#I don’t really feel like coming on here much anymore
tetsuissohot · 2 days
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☆summary. an argument leads to a sloppy and wet apology.  
☆warning/tags: 18+, fem!reader, angst to smut, curse words, tittie sucking, fingering, penetration, ends with fluff, mention of cum, unprotected sex 
☆word count: 2.8k
☆a/n: please note that English is not my first language, and I am also dyslexic, so there may be some mistakes. However, I do my best to minimize them.
please support your creators! Reblogs and comments are really appreciated!
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Shut Up, Darling.
It wasn’t typical for you and Kento to argue. In truth, he wasn’t home much anyway—most days you barely managed a quick "Good morning" before he left, so there wasn’t even time to pick a fight. But today—today your patience finally snapped. Like every other day, Kento had left for work before you woke up, and by the time he got home, you’d already eaten dinner and were lying in bed. He hadn’t even bothered to respond to your texts, where you simply asked if he was okay.  
That silence hurt. After all, he was your boyfriend of years, and yet he felt distant, like a stranger. You felt ignored and neglected. The pain of it all, especially coming from him, stung deeply. When you did talk to him, it was like speaking to a machine, one that repeated the same, emotionless phrases—"I’m sorry," "It’s my job," "You’re right." Yet nothing ever changed.  
“Why are you still awake, sweetie?” Kento asked as he stepped into the bedroom. His blonde hair was disheveled, his tie hanging loosely around his neck, and the first two buttons of his shirt undone. He lingered by the door, looking at you with mild curiosity—you were usually asleep by now.  
You set the novel you’d been reading down on the nightstand and glanced up at him. “I was waiting for you.”  
Kento raised an eyebrow, still standing by the door. “Waiting for me? You should’ve gone to sleep. I told you I’d be late again.”  
You sighed, sitting up in bed, your patience already thin. “That’s the thing, Kento. You’re always late. Every day, you leave before I wake up and come back when I’m already asleep. I don’t even know what’s going on with you anymore.”  
He ran a hand through his messy hair, a small frown forming. “You know it’s work. We’ve talked about this.”   
“Yeah, we have,” you shot back, voice sharper than you intended. “But talking doesn’t change anything. I feel like I don’t even exist to you anymore. You don’t answer my texts, you don’t check in—it's like you’re a ghost in your own home.”  
Kento's gaze dropped, his hands slipping into his pockets as he stepped further into the room. “That’s not fair. I’m doing everything I can for us. My job—”  
“Your job,” you interrupted, your frustration bubbling over, “isn't an excuse to completely shut me out. I’m not just some background noise you can tune out when it’s convenient. I’m your girlfriend, Kento. We’re supposed to be a team, and I feel like I’m in this alone.”  
He exhaled deeply, his shoulders sagging under the weight of the conversation. “You know I love you. I’m sorry, I just... I don’t know how to balance it all.”  
“You always say that,” you muttered, fighting to keep your voice steady. “But nothing ever changes. What are we even doing if we don’t make time for each other?”  
There was a long pause, the room heavy with unspoken words. Kento’s jaw tightened, and when he finally spoke, his voice was low but firm. “I don’t know what you want me to say. This is how things are right now. I’m doing the best I can.”  
You looked at him, your heart aching. “I don’t need perfect, Kento. I just need you. And lately, it feels like I’ve lost you.”  
Kento’s face hardened, his calm demeanor cracking as he stepped further into the room. "What exactly do you want from me?" he snapped, his voice rising in frustration. "I’m breaking my back out there every day for us, and all you do is sit here and complain about how I’m not around enough!"  
Your heart pounded in your chest, anger bubbling up. “Complain? Complain? You don’t get it, do you? I’m not asking for much—just for you to act like you care, to show me that I still matter!”  
His eyes narrowed. "You matter? You think I’m out there working insane hours because you don’t matter? This is what I’m talking about—you’re never satisfied!" His voice was sharper than you’d ever heard, each word like a blade. “I can’t be everything for you when I’m doing everything for you!”  
You stood up from the bed, your hands trembling as your voice broke. "And I didn’t ask you to do all of this at the cost of our relationship, Kento! I’m tired of feeling like I’m talking to a wall, like you’ve already checked out of us!"  
"Jesus Christ," Kento muttered under his breath, his fists clenching at his sides. "Can you just—" He suddenly stepped forward, his presence towering over you. His voice dropped, cold and cutting, he raised his hand and aggressively, but not in a hurtful way, he squeezed your cheeks. "Just shut your fucking mouth."  
The words hit you like a slap, and for a moment, you froze, stunned by his outburst. Before you could respond, he closed the distance between you in one swift movement, pulling your face with his hand and crashing his lips against yours in an aggressive, forceful kiss.  
His hand left your cheek, now both hands are sliding behind your neck, fingers tangling in your hair as he pulled you even closer, deepening the kiss. There was a desperate edge to the way held you, like he was trying to communicate something he couldn't put into words. His lips were demanding, a raw intensity that stole your breath.   
At first, you were too shocked to respond, but the heat between you grew undeniable, igniting something primal in the pit of your stomach. Slowly, your body responded on its own - your hands finding their way to his chest, feeling the tension beneath your fingertips. His kiss softened, shifting from anger to something more fervent, almost pleading. You could feel his heart pounding, his breath shaky as if he'd lost control for a moment and didn't know how to find it again.  
Your lips moved together now with more rhythm, the urgency still there but tempered by something deeper, more vulnerable. His thumb brushed over your jaw; a surprisingly gentle touch that made your knees feel weak.   
You leaned into him, letting the kiss consume you both, feeling the weight of everything unsaid between you. The world seemed to blur around you as the kiss deepened, his body pressing against yours, grounding you in the intensity of the moment.   
The anger that had been in his kiss moments ago was now replaced with something else desire, maybe. Or perhaps even an apology, though no words were spoken. Finally, when you both broke apart, gasping for air, his forehead rested against yours. The tension between you crackled in the air, but the anger had dissipated, leaving something raw and real behind. You could still taste the kiss on your lips, the weight of his emotions lingering in the space between you.  
Your heart raced, torn between anger and the raw intensity of his touch. He finally spoke, his breath hot against your face as his eyes bore into yours. “Kindly, shut up, darling,” he whispered, his voice laced with both anger and something deeper, something almost desperate.  
He didn’t wait for you to speak – he just told you to shut up after all; his hands grabbed your hips, and they traveled under your pajama pants, his fingers digging into your skin.  He guided your body closer to the bed – his breath was unsteady, just like yours “Shit-” he groaned in a low husky voice. He pushed you down on the bed, your body slightly jumping from the bounciness of the mattress – you gasp, you were mad at him, but your pussy apparently wasn’t, your clit was already on fire with just one fierce full kiss, and the girl wanted more than just a kiss, shit – you could already feel your heart beating in between your legs.   
Kento didn’t waste time and got on top of you, his knees trapping you beneath him, his hands next to your head, before he got closer, he looked you up and down – God, you looked so good in your pajamas. He leans down, his hot breath hitting your neck, one of his hands leaves the spot next to your head and moves under your shirt, traveling up and down your stomach; his lips meet your body again, and he leaves soft wet kisses in your neck as he hums. They’re low sexy hums, the sound of his voice almost makes your ears orgasm if they could. “Kento...” you softly huff his name.   
“Shh, darling,” he says against your neck, his breath tickling your skin, your body shivers and you can feel your panties slowly getting soaked. He kisses your neck again “I’m sorry sweetie-” he whispers in between the wet kisses. The hand on your stomach travels further up, and he takes hold of your boob and squeezes it, your nipple grinds in the middle of his fingers, and you gasp - “I didn't mean to be rude to you, I’m just tired.” he says before kissing your temple. The sound of your gasp and your heavy breathing, the feeling of your boob under his hand and your hard nipple between his fingers makes something inside of him grow – and in his pants too.   
He pulls away and once again, takes a good look at you, his gaze is full of hunger and desire, his right hand, the one that wasn’t touching your boob, leaves the side of your head and pulls your shirt up to your neck, exposing your naked torso and your hard nipples. His gaze drops from your face to the hand squeezing your tit, his other hand now traces the side of your stomach, and his fingertips gently brush your skin – it tickles, and you can't help but contract your body at his touch and let soft sounds escape your lips.   
“Let me show you how much I care, sweetheart," without a warning he gets closer and takes one of your nipples to his mouth – as instinct your hands that were grasping on the bed clothing, now grab the hair in the back of his head pulling him closer – he groans, the sound is muffled.  
He nibbles your hard nipple, his tongue contours the firm tip leaving a trail of saliva all over your breast, the hand on your stomach takes hold of your other tit, and he squeezes it and holds it firmly – you have to bite back a moan. He starts sucking on your nipple like his life depended on it. The only sounds in the room were his muffled groans, your soft moans, and the wet sound his mouth was making – the sound of the friction of his mouth sucking your peak was music to your ears. But he couldn’t leave your other boob untended, so he went from one to the other, a line of saliva following from one nipple to the other.  
While he starts working on your boob, one of his hands slides under your pants, and his finger teases your wet pussy through the fabric of your soaked undies. “Let me apologize to you~” he whispers. Your breath catches and before you know it his hand slides under your panties, his fingertips start playing around with your wetness, and they slide between your folds, your labia hugs his fingers “Sweetie you’re so wet, I didn’t mean to make your cute little cunt cry with my harsh words” he muttered, his hot breath against your areola.   
You bite your lower lip as you suck up the moan you were about to let go, your fingers interwinding with his hair even more.  
His middle finger starts sliding up and down your pussy, adding more sound to already wet noises coming from his mouth and tongue on your tits. After teasing you enough, he slowly slides his finger inside you as his thumb caresses your clit in soft circles “Oh, Kento~” he chuckled at your little moan as his tongue played with your nipple, his teeth brushing against it.   
The tent in his pants was big and tight, so tight that the zipper on his pants is screaming for help – he keeps his focus on you, on the way your vagina feels around his finger and how your wet clitoris contracted under his thumb, he presses the finger harder against you, in response, you squeeze your legs at his touch and trap his hand in between your thighs. He chuckles again and pulls away from you. Your legs loosen again.   
He makes eye contact as he pulls your pants down. The sight of you like that drives him insane, a small smile forms at the corner of his lips, and he takes a deep breath as he starts to unbutton and unzip his pants – his gaze never leaves your eyes, even when he pulls his cock out. His cock is so hard that slaps his stomach. Your eyes travel to his member – God, you really want his fat dick inside of you more than anything.   
Nanami holds his big balls with one hand and strokes his thick length with the other, the precum helps his strokes become smoother “Shit-” the word escapes his lips. He lets go of his members and gets down so he can kiss your neck again.   
“Can I fuck you? Let me fuck you, sweetheart. Please let me fuck you, baby.” he pleads as he gently bites your earlobe. “Please... let me show how sorry I am.” his tongue licks your ear in and out.  
“Please... fuck me, Kento” you beg. He doesn't waste any time in positioning himself between your legs, he pulls your thighs closer to him, the way he grabbed them was aggressive and a little painful – you like that. He strokes his dick again and slaps it on your wet panties, teasing you through the fabric. In other circumstances he would’ve taken his time with teasing you like that – sliding his tip up and down your soggy underwear, grinding you before he finally gets inside of you. But, right now, he didn’t have time, so with his wet fingers he slid your panties to the side and slowly made his way in. “You’re so tight and wet, sweetie. Fuck-” he groans.   
He places his hands next to your head and starts slowly thrusting you, his balls hitting you in the process and making a sloppy noise.   
Your hands move to his back, gripping the fabric of his blue button-up shirt. Your moans start coming out louder and with more frequency. The way his cock fills you up makes you ecstatic.   
His thrusts become faster, harder. “I’m so sorry sweetie.” he gulps and buries his face on your neck again, taking in your scent. “You were right- your pretty kitty feels so good, baby” he bites your neck.   
With each thrust you cry out a moan against his shoulder, with each thrust the loose ends of his jacket brush against your belly, with each thrust he kisses your neck or bites it, with each thrust he groans near your ear and his hot breath sends shivers down your spine, with each thrust his balls slap your skin, with each thrust your pussy get tighter around his fat big cock, with each thrust his movements become sloppier, the wet sounds louder – your back arched, your body grinding against his, the fire on your clit burning, the electricity in your body growing and your eyes rolling to the back of your head.  
“Do you forgive me?” he asks, his voice a low growl against your soft skin.  
“Yes- I forgive you, Kento” you cry out, and finally, your whole body shakes underneath him, at the same time all of your four senses come out more alive than ever you also lose them. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart” he apologizes, because he’s not stopping even if you're too sensitive.   
When your orgasm is over your body is so sensitive that his touch hurts. But soon enough he fills you up with his cum “Oh- that’s it, sweetheart, take every drop of my cum” he growls loudly. His thrusts become slower until he finally stops and, still inside you he collapses on top of you. The moans suddenly stop and the only sounds are your heavy breathing.   
“I love you so much, sweetie” he mutters.  
As you start to play with his hair you mumble “I love you too”   
“God... I missed you so much – I missed this so much”   
You sigh “Me too”  
Gently he pulls away and sits up in front of you, his dick leaving your cunt.   
He looks down at your pussy and watches his cum dripping down your pussy. With his fingers he starts pulling the hot liquid back inside of you – you gasp again.   
“Shh, this is my apology gift for you. Now take it, darling.” 
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This was my first time writing smut like this! So please bear with me!!! Tips are accepted!
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tradgedyinwaves · 23 hours
Part Four of this
Poly141! x fat!reader
tw: social anxiety, self-doubt, drinking, more touchy-touchy, reader thinks about sexual acts
In celebration of 200 followers, this part has way more than 650 words. More like 1600. :)
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Conversation flowed easily with them despite their sole focus being on you. At some point, Kyle’s hand had drifted onto your thigh, fingers pressing into the flesh gently. John’s arm had slipped from the back of the booth and now rested around your shoulders. You couldn’t be sure, but it seemed Johnny couldn’t keep his feet still and kept tapping yours under the table. The only one who couldn’t seem to relax was Ghost, sitting almost across from you. 
His eyes never left you and he mainly seemed to communicate in grunts. At least, he was drinking this time, his glass now empty of his own whiskey. You were careful not to drink too much, not wanting to embarrass yourself in front of these beautiful men. But it didn’t keep you from relaxing and feeling the warmth of the two next to you. 
Pulling out your phone, you checked the time and groaned. “I really should be going. It’s been great,” you announce, looking to Kyle to move so you could slide out from the booth. “Aw come on. We’re having so much fun. Just a wee longer?” Johnny asks and you turn to him, finding yourself giving in almost immediately. Damn the puppy dog eyes. 
