#I don't like showing off my paintings. It's a personal ''why bother'' problem to me
fluffyapathybunny · 5 months
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A late bonus Secret Santa gift for a coworker, two in-progress paintings (using the remainder of whatever's on my palette currently), and a two color piece on a 3x4 black canvas that I really vibe with
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sweetshelluvaau · 9 months
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Finally, I finished him!
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So here he is, the King of Lust himself, Asmodeus! I wanted to take a break from the main cast plus hyperfixation came into play so if I didn't draw Ozzie my brain would have exploded so here we are. I'm putting this under read more because there's a lot of ranting before I get to the notes on the redesign plus pictures to address my points:
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To be honest: I don't mind Ozzie's design/outfit in the show. It isn't horrible by any means and there was a time where I could say I even liked it. But when Oops dropped and seeing him without the suit happened, disappointment sunk in.
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Are you telling me this man, is a beefcake under that compression suit? The embodiment of lust is jacked and his outfit doesn't show that!?
Seriously Viv, where's the beef?
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And while I did say that I did at one time like his design, I never found it really 'sexy' (his voice on the other hand...) and after seeing his beautiful chest all I can do is cry about it.
Also: what is it with Viviziepop and top hats? It's if half of her male cast wears them. It'd make sense for some characters, notability sinners who died in their era that they were popular but it makes no sense for other characters. In this case, I just think Ozzie looks better without one.
Ahem, yeah okay, right, soooo notes:
I noticed one of his earlier looks before the final design he had a longer, thicker and fluffier neck and kinda sad they didn't keep that being it worked with the rooster motif he's suppose to have. I decided to incorporate it back into my design just because I can. Plus, ya know it's fluffy:
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I also decided to give him bird feet/chicken legs and make him a bit thicker thighs because excuse me he's part rooster have you seen the meat on those things?!
Because my obsession with his chest, I decided that the outfits should show it off more because, um...chest. Also: FLUFF. idk why I just really wanted to make him fluffy.
The outfit on the right was the one I drew first but I felt it was lacking the regal feel I wanted to go with being he is one of the Deadly Sins and I wanted to show that (along with his chest and fluff but shh). I decided to keep it as a secondary, causal outfit on days off when all you want to just lay on the couch and chill/cuddle with your boyfriend. (likely gonna get rid of the neckless being I mostly just added it because I thought it was funny. If you know, you know.)
After going back at it a second time I decided to go for a burlesque style (Not sure if I nailed it or not) considering his club sorta had that theme going for it and while I'm more than likely going to revisit and change a few things later on, I overall love how the outfit came out.
And of course, a crown. I may get rid of the fire/flaming top in later drawings but I thought it was cool at the time.
I may still revisit the design to maybe add a bit more bull, goat and possible dragon to his design outside of the heads but I think I may save that for when I cerate his full demon form where I'll have those features stand out more. Likely won't have him have his tiny form in my au, no matter how cute it is.
not really a design note persay but kinda want to mention it because it bothers me: I drew/inked and colored both of these at different times which is why the anatomy and coloring is so different from each other. I'm still playing around with clip studio paint tho I think the shading style on the right is the one I'm gonna go with for now on.
As for character/lore notes: I really don't like how it feels as if Ozzie (along with some other characters) was defanged in season two plus how they made him, a deadly sin, not feeling all too threating. Granted, Ozzie being nice isn't the problem (being nice doesn't necessarily mean you're a good person plus I do like that the sins do have some virtues like believing in consent being ya know, complexity and what not suppose to be full on evil) and I even have him being one of the nicer Sins in my AU but still can have his dickish moments and hell, he and Fizz are gonna drag your corpse with the amount of roasting they're dishing you about your sex life because god they were so much fun when both them had more bite. Please bring back my chaotic asshole jester gremlin and his rooster boyfriend tag teaming about how much you suck in bed and just being a general nuisances to society plzthx. (plus ya know, Fizz is a Jester his job is roasting people. Not to say he can't have some kindhearted moments. His friendship with Blitzo gives me life and I love the moment with the deaf kid even if you have to question why a kid is doing at a 18+ event to begin with but that's a whole other can of worms.)
While I'm not going with the circus theme that Viv claims she's going for with each Deadly Sin being based off a circus act (which is a fun idea in theory tbh if that idea expanded on outside of a poorly done aesthetic), I kind of like the idea of a magician motif for Ozzie due to his use of fire plus one of his infernal correspondences happens to be illusions, which we kinda saw him do in Ozzie's. I thought it was a cool touch, regardless if that was intentional or not.
Also, apparently it's canon that Fizzarolli is his first romantic relationship and idk that kinda bothers me. Asmodeus is over thousand years old and in biblical lore he's been in a few relationship (plus what happened in the Book of Tobit with Sarah). Why not play around with that? In my AU, he's been in at least two (Lilith and Mammon respectfully, and I'll talk about that at a later time) before but they were all failed relationships, which soured his view on love for a long time until he fell for Fizz. I also headcanon Ozzie being/use to being a bit of a hopeless romantic, as much as he tries to hide it (poorly).
Hey, I drew some half decent hands for once.
Anyways, yeah, here's my version of Ozzie. Next up with be either Stolas (which is less of an rewrite and more of a damn overhaul because holy shit I really had enough of this guy in canon) or perhaps Beelzebub being I got some ideas for her too.
Made with Clip Studio Paint and Photoshop CS6 for final touches. Okay to reblog, Feedback is encourage.
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My little sisters and I all live in the same apartment complex, but I've never been over to their unit because they've never invited me inside and whenever I had to pick them up or drop them off they'd tell me to meet them in the parking lot. This morning, I had to go over and help them deal with an overflowing toilet because maintenance is closed on the weekends (god forbid you have an emergency on 2½ out of 7 days). I got it fixed no problem, but I noticed something fundamentally different between the three of us.
Their apartment is the exact same model as mine, same layout, same 4 bedrooms, same kitchen, everything is the same, but theirs actually looks like a home. They and their roommates have decorated everything for Christmas. There's a tree and lights and stockings, and the kitchen counter is full of appliances and a knife block and a drying rack. They've rearranged the furniture and hung up paintings and have little knick knacks everywhere, it looks lived in and welcoming.
Mine is a cesspit hovel.
My building had a terrible roach infestation all year, so my roommate and I can't leave any dishes or appliances out in the open. The fridge is safe, but the cabinets and drawers were crawling with the bastards, so I had to keep all my food in baggies inside sealed tubs in my bedroom.
The living room is as barren as the day I moved in; it looks like an empty model apartment they'd show off to prospective renters. It's cold and gray (well, actually landlord beige), and I didn't realize why I hated it so much until just now.
Ever since college, I've lived out of boxes because I've been afraid to get situated anywhere; save for the few years I lived in my childhood bedroom at my parents' place, I've lived in a different place every year since 2014. I didn't bother unpacking because I knew I'd have to repack it all up at the end of the year anyway and move somewhere else, so I've never been able to make a space my own. My sisters move apartments every year, and they just deal with it; they don't mind packing and unpacking, that's just one of the things they gotta do, and their apartments are always so much cozier for it.
I've sprayed Raid all over the kitchen and swept out behind the fridge and stove and called pest control two or three times since I moved in in September, and come to think of it, I haven't seen any roaches in weeks. I think the infestation might have been dealt with, this afternoon my roommate has started moving his utensils into the kitchen, so I think I'm gonna unpack for real. I'm hesitant about food, but after a personal inspection I feel confident enougn to put all my pots and pans and plates in the cabinets.
If I'm wrong and the roaches come back with a vengeance, I'll clean everything and repack it back in my room, but for now I think I can finally start to relax. I'm gonna hang some posters in the living room, maybe put out some coffee table books, move the couch and chairs away from the wall. Once I get some money, I'll buy a bookshelf and put all my tapes and DVDs out there for easy access.
This is going to be nice. 2023 has been unrelentingly horrible from start to finish, but 2024 will be better.
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killershrike · 9 days
I want to say to all writers or would be writers; we gotta stop comparing ourselves to other authors. Take inspiration, absolutely!!! I have taken sooo much inspiration from media in my fic Dark Suspension. Not just from books, movies, tv shows, songs, paintings, everything. I think it's absolutely so important to use the things that inspire you to create and not be afraid of "ripping off." Obviously if you copy and paste a whole paragraph and just change the names then maybe rework it a bit. But, personally, I see absolutely no problem in having direct inspirations. Yes I have a lot of original lines and things, but I also have reworked some of my favorite moments and lines into the story.
Two examples from me specifically:
• Cersei Lannister and Margaery Tyrell speaking together. "Gone, a gentle word, why not say slaughtered?" reworked into So-yin saying "Force, a gentle world, why not say slaughtered?" When Ghost tells her about "forcing" Bad Bloods to give up info.
• In The Terrfier 2 Art the Clown brutalized a victim and two of the ways is by snapping the victim's arm in half and tearing it off her, and another way is by tearing her hand apart so it rips down the middle. This was reworked into Ghost, tearing an arm off a corpse and snapping it in half to create a "knife" to throw at someone escaping. And then directly tearing a man's hand apart so it rips down the middle.
Someone could argue this isn't Changed enough, not Original enough, I disagree. This is where it comes to opinion and where I hope to help me and other writers or potential writers to feel some ease. I've been seeing a lot of people saying they're too scared to post their fics cause of people saying things like "copying too much," "too much description," and "too much dialogue." And really, at the end of the day, everyone is wrong. Even I am.
Art has always been subjective, but I feel like writing can be some of the most subjective of all. One person can read Homer's Odyssey, a literal world renowned classic, and say it's boring. Someone can read The Lord Of The Rings books and say they're stupid, even though it's arguably the most popular book series to date.
No matter who you are or how "good" or "bad" your work is, there will always be people who either love it or hate it or don't care. We have got to stop comparing ourselves and holding ourselves back from sharing the things we want to because of other people's stupid little "writing rules." Those dont exist.
You know what the only rule of writing is? You gotta write. To be a writer, you have to put words down somewhere. That's it. That's all. Whether it's me, you, or Stephen fucking King. We're all just silly Little Guys with thoughts in our head that we put down and share with other people because they mean something to us. Just because you aren't a published author and Stephen King is doesn't mean you're a worse writer, or shouldn't bother posting your stuff. He just had the opportunity, luck, or possibly both, to end up in a position as a famous and published author.
But even he didn't start that way. So many authors don't put their stories out as a way to get famous or attention, I definitely didn't. I use my story as a way to work through my own pain and hopefully come up with some fun and interesting ideas along away. I'm not saying one way is right, go for that bag if you want! Or just post your story for fun! Just don't feel like you can't post your writing or people will hate it or won't read it because these stupid "rules." Someone will read it. Even just one person. And you never know, maybe that one person could turn out to become a friend!
I've found so much happiness by posting my story and characters. Yes, I've received some hate, but the love and support I've gotten so outweigh that. Sometimes, I get caught up in the negative and the anxiety, but overall, I don't regret posting my writing and will continue to do so. I hope you can too!
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andreal831 · 6 months
I just don't see the appeal for Haylijah. Aside from them having nothing in common or any chemistry whatsoever, they were easily the most cringe, disgusting, trashiest, and incestuous ship to ever exist. There's nothing beautiful and romantic or even remotely hot and sexy about a ship, where a man falls for a woman pregnant with his brother's child, and said woman is a terrible mother as a result of being more worried and thirsty over jumping her daughter's uncle's bones, rather than worrying about her pregnancy and daughter, which were far more important. Just look at how she wasted no time cheating on Jackson the first opportunity she got. I mean, I understand she was basically marrying Jackson for convenience, but come on. She literally just told Elijah she's engaged, and she goes and does that.
And don't even get me started on what a complete bitch and straight up cunt she was to Gia when she found out she was seeing Elijah. And at this point, she's already married to Jackson and has already found out about Dahlia. This just once again proves what a terrible mother Hayley is, because instead of being more concerned with the looming threat after her child, she's more concerned with banging two dudes at once and having all the attention on her. She can't even be bothered to be the tiniest bit grateful that Gia helped her out with her daughter, which she was under no obligation whatsoever to do, since that's not her problem anyway. 
And same goes for Rebekah, who spent six months of her life with Hope. And once Rebekah's nanny services were no longer required, Hayley is quick to turn on her at the drop of a dime and ready to kill her too and for what exactly? And on top of that, thinking Klaus and Elijah would agree to that? Talk about being the most selfish, disrespectful, and ungrateful bitch to ever exist. Rebekah was a way better mother to Hope in those six months than Hayley ever was throughout Hope's whole life.
Now, let's go onto Elijah and his views of women. He doesn't genuinely love the women he falls for. He loves the idea of them and whatever image and picture he paints of them in his head. And the minute they don't live up to the ideal pure, innocent, and virginal woman he pictured in his head, he drops them like a bad habit. I guarantee if he knew who Hayley really was as a person and about her history on TVD, and if he was anything in character at all, he'd have thrown her ass to the curb the same way he did with Katherine. 
And you say Elijah is not a hypocrite? He's the biggest hypocrite to ever exist and there's plenty of proof on both shows to prove it. Being buddy-buddy with Elena and even sympathetic to her for losing her brother, and even dumping Katherine over that. But having nothing to say about Elena having killed two of his brothers, and then having the gall to say on TO, "No one hurts my family and lives." Or what about having the gall to judge Cami for letting her feelings for Klaus cloud her judgment (which she wasn't, she was being very reasonable), when he did the exact same thing with Hayley, which is why he daggered Klaus and let Hayley run off with Hope in the first place? Yeah, Elijah is not the perfect, moral, and noble man you've all been brainwashed into thinking he is. 
