#I don't want to go out again tomorrow
bronzewool · 1 year
I just had the most stressful hour of my life.
Work can only help me out so much with this move. They were nice enough to put me up in a hotel and get a hire a car for the first two weeks, but I need to find my footing quickly and get my own apartment and vehicle. Unfortunately there is only so much I can do when I have no credit score in this country and have only my savings to keep me afloat.
I went to a car dealer to look at a car I saw on the website that was fairly cheap. The guy goes to get the keys but can't find them, which means its either at a different lot or its already been sold. Since I'm already here I agree to walk around with him and see what else I might like. He asks for my budget and I give him an honest answer. I can spend exactly X amount on a car. But as I quickly found out cars are expensive over here and nothing is really in my budget.
We eventually go back inside and he introduces me to his manager. The manager recommends another vehicle and we go out for a test drive around the neighbourhood. I'm not thrilled with it, but I'm short on time and I need something quick so I figure this is the best I'm gonna get. We go back to the office and he starts throwing numbers at me, some stuff I expected with additional hidden fees, but it just keeps going and the final price is $5000 more than my limit. Feeling embarrassed, I explain to him why I can't buy the vehicle, and his jolly demeanour quickly drops and he asks me how I expected to drive away with a car that costs X amount. I don't. You suggested the car and dumped a whole bunch of fees on me. I told you what I could afford.
Keeping in mind I'm already out of pocket on the down payment for the apartment, buying a phone sim with a US number, the opening deposit for my American bank account that I can't access yet, the fuel for the hire car, and all the food I'm eating. I won't get paid til next month so my savings is all I have and its practically gone within the first week.
I don't have a credit score in this country so I can't just lease a vehicle which would be the cheapest option and save me a lot of anxiety.
He tries to haggle and I'm feeling even shittier because its just not gonna happen. I didn't go out expecting to spend my max limit in the first place. He still wants to make a sale though and tries to show me some other vehicles, but by this point its 8pm and I've been running around all day and I just don't have the mental energy for this anymore. They both eventually let me leave but only if I see another car on the way out and you know what, I actually liked it. But my mood has hit rock bottom I didn't want to be in that office for another hour finalising the paperwork.
I don't know what I did wrong or what I said, but I felt like I was speaking a different language and wasting everyone's time. I'm not hiding additional savings you can strongarm out of me. I went to you as a customer asking for help and you made me feel bad for not being able to afford more than what I had. If I could afford more I would have told you. I was trying to help you make a quick sale by eliminating what was out of my price range so we could focus on what was in stock. Not present you with a challenge to charm more money out my ass.
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areyoudoingthis · 8 months
i oscillate between feeling devastated that ofmd doesn't get to end like it was meant to and so very grateful that it happened at all, that we got two wonderful seasons and that i get to hang out with an amazing fandom full of lovely, talented, crative people
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albatris · 12 days
I was not built for work I was built for drinking 1.5L of iced tea and watching the x files
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
could you write about Laswell and Farah having a s/o that loves to cook/bake?
Hey! Yeah, sure!
Farah and Laswell with an S/O that Loves to Cook and Bake
Farah: She can be a pretty big eater, actually. She can’t always be, and she doesn’t need too much food either, having learned fairly early on how to get by with very little food, but if she found something really good, and there was plenty of it as well, then she could just dig right in and eat two plates full worth of food. She loves the fact that you know how to cook, and cook well as well. Considering her past, there wasn’t always an abundance of food in her life, and fairly often the food she did get to eat wasn’t very good, so she can definitely appreciate you cooking her a good, nutritious and healthy meal. Will eat your food right up and tell you just how good it is every time, telling you how grateful she is to have you as well. While she won’t always be able to conjure up all the necessary ingredients, you can count on her to bring you some of the things she finds, knowing fully well that you can make something incredible with it. Although she isn’t too big on sweets, she will eat the occasional piece of cake or cookie you make. It won’t happen too often, since she can’t afford to gain too much weight, but she’ll eat it. She’s more likely to take your baked goods and distribute them to her fighters as a small morale boost. All of them know you by now and that you’re a great cook and baker, so everyone always looks forward to what you make. Either way, even if she doesn’t often have the time to do so, Farah loves helping you out whenever she can. Sometimes, when nothing urgent is going on, she might play around with you in the kitchen as well. Putting some flour on your nose, for example, while laughing a bit at your reaction. She won’t waste resources like that often, but she is down to clown around with you when she can.
