#I don’t post about them a lot cause gecko people scare me. the people on the forums. I’m scared.
blood-and-breath · 1 year
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my man so happy to be back home
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thyandrawrites · 3 years
Do you think that Dabi relates to Spinner in some way? They both as you mentioned have quirks that were not necessarily seen as “strong” considering weak constitution against fire and lack of further abilities in Gecko. At moments they get along and other times they don’t, but maybe because Dabi understands a bit about the quirk thing that he tries to undermine Spinner to make himself look good (not exactly this, but I can’t really form the right sentence, forgive me it’s midnight and I got a random thought 😂)
Hey! While it's true that Dabi has a lot in common with several league members, I wouldn't say that he realizes that. He's too closed off to allow himself to relate to them on a more personal level, past the idea that he's just there to exploit their resources. Much as Earlyroki, he's still stuck at that stage of "I'm not here to make friends". He denies himself the very chance to feel any warmth for them, and when called out, he says that the League doesn't matter to him. He wants us to believe that he's not there because he fits with them, but because they're pawns in his plan to get revenge against his dad.
I'd even go as far as saying that his constant name-calling, the antagonizing of the other league members is part of his defense mechanism. He calls Toga a freak, Spinner a cosplayer, he questions if the group is following any ideology to begin with. All of that as if to state "I am built different from all of you". Cause that way he can better reject the idea of feeling a human connection with them.
Yet... Yet his actions hint in the opposite direction, no matter the harshness of his words at times. Dabi does care about them in his own way. He didn't have to come back for Twice, yet he did. And despite Hawks' claims, he was mourning him. Manic laughter has always been his primary mean of expressing his sadness.
What I meant with my post is that it's likely that the League is supposed to represent something that he always denied needing: a sense of purpose. A place where he can belong as he is, where no one tells him to stop using his flames, where no one complains about him having a personal agenda, a place where he's given responsibility and trust without it being the only thing that defines him. I think he needed this, and it might matter more to him than he realizes. So much so, in fact, that he's scared of losing it (though he rationalizes that as needing the League to make his move against his dad)
For all the walls he built around himself, some part of Dabi is invested in the League's well-being. consider: if he really didn't give a shit about them aside from their usefulness, why would he bother being so selctive about potential new recruits (in the aftermaths of Chisaki killing Magne, might I add) and why would he burn to a crisp those he labels as "unworthy"? Cannon fodder doesn't have to be particularly exceptional. AFO sure wasn't as picky when he recruited a bunch of lowlives so weak they were easily defeated by the kids at Usj (who had just started the hero course). Sometimes just having the numbers on your side can make all the difference. Think of how the League only survived the mla because of Machia's prompt intervention.
But no, Dabi wants his members to have his seal of approval. He makes it a point to state that he won't recruit anyone who doesn't have "conviction", and then promptly scouts a hero of all people. A rescue-based hero, to be specific. Someone whose heroic dedication he thought he could perfectly see through (so much so that he was counting on Hawks to roll Twice out of the way when he blasted fire at them, and was later blindsided, shocked and betrayed when Hawks went for the kill).
He recruited Hawks for his usefulness, true, but he specifically hand-picked him because he thought he could control any damage Hawks might cause. That's a sign of care.
So, uhm. I took a bit of a tangent here, but all of this was to say: no, I don't think he relates to Spinner in particular or to any other Lov member, at least on a conscious level. Whether he does feel belonging, though, it's a different matter altogether. At the very least, even if this ends up being confuted later on, I think it's safe to say that he wants to see the League thrive (whether for personal gain or because he got attached to them despite himself, as a ragtag group of people broken by the same system that rejected him. I think the latter might be why for all their differences, for their lack of faith in Stain's vision, he still compromises with his own high standards long enough to lend them his strength in return for theirs. But admitting to needing help is weakness, so he pretends their relationship is purely mutual exploitation)
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its-sixxers · 4 years
20 OTP Questions - Lizzy x Charon
tagged by @potatocrab​ aaaah tysm <33
tagging: @randomwordsandstormydays​, @benny-gecko-official​, @sunset-cassaparilla​ and if u see this and haven’t been tagged and want to do the thing take this as a tag from me! :)
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1. Who can out-drink the other? 
Charon, easily. He’s got like two feet and at least a hundred pounds on Lizzy, and Lizzy doesn’t really drink. Any drinking contest would probably end with her passed out on the table and Charon mildly buzzed.
2. Who says “i love you” more?
Lizzy verbalizes it more due to just having a general ease with expressing affection and vulnerability. Charon has an under-running fear that verbalizing things will doom them somehow, and when he does it’s usually in his native language, as if that dodges fate.
