves his life to find Gellert.I’m a sucker for fics about magic restriction shackles. Several parts.-
Happily Ever After, Being an Account of a Victorian Fairy Tale in Five Parts by azurish
Words: 10,281
When you’re hunting down the stuff of fairy tales, you shouldn’t be surprised when your own life turns into a fairy tale. In a universe in which Ariana wasn’t killed, Albus and Gellert attempt to track down the Hallows. Gellert knows that Albus is in love with him, and it’s convenient to indulge him – but that’s all there is to it. Right?
-Albus and Gellert go on their journey for the Hallows and have been traveling for a while together. Gellet is a piece of shit and Albus is dumb (stop just putting on unknown jewelry!)-
His Majesty's dragon by FrozenBrownie
Words: 18,369
Used in Open Combat – Dragon Corps in short. Albus’ magical power, ability and control apparently were up to the required standard to be considered for the training program for Aviators. Of course he had had no intention to go into the military whatsoever, but then, Gellert Grindelwald had stumbled into his life. Oh, how they had loved one another, fiercely, fiery, distructive -
-Dragon riders and set in 1759. Is a series. Writer working on 2nd part.-
Let Perpetual Light by tehtarik
Words: 65,726
In the village of Godric's Hollow, the Dumbledore family is falling apart. Kendra Dumbledore is dead under mysterious circumstances, and Albus is the unwilling guardian to his wayward brother Aberforth, and Ariana, their mad sister in the attic. But everything changes with the arrival of Gellert Grindelwald, violently charming juvenile delinquent with an obsession for the fabled Deathly Hallows.
-Ariana is a main character. Summer of 1899.-
Nurmengard by red_camellia
Words: 12,002
After Grindelwald's defeat in 1945 he is put in Nurmengard, unable to move on and haunted by memories of their past Dumbledore begins visiting Grindelwald. "But whenever Dumbledore was there, it was like looking into the Mirror. They both looked at each other and yet, did not see each other."
-A melancholy fic. Albus keeps visiting Nurmengard years after the battle of 1945.-
Shadows Die Twice by Phytine (Taouret)
Words: 68,922
Albus Dumbledore, after having been expelled from Hogwarts, has no choice but to go to Durmstrang in order to finish his education. There, he meets a very charming boy, Gellert Grindelwald and, despite the warnings, decides to befriend him.
What Albus doesn’t know is that Durmstrang is the Devil’s territory. Before he can understand what is happening, he gets caught in a dangerous web. The unconscious prey has fallen.
But there is one thing that Grindelwald hasn’t taken into account: Dumbledore is no man to be taken down easily and, the monster is never far away in a wounded heart.
-Do you want a really fuck up Albus and just as equally fucked up Gellert? This is your fic. Warning, includes rape, abusive relationship, blood fetish, chocking. Not completed.-
Phoenix Tears by PrincessElectra
Words: 46,739
The summer of 1899 ends with less destruction and heartbreak, but love is not a victory march and the darkness is still a seductive temptress. Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald.
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. I refuse to accept that there is any future where the world is better place with us apart.”
-Gellert decides to stay with Albus but he can’t quite give up on his old goals Lots of fluff.-
liminality by verivala
Words: 7,981
Instead of killing Albus, Gellert imprisons him. Neither of them have a good time.
Grindelwald Wins AU
-Still being written. Gellert is trying to cage Albus and Albus is trying to escape, if only mentally. It does have darker themes like mind control, magic restrict, twisted love.-
The Trial of Albus Dumbledore by Aurora_xx
Words: 51,613
Albus Dumbledore has to attend a disciplinary hearing for withholding invaluable information about Gellert Grindelwald, deliberate misdirection and performing a blood pact with the person who currently represents the biggest threat to the wizard community.
Unknowingly, he takes Veritaserum before.
-Albus is held trial and forced to speak the whole truth.-
The Glass House by Skurf, TheMoonGuardian (moonchampion)
Words: 24,327
Brightest student of Hogwarts's 1899 graduating class, Albus Dumbledore was about to set off to travel the world. He was going to revolutionize the Wizarding World. Then Ariana Dumbledore killed her mother in a fit of uncontrollable magic, and he was sent back home to be her caretaker.