Laswell: While she may not be the greatest cook out there, she can make some decent meals. She used to have a better feeling for it while she was studying at university and didn’t have the money to just buy some fancy food. Back then she would cook for herself fairly regularly, but these days she doesn’t have the time or energy to cook for herself anymore. She never was into baking either, though. Laswell can appreciate you, who loves cooking and baking, a lot. While she won’t always let you cook on your own, she does love helping you out when she can, there might be times where she can botch just how much of a specific spice goes into the meal. It’s better if you do it. However, you can tell her to do just about anything else, though, and she will. Doesn’t complain about it either, it’s the least she could do when you’re preparing such wonderful meals for yourself and her. Always compliments you on your cooking since it’s always a treat. Like Farah, she will also help you out while baking. She has even less of a clue how to make a good cake, but she can stir the mixture until it has a nice texture and add some ingredients according to you. As she doesn’t have the best feeling for how much goes in, she always uses a small scale you have lying around. When the cake goes into the oven, she usually stays behind a minute or two to watch it for a bit. However, she’s also the one who usually checks up on it to see if everything is going well or if the heat needs to be readjusted. She won’t do so without your okay, though. Once the cake is done she’ll always be the one to take it out, afraid of you burning your hand. Laswell is more inclined to eat sweets than Farah, so she’ll always eat a piece of cake or maybe a cupcake if you’ve made some. Gives you a kiss afterwards if your sweet good turns out especially good, which is almost always in her eyes.
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capn-twitchery · 8 months
i need to get over my NPC syndrome (idk what to call it. the 'doesn't feel like i can/too shy to share ideas out of the blue, need to be prompted or invited first' syndrome)
i have so many things in my brain,,,i have lots of idea snippets that i'd like to share!! but there is a wall in the way, and it doesn't help that i'm bad at verbalising things
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very annoying!!!
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loopdile · 2 months
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transcription under the cut!
The worst ship chart ever.
Ship name: Loopdile
[insert very tiny math] Ages: 43 and 31? Age difference: 8?
Portrait of Odile with an eyebrow raised saying "I'm not telling." Name: Odile. Gender: trans woman (maybe nb but idrc rn). Sexuality: Aro lesbian.
Portrait of Loop with a finger raised saying "I'm not telling~" Name: Loop. Gender: Nonbinary (??? what is identity). Sexuality: Ace bi
General sliders. "Relationship starts quickly vs the slowest burn you can possibly imagine" is marked fairly close to slowly and trails off towards slow burn. "They'll be together forever vs They'll break up after 2 months tops" has two marks, one at 2 months and one really close to forever. "Cute couple vs dear god they're ugly" is marked a quarter slider away from cute. "Reasonably healthy and normal relationship vs They're dying and getting killed and hurt man" has a wide mark all the way from the halfway point to a quarter away from healthy. "Extremely popular ship vs literally no one ships this but me" is marked fairly close to no one.
Specific sliders. "Giddy and happy to be in love vs they just killed themselves 40 times in their head at the idea of being in love" has loop at died and odile fairly close to died. "The madoka vs the homura" has loop at homura and odile a third of the slider away. "Telling anyone who will listen about their partner vs rarely brings up that they're in a relationship" has loop a quarter away from telling anyone and odile fairly close to rarely. "eats and/or encourages a healthy diet vs eats dry instant noodles only" has loop at noodles and odile a third away from healthy. "crazy ass vs truck freak" has loop at crazy ass and odile fairly close to truck freak.
Tell me why your ship is interesting... go!
