#I don't see why I can't get Artemis a Boyfriend
maxarat · 2 years
Rick Riordan is a cishet white goyische man. We knew this. But you can see this in his writing, no matter when. Yeah, he's grown, but he didn't grow astronomically.
In this post I'll be talking about how history, women, queer people, and POC are handled in Rick Riordan's YA novels. I'm Jew-ish, very queer, and was socialized as a girl, but I'm white so POC tell me if I overstep or get anything wrong and feel free to add!
Also this is long af, way longer than I intended, so under the cut it goes!
The Pact and Wars
I think I've talked about this before (cannot find the post) but the way history is handled is so racist and antisemitic. Wars are not because of their real reasons, but instead conflict. WWII is made to be because Hades, Zeus, Poisiedon, and their kids had another spat, instead of the fascism and racism that really caused it. The Civil War, instead of being about racism, was made to be about a fight between the romans and greeks. The wars we see in series have no connection to real world events, why couldn't the old ones be the same? It also deminshes the accomplishments of real people. For example, Harriet Tubman is said to be a daughter of Hermes. To me, this says a black disabled woman can't do great things without great blood in a world where that exists
Annabeth is a girl boss, and this would be great, if her writer wasn't a cishet man. Being strong is equated to being mean, physically and verbally. When she thinks Rachel likes Percy, a guy she isn't even dating, she gets pissy at them for even hanging out! She constantly demeans Percy and hits people who anger her, including Percy, and this is treated as cute and quirky. And then her trauma is dismissed and diminished by a boy who went through similar treatment. Sorry Percy also was hurt by who his author is, but it makes things worse with Annabeth's portrayal. Also she once says people don't take her seriously because she's blonde. During HoO. With Piper and Hazel right there
The Hunters
The Hunters of Artemis, in mythology, are a group of women and sometimes men who joined Artemis to escape the deeply misogynistic culture at the time, and there are sapphic undertones to much of their myths! In the books, they're portrayed as man hating, romance hating, and functionally aroace. Hippolytus is completely ignored. Zoë is constantly talking down to Percy without giving him a chance and makes probably the dumbest decision by choosing Bianca for the quest in Titan's Course. Jo and Emmie were kicked out for finding love. I'm aroace. I love aroace rep. I'm overly weary of (cis white) men. But the way the Hunters are written is so similar to how angry anti-SJW youtube saw feminists
Nico is forcibly outed in one book and in the next gets a boyfriend with literally no personality or relationship with him up to that point. The drawbacks of shadow travel so clearly align with disability. He's also obviously depressed and deeply traumatized. Yet Will gives him no medical autonomy, something we disabled folk have to deal with all the time that's really very ableist. I love Nico, but the way he's portrayed just isn't great
Sadie and Carter
Sadie and Carter are biracial and look wildly different. This is good representation from what I've heard, but not how it's different or some incidental stuff. Carter, the boy, has dark skin and dark, coily hair, while Sadie, the girl, has pale skin, striaght blond hair, and pale eyes. This plays into colorism where darker people are seen as more masculine, as does Carver being the host to the god of war. Sadie is also a young girl who's put into a relationship with a god who kinda bullied her at the start. Carver is also in a relationship with a person who was hostile, but she gets better so I'll let is slide
Leo is latino, and stereotypical at that. Je is constantly flirting with everyone and looked down upon. As a Leo who is not an astronomical Leo, he deserves better especially when you consider c//leo
"I'm not like other girls" girl who's hailed as absolutely gorgeous. She was born on a rez that didn't exist at the time which just goes to show the lack of research. Her eyes are kaleidoscope, which is a trait none of her siblings, or her mom, have. She's cut off from her culture enough to not know the significance of feathers but has plenty of memories of her grandfather who lived on the rez. Also, she's a cleptomaniac. I love Piper, I like how she's representation for a person who was cut off from her culture and longs to know it despite living with her bio family because I and a few friends are the same, but Piper is still a stereotype. I also feel like the veganism plays into the whole spiritual nature stereotype, but I'm not sure so don't quote me
The only confirmed greco-roman demigod without dyslexia is also East Asian. I think the stereotyping is obvious it doesn't help that the only two Asian characters before him, Ethan and Drew, were antagonists. He was infantalized while fat and then had a magic glow up for... no reason, really, but that matters less here. Also he's dating a seventh grader as a tenth grader basically and I'm trying to not spoil stuff but the end of the Tyrant's Tomb is bullshit from a lore perspective imo
She's a black girl whose parents both had very dark eyes and hair, yet her eyes are gold and her hair is paler than her skin, and both of those last two are described as looking like foods. Again, she is the age of a 7th grader. See Frank. And this may be the fandom's fault, but it seems she's always either infantalized or adultified from what I've seen
All we know about Will Solace in BoO is that he's attracted to men and a medic son of Apollo. I bet you didn't remember he was at the Battle of Manhattan or that he's counselor because all his siblings died. And that's a lot of kids. Also he calls Nico nicknames he doesn't like. See Nico for further criticism of Will
Alex is called the adjective form of a slur multiple times. I could talk about how the grammar of that sucks, but *gesturs vaguely.* She gets transphobia from nearly everyone and disowned. I thought fantasy was supposed to be escapist, personally
Other stuff
Samirah is a hijabi, but we see under her scarf at least once and that feels really disrespectful, especially considering how observant she is of other stuff. Only women or close family (brothers, direct descendants, or direct ancestors) can see a hijabi's hair. Even if Magnus, Hearth, and Blitz are like family that usually isn't enough. She should have gotten a regular valkyrie's cloak imo. Some stuff feels off about Hearth but I'm not D/deaf so I'll hold my tongue on that as I'm not sure. Lavinia could use more yiddishisms in her speech and I'm curious to know what sect she was if her rabbi wasn't cool with her being a lesbian, but they do exist so *shrug.* There's probably something I missed with Reyna and Hylla, I feel like there is, but I can't remeber so it just gets an honorary mention
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castieelsblog · 7 months
Hello! So I'm in the PJO Fandom (have been for a couple of years) and I wanna talk about some of the characters that get hate or aren't understood. Starting with Bianca Di Angelo. There ARE spoilers to HoO and TOA, proceed with caution.
Bianca and Nico grew up in WWII era Italy and were brought to DC when Bianca was...10?? I think?? Whatever that's not the point, when they were brought to DC with their mom, Zeus had tried to kill them (because hades, Zeus, and poseidon kids were too powerful and Bianca was a hades kid) but he only killed their mom because hades had a barrier around the two kids. Fast forward to when we meet them, Bianca is 12 and Nico is either 9 or 10 (can't remember but that's not the point) and Bianca leaves Nico to join the hunters of Artemis. On the surface level, you might think that's a pretty shitty thing to do but let me put this into perspective for you: their dad is a God, meaning he can't associate with his kids directly and their mother died. Bianca had to become the sole caretaker to a hyperactive 9 or 10 year old boy for 70+ years. The ONLY reason she left was because she KNEW Nico would be safe at CHB (or as safe as you could be) she wanted to do something for HERSELF for once. It's not her being a bad sister, it's her wanting to finally do something for HERSELF. As an older sibling, I can understand her more than anything.
Next, Reyna. She grew up in Puerto Rico with her older sister and father, she was the first person in her family to be a decendant of Bellona, but her father became manic and she killed him. In doing so, all of her ancestors had gathered and called her a murderer-punishable by death at camp Jupiter. She and her sister fled Puerto Rico. Fast forward to current times, she's 16 years old and a commander of camp Jupiter. She's the one that brought peace between the Greek and Roman demigod camps. 16 and a commander. Why is she disliked so much? I think she's a badass person who shouldn't be treated like filth-from ANYONE, fictional or not. She's been through so much and yet you don't like her? Grow up.
Next is...well Jason AND Thalia Grace. Thalia and Jason were born a couple years apart (I not sure how many) to the Greek and Roman forms of Zeus. Their mother was a beloved actress who turned to the bottle because Zeus wouldn't notice her anymore. Jason was kidnapped by Hera when he was 2 and brought to Lupa. Thalia ran away from home. Fast forward to current time, she finally finds her brother again, but his memories are...well, they aren't in tact. Thalia is a hunter of Artemis and Jason is a child soilder. Thalia is forever 15 and Jason just turned 16 while on a quest to defeat Gaia. In which he nearly died. He hadn't seen his sister in YEARS and he couldn't even remember her because Hera had wiped his memories, can you imagine how they both felt? Thalia was so relieved to see him alive and he didn't even remember her face. They're both so complex and I WISH we saw them together more...instead Thalia will never see her brother again because he's dead.
