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Promise Me: Arrow 2x09 Review (Three Ghosts)
It is mid-season finale time and Season 2 provides one of Arrow’s best. Oliver’s truly horrific past is revealed as he hallucinates in the present day, but are they truly hallucinations or something more?
Let’s dig in…
Before the ghosts, we must deal with Barry Allen. Oliver is coding on the table because that’s just something he does from time to time. Felicity begs Barry to save her “friend” (okay honey, we’ll go along with that moniker for now) but Barry protests he’s more comfortable with corpses. Well keep talking buddy and he’ll be one soon enough! But Felicity is faithful that Barry, and only Barry, can save Oliver.
Do I feel Barry warrants this level of trust from Felicity? His forensic science skills are quite helpful, but nothing Felicity couldn’t learn in half a day. It’s true he put together some of the vigilante puzzle pieces, but I’ll refrain from calling it actual sleuthing. The kid just opened his eyes and looked - something the Starling City Police Department should try sometime (cough*Quentin*cough). I’ll admit my reaction was more in line with Diggle’s when Barry pulled out the rat poison, but Felicity made the call and where she goes so goes my nation.

To be fair, Oliver Queen didn’t deserve the level of trust Felicity gave him either. If anything, Oliver was more deceitful than Barry. Yet, Felicity saw something good in Oliver. She saw something kind and compassionate underneath all the lying bad boy bravado.
Barry’s goodness is at the surface. You don’t have to dig for it like we do with Oliver. The kid is a freaking golden retriever to Oliver’s cane corso. No offense cane corso owners. We all know they love a good snuggle just as much as the next dog, but you have to admit there’s an intimidation factor there.
What was I talking about? Oh right, Barry. Felicity wasn’t looking for goodness in Barry. She was looking for balls. Not literally. That’s gross. Shame on you. I mean, did the kid have the stones to man up and get the job done when he’s needed? Can Barry Allen be a hero?
Oliver’s beating heart says yes! The kid sciences his way through saving Oliver’s life and Felicity’s trust is rewarded. And Barry is rewarded with Oliver choking the life out of him with a single hand. I know I should be more concerned about Barry, but that was so hot.
Anywho, Oliver knows Barry knows and he also knows Felicity is the reason Barry knows and knowing all of this means Oliver is not happy. Not a big shocker really. If anyone thought Oliver would be cool with Felicity telling her maybe date his dark and twisty super-secret superhero persona raise your hand.
*crickets chirping*
Yeah that's what I thought.
This leads to perhaps the greatest Olicity fight of all time. Well, until next week. But for now this is the greatest Olicity fight of all time.
Oliver: You told him who I am.
Felicity: Yeah, I did.
I just LOVE the way Felicity says this. It’s very matter of fact and not an ounce of sorry in her. She made a call. Oliver will have to deal with it. Just like the hundreds of times Oliver made a call and she’s had to deal with it.
Oliver: That’s not your secret to tell, Felicity. I decide who finds out my identity.
He’s so hurt. He never thought she would betray him like that. It almost makes you feel sorry for him for about 1.2 seconds.
Felicity: Well, we didn’t have time to get your vote what with you unconscious and dying.
And we have arrived at the logical portion of this debate! Oliver was dying. Diggle and Felicity didn’t know how to save him. She took a shot in hopes that Barry & his forensics would do better. Was he as good as an ER? No, but the lack of cuffs around Oliver’s wrists are a nice side effect of Dr. Allen’s treatment. Also, he could just be dead. Gotta pick your poison, Oliver. (HA! GET IT?)
Oliver: What happens if he leaves here and goes right to the police?
Felicity: He wouldn’t do that.
Barry: I wouldn’t do that.
Barry, shush. The adults are talking. Let Felicity save your life.
Felicity: I trust him.
Oliver: I don’t!
This is what you call a difference of opinion. (Not for nothing, but if The Flash taught me anything it was that Oliver was right). Also, you know one of the reasons why Oliver doesn’t trust Barry is because he was Felicity’s maybe date to the party he was throwing for his mother. The man had to do a shot to get through their dancing/swaying.
Felicity: What are you gonna do? Put an arrow in him?
Oliver: I am considering it.
HA! If you don’t laugh out loud at this moment, then I don’t feel we can bond on a comedic level. It’s okay, we can bond over other things. It just makes me sad that you don’t understand true hilarity when it’s before you.
Felicity: Don’t worry, he’s kidding!
Oliver was absolutely not kidding, Felicity.
Felicity: How is it any different from when your mother shot you and you came to me for help?
Felicity: 1 point Oliver: 0 points
Barry: Your mother shot you?
Oh, peanut that merely scratches the surface of Oliver’s familial history. Don’t get me started on the Lances.
Felicity: Or when you brought Dig down here when he was poisoned with curare?
Felicity: 200 points Oliver: 0 points
Oliver: The difference is that I did my homework on both of you! I don’t just tell people easily.
OLIVER WE KNOW YOU HAVE TRUST ISSUES. IT HAS BEEN WELL ESTABLISHED. I’m sorry you didn’t get to creep on Barry for six months prior to meeting (or three years), but isn’t that exactly Felicity’s point? Eventually, Oliver had to trust Diggle and Felicity. He had to take a leap of faith because his life (or their lives) was in danger. Life and death don’t allow for much vacillating.
Oliver didn’t know for sure Felicity or Diggle wouldn’t turn him in. In fact, it was looking highly probable in 1x04 hat Diggle was going to call the cops. (Our girl was always stalwart.) That’s the thing about trust – there are no guarantees. This is why Oliver has such a difficult time giving it. Faith cannot be proven. We can always be betrayed by anyone, at any time. It’s why they call it a leap. You are flying across the unknown and praying someone will be on the other side to catch you.
Barry: I’m not going to tell anyone, and you don’t have to thank me, but you should thank her instead of being kind of a jerk.
Barry, you are going to die. This alpha does kill, but I appreciate the defense of Oliver’s woman.
Barry: Mr. Queen.
This bought Barry a stay of execution. Never underestimate the power of good manners and respecting your elders.
So, hey! There’s still a super strength psychopath on the loose, a point Oliver seems to remember and begrudgingly accepts Felicity’s decision. No apology or thank you of course. This is Oliver after all.
They have a much (MUCH) bigger fish to fry. Barry does have his uses. He pulled his fingerprint off Oliver’s neck, which is the best evidence to go on thus far. Listen, I really try to not like Barry Allen but he’s just so damn likeable sometimes – especially pre-Flash, pure as the driven snow, Barry.
The fight between erupted so quickly I almost forgot to discuss Oliver’s trip to the “in between.” That’s what I’m calling it at least. As they performed CPR, Oliver was hovering between life and death. And who does he see? Shado.
She reaches for Oliver and the scary part is - he reaches back. At the exact same time, you can hear Felicity in the background softly calling to Oliver, but she sounds very far away.
Felicity: Oliver, stay with me!
Shado: Stay with me
Both women call to Oliver. One in the here and now and the other… somewhere else. There are some moments that perfectly encapsulate Oliver’s internal struggle, and this is one of them. Live in the present or die in the past.
This is not the first time Arrow parallel Shado and Felicity. It is no small thing. Shado was someone Oliver was romantically involved with on the island. Someone he loved. The woman they draw a similar connection to is not Laurel or Sara or whatever "maybe-date of the week" they can cook up, but Felicity. The “friend.” The person he could really care about, but will not allow himself to. DO. NOT. FORGET. THIS. MOMENT. You’re going to need it in the back half of the season.
Oliver is not doing well post poisoning and asks Barry if there are any side effects and what do you know? Hallucinations (and excessive sweating) are common side effects to rat poison. Good to know.
Felicity is all sweet and concerned.
Felicity: You’re hallucinating? What do you see? All sweet and concerned.
Oliver: A girl named Shado that was with me on the island.
Until Oliver says that.
Felicity: Shado. Sara. How many women were you marooned with? Are you sure this wasn't fantasy island?
So clearly Oliver is not the only one experiencing jealousy in this episode. This is something Barry quickly picks up on because he has eyes.
Barry: You’re really worried about him, huh?
Felicity: He takes crazy changes, even when he’s not hallucinating about beautiful island girls.
Barry: The other night I asked you if you liked Oliver.
Felicity: I told you. I don’t.
Barry: I remember. But if you did, I could see why. I mean, Oliver Queen, he is a billionaire by day and saves the city by night.
I think this exchange is really important, because we seldom hear Felicity’s perspective on what’s going on (or not going on) between her and Oliver. Underneath all that jealousy, is a healthy dose of insecurity. Felicity does not feel she measures up to the other women in Oliver’s life.
This is not the first time she’s commented on someone else’s beauty and that person’s proximity to Oliver. She made similar comments about Laurel last year. It’s almost like Felicity doesn’t feel like she’s as beautiful as those other women. She can’t hold Oliver’s attention the same way they can.
It's unfathomable to the rest of us because she’s gorgeous (and Oliver would be the first to say so), but it’s also completely heartbreaking. Felicity grows in confidence exponentially throughout Arrow, but it’s easy to forget where she started – the IT girl with a "crush" on Oliver Queen and had no hope he'd ever return her love.
Barry’s attention has to be a little confidence booster, but I don’t think she’s truly picked up on Oliver’s jealousy or at least picked up on that jealousy is the primary emotion contributing to his ‘tude.
Barry: I just have a little experience with liking someone who doesn't see you the same way.
As for Barry, aka The Red Condom, he recognizes he doesn’t quite measure up to Oliver Queen. Good. Got that out of the way. But he also has experience with unrequited love (Iris West alert!). It’s sweet and empathetic, but SO MANY FRIEND VIBES between these two.
There is a lot made about the next scene between Oliver, Felicity and Barry. Oliver has come to the foundry to blow off steam and would like some privacy. Does he clock that Felicity is alone with Barry in their humble abode? You bet. Is there a sadness as Felicity grazes her hand against Oliver's arm as she leaves? Absolutely. Any physical touch with this woman is just a reminder of what he can't (or won't allow himself to) have.
A common opinion in the fandom is that Oliver came to the bunker looking for Felicity to have a talk. He was heartbroken to find her with Barry. So, he covered for it and asked to be alone.
Eh. I never really agreed with that. The man came with equipment. He had a tennis ball. Nor do I think he would discuss his hallucinations with Felicity right now. They are not in the best place.
He’s still pissed about Barry (for multiple reasons). She didn’t have a wildly positive reaction to what he said about Shado. He has yet to reveal to anyone what happened to Slade. We’re getting into some dark stuff in Oliver’s past, and as close as they are, I don’t think Oliver is ready to reveal all of that to his Girl Wednesday. He doesn’t even really discuss it in detail with Diggle.
I genuinely think Oliver came to the foundry to be alone, because that is very much Oliver’s comping mechanism at this point in the story. Communicative Oliver comes later. Much later. We’re only in Season 2.
Oliver: I have to stop this.
Felicity: Oliver, Gold left you half-dead which is 50% better than how he left Detective Hilton.

Source: selinas
UGH. This scene. THIS SCENE. Crushes my soul every time because it’s just so spot on with their characters at this moment. Olicity fans were salivating for any crumb of romantic tension between these two and this scene delivers in spades. It doesn’t smack you in the face though. Stephen and Emily do amazing job with the unspoken words between Oliver and Felicity.
Of course, Felicity is worried and doesn’t want Oliver in the field, but it's a major milestone that she asks him to stay. I can’t remember her doing that before. It’s getting more difficult for Felicity to keep her concerns at bay.
This is such tried and true romantic trope – the love interest asking the hero to come back to her. It’s kind of mind-boggling the writers played this card so early in Olicity’s development, but here we are and I am not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
When Felicity says “Promise me?” everyone in the room takes notice – Barry, who has read a few romance novels or watched a couple movies and knows what that statement really means. Felicity wants Oliver to come back… to her. But sure, she doesn’t like him. Ok pumpkin.
But if we really want to point the finger at who kicked off the romantic undertones look no further than Mr. Oliver Queen. Yes, he’s trying to reassure Felicity, but that soft gentle voice conveys more than reassurance. Yes, he will come back… to her. He levels those blue eyes at her too and stares deep into her soul. Yeah, it’s not hard to see why Felicity has a crush.
But our girl ups the romance with “Promise me?” Even Oliver looks surprised Felicity had the guts to say it out loud. But here’s the killer. HE. DOESN’T. PROMISE. HER.

Source: @olicitygifs
This drove me up the wall when I watched it live. He just stares into her eyes, long past any time frame that’s appropriate for “just friends.” Then he just flips the switch. Emotions shut down, flick his eyes away, and walk off. Game face on and ready for battle.
Why didn’t he promise her? Because Oliver will not give Felicity his word if he can’t keep it. He respects her too much to lie. Oliver is not sure he’s coming back, but he can’t say that. It will only frighten and worry Felicity more. But he can’t give her the promise she wants either.
This is where the ultimate roadblock between them rears its ugly head. Oliver is rather fatalistic. He doesn’t have a death wish. He wants to survive, but he’s not fighting for his life. Not really. He still believes death will find him on the battlefield and in some respects, he’s resigned to it.
Yes, he wants to keep Felicity save, but he also wants to limit emotional attachment because he doesn’t want to cause her more pain if he dies. Oliver is hallucinating (or seeing visions) of those in the afterlife because he has one foot on the door. He keeps Felicity at arm’s length and will not allow the extremely obvious feelings between them to actually grow into a real relationship. He cannot promise a life with her because he’s not sure there will be a life to have.
That’s why there was a push and pull between Shado and Felicity begging him to “stay with me.” The past and the present. Guilt and forgiveness. Life and death. These are the forces constantly at war in Oliver. At some point, he will need to decide but today is not that day.
Andy: Get busy livin', or get busy dyin'. - The Shawshank Redemption
THIS is why Oliver is so frustrating, and THIS is why the writers made reference to the Solomon Grundy nursery rhyme. It’s about the fleeting nature of life and how fragile it is. Roy, Shado and Barry have their lives altered forever in a matter of moments by the episode's end. It can all be over in the blink of an eye.
Yet, despite knowing that on a basic level – Oliver continues to live half a life. There is no fight in him for anything more. Even with all the Barry jealousy – he’s not doing anything about it. He’s not knocking on Felicity’s door and asking her out for a cup of coffee. He’s just fuming Felicity has the nerve to move on.
THIS IS EXACTLY THE POINT. Life is fleeting. Barry is a signal to Oliver that Felicity will not wait forever. He will lose her if he doesn’t start fighting.
And that’s exactly what the final "ghost" is here to tell him.
We are blessed with a major Olicity milestone – their first hug. Oliver is triumphant in the fight against Gold and returns to the bunker, safe and sound. Felicity is there to welcome him home.
What I love about this moment is Oliver sees Felicity running to him and he opens his arms to her. He doesn’t push her away. Oliver holds her. It seems like a small moment, but it’s not. This time was scary. This time was too close. This time it doesn't hurt to touch her. They both need it to be reassured.
Diggle: Still have a ghost problem?
Oliver: No, I got the message.
He holds Felicity’s gaze as he says this. Oliver listens to Tommy. The barrier came down a little. Underneath that hug is a whole lot of fight.
Oliver is rewarded with an outward sign of his heroism. Every great superhero needs a mask, and Oliver receives his from an unlikely source – Barry Allen. He’s a fanboy until the end. Bonus? It gives us this iconic OTA shot because the entire show has been reoriented around these three core characters.
But it is Felicity who officially anoints Oliver with his mask. This is the way it should be. Felicity has always seen Oliver’s light. She has always believed in him. She always knew he is a good man with a good heart.
When Tommy calls Oliver a hero it’s a moment of grace. It is forgiveness. When Felicity calls Oliver a hero, it’s a moment of acceptance. It is faith. And Oliver Queen is starting to believe.
Then comes the CANON EVENT. Slade is alive and HE KNOWS OLIVER’S ROMANTIC ENDGAME.
Slade: I’m going to tear everything he cares about away from him [Quentin]. Destroy those who choose to follow him [Roy]. Corrupt those he loves...
Who does the camera cut to? Felicity. This shot could have been anyone – Sara, Thea, Diggle and hell yes Laurel. The director chose Felicity. This is a little thing we like to call foreshadowing my friends.
There are no more ghosts. Only the living. The past is about to come crashing into the present. This war with Slade Wilson will force Oliver to make some very important and life altering decisions about who he is and who he loves. And maybe, just maybe, move him closer to the person who can make, and keep, promises to Felicity.
The Ghosts and The Island
After Oliver pulls the arrow out of Roy’s leg, he has another run in with Shado in the hallway of the Queen mansion. Oliver touches her face and Shado feels real. She also has some interesting things to say.
Shado: Put down your bow. Take off my father’s hood.
Oliver: I wear that hood to honor your father. To honor you.
Shado: If you want to honor me, stop fighting and live. Or everyone you love will die.
Clearly not feeling good about Shado’s survival in the flashback. This vision warns Oliver there is a fight that he cannot win and those he loves will be collateral damage. Ghost Shado wants Oliver to stop fighting and live.
What’s interesting about Ghost Shado is she’s not entirely wrong. For Oliver to find peace and forgiveness, he must learn how to truly live and not just survive. And yes, this crusade does put people he loves in danger (hence the secret identity) – particularly when we find out WHO that danger truly is.
There is a cost to war. Ghost Shado is begging Oliver to stop waging it because the fight that’s coming is one he cannot win – not without losing those he loves. Ghost Shado wants Oliver to be happy – for whatever time he has left. It’s a foreboding warning. One that would be sweet if it wasn’t so terrifying.
But Ghost Shado is also asking Oliver to skip to the end and it’s an ending he hasn’t earned yet. It’s sort of like skipping to the end of a good book. The middle is what makes the ending so great. It’s the journey that matters. Yes, Oliver must learn to live in the present day and not be haunted by the past. But he can’t just drop the bow, dust of his hands, and say “All better!” Trauma doesn’t work that way. The only way through is through. The bow and hood are Oliver's way through.
Oliver still has many struggles and lessons to learn before he can truly heal. This fight Ghost Shado warns of is coming no matter what he does. So, the very last thing he should do is put down his bow. Oliver cannot find peace. Not when there’s a war to win.
Alright, so what the hell happened to Shado? We pick up immediately where we left off in the flashbacks which is Slade dead and Oliver, Shado and Sara being kidnapped by Ivo. Honestly, how many times has Oliver been kidnapped? It’d be safer to work for a cartel at this point.
Ivo: But I do care about you Sara, which is why I won’t choose to kill you. But he might.
Oliver: What are you talking about?
Ivo: Time to choose Oliver. Who lives and who dies? But pick quickly because in 30 seconds I will shoot them both.
Well fuck. We’re always demanding Oliver open up and tell us about the island. This was the first time I realized maybe I don’t want to know. What happens to Shado is something out of a Stephen King novel. What Oliver must live with is horrific. He begs for both Shado and Sara’s lives. But in the end, he makes a choice.
Oliver chooses Sara, but to call it a choice is a complete joke. His body just reacted. Ivo put a gun to Sara’s head and Oliver threw himself in front of it. The way Shado winces, knowing Oliver did not pick her and that she was going to die, is gut wrenching.
You can easily make the argument that if Ivo aimed at Shado first then Oliver would have thrown himself in front of her as well. Then Sara would be dead. It was simply a matter of order. Ivo ultimately picked because he chose Sara first. I imagine this is something Oliver tells himself to sleep at night, when sleep is within the realm of possibility.
But to truly understand Oliver’s guilt, and the way it tortures him, is by acknowledging he did make a choice. A choice under duress of course. (None of what happened is Oliver’s fault.) But he defiantly protected Sara. The gun on Sara ultimately revealed the truth of Oliver’s feelings. Oliver loved Shado very much, but he loved Sara more.
Somehow, in Ivo’s psychopathy, he saw that. Yes, he was angry at Sara’s betrayal, but he knew she betrayed him for this boy. He knew Oliver and Sara mattered to each other, so Ivo took that love and twisted it into something awful. That’s why he put the gun on Sara first.
This is why Oliver cannot forgive himself. He feels all the responsibility for Shado’s death, but he must also live with the fact that he didn’t love her enough in life.
What makes it worse is that Slade did love Shado more. This is something that recently dawned on Oliver in the flashbacks. Slade would have chosen Shado and not thought twice about Sara Lance. Not only did Oliver lose a woman he loves by saving a woman he loves, but he also betrayed his best friend while doing it.
It’s okay, Oliver. You don’t have to tell us anymore. Not if you don’t want to.
This brings us to Oliver’s second ghost – Slade Wilson and he has some thoughts on Oliver he’d like to share.
Oliver: You’re not real.
Slade: Neither are you. You told everyone when you started this crusade it was about making up for your father’s sins. That was a lie. This charade is to atone for your sins.
Oliver: You’re dead.
Slade: You are not a hero, or a friend, or a brother. You are nothing.
This doesn’t sound like the Slade Wilson we know and love. Yes, he’s angry but he’s also unhinged. Like really unhinged. There’s a crazy look in his eye we’ve never seen before. The Slade Oliver is “remembering” in this hallucination is not the Slade we know. But we will come to know him soon.
A brawl erupts between the two and, if Oliver is hallucinating, then he’s really just fighting himself. This actually would look pretty funny.
Slade: The island didn’t make you strong, kid. It revealed you to be weak.
This is Slade’s parting shot before throwing Oliver in the glass case holding his suit and shattering it. The suit, the symbol of his heroism and his love for Shado, falls to the ground. Maybe it’s the symbol of his failures. Slade made sure to point out that Oliver failed to save him, Shado and his city. This “hallucination” is more like a psychological evisceration.
In the flashback, Slade wakes from his Mirakuru coma and runs to save Oliver, Sara and, of course, Shado. He’s been super charged and takes out Ivo’s henchmen with serious force, punching through the chest of one man and chucking the other into a tree like he’s a doll.
He’s too late to save Shado and cradles her dead body in his arms, sobbing. Sara tells Slade that Ivo shot Shado for no reason. Oliver’s guilt has taken root already because he thinks Sara is lying to Slade, but in reality – that’s exactly what happened.
Before Oliver faces off with Cyrus Gold one more time, Barry drops a bomb on him. Oliver’s blood is clean. He has no trace of rat poison, so he should not be experiencing any hallucinations or excessive sweating. This means I am well within my rights to go all spiritual on you, ok? CUZ SCIENCE SAYS NO HALLUCINATIONS.
Oliver is slowly but surely getting smarter with every episode. Well, sometimes it’s one step forward and two steps back, but he at least knows that when it comes to the bigger life questions there’s only one person to go to for advice.
John Diggle.
Diggle he’s been to war. He knows Oliver is suffering from survivors’ guilt (and a massive case of PTSD). John has tangled with his ghosts as well.
Oliver: How’d you make your ghosts go away?
Diggle: I figured out what they were trying to tell me.
Oliver: Which was?
Diggle: That’s for me to hear Oliver. You have to figure out what yours are trying to tell you.
Diggle and Oliver share a lot in common, but there’s something really beautiful about John separating his experiences from Oliver. John keeps his ghost’s revelations private because whatever message Diggle’s ghosts gave him was meant for his soul only. It’s not relevant to Oliver and vice versus. Oliver isn’t hallucinating. He’s in a spiritual crisis. Some roads you must walk alone.
Barry and Felicity track down Cyrus Gold and Oliver faces off with him AGAIN. Oliver is losing badly. AGAIN. He’s down and out when suddenly he hears a voice.
Get up Oliver.
TOOOOMMMMMYYYYY!!!! (This is a rule. Every time you hear Colin Donnell’s voice you scream Tommy). This is one of Arrow’s best surprises. I remember watching it live and gasping. Then burst into tears when Tommy kneels down next to Oliver. DAMN HE LOOKS GOOD. The afterlife was kind to Tommy Merlyn. This final ghost gives Oliver a precious gift, one he desperately needs – forgiveness.
Tommy: You’re not gonna die down here.
Oliver: Tommy? Tommy, I’m sorry. I let you die.
Quentin is right. Oliver blames himself for every death, but particularly for the loved ones he believed he failed. The first thing out of his mouth is an apology because more than anything Oliver is desperate for forgiveness. We all know that there’s nothing to forgive. and so does Tommy.
Tommy: You didn’t let me die, Ollie. You fought to save me because that’s what you do. What you have always done. You fight to survive.
Everything about this speech is perfect and heals any wounds from the season one finale and the devastating final moment these two best friends shared. Colin’s delivery is spectacular. (WHY DID THEY KILL HIM OFF???) With a single breath, Tommy relieves Oliver of his burdens and guilt. He reminds Oliver of the very thing that makes him a hero – his unrelenting and selfless fighting spirit.
Oliver does as instructed. He gets up and fights back. Only this time, Cyrus Gold is no match for Oliver’s fury. There is no drug in this world that can combat his will to survive.
He beats Gold by killing him. I think? Or knocking him unconscious and burning his face? It's unclear, but the super soldier is down for the count. Oliver also manages to revive a Mirakuru poisoned Roy by willing him to fight and survive as well.
So, what does all of this mean? Were Shado, Slade and Tommy really ghosts? The short answer is yes – well two out of the three. I absolutely believe both Shado and Tommy were ghosts, reaching for Oliver from the beyond to give him the messages he needed to hear.
Shado’s warning was an ominous one. Oliver’s crusade is bringing a war to his doorstep, and it will cost him the people he loves. It already has. Shado also wanted Oliver to stop fighting and live. She’s right. That is a huge lesson Oliver still needs to learn.
When Diggle is in Cyrus Gold’s apartment he finds the Solomon Grundy poem. In the DC comics, Cyrus Gold became an inhuman zombie named "Solomon Grundy" after being murdered. But as Arrow points out, Solomon Grundy was originally a poem. It’s a nursery rhyme that describes the seven stages of life from birth to death. A man lives his whole life in one week.
It's speaks to the fragility of life and how it can change in an instant. As evidence by what happens to Shado, Roy and Barry in this episode – the people you love can be gone in an instant or irrevocably changed. Life is short, so live it fully and make sure those you love know you love them.
This is where Oliver is having a little difficulty. He is not living his life to the fullest. He’s not really living his life. He’s fighting. He’s surviving. But he denies himself the things that would make his life full and happy.
Yet, he lives in a high stakes world where death can come any moment. So, yes Shado is right. Oliver is wasting precious time. Living his life is the best way to honor her and Yao Fei (and his father). At some point, Oliver needs to put down the bow.
But not now, which is where Tommy comes in. If you need further evidence that Tommy is truly a ghost and not Oliver’s inner voice or some hallucination then look no further than the word “hero.” Oliver would NEVER in a million years call himself a hero, let alone hallucinate that Tommy would call him one.
No, this message came from Tommy and Tommy alone. Right now, the city needs the The Arrow and while it is possible for Oliver to wear the hood and be happy – it is not the time for him to stop fighting. If there is a war coming than Oliver is the city’s best chance to win it.
This brings us to Slade and he is not dead. So, how can he be a ghost? Well, he can’t. If you listen to the things Slade says to Oliver they are all the hateful things Oliver believes about himself. I don’t think Slade is a hallucination brought on by rat poison. He is a hallucination brought on by Oliver’s self loathing and guilt.
This is why Tommy’s appearance is so vitally important. He’s the only person who can get through to Oliver in this moment. Oliver will believe Tommy’s forgiveness and faith in him. Oliver needs to believe he is a good man worthy of being a hero if he is going to beat Slade Wilson.
He also must believe he is deserving of love. Tommy is not just talking about the battle with Gold or with Slade. He’s telling Oliver he needs to fight for his life. Start fighting for who and what he wants. Start living. Because Tommy knows how fleeting life can be. The question is can Oliver keep the promise he made to honor Tommy and can he be the hero Tommy knows he is?
Roy and Laurel
Oliver removes the arrow he shot into Roy’s leg in a hilarious scene, but it takes the kid all of 5 minutes to get into trouble again. He’s injected with Mirakuru and becomes Blood’s newest super solider. He doesn’t tell Thea, but what else is new? Let’s rejoice that Roy has finally joined the main storyline. That took the better part of a year and a half.
Speaking of storylines, does Laurel even have one yet? They’ve marooned her so far off the main plot I forgot she was actually on the show for a hot minute. What did Laurel’s return bring us? She got some flowers, went on a maybe-date with Sebastian Blood, didn’t remotely help Thea/Roy/Sin in any real way and cried with her dad when his partner died.
Wow. She’s super crucial. It’s unbelievable she missed a few episodes. How did we make it through? I’m on the edge of my seat for what comes next in Laurel Lance’s journey.
Stray Thoughts
Rat poison. I try really hard not to learn my science from Arrow, but rat poison. REALLY? That cannot be a thing.
Oliver choking Barry. Ugh, so many problems would have been avoided if Oliver just snapped his neck. I have zero problems with Oliver snapping Future Barry’s neck, but present-day Barry is a puppy so no can-do Scooby Doo.
Praise Baby Jesus and all that is holy that we didn’t have to suffer through another Queen Christmas party.
Roy: My anger is dulling the pain.
Sin: This will dull it better.
The best line of the episode goes to Sin. No contest.
I feel Oliver woefully unprepared Quentin for Cyrus Gold. He can feel a little guilty.
THEY DID A PSYCH EVAL AT THE BLOOD DRIVE AND LAUREL SAID IT’S NOT OUT OF THE ORDINDARY?? You mean a health history??? That’s not a psych eval ADA Lance. Good lord do they purposefully make her look like an idiot?
Barry: If you ever decide Oliver Queen isn’t the guy for you, if you decide you want to go on a date with someone else, um you should know that guy he’ll be on time.
Give it up condom boy. Oliver Queen is the guy for her. And he’s always on time.
Barry gets electrocuted and becomes The Flash. YAWN. Who cares? I know I know. Literally millions of people. Leave me to my bitterness.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 2x09!
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I know we all saw Charles break his cricket bat on Esther’s snake in the last episode, but personally, I think he probably has like half a dozen others in his bag all with slightly different enchantments. The show implies nothing either way, and he’s had 30 years to collect bats. If it’s his preferred weapon I’d honestly be shocked if he didn’t have more than one
#especially early on before they were really enchanted#he probably went through a bunch and in all likelihood still has several of them stashed#like. as someone who played a sport with bats (for several years) I always had several at any given time and rotated between them#depending on the situation#I don’t know enough about cricket to know if cricket’s like that#but for detectiving it can’t be /that/ different#the odds of 'big snake breaks bat' are probably slim but never zero#it would make sense to have backups#dbda#dead boy detectives#charles rowland#eposts
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A not so gentle reminder that this tumblr is heavily pro - Show! Belly and I do not subscribe to the she doesn’t deserve Jere or he deserves better than her opinion that floats around in fandom. Some of the fandom is really weird about punishing her and making her grovel and fixated on her cheating on him or him cheating on her just because Book 3 went there. I’m going to say this again and in italics: they are separate canons, season 3 hasn’t even started filming.
There already is a heavily biased narrative against them as a couple, them as individual characters, and the unfortunately predictable fandom tendency to favor male characters even in a presumably female centered/led cast. IMO the characters are all underwritten, with varying degrees of consistency.
Do you really ship Jelly or are you just team Jeremiah and too much of a coward to self-insert yourself/make an OC so you stay in the jelly sphere and shame Belly like she personally cheated on you?
And as for Book Belly:
#there’s been complaints that the other side is concerningly puritanical regarding belly and how she belongs to the other brother#but sometimes the call is coming from inside the house#team belly#i don’t see the point of shipping in this age if you don’t care about both sides#i just have very little patience at my big age with audience blaming and casting the teenage girl as the villain#belly has main character syndrome because spoiler: SHE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER#when i was growing up do you know how many Asian American female characters were the leads? in a YA show?#crickets#they were either the supportive best friend#random hot popular bitch#model minority stereotype to prop up a white character#i remember reading an opinion about the love triangle wasn’t believable because Belly wasn’t pretty enough to warrant that kind of attentio#when i tell you my jaw clenched and my eyes rolled#people can have opinions#people are also fucking stupid#anyway belly is a flawed immature sometimes self centered teenager#how unrealistic right#who makes poor choices#but damn it i love her#i never said the show was good i said i liked it#me: And I took that personally#belly conklin#tho i will say no one hates belly more than the most vocal b/c fans on the hell site aka twitter
0 notes
𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝐻𝑖𝑡

pairing: wanda maximoff x gn!reader
summary: You and Wanda hotbox a car, then fuck.
content warnings: reader has a penis, drinking, smoking weed, car sex, blowjob, handjob, unprotected sex, restraints, creampie, putting out a joint on skin
word count: 4.2k+
comments and reblogs are always appreciated! happy reading ♡
A/N: shout out to Rae for helping me understand what it feels like to be high ily pooks @wndaswife ♡

