#I don’t even wanna talk about my Spotify wrap
spoofyleaf · 1 year
One of my favourite things one of my friends does when she’s super bored, is keep an eye on the music I’m listening to (via discord) and I’ll get texts like “you’ve been listening to [song name] on loop for several hours, ight”
Like this happens once or twice every few moths and I never expect it, but it’s so silly to me.
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teamahwol · 2 years
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I uh. Got into kpop this year.
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whimsical-roasting · 1 year
Jamie Tartt and the Five Love Language
THERES SO MUCH I COULD SAYYY and special thanks to @caapsiizzereads for helping me brainstorm some of these!! ugh just wanna love on the babyboy so much yknow??
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Words of Affirmations:
Babyboy is so precious…… he knows how it feels not to get kind words, and so he just can’t help but give them out to you
“Woah, babe…your mind..” in a stunned manner when you go off about something you’re passionate about
“You’re everything to me,” he whispers at night as you fall asleep
Has a shared spotify playlist that you both can collab on, and it’s just songs (lyrics) that remind you of each other!! Jamie plays it when he’s heading to away games in the coach, and it makes him feel a bit calmer 
Giving you ALL the praise and dirty talk during sexy time “you’re so fucking beautiful”, “you make me feel so so good” “holy fuck angel” 
Sometimes just stares at you randomly with a goofy look and you’re like ??? what ??? what is it ?? did he realise i’m ugly or my nose is weird or wHAT !!!???!! and he’s just like, “you look like sunshine”, all smitten and shit
Kisses each feature on your body and says “my favourite” to every. single. one.
“I believe in ya!”
Desperately wants to make sure you guys have a couple’s song - something meaningful that describes how he feels about you that he can play for you both… like Sweet Nothings by Taylor Swift/Hearts Don’t Break Around You by Ed Sheeran/Simple Things by Miguel 
Plays that song after fights when the silences are still tender; when you’re drunk and slow dancing in the kitchen at 3am; when you’re getting dressed for a gala, and he’s fixing his hair, and you’re putting on your earrings
“I adore you, sweetheart”, “you look like a pretty flower”, “me heart fuckin sings seeing ya”
Physical Touch:
Absent-mindedly plays with your hair
Nuzzles face into your neck and then peppers kisses on your shoulder
Massages/scratches your scalp cause he knows how good it feels when you do it for him
Traces patterns on your knee and thighs if you sit next to him
Gotta be holding hands at all times
Pinky promises are sacred… probs locks pinkies and then kisses his thumb to “stamp it” 
Slapping his ass as he walks past you, and so he’s always covering his butt, complaining “babeeee you can’t do thattttt”, but then he’ll be all pouty if one day you don’t slap his ass when he walks past… “do you not love me anymore?”
He will randomly come up to you, wrap your arms around you, getting as close as possible and tuck his face between your shoulder and neck, saying that he’s recharging
Always gotta be touching some part of you.. it’s the only way to live tbh
Gift Giving:
Remember when Jamie was like, “can’t I just buy them all PS5s as a sorry??” “what better thing to spend money on than love?“ LMFAOOOO babyboy :”) he means well
The amount of effort he put into Roy’s gift for Uncle’s Day <3 
Jamie would fucking love getting you fancy, expensive gifts around big occasions (birthdays, holidays etc.) 
BUT I think he’d also love getting you smaller gifts like… Sunday morning flowers, or stocking up on different kinds of herbal tea in his kitchen cause he knows sometimes you’re in the mood for a random cuppa on quiet evenings
Personally, someone like me loves cute tea cups/mugs, so I think buying two mugs to keep in his house cause “they’re so cute, and I wanted them for us” would make him so happy!! He doesn’t even use them all that much, but just seeing them in the cupboard makes him smiley
The kind to want matching outfits or colour-coordinated outfits - most def would buy you both matching sneakers (so would Isaac/most of the team with his S/O)
Gets you a ‘J’ gold chain and wears a gold one with your initial 
If he sees some targeted ad on your insta or something for what you’ve searched up he’s like hmmm,,,,,,i might just,,,*add to cart*
Quality Time:
Wants to spend all his time with you!! Ofc he does!!! 
Is happy to just sit in silence, stroking your calves he watches tiktok with your legs on his lap!! Esp if you’re like reading/doing work on your laptop
He just wants to be there yknow? And he tries not to be annoying but the little puppy can’t help but wanna talk and touch and, ultimately, annoy you
Tries to invite you to all his events? “Can me girlfriend come?” 
Even the ones that aren’t for guests, “babeeee, what do ya mean you won’t come to Colin’s guys' night? I swear they’ll be fine with it…probably!!” “can I come to girl’s night with ya? I’ll let you paint me nails…come on.. Pleaseeee?”
Texts you periodically during the night regardless ahahaha
I like the idea of, “hey I gotta drive somewhere, and it’s gonna take me 30 minutes..can you talk?” whilst one of you is in the car and the other’s at home or, I dunno, has some time during their day 
Date nightssssss every two weeks… OR if the season gets busy and he’s also exhausted from Roy’s trainings then SPECIFIC carved out time to be affectionate and date-y
“I’m so sorry, love, I know we had that reservation tonight, but I came home knackered and just crashed…” “Jaim, it’s okay-” “No, no, it’s not! I’m so fucking dead from training I don’t even get to take ya out anymore! What if- what if you wanted a picnic, huh!” “Baby, it’s okay, really.. How about we set up a picnic on the living room floor and order takeout? Something that Roy’ll let you eat, yea?” “I’m so fucking grateful for ya, angel, I swear” 
He always wants you to watch him score a goal on FIFA cause he’s a child ahahaha… probably teaches you how to play and then pouts when you score as Obisanya 
Wants to try out random hobbies with you - sip and paint cause “I’ll have an excuse to draw outta the lines”; knitting cause “Bumbercatch said it’s soothin, babe”; quick dry clay but he makes a big circular lump at first and grins at you “look babe!! I made a football!” 
Acts of Service:
Makes you coffee once he’s back from his 4am training 
Always offers you his jacket/coat
“I know this was stressing ya, babe, so I took care of it”
“Don’t worry, love, I’ve been practising this dish just for you.. I won’t burn it this time, promise”
Late night cravings???? McDonald’s fries and an Oreo Mcflurry?? He’s already slipping on his jacket and finding his keys (imagine how attentive he’d be with your weird ass pregnancy cravings omg)
ALWAYS opens doors for you... Probably yells “WAIT” when in the car with you just so he can jog out and open your door with a grin 
Always down to carry your purse, puts it on his shoulder like it’s HIS despite having his lil bum bag across his chest
Nightime or morning routine, he probs has to get ready before you so he lays out your skincare for you. Probs adds toothpaste on your brush if he hears you getting ready to enter the bathroom
Probably the main one driving everywhere, but if you drive and need to fill up your tank, he’ll be the one to get out and fill it then pay,,, he’s almost offended that you say you’re capable of doing so yourself, “babe, what am I here for?!”
Tries to eat in accordance with your dietary requirements (e.g. I’m vegetarian) if you guys have date night - or he’ll always have like mouthwash and gum so he can kiss ya later without making you feel uncomfortable!!
“Ooh babe, they have the ravioli ya like and the vodka gnocchi!! Okay, you order the ravioli, and I’ll get the gnocchi and we’ll split, yea?” “Hey Jaim, can we order fries too?” “Fuck yea!”
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satansapostle6 · 9 months
The Man Who Sold The World | Luke Castellan
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Spotify Playlist Link
Katherine. She was the one who started it all for Luke Castellan, the reason he did what he did.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Violence. Smut. Switch dynamic. Praise. Rough sex. Oral(both receiving). Slight choking. Overstimulation. Spitting. Blood. Minors DNI.
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine: Coney Island Baby
After their return from Hades, Luke and Katherine slept for an entire two days. They were exhausted beyond understanding. It had taken Luke a while to readjust to mortal luxuries, like time and space.
Luke eventually woke one morning to sunlight pouring in through the window, a welcome improvement from their time in the Underworld. Katherine slept beside him in their shared bed, and all was well at the moment. He knew to relish in the present calmness, as it naturally wouldn’t last.
He was happy to wake up without anywhere they had to go, or a nightmare to recover from. Luke was pretty sure he’d had a nightmare some time in the first few hours of sleeping, but eventually, so much time had passed he’d since forgotten them. He laid in the hotel bed with his feet curled into his body as Katherine faced him, mirroring his body language.
“You okay?” she asked softly, a smile on her face for what felt like the first time in forever.
He nodded, genuinely able to mirror that smile. “Yeah. I’m okay. I feel a lot better.”
“Me too,” Katherine nodded. “I feel like the Underworld really fucked us up.”
“Yeah… I guess we have more to be haunted by than most people.”
“We should do something fun,” she sighed, “And not be miserable for once.”
“I think… that’s a really good idea,” Luke decided, his voice still deep from exhaustion. “I’ll take you wherever you wanna go.”
He nodded. “Mm-hmm.”
“I wanna go to Coney Island,” she said slowly. “I’ve never been. I wanna know what Lou Reed was talking about.”
“Okay,” Luke agreed, not needing any further reasoning. “Coney Island it is.”
It felt great to the both of them waking up at 2 PM. As Luke finished his shower, towel still wrapped around his waist, he heard Katherine speaking, but couldn’t hear the words. Opening the bathroom door, he emerged with wet hair.
“What’s that?”
Standing coquettishly against the wall, in only an oversized shirt that he’d lent to her, she didn’t bother to hide the grin on her face as she spoke.
“What should I wear?” she asked.
This was a question Luke never expected from Katherine. He’d always felt that she was a very confident sort of person, the kind of person who just always woke up knowing exactly what they wanted to wear. If anything, he would’ve thought she’d tell him what to wear.
“…What do you want to wear?” he asked, not wanting to overstep any boundaries.
“I don’t know. Something I wouldn’t usually wear,” she admitted. “Something you can’t find somewhere that sells fishing bait.”
“What do you like?” Luke asked, genuinely curious what she actually liked that wasn’t leather jackets or jeans.
“I don’t know,” Katherine admitted. “…Should I wear a skirt?”
“If you want to, yeah,” he nodded, kind of flustered. “That’d look nice.”
“Alright,” she shrugged, still looking at him even though the conversation had come to a conclusion.
Luke watched as her eyes slowly trailed downward, chuckling as he put his hands on his hips.
“What you looking at?” he asked.
“Your face,” she smiled innocently, crossing her arms as she met his gaze.
“That’s not my face.”
“Oops,” she shrugged, wandering off as he just shook his head.
Luke truthfully wasn’t really sure what was going on with Katherine, but he didn’t really question it. They were both having fun. He figured eventually, he’d figure out if she would be a friend, girlfriend, or something in between.
He decided to put on his nice brown leather jacket and a dash of cologne, putting in the effort that he felt someone like Katherine deserved.
“You ready?” he called, car keys in hand.
“Yeah,” she called, slowly coming out of the bathroom after putting on her makeup.
Luke had almost forgotten she was one of the prettiest girls he’d ever seen. She had the softest skin, the prettiest lips, and long, shiny hair. She was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, and what he could only describe as one of the shortest denim skirts he had ever seen, along with a pair of heeled leather boots.
He could smell her perfume, and it made him feel lightheaded with ecstasy.
“How do I look?” she asked, already knowing the answer.
“Like I’m gonna have to win you every stuffed animal they’ve got,” he said proudly.
He playfully threw his arm around her as they climbed into the Pontiac and headed for Coney Island.
“I’m gonna tell people you’re my boyfriend so they get scared you’re gonna beat the shit outta them,” Katherine said as she put on her lip gloss on the car.
“I’m gonna tell people you’re my girlfriend so they think I’m really cool,” Luke smiled.
For once, the voices in his mind were quiet. There was no screaming, and no pain or guilt. All he thought about was how much he really, really liked Katherine as they sang along to Smashing Pumpkins in the car. Wandering around Coney Island and going on the roller coasters with her was enough to make him forget about being anything more than a person.
For the first time in his life, Luke didn’t have to do anything. He wasn’t too busy saving the world to realize that his world might just be someone else.
As he watched Katherine genuinely laughing and smiling, he felt he didn’t deserve the chance to see it. It was so unusual to him, seeing her enjoying herself. It definitely felt strange that it was being with him that made her enjoy herself. But he loved every minute of it, whether it was exploring with her, or sitting next to her on rides, or standing behind her in lines so that she could live in peace.
“Oh, look. A basketball game,” Katherine pointed out.