Next, funshine bear personified: Will Solace. Okay, where to start with him...his mother traveled all over as a country singer bringing him along. When he was 9, monsters disguised as pigeons attacked him. He was brought to camp half blood, claimed by Apollo and then...well..hell broke loose. In the first war, he lost so many of his siblings it-hurts. The ONLY reason he's head of the Apollo cabin, is because the one before him died. He was only about maybe 11 or 12 when he was leading the main healing legion in the war with Kronos. He's lost so many people in his life, yet when people think of him they only think about him being Nico's boyfriend.
There's so much more and I could do a whole essay on this. ESPECIALLY Bianca and Rachel, but for now: please read their backstories before you say someone is selfish.
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warmerthanhotcoco · 1 year
Hi if ur able to, can you PLEASE PLEASE do an Imagine or headcannon of if Newt Scamander suddenly got powers like Spider-Man? From an accident with an acromantula that he was dealing with or something lol! I’ve had this idea forever but don’t have enough creativity <3
I can protect you now
Tags: Newt Scamander/You, Fluff, Spiderman AU, Outdoor-café dates, Astronomy Tower dates, Slytherin reader, Established Relationship, Boyfriend material-Newt Scamander
Summary: Newt, your adorable animal-obsessed Hufflepuff boyfriend, faced a mishap with a young acromantula in the Forbidden Forest. For some godforsaken reason all he got instead of venom... were the magical spider's abilities. Thank Merlin you're around to help him through it all.
A/N: Ron Weasley's nightmare. ANON I LOVE YOU SO MUCH- This is perhaps the craziest, coolest idea and I'm all here for it! Sorry it took bloody long (writing block hits hard in college)! I was in dire need of Newt fluff and one daydream later your Ask blossomed in my Notepad.
You asked for an imagine/headcanon but hey- I'm famous IRL for turning a tiny idea into a frigging novel so haha, hope ya like it, here we go! This will have two parts, the first one here being more fluff, and the second tomorrow being more action laced with fluff. Can't write Spidey-Newt without a single decent fight! See ya 'morrow xx
Part 1/2
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The moon was partly hidden by the clouds, its silver light hazy, trickling along the marble floor of the Astronomy Tower. The stars weren't around today: it had been a very boring day, and was now a very boring night. The perfect night to invite your boyfriend for a midnight chat over Firewhiskey and Chocolate Frogs: he always rambled about his favourite creatures for hours on end. 
Boredom was Newt Scamander's sole enemy.
The little wooden door to the Tower opened and shut with a creak.
"What took you so long?" you held out a Chocolate Frog. "It's almost 1 in the morning, love."
"I was... working." He evaded your gaze as he settled on the floor beside you, snuggling close for warmth.
"You did mention homework but your hair is as messy as your shirt and is that dirt on your trous— Goodness you're cold!"
"A-Am I?"
"...Newton Artemis Fido Scamander. I know that face. What did you do? Which animal did you kidnap to help heal it this time?"
"I-" he blinked in surprise before bursting into a string of soft chuckles. "I didn't kidnap anyone! It was more him kidnapping me this time..."
"Oh for Salazar's sake, what happened?" You gripped and shook him by the arm. He looked down at the spot where your legs were tangled together, anxiously biting the inside of his cheek. "Please talk to me," you pleaded, gentler.
Silently, he slid his hand up to his neck and tapped his nape. You frowned, leaning over his shoulder to check.
There were two round red marks on his skin, at least a millimetre deep. The skin around the wound was a brilliant sore pink.
You smacked his head with a hiss. "You dunce! I've been warning you for years against chatting up wild animals. You kept asking why, huh? This is why!" You raked your fingers through his hair, rubbing the spot you hit: not that you regretted but maybe it hurt a little bit. He subtly leant into the touch. “Get up, now."
"To take you to the matron. You’re lucky that’s my aunt.”
"I really don't think that's necessary..."
"But I do, so get up. Exactly what bit you?"
"...A what?!"
"It was only a young one..."
"You could have been killed!"
"He was wounded..."
“Or eaten alive!" Your hand covered his neck protectively. "What were you thinking?"
"They usually don't attack me when I help..."
"It's a bloody acromantula, Newt— Tsk, forget it." You didn't want to make him feel worse, so you pulled him to his feet, pecked his cheek with a whisper of "Sorry I yelled" and dragged him down the stairs to the hospital wing. 
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It had been three weeks since, and the summer holidays had begun. Newt was growing unusually quieter in his letters, and had skipped a coffee date last week. You were wondering what he was up to now, when an owl pecked angrily at the window. "Oh, so sorry, love," you opened the glass to let her in. "Did he reply?"
The barn owl opened her beak and dropped the tiniest box onto your palms. You tossed her a treat and picked up the box. Realising it was indeed heavy for something so small, you swished your wand at the box to enlarge it.
No wonder your owl looked so pissed: the box was huge and Newt had probably only managed one lightening charm.
You blinked at the glittery green wrapping. The little scroll at the top held only two sentences within. 
I'm afraid I can't explain everything on paper. Tomorrow, 5, same place?
So he did like it after all, you smirked, recalling your date the last holiday. With a flick of your wand, the gift-wrap (he sure knew how to make a Slytherin happy) came undone and the box popped open. 
Just a small apology. The words on the paper in the box had been cut through multiple times: attempted and re-written a dozen times.
But the gift was no small deal. Inside the box was... the prettiest autumn dress. All apple green chiffon, with cotton lace that boasted the finest little floral designs. No matter what anybody said, Newt Scamander was a man of taste.
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You were early.
Okay, let’s be honest, you were at the café almost an hour early. Not your fault you were worried sick over your suspiciously secretive dearest.
About twenty minutes to three, the chair before you tumbled backwards. “Well hello.”
“You’re early.”
“So are you,” you smirked at the extremely clumsy but elegant Hufflepuff towering over you at the table. He may not be on the team but he was taller and (despite trying to hide it with a dozen layers of clothing) fitter than you — and you were a Slytherin Chaser. Newt was dressed in a dark teal shirt and khaki slacks: perfectly complementing your gown and reflecting his hair and ocean eyes. “You know, what you lack in asking-out skills, you make up for in your style,” you grinned. “Sit down already.”
“Thanks,” he mumbled, making himself comfortable. “I asked for two Butterbeers and cakes for now, is that…” he asked slowly, pausing between words.
He was controlling his stutter. But his stutter hadn’t appeared for months now, with your help… Something was definitely wrong.
“Yep, perfect for now,” you looked around the outdoor-café. It was an inn full of open space: like if the Leaky Cauldron was in Lancashire and had a Hogwarts grounds-sized garden. The grass was fresh enough for Newt’s little friend to walk around in, and the Hippogriff and Thunderbird statues around the fountain were fine granite. It was no wonder it had grown into your date venue and study spot. “Less crowded today.”
Newt nodded, clearly relieved about it. Only after the order arrived did he speak. “Y/n… S-Sorry.”
“Newt, I told you over a dozen letters, it’s alright. Now that I know you’re healthy and well, it really is alright.”
He nodded, grateful.
“But an apology won’t save you from explanations.”
He swallowed hard, fingers drawing distracted patterns on the table. “I…”
“One sip and a deep breath, love,” you slid your hand close to his, fingers intertwining. 
He obeyed immediately, eyes still avoiding yours. “Prom… Promise you won’t be mad.”
“I’ll try,” you sighed.
Finally he met your gaze: his bright blue eyes were pleading. “Promise.”
“Alright, fine, IswearonyourBowtruckleIshallnotbemad, now spill!”
“Do you… remember the acromantula?” You nodded impatiently. “Well.” He turned away from the table and fixed his eyes on one of the table legs. He raised his right hand and flicked his fingers at the table — Zap! A bright cobweb wrapped around the leg so fast you nearly missed the string that shot out of his wrist. Newt cleared his throat to break the silence that ensued. “I… still don’t know how to undo it. Too sticky.”
