#At this rate I should have chapter 9 wrapped up tomorrow.
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amtrak12 · 2 years ago
Wrote 1400 words this afternoon instead of working. This feels like the correct decision :)
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thewinter-eden · 2 months ago
psycho | han jisung (9/20)
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9 : punished
Pairings: HAN JISUNG x OC | LEE MINHO x 2nd OC
Rating: mature
cross posted on AO3 under the_winter_eden and wattpad under alone-at-last.
Warnings: discussions of murder, torture, rape. Comment a request to be tagged!
psycho masterlist
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pov : anna
She sits in the dingy community room, peeling off chunks of her bread with dirty fingernails, and wears a sad smile as she watches Han kneel down to wrap Jo in a gentle hug. The newest member of their terrible little family cries into his embrace, unable to hold him in return without setting fire to the brand new burns on the backs of both hands.
Anna feels a pang of sympathy at the agony on the younger girl’s face, and she shares a saddened glance with Ruby. “Do you think she’s okay?”
The oldest girl sips at her broth. Her face scrunches and she puts the bowl back down on her tray with a look of distaste. After a second, she looks back at Jo. “She’s strong.” There’s a proud smile on her face. “And angry. That’s a good thing. The longer the anger lasts, the longer we do. I was one of the angry ones. So was Kim,” She nods over to the second oldest girl, who’s kneeling nearby and helping Jackie wrap up the two fingers on each hand that are now sans fingernails.
Hearing them, Kim looks over her shoulder and narrows her eyes. “We’re still angry.”
Ruby shrugs. “Better angry than dead.”
Anna isn’t sure she agrees, and when Ruby shoots a guilty glance at the thick bandages around the other girl’s wrists, she knows she only just realized the impact of her words. Ruby reaches over and lays a hand on Anna’s knee. “Sorry, Annie, I didn’t think.”
Shaking her head, Anna just sops up more broth with a piece of bread.
It’s just the six of them now, plus Han.
Ruby, Kim, Cass, Jackie, Jo, and Anna.
The room feels empty without the four they’ve lost.
Han maneuvers Jo so she can settle back against the wall she’s sitting by, and helps her put her tray in her lap so she can eat comfortably without reaching for anything. He places a comforting hand on the top of her head and then straightens.
When he turns, he catches Anna’s eye, and gives a little smile.
She smiles back.
“Here, let’s see.” Kim is done with Jackie now, and comes over to Anna and Ruby. Without waiting for permission, she pulls Anna’s nightgown aside and peeks under the bandages at the still raw gashes across her abdomen. “You don’t look too inflamed. You should have seen mine.” She shows her stomach, and the scars are bulbous against her bruised skin. “They almost got infected. Hannie had to clean them so often.”
He’s behind her, then, kneeling next to Ruby. With an upward glance at Kim, he frowns at the scars. “You needed antibiotics. I thought they were never going to heal.”
Kim touches his shoulder and sits, finally getting to her own dinner. “None of us would heal at all if you didn’t work so hard to keep us alive.”
He blushes a little, ducking his head to shrug off her gaze. “You seem happy today.”
Kim shrugs. “I’m incredibly well adjusted.”
Ruby rolls her eyes. “You’re losing your mind, that’s what’s adjusting.” She chews slowly on a scrap of bread and helps Anna put her bandages back the way they were.
Next to the oldest, Han nudges her knee. “Is the broth not good? Is it cold?” He realizes it’s not that when he notices the steam still curling through the air above Ruby’s bowl.
She frowns down at it and scrunches her face again. “It’s just a little off. I’m good with just the bread though, sorry Hannie.”
He looks surprised, and shakes his head abruptly. “No, I’m sorry. It’s probably a day too old. I’ll make new tomorrow, don’t worry. I’m sorry, Ruby.” He looks so ashamed of himself for serving potentially expired beef broth that the three girls around him have to silently tell each other not to laugh at him.
Ruby ruffles his hair playfully. “Old soup is not even close to the worst thing that happens in this garbage resort. Don’t apologize, Hannie.”
He accepts her answer with a frown and then nods towards her leg where a large portion of her left thigh is freshly bandaged. “How’s your leg?”
She can’t hide the wince as he brings her attention back to the incomplete set of horizontal cuts that are now gashed along the outside of her thigh. “Just as painful as the rest of it.”
It’s a horrible mutilation, the obsession that Cain has. Slowly, over the course of their months and years in captivity, his girls are becoming morbid works of art at the edge of his knife. Matching cuts in matching patterns create deliberate scars over their bodies until they all look like some kind of terrible body modification project.
Han’s eyes skate past the two oldest girls and finally land on Anna. “Are you alright?”
Since you tried to kill yourself? He doesn’t say it out loud, but he doesn’t have to. He doesn’t have to tell the others that the matching bandages on her wrists that none of them have ever had are from shards of glass driven by her own hand. They all know.
They all heard.
Anna takes a second to sip at her broth, feeling the warmth of it seep into her body. She can’t meet his eyes, knowing that as soon as she does she’ll feel everything she felt that night all over again.
Ruby and Kim both look down at their dinners, feeling the hesitation rolling off of the younger girl in palpable waves.
“Yeah, I’m good.” Anna says, which sounds ridiculous as soon as she says it because who’s good, really, in a place like this? She feels like Jo, sitting over there with Jackie and Cass, bawling her eyes out.
Nobody’s ‘good.’
But Han just nods and gives her another tiny smile. He gets to his feet and adjusts his poorly fitting clothes. “I’ll leave you guys for about an hour, and then I’ll be back.” He pauses by Anna, and opens his hand to her.
Confused, she blinks at him, and finds him waiting expectantly. She puts her hand in his.
He gives it a squeeze. She feels her pulse jump between them.
In the next second, he’s released her hand and is tiptoeing back across the room, headed for the door. In his wake, both Ruby and Kim stare at her. The longer they stare, the hotter her face feels. She avoids their gaze and focuses on the rest of her dinner. “What?”
Kim clears her throat and shakes her head, a slight smile playing at her lips. “It’s like a tennis match of smiles between the two of you.”
Anna blushes.
“And that was some totally necessary physical contact there, very crucial to our collective wellbeing.” Ruby agrees.
“Are the two of you really playing matchmaker in the middle of the worst thing that’s ever happened to us?” Anna grumbles. “There’s nothing cute happening here, he’s just mothering me the way he mothers all of us.”
Kim scoffs out loud. “Mothering is not the word I would use.”
“And besides,” Ruby adds. “If the two of you can look at each other like that in the middle of the worst thing that’s ever happened to us, maybe there’s some kind of hope out there for all of us.”
Anna’s severely uncomfortable now, scowling at both of them. “You guys are delusional.”
“Han is being sensitive to the fact that I wasn’t doing well two weeks ago. It’s what you do when someone cuts their own wrists. Besides, he found me like that. I’m pretty sure I traumatized him.”
They don’t push the matter any further.
When Han comes back to return them to their rooms, he spends time with each of them. He loops an arm around Ruby’s waist to take the weight off of her tender leg and helps her to her room, and it’s about ten minutes before he comes back out. It’s normal, a daily occurrence, that he gives them all special attention and offers himself as an ear to listen or a hand to hold when they need it.
“How are things with Minho?” Anna asks Cass softly, before Han returns. She’s noticed the emptiness in the other girl’s expressions lately, and the apparent disconnect between her mind and body. Cass has been a mess, tripping and miscalculating her steps, dropping her food trays and flinching away when the others try to touch her. And all the while, her face stays blank, like she doesn’t even see it.
Anna suspects she knows why, but she doesn’t want to ask.
Cass turns dim eyes to the blonde, her eyebrows lifting a little.
It’s the best way to get a reaction out of her, to bring up Minho. He’s the only topic that makes her awaken from whatever fog she keeps slipping into.
Coming back to herself, Cass glances down the hall to where Han is accompanying Kim to her room, and then she looks back to Anna. “He’s been trying to get the police to help us, but the FBI won’t let them.” She whispers. “They’re waiting for Cain to lead them to his friends.”
“Cain has friends?” Anna spits, utter disbelief dripping from her tone. “We’re down here, dying, what the hell are they waiting for?”
Cass just shrugs listlessly. “We’re not the only ones Cain is killing. We don’t take priority.”
The responding darkness that creeps into Anna’s soul drags her mood to the depths. “We don’t take priority?”
“I think I like him.” Cass whispers flatly, her eyes losing focus.
Anna forces herself back into the moment and tries to remember what they were talking about. “Sorry, what?”
“Minho.” She blinks, and her cheeks redden just slightly. It’s the first sign of life she’s displayed in a few days. “I think I like him.”
A sad kind of joy occurs to Anna, and she smiles. She doesn’t say that it’s not likely that her feelings will ever come to fruition, or that they’ll both probably face the wrath of Cain before they ever get to see Minho’s face, because what’s the point? Cass has found something to care about in the middle of one of the greatest miseries of the human experience, and Anna knows she has no right to take it from her. “That’s really great, Cass.”
A series of emotions suddenly flash across the brunette’s face. She sways where she sits, like it’s too much effort to think and keep her balance at the same time.
Anna watches her brow lower until her eyes are almost completely hooded, welling with tears.
“But I’m ruined,” Cass whispers. “I’m ruined, it’s all ruined.”
The words drag a sense of horror through Anna and she swallows it as well as she can. “Don’t say that. That’s not true.”
“You don’t know yet.” Cass closes her eyes and a tear squeezes through. In a breath, she abruptly seems to regain some of herself. “What am I doing? Forget I said anything about Minho. I don’t like him, really, I’m just lonely.” She shakes herself and forces a smile.
Han is emerging from Kim’s room, headed for Cass.
Anna stares at her, shocked by the complete switch in behavior. “It’s okay to like him,” She whispers. “You’re not ruined.”
“You don’t know.”
She does. “I do. And I know that it doesn’t make you ruined. Alright?”
“Cass, you okay?” Han is close enough to see the tears now, and he leans down to brush them away. “Let’s go back to your room now, okay? Come with me.” He shoots Anna a nod and then gestures for Cass to walk with him.
He doesn’t try to touch her, like he supports the others.
He knows better.
Cass follows him to her room, feet stumbling over themselves and shoulders brushing the walls as she moves discordantly.
When it’s Anna’s turn to be guided back to her room, Han doesn’t say anything about his conversations with the other seven girls. She doesn’t ask what they talk about or if he was able to help Cass feel better, but he doesn’t volunteer the information, either. It actually makes her feel better—if he doesn’t gossip about the things he talks to the other girls about, then he most likely doesn’t sit around and talk about her behind her back, either.
Not that there’s any more harm that he can do to her than has already been done. What are they going to do, laugh at her behind her back? For what, wishing she was dead?
It’s an almost definite certainty that every one of those girls had at least once preferred death to the enduring torture of existing in Cain’s captivity.
Han just reaches out a hand to her and holds her fingers loosely as they walk down the long hallway to her room at the end. “How are your wrists?”
They ache. They burn every time she moves her hands, the skin and scabs cracking to release fresh trickles of blood at every turn. It feels like they’ll never properly mend. Anna shrugs and watches him turn her arms over so he can see if the bandages have been bled through.
They haven’t.
For a moment, he holds both of her hands, a deep sigh wracking through his narrow frame. “You know,” He starts, and drops his eyes to their feet as though he can’t bear to look her in the eyes. “I understand why you did it.”
Her heart clenches. They all understand. She’s not unique in her feelings about their shared experience.
“I understand that there’s not really anything to hope in down here, especially when so many of them haven’t made it.” His eyes well with tears and he brusquely blinks them away. “But please promise me you won’t try again.”
Anna purses her lips and tries to focus of the warmth of his hands around hers.
When she doesn’t respond, and he feels her arms shake as she tries to back away, Han steps in closer and tightens his grip. “Please, Anna.” His thumb swipes gently over the back of her hand. “I can’t see you like that again.”
It would be him. If she decided to take her life again, and actually succeeded, it would be him who found her, like he had the first time. Only next time, she might be successful. Next time, he would find another dead girl in her bedroom floor. Next time, he would be dragging her cold body down the filthy hallway, dumping it wherever he had to dump them, and she would be another lifeless face trapped in his memory forever.
It’s a wonder he hasn’t succumbed to the misery of it all himself.
So she relaxes the tension in her arms and allows herself to step closer, to let their hands hang between them. “I promise.”
He looks up then, and bares a shaky grin. “You promise?”
Anna nods and tries to match his smile. “I promise.”
But Han’s smile is gone. His eyes have shifted to a spot beyond her shoulder, toward the doorway, and that’s when Anna notices the large shadow on the floor.
A man’s shadow.
“What the hell is this?” Cain’s powerful voice hisses.
She turns, heart in her throat, to see him glaring down at their joined hands. Cain steps into the room, each footfall heavy with rage. She sees his fists clenched at his sides and knows that he doesn’t like the closeness between his two captives.
Han drops her hands but doesn’t back away from her. Instead, he pushes himself between Anna and Cain, and raises his arms pleadingly. “Her wounds needed treatment,” He tries, and she sees his shoulders trembling.
Anna watches in horror as Cain sweeps both arms as a mighty scythe and crushes Han into the wall. She hears his head collide with the cement, hears his grunt of pain, sees him slide limply to the floor. She hears his name on her own lips, a terrible fear for someone other than herself for once completely overwhelming her senses.
“This is how you treat my girls?” Cain mutters, reaching down to yank up a fistful of Han’s long hair. He lifts him partly off the floor, closing his other hand around the boy’s throat. “Is this what you thought I meant when I told you to care for them? You think my pretty playthings are yours to have?”
Han can’t answer. His eyes are blinking hazily, disoriented by the collision with the wall. A confused groan scrapes up his throat, but no words follow.
As Cain’s hand clenches around Han’s throat, the one in his hair pulling back to bash him once more into the cement, Anna is suddenly spurred by nothing other than panicked adrenaline.
In the next second, she finds herself latched onto Cain’s back, her teeth sinking into the junction of his throat and shoulder. She feels the flesh part around her incisors, tastes the blood when it bursts into her mouth.
Cain gives a howl of anger and pain, and drops Han. His hands are on Anna next, seizing her by the arms and tossing her off like she weighs nothing. Her teeth rip a strip of skin from his shoulder as she is flung away from him, and she hits the floor with the taste of him on her tongue. He’s headed straight for her, his thick boots slamming against the floor, and he bends to snatch her up by the arms. “You just earned yourself a session, bitch.”
Anna lets him drag her from her room, craning her head over her shoulder to see Han still slumped against the wall. Her heart is still hammering against her ribs, her thoughts screaming with prayer that he’s alright.
The sight of him being thrown like he was would stay with her forever. The cognizance in his expression immediately falling like it had been ripped from his face would haunt her until she died.
He still hasn’t given any intelligent response since it had happened, and he disappears from her view before she could know if he was okay.
Anna’s only thoughts as Cain throws her into the old rusty chair and straps her down are of Han. As soon as Cain is done with her, he’ll surely return to Han and punish him for whatever it was he thinks he saw between the two prisoners.
That is, unless he can be satisfied with punishing her.
So when Cain turns to the workbench and returns with the same pipe wrench that he’d used to break her arm, Anna gives him all the fear she can manage to express. When he bends low and tells her how disappointed he is in her, telling her that he ought to take her hands for touching something that doesn’t belong to her, she screams and sobs until she sees his lips curl in a wicked smirk.
When he starts in with heavy handed swings, crushing her left ankle over and over again, as she knew he would, she lets it all out. She gives him every response that comes to her and thrashes wildly, replete with agonized misery until he’s panting, splattered with blood, and all but cackling with delight, her ankle completely obliterated.
Her foot hangs at the end of her leg, connected only by a squishy, mulched section of flesh and splintered bone, and he cranks her head down to look at it. She heaves and vomits into her own lap, overcome with nauseating pain.
Cain dances out of reach of the splattered contents of her stomach and only continues to laugh.
When she can breathe again, if only for a second, he leans in close and grips her knees. A howl bursts from her throat and he grins wolfishly. “Your pain is delicious, Anna.” Cain reaches down and wraps his whole hand around her destroyed ankle and squeezes, and she’s sick all over again.
Her captor scoots back, unbothered by the upheaval. From where he crouches, he watches her dangle on the brink of consciousness. “Remember this next time you decide to take something of mine for yourself. And furthermore,” He lurches forward once more and grasps her ripped wrists, allowing his nails to dig into the cuts.
Anna’s body convulses at the sensation.
She can’t even process the pain anymore. Her body is so consumed by the trauma of his actions, by the screaming pain receptors in her brain, that it’s no longer responding.
“If you ever try to kill something of mine again,” He pushes his lips against her ear. “I’ll kill that boy. I can always find another Han, Anna. He’s just as dispensable as you are.”
Cain returns her to her room, one arm wrapped around her hips and holding her so tightly against his side that neither of her feet touch the ground. He drops her unceremoniously to the floor and casts a loathing glance to Han, who still leans against the wall, head hanging low over his chest.
The boy seems to have come back to himself a little, as he’s now sitting hunched over himself, knees pulled to his chest and arms wrapped tightly around them. He looks up weakly as Cain and Anna enter, and she sees a rush of motion like he’s trying to get up.
“Don’t bother,” Cain snaps, already turning away. “I have work to do. And so do you. Set her leg.” He tosses one final dismissive look at the girl sprawled on the floor, and then takes his leave, slamming the door behind him.
Anna’s afraid to move, anticipating the spike of pain that she already knows will shoot all the way from her foot to the top of her head, but she has to see. She twists, trying to keep her foot still.
It doesn’t work, and she’s crying again.
Han’s movements are sluggish is he creeps towards her. He’s on his hands and knees, reaching, face wet with tears. “I’m sorry,” He chants. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” His fingertips brush hers, and the warmth of their touch urges him closer. He’s dragging himself more than he’s crawling, and she can’t tell which sobs are hers and which are his.
Anna pulls herself up to sit against the closest wall, nausea reeling up her throat as her ankle protests. Her foot flops to the side and a whole new rush of fire explodes up her leg. “Are you okay?” She chokes, and she can taste the blood and sick in her mouth.
He manages to come to sit next to her, head drooping like he doesn’t have the strength to hold it up. “I’m sorry.” His hand comes out of the dark and closes around hers, and they’re both shaking. “I’m sorry.”
She moves her free hand to his face, but it feels like swimming to reach even that far. She brushes his fringe out of his eyes and sees them slide up to meet hers, glossy and distant. She hopes he’s only concussed, but she’s still terrified that he’s mortally wounded.
But he wouldn’t be conscious. That’s what she tells herself. If he couldn’t recover, he would be unconscious. Her eyes squeeze shut at the mental image of being brought back to her room to find him, bloody and unresponsive, in her floor. Like Lily. Like herself.
She’s glad she promised him before it all happened. It’s the first time she really imagines with empathy what it would be like to bear such witness, and it makes her stomach clench for what seems like the hundredth time.
“Are you okay?” She asks again, and feels his other hand come up to cover hers where it still rests against his temple.
He nods blearily, and then sways like the movement was too much. His head tilts against the cold wall beside them, and rests there listlessly. “I’m sorry, Annie. I’m sorry.”
Her hand falls before she realizes that she can’t hold it up anymore. “I’m sorry,” she returns emptily. “I shouldn’t have let you—”
His grip is stronger than hers, and he’s still resolutely holding onto her hands like its the only thing keeping him attached to consciousness. She thinks it’s the only thing holding her, too. “No.” His voice is a hollow rasp. “No, I don’t care. He doesn’t get to take any of you from me.” He tries to catch her faltering gaze again, craning his neck, but his head falls back against the wall, and she hears it thump heavily.
They’re both on the brink of darkness, holding tightly to each other, fighting the hand that pulls them under.
“He doesn’t get to take you from me.”
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Next chapter coming Friday :)
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avacoleman · 2 months ago
all i wanted (was you) || a firstprince fic
summary: It’s been nearly a decade since exes Henry and Alex have last seen or heard from each other. After one unexpected night of reuniting thanks to the meddling of their mutual friend, the pair find that neither time nor circumstance can stop their flame from rekindling. With the complications of Henry’s marriage to another man and his scheduled return to London looming, the two must navigate life’s difficulties as they grapple with what a possible future could mean for them.
chapter 6/9 || rated e || read on ao3 || listen to the playlist
It’s eleven o'clock at night. Alex should be asleep as he has a full day of meetings tomorrow, but he can’t sleep. He misses Henry terribly tonight which is probably an overreaction given their activities at Henry’s condo a mere twenty-four hours ago. That much physical contact should be enough to sustain anyone for at least a solid month, but having Henry back in his life has driven Alex a little mad, he thinks. 
Going eight years with only seeing Henry from an outsider’s perspective, getting little glimpses here and there and casual updates from Pez sprinkled into conversation to having full access to him now has been jarring in the best way. It is, however, all-consuming.
It’s hard for him to get through the day without some form of contact whether it be a text, a FaceTime chat, or his preferred favorite, actual face-to-face time.
Henry’s work on the Okonjo Foundation had been the whole point of his visit to New York and Alex is glad for the fact that Henry’s philanthropic pursuits are going well, but coupled with Alex’s job too, he feels real life is cutting into their already limited time together significantly.
So yes, it’s eleven o’clock at night. Alex should be asleep, but instead he’s got his right hand wrapped around his cock as he imagines all the things he’d be doing to Henry if he were in bed with him now.
He picks up his phone and starts to record himself. He and Henry haven’t waded into these waters just yet since reconnecting, but Alex can’t help himself, not tonight. If he can’t have Henry now, he can at least let him know he’s in his thoughts. 
Alex takes his time pleasuring himself, shameless in the sounds he makes as he films it all. He’s never been shy about his body, least of all when it comes to Henry.
He lets his mind flood with thoughts of him now, his hand working hard over his shaft imagining it’s Henry’s instead. He speaks aloud, telling Henry just how badly he wishes he was fucking into him now. Alex lets his memories play back, easily remembering all that they got into last night. Most of all the sensation of unloading into Henry with no barrier.
Alex comes just then with Henry’s name on his tongue while making an absolute mess of himself. He takes a shuddering breath, capturing the aftermath of his orgasm before he stops recording.
He sends the video along with a quick text. He’s hardly expecting a reply; all that matters is that, at some point Henry will see it and that within itself excites him.
started thinking about you. got a little carried away.
A few minutes later after he’s cleaned up, Alex’s phone buzzes.
Fighting the urge to save this…Christ, Alex. You’re unbelievably perfect.I’m not sure how I’m meant to go to sleep now. I’m going to be replaying this on a loop for the foreseeable future now, thanks.
ur more than welcome to. shit i want you to have it. inspo for the next time you put that dildo to use
I fear nothing will ever live up to what you did with it, but I’ll try my best.
how about we trade? send a video when you use it again? gotta get through my lonely nights somehow…
Consider this an IOU. I’ll pay my debt in full soon.
The next night, Alex’s phone buzzes with an incoming text from Henry just as he’s getting ready for bed.
Now we’re even.
Below that is the thumbnail for a video. Alex damn near breaks his thumb pressing play.
He settles back in bed and watches with bated breath as Henry touches himself. The camera is poised a little away from Henry as he lies in bed, enough for Alex to see far more of him than he’d been expecting. Henry’s legs are pushed back, all of him on full display. Watching Henry pleasure himself is without question the sexiest thing Alex has ever witnessed.
The way Henry gives himself over to each sensation leaves Alex breathless. He can’t help but to feel chills watching Henry’s large hand twist and turn over his shaft or his long fingers working to open his tight hole.
Alex is addicted to it all, his attention glued as Henry ups the ante and brings in the dildo Alex is now all too familiar with.
It’s a sight to see it all but disappear inside Henry over and over, Henry’s whimpers pitching louder and louder each time the device hits him just right. 
Henry finishes hard, his legs falling to the bed as he comes. Henry’s heavy breathing swims in Alex’s ears and Alex watches in awe as Henry plays idly with his own release, his fingertips sticky and trailing strings of slick from off his stomach. It’s obscene and turns Alex on like nothing else.
On video, Henry speaks, though the camera remains on his stomach and crotch. His voice is worn and unbearably sexy. Alex can only imagine how flushed his face must be.
“I wish you were here to clean me up. Maybe next time? Sweet dreams, darling.”
The video ends there and Alex blinks twice before his brain comes back online.
Alex sweet dreams?? more like wet dreams, holy shityou’re so goddamn hot. i can’t believe you’re real sometimes. if i were there, i swear to god i’d lick you clean. fucking hell, hen 
You really know how to stroke a man’s ego.
that ain’t all i can stroke, sweetheart 
Believe me, I know that better than anyone.
Alex saves the video and watches it again, this time getting himself off with his new favorite visual aid.
In the following days, Alex is all the more grateful for the video Henry sent. Daniel is back in the city this week and has subsequently taken over Henry’s free time entirely.
Alex is not handling it well. 
He finds it hard to concentrate on anything, even basic conversations with those around him. His thoughts are constantly circling back on Henry, wondering what he’s up to, if he’s with Daniel in the ways he’s been with Alex these past few weeks.
His skin crawls picturing Daniel kissing Henry or them even sharing space at all. He thinks about Henry’s condo and the hours they spent tending to each other’s bodies in the very bed Daniel has now taken his place in. 
Alex thinks of the private video Henry took, made for his eyes only. Alex realizes he’s allowed himself to become too reliant on their little bubble since this whole thing started. He’s been spoiled and now that the real world has come knocking, it feels like a cosmic level smack to the face, a drastic reminder that he’s the understudy, not the leading man in Henry’s life.
It’s Friday night and Alex is miserable alone at home. He pours himself a shot of whiskey and knocks it back before taking another. 
On the counter beside the bottle of Jameson, his phone lights up with a new message from Henry.
Henry Any chance you’re free for dinner tonight? I can bring takeaway round yours in about an hour. 
Alex frowns. On one hand, he’s been missing Henry so much he feels sick with it. On the other, no matter how unjust, he feels like a second choice tonight.
Still, if given the option between having Henry or going without him, Alex will always choose the former.
Alex sounds good. see you soon
Alex takes another shot for good measure.
When Henry arrives, it’s with their promised meal and a smile so warm and inviting that it’s enough to soothe some of the ill-ease Alex has been feeling all evening. He’s being overly sensitive about this all, he knows it. What should matter is that, despite his circumstance, Henry has still made time for him.
Alex wraps his arms around Henry immediately and breathes him in. For a moment, it feels like all is right in the world again.
“It’s nice to see you too, love,” Henry says, a smile in his voice as he hugs Alex back.
Alex peers up and kisses him softly. Henry cups his face with his free hand and steps further into Alex’s home, the door slamming closed behind him.
“Missed these lips,” Henry murmurs against Alex’s mouth.
“Missed your everything,” Alex answers back.
Henry laughs and breaks away then, pecking Alex’s mouth one more time before heading over to the dining room table Alex had set in anticipation of Henry’s arrival. They dig into the takeout containers, loading their plates and filling their glasses as they tuck in.
Dinner goes well with them recounting their days and chatting about random things, making plans for a date night next week at a local restaurant. In another life, Alex thinks, he could always have this, if only Henry were truly his. 
He tries to dispel the thought, but his eyes catch on the right side of Henry’s neck, near to his collarbone as his shirt shifts slightly. There’s a faint mark there that Alex knows for a fact that he himself didn’t make. There’s only one way it could have gotten there, one other person who would have that kind of access to Henry.
Alex bides his time as they finish eating, but below the surface, it feels like a groundswell. A dangerous calm before a storm. It strikes without much warning just as Henry finishes telling him about a meeting he and Pez had earlier in the day.
“Did he fuck you?” Alex asks, his voice low but measured.
Henry snaps his head in Alex’s direction, his face flushed.
“Alex,” he says, a hint of caution in his tone. “Don’t be so crass.”
This grates at Alex further. 
“What? I think that’s a fair question given everything. Did he fuck you?”
Henry sighs and looks up towards the ceiling for a moment. His eyes are sharp when he looks at Alex again.
“Yes, okay? I had sex with my husband. What else was I supposed to do? It would have raised too much suspicion if I didn’t.”
The edges of the room blur at once; Alex starts seeing little black spots in his vision. He drops his fork down to his plate.
The sound startles Henry.
“How was he? After four months, I would hope he at least pulled out all the stops for you.”
“We are not having this conversation,” Henry says firmly, shoving back his chair and getting to his feet. 
He grabs his plate and glass, heading to the kitchen. Alex stalks after him.
“No. Tell me. How’d he do it?”
Henry tosses his dishes into the sink, staunchly ignoring Alex. Henry breathes hard as he grips the edge of the sink. Alex can see the tension in his shoulders like a rubberband ready to snap.
Alex knows he should leave it alone, but he can’t stop himself like the masochist that he is.
“Did he get you on your back so he could watch your face as you took it? Or, no. Wait. Maybe he had you on your knees begging like you were for me last week in that bed?”
Henry turns suddenly, jaw set and eyes blazing.
“That’s enough, Alex. Stop it right now.”
The bite in his tone is so commanding it makes Alex falter. Henry’s eyes narrow as he speaks again. Alex can feel Henry’s frustration radiating off of him. The room crackles with tension.
“You’re being needlessly cruel and completely unfair. Why are you spoiling for a fight? We just had a lovely evening together, did we not?”
Alex crosses his arms over his chest, anxiously gripping his own biceps as Henry continues.