3. Who has trouble sleeping alone?
A pretty even split between them to be honest. Lizzy’s issues with sleeping alone is just that it feels wrong to her - she’s a creature of habit and likes her routines and structure, and when something she’s used to is gone it can really mess her up physiologically. With Charon, his issues are thanks to fear and lingering mental conditioning - he struggles with the idea of her being on her own and something happening with him not present, and can’t allow himself the calm and vulnerability required for sleep when that whole mindset’s going on.
4. Who swears more?
Charon - сука блять is one of the first Russian phrases Lizzy learns for a reason. As they grow more comfortable with each other (Lizzy’s not super pro-swearing at first) he dips more into English curse words. Lizzy swears rarely but when she does it’s usually a sign of some serious shit.
5. Who does more of the housework?
Even split. Anything involving scrubbing stuff down Lizzy tackles, but Charon handles putting things away and more physical tasks. They’re both fairly neat people.
6. Who forgets their anniversary?
Lizzy, surprisingly! They don’t really have a concrete date for it, and she caught feelings before Charon did, so it’s hard for her to remember what the technical date is to begin with. Add on being scatterbrained and you have a recipe for disaster. Charon’s quite detail oriented (thanks, mental conditioning!) and is pretty good at remembering a variety of things.
7. Who steals the duvet in their sleep?
Charon, inadvertently. He’s a big guy and needs a lot of blanket. They tend to sleep with their own blankets for this reason - it justifies Lizzy’s habit of hoarding them.
8. Who keeps the other awake at night with their snoring?
Lizzy isn’t a loud snorer but Charon’s an incredibly light sleeper. If he doesn’t fall asleep before her he’s not getting much sleep.
9. Who finds stray animals and begs the other to let them keep them?
Lizzy, of course. Dogmeat’s the first stray and the one who sticks around, but she’s notorious for finding injured animals, nursing them back to health, and trying to convince Charon that keeping them around is a great idea. They don’t have the space for it and she knows it.
10. Who usually makes dinner?
Charon, since Lizzy’s usually nose deep in research and easily loses track of time. She’s likely to forget to eat if he doesn’t put something in front of her.
11. Who plays their music out loud?
Lizzy’s fond of having her pip-boy blaring. Charon plays guitar on rare occasions, and does so fairly quietly.
12. Who hogs the bathroom?
Lizzy both pre and post ghouling. She frets over her appearance - having the disheveled appearance of an average wastelander stresses her out subconsciously as it’s a reminder that she’s lost her childhood and innocence. Post ghouling she frets even more.
13. Who gives the most compliments?
Lizzy gives out little compliments often. Charon’s compliments are rarer, but like Lizzy’s swearing, when they happen it’s a sign of something major.
14. Who usually starts/causes arguments between them?
Charon. Once he’s comfortable enough to state his opinion - and he starts holding Lizzy in esteem - he isn’t afraid to call out when he thinks she’s making unwise decisions. They clash a lot due to his focus on self preservation and her martyr/savior complex. Once he finally tells her that if she dies he’s going to have a very bad time she starts taking her own safety seriously and the fights drop off. Their most vicious argument was regarding Lizzy’s devotion to finishing her father’s work at all costs - but after the Enclave’s dealt with so are any major arguments.
15. Who isn’t afraid to embarrass the other in public?
They both engage in some mutual teasing. Charon keeps her down to earth, and she ensures he doesn’t take things quite so seriously.
16. Who gives the other cringe-worthy pet names?
Charon, Charon, Charon. At first they start as borderline mockery with a more affectionate tone than he’d like to admit - ‘little rabbit’ or ‘faun’ are given to her due to her high strung and frightened nature, but they grow pretty sappy to him over time. They’re all in russian, of course - there’s no way he’s going to be mushy in a way anyone can understand.
17. Who fusses over the other when they get sick?
Lizzy’s got a lot of medical training and a lot of anxiety. Charon’s constitution is strong enough that when he does get sick it’s something to worry about. Fussing is what Lizzy does.
18. Who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long?
Lizzy. She’s not built for long term anger in general. She quickly forgives, for her own sake if nothing else.
19. Who clings to the other for comfort when they’re sad or scared?
Lizzy. It just makes sense at first, given that he starts out as her bodyguard. Charon’s got vulnerability issues and while physical touch soothes him, he has issues seeking it out.
20. Who is more ‘physically passionate’? (hugs, kisses, or maybe more…)
Charon’s not someone who can find the words for what he means easily and he places a lot more weight on actions and body language than words. Extremely tactile. Lizzy starts off fairly inexperienced in the ‘passion’ realm but once things get rolling she’s more than happy to reciprocate.
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adhd-wifi · 5 years
Wei WuXian, Trauma, & ADHD (Part Two - Cynophobia Edition)
Hey I’m back with another meta post, link to the first one. Also, if you haven’t seen the first ADHD post, here it is. That one’s significantly more light-hearted. I’m gonna need to make a masterpost once I actually get all these metas posted lol.