“You wanna play?” he asked her.
“No, I wanna watch you play,” she grinned.
“Okay,” he sighed jokingly, “Which one do you want?”
“Surprise me.”
Luke examined the wall of various sizes of stuffed animals, trying to decide which one he liked the best. Eventually, he settled on a tiger, because in a strange way, Katherine reminded him of one. It didn’t take long for him to make enough baskets to win one. He’d gotten just about every single one, which Katherine admittedly found attractive in him as she picked at the pink cotton candy he’d decided to get for them.
Luke turned around with a goofy grin as he showed off the stuffed tiger he’d won for her. Laughing happily, Katherine excitedly jumped into his arms as he caught her instinctively, stunned and touched by the gesture. Luke gladly spun her around in a circle as he allowed her to wrap her legs around him, the two of them fitting in with the families around them surprisingly well.
Katherine pulled away as Luke held her in his arms, throwing her own arms around his neck as she went in for a big, romantic kiss in the middle of the boardwalk. In that moment, the one thought swimming around in Luke’s head was that he really had been to hell and back with this girl.
Neither of them were in any rush to pull away. The kiss ended very slowly as they separated, only to see one another’s smiles.
“I’d kill for you,” Katherine whispered, giggling as they seemed entirely wholesome to the people around them.
“I’d die for you,” Luke reminded her, setting her back down on the ground. “And. You deserve all the tigers in the world.”
She eagerly accepted the gift, taking the animal as she made it face him, playfully snapping her teeth in a joking bite as he admired her.
“Thank you. For today,” he told her.
“Why are you thanking me?” she asked.
“Because, you let me see you smile,” Luke stated simply.
“I’ll let you see it even more if we can ride the roller coaster again,” she incentivized.
“Again? I’m gonna throw up,” he groaned.
They had spent almost all of their waking hours at Coney Island before they decided to go. Luke certainly didn’t mind driving as he watched Katherine blissfully do nothing for once.
“So, what do you wanna do?” he asked her readily. “Today’s about you.”
“Wanna keep the fun going?” she asked, a mischievous grin on her face.
Luke raised an eyebrow skeptically. “Why? What’ve you got in mind?”
“Let’s find a dive bar,” she suggested, an array of ID’s in hand. “I’ll kick your ass at pool.”
“You’re on,” he accepted.
Playing pool with Katherine while they each had a beer at a dive bar would’ve been fun, if it weren’t for the men in the room. Luke wasn’t sure if it was how much he cared about Katherine, or how he felt he owed her for completing Ares’s ‘quest’, or just common decency, but he wanted to gouge out every wandering eye in the room.
It was all he could think about as they played and drank. He knew it was ridiculous, because Katherine could easily kill everyone in the room probably better and faster than he could, but he still wanted to ‘defend her honor’, or something. Perhaps he just wanted to murder anyone who looked at her the wrong way.
He knew she could sense it. She knew why he stood right behind her every time she leaned over the pool table to take her shot. But, what he didn’t know, was that she took pleasure in the way he would lightly brush up against her. The tension definitely made several hours go by pretty quickly.
“Hey, Katherine?” he said, wanting to be serious for a moment.
“Hmm?” she looked up.
“I, uh… I know we moved past it, but… I just wanted to apologize for the way I treated you that night. With Ares,” Luke reminded her. “I should’ve told you how grateful I was to you, for what you did.”
“You don’t have to,” she promised him, knowing it was bound to come up sooner or later. “I know.”
“Okay,” he nodded, feeling less guilty.
“Alright,” she smiled, taking his hand in hers as she squeezed it for reassurance.
“For the record,” Luke purred, leaning down and whispering softly in her ear. “I wish I could’ve killed them myself.”
She looked up at him in surprise, feeling as if Tartarus had changed him.
“You deserve that much,” he told her, lightly brushing a stray strand of her hair behind her ear.
“That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” she remarked.
“You want another drink?” he asked, cautiously glancing behind her at the man leering as he sat at the bar.
“Why don’t we go back?” she suggested.
“Sure. You go out to the car, I’ll just be a second,” Luke told her.
Katherine took the car keys from him and disappeared as Luke headed to the bar, crossing his arms as he approached the man who had been hungrily eyeing her for the past hour.
“Hey,” he said, his tone rather confrontational.
“Hey,” the man grinned in response, not perceiving a single reason as to why Luke could be angry with him. “Quite the hottie you got there. What an ass.”
Luke made a face, at both the comment and its unfortunate phrasing, watching as the man’s friend seemed to also think it was somehow cool. Not appreciating the lack of common decency, Luke heard a voice in the back of his head that just said ‘fuck it’. He snapped and pulled a folding knife from his pocket, holding it inches from the man’s face as he slammed it onto the bar.
Everyone around him stopped, not quite sure how they wanted to react to the situation yet. Luke calmly held the knife to the man’s face as both he and his friend panicked.
“Ah! What the fuck?!” the man hissed, his face smashed into the table.
“Yo, we don’t want any trouble!” his friend blurted out drunkenly.
“Talk about my girlfriend like that, and I’ll cut your fucking tongue out,” Luke threatened, waiting for him cry.
Not having anything else to add, the man nodded quickly, begging Luke not to hurt him as he roughly shoved him, leaving the bar as everyone, including the bartender, just watched, fully aware that calling the police to that particular establishment would just be bad for business.
Luke eventually joined Katherine in the car, climbing into the driver’s seat as she looked at him calmly.
“You okay?” she asked coolly.
“More than,” he assured her, feeling as if he’d done his part. “Also, we can’t come back here.”
“Okay,” Katherine shrugged, fully aware of what must’ve happened.
Luke started the car angrily, starting to wish he’d followed through on his promise. She could definitely tell the mood he was in.
“I bet it was really hot,” she said finally, “Watching you make that guy squirm.”
Luke stopped, turning to look at her as he knew exactly what she wanted.
“That’s nothing. You should see me make you squirm.”
That was what did it. Never before had Luke ever seen two eighteen year-olds more determined to do anything. It was practically a race back to the hotel. Luke had to fight every urge to carry Katherine through the hotel lobby, elevator, and hallway. As soon as the door closed behind them and Luke’s jacket was thrown off, it was a free-for-all.
Katherine jumped into his arms, kissing him passionately as she felt his strong arms wrapped around her. He sighed heavily into the kiss, high on her scent as he set her back down on the ground.
“Are you sure?” Luke asked her, searching within her eyes.
“I’ve never been more sure about anything,” she promised him.
That was all he needed to know. They all but slammed into one another in a messy kiss, his tongue driving her insane. She helped him pull his shirt over his head, gasping lightly as she felt his cold hands underneath her skirt, kneading her skin, hard.
“I want your thong in between my teeth,” Luke said suddenly.
Katherine sighed. “I love ADHD sex.”
Her hands slowly ran all the way down his bare chest as he kissed her, still playfully groping at her ass.
“You don’t have to be so gentle,” she teased.
“Neither do you,” he promised her.
He slid her skirt down her legs in one swift move, watching, aroused, as she got down on her knees to get his pants off. She patiently pulled down his briefs, her response to which could only be described as a greedy gasp.
“I don’t fucking deserve you,” he gasped, his hand slowly combing through her hair.
Grinning up at him, Katherine’s eyes darkened as she only opened her mouth, tongue just barely sticking out as she silently told him what to do.
“Oh fuck, I could die right now,” he groaned.
He slowly inserted himself into her mouth, gasping at the sensation. His pace gradually picked up as he held onto the back of her head, thrusting as fast as she wanted him to. She looked up at him coolly, eyes calm and serene as he fucked her face, thrusting so hard he was surprised she didn’t choke or cry at all. She didn’t even seem fazed; she was enjoying it wholeheartedly. Luke groaned, enjoying every second of it.
“Fuck, your mouth feels so good…”
He hardly even felt the need to contain his excitement. But eventually, he couldn’t wait anymore. Pulling out of her mouth, Luke grabbed her by her face, pressing a hard, wet kiss to her lips as he forcefully pried her mouth open and spit in it roughly, gulping as she looked him in the eyes as she swallowed. He could’ve fallen in love right then and there.
“You’re so fucking nasty, I love it,” he said in a low drawl.
Katherine loved that he didn’t care if kissing her after she’d had his dick in her mouth was disgusting. She mounted him eagerly, chuckling as he impatiently started grinding against her as she peeled off her undergarments.
Before she could, Luke aggressively flipped her over, grinning in an animalistic fashion as he pinned her down, nipping at her neck as he made his way down her body.
“Fuck,” she gasped.
She pulled, hard, on his hair as his veiny hands pawed at her breasts, not sparing her the pain as he took each of her nipples between his teeth, encouraged by her pulling his hair. He whined hungrily as he moved downward, positioning himself between her legs as he dug his fingers into the soft skin on her thighs.
Luke hungrily bit down on her hip bone as she laughed maniacally. He bit down on her thong, slowly pulling it down with his teeth before taking it off.
“You’re a fucking goddess,” he moaned, burying his face in between her legs with greed as he just breathed her in for a moment. “I’d do anything for you. Fuck me, you’re so wet.”
Katherine sighed as he suddenly latched his mouth onto her clit, roughly massaging her hips as he strategically overstimulated her.
“Fuck!” she hissed, giving his hair a harsh tug as he moaned into her, tongue still lapping at her insides. “I’m gonna rip you apart!” she vowed in anger.
He pinned her down to the bed by her his, grunting crudely as he ate her out. He wouldn’t let anything interrupt him.
“Wrap your legs all the way around. Fuck my face. Let me make you come on my face,” he ordered impatiently, sighing into her as she sucked him into her.
He felt as if she were some sort of violent ocean that he couldn’t help but get sucked into. He flicked his tongue faster and faster, groaning as he felt her thighs shaking around him. His head was completely trapped, not that he even cared. He stayed out, attacking her with his tongue until he felt her finish. Even as she got even wetter, he didn’t stop, reveling in his accomplishments as she pulled on his hair.
He looked up at her, eyes wide and locked on her as she glared at him. When he was finished, he didn’t waste a second. Flipping her over and manhandling her like a rag doll, he made it so that they were both sitting up on the bed, as he slowly buried himself in her, as she still came, losing his mind.
He held her close to him by softly holding onto her throat, his big hand wrapped around her neck for balance. This was essentially his love language.
“Fuck, Luke! Holy shit!” she gasped, feeling how long it took for him to completely bottom out. “Luke…!”
“That’s it,” he groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as he lost himself in her, “Let everyone know my name… Please, Katherine, please,” he begged her.
She gasped as he picked up the pace, his cold hand on her neck somehow making her chest feel even hotter. He slammed into her harder and harder, making her groan as she impatiently pulled away from him, lying down as she pulled him down on top of her, kissing him hard.
“I wanna see the stupid fucking look on your face while you fuck me,” she hissed.
“Katherine!” he cried out, almost collapsing on top of her as he lovingly kissed all over her neck. “Fuck. You’re everything.”
“I’m gonna fucking destroy you,” she cooed mockingly as she shoved his face into her neck, her hands resting on his back.
“Go ahead,” he pleaded, “Make me yours. Fucking destroy me, just use me…!”
He moaned loudly as he penetrated, trying to control himself as felt her fingernails digging into his back. He nearly screamed like some sort of horror movie character as she clawed her fingers down his back so hard she started to draw blood.
Luke huffed excitedly as he thrusted in and out of her, completely burying his face in her chest.
“Shit!” he gasped. “Oh…”
He cried out, overstimulated as she scratched up and down his back. He knew there was blood dripping, but hardly even thought about it. He didn’t want to finish yet, but he also knew that he was enjoying being with her too much to really do anything about it.
“It’s okay baby,” she promised him, one hand playing with his hair. “Just come. Come for me,” she whispered.
“Tear me apart!” he hissed. “Fucking destroy me!”
He felt himself fuck like he never fucked before. He thrusted in and out of her so hard, she saw splotches of black as she dug her nails into his muscular back. She sighed as he kissed the side of her neck, refusing to stop worshipping her with affectionate little kisses. Just as he felt her getting so wet he knew she must’ve came again, he moaned softly as he braced himself.
“Luke,” she whispered, mouth agape as he kept going.
“Fuck, that’s so unfair, don’t say my name like that,” he whined.
Reaching a shared climax unlike anything either of them had ever felt before, he pulled out, coming all over her bare stomach with her nails still digging into his back. Panting hard, he collapsed on top of her, continuing his worshiping as he kissed all over her neck.
