#I don’t condone cheating
gracieheartspedro · 4 days
for future reference…. how do the girlies, gays, and theys feel about uber-tatted ellie making moves on her brothers girlfriend???
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neesieiumz · 2 years
They on twitter saying Aaron Johnson Taylor cheated on granny!!!
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nova2kss · 1 year
Laying back against ony’s chest as he stuffs his fingers deep into you’re cunt whispering the nastiest things into your ear, telling you how much of a slut you are for going behind your boyfriends back to fuck on one of his best friends.
His hands run up and down your bare chest and stomach squeezing the flesh occasionally, speeding up his finger strokes.
“Mhm hmm, you know he can’t even fuck you the way my fingers do huh baby?”
You couldn’t do anything but mumble incoherent words, the way his thumb was attacking your clit as he continued his thrust was to much for you.
The squelching of your wet pussy meeting his fingers was enough to make him cum right along with you.
He softly sucked on your neck making you moan even more than you already were, onyankapon knew all the right places to get you to your peak.
He knew places Not even Your man knew and that’s what made him so special to you, the way he could get you wet just by staring at you next to your man, knowing he’s dapping you’re boyfriend up with the same hand he was finger fucking you with was such an adrenaline rush, and it add you crave him more and more.
“S-ahh, I’m gonna cummm”
You were gonna gonna give him exactly what he wanted every time and that’s what made you so special to him.
Ony doesn’t even know how this started but he did know he had a thing for you since he laid eyes on you.
He wanted you to cum all over him, anywhere he offered to you.
And you were gonna do that no matter how wrong it felt, it still felt so right.
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hysterotic · 1 month
I know you said no to requests but I was hoping to see your take on how baji acts like when he is interested in someone > < hopefully we can see that in your upcoming chapters ❣️
i might’ve said no to requests but i can’t resist when it comes to keisuke.. i’ll try to keep this as canon as possible while still feeding you<3 this is for final timeline keisuke baji.
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one thing about keisuke that gets me weak is how confident and cocky he is, he doesn’t come out as obnoxious and very look at me! look at me! even though he has some flashy tendencies, but not the type to give you the ick (ifykwim). so when it comes to the person he’s interested in (you) he is NOT shy and very straightforward with his feelings.
although he never really had any romantic experiences or crushes before (that we know of) so i’d think he’d be pretty confused on why he’s interested in you, he wouldn’t even realize that he is and he wouldn’t go to his friends for advice either cause he knows how annoying they could get. but if any of them paid close attention to him they’d notice how different he seems when you’re around, more quiet and observant, his eyes stuck on you. they could hear him muttering little things to himself whenever he’d stare at you and take a pretty good guess on what’s going on in his head.
“fuck, why am i getting so distracted for? this is stupid.”
“there’s nothin’ special about them, why am i losing my cool?”
“goddamnit. don’t have time for this.”
speaking of staring.. that man is shameless. he doesn’t care if you catch him staring, he actually likes it when you lock eyes with him and held your gaze, he’s never breaking it off, almost daring you to look away, and you know his stares are intense. (clit throbbinggg lol). i’d describe his stares to be more assessing than leering. you’d catch his eyes roaming all over from head to toe during a conversation with you or if one of his friends are talking to you and he’s around “they’re always there, in my line of sight. what am i supposed to do about that?”. although in your point of view it looks pretty daunting since he has an intimidating rbf, but what you won’t catch is him checking out your tits / ass. just cause he’s shameless doesn’t mean he’s not a gentleman, although he has his moments where he does stare, what can i say? his eyes likes to wander.
trust that his mom will definitely know about you, (depending on how your relationship with him is like) she’ll ask about you to him and he just brushes it off with :
“mom, don’t do this to me.”
“you need to quit beating around the bushes and ask them out.”
“it’s not that easy, damn.”
he will not make a direct move! at all! he’d expect you to figure out that he’s interested in you on your own, not because he doesn’t take rejection well, he just prefers not to be rejected, if you like him back, most likely you’ll end up pursuing it more and he’ll run with it. if you don’t, he’ll just sit there with his mind running all about you til one day it just dies.
i did say he’s straightforward but he’s not the type to approach and be like “hey, i like you, date me.” right away, he’s the type to claim you before you even knew that he likes you. not in a “you’re mine.” way, but in a way where he would scare off / beat up every guy that tries to confess to you or heck, even considers liking you. he’s very protective and possessive when it comes to the person that bugs his mind 24/7.
do you know that one little cliche trope where the guy prevents the girl from having any type of romantic interest because he likes her but refuses to tell her so he just keeps her single for years? yeah, that’s keisuke baji with you.
and god does he love it when your physically uncomfortable when a guy is hitting on you, a real good excuse to casually insert himself in between you two with no explanation, no apologies–he is just there, and the other guy quickly gets the hint cause, come on, this is keisuke baji.