“Only a bit longer,” you concede and relax back into the seat. This time when Kyle’s hand lands on your thigh, it’s higher and the heat is searing through your jeans. You let out a soft sound, biting your lip as his hand starts slowly caressing your thigh up and down. He’s not even looking at you when you look up, already deep in conversation with Johnny about some sports game you had no clue about. 
John’s arm settled back over your shoulders, pulling you slightly closer so his hand hovers over your breast and you can feel the hair of his arm on your bare collarbone. Your breasts jiggle slightly with your laugh when Johnny makes a joke and you don’t miss the way his pupils dilate ever so slightly before darting back up to your face. He, at least, has the decency to blush, the faint pink color tinging his cheeks. 
When the crowd in the bar starts to thin out and you realize even your friends have left for the night, you’re yawning in your seat and now leaned completely against John with his thick arm draped over your shoulders. Kyle’s hand is now tucked between your thick thighs, the side pressed as tightly to your core as he can get it and you hope to whatever higher powers that be that he couldn’t feel the radiating heat or the damp spot that had soaked into your panties. 
“Okay, okay. I really do need to go now. My friends aren’t even here anymore and that’s saying something,” you chirp, suddenly very awake and aware that you’re in an almost empty bar with four men you’d only met that night. They all look at you like they’d rather eat sawdust than let you go and you feel a warmth creep over you. 
“Ahw, bonnie, we couldn’t let you go home on your own. Let us take you home,” Johnny chimes in, soft smile and kind eyes that hold a hint of something else in them. You swallow, looking between each of them. Your gaze lingers on Ghost for a while, noticing the man’s eyes had almost never left you.
“Yeah, alright. Let’s go. It’s not a far walk,” you reply, biting your lip at the reckless decision. These men could be serial killers and you were just inviting them to know exactly where you live. “Why don’t you let Johnny and Ghost take you home? Kyle and I can follow in our truck so they’re not stuck walking back here,” John offers, a warm smile curling up the thick mustache. 
At this point, you’re ready for bed and just want to get home. “Sounds good to me,” you reply though the words are manipulated by a yawn. All of you shuffle out of the round booth, both Kyle and John kissing the top of your head like they’d known you for years before disappearing out the door. You wrap your jacket around you again, pulling the zipper together over your belly and getting a little frustrated when it gets caught up on your shirt. 
“Lemme,” Ghost grumbled, stepping up to you and taking hold of the jammed zipper. It’s the first time he’s spoken all night and it almost stuns you how deep and growly it is. Your breath hitches as he grabs the zipper, yanking on it and subsequently making your breasts bounce as he accidentally pushes against them. He gets it undone and you mutter a bashful ‘thanks’ before turning on your heel as you finish zipping it up to your throat.
You know they’re meant to be escorting you home, but you’re out the door so fast the two men have to jog to catch up. Johnny’s arm wraps around your waist, fingers pressing into the pudge of your stomach in a way that makes you want to shrivel up. You don’t like anyone touching your stomach, but you’re warring with yourself on whether or not to move his hand, to show that kind of discomfort in front of these men. 
You choose to do so anyway, wrapping your fingers around his and lifting his arm up over your head and ducking under it, dropping it at his side. Johnny looks down at you with a furrowed brow. “Don’ like it when people touch you, do you?” he asks as he shoves his hands in his pockets. He doesn’t look bothered that you’d removed his arm, but your anxiety rears its ugly head and makes you worried you’d offended him. 
“It’s not that I don’t like being touched. It-It’s…complicated. I-I don’t want to talk about it,” you manage to stammer out before picking up your speed. It’s not like you’re going to shake off your two guard dogs whose legs are easily longer than yours by several inches, but you take off anyways. 
When your building finally comes into view, you slow your pace and breathe a soft sigh of relief. Your bed was so close, just a few more yards and you could get rid of the guard dogs and curl up in bed. “Well, this is me. Thanks for bringing me home. I really appreciate it.” You were grateful that they’d walked you home. It wasn’t safe this time of night to be wandering around in this part of town. 
“We’re walking you to your door, bonnie. Wouldn’t want someone to snatch you up between here and there,” Johnny stated, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You wanted nothing more than to sink into the scent of him, warm and tingly to the nose like oranges and nutmeg, but you shook your head and backed up to the door of your building. “There’s really no need. My neighbors are great.” Lie. Absolute fucking lie. Nestor at the end of the hall on the first floor would, no questions asked, rip you from the hallway if he saw you alone. A chill went down your spine and you conceded the moment you looked into Ghost’s eyes. You didn’t have a choice if they were escorting you all the way up. 
You turned and opened the door to the building, looking down the hall to make sure Nestor was in his apartment before slipping in and letting the boys in behind you. You headed to the elevator and punched the up arrow, biting your lip as you tried not to wither under the intense stare of the man in the mask. The elevator had been the selling point for you. It was the only place within your budget that had an elevator and you weren’t about to walk up five flights of stairs multiple times a day. 
The lift dinged and you stepped inside, Ghost and Johnny slipping in behind you just to stand with their bodies pressed against your back. Unintentionally, you leaned into them before your eyes widened at your own movement and you straightened so your body pulled away slightly.
The doors dinged and opened allowing you to step out onto your floor. You headed to your unit, digging for your keys in your purse. With a ‘aha!’, you pulled them out and shoved the key into the doorknob, unlocking it. “Would you guys like to come in? I might have some whiskey left?” you offer, turning to look at them. You didn’t know why you were inviting them in, but the sense of safety you had around them had you desperate for them to stay. 
“Sure, lemme text Price and Kyle where to come. Go on in, Si-Ghost. I’ll come in in a minute,” Johnny stated, already pulling his phone out and going to stand next to the window at the end of the hall. You opened the door and allowed Ghost in, leaving it unlocked so the others could join once they arrived. 
Heading into your kitchen, you stood up on your tippy toes, reaching up so you could pull out five of your good glasses. You were looking for the last one, but it was just out of your reach. Suddenly, you felt what could only be Ghost against your back, pressing you against the counter as he leaned over you to grab the glass. 
The heat of him against your back has your thighs clenching together while you watch his thick digits wrap around the glass and you wonder briefly what they’d feel like inside you. He takes a step back once he has the cup and holds it out to you. 
You turn back to him while trying to fight off the blush coloring your cheeks. You murmur a thanks and wrap your own fingers around the glass. 
Of course, that would be when the other three burst loudly through the door.
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I wasn't intending for this to become a whole story, but it's really stuck with me over the last week or so.
<- Part Three Part Five ->
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sadnymi · 2 days
No one noticed
Mattheo Riddle x reader
Words : 700
Warning: a lot angst - probably gonna be p2
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The moonlight pierced through the dense canopy of trees, casting long, haunting shadows across the forest floor as you moved closer to the lake. A biting wind swept through the night, carrying the faint sound of rippling water.
Your footsteps were soft against the earth, but each step brought you closer to him—Mattheo. He stood by the edge of the lake, his silhouette outlined against the dark water, tossing something into the depths with force.
"That's not very wise," you said softly, your voice piercing the silence.
Mattheo froze mid-throw, his body tensing as if readying for a fight. He turned his head just enough to catch your gaze, his eyes burning with a fierce, unwelcoming glare.
"What?" His voice was low, edged with the sharp bite of impatience.
You didn’t flinch. You stepped closer, your boots crunching softly against the cold, damp ground. "There are creatures in that lake," you murmured, keeping your tone calm despite the storm building in your chest. "They won’t appreciate being disturbed."
"And I care because…?" He spun around fully to face you, eyes narrowing dangerously as if daring you to keep talking.
"You don’t. But I think you’d care if they decided to pull you under."
He tossed the last stone he was holding, the motion careless and angry. "Why are you here, Y/N?" he asked bitterly.
You bit your lip, you took another step closer, hesitating slightly before speaking. "I wanted to—"
His glare intensified as he cut you off. "Wanted to what? Ignore me again? Run away? Pretend I don’t fucking exist until it’s convenient for you?" His voice was dripping with frustration now, louder, angrier.
You faltered, your heart clenching in your chest. "Mattheo, I’m sorry," you said quietly, your voice trembling, your eyes burning with unshed tears. "I… I didn’t mean to ignore you—"
"Don't give me that bullshit!" Mattheo snapped, stepping closer to you. "You’re not fucking sorry, Y/N. You never are. Every time we get close, every time I start thinking we’re finally going to figure this out, you disappear. You run away and leave me standing here like an idiot, wondering why the hell I even try."
You shook your head, your breath catching. "No, Mattheo, I’m really sorry. I’m scared. I just—"
"Scared? Scared of what?" He was shouting now, his chest rising and falling rapidly. "Of me? Of this?" His hand gestured between you. "What the hell are you so terrified of, Y/N?"
Tears slipped down your cheeks as you struggled to speak. "I don’t know!" you cried out. "I’m scared of everything, of this, of losing you, of… of feeling too much. But please, Mattheo, please don’t go."
He stared at you, his breathing ragged, anger rolling off him in waves. "You don’t even know what you want," he spat, shaking his head. "You say you want this—want us—but then you pull away the second it feels real. I’m done, Y/N. I’m fucking done. I’m not doing this anymore."
His words hit you like a punch to the gut, and you gasped, reaching out for him desperately. "Wait, wait! It can’t be that easy! You can’t just… just walk away, please…" Your voice cracked, the tears coming in full force now. "Mattheo, don’t go."
For a moment, his face softened, just the briefest flicker of something vulnerable beneath his anger. It looked like he might come back to you, might pull you into his arms like he had done so many times before. But then, just as quickly, he shook his head, the softness disappearing.
"I can’t," he whispered hoarsely, his voice laced with pain."It’s brutal. I just… I can’t. Not again." He turned away, leaving you standing there, watching him retreat into the shadows.
You couldn’t blame him. You’d been here too many times before—each time, he stayed, and each time, you ran before things got too close, before you got too close. But this time, he didn’t stay.
But not this time.
He deserved better. He deserved someone who didn’t run the moment things got too real.
But why couldn’t you be better for him?
The wind howled through the trees, the forest suddenly feeling emptier without him there. You stood alone at the edge of the lake, staring at the spot where Mattheo had vanished into the night, your chest aching with a pain you couldn’t quite put into words.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
It’s just October and I’m sad again sorry
Also I have been in a really bad slump I would appreciate it if you send requests so I can get out of it tyyy lyyy
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rosenclaws · 3 days
Hi love, I hope you’re doing well! I’ve been a fan of (stalking but let’s not talk about it) your blog for a little while, but this is the first time I’ve sent in a request for you! Your writing for Leopold is literally the sweetest ever and you’re the only writer I know of that actively writes for him, it’s so dry out here!! I was wondering if I could request something fluffy with Leopold x fem!reader where is like the most tooth-rotting fluff you can think of. I’m talking him trying to court the reader even though it’s the modern day and that’s not really a thing anymore and shes a bit confused but loves it, a super touchy reader that loves to shower Leo with her affection, literally anything. Those are just ideas, feel free to be as creative as you’d like (and don’t be shy if you wanna make it a longer fic, I’ll take what I can get). This fandom (if I can even call it that) is such a barren wasteland for fanfics and you are such an amazing writer for him and just in general!!
Much love 💕
Courting || Leopold Mountbatten x Reader
a/n: Hi!! Okay I kinda took this in a slightly different direction so if its not what you wanted then plz feel free to send in another request (ik they're closed but I will make an exception) ALSO FUCK HES SO HANDSOME IM GONNA SCREAM
wc: 1.2k
warning: reader wears lipstick
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The last thing you expected was to find a neatly written letter waiting for you when you got home. Pinned neatly to the door with a small rose attached to it. You recognized Leopold's handwriting immediately, no one else you know has such beautiful penmanship.
There’s a flutter of butterflies in your stomach as you open the letter. You and Leopold have gotten very close to each other. He’s unbelievably charming and so sweet and he’s just everything. The way he looks at you, it makes you feel like the only one in the world.
Hello my love,
I am writing to ask if you would do me the honor of accompanying me to dinner and a show this Friday night. I have found myself completely captured by your beauty, you live in my every thought. Every breath I breathe for you and every beat of my heart calls your name. I wish to court you and have the honor of calling you mine.
Your dearest Leopold
You read the letter once, and then again and again. Your fingers trace each letter. Never have you had anyone say something so precious to you before. The rose smells fresh and sweet, he must have gotten it this morning. You hurry to write him a reply, accepting his offer with great enthusiasm.
Folding the letter you press your lips the corner of the paper leaving a lipstick mark. Leopold lives just down the hall so you walk over. Just as you’re about to slip the letter under the door it swings open.
“Leo!” You squeak out as stand back up, almost knocking your head into his chest.
"Hello darling." He's dressed in casual clothes and my god you need to thank whoever introduced him to sweatpants. Anyways.
"I see you received my letter." You bite your lip as you hand over your letter. His name written as fancy as you can.
"Yeah, it was really sweet Leo." He takes the letter and you swear he blushes a little when he sees the lipstick mark. He stares at you for a while, with that perfect smile and gorgeous eyes.
"I uh, I'll see you Friday." His eyes light up at your words.
"I'll see you Friday my love." He takes your hand and kisses your knuckles.
You manage to keep it together as he shuts the door but once you make it back to your apartment you're melting. A giddy feeling you haven't felt in years. You have to wonder how he will attempt to court you in modern day. People don't really court anymore but all you care about is that you have a date with Leopold. Friday couldn't come fast enough.
You had never felt this nervous before. Spending way too long getting ready just to be done an hour early. It's just Leopold, you know Leopold. There's no reason to be nervous but you can't stop the tornado of worry brewing inside of you.
What if something goes wrong? Or the date goes horrible? What if he decides he doesn't like you anymore? What if this ruins your friendship. You shake your head and try to dispel any bad thoughts.
Tonight was going to be great. It has to be. There's a knock at the door and you quickly double check everything before opening it. Any worry still residing in your mind disappears. A beautiful bouquet of flowers is handed to you as Leopold is dressed to the nines. A crisp white shirt and black pants.
"They're beautiful." You say admiring the flowers. Fresh and absolutely gorgeous.
"Not as beautiful as you." Leopold says, barely at a whisper. Like he can't believe that you've even agreed to a date with him. He can't help but admire everything about you. To your smile, your beauty, your laugh, your voice. You're perfect.
You place the flowers in a vase and then the two of you are off. He rests his hand on your back as you walk through the city. His thumb draws circles in your back as you approach the restaurant. He's planned everything himself and he can't help but hope it's enough for you.
Dinner is lovely and the conversation flows without any awkwardness. You're talking to your friend Leopold but you know there's something more as you slowly get closer to each other as the night goes on. Hidden away in the corner booth you are free to get lost in each others eyes. Though you wish you could stay here all night he promised a show. Leopold loved the theater and he promised one day to take you and tonight was the night.
"How did you get such good seats?" You ask as he waits for you to sit before he does.