What draws them together? Odile is the only motherfucker that can handle them; Loop is weird and intriguing.
What stands in the way? Poor communication skills; Loop is clingy but Odile often needs space; Loop lashes out and self-isolates.
What are their good traits? They're both hilarious and dedicated to the bit; they're both devoted to their loved ones.
What makes them hopeless at romance? Odile is aro-spec and uninterested in romance; Loop both hates/fears and craves romance; Luckily they can just be something stranger!
Describe them with one trope: found family, deadpan x emotional, secret third thing, I'll protect you from yourself.
#suicide mention#these are today's headcanons... tomorrow? who knows.....#so. the weird sliders.#siffrin had a low grade crush on odile which. obviously didn't instantly come to fruition but it's not exactly a slow burn situation eithe?#and then during sasasap and isat loop's emotions about everything ever were. not doing great#they come out of canon a total mess#and odile's like ...i could fix them. NO WAIT IM NOT DOING THAT.#so again the thought is there and. a little more slowburn y this time. but only for a specific part of the dynamic#and then there's kinda a slow build of loop's new dynamics w everyone in the group?#and the thing with odile escalates into being a Thing#but again it's hard to call it slow burn bc there's no like. line to tip over into dating.#but it's not *instant* either#it's a snowball gaining speed downhill#ok next weird slider#oh yeah#they 'break up' fairly often as one of loop's 'this is 100% a joke and not my real feelings at all' bits#even though they're not dating and they don't actually want to break off whatever shit they do have going on#it's a way to express a need for change#BUT the whole family is in it for the long haul#and loop and odile's dynamic may shift over time but again. there's no 'breaking up' line#so they won't necessarily be [together?] forever but they will be together forever#and then it's. not an *unhealthy* relationship but it's not normal either lol#with a whole range of behaviors between 'genuinely helpful to each other' and 'lmao what the fuck guys'#ok those r the weird ones! the rest are obvious right. like ofc odile is closer to truck freak 🙄 but not entirely
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sylvies-kablooie · 4 months
i sigh deeply and for a really extended period of time, to the point where you're like wow, where are they getting all of that air to exhale in such a dramatic fashion from? i mean, lungs can't really hold that much... can they? you try to subtly google the capacity of human lungs but i'm still sighing so extensively i don't even notice. and i wouldn't be offended if i caught you either way, because i am just as surprised about the whole thing.
#sighs again louder#listen. it's just. well. i can't bear to say it!#i have to get surgery and i'm not looking forward to it. that's it. that's why i'm so worked up.#and i'm trying to Not Think About it but all i am in fact doing is: thinking about it#sighs again. like it is not a big deal like EVERYBODY gets their wisdom teeth out. but! scared :(#apparently your face can get bruised for a few weeks and aughhh i just do not want to deal with all of this#and i'm gonna have to go get soup and other liquid things to live off of for a while at the store tomorrow which is also gonna be awful#aughhhhh i will just simply perish. i don't want to!!!! it's going to hurt so bad and all i will be able to do is sit there. and hurt.#and i don't even know if i'm gonna be awake enough to do my whole “watch the x files and take detailed notes” thing#maybe i'll go through some other loki blogs and add stuff to my queue as my queue is below 200 which is very low for me!#or maybe i'll go through and tag my queue posts which takes forever#sigh. man. sadly kicks a pebble up from the ground.#if nothing else at least i'll have the lived experience of coming out of an anesthesia induced fog for future fic writing#and reading purposes. because you know i am the number one in line at the whump store.#end of rant. post made just for the purpose of making this rant. but i thought it was funny so it can stay.#perhaps i will reuse it again in the future for any other pressing life circumstances SO harrowing i need to discuss it on my loki blog
