#I don't like Chaos as a faction BUT if I did
mama-qwerty · 2 days
Okay, so I'm working on the next chapter of Lost and Found, and rewatched the little Master Emerald backstory scene for details.
I just noticed something.
Tails said that with the Master Emerald, "a single warrior could defeat entire armies".
That's not the same as did.
I know it's speculated that this version of what happened wasn't the full truth, as history is written by the victors and all that. So it's very likely that the owls aren't the benevolent heroes that Sonic and Tails were led to believe. And they read this account in an owl temple, which would of course make the owls out to be the good guys, and the echidna out to be the bad guys, with no gray area in between.
Now, based on game lore, we know that the echidna did go after the Master Emerald with the intention of using its power for themselves. But movie lore isn't the same, or at least isn't following the same beat-for-beat game story. So there could be some play there.
Another thing that pokes at me is the masks the echidna from all those years ago wear. They look suspiciously bird-like to me, in much the same vein as the ones Knuckles' tribe wore more recently. With the latter, you could see that as an "I'll wear the skin of my enemies to scare them in battle" kinda thing, but why would echidna from ages ago wear bird masks, if they didn't already have a beef with the owls?
So maybe the owls and echidna were already beefing, and in an attempt to either defend themselves, or end the war before more blood was shed, the echidna formed the Master Emerald. This scared the owls shitless, and they decided nuh uh, that ain't fair, and decided to remove the ME from the echidna and just hide it away, thereby doing an about face and making themselves out to be such kindly and good-hearted folks to have 'saved the galaxy' from the 'horrible danger' that the echidna presented.
The owls were the ones who coerced the echidna into forming the Master Emerald in the first place.
Maybe the two species coexisted in peace for the most part, but there was a faction of the owls that wanted more. Maybe the echidna at the time were more pacifists, and content with guarding or protecting the island and gems more than anything.
Maybe there was an order of echidna that trained under the owls as warriors, under the guise of becoming better guardians for those they protected. They didn't seek power or want to conquer, they simply wanted to keep their loved ones and home safe.
But the owls took advantage of this desire, and convinced them to form the seven chaos emeralds into a single gem, one that held unimaginable power. One the owls hoped to use as a weapon, perhaps against the echidna themselves.
Once the ME was formed, it grew too powerful, too tempting for the echidna to resist, and one single echidna warrior became fused with it, possibly by accident, becoming more powerful than any before.
The owls, not wanting to fess up to being the ones who planted the idea for the echidna to do this, stepped up as the heroes of the galaxy, bravely fighting this power mad echidna for the good of all.
The echidna, feeling betrayed, now have a royal beef with the owls, and vow to retrieve what they'd been tricked into creating, and then had stolen away from them. So they truly were looking to restore their honor, because the owls had taken advantage of them, and pushed them to do something that went against their very nature and code.
I hope this makes sense, I'm just spitballing off the top of my head.
I don't know if we'll ever discover the whole truth to what happened when the ME was formed, but am certain that there's no clear good and bad in this.
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teknomagic · 1 year
Incorrect quotes from the Alpha legion
"The fuck are those"
"Oh I think those are marines primaris, they're new"
"And you knew? When were you planning to tell us?"
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threepandas · 3 months
Bad End: Kept Safe
[Art by Miu_A]
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You ever give someone advice, knowing full well they aren't going to take it? Even AFTER they have begged and pleaded and WHINED at you, for hours, for it? Even after they poured their heart and soul out to you? And you, a good friend, carefully and tactfully, tried your best to help? LIKE THEY ASKED?
Ever find yourself the designated "run too dramatically weep in the arms off" friend?
I have.
It is hell. I am in hell.
This is my punishment for all those hours I spent reading and playing Otome Isekai junk instead of, I don't know, solving world hunger or something. Because it HAS to be. I am clearly being punished. Repeatedly. By some sort of petty, petty, anime God.
Fuck you too, buddy.
A fresh round of highly dramatic Protagonist sobbing peirces the air. Dear lord, she has a set of lungs on her, does she? It's like an air siren. But more... upset toddler. It was bizarre. I'd LIKED her as a character. I HAD. Bright and cheerful, determined with a good heart. She'd been a bit naive, yes, but she'd grown. Love had changed her for the better.
This was some middle school "he threw away my secret note, that I didn't sign, so that means he HATES MEEEEE~" bullshit. It went on and on and ON! God, it'd been MONTHS! Years!
I made friends with the Protagonist when we were in The Royal Academy. The story's setting. It SHOULD have finished by graduation. SHOULD. HAVE. But DID it? No! This nonsense had spilled into the COURT! The general population! Actual political factions were starting to get involved!
All because my "friend" COULDN'T PICK A MAN.
And she didn't listen. I tried. God, how I TRIED! No matter HOW I phrased "just fucking TALK to them" it didn't get through her dense fucking skull. I tried taking a break. To calm down. She HUNTED ME DOWN with her little Harem of political trainwrecks!
That poor port city STILL has yet to recover from the chaos they unleashed.
I don't... God, I don't even LIKE her anymore. I've just been reduced to her HANDLER. Forced into girlish tea parties devoid of any taste, because no one ELSE will come. Followed by winces and pitying looks by every lady in all of polite society. The sacrifice to keep HER distracted, lest her gaurd dogs decide its a good idea to do something unhinged again.
It's exhausting.
I'm not even listening.
She seems to have worked through her usual cycle of "cry, mope, what about meeeee~, then I going to go be Plucky at them! Tee Hee~♡!". Good, good. You go have fun, you little train wreck. I'm going to go find an actual ADULT to hide behind.
I have my maids change me out of an outfit that, frankly? I am too old for. I am not sixteen. We are not GIRLS, for the heaven's sake. We are WOMEN. It was a cute outfit. I enjoyed wearing it, back when I was physically young enough that it was appropriate. But even THEN... that's the down side of the whole "isekai" thing.
You keep your mental age.
Everyone around you? INFANTS. Fresh faced babies. You are being flirted with by fourteen year olds and? It is DISGUSTING. They can never be anything more then "cute kids" to you. The characters you once thirsted over? Reduced to actual, living, breathing, pre-schoolers.
There's no going back after that. I'll NEVER unsee it. Can only continue to age, even as they simply... grow up. And then? When they started behaving like FOUR YEAR OLDS? Forget it! I'm beginning to share my parents fears I may die single.
At least I have a refuge. A place of SANITY and SENSE.
I grab the imported wine I had purchased. I'd noticed him drink it before on special occasions. Found a tea seller that was willing to also bring some back. Mother LOVED the tea and my friend was going to love the wine, I could just tell.
Cautiously poking my head out of the guest apartments i was staying in, I checked the hall. Left. Right. Left. Thank god. No Protagonist in sight, she hasn't come back yet. Better hurry though.
I walk fast and keep close to the wall. Ducking into alcoves at every new female voice. Passing servants, Nobles, and the occasional Knight either murmur what they know of Protagonist's last known location or politely pretend not to see me. For anyone else, this would be scandalous behavior. For ME? Well... everyone knew EXACTLY why I was being driven to such extremes.
I thankfully reached the governance wing unmolested. It was far quite and none of the pack of fools ever really set foot here. Not ever the ones who were SUPPOSED to be busy learning their future roles as leaders of this country. God, I could only hope the third prince somehow quietly pulls a coup.
Not that I'd SAY that.
The gaurds don't even bother to announce me, I'm here so often. Merely opening the door. I maintain my decorum none the less. JUST long enough for the doors to finally close and I am able to drop my social mask like whipping of my bra after a long day. Oh thank fuuuuuuck. FREEDOM!
A familiar chuckle, like incense smoke, wafts from the second floor of the office.
"Oh my~, so tired?" My friend muses, his voice that ever lilting purr. I hear him closing whatever heavy tome he's currently studying. "And so early in the DAY! Was it the little nuisance again? Surely she must have SOMETHING better to do?"
Gently putting the wine I'm gifting him on his desk, I then throw up my arms. You would THINK! Wouldn't you?! It's an old complaint. And frankly? I'm glad he still let's me vent about it. It HAS to get old. Yet? He let's me complain anyway.
I met the, roughly translated, "Keeper Of The Shield" at one of the Crown Prince's many ridiculous parties. I was dragged along as Protagonist's plus one. Because GOD FORBID she bring one of her suitors! That might lean towards CHOICE! Can't have THAT!
It was an overly dramatic, gaudy, slow motion trainwreck from beginning to end. I? Got very, VERY drunk. I knew I shouldn't. It was wildly inappropriate. But I was HORRIFIED. Hid near the balconies and drank to forget. Contemplating jumping.
Was likely the only one there my age NOT in ten layers of bows and fabric flowers. It was probably why Crevan decide to talk to me. That and the look of abject suffering. He informed that, sadly, the balconies were locked. But if I planned to maim my self to escape, he could probably boost me up enough to reach the upper windows.
I choked on my drink and guffawd like an idiot. It was SUPER flattering. Very pretty. And honestly? The best conversation I'd had in YEARS. He was droll. Witty. Snarky. In just as much hell as I was. We gleefully narrated the drama playing out before us in as cutting a manner as possible. Grown adults, government officals! Behaving like fucking CHILDREN.
