#I don't know if I'll have chapter 10 done in two weeks though
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Wrote 1400 words this afternoon instead of working. This feels like the correct decision :)
#At this rate I should have chapter 9 wrapped up tomorrow.#If I pushed it could be done tonight but I don't feel like pushing#Then I have two weeks to write chapter 10 and actually increase my backlog!#Very exciting#I don't know if I'll have chapter 10 done in two weeks though#My brain has been reordering scenes without updating the outline so I don't know how long the chapter will actually be#Though I'm also taking a 5 day weekend with 4th of July so that should help me get some writing done
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shannon's editor essay please if i beg will you give it to me
Haha so sorry about that y'all I'm pretty sure I answered an ask or smth about that essay all the way back in March, and now it's uh *checks notes* August. Whoops. I dug back through my drafts and it turns out that the essay was pretty undeveloped lol, and part of the reason that I procrastinated so long was because I was too lazy to hunt down sources for some of the stuff. Also, at this point a lot of the stuff I was going to write about is (at least in my perspective) pretty common knowledge, so I didn't feel it was super important. Anyways though I'll probably never get around to getting it well organized so I'll just bullet point the general ideas. Also just in case this is all my theories/speculations and none of them have been proven.
So basically I had a kind of far-fetched theory about why the character development of Sophie/Fitz/Keefe in the later books but especially Unlocked/Stellarlune was Like That was because of Shannon's editor
Shannon had a baby I believe 2019/2021ish? and as expected her writing schedule was severely impacted bc obviously baby
And the result of that was that (for at least Stellarlune) her editor ended up drafting the general plot, and she would fill in the outlines (this was stated in I believe an instagram live or barnes and noble interview for Stellarlune. There was a post floating around her that summarized that event but for the life of the I can't find it)
Anyways if you're unfamiliar with Shannon's editor, she's a super pro Keefe/Sokeefer, and is the reason why Keefe is on a disproportionate amount of covers. That wouldn't necessarily be a big deal except I feel she's allowed it to color her view of the story, instead of focusing on what makes the most sense narratively speaking
Like my biggest issue as stated in my last post was how the narrative treats Keefe, esp at the beginning of Stellarlune
However, as a whole, I personally found the whole plot and character development of Stellarlune to be a little forced, instead of it feeling like a natural progression
Because Sophie in Legacy, after breaking up with Fitz, was like "hmm I don't think I'm ready to date anyone"
And I was absolutely here for that. However, in Stellarlune, which is set just a few weeks later, she suddenly knows her soulmate is Keefe
And honestly now that I've had time to mull on it, I do think it's not 100% her editor's fault.
Shannon has been writing Kotlc since she was 21, and has been at it for over 10 years. I imagine a lot of how she feels about Kotlc and the characters has changed significantly. Plus she as a person has changed significantly, and is now a mom of two. As such I think she probably also wants to be done with Kotlc, which probably also explains why the Stellarlune felt that way
Either way this is kind of a negative post lol, but I don't exactly blame either of them. I have the feeling Kotlc has worn out its welcome one way or another, and like it or not, the chapter is about to close soon. I still remember fondly how much I loved this book in my early teens, even as I wish it could have ended with more of a bang than a whimper.
#fitz vacker#sophie foster#keefe sencen#keeper of the lost cities#kotlc theories#shannon messenger#kotlc#kotlc discourse#stellarlune#ask answered
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that kind of devotion | anarcia (7)
yayy chapter seven is here :) as always, don't forget to check it out on ao3 !! and leave a comment if you liked it teehee
For the next two weeks, Marcia found herself texting Lotus every waking moment. During breaks, during dinner, any free time she had was spent laughing at her jokes or smiling at a picture she sent. She got to find out she loved ducks (through the several pictures she sent of the ones at the nearby park- Marcia didn't mind though) to her favorite song (Boss Bitch by Doja Cat, a song Marcia had found herself listening to nonstop lately). If she was lucky, Lotus would even call her after her patrol, and the two would talk for hours. They mostly talked about their day and the investigation, but sometimes Marcia would slip in a story about her growing up, or Lotus would tell her a story about Sasha. The two had grown much closer in the past two weeks, getting along like a house on fire.
Even now, she was sitting on the couch texting Lotus. She giggled at a text the other girl had sent before she was drawn out of her thoughts by someone nudging her leg. "I need to sit down too, you know." Luxx rolled her eyes as she sat down, handing Marcia her food. "Put your phone down and eat, you've been glued to that thing lately. It's your one day off and you've ignored me the whole morning!"
Marcia takes the food from her, "I'm sorry! It's just so...exciting! We've pretty much gone from talking a few times a month to every day, it's hard not to be so engrossed."
"Aww, she's down bad." Luxx teased her.
"No, I'm not down bad. I'm a lover."
"Marsh, that's the same thing."
"It's totally not! Well...maybe a little. Whatever..." She flushed in embarrassment, rolling her eyes. Luxx chuckled at her, "Isn't that sweet, you know I haven't seen you this excited over a girl since that one in college...what was her name again?" Marcia cringed at the memory, she had to admit she may have the tendency to fall for people quite easily, but Lotus wasn't the same.
"That's not the same thing. Lotus is different."
Luxx raised her eyebrow, so she continued, "She shows genuine interest in me. She cares about my theatre stuff and how my day is. She texts me pictures of cute dogs she sees because she knows I'll love them. She's...thoughtful. Also, she didn't forget my name after one date, so she's already leagues ahead of Caitlin."
Luxx laughed, "Oh my god, I forgot about that! What did she call you again? Maria?"
"Miriam. She said she knew it was some old lady's name."
"Oh my god, she was awful. I'm so glad that lasted like, two weeks."
"You and me both. Anyways, what were you thinking of doing?"
"Well, since we're all getting together after your show tomorrow, I figured we could just lie low today. We could go to that coffee shop you like and people-watch."
Marcia was sold. "You know me so well, Luxx."
"Of course I do. We've been friends for like 10 years, it'd be sad if I didn't. Now let's go, I want to get a good spot before it gets busy."
They arrived at the small shop, setting their items down on the counter facing the biggest window. Marcia took a seat, taking out her drawing supplies as Luxx went to grab their drinks. It had been a while since they had been able to do this- they used to do it all the time in college, watching the people pass by and wonder about their lives while they worked on essays or assignments. They would wonder about their own lives, and what the future would be like. Marcia likes to think her younger self would be proud of where she is now. It makes her smile.
"One tea with honey for you...and an espresso for me!" Luxx hums as she sits the drinks down, sliding onto the seat beside Marcia. She brings out her own drawing materials, peering out the window.
"I missed this. Feels like it's been forever since we've done this."
"I know, it feels like we barely have time anymore. I guess that's what it means to be an adult."
Luxx nodded, her pencil sketching across the page. "Such is capitalism. Ugh, I'm so antsy to get this collection done. We're almost ready to go into production, so my stress is mostly over."
"Oh, I'm excited to see the collection! You're taking me to see the show, right?"
"Who else is going to be my plus one?" She laughs, taking a sip of her drink. "Oh yeah, that's good. Fuck, I've missed good coffee. The office coffee is so shitty, Marsh. Oh my god, it's horrible."
Marcia smiled, opening her own sketchbook as she began sketching some of the people outside. "For a luxury brand, you would think they could afford a better coffee machine." She laughed, scribbling in a woman's dark coat. "Maybe they'll get you a new one for Christmas."
Luxx rolled her eyes, "Please, don't give me hope. Irene keeps saying she's going to fix it and improve it herself but we've been so swamped she hasn't had time yet." She looked up for her next target before selecting a man with a dog. "Look at that dog- isn't it cute? Ugh, I wish I was better at animals. It looks like a rat."
Marcia leaned over to look at the sketch, rolling her eyes. "It looks great, you're being dramatic. That is a cute dog though, what a baby." She cooed, snapping a picture of it before she sent it to Lotus. "How is the collection going anyway? Weren't you guys almost done like, a month ago?"
"Well, we were going through final revisions, but they decided to scrap some of the looks so we had to come up with some new ones. I'm hoping this will be the final round though. I've got some of the early concepts for designs in here though." She answers, flipping through her sketchbook to show Marcia some of the designs.
She always admired the other girls' aesthetic, Luxx's usual grungy and dark designs had seemed to translate perfectly to spring fashion. Desaturated colors and skirts with purposeful rips and tears turned a skirt into the shape of a flower, an impressive feat. Marcia had seen Luxx make gorgeous designs that weren't her aesthetic, but these ones were special. She always loved it when Luxx could show her passion through her designs.
"Dark forest...what a theme, right?" She softly chuckles, flipping back to the sketch she was working on. "I like it though. I think it'll be our best collection yet."
Marcia proudly smiles, returning to her own sketch of some scenery. They sketched in comfortable silence for some time, Marcia having stopped sketching the people outside and started sketching Lotus. She didn't mean to, it was just sort of a habit at this point.
"That's really good, is that Lotus?" Luxx asks, leaning over. Marcia nods, her face tinged red. "Is she coming to your performance tomorrow?"
"No, but she's coming for my first night as Elle. I'm really excited, I hope she'll like my performance- I've been working so hard on it. God, I hope it goes well, what if I choke?"
"You won't choke. You were like, born for this. You're gonna kill it."
Marcia smiles at her, "Thanks, Luxx."