Once again, I’ve not formally studied psychology and mental illness, so my research is my own and if anything I say is wrong please let me know thanks! Now, onto the analysis. 
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So previously, I talked about the basics of his upbringing and what caused his traumas, as well as why I think he has ADHD as well as PTSD, and how the ADHD affected his response to his trauma. 
One thing I would like to talk about in particular (that I didn’t get to last time because it made the post twice as long) is WWX’s fear of dogs. Edit before I even posted this: This point ended up being the entire post lmao. 
We know that it was a trauma response he developed after his time on the streets. In fact, it’s the ONLY explicit sign of trauma from that time of his life in canon. I mentioned in the original headcanon post that his default response to merely seeing a dog is to run away screaming his head off, and we only ever see him stop running when there’s nowhere left to go or when someone is there to hide behind. Other times we see him dealing with his fear, he’s either trapped with it (Jiang Cheng I love you but you’re also on my grudge list for that stunt) so he curls into a ball shivering the whole time, or he has a safety net present to protect him (Shoutout to Lan Zhan for appearing out of literally nowhere in CQL to save him, truly iconic). What this tells us is that the way WWX responds to a tangible threat is to seek safety, be it by fleeing and physically getting to safety, curling into a ball to protect himself, or have someone else present to protect him.
Before I dive further, I would like to point out that, while the franchise tends to portray his “over-the-top” reactions as comedic (especially in CQL and the audio drama), which NORMALLY would make me saltier than the Dead Sea, it should be noted that he developed this fear as a child, so his reaction being kinda childish isn’t really that weird, especially if I’m pulling ADHD into the mix. Therefore I’m holding back on the salt but it’s on thin ice. 
(Also admittedly, it might be my ADHD-headcanon causing some level of bias here in my observations. In all honestly this could just be MXTX not understanding how phobias actually work and deciding to make a comedic gag out of a trauma-based fear, which is kinda...EH...if that’s actually the case. So as usual, take things with a grain of the salt I held back.)
The reason why I personally see his response to his fear as possibly influenced by his ADHD early in his life is simple: It’s an extremely active response, and as we know, WWX is a very active person by nature, both physically and mentally. Yes, he most likely had to run away and beg for help as a child during his encounters with the dogs and that might have just been ingrained into him, but real people, including children, who have suffered similar trauma don’t often react like that. Yes, phobia responses almost always boil down to “fight or flight”, but even in “flight” response, you’ll find that WWX’s reaction is actually fairly uncommon. It does exist, but uncommon. When it does happen, it’s usually if the object of fear in question is already coming towards them, OR, when an element of surprise is involved. 
I’d like to give a personal example, please bear with me. I have a really bad phobia of a specific species of gecko. Google “southeast asian house lizard” in the image search and you’ll find it. My fear is bad enough that even doing that to check if the images were accurate made me shiver. Anyways, these geckos are tragically very common in Singapore and I have to deal with them. A lot. There’s one living in my bathroom. His name is Bob and he terrorizes me every night. Help me. But. It’s FINE. I’m used to them being there. So USUALLY, I’m able to deal with them. But the moment I get startled by one, especially if one FALLS FROM ABOVE near me (the reason I’m scared of them in the first place), any practiced tolerance is flung out the window and I tend to have a VERY Wei WuXian reaction myself. That’s how my entire class in secondary school found out I was scared of lizards and because I’m not a shameless ass like Wei Ying I have not lived that embarrassment down to this day. For those who don’t know, I’m ADHD myself, which is why I find it a relevant comparison.
Back to the meta. With what we’ve seen with Fairy, WWX tends to run even before being chased, in fact his running and screaming is what causes Fairy to give chase at all. In these scenes, we see that he didn’t expect Fairy, so there’s the element of surprise present, however minor. It gives him no time to mentally prepare for it, and since we know WWX reacts to anger explosively, something that was mentioned in the previous post which I believe is a symptom of his ADHD, it’s not a stretch to believe that he responds to fear in a similar way. That this particular fear causes him to be much more irrational than usual, and his “usual” is being an infuriatingly calm and sassy genius in the face of death itself. 
As I mentioned in the previous post, ADHD fucks up your emotional control (please save us) and it is much easier to be irrational and react explosively, even without pent up emotions (pent up emotions are pretty much a given when you have ADHD tho ngl), especially when something as serious as phobias are involved. Also, as WWX went through his trauma with dogs specifically in his developmental years, having what’s basically an emotional amplifier built into his brain must’ve contributed to his fear ending up this bad. 