“Katherine, you’re so beautiful,” he gushed. “You’re a fucking goddess. I don’t deserve you. I love the way you hurt me,” he moaned, falling on top of her.
She appreciated the way he put his full weight on her, sighing in exhaustion as she worked her fingers through his hair. There was come and blood kind of everywhere, but to both of them, it seemed to feel right. That’s what they were together, just come and blood.
“I think I’m in paradise when I’m with you,” she murmured.
“I’d come in my pants if you told me you hated me,” Luke confessed, flipping over beside her to give her some room to breathe.
Sitting up, Katherine momentarily excused the come on her lower stomach as she looked at the old digital alarm clock on the bedside table.
“It’s 7:23,” she told him, her voice still breathy as she realized it was already light out.
“What time did we get in?” Luke asked in confusions staring up at the ceiling.
“I don’t know, 11:48?” she approximated.
“Shit,” he breathed, thinking hard. “Did we just fuck for seven hours?”
“Yeah,” she nodded, “I think so.”
Luke had forgotten that he was a demigod.
Chapter Ten
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harmonicakai · 5 months
Like or Like Like
Part 4 of the "Anyone Else But You" series
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Pairing: Huening Kai x Reader
Summary: Things grow complicated as you and Kai continue to blur the lines between friends and something more.
Tropes: enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, mutual pining, fluff, angst, stylist!reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex (mdni!!!!) reader is insecure, miscommunication, alcohol
A/N: THIS MIGHT BE MY FAVORITE PART OF THE SERIES AHHHHHHHH!!!! also still plugging the Spotify playlist for this fic hehe <3
“Head won't stop spinning 'round Make your decision now Head won't stop spinning Love me or let me out” —Everything Is Just a Mess, The Brook & The Bluff
Usually, you and Yeonjun keep your hangouts to just the two of you, but Huening Kai loves having you around no matter who else is going to be there.
Tonight is game night, something that would usually just include the boys. You’re nervous that they’ll start talking about League of Legends or some other topic that you know nothing about. Luckily, they’re currently hyper fixated on Mario Kart and you can fake your way through the rounds.
As you race across the tracks as Toadette, you find your legs resting over Kai’s lap, his free hand dangerously close to your thigh. At first, the thought of him touching you sends you into a panic, but you remind yourself that he’s touchy with all of his friends. Just twenty minutes ago, he was sitting in Soobin’s lap while holding Taehyun’s hand.
You catch yourself staring up at him instead of the TV screen every once in a while, his hair now tinted a soft shade of blue. To you, his face is practically perfect, and you start to wonder what it would be like to be so casually beautiful.
“Y/N,” Beomgyu says as he passes you on Rainbow Road. His mouth is full of cinnamon turtle chips. “You’re so quiet.”
You hit him with a red shell right before the finish line, somehow claiming first place. He’s right though—you’ve barely said a word since you got here six rounds ago. You do a little happy dance to celebrate your win.
“She talks a lot with me,” Yeonjun shrugs, getting up to grab another beer. “Maybe you’re just annoying.”
Beomgyu pouts and turns towards you, his face dangerously close to yours. “Am I annoying you?”
“No,” you giggle, pushing him away. “I was just too focused on beating all of you.”
“Don’t get too close to Huening’s girl,” Taehyun warns Beomgyu. “I don’t want to have to break up any fights.”
“Actually, I think she’d look better with me,” Soobin interjects, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You lean your head into him, smiling. “Right, Kai?”
When you look over at Kai, you’re greeted with an awkward grin. “Very cute,” he nods, giving a thumbs up in approval. You do your best to hide your disappointment.
“We’re out of beer,” Yeonjun says, returning from the kitchen. “Does anybody wanna go to the bar with me?”
“We can just have more delivered,” Taehyun suggests as he ties Beomgyu’s bangs into a pigtail.
“I’m craving a little more than just beer,” Yeonjun replies. You roll your eyes. Leave it to him to announce he’s horny to the entire group.
“I think I’ll stay home,” Kai says, slumping back onto the couch. He locks eyes with you and pats the space next to him with a smile.
“Actually, I think I’ll go with Jun,” you tell him, reaching for your purse. “I could use some fresh air.”
“Oh, uh, I’ll go too, then,” he says almost immediately, sitting up straight and running a hand through his messy hair. “I was just saying that because I thought you wanted to stay in.”
“Sure,” Soobin snickers. “Very smooth, Huening.”
“Let’s all go,” Beomgyu claps his hands together before holding one out to help you up.
Even though the bar is just a short walk away from the apartment, you swear you’ve never seen it before. When you see the people hanging out inside, you start to understand why. Everybody is hot.
“I’m underdressed,” you sigh, eyeing how dolled up every other girl is. In contrast, you’ve got one of Yeonjun’s jackets thrown over your sweater and jeans.
“You look good,” Kai whispers into your ear, his hand finding the small of your back and urging you forward. Even through all the layers of clothing, his touch makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
It isn’t until he spots a familiar face that his hand leaves you, quickly shoving itself back into his hoodie pocket.
“Shit,” he says under his breath, looking around the room to avoid someone’s gaze. You squint to find who’s got him all worked up until you see her. It’s the girl you caught sneaking out of his bedroom that one morning.
“What’s wrong, Hueningie?” Taehyun asks, assessing the situation. “Wait, is that—”
“Yep,” he swallows, locking eyes with her. She gives a faint smile and a wave, inviting him over. “I’ll be right back.”
Before you can stare at the two of them for long, the rest of the group is dragging you over to the bar. You sit yourself on a stool in between Beomgyu and Soobin, gesturing for the bartender. “I’ll have a Mai Tai.”
“Ooh, that sounds yummy! Make it two,” Beomgyu adds. His hair is still tied up from earlier. “You know, Y/N, I figured you wouldn’t want to drink since you got really sick last time.”
“Yeah, I thought so too,” you say, taking a sip of the bright cocktail. The rum goes down smooth.
“Leave her alone, Gyu,” Yeonjun interrupts, sliding himself in between the two of you. Beomgyu takes the hint and moves over to the next stool, practically draping himself over Taehyun.
“Shouldn’t you be off scouting your next hookup?” you scoff, attempting to dig the maraschino cherry out of the glass with your straw. Yeonjun reaches in and grabs it for himself. “Jun, what the fuck?”
“Don’t like it when someone else takes what’s yours, huh?” He pops the cherry into his mouth with a grin, its red hue matching the tone of his lips.
“I don’t know what you’re referring to.”
“Y/N. I’m not blind. You’re pissed that Huening is with that girl, but I’m telling you, you have nothing to worry about.”
“He said she’s not his type,” you grumble, taking a long sip.
“She isn’t,” Soobin confirms, slowly pulling the glass away from you.
“That’s not what it looks like.” You turn to frown at him, suddenly feeling cornered.
“Cut Huening some slack. You know he’s a chronic people pleaser,” he continues.
“Yeah, I’m sure he’d love to please her again.”
“What the hell’s gotten into you?” Yeonjun asks.
“I don’t know, okay?! I just know that you guys made that stupid bet that he would never be able to pull a girl ‘like her,’ and it’s been eating away at me ever since.”
“Wait, that’s what this is about? Not about Huening?”
“I don’t think so? Maybe a little bit, but it’s mostly just about how she’s apparently the gold standard for girls and I’m just… me.”
“Y/N,” Soobin says, his hand on your arm. “We were just being stupid, okay? Sure, she’s pretty, but a lot of guys would fall head over heels for you too.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Trust me, we do,” Yeonjun sighs. Before you can protest, Kai has rejoined the group.
“Hey guys, sorry about—whoa. Y/N, is everything okay?”
“Oh, I’m fine,” you lie, although your forced smile says otherwise. “How’d it go?”
“Good, I think. I apologized for kicking her out and we both came to the conclusion it would be best to not repeat history.”
“That’s all you talked about?”
“Yeah, basically. We don’t actually have a lot in common, so there wasn’t much to say. I mean, it’s not like we talked that much the last time we saw each other either.”
His last sentence makes you feel sick. “It’s getting late,” you say, gathering your things. “I should get home.”
“I’ll walk you,” Kai offers. Usually, you’d just call a car to pick you up, but maybe clearing the air between the two of you would be good.
It would’ve been if you had managed to say any of what you were feeling. Instead, the two of you were walking to your apartment in complete silence.
Almost halfway back, you can’t stand the awkwardness anymore. “Do you want to listen to music?” you ask, grabbing Kai’s attention away from the sidewalk.
“Sure,” he agrees. You reach into your purse and pull out a pair of headphones, handing him one of the earbuds. The short cord pulls the two of you closer.
“What do you want to listen to?” you ask, turning to see his eyes locked on you. His gaze is so intense under the streetlamps that you refuse to meet it, instead scrolling through your endless amount of playlists.
“That one,” he says, reaching over you and clicking onto the one titled ‘best love songs of all time.’ You immediately feel embarrassed that out of all of the options, the one he’s chosen was made for some guy you had an unrequited crush on last year.
Softly by Clairo starts playing, and you hope he doesn’t pay attention too closely to the lyrics.
Kai’s hand brushes against yours in an effort to take it into his, but you pull away. You’re not in the mood to be disappointed over him not actually meaning anything by it. 
The only thing preventing you from walking away from him are the headphones connecting the two of you. If he didn’t realize that you’re upset with him before, he certainly knows by now. 
You start humming along to the song, mostly out of habit, but it also helps you block out your thoughts.
“This song suits you,” Kai says in a calm voice, making it difficult to ignore him. “It’s soft and pretty. I think I might look up sheet music for it later.”
“I’m glad you like it,” you reply, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“I know you’re mad at me,” he continues, catching you off guard. Kai almost always avoids any sort of conflict or confrontation. “I’m sorry for making things awkward. I just felt like I owed her an explanation.”
You stop in your tracks to finally look at him, his eyes darting nervously across your apartment complex’s quiet courtyard. 
“Kai, you don’t have to be sorry. I’ve just been feeling weird, okay?” you assure him, removing the earbud and winding up the headphones.
“I still feel like it’s my fault, though. You were happy before we left,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck.
“If she had asked you, would you have gone home with her?” you blurt out.
“What?” he asks in confusion, his brow furrowing.
“I remember you were supposed to hang out with her again, before I walked in and ruined everything between the two of you.”
“No, I don’t think I would’ve. And you didn’t ruin anything, Y/N. I mean, maybe you sped up the process, but things would have never worked out with me and her.”
“And why’s that?”
“I think I’d just prefer to be with somebody else,” Kai says, stepping closer to you. He reaches for your hand again and you finally let him take it.
“Like who?” you blink back at him, your voice barely above a whisper.
“I don’t know, someone I could fall in love with, but would also be my best friend.” Like us, you think to yourself.
“Well, thank you for walking me back,” you say, your keychain rattling. 
“Are we still on for Sunday?” Kai asks, running his thumb across the back of your hand.
“I think that probably depends on if you’re free,” you laugh, thinking of the group’s upcoming schedules.
“I can make time for you,” he grins.
“Well, then, yeah.” 
“Great, then I’ll see you Sunday,” he says, pulling you into a hug and squeezing you tight. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Kai,” you smile, stepping inside and letting the building’s door shut behind you. The weekend can’t come soon enough.
You’re pretty much used to being a workaholic by now, but Yeonjun and Kai have invited you to TXT’s album launch party as a guest, not as an employee. 
As much as you hate to make small talk, it means you get paid to support your best friends and take a couple hours away from running around town and picking up dry cleaning.
“Hueningie, what’s up with you and Y/N,” Taehyun teases him, enjoying the unlimited champagne a bit too much.
“We’re friends,” Kai laughs awkwardly. The boys have been bugging him about you ever since you started working here. 
“Dude, you’ve had a crush on her for forever now!” Beomgyu slides into the conversation. “You almost got her fired for calling her pretty in front of Jisoo nim!”
“I mean, he kind of did get her fired. She’s barely allowed to dress any of us anymore,” Taehyun adds. “Except when Kai convinces Soobin to request her now.”
“Be quiet!” Kai says, shushing the two of them. “The both of you are drunk.”
“Well, I’m sober and I think you should tell her how you feel, Hyuka,” Soobin says, startling the rest of the group. How long has he been standing there and listening in?
“She knows how happy I am to be her friend. I tell her all the time,” Kai shrugs. He glances over his shoulder for you, although Yeonjun seems to be keeping you distracted across the room.