“Do you think this is somehow easy on me? That I actually enjoy being constantly torn in two like this? That I’m somehow relishing in any of it? It didn’t mean anything with him, Alex. You know that!”
Does he though? This gives Alex pause; he isn’t quite sure. The lines are all so jumbled now; Alex doesn’t even know which way is up anymore.
“I don’t know anything,” Alex answers back, hearing a pitch of hysteria in his voice. “For all I know, this could’ve fixed things for you guys. Maybe that’s all that was missing this whole time. One good night together again. I don’t know. I don’t know what he tells you. He’s managed to make you stay this long despite everything, so there must be something about him that you’re going back to.”
Henry’s face falls at once, color draining.
“Do you honestly believe that? After everything I’ve told you? Do you not trust me?”
The hurt in Henry’s voice is sobering.
Alex’s heart beats too quickly; he feels dizzy. He shakes his head, feeling and thinking too much at once. The kitchen suddenly feels suffocating, as does Henry’s stare. Alex turns away from it all and heads to the living room.
He takes a seat on the couch and buries his face in his hands, his chest tight. He feels Henry take a seat beside him. It settles something in him when Henry places a hand between his shoulder blades. It’s kindness Alex knows he hasn’t earned or deserves.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, blinking back tears. “I’m so sorry, Henry. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. It’s just…the thought of him even looking at you literally makes me want to throw up. And now he’s leaving marks on you like he owns you? He doesn’t deserve any part of you. That asshole neglects you for four goddamn months and he comes back like it’s nothing?” 
He looks up then and turns to look at Henry but Henry lowers his gaze, his hand slipping away from Alex.
“I haven’t handled any of this well. I’m sorry, too,” Henry says.
Alex shakes his head.
“You don’t have anything to be sorry about. Screw him for him giving you fucking scraps and acting like you should be grateful for it whenever he decides to give you the time of day.” 
He nervously cracks his knuckles and swallows down the sick feeling in his throat. 
“And screw me too for being such a jerk about it. That was fucked up; you didn’t deserve that. I know you’re doing the best you can in all of this. I know it’s hardest on you and I’m not helping with reactions like that.”
Alex pulls in a breath and closes his eyes for a moment. His body is so full of adrenaline, he can’t keep his thoughts straight.
“I told you I’d be patient and I honestly meant it. I got scared, knowing he’s around you again…wondering where I could really fit into all of this. I know it doesn’t make sense. I know how you feel about me…how you feel about us. I do trust you, Henry. A hundred percent; I trust you completely.”
Henry’s hands settle on both sides of Alex’s face. It’s only then that Alex’s mind settles down. Henry’s eyes are so earnest and beautiful it makes Alex’s heart ache. 
How anyone could look at Henry and not be in awe of him is a mystery Alex will never be able to solve.
“He doesn’t realize how insanely lucky he is to have you. To be able to call you his husband. It makes me so mad. I would give anything to—,” Alex stops short, shaking his head.
This close, Alex can see Henry start to tear up. Alex leans in and kisses Henry’s forehead, lingering for a few seconds.
“I was being an absolute dick before. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that. I’m really sorry. Jealous or not, it wasn’t right. Fuck. I’m…I’m not myself right now, but that’s no excuse. I’m so, so sorry, Hen. Please forgive me. I swear I didn’t mean it.”
Henry smiles sadly, his eyes dropping a little.
“I appreciate that, thank you. This is tough; it’s a rather shit situation for us both. I haven’t put you in a fair position. I know it takes its toll on you too.”
Alex shakes his head.
“No, this was my choice and I still stand by it. Even if I have to share you for a little while, it’s worth it to me.” Alex hesitates for a moment, fearful that he’s ruined this bond. “I still do have you, right?”
Henry nods. 
“Always,” Henry says emphatically, stroking the apples of Alex’s cheeks before leaning in to kiss him.
Alex sighs against his lips and kisses him back, blocking out all the negatives and focusing instead now on the fact that he has Henry back with him.
Henry pulls away after a few moments, his brows furrowed.
“What’s wrong?” Alex asks.
Henry waves him off. “It’s nothing.”
“Doesn’t seem like nothing to me. What’s going on?”
Henry frowns.
“I think I’m trying to wrap my head around how you seem to always see something worthwhile in me. You’d have every reason in the world to say this situation is too much to be a part of and yet…you’re willing to hold out when most others wouldn’t have bothered at all. I don’t see why or even how I could be worth that to you.”
Alex won’t stand for this.
“Come with me,” he says, getting up and taking a hold of Henry’s hand. Henry looks confused but he gets to his feet too and follows Alex’s lead.
Alex walks them to his bedroom. He situates Henry right in front of his full length mirror, standing right behind Henry and holding onto his arms.
“Tell me what you see.”
Henry scoffs and shakes his head, unable to look at himself in the mirror. He half turns to Alex and sighs.
“Alex, come on.”
“I’m serious. Fine, look. I’ll tell you what I see when I look at you,” he says, guiding Henry to turn back to their reflection.
“I see the world’s most gorgeous man. I see the smartest, most clever bastard I’ve ever met. I see the kindest heart. I see the person I feel safest with, the man I’ve been in love with for years and will continue to love madly for the rest of my life.”
He wraps his arms around Henry’s waist and comes in closer, letting his chest press to Henry’s back.
“You have everything going for you, Hen. Don’t let him make you doubt yourself. You’re worth all of this and more to me.”
Henry puts his hands over Alex’s forearms and rubs them as he stays in place, right in Alex’s embrace.
“I’m trying to see myself as you do. I think you’re far more gracious than you ought to be, but thank you, love.”
“I’m stating facts.”
Henry laughs. “I’m fairly certain these are actually opinions. Extremely biased ones at that, though I appreciate it.”
Alex kisses the side of Henry’s neck over and over at random, enough to make Henry laugh. It’s the most beautiful sound.
“Did I mention you’re also the sexiest man I’ve ever seen?”
Henry hums thoughtfully, cocking his head to the side.
“You failed to mention that one before, but I suppose I can forgive you.”
“Allow me to apologize for the oversight then. I can’t have you walk away from here thinking anything less.”
He studies Henry in the mirror, sees the way his chest rises and falls a bit harder as his breathing changes as Alex’s kisses along his neck become more deliberate and sensual.
“Would that be alright with you?” he asks in a whisper against Henry’s ear.
Henry nods stiffly, licking his lips. Alex smiles and kisses the side of his face.
“I figured as much.” He looks Henry over. “To fully admire you, I need to see all of you.”
Henry catches his eye in the mirror and blushes, but he obliges. They work together to undress Henry completely.
Alex stays put behind him, shamelessly checking him out. He studies Henry’s cock, the way it curves growing erect, tip already glistening from Henry’s arousal. 
Alex’s hand comes to rest at the base of Henry’s throat, his grip gentle yet firm as he holds Henry’s gaze in the mirror.
He licks a languid strip up the side of Henry’s neck opposite where Daniel left a mark. The move seems to make Henry’s knees grow weak and his cock stiffen. Alex leans in closer and bites down on Henry’s earlobe before sucking on it. 
Henry moans, his head lobbing back. Alex teases his skin with his tongue for a moment before pulling away to speak.
“He may have had you, but I don’t want you to ever forget that you’re mine.”
“I could never,” Henry says immediately, voice cracking as Alex takes him in hand.
Alex watches color blooming across Henry’s chest and creeping up to his throat. Alex moans against his ear, setting an agonizingly slow, teasing pace on Henry’s cock. 
“Fuck, Henry, I need to hear you say it. Please, baby.”
Henry locks eyes with him in the mirror. His gaze is piercing and steady even as his mouth falls open on another moan.
“I’m yours, Alex. No one else’s. I’m all yours.”
“That’s right, sweetheart,” Alex purrs, rewarding Henry by moving his hand faster along his shaft. “All of this is mine, just like all of me is yours.”
Henry shudders against him and fucks steadily into Alex’s fist. His body goes slack against Alex’s as he surrenders himself fully to Alex’s ministrations.
“You make me feel the most incredible things,” Henry says. “No one else has ever made me feel this whole.”
Alex wonders if Henry even means to make such a candid statement, but it seems like he and his touch have loosened Henry’s tongue. 
It’s an incredible sight to see Henry in such a state, giving himself over to each sensation. Curiosity or maybe pettiness gets Alex talking again.
“Not even him? Did he touch you like this?” he asks, spreading precum around the tip of Henry’s cock before teasing the head just like Henry likes.
Henry shakes his head quickly, his voice faint as he speaks.
“I’ve told you before and I meant it then. He doesn’t know how to handle me like you do.”
Alex mutters a curse and angles his hips just so, grinding his clothed erection between Henry’s cheeks. Henry bites down on his lower lip as he ruts back against Alex’s cock, practically riding it.
“Yeah? Did he at least make you come?”
Henry shakes his head again, still grinding his ass back over Alex’s throbbing cock.
Alex tuts softly under his breath, thrusting forward. Henry’s jaw drops, eyes brightening in the mirror as they continue holding each other’s gaze. 
“A damn shame. Getting you off should always be top priority.”
Henry hums approvingly.
“How do you want to remedy that, hmm?” he asks, tightly fisting the head of Henry’s cock.
Henry exhales sharply, eyes squeezing shut. Alex lessens his grip and kisses the shell of Henry’s ear.
“Just like this. Don’t stop touching me.”
“Only if you promise to keep looking.”
Henry’s breath catches before he slowly opens his eyes. They’re dark and heavy lidded. It’s obvious how aroused he is. Alex has Henry right where he wants him.
“I want you to see how sexy you are like this, to see why I could never stay away from you. You drive me fucking crazy, Henry. All I want to do is touch you and make you feel good.”
Alex buries his face in the side of Henry’s neck, taking in a breath for a moment. Henry’s lips part, an airy moan spilling out as Alex teases his slit.
“I love how you respond to me. Always so needy, so vocal, so damn hungry for more.”
Henry’s eyes drift and lower. Alex gives his cock a firm squeeze in reprimand.
“You want to be good, don’t you?”
Henry whimpers and nods. “Yes,” he chokes out.
“Eyes straight ahead then, sweetheart. Don’t look away. Not even for a second.”
Henry obeys and watches himself. Alex kisses his neck softly, nuzzling against the column of his throat. He resumes stroking Henry in earnest, his wrist flicking back and forth as Henry grinds against him again.
“Much better. Fuck, you’re so good, Henry. Look at you. So pretty and desperate to get off.”
Henry moans and reaches for Alex’s free hand, settling it once more at the base of his throat. Alex applies a little bit of pressure. Henry thrusts forward, all out fucking Alex’s fist just then.
They both watch as Henry gets even more into it from there.
“I love when you give in like this, all hot and bothered. That feels nice, doesn’t it, baby?”
Henry opens his mouth to respond, but only a deep moan escapes. Alex feels him twitch against his palm and can clearly see and feel how much Henry’s leaking—so obviously on the edge. He gives Henry two firm pumps and presses the pad of his thumb just under the head of Henry’s cock.
Henry’s jaw drops and he comes at once, his release hitting the mirror squarely. They both watch in stunned silence as the rivulets trail down the surface, thick and slow.
Alex finds Henry’s eyes in their reflection and smiles wickedly as Henry rests his weight against him, his face completely flushed.
“Like I said—the sexiest man ever,” Alex murmurs, kissing Henry’s neck once.
He guides Henry over to his bed. They lay back, catching their breaths. Alex kisses his shoulder.
Henry rolls over on top of him and presses his lips to Alex’s. The kiss is slow and hazy and perfect for Alex as he recalibrates, his hands trailing down Henry’s naked body, taking in the curve of his ass.
Alex kneads roughly as their kiss grows more intense. Henry works his tongue into Alex’s mouth and explores so thoroughly, it leaves Alex’s head spinning. He surrenders fully to him; it’s clear Henry wants to be in control and Alex has absolutely no qualms with that.
Henry breaks away and tugs Alex’s shirt up, ridding him of it before doing the same with his lower half. Henry runs a hand down the center Alex’s body as he levels himself to Alex’s groin. 
Henry shoves Alex’s legs apart and kisses his inner thighs at once, nipping the skin gently every now and then. His fingertips lightly stroke over Alex’s cock. Alex is so riled up, it’s almost unbearable. He whimpers at Henry’s feather-like touch.
“And you call me the needy one,” Henry muses.
Alex laughs and settles more comfortably against the pillows. He skims his fingers over Henry’s forehead, lightly brushing hair off his face.
Henry locks eyes with him as he licks softly at Alex’s tip. The gentle drag of his tongue is so acute on Alex’s sensitive skin. He hisses and lets out a choked noise.
Henry's eyes are so seductive, Alex can’t look away. He’s glad for it too as he doesn’t miss a second of Henry swallowing him down.
Alex’s back arches off the bed. Henry grabs a hold of his wrists, pinning them down firmly to the bed. It's all Alex can do but to stare in sheer awe as he watches Henry go. 
Henry sucks him off like his life depends on it, enthusiastic and hungry as his head bobs, getting Alex at all angles. His jaw slackens further as he takes Alex in as deeply as he can.
“Holy shit, Hen. Fuck.”
It’s sloppy and addictive; Alex can’t get enough. Henry’s in the zone completely as he sets a steady pace. Alex itches to touch him, but Henry’s grip is solid and undeniable. He doesn’t want Alex involved in this just yet.
Alex relies on his words instead.  
“God, you and that perfect mouth, made to take all of me.”
Henry moans, the vibration of it running through Alex. He cries out and trembles hard.
Henry frees one of Alex’s hands and Alex immediately anchors it in Henry’s hair as he fucks Henry’s mouth. Tears run from his eyes back towards his hairline as he stares up at the ceiling.
His finish is so close, he can practically taste it.
Henry lets up for just a moment, slipping Alex out of his mouth just enough to work Alex over with his hand as well. He pumps hard and fast, his tongue relentlessly teasing Alex’s slit, free hand massaging Alex’s balls.
Alex tips his head forward to look at Henry again.
Henry’s eyes are closed as he moans again and again, egging Alex on. Alex’s cock twitches hard and Henry looks at him then, detaching his wrecked, slick mouth. He angles his chin up in anticipation, putting his face right in line with Alex’s cock, his hand moving faster still.
“Come on, love. You’re right there,” Henry encourages, voice gravelly. “Let me have it.”
Picturing Henry’s face dripping with his release is the final push.
Alex cries out as he reaches his end, unable to fully steady himself for his orgasm. His cheeks flush as he watches, awestruck, as his cum falls from Henry’s left cheek and lips.
Henry shivers and smiles, so clearly delighted by it all. His eyes look electric, the blue brighter than Alex has ever seen it before. 
“I think you’re trying to kill me,” Alex says in disbelief.
Henry merely laughs and scoops a finger against his face, collecting some of Alex’s slick. He sucks his finger into his mouth and moans. Alex just stares in wonder. 
“I guess there are worse ways to go than this.”
Once they’ve cleaned up, they settle into bed again. Alex has Henry in his arms, nestled against his side as he traces random figures across Henry’s back with his fingertips.
“Do you have to go back tonight?” he asks in the silence.
Alex fears the answer, but he’d rather be prepared to say goodbye to this comfort tonight than have it sprung on him.
Henry shakes his head, his palm resting on Alex’s sternum.
“No. He’s out on Long Island this weekend visiting friends. I was meant to go too, but I begged off. I didn’t want to waste any time being away from you.”
Alex peers down at him and kisses the crown of his head. He lingers there, breathing Henry in, all the more grateful to have him by this evening.
“I’m glad for your decision. I would’ve missed you so damn much.”
Henry shifts to look at him. He lightly touches Alex’s face, smoothing away curls from his forehead.
“I’ll always choose you, Alex. No matter what. I’m not going to make that mistake again.”
Alex is too afraid to ask for clarity on Henry’s words. Hope feels too dangerous in a precarious case like this and yet he quietly clings to it anyway.
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desperatecheesecubes · 11 months ago
March Wrap Up Part 3! If you saw this earlier, no you didn’t.
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Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc
Dates Read: 20 March
Review: 4 Stars
Thoughts: If you’ve followed me for a minute you’ll know I LOVE magical girls. I’m so excited to see such an original take get an English license. This opening volume was so fun to read. I absolutely can’t wait for the rest of this journey.
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Basil and Oregano by Melissa Capriglione
Dates Read: 20 March
Review: 3 stars
Thoughts: another cute and fun sapphic graphic novel (i read so many sapphic stories this month lmfao) I’d say this was on the lower end of YA and it’s fun for the whole family.
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Justice League of America (1960) 4
Dates Read: 20 March
Review: 3 stars
Thoughts: Reading older comics is always a trip because the medium itself has changed so much over the decades. Anyway this was a fun issue. I need to read more class GA stories.
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The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane by Lisa See
Dates Read: 9 March- 21 March
Review: 4 stars
Thoughts: This was the happiest and most optimistic Lisa See novel I’ve read so far and also probably my least favorite (lmao) the opening chapters were DEVESTATING but it quickly moved on and away from that. Still great just…. Not what I was hoping for I guess haha.
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Keeper of Enchanted Rooms by Charlie N Holmerberg
Dates Read: 8 March-23 March
Review: 3 stars
Thoughts: Started reading this for the narrator (who also did Mysterious Letter) only to find out he was 1 of 3 and easily the narrator with the least chapters. Tragic. This is the first of a trilogy but I feel no need to continue on. It was a fun little fantasy.
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Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor by Xiran Jay Zhao
Dates Read: 21 March-23 March
Review: 3 stars
Thoughts: Middle Grade tends not to be my genre-I very rarely read it so take this rating with that in mind. That’s said I thought it was really fun! Learning about Chinese history, culture and mythology was a great deal of fun. I can’t wait for whatever Xiran Jay Zhao puts out next. (I mean I know Heavnly Tyrant is next but like I’m general)
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Clap When you Land by Elizabeth Acevedo
Dates Read: 23 March-24 March
Review: 3 stars
Thoughts: I liked this more than The Poet X but lyrical novels just tend not to do it for me. That’s said I understand why this is considered a modern classic. It didn’t go the way I expected it to based on the premise I had been given but that wasn’t necessarily a detriment to it.
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Superman Last Son of Krypton (action comics 844-846, 851, 866-870, Annual 11)
Dates Read: 24 March
Review: 4 stars
Thoughts: This contained two arcs- Last Son of Kyrpton and a…. A Brainiac arc I don’t remember the name of. It’s definitely the set up for New Krytpon. They get Kandor back from Brainiac. I loved reading Chris’s introduction. It’s very interesting how quick this storyline is-the author couldn’t write it all in one go so he ended up writing a story in Superman as well, but like…. The timeline is a mess because of it lmao.
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Helen of Wyndhorn by Tom King and Bliquis Evely
Date Read: 25 March
Review: 3 stars
Thoughts: What an intriguing start! Like many people I jumped onto this because I loved Woman of Tomorrow so much, so I’m more than willing to see this through.
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How To Get a Girlfriend When You’re A Terrifying Monster
Dates Read: 23 March-25 March
Review: 3 stars
Thoughts: This book was fun but definitely didn’t feel complete. It’s only 115 pages and definitely just felt like the first portion of a regular sized motel. I mean… nothing gets resolved but new problems are introduced consistently. Not to say I didn’t enjoy it! I did and plan on reading the sequel but it just seems like it should have probably all been lnf regularly sized novel. Anyway I was 100% expecting them to have kinky tentacle sex but they didn’t even kiss by the end. SAD!
0 notes
whimsicaldragonette · 2 years ago
ARC Review: Cities: How Humans Live Together by Megan Clendenan
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Publication Date: May 16, 2023
If you could design a city that would be both a great place to live and good for the planet, what would it look like? Today, about four billion people―more than half the world’s population―live in cities. This number could rise to seven billion by 2050. Cities face big challenges, including threats from climate change, food insecurity, a lack of clean water and rapid population growth, but they are also places where innovation and sustainability can thrive. How Humans Live Together travels through time to explore questions like When and why did cities form? How did people access food and water? Where did they go to the bathroom? Peek into the past to see how cities have changed through time and explore what could make cities more sustainable and welcoming for today and tomorrow.
My Rating: ★★★★★
*My Review below the cut.
My Review:
Kiddo (9) and I read this as a bedtime book over several days. I think it took us 4-5 days of reading to finish (I read fast - luckily, kiddo listens fast).
I was dubious about it when I requested it, as city planning is not generally considered a good bedtime book topic and I've never found it particularly interesting. But kiddo prefers science and history books over the more traditional stories for bedtime books and the cover drew me in, so I took a chance.
We loved it. The author did a fantastic job making the topic of past, present, and future cities come to life on the page, and we learned SO much. Did I expect before finding this to be enjoying a book that is essentially city planning for kids? Hardly. And yet.
The book is broken up int0 five chapters: Mapping it Out, Getting Around the City, Water & Waste, Lights, Power, Action!, and Finding Food. Each of those chapters begins with what would make an ideal city that is good for people to live in, problems encountered with each, then what has been done in cities throughout history (Ancient Greece, Middle Ages Europe, Mesopotamia, Cairo, Tenochtitlan, etc), what is done in cities now, and what people have dreamed up for cities of the future.
We learned about oyster reefs, arc lamps, floating gardens, and rain gardens. The facts were easy to digest as they were wrapped up in such an engaging story, and both new and old ideas from all over the world were proposed as solutions for the future. And it does read more like a story than a history book, so it's incredibly engaging.
The focus, throughout, is what makes a city good to live in, sustainable, equitable, and meeting the needs of all its residents. It was a refreshing perspective and I came away with a more positive view of cities than I had held previously and both kiddo and I came away with a desire to learn more. And really, that's what makes the best kids' books.
Here are my 9-year-0ld's thoughts:
It was very good! I'd give it five stars! [Kiddo usually gives 4, so that's a ringing endorsement.] It was all pretty interesting and there were no boring parts. I learned a lot about cities! One thing I learned was it's very important to keep waste separate from water when designing a city.
This should absolutely be in upper-elementary / middle-school classrooms and libraries. I'll be recommending it to my library for sure and kiddo and I will be seeking out the other books in this series asap.
*Thanks to NetGalley and Orca Books for providing an early copy for review.
0 notes
t3kandson · 3 years ago
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Angelic Return
Word count; 1,771
Fandom; AB6IX
Rating; Explicit
Pairing; Reader X Jeon Woong & Reader X Park Woojin
Characters; Park Woojin, Jeon Woong & Lim Youngmin
Warnings; Angst, fluff and Smut, Fingering and Oral sex and Pregnancy Kinks
Notes; Chapter 9/13 earlier Chapters Here
“Hi Hyung,” Woojin replied bowing. You looked at him confused with his slight change in confidence. He refused to look at you as Woong walked up the stairs smiling at you sweetly. “Y/N I’ve missed you,” he said wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you into him. “You look so good,” he said standing back to look you as if he savoured every inch of your view.
“Thanks,” you blushed. Woojin turned to look at you, his unreadable gaze refixed. “I was just taking her home,” he said, his eyes connecting with yours for a mere second, before he focused his eyes on Youngmim, still stood silently at the bottom of the stairs. “Really?” Woong asked sounding disappointed. “I was hoping to spend some time with you while we was here,” he said taking your hand into his. “Hyung she’s not well, she’s depressed here, we even sought doctors advice,” he said without glancing at you once. Woong put his back of his hand to your forehead, “Y/N you feeling poorly?” he asked cupping your face. “Yeah I think it’s being away from my family for so long,” you said smiling at him. Woong looked down towards Youngmin, “can I be excused for a while,” he asked, Youngmin silently nodded and Woong bowed. “Y/N let me look after you, i can drop you home before we go back to Spain,” he said draping his arm round your shoulder. You looked at Woojin who was unmoved, his focus at his eldest brother. You let Woong walk you towards your room, listening to him talk about how he missed you and how Donghyun had filled him in of all the things you got up to.
You reached your bed and he lifted the sheets to encourage you to get in. You silently obeyed as he draped the blanket over and sat next to you. “It must Be weird me suddenly being here,” he asked. “Kind of, we hardly know each other,” you admitted. “Well I’m here for a couple of days it be good to get to know you a bit more, if you let me,” Woong said. “But tell me, tell me Woojin didn’t hurt you?” He asked looking worried for your response. “No like I said on the phone minus those first couple of weeks he looked after me well,” you replied. “I have to hand it to you he doesn’t normally have a good bone in his body, but When Donghyun said he brought you here I knew you had found a way to thaw him out a little,” he said complimenting you. “Well I’m sure that’s not true he’s always surrounded by women,” you said. “Y/N their not his women their his whores. They jump into his bed for the status, why do you think he goes through so many,” he scoffed. “That man’s incapable of settling down,” he added. “Unlike me, I’m always looking to my future, well I did anyway,” he said bitterly. “You mean till you rescued a scared kitten, and found yourself following your family business,” you said for him. “Lost kitten, is that what you call yourself,” he chuckled. “What else would you call me? Suppose anything’s better then Woong’s whore,” you chuckled, his face straightened, “aye daehwi’s good chose of words still remain I see,” he said, as he placed his hands on your knee. “Y/N your special, your not a lost kitten, nor a whore,” he said. “Anyway you must be tired, get some sleep we should hang out tomorrow,” he said kissing your forehead and leaving the room.
Woong had kept his promise, the next couple of days while Youngmin kept Woojin busy in a different location of the mansion. Woong took you for picnics in the grounds, you had showed off your archery and shooting skills to his amazement. You spent evenings dancing to music, him showing off his skills. He was so gentle with you and such a light relief to be around. He was totally different to Woojin. Tonight however, he suggested a movie night but instead invited you to his room. You walked down the corridor when you saw a woman leave Woojin’s room. Your heart sunk, just a couple days ago he told you he wanted you. Yet again he was itching his scratch with someone else. You felt anger bubbling at Woongs words of Woojin’s inability to love choking you. Tears pricked your eyes as you walked past his room to Woongs.
Woong’s face lit up as he opened his bedroom door to you. His large bed tucked behind the door and an array of blankets strewn on the floor. The projector was set up and a tray of delicious finger food in the middle of the floor, all complete with a bowl of popcorn and a bucket of iced champagne. “You came,” he said pretending to sound surprised. “Yeah traffic was bad I almost didn’t make it,” you teased as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. He led you to the blanket mattress he made. “What movie do you fancy?” he asked. “Any I’m happy with anything,” you replied feeling his cheery vibes. You watched a comedy first, both chuckling away as he handed you snacks to munch on. Before you knew it the film ended. “Another one?” He asked, when you nodded his smile widened as he played a horror movie. You both jumped as you hugged into his shoulder. He patted the gap between his thighs. “Hey come sit here I’ll protect you from the scary men,” he teased. “Your just as scared as I am,” you replied smirking but sat between his legs. His arms wrapping around your waist as his head rested on your shoulder. Each scary moment his grip on you tightened, pulling you closer. His hands resting above your breasts as his breathing took to your ear. You felt your heat dampen as you realised you was turned on. You froze at first but remembered Woojin was doing the same, so relaxed into his arms moving your ass back into him more, feeling his bulge against you. He gasped at the contact, the sounds escaping to your hearing making your skin goose-bumpy. You gulped as you pressed your thighs together.
It was then that the power to the house turned off. You both froze as he pulled you closer, his hands resting on your thighs. “It’s ok Y/N it’s just a power cut,” he whispered into your ear. “You sure, shouldn’t we check,” you stuttered. “Y/N it’s fine no one will hurt you,” he said stroking your palms. You then felt his Lips brush your neck. You froze at first but as they continued you melted into his lips. “Y/N can I kiss you?” he asked. “Erm sure,” you stuttered, feeling you had to oblige.
He stood up and took your hands, walking you to his bed his lips touching yours. Unlike Woojin they was more gentle as he stroked your neck, his lips glided over yours. He gently sat you down on the bed straddling you as his lips searched further, his lips remaining absent from yours but made the kisses that much more sweeter when they returned. His hands playing with the hem of your T-shirt. He removed his lips to take your top off. His hands cupping your clothed breasts. “I need to feel those boobs,” he said squeezing them. “Surely you know how to take a bra off,” you teased. With that his hands found themselves to the back of your bra unclasping them in one quick movement. He threw your bra away cupping your bare skinned breasts, softly playing with them as his lips returned to yours. He flipped you so you was straddling him, his lips leaving yours so he could remove his T-shirt. Though you couldn’t see his defined abs, you touched them, stroking the hard marbled body he hid behind his clothes. He moved himself further into the bed keeping you connected to his waist. You brushed against his clothed bulge and gently moaned at the touch. “You sound delicious when you moan, I need more,” he said flipping you again so you was underneath him. He fiddled your pants down taking the underwear with them so you was naked. He raked his fingers down your chest towards your stomach and then down to your heat. He connected his fingers with your nub making circular movements. You moaned into his finger work. He plunged his finger into your hole causing you to arch your back, moaning louder in response. “I could cum just at your voice,” he threatened. He spread your legs his tongue finding your clit, he suckled causing you to moan louder, your hands pulling into his hair. He licked strips across your pussy, juices flowing as he licked it up, your pelvis thrusting to meet his tongue.