He was 18, resentful, and utterly miserable. Until Bathilda Bagshot introduced him to her alluring nephew, Gellert Grindelwald.
(The one where Ariana doesn't die, and the boys take her along on their quest to find the Elder Wand.)
-I almost feel bad putting this on the list, because it looks to forever be incomplete. But the bantering between Albus and Gellert is just too enjoyable not to include.-
Never Too Careful by DrSalazar2U
Words: 29,694
"So that, when my mother died, and I was left the responsibility of a damaged sister and a wayward brother, I returned to my village in anger and bitterness. Trapped and wasted, I thought! And then, of course,
he came..." 
Gellert presents a life changing opportunity, but Albus quickly learns that when it comes to eternal glory, one can never be too careful.
-Lot of smut, but there is still a plot. But lots of summer sex. I like how Ariana and Abeforth are written.-
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1eos · 4 years ago
hi kendra!! i hope ur having a great day and that leo will finally have a live where he’s not hidden in the shadows 😔 i wanted to ask ur opinion on smth... i’m a half black poc but i’ve never felt connected to my sudanese heritage bc my sudanese family members live outside of sudan and have basically adopted the mindset of the non-african country they live in. so when i think of my identity i don’t think i’m black. i tried talking to my dad bc that’s his family but he’s been defensive and (1/?)
(sudan anon!) my dad’s been defensive and antiblack whenever i bring up the subject. i have non black poc friends who tell me i’m not black bc my skin is olive-toned and others who insist on me being black. i know genetically i have sudanese heritage but identity-wise i’m really confused and i have no one to talk to. i feel bad talking to my black friend abt this since she’s 4th gen american and i feel like the subject annoys her. do you maybe have any advice for me? 🥺 (2/2)
well as usual i will preface this by saying that u shouldnt be listening to your nonblack friends abt shit when it comes to blackness. like theyre literally nonfactors. everything they say should register as gibberish to you. anyways long story short you are black. u have a black parent that’s part of your heritage even if u have no ‘direct’ connection to it. the problem when it comes to blackness is ppl think that in order to be black u have to look a certain way and/or act a certain way which is like......lowkey racist kfalkfalkflka. black ppl come in all shades nd colors whether you’re monoracial or biracial or quadrupblracial (however the fuck u spell that) the key is that u know YOUR blackness nd YOUR journey with it is special nd unique nd u don’t need anyone’s input or direction on how to be black. you just are! you’re black nd sudanese nd there are plenty other ppl like u! i would def recommend doing research into your own genealogy (excluding your dad ofc) getting in touch w distant relatives nd im sure there are some black-sudanese ppl who have written works abt their experience so reading up on ppl similar to you will help bc trying to figure out your identity through other’s introspection will always be messy bc for them they already have a ‘side’ nd are biased to it if that makes sense....
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ranger-njoyc · 4 years ago
3 Days Til Cottage Cheese
Day 13:
Theme: Journal (pt. 3)
Description: The Official Travel Log and Records of Seth Michael Sorenson, Over The Years
Details: So basically, there are only a few entries, and it should be extremely easy to figure out where on the timeline each of these entries are from. I only did books 1-2 for this one. I’m not sure I like this format, but this is just how I picture Seth’s journal to be structured.
The Official Travel Log of Seth Michael Sorenson
The Most Boring Exciting Summer in the World
I will be staying at Stan and Ruth Sorenson’s(grandparents, temporary guardians) house for seventeen(17) days while Marla and Scott Sorenson(parental figures) are on a seventeen(17) day long cruise.
Notes and Observations:
Interesting garden, lots of insects.
Stay in the yard? boRING!
Dale is pretty cool. Maybe one of these days he’ll let me come into the barn with him.
Speaking of the barn, what the heck would even need a space that big?
Lena is nice. Expert drawer, baker, cleaner, gardener, you name it. She seems to be good at everything.
Goldilocks is a cool chicken. Nice. I’ve always wanted a pet.
At the poolside today, the insects flocked around Kendra’s mirror. When we flipped the mirror over, they flipped it back around again. I’ve never seen anything like that before. What is happening?