You forced your open jaw shut and frowned, perplexed. “Newt, what in Merlin’s name was that?”
“Acromantulas have two prominent defence skills. Venom. And they can trap victims in a cobweb at lightning speed. The web wraps around the target… it’s sticky, lasts long enough for the acromantula to consume its prey.” Not once did he stutter: he was doing what he loved and was best at. “At least I don’t have the venom.”
“So you’re a human spider now.” You gulped down Butterbeer to ease your blood pressure.
“…S-Something like that.”
“Hey,” you took both hands, thumbs rubbing his wrists. “Relax. I’m not mad, nor disgusted. Just a little… confused. This isn’t supposed to be possible.” You shook your head, lifting one hand to kiss the knuckles. “But we’ll figure it out, hm? Hogwarts Library, bribing the CoMC professor, breaking into the Ministry's records…" His eyes grew wider and wider at every suggestion. "We’ll figure it out. And for now, we could take a trip to my aunt’s place.” He gripped your hand, alarmed. “Not to tell her everything but to have you checked for poison. This looks fun but I need to know you’re safe.”
A small half-smile played at his lips, a soft sigh washing over your face as he leant forth to kiss your forehead. “I am safe. I was… scared. Thank you,” he whispered.
“If you thought you’d get rid of me just from this, keep dreaming, spider-boy,” you laughed.
He grinned, leaning back into his seat and diving into the cake. 
“Aren’t acromantulas also known for their intelligence?”
“Let’s hope your Potions grades go up then.”
He burst into laughter, grabbing the serviette to wipe the icing all over his mouth. “Perhaps.” As the laughter faded, he stared at you, eyes soft and crinkled at the tips. “The part that I-I like the most about this is…”
“…I can protect you now.”
You sucked in a gasp, images of the group of Gryffindor bullies flashing through your mind. All the times Newt had caught you running late to dates with a black eye… “I guess so.” You wordlessly thanked him with a chaste kiss.
He tasted of vanilla frosting.
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mylifebeingautistic · 5 months
book review: The Cassandra Complex by Holly Smale
Cassie is having the worst day of her life. She is dumped by her boyfriend and fired from her job. Worse, her favourite cafe has run out of her staple banana muffins. She then discovers that she has a magical power: she can time travel to the past.
The book follows Cassie as she tries to fix her life and ensure that the original disastrous day doesn't happen. But things end up going much differently than she had planned.
I found Cassandra to be a really relatable character. I've seen some reviews saying that they didn't like her constant references and infodumps about Greek mythology, but I really enjoyed these, a) because I'm also interested in Greek mythology and b) because I can relate to constantly wanting to bring up my special interests in every conversation, even when they're not particularly relevant! I was surprised that she didn't know she was autistic the whole time, and it was treated more as a reveal at the end.
My favourite thing about the book is the plot twist that's revealed towards the end. I don't want to spoil it, but if you're considering not reading/finishing the book because you think it's all about Cassie getting her ex-boyfriend back, keep reading! There is more to it than that, and it was a really interesting plot.
From this point on, I will be discussing spoilers and quotes from The Cassandra Complex. If you don't want to see those, stop reading here!
I don't think we talk enough, as a species, about how ridiculously difficult it is to make basic conversation. People act like it should be fun, but it isn't.
This is so true! I've always been so bad at conversation. I don't understand how it comes so naturally to other people. I wish there was some rulebook for how to make a conversation, but I think that even if I followed each rule to the letter, I would still feel like I was doing something wrong.
An older lady with grey hair in a neat bun is standing right next to me, also staring at the menu. And I mean right next to me. She's not touching, but she's so close her personal gravitational field feels like it's made out of hot needles. Why do people always do this? What is wrong with them? I can't buy a cheese sandwich in Sainsbury's without a total stranger standing so close I can smell what they use as shower gel.
I also found this so relatable. I think a lot of autistic people have a different sense of personal space to allistic people, and someone standing a bit too close to us can feel so overwhelming, or (as in Cassie's experience) physically painful.
I suddenly realise: I'm not travelling through time to undo the things I've done wrong, or the decisions I've made. I am trying to undo myself.
When Cassandra came to this realisation!!! It's really interesting to think about: most times she travels back to redo something, it's because she had a bad sensory experience and got upset, or because she said something 'wrong', which are just characteristics that are a part of her. It's so sad that society makes us as autistic people feel like we're not good enough, and that we have to change somehow in order for people to like us. When in reality it's society that needs to change, to be more understanding and accepting of autistic people.
"That's OK," I say, standing up. "I don't think that was the relationship the universe was telling me to fix anyway."
I really liked this reveal! When Cassie figures out that the relationship with Will wasn't ever supposed to work out, but that she is meant to fix her relationship with her sister, Artemis. And I loved the whole healing journey that the two sisters go on together, and how they resolve the issues that had driven them apart.
My eyes suddenly fill. "You believe me?"
This moment was so good! If you're familiar with the Cassandra story from mythology, you'll know that her main thing is not being believed. So this moment was so important! And I loved that Cassie and Sal had built up a relationship in this new timeline, such that they were friends and Sal would take her side instead of Derek's.
"People think autism is some kind of error, and it's not. You're not broken or 'disordered', or whatever they say on their little bits of paper. That just means 'not exactly like me'"
I loved Artemis in this moment! She was exactly what Cassie needed at this point, to tell her that she wasn't broken, she was good enough just as she was.
"Bye," Artemis nods, taking a deep breath. "Bye," I smile. And I close my eyes to go back to the beginning.
I'll be honest, the one thing I didn't like about the book was this ending. I feel like Artemis and Will's relationship could have been fixed some other way. Because with this ending, everything that Cassandra has gained is undone, and she has to do it all over again. She's going to lose her new friends, Sal and Sophie, her newly mended relationship with her sister, and she'll have to do all the work towards pursuing her dream of going to university all over again. I felt like everything she'd gained over the course of the book was undone, and I didn't like it.
In general I'm just not a fan of sad or uncertain endings. I like everything to be resolved and happy at the end of the book.
But that's all just my opinions. What did you think of The Cassandra Complex?
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animegirlsakurablr · 2 years
Shenanigans in the Grand Order, part 460
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So I definitely should hang onto something.
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So this is Olympus? Hot damn.
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Annnnnnnd made it through Atlantis! I can honestly see why so many love it. I don't know what else I can say that everyone else has said. 😅 But that doesn't mean that there's things that aren't worth talking about!
So, the biggest one: the Olympus gang being alien machines. I'm honestly neutral to this revelation, probably because I'm just so used to things from our world being "remixed" so often (hello anything Sengoku era related). Like, it actually is interesting thinking about what functions they have while as machines (Haphaestus is a factory, Demeter is a compost bin, etc.), but I'm also not going to think about it all the time either.
I... honestly got a little sad at Charlotte's death. Not "I am actually crying over this" like with Mandricardo, just a little sad. I just didn't really feel a "connection" (I guess that's the best word?) to her. She's really... simple. And while being simple isn't a bad thing, I just sorta... wonder if there was anything more. Don't get me wrong, I do like her, just not as much as the narrative probably wants me to be.
Switching from Charlotte to Mandricardo, I definitely understand why y'all love him. He's a constant mood, he's adorable, he consoles Guda/Ritsuka, and perhaps the biggest thing that makes him stand out from most Servants - he actually asks Guda/Ritsuka/us the player if he could call them/us by name. How many Servants goes from calling them/us by name and then switching to 'Master' later on (like Chiron in the Apoc event)? Too many. Even Charlotte does that as well. But Mandricardo doesn't. He asks if it's okay to do so. That really sticks out to me. And yes, I did indeed cry when he shielded Guda and co. from Artemis' arrow, how could I not after all this?! I'll give him a few grails when I can. (Mandricardo is a better boyfriend/husband than Saito, fight me)
Who else, uhhhh... oh yeah, Bart. He honestly was annoying during certain points (we get it, you like bangs, do ya have anything else to share?!), but he also has plenty of scenes where that isn't brought up as well. He is close to the bottom of the barrel, but there's thankfully enough that he isn't for me. Same can't be said for Paris though.