Only after, did I learn I had been chatting with the equivalent of the minister of the Defense. THE commander of our nation's defensive forces. All of them. Knights, army, spies. All of it. And the poor man had been dragged from his desk to play party prop by a glorified teenager. I was horrified. Appalled. Fucking OUTRAGED to learn that it was just... normal!
This country was a nightmare! Otome games are HELL. Lacey, sparkly HELL!!!
But at least I had Crevan to keep me sane. He was always willing to listen. Advise when he could. We had HOPED that Protagonist would start maturing... I'd even mentioned it, but it just seemed like she back slid again and again! Trapping me. Isolating me! Ruining my chances to move ON and have a LIFE!
I don't know what went wrong! Is it me? Am I too hand holdy? It's starting to destabilize the country! Not that the royal family even seems to notice! God no, if it weren't for Crevan, the whole PLACE would have collapsed!
I flop down on my couch. Technically it's not "mine", but honestly? He's fooling no one. The man barely had ANY guest furniture before we became friends. It's totally my couch. (He even got a tea table for us, the softy.)
"Oh? A gift? How thoughtful, dear~" It's only months of friendship that keep from jumping these days. I should get that man a BELL. "Would you like some?"
I can't help but huff a laugh. He always looks to PLEASED when he gets the jump on someone. Startles them. A mischievous asshole, that one. Touchy, too. Forever cupping my cheek or earnestly taking my hand. Patting my head. Guiding me by the elbow or shoulder. He has so few friends... I am certain he is touch starved.
A thought occurs to him, as he pours two cups. A sly grin stretching across his face as he turns to offer me a cup. The wine's scent mixes, burning and delicate, with the ever present smells of incense and his favorite herbal cigarettes. Blurring the senses and relaxing. It's a pretty strong drink.
"You KNOW... it just occurs to me! Darling, if you want to avoid that pest? Why not spend the day HERE? I'd love to have you. " his voice becomes low and serious for a moment, almost catching me off gaurd, bouncing back before I can really think about it. "You could trash my shelves again! Camp out on my couches! It'll be like a little party~ Just you and me! Not a care in the world. You won't have to worry a single thing~"
He grins, glasses catching the light, toothy like the old scheming fox he is.
"I'll keep you nice and safe~"
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qipoth · 3 months
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𒂭۪۪۪۪᳝۟ ━╋ ♪ •̩̩͙*˚ ❀
Yeah but this is a idea that is rotting my brain all over the week-
IMAGINE that you have an OC (almost self insert) for the game that you have been playing recently...And somehow, The voicelines are acting strange... Mentioning some unknown character (It names casually after your Oc) that has no been appeared....
Is just a coincidence...
You think that all of this is just a new character that is just gonna come the next version because is all that hoyoverse always do when a character is gonna come out. But the next version hits and is no character with the qualities that has been mentioned in.... And the signs is just getting more and more evident!!!!
And when you are exploring you see a new room for the faction that you always wanted to be part of it
And when you enter the room is the perfect room you ever imagined from you Your OC!!!
All of this is just strange... What is Hoyoverse cooking this time?? You think.....
But meanwhile in the universe, everything is in chaos, because the gaze of their almighty creator has been disappeared everyone is in panic
D-did they did something wrong?!?!
A-a-are you mad at them!?!?!?
But then, in this chaos it appears a new character!!! Everyone is stunned, because you. They hold the oh so divine essence of his creator!! Not even the Mc has that!! And the gaze returns even more warm, loving and gentle, like it is telling them that you bring them one part of you to them!!!!
You love them so much, right?
And the character asks to join to the traveler & paimon/Astral Express!! They are sooo lucky! So you get to travel with them
Don't pay attention to the obsessive eyes and glares that everyone has to you, the cligniness and the jealous glares that they trown to each other<3333
After all, you don't have to be worried to get hurt, they will protect you, At. every. cost.
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I'm not new in the community of Self-Aware, but I am new at all of this of the brainrot and fanfics!
I will be posting some ideas that I have or fanfics that it might be for there, also, you can use the ideas for the fanfics!! Just pls give credit...
So, I hope that my fanfics & ideas will be good for you!!!
Also I finally gain courage to write my own self aware blog pls be good
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harmonysanreads · 6 months
HARMONYYY i just finished the penacony quest and OH MY GOD. the emotional damage wtf... and the murderer 😕 i honestly don’t think anyone could’ve foreseen that
on another note, sunday really does have huge yandere potential !!! (i was swooning the entire time he was on screen im sorry.) he literally isn’t beating the allegations at all. even the other characters comment on how weird it is for him to casually keep a model of the golden hour, because what in the control freak 😭
he seems like he’d play dollhouse with darling. after all, in a place like that, every single aspect of it is under his thumb — literally. having that much control over your circumstances is a reassurance. oh, are the placeholder models crashing? don’t worry dear, he can fix the malfunctions. he can even make them speak more realistically for you. he can give anything to you, even change the layout of the place entirely if you’re bored of it. you want to get back to normal size? well, he can’t quite do that just yet, please understand..
or if he pulls that weird interrogation magic thing on them. darling who just lies through the entire thing, and he uses this to scare them about the death countdown while not mentioning the part that he has the power to really just cancel it in the end. though, the same trick won’t work on them twice. at least the process gets darling to become part of the family in the end.
not to mention the spies he has everywhere. stupid birds watching you in every corner…
idk i just want to hold him and shake him aggressively. out of love, of course.
- 🕯️
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When I tell you I've lost sleep over the thought of just how much more Sunday is probably capable of doing, nonnie.
If he has access to technology and power like this, which are all unrestricted for his personal use moreover, imagine the things he's hiding. And imagine farther the things he had to do to get to where he is today, another dash of spice to the mix. I went back to his scenes and did some thinking. The me-slandering-Sunday is obviously a joke but I really, really hope people just don't focus on the morally-gray and questionable aspects of him and completely disregard his other characteristics now.
If you think about things from his perspective, he really is just trying his best to keep the image of The Family. But the loss of probably the only person he trusted with his heart and the disregard to bring justice to that case from The Family's side, compelled him to put his agenda first (as he himself mentions that he allowed Aventurine to pull that stunt so that it'd lure Gallagher out). What we get from this is, while Sunday is an extremely dedicated member of their faction, he had to learn to be selfish in certain situations to save his and Robin's backs.
The desire to control usually comes from a feeling of helplessness. We can make some speculations based on the current information of why Sunday has these tendencies, I've also seen some people say he has OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) but, we can't be sure until his full lore drops. Another thing to note about Sunday is how lonely he probably is, especially at present. The Family is in chaos, the situation of Robin, external forces' traps, the Charmony festival's deadline and he doesn't even have one person he can sit down with and not question their motives. He really must want to rest just as much as the characters around him are suggesting.
So basically, Sunday is a multi-layered character, just like Aventurine. He's definitely a politician, is what I'll say. Even though he is a control freak whose motives are hard to guess, he's still that little boy fighting for his and Robin's shared dream inside.
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lunememes · 2 months
🌙 * ― 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐓 ( a collection of sentence starters from season one of amazon's fallout show. feel free to adjust the wording and pronouns as needed! do not add to the list. )
❛  and in that respect, he could be a cannibal or just like, crammed full of tumours. ❜ ❛  flesh is weak but steel endures. ❜ ❛  unless you know what to find and preserve, you're more useful as a corpse. ❜ ❛  how do we know they're not feral? ❜ ❛  well what makes you think i give a good goddamn about that? ❜ ❛  well what the fuck would you know 'bout where i'm from? ❜ ❛  but for me, well, i do this shit for the love of the game. ❜ ❛  you come from a place of rules, of laws. this place is indifferent to all of that. ❜ ❛  question is, will you still want the same things when you have become a different animal altogether? ❜ ❛  you earn the suit through acts of bravery. this is an act of bravery. ❜ ❛  and i'm telling you you're gonna go through a whole lot worse if you stay 'round here. trust me. ❜ ❛  clean hair. nice teeth. and all ten fingers. must be nice. ❜ ❛  the vaults were nothing more than a hole in the ground for rich folks to hide in while the rest of the world burned. ❜ ❛  you know your kind ain't welcome here. ❜ ❛  you gotta be fucking kidding me. ❜ ❛  you'll be lucky if you can make it to fucking breakfast. ❜ ❛  i'm sorry for yellin', been shot in the leg. ❜ ❛  do you have anyone else you can trust in this town? ❜ ❛  do i really have to kill him? ❜ ❛  well, if you like the taste of lavender, why not just drink a bottle of perfume? ❜ ❛  that's the worst thing i've ever put in my mouth. that's horrible. ❜ ❛  do unto others as you would have done unto you. ❜ ❛  thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time. ❜ ❛  water water everywhere, and not a drop to drink. ❜ ❛  where do you think you're going? you ain't going nowhere. ❜ ❛  there you are, you little killer. ❜ ❛  no! what a disgusting idea. i'm simply going to harvest your organs. ❜ ❛  i may end up looking like you, but i'll never be like you. ❜ ❛  i really wanna believe you but practically every person i've met up here has tried to kill me. ❜ ❛  listen, hey. you don't get this medicine, you're gonna pass out, okay? and if you lose consciousness, we're both gonna die. ❜ ❛  i've seen these in old engineering manuals but never in real life. ❜ ❛  now, seeing as everyone on earth seems to be after that thing, i'm guessing that's what you're looking for too? ❜ ❛  and you could've killed me when i collapsed back there and you didn't. ❜ ❛  i get that trust doesn't come easily up here. but you can trust me. ❜ ❛  i hate it up here. ❜ ❛  the things i'm willing to do for you never cease to amaze me. ❜ ❛  hey, hey, hey. come here. i'm sorry. i know you always try to do the right thing. that's what i love about you. ❜ ❛  trust doesn't come easily to those of us with a guilty conscience. ❜ ❛  in my experience, the apple tends not to fall too far from the tree. is that true in your case? ❜ ❛  these people are hiding something from us, and i'm gonna prove it to you, okay? ❜ ❛  there's always some new little faction, ain't there? brand new team of believers with their own dumbass ideas about how they gonna save the world. ❜ ❛  so what d'you think [name]? am i really walking out of here today, or are you gonna try and draw on me for what i did? ❜ ❛  a good bad guy doesn't see themselves as the bad guy. ❜ ❛  and yet power is taken, not given. a lesson you seem to have learned. ❜ ❛  war never changes. ❜ ❛  you look out at this wasteland, looks like chaos. but there's always somebody behind the wheel. and that's who i wanna talk to. ❜ ❛  maybe you can stop them. maybe you can't. maybe all you can do is try. ❜
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iridescentdove · 1 year
I need a BSD x Reader where it’s just the reader casually rizzing up everyone like no one is safe from the reader’s infinite rizz, not the ADA, not the PM, not the DOA, not the guild, and definitely not the Hunting Dogs, not even civilians; it’s literally everyone that is getting rizzed up, while the reader is aware and laughs and points at every clown they rizzed up.