Before you assume anything or put words in my mouth ... no, I don't ship Klayley or Klaroline either. And let's also not forget that Julie Plec promised fans that TO would be more about the family dynamics and exploring more of the Originals past and wouldn't have the same love triangle drama TVD did. Talk about the biggest bold-faced lie ever told. If anything at all, Klayley and Haylijah solidified for me why a love triangle was not needed for TO. Julie Plec should've just kept her word. Now, Elijah/Francesca and Elijah/Gia would've made for far better, more interesting, more compelling, and definitely way hotter and sexier pairings. 
Hello love. I adore the fact that you are still thinking of me after all of these weeks. Although I hope you haven't spent too much of your time being this upset.
Despite all of that, I'm going to take this ask seriously, or as serious as possible. It will be the last one from you I respond to, the rest will simply be deleted. But if that is how you wish to waste your time, have fun!
So your first complaint is that you don't see the appeal of haylijah. And that's fine! There are a lot of different ships for different people. I don't make it a practice to tell people who to ship. Rather, I love talking about things I love, like haylijah. Thank you for providing me another opportunity to do so!
To me, haylijah has so much chemistry. From the first moment they met, I knew they would be a main ship. They had so much chemistry that the show dropped the whole brothers love triangle because it didn't compare. Again, that's too me (and the show runners), if you disagree, that's great for you! I don't get how it's incestuous since they aren't related... But if you find it that way, maybe this show isn't for you. If they are problematic for you, I'm not sure what ship you can really like.
I think Elijah falling in love with Hayley was so beautifully done. I also want to point out the way you talk about Hayley as a human incubator for Klaus is not the move. Elijah didn't fall in love with Hayley as a woman who was pregnant with his brother's kid, but as a woman. Full stop. Let's not reduce women down to their sex lives or mother's down to one aspect of their being. Also you saying Hayley is a terrible mother destroys any remaining credibility you had. Hayley is the best mother in this show, even though the bar is on the floor. At no point did she put her relationship with any man over Hope. In fact, so much of the fandom hates her for that. To finish that up, she never cheated. Hope that helps. She was not in a relationship with Jackson when she slept with Elijah and she told Jackson about it, who didn't have an issue with it. So I don't know why you do.
Your language you use to discuss women is curious. You act like a warrior for Gia and yet you would use derogatory words to talk about women. Yes, Gia deserved better. We all agree. But Gia and Hayley have like four scenes together. A couple of which show them working together. I promise you, ever woman on that show has made immature comments to another woman because the writers are immature and sexist. She was grateful to Gia though. Or are you conveniently forgetting that scene?
You also seem awfully concerned abut a character's sex life when she has maybe one sex scene a season. It's almost like you are trying to tear down a woman for having sex. So I think you are the issue here. Not Hayley. You try to use it to say she is a terrible mother and wife, again reducing her down to two aspects of her personality and are essentially trying to slut shame a woman whose bodily autonomy was robbed from her in so many ways.
I can't even take you seriously on your take with Rebekah. The only time she ever threatened Rebekah's life was when she was possessed by Eva and she did so in defense of her daughter, which seems to cut against your stance that she's a bad mother. And again, with your sexist language. Rebekah only had to be a mother for six months when she got to live safely away from the chaos and war of New Orleans and then Rebekah bailed when Hope needed her most. Hayley raised her and never once abandoned her daughter.
Your idea of Elijah is comical and based on nothing but your own spite. It's concerning how upset it makes you. At this point I don't think you even agree with half of what you say but you think everyone here is as immature as you and try to attack our "weaknesses." I promise you, I am not so immature as to be affected that you don't like my favorite characters. I love people always say "virginial women" and yet you clearly don't understand what that means. Elijah has never once been attracted to a "ideal pure, innocent and virginial woman." First of all, you say it as if these ideas are black and white. You either are or you aren't. Saying this is discrediting the amazing, strong, witty women that he loves. I think it's funny you don't think Elijah is aware of what happened in TVD with Hayley. But he does know what she did in TO and still loved her, so your point is invalid. He left Katherine for betraying him, yet again. Which is fair.
I love the amount of research you've done though. Each paragraph is clearly targeted at different posts I've made on here. I'm really flattered. That being said, I've already discussed the hypocrite thing, so I'm not going to get into it again. But you clearly don't know what the definition of hypocrisy is so it doesn't even matter.
I don't have to put words in your mouth. You are incapable of brevity and make yourself look bad all on your own. But I am laughing out loud at a Elijah/Francesca and Elijah/Gia triangle. Talk about Elijah being a hypocrite and being with the woman who is trying to take down his family. Have you even watched the show?
This is fun and all and I appreciate you came more prepared than the last time we spoke. I also love that you can't respond because you have to hide behind your anonymity in the ask box so I get to have the last word here.
I say this with all of the sincerity in the world, I think you need to take a break from this fandom. I know it is a safe space for so many people, but for others, it becomes an unhealthy obsession and will only serve to make you more upset. If this fandom is no longer a happy place for you, it isn't worth staying in it. Try to use this fandom to build each other up and connect with people who love the same things as you. For so long, this fandom has helped me because of the amazing people I've met. There are so many beautiful souls who would love to have genuine conversations with you, but if you keep acting this way, you are only serving to isolate yourself.
If you ever want to talk, to genuinely talk, my inbox is open. But if you only wish to spread hate, please stay off of my page.
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addi-the-unhinged · 2 months
Alright, all (and by all I mean my one follower and dear friend @narcissistic-and-proud, congrats you get to be the only one in on the joke (assuming you outlive me at least)). Ok so setting the scene, I'm cleaning my room out for college. You know typical stuff, set some aside to take with me, others to donate, others to keep in storage. Then, I discovered something that I had entirely forgotten that I had, a piece of wood painted blue with the name Marley drilled into it.
Now upon seeing it I instantly remembered why I had it, it was a bit of a joke gift from a girl by the same name. The joke was "hey I got this for you, a very humble gift I know.
This was pretty funny at the time, but now it's taking up space in my room and I have no idea what to do with it. It feels weird keeping it because the chances of me ever interacting with this Marley again are relatively slim, but I also don't know if you're supposed to recycle wood and I'm not going to bother looking into it. SO I've come up with an infinitely funnier solution to the problem.
I'm simply never going to get rid of it. I'll never like, display it proudly or anything like that, but it will always be buried deep inside my stuff. I've thought it out and it can result in a few very funny possibilities
I continue about living my life and eventually, Father Time catches up with me as he does us all. At this point I've had no one in my life for a while who has had the name Marley. All my friends picking through my stuff like vultures looking for anything valuable either financially or sentimentally. Then they come across this. It confuses them all because as far as they know I didn't know anyone by the name Marley. Nobody named Marley showed up to my funeral, nor any other major life event. This continues to puzzle them all for the rest of their life or until my dear friend who I tagged in this post spills the beans (assuming father time didn't come for him first.) The only issue here that I can foresee is if I had a partner they may see it as a sign of infidelity. Which I obviously wouldn't want. Though thinking about it unless her name is also Marley (Probably unlikely) I could simply let her in on the joke (If her name is Marley then there is another scenario)
I know someone by the name of Marley. Everyone thinks it is something they gave me. They are incredibly confused because they do not remember making it for me. My only concern is they may think it was something I was making for them. To avoid this possibility if I ever meet someone by the name of Marley that I will know for a long time I will really make sure to stress my hatred for woodworking to her. They'll either deny they were the one who did, creating more confusion amongst my friends, or she'll just go with it, creating more confusion for her. Both are very funny.
I know multiple people by the name of Marley. This honestly could be the funniest one. My friends and loved ones will all be like "Oh hey which one of you made this for her" and none of them will admit to it because none of them did it. This results in a situation where all Marley's are suspicious of each other, wondering who actually made it. But none of them made it. And the only person who knows that (other than my dear friend now) is me who will be dead, either laughing my ass off in the afterlife or beyond caring because there is no afterlife.
This is going to be my greatest bit yet. The only sad part is I'm not going to be around to enjoy it. Having these thoughts has also made me realize that whenever I think about my plans for after I die it's always in the context of "ok, what is the funniest thing I can do to confuse the fuck out of my friends, loved ones, and enemies". Which might be something to bring up if I can ever afford therapy again, but whatever, for now I'll just add it to the list of plans.
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cherries-in-wine · 7 months
A rant/review of immortal desires:
hiiii this is my first time posting on Tumblr so sorry if it's messy- also english is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes
Since immortal desires 2 is coming up I just wanted to share my thoughts on the book and this random incident that won't stop bothering me lol
So i absolutely love cas like bro's the finest bad boy love interest to ever exist he's so baby girl I love him but after the whole confrontation with mc's mom outside the fighting pit where they accidentally reveal that cas was at the crime scene in front of the entire crowd of vampires- that's a guaranteed being-summoned-to-the-nexus-and-executed. Seeing how fiercely protective cas is it just seems so odd that while mc is at the Nexus with their mom later that night being executed bro's just out with the hunting party??? 😭😭😭 I'd expect cas to put up an even bigger fight than gabe about the covens killing mc like he'd be kicking and screaming and threatening the elders and stuff but he's out feeding??
It's moments like these where immortal desires just does things for convenience like it's so obviously poorly planned.
I think my like for the book only stems from my love for vampires and I'm a teenager so ofcourse I'll eat up a highschool romance and although immortal desires is a 10000 times better than the smutty trash they've been releasing it's still very....eh?
The characters are good- but they're underdeveloped af and it's even worse if you consider the fact that it was originally supposed to be a standalone. I know i can't really compare it to bloodbound (absolutely adore that book- the plot, the antagonists, the love interests, the world building, even the side characters are just perfection) because the stories don't have anything in common other than the fact that they both include vampires but bloodbound did everything so much better. For example kamilah being so cold and cynical makes sense because she's been alive for 2000 years and experienced so much..why did cas hate his human life and why does he despise humans so much? I hope this makes sense but specially in vampire books getting a backstory is essential for connecting with the character so in immortal desires they feel like a clay sculpture that had so much potential but it was never painted properly so although it could've been a masterpiece it just looks trashy. Even the flashbacks in immortal desires feel so lazy- unlike bloodbound there's no change in clothing/hairstyle to show the different time periods.
And it doesn't make sense for mc to get over cas killing someone and Gabriel's betrayal (if the only person I thought i could actually share my problems and connect with turned out to be a spy for that very fucking problem i would be PISSED) so quickly.
The pacing is really off too like I had trouble keeping up with how much time had passed because it felt like the story started off really slow then was rushed at the end.
I didn't really love the addition of talismans either because I just find them stupid and lazy honestly like "RAHHH I'm an all powerful vampire that's been alive for centuries I'm gonna kill you" and then MC's just "hi all powerful vampire that's been alive for centuries and is skilled in killing humans and fighting i found this random ass charm hanging from a tree/in a cave/on the ground that is ridiculously powerful and for some reason never runs out of magic and although I'm a fragile human with 0 experience I'll kill you all in seconds hehehe" like?? 😭😭😭
And again bloodbound does it so much better like mc knows she's the weakest of the pact but she does everything she can to help. Even kamilah knows she isn't good at fighting so instead some stupid shit like trying to teach this human hand to hand combat in one day to fight against a fucking vampire (what gabe did) she teaches her to use her wits like instead of fighting back you dodge their attacks to use their own momentum against them. AND THAT SCENE STILL HAD SEXUAL TENSION LIKE IT WAS DONE SO WELL.
Another thing that bloodbound does better is that the actions actually have consequences like mc actually gets injured/dies if a lot of wrong choices are made whereas in immortal desires literally nothing happens.
I'm sorry for the rant lol that's all for now. Thank you so much for reading<33
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franki-lew-yo · 2 years
About the 'Roald Dahl edits'
Can someone please just show me an actual, undoctored picture of the changes being made to which books?
That's all I ask! I keep seeing absurd clearly liberal-mocking fake scans that no book company would ever make being presented as "evidence" of the changes. Don't do that. Show me a list of the changes.
Welp, I'm writing about this because, as I've expressed before, I love Roald Dahl as a writer but I don't like him as a person. That's the thing about some people's work- it just comes with the territory that they are at LEAST 'problematic' given the creators worldview; Dahl, Lovecraft, Tezuka, Uncle Walt, even my German-crabapple daddy Ted Geisel. I'm not gonna @ these dead ppl for DARING to not be up to my modern liberal standards no more than I am gonna paint them as REAL LIBERATORS bcuz I want them to be -! When it comes to removing books from circulation or editing out words, I understand.
Regarding the changes though...I really haven't seen anything that's too wild?? Yet.
As a brief aside, I think it'd be better for everyone if The Witches was just removed from publication. It's Dahl's most offensive book when you combine it with his real world politics. And again I say screw the accusations that this book is 'sexist' when the problem with it is that it's antisemetic and so was Dahl.
But honestly? Changing the line to be "some ladies do wear wigs and there's nothing wrong with that" works with Dahl's writing style. Same with calling Augustus Gloop 'enormous'. Same effect in place, just without the sting of just calling a child fat.
Now, if these lines are left in place while Luke's grandma's explaining in the text how "no, don't pick at people's hair even if they're wearing gloves they aren't all witches" are given the boot, I can understand some outrage. But, again, to me I think this is better proof as to why Witches should just be left alone and maybe not published anymore. The og text did provide context, the problem is that the book itself is racist by asserting that all witches are 'evil', and that the only reason to not bother women with wigs and gloves is they "may not be a witch". That's messed up, even if it weren't alluding to any real life antisemetic-isms. Asideaside-- I'd be very curious to see how the The Twits is changed if it's changed at all. Twits has this very poignant description of how, no matter how unconventional you are, you can never be 'ugly' if you are good and sweet- where no matter how "pretty" you are, if you are an ugly person inside people will see you that way. It's a really good breakdown of that phenomena even though it's still technically bodyshaming. Also, they're monkeys, not people (take that as you will) but The Twits is about an abused family of stolen monkeys and birds tricking the Twits, who are their captors, into killing themselves and then returning to the wild where they belong. --- Anyway...removing the part of BFG where the giants says humans of different country's taste different or Mr. Grasshopper's awful quip about Mexicans in James and the Giant Peach isn't any skin off my nose. Especially if they are going to read to young kids today, kids don't need to hear that kind of language. Philly Pullman can disagree with me all he wants but personally I think these books, not their author's squeaky image or politics, deserve to live on.