“Fuck me Woong,” you panted taking him by surprise. “I thought you would never ask,” he growled playfully. He removed his remaining clothes hovering over you, his mouth returning to yours as your fingers laced together. He rolled his hips against you, his hard member digging against your thigh. He placed his member at your entrance and slammed himself into you taking you by surprise, your moans almost screams. He hungrily greedily sped against you not waiting for you to adjust. You winced slightly but the pleasure took over as your walls clenched around him. “I’m going to make you mine,” he moaned out. “I’m going to put a baby in their so your stuck with me forever,” he moaned, his hands resting over your stomach. “Do you want that Y/N?” he asked. “A piece of me growing in their,” he said, his thrusts fastening as he gripped your stomach. Your walls clenching at his words as you felt your high threaten you. “Woong I’m going to cum,” you moaned encouraging his speed to almost feel unnatural. His tip hitting your cervix causing your orgasm to build up quickly as you screamed through your orgasm. Your nails raking through his back as you shaked through your high. His thrusts remained Unfaulted, slamming into you. Your sensitivity hitting you as you moaned and squirmed at the feeling, his lips finding your neck as he suckled marking you before he filled you. He slowed his pace looking at the cum dribble from your hole. He used his cock to fuck it back into you as you moaned against the feeling. “If that don’t get you knocked up and mine forever I don’t know what will,” he smirked kissing your forehead.
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bluewhale52 · 4 years ago
Little Black Book: The One You Had a Crush On
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Summary: There are a few names in your Little Black Book, and these seven hold a special place in your heart. Now that you are closing that chapter in your life, you reminisce the time and experience you have had with your seven favourite men, especially with Kim Taehyung, the one you had a crush on.
Pairing: Taehyung x female reader
Rating: EXPLICIT. No minors allowed.
Genre: nonidol!au, strangers to lovers, friends with benefit
WC: 6.4k
Warning: big dick Tae, oral (m & f), fingering, protected sex, ass slapping, hair pulling, a bit of exhibitionist kink, OC is greedy for Tae’s third leg, 69, facial, talk about threesome but no threesome act, a bit of begging, Grammy 2020 Tae for reference.
A/N: Cameo from the Wooga squad, though only Seojoon has speaking line in this one, we see Yoongi again briefly, mystery boyfriend finally makes an appearance (though we all know who he is by now). I can’t believe I wrote so much smut for Tae in this one. Hope you enjoy this chapter! And always, likes, comments and reblogs are much appreciated! 💜
Series Masterlist:  Little Black Book
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You should be embarrassed at how loud your stomach growled but you were too exhausted to care.  You murmured a ‘thank you’ as your order of Katsu Kimchi Nabe was placed on your table. You immediately dug in, closing your eyes in satisfaction at the first bite.
With your stomach in a better condition, you looked around. The small cramped space was half full, it was way past lunch time anyway. The little katsu place was a hole in the wall, but the food was homely and delicious. And its location, just a block away from your office, hidden in an alley, was perfect. It was a good getaway place when things got a bit too much.
Your eyes caught a couple of men sitting just next to your table. You noticed the EMS uniform first, and when your eyes travelled up to their faces, you had to look away. You had encountered handsome men- Seokjin for one, Hoseok another- but these two took your breath away.
Perhaps feeling your eyes on them, the one with the curly hair turned to you and smiled. “Came here often?” He asked.
His partner burst out laughing. “That is such a cheesy line. I apologise for him.”
Curly hair pouted playfully. “I’m just making conversations, hyung. And we all should come here often because the food is so good!”
You laughed and gestured to your meal. “It is good. Can never go wrong with this. Are you both paramedics?”
The two men smiled. “Yes,” curly haired answered, “we’re on our lunch break. And yourself? What do you do? If you don’t mind me asking, of course.”
You shook your head. “Not at all. I’m an attorney. My office is just around the block.” You took out your business card and handed it to Curly Hair. “In case you need legal advice.”
Curly Hair took your card. “Miss ______, very nice to meet you. I’m Kim Taehyung, and this is Park Seojoon.” Curly Hair- Taehyung-  looked playfully at you. “You know, you can just ask me for my number and I’ll gladly give it to you.”
You scoffed at his remark, and his partner chided him in mock annoyance. “You’re such a shameless flirt.”
Taehyung winked at you. “I’ll give you my card in return. Hang on.” He reached into his pocket and took out a scrap of paper. He scribbled on it and gave it to you.
“Wooga Band. Wednesday 7pm.” You raised an eyebrow at the name of the club and the address he had written underneath. It was a little bar near your university. You wondered if Taehyung was a fellow alumnus.
“That’s us. And a couple more of my hyungs. Come see us play.” Taehyung invited. “We play till 9, then maybe I can take you to my favorite katsu place.”
You snickered at his flirting. The older paramedic piped in, “We’re not that bad, seriously. Come check us out.”
You folded the piece of paper and slid it into a slot on your phone cover.  “Well, let’s hope work won’t hold me back from seeing you guys play.” You had checked your built-in calendar in your brain, you were free on Wednesday. But there was no need for them to know that.
The two men finished their meals and were preparing to leave. You looked questioningly at Taehyung.  “You’re not going to give me your number?”
He grinned. “Nope. Come see us on Wednesday and I’ll give it to you.”
You actually enjoyed Wooga Band’s performance. You were pleasantly surprised at Taehyung’s husky voice, and how well it fit the jazz melody. You also did not expect the effect his voice had on you. When you turned down his invitation for supper, he frowned a little. But he quickly brightened up when you offered a better alternative- his or your place.
“Let’s go to yours.” He chose. “I’m still off tomorrow but you have to work. I can just take a taxi home.”
You felt warm at his consideration. Even warmer when he stole kisses in the cab ride to your place. And more so when he cornered you in the elevator, his lips all over your jawline and his hands roaming across your middle. Arriving at your floor, you pulled him towards your apartment, and once inside, you slammed him against your door.
He moaned as you attacked his lips with yours, and pressing your body close to his, you felt his erection on your belly. Your hands went down to cup him, and he groaned into your mouth,
“So impatient, darling.” He tilted your head to gain access to your neck. You gasped when his tongue slid along your skin, but he was right, you were impatient. You knelt before him, your hands working to undo his pants, pulling them down, followed by his boxers.
You gulped when his cock sprung free. He was big and long, and your sex began throbbing at the sight. You tried wrapping your fingers around his shaft. Oh boy, you swallowed hard, you hoped you could wake up the next day.
You started with kisses on the head and along his length, then you gave shallow sucks, slowly but surely taking him in centimetre by centimetre. Your hand stroked the length that your mouth could not reach, with your saliva acting as a lubricant. You shifted on your knees, finding a more comfortable position, knowing you would need to take your time to take all of him in.
His fingers were in your hair, tugging and pulling it in sync with the groans escaping his mouth. You looked up at him as his cocked entered deeper and deeper, until it hit the back of your throat. You controlled your gag reflex, then prepared to pull out but his hand was holding your head in place.
“Can I fuck your mouth, darling?”
You nodded as much as you could. He moved lazily at first, but soon he got greedy. The grip in your hair was tighter, and you had to close your eyes when his hips picked up the pace. Your mouth ached, you were drooling all over the cock pistoning your mouth, but you felt delirious having given control to the man before you. Your pussy was leaking too, eager to be stretched.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” Taehyung fucked your throat faster. “Open your eyes, darling.”
You mewled around his cock as you forced yourself to look up at him. He cursed again, and slammed his hips forward one last time and made your mouth cockwarm him. You gargled around him, fighting the intrusion.
“Relax, darling. You can take it, can’t you?” You pressed your tongue up against his shaft. “Good girl.”
He let go of your hair, and his fingers gently caressed your cheeks. “Such a good girl for my cock.” You whined desperately.
Chuckling, he pulled himself out, and you panted for air. He helped you up, but as soon as you were on your feet, he turned you around so it was your back against the door. He hiked your skirt up and licked his lips at the sight of your thigh-high stockings.
“I want to eat you out, but I think I’ll explode if I don’t fuck you now.”
“Then fuck me.”
He chuckled. “You want me to fuck you here? Where your passing neighbors can hear?” He tugged your panties down, tutting at the arousal that had already pooled there. He brought the fabric to his mouth and sucked greedily. You keened at the sight.
He tossed your soiled underwear over his shoulder. “You taste so fucking good. And so fucking wet.” His fingers were prodding your pussy lips. Watching you, he inserted a finger in, and then another. Your eyes fluttered shut.
“Want your cock, Taehyung.”
“Gotta stretch you, darling.” He smiled as the pout on your face changed when he added a third finger.
You writhed your hips, wanting more. “Please, fuck me.”
He spread his fingers in you, wincing at how tight you were. He fingered you a bit more, then he pulled out, leaving you feeling empty.
“Finger yourself, darling.” He instructed as he dug around the pocket of his pants for a condom. “Get yourself ready for me.” You did as he asked. Your two fingers felt like nothing compared to his thick long digits, and you made your complaint clear to him. He chuckled again as he rolled the rubber over himself. Then he grabbed your hand and brought your fingers to his mouth. Your breath hitched as he sucked them clean. 
“I’m going to eat you out before I leave.” He promised.
He turned you around, so you faced the door. When one of his large hands held your hip, you held your breath. You felt the head of his cock entering you, and it felt so tight already. You moaned out as the head was finally in, and you yelped when he thrusted himself into you without warning.
He rubbed your hips and your back, soothing you, giving you time to adjust. But goddamn- how could you adjust? You felt too full, you did not think you had ever been stretched this much before. You controlled your breathing, relaxing yourself and the pain quickly turned to pleasure. Your walls were not fighting the intrusion anymore, they were clenching almost rhythmically now around his cock. So you wiggled your hips, encouraging him to move.
He obliged immediately. He pulled himself out slowly, before ramming back into you hard. Your moans got louder  and your body was jerked forward with every thrust that soon your cheek was pressed against the door as Taehyung continued to fuck you hard.
“Come on, darling, you want your neighbours to hear, don’t you?” he egged you on, his hand travelled to the back of your neck. He fucked you harder now, holding your neck so you did not hit your face on the door. You mewled stupidly, and at a particular rough thrust, you screamed his name.
“That’s it. Let your neighbours know who’s fucking you.”
“Oh God, yes, Tae! Oh!” Your vocabulary was reduced to four words. He was going even faster and more roughly now, encouraging you to be louder too. Your thighs were starting to shake, and you tried to hold on to the door, your fingernails clawing at the laminated wood.
“Close, close…” you whimpered.
“I know darling, I can feel you tightening on me.” The fingers on your neck moved upwards to your hair. He yanked your head back, and his other hand smacked your ass again and again. You finally reached your peak. Screaming out his name, your body shook and you swore you saw white stars behind your closed lids.
Your pussy walls pulsated erratically around Taehyung’s cock, and he growled as he got nearer to his orgasm too. Once you had recovered from yours, you moved your hips backwards, meeting his halfway, and soon he came undone.You felt his cock twitch inside you, as he shot his seeds into the rubber. A few more sloppy thrusts followed, then he let go of your hair.
“Fuck, that was so hot.” He gasped. He pulled out gently, then took the condom off and tied it. He discarded it carelessly on the floor.
“God, I feel like such a groupie.” You felt like jelly splattered on the door.
He laughed as he helped you straighten up, massaging your hips and back gently. “Nah, you’re the first fan I fucked. You’re okay? I wasn’t too rough, was I?” He hugged you from behind.
You shook your head. “I’m OK. It was… hot. And really? You never hooked up with any of your fans?”
“Nope.” He rubbed your shoulders. “Just you. I like your vibe right from the beginning.”
“Wow, I’m so honoured. Though it is likely I’d have to move out after tonight.” You rested your head on his chest.
“Well, this place is a dump anyway.” You laughed at his comment, then squealed when he moved to carry you fireman style. “Where’s your bedroom? I promised to eat you out and I’d rather do it lying down.”
You did not think it possible, but your battered pussy instantly became wet again. He figured out anyway where your room was, and hurriedly took you there, leaving his and your clothes piled up by your apartment’s door.
You were entering dangerous territory. You did not like how you immediately smiled whenever you got a message from Taehyung, and how your smile widened when it was silly selcas he sent. You did not like how your heart beat faster when he said he wanted to meet up and how you took extra time choosing what to wear. The man was drop dead gorgeous and you were definitely flattered by the attention, but you were starting to feel this could very well become a one sided crush.
He never asked you out on a date. It was either ‘hey I just finished my shift, wanna hang out?’ or ‘Didn’t see you at the club tonight, are you free now?’. There were times you wished his questions were less of the Netflix-and-chill type. You supposed you could ask him out yourself, but you feared that possibility of rejection so much that you would rather settle for whatever it was you had with him. You could deal with it- it was simply controlling your emotions, and you could do that, you were trained to do that. You were safe as long as you did not let yourself lose control.
It was hard however, especially when he was cuddling you, with his lower half practically over your lap. It was one of the times when he wanted to just hangout, but you both knew where that would end up.
“You’re a clingy one, aren’t you?” You massaged Taehyung’s calves.
“Is it bad?” He settled himself further on your shoulder.
“No, just wondering how many other people you’re doing this with.”
He hummed. “I told you, it’s just you. I don’t do this with anyone else. I like spending time with you.”
“You mean you like having sex with me.”
“Well, the sex is great, but this is nice too.” He gestured at the TV and the snacks on the table.
“Because it always leads to sex.”
“Mind blowing sex.” He corrected.
There was no point torturing yourself, it was just sex. It was what you wanted, wasn’t it? Ms Workaholic Climbing up the Ladder had no time for relationships. That was your number one rule with your men, that was the very first thing you declared to them to avoid any misunderstanding. So, stick with it, you scolded yourself.
Taehyung frowned at your silence. “What’s wrong, darling?” He tilted your chin so you would face him.
You shook your head gently. “Nothing.” You whispered.
He nuzzled your neck. “Doesn’t sound like nothing.” You could not help yourself but shudder when his breath fanned against your sensitive spots.
“What do you want, darling?” He prodded.
I want a lot of things from you, you wanted to say, but instead, you simply answered, “I want you.”
“How do you want me?” His hand moved to cup your breast, thumb rubbing over your clothes until your nipple stiffened from his touch. You bit your lower lip to hold back your moan. “How does my darling girl like it?”
“Oh.” you gasped when his mouth tugged your earlobe, at the same time he pinched your nipple. He chuckled, the low voice sent shivers down your spine and straight to your pussy.
He pinched your nipple again as he peppered your jawline with little kisses. “You like this?”
“Yeah.” You breathed out. Your body had gone numb. His legs were still across your lap, pinning you down on your sofa, as his large hand pressed against your breast, holding your body under his control.
“Taehyung…” you called out to him, your legs squirming, your pussy desperate for some friction.
He lifted his head to look at you. “Fuck, you look so desperate.” He smiled. “You want more?”
You nodded. “Yes, Tae, please.” You mewled shamelessly.
He leaned towards your ear, kissing and licking your earlobe, making you writhe further. “I’m going to fuck you on this couch, darling. I’m going to fuck you so good you’re gonna beg to cum. Would you like that?”
“Yes, yes…” You were starting to blatantly grind your hips under his legs. He chuckled.
“You’re gonna take my cock good, darling?” He tugged your nipple.
“Yes,” you whimpered, “I want it, Tae. Please.”
He moved slightly away from you and you nearly protested, until he pulled your top off. He stared at your lace- clad breasts hungrily. Licking his lips, he cupped them both.
“Tae, please. I want you to fuck me.” You arched your back to push your tits against his hands.
“I will, darling. You gonna take everything I give you?”
His voice had gone down several octaves, the baritone went straight to your center. You spread your legs unconsciously, you were getting more and more desperate for him.
“Yes, I’ll take it, Tae. I’ll take it all.”
And you meant every single word.
You had thought a few times to invite Yoongi to see Taehyung and his band perform. You had little musical knowledge- you had been listening to the same bands for the last five years- but you figured it was no harm to get the Wooga Band some exposure. You were hoping the music producer would find them good enough; you wanted to give that little hope to Taehyung and his friends.
The only reason you had not invited Yoongi so far was because you didn’t know what to do with two fuck buddies in one place at the same time. You knew if you showed up at the jazz club, Taehyung would want to go back to your place. You and Yoongi both knew where you stood, so you did not need to worry about any jealousy from his side if you went with Taehyung. But it still would be weird, you would be introducing one to the other and you had no idea what to expect.
You actually took extra care in your appearance that night. You wore your courtroom suit to work (which prompted everyone in the office to wish you luck for your court case when actually you had none), your heels (which you regretted slightly because your feet were aching), and most importantly, thigh high stockings and lacy bra and panties set (which Taehyung LOVED). You sighed. You kept telling yourself you did not wear this for anyone, it was for you, the combination made you feel confident and sexy. But who were you kidding?
Yoongi ended up cancelling on you, to your relief. You could barely focus on anything else but Taehyung. Taehyung, who took the stage in a loose black and white print shirt with matching bandana, paired with tight black pants. Taehyung, who smiled and winked at you as he sang about two ships passing in the night. Taehyung, who rushed to you once his band was done, as if he had not seen you in ages. You breathed in as he hugged you, the smell of lavender combined with his musky natural scent invaded you.
And Taehyung continued to fill all your senses that night, as you were riding him vigorously while sucking on his fingers sloppily. His hips rose up to meet you on every thrust, sending his cock deeper and deeper into you.
“Fuck, darling.” He smiled teasingly. “Look how good you are sucking my fingers.”
You answered by moaning against his digits and clenching your cunt around him.
“Ah, that’s right, keep sucking, darling.”
You grabbed his wrist to keep his hand in place. You kept taking his long fingers in, bobbing your head back and forth, eager to have your mouth filled. Your saliva dripped to his hand and down your chin. He hissed at the sight of you drooling.
Your hips were starting to lose your rhythm. Your thighs were getting tired, but you were getting closer to orgasm too. Your free hand snaked down to rub your clit, but Taehyung pushed it away.
“You’re gonna cum on my mouth.” He declared, yanking his fingers out which made you moan wantonly at the sudden emptiness in your mouth.
“God, you really love being filled, don’t you?” He rose up to kiss you, thrusting his hips up, impaling you as deep as he could. You grabbed onto his shoulders as your pussy walls clenched wildly around his cock.
“Tae,” you panted, “fuck, you feel so good in me.”
“I love stretching you, darling.” He whispered, his hands wrapped around you and pulled you closer to him. “69 with me?”
You whined.
“Hmm? You don’t want to suck my cock, darling?”
“I do, but then I’ll feel so empty.”
“So whiny and so needy.” He slapped your ass. “I’ll put four fingers in you, don’t worry.”
He pulled out and discarded his condom, chuckling as you continued to pout, then positioned himself in the middle of your bed. You moved to hover over his face, and his large hands gripped your hips to pull you down to his mouth. You moaned loudly as you felt his tongue swept over your puffy lips. He growled as he continued to lick you, collecting your arousal with every swipe.
You leaned down to take his cock in. Despite having a regular hook up with him, you still had to really work to get his cock in your mouth. You wrapped your lips around his girth, your tongue pressing and flicking at the skin.
You felt the tip of his tongue poked into your hole then, stabbing into it, juicing you further. You moaned against his shaft, your saliva rolled down the length that you could not fit in your mouth (yet). Wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock, you squeezed lightly and started to stroke him. With more lubrication, and your mouth relaxing, you slowly took more in, until the head hit the back of your throat.
He rewarded you by pushing two fingers in. You moaned, and clenched when he added another finger. “You’re still so tight, what the fuck.” He mumbled against your cunt.
He pumped his fingers slowly, while his mouth focused on your clit. Everything in you tensed up as your sensitive nub was stimulated, but you forced your throat to stay relaxed. You knew if you could get more of him in your mouth, he would give you that fourth finger. You closed your eyes and inhaled sharply through your nose as you pushed yourself. You felt the head slid slightly further in, and you immediately controlled your gag reflex.
“Oh darling, you’re so good to me.” Taehyung’s mouth left your clit to praise you. “You’re so good.”
You tightened your lips around his shaft then slowly pulled out, your saliva leaving a glistening trail. His mouth was back to tease your clit as he inserted a fourth finger. You were so stretched at both ends, and it felt so, so delicious. His tongue was flicking your button furiously, encouraged by the shaking of your legs and your moans around his cock.
He growled when your fingers instinctively dug into the flesh of his thighs. “You’re clenching so tight baby.” He said between flicks. “Gonna cum on my fingers? While you suck my cock?”
You garbled a yes, which only sent more drool down to coat his testicles. It made him piston his fingers faster and more roughly and his tongue pressed harder against your clit. You could feel your juices flow more and more into his waiting mouth, the slurping sounds pushed you closer towards your bliss.
The string in your body finally snapped. You came, and you came hard, your pussy seized his fingers in a deadly grip, your eyes squeezed shut as your screams were muffled by his cock. He continued fucking you through your orgasm, and when he felt your body starting to relax, he pulled his fingers our of your cunt and his cock out of your mouth, then flipped you over to lie your back.
“Taehyung, what- ” you sounded your objection, but he quickly cut you off by inserting the same four fingers back into your sensitive hole. You arched your back, your hands moving down to weakly swat away his, but at the same time, you spread your legs wider to accommodate him.
“One more, darling, please.” He asked sweetly. “Wanna see your face when you cum.”
His body was hovering above yours, his eyes wild with lust. He pumped his fingers almost desperately, his palm rubbing over your hooded clit. Oversensitivity quickly gave way to pleasure again, and he leaned down, supported by his free hand, his curly hair swinging around his handsome face.
“Look at me, darling, open your eyes. That’s it.”
You forced yourself to keep your eyes on Taehyung’s, even when it was getting so fucking difficult to. The more he moved his palm and his fingers, the more your eyes lost their focus, and before you knew it, your whole body became taut, and this time, with no intrusion in your mouth, you screamed his name over and over as you felt your body exploding. Your hands reached out and gripped his hair as you came, and he hissed at the stinging pain on his roots. But his fingers did not stop, they kept going, until you loosened your hold on his locks and you opened your eyes.
“So fucking sexy, darling.” He praised you. “You look so damn sexy cumming for me.”
“Taehyung.” You weakly caressed his face. He turned his face so he could kiss your palm.
He then removed his fingers and brought it towards you to look. “So wet.” He spread his fingers lightly to show you the sticky sheen he had collected. He shuffled to get his knees on either side of your waist, his soaked digits wrapping around his still hard cock. You whimpered as you watched him stroke himself.
“Cum on my face, Tae.”
“Fuck, you sure?”
You looked him in the eyes and nodded. “Paint my face white.”
He growled again in that baritone voice of his, and jerked himself intensely. You eagerly waited for his seed spraying onto your face, your eyes flicking between his eyes and the head of his cock. Your pussy was still throbbing from your last orgasm, and you snaked your hand down to rub on your battered clit.
Taehyung saw your hand move to the spot between your legs. “Gonna cum again, darling?”
You could only nod, as your mind went hazy one more time. You felt your thighs and your lower abdomen tensing up, and you rubbed your clit in tight circles, urging yourself to come for the third time that night. You ignored the oversensitivity, you knew it would soon go away. And you were right, before long, your body started shaking again. Keeping your eyes on him, you welcomed another orgasm, albeit weaker than before. You heard him curse, then you felt a splatter of warm liquid hitting your cheek. You quickly opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out, hungry for a taste of him. You kept your finger pressed on your clit as he decorated your face with his cum.
You closed your mouth, swallowing the cum that had made it there, and you licked around your lips for more. He squeezed the last drop of cum out of his cock, then collapsing next to you. You lay side by side, recovering from your intense session.
After a few minutes, he got up from the bed, murmuring that he needed to clean you up. You grunted your response inelegantly, and he chuckled. Coming back with a wet towel, he started to gently wipe your face, then your sex, taking extra care knowing how sore you were. Then he plopped back down next to you.
You liked this best, when he turned to you to lay his head on your chest, his long arm and leg sprawled over your body. He was such a cuddler. You absentmindedly played with his hair, while his thumb rubbed circles on your ribs. You took a deep breath. You savoured moments like this with him, the intimacy allowed you to stupidly hope even though you knew it was useless. But you’d take it. This was good enough.
“That wasn’t too dirty, was it?” He asked.
You frowned at his question. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I think it was the wildest sex we’ve had, but, I don’t know,” he shrugged, “I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
You cooed at his attention. “Tae, I enjoyed every second of it.”
He looked up at you, eyes twinkling. “You were so hot, you know. And loud.”
You laughed. “You have that effect on me.” He smiled, then put his head back on your chest.
“Can I ask you something?” Taehyung moved to lie on his side, facing you. You turned to look at him. “When, uh, when you rode me and sucked my fingers, did you like it?”
You giggled nervously. “Um…” you felt your cheeks blush, “yeah, it was a big turn on? I just like how you made me feel full. At both ends.”
He hummed. “And when we 69? Like when I fingered you and you were sucking me.”
You nodded. “Yeah, it was fucking hot.”
He nodded at your answer. He looked away then back at you. He opened his mouth to ask the next question, only to quickly shut it before he could get a word out.
“Is everything okay?” You prodded.
He cleared his throat. “Well,” he started, “I really don’t know how to say this.”
“Just say it then.”
“Don’t get mad at me, okay?” He swallowed when you looked at him curiously. “Uh… would you be interested in a threesome? Maybe?”
“Excuse me?” Your eyebrows shot up.
“You don’t have to answer!” He said hurriedly. “It just came across my mind, and I was just curious, and if you feel uncomfortable answering, you don’t have to say anything. God, just forget I ask!” He rolled onto his back and covered his face with his arm.
You stared at him. He wanted to have a threesome with you? Did you want to have a threesome with him? “Tae, have you ever had a threesome before?”
“Uh, yeah, once in university.” He was still covering his face.
“With a girl and another guy or with two girls?”
“A girl and another guy. The girl was someone I knew who wanted to try it. The guy was my best friend in university, well he’s still my best friend now.”
“Okay, so that threesome you asked,” You couldn’t believe you were having this conversation with your crush. “if I said yes, who would it be with?”
“Uh, I’d ask my best friend.” He answered sheepishly. “I mean, I trust him, you know? With my life. I know he would be discreet and respectful, he would treat your right, and he would never ever breathe a word about it to anyone ever, and-“
“Why do you want to have a threesome with me?” you interrupted him.
“Because,” he took a deep breath, “the way you looked and sounded just now, fuck, it was just so insanely sexy! And I- for some reason- kept seeing you with another cock rather than my fingers. Fuck, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything.”
You thought about what he said. Riding Taehyung while having another cock in your mouth. Sucking Taehyung while another cock pounded your pussy. Your body felt hot, you could not even tell if it was from embarrassment or arousal, until you pressed your legs together. Yup, it was arousal.
“Taehyung,” you pulled his arms away. He glanced at you. “I want to. Let’s do it.”
He sat up, shocked. “Fuck, really? You don’t think I’m a pervert?”
You laughed as you sat up too. “Yes, really. And no, I don’t.  Like I said, I like feeling full. From both ends.” You were sure your cheeks were red as a beet as you convinced him. You were sure, 100% sure. You wanted to experience this with Taehyung. Fuck, you had made a sex tape with Yoongi, you definitely could do a threesome with Taehyung. Yes, you wanted this.
“Wow. I hated myself for asking you, but now I’m super… excited.” You glanced down at his member. Oh he was excited, all right.
You scooted closer to him, maybe you both could have one more go before he had to leave. “So, who is this best friend?” You asked, rubbing his pecs.
“Actually, you may know him. He’s an attorney too.” He pulled you onto his lap. “His name is Park Jimin.”
You felt blood draining from your body. 
The band finishes their last song, and as last applause dies down, you turn to your friend. “So, what do you think? They’re good, right?”
“Hmm. They’re not bad.”
“You like them!” You clap. “I’m a pretty good talent scout, aren’t I?”
Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Don’t give up your day job.”
You scrunch your face at him then grab his hand. “Come, I’ll introduce you to them.”
You pull Yoongi closer to the stage, then wave energetically at Taehyung, who is helping out his hyungs clearing their instruments. His eyes widen when he sees you, mouth breaking into that boxy smile you’re so fond of.
“Hey! Long time no see!” He hops off the stage and rushes to hug you. “How are you?”
“I’m good, I’m good. Oh it’s so good to see you.” You give him one last squeeze before letting him go. “Tae, this is Min Yoongi, a music producer.”
Taehyung’s jaw drops. “Oh my god. Min Yoongi. THE music producer.”
Yoongi rubs his neck uneasily.
“He’s shy.” You wink at Taehyung as his band mates join him. You make the introduction all over again, and laugh cheekily at Yoongi’s increasing discomfort as the band members fanboy over him. Seojoon, the oldest member of the band, shepherds the whole group to a table, where he promptly orders drinks for everyone.
Soon, Yoongi and the band get into a deep conversation about music, and you sit back, watching them while you nurse your beer. You love watching Yoongi in his element, his passion shines through, just like your boyfriend does when he talks about poetry and arts. You are about to text him, to update him on Yoongi’s positive reaction to the Wooga Band, when Taehyung slides to sit next to you.
“I can’t believe Min Yoongi is here. And he actually likes our stuff.” He whispers excitedly, as if saying it any louder would make Yoongi disappear into thin air.
You giggle. “Of course he likes your stuff. You guys are seriously good.”
Taehyung rubs his face. “Best day ever.” He exhales slowly, then turns to look at you, to really look at you. “How have you been?”
“I’m good.”
“Good.” He clears his throat. “I haven’t seen you much since…. well since that night, so I was worried…”
“I told you I was busy.”