various!BSD x reader
A/N: anon, I would like to point out how much I love you and this request right now. also, I put the reader in the port mafia for fun because why not.
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Absolutely speechless.
This is how everyone felt – well, whether whoever it may be, there was just one thing all could collectively agree on. They may all be feared and powerful factions that anyone could basically kneel down to, however ...
Who THE FUCK is this audacious person?
MORI was the first to witness your ass flirt with every single person you saw. But no, did you even care? Not at all. He stares, bewildered and mildly in concern as you came up to every single person you saw – completely distracted from the mission at hand as you asked women to step on you, choke you ...
He wants you throw you back from where you came from.
Oh wait, nevermind. You were now flirting with HIM. MORI is in even more shock at your confidence. Damn, pretty bold of you. But he actually thought you kinda hot fr. Elise still #1 bae tho
And somehow, you were taken up to being an executive. Everyone is morbid and utterly terrified.
How the fuck is someone like you an EXECUTIVE?? HELLO??
CHUUYA turns as red as his hair could ever be. Look man, he just wanted to complain about Dazai and you here just ..
"That fucking idiot Dazai! I'll rip him apart!"
"Yes daddy- I mean, can you do that to me too?"
"... What?"
"Ooh~ those fingers are so slender and pretty .."
"Mind if I ... caress them a little, babygorl?"
"(Y/N) WHAT-"
Aww, look at that, Chuuya is deader than Odasaku <3
But God forbid you be taken on important missions against another factiom because fuck man. All you're there for is 1% fighting, 99% rizzing.
Y'know when everything was in chaos in Yokohama bcz of the Guild trying to take over? Everyone's fighting their ass off, God knows where DAZAI is but no one cares, and you?? Uh yeah already guessed it.
Tryna rizz up the agency.
Like yes, they're in trouble, everyone is, we know but fuck war we want fictional men. And women.
"Are you lingo? Because we can make a good duo 😏" - you
"... Did you just make a duolingo pickup line" - kunikida
Man times when the port mafia and the agency are in a truce, you're there back and forth flirting nonstop. Everyone is red, turned on from your oh so amazing rizzler skills
DAZAI enjoys your company obviously. Both of you create so much chaos, but even sometimes you're so much worse than him. You're the only one who can actually surprise him. Like wtf bitch stop flirting with the damn secret police?? Uh??
You make suicidal jokes, whispering them so sexily in his ear he wanna take you to the bed right there mamasita lip bite
Oh, the Decay of Angels wanna achieve world domination? They can dominate sumn else if you know what I mean
No words can express how terrified u keep making everyone THAT'S FYODOR HE'LL KILL YOU WITH A TOUCH BITCH- oh wait nvm he's melting from all of your rizz and affection.
You are literally so sweet but so confusing. SIGMA sees you around the Sky Casino just chilling and flirting with everyone you see. He don't mind cause you hot anyway
The Guild kinda ... actually, no. They're not safe. FITZGERALD? More like Rizzgerald cause this bitch 'bout to get rizzed so hard he turns poor
Yeah .. I don't take it to heart.
You'll just be up in their ass even after the Yokohama incident. Literally all of them both love and hate you. "Should we throw her off a cliff or kiss her" "Idk the second option is kinda tempting tho" "Boss, what do we d-" "Both."
No one can escape from your rizz. Okay one time you got kidnapped by the fuckin Hunting Dogs but you just?? Started to rizz up and call JOUNO ur bbygorl?? He is seconds from slicing your head off but he gave up at this point.
Where you got that rose from 🤨
Why the fuck is romantic music playing 😐
You asked FUKUCHI himself to choke you and slam you against the wall. Not even an ounce of regret of fear.
Everyone officially is scared of you.
ANGO isn't free from this either, bitch. You'll strut into the room all happy to talk for a mission and all but ... uhh. "So you're from the Special Division? I can't blame you then ... I feel as if I have something special going on for you."
ANGO, internally: iamnotasimp- iamnotasimp- iamnotasimp-
Sadly, he is now a simp.
The fact his face turns so red is not unnoticed by you. You laugh, clowning everyone you literally rizzed up no joke. They're so in love with ur pretty/handsome/hot ass 😔
No one is free. If you find a pretty bird, ask it's hand for marriage. There is no other way but that.
Mk but the way you literally hit on AKUTAGAWA do be funny. Bitch is so oblivious, he just thinks you're another certain blonde hair slaying bitch 😳
By the time he actually knows you're rizzing him up by being more direct about your advances, he is questioning life.
But bcz you're SOO close to DAZAI maybeee we can ...
Work sumn out, you know? heh
One day the mafia just be chilling and BOOM heree comes the wh00000re~ hello wh000re~ welcome~ 😍
(i am so sorry if this offends someone it's a meme-)
Cue everyone sighing as you come in and start your daily routine which is rizzing. You'll be caressing KOUYOU's cheek, talking to CHUUYA with that sexy ass deep voice, whispering in MORI's ear, and everytime you breathe the vine boom sound effect comes off.
Can't say they don't like it though. We all know we have some horny deviants lovestruck little cuties <3 but let's just say it's hard being here with those hoes 😔✌️
Yet most especially,
*bites lip* (i am sorry.)
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darkstarofchaos · 3 months
Spoilers for EarthSpark S2 below the cut.
The problem with Starscream isn't that he was evil. I have to lead with that because apparently if you complain about how he was handled, people are just going to assume you wanted him to be redeemed. I am not a Starscream redemptionist, nor am I a fan of "redemptions" where an evil character becomes a Good Guy. One of the biggest issues I have with Megatron redemptions is that he never actually has to address what he did to his own side, he just fucks off to join the other side/goes his own way. Suffice to say, I was not hoping for EarthSpark to "redeem" Starscream (unless it was in the more personal sense of trying to do better by his own people).
The problem with Starscream is not that he was evil. The problem is that, to make him the specific brand of evil the Powers That Be wanted, they had to completely ignore his previous characterization.
I honestly did not have a problem with most of his (admittedly few) scenes. His motivation for being Evil was disappointingly shallow, but him being grumpy-but-accepting of the new Terrans fit with his S1 characterization. The bit where Skywarp complains when he doesn't do anything to punish "Spitfire's" disrespect could easily have been spun as him trying to be a better leader after his talk with Hashtag. I liked that he isn't stingy with praise when someone accomplishes something. Even the painfully underdeveloped motivation could have been expanded into him trying to do what he thought was best for his faction. All the building blocks for a villainous-but-sympathetic Starscream were right there.
Which is why watching everything fall apart in the last 20 minutes felt like character assassination.
You cannot convince me that the Starscream who knew Hashtag for an hour and was ready to risk his life for her is the same Starscream who murdered two children without blinking. You cannot convince me that the Starscream who criticized Megatron's violent leadership would consider it a compliment when he's called more cruel than Megatron. I don't care what previous Starscreams were like, this one had an established characterization that does not work with what we see later. Not unless working with the Autobots briefly completely disillusioned him to the possibility of a lasting peace.
Also, love how the time skip allows them to just avoid any sort of fallout from having the people you were working with go back to trying to kill you. Love how there was no deeper reason to the war restarting than "they're Decepticons". Heaven forbid we get any sort of conflict with the two sides trying and failing to work together, and the falling out being a shared responsibility and not just "the Cons were actually still evil, lol". Can't have anyone grappling with how things went wrong and wishing they'd done something differently to maintain the peace. Megatron yells at Starscream to end the war like the Autobots played no part in it continuing. Which is obviously the intent, but it just feels like such a lazy copout to keep the Good Guys morally pure.