In conclusion, while it’s not entirely clear-cut or even necessarily as probable as the stuff I’ve discussed in the previous post, I do think the way Wei WuXian reacts to his fear of dogs may have some influences from typical ADHD symptoms and responses. Also, again, I might have some observational bias because I just really like the idea of ADHD, and also I just...really...really don’t like the idea of a fear borne from such trauma to just be...a gag. :V
Okay anyways, I think that’s pretty much all I have to say for now...wow this got long for a single point. Hope y’all made it here. ^^;
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theworldsoul · 4 years
Sorry guys, I'm gonna vent Again, so if you don't want to read it just feel free to skip this post
Okay so basically we have a Gecko. Don't ask, that's another story for another time. My dad has grown fond of it, and I used to think he was cool until a specific day. On that say I fed him worms with a tweezer. When I picked them up, I could PHYSICALLY FEEL THEIR PAIN. I dont really know what happened there, but I physically felt their pain and i squeezed them. My dad said, "squeeze harder, do it by the head", and i tried it and i felt a jolt of pain... I told myself "you are just imagining the pain, its okay" but then when I looked back at the worm, squirming and struggling... I connected some dots in my brain and this hard realization came upon me, that I was causing this poor creature pain. I began to cry and my dad had to feed the gecko that day. Ever since then I havent interacted with the gecko because every time I do it freaks me out a bit. I dont really understand what happened that time but I want to forget about it before I go near the gecko again. I've been trying to get closer to him but I always freak out.
So today I was on my computer, right? Drinking a tea. Trying to feel peaceful. Then all of a sudden my dad is there, all happy with the gecko, and I go "oh hi!!!" Because I am under the impression that the gecko will stay ON HIS HAND. Of course I'm wrong. My dad encourages him to go onto the table to see me. I EXPECT the gecko to walk onto the table and towards me, but TO MY SURPRSISE, the gecko basically jumpscares me by suddenly jumping from his hand onto and nearby watterbottle. I jump a bit, startled, and I spill tea all over my computer, the table, and my sleeve. As I'm processing what happened I'm overtaken by fear and I begin to cry.
Of course I'm fine and I'm just overreacting, but I was scared. I wasnt hurt, my computer mousepad barely works now but I wasnt hurt. So why was I so scared of a little gecko? I dont know. So I'm crying and trying to clean up the mess of tea everywhere and my dad is mad at me for spilling my tea and he asks why I did that and I tell him that I was scared since it jumped so suddenly, yknow I wasnt expecting it. I dont remeber his exact words but it was soemthing about me being 15, like "oh well since you're 15 now you should grow the fuck up" basically. Then he left. Like???? I am literally trying to get my breathing back to a normal pace because I'm SCARED, I was just JUMPSCARED, and you get MAD AT ME??? YOUR CHILD IS FUCKING SCARED AND YOU JUST LEAVE THEM?? the whole time I was cleaning I could hear him in the other room talking to the gecko, all carefree and happy... while I did my best not to cry. Damn okay. It almost made me feel like I was below human.
Usually this wouldnt be such a big fucking deal, but I'm an emotional person. And also I notice that,,, whenever my sister is scared they lunge at the chance to help her feel safe again. It's like they hate me specifically.
I know I'm making a big deal out of something that is really not a big deal. Really all that happened was a little gecko jumped and I got scared. I'm overdoing it. But that's just how I am now. I really don't want to believe that I'm broken or anything, but fuck i think i genuinely am messed up if stupid shit like this makes me freak out... reminder that this all began with EMPATHIZING WITH A FUCKING MEALWORM. I'm jsut so fucking broken. And in the moments I was left alone to console myself as quietly as possible so as not to make anyone angry, I felt my body become possessed with another soul.
This happens sometimes, where I will sorta have the mindset of a child. I force it sometimes to cope, but other times it happens on it's own whenever I feel unloved or otherwise bad like this. I'm not too sure if this is a normal thing. But I describe it as possession. The fact that that event made me get possessed is kinda a big deal. Usually that only happens at REALLY BAD THINGS.
But this wasn't really bad... I'm just being sensitive and overdoing it.
Honestly my parents are right... I really do need to grow up. But I think I have something wrong with me, with my brain, because there are just so many things about this story that are so... wrong. Like, what sort of person freaks out and cries for an hour because they got jumpscared? What sort of person then has their body SWITCH SOULS because they feel like their parents dont love them? WHAT SORT OF PERSON EMPATHIZES WITH A WORM??? it's all so weird. Like, who knows, maybe my parents arent that bad, maybe I'm just like... weird. I'm totally overdoing this. I'm totally overdoing this. I'm making such a big deal out of it... but I cant help it. That's just my emotions.
Shit, I should really get a therapist. All the ones I've been to so far tell me my emotional reactions are totally normal but THIS DOESNT SEEM FUCKING NORMAL TO ME. I've overreacted to shit my whole life. It's not. Helpful.
On another note, I notice that my crying doesnt induce a "concern" reaction in my father. It induces an "anger" reaction. They arent bad people, I just... I'm beginning to think they really fucking hate me.