“Yeah I know, I know.” He sighs wistfully. “Still, I was worried.”
“Taehyung, that night,” you lower your voice, “is one of the best nights of my life.”
He smiles smugly as he leans in. “It is pretty mind blowing for me too.”
“Honestly, I was extremely nervous about it, but once we started, oh my god, Tae, it was so fucking hot. I still think about it a lot.”
Taehyung smirks. “Don’t you have a boyfriend now? Should you not be this obvious about that night?” He teases.
You take a swig off your beer. “Well, he doesn’t need to know everything I did in the past, does he?”
You both giggle giddily. God, you really miss him.
“So, we’re good?” He asks.
“Of course, we always are.” You clink your beer with his cola, your crush long forgotten but your friendship remains intact. “Wooga Band is getting more fans, I see.” You look around to see a considerably larger crowd than when you first saw them play many months ago.
“Yeah, it’s great. The club keeps asking us to play more nights, you know.“
“Wow, that is amazing! Once you record a song with Yoongi, you’ll be a household name!”
Taehyung waves your comment away shyly. “Ah, we’ll see. It’s nice to think that, but… we’ll see.”
You hum. “Are you still working as a paramedic?”
He nods. “Yeah, but this month would be my last.” He chuckles at your shocked expression. “I’m going back to get my Master’s. I want to be a counselor.”
“Taehyung, that’s wonderful! I’m so happy to hear that.” You truly are happy for him. He has mentioned before that he wanted to do more to help people. You hug him. “You will make such amazing difference in people’s lives.”
He hugs you back then lets you go. “You’ve always been my biggest cheerleader. Thank you.”
You look at him fondly, then hug him again. “I’ll always support you, Tae.”
Your boyfriend joins you later that night, work having kept him longer than usual. You introduce him to Taehyung and the band (he has met Yoongi before), and you wonder at Taehyung’s tone towards your boyfriend when the former says, “Good to know she’s in good hands.”
You don’t spend too much time pondering that, however, as your boyfriend pulls you to the side, a little away from the group so he can kiss you properly. You smile at him lovingly, content to be in his embrace.
“Yoongi seems to like Taehyung and his band a lot.” He comments.
You nod as you snuggle him. “I bet he already has a song in mind for them.”
Another band is on the stage, playing something sensual. The alcohol you have consumed, combined with your conversation with Taehyung about THAT night, is stirring something inside you. You wrap your arms tighter around your boyfriend’s middle, resting your head on his chest. You swear his pecs get bigger after every trip to the gym.
“You’re clingy tonight.” He teases. You look up at him and pout. He smiles before leaning down to kiss you.
“Daddy,” you call him sweetly.
“See, clingy.” He kisses the tip of your nose.
“Daddy,” you whisper, “would you ever want to do a threesome?”
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A/N : Tada! I hope you enjoy reading this, and have I teased you enough about the Jimin chapter?? :D
Published on 06052021
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chaos-caffeinated · 4 years ago
Miracle of a Chance Ch. 9 (Part 1 of 2)
Taglist: @ultimatebottom69 @bitxhinthecomments @natiebug1
This is the longest chapter of yet, so there will be two parts. One posted today, the other tomorrow!
There's a little extra in there, I didn't write alcina x reader for nothing.
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Giggles erupted into the hallway in a teasing manner, and it came from none other of the three witches themselves: Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela. It would stop for a couple minutes and resume once again. Inside a room, the library, was 7-year-old Ezekiel with his mother, Lady Dimitrescu.
Currently in his home studies, Ezekiel's cheeks were puffed as he pouts at his mother's direction, clearly showing his frustration.
"Once you finish with your assignment you can play with your sisters." She stated calmly, reading over his answers. She skimmed through the answers with her glasses on.
"But I did do my work." He raised his papers, "See?" The page was filled of his handwriting. For the past hour, he had been practicing his handwriting, his natural writing and his calligraphy; it needed work, and that is why he was practicing.
Alcina wanted all her children educated, but it was unnecessary for her girls to study what he was because of his human stance. She wanted him prepared for the world, for he would represent what men should be: courteous, respectful, self-worthy, yet still carrying the assertiveness and confidence without humiliating anybody.
She looked up to admit he did finished, "What about the rest?" She asked, opening her palm, only to receive the paper.
"Mom...you said if I had finished my assignment, and I did." Ezekiel confidently spoke, smiling small as he made a point. She was surprised that he listened so well, but she was also slightly upset that now she had to let him go, "Well, Mr. Dimitrescu, You are correct-"
Ezekiel beamed at her reaction, "So I can go?" He asked, almost bouncing in his chair, beginning to pack up.
"Wait a minute, your homework."
Ezekiel slumped in his chair, and Alcina raised an eyebrow which caused him to straighten up in his chair.
Then she placed her hand over the other, "You'll read 5 paragraphs of your favorite book and recite it to me in French, in addition, you'll also practice more of some cursive words to get better at it. That's it for today, you've done well." She praised which lit up his facial features with pride.
"Thank you, Mom!" He cleaned up his desk before running out to the hallway to meet with his sisters.
Alcina smirked softly as she continued grading his papers, distracting her for awhile before going to her bedroom today.
Each of the girls' plan was to scare Ezekiel as he searched for them, already deciding to play hide-and-seek. They were ruthless when hiding from Ezekiel, but he would always scream then laugh at their attempt, it was music to their ears when not dealing with actual men, or maidens.
As Cassandra listened to his footsteps, she noticed the pattern of walking and searching, and running with confident of their whereabouts.
When laughter erupted and bounced on the walls, the footsteps stopped only for there to be a scrape.
"Cassandra!" He shouted with confidence laced with his voice, giggling afterwards, "I know that's you."
"It only counts when you find me, little brother!~" She replied arrogantly.
Ezekiel placed his finger on his chin as he glanced around the main living room. He scanned the area before noticing a shadow cast on the ceiling, "There you are! On the ceiling!" He called out. The mass of flies buzzed off from the ceiling and reached to the floor, nearing him only transformed to her human form, giggling, "So you found me first?" She grins, ruffling his hair only for Ezekiel to giggle and fixing it. His hair was in a ponytail with a bow on the back.
"Now you must help me find Bela!" He pointed at nothing in particular as he took charge in the moment.
"Lead the way, brethren." She picked him up and settled him on over her shoulders. Together they searched and searched, and he even looked on the ceiling. That was until they entered a room. Like every room, it was elegantly designed with the golden details, white walls. There were two wardrobes on each side, and both Cassandra and Ezekiel checked twice because "checking twice removes...it's just better to check twice." he would come up with, and the anti-climatic quote would make Daniela burst out laughing only for him to laugh with her.
Once they check the wardrobes, Ezekiel hummed in dissapointment, "They're not here..." he commented, crossing his arms and resting his finger on his chin before he raised an eyebrow at a brick on the floor. He pulled his hand away from his face slightly before making his way to the brick only to notice a broken side of the wall, "Hey, Cassie....what is...this?" His voice faltered as he felt an ominous vibe from inside. It was horribly lit with the terrible rotting wood compared to the golden accents in the castle. The oil lamp was still lit, and he even stepped back.
"OOh~ Bela and Daniela could be down there, mother is going to be very mad." She inspected the broken wall, "Hm..." She turned around to look at Ezekiel with a grin, "Shall we go?"
"Uhm...I don't....I don't want to..." Ezekiel wrapped his own arms around his shoulders as he stared at the room with a uncertain look.
"Oh come on, baby brother, you're going to let them win? We spent an hour looking for them and they could be here." Cassandra pitched in, "Come on, it'll be quick. We'll hop in, and out in no time-"
"You promise?" He asked, his hands trembling softly against his arms as he made eye contact with her piercing yellow eyes.
"Yes, yes, I do promise. Now shall we? Do you want to be behind me?" She started walking inside, "There's a ladder." she revelled, "Bela and Daniela made so much effort for you to look for them."
Hesitantly, Ezekiel followed. He watched and observed everything around him as he became more sensitive, getting goosebumps at any point. He watched Cassandra just become her swarm as she went to the bottom of the ladders and he turned around to get down. He was cautious about his movements as he tried not to get his clothes dirtied from the dust.
When he reached to the bottom, he followed Cassandra as he passed a pile of loose papers by the table and just watched her become the swarm again and into the cracks of the wall. He was confused as to how she knew her way, but he was disappointed that the wall was not a signal of dead end, a signal for him to turn back.
In the process of Ezekiel and Cassandra making their way to the cellar, Alcina was enjoying her meal from her favorite maid, the nanny that was taking care of her son when not playing with his sisters, and someone she secretly considered someone closer than a personal maid.
Her red, semi-glossy lips were pressed against your flesh as she sucked on the blood, making you grunt as you bit your thumb.
"You make a wonderful noise, dear, I made no mistake in trusting you." She complimented as she pulled way, her lips removing from you sounded that of a separated kiss, a kiss you desired for so long.
"Thank you, my lady." You sighed softly as you lay on the bed, sheets covering your torso and below.
She smirked and caressed your cheek, confidence surging as you leaned closer to her, "Who would have thought that because of your persistence, you would be here?"
You turn your face slightly to face her, to see her smile lines, to see her this close to notice the brush strokes, the eye shadow, and the beautiful pair of eyes you laid upon, "I had no participation other than following you, my lady."
She pressed her smile, and even then she got closer ever so slowly, "Well, my dear, I made a good choice. And, draga, it's Alcina to you only." before pulling you in a soft kiss. That moment, you felt light-headed, you felt your heart rate go up by the second and hoping never to forget what happened before you felt her whip away. The rush of air hitting your body like whiplash as you heard it. A scream, and not just any scream you became accustomed. Your eyes widen in fear and concern as you sat up.
Alcina was already up and getting her robe on, helping you with the gown. She wasn't worried about you two anymore, but Ezekiel and it showed.
You felt her hands shiver as you looked up at her, "Go, I'll follow you."
And she didn't hesitate to go.
Oh no a cliffhanger?! Oh but you knew already, welp, until tomorrow! Ta-ta!~
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 years ago
“Shall we go together?” (1/24) | A Taishirou Christmas drabble countdown
Just a little Taishirou-centric Christmas fic I’ve been meaning to write all year long, so here we are. The plan was to post 12-24 drabbles to complete telling the story and the Christmas spirit succeeded in the end.
Chapters: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]
Characters: Mimi Tachikawa, Sora Takenouchi, Jyou Kidou, Takeru Takaishi, their Digimon partners (mentions of the other Chosen Children)
Main POV: Mimi Tachikawa
Genre: Friendship (& romance)
Rating: K
Wordcount: 945
December 23rd, 07:15 PM
„Awww, are you really telling me nobody else is coming?! Unbelievable…”
With a disappointed pout on her lips, Mimi reached for the straw of her milkshake to blow up a few bubbles. The rest of the group around the table at the café they had agreed to meet at – Sora, Takeru and Jyou, plus all their partners – gave her sympathetic looks.
“It can’t be helped, Nii-san is still all wrapped up in practice for tomorrow”, Takeru explained while Patamon was emptying his own cup of cocoa. Sora, who was sitting on his right, nodded before returning to take a look at her tablet. Both of them had spent the day helping to prepare the decorations for Yamato’s annual Christmas Eve concert and she was very intent to ensure that nothing would be left forgotten.
“And the Yagami siblings are held captive by their mother”, she eventually added with a bright grin on her face. Jyou tilted his head in confusion.
“They’re what?”
“It’s Yuuko-san’s annual tradition to make her children bake as many Christmas cookies and cakes as possible.”
“Aaaaah, yes, I remember…”, Mimi replied, obviously intrigued. “That’s why Daisuke-kun still ends up complaining each and every year because Hikari-chan has cookie bags for everyone, right? I should take note of that…”
Sora still grinned at that – having known Taichi and Hikari for the majority of her life, she was more than familiar with their baking traditions and was definitely looking forward to her own personal portion this year.
“Taichi always pretends it’s torture to bake all Christmas Eve long, but I’m pretty sure he’s actually having a blast, even if they’ll be spending all of today buying ingredients. It’s his personal ‘I can bake more than my sister’ challenge.”
“Such a dork…”, Mimi giggled, already seeming a little bit less bitter than before, yet she couldn’t suppress a deep sigh. “Still, it’s a shame they’re not here. Since we can’t spend Christmas Eve together and all, with me flying to America tonight and Jyou-senpai spending all week in Hokkaido. Koushirou-kun said he wanted to come today, but changed his mind last minute…”
“Oh, he did?”, Jyou asked.
“Yeah, he didn’t tell me why though. He seemed in a hurry...”
The bitterness on Mimi’s face returned, so Takeru was quick to change the topic again.
“It really is difficult to keep everyone together, huh. Hikari-chan and I will at least uphold our annual tradition to celebrate with Daisuke-kun and the others.”
That actually seemed to have worked, as Mimi’s attention was immediately drawn to the new subject. “So you won’t see your brother’s concert?”
“I would love to, but the greatest Christmas present I can make him is to not tease him about being a cheesy younger version of Bon Jovi, you know…”
“Heh, point taken.” With a light giggle, Mimi patted Jyou’s shoulder appreciatively, as he was sitting next to her. “So in the end, you’re still the most reliable of them all, Senpai. At least that has never changed.”
“Don’t make me blush”, he said, actually blushing a little and rubbing his neck in a bashful manner, which caused Sora to look up from her tablet again, also giving him an encouraging smile.
“I’m sure you’ll enjoy the spa week with your brothers.”
“I guess that’s what I get for overworking all year long, if I said no, they probably would have kidnapped me. Gomamon has been talking about nothing else this week – and that tells you something if Christmas is just around the corner…”
“Hey!”, Gomamon protested, “It’s just that I personally enjoy hot springs more than Christmas presents! … As yummy as they might be…”
“I can imagine!”, Palmon giggled, with Piyomon joining her, before turning her head towards Sora, curiously looking over her arm and onto the tablet herself now.
“Sora, you’ve been all distracted, what are you even doing there?”
Looking a little guilty now, Sora immediately put the tablet down once again.
“Ah, Koushirou-kun set up an app for me to keep track of all my appointments properly – and I’m adding the concert and everything else to the list.”
“So responsible…”, Mimi whistled, nudging Sora across the table before taking a bite from a cupcake. “Juggling with all your responsibilities is your personal challenge, huh, Sora-san?”
Without teasing Sora further – and making her blush harder –, Mimi eventually finished her cupcake and looked out of the window. “I really wonder what Koushirou-kun was up to though… He will be there with Taichi-san and you tomorrow, right?”
“Yes… But I wouldn’t worry too much. I’m sure he will be alright.”
Listening to these words, everyone at the table turned to Sora.
“Why do you say that, Sora-san?”
“I think… He’s facing his own little challenge this Christmas”, she said calmly, making Jyou and Mimi exchange a curious look.
“Suspicious, seems like you know more than you claim to.”
“Not at all”, Sora smiled, still completely unshaken. “But if he was in a hurry one day before Christmas Eve, he might have a few more errands to run.”
A little snickering sound could be heard from Takeru and Mimi just gave her a questioning look, still not buying it, but too fed up to ask even further, so she leaned back in her chair and stretched.
“Haaaaaaah, young love must be tough…”
“M-Mimi-kun, you don’t know that it’s about that…”, Jyou scolded her, but more hesitant than usual, obviously not fully convinced himself, so Mimi winked at him – and raised her milkshake.
“Doesn’t mean that it’s not about that! And now let’s toast to us being the last remaining beacon of loyalty tonight! To us!”
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sequinsmile-x · 4 years ago
If Tomorrow Starts Without Me - Chapter 9
Rating: Mature (smut in this chapter)  Words: 7,261
Read it on a03, or below the cut
Let me know what you think :) 
October 2003
“I am going to kill her.”
Aaron turns from where he is preparing drinks for some of their guests to see his wife standing behind him, fury on her face and their 1 year old settled on her hip. He immediately knows who she is talking about.
He sighs as he abandons his task. “Em, sweetheart, love of my life.” He tugs her towards him and settles his arms around her and their son. “It is your birthday, and this little one's first birthday.” He says, tickling Theo’s side to get a laugh out of him. “Your mother has been here for all of 20 minutes, what has she said to have you considering murder already?”
She huffs out a breath. “She said I coddle him too much.”
Aaron’s eyebrows raise at that, not expecting Elizabeth to have commented on Emily’s parenting. It was something the older woman usually stayed away from, a silent acceptance that her daughter was a better mother than she ever had been.
“All that happened is he wanted to be picked up, so I did. And then she said that.” She carries on, clearly more upset than annoyed by her mother’s comment. “In front of everyone I might add.”
“Em.” He tucks some hair behind her ear, getting her attention to be focused back on him. “You are an excellent mother, please don’t pay any attention to her.”
She lowers her gaze from his and clears her throat. “I know I’m probably a bit over the top.” She says, as if he hasn’t spoken at all. “But we waited so long for him, and went through so much.”
“Emily.” He tilts her chin towards him, makes her look at him. “You are an excellent mother.” He repeats. “To both Theo and Jack. Don’t let her get to you okay?”
She nods and clears her throat. “Okay.” She looks back out of the kitchen over her shoulder. “I don’t want to go back out there.”
“You and Theo are the main event, you have to go back out there.” He reasons with her pressing a kiss to her lips. “Go see the team, I’ll put Jack on Elizabeth duty.”
She smiles at him and kisses him quickly before leaving the room, talking to Theo as she rejoins their friends and family.
Jack runs past the kitchen, so Aaron shouts for his attention. Jack walks up to him, a questioning look on his face.
“I need you to distract Elizabeth, okay?”
Jack sighs. “Why? What did I do wrong?”
“Jack, that's rude.” Aaron chastises whilst smothering a laugh. “Please.”
“Was she being mean to Emily again?” Jack asks, concern spreading over his face, his eyebrows tightening in a way that was so Haley it made Aaron’s gut twist.
“I think Emily is just a bit overwhelmed, and you know how they get to each other.” He says politically.
Jack seems to think about it for a second, before nodding. “It’s going to cost you two boxes of Lucky Charms.”
Jack leaves the room, leaving a very confused Aaron behind.
“I think I just got bribed by my 10 year old.”
November 2003
They are eating dinner all together when it happens. Aaron has Theo on his lap, giving Emily a break so she can eat a meal that wasn’t cold for once. Emily is telling him a story about Derek and Spencer’s antics in the office, a child friendly version since Jack is sat right opposite Aaron, when Theo wriggles out of his fathers lap.
“Ok, buddy. Down you go.” Aaron says, briefly putting his fork down as he settles the one year old on the floor, assuming he was after the toys that were scattered around the dining room.
Instead, Theo walks over to Emily, like he had done it a thousand times, and places his hands on her thighs, clearly wanting his mother’s attention.
The rest of the Hotchner’s speak almost in unison.
“Oh my god, did he just walk?” Emily asks, dropping her own cutlery down, abandoning her meal immediately.
“Shit, he did.” Aaron replies standing himself.
“I’ll go get the video camera.” Jack says, running off in search of it.
Theo looked incredibly confused over why everyone was suddenly looking at him so intently, and when Emily stands herself, he falls down, landing on his bottom, and he cries.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Emily croons as she picks him up, pressing a series of kisses to his face to cheer him up, knowing he really wasn’t hurt. She looks over at her husband. “Aaron, he walked.”
“Got the camera.” Jack says as he runs back into the room, camera on and recording and Emily smiles at him.
“Thanks, Jack.” She hands Theo over to Aaron. “Aaron, you take him, let's see if he does it again.”
Aaron nods, taking Theo and taking a few paces back from Emily, setting Theo on the ground. He stands there for a moment, looking confused.
“Go to Mama, buddy.” Aaron encourages, pointing at Emily who was crouched on the ground, arms out.
That, as Aaron expected it would, has Theo smiling and walking slowly over to Emily. He almost trips over a couple of times, unsteady on his feet, but he makes it, falling forward into his mothers arms.
Emily scoops him up and kisses him repeatedly, tears falling down her face as she does so. “Oh my sweet, clever boy.”
Theo tilts his head at her and places a hand on her cheek. “Mama sad?”
She shakes her head at him and presses a kiss to his face before looking over at Aaron and Jack, both beaming at her. “No, Theo. Not sad at all.”
February 2009
Emily really tries to not roll her eyes as Aaron insists on putting the car seat with Amelia down on the porch rather than let her hold it for the 10 seconds it will take him to open the door.
“Doctor's orders, sweetheart. No heavy lifting.” He says to her as the door opens and he picks the carrier back up.
She does roll her eyes that time as she walks past him. “Aaron, she’s not even 6lbs. I don’t think that counts as heavy lifting.”
Aaron raises an eyebrow at her when she winces as she sits on the couch, her c-section scar pulling. If she had the strength she would have got up and hit him, and throwing something at him was out of the question because he was holding Amelia. So she settled on just glaring at him.
“Jessica will be here soon with the boys.” He says as he lifts Amelia out of her carrier and brings her over to Emily without her having to ask. “They are both so excited to see her.”
“I know, Theo wouldn’t stop talking about her when I was home a couple of nights ago.” She takes Amelia into her arms, still blown away by how tiny she was. “I’m so glad you’re home, baby. No more nasty hospital.”
Emily thinks it must have been the longest week of her life, watching her tiny little girl in the NICU, her breathing suddenly becoming a problem on her first night in the nursery. Emily knows she’ll always remember the moment when the doctor came into her hospital room, where she was still recovering from surgery herself, and explained that Amelia needed a little extra care.
A combination of the pain, the hormones and the fear that there was something seriously wrong with her baby had left Emily inconsolable. Aaron sat next to her, his arm wrapped around her, as he asked the doctors the practical questions. Strong and dependable, and right by her side as he always was.
After too many nights sleeping on an uncomfortable bed in Amelia’s hospital room, Aaron having only convinced her to go home once, she was grateful to have her daughter home.
“She looks just like you.” Aaron says, stroking a finger over the baby’s head.
“You said the same about Theo.” She teases, looking up at him, a happy but sleepy smile on her face.
“You have seen our son right? He’s your double as well as your shadow.”
Amelia sneezes, drawing attention from her parents back to her. “I always forget how fucking cute it is when they do that.”
“Now she’s no longer living inside of you, you should probably work on cursing in front of her.”
“We managed to make Theo’s first word ‘mama’ despite my love of the word fuck.” She says, smirking at him when she curses again. “I think we can do it a second time.”
“Oh no, her first word is definitely going to be ‘Dada.’” __________________
May 2009 They get Theo to bed with a story from Emily, his concern about her going back to work manifesting in him all but refusing to go to sleep. The knowledge that when he woke in the morning his mother wouldn’t be there making him more difficult than usual.
She closes his bedroom door softly behind her, making sure he doesn’t wake back up as she sneaks out. Emily yawns as she walks to their bedroom, exhaustion seeping into her very bones. Amelia did not enjoy sleep, or at least seemed to consider it some kind of challenge to stay awake as long as humanly possible.
She enters her bedroom and sighs when she sees Aaron pacing the room, Amelia still very much awake against his chest. He turns to look at her, a tired smile on his face. “I think it’s fair to say she’s officially the most stubborn Hotchner.”
Emily laughs as she walks over, another yawn escaping her as she wraps her arms around her husband, resting her head on his chest next to where Amelia was. “If I feed her she’ll fall asleep.”
He hums and presses a kiss to the top of her head. “Sounds good.”
He passes the baby over, to Emily who whispers to her daughter as she takes her into her arms. She settles on her side of the bed and sits up against the headboard, readjusting her shirt to feed Amelia. She leans her head back and closes her eyes.
Aaron joins her in bed, sits up next to her as she nurses their daughter. “You ok sweetheart?”
She nods and lifts her head to look at him. “Just thinking about tomorrow.” She looks back down to the baby in her arms, who was already drifting off to sleep. “I hope it’s an easy day. No big cases. Just lots of paperwork and an evening back here.”
He leans in and presses a kiss to the top of her head. “You do remember it's the BAU right?”
“Shut up, Aaron. Let me hope just for a second, ok?”
He suppresses a laugh and watches as Amelia finally succumbs to sleep. “Whatever you want, sweetheart.” __________________
“Emily.” Jack’s voice is gentle but it's enough to wake her up. She blearily opens her eyes and sees her step-son standing next to her side of the bed. She shifts slightly, feels Aaron’s grip on her waist tightening, a gentle pull of her body back towards him that was strong enough to move her despite the fact he was sleeping.
It was the only time he was really touching her, his instinct in his sleep was still to seek her out, to pull her into his embrace. When he was awake it was a different story. He’d avoid her affection. Something he had never done, shying away from gentle touches to his skin, or kisses she tried to press to his forehead or cheeks. The joy of being reunited, of all of them making it, had faded into the awkwardness of learning how to be around each other again, and it hurt her more than she would care to admit.
“Jack.” Her voice cracks, sleepiness still present at the edges of her consciousness. “Is everything ok?”
“Theo is having a nightmare, I can’t wake him up.”
Emily gets out of bed quickly, carefully removing herself from her husband's grasp in an attempt to not wake him up. She follows Jack to the room he and Theo were sharing and her heart clenches in her chest when she can hear him whimpering in his sleep. She sits on his bed next to him and strokes her hand over his head, running her fingers through his hair. The sight of the cut on his forehead still made her breath catch.
“Come on sweetheart, you need to wake up.” She strokes his cheek with one hand, and rubs his back with the other, gently bringing him back to consciousness. He wakes up, eyes shooting open as he looks at her. “There you are, sweet boy. You’re ok.”
“Mommy?” He sits up and throws himself at her, seeking solace in her arms. Emily wraps her arms tightly around him, feeling him press his face into her neck, his tears wetting her skin.
“It’s ok, I’m here.” She presses a kiss to the side of his head. “Mommy’s here.”
“George said you were dead.”
Emily tightens her grip on her son, her hatred for Foyet burning through her veins. “He lied, honey. I’m right here.” She soothes him enough for him to pull back and look at her and she smiles at him, she runs her thumbs over his cheeks to wipe away his tears. “Do you want to come in and sleep with me and Daddy?”
He nods enthusiastically, tightening his grip on her again. She stands, lifting him onto her hip. He was really too big to be carried like this now, making her glad it was only a short walk back to the room her and Aaron were sharing. Theo rests his head against her shoulder and she presses a kiss to his head, and speaks words of comfort against his skin.
Emily turns to Jack who was still standing by the doorway. “Will you be ok?”
He nods. “Yeah I’ll be fine.”
She smiles at him and walks past him, grasping his arm briefly as she does so. “Thank you.”
Emily reenters the main bedroom, frowning when she hears crying as she walks in. She finds Aaron standing, Amelia crying in his arms. As soon as the little girl spots her mother she starts to squirm and reaches for her, more tears appearing on her face.
Emily sighs as she places Theo on the bed, placing the already sleeping boy under the covers on her side of the bed. Once he’s settled she looks up at Aaron, and sighs when she sees Amelia is still reaching out for her.
“I only fed her just before we went to bed, so she should be ok until morning.” She walks over to where he is standing, a still struggling Amelia in her arms. “She doesn’t do well in new places, or with new people.” She curses herself as soon as she says it, her exhaustion making her brain short wire. Things she wouldn’t usually say slipping past her carefully constructed walls. The way he looks at her cracks her heart. “Aaron, I didn’t mean it like th-”
“It’s fine, Emily.” He says, passing the screaming Amelia into her arms.
Once she has Amelia in her arms she presses a kiss into the baby’s head, shushing her as she tries to calm her down. She doesn’t miss the pain on Aaron’s face when she looks back up at him, the way he frowns at her when she can almost instantly soothe their daughter when he hadn’t been able to.
It breaks her heart too, memories of the relationship Aaron and Amelia had before all of this, before Foyet, floating around in her head. Images of how he had been the only one who could get her to laugh when she first started doing it, dragging the sweet sound out of her as often as he could. She remembered walking into their living room to find Amelia doing tummy time and Aaron laying on the floor right in front of her, whispering nonsense to their daughter.
In the two days since they had been reunited they hadn’t addressed it, hadn’t acknowledged that Amelia didn’t recognise him, how hurt he was by it, and that he would have to start that relationship from scratch.
“It will get better, Aaron.” Emily says, gently rocking the baby and rubbing her back as she tries to soothe her back to sleep. “It will just take a bit of time.”
“Yeah.” He says simply, looking away. “I’m going to go make a drink.” He points towards the main suite. “Do you need anything?”
She shakes her head, resists telling him that it’s 3am and they should just go back to bed now that the kids are settled again. “I’m ok, thanks.” She leans forward, closes the gap between them and presses a kiss to his cheek and ignores how he flinches away before he leaves the room.
Emily settles Amelia back into her crib before she climbs into bed next to Theo. The little boy immediately seeks her out in his sleep, his hands digging into her pyjama shirt as he moulded himself against her. She wraps her arms around him and closes her eyes, hoping sleep would find her easily.
When she wakes in the morning, Theo is still pressed close to her, and it’s clear Aaron’s side of the bed has not been slept in. __________________
Her parents show up at the hotel that evening, and Emily doesn’t think she’s ever been hugged so fiercely by either of them. The 6 months it has been since she last saw them is not the longest she has ever gone without seeing them by far, but it was different. She’d felt it too.
Theo and Jack are next, pulled into equally adoring embraces by their grandparents. Elizabeth and John both barely cover their upset when Amelia shys away from them, her face buried into Emily’s neck.