“Is there a reason you’re so scared of telling Y/N that you think she’s the prettiest girl in the entire world?” Beomgyu complains. Compared to Kai, he’s an open book, although he has probably half the luck when it comes to wooing girls.
“If you don’t want her, let me take her out,” Taehyun suggests. Kai scowls, his face turning bright red. “See, guys, look at Hueningie all angry that I’m going to steal Y/N from him! Don’t worry, bro. She’s all yours.”
“I don’t like her like that,” Kai repeats in frustration. “I can’t deal with you guys right now.”
He turns to walk over towards you and Yeonjun, but stops dead in his tracks. Instead of Yeonjun, you’re laughing and twirling your hair with someone he’s never even seen before. At his album party. 
“Good thing you don’t like her,” Beomgyu notes from behind Kai. “That guy’s sexy.”
“Who is that?” Kai asks, turning back towards his groupmates at the bar. He sits on a stool next to them and gestures for the bartender to pour him another glass.
“I think he’s a trainee. People have been calling him an ace,” Soobin explains. “His name is either Seongmin or Seongjin.”
“But you’re our diamond maknae, Hueningie.” Taehyun adds. “That guy’s got nothing on you.”
“Looks like he’s got Y/N,” Beomgyu observes. “OW!”
Kai turns to see that Soobin has smacked Beomgyu on the back of his head. 
“Okay, but what’s he doing here?” Kai crosses his arms, watching as the guy continues to make eyes at you. He can’t blame him—you do look really pretty today.
“I think I heard a rumor that he’s Si-Hyuk nim’s nephew,” Taehyun recalls. “He’s basically guaranteed to be debuting in the upcoming group.”
“Nepotism,” Beomgyu says, nodding. “Sexy and well connected.”
Kai turns back to the bar, downing his drink and gesturing at the bartender for another. 
“Huening, you should slow down,” Soobin warns him. “We’re at work, not the club.”
“It’s fine,” Kai huffs, gesturing to Beomgyu and Taehyun giggling about some commercial they saw last night. “At least I’m not them.”
It wasn’t fine. In just a few more drinks, he was much worse. Kai almost never drank this much, and when he did, it was pretty clear that he was a lightweight.
“I’m gonna be sick,” he sighs, hiccuping and now chugging water. Soobin pats his back.
“I know, buddy,” Soobin says, helping him off the stool. “Let’s go find somewhere to lay down.”
They’re so close to leaving the party when Kai spots you again out of the corner of his eye, with the nepo baby’s hand touching your arm. You’re smiling and nodding to whatever the guy is saying, but maybe you’re just being polite. 
Kai decides he needs to save you. Breaking free of Soobin’s grip, he makes a beeline towards you. Yeonjun takes notice and tries to stop him in his tracks.
“Whoa, Hueningie, what’s going on?” Yeonjun asks, using his arm to block the maknae from reaching you. 
“Isn’t she your best friend,” Kai hisses, his eyes still locked on you. “Why are you letting her get drooled on by that idiot?”
“Dude, calm down,” Yeonjun attempts to reason. “Y/N is a big girl. She’s allowed to talk to whoever she wants. Plus, Seongjin is nice. You should be happy for her.”
“Well I’m not!” Kai screams, causing the party’s chatter to go quiet. You turn to look at him, one of many whose attention has been drawn away. 
“You’ll have to excuse me,” you say to Seongjin. In your hand is a piece of paper with his phone number on it. “I’ll call you.”
“Looking forward to it,” he smiles. You nod and smile back before making your way over to Kai.
“Is something wrong with him?” you ask Soobin and Yeonjun. Kai’s legs falter, and your hands grab his sides to steady him. “Holy shit, how much has he had to drink?”
“Too much,” Soobin answers. “We’re going to take him to a practice room.”
“I’ll go with you.” You follow the boys out of the party, which is now awkwardly dispersing given that the entire group is either plastered or missing or both. 
Soobin swipes into the nearest practice room. A couple of trainees are inside practicing the choreography to Crown.
“TXT sunbaenim!” one of the prepubescent boys yells, immediately bowing. The rest of them follow suit, before crowding around the idols in wonder. 
“Hey, guys, we need this room, okay?” Yeonjun tells them. They nod and quickly gather their things, scrambling out in just a few seconds flat.
Kai groans as Soobin lays him down on the ground, immediately rolling to his side and curling into a ball.
“We’re going to get in so much trouble,” Yeonjun sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Hueningie has such a pure image to uphold. If this gets leaked, it could be really bad.”
“I can go back and try to smooth things over,” Soobin says. “You two should stay with him.”
“I’ll go with you,” Yeonjun adds. “I have a feeling it’ll take more than just you.”
“Guys, I have to get back to work,” you note, the back of your hand pressed against Kai’s forehead. He’s asleep now. When you get up from crouching, you feel his hand grab your wrist.
“Please stay, Y/N,” Kai begs, his eyes still shut. “Please don’t leave me.”
You look at Soobin and Yeonjun for help. They give you knowing glances—you’re not going anywhere. You sigh, sitting down against the wall and pulling Kai’s head into your lap.
Yeonjun takes out his phone and snaps a picture of the two of you. You shoot him a dirty look, gesturing for them to leave the room. After seemingly an entire photoshoot, it’s finally just the two of you.
“Y/N,” Kai mumbles. You’ve been quietly humming to him.
“What is it, Kai?” you ask, the hand that’s been playing with his hair going still. 
“No, keep doing that,” he says softly. “That feels good.”
You commence running your hands through his soft strands again. “But what were you trying to say?”
“Oh, right,” he says, snuggling further into you. “I love you, Y/N. I don’t ever want you to go.”
This catches you off guard. Surely, he means it in a friendly way. “I won’t, Kai.”
“Good,” he smiles. After a second, he continues, “Is that guy going to be your new boyfriend?”
“No, I don’t think so,” you reply. When he’s drunk and tired, Kai almost sounds like a little kid.
“Beomgyu thinks he’s sexy. Do you think he’s sexy?” Your eyes go wide. You and Huening Kai have had virtually no discussions about each other’s love lives since becoming friends.
“He’s very good looking,” you acknowledge. Except he’s not your type. Kai is.
“Then you should date him,” Kai says, surprising you. “Apparently he’s Si-Hyuk nim’s nephew, so I don’t think a dating scandal would be a big deal for him.”
Does he actually not care if you start dating someone else? Has all of the tension between the two of you been simply a figment of your imagination?
Before you can protest, Kai’s fallen asleep for real this time. By the time he wakes up, you’ll have said yes to the date, and he won’t even remember that he’s the one who told you to.
Taglist: @orangesodafoam @deezbutz28  @ur-mother-realnotclickbait @iyeeeverydee @internet-folks @darlingz99 @foxyjun @stardustmooncakes @giaalorine @beomgyubabybear @niningtori @goquokka @csbenthusiast @moarmyjkhk @lizdevorak @sooberryworld @lonelybutterflytae @midnight-mochii @theresawtf @nowadays56 @jjklvr9 @baekberrie @philijack
P.S.: Please shoot me an ask or a reply if you’d like to be added to (or removed from) the taglist! Also, I struggle to keep up with different lists for individual members, but if you really don’t want to be tagged on all of my works, just let me know and I will do my best to keep things separate <3
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chrissturnsw1fe · 1 month
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Tw / smut / TikTok trend / fingering / head / slight choking / face fucking / slight overstimulation / mentions of suggestive comments / degradation / dom!matt / sub!reader / p in v / (wrap it before you tap it) / no protection / read at your own risk
Summary: your best friend Matt wants to try a TikTok trend and it ends up in sweating and loud noises.
A/n : I really wanted a fic like this so I made one enjoy my little sluts.
You wake up and check your phone and see a message from Matt
‘Hey wanna come over we haven’t hung out being just us in awhile’
Me and Matt have always been extremely close and being in a group with Nick and Chris all the time we have not had the chance to hang out just us. I open the message and reply,
‘Yeah can you pick me up in 30’
‘Yeah course’
I get out of bed and get changed into some grey sweats and a baby tee and decided to put on some light makeup and straighten my hair with the time I have left over. About 25 minutes pass and I get a message from Matt saying he’s outside.
I shove my shoes on and walk out the door “hey matttt” I say happy to see him “hey y/n you want aux” he replies “bitch of course I do” I click onto Spotify and put on les by childish gambino and start singing along.
We get to the triplets house after about 10 minutes Matt puts the car in park and we walk into the house I say a quick hi to Nick and Chris and I walk to matts room immediately grabbing Mr. Wrinkleton Matt laughs at me. “I missed Mr. Wrinkleton more than you sorryyyy” I laugh Matt sticks his middle finger up at me jokingly. I place my hand on my heart pretending to be hurt “wowwww so kind” I hit him on the shoulder.
After awhile of us being dickheads we settle to watch a movie “you pick a movie I’ll go get snacks” I say to Matt. I walk into the kitchen and see Nick and Chris have gone out. I shrug my shoulders and go into the snack Cupboard and grab some popcorn and Pringles as I walk back into matts room hes in his phone listening to some TikTok trend I didn’t hear but I chuck the snacks on the bed “I’m going to the bathroom quick”.
Matts pov
I picked out a movie to watch then go on my phone while I wait for y/n I see this trend where you cut the bottom of a Pringles tube and put your cock into it I thought it was funny and I wanted to try it but wasn’t sure how she would react but yolo I guess. She comes back into the room with Pringles and popcorn bingo “I’m going to the bathroom” she says. Perfect I grab some scissors and cut the bottom of the tube and put the Pringles in the bin as I had no where to put them.
I whip my cock out and put it in the tube and cover the rest of my body with a blanket the I hear the toilet flush and the tap turn on ‘perfect’ I think to myself.
Readers pov
I come back in from the bathroom and jump on the bed next to Matt and open the bag on popcorn the way Matt was sitting was kinda hot wait I can’t say that he’s my best friend I feel my thighs clench the way he was sitting so nonchalantly fuck me he was hot to change my mind I decided to eat my popcorn and watch the movie after a little bit and go to get some Pringles and feel something in the tube that is definitely not a Pringle a small smirk can be seen on matts face my face goes bright red “cat got your tongue” Matt says seductively. I don’t reply I just gulp nervously me and Matt have never done anything sexually before he grabs my leg and makes me straddle him “I can make you feel good” he says.
“F-fuck y-es” I reply “of course you want it you slut tell me how bad” Matt speaks up he can change up so bad and I fuck with it “b-ad” I can’t even talk properly he’s just so fucking hot “beg for it like the whore you are” I have never took Matt for a dirty talk kinda guy “fuckk please I want it bad so bad” I beg they was just something about him I don’t know why this is happening but I wanted him to touch me “good girl you gonna do as I say and carry on being good or will I have to punish you” Matt spoke up.
I grinded against him for some friction against my heat as i did I felt a sharp spank on my sweats “take it as your gonna be bad….stand up and take your clothes off and be good or I will have to punish you” holy fuck the way he spoke had me dripping. I get of his lap and slowly undress my self till I’m naked as Matt squirms but has to stay in control. He stands up and backs me up against a wall “behave and get on your knees you whore” I slowly sink down as Matt undresses himself and lines his cock up to my mouth.
He pushes it in to my mouth he’s huge and shifts back and forth in my mouth I gag from how big he is he groans and picks up his speed as mascara runs down my face I bop my head to make it faster “shittt like that ma” I keep up the paste and me gaging sends vibrations to his tip “fuckk you slut gonna make me cum” with that I feel his warm seed in my mouth “swallow it like a good whore” I swallow it and open my mouth to show him “being such a good girl f’me”.
Matt helps me up and signals for me to get on the bed and lay down he goes in between my legs and kisses my inner thighs I let out I soft moan as he slowly moves to closer and kisses my clit I buck my hips from the sensation Matt holds my thighs down as he eats me out gosh now I see why his nickname is matt the munch “Fuckk mattttt” he slowly enters one of his long fingers pasteing it back and forth adding in another “I’m gonna come” I could feel the knot in my stomach “you come when I say you can ma” i was trying my best to hold it but I couldn’t for much longer “Matt I can’t hold it please let me come” i was desperate “come f’me you slut come all over my fingers” I release and scream from pleasure “OMGGGGGG”. Matt doesn’t stop he keeps pounding his fingers into me as my legs start shaking “fuckkk Matt omg Matt” I shout from pleasure I’m so happy Chris and Nick aren’t home “I’m gonna come again MATTT” as soon as I said that he stops.