Luxx volunteered for dinner duty that night, allowing Marcia a moment to herself. To debrief, to prepare herself for tomorrow. She felt the nerves creeping up, like they did for every show she had done. She had to remind herself that it was going to go well, that she was going to do well. She focused on the warm water of the shower that was beginning to turn cold- maybe she had been in there longer than she thought.
She stepped out of the shower, wrapping her hair in a soft pink towel before beginning to dry herself off. It was nice, and for a moment she felt calm as she blow-dried her hair, the muffled music of Ariana Grande playing in the background. 7 rings was interrupted by the ringing of her phone, Marcia clicked off the hair dryer as she answered the call.
"Hey, doll." Lotus' voice came from the other end. "Are you able to talk?"
Marcia hummed, "For a little bit- Luxx will kill me if I miss dinner." She wrapped her soft pink robe around her as she left the bathroom and entered her bedroom across the hall. "I thought you're usually on patrol around this time of day?"
"I am, but it's always a slow start. Thought I'd talk to you until I get a call."
She softly smiled, "Well, I won't complain about that. How's your day been?"
"Pretty standard. I'm hanging out with my coworker soon, but other than that nothing of note. But enough about me- you're gonna be on Broadway tomorrow! How are you feeling?"
"Nervous. Excited. I can't tell- I think it's both." She chuckled, "I know I'll probably do well, but it's just those pre-show nerves, you know?"
"Nah, I know you're gonna crush it."
"But how do you know? What if I...I don't know, trip and break my arm or something."
"I think you'd still perform, even if you had to be in a cast. Don't worry. Besides, isn't the saying break a leg?"
Marcia softly sighed, a smile creeping onto her face as she rummaged through her dresser for her pajamas. "Yeah, it is...and you're probably right. I'm way too excited about this. I just can't believe it's finally happening!"
She heard a faint buzzing on the other line, vaguely recognizing it as the sound of a call.
"Do you have to go?"
Lotus sighed, "Yeah. I do. I'm sorry. Hey- break a leg tomorrow. You're gonna kill it."
Marcia smiled. "Thanks, I will."
She heard Lotus laugh, she could practically see the other girls smile in her head.
"Atta girl."
The next morning was a blur. She remembered waking up to a 'break a leg ;)' text from Lotus and eating breakfast with Luxx, but time seemed to fly by after that. Her usual subway ride seemed to take five minutes, and their rehearsal that morning felt like it had happened in a second.
Now, she was in the dressing room with her castmates, all giddy and excited for the show. She applied the last of her blush and made sure her costume was perfect, waiting in the wings with the rest of the ensemble for the first number to start. Many were excitedly whispering to each other, the air in the theatre felt electric.
"Who's here for you tonight, Marcia?" One of her castmates and friends, Plasma, asked her.
"My friends and one of my cousins- we're going out afterward. What about you?"
"Some of my friends- and my mom, she flew in from Texas to be here. I can't believe it's opening night!" She excitedly shook Marcia's arm, causing her to smile.
"I know. Oh! There's the house lights, we're going!" She excitedly whispered, taking her place in preparation. She felt the anxiety returning to her chest, taking a deep breath as the curtains drew open.
They began their first number, which went as perfectly as it could. Marcia hit all the right steps, all the right notes, and stayed in character the entire time. She felt the anxiety in her chest dissipate after the first number, it turning into a feeling of joy. She felt good going into the second number, which turned into feeling great for the entire first act. During intermission, she and Plasma celebrated their success, which meant excitedly talking about the show while they made costume and makeup adjustments for the second act.
The second act also went spectacularly. She could tell the entire cast was bringing their all, and the audience could too. Every time the audience laughed or cheered her drive became stronger, causing her to perform even better. By the time curtain call came, she was exhausted- but proud. As she bowed with the rest of the ensemble, she could hear Luxx's cheers above the rest. She couldn't see her group because of the house lights, but that was enough to put a smile on her face.
She's able to get out of her costume and makeup fairly quickly, only delayed by her and Plasma geeking out about the show- releasing the remainder of the energy they had for the night. Eventually, she gathered her things and left, signing some things for a few fans at the stage door before spotting her friends.
"MARSHALL!" Luxx squealed, tightly hugging the other girl. Marcia giggled as her friends swarmed her, excitement filling the air. Jan raved on and on about her vocals and dance moves, her cousin was a fellow theatre nerd and they often spent their childhood watching different musicals (and poorly reenacting them). Robin, although less experienced in the theatre world, complimented her performance and gave her a bouquet- which Amethyst almost crushed as she pulled the group in to take a photo.
Marcia feels elated as the group returns to her apartment, giving her time to change into a sparkly mini-dress. She quickly shot a text to Lotus before coming back out, rejoining the girls who had also changed. They took a quick shot of some tequila they had lying around the house before heading to the nearest gay bar.
"My girlfriend said she and her friend are a few minutes away," Robin yelled above the noise, trying to keep Amethyst from getting swallowed up by the crowd. "I'm making them get us drinks- what does everyone want?"
The girls shouted out their various drink orders to Robin, drowned out by the club's music. The lights strobed and Marcia could feel her body vibrating from the bass. She danced with Luxx and Amethyst, letting herself go and focusing on having fun- she deserved it, after all. She felt her legs growing sore, but it didn't bother her. She would regret it in the morning, however it wasn't anything she couldn't deal with.
They only stopped dancing when Robin squealed, throwing herself into the arms of a girl who had just walked up. "That's Aura," Amethyst shouted so they could hear, the other girls nodding along. "Who's that beside her?" Marcia asked, referring to the girl who had appeared beside Aura.
She was wearing a short red dress and a leather jacket, and her long light-colored hair was straight and worn down, with some bobby pins to keep her bangs back. She looked like she had some darker streaks in her hair, but she couldn't be too sure with the blaring club lights. From what Marcia could see, she had a pretty athletic build and a scar over her left eye. She felt like she knew the girl, but she couldn't place her finger on why.
"I guess her friend," Amethyst whispered in her ear, "She's hot, right? Is she glaring at us though?" Marcia turned her attention back to the other woman, Amethyst was right- she did seem to be glaring, but she couldn't even clearly see the girl because of the flashing lights.
"Can't tell."
Aura and Robin finally broke apart, allowing Aura to shift her attention to the other girl.
"Oh! This is one of my friends, Anetra!" The other girl nodded her head in greeting. "She doesn't bite, she just has chronic RBF." Aura laughed, Anetra rolled her eyes and playfully elbowed her. Amethyst introduced herself first before Marcia did- she noticed the girl's eyes widen a bit before returning to normal. That was strange, did she recognize her too?
She was going to talk to her more when Aura pulled her away to go get the group's drinks, putting a pin in her plan. That was fine, she'd just talk to her when she returned. However, Anetra didn't return. Aura came back alone, balancing the drinks in her arms.
"Where'd Anetra go?" Luxx asked, taking her drink from Aura.
"She got a call while we were waiting at the bar- came back and said there was an emergency and dashed out. She seemed stressed about it."
"I hope she's okay..." Marcia worried, "Poor girl just got here."
"I'll check up on her later, she's a tough cookie so I'm sure she'll be fine."
That was the last they talked about it, the rest of the night was a blur as they danced and drank until their feet hurt. Marcia tried to tone it down so she wouldn't feel as miserable tomorrow, which worked to some degree. She and Luxx left around 1 am, both deciding to be somewhat responsible. She quickly changed into her pajamas, almost passing out the instant she hit the bed. She shot off a goodnight text to Lotus, who still hadn't answered her last message, which was odd. She worried something may have happened, but she pushed that thought to the back of her mind- she was just paranoid.
#thatkindofdevotion#rpdr fanfiction#rpdr#rupauls drag race#marcia x3#marcia marcia marcia#anetra#anarcia
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Fic Writer Interview!!!
tagged by @1425fivefive (forever ago, whoops!) and @miamimaiden
(this was such a funny ask game bc i did mostly end up discussing my F1 fics but I also have a Number of musicals fics on my ao3 so those do also crop up in my answers lmao)
How many works do you have on AO3?
10 in total!!! 4 F1 fics so far though
What's your total AO3 word count?
62,635 apparently (mostly being driven by one of those aforementioned musicals fics lmao)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
who actually texts people this much (3,076) (again. the musicals fic)
you must like me for me (646)
tell me 'bout the first time you saw me (508)
you're always on my team (464)
and i'll learn how to fly (253)
ok other than the obvious outlier at the top, i'm thrilled that my four F1 fics are the ones that have made it into the top 5 because they are undeniably the ones i'm proudest of right now
insane to me how many people have liked you're always on my team!!! i was a little nervous about posting my first chaptered fic in a while and i'm so happy it got such a lovely reception
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!!! oh my god i love responding to comments as much as i love leaving comments myself!!!
the only thing with this is that i do find myself forgetting to actually put time aside in my day to do it!!! so sometimes, about two weeks after i read a comment and internally squealed about it, i'll go "oh FUCK i didn't reply that comment" and sprint to my laptop
so, uh, if you've ever received a late comment reply from me? now you know why lmao
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
oh god um. none of them? i guess the one abandoned fic on my ao3 account (a she-ra fic from 2018 lmao) has the angstiest ending by virtue of the fic not being finished and no resolution being reached lmao
but genuinely i don't think i could ever write a fic with an angsty ending!!! i think at best i could plot an angty ending??? or maybe write a drabble or something??? but honestly, i really struggle reading angsty endings so it would be a rogue move to write one lmao
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
ooooooo excellent question
honestly any of my finished F1 fics probably work but i think i'll go with you must like me for me! truly one of my favourite brands of happy ending is a reciprocated love confession and (not to spoil the fic lmao) that might be one of my favourite ones i've ever done!