Emily is grateful that for once, her mother pays attention to the look she gives her, the silent request to leave it alone.
They spend a few hours together. It’s awkward, and if her parents notice the way Aaron is acting, how he keeps distancing himself from her, they don’t address it. When Theo gets too tired to keep his eyes open, falling asleep against John’s side, Emily gets him up and leads him to bed.
“Mommy, can I sleep with you and Daddy again?” He asks gently, almost embarrassed by the request.
She bends down to his level and presses a kiss to his forehead. “Of course, sweetheart. But it’s going to be a little bit before we go to bed, ok?”
“Emily.” Aaron’s voice makes her whip round to look at him, the annoyance on his face confusing her. “Can I have a quick word with you?”
“Yeah, ok.” She turns back to Theo and smiles at him. “Why don’t you stay out here with Grandma and Grandpa for a bit, I’ve got to go speak to Daddy.”
They walk into their bedroom, and she sneaks a glance at a sleeping Amelia in her crib as he closes the door. When she turns to look at him he looks angry.
“Aaron? What’s wrong?”
“He can’t just sleep in here every night. You have got to stop coddling him, Emily.”
Her eyebrows raise at that, defiance washing over her face. “Coddling him? This would be the second night.” She crosses her arms and tries to keep her cool. “He’s my son. He is upset and confused by everything that’s happened. You didn’t see how upset he was when he woke up last night. So if he wants to sleep in our bed until he’s feeling more settled then that’s what I’m going to let him do.” She runs a hand through her hair. “We don’t even have Archie to defuse it, I left him behind in all the panic.”
He wants a fight, she can tell. The tension radiating off of him in waves. “It’s not just Theo. It’s all three of them. They are too attached to you.”
She tilts her head at him and furrows her brows. “Of course they are attached to me, I’m their mother.”
“You’re not Jack’s.”
She can’t help the gasp that escapes at that, the words he’s only ever thrown at her once before. When Haley had just died and they were trying to find their footing again. She turns to leave, knowing that if she said anything further it wasn’t going to help.
“It’s not like you to walk away from a fight.”
She stops in her tracks and turns to look at him, indignation all over her face. “No, it isn’t. But I did. I tore our family apart because you asked me to leave, and now we are living with the consequences of that.” Emily blows out a breath, tries to calm down. “It’s not my fault Amelia doesn’t recognise you, Aaron.”
He hates that she knows him so well, that she can so easily get to the bottom of what is really upsetting him. “What are you saying? That it is my fault?”
“You started a war with a psychopath that you couldn’t finish. And me and your children had to live with the consequences.” She shakes her head at him. “And if you think for one second that it was easy, you are deluding yourself.”
He opens his mouth to say more, to throw more barbs her way, but the door to their room opens and Jack is standing there, a nervous look on his face. “We can all hear you.”
It’s enough to snap them both out of it, Emily sighing when she thinks about the fact her mother of all people would have overheard everything that had been said. She looks back at Aaron who won’t meet her eyes.
“I’m going out.” Aaron says, leaving the room before she can protest. Emily closes her eyes to stop herself from crying, not wanting to break down in front of Jack and with her parents in the next room. She looks at Jack and tries to smile, mutters an apology as she fails to do so.
Jack nods at her before following out after his father. “Dad, wait. I’m coming with you.”
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
Emily turns to look at Derek, who was standing behind her with his arms crossed and a concerned look on his face. “Yes. I think I need to do this.”
Derek stares at her a second before looking past her to the medical examiner, giving the other man a quick nod. The medical examiner opens a door to a small room and leads them in, a body covered in a sheet laying on a metal table in the middle of it.
Emily can’t help the gasp that escapes her when the sheet is pulled back, the mess of Foyet’s face being brought into view. She closes her eyes for a second and takes a deep breath before making herself look again.
He was unrecognisable. His face was a mess of bruising, dried blood and broken bones and teeth. She couldn’t believe that Aaron, a man who had always touched her so reverently, like she was made of precious jewels, had done this. That the same man who had comforted their children with such tenderness over the years had beaten this man to death, and clearly kept going much longer than was necessary.
She can’t blame him for it, not for a second, because she knows she would have done the exact same thing.
Emily takes a step forward, gets slightly closer to Foyet, and leans down to him. “You lose.”
She walks out the room without looking back. __________________
When Emily gets back to the hotel she sees her mother sat out in the living room, Amelia in her arms, Theo nowhere to be seen.
Elizabeth looks up at her and smiles. “That didn’t take long.”
Emily smiles and nods walking towards the couch. “Thanks for watching them.”
“Did you get what you needed from it?”
“Yes.” Emily replies, sitting next to Elizabeth. Amelia immediately reaches for her mother as soon as she is close enough. Emily smiles as she takes her into her arms, pressing a kiss to her dark hair as she does so. “I think so anyway. Where’s Theo?”
Elizabeth smiles at the mention of her grandson. “Your father is reading him a story, hopefully he’ll fall asleep in his own room tonight.”
Emily sighs. She had left so soon after Aaron and Jack had that there hadn’t been the chance for this conversation earlier. “Mother, please-”
“I’m not criticizing you.” She interrupts, placing a hand on her daughter's leg, trying to soothe her in a way that had never really existed in their relationship. “I promise.”
Emily stares at her, tries to find some of the underlying passive aggressiveness that usually existed in her relationship with her mother. But she found nothing except concern, and something that looked like sympathy. “Ok.”
They sit in silence for a moment, both laughing when Amelia suddenly hauls herself up on Emily’s lap, hands tangling in her hair as she balances herself. Emily smiles at her daughter as she replaces her hair in Amelia’s hands with her fingers. Her heart clenched as it always did when her baby’s hands grasped on tight.
“She’s changed a lot.” Elizabeth says, briefly running a hand down Amelia’s back.
Emily nods. “Yeah, well that’s what 6 months does I guess.”
“You’re still angry at him for asking you to leave.”
Emily turns to look at her mother, eyebrows furrowed. “I’m not-”
“You are, and I can’t blame you. I would have been too.” Elizabeth smiles at her. “I was angry. I went to visit him in the hospital the day after you left.”
She frowns at that. “You did?”
“I did. And then I understood.” Elizabeth can’t help the laugh that escapes when Amelia suddenly launches herself forward, head resting on her mother’s shoulder. “You’ll be fine. You both just need to talk to each other. You’ve always got through everything.”
Emily smiles, tightening her hold on her own daughter as she settles into her. “Careful, Mother. It’s starting to sound like you actually like Aaron.”
Elizabeth smiles at that. “And he can never know.” __________________
They drive in mostly silence after Jack gives him the street address to the apartment they had stayed in during their time in witness protection.
Jack looks at him for a long moment, contemplating if it was really his place to say anything about the argument he had overheard. He turns back to look out the windscreen before he talks, and watches as the city gives way to countryside, memories of the drive out here for the first time seeping in. He remembered Theo and Amelia crying in the back seat. Theo because he had some vague understanding they wouldn't see their father again for a while. Amelia because she absolutely hated car journeys.
Mostly Jack remembers catching Emily’s eyes as he looked into the back of the car, how sad she looked despite the encouraging smile she plastered on for him.
“I think you need to give Emily a break, Dad.” He finally says. “She did her best.”
“Jack, it’s complicated.”
“I know it is, but none of it was her fault.” Jack replies. “Or yours.” He adds quickly, not missing how Aaron’s hands grip the steering wheel a little tighter. Jack clears his throat, an admission leaving his lips before he even realises he was going to say it. “I made her cry once.”
He watches his father frown at that, a question on his face. “Jack?”
“I accused her of sleeping with Sam. I knew she wasn't. I also said she wasn’t my mom.” He says, reminding Aaron what he had overheard earlier. “I just wanted to hurt her so I felt better. It didn’t work.” Jack looks out the window, avoids looking at Aaron. “I think you and me have that in common.”
There is a pause, and Jack swears he hears his dad mutter something about therapy being worth every penny before he speaks loudly enough for him to actually hear. “How did you get so smart?”
Jack smiles at him, and for the first time since he heard Emily and his dad argue he feels relief in his chest. “I’ve had three pretty great parents.” _________________
The apartment is smaller than he imagined it being, the space not seeming enough for his wife and children to have lived in for so long.
It’s clearly been abandoned. There is food left out on the kitchen counter, toys scattered through the living room and he can imagine the panic Jack must have felt when Foyet walked in, claiming his parents were dead.
“It’s a shithole, huh?”
Aaron turns around to look at his son, raising an eyebrow at his turn of phrase, Jack’s only response being him holding his hands up in surrender. Aaron then spots something orange sticking out from under the couch. He bends down to get it, his sore ribs protesting the action, and he picks it up. The fur of the stuffed cat is slightly rougher than he remembered it being, another six months of being fiercely loved by Theo wearing it down slightly.
“Hi, Archie.” He says. “It’s been a while.” __________________
When Aaron and Jack get back, Archie tucked under her husband's arm, she’s reminded of when they left the toy on a plane years ago. Theo was so small then, Amelia not even something they had considered they could have.
“You went to the apartment?” She asks, a frown on her face. She hadn’t been sure what to expect when he had stormed out hours again, but this certainly wasn’t it.
“I wanted to see it.” He says it's like the most simple thing in the world. “Why don’t you go give this to Theo.” He hands over the stuffed cat and she nods, sneaking quietly into the room Jack and Theo were staying in and smiles when she sees her son fast asleep. She places Archie next to him and presses a gentle kiss to his forehead.
Emily turns when she hears noise behind her, and she sees Jack holding a sleeping Amelia in his arms, Aaron behind him with the portable crib the hospital had provided in his hands.
She frowns slightly. “What’s going on?”
“Jack said he’d take Amelia so we could talk.”
Emily turns to Jack. “Are you sure?”
Jack nods, placing his sister in the crib once Aaron sets it down. “Of course.”
She pulls him into a hug. “Thank you.”
They walk over to their room, making Jack promise to come get them if there is an issue with either Theo or Amelia. The door closes behind them and it’s instantly awkward, she stands in the middle of the room with her arms crossed over her chest, looking at anything except him.
“I’m sorry.” He speaks first. “I was out of line earlier.”
She looks at him. “I’m sorry too.” She swallows against the lump in her throat. “I hate this Aaron. I hate that this feels so awkward. It’s never been like this.”
“I hate it too.”
She takes a step towards him. “Then you need to tell me what you’re thinking. I’m a damn good profiler, but I can’t actually read minds.”
He smiles at her, closes the small gap between them and grabs her hand. “I killed a man.”
“I know you did.” She says softly, gripping his hand tighter.
“I didn’t have to kill him.” He says firmly, his voice emotionless. “I could have stopped, and I didn’t.”
“I know.” She repeats, and she smiles sadly at him when he looks at her. “I made Derek take me to see Foyet’s body when you were gone today.” He opens his mouth, words of what she is sure are anger about to spill out. “I needed to see him, Aaron. I had to see it for myself.”
He clenches his jaw tightly for a second before releasing it, nodding at her.
“I’d have done it too.” She says, running her thumb over the knuckles he fractured on Foyet’s teeth. “I’d have killed him. Without a second thought. It doesn’t make you like him.” She cups his cheek. “You are not the same as that man.”
He sighs at that, resting his forehead against hers. “He gave me the same scars as him.”
Emily feels like her breath stutters in her chest, the realisation that was what he had been thinking about all this time hitting her like a truck. “Aaron.”
He pulls back from her, completely removing himself from her grasp, and he unbuttons his shirt, revealing the pattern of scars on his chest. Mixed in with large purple and black bruises she knows are from the final showdown with Foyet.
There was some redness to the scars, raised and slightly puckered still, but she imagined they looked better than they once had. Not for the first time she wishes she had been there with him when he was healing, and she hates that he went through so much alone.
She reaches out and touches one of them, runs her finger over the healed skin. He flinches under her touch and she pulls her hand back.
“Em...”He looks away from her, as if shielding himself from her reaction. Like he had spent the last 6 months convincing himself that anything Foyet had done to him would make her love him less instead of more. It makes her want to go back to the morgue and get a couple good hits in herself, fiery protectiveness for the man who had given her everything licking at her insides. She gently reaches out for her husband instead. Tracing a finger softly over one of the scars before she looks up at him.
“Baby.” She puts a hand on each of his cheeks and makes him look at her, her thumbs tracing his cheekbones. She feels tears gathering in her eyes, and she shakes her head at him. “They don’t matter. I’m not looking at them and thinking of him. I just see you. Just like I always have.”
He stares at her for a moment, as if he is trying to gauge if she is telling the truth, and then he surges forward. His hand tight in the back of her hair as he kisses her fiercely, pouring half a year's worth of love into it.
Emily loses herself in it, letting herself be overwhelmed by the kisses he presses to her lips and down her neck, his hands wandering up the back of her shirt, spanning the whole of her back in a way she has spent months dreaming of. Her memory hadn’t served him justice and she has to choke back a moan as his thumbs graze past her breasts.
Her brain comes back online when he presses her into the bedroom wall, a laugh escaping her mouth as he sucks on her pulse point. “Aaron.” She pushes at him slightly, grabs his face in her hands and runs a thumb over his bottom lip. “Honey, we can’t do this. You’re injured.”
He turns his face to press a kiss to her palm. “Em, please. I just need to feel you.” He presses his lips to her throat and her eyes close, the heat climbing in her body overwhelming.
She wanted him too, so much. This final reaffirmation that they had lived, they’d survived something awful and somehow, by some miracle, still had each other.
“I want you too. So much.” She says, her hand travelling to the back of his neck. “But let's take it to the bed ok?” She pulls him forward to lean his forehead on hers and smiles against his lips. “I don’t think either of us are quite up for fucking against the wall tonight.”
He pulls her tighter to him, and leads her over to the bed without another word, taking her shirt off as he does so.
They lay on the bed together, hands exploring and rediscovering each other slowly. Peeling off their remaining clothes as they go. She feels like her body is on fire, his revenant touch making her shudder.
He sucks a bruise on her shoulder and she decides she’s had enough. Emily pushes him back onto his back and swings a leg over his lap, both of them groaning when she settles over his lap, a jolt of pleasure runnin through both of them. Aaron makes a move to sit up and she gently pushes him back down, linking her hands through his, their fingers intertwining.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” She whispers as she leans down purposely not leaning on his purple mottled skin, kissing him hard on his lips.
She sits back up and sinks onto him, almost biting through her lip to prevent herself from crying out at the feeling. She stays still for a second, allowing herself the chance to adjust, to enjoy the feeling. Then she starts to move. He sits up suddenly, wraps his arms around her and ignores her protests.
“It’s worth it.” He says into her neck, pressing kisses into her skin. “Always...always worth it.”
She nods, unable to argue with him. She moves her head back so she can kiss him, wrapping her arms around the back of his head as she does.
They fall apart together, swallowing each other's moans as they do. Emily rests her forehead against his, breathing heavily as she tries to regulate her emotions. Tears spring to her eyes before she can stop them, and a sob escapes her just as quickly.
“Oh, baby. It’s ok.” He says gently, hugging her to him. He kisses her forehead before pulling her head towards his chest. “You’re ok.”
“I missed you so much.” She cries against him, fingers clawing at his still sweaty back. “So fucking much.”
“I know, sweetheart.” He kisses the top of her head, feels his own tears flood his lash line. “I missed you too.” He strokes the back of her head, fingers tangling in her hair. “But I’m here. We’re here. It’s over.”
Emily pulls back from his embrace and he immediately cups her face, wipes away the tears on her cheeks despite the fact he knew they’d be instantly replaced. “It’s over.” She repeats back to him before resting her head against him again. “It’s really over.”
He nods, their foreheads clashing slightly. “I love you, Emily.”
She laughs, like it’s the most obvious thing he had ever said, and she palms his face, cupping his cheek. “I love you too.” __________________
She demands to go to the house the next day, just the two of them. He’s unsure at first, doesn’t know if it is a good idea. But she is insistent, and he has never been one to deny her. Elizabeth and John come back around to stay with the children, both Theo and Amelia hesitant to be separated from their mother. It had led to a lot of tears, some from Emily although she would deny it if he brought it up, but they left eventually, a promise that they wouldn’t be long hanging in the air.
Emily is out of the car and through their front door, crime scene tape was still hanging from the frame, before he even had the car parked up. He walks in after her and finds her sood in the doorway of their dining room.
“I used to love this house.” She says without turning to look at him, eyes fixed on their dining room floor where he had left Foyet’s body only three days beforehand. “It was the first place that ever felt like home to me.” She sniffs, the heel of her hand coming to her cheek to wipe away a tear that he can’t see. “I loved our apartment, it’s the place where we became us. But this is the house we bought to have a family in. Even though that never quite turned out the way we thought it would.”
“I’ve always loved it too.”
She looks at his knuckles, still swollen, cuts standing out against his skin. “Theo took his first steps here.” She looks back at the floor. “I’d always think about that when we had dinner as a family. How he shuffled out your lap and just started walking.” She bites her lip, chin wobbling as she remembers the moment that seems so long ago now. “Now all I can think about when I stand here is that you beat a man to death. Or that the last time I came home and I found our living room stained with your blood.”
“I’m not saying it’s your fault.” She finally looks at his face, takes one of his bruised hands in hers and delicately runs her thumb over his damaged knuckles. She sees the doubt in his eyes, the concern she had caused with their crossed words the day before and she's so mad at herself for it she could cry. “None of this is your fault.” She emphasises. “ I just don’t think we can live here anymore.”
He feels relief he wasn’t expecting, a tension he hadn’t realised was in his chest starts to fade at her words. His time alone in the house, and the events that had bookended it, had tainted it for him. The innocence that had once lived in the walls of their house, their sanctuary from the horrors they saw in their work, torn away. “Then we find somewhere else to live.”
She looks at him with curiosity in her eyes, and she tilts her head slightly at him. “You say it like it’s simple, finding somewhere we can call home.”
“Em,” He runs his hands up her arms, finally settling on her shoulders as he pulls her into a hug. “You and the kids are my home, you’re all I need.”
Emily holds him just as tightly. “You’re mine too. I think you always have been.”
One Month Later - December 2009
Amelia is standing on his thighs, hands squishing his cheeks when he gets the call. JJ’s name flashing across his screen automatically makes his heart drop. The last he’d heard from Emily they had caught the guy. His motivations for one of the murders were still unclear, and Emily was driving with one of the local detectives and the unsub to take him into custody.
She’d even commented that she would be home for putting the kids to bed on her first case back at work. She had asked Derek to take the lead for the first couple of cases back, so she could readjust to it after such a long time away.
He balances Amelia with one hand, the little girl still not quite able to stand completely by herself yet, and grabs his phone to answer it. “JJ, what’s wrong?”
“She’s ok.” JJ starts off, sounding unsure over the phone. “She said not to call, but I thought you’d want to know.”
“JJ, just tell me.”
JJ sighs, as if preparing herself for his reaction. “Emily’s been in a car accident.”
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mothernerd · 4 years ago
blood 9 - Strange/Stark!Reader
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Relationship: Dr. Strange/Princess!Stark!Reader
Rating: M
Warnings: Adult Themes, smut, adult language, implied sexual violence, general violence
Synopsis: Reader is the daughter of the legendary King Anthony Stark, Uniter of Lands, The Iron Defender, and leader of the realm. When the king disappears during battle, hope is lost and he is presumed dead.
When the late king’s uncle, Obadiah, takes the throne until your brother Peter is of age, he quickly arranges a marriage for you with a wicked king in a neighboring kingdom.
With the realms politics in question, and rumors of an upcoming siege to overthrow Peter’s rule before it starts, you quickly learn who is loyal to the crown and who is not.
part 8 - part 10
Chapter Playlist
WARNING: Mention of violence/attempted assault from prior chapter
9 - a king’s arrival
Thank the gods Loki crossed Stephen’s path first, because things were happening far more quickly than the sorcerer had anticipated. He had heard a particularly chilling rumor upon his return to the castle from surveying the magical barriers with Amora and was in route to your quarters to check on you. 
Loki intercepted him and caught him up to what had happened.
Loki had told Peter the details of what he’d stumbled upon between you and Brock. Immediately inflamed, Peter started in motion the rebellion he’d been planning with Nat and the guard. With the Asgardian army’s support, Peter could easily usurp the throne from Obadiah by the end of the night. 
Especially now that the alliance between him and Brock was in question with the betrothal in a murky area. 
Less than twelve hours, Stephen calculated while Loki kept pace with him toward your room. That’s all it took for the plans to go into motion and the next steps to proceed.
“He didn’t-,” Stephen asked after they’d arrived, his anger simmering and threatening to boil based off of his companions response. He needed to keep control. He needed to kept his head or risk you falling into harm.
“No,” Loki stated clearly. “It was stopped before he finished his task. Her seidr did well to protect her. You acted in good judgment by not fully sealing it.”
“Amora?” he pressed and Loki smirked back at him. 
“She’s been tending to Brock the last hour, but I’m certain they won’t have time to rally a guard to their cause,” he explained quickly. “My men outnumber theirs two to one, and from what Natalia has told me, the majority of the guard will support Peter.” He paused and glanced around, lowering his voice.
“Besides, even if they mobilize troops, after you finish your part, Brock will have nothing else to gain from an alliance with Obadiah.”
“And the queen and younger princess?” Stephen’s hand rested on the knob of your door. Eyes shut while he listened to Loki’s report.
“James is with them now,” Loki nodded. “They’ll be moved once Peter makes the first move. I’m meeting with Thor before dinner to confirm some of the entry points to the castle in case Obadiah tries to deter us once things get.. chaotic.”
Perfect. Everything was falling into place, and you were none the wiser, which meant neither were your enemies. 
Loki disappeared once Stephen summoned a tray of stew and started through the door, unsure how he’d find you on the other side. 
Personally, Stephen wanted to rip Brock to shreds. He wanted to cut the skin off of him and sprinkle salts and other acids over open wounds and watch him scream. He wanted to gauge his eyes out, fling him from the tallest balcony, and listen to his cries for mercy. 
It wasn’t a pride thing. Stephen wasn’t the least bit upset that you’d been sullied or marked by another man, no, he was upset because he’d hurt you. 
And seeing the aftershocks for himself only further fueled Stephen’s rage. 
You were in a sleeping gown, hair pulled loose, legs curled into yourself, fully submerged in your bedding. When he set the tray of food down on a nearby table and stirred you, his heart broke at your swollen eyelids and red, glossy eyes. 
He should have been there sooner. 
“Stephen?” you asked sleepily. You clearly cried yourself into exhaustion, your cheeks still puffy from the ordeal.
“My love,” he sat on the edge of the bed and fully enveloped you in his arms. You were a bit tense at first, but immediately sank into him when he started rubbing soothing circles into your back. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.”
“It’s not your fault-,” you murmured with a small hiccup and a sigh. Pulling away, you looked up miserably toward him. “He’s a monster... we knew that. I shouldn’t have sent Steve to find you.”
Stephen stopped, taking your hand and pressing his lips to your palm, cradling the shaking digits tenderly. 
“You did nothing wrong,” he stated firmly. “A lady shouldn’t have to fear her company- her betrothed- would... dishonor her in such a horrendous manner. You were brave and defended yourself. I’m proud of you for being so strong.”
Your eyes watered again, your bottom lip trembling. A few tears snuck down your face and before you could wipe at them angrily, Stephen caught them with his thumb, his hands moving to cradle your cheeks. 
“Loki... he said he would fix it... is everything...?” you asked meekly and despite the gnawing feeling that lying to left him, he nodded. 
“All is under control,” he assured you softly. “Why don’t you have some stew and continue resting?”
“Will you stay?” you asked, gripe tightening around his hand. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” he promised, pressing a kiss to your forehead and helping you settle into bed, before handing off the tray. 
He sat next to you while you picked at your food, listening while you told him about what had transpired in the garden earlier and how your seidr had reacted when you’d fought Brock off. 
“Loki was right,” he noted, passing you a slice of bread from the tray. “It was lucky Amora was off the grounds when that happened. She would have noticed and retaliated immediately.”
You hummed to yourself, dipping the corner of the bread into the stew and taking a small nibble. 
He could tell you were still out of sorts, the fresh exchange with Brock having come so unexpectedly and traumatically. More than anything, he wished he didn’t have to do what happened next. 
“Here,” he finally relented when you barely touched your meal, pulling the tray aside and out of the way. “You should sleep.” 
“I’ve rested plenty,” you protested, but after a pause, gave in and snuggled deeper into your blankets. 
“I’ve got something that should help,” he pulled out the small glass vial, holding it between his fingers for you to examine. The liquid inside shimmered an almost stunning cobalt blue against the light from your fireplace.
“A sleeping draught?” you guessed, reaching for the vial and examining it for yourself. 
“Not quite a sleeping draught,” he explained, plucking the cork free and letting you give the scentless liquid a sniff. “It’ll relax you enough to let you ease into a full and restful sleep.”
“So, a sleeping draught?” you teased with a small grin, swirling the liquid in the bottle with a tilt of your hand.. 
“Call it what you’d like, but it’ll help. You just drink the whole vial,” he instructed, watching you consider it briefly. 
“Am I going to fall into an eternal enchanted sleep?” you asked, joking, but unaware of how close to the truth you were. “Like the old stories?” 
“It won’t be eternal,” he assured you with a forced chuckle, settling his hands at his side so you wouldn’t see him shaking. This was it. The most crucial part of the plan. “You’ll wake with a full night’s rest. It’ll help you feel a little better.”
“At least that’ll help me face him tomorrow,” you murmured, swallowing the contents of the vial in a single gulp. You let out a yawn. “Don’t leave until... sleep..?” 
Your eyes were already fluttering shut and he plucked the bottle out of your hand before it broke on the ground. 
“Stephen?” you asked again, voice laced with sleepiness. “I love you.”
“And I you, princess,” he choked out, standing and pressing a final kiss to your head. “Please know I do this all out of love.”
You mumbled something incoherent before your body fell unnaturally still, the potions effects quickly taking over. 
He had to work fast. Waving his hands over your body, he changed your night dress to the outfit you’d worn earlier with Brock. 
The image made him sick. Your skirt was covered in blood, the corset nearly ripped off your frame- fortunately, your recent tears had swollen your face and reddened it more.
He positioned you delicately above the blankets, draping your hand over the edge of the bed and wrapping the vial carefully in your slack fingers. 
He dug through your nearby desk for some parchment and enchanted a quill to mimic your handwriting. A final goodbye, as far as anyone was concerned.
After all, the events had been so traumatic to you, you’d raided Stephen’s observatory and crafted a deadly poison to kill yourself. 
And aside from him, Tony, Loki, and Wanda- everyone would think it was effective, in turn, removing you from harms way while the castle was reclaimed.
Not even Peter nor Natalia was privy to what he and his fellow magic users had planned. 
Once the coast was clear and your body was taken to the family tomb, Wanda would bring you back to his ancestral home, now occupied by your father’s rebel army. 
Stephen couldn’t imagine you were going to be pleased with his dishonesty, particularly after drugging you and keeping your father’s survival to himself, but at least you’d be safe. 
And in the end, that’s all that mattered. 
Satisfied with the scene he’d crafted, Stephen removed the dining tray with a wave of his hand and portaled outside of the kitchens where he intercepted your personal maid, Violet. 
“The princess is unwell,” he explained, letting the princess expression of solemn sympathy flash across her features. “Could you bring her a tray for dinner?”
No one would know he’d crossed your path, and Amora would be too focused on healing Brock to notice any non-seidr magical ongoings around the castle. 
Excusing himself to his own quarters, Stephen cleaned himself up for dinner... and a show. 
“The princess-!” he heard Clint call into the dining room that evening. Pepper had excused herself from the meal to tend to the suddenly ill with pox, Princess Morgan. 
Brock had the audacity to actually join the group, with Amora smiling dutifully at his side while he and Obadiah discussed trade routes. 
Loki and Thor had graciously accepted the kings invitation, and as usual, Stephen was in his place next to Peter. 
“What is it?” Obadiah demanded sharply. 
“She’s-,” he paused looking to Brock with unease. “Your majesty, the princess has killed herself.”
Stephen waited until someone else reacted first, putting on the most confused and dismayed expression he could manage. 
“Take me to her,” he demanded with Peter hot on his footsteps.
Sure enough, you were still laying in bed. Someone (probably Violet) had folded your hands over your chest delicately, and placed the empty vial next to your note. 
Stephen made a show of checking you for signs of life, even offering Amora a chance to give a second opinion. 
Fortunately, he was that good at what he did. 
The potion mimicked the effects of death so well, even the enchantress was shocked by the sudden turn of events. He could tell she was trying to feel out any signs of your seidr, but after a brief pause, turned to confirm the truth to her king. 
Loki hissed a curse under his breath and turned on Brock, knife in hand, pressing the cowering king against the wall, demanding justice for the premature death of his bride. 
Peter, for his part remained composed. He ordered that he be the one to inform the queen, and parted with his fists clenched at his sides and his eyes filled with fire. 
“This is... a tragedy,” Obadiah knelt by your bedside, nudging Stephen aside and taking your hand into his. “So young and just before her wedding. A cruel circumstance of the fates!”
Stephen could have sworn he heard Loki snort at the dramatic scene the king was putting forth. 
Thor had managed to pry the prince and king apart, demanding Amora  “remove the villain from his sight before he changed his mind”, leaving the two Asgardian princes, Stephen, and Obadiah alone in the chamber.