The Decepticons were being hunted down and locked up. They had no reason to think well of the Autobots or the humans, which means that if the Autobots wanted peace, it was their responsibility to reach out and prove that things could be different. Yes, the Decepticons would need to put in effort too, but they were not the ones - at least not the only ones - who needed to prove that they meant well. If the two sides worked together for a while and the Decepticons still unanimously rejected the possibility of ending the war, the Autobots share the blame for that decision.
I have plenty of other issues with how S2 is going so far (why was Nightshade the only Terran who got completely relegated to side character?), but I'll save my rant about the Chaos Terrans for later. It'll be huge, trust me.
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Struck by an Arrow from Eros
Author's note: Debut of Malum Caedo in Blueberry Pie
Summary: Malum is doing is duties- and heads from one place to another and spots a certain Serf and feels like some one just struck him in the chest near his hearts
Warning: Let me know if I need to add anything.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
You had heard of Sternguard Veterans, they are elite battle brothers who help cover their brothers when they have to do a strategic, fighting retreat.
Rare as it is for the Ultramarines to cede ground and not fight and win the day. But sometimes, for the good of the whole, a retreat is called in, and the Sternguard ensure that whoever it is that made the might 13th chapter retreat regrets it immensely.
You have heard that Sternguard veterans, once deployed on the battlefield have turn the tides from a fighting retreat to victory. You had heard of at least one Sternguard veteran who had fought and won against a planet full of Chaos.
That Sternguard veterna's name is Malum Caedo. He had finished a mission, that you had heard had been started by the previous Captain of the Second Company, Titus.
Who had been... acquired by the Inquisition for a while, but that had been before the Awakening of their Primarch. Who had insisted that all of the Sons of Guilliman who are Loyal be returned to Ultramar, to swear oaths to him.
You were but a mere Serf, but even you had heard that the Primach had gotten what he wanted. Even if some of the other factions in the Imperium had been loathe to give up the Sons of the 13th.
Sternguard Veteran Malum Caedo had been one such individual, or so you had heard. Because he survived what had been deemed unsurvivable.
The Inquisition demanding him, among others, a chapter of gleaming silver and blue helmed statues that watched them. Apparently, Primarch Guilliman did not like how many of his sons had been... ill-treated by the other factions for Surviving the battles with Chaos and still Loyal.
You are shaken from your thoughts when you hear the tromp of Ceramite on ship floors. You look around and spot the large for in blue and gold and you shift where you are to give the Lord Angel more room.
As you bow slightly to the Lord Angel, you continue to do your tasks. Humming to yourself softly, a song that you had been taught as a young child that helped the work go by faster.
You don't immediately notice that the Astarte has stopped moving and he is watching you. You feel something- a weight, lightly touching you.
You shiver and look around for the source, knowing that you aren't being squished by something you notice the Lord Angel watching you.
"Lord Angel," You say with a bow, "Is there something I can do to aid you?"
You notice his helmet has golden laurels gracing the crown of his head. That means an Honorable Veteran. Survivor of many battles, at least you think that's the case.
He is watching you, head tilted as he watches you and his voice rumbles out deep and smooth, "that song... it is familiar to me."
"If I bothered you with my humming, I apologize, Lord Angel," you reply nervously.
"Your voice is pleasant with music," Malum Caedo said, shaking his head a little. "It wasn't bothering me."
"Thank you for the compliment, Lord Angel," You reply flattered by the compliment.
Some of the Lord Angels could be highly temperamental, Lord Sicarius face coming to mind with his thunderous scowls and stinging words. You still don't know what it was that you had done to offe d the Illustrious Second Captain so.
Lord Ventris said that it was because his older brother, the Second Captain, Sicarius didn't know how to process... then he'd fade off and shake his head, and a spark of mischievous light would appear in his eyes, and the Lord Angel would scoop you up affectionately and nuzzle you. You would squeak and fluster at the affection, and then Captain Sicarius would stomp by and snarl at the younger Ultramarine for being uncouth.
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bitterkarella · 10 months
Midnight Pals: The Golden Age of Sci Fi
Robert Heinlein: now i usually tell stories over at space coven Heinlein: but i thought I'd come over and tell you a story Heinlein: about alien puppet masters Heinlein: i call it the puppet masters Barker: are they alien? Heinlein: Heinlein: oh you've heard it?
Clive Barker: ugh space coven? Barker: those guys are the biggest nerds King: i thought you said unicorn fuck club were the biggest nerds Barker: no i said they were the biggest dorks Barker: there's a difference
Barker: nerds and dorks are totally different King: what do you mean, what's the difference? Barker: let me explain it this way Barker: you stephen are a dork Barker: but edgar is a nerd Poe: now hold on there Mary Shelley: no he's right
Heinlein: I call this story Heinlein: In the Realm of the Electric Medusas, What Measure the Measure of a Man? Heinlein: it's about a space guy who shoots aliens Heinlein: with a laser
King: what kind of aliens? Heinlein: what? King: what kind of aliens? Heinlein: oh like i dunno Heinlein: big green bug-eyed slug monsters Heinlein: you know like just your standard alien Heinlein: the one everyone's writing Heinlein: the important thing is they get shot
Heinlein: you know what i love about aliens? Heinlein: you can just beat 'em up! Pow Zap! Bang! Heinlein: shoot them with a big gun!!! Heinlein: and no pinko commie's gonna tell you to stop! ha ha! yeah! Heinlein: hey do you guys play warhammer?
Heinlein: so do you guys play warhammer? Barker: no King: not really Poe: nope Koontz: uh uh Lovecraft: no Heinlein: Heinlein: oh Heinlein: do you WANT to play warhammer?
Heinlein: see what's cool is, it's both a game and a collection Heinlein: look at these cool space marines Heinlein: pretty bad ass don't you think? Heinlein: i wish they gave them more guns tho Heinlein: so i was reading about these new rare miniatures in stormbringer magazine Barker: oh my god i'm dying
Heinlein: so anyway everyone knows the chaos space marines are the best faction cuz you can access specific Stratagems using the chaos emeralds Barker: i can't take this nerd shit Barker: [weakly] mary please Barker: [weakly] save us from these nerds Barker: [weakly] bring your shiv
Barker: hey did you see starship troopers? Heinlein: hell yeah brother!!! i love that shit! Heinlein: love when they shoot the bugs! Yeah! Heinlein: i love that shit Heinlein: UNIRONICALLY!
Heinlein: starship troopers movie is so cool Heinlein: i love it! Heinlein: it's totally what i saw in my head when i wrote the book! Heinlein: they captured my ideas perfectly! Heinlein: what Heinlein: what's so funny
Barker: haha you dingus, it was a satire! they were making fun of you haha Heinlein: what? shut up! Heinlein: stop mocking me! Heinlein: I'm a serious hard science fiction writer! Heinlein: I predicted the water bed!
Heinlein: bang! pow! i love killing aliens! Heinlein: oh, you're different than me huh alien? huh? is that it?! Heinlein: where the fuck do you get off?! Heinlein: [miming gun] bang! bang! Heinlein: and that's why i'm a member of the SFWA
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deathbxnny · 2 months
greetings, scar, jiyan and aalto saving a teen!reader from a TD attack/outburst?
I really enjoyed writing this request, Anon, so thank you so much for sending this in, and I hope you'll enjoy this!!<33
Content: Angst, mentions of near death for reader, teen reader, hurt/comfort, platonic relationships, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!!
((Not proofread))
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Aalto looked away from you for 2 seconds, only to find himself in the middle of a TD attack and unabke to see you anywhere. He panics, yelling your name over the crowd of monsters that blocked his view of you whilst trying to keep an eye on Encore, who looked equally as worried. "Damnit... Encore! Keep them back long enough for me to find them, okay?" Aalto yelled out as he pushed his way through the wave of enemies determinedly.
Different from the pink haired girl, he knew that you had a much harder time fighting back since your skill set wasn't good enough for that yet. So he had to find you and fast. "Kid?! Where are you?" He shouted over the blaring sound of gunshots, Encore's giggles somewhere in the distance, and the screeching of TDs around him.
His heart dropped when he finally saw you pressed up against a tree and cornered by several monsters. Knowing that he had to save you, he immediately sprung into action and took care of the threats before they could lay a hand on you. Encore joined you two soon after everything settled down, having somehow taken down most of them on her own.
The older man was meanwhile left panting and hunched over, clearly exhausted mentally and physically by the ordeal whilst you casually stood next to your pink haired companion. "Ah... I'm getting too old for this..." Aalto muttered weakly before looking up at the both of you with a deadpan.
"You know... maybe those parents with child leashes weren't that weird after all..."
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Jiyan was calmly resting and drinking tea on the military base when a soldier suddenly came running in completely disheveled. He didn't waste any time telling him about how the patrol division you were a part of was attacked and needed backup immideatly. Knowing that you were still too young to handle such a massive wave of enemies, the general immideatly stood up and made his way to you.
He wasted no time to cut down through the masses with his own troops and weapon until he found you surrounded by huge TDs. You were clearly exhausted and definitely at the brink of collapsing, something that worried the man even more as he approached you quickly.