Do you write crossovers?
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
oooo once upon a time i received a comment on that musicals fic, who actually texts people this much, that was fairly harsh on the writing??? the worst part was enough time had passed since i'd written the fic and i'd honestly reached the part of the writing cycle where i hated everything about it so i almost agreed with the commenter lmao
even today, i think the critique was accurate! but perhaps not a polite/kind thing to comment on someone's fic lmao
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i'm trying to!!! i haven't posted any yet
i am terrible at describing things (including like. physical movement) so, so far, any smut i've attempted to write has been fairly dialogue-heavy!!! but honestly that's generally my taste in smut so i think this tracks
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
that musicals texting fic has been translated somewhere on the internet! one of my friends in uni dug it up lmao
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
never co-written before! i am a huge fan of brainstorming fics with my friends though! either their fics or mine - i just love the collaboration of it all!!!
What's your all-time favorite ship?
god this is difficult!!! my taste in ships moves around all the time to be honest
ok for F1, it's fairly easy - landoscar do unfortunately possess my entire heart and there is very little i can do about that lmao
other than that? i do have to mention how much i still adore the les mis pairing enjolras/grantaire because i did spend a good portion of my teenage years thinking about them and only them lmao
and i spent many a year in steve/bucky from the mcu hell so i guess it's important that that goes on here too!
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
so many!!! in particular though, i would love to one day finish the first ever landoscar fic i ever worked on (the idea was that oscar and lando are friends with benefits but, through miscommunication shenanigans, have somehow never kissed lmao)
i think i'd just really enjoy the full circle moment of getting to finish that first wip!
What are your writing strengths?
dialogue!!! dialogue my beloved! my favourite thing i have ever written is the unreciprocated love confession scene in you must like me for me - writing a dramatic not-argument/discussion was just so tailored to my strengths of writing dialogue and not much else lmao
there's a reason i'm having so much fun with you're always on my team! and it's because what is a texting fic if not a fic made only of dialogue!!!
What are your writing weaknesses?
description!!!!!! tell me 'bout the first time you saw me was a delight to write but truly i don't know if i could do a first meeting fic again because trying to work out how a stranger would describe oscar piastri was a NIGHTMARE
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
as someone who can only speak english, i simply don't have a good enough understanding of any other language to do it without defaulting to like. terrible google translate
i think it can be fun to read though!!! it depends what effect the author is going for tbh
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
...glee (i wasn't even that into glee!!! my two best friends at the time were though so i wrote a couple things i thought they'd enjoy lmao)
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
galex!!! i don't know if i could do it but i really really want to one day - if only because my girlfriend's sister adores them and i think it would be fun to write something for her!
although i have also been pondering gax a lot with @jusst-you-race!!! so maybe i should throw gax in here too
What's your favorite fic you've written?
you must like me for me undoubtedly. it's the most complete fic i think i've ever written in that there's a clear plot with a clear resolution and, as i said earlier, that unreciprocated love confession/first kiss scene is genuinely my favourite thing i have written of anything ever!!!
it was also the first fic i'd posted in nearly 6 years!!! and i'm so glad i felt happy enough with it to share it because i've just had the most wonderful time in this fandom since doing so!!!
i cannot for the life of me remember who has done this so no pressure tagging @ipleadbritney and @jusst-you-race and anyone else who wants to do this!!!
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OC deep dive tag!
Thank you to @fortunatetragedy for the tag!!! [here]
I need a little jumpstart for Matcha's voice for this next chapter, so I'm digging this two week old tag out of my drafts x)
Phobias: She pretends that it's spiders, because she figures that screaming at those and making other people get them for her makes her look more harmelss. She honestly doesn't mind them that much. Her actual fear is trypophobia.
Other fears: Being taken too seriously. Tripping over her words.
Pet peeves: Recalcitrant people who won't let her pry into their business. Open up. C'monnnn. It's just her! :)
3 items you can find in her bedroom: Romance novel, eyeliner, burner phone.
First thing she notices in a person: Approachableness, even before attractiveness. She's generally good at gauging how open somebody is to friendly interaction.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is her pain tolerance? 2 or 3. She doesn't like getting hurt.
Does she go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Fawning first, then flight mode, and only when those two don't work, fight, but more like a cornered mouse trying to bite.
Does she come from a big family/is she a family person? She has two older brothers, one older sister, and a sprawling web of aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. She liked the family get togethers and misses them, but she doesn't miss everybody getting into her business. She has her own family now and sometimes wishes these two parts of her life could meet, but knows this can never happen.
What animal represents her best? Opossum :V She, too, likes to play dead dramatically, panic and hiss at everything, and dig through other people's trash / dirty laundry.
What is a smell that she dislikes? She's pretty tolerant to bad smells. A good trait to have in her former line of work.
Has she broken any bones? She broke her ankle running a few years ago. It still bothers her.
How would a stranger likely describe her? I'll let Nat do us the honors:
"On the other side of her face, a thick curtain of her hair is falling into her brown, cat-like face. It’s thick, pin straight, and dull looking, and where it hits her waist, split ends are starting to form. Nat eyes her thin wrists. She looks straight up malnourished, or perhaps like she hasn’t done physical labor a day in her life."
Is she a night owl or a morning bird? Night owl, though she's often forced to wake up early.
What is a flavor she hates and a flavor she loves? She loves the taste of coffee and hates fermented things like sauerkraut or kimchi, though she likes pickled mangoes.
Does she have any hobbies? Matcha no longer has a lot of time for hobbies. She doodles in the margins of notes often, though.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How does she react to surprises? Freeze with shock. Then: Squeal with joy. You thought of her? That's so sweet!!
Does she like to wear jewelry? Her ears are pierced in multiple places, though she's taken the majority of her ear jewelry out. She likes the look of chokers, usually simple and black, and wears bracelets sometimes.
Does she have neat or messy handwriting? Curly and pretty when she knows others will see it, jagged and quick in her own private notes.
What are the two emotions she feels the most? Dread and longing.
Does she have a favorite fabric? She likes velvet, silk, and mohair :)
What kind of accent does she have? She has a pretty standard North American accent. She's a second generation immigrant, her parents immigrated from Mumbai to the former US during the second bio engineering boom in the mid 2170s, ten years before she was born, give or take. So she grew up speaking Marathi at home and American English and Hindi in school and with peers.
@paeliae-occasionally @rotting-moon-writes @marlowethelibrarian @fortunatetragedy (get retagged >:) ) @fairytaleinagem
@writingrosesonneptune @davycoquette @the-golden-comet @gioiaalbanoart @chauceryfairytales
@autism-purgatory @lychhiker-writes @marquis-of-writeblr @cowboybrunch
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Just checking in.
I've been doing a buncha writing these past few weeks but I haven't been posting for a few reasons. I've been jumping between several fics, which is something I tend to do when in like fishing for inspiration. Nothing was particularly standing out to me so I had a few vague ideas that I tried to write. I'd do a paragraph or two a day to see if anything managed to break through the writers block.
I have managed to finish a couple. Acorn chapters 9 and 10 are done. I finished another short and silly Troy fic. There's also a handful of other fics that are nearing completion but I don't know if they're going to be in a state to post anytime soon.
You know the old saying write drunk, edit sober? Kinda what I did this past week. I have been super sick. For the first few days I was like. I'm just a little tired. It's fine. Then the past few days I have been in bed pretty much 24/7. So I guess you could say I had been feverishly writing. (A bit more literally than I'd like though).
I'm mildly annoyed because I was supposed to get my new ears installed last week, but first the parts were late to arrive so we had to reschedule and then I had a massive ear infection so it got delayed again. If I'll goes well I'll get them out in on Monday.
#ziel talks#once a fic is done i then jave to format it for each site#and that's such a tedious and time consuming process that i keep putting it off
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Main Story S2 Chapter 3-12: Noble Illness (崇高的疾病) | Light and Night 光與夜之戀
S2 Chapter 3-10
After that night, I gradually recovered from the intense frustration.
Although the daily pressures of work hadn't lessened, with Charlie around, he always managed to cheer me up.
Every morning, I woke up to find breakfast prepared, and he would often surprise me with a lovingly made lunchbox at the office—
Of course, after I expressed my sincere gratitude but firmly refused his offer to treat the entire company to milk tea again, he finally toned it down a bit.
In the evenings, after returning home, he would patiently listen to my work complaints and frustrations, then make me laugh with his usual nonchalant jokes.
A week later, late one night, I woke up and, opening my door, found Charlie sitting motionlessly on the sofa, lost in thought.
I sat beside him and asked him what was wrong. Charlie simply shook his head.
Charlie: Can't sleep. Probably because I worked too many night shifts in the past. My body clock is messed up.
Moonlight illuminated the sharp lines of his profile.
It suddenly dawned on me that I had seen a pacing figure several times in the middle of the night these past few days, but I had been too preoccupied with work to think about it.
I had grown accustomed to enjoying the happiness he brought me every day and had forgotten about his own struggles.
Charlie clearly needed my care too.
Dr. Alan had told me that Charlie suffered from primary insomnia and a mild dissociative disorder.
I looked at Charlie with concern, but he simply patted my shoulder gently.
Charlie: Go to bed. You have a lot to do tomorrow.
Charlie: I'll go to sleep when I'm tired.
Lying in bed, I tossed and turned, unable to sleep. Knowing about his condition, I knew it was just a well-intentioned lie.