“Is there no saving her?” the king asked quietly, looking up to Stephen with a desperate frown. “I know what she was to you. Tell me, is there truly no hope?”
Stephen cleared his throat, letting a slight break in his voice crackle as he spoke. 
“My grace, I’m familiar with the poison, and Enchantress Amora will confirm my words,” he looked down at you with a heartbroken sigh. “The princess was well aware of the potion she was consuming. There is no return. My most sincere apologies for your loss, your highness.”
Obadiah nodded to himself, standing back up. 
“Then the kingdom goes into mourning,” he stated decidedly. “Alert the priests, and have the maids prepare her for viewing.”
He looked at the Odinson brothers, a small sneer tugging at his expression. 
“Perhaps we can renegotiate our trade deal,” he suggested, earning a snarl of insults from Thor. 
The room now empty and the door closed while maids and servants scurried about with the news outside, the two sorcerers exchanged a look. 
“You did well, the effects are convincing,” Loki lifted your arm and let it drop to the bed. “You’ve accounted for rigor mortis?” 
“Brother?” Thor stepped forward, lips pressed together tightly as he took in the exchange. “Surely this isn’t another of your tricks?”
“Of course not,” Stephen waved a glowing hand over your body, a small spell that would mimic the effects of rigor mortis, and eventually wear off as the natural sensation would in time. “This trick is mine.”
He repositioned your hand delicately over your chest. 
“Is the princess... asleep?” Thor lowered his voice. 
“In a sense,” Loki patted his brothers arm. “Keep it to yourself, brother. We need Peter’s fury if this is to go as planned.”
“But she’ll be moved to the crypt-,” Thor started and paused, a knowing smile on his face. “I see. Let me know if I can be of assistance.”
The door swung open and Pepper swept inside with a quiet, red haired, maid behind her. 
“The loss is truly a tragedy of our time,” Thor continued, putting on a better performance than Loki and Stephen combined. “The beast that pushed this beautiful maid to an early grave must face justice!” 
He slammed a fist against your armoire, meeting Peter’s gaze with a passionate nod when the prince reappeared to comfort his mother. 
“Morgan can’t know until the morning,” Pepper stated, her eyes were wide in horro, her voice wavering. “I want that man out of my home.”
She looked between Thor, Loki, and Peter, the men nodding curtly and excusing themselves from the space. 
“Stephen, dear Stephen,” Pepper took his hand. “I’m sorry.”
It was a genuine reaction that, admittedly, startled the sorcerer. He’d had suspicions that the queen had known about the two of you- and you’d as much confirmed them earlier in the evening- but the way she looked to him with such earnest sympathy made him realize something. 
The queen had stood in his very place not even a few months prior. 
She too, had lost the love of her life to senseless violence at the hands of King Brock Rumlow. 
It was no wonder she wanted the king out of her sight. 
“If it’s comfort to know, it was painless and peaceful,” he mumbled with a nod toward the vial. “She fell asleep and felt nothing.”
“That will bring me some peace,” Pepper murmured, eyes returning to your still form. “Thank you.”
She reached for his hand and gave it a tight squeeze before asking that she be left alone with you for a few moments to mourn. 
“Take the time you need,” he stated softly, managing to blink back tears in his own eyes. 
Leaving the room, the countdown began. 
You’d be awake in four days, and he needed to ensure you were out in the family crypt and removed to safety in that time. 
Loki would prod Peter to remove Brock by force, and depending on how the king responded, would likely expedite any funeral plans for you. 
Who would have time to mourn when the castle descended into chaos? 
The queen and younger princess would be removed for their safety and then the real challenge began. 
Getting Peter onto the throne.
“Did you know she would do this?” Natalia asked, pulling Stephen aside after leaving the queen. She caught tugged on his arm furiously. “Stephen, look at me!”
Natalia would be the most difficult to convince. He knew it from the beginning. She was your oldest friend and most trusted confidant. 
“I... she assured me she was going to be fine,” he kept his eyes low, guilty even, if she looked at him too carefully. “We spoke briefly after Loki had informed me... I shouldn’t have let her out of my sight. She’s said she’d wanted to rest.”
“And then you asked Violet to bring her a meal?” Natalia questioned, eyes narrowing. “It’s not like you to leave the princess behind when she’s distressed.”
“I don’t think she was particularly pleased with my gender at the time,” he shot back. “Please excuse me, I’d like some time alone with my thoughts.”
He parted abruptly, praying to himself that Natalia wouldn’t dig around too deeply and ruin this whole charade. 
Across the kingdom, just outside of the House Strange keep, Wanda lightly touched Tony’s shoulder, eyes glowing bright crimson. 
“It’s happened,” she informed him. “The dawn truly brings a new day.”
“And a new king,” Tony grunted. “I just hope Peter is ready.”
10 - a trick
TAG LIST (message to be added!):
@ayamenimthiriel @ladynothing​ @im-a-bi-disaster-help​ @idkwhatthisislol
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Fic: The Instructor chapter 4, Chicken Soup
Chapter 1: Lesson One | Chapter 2: A Rash Decision | Chapter 3: Good Intentions | Chapter 4: Chicken Soup | Chapter 5: Knotted Strings | Chapter 6: Crossed Blades | Chapter 7: Christmas Party | Chapter 8: Lesson Two | Chapter 9: Shopping Spree
Read on Ao3
Rating: Explicit (not this particular chapter but the whole thing)
Fandom: We Can Be Heroes
Relationship: Marcus Moreno/Original Female Character (Kate)
Chapter summary: After their sex debacle, Marcus surprises Kate when she calls in sick.
Chapter tags: h/c, caretaker!marcus, marcus is such a dad.
Can we talk?
The subject line says it all and the message body is indeed empty. Kate sighs as she puts down the tablet for a moment. She doesn't really want to talk to Marcus but knows she has to. He deserves it, he's not a bad person and what happened last night was not his fault. If anything, it was hers, for agreeing to going out with him, for pretty much pressuring him into sex, for reacting badly to seeing pictures of his family. Freaking out when he showed his true colors in bed. There was no need for her to do that.
But she can't deal with this right now. Her day is booked full and she has a prior engagement at her former kung-fu school tonight.
I can't today. Tomorrow? After work, or I can book you in at 11.
She should probably not use company time to sort out her personal business but he is a coworker and if they have a problem with each other, it will affect work, so basically this could count as a performance review. She hopes he'll pick the midday appointment to put both of them out of their misery as soon as possible.
The tablet pings. 11 it is. Let's have lunch, go somewhere more private.
Okay, she can do that. After having sent off an answer, Kate puts the tablet down and prepares for her first client.
The following morning, however, Kate wakes up with a cough, sore throat, and a temperature of 101. She rarely gets the flu and of course it's going to happen today of all days.
Shivering despite her wool blend lounge pants, wool socks, and thick cardigan, she slices lemons and ginger into a pot, filling it with water and placing it on the stove before sending HR an email about her condition. Opening up the appointment app on her phone, she cancels all clients for today and tomorrow, sending a group email stating the reason. After her tea is done, she adds a generous portion of honey to it and scoops it up in a large mug before retiring to the couch corner. Wrapped in a blanket, she puts on an old kung-fu movie but falls asleep thirty minutes into it, the tea forgotten on the coffee table.
The door buzzer startles her into awakedness. Blearily checking the time she finds it’s almost noon, and when the buzzer sounds again, Kate gets up and makes her way to the front door on slightly wobbly legs.
“Yeah?” she croaks into the receiver, expecting a door to door salesperson or maybe a delivery person trying to reach someone else in the building.
“Kate? It’s Marcus.”
The surprise causes a bout of coughing and she turns away from the receiver. When regaining her breath, she hears him call her name.
“Are you okay?”
“What does it sound like?” she replies a little acidly. A short silence, then:
“Can I come up?”
Kate buzzes him in and waits with trepidation for him to take the elevator up to her floor. When he finally knocks on her door and she opens it, she expects him to stand there with a scolding look on his handsome face, but she is wrong: his features relaxed and soft, he looks nothing but worried.
“What are you doing here?” she questions him immediately. “How did you find out where I live?”
Marcus is a little taken back at her immediate attack and he has the decency of looking remorseful when he admits to having looked in the personnel file.
“That’s highly inappropriate, don’t you think?” she points out and he nods.
“I wanted to check in on you.”
It’s not until now that she realizes he’s carrying a paper bag and a bouquet of pink peonies. Clearing her throat, she nods at them.
“Are those for me?”
“Yes. I, um…” Marcus looks befuddled for a second as if he suddenly realizes what a stupid gift fragrant flowers are to someone who can’t breathe through their nose. “I figured you liked peonies because of your, um… the tattoo.”
So he had noticed the tattoo of a large, pink peony on the side of her left upper thigh, right below the hip. He never acknowledged it the other night so Kate wasn’t sure he even saw it in their frenzy and the subsequent awkwardness. Then again, the tattoo was large enough, he’d have to be absolutely blind not to see it.
“I do like peonies,” she admits. It’s an understatement: she loves peonies. Marcus makes a hinting little gesture with his head.
“Can I come in?”
“I don’t want you to catch anything.”
“I’ll take the risk.”
Without waiting for an answer, he steps over the threshold, not in a pushy way but in the way a natural leader would. He takes control of the situation, assessing and executing.
“Have you eaten?”
Kate merely shakes her head and Marcus gives her a little wave to let her know she can return to the couch.
“Okay, go have a lie-down, I’ll heat up some chicken soup for you. I saw you had meat at the restaurant the other night, so I figure chicken was safe?”
“You brought me chicken soup?” Kate starts to cough again and Marcus promptly puts down the bag and the flowers on a table, takes her by the arm and marches her across the open concept space to the couch.
“You stay here. If I need to know where anything is, I’ll ask.”
Fatigued from both the coughing and not having eaten anything, Kate is inclined to do exactly as he says. Sliding down and pulling the blanket over her, she keeps an eye on him across the room.
“Vases are in the top cupboard on the left,” she instructs him. Marcus finds them and before Kate has told him which vase to pick, he has already taken out the antique Chinese one in traditional white and blue.
“Dining table?” he asks her when the vase has been filled with water and flowers.
Effortlessly, Marcus reheats the tea and brings her a fresh mug of it before he takes out a big Tupperware box of soup and pours it into a pot.
“I can microwave it,” he tells her, “but I promise you, reheating it on the stove really brings out the flavors.”
“Did you make it yourself?” Kate asks as she tries to think of a discrete way of finding out if this is a fever dream or not. How did she and Marcus go from a catastrophic one night stand to him bringing her flowers and chicken soup two days later?
“Oh no, no I didn’t. It’s my mama’s soup. She makes a huge batch every once in a while and always sends me some. Missy just got back from her and brought a fresh batch.”
“You shouldn’t waste it on me,” Kate objects weakly. Marcus shoots her a smile from across the room.
“I don’t see it as a waste. We gotta have you back at HQ as soon as possible, Miracle Guy’s missing you already. He’s climbing the walls when he can’t have his sessions with you.”
Kate chuckles but her head splits open with the pain, so she ends up groaning instead, bringing her hands up to her forehead, rubbing it like it’s going to make any difference.
“Sorry,” Marcus grimaces. “I’ll be quiet, let you rest.”
“It’s okay. I slept all morning.” Kate hesitates before opting for honesty. “It’s actually… nice to have some company.”
“I’m glad.”
However, she doesn’t make for exhilarating company, as she dozes on the couch until he brings a bowl of soup over to her. Accepting it with a mumbled thank you, Kate warms her hand on it before gingerly balancing it in her lap and tasting a first, hot spoonful. Even with her taste buds working less than perfectly right now, she can definitely taste the garlic and ginger.
“Oh my.
“Good, huh?” Marcus smiles from the other end of the couch.
“It’s amazing. Tell your mom thanks.”
“Better not. If I tell her I gave some of it to a woman, she’ll start asking about you and sending you your own batch.”
Kate makes an amused little sound to convey her amusement without compromising her head.
“Is she that keen on you dating again?” she asks before realizing just what kind of area they are moving into. Regretting it, she looks down into the bowl of soup.
“She… wants me to be happy, I guess,” Marcus shrugs. “But we don’t have to talk about that now.”
“Marcus…” Kate looks up at him. “I… I’m really sorry about the other night.”
“I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t have sprung my… preferences on you like that. And I should’ve been better prepared to handle my baggage.”
“It was the picture on the nightstand,” Kate confesses. “And your ring.”
He holds up his left hand, waving it a little. Only a line, paler than the rest of his skin, marks where the wedding band has been.
“I figured it was time to stop wearing it.”
“How does it feel?” she asks carefully. Marcus gives her a melancholic smile.
“Strange, but liberating in a way. Maybe I should have done it a long time ago.”
“Grief takes the time it takes,” Kate shrugs, trying to say the right thing but having no idea what the right thing is.
“I guess.”
Marcus sighs deeply before rising.
“I’ll tidy up in the kitchen.”
Kate doesn’t protest. Eating the delicious and warming soup is taking all of her energy. Having Marcus in her home, in her kitchen, is strange and unfamiliar but also… nice. It’s nice being taken care of. It’s nice having someone serve you and care for you.
Her head swims as she realizes that this is what he tried to do the other night as well: take care of her. Sexually.
She can’t think about that right now, her head hurts too much.
“You okay?” Marcus calls from the kitchen area, having noticed that she stopped eating.
“Just tired.”
She puts the bowl down on the coffee table.
“I don’t think I can finish that, sorry. It’s delicious but I’m really beat.”
“Of course.” Marcus comes to pick the bowl up. “I’ll just clear this out and I’ll be on my way. You need to rest.”
“Thank you, Marcus.”
“You’re welcome, Kate.”
She lays down and sighs, closing her eyes, wishing for sleep.
“Marcus?” she calls, not opening her eyes.
“Would you mind… bringing me the Tylenol from the worktop? And a glass of water?”
“Coming right up.”
Amazing. She could get used to this.
He brings her the meds and a glass of cold water that tastes fresh and clear.
“Appreciate it.”
“Not a problem. You got everything you need now?” He’s definitely stalling, like he wants to stay with her. It’s endearing but Kate’s exhausted now.
“Just need to sleep. I’ll be back at work in a few days.”
“Can I text you to check in?”
“You got my number from the personnel files, too?” She cracks open one eye to peer up at him. Marcus has the decency to look apologetic.
“I don’t have to use it.”
“You can, if you want to,” she allows.
“And maybe we can… have lunch when you’re back? Casual lunch? Talk about… things?”
“You’re going to have to remind me. I’ve got a fever.”
“I can do that,” he smiles. She smiles back before coughing again, and Marcus realizes he’s overstaying his welcome.
“Take care, Kate. The rest of the soup is in the fridge. Let me know if you need anything, okay?”
He lets himself out and the fever gently carries Kate off to sleep.
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You're a good girl, well behaved.
Absolutely not the type to rail random guys in nightclubs.
Until you are.
Fandom: BNHA
Pairing: Present Mic x Reader, eventual polyamorous Erasermic x Reader
Rating: Explicit, minors BE GONE
Trigger Warnings: Verbal abuse
AO3: Here | Want to support me? I have a Kofi
One of my readers made a tiktok of a scene from this chapter!
Chapter: 9/16 (all chapters)
You scowled and reached under your pillow for your phone, wondering who on earth would call you at this time of day.
You patted the usual spot under your pillow, but your phone wasn’t there.
You sighed and sat up, rubbing your eyes and staring at your surroundings, realisation slowly dawning upon you.
This wasn’t your room.
It wasn’t your phone.
It definitely wasn’t your bed.
You reached under the covers, tracing your fingers over your exposed skin. You had nothing on but an oversized shirt and even that wasn’t yours.
In which case...
You glanced over at the man beside you, who was equally annoyed at being disturbed.
“Go back to sleep,” he whispered, planting a kiss to your forehead before wriggling out of bed to hunt for his phone.
You wrapped yourself in the covers and watched him fumble in the dark, memories of the past few hours coming back to you all at once.
The weeks after the sports festival passed by in a blur. You had been right to spend so long adjusting and readjusting your schedule, for without such meticulous planning you would never have been able to keep up with queries from agencies and students alike.
You felt a little guilty for thinking it, but it was almost a relief once the internships actually began and you didn’t have to focus so much on open office hours. You had to keep some degree of flexibility for students struggling under the pressure of their new responsibilities, but very few of them came in. They were too busy giving it their all at their respective agencies.
You weren’t the only one to feel a weight off your shoulders. Midway through the week, Nemuri and Hizashi stepped into your office.
“(Name),” said Nemuri, “are you busy?”
At the time, you were browsing the web for techniques and activities to best support students with the pressures of exams. It was a relatively minor task in the grand scheme of things and you motioned for the pair of them to make themselves comfortable.
“How can I help?”
You had a perfectly good set of chairs, but they disregarded them, instead perching at opposite ends of your desk.
“Tonight, listener,” said Hizashi. “Clear your schedule! We’re going for beers!”
It had been weeks since any of you had visited the izakaya and you were more than a little excited at the prospect of finally being able to catch up with your colleagues in an informal setting. It seemed like all you had talked about lately was agency work, examinations and sports festival related matters. Unfortunately, that enthusiasm swiftly transformed into guilt.
Today was the day you had agreed to meet Akira for dinner and you were reluctant to rearrange it. He had already arranged the entire evening around your schedule, despite having work commitments of his own.
“Ahhh, sorry,” you said, “I have dinner plans tonight. Maybe some other time?”
You didn’t know it at the time, but Hizashi and Nemuri had asked only one person out for drinks before you and that person had also declined. Shouta’s arms and face were both finally healed and he was more than a little conscious of how long he had gone without training. He had plans to throw himself back into the action after school and, as such, had also declined.
Shouta had been telling the unabridged truth, but your revelation made them wonder if perhaps he hadn’t been completely honest after all. He wasn’t the sort of person to go out for dinner, but these were unprecedented times.
“Could it be,” said Nemuri, reaching for your hand, “our precious (Name) has a date?”
It wasn’t a date, but you blushed anyway. It was, after all, the same restaurant you had frequented as a couple.
“No, nothing like that,” you said, feeling a little embarrassed. “Truthfully, I bumped into my ex at the sports festival and he invited me out for a meal. It’s just a catchup, nothing else! A lot of things have changed since we broke up.”
“Is he involved in the hero industry? He must be if he was at the sports festival.”
“I guess you could say that...he’s one of the higher ups at Silver Edge.”
Silver Edge was well known to people with even the most basic level of knowledge of hero agencies and naturally Hizashi and Nemuri knew about it.
“Silver Edge??” Nemuri gripped the hand she had taken. “(Name), you have to tell me everything.”
“There’s not really much to say. We met at college and he took on a job there after we graduated. His uncle is on the board, so he had a lot of recommendations.”
“Maybe I’ve heard of him,” said Nemuri. “What’s his full name?”
“Masayama Akira.”
You hadn’t considered the possibility that your new colleagues might have known your ex in a professional capacity, so it came as something of a relief when Nemuri shook her head.
“Ahhh, it doesn’t ring a bell. Is he taking you somewhere fancy?”
“ Les Papilles ,” you said. “It was our favourite place before...y’know.”
“I’ve heard of that place,” said Hizashi. “They charge 2000 yen just for bread and olives.”
“Think of us while you’re helping yourself to gold leaf,” said Nemuri, cradling your hand and planting a kiss on the knuckles. “I want all of the details tomorrow.”
“Of course,” you said, suddenly wishing you hadn’t said anything.
Nemuri pulled out her phone the second they left your office, Hizashi following with his hands in his pockets. Against all of his better judgement, he had decided to continue looking for the woman from Ego . You getting involved with your ex should have been a good development, but it didn’t feel like one.
“Hello,” said Nemuri, pressing her phone to her ear. “Is this Les Papilles ?”
She pulled open the door to the faculty lounge and sauntered inside, seeming not to notice Hizashi’s gestures of confusion as she took a seat on the couch.
What are you doing? Hizashi mouthed, waving his hands to get her attention. She winked as she caught his eye, clearly unperturbed by his panic.
“Yes, hi,” she said. “I have a reservation tonight, under the name of Masayama Akira. I was wondering if you could confirm the time? Mhmm. Mhmm. Thank you so much! I’ll see you tonight.”
She hung up the phone with a satisfied smirk.
“What are you doing?”
Hizashi still had no idea that Nemuri’s objectives were so different to his own. His immediate assumption was that she meant to take the opportunity to make the night even more romantic and encourage the pair of you to reunite. He couldn’t have been any more wrong.
“ We ,” she said, “are going to Les Papilles .”
That night, you spent hours rifling through your wardrobe, trying on dresses and then discarding them, unsure of yourself in ways you never had been before. Akira had been your boyfriend for years, but you didn’t want to presume his intentions and risk sending out the wrong signals.
You managed to narrow your selection down to two: a modest dress you had picked out for a dinner party and the one you had worn to Ego .
As tempting as it was to wear the dress from that night, you decided against it. It was strange, but you felt strangely sentimental about it, as if you were betraying Shouta by wearing it around Akira. You knew it was irrational- that Shouta likely didn’t have much of an opinion either way- but even so, you set it back inside your wardrobe.
The group chat you shared with your friends had exploded at the news that you were going out to dinner. Almost everyone agreed that it was a terrible idea, that going out with Akira would reignite old feelings and undo everything you had achieved over the past few months.
You were confident, though, not only in Akira but yourself. If things got weird you would leave.
You took a deep breath and adjusted your clothes in the mirror, just as you had on the night you went to Ego . This time, though, you didn’t pull your dress down to tease your bra. Instead you pulled it down to cover your knees.
Les Papilles was far, far out of Hizashi’s comfort zone. He shifted in his seat and watched the string quartet at the other side of the room, considering just how little he belonged there. Nemuri seemed not to notice, turning the pages of the menu and sounding out the specials in broken French.
They had dressed up for the evening in their Sunday best, Hizashi in a black dinner jacket and Nemuri in a burgundy dress. They didn’t look like themselves and he had mixed feelings about it. Ordinarily, he might have concocted a backstory for the pair of them, but his heart just wasn’t in it. Instead he stared at the menu in front of him as if it held the secrets to the universe.
He didn’t want to be there. He didn’t want to watch you eat dinner with another man.
Shouta had the woman from Ego , you had your ex. It felt like everyone had somebody except for him.
“Hizashiiiiiii,” said Nemuri, snapping her fingers in front of his face. “Earth to Hizashi…”
He blinked as if coming out of a trance.
“S-sorry, what were you saying?”
“Over there,” she said, holding up the menu to hide where she indicated. “Be subtle.”
He turned to where she pointed, mouth going dry when he saw you, laughing and smiling as your ex pulled out a chair. As far as Hizashi knew, this was the first time he’d ever seen you dressed up, and he couldn’t look away.
He watched as you slid down into your seat and laughed off a joke from your server, crossing your legs and tucking your hair behind your ear.
Nemuri kicked him under the table and he jumped.
“Subtle,” she whispered.
“Right,” he said, sitting up straight. “Of course. Subtle. I can do subtle.”
It was strange to be back at Les Papilles . In a lot of respects, it felt the same as coming home from college at winter break. Everything about it was the same, from the positioning of the cutlery to the servers and orchestra, but you were completely different.
Even Akira was the same. He made the same jokes to the serving staff, ordered your meal from memory, waved to the cellist at the front of the band as he always did. You realised as one of the servers arrived with your favourite vintage that the last time you had been here was the day of the breakup, back when you believed your life was over.
It was strange to be there so soon, laughing and joking as if nothing had happened.
Conversation flowed easily; you caught up on the antics of old friends and his family, his successes at work, his current projects. You didn’t ask if he had started seeing someone else, nor did you offer up any information of your own. It felt inappropriate under the circumstances.
After you finished off your starter, you dismissed yourself to freshen up in the bathroom, fixing up your makeup and checking in on the group chat.
>>How is everything?
>>It’s fine...better than fine. Did you know his sister got married?
>>Has he said anything about getting back together?
>>Of course not! We’re just catching up like old friends! It’s nothing like that.
“Oh my god,” said Nemuri, setting aside her fork.
“What is it?”
Hizashi turned back to your table, where Akira was having a conversation with the violin players and table staff. He thought nothing of it until he spotted what Akira was holding: a small black box, which almost certainly contained a ring.
He turned back to Nemuri, looking almost as horrified as she did.
“Is he...surely he isn’t…”
Unfortunately, you returned to the table only a short time later, long before they could intervene.
Akira was taking a sip of wine when you returned and got up from his seat to help you into your chair.
“I already ordered mains,” he said. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course not,” you said, making yourself comfortable. “Thank you.”
Akira sat down and cleared his throat, eyes darting from you to the band to the table.
“The truth is, (Name), I didn’t call you here just to catch up.”
“What do you mean?”
He reached for your hand across the table, just as he had when he broke up with you. It was a small gesture, but an unwelcome one, unearthing memories and emotions from that night that you had refused to acknowledge for well over half a year. You remembered how excited you had been back then, so close to the only serious goal you had ever had. All of your hard work and sacrifices would finally pay off and you could become the perfect wife and mother. You could raise your children with a smile on your face, safe in the knowledge that their childhood would be nothing like your own.
“I miss you,” he said, squeezing your hands. “I thought I knew what I wanted but...I didn’t. Back then, I just...I don’t know...I felt like I was stuck in a rut. I wanted something, but I didn’t know what it was.”
He let go of your hands with an expression of pity.
“I slept with another woman,” he said. “I don’t want to hide it from you. I’m sorry...I know it must come as a shock. Promise me you won’t get upset.”
“Akira,” you said, weighing up the pros and cons of being honest with him about your own bedroom antics.
“No, don’t say anything,” he said. “I know this must be hard for you.”
It wasn’t, but you decided to humour him.
“I slept with her once and all I could think about was you,” he said. “I missed the perfect lunches you’d pack for me, the way you’d greet me after work with a glass of wine and listen to what I had to say. I knew I could tell you anything and you wouldn’t judge me.”
“Akira,” you said again, but he reached for your hands again.
“I understand now,” he said. “That other woman? She didn’t care about me as much as you did. I don’t think anyone else ever will...not even my mother. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am. I never wanted to break your heart…and now that I’m higher up in the business I understand where my priorities should be. My new coworkers are older. They’re settled down with families and always talking about their wives and children. Their wives are friends, their children play together...”  
He waved at the orchestra, who swiftly began to play a rendition of the track he decided was your song several years ago. You barely had a chance to register it before he got out of his chair and dropped down on one knee.
“(Name),” he said, holding up a small, black box. “Marry me.”
“We can be together,” he said. “We can have everything we’ve always dreamed of.”
You stared at him, speechless. Not so long ago this moment was everything you had wanted. You had planned it in your head, had practised saying yes. Now that it was truly playing out in front of you, though, you realised you didn’t want it.
You weren’t sure when, exactly, but you had stopped thinking about weddings and babies. You had stopped thinking about him .
“I know,” he said, lifting the ring from the box and towards your finger.
You glanced around the restaurant, feeling the weight of everyone’s gaze. The other patrons had realised what was happening and turned to watch, no doubt waiting to clap.
“Akira, I don’t know what to say...I…”
You couldn’t turn him down without making him look like an idiot in front of this roomful of strangers. Why, oh why, had he decided to make this such a spectacle?
“Just say yes,” he said.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, thinking back to the old you, who would have by now.
“Can we please talk somewhere private?!”
You got to your feet before he could answer, snatching up your purse as you strolled towards the front doors. Akira gave everyone in the restaurant a thumbs up before following you out into the night air.
You hadn’t realised how stiflingly hot the restaurant had been and took a deep breath.
“I have to say,” said Akira as he closed the restaurant door behind him and followed you into a side street. “Whatever skit you’re pulling-“
“ You dumped me ,” you said, turning to face him. “ You told me I was the problem in our relationship. You don’t get to just change your mind about something like that and come back into my life like nothing happened.”
It was the first time you had ever raised your voice at him, but he didn’t seem to notice.
“Listen,” he said, “if this is about that other girl…”
“It’s not,” you said. “I slept with someone else too. Twice, actually.”
He took your hands in his, clasping them against his chest.
“Then you understand,” he said. “All of the time I was with her, all I thought about-”
“When I was with him I didn’t think of you at all.”
You hadn’t meant to be so blunt, but nothing else seemed to be getting through to him.
“You’re confused,” he said. “I get it. All of this stuff with UA...it’s just a phase. You’ll move on from it one day.”
“Maybe so...but even then I wouldn’t want to marry you.”
Akira didn’t say anything for several minutes and when he did it was to laugh out loud.
“You’re joking, right? This is a joke.”
“It’s not a joke. I’m sorry, but-”
He snatched his hands away from yours and gripped onto your shoulders.
“Who else is going to want you?”
“Look at you,” said Akira, looking you up and down. “You aren’t all that pretty, y’know. You should be grateful someone like me would even look at you, let alone ask you to marry them.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, keeping your composure, “but...I’ve moved on. You should too.”
He shook his head with a tsk, pushing you away with such force that your back slammed against the wall. He took the ring out of his pocket and threw it down onto the floor before going back inside the restaurant. The ring clattered as it hit the ground and you watched, crushing your hands to your face to try and stifle your tears.