That being said-
I would be upset if changes were made that started insisting that characters who were fat AREN'T fat, now. Or that the white cis cast Dahl wrote were now being described as bipoc or genderfluid when they weren't. Let's not pull a JK Rowling here. Yes, it is true that for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Roald both a) wanted Charlie and the Buckets to be a black-British family and b) removed racist descriptions of the Oompa Loompas within his lifetime from real life pygmies to a fantasy-race. That's awfully neat of him for someone so much of turdwhich. Those kinds of changes are best for adaptations and reinventions of the stories. But it'd be indecent of the publishers to suddenly push the idea that the Buckets are black and always have been now, and/or that the Oompa Loompas can't still be racist somewhat just because they aren't depicting a real life ethnic group. To alter the original text of the books well after Dahl's death to be more 'friendly' IS the kind of censorship and historical revisionism to be wary of.
It's there that Pullman's comments of 'read another book' ring true: If you can't take that the book has some problematicisms in it, I tell you there are other children's books to read! By making the text of the books 'progressive by modern audiences' standards, that'd be erasing this very discussion and, more importantly, the concerns of BIPOC/Jewish people everywhere.
That'd be like if Disney rereleased Fantasia and had a redesigned, less offensive Sunflower in the background. That'd be disgusting, not because Sunflower shouldn't be reclaimed or redesigned, but because that's a company wanting to hide from the mistakes of the past in order to sell more stuff to you and make you trust them. I'd love me a black Charlie Bucket, but in a new version of Chocolate Factory, not an attempt to hide liberals from the fact that uncle Dahl was racist.
That's what I think should be continued, both as a way to keep his work alive and also to diss Dahl from beyond the grave: adapt his works!!!
Fantastic Mr. Fox, Matilda, James and the Giant Peach, BFG, and Willy Wonka are awesome. Dahl hated changes to his stories being made for film....so change his stories for film! Some things have to change and should change. While the 2020 Netflix The Witches was bad, I could get on board making Luke and the humans in the story people of color. That has the potential to turn the connotations of the original on it's head; instead of witches being a metaphor for 'secret societies' they'd be an illusion to real life organizations that tout themselves as kind and homely and traditional but are actually pure evil. How the witches specifically target children of certain demographics only for the dog to bite back and fight them with their own medicine- also keep the nice witch from the 80s film.
None of these changes would ever fix the fact that the og book is what it is, but they're an example of why adaptation, not revisionism, is so important.
Don't hide from mistakes of the past. That's why I'm as upfront with you all about my inspiration for my works being Dahl and Dr. Seuss. These people are not perfect and they're also not my own essence of creativity- but you can believe I was inspired to write because of them. Dana Terrace absolutely has Harry Potter to thank for The Owl House-it doesn't mean Owl House should pay for Harry Potter's sins. Let Owl House pay for it's own sins, thank you!
When it comes to problematic/ offensive work of the past, we should not be hiding from them. Teach kids and adults to think critically and learn that their white-made nostalgia is biased and bad sometimes. When it comes to problematic/ offensive works by still living authors, please just don't by Hogwarts Legacy.
That's all I got. Feel welcome to @ or message me if there's something my white-Gentile-ness forgot or am leaving out. I want to have an actual conversation about this cuz I think it's important. This post also kept me from falling asleep midday again.
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bluegalaxygirl · 11 months
Hello again 😁!!
I don’t know if this is okay to ask, but would you be comfortable to share something about yourself? I could be anything as long as your comfortable with sharing it and it’s also okay if you don’t feel like answering this. I’d just like to get to know you a bit better since you seems to be such a beautiful person. 😊
Thank you for all your great One Piece stories!! They always make my day and help me get through them. ❤️
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Thank you so much for all the love and support you and everyone else have been giving me, i'm happy to talk a bit about myself and I'll put a Trigger warning down bellow when i talk about some stuff. I don't mind talking about it since it was a long time ago and i hope it shows that others aren't alone. Also this is way longer than i thought it would be.
So first off i'm a very creative person i used to write a lot when i was in high school mainly because i have dyslexia (BTW why do they have to make it hard to spell) and it helped me a lot to understand words and spell. I remember when i was 13 i had the reading age of a 5-year old but thanks to one lady, i got up to my own age in reading in two years (Something my primary school refused to do). I do a lot of other creative stuff too like art, cross stitching, card making (I'm currently making Christmas cards for my family this year, its snow globe themed), jewelry making, sticker making and i'm trying to paint figures again. I
I also like to write how i want to be treated or how people should be treated while in a relationship, with love, respect, kindness and understanding. I wasn't treated like that in my past relationships, nothing bad happened and i wasn't abused but there were times when i would have to "Remind" them of my boundaries. That's also a big thing for me plus communication, if there's a problem or something is bothering you then it should be talked about so you can both understand and maybe figure out a solution. I find it funny how i love writing romance and stuff but i can't stand romance movies, i 1000% hate them, i just find them so annoying.
I love making people happy and i believe that if you are kind to others then they will be kind back but i'm also no longer a push over. If i don't like you then i won't talk to you. Family is very important to me but unfortunately there are members of my family that i can't stand for one reason or another and i won't talk to them as much but if i'm in a room with them i'm happy to be kind unless their not.
My favorite flowers are Sunflowers, there just so big and happy and come in different color's and shades. I love anime and playing video games, my favorite is watch dogs 2 but i also love the south park games. I love anything to do with autumn/fall, pumpkins (I love to help my mum make pumpkin soup and pumpkin pie), horror, maple leaves, cozy jumpers and socks, it's also the perfect time to start drinking hot chocolate. :)
You don't have to read through this part, its just explaining what iv been through and why i'm ok about writing stuff.
I was bullied all through primary school and all through high school, calling it hell would be an understatement, it didn't matter how nice i was or if i told a teacher it would still continue. I was spat at, called every name under the book, had my hair pulled, got kicked and pushed around and yet the teachers wouldn't do anything. When i was in primary school one of my bullies pushed me off a climbing set and i broke my wrist, she said it was an accident and the teachers believed her. My parents were constantly fighting the school, but they had an excuse for everything and i couldn't be moved form that school since it was way better than any of the others around (I would have gotten treated worse in any other school). In high school i was heavily sexualized by the boys, after years of bullying and getting no where with anyone you end up just shutting down and not saying anything, i went years without telling my parents anything or complaining to a teacher because it would go no where. My parents new something was going on but without me saying anything or any kind of evidence they couldn't confront the school.
When i was 14 i was sexually assaulted by a boy on school grounds (I found out when i was in collage my bullies told him to do it and one of them would sleep with him, and they did), I started talking to my parents again after that, and we got the police involved unfortunately it was my word against his because the bullies who where the only ones around said they didn't say anything (Even though they said to my face that they did and laughed about it) and the cameras in the area didn't work, i still don't know if that was the truth or not. I ended up getting yelled at by the headmistress for getting the police involved and then told me and the boy should sit down and talk about it. My parents went off on her after that and i feel so stupid because when they said they were moving me to another school i told them no. I wish i moved schools but the school i went too was the only one going Photography GCSE's and i wanted to be a photographer and my parents didn't fight me on it. Luckily things got better after that i think my bullies were to focused on getting a good grade than me but it didn't completely stop.
I worked hard though and passed all except one and got into collage where i did Photography for 2 years, i loved it so much and am so proud of myself for getting a very high grade despite falling very ill in the second year and hardly being able to attend classes but the teachers and staff there were amazing and gave me everything i needed. The first year i had some problems, me and the boy who assaulted me went to the same collage and lived in the same town, so we would get the same train i did, i tried to avoid him but i noticed he started sitting or standing close to me on and off the train. The first time i realized he was basically stalking me is when i got to the station and deliberately missed the train i was supposed to get, and he didn't get on when usually he would. The next time i got on the train and then got back off once he was on, and he left the train too. We got the railway police involved, but they said because he hasn't touched me there's nothing they could do, but they did give him a warning. That warning made everything worse though, he started following me to class even when i was with friends, he would stand right in front of me or right behind me if i was standing on the train, he even started to follow me home. Finally, the railway police gave him a restraining order and it all stopped thank gods.
I was too shy back then but after a lot of therapy and learning self defense i became more confident and able to stand up for myself, i still have my moments of going into my shell but i try to fight back with words if i can.
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
Prim And Proper Origins: Part 5
Prologue is here:
Part 1 is here:
Part 2 is here:
Part 3 is here:
Part 4 is here:
As soon as Primrose arrived home, she immediately stormed upstairs, barged into her room, and slammed the door into a fit of rage and jealousy. She let out an angered scream and started to take it out on her posters that hung on the pink walls.
It just wasn't fair! It wasn't fair in the slightest bit! Roy's attention was focused on that Esme, yet he never showed any interest into her! Roy was even willing to walk Esme home. And yet he never bothered to say goodbye to Primrose.
"What does she have that I don't!?" Primrose screamed to nobody in general. "What does he see in her that he doesn't see in me!? How dare that…that prostitute take my man away! Why couldn't Roy see that he and I are meant to be together!?" Primrose ended up punching the walls and her desk, not caring if she hurt herself.
"I hate her!" Primrose screamed some more. "I hate her! I hate her! I hate her! She will suffer for taking what's mine!! I'll make sure of it!" What Primrose didn't know was that one of the maids was outside of her room who had just heard everything.
She wanted to knock, but decided against it. Rather, the maid just turned and walked to the library where the phone was kept. She quickly picked up the phone, dialed a certain number, and waited for the person to pick up the phone.
Suddenly, she heard a man's voice on the other line. "Hello?"
"Hello, is this Dr. Stewart?" The maid asked.
"Yes, it is," Dr. Stewart replied. "How may I help you?"
"I'm currently watching over a teenager while her parents are at work," The maid explained. "Her name is Primrose Gaillot. I think there is something mentally wrong with her."
Later that night, Primrose had calmed down a bit. She wanted to find another way to "punish" Esme for stealing her Roy. But how could she?
She would try to get Esme expelled for something that she didn't do, but since everyone knew Esme, that would raise lots of suspicion. So that plan was scratched out.
"Ugh, there has to be a way to punish her," Primrose muttered to herself. "But what?" Her gaze landed on the pack of balloons. She had kept them ever since she was a kid but had no reason to use them…until now.
An evil idea formed into Primrose's mind. "I do hope that Esme likes 'water' balloons." A wicked grin formed across her lips as she opened up the pack of balloons.
Each of them came in a different color. But instead of filling them up with water, Primrose decided to fill them with something else: paint. Fortunately, she had lots of paint in the art gallery of her mansion. Primrose went to her destination and began filling up eight of the balloons with paints of the colors that she viewed as perfect.
After each balloon was filled, she knotted them closed so that no paint would leak out. "Now, I just have to wait for the right opportunity tomorrow…" Primrose said to herself, smirking.
With a sigh of relief, the maid hung up the phone after her conversation with Dr. Murray. The psychologist, after hearing about Primrose's behavior, was able to give a diagnosis.
Since that was taken care of, the maid had to do one other thing before she could start cleaning for dinner. She took the quill, a slip of paper, and began to write a letter. Fortunately, Primrose didn't barge in and demand her to start cleaning.
With careful movements, the maid wrote down everything she knew in the letter. Once she was done, she sat the quill down, folded the paper, and placed it in a white envelope. After sealing the envelope shut, she added her signature purple stamp on it.
Finally, the maid took the quill and began to write the name and a message on the front of the envelope:
Vladimir Gaillot
Do not open until you are by yourself
I don't own Madame Prim or her family.
Roy and Esme belong to me.
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
I know maybe this might come off the wrong way. But in the age of reboot 495049 and indistinguishable slop streaming on four different syndicates and sexual objectification masquerading as high art and soulless derivative shit with a coat of shiny pseudo-feminism paint and many such other commercial- and brand-driven art sins, there really is a part of me that's like, holding onto R/WBY for dear life. I get it, their track record isn't perfect either, really what I'm talking about here is the artistic endproduct. As attached as I am to a particular endgame, that particular endgame is really attached to the identity of what makes R/WBY, R/WBY.
I think that's what makes the show more (generally) unique than it might otherwise be, which is no insult to the show, and certainly, we're in the time of so many more things being produced than they ever were historically (just the gross artistic/cultural product is so high), but quantity - and impetus for that quantity - isn't, of course, necessarily quality. That a production like R/WBY is and was possible on the scale it has been made is something that's a product of the technology and resources we've got at hand (and the art of animation is only a little over a hundred years old, and one of the most labourious; relative to the rest of history, this is very new).
Maybe that's part of why I am so particularly attached to it because I find that personally very valuable, in much the same way I am adamant about using Tumblr, even if in Tumblr's case it can just vanish overnight because of something completely out of my hands. I guess the same is true of R/WBY, to be fair, be it corporate-driven or artistically-driven and all the stuff I think is there, isn't really. Then I just wonder where I'm going to end up. There are a lot of books on the backlog, and it's not like everything is artistically defunct, but when most of the major media driving pop culture - that I want to be a part of! That's the whole point! - and culture in general actively resists the things I think are interesting and prioritises profit margin over everything else, my prospects are somewhat depressing. It's easy to say carve your own path, but we are social creatures, and I do actually care about the history of ideas and the way ideas interact with each other. Art and media in general is not really meant to be isolated that way.