“Turn around and put your ass in the air now” I do as he says he enters himself in “your safe word is red” “o-Kay” he starts off slow the picks up his speed almost immediately hitting my g-spot “fuckkk matthew” i could almost smell the smirk on his face when i screamed his name “that it baby scream my name let the whole street know this pussys mine” he pounds into me and I couldn’t hold my orgasm in any longer and I let it go squirting all over him and then feel a spank on my ass “I didn’t tell you that you could come yet but I’ll allow it this once” he carry’s on pounding into me I feel him twitch and then it’s stops with the feeling of being filled up with his come dripping down my legs. He slowly pulls out and we both collapse next to each other.
“You did great doll” Matt says sweetly as he kisses my forehead “lets get you cleaned up hm” I nod as Matt walks out the room to get a wet towel and he comes back and cleans me up and changes the bed sheets after we cleaned up we watched a movie and Matt got a message from Nick.
“How loud did you need to be the whole street definitely heard that if we did”
Matt smirked as he cuddled up to me and we carried on with our movie
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dasloddl · 1 year
okay I’m currently going through my Spotify wrapped through the years and it’s a mess
2016: we don’t talk about it… lots of music my mom listened to and she basically shaped my taste in music back then. The songs are pretty alright… but then there’s some songs I don’t wanna talk about because it’s embarrassing (generic pop and other stuff you listen to at 13), bit of twenty one pilots tho… I found them in this year
2017: experimenting with music myself… we have twenty one pilots, against the current (a LOT), Dat Adam (also a lot), some kpop, generic pop and still some mom influences from the year before
2018: a BIG mess… from the descendants soundtrack over my chemical romance/twenty one pilots/fall out boy over the same kpop from the year before over some 80s bangers over piano music to dubfx/monolink (electronic/dance/reggae) with some more 2016/17 mom influences and don’t forget the basic pop
2019: uhm can you tell trench released end of the year before? Definitely… the whole album and more twenty one pilots is featured predominantly in this year… loads of 80s, billie eilish, some fall out boy/p!atd… and some pop (that is getting better tho) and the same electronic/… mix
2020: twenty one pilots obviously, cavetown, ajr, (children’s) film music and random songs I thought were cool… dinosaurs in love (a highlight), Lorde, still the electronic/… mix, oh and girl in red
2021: all the gay™ songs, one direction/Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles (yep, I had my 1D phase… like 10 years too late), Grace Vanderwaal was a big one, Ruelle (yes, I also had my shadowhunters/Malec phase)… still twenty one pilots, but not as much
2022: glass animals (yes, dnf phase)… still the gay™ songs, lots of songs I heard in series/movies, twenty one pilots, 80s stuff (I listened to music for 105.706 minutes that year… that’s 1761,76 h… or 73,41 days… or 10,49 weeks… or 2,62 months)
honestly I’m glad my taste in music is getting better… I can’t even look at the 2016 playlist without wanting to slap my younger self into some senses (I mean the good foundation of knowing who twenty one pilots were were there, I just didn’t really use it)… 2018 for sure was my self discovery phase and I think 2019/2020 was when I finally discovered my taste in music (it’s still all over the place but at least it’s music I actually enjoy)
Honestly I might even know what my 2023 wrapped kinda looks like… but I guess I’ll only see in like November…
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polarisbibliotheque · 2 years
You have NO IDEA how much I started laughing when I saw this was the song for the first one of the Spotify Wrapped Special requests xD
I mean, the lyrics kinda go pretty well with Vergil, but the chaos and viciousness of the song is directly opposit to the blue devil. Nevertheless, pulled it off: started dumb and ended on a sweet note!
Spotify Wrapped Special: 97, Vergil - Reckless Life, by Guns n' Roses
Pairing: Vergil x Reader
Summary: Dante gets bored easy - specially when Vergil keeps reading his poetry in silence. It's time to go out and have some fun: the red devil has a thing or two to show you about your beloved blue devil.
Author's notes: I once saw a drawing on pinterest with Vergil answering the phone at the shop while having drumsticks in his hands and drummer Vergil has lived rent free in my mind ever since. I didn't pin it and have no idea who the artist is (pinterest being shitty with people pinning other's art and not crediting it), so I'm writing this to curse you all with the image of drummer Vergil as well, enjoy :)
About the Song: Reckless Life is from Guns n' Roses' album, Lies. It features Slash screaming at the beginning, it's kinda short and fast-paced. Gn'R has a lot of punk influences, Duff (their bassist) being one of the guys from the punk scene in Seattle before moving to LA and joining Gn'R. Even if there's a lot of blues in their music, more so on Use Your Illusion 1 & 2 albums, they always have the crazy, fast-paced, vicious, quick punk rock songs - this is one of them. The lyrics are about their reckless rock n' roll lifestyle, so it kinda suits the song in general.
This isn't researched, I just thought it'd be nice to leave my two cents on the songs that end up here. I'm a crazy music lover and could talk about it all day, so feel free to skip these "about the song" bits if it isn't to your liking ^^
97, Vergil – Reckless Life, by Guns n’ Roses
“Man… You gotta learn to have a lil’ more fun in that life of yours!”
As always, Dante was sitting on his huge chair, leaning on the desk while looking at his brother. Vergil, in the other hand, had his legs crossed, sitting with a perfect posture on the couch – limiting himself to only raise his silvery eyes from the pages of his current read.
“I am having fun.”
As he muttered in response, Dante just glanced at you with exasperation in his sky-blue eyes.
“Hey, he’s your brother. Don’t look at me like that.” You shrugged, leaning on his desk while skimming over the magazine that was left there for half a year.
“Hell sure wrecked your sense of fun…” Dante sighed, slapping the desk while suddenly getting up. You and Vergil just stared at the red devil. “We’re goin’ out! C’mon, get yourselves ready!”
“We don’t have enough money for whatever you want to do, Dante…” Vergil just rolled his eyes, turning them back to his book.
You held back a laugh. They were perfect for each other; you would always stand by that.
“We don’t need money, ass-hat!” With that, Dante gently kicked Vergil’s foot, making his brother stare at him as if summoned swords would suddenly pin Dante on the wall. “Gotta show ya how to live this life, c’mon. Let’s go!”
You didn’t argue. Leaving the magazine back on the desk – which would probably stay there for another half year – you took your leather jacket and waited by the door.
“You’re going along with this, huh…?” Vergil’s words were slow, and his eyes were piercing, but you were already used to that, just shrugging in response. He sighed, heavily. “I am going to regret this…”
“Hey, wanna see somethin’ cool?”
A slight smile appeared on your lips as Dante leaned by your side on the bar and nudged you with his shoulder.
“Why do I have the feeling it involves vexing Vergil…?” You looked back at the red devil with a smart look in the corner of your eyes, making Dante flash you a positively mischievous grin.
“Because annoying him is usually cool.” Dante winked at you. “Since we were kids, sweetheart.”
Vergil came back with a couple more drinks for each of you – both had done a job for the bar owner and the poor man wrongfully gave the Spardas the honor of never having to pay for anything in the bar.
Indeed, you didn’t need money to have fun that night. Point for Dante.
“Ya know, I can play the guitar like a beast…” Dante suddenly started talking a little too loud, obviously for Vergil’s ears. “But I bet Shakespeare over here completely forgot how to play something cool instead of only his boring violin songs.”
“It isn’t boring, it’s classical music.” Vergil glanced at his brother with an icy look. “You should try it sometime. It might get something into that foolish head of yours.”
“Believe it or not, I’ve already heard Dante blasting classical music.” You had to point that out. Of course, it wasn’t the brooding music type Vergil enjoyed, but the more energic ones. Mozart was an all time favorite of the red devil. “No. It wasn’t Bohemian Rhapsody, although I do count that as a classical song.”
“Who doesn’t?” Dante agreed but kept on speaking as soon as Vergil opened his mouth to argue. “Anyway. Bet’cha can’t play drums like the good ol’ days, smart pants.”
You immediately glanced at Vergil, mouth slightly open. The blue devil noticed your glare but didn’t give in: he had only a stern look to his brother.
“You play drums…? Really…?!” Oh, yes. That night was surely turning into something very interesting.
“I don’t find it that surprising.” Vergil had one of his eyebrows raised, his icy look still in his eyes. The rosy tone on his cheeks, on the other hand, gave away how the alcohol was starting to affect him – even if just a little.
“We used to have a band when we were kids, sweetheart.” Dante leaned on the bar again; his cheeks also rosy. His behavior and cocky smile gave away how much the alcohol was getting to the son of Sparda, though. “The Hell Brothers. Dad laughed a lot when we told ‘im the name.”
“Mom thought it was terrible.” Vergil chuckled as he reminisced alongside his brother. Not something you would see every day. “I thought it was fitting.”
“On that, we agree!” Dante laughed at him, but scoffed right after. “The good ol’ days are gone, now. Smart pants over here probably forgot everything.”
“Well, for your information…” As soon as Vergil started talking, you had to hold back your laugh. He didn’t let that side of him come out much, but the mix of alcohol and Dante taunting him, made Vergil lift one of his fingers and get this professorial look while standing tall. You had to say, you loved it. “I do remember. I even picked up a few songs after we grew apart.”
“Really?!” You and Dante asked at the same time, leaning towards Vergil with an unsurmountable amount of interest in your eyes.
He was a sitting duck, willingly entering the predator’s nest – you and Dante. Poor Vergil didn’t even see it coming.
“Bet’cha can’t play on stage with me.” Dante smacked the bar; his sky-blue eyes fiery like his devil trigger. “You don’t have the balls.”
“I don’t, huh…?” Vergil’s silvery eyes carried Dante’s taunt, with a different fire – one filled with competition.
Both of them had that issue – but Vergil held on to his pride even to survive. It was his pride that dragged him out of Hell – and it was his pride that made him fall into the stupidest of bets alongside his brother. Vergil’s beautiful strength but ultimate fatal flaw.
You couldn’t help but smile. Such a dumb, wonderful powerhouse of a man-demon.
“Never had, Verge. You’d say you don’t want to look foolish…” While talking, Dante threw his hair back, making his voice darker and raspier, impersonating his twin. You snorted while drinking, having to spit it back in your glass – definitely not one of your most wonderful moments, but that lit something inside Vergil: he was being made fun of and you couldn’t hold back your laugh. The game was on, right then and there. “But we both know it’s ‘cause you don’t have the balls to go on stage and show your skills. Must be all old and rusty.”
Vergil didn’t even answer. He just took off his coat.
You stared back at him, eyebrows furrowed. It was rare, but there was Vergil wearing his leathery vest, arms completely free and hands covered only by his old gloves. He usually sported this look while training with family – you and everyone in the crew included – but it was very unusual for him to have bare arms on the streets. He gave you his treasured coat, making you immediately hold it.
“Save it for me, please.” With that phrase, Vergil turned the glass with his drink in one shot, drinking it as if it was water. You looked even more baffled. “So. Are we going or what? Don’t you have the balls, Dante…?”
You turned back at Dante – eyes wide and a surprised smile on your lips; but no surprise was better than the one stamped on the red devil’s face. Dante finished his own drink in one shot as well, laughing in the process.
“That’s what I’m talkin’ about! C’mon, smart pants!” He got up, clapping in excitement. Turning back at you, Dante winked while talking. “Get ready to see The Hell Brothers, sweetheart!”
You watched in awe as Dante had a word with the band playing that night. When they looked at Vergil – arms crossed, just staring at them – the men shrugged and figured why not. After all, everyone there knew Dante and a favor could be collected as a favor later – in case they had any problems with demons.
The bassist and vocalist went to the band area with the Sparda brothers – Dante using a pick from the guitarist and Vergil with the drumsticks from the drummer. You could hardly believe that was happening, in all honesty.
“Hey, bitches! Pay attention, we got new guys playin’ this one with us!” The vocalist took the cigarette out of his mouth to scream on the mic, making everyone turn to them. “They call themselves The Hell Brothers, a mouthful, huh?! Let’s burn this place down then!”
“Wat’cha wanna play, Verge? What do you remember?” Dante turned to his brother, who was testing the pedals while the vocalist was speaking. Vergil just lifted his silver eyes to his twin; a smirk playing in the corner of his lips.
“You know this one. Try to keep up.”
With those words, Vergil hit the cymbals four times before releasing all his strength on the snare drum – Dante immediately smiled, knowing very well which song was. He didn’t expect that from Vergil but hey, he didn’t even expect his brother to accept playing with him again either. As soon as the cue for the guitar came in, Dante began the fast and vicious riff of Reckless Life.