You look around, squinting against the flashing lights. The basement smells like old beer, and there’s something suspiciously sticky on the bottom of your shoe. Wanda is shouldering her way through the crowd, her eyes locked on you.
“This frat is totally lame, babe,” you say, raising your voice slightly so she can hear you. You reach out, pulling her in by the waist, your back resting against the wall. It’s slightly cold, but you don’t mind. The air feels stale, the warmth from the multitude of bodies packed into the basement making your skin damp with sweat.
Wanda rolls her eyes, finishing the rest of her beer before chucking it into the crowd. You don’t see it land, distracted by her hands on your shoulders. She’s feeling you up, running her fingers over your muscles for a moment before leaning in, her chest pressing against yours while her lips tickle your ear.
“Wanna get out of here and smoke?”
You chuckle, nodding as she pulls back, her eyes glinting under her thick eyeliner. One of her rings catches on the fabric of your shirt as she pulls away, your hand finding hers and leading her toward the exit.
Wanda’s car isn’t hard to find, the slightly chipped red paint standing out as you open the door for her. It isn’t much, but it was her brother’s car before he went overseas in the Army, and Wanda takes good enough care of it. She never lets you drive it, though.
“The usual spot?” You ask, pulling out some rolling paper and your bag of weed. You double-check your pockets, finding two lighters and pulling them out.
“Yeah,” Wanda says, her hand resting on the back of your headrest before she pulls out of the parking spot. It’s hot, and you make sure to return her smirk, adjusting how you’re sitting when her hand drops to your thigh.
“And, you’re good to drive?”
Wanda rolls her eyes, giving you a look. “I had like, half a beer. Don’t worry so much. I saw the way you shotgunned with that one blonde guy, if anyone should be worried about how much alcohol they’ve drank, it’s you.”
Holding up your hands in mock surrender, you shake your head. “I don’t even know who that was, but who am I to pass up a free beer?”
You would start rolling a joint, but Wanda isn’t the calmest driver. She has one foot up on the seat, her fingers cranking up the music, metal blaring and reverberating around your skull. You lurch forward as she slams on the brakes, swearing under her breath as a car cuts her off, merging at the last second to exit the highway.
“Fuckin idiot,” she glares, one hand running through her hair as the road stretches out. It’s late, with barely any other cars in sight.
The hand on your thigh moves slightly, dragging up further as Wanda drives. You can feel your head pounding slightly, the alcohol making its way through your system, and your ears still ringing from the loud music that had bounced around the walls of the basement.
Gravel sounds out under the tires, a sign that you’re close to the usual smoke spot. It’s secluded, with a great view of the city. Thick trees tower around you, and when Wanda kills the engine, the only sound is the occasional cricket or bird call.
“Give me one,” Wanda says, her fingers grabbing a rolling paper before you can respond.
“Damn,” You mutter, opening the baggie full of weed. The scent hits you, and you breathe in deeply. “You’re needy tonight.”
“Fuck off,” Wanda rolls her eyes, glancing at your crotch. “If anyone’s needy, it’s you.”
Smirking, you roll your hips for a moment, your bulge noticeable. “Guilty as charged, can you blame me? Your ass and legs look great in those jeans.”
Wanda scoffs, but you see the pleased blush she wears. You shake some weed out on your rolling paper before handing her the baggie, your gaze lingering on her focused expression as she does the same. Your fingers move, muscle memory taking over as you roll the joint, stuffing some more weed into it with the end of a pen. You offer it to Wanda, and don’t try to hide the way your bulge grows when her fingers brush yours.
“Lighter, baby?”
You hand it over, licking the end of your paper as you finish rolling your joint. Wanda lights the end of hers, sucking in deeply before turning to you and exhaling, a lazy grin spreading on her face.
“That good, huh?” You ask, taking the lighter and lighting your own joint. You suck in a breath, loving the slight burn at the back of your throat.
Wanda hums, dropping her head back until it hits the headrest of her seat, blowing smoke toward the ceiling slowly. You watch her do a couple of tricks, her grin spreading wider with each minute that passes. You adjust your hips again, spreading your legs further and getting comfortable, watching Wanda grow hazier as more smoke fills the car.
“Are you feeling anything?” You ask, inhaling deeply as Wanda lets out a satisfied sigh.
“Not yet, but it shouldn’t take long,” she responds, flicking ash into the metal tin that sits between you two. “We’re gonna be stoned soon with the way we’re hotboxing this shit.”
You don’t respond to that, feeling a warm fuzziness grow within your chest. Your limbs begin to relax, your lips tingling slightly. Catching a glimpse of yourself through the haze, you stare at your reflection in the side mirror. Part of you is aware of your hair loosely hanging over your forehead, Wanda’s hand resting on your thigh as she stretches out, and the joint feeling warm between your fingers.
“Take another hit, baby,” Wanda murmurs, her voice low and soothing, her fingers finding the knob of the CD player and turning the volume lower until the music is no longer jarring. Your eyes roam around the car briefly, your chest feeling warm as you smile lazily. Wanda’s fingers are cool as they touch your hand, bringing the joint to your lips.
The bass flowing through the car fills you, your heart thumping to the beat as you take another hit. Wanda fiddles with her phone, her auburn hair glowing slightly before she turns her screen brightness down.
You can’t quite remember how you got in the car, or what you were doing earlier that night. It doesn’t matter. Wanda is here, and her green eyes are warm and big and looking right at you, her fingers reaching for your lap as low jazz fills the space. Your reflection is back in the side mirror, your face flushed as Wanda’s fingers brush your bulge again while grabbing a rolling paper.
“Baby, where’s the weed?”
You chuckle. Wanda is asking where the weed is. It’s right here, silly. It’s… it’s-
Wait. Where is the weed?
“Fuck, um,” you mumble, your body weightless as you lean forward. When did your seat recline? You search around, your fingers brushing Wanda’s as she leans toward you. She’s giggling, her hair smelling like vanilla as she leans into you. Her breath is warm, her lips are soft, and her hands are all over you. They wrap around your waist and skate over your thighs, your fingers finally feeling the plastic baggie on the floor near your boots as her lips suck gently on your neck.
“Found it.”
“Hm?” Wanda’s voice is all around you, her body practically on top of yours as she leans further into your space. She smells delicious, your skin aflame where her fingertips drag over it, lifting your shirt slightly to stroke your hips.
“The weed,” you say, your voice somehow sounding both miles away and eerily omnipresent. You hold up the bag, smiling at Wanda’s hand quickly grabbing it.
You pull out two more rolling papers, Wanda having dropped hers somewhere on the floor, and the silence stretches comfortably as you both focus on the task in front of you. It’s soothing to roll the joint, your fingers moving with practiced ease before you twist the end, your hand moving to Wanda’s thigh where the lighter rests.
Smoke swirls lazily around you, the car reeking of weed. You find it comforting, the layers of jazz music blending and mixing together into a single endless stream as it flows through your consciousness.
Wanda hums slightly as she finishes her joint, letting you take the lighter from her lap before she looks over at you. Moving slowly, she somehow manages to move from the driver's seat to your lap, straddling you and pulling the lever to recline the seat fully back.
“Get comfortable,” Wanda murmurs, stealing the lighter from your slack fingers and chuckling at your open-mouthed expression.
You can’t help the laugh that escapes you. It’s not a giggle, it’s a laugh. Definitely not a giggle. God, it’s just so funny, the way she- wait. What was funny?
Wanda is inhaling, her lips wrapped around the end of her lit joint, the flame casting sharp shadows on her face. Her irises glow for a brief moment as the reflection dances in her glassy eyes before she flicks the lighter off with a practiced motion of her thumb. You think it’s the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen.
Smoke is blown softly into your face, and you eagerly sit up, your muscles flexing as you grab her around the waist. “Do it again,” you beg, and part your lips.
You long to feel her soft lips on yours, and you feel your cock throb hotly when Wanda grips your jaw with one hand, the other bringing the joint to her smirking lips. Everything else fades, the jazz music dulling and the city view out the window dimming as you focus on her. You breathe in when she does, releasing your breath quickly in anticipation.
Those wonderful lips meet yours, and it feels like absolute heaven. Wanda breathes out, smoke and vanilla mixing as they fill your mouth and nostrils, every single sense of yours surrounded by her. You inhale carefully, breathing in her very essence as you feel your lungs burn slightly, the weed making your head spin pleasantly.
“Good job, pet,” Wanda murmurs, kissing you fiercely. She bites into your lip, and you moan lowly as you exhale, smoke expelling from your lungs and joining the swirling mist in the air of her car.
She moves her hips, subtly grinding down on your lap. You feel yourself ache, your hips moving up to meet hers as you moan into her mouth. It’s over far too soon, the pressure building as she continues to move her hips, her lips detaching from yours as she leans back, arching her back and grinding harder.
“Want something, baby?” Wanda asks, one hand bringing the joint to her lips while the other tangles with your hair and shoves your head back into the seat.
“More,” you say, your voice breathy and echoing. Your head is fuzzy, your limbs weightless as your thumbs stroke her hips.
Wanda leans down, the change in position pressing her hips firmly against your cock as it strains in your boxers. It feels trapped beneath your pants, but you make no move to release yourself. That’s Wanda’s decision.
More smoke is inhaled directly into your mouth, and you eagerly suck it in. Wanda’s lips are all over you, sealed around your lips as she exhales fully, her fingers closing your mouth and forcing you to inhale. She kisses down your neck as you do, your throat bobbing as you fight a cough. Her lips feel like fire, her tongue dragging over your skin for a moment before she sucks gently near your collarbone.
“Fuck,” you whisper, watching the smoke escape from your lips as you speak, curling around Wanda’s hair when she sits back up. The joint is pressed into your fingers, the lit end casting shadows on Wanda’s face as she watches you place it between your lips.
“Take a deep breath, baby,” Wanda whispers, her eyes intent. She looks almost hungry, and her hips shift on top of you when you nod obediently, filling your lungs with smoke. Strong fingers pinch your nose, Wanda licking her lips before speaking. “Hold it.”
You feel lightheaded, your limbs heavy and your chest warm. The warm tingly feeling spreads up to your shoulders and down your arms, your head fully relaxing on the seat as you lean back. Everything is comfortable, Wanda’s vanilla perfume mixing with the heavenly scent of weed, her figure slightly fuzzy as you peer through the haze of smoke.
Wanda moves again, taking the joint from between your lips and letting go of your nose. “Breathe it out,” she murmurs, holding the burning joint away from her hair as she leans down to kiss you, eagerly inhaling the smoke you expel from your lungs.
Time turns a bit fluid after that, the sensation of overwhelming warmth taking over you as Wanda sits on your lap, her hands mindlessly running over your torso. Her fingernails scrape down your chest, her palms warm as she feels your abs, one hand holding the joint to her lips.
You find the joint pressed between your lips, the faint taste of Wanda’s vanilla lip gloss coating your tongue as you suck in. The smoke tastes more burnt than usual, the heat hitting your face as you realize the joint is almost out.
“Another?” You look up at Wanda with wide eyes, feeling the muscles beneath your eyes contracting slightly as you squint against your will. She chuckles, the sound reverberating around the car before she grinds the end of the joint against the metal ashtray.
“No baby,” she murmurs, leaning down to kiss you. “I want to suck on something else.”
“What-” You’re cut off when Wanda grinds her hips down harshly, reminding you of the aching hardness between your thighs. “Oh,” you say, a bit stupidly.
The words feel weird on your tongue, your mouth not moving properly. So, you decide to do something else with your mouth instead, attaching it to Wanda’s neck and sucking. Her moans sound out, adding to the layers of fuzz building in your head while the blood in your body rushes down to your throbbing cock, her hips providing delicious friction as she grinds on your lap.
You hear metal clinking, the sound cutting through the soft jazz and smoke, but you don’t have time to think about it before Wanda is grabbing your hands and wrapping something around them. The material bites into your skin slightly, and you let out a chuckle when Wanda finishes restraining you.
“The seatbelt, really?”
Wanda smirks at you, pulling your hands above your head and attaching your seatbelt-wrapped wrists to the headrest. You’re not sure how she’s managed to effectively restrain you with the seatbelt strap, but when you test the restraints, you’re surprised at the limited movements you can make.
The weight on your lap disappears, Wanda’s body shifting. You lazily look down, your muscles loose and movements slow. Somehow, your seat is shifted back until Wanda is able to fit herself on the floor, kneeling while she leans over your lap.
Sharp teeth bite at your stomach, each jolt of pain sending heat directly to the tip of your cock. You can see it visibly straining through your pants, but Wanda makes no move to undo your zipper, her lips turned up into a smirk while she pulls your shirt up and begins leaving hickeys all over your hips and waist.
“Fuck, baby,” you groan, throwing your head back and shifting your hips, rutting upward in search of any friction. Wanda carefully avoids your bulge, chuckling against your skin while her hands move to gently grab your chest.
Your nipples stand at attention, pleasure blooming as the sensations cut through the haze in your mind. The only things you feel are Wanda’s teeth and hands, the rest of your body feeling disconnected as desperation fills you.
“You’re so hot,” Wanda drawls, looking up at you with glassy eyes. Jazz fills your mind as blood rushes through your ears, your heartbeat loud as it pounds furiously in your chest. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, baby.”
Her hands are warm, smoke shifting lazily through the air when she moves. Your pants are pulled down, a groan clawing its way out of your chest when you finally spring free, your cock pulsing at the thought of stimulation. You shift your hips again, seeing the dark look in Wanda’s eyes as she licks her lips before kissing your tip.
You barely have any time to think before Wanda’s tongue is circling your tip, the stimulation teasing while you try to fuck further into her mouth. Hands grip your hips, pinning you to the seat, your face flushed as your head spins.
Wanda loves how pathetic you look. Your head is thrown back, your eyes glassy and your pupils blown. You’re whining slightly, the sound wrapping around her head and sending pleasure shooting through her body. She loves how your body looks when you arch your back, your muscles trembling from the effort of chasing your pleasure.
She wants you, her mouth feeling empty all of a sudden. With one last breath, Wanda seals her lips around the tip of your cock and sucks.
You let out a loud moan, your hips jerking at the sensation. Wanda wastes no time, one hand gently fondling your balls while she takes you further in her mouth inch by inch. Her tongue works the underside of your shaft, licking your balls once she finally has your whole length in her mouth.
Choking slightly as your tip hits the back of her throat, Wanda bobs back up, her tongue relentless as she licks the sensitive spot just under your tip. She bobs her head, taking your whole length in her mouth again, her cheeks hollowing while she sucks, swallowing around your length as it buries itself in her throat.
“Yeah baby, just like that. Sucking my fucking dick so good.” You moan, pleasure filling you. Every sensation is heightened, the sound of Wanda sucking your cock filling the car as smoke swirls around her. You feel her moan, the vibrations causing your balls to tighten for a moment while your tip throbs at the back of her throat.
Spit coats your length, smearing on her chin and dribbling out while she bobs her head up and down, your orgasm approaching. It’s filthy, her hand glistening when she wraps it around the base of your cock, stroking you slowly while she sucks.
“I’m gonna cum.”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Wanda growls, releasing the tip of your cock with a popping sound, panting as she takes you in. Her hand works your length, moving quicker while her other hand tightens around your balls.
You whimper. “Baby, please.”
“I’m not done with you yet.” Wanda releases your cock, your length throbbing and twitching as it slaps onto your stomach. You can feel the combined juices of your precum and her spit as it smears over your lower stomach, your dick twitching every so often while you watch Wanda fumble with the clasp of her jeans.
“Let’s smoke another joint while you fuck yourself with my cock,” you say, the idea popping into your mind. You speak the words quickly, your thoughts quieting again before you forget what you’ve spoken. Wanda’s eyes light up, and she leans over to kiss you solidly before grabbing the baggie of weed from the floor.
Wanda moves quickly, her pants discarded as she straddles your hips, teasing the tip of your cock. She doesn’t move yet, just lets her juices run down the length of your shaft, your tip slightly pressing into her eager heat.
A rolling paper is set out on your stomach, your abs flexing while you try to remain still. Wanda is focused, grinding on your tip with a teasing smile on her lips while her fingers move quickly. She rolls the joint in record speed, and before you know it she’s lighting the end and sucking in a full breath while sinking down on your length.
You’re in heaven.
Smoke fills the air again, the haze swirling about as Wanda lets out a low moan. She doesn’t move for a few seconds, her pussy walls clenching around you as she closes her eyes. Leaning back, she grabs one of your knees to support herself while bringing the joint to her lips again.
Then, she starts to move.
“Holy fuck,” you breathe out, your cock throbbing hotly as she lifts her hips only to sink back down. She grinds on you as she does so, her clit hitting the base of your cock perfectly with each movement of her hips. You can feel her arousal as she fucks herself, her juices coating your cock as she easily takes your whole length.
Heat and pleasure fill you, Wanda’s hands grabbing your shoulders as she changes positions, fucking herself harder. It’s addicting, the sound of her moaning in your ear and the burn of smoke when she places the lit joint between your lips. Her fingers dig into your muscles, her hips trembling as she chases her orgasm.
You can’t help but fuck up into her, loving the sound of your hips meeting hers while you thrust roughly. Her breaths are ragged, a low moan sounding out when you breathe in smoke, exhaling around the joint as you hold it between your lips.
Everything is fuzzy. You feel a burning need in your stomach, warmth spreading throughout your whole body. Wanda is everywhere, her hands tangled in your hair, her lips on your skin and her pussy gripping you like she needs you to survive. One of her hands reaches down to rub her clit, and you take one last drag of the joint before she grabs it between nimble fingers and breathes deeply.
“Gonna cum, baby,” she mutters, blowing smoke directly into your face.
You nod, moaning low as her movements become erratic. She reaches down, her eyes glinting as she forces the joint between your lips. It’s almost out, the lit end flickering dimly as you breathe in, feeling your skin start to tingle.
“Cum inside me,” Wanda whispers, smiling darkly at you as your cock throbs violently inside her at the words, her hand hovering over your chest. The lit end of the joint is hot and close to your skin, your heart racing as you begin to understand what her next move is.
“Hurt me,” you moan, your voice pleading as you continue to thrust up into her. Her hand moves quickly over her clit, her walls squeezing you as she begins to fall over the edge. Your skin burns, the lit end of the joint extinguishing on your chest as Wanda grinds it into you, her pupils blown while she moans.
Her orgasm seems to last forever, a whispered command for you to cum sending you over the edge as pain and pleasure mix together. Your whole body seizes, your balls tightening as Wanda’s walls grip your cock, your hot cum spurting inside her. You feel nothing but warmth and pleasure, the slight burn on your chest amplifying every sensation as your head spins, Wanda’s tongue soothing the mark while she drops the joint in the ashtray.
“Good job, pet,” she murmurs, moving her hips as she fucks herself slowly on your length. Your cum seeps out of her, dripping onto you and smearing on your stomach. Wanda trembles, slowing completely before finally stopping, your cock buried deep inside her.
“Fuck,” you whisper, every muscle in your body relaxing as your orgasm fades. You can feel your cock twitching, her warm walls gently squeezing you and keeping you hard. Your hands are released, Wanda’s lips kissing your wrists where the seatbelt dug into your skin.
“I love seeing you like this,” she mumbles.
You nod, knowing exactly what she means. Wanda loves control, and you love giving it to her. She craves being in charge of your pleasure, and you find it incredibly arousing to give your choice in the matter up to her.
Wanda moves slowly, putting another rolling paper on your slightly damp stomach, your chest heaving from your orgasm. You don’t say anything, enjoying her presence as she prepares another joint. The smell wraps around you, vanilla mixing in the air as the haze lazily swirls about, jazz playing softly as you feel your cock start to harden again with each subtle shift of Wanda’s hips. It’s obscene, the way your cum and her arousal drip out of her, coating your length.
You can’t focus on anything, your head fuzzy and warm as you feel your high pleasantly fill your body. Wanda lights the joint, the smell of freshly burning weed adding to the layers of sensations already present in the car.
“Let’s finish this,” Wanda smirks, sucking more smoke into her lungs before placing the joint between your slack lips. You obey, taking a long, deep breath as her eyes darken at your submission. “I want you nice and pliant for me before we go again.”
Well, you certainly weren’t going to complain about that.
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Taglist: @alexawynters @msvenablesbitch @marilynthornhilllover @lifespectator @milkeeteaa @imnotawitch @dorabledewdroop @justarandomreaderxoxo @godhatesgoodgirls @snowdrop1026 @maximoffmorale @noturlondonboy @xenaizogie @imjustvibingsworld @tobiaslut @xenaizogie @sxlfishbrokenheart @huggingkoalas @deliriosinrose @godhatesgoodgirls @yeetus-thyself @wizardofstories @wandastan-2 @the-ox-fan20 @danveration @jazzyxqzl
#charsgaythoughts#wanda maximoff#mommy wanda#wanda maximoff smut#dom!wanda#wanda x reader#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda#wanda maximoff x you#wanda maximoff x gn!reader#wanda maximoff fanfiction#wanda fanfic#wanda x you#wanda x y/n#top!wanda#marvel#mcu#marvel mcu#marvel cinematic universe#wanda marvel#wanda mcu#wanda maximommy#wlw#wlw smut#lesbian#writing#bottom reader#x reader#lgbtq#gender neutral reader
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title: royally screwed [m]
pairing: joshua x f!reader
wc: 30.8k in total; part 1: 15.4k, part 2: 15.4k summary: between remembering last night’s party and pleasing your unrelenting family, you think being a princess is hard enough. then you’re thrust into an arranged marriage to royal darling joshua hong—straight-laced, infuriatingly obedient, and everything you’re not. pretending to be the perfect couple? impossible. notes: romcom + smut (part 2), modern royalty!au in which yn is the princess of cotria/joshua the prince of acros (both fictional), enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, quarterlife crisis/coming of age, very very slow burn. lots of swearing, lots of alcohol, lots of feelings. smut tags: oral (m!receiving), mirror shenanigans, unprotected sex, softdom!shua, mating press, idk. they're in love your honor. [read part 1 here!] (please)
You decide June looks good on Acros. Unlike in Cotria, now sure to be perspiring with tourists, the downtown here is comfortable, inviting, even. At home, you’d be shoulder-to-shoulder with three other people right now.
This is one of the things you like about this country: it seems to be intentionally idyllic. It’s becoming more clear to you that Joshua’s parents weren’t actually in need of anything from you other than a status boost. You suppose they’re learning the hard way what exactly that comes with.
Jeonghan’s car, or rather, the car Jeonghan happens to be in (he couldn’t drive his way out of a paper bag, try as he might), pulls up to the curb. He’s fresh off a stint of good press, meaning months of speeches, ribbon cutting, and run-ins with parliament and journalists and business moguls all vying for a bite of a future king. You’d add yourself to that list, but you know you’re at the back of the line—you practically live there now, but you’re not sure if things could have happened any other way.
You watch him step out of the van, never windblown even though he likely just got off a flight. Always with a smile, too, one tired but recognizable, so different from the plasticky ones he wears on TV.
The first thing he does when he gets out is throw his arms open for a bear hug. “Hey, cricket,” he says, voice wrought with jet-lag. “Missed you.”
“Glad you had time for one more stop,” you murmur, squeezed into the million-thread count of his shirt.
“I always have time for you,” he replies, which is decidedly untrue, but you don’t have it in you to say that. All you do lately is get into arguments, and you’re not looking to add your brother to your hit list.
(He hugs Jihoon, too, since you all practically grew up together. Is that your gun, or are you just happy to see me? Jeonghan jokes. Jihoon’s reply: It’s my gun. It’s always my gun.)
The second thing he does is push the brim of your baseball cap down.
“The paps,” he warns, as if they were the boogeyman.
“If they can’t recognize us, they need to get better at their job.” Jeonghan rolls his eyes. “For God’s sake, Jeonghan, we’re all wearing matching hats.”
No, you are not kidding. Jeonghan, blue, you, red, and Jihoon, green, a la The Powerpuff Girls, which was a joke you made about six years ago and could not let go of.
“Whatever,” he laughs. “Aren’t you supposed to be showing me around? This is your domain now.”
“Don’t get excited. I just got here.”
“What do you need to go shopping for, anyway?” he asks, now walking side-by-side with you.
“I ask that question every day,” Jihoon replies, glancing at Jeonghan as if to say Women, right?, save for the fact that the both of them have exactly zero game.
“Somi’s birthday!” you exclaim, two ticks too loudly. “Stuff, I dunno. Just trying to get used to this place.”
“This isn’t exactly Rodeo Drive, you know.”
That, Jeonghan is right about. You’re sure there must be a shopping district somewhere in Acros, but definitely not here. Here, the streets are lined with dense cherry plum trees, wine-stained and fragrant. They frame driftwood-paneled shop windows housing kitschy art galleries, mom-and-pop bakeries, and patioed bistros with striped awnings.
An elderly couple passes you. They smile and wave, visible even under the shade of their parasol, either blissfully unaware of your status or too wise to care.
“I know,” you waver. “Whatever. I'll just get Yunjin to find me something for the party.”
Your eye wanders to the jaunty facade of a music store. The sign flaunts handmade, cursive letters with a curly treble clef in the lacquer of old paint. In Cotria, the same sign would be neon, Hollywood-esque, vain.
“Let's go there,” you interrupt, hoping to run your big mouth over with some more talking. Of course Jeonghan wouldn’t be cool with any party, nonetheless the one Somi was planning on throwing, but, either by habit or wishful thinking, the news just tumbled right out of you.
“Party?” Jeonghan repeats. He trails close after you, hoping to grab the door before you can. Such is what he had been taught, after all, which came more naturally than navigating big-brotherhood. “Jihoon?”
Jihoon shrugs, and opens the door before the both of you get there. You’ve trained him well.
“It’s a small thing,” you tell him. “Close friends only.” It’s not technically a lie—small is relative, and it’s not your fault Somi has two hundred-some close friends.
Inside, you notice the shop is bigger than it looks from the outside. In the front, their nicest pianos: the glossy Yamahas, the baby grands. a lone drum set, on sale, the hi-hat sparkling under the LED lights. And finally, guitars hung from the wall like posters, some lime green and child-sized, others sanded down so the mahogany glows.
“You already know what I’m going to say,” Jeonghan says, the lilt of his voice verging on not-so-casual.
“Then don’t say it,” you reply flatly. “You went to those parties too, by the way.”
“Used to, but—” Jeonghan sighs because he’s beat, and he knows it.
You absentmindedly flip through a book of sheet music—Alfred's Essentials of Music Theory. behind it, 40 Taylor Swift Songs for Piano.
“You’ve been good, I hope?” you cut in. “Not too tired?”
“No,” Jeonghan says. “I've been great. You?”
You can’t read his expression. Old Jeonghan would tell you that he’s ready for a nap, that he hates sleeping on airplanes, that his hands still get sweaty when he gets in front of a crowd and the camera flash hurts his eyes. New Jeonghan never complains, either because of some drastic change in his character or because he feels like he can no longer complain to you. Both hurt your feelings in equal measures.
“I called, you know.”
“I was busy, cricket.” He holds up a copy of Complete Advanced Piano Solos and wrinkles his nose. He's hoping you’d laugh with him about it, but you’ve already moved on, now fixated on the shining columns of electric guitars. “I wanted to ask about, you know, all the new stuff going on.”
“You mean my arranged marriage?” The words feel stiff in your mouth.
The arranged marriage I'm doing for you? I split my heart open for you, and that’s the thanks I get?
You avoid Jihoon’s tentative glare to look at your noodled reflection in the polish of a red Fender. You think of Joshua, of a corny rendition of Here Comes The Sun and a pick between his teeth, cradling a guitar held by a linty, ten dollar strap.
Then you think of what he said on that piano bench—that somehow he could have prevented this. Actually, this might have been all your fault. One too many shots, and you ended up setting feminism back five centuries.
“Y-yeah.” You watch Jeonghan’s silhouette appear behind yours. “Has it been okay, at least?”
Okay is a complicated word to use. It’s hard to say, even for you.
It would certainly be TMI to tell Jeonghan that you’ve been kissing a lot more often. First it was under the flimsy guise of practice—We have to be ready for our dinner tomorrow, Joshua had said, to which you readily agreed. You couldn’t be the unwilling victim of another headline like KISS OR MISS! It would be terrible for your ego, even more so than your public image.
Yesterday, though, as you were winding down for bed, Joshua had come out of the shower, damp white tee and all. A sorry, unspeakable part of you willed you to posit—Hey, maybe we need a refresher? You couldn’t even get halfway through your sentence. Hell, his glasses even came off.
You really only liked each other past 9 PM—you still couldn’t quite manage to get through a conversation like normal people. At this point, you had a 50/50 split in terms of who would cast the first terrible stone of petty disagreement. The only thing we have going for us is a dubious physical attraction, seemed like way more of a mouthful than okay, though.
“Yeah, it’s been okay.” You look around. There's a decent amount of mediocre acoustic guitars on the back wall, more than enough to scratch the itch of someone too afraid to defile something more honorable. “Hey, don’t wait up for me. I think i might buy something.”
[august 10, 2:57 pm; a dress fitting.
In the ten-foot mirror of the boutique dressing room, you watch Yunjin yank the ties of your corset into a punishing knot. Your mother watches behind you, perched on the chaise.
“Regal and radiant,” she reads aloud, the shiny cover of a magazine between her hands. “Finally, some good news.”
“About you and Joshua?” Yunjin asks.
“Ye–ow!” you wince. “Yeah. We went out to dinner yesterday.”
The dinner: an exhausting, stuffy affair at an Italian restaurant with two Michelin stars. You came in a nice dress, Joshua in slacks and his best button-up. Smile, wave, a kiss on the cheek. You fed him a spoonful of dessert, a stiff, too-sweet panna cotta. It was either raspberry or strawberry—you were too distracted to really notice. Instead, you’d been practicing the steps, the motions of a true love.
Should we hold hands over the table? Joshua had asked.
I don't think we have to. Your hand had curled over the napkin on your lap, as if the thought of his touch physically stung.
“This is a nice color,” your mother interrupts. She pinches the fabric of the skirt up at your waist, watching the way it bunches over your hips. “It's suitable.”
Suitable. Right. The dress for your engagement ball, suitable. Just like you, newly suited for the engagement.
You watch your image in the mirror. It’s taller, more regal, likely the product of Yunjin squeezing all the air out of you, Or worse, the penetrating gaze of your mother over the top of the tabloid.
You blink hard; you waver. ]
[august 20, 10:13 pm; a quiet return to acros after a day at the beach with somi and soonyoung.
The castle sleeps, warm under the soft glow of candlelight on marble. You pad through the halls, carefully, as to avoid waking the entire country with the thwacks of your still-wet sandals. Hopefully Joshua is sleeping. He'd certainly ask questions, either about if bikini tops really need all that padding or what the SPF of your sunscreen was.
You approach your room, where the lamplight from the cracked door oozes into the hallway. There's a determined rustling noise coming from the interior. Incriminating. Holding your breath, you cast a long glance into the thin slice of bedroom you can see from where you’re standing.
There sits Joshua, cross-legged on the bed. Between his legs, the guitar you bought him. It must have finally shipped. He’s tied the gift ribbon it came with to the guitar strap, a woven linen with an offensively bright jacquard pattern.
A hesitant A major chord, then G major, offkey. Hm, he hums aloud. Then you notice his phone propped on a pillow, a Youtube tutorial rumbling in the background. He tries the G major again. Better, he says, pumping a fist into the tired air.
God, what a dork, you think. But you don’t walk away.]
From the garden, the Acrosian moon renders the city blue, like ink from a spilled well.
It’s quiet out here, you notice. The forest spills into the sky, and the scent of roses lies heavy on your skin. You’re seated on the bench beneath the sculpted gazebo, a worthy centerpiece, and you revel in the coolness of the granite, the bated still of the air. You like this garden better than the one at home, although it’s entirely possible that you’ve been conditioned into hating all topiaries, no thanks to your parents.
It's only when you hear the quiet click of footsteps behind you that you realize you’ve lost track of how long you’ve been outside. You’re now able to tell them apart–these, Joshua’s, steady and purposeful, sound like they have a heartbeat.
You don’t turn around to greet him. “So you finally had enough, huh?” you ask instead, sliding to the left so he can sit beside you.
“How'd you know?” he chuckles.
“I'd like to think I know at least a little about you.”
“I appreciate it,” is his reply, surprisingly warm.
Just a few hours earlier, your parents had come to visit. They cooed and giggled and connived alongside Joshua’s parents before launching into a very long, very serious discussion about your engagement ball. You’ve learned not to sweat the small stuff, the small stuff being the color of the napkins, the members of the string quartet, the hors d'oeuvres. But then it got weird: the symbolism of the color of your nail polish, which journalists were allowed to watch you make out, when and how Jeonghan was supposed to announce his presence during all of this.
Then things got critical, which really sucked. No one was safe this time, not even Joshua. You lasted about an hour, Joshua about forty-five minutes more. You wonder what his breaking point was. Maybe it was his mother finally telling him off for having more than three buttons undone whenever he wore a dress shirt.
In the silence, you feel an inexplicable peace. Maybe this is the only time you can get along; underneath the same moon, the same stars, the divide doesn’t feel quite as wide. You let your mind clear, first, past the fog of Somi’s birthday bash, glittery and blinding in your mind’s eye, past Jeonghan’s tired shoulders in the music store, past all the magazine covers and photo ops. The heavy reality feels heavier in your stomach, but you’re no longer as scared, although resignation looks like acceptance when you whittle it close enough to the bone.
“Have you ever been in love before?”
Joshua’s voice is so low, it takes you by surprise. You look to your side and see his eyes, shaded by the long curl of his lashes, trained on the sky, his expression unreadable. There’s a piercing sincerity to it, one you haven’t seen before.
“No,” you reply, the answer coming to you faster than any regret ever could. “How could i?”
“So all the boyfriends before, just…?” he trails off. He's referencing the magazines, all the covers with full size photos of you and the model of the month holding hands by the riviera, sharing a martini, kissing outside a nightclub. There are too many to remember, but you’re surprised he’s aware of any at all.
“It was just stupid fun. I dunno. We hung out, had sex, whatever. It was never serious. I didn't tell them about anything at all; I was okay with them not really knowing me, at least, not as anything other than a party girl, the runaway princess, etcetera. We didn’t owe each other anything.”
“Sounds lonely.”
“Sometimes,” you answer. “But it was fun. I don't regret it. I just never saw room for them in all of this.”
Joshua hums, low and deep.
“And you?” you ask, incredulous. “In love?”
“In university,” he says after a brief pause. “There was a girl. I think I loved her more than I had ever loved anything else before.”
“What? Who?” you interrupt. “Do I know her?”
“No.” Then, a quiet chuckle. “No one did. She was a civilian, a normal girl. She wanted to be a biologist, I think. it was either that, or a nurse. We snuck around a lot. Probably more than you did.”
“Can I ask what happened?”
“I told her I'd marry her. I thought if I wanted it enough, it would happen. I'd go to my parents, profess my love, and all our rules would fall away somehow. Just like that.”
Suddenly, it feels like there is a gaping wound in your chest. Every new word seems to draw the bloody edges of your skin further apart.
“Well, they didn’t,” Joshua continues. “I broke her heart. and I learned that all of this would never go away. Not for love, not for anything.”
There is an impossible hollowness inside you. You imagine Joshua, twenty-one and bright-eyed at Cambridge, hiding beneath the arch of the cobblestone bridge, the long one behind the quad, to carve hearts into the limestone. There's a girl wrapped in his jacket, her laughter like bells. She draws him close, runs a delicate hand through his hair, a shorter cut, more sporty than it is now. The night is still just as kind, forgiving, as it is now, and the moon still round like a young pearl.
“And that’s why you’re…you know.” You pause. The words all feel stuck to the roof of your mouth. “You like the rules.”
“Because it would mean that it didn’t end in vain. That it wasn’t really my fault.”
“You don’t want to mess up again. I get it.”
You notice your arms are touching, that they have been touching. Somehow, you don’t want to move away.
“Why are you telling me this?” you ask.
“Not sure.” Joshua sighs, having fully abandoned the filter he normally speaks to you through. “I don't think we’re so different. I don't know. It feels good to tell someone.”
“Do you still love her?”
“No. I don't think I can.”
“I'm sorry,” you swallow, feeling the familiar lump in your throat.
“Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault.”
It’s getting cold, the twilight breeze now coming in from the sea. A silence, now sticky, caustic, settles between the two of you. The thought of Joshua, hopelessly in love, a line you hadn’t even dared to cross, seems to wind itself deep into your neurons.
“No really,” you insist. “I'm sorry. I gave you a hard time—no, I've been giving you a hard time. I didn't know.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Be nice to me. No one’s watching.”
“I know,” you say, a foolish conviction rising in your stomach. You almost feel silly, juvenile, for never really baring your heart like how he had. You’re not sure which was worse.
You turn to look at him, really look at him. He's framed by the haze of the violets, the gentle curtain of the willows.
“Says the real you?” Joshua asks.
“Yup,” you laugh. “Usually is. You probably get the worst of it, to be honest.”
“She’s not so bad.” He returns your gaze; it’s honest, unsearching. “According to the real me, by the way.”
There are no words left. In fact, nothing quite says more than the way you now sit together, hands close enough to touch, without quarrel, complaint, or a yearning to prove yourself to some invisible standard. Instead, you enjoy the quiet calm, the way it drapes itself across the garden, the city, the quick of your heart. Now that you think about it, it’s the first time you’ve been able to do this without feeling like you were putting on a show.
This time, you think it’s real when you lean against his shoulder, and he leans back, chasing your warmth.
And it certainly seems to stay real when your hands find each other. You realize he does it the same way every time—the gentle skim of his fingertips down your hand before your palms meet, gently, forthright.
And it’s here, in the uncertain glow of the summer moon, where you think you’re the closest to ever knowing just what Joshua had been talking about earlier.
His hand curls around your cheek, holding you, wanting to see you clearer still, and he kisses you. It's not the practiced motion of an ill-conceived love, nor a hungry, blind stumble in your unlit bedroom. No, this time, it's as if you are being drawn back, wonderfully, slowly. Joshua kisses you as if it's the first time, as if to undo all the other times.
And somehow, almost by magic, the fountain song and the phantom photographers, the parents and the press, the world and everything in it, finally draw quiet.
“So,” Jihoon says, reloading his pistol. “You ok? Don’t you hate the range?”
You push your earmuffs aside to hear him better. “What?”
“I said, don’t you hate the range?”
“Well,” you balk. Jihoon puts the gun down and leans against the booth, looking at you from behind the glare of his safety glasses. Behind him is the paper target of a man with five bullet holes through his head. “I think I've gotten used to it.”
This is all true—you did hate the range, but it’s where you can always count on finding Jihoon on a Sunday afternoon. Better people went to church, but Jihoon preferred to terrorize the poor center circle of a bullseye.
“Hm.” He picks up the pistol again, stares down its iron sights. “Somi need anything for her birthday?”
“She needs a new man,” you reply, and Jihoon laughs.
Bang. Bang.
“But, no, I'm getting her that vintage Cartier watch she’s been wanting forever. They were auctioning it off in Paris.”
“Right, since it’s time for her to get a new boyfriend,” Jihoon deadpans, although he can’t quite get it out before he chuckles. “What about Soonyoung?”
“They cannot get together. You’re just being messy.”
“Sure, I'm the messy one. Didn’t they sleep together?”
“That was, like, two years ago. Drunk.”
Bang. Then a click–the clip’s empty. “By the way—you decided if you’re going to Cotria this weekend? Jeonghan will be back again, you know.”
You pause, watching Jihoon reload the magazine, shiny bullet by bullet. You definitely know Jeonghan’s coming home—minus all the time you spend on Find My Friends, you were always acutely aware of when he was in town. The real question is if you wanted to see him again. Usually, you’d count down the days, make plans at all your favorite restaurants, buy a bottle of cheap wine to split over a shitty Godzilla movie. That was when you still talked.
The last time you saw him was when he visited you in Acros. After the music store, you milled around a couple shops, walked through an art gallery. (Remember when you got lost at the Prado? he had asked. You were staring at that painting with all the butts.
Kinda, you had replied noncommittally. All Jeonghan did lately was start his sentences with remember, like he wanted you to forget who he was now.)
“I dunno,” is what you land on. “I'm busy.”
“Well, Jeonghan asked me.” Jihoon takes down his old target and sets up a fresh one, another formless, black silhouette.
“Asked you what?”
“If I could ask you to come.”
“Does Josh know?”
“He actually already helped with arrangements for you to go back,” Jihoon replies, palming the gun again. “He said only if you wanted to, though.”
The tightness in your chest seems to coil over itself once more. Joshua had asked you about Jeonghan over breakfast one morning, before handing you a coffee and a croissant to soften the blow. You had been talking a lot more lately, which, somehow, you didn’t mind. If he wasn’t making fun of you, he was actually a decent listener.
You watch Jihoon steady his arms.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
Like all of your great ideas, it began in the back of a car.
Surprising, maybe. Accidental? Never.
You’re getting ahead of yourself, though. It really started earlier tonight, at the charity event you attended with Joshua.
Lesser beings would blame the wine, a cheap chardonnay only fit for sorority girls on a Friday night. Naturally, you and Joshua were responsible for downing about half the bottle—a fun amount, you’d like to say, although you admit you were surprised at your date’s ability to hold his alcohol.
You, however, can peg the real culprit: a reasonably slutty dress, removed from the annals of Somi’s closet, back when she was less of a Paris Hilton and more of a Princess Diana.
The evidence: damning. As you were getting ready—Can you zip me up? you had asked Joshua, fiddling with the rollers in your hair, already a generous ten minutes late. Then the slow, lingering skim of his touch, molasses up the hollow of your spine. At dinner, a warm hand on your knee. You didn’t hang around much longer after that, but walking to the car was a wondrous excuse for the flat of his palm to find the small of your back, fondly, comfortably, as if you had known each other for years.
Since you had spoken in the garden, certainly you had acted like more of a couple. It came more naturally, likely due to the fact that you had no idea if you were actually a couple or not. You suppose it doesn’t matter at the end of the day. Well—sort of.
Now, you’re just being obtuse. What you’re really trying to do is explain how your hand found its way down Joshua’s pants in the back of your limousine. And still, found is too generous of a word. But you digress.
The short version: you kissed Joshua. Jihoon parked the car out back, you had gotten tired of Joshua glancing at you through the side of his eyes, and you kissed him. Regrettably, this hasn’t gotten boring yet. You enjoy the way he searches for your touch, the part of his soft lips.
Sometime between the third and the tenth time your tongue found its way into Joshua’s mouth, Jihoon removed himself from the situation—he was always good at that part. Two wandering hands later, your palm skimmed over the front of Joshua’s slacks. No big deal, except he was half-hard and he moaned in your mouth like he was doing the ad-libs in a Cupcakke song.
“Whoops,” you had babbled. This whole night, you’d been searching for the brakes on the clown car winding through the horny fog of your horrible, vexed mind.
“Fuck, sorry,” Joshua replied just as quickly, the words seeming to slip back down his throat.
Then you had stared at each other and blinked, hard, as if that would erase the fact that, one, the prince of Acros had just cursed approximately half an centimeter from your face, and two, you’d now crossed a bridge that could not be uncrossed.
You could no longer lie to yourself about the fact that you are hopelessly attracted to Joshua. You don’t even know if you want to lie anymore. You still thought of the time you ran into him, birthday suit and all, all those weeks ago in the bathroom. And, yes, you had wondered how big he was, although you blame Somi for planting that evil idea in you.
Hence, with God as your witness (since Jihoon was no longer there), you had said, “I can help, you know. If you want.”
You didn’t expect Joshua to nod so quickly. Then again, you now know yourself to be a poor judge of most things, especially ones relating to whatever this is.
“Do you want to?” he had asked, eyes fogged over.
“Yes. really.” Then you stopped. “Is this your first—”
“No. Does it really seem like it?”
Okay. You’ll have to unpack that later.
So, finally, here you are. Somewhere along the line, your shame had fallen to the wayside, and a new desire now rocks you.
“Could’ve just asked earlier,” you tease, thumbing the buckle of Joshua’s belt.
“Should’ve known you’re not one for subtlety,” he laughs softly, his eyes fixed on how you undo the clasp. It’s a silly comment, but all the blood still rushes to your cheeks at the idea of him wanting you not just now, but all night. “Next time.”
“Really now.” The button at his waistband proves difficult with your new nails, so you instead sit your hand on the tent in his pants, palm him over the fabric. “You’d let me do this in the washroom of a charity ball?”
Delightfully, you watch him squirm. He doesn’t fight you, instead, uses his hands to bring you closer so you can feel his voice on your skin. “You’d be surprised,” he replies.
“His highness,” you say before returning to the wretched button, “Fooling around at a formal event? Scandalous.”
“Says the walking scandal,” Joshua laughs again, nipping at your earlobe. Then a sigh, breathy and tortured, as you finally peel back his slacks.
“Isn’t this about the time where you be quiet and let me do my thing?”
“Is that an order?”
“Yeah, since you seem to like them so much.”
He opens his mouth to complain, but you’ve beaten him to the punch. Skin meets skin; you watch his eyes flutter shut, the slow fall of his shoulders as he exhales.
Fuck, you think to yourself. If that’s all it takes for him to get hard— you force the thought back to where it came from. You’re getting ahead of yourself. Already, you’re reveling in the lewd image before you: the nation’s darling prince, legs spread and slack-jawed in the back of a limo, dizzy at the thought of a pretty girl playing with his cock.
Your hand wraps around his length, pulls it out of his briefs. Feeling the weight, heavy and warm on your palm, makes your skin prickle. He is big, but even if he wasn’t, the way he gasps into your ear when you start pumping him is enough to satisfy.
You start slow, just to be a little mean. He's longer than you expected, you realize. A turn of the wrist at the base, a little more pressure, and you hear him groan, loudly, shamelessly, as he tips his head back.
“Feels good?” you ask, voice lower than a whisper. You know it does—you’re not inexperienced by any stretch of the imagination, but something about turning the prince into putty makes the months of horrible foreplay worth it.
“Yeah,” he says, part sigh. “Really good.”
“Good.” Then you hold out your palm in front of his mouth. You tell yourself it’s a litmus test for his freak-o-meter, but there’s a part of you that wants to make this the best handjob of his short, unexciting life.
First, he looks at you, wide eyes unblinking. There's already a flush, pretty and pink, across his cheeks, the column of his neck. Then, it clicks. He spits into your hand, and you watch it trail down the plush curve of his lips, his chin, the ridge of his adam’s apple. The color spreads to his ears; his mouth twists shyly. Oh, he looks perfect, maybe even more than perfect like this.
As if drawn by a magnet, you kiss him, and your hand finds his cock again. The friction alone draws out a low whine from Joshua’s chest, enough for you to feel the sound on your own tongue. Emboldened, you pump faster, harder, loving the way his hips kick up to meet your touch.
Still, he gives no indication that he’s close. Something tells you he has more stamina than you think, which surprises you. Thirty minutes ago, you thought he was a virgin.
“Josh?” you murmur, your lips brushing over his. “Wanna taste you.”
He meets your gaze, expression unreadable. You think maybe you’re moving too fast, that you’ve crossed some sort of boundary, until you feel the shadow of his hand move, first on your waist, then up the back of your neck. He gathers your hair in one hand, easily, as if he’s done this many a time before, and you get the message.
You wet your lips, swollen at this point, and bow your head. You’re running on something crazier than adrenaline at this point—even seeing the bead of precum at his tip is making your jaw feel heavy.
The first taste, always thrilling, sends sparks to your cunt. You seal your lips around his cockhead, feeling its weight on your greedy tongue, and he pulls your hair just enough to make you moan.
“Were you thinking about doing this all night?” Joshua asks, voice deceptively innocent.
You can’t answer. You don’t want to. He tastes good, he even fucking smells good, and you want him bad. Instead, you take him to the base, feel him bump against your palate as you try not to gag. You can’t fit him all the way, so your hands make up the slack. He's even bigger fully hard, and already, you feel the ache in your cheeks, your temples.
“Fuck, you must have been.” A groan, low and slutty. “Doing so good for me.”
You can’t tell if he’s being genuine or if this is his version of dirty talk, but it’s working. His hand is gentle, restrained behind you, letting you lead. The worse part of you wonders what it would take for him to break, but that’s a project for another time.
Honestly, he doesn’t need to do much—again and again, you chase the feeling of his cock deep in your throat, enough to bruise. You don’t even care if you gag around him; when you do, he pulls your hair back, just enough to make your scalp prickle wonderfully, seemingly oblivious to the fact that you like it.
You feel heady with arousal. You start to wonder how he is in bed, if he’d hold your hair like that, run his mouth like he is now. He's vocal, more than anyone else you’ve been with, and every little noise goes straight to your core, makes your thighs squeeze together pathetically. By now, you’re sure you’ve ruined this set of panties.
“ ‘m close,” he says between breaths. “You don’t have to—”
Stupid, stupid boy, you think. You don’t think you’ve wanted to do anything more. So instead of answering, you look up at him, eyes big and watery, and you suck hard. with your tongue nestled underneath his cockhead, right by the vein, it’s almost too easy.
He groans, loud, satisfied, and you feel his release fill your mouth. Even after swallowing, it’s enough to run down your chin, get your makeup all smudged, and you like it. If you weren’t in trouble already, you are now.
“Ah, I made you a mess,” Joshua says, gravelly and intimate. With one hand, he takes the handkerchief out of his suit jacket and cradles your jaw with the other. “Hold still.”
“You,” you manage after clearing your throat. “You don’t have to sacrifice your pocket square.”
“Yes, I do,” he chuckles. He wipes the corners of your mouth, your aching chin, and it almost makes you cry. “You literally gave me head in the back of a car. The pocket square can go.”
He draws you up to his chest so you can rest your head on him. There’s a warm, melty feeling between your ribs, minus what you had just swallowed. Inexplicably, even as the horny fog clears from your brain, you still want to be close, closer than close and then closer still.
“Head? I don’t like hearing you use normal people slang.” You pout, and you feel his laugh radiate from beneath his skin. “Good head, at least?”
“Oh, please. Better than good,” he answers. “You’re perfect. perfect.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you start. Then he shuts you up with his mouth over yours, and you forget to think about liking him, loving him, or marrying him—this, you think you can do.
“We’re in Barcelona!”
You’re greeted by a pocket sized Somi and Soonyoung as they grin at you from your phone screen. They look to be on the balcony of a hotel suite, both wearing their matching silk robes.
“Wow,” you reply. “And where was my invite?”
“We did invite you, bitch,” Somi says, pulling down her sunglasses to look at you. “You said you were busy.”
“Well, I mean…” you uncap a bottle of nail polish. “That's not untrue.”
“The ocean needs you,” Soonyoung whines, clutching his chest. “We need you.”
“I'm sorry! Josh and I have been doing engagement stuff.”
“Josh? Since when were you on a nickname basis?”
“Whatever,” you interrupt. “What are you guys gonna do today?”
“Beach,” Soonyoung responds brightly, with Somi’s Don’t let her change the subject! loud in the background.
To be honest, you don’t even know the answer to her question. It just sort of happened, which seems to be the new normal for you. You’re also trying to pull apart last night–the freak-o-meter test came back inconclusive, and, for some reason, Joshua fell asleep with his arm over your middle. (Actually, you can think of a few reasons why he did that, but you’re not really sure how to feel about any of them.)
“Ugh, I miss you guys.” You wipe at your pinkie toe, having smudged the polish beyond repair. “Drink a little extra sangria for me. And by little, I mean a lot.”
“You’re still coming to Somi’s birthday, right?” Soonyoung asks.
“Yes, of course she is,” Somi replies. “Unless you can’t. Which I totally understand.”
“I still can,” you lie. “It just has to be more low-key than usual.”
“No paparazzi,” Somi says. “And I'll tell everyone to keep you on the down low. Super duper down low.”
“No way.” Damn, you curse to yourself—you keep screwing up painting your big toe. “Seriously?”
“Anything for my queen,” she giggles. “Pitbull is also confirmed, by the way. Secret Pitbull now.”
“Good, because that’s the only reason I’m coming.”
“Boo, you whore.” Somi wrinkles her nose at you playfully. (Is she being serious? Soonyoung asks in the background.) “Also, I'm still waiting for my update on the whole prince thing. I've been very patient.”
“No updates. Nothing to report,” you insist. Frustratingly, your cheeks are hot, like you’re in secondary school all over again.
“You fucked him, huh?”
You bite the inside of your cheek.
“Halfway. Maybe.”
The combined sound of Somi and Soonyoung’s gasps rips apart your phone speakers, and you draw in a big breath. I did it for the plot doesn’t quite seem like the right justification, not like it used to be. The plot never used to involve the M word, love, or any sort of feelings at all. Now things are more confusing than late-stage Grey’s Anatomy, but good luck explaining that over the phone.
“So you do like him,” Soonyoung says, saucer eyes sparkly on-screen.
“I don't know,” you answer. It’s true, you don’t. To you, like was flirting over text and french kissing. Paradoxically, you had told Joshua all of that, and he still decided to do whatever he did to you on the ledge of the fountain all those days ago. It felt like he ate the heart right out of your chest. Then you had to go and suck his dick, which never made anything less complicated.
“Oh please. Look at you,” Somi laughs. “Yeah, you do.”
Fuck. You’ve smudged all the polish off your big toe again.
Not much surprises you these days, but you can’t say you were expecting to see your riding boots to be the first thing you see when you arrive home in Cotria.
The second thing you see is Jeonghan, smiling at you in his big, stupid riding helmet, camo-printed because he bought it when he was 15 and his head never grew much bigger since.
“For old times sake?” He then holds your own helmet up by the straps, and whatever twinge of annoyance you had felt earlier makes way for something softer, more forgiving. “Everything's set up outside.”
It doesn’t take you much time to take him up on the offer. If anything, a long ride usually solves all your problems, and you definitely have problems that need solving.
You saddle up in the stables, wordlessly, moved by habit. It seems to be the same for Jeonghan, too. Even Peanut acts like it hasn’t been years since he’s seen him, and he noses at the box of sugar cubes like he always does. Then again, horses don’t hold grudges, at least, not like you do. Even Joshua seemed more optimistic about this encounter than you did.
“So you're back back,” you say, hooking your feet in the stirrups. “Or do you have more jet-setting to do?”
“Back back,” Jeonghan replies. “Missed home too much.”
He cocks his head towards the old riding trail, the one that loops the long way through the woods. The gesture is but a formality—it’s the only path you ever take. Still, you follow behind his horse, watching the beige swoosh of Peanut’s tail the same way you did when you were a little girl and things were far simpler than they are now.
Under the cornflower sky of a near-autumn, the forest seems endless. A flock of geese split the sky in two; a warm breeze haunts the canopy, scattering the afternoon light. The dirt under you is soft, peaty from the morning rain. The hoofbeats are silent today.
Jeonghan’s horse slows so that you ride side-by-side.
“Hey, cricket?”
“I…” Jeonghan clears his throat and pauses, quite unlike him. “I wanted to come out here to talk.”
“Everything ok?”
“Yeah, I…” Another pause. “I know things haven’t felt normal between us. For me, at least.”
You almost drop the reins. A strange, floating feeling is set off in your body, like a flare.
“Yeah,” you reply. “I was kinda hoping you would say that.”
“I'm sorry.” A hard swallow. “I haven't really been the best brother, have I?”
“Well, not…not really.” Quickly, frenetically, words bob up in the back of your mouth like you’re playing whack-a-mole. You had been waiting for this conversation to happen for so long, you realized you hadn’t planned much further than that. “It felt like you’d changed. A lot.”
The wind feels like ribbons around you. You sway back and forth on Astrid, as if on a boat.
“Was it the birthday party thing?” you ask. “I didn’t mean for it to…you know.”
“Actually, that was my fault.” Jeonghan smiles bitterly. “I shouldn't have let Mom and Dad run me over like that. You should’ve been there. It was never really the same without you.”
“Well, I should've come,” you admit. “So we both fucked up.”
“Maybe,” he chuckles. “But the rest—definitely my fault. I made myself busy because I felt like I had to.”
You’re growing to really hate that word. Jeonghan had to grow up, Joshua had to break up with his first love, you had to learn to pick up all the pieces of both of these things and try to fit them back into your life.
“You didn’t even look back.”
“I was scared, cricket. That if I kept looking back, I wouldn't be able to go forward. And I didn’t want to leave you behind, but I did. I think there was a happy middle somewhere, I just couldn’t find it.”
“Jeonghan, you’re not really making sense right now,” you say, flattened, and he laughs.
“I don't even know what I'm saying. I think I'm trying to say that I just want you to be happy. And that I'm sorry.”
You bite your lip, as if to distract yourself from the strange pressure in your throat. You think you want to cry, but you’re not sure.
“But are you happy?” you ask. “With the coronation and everything? Did you even want this?”
“I am, believe it or not. I know you don’t, but I'm not lying. Somewhere along the line, I started liking all of the talking, the traveling, the interviews. I like that I can help people. Some of it sucks, but not all of it.” He laughs, finally one that sounds like something you can remember. “Not everything you have to do is bad.”
“Jeonghan, I'm getting married because of you. Because of this,” you say, trying to keep your voice from cracking. “I don't know how to do this. Any of this, not like you, not like Mom, or anyone.”
This, in fact, does make Jeonghan stop. He stills and falls silent. At once, it seems the forest goes quiet too.
“Don’t get married, then.” You don’t respond, so he says it again. “You don’t have to go through with it. Not for my sake, at least.”
“I've been thinking about it ever since it happened. I can talk to everyone. You’d rather not be with the guy, right?”
Your tongue freezes in your mouth. You thought you had an answer, but it refuses to come out.
“I have a duty to protect you, too. I’ll be fine with or without the press.”
“Jeonghan,” you say quietly. Many moons ago, you would have laughed at the word duty, but instead, your stomach turns over and over and over. “You don’t have to.”
“I want to,” is his simple answer. “I want to because I care about you. We can figure out the rest.”
Something in your bones feels heavy. You’d also been waiting to hear those words, but it didn’t feel as freeing as you thought it would. You think about Joshua, his books and his perfectly placed bookmarks, his dumb dad jokes, the way he reaches for your hand, fingertips before palm.
“Can I think about it?”
“Of course. The engagement ball is probably happening either way, but it’s no big deal. Bigger engagements have been called off in far worse circumstances.”
You’re having trouble believing him, but you have no other choice. Your life would certainly get a lot easier if everything were to just end. No more press releases, scripts, or awkward pictures. And no more worrying about if you could go out on the weekends or just how much of yourself to give up to make things work.
“There's no rush.” He turns to look at you with the same wild shine in his eyes that you’d grown to miss so much. “Truce?”
That, somehow, you’re much happier to hear. You thought you’d be angrier than this, feel the usual metal-red of your gut, but all that’s left is a sobering feeling of relief, of home. At last, things feel close to normal.
So you ride and ride, but a decision doesn’t come to you as easily as you thought. The sunset breaks; the word duty clings to you, unshakable, unrelenting.
Somehow, you have gone full circle: at the end of a long day, you find yourself back at the piano, much like you did when you were seven, and the only thing you could do right was play Hot Cross Buns.
Joshua had bought an unreasonable amount of music books, half guitar for him, half piano for you. You’d forgotten just how much you had liked playing until that night, many nights ago, when you and he had first muddled through that duet.
Yesterday, you and your parents had tea at the waterfront before you had left the country. You were still undecided on the engagement; frustratingly, the needle hadn’t moved much in either direction since Jeonghan had raised his proposal to you.
Congratulations, your mother had told you, right over her cup of oolong.
For what?
You’ve risen to the occasion. You’ve grown up.
To you, this was not a compliment. You didn’t know what it was. You had twisted the ring on your finger, back and forth, a habit you picked up after all the time you spent wearing it. You wondered if somewhere, you had become exactly like Jeonghan, molded and spun into someone unrecognizable. Maybe that was why Joshua finally seemed to like you.
Have you practiced for your first dance? your father asked, and you no longer had time to worry about the state of your personality—you had other fires to put out.
Really, that’s why you’re at the piano today. You thought you could play the damn tune and somehow remember all the ballroom dancing lessons you had taken when you were younger. Unsurprisingly, it hasn’t worked yet.
There’s a knock at the doorframe. “Come in,” you say, already knowing that it’s Joshua. No one else does that; Jihoon barges in and just starts talking, and you can hear Joshua’s parents from a mile away because of all the jewelry they have on.
“Just wanted to see what you were up to,” Joshua says. He leans against the frame of the piano, already dressed down for the night.
“Nothing,” you reply. “Just magically hoping that I remember how to ballroom dance.”
“Well, first things first, you can’t dance sitting down.” He chuckles, and you pull your lips tight.
“I'm serious, Josh,” you whine.
“You really don’t remember?” He gives you one of those looks, one that you’re quite used to now, with the judgmental wrinkle of the brow. “Didn’t you take lessons?”
“Yeah, like…fifty million years ago.”
“I couldn’t tell,” he says, grinning something foolish. “You don’t look a day over fifty.” Then he offers you his hand, which you take, and he easily pulls you from the bench.
“Flattered,” you say, unable to push down the corners of your smile. “You gonna teach this senior citizen a few moves?”
“Perhaps, as my good deed for the day.” He holds your hand, still firmly in his, and slides it up his arm to rest on his bicep. “Left hand here,” he tells you.
“Are you flirting with me?”
“Not yet,” Joshua laughs. “The ballroom hold ring a bell?” His other hand finds your free one, and you interlace fingers simply, easily. Then, the warmth of a hand between your shoulder blades, one that draws you to his chest.
“I think the only dancing I know how to do is half drunk in the dark. Can’t exactly throw it back on you in front of God and country.”
Joshua grins, a big one, and you, traitorously, feel your cheeks get prickly.
“I wouldn't want God looking at you like that,” he teases.
“And country’s already seen it all.”
“They should consider themselves very lucky, then.” His eyes meet yours, lit by the scattered light of the chandelier. “It's my turn to ask you to let me lead.”
“Fine,” you pout, noticing that familiar warmth in your stomach.
Joshua begins to count your steps off (one, two, three—ow, that’s my foot! —sorry!). He’s patient with you, more patient than you think you deserve. His hand seems to slot perfectly into the curve of your back; his gaze settles onto you in a way that makes your chest feel heavy, molten.
“For someone who goes out so much, you have a terrible sense of rhythm,” Joshua says, teasing.
“Hey,” you object. “Maybe I just have a bad teacher.”
“Oh, so it’s my fault now?”
“Well, I'm not about to blame Britney Spears.”
Joshua laughs, and the sound is so close to you, you can feel it on your skin.
“I still think it’s the student’s fault.”
“Me?!” Perfectly timed, your sock-clad feet collide (yours, striped and fuzzy, his, plain white). “Impossible.”
“Too distracting,” he murmurs, and you notice how unfairly pretty his eyes are. “You bump into me, criticize me, you look at me like that…”
You feel dizzy. You don’t know what Joshua’s doing to you, but it’s mean. Your face is warm, and normally you’d blame it all on the alcohol but you haven’t had any. Worst of all, the soft part of you, the lizard-brained, impulsive part, can’t stop thinking about his lips and how they would feel on yours.
It’s a thought you don’t let linger, much like all of the other half-thoughts you have, and you kiss him, as if it was a reprieve from the terrible, horrible way he’s making you feel. (It isn’t.)
“You talk too much,” you tell Joshua, right against his lips. “Not enough teaching.”
“I'm putting you in remediation.”
“And giving you homework.”
“Whatever shall I do?”
Joshua answers that question for you. He kisses you, once, twice, still not enough, and, somehow, things feel more simple than they ever had before.
Jihoon’s eyes are dark, dagger-sharp in the rearview mirror.
“We’re coming up,” he says. “A few minutes out.”
“I know,” you answer. Yunjin was successful, almost too successful, in her task of finding you an appropriately revealing dress for a newly engaged twenty-something at the party of the year. The filmy silk stretches around your thighs; the cowl neck flirts with the neckline of the bikini top you have on underneath.
You look good, probably better than how you’ve looked in months. And yet, for some reason, you don’t feel good, at least, not how you’d thought you’d feel on the way to the only event you’d been looking forward to this year.
Somi’s gift rattles in your lap. It’s covered in this loud, hot pink wrapping paper unbecoming of something you had spent years tracking down on the antiques circuit. Normally, you’d have a laugh with Jihoon about it, maybe take some selfies in the car, but instead, you find yourself spinning your ring around your finger like you always seem to do these days.
You think of Jeonghan, of Joshua. Of course, what you do or don’t do on your best friend’s birthday is none of their business (although, very inconveniently, Jeonghan did have some event this weekend, and Joshua was traveling). But still, you think of the boldface headlines, the whispering gossip forums, the washed-out image of you in your little dress on the cover of a cheap magazine. This wasn’t exactly a tame party, and things weren’t just about you anymore, not like they used to be.
Marking your arrival isn’t the GPS nor Jihoon, rather, it’s the firefly buzz of the cameras outside your limo as it’s forced to come to a stop. You squint, trying to see past the tint of your windows, and see Somi, radiant in her birthday tiara, as she pushes through the crowd. Behind her is the villa she rented, illuminated by pink and gold strobe lights.
You crack open the car door and are met with a stifling deluge of camera flashes. Music pulses through the air, enough to feel beneath your heels.
“Who's my favorite princess?” Somi exclaims, throwing her arms open. “You made it! you look hot.”
“Not as hot as the birthday girl,” you reply, and you let her squeeze the air out of you in a wonderful, bone-crushing hug. “What's with all the cameras?”
“Professional photographers. Just wanted something to remember the night by, because we are blacking out.” She giggles, already tipsy. “Come, come, we’re doing shots inside.”
“Without me?”
“We’ll catch you up.”
Somi drags you by the hand through the sea of people, and you watch the cameras follow as they always do. She leads you up the stairs, underneath the towering balloon display, and into the foyer, already darkened, lit only by a disco ball chandelier and the neon backlights.
You spot Soonyoung by a champagne tower that seems twice his size, as promised. He's in a leather jacket, no shirt under, and you watch his eyes light up as they meet yours.
“A shot for her highness,” he shouts over the music.
“I thought this was champagne.”
“Tequila's close enough.” He laughs, eyes upturned, bright like gemstones.
The first shot goes down easy. It always does. So does the second, unsurprisingly. Around the third is when Somi tells you that the strippers are coming in an hour. (—Strippers?! —Not everyone has a fiancé, you know.)
And, just like that, you’re back to the beginning. It’s hard to think over the ridiculously good Kesha mix the DJ is playing, but, terribly, you think you’re starting to understand what Jeonghan was talking about. You’re still not sure how you feel about duty, responsibility, sacrifice, those heavy words that feel impossibly heavier in your mouth, but all you know is that, as much fun as you’re having now, it comes at a fair price.
Somi told you nothing, no compromising pictures, no drama, would reach the press, but, as hard as she may try, you feel like enough people have laid eyes on you already that someone was bound to hear something. If not now, then definitely in a few hours when everyone’s on at least two and a half substances, and all bets are off.
Briefly, you recall your appearance at the derby, the memory like a shard of glass. You had stood guileless next to Joshua, tripping over your words because you hadn’t cared enough to read the damn briefing, and he had covered it up with a dad joke or two. Coming up with those abominations must have been hard enough for someone whose first book was the Oxford Dictionary, but you don’t even think God and all his angels could cover up this. More than that, the thought of everyone having to try anyway makes your gut twist.
Someone tells you to smile for a selfie. You recognize her, but you don’t remember her name (Amelia or Alicia, one of Somi’s friend of a friends. On second glance, there are definitely more than 200 people here). Let's dance! another voice shouts in your ear.
Your head hurts. You hate the idea that Jeonghan might be a little right, but you hate even more that you’re starting to agree with him. Maybe you need another shot.
“Your gift,” you say, fighting over the chorus of Your Love Is My Drug. “Somi!”
“Oh my god, you did not!” she squeals. She clasps her hands over yours, wrapped around the box, and draws them to her. “Let me take it to the table. I’ll meet you by the pool—oh, oh, there’s a hot dog stand out there too!”
“Actually,” you start. You’re not that drunk, not yet, but now you think you can feel the ground start to sway under you. It wouldn’t be too far a stretch to say that in half an hour, after a little time at the bar, you’d probably be spending the night, no question. “I think I have to run.”
“Aw, really?” Somi tilts her head and squints, as if trying to read your mind.
“I am so sorry,” you tell her, as sincerely as one can over a pop song from the 2000s. “Swear I'll make it up to you.”
“Life stuff, right?”
“It's ok,” she says. “Really really. Go home, figure your shit out, and we can have our own party.”
She holds your joined hands to her heart. Whatever look you gave her, she believed. That, or she knows you better than you think.
So you leave. The car ride home is silent. Jihoon doesn’t ask questions, and you can still hear the sound of the music ringing in your ears, on and on and on.
You think the worst thing you’ve ever woken up to was the Crazy Frog ringtone of one of the guys you had slept with during university.
The second worst has got to be five voice memos and three consecutive missed Facetime calls from Somi, which is the first thing you see upon opening your eyes.
“Oh fuck,” you murmur, still coming to. Your bed is empty, but you see Joshua's suitcase in the corner of the room. He must have come home early this morning, while you were still sleeping.
You crack open your text messages.
–someone must have gotten paid off for last night’s pictures…i had no idea i swear
Then a voice memo. Then another voice memo. then a PopCrave Twitter screenshot: YOU CAN TAKE THE PRINCESS OUT OF THE PARTY–OR CAN YOU? followed by the worst, most incriminating photo of you and Soonyoung, arms linked, throwing back a shot.
“No, no, no, no.” You squeeze your eyes shut, feeling the stone-cold drop of your heart to your feet. “Fuck. Fuck.”
Shit. You have to find Joshua and make it right.
Somehow, you thought it wouldn’t matter, that you didn’t care what did or didn’t get out as long as you were able to have a good time—you desperately search for that same feeling, knowing that it’s long, long gone. You don’t even think you truly ever believed that.
You race down the palace hallways, ones that feel far more familiar than the rigid bastions they were when you first got here, but it’s Joshua who finds you before you find him. Or rather, it’s his voice you hear, trickling out from behind the library door.
Suddenly, you’re five again, and you’re spying on Jeonghan talking to your parents. You peek through the crack of the doorframe. As Somi would say, nightmare blunt rotation: there stands Joshua, surrounded by both sets of parents, and no one looks happy.
“We knew it,” another voice says—your mother. “We’re sorry, but we said this would happen.”
“It’s no matter. There’s nothing left to do but call the engagement off.”
The room goes quiet. You notice your hands are shaking. Your face feels numb.
“You’re right. I don't think anyone’s getting what they want out of this, anyway.”
“We’ll cancel the ball. There’s no way around it. Likely a relief, right, Joshua?”
The moment seems to squirm, suspended in time. This is what you were waiting for, right? Your parents were right—no one wanted this anyway. You certainly didn’t, and now you get your get out of jail free card. On top of that, you get to hear what you’d been expecting all along—that Joshua never liked you, that this was fun and all, but he’s ready to stop playing pretend.
“I…I disagree.” You freeze. “She's my fiancée. I made a commitment to her, and I'm not going to walk away.”
“Joshua, my dear, this arrangement was never going to work. You can be honest.”
This is the part where Joshua nods, does his perfectly symmetric smile, and agrees. This is what he does, what he’s been doing since forever. The story always ends the same way. That was the point.
Instead: “I am being honest. Since when was it illegal to go to your best friend’s birthday party? I don't care what the rest of the world has to say. She’s not who they, or you, think she is.” Through the door-gap, you watch the pursed, resolute draw of Joshua’s lips. “You didn’t even invite her here to talk about her own engagement. You never once gave her a chance.”
A stunned silence falls over the room.
“I’m sorry, but this is how I feel. I won't let you take another girl I love from me. Not again.”
Your hand flies over your mouth, and something twists deep in you, like you’re drowning from the inside out. You can’t, won’t, believe what you just heard. That somehow, beyond all the fighting, the quiet nights, the snide remarks and the fake smiles, that Joshua loved you? Loved? Enough to say all that to the people that ruled his life with an iron fist? None of this made sense, but nothing’s made sense since you got here.
The room erupts into noise, peals of voices all colliding into each other, and you do what you do best—you leave.
No one talks about that morning. You don’t even think anyone knows you were there—part of you wishes that you actually weren’t, so you didn’t have all this on your mind. (Joshua, later that day: I got you something from Seoul. From his suitcase, a bottle of soju. Just kidding. Then a jade bracelet, so vibrant it looked like the ocean.) No one talked about Somi, and no one talked about the party.
In fact, everyone had just rolled on as usual, all the way to the end of the week, the day of your engagement ball. Even you did. The word love felt so big, so burdensome, when Joshua had said it to his parents, but you didn't mind it on you.
The lingering touches, late night talks, tea made the way you like—nothing really had changed much since shit hit the fan, but now you knew that was the label. You guess that when you told Joshua you had never been in love before, you were really telling the truth. Either that, or he was just saying whatever the hell he needed to stop your engagement from imploding.
Still, you found yourself still reaching for him. There was an unfamiliar comfort about his nearness. You woke up this morning cradled to his side, and, for once, it wasn’t a scene you wanted to erase.
Now, your hairstylist hoses your blowout down with hairspray. You’d spent the better part of this morning sitting in different chairs, hair, makeup, nails. A part of you waits for the other shoe to drop: Joshua’s mother would waltz in and tell you, Surprise! You’re a single woman again, just as you should be.
It never happens. You’re wrapped in various mists and creams and powders, all the while fielding all the same questions about the ball (—Excited for tonight? Yeah, of course. —How does it feel being the surprise couple of the year? Surprising.)
It’s not until Yunjin comes in, wheeling in your giant, sparkly engagement gown, all Italian lace and satin brocade, that things feel real.
The dress itself is beautiful, a pale champagne number, gathered at the waist with a smattering of crystals down the train. Earlier, when you’d first tried it on, it looked like a costume fit for the girl playing wife. It was another smothering thing that hung on you, just like everything else in your life.
Today, you watch your form tall in the mirror. You meet her eyes, her uncertain mouth. It’s you, for sure, but there’s a stillness about you that you can’t quite put a finger on. Maybe Joshua’s demeanor was contagious.
Yunjin laces your bodice up, careful eyelet by eyelet—“You’re nervous, huh?”
“Is it really that obvious?”
She laughs. “Breathe. You’re not getting married. Not yet, at least.”
“Yunjin, isn’t it weird that no one has talked to me about Somi’s birthday? Everyone on the planet saw the leaks.”
“Maybe they finally learned to stop giving a shit. You looked hot, you had a good time, end of story. It’s not like anyone died.”
True. She grabs your shoulders and looks at you through the reflection of the mirror.
“Smile. Enjoy yourself. You look so, so beautiful.” You take a deep, soaking breath. You think about Joshua and all the sharp edges of his voice when he said he loved you. You had argued with him a lot, and you had never heard him like that. “You want this, right?”
Well, when she puts it like that? Yeah, you do. You think you really do.
The Great Hall is unrecognizable when you stand before it; the pink and white zinnias have been replaced by bouquets of calla lily and eucalyptus, the arched ceilings, once cold and imposing, now are bathed in the buttery, warm glow of candlelight. And the too-big space, usually empty, is now filled with partygoers, radiant in their best dress.
You stand at the top of the grand staircase. A thrill, anxious and skittering, runs up your bones. You’re reminded of your last big public showing at the derby, of the sea of microphones and the eye of the camera and the crowd, all staring you down.
You run through the cruel motions. First, a curtesy, so slow you think the audience can see you tremble. Then you take the first step down the stairs, and you watch them turn to you like the tanned halo-faces of sunflowers.
There, in the center of the crowd stands Joshua, unwavering. He's wearing a deep blue tuxedo, unfairly flattering (though, the lone curl of hair falling into his eyes is strong competition). Meeting his gaze, you watch the corners of his mouth fold up in a way that reminds you to breathe. In, out. You’ve got this.
Every step, you feel like you’re learning to walk for the first time, like you've lost your sea legs. Amongst the guests, you spot Jeonghan, next to him Jihoon. Then back to Joshua, like your eyes can’t stay away. He shoots you a covert thumbs up—you’d expect nothing less from the corniest man on Earth—but, nonetheless, it makes the long walk to the center of the room feel much shorter, despite the torture devices on your feet (Louboutins, not broken in).
One, two steps, and you’re face to face with your fiancé. Your heart is still racing, thrumming against the cage of your bodice like it's trying to escape. You’re sure the whole congregation could hear it if not for the quartet that’s come to life, now playing the opening notes of Blue Danube.
Yes, that’s right, you tell yourself. You still have to dance in front of the whole fucking country.
Before you crash out and make this a national emergency, you feel the warmth of Joshua’s touch. Fingertips before palm, always the same, he finds your hand, like he manages to do every single time.
“I’ve got you,” he says, low enough for only you to hear. And for the first time, you believe him.
Really, you could have gotten away with saying nothing. It would be much easier, to be honest.
The ball had gone off without a hitch so far. The music was good, the food even better, and your parents were somehow silenced, instead opting to dance among the crowd like they were young again. Still, you can’t seem to put your mind at ease. With everything that had happened this week, Jeonghan’s offer only seemed to weigh heavier, more urgently upon you. And of course, there was the matter of Joshua choosing to opt into your engagement, against all odds.
You realize you had gotten quite good at running away from things—your family, your responsibilities, the media, even Joshua—not knowing how to bear the weight of an impossible duty. Actually, you thought it was a royal failing until you had seen Joshua in the library that morning, jaw set, unbending.
“Hey, Josh?” you ask, with a few bats of the eyelashes to soften the blow.
He tilts his head in that way he does, and his gaze softens. Damn you, you think. Trying to distract me with those horrible, pretty eyes.
“Can we talk about Sunday?”
“What about Sunday?” He still looks confused, and you know the look well enough at this point to know he’s not faking it.
“Um…Sunday morning. After the party,” you say slowly, as if giving yourself time to back out, just in case. “I heard you talking with our parents.”
In an instant, his expression changes, and his eyebrows roll into their usual furrow. You feel his hand falter behind your shoulder blades.
“Oh,” Joshua’s voice drops. “That.”
“I’m sorry,” you say, realizing all you do is apologize. “It was supposed to be a small thing, no cameras, I barely even stayed—.”
“Hey, it’s ok,” Joshua interrupts. “You didn’t do anything wrong. You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
“I-I know,” you fib. The thing about pretending is that you’ve both become so good at it that you have trouble believing him. “It’s just that I also heard what…what you said.”
Somehow, the wrinkle between his brows grows deeper.
“I said a lot of things that morning.”
You press your lips thin, feeling what you’re about to say ball up on your tongue. Easily, you could change the subject; you didn’t have to know anything, really, you could stay silent and let the world work around you, just as you had been taught. But you watch the soft twist of Joshua’s gaze, how he studies your expression, and you know you can’t go back to how things used to be.
“You said you…” You take a hard swallow. All the blood in your body only wants to exist in the apples of your cheeks, away from your brain where you need it most. “You loved me.”
At once, the world spins off-axis. You feel the anxious flutter of Joshua’s heart under your palm, and your own stomach flips in its cage. The L word coming out of your mouth seems ten-thousand times more ridiculous than anything he could say, probably because you can’t remember the last time you actually said it and it came out all wrong.
He must feel the same way. For once, he can’t meet your eyes. His mouth opens and then closes, as if hoping to delete what you had just said. Maybe you would just keep dancing, beat by beat, and this would all go away.
Silly girl, you think, traitorously. Pick a damn side. Either he likes you or he doesn’t. The problem is that, somehow, both options hurt your feelings.
“I mean, I totally get it if you just said it to keep up the act,” you cut in. “There are a lot of reasons why this is a good idea.”
“The act?”
“Well, yeah,” you reply. “Isn’t that what this is? Haven’t we just been lying to everyone? To ourselves?”
Joshua’s hand at your waist stiffens before he draws you closer to him. You expect him to roll his eyes, do one of those exaggerated sighs that he does when you’re being difficult.
Instead he leans in, close enough for you to feel his voice against your skin.
“Do you think I was lying back there? Or now?”
Your heart lurches.
“I—no, but.” You pause. Every single coherent thought you’ve ever had scatters to the wind. “Well.”
“Because I’m not,” Joshua says, this time, more softly. “Not about this. Or us.”
“But how? Why?” You bite the inside of your cheek, feeling your chest swell in a way it never has before. “You’re perfect, and I'm…I’m me.”
“That’s why,” he answers, simply. “You’re smart, funny, honest—sometimes too honest, even. You reminded me there was a better version of me that I had left behind. One that wasn’t perfect, but was happy.”
He holds you in his gaze the same way he did in the garden, carved by moonlight. An impossible warmth fills your skin; at once, it feels like, in your vision, there is only him, like you're in a cartoon.
“At the same time, I understand if—” Joshua starts.
“I feel the same,” you blurt out. “I…I don’t know what this is, and I don’t think I ever really did, but I want to try.”
You watch the surprise write itself all over his doe eyes, his unfairly rounded cheeks. From by the hors d'oeuvres, nosy Jeonghan peeks over the shoulder of another guest, already familiar with your lack of volume control. You watch him grin something stupid, triumphant.
“You’re uptight, judgmental, and you make the worst jokes. But I…I think I might be falling for you too.”
Saying it is like getting peeled back, terrible layer by layer, like you wrapped a hand around your heart and ripped it out your chest. And yet you’re glowing, newly-bitten with something that feels like freedom.
“I thought you said I was perfect,” Joshua says, the pink of his lips already unraveling into a smile. This one, you think, finally reaches his eyes.
“Shush, you—” And amongst a chorus of Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! (which would be, quite frankly, humiliating in any other scenario), you finally give in to your adoring public, and kiss.
The walk back to your bedroom is a blur. All you remember are hands—hands on the small of your back, hands riding up the length of your thigh, hands in your hair, pulling at your roots. You remember hands, and the taste of Joshua’s mouth.
It’s a walk you are not proud of, one that you’re glad happened in the dark, with all the guests gone home.
“Did I tell you how beautiful you are?” Joshua says, pressed to the hollow of your neck as you fumble with the handle of the door to your room. “Couldn’t take my eyes off you. No one could.”
Then his lips on yours, before you finally remember how to open a door.
“Fuck, Josh,” you breathe between kisses, stumbling backwards until your back hits the vanity. “Need you, need you so bad.”
He bites your lip, lets you sigh into his mouth.
“Dress, off,” you tell him, and you lean forward on the table. Obediently, Joshua gets to work. His touch feels fiery, electric on your skin.
In the mirror, you’re able to see the damage: your lipstick, smudged beyond repair, your blown-out pupils under your heavy lashes. There’s a hickey on your collarbone.
“Now you have me wishing you'd wear one of those party dresses,” Joshua murmurs, still working at the lacing at your waist. “Far easier to take off.”
“Really. The same ones that got me in big trouble with you lot?"
"For what it's worth," he replies, before kissing the back of your neck, then the ticklish space under your ear to make you laugh. "I always liked you in those. Even before we met."
"No way." He’s finished with the lacing; your dress falls to your feet in a glorious heap of silk and lace, leaving you in your slip. Another kiss to your jaw, your cheek. "You hated them."
"I almost bought a copy of Insider, the one with the cover of you in the black dress with the long sleeves."
"Shut up," you laugh again, somewhere in between kisses. He’s talking about Soonyoung's New Year’s Eve party, a few years back. You were getting out the back of a cab, alcohol-flushed and on a phone call with God knows who. "I still have it, you know. I could wear it for you one of these days."
"Don't tempt me." Joshua kneels, bending down to undo your heels. You feel him press his lips to the back of your knee, your thigh. “Friday. Dinner?”
Then he stands back to full height and leans into you, just so you can feel him. Like clockwork, your skin prickles wonderfully even just thinking about blowing him in the back of the limo, that night he had held you down on his cock.
Joshua must see how you squeeze your legs together. He pushes your slip up over the curve of your ass; you feel the rough of his hands over your skin, over the flimsy lace you have on for underwear. Then, before you can say a word, he pulls the waistband back, meanly, enough to tug on the hood of your clit, and lets it snap back against your skin.
“Oh, fuck,” you keen. You had no idea you were so sensitive, but Joshua’s foreplay game was way better than you thought. “Please, Shua.”
“Oh? So you like when I'm a little mean?”
You watch your face in the mirror flush pink, your bitten lips fall open in surprise. He pulls tight on your panties again, loving how your eyes squeeze shut.
“Maybe.” You pause, humiliated. Fuck it, the cat’s already out of the bag. “Yeah.”
Joshua’s hands are warm, so warm, when they peel the fabric down your trembling thighs.
“Legs apart, darling,” he tells you, mouth pressed to your shoulder. “So you like to boss me around the castle, but now you want me to tell you what to do? Is that so?”
Before you can answer, you feel a finger along the seam of your cunt. You can’t see Joshua’s face in the mirror, but you can sure see yours, and you hate how even the smallest of touches has you drooling. Then a touch to your swollen clit, just rough enough to draw a gasp from you.
“I-it’s different,” you protest. Two fingers now, both rolling your clit under them. A whimper tumbles out of your chest, and your hips seem to be moving on their own accord. “Didn’t know you had…experience.”
“Still not sure what made you think otherwise.” A quiet chuckle, then the slow, agonizing push of one of his fingers inside you. “Fuck, you love that, huh? Soaking my hand.”
“Yeah…” The vanity table suddenly feels too crowded to support the weight of your body, especially like this, as Joshua continues to work your clit with his other digit. Feeling your body surge again with heat, you push aside your makeup bag, all your stupid little bottles, so you can prop yourself up on your arms.
Another finger, and your legs are shaking. Quickly, he seems to have figured out how to hit your g-spot every time, every pump of his hand knocking into you just the way you like.
“I think it was how annoying you were that did you in,” you finally answer, trying your best to put up a fair fight. “Kinda detracts from your sex appeal.”
“Annoying?” Joshua asks, right up against the shell of your ear. Like this, you can see him in the mirror, and it almost sends you over. The dark hair in his face, the insatiable look in his eyes. Then a third finger, and your eyes roll back. “Am I annoying you? Doesn’t really seem like it.”
Your body answers for you. You feel yourself tighten around his fingers, fuck, you’re so close, you feel your head start to spin. You watch your reflection shake her head, glassy-eyed and dumb.
He laughs cruelly. His free hand reaches up to find your tits, and, over the slip, he grabs one, rough like he’s a meaner man, like he’s slutting you out.
At once, you feel the lightning heat of your release. You cry out, airy and high-pitched, and feel your body rock against Joshua’s as he pins you between himself and the vanity.
“There you go,” he murmurs. His hand slows, letting you ride out your high, before he pulls out. “Wanted to do this ever since I kissed you that night.”
“Which night?” you ask, catching your breath. A kiss to your shoulder blade, the nape of your neck.
“The night you taught me to kiss. Or rather, tried to.”
Ah, yes. The night you told him what Shark Tale was, and the night you made out for so long, you felt it on your lips in the morning. Dumb fucking Joshua, stupid and in love. The affection that surges through your body makes you mad.
“You needed lessons.”
“Not really, don’t you think?”
“Bed. You’re talking too much,” you insist, turning around to see him. “Also, you’re wearing too much.”
“Back to arguing with me, I see. Can’t stay away.” Joshua’s shit-eating grin prompts you to yank his tie impatiently, shutting him up. It comes off easily, just as his belt and the waistband of his slacks. (You weren’t about to let them best you a second time).
“Maybe ‘cause you find a way to be difficult about everything.” You wrinkle your nose, and Joshua’s grin only grows wider. “Don’t make me give you another order,” you warn, fully aware that since you guys got here, it’d been him doing the orders.
You pull your slip over your head, now only in your bra, and lay back in the bed. You think of all the sleepless nights, then the ones spent talking, the ones in his arms. To think they would all culminate to this, to you now watching Joshua undo button by button with a desire unlike any other you’ve felt—it would almost be unbelievable if you weren’t doing it right now.
Like a striptease, you watch his chest peek out between the linen of his shirt. He's wearing a necklace today, one that settles meanly between his pecs. As he moves lower, you can’t help but notice the outline of his cock in his briefs, the spot of precum on the fabric.
Traitorously, you feel your mouth water. The shirt comes off, and your lungs fill with another shaky breath.
You know you’re both letting your freak flag fly (one of you more surprising than the other) but it’s in this moment, caught in the lamplight, that you realize how much things have really changed. Still, you’re not able to tell Joshua that this is the first time you’re sleeping with someone you might be in the L word with, but you think he sees it too, or at least, reads the look on your face.
You feel the dip of the bed underneath as he joins you.
“Are you ok? That wasn’t too much, right?”
“No, it was…it was good. really good,” you admit, feeling your face heat up again. “I just…I dunno. I like you a lot, that’s all.”
“I—” you stutter, and your mouth freezes up again. “I said I like you a lot.”
“Sorry, I just wanted to hear you say it twice.” He sees the dismay on your face and smiles. “Hm…I like you an adequate amount. On a good day.”
Against your will, you crack the fattest smile you think your body is capable of. “You are the worst. The absolute worst, and I still want you to fuck me.”
Upon hearing this, Joshua does not waste time. That he does—it isn’t long before he has your knees hiked to your chest, cock between your pussy lips.
“Say you want it,” he whispers. You feel the cold kiss of his chain on your chest, the slick rock of his length between your legs. He's so hard, so big, your cunt already aches at the thought of it.
“Want it.” Your voice comes out small, breathy. You would fight back, but you’re realizing you quite like this side of him. “Please.”
When the head of his cock presses into you, there is no hiding. Already, you moan, sweet and loud, feeling the familiar pressure in your gut.
“K-keep going,” you babble. Fuck, he barely fit in your mouth and now he’s stuffing your cunt. You wrench your eyes shut, listening to him talk you through it (—Look at you taking me so well. Feels good, huh? You’re so beautiful. Honestly, it’s a miracle Joshua’s ex never had a royal baby with how much they must have fucked.)
Your second orgasm comes quickly, not long after Joshua bottoms out. He groans right in the space where your neck meets your shoulder, and it’s the best noise you think you’ve heard in your life.
The third comes slowly, more intensely. With your knees to your chest, you think you can feel Joshua all the way in your stomach. Every stroke fucks the sound out of you, his cockhead right up against your sweet spot as he fills you again and again. Sometime between orgasm two and three, he’s pulled your tits out from your bra, left marks across your chest.
“Want you to touch yourself,” he tells you, voice low.
Mindlessly, you listen. One hand finds your nipple, the other your clit, and you let yourself get lost in the feeling.
“F-feels good, Shua.” He enters you again, all the way, and the pleasure is white-hot. “O-oh, fuck,” you warble.
“You’re so good at listening to me, you should do it all the time,” he murmurs. “There you go. Take it, take it, just like that. This must be what I have to do to get you to be nice, hm?”
All you can do is stare up at him, positively fucked dumb, and take it, just as he told you to. One, two strokes, and you feel yourself get impossibly tight; “Fill me, need it, need it,” you whine, delirious. Everything from the look in his eyes, the flushed sweat over his brow, his collarbones to the way his expression responds with every word you say, makes you wonder why you wasted time fucking anyone else.
When he comes, he bites your shoulder, hard, and it’s what you need to follow soon after. You feel so fucking full, so satisfied, you think you could die happy here.
Joshua flops down on the bed next to you, boneless. You think he’s about to say something akin to that you should have put a towel down, but he doesn’t. Instead, he pulls your body to him, lets you feel the warmth of his skin play against yours.
He’s murmuring wonderful things to you, which you would gladly reciprocate if words weren’t coming to you one letter a minute. It’s not your fault though—you need to recover physically, emotionally, spiritually after getting the soul fucked out of you.
Then, “Me or you shower first?”
You groan as a response.
“I’m serious.”
“Together?” you offer weakly.
“Fair chance we won’t just be showering then.”
“Oh nooo.”
That’s all Joshua needs to whisk you to the bathroom, where, indeed, he seems to be right yet again.
The spring morning washes over Acros like a second skin. The birdsong rouses you; through the curtains comes sunlight from the garden, spackled on the wall as if spots on a doe.
It’s been almost a year since your parents had told you that you were marrying Joshua Hong, prince of Acros. Six months since he had told you he had loved you. Two months since you and Jeonghan had pulled off your first joint production at the youth theater (a roaring success). One month since you were fully, fully moved in, Astrid and Jihoon included.
After your engagement ball, you and Joshua had agreed to take it slow, as slow as two people who had very publicly announced their wedding could. But still, somehow your parents, both sets, could tolerate the two of you wanting to do things the right way. Perhaps they were still shocked things worked out as well as they did.
“Morning,” you call out. The bed beside you is cold. “Josh?”
You’re surprised he’s up. Last night, he went out with you, Somi, and Soonyoung. Somehow, he had drunk enough to get up and solo karaoke a Whitney Houston song, although you’re suspecting the alcohol was just a cover for his true intentions.
Then you look out the window. You spot Joshua, seated on the bench overlooking the garden. This time of year, the roses are in full bloom, their bright heads reaching for the sky in brilliant red and gold.
When you go to join him outside, he’s no longer at the bench. You actually don’t know where the fuck he went, but it’s no matter. Here, you’re able to appreciate the beauty of the season, the rolling green of the country you’re now calling home.
It was also here where you had your first real conversation with Joshua without fighting, funnily enough. Now, you’d say the both of you were more agreeable, but that’d be a lie—somehow, you think you actually enjoy bickering with him, but that’s a conversation for another day.
Behind you, someone (Joshua) clears his throat.
“Now, what are you—” you say, spinning around. It was too damn early for games, but Joshua had no shortage of bad ideas.
It’s then that you see Joshua behind you, on one knee. His smile tells you everything you have to know, and every thought in your mind freezes in an instant.
“When I first saw you, I knew I would marry you,” he starts. That's a joke he’s probably been saving for months now, but instead of rolling your eyes, you can’t help but laugh, like you’re a broken soundboard. “No, really.”
You stand there, immovable. Of course you had to be in your pajamas (his shirt and boxers, really), no makeup, hair untouched. And yet, you can’t imagine anything more perfect.
“You drive me crazy,” Joshua continues. “In every way possible. I can't imagine life without your laugh, or your thinking face, or how you always need to have an answer for everything.”
He produces a small box. It’s different from the first one, the one he used all those months ago when nothing mattered. Inside it, a new ring, something far simpler and more beautiful.
Joshua says your name, wonderful and reverent in his mouth. “Darling princess of Cotria, I'm asking you to marry me. Again.”
And you say yes, for the very first time.
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Requested Anonymously
Summary: The brothers say something too harsh to MC so MC refuses to talk to them or interact with them. The Seven Demon Brothers x Reader Word Count: 8,242