I'm still not the biggest fan of Orion's and Artemis' relationship. While I am glad these two got development that they really needed, I still wish that Artemis herself (aka the playable version) also gets a writing update too.
SQ used: 0
Revival stones: 0
Pray for me when I get to Olympus.
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vegalocity · 6 years
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So much for fighting like cats and dogs
You can tell I love Sailor Moon a lot granted how much of these crossover ships are Sailor moon Characters. 
All the same for the next stop on Crossover Ship World Tour i finally concede defeat and admit that I can’t draw animals to save my goddamn life.
and also that you can totally tell who picked their own clothes for the human forms and who just shrugged and said sure at whatever their human threw at them.
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Wow I’m imagining a crossover of Percy Jackson x WandaVision where Percy “accidentally” discovers that he gained the Chaos Magic and he created a new reality where everyone that died in the two wars are alive, like Silena, Beckendorf, Zoe and etc. But after a while he notices that his new power was way too powerful and dangerous than he thought.
😍 Genius idea!
My (short) take on this (because I needed to write something for fun before I spiral down further), if I may:
Genetics is not my strongest, especially not with how Rick tried to explain why demigods can date with their cousins, but- what if being a demigod is similar to being a mutant? What if other than getting the godly parent's power through ✨not DNS✨, they have their own powers?
For some, it is not as over the top. For some, it relates to their godly power, so they don't even notice it.
Nico can raise skeletons, talk with ghosts, travel through the shadows, so when he touches living things and he absorbs their life-force, it is not a big stretch to assume he got this from Hades too.
Silena's power to influence people might come from Aphrodite, but when it comes with the ability to catch glimpses of what they think in that specific moment, it feels like a different set of powers all together.
Reading books quickly, absorbing information might comes easy for the children of Athena, but not as easy as it is for Annabeth: just touching something, she knows. Its history, who used it and for what purpose. The worst part is - it does not limited to objects.
But Percy? Well. He was always a bit different from even other demigods, wasn't he? He just has to have magic. It's a pretty, flashy thing, looking like he is manipulating the waves of the ocean, but it is so much more.
He finds this out after Kronos's death. Luke's death. He looks around - dead bodies everywhere. Demigods from the side of gods, demigods from the Titan's side... All dead. Too young to vote, too young to drink, too young to drive and to have sex, yet not too young to die for beings who don't even give a fuck if they live or die.
He loses it.
When he regains consciousness, he is in the infirmary. It is Lee, who takes care of him.
He is visited by Charles and Silena, always the parents of CHB, but he is even more exhilarated when his boyfriend, Luke is the one sitting next to his bed when he wakes up again.
Even when Luke is scolding him for overusing his powers in a silly little game of tag, being next to him is relaxing and it feels like home.
When Lee lets him leave, and not even Michael wants to keep him under supervision, the camp is full of life.
Participating in the games, training with his friends and learning never felt more exciting than now. Spending time with his friends gives him life. Even if Nico is behaving a bit suspicious...
When the hunters of Artemis arrive, Bianca is the first one to run and tackle her baby brother, who is suspiciously close to tears for not seeing his sister for just a few weeks, but then Thalia and Zoë greets them as well and the others start to mingle with the demigods, not caring about the teary reunion of the Underworld siblings.
The game with the huntresses is competitive, but so much fun!
(He and Luke, the power couple of Camp Half-Blood lead the camp to win, of course.)
It is a month after he was let out, and almost a month and a half after waking up in the Apollo cabin, when he starts noticing some discrepancies.
Sometimes, when he looks at Luke, sleepily cuddling with each other in Percy's bed, he sees golden eyes, and blood. Too much blood.
When he hugs Silena for being awesome, her face is radiant with her smile, but her eyes... They are screaming silently, begging for mercy.
Each time he visits Lee and Michael, trying to learn some first aid, Will avoids him, eyes filed with tears and anguish. He wonders what happened with the boy, but probably some family drama he can't help with.
Nico... Nico is always so temperamental, but Percy loves his cousin. He tries to spend time with him, to involve him in games, and other fun things, but the boy is angry, always telling him weird things.
Percy is unsure why would Nico think that Luke is dead, when he is obviously alive and well in his loving embrace, and he is even more confused about why would Nico want everybody to be gone, but... His cousin is the son of Hades. Maybe he is just more comfortable with death.
But in the end, he dismisses everything, and smiles: Camp Half-Blood is such a beautiful, magical, perfect place to live.
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yjwhatif · 3 years
With the semi/cryptic confirmation of Ed and Barts relationship in the series I have a question:
Do you think everyone knows about them (in world) or do you think they’re keeping it secret from some?
It’s just a thought that’s been in my head recently. It is most likely fuelled by the whole drama of G&B not being able to depict a “specific character” (it’s definitely Bart) as gay. They’ve had to hide the relationship from their audience - because of ridiculous reasons - but there are still moments that bring up the question - Are they? Before the reveals from AskGreg, I kinda thought- well they are clearly not together yet, but perhaps they both have feelings for one another and are just waiting for the other to make the next move because they’re nervous idiots who don’t want to have read the situation wrong — all while their friends are like - seriously guys? just get together already. Kinda like they did in s1 with Wally and Artemis - and I guess early Supermartian as well - which I would have been okay with... though with the likelihood of there being at least another two year time skip you’d probably have missed the getting together moment - which would kinda suck. Anyway. With the information about the chances being they were supposed to clearly be in a relationship throughout S3 — which makes the whole structuring of ILLUSIONS just make sense — it’s got me viewing their moments with a whole new energy. Also, I saw this post by Greg —
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And let me just clarify, I have no idea if this is actually referencing the Ed and Bart stuff, it might not be (probably isn't). This is purely me speculating.
My reading of this is they got told they couldn’t depict Bart as gay pretty late on and that specifically affected ILLUSIONS where they likely intended to confirm the relationship with that first shot - the kiss on the cheek moment. Even now that moment is just odd - because it’s there but it’s not - because technically there is no actual kiss… which I think is absolutely the point. It plants the seed without actually breaking any rules - all by keeping the momentum but removing the specific kiss frame. It’s the only moment that I feel is explicit in saying they are in a relationship - everything else you can just read into and imply there’s something - but they technically don’t confirm anything.
The whole thing is actually quite interesting - despite the reasoning for it being totally ridiculous. By keeping/showing what they did... People notice it. People talk about it. People reflect on it. More people talk about it. People writing. Make. Create. Discuss it. An entire audience is formed who want and support it. It’s a whole thing now because people noticed it and generated a positive response to it - and that was before all the AskGreg information. The whole reason YJ got a season 3 is because the fans fought to get it back. Enough people talked about it - and kept talking about it - to convince TPTB that the show should come back. Greg and Brandon know this. They know the power the fans have and maybe they hoped that power would help them again in freeing Bart from these ridiculous restrictions. #letbartoutofthecloset
Obviously, we can't know until S4 is released whether G&B got the permission to confirm Bart's sexuality the way they envisioned - but maybe the responses that came during the release of 3b were enough to convince TPTB that they were fighting a losing battle. But who knows, people in power can be very stubborn at times, so we will just have to see what we get. Fingers crossed they eased up though - and not just because of the Ed/Bart relationship (which I am obviously a fan of -- it's fine if not everyone is) - but because these restrictions on LGBTQ+ content shouldn't be a thing and need to stop -- there is just no validity in them.
Anyhow. despite their not being allowed to officially confirm the relationship, Greg's comment about Ed's having a boyfriend they can't name basically confirms the fact without technically breaking any rules again. Masterfully done Wiesman. With this, it implies the pair are in fact dating during S3 which brings us back to the original question... but who knows??
With the comments of Virgil during ILLUSIONS, it's easy to assume their friends do in fact know. They also seem to have no problem being close and interacting with one another whilst in the presence of others -- that is, except for one moment...
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Ever since the first time I saw this episode (ELDER WISDOM) I have always found this moment strange - because Ed seems to get kinda awkward when Barry comes to check on Bart. (Or that's how I see it at least.) He realises Flash is standing there and immediately pulls his head down averting his gaze -- almost like he doesn't want to be seen by the elder. But why? Does Barry not know about the pair -- or maybe he doesn't know about Bart and Ed thinks their current closeness is too revealing -- who's to say Bart's even fully out to the world yet -- who's to say either of them are? We certainly don't since we weren't allowed to be shown. We can't know until we know - so until then we can play the speculation game while we wait.