“I’m reckless and feelin’ no pain, you know I’ve got no need to control! Livin’ with the danger, I’m always on the edge now, with million dollar visions that I hold!”
Fast and vicious was a nickname for both of them – although, as soon as the vocals started singing the screamed lyrics, you noticed Dante was able to slow down to simple chords, but Vergil remained on the same speedy beat, setting the quick punk rhythm for the whole band. He didn’t stop and it seemed he didn’t lose both rhythm and strength.
That was another thing you noticed while watching him: Vergil followed his twin brother and played like a beast, almost as if he envied Tommy Lee himself. You argued the drummer of Mötley Crüe was one of the most entertaining to watch just from the sheer strength he used to play, but Vergil… He wasn’t much different, if you had to admit.
There was something raw, brutal in the way he played. Nothing like the refined emotions Vergil could sing with his violin… That was his baser instinct, his devil coming out. Indeed, they were the Hell Brothers: you could see a facet of Vergil he so very rarely let out.
On the brink of the riff, Vergil already had sweat dripping from his forehead – arms slightly glistening from it. You opened a bright smile when you saw him singing along to the lyrics just before the riff, closing his eyes as he played with his feelings overflowing.
“Livin’ like this never ever tore my life apart, I know how to maintain, ‘cause it’s comin’ from my heart!”
There was something of beautiful about his fangs slightly showing and the savage light on his eyes as Vergil opened them again – meeting yours for a brief moment. You smiled back at him, singing along the lyrics. And that, made him smile back – a cocky smirk, but nonetheless, a beautiful one.
“I lead a reckless life! And I don’t need your advice! I lead a reckless life! And you know, it’s my only vice!”
It was one of your favorite parts of the song really, just how the drums followed perfectly the guitar solo. As Dante shredded as well as Slash himself, he turned to the drums, finding Vergil’s eyes. The brothers smiled at each other for a glimpse of a second – something that made you scream, rooting for them. Dante was going all out on the guitar, and Vergil was following it – you didn’t want any of them to have a sudden moment of logic that could spiral them into their usually depressive thoughts. They were having fun, as brothers, after so long.
You could only imagine how Eva and Sparda were proud of them playing together as kids even if they weren’t that good when they were young – something you doubted wholeheartedly.
Planting one foot on the bass drum, Dante kept soloing while Vergil quickly rolled his eyes – either way, he kept on playing, never allowing Dante to slow down for a second. He kept the vicious rhythm, complimenting Dante with cymbals and snare drums whenever the song called for it.
You could swear the drum was going to fall apart at the end, really.
“Reckless life! I lead a reckless life!”
A small pause on it made Vergil rest the drumsticks on the snare drums, throwing his head back so his hair could go back to its place – the white locks were dripping with sweat and his neck was glistening as it seemed like he had just come out of a swimming pool. Vergil could try all he wanted, but his hair was already coming down his eyes – but it didn’t really seem like he cared at the moment.
With a breath for the last riff, the fierce rhythm came back, only to wrap up with him smashing the cymbals and snare drums in the same rhythm Dante stroke his chords, the bass drum never stopping for a second. You could see how both of the Sparda brothers could vent their frustrations and endless energy on rock and roll.
As they wrapped up the song, you got up from your bar stool, raising both arms and screaming as if you were seeing Guns n’ Roses themselves. The whole bar was fired up with energy, screaming and applauding, asking for more. Vergil left the drumsticks on the drum snare and threw his dampened hair back once more, as he always did.
“Hey guys, that was great! Wanna go for another song?” The vocalist covered the mic, turning to the twins as you approached quickly with Vergil’s coat in your arms.
“Eh, I dunno. Mister frowny face here doesn’t really play anymore, this was probably a one-time thing.” Dante pointed at Vergil, who just observed his brother for a while. “Thanks, though. It’d be nice.”
“Hey! You guys playing more?!” You had a huge smile on your face, eyes glistening in the dimmed lights of the bar.
“They don’t seem like they will, angel.” The vocalist sighed, placing one of his hands on his waist and smiling at you. He looked back at Dante and Vergil. “That’s ya dove?”
“Yes. That is my dove…” Vergil murmured in response, throwing his hair back one more time. “You would like to hear more, love…?”
“Hell yes I would!” The excitement in your answer made Vergil let out a quick laugh, turning his eyes back to Dante.
“Can you keep up?”
“Hell yeah I can, ass-hat!” Dante laughed, taking off his coat now. It was hot and the night was just starting. “Keep an eye on this for me, sweetheart?”
“No worries, red devil.” You winked back, placing Dante’s coat alongside Vergil’s.
You ended up on the table with the other members of the band – who were quite happy to take some time off and drink while listening to good music for a change. No one would mess with you, obviously, after knowing you were the Hell Brothers drummer's partner.
As the vocalist announced their next song and they tuned their instruments, Vergil still kept his gaze on his brother. It was something he had forgotten about – that feeling of playing with Dante, of having a brother. Of course, Vergil loved music and playing his violin was always satisfactory – but playing with Dante in a band had a different dynamic; a dynamic that couldn’t be replaced by any instrument in the world.
The songs they played together might not be the most refined and beautifully composed in the world, but they spoke to a baser instinct only they knew was there – and only they would understand in each other.
“I missed this.” Vergil’s tone was dark as always, but Dante’s ears were attuned enough to his brother’s voice, making him turn back to Vergil immediately. His twin’s eyes, for a change, looked like molten platinum. “I like playing with you, Dante.”
“I like playing with you as well.” Dante smiled back, his sky-blue eyes carrying the love he never stopped feeling for his brother – even after the most despicable things Vergil did, Dante would never stop loving him. “I missed you so much, Verge.”
As a spectator, you could only see the genuine and heartfelt smile that painted Vergil’s lips – and how his eyes were vulnerable. Looking back at Dante, he carried the same expression – as if both brothers would allow some tears to fall before playing; sharing something only they knew about.
You could watch them playing together for the rest of your life.
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jakuwais · 1 year
(Homies/hoods spoilers) ⚖️💉 rambling
God these dramatracks were so crazy for many reasons but can we talk about how gay these bitches are. Like i don’t think i can put into words how insane they make me. When ichiro, gentaro, and jakurai are investigating together and they reach a dead end Jakurai’s first instinct is call Hitoya?? And when hitoya pulls out his phone and see who’s calling this mf CHUCKLES so fondly like “speak of the devil..” that’s so marriage behavior oh my god.
AND THEN JAKURAI INVITES HIM OUT TO DINNER? My autism brain likes to think of it as a parallel to the chaser from the past dramatrack where hitoya calls jakurai and asks him out for a drink. Someone on twitter pointed out how hitoya was complaining about having to work and trying to shoo away kuko and jyushi but once jakurai calls he drops everything to help, I didn’t even notice that until op said that like oh my GOD these bitches gay!!
Also this entire exchange. I know what you are.
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Also this tweet with op pointing out the dynamic change is so so funny and true (i used deepL to translate)
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It seems jakurai is more comfortable relying on hitoya now, which is something hitoya wanted him to do btw (fp/mtr+ ch. 6) and hitoya is evidently very eager to comply like ohhh you love him so much you do you wanna help him with his issues
I also love that they showed bat and mtr going out to dinner together 🥹 they’re my favorite divisions so I’m obviously biased towards this information but i really hope they interact more soon!! Bat/mtr have a lot of parallels with each other and their dynamics mesh well.
Hitoya once again being a cringelet.. getting drunk and drumming on dishes oh i love him so dearly he wants to be cool so bad but he continuously makes bad impulsive choices. (Jakurai voice) i was so moved by this
And their duet… im literally writing a doc about it so that’s an entire other tangent but I’m treating it like how kpop stans do and streaming it constantly so it gets more plays (and so it gets into my Spotify wrapped). It’s SO good words can’t describe how i feel about it other than (incoherent screaming)
I could say more but I’d be here forever so stream Closer and remember to stan htjk
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sophfandoms53 · 5 months
Anon from before, I can’t keep talking because I don’t have anything else to add expect maybe Striker got other things he cared about besides his family taken away from that terrible day too. I don’t know I don’t have any else to add sorry. 😫 Although I will ask, what do you think of the song “In My Sights”?
It gave me like a bunch of ideas to think about and I will never turn down any Striker thoughts so thank you for that🫶
There’s already been some theories about Striker losing what would’ve been his bar based on all the cluttered stuff he has around his lair, so that’s something to think about, and it connects back to his line to Blitz in HMF about how not many imps start businesses on their own yk.
Part of my backstory for Striker that I hope to share properly soon but my anxiety hates me LMAO has to do with him losing his wife and daughter (this man is so girl-dad shaped i promise) alongside his family that day and that little idea has become an entire google doc and timeline😭 I’ve had a lot fun with it and I wanna share ittttt, especially his wife I made bc I absolutely adore her sm she’s one of my favorite OC’s I’ve made bc I designed her to be this direct contrast to Striker in like every where, even down to her name, and i just ughhhh I love her and I love them. I even have an entire fic of them already done too.
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Spotify wrapped aboutta have my neck this year LMAOO
rt i can write an essay about how fucking good I think In My Sights is and how it absolutely captures EVERYTHING about Striker’s character and story thus far. Every time I listen to it (which is often clearly) I ALWAYS find something new to appreciate.
And omgggg Ed’s vocals make me meltttttt.
I’ve never really talked about Striker’s voice change on here before but I truly don’t mind it and I actually adjusted to Ed’s performance rather quickly. As iconic as Norman’s was, I just feel Ed fits Striker’s character a lot better and we’ve been able to see more sides of him through Ed’s performance. Ed is such a wonderful voice talent and it saddens me people don’t appreciate his Striker enough because they’re still stuck on Norman. There’s so much range in Ed’s performance and I rlly enjoy him a lot.
I was always begging to hear how Ed would sing for Striker once he took over the character bc Sweet Victory was Norman’s little song (this song is so stupid i love it so) and he ate that up so ofc I was like Ed needs to sing too duh. I already knew he could sing bc I was a Hunicast viewer and heard that man sing as Alastor. So I wondered if he could do the same given Striker’s country accent and lower tone.
Thoroughly impressed fr.
Just a fun little song that gives insight (lol) on our cowboy that I can dissect like every lyric of even if it’s not canon.
Although now that we got shorts coming out…. In My Sights AMV when???? Jk that probably won’t happen but i can be a little delusional during the drought okay LMAOO
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Hi Maya!!!! How are you? 🧡
For the Spotify wrapped game, 13 + Stucky? 🥰
Hi honey!! 💛💛 I’m good, having a wonderful day so far 🥰 I hope you’re having a great day too!!
#13 is:
And it felt impossible to pick a lyric, because about 80% of this song could work for stucky 🥺💖 but I went with these:
When you wake // I'll be right there, baby // And when you shake // I'll be shaking with you, honey // And when you get tired of this town // Let me know, we can go somewhere brand new // 'Cause when I lay my head to rest // I hope that it's always next to you
And I really didn’t expect it to get this long lol but I hope you enjoy!! 💕
They’re both so tired.
They’ve both been having nightmares, keeping them up at night. Steve doesn’t even want to imagine what horrors Bucky dreams about - the way he wakes up screaming, shouting or making hurt noises that make Steve’s heart clench painfully, are enough for him to know they can’t go on like this.
Bucky hasn’t been talking about what’s happening. There was a moment there, in Wakanda, when he seemed to be okay, lighter. But maybe a week after they stepped foot back in New York, things changed. Bucky refuses to tell Steve what’s going on, doesn’t speak when he wakes up hoarse and drenched in sweat.
Steve knows it can’t be easy - he has his own demons haunting him at night - but he feels helpless. Like he should be able to do more than just hold Bucky tight on a night that happens, do more than staying up with him until he feels calmer, safer. He just isn’t sure what that is.
It’s about 6 months into this, when they’re both exhausted - because of lack of sleep and mentally - that Bucky seems ready to talk. But what he’s saying…Steve doesn’t want to hear it.
“I think it’s better if I leave,” he says one morning, the two of them blearily drinking coffee in their kitchen, even if it does nothing for them. Steve blinks.
“Leave?” He says, not fully awake to process the meaning of what Bucky’s saying.
“You look like you haven’t slept for weeks, you never go out anymore, and I know it’s because of me Stevie. So I think it’s better if I leave.” His voice is calm, face stubborn. Steve instantly feels more awake when he finally understands what he’s saying.