It wasn’t unusual for Lucifer to get snappy with others.
He was constantly overworked and over exhausted and his brothers liked to cause as much trouble for him as possible.
But, no matter how tired he was, Lucifer always did his best to keep his composure around you.
He had been working really hard on a specific project for Lord Diavolo recently and you could see how tired he was.
You made frequent trips to his study, bringing him his favorite drink and massaging his shoulders whenever you could to try to help.
But, now Lucifer was barely able to keep his eyes open anymore and you couldn’t stand to see him like this.
You carefully approached him and gently rubbed his arm, taking a seat next to him. He didn’t even look up from his papers.
“Lucifer, I think you should take a break,” you told him honestly.
“I don’t have time for that Y/N,” he replied, continuing to work.
“At least for a little bit? A break would do you some good,” you tried again, and he let out an irritated sigh.
“I already told you, I don’t have time for that,” he reiterated, more annoyed this time.
But, you were really worried about him, so you didn’t want to give up so easily.
“Lucifer,” you began again and he slammed his hand down on his desk making you let out a small gasp.
“What I’m doing is important and I need to concentrate, so if you’re just going to keep pestering me then just leave because, at this point, all you are is a nuisance,” he stated coldly.
You looked at him for a moment, feeling the sting of his words but not knowing how to react. He didn’t even care enough to see that his words had hurt you.
“Fine,” you muttered before getting up and leaving his study.
Lucifer was really in the thick of it with work so he didn’t even realize the words that he had said and how they must have hurt you until later.
He was still in his study and he sat back in his chair, rolling shoulders as he let out a small groan of pain. They were sore from spending so much time in the same position. Usually, you would try and massage them to help prevent them from getting to this point.
He then looked down at his teacup and noticed that it was completely empty and had been for a while. But, you always made sure to bring him his favorite drink so that he could continue to work.
That’s when Lucifer began thinking back to the last time he saw you enter his study and what happened the last time.
He let out a deep sigh as he replayed the words he had said to you in his head. Surely, you knew that he didn’t mean them, right? He loved you and you had to know that.
He wanted nothing more than to go and apologize to you but he had to keep working. It was his responsibility.
Meanwhile, you avoided Lucifer’s study at all costs. You were just trying to help Lucifer and if he couldn’t see that then you didn’t have anything else to say to him.
Lucifer only lasted one day without seeing you when he started to grow concerned. He tried sending you a couple of text messages, not wanting to leave his study, but he was met with crickets and he couldn’t stand it any longer.
He had reached a point in the project where, perhaps, he could take a small break and he immediately went to your bedroom, knocking on your door.
There was no answer and while he was tempted to break it down to make sure you weren’t in there ignoring him, he kept his composure.
You had just come back from the kitchen, a drink in hand when you saw Lucifer standing in front of your bedroom door.
You stopped in your tracks as the two of you made eye contact and you took in his appearance.
He looked even more miserable than he did the last time you saw him.
Neither of you said anything for a few moments, just staring at each other.
After another moment, you spun on your heels, trying to retreat back to the kitchen.
Lucifer was in front of you in an instant, inches away from you and the close proximity itself was enough to start revitalizing him.
“Are you avoiding me?” he asked, his deep voice wanting to make you swoon after not hearing it for an entire day. But, you stood your ground.
“Why shouldn’t I be? Since I’m just a nuisance to you and all,” you replied, your eyes filled with noticeable seriousness and hurt.
It took a lot to make Lucifer falter, but when you threw his words to you back at him, he nearly winced as if you slapped him.
He took a step closer to you before telling you, “You know that I don’t really think that.”
You let out a small sigh as you looked down to the ground and Lucifer realized that maybe he had really messed up this time. Maybe you really didn’t know how he truly felt about you.
He gently raised your chin with one of his gloved hands so that you were looking at him before gently pressing his lips on yours in an intimate kiss.
When he pulled away, his eyes locked with you as he told you, “You could never be a nuisance to me, because I love you.”
And those were the words you were waiting to hear - the ones that always made you swoon even if you were mad at him.
“Please, come back and join me in my study,” he asked, his hand dropping down to interlace his fingers with yours.
Under his intense gaze, you couldn’t help but feel your resolve cracking as you allowed him to lead you to his study.
Once there, you told Lucifer, “You still have some making up to do.” Lucifer smirked slightly at your words before sitting down on his chair and pulling you into his lap.
You nearly spilled your drink at his actions and his smirk only grew. “I still have some work to do, but this way, I can pay attention to you as well,” he told you, one arm wrapping around you to keep you in place while the other continued to write on the document in front of him.
You opened your mouth to reply, but Lucifer continued to speak before you could, his lips inches from your ear as he told you, “Then, when I’m done with this, you can have my full attention.”