Bart is certainly a bit of a secret keeper when it comes to being himself. I'm still convinced the Bart we see onscreen is merely his interpretation of what he thinks people expect from a speedster in this time. We saw 'real' Bart, he was snarky and cynical and nothing like the Bart we've had for the past two seasons. He said it himself - he's playing a character - and I don't think he knows how to break out of it - not while the possibility exists that it might hurt those he's grown to care about. Bart wants to be seen a certain way to avoid acknowledging the truth of the past - if people see him as happy and smiley, then no one will question him on things he doesn't want to talk about. The problem with that is you can't hide yourself forever - cracks begin to form and eventually, the truth comes out whether you want it to or not. So who knows how comfortable Bart is revealing any of his true self to those he cares about. Maybe his relationship with Ed will be the thing that finally helps him find comfort in being himself, whilst also trusting others to still accept him as himself... and maybe getting him that bit of therapy he really needs.
This brings us to Eduardo… First, can I just say it made me so happy to see Greg’s confirmation of Ed being gay - though it is slightly annoying that he was robbed of his explicit onscreen reveal in S3 thanks to the drama with Bart. His whole relationship to his powers in S2 to S3 fits the representation of coming to terms with your sexuality/identity from a very negative point of view. Feeling like it’s something that needs fixing or needs to be “cured” - to then finding the light and freedom in accepting yourself for you. His growth between seasons is brilliant. He understands the hate and insecurity the teens are feeling because he felt it himself. He does all he can to help them because he never felt he got that help when he needed it - and no one deserves to feel worse for being who they are. Obviously, the things he talks about are framed in the context of dealing with/accepting the meta-gene - yet there are certain moments where it seems he’s saying more than that…
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All of which got me wondering - why did Ed originally runaway? It certainly wasn’t because of the meta-abilities he did not yet have. All he’s ever said on the subject was he thought he wanted to be with his father - the man it seems he barely had a relationship with. No, I think Ed has been running from himself for a long time and his dad just happened to be an actual direction for him to aim for. The way he speaks about his wanting to be “cured” and “praying to get rid of his powers” suggests an upbringing around religion and traditional ideas of there being a ‘normal/proper’ way to be — while anything that doesn’t fit that way is treated as other or something that needs to be changed or 'fixed'. Maybe he ran to avoid being found out and run the risk of being ostracised by those he loved. Or maybe he was found out and leaving wasn’t entirely his choice*. If this was the case, I can certainly imagine him not wanting to come out to his dad for fear of his reaction and completely losing all chance of that father-son relationship they’re both trying so hard to keep. It can seem easier to live in secret than risk the reality of loss. So while the meta-gene likely wasn’t the main thing he was angry about in S2, it was able to become a physical thing he could blame and focus his anger on - without having to think about where his issues truly lied… Though with a bit of time it also became the thing he was comfortable conveying his feelings through...
“I’ve learned to accept, even love my meta-abilities”
I love this line so much and it’s all because of the delivery by Freddy Rodrigues. There is the slightest hint of a pause before he says “meta-abilities”, which gives the impression he was about to say something else before then remembering himself and who he was talking to. Then there’s the small inflecion he put on “love”, which makes it sound like it’s the first time he’s heard himself say the words out loud. I don’t hear him talking about the gene - I hear him talking about finally accepting himself - all of himself - for the first time in maybe ever and finally feeling happy because of it. I hear growth... From being the angry 14-year-old skater who just wanted to run away and escape any way he could. To the 16-year-old councillor/Outsider jumping straight into the danger to protect and inspire those who need it. Both he and Bart are such strong characters with so much more to be seen - especially when it comes to the insecurities which lie behind their masks. They both compliment each other pretty perfectly - both powers-wise and personality-wise - meaning while they try to hide themself from others, I don't think it'll take long for them to realise they can't hide from each other.
Anywho, that’s all the speculatary nonsense I’ve got for today. This turned into such a patchwork of vaguely linkable thoughts I’ve had which barely relate to the one I started with - but that is usually how it goes. Take it as you will…
Also, completely unrelated to YJ, but Bi Tim Drake now exists in dc canon which is really cool - seeing all of the joy it’s sparked has really given me something to smile about this week… There is hope after all. 🌈
— LB ⚡️☀️
* OK so here’s a little random snapshot into the chaos of my mind— as I was writing the Ed stuff I had a scene pop into my head of Ed finally -for whatever reason- having to tell his dad that he didn’t leave his abuelo’s home - he got kicked out. His dads confused about this and asks Why? What did you do? And Ed’s like Nothing… I didn’t do anything wrong… he just… found out something. So Seniors like Found out what Eduardo? And Ed’s getting really nervous now because he doesn’t want to say it - That I, um… I’m… Senior step a fraction closer as he picks up on Ed’s anxiety but remains an appropriate distance - Son? Then after a tensening silence he finally says it - sounding the most vulnerable he has ever been - I’m gay… The silence is there again, heavy and unnerving, neither saying a word. Ed can’t move as he’s lock in his elders unreadable glare. Expecting the worse his head drops to take in the floor - anything that isn’t the disappointment ahead - he feels the urge to disappear burning up inside him - consuming him. Then just as he’s about to escape he’s suddenly grounded by a steadying hand rooting itself on his shoulder. Tentatively he lifts his gaze to witness his father, there, with nothing but love and support in his eyes - Mijo. The clamping in his chest dissipates as all the tension escapes at once, along with the breath he hadn’t realised he was holding. Ed embraces his dad and the elder embraces his son. Together. A family.
Anyway. That’s probably a load of rubbish but hey my minds full of it… but basically I really want to see a tender moment between Ed and his dad. For whatever reason. Something where Ed’s in a vulnerable state and in need of some emotional support from his father - and without hesitation his father steps up - because that’s what we haven’t seen from them yet. It would perfectly portray the strength of their relationship as father and son - despite their previous struggles - and prove that Senior is willing to support his son no matter the situation as the father - not just the scientist. Its the final step in their healing journey and I wanna see it so bad!!
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phxntmhv · 2 years
【30 Questions of CP, OC & Fandom★】   
Credits to @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat
1.How long have you been in this fandom? 
Since 2016, so this year I will celebrate 6 years loving traumatized vampires lol.
2. Who's your fictional boyfriend/husband? 
K o u.
3. Why do you like them? 
Oh no, you don't want me to start talking about him.
He’s my free therapy. (??)
I literally have an 11-page PDF in Spanish analyzing his character and explaining why I love him so much.
I just don’t know how to explain AAAAAAAAAA.
Let’s just say that really adore his character construction, his looks, his voice and… Everything??
4. Have you make acquaintance with anyone that ships themselves with the same character? 
Yep, it's actually less people than I expected when I’ve joined the fandom but I'm glad Kou has some recognition and "fans" in the real world, although I totally understand why he can't be a highly acclaimed character.
5. How do you feel about it? 
I don’t care really, there was a time when I felt even more insecure about other ocs, but nowadays it doesn't really matter or affect me as long as no one messes with me. Also, I really must say that I love the creativity of the Muns!
6. Do you feel any negativity towards them? 
7. Do you like seeing their oc(s) interact with your man/woman? 
It depends, I must admit that there are a lot of good characters even outside the ship with Kou. But since I consider myself a fan of well-constructed and readable stories, I wouldn't be able to couple MY tastes with all the ocs that are paired with him. However, my opinion should not be limiting or a hindrance for writers to do as they please, so I don't wish to offend anyone with this.
8. Do you feel competitive against them?
No. I consider their relationship as multiple universes.
9. Confident, or pessimistic? 
It depends.
10. Would you like more to get to know about your ship, or would you rather it being lowkey? 
A mix of both.
I like the ship and I wish I could bring more content from them more often, but I would like it to be understood that they are not the main couple of my story, they are actually quite secondary, and for that reason I would love to introduce the rest of my cast, but strangely I only have inspiration for KouRisu.
11. Do you follow any of those people (them whom ship themselves with your fictional lover) 
Yes, and fortunately we’re mutuals. <3
12. Are you friends with them? 
"Friends" is a strong word for me, but if I could define my relationship with them, it would be something a little less than that but a lot more than acquaintances/mutuals. I appreciate them and am fond of them but unfortunately, I have not been able to get close enough in and out of character.