Charlie always showed me his brightest, most optimistic side. If I hadn't visited Dr. Alan, I wouldn't have known he was suffering from insomnia.
He had always been there for me. Now, I had to find a way to help him.
At breakfast the next day, I suggested to Charlie that we go out for dinner and a date that night.
Charlie was in the middle of taking a bite of a pan-fried bun when I spoke. My invitation seemed to surprise him, but he quickly agreed.
He gave a playful, exaggerated bow, and I couldn't help but laugh.
But after the laughter subsided, a pang of sadness lingered. Even though he was struggling with insomnia, Charlie was still doing his best to cheer me up. I wanted him to be able to relax as well.
Charlie had made reservations at a restaurant in the city center, which made me even more excited. I felt an extra burst of motivation for work. However, a few hours later, the harsh reality of overtime came crashing down on me.
My text: I have to work overtime until 8:30. Our dinner will probably be delayed by two hours.
Charlie's reply came quickly.
Charlie's text: Okay, then I'll go home and tidy up a bit.
Huh? Didn't he say he had nowhere to stay? Was he lying to me after all?
While I was still confused, another message popped up—a hand-drawn emoji of a little bird excitedly jumping up and down with a banner that read, "Go, fiancée!"
Looking at the simple, clumsy, yet somewhat adorable drawing, I couldn't help but smile, imagining Charlie in his true form making that gesture.
Putting down my phone, even the overtime work seemed less daunting.
And so, my efficiency that evening was surprisingly high. Just after 8 p.m., I had completed all my tasks.
I glanced at the time. Charlie hadn't sent any further messages, so he probably wasn't done tidying up yet. Why don't I just go to his place and help him out? I thought.
I rang the doorbell of Charlie's villa, and the door opened quickly. The moment Charlie saw me, surprise registered on his face.
You: I figured you must have a lot of stuff, so I came to help you pack.
A flicker of hesitation crossed Charlie's face, but he quickly masked it and nodded.
Charlie: I appreciate the help, fiancée.
Several large packages that Charlie had already prepared were lined up in the living room. I peeked inside one���it was full of his flamboyant clothes. Even just a glance was enough to sense their unique and vibrant style.
Charlie continued rummaging through his wardrobe, entrusting me with the task of sorting through the miscellaneous items in the storage cabinet.
I checked the list he had given me and quickly gathered a bag full of colorful everyday items.
Just as I finished packing his multi-colored electric toothbrush, a sparkly object beside it caught my eye.
I leaned closer and saw two pairs of small, golden feet, gleaming brightly in the dim light of the cabinet. Beside them was a framed piece of white paper with the imprint of tiny feet.
The fact they were here must mean they were keepsakes from Charlie's parents, commemorating his birth.
I examined them closely. Each one was engraved—one with "啾啾" (jiū jiū - onomatopoeia for chirping), and the other with "喳喳" (zhā zhā - onomatopoeia for chattering), carrying parents' well-wishes, as all birth keepsakes do.
But... why were there two pairs?
I hesitated for a moment, then, unable to contain my curiosity, cautiously reached out.
Just as I was about to touch them, a strange image suddenly flashed before my eyes—two silver-haired baby boys lying in a pair of bassinets placed side-by-side.
One was sound asleep, while the other was wide awake, looking around curiously. When his eyes met mine, I saw a clear, amethyst purple in their depths.
Was this Charlie? I wondered. And who was the other boy? Did these really belong to him?
Countless questions swirled in my mind, forming a chaotic vortex. I belatedly realized that I seemed to have stumbled upon a hidden secret.
Charlie: Fiancée.
Charlie's voice suddenly rang out, startling me. I turned to look at him, dumbfounded.
You: Are these yours?
Charlie's expression remained unchanged as he gave a slight nod.
He didn't say anything else, simply sitting down in front of me, silently gazing at the golden feet in the cabinet.
My mind raced, unsure what to say or what Charlie must be feeling.
His expression was unusually somber. I knew this was all happening because I had come here uninvited.
You: I'm so sorry, Charlie...
I stammered an apology, not knowing what else to say.
You: It's my fault. It's all because I touched your things.
You: If you're angry, just yell at me. I'll never touch your things without permission again.
I babbled incoherently. Just as I was at a loss, Charlie suddenly laughed.
Charlie: You're so easily scared.
He casually ruffled my hair, his expression softening. I stared blankly at his sudden change in demeanor, confused, but cautiously asked:
You: Are you still mad?
Charlie: Why would I be mad? You came to help me pack. I should be thanking you.
Charlie shrugged, his tone light.
Charlie: I was just teasing you.
You: You—!
I glared at him playfully, and Charlie laughed even louder, happily messing up my hair.
Charlie: As for this—
He pointed at the golden feet in the cabinet.
Charlie: —it's not really a secret.
Charlie: I had a twin brother who passed away in an accident when we were young.
Charlie: I haven't mentioned it because it happened a long time ago.
He spoke as if it were nothing, but my vision blurred, the lines between reality and the truth within him becoming hazy, creating a disorienting dizziness.
Every time I thought I had reached the depths of his heart, I would inadvertently stumble upon a hidden door leading to the unknown. An inexplicable chill emanated from this forbidden territory, as if beyond this threshold, even Charlie would deviate from the image I held of him.
Suddenly, I remembered something.
You: Actually... When I first met you at the hospital, I asked if you had a twin brother.
You: I'm so sorry, I was just making conversation, I didn't realize it was a sensitive topic...
I looked at Charlie apologetically, but he just smiled.
Charlie: I almost thought you were a mind reader back then.
You: But it's really surprising that you had a twin brother...
You: What was he like?
Charlie: He was a mischievous little rascal.
Charlie: Even when we were young, he was very assertive and stubborn, always causing trouble for the adults.
Charlie: And he was a picky eater. One time, when he had a high fever, he insisted on eating cheungfan.
Charlie: Mom had to get up and make it for him. He kept everyone on their toes.
Mischievous, assertive... He sounded just like Charlie, except Charlie wasn't a picky eater. I couldn't help but comment on it.
You: You two really are twins. You're so alike.
Charlie paused for a moment, then nodded.
Charlie: We are. If we had grown up together, you probably wouldn't be able to tell us apart now.
You: Even though I've never met your brother, I think I would still be able to recognize you.
Charlie: Why?
You: Just a feeling.
I winked playfully, and Charlie laughed.
Charlie put the golden feet back in the cabinet and stood up.
Charlie: If we don't hurry up and finish packing, we'll miss our dinner reservation. Michelin-starred, limited-edition Cantonese cuisine.
It seemed Charlie didn't want to dwell on this topic, so I nodded enthusiastically.
You: That's amazing! I'm starving!
Charlie: Then let's get a move on.
We picked up the pace, carrying the piles of packages to the backseat of Charlie's car.
Charlie drove me to the restaurant he had booked. Just as we hurriedly got out of the car, the waiter turned off the lights inside.
Standing in front of the closed restaurant, Charlie and I exchanged a look and couldn't help but laugh.
You: You're still so unlucky, Charlie.
Charlie: That's right, I've never had good luck. After all, I used up all my luck meeting my fiancée.
You: Pfft, what book did you learn that line from?
Charlie: That's not fair, fiancée! I'm the one who came up with it!
He raised his hands in mock indignation, and I laughed, reaching out to take his hand. In the night breeze, his fingers were still slightly cool.
S2 Chapter 3-15
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New teachers at school!!!!
Chapter 10
Series Masterlist
A/N: Greetings,midgardians!So,my lovely mortals as many of you know, following the results of the poll JK's role is now officially switched to a student. Tom will be teaching History and English.....
Y/N : Stay, please!
You said in a low, meek voice. His heart clenched at the sight of you so sad and troubled.
Tom : I'm right here, sweetheart.
He said and sat back down on the bed and once he was one hundred percent sure that you're back in your slumber , he got up and laid on the couch in the room . Just in case you get another nightmare, though he sincerely hoped you don't .
He had to admit ,this nightmare got him wondering that what so bad happened to you because of which you get those awful nightmares. He was pretty sure about the fact that they're connected.
You woke up by your mobile alarm, only to find ,Tom, peacefully sleeping on the couch. Always a gentleman. You didn't exactly remember what happened last night....but he was there with you,that much you could recall. You felt a bit bashful, now that you think of it ....he was your professor afterall 🤷🏻.
There was a text from Y/B/F/N....
" Hey!! I'll be staying at Jungkook's ..."
"Hey! Amazing!Sorry for replying late, At Tom's ..... 😅". You replied
You got up , as quietly as you could, didn't want to wake your professor up from his deep, peaceful slumber . As you tip-toed your way towards the door, you decided to make some breakfast for you two . So, you went down to the kitchen and started cooking.
You decided to make a proper English Breakfast with a cup of Earl grey. Humming a tune to yourself , you started cooking.
*After 20 minutes*
You felt a pair of hands on your waist and if it wasn't for the fact that you could recognise him just by his scent you'd have beaten the man up . 😅 Just a reflex after that incident because of which you get the nightmares.
"Good morning, darling!" You heard Tom's angelic voice, it sounded deeper as he just woke up.
He placed a kiss on your neck which made you smile.
"Good morning, sweetheart! Breakfast is almost done!"
His heart skipped a beat at the name , you never call him that.
"Mmmm.....I can already smell the delicacy you're whipping up ! What's on the menu?" " Classic english breakfast with a cup of your favourite Earl Grey tea !" you replied. "That sounds wonderful!! Let me help you set the table!" he offered politely. "Sure, thanks!"