"I have my ways darling." You're hyper aware of just how close the two of you had gotten at dinner and how close you are now.
The show is interesting yes but Leopold was a very distracting man. Your hands inch closer together. Glancing over at Leopold you find him already looking at you. He waits for your silent approval, not wanting to cross an boundaries. So you take the leap. Intertwining your hands together.
A faint blush on his face and a big smile on yours. His hands are so warm and they fit so perfectly with your hand. When the show ends you reluctantly head back home. You don't want this night to end. Your hands swing together as you gush about the play.
"I had a wonderful night Leopold," You're leaning against your door, wanting so badly to keep the night going. His hair swoops perfectly in front of his forehead and he's got this pretty smile that you can't stop staring at.
"So did I, Thank you for accompanying me tonight." His eyes drift to your lips.
It's adorable seeing just how old school he really is. You know he's from 1876 but still. Modern boys pale in comparison to Leopold.
"You know you don't have to be so nervous Leo, I want to kiss you too." You say boldly.
He chuckles, ducking his head as bites his lip softly. He cups your face gently and you close eyes as he gently captures your lips in a kiss. He's gentle and sweet and you crave more. Still he pulls away much too soon. You pout slightly and he laughs.
"I know I'm much more traditional than you're used to." He traces your lips with his thumb. Admiring every little detail of your face.
"But someone as wonderful as you deserves to be treated with the upmost respect." He kisses your forehead gently.
"You deserve to be loved," Another kiss.
"To be cherished," Another.
"And to be worshiped." Words fail you completely. Leopold has rendered you utterly speechless.
"Did I overstep?" He asks, worried about you silence.
You shake your head. practically jumping into him as you kiss him. Passionately running your hands through his hair. He groans slightly as you tug on his hair. He pushes you against the wall, bracing your head with his hand as he kisses back.
"I'm falling in love with you." He whispers. A hopeful glint in his eyes.
"I'm already in love with you." You admit.
You become lost in his lips as he kisses you again. He just can't get enough. You blindly reach for the door handle and without argument pull him inside of your apartment.
Soft kisses and laughter are shared quietly between the two of you. Time ticks by but you have lost all sense of care in the world. All that matters to you is this moment. Your fairytale come to life. And it was just perfect.
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rispwr · 13 hours
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she's not me - JK - FF - ONE SHOT (M)
pairings : ex!jk x ex!fem!reader
sypnosis : He said he moved on, but why does your toothbrush still stand next to his, even when he has "someone new" already?
genre : ex2l, cheating, smut, fluff if you squint
content/warnings : oral(male recieving), smut, making out, bitch!oc, oc is not very nice, blowjob, missionary, lingerie, cheating! jk and oc.
disclaimer : this fic is completely fictional, i do not know any of the idols personally nor assuming that this is how they act in real life. this fic is for entertainment purposes only
People think they know what it’s like to have everything. They think it must be easy, having the world at your feet, getting anything you want with a single demand. Well, they’re right. It is easy. Easy, effortless, perfect—just how I like it. 
And Jungkook? He was no different.
From the moment he laid eyes on me, he worshipped me. He bought me anything I asked for, made time for me whenever I needed him, and spoiled me in ways even my parents never could. He used to say I was everything he ever wanted, everything he couldn’t resist. But that’s the thing—people always want you until they can’t have all of you. And when Jungkook realized just how much it took to keep me, he broke. He said I was “too much.”
I laughed at him. Too much? He knew who I was from the beginning, knew that I don’t do “less.” I don’t tone it down. I don’t bend for anyone. He thought he could change me, make me softer, more agreeable, more manageable.
So he left. Said he needed space, that he couldn’t handle my demands anymore. I told him to go, told him I didn’t care. If he couldn’t give me everything, then I didn’t need him. There’s always someone else who can. At least, that’s what I told myself.
Yet here we are—him, in my apartment, like nothing’s changed.
I stand at the foot of my bed, my arms crossed as I watch him pace around the room like he’s trying to convince himself he shouldn’t be here. But he is here. And that says more than any of his excuses ever could.
“You really thought you could move on from me?” I taunt, my voice dripping with amusement. “Please, Jungkook. You know how this works. You always come back.”
He glares at me, his jaw clenched tight. “You think this is funny? You think this is some kind of game, Y/N?”
I roll my eyes. “Oh, come on. Don’t act like you’re the victim here. You knew exactly what you were getting into from the start. You chose this.”
“You haven’t changed at all,” he mutters, shaking his head. “Still the same spoiled, selfish—”
I cut him off with a smirk. “And yet, here you are.” I take a step closer to him, watching the way his body tenses as I invade his space. “If you really hated me so much, you wouldn’t be here. But we both know why you came.”
He doesn’t answer, but I can see it in his eyes. He’s struggling, caught between the version of himself he wants to be and the one he can’t escape. The one that always finds its way back to me. He’s with someone else now, or at least, that’s what he’s told everyone. He’s “moved on.” He’s “happy.” But if that’s true, why did he come here tonight? Why did he show up at my door, knowing exactly what was going to happen?
Because I still own him. No matter who he’s with, no matter how much he tries to deny it, he’ll always come back to me.
I run my fingers along his jawline, feeling the tension beneath my touch. “You’re still mine, Jungkook. You can lie to yourself all you want, but we both know the truth.”
His breath hitches, and for a moment, he falters. I can see the struggle in his eyes, the fight between wanting to leave and wanting me. But it doesn’t last long. It never does.
Without warning, he grabs me, pulling me closer, his hands rough against my skin. He’s angry, frustrated, but I can feel the need beneath it all. This is what he wants. This is why he’s here. And no matter what he says, I know I’m still in control.
I don’t even have time to smirk before he’s on top of me, his lips crushing mine with a desperation that’s almost laughable. He hates me, or at least, he wants to. But that hate only makes him want me more.
I give in, letting him take what he needs, because this is what I wanted from the start. He thinks he’s the one in control, that he’s the one making the decisions, but the truth is, he’s doing exactly what I want him to.
And then, just as I knew it would happen, the sound of his phone interrupts us.
His body goes rigid, and for a second, I think he’s going to stop, going to pull away and regain whatever shred of dignity he thinks he has left. But he doesn’t. He keeps going, ignoring the buzzing in his pocket as it continues, relentless.
I smirk against his lips, pulling back just enough to whisper, “Your girlfriend’s calling.”
He freezes, his breath heavy against my skin. The phone keeps buzzing, the screen lighting up with her name. I glance down at it, the smirk never leaving my face.
“You gonna answer that?”
He doesn’t respond, but I can see the guilt flicker across his expression. It’s almost endearing, how he still tries to pretend like he’s better than this. Like he’s not exactly where he wants to be.
The buzzing stops, and for a moment, there’s silence. But I’m not done yet.
I brush my lips against his ear, my voice soft but biting. “You’ll really always come back, won’t you? No matter how many times you try to run, no matter who you’re with… you’ll always end up here. With me.”
He’s silent, but the look in his eyes tells me everything I need to know. 
The phone buzzes again, and this time, I laugh. A low, mocking sound that cuts through the tension between us.
“You should really answer her, you know. She might start wondering where you are.” I pull away from him completely, walking toward the bed with a casual grace that I know drives him crazy. “Or maybe you’d rather stay here. With me.”
Jungkook doesn’t move at first. He’s still standing there, conflicted, torn between two worlds that are pulling him in opposite directions. I can see it in his eyes—the guilt, the frustration, the longing. He wants to leave. He should leave. But he can’t. He never does.
And that’s the thing about Jungkook. No matter how much he tries to fight it, no matter how many times he tells himself he’s done, he’ll always come back.
Because I’m the one thing he can’t let go of.
I sit down on the bed, crossing one leg over the other as I watch him wrestle with himself. The phone buzzes again, louder this time, as if it’s demanding an answer. But he’s not going to pick it up. He’s not going to leave.
Jungkook’s phone buzzes again. This time, instead of ignoring it, he lets out a frustrated sigh and pulls it out of his pocket. His eyes flicker to the screen, and for a moment, I think he’s going to silence it like before, but then his thumb hovers over the answer button.
He presses it and brings the phone to his ear, his voice changing, softening in a way that makes me roll my eyes.
“Hey, Sewon,” he says, his tone so calm, it’s almost disgusting. “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be home tonight… I’m at my mom’s house. She’s sick, so I’m staying over to take care of her.”
I arch a brow, barely able to hold back a laugh. Your mom’s house? Of all the lies he could’ve told, he picked that?
He glances at me while he speaks, and I can’t help but smirk. His lies are so obvious, so transparent. Sewon must be a fool if she buys this.
“I know,” Jungkook continues, running a hand through his hair, trying to sound convincing. “I’ll check in tomorrow, okay? Don’t worry about me.”
He nods as if she can see him. “Yeah, love you too. Get some rest.”
When he finally hangs up, there’s a brief moment of silence between us. The phone in his hand feels like an invisible weight between the two of us, heavy with the guilt and deceit that’s been left hanging in the air.
And then, just like that, he tosses the phone onto the dresser and turns back to me. His eyes darken, the softness from his voice with Sewon gone in an instant, replaced by the hunger that’s always been there. The one he can never hide when he’s with me.
I laugh quietly, shaking my head as I lean back against the pillows, propping myself up with my elbows. “Your mom’s house?” I mock, biting my lip to keep from outright laughing. “That’s the best you could come up with?”
Jungkook doesn’t respond. He doesn’t need to. The look in his eyes says everything.
He crosses the room in two quick strides, grabbing me with a possessive force that sends a thrill through my body. He pulls me to him, and before I can say another word, his lips crash against mine.
There’s nothing soft or gentle about the way he kisses me this time. It’s desperate, raw, and full of frustration—everything that’s been simmering between us since the moment he walked through the door.
The kiss deepens, and I feel the heat radiating between us. Jungkook’s hands grip my waist, his fingers digging into my skin, igniting every nerve in my body. I can taste the urgency in his kiss—the need, the desire, the pent-up frustration from the distance we’ve kept between us.
He pulls away just long enough to look me in the eye, and I can see the battle raging inside him. “i shouldn't be here” he says, his voice a low growl. But there’s no conviction behind his words. I can see the truth lurking just beneath the surface.
“you shouldn't..” I reply, my tone dripping with confidence as I pull him closer. “but aren't tired of her?”
With a sudden burst of determination, Jungkook’s hands slide down to the hem of my dress. In one swift motion, he tears it away, the fabric ripping apart like it’s made of paper. The cool air hits my skin, sending chills down my spine, but the thrill of being exposed to him makes me gasp.
My lingerie, black lace and delicate, is now the only thing standing between us. I can see the way his eyes darken, the way his breath hitches as he takes in the sight of me. I can feel his desire, raw and intense, radiating from him.
“God, Y/N,” he breathes, his voice thick with lust. “You drive me insane.”
And just like that, I know this is what he wants—what we both want. The boundaries of our past and present melt away in the heat of the moment, and all that matters is the connection between us, the electric tension that fills the room.
I can’t help but smirk as I lean back, teasingly inviting him to explore what’s beneath my lingerie. “Then stop talking,” I whisper, “and show me just how insane I make you.”
"take this off, please" i whined "desperate that much? all for cock?" he hissed under his breath chuckling "your cock" murmured breathly. 
"unbuckle it then. show me how much you're a slut for this cock" he demanded me. ofcourse our sex was always great, no matter what happens he'll always come back to me. i got up on my knees and start unbuckling his belt while keeping eye contact.]
i palm his obviously hard bulge teasing him. "Feel this? It's just for you." he mutters "ofcourse it is" i give him a look "who else is it supposed to be for?" i laugh hysterically, enjoying every moment i'm in control. 
I slip his pants and boxers down in one smooth motion, exposing him fully. His breath hitches as I continue palming him, watching his reactions with satisfaction. His head tilts back slightly, his jaw clenched in restraint, but I can see how much control I have over him in this moment.
"That’s right,” I purr, my voice low. “No one else can make you feel like this.”
Jungkook lets out a low groan, his hands gripping my waist, pulling me closer, but I keep the pace slow, teasing him. His frustration is palpable, but that only spurs me on. I love seeing him like this, powerless beneath my touch despite how dominant he tries to be.
"You're enjoying this way too much," he mutters through gritted teeth, his eyes narrowing at me.
I laugh softly, leaning in just enough to whisper in his ear. "And you're going to let me, aren’t you?"
For a moment, there’s only the sound of our breathing, the heat between us overwhelming. His hand moves to the strap of my lingerie, tugging at it roughly. “Take it off,” he demands, his voice a growl, filled with need.
I look up at him, my eyes glinting with defiance. “Make me,” I challenge, knowing full well what it’ll do to him.
The tension between us crackles
His eyes flash with a mix of frustration and desire, and I can feel the heat radiating off his body as he grapples with the control he’s trying to maintain. “You think you can play games with me?” he challenges, but there’s a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, betraying his eagerness.
With a swift motion, Jungkook grips the strap of my lingerie and pulls it down, exposing my skin to him. The cool air sends a shiver through me, and I let out a soft gasp. His gaze darkens, drinking in the sight before him, and I can’t help but feel empowered by his reaction.
“Good girl,” he murmurs, a hint of pride lacing his voice as he watches me, eyes burning with hunger. “Now, let’s see how much you really want this.”
I bite my lip, reveling in the control I have. I shift my weight back on my knees, arching my back just a little, offering him a glimpse of everything he craves. “You want me to beg for it?” I tease, my tone laced with playful challenge.
He chuckles darkly, shaking his head as if to say he’s not going to give in that easily. “I want you to show me, Y/N. Show me how desperate you are.”
With a sly smile, I lean forward, keeping my gaze locked on his as I lower my mouth to his hardness. I let my breath ghost over him, the teasing anticipation making his muscles tense even more.
“Feel this?” I ask, my voice sultry as I glance up at him. “she can never ever make you feel this way”
“uhuh- y-yeah” he retorts, his voice strained.
I laugh softly, enjoying the way my teasing drives him wild. The power shifts back and forth between us, but for now, I hold the reins.
I wrap my hand around him, giving him a few teasing strokes. His eyes widen, and a groan escapes his lips, making my heart race. The rush of power I feel is intoxicating, and I lean in closer, taking him in my mouth slowly, savoring the moment as I begin to work him with my tongue.
“God, Y/N,” he gasps, his hand threading through my hair, encouraging me to take him deeper. I can feel him fighting to maintain control, but the way he pulls me in tells me he’s losing the battle.
I look up at him, watching the way his face twists in pleasure. “You love this,” I whisper, pulling back just enough to let my words hang in the air between us.
“Don’t stop,” he growls, the command wrapped in desperation. “You know I can’t resist you.”
I smile, knowing I’ve pushed him just where I want him. The thrill of our back-and-forth dance adds another layer of heat to the moment, and I relish in the chaos we’ve created.