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cranberrymoons · 3 months
#currently on the worst road trip of my whole entire life! well. i don't want to jinx it lmao but#today i popped TWO TIRES at once in the middle of the Katy Freeway in Houston TX (the widest highway in the US; 26 lanes btw)#managed to make it over to the shoulder without DYING but then had to sit there for like an hour? and panic called a tow truck because duh#I know how to change a tire but I was – again – sitting on the shoulder of the widest freeway on the continent so#anyway I called a tow; a guy showed up. I assumed it was the tow! turned out it was not. but he helped me put on the spare and then was lik#“follow me to my shop I can do the tires for you” and I was like okay! 👍 but then the ACTUAL tow called me and I realized this was#just a random guy (very nice up to that point but then I got scared about following him to a secondary location?) and so I didn't lmao#I just kept driving and didn't follow him but the guy on the phone was then mad at me because I wasn't where I said I would be because#AGAIN – I thought the original guy WAS the tow company that I called? but anyway guy 2 on the phone was like “YOU OWE ME $200!!!!”#and I said for what? also how would I pay you? and he tried to get me to cash app him lmao?? I didn't. I hung up on him#he called me like 6 more times yelling at me until I finally just blocked his number 💀#however NOW at this point I'm driving on one spare tire and one rapidly-flattening second tire and I still have 3 hours left to get where#I was going for the night and to top it all off I'm in the middle of a city I've only been to one time before? so I manage to get to a hote#like a nice-ish one where I'm like “okay if I get stuck here this won't be the end of the world”#because keep in mind today is a national holiday so basically everything is closed!!!! btw!!!!!#but eventually I'm sitting there and it's literally 100F outside and I remember oh right lol I have car insurance which pays for a tow#(a normal one; not a random one I panic-found on google who calls me screaming at me to cash app him $200)#so anyway I call my insurance and the guy on the phone is very nice and is like “it's okay; we'll have someone to you in 45 min”#and I'm like okay. OKAY. 🙌💪 I am a strong independent woman who is figuring this out and no longer on the side of the highway#but instead in a nice calm neighborhood and all I have to do is wait 45 min and everything will be okay#one hour goes by. I call back. get redirected to the tow company that was dispatched. guy says oh! is my guy not there yet?#I say no. he says okay – I'll have him call you. hangs up.#okay. 20 more min go by. guy finally calls me. says “I'm 20-25 min away” at this point I've been waiting about an hour and a half#I say. okay? okay. 30 more minutes go by. I try to call the guy back. straight to voicemail. three more calls. three more no answers.#I call my insurance back. sit on hold for 15 min. eventually get put through to a different person who's like “okay let me check on him”#get put on hold. eventually she comes back and says “okay he says 15 minutes” I've been waiting over 2 hours at this point. I have to PEE#I just... burst into tears. on the phone with this poor random woman from Geico Insurance. I'm bawling my eyes out.#she was trying to get claim info from me but I'm crying so hard she's like “oh baby no. okay. okay. we can get that from you tomorrow.”#when you cry so hard that even the insurance company is like “you know what we're just going to let this one slide”#anyway guy eventually shows up. he's very nice even though I hate him a little for being so late. he drives me to an OPEN TIRE SHOP
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nenelysian · 19 days
Just watched "I Saw The TV Glow" in cinemas and boy did I get chest kicked all the way back to my derealisation episodes when I was like 6 years old.
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was watching my mum responding to text after text getting frustrated because she wanted to make lunch but people wouldn't stop texting her
and i was like just. ignore them? just ignore the texts? i will ignore texts for hours until i feel like responding sometimes it's fine?