Mammon had just completed a long photoshoot for a magazine that wanted him to be his model.
It was a lot of work, but the paycheck was worth it and he already knew what he wanted to do with it. Take you on a date!
Mammon was so excited to take you out that you couldn’t help but say yes.
He was always in a good mood whenever he came into money, no matter how that may be, but it was even better when he got to spend time with you because of it.
He had a whole plan to take you to a traveling carnival that was passing through the Devildom and the two of you left almost immediately.
The carnival was a lot bigger than you were expecting, filled with rides, food stalls, thrill acts and so much more.
You had been enjoying your time with Mammon there and it was one of the rare times that you got to see him drop his act and just be himself around you without the worry of one of his brothers being around.
He was even holding your hand the entire time, a small blush coating his cheeks as he tried to play the action off like it was no big deal.
After going on one of the more thrilling rides, the two of you decided to take a break and you sat down on a nearby bench as you watched one of the acts that was performing.
Your head rested against Mammon’s shoulder and this thumb traced circles on the back of your hand.
Suddenly, a random demon appeared sitting right next to Mammon and looking at the two of you.
You raised your head to pay attention, confused as to what he wanted and the demon leaned in closer, talking in a quiet voice. Mammon was about to tell him to get lost when the demon spoke.
“You’re Mammon, the Avatar of Greed, right?” the demon asked with hope in his eyes.
You and Mammon shared a look, questioning how this demon knew Mammon and that was all the confirmation he needed.
“I knew it!” he said with a smile before adding, “Please, sir, follow me and I’ll lead you to the undercover casino.”
Mammon’s eyes widened at his words. “Undercover casino?” Mammon asked. He didn’t know there would be one at this carnival.
“Yes, you’re one of our best patrons. If you come with me, we can treat you to the full service,” the demon replied and you could practically see Mammon’s eyes light up with gold.
“Mammon, I don’t think we should-,” you tried to say but you were cut off by him jumping up, a large smile on his face.
“Lead the way!” Mammon said and the demon lit up as he began showing the two of you the way.
“Mammon, I think this is a bad idea,” you told him and he gave your hand a small squeeze.
“Don’t worry! We’ll only stay for a few minutes,” he replied, and you let out a small sigh. It was never a few minutes.
And you were right, just like you knew you would be. The two of you were there for at least an hour as Mammon’s train of thought was completely taken over by his greed.
“I’m sorry, sir, but if you want to keep playing, you’ll have to put up more money,” the dealer stated and Mammon searched his wallet for more. Empty.
“Y/N, loan me some money, will ya’?” Mammon asked and you could feel yourself start to get annoyed.
“Mammon, you already lost all of the money you earned from that job. Let’s just call it a night,” you tried to reason with him, but his lips turned into a frown.
“C’mon, don’t be such a killjoy. I’m gonna win big this time, I know it!” Mammon tried to convince you, but you were done with the casino.
“Mammon, we should go home,” you stated more firmly.
“I spent the whole night doin’ what you wanted, so the least you could do is spend some time doin’ what I want!” Mammon argued.
His words cut you, but you tried to gain control of the situation. “Mammon-,” you tried once again but he cut you off with a loud groan of frustration.
“If I wanted someone to ruin my fun then I would have taken Lucifer,” Mammon stated before muttering, “Jeez, I don’t even know why I took ya’ out in the first place.”
Your heart dropped at his words as you felt tears sting your eyes, but you wouldn’t let him see them fall. Fine.
You searched through your things to find your money and handed it to Mammon who had a large smile on his face at the sight of it. “Bet as much as you want. I’m going home,” you stated before walking away and back to the House of Lamentation.
Just as you knew, once again, Mammon lost all of the money you had given him and now he had nothing left.
He looked around the casino for you and when he couldn’t find you, he started calling you and texting you. Did you really leave?
As the money-hungry fog started to lift from his mind, Mammon was able to start thinking clearly and he realized just how badly he had messed up.
He continued to try to call you as he made his way back to the House of Lamentation, but you refused to answer his calls.
When he got to the house, he immediately went to your room and knocked on your bedroom door, but he was met with more silence.
He tried to get you to open the door the entire night but when he realized you weren’t going to, he sulked back to his room. How was he supposed to fix this if you wouldn’t talk to him?
Your silent treatment continued for the next few days. You wouldn’t talk to him at RAD and you would lock him out of your room before he had a chance to talk to you back at the House of Lamentation.
Mammon was growing more and more depressed about it too. He wasn’t sleeping, he was barely eating, and he felt like there was nothing he could do about it.
You had purposefully been only leaving your room at times when you thought Mammon would be out of the house or asleep.
It was too painful to see after the things he said to you when you were just trying to keep him from getting further into debt.
It was a little after midnight when you decided to go to the kitchen to get some food. You managed to make it to the fridge with no problem, but right as you grabbed the item you wanted, Mammon suddenly entered.
The two of you looked at each other in shock, neither one of you expecting the other to be there.
You wanted nothing more than to go back to your room, but he was blocking the exit.
“Uh…hi,” Mammon said, looking down at the ground. He was nervous and under any other circumstance, you would feel a little bad for him.
He didn’t say anything else, so you decided to try to push past him to get back to your room.
But as you passed him, Mammon gently grabbed your arm. “Wait,” he said, finally bringing himself to look at you and you paused to listen to what he had to say.
He was bad at speeches so he said the first thing that came to his mind. “I miss ya’.”
And his puppy dog eyes and those words that sounded so sad were enough to almost make you cave. Almost.
Mammon could tell it wasn’t enough so he continued to say, “I’m sorry about what I said. You’re the only one I want to go out with and I don’t know why ya’ even agreed to go out with me,” he told you honestly and you could see the heartbreak in his eyes, shattering the walls that you had put up.
You gently reached up and cupped his cheek with one of your hands and he immediately leaned into your touch.
You pulled away after a moment and began walking to your room, leaving a very confused Mammon standing there.
You turned back to face him when you realized he wasn’t following you and you motioned towards your room before asking, “Are you coming?”
He got a big smile at your words and he nodded his head, letting you lead him to your room.
As soon as you shut the door, Mammon engulfed you in his arms, pulling you onto the bed and refusing to let go.
You let yourself melt in his embrace before telling him, “No more gambling on dates.”
He gently pressed his lips to yours before replying, “Promise.”