With renewed determination, I take him deeper again, swirling my tongue around him while my hands continue to work his length. The sounds he makes spur me on, igniting the fire within me, and I can feel my own body responding to the thrill of the moment.
“God, Y/N, i-i'm cumming” he admits, breathless and raw, his eyes wild with need.
I pull away slightly, my lips glistening. “Then don’t. Let go,” I encourage, my voice low and sultry. “I want to see just how far you’ll go for me.”
His breath catches at my words, and I can see the battle within him intensifying. Jungkook's eyes darken with a mix of desire and urgency, the tension crackling between us as I watch him teeter on the edge of control.
“You’re insane,” he mutters, his voice rough. “Do you know that?”
“Maybe,” I tease, a playful smirk on my lips. “But you love it.”
Before I can say anything else, he grips my hair tightly, pulling me back up to meet his gaze. The sudden shift catches me off guard, but there’s a wild glint in his eyes that sends a thrill down my spine.
“I want you, Y/N,” he growls, and it’s a statement, not a request. “Now.”
With that, he shoves me back onto the bed, his hands exploring my body with urgency. The way he caresses me is both rough and tender, his touch igniting every nerve ending as he hungrily takes in the sight of me beneath him. I feel alive, electric under his gaze.
“Look at you,” he murmurs, his voice low and laced with a possessive edge. “So fucking perfect.”
As he leans down to kiss me again, his lips find mine with a fierce hunger. I feel myself melting into him, our bodies pressing together, a collision of heat and desire. It’s intoxicating, and I can’t help but lose myself in the moment, all thoughts of Sewon and the outside world slipping away.
“Please, Jungkook,” I whimper, the need pooling within me, begging for release. “I need you.”
He pulls back slightly, his eyes searching mine, as if gauging my sincerity. “You really want this?” he asks, a hint of disbelief coloring his tone. “After everything?”
I nod, desperation spilling over. “You know I do. You always come back to me, Jungkook. We can’t fight this.”
He grits his teeth, his grip on me tightening. “You’re right. I can’t fight it.”
And just like that, he reclaims his dominance, his lips crashing against mine once more, the kiss deepening as he settles himself between my legs. I feel the heat radiating from him, the raw energy making my heart race faster.
“Then let’s stop pretending,” he murmurs against my lips, his breath mingling with mine. “Let’s give in to what we both want.”
With a swift motion, he pulls my lingerie down, leaving me completely exposed to him. The thrill of vulnerability sends shivers through my body, the anticipation of what’s to come making me dizzy with excitement.
“Jungkook,” I gasp, my heart racing as he moves closer, his warmth enveloping me entirely.
He leans in, kissing down my body, his lips trailing fire across my skin. Each touch ignites a desperate longing within me, pushing me closer to the edge. “You deserve this, Y/N,” he whispers, his voice low and raspy. “You deserve everything.”
His hands explore every inch of me, igniting sensations I’ve only ever dreamed of. The pleasure builds, a wave of heat that makes me writhe beneath him, and I can feel myself teetering on the brink, the tension coiling tighter and tighter.
“Jungkook, please,” I plead, my voice trembling with need. “jungkook..please- fuck!! i'm cumming- im cumming”
He looks up at me, his expression a mix of mischief and determination. “go” he commands, his voice deep and commanding, sending another wave of desire coursing through me.
With one swift motion, he positions himself at my entrance, and I can feel the heat radiating from him, the promise of everything I crave.
“wanna cum again?” he asks, searching my eyes for any hesitation.
I nod, my heart pounding. “yes! fuck- yes please!!”
As Jungkook fills me, a gasp escapes my lips, a mix of pleasure and relief washing over me. Every inch of him feels like home, like the part of me I didn’t know I was missing until this very moment. It’s intoxicating, the way he moves, his body melding with mine as if we were always meant to be this way.
He begins to move, slow at first, savoring the moment. Each thrust sends ripples of pleasure coursing through me, and I can feel the tension in my body tightening. My nails dig into his back as I pull him closer, urging him to go deeper, to give me more of what I crave.
“Y/N,” he breathes, his voice strained and filled with desire. “fuck. you're so tight”
I can’t help but smile, the rush of excitement and control coursing through me as he loses himself in the moment. “You like this, huh?” I tease breathlessly, my hips meeting his with every thrust. “You like coming back to me, even after everything.”
He groans, the sound vibrating through his chest and into mine, driving me wild. “I can’t help it. You drive me crazy.”
With each movement, the rhythm between us builds, and I can feel the way his body responds to mine, the way he lets go of everything else that exists outside this room. 
“More,” I whisper, my voice barely above a breath. “I want more, Jungkook. Don’t hold back. fill me up”
His gaze sharpens, and there’s a flicker of something dark in his eyes. “You asked for it,” he warns, but there’s no hesitation as he picks up the pace, his thrusts becoming deeper and more urgent.
The world around us fades away, and it’s just the two of us—lost in our own little universe. I feel every sensation magnified, the pleasure building with each movement, spiraling higher and higher until I feel like I might burst.
“Y/N,” he gasps, his voice thick with desire. “You’re so fucking perfect. I can’t get enough of you.”
I can feel my walls tightening around him, the pressure building, and I know I’m close. “Jungkook,” I breathe, my voice trembling with need. “I’m going to—”
“Let go,” he urges, his breath hot against my ear. “show me who's making you cum like this.”
His words push me over the edge, and with a cry, I let the pleasure take over. It washes over me in waves, pulling me under until I can hardly breathe, and I can feel him following me, the way his body tenses, the deep groan that escapes his lips echoing in my ears.
“Y/N!” he cries out, and the sound sends another rush of pleasure through me as we both ride the waves of ecstasy together. The connection between us is electric, and I can’t remember ever feeling so alive.
As we both come down from the high, Jungkook collapses beside me, panting heavily, his chest rising and falling with every breath. I turn to him, a smile spreading across my face, knowing that despite everything, we always find our way back to each other.
“See?” I tease, nudging him playfully. “I told you you’d come back.”
He chuckles, looking over at me with that familiar warmth in his eyes. “You make it impossible not to.”
And just like that, the playful banter flows between us, the tension easing as we bask in the afterglow of what we just shared.
But then, the moment is interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing, cutting through the air. Jungkook’s expression shifts, and I can see the annoyance etched on his face as he glances at his phone.
“It’s Sewon,” he says, and I can’t help but roll my eyes at the interruption.
“Shouldn’t you pick it up?” I challenge, raising an eyebrow, trying to gauge his reaction.
He hesitates, his thumb hovering over the screen. “I don’t want to,” he admits, his voice low.
“Then don’t,” I reply, my heart racing at the thought of him choosing me over her, even if just for a moment.
But Jungkook sighs, and I can see the conflict in his eyes. “I have to,” he says reluctantly. “She’ll worry if I don’t.”
“Why should you care?” I shoot back, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. “You’re here with me, not her.”
“I know,” he replies, running a hand through his hair. “But I don’t want to deal with her drama right now.”
“Then don’t,” I urge, my tone softening as I reach out to touch his arm. “Just be here. Be with me.”
He looks torn, glancing back at his phone before finally silencing it. “You’re right,” he says, his gaze locking onto mine. “I’ll deal with her later.”
I smile, feeling a surge of satisfaction. “Good. Now come here.”
He chuckles, leaning in to kiss me softly. “You always know how to get what you want, don’t you?”
“Of course,” I reply, smirking. “It’s what I do best.”
taglists : @crazyovayou @sinfullygay @minghaosimp @pitchblack0309
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httpscomexe · 1 day
You? A Virgin?
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Day 4 of Kink-tober - Virginity
Summary: Wade discovers you're a virgin, and it turns him on.
(Find What I’m currently writing by checking my pinned post)
Parings: Wade Wilson x Reader
Warnings: Blood, more blood, kind of a blood kink, pv, pet names, violence, descriptions of death, crude humour, virginity kink. (Lmk if I missed any)
Tags: @cellyx33 @foxherder @shybluebirdninja
Word Count: 1307 (Find my Kink-Tober list here)
P.S. If you would like to be added to the Kink-Tober tag list, just let me know.
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You were covered in blood. A grin on your face as you’re bent over, hands on your knees, and a hysterical scoff leaves your throat. You looked like a damned psychopath. Covered in blood and brain matter, but yet, you were laughing at the body under you, his eyes peeled open in fear, or they would be if he wasn’t dead. He shouldn’t have called you a bitch. You step over him, doing a fancy little flip of your daggers before shoving them back into the little holsters on your thighs.
“Wow, that was hot.” He comes up from behind you, pulling you towards him, his hands on your waist.
“What was?” You giggle, his hands finding yours as he twirls you like a princess. A princess covered in blood.
“The sort where you were laughing while covered in blood. It’s fucking psychotic to the point where it’s sexy.” You chuckle, looking down at the floor, a shard of glass showing you how covered you really were. Your long hair was soaked in thick blood, dying it almost brown, some of it still wet as it dripped down between your eyes.
“I should be revolted, but you make it look hot.” Wade exaggerates the word ‘hot’ as he grabs your hand and twirls you again, it was easy considering the blood on the concrete floor was slippery.
“Well red looks good on you too.” You tell him, his feet avoiding the bodies on the floor as he turns the dance into a slower dance. It was definitely psychotic.
“Well mine is a suit.”
“Still looks good.” You shrug.
“You can’t even see my face.” He laughs a little, then stops dancing, pulling his mask off.
“Still hot.” You tap his nose twice before leaving his arms. “Maybe don’t use the mask when you fight.” Suddenly, a thump comes from behind you where Wade is, and you turn to see a new body on the floor, and Wades cheek covered in blood. “Yup, still hot.”
“God if we fucked it would be a total blood bath.”
“Neither of us have blood between our legs.”
“Have you ever been fucked on your period?” He asks casually and you just turn back towards him with your eyebrow tilted questioningly.
“I’ve never been fucked.”
A comidical gasp comes from his mouth, and his hands raise up to cover his lips. “No fucking way.”
“Why is that so hard to believe?”
“Cause you’re sexy as fuck!” He shouts, blasting a bullet into a man’s head as he groans in pain, and you chuckle a little. “I mean come on, you? A virgin?”
“Yes, me. A virgin.”
“I’m jealous.”
“Why would you be jealous about that?” You chuckle, using your sleeve to wipe some blood off your face as you bend over and reach into one of the man’s pockets, searching for the paper you’d gone there for in the first place.
“I’m jealous about whoever will have the pleasure in taking you first.” You fluster a little, something Wade doesn’t notice from the blood still draining your face, a natural blush.
“It isn’t that special.”
“Your first time is always special.” He tells you, his hand finding your lower back as you stand straight again, the folded piece of paper with written plans inside in your hand is quickly stuffed into your pocket.
“Wow, who knew you were so romantic.” You sarcastically roll your eyes, a teasing grin forming on your lips as you feel his hand grasp your ass.
“Well if I knew you were a virgin I would’ve helped you months ago.” He groans, pulling you against him.
“Well that’s too bad huh?” You ask rhetorically, not realising he isn’t joking as much anymore.
“I’ve always wanted to fuck someone while they’re covered in multiple other men’s blood.”
“That’s a weird thing to have on your bucket list.”
“Can you help me mark it off? I’ve got that 207th bone right now.” He begins to whisper as he pulls you further against him.
“You always have a 207th.”
“Feels like 208 when I’m around you…” He suddenly leans down, capturing your lips in a kiss, his tongue trailing over your lips as you part them, allowing him to deepen the kiss. “Fuck you taste like 23 different bad guys.” You giggle, throwing your head back a little and his lips latch onto the skin of your throat, causing a moan to come from your throat.
“Wade, we need to go.” You chuckle, attempting to move away, but his hold tightens on you.
“No we don’t, everyone’s dead. Let’s fuck. I’ll show you a really good time.”
“Right now?”
“Yea, or I swear to God I’ll be calling you ‘Little Ms. Virgin' in front of everyone.”
“You better not.” You arms wrap behind his head.
“Well let’s get going…” He mumbles, leaning forward again to continue his soft kisses to your lips, his body slowly walking you backwards until your back hits a pillar of the warehouse, his hips gently beginning to rock against your in a steady rhythm.
“Can I fuck you?” He asks, and fuck it sounded so hot. Consent really is sexy.
You nod, and his hands reach down between your bodies, his fingers quickly hooking into your combat pants, and his lips never leave yours, causing sloppy and messy kisses to slobber your lips, making you chuckle. You expected nothing more from Wade.
“Fuck I’ve waited for this…” He tells you, pulling your shorts off before undoing the zipper on his suit, one you didn’t know was even there as he pulls his cock out. For your first time, you were definitely confident.
It was just how you felt around Wade.
“You ready fox?” You nod, a little urgently. And he wastes no time, his hands gripping your ass as he pushes into you, his lips never leaving yours as you moan into his mouth, causing a groan to come from his.
“Fuck- Wade…” You moan as he begins thrusting in and out of you. As much as you wanted to feel like it was wrong.
You’d just murdered about 50 people together, who were all currently lying on the ground all dead in front of you, some of their mouths hanging open, or some of their stomachs hanging open. But here you were, letting Wade fuck you against one of the pillars. The same pillar you had smashed someone’s head into repeatedly to crack his skull. But you didn’t care.
Wade was your best friend. Even considering he was fucking you into a murder pillar right now. You weren’t sure if this would change your relationship name. From best friends to lovers? Perhaps friends with benefits. Maybe even best friends with benefits. Whatever it would be, you didn’t mind. You were also sure he wouldn’t mind, as long as it included you.
He had joked about getting into a relationship with you before, but you always shrugged it off with a joke. Fuck I’ve waited for this. His words repeat in your head as his lips find your neck again, kissing and biting as your throat vibrates with moans, his dick still sliding in and out of you. He’s wanted this…
“Fuck baby you feel amazing…”
“Logan is totally gonna regret not coming today…”
“Get it? Coming?”
Anyone else might’ve been annoyed, or turned off. But his little jokes while he was pounding you into a concrete pillar made you laugh, your foreheads connected as he suddenly slows down, your hips rocking forward as your mouth hangs open, the feeling of him spilling inside of you causing you to moan, causing you to finish with him.
“I knew you were perfect…” He tells you, gently pulling out of you and he helps you put your feet on the ground.
“Still though… I can’t believe you were a virgin…”
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Confessions Between the Pages
pairing: jess mariano x fem!reader
requested: yes/no (anon)
genre: fluff/neutral
el's thoughts: first time writing for jess so he's a new character for me! this could definitely be out of character, but hey, it's alriiight hahaha hope yall like it!
jess masterlist
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Y/N never meant to become this person—the one who feels a burning jealousy every time Rory Gilmore walks into a room. Yet, here she is, seated at a table in Luke’s Diner, glaring into her coffee as Rory and Jess chat across the counter. There's an easy rapport between them, the kind of connection that makes her stomach twist uncomfortably. It’s the subtle way Jess glances at Rory, the half-smirk he seems to save just for her, and the way Rory effortlessly holds his attention.