“No. No Bucky, you don’t get to do that. You don’t get to blame yourself,” he says, angrily - more so with the situation than his boyfriend, angry with himself when he sees how Bucky flinches. He sighs, voice much softer when he speaks again. “I don’t think it’s better if you leave at all. Do you really think that’ll make me sleep better Buck?”
Bucky just shrugs. “Maybe.”
Steve stares at him, can feels his eyes start to burn thinking about what he has to say. “I- if you really want to leave I can’t stop you. I won’t stop you.” He reaches over the kitchen island, grabbing Bucky’s hand. “But can we talk about it first? Promise me you won’t just leave,” he asks, begs.
Bucky squeezes his hand, eyes a little wet. “Promise,” he croaks.
It takes another week for Bucky to talk to him about it. In the meantime, they dance around it. Steve hates it. When will they get a fucking break?
They’re on the couch one evening, a movie playing neither of them is paying much attention to. “I don’t think being here is good for me,” Bucky says suddenly.
“Here? Here as in…” Please god let him not say he means with Steve. He doesn’t think he can survive that. He feels guilty enough as it is that he can’t do anything to make things easier for Bucky.
“I think being in the city…” Steve lets out a rush of breath he wasn’t aware he was holding, “I thought it was a good idea, to go home, go back to normal. But what’s normal even for the two of us right now?”
Steve doesn’t have answer to that, so he says nothing.
“I think…being in Wakanda was good for me,” Bucky says.
“You wanna go back?” Steve asks. He’ll get them on a flight tomorrow, tonight, if that’s what Bucky wants, needs.
“I- I don’t know. I don’t think it’s a magical cure to everything but…the peace and quiet…maybe it’s…” Bucky trails off.
“Yeah, I think I get what you mean,” Steve says, thinking. Bucky turns back to the tv, conversation apparently over.
When they go to bed later that night, Steve sends out a couple of texts before turning off the lights.
It takes another week for everything to be done. They wake up on a Saturday morning, early, after a night full of interrupted sleep. Steve waits until they’re having breakfast to tell him.
“I- I probably should’ve asked you about this earlier,” he says a little sheepishly. Sometimes he’s such an idiot. He got caught up in his plans for them so much he didn’t even ask Bucky first.
Bucky frowns at him, shaking his head. “What did you do?”
“I- well, you don’t have to say yes. But if you want to…” he trails off, opening his texts with Tony to show Bucky what he’s been working on. “Sam can be here in an hour to help us pack. If you want.”
Bucky stares at Steve’s phone for a while, and when he looks up, there are tears in his eyes but a smile on his face. “Yeah. Yeah, I want to.”
Steve smiles back, probably a little too long. He’s just so relieved. “Yeah,” he says, “yeah, okay, I’ll text Sam.”
They’re on the road, most of their belongings packed in the van Sam rented. They’re not taking any furniture, the place comes furnished - thanks to Pepper, who calmly listened to whatever Steve rambled about wanting, who just said she’d get it done, and did - and they’re not too attached to most of the things they have.
It’s not too long of a drive to upstate New York. Before they know it, the bustling city and traffic make way for quieter roads and small towns, until they leave even those behind them, and there’s mostly forrest and farmland.
When they pull up to the house, Steve doesn’t even notice, eyes on Bucky to gauge his reaction. Bucky doesn’t say anything, just looks out the front window of the van, mouth gaping open. “This it?” He finally asks, quietly.
“Yeah Buck. It’s ours, for as long as you want.”
Bucky nods. They sit there for a little while, in silence. “Okay.”
They get out of the van, leaving their things in it for the moment, while they go explore. It’s a renovated farmhouse, with a small piece of land attached, surrounded by forrest. The only sounds are those of the nature around them. It’s not Wakanda, but it’s peaceful. It’s quiet, and it’s theirs, and it could be home.
They walk through the house, going from room to room, Steve following Bucky around, holding his breath a little. When they’re back in the living room, Bucky turns to face him.
He’s smiling. “I- I love it.”
“Yeah?” Steve asks, unable to keep the relief out of his voice.
“Yeah,” Bucky says, pulling Steve in for a hug. “Thank you,” he murmurs into Steve’s neck. They stay like that for who knows how long, just holding each other tight, before they make their way back to the van to bring their boxes and suitcases in.
They pack away half of their things that same day, and by the time they have dinner the place feels even more like theirs. When they fall asleep that night, both tired of the move, it’s one of the easier nights they’ve had in a while.
It doesn’t magically change everything. But going away was the right move. A fresh start. He can feel things change. He can see Bucky opening up more, slowly making his way to being ready to talk about the things that haunt him. He can see how the both of them are more at ease, here, just them. Just them, and eventually, cats and dogs and chickens and goats.
Bucky starts to go to therapy - over zoom. They settle into a new life, a new home, taking care of their animals, learning new hobbies, relearning about themselves and each other.
It’s six months later. Steve’s just coming inside from locking up the animals for the night, kicking off his boots in the mud room and hanging up his coat. He hears sounds from the kitchen, the tap turning off as Bucky finishes doing the dishes from their dinner. He goes to him, wrapping his arms around Bucky and pressing his chest to Bucky’s back, his head in the crook of his neck. He can feel Bucky smile against him.
Eventually, they let go, going to the couch to watch a movie. They’ve found a couple of new favorites they often rewatch - a lot of them animated movies or set in space - but they try something new all the time, and tonight, Bucky puts on a romcom and they curl up together on the couch. Steve misses half of it, too busy staring at Bucky, who’s completely hooked on the story, laughing and cringing and giving running commentary.
He just looks at Bucky, at how beautiful his face looks when he laughs, thinking about how in awe he is of him, his strength, his ability to feel and express so much joy after all they’ve been through. Steve doesn’t think he’s ever been this happy, this at peace. He thinks it’s probably true for the both of them.
When the movie finishes, they get ready for bed. Maybe Steve is as much of a sap as Bucky accuses him to be sometimes, feeling a rush of emotion come over him when the realization sets in that this is their life now, while they’re brushing their teeth side by side. Working on the farm, cooking, drawing, reading, dancing, watching movies. Just all the domestic things he never thought they’d have, not like this, not as peacefully or as joyfully as it’s been in recent weeks.
They’re both a little tired. The good kind, the one after a long but satisfying day.
They fall asleep easily, that night, every night - heads on the same pillow, completely intertwined.
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haroldtea · 2 years
hi bestie. #13 for the spotify wrapped fic thingy. please
13. fire in your house - walk the moon
“I’m gonna ruin this.”
“Why, what happened? Did you burn the—no, this is a perfectly fine chicken. I mean it’s not done yet, but…” Sokka leans over and pokes the still-kinda-raw chicken breast sizzling in the pan.
Zuko swats his hand away. “Don’t! You’re gonna hurt yourself.” He pauses and shakes his head, moving the chicken around the pan with his tongs. “I’m not talking about the—I mean, like us.”
Sokka leans his back against the counter next the stove so he can look at Zuko from the front instead of the side. “Mmkay. Top five things you don’t expect your boyfriend to say while making dinner. Did you…do something?”
“No. But I probably will,” Zuko says, then sighs at the face Sokka gives in response. “There’s—you’ve seen how I can get. I was just thinking. I’m gonna lose my temper one day, like bad, and you’re not gonna wanna stick around. Who would?”
“Meemeeemeemeeeeeee,” Sokka replies, raising his hand high in the air as if the teacher’s gonna call on him. “Because I love you, even when you lose your temper, and even when you think silly things like you’re gonna make me run away. I mean, come on, you think you could get rid of me that easily? You insult me.”
As if the point needs proving, he slides over and presses his hip hard into Zuko’s, grinning so hard both rows of teeth are showing. Zuko does the only thing he can do but smoosh Sokka’s face away with his hand so he can make sure the chicken doesn’t actually burn.
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moonrisecoeur · 10 months
GIRLIEEE please dont remind me how out of my age range leon is 😭✋
also idk most of those artists songs ngl i be living under a rock but idk ! he might!! he seems like an open to different music types of person to me (i am one hehdhdh) so i could see him having a pretty large listening range. imo his fav genre is grunge/rock but ngl. i could see him liking the early 2000s white girl music HSJSDHSNNDKAKSNSB, and theres a few linkin park songs that come to mind...idk about more recent music tho LMAO my brain is too tired to think of any. tbh ppl should include more older music too when talking abt him, actually i just want to encourage ppl to have a larger music palette bc its 👌
also GRRR RRRRGHHHR im so envious of you. literally none of my friends are into resident evil and none of them wanna hear me horny talk about leon 😭😭😭 im dying here. im literally screaming into the void abt how badly i wanna top him.
ngl i got into resi because uh. leon was literally the only resident evil character ive known about (i watched a lot of like lore/glitch videos when i was a teen) and resi 4 was super popular still. i always thought he was cute but never got into the series bc. horror games scary (they still are but i tough it out for my pookie wookie 😤). but like one of my friends plays dead by daylight a lot and i wanted to look into it bc i like spending time w ppl and. i saw leon was a playable character and i bought it immediately. AINT EVEN KNOW THE MAN MUCH AND I WAS ALREADY DOWN HORRENDOUS !? HAD ME BY THE THROAT FROM THE START !! anyways his whimpers in dbd-
my guy i’m sorryyy if it makes u feel any better leon is also more than half my age BUT it’s ok tho!! he’s fictional so in my head he’s actually still 21 like in re2 hehehe
he’s (my friend not leon) literally my best friend in the whole world i love him so much he got me into resident evil and i got him into mortal kombat so it works out !! but it’s okay… do u know why it’s ok??? bc i’m ur friend now :)
i mostly got into re because i thought leon and carlos were hot let’s be so for real but i bought resident evil 2 when it was on sale for 10 bucks and played it and fell in love!! i like the action and horrorness of the games, i killing zombies and mr x scaring the shit out of me it’s so fun!! but i totally get why people don’t really like it and are just into re for the lore and the characters
leon dbd whimpers help me sleep at night they were IN MY SPOTIFY WRAPPED Y’ALL IM SO SANE
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babysaid · 2 years
Okay, so my thoughts on RUSH!:
I asked for a meal and Måneskin delivered a BANQUET! It’s a really good album overall: the entire band was on their A game for this one!! I really like the direction they took and the recent interview with Zane Lowe where they talked about the creative process makes me love it even more!
FUCK every basic bitch hating on this album because of the leaked lyrics!!!! Songs are not poetry and the instrumentals / vocal delivery can really elevate the entire thing!!!
Vic was born to play bass, Thomas is a legend, Damiano honestly has one of my favorite voices ever and Ethan is so good I just want him to [redacted] [crash sounds] [gunshots] [dogs barking]
My two cents song by song - that no one asked for - is below the cut
- Own My Mind is already in 3 different playlists of mine. Can’t wait to hear it liveeeee 9.5/10
- Tom Morello had less than 30 seconds and delivered everything in Gossip! Thomas is honestly so fucking talented, I’m gonna cry. Lyrics slap, instruments slap, promo slaped. 9/10
- My first hot take is Timezone. I already knew I would have problems with this songs when I heard it on the tiktok promo. Weakest link the first 5 songs. Emo as fuck, sounds like something a Wrapped Tour band would play (derogatory). Gets points because I can imagine a very aggravated Sony executive listening to “I don’t give a fuck about the contracts that I signed” and I giggle. Also, I miss being a teenager 7/10
- DON’T GET ME STARTED on BLA BLA BLA. Silly as fuck but I LOVE IT. God put Vic De Angelis on this earth just so she could EAT this bass line!!!! My fave along with Own My Mind 9.8/10
- Baby Said has old Strokes vibes so it’s right up my alley. Again, not very strong lyrics but the instrumental and Damiano’s vocals 🫶 8.5/10
- Second hot take: I appreciate its political commentary but Gasoline was never my cup of tea. I’m being very generous calling it “political commentary” tho, they could’ve done better. Gets points because Damiano quoting Chaplin during Coachella and yelling “FORA BOLSONARO” on my concert live rent free in my head. Loses points for being too long 7.5/10
- Feel is a banger!!! @ Walk Like a Badass Playlist on Spotify, we have visitors. Also, again, THOMAS ♥️ 8/10
- I love ass shakers and I especially love ass shakers like Don’t Wanna Sleep. AGAIN, THOMAS AND VIC 8.5/10
- I can tell Damiano was drunk as fuck recording Kool Kids, ICONIC. Also super catchy 8.5/10
- Ballad Alert! If Not For You deserves an acoustic version and I will bug everyone until I get it. Automatic 9/10
- Testing my patience along with Timezone is Read Your Diary. It starts great but then it just becomes a Disney Channel song, babes. A good Disney Channel song, but still. Weakest link on the second part of the album. Gets points for the bass line and, again, because I miss being a teenager 7.5/10
- The first song in italian, Mark Chapman GOES. HARD. AS. FUCK. Instrumental is point, Damiano’s vocals are DELIVERING and ngl it hits different in italian. Makes it to my top 5 of the album 9/10
- I already loved La Fine before, so I still love it but it loses a little of it’s charm when put next to Mark Chapman ngl. I have no choice but to rate it 8.8/10
- The biggest Teatro D’ira vibe on the album is Il Dono Della Vita. A very cohesive and emotional song instrumentally, I can’t wait to read the translation. I hope this one makes it to the live setlist so I don’t have beat anyone on their team to a pulp. It also reminds me: I will never forgive them for not doing Ventanni in São Paulo but doing it in Argentina. That was a hate crime against brazilians and THEY KNOW IT. I digress. 9.5/10
- Mammamia on this album feels like seeing a cousin at a family gathering lmao. Still SLAPS tho 8/10
- My top song on Spotify Rewind in 2022 was Supermodel, so I really like it. HOWEVER, it feels very out of place on this album and it doesn’t go as hard now that we have better songs. You can tell this was a “commercial” song because the other ones are so much more well made (even the ones I don’t like as much). Still has a place in my heart tho 7.8/10
- I really loved The Loneliest when it came out and I still love it! But it suffers from the same curse as Supermodel: the new ballads are so much better. All I can think about now while listening is “I hope they don’t pass up If Not For You and Il Dono Della Vita on the live shows so they can play The Loneliest”. I know it’s gonna happen tho, so I resent it a little bit. 8/10
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lindsaybob · 2 years
For the fandom asks, tell me about 7 - your favourite episodes! And also 5 please.