13. What do you think about the 'stans' ? 
Honestly, I'm not interested in Kou’s “fandom” outside of artistic or literary, so I haven't interacted with them much. I only associate with roleplayers or artists, so I can't really have a strong opinion on this.
14. Are you worried about plagiarism or copying of your oc(s) by others? 
I don't think anyone would dare, I'm very perceptive about small details. And if it were to happen, I would expect cooperation and understanding in order to come to a reasonable conclusion.
15. How do you handle such a situation if it happens? 
16. Is your cp public or only between a particular circle of friends? 
17. Do you lock a specific cp ship, what’s the reason? (I dare you to tag them~!) 
Not at all.
I mean, I love everyone’s effort but I REALLY like and support the ships of my closest friends: Dany x Ruki, Elly x Azusa, Artemis x Shuu, Ren x Subaru, Alastair x Finnie, Reiji x Seren
and OFC my babies that I didn’t introduce yet: Ayato x Opal (another of my selfinserts).
18. What kind of behaviors do you suppose is pretentious to you? 
19. What kind of comments do you dislike the most when it comes cp feedbacks of your oc(s)? 
I have not received any comments that bother me so far.
20. Have you receive hates about your oc(s) before? 
21. Do you have a complete love story of your cp?  
Half of it.
22.  Do you allow joint of alternate universe with the canon version of your cp story? 
You can’t join Mirrored Fate or Neon Wonderland, sorry─
23. Are you okay with people shipping their oc(s) with yours? 
24. Ever gone through a bad experience in the fandom? 
We don’t talk about Amino, nonono we don’t talk about Aminooo.
25. The ocs that you admire in this fandom are? (Tag them~)
@solarstellarstar @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat @yuriko-tsukino-rp @strawberry--bride @gingerall @secretarykang @sunny-flower-spot @retelling-of-ragnarok @lured-into-wonderland @kindan-no-kanojo @iricathel @crowtunezz @supersweetlyuniquebouquetstuff @dialoveryuukos @mino-diabolik @komori--shoma
And I probably forgetting others, so I'm sorry TT
If i didn't tag u but I follow you, know that I admire you too!! Akwkflqkw sorry I'm very forgetful
@eyelessdoll-y I don't know much about your ocs but YOU MAKE AMAZING ART AAA PLS FOLLOW HER 😭😭😭💕💕
I know I've said it multiple times, but I really admire the ability you have to hold on to your projects, not be afraid of your creativity outside the canon and get out of the margin in pretty surprising ways. ^^❤️
26. What is the moment that caused you to feel most disappointed or excited? 
The asks-
I just look at them and I’m like “TF ARE YOU DOING??? WRITE SOMETHING U STUPID”
And then
“Shut up I’m on my mysme obsession /proceeds to draw anything but oc content”
27. The scariest era that you have come across in the fandom? 
Diabolik Lovers’ Hispanic Amino- BRO I STILL HAVING TRAUMAS ABOUT IT
28. The most wonderful thing you have come across in this fandom? 
I met the people I care about most in the world, even if they are far away or not from the same biological family, they give me the warmth and love I need since 2019. I could give anything for each of them and that's why I try to include them in the ocs projects I do.
And of course, I feel enormously privileged to meet more people with minds full of inspiration and love for their characters or projects, you guys really talented and I hope you all keep going with it! <3
29. Say something towards those that support and admire your cp~ 
Jk jk
30. You've worked hard, keep up the good work! ★★★
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k0ra-kumori · 3 years
Jealous Batboys (DC Super Hero Girls 2019)
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Hello, my name is Kora kumori and I'm Brazilian, so sorry if there are any grammatical errors in the story! (This story is based on dc super hero girls 2019)
word count ; 1602
pairings ; Batboys x reader
genre ; fluffy / Smut
warnings: contains adult content.
Dick Grayson
- You two were at a party, and there were two guys around you.
- my friend, he is very jealous.
- Dick may seem the most peaceful among his brothers, but don't be fooled.
- He will grab your waist tightly in front of the intruders.
- "Excuse me boys, I don't know if you know me but my name is Dick Grayson, I'm Bruce Wayne's son" Yes, that was a threat. It's almost as if dick wants to say "I'm very powerful, so don't mess with me or my girl."
- When he introduces himself, it usually keeps the intruders away, but this time not, this time the two men were not intimidated by the name "Dick Grayson" so dick moves on to the second stage.
- Dick whispers something in your ear and then gives you a kiss, then he leaves. You were confused.
- You were uncomfortable because the two men were still on your side, blocking your exit.
- Dick comes back after about 10 minutes, you wanted to hit him for taking so long.
- "You two are expelled." Dick said to the men, they were perplexed "You and bruce wayne run the city, not us. So why would we go out?", Dick gives a stupid smile "As you said, bruce wayne and I ran the city, and I bought it this club, and you are at my club in my town, so get out or i going to be forced to call the guards. "
- You were jaw-dropping and speechless, did he just buy a club so he could kick out the guys who flirted with you? Dick was really the most amazing guy in Gotham.
Jason Todd (18+)
- Okay, for Jason blood and jealousy mix very easily.
- You were in a bar, if dick saw that jason took you to a place like this, he would protest.
- You were there because the owner of the bar was none other than Artemis, so you could drink for free.
-Sometimes you forget that Jason is a vigilante, and unfortunately for him, there was a robbery across the street, Jason said he was going to solve it quickly and that he would be back soon, he kissed you goodbye.
"In the meantime, a man much older than you approached, and he was ... flirting with you?" That was disgusting.
- Jason has a sensor to know when they are flirting with you, because he showed up just in time.
- Jason took a glass of beer and drank, he hit the glass aggressively against the table when he finished.
- "Did you miss something in my girlfriend's breasts, you idiot?" Jason gripped his waist so tightly that it was scarred the next day.
- The man looked drunk, so he replied "Is this angel your girlfriend? You teenagers are idiots, you shouldn't be dating, so she should be dating an older guy--"
- That alone was enough to free the demon that Jason calls "rage" and it was all too fast, the man didn't even speak and Jason jumped on him, they were punching each other, kicking, everything to get hurt .
- You were so used to seeing Jason involved in bar fights that you didn't even care, in fact, you even like it when he gets involved in fights, because you know what happens after he finishes fighting.
- The fight lasted about 2 minutes, and as much as they tried, nobody could get Jason off the guy, and Artemis seemed more interested in cleaning cups than separating the fight.
- "I'll be right back, doll." Jason gave you a deep, hot kiss, very hot. He was angry and had just killed a drunk in front of everyone, he was dragging the man's body to the warehouse, you knew that in a few minutes he would have nothing but bones.
- Okay, he came back, and there he is, Jason todd all bloody, did you think it was weird that it took him less than 10 minutes, "Hey, but so fast?", Jason looked angrier than before, "He only had fat . " You were going to say something else, but Jason pulled your arm so fast that you didn't have time, you knew what happened when Jason got mad, and an angry and hungry jason resulted in things ... hot.
- he pulled you into the car, and threw you hard, you could already see the bulge between his legs, "Jason, yo--", Jason was horny, and was squeezing the steering wheel of the car, "I won't be able to wait until we get to the mansion, let's do it here.", " What?! We can't do it here, if a policeman catches us we'll be in trouble... "Jason shut you up with a kiss, he was now on top of you shirtless, showing his entire collection of scars, "I said we would do this here."
Tim Drake:
Tim is almost a robot, he feels emotions only inside, but shows nothing.
- You were in a coffee shop, Tim needed to finish a job.
- You were bored with watching him typing on his laptop, the coffe shop was empty and you could only hear the sound of the keys.
- "Coffee, can you get me another S / N?" You looked at Tim confusedly "You mean Y / N can you get me a coffee?", "That's what I said. Can you get it?" You were already getting worried about Tim, he hadn't slept for 3 days, it seems that being vigilant and a student is not easy.
- Well, you got up and went to get a coffee for your sleepy boyfriend for the 4th time, Tim like the biggest coffee, so you got the biggest one, and when you were going back to the table with Tim, a man unwittingly hits you, spilling all the coffee on your clothes.