Y/N has known Jess long enough to understand she shouldn’t feel this way. He’s just… Jess—the sarcastic, book-loving troublemaker who stumbled into her life, somehow carving out space in her heart without even trying. But Y/N? She’s no Rory Gilmore—no straight-A student, no golden girl with a pristine future ahead. She’s always felt like the background to Jess’s scenes with Rory.
And now, she’s watching them again, torturing herself for reasons she can’t quite explain.
“What’s wrong with you?” Suki, her close friend/mentor figure, asks, nudging her elbow. Suki’s been keeping tabs on Y/N’s sour mood for days and knows it has something to do with Jess. It always does.
“Nothing,” Y/N mutters, eyes still fixed on Jess and Rory. She can’t help the bitterness that churns inside her. “I’m fine.”
Suki follows her gaze and raises an eyebrow. “Oh, come on. You’re doing this again? You know Jess isn’t into Rory like that.”
Y/N scoffs, stirring her coffee with a bit too much force. “Right. They’re ‘just friends.’”
Suki rolls her eyes. “You’re jealous.”
“Am not.”
“You are,” Suki insists, the knowing tone in her voice only annoying Y/N more. “You act like this every time Rory’s around. You’re into Jess.”
Y/N freezes at her words, her heart tightening with anxiety. She can’t deny it anymore, not to herself and not to Suki. But her jealousy makes everything worse. It twists her insecurities into something ugly—something she doesn’t want Jess to see.
“Whatever,” Y/N grumbles, standing up abruptly. “I’m out of here.”
Before Suki can say anything else, Y/N heads for the exit. But just as she’s almost out the door, Jess turns around, locking his dark eyes on hers. He says something to Rory before quickly making his way toward her, calling out her name.
“Y/N! Wait up.”
She stops, heart hammering. “What?”
Jess looks at her, concern etched in his features. “You’ve been acting weird. What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” she snaps, though it comes out sharper than she intended. “I’m just… tired of watching you and Rory.”
Jess frowns, clearly confused. “What do you mean?”
Frustration bubbles up inside Y/N, spilling over before she can stop it. “You two are always talking, and it’s like I don’t exist when she’s around! She’s perfect, okay? She’s smart, pretty, and everyone likes her. I get it. You like her.”
Jess’s expression hardens, his usual smug attitude disappearing. “Is that what you think?”
“Yes!” The confession slips out of her mouth before she can stop it, and suddenly, everything she’s been holding back crashes down. “You like Rory, and I’m just… me. I’m not her.”
There’s a long, tense silence, and Y/N can feel her heart sinking with every passing second. She regrets saying anything at all.
“Do you really think I’m into Rory?” Jess finally asks, his voice quieter but firm. “Because if you do, then you really don’t know me at all.”
Y/N blinks, caught off guard. “What?”
Jess takes a step closer, his dark eyes searching hers. “Rory’s great, yeah, but I don’t look at her the way I look at you.”
Her breath hitches. “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Jess says, voice steady, “that you’ve been in my head for a long time. It’s you, Y/N. Not Rory.”
Y/N feels her pulse race, the weight of Jess’s words sinking in. She’s spent so long assuming she didn’t stand a chance against Rory. And now, hearing Jess confess his feelings, it’s like her world is shifting.
“You… like me?” she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.
Jess lets out a small chuckle, shaking his head. “Are you seriously that clueless? Yeah, I like you. I’ve been waiting for you to figure it out.”
Her heart feels like it’s doing flips in her chest, but guilt creeps in, too. She’s spent so much time being bitter, letting her jealousy fester. “I’m sorry,” she whispers, her voice small. “I didn’t mean to act like that. I just… didn’t think you could ever feel the same.”
Jess softens, his tone gentler now. “It’s okay. But next time, just talk to me instead of jumping to conclusions.”
Y/N nods, relief flooding through her. “I promise.”
For a moment, they just stand there, the tension that’s been between them for weeks finally dissolving. Jess watches her, his gaze soft and a little amused.
“So,” he says, a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. “What are you going to do about this thing between us?”
Y/N laughs, the sound light and free, the first real laugh she’s had in days. “I don’t know. How about we start with dinner?”
Jess’s grin widens. “Sounds good to me.”
They walk back into the diner together, side by side, and Y/N can’t help but feel lighter. The air between them is easier now, and for the first time, she feels like maybe, just maybe, things will turn out okay.
As they sit down, Suki looks between them, raising an eyebrow knowingly. Y/N rolls her eyes but can’t help the smile tugging at her lips.
Jess leans over, whispering in her ear, “You’re going to have to stop glaring at Rory now, you know.”
Y/N smirks, nudging him playfully. “No promises.”
Jess laughs, shaking his head as he picks up the menu. And for the first time, Y/N realizes that she doesn’t have to compare herself to Rory anymore. Because to Jess, she’s always been more than enough.
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yanderes-galore · 2 days
Arthur Morgan with prompts 79, 42, 15 by yandere-daze? Maybe Arthur lassos them off their horse during a chase
Sure! Pairing is left vague as you could be a lover on the run, or a sibling/younger gang member on the run from Arthur for this.
Prompts Here
Yandere! Arthur Morgan Prompts 79, 42, 15
"Don’t be scared. I don’t want to hurt you."
"Don’t struggle. This is for the best."
"You might not understand now but you will thank me later."
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive/Protective behavior, Suffocating behavior, Restraints, Kidnapping, Forced companionship/relationship.
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"Will you just quit it and come back!?"
You hear Arthur's call echo as you ride your horse through the wooded path. You ignore him and continue your escape. Perhaps outlaw life wasn't your thing....
Hell, it seemed even Arthur thought that. He always thought you were too much in danger to be alone. Now with everything going on with Dutch... Arthur felt he needed to be an overwhelming presence in your life to protect you...
Meanwhile, you're starting to open your eyes to Dutch's lies.
"Just let me go, Arthur!" You call back, making your horse cut a corner to try and make more distance. "It's better this way, I'll disappear without a trace!"
"Like HELL you will!" Arthur yells, yet you can hear him cough a bit. "What has gotten into you!?"
"What has gotten into you!" You retort, trying to break line of sight. "Why should I stay so bad?"
"The gang needs you!" Arthur calls, "I'll miss you, what are you expecting to do alone? You have nowhere to go! You aren't thinking straight!"
"Bullshit!" You call back, making Arthur grimace at your language.
"Will you just LISTEN to me!?" Arthur calls, but you no longer humor him and go silent.
The sun had set a long time ago now. You should've expected Arthur to follow you like a hound. He'd never let you out of his sight.
The ride is silent for the most part except for Arthur's horse and yours. You keep trying to lose him, but like Dutch's precious hound, he doesn't lose your scent. He's a good tracker like much of the gang...
Even more so if it meant keeping you home.
When you're about to leave the wooded path, you feel something hit you. You aren't sure what it is, or what happened.... But next thing you know, your horse takes off and you're roughly pulled into the dirt road.
The thing around you tightens when you hit the ground. It restricts your arms, leaving you flailing on the ground. Upon closer inspection, once you regain your bearings, you notice it's a rope.
"Arthur!?" You call, seeing him stop his horse and dismount. Your blood runs cold when you see him holding the lasso in his hands. He'd go this far?
"Don’t struggle. This is for the best." Arthur responds coldly, approaching you before kneeling down to tie you properly. "You're acting like a damn child...."
You don't listen, of course, making Arthur have to roughly force you to the ground. You cry out in surprise and slight pain as he rolls you over. Your wrists and feet are tied as Arthur struggles with you.
"Arthur, please, I don't want to go back... Just let me go...!" You plea, fear now in your eyes upon realizing Arthur will stop at nothing to keep you in the gang.
Is it really to protect you...? Or is it for Dutch's agenda?
"Don’t be scared. I don’t want to hurt you." Arthur coos as he rolls you back over to sit you up. You're immediately cradled into Arthur's chest as he presses a firm kiss to your head. It seems loving... but you're shaking.
"You had me worried sick... running away like that... Could've gotten yourself hurt... or worse." Arthur reprimanded, cupping your face to gaze at you. You look like such a scared animal... just seeing the lengths he'd go for you is unnerving.
"Why? Why can't you let me go? I don't want to be in the gang anymore..." You whisper. It wasn't just Dutch's lies you wanted to flee from. It was Arthur himself, one of the most dangerous and loyal men in the gang.
The same one madly protective and attentive to you... willing to do anything to get you to stay... no matter how immoral.
"You might not understand now but you will thank me later." Arthur whispers, his tone soft as he holds you close. "You're just... not thinking right. It's the stress. Just let me help you."
"No, Arthur, come on—"
"The gang is your home." Arthur responds firmly as he picks you up, cradling you close. "The gang... I'd do anything to help you."
Arthur walks you over to his horse, sitting you in front of him so he can keep you close to his chest. You try struggling but he doesn't allow you to move much. His gaze his cold towards you...
You had a feeling you weren't ever going to be let out of his sight now.
"Let's get you home...." Arthur whispers, holding you close as he starts his horse back to camp.
"My horse—"
"You won't need a horse now." Arthur states. "You're staying at camp, if not, you're riding with me."
You're silent at that, the night sky twinkling above you as wolves howl. Arthur holds you tighter, as if to comfort you. All while you slowly realize escape was probably never possible... once part of the gang, always part of the gang.
Or at least... Always Arthur's.
"You're sleeping in my tent tonight." Arthur commands, making you give him a bewildered look.
"Why!?" You panic.
"Can't trust you. Need to know you won't run from me again." Arthur responds, kissing your scalp. "I'll be your bodyguard, sweetheart."
Arthur squeezes your waist, which only makes you dread going back more.
"You aren't going to run again..." Arthur murmurs, a possessive glint in his gaze.
"You're right where you belong... with me... so don't struggle now. We'll be home soon."
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layraket · 3 days
Day 2 - Trust Issues
Character(s): Warriors (LU)
Words: 862
Summary: Even if Wild is a great cook, some habits can’t go away so easily
Whump scale: 1 (see the full scale here)
During the war there wasn’t space to form relationships and make friends. It doesn’t mean that the Captain didn’t really had some, at all! It’s just that it wasn’t the main focus.
He talked with the soldiers when needed, to give orders or make sure that they didn’t lose a lot of them. If he was distant at the start, it went worse by time passed.
A group of soldiers were with the enemy, betraying them in the middle of a mission and bringing a lot of problems. They lost a big part of their army that day.
Since then, he distrusts almost anyone that dares to come across his path. The only people that he felt like were worth of trusting completely were the princess, Impa and these two kids that came to aid them during the war.
Attempts to try food poisoning him started to be frequent, even after the end of the War of Eras. There were still people out there that wanted him dead.
When he joined the Chain at first he played safe, not giving them almost any information about who he is in case they were a bunch of assassins trying to trick him. After a while he came to a conclusion: No assassin would be as stupid and self-sacrificing as them. He loved them as brothers, but sometimes he wonders if the Zeldas would share some of their wisdom to keep them alive.
Something that almost all of them share is that cooking is not something that the goddesses bothered to gift them with. Wild is the only one who seems to know what is he doing. Until they found him they were eating his cans of military food and some dry meat. When they tasted the champion’s cooking nobody wanted to eat anything from him or anybody else.
“Today’s dinner will be some stew” Wild had said when they stablished camp, already taking out of his sheikah thing the ingredients and a pot.
He never had problems with eating anything cooked by the champion, in fact he was glad that he made food for them. It’s just, some old habits don’t go away too easily.
“Hey Wolfie, can you smell this really quick?” He put the bowl closer to the wolf’s nose, this one taking a sniff and giving a friendly bark “Alright, thanks buddy” With that he started eating.
Giving some of his food to someone and see their reaction, letting Wolfie take a bite or smelling it, just waiting for the rest of them to eat their part and if they don’t get sick he can safely eat his own food.
It was wrong to distrust Wild, he knows that, the kid couldn’t do any harm to any of them even if he wanted to. But putting his guard down will mean his and his brothers safety in danger.
Tonight’s stew didn’t look different from the one two days ago, some pieces of steak with potato and peppers, nothing new. He was about to ask someone how it tasted, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.
“You shouldn’t be this stressed, Captain” Time–his not so little brother anymore– commented with that calm expression, he knew that behind that mask there was an energetic and chaotic kid who just wanted to have some fun whenever he could “We aren’t in the war anymore, nobody will do damage here or try to poison you”
He thought that nobody noticed his concerns, but obviously the man that he raised at some point was the only one who connected the dots.
“I’unno… I just want to make sure” He consider them all his brothers, but aside from Wind and the old man, there was nobody that he could blindly trust.
And that’s the thing, he trusts Time.
“I know, but it’ll make you good not to worry at least one time, I assure you that you’re safe” Time always searched to comfort him even during the war, little Mask slipping some sort of snack that he stole to Wars’ tent when he was upset always made him feel so much better.
Warriors hummed “You might be right…” He brought the spoon to his mouth and took a sip. It tasted the same as always.
Time kept that smile in his face, never moving his eye from him. That was a, huh, little creepy.
“How’s it?” He asked, always keeping his good eye fixate on him, taking in count all his movement.
“’s good” His mouth felt a little more rigid than usual, that was weird. He took another sip of the stew.
That’s when the world started to feel weird.
“Already tired? It’s been barely 5 minutes” That was Wild’s voice, there was nothing that made it sound different.
“I thought he would last longer, guess the O Hero of Hyrule didn’t manage well some poison” Legend. What was he talking about?
“Wait, what’s wrong with the Captain? Guys?”
Time’s voice came again, but everything was blurry already “Just letting you know, I didn’t lie about the safe part. This is so much better than the other option”
Warriors was blinded by darkness. 
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Note: This will have a continuation!
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deans-queen · 3 days
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤...𝐁𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 ❤️
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Pairing: Reader (Y/N) x Jensen Ackles
Summary: Reader (Y/N) and Jensen have an argument about his busy career. After some time apart, Jensen returns on Valentine’s Day, apologizing and making up with her in a heartfelt, romantic way.
Inspired by the song: Come Back…Be Here (Taylor’s Version) *Bold/Italic text - song lyrics*
Pre-AN: this fills the square for my @jacklesversebingo square “Come Back…Be Here by Taylor Swift.”
Warnings: arguments/angst, light smut.
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𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫’𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
I sat on the edge of the bed, my arms crossed over my chest, fighting back tears. It wasn’t the first time we’d had this conversation, but this time felt different. Worse.
“I don’t understand, Jensen. You promised me you’d be here for my birthday. You said things would be different this time.” I said with anger and frustration in my eyes.
He sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. “I know, baby. But I have to go. I’ve got commitments.”
“There are always commitments,” I snapped, my voice cracking with frustration. “Every time you leave, I’m left alone, wondering when you’ll come back. I feel like I’m losing you. I don’t wanna need you this way…”
He took a step toward me, his eyes softening, but I pulled away, not ready for his comfort. “You’re not losing me, sweetheart. You know how much I love you.”
I shook my head, the pain in my chest too overwhelming to push down anymore. “You say that, but you keep choosing your career over me. Over us. It feels like I’m not even a priority anymore.”
His face hardened at my words, and I could see the frustration building behind his eyes. “That’s not fair. I’m doing this for us. To build a future together.”
“Maybe… maybe we need a break,” I whispered, feeling my heart shatter with the suggestion. I didn’t want a break, but I couldn’t keep feeling like I was being left behind.
Jensen’s face contorted with hurt and disbelief. “A break? You’re really suggesting that?”
Tears welled in my eyes, but I held them back, my voice shaking. “I can’t do this anymore, Jensen. I feel like I’m watching you drift away from me, our relationship hasn’t been the same…and it’s killing me.”
He stepped closer, his tone harsher now. “So that’s it? You’re just giving up?”
“I’m not giving up! But I’m tired of being the one waiting around, wondering when I’ll get to see you again. You don’t understand how lonely it gets.”
“Of course I understand,” he snapped, running his hands through his hair again. “You think I want to be away from you? I hate it just as much.”
“Then why does it keep happening?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
Jensen stared at me, his jaw clenched, and without another word, he turned and walked out the door. The slam of it echoed through the empty room, and I crumpled onto the bed, my heart breaking.
This is when the feeling sinks in.
I don’t wanna miss you like this
Come Back…Be Here
𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧’𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
The week away from Y/N was hell. Every minute I spent on set, I was thinking about her—how hurt she was, how I let her down. The fight played on repeat in my head, her words digging deeper into me with each memory.
She wasn’t wrong. I had been gone a lot, and it was killing me too. I thought I was doing the right thing, working hard for our future, but I hadn’t realized how much it was hurting her—hurting us.
I couldn’t stand it anymore. Filming could wait. I needed to see her, to fix things, to tell her how much she meant to me.
So, a week later, on Valentine’s Day, I found myself at our front door with a massive bouquet of sunflowers and a heart-shaped box of chocolates in my hands. My heart pounded in my chest as I unlocked the door and stepped inside, the smell of home instantly calming my nerves.
Y/N was curled up on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, watching The Golden Girls—her comfort show. Seeing her like that made my heart ache. She looked so small, so sad, and it was all because of me.
She didn’t even notice me at first, too wrapped up in her thoughts. I set the flowers down on the table and walked over to her, kneeling between her legs. When she finally looked down and saw me, her eyes widened with surprise.
“Jensen?” she whispered, her voice laced with disbelief. “You’re back… but you weren’t supposed to be home yet.”
“I couldn’t stay away,” I murmured, my hands resting on her thighs. “I missed you too damn much.”
Her lip quivered, and I could see the walls she’d built around her heart, the ones I’d put there, slowly starting to crumble. “But… we had that fight. I thought…”
“I’m sorry,” I whispered, leaning in to kiss her softly on the lips, then her cheek. Damn, I miss the way she feels. “I’m so sorry, baby. I shouldn’t have left like that. I should’ve listened. Please, Y/N… please forgive me.”
I kissed her neck, slowly trailing down her skin, leaving soft love marks, claiming her as mine. “Babygirl, please… I need you. I can’t lose you.”
She let out a soft moan, her fingers tangling in my hair as I continued my kisses. I needed to show her how much I loved her, how much I wanted her. She had to know she was my everything.
“I love you,” I whispered against her skin, pulling her closer to me. “Let me make it up to you.”
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫’𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
I couldn’t resist him. Not when he looked at me like that, his eyes full of love and desperation, his hands touching me like he was afraid I’d slip away. The tension between us, the hurt and the love, it all collided in that moment.
His kisses grew more intense, more passionate, as he picked me up effortlessly and carried me to the bedroom. My heart pounded in my chest, every touch of his lips, every whisper of his words, melting the anger and sadness I had been holding onto for the past week.
“I missed you so much,” he whispered as he laid me down on the bed, hovering over me. His hands traced my curves, his lips finding mine in a heated kiss. “You’re mine, Y/N. Always.”
I whimpered against his lips, feeling every bit of his desire and need for me. The way he touched me, the way he looked at me—it was overwhelming in the best way possible.
“Say it again,” I whispered, my hands sliding up his chest. “Tell me you’re mine.”
“I’m yours, babygirl. Always yours,” he growled softly, his breath hot against my neck as he kissed me there, leaving more marks. “And you’re mine.”
The next few hours were a blur of tangled sheets, whispered promises, and soft gasps. He made love to me like it was the last time, like he couldn’t get enough of me—and I didn’t want it to end.
𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧’𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
The next morning, I woke up with Y/N in my arms, her soft breathing the only sound in the room. I kissed the top of her head, holding her close, not wanting to let go.
It wasn’t her birthday anymore, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t make it up to her. I had plans—small, intimate things, just for the two of us.
“Happy late birthday, baby,” I whispered as she stirred, her sleepy eyes meeting mine.
She smiled softly, her hand resting on my chest. “You didn’t forget?”
“Never.” I kissed her lips, slow and sweet. “I love you, Y/N. And I’m not going anywhere.”
We spent the day together, making up for lost time. It wasn’t about the gifts or the flowers, though those were important. It was about us—being together, healing the wounds, and finding our way back to each other.
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 💚
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vicsnook · 2 days
Never Left Me Pt. 1 | Scott Miller x Reader
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word count: 2330
warnings: arguing, Scott being Scott
notes: Hello! I’m still here y’all, just been dealing with a lot of personal stuff so haven’t been able to write as much as I’d like. But here is a little something for this brat of a man who had probably less than 10 minutes of screen time but continues to live in my head rent free. Hope you enjoy and part 2 will be up Sunday! As always, please don’t forget to like and reblog 🫶🏼.
A row of desks is all that stands between me and the man who I once thought might have a soul despite what everyone else said. Everyone that is sitting on the desks is thankfully too busy to see me coming and that’s how I make it past the receptionist and to his office.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, Scott! You can’t go through with this!” I yell as soon as I walk in. The anger is still cursing through me from where I read the termination email.
His eyes lift up from the monitor and I can tell immediately by his expression that he is very displeased by my interruption. Well that makes two of us now, I think to myself.
“Sorry sir, she ran past me,” says the receptionist from behind me and I don’t need to turn around to know she’s giving me a nasty look.
He looks between us before waving her off. “It’s fine, Kathy. Please excuse us.”
“It’s one thing to have investors when you could do our research with grants and not have to be unethical.” I fume. “It’s another to let the biggest asshole in Oklahoma now own half the company and let him fire half of us without cause.”
He scoffs, not bothering to look at me. “I did what was best for the company. Sorry you didn’t make the cut. If you need any letters of recommendation, please let Kathy know.”
It takes everything in me not to walk over and smack the attitude out of him but I know I might need the stupid recommendation so I take a deep breath instead.
“Anything else? Or do I need to get security to escort you out?” He says, looking at me with those icy blue eyes that once gave me butterflies.
“When this inevitably blows up in your face, don’t bother to call.” I respond and walk out, not bothering to close the door on my way out which I know he hates.
The elevator is slow to get me to the lab where I pick up what little I keep in my office and then with one last look to the place that I once considered my second home, I start to head out. Taking down the picture of Javi, Kate, Scott, and I from the wall and throwing it in the trash can before I get on the elevator.
After eating way too much ice cream for dinner and playing darts with Scott’s picture attached to the board, I realize I have no idea what to do next. Only thing that’s for certain is that bills will pile up quickly if I can’t get another job soon though.
So I dial the only person I know might help me and hope my past job is something he can look past. Hope fills me up when he picks up on the first ring. His southern drawl already making me feel like things will actually be okay.
“Good lord, Y/N, as I live and breathe! What the heck are you doing here city girl?” Asks Boone, pulling me in for a much needed hug.
“Well the city didn’t really want me anymore so here I am.” I admit, looking at my feet as I blush in embarrassment.
Boone knows me too well and it won’t be long before I know I’ll have to keep him from punching Scott in the mouth. Even if he really deserves it. He sighs in response, looping his arm through mine and leading me to the rest of the team.
“Look at what the cat dragged in, come here girl,” Dani says, enveloping me into a hug that Lily is quick to join into. “Welcome aboard,” they whisper before pulling away.
“Alright, Alright, let’s not suffocate our newcomer. We still gotta show her the ropes.” He says, and I feel my heart begin to race. Damn you, Tyler Owens for having this effect on me, well actually, on most of the female population.
“Thanks again for the opportunity,” I say, turning around to meet his eye. The past couple of months definitely did him well, I think as I take in his physique.
“Don’t mention it.” He responds, leaving me to get acclimated with my new role in his team.
Soon enough we’re racing down the road to where a Tornado has begun to form but before we can turn into the street that will lead us right to it, the Scarecrow truck that I once shared with Scott cuts us off.
“God I hate that asshole,” Tyler mumbles as we resume our journey, now trailing Scott who can’t seem to pick a speed. “Turn left up here, then turn right before the dead end, it’ll put us right ahead,” I tell Tyler who is quick to follow instructions as I buckle into the harness and hold the steering wheel so he can do the same.
But the action is over before it’s even begun as the tornado quickly dissipates before it reaches us. Tyler and I look at each other and down at the computer which shows no other storms in the area today.
“Maybe we’ll have better luck tomorrow,” I say, radioing the rest of the team who suggests heading to the diner down the road for dinner.
“So what happened between Kate, Javi, and Scott? Why did they take off?” Tyler asks, as he drives down the nearly deserted back roads that lead to the town.
“Scott had a majority share in Storm Par because of his uncle and after the stunt Kate and Javi pulled in Reno, he had them pretty much fired.”
“Well, I got that already from Kate and being there but why didn’t they come back?” He asks, and I know exactly what he’s really asking. Why did Kate ghost him?
But I don’t know how to tell him the truth. So I try to do the one thing I suck at. Lie. “They just got busy, I guess. Javi got a job with Kate last I heard and it just worked out better up there for them,” I say, avoiding eye contact.
“I bet it did,” he mutters, and I can’t help the guilty feeling in my stomach. But could he handle the truth?
We head up to Texas the following week and the ride is mostly silent except for me giving directions to Tyler every once in a while. I don’t think he takes up very well to lying since he’s stopped trying to make friendly conversation and will only talk about work.
The motel comes into view and it isn’t the nicest. But when are they ever nice?
Tyler hands me my room key and I grab my bag. It feels odd being here without the rest of the team but we need to be in two places at once sometimes to get our data.
“Hey Tyler, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for lying the other day. I really hate to start our work relationship on the wrong foot.” I say, as we walk up the stairs to the rooms.
“So why don’t you tell me the truth then?”
His green eyes lock on mine and I suddenly feel nervous. “Kate, she wasn’t ready to be here. After her and Javi got fired, they figured they could make a better difference up in New York working with NOAA.” His face twists into a frown. “For what it’s worth Ty, she almost came back for you but you’ve gotta understand after what she went through, she just wasn’t ready.”
“I just wish she would’ve called.”
“I’m sorry, Ty. But she’s coming to see her mom in a few weeks. Maybe show up? See what’s up?”
“I just might. Now go on and get some sleep. We’ve got a long day tomorrow.” He says, and I nod heading into my room.
“Ugh!” I grunt when my alarm goes off the next morning.
Why did I pick this job when I’ve never been a morning person?
I shower quickly and pack my dirty clothes back into my bag and as I put on my shoes there’s a knock on my door. He sure is punctual.
“Hey we’re getting some crazy weather east of here. You ready?” Tyler asks as soon as I open the door. “Yep, let me grab my stuff.”
By the afternoon we’ve already had two F1’s and a whole lot of data collected so Tyler decides we can head for some lunch.
The sight of the Storm Par truck is enough to make my appetite go away as I spot the scarecrow sticker on the back but nevertheless I follow Tyler in and order a burger.
“Hey I gotta make a call, I’ll be right back.” Tyler tells me and I’m left alone in the booth picking at my fries. Unfortunately for me it isn’t for long as Scott slides in to the seat across from me.
“Didn’t think you’d go work for the hillbillies,” he says, stealing one of my fries and I roll my eyes. “What the hell do you want Scott?”
“Just to offer you a job. I need a navigator.”
I scoff. “I told you I’m not working for you again.” I can feel his eyes on me but I refuse to look up.
“Suit yourself,” he says, sliding out of the booth and leaving me alone. God I cannot stand that man.
“Y/N! We gotta go!” yells Tyler, rushing back into the diner and I throw two 20’s on the table and run after him. Noticing Scott also getting up to follow.
The weather has changed in the little time we were in the diner. What was a clear sky is now dark gray and the rain starts to come down hard as I slam the truck door shut.
“It’s coming this way, look at the radar,” says Tyler as he shifts the truck in gear and soon we are speeding down the two lane highway. “Ty, it’s starting, oh God.”
The tornado is forming right ahead of us and as I stare at the screen in my laptop I realize it’s headed straight for the diner.
“Fuck, hold on!” yells Tyler, doing a U-turn and speeding back towards the diner. We need to move fast and get these people to safety.
I hop out as Tyler puts the truck in park and we rush back inside, Tyler yelling out to get to the back since there isn’t a storm shelter. People nearly trample us as they file into the back room.
I turn to the windows, the sound of the familiar sirens is almost deafening and that’s when I see him. Scott is pulling into the parking lot and the tornado is right behind him.
“Y/N! Get in here!” Yells Tyler but it’s muffled. My body is almost in autopilot as I sprint to the door to try to save the man who’d probably leave me for dead.
“Scott!” I scream, the rain is coming down harder and I can hardly see anything. The ground shakes beneath me but I push through to where I think I see him and we collide. “C’mon!” I yell as I pull him with me to safety and it’s like everything is in slow motion.
The windows burst into shards of glass and I duck, hoping Scott did too. My hand never leaving his as I continue to pull us inside and we make it, just barely.
He envelops me in his arms as the tornado goes over the diner and everything around us rattles. The screams of the people around us are terrifying and I think “Is this where we die?”
And just like that it’s over.
We survived.
I sit in a booth wincing in pain as Scott and Tyler pull glass shards out of my face and arms. The pain is nauseating and all I want is a shower and a nice bed.
“What were you thinking going after him?” asks Tyler when Scott walks back to the bathroom to get more paper towels.
“I wasn’t.”
He chuckles, shaking his head. “Well that much is clear.”
I nod in agreement as he takes the paper towels from Scott and dabs at my cuts and I wince in pain.