There were a few things that Levi was uptight about and those things usually had something to do with either his anime, manga, or videogames.
Other than those things, Levi was usually pretty nonchalant. He didn’t care what others did or didn’t do and he didn’t complain if they didn’t spend time with him.
He just usually did his own thing and you admired him for that.
It didn’t take long for you and Levi to start hanging out, common interests bringing the two of you together.
And Levi soon found that he was going against all of his beliefs as a shut-in. He was starting to actually care about what others did. Well, about what one person did in particular.
Things that Levi used to love to do by himself didn’t seem as fun when you weren’t around, so he tried to invite you over as much as he possibly could.
You didn’t mind at all because Levi usually invited you to do something you liked doing anyway.
Levi never had someone that liked the same things he liked as much as you did, which is probably what added to his infatuation of spending time with you.
And it was like a secret that only the two of you shared, or a language that only the two of you knew how to speak.
Or, that’s how Levi thought of it until he caught you and Solomon talking at RAD.
You had mentioned one of your and Levi’s favorite games to Solomon and he had, surprisingly, known about it.
So the two of you started talking about all your favorite characters and mechanics of the game.
In your defense, it was a completely innocent conversation between friends, but Levi didn’t see it that way.
What he saw is the way you smiled at Solomon as he spoke, in a way that Levi only wanted you to look at him.
And what he heard was the way you sweetly laughed at Solomon’s jokes, with a laugh that was supposed to be reserved for his ears.
And then, you invited Solomon to come over to the House of Lamentation and play the game with you and Levi.
His sin had taken over him faster than he could process what was happening and he stood in between you and Solomon in his demon form, a very unhappy look on his place.
“Levi? Are you okay?” you asked him, worried when you saw the form he was in.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked you, sending a glance to Solomon.
“We were just talking,” you replied, confused as to what he was getting at.
“You invited him to play our game!” Levi snapped back and you and Solomon shared a look as you realized why he might be upset.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think it would be a big deal,” you replied honestly. Solomon and Levi were friends and Solomon had come over lots of time to play games with Levi, so why should this time be any different?
But your words seemed to only set Levi off more as his insecurities got the better of him.
“Well, it might not seem like a big deal to you but it’s a big deal to me,” he replied and you could hear the hurt in his voice. The conversation was spiraling and you didn’t know how to stop it.
“Levi, I didn’t mean anything by that,” you tried to reason but he was too far in his head down.
“This is what I get I guess,” he stated and you looked at him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you questioned.
“It means I never should have tried to be friends with some lame normie who doesn’t care about anyone but themselves,” Levi snapped back and this time it was your turn to be hurt.
“Let’s all calm down,” Solomon interjected, trying to de-escalate the situation and Levi’s demon form caught the attention of Lucifer. Levi knew furthering the fight would only get him involved, so he backed down.
“Whatever,” Levi muttered before walking away and Solomon turned to you.
“Are you okay?” Solomon asked you and you replied with a short, “I’m fine.”
You went back to the House of Lamentation with the full intention of avoiding Levi and giving him the silent treatment, which was all too easy to do because he didn’t leave his room after the fight.
You were both getting more and more miserable as you spent time apart, but Levi was upset because he thought you liked Solomon and you were upset because of what he said to you so neither of you were ready to apologize.
After about a week of the two of you not speaking, it was starting to affect everyone else as well.
Solomon decided to do something about it since he was technically involved.
He came to Levi’s room, fully expecting Levi to not answer the door; but, he had.
Truth be told, Levi had only opened it in the hopes that you would be on the other side but he was largely disappointed when he saw Solomon standing there.
“What are you doing here?” Levi asked and Solomon gave him an innocent smile.
“I was hoping to talk to you for a moment,” Solomon replied.
“About what?” Levi asked and Solomon’s expression turned to a serious one.
“About Y/N,” he replied and at the mention of your name, a blush rose to Levi’s cheeks.
“I don’t want to talk about them,” Levi replied, attempting to shut the door to his room but Solomon stopped him.
“Please, just listen,” Solomon said and Levi, having no choice, let him continue.
“The only reason that Y/N and I were talking about the game was because they were telling me how much they’ve been enjoying playing it with you,” Solomon told Levi.
“So?” Levi asked and Solomon wanted to roll his eyes at the oblivious demon.
“They were telling me about how much they’ve been enjoying spending time with you,” Solomon tried to further clarify.
Something clicked in Levi’s mind this time and his cheeks burned a furious red as he understood what Solomon was trying to say.
He quickly slammed the door on Solomon’s face to process the new information on his own and then he felt like a total idiot for snapping at you.
It only took him a few more minutes to show up at your door, nervously knocking on it.
You opened it a few moments later and Levi saw his own miserableness reflected on you.
“I…I know I messed everything up a-and you’ll probably never forgive me. But, I wanted to say I’m sorry and ask if you wanted to play some games,” Levi said practically in one breath before he could chicken out of it.
He held your favorite game in his hands along with some snacks, hoping that you would let him in.
“Why would you want to spend time with a lame normie like me?” you asked and Levi winced at your words. He deserved that.
He let out a defeated sigh, casting his gaze down at the floor before telling you, “Because I don’t think you're lame. You’re the most amazing person I know. But, if you don’t want to play that’s fine, I’ll just leave you alone.”
His dejected look pulled at your heartstrings and you couldn’t help but stop him by gently grabbing his arms.
He looked back at you with hopeful eyes and you told him, “Maybe we can play for a little bit.”
Levi immediately rushed into your room, a bright smile on his face that was contagious as he set everything up.
This was only the beginning of his apology and he was going to make sure he made up for what he said.
And maybe, just maybe, along with an apology he could also confess his feelings for you.

Out of all the demon brothers, Satan was the best at holding a grudge.
After all, he had been holding once against Lucifer for his entire life.
Satan was a classy demon but he was equally stubborn and if he didn’t want to back down from a fight, there was no making him do so.
So, when the two of you got into a fight, you knew that it was going to be one with lasting consequences.
Satan had invited you on a day trip that involved a long train ride both to and from the destination.
He didn’t want you to be bored so he offered to lend you one of his books.
Everything was going so perfectly and it was a very romantic outing filled with sweet nothings and intimate moments.
But, then the time to go back home came and that’s when it all started falling apart.
You were frantically trying to search your bag for the book that Satan had lent you while you waited for the train to arrive, but you couldn’t find it anywhere.
Satan noticed your frantic movements beside him and he raised an eyebrow as he looked at you.
“What are you looking for?” he asked you as you continued to search.
“Your book,” you replied, and the content expression that was on his face moments before dropped as he felt a flicker of anger inside of him.
“The book I let you borrow?” Satan asked as you closed your bag with a frustrated sigh.
“Yes. I’m sorry, Satan, I must have left it on the train when we got off it,” you told him, a contrite expression on your face. You felt awful.
“How could you be so careless?” Satan asked and you were taken aback by his words.
“I didn’t mean to,” you argued but Satan’s wrath was only growing further and once he went down this road, it was almost impossible to stop.
“That was one of my favorite books! I only let you borrow it as a gesture of kindness,” he stated.
“Satan, I told you I was sorry. I’ll buy you another copy when we get back,” you responded.
“It won’t be the same,” he snapped back, refusing to look at you now.
“I think you’re overreacting,” you replied and you knew those words were a mistake because if he wasn’t angry before, that definitely set him off.
The two of you engaged in a very heated exchange as others looked on and the only thing that stopped you was the arrival of the train.
You and Satan refused to talk to each other the whole way back and you sat in anger and embarrassment for causing such a big scene.
You immediately went to your separate rooms as soon as you got back to the House of Lamentation and you were left to wonder how such a simple thing could ruin not only the way back but the entire trip when the two of you had been so happy together moments before that.
Satan could admit to himself that he may have overreacted a bit, but admitting it to you was a completely different story. And, you believed that you already apologized so what else was there to say?
Which left the two of you at an impasse. You wouldn’t speak to each other or even look at each other despite the ache you had for each other.
The others had heard about what happened and tried to get the two of you to talk. After all, they all agreed that you were fighting over something trivial, but neither you nor Satan gave in.
It wasn’t until the two of you got stuck in a situation a couple of weeks later that he realized how stupid the argument was.
Satan was reading in the library at the House of Lamentation and you walked in to grab your own book, not expecting him to be there.
As soon as you saw him, you averted your gaze, focusing on finding the book you were looking for.
Satan kept occasionally glancing at you while you searched, but he didn’t say anything.
Finally, you found the book you were looking for, but it was in a stack of books on top of one of the bookshelves.
You were struggling to reach it and could use some help. Specifically from a demon who was already there.
Satan kept his eyes on his book, a smug smile threatening to form as he knew you needed help and would have to talk to him to ask him for it.
But, you refused to give him the satisfaction, so you tried to grasp it yourself, causing them all to tumble.
You let out a gasp of pain as they fell on top of you, one of the larger ones hitting you in the head and knocking you out.
Satan was on his feet the instant he saw what happened and he quickly approached you with worry in his eyes.
You had a small cut on your forehead that was bleeding and when he saw that you were knocked out, the guilt instantly flooded him. He should’ve just helped you.
He carried you to his bedroom and treated the small cut on your forehead before sitting next to you, watching you sleep.
He wouldn’t be able to rest until he knew for a fact that you were okay.
A little while later, you began to stir and when you fluttered your eyes open, you were met with concerned, green ones.
“How are you feeling?” he asked you immediately and you slowly began to remember what happened.
“My head hurts,” you admitted and he nodded his head, handing you some pain medicine.
You took it gratefully and as it fell silent, you realized Satan had just talked to you.
Your eyes widened as you turned to look at him again. He must have known what you were thinking because he let out a small sigh before climbing into the bed with you and pulling you into him.
You moved your head back just a bit so that you could look at him.
“I’m sorry for overreacting and for calling you careless,” he told you as he lovingly looked into your eyes, gently brushing some of your hair out of your face before leaving his fingers tangled in it.
“I’m sorry for losing your book,” you replied, savoring every moment of the touch you had craved.
“I can always get another copy,” he reassured you, gently pressing a kiss to your forehead before telling you, “You’re what I’m afraid of losing more than anything. I can’t ever get another copy of you and I wouldn’t want it.”
You pressed a soft kiss to his lips before replying, “I’m not going anywhere.”
Satan smiled at you before pulling you onto his chest so that he could hold you.