- He seemed sorry, and apologized countless times, and somehow, those apologies turned into a conversation. You were enjoying chatting with your new best friend, until he asks "Do you have a boyfriend?", You loved Tim, and of course you replied that you did, and pointed to Tim.
- your friend wanted to forget that he asked this, so when you were going to talk again, "Hey Y / N." Tim came out of nowhere, the two of you jumped out of your seats, Tim had this Bizarre gift of being too silent.
- "Hi my love, let me introduce you to ..." Before you finished, tim completed his sentence, "Edward hanscom." Tim said coldly, "Yes! How did you know? I didn't even--" Tim interrupted you again, "I know a lot of things, and we better get going, I finished my job."
- "I-I think I'm leaving, Y / N, I'll see you the other day ..." Edward was about to walk out the door, when Dick came in, he was at work now (Officer) "Mr. Hanscom?" Edward nodded, "Y-yes it's me ...", "You're under arrest" and said, dick handcuffed edward and took him to the car to make sure he wouldn't run away, after doing that dick returned to the coffee shop.
- "Tim and S / N? How nice to see you here!", Tim just muttered something, and you waved happily at Dick, "I don't want to intrude but, why did you arrest him? I talked to him a few minutes ago." , "oh he? He was caught by cameras in a super market stealing food, I'm going to take him to the police station" you were worried about it, Edward didn't look like a criminal, so why was he being arrested?
- You thought for a moment and looked into the dick car, you found Jason inside. "D-dick, are you sure you are taking Edward to the police station? ...", "Certainly. Well, it was nice to talk to you but I better get back, I have work to do, see you soon, Tim and S / N! " Then he was gone, dick is gone.
- You left the coffee shop, you were going to the Wayne Mansion now "Edward was cool, it's a shame he is a criminal, and I'm not sure if Dick will take him to the police station I hope he will be fine ...", "he will be fine." You were a little uncomfortable with what happened a few minutes ago, so you took Tim's hand, "So, what were you working on, my little bird? You've been at it for two weeks" Tim looked at you "I was trying to locate a guy.", You were curious now, "A guy? You usually work with more important things than that, my love", Tim looked at you seriously" It was very important, that guy has spent 3 times looking at the butt of a guy's girlfriend, this is disrespectful.", you rolled your eyes, Tim gave too much detail, "Okay, so what was his name?", "Edward Hanscom."
- You were in shock, he spent 2 weeks locating that guy who came to flirted to you at the Coffee shop?!, "You idiot! Dick is going to give Edward as food for Jason!" You pushed Tim lightly, he was now laughing "Dick knows how to control that beast, besides, that Edward guy looked at your ass!", "You are an idiot Tim, you sent the guy to prison!" Tim now hugged you, "Relax, i will let him go tomorrow, that was just for him to learn not to look at the ass of others' girlfriend", you were silent, until you think of something to talk about "You know Tim, you can do it be bizarre and scary at the same time, but I love y--" for the thousandth time, Tim interrupted you "I love you too.", you started laughing now" You have to stop interrupting me! This is scary you silly!"
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lovelybucky1 · 3 years
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where do i start? i’m artemis, or lovelybucky as most people know me. i started this blog a little over a month ago in the hopes of getting out of my writing slump and to allow myself more freedom with the content i create, and look where i am now! i never expected to get this far, and i’m beyond grateful for all of you. whether you follow for my marvel content or my criminal minds (or something else), thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me.
in honor of this milestone, i will be hosting a writing challenge that lasts the entire month of august. under the cut is 31 songs to choose from, as well as a line or two from them. i will be writing one each day, but you could write as little or as many as you’d like!
you must be 18+ to participate. whether your fic has smut or not, my blog does not allow minors
your fic can be any rating, any length and contain any tropes you want! smut and dark fics are permitted, i just request that you give proper warnings at the beginning of the fic
your fic does not need to contain the lyric given below, or any other lyric, but it does need to be inspired by the song in some way
after the challenge is complete, i will be putting all of the fics onto a masterlist. use #lovelybucky1’s 500 and tag me so i can find your fic and add it
there is no limit on how many people can do each prompt. you can do all of them if you choose, or only one, it will still be featured on the masterlist
please view the pinned post on my blog for more through guidelines on why type on content (specifically smut) is permitted. if your fic contains any of the things on the list, it will not be included on the masterlist.
you can write about any character from marvel or criminal minds, as well as ships between characters. the characters below are non-marvel or criminal minds that are accepted.
jefferson (once upon a time)
ransom drysdale (knives out)
lance tucker (the bronze)
andy barber (defending jacob)
ari levinson (red sea diving resort)
tj hammond (political animals)
chip taylor (68 kill)
charles blackwood (we have always lived in the castle)
laszlo kreizler (the alienist)
if you have another character that you’d like to write about, send me an ask or a dm!
lastly, if you are going to participate in this challenge, i’d appreciate if you reblogged this post to spread the word and get others involved!
prompts under the cut
Youth- Troye Sivan “My youth is yours, Runaway now and forevermore”
Mad Hatter- Melanie Martinez “You think I'm crazy, you think I'm gone, So what if I'm crazy? All the best people are”
Woman- Harry Styles “I'm selfish, I know, But I don't ever want to see you with him”
Cherry- Harry Styles “Don't you call him what you used to call me”
Black Sheep- Metric “Our common goal was waiting for the world to end”
Dirty Little Secret- All American Rejects “I'll keep you my dirty little secret, Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret”
Take Me to Church- Hozier “I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies, I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife”
Cold Hard Bitch- Jet “Cold hard bitch, Just a kiss on the lips, And I was on my knees, I'm waiting, give me”
Self Esteem- the offspring “Now I know I should say no, But it's kind of hard when she's ready to go”
Motion Sickness- Phoebe Bridgers “I hate you for what you did, And I miss you like a little kid”
Somebody Told Me- The Killers “Well somebody told me you had a boyfriend, Who looked like a girlfriend, That I had in February of last year”
Carolina- Harry Styles “She's a good girl, She feels so good”
New Perspective- Panic! at the Disco “You come along because I love your face, And I'll admire your expensive taste”
Dress- Taylor Swift “Carve your name into my bedpost, 'Cause I don't want you like a best friend”
Bad Idea- Girl in Red “It was a bad idea, To think I could stop, Was such a bad idea, I can't get enough”
Kiwi- Harry Styles “And now she's all over me, it's like I paid for it, It's like I paid for it, I'm gonna pay for this”
This Love- Taylor Swift “This love is good, This love is bad, This love is alive back from the dead”
Teardrops On My Guitar- Taylor Swift “I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about/And she's got everything that I have to live without”
Red- Taylor Swift “Touching him was like/Realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you”
Illicit Affairs- Taylor Swift “Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me/You showed me colors you know/I can't see with anyone else”
Wonderland- Taylor Swift “And in the end, in Wonderland, we both went mad”
Wet- Dazey and the Scouts “It's so depressing how the tear ducts in my eyes/Are so much wetter than the space between my thighs”
Nicotine- Panic! at the Disco “I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you/So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do”
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things- Taylor Swift “It was so nice being friends again/There I was giving you a second chance/But you stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand”
False God- Taylor Swift “The altar is my hips/Even if it's a false god”
Scotty Doesn’t Know- Lustra “Fiona's got him on the phone/And she's trying not to moan/It's a three-way call and he knows nothing”
I Hate Everything About You- Three Days Grace ��I hate everything about you/Why do I love you?”
Rebel Girl- Bikini Kill “Rebel girl, rebel girl/I think I wanna take you home/I wanna try on your clothes”
I Love You Like an Alcoholic- The Taxpayers “One last kiss, I need you like I need a broken leg.”
Hey Stephen- Taylor Swift “Hey Stephen, I've been holding back this feeling/So I've got some things to say to you”
Two Ghosts- Harry Styles “Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat”
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silkhy-john · 3 years
Nico saying "I smell like death and animals fear me for it" is incorrect. Here's reasons why:
1. It's really no secret at this point that Nico is the most powerful demigod alive in-canon. He's so powerful that he has enough reserve strength and vitality (after recovering as much as he possibly could from Tartarus, starvation, and using the seeds in the state he was in. You don't ever fully recover from things like those) to constantly have his fear aura and cryokinesis emanating low-key, kind of like his wavelength.