anyway my dad called me shallow for that one lmaoooo
#bruh#just because i'm TECHNICALLY available 24/7 doesn't mean i have to act like it#sometimes i will put my phone on charge for a day and forget about it#and then come back to several messages#normally there is none but sometimes i'm like oh i missed something huh#using this example because idk when i put my phone on charge today but i only just remembered it existed#i'll grab it tomorrow or something it's fine#sometimes i will see a message preview from someone and go oh. not urgent. i'll respond once i finish what i'm doing#or god forbid i'll respond when i feel like being available again#IF someone says ANYTHING implying they'll text me soon and want an answer then YES OBVIOUSLY I WILL RESPOND RIGHT AWAY#if i see a message preview that sounds time sensitive THEN YES I WILL RESPOND RIGHT AWAY#NORMALLY I DO RESPOND AS SOON AS I HAVE A MOMENT IN FACT#BUT HAVING A MOMENT IS NOT JUST WHEN I TECHNICALLY HAVE FREE HANDS#if i'm making lunch it can wait. if i'm hanging washing out it can wait. if i'm reading a book i can finish my page. etc etc etc#unless. i'm expecting. an urgent. text. it. can. wait. until. i finish. what. i'm. doing.#technically in any of those examples i can reply immediately my hands and brain can be free in 1 second#bUT I'LL DIE ON THE HILL THAT I CAN FINISH WHAT I'M DOING#admittedly. sometimes i forget by the time i'm done. that's on me. but still#9 times out of 10 i don't reply right away because i don't have my device on me/in front of me anyway#i don't plan on changing that one my bad
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All is well, I'm once again convinced that I'm right about everything
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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Why I Am Not Coming In To Work Today [abridged], Jess Zimmerman
part one | part two
#toronto maple leafs#HELLO EVERYBODY THIS HAS BEEN MONTHS!!! MONTHS IN THE MAKING BECAUSE i AM UNHINGED AND NEEDED THE PRECISE PICTURES THAT I KNEW I WOULD GET#like. seventy five percent of this has been done since the first time i posted this and while it has gotten better with time because#my narratives simply got more complex and there's so much of this that is For Me but don't worry i will explain but aLSO goddamn mitch coul#you have gotten married any later in the year. also willy you truly disappointed me by not getting an absurd haircut this year (now that#i've said this he's going to debut it on instagram like. tomorrow. but anyway that meant y'all got to enjoy my neuroses of#Loving Tyler Bertuzzi who is a goddamn leaf. the joys of having to wait to post this (was not a leaf at the time i started it) and anyway i#have at length i think had the breakdown about tyler in pigtails girl dad & how i got a bob & then tyler copied me which was rude. that's m#gender. ANYWAY starting from the top we got sheldon keefe documentation which was really just the personal decision that i wanted all the#coaching staff to be the markers in the poem/the bold & also at the TIME keefe hadn't re-signed &we thought it might be everybody out w/kyl#anyway the title of the scrap of an old lover's flannel is literally 'u think this is about sheldon & kyle NO it's about timothy liljegren'#bc. liljegren was on the marlies winning cup team & has had a contentious relationship w/keefe ever since & was healthy scratched in playof#& the narrative is sooooo. also at one point for the ryan o'reilly i was going to edit the stlb out of his grandma's shirt or cover it w/th#childhood dreams line but THEN i found the gio snapped stick one which was too perfect for 'crumbling copy' the ryan o'reilly To Me is so.#ur insane in ways u did not think for that one. like. how soft her hands were. his grandma you guys. he grew up a leafs fan. if he ever get#to lift the cup with her again i will lose my shit. the cup run a movie i remember nothing--OKAY the spezz one i knew i needed him stresse#but also i believe in the spezz/kyle narrative so. it comes up later don't worry ALSO SPEZZ FOLLOWING HIM TO PITT CAME AFTER I MADE THIS bu#the muzz tea one makes me a little sensy bc muzz was out with an injury for most of this season & it was a really scary spinal one & so yea#& then the simmer one just straight up makes me cry bc i love him so much & the work that he does for anti-racism in hockey means so much &#if you have that video open & watch it i promise you will cry i do every time it's so beautiful he had to be on comforted by beauty & sammy#boy is on the a man who doesn't know me because EYE remember the caps goalie tandems. baby lilya. the mo one is a little funny bc it is#solely due to wade's thread about mo rielly the coal miner homestead husband. that's why he moves to omaha also i think it suits him (quiet#OK NOW OLD MEN IN LOVE NARRATIVE this one's in contention for my fave bc it's spezz coping w/retirement fundamental meaningless of existenc#u heard abt tyler already that's for me the minchy picture was just too good i had found it earlier & i spent SO LONG looking for an empty#leafs rink picture for bathtub i have some cool construction photos but i wanted the melting ice ones (thought about tahoe lol) & the sprin#one i manip'd a lot bc i needed a spring picture bc playoffs clinch in spring & that one fit so coincidentally perfect bc it's 7 straight#seasons 7 guys so. :) & i KNEW i swore to god they did more milk advertising i knew i was gonna do this one from the minute i saw the poem#the milk patch & it took a hot minute BUT I FOUND THIS ONE this one's for funsies. AND THE PIC I WAITED SO FUCKING LONG FOR this is actuall#from kerf's wedding but i was like i know on god mitch is getting married this summer & that's about to be the drunkest shenanigans wedding#i'm waiting for the pics. & then i was BLESSED with this one which is beautiful & perfect & LOOK AT THEM. anyway the last one is bc
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iero · 5 months
Was so proud of myself yesterday because I didn't have a panic attack for the first day in easily a month to immediately have one as soon as I got back to the place today... When will this end?