They have all the reaosn to, but a lot of those reasons are things that couldve been fixed early on if the adults around me cared about my feelings enough to try to sort them out. It's been fifteen years and now I'm fucked up. Irreversible. Just. So.. so fuckinf damaged. I dont think I'll ever be normal. And I hate ft. But it cant happen.
Soemtimes I think it was a bad idea to choose to live after the party. It was the perfect time to die and I told myself no, dont do it. It was... perfect. Calling to me. I think it was my destiny to die that day. I think that now I am cursed since I dodged my destiny.
I try not to think that way. I tell myself that I am going to change so much. I tell myself that my passion will be my strength. But the way my life is going, it really doesnt feel like I will become anything good.
I'm failing my classes. They KNOW about my soul shifting. I cry too much. All I ever do is draw STUPID FUCKING DRAWINGS and play STUPID FUCKING MUSIC and play fashion designer in my room stitching things up... fucking hell. They're right to hate me. I'm a failure. But they're also wrong to hate me. A lot of the things they dont like about me are things that are THEIR FAULT.
Man, I dont even know what to think anymore. All I really ever wanted was their love. But it's impossible for me to get it now, so I should just forget about it. I cant though. It plagues me. The thought that they hate me. It hurts me. And when its confirmed to me... i'm sorry. All I ever do is complain about the most mundane bullshit ever. My parents are proabbly actually good people I'm just overdoing it because I'm I'm proabbly mentally ill or soemthing. And I'm a failure anyways so I cant fucking blame them for not liking me that much anwyays. God, fifteen is very old. And I'm a boy. I hate to say it but they're right. Fuck, they're right. I cant be crying... I'm so oversensitive. But wait, why am I trying so hard to justify their ideas? ITS BECAUSE I FEEL GUILTY CONDEMNING THEIR ACTIONS. WHY DO I FEEL GUILTY. goddamn it...
I dont know how I'm gonna fix this though. I kinda wish my parents would treat me with the softness that I NEED, that my mind NEEDS and has needed for a while now, but I know that wont happen and really I'm just this overgrown child thing and oh fuck I wonder who's fault that is??? Cos it isn't all on me. Oh shit, now I'm scared. If I get a bad mark on my test my parents will freak out. I think I'm going to cry again. Fuck man, I try my hardest, it's just I'm literally defective. I cant do any better. I've been set up to fail anyways. Fuck. I just... I dont know, I wish things were different.
This is stupid and I'm being stupid and freaking out over one little thing. Fuck.
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braidedribbon · 7 years
Does anyone remember when it felt like they, people who make movies, were particularly short on ideas and boardgames were even getting a film adaptation? I honestly can’t remember the other movies that contributed to that feeling but one of them, the one relevant for this post, was Battleship.
Anyway, watched that tonight. I quite liked it. No doubt it got terrible reviews. Movies like that always do and this one was rather ridiculous. I’m going to talk about spoilers now, if such a term can be applied to a 5 year old movie.
Premise of a boardgame aside, this movie did quite well with its plot of regular guy saves the world. Like, at the start of the movie, he’s pretty much nothing but, before the action starts happening, he’s been in the Navy long enough to have some level of command. What level, I forget because I didn’t quite pay attention to that. Regardless, he commands people and his people already trust him to command well even if he has his troubles as a loose cannon. And he’s actually smart. So, by the time he’s saving the world, he’s not quite a regular guy anymore, he just seems like it because of timeskips and some overconfrontationalistness. Also, the only person fridged is his brother.
Speaking of people dying, not a lot of people do. Which is pretty surprising for an action movie with a not monochrome cast. Japanese captain the hero makes friends with and shares command with lives. Black woman gunner under his command lives. Hawaiian, I think, officer who helps the hero remember what’s important as a commander lives. Endearing and naive white helmsman with a pet gecko lives. Disabled black veteran who wrestles with an alien lives. Scared scientist who decks an alien with a briefcase lives; well I’m pretty sure he lives, I wasn’t paying complete attention at that moment. Not a sexy lamp admiral’s daughter who is the love interest lives. It’s just too bad no women talk to each other.. I guess we can’t have everything.
In the end, I even like how they did the thing where the hero asks the admiral’s permission to marry his daughter. From the beginning, it’s her urging him to do it. At the end, it has less of a feel of permission and more of a feel of a ruse meant to help the hero overcome his fear of her father. It ends with them going to lunch and I have no doubt that one of the things discussed is how he couldn’t give permission anyway because she’s her own person.
Now, onto the sci-fi bits. Space marines type sci-fi will never be my first choice. I’d rather see more hopeful things where we make friends with the aliens. What is always my first choice is spaceship porn. Which this movie had in abundance. Not as much as say Jupiter Ascending but a very respectable amount.
The human/alien interactions really read like miscommunication to me. It’s reasonable that upon losing communication in an unknown place the first priority would be to reestablish communication. Yes, they took a couple offensive and casualty heavy steps towards that, but they also didn’t cause nearly as much damage as they were capable of. Apart from those steps, they never even fired first against anyone and tended to leave noncombatants alone.