It's easy to become cynical and just say well why bother? And I think those are the reasons worth bothering. If it's meant to be a communicative and conversational experience, that's why it's so natural to bemoan what commercial art is becoming. We want to be seen and interact; that's normal. When profit represents this visibility, that's when it starts to fracture.
I get that there are R/WBY detractors who would vehemently disagree with me but of course I don't fundamentally agree with their approach, and a lot of detractions of R/WBY are grounded in commercial, schlocky, senseless and trope-laden and self-inserting narratively cynical 'criticism' I find hard to take seriously, if not view as part of the problem I am describing here. As I have said before, when I see people who want R/WBY to become more commercial or more laden with personal fantasy bullshit or filled with clichéd and illogical storybeats, it is anathema to me on many levels I have outlined here. By no means do I think it's fucking Dostoyevsky: but I would say that it is competent and fun and and sincere and has its own identity. The fundamentals can be really hard to get. When the average television show or book I pick up struggles with fundamentals that means there's a problem. I'm not necessarily pointing the finger at individual writers - there is clearly a labour issue in most industries and socially and commercially a devaluing of the art of writing, and when it comes to publishing itself, publishing is self-selecting for what meets the bottom line, and the book industry is scrambling to make profits (but that's neither here nor there) - but I am pointing out the symptom of an issue.
It's not like I am necessarily in want of finding things to read and watch. There's a wealth of literature and media out there. But a lot of us have a desire to be a part of the evolving conversation and it's hard not to reflect on it without a sense of melancholy. If this sounds alarmist, I am speaking extremely broadly and general. There are independent artists and media everywhere - that is literally the point I'm making with R/WBY and is why I hope they can continue to preserve that in the capacity they have so far (I am aware their parent company's parent company's parent company's is Warner Bros., so like, these things are inevitable and why I ruminate, and arguably to some degree they're not at all as independent as they previously were) - but, if the language of visibility is expressed through who gets what stream and what airtime and what advertising and what role in the cultural conversation is a consequence of that, it makes you think. I don't think the market deciding is a pure market which in any way has the capacity to put a dollar value on cultural importance, and that's the problem. It's just ever-increasing profits and narrower and narrower artistic margins.
I don't mean to lament. It's the way of things. Equally I'd not want to be defeatist about it, though. What are the things I value? What are the things I can do to continue prioritising those? Am I just thinking about it too deeply? Hm, well, I think that's the point of art and media, lol.
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slytherbun · 3 years
pairing: jay halstead x reader
summary: you find yourself in some trouble while clearing a location with your partner jay.
word count: 2.8k
tags: @specialagentsoftie @fighterkimburgess @everythingaddictxx
note: different kind of pd fic then i'm used to but hope y'all like it! ☺
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"we're eight minutes out. don't go in yet." voight said into the mic but you and jay had already entered a second too late.
jay's been your partner for almost a year now. the one he had before you was a blonde named hailey that took a position from the fbi.
when you first met him it was about a month after the previous detective left and you could tell he was obviously still in denial. you gave him space and only input your opinion about cases you worked on with intelligence.
it took about three weeks until he actually said anything besides the occasional comment. and he knew deep down that you weren't trying to replace her. but since you were together a lot during the week—jay couldn't help but make his own conclusion about you.
he started to open up more when he looked past the stubbornness after concluding that you were a decent person. for a moment there, you could have sworn he was having an out of body experience with how nice he started treating you.
jay started to invite you out to drinks on a periodic basis. he wanted to explore the possibilities of having you as his permanent partner. one night after a couple of drinks, jay was in a good mood and showed you a picture of his old partner.
the two of them were standing in front of their new work truck with bright smiles on their faces. he talked about her a lot after that night as a way of meeting you half-way. and by the end of that month—it was as if you physically knew her and who she was as a person.
the both of you hit it off pretty well and became friends. even as far as, having drinks every tuesday and thursday after work at molly's—the firefighter owned bar.
jay mumbled a curse at the order voight gave but it was already too late. "get behind me." he spoke in a hushed whisper. not wanting to argue in that particular moment you did as told.
detective halstead had his gun raised and in a firm grip around his fingers before stepping further into the house. you followed his position and warily stepped more into the creaky house.
luckily the both of you had vests already on and around your chests. the material easily gave you a visual view of his arm muscles around the freckles splayed across his biceps.
right away you spotted the cans of spray paint sitting on the concrete living room floors. crude words were traced along the four walls and you couldn't help but scrunch your nose at the horrid smell.
it only had you raising your pistol higher.
while you glanced around to survey the room closely, you couldn't help but notice the gang symbols that you were familiar with. due to the cpd database you knew at least three different affiliations drawn over the wood boarded windows.
the overused drug house looked like something out of a horror movie.
"clear." he grunted between paced cautious breaths and you continued to walk behind his careful steps around the garbage to venture into the main hallway of the house.
jay stopped at the entryway and you turned back around to double check the area once again while he scanned the front view where you and he needed to go.
both sides of the hallway were clear but he made sure his gun was raised and followed every inch of the hallway space that he inspected.
you felt a tap on your waist and turned back around to see jay was still facing forward. he probably hadn't noticed the spot he touched of your body but it still sent shivers down your spine with the intimacy of it.
but you pushed away the anxiousness to check and see what was bothering jay. the only thought you should be having right now is how to get out of the dangerous position.
the hallway was full of open and vulnerable space. a clear point of range that could be taken advantage of to take either you or jay out at any time.
jay was concerned for you. he couldn't help the anxious feeling that he had in the pit of his stomach. the unknowingness ahead in the crack house irked him greatly that he couldn’t predict what was about to happen.
the walls of the hallway smelled highly metallic and if that hadn't given it away, the walls were filled with fresh blood splatter. you gulped at the sight of the bright red handprints going down the length of the hall and glanced at jay from the corner of your eye with an eyebrow raised.
he sighed and nodded his head while pointing his gun to the left to signal the continuance of moving on. you bit the bottom of your lip and tipped your head to let him know you were ready to go.
turning your body in a three hundred sixty angle, you watched his back and felt the hairs on the back of your neck lift up in a static gesture. you could also feel goosebumps all over your arms and you just wanted to hurry up and get out of there.
it was truly the most awful scene you've ever been to. with everything you had—you kept yourself together and calm. your lips were in a straight line the whole time.
you should have known with the uneasy feeling that things were going wrong within a split second. and you were right because after jay turned just slightly he felt a gun being pressed against his forehead.
“put your guns down or else i’m going to blow his head off.” an angered voice said into the echoey hall.
not believing what was happening, you turned your body to survey the area and another man came into your view and held his gun higher. “‘tsk tsk’ miss. hand me that gun or else we’re going to have problems.” jay sighed from behind you and you rolled your eyes.
“i’m not putting down shit until you tell me your demands.” you said maybe a little too cockily but it was protocol.
voight had told the team plenty of times to stall and not give up your gun at first. in hopes that the other’s would show up and it would become a better outcome if you just continued talking to the person who was a threat.
a third one appeared and now you were officially outnumbered but you were still hoping they were dumber than they looked. the one that was pressing a firearm to your partner’s temple spit out, “listen lady. you either put your weapon down or else his brain matter will be just another body that was paved across the walls of this house.”
you tried to calculate in your head quickly if you should take the risk of surrendering. voight said they were eight minutes out. and if you’ve been in the house for almost four minutes now.
that was half the time left until they were going to show but then those few precious minutes would be enough time for literally anything.
sometimes you hated being a part of the police force. how could you ever know the correct answer and outcome within a split second of your life? could anybody be capable of that? whatever choice you decided to take would be the outcome.
you knew you wouldn’t be able to live without jay as your partner and in your life. and his blood would be on your hands if you didn’t surrender now. a shaky breath fell past your lips when you clicked the safety back on and handed it to one of them.
of course they used your gun against you and headbutted you with it. little black spots were in your vision before it completely knocked you out. you just hoped the intelligence team would be able to find you and jay.
it would be your fault and you’d feel guilty until your last breath if they didn’t.
you weren’t sure how much time had passed but a hard slap against your cheek woke you up. a blood trail still continued to trickle down your forehead and you winced at the feeling of an awful beating in your eardrums. “wake up sleeping bitch.”
you tried to speak but instead you coughed at the buildup in your throat. not being able to help yourself, in a snarky tone you replied. “i thought it was sleeping beauty?” that earned you another slap that ensured fingerprints across your cheek but you weren’t feeling any regret about it.
“now shut up and answer my next question.” he inputted before you could interrupt again. you looked at him with a devious grin and he rolled his eyes in annoyance. “what were you looking for in that house?”
when you leaned forward, you realized the reason why you couldn’t move was because your arms were tied behind your back. but nonetheless you leaned forward encroaching in his space enough to feel his breath span out against your red cheek.
“as if i’d tell you.” your defiance had him pushing your head back forcefully so you hit the concrete behind you, feeling as if a baseball bat hit your skull.
he smirked at your uncomfort. “perhaps a little visit with your boyfriend will help you come to understand that i don’t mess around. if you don’t give me an answer—my boys won’t hesitate to put a bullet straight through his head.” your only reply was a silent one.
spitting blood onto his shoes and he cursed before grinning again. “yeah that’s what i thought.” turning his head towards the door, he yelled. “bring the pretty boy in!”
your shoulders immediately dropped when they entered the room. the other two men from earlier were dragging jay into the room and disposed of his body roughly on the ground in front of you. if it weren’t for his chest rising up and down faintly then you would have thought he was dead.
both of his eyes were already swollen and you knew he would have two black eyes for weeks, dried blood dripped down his face and you didn’t even want to look at the rest of his body. despite the fact he was wearing clothes, you knew he had many internal problems that would need only the care a hospital could provide.
“j-jay?” you stuttered at the sight of him.
he kept blacking out and struggled to stay awake. jay had been counting his breaths to make sure he had enough air circulating through his body. cracked ribs were no joke and he could only groan to let his favorite person know that he was still holding on.
“you think beating people is the only answer? violence?” you glanced around the room and glared at the three with a venomous look. they shared similar smiles hearing how hoarse your voice was.
“i hope my team finds you all and you rot!” the two that brought jay in walked away and the one that talked to you a few moments ago stood and looked down at you. saying one more thing before walking out the door and shutting it. “and i hope next time i come in here—you’ll feel more generous and tell me what you were up to. if you don’t then our pretty boy here will die as promised.”
as soon as he left the room, you started rubbing your arms up and down the wall in hopes that the binds around your wrists would break off. “y/n.” jay mumbled. you didn’t even notice he had turned his face and you shushed him. “don’t open your eyes jay. it’ll be okay, i promise.”
he tried again. “y-y/n. i need to t-tell you something.” jay’s lip was busted and bruised. he hissed at the pain. “you don’t need to tell me anything. we’re getting out of here, detective halstead.” you stated with confidence and continued to run your hands up and down despite the sting of your wrists.
jay had a feeling earlier this morning that something bad would happen. his gut had told him something and he wished he hadn’t ignored it. but he can’t always follow everything, especially when they didn’t even have their case yet. but of course after finding out the hard way, this case was bad.
he knew it and it still put you in harm's way but jay had to tell you how he felt just in case it did go the way he was hoping it wouldn’t. “i don’t care if i need to keep my strength right now. listen to me please.” he pleaded and you finally stopped, turning to glance at his face.
jay was squinting and the visual of his state had your stomach churning.
“y/n i haven’t been completely honest with you and i need to tell you this. i’ve wanted to for a while now, but i just couldn’t find the right moment to.” it was getting to the point where you were desperately trying to keep together. and now that he wanted to confess a deep secret that he’s held close to his chest, the whole thing just had you hysterical.
jay frowned when you started laughing. he tried to scoot closer but the pain he felt was significant. it was just one of those situations where it wasn’t an appropriate response but you couldn’t help yourself either.
he noticed the tears falling down your cheeks while watching you quiet down. a reaction like this didn’t surprise your partner so he didn’t blame your outburst in the least. “i’m s-sorry. i’m sorry.” you muttered and tilted your head to both sides.
you looked back over to jay after successfully wiping more than half of the tears on your sleeve. and for a moment he just gazed into your eyes with his blue ones. a look that you couldn’t decipher nor describe appeared across his face but he seemed to snap out of whatever he was thinking.
jay cleared his throat and continued with what he was about to say earlier. “it’s okay y/n. but i need you to know that i don’t blame you in the slightest for what went down in that house. i would have done the same exact thing because i love you.”
it was like time stopped and you couldn’t speak even if you wanted to. after all of that time you spent with jay. him wanting nothing to do with you, then becoming your acquaintance, somewhat of a real friend and he loved you?
“you really love me?” you questioned. not being able to believe what was coming out of his mouth. you wondered if the three men drugged him and he was high or delusional. a grunt came out his mouth at the current aching pain he felt all over his body.
“yes y/n, i love you so much. if i could, i’d be over there right now and giving you a hug. then i’d lean down and give you a kiss that i’ve been wanting to give you for months now.”
that honesty from him had you laughing, “months? me too. i’ve wanted to kiss you for almost the whole year that i’ve known you.” you replied with the same amount of honesty he had given you.