All you could think about was the cooking classes you had taken; your instructor’s explanation about adding and subtracting ingredients. It was always possible to add extra later, but adding too much was the point of no return. You had experienced too much now; had seen your life from an outsider’s perspective and didn’t want to return to it. You no longer placed your value in tidy stitches and perfect pastries.
Even so, you considered, kneeling down to pick up the ring from the floor, you were as far from habanero as you were vanilla.
You had no idea who you were anymore.
In your absence the restaurant had fallen silent. The band had stopped playing as the door closed behind you both, the serving staff standing a little further back from the table with a cake in their arms, awkwardly exchanging glances with one another. The cake was quite clearly custom made, with bright red icing on the top that read “Congratulations Mrs. Masayama”.
Hizashi chewed his bottom lip, Nemuri cradled her wine glass. They didn’t need to speak to know what the other was thinking. They had seen the expression of horror on your face and the oblivious one on Akira’s. They knew it wasn’t going to end well.
When Akira finally returned, he was alone. He shook his head at the orchestra and serving staff, who swiftly carried on with their duties as if nothing had happened, smuggling the cake back into the kitchen area and resuming their ordinary track list.
Hizashi watched as Akira kicked at his seat before sitting down and turned to Nemuri, who gave him a nod. If he was kicking at chairs, they worried what he might have done to you.
Hizashi got to his feet and left the restaurant, shoving open the front door and rushing out onto the street. You weren’t directly outside and he headed off to check the side streets, heart shattering into pieces when he finally found you.
He could think of little else but the first time he saw you when you came to UA. The original guidance counsellor had been there for years, including when many of the faculty members studied there themselves. She had candies and a pat on the head for just about anyone and losing her was like losing a grandmother. That’s not to say they weren’t excited about the replacement, though.
He and Nemuri had spent hours hypothesising not only what the new person would be like, but the kind of person they hoped they would be. They concluded that they both wanted it to be a cute girl, the type of person they could take to the izakaya and influence in all of the wrong ways. Having you join the staff was like winning the lottery.
He and Nemuri had high fived the first time they saw you, opening the staff room door by a sliver and watching as Nezu took you on a tour. He would never forget his initial impression; that you were pretty and sweet and reminded him of a kitten. His opinions hadn’t changed even now that he knew you better. You held no ill will towards anyone, bent over backwards to help out students and colleagues alike, forgave just about anyone who wronged you even slightly.
Seeing you in tears hit him hard, simply because it was you.
He walked over, stomach churning at the prospect of what might have been said or done to upset you so much.
“Hey, little listener,” he said softly and you frantically rubbed the tears from your eyes.
“S-sorry,” you stammered, fumbling with your purse, “I’ll be right there…”
“Little listener,” he said again, reaching for your shoulders. “Look at me.”
You looked up at him and squinted, recognition slowly sinking in. Very few people recognised him outside of his hero costume and you were no exception to the rule.
“Hizashi? Wh...what are you doing here?”
You blushed a bright red and immediately started rubbing the tears away even harder.
“Saving the day,” he said with a smile.
“Sorry,” you said, though your eyes didn’t meet his. “I didn’t mean to worry you.”
Hizashi sighed and touched his fingers to your chin, lifting your face towards his. You didn’t have any visible swelling or other marks on your skin that pointed towards a physical attack.
“Don’t apologise,” he said. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” you said, tears welling in your eyes and voice beginning to break, “I’m fine. I’m completely fine.”
You still whispered that you were fine as he lowered his hand from your face, as you buried your face in your hands and began to sob. You still tried to murmur them when you choked with tears and could manage little more than single syllables.
Hizashi stepped forwards and wrapped his arms around you, stroking your hair as you buried your face in his chest and began to wail.
“That’s it,” he said, stroking your hair, “I got you. Just let it out, little listener.”
He reached into his jacket pocket for his phone and typed out a message to Nemuri.
>>I’ve got (Name). You handle him.
>>  ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Nemuri set down her phone with a grin and picked up her purse, making sure to swing her hips far more than was necessary as she approached Akira’s table. The servers, unsure what to do, had brought your main meals to the table, leaving Akira to glare at them in silence.
She slipped down into your chair, taking care to tease her low neckline.
Akira looked up at her and she picked up your abandoned fork, helping herself to a carrot from your plate. She made sure to run her tongue over it, licking off the honey glaze.
“Can I join you?”
You weren’t sure how long you sobbed into Hizashi’s chest, only that you couldn’t stop. You forgot where you were, so overwhelmed by misery and his warm body that the world seemed to stop.
When the tears dried and you came back to earth, you felt more than a little embarrassed. You’d smudged makeup and snot all over his shirt and likely made a scene in the process.
“Oh my god,” you said, stepping back and rubbing your eyes. “I’m so sorry, look at the mess i’ve made…”
Hizashi looked down at his shirt and shrugged.
“What, this? Please. I’m a teacher, a celebrity, a hero and a catch. Believe me, I’ve had worse.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that and he stroked his fingers across your cheeks.
“Ahhh, there it is,” he said, tucking your hair behind your ear. “Much better.”
“I don’t understand...what are you doing here? I thought you and Nemuri were going to the izakaya.”
“Uhhhhh, well,” Hizashi scratched his chin, “the thing is…you kinda put us in the mood for French food…”
Under ordinary circumstances, you would have been mortified at the realisation that they might have seen everything. Right then, though, you were exhausted and numb.
“Ahh, whatever, it doesn’t matter,” you said, reaching into your purse for your train card. “It’s been a long night...I should get going.”
“What are you talking about, cute listener? The night’s just beginning! Didn’t you know? This is the best time to view the city!”
He was trying to cheer you up, but you knew that not only was your makeup ruined, but you could never show your face in Les Papilles again.
“I can’t go anywhere looking like this,” you said. “I look like...like…”
Hizashi shook his head and reached into his pocket. He rummaged for a couple of seconds before grinning and pulling out a set of star shaped sunglasses.
“Now look at that,” he said, slotting them onto your face, “you’ve got stars in your eyes.”
It was such a corny line that you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Do you just... carry spare sets of sunglasses everywhere?”
He reached into his other pocket by way of an answer, pulling out a set shaped like flowers, then another shaped like hearts.
“You never know what might happen,” he said. “Sometimes the mood calls for something a little different.”
“What’s the mood today?”
He lifted up both pairs, weighing up the pros and cons of each before switching his plain glasses for the heart ones.
“Now, then,” he said, shrugging off his jacket and putting it on you. “Have you ever been in a movie?”
“Have I what ?”
It was an absurd question, but he looked as dead serious as anyone could in novelty sunglasses.
“Pick a genre,” he said, reaching for his phone. “You’re the heroine now. What movie are we in?”
You considered it, thinking about the past year.
You didn’t know if you were vanilla or habanero or anything in between, but you knew what you’d like to be given the choice.
“It’s a romance,” you said, blushing scarlet, “a sickly sweet, cliched romance, where everyone falls in love with everyone else and no one’s alone at the end.”
Hizashi nodded, giving you sounds of approval.
“Your wish is my command, princess,” he said, fastening earphones to his phone and slipping it into the inside pocket of the jacket he had put on you. “Here…”
He held out the earphones and you picked them up, putting one in your ear and holding out the other, meaning to share. Hizashi shook his head.
“No, no,” he said. “It’s your soundtrack, not mine!”
You put the other one in and listened to the music he had loaded, taking in the wistful melody as he reached a hand for yours. You reached to take it and followed him along the street, gazing up at the street lamps and signs overhead.
You knew these streets better than most. Akira lived nearby and between going to his place and visiting Les Papilles , you had done a lot of walking here. Perhaps it was the sunglasses, the music or the fact that you were holding onto Hizashi’s hand, but it didn’t look the same. You spotted details you had never noticed before, like the dancing wisterias overhead and the glow of fairy lights in the windows. You spotted chalk drawings on the ground, smiling strangers who passed you with cups of coffee only to disappear from your life moments later.
You wondered how long you had walked these streets without really looking at them; how many years you had spent looking at your feet instead of the sky.
You didn’t let go of Hizashi’s hand as you got onto the train, peering out of the windows at every station you passed. You admired every piece of graffiti, the careful hand movements of the musician busking at the station entrance. You couldn’t hear him over the music playing through Hizashi’s earphones, so pretended he was the one playing.
You got off at a station you’d never been to before, listening to the gentle swell of the music as you climbed the stairs out onto the main square. Food vendors lined the streets and the scent of fried foods filled the air. Hizashi guided you along the street, pointing out a carousel. In the daytime it would have looked mundane, but at night it was beautiful, illuminating the night with a golden glow.
Hizashi guided you towards it and slipped the owner a couple of notes, motioning for you to choose a horse the moment he let you pass through the rope barrier. You picked one out and climbed up into the saddle, waving Hizashi over to sit behind you. He climbed up into the saddle and wrapped an arm around your waist, using the other to hold onto the rail.
You watched your surroundings as the ride began to move and your shadows hit the ground.
You had lived in this city for years and walked the earth for thirty. You had never known the city could look like this, that it could fill your heart with warmth and love until it shone as brightly as the carousel. You wanted to stay there forever and never come down, enchanted by the world and its infinite details.
You hadn’t gotten around to eating dinner and spent more money than you normally would on warm doughnuts, corn dogs and yakisoba. The pair of you sat down at the end of the pier, taking off your shoes and dangling your feet down towards the sea.
By then, you had turned off the music and handed Hizashi his jacket back, relishing the sound of the waves hitting the shoreline and soft sea breeze through your hair.
“So,” said Hizashi, taking a bite of one of the doughnuts, “what’s the story with your ex?”
“There’s not really much of one,” you shrugged. “We dated at college.”
“And...one day he took me out to dinner and said he wanted to play the field, live a little more, that sort of thing. He didn’t want to commit to a relationship, he wanted to get out there and have fun,” you said, poking at your noodles. “I thought it was the end...but...actually...I think I agree with him now. I’d spent so long in a relationship that I forgot who I was without it.”
“And are you any closer? To figuring out who you are?”
“No,” you said, sighing deeply. “I thought I was, but now I’m not so sure.”
“Well,” said Hizashi, dusting off his hands. “If this is you at 25%, I can’t wait to see what you’re like at full power.”
You turned to Hizashi, blushing at the way he had turned to look at you.
“I...I don’t really know what to say to that.”
“Then don’t say anything.”
“I never thought I’d hear you say that, of all people.”
You giggled at his outburst, thinking back to Shouta’s words at your apartment.
Purple socks, studded leather, zombie movies, horror games, candles that smell like desserts, cheap sunglasses, expensive shampoo, eighties rock and dubstep mashups, light beer…
All of the things Hizashi liked.
Shouta had taken a step back and said he was rooting for you. Akira was no longer in your life. You took a deep breath and swung your legs to hide your nerves.
“Hizashi,” you said, somehow managing to blush an even darker shade of red.
“Did you...uh...that is. Would you like to…”
You hadn’t propositioned anyone since Shouta and even then he had filled in the blanks. You prayed Hizashi was just as good at taking a hint.
You didn’t dare look at him. You wanted the earth to swallow you whole.
“(Name),” he said at last, “are you asking what I think you are?”
“Probably,” you squeaked. “Oh god, I’m sorry, I-you must think I’m...”
He cupped your face in his hand, though, grinning like a cheshire cat.
“You worry too much,” he whispered. “Just let it happen.”
“Okay,” you said, heart fluttering as he stroked his fingers across your jawline and combed his fingers through your hair, touching his lips to yours with a softness you hadn’t expected from him.
One kiss turned into two, two turned into three and before you knew it you were gasping into his open mouth while he stroked his fingers from your ribs to your hip. You were grateful for the sunglasses he had given you; you dreaded to think how dazed you looked. You felt as if you were floating, head and shoulders above the clouds.
Hizashi broke the kiss before you did and got to his feet.
“Are you ready,” he asked, putting one hand on his hip and quite deliberately guiding your line of sight to his crotch, “for this jelly ?”
It was such an absurd thing to say that you burst out laughing.
This, this right here was what you expected from him.
You’d been to Hizashi’s apartment before during the recording of Support Mic . Every time you went there, you made the same observation: that its walls were plain and its furniture simple, completely at odds with the man who lived there.
“You wanna see something cool?” he asked as he closed the front door.
He reached out to flip a light switch and at first you believed he was going to leave you both in the dark. You wondered what was cool about that, only for your jaw to drop a moment later.
It was a light switch, but not in the conventional sense.
Hizashi, as it turned out, had blacklights installed in his home and every corner of every wall shone with otherwise invisible colours. Some areas had portraits and galaxies painted on them, others had patterns and handprints.
“W...wow,” you said, staring up at a ghostly milky way as Hizashi brushed your hair to one side and planted a kiss on the back of your neck.
Your dress hit the ground with a whisper, his belt fell at your feet. You had nothing on but your underwear by the time you reached the bedroom and stared at the sapphire hue of your skin. Somehow, even your own body felt foreign.
You glanced over at Hizashi, at the musical notes tattooed on the left side of his ribcage and stud through his right nipple, really seeing him for the first time. The Hizashi you had known before this was goofy and sweet. This one was a piece of art on par with the galaxies and flowers on his walls. You didn’t know why it surprised you to learn he too had layers of complexity.
He noticed you staring at him and almost looked bashful, though it lasted only a fraction of a second. He dropped to his knees and hooked his fingers around the band of your underwear, shimmying them down to your ankles and planting a kiss on the soft flesh below your belly button. You sighed into it, stomach fluttering, and kicked them off entirely.
“Now then,” he said, getting to his feet and planting a hand on the small of your back to draw you closer, “check you out, little listener! You look good enough to eat.”
Heat rose in your cheeks and you giggled, accepting the kisses he peppered across them. He kissed your lips and squeezed your butt, using your gasp to explore your mouth with his tongue.
His bedsheets were soft against your skin - almost as soft as his kisses. You crushed your lips against his without any kind of hesitation, trembling as he stroked a hand over your collarbones, breasts and then stomach before slipping a finger between your folds. You gasped as his fingertip grazed your clit and he chuckled, propping himself up on his other elbow and admiring the view as he traced his finger around the outside of your wetness.
“Look at that,” he said, sounding genuinely impressed, “you’re so wet already!”
He pulled his hand away from your slick and held it up so you could see, rubbing his finger and thumb together to show the wetness you’d left on them. You fell silent, feeling oddly bashful as he sucked on the finger he’d used to touch you.
You had no clue how you were going to look him in the face at work after this, but his touches felt so good that you didn’t care. You tasted yourself on his lips when he kissed you, shivered as he lifted your leg up onto his waist and shoved his hand between your thighs. He scissored his fingers inside of you and rubbed his thumb over your clit, laughing whenever a particular touch made you moan and buck your hips against his hand.
“Let me hear you,” he said, peppering your throat with kisses and drawing moans from your lips, relishing every vibration.
He pulled his fingers out of you and sucked them before lifting himself up onto all fours, rolling you onto your back in the process. You stared up at him, heart racing, taking in the silvery hue his hair had taken in the dark. He trailed messy kisses from your lips to your collarbone, crawling down the bed as his kisses travelled south. You closed your eyes the second his tongue crossed your nipple and let out a sigh of pleasure, which only seemed to spur him on.
“That’s it, baby,” he cooed, settling on his stomach and spreading your legs wide. “Sing for me.”
This was the first time anyone had gone down on you. You had no point of reference, no idea what to expect. You gasped at the strange, wet feeling, reaching down to stroke his hair as if by instinct. Every touch of his tongue sent your insides to jelly and you bit down on your fingers to stifle your gasps.
“No, no, no,” he said, “I want to hear you.”
He held your hips down and sucked at your clit so forcefully that you lost all coherent thought. It still felt wet, but the strangeness had gone, making room for a growing tightness deep inside of you. You wanted nothing more than to break.
He eased up, swirling the tip of his tongue against your clit so gently that you caught yourself bucking your hips against his mouth and arching your back from the bed, trying and failing to meet him halfway.
“Don’t stop,” you whined, reaching for his hair. “Please, please don’t stop.”
You were so close to unravelling and it felt like a matter of life or death.
You had no point of reference and no way of knowing how good Hizashi actually was at oral. All you knew was that his touches left your arms and legs numb. You finally understood why he had painted so many of his ceilings to look like outer space. The more he touched you, the more it felt like you were floating, watching your own body contort with pleasure from a distance.
He knew the exact moment you teetered on the brink and chose that one to loosen his grip on you and plant a kiss on your thigh. The anticipation faded and you could have cried.
“No, no, no, not yet,” he said, sitting up onto his knees and wagging his finger. “I want to make you scream.”
You’d never screamed in bed before and just the thought left you feeling a mixture of embarrassed and morbidly curious. Exactly how good would you have to feel to scream? How dirty could Hizashi get?
You smiled, cheeks flushed.
“I’d love to see you try.”
“Those are famous last words, (Name).”
“At least I’ll go with a smile on my face.”
Hizashi grinned and adjusted his position, lifting one of your legs over his shoulder and the other around his waist, spreading you wide and slipping a finger in you, snickering as your toes began to curl. It didn’t take long to build you up again this time and you grabbed the bedsheets, bracing yourself for a peak that never came. Hizashi let you get close enough to taste freefall, only to drag you back to earth.
He rolled across the bed and fumbled in his bedside drawer, pulling out a condom and something else that you didn’t recognise in the half light.
“Say, (Name), do you wanna see something... really cool?”
“Go ahead.”
He thrust the condom towards you, motioning for you to take it. You did, turning it over in your fingers and squinting at the print.
“Are these…”
“Present Mic condoms! Designed, approved and beta tested by yours truly! Guaranteed to make your partner siiiiiiiiiiing.”
You knew that there was a lot of Present Mic merchandise. You’d seen shirts, alarm clocks, pyjamas and more and that was without deliberately seeking them out. There was almost certainly more on the internet, though it had never occurred to you that condoms would be one of them.
“I,” you said, “I don’t know what to say.”
You passed it back to him, watching as he wriggled out of his underwear. You licked your lips at the sight of his dick, unable to stop yourself. Where Shouta’s dick was wide, Hizashi’s was long and you didn’t know what to say of the fact that you had seen enough of your colleagues naked that you were able to make such a comparison.
He dragged the tie from his hair and wrapped it around his wrist, flicking his hair over one shoulder with a wink.
“You like what you see?”
Yes, you did.
Between the blacklight, his naked body and long, golden hair, he looked like a painting.
“Come here,” you said, waving him over.
He stayed there, though, pouting.
“But you haven’t seen the cool part yet,” he said.
“You mean...there’s more?”
What else had he trademarked? Was he about to show you Present Mic lube?
He opened the condom wrapper, though, and you soon had your answer. It wasn’t any ordinary condom and, retrospectively, you regretted not realising it earlier.
Present Mic’s condoms were glow in the dark and shone green under the blacklight.
“It’s...it’s a glow stick,” you gasped, watching as he pulled it on. “Oh my god.”
“It’s awesome, right! Not sure how you’d wave them at a concert, though…Not without getting arrested, anyway...”
He said it so sincerely that you couldn't help but laugh, clapping a hand over your mouth in an attempt to stifle your giggles.
“You think that’s funny, eh?”
“I’m sorry,” you said, laughing harder.
“Hon, what are you apologising for? I could watch this all day.”
You looked up at him, taking in the tender expression on his face that was completely out of place in your current surroundings. You remembered the way he had cradled you in the alley, just as gentle then as he was now.
You would almost certainly feel embarrassed in the morning, but you knew that none of this was a mistake.
He leaned over you, kissing your nose as he reached out to the mystery item he’d put on the bedside table. You inhaled sharply when you realised it was a vibrator wand, something you had never seen in person. It looked like something from a science fiction movie.
“You okay, doll?”
“Are they...always that big?”
Hizashi sat up onto his knees and set the vibrator aside for the time being.
“Nope, but this one is especially powerful! I accept only the best, ya dig?”
You glanced from the vibrator to him, trembling from the anticipation. You had followed Rei and the others into sex stores, though stared at your shoes the entire time, too ashamed to look, much less join in their conversations. They bought you a bullet vibrator for your birthday once, just to see the horrified expression on your face.
Tonight you were well and truly diving in head first.
“Put your hands up,” said Hizashi, lifting your leg over his shoulder. You obeyed, slowly raising your arms above your head and onto the pillows. He licked his finger and slipped it between your folds and back inside you, stretching you out a little more before pulling it out and inching his dick into the gap. You gasped, relishing both the feeling of being stretched to accommodate him and the way he closed his eyes and sighed in pleasure.
“What the hell, (Name),” he whined, “you feel so good.”
“S-so do you,” you said, heat rising in your cheeks.
Hizashi bumped his hips against yours, both of you gasping at the sensation.
“How’s that?”
“Do it again.”
He obeyed, squeezing onto your thigh as he thrust back into you. You reached down a hand, meaning to stroke your clit, but he clapped you away.
“No, no, no, put your hands up,” he said and you rested them back onto the pillows. “The party’s not over yet.”
He took up a slow pace initially, changing it up whenever you got remotely close to coming. He’d go faster only to stop the moment you begged him to keep going and keep fucking you that way. He’d go slow and deep, brushing the soft spot inside of you, only to pull out once your moans got more frantic. You knew from the satisfied look on his face that he was doing it on purpose.
“S...stop teasing me like this,” you said, “I’m going to…”
Truthfully, you had no idea what would happen when you came. You’d never been teased this much before. Hizashi laughed, though, perfectly dodging the pillow you launched at his head.
“Are you suuuure? I said I’d get you to scream, remember? Do you think you can handle it?”
“Yes! Yes I can handle it!”
Hizashi smirked and fell still, reaching for the vibrator next to him. He spat on his fingers and rubbed them across your clit before flicking the on switch. You had never heard a vibrator so loud, but you were so focused on the tension inside of you that you didn’t care. Hizashi touched it to your clit and held it there, sending you over the edge in a matter of seconds. You gasped in delight, body twitching and full of warmth. Hizashi started to thrust, moaning at the feel of you tightening around his cock. He held the vibrator in place and you squirmed, tension building inside of you again, just as unbearably tight as before. It was overwhelming and you cried out at the feel of his rapid fire thrusts and hum of the vibrator, overstimulated to the point of no return.
He turned up the vibrator and you screamed in delight, losing all self consciousness as your body quaked.
He kept going, over and over, dragging orgasms from you until you lost track of the peaks. They started to bleed into one another, leaving you flustered and desperate. He went deeper and harder, praising you for how loud you were getting.
“Are you going to give me one more,” he said, switching off the wand. “One more, I know you can do it.”
“Mhmm,” you whined, watching as he set aside the vibrator and slipped himself out of you. “Hizashi…don’t stop…”
He lifted both of your legs and motioned for you to hold them open, planting a kiss on your slick folds before pushing himself back inside of you. You bit your bottom lip at the change in angle, his hips crashing into yours so deeply that you felt the bed rocking beneath you.
“Sssshit,” said Hizashi, “I’m going to come.”
“Me too,” you said, digging your nails into your thighs to keep them spread, “I’m going to…hnn!”
You arched your back as you came, the added twitching sending Hizashi over the edge with you. You watched in curiosity, wondering what would happen if he cried out, only for him to lean over and crush your lips with his own, moaning into your open mouth as he continued to thrust.
“You ready for the money shot?”
You nodded, placing a hand on the small of his back and feeling him thrust into you.
You watched as he sat up to straddle you, dragging off the neon condom and frantically pumping at his dick. He bit down on his own fingers as he came across your belly, covering your skin in a layer of hot cum, which glowed luridly under the light.
You reached out to touch it with trembling fingers as Hizashi got up off the bed to get rid of the condom, admiring the way it shone against your skin in the same way as the paint on his bedroom ceiling.
Before this, you felt your body had been as barren and plain as the white walls of his apartment. Perhaps it was the happy hormones flooding your body, but you felt just as transformed and ready to confront just about anything.
“You okay, little listener?”
Hizashi came back towards the bed, taking a seat beside you and combing your hair off your sweaty forehead. Both of you laughed when all you could muster was a shaky thumbs up.
“Well, lucky for you, the party isn’t over,” he said with a wink. “I am going to run you the warmest, bubbliest bath you’ve ever had in your life...if you’re lucky, I might even join you!”
“I got it, I got it,” said Hizashi, reaching up to answer his phone. “Hello? Hello…? Ah...Eraser, what’s…wait. Slow down. What do you mean?”
Something about his tone made you anxious and you pushed back the covers as he sank down onto the edge of the bed. You could hear Shouta’s voice, though not what he was saying.
“Okay,” he said. “Okay, I’ll be right there.”
He hung up the phone and set it down on his bedside drawer, breathing a heavy sigh.
“That sounded serious. Is everything okay?”
“We have to go to UA,” he said, getting up to pick up the TV remote.
“Hizashi it’s...it’s three in the morning, what-”
You fell silent the moment he switched it on, taking in the stony faced news broadcaster and burning buildings, the video footage of Midoriya at the feet of the hero killer, Stain.
“Oh my god,” you said, hugging yourself.
“Yeah,” sighed Hizashi. “Guess there’s not gonna be a round two.”
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years ago
Born to be Yours Chapter 9
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 Story Summary: For Namjoon, the moment he set his sights on being the #1 rapper, he pushed the symbol to the side and hated it. Love should be chosen, not forced on you. He didn’t believe in fate and this mark on his wrist was a big “fuck you” to all that.
Chapter summary: After party. SEXY TIME
A/N: This chapter contains mature content. It is marked XD Please only read if you are 18 +
Previous chapter found here: Chapter 8
All of you end up back at your regular studio, across town from Robert's and the Theater. It has a large atrium that has been decorated for a private after party. You watch as the guys give interviews with their production crew that will be shared with ARMY. You turn and smile as you drink some of the sparkling punch and chat with Xavier.
“Ok. I’ve decided. We’re touring with Ava Max.” He says, clinking his glass up to yours.
“Sounds good to me. I’ll send that contract to our lawyer and then we can sign it.” you take out your phone and type a note into your calendar for tomorrow.
“Act cool.” Xavier whispers awkwardly to you, “soulmate inbound.”
“Oh God why are you this way?” you tease him and turn around to see RM walking over to the table you two are standing at.
“Hey. All done with your interviews?” you ask, trying to sound casually even though you feel your heart racing.
“For now. We have them pretty much nonstop.” he says, walking up to the table. He looks at Xavier, “Hey man, I’m really sorry about earlier. I’m glad it seems like the two of you made up.”
“No worries. I was way out of line. It’s all good. I am going to go and find Joe though. I promised I’d introduce him to Jimin. Take care,” Xavier excuses himself leaving just the two of you standing there.
“You look beautiful tonight,” he says quietly.
You pretend to look around like you are confused and then point to yourself, “Me? Are you talking about me?” you laugh.
He smiles, “Yes you.” his voice sounding more relaxed and casual than you’ve ever heard it.
“Oh stop. I’m sure you say that to all your soulmates.” you tease.
He chuckles. “Yeah. About that. This whole thing is so weird. After tomorrow I won’t see you again.”
Damn he really went straight for that. “Yep. Back to the usual. You, jet-setting around the world and winning awards. Me, teaching fitness classes and directing. The excitement never stops.” you sip your drink, wishing it had alcohol in it.
“So is this where you normally work then?”
“Yes, but it’s usually much more boring. All of the fancy stuff is only out for you guys. The couches and rugs are even rented for just tonight,” you laugh.
“Would you mind giving me a tour?” he asks shyly.
“Really? You want a tour of my office? Are you allowed to just wander around like that without a camera crew?” you raise your eyebrows, feigning concern
He scoffs, “Yes. and yes. Occasionally we are allowed to wander off.”
“Ok. But this is going to be the most boring tour you have ever been on. Do you think anyone else wants to come along?” you ask.
“No.” he says, almost too soon. He covers up for this by adding, “I already asked them before I came over.”
You get the feeling he’s lying but you don’t know why. You also feel an awkward mix of happy, sad, and nervous. This dude is a mess. It’s a good thing he’s hot and also leaving tomorrow; you don’t think you could deal if you actually had to be around him much longer.
“Alright, come along. I’ll show you the ins and outs of this fitness studio. It’s extremely unique. We have 4.5 stars online.” you remark dryly as you begin the tour.
The two of you eventually end up on the second floor, “and here are the staff offices. I’m kind of a big deal around here so I get a real office with a door and everything. You smirk.
“Oh really? Wow, you’re moving up in the world”
“Hey hey we can’t all be idols. Some of us have to do the behind the scenes work.
Seriously though, congratulations. I really mean that,” you say smiling. “I can tell you guys work really hard.”
“Thank you.” he flashes his dimples at you.
You turn the handle to your office and flip on the light. “Here it is. Now,” you say as you walk into your office, “maybe you can tell me why you’re being a giant weirdo who’s lying to me about suddenly wanting a tour.”
He kicks his foot around nervously, “I uh, wanted to speak to you in private.”
You click your tongue, “Uh-huh. Ok. What did you want to talk about?”
He lets out a brief sigh. “That’s the thing. I don’t know. Nothing? Everything? I’m just so confused.”
You stand there and assess him standing there looking like an over-sized puppy dog at the moment.
“Yeah. Soulmate things are a real trip.” you comment and walk all the way into the office.
“Come on in.” He follows you as you turn back and face him.You pull him into the office. “You’re leaving in the morning right?”
“Yes,” you see him shifting uncomfortably.
“Well, as you can tell from our wrists, I need you to not injure yourself. Got it?” you ask.