As he helped you set the table up, you plated the breakfast.
"Bon appétit !!"
A contented moan escaped his lips as he took the first bite and hell if you wouldn't kill to hear that sound again....
" Mmmm ....you are an amazing cook , darling!! It's the best breakfast I've ever had! Scrumptious!!" He praised you with a heart warming smile.
" I'm glad you like it, Tom !! But hey - you yourself are a great cook !" you said . "Not as good as you!" He protested "Oh, come on!" you chuckled , a blush rising up your cheeks.
"Holy Shit!!! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE !!!!!" you said as you looked at the time. "Late to what, darling?" He said, totally clueless. "COLLEGE!" You replied. For some reason, he started laughing. " Why . Are. You. Laughing. Tom !!????" Somehow, this made him laugh even harder. " You didn't check the emails , did you?? " He said.
As you picked up the phone, you saw an email from your college informing that all the classes are cancelled for this week. "Ohh.......... sorry" you said , completely crimson from blushing. "It's perfectly fine, dear! Plus, do you know that you look cute when you're angry?"
This made you blush even harder, if that was possible......."Come on !!!" you said.."I'm merely stating what's true" said he . This made you chuckle, "Thank you, sweetheart!"
*After the breakfast*
"Y/N ??" He said while you were making a presentation on your laptop for a project ...so, you hummed in response. "Uhh.... If you don't mind me asking......" he trailed off, so you looked him in the eye and asked - " What is it that's bothering you, Tom ?" " It's just.....last night......as you were having that nightmare, you were asking me to tell someone to stay away....... who's that ?" he inquired, his voice full of concern.
You felt like your heart has stopped beating, your face went pale and you started sweating. "Uhh..........unmm...I-I .......i-it....." you tried to say something but failed as you felt a lump in your throat.
"Hey - Hey , it's fine, darling! You don't need to tell me if it troubles you ! " He got up and brought some water for you . "Here, have some water " ......
"I'm so sorry for the sudden outburst..... it's just - " you tried to explain, only to be interrupted by him "It's okay sweetheart, you don't need to explain!" He softly stated. "Wanna watch a movie?" he asked to distract you from that grief of the nightmare.
"Sure!" you said. Both of you then proceed towards the home theatre he had.
"Choose the genre, dear " he said. "Umm ....... what about a thriller or maybe even horror?" you suggested. "Up for a thrill , are we ?" said he .
You guys decided to go with "The Shining" a classic. He even made some popcorn and got a few cans of cold-drinks .
*Sometime into the movie*
You clutched onto Tom for dear life and hid your face against him as one of the scariest scenes came . The fact that you were watching it for the first time didn't help at all . "Do you want me to put something else?" He cooed slowly. "No, it's fine, thank you for asking!'
*After the movie*
"Good Lord , that was amazing, awfully scary.... but amazing!" You chimed in to which he chuckled, "I'm glad you like it, darling!" He said and kissed you on the cheeks which made you blush. You did not see that coming.
"Oh my ! It's 12:30pm !! I must go now!" you exclaimed. "Please stay for lunch..." said Tom. "Trust me, Tom ... I'd love to but I really have to go..." ofcourse, he did try to make you stay but you had to go .... " ........fine ! Let me drop you, at least!" "That would be a great help!" you said. " Oh come on, darling!"
*After the he dropped you off*
You were still sitting in his car , in front of your apartment...... which was apparently locked . Y/B/F/N must still be with JK.....
"Tom?" "Yes, darling.." "Would like to join me for lunch, please?" "I'd love to, darling, but as you know the weather conditions are rather.... harsh. I better get going before it gets worse." He said refering to the windy weather.. "But-" you were interrupted by his lips on yours ...."Some other day, darling, I promise" he said.
"Okay......." you said, not fully agreed. "Come on, like I said, it's a promise!" he said and chuckled. "Fine. I must go, then..." you replied. "What if you grab your essentials and stay at mine?" he suggested.
Chuckling, you said, "Tom, I..umm...you know, I....I can't...plus Y/B/F/N would be alone if I do so.... thanks though " you smiled ... "Okay......but text me if you need anything, no need to go out in this wheather" 'Okay, so it's official. He is the sweetest man in the universe.' you thought.
"You're so sweet !!!!!!!" you said, placing a kiss on his cheeks and you could swear you saw him blush. 'and the cutest too' you continued your previous thought.
"I'll get going, now . Bye, Tom" "Goodbye , darling!" You opened the gate of his car and stepped out, waving to him one last time before making your way towards the door of your apartment.
After a few minutes your best friend also returned.
"Y/N , I'm home !" she called out . "Oh, hey !! How did it go ?" you said. "AMAZING!!!!" She exclaimed. "Well, that's great. But I need the whole story" you said and chuckled. "Done!" said your best friend, chuckling.
The next few days went normally.
Time skip......
You were qurrently getting ready for the classes and the first one was English.

Outfit of the day👆🏻
You paired your dress with a black overcoat as it was cold outside.
"Let's go, shall we?" you asked your best friend. "Totally" she replied.
On your way, you guys grabbed a cup of coffee and headed towards your destination...
English Lecture
You sitting on one of the front benches with your best friend. You both were a bit early so no one else was there yet .....as you took a sip of your coffee, you heard the door open and what you saw made you choke on your drink.....
"Good morning, professor" said your best friend. "Good morning, Miss Carter. Um, Y/N you okay?"
You could almost sense a smirk on his face at your obvious reaction.
Okay!? The man literally changed his hair colour and then he's asking you if you're 'okay' ? As if he wasn't already enough he had to change his hair to Black didn't he? And the cherry on top was the outfit he chose.....a blue knitted sweater with a pair of black slacks.
( they could've been a bit less 'tight')
Holy Fuck.
" Y-yes I'm good, thanks!" you reply not so 'swiftly' . "Oh, that's better"....
"Mornin', d- Miss Y/L/N" he said after a slightly awkward stop....and you could tell that Y/B/F/N was trying her best not to laugh, roll her eyes or even grin.
"Good morning, professor!" you said blushing
You couldn't have been more grateful for the lack of audience .
As the students started entering and the class begun, you tired your best to not be distracted by the new change.
*Later in Tom's office*
"You seem to like this, huh?" he said refering to his new hair colour which was totally unexpected as he was the ever subtle one.
"I-I.....uhh...." you were more blushing than talking, earning a chuckle from him.
"Don't worry darling, I won't bite...... unless you ask me to, ofcourse" he said with a smirk and you could swear he winked.
Ok, so now it's official. He is acting a bit different today. You quite liked it, tbh.
You gulped. You just gulped.
"Anyways, my beloved what are your plans for Christmas?" he asked switching the topic like a light switch. "Uh....umm..well, Y/B/F/N is going out with her family so I guess I'll have to either go with her or spend it alone"
"You're not spending it with your family?" he asked "I never met my actual parents.....my aunt brought me up and she too passed a few years ago" you said, tears welling in your eyes but you quickly hide them. "...... I'm so sorry...... What if you stay with me?For Christmas?" he asked "Um...I beg your pardon"
"How about you spend Christmas with me?"

A/N : Hey mortals!! I know this chapter is a bit short.... sorry....I have a news for you guys,I won't be writing or posting anything for the next one month as I have a lot to work on...... again, I apologise.
Taglist: @holdmytesseract @dishahaldar @lotsoflokilove23 @jennyggggrrr @imlokisgloriouspurpose
#loki#loki x reader#hiddlesarmy#professor hiddleston x reader#professor hiddleston#professor x student#tom hiddleston#loki mcu#loki x you#marvel loki#tom hiddelston loki#tom hiddleston x reader#tomhiddleston#tom hiddleston x you#twhiddleston#tom hiddleston x reader insert
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Good evening
Guys I just got home from work and proofread everything I needed to including this next Dandelion chapter and I'm trying so hard not to just fucking SOB over it.
10:59 update......
I'm thinking about an absolutely diabolical twist for the Trin series(it doesn't actually change the story in any way, if anything it actually makes it make so much more sense). Like, I've been ruminating on it since last night but idk if it's gonna throw people off. But at the same time like part twos and threes never do as good anyways so do I really even care?? Like, I'm just out here telling stories in fanfic font bc I would rather throw myself in the street than make OCs and not share my fun little stories.
I think I may commit to it.
I don't wanna say it on here though bc it's one of those plot twists you get will not forget even though part three is like FOREVER out.
The more I think about it the more I wanna do it. Someone tell me I should do it.
Oh my god I am shutting up and finishing reading Dandelion, y'all will hear my virtual screams in approximately one and a half business hours.
(11:43) I'm actually fucking sobbing and I didn't even start the last few chapters. Like, I'm actually crying over this. It's not funny.
(12:00) Never by mag lo coming on while I'm finishing up reading this is not funny. I'm devastated. I hope you all hate me after this oh my god I feel like I just ruined my own life. WHY IS IT SO MUCH WORSE AFTER BEING DONE WITH THIS FIC FOR ALMOST TWO MONTHS. Jesus Christ. Yeah. No more angst from me for a long while. I'm banned.
(12:20) Me skimming through tags on fics debating if I want to pick up something new. Everything being totally normal. Suh happy. Trying not to stew in my own misery. And then I see such a vile tag my stomach twists and now I'm just like okay I'll go fuck myself I guess I'll go write or do my homework. I'm sorry, I adore ao3 and I'm never gonna be a hater, BUT SOME PEOPLE ARE WILD. LIKE I AM TALKING SO BAD I'M ACTUALLY CONSIDERING DOING MY HOMEWORK OVER THAT. LIKE I ACTUALLY JUST WIPED THE TEARS OFF MY FACE AND GOT OVER HOW SAD I WAS BECAUSE OF HOW GENUINELY SHOCKED I WAS. Like wow oh wow.