he might say something like, “you really gonna waste your time with this guy?” to the poor dude’s face, without even looking at you. he’s confident enough to make sure every guy knows where he stands, even if he doesn’t say it outright. nobody’s fucking with you like he does, which might spike up some dating rumors but he doesn’t care.
he’s very attentive when it comes to you, from the way you did your hair differently to the small changes in your mood, he’s hyper-aware of your presence, even when he doesn’t seem to be paying attention. if you look uncomfortable or upset, he’s the first one to pick up on it.
if he does end up telling his friends about you, they’ll start talking to you more often and dragging you around with them, especially kazutora or manjiro, not much from chifuyu since he knows keisuke would be a little cranky over the fact that his friends are bothering you, (even to the point of luring keisuke and you somewhere remotely romantic that a group can do to not make it seem suspicious.) he doesn’t complain that you’re there, more like a “they shouldn’t be around guys like us.” but from your point of view it looks like he’s annoyed by you being around.
you might notice that whenever you’re out with them, he’s always positioned himself between you and anyone else that might get too close, (or at least in his line of sight), it’s not overt, but it’s clear that he’s marking his territory in his own way.
in rare occasions, the most affectionate / intimate thing he could do is him noticing that you always get this specific snack / drink from the vending machine, and as your hanging out with him and his friends and walk past one, he’d stop and grabs himself a drink, including yours. only disappointing thing about that is that he also grabs kazutora and chifuyu one so you don’t really feel special, sometimes you do catch him buying you and only you something, telling you to shut up and take it / grunts after you thanked him for it. (he’s so cuteee) :
“not cravin’ iced tea anymore?”
“oh! no i just can’t have cold drinks right now.”
unfortunately when you associate yourself with people like them you’ll get targeted by other gangs, you start to notice a pattern on how it’s always, always. ALWAYS, keisuke that comes and saves you :
“how come it’s always you that comes and saves me?”
he ignores you, muttering to himself. “tch, fuckin’ warned those guys that having you around would only cause trouble.”
“piss off, will you? quit letting them drag you around, it’s not your crowd.”
“don’t argue with me, you’re not cut out for this, and i’m not pulling you out of another mess.”
yeah, he scolds you, a lot. but i promise he means well.
the only thing that’s “player” about him is his habit of leading you on, only because he’s not exactly sure what he’s feeling about you, does he just think your cool? is he actually attracted to you? is this all a misunderstanding? who knows.
but all of that isn’t for nothing, keisuke is not the type waste his time to fuck around and play with your feelings, sure he has the tendency to be inconsistent and impulsive whenever he’s trying to achieve something but he will not be with somebody he’s not 100% sure of, it takes him awhile to get there yeah but he doesn’t wanna regret his decision, keisuke’s not the type to rush, he’s also not the type to give 2nd chances either, so if anybody fucks him over in any way he’s done.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 4 months
ok but if monica did legitimately name ian “ian clayton gallagher” not because clayton was a gallagher family name, but because she knew she was fucking frank’s brother, that’s actually so funny idc
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harpermiller · 4 months
I think people need to realize that Eddie isn’t thinking.
He’s not thinking of the bigger picture or the consequences. He’s not thinking of Marisol or how this woman with Shannon’s face would effect Chris.
He’s thinking about Shannon and having more time with her.
He’s not seeing Kim, flirting with Kim, or going on a date with Kim. It’s Shannon and Shannon only.
Everyone deals with grief differently and this is Eddie’s grief taking a hold of his brain and his heart going “look. There she is. Don’t you want more time with her? It’s right there take it” and for once in his life Eddie is being selfish.
He’s remembering this idealized version of his wife and their love, crystallized and polished by grief, and projecting it onto this woman who looks just like her.
And someone (it would probably be Bobby but with all the shit he’s got going on in the next few episodes it’s most likely going to be Buck) is going to have to shake some sense into Eddie and go “She’s not Shannon. She’s never going to be Shannon. What are you doing?”
This is a delicious and messy and intriguing character arc and I cannot wait to see the rest of it
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nikkiruncks · 1 month
Hiya, Poorni ❤️! Prompt 1 for any T9S couple?
Hey Sunshine!
Prompt: “Well, you’re clearly very good at keeping secrets. You’ve kept me — us — as a secret for so long, so of course you’d be good at keeping fucking secrets.”
Pairing: Nate/Leia (before they talk in the circle)
I was also thinking about @tht70sblog's Nate/Leia drabble in the middle.
Tears poured down Leia's face. She felt dirty, heartbroken, but more importantly enraged. She was sick of hiding her relationship with Nate, waiting for him to breakup with Nikki.
When she saw Nate in the basement for the first time this summer, her heart exploded. It made her think back to their almost kiss, their secret phone calls when Jay and Nikki weren’t around.
Leia knew it was wrong to cheat on Jay, especially with his best friend, but she needed to figure what she felt for Nate. And what she felt wasn't just a heat of the moment thing, it was real.