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froggyrights · 6 months
are you leaving? sorry for asking :/
Not sure yet :') being in this fandom takes such a huge toll on me when shit hits the fan that i cant really justify to myself staying and being invested in the same capacity as I have been. However I love my mutuals and this community too damn much to just up and leave completely 😭 for now im gonna take a break from tumblr and just give it some time. I could never leave tumblr fully though I fear I'm a yapper at heart so maybe I'll just end up posting about whatever. I really don't know ! I'll figure it out !!
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piplupod · 2 months
pretty sure i just got a spider bite while trying to fall asleep 🧍
#i thought it was just a stray hair on my elbow under the blanket and kept trying to shake it off#and then i finally went to brush it off w my hand and felt a bump there#and then it was unbearably itchy so i turned the lamp on to apply some anti-itch stuff bc it was driving me nuts#and i was trying to see where it was on my elbow bc wtf when did i get bit#and then i looked at it and it was very pale like a fresh bite and then there was some skin torn like a spider bite#i cant tell if theres two little holes or not and honestly idk if spiders always leave two fang marks fjdkdl#but it doesnt look like a mosquito bite unless i tore the skin myself from scratching at it#but the way it is looking... very similar to past spider bites#anyways i just removed everything from my bed and methodically searched Everything. looked all around the bed too. cannot find a spider#so. shrug. <- actually very afraid#but the thing that makes me Really think it's a spider is that the bump was super pale and now after a little while it is regular skintone#so that makes me think it was a brand new fresh bite the way it was a different colour and now its normal looking#which is uhhh scary! to have had a spider possibly in my bed!#and I can't find it so i simply do not Know and that is going to make it so hard to sleep tonight fjfkdl#man i barely ate today too so im just... really not doing well at this very moment fjfkdl#i cant eat anything rn though bc i already brushed my teeth and i dont want to do that again tonight fjfkdl#but i am. so hungry. augh. idk what I'd even eat anyways im too anxious to stomach anything#WHERE IS THIS SPIDER. WHY DID IT CHOOSE MY BED TO BE IN 😭#im in bed so often ... it should avoid places where ppl are ....#i feel like such shit rn fjdkdl i just rly wish i didnt have to deal w all these bugs#in the past month I've had a couple spiders and Several(!) weevils and a centipede and a clicker beetle and a couple earwigs#im just so tired of bugs i rly am fjfkdl idk why they choose to come inside and idk HOW they're getting inside#i hate living in a basement!!#i just want to sleep so i dont have to deal w being awake for a while fjdkls but now im all freaked out#i want to curl into a little ball and blink out of existence I'll be so honest rn. im just. idk.#✨ I don't think I have a place in society ✨ i am not a good enough person to exist in the world ✨#i dont want to go to sleep bc what if the spider comes back fjfkdl i wish i would've found it so i could've trapped it#and then let it outside tomorrow! i wouldnt have even killed it. the universe should've given me that one bc im so niceys#unfortunately the universe doesnt play nice w me fjfksl#spider tw
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