“yeah, y/n. it’s probably going to be a year soon but i meant what i said. i really do love you and i’m sorry we’re in the situation that we’re in now. i wish i could protect you from this.” before you could reply the two of you heard gunshots outside of the room. “shit! i hope that’s them.” you mumbled and jay nodded as best as he could.
the door banged open and hit the wall. you almost peed your pants with how happy you were to see kevin and adam surveying the room. “clear!” kevin announced and then walked over to you and jay. adam spoke into the radio, “5021 ida. we have officers down and need two ambos rolled to our location.”
after kevin ripped the binds from your wrists, you crawled over to jay even though your arms were killing you. another tear fell down your cheek when you got up and close to him. he looked awful but now that the two of you were safe, he could begin to heal soon enough. “jay.” he made a ‘hmm’ sound due to the exhaustion he was feeling.
“i love you too.” you finally said and he smiled. you leaned down to brush your lips against his carefully. “after all of this is done. i’m going to give you a proper one.”
you winked and he grinned and responded while the medics rolled in. “we have plenty of time in the world now.”
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purityoflust · 3 years
The Smile [Jeff The Killer X Victim!Reader] [PART 2]
Jeff the killer X Victim!
WARNING: Yandere. That's it. Yandere.
I finally decided how I would write part 2 to The Smile, which is my first and most popular post on my account so far. Anyone new who has come to read this, check out my other posts as well if you'd like. I'll post more like this. I also have a Quotev account with more fanfictions.
9/12/20, 3/4 days after the top part: God, AFTER SO LONG, I FINALLY DID IT! Took me days! I'm so sorry if this is a bit lazy, it is a tiny bit rushed by the end but how would you guys feel about a detailed part 3? I'll probably go as far as a part 3 or part 4 for the final part.
The vibrations in your brain felt warm and numbing - almost like when you have a horrible migraine and you can finally feel it subsiding with your eyes closed and your fingers gently holding down onto your eyelids as if you're holding your eyes into place to prevent them from bursting out of your skull. Upon waking up you can feel cold air settling into your skin. You haven't been awake 3 minutes and you already know what you're resting on; an extremely uncomfortable metal table. You've only seen them in movies but this was real.
The sound of a singsong voice just slightly echoing through what seemed like a moderately empty room. You groaned softly as you turned your head to your right, very slowly opening your eyes. Your vision blurred in and out, which, you wanted to rub to clear it out but as you went to lift your wrists, you felt pressure around them.
Something was holding your arms down. This catches your attention, blinking multiple times while turning your head back up straight and attempting to sit up. You were hardly successful with that, struggling while grunting under your breath to pull your hands from under what seemed to be a thick rope. As you pulled harder, you sucked in your stomach out of habit before immediately coming to a halt and choking up in pain.
This whole time you were ignoring the voice that was singing eerily nearby, "You and me, always forever~"
The voice was of a male. Scratchy, shaky. Familiar.
You could feel a string of your heart pop out of place as your breath stopped. That's when you knew something was wrong, but it just doesn't add up. You gulp while your eyeballs vigorously glance around to see where the source was coming from, only to see a figure in a corner. It was doubled over and it was sitting down on a simple wooden chair. Doubling over a...table? An average male figure, nothing unique. Although, the clothing style was unusual. At least what was on the clothes. He wore a fluffy white hoodie and what seemed to be black pants and black-and-white converse. The problem wasn't the outfit, no. His hoodie was spotted and had patterns upon patterns of darkened and more fresh-looking blood splatter. He had long black hair down to his shoulders. And luckily, his back was facing you.
You were dumbfounded. How did you get here, why are you restrained, and why is there a blood covered man near you? Is that even blood? Maybe it's paint or a design? Some people do wear clothes that have different kinds of blood splatter designs on them. Hm. Or he's an actual murderer about to gut you like a fish.
You wanted to speak. You wanted to speak so badly but you just couldn't. As you parted your lips, your throat went dry while your gaze stayed locked onto the bloody male that sat before you. The singing made you shiver as you tried so hard to remember where you could have heard or seen him. Why can't you remember?
The male then turned around to look at you. His singing had come to a gentle halt. Your mouth closed as he did so, your throat going completely dry and your whole body feeling like an ice cube. You were greeted with cold blue eyes. They looked hungry and bloodthirsty, yet they held a warm affection as they looked into your traumatized eyes. It was almost comforting until you saw the rest of his face. His skin was snow white and his lips looked dry. That's when more attention is drawn to his lower jaw. He's smiling. Too big for a normal person.
That's when you realize. He has a large smile carved into his cheeks going from ear to ear while his own lips were curled within a smile as well. And that's when it hits you.
And it hits you hard.
The memories of hours prior start brutally crashing into you, flooding back into your numb brain. All of the realization replaced itself with agonizing anxiety, your heart starting to race at speeds that felt impossible. You could pass out, but something inside you kept you awake. Something about him and about this whole situation was making you dizzy. The male slowly stands and turns his body all the way to face you. He seemed deranged, yet, he had a very relaxed stance and body language.
Uncomfortable silence loomed in the air.
He kept staring at you before slowly taking steps forward. You watch him carefully as your head feels like it's spinning, which you could notice your vision blurring a little bit here and there. The silence is suddenly disturbed with the male speaking up again, choking up in giggles. "Oh my sweet Y/N, you're awake~" He cooed, now standing over you. He leaned himself down and reached his hand to your cheek, gently brushing your skin with his surprisingly soft thumb. He leaned his face closer to yours. The smell of booze, blood, & smoke overwhelmed your nostrils. Yet it didn't seem to bother you that much.
His touch almost kind of made you feel...at ease. Your heart slowed itself and your breathing went back to pace. You felt fine, somewhat, but something in your stomach was still sore. The more you stare at him, the more memories come flooding back. The more memories flooding back, the easier you fit the puzzles together.
"M-my...stomach..--" You stutter out painfully.
In response to this, the male turned his head over to your abdomen and gently rested his other hand onto your bandaged stomach, applying very gentle pressure on it as to not hurt you. It was still slightly painful, causing you to groan under your breath.
"Oh, this...I'm sorry, my sweet butterfly. I had to make sure you wouldn't get away, and you didn't! Don't worry, Jack patched you up, so you'll be just fine!"
You remember now. You remember it all. The chase, your friend, the salty kiss before what you thought was your demise.
You naturally wondered as well; who's Jack?
"Wh-.." You weakly force air out of your throat again to speak, "why am I..tied-?"
"Oh, so you wouldn't be able to get away. I knew you would run away, or struggles, so I had to make sure you wouldn't do that!"
He was right. You would run away and struggle to get out of whatever the hell kind of place you're in. Well, knowing what he looks like. He DID stab you, after all. Who knows what this sicko wants.
He lifts his hand from your stomach and turns back to you, gently placing both of his hands at each side of your face. "You're so beautiful, Y/N. So sweet and so innocent. I couldn't keep letting the others eat you up like candy. You're mine and only mine. I need to protect you."
"Wh-who- are you?" You weren't really all too scared for some strange reason now. You were pretty calm. Probably from all of the energy this is draining.
"His name is Jeff." A deep and gruff voice cuts in.
The both of you turn your heads to the door of the room where a tall figure in all black stood. He was about 6"4 wearing heavy boots, black jeans, and a black hoodie. His hair was a dark brown though while he wore a mask. The mask was a dark blue with black goo oozing from the eyesockets. He was pretty intimidating even just by standing idly like a character waiting to be loaded in.
"And I'm Jack." He continued, "I'm the one who took care of your wound."
Jack stepped closer, soon standing at the other side of the table. He stood at the left as Jeff stood at the right.
"He wouldn't stop insisting I help."
You just blink, unknowing of what to respond with. He pursed his lips under his dark mask, in his own thought for a moment while staring down at you. You seemed calm enough, and your still pretty fresh injury was gonna hold you back anyway.
"[P]-[Pronoun]'s gonna-!" He attempts to blurt out, only to be stopped by you.
"I won't."
You were untied at your wrists and ankles, allowing yourself to pull your legs up and rest your feet at the top of the table, propping your knees up. It made your stomach feel weird, but it felt kind of nose and felt like it was easing the pain. You wrapped your arms around your knees, looking around the room more. "What is this place?" You ask.
"It's a medical room."
"Huh.." You shrug it off. Your anxiety levels had died down and the more you actually think about it, this isn't the worst thing that's happened. Your life has been pretty fucked up and you have damaged relationships everywhere. Honestly, being around new people and being far away from others sounds not too bad right now. Not like anyone would care anyway.
The next few hours, you're introduced to everyone else at the Mansion. They've been so...unique and honestly, you're surprised some people and beings like them even exist. They were all equally surprised with how little fear you showed.
You actually got along with most of them.
The others have taken a liking to you and hope you hang around longer. Alone in the living room, you, Jeff, Jack, and others sit at the couches and chairs in the living room, chatting away and getting to know them as they get to know you.
You feel Jeff wrap his arms around you and place a gentle kiss on your forehead, making your heart skip a beat.
You found out Jeff has been stalking you for months at a time. Watching your every move, eliminating anyone in the way. Huh, no wonder so many people in your life kept disappearing. You...couldn't bring yourself to be upset or scared, let alone even sad. You felt kind of at ease.
And far from uncomfortable. Someone loved you. Maybe more than they should, but they love you.
You didn't even feel upset at the fact Jeff had murdered that friend earlier. I mean, you just met the guy, so he wasn't even a 'friend'? So you paid no mind to it.
If anything, you really liked the thrill of someone being obsessed with you. A serial killer being so infatuated with you. He could be so protective of you and get rid of anyone you asked him to! There's is an advantage here. You knew he could snap and probably kill you intentionally or unintentionally, but you didn't mind. You really had no one else, technically speaking. No one that really cared. Not as much as he did.
Maybe he isn't so bad.
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holden-caulfield · 3 years
Explosive I
↪︎ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝟐 - 𝟑)
Summary: reader ends up in detention and is forced to spend it with Draco Malfoy.
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x reader (can be considered an enemies to lovers kind of au)
Warnings: there could be a swear word but i'm not sure honestly.
Word Count: 3280
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"DETENTION!" shouted a rather angry Snape as you froze on the spot, staring into his dark eyes.
You had just messed up a potion. Again. And it had just exploded. Again. And it had hit Snape, something he didn't quite appreciate. He wasn't very fond of you to begin with but now he surely despised you.
You gulped down nervously as you watched his face contort in anger, cleaning up the mess your failed potion had just made.
"You'll be serving detention for three weeks, miss y/l/n. Every day after the lessons."
"What? Every day?" you asked incredulously but you immediately regretted it upon seeing the scowl already etched on his face getting prominently deeper.
"Every. Day. Starting from today, i'll see you here at the end of your lessons and you better be on time."
The bell rang and you made your way outside of the class not once looking up. The rest of the day went by without mishaps, but the constant fear of Snape's detention was enough to incessantly haunt your mind.
Your feet seemed to walk on their own as they brought you back in the dungeons, the fateful moment having arrived.
You entered the gloomy classroom and saw Snape sitting at his desk, a foul expression painted on his face.
"Sit." you did as you were told and sat down without a single word, looking at your table.
Just then, another figure entered the class and you looked up to see. You didn't know him personally but his reputation preceded him: Draco Malfoy.
The boy nodded to Snape who simply acknowledged his presence and returned his gaze to you.
"You'll be organizing every single item in this room without making anything explode. Although i'm aware it's a very difficult task for you, miss Y/l/n."
The blond boy snorted lowly while making his way to the cauldrons present in one of the corners of the room, but you couldn't retort, having way more serious matter at hand at the moment.
"Is it clear?"
"Yes, professor."
Much to your surprise, Snape made his way outside of the classroom, his robes floating after him.
"If i see you slacking around, i'll be sure to detract points from your house as well. Get to work." and with that he exited the class, leaving you alone with the blond boy.
You were quite dumbfounded but a snooty voice reminded you of your task.
"You better get going, these vials won't rearrange themselves."
You shot him a glare and he simply smirked, turning around and settling his cauldron on one of the tables.
You got up and reached the first closet, analyzing the items present: a bunch of ingredients, many you'd never heard of.
You began dividing them in alphabetical order, it being the most logical division, but that same arrogant voice resounded in the room once more.
"You have to catalogue them first."
"I didn't see him putting you in charge of this place." you retorted under your breath, hoping he wouldn't hear you.
"You're the one in detention, not me. I was just trying to help." helping obviously wasn't what he was trying to do, however annoying you seemed a much more plausible answer.
"I didn't ask for your bloody help, did i?"
He chuckled darkly as he reached you, taking some of the ingredients for himself and knocking down a few in the meantime.
You managed to catch them in mid air, but he didn't seem too bothered. You simply ignored him, silently rolling your eyes and deciding that that would have been the best way to endure the long hour that was awaiting you.
"What did you do anyway?" he asked once he had returned to his table, setting the containers on the wooden surface.
You ignored the question and he just laughed, obviously amused by the whole situation.
"Did you speak during his lesson? He usually assigns detentions for that." he commented.
You kept on organizing the colorful bottles, keeping your back to him.
"Did you cheat? I saw one try and they say he never came back from here alive." you rolled your eyes at his attempts at getting you to speak and continued with your task.
"Did you try to seduce him to get a better grade? I didn't take you for the type but i'm not judging." he chuckled to himself. You took a deep breath, the urge to just turn around and choke him very strong but having an already lengthy detention was enough, you didn't need Snape catching you while trying to kill your annoying schoolmate.
"You put the Asphodel in the wrong place." you finally turned around, visibly pissed off, and saw him slouched on his chair, arms behind the nape of the neck as he looked at you with a pedantic air.
"And why would that be?" you asked, annoyance audible in your voice.
"You put it with the liquids when it should obviously be with the powders."
"I'm not dividing by consistency."
"Well, you should." you rubbed your temples in an attempt at calming yourself while turning around towards the shelves once more. "Did you hear me? I said-"
"I heard what you said and i do not care. Will you be talking the whole hour?" you asked marching towards his desk and slamming your hands on the table.