"Don't worry, (Y/N)! I'm right here." He reassured you gently, wanting to lessen your fears as he made quick work of the monsters. His troops came in afterward to take control of the situation better and to tend to the injured on his command, whilst he checked up on your shaken form. He knew that it was wrong to send someone as young as you out here, but he couldn't have expected that a short and small patrol could cause such chaos.
"Sorry, this won't happen again, I promise... are you injured? Let's go back to the base." The man hummed as he called in for a retreat and took you back for a checkup.
He was just glad that he was there on time.
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Scar was having the time of his life, as he watched a massive wave of TD monsters attack and destroy troops of the enemy faction below the ledge he was standing on. A bright grin rested on his lips, chest swollen with arrogant pride whilst he crossed his arms tightly. "Haha! Look at them struggling down there! How pathetic, am I right, brat?" When he didn't hear you agreeing like you usually do, he turned his head towards you with a raised brow. "... brat? Where the-" Realising that you had disappeared, he scanned the area quickly to look for you, only to see you fighting back against TDs below him as well.
"Huh??? Oh, you've got to be kidding me-" Rolling his eyes in annoyance, he jumped down immideatly to snatch you up by your collar after he got rid of the monsters with a simple attack. "How did you even get down here? Whatever, just don't do that again, got it? Man, and I was just having fun too..." The man huffed, yet froze at your nervous and ashamed expression.
You were the youngest of the Fractsidus members and often hung around Scar during missions for guidance. So disappointing him was the last thing you wanted to do, something he knew ofcourse. Sighing deeply, he cleared his throat. "Not that it matters. Let's get out of here before our dearest enemies call in for backup." He hummed before just casually throwing you over his shoulder and walking off.
It seemed like he had a soft spot for you after all, despite your initial doubts.
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cleverthylacine · 3 months
Just watched Ep 1 of Earthspark S2. And I'm furious.
Don't read this if you don't want spoilers. Or if you think the showrunners can still do no wrong, and are unprepared for the level of Incandescent Fury of which I am capable. But if you DO have spoilers for the whole season and understand my particular vibe, PLEASE read this and reblog with answers (but use the cut for the sake of my followers)...
Reasons why I'm mad:
A year goes by in which all of the stuff I was actually interested in presumably happened: dealing with GHOST, the Decepticons and Autobots cooperating, and also, Mo and Robby getting cool mech suits.
Then for no reason other than "Decepticons huh" the Decepticons apparently forgot their alliance, turned on Our Designated Good Guys (tm) and just randomly started trying to conquer and/or kill everything again. Or were they screwed over, yet again? I really hope so, not because I want them to suffer but because there needs to be a freaking reason why they turn on other Cybertronians when they are stuck on Earth. But I don't have a good feeling about it given the contemptuous attitudes displayed by Bee (as usual, because ES Bee is a fucking asshole) and Robby (disappointing, he wasn't like that before).
And we never did get to find out what the fuck was up with GHOST or why the Decepticons were all in jail (and no, "Decepticons huh" is not an acceptable reason--they have every reason to hate us.)
Breakdown is a terrible parent for no reason? BREAKDOWN?
The Chaos Terrans thing gives me the same willies that the Orcs in Tolkien (I am not a Tolkien fan) used to do. I am not comfortable with the eugenicist/ableist notion that people can be born corrupt and innately evil, especially not if it has something to do with HOW they were born.
Soooo... if you've finished the season (I know you've been posting a bit about it) is there any reason for me to continue?
Reasons I would continue:
Ravage continues to be basically the same Ravage I write, only much smaller.
RavWave (as a ship, not just platonic interaction, mostly because I would watch anything for that no matter how messed up)
Explanation that there actually is a reason why the Cons turned on everyone, and what that reason is. Did they want to put them back in jail? Did they want them to do forced labour? Did Megatron start whaling on Starscream again? I note Tara isn't around Con HQ, what does Tara know?
Quints are interesting and not just scary (the Quints in Cyberverse scared me more than many adult horror movie villains did, BUT they are also just kinda evil and mean and we have no idea why, which would not have been particularly interesting at all except for the fun of watching Hot Rod and Soundwave become the faction leaders while OP and Megatron were unable to be)
Chaos Terrans are not innately bad or do not need some mystical power of nuclear heteronormative family to make them good
The Decepticons get something out of the ending other than screwed
We find out more about Dot and Megs
Some Cons are good parents
More Tarantulas and Nightshade content
Hashtag continues to have a relationship with Starscream that affects the plot as it develops
We are actually told what happened during the year they missed
Reasons I would not continue:
Cons are just bad because cons are bad.
Ravage is Soundwave's daughter or pet or in some other way not actually a grown-ass adult Decepticon officer, making Soundwave a father who raises child soldiers or a guy who runs dogfights, which is not cute even if he is snatched af
(they don't have to be lovers though my shipping heart was pleased when their PDA in the deleted scenes embarrassed Starscream, but she has to be a Real Independent Person who could be someone's partner if not his)
Chaos Terrans are innately bad until "saved" by the Power of Love And the Nuclear Family (or just innately bad)
Emberstone continues to be Allspark Mark II so why even change the name?
Bee's incredible assholery is never called out (it's not funny when a starving person accidentally kills their starving teammate due to a mistake they made because they were starving)
Only Autobots and people who form nuclear families can be good parents
Everyone being friends with the cows goes to the PETA place
Cons get nothing but screwed
Please tell me this series hasn't gone where I was afraid it would. Or let me know that it has so I can decide if it's going to be so bad I'll be mad the whole time like I was in Ep 1.
Warning: anyone who clowns on this post to be a RavWave anti or say "The Decepticons are supposed to be pure evil, duh!" will get blocked.
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circinuus · 2 years
What if Fyodor's s/o and Dazai's s/o are siblings headcanons! I always want to know what will happened about this subject XD
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fyodor and dazai, with significant others who are siblings
0.3k words. feminine pet names
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❥ anon i love how your brain works >:)
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The siblings who managed to romance demon Fyodor and what was 'Demon Prodigy' Dazai give off iconic duo vibes. Out of all the men in the world, they really chose the most dangerous and morally questionable ones.
(The siblings got taste fr)
But how did it happen? Did it start from a serendipitous encounter? Being acquaintances in their respective factions/ organizations? Got tangled in whatever is going on in Dazai's and Fyodor's intel war and mind games? The possibility is endless.
Speaking of, it's not impossible that Fyodor and Dazai will try to dig up information about each other. Truthfully, these two men are way too smart to not realize that their beloved is related to their arch nemesis' lover. But I like causing chaos so imagine them trying to find out about each other's closest person/confidant and,
"Oh, that's my sibling. Do you want me to ring them up?"
The siblings' immaculate taste in men is one thing, but oh boy the power they hold. If they're in cahoots in this and Dazai + Fyodor fell just hard enough, Yokohama and the whole world might as well be within their grasp.
Now realistically speaking, we know how Fyodor and Dazai don't hesitate in orchestrating their intricate plans. The multiple murder attempts with varying methods and severity speak volumes. But the new situation will definitely call for a new plan. At the very least, they'll make "special cases" for their significant others' siblings. They won't die a horrible death. They will not be harmed.
On a lighter note, having significant others who are related means family bonding! Which involves a lot of passive-aggressive quips and smug smiles—whenever their s/o are not looking.
"Fedyushka, everything okay there?"
"Osamu, dear, you getting along well?"
‎ ‎
"Don't you worry, milaya. He's a great company."
"Of course! We're getting along splendidly, bella!"
They're not💀
Overall this sounds like chaos and I'd pay for the drama 10/10 definitely
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♡ @ashthemadwriter
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
Malleus Draconia x Dragon!Yuu Part 1
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A past well remembered :
Summary : In this world, Yuu is secretly a dragon who was accidentally sent to twisted wonderland and they now have to hide their true identity because of the atrocities humans once did to them. Afraid of being discovered, Yuu remains in the form of a human. Throughout their stay in NRC, they experience many misadventures and meet new friends everyday. However, things change when they later on meet the future king of briar valley who is a dragon fae.
Warning(s) : there isn't exactly any warning besides the fact that yuu lived a war between dragons and humans, they don't have any parents left (cause death), soooo yeah. Enjoy.
Generally defined as a violent conflict between species, states or nations. A time of death, a time of bloodshed...
The purely truthful significance of destruction, sorrow, hostility, panic and tragedy. Times like these are meant to be forgotten and buried under the depths of the world all whilst remembering the fallen. The sacrifices of those who marched on forward to serve their kind despite being aware of the dangers that inhabited in those very choices.
Human beings were naturally afraid of the idea of anything 'new' and 'different', it was no surprise to how badly they reacted at the sight of a dragon.
To the mortals' eyes, these scaled giants were the monsters.
But in order to understand others, in order to maintain peace, we must show signs of empathy and look at the world from different perspectives.
Of course, it was of human nature to aggressively ambush those who rightfully came before. Only because they frightened them.
Yuu had unfortunately witnessed the carnage happening right before their eyes. They had seen the bodies of the wounded and dead, the despair of those who mourned their lost ones...It wasn't long before it was their turn to grieve, as both of their parents succumbed to the enemy's attack.
Many fought back, but others grew tired of the fighting. While others chose to take the human's side as symbols of peace but their intentions were seen as an act of betrayal. They were traitors.