But, it's at its lowest when he's with Will/Jason/Hazel/Reyna/Gleeson/whoever you ship him with, but never fully off. The fact that he emanates an aura puts him one step closer to god than mortal by the way.
ANYWAY, the constant emanation of the fear aura definitely makes animals skittish, but as he doesn't really let it off when he's alone with animals, they crowd him and glomp him whenever he's alone with them.
2. A lot of the animals he interacts with are probably animals tied to gods who don't have the best of relationships with Hades.
This one should be pretty self-explanatory. When you make an enemy of a god, you make an enemy of practically everything they represent (imagine permanently pissing off Hygeia or Asclepius... yeah, let's not).
Think of Annabeth and cows. Her Bovine Majesty, Hera, that goat skin gal, Queen of the gods, doesn't like Annabeth, and cows, by extension, do not (why are there so many commas???). The difference here is that Hera actively does things to screw around with Annabeth, and the only thing stopping her from screwing up Annabeth's relationships and (eventual) marriage is Athena giving her the look. Enough about my Annabeth|Hera head-canons though.
So whenever Nico interacts with a horse and equine creatures, or an eagle, or a cow, they get skittish and violent because of the gods they're tied to not liking Hades, and by proxy, him (exception here is Zeus, who genuinely dislikes Nico and would kill him if that didn't mean dying at Hades' hands, quite literally btw).
3. Animals don't really fear death (itself), which Nico represents.
Here's an important distinction for you and a head-canon from me (one I might write a piece on): Hades' children are representations of death itself, while Thanatos' children, as children of the god of death, represent it's causes.
I don't want you to think of to confuse it with him repping death by old age (that would be children of Geras).
Anyway, all creatures seem to take comfort in death, and thus Nico. And when an animal is comfortable with you, it tends to either leave you to your business, or seek your attention.
This one is cracky and feels like something I'd write a piece for at 3AM when I can't sleep.
4. This one is about Artemis|Nico.
Basically, as a sort of apology to Nico cause she knew what it meant to take away the only person he had at the time (and for a long time, really), I head-canon that Artemis has marked Nico with one of her blessings (a boon for my Hades players out there).
This specific mark is the one that numbs wild animals'/animals with violent dispositions' instinct to attack creatures they perceive as "dangerous".
Animals aren't daft. They can tell a dangerous individual, and some attack on sight to get the upper hand. Of course, Nico is too powerful for a non-mythical beast to so much as scratch him (he wouldn't kill them, just scare them off).
Anyway, with the mark, wild animals basically act as their domestic counterparts would around Nico.
I head-canon that when he first started shadow-travelling and would wind up passed out on totally different continents or in different places, he woke up one day in Tsavo East National Park with man-eating lions (look it up, fairly interesting) curled up around him and purring.
Anyway, now that we've dived into my mind and swam steadily downwards, we've finally reached the bottom where one thing is left: SHITPOSTING. Let's do it.
Animals when nico's fear aura is on: I do not know this man. I could see him walking down the streets and I would not recognise him. Sorry to this m–
Animals when nico's fear aura is low: cuddle time. Time to cuddle. Yup. Did someone say snuggling? Come here, boyo *glomps said boyo*
Nico: so do you like me or not???
Zeus [on mount olympus]: I think it's about time I sent an eagle to pluck his ey–
(ground rumbles)
Zeus [nervously]: *clears throat* –to pluck the twigs out of the boy's hair, why is he so bad with maintaining his hair?
(Will is doing some stuff for a Veterinarian son of kymopoleia. Nico accompanies him to the vet's like the supportive boyfriend he is)
Will: why are you covered in cats???
Nico [covered in cats and enjoying every second of it]: cause you're giving the dogs a check-up, doctor
(Will got turned on when nico said doctor, guys, don't blame me)
(Hades and Hera get into a cat fight. It's for a very petty reason; their pet peeves with each other's children)
Hades: time-out! Can't we just try to get along now that our boys are dating each other?
Hera [pensive; the expression looks fake]: *adjusts goat skin on shoulders*
Hera: . . . no
(Cat fighting continues)
(Snow-white!Nico AU with Reyna and Hazel as main supporting cast, Percy as prince, and Hera as misunderstood evil queen with her own character arc? Closer than you'd think)
Reyna: stop singing nico
Nico: why?
Hazel: You're covered in birds nico. BIRDS, PLURAL!
Nico: makes me even more fly :)
Percy: omg literally so hot *swoons*
Hera: *strokes cow behind ears* can we skip to the part where he eats the apple and gets trampled by my trusty cow?
(The story falls apart. Not even the Apollo kids can save it. Lesson is not to let the aphrodite cabin do storytime at the campfire).
Hazel: oh, I didn't know you had pets, Nico
Nico: I don't
Hazel: why all the random animals, then
Nico: you're not trying to kick out my other visitors, are you
That's it, guys. Deuces. Yes, some of the head-canons here might feature in my next nico-centric (ooohhhhh, *interest sounds*).
I'd like to do more posts like these, but they're a bit time-consuming to write up. It's still so worth it though.
Should I do more like these? (The "head-canon/opinion dump-into-shitpost" format). You tell me. I mean, I'll still make them, just more frequently if yes is the answer.
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ilovevillains · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers Girls' playlist 💓
Album: Tokyo Revengers Playlist
Let me tell you something: they might not be the best female character written, but I admired them, because I will simply have solo the whole manga. The mangaka really made them with a good temper, I would have been in jail.
Yes, we all wish that they were written different, but they are perfect for me and for people out there.
Note: Sorry for the late post, yesterday I had a family emergency and I couldn't post. I swear if life don't give me a break, I'm gonna do something terrible... eat a whole Ben and Jerry's cup of chocolate ice cream.
💓1894, Amber Mark
'Bout to pull up in the club 'Bout to tear this whole place up Dance until we've had enough (yeah) Got my ladies walkin' in And I'm here with all of them Don't be tryin' to butt in (yeah)
💓¡aquí mando yo!, Kali Uchis
Yo tomo las decisiones, yo escojo las posiciones Puedes tener los cojones, pero yo los pantalones
💓Venom, Little Simz
They would never wanna admit I'm the best here From the mere fact that I've got ovaries It's a woman's world, so to speak Pussy, you sour Never givin' credit where it's due 'cause you don't like pussy in power Venom
💓Universe, Ambar Lucid
I don't really want to show you what I'm feeling My reality's been something that I'm dreaming I belong to the universe, I belong to the universe I don't belong to anyone else, no Mi magia te ha cambiado yo, lo siento Siempre cambio yo me muevo como el viento I belong to the universe, I belong to the universe I don't belong to anyone else, no
💓Lexii’s Outro, Kehlani
Matter fact, don't let 'em see you down 'Cause if they see you down, they gon' try to get up They gon' know that you stuck, exactly what they want So even if you fuckin' up, you gotta put on that front You gotta act like you're on top, even if your shit sunk I know this what you want
💓Barrio, YENDRY
Tú no eres el hombre que conocí Si quieres la guerra yo estoy aquí Yo soy mi propia dueña y confió en mi fuerza
💓GOOD FOR HER, Mothica & emlyn
Good for her, you're only gonna make it worse, 'cause If you stand in her way, she's not gonna behave Good for her, I'm ready for how she makes it hurt, 'cause It what's you deserve, she puts her first, now good for her
💓Prodigal Daughter, Lights
Now I'm making a living Crashing the algorithm Flip the pillow to the cool side Love, magic, feminism Finally found religion Laying naked on the poolside
💓YES MOM, Tessa Violet
2020 vision with ambition's how I'm made I can't keep from winning when it's in my DNA Push me down and I bounce right back Trampoline and it's in my past (past) Rising like a phoenix making fire from the ash, yeah
💓Artemis, AURORA
The mother made us a savage daughter Who never begs for forgiveness I always wondered why they all came back for more The gods have made us a virgin hunter Who in the storm becomes stillness I always wondered why they all came back for more Came back for more
I love my girls, but Senju and Yuzuha... they are the closes characters to me. I admire this girls that stand with their brothers, boyfriends, whoever they are... and they hold back their punches... because if they were my relatives, I would kick their asses for behaving like children.
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