"I don't know, will you do something right and arrange them the correct way?" you were fuming. A scowl planted on your face while a grin appeared on his.
"I don't know, i usually don't take advice from arrogant know-it-alls."
"And i don't usually help oblivious girls with anger issues but i was feeling nice today." he grinned, inching closer to you with the same smug smirk on his face.
"Oh you stupid little-"
"Miss Y/l/n, i thought three weeks were enough for you but apparently they aren't." Snape barged in right at that moment and you quickly stopped, jumping backwards and back to the shelves.
"I'm sorry, professor. It won't happen again."
Snape sat at his desk, picking up some pieces of parchment you imagined were essays and began analyzing them.
The hour passed by agonizingly slow and when Snape finally released you, he stopped you before exiting the room, making you walk up to his desk.
"How did you organize them?"
"Alphabetical order, professor."
"You'll be rearranging them tomorrow afternoon. I want them divided by categories." and he waved his hand dismissively, signaling for you to go without even a second glance.
You walked past Malfoy's table and he whispered, "Told you."
"Shut up." and you finally made your way out, exhausted, relieved, mad and already tired at the prospect of the next detention.
The following day, you got ready as always and sooner than you expected, the dreaded hour had arrived. The only solace: not having to hear Malfoy's tiresome remarks every second.
"Good afternoon."
A complacent smirk greeted you as you arrived in front of the classroom. You couldn't help but stare and narrow your eyes at the bothersome boy that sat on one of the tables, obviously waiting for Snape to arrive.
"Do you live here perhaps?"
"Do you, princess? Or were you just missing me?"
You passed by him and sat down at the farthest desk from him you could find, setting down your bag.
He got up from his previous place and sank down in the chair next to you.
"Oh come on, do you still think you can ignore me?"
You remained silent and simply side-glanced at him, uninterested in participating in his games.
Draco was about to say something when Snape finally arrived, causing him to get up and set his cauldron just like he had done the former day.
"Miss Y/l/n, i suppose you already know what to do?"
You reluctantly stood up and started reorganizing all the products you had so neatly arranged the day before, but unlike then, you worked in complete silence, Draco obviously not commenting with Snape present.
When the hour finished, you started to get out but Snape stopped you once again. You turned around, already fearing having to change the order for the third time.
"I decided you'll be practicing from tomorrow afternoon in order to prevent another... accident. Mr Malfoy here will tutor you."
"What?!" you shrieked and Snape didn't seem to appreciate it.
Draco seemed as dumbfounded as you for he had a rather shocked look plastered on his face.
"Yes, Mr Malfoy?" Snape raised an eyebrow inquisitively and Draco shut his mouth after muttering a single "Nothing."
"But professor, he's-"
"He's at the top of the class so you'll finally learn how not to make everything you touch explode. Hopefully."
You rushed out of the room after seeing Draco's lips curling the slightest bit upwards and made yourself a mental note to curse him right after Snape whenever you had the chance.
You long pondered about not showing up, faking a sudden cold, but you wouldn't have been able to avoid it forever so the next day you presented yourself. You sat down at the table and took out your Potions book from your bag, opening it in front of you.
Snape eyed you, displeased as usual, but said nothing as you waited for Draco to arrive. It didn't take long and when he did enter the room you didn't even glance up at him.
"I suppose that won't be needed today." Draco had moved to pick up a cauldron but Snape interrupted him. "We don't want the class to blow up just yet."
You were expecting a laughter, a chuckle, but it never came. Draco sat down next to you and took out his own book.
"I have more important matters to attend now. By the end of the week, I expect you to actually learn something, Miss Y/l/n, or detention will be the last one of your problems." and with that he stormed off, his usual black robes swinging behind him.
"I didn't mean to laugh yesterday, just so you know." there was almost a hint of remorse in his voice, but you knew better than to trust whatever came out of his mouth.
"I don't care."
"Are you always this sour? I was apologizing to you." the usual contempt came back.
"Are you expecting me to be happy about this situation? Oh my! My dream of being tutored by Hogwarts' most arrogant twat has finally come true!"
"Do you think i asked for this? We are in the same circumstances!"
"You can walk out of that stupid door whenever you like, i can't!"
"Just because i'm smart enough to know how to brew a bloody potion doesn't mean i don't have to stay here!"
Your cheeks were burning with anger and after his last comment with embarrassment too. You returned your angry gaze towards the book sitting in front of you.
"Where are we starting then?"
"I didn't-"
"Where are we starting?" your tone was firm even though in your head all you wanted to do was collapse on your bed forever.
"Which one have you had the most difficulty with?"
"Every one. Every. Single. One." you replied through gritted teeth, angrier than before.
"I'm just trying to help you but i can't do it if you don't cooperate!"
You closed your book shut and shoved it inside your bag, slinging it across your shoulder and striding out of the classroom.
"Where the hell do you think you're going? You can't go out!"
"Thanks for the information, Mr Obvious."
You knew you would have been in great trouble with Snape but you couldn't bare Draco Malfoy for another minute, not like that.
You considered just telling Snape you couldn't do it, that you would have preferred to fail than have him tutor you, but knowing Snape, he was already aware of that and assigned you Draco Malfoy exactly because you couldn't stand him.
"Miss Y/l/n, Mr Malfoy here has told me you made great progress yesterday and I expect the same thing today. I give you permission to make practical work but i want everything in order when i get back. Can i trust you on that, Mr Malfoy?"
He nodded firmly while you still tried to figure out how in the world the conversation you just witnessed could have happened and Snape left you and Draco alone.
"Well, we better get to work and get that progress done or else we're both doomed." he waved you over impatiently but you were still staring at him, brows furrowed as you tried to understand his logic.
"What game are you playing, Malfoy?"
"Do you really think Snape would have appreciated it if i told him you decided to ditch detention?" he asked raising his eyebrows at you. "Oh, don't flatter yourself, i didn't do it for you. Come here."
You sat down at the table, still suspicious, and started to skim over the pages.
"That's the one that made Snape almost blow up."
"How did you manage to make an Amortentia explode?! That's impossible!" he exclaimed while laughing, but there was no superiority in his tone this time.
"Not for me apparently..."
Draco stopped laughing and the two of you began studying.
He was actually more bearable than expected, still a little vexing, but you finally began understanding Potions. Suddenly, those concepts that you thought you could never grasp became completely comprehensible.
And his personality was a surprise too: you and him actually talked together, without any sort of malice.
"Do you think you're ready to brew it?" asked a slightly smiling Draco as he looked up at you from his book. He wasn't the obnoxious asshole you thought. Well, he was, but not entirely.
The two of you were relatively nearer than you were before due to the fact that he had come closer to read with you and explain carefully every single passage. You were so close you could feel his warmth. You were so close you could see that there was a light tinge of blue in his otherwise grey eyes, making them appear almost silvery.
"I suppose we can try..."
He stood up to gather all the materials you'd need and you did the same to collect the ingredients, making sure you picked the right ones, reading carefully the notes you had just taken.
He set everything on the table and looked at you, waiting. You placed the ingredients and looked at him, waiting.
"Well?" he asked, crossing his arms in front of him. "We don't have all day, you know."
"I have to do it?!"
"Yes? I already know how to do it." he replied, chuckling lightly.
"Because you're smart enough to do it?" you asked raising your eyebrow playfully. His smile faded slightly but you quickly changed the topic. "It'd be better if i just watched you do it, don't you think so?"
"I'll be here all the time and believe me, i do not intend on visiting the hospital wing because of second degree burns." you sighed softly and filled the cauldron with potioning water, setting it on a low flame.
You began adding peppermint flower heads, neatly pestled, and peppermint leaves under the watchful gaze of the blond boy.
You went on slowly with every passage, looking up at him from time to time only to receive an approving nod until the bell rang and you had finished.
"We'll have to leave it here overnight and stir it every day. It should be ready in a week or so..."
"So it's ok? It's a potion and not a potential weapon?" you asked gleefully.
"It should be once done, if you've done it correctly." he raised his eyebrow defiantly and you smirked, gathering your things and getting ready to leave the classroom.
"Are you sure it's the fifth time i stirred it?"
"Positive, just two more and we can work on another one."
Working with Draco was incredibly easier: he wasn't as strict as Snape and he was by far more enjoyable now that he didn't act like a prick. You could even say you were becoming friends.
In these few days with him, you learned more about potions than you had ever had in years and years with Snape. You were able to recognize the different ingredients just by looking at them and remembered all the passages clearly. You learned an awful lot about your tutor too: his interests, his friends, his family and the meaning behind his name, which was as fascinating as the boy that bore it.
It was now the thirteenth day of detention, which meant that the brewing time had passed and that the potion was most likely ready.
You felt slightly uneasy at the prospect of uncovering your Amortentia and discovering whether or not what you had learned was effectively correct. Nevertheless you made your way to the Potions classroom after the lessons like every other day.
Snape wasn't present: he would have tested you at the end of your three weeks detention, but you still felt nervous at the thought of disappointing Draco. He had helped you immensely and it would have been highly dismaying for him if you hadn't been able to brew an Amortentia after all his teachings.
Still, you pushed those thoughts aside and joined Draco, who was already in the classroom. His face lit up when he saw you and stepped closer, but stopped himself from hugging you.
"Are you ready to see whether you made a potion or a bomb?" he asked playfully, successfully breaking the tension.
"You're hilarious, really. You know that, blondie?"
"I've been told. Come on... princess." he added the last word with a smug smirk displayed on his face and you couldn't help but roll your eyes.
"Finally asserting my superiority, are you?"
"You wish."
He set the cauldron on your usual desk and stared at you, signaling for you to uncover it. You took a deep breath and removed the cloth that was shielding it, revealing a smooth liquid with a mother-of-pearl sheen. Spiraling fumes started rising from it and you quickly covered it with the cloth once more.
"What are you doing?" Draco asked, confused by your reaction.
"It's fuming. It's not a good sign in my experience." he giggled slightly and took the cloth from your hands, brushing them in the action.
"It's supposed to be like this, in fact, i think you just brewed a perfect Amortentia."
He removed the cloth once more and at his words pride took over your features.
"Smell it, it's different for-"
"It's different for everyone, i studied." you eyed him proudly and inched closer to the exhalations emitted by the draught.
"So? What is it?" he asked impatiently and you smiled widely at his eagerness.
"Mint... something similar to shoe polish i think... and honey..." you looked up at him, his eyes never once leaving yours. "Your turn."
He leaned in, placing his face closer to the brim of the cauldron and inspired deeply.
His eyes met yours again.
"Tell me, what are you smelling?"
You had moved closer to him, itching to know what he most desired. The distance separating the two of you almost inexistent.
"I told you, you have to-"
He cut you off by grasping your face in his hands and connecting your lips together. You melted in his touch but something inside you made you pull away.
"What are you doing?"
He looked at you with panic in his eyes and started to back away. You tried to grab his arms but he receded even more.
"I'm sorry."
And he ran out of the classroom, leaving you alone with one question: why did you pull away?
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sumire-bride · 3 years
SUMIRE AND SHUU (DEMO) ROUTE, Shiro's story part 1.
[Btw! This storyline takes place in the future in the bad ending, meaning it's all angst and all that other fun stuff, this doesn't include interactions with Sumire or Shuu (unless flashbacks) but mainly just shows how Shiro's life is in this particular ending and how he has his ending in the bad ending which will include 6 or 8 parts! Will try my best to post these weekly Please enjoy :) ]
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——I was told that the girl that was demonstrated in that big painting on wall of my home loved stories.
Fairy tails, true stories, but specifically love stories true or not.
She was so infatuated by the idea of love while denying it for she had her "happiness" who was her father.
He told me she loved ones with depressing endings.. But with a twist. sad sad sad stories love stories.
I wonder if.. That's why I'm here.
I felt her running.. I felt her panic.. I felt her pain.. I heard her read that story.. What story was it..?
I can smell her next door. I can smell her in the garden. the halls..
she won't leave me alone.. Her image haunts me..
She's everywhere no matter where I go——
HINOTE- Ahh... Shiro-kun.. Can you turn that off please.. I can't move..
SHIRO- Zzz..
HINOTE- Shiro-kun..? Ugh..
*Hinote turns off the alarm*
HINOTE- You sure are the heavy sleeper.. Who even set this alarm..? Didn't the two us fall asleep right as we got here..?
(..I doubt Shiro-kun would set the alarm, I don't think he'd bother. It's as if he sleeps in a sound proof room.)
(I should just let him sleep, maybe I'll search around the place—)
REIJI- Ahem.. You boys are still asleep..? I set for a reason you know.
SHIRO- Zzz.. Zz..
REIJI- Hm.. There isn't a need a scream, it's only me.
HINOTE- Uwah.. (This is Shiro-kuns uncle right..? How long has he been standing there..?! When did he even enter the room..!?)
Uhm.. Excuse me sir.. But what are you doing in here..?
REIJI- You two didn't think you'd be living here without any school did you..? Honestly you younger boys these days,
They recently opened up a middle schooler part for the younger years in our school, it's become so much more disrupted..
So it's only natural I put you boys in there isn't it..?
HINOTE- Ah..! School..! That's awsome. But.. It's so late, doesn't school happen in the morning..?
REIJI- For you humans yes, but for us vampire's we do night school, If you have a problem with it then don't make it mine.
HINOTE- I-I don't have a problem with it at all..! I don't get out much anyways,
(It's not like this'll kill me.. Plus Shiro-kun will be there! This is gonna be a blast)
REIJI- Good to know, I'll be expecting you in the car in 5 minuets then.
I know your out there, Ayato..
AYATO- Tch..! Damn it,
REIJI- What are you even doing out there..? You don't find interest in these type of things now get to that car
AYATO- Don't tell me what to do..! Ore-sama will do whatever he wants..!