Namjoon smiled, “I’ll see what I can do, but you should know I am accident prone,”
“Fuck. Really?” you respond mildly pouting.
“Sorry,” he responds looking down. You suddenly feel a pang of sadness. You realize it’s coming from him. What the fuck dude.
“Well, it’s been nice to work with you guys. It will really look good on my resume,” you tease. v
“What are you nervous about?” he asks you abruptly.
“I can feel that you’re nervous.”
“Well I can feel that you’re sad but you don’t see me making you talk about it,” you respond defensively.
The two of you stare at each other for a few seconds.
“This is stupid,” you say.
“What is?” Namjoon responds irritated.
“This,” you gesture to your wrist, “this whole thing. Like I don’t need a fucking oven timer on my body telling me who I’m supposed to be with. And clearly it doesn’t even work right.”
“Agreed.” He responds.
“Also you get angry too easily,” you respond, feeling your heart racing, “I’m a very chill person usually but since meeting you my fitbit heart rate monitor is all over the place,”
“Me? I am usually a picture of calm. You are still nervous.”
“So? You’ve been angry and jealous all day and I didn’t say anything to you about it. Why are you jealous when you don’t even want me?” you say before you can stop yourself.
He stands there for a minute, looking at you and slowly closes the distance. “I don’t want to be forced into being with someone because of a soulmark. But when you look like that,” he gestures to you, “I don’t know how you could think I wouldn’t want you.”
Your breath is caught in your throat as you replay what he just said. “Fine. Here’s why I’m nervous, I can’t stop thinking about this” you say as you grab him by his suit jacket and plant a kiss on his lips. Even though the whole thing is stupid, you feel like you would regret it for the rest of your life if you didn’t at least kiss your soulmate. To your surprise, his entire posture softens and you feel the low level irritation fade from your body. He begins kissing you back and you feel butterflies in your stomach. Holy shit, kissing has never felt like this before. You have had quite a few boyfriends but nothing has ever compared to this. The two of you continue to make out for several minutes.
You pull away and look at him. When he’s not talking he’s really fucking hot. And watching him perform made you proud. Your soulmate was a badass. Even if he was an asshole sometimes.
“What’s that about?” Namjoon manages to ask, not releasing his hands from your waist.
“I just thought we should try it since we won’t get another opportunity. I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life wondering.” you respond honestly. To your surprise, Namjoon leans in and kisses you more.
_________________SEXY TIME_____________________________
“ I agree completely,” he pulls you close and kisses you again. This kiss feels as good as sex. There is nothing that has ever compared to it before. Time slows down. You run your hand through his hair. "Oh my God," you breathe out. His hands have started to explore your body, rubbing around your hips and ass, pulling your body close to his. You can feel his hardness now that the two of you are so close. At this moment you know what's going to happen next. He looks at you with a certain question in his eyes and you know exactly what he’s asking. You walk over and lock the door and turn the overhead lights off. You walk with a purpose back over to him and strip him of his suit jacket. “Take off your shirt or I am fucking ripping it off,” you command him. To your surprise he complies.
“That shirt costs $900,” he says as he gingerly folds it up.
“That’s stupid,” you respond and start kissing him again, your hands gripping his arms.
“It is,” he agrees and grabs your body again, pulling it up against his as he devours your mouth. He lifts you up and sits you on your desk. You are suddenly thankful you inherited the heavy wooden desk from the previous building tenets. He gently sucks on your neck.
“Hey! No marks,” you admonish him.
He leans in close to your ear, “Did you just remember you have a boyfriend, sweetheart?” and he's right. And you should feel bad but at this exact moment you don’t give a fuck. “I also have a soulmate,” you respond as you take his face in your hands and start kissing him again. He smells so good. Like cologne and sweat and something else that makes you melt. You feel him searching your back for your dress zipper. You laugh a little.
“What?” he sounds pissy.
“It’s a side zipper. It’s stupid. Here, let me,” you awkwardly unzip it and wiggle your dress so that it’s up over your hips. “It has to go over my head.” He looks confused. “Girl clothes are weird.” you summarize for him.
He kisses you again and you wait for him to take your dress off but to your surprise he doesn't. You wrap your legs around him, pushing his erection against your thin panties. It has the desired effect as you hear him moan into your mouth. He keeps one hand wrapped around you as the other one travels down to your thigh. It creeps up to your panties. He places his fingers against your panties, “Jesus. These are soaked. You want me don’t you?”
You respond by palming his dick, “You’re one to talk.” His breath catches in his throat for a moment. You smirk, “That’s what I thought,”
He responds by pulling your panties to the side and stroking your clit. “Mmm” you moan against his neck.
“Yeah, you like that don’t you?” You have no smart ass comment for that. Fuck yes you like that. “Yesss…” He removes your underwear the rest of the way and continues to stroke you as the two of you kiss. He pulls back and before you can even process it, he’s down on his knees with his head between your legs. “Fuck.” you cry out. You feel the perfect combination of his lips and tongue on your folds. You run a hand through his hair, pulling on some of it. He stands back up a minute later, grabbing the back of your neck and pressing the two of your mouths together, causing you to taste yourself. Jesus. You hear him undo his belt buckle and undo his zipper.
"I don't suppose you have a bed hiding in here somewhere?"
"Nope," you reply and bend over on the desk so your ass is sticking out in the air. You peek back behind you to see him staring dumbstruck at your naked figure. "You'll just have to fuck me right here. Good thing you've got strong leg muscles."
He walks closer and runs his hands over your ass. You can feel the heat of his cock nearing you.
"You want me to fuck you on this desk?" you feel him move his hand between your legs and he slowly sticks a finger inside you.
"Yes. Do you think you can manage that?"
He sticks another finger into you and pumps them in and out. It feels so good.
"I'm sure I can figure it out." you feel the heat from the head of his dick at your entrance as he pushes your legs apart and plants his hands on your hips.
He leans over to whisper in your ear. "We can stop if you want to." such a gentleman when he wasn't being an ass.
"No. I want this. If you do."
"Do you have a condom?"
"I don't usually have sex with random people in my office. So no. I'm on the pill though."
"Good enough," you hear him say and then without warning you feel him enter you. You cry out a bit in surprise.
"Shit. Are you OK?"
You give an awkward thumbs up.
He starts slowly moving in and out of you his balls slapping against you. “No marks,right?” you hear him say roughly.
“You better fucking not,” you hiss behind you trying to stay quiet since people are still in the building.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard and so good you will be ruined for anyone else. Do you understand?” he slams into you roughly.
“I’m sorry, I’m a little confused. Could you please clarify?” you retort. Since when did he think you took orders? He responds by slamming into you even harder and jerking your ponytail.
“You’re my soulmate.” he growls out, “You can go play house with whoever you want but I want you to remember, I’m the best you have ever fucking have or will ever have.” Holy shit this felt amazing. He was filling you up hard and fast. He stopped. “I said, do you fucking understand?”
“Keep going,” you turn and plead. He grips your ass, keeping you in place. “I said do you understand?”
“Yes. Now get back to fucking me,” you pout.
“That’s more like it sweetheart,” he grips your hips and resumes thrusting into your wet core. He is right. You have never had sex like this. It feels so good and so fulfilling. You lightly moan and put your mouth against your arm to muffle the sounds.
“Shit, you feel so good." you hear him say from behind you.
"Fuck me Rm." you whisper harshly.
He picks up the pace, slamming into you. It doesn’t take very long between the soulmate thing, the fact that people are downstairs, and the sexual tension.
As you get close he reaches around to stroke your clit, causing you to tightly clench around him as you see stars and orgasm. He follows suit a minute later; you feel the cum already starting to drip out of you.
“Jesus Christ,” you say. You feel him slowly pull out and hear him slowly putting his pants back on. You stand back up and turn around. You are surprised to see him looking very sad and uncertain.
“Did I actually hurt you?” he asks, surprisingly gently.
“If you did don’t you think your dick would hurt?” you wink at him and laugh.
“You have such a filthy mouth,” he teases you.
“Please. Five minutes ago you had me yelling “fuck me RM” I don’t want to hear it.” you smile and give him a light shove. You walk over to your desk and get some baby wipes you keep in there. You grab yourself some and then toss the pack at him. You go to your gym bag and throw on some clean panties.
_________________SEXY TIME END_____________________________
You sigh and walk over to unlock your office door. "Well, congratulations again on your award." you say as you turn the handle. He slams the door shut again, pinning you between him and the door. He looks like he wants to say something and you feel that he is working through a bunch of emotions. "Hey," you say and put your arms around his waist. "I don't regret it." you kiss him and focus on trying to feel at ease to help calm him down. "OK?" you rub your hands along the back of his neck.
"Yeah. OK." he responds quietly. He takes your right arm and pushes your bracelets out of the way so your mark is showing. He rubs it gently with his thumb.
"Come on, you have an early morning." you say as you move to open the door.
He follows you out down the hallway and you see the rest of the band hanging out in the reception hall.
"Alright, take care of yourself dude. Try not to be too much of an asshole." you smile and straighten his suit jacket. "Go. Celebrate with your band, you guys earned it." You summon all of your strength and walk over to the rest of the guys. You bow slightly, "Congratulations!" they all respond with their various "Thank you's"
"Take care!" you wave and head out to your car. This was not how you thought your night was going to go. You had sex with your soul mate. You had cheated on Ben. You needed to get out of there. You sit in your car waiting to feel guilty or bad. But it doesn't come. Instead you just feel a deep sadness about never seeing RM again.You breathe out deeply and start the car. Back to normal. Yeah right. NEXT CHAPTER
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myblueeyedbuggers · 4 years ago
My Boys
Chapter 7
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Reader x Steve Rogers (best friend) Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 1780
Warnings: Slow Start, Language, Tiny bit of Fluff
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change
Hi again, so yesterday definitely didn’t go plan at all, I was caught up in way too much work and by the time I’d finished it all it was 4 in the morning and I had to get up at 6 for college. My apologies for the lack of a chapter yesterday, hopefully this was worth the wait though :) Enjoy Everyone!
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Readers POV
It was sometime in the early morning when Becca same flying into my room, I could feel my mood change from one of complete and utter boredom to one of happiness, I swear down this little girl could manage to make the grim reaper smile. Her black hair bounced behind her as she hurried to climb up the bed, instantly crushing me with a tight hug, “Y/n! I missed you so much! I’m sorry for not coming sooner but Mama and Papa said you needed more time to rest” her bright eyes glossed over as she rushed out her apology.
I actually felt my heart clench at her words, which to be honest was a bit concerning, her little face scrunched up into a frown and I instantly pulled her into a hug, “Sweetie there’s nothing you need to say sorry for, if anything I should be saying sorry for leaving you for so long with those silly boys! I can’t imagine how bad they must have smelled! Oh, my lord I’m feeling faint even thinkin’ about it!”. Instantly the frown on her little face vanished, her giggles echoed in my ear as she fell backwards onto the bed clutching her stomach, my smile was almost wide as Bucky’s ego. Almost.
Once she’d managed to calm down enough, Becca crawled back up the bed and climbed under the covers before cuddling up next to me, my arm instantly wound around the younger girl as I placed a small kiss on her hair and in that moment, I felt at ease, finally complete as the little girl cuddled further into my side.
Mrs Barnes POV (Surprise!)
A gentle smile spread across my face as I watched my girls, both excitedly chatting back and forth about their favourite things, the half-completed scarf forgotten to me as my mind wandered to the talk George and myself had last night. Both of us agreed that we would never be able to pay y/n back for protecting our boys, but we both noticed one particular trait about her, she tended to protect everyone but herself. It was almost as if she valued everyone else’s life above her own, it made me worry about what she’s had to have gone through to value herself at such a low rate, maybe it’s my motherly side coming out but there’s this constant urge to protect her. The knowledge of her not having a family weighed heavily on both my soul and my heart, even thinking about it broke my heart, and that’s when George and I made our decision. We wanted her to be apart of our family, protect her in the same way she tried to protect both our family and our boys, after everything the poor girls been through it’s the very least we could do.
After a while I noticed the room was unusually silent, my head turned towards the girls and my eyes were met with a sight that made me want to weep with joy, both of them had fallen asleep, Y/n’s arms were wound around Becca protectively as the younger girl cuddled closer to y/n’s side. I kept my gaze on the girls, committing the moment to my memory as my heart swelled with delight, a wide smile played on my lips as I picked up the scarf started to work on it determined to give y/n a welcoming gift.
Time Skip
Steve’s POV
“Yeah sure Buck, like I actually believe that!” Bucky was goin’ on about he fought off 10 guys at once in school today, the way he was tellin’ it had me in stiches as he claimed he “knocked em down with the strength of the devil” before finishing the fight with fireworks goin’ off behind him. “I’m bein’ serious Stevie! You shoulda seen their faces when I pulled out my sword and started chasing em…how much of this you belivin’?” he finally stopped his rambling when he glanced at my face, completely blank as I looked at him with my eyebrows raised.
Seconds of silence passed, “You can’t letta a guy be dramatic for one second?!”, I’ll admit I didn’t expect him to fall to the floor and start waving his arms and legs about while cryin’ about me bein’ a spoil sport, but I’d be lyin’ if I said I wasn’t funny. I was doubled over with laughter, nearly crying as I joined Buck on the floor, the pair of us struggling to breath from laughing so hard.
The sound of a door opening along with an exasperated sigh made us both shut up immediately, glancing up I was met with the sight of Mama Barnes, a small smile on her face as she looked at the both of us expectedly, waitin’ for us to get off the floor. “Normally I would ask both of you what on the name of earth you were doin’ on the floor, but I’ve seen you do some stupider things so at this point I’m not surprised”. Buck shared a look with me before facing his mama, a sheepish grin on his face as he tried to explain why we were acting dumb, Mama just shook her head at us and ushered us inside y/n’s room, tellin’ us to keep quiet.
3rd Person POV
Both boys entered the room, softly shutting the door behind them as they turned around, neither expecting to see the sight before them, Bucky and Steve’s younger sister was curled up next to y/n, both girls had a relaxed, peaceful expression on their faces. The blankets were wrapped around them both, the younger of the two using the older girls chest as a pillow shifting slightly as the older pulled her closer to her side, unconsciously wrapping both the blanket and her arms around her in a bid to keep her warm.
Soft smiles graced the lips of both boys, watching the two girls as they slept peacefully, the blonde-haired boy noticing the older girl shiver a tiny bit from the change in temperature, as quietly as possible he made his way towards them. Carefully, he unwrapped a small part of the blanket from the younger girl and repositioned it over the two of them equally, tucking the edges into the bed frame before glancing behind him at his friend.
The boy with the brown hair hadn’t moved an inch, his entire body refusing to move in case the sight in front of him suddenly disappeared. His blue eyes never left the face of the older girl, taking in her immense beauty was enough to stun him for hours, his gaze roamed over her face in a leisurely way, absorbing how perfect she looked when sleeping. Any attempt to gain his attention failed, his mind too clouded with the image of her, a soft warm feeling settled in his heart, growing stronger with every second he stared at her.
Once the blonde-haired boy realised that he wasn’t gaining the attention of his friend anytime soon, he followed his friends line of sight, letting out a small chuckle as he turned his head towards the boy’s mother, sharing a small knowing smile as she watched her son from the corner of her eye.
Time Skip
Readers POV
The veil of sleep slowly cleared from my mind, hushed voices grabbed my attention as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, my eyes made contact with Mr and Mrs Barnes, the sound of the lads doing somethin’ stupid filled the background. Both of the parents smiled at me, I wanted to sit up but Becca was still asleep, and I couldn’t find it in my heart to disturb her from sleep, “Y/n, sweetheart, the doctor came in while you girls were sleeping, he said that you’ll be able to leave tomorrow after a few more check ups and tests, and we wanted to ask you somethin’.” I felt my head tilt to the side in confusion, maybe it was about the medical bills, I mean a stunt like this couldn’t have been cheap…
“Sweetie, we were wondering if you’d like to join our family, there is nothing in this world we could offer or do to thank you for protecting our family, so we only ask that you let us return the favour and protect you.”
I could feel my jaw drop to the floor, my eyes watered with tears as I nodded my head frantically and pulled them both into a hug, crying into Mrs Barnes’s chest while thanking her over and over again. The bed dipped even more as two more pairs of arms joined the hug, the hole in my soul left as I came to the realisation that I finally had a family to call my own, a sudden shout of excitement broke us all out of the hug as Becca tackled my side, knocking me flat out on my back.
“I FINALLY HAVE A SISTER! YAY! MAMA I HAVE A SISTER!” Becca’s joyful cries made us all laugh, quickly clambering off me she started running ‘round the room, only stoppin’ to do the odd celebration dance. A tap on shoulder distracted me from Becca’s antics, “So how’s it feels to be apart of the Barnes Clan?” Steve’s face met mine with a joyful smile, I not so subtly rolled my eyes at him before bumping my shoulder with his, “Thought I joined the clan the minute your friend over there carried my ass to the front door”.
Steve let out a small snicker as Bucky’s head shot up as he playfully glared at the pair of us, choosing to make his way over while his parents were distracted with Becca, “What was that Doll? From what I remembered I oh so bravely carried you to my home while you pelted with punches and cute little threats” excuse me, CUTE ?! there is nothing cute about me threatening to rip your soul outta your body Barnes!
A cocky smirk appeared on his lips as I narrowed my eyes at him, “you do realise that you’re now stuck with me now Barnes? If I was you I’d be sleeping with one eye open” outta the corner of my eye I saw Steve bring a hand up to his face and cover it while shaking his head, since when did that bugger get sassy?! Instead of taking my threat seriously, Bucky smiles as his puts his arm around me with a shit-eating grin on his face, “You know you love me doll, heck how could ya not look at this face!” now it was my turn to facepalm.
What the hell did I just agree to?!
Things have finally started looking up for the reader! Thanks for Reading :)
Rose xx
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kurodachimagic · 4 years ago
Chocolate and Cherries - Chapter 1
Summary: When Adachi falls into the arms of a kind stranger his life changes for the better.
Rating: Pg 13
Tags/warnings: Fluff, getting together, au, Writer Adachi, Chef Kurosawa.
Word count: 6.2k
A/n: This story was written for the cherry magic mini bang! Thank you @hiwatari-art for inviting me to join! Had a lovely time working with you as always. Thank you to my other artist over on twitter guacagabs. The entire story is being posted right now. Thank you to @schnaf for being a great friend and beta!
Read on ao3
Adachi dragged his feet on the pavement as he made his way home from work. He was already too exhausted to start his writing day with the best mindset but it would have to do. He’d already skipped four days this week and if he didn’t actually sit down to work on his book, it would never be published. He let out a deep sigh and shook his head slightly.
The situation was not ideal by any means, he was not great at cooking and it was already too late to start dinner, but he definitely needed to eat something or his mind would absolutely quit on him, he knew that much.
Adachi knew he should probably get something healthier but he refused to waste even more time walking to the store, so he decided to stop by the food cart near his flat for his usual emergency menu: two tuna onigiris with mayo - along with a can of soda in the hopes that the caffeine would boost his creativity. He was not too happy about it, but he didn’t have much time to contemplate his choice because as soon as he had paid, the first few droplets of water hit his shoulders. Looking up, he felt the next few drops hit his nose and his forehead. He cursed inwardly and simply took off awkwardly running the last few blocks home, trying his best not to slip and fall, his dress shoes nothing but a hazard in this particular situation.
The building door was so close, he could see it through the pouring rain; just a few meters and he would be home. Adachi rushed, his hand extended already to grab at the door handle when his body collided with something - someone - and fell backwards. It was as if time had slowed down; he could see the face of the person he ran into frozen in shock, his eyes widening as he saw Adachi falling, while Adachi could only think about the pain this would cause him, physical, yes, but mostly emotional. He always managed to get himself in embarrassing situations and now -
His neighbour extended his hand just in time to catch Adachi’s and pulled him upright effortlessly, his expression switching from shock to a relieved smile. “Are you ok? I’m so sorry, I hadn’t seen you.”
“Thank you! I’m so sorry,” Adachi said, feeling the heat rise to his face, partly because of his clumsiness and partly because his neighbour had not let go of him yet. In fact, Adachi could have sworn that the guy was rubbing his thumb on the back of his hand. He didn’t know what to do, so he tried again. “Uh, sorry. I should’ve been more careful.”
“It’s ok, I’m glad that you didn’t get hurt.” The man seemed to suddenly remember they were standing in the pouring rain and pulled Adachi to the door. “Come, you’ll catch a cold in this weather.”
No matter how hard he thought, Adachi couldn't remember ever catching his name but he had seen this man before in the elevator and in some of the common areas. He seemed to be a bit of a recluse, much like himself.
The man opened the door and finally let go of his hand before ushering him in. “After you, Adachi.”
Adachi’s eyes widened; he didn't know how the man knew his name, but he didn’t mention it. He walked inside and called the elevator, followed closely by his saviour. Once the doors opened, he stepped in and turned around, pressing the button for the fifth floor and finally facing the man. "Thank you, again…" he trailed off.
"Kurosawa. My name is Kurosawa." He pressed the fourth-floor button.
Adachi smiled and bowed to him. "It was nice seeing you, Kurosawa. Have a good night."
The elevator dinged and Kurosawa bowed with a smile before exiting. “Good night, Adachi,” he waved.
Adachi hesitantly waved back as the elevator doors closed. Before he knew it he was one floor up, opening the door to his flat, throwing his work bag on the sofa and taking his wet clothes off with a groan before going to the bathroom.
What a day. Not only had he stayed late to finish on that project Urabe had handed to him but he also made himself look like a fool in front of his very cool neighbour, and to add insult to injury now he needed a hot shower to hopefully avoid catching a cold. He shook his head and hopped under the stream, washing himself thoroughly and letting the hot stream relax his muscles.
Feeling in a bit of a better mood, Adachi got out of the shower, wrapped himself in a towel and went about getting into a comfy set of pyjamas. He finally sat at his desk and opened the white doc of doom, checking the time and cursing as he realized it was 9 pm already. He slouched in his chair, throwing his head back with a groan. This book was going to take a million years at this rate, he really needed to prioritize his schedule, put on some good hours into it each day, especially during the weekend, he needed to -
Adachi’s stomach growled loudly, reminding him that his emergency dinner laid abandoned in its bag. He got up and stomped over to the sofa, unwrapping the onigiris and eating them without so much as a thought before returning to his spot. He promptly sat down to continue with the daily task of staring at the document while he begged his brain to type something - anything - out. But his mind had other plans though, Kurosawa’s face and gentle smile kept popping in his mind. Maybe it was because of the way he moved, how he had kept him from falling with his sharp reflexes, or maybe it was how elegant he looked even when he was soaking wet, how well his suit fitted him. Kurosawa was like some sort of superhero, or… no, he was more like a Prince Charming from an epic battle world. That was a start - it was not the murder mystery he had thought about, but it was definitely a start.
The sound of Adachi’s footsteps worked like a metronome, helping his mind settle into a rhythm. He was starting to see things in more detail: The brave prince paced in his castle, his sword close by his side, the problems his kingdom was facing were almost too much to bear and with his father on the brink of death, it was all on him. A shadow appeared above the citadel - the… the… ‘kingdom x’ was being attacked by a three-headed dragon. How would he fix this and save his people? Had someone sent the dragon or did it act with free will? Did the soon-to-be king have secret magic powers? Maybe they were a secret even to himself!
With renewed energy and excitement, Adachi sat down to work. This new world just wanted to be written, to become a reality, and he was not going to stop it. Aided by the occasional sip of soda and a few “stretching breaks” that were more like actual pacing, he managed to draft four thousand words by 5 am, effectively breaking his 3 thousand word record from just a few months ago. If he could keep up the pace he could finish the book within the next month and send it to Tsuge for editing and review. He sent a quick text to his friend to tell him the good news and got into bed; he would probably regret staying up so late tomorrow, but now he didn’t have it in him to care. Writing was definitely his call - even if he was very close to missing his goal of being a published author by 30.
The commute to work was nothing short of hell. The morning started with Adachi missing his usual train and having to take the next one during rush hour - not that he ever managed to avoid rush hour, but he usually took the first train during it so it wasn’t as crazy as later in the morning. This resulted in him having a very unpleasant ride, squeezed half to death between the sea of people, feeling like a canned sardine with a bad case of insomnia. That was the other issue, the previous writing night ended up being a success but even though he’d been exhausted by the time he was done, it had been impossible to fall asleep. Now he was on his way to a long workday with a pounding headache and a sour mood. If given the opportunity, Adachi would’ve chosen to take the day off to sleep and feel refreshed enough by sundown to continue writing.
His job was definitely a necessary evil, but sometimes he couldn’t help but resent it. On the verge of thirty, Adachi spent most of his day at the office, writing his reports, Urabe’s reports, and occasionally picking up the slack of some of his colleagues. There was barely any time for hobbies or relaxing and least of all to be an aspiring writer. To be completely honest, Adachi had started viewing his day job as his second career in the past year. His heart and soul were focused on his new goal, what he really wanted. In the end, if writing didn’t become his main income, it wouldn’t matter, he was passionate enough about it to continue no matter what. After all, living in the fantasy worlds he created was more than enough for him.
Adachi made it to his desk just on time, but running those last few blocks only served to make his mood even sourer. He pulled at the collar of his shirt with a small huff, still thinking about his writing and leaned back in his chair until it touched Urabe’s shoulder, startling him.
He turned around swiftly, blush already rising to his cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Senpai.”
Urabe nodded and waved him off. Then, he cocked his head and looked at Adachi in more detail. “What is going on with you, Adachi? You look tired.”
“I just had trouble sleeping last night, that’s all,” Adachi said with a heavy sigh. He could picture so many things he would rather do than give explanations about his personal life, but he would feel too guilty if he was rude to Urabe when he was only worried about him.
“Hmm, are you sure that’s all?”
“Yes. I’m ok.” He attempted his best smile. “Thank you for asking.”
“Adachi,” Urabe pouted, his brows burrowed into a childish frown, just like every time he would ask Adachi to take on more work, any semblance of concern already gone out the window. “Can you finish this report for tomorrow? The boss is really piling stuff on my shoulders and I already had other plans for today.”
Sometimes Adachi wished he was a bad person, or a bad colleague even, but he couldn’t help taking on the extra work when it was needed, after all, he didn’t have much of a life. He rolled his eyes but nodded. “Yes, of course.”
“Oh, wait. Is your birthday today or tomorrow?”
“And you’re turning 30, right?”
Adachi nodded once again, hoping to end the conversation as soon as possible; he didn’t want to be reminded of the passage of time or how much he hadn’t achieved by now.
Urabe rolled his chair closer and elbowed him. “Aaah, you sly weasel. Do you have a date?”
“Of course not. I’m just looking forward to getting home and sleeping.” That was literally his birthday plan.
Urabe frowned and gave him a quizzical look. “But you have... ‘dated’ before, right?” He winked.
Adachi shook his head slightly and saw the same look many people gave him, a mix of pity and judgement.
“You should ask one of the girls out. I’ve heard Yui is single and she’s very pretty!”
Adachi slowly turned his chair towards the copy machine and saw Yui across the room. She was, in fact, very pretty, but… she didn’t spark anything in him. She looked like a work of art, pleasant to look at, but not for him. “No, I don’t think that would work.”
“Adachi, if you don’t date someone by the time you turn 30, you will turn into a wizard!” He whispered.
“What? That’s ridiculous!”
“It’s true, you’ll see!”
Adachi rolled his eyes and turned back to his desk, finally starting on the reports needed. The sooner he was done with that, the sooner he could return to his writing.
The elevator opened its doors for Adachi and the ding that followed made his muscles relax instantly. Only a few more minutes and he would be up in his flat, taking his shoes off and cooking something quick before sitting down to write. He felt inspired by the beginning of this new story and he wasn’t about to let a bad day at work ruin that for him.
Just as the doors started to close, someone put a bag between them to keep them open. The first thing Adachi saw was a girl with a cute and gentle look, a black wispy fringe framing her face and a sweet smile. She nodded at Adachi and he smiled and nodded back. He wondered if he would ever date a girl like her, if sharing his life with a partner and doing things together would be so different than what he did now. The answer was probably not, since he assumed nobody would be supportive of him working all day and writing all night; if he was honest with himself, he didn’t really have time for a relationship, even if he sometimes yearned for a bit of company - theoretically. Adachi blinked repeatedly, suddenly crashing back into reality when he saw the looming presence of Kurosawa behind her, giving him a weird look he couldn’t quite place as he ushered the girl into the elevator.
Out of sheer awkwardness, Adachi nodded and mumbled a quiet hello at him, looking away as a blush crept onto his cheeks. Was that Kurosawa’s girlfriend? He groaned and let his head fall back against the elevator wall. He’d been caught staring at his neighbour’s girlfriend like a creep. He ventured a sideways glance and realized Kurosawa was still looking at him with a weird expression.
Thankfully, the ride was short and only a minute later, Adachi was home, barely paying any attention to his basic needs as per usual. He made some instant ramen and added a bit of egg to it before eating it mindlessly, daydreaming of his new story and the magic system involved.
Perhaps it was quickly becoming a much more ambitious project than he had anticipated but as long as the writing flowed, everything would be ok. What was supposed to be a long writing session soon turned into an early night after Adachi’s brain decided to shut down mid-sentence, putting him to sleep sitting at his desk, his head hanging down and his spine hunched over.
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