I’ve been putting this ask off for ages because I’m finding it really difficult! I’m so bad at choosing favourites.
I’m starting with 5, because it’s a little easier. “Favourite song, album, or artist to listen to this year.”
Well, as usual Taylor Swift came top on my Spotify Wrapped, so I’m going to go ahead and say she was my favourite artist to listen to this year. However, I discovered a few new artists/songs that I really enjoyed towards the end of the year, via the Spotify radio function, including Betty Who and Gatlin. I listened to “Wanna Be” and “What If I Love You” many, many times in November/December and I’m still listening to them now.
I also rediscovered my love of K’s Choice, who are a band I used to listen to all the time but hadn’t really listened to at all for years until earlier this year. They released a live album a few years ago that is essentially a ‘greatest hits’ concert and I listened to that a LOT this year.
Also, honourable mention for “Hold My Hand” by Jess Glynn for giving me an idea that inspired me to start writing fanfic again (even if the fic may never actually be finished, as the most important scene seems determined to stay stubbornly in my head rather than let me put it in the document with the rest of the fic…). It isn’t a song fic, but that’s definitely where the idea came from and I’ve listened to the song a lot while writing it.
Now onto the really difficult one - “Favourite TV show episodes of the year.”
I’m not going to limit this to shows that actually released new episodes in 2022, but I AM going to limit it to shows/episodes I watched for the first time in 2022, because if we get into all the rewatches I started, or the earlier seasons of longer running shows, we’ll be here all day.
So, we’re looking at the second half of Prodigy season 1, Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks season 3, Picard season 2, The Orville season 3, Discovery season 4, The Librarians, The X-Files season 11.
The X-Files season 11 and Picard season 2 were both raging dumpster fires, so no favourite episodes there. Prodigy I really enjoyed as a whole, but no particular episodes really stood out to me as favourites. Same with Discovery season 4.
Strange New Worlds is so difficult to choose favourite episodes for, partly because I loved the whole show much and also because some of my favourite individual scenes are in episodes that I wouldn’t choose as my favourite overall (e.g. the breakfast scene in ‘All Those Who Wander’). I don’t think it will surprise anybody who’s been paying attention to this tumblr if I say that my favourite episode is probably ‘Ghosts of Illyria’. I also really enjoyed the pilot, ‘Strange New Worlds’, ‘Memento Mori’ and ‘Spock Amok’. (Does it really count as choosing favourites if you name 40% of the episodes that exist at this point…?)
Along with SNW, The Librarians was probably the best new thing I watched last year, even though it’s actually coming up on 10 years old. For favourite episodes at this point I’m going with ‘The Loom of Fate’, ‘The Hollow Men’, ‘The Point of Salvation’, ‘The Happily Ever Afters’, ‘The Trial of the Triangle’, ‘The Wrath of Chaos’, ‘The Silver Screen’, and ‘The Echoes of Memory’. I don’t think I’ve done too badly to narrow it down that much, given that I watched all four seasons in about a month! Many episodes I’ve still only watched once, so some of my favourites will almost definitely change on rewatches.
Lower Decks, I particularly enjoyed the season premier, ‘Grounded’, as well as ‘Mining the Minds Mines’ and ‘Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus’.
That leaves me with The Orville season 3, which I loved! Favourites were probably ‘A Tale of Two Topas’, ‘Twice in a Lifetime’ (even though it made me angry) and ‘Domino’. With honourable mentions for the scenes in ‘Future Unknown’ where Ed comes to talk to Kelly, Claire and Talla while they’re drunk and when Claire tries to make Ed help her choose a dress, and the presence of Dolly freaking Parton!
This was more information than you wanted, wasn’t it @the-lady-general? 😂
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letstrywritingmaybe · 2 years
Just a random thought, since I love song fics… I wonder if I could somehow make a fic using my Spotify wrapped playlist as inspiration hmm… I’m gonna think out loud under the cut
Crash my car… so a meet ugly if it’s an AU (I love these!) but also lyrics could make it canon verse
Roses, need I say more, this is so CoAi vibes already. Lyrics probs more canon?
Bang, um… yeah okay probs canon divergence from the looks of things
Way less sad, labyrinth, know it all, lost, talk too much, maroon (oooo, as if I want already dreaming of a midnights album fic), close to you, 1 last cigarette, bummerland (cause we’re only going up from here. Okay this is like all my fics though), anti-hero, miss you a little, see through, blind, snow on the beach (okay but I did use a lyric already for the December fic…), American money (ngl always wanted to use this song as inspo cause of my bias of mirroring my golden otp), daphne blue (I don’t wanna talk about it! And I think we both know why! Wish it wasn’t automatic, the way I want you every time. Ugh this song man), loneliness for love (this song has always low key reminded me of my fav), karma (cause karma is her boyfriend!?!), songs I can’t listen too (my bias of superposition being their song), isabelle (hm… eh), love somebody (this one!!!), lavender haze (again the midnights album fic really should just be a thing), I like that, hate you + love you (ah yes the low key toxic vibe of it all. Why am I like this), SAD (clap your hands) (honestly probs more of a kaishi vibe but not very shippy really, but we’ll roll with it), you’re on your own kid, 2/14 (can’t fall in love tonight, well guess what pal! It’s happening!), 3 o’clock things (insomnia my old friend but also this ship doesn’t sleep I swear), choke (basically just die, which is such a mood), bejeweled (best believe my queen is still bejeweled and she can still make the whole place shimmer. And when they ask if she has a man? She can still say she doesn’t remember~ seriously this album fic when. Does someone else wanna be in charge of this cause I’m super intrigued by how people write using the same source but it always turns out different and I love that!), never a good time (the demise of the canon ship, there’s literally no good way for them to break up. They’re way too toxic and while obviously they shouldn’t work out, it’s annoying that I even have to figure a way to make amicable. I literally don’t even bother anymore. I hate canon), palm reader (got your crystals in your pocket like a drug dealer, bars. Love this line always), all my favorite songs (see the neon trees song cause that is the tie in), mastermind (most CoAi song off the album hands down), less than I do (I hope you feel blue, less than I do… did I really write a fic if I don’t make him suffer?), ghost story (see previous note), wave of you, question…?, Greek tragedy (she hits like ecstasy~), I think I like you (geezus Christ you think buddy!!! Literally I wanna scream every time cause why the fuck is he like this!!! HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW YOURE IN LOVE WITH MY QUEEN!!! I say as if he isn’t canonly dense as fuck when it comes to romance, it’s literally why I can’t deal with him sometimes and will only write him when he fucking is aware! As a hopeless romantic, it kills me to see him be so dumb about this kinda stuff), electric love, sweet nothing (okay I honestly see this more as kaishi but it’s cause I’m soft for them but also imagining it as CoAi is very cute too), strawberry sunscreen (she tastes like sunscreen and summertime, actually lots of feels about this… like you know when a summer fling is going to end cause it can’t last and you know it but you still keep going for it even. Living in the moment and falling more and being so happy and just disregarding the fallout that’s to come. Again just my feelings with this ship, the song does not give this vibe at all), run (need I say more, this is a theme for this ship), baby blue shades (hm… again I’m thinking more of symbolism but the song is not at all the way I’m making it out to be in my head)
midnight rain (ugh okay my fav song off the album but in regards to the ship there’s so much about this song man. And I never think of him, except on midnights like this. My whole heart. I guess sometimes we all get just what we wanted. I guess sometimes we all get some kind of haunted. Listen I’m a firm firm believe that they would absolutely be each other’s the one that got away and that just pains me so much), can you handle my love??, I ain’t worried, world’s smallest violin, vigilante shit, girl(you’re gonna take me back to a time when I loved and I mean it), animal(so look me in the eyes, am I someone else?)
you are the traffic (I actually have a fic with this as the title and it is not a great one. Not as messy as devour, but not great either. A terrible toxic relationship that should definitely end, but because it’s me… yeah…)
Dear reader, automatic (god I love the way you talk the way you feel baby), higher, blu (fall into your blue, what the hell is love if you’re in complete control, fighting it is hopeless, sinking in your ocean just like you designed me to do), would’ve could’ve should’ve (the regrets aspect but also John Mayer is a piece of shit, not fic related of course but I never liked him), Thelma + Louise, coming home, boys (got hungover from your words, in New York it’s the worst, all these nights are a blur), the Great War, superposition, cemetery (def not a shippy song but we’ll roll with the title), low key (see I only lie when I love you summary), Paris, I want it all (he’s the selfish one but he’s not wrong when it’s for her), love me like a friend (fwb fic when), song about you (see me always being on the song fic train), high Infidelity, stay next to me
Cringe (honestly could go one of two ways for me. Either more fuel for no canon ship or desperation for my ship. Again I write this all the time), still not dead (honestly the theme of the series if we’re just looking at the title here), bigger than the whole sky, wish you were sober, the other side of paradise (of all glass animal songs it was this one??? I wish you could see the naked truth… I guess), sunshine, glitch, choker (self-sabotage is a sweet romance)
tangerine (okay here’s another one, hm… honestly more of a failed ship song but perhaps a dramatic thing of this is what will happen to me if I miss out on keeping you), dancing in the kitchen
state of grace (okay I never liked the idea of writing a red album fic cause it is the ultimate breakup album and in my world my ship always works out. So really this is more for the canon ship, which I low key have put a lot of thought into and may just write it one day… but I don’t really wanna cause I do not care about the canon ship. But I literally have it all mapped out in my head. All 30 songs. But anyways this is the worthwhile fight I guess would be his stance for my queen if I’m making it for my ship)
My play (basically the perfect scenario, but we all know nothing ever goes to plan in the real world), lean on me, someday, red (see note about this being a canon ship break up album and my ship is absolutely not a red ship cause to me those do not last. I say as I have a red otp), drivers license (okay this does not apply to them at all, but we can roll with it in the way that we’re tying in the crash my car song. Am I bringing back the idea of an AU?), 18
Get away (okay I can’t. This has always been a kaishi song to me and I kinda still really wanna write this fic for them one day… but I guess we can roll with this as just the title, cause the lyrics are definitely more geared towards kaishi for me)
Message in a bottle (again we don’t need to go over this again, so title it is), record player (title), strawberries & cigarettes (basic but so what), find someone, run (but this one is for the one in Run To Change The End Game. I still need to finish that and perhaps add the joker and the queen, but for this purpose we’ll continue the theme of running away or not), new religion, everybody talks (in which as per usual in my fics, everyone ships them), (skipping this one cause it’s not my song but one of my brothers that made the list)
Treacherous (okay I know I said no red songs cause breakup album but… this to me has (still is) always been the most CoAi song Tay ever wrote so… yeah)
In conclusion, this would literally be every fic I’ve ever written so yeah. Totally doable
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