Anyways. Updates here if there's gonna be any. Also Dandelions up if anyones reading this LMAO
It's 1:40 in the morning and the beginning of Morning Glory is making me fucking unwell. I was not joking when I made that joke about like ten dreaded weeks of angst, Jesus Christ.
(2:12) This is my second time posting this exact part. Like I know I've posted this exact part. But I seriously love Christophe and all of his dialogue with my whole heart.
(4:31) I do not recall making Dova this tragic and I'm literally about to sob over him. LIKE WHY???? WHY DID I DO THAT??? WHY ARE HIS LITTLE SUBTLE BITS OF STORYLINE SO ACTUALLY PAINFUL AS THE STORY GOES ON????? (I am allergic to happiness I am my own canon event at this point)
(5:02) Welp. I'm ruined and am now compelled by god to start working on Morning Glory again. We're at 73k rn. And only two chapters that aren't the prologue are under 4k. That's fucking terrifying. Like I have 17 minus the prologue rn. WE ARE LITERALLY THREE CHAPTERS AWAY FROM THE FOURTH OF JULY. THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE ANOTHER 16/17 OF SUMMER ALONE. AND THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE AT LEAST ANOTHER 14 AFTER THAT. LIKE THE 14 ARE THE PLANNED SPECIFIC EVENT CHAPTERS. BRUH. WHY DID I DO THIS????
regret is all I feel.
but I will push through.
(7:38) before I go to bed I will just say I am at 75.3k. I had no idea how I would even get close to 4k on a birthday chapter where the group effectively decided to just stay home and hang out. But now there is like 1.5k of them playing muffin time. It's wild. I love it. GOOD NIGHT.
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Projects update!! (end of 2024)
well this year has been fast hasn't it
ANWAY *CLAPS HANDS* I thought I should update you guys on where the projects I'm working on are at so ye ^^
As you guys now know, I've started working on a new project! A completely original story called Dead on Arrival! It's still in concept stages and I'm still figuring out what exactly I want to do with it (ngl the novel/book series route looks appealing rn) but I love the world and characters and hope you guys stay with me as this project evolves ^v^ The 10 main participants all have concept designs now!! All that's left is to design the two hosts and that's everyone designed! and I have a cool idea to reveal each of them so just you wait :3
As for Hope's Chains, as you all know I recently completed chapter 4!! Which was H U G E. Like srsly I had burnout for at least two weeks and am still maybe a bit reeling from it now lmao I consider the chapter 4 trial to be my personal magnum opus now, that's how happy with it I am :) And I'm glad so many people have enjoyed it! As for upcoming content, the next interlude chapter is complete writing wise and just needs its illustrations done and it should be completed soon! As for chapter 5, I still have some crossed wires to write through but it will come eventually! And trust me. Chapter 5 is insanity. :)
Next, Memento Rosa! I finished Main Story earlier this year and have been working on the first event on the side, and I can say it is currently 30-45% done! I only plan on drawing one of the cards (both trained and untrained though :3) to ease my workload but I've been looking forward to writing this event for forever so I hope you guys are looking forward to it ^^
So that leaves Despair From the Heart. I said I wanted to get chapter 6 done this year, but unfortunately I don't think that's gonna happen. With adult life being adult life and getting busier now that I VA for more projects I don't think I'll be able to get chapter 6 done this year. But I will say this. Despair From the Heart has a minimum of three written chapters left before it is fully complete. Which is. Wild. When will those three chapters release? Idk yet, but they will when they're ready. DFTH is the first project I've ever written to completion which is a HUGE thing for me, but it'll come when it comes. (And I'm sure you've noticed I've been teasing/hinting at something with the DFTH cast and as for that...That's still a maybe. I'm still not 100% sure if I'm doing it yet, but it's an idea that might happen. Who knows?)
Anyway thank you all so much as always for following me this year so far and I hope you guys stick with me! Peace out <3
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For the fanfic writer ask game:
Nikiiiii, my love, it's so good to see you here! <333
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
So, this one's tough. Not because I have the hands of Midas, but because I simply... Have no idea? I did skim through metanoia, though, because if that's where the good stuff is, and I found a few because I'm physically unable to choose just one I really liked, two of which are quote quotes
“I gave him the power he thinks he has now, and by not agreeing on meeting with him we’re just proving his point: that he has something, that he’s worth something. I’d rather die than give him the satisfaction.”
That night was not for deep, belly laughs. That night was for healing what others had broken. To build anew.
while the third is more of a context quote
What caught her attention the most, tho, had been the fact that Rhysand had been ready to put so much of himself, of what he’d been through, at stake. For her. Nesta shifted in her seat, not stomaching the starlight violet any longer. She felt Night caressing her mental shields, purring, asking to get in. She let it. You’re worth the risks. She turned, the bones in her neck cracking with the fast motion, and stared speechless at Rhysand. She’d let him in her mind, yet the voice wasn’t there. He’d said those words out loud, had made sure the stars heard them too.
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
I answered this one here, bUT I'll give you another one, which is also a spoiler for a possible future multi-chapter fanfic I've been thinking about for a while and recently I'm entertaining the idea of actually try to write it? We'll see. Anyway I have this idea that the Valkyries (well, Nesta, at least, since she's the one who's part of the Inner Circle) will "give up" their citizenship? And they're not members of the Night Court anymore? Or they're just a private citizen like any other? I still have to think this trough, but they're going to do all that because they are going to tour around Prythian to recruit and train more females and officially revive The Valkyries, and make them an army for the people: basically, there will be a base in every Court and legions/battalions for each, but overall they don't belong to a single Court but rather all of them, but really, if you think about it, none at all. They're like an independent army, the "neutral party" which will not stay so neutral if things get dirty. They'll stand for equality and freedom, they'll protect the innocents, and by not "legally" belonging to any Court they won't have a High Lord or High Lady that can order them around and such, so they'll be like an Eight Court of sorts without really being a Court at all. Does this make sense?
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
Oh bestie I'm so happy you asked this because y e s. Yes. Yes, I do. And I am completely cool about it. Not acting weird at all.
I'm almost done with the first draft of this personal project of mine that I've been working on and off for the past ..year..s? But I keep procrastinating so I've been "-10 chapters!!" for the past week, but still. To keep things sweet and short, I'll make you a list, because we love lists on this blog:
Crown of Thorns (4): (high?) fantasy; reluctant found family where each and every one of them is "in it" for their own personal gaining, but what started as a shallow "they took my crown from me so now I'll take it back because I can? and because I'm petty and hold grudges" will turn into "I have to stop the Lord of Darkness from coming back from the dead and destroy the world as we know it, and maybe start a revolution while I'm at it". It's messy, and sometimes I think I won't be able to pull this off the way I intended to (good intentions, bad delivery, you know?) so don't ask me to tell you more than this because I really don't know how without spoiling the entire thing;
Cursed Goddes/Blessed God (2): CoT spin-off that is actually a prequel and kind of explains/shows the events that led society to become the way it is in CoT and yes, I really did dig my own grave with this whole series, but now I'm in too deep to stop so down we go;
Kill Your Darlings (1): dark academia-ish, paranormal vibes and a hint of mystery, too? Think House of Anubis, but everyone is gay and mentally ill. That's it, that's the plot.
The Haven Island series (3): contemporary romance, interconnected standalones following a group of friends navigating life in their 20s, where every story is meant to represent a different aspect of girlhood/womanhood (aka toxic/abusive relationships, motherhood, sexism and mysoginy, etc.)
I'd also like to write something in the dystopian sub-genre, because who doesn't love that feeling of impending and unavoidable doom? But I have absolutely nothing in my hands if not some sort of relationship dynamics that for the sake of logic and coherency I had to cut out from the CoT plot, so, yeah, we're really basing it all on vibes at this point
Ask me a question!