By then, the race divided into three factions :
The chaos faction
Those who yearned for chaos and destruction.
The spectating faction
They don't work with either group or with each other, most despise the idea of fighting.
The harmony faction
Which values law and order, their goal is to bring peace between humans & dragons.
Yuu was a member of the harmony faction, they didn't want this unnecessary savagery in their world. They just wanted a tranquil life ! Yuu held a fondness for humans and they hated their need to fight amongst themselves. In one case, It was as them who was pacifying the populace of the city that they first encountered.
Alongside another dragon who, unbeknownst to them, belonged to the opposing faction. Formed a truce of sorts to observe the human world together; however, they fell out after their partner learned the humans under Yuu began to worship them as a god and wage war on non-believers. Following them destroying the palace built for Yuu, they briefly fought and went their separate ways.
Ever since that incident, Yuu roamed around the world. Refusing to participate in any activity as they slowly deteriorated to a spectator. Until...
The only thing they last remembered...Was the sight of a carriage running towards them, and a blinding flash of light before waking up in their human form.
[Where...Am I ?] suddenly, a foreign voice spoke. It was honestly quite annoying to listen to.
"Hey you ! Give me your uniform !"
[A...Racoon ?]
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End of part 1, part 2 coming soon.
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mageofseven · 1 year
The Boys and Therapy
Let's face it; there's not a single man in Obey Me who couldn't benefit from therapy. At least three of them have daddy issues, about six of them still grieve Lilith's exit from their life (since Satan wasn't a physical person yet, I don't think he hurts over it as much as the others) at least three of them have issues non parent family issues, three of them at minimum are constantly under stress, and almost ALL of them have been through some sort of trauma.
Honestly, this list could go farther, but Imma just jump into the post~
Please enjoy 🥰
Therapy In the Devildom
First off, I would like to explain how I see therapy in the Devildom. It's a relatively new practice in the realm, brought in by the cultural exchange program started in the first game (I cannot imagine therapy being a thing here during the time of Nightbringer since things are so chaotic and the people were still so closed-minded).
Devildom is a place where secrets are treasured more than grimm. Even a greed demon, when given the choice between a vault near-bursting with grimm or a single secret about some demonic duke, would choose the secret every time because it's intrinsic value is so much more in this realm.
So when therapy was beginning to become a practice here in the Devildom, they simply could not afford to go about it the same ways humans did; laws simply were not enough to keep the client's secrets safe.
The job of a therapist is considered a prestigious one in the Devildom, carrying with it the status of being a staunch member of the Aldatu faction (a political party in the Devildom dedicated to change and the chaos that comes with it, the 'true demon way'; they oppose the Traditionalist faction and are backed by Diavolo himself).
Such prestige made it easier for the demons pursuing these jobs to accept the innumerable amount of curses placed on them so they couldn't reveal their clients' secrets. Of course, there were checks and balances to this though. If any secret involved a severe law being broken or if the client revealed plans to hurt themself or others, they had assigned curse breakers to help them through the process.
This process helped a lot of demons feel comfortable enough to seek their services.
This is how the Boys found themselves seeking such services as well.
This man was pushed into it by Diavolo.
The Avatar of Pride was more stressed at this time than the prince had ever seen and that is saying something.
Honestly, Dia was worried his friend was on the verge of popping out another Satan so attending therapy was non-negotiable.
His brothers were so weirded out by this turn of events. I mean, Lucifer? Talking about his feelings? To a complete stranger??? In what realm could this actually work out?
The pride demon spent most of the first couple sessions in silence; he told Lord Diavolo that he would attend such meetings, not that he would truly participate in such unnecessary--
Ok, this demon was good. Too good. The therapist had somehow tricked him into talking about some basic stressors. Nothing from the core of the oldest's pain, but some surface level things like dealing with piles of paperwork taller than himself and his brothers' usual hijinks.
Lucifer found himself looking forward to the weekly sessions, but would adamantly deny it if anyone asked.
Diavolo could tell that it was doing his friend some good though and for that, he was grateful.
I don't know if Lucifer would ever talk about anything important to the therapist and if he did, it would probably take decades a least to bring up topics like his Father and Lilith.
Still, therapy ended up being a good experience for this pride demon.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Seeing his brothers as grown ass men who need to make their own mistakes in order to learn.
This is something the pride demon struggles with. Sometimes, he has no issue letting his brothers handle their own issues; others, he hovers over them and lectures them profusely like a concerned and angry mother.
Realizes that, on some level, he doesn't actually want his brothers growing up. He's been raising them since he himself was a child after all so for them to grow up and not need him anymore...what would he do then? His life has been surrounded around them all this time. A life where they don't need him...it sounds empty and not a life he'd know how to live.
Was dragged there by Lucifer, who was honestly done with him after the 1200th time he tried to steal from the castle.
That was the surface reason anyway, the 'straw that broke the camel's back' so to speak
But the older brother had been thinking about sending the second brother there for a while now.
Behavioral issues aside, Lucifer knows his brother suffers from some self esteem issues and wants him to address them.
Mammon complained and treated it like a pain, but in truth, he had been thinking about going for a while, but was too embarrassed and didn't want his younger brothers giving him crap for it.
When he went to his first session, the greed demon was awkward as all hell
But his therapist really had a way of making him comfortable.
Unlike his older brother, there really wasn't a lot that was off the table for him to talk about, though the deeper topics took some cajoling from the professional.
He talked about a variety of things, from the crap he gets from his brothers and their 'scummy' comments, Lilith, memories from the Celestial realm...
Lucifer himself.
Main issue he works on in therapy: his relationship with his older brother.
As much as he cared about Lilith, this man never fought in the Celestial War for her; he fought for Lucifer. There is nothing his brother could do that he himself wouldn't jump in and help him with.
Mammon fucks up a lot and while some of those fuck ups are genuine...
Some are on purpose. For Lucifer.
I think Mammon is the only brother who truly understands the oldest and to a level that even Lucifer might not fully be aware of.
He knows, or maybe just senses, his older brother's need to be needed and gets in trouble so Lucifer will have to punish him, have to feel like Mammon still needs direction in life.
Not only that but...the second brother has come to realize just how much he needs his big brother's attention, even when it's negative.
When you boil it all down, Mammon and Lucifer's relationship has never really been that healthy.
The two depend on each other more than they are willing to admit and a lot of it isn't in a healthy way.
This was an incredibly painful realization for this man, but an important one
And one he still isn't sure if he wants to change.
One of the brothers whose asses got put in therapy as soon as the practice became stable enough to be safe in the Devildom.
Agoraphophic, socially anxious, extremely low self esteem? This man needs it.
Fortunately, he was allowed to attend therapy virtually in the beginning.
He was still pretty quiet during the first session, but managed to open up a bit towards the end and had an easier time as he attended more sessions.
Levi grew to really like going to therapy because his therapist would let him talk about the things he enjoyed; he wasn't just restricted to talking about the bad and that made him feel really comfortable with the other demon.
He could start by talking about TSL and Ruri-chan before sliding into topics like his insecurities and things his brothers do on a regular day that make him feel bad about himself.
He talked about The Fall and the life he lived before it; what he missed, what he hated, what he desperately wished he had back...
And came to the conclusion that he didn't so much miss or even care about the Celestial realm. It was nothing more than a controlling, hypocritical place after all.
What he did miss was his childhood, where being his awkward, silly self was encouraged instead of judged.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Loving himself despite whatever other think or however he perceives their opinion of him to be.
Leviathan is great how he is and the main person who needs to understand that is himself.
Oh boy, this man was difficult to drag there 😅
Anything Satan thinks might insinuate that he is 'broken' is too big of an insult to tolerate.
It took some real encouragements and long talks with MC to even humor the idea of going
But he did, eventually.
Was very adamant about not speaking to the therapist during the first session, but his anger got the better of him and he said a lot, some actually being productive and not just name calling and threats slewed at the poor therapist.
Another brother whose first sessions were online, though more so for the therapist's safety than Satan's own comfort.
Eventually, Satan realized the sessions were actually beneficial for him and liked how much lighter they made him feel
So the threats towards the other demon diminished and the sessions became calmer.
Occasionally he would snap at the poor therapist again and would actually feel bad about
But the therapist would forgive him because look! Progress!
Avoids talking about Lucifer for the longest time, but eventually brings up his issues about his...father with the other demon.
His existential issues and his feelings about his father where all twisted together, making him so very sensitive about it all.
By being born the way he was, Satan was brought into this world as a complete mess. Emotions so strong that even a grown man couldn't deal with suddenly forced upon a small and helpless babe.
Satan grew up tortured by anger and pain that wasn't even his and it formed him into the man he was today; it wasn't fair, but he grew to accept that Lucifer truly didn't do it on purpose
But those thoughts just led to him feeling unwanted, a burden thrusted upon Lucifer and his brothers that they had to deal with.
That only made the blonde even more compelled to find himself an identity outside of Lucifer, outside of being the a life who was forced from his body with all of the former trauma he carried.
Just who was he? For years, he collected knowledge and hoped it'd bring him purpose, bring him respect from others and be seen as his own person, but it never made him feel more complete.
He still didn't understand most emotions that he wasn't born with, even when they overwhelmed him.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Understanding his emotions, both what he's feeling and why, and also becoming more comfortable with himself.