WHAT THE FRICK IS AN OLD LADY DOING, LIVING IN A SHED ON GRANDPA’S PROPERTY???!!!!!????? She says grandpa knows she’s here… Can I tell him? I mean, but then he would know I went into the woods.
Hidden lake in the middle of the forest…? I need to show Kendra this.
Grandpa found out we snuck into the woods, I guess, but at least Kendra managed to get us a reduced punishment!
HOLY S fairies are reallllllll!
I’m gonna try to catch one
Awesome! Caught one.
Well… this is embarrassing. But I suppose I have to write it down for accuracy: I accidentally turned the fairy into an imp, which is a fallen fairy, and then the others took retribution and turned me into a mutant walrus.
Midsummer's eve is coming up soon, that should be exciting! Who knows what kind of cool creatures I’ll be able to see out the window!
i messed up
Okay, now that this is all over, I have to explain what I’ve been lacking the time to write down: So basically, short version, I opened the window which got everyone captured(besides Kendra and I), which led us to free Muriel, the witch who lives in the shack. Grandma Sorenson got turned back into a human, because she was Goldilocks(!?!?!) and then we went to save everyone. We all got caught, ‘cept my sister, and she visited the Fairy Queen and summoned a huge fairy army that stopped Muriel from releasing the demon Bahumat.
So, haha, yeah. Crazy summer, huh?
PS remember to bring a whole lot of batteries next time I visit!
Errol Fisk and the Kobold                                                        
Errol Fisk(allyenemy) is a friend enemy of Fablehaven. He was  !NOT  sent by Grandpa Sorenson’s(grandparent) friend, Coulter Dixon(unknown), to help Kendra(sister) get rid of the Kobold(posing as Casey Hancock) in her school.
Notes and Observations:
I don’t know, something seems a little strange with this whole scenario. I’m sure Errol will help us figure it out.
Going to steal a statue tonight. Hopefully it will help Kendra with her kobold problem.
Got the statute, got rid of the kobold. Statue bit me. Ugh.
I might go help Errol with another mission that would help the Knights of Dawn.
Back at Fablehaven
I am staying at Fablehaven(magical preserve) with Stan and Ruth Sorenson(grandparents, caretakers, temporary guardians), Dale Burgess, and guests Vanessa Santoro(animal specialist), Tanugatoa Dufu(potions master), and Coulter Dixon(artifact collector) for an unknown(?) amount of time. 
Notes and Observations:
Vanessa is cool. I want to drive like that all the time.
Oh my gosh, why do I always screw up! Now I’ve got some demon trying to eat me…
So Kendra is fairykind. Cool, cool. The Sphinx is a cool guy. He sets me a little on edge, but I suppose he is quite interesting and helpful in a mysterious kinda way.
Ahhh, Tanu is awesome! His potions are so cool, I can’t wait to learn from him!
Coulter. He’s an interesting fellow. I like him, though. He never sugar-coats things, he just bluntly states everything. It would be kind of funny, if anything he had said was a joke…
Finally got to meet Warren today. He’s Dale’s brother, and he has been stuck in a catatonic state for several years. No one knows why. I feel really bad for Dale.
Someone is a traitor? But??? Everyone is so nice??? (Well, maybe ‘nice’ isn’t the right word). Everyone seems so loyal and devoted. It’s hard to imagine that one of them might possibly be working against us.
Coulter’s acting kinda weird…
OH MY GOD! You’ll never believe what has happened since the last time I wrote! I got eaten!!! In the cocoon thingie that Coulter had, I was eaten by a demon and pooped out! How exciting is that! Anyways, there was a lot that has happened. Let me write out a quick recap:
I went to Patton Burgess’s old manor and then from there headed to the cabin that Warren lived in.
I rendezvoused with Kendra, and then we went through the brownie doors, into the house. We talked briefly with Grandpa and Grandma Sorenson about our next course of action.
I went off to remove the nail from the revenant's neck, thus bringing Warren out of his coma.
Warren and Kendra went into the inverted tower and retrieved the artifact, and I missed out on seeing a huge flying panther!!
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