After the credits there was a scene with an escape pod to leave them space for a sequel. I’d honestly love a sequel. It remains too bad that people and aliens are off to a bad start but there is so much potential for spaceships. After not hearing from their people, the aliens will likely send more to see what happened. Because, sure the aliens were dealt with but it’s not like the aliens suddenly don’t know where the earth is anymore. So aliens are coming. It stands to reason that to prepare for such an occurrence, and simply for scientific curiosity, that the alien remains and ships will be recovered and studied. Can anyone else say reverse engineered technology to launch us into space in a much bigger way?
Pretty much, I would 100% be there to watch the hero pull ridiculous space battle shenanigans instead of just ridiculous sea battle shenanigans.
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thedumbasscourier · 4 years
thank you!!! im a fan of complex characters [but who isnt??] + also villain protagonists!!! which i feel this dude would fit into , and i can definitely tell you about him + the legion in the mojave post game ! i can also tell you more like stuff but also in a different submission cause this is . long ..
when it comes to having the legion RUN the mojave, he prefers to take a few steps back. hes a major power in allowing caesar to take hold of it, but when it comes to actual leading and making decisions now that theyre there, hed rather not have too much power, if any at all. its not because hes scared of getting power hungry, which he isnt. but he doesnt wanna mess up. like. at all. especially with the legion cause he heard all about + met joshua graham and hes was the LEGATE. so hes scared of messing anything up. and hes more than content playing elite errand boy, to be honest.
plus, even though hes definitely made a name for himself in the mojave [which he does enjoy having], he thinks itd be a good idea to KEEP it in the mojave or the general area where the ncr + legion are. he had/has a fair amount of people coming after him, and i feel like just knowing that “hey! someone is probably out to kill me!” is a very anxiety-inducing thought for him. like i said!! hes got a LOT of anxiety + paranoia!
and he definitely stays within the mojave, too, and sort of… oversee things on that end? not in the sense that hes RUNNING it, since there definitely others doing that even in a military sense + also after caesars legion mixes with the non-military aspect of the mojave theres definitely gonna be people keeping everything in order even in like. a non-combative sense. so he prefers to not be running it. BUT he watches over it and just like he did during the game, he works with individuals in a legion mojave + fix things for them if anythings going awry. he has power, yes, and its a a lot because of what he did in the game, but he feels that stepping back will get attention somewhat away from him [even if it wont work as well as he hopes, if at all]
plus hes still got those things to work on! the drinking to unhealthily cope with his unaddressed issues, though its definitely on the down low post game, since the legion hates it and you know. he doesnt wanna be made an example of. to make up for that, he gets increasingly armed and a lot more isolated from people outside of the legion. since he doesnt have all that much to distract himself with if he cant get drunk every other night. get a bunch of weapons + stay away from non-legion + put down anything that he thinks might hurt him, essentially.
and he WONT be able to be like “hey! i am aware that my actions have made me a terrible person yet even though i know that i do have the ability to become less terrible i feel like ill always be terrible. i feel bad about doing the things i did to others before the 2nd battle of hoover dam because even if working with the legion was the right thing to do the things i did to people to get the legion here and also for my own enjoyment were VERY terrible. i have trauma from in my childhood. i may also have trauma from getting repeatedly shot, stabbed, burnt, having my limbs broken, having my brains and internal organs taken out, almost getting murdered by benny as well as by many other things and people on multiple occasions, including people i was close to. i often have a lot of anxiety and paranoia cause i feel like someones always out to murder me, which might even be true. i cant be around certain things, such as 9mm pistols or geckos, because seeing or hearing them sometimes makes me panic because of my past experiences, and it makes me feel weak. i get worried that if people find out how i feel, something might happen to me. i cannot cope with any of it. i feel like i cant trust anyone, especially outside the legion. and im scared ill get close to people who arent in the legion and theyll find out about my past and try to kill me” since im sure many people allied with or IN the legion [ESPECIALLY LEGIONNAIRES since theyre so military/strength/fighting-based] look up to him specifically for getting the legion where it was, and also see his ability to not die even when people and things try to kill him over and over and over again as a huge strength.
but it also might help him? as in not really help him come to terms with the fact that he was/is terrible since he KNOWS hes not a good person, but a sense of feeling LESS bad about it? try to justify it to himself even though sometimes he cant with specific things he did before the 2nd battle as in a “i did what i had to do at the time” kind of way, since a lot of it DID bring the desired outcome. but he’d still try to tone it down a bit, since he DOES still have morals and the ncr isnt in the mojave anymore.
ANYWAY THIS IS LONG so ill stop here!!!
I don’t mind reading more, I do always enjoy hearing about people’s characters!