More importantly, that ones still sleeping,
Pfft.. Isn't that ever familiar.
REIJI- Ah.. That's right, I completely forgot about his presence for a sec.. Though that smell he holds it's a surprise I forgot he was there.
You. Wake him up
HINOTE- Huh..? Oh..! Shiro-kun..!
Ah.. I can try.
AYATO- Whadda mean 'you'll try' just wake em up, it's not hard.
Watch and learn.
Oi..! Hiro..!
HINOTE- His name is actually Shiro..
And just what a moment..! Shiro isn't exactly a morning person..! In fact he doesn't like being woken up at all..—
AYATO- Shaad up..
Oi..! Get up..!
*Ayato shakes Shiro*
SHIRO- ..Nnn...
*he swats Ayato's hand away*
AYATO- Did he just..
Oi what makes you think you can hit ore-sama hah..!?
HINOTE- L-let's calm down for a sec I can wake him—
AYATO- I might just go grab some water and pour it on ya..!
Get up..!!
SHIRO- Tch.. Pain in the ass...
AYATO- Who are you calling a pain in the ass..?!
*Ayato shakes him more*
SHIRO- Guh..
Don't touch me...!!
HINOTE- Gahh..!
*scene changes inside car*
AYATO- Tch..
REIJI- ...
SHIRO- Zz.. Pwah.. Nn..
LAITO- Pfftt.. Fufu.. Hahaha..! Oh no poor Ayato, your face looks like a little cookie.. A raisin cookie to be more exact.
KANATO- Isn't that funny teddy..? Ayato getting beat up but a little boy..
AYATO- All of you be quiet..! I didn't get beat up.
You damn brat, punching and ruining the great ore-sama's face..
HINOTE- We-well I did tell you to leave it up to me..
Shiro isn't a morning person, the last time someone tried to wake him up from a nap in the church and his cold hard glare was enough to scare anyone away, when they didn't leave he.. well.. The other priest didn't have hair for months because he caused a.. tiny fire.
SHIRO- [He seems to be struggling to stay awake]
SUBARU- Hmph.. Pathetic.
AYATO- who’re you calling pathetic..?! Shut your trap..!
Hmph.. what’s up with all of you teasing me so dang much..? Assholes..
HINOTE- aha.. ha.. ah…
Shiro-kun, come on stay awake.
SHIRO- Zzz.. Tch..
Quit bugging me… god.. annoying as ever..
HINOTE- It’s not annoying if I don’t want anymore trouble for you.
As your bodyguard it’s my job.
SHIRO- Bodyguard… you sure think highly of yourself…
You can’t protect me here… you’ll only die.. I’m not in the mindset to see blood…
(he can’t even protect himself let alone me)
Pwah… I’m so tired…
HINOTE- Ah..! Shiro-kun..! Come on stay awake.
REIJI- it seems as though we’re here.
AYATO- Damn.. already..?
*the car door opens, they step outside*
*scene switches to entrance*
HINOTE- Uwah.. uwahh..!! Shiro-kun Shiro-kun..! Look look..! Look how big this school is..!
SHIRO- It’s just a school.. this looks no different then what I go to everyday, it’s just slightly bigger..
Cool your jets Rapunzel.
SUMIRE- ..Shuu-sama Shuu-sama…! Look look…! I found a pedal from this flower…! Look how pretty it is…!
SHUU- Flower pedal..? That’s all it is nothing more then one leaf, your so weird.
Cool your jets Rapunzel.
SUMIRE- ..But… I do not own any jets Shuu-sama…
(..that guy seems like he has it out for me or something… If he had a problem with his brothers it better not have to be to fix them.. I deal with her crazy family already..)
(All of this is so annoying..)
REIJI- The middle school floor is beneath the high schoolers, I'm sure you'll find your way to the classroom you both are in easy.
Don't be any trouble, unless you both desire a punishment I wouldn't recommend it. I'm talking to you.. Shiro. Those parents of yours enjoyed getting into lots of it.
SHIRO- Ah.. (Yup.. My parents problems my problems, the sequel.. Ahh..)
LAITO- Bye bye dear nephew~ Don't make any trouble kay I know how you younger boys are fufu.
AYATO- I'm gonna getch you back for hitting me in the face..!
KANATO- Teddy.. Class is boring.. Let's find a nice spot to sit in okay..? Teddy.
SUBARU- Hmph..
*They walk off*
HINOTE- Uh.. Your family seems.. nice.. A little noisy but they seem fun.
Have they always been like this..?
SHIRO- I wouldn't know. This is the first time I'm meeting them..
HINOTE- You've never them..? I see, do you not know many of your family..?
SHIRO- My moms side, but I know absolutely nothing about my dads.
I don't like these people. Their weird..
HINOTE- Shouldn't you like all your family..? Because, family is family right..?
SHIRO- I hate all my family members, all are so annoying and a pain in the ass. I don't have to like anybody if I don't want to.. "Family is family" is such a ass saying, mine is completely nuts.
And what would you know about it..? Aren't you a orphan..? You don't know what it's like to have family good or bad so shut your mouth on what I should like.
Let's go..
HINOTE- Oh.. Yeah.. Let's go..
*Scene is in outside classroom*
SHIRO- ...
(maybe I went a bit too far back there.. I was saying what was true, I always do that so why do I feel this weird feeling..?)
(Ah man.. I hate it here..) Pwah.. (..I'm tired. Night school is gonna be a pain in the ass)
HINOTE- Is this the door..? The class I mean.
SHIRO- I would think so. Go on, open the door. I can't be bothered to.
HINOTE- This is kinda exciting.. I've never been inside a real classroom like this before.
STUDENT- ..?..
SHIRO- ...
HINOTE- Shiro-kun.. I can't do it... I wanna go back too many people are in here..--
SHIRO- Come on body guard let's go..
HINOTE- Ahaa...!!
TEACHER- Ah.. New students I see, hmm.. that's quite unusual to have a human student.. Oh dear..
What's your names might I ask..?
HINOTE- A-ah.. Hinote Haruto..!
TEACHER- I see, what a strong name mr. Haruto. I do have you on my list starting from yesterday.
And what about this one..?
SHIRO- ...
TEACHER- Ahem.. Your last name.
HINOTE- Ah.. S-sorry he isn't a massive talker, his name is Shiro Kanashi.
TEACHER- Hmm.. Kanashi.. I don't have a Shiro Kanashi on my paper, I do however have a Shiro Sakamaki on here though, Maybe a mix up perhaps..?
But I can't help but feel honoured to have a Sakamaki family member in my classroom..!
SHIRO- Uh.. (Sakamaki..? What the hell..? I don't ever use that last name nor do is it even written down on a paper..)
TEACHER- There's seats over in the back you two can sit in, actually I don't care where your sitting. Honestly what a mistake putting middle schoolers with high schoolers.. Barely anyone shows up. The younger ones that is. Haah.. Middle schoolers...
Over there.
*Shiro and Hinote begin to walk to their desks all while being stared at by a few other students*
FEMALE STUDENT 1- Uwahh.. Hey their kinda cute..
FEMALE STUDENT 2- Ehh.. No way... the blonde one though, not even cute, he's hello pretty do you think he'd go on a date with me..?
That browned haired one is eh.. I don't like his moles... There gross..
FEMALE STUDENT 1- I think think there sexy..~
SHIRO- ... (I hate women...)
MALE STUDENT 1- Greaat... Another set of pretty boys for the girls to fond over.. How annoying...
MALE STUDENT 2- Is he even naturally blonde..? Looks like he's got roots or something.. And I bet those moles on that other guys face are drawn on
HINOTE- There not--
HINOTE- Mnpff...!!
SHIRO- Shut.up. Don't be a pain and start shit please...
HINOTE- Phew... So this is what actual school is like... Uwahh... It's so tiring.. Is this the reason you are such a grouch when you come to the church after you're done school..?
SHIRO- No. It's cuz I have some little Malagasy with moles following me around everywhere.
Or should say mole rat..
HINOTE- Mole rat..?! Malagasy..!? What is it with you and creating nicknames for me..!?
Should I start calling you sleeping beauty..?
SHIRO- Call me that I'll slit your throat.
HINOTE- Ekk... Okay... A little violent don't you think...
Ah.. Hey Shiro-kun, since it's our break, can we walk around for a bit..--
FEMALE STUDENT 1- So your names Shiro huh..? Wow what a nice name..!
SHIRO- Tch...
FEMALE STUDENT 1- He's playing hard to get how cute..! Hey hey do you have cell phone, a phone number perhaps..? Or maybe you like social media, a guy like you, you're probably a model..!
FEMALE STUDENT 2- Hey come on, don't hog him, you'll give me your number to right..? Here let me give you mine.
FEMALE STUDENT 1- Buzz off..! You said you liked the other one..!
FEMALE STUDENT 2- I said I liked his moles, I don't think he's any good other than that.
SHIRO- ... (I ask for one peaceful moment in my life. One peaceful god damn moment..)
FEMALE STUDENT 3- I would like your number to..! Are you doing anything after school..? I would totally love to hang out with you.
FEMALE STUDENT 4- Oooh.. Look at his eyes, there like jades..! Such a beautiful green shade..!
*The girls seem to be shadowing over Shiro's desk, making it hard for Hinote to say a thing to Shiro*
HINOTE- Oh.. (That's understandable I suppose.. I guess if I were a girl I'd probably wanna talk to him to...)
(I can talk to him all I want later)
FEMALE STUDENT 1- What's your favourite food..? I can buy you something from the vending machine. Or a drink..?
SHIRO- I don't like vending machine stuff.
HINOTE- Shiro-kun, I bought some drinks..! There your favourite--
FEMALE STUDENT 2- Then lets go to the cafe, they've got lots of good stuff..!
HINOTE- Shiro-kun, you having trouble..? You haven't touched any of these questions here I'll help you with it.
SHIRO- Whatever--
FEMALE STUDENT 3- I'm really in math..! Here I'll help you.
HINOTE- I was totally wrong.. I didn't get to talk to Shiro-kun at all..
(Well.. to be honest, it's not like he wants to talk to me often anyways..)
*Flashback is set in a garden*
YOUNGER HINOTE- Ah..! Shiro-kun..! Have you come to look at the roses to..!? We can look at them together..!
YOUNGER SHIRO- I'm going back inside..
HINOTE- Gaah.. Thinking back on our childhood I realize how annoying I must of been..
Stupid Hinote..!
KANATO- Please quiet down you're upsetting teddy..
HINOTE- Ekk..!
AYATO- The hysteric has a point, why're ya always screaming and screeching like some little girl..?
HINOTE- Pardon..?!
LAITO- Come now, there's nothing wrong with a boy being so jumpy.
If anything It's quite laughable seeing this frail boy jump at the slightest things. It feels like I haven't had a good laugh since...
Fufu, Ran-chan died. Ahh, did she ever give me stomach holding laughs with the idiotic crap she'd spud, it truly sent me into a fit of laughter.
HINOTE- Ran..chan...? (Ran-chan..? Dead..? I'm way too confused right now... And just how do these people keep popping out from..!)
Who is this Ran-chan you speak off..?
LAITO- Hmm..? Oh isn't that laughable as well, has he not told you yet..? Here I was thinking you two were really close.
HINOTE- Told me.. what..?
AYATO- Maan.. Just thinking about that day gives me some real headache, I have a fucking scar on my arm from all the scratching she did.
KANATO- Hey teddy.. Don't you remember her face..? It was funny right..? I have it imprinted in my mind.. You to right..?
HINOTE- ..?... (Could they perhaps be talking about the stuff Shiro-kun told me..? About his parents..?)
LAITO- Ufu, I'll tell you a little gist of the past kay..?~
Ran-chan is the nickname I have for Shiro's mother, to me she was so cute and innocent like a little orchid flower,
She got crushed like one to, Shiro's father was our kind older brother who challenged Reiji to dule for some odd reason, then he died and lost right in front of her eyes, right as he learned she was pregnant with as you know as Shiro,
Poor Ran-chan. She gave birth on her own in her bedroom, then gave birth and mean old Reiji came in annnd..
HINOTE- What did.. Mr. Reiji do..? I mean.. I know his parents passed on and all already.. He never really gave me the full story..
LAITO- So curious, I'll tell you more I suppose.
He took Shiro right out of her hands and then.. Killed her.
HINOTE- ..!!... K-killed her..? Even though she just gave birth..?! And not only that..! But killed the father of her child right in front of her eyes
LAITO- Sniff sniff.. Such a sad ending, I find kinda funny though
HINOTE- Funny..?! How on earth is that funny to you..?! Isn't Shiro your nephew, you shouldn't find your nephews parents death funny..!
AYATO- Woah.. Hit a nerve there, I don't really feel too much empathy towards the kid. I mean it's kinda sad but what's the point in feeling sorry..?
KANATO- I in general don't feel a thing for him, I hate children.. Noisy bratty and little greedy idiots.
HINOTE- Ah.. You all nothing for him..? Even though he has to deal with so much.. He thinks he's a monster..!
AYATO- Is that our problem..? Hey if you're gonna start whining and shit go whine to your boyfriend.
HINOTE- Hmph..! I think I will..! All of you are heartless..! Heartless people..!
*Hinote runs off*
AYATO- ...
Is anyone gonna talk about the fact he didn't say anything about the boyfriend part..?
HINOTE- Ahh.. I couldn't find him anywhere... You'd think I would based on all those girls humping his leg like some group of tiny loud dogs..
Hmph.. (still though.. Hearing the actual story gives me chills.. and the fact that his uncles just so heartless..!)
*Loud chattering can be heard*
HINOTE- Hmm..? (what's that..)
Uwah..! Sh-shiro-kun..!