Asmo was quick and witty when he wanted to be.
His greatest fighting tactic was his words and everyone knew that.
He could be mean to those who deserved it - but you would never deserve it.
You would never be on the opposite end of Asmo’s repartee because he simply loved you too much.
So, when Asmo said something to you that had crossed the line, he didn’t even realize it until after he said the words.
You had been having a particularly rough day and you sought Asmo out for some comfort.
He immediately suggested that the two of you have a spa day. It was the perfect way to relax!
Of course, Asmo was already fully prepared for a last-minute spa day.
He told you to just sit back and relax while he got everything ready. He knew that you would need extra pampering that day so he wanted to give you the full treatment.
And Asmo was the best at pampering you - but because of the rough day you had, you were on edge.
While doing different things, Asmo would make small comments about how you could improve certain aspects of your hair and skin routine.
Things like - your hair feels a little dry, you should try using a better conditioner. Or, your skin’s starting to look wrinkly, you need to start a better skincare routine.
To him, these comments were all coming from a place of love. He was just trying to give you advice since he had tried almost every beauty product known to the world.
But with you already being frustrated, the comments started to sound more like nagging; and, they began making you feel a bit self-conscious.
Wanting to avoid an argument, you suggested stopping the spa for now, but when Asmo kept pressing you for the reason, you snapped slightly.
The small argument quickly blew up into a bigger one and Asmo resorted to using his quick wit as a defense mechanism.
By the end of it, you had both said things you didn’t mean and you had left his room quickly, seeking solidarity in your own.
Asmo was the biggest attention seeker in the entire house, so he doesn’t take being ignored or avoided by anyone very well.
But he especially doesn’t take it well when it’s coming from you - the person he loves the most.
The day after the two of you fought, he expected you to be mad, but he had already prepared an apology for that.
The thing about Asmo is that he’s not afraid to apologize for something he did if he feels like he was in the wrong, unlike some of the other brothers.
Besides, the sooner he apologized, the sooner the two of you could make up. And that was his favorite part of any argument.
But, with you not speaking to him and avoiding him at all costs, how was he supposed to apologize?
Asmo only lasted one day of you ignoring him before he was at your door, tears in his eyes begging you to talk to him.
He was very dramatic with his begging, but with how dramatic Asmo usually was, it was par for the course.
If you let him in, he’ll immediately hug you, his arms wrapping around you tightly while he rests his head in the crook of your neck, crying as he apologizes as many times as it takes for you to forgive him.
He didn’t mean to say those things - he would never hurt you on purpose. It was just in the heat of the moment. He’s a very passionate guy after all.
Those are things he’ll tell you, his lips brushing against your skin as he says it, his hands sliding down just a little past what would be considered proper.
All things he knew would chip away at your walls.
He knew everything about you, especially when it came to things you liked. Things that made you cave no matter the situation.
Your resolve was shaky now and Asmo knew it, gently placing kisses on your neck and you subconsciously leaned into his touch, ever so slightly exposing more of your skin to him.
“Asmo,” you warned as he continued his kisses. You wanted to be mad at him, and you wanted to sound mad. But, your walls were crumbling under his touch and when his name left your lips, it was filled with love instead of anger.
A hint of a smile formed on his lips as he heard his name and he looked into your eyes, his eyes drawing you in even more.
“You’ll forgive me, won’t you Y/N?” he asked innocently - far too innocently for the thoughts currently running through his mind.
His lips were inches from yours and you let out a small sigh before closing the gap between the two of you, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to resist him.
You supposed you could let him off with a warning this time. After all, you were the one who snapped first.
Asmo wouldn’t hold it against you though. All that mattered was that the two of you made up.

Beel was absolutely panicking when he realized that you weren’t speaking to him and were avoiding him at all costs.
Mostly because he had no idea what he had done wrong and since you weren’t talking to him, he couldn’t even ask you.
It must have been something bad given the silent treatment. But, he couldn’t even think of something small he might have done - let alone something big enough for you to give him the silent treatment.
He thought about the last time the two of you interacted.
You were in his room with him, and he had pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you.
Your head was pressed against his chest as he held you close, a peaceful smile resting on his face.
He felt content and slowly but surely drifted off.
The next thing he knew, you had moved off him in a rush, exiting his bedroom before he could get a word out and you had been avoiding him ever since.
But, you had a very different recollection of what had happened.
You were cuddling against Beel as previously stated, and you were feeling content as well. Everything just felt right when you were in his arms.
But, only a few minutes into cuddling Beel told you, “I don’t know why we’re still doing this.”
Your eyes immediately snapped open as you tried to process what Beel had just said.
“What?” you asked softly.
His hand was tangled in your hair, holding your head in place, so you couldn’t look up at him to see if he was being serious or not.
“I think this pointless,” he murmured again and your heart skipped a beat. He couldn’t really mean that, right?
“Beel,” you tried to say, but you were cut off by him continuing to speak.
“I think you should go,” he added and you decided to listen to him, pushing yourself off of him and going to your room, locking the door.
You hated that he could hold you so lovingly while he simultaneously broke up with you.
Seeing him was painful so you avoided him at all costs and you didn’t want to hear any excuse he might have so you refused to speak to him.
Beel had been doing everything he could to get your attention, but he failed at every attempt.
The lack of your presence had taken a toll on him. He had been feeling sad and lonely and he missed you more than anything.
Not to mention, he had seen you looking upset and he wanted to know what happened. He wanted to know why you were sad because he hated seeing it.
He would do anything to make you happy, he just wished you would let him help. Whatever it was - he could fix it.
He only lasted a couple of weeks without you before he decided he had to do something.
So one day when you had just gotten home from RAD, he picked you up and carried you to his room, shutting the door and blocking it with his body, despite your many protests.
He knew that his strength overpowered yours so you wouldn’t be able to push past him.
You could use the pact against him to get him to move, but he was hoping you wouldn’t resort to that - he just wanted to talk.
When you realized that Beel had you trapped you let out a sigh, sitting down on his bed. You couldn’t avoid him forever.
“What do you want, Beel?” you asked him, looking anywhere but him. And the way you said his name angrily instead of the affectionate way you used to say it hurt.
But just hearing your voice, even if you sounded mad, was like a breath of fresh air.
He moved closer to you, his big puppy dog eyes, staring at you with so much love as he tried to figure out what to say.
“You seem sad,” he told you, carefully sitting down on the bed next to you and you let out a scoff.
“Of course I’m sad,” you replied and he furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at you.
“Why?” he asked innocently and you looked at him incredulously.
When he saw the look you were giving him, he asked, “Did I do something? Is that why you won’t talk to me?”
And now your eyebrows furrowed in confusion because he wasn’t making any sense.
“You broke up with me,” you stated simply and his eyes widened as he stared at you in disbelief. He would never.
Seeing the look of confusion on his face, you decided to recount the details of that day, telling him everything he said to you.
And his expression went from one of confusion to understanding as he realized what had happened.
Beel had a dream after he fell asleep cuddling you. The usual suspect - Mammon - was trying to get Beel to do something he didn’t want to do. He remembered saying all of those things to his brother in his dream - but he didn’t have any recollection of saying them out loud.
“What?” you asked as he finished talking. He was asleep?!
A small blush coated your cheeks as you realized that you never looked at him. He kept you in place at first and then you were so upset that you walked out without sparing another glance towards him.
Beel pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you the same way he did that day, holding you close to him.
“I love you so much. I would never break up with you,” he told you quietly, hoping that you would accept what he was saying as the truth.
You immediately melted into his touch as you realized it was all a big misunderstanding and your skin felt hot wherever his met yours.
Beel let out a deep breath of relief when you began to relax and he was determined to never let you go again.
The last couple of weeks had been hard on both of you and if nothing else, it was only proof as to how much you loved each other.
He just hoped that his dreams never interfered with your relationship again.

Like Satan, Belphie is one of the most stubborn when it comes to apologizing or admitting he was wrong about something.
He handles issues with the silent treatment in the hopes that they’ll either resolve themselves or simply go away.
He’s never been one for taking the initiative and he’s even less motivated to do so when it comes to an argument.
The two of you had been bickering more than usual thanks to the eldest brother.
Belphie had been slacking off a little too much at RAD in favor of napping and it was starting to affect Lucifer.
He had tried to ask Beel to help his twin brother keep up with his studies, but there was only so much that he could do.
If Belphie didn’t want to do something, then, simply put, he wasn’t going to do it - no matter who Lucifer sicced on him.
But, still, Lucifer asked you to try since you had a bond that was both very different yet equally as important as Beel’s bond to Belphie.
You didn’t want to do it - plain and simple. You knew that it would put you in a hard place with Belphie.
But, as the human exchange student, you couldn’t help but feel like part of your responsibility was to help the demon brothers.
And whether Belphie believed it or not, you were just trying to help him. You knew that if he didn’t get caught up with his studies, the punishment from Lucifer would be much worse than your nagging.
But, after a few days' worth of you waking Belphie up to beg him to do his homework, both of you were getting fed up with it.
Belphie kept complaining about how you sounded like Lucifer and you kept telling him he was acting like a brat.
It didn’t get much further than that though until one night when Belphie decided to be particularly stubborn.
You came into his room just like you had been doing, but it didn’t matter what you did, Belphie refused to get up.
You tried to reason with him, you tried to remind him of what Lucifer would do if he didn’t get up, you even tried to bribe him, but nothing worked.
You sat next to the bed for a while as you tried to figure out your last step, and then an idea popped into your head.
You hated it because you knew that Belphie would hate it, but he left you no choice.
After preparing yourself and running through your plan multiple times, you got up and looked at Belphie who was sleeping peacefully.
You let out a small sigh before leaning closer and grabbing his favorite pillow that he was lying on as well as his favorite blanket.
In an instant, you had snatched them and ran off with them, seeking refuge in your room.
You had barely gotten your door locked when you heard Belphie trying to get into your room.
“Y/N, open the door,” Belphie said, as calmly as he could, but he was already mad.
“You need to do your homework, Belphie,” you replied.
“Just give me my blanket and pillow back,” he responded.
“After you finish your homework,” you reiterated, internally sighing at the situation. You didn’t want to act like his parent and you silently cursed Lucifer for asking you to do this in the first place.
“Ugh, you’re being so annoying!” Belphie snapped, but you were expecting some backlash about this situation.
“You’ll be thanking me later when you don’t have to deal with Lucifer,” you stated and you heard him let out another frustrated sigh.
“This is exactly why I hate humans,” Belphie stated, more to himself than anything, but you heard it loud and clear.
His eyes widened slightly when you opened the door to your bedroom, a look of hurt on your face.
He opened his mouth to take it back but he was cut off by you roughly shoving the blanket and pillow into him before slamming the door in his face and locking it again.
Belphie knew that he went too far so he decided to give you some time to cool off.
The next time he saw you he promised himself he would make it up to you.
But when he saw you next, you refused to look at Belphie, let alone talk to him. And that made Belpie annoyed all over again.
“You’re being childish,” he told you, only furthering your anger towards him.
“Says the one who can’t even be responsible and do their homework without someone breathing down their neck!” you snapped back.
The two of you didn’t talk after that for a long time - too long in the brothers’ opinions.
They knew that you and Belphie were too stubborn to talk to each other on your accord, so they decided to take things into their own hands.
You were sitting on your bed reading when suddenly the door to your bedroom burst open.
You looked up to see Belphie being shoved inside against his will by Beel before he shut the door, making sure to stand guard so Belphie couldn’t leave.
Belphie had a small pout on his face that, despite still being mad at him, you thought looked adorable.
He let out a small sigh, avoiding all eye contact as he did his best to come up with a way to get out of this situation.
The two of you sat in silence for a while, but you both knew it was pointless. Neither of you were leaving until you talked to each other.
Belphie was the master at winning arguments, but just this once, he asked himself what the point of it was. He cared about you way more than winning the argument.
“You know I don’t hate you,” he said quietly, still keeping his eyes anywhere but on you as he spoke.
Your eyes immediately went to him. Was that his version of an apology?
“I was only trying to help you, Belphie,” you explained and he gave you a defeated look.
“I know,” he replied. That’s why this whole argument is pointless.
Belphie moved over to your bed now and sat down next to you, the two of you making eye contact for the first time in what felt like forever.
“I caught up on all my studies,” he added and you let out a breath of relief. At least you wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore.
You were the first to reach out, gently taking his hand in yours. You stared at your intertwined fingers before softly saying, “I missed you.”
His eyes widened slightly as he took in the sight of you, all feelings of the fight disappearing. He was just happy to be in your presence again.
Belphie moved quickly, wrapping you up in his arms and pulling you down into the bed.
“Bel-!” you shouted in surprise but you were cut off by him placing a finger to your lips.
You were laying chest to chest, his face only inches from yours, his arms keeping you there.
“If they hear us talking, they’ll come in; and, I’d rather not be interrupted for a while,” Belphie told you with a sly smirk before placing his lips on yours.
You immediately returned the kiss, a smile forming at the feeling.
No matter what you or Belphie said in the heat of the moment, you knew that your love for each other would never change.
#obey me#obey me shall we date#obey me x reader#obey me x MC#headcannons#imagines#oneshots#obey me imagines#obey me fanfiction#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzbub#obey me belphegor#obey me nightbringer#obey me brothers#obey me writing#obey me scenarios#obey me levi#obey me belphie#obey me beel#obey me asmo#obey me mc#anime#fandomsxreader
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Oh you sweet, poisonous thing