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20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @beautyofsorrow, tagging @lordgrimwing @faebriel and anyone else who wants to do it!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
publicly associated with my account, 45. in total, including a couple i orphaned before i knew you could put them on anon, 84 i believe. 85 if you count the two chapters of that leakira zine i wrote that are up there somewhere. i could be off. but i forgot how to get to where it shows me the total number and i can't be bothered lol.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
438,464 baby. maybe 500k in 2024? who knows.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
ones 90% of you have never heard of, at this point. it fluctuates depending on whatever i'm getting ideas for, but actively at the moment, the mullverse (mostly beyonders), resident evil, and lockwood & co, national treasure (might be done with that tho, i've exhausted my must-writes). i have other stuff knocking around, like life is strange, mona lisa smile, mlp, some more shazam, bendy and the ink machine, a tlou fic...but who knows.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
ugh. 1. in this fearful fallen place (i will be your home) 2. welcome home, theseus 3. sanctuary 4. i'll carry the weight of you, i swear 5. eat you alive. it says a lot that only one of those is still publicly listed on my profile. even then i'm tempted to put it on anon. they're only my top kudos'd by virtue of being from a big fandom. definitely not my best. at all. even within that fandom. free me and my stats page.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
not all of them, but i make an effort when comments are thoughtful or especially brighten my day. it's easier now because writing for smaller very niche fandoms you don't tend to get a lot so i don't feel overwhelmed or anything, but man responding is hard sometimes. i want people to know they made me happy, though, when they do. so i try.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i mean there's that tododeku one where they both die brutally and were supposed to get married next week. there's also the batcat fic that i wrote solely for the purpose of killing bruce wayne (sorry). there's um. also the klance titanic (historical not titanic the movie) au i wrote ages ago. haha. yeah. anyway.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
all of them. hfdsjkhfs no i honestly couldn't tell you. i have a mike flanagan-ass idea of a happy ending these days. maybe three's a crowd? hell if i know.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i've had a couple instances of people harassing me over them but never like. "your fic is so bad i hate it die". so maybe?? i'm too obscure to be getting hate at this point lol. who out here is gonna read beyonders fic just to comment mean things.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do not. i did try years ago. that notebook has since been put through the shredder and dumped into the recycling bin for good measure. (yes, it was that bad.)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
technically no but i've thought about it sometimes. they've all promptly fled my head though so just trust me on this one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
gee i hope not. there's been a lot of suspicious similarities in some old cases but like. that literally does not matter to me anymore idc. it's not straight up theft in any case so not to my knowledge ig?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
again not to my knowledge but i do have blanket permissions for that if anyone ever wanted to. it's cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
back in the 2010s my friend and i were writing a warriors fic together. she did one chapter, i did one, etc. i've had collaborative aus as well (cat's cradle and whatnot) but not a collaboratively written fic for any of them. me and tam were writing the coma au together but we're no longer in the fandom for that anymore, rest in peace coma au you were genuinely wonderful. i'm not opposed to the idea of collab fics but they always feel like a lot of work and i'm way way way too anxious to approach anyone about them.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
ah hell. i dunno. do i have to pick one?? like right in this moment i'd say locklyle and they've been here a hot minute (like. ten years almost) but i don't really have A Favorite I'd Choose Over Anyone Else.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
mm. penumbra anastasia au haunts me. i want it out of my wips folder. also wild geese is probably never getting finished ever. i do think i'll get split ends done eventually but that one's taking forever. as for ones not posted, well, rip the gospel tent au. i might try to convert it to a short story but lord. i don't know. and don't get me started on the final girl au or the empty grave possession au. throwing myself out a window. they'll never be done i'll never be free.
16. What are your writing strengths?
uh. i honestly don't know anymore. knowing exceedingly tedious canon details to the point where i can make all sorts of metaphors and allusions relevant to said canon? i really couldn't say. introspection i guess.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
yes. next question
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i have an overbearing anxiety that i will fuck it up somehow since i am a monolingual american loser. if i ever did need to i would definitely see if there's any native speakers willing to help translate or whatever bc i am not relying on google translate for that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
like liv, lord of the rings. i still have my first fanfic btw. it's written on tinkerbell notebook paper.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
it changes. if i were to be completely objective (or as close as i can get), completely removing my emotions on fandom from the equation, prob without anesthetic. because i think i constructed it just right. being a dirty little subjective, right now i think it's three's a crowd or swallowing jupiter or the swing of things. they're all wonderfully unhinged.
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WIP Questionaire Tag Game
Thanks @jackiezenauthor for the tag!
On a bit of a The Second Coming run so I'll use that for this.
What was the first part of your wip that you created?
The first chapter? Haha so this is probably the 4th or 5th time we've re-written/re-done this story. The first version was about 120 hand written pages long, spewed out over a few weeks in high school. We then re-wrote the whole thing, it wound up being 150k+ words so we decided to turn it into a trilogy, and that's where we're at. But we very much started at the beginning, with chapter
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Bleeding out by Imagine Dragons. ID is pretty much the soundtrack for this story, and was the main music we listened to while we wrote it and so they're always indelibly tied together in my mind. But this song sort of sums up the vibe really well to me.
3. Who are your favorite characters you've made? Why?
Belial is definitely a fan favourite for us. He was never really meant to be a main character - he was a side character! He was just an NPC! But somehow he ended up becoming vital to the story and then the next thing you know he's a POV character. Belial is such a great character because he's so complex. He's a good person! Kind of! But he isn't afraid to do what needs to be done and if that means doing things that aren't so savoury, he's willing to do that. He's loyal to those he thinks are deserving, he's brave when he thinks it'll make a difference. He's also extremely hot.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fanbase for your story?
Hmmm interesting. I mean, I don't love the comparison but fans of Cassandra Clare would probably enjoy TSC because it does have similar feels and themes. Potentially also Laini Taylor? Anyone who likes modern fantasy? Maybe Good Omens fans too, though we're not nearly as funny haha.
5. What has been your biggest struggle while writing?
Oh my god the editing. Honestly we are in editing hell right now and it's just excruciating. It's so disheartening to have to throw big chunks of writing in the bin and have to write the scene again because it wasn't quite right.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
There aren't really, which is kinda weird because we're both huge animal lovers.
7. How do your characters get around?(ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Mostly in Merry's beat up old Kia.
8. What part of your wip are you working on?
Currently doing editing/rewrites on Anarchy, book two of the trilogy, a rough draft of which we spat out during a writing holiday back in 2020 and haven't had time to get back to.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
We definitely have a couple of good ships, lots of action and great fight scenes, but I think (hope?) the characters are what people will enjoy. We want people to love our characters, to want to know more about them, to spend more time with them.
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
Honestly, publication with this one! We really think it has the chops to go the distance, we just need to find someone willing to take a chance on us. Or, for our podcast to get popular enough that we have a chance to self pub. Whatever works!
Tagging @illarian-rambling @cssnder and @xenascribbles
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AO3 tag game :3
shout-out to @ragecndybars for the tag! <3 I got to think a lot about some older fics and also the deep, eternal impact CC has has on my soul, so I'm emotional rn lol.
How many works do you have on AO3?
21! Which is, a lot more than I thought tbh. I've been writing these long, long fics for so many years now that I've sort of forgotten about all the little ones I've managed in between. And even the long ones add up after a while. Though, I did only import a small selection of my fics from ff.net, so the back catalogue of stuff I've actually written is way longer. ... That's fine, some of that stuff can stay buried lol.
Even at 21 though... *Looks at my shoebox of story ideas and outlines* Its... its still not enough. Its, its just no where close to even making a dent in everything I want to write eventually.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
650,444. I'm pretty sure at least half of that is entirely in CC, and another quarter is in can i bleed. Which, tbh I'm not sure how I feel about that lol. Deeply introspective fics, my passion, my talent, my beloathed. Some part of me does miss simply writting 5k chapters and calling it done for a week. Not all of me though.
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
Only 10! That number probably isn't going to grow much either. I tend to gravitate towards bigger projects these days rather than simple oneshots or even like, 5 chapter long stuff, so I tend to go all in on a small number of fandoms instead of spreading my attention around, even though I want to.
Cardcaptor Sakura
Dragon Age Inquisition
Percy Jackson
Persona 3
Power Rangers RPM
Teen Wolf
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Top five fics by kudos:
A Most Precious Thing (Tsubasa): tbh this being number one is an absolute surprise, though I'm very happy about it. According to AO3, this was published almost 10 years ago, will be 10 years exactly in just a few weeks, but people still regularly give it kudos and comments. It was a complete experiment, style wise; I'd never written anything like it before, I've written one thing like it since, and I'm just so thankful that people loved it so much despite the inexperience behind it.
Of the Woods (Teen Wolf/CCS): This being so high up is not a surprise, and I'm annoyed about it. Mostly bc I know its only so high up bc its for such a big fandom, written during said fandom's height. I think its probably one of the fic I've soured the most on since I wrote it; its just not that great.
Crests Corrupted (Digimon) : Oh, here it is. My masterpiece. Maybe its weird to say that of the fic that's only 3rd, but it truly is, and to see a fic I have put so much of myself into being even this high and this appreciated means so much to me.
can i bleed within your love (Persona 3) : Hi! I don't have much to say about this one, only that I'm so happy with the sheer outpouring of love this has gotten, and I can't wait to finish it.
True Feelings Chocolate (Digimon) : Oh, um, I sort of forgot about you. What are you doing here? ...This is awkward, I really didn't expect this to do so well. Its just a silly little fic I wrote for valentine's one year. I'm glad it did well?
Do you respond to comments?
I try! I don't succeed a lot of the time; generally I'm very tired after posting a chapter and then its been like two weeks and responding feels awkward. Also I tend to ramble, if you haven't noticed yet, some sometimes I'll just close out of responding to avoid any chance of me accidentally spoiling or saying something I shouldn't. I'm... working on it.
What’s the fic with the angstiest ending you’ve ever written?
Oh that's easy. Its the RWBY one, Your Love on Your Sleeve and Your Pain Buried Deep. I don't tend to write angsty fics, I like happy endings, I think this is the only one I've ever written and I'm glad to keep it that way.
Do you write crossovers?
I've written one before, the TW one that's up there. I generally tend to prefer fusions over straight up crossovers; I've gotten several P3 fusions planned, a PJ fusion, the bnha fic I wrote is a fusion. I just, I love fusions. I greatly prefer writing them over cross-overs generally.
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
Once or twice, but that was ages ago and I've mostly blocked it from my memory. The fandoms I'm in now have been full of such lovely people, I've been really lucky.
Do you write smut?
Smut, as in the fic happens to have a sex scene? Not typically, but I'm not against doing so when the need calls. Smut, as in the entire point of the fic in the sex scene? No. I'm actually very bad at it. I'll do it if I must but I find even writing kiss scenes awkward, let alone everything else. I will gladly leave it to people much better at their craft them I am.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
To the best of my knowledge? No I don't think so.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had people offer? I don't know if they ever did or even if, in my general ineptitude when it comes to responding to people, I actually agreed they could.