“Yeah, you need to go back home and get some proper rest.” Tyler says, and shushes me before I can protest. “I’ll book you a flight tomorrow. Take a few days off. I’ll be back in Oklahoma by the time you’re good to go.”
I nod reluctantly.
“I can take her back, I’m heading back up tonight.” Scott says from behind Tyler and I stiffen at the suggestion. “Y/N, that's okay with you?” Asks Tyler looking at me and as much as I want to say no, I know if he doesn’t have to buy me a flight, he can use the money to help the community affected so I nod.
“C’mon I’ll take you back to the motel to get your things. Can you meet us there Scott?”
“I’ll be right behind you,” he responds.
The car ride is silent other than the radio reporting the damages and all I can think of is wanting to stay but I know better than to argue with Tyler.
I slowly gather my things when we get to the motel trying to avoid spending much time with Scott. Why did I really go after him?
The hot water feels good on my skin as I wash away the blood and remaining pieces of glass. The alarm on my phone startles me and I step out knowing we have to go soon.
I wince as I apply ointment on my cuts then head out the door to meet Tyler and Scott.
“Drive safe!” Tyler yells as Scott pulls out into the highway and I know it’ll be a long six hours as he turns up the radio.
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Beneath Miles of Stone XXIII
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•John Wick x Plus Size Female Reader
• Howdy, I don’t know anything about guns or Russia besides the little research I’ve done. Please don’t be mad at me if I get facts wrong or say something dumb. Laughing at me, however, is completely acceptable :3. Also, I’ve been going down a rabbit hole of high table & John Wick lore for this story, and there’s lots of references to other JW media (the comics, the Continental TV series, wiki pages).
• Thank you so much everyone who is reading/commenting on/liking this story, it means a lot to me and I love you guys. I started writing this one year ago and feel like I’ve improved so, so much that it’s insane. I’ve been learning to pick out my own style and make it coherent by reading all the other brilliant fanfictions from everyone on Wickblr/Keanublr and I’m insanely grateful I found this little hole of internet. Divider is by @thecutestgrotto
• TW: blood, death, bodies, HEAVY NSFW, gore, guns.
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She does, eagerly, jumps under the covers, and he tsks, pulling off his sweater with one hand. “No, honey. Spread your body out for me. I want to see you.”
She almost starts to protest, but the dark look he gives closes her mouth, and she lays flat, naked, looking anywhere but at him, pushing the blanket off on the floor to avoid its tempting sanctuary.
He chuckles. “Spread your legs, babydoll. Wider. There you go.”
She whines, fisting the bed sheets and closing her eyes tight while her pussy pulses uselessly, sure he can see the slick glittering on her lips and unkept hair.
“Look at me,” he tells her, and by god she tries despite the fact that his cock can’t get much harder without fucking exploding into pieces. He undoes his belt, then slips his jeans down, and the outline of his leaking length makes her mouth water.
God, he’s beautiful. She’ll never get used to it.
He says aloud what she thinks. “You’re beautiful. I could stare at you all night.”
She laughs. “Please don’t.”
“Why not?”
“I want you.”
“I can’t stare at you while you have me?”
“Just come here.”
“Or what?”
“I’ll cry.”
His palms catch the end of the mattress, and he kneels down by the edge. The pride he feels in light of this titillating manipulation, as if he single handedly taught her how to sin himself, should be worrying. Corruption looks so pretty while she wears it and nothing else.
He grabs for her ankle, and catches it despite screeches and giggles and protests and pulling.
The phone at their bedside rings, and his teasing teeth stop just short of her neck.
“Did you just break that?” Her fingers twirl into his beard.
He leans into her touch while they both steal an incredulous look at the landline he just ripped from the wall and threw across the room.
It’s not ringing anymore, that’s what really matters. He goes back in for flesh—will kill, with his bare hands, whoever makes his cordless sound off over her needy whimpers.
She looks up at him for a long moment, trying not to laugh or cry, and then says: “can I break that one?”
He has to go.
“Why do you wear a suit?” She asks him, fumbling with the tie.
He guides her fingers, showing her how to cinch it. “Professionalism’s sake.”
“Oh,” she smiles, tracing the indent of his cock with her thumb. “This is professional?”
They’re on the bed again, pressed in tight, tongues rolling together. He pulls away and she wipes saliva off his beard, tugs him back by the tie he just so neatly put together.
“I have to go,” he says, grinding against her, slicking up the crotch of his pants.
“Yeah,” she agrees, digging her fingers into the dip of his beautifully sloped back.
“In the Morning,” he promises, pressing her mouth against his clothed erection with palm threaded through her hair.
“Can’t have you going to work messy,” she says, eating her own cum off of his dress pants.
“You-ah, ah-John. You have to go.” As he teases open mouthed kisses up the seam of her puffy pussy, whispers praises over the den of her clit.
“Gotta go,” he grunts, lifting his hips up so she can wrestle his cock free from its confines and suckle the leaking cum from his tip.
“Can’t let you stain your nice professional pants.” She cleans him so nicely with her tongue that it creates even more of a mess.
She cleans that up, too.
“Please—please don’t stop,” she asks, arching her back, words jumbled and urgent, willing with a deep whine for the increased tempo of his tongue and fingers.
All these delicious plans he has for dominating her benevolence with the elusivity of release, reducing her to begging and bargaining and selfish demands, immediately crumble under the beautiful, breathy way she asks for an orgasm, and he growls at himself and her gushing, clenching pussy for giving in so easily. Still, he eats up her mess and brings her down nice, easy, soft, crawling up her trembling body until he can make her taste herself on his mouth, which she does eagerly and delightedly.
“Don’t go,” she says, post coital bliss somehow softening her up even more. She’s melting into the mattress and pulling him down with her, like sticky boiling sugar enveloping a curious fly.
“I have to go,” he says, clinging to her, still full on suited and with his aching cock tucked back in.
She huffs, reaches for him, to wrap those plump little fingers around where he is crying, twitching, furious.
“Just one more taste,” she asks, rubbing languidly at his pronounced head.
He is cold, calculated, unbreakable, steadfast. He has endured hours of torture and pain and blood and agony. He is an impenetrable force, the enigmatic feared entity of the Bratva, and he bucks and shivers and—
whines, pressing the sound into her throat as she smiles with pride and adoration and idly twirls his hair around her fingers.
If he were a weaker man, or maybe a stronger one, he wouldn’t unstick himself, kiss her cheek, smooth down her wild hair before pressing his face into the thick of it and memorizing the smell.
“Come back to me,” she orders, as he puts on his other shoe.
“Don’t die, okay?” She pleads, as he’s tucking guns and knives into his clothes.
He places one last kiss to the middle of her forehead, unsure of promises, unsure if he can fulfill her request. The only sure thing in his life is the tangible heat and want between them that is burning him alive. He says, after a few seconds pressed against her damp skin, “okay.”
Winston must have looked through her own closet somehow, because comfy cotton T-shirts and leggings and sweatpants are the majority of what he sent for her. She can’t stop being eternally grateful for his hospitality, despite the resistance she’s put up against it.
She takes a long, hellfire shower, winces when she gets to her pubic bone—her hips are sore, bruised, labia red and raw from beard burn. Inner thighs chafed to hell. It hurts, but she wants to keep all of it as a reminder of her John.
The Continental comes to life at night. The lights dim blue and deep red, music pumps behind colossal forbidden doorways, patrons of all ethnicities and ages and cultures accumulate at tables and cluster on lounging couches.
Bookstore library stranger greets her in the silver-coated dining room. She has a bit of alcohol on her breath and blouse. Despite this, she’s very happy to see her again.
“Hello Ella.”
“Would you like a drink? My treat. They have everything. Straight, narrow, sugar.” Ella puts her hand over her mouth and hiccups. “Excuse me. Get anything you like, dear.”
She orders simple, A fruity cocktail, and sits with Ella for a bit while hearing stories about growing up wealthy and admired. It’s so differently fascinating from her own life, these tales—she’s utterly captivated and brimming with jealousy.
Addie is here, too, graced by inhuman strength in her lithe frame, when she pulls her away from story time to speak privately.
“Do you know who that is?” Addie asks, holding two fingers up at the bar tender.
He delivers two crystal glasses of sparkling water. “She’s my friend, I met her at a bookstore. Her name is Ella.”
“Elena Jovonovick,” Addie corrects with a concerned frown and drawn eyes. “She is the head of the Ruska Roma.”
She blinks at Addie a few times, understanding curtaining over her face. “Oh…”
Addie opens her mouth, but the voice that speaks does not belong to her. Ella—Elena—sidles between them, and motions for another drink. “Addie, sweet girl, what is wrong?”
Addie’s flushed cheeks bleed all their color, but she does not tremble nor fall back despite the look of abject fear held in her face for this tiny woman.
She doesn’t understand the fear, but does understand that the woman she has become friends with is…what? John’s adoptive mother? A slew of emotions typhoon through her. The first, humor. It’s funny, that she she’s meeting his family without his knowledge. Second, anger. Anger because this is the person who took tiny, defenseless, innocent John—her John—and turned him into a harbinger of death.
She starts to say something seething, something that she will regret later, but when she looks at Ella and opens her mouth, she sees a familiar expression—sorrow, regret, profound sadness. Like an abandoned, filthy dog on the street corner. And her jaw snaps back into place.
“Please,” Ella says, sipping at her drink. “I need John Wick’s help.”
The doctor was right, he is distracted and sloppy. A mind at war. A hit that glances off someone’s sternum, not killing them. A failed attempt at kicking one of his colleagues away from a butterfly in the femoral.
He grabs some flyaway blood, throws it in the knife wielder’s face, then presses a bullet into his skull.
He tugs a foam plug from his ear to hear what Marcus is yelling from across the room. It’s done, anyway. Twenty two men in, twenty two men out. He wipes sweat off his brow and leans against the cool wall to bring himself back to baseline.
“Did you hear me, John?”
“Yeah, I heard you.”
But he didn’t, and still doesn’t, occupied by the message on his phone that blackens his vision around the edges—whether in fear or rage, he cannot tell.
Rage is simple, clean and cut, as slick as the jacketed bullet he sunk into the skull of Yuri Morozov when one of his bodyguards flexed their finger on a trigger.
“The car’s loaded with dynamite,” Marcus says, swiping some sulphur off his cheekbone, panting from the jog over. “What—what’s wrong?”
It’s an unusual conversation to have while splattered with blood and surrounded by the bodies spilling it. Marcus continues despite the situation.
“Jesus Christ, tell me why you look like that.”
John blinks at him, almost asks him to explain what expression he sees and this concerned reaction to it. He already knows, though, doesn’t he? That his face has become a breeding ground for pesky emotions. “Elena Jovonovick is staying at the New York Continental.”
“Who—“ Marcus guffaws in disbelief. “Who told you that?”
“Does it matter?”
“No—what the fuck. Where are you going?”
“Back home.”
“You can’t kill her John! You can’t kill the head of the fucking Ruska Roma! You know that?” Marcus takes a few leaps after him, but ultimately decides against intervention.
“Where is he going?” Kirill asks over the earpiece when he first hears the snarling squeal, then sees John’s mustang peel onto the boulevard.
“Diarrhea,” Marcus replies.
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goodtimeswithollie · 2 days
okay I’m gonna talk about the Jack and Wanderlust shit so if you don’t want see that… don’t read
I’m lucky that I stopped rlly being in this fandom because I don’t really care about Jacklust too much anymore but like this still pissed me off
I don’t know why we are getting this weird ass plot of Nightswan & The Traveler rn when like another post that I reblogged said, we hardly know anything about how this world works and they’re focusing on… messy relationship stuff. I would have been completely fine with the whole half sibling story if idk… it was done better and quicker especially since this is coming out 2 years after the JD23 lore and people were literally shipping the 2 before the game actually released and they KNOW about the ship too
I feel like this is a weird attack against the shippers and believe me I KNOW the shippers can be annoying at times but still I saw people in the Insta comments (idk if people are saying stuff on Twitter, I don’t have Twitter but I BET they are) being happy that the ship is being destroyed bc of the shippers like grow tf up you are happy that a DANCING game ship is being obliterated bc of ppl online, ik im making a whole post about it but my point still stands okay 😭😭
I’m more pissed bc I dedicated a good chunk of time into the game because I for one, liked Jacklust, but I was also excited to see how the story went. Also if I’m being completly honest I never gaf about any other ships maybe except for like Bride & Rasputin so it sucks seeing the one ship I liked go down the drain
Idk I’m still going to observe the fandom and game from a distance like I’ve been doing, I’m not going to be deleting anything on here yet I’m going to decide that when the game actually comes out my tiktok has already been privated since like January of this year and I think I lost the login information idk
all I’m gonna say tho is… if you wanted messy relationship drama Just Dance idk you could have maybe… used the plot & characters you always created (BRIDE AND RASPUTIN). Also not related to Jacklust but maybe… instead of making lore for characters from previous games that nobody asked for maybe spend more time developing the lore of the world that these mfs live in!!!
It’s lowkey embarrassing typing a think piece out for JUST DANCE but do with this what you will, agree with me or disagree with me I really don’t give af 😭
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type1dragonwolf · 22 hours
Vent post
Warning for vent, mentions of death/suicide and mentions of running away
Hey guys. Sorry to drop this out of nowhere. I just need to tell someone. To get this off my chest.
I hate where I am right now. I hate school. I hate having people expect something of me. I feel like I’m forgotten. That no one cares. That people just use me or don’t really care about me.
I feel like I’m a ghost in my family. I feel like they’re so busy that they barely care. I sometimes wish I wasn’t born or that I wasn’t here. I know I could never hurt myself though. I wish that I was anywhere but here. Either past of future.
I feel like no one would care if I left. I feel like I what to runaway but I’m not sure if I want to or if I could. Maybe for just a day as then I’d come back home. Still.
I hate myself sometimes too. How lazy I am and how I’m not good. Sometimes I want to rip my heart out so that I would never be hurt again. I feel like I inly hear bad things anymore. No goodness.
I’m so f#cking tired. SO TIRED. I’m tired of all the arguing, the death that’s happening, the being pushed behind and forgotten. I just want to leave. I hate this. All of this. I want to just be free to be myself but I know that I can’t.
I’m in so much pain. I’m trapped and I don’t know what to do. My therapist doesn’t help me but everyone thinks that therapy is “working.” I hate it. So much. Nothing meaningful comes out of it. I’m just tired. I want to be okay for once. But will I ever be?
I hate this. Hate this all. I feel forgotten, pained, and I just… I want to leave it all behind and hardly ever look back. I want to be in the future. I want to be okay.
I swear if one more bad thing happens I might just leave. Run away. I don’t care if people come looking for me. Hey, maybe it’ll make me noticed for once. Haha… ugh. I just want to know I’ll be okay. I want to be okay RIGHT NOW.