summary: just Arthur yearning and being jealous of reader and Javier. Enjoy😽
pairing: arthur morgan x fem!reader
content: fluff, jealousy, a hint of angst maybe ?? idk
wc: 1,8k
a/n: *taps into the mic* heyy,,, how y’all doing *voice echoes, crickets can be heard in the distance* so i kinda disappeared from tumblr ik. I went through a rough period and I thought a lot about what to do with this account. I lost all motivation to write for a while ngl, but after some thinking i decided that no matter what I’ll keep writing and posting here. After all this was and still is my little safe space where i can just forget about my life and post silly things about cowboys sooo yeah have some Arthur yearning because we should bring back yearning in 2025. ok i yapped enough bah byee
The cracking sound of the campfire travels softly in the center of camp, casting long, flickering shadows that stretch and shift over the familiar faces of the gang, dancing on their features to the sound of the soft music leaving Javier’s guitar.
It had been a rare, uneventful day—the kind where, surprisingly, nothing went wrong, and the world seemed to hold its breath afraid to burst the serene and quiet bubble that engulfed all round the camp. The stillness settled over the gang’s members like a balm, soothing old wounds and lifting everyone’s spirits. By evening, an easy carefree air had taken root, boosted by a few shared drinks and Javier’s guitar.
You sit near the fire, sandwiched between Karen and John, the blonde slouched lazily at your side, her cheeks flushed from the too many whiskey glasses she downed. Javier is in a contagious good mood, sitting on the ground near John strumming another lively tune as he leans toward you, his bronze skin glowing in the campfire’s light and he’s grinning like at you like the charmer he is.
“Why don’t you sing with me, cariño,” he says, his voice playfully teasing. A chorus of groans and exaggerated complaints come from around the campfire, the gang all too eager to tease you about the first and fortunately the last time you sang around the campfire in Horseshoe Overlook after you had too many to drink. You remember waking up the morning after with a terrible headache and the sweet memory of laughter shared around the warmth of the campfire.
You laugh at their reaction, shaking your head. “I think I’ll save everyone’s ears this time, thank you.”
Javier chuckles and with that resumes playing, his voice low and smooth. His energy is infectious, pulling easy smiles and a few soft laughs from everyone. But in the back of your mind, you can feel that there’s a subtle shift in the air—a pull, a presence that tugs at your attention like a ping you can’t ignore. It’s faint at first, almost imperceptible, but it grows stronger, undeniable, familiar. You glance toward the edge of camp, and as suspected there he is.
He’s leaning against one of the wooden posts near the horses, half swallowed by the shadows, the dim firelight barely reaching the brim of his worn hat. His broad shoulders are hunched, arms crossed tightly over his chest like he’s trying to protect himself, to keep something away though you’re not sure he even knows what it is. His aqua eyes are sharp even in the shadows, and they’re fixed directly on you.
As the weight of his gaze settles over you like a heavy fog, thick and tangible, despite the distance between you, a shiver runs down your spine. Your chest tightens, as if the very air around him has thickened with unspoken things.
You’ve known him long enough to feel a quiet storm building in the depths of his quiet, unshakable composure. It’s not indifference nor anger. It’s something else—something raw and unspoken but you can’t, and maybe won’t, put a name on it.
When Javier nudges you playfully, you force yourself to focus back on him, offering him a smile that you hope conceals the tension swirling inside of you. Still, the weight of Arthur’s gaze doesn’t leave you, not even as the evening stretches on.
As the night deepens, the fire crackles low. One by one, people begin to drift off, leaving just you, Tilly, Lenny, Javier, and Karen around the fire. Tilly, who had joined your little circle a few hours earlier, is lively chatting with Lenny about some gossip she’d overheard in town, her voice bright with excitement seemingly unphased by the late hour. Meanwhile, Karen has fallen asleep with her head resting on your shoulder, undoubtedly drooling a bit on your blouse. This leaves you and Javier alone, the conversation between you two flowing easily, until he eventually sets his guitar aside with a stretch, breaking the comfortable atmosphere.
“Already going to bed ?” you tease, nudging him gently on the side. “Won’t you play me another song before you go to sleep ?”
He smirks, shaking his head with a wink.
“Tomorrow.” He promises winking at you. He stands up and disappears into the shadows of the night. After a few minutes Karen stirs awake, mumbling something about needing another drink before bed, lazily getting up on her feet, shuffling toward the camp’s supply.
After that it’s just you, Tilly and Lenny sitting near the dying fire. From your peripheral vision you can see the dark silhouette of Arthur sitting at the worn wooden round table under the tall tree in camp. You don’t look at him, not directly, but you feel his presence like a thread pulling between you. You sit there, looking at the fire contemplating if approaching him or calling it a night.
When you finally stand, your feet move before your mind can catch up with your actions. You carefully walk towards him, finding him hunched slightly over the table, his broad shoulders tense as he stares down into the nearly empty glass in his hand.
“Mind if I join you ?” you say pausing a few feet away. The sound of your voice softly filling the cold air around you both.
Arthur doesn’t immediately look up, his focus still fixed on the amber liquid swirling in his glass. You nearly contemplate leaving when after a long moment, he tips his head in a slow, deliberate nod. “Suit yourself.”
You take a seat across from him, your hands folding in your lap playing with a few loose threads as you settle into the quiet. For a long moment, neither of you speak. The noise of the evening has faded away, leaving the camp wrapped in the soft rustle of trees and the distant sound of crickets.
“Tired ?” you finally ask, your voice hesitant, breaking the silence.
Arthur huffs a low breath, his eyes never leaving the glass. “Long day,” he mutters, a simple response that tells you nothing.
You nod, though his answer feels like a wall, a quick, easy way to avoid revealing something deeper. There’s something bothering him, and maybe it’s the alcohol in your system or maybe you simply care too much for him but you’re determined to find out what.
“Javier kept everyone entertained tonight,” you say lightly, your words casual, trying to spark a conversation, though you’re watching him closely.
Arthur’s grip on his glass tightens just enough for his knuckles to go pale against the clear glass. “Yeah,” he replies, his tone flat. “He’s good at that.”
The space between you feels heavier now, filled with something unspoken, a tension that neither of you acknowledges directly. You lean back in your chair, letting the silence settle between you, but you can’t ignore the flicker of his eyes as they meet yours, then quickly shift away like he’s afraid of what might show if he stares at yours too long.
“What’re you drinking ?” you ask after a moment, breaking the quiet.
“‘S that the good whiskey Pearson’s been hiding, or the usual watered down crap ?”
Arthur’s lips twitch, almost imperceptibly, clearly fighting a smile. “Usual crap,” he murmurs. “Pearson ain’t that generous.”
You laugh softly, the sound easing some of the tension that’s built between you. But still, it lingers, just beneath the surface, like something you both know but can’t put into words.
“You seemed quiet tonight,” you say after a pause, studying him closely.
Arthur shrugs, lifting his glass to his lips, the movement slow, as if every motion is carefully measured.
“Didn’t feel like talkin’.”
You watch him, your gaze tracing the line of his jaw, his wet lips and the way his fingers absently trace the rim of his glass. He’s not being completely honest—that much you know, but you’ve learned to read between the spaces of his words.
“Or maybe you just didn’t like the company,” you offer, your tone playful but with an edge to it.
Arthur’s eyes snap to yours, sharp and unmoving. “I didn’t say that,” he replies, his voice low, almost a growl.
He holds your gaze a beat longer than necessary, and you feel the weight of it settle deep in your chest, making your breath hitch. There’s something in his eyes, something raw, vulnerable that makes your heart stutter. You’re not sure if he sees how your composure falters, but he’s the first to look away, tipping his hat lower over his brow to shield his expression.
You’ve always hated when he does that—you’ve always hated the way he uses it to put a distance between you, but now more than ever you hate it because it feels like the wall between you is growing thicker and you’re not sure if you can get through anymore.
“You’re a hard man to figure out Arthur Morgan,” you say softly, the teasing edge gone from your voice. He doesn’t answer right away, and when he does, it’s in a voice barely above a whisper.
“Maybe that’s for the best.”
You bite your lower lip in frustration but then you force yourself to swallow down your disappointment. The conversation shifts then, moving toward more trivial things like the weather, the horses, Pearson’s latest disaster with the stew. But even as you talk, you know that there’s another conversation happening in the spaces between words, in the glances you exchange, in both your body language, in the way the silence sometimes wraps itself around you both.
You don’t speak of it. You don’t name it. Neither of you can, but you know it’s there.
“Good night Arthur,” you say, your voice quieter than you intended. You give him a sweet smile, one that doesn’t quite reach your eyes, before you stand, the weight of your own tiredness forcing you to seek the sweet embrace of your bed.
He doesn’t reply right away, just gives a slow tip of his hat. “Night.”
As you start to take a few steps away from the table, you feel his gaze on your back—steady, unwavering. It feels like it’s burning into your skin.
You glance over your shoulder, just once, and meet his eyes. For a moment, they’re distant, almost lost, like he’s somewhere far away in thought. But as your gaze lingers, you catch something else, something in the way his eyes soften, the barely perceptible softening of his eyebrows. It’s not a look of anger or frustration that he gives you, no, he’s looking at you with something deeper, something raw.
It’s the kind of look that makes your chest tighten, a sweet warmth settling between your ribs. He doesn’t need to say anything, you can feel it in the glance between you—the weight of all the things neither of you will dare to speak aloud.
In that brief moment, you understand. And it’s enough to leave you walking away with butterflies storming in your stomach and the strange sense that you’ve just shared something deep, something fragile with him without ever needing to say a word.
#.rira’s posting ౨ৎ ⋆#arthur morgan#arthur morgan x reader#arthur morgan x female reader#arthur morgan fic#red dead redemption 2#rdr2#red dead fandom#rdr2 fanfic#rdr2 arthur morgan
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“Edwin, do you ever think about… what it’d be like if we went to school together?”
“I cannot say that I do, Charles.”
“I do, sometimes. About how life would be like if we were both alive and attending St. Hilarion right now.”
“I assume your vision does not include any of our classmates being killers?”
“Nah, ‘course not. Times are different now, aren’t they? So… what do you think?”
“Well, you would be a star of the cricket team, no doubt. And you can certainly bounce a ball without letting it fall for a very long period of time, so maybe a football star, as well.”
“I don’t know about being a star, but– cheers.”
“Of course. Indeed, given your natural charisma, one might readily surmise that people would be most inclined to gather about you. If they possessed any sense whatsoever, your classmates should eagerly seek to make your acquaintance. You would graciously give everyone the time of day, much as you do with our clients, and they would be endlessly charmed by you. ”
“Now you’re really overdoing it, mate. What about you?”
“Me? Oh. I would… greatly delight in the study of languages. I have heard it said that schools nowadays offer a wider array of them within their curriculum. Literature, too, holds a special allure for me; indeed, I might even volunteer my services in the school library, simply for the opportunity to spend more time there or attend a study club. Science has also been a source of fascination for me—chemistry in particular, I could well imagine devoting a lot of time to it.”
“Mhmm, go on.”
“Whatever do you mean?”
“What of your friends?”
“I have not considered– perhaps other members of the literature club? Our recent adventure in the States have shown me that although people are decidedly still not my forte, it is possible for me to make acquaintances with them if they share my interests. If they are not dreadfully insufferable, that is to say.”
“C’mon, how do we meet?”
“Oh. Realistically, I do not think our paths would cross. You would have more than enough friends interested in sports and music and other activities you enjoy, and I would never set foot near a gymnasium or a music room. We are an unlikely pair, after all.”
“...what? You don’t think we’d be friends if we were at school together?”
“I merely mean to say— as I have mentioned— with a sufficient company of good and worthy friends around you, you would have little cause to seek me out at school, particularly as we would be spending our time entirely differently.”
“Edwin, that’s horrible. A load of tosh, if I’ve ever heard one. I refuse to believe that. We could meet in class, or– maybe I’d have trouble with English, it’s never been my favorite, could never get my letters correct, could I? And since you’re so good at it, you’d offer to tutor me.”
“You believe I would offer?”
“‘Course, you’re proper kind like that, aren’t you? Or I’d ask you and you wouldn’t be able to say no to me.”
“So certain I would not be, even right from the beginning?”
“Isn’t that how our first meeting went?”
“...touché. You can be quite persistent. However, that does not mean you would have to befriend the boy who tutors you.”
“I liked you right when I met you, didn’t I? It’d be the same.”
“You are awfully confident regarding the matter.”
“Yeah, mate. Think about it, we may be an unlikely duo, but against all odds, we met. We stayed together. And will stay together. We’d find each other in every universe, just like we had in this one.”
“...who is the one ‘overdoing it’ now?”
“Come off it, mate! But just think about it, we’d go to uni together, you’d study– English or, or Law, you’d make a great lawyer, you know, and I– I don’t know, I’d study something too, and we’d live together.”
“Would we start a detective agency together as well?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“Alive Boy Detectives does not have the same ring to it. Neither does Alive Men Detectives.”
“We’d figure something out.”
#charles “do you ever think about...” rowland#dead boy detectives#my posts#edwin payne#charles rowland#payneland#dbda#dead boy detective agency#painland
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pairing. kinich x fem!reader
word count. 3.4k
genre/warnings. childhood friends to lovers (yes kinich literally invented this trope okay. sue me), mini-drabbles, childhood to university, modern!au, fluff and slight angst, lots of bantering but it's light-hearted i promise
you've always been a sore loser—kinich is just the only one brave enough to say it. or, you and kinich fall in love over the course of your lives, and one thing never changes—you're both idiots
author's note. credit to @/scythidol for the header images! a bit of a different fic format this time (who is she....). i'm sick over kinich, i have nothing clever to say or excuses to make. that's all, thank you for reading! i'm finishing this at 5am so i'll fix any errors later lol. reblogs/interaction highly appreciated!
“You’re annoying.”
The old TV in your backyard treehouse buzzes with static and the constant thumps of Kinich’s fingers against the controller buttons.
It’s a summer evening—crickets chirp merrily in the grass and lightning bugs float lazily through the air, glowing among the stars. You’re sitting next to him, knees pulled to your chest and the straw of a Capri-Sun settled between your lips.
His reaction (or lack thereof) to your words leaves you less than entertained, a sour pout fixed on your lips as he sighs.
“You’re a sore loser. We said whoever got up here first got to play first.” Despite the intense game occurring on the screen in front of him, he diverts about half his attention to watching you out of the corner of his eye. “And I got up here first.”
“But you always win,” you whine. Kinich nudges at his own juice box with his knee, and you roll your eyes before picking it up and holding it to his lips—he drinks gratefully, still focused on his game. You’re not sure why you keep agreeing to this bet; you don’t think you’ve ever won.
“Then you need to get faster.”
Both of you know that such a feat would be impossible—Kinich has been the fastest kid in your grade since you started school. His athleticism affords him a bit of popularity, still at the age where winning a playground race is essentially the deciding factor between the cool kids and the lame ones. But he’s not interested in any of that, and he makes that quite clear in his actions.
After all, all the popular kids avoid him since he started a fight with them last year.
“They were saying things about you,” he’d shrugged, like it was no big deal. The school seemed to think a bit differently, and his suspension felt like the longest week of your life.
The screen flashes then, a loud and colorful display that shows the words “you win”. Kinich leans back in his seat, a pleased half-smile spreading across his face.
“Okay, now you can play.”
He tries to hand you the controller, but you huff, crossing your arms and turning away.
“I don’t even wanna play anymore.”
Kinich is far more mature than you at this age—even your own mother tells you as much—so he merely sighs, accepting of your tantrum.
“Okay, what do you wanna do then?”
You ponder that for a moment. There’s a lot of things you do often, but many of them are things that Kinich is much better at than you. Playing video games, climbing trees, riding bikes—he’s far more talented at them all. It’s one of the reasons you even became friends in the first place—you’d practically begged him to teach you to beat the final boss of Super Mario Galaxy, and the rest was history.
“I don’t know,” you mumble noncommittally, blowing your straw wrapper at him. It lands right on target, bouncing lightly off his forehead as he rolls his eyes.
“Come on, whatever you wanna do, we’ll do it,” he says, poking at your cheek. “I’ll even play house.”
And you know Kinich hates playing house—he has boundless amounts of energy most days, and house isn’t “challenging” enough of a game for him to expend it. But he does it occasionally, just for you.
You brighten at the prospect.
“Yeah, yeah,” he sighs, already descending the treehouse ladder, waving you along. “Let’s go inside first, though. I’m hungry.”
Scrambling to your feet, you jump down to meet Kinich, already standing in the grass.
“Last one inside is a rotten egg!”
The rainstorm ends just as classes dismiss—when you walk out the school entrance, a slight drizzle is still letting up, fresh puddles lapping at your toes. Kinich’s gaze finds you instantly as he slinks out of the school gates, bag tossed loosely over his shoulder.
“My socks are wet now,” you whine, patting down the edges of your skirt to look down at your shoes. You’d only just bought them recently, and your mom likely wouldn’t be pleased with the prospect of you ruining them so soon.
Kinich chuckles at first, a snarky sound as thick as the gathering clouds, only to sigh when your pout persists.
“Alright, alright,” he relents, squatting to the ground and gesturing for you to get on his back. “Don’t say I never did anything for you.”
He’s a bit frail, still in his growing phase—his bones and muscles shift rhythmically under his skin as he walks—but he’s so distinctly warm. The heat makes you curl closer, nose brushing against his neck.
He walks you home most days like this, spending the day at your house until the sky grows dark with dusk. His home life is something he rarely discusses, but you know enough, and you’re happy to welcome him to yours.
“You’re slow,” you mumble into his shoulder. The steady thump of his steps is comforting, nearly putting you to sleep.
“You’re heavy,” Kinich replies teasingly, adjusting your weight atop his back. His words are biting, but he’s being careful with his steps nonetheless, taking each one lightly so as not to jostle you.
“You’re rude,” you scoff back. His nose scrunches in annoyance when you loop your arms tighter around his neck, pretending to choke him as punishment. “You’re not supposed to say that to a girl.”
He blows his bangs out of his eyes, peering up at the newly visible sun that starts to dip low in the sky. You watch a cat scurry through the bushes to your right, golden eyes peering through the foliage before disappearing into the darkness.
“Yeah, that’s why I’m saying it to you.”
Kinich is always a bit wittier than you, a bit quicker to the punch, but you like that about him. You like a lot of things about him, and you’re sure he knows it, too. A weighty silence settles between the two of you, unnatural—it’s usually you who fills the silence, and Kinich who patiently listens.
But something bigger sits at the back of your mind, and the words are having trouble surmounting the obstacle of your tongue.
You’re still floundering for something to say by the time your house appears in the distance. The sight lights a fire under you—you don’t want to discuss something like this with your mother in earshot. You force the words out, voice weak and small.
“I heard Mualani confessed to you yesterday.”
The rumor had flown through the school like wildfire. Mualani is popular with the boys after all, so there’s bound to be quite a bit of heartbreak if she ends up in a relationship. Someone had seen them together at that sakura tree behind the school, and it instantly became a hot topic—it’s all you’ve heard about all day.
And though you know it’s not really any of your business, you can’t help but be curious, and the thought fills you with dread.
You manage a glance at his expression, searching for any sort of unrest, but he doesn’t show any at all. In fact, he seems wholly uninterested in the topic.
He shrugs. “Yeah, so?”
You take a deep breath for courage—you’re not sure you want to hear his answer.
“So? What did you tell her?”
And it’s nothing against Mualani, really—she’s kind and beautiful, and you wouldn’t blame Kinich for falling for her. She’s never done anything wrong to you at all. But a beat passes, and you’re already halfway through mourning the end of your long-time crush when he replies.
“I told her I was flattered, but I wasn’t interested.”
A sigh of relief escapes you then, but you reel it in quickly—he can probably feel you relax against his back at his response.
“Oh,” is all you say, as aloof as you can manage. Kinich latches onto your hesitation instantly.
“Why do you ask?”
“No reason,” comes your hasty reply. “...Is there any reason you said no, though?”
He frowns. “I don’t know. She just isn’t my type.”
“...Then what is your type?”
You’re going too far, you know—even just speaking the words has your chest twisting painfully, and you want to crawl into a hole and disappear. If Kinich isn’t an idiot, he can surely tell why you’re practically breathing down his neck over the whole thing.
But maybe Kinich is a little bit of an idiot, at least about these things, because he merely shrugs.
“Not sure. Never really thought about it.”
A frost unfurls in your chest, bitter—of course Kinich wouldn’t know, he’s never thought about anyone that way. Including you.
“Right.” You attempt a laugh, teeth gritting. “It’s all stupid anyway.”
You drop your head into his shoulder, trying to hide the pained expression on your face, and only then does Kinich’s stare flicker to you, soft.
“Right,” he says, a quiet rumble from his chest. “It’s really, really stupid.”
Walks turn to drives when Kinich turns sixteen and buys his own car.
He’d saved up for months, working part-time jobs on weekends and after school, until the day finally came when he pulled up into your driveway, keys in hand. Your mom had been overwhelmingly proud—bought a cake and everything—and you’d merely been grateful that you no longer had to beg her to drive you places.
It’s nothing crazy, just a simple sedan, but it represents a freedom that the two of you have never experienced together before.
That’s how you end up parked underneath the flickering streetlight just outside your house, excitedly recounting a story to your best friend. He’d driven you home from your club after school, an errand that always ended in several other stops—today, it had been fast food and boba.
His eyes seem to glow in the fading daylight, a pretty jade and amber that you’ve always thought was beautiful. It feels a bit more intense with his stare trained on you—Kinich isn’t the talkative type, sure, but he always ensures that you know he’s listening.
“So then she was asking me about you.”
“And get this,” a nervous chuckle escapes you then, “she thought we were dating.”
Everything falls still.
It’s times like this that you really start to hate just how unreadable your best friend can be. Despite how much you tease him for it, you actually enjoy how difficult it can be to force an expression out of him—it’s a little challenge every day. But now, when you’re on the precipice of pouring your heart out, his impassive expression stings.
Nothing on his face changes, save for a slight tilt of his head—he’s considering your words. The silence feels endless; a lump starts to form in your throat, humiliation burning at your cheeks.
“I know, it’s so ridiculous,” you assert hurriedly, trying to avoid the rush of shame. “I mean, we would never—”
“Tell her we are, then.”
You’re sure that in that moment, your heart stops.
Truthfully, you hadn’t planned to get this far—you were planning on brushing over that part of the story and moving on, but something deep in your heart had forced it out of you. Now, you aren’t sure what you really want to happen.
It’s always been your underlying fear, that once Kinich finds out, everything will change. Or even if he does return your feelings, it’ll all go up in flames eventually and you’ll never be the same. It’s terrifying enough to have kept your mouth shut all these years.
A tense laugh erupts from your throat, cutting through the silence. “I—I mean, it’s not that simple—”
He arches a brow. “Do you not want to?”
That’s another difference between you and Kinich—he’s far more straightforward about getting things that he wants. It’s one of the reasons that people misinterpret him as cold, but he sees it as being logical.
You gnaw at your lip, fingers tracing over the car door. Do you?
If the countless daydreams and romantic notebook doodles are anything to go by, you do. You really do. You’re just not sure if you’re brave enough to take that step.
When you look at him again, he’s observing you carefully, a delicate fondness lying in his stare. You shrink under the weight of it.
“No, I do,” you admit quietly.
The moment falls still, and your eyes are drawn to the only movement within your line of vision—the quick bob of Kinich’s throat. Then, his hand advances toward your face at a measured pace, giving you endless opportunities to retreat.
Of course, you don’t.
“Can I…?” he asks, barely a brush of a whisper. The tension runs thick in the air as his tongue peeks out, swiping over his bottom lip at a tantalizing pace. It’s nearly enough to drive you crazy, but you know he’s just as anxious.
“Yes,” you breathe, wincing at the sound of your own voice—it sounds almost too eager.
But Kinich presses his lips to yours all the same, soft and wanting, and your heart flutters in your chest. It’s a chaste kiss, nothing like the fireworks-exploding-making-out-with-tongue types you’ve seen on TV, but it’s just right—it feels like him, and that’s all that matters. He pulls away slightly, lips still millimeters away from yours.
“I like you. If I’m not wrong, you like me too. I think it’s that simple.”
You almost want to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. Though you’d never admit it, you’ve practiced this scenario thousands of times in front of your bedroom mirror—what you would say to him, what he might say to you. Leave it to Kinich to not follow the script.
But he’s always done things his own way, so really, you should’ve expected this.
Gently, he reaches for your hand, fingers slotting through yours with ease. You sigh.
“I guess it is.”
“...that far, huh?”
Kinich stares at you upside down, head dangling off the edge of your bed as you sit at your desk, laptop keys clicking rapidly. He knows you’re serious about your future goals; you both are. He just never imagined it would bring the two of you so far apart.
You pause with one hand resting on the mouse, still staring at the screen. The map looks so daunting, too daunting, and you can’t imagine being that far away from him.
An awkward, weighted silence hangs in the air, and by the time a few seconds pass, you’ve already foreseen eighty different bad endings for this situation. Clearing your throat once, you force yourself to speak.
“Kinich, I—”
“I get it.”
He doesn’t mean to interrupt you so suddenly, but he does. He couldn’t stop himself if he tried. Because while he does understand—he really does—he also can’t help the stinging sensation of tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. It feels pathetic. It feels selfish. Here you are, chasing your dreams and supporting his, and he’s caught on the fact that there will be a little space between the two of you. And it’s not like it’s anyone’s fault, but maybe you’ll get tired of waiting and—
“You’ll come back to me, right?”
There’s an unmistakable thickness to your voice, evidence of the steadily growing lump in your weary throat. It grows larger with every passing second, an insurmountable mass dwarfed only by the impending distance between you and him.
That question catches Kinich off-guard, and he nearly wants to laugh then; not because he doubts you at all, but because he doesn’t, and he finds it ridiculous that you would ever think otherwise. Here you are, worrying about him.
Kinich doesn’t have any doubts or fears. He never does when he’s with you.
Maybe that’s why.
With a light laugh, he lets his eyes flutter closed, finally allowing an uneven breath to fill his lungs. The natural light outside is slowly dimming, the fluorescent lamps dotting your street flicking on one by one. He knows he should go home soon. His car is sitting outside, the same one the two of you have had endless adventures, fights, and make-ups in. It’s the same one he will use when he moves an unfathomable distance away from you. The same one he will use on the day you will cry, clinging to him like your life depends on it, before watching him disappear into nothing but a mere dot in the distance.
His fist clenches at his side.
But you’re still here, the closest feeling he has to home, and you’re still in love with him, and he is still in love with you.
Maybe that’s why this is enough, for now.
Turning onto his stomach, Kinich sees you right-side up this time, and it’s like nothing has changed.
“Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to.”
A knock echoes on your apartment door in the middle of the night.
You raise a brow at the sound, a bit unnerved—a lone college girl answering the door in the dark isn’t the safest thing, you think as you peek one eye through the peephole. But there’s a familiar figure standing outside, and it has your hand turning the knob immediately and flinging the door open.
He’s here.
“Kinich,” you breathe, in disbelief. Last you’d heard, he was somewhere halfway across the country, and certainly nowhere near your front door. But he’s here, in a black hoodie and grey sweatpants, looking like he’s just walked out of your dreams.
“Hey,” he says simply, as if his appearance hadn’t been totally shocking. He takes advantage of your shell-shocked state to invite himself inside, curiously looking through your apartment. “Nice place.”
You step aside in a daze. “Kinich—you—what are you doing here?”
He’s holding three flimsy bags in his fist, grocery store logos and restaurant labels stamped over the plastic, keys hanging off his pinky finger. He’d come prepared, clearly, but for what you’re not sure.
He towers over you a bit more than he used to, hair a bit longer, and everything about him feels so grown up. It reminds you of all the moments the two of you have missed over the years, how much change has occurred beneath your nose, maybe without you realizing.
He spreads the bags over your kitchen table—the mouth-watering smell of Chinese takeout filters through the air, and your stomach grumbles in reply. But it’s your tear ducts that react initially, a sting at the corners of your eyes as you squeeze them shut.
Kinich doesn’t notice at first, absorbed in inspecting the photos displayed on your wall—photos of you, photos of him, photos of the two of you together. It makes his chest warm that you still think about those times. He does too—after all, it’s rare that you leave his mind.
But he turns back to you, tears running rivers down your cheeks, and his breath hitches.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, carefully cupping your face. A lilt of panic laces his voice. “Does something hurt? Are you sick?”
“You’re here,” you sob, curling into his shoulder. None of it feels real. He’s warm and firm beneath your fingers, and you clutch at him tighter, half-expecting everything to disappear. It’s so much different than FaceTime or calling or anything else you do when he’s away. Because right now, he’s completely within your reach, and everything falls into place.
“Of course I am,” he murmurs. You cry into his hoodie, soaking the fabric with your tears, but he holds you close all the same. “Because you’re here.”
You spend a few minutes that way—you crying until your tears dry over your skin, and him comfortingly rubbing at your back. Air slowly returns to your lungs, and you sniffle, glassy eyes meeting his.
“But why? I mean, it’s the middle of the semester, isn’t it?”
A rare half-smirk graces his lips.
“We made a promise. I came back to you first. So I do believe that means that I win,” he says. If you weren’t so emotional, you might have rolled your eyes—of course, all he ever focuses on is winning.
He drags you over to the couch, laying down and pulling you on top of him, safe. You draw closer to him, tangling your limbs together until you’re not sure where he ends and you begin.
“You’re annoying,” you whisper, muffled into his chest.
Kinich shakes his head, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“You’re still a sore loser. Thought you’d grow out of that by now.”
You grumble a few choice words at him, and he smiles—a sight that only you and the stars can claim to have ever seen.
And he’s right; you are a sore loser, and he’s been right just about every time he told you so. But you find it doesn’t matter, not really.
You could never win against Kinich anyway.
(Maybe you never wanted to.)
#genshin impact x reader#genshin x reader#kinich x reader#kinich#kinich x you#genshin impact#genshin impact imagines#adeptus ink
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𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑟 ; jack reacher | one-shot |
summary: one eventful night brings you closer to your gentle giant.
pairing: fem!reader x alan ritchson!jack reacher.
trope: skilled ex-military man meets ordinary civilian & they fall in love while on a dangerous mission.
genre: fluff + slow-burn romance.
warnings‼️: crude language + mentions of blood + mentions of violence (a bar fight but nun too graphic) + patching up wounds + a kiss scene + my first time writing / describing tension & i tried my best so i’m very sorry if it’s a flop 😭 + things get a lil… heated (🌚) but it’s still sfw for the most part!
word count: 1,393.
random disclaimerrr: god he’s so hot i just had to write smth else for him 🫦 s1 reacher you’ll always be famous. happy reading! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ♡ © 2025 @jks1uv
It’s quiet.
The only sources of sound are the crickets chirping outside and the occasional crack and snap of a worn out engine in an old ass vehicle.
You’ve washed your face and changed into some pajama pants and a tank top. You're sat atop your and Reacher's shared bed in some 3 star hotel room, wondering how fucked up tonight got.
It was supposed to be a simple stakeout. You and Reacher were meeting with someone at a bar a little outside of Margrave.
But of course, shit hit the fan as soon as possible.
You were drinking a soda, waiting on Reacher to finish conducting his little interview when jackass and friends came over.
“Why you drinkin’ all by your lonesome, hun?”
You act deaf but that just pissed them off.
“Hey. You fuckin’ deaf or somethin’?”
You look at them sideways which makes them laugh and oddly enough, think you’re playing hard to get.
“Come on now, baby, don’t be like that.”
“Yeahh, we could show you a real good time.”
The one that looks like the leader of the trio winks at you and you just can’t stand it anymore.
You pay for your soda, get off the stool and turn around to walk away when one of the 3 stooges grab your wrist, causing you to be yanked back.
“What the fuck-?!”
“Where you goin’?” He doesn’t sound so pleased but you don’t give a fuck.
You punch the guy restraining you in the nose, hard.
“You fuckin’ bitch.”
“You’re gonna pay for that.”
You blink and feel yourself being shielded.
You feel his large hand on your arm, maneuvering you behind him as he takes on the 3 short and scrawny (compared to mountain man over here) bastards quite easily.
Obviously, it’s not a bar fight without somebody playing dirty and pulling out a weapon at their convenience, and that’s exactly what happened!
Reacher is nicked along the lines of his abs before he snaps the guy’s wrist, jamming the knife into the other dude’s shoulder.
You wince and look away.
Reacher rounds up the last dickhead and turns his lights off (temporarily) before you both skedaddle outta there.
And now you’re here.
Reacher opens the bathroom door to let some steam out, you observe his shirtless and injured state.
“Reacher...” Your guilt shows.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll be fine. I was just doing-”
“Please don’t say ‘your job’.”
He looks at you with an amused smile. The mountain man takes out the first aid kit and starts disinfecting his wounds.
You walk over and sit beside him on the counter, taking the alcohol soaked cotton ball and dab it gently.
It’s quiet again for a few minutes, no sign of awkward silence.
It’s strange, you didn’t even know this man a few weeks prior and now you’re cleaning his wounds. Not to mention, you’ve never seen the guy half-naked before and hot damn is he built like a Greek God. You’re basically heating up! (from the steam, of course...)
“It doesn’t look like it’ll need stitches, right?”
Reacher’s too busy staring at you. Your fixated eyes, your furrowed brows in concentration. He lowers his eyes towards your lips, slightly bitten in focus.
“Reacher?” You blink up at him.
The husk in his voice catches you off guard. You gulp harshly, focusing back on the task at hand.
“You didn’t have to go that hard, you know.” You change the topic, dismissing the almost electric atmosphere.
He tilts his head at you like a confused dog.
“Those bastards were giving you shit, so I handled it.”
He says it with such clarity that you’d think it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You shake your head playfully, a smile tugging at your lips from his show of ferocity for you.
“And I appreciate it, I do.”
“I sense a rebuttal.” He quips.
You laugh through your nose. “I just wanted to say that despite your valiant efforts,” You pause to press a bandaid on his abs.
“Uh huh.”
“I was doing just fine.”
“That you were.” He agrees.
He says it like he’s proud, like he’s so relieved to see you have your own back and toughen up when it’s time.
You know the world is a cruel place and that sometimes, only the strong survive. But you proved your strength and he recognizes it.
You meet his eyes and see him staring back into them. You see the different shade of blue in this light and angle; a dimly lit orange hue casts a nice glow onto his freshly shaved, chiseled face.
“I never noticed the many,” He inhales. “Freckles and moles and little scars on your face.”
“Now that I think about it, your nose is kind of big.” You humor him.
He squints his eyes playfully.
You really hope he picks up on the fact that you’re flirting. You want him to break the ice; to make the first move but would he be so willing? You think he’d be a tease and let you grow frustrated before appeasing.
“What are you thinking about?”
His hand comes up to rub the ends of some strands of your hair together, liking the softness of it.
“You.” You boldly answer.
He raises an eyebrow at your declaration. “What about me?”
There’s that voice again, god. The low timbre with the breathy whisper.
The smell of wood and cologne, everything clouds your senses.
Your breathing quickens just a tad when you feel the feathery touch from his fingers touch the sliver of exposed skin on your hip. You wore the tank top because you were comfortable but now you applaud yourself for the smart choice.
He inches closer and closer; you could just push yourself up on your heels and meet him halfway. Your eyelids flutter, fighting the battle between closing them to enjoy the moment or keeping them open to see the suspense.
Will he? Won't he?
Suddenly, he leans back with a tube of Neosporin, screwing the cap back on. Your eyes open up and he stares down at the tube, pretending he wasn't just about to indulge you in your wildest fantasies.
You know he knows, but he just has to be a teasing little shit about it.
His face cracks and his lips split open to reveal the most beautiful smile; it makes you smile a little, too.
“Alright, alright. I’ll stop.” He croons.
He leans forward and grips the countertop, trapping you between him. His gaze dart around your face before landing on your lips. He takes a deep breath.
“Can I-”
“Yes!” You pull his face in with both hands, not wasting any more time.
He laughs into your mouth and you find yourself wanting to hear more of it.
You’re lifted from the countertop with such ease, you’re reminded of his strength. Time and time again, his strength makes an appearance and you can’t help your attraction.
Reacher’s hands squeeze at your hips when you lick his bottom lip, wanting a little taste of something more. He nips at your throat, leaving love bites messily across your neck and soothing the painful pleasure with the coolness of his tongue.
You bring him back to you and kiss him with tongue and teeth, feeling your nerves on fire and your heart about to burst.
He groans when your legs tighten around his core. “You keep doing that, I won’t last.”
You giggle at the that and think about teasing but your resolve is weak when he lays you down on the bed.
You see a sparkle in his eyes, the kind that hypnotizes you; makes you want to swim in the turquoise waters of his mind.
“I’m so down bad for you.” You softly admit.
Your hands are in his hair, softly toying with the brown strands.
He kisses you with such fervor, you can feel everything he’s ever wanted to say. You can feel his desperation, his devotion, his care for you. You feel the longing in the way he holds you, in the way he kisses you soft and slow. He pours his emotions into the searing kiss and you can cry from joy.
To know someone cares for you as much as you do for them is rare, but never not found.
#amazon prime video reacher#amazon prime video jack reacher#amazon prime video jack reacher series#amazon prime video usa#jack reacher series#jack reacher#reacher#alan ritchson jack reacher#reacher x fem!reader#jack reacher x fem!reader#reacher x y/n#jack reacher x y/n#reacher x reader#jack reacher x reader#reacher x you#jack reacher x you#reacher oneshot#jack reacher oneshot#reacher imagine#jack reacher imagine#reacher fanfiction#jack reacher fanfiction#reacher fanfic#jack reacher fanfic#♡ hearts 4 everyone! ♡#s writes!#closer
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★ lazy warm sticky
kuroo x reader. smut, unprotected sex, fem!reader, mdni!! post-timeskip obviously, not proofread
as august fades away into september, tetsuro can’t help but mourn summer. he’s all for the warm weather, he thrives between the sand and the waves, and you’d lie if you said that you didn’t absolutely adore seeing your oh-so-handsome boyfriend at the beach, his toned body under the sun, his skin hot under your fingertips. it’s true, he’s a sight for sore eyes. you know you'll miss it all in the fall, but you're okay with that.
but he? he grieves when summer ends.
tetsuro loves you all year long. you know it, he knows it. but there’s just something about you in the summertime that drives him nuts. he loves the way you dress when it's warm outside, with your little shorts and tops and your sundresses, everything oh so tiny, perfect for him to slip his hands under. he's in utter awe of you in your little bikinis, he adores kissing you and feeling your sunscreen and the saltiness of water on your skin against his lips, and of course, he loves to take everything off of you when you get home.
most of all, he is utterly enamoured with the way sex in the summer feels somehow more intimate than usual, when your whimpers and shaky breaths merge with the cricketing of cicadas outside as his warm hands are all over you. every touch feels like fire against your skin, but you love it, especially when you’re riding him like this - slowly, excruciatingly slow. and he feels like he’s going crazy.
he gazes up at you, his eyes half-lidded with pleasure, and it’s unfair how pretty he looks, all disheveled and sweaty under you, and it’s almost like he’s begging you to go faster. you’re flushed, warm, soft - he can’t tell if it’s because of the temperature or if it’s because of him, but he doesn’t care. you make his mouth water - he just can’t wait to taste you. tetsuro leans in to kiss you, your lips meeting slowly, lazily. the kiss is sloppy, and as your tongues meet, he’s moaning into your mouth because you're his, and you’re just so sweet, he can’t help it. not when his cock is buried deep inside you, at least.
there’s a kind of pathetic desperation in the way he sounds that makes you absolutely go feral. you pick up your pace, your movements quicker as you bounce up and down on his cock, but it’s not nearly enough for him - he wants more, you know he does when he grabs you by your ass and thrusts his hips up against you, his movements rough, impatient. you’re gonna have his handprints on you in the morning, but you don’t mind, and neither does he. he can’t wait to see his doing under your bathing suit tomorrow anyway.
it’s filthy, really, because he just can’t wait to see you cum on his cock, and he can’t wait to stuff you full. after all, it’s a lazy warm sticky day, and all he really wants is to have you. and maybe it’s the season. or maybe it’s just you.
but either way, he can’t wait to fuck you like this all year long.
ash’s note: i love fall and i’m so glad summer’s basically over but i just know my glorious king tetsuro THRIVES in the summer. he just SCREAMS summer to me.
can’t believe i wrote this
#kuroo tetsurou#hq#hq kuroo#hq x reader#kuroo headcanons#haikyuu#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu scenarios#haikyuu x reader headcanons#hq imagines#kuroo smut#kuroo tetsuro x reader#kuroo tetsuro smut#kuroo x reader#kuroo x you#haikyuu smut#hq smut
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if you look deep enough into steve’s eyes, the colors start to shift from a medium-brown to light, almost golden, like his hair in the summer, like his skin when it’s wet.
eddie finds himself noticing these things more often as the year after vecna passes. on the anniversary of nearly dying, eddie thinks he’s noticed everything about steve.
but then steve shows up at his door after dropping the kids off at their respective homes, a smile on his face, and something mysterious in his eyes. something that distracts eddie from the golden specks the reflect off his porch light. something that only eddie really gets to see.
“wanna take a ride?”
“where you taking me, big boy?”
steve blushes, a soft pink that would be warm to the touch if eddie was brave enough to reach out.
“it’s a surprise.”
eddie trusts steve, so he gets in his car and doesn’t ask anymore questions.
steve talks about something dustin did on the way, complaining with a fondness only steve could have for the kid.
it hits eddie as steve pulls onto a side road.
the field.
the wildflowers bloomed early this year, and eddie had mentioned recently that he would like to make new memories in a place where he was facing death or prison exactly one year ago.
he didn’t think anyone was listening, but apparently steve was.
steve parks the car and eddie doesn’t think he can look at him yet. he thinks he’s gonna cry. he thinks he’s so deeply in love with this man that he may never experience anything like it again.
it’s dark, but the moon is bright. there’s still a light chill in the air, but eddie’s still wearing his leather jacket from hellfire earlier, so he barely feels it.
they walk together through the field, close enough that their hands brush, but still more distance between them than eddie wants. he’s surrounded by beauty: the flowers, the stars, steve.
he stops when steve does.
they both look up at the stars for a few minutes, silent so they can hear the crickets and their own heartbeats.
“a year ago, when i almost lost you, i thought about all the things i didn’t get to do or say or know about you. i was angry for a long time.” steve turns to eddie, giving him a sad smile. “it wasn’t fair that you had to go through all of that and i couldn’t do anything. the doctors weren’t doing enough, and the cops weren’t doing enough, and no one understood how important it was that they fix it.”
eddie’s watching him, baffled. he’s not sure where this is going and he’s worried that his own feelings may be clouding his vision.
“i couldn’t make your pain go away. i couldn’t make it easier. i couldn’t help you walk again or play guitar. i just had to watch.”
eddie feels a tug in his stomach, a pull that leaves him breathless.
“but i watched. and i saw every side of you. and i don’t think i’ll say this right, but i practiced with robin and she thinks i did good.” steve breathes in and turns to face eddie completely. “i learned a side of me that i didn’t know about while i watched you. i learned that love looks different than what i always thought. and i learned that because of you.”
“because of…me?” eddie’s trying not to get his hopes up, but he’s pretty sure they’re higher than ever.
“because you love so loudly. everyone you love knows it and you aren’t scared that they’ll run away. it’s probably because it’s impossible not to love you.”
eddie thinks he actually is experiencing some kind of post-death dream. maybe he got too high in his room and steve never even showed up at his door.
“eddie? did you hear me?”
eddie focuses on steve’s look of concern, on the golden specks in his eyes that the moonlight makes shimmer.
“i don’t know?”
“i said i love you.”
“oh. then, no, i didn’t.”
steve’s face falls and eddie realizes a second too late that his response to steve saying he loves him wasn’t the exact thing he’d been holding back for at least six months now.
“i just thought you should know. um. so i guess i can wait in the car if you wanna stay a bit longer-“
eddie is only staying in this field if steve is with him, so he wraps his arms around steve’s shoulders and hugs him harder than is probably safe.
“i love you. sorry i’m a dumbass and didn’t say it the second you did. i was trying to convince myself this was real life.”
steve laughs against his ear and eddie’s pretty sure they belong like this.
“why now?” eddie asks as he pulls away.
“because i told myself if you didn’t do it by today, i would.”
“how long have you been waiting on me?”
steve lets out a breath. “eight months give or take.”
“that is…much longer than i would’ve expected.”
“yeah, well, imagine being the one waiting.”
eddie smiles at steve, and steve smiles back, and eddie notices a new thing.
steve harrington’s got a crooked tooth. an imperfection to some, a sign of being human to eddie.
“what’s that face for?” steve asks.
“you’re perfect, stevie.”
they kiss in the field where eddie was saying goodbyes a year ago. they look at stars in a clear sky while holding hands and talking about what their future might look like. steve’s head rests in eddie’s lap while eddie traces steve’s lips with his finger, memorizing the curl of his lips when he smiles and the feel of the vibrations when he hums a song eddie doesn’t recognize.
steve picks flowers, and eddie makes a crown, and they both say i love you in a million ways.
they walk along the edges of the field, where the rv was parked while they prepared for the worst. eddie shivers at the memories, but steve kisses his shoulder and the back of his hand and he shivers at that instead.
they ride back, and eddie sings along to whatever songs play on the radio, even if he messes up the words. steve laughs and it’s better than any music they could listen to.
they kiss on eddie’s porch, surrounded by darkness because no one turned on the outside light. it’s so late, no one would see them anyway.
steve stays at eddie’s, but wayne’s home, so they’re quiet and keep their hands above the waist even though they so desperately want to touch, and kiss, and bite every inch of each other.
they still get carried away, which doesn’t surprise eddie at all. what does surprise eddie is how quickly steve sits in his lap, rutting against his stomach and biting back moans and whimpers and eddie laces their fingers together and squeezes, meeting each thrust with his own. neither of them last long, coming in their pants like virgins. they laugh, but they kiss through it, teeth clacking as they gasp for breath.
they take turns in the bathroom in case wayne wakes up. steve comes back into eddie’s room without a shirt and hair slightly damp. eddie feels his heartbeat quicken as steve hops into bed next to him.
they sleep with steve curled against eddie’s chest, eddie’s arms around his back, sweaty but content.
content and happy.
and when the sun rises the next morning, eddie wakes first and notices another new thing about steve: he drools in his sleep.
#so this was supposed to be my pop up drabble next month#but then i got carried away#and it’s no one’s fault but my own#so now it just exists and i’ll have to write something else#oh darn#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#stranger things#drabble#getting together#love confessions
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always and (not) forever - ʀᴀꜰᴇ ᴄᴀᴍᴇʀᴏɴ.