Told his brothers he was going to therapy to keep himself "just as beautiful on the inside as he was on the outside"
But in truth, he started going because he wanted to be a good influence on his brothers and show them that therapy really isn't all that scary and it could help them too.
In truth, Asmo didn't realize just how vulnerable it would make him feel though.
When he got too uncomfortable, he'd change the topic or try flirting with them to distract them, but his therapist always kept him on track.
He spoke a lot about the Celestial realm, all of the great times that he had there, but grew to understand that it wasn't truly the place he missed, but the time.
After all, it was a lot easier to keep smiles on his on his siblings' faces back when they were all kids and Asmo himself was the Jewel of the Heavens.
Since moving to the Devildom and losing Lilith...it's become so much harder to make his brothers happy and even he himself has to force himself to be positive for their sakes.
That's always been his job, raising his brothers' spirits and he took it just as seriously as Lucifer took his job of protecting them and Mammon and Beel took supporting Lucifer.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Learning that its okay to not be okay sometimes, both in regards to himself and his brothers, and that he's not responsible for his brothers' emotional states.
Sometimes people just need to be sad and that's okay! No one can be happy all the time and if his brothers are going through a tough time, he can support them without taking responsiblity for the rough time they're in.
Joined a couple days after Asmo did; he understood his other man's message and signed up for therapy himself in order to be a good influence on their other brothers.
Their family was a mess; Beel knew this all too well.
If going to therapy and talking about the mess from his perspective could help his brothers in any way, especially with encouraging Belphie to do the same, then this man will go with no hesitation.
This demon is naturally the quiet sort so it's a bit difficult to truly start the process despite his willingness, but he eventually gets into the flow of all of it.
Mostly talks about The Fall, how he lost his sister and the guilt he feels towards both her and Belphie.
Sometimes he wonders if he made the right choice in saving Belphie despite knowing he never truly made one; when he saw what that Celestial archer was about to do and Belphie's eyes met his own...he just ran to his brother without thinking, causing the archer to choose to shoot Lilith instead.
That moment changed everything for his family and so much suffering followed...
He's grateful that event led to MC's eventual birth, but the guilt he carries from pain he caused his brothers is immeasurable.
If only he could have saved both, if only MC could have still been born if he did...
There was so much he wished.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Trying not to carry the past with him every second of the present. Though tragic, the past is the past and he has so many reasons to be happy in the present.
It will take a long time working on this issue to make some good progress with it, but what matters is that he is trying just like he hopes his other brothers will.
Another brother who was forced into therapy by Lucifer.
This man has been extremely depressed in the most obvious way possible for centuries so of course he needs therapy.
Really, really fought it to the point where he was escaping the therapy sessions out the bathroom window and Lucifer would have to track him down at a shop or sleeping on bench in a random park.
It made things easier when Beel started to go therapy though. Seeing Beel take the time to work on his issues made the younger twin feel like he should be trying too...
But he still didn't like it.
He was very, very slow in opening up. Like, I'm talking months of just talking about trivial shit till finally he grew more comfortable to truly speak his mind about what he's gone through.
His survivor's guilt was strong and he truly believes he shouldn't be alive, not when his little sister was gone...
Therapy really cut open some old wounds and for awhile, it seemed like this man was more depressed than ever.
Slowly though, he became stronger from it all and the past started to hurt just a little less.
He loved Lilith with every ounce of his being, but carrying this guilt was not going to bring her back nor would she have wanted him to feel guilty.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Letting the dead rest and himself truly rest as well. Yes, Lilith is gone, but she lived a happy life as a human with the person she loved. His loss was her gain and if you have to lose at all, isn't this the best scenario? That someone you love was happy and free and had their dreams come true?
This issue might take a demonic lifetime to work through, but little bits of progress are made every day and his brothers grow to see that in him
And for now, that's enough.
Attending therapy was something stuck on this prince's mind for some time now.
It stayed that was for a long time without even speaking it aloud.
Eventually, he did bring it up to Barbatos and his friend heard him out so patiently.
Barb has always sought to be a comfort to the prince, but recognized that he was not a professional so there was very little he could do in the long term for him.
The butler told him that therapy sounds like a good idea and that believes Dia could get a lot out of it.
Though Diavolo is usually a pretty expressive guy, that really didn't extend to strangers who he was paying to listen to him.
He went slow with the therapist, first only speaking about his workload and how almost every moment of his life was planned out for him because of said workload
Then it lead to his father's deep slumber, the very cause of all the responsibility that was dropped on him
And eventually led to him talking about the strict childhood that his father gave him and how he grew up without his mother
And just how incredibly lonely he has always been.
The arrival of Lucifer definitely helped with that last part, but the prince still wished he wasn't so sheltered and alone while growing up.
Main issue he works on in therapy: time management and how to make the most out of the present.
There was so much of life he missed out on when he was younger, but it didn't have to be like that forever.
With the help of both his therapist and Barb, he was able to manage his time a lot better and make the most of his time off by trying new experiences.
It was easier to handle his past when his present became so much more fulfilling.
Only really went at Diavolo's request.
In truth, the butler felt that therapy was unnecessary for himself, but wanted to give the prince some peace of mine so he agreed.
His opinion of therapy doesn't change no matter how long he goes.
He starts going once a week at Diavolo's insistence
And mostly talks about the stress he feels with looking out for the man.
He looks young so even other demons assume he is either about Diavolo's age or younger.
In truth, he is older than the prince and has been looking out for him since Dia was a small child.
Barbatos has essentially filled the roll of second parent since Dia's mother died in childbirth.
Though a butler, his role used to be more of a nanny; he cared greatly for the man who was currently drowning in the responsiblity and has spent so long just trying to make life easier for him
Resulting in Barbatos neglecting himself over the years for the sake of the prince.
Main issue he works on in therapy: setting some time aside for himself.
Because of his job, Dia will always need Barbatos to some degree
But the prince is also a grown man now and can function as such without Barb being there 24/7
Starts taking one day off a week and attends therapy once a month, something that makes both Barb and Dia feel better.
Honestly, most people don't know he attends therapy and that's how he prefers it.
He never really thought much of therapy, not in regards to himself anyway.
For other people? It was a useful tool. For him? He simply believed he's been around too long for it to help.
I mean, he was literally born in 990 B.C.E.
He was older than even some of the demons he interacted with.
He was unique, but that didn't feel as much of a good thing as he pretended it was.
His existence was a lonely one, but he hid such thoughts away.
He started going to therapy because of Simeon, because of his angel friend's gentle nudges to do so, and eventually he caved.
He went to weekly sessions and was honestly more uncomfortable than he directly expressed to his therapist.
The sorcerer always kept a light smile on his face, even when he talked about the immortality that he never wanted
Because he didn't want it.
In truth, he doesn't really remember much before he became immortal. A side effect the experiment gone wrong, he assumed, because surely he didn't purposely do this to himself.
He vaguely remembers being a king in the Human realm, a job he never wanted but was thrusted upon him buy the angels' Father, who Solomon himself worshipped at the time.
Other than that...his memory of that time is very fuzzy and it's always bothered him.
He just carries around this feeling that...that he's forgetting something important
While also carrying another, even greater feeling, that he doesn't want to know
But at the same time, he does! It's been driving him mad for thousands of years.
It felt like he had lost part of himself when he became immortal and it hurt just as much as the pain he felt from loosing others in his life from time.
Main issue he talks about in therapy: Stressing himself out about the past won't help him now or in the future. Yes, his life is long and he is tired, but the best way to cope is by seeking new experiences that make life worth living
Which he tries hard at...but can't help the tug at his brain that seems to want him to remember the past
And whoever 'Naamah' was.
Decided to go after convincing Soli to do so.
Simeon as his own problems, same as his human friend, and worried he might be perceived as a hippocrite if he didn't try to work on his own as well.
Very much wanted to be seen as a person who takes his own advice, so to speak
But therapy wasn't an easy thing for him.
I mean, he's an angel. It's his job to help others, guide them into making safe and healthy choices for themselves
So to be the one being helped instead of the helper was really new to him and felt very unangelic of him.
Main issue he talked about: growing so attached to the Devildom.
I mean, this place was as different from the Celestial realm as anything could be and he was taught that it was such a bad place because of it
But that didn't match his own experience here and that caused him to feel so conflicted.
The Devildom was a place of freedom while the Celestial realm was a place of order
And though, like most angels, he found comfort in that order, he also saw beauty in the chaos of the Devildom
Simeon has to grow to understand that life isn't in black and white, that things don't have to be only one or the other.
Both the Devildom and the Celestial realm can be good places despite being opposites
And it's a lesson he was so grateful for learning, feeling like he was really helping himself grow as a person and as an angel too.
After being in the Devildom for a while, the small angel had become more quiet, distracted even
And it worried his guardian, especially when the child wouldn't talk about it with him.
Simeon eventually enrolled Luke in therapy, something that was so new to the child that his curiosity made him open to trying it.
Since he was still just a child, his sessions weren't the same as it was for the men on this list.
Instead, Luke was brought into a room full of different toys and told he could play with whatever he wanted as long as he answered the therapist's questions as he did so.
The angel was a bit apprehensive at first, but so grew to enjoy his visits to the therapist.