Sorry for the vent. But I don’t know why I should be sorry for saying how I feel, due to the fact that everyone’s always telling me to do so. Or whatever. I’ve said what I’ve need to say.
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3-2-whump · 2 days
Adjusting Well: A Parallel
By all accounts we weren't going to even have this chapter, but my beta readers convinced me to make this drabble canon. So, here it is. Everyone say thank you to @whumped-by-glitter and @generic-whumperz for letting Tom live one more chapter and prolonging Khaled's misery
A parallel to Adjusting Well
TW/CW: noncon nudity, multiple whumpers, degradation, emotional manipulation, degrading speech, threat of castration (not followed through), humiliation, noncon oral, self-harming behaviors
“How’s he adjusting?”
Thomas sighed. “Fine, I guess?” He threw a backward glance at a shirtless Khaled from where he sat on the sofa. The slave was engrossed with buffing out the scratches on the granite countertop. “He doesn’t talk much anymore-”
“When did he ever talk much?” Luca shrugged.
“Well, it’s worse now,” Thomas explained. “He just sulks all the time, shambling like a zombie from one room to the next!” He leaned in close to his oldest and most trusted friend. “When I took his cock cage off yesterday, he barely even reacted! Barely remembered to thank me, too,” he grumbled.
“I don’t understand,” Luca said as he furrowed his brow. “This is what you wanted, right? A living fuck doll to keep you warm at night?”
“No, that’s more of what you want, man!” Thomas shook his head, then leaned back onto the couch with a sigh. “I wanted at least a little bit of liveliness, maybe even some enthusiasm, if that wasn’t too much to ask for! I don’t know how to break him out of this slump, or if I even can!” he groaned.
Luca pursed his lips, looked over the side of the couch back at Khaled, and then back at Tom. “Bring him over here, I want to talk to him,” he said.
His friend obviously had an idea, though what exactly this idea was remained to be seen. Thomas craned his head over his shoulder once again to look back at the slave behind them. “Khaled, come here,” he ordered.
The boy looked up from the countertop as his hand holding the cleaning rag stopped buffing. He looked back down at the counter, then sighed, putting the rag down and stepping out from behind the counter. Without the granite and hardwood in the way, it was plain to see Khaled was completely naked. Luca gave an appreciative whistle. Thomas shot him an exasperated look. It was nothing the man hadn’t already seen at this point, but he always leered at Khaled’s nakedness as if it were the first time Tom got the idea to pass him around.
Khaled finally stood before the two men, waiting silently until he was commanded to kneel in the presence of his master.
“So, I heard you’re feeling kind of down,” Luca said as the boy settled onto his knees.
Khaled glanced toward his master, then back at Luca, and nodded somberly.
“Not sure why you’re so upset, though. I mean, really –did you not think your actions would have consequences?” Luca asked rhetorically. Thomas recognized this speech from those few times he’d interacted with Luca and his family before. This was the speech Luca used to use on his sons, with some obvious modifications to fit this specific situation. Never had he ever thought the man would rehash the ‘own up to your mistakes’ monologue onto his slave.
“Here my buddy is, just trying to protect you from your baser instincts –the same instincts that got you infected –and you think you have the right to be upset about it?” He tutted and shook his head in disapproval. “You stupid little slut! You still don’t know how good you have it, do you?” Luca admonished.
Khaled hesitantly shook his head, a flicker of uncertainty crossing those dark, lifeless eyes.
“If you were mine, I never would’ve tolerated this shit! I would’ve had you fixed like the horny little bitch you are the moment I suspected you spreading your legs for someone else!”
Khaled flinched, bringing his hands to his front to shield himself the moment the word ‘fixed’ was uttered. “Khaled,” Thomas warned. The boy nodded his head and reluctantly placed his hands at his sides, exposing himself again.
“You would never have left my sight for even a moment,” Luca continued, “but noooo, Tom felt bad for you and allowed you to ‘make friends’ or some shit! At least it was with Nico, at first –did you screw him to be your friend, too?”
Khaled’s face burned bright red at the invasive question. “What? No, I-”
On the other end of the couch, Thomas rolled his eyes. “See, of course now he talks, to defend what little honor he thinks he has left!” he scoffed.
“Honor?” Luca let out a snide laugh. “These slaves don’t have honor!” He leaned back onto the couch and gestured to Khaled as he explained. “No, no, what you think of as honor, I see as favor. Slaves are granted favor at the discretion of their owners, and that favor can be lost just as easily as it can be given. And this one lost favor due to his own actions alone.” He cast a smug look back at Khaled and asked, “So, what do you have to say for yourself?”
“Um, I’m sorry?” Khaled murmured.
“Tom, do you accept that apology?”
The boss shook his head as his lips quirked into a wry smile. “No, I don’t think I do. It didn’t feel…genuine enough.”
“Yeah, come on, Khaled,” Luca jeered. “Let’s try that again! What do you have to say to the man who raised you, who waited for you to become legal all those years before laying his hands on you, who gave you everything?”
Khaled gave a shuddering sigh before lowering his eyes respectfully. “I’m sorry,” he answered, voice full of conviction. He effortlessly folded himself over into a bow, planting his forehead onto the carpet in front of their feet. “Forgive me, Master,” he said loud and clear.
“Forgive you for what?” Thomas asked, fully leaning into this game now.
“Forgive me for sleeping around, for taking you for granted, for-for not loving you like you want me to!” Khaled answered.
“How sorry are you?”
“So sorry!”
“Would you like to show us? Go on, boy, show us how sorry you are!”
This reminded Tom of when he and his friends were younger, when they would bully the freshmen at St. Drogo’s and rob them blind of pocket change. Khaled begged and screamed repeated apologies over and over, bashing his face into the carpet repeatedly each time as Luca goaded him on. “Okay, okay, stop, stop, stop!” Thomas commanded, intervening before Khaled could truly hurt himself. “Goddamn, Luca, you’re gonna give him brain damage!” He softened his tone as he redirected his tone to Khaled. “Get up here, sweetheart.”
Khaled raised his head slowly, sporting a deep red, carpet-patterned imprint on his forehead and tears falling from his inky dark eyes. He crawled on all fours until his body was between his master’s legs, his cheek leaning against his master’s thigh. Thomas stroked his face gently, wiping the tears from his eyes. “Show me how sorry you are,” he ordered softly. His hand left Khaled’s face to tug down the fly of his pants. Without a word, his slave pulled his hardening member out of his pants and popped it into the warm, velvety cavern of his mouth, lightly sucking on it and brushing it along his tongue to stiffen it to full mast.
“See? That’s better,” Thomas cooed.
“You’re welcome, by the way,” Luca chimed in. “He’s out of his slump and onto your cock where he belongs.”
“God, how do you not have one of your own to boss around already?” Thomas asked, completely ignoring Khaled’s efforts to please him.
“Not all of us have $30k to throw away; some of us gotta put our sons through college,” Luca griped.
Thomas rubbed the back of Khaled’s head, brushing the boy’s shaved undercut against the grain as he hummed contemplatively. “Well, I know it’s kind of gross for me to be offering my used sex toy like this, but you’ve always seemed to take an interest in him.” His hand traveled up to the longer hair on top of Khaled’s head, fisting into it as he pulled the boy’s face further into his lap. “What if I left him to you, if something should happen to me?”
Khaled made a small choking sound, which Thomas shushed away as he continued face-fucking him.
Luca smirked. “If it was anyone else’s used sex toy, I would say they were crazy. But him, I like him. He’s still young, and handsome too. And god forbid anything should happen to you, of course-”
“It’s already happened, Estrada shot me-”
“-I would be happy to take him,” Luca said.
Thomas sighed in relief. That was one less thing to worry about if Julio or anyone else ever succeeded in killing him. They shook on it, with Tom promising to contact his executor on the next business day as he came down his slave’s throat.
Le Tag List: @kabie-whump @rainydaywhump @whumped-by-glitter @skittles-the-whumpee @generic-whumperz @bamber344 @there-will-always-be-blood @morning-star-whump @a-la-whump @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @defire
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sunshineblxg · 3 days
Some Hotel Fun ft Hyunjin and Lee Know
Spice🌶️: threesome, blowjob, fingering, praise, degradation, groping, kissing.
P.s this is my first time writing anything like this so please be kind :) and enjoy.
You get back to yours and Hyunjin’s hotel room, exhausted from travelling for hours. “Darling, I’m a little hungry so I’m just going to ask the concierge if they’re still making food, do you want anything?” You sigh in relief, thanking the universe for answering for prayers and nod “oh please I’m starving!” He laughs, kissing you lightly and leaves for the reception.
After travelling all day, you feel dirty, sweaty and you’re just itching to take a shower.
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You feel the warm water run over your face and body, relaxing you. Picking up the hotel shower gel and rubbing it into your skin the scent of jasmine and rose flood your senses making you feel 10 times better. After washing you step out of the shower wrapping yourself in a towel, you hear a knock at the door, you laugh to yourself “Hyunnie must’ve forgotten the key card” opening the door you find Lee Know standing there looking very pleased with himself “well look what we have here” you scowl at him “if you’re here to see Hyunnie he’s not here, he went downstairs to reception” you say coldly.
“That’s just unfortunate… I guess I’ll wait here then, I’m sure he won’t be too long” he brushes past you barging his way in. He glances around the room and then his focus is on you, smirking, his eyes wander up and down your body, it dawns on you that you’re only in a towel “i think it would be best if you waited somewhere else” holding the door open, you give him the indication to leave but he’s not budging, instead he stares at you, amused at seeing you all flustered and worked up. “Hyunjin will be here any minute and when he is I will tell him that you wanted to see him now please leave.” “You seem worked up, bunny. I can help with that” slowly, he walks towards you, never taking his eyes off you, you take a few steps back finding yourself against the wall, the smell of his aftershave engulfs you, your eyes flutter shut, trying to ignore the wetness dripping from your pussy. You know you shouldn’t be feeling like this, you love Hyunjin, you can’t help but have these thoughts as much as you try to reject them.“I don’t need your help” he gently caresses your cheek “your rapid breathing and the fact that you can’t look at me tells me different” he lightly traces his fingers from your cheek, down your neck to your shoulders, you feel his breath on your neck making you shiver “Take the towel off bunny, you’re frustrated. I can fix that” he whispers into your ear “Hyunjin will be-“
“You’re early Linnie, I wasn’t expecting you until later” his soft voice coming from the door way behind Lee Know “you know how impatient I am, I just couldn’t help myself”. Confusion and shock starts to settle in “what are you talking about? What’s going on?” Lee Know steps aside revealing Hyunjin, he shuts the door and locks it. “Now don’t play dumb with me darling, I know you play with yourself thinking about him, you really should make sure you’re home alone before you start moaning Lee Know’s name” Hyunjin started, your eyes widen remembering all the times you thought were alone, touching yourself to the fantasies clogging your mind, cumming all over your fingers wishing it was Lee Know inside you instead.
You can’t bring yourself to look at them, embarrassed, you look down and start to fidget with the damp towel wrapped tightly around your body. “Awe bunny, you are so cute when you’re embarrassed” Lee Know coos moving to your side gently cupping your chin raising your head so your eyes meet his, you feel Hyunjin’s presence next to you his mouth lightly grazing your ear “be a good girl for me and drop the towel, let us see that beautiful body of yours” Hyunjin whispers, you can’t resist temptation anymore. You free yourself from the towel and let it drop to the floor, you notice a hunger in Lee Know’s eyes and he doesn’t waste any time. His lips connect with yours, passionate and hungry like he has been starved for an eternity, one hand cupping the side of your face and the other gripping the back of your hair.
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Meanwhile, Hyunjin’s hands are groping your tits and licking, kissing, biting and sucking your neck. You can’t hold back anymore. Little moans and whimpers escape your mouth, you fully succumb to them both. “Get on your knees.” Lee Know growls, you waste no time in dropping to your knees. Lee Know walks over to an arm chair in the corner of the room and sits, legs spread “now be a good slut and crawl to me” like you’re in a trance, you do as he says. “You want my cock inside you, don’t you bunny?’ You nod. *tut tut* he shakes his head “no no no, use your words” he says in a low voice “yes… I want your cock inside me” you can feel your pussy throbbing, aching to be used. “We can’t give it to her that easily, where’s the fun in that?” Hyunjin’s voice teasing from behind you, his breath tickling your neck. “Hmm, you’re right. Let’s make her work for it” he says while a smirk paints his face, “take off my trousers.” You do as he says, unzipping his trousers and pulling them down, you start to rub his cock through his boxers feeling how hard he is, “fuckk… you gonna be a good slut and work for my cock, yeah?” “Yes, yes sir”, you release his long, hard cock from his boxers, you lick the shaft up and down while massaging his balls. Finally you take his cock into your mouth, bopping your head up and down, “oh fuckk… yes that’s it… being such a good whore for me”. Suddenly, you feel hands squeezing and twisting your nipples, rough and firm, “don’t stop, i think she likes it. I can feel her moaning on my cock” Lee Know says, his head tipping back.
“Oh does she? Well, lets see how wet her cunt is” still groping your tit with one hand, he slides two fingers deep into your dripping pussy “what a fucking slut, getting off of being used and treated like the dirty little whore she is” he slides his fingers out of your pussy, pulls your head back, orders you to taste yourself and kisses you, his tongue dancing with yours. “God you taste so good” he says pulling away and with that his fingers enter you again, fucking you deeply, Lee Know gathers your hair with one hand “relax your throat… that’s it… good fucking girl” his thick cock forces its way down your throat, your vision glazes over, tears streaming down your face as he fucks your throat with no mercy. You can feel heat building, you know you’re gonna cum soon with Hyunjin’s fingers inside your wet cunt and Lee Know’s cock deep down your throat.
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“Are you gonna cum princess? Fuck she’s tightening round my fingers” Hyunjin quickens his pace going deeper and deeper, at the same time Lee Know tightens his grip on your hair, his dick pulsing in your throat “I’m so close… you gonna swallow all my cum bunnie…fuck”. Just like that you and Lee Know cum simultaneously, his cum shooting down your throat. Swallowing, you look up at him and he is already looking at you with hooded eyes, “you’re such a good girl for us, my darling” Hyunjin speaks softly in your ear, kissing your neck gently.
Removing his cock from your sore throat and sorting himself out, Lee Know gets up to leave you and Hyunjin but you don’t want him to, you realise he the missing piece to yours and Hyunnie’s puzzle. Still on yours knees you look up at him pleading “please don’t go, we’d like you to stay” the boys look at each other as if they’re communicating to one another in their minds.
Hyunjin helps you stand, Lee Know wraps you in a blanket, both getting undress and joining you in bed. Sandwiched between them, you’re at your happiest, your heart is warm, this is what you’ve been missing from your life and you never want it to end.
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