PAIRING : rafe cameron x reader
SUMMARY : rafe breaks up with you right after you get accepted to stanford university.
WARNING(S) : angst, swearing, not really proofread
A/N : can you tell i just watched to all the boys: always and forever? (divider by @roseraris )
WC : 0.7k
Your heart’s pounding more and more as you click on the email you just got.
It’s late at night, only the crickets outside accompanying your growing emancipation. You squeeze the hem of your pajama shirt, biting your lip almost to blood.
This is the moment you’ve been waiting for forever— the week of acceptance letters from Stanford.
You can’t really remember when exactly you decided that a university across the whole country was good for you. It just… happened.
Your boyfriend, Rafe, wasn’t particularly excited for you to study so far away since he wanted to go to the one in-state. You managed to convince him that you’ll be well.
The email is long, but after the first words, you don’t even bother reading more. You got in.
A scream escapes your lips, quickly muffled by your hands. You sit there wide-eyed, the faint light of your laptop’s screen falling on your face.
“Oh my God.”
You immediately grab your phone, trembling fingers dialing Rafe’s number. He answers faster than the first ding.
“What’s up, baby?” His voice’s a little raspy and low as if he was falling asleep.
“I got into Stanford,” you whisper, the words feeling unreal once they leave your mouth. “Can you believe it, Rafe?”
He doesn’t say a single word before he lets out a faint hum. “That’s… great. I mean, you’re happy, right?”
“Yeah, of course!”
There’s a silence— a moment where you can let your emotions cool off a bit, followed by Rafe clearing his throat.
“Actually… Can we meet?”
You knit your eyebrows. His voice is steady but distant. Something you haven’t heard in a while. “Like, right now?”
Rafe hums in response, and you feel the confusion bubbling up. “Well, if you want to you can come over, but be quiet. My parents are asleep.”
“I’ll be there in five.”
You hang up the phone, your hand lingering as you glance at the laptop screen.
Was Rafe overthinking this whole ‘distance’ thing once again?
You’ve already told him a million times that it will work out. So why the sudden change of mind?
You slip your feet into your slippers and grab a hoodie you throw on on the stairs.
The light from Rafe’s motorcycle flashes through the windows, a quiet buzz filling the natural silence. You quickly open the door and get outside, a chilly breeze hitting your bare legs.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, crossing your arms on your chest.
Rafe takes off his helmet and looks at the ground. “I think we should break up before you go to Stanford.”
You grimace, scrunching your nose. “What are you talking about? Rafe, we’ve been through this. I know it’s hard to be this long distance, but we can do it—”
“No.” The word comes out of his mouth so quickly, you gasp under your breath. “Honestly, how do you see that? Going from what we are now, from me getting to your door in five fucking minutes to seeing each other once God knows how much time?”
“But… you agreed to that earlier…”
“I was wrong,” Rafe says as quietly as a whisper, his voice cracking. “I’m not going to watch it all fall apart in two, four, or even six months. It’s better if we just end it now.”
You squeeze your arms and clench your jaw so tight it almost hurts.
How dare he just stand there, not even looking at you, as your life seems to split in two?
“Don’t say that, Rafe. You don’t mean it…” You say, your voice is small, but you know better than this. Rafe doesn’t just say things.
“I do.”
Two words. Those two words were enough to let the tears pushing onto your eyelids fall.
“Are you serious? After all we’ve been through, you leave me because of some stupid belief that we will not make it?” You sigh, anger spilling out with each breath you take.
“Go, Rafe. I don’t want to see your face.”
He inhales sharply as if you just slapped him. Maybe you should’ve done that. Instead, you turn on your heels and storm into the house, not giving Rafe another glance.
All you hear is the engine running, and the quiet sound of your heart breaking.
taglist :
#mayanneaa#outer banks#obx#outerbanks#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron imagine#rafe fluff#rafe cameron fanfiction#rafe outer banks#rafe cameron outer banks#rafe cameron#rafe fanfiction#rafe x reader#rafe fic#rafe cameron angst#rafe cameron ff#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron obx#rafe obx#obx rafe cameron#outer banks x reader#outer banks fanfiction#obx x reader#outerbanks rafe#rafe imagine#rafe outerbanks#university#college#stanford university#sarah cameron
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A gentle embrace

Pairing: Kang Dae-ho x Reader
Word Count: ~2,500
Warnings: Discussions of an emotionally abusive parent, mentions of childhood trauma, intense emotional vulnerability, hurt/comfort, crying, and heavy themes surrounding family and past relationships.
A/N: taking requests!
Summary: One quiet night, Kang Dae-ho breaks down in your arms, overwhelmed by memories of his father and his complicated family history. As his girlfriend, you do everything you can to comfort and ground him, showing him that he is loved and cherished despite the scars of his past.
The room was bathed in the soft glow of the bedside lamp, casting long, warm shadows across the walls. Outside, the night was quiet, save for the occasional chirp of crickets. You were both tangled in bed, your legs entwined under the covers, your arms wrapped securely around Dae-ho as he nestled into your chest.
The weight of his head against you was familiar, comforting even, but tonight there was a heaviness to his presence, an unspoken tension that you could feel in the way he clung to you. His large frame trembled slightly, and as your fingers carded through his soft, messy hair, you noticed the shallow, uneven rhythm of his breathing.
“Dae?” you whispered, your voice gentle as you tilted your head to look at him. “What’s wrong, love?”
He didn’t answer immediately, his face buried against your chest as if he could shield himself from the world. His arms tightened around your waist, holding you like you were the only thing keeping him afloat.
“Dae-ho,” you tried again, your tone patient and soothing. “Talk to me, baby. Please.”
A shuddering breath escaped him, and you felt the first warm tear dampen the fabric of your shirt.
“I-I don’t even know where to start,” he choked out, his voice thick with emotion.
Your heart broke at the sound of his pain. You had always known that Dae-ho’s relationship with his father was a sensitive subject, one he rarely spoke about in detail. From what you had pieced together, his dad had been a harsh, overbearing man who had left deep emotional scars on Dae-ho.
“It’s okay,” you murmured, running your fingers through his hair again and letting your nails gently scratch his scalp in a way you knew he found calming. “Take your time, my love. I’m right here.”
He sniffled, his breath hitching as he tried to find the words. “I just… I keep thinking about him. About how he used to treat me. The things he said. The things he didn’t say.”
You hummed softly, your other hand sliding down to his back, where you began tracing slow, soothing patterns. You could feel the tension in his muscles, the way he seemed to be holding himself together by sheer force of will.
“He was never proud of me,” Dae-ho whispered, his voice cracking. “No matter what I did, it was never enough. If I succeeded, he’d find something to criticize. If I failed… he’d make sure I knew just how much of a disappointment I was.”
Your chest tightened at his words, but you didn’t interrupt, letting him pour out the thoughts he had clearly kept bottled up for far too long.
“I-I tried so hard to make him happy,” he continued, his tears soaking through your shirt now. “I thought if I just worked harder, if I just proved myself, maybe he’d finally see me. But he didn’t care. He never cared.”
“Dae-ho…” you whispered, your voice thick with emotion as your heart ached for him.
His hand clutched at your side, his grip desperate. “Do you know what he said to me before I left for college? He said I’d never amount to anything. That I’d just end up like—like…” His voice broke completely, and he let out a gut-wrenching sob, pressing his face harder against your chest as if he could disappear into you.
“Oh, sweetheart,” you breathed, cradling his head gently as your thumb brushed against his temple. “I’m so, so sorry. You didn’t deserve any of that.”
He shook his head against you, his sobs wracking his body. “I hate him,” he confessed, his voice raw and broken. “I hate him for how he treated me. But sometimes… sometimes I hate myself for still wanting his approval. For still wishing he’d just—just tell me he was proud of me.”
Your heart shattered at his confession, and you tightened your arms around him, holding him as close as possible. “Dae-ho, listen to me,” you said softly but firmly, your fingers continuing their soothing motions through his hair. “There is nothing wrong with wanting that. It’s human to want love and approval, especially from someone who’s supposed to give it unconditionally. But what he did to you? The way he treated you? That’s not on you. That’s on him.”
He didn’t respond, his tears soaking into your skin, but you felt his grip on you tighten even more, as if your words were the lifeline he desperately needed.
“Baby,” you continued, your voice trembling with emotion, “you are kind, you are strong, and you are so, so loved. Not because of what you do or don’t do, but because of who you are. And if he couldn’t see that… that’s his failure. Not yours.”
His sobs slowly began to subside, though his breathing was still shaky and uneven. You pressed a gentle kiss to the top of his head, your lips lingering there as you whispered, “I’m so proud of you, Dae-ho. I hope you know that. Every single day, I’m proud to call you mine.”
He pulled back slightly then, just enough to look up at you with red-rimmed eyes and tear-streaked cheeks. The vulnerability in his gaze was almost too much to bear, but you met it with nothing but love and unwavering support.
“You mean that?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Of course I do,” you replied, brushing a tear from his cheek with your thumb. “I’ve never meant anything more in my life.”
He let out a shaky breath, his shoulders slumping as some of the tension finally began to leave his body. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” he murmured, his voice filled with awe and gratitude.
You smiled softly, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead. “You don’t have to do anything to deserve love, Dae-ho. You just have to let yourself accept it.”
His eyes filled with fresh tears at your words, but this time, there was a hint of relief in them, a glimmer of hope breaking through the pain.
“I love you,” he whispered, his voice trembling but sincere.
“I love you too,” you replied, your voice steady and full of conviction. “More than you’ll ever know.”
He buried his face in your chest again, his arms wrapping around you as if he never wanted to let go. You continued to hold him, your fingers threading through his hair and tracing patterns on his back until his breathing evened out and the tension in his body fully relaxed.
As the night wore on, the two of you remained entwined, your hearts beating in sync. And though the wounds of his past would never fully disappear, you knew that together, you could face anything.
For the first time in a long time, Dae-ho allowed himself to truly feel the depth of his pain—and in your arms, he found the safety and love he needed to begin to heal.
#kang dae ho x reader#kang dae ho#kang dae ho angst#squid game 2 x reader#squid game x reader#squid game 2#squid game#angst with comfort
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In His Arms
A/N: Just a little aftercare fluff with our favorite cowboy. Not much of a plot and this is kind of more of a drabble than a one-shot. But I was struggling to write anything else so this is what my brain wanted to think about tonight
WARNINGS: Implied smut, maybe cockwarming? (not sure if that's the right label for what happens here.)
If you would like to be added to any of my Tag Lists please feel free to comment, send an ask, or send a DM and I'll be happy to get you added!
The room was steeped in warmth, the kind that only came from the perfect combination of love and passion. The soft hum of the ceiling fan mixed with the distant sound of crickets outside the window, creating a soothing backdrop to the slow return of your breaths. Tyler was beneath you, his broad chest rising and falling steadily as your own heartbeat began to settle. He’d only been home an hour, but already, it felt like the days apart had been nothing more than a distant memory.
You lay sprawled over him, your body molded to his like it belonged there—because it did. His arm rested lazily above his head, his fingers occasionally flexing against the pillow. The other was anything but idle, his roughened palm drawing a lazy path up and down your spine. His touch was featherlight yet deliberate, the tips of his fingers brushing over every curve, every dip of your body like he was memorizing you all over again.
Neither of you spoke at first. Words weren’t necessary—not yet. The moment was too raw, too precious to break with conversation. He was still buried deep inside you, his body unwilling to part from yours. You felt his heartbeat against yours, steady and sure, as if tethering you to him.
"You okay, darlin’?" His voice was soft and gravelly, thick with exhaustion and satisfaction.
You nodded against him, your cheek resting against the firm plane of his chest. "More than okay," you murmured, your words muffled but still clear enough to make him chuckle.
"Good." His hand slid into your hair, fingertips massaging gently at your scalp. "I missed you so much. Felt like I was out there forever this time."
It wasn’t the first time he’d been gone chasing storms, but this week had felt especially long. His absence left an ache in your chest, one you hadn’t realized had grown so deep until he was back and holding you like this.
"Me too," you admitted softly, your lips brushing against his skin. You felt the way his body shifted beneath you, his arm tightening around your waist like he couldn’t bear the thought of letting go.
“You have no idea how much I missed this,” he finally murmured, his deep voice a low rasp that sent a ripple of heat through you. His words came with a soft kiss to the top of your head, his lips lingering there for a moment longer than necessary.
You nuzzled into the curve of his neck, your lips brushing against his pulse. He tipped your head back slightly, just enough so his gaze could find yours in the dim light of the room. His green eyes, flecked with golden warmth, held a look so tender, it nearly stole the breath you’d just regained.
"I thought about you every night," he murmured, his lips brushing against your hair. "Every damn minute. You don’t even know what you do to me."
His free hand began its slow path down your back again, fingertips trailing over the curve of your spine. When he reached the small of your back, he paused, pressing his palm flat against your skin and holding you there.
"This," he said softly, "this right here is what I needed."
A flush rose to your cheeks, and Tyler’s lips curled into a soft smile as he felt the heat of it against his neck.
“There it is,” he teased, his voice dipping into that gravelly tone that always made your heart stutter. "That blush I love so much."
He shifted slightly beneath you, his arm tightening around your waist as he pressed you impossibly closer. You could feel every inch of him, the heat of his body wrapping around you like a blanket. He didn’t stop touching you, his hand tracing slow, deliberate paths that left trails of goosebumps in their wake.
“You feel so damn good,” he murmured, his lips brushing against your temple, then down to the corner of your mouth. “I swear, nothing else compares. Nothing else even comes close to having you like this.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but he beat you to it, his lips capturing yours in a slow, searing kiss that left no room for doubt about how deeply he meant every word. When he pulled back, his forehead rested against yours, his breath mingling with your own.
“Stay with me like this a little longer,” he said softly, his hand coming back up to cradle the nape of your neck. “I’m not ready to let you go yet.”
His fingers trailed down your spine again, his touch firmer this time, as if grounding you both in the moment. His lips found the shell of your ear, his breath hot against your skin as he continued in a hushed voice that sent shivers racing through you.
“I missed you so much,” he said, his tone rougher now, edged with the kind of desire only he could make feel like a promise. “And I’m not done with you. Not even close. I want you again, sweetheart. Over and over.”
His words made heat bloom low in your belly, and you couldn’t stop the way your body shifted against his. Tyler’s hand on your waist tightened, holding you still as his eyes darkened.
"Easy, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice low and teasing. "We’ve got all night. No need to rush."
He let his hand drift lower, tracing the curve of your hip before sliding back up to the small of your back.
"I’m gonna show you just how much I missed you," he whispered, his lips grazing your jawline. "Gonna make sure you feel it—every inch of it."
You shivered as his words washed over you, his breath warm against your skin. He shifted beneath you, his body a comforting weight as he pulled you impossibly closer.
"I love you," he said softly, the words catching you off guard even though you’d heard them before. There was something different in the way he said it now, like it wasn’t just an expression but a vow.
Your heart swelled, and you leaned up just enough to kiss him again, pouring every unspoken feeling into the connection. He responded in kind, his hands roaming your body like he couldn’t get enough, like he was memorizing every curve and dip.
The world outside didn’t matter—not the storms he chased, not the time apart, not anything but the two of you in this moment. In his arms, you felt it all: desired, cherished, and deeply, irrevocably loved.
And as the night stretched on, Tyler made good on his promise, showing you again and again just how much you meant to him.
#Tyler Owens#Tyler Owens x reader#Tyler Owens x you#Tyler Owens Fic#Tyler Owens Fanfic#Tyler Owens Fanfiction
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Okayyyyyy your sub!Wade Wilson fic literally destroyed me and I need like a million more consider yourself my new dealer
(If reqs are open can I get uhhhhh Wade Wilson where he's needy but has no idea what he wants so reader has to shut his brain off and figure it out for him pls and thanks)
hi anon, i love this idea so much omg! i may have played around with it a bit but i think i still kept the same core idea. i went with fem! reader on this, but if you want a similar request with gn! or male! reader, let me know! pls enjoy!!!
rough night

pairing: wade wilson x fem!reader
summary: wade needs your love and attention, and luckily, you're always there to help him out.
tags: smut (18+), sub!wade wilson, dom!reader, dirty talk, praise kink, light bondage, grinding, clothed sex, oral (f receiving), exhibitionism, car sex
wc: 2.0k
“Okay, babe, hear me out: the ending to the stage version of Little Shop is leagues better than whatever deus ex machina crap they had to throw into the last two minutes of the movie. Cowardly movie-goer audiences can not handle true stage-level tragedy–”
“Wade!” You shout, nearly swerving the car as you double check the directions. Past midnight on the freeway after a long day, you barely had the concentration to drive in silence– much less in a car with your partner in it. “Can you help me get us home first before we start arguing over musical movies again. Please?”
Wade hums, tapping his scarred hand against the console, “That’s a big ask, I’m not so sure I can, to tell you the truth. You wanna talk about musical movies? Can we talk about how big The Greatest Showman got when the score is nothing but pop songs? Look, I get the lead actor looks like my crazy-hot new best friend, but the 2010s had way better stuff coming out.”
Turning his head so you could see the shit-eating grin plastered on his face, he whistles a note before speaking. “You missed our exit, by the way.”
“What?” You double check the GPS to make sure he’s not lying. Sure enough, he’s right. “Why didn’t you warn me?”
“Oh, you know. Typical Deadpool, just pissing off everyone around him all the time for no reason,” he chimes in again, and something about his tone sets you off. You speed across the next available ramp, and after the few seconds it takes for you to end up on a deserted road, you stop the car.
Taking a deep inhale, you make sure to hit the inside light so he can see you properly, and you grab the arm still fidgeting next to you. “Wade, what’s up with you?”
His eyes go large, and his expression loses all the mischief immediately. Shaking his head a little, he purses his lips. “Nothing. Nothing’s up.”
“Let’s just get home,” he says after an empty moment, almost like he’s booting up again. “You can yell at me the entire way back, okay? I was being a pain in the ass. I’ll take it lying down, promise.”
Seeing him in the dim, yellow lighting, he’s trying to retreat into his hoodie. He’s pulling away from you even as he speaks, and it makes your stomach turn.
“Let’s–” you start, unbuckling your seatbelt before gripping the door handle. “Let’s just take a second first.”
You catch a wash of confusion on his face, but you exit the car and walk over to his side before he voices his thoughts out loud. Opening his door, you quickly envelope him in a hug before he can try to pull away again.
You swear you heard a whimper, but it was so quiet, you nearly missed it. Almost instantly, Wade buries his head in your neck, and his arms wrap around your middle tight.
The two of you stay there, alone, with the gentle sound of crickets chirping in the background for what feels like a small eternity. You know it must have only been a few minutes, because shortly, your thighs burn from the angle you’re bending at, so you gently pull away. You decide not to mention the wetness left on your shirt.
“What do you need?” You ask.
He shakes his head again, but faster this time. “I don’t know. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t even know why I was trying to piss you off.”
“Today was fine, right? I thought so, but all of sudden everything felt like it was going to shit. In my head, I just started going around in circles, going over all the little ways I kept fucking up, and – I don’t know – it got to me.” Wade brings a palm to his forehead. “It’s just one of those hate-yourself days, I guess.”
You nod, taking one of his hands in yours as you stand on the dying grass surrounding the road. Rubbing his palm with your thumb, trying to transfer some of your warmth to him, you’re suddenly met with an idea so good, you can keep inside the chuckle.
“Sorry, sorry!” You choke. “Not laughing at you, I just– I just think it’s funny where my brain goes.”
“What do you mean?” He looks up at you with pupils so big, you just want to go back to squeezing him.
“Well, we’re all alone out here.”
You can almost see the loading screen in Wade’s mind when he breaks out in a laugh. “No way, I finally found someone worse than me.”
“Would you want to?”
He’s nodding before he can even process, but after a second a frown sets in. “You know I’m always down to clown around, but I’d just be a burden right now. I’m all sad and icky and touchy-feely. I don’t even know what I–”
“You want me to handle it?” you interrupt. “I’ll just do stuff we’ve liked doing in the past. You don’t have to worry about a thing, I’ll make it all good for you.”
Wade turns his head away, and for a terrifying moment, you believe you’ve made him uncomfortable. But a part of him wins whatever fight is going on eternally, and when he faces you again, a blush coats his cheeks.“You’d do that?”
“You think I’m offering ‘cause I like hearing myself talk?”
“You have the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard,” he smiles, and not having learned anything, you bend down again to kiss him. He responds fast, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek as he pulls you in closer. No matter how much of you he gets, he always finds himself needing more.
You push his hood down and you carefully run your hands across his scalp, cradling his head, as you deepen the kiss. Licking inside his mouth, you feel more than hear a rumble build in his chest.
Breaking away, you pull your sweater off before laying it on the ground in front of the passenger seat. Stepping to the side, you give Wade a second to process before you order him.
He definitely mumbles a soft “holy shit” as he slips out of the car and drops to his knees. Briefly, you run your hands across his shoulders, kneading at the intersection between his shoulders and neck, feeling the tense muscle there. Typical Wade to cause problems instead of talking about his own. Just how long was he carrying around all of this tension? Maybe when you’re both home later, at what will probably be the crack of dawn, you can run him a warm bath or give him a better massage.
For right now, you slip past him and sit in the car seat above him. Angled so your legs dangle out the car door opening, you place a hand around the back of Wade’s neck and urge him closer.
“You ready?” You whisper. “You want to eat me out, Wade?”
He buries his head into your thigh at your words as he lets out a groan, “Yes, please, oh my god.”
Grabbing both of your legs, he lifts them onto his shoulder and he already starts to move his head closer in between them.
“Hold on,” you grab one of his hands, interlocking your fingers. “Here, help me move one of my legs off your shoulder and against your dick.”
To his credit, he does, even as he shivers at your words. As he scooches around, trying to get comfortable or maybe just hungry for more sensation already, you feel his cock half hard.
“You’ve been wanting this, huh? Wanting me to boss you around a little,” you whisper, inching your head closer to his so you can whisper in his ear. “Wanting to hear dirty things in my voice?”
“Yes!’ he shouts. “Yes, please! Can I eat you out, babe? I’ll be good!”
“”Course you will be,” you smile. “You’re always so good for me.”
With a little maneuvering around your legs, you manage to slip your shorts and underwear off, accidentally tossing them into the darkness.
Wade frowns, his brow creasing, “No, I haven’t been very good lately–”
On command, you grab his chin and tilt it so his gaze rests on yours. There’s no hiding from your words now. “Don’t say that. Stop talking.”
“You don’t feel good?” you smirk. “Then prove to me right now how good you can really be.”
He needs no further encouragement as he buries his face between your thighs, already licking across you, teasing you even now. His pace is quick, desperate, but he’s still careful to avoid where you need him most.
With one hand perched at the top of his head, you scratch the other down his neck as a warning, but all it does is draw a moan from him. You can feel the vibrations through you, and it causes you to grind across his mouth.
Panting heavily, you decide to even the score. You press your calf up against his hard cock, inching it backwards and forwards, bit by bit, and that’s all it takes for Wade to remember his own needs. Wanting you already, he slowly grinds against your leg, and though it feels harsh through his pants, from past experience as well as the wet groans filling the air, you’re sure Wade enjoys it.
Suddenly, he decides to circle your clit in earnest, and it draws a loud moan from you. You begin to grind yourself against his tongue, still somehow working you with coordinated movements despite how out-of-control he humps your leg.
His whimpers slip out of him, as if he’s been completely fucked dumb just by getting off on your leg. The power is heady, and you move your hands to his, wrapping them around his wrists and bringing them in front of him to settle right in front of his stomach. Once you’re sure you’ve got a secure grasp, you bring one of your hands away to tilt his face up to yours so you can kiss him again.
You taste yourself warm on his lips, and the thought causes even more heat to pool at your core. All too soon, you pull away from him and shove his head back between your thighs.
“Fuck, Wade, so good. You’re so good for me.”
He’s whimpering right into your core and involuntarily, the hand restraining his wrists clenches. The harshness only turns him on further, and he continues rubbing himself along your leg so quick, you’re sure it must be starting to sting.
“Yeah? You like fucking my leg, Wade? I love seeing you grind on me, sweetheart, you’re so pretty.”
His pace increases, and he starts letting out frequent moans in between the warm breaths he exhales onto you. Your thighs are shaking – his speed for you has never faltered – and you shove his face towards you with the palm against his head.
“I’m gonna come. You wanna be my good boy and come with me, huh?”
At that, he releases a loud groan into your pussy, and you feel yourself coming, dripping onto his already soaked face. At your wetness, his grinding only increases, and after only a few more seconds, Wade finishes, cum seeping from his pants onto your leg.
The two of you stay silent with only your breaths slowly returning to normal to fill the air. Wade’s eyes are large, gazing at you like you’re all he could ever want, and it’s almost too overwhelming for you to return.
Shakily, he pushes off the ground and makes it to his feet before he stumbles to the side. On instinct, you jump from the seat outside to catch him, your arms wrapped around his waist. You’re still afraid that he’ll fall, but Wade lets out a light giggle.
“If you couldn’t drive us home before, I’ve got no clue how we’re making it back now.”
You lightly slap his arm, “You could be nicer to me after I made you come, bitch.”
He lets out a groan that would sound exaggerated if it came from anyone else, “Shit, call me that next time!”
“Next time I wreck you in the middle of nowhere?” you smirk.
“Just name a time and place.”
#deadpool#wade wilson#deadpool smut#wade wilson smut#deadpool x you#deadpool x reader#deadpool x fem reader#deadpool x fem!reader#wade wilson x fem reader#wade wilson x reader#marvel#marvel smut#dom reader#sub character#fem reader#smut
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