He often chose to make fake sweets out of play dough or draw while the therapist talked to him
And would often bring the drawings home to PH as gifts for Simeon and Solomon.
Simeon always hung the pictures on the fridge with a proud smile on his face
While Soli would hang them up in his room on the wall to the point where he was taking down the expensive paintings that came with the room in favor of giving the child more space to fill with his art.
Main issue he talked about: growing to like the demons around him while also worrying Michael won't like him anymore if he knew Lukey was friends with them.
The child tried so hard to keep to the belief that demons are bad just like Michael taught him. He really, really tried
But he had a lot of fun here in the Devildom, especially baking with Barbatos, who the small angel started to see as his best friend, but was too scared to admit it.
Would Michael not like him if he found out Luke is friends with the demon butler?
His therapist ends up helping him see that it's always good to make friends and often the bad reactions we think those around us would give about something is often just our brain scaring us.
Ends up talking about this Simeon when he gets home after this session.
The older angel held him close and told him that the therapist is right, that it's always good to make friends and that he has nothing to worry about.
The next time he bakes with Barbatos, he tells the demon how he feels, how he sees him as his very best friend and how he looks up to him.
Barb smiled at the child and patted his head, telling Luke that he sees him as a good friend as well
And the child spent the rest of the baking session blushing and hanging off the older man.
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weirdsht · 2 months
This is a fic idea I've been conjuring in my head for TOCF x reader thingy. So reader is from this messed up dimensions were the monsters couldn't be defeated and instead they become stronger. The situation only became worse as humans were forced to become monsters including you. So you've been on your own for Lord knows how long then all of a sudden you wake in this odd dimension with someone staring at you. So you attack them but the problem is that you might have attacked Cale Henituse.
Disorientated - lotcf & reader
notes: I forgot how I used to write so idk if I got worse or better lmaooo. also this is the last ask on my inbox but ik there was more a year ago, i think tumblr deleted it lol. Oh also I took humans becoming monsters metaphorically and not literally 😅
tags: novel spoilers (late part of book 1), no romance, gn!reader
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
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8 years
It has been 8 years since the world has fallen into chaos. 8 years since the apocalypse happened. Monsters that looked as though they came from storybooks started roaming around as if they owned the place. No one could figure out how or why. All everyone knew was that one day these things appeared and killed masses.
5 years
It has been 5 years since everyone lost hope. At first, factions were formed and everyone had hoped to either get rid of the monsters or find a way to survive against them. However, it looks like the universe has forsaken your world and the people in it.
Not only did no one find the weakness of these monsters, but they also somehow grew stronger. They destroyed everything. From houses to food; every resource you could think of is now facing a scarcity. 
That was why humans decided to forego their last remaining humanity and let their selfish natures take over. People started betraying their factions, sacrificing their friends and family to get food, killing fellow humans for a place to sleep in, and many more atrocities.
You were no exception to this rule. You were far from selfless and goody-two-shoes. The things that you have done did not sit right with you. In fact, sometimes nightmares and hallucinations haunt you. However, you were more afraid to die than whatever else hardship you had to experience to survive.
So you do everything to survive. If this time it means sleeping in a scary forest with nothing but the clothes on your back and a measly dagger in your hand? Then that’s what you’ll do.
3 seconds
It has been 3 seconds since you woke up after sleeping in an unknown forest. You didn’t know if you were still in the same forest because your view was being blocked by a guy staring at you. It had been a while since you’d seen a fellow human, the last one you had to kill before they could kill you.
So you try to attack the unknown guy with your dagger. 
Before you can even blink, the dagger had flung out of your hands and a new person had come into view. This surprised you, last time you recalled people didn’t team up anymore. All of them afraid of being betrayed, of being killed. Sometimes the thought of being killed by another human sounds scarier than being eaten by a monster.
“What the hell, people still team up in this day and age? And what’s up with the redhead’s clothes… wait where the hell am I?”
Your voice was hoarse from not being used for a long time. However, you didn’t care as confusion piled like a Lego tower when you noticed more and more abnormalities. First were the clothes of the redhead man. It looks too luxurious, something that’s impossible to get in your ruined world. The next thing was the forest itself. At first glance, it looks similar to where you were last night. However you know better, the plants look different, and the noises of the monsters from a distance are also unfamiliar to you.
“Cale-nim, based on their clothes they seem to be like me and got transported here.”
The man named Cale examined you from head to toe. As he did you can feel the pressure at his gaze. He wasn’t looking down at you, but there was still this aura around him that made you feel as though you were looking at a ruler.
“That seems to be the case. Who are you and where did you come from? Earth 1? Earth 2?”
“Neither, I’m from a place called Earth Zero. A land forsaken by everyone.”
You still don’t know whether you can trust these people. Somewhere in your heart was fervently hoping this world to be different from the one you were in. The rational side of you reasoned that it’s unlikely.
“...That’s something I’ve never heard of before, and I do not wish to hear about it. I don’t have any interest in hearing your story let’s just go.”
That’s easy enough to do so you followed him. The three of you spent a few minutes walking and soon you reached an underground villa.
That was the only way you can describe this place. Many people were doing their own thing. Knights training, servants running around, there were even kittens pawing Cale’s legs as soon as you arrived. It had been too long since you’ve seen this many people together, and even longer since you’ve seen harmony in one place.
“Amazing isn’t it? I was also shocked when I saw people for the first time after spending a lot of time in the Forest of Darkness.”
“Forest of Darkness… so that’s what it’s called. You seem to have gotten things wrong though Choi Han-nim. I had just arrived in that forest when you guys first saw me. Also, I’m more surprised at the fact that you guys aren’t killing each other.”
2 days
It has now been 2 days since you started lodging at this villa. Everyone treated you nicely. Well, some were more wary than others but it’s nothing compared to your world. No one asked you questions and they respected the fact that you're guarded against other people.
That was why you have decided to finally share information with Cale. These past 2 days were the most peaceful days you have experienced in a very long time. You didn't have to struggle to get food and lodging, you didn't have to be as afraid that you'd be killed in your sleep. That's why you only deemed it right that you share your knowledge with your benefactor.
“Um Choi Han-nim, is it possible to talk to young master-nim? I have something to share with him.”
Choi Han was the only one you were kind of comfortable with as he helped you adjust to this new world and taught you the things you needed to know. Meanwhile, the sword master was happy because it looked like you were finally opening up. He too knows the struggle of being unable to trust people easily.
During lunchtime that day you were invited to eat a meal with Cale in his room. When you arrive he has a gaze that seems to tell you to say whatever you want and say it fast.
“Young master-nim”
“Just call me Cale. You’re from Earth, I’m sure you aren’t used to calling someone young master.”
“...then Cale-nim”
During the two days you were here, you have learned that Cale prefers things to get to the point. Luckily, you’re the same.
“I feel like I have to share this information with you. Do you know why my world was called Earth Zero? It was because that world is terrible. If higher entities are real, then I think it’s safe to say that we have been abandoned by them.”
Cale looks interested as you tell the story of your world. Not you, but just your world as that is more significant during these trying times.
“That world is like a world that was beta-tested on and then left to rot as the player had no interest in it anymore. It is a world where monsters are the new humans, and the humans have become the insects.
We aren’t like the other Earths who have found ways to live and thrive even with the monsters. The monsters back there were on a different scale, we couldn’t figure out how to defeat a single one of them. Even with extensive research, we have failed to do what the other world has done.”
You peek at Cale who seems a bit confused as to why you’re telling him all these things.
“Transmigrators are not a thing in my world, I don’t know how I got here. But me being able to go here probably means that those indestructible monsters in my world could too.”
“Explain. How are you so sure of this?”
“Back when people in my world still had some hope and humanity in them, we had a research company that tried to find out how to deal with those things. I was one of the head researchers there.”
Cale pushes his hair back out of stress and you ignore the gesture as you continue to explain.
“I didn’t find out anything that could take the monsters down. However, I found out about other worlds. The other Earths. With that, I found out about transmigrators.
And I have found out that our world is incapable of having those kinds of people.
The same way we don’t have ability users… The main reason why we couldn’t fight and is now facing extinction.”
As Cale seems stressed enough already, you ask through your eyes if he wants you to continue speaking. He responded by gulping the tea he was drinking before nodding his head.
“As head researcher my previous knowledge, as well as my honed instincts are telling me that there is a portal of some sort involved. I’ve been investigating the Forest of Darkness the past two days and found no trace whatsoever.”
“So you’re telling me there’s a big chance that those monsters might crossover here?”
“Yes sir. There’s also a chance that the portal was an ability of one of the monsters. The monsters in my world have abilities and are constantly evolving.”
At this point, both of you have lost your appetite to eat. The same thing could be said for the children who had been quietly listening from the start.
Soon lunch ended along with your conversation with Cale. The young master has promised to look into it. He even said he would help you get materials to conduct proper research.
18 Days and 7 Hours
That’s what a small timer says back at Earth Zero. This timer, as small as a finger, was attached to the ground where you were sleeping just 3 days ago.
And just underneath…
Lays a ruin of what looks like a temple. Despite being a ruin it still gives off a holy vibe and is made of white marble. Then a little bit above it is a floating broken sphere that looks like an orb.
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