Hey, if anyone wants to translate my works, feel free!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
... Hey, thats not fair.
Hmmm, well, after much thinking I'm gonna go with Kurogane/Fai from TRC. Other ships may currently have their hooks in my brain, but kurofai is a big comfort to me still, I really love them. And lets be honest. Ain't no one doing it like those two.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
I have, its not posted anywhere, and technically I've barely started writing it, its almost entirely outline rn, but I do have a p3 fantasy au thats just... fucking massive. Its a huge project just from the outline i have, long even in comparison to CC, so long that I doubt I'd ever finish it to the point where I've barely started it.
What are your writing strengths?
Combat. I write a damn good fight scene and I know it. I take a lot of pride in that. I also tend to have a pretty solid grasp of pacing on an overall level for longer fics. Per chapter pacing gets a bit more eh, but the overall pacing of arcs and stuff for my longer fics, I generally know what I'm doing.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I never know when to shut the fuck up! This is a problem I've known I've had for years. I just let characters go on these long, internal monologues, which is only acceptable because I also write deeply introspective fics. However, it tends to slow chapters down a lot and after a bit, characters repeat themselves and its a problem.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I'm incapable bc I'm monolingual but I've always loved fics that use other languages! Maybe I can do that some day lol.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Yknow, if I dug far far far back in my ff.net account it would probably be Naruto? I think. My memory is fuzzy and I'm not actually going to go look. However, thats the first one I posted.
The *very* first fic i ever wrote, I have a very clear memory of for some reason. It was a FFX2/Series of Unfortunate Events crossover, I was in the fourth grade, I thought it was the coolest thing. Hm, memories.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
I actually have two answers for this, which, I know is against the spirit and rule of the question BUT. Too bad.
One is A Most Precious Thing, bc it was such an experience to write. Despite being 10 years old I still love it. It was, as I said above, an utter experiment. It is written entirely in 2nd person, which is not actually a choice? I made? Um, I tried, very hard in the beginning, to write in in my standard 3rd, and it didn't work. The story actively refused to be written as such and I kept ending up back in 2nd. And at some point I just gave up and wrote the rest of it as such. And it taught me, so much, about point of view and how that relates to emotional distance, and really, but trusting myself with my writing, that even if I can't say why this is happening, somewhere deep down there is a reason to it and I should trust that. As a writer who takes my craft very seriously, this one has a soft spot in my heart bc of all of that.
However, Crests Corrupted owns a piece of my soul that I will never get back. It is my thesis, my masterpiece, It has defined years of my life, I have poured hundreds of thousands of words into it, I have given it so much of my heart and my pain. It has redefined how I approach writing, it has shaped, totally, the style in which I write today. Even years from now, even years after I finally finish it whenever that is, I don't think I will ever be truly free of it. It is my favorite. How can't it be?
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Hiii! How are you? So, the other day OUT OF THE BLUE I was i don´t know, having breakfast maybe? and i remebered this part of Quidditch is for Losers which, i know, it's about a child in hospital and it's a horrible situation, but i laughed soo loud:
Her Dad thought about it. “That incident when she was two?”
“With the wheelbarrow, the self-tuning accordion and the chicken?”
“Definitely her.”
“Could have been Percy.”
“Honestly Molly, the chicken was wearing her shoes. She hated those shoes. Dead giveaway.”
“But- “
Ginny had heard enough. “I’m not a squib! Of course I’ve done accidental magic!”
As if to agree, the clock in her Mum’s clutches started whirring. With a pling, plop and two cuckoos, Ginny’s hand spun around and around until it lurched to stop on a brand-new wedge labeled “Not A Squib.”
I love this. I LOOOOVE THIS. I believe that it requires a lot of talent to write funny stuff, and i noticed how you give us these funny moments, and then, when we have our defenses low you punch us with sadness and dispair, and i'm dead. I love it, i said it already i know.
Soooooo... is there anything you can tell us about the nex part? how is it going? How are you feeling about it? :D NO pressure and no obligation to respond, of course. I hope you have a great week!
(oh and i tried translating a part of that chapter to spanish so i could show it to my non-english speaking hp-fans friends and it's sooo hard, it's a good story still, i mean, but it's so much better in english, ugh 🥴🫠)
"Dying is easy - comedy is hard."
-attributed to Edmund Kean, maybe Edmund Gwenn, but probably uttered by the first caveman who bombed a joke.
I can't express just how tickled I am to hear you're still laughing about this stuff over breakfast. Thank you so much! Nothing is ever funny to me the fourth time I read it, so by the time I publish these chapters I have no idea whether the humor works or not. The best comments in the world start with "I laughed at the part…."
I feel like I owe followers of Quidditch is for Losers a big apology because I'm taking so long to update. I don't want to start posting again until I've finished writing the next full arc which takes us to the end of the PoA timeline - about 10-12 chapters. I can tell you Ginny's brothers are still driving her nuts, Harry still triggers a (WTF) blushing response and when Professor McGonagall said Ginny's teachers failed her, she meant it. They will not make that mistake twice. And that's just what's happening on the outside. Ginny is navigating all this with leftover social-emotional-psychological baggage and she can't process her emotions the way she would in canon because she still can't get on a broom without losing her lunch.
I can't promise when I'll get posting, but I do know what it's like to wait for updates and I can promise I'm working on it. I haven't lost passion for this project and I'm excited to share what I have planned (even though I'm looking at it for the 37th time and wondering 'hmmm, funny?'). I'm working through how Ginny's highs and lows weave together - I'm writing and rewriting (and re-rewriting), tossing stuff out, putting stuff back in, worrying about the depressing-uplifting balance. But it's coming along. Soon. Soon-ish. Soon adjacent?
In case you missed it, I did write a young Bill & Charlie piece for Weasleyfest that is a pre-QifL dive into their early brother-ing: Best Brother
And again, thank you, absolutely truly. Your note brightened my day - it means so much to me to know you've enjoyed QifL so far and are waiting for more. I'll try to write faster.
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Fanfic Progress Update 159
Howdy hi, it's 2024 now and that's kinda weird, tbh. Stay tuned for a sneak-peek for A Sign that you're important at the bottom of this post!
Current WIPs:
A Sign that you're important
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog, movieverse
Summary: One month upon his assigment as Doctor Robotnik's assitant, Agent Stone is told to learn sign language. He doesn't know why, and isn't suicidal enough to ask, so he simply rolls with it. Turns out, it's not just a whimsy of the eccentric doctor, even though that doesn't stop the doctor from utilizing it like one.
Progress: Chapter 3 was posted on 4th of January. The fourth chapter will be posted on 11th of January aka the next Thursday. Chapter 4 is finished and ready to be posted. Chapter 5 is 1/3rds written and... well, I might have to write a chapter 6 purely out of "I don't think everything I had in mind will fit in this chapter actually", but we'll see. Might just write a longer chapter instead, depends. Or I'll cook the planned ending of this chapter into an epilogue. So many options.
Life at the laboratory (I'm starting to not like this title, might change it)
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog, movieverse
"Wanted: a yesman who is capable of operating an espresso machine, has at least a higher IQ than your average amoeba, and is willing to put work before having a personal life, or indeed a life, period. The extra in your pathetic paycheck is good, but the strain in your psyche will make up for the positives. Forfeit your basic human rights and apply today if this sounds like you."
Maybe it said something about Agent Stone - and probably not good things - that the poster in the cafeteria's pin board piqued his interest more than any of his official assignments had for a good long while.
Dr. Robotnik, huh?
Progress: This one will be part one of a two-parter longfic, the first part probably... 10-ish chapters? It's a bit hard to estimate at this point, so the number is subject to change - will probably end up being increased tbh. My weekly writing hour (as in, a specific hour when I sit down and write, no excuses [other than not being home]) is devoted to this fic.
I have the first four chapters completely written. Chapter 5 has enough words to be done, but the scene isn't finished yet, so it's still a work in progress. It's close to done tho; I'll probably finish writing it after I'm done with this blog.
I also have two halfway written chapters that don't yet know their exact placement within the fic (they're scenes that will be slotted in to wherever they feel natural, once we get Stone settled in.)
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to Someday™:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
Rolling with it (Zelda: BotW)
Hah, our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest! (Hazbin Hotel)
That’s it for the WIPs! Here’s the promised sneak-peek into A Sign that you're important (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fic itself due to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!
As shocking as finding out about the doctor being deaf was – and it had been, Stone had completely forgotten about it being a possibility and had just embraced the normalcy of the lab crew using sign language Just Because, so finding out about the hearing aids had left him reeling for the rest of that night – the life at the lab returned back to normal eventually. Eventually, because as ashamed as Stone was to admit it even in the privacy of his own head, he had absolutely treated the doctor differently for a good week or two at first.
He had found himself speaking louder and clearer a couple of times, until he caught himself doing it and adjusted back to his normal volumes, mentally berating his own idiocy. If the doctor had noticed, he had gracefully let it slide – which meant the doctor probably hadn't noticed, because he wasn’t known for being graceful nor letting things slide. Not that he was known for not noticing things either. It was a mystery that Stone was happy to leave as such, if it meant he avoided getting yelled at for defaulting to ableist bullshit.
He had also found himself unconsciously making more noise when he was approaching the doctor out of the field of his vision. He actually hadn’t caught himself developing the habit until the doctor complimented him for it, of all things.
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
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