She turned around to see Nate running after her outside. They were now standing on the porch together.
Leia wiped her tears. She was a fucking awful person; crying over a man she wasn’t even dating, and who she was having an affair with.
A few days after they almost kissed, Leia called Nate and they ended up finishing their conversation. They agreed to just be friends, and tried to stay that way when she got back together with Jay and while Nate was with Nikki.
But after a while, they couldn’t deny their feelings for one another anymore. So that was went they started cheating on Jay and Nikki. They weren’t kissing nor making out—they couldn’t, given how far away they lived from one another. But they were talking, laughing, going on dates.
Leia turned around, "I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of hiding this. We started dating during the beginning of the school year, and we haven’t even kissed. And I didn’t even see you till now, and you were with Nikki."
Sobs escaped her lips as she let out all the pain she was feeling. It wasn’t fair that they had to hide this.
Nate shook his head, gulping as tears flowed down his own cheeks. "And you think this is easy for me? I have to watch you with my best friend for a whole summer, and keep everything in me from pushing Jay aside so I can the one next to you. It's not easy having to keep us a secret, Leia. I'm not even good at keeping secrets."
Leia scoffed, "Well, you’re clearly very good at keeping secrets. You’ve kept me — us — as a secret for so long, so of course you’d be good at keeping fucking secrets." She wiped her tears.
"I can't even look at Jay and Nikki without feeling guilty. We're going around fucking up their lives, and for what? A secret fling?"
Nate shook his head, "No. I'm not gonna let you downplay what we have, okay? You get me in a way no one else I ever dated has. And I feel good when I’m with you. And I feel good talking to you, okay? Leia, I really like you. And it’s wrong because I'm with Nik and you're with Jay, but I know that you're worth it all."
A slight small appeared on Leia's face, touched by Nate's words. She walked over and kissed him for the very first time, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Nate wrapped his arms around Leia's hips, letting himself go deep in her kiss. Once they broke it off, they rest their heads against one another.
But little did they know someone was watching them.
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black-fairy3 · 2 years
twitter is saying aaron taylor johnson cheated on his wife with joey king…
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racerchix21 · 4 months
Someone wanna explain to me why Buck and Eddie drunkenly making out during Chim’s bachelor party would’ve been okay. In the process cheating on a really great guy and Marisol but Eddie cheating on Marisol with someone else and suddenly y’all are flipping out because HOW DARE HE CHEAT ON MARISOL WITH THIS RANDOM LADY
The double fucking standards some of you have when it comes to these men is astounding. Y’all literally wished the shit into existence 🤦🏻‍♀️
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boozles · 1 year
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goldfades · 4 months
the funny reason why i associated that the neighborhood song with caitlin was because i read a fic on wattpad once where like gurlie cheated on c.nn.r with the reader and it was a whole mess.
- 🪐
that sounds like such a slay
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cybervom1t · 7 months
Been thinking about you a lot. I think you should lie down on your front and play videogames as i slowly tease you 😘 I'm thinking i should leave my bf and run away with you
omg omg omg yeah okay that sounds so fucking nice i wanna feel you slowly reaching up my thighs while i play smash bros <333 also you should definitely leave your boyfriend for me i will treat you better than he ever could i promise <333
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moony-t0ast · 2 years
i think it’s so funny that the entire internet has put a pause on hating joey king because of these AJT cheating rumors..
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orphyd · 1 year
girl paul is for THE STREETS. there’s rumors he apparently smashed one of micah’s bridesmaids. look it up on tiktok and there’s video where he slaps her ass 💀 (allegedly ofc but it looks like it to me and thousands others) oh and he was liking all her bikini pics before the show aired soooo he def had a thing for her
I would say I’m shocked but I’m not bc Micah somehow hangs around the worst people ever 💀😭 her friends are for the entire road how are you gonna laugh at your home girl crying down the aisle-
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nikkiruncks · 9 months
I should be put in jail for the amount of drabbles I’ve written with Leia and Nikki cheating on Nate with Gwen 😂
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toxicrants · 2 years
I don’t personally consider polyamory inherently ‘revolutionary’ because whenever we call something to do with romance or sexuality ‘revolutionary’ what ends up happening is it get used against women. Especially, when talking about straight polyamory.
How often have you heard men, and even other feminists, call women prude as an insult? How many women have been told if they were a real ‘liberated’ women, they’d do ‘this’ sex act or ‘that’ sex act. How often have you seen other feminists talk about how being ‘vanilla’ is bad and embarrassing?
Polyamory (especially polyamory focused on straight relationships) is just another type of relationship. They’re not the ultimate solution for everything, they’re not for everyone and they’re not revolutionary in and of themselves. Especially if it ever gets used to push women into situations they are not comfortable with. I am constantly aware that women are always expected to take on that weeks ‘revolutionary’ sex and relationship advice or risk being the ‘boring’ woman who needs to get ‘liberated’.
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