SHIRO- ... (I have never had such a urge to hit a women before.. much less a group of women..)
(get them off of me..!!)
FEMALE STUDENT 1- Are you sure you don't want to hangout later..? I'm 100% free.
SHIRO- I don't.. Now get out of my sight.. please.
FEMALE STUDENT 2- Hmm.. So mean.. Haah.. Fine fine, I'll go to karaoke by myself then.
*The girls leave*
SHIRO- ..Haah.. Haah...
HINOTE- Uh.. Shiro-kun..? Are you okay..-
SHIRO- Shut up.. For one minute.. You talk too much..
HINOTE- Too.. much..? I see... I'll be.. quiet. I'm sorry..
SHIRO- ... (So annoying.. Women are by far the worst.. The girls here are even more god awful.)
Haah.. (my parents cursed me with my appearance.. and their family problems.. how annoying is all of this.. I just wanna go to my room an lay down and sleep.. sleep for the rest of my life...)
Hm..? Uh..
(This room.. It's the one next to me Hinote's. I don't know why.. But this smell to this room is.. So oddly familiar yet I can't put my thumb on it.. It's so.. the smell burns my noise... Just who and what happened in this room..? And why do I feel attachment to it..?)
(It's the same with the room next to it.. That one isn't half as bad but.. It's as if I knew the people who had these rooms..)
(Should I open this door..?)
--OPEN DOOR (if this where a game regardless he would open the door)
*Shiro opens the door*
SHIRO- ..!!... (This smell..!)
SHIRO- ... (This room is so.. clean yet this.. strong smell is.. Argh.. What a pain in the ass..)
???- I figured you'd go into this room at some point, although I didn't expect so soon.
SHIRO- ..!... Ah.. (It's that guy..)
Hey.. What's this room..? There's this smell about it.. I can't put my tongue on it though.. You're the elder here answer my questions.
REIJI- Hmph.. How expected of that dead-beats child to be the type to want the answers right away instead of finding out himself.
SHIRO- Dead-beat..? Listen, I just want answers.. The whole place is weird and filled with a group of weirdo's along with it.
REIJI- I suppose I'll enlighten you. Just a bit.
Although I do have a question, just what does this smell you speak about make you think of..? A person, a thing..? You've never lived here so..
SHIRO- That's not what I'm asking.. (man this guy is annoying.. I hate people like him)
I don't know.. Just.. I feel like I've known someone who had this room before. I don't.. It's just weird.. A part of me feels like I've been in this room before..
REIJI- Really now, hoh you are right about two things. I truly wonder who was it you knew.. I just can't remember, haha. Come now don't pull that face. It's truly disgusting. Your face just screams that deadbeat.
SHIRO- Just get to the point. I'm not talking to you to mess around.
REIJI- Haah.. Children are handfuls.. "I want I want"..
The very room your standing in right now.. Is the room which your own mother slept in, cried and many other of her hobbies in here, including dying in here while giving birth to you
SHIRO- ..!!...
REIJI- Pfft.. what's with the face, I do have to say it's quite a funny one. I wonder what type of face you'd pull if I told you the room that's also next to yours is your fathers.
*Shiro looks away.*
REIJI- Gn.. Hahaha.. Happy now..? You got what you asked for so why do you seem so upset..? Do you wanna more..?
Your begged me, oh how she begged me to let her hold you for just a minute longer, I remember how she fell to the floor. the last words she said to me was
"Shiro" what a sad weak and pathetic women she was--
*Shiro runs out*
REIJI- ...
My my, I think I'm gonna have plenty fun with this. I wonder what he'd be saying right now..
SHIRO- Haah.. Haah.. Haah..
(So that's what that smell was.. That strong and awful smell.. Does the world just hate me..? Did he do this on purpose..? Why.. Why..?!)
HINOTE- Shiro-kun..? Are you okay..?
Yeah.. Mind your own business..
HINOTE- Are you sure..? You came in here pretty loudly.
SHIRO- I'm.. I'm fine.. You're going to bed right..? Then do that..
I heard.. What you and your uncle said in the room.. That those two room we're between, are your parents.. I learned.. The whole story today.. Hey..
*Hinote holds Shiro's shoulder*
HINOTE- I want to let you know.. I'm gonna make nothing happens to you, I'll make sure of it, even if I have to face some scary vampires, if it means you can be happy and your safe, then I'll do it.
I.. Don't want to see you in pain like this..
SHIRO- ...
My mom.. Her name meant "violet"... I was told she was as pretty as one.. In my home, my uncle put a massive photo of her.. I felt so sick looking at it.. So sick I had to take a few minuets just to walk into that entrance...
My mother was.. A truly beautiful women..
My dad.. I have no idea what he looks like besides he has blonde hair and his name...
HINOTE- What.. was your parents name..?
SHIRO- It was.. Sumire.. And Shuu...
HINOTE- I see.. Your parents have nice names.. Hey, let's not dwell on this right now, I'm sure you've had a long day. Get some rest.
*Hinote holds Shiro's hand leading him to his bed. Shiro places his head on Hinote's lap*
SHIRO- Hey.. Hinote...
HINOTE- Mhm.. What is it..?
SHIRO- I'm.. Sorry about the things I said today...
HINOTE- Uh.. Haha.. It's alright... There's no reason to say sorry. Just sleep okay..?
SHIRO- Mhm... (Yeah.. Sleep... Maybe I won't wake tomorrow.. Live in a endless dream..)
(I want to never wake up again)
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Til death do us part | Helmut Zemo
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Bodyguard AU! 🕶
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 10
The very day the rest of the guards that Steve had contacted arrived. He gathered them for a meeting to brief them on the job. He was worried about the group that had taken you out of action for a while.
You had begun to suspect that Zemo knew exactly who they were and what they wanted, but he hadn't informed you about them at all. Since it wasn't deemed important enough for you to know, you didn't ask.
You had been excused from Zemo's side, reluctantly for him, to join Steve and Bucky outside.
The boys were stood with their hands behind the back watching the new lot get used to the grounds. It was important they knew their way around.
You came up beside Steve.
"Morning, Y/N," he smiles.
"How is it being Zemo's personal bodyguard?" Bucky asks.
You chuckle. "So far so good. No issues to report."
"And in the romance department?" Bucky asks, grinning like a fool.
"Non existent, Buck. Don't be silly," you scold him.
Steve is smiling.
"Not you too, Rogers."
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but I think Bucky is right. I honestly believe the Baron may have feelings for you."
"Why would he? He hated me when we met."
"You saved his life," Bucky reminds you, "that is plenty enough to change a point of view on someone."
You sigh.
"I suppose."
You knew it was probably true just from the way he had been treating you. You felt less like a bodyguard and more like a guest. Even you could tell he was reaching for any excuse to keep you near him.
You would just go back to being the professional you were and decline politely, having excuses of your own to do other things.
He was your boss.
"Nothing is going to happen, so no point in bringing it up any more," you tell them.
"You sound so sure of that," Bucky says.
"Because I am."
Neither one of them mentions it further. The new group finish their tour of the outside grounds, and it's here you decide to go back inside, leaving Steve and Bucky to show them the rest.
Bucky watches you go, feeling bad about teasing you, but also not because he knows it's true.
You pass Natasha on tour way back inside.
"Can I join you?" She asks.
"I don't see why not," you chuckle.
The pair of you walk in perfect sync as you head upstairs. The house is quiet as you walk your usual route.
"Are you not scared they'll come back?" She asks, looking at you from the corner of her eye. Natasha had been worried sick after you were rushed off to hospital. There hadn't been much word about your status until they all got back to the hotel. She was scared it was going to end badly.
Then they heard you were stable and she let out the biggest sigh of relief. It painted them that they couldn't all come and visit you, but Steve assured them you were on the mend.
You sigh softly.
"Honestly, yes."
Natasha didn't miss the way you reached u pro your shoulder for just a moment. Obviously it bothered you everytime that day was mentioned.
"But in here to do a job and I'll do it again if i have to. My life for his."
"It's a reckless job, isn't it?"
You smile softly. "Yes, it is, but it is also the most rewarding. We are duty bound to protect someone and I did just that."
She smiles.
"And I'm sure you'll be rewarded handsomely for it too."
You narrow you eyes at her, lips tugging into a frown.
"What do you mean by that?"
She laughs a little. "The Baron fancies you, perhaps your reward is, well, him."
"You too? Natasha, no! I just told Steve and Bucky off for this. Even if he does like me, I won't peruse it. I'm here to do a job, Natasha. He trusts me with his life."
"Maybe he just wants to keep you close to him."
"You're being ridiculous," you sigh.
The pair of you reach Zemo's office. You stop outside and turn to your dear friend.
"Trust me, nothing is going to happen here."
She looks sceptical, but Natasha doesn't say anything and just nods once. She gestures to the door and leaves silently.
You hold your head up high and knock on the door.
"Come in."
You open the door and enter. The door closes gently behind you, and then you make your way over to the Baron to stand behind him.
You ignore the way he watches you do so. You can feel his eyes on you as you pass him.
Helmut hides his smile as he looks back down at his work. He was glad you were here. He had missed your presence in the room. You had this calming affect for him and he noticed it greatly when you were gone.
He hadn't got very far with his work. For every time you leave him, his mind lingers on you. He wonders what you'll do, where you'll go, if you think of him as he does you.
Whenever he thought about that last part, his heart was skip a beat.
Zemo's thoughts came to a halt when another knock sounded at his door. He gave them permission to enter.
A maid enters. One you've seen around the estate. She is carrying a tray with a tea set on it. The maid approaches the desk and places the tray down. Helmut thanks her quietly and she then excuses herself.
Helmut pours himself a cup.
You admire the little tea set. It's all matching. All made from china. White with flowers painted onto them in an intricate design. Simple, yet classy.
Too busy admiring the teacups, you only just realise he is pouring another cup.
You glance at him quickly. He was obviously talking to you as you were the only other person in the room. Not wanting to argue with him, you take a seat opposite him, all while keeping your wits about you just in case.
Helmut places the other teacup in front of you. You stare at it.
"For you," he chuckles softly.
"Um, thank you, sir."
You accept it. You sip the hot contents of the cup and hum softly. It was very nice. You hide your smile behind your cup, hoping he wasn't looking at you right now.
Problem is, he is always looking at you when you're within his eyeline.
"How did you get into this line of work?" He asks, desperate to get you to open up to him. He wanted to know about you, hear you say more than a few words to him.
"Steve Rogers is a dear friend of mine. He was looking for recruits back when the agency was just starting. I told him I was interested, but I had no training. He assured me that was alright and introduced me to Natasha. She became my mentor. Everything I know, I learned from Nat. Within the first month of my employment, I received my first assignment. I've been a bodyguard ever since."
He smiled. This was progress. You were opening up to him and he was happy.
"Then I should thank Mr. Rogers and Miss. Romanoff," he says, smiling softly.
"Thank them?"
"If not for them, I wouldn't have such a hard working and efficient bodyguard."
"With all due respect, sir, you didn't think that way when we met."
His smile fades. Of course you wouldn't forget about that. First impressions are important and he had ruined it by thinking lesser of you.
You must really hate him for that.
Perhaps he didn't stand a chance with you after all.
"Yes, well, opinions can change," he said, lowering his cup onto it's saucer on the desk.
"Your opinion changed because I took a dee bullets for you. Your opinion changed because I did my job and saved your life."
Normally you would never talk back to your employer, but you wanted him to know how he made you feel.
"I apologise."
"Apologies are unnecessary when I'm doing my duty," you tell him.
"Do you ever not think of your duty?"
"No. When I'm working, all there is to think about is the job."
Helmut looks at you with a longing gaze, not that you see it as such.
"Are you happy?" He asks. The question startles you.
"Happy doing your duty? Happy putting your life before others. Do you not think your life as important compares to those you serve and protect?"
You stare at him blankly.
"My purpose is to put my life before others. I do what I do because I'm good at it. It is my job to put myself before others in dangerous situations. I wouldn't want to do anything else. I'm here to keep you safe, sir."
Silence falls between you.
All you think about your job and for some reason he hates that fact. Right here in front of him, you aren't your own person, you're someone who lay down their life for whoever employs them.
Once upon a time he had happily felt the same, laying down his life for his country, but things changed. He changed.
"Anything you want, just say the word and I'll get it for you. I want you to be happy in my home."
Our home. He wanted to say our home, but that felt far too personal, even of you were living here now.
You put your cup down and stand up.
"If you'll excuse me, sir, I have to make my rounds."
You leave before he can say anything.
Helmut stares at your half empty teacup. He sighs. The most you had ever said to him, and he had only managed to upset you further. Judging by the way you left, he may have offended you.
His heart was going crazy.
"Why must romance be so difficult?" He sighed, sitting back in his chair.
He just wanted to know you. What a fool he was.
Sitting there in silence, he made a silent promise to make it up to you. He had a mission of his own now.
Helmut Zemo had accepted that he liked you, and now he just had to win you over. He would start tomorrow, when the day was fresh and today could be forgotten.
He was going to show you who he was underneath the title of Baron.
Helmut Zemo was going to win over your heart.
@thesuitkovian @justfangirlthingies @belle82devart @zemosimp420 @anteroom-of-death @silverlambcaptain @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @lieutenantn @daniielbruhl @awesomesauce-abbie @latenightartist-author @lazygurl05 @rumblelibrary @nonamec0s @shura-gorl @ginger-abreu @caligrl1992 @livvyshmiv @luciadiosa @vverliebt @tatooineisdry @charistory @somethingthatsaysbubbles @apparrio @alex-the-nb @thewrongkhristol @hb8301 @the-chaotic-cow @mssennimatilda @uncomfortablebagel @fictionlandslanddreams
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