From the sounds of it, he does fit in well for being a villain. I do like his delve into being one more from the course of events setting him down that path then it really being of his own choice. Makes for an interesting dynamic. 
That’s fair of him to keep things on the low down after everything that goes down, cause really who wants people to be hunting them down? Not me that’s for sure. 
It’s interesting that he chose the Legion more based upon not trusting the others and not trusting himself to lead as honestly it doesn’t seem the best for himself. Sure he’s solved the whole “who gets the dam and the Mojave problem”, but really it seems to be at the cost of his whole sense of being to have done it. It’s quite interesting!
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puppy training commands | puppy training tips biting
Just like humans need rules to help us understand our place and our boundaries, so do dogs. Crate training is an excellent way to establish a hierarchy in your home while your pup is still learning what he can and cannot do. By placing your pup in a crate while you’re away, or when you’re at home and can’t be as attentive as you might need to be, you limit their access to your home and circumvent opportunities for your dog to chew your furniture or have an accident on your living room rug. Therefore, when you actually let your pup have free run of your home, it will be at a time when you’re able to reprimand them appropriately for any bad behavior that occurs, and he’ll quickly learn not only that their crate is their very own space, but that the rest of the house is their Alpha’s space. Umbilical cord training The Litter Box Uploaded 2 weeks ago Female Dogs in Season Doogie’s Litter Kwitter 262 votes – 94% Home Your professor Noreen October 4, 2015 at 7:48 pm $9.58 Special pages We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites Come …and have tons of fun at the same time! Want it Monday, July 30? Choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details Hill’s® Prescription Diet® k/d® Canine Chicken & Vegetable Stew Dora Zett/Shutterstock.com Canine Good Citizen Once your new puppy has successfully gone outside, it is important to reward the good behavior. It doesn’t have to be a big, loud celebration, but a simple quiet approval or a treat can get the message across of a job well done. Dog Training Clicker with Wrist Strap – Pet Training Clicker, Big Button Clicker Se… events Android Brands However, the Academy of Canine Behavior said in a press release that they do not condone the treatment to animals that is shown in the video, adding the trainer shown in the clip is no longer working at the facility. Then set an alarm for 4 hours after their bed time when you must get up and take them to their bathroom spot. No excuses, you simply must do this. Geckos If pup is peeing in the wrong place… you may be able to stop him. Move quickly towards him when he begins to pee and pick him up. Urgency is key here – you want to startle the pup just a little as you move towards them to pick them up, but you DO NOT want to scare the pup. You are redirecting your puppy to the right spot – not disciplining him. Immediately after picking him up, take him to the potty area and patiently wait. Most pups will finish there. Reward your pup with exuberance! Home > Campus Activities > Dog Training Classes Copyright 2018 © Southeastern Guide Dogs. All Rights Reserved. Are you an author? Learn about Author Central Help with housetraining: A crate is a great tool to help housetrain a puppy. Once your puppy is used to going on the paper, cut the area covered down to the size of just a couple of sheets, then place puppy pads in a tray on top of the paper and encourage your puppy to use this. Jump up ^ Burch 1999, p. 4. Search Vetstreet Sign Up Today Whining This is confusing to your puppy and harmful to our house training efforts. (Unless you’re going to have a permanent indoor bathroom spot of course, then this method is perfect.) Set the Bar Higher 16-in Dog Training Methods: Extinction Training Example TRAINING VIDEOS Feeding Accessories Start up close to your dog, placing her in a sit or down position. Hold a hand out toward and say “stay.” After a moment, reward her. Repeat this until your dog gets the idea that she’ll get a treat if she holds her sit or down position. Grreat Choice Book Extras For Vets Social Media Arlington Virginia – (571) 485-9292 My mission is to help you have a wonderful relationship with your dog. Learn how to teach good manners, to decode canine behaviors, and have a really great time. Keeping and following a written schedule may seem odd or a bit excessive, I’m sure you’ve not seen many people bother with it? Sign up and get $25 off pet sitting and dog walking! Download Now Guardians must be at least 18 years old and due to the interactive nature of the classes, children under the age of 8 are NOT allowed to attend. Class size is limited, so view the calendar and sign up today! August 14, 2016 Learned helplessness occurs when a dog ceases to respond in a situation where it has no option to avoid a negative event. For learned helplessness to occur, the event must be both traumatic and outside the dog’s control.[51] Family dogs that are exposed to unpredictable or uncontrolled punishment are at risk of developing disturbances associated with the learned helplessness disorder. Punishment which is poorly coordinated with identifiable avoidance cues or response options, such as when punishment takes place long after the event, meet the criteria of inescapable trauma.[41] Search in excerpt All Blog Posts Even small breed puppies can cause damage. Do not ignore puppy biting when you have a small breed dog by thinking that it does not matter because they are small. Large or small, this behavior needs to be stopped early on. This will prevent even more serious biting later on. Jump up ^ Spector, Morgan (3 January 2009). “Who Started Clicker Training for Dogs?”. Retrieved 30 November 2012. Today’s Deals If your puppy doesn’t come to you, go slowly to him, attach his leash, then guide him back to the spot where you called him. Praise him the entire time you are leading him there. This shows him that he has to obey, but that you’re not angry with him. Never scold him for coming too slowly, and don’t ever call him to you in order to punish him—you’ll only teach him to avoid you. Because a full bladder or bowel is uncomfortable, dogs are happy to relieve themselves, but some may try to hold it if they think they can get to stay outside and sniff around a while. If you are not home during the day, hire a dog walker to take him out until he has better control of his bladder. I recommend you read that article so you have realistic expectations of your puppy and yourself, to know what you can both achieve in what time frame. Burgers & Fries • Former “G” Man • Upstate New ‘Yawk’ Prevention is worth an ounce of cure. That’s why it’s a good idea to stick to a limited “roaming-free” schedule, meaning that you will only let your puppy roam free for about 20-45 minutes before putting them back in their “no mistake” zone. This also gives a puppy parent a break to go back doing other things without worrying about what their puppy is up to. ©  Sinclair Broadcast Group This page was last edited on 24 July 2018, at 00:41 (UTC). Field Spaniel
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how to potty train a dog
fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); A very useful book with lots of tips for how to introduce a puppy to your home and family, and it includes a helpful, specific schedule for housebreaking pups. Carefully watch them and you should soon notice what body language means a wee or a poop is imminent. There will be recognizable signs. › Visit Amazon’s Carrie Nichole Page Mon. – Fri. 7:30am – 8:00pm $10 OFF Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others? By Dr. Marty Becker DVM | June 22, 2015 This method is the most effective and flexible. Your pup needs to develop his natural “den instinct” and learn where to eliminate – and where not to. To potty train our puppy we must condition a desire in the pup to avoid soiling the “den” – your house. Confinement and your due diligence in providing access outside the “den” to potty and poop will develop this instinct and eventual desire. When and how to use confinement is described in detail below. Rush has been a dog trainer for 16 years. Aqua Clear 2. It can be very useful to teach your dog a cue for pottying behavior. Some people use the simple phrase, “Go potty!” Others use a euphemism such as “Get busy!” Whatever phrase you use, say it once just before he starts to potty (don’t say it over and over again), and then reward and praise him mightily when he’s done. Soon, he will understand that the phrase is a cue – an opportunity to earn rewards for doing what he now knows it means: going potty. This will help him understand what you want when you take him to go potty in a new environment, or under distracting conditions he has not yet experienced. Estimated Annual Cost of a Cat READ MORE A crate protects your puppy from household dangers and is an invaluable aid in housebreaking. About Me View Wildlife Was this article helpful? Socialization Top Rated Mon. – Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm You’ll have a different word like ‘walkies‘ for other more fun times outside and your dog will eventually learn the difference and set their expectations of their time outside accordingly. Getting Your Pup Started On The Right Path How are you supposed to know when your puppy’s bladder is full? Read now with the free Kindle app FM Browns Cindy Ludwig, M.A., B.S., R.N., Cert Pro Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA), KPA-CTP Best Dogs for People with Allergies Trixie (8) I have also found that teaching the dog a cue that means someone is about to approach (such as, “Hello, I’m Here!”) can reduce submissive urination by removing the element of surprise from the interactions. Maximum class size: 8 puppies​ Zesty Paws (3) Great Dane AdChoices External links[edit] The Dog Who Chewed Shoes Hi, thanks for the great information. My puppy is doing quite well at eliminating at his spot outside, we have had a few accidents inside due to me not keeping a close enough eye on her. I have now learnt to put her in her playpen which is attached to her crate when I get busy. I wanted to know your thoughts on leaving her in this area overnight. So instead of having to get up to take her outside, she has access to training pads instead… Suffolk County – (631) 754-7400 Cartoons Enter your name and email to get exclusive offers and updates from Canna-Pet! Join Hill’s® My Pet Companion We offer group classes for dogs of all ages where you and your dog can learn valuable lessons while socializing with other dogs and people in a fun group setting. So carry on as you are, you’re doing great and she’ll soon get the hang of things! In traditional dog training, “Heel” means that the dog is walking on your left side, his head even with your knee, while you hold the leash loosely. Puppy training can be a little more relaxed, as long as you don’t pull your dog along or let him get ahead and pull you. Some trainers prefer to say “Let’s go” or “Forward” instead of “Heel” when they train this easy way of walking together. Whatever command you choose, be consistent and always use the same word. rottweiler puppy training | how to train your puppy not to bark rottweiler puppy training | training a puppy not to bark rottweiler puppy training | how to teach a puppy not to bark